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Tulsi Gabbard: as Russian asset and Putin puppet, Jesus of Nazareth  said about such people: "Blessed are the Peace Makers".

She is an amazingly courageous woman, kind of modern reincarnation of Joan of Arc fighting with neocons for the independence of the country instead of British (although British did invade the 2016 election ;-)  She has no fear of Clintons  mafia and neocon lobby.

Tulsi to me is like Ron Paul was in 08. A sane voice pointing out the stupidity of US foreign policy.
Campaign website: No Fear TULSI 2020.  We need to support her
Add your name. Stand with Tulsi

News Do the US intelligence agencies attempt to influence the US Presidential elections ? Recommended Links Tulsi Gabbard Elizabeth Warren Donald Trump2020 Bernie Sanders: A turncoat socialist ? Venezuella: another "bombs for oil" scenario after Libya? Two Party System as polyarchy
NeoMcCartyism campaign as a smoke screen to hide the crisis of neoliberalism Amorality and criminality of neoliberal elite The Iron Law of Oligarchy Wiretaps of Trump and his associates during Presidential elections Neocon foreign policy is a disaster for the USA The problem of control of intelligence services in democratic societies Do the foreign state influence the US Presidential elections ? Obama administration participation in the intelligence services putsch against Trump DNC and Podesta emails leak: blaming Vladimir Putin
Elite Theory And the Revolt of the Elite Militarism and reckless jingoism of the US neoliberal elite Neoliberalism as a New Form of Corporatism FBI Mayberry Machiavellians and CIA connected democrats Mueller invokes ghosts of GRU operatives to help his and Brennan case Hypocrisy and Pseudo-democracy Rosenstein role in the "Appointment of the special prosecutor gambit"  Audacious Oligarchy and "Democracy for Winners" National Security State
US and British media are servants of security apparatus Corporate Media: Journalism In the Service of the Powerful Few New American Militarism The Real War on Reality The Deep State Strzokgate Steele dossier Trump vs. Deep State Brennan elections machinations
Media-Military-Industrial Complex Skeptic Quotations History of American False Flag Operations Anti-Russian hysteria in connection emailgate and DNC leak Cambridge Analytica data mining scandal Media as a weapon of mass deception Hypocrisy of British ruling elite Politically Incorrect Humor Etc
  #TULSI2020 Wants to:
  • Reinstitute Glass Steagall
  • Audit the Fed
  • End regime change wars of choice
  • Has concerns re the vagueness of the 'Green New Deal'
  • Reduce the New Cold War tensions
  • Rejoin the INF
  • Review FISA and Patriot Act infringements on the 4th
  • Support a $15 min/Living wage

Tulsi Gabbard  (twit Feb 17, 2019)

Russia-baiting propaganda is being deployed against our campaign along with anyone else, on the left or the right, who speaks out against regime change war or the new Cold War. The corporate media is doing everything they can to stop our campaign before it gets started -- including using fraudulent journalism and discredited sources to launch their biased attacks.

Tulsi Gabbard

Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d'Arc; French pronunciation: ​[ʒan daʁk]; c. 1412 – 30 May 1431), nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" (French: La Pucelle d'Orléans), is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War, and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint. She was born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, a peasant family, at Domrémy in north-east France. Joan claimed to have received visions of the Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent Joan to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief army. She gained prominence after the siege was lifted only nine days later. Several additional swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims. This long-awaited event boosted French morale and paved the way for the final French victory.

On 23 May 1430, she was captured at Compiègne by the Burgundian faction, a group of French nobles allied with the English. She was later handed over to the English[6] and put on trial by the pro-English bishop Pierre Cauchon on a variety of charges.[7] After Cauchon declared her guilty she was burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, dying at about nineteen years of age.[8]

Joan of Arc - Wikipedia


This woman should be admired for her courage and willingness to challenge the sacred cows of US political discourse. Not that she always was consistent (see Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Russia Must Face Consequences for Continued Aggression in Ukraine Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard - a typical neocon statement. ) but still... 

Neoliberalism has vandalized the USA, and now it's  time for backlash. Voting for the alternative candidate became an active form of protest against neoliberalism. That's why Trump was elected in 2016. The reason for this is that many people continue to live with the illusion that a simple change of elected leadership in a Latin American country can bring a fundamental change for the region. I would argue that  due to the power of intelligence agencies demonstrated in 2016 and after in Russiagate witch  hunt, this is not possible. Still you can fight even without hope, and be stoic in case of defeat. This is the fight worth fighting.

The current neo-McCarthyism campaign make it very difficult fro any politicians to be anti-war. Neoliberal MSM became part of military-industrial complex.  Reaction of neoliberal MSM on withdrawal US troops from Syria (Trump is giving Christmas Present for Putin; Trump is abandoning Israel, abandoning Kurds) was abruptly disgusting.  So it need great personal courage to challenging the Washington consensus.  MIC (neocons are just lobbyists of MIC) ruled the USA for more then 40 years and the main premise of neocon foreign policy is the USA have God provided mandate to rule the global and prevent emergence of any rival who is able to challenge the US dominance like the USSR.  In the process like any empire they impoverish the USA population, lower the standard of living and committed numerous crimes. Since Carter any US president would be convicted as a war criminal by Nuremberg court. Even Carter conspired to supply radical islamist for fight Soviets in Afghanistan, giving them among other thing anti-aircraft missiles.  Essentially creating political Islam, or at least legitimizing and empowering it.

Defense apparatus became new class of imperial servant and they prevent any meaningful change as this engager their well being. This is a systemic issue. It's kind of ironic that the person who attack this empirical establishment is a woman. In this sense Tulsi Gabbard is the US version of Jane of Ark  who attacked British in France after a long  period when French army did not have any successes against them

As 2016 "re-awakening of the US" has shown people now reject neoliberalism and foreign wars for the maintenance and expansion of the US-led neoliberal empire, fought by the US people on behave of multinational corporation, for the expansion of their markets (Say Goodbye to Mitch McConnell’s America): 

“American democracy has never accorded all the people a meaningful voice,” writes Nancy Isenberg in White Trash, her scathing examination of ignored U.S. history. “The masses have been given symbols instead, and they are often empty symbols. Nation-states traditionally rely on the fiction that a head of state can represent the body of the people and stand as their proxy; in the American version, the president must appeal broadly to shared values that mask the existence of deep class divisions...

Mitch McConnell is a highly visible champion of that ideological deception, a deft practitioner of that stagecraft. The “essence of America” he [ spoke of ] certainly exists, but cunning politicians of his ilk are too canny to mention it in public. That essence — the belief that the nation and its population are a gilded platter to be gorged upon, a fertile field to be plundered and despoiled for profit with the people serving as replaceable tools for the aristocracy — is McConnell’s birthright, and he defends it with all the powers at his disposal, just as his colonial predecessors did.

...They want freedom for themselves, not for you. Their “freedom” is elite, expensive and jealously guarded.

Tulsi Gabbard does not yet has an elaborate economic or foreign policy program.  But from tidbits that  we know there is a lot to like in her program, and first and foremost her consistent anti-war stance. She is the only candidate with clear anti-war position in 2002 elections. that means that she automatically inherits antiwar republicans vote previously cast for Trump (who proved to be another master of bait and switch like Obama, essentially a republican Obama; Venezuela is just the most recent example of this betrayal).

Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate with clear anti-war position in 2002 elections

While her platform will evolve as the race goes, you can already can get some tidbits from her  twits and meetings. See

In previous presidential campaign Tulsi left her position of vice-chair of DNC to support Bernie Sanders. Just three prominent democrats stand for Sanders.  She did not endorsed neocon warmonger Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders and Liz Warred did endorsed Hillary Clinton. That's an important different between Warren, Sanders and Tulsi.   Sanders any longer can be trusted because in previous election  cycle he acted like sheepdog for Hillary.  Warren is difficult to trust became he tend to be "neocon light" on those issues.

Now progressive voters will be split three ways. Hopefully there will some mergers along the lines Tulsi/Bernie or Bernie/Tulsi. 

She introduced several important bills, which makes her anti-war stance more credible. After bat and switch" candidates like Barack Obama and Trump it is easy to became cynical and ignore elections. But currently I think that Tulsi is a real deal.

Tulsi oppose the neocon lobby which is occupying the USA

She can get neutral and Republican votes more than anyone for Democrats
~Purana Paapi Youtube comment

She was incredibly courteous to take on neocon lobby. This is almost a suicidal mission, and changes are the she will be quickly destroyed. Both neoliberal and neocon MSM are actively trying to destroy her. Whether she will win or not, she is the most important candidate in 2002 elections.  The only candidate who can unite part of Republican, "real" Democrats and Independent.  No other democrat focuses on Foreign Policy like her!

At the same time, after the Obama regime’s coup in Ukraine, she supported supplying the illegitimate far-right putschists (Provisional government of Yatsenuyk and Turchinov) with military assistance, shamefully saying America can’t stand “idly by while Russia continues to degrade the territorial integrity of Ukraine.” Hopefully her position evolved in five years since 2014.

She’s against what she called “counterproductive wars of regime change,” including in Syria.

She earlier said targeting Bashar al-Assad for regime change was “a thinly veiled attempt to use the rationale of ‘humanitarianism’ as a justification to escalate our illegal, counterproductive war,” adding:

“Under US law, it is illegal for any American to provide money or assistance to al-Qaeda, ISIS or other terrorist groups.”

“If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the US government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and other terrorist groups with money, weapons, and intelligence support, in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.”

“The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda.”

She may be the only congressional member boldly stating the above remarks publicly to her credit.

In any case, her importance in oppositing "Permanent  war for permanent peace" is well understood by some commenters on YouTube

alorr4uz , 2 days ago (edited)

wow. that was just wow. when she said

"I am not someone who will go into the white house and sit back and rely on the foreign policy establishment in Washington to tell me what to do, I don't have to. I'm not intimidated by the stars that someone wears on their shoulders. I am not intimidated by the military industrial complex and what they're pushing for."

she literally could have just dropped the mic. I bet the aforementioned military industrial complex just peed themselves a little. This is why MSM and DNC hate her. And why we all love her. I'm all in on #Tulsi2020 .

Majdi Saadieh , 2 days ago (edited)

Hello, Mrs. Gabbard excuse my English which is my third language. I respect you so much, I'm from Syrian, I live in SF you are the only one who really stood up for the Syrian people by talking about the lies of the media toward my country, and also by meeting with The Syrian President who is the legal representative of the Syrian people by election. You had the honor to visit my country and saw the miserable situation caused by the war that was made and supported by the US; please if you become the president end this war and end the suffer of the Syrian people 

Brooks Rogers , 2 days ago

99 year Old Mother, WWII ARMY Nurse Corp Vet on the Comfort when it was hit by a kamikaze, "adores" you Tulsi. So moved when watching the CNN Town Hall. You are her hero!

That why neocon bottomfeeders like Kristol come after her.  Unlike this chickenhawk, Gabbard is an Iraq war veteran, which means that she knows what it means to be in the military trenches. That's why Megan McCain came after her. As she said

“Too often we have found, throughout our country’s history, we have people in positions of power who make offhanded comments about sending a few thousand troops here, fifty thousand there, a hundred thousand there, intervening militarily here, or starting a war there—without seeming to understand or appreciate the cost of war. If our troops are sent to fight a war, it must be the last option. Not the first.”

Gabbard once told talking head Donald Trump specifically to ignore “drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating.” By specifically calling out the Neocons she looks like a modern incarnation of Joan of Arc who took on 

Gabbard was also indirectly attacking the Israeli regime, which arguably is a powerful lobbyist of the Pentagon and war machine:

For decades, Congress has ceded its Constitutional responsibility of deciding whether or not to declare war, to the President. As a result, we have found ourselves in a state of perpetual war, without a declaration of war by Congress and without input from the American people.

“Since 9/11 alone, our country has spent trillions of dollars on interventionist regime change wars, costing the lives of many Americans, taking a toll on our veterans, and causing people in our communities to struggle and suffer due to a lack of resources.

“Our bipartisan resolution aims to end presidential wars, and hold Congress accountable so it does its job in making the serious and costly decision about whether or not to send our nation’s sons and daughters to war…

“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive authority to declare war. But the last time Congress officially declared war was December 8th, 1941 – the day the US entered World War II.

“Ever since, Congress has failed to uphold their constitutional responsibility and have instead ceded power to the President. So, we remain in a state of perpetual war, led by presidents in both parties at great cost to the American people with no declaration of war by Congress and no input from the American people.

“The direct and indirect costs of these presidential wars are astounding. They take a toll on our troops, our veterans, and on the American people.

“Since 9/11 alone, we’ve spent trillions of dollars on regime-change wars and nation-building while people in our communities suffer and struggle because of a lack of resources here at home, what to mention the costs borne by our troops, those who pay the ultimate price, as well as those who come home with wounds that are visible and invisible. The American people deserve accountability.”

Philip M. Giraldi who is a good political analyst whose judgments I mostly trust thinks that she is for real anti-war candidate who wwill fight against neocon lobby; not yet another con-man like Bush, Obama and Trump proved to be  (and that why she probably will be burned at stake like Joan of Ark).

Here is his analysis: 

Tulsi’s own military experience notwithstanding, she gives every indication of being honestly anti-war. In the speech announcing her candidacy she pledged “focus on the issue of war and peace” to “end the regime-change wars that have taken far too many lives and undermined our security by strengthening terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda.” She referred to the danger posed by blundering into a possible nuclear war and indicated her dismay over what appears to be a re-emergence of the Cold War.

Not afraid of challenging establishment politics, she called for an end to the “illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government,” also observing that “the war to overthrow Assad is counter-productive because it actually helps ISIS and other Islamic extremists achieve their goal of overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad and taking control of all of Syria – which will simply increase human suffering in the region, exacerbate the refugee crisis, and pose a greater threat to the world.” She then backed up her words with action by secretly arranging for a personal trip to Damascus in 2017 to meet with President Bashar al-Assad, saying it was important to meet adversaries “if you are serious about pursuing peace.” She made her own assessment of the situation in Syria and now favors pulling US troops out of the country as well as ending American interventions for “regime change” in the region.

In 2015, Gabbard supported President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran and more recently has criticized President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the deal. Last May, she criticized Israel for shooting “unarmed protesters” in Gaza, but one presumes that, like nearly all American politicians, she also has to make sure that she does not have the Israel Lobby on her back. Gabbard has spoken at a conference of Christians United for Israel, which has defended Israel’s settlement enterprise; has backed legislation that slashes funding to the Palestinians; and has cultivated ties with Boteach as well as with major GOP donor casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. She also attended the controversial address to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2015, which many progressive Democrats boycotted.

Nevertheless, Tulsi supported Bernie Sanders’ antiwar candidacy in 2016 and appears to be completely onboard and fearless in promoting her antiwar sentiments. Yes, Americans have heard much of the same before, but Tulsi Gabbard could well be the only genuine antiwar candidate that might truly be electable in the past fifty years.

What Tulsi Gabbard is accomplishing might be measured by the enemies that are already gathering and are out to get her. Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept describes how NBC news published a widely distributed story on February 1st, claiming that “experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

But the expert cited by NBC turned out to be a firm New Knowledge, which was exposed by no less than The New York Times for falsifying Russian troll accounts for the Democratic Party in the Alabama Senate race to suggest that the Kremlin was interfering in that election. According to Greenwald, the group ultimately behind this attack on Gabbard is The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), which sponsors a tool called Hamilton 68, a news “intelligence net checker” that claims to track Russian efforts to disseminate disinformation. The ASD website advises that “Securing Democracy is a Global Necessity.”

ASD was set up in 2017 by the usual neocon crowd with funding from The Atlanticist and anti-Russian German Marshall Fund. It is loaded with a full complement of Zionists and interventionists/globalists, to include Michael Chertoff, Michael McFaul, Michael Morell, Kori Schake and Bill Kristol. It claims, innocently, to be a bipartisan transatlantic national security advocacy group that seeks to identify and counter efforts by Russia to undermine democracies in the United States and Europe but it is actually itself a major source of disinformation.

For the moment, Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the “real thing,” a genuine anti-war candidate who is determined to run on that platform. It might just resonate with the majority of American who have grown tired of perpetual warfare to “spread democracy” and other related frauds perpetrated by the band of oligarchs and traitors that run the United States. We the people can always hope.


Support of Sanders in 2016

Gabbard’s record here is mixed at best. She formerly served as DNC vice chair, resigning in February 2016 to support Russophobe undemocratic Dem Bernie Sanders over Hillary. Which was a corageous act.

But after Hillary used dirty tricks in primary elections to steal the Dem nomination, Gabbard supported her candidacy. In other words she suuported a political figure who was probably the most ruthless and militalistic presidential aspirant in US history. The charaterization which can be  backed up with cold, hard facts about her deplorable record as first lady, US senator and secretary of state.

That's huge minus for Tulsi, but to survive in  Washington you need to compromize your integrity.

Gore Vidal explained how the dirty system works, saying no one gets to be presidential material unless they’ve “been bought over 10 times.” The same goes for top congressional posts.

Gabbard is suspect for similar reasons, voting along party lines too often since elected to represent Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district in November 2012.


Some bio details

She was born April 12, 1981 Leloaloa, American Samoa, the fourth of five children of Carol (Porter) and Mike Gabbard.  Gabbard would be the youngest US president ever if she wins; she'll be 39 on Inauguration Day 2021. In 1983, when Gabbard was two years old, her family moved to Hawaii. Her father is a member of the Hawaii Senate.  Her father is of Samoan and European ancestry and an active lector at his Catholic church. Her mother, who was born in Decatur, Indiana, is of European descent and a practicing Hindu ( Hare Krishna sect I think).

Tulsi chose Hinduism as her religion while she was a teenager. I doubt that she is overly religious as she got the university education. Gabbard was home-schooled through high school except for two years at a girls-only missionary academy in the Philippines. She graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration in 2009.

Anti war stance

  “We must stand up against powerful politicians from both parties who sit in their ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die, wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives and undermining our economy, our security, and destroying our middle class.”

Tulsi Gabbard is best know for he anti-war stance, which makes her an outlier among the majority (bought by MIC and Israeli lobby, which is simultaneously is a MIC lobby)  US Congressmen/women.  Much like Ron Paul previously was Tulsi Gabbard Kicks Off Campaign With Anti-War Speech

Speaking from a beach in Waikiki, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard formally kicked off her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination with a speech cautioning that the United States is engaged in a “New Cold War,” telling a crowd of hundreds of supporters that every American pays the price of unrestrained militarism and interventionist foreign policy.

Wearing a white lei, Gabbard, a four-term congresswoman from Hawaii, asked those assembled to help her build a movement emphasizing “peace at home and abroad that will fulfill the promise of America.” Pointing to the Trump administration, which “claims to believe in America First, but who sells our troops, our weapons and our interests to whichever foreign country is the highest bidder,” Gabbard warned the crowd on Honolulu—many of whom were terrified by a false nuclear alert in Jan. 2018—that a nuclear war “could destroy our world in mere minutes.”

“Every American pays the price for these wars,” Gabbard, a longtime anti-interventionist, said, dismissing unspecified opponents in Washington as treating troops like “political pawns and mercenaries for hire in wars across the world... thinking up new wars to wage, and new places for people to die, wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars.”

“I will bring this soldier’s values to the White House,” Gabbard vowed, closing her foreign policy-centric address with the promise that she would bring the Hawaiian value of aloha to the White House.

– Scott Bixby

Policies and positions

From positions - tulsi

Issue Position Details
Abortion Pro-Choice Tulsi has a 100% voting record with both Planned Parenthood and NARAL.
Affordable Care Act Supports Protect and improve Obamacare until Single Payer plan can pass.
Border Wall Opposes Dream Act must be independent of any border wall legistation
Campaign Finance Supports Wants to ban super PACs and does not take any PAC money.
Citizens United Opposes "The only way to restore public faith in our democracy is with citizen-led, grassroots-funded campaigns."
Civil Rights Supports Federal protection for discrimination of national origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief , gender.
Climate Change Green New Deal Tax incentives for wind, solar, biomass and wave energy. Regulating greenhouse gas emissions.
Dakota Access Pipeline Opposes Visited and supported protestors at DAPL. Also opposed Keystone.
Death Penalty - -
GMO labeling Supports Let Americans have a choice in their food purchases.
Green New Deal - -
Gun Control Supports Supports sensible gun control. Has 7% rating from the NRA .
Illegal Immigration Opposes Deportation Need fair immigration reform that doesn't break up families.
Environmental Protections Supports Lifelong environmentalist who started an environmental non-profit as a teenager, and has a strong environmental record.
Equal Pay Supports Supported legislation to level the playing field such as H.R.377 - Paycheck Fairness Act
Internet Privacy Supports Restrict how Internet providers use and sell customer data
LGBT Rights & Marriage Equality Supports Since being elected to Congress, Tulsi has been 100% pro-LGBT rights and for marriage equality.
Marijuana Decriminalize & Legalize Introduced legislation to take off federal controlled substances list. Supports Legalization.
Mandatory Minimums Opposes Reduce mandatory minimums for non-violent offenders
Medicare-For-All Supports Cosponsor of H.R. 676 the Medicare for All Act.
Minimum Wage $15 Supports Cosponsored the Minimum Wage Fairness Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act
Net Neutrality Supports "Maintaining Net Neutrality is Cornerstone of Our Democracy"
North Korea Talks Supports Supports diplomacy, ending the standoff and regime change wars including North Korea.
NSA Mass Collection Surveillance Opposes Strongly pro civil liberties, and reigning in, stopping mass collection and defunding the NSA
Nuclear Power Opposes Too dangerous and expensive. Better to phase it out and focus on clean, safe, renewable energy.
PayGo Opposes "just three Democrats voted it down: Khanna and Ocasio-Cortez were joined by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii"
Planned Parenthood Supports Supports funding and has 100% rating from them.
Prisons For Profit Opposes Has called to end the use of private prisons nationwide.
Refugee Ban Opposes Spoke against Trump's executive order banning refugees. Thinks vetting is sufficient.
Saudi Arabia Arms Sales Opposes Condemned the Trump Administration's $460 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia
Single-Payer Healthcare Supports Supports HR 676 and universal healthcare, Medicare and a public option
Social Security Protect Committed to protecting Medicare and Social Security. Opposes Privatization.
Space Exploration - -
Syria End the War End interventionist wars of regime change that cost lives and money and make things worse.
Trans-Pacific Partnership Opposes Has helped lead the opposition on this issue.
Veterans Services Expand Let veterans see private physicians, improve the GI Bill, incentives to hire veterans
Wall Street Regulation Supports Reinstate Glass-Steagall Act, ban naked credit default swaps, and breakup big banks.


Differences with Elizabeth Warren

Warren endorsed Hillary which makes her yet another neoliberal warmonger.  Big no-no for many voters.  She proved to be a malleable  coward.  That means it does not matter what issue she supports during election campaign. She will be easily coursed after election to continue traditional policies, especially foreign policy. 

Warren has more clearly defined tax policy, which is her specialty.  Here is an old, but still interesting discussion at Tulsi Gabbard Elizabeth Warren in 2020 Who Can Beat Trump

May 11, 2017 |

BestAnimeFanservice , 1 year ago

Tulsi Gabbard is courageous and stands up against her own party regardless of the political cost. Elizabeth Warren is a coward; she never stands up against her party; she only fights the easy fights (GOP,Trump). Elizabeth Warren was a college professor she knows the words the young kids want to listen and she says them often. Mark my words 'Elizabeth Warren in 2020 will be the Walter Mondale of 1984'

Megan Parish , 1 year ago (edited)

Tulsi Gabbard. She supports Medicare for all and Elizabeth Warren does not. She's also really pushing the fake Russia story all over MSNBC. Tulsi was the only one who didn't endorse Hillary.

D. Martin , 1 year ago (edited)

Liz voted to get rid of Habeas Corpus and we're going to put her up for president now? Bernie and Liz will certainly maintain the Democratic Party line on the Middle East.

TheGr8stManEvr , 1 year ago (edited)

I'll never trust Warren again. She's a Fauxgressive, just like Obama. #FoolMeOnce

TheKeithvidz , 1 year ago (edited)

tulsi %100 but Warren supported Ben Carson & Hillary Rodham - to be fair she's far from the worse.

branden burks , 1 year ago

Mike don't be naive. The Democratic Party has learned NOTHING! They'd definitely cheat a true progressive in 2020. Have you seen ANY changes? Do you hear what their lawyers say about cheating Sanders on the record?

branden burks , 1 year ago

I'd take Tulsi Gabbard over Elizabeth Warren. Warren showed her true colors. Always too little too late and she doesn't do it by mistake. Gabbard just does the right thing because it's right. I don't think Warren could beat Trump. He can poke way too many holes in her.

Smear campaign from neocons and neoliberal MSM and public personalities

what is interesting, the most vicious attacks against Gabbard do not come from “conservative” media outlets or journalists. They came from neoliberal MSM and Clinton  wing of Democratic Party.  As one would expect those MSM are pretty far from liberal ideas. They are hell-bent on neocolonialism and wars for enlarging and sustaining global, led by the USA neoliberal empire. They just  use a pseudo-liberal rhetoric to advocate for foreign wars.  Those presstitutes know who butters their bread, and they likes theirs bread buttered.

In spite of a smear campaign encouraged by the political establishment, Gabbard has not backed down from protesting US support for terrorists in Syria. She sponsored legislation, the Stop Arming Terrorists Act (Tulsi Gabbard, A Rare Anti-War Democrat, Will Run For President )

During an interview for the Sanders Institute in September 2018, Gabbard said, "Since 2011, when the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and these other countries started this slow drawn-out regime change war in Syria, it is terrorist groups like al Qaida, al Nusra, and Hayat Tahrir al Sham, these different groups that have morphed and taken on names but essentially are all linked to al Qaida or al Qaida themselves that have proven to be the most effective ground force against the government in trying to overthrow the Syrian government."

Gabbard opposes what she calls a "genocidal war" in Yemen, and she is one of the few representatives, who has worked to pass a war powers resolution in the House to end U.S. military involvement since Congress never authorized the war.

"The United States is standing shoulder to shoulder supporting Saudi Arabia in this war as they commit these atrocities against Yemeni civilians," Gabbard said during the same Sanders Institute interview.

Another war Gabbard questions is the war in Libya. In an interview for "The Jimmy Dore Show" on September 11, 2018, she spoke about the devastating consequences of pursuing regime change without considering what would happen after Muammar Gaddafi was removed from power.

"After we led the war to topple Gaddafi, we have open human slave trading going on, in open market. In today's society, we have more terrorists in Libya today than there ever were before."

Beginning of her political career

In 2002, after redistricting, Gabbard (as Gabbard Tamayo) ran to represent the 42nd House District of the Hawaii House of Representatives. She won the four-candidate Democratic primary getting 48%. Gabbard then defeated Republican Alfonso Jimenez in the general election, 65%–35%. At the age of 21, Gabbard had become the youngest legislator ever elected in Hawaii's history and the youngest woman ever elected to a U.S. state legislature. She represented the Oahu 42nd District, which covers Waipahu, Honolulu, and Ewa Beach.  She played a key role, along with her Ewa colleagues, in securing funding for infrastructure on the Ewa Plains. In 2004, Gabbard filed for reelection, but then volunteered for Army National Guard service in Iraq.

During her tenure Gabbard strongly supported legislation to promote clean energy. She supported legislation to expand tax credits for solar and wind, improve the net energy metering program, establish renewable energy portfolio standards, reduce taxes on the sale of ethanol and biofuels, provide funding for a seawater air conditioning project and make it easier for condo/townhouse owners to get solar.

Regarding the environment, Gabbard supported legislation to better protect air quality, the water supply, endangered species and avian/marine life, fight invasive species, reduce greenhouse gases, promote recycling of food waste and packaging, improve the Deposit Beverage Container Program (bottle law), and reduce illegal dumping. Gabbard previously held socially conservative positions more in line with her father, who sought for decades to pass laws against homosexuality, and who is against abortion rights. She shifted toward a more liberal stance in the early 2010s.

After returning home from her second deployment to the Middle East in 2009, Gabbard ran for a seat on the Honolulu City Council. Incumbent City Councilman Rod Tam, of the 6th district, decided to retire in order to run for Mayor of Honolulu. In the ten-candidate nonpartisan open primary in September 2010, Gabbard finished first with 33% of the vote. In the November 2 runoff election, she defeated Sesnita Moepono, 58%–42%, to win the seat.  As a councilmember, Gabbard introduced a measure to help food truck vendors by loosening parking restrictions. She also introduced Bill 54, a measure that authorized city workers to confiscate personal belongings stored on public property with 24 hours' notice to its owner. After overcoming opposition from the ACLU and Occupy Hawai'i, Bill 54 passed and became City Ordinance 1129.

United States House of Representatives (2013–present)

In the first session of the 115th Congress on January 4, 2017, Gabbard introduced bill H.R. 258 to prohibit the use of United States Government funds to provide assistance to Al Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and to countries supporting those organizations directly or indirectly.

Gabbard won the general election on November 6, 2012, defeating Republican Kawika Crowley, by approximately 130,000 votes, or 168,503 to 40,707 votes (80.6%−19.4%).  In December 2012, Gabbard applied to be considered for appointment to the Senate seat vacated by the death of Daniel Inouye, but despite support from prominent mainland Democrats, she was not among the three candidates selected by the Democratic Party of Hawaii.

Gabbard was reelected in 2014, 2016 and 2018. Gabbard is the first Samoan American member of the United States Congress and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress.

In her first term, Gabbard introduced the Helping Heroes Fly Act, which passed unanimously in both the House and Senate. This measure seeks to improve airport security screenings for severely wounded veterans, and was signed into law by the president.  She also led an effort to pass legislation to assist victims of military sexual trauma.

2015–16 Along with Senator Hirono, Gabbard introduced the Filipino Veterans of WWII Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015 to award Filipino and Filipino American veterans who fought in World War II the Congressional Gold Medal. The bill passed both the Senate and the House, in July and November 2016, respectively, and was signed by President Obama on December 15, 2016.  Gabbard also introduced Talia's Law, to prevent child abuse and neglect on military bases. It passed the House and Senate and was signed by President Obama on December 2017–18

In the first session of the 115th Congress on January 4, 2017, Gabbard introduced bill H.R. 258 to prohibit the use of United States Government funds to provide assistance to Al Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and to countries supporting those organizations directly or indirectly. Announcing the legislation, she said:

"If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the US government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of al-Qaeda, ISIL ... and other terrorist groups with money, weapons and intelligence support, in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government."

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[Apr 27, 2021] Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now

Notable quotes:
"... As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form. ..."
Apr 27, 2021 |

As has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

Forget that old fraud Bernie Sanders; Tulsi Gabbard and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the best hopes progressives in United States now have for saving and renewing Democratic values and a functioning political system. And watch Senator Ted Cruz to eventually unify a resurgent nationalist Right.

In my 2015 book “ Cycles of Change †I predicted both the nationalist insurgency of Donald Trump in the Republican Party and the progressive one unexpectedly spearheaded by Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party that lastingly transformed U.S. politics in the 2016 election cycle.

The Big Lie (of Josef Goebbels) proportions that Russia influenced or decided the shock outcome of the 2016 presidential election in reality was cooked up by defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton â€" a bungling loser of historic proportions â€" on the very same night she was still reeling from her rejection at the Javits Center in Brooklyn after the results came out.

Since then, the old Republicans and Democratic Establishments alike have since eagerly clung to the Big Lie because it offers them an excuse to deny and ignore what really happened: The American people for once fitfully rose to express their ringing rejection â€" on both sides of the political divide â€" of the ruinous policies of free trade, globalization and ludicrous pretensions to World Empire to which they had been subjected for the previous 70 years.

However, President Donald Trump was ruthlessly opposed, undermined, betrayed, slandered and blocked on his honorable and responsible foreign policy and national security goals to restrain NATO improve relations with Russia and pull U.S. combat forces out of both Iraq and Afghanistan over the following four years and by the time of the next national election in 2024, he will be 78 â€" as old as Joe Biden is now. Undoubtedly the efforts to destroy and discredit Trump will continue unabated from now until then.

Trump should not yet be ruled out by any means but he has already played the role of being the Prophetic Precursor of the new and coming Political Age, as I pointed, out in “Cycles of Change,†my overview of more than 200 years of U.S. political history, published in 2015.

That “prophetic†pioneering role wa splayed by General John Fremont in 1856 for Abraham Lincoln four years later; by New York Governor Al Smith, the “Happy Warrior†in 1928 for the epochal election victory of Franklin D. Roosevelt four years later; and by Senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 for the eventual presidency and new political era of Ronald Reagan starting in 1980-81.

Who will be the coming leader of the conservative/nationalist Right in 21st century America? The most likely candidate so far by far is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who ran unsuccessfully against Trump in 2016 before learning for himself the policies and priorities of the coming Political Age.

On April 14, Cruz, renowned for having easily the most brilliant legal mind in the U.S. Congress, eviscerated Kristen Clarke, President Biden’s nominee to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department when she appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

On the Democrats’ side, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont is now a twice-busted flush: Both in 2016 and 2020, the Democratic presidential nomination was his for the asking: He in real terms decisively and humiliatingly exposed first Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden â€" both heirs of the worthless and despicable Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations they served so energetically for so long.

However, on both occasions, Sanders froze up at the crucial moments of decision when the nomination was twice stolen from him by vote manipulation (in 20216) and political chicanery (in 2020) before his eyes. When it comes to the High Noon moment of any political showdown, Sanders will always fold â€" just as he always has.

On the Democrats’ side, the contest for leadership superficial appears more open, but two dynamic young women in reality easily lead the field.

Right now, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, †AOC†, who was supporting herself as a bartender before she won the Democratic nomination for her district and then the congressional election in shock outcomes in 2018, is by far in the lead. This is not even primarily because of AOC’s passionate advocacy of a Green New Deal, which indeed makes absolutely no industrial or economic or financial sense the closer one looks at it: It is because she is genuinely charismatic, genuinely aggressive and fearless in her public appearances.

The more that America’s progressives â€" admittedly an exceptionally slow-witted lot â€" wake up to the fact that Bernie Sanders will never lead them to real power or victory in anything, the higher AOC’s star rises.

She is already, at only age 31, the real leader of the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic Party and she is half a century younger than 81-year-old Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi only won her precious House majority in November 2018. Yet already, she is watching it vanish before her eyes.

Following the victory of Trump protégé Julia Letlow in a special election in Louisiana in March, the Democratic House majority is only two seats â€" the narrowest either party has experienced in the lower house of Congress in more than a century. The narrower it gets, the more Pelosi does not dare risk AOC leading “her†progressives against the Speaker herself and against President Joe Biden: And the more AOC’s power grows.

Worse for Pelosi is sure to come: It is perfectly feasible that even before next year’s congressional midterm elections, a handful of congressional special elections could throw control of the House to current Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who loathes Pelosi and her ancient creaking clique of cronies with a never-burning passion. Then, Pelosi’s fading clout will be totally gone and AOC with her passion and a new generation of radicals riding the Winds of Change with her will take over Democratic Party in Congress far earlier than any of the Old Fogeys on either side dreams.

AOC must therefore be seen as the frontrunner for the new age: But if she fails to measure up and establish national credibility, the other most likely future presidential hopeful for the Democrats is another forceful, beautiful and exceptionally intelligent young lady hardly older than the New York congresswoman is: That is former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, who was effectively squeezed out from her own congressional seat on the idyllic Pacific island by the machinations of the old Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi gang of rotting old politicos.

However, as has happened with epochal champions of generational transformation and change in U.S. history before her, Gabbard’s eclipse in Hawaii could lead to her comeback in a far more spectacular form.

She may move to California â€" a vastly superior political base to her home in Hawaii for national U.S. politics. Also, her outstanding military record, highly unusual for a young rising female Democrat of the current generation and her mastery of defense and national security issues potentially gives her a far more potent and impressive credibility across the American continent than AOC.

For Ocasio-Cortez’s appeal is like a laser beam: It is undoubtedly powerful but also quite narrow, centered on the East and West Coasts and to a far lesser degree, the much smaller progressive enclaves in major metropolitan areas across the country.

Gabbard by contrast has the potential to reach deep into the Heartland. She was carefully kept out of most of the nationally televised political debates for the 2020 presidential nomination by her own party’s leaders. They were terrified of her.

However, Gabbard was an absolute knockout in the debates when she got a word in edgewise. And she proved effortlessly able especially to demolish then-Senator and now-Vice President Kamala Harris. That could prove of priceless importance to the national credibility of the Progressive movement if, as appears likely Harris succeeds Biden into the White House in 2024, or even sooner.

However, Gabbard has also shown the potential to move dramatically from one extreme of the political chessboard to the other, much like a bishop moved a diagonal right across the board:

In January 2021, she launched her own podcast called “This is Tulsi Gabbard†and she has appeared a number of times on the conservative-leaning Fox News Channel since she left Congress, focusing her outspoken attacks on Pelosi and House Judiciary Committee Chair and leading Pelosi crony Congressman Adam Schiff. It is not inconceivable to see her as an eventual running mate for the nationalist right on a Republican ticket led by Senator Ted Cruz in 2024 or 2028. (In 2028, she will still be only 47).

Cruz and AOC are truly powerful potent emerging forces on the Right and Left of U.S. politics. Gabbard has the intriguing potential to completely transform the picture on either side. Between them, they offer hope that the new forces awakened by Trump and Sanders may triumph yet.

[Mar 06, 2021] Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden Aides Admit To - ZeroHedge

Mar 06, 2021 |

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out The US Dirty War On Syria That Biden & Aides Admit To BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, MAR 06, 2021 - 15:30

Via Pushback with Aaron Maté at The Grayzone ,

While Joe Biden has faced some mild Congressional pushback for bombing the Iraq-Syria border, Tulsi Gabbard says her former colleagues are ignoring the larger issue: the ongoing US dirty war on Syria .

After a decade of proxy warfare that empowered Al Qaeda and ISIS, the US is now occupying one-third of Syria and imposing crippling sanctions that are crushing Syria's economy and preventing reconstruction.

Watch: Featuring video clips from -- Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congressmember; President Joe Biden; Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa; Martin Dempsey, former Joint Chiefs chairman; Rob Malley, Special Envoy for Iran; John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate & former Secretary of State; former President Donald Trump; Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on Sanctions; Dana Stroul, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Vice President Kamala Harris.

While Gabbard has been vilified for her stance on Syria, many top White House officials – including Joe Biden himself – have already acknowledged the same facts that she has called out.

Aaron Maté plays clips of Biden and some of his most senior aides admitting to the horrific realities of the US dirty war on Syria, and argues that Gabbard only stands apart in being wiling to criticize it .

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21,478 113 N

Garciathinksso 1 hour ago (Edited)

Dems had a perfectly fine candidate in Gabbard, no surprise she was shunned and ignored by her own party

newworldorder 1 hour ago

Democrats wanted fake males like Beto and but-plug Pete, instead of a Female USNG Officer.

BarnacleBill 22 minutes ago

Tulsi understood exactly what goes on over there - the utter cruelties and uncaring slaughters that are responsible for the contempt with which the USA is held by the civilised people of the world. The wars are - as I wrote in one of my personal journal/blog posts some years ago - a war against women. (Link below) The women in mind were - and are still today - unarmed non-combatants, who are murdered deliberately in order to punish their menfolk and to traumatise their children. It is as disgusting as the German camps of the 1940s, and will be remembered in the same way by the survivors in their homes eighty years from now. They will never forget.

PGR88 1 hour ago (Edited)

Just to point out - Tulsi Gabbard made it all the way through the Democrat Primaries, and won more votes and delegates than Kamala Harris (who dropped out before even the first primary), yet Harris somehow became the presumptive co-President with Dementia Joe.

Yes, Virginia, it was a color revolution

thezone 1 hour ago

She'll probably be called a Russian Agent for criticizing the supreme ruler. Oh wait, that already happened.

You_Cant_Quit_Me 1 hour ago

Biden is a warmonger who has no problem sending your sons and daughters off as target on a phantom war

madashellron 42 minutes ago (Edited) remove link

God Bless Tulsi. She is one of the only politicians speaking of these grave Crimes Against Humanity, the US is engaged in Syria.

One final note. The Syrian envoy from Russia. Publicly warned Israel. If they continue attacking Syria. Russia will have no choice but to start shooting down Israel's Jets. Since this warning almost a week ago. Israel has not attacked Syria.

rwe2late 1 hour ago (Edited)

Not only Syria.

The US every day now attacks foreigners with about 50 bombs and missiles, possibly much more, mostly in secrecy, and in half dozen or more countries.

The US admitted to 27,923 bombs in 2018, and 17,281 bombs in 2019. In 2020, the totals were made secret. Not ever included were attacks by helicopters, gunships, or strafing.

"the U.S. military and its allies are engaged in bombing and killing people in other countries on a daily basis. The U.S. and its allies have dropped more than 326,000 bombs and missiles on people in other countries since 2001."

CondZero 37 minutes ago remove link

Tulsi, sometimes I think there's a chance for you, then you go and blow it by retreating back to your Democratic brethren and vote the party line. You can't have it both ways.

novictim 59 minutes ago remove link

It's critical that the fairly elected Assad regime be deposed ASAP and ISIS linked militants become the governance force. Why? Because China Joe did not win the US Presidential Election and, thus, any fairly elected leader is a threat to the US Deep State establishment.

Master Jack 1 hour ago remove link

A better question is:

Can anyone explain why the US is involved in so many military conflicts that the government refuses to call wars?

King of Kalifornia 1 hour ago

Here's a hint.

The US killed 2million plus people, spent over a trillion dollars, and lost thousands of their own attacking Iraq.

The oil contracts went to the Chinese.

Another hint.

They don't work for you.

[Jan 05, 2021] The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election by Paul Craig Roberts

Notable quotes:
"... It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. ..."
"... Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power. ..."
"... The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. ..."
"... I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks. ..."
"... Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate. ..."
"... the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash. ..."
"... Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes. ..."
"... His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy. ..."
"... As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. ..."
"... inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. ..."
"... The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious. ..."
"... Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi! ..."
"... Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters. ..."
"... Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history. ..."
"... Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. ..."
"... Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them." ..."
"... "I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp! ..."
Nov 12, 2020 |


Paul Craig Roberts' Interview with the European magazine Zur Zeit ( In This Time ):

English Translation:

A few months ago it looked like the re-election of Trump was almost certain, but now there was a close race between Trump and Biden? What happen during the last months?

In the months before the election, the Democrats used the "Covid pandemic" to put in place voting by mail. The argument was used that people who safely go to supermarkets and restaurants could catch Covid if they stood in voting lines. Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.

There are many credible reports of organized vote fraud committed by Democrats. The only question is whether the Republican establishment will support challenging the documented fraud or whether Trump will be pressured to concede in order to protect the reputation of American Democracy.

For those influenced by a partisan media that is denying the massive fraud that occurred, here is an overview of the elements of the fraud and the legal remedies.

It is difficult to know or to ensure that the ballots are actual ballots from registered voters. For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead. State officials have reported that people not registered -- probably illegals -- were permitted to vote. Postal service workers have reported being ordered to backdate ballots that suddenly appeared in the middle of the night after the deadline. These techniques were used to erase Trump's substantial leads in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

Digital technology has also made it easy to alter vote counts. US Air Force General Thomas McInerney is familiar with this technology. He says it was developed by the National Security Agency in order to interfere in foreign elections, but now is in the hands of the CIA and was used to defeat Trump. Trump is considered to be an enemy of the military/security complex because of his wish to normalize relations with Russia, thus taking away the enemy that justifies the CIA's budget and power.

People do not understand. They think an election has been held when in fact what has occurred is that massive vote fraud has been used to effect a revolution against red state white America. Leaders of the revolution, such as Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, are demanding a list of Trump supporters who are "to be held accountable." Calls are being made for the arrest of Tucker Carlson, the only mainstream journalist who supported President Trump.

In a recent column I wrote:

"Think what it means that the entirety of the US media, allegedly the 'watchdogs of democracy,' are openly involved in participating in the theft of a presidential election.

"Think what it means that a large number of Democrat public and election officials are openly involved in the theft of a presidential election.

"It means that the United States is split irredeemably. The hatred for white people that has been cultivated for many years, portraying white Americans as "systemic racists," together with the Democrats' lust for power and money, has destroyed national unity. The consequence will be the replacement of rules with force."

Mainstream media in Europe claim, that Trump had "divided" the United States. But isn`t it actually the other way around, that his opponents have divided the country?

As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism , the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies. Russiagate was a CIA/FBI successful effort to block Trump from reducing tensions with Russia. In 1961 in his last address to the American people President Dwight Eisenhower warned that the growing power of the military/industrial complex was a threat to American democracy. We ignored his warning and now have security agencies more powerful than the President.

The military/security complex favors the disunity that the Democrat Party and media have fostered with their ideology of Identity Politics. Identity politics replaced Marxist class war with race and gender war. White people, and especially white heterosexual males, are the new oppressor class. This ideology causes race and gender disunity and prevents any unified opposition to the security agencies ability to impose its agendas by controlling explanations. Opposition to Trump cemented the alliance between Democrats, media, and the Deep State.

It is possible that the courts will decide who will be sworn into office at January 20, 2021. Do you except a phase of uncertainty or even a constitutional crisis?

There is no doubt that numerous irregularities indicate that the election was stolen and that the ground was well laid in advance. Trump intends to challenge the obvious theft. However, his challenges will be rejected in Democrat ruled states, as they were part of the theft and will not indict themselves. This means Trump and his attorneys will have to have constitutional grounds for taking their cases to the federal Supreme Court. The Republicans have a majority on the Court, but the Court is not always partisan.

Republicans tend to be more patriotic than Democrats, who denounce America as racist, fascist, sexist, imperialist. This patriotism makes Republicans impotent when it comes to political warfare that could adversely affect America's reputation. The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election. Republicans fear the impact on America's reputation of having it revealed that America's other major party plotted to steal a presidental election.

Red state Americans, on the other hand, have no such fear. They understand that they are the targets of the Democrats, having been defined by Democrats as "racist white supremacist Trump deplorables."

The introduction of a report of the Heritage Foundation states that "the United States has a long and unfortunate history of election fraud". Are the 2020 presidential elections another inglorious chapter in this long history?

This time the fraud is not local as in the past. It is the result of a well organized national effort to get rid of a president that the Establishment does not accept.

Somehow you get the impression that in the USA – as in many European countries democracy is just a facade – or am I wrong?

You are correct. Trump is the first non-establishment president who became President without being vetted by the Establishment since Ronald Reagan. Trump was able to be elected only because the Establishment thought he had no chance and took no measures to prevent his election. A number of studies have concluded that in the US the people, despite democracy and voting, have zero input into public policy.

Democracy cannot work in America because the money of the elite prevails. American democracy is organized in order to prevent the people from having a voice. A political campaign is expensive. The money for candidates comes from interest groups, such as defense contractors, Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the Israel Lobby. Consequently, the winning candidate is indebted to his funders, and these are the people whom he serves.

European mainstream media are portraying Biden as a luminous figure. Should Biden become president, what can be expected in terms of foreign and security policy, especially in regard to China, Russia and the Middle East? I mean, the deep state and the military-industrial complex remain surely nearly unchanged.

Biden will be a puppet, one unlikely to be long in office. His obvious mental confusion will be used either to rule through him or to remove him on grounds of mental incompetence. No one wants the nuclear button in the hands of a president who doesn't know which day of the week it is or where he is.

The military/security complex needs enemies for its power and profit and will be certain to retain the list of desirable foreign enemies -- Russia, Iran, China, and any independent-inclined country in Latin America. Being at war is also a way of distracting the people of the war against their liberties.

What the military/security complex might not appreciate is that among its Democrat allies there are some, such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are ideological revolutionaries. Having demonized red state America and got rid of Trump (assuming the electoral fraud is not overturned by the courts), Ocasio-Cortez and her allies intend to revolutionize the Democrat Party and make it a non-establishment force. In her mind white people are the Establishment, which we already see from her demands for a list of Trump supporters to be punished.

I think I'm not wrong in assuming that a Biden-presidency would mean more identity politics, more political correctness etc. for the USA. How do you see this?

Identity politics turns races and genders against one another. As white people -- "systemic racists" -- are defined as the oppressor class, white people are not protected from hate speech and hate crimes. Anything can be said or done to a white American and it is not considered politically incorrect.

With Trump and his supporters demonized, under Democrat rule the transition of white Americans into second or third class citizens will be completed.

How do you access Trump's first term in office? Where was he successful and where he failed?

Trump spent his entire term in office fighting off fake accusations -- Russiagate, Impeachgate, failure to bomb Russia for paying Taliban to kill American occupiers of Afghanistan, causing Covid by not wearing a mask, and so on and on.

That Trump survived all the false charges shows that he is a real person, a powerful character. Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe. As a former Wall Street Journal editor, I say with complete confidence that there is no one in the American media today I would have hired. The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.

Twodees Partain , says: November 12, 2020 at 7:21 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago

Never before used on a large scale, voting by mail is subject to massive vote fraud.

I would take it a little further and say that voting by mail is a method of vote fraud. The supposed safeguards are easily circumvented, as some whistleblowers have illustrated with ballots being brought forth in large numbers after election day without postmarks and postal workers being ordered to stamp them with acceptable postmarks.

It really seems to me that there would be no democrat majorities in Congress or in so many state legislatures without vote fraud.

Ann Nonny Mouse , says: Website November 12, 2020 at 7:42 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago

So fraud is needed to protect the reputation of American democracy. Only fraud can! Thanks, PCR!

endthefed , says: November 12, 2020 at 7:53 pm GMT • 24.0 hours ago

Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate.

MarkinLA , says: November 12, 2020 at 9:37 pm GMT • 22.2 hours ago

Worse than the fraud available with vote by mail is the voting of people normally who don't bother to vote. Think of how stupid and uninformed that average American voter is. Now realize how much more stupid and uninformed the non-voter is, only now he votes.

However, the most likely source of fraud that is hard to detect, is ballot harvesting. This should be outlawed as it violates the idea of a secret ballot. Somebody comes to the home of a disinterested voter and makes sure he votes (of course they will never admit to hounding the person) and "helps" them with the ballot. If the voter cannot be cajoled into voting the correct way, you merely throw his ballot in the trash.

Curmudgeon , says: November 12, 2020 at 9:43 pm GMT • 22.1 hours ago

I have little doubt that there have been massive "irregularities", particularly in the so-called battleground states, that are at play in "stealing" the election.

...The favourite phrase these days is "no evidence of wide spread voter fraud". Let's break that down. Only 6 states have been challenged for vote fraud. In the big scheme of things, 6 states is not wide spread, even if there is massive vote fraud within those 6 states. That the vote fraud is not widespread, implies that some vote fraud is acceptable, and that the listener should ignore it. Last and most importantly, in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. An affidavit with a photograph demonstrating the statement would be evidence.

Another phrase is something like "election officials say they have seen no evidence of voter fraud". I have yet to hear a reporter challenge the "seen no evidence of " part of the statement, regardless of the subject, by asking if the speaker had looked for any evidence. They won't, because they know damn well no one has.

That is how the liars operate. Not so different from Rumsfeld's "plausible deniability".

Beavertales , says: November 12, 2020 at 10:21 pm GMT • 21.5 hours ago

Living in an urban setting I often had to visit apartment buildings. Without fail, there was always a pile of undeliverable mail in the lobby under the mailboxes.

The envelopes were mostly addressed to people who had moved out or died. If ballots were sent to these people based on incorrect voter rolls, then these too would likely have been left sitting on the floor or on a ledge for anyone to take.

It doesn't take a leap of faith to know what a Trump-hating leftist would do when no one is looking. This moral hazard was intentionally created by Dems, who know that urban dwellers are transient and lean left politically.

Franz , says: November 12, 2020 at 10:54 pm GMT • 21.0 hours ago

Eisenhower is always lauded for his MIC warning. Frankly he ticks me off. Thanks for the warning AFTER you were in some position to mitigate.

Ike's a mystery. Why did he NOT question Harry Truman's commitments to NATO, the UN, and all that rubbish? Ike was a WWII guy. He knew Americans hated the UN in 1953 as much as they hated the League of Nations after WWI. But he let it all slide and get bigger.

His farewell address was just flapdoodle; it wasn't really dredged up till the 70s. Eisenhower spent eight years spreading tripwires and mines and then said "Watch out." Thanks buddy.

endthefed , says: November 12, 2020 at 11:08 pm GMT • 20.7 hours ago

Well, agree on your points however, on the other side of the ledger, he never understood the stupidity of the Korean war (that he could have ended) and majorly up-ramped CIA activities in all manner of regime change (bay of pigs anyone?). Almost a direct path to our foreign policy now (and now domestic policy)

Notsofast , says: November 12, 2020 at 11:28 pm GMT • 20.4 hours ago

He did deploy the military assistance advisory group to Vietnam in 1955. This is considered the beginning of U.S. involvement in the war. This allowed the French to moonwalk out the back door leaving us holding the bag. In fairness this was Johnson's war however. Eisenhower did cut the military budget as a peace dividend to fund interstate system and other domestic projects. In today political spectrum he would be considered a flaming liberal.

Louis Hissink , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:30 am GMT • 14.4 hours ago


As the German newspaper editor Udo Ulfkotte revealed in his book, Bought Journalism, the European and US media speak with one voice -- the voice of the CIA. The very profitable and powerful US military/security complex needs foreign enemies.

What intrigues me is the ultimate political goal of the UN and the WEF when they anticipate a single global government centered at the UN and the absence of nation-states.

So what is the MIC going to do when there are no existential threats of competing nation-states? Or will the MIC re-engineer religious wars between the various religious groups, secular and theological? It seems the aspirations of the WEF and its fellow travellers preclude the occurrence of future armed conflicts.

Of course one needs capitalistic economies to produce the ordnance and materiels for the engineered social factions to war with each other. Yet if the Greens have their way, there will be no mining period.

More likely is the possibility that none of them actually understand what they are doing. As Nassim Taleb is alleged to have remarked, 99% of humans are stupid.

anonymous [284] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:35 am GMT • 14.3 hours ago

The total absence of integrity in the Western media is sufficient indication that the West is doomed.

It's because Western media is completely under the control of Jews, the world's foremost End Justifies Means people. The Fourth Estate has become the world's most powerful Bully Pulpit. There are still a few good ones though, brave souls they are: Kim Strassel of WSJ, Daniel Larison of The American Conservative , Neil Munro of Breitbart.

The rest are more or less lying scums, including everyone on NYTimes, WSJ, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, MSNBC, Fox News (minus Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo), The Economist , and let's not forget the new media: Google, Facebook, Twitter. The world would be a much better place without any of them.

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:44 am GMT • 14.1 hours ago
@Beavertales -- with either vote flipping on machines or having the totals that paper ballot scanners tabulate adjust via a pre-programmed algorithm. Many elections have already been stolen this way.

But, in the vein of what you mention is this fascinating article. I urge everyone to read it. He spills the beans in detail.

Imagine hundreds of those people around the country over decades. There must be scads of illegitimate office holders all over. It's horrendous

Alfred , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:51 am GMT • 14.0 hours ago

Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden's victory gives the Democrats a "MANDATE" to alter the economy as they see fit with 50.5%. This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one. Now, three whistleblowers from the Democratic software company Dominion Voting Systems, alleging that the company's software stole 38 million votes from Trump. There are people claiming that Dominion Voting Systems is linked to Soros, Dianae Finesteing, Clintons, and Pelosi's husband. I cannot verify any of these allegations so far.

We are at the Rubicon. Civil War is on the other side. There should NEVER be this type of drastic change to the economy from Capitalism to Marxism on 50.5% of the popular vote. NOBODY should be able to restructure the government and the economy on less than 2/3rds of the majority. That would be a mandate. Trying to change everything with a claim of 50.5% of the vote will only signal, like the Dread Scot decision, that there is no solution by rule of law. This is the end of civilization and it will turn ugly from here because there is no middle ground anymore. As I have warned, historically the left will never tolerate opposition.

Democrats Claim Mandate to Alter the Economy & 3 Whistleblowers from Software Company Allege they stole 38 million votes from Trump | Armstrong Economics

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 5:56 am GMT • 13.9 hours ago


Just another serf , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:18 am GMT • 13.6 hours ago

Yes, the theft is blatant. But what are you, us, going to do about it? We really can't do much as the Office of the President Elect requires us to wear masks. For our safety.

animalogic , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:35 am GMT • 13.3 hours ago

"in the narrowest of legalistic terms, testimony or affidavits are not evidence. Testimony and affidavits become evidence when supported by physical evidence. " Correct – but they also can become evidence by verbal testimony. ie "I saw the defendant hit the victim with a rock"

Anon [115] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:55 am GMT • 12.9 hours ago

Not only have they stolen the election but when Joe Biden and other democrats claim that President Trump caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans because of his handling of Covid 19, they are in sane. No world leader could stop the spread of this respiratory virus. However, Joe Biden and democrats have caused the deaths of hundreds of white people, while whipping up weak minded people to kill many whites. Biden and the democrats are criminals. Any one who is white, man or woman, that supports the democratic party is enabling a criminal organization to perpetrate violence on white people, including murder.

chet roman , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:05 am GMT • 12.8 hours ago

Since the article was from a German magazine it's understandable that there is no mention of "the one who shall not be named". No mention of the people behind the Lawfare group, the same people behind the impeachment, the same people providing financial and ideological support for the BLM/Antifa, the same people that own the media that spewed lies for 5 years and censored any mention of the Biden family corruption, no mention of the people behind this Color Revolution, the same people who promoted the mail in voting and those that managed the narrative for the media on election night to stop Trump's momentum.

For the public consumption the election will be described in vague terms, like this article, blaming special interests and institutions like the FBI, CIA and MIC without naming names as if an institution, not the oligarchs and chosen pulling the strings, are somehow Marxist, anti-white or anti-Christian.

Clay Alexander , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:18 am GMT • 12.6 hours ago

The interviewer quotes the Heritage Foundation does anyone even care what they say? The English Tavistock Institute by way of the CIA which the British molded from the OSS created programs for the Heritage Foundation as well as the Hoover Institute, MIT, Stanford University, Wharton, Rand etc. These "rightwing think tanks" were created to counter the CIA's "leftwing think tanks" at Columbia, Berkeley etc. Thank you British Intelligence.

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 7:24 am GMT • 12.5 hours ago

Bloat the Vote:

Thomasina , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:31 am GMT • 12.3 hours ago

Steve Bannon was just interviewing someone (can't remember his name). Apparently there are about 200 to 300 IT professionals/engineers working on these so-called "glitches" (not glitches at all) which mysteriously "disappeared" thousands of Trump votes. Then they'd dump phony Biden votes into the mix. These IT professionals are going to follow the trail.

I've also heard that Dominion Voting Systems played a big part in this scam by using algorithms. One Trump lawyer said that big revelations are coming.

We're going to have to be patient and just wait.

"The inclination of Republicans is for Trump to protect America's reputation by conceding the election."

I honestly think it's more like the old established Republicans (corporate bought) want Trump to lose because that is what their campaign donors want (Big Pharma, Wall Street, etc.) They are part of the elite, and the elite (both the Democrats AND Republicans) want Trump gone so they can continue their crony capitalist looting. They've got to appear like they're behind Trump, but I don't think they are. Of course, that's not all Republican representatives.

Sounds like they've been rigging elections for awhile now. I bet they just messed up with Hillary. I think that's why she was so upset. She had it, but they screwed up and didn't supply enough ballots.

Biff , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:39 am GMT • 12.2 hours ago

My conclusion is: They are probably going to get away with it.

My advice: Make them suffer.

sally , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:45 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago
@KenH inventive creative new ways to deceive.. first it was election machines, then mail in votes. next it will be magic carpet voting. But the votes don't count, cause it is the electoral college that elects the President.

Trump also lost a significant number who did not understand Trump was an Israeli at heart, they thought he was a uncoothed NYC red blooded American.

As far as white, black or pokadot color or any of the religions ganging up against Trump I don't think that happened, the fall out into statistically discoverable categories is just that, fall out, not those categories conspiring to vote or not vote one way or the other.

Wizard of Oz , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:46 am GMT • 12.1 hours ago

PCR seems to have trouble seeing a difference between the counting of perfectly proper votes which Pres Trump's post office delivered late which may or may not be allowed by law which can be determined in court, and fraud like the dead voting or votes being forged.

Anonymous [272] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:54 am GMT • 12.0 hours ago

The fraud is all so transparent but no one in the power elite seems to give a crap whether the public catches on or not these days. They know that the entire media which creates the false matrix of contrived "truth" that we all live in will back them to the hilt because they are actually just one more working part in the grand conspiracy. We all know that when "O'Brian" says 2 + 2 equals 5 we must all believe it, or at least say we do. We interface with "O'Brian's" minions on a daily basis but we don't know the ultimate identity of "O'Brian" (in the singular or multiple). Many guesses are made, but they hide that from us fairly well with the aid of their militaries and "intelligence" agencies (aka secret police in other times and places).

Wally , says: November 13, 2020 at 8:08 am GMT • 11.7 hours ago
@MarkinLA s://">
Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors (Except One) ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated?
Biff , says: November 13, 2020 at 8:57 am GMT • 10.9 hours ago

For example in the early hours of the morning of November 4 large ballot drops occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin that wiped out Trump's lead.

In a very similar vein, it is the same thing that happened to Bernie Sanders during the primary's. Joe was down and out, and Bernie was enjoying the lead and then "Bam!" Overnight Joe is back on top.

Well, fool me once,,,,,, .,and blah, blah whatever Bush said .

Verymuchalive , says: November 13, 2020 at 9:48 am GMT • 10.1 hours ago
@Stephen Allen

Dr Roberts has referenced in the interview a UR article that goes into considerable detail about the massive electoral fraud by the Democrats and their partners. You've obviously not bothered to read it.

You're like one of those MSM hacks who denies electoral fraud without making any attempt to look at the evidence.

Sollipsist , says: November 13, 2020 at 10:17 am GMT • 9.6 hours ago
@Begemot And it's almost always a closer race than anyone would have guessed beforehand -- which I also find suspicious. How likely is it that the majority of presidential elections over the last century were decided by more or less even numbers of voters from each party, between more or less evenly matched candidates?

Really seems like they've perfected the art of putting on rigged political shows that you can't quite believe in, but don't have anything really solid to back up your suspicions. It's like the "no evidence of fraud" canard -- anything solid enough to show obvious manipulation is explained away as the exception, rather than the tip of a very deep iceberg

James Speaks , says: November 13, 2020 at 10:40 am GMT • 9.2 hours ago
@S Martini

Like the false accusations about Russia, delegitimizing the presidential election as fraud is turning out to be much ado about nothing.

Let's review. The Democrats perpetrated the phony 2016 Russian influence fraud, and now the Democrats are perpetrating the phony 2020 election victory.

The common elements are Democrats perpetrate fraud.

Do try to keep up.

Lee , says: November 13, 2020 at 11:48 am GMT • 8.1 hours ago

IMO this is a simple remedy to settle the election fraud mess or we will be arguing about this 20 years from now .from the American Thinker.

The candidates on the ballot must have an opportunity to have observers whom they choose to oversee the entire process so the candidates are satisfied that they won or lost a free and fair election.

That is not what happened in the 2020 election. That is the single most important and simple fact that needs to be understood and communicated. The 2020 election was not a free and fair election, because poll-watchers were not allowed to do their essential job. The 2020 election can still be a free and fair election with a clear winner, whoever that may be, but time is running out.

In every instance where poll-watchers were not allowed to observe the process, those votes must be recounted. They must be recounted with poll-watchers from both sides present. If there are votes that cannot be recounted because the envelops were discarded, those votes must be discarded. Put the blame for this on the officials who decided to count the votes in secret. Consider it a way to discourage secret vote counts in the future.

The pandemic has not been fearful enough to close liquor stores, and it in should not be used as excuse to remove the poll-watchers who are essential to a free and fair election. If we must have social distancing, then use cameras.

Certainly, there are other issues with the 2020 election. There may be problems with software, and there are issues like signature verification and dead people voting. Everything should be considered and examined, but no other issue should distract from the simple fact that both sides must be able to view the entire process. If one side is not allowed to view the vote-counting, then that side should be calling it a fraud. We should all be calling it a fraud.

Read more:

TomGregg , says: November 13, 2020 at 12:23 pm GMT • 7.5 hours ago

The Spirit of Enoch Powell , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:02 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago

...Trump had control of the Senate, the House and of course the Executive between his inauguration in January of 2017 and the Midterm Elections of 2018, a total time period of 1 year and 10 months. What did he do during this time? He deregulated financial services and passed corporate tax cuts.

At the end of the day, being emotionally invested in US elections is no different to being emotionally invested in Keeping up with the Kardashians , that is to say your life wouldn't be that different if your don't follow either.

Realist , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:04 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago

The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election

The Deep State Has Stolen the Presidential Election. FIFY. But they have been in control for decades they just don't care who knows now. They are taking final steps to make their control impervious to attack.

anon [434] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:06 pm GMT • 6.8 hours ago
@Notsofast nd protect the actual elephant in the Oval Office: CIA.

Trumman did speak up one month after JFK was killed by the unmentionable "I" of M.(I).I.C.

This is the reason that the establishment latched on to the Eisenhowerian bon mot but entirely memory hole Trumman's far more explicit warning a freaking month after a sitting president is shot like a turkey in Dallas: it white washes CIA and NSC .

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 1:31 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago

Why are CIA goons like Anderson Pooper serving as journalists? CIA is a criminal organization that subverts other nations.

MLK , says: November 13, 2020 at 1:32 pm GMT • 6.3 hours ago

The place to begin, and it's mind-blowing when you think about it this way, is that nothing was resolved on election night. Not who will take the oath on January 20th. Nor which party will control the Senate. Nor even who will be Speaker and which party will control the House.

Suffice it to say, a still raging factional struggle has simply moved to a greater degree behind the curtain.

I noted this movie reference on another thread here:

If your father dies, you'll make the deal, Sonny.

-- "The Godfather"

My point being, you're foolish if you ascribe certainty as to outcome at this point.

Being rid of Trump has been as close to a dues ex machina for the establishment as imaginable since he took the oath. This ineluctable observation elicits no end of foot-stomping by those who assume it necessarily says anything positive about the man.

With every persistent revision of the script they wrote for him, all ending with his political demise at least, Trump has not just survived but grown stronger. While the Democrats turned our elections into something only seen in a third-world shit hole, Trump legitimately drew 71M votes from Americans.

That's a lot of air in the balloon. Believe me, filth like Russian mole Brennan may think everything is finished once they get rid of terrible, awful Trump, but those above his pay grade know better.

Like him or hate him, Trump is the only principal not wholly or largely discredited. He was saved from destruction during his first term by the Republican base moving to protect him. That was the import of his 90-95% approval among them, destroy him and you destroy the Republican Party.

Now, despite -- or perhaps, because of -- everything they've done, that base now includes a significant number of Democrats and independents. Trump is merely a vessel for an American majority attached to this constitutional republic thingie we've got going.

Don't get lost in the details. This isn't a puzzle you can solve by internet sleuthing. The plan they executed -- to steal sufficiently to make the outcome inevitable by the morning after the election at the latest -- failed. This was evident early on Election Day (e.g. fake water main breaks in Atlanta) and necessitated their playing their Fox/AZ card and shutting down the count at least until they had removed Republican monitors.

BannedHipster , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 2:57 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

People need to stop falling for Republican bullshit.

The Republicans control:

1. The Senate

2. The Supreme Court with a 6 to 3 majority.

3. The majority of state governments by a huge margin:

"In 22 states, Republicans will hold unified control over the governor's office and both houses of the legislature, giving the party wide political latitude -- including in states like Florida and Georgia."

"Eleven states will have divided governments in 2021, unchanged from this year: Democratic governors will need to work with Republican legislators in eight states, and Republican governors will contend with Democratic lawmakers in three."

The Democrats have: Joe Biden, and a slim majority in the House of Representatives which they are almost certain to lose in two years.

What the Republicans are going to do is everything we hate, but they will pretend they were "forced" to do it by the Democrats – the Democrats being the minority party.

Amnesty? Democrats made us do it.

More immigration? Democrats made us do it.

The Republican party is the greater of two evils.

Rurik , says: November 13, 2020 at 2:59 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Who else could have survived what Trump has been subjected to by the Establishment and their media prostitutes. In the United States the media is known as "presstitutes" -- press prostitutes. That is what Udo Ulfkotte says they are in Europe.

Mr. Ulfkotte died of a "heart attack" in January, 2017

Rest in Peace Udo.

Zarathustra , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:00 pm GMT • 4.9 hours ago

Left and right.
(What you small brains do not understand is this.)
Democrats enabling the elite to invest in far east (lower wage costs, higher profits) did abandon the working class in America. Democrats by this act did throw away the working class as a dirty rug.
Democrats with their TPP exporting most of the production to far east would totally destroy working class in USA. Trump's first act was to cancel this insanity. Democrats are insanely delusional.
Democrats were left. Left is a party that supports the working people.
So here switch occurred. Democratic party now represent the elite, and Republicans now represent the working people.
(The irony of the fate)

Robert Dolan , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:26 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

Robert Snefjella , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm GMT • 4.4 hours ago

The headline for PCR's article is a prediction, not yet established, and incomplete.

There is an ongoing massive attempt to steal the Presidential election as well as to steal an unknown number of House and Senate seats, and who knows what else.

The 'game' is still on. Many tens of millions of citizens – actual total unknown but possibly in numbers unprecedented in American history – voted for Trump. Republican candidates for office generally had strong support, but again, the actual percentage of support is unknown but presumably larger than now 'recorded'.

There are also the many millions who ardently supported Trump, know that Biden is illegitimate, deeply corrupt, and the precursor to perils unknown. Their determination and backbone and intelligence will now be tested.

There is the electoral college process; there are the state legislators that have a say in the process; there is the Supreme Court.

There is also the possibility of pertinent executive orders that mandate transparent processes in the face of, say, apprehended insurrection via fraudulent voting processes.

There is also the matter of how millions of 'deplorables' with trucks and tractors and firearms and other means to make their point will react to obvious massive election travesty.

The conjunction of the COVID global scamdemic/plandemic, with crazed Bill Gates and kin lurking in the background with needles, 'peaceful' protesters in many cities setting fires and looting with near impunity, and a mass media that is clearly comprehensively committed to a demonic degree of dishonesty and manipulation, and lunatic levels of 'identity politics' ideology, are among the elements setting the stage for what may be an historical watershed.

The American Revolution in the 18th century, against the British Crown's authority, came about after years of simmering anger and sporadic resistance against British injustice. At some point there was a 'tipping point'. When Germany invaded and occupied Norway early in the 2nd WW, an effective resistance quickly formed in reaction, where death and torture were the known willing risk. Two years before, those forming the resistance would have been just going on with their lives.

No one knows today how this plays out.

Agent76 , says: November 13, 2020 at 3:45 pm GMT • 4.1 hours ago

Who's Afraid of an Open Debate? The Truth About the Commission on Presidential Debates. The CPD is a duopoly which allows the major party candidates to draft secret agreements about debate arrangements including moderators, debate format and even participants.

Mar 6, 2014 Truth in Media "End Partisanship"

Ben Swann explains how the new coalition of EndPartisanship org is working to break the 2 party hold on primary elections, which currently lock around 50% of voters out of the process.

Sep 5, 2012 DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote

Democratic National Convention 2012: Delegates opposed to adding language on God, Israel's capital to platform shout, 'No!' in floor vote.

anon [287] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago

For those who are sick of Fake News CNN or FoxNews, watch this new channel that many Trump voters are flocking to:

I am currently watching an interview with SD Governor Kristi Noem, who went on ABC to challenge George Stenopolosus' claim that there is no fraud in this election. She pointed out that there has been many allegations, including dead people voting in PA and GA, she says we don't know how widespread this is, but we owe it to the 70+ million people who voted for Trump to investigate and ensure a clean and fair election. She said we gave Al Gore 37 days to investigate the result in 2000, why aren't we giving the same to Trump?

She is extremely articulate and sounds intelligent and honest, and what's more courageous to come forward like this. I hope she runs for president in 2024, I'd vote for her.

Anonymous [721] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:21 pm GMT • 3.5 hours ago
@Chris in Cackalacky

Am I the only one who sees something profoundly spiritual happening in front of our eyes?

Yes. In reality, 5% of White men sent Trump packing. That doesn't match the GOP negrophile narrative where "based" Hindustanis join the emerging conservative coalition to make sure White people can't get affordable healthcare in their own countries, though. So we'll have to watch you parasites spool up this pedantic "fraud" nonsense until the fat orange zioclown gracelessly gets dragged out.

OutsideMan , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:30 pm GMT • 3.4 hours ago

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens
by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page

Agent76 , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:31 pm GMT • 3.3 hours ago

Good post. You will gain more insight from this background on the speech and drafting.

Jan 19, 2011 Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech Origins and Significance US National Archives

President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, known for its warnings about the growing power of the "military-industrial complex," was nearly two years in the making. This Inside the Vaults video short follows newly discovered papers revealing that Eisenhower was deeply involved in crafting the speech.

Thomasina , says: November 13, 2020 at 4:42 pm GMT • 3.2 hours ago
@The Real World

Great article. Thanks. Agree with you about the big stealing being electronic. Trump tweeted out yesterday that over 2 million votes were stolen this way. For him to say this, they must have evidence.

Dinesh D'Souza said he hopes that when this matter comes before the Supreme Court that they will tackle once and for all what constitutes a legal vote.

Some pretty big names are involved with this Dominion Voting. It will be interesting to see what Trump's team of IT experts discover re the use of algorithms to swing the vote.

Cyrano , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:03 pm GMT • 2.8 hours ago

Why (Oh, why) did Trump had to go? Because Trump is an enema to the Deep State. He was threatening to expose the biggest lie of the last 100 years – the supposed "liberalism" of US...

Genrick Yagoda , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:07 pm GMT • 2.7 hours ago
@Wizard of Oz

It has already been determined by the court. Pennsylvania ruled that late ballots are not to be counted.

DanFromCT , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:15 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago
@Stephen Allen

The author refers to a body of overwhelmingly persuasive evidence of voter fraud that can be specified and quantified to provide proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases, not to mention hands down proof in civil cases requiring only a preponderance of the evidence to establish guilt. Furthermore, the Democrats' easily documented, elaborate efforts at concealing the vote counting process by shutting down the counting prior to sneaking truckloads of ballots in the back door is by itself powerful circumstantial evidence of their guilt. You have no idea what "evidence" means, either in general usage or in its strictly legal sense.

fatmanscoop , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:15 pm GMT • 2.6 hours ago

The election cannot be trusted at all, just based on the insane entitled emotional state of the Globalist establishment alone. The system as-a-whole cannot be trusted, for the same reason. They are actively corrupting it in every way they can, and fully believe (as a matter of religious conviction) that they are right to do so.

fatmanscoop , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

"no evidence of wide spread voter fraud"

That's one of the Jew/Anglo Puritan Establishment's new catch-phrases. There's also "no evidence" that Joe Biden acted in a corrupt manner in Ukraine, even though he admitted to it on tape. There's "no evidence" that Big Tech is biased against conservative plebians, despite their removing conservative plebians' published content arbitrarily and with no State compulsion to do so. The phrase "there's no evidence" is just a public commitment to ignore any evidence, no matter how blatant or obvious.

Robert Dolan , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:39 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

Peripatetic Itch , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:41 pm GMT • 2.2 hours ago

This newly discovered legal standard goes beyond "preponderance of the evidence" or even "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" to establish absolute certainty as the standard.

Just the obvious and necessary complement of the Bob Mueller standard for Russian collusion, don't you think -- "could not (quite) exonerate"? /s

Don't you dare call this hypocrisy.

Orville H. Larson , says: November 13, 2020 at 5:57 pm GMT • 1.9 hours ago

When it comes to protecting the integrity of elections, "low-tech" might be best!

anon [771] Disclaimer , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:05 pm GMT • 1.8 hours ago

His impotence makes a lot more sense when you know the full version was supposed to be Military-Industrial Congressional Complex.

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:42 pm GMT • 1.2 hours ago
@TheTrumanShow as the reason why.

They went for a softer approach in KY in 2019. The first-term Repub Gov had a Yankee's forthrightness so they just latched onto comments he made regarding the underfunded teachers pension program and amped-it to high heaven getting teachers all in a frightful frenzy.

In that solidly Red state, with all other prominent offices on the ballot (AG, SoS, etc.) going overwhelmingly Repub , somehow the Repub Gov loses to the Dem by around 5000 votes. The "teachers pension" narrative was rolled-out as the reason. (Btw, it seems that Dominion, or another type, software was used to switch the votes in that race. I've seen video about it.)

Art , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:47 pm GMT • 1.1 hours ago
@Orville H. Larson

When it comes to protecting the integrity of elections, "low-tech" might be best!

Paper ballots as ascribed by Tulsi Gabbard legislation is the only safe option for elections. Kudos to Tulsi!

The Real World , says: November 13, 2020 at 6:55 pm GMT • 56 minutes ago
@Orville H. Larson out how the winds are blowing. There is nothing good about it.

Why not this:
-- ONLY in-person voting over a 2-day period, a Sat and Sun, with polls being open from 6AM to 9PM both days.
-- Exceptions are the traditional requested absentee ballot where the voter can be authenticated.
-- Paper ballots must be used at the polls and no single box of 'Straight Vote by Party' is offered.
-- Some kind of SIMPLE scanning tabulator could be used of the ballots and with it NOT being connected to the internet.

There is far too much cheating opportunity built into our current system. That's intended, of course.
It needs to end!

Priss Factor , says: Website November 13, 2020 at 7:02 pm GMT • 49 minutes ago

... ... ...

No Friend Of The Devil , says: November 13, 2020 at 7:09 pm GMT • 42 minutes ago

Because you don't get it. You are missing the big picture. It was well known that these systems had the ability to be hacked as soon as they were implemented. It is also a well known fact that massive mail in ballots increases the likelihood that corrupt individuals are more likely to get away with election fraud.

Everyone knew about the potential for voter fraud to occur, but the entire system is corrupt, including Trump who has allowed the massive corruption within the system that was present when he entered office to persist and grow because he is a wimpy, spineless, coward, that was too afraid to make any waves and take the heat that he promised his voters.

Why anyone voted for Trump in 2020 confounds me. I voted for him in 2016 and he has turned out to be one of the worst presidents in history.

Trump in his cowardess and dishonesty knew that the ailing economy would harm his chances of being re-elected, so he allowed the health scare scamdemic to occur and destroy the livelihoods, lives, and businesses of hundreds of millions of Americans because he is a psychopath. Trump did not do what he promised. Trump made America worse than it has ever been since the end of slavery. Jeremy Powell said today that the economy is dead and will never recover.

The only injustices that Trump gave a damn about were the injustices against himself and his family, and has committed countless injustices against the entire country and world during his term. Trump is a corrupt narcissist. The facts prove it. Trump is such a corrupt narcissist that he was willing to destroy the entire economy based on scientific fraud, high crimes, and treason to use as political cover for his own incompetency which is the most offensive and disgusting diabolical act ever perpetrated on the entire country.

Trump has also demanded the extradition of Assange after telling his voters that he loved wikileaks. Trump is a two-faced, lying, fraud. It has been his pattern. He consistently supports various groups and people like Wikileaks, Proud Boys, and others and panders to them and voters and tells people that he loves them, and then every time without fail when the heat is on, Trump says," I really don't know anything about them."

"I know nothing." Trump saying "I know nothing." defines his presidency and who he is as a person, a spineless, pandering, corrupt, two-faced, narcissist, loser, and wimp!

Why would anyone vote for him the second time around after a record of pathological incompetency and pathological corruption? What's to approve of about him? Go ahead, investigate voter fraud it if is permitted, and if it isn't then ask yourselves why it is that a system that enables election fraud is in place, and ask yourselves who had the ability to change it and, who had the ability to benefit from it!

Andrea Iravani

[Jan 02, 2021] Tulsi Gabbard slams COVID relief bill as a 'slap in the face' to Americans - YouTube

Jan 02, 2021 |

, 6 days ago

She voted against the bill because she's smart and she actually reads things

Joseph Klimchock , 6 days ago

Congress has failed the American people again and again. They do almost nothing, we might actually be better if they did NOTHING!!!!!

Shawn Cornell , 1 week ago

One of the few dems that talks sensibly. That's why the communist dems kept changing the rules to keep her out of the debates.

EAZY-E Zero , 5 days ago

Respectfully, Tulsi Gabbard could have been a better candidate than Joe Biden. That's just my opinion.

Jn Stonbely , 3 days ago

Bravo Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard for putting it to the "Demagogue" Party for their deviousness, lies, and clearly ; anti-American behavior !

Kai Chinn
, 6 days ago

I like Tulsi, she actually has a head on her shoulders and actually cares about the American People! Aaaaand, she is not hard on the eyes either! :)

boonarga , 6 days ago

Gabbard represents what Democrats were before they became evil.

, 4 hours ago

As a Republican Tulsi was the only Democrat I was rooting for, the Democrats destroyed her because she wasn't part of their agenda.

Brian Hariprashad
, 2 days ago

She embodies what a true good democrat is idk what's up with the rest of the party, she has my vote

What Is Your Worldview? - Creation or Evolutionism?
, 6 days ago

In a world of [neo]liberalism, it is the VICTIM that gets punished, not the criminals.

[Dec 24, 2020] Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' a

Dec 24, 2020 |

Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' at CDC 21 Dec, 2020 19:57 Get short URL Tulsi Gabbard breaks with other lawmakers, won't take Covid-19 vaccine until seniors get it, blasts 'heartless bureaucrats' at CDC FILE PHOTO. © REUTERS / Mike Segar 103 Follow RT on RT While numerous other lawmakers have publicly gotten the Covid-19 vaccine, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has vowed not to until all seniors receive it.

"I had planned to get the vaccine but will now stand in solidarity with our seniors by not doing so until THEY can. I urge my colleagues who are under 65 and healthy to join me," Gabbard said in a Monday morning message posted to Twitter.

The congresswoman and previous presidential hopeful blasted "heartless bureaucrats" at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for not prioritizing seniors, viewed as the most vulnerable to Covid-19, in their rollout plan.

Seniors were deemed a second-priority group by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which recommended health care workers, nursing home staff/residents receive the vaccine first. CDC Director Robert Redfield could still prioritize seniors. He has expressed support for ensuring people over the age of 70 receive the vaccine sooner rather than later.

ALSO ON RT.COM Dr. Deborah Birx, who's seeking role on Biden's Covid-19 team, violates her own guidelines with Thanksgiving family trip

Gabbard's statement stands in contrast to the actions of many lawmakers who have received the vaccine before it is available to most Americans.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), 49, was accused on social media of "cutting" to the front of the line by critics after posting images of himself receiving the vaccine over the weekend.

On the other side of the political aisle, 31-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) also received pushback after receiving the vaccine, with many citing her young age as a reason for her not to be one of the first to get vaccinated.

Others, like journalist Glenn Greenwald, also pointed to the hypocrisy of many liberals criticizing conservatives like Rubio, but celebrating Ocasio-Cortez's vaccination announcement.

Senior lawmakers like House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), 80, and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) have also been vaccinated.

ALSO ON RT.COM Iowa senator who questioned Covid-19 profiteering gets excoriated online after receiving state's first vaccine dose

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[Dec 23, 2020] 'Slap in the face'- Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' -- RT USA New

Dec 23, 2020 |

'Slap in the face': Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' 22 Dec, 2020 07:54 / Updated 21 hours ago Get short URL 'Slap in the face': Tulsi Gabbard blasts stimulus package as 'rushed' embodiment of DC's 'screwed up priorities' FILE PHOTO. © REUTERS / Brendan McDermid 77 20 Follow RT on RT The omnibus stimulus bill, which pours money into everything from missiles to horse racing and offers $600 in direct payment to struggling Americans, is "an insult and a slap in the face" of the people, Tulsi Gabbard said.

The outgoing representative from Hawaii gave a harsh evaluation of the controversial stimulus package, which many critics see as too little, too late for the country, which has been ravaged by Covid-19. She said she voted against the bill because it was rushed and catered to special interests rather than the needs of the people.

The almost 5,600-page package was distributed to lawmakers just hours before the vote, so "There is no way that anybody in Congress had the opportunity or time to go through and read this bill to know exactly what was in it," Gabbard said.

And its actual content – which allocates money to things like missiles for the Pentagon and provides a tax break for corporate meals, dubbed the 'three martini lunch' by critics – is "an insult and a slap in the face to every single American in this country, who is struggling because of this Covid-19 pandemic."

This bill is a representation of the screwed-up priorities of Washington.

The bill was passed by the Democrat-controlled House 359-53 on Monday and was given a 92-6 stamp of approval by the Republican-controlled Senate hours later. President Donald Trump is expected to sign it into law.

ALSO ON RT.COM While Covid 'stimulus' gives Americans $600, omnibus spending bill in Congress would spend BILLIONS on foreign aid & pet issues

Gabbard, a maverick Democratic representative whose tenure ends next month, has a record of voting against her own party and has taken flack for it in the past. Arguably the most notable example was her 'present' vote on the articles of impeachment of President Trump a year ago. She said she could not in good conscience vote either 'yes' or 'no' because she believed the president to be guilty of wrongdoing, but saw the impeachment as a flawed process fueled by partisanship.

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[Dec 13, 2020] Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting --

Dec 13, 2020 |

SanSkrit 17 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 02:20 AM

Tulsi Gabbard said she ran as presidential candidate with the Democratic party because she believed that a third party didn't stand a chance against the Dems' political clout. And because she believed that the Dems could be brought back to their original goal, i.e. the party of and for the people. I wonder if she still believes that. And I personally wonder if there will be a 2024 presidential race, seeing that the USA is soon heading towards collapse from a completely corrupt parasitic elite.
Nikolaidis 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:31 PM
There is no room for sane people in an insane society. The US and most parts of the so-called Western world are becoming more and more insane with their "gender correctness" making men women and women men plus adding 87, or is it 114, new genders. It is a sure sign of social decline and collapse. It is parallel to what can be observed when looking at the fall of the Roman empire.
zoombeenie 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 AM
Tulsi was America's chance at being at least No.2 to China. Now with already effectively a one party state with both GOP and Dems beholden to their sponsors (MIC and the 1%) its now jumping from the fire into the frying pan. Hope the US doesn't implode before the people wake up to reality and see Tulsi as the saviour in 2024.
David Penrose Barneby 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:21 AM
Tulsi Gabbard was the only credible democrat candidate for the presidency , I believe Tulsi Gabbard would be a good president . America today has sunk beyond recognition , where lies , deceitfulness and brazen dishonesty are accepted as the norm .
Doodle_Dandy 15 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:08 AM
This just proves to the world the total corruption within American politics. They can't talk democracy, they are the world's largest terrorist organisation...and to think Yanks think they are exceptional, makes me laugh...
David Penrose Barneby Doodle_Dandy 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:30 AM
A laugh of derision ! I too would laugh , but unfortunately it isn't remotely funny . I'm British , ashamed of the British government , I am ashamed that my sons and their California wives vote democrat . Are even educated American So Ignorant that they are unaware of the total corruption they are supporting ?
1justssayn 10 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 09:20 AM
As a Democrat she endorsed the party instead of switching. Ronald Reagan said "I didn't leave the democratic party, they left me". She should up hold her values and moral high ground by changing parties. After this terrible year maybe the libertarian and Constitution parties could arise and replace the Dem-, pub parties of corruption.
TWolsey 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:42 PM
USA is crumbling. From within of course. That's how it is said it will happen.
a325 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:04 PM
Tulsi is so much the better person and candidate than Kamala!
Black Chinese 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 06:49 PM
I support Tulsi on this bill to level the playing field to protect the female gender to compete with and against females and not WANNABE females with man muscles and everything a man have at birth.
jangosimba 9 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 10:44 AM
Tulsi can sleep well, knowing she does the right thing. I can't say that about any other politician, none.
SNrt 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:25 PM
Well said Michael McCaffrey! Thank you! I wish I new you in person. :)
uncle_Alex 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:56 PM
I agree!
PedroNZ 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:25 AM
Yep, we live in an upside-down world!
Crowfoot9 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:04 PM
I say let them accept all the trans people they want into woman's sports. All normal women will eventually abandon professional competitions as all the unhinged glory seeking males willing to earn some easy money and media attention will jump on this opportunity and kill the sports. Will be interesting when this controversy reaches the olympics. All the non western countries will abandon the Olympic Games and you'll be left with a western centred competition which will look more like a circus show.
Blod_Grogan 7 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:22 PM
Yes, America is floundering. But as long as it is possible to make a bad-to-hopeless situation fine and dandy by just claiming it is, sonorously and with expansive arm-wavings, the steady slide will continue. Believe it or not, it is sometimes worthwhile and beneficial to tell the truth. Ah, you'd never heard that before, well, despite that, I can assure you several honest people claim that's true too - silly buggers.
Fred Dozer 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:28 AM
I have a lot of Tulsi , hats, and shirts and gave her several hundred dollars. I was upset to say the least when she backed Biden. However I calmed a lot since than. I always wondered how Lindsey Graham could keep winning. Says a lot about some Americans. Tulsi truth, is not what most Americans, want to believe.
Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Gabbard the one who is a member on the Council on Foreign Relations? Come on, RT, you can do better. Keep in mind your website is supposed to be for the informed people, not the Americans who can barely read and manage to watch "Dennis Miller +one."
D Green Manya 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:42 PM
Truth hurts. She's right on this issue, but 'broken clocks,' etc. CFR membership is a huge red flag and like most Dems, Gabbard is also a gun-grabber. Any politician (most all of them) who supports wholesale destruction of the Constitution and abrogating the individual's right to self-defense is not to be trusted!
Nitupsar 3 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:14 PM
That's exactly my sentiment too!
Donkey80 17 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 02:54 AM
The greatest intrinsic quality of America is that it always gets the finest politicians money can buy
Nathan075 18 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 01:19 AM
Kamala Harris = Queen of Tarts.
apothqowejh 21 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 11:01 PM
She should come to Texas and help us reestablish the republic.
IandIandI 15 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 04:21 AM
Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

[Dec 12, 2020] Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting --

Dec 12, 2020 |

Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting Michael McCaffrey

Michael McCaffrey

Michael McCaffrey is a writer and cultural critic who lives in Los Angeles. His work can be read at RT, Counterpunch and at his website . He is also the host of the popular cinema podcast Looking California and Feeling Minnesota. Follow him on Twitter @MPMActingCo

11 Dec, 2020 20:12 / Updated 1 day ago

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Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard listens to a supporter during a campaign event in Lebanon, New Hampshire © Reuters 501 Follow RT on RT

In an age where lies are worshipped and cowardice celebrated, Tulsi Gabbard is despised for her bravery and commitment to truth, while Kamala Harris is lauded for...what, exactly?

Tulsi Gabbard, the four-term Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, is currently being attacked by liberals for introducing The Protect Women's Sports Act, which seeks to protect women's athletics by recognizing that different sexes are born with different physical abilities.

Reasonable and rational people realize that men and women are biologically different. Reasonable and rational people also realize that on average, men are bigger, stronger and faster than women, and that just because someone born a male now subjectively "identifies" as a female, that doesn't alter the objective fact that copious amounts of testosterone were pumping through their body as it developed, thus making their competing against biological girls and women in sport not only unfair, but dangerous.

ALSO ON RT.COM Tulsi Gabbard branded 'transphobe' after introducing bill to limit women's sport to biological females

These should not be controversial statements as they are obviously factually and scientifically true. But objective truth is anathema in our age of subjective insanity. Which is why Tulsi Gabbard's introduction of the Protect Women's Sports Act is a brazen act of bravery.

This is why it is so perversely ironic that on the same day Tulsi Gabbard was being made a pariah for courageously speaking plain truth and supporting common sense, Time Magazine was announcing that the empty pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate Democrat clown car, Joe Biden, were being honored as the Person of the Year.

If America were a sane place, Tulsi Gabbard, not Kamala Harris, would be the darling of the supposedly liberal Democratic Party.

Gabbard is an intelligent, principled and charismatic woman of color, something the devotees of diversity claim to desire. Her progressive bona fides are unquestionable as she vociferously supports Medicare-for-All, a Universal Basic Income and wants to end the war on drugs and private prisons. She is also a courageous anti-interventionist in addition to being a respected Army Reservist and Iraq War veteran.

In contrast, Kamala Harris is a corrupt former "top cop" in California who brutalized the poor by being a proponent of the war on drugs yet let white-collar corporate criminals skate . She is also a neo-liberal militarist who opposes Medicare-for-All and a Universal Basic Income.

And yet, despite, or more likely because, of all of these things, Tulsi Gabbard is persona non grata among the dupes, dopes and dullards in the Democratic party and media, while the sellout and raging sub-mediocrity Kamala Harris is celebrated.

This is not surprising as Gabbard and her fetish for truth have long been a thorn in the establishment's side, especially with her contrarian foreign policy beliefs, most notably regarding Syria and Bashar Assad.

ALSO ON RT.COM Where's the Hitler?

In 2017 Gabbard committed the cardinal sin of going against establishment orthodoxy when she expressed skepticism regarding dubious claims of chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government in Khan Shaykhun, and, despite being right , was quickly labeled an "Assad apologist."

She also made the egregious mistake of speaking the truth when she said that the U.S. had been "waging a regime change war in Syria since 2011." Nothing will get you a scarlet letter from the establishment faster than telling the truth regarding America's thuggish empire.

As for compliant Kamala, speaking truth to power is not a sin with which she is intimately familiar. Kamala is more of a kiss up and kick down kind of girl. She "kissed" up to former Speaker of the California Assembly and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and kicked down by trying to jail poor parents of truant kids.

Another glaring difference between Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris is that Gabbard is guided by principle and Harris is guided by blind partisanship and personal ambition.

For instance, besides the Protect Women's Sports Act, this week Gabbard also dared to cross the aisle by introducing the Break Up Big Tech Act, which supported Trump's initiative to repeal Section 230, which gives legal immunity to large social media companies. Gabbard did this because it is the right thing to do, even if Trump supports it.

As for Kamala, she is allergic to principles beyond personal ambition. Kamala will not take on big tech, as they are her donor base and she is a junkie for their money and a corporate power courtesan. One should not expect a Biden-Harris administration to move in any way shape or form against Silicon Valley.

Another argument in favor of Gabbard's superiority over Harris is that the one time the two women went head-to-head was in the Democratic primary debates, and Gabbard eviscerated Harris so decisively that it stopped Harris' presidential campaign dead in its tracks.

This week's state of affairs proves that America is a madhouse, and the media, Time Magazine and their ridiculous and grammatically incorrect "Person of the Year" selection included, are funhouse mirrors used to further distort our already deranged sur-reality.

ALSO ON RT.COM This is who they are: What media & Big Tech did with Hunter Biden laptop story isn't a bug, but a feature

In these United States of the Insane, the inmates are running the asylum as American militarism and corporate power are now deemed benign, it is declared gender doesn't exist, and Kamala Harris is worthy of celebration while Tulsi Gabbard is deserving of denigration.

America always gets the leadership it deserves, and when Joe Biden falls, or more likely gets pushed, down a flight of stairs and Queen Kamala ascends to the throne, we will get what we deserve. And that certainly isn't a person of the quality and worth of Tulsi Gabbard, that's for damn sure.

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carlus 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:23 PM

Good essay. My question is why she endorsed Biden, which immediately compromised her intellectual honesty and contradicts her previous decisions to buck the DNC and powers that be. It is puzzling and disturbing. The practical implications are that by so doing, she didn't allow a chance for her growing supporters and the country to overcome impending, rapidly approaching disaster, in many forms. In other words, Tulsi was the last hope and it is now too late. She didn't realize this.
Hanonymouse carlus 1 hour ago 12 Dec, 2020 06:40 PM
Because she probably wants to run again in the future, so she has to keep the party happy.
TruthSpeak carlus 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:55 AM
I was surprised she endorsed Biden, I did not know she did that. I felt she was the only hope of sanity in this whole mess. I do hope she keeps pushing forward.
Anton Moric 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:42 PM
Spot on article that sums up the current situation in the USA quite well. Gabbard is a rational hero, who is also strongly against the US Deep State's endless wars against the perceived enemies of Israel. Another reason that the cabalists have unleashed their dogs on her.
Rocky_Rambler Anton Moric 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:33 PM
I agree this was very well-written, and right on the money. I loved the phrase, " the empty pantsuit and monument to tokenism, Kamala Harris, and her chauffeur in the corporate Democrat clown car, Joe Biden "
Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:54 PM
Good article. Tulsi Gabbard is certainly the one to watch for the next election. Although the swamp and or the deep state might have other ideas.
skizex Richi777 14 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 05:50 AM
Doesn't help that she is CFR
Russian_Bot Richi777 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
In 4 years, it'll be, then, the incumbent President Kamala Harris and whoever the establishment appointed to be No 2. Tulsi has no chance. I believe that by the next election, the US is going to become, effectively, one-party nation. As of now, she is the only one who could be a compromise figure for the centrists and moderates on both political sides. But she's too independent and unpredictable for those who have high stakes in the future elections outcome and are able to finance her campaign.
Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 03:43 PM
"Only in a nation that had taken leave of its senses would Tulsi Gabbard be denigrated and Kamala Harris be queen-in-waiting" Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. I'm waiting for 2024 when Tulsi Gabbard winning the presidential race, or VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket.
Teodor Nitu Je suis CHUMP 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:22 PM
"... VP position on Trump-Gabbard ticket." That's exactly why she endorsed Biden, to dispel the notion that she was a 'Trump supporter in disguise', as she was beginning to be painted by some leftist extremists.
carlus Je suis CHUMP 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 04:12 PM
Gabbard has talked to Trump about issues. I think she tried to convince him that the climate crisis is real. He either believes this and lies about it for political reasons (she would find this repulsive ), or doesn't believe it and therefore is (and she would have a problem with this as well) too willingly ignorant to listen to reason.
Rolf001 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 05:10 PM
Speaking the Truth in Times of Universal Deceit is a Revolutionary Act (George Orwell). Tulsi represents exactly what Orwell meant.
Jose Francisco 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 07:32 PM
love the pincipled Tulsi. altho i did lose respect for her for her endorsement of BIden. still, i can forgive her, i mean, look at her, she's committed to the truth, brave and beautiful.
BluDiva 8 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 11:51 AM
I considered Gabbard one of the few, honest, intelligent politicians of our time. She invited the wrath of her corrupt party, which stands for anything but honesty and intelligence. However, her endorsement of Biden stands in strange opposition to her intellectual/political persona.
bbob412 1 day ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:09 PM
The treatment of Tulsi Gabbard is a tell tale sign of how corrupt the DNC has become. She has more integrity than the lot of them. It's scary how easy it is for the DNC to make good people look evil. A little partisan politics and a lot of bad and misleading press goes a long way in this country of half wits though.
TheFishh bbob412 22 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 09:43 PM
The DNC is so backward and demented that it won't consider anything new to the point that it will force-feed a candidate that isn't all that popular.
Happylistener 23 hours ago 11 Dec, 2020 08:25 PM
She is straight, she is honest ( as far as we can see) she's the guts to stand up to the bullies, lots of them. She has an opinion that reflects the ideals and ideas of her targeted voters. Why are the DNC so afraid of her ? She doesn't flop like Bernie, she's not afraid of The Hillary mob. Unfortunately, she can't get the big bucks that get you into power. I wonder why? No war, no bucks ! Keep at it Tulsi Gabbard. You have guts.
Midnight10 19 hours ago 12 Dec, 2020 12:15 AM
How very true. Unfortunately since both parties rely on their funding from the military/industrial complex, there will never be a candidate that would be acceptable if they were not a warmonger. She spoke truth to power and turned the drumbeating msm against her. She would have made a difference as VP. Kamala has her own agenda, and seems to love the sound of her own voice. Has alot in common with Trump. Has already told BiBi there will be no preconditions when the US deals with Israel. May get a illegal settlement named after her yet.

[Nov 29, 2020] Trump must pardon Snowden Assange for helping expose 'deep state,' says Tulsi Gabbard amid chorus against war on whistleblo

Nov 29, 2020 |

Gabbard, who's set to leave office at the end of her congressional term, previously introduced a resolution alongside GOP lawmaker Matt Gaetz (Florida) urging the government to drop its charges against Snowden – who was indicted under the World War I-era Espionage Act for his role in leaking classified material revealing illegal mass surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA). Though the antiquated law was originally intended to prosecute foreign spies, it has been repeatedly wielded against journalists and whistleblowers.

[Sep 21, 2020] Tulsi bill to stop vote-harvesting

Sep 21, 2020 |

Deap , 20 September 2020 at 05:51 PM

Anyone missing their daily Tulsi Gabbard dose will be happy to see she still remains a force for good:

Bill to stop vote-harvesting - ripe for fraud. Let's see where this independent stand takes her into the bosom of her chosen political party. Can we trade Tulsi for Senator Lisa Murkowski or Susan Collins?

Dems disintegrate, one party member at a time.

Babak makkinejad , 20 September 2020 at 07:40 PM


What is your credible positive economic policy recommendations?

The Twisted Genius , 20 September 2020 at 08:42 PM


You're right. Tulsi's bill is needed even though a lot of states already have election laws against vote harvesting. North Carolina does, but it didn't stop the state GOP from doing just that in a 2018 vote. This effort not only harvested absentee/mail in ballots, but filled them out for their GOP candidates as well. Luckily, the state discovered the criminal activity and threw the book at the culprits.

Further investigation revealed this may have been going on in North Carolina since at least 2012. Yes, we must guard against his kind of voter fraud. Good on Tulsi for trying to secure mail in/absentee voting. It helps negate some of the voter suppression methods like closing voting places and limiting the number of voting machines in selected areas.

Tulsi is a force for good. She is also a die hard progressive with many positions mirroring those espoused by Bernie and AOC. I hope, somehow, she can revive her political future.

turcopolier , 20 September 2020 at 08:58 PM


"Where you stand depends on where you sit." Her positions will evolve when she has entered the Republican Party.

scott s. , 20 September 2020 at 09:21 PM

I see no political future for Tulsi in Hawaii. Of course, her father switched parties (Rep to Dem) after getting elected to the state senate, so there is that precedent in the family. But father Mike seems much more politically astute. Meanwhile her seat will be taken over by progressive Kai Kahele, who in true Hawaii fashion got into the state senate by being appointed to fill his father's seat when he died in office.

The Twisted Genius , 20 September 2020 at 09:47 PM


I just checked and found Tulsi has started a PAC so he's apparently not done with politics. He remains a progressive and continues to support progressive candidates. I don't see her fitting into the mainstream Democratic Party, but I certainly don't see her going Republican. That would be a complete 180 from everything she professes to stand for. Perhaps a third way.

TonyL , 20 September 2020 at 11:07 PM


"Her positions will evolve when she has entered the Republican Party"

Sir, that's why I hope Tulsi will not enter the Republican Party. Currently, the GOP party representation in Congress is populated with cowards. No Republican there has the gut to say the emperor has no cloth.

I hope she will become an independent candidate (with a small i).

EEngineer , 21 September 2020 at 12:34 AM

@TTG Tulsi is only 39. She seems to be playing for time. She can afford to wait for the current Pelosi/Chinton/Schumer/DCCC generation to age out and disappear. They seem hell bent on "après nous le déluge". They're going to go all-in and will loose. Best to stay far away from the "Jim Jones" election crew. The progressives hate her for not being progressive. She has know-towed to them to keep from being banished because the Republican party in Hawaii is like the Republican party in Portland, Oregon: vestigial. The "opposition" to the mayor here, Ted Wheeler, the one who encourages the riots, is a hippie to his left. Ugh...,_Oregon_mayoral_election

Dreaming of a job in Texas...

[Sep 06, 2020] Court Rules Against NSA And It s Metadata Collection Activity. by J

Sep 06, 2020 |

Will we ever return to a time when USSID 18 was adhered to by NSA? Sadly, our politicians or those who quest for power and stroke won't let U.S. go back to that time of protections for all Americans.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals found the activity regarding NSA and its metadata collections, illegal.


Jack , 03 September 2020 at 07:23 PM

Rep. Matt Gaetz calling for the pardon of Snowden.

Jack , 05 September 2020 at 11:49 PM

Tulsi Gabbard calling for the pardon of Snowden.

Snowden should be pardoned.

He was a whistleblower who exposed an illegal unconstitutional mass surveillance program run by the NSA. And he was punished for doing so.

[Jun 01, 2020] This is one war party -- war party, imperial party of militarism, conquest and killing of civilians

Highly recommended!
Jun 01, 2020 | contributing editor Danny Sjursen appeared for an extensive interview with Jimmy Dore:

[May 31, 2020] We Are Combat Vets, and We Want America to Reboot Memorial Day by Matthew Hoh and Danny Sjursen

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... In recent years, U.S. troops were killed not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen, and Niger. Few Americans could locate these countries on a map; fewer knew its soldiers fought there. Additionally, Pentagon pilots and proxies killed people in Libya, Pakistan, and elsewhere in West Africa without losing a single soldier. ..."
"... The campaigns in Somalia and Yemen best expose the absurd casualty inequity of modern American warfare. In the former, only a few U.S. service members have been killed in an 18-year intervention. Conversely, hundreds of thousands of Somalis died or were displaced as a direct or indirect result (an exacerbated famine , for example) of a largely U.S.-catalyzed war. In Yemen, just one American soldier died in combat, compared to more than 100,000 locals -- including 85,000 children starved to death -- in a terror campaign the Saudis couldn't wage without U.S. complicity . ..."
"... With unemployment sky-rocketing to Great Depression rates, and income inequality at Gilded Age levels , both holidays now "celebrate" egregious blood and treasure disparity. For example, sifting through the Department of Labor's statistics reveals that some 8,000 contractors have been killed in America's war zones. That outnumbers U.S. military fatalities. Since Washington has progressively privatized and outsourced its wars, perhaps Americans should also observe a Mercenary Memorial Day. ..."
"... Faced with unrecognizable brands of war, most people substitute nostalgia and myth. Grappling with war's reality has implications that are too disturbing. Far simpler and more satisfying is to commemorate long past sacrifices at Normandy and Iwo Jima, rather than more confounding losses in Niger and Iraq. The temptation persists even as the last World War II veterans pass; old notions of what combat is ..."
"... The United States has lost its ethical and strategic way. Riddled with a virus that has now killed more Americans than the Revolutionary, Mexican, Spanish, Indian, Philippine, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq, and Afghan Wars combined , this nation requires serious soul-searching. Reimagining its bookended summer celebrations might be a good start; but it won't be easy. ..."
May 25, 2020 |

Pandemic or no, resilient Americans will celebrate Memorial Day together. Be it through Zoom or spaced six feet apart from ten or less loved ones at backyard cookouts, folks will find a way. In these peculiar gatherings, is it still considered cynical to wonder if people will spare much actual thought for American soldiers still dying abroad -- or question the utility of America's forever wars? Etiquette aside, we think it's obscene not to.

Just as the coronavirus has exposed systemic rot, this moment also reveals how obsolete common conceptions of U.S. warfare truly are -- raising core questions about the holiday devoted to its sacrifices. The truth is that today's " way of war " is so abstract, distant, and short on (at least American) casualties as to be nearly invisible to the public. With little to show for it, Washington still directs bloody global campaigns, killing thousands of locals. America has no space on its calendar to memorialize these victims: even the children among them.

"Just as the coronavirus exposed much internal systemic rot, this moment also reveals how obsolete common conceptions of U.S. warfare truly are."

Eighteen years ago, as a cadet and young marine officer, we celebrated the first post-9/11 Memorial Day -- both brimming with enthusiasm for the wars we knew lay ahead. In the intervening decades, for individual yet strikingly similar reasons, we ultimately chose paths of dissent. Since then, we've penned critical editorials around Memorial Days. These challenged the wars' prospects , questioned the efficacy of the volunteer military, and encouraged citizens to honor the fallen by creating fewer of them.

Little has changed, except how America fights. But that's the point: outsourcing combat to machines, mercenaries, and militias rendered war so opaque that Washington wages it absent public oversight or awareness -- and empathy. That's the formula for forever war.

In recent years, U.S. troops were killed not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen, and Niger. Few Americans could locate these countries on a map; fewer knew its soldiers fought there. Additionally, Pentagon pilots and proxies killed people in Libya, Pakistan, and elsewhere in West Africa without losing a single soldier.

The campaigns in Somalia and Yemen best expose the absurd casualty inequity of modern American warfare. In the former, only a few U.S. service members have been killed in an 18-year intervention. Conversely, hundreds of thousands of Somalis died or were displaced as a direct or indirect result (an exacerbated famine , for example) of a largely U.S.-catalyzed war. In Yemen, just one American soldier died in combat, compared to more than 100,000 locals -- including 85,000 children starved to death -- in a terror campaign the Saudis couldn't wage without U.S. complicity .

No one wants to see American troops killed, but a death disparity so stark stretches classic definitions of combat. Yet for locals, it likely feels a whole lot like "real" war on the business end of U.S. bombs and bullets.

So this year, given the stark reality that even a deadly pandemic -- and pleas for global ceasefire -- hasn't slowed Washington's war machine, it's reasonable to question the very concept of Memorial Day. There are also important parallels with Labor Day -- the holiday bookend to today's seasonal kick off. Just as memorializing America's obscenely lopsided battle deaths is increasingly indecent, a federal holiday devoted to a labor movement the government has aggressively eviscerated is deeply troubling.

With unemployment sky-rocketing to Great Depression rates, and income inequality at Gilded Age levels , both holidays now "celebrate" egregious blood and treasure disparity. For example, sifting through the Department of Labor's statistics reveals that some 8,000 contractors have been killed in America's war zones. That outnumbers U.S. military fatalities. Since Washington has progressively privatized and outsourced its wars, perhaps Americans should also observe a Mercenary Memorial Day.

Widening the aperture unveils thousands more "non-combat" -- but war-related -- uniformed deaths in desperate need of memorializing. From 2006-2018 alone , 3,540 active-duty service members took their own lives -- just a fraction of the 15-20 daily veteran suicides -- and another 640 died in accidents involving substance-abuse. Each death is unique, but studies demonstrate that the combined effects of PTSD and moral injury -- these wars' " signature wound " -- contributed to this massive loss of life. On a personal level, at least four soldiers under our commands took their own lives, as have several friends. These are real folks who left behind real loved ones.

Faced with unrecognizable brands of war, most people substitute nostalgia and myth. Grappling with war's reality has implications that are too disturbing. Far simpler and more satisfying is to commemorate long past sacrifices at Normandy and Iwo Jima, rather than more confounding losses in Niger and Iraq. The temptation persists even as the last World War II veterans pass; old notions of what combat is die with them.

The United States has lost its ethical and strategic way. Riddled with a virus that has now killed more Americans than the Revolutionary, Mexican, Spanish, Indian, Philippine, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq, and Afghan Wars combined , this nation requires serious soul-searching. Reimagining its bookended summer celebrations might be a good start; but it won't be easy.

In a new take on an old tradition, perhaps it's proper to not only pack away the whites, but don black as a memorial to a republic in peril.

Matthew Hoh is a member of the advisory boards of Expose Facts, Veterans For Peace and World Beyond War. He previously served in Iraq with a State Department team and with the U.S. Marines. He is a Senior Fellow with the Center for International Policy.

Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and contributing editor at . He served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and later taught history at West Point. He is the author of a memoir of the Iraq War, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge .

[May 28, 2020] Gabbard's withdrawal of the defamation claim against Clinton clearly represents the final stage of 'bending the knee' to the party.....

May 28, 2020 |

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has chosen to let Hillary Clinton get away with calling her an agent of the Kremlin, dropping the defamation lawsuit for the sake of party unity and defeating President Donald Trump.

While Gabbard and her campaign "remain certain of the action's legal merit," the new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic requires them to "focus their time and attention on other priorities, including defeating Donald Trump in 2020, rather than righting the wrongs here," her attorney Dan Terzian wrote in the court filing withdrawing the lawsuit on Wednesday.

It was a far cry from the fiery tone of the original complaint, filed in January, accusing Clinton of lying "publicly, unambiguously, and with obvious malicious intent" when she claimed Gabbard was "the favorite of the Russians," in an October 2019 interview.

Gabbard's withdrawal of the defamation claim against Clinton clearly represents the final stage of 'bending the knee' to the party.....

[Apr 06, 2020] Endorsing Biden at any time? That man is a republican in drag, a scumbag in a suit, a thief in in a cassock,a creep in the vestry, a carpetbagger backing fascist Ukraine and stealing from their people

Apr 06, 2020 |

sad canuck , Apr 6 2020 7:22 utc | 156

oglalla @ 141

I never mentioned or voiced any support for Trump or Pelosi, and speaking of straw, you probably don't even realize that your response is a textbook example of a straw man argument which involves refuting an argument that was not actually presented. Well done.

I live in Hawaii and know what my neighbors think. I'm glad Gabbard is back here and making a difference instead of wasting more time on the pointless theatre of the DNC. I don't like the Biden support but name one serious candidate who fought the MIC these primaries or got 5% of the MSM hostility that Gabbard took. That would be no one. Your disappointment is of no concern to the people of Hawaii.

Like I've said before. I'll wait to hear about the Biden issue from the candidate herself before breaking out the tar and feathers. Right now she's got more important things to do that satisfying random bloggers.

uncle tungsten , Apr 6 2020 8:32 utc | 160

sad canuck #123

I am fine with Tulsi bailing out for her community and that is precisely the most sincere thing to do. I applaud that move.

Endorsing Biden at any time? NO WAY> that man is a republican in drag, a scumbag in a suit, a thief in in a cassock,a creep in the vestry, a carpetbagger backing fascist Ukraine and stealing from their people. He and his decrepit son stole the USA and IMF loans and left the Ukrainian people to pay them off. She endorsed that shit.

Silence would have been the appropriate action and tactically correct until after the Convention if she was politically intent to await the process between the B and the B.

[Apr 05, 2020] Jimmy Dore Challenges Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Regarding Her Praising the Virtue of US Military Service by Adam Dick

Apr 02, 2020 |
In August and November I wrote about the strangeness of United States House of Representatives member and then 2020 Democratic presidential nomination candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) regularly playing up her 16-plus years and counting employment in the United States military, and other Americans' service in the US military as well, as a virtue while she at the same time makes opposing major actions of that military, including the carrying out of certain wars, a focus of her congressional work and campaign.

Jimmy Dore, who has similar concerns about Gabbard's rhetoric promoting the virtue of service in the US military, asked Gabbard about this in an interview with Gabbard at his The Jimmy Dore Show in March. In the interview focused largely on Gabbard's announcing , upon her dropping out of the Democratic presidential nomination race, that she is supporting Joe Biden for president, Dore asked several tough questions in an effort to induce Gabbard to address the matter directly. Here is the initial exchange between Dore and Gabbard on the topic, with Dore twice attempting to elicit a clear explanation from Gabbard:

DORE: So, I just wanted to talk with you a little bit more about antiwar veterans. So, a lot of veterans and antiwar veterans watch this show, and I meet them when we do events and everything. And they wanted me to ask you this. They say a lot of antiwar veterans say they are not proud to have served, that they are sorry to have taken part, and they offer apology to the countries that they occupied and the people that are living there, and that participating in these wars is only a service to weapons manufacturers and war profiteers. So, what do you say to that?

GABBARD: I respect every veteran -- those who make those statements and those who express their pride in serving our country. I am personally I am proud to wear this country's uniform. I am grateful for the privilege of being able to serve. And it is those experiences that I have had throughout my service that have motivated me to dedicate all of my energy towards bringing about the political change in our leadership that actually honors the great sacrifice, selflessness, and courage that our men and women in uniform and that our veterans lay on the line. I think that it's important to draw that line of distinction between those who serve and wear the uniform and who salute the flag versus the politicians who are dishonoring that service through the policies that they are advocating for.

DORE: So, I mean it seems to me that soldiers are not fighting for the safety and security of this country when they go over to places like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan. They're actually achieving the opposite. even in fighting the War on Terror, where it's observed that for every civilian killed we create two more jihadis. And so, I mean, it just seems, given your piercing criticisms of these corporate interventions, can you square that circle for me -- how you can be proud to serve in things that you call out for being wrong?

GABBARD: I'm proud to serve our country. I am angered by the politicians who needlessly send our troops into harms way to fight in wars that don't make us any safer. There are missions that our troops are sent on to go and defeat ISIS and al-Qaeda that are focused on making the American people safe, and those are missions that should continue to defeat that threat that is posed to our national security and foreign policy. But, you're right, there are a lot of missions in whether it's continued deployments in Afghanistan without any clear objective or any clear goal that actually serves our country's security interests or, you know, regime change wars like we've in Iraq and Syria and Libya and other countries that actually undermine our national security interests. So, there is a difference and a distinction, especially when you know, when you understand that it's the politicians who are making these decisions and it's why I'm focusing my efforts on bringing about that change there to truly honor them and their service.

Later in the interview, Dore returned to the topic, again seeking to obtain from Gabbard a coherent explanation while presenting his concern that Gabbard's promotion of the virtue of being in the US military can encourage other people to choose employment in the US government's war machine:
DORE: So, I just have one more question. So, a couple months ago there's these kids who live across the street from me. I don't know how, they're like 16 through 19, and they're out washing their car, and then three recruiters jumped out of their car and started recruiting them to go fight in these bogus wars. And, so, Stef and I went out, and we started talking to the kids, and we said: "You don't have to listen to these guys; tell these guys to get lost." And, so, it made me think, you know, everything that you touch you make it a little more attractive, so, are you worried that people are joining these bogus wars because you made joining a little more attractive?

GABBARD: No. I'm not. There's great honor in serving our country, and, whether you're a kid who's graduating high school or you're someone of any age and you make that decision to go and serve our country, no matter the political circumstances, that is a very rare and special thing. I also respect those who say, 'No, I won't join the military because I don't want to be in that position to have to go and fight in a war that a politician sends me to go and fight." And I respect people's decisions on both ends of the spectrum. But, there is no honor lost in those who make that decision, raising their right hand to say "I'm willing to lay my life down for my country and the safety and well-being of the American people." And that's a decision that's motivated by love.

Watch these exchanges between Dore and Gabbard, and the complete interview, here:

Good for Dore for trying three times in the interview to elicit from Gabbard a clear, logical answer about this important apparent contradiction at the heart of one of her major areas of focus in politics. All he received back was more of the same nonsense rhetoric Gabbard has been putting out for so long, the same rhetoric the logic of which Dore was challenging.

Luckily for Gabbard, few other people will broach the subject Dore broached. The social convention that everyone should thank people in the military for their service and shut up about any criticisms they may have about such service is so strong that few interviewers have the guts to question Gabbard about this elephant in the room.

Copyright © 2020 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
Please donate to the Ron Paul Institute

[Mar 29, 2020] The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard

Was she bought or threatened or what?
Notable quotes:
"... Because Biden is the ultimate "anti-Gabbard", she should have endorsed either Bernie, or even Trump, but instead she endorsed a morally corrupt warmonger, a total pawn for the MIC. ..."
"... What, exactly, did Tulsi owe to Bernie? I don’t recall him defending her from the Russiagate bots – even Yang did far more of that than Bernie. ..."
"... Bernie had instead been too busy sucking up to the young careerist SJWs in his movement and to the Russiagate freaks, rather appropriate that he was Russiagated out of the nomination, LOL. ..."
"... Very sad to see. I just figure they got to her in some way through blackmail, threatening her family, etc. Seems rather out of character otherwise. The description of Biden is apt, real scum he is. ..."
"... The virus, whatever it’s origin, has provided the opportunity to revoke whatever is left of the rights of the populace, the best since 9-11. ..."
"... Biden was main actor in starting two wars. War in Libya and war in Syria . On top of it Biden did have a fishy deals in Ukraine and China. ..."
"... She could have waited until the bitter end to endorse the Democratic candidate, if she wanted to keep her word. Or she could have not done so, in the same way that a soldier need not follow an illegal order, or anyone with a conscience would avoid endorsing a committed and repeated warmonger. ..."
"... It is academic for me to argue which party is the dumbest, since I believe both are part of the Deep State. But currently the dems have it over the repubs in stupidity. Gabbard was the best in a horrible lineup. She was a one trick pony…antiwar…but a great trick. I know about the promise to endorse the nominee…but Biden is brain dead. ..."
Mar 29, 2020 |

... ... ...

It was pretty clear to most observers that Tulsi Gabbard, being the only real "peace candidate" would never be allowed to get the nomination, nevermind make it into the White House. It was also clear that Tulsi, for all her very real qualities, simply did not have what it takes to take on "The Swamp". Still, in spite of this all, her candidacy and campaign were like a huge pitcher of cool water in the middle of an immense and dry desert. Her uniqueness amongst all the candidate is what make her betrayal even more painful for those who respected or even supported her. Once it became clear that she would never get the nomination, not only did she not run as an independent (something which Hillary seems to fear a lot), she endorsed Uncle Joe, the clearly senile, totally corrupt and generally repugnant frontman for the Clinton gang. This endorsement of Biden is something which she did not have to do, but she did it.

When the DNC stole the nomination from Sanders, he did not lead a protest or run as an independent, he endorsed Hillary. I always considered him a fraud for this (and many other) reasons. Now Tulsi Gabbard is doing the same thing, which probably is a good indicator that the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt to the core, which is hardly big news, but which is dramatically confirmed by Gabbard's profoundly immoral decision. Why do I say that?

Because Biden is the ultimate "anti-Gabbard", she should have endorsed either Bernie, or even Trump, but instead she endorsed a morally corrupt warmonger, a total pawn for the MIC.

At the end of the day, she mostly betrayed herself, and that is the saddest aspect of this debacle.

Anatoly Karlin , says: • Website Show Comment March 25, 2020 at 11:34 pm GMT

What, exactly, did Tulsi owe to Bernie? I don’t recall him defending her from the Russiagate bots – even Yang did far more of that than Bernie.

Bernie had instead been too busy sucking up to the young careerist SJWs in his movement and to the Russiagate freaks, rather appropriate that he was Russiagated out of the nomination, LOL.

All the candidates, including Tulsi, had committed to supporting the winner and Bernie’s odds by the time Tulsi endorsed Biden were very close to zero. It is ironic, as noted by Michael Tracey, that it is generally Tulsi’s most eager supporters who were most inclined to dismiss her own words.

anonymous [400] • Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 12:20 am GMT

she mostly betrayed herself,

Very sad to see. I just figure they got to her in some way through blackmail, threatening her family, etc. Seems rather out of character otherwise. The description of Biden is apt, real scum he is.

The virus, whatever it’s origin, has provided the opportunity to revoke whatever is left of the rights of the populace, the best since 9-11.

Turkey lacks either the will, or the capability

At this point they probably have way lower capability than their numbers suggest. They’ve had enough to deal with just Kurd guerillas. Their approach is NATO style throwing a lot of ordinance at targets. Don’t count on them for anything.

Zarathustra , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 4:09 am GMT
Trump will wipe the floor with Biden. Biden was main actor in starting two wars. War in Libya and war in Syria . On top of it Biden did have a fishy deals in Ukraine and China.

Biden is a dead duck with slow wit. He has no chance.

Antiwar7 , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 8:25 am GMT
@Anatoly Karlin

She could have waited until the bitter end to endorse the Democratic candidate, if she wanted to keep her word. Or she could have not done so, in the same way that a soldier need not follow an illegal order, or anyone with a conscience would avoid endorsing a committed and repeated warmonger.

der einzige , says: • Website Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 10:29 am GMT
This is my comment from a year ago, if Saker censor read it, he wouldn’t be surprised. It just means his “analysis” is worth shit.
How can anyone who is a CFR member or serves two rounds in Iraq based on Colin Powell be anyone good? How the fuck?

All his writing (description of the facts (after the facts) of what everyone can see) brings nothing and any forecasts are wrong (love for Tulsi, fall of Ukraine, nuclear war threatening as an excuse for Russia’s submission to the Empire).

Saker was over when he began to censor those who disagree with him and who, as you can see, are right. Pride walks before falling. Fuck him and his great Tulsi love!

Realist , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 12:26 pm GMT
@Anatoly Karlin

It is academic for me to argue which party is the dumbest, since I believe both are part of the Deep State. But currently the dems have it over the repubs in stupidity. Gabbard was the best in a horrible lineup. She was a one trick pony…antiwar…but a great trick. I know about the promise to endorse the nominee…but Biden is brain dead.

gepay , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 4:52 pm GMT
If I had known that she had promised to endorse the Democratic nominee I would never have had thoughts about her candidacy. since she was my choice based on her anti regime change stance I knew she didn’t have a chance. She had watched Bernie get deprived of the nomination in 2016. It was worrisome that she was a former CFR member. It didn’t bother me that she didn’t get into 9/11 as that is death for anyone who wants the system to take them seriously. It did bother me that she didn’t confront the Israeli – whatever you want to call it. Especially as the media ignored her and the party worked against her. She was an attractive candidate and seemed sincere but the Dem voters never considered her. so fooled again. then again we here all know that the President only has so much power against the national security evolving police state and MIC and global deep state. If they use it then they only have to watch the Zapruder film for their near future or their loved ones.
vot tak , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 7:21 pm GMT
“she should have endorsed either Bernie, or even Trump,”

Even the likud quisling trump? And this would be less of a betrayal than endorsing biden? In what delusional alternative universe?

William H Warrick III MD , says: Show Comment March 26, 2020 at 10:06 pm GMT
Tulsi’s problem is that she thinks GIs SHOULD NOT REFUSE TO DEPLOY OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY LIKE WE DID 53 YEARS AGO. She thinks THEY HAVE A DUTY TO GO!!! She probably doesn’t even know who Smedley Butler is. She wants to end the Regime Change Wars but has no idea how to do it!!! So now she is supporting a Warmonger who just had a #Me To charge and his accuser has been labeled a RUSSIAN AGENT AND WAS DOXXED.

John Chuckman , says: • Website Show Comment March 27, 2020 at 11:21 am GMT
“At the end of the day, she mostly betrayed herself, and that is the saddest aspect of this debacle.”
It would be sad in everyday life, but national politics and everyday life have almost nothing in common.
And that is all the truer when discussing the national politics of the United States, which may fairly be characterized as ruthless and totally corrupt.
Tulsi Gabbard is a young, intelligent, appealing woman who wants a political career ahead of her.
Her prospects would instantly drop to zero if she did not endorse the party’s candidate.
I find it disappointing that she did so, but I find the entire American political scene disappointing.
I am not even clear why a person like Tulsi would want to run in the United States.
Perhaps it indicates an underlying level of naivete?
Still some lingering belief in the high school civics class vision of American politics?
Stuff about guys in frock coats pledging their sacred honor?
Bringing good intentions to Washington is bit like Jesus’s statement about throwing pearls before swine.
I am not even sure what Tulsi was doing because her ability to change anything important is also about zero – even in the imaginary world of becoming president.
The game is fixed. The stakes are so immense with just the military/security arm of the establishment burning through a trillion dollars a year.
It virtually all exists to serve plutocrats and empire.
None of those powerful people want a “change” candidate.
The last president who actually thought he could challenge the American establishment left half his head on a street in Dallas.
Anonymous [425] • Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 28, 2020 at 3:46 pm GMT
@AKAHorace Not a chance. Joe Biden represents the old Neo-liberal wing of the Democratic party. Tulsi is an anti-war progressive.

The other thing you have to consider is Joe is old and senile. It is not certain he would finish out his 4-year term if elected. The DNC will make sure they pick someone they are willing to see in power in case Joe bows out. There were paranoid rumors that it would be HRC but I don’t think this will fly with the public. Most likely a moderate woman. Kamala Harris (in a cynical bid to get the Black vote). Amy Klobuchar.

Johnwho , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 8:58 am GMT
Whether Tulsi ‘had what it takes’ to ‘drain the swamp’ will never be known. The DNC made sure to take away her voice from the debates after she wiped the floor with Kamala Harris in an early debate. She got next to no publicity from the msm, but she was certainly better than any of the alternatives.
Like you, I was very disappointed when she supported Biden the war monger and fraud artist.
Ghali , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 10:16 am GMT
Regarding Tulsi Gabbard, from the begining, I was (possibly) the only person who thought she was completely Fake . She is full of American B ** S “Patriotism” a.k.a. Fascism. I mean, if she is quitting politics, she should have endorsed Sanders and starves the self-promoted Zionist, warmongering, corrupt Biden of crucial votes in several progressive counties in the US.
George , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 10:37 am GMT
@Anatoly Karlin Was Bernie ever a ‘real’ candidate? Black Agenda Report had doubts in 2016.

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016

Medicare for All is not a popular issue with democrats.

Nevada culinary union lays into Sanders supporters after health care backlash
The powerful group said the candidate’s backers attacked it for criticizing Sanders’ “Medicare for All” proposal.

Bernie still has up to $18,772,698 of campaign funds he gets to keep with strings attached

Tulsi Gabbard, the white man’s candidate.

What We Know About Tulsi Gabbard’s Base

I sent some money to Gabbard and have no regrets. The American people betrayed her not the other way around. Why shouldn’t she endorse Biden, an endorsement* is a meaningless gesture, political survival is the most important thing for her. Thanks for trying Tulsi.

* In the US an endorsement only has meaning if the endorser has some sort of political machine to get a candidate elected or at least raise money. Gabbard had none except maybe veterans.

The Alarmist , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 10:49 am GMT

When the DNC stole the nomination from Sanders, he did not lead a protest or run as an independent, he endorsed Hillary. I always considered him a fraud for this (and many other) reasons.

We should cut both Bernie and Tulsi some slack; when you go up against a machine whose principle actors have a documented triple-digit body-count, you either kiss the ring or sleep with the fishes.

9/11 Inside job , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 11:57 am GMT
Tulsi Gabbard was a “faux” anti-war candidate , when it became known that she was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations they scrubbed her name from the site.

I recently receive an email from her where she came out in support of warmonger Joe Biden and blamed Al Qaeda for the 9/11 false flag attacks

It’s all Kabuki theater and the democratic and republican parties operate like crime families and have proven once again that they are “two wings of the same bird of prey “. The US is a pathocracy, kakistocracy, cryptocracy, plutocracy all rolled into one.

Anon [378] • Disclaimer , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 12:47 pm GMT
@Anatoly Karlin 1: She is a card carrying member of CFR.

2: She owed her supporters something, not fellow traveler Bernie.

I’ve always suspected that she is run by military intelligence.

KenH , says: Show Comment March 29, 2020 at 4:19 pm GMT

Now Tulsi Gabbard is doing the same thing, which probably is a good indicator that the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt to the core

The Tulsitards will get mad at you but she exposed herself as a fraud. Biden’s been a big warmonger on the left and she endorsed him. Biden is one of the biggest assholes in the swamp and attacks and insults voters who asks him fair questions and she calls him a unifier.

If Bernie was for real then he’d run as an independent instead of cucking and endorsing Biden.

[Mar 28, 2020] Tulsi Biden's endorsement was a clear betrayal of her supporters, because Biden is a war hawk, Zionist, and a staunch neoliberal. Biden has a key figure in the shrinking of the middle class and the impoverishment of the working poor since 1980

Was Tulsi an intelligence agencies controlled candidate?
Mar 28, 2020 |

Kristan hinton , Mar 27 2020 21:38 utc | 48

Recall that last election wherein Tulsi stepped down from a vaunted position within the D Party Establishment to, IIRC, support Bernie. Any case, whatever it was, it was a choice which indicated a different and principled politician - in the person of Tulsi - or at least she appeared to be an individual with a few principles.

Now this Biden endorsement is decidedly unprincipled, because Biden is, without question, a warhawk, a self-proclaimed proud Zionist, and a persistent enabler of the one percent - be it "accidental" or be it brazen with forethought and full intent. Biden has a colorful history of being a key figure in the dismantlement of the middle class and the further impoverishment of the working poor.

I am disappointed in Tulsi Gabbard.

Though she'd have been torn to bits with the exposure of her association with the unusual religious cult. Makes one curious as to how she has gotten as far as she has in mainstream politics.

[Mar 22, 2020] Tulsi on Jimmy Dore show: my mission is to stop these regime change wars that's why I support war criminal Joe Biden.

Mar 22, 2020 |

MiDikGon Lapitise , 23 minutes ago

Jimmy look like a boy in middle school when his girlfriend breaks up with him but she says we can still be friends

Kay Paden , 1 hour ago

Tulsi on mask shortage-"It's hard to imagine how this could be happening in America." Really? You're surprised the corrupt two-party that you insist we choose between got us here?

Ouu Baaa , 1 hour ago

Andrew Yang just admitted that he endorsed Biden cause he got offered a position in his cabinet should Biden become president. Tulsi of course would never do that XD .

Nicolas Cooper , 2 hours ago

Meryl Streep should give Tulsi an award for Best Actress.

Kim Young , 3 hours ago

And she thinks endorsing Joe is going to help climate change?

Alpa Cino , 2 hours ago

What a fraud 😂

Citizen Harrison , 2 hours ago

20:13 "and that's a decision motivated by.." POVERTY. They use the poor to fight in these goddamn wars.

Wolfking Of SI , 3 hours ago (edited)

Tulsi just admit that "your party" is corrupt horse plop. You should have left and started a 3rd party.

Remy Williams , 2 hours ago

I wonder how strong the Progressive movement would've been if careerists like Gabbard and Warren stayed away and the front was unified from the beginning.

Guy Smiley , 1 hour ago

When Jimmy started his live video the day she announced supporting Biden, I said to myself "I bet anything he blames Bernie for her dropping out and supporting Biden." Low and behold, he did.

Alice Wonderland , 4 hours ago

"How and where my best. . . (interests lay). Freudian slip.

Leo Fain , 1 hour ago

First Yang and now Tulsi this is heartbreaking all of them are fake af

Armand Raynal , 3 hours ago

6:56 "which is something I always said I would do btw, that I would support the eventual democratic nominee" Am I living in a parallel dimension? The primary is not finished yet, you can still endorse Biden when it will be over if he wins the primary but endorse Bernie for the moment. Is it that hard? Ho right, I forgot, the primary is rigged and we all know that Biden the senile kid diddler and liar will be the nominee one way or another. Fucked up, but she's not helping. She probably knows she'll be kicked out of politics if she does not endorse biden and cares more about her career than doing the right thing.

Norris Hude , 1 hour ago

War is ingrained into US society, "Thankyou for your service" says it all. Heroes in America are obviously those who go to war at the behest of the zionists and the corporations.

David Richardson , 1 minute ago

"I don't play the political game" Next sentence "I'm pragmatic"

Amparo Zarza Cardoso , 25 minutes ago

Two words to Gabbard: incongruent and liar

Charles Wilson , 8 minutes ago (edited)

"The scope of the effects of this are difficult to comprehend at this time..." This is truly amazing that someone in the government has the audacity to blame a virus for people's inability to "make rent" when it was them that created the current hysteria and panic. There is a pandemic. I agree. But so far counting all of the cases that we know about, it is no where even close to the season flue that we see every year! And the government is shutting down businesses! It is a shame that they are using the current situation to further the idea that people are dependent on the government to survive! How far we as a nation and a people have fallen from the ideals that created this nation in the first place! I am disgusted!

Eric Zvonchenko , 2 hours ago

Biden is not the Democratic nominee. She is supporting Biden over Sanders not Biden over trump.

Hermann G Lippe , 2 hours ago

Like Bernie, Tulsi is just another TWO FACED Globalist Presstitute. Tulsi says her platform is to stop regime change and bring are troops home! Why does she then endorse Biden who supports regime change and keeping troops in the middle east? Tulsi says she does this to defeat Trump but Trump campaigned to stop regime change and bring are troops home!

[Mar 22, 2020] What Tulsi Gabbard Did For Us by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

Tulsi betrayed her supporters by endorsing Biden. She essentially unconditionally capitulated tot he neocon wing of the Dems. In this sense she proved to a be a turncoat. To me, she's a sell-out. her campaign filled with military-based patriotism, flag-waving, and pledge-of-allegiance rah rah USA cheerleading. It gave me the creeps, quite frankly.
Is happening during a time when Trump has the bullhorn everyday during a financial crisis and a terrifying pandemic while Joe has abdicated his role as the presumptive Democratic nominee to counter the Presidents narrative and reassure the American people . The optics are bizarre and politically unsustainable. Into to this growing narrative, the principled Tulsi ends her campaign and endorses who? The missing Joe. The timing of her endorsement is peculiar indeed. suggested that she was a sheepdog all along. She endorsed neoliberal warmonger responsible for a couple of imperial war because Biden has a good heart!
Also was she threatened or coerced in any way? Because earlier in the vid she certainly implies there was no way she could fight the DNC's version of City Hall.
Mar 22, 2020 |
The first time I saw Tulsi Gabbard in action was during a 2018 House Veteran' Affairs Health subcommitee hearing on Capitol Hill. She she was going up one side of a bland-faced Veterans Affairs (VA) representative and down the other for stalling on burn pits help for sick veterans. My head jerked up as I was banging out notes on my laptop. Up until then it had been the usual staid affair -- VA bureaucrats mewling the same old pablum about tasks forces and blue ribbon studies -- meanwhile an untold number of vets had been exposed to toxins from the burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, and had been warning of irrevocable health effects, even dying, since 2007. Then the air in the packed hearing room started to crackle. We don't want to hear about your studies, the Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii said, her voice piercing the room. We want action.

I scrambled to Google her. This young, capable congresswoman cutting straight through the bullshit was an Iraq War veteran! No wonder. As a journalist covering the swamp since 1999 it was easy to fall into jaded complacency about partisan politicians grandstanding on their hobby horses with no longterm interest in fixing anything. But recent veterans who had become members of Congress seemed to address their new roles like they would a tactical mission. In her case, it was veterans' health, and there was nothing inauthentic in how she was approaching the witnesses in front of her, or the issue at hand.

In the intervening years she became known as a non-interventionist and independent thinker who was skeptical of her own party's embrace of the national security status quo and the military industrial complex. By the time she launched her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination and started talking about ending endless "regime change wars" on the debate stage, the Washington skeptics and non-interventionists on the Right, particularly at this magazine, had already taken notice. TAC writers like Scott Ritter and Daniel Larison became a vanguard here against the establishment's spiteful and petty fusillade over her diplomatic visit to Bashar Assad, her deviation from the party's talking points on Russia, and even Trump.

Yet when she delivered the K.O. against Kamala Harris in the second Democratic debate, cooly pointing out the California Senator's hypocrisy on criminal justice, it was the most satisfying moment up until then or since. If forced to watch every single moment of every single debate this season it would be worth every second just to see Gabbard make Harris twist in the wind and eventually deflate her candidacy with that one brilliant stroke. Ditto for her later take-down of Pete Buttigieg, a candidate using his veteran status in a completely different way, as TAC's Gil Barndollar (also a recent vet) points out . This was the steely focus and yes, righteousness, that I saw in that House hearing room in 2018, and served her well on the stage among her political adversaries, who didn't care that she checked all the boxes (a woman of color, the first Samoan-American and Hindu to run for president). She was "not of the body" when it came to the party line. She would never belong.

It served her well when she called out Madame Hillary, though that likely brought the death knell to her hopes for the Democratic nod. If she hadn't drawn the full force of the bee hive before, attacking the Queen Bee proved fatal. She left the race officially today having performed well off-the-radar in the early and recent primaries. But unlike many of the puppets who called themselves candidates in this dreary Democratic display, Gabbard leaves with her pride, her integrity, and her independence intact. Some may balk at her endorsement of Biden, a man who voted for the war that she despises, who serves as a symbol of the partisan corruption she had pledged to overcome. She has her reasons. We just hope she won't fade away, as she won't be running for re-election in the fall.

What has she left us? Proof that there are politicians who make "transpartisan" seem real and worthy, and not just another faddish concept to be abused for political gain. She leaves us with the sense that not all pols are in it for the power, but for weightier goals, like veterans' health, and bringing an end to an entrenched, hubristic foreign policy that sends young men and women like Gabbard into wars we cannot win. She was the only one to bring a personal and unyielding take on that to the debate stage and into our living rooms, and for that, we should be grateful.

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, executive editor, has been writing for TAC for the last decade, focusing on national security, foreign policy, civil liberties and domestic politics. She served for 15 years as a Washington bureau reporter for, and at WTOP News in Washington from 2013-2017 as a writer, digital editor and social media strategist. She has also worked as a beat reporter at Bridge News financial wire (now part of Reuters) and Homeland Security Today, and as a regular contributor at A native Nutmegger, she got her start in Connecticut newspapers, but now resides with her family in Arlington, Va.

ParkerPolhill 3 days ago

Her statement endorsing Biden proves all this about propaganda about her being "trans partisan" whatever that means, and not out for personal power are false. Gabbard clearly still wants a future career connected to the Democratic establishment.
Null ParkerPolhill 3 days ago • edited
I hate to discount ambition as a motive for any politician, but an old-fashioned antiwar Dem could still prefer Biden to Trump for economic reasons.
dragnet20 3 days ago
Tulsi destroyed Kamala Harris' campaign and gave the antiwar movement a voice in the Democratic primary. She never had a chance in hell of being the nominee, but she played a weak hand with wits, courage and a strong heart. In a better party--country--she'd be one of the top tier candidates.

Instead she'll have to settle for being a hero to folks like me.

cka2nd Collin Reid 3 days ago
The Daily Kos crowd hated her guts ("Fake social liberal! Dictator lover! Trump appeaser!") and aggressively raised funds for her primary opponent, so I'm not sure her House seat was all that safe for her anymore.

Reagan's criticism of Carter's Panama Canal Treaty got him a rebuke from the Duke himself. John Wayne wrote a letter to Reagan calling him a liar over his criticism of the treaty. Not sure how the spat became public, but that was one of the first things that started warming my heart towards Wayne.

She probably should have dropped out after New Hampshire and endorsed Sanders. Frankly, Sanders should have been working behind the scenes to get a joint Yang/Gabbard endorsement before or after Nevada. Not that she is well known outside of academic or feminist circles, but rolling up their endorsement with that of black feminist Barbara Smith before South Carolina might have blunted the Pete/Amy/Beto bit of political theater for Biden a little bit, if not the Clyburn endorsement.

Collin Reid cka2nd 2 days ago
1) Tulsi started going off the rails halfway through primary and her position on gay rights was going to be a problem for liberal attacks along with her continued defending Assad in general. (We should stay out of Syria years ago but Assad is terrible.)

2) I suspect it helped Reagan in 1980 with criticism of Carter's Panama Canal Treaty with most voters. Yea he took some flack for it but it helped Reagan criticizing Carter's foreign policy weakness.

3) I see Sanders problem closer to Matt Yglesias view that Sanders had 30 - 35% of the Party voters and needed to do more to win the other 65%. He was over estimated his WWC support from 2016 (as opposed to anti-HRC vote when Primary was practically over) and Sanders was going to have problems with candidate winnowing.

And Sanders really failed to gain support from Southern African-American voters who led Biden's comeback.

ZizaNiam Collin Reid 2 days ago • edited
Assad MAY be terrible to ISIS sympathizers, but he also doesn't support the genocide of Syria's Christian,Shia,Ismaili,Druze and Alawite minorities. The genocidal al-Qaeda/ISIS affiliates have ravaged Syria's minority populations while getting support from Israel. Whenever AQ/ISIS are getting overrun by the Christian-led Syrian Arab Army, Israel is always there to provide air support to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Tulsi, of course is a big supporter of Israel and does not address Israel's role in the war against Syria's minority populations. She is comfortable with her hypocritical stance.
cka2nd Collin Reid 2 days ago
I don't remember Gabbard ever "defending" Assad politically or personally. At most, I thought she expressed support for his government in its military conflict with ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

Don't disagree with you about Sanders. I do believe he was the strongest general election candidate, but the majority of the Democratic electorate has clearly moved back to the center and a desire for continuity with the Clinton/Obama/Biden past, which is utter foolishness and stupidity on their part.

Fran Macadam 3 days ago
I don't need to know anything more than she endorsed establishment Joe over the Hill Biden, the warmonger's warmonger. None of their professional pols are ever going to do anything but cave to the swamp of the status quo. Oligarchy Uber Alles. She just nailed the lid shut on her supposed integrity. Hey, Bernie's next.

And coronavirus is of no matter, except to use as an excuse to get Donald Trump, who really did call out and try to stop some wars, to no avail. History is full of lying politicians who got elected by promising to keep us out of wars, then started them as soon as the votes were counted.

ChiefBloviator 2 days ago
Gabbard is the most exciting politician in a generation imo. She is consistently highly strategic in her moves, and kept her antiwar platform in the public eye on a tiny budget as far as was feasible while the caucus season still had life and attention. It is clear the corporate Dems are firmly in control and have cleverly manouvered Biden to be the face of the DNC. With that scenario and likely no convention or media for the next few months it was smart, as the only life long Democrat in the field, to 'support' Biden (confounding the brainwashed Russia/Syria/India conspiracy theorists) as the candidate, just as she vowed to do at the start of her campaign.
The battle is over. the corporate Dems won, but will likely lose the war to Trump in November. It's possible the entire aged field of political operatives that control the 'beehive' will be history by this time next year, and as the DNC begins to reform, root out venal corruption and reconstitute Gabbard's star may well rise again.
The other distinct possibility is that the oligarch Bloomberg will replace Mrs Clinton as the majordomo of the DNC and with his Hawkfish Cambridge Analytica style machine will steamroller some sort of quasi fascist party into power post Covid19 low key (I hope) martial law. Bloomberg was clever to inject 44 million - pocket lint in his 55 billion - just before super Tuesday to destroy Sanders the strawman social democrat while standing down other corporate puppet candidates.
I hope Gabbard doesn't become a TV bobblehead like Yang. That would be dispiriting.
Sky Rudd 2 days ago
nice article but the title is misleading. What she actually did was give a voice to the voiceless, and changed the dialogue in America regarding foreign policy and interventionalist wars. The way our leaders think about "regime change" wars has shifted greatly in part because of the efforts of Tulsi Gabbard. Her continuing to highlight the extremely crucial areas of corruption and misgovernance that are ruining our country is what she has, is, and will continue to do for us.
esquimaux a day ago
This puff piece won't do. Tulsi has chosen to stay with a gang that has no use for her. "She has her reasons" for endorsing Biden. Folks have their reasons for doing a lot of things. Tulsi could have dispensed with this nonsense of a Presidential run and been the leader of a movement that would have posed a challenge to these failing and merging political parties. She may be inspiring on a personal level but, in the immortal words of The Four Tops, "It's the same old song, just a different feeling since you been gone."
Peter a day ago • edited
I was sad to see so many hit pieces this past year portraying Tulsi as some sort of Trump appeaser or traitor who would meet with Assad etc. As a peacemaker, she stood very little chance in the 2020 race. As a female Hindu surfer war veteran peacenik who could sing John Lennon songs with her partner, she was so strikingly unique that people didn't have a box to put her in. With veteran health being one of her primary concerns, she would have been ideal for the age of Corona virus. I can't imagine her disbanding the pandemic response team two years before the worst pandemic in 500 years! Thank you Kelly Vlahos for paying tribute to this remarkable leader. Let's hope Tulsi is far from finished. 2020 is going to be a year when America is taken out to the woodshed and taught a humbling lesson about mortality, the frailty of life and the need to respect the whole planet. Tulsi might be just the person to lead the country as it rises up from the ashes.
Rhs Per Peter 11 hours ago • edited
As a female Hindu surfer war veteran peacenik

Sounds quite innocuous, even virtuous, right? Except, you do not mention she is also a supporter of Hindoo Fascism/Nationalism, as a supporter of the fascist Indian organisation called RSS. Just recently she tried to whitewash the muslim genocide (even if small level this time) in New Delhi, with her dissembling about some self-perceived "Hinduphobia."

I suppose, as long as it does not affect whites and christians and westerners, her hindoo fascism is of little consequence to you? Let them "moozlims" worry about such things, yeah?

[Mar 22, 2020] Those disbursements to wage earners are vital for the social cohesion to remain in place. I thought Tulsi Gabbard championing that minimum basic income strategy was essential as well.

Notable quotes:
"... I empathies totally with USians that are trapped in the vulgar exploitative nightmare of the usury in that country ..."
Mar 22, 2020 |

uncle tungsten , Mar 22 2020 10:02 utc | 126

chu teh #103

Those disbursements to wage earners are vital for the social cohesion to remain in place. I thought Tulsi Gabbard championing that minimum basic income strategy was essential as well.

I empathies totally with USians that are trapped in the vulgar exploitative nightmare of the usury in that country . Debt Jubilee for all under $100,000 income would be a start. But that might create a vulgar backlash as well.

The naked ferocity of capitalism in the USA is truly a fearsome thing.

[Mar 21, 2020] Tulsi's endorsement of Biden suggests that she's as keen to see the Dems eviscerated as I am.

Mar 21, 2020 |

Hoarsewhisperer , Mar 20 2020 13:42 utc | 2

Tulsi's endorsement of Biden suggests that she's as keen to see the Dems eviscerated as I am.

Hell hath no fury...?

[Mar 21, 2020] If Gabbard is angling for the VP position as Biden mentioned he's looking for a woman as a running mate she better hope Biden remember what he said

Mar 21, 2020 |

Ian2 , Mar 21 2020 21:26 utc | 32

Gabbard is angling for the VP position as Biden mentioned he's looking for a woman as a running mate. She better hope Biden remember what he said. I wonder what Biden's criteria for his candidates? Hmm...

[Mar 21, 2020] Tulsi Gabbard says insider traders should be 'investigated prosecuted,' as Left and Right team up on profiteering senator

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... "better prepared than ever ..."
"... "akin to the 1918 pandemic." ..."
"... "Congress/staff who dumped stocks after private briefings on impending coronavirus epidemic should be investigated and prosecuted for insider trading," ..."
"... "Members of Congress should not be allowed to own stocks." ..."
"... "stomach churning," ..."
"... "For a public servant it's pretty hard to imagine many things more immoral than doing this," ..."
"... "Richard Burr had critical information that might have helped the people he is sworn to protect. But he hid that information and helped only himself." ..."
"... "If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest," ..."
"... "calling for immediate investigations" ..."
"... "for possible violations of the STOCK Act and insider trading laws." ..."
"... Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! ..."
Mar 21, 2020 |

In a rare moment of bipartisanship, commenters from all sides have demanded swift punishment for US senators who dumped stock after classified Covid-19 briefings. Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has called for criminal prosecution. As chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) has received daily briefings on the threat posed by Covid-19 since January. Burr insisted to the public that America was ready to handle the virus, but sold up to $1.5 million in stocks on February 13, less than a week before the stock market nosedived, according to Senate filings . Immediately before the sale, Burr wrote an op-ed assuring Americans that their government is "better prepared than ever " to handle the virus.

Also on Liberal icon Sean Penn wants a 'compassionate' army deployment to fight Covid-19

After the sale, NPR reported that he told a closed-door meeting of North Carolina business leaders that the virus actually posed a threat "akin to the 1918 pandemic." Burr does not dispute the NPR report.

In a tweet on Saturday, former 2020 presidential candidate and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard called for criminal investigations. "Congress/staff who dumped stocks after private briefings on impending coronavirus epidemic should be investigated and prosecuted for insider trading," she wrote.

"Members of Congress should not be allowed to own stocks."

Congress/staff who dumped stocks after private briefings on impending coronavirus epidemic should be investigated & prosecuted for insider trading (the STOCK Act). It is illegal & abuse of power. Members of Congress should not be allowed to own stocks.

-- Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) March 21, 2020

Burr was not the only lawmaker on Capitol Hill to take precautions, it was reported. Fellow Intelligence Committee member Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and her husband sold off more than a million dollars of shares in a biotech company five days later, while Oklahoma's Jim Inhofe (R) made a smaller sale around the same time. Both say their sales were routine.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Georgia) attended a Senate Health Committee briefing on the outbreak on January 24. The very same day, she began offloading stock, dropping between $1.2 and $3.1 million in shares over the following weeks. The companies whose stock she sold included airlines, retail outlets, and Chinese tech firm Tencent.

She did, however, invest in cloud technology company Oracle, and Citrix, a teleworking company whose value has increased by nearly a third last week, as social distancing measures forced more and more Americans to work from home. All of Loeffler's transactions were made with her husband, Jeff Sprecher, CEO of the New York Stock Exchange.

Meanwhile, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York) and Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) have joined the clamor of voices demanding punishment. Ocasio-Cortez described the sales as "stomach churning," while Omar reached across the aisle to side with Fox News' Tucker Carlson in calling for Burr's resignation.

I am 💯 with him on this 😱

-- Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) March 20, 2020

"For a public servant it's pretty hard to imagine many things more immoral than doing this," Carlson said during a Friday night monolog. "Richard Burr had critical information that might have helped the people he is sworn to protect. But he hid that information and helped only himself."

As of Saturday, there are nearly 25,000 cases of Covid-19 in the US, with the death toll heading towards 300. Now both sides of the political aisle seem united in disgust at the apparent profiteering of Burr, Loeffler, and Feinstein.

Right-wing news outlet Breitbart savaged Burr for voting against the STOCK Act in 2012, a piece of legislation that would have barred members of Congress from using non-public information to profit on the stock market. At the same time, a host of Democratic figures - including former presidential candidates Andrew Yang and Kirsten Gillibrand - weighed in with their own criticism too.

"If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest," Yang tweeted on Friday.

If you find out about a nation-threatening pandemic and your first move is to adjust your stock portfolio you should probably not be in a job that serves the public interest.

-- Andrew Yang🧢 (@AndrewYang) March 20, 2020

Watchdog group Common Cause has filed complaints with the Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Senate Ethics Committee "calling for immediate investigations" of Burr, Loeffler, Feinstein and Inhofe "for possible violations of the STOCK Act and insider trading laws."

Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!

[Mar 21, 2020] Tucker Senator Burr sold shares after virus briefing

Highly recommended!
Mar 21, 2020 |

Bowhead31 , 5 hours ago

The problem is these people no longer see themselves as public servants.

Maria Summers , 6 hours ago

The Georgia Senator is just as guilty as the rest of them, regarding "Insider Trading".

shane passey , 3 hours ago

She's a crook just like the rest of the politicians. They say they be there for the people. But they're really there to make themselves rich

[Mar 21, 2020] Don't forget our congress critter Senator Kelly Loeffler

Mar 21, 2020 |


who make profits as well. I cannot remember exactly when insider trading for them became legal but it should be no surprise to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention that they're ALL doing it. That is one reason, at least in my semi-educated opinion, they did not go after Trump for emoluments during Shampeachment, because THEY ALL DO IT.

That goes all the way to the White House, no doubt.

Marie on Sat, 03/21/2020 - 10:28am

Looks as if the crisis profiteers were on top of it:

Think about this:

Weeks before you had any inkling you were going to lose your job, was selling off millions of stocks -- and *buying* stock in a teleworking company.

-- Robert Reich (@RBReich) March 20, 2020

[Mar 21, 2020] Was Tulsi yet another CIA democrat?

From comments "so that is who Tulsi endorses after talking about how bad they are? Jesus on a cracker give me and effing break, Tulsi. Hondorus, Syria and Ukraine and endorsing the regime change in Egypt. "
"[Looks like] ... blowing off her tiny support base in favor of whatever she has gotten was worth the price to her. Will have to check the next library book sale (postponed at the moment) for a cheap copy of Marlowe's Dr. Faustus or Goethe's Faust and send it to her. (She's not worth buying a new copy for.)
Mar 21, 2020 |

Marie on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 1:47pm

Thanks for the tip

(have no interest in viewing her video because I have an autonomic gag reflex to liars)
The comments there make me feel a bit better. Looks as if Tulsi has lost all of her supporters, funders, and voters, and they aren't coming back.

A sample:

Christopher Brunner:
Imagine basing your whole campaign on ending regime change wars and then ending it by endorsing the man who voted for the Iraq War instead of standing on her principles and endorsing the person who voted AGAINST regome change wars

Tulsi: "I will do everything I can to stop these shameful regime change wars."
Tulsi: "I now completely support one of the principle architects of America's shameful regime change wars."
Tulsi: "Why don't you all love me anymore?"

Okay, a few are saying that Sanders is weak on regime change wars, etc. True enough but he has a long track record of voting no on them when the chips are down.

[Mar 21, 2020] It is doubtful that Will Tulsi will gets some "sweets" for her betrayal of her supporters

Mar 21, 2020 |

rho , 19 March 2020 at 05:53 PM

I think it is near impossible that Biden would pick her as VP, despite this strange endorsement. The Democrat establishment and the borg fiercely oppose her, and with Biden as President and the coronavirus around, there is a real chance this time that a VP pick will have to take over power from a dead or otherwise incapacitated President.

The move does not make much sense to me except as an "I surrender, at least for this election cycle" message, I don't see Tulsi gaining any material benefit from this over endorsing Sanders. The establishment will not suddenly start to like her again because of this.

I also seriously doubt this assessment of Tulsi about Biden:

"I know that he has a good heart and is motivated by his love for our country and the American people."

JerseyJeffersonian , 19 March 2020 at 06:47 PM
Disappointed, but not surprised.

But, unless something has changed of which I am not aware, Warren closed down her campaign without endorsing anyone. Why not Gabbard? Not impressed by this move.

Maybe she thinks this is, as eenginneer proposed above, playing the long game. I don't see how that works, unless abject surrender on essentials (such as the willingness to contest the war/regime change ploy amply on display with Biden & ilk) makes an impression on The Blob that she can be relied upon to do likewise if she ever is entrusted with executive powers. But infliction of such horrors as those brought about by the dismemberment of Libya are scarcely indications of Biden having a good heart (or even a foresightful nature concerning consequences).

What the US needs is an end to these abjectly stupid actions, not a new lease on life for them. So, the more I think on this, and in consideration of her previously professing a principled stand in this issue, this is a deal-breaker for me, fully as bad as Sanders' actively working for the Hildabeast's election in 2016, making me question her sincerity in general.

It is past time to put the kibosh on the imperial fantasy; stand up and be counted or slink away.

ex PFC Chuck , 19 March 2020 at 07:14 PM
Mystifying and dispiriting. Maybe "they" finally got something on her. Alternatively, did she get any sort of contentment out of Joe in return? If she did will he be able to/want to remember it come November 4? There's no chance the "organs" sector of the deep state would take Tulsi-as-Veep lying down. Or any significant foreign policy or national security position for that matter. She may think by endorsing Biden She'd at least partway move back into the good graces of the Democratic Party establishment, but that's a false hope. They'll never trust her again. If she'd kept her endorsement powder dry, even though she'd get no MSM coverage going forward (not the vanishingly small amount she got as a candidate), more than a few of the non-MSM platforms, video and otherwise, that have in some cases millions of readers and viewers, would have been happy to have her on frequently. She'll still get some of that exposure but not much. She may get some MSM stops in the next few days, but that will be it.
Leith , 19 March 2020 at 11:06 PM
Biden says: "Tulsi Gabbard has put her life on the line in service of this country and continues to serve with honor today. I'm grateful to have her support and look forward to working with her to restore honor and decency to the White House."


optimax , 19 March 2020 at 11:27 PM
Tulsi would bring in some republicans but Biden won't choose because he's a puppet of the borg and they thrive on the chaos created by our military interventions. The LSMFT community doesn't like Tulsi for the unforgivable sin of speaking out against gay marriage as a teen--she wasn't born with the progressive purity of heart. Then there's Assad. The media ignored her visit with the orthodox priest in Aleppo who after its recapture by the SAA praised Assad for saving them from the jahadis. The feminists resent Tulsi for being pretty.

All these groups prefer Lady Macbeth be the one to catch Joe when he falls.

JJackson , 20 March 2020 at 11:22 AM
I suspect the DNC and associated party grandees looked at the COVID situation and leant heavily on candidates to back the front runner, so avoiding having their supporters congregate at rallies or a brokered convention. That the front runner happened to be who they wanted to see as their candidate surely helped.
Joseph Chaisson , 20 March 2020 at 11:25 AM
I saw this morning that Tulsi's brother posted on facebook that Bernie declined her offer of endorsement...
The Twisted Genius , 20 March 2020 at 12:18 PM
Joseph Chaisson,

I saw that yesterday. I don't know who Kai Gabbard was responding to and he has since removed that Facebook comment. He also admitted he doesn't know the exact nature of his sister's relationship with Sanders. Here's his original comment.

"Thank you for your kind words sir," the comment reads. "Bernie has treated my sister like sh*t all the way through this. She has tried to endorse him again and he has refused her support. Whoever he's getting his advice from has done a terrible job."
"You go ahead keep talking about however you want, but know this. She is just going to continue being independent and keep fighting for us. Bernie isn't the man me and Tulsi once supported 100 percent. I don't know what happened to him. He's refused to take the fight to the establishment like Tulsi continues to do. Aloha to you and yours."

Who knows what happened between Bernie and Tulsi. Like I said, I was surprised she endorsed old Joe over old Bernie. She's pragmatic and independent. She has demonstrated an ability to work in a bipartisan manner without demonizing anyone. We need a lot more like her.

I'm also partial to the aloha spirit. I thoroughly enjoyed my three and a half years in Hawaii. For two of those years I spent a long weekend every month with C Company, 1/299th Infantry on Maui. I spent another year working fairly closely with the local pig hunters and pakalolo growers in the mountains surrounding my RECONDO school in the Kahuku Mountains. I experienced aloha and ohana rather than anti-haoli discrimination. If Tulsi can bring that spirit to the rest of the US, I'm all for it.

Stueeeeee , 20 March 2020 at 01:12 PM
Gabbard endorsement doesn't surprise me. Her claim to fame is that she speaks truthfully about our mideast adventures...and? Her domestic politics mirror the growing dingbat coalition. I would say that she is a poor man's Ron Paul but that wouldn't be fair to Ron.
He had the integrity not to endorse the detestable Pierre Delecto.
Jim S , 20 March 2020 at 01:34 PM
'Hairy-Legs' Joe: I'm excited to present my running mate, Tally Gourd- What? No- Gabby Ward- I mean the next Vice Governor of the United States, Wally Gizzard!

Interestingly, the CFR membership rolls contain a one Gabbard, Tulsi; no Obiden Bama, however.

[Mar 20, 2020] Such a nice Trojan Horse: How is it possible to morph from a Tulsi, to a Tulsigieg so fast??

Highly recommended!
Mar 20, 2020 |

Ronald van Kemenade , 9 hours ago

After the DNC stabbing her in the back, she should have endorsed Trump.

Nate Hoffman , 11 hours ago

Great actress. Very convincing.

tim ahlf , 5 hours ago

Obama gave her a call like he did everybody else.

Rita Marie Kelley , 12 hours ago

Aloha will never be the same...

Jack Carvis , 1 hour ago

Every dem politician has a role(acting job) to play and she deserves the Oscar .

eancd , 6 hours ago

I guess they won't be calling Tulsi a Russian agent any more

State of Opportunity , 12 hours ago

She should've just endorsed Lindsey Graham.

TheNada73 , 5 hours ago

They made her an offer she can't refuse.

Bruce Liu , 3 hours ago

Tulsi is controlled opposition

[Mar 20, 2020] Lots of people are behaving as if they hadn't heard which "Party" Gabbard and Sanders were running for. They are working for the Single Party; which wing of it is irrelevant, just as irrelevant as any nuances among its different people

Tulsi was under no obligation to endorse right away even if she signed a contract agreeing to support the Nominee, besides, there is no nominee yet. Warren did not endorsed anybody yet, and Bernie is still in the race.
Mar 20, 2020 |
karafspolo , Mar 20 2020 13:46 utc | 3
tulsi is pro aipac, anti BDS, signed a legally binding document to be blue no matter who, and just endorsed a neoliberal war monger who launched 6 of the 8 regime change wars we are currently waging to be our next president.


Carciofi , Mar 20 2020 14:22 utc | 4

Waiting for what Jimmie Dore has to say about Tulsi's capitulation to the party establishment.

As for Sanders, he never had any skin in his non-campaign. Fooled a lot of people.

Sander wasn't in the 2016 and 2020 races to change things, only to give the appearance of seeking radical change, what a grassroots revolution alone could possibly achieve.
Zanon , Mar 20 2020 14:40 utc | 5

Jimmie Dore seems to defend her,

Apparently he is as fake as Tulsi.

Piero Colombo , Mar 20 2020 15:30 utc | 11
Lots of people are behaving as if they hadn't heard which "Party" Gabbard and Sanders were running for. They are working for the Single Party; which wing of it is irrelevant, just as irrelevant as any nuances among its different people. I just don't get why the word "any" should be unclear -- to anyone.
Zanon , Mar 20 2020 17:04 utc | 18
Tulsi's brother seems to be as ignorant as Tulsi,
He claim Tulsi fought the establishment...and then support her when she goes to support the biggest establishent candidate in th race, Mr Biden.

[Mar 20, 2020] My Thoughts On Tulsi Gabbard Suspending Her Campaign And Endorsing Joe Biden

Notable quotes:
"... By supporting a warhawk, she is literally a traitor. ..."
Mar 20, 2020 |

mocki rangne , 12 hours ago

"In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies...Noam Chomsky

jewelryby NaLa , 11 hours ago

Tulsi just proved who she really is.

Rubbles R , 12 hours ago

Henceforth, Tulsi can take her "Aloha" BS and shove it.

horium , 6 hours ago

I'm confident that he will lead our country in the spirit of Zionism and the military industrial complex.

S. Mesut , 11 hours ago

Everyone ready for Hillary 2.0 ? Here it comes in the form of Biden.

L Ngu , 10 hours ago

Tulsi, another charlatan

Emmett S. , 11 hours ago

By supporting a warhawk, she is literally a traitor. ALL this talk of being against the wars and "my brothers and sisters" all total bs because she was offered a golden ticket. Efffffff her.

violoncelo1000 , 10 hours ago (edited)

How is it possible to morph from a Tulsi, to a Tulsigieg so fast?? How can she lie with that straight face, and say Biden has a " good heart "??? I will never, ever trust her again. Democratic Party uses corrupt people without a backbone, and rigged electronic vote machines.

RoB4f * , 11 hours ago

She's a CFR puppet as well...they all are

jeff murray , 12 hours ago

So, she is another Warren. She didn't really believe what she was saying, she just saw an opportunity to become known/gain power by surfing the progressive wave with a plan to leverage that notoriety/support.

armaggedonsblade , 58 minutes ago

You hilarious. And i thought you are smart. 🙁 Voting for any of the imbecils from the Democratic party is just sad

Koen Dove , 10 hours ago

Democrats,'s an empty word

Bill Walden , 6 hours ago

Meet the new Tulsi, same as the old one

Fitzgerald , 6 hours ago

you have egg on your face kim!!!!!!!!! I told you!!!!!!!!

Ike Adegbuyi , 8 hours ago

The fact is that she is part of the game

Adron Goddard , 4 hours ago

She got a visit from the CIA ☹

Bill Smail , 11 hours ago

The system is owned by bankers. The creation of the Federal Reserve cemented their hold. Read - Creature From Jekyll Island

enerchia , 12 hours ago

what an unexpected betrayal

Nate Hoffman , 11 hours ago

Great actress. Very convincing.

[Mar 20, 2020] Tulsi Gabbard Drops out, Endorses Establishment Joe Biden for President

A very good commentary... Worth listening in full
Notable quotes:
"... What a sellout, shameful. So much for being anti establishment anti war endorsing Biden who has voted for regime change wars ..."
"... Endorsing an Imperialist warmonger. Seriously, WTF? ..."
Mar 20, 2020 |
Christo Aivalis 20.3K subscribers Earlier today, Tulsi Gabbard announced she was dropping out of the presidential primary and endorsing Joe Biden for President. Many Tulsi supporters felt betrayed by this move, but it fits the ideological similarities between Tulsi and Biden. It also shows that like with Andrew Yang, Gabbard's anti-establishment image was only superficial, and it shows that Bernie Sanders is the only one meaningfully challenging the political, social, and economic status quo It also shows that those neoliberal democrats who attacked Tulsi as a Russian Asset seem fine with her now, as long as she falls in line. I wonder how Jimmy Dore is feeling?

#Bernie2020 Support me on Patreon: Support me on PayPal: For Christo Aivalis: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Twitch: a

The Militant Vegan , 23 hours ago

What a sellout, shameful. So much for being anti establishment anti war endorsing Biden who has voted for regime change wars

Open Mind , 23 hours ago

sound kinda fishy as Biden was talking about a Female VP .

VeryUs Mumblings , 23 hours ago

I hope Benedict Gabbard will enjoy her vacation to Mt Hypocrite.

Robert James , 23 hours ago

Tulsi is out for herself.

Captain Pawpaw , 23 hours ago (edited)

I thought she was anti-war, yet she supports Biden, what a shame, I can't believe it, she was so fake all along, it's like a bad movie twist... is there even one decent politician in USA, besides Bernie?

Ben Reilly , 23 hours ago (edited)

It's a bummer. She really had so much potential especially after she endorsed Bernie the first time. Now Idk. Williamson is the only one who genuinely went to the most progressive candidate without hesitating. #DemocracyDiesInDarkness

B. Greene , 23 hours ago

Endorsing an Imperialist warmonger. Seriously, WTF???

[Mar 20, 2020] Tulsi disappointed a lot of her voters by endorsing a coward you are now apart of the evil axis of evil elite class, shame on you

Mar 20, 2020 |

Steve Acevedo , 7 hours ago

It's ok that Tulsi got out of the race but why support Biden? She just lost all her credibility and any chance of me ever believing her again.

victor sempiana , 12 hours ago

Miss Gabbard shame on you, you spoke with human empathy, love and decent understanding towards human experience, you disappointed a lot of your fellow human beings by endorsing a coward you are now apart of the evil axis of evil elite class.

S hame on you,, may the bird of paradise look down upon you, shame on you,, you lie , ,now join the elite and eat sponge cake and drink champagne walk the halls of injustice,

[Mar 20, 2020] I supported you for president. But after your endorsement of Joe Biden I will never support you again

Mar 20, 2020 |

Enrico Palazzo , 4 hours ago (edited)

I supported you for president. But after your endorsement of Joe Biden I will never support you again.

Richard Dukard , 17 hours ago

I'm guessing she won't be making any more appearances on the Jimmy Dore show...

DJAY GERRAD , 14 hours ago

wow. It's like nobody in America politics has any backbone

Empty The Trash , 16 hours ago

Tulsi Gabbard just endorsed Joe Biden. The guy that voted for the Iraq war she had to fight in. Joe Biden almost got her killed.

[Mar 20, 2020] Tulsi Gabbard lost her political future moral high ground with Biden-2020 endorsement by Helen Buyniski

Et tu, Brute? So she was fake all the way. Did they bought her with promise of some position in Biden administration?
Mar 19, 2020 |
Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race to endorse her ideological opposite, establishment darling Joe Biden. It's political suicide – for her, and for the idea of a progressive Democrat. Gabbard's decision to bow out on Thursday may have made sense from an electoral perspective – with just two delegates from her native American Samoa, she wasn't exactly a serious challenger to the much-more-popular Biden or even Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, whom she supported in the 2016 race.

Also on What about ending endless wars? Tulsi Gabbard drops out of presidential race and backs ...Biden

Shut out of the primary debates by a Democratic Party establishment afraid she might do to the frontrunner what she had done to California Senator Kamala Harris, whose juggernaut campaign began taking on water after Gabbard exposed her heinous record live on stage, Gabbard had little hope of an eleventh-hour electoral rally.

But while swearing fealty to the presumed nominee may have scored her some points among her establishment critics, most had a clear ulterior motive, using her exit as further leverage to pressure Sanders to drop out.

Even Tulsi Gabbard has the dignity to drop out and endorse Biden. Your move, @BernieSanders .

-- Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) March 19, 2020

Many were quite open about dancing on her grave.

It's Assad day for Tulsi Gabbard

-- The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) March 19, 2020

At the same time, Gabbard's erstwhile supporters feel betrayed, and justifiably so. A candidate who built her campaign on opposition to the business-as-usual Democratic policies of cloaking foreign military intervention in humanitarian jargon, Gabbard instead called for taking the trillions spent on the slaughter and plunder of hopelessly-outmatched Middle Eastern nations and using that money to rebuild the crumbling American homeland. It was a message that resonated across the partisan divide, even attracting some disillusioned 2016 Trump supporters who had voted for the president based on his promise to end the endless wars in Syria and Afghanistan, then watched in horror as he stepped up the bombing and tried to open another front in Iran.

For the young Hawaiian to throw her support behind Biden – a man with nearly a 50-year track record of supporting Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma and the rest of the ruling establishment " because he has a good heart " is spitting in the face of the hundreds of thousands of supporters who have contributed to her campaign, made phone calls on her behalf, packed town halls, and otherwise poured their precious time and money into supporting a long-shot candidate.

So Tulsi Gabbard endorses Biden? I have lost all respect for her.P.S. Don't drop out Bernie. #NeverBiden

-- Margaret Kimberley (@freedomrideblog) March 19, 2020

It's no surprise they aren't taking it well. How are voters supposed to trust any future " progressive " candidates after such turncoat maneuvers from not only Gabbard but Sanders, who in 2016 turned on a dime to stump for establishment pick Hillary Clinton after a coterie of unelected superdelegates declared her the winner following a primary process which leaked emails revealed beyond a shadow of a doubt to be rigged? Gabbard's political seppuku should force progressive Democrats to come to terms with the fact that there is no room for reform within their party.

On the bright side, those same pundits who screamed themselves hoarse warning that Gabbard was working for Vladimir Putin to sow discord among the American electorate and swing the nation to Trump now have to quietly revise their apocalyptic visions. Will they admit the congresswoman is not the Russian wrecking ball they claimed she was, or will they carry the fantasy to the finish line and say Gabbard has infected Biden's campaign with Russian 'malign influence'?

[Mar 16, 2020] Sanders has never been a real candidate. He always was an evangelical Socialist ideologue, a Pied Piper, for dopey students and young people who latched onto his notions

The US Presidential elections are, one way or another, mainly instruments for creating consent
Notable quotes:
"... Bernie has a long standing deal with the Democrats to play nice ..."
Mar 16, 2020 |

Red Ryder , Mar 15 2020 17:48 utc | 2

Bernie Sanders is not a political candidate. He is an evangelical Socialist ideologue.

He has no personality to battle opponents. He makes proclamations of his ideology.

He has never "fought back".

He has no instinct for debating. He believes, therefore, in his mind, he is correct. He expects others to follow his lead.

He has never been a real candidate. He was a distraction, a Pied Piper, for dopey students and young people who latched onto his notions.

When you offer free rewards and your turnout goes down, you are over as a "candidate".

Biden is brain damaged. He is a very dangerous stalking horse for the return of the Magic Negro, Obama, and the sociopathic Hillary Clinton.

If Biden wins in November, expect more war and a very long recession. Social chaos will look racial, but it will be a battle for the Second Amendment, Free Speech, and Traditional Values versus the Soulless Liberalism intended to establish Feudalism 'round the globe.

Everything in the Dem Primary and Convention is rigged. Bernie never had a chance. He could care less. He never expected to be President. He just wanted big crowds to listen to his Polemics.

SteveK9 , Mar 15 2020 18:25 utc | 6


The guy is 78, what makes you think he cares about Vermont ... trying for the first 100-year-old Senator? He's never been able to do anything in Congress anyway. His big shot was spoiled by the Wicked Witch of the East. He would be President now, if not for her.

jef , Mar 15 2020 18:46 utc | 8
Bernie has fought long and hard. Look at his record, he has fought and succeeded in accomplishing more for the people than any other politician.

What everyone is assuming is that if Bern becomes an ugly asshole just like all the others before him TPTB would allow him to be the candidate or god forbid the POTUS. NEVER gunna happen!

There is only one way We The People can get the representation we need and want it to come out and state in the clearest possible way that Dems and Repubs are serving the same masters with the same basic agenda and represent one party. We must then form a new party and put everything we have behind it. It has to be a radical revolution and Bernie has made it clear that he will fight for all of us. Which by the way is exactly what all the top Dems are saying we don't need. Him getting elected under existing conditions would change NOTHING and he knows it. Forcing him to go

People who put all of the responsibility for achieving this on Bernies shoulders are ignorant chicken shits that don't deserve anything better than Biden, Cliton, Trump.

Kali , Mar 15 2020 18:48 utc | 9
#6 Bernie has a long standing deal with the Democrats to play nice or they will do all they can to ruin him. What else explains his reluctance to go after Biden like he should have earlier in the campaign? Either way, we will see what happens, maybe he will go after him, maybe not. I think he won't. I hope he does.
NOBTS , Mar 15 2020 19:08 utc | 13
If Bernie is real; ie. not sheep-dogging for Hillary again, he can prove it by dropping out immediately and throwing his delegates to Tulsi. This is the only shot to thwart the convention designs of the Dame Named Clinton.
Hey Bernie! Throw a Hail Tulsi Pass now!
chili palmer , Mar 16 2020 3:33 utc | 64
Bernie absolutely will not fight. For the record, at Democrat Party platform meetings in July 2016 he wouldn't put up the slightest fight against TPP . His position against TPP had gained him many followers. Union heads who had been anti-TPP until then showed up and were stongly pro-TPP as were Hillary and Obama:

7/9/16, " Bernie Sanders Defeated on Trade in Democratic Platform Fight, " NBC News, Alex Seitz-Wald, Orlando, Fla.

"Bernie Sanders failed to get strong language opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership inserted in the draft Democratic platform at a party meeting here Saturday....It was clear as a string of trade union presidents lined up at the microphone to oppose the Sanders amendments that his forces were outmatched.... (parag. 11)

The Obama administration supports it [TPP], and the desire to avoid embarrassing the president carried the day, with the labor unions acting as a political shield for the White House. Delegates twice Saturday morning voted down stronger opposition language as Sanders supporters booed and chanted "sellout." Some eventually walked out of the meeting entirely."...

The only topic on the 2020 election agenda should be that the US must be broken into parts. The weapons dictatorship that runs the US won't be stopped any other way.

Jackrabbit , Mar 16 2020 3:49 utc | 65

Bernie allowed Biden to co-opt his "message" on every point.

Even on his signature healthcare initiative, sheepdog Bernie rolled over. Bernie should've/could've asked why we should trust that Biden would get a 'public option' when Obama failed to do so (an Obama-Biden campaign promise).

Bernie also showed that he's got no interest in winning by failing to attack Biden on character issues ( just as he wouldn't attack Hillary on character issues in 2016). Any real candidate would've brought up Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine and China.

Bernie also pulled many punches, like:

Bernie's quixotic insurgency isn't anti-establishment. He's leading people into a dead end. And hoping you won't notice.



Bernie is not there to be president, never was. his tribal mission is to dog herd the progressives into voting for the lesser evil Judeo-Zionist DNC´s pick. the day is not far when the name Sanders will have an entry in the common dictionary of the American language defined as "mass deception".

Posted by: nietzsche1510 , Mar 16 2020 8:45 utc | 76

Bernie is not there to be president, never was. his tribal mission is to dog herd the progressives into voting for the lesser evil Judeo-Zionist DNC´s pick. the day is not far when the name Sanders will have an entry in the common dictionary of the American language defined as "mass deception".

Posted by: nietzsche1510 | Mar 16 2020 8:45 utc | 76

Piero Colombo , Mar 16 2020 11:34 utc | 85

Willie @48 / 84
There's no need for Sanders to designate a Dauphin: at every election the Owners of the Country trot out a shepherd dog, to bark the disgruntled people back to the fold, keeping them from burning down the Democrat abomination down. And yes, the sheeple are just as stupid as we think they are. Wallace, Mc Govern, Jackson, Kucinich, Sanders... the Owners always have a sheepdog ready. No matter if heshehe is a well-meaning, sincere populist like Kucinich or a warmongering imperialist buzztard like Sanders, or even worse, the sheepdog is the wolf in person, like Obama, the stupid sheep keep obeying the dog and voting for more of the same.
Because, see, their Hopium addiction has addled their brains. You just don't go to war relying on heroin addicts; it's just as bad with those who need their daily dose of Hope (when there is none.) They can't follow logic.


#13 You are right, absolutely Tulsi would make mincemeat of Biden and the establishment and Trump. They know it. But Bernie has surrounded himself with people who see reality through an establishment lens, which means they look forward to a career in the establishment political job market. They have convinced Bernie to ignore Tulsi because of a variety of reasons 1. Some are neocons 2. Some are Hinduphobes 3. Some are both 4. The rest know the establishment is dead set against Tulsi because she is a revolutionary. So even though she would win easily if Bernie gave his support to Tulsi, I can't see him doing that. Let us pray he does because at this point we need a miracle to save us from either Trump, Biden, or some other establishment lackey.

Posted by: Kali , Mar 15 2020 19:20 utc | 15

#13 You are right, absolutely Tulsi would make mincemeat of Biden and the establishment and Trump. They know it. But Bernie has surrounded himself with people who see reality through an establishment lens, which means they look forward to a career in the establishment political job market. They have convinced Bernie to ignore Tulsi because of a variety of reasons 1. Some are neocons 2. Some are Hinduphobes 3. Some are both 4. The rest know the establishment is dead set against Tulsi because she is a revolutionary. So even though she would win easily if Bernie gave his support to Tulsi, I can't see him doing that. Let us pray he does because at this point we need a miracle to save us from either Trump, Biden, or some other establishment lackey.

Posted by: Kali | Mar 15 2020 19:20 utc | 15

Kadath , Mar 16 2020 11:39 utc | 87
Well that's it Bernie is done and he made sure to s*** on his own movement as he stumbled off the stage back to his 3 mansions. He had already lost with super Tuesday, but he had a chance to save his legacy with a strong debate performance if he managed to squeeze some public commitments out of Biden for his followers. Instead he meekly assented to Biden's coronation, what was the point of the debate for Bernie's movement? they got nothing out of Biden, heck, Biden even made a point of trashing Medical Care for all and demanding that all of Bernie's people embrace him as their rightful king. Bernie's people got NOTHING from Biden and the DNC, the will continue to get NOTHING from them until they show the DNC that they will boycott the next election and make the DNC lose elections they would otherwise win. sure the Democrats will blame them for Trump 2020, but the Democrats lost the moderates in 2000 but they still came back to pander to them, time to make them pander to Bernie's people!
Trailer Trash , Mar 16 2020 13:39 utc | 93

>Bernie Sanders has only ever been a clever tool to mobilize
> the young voters. Never designed to actually have a chance. Just whip up dreams
> Posted by: Jezabeel | Mar 16 2020 9:03 utc | 79

... and then crush the dreams so the dreamers drift away in disgust.

Christian J Chuba , Mar 16 2020 13:12 utc | 91
Sadly Bernie is done

1. No one is talking about last night's debate because of the Coronavirus. It doesn't show up on my 'Bing' homepage and there isn't even mention of it on the few liberal websites that I visit except for Counterpunch and there was only one there.

2. The one exchange that I found on CNN / FOX was the 'Italy moment' which was meh when Bernie should have hit it out of the park. In fact, FOX even made it look like it was a homerun for Biden when it was not.

[Mar 12, 2020] Is it because you believe a fake indigenous woman of color is "real" and the real indigenous woman of color in this race is fake?

Mar 12, 2020 |

. @DanaPerino I'm not quite sure why you're telling FOX viewers that Elizabeth Warren is the last female candidate in the Dem primary. Is it because you believe a fake indigenous woman of color is "real" and the real indigenous woman of color in this race is fake?

-- Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) March 3, 2020

[Mar 12, 2020] Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?

Notable quotes:
"... One almost feels sorry for Bernie Sanders, who, even at this late stage, still seems to believe that he can drag Joe Biden to the 'left' and secure something/anything? for all those millions of ordinary Americans who supported Bernie's dream of a more just and equal America. ..."
"... Poor Bernie and poor ordinary Americans. It ain't gonna work. Bernie knows that the Demorcratic party has chosen Biden, not him and his political dream is over, once again. ..."
"... With Joe having these " miraculous " wins in the primaries yet bringing nothing new to the table I can only conclude we are set for another 4 yrs of Trumpelstiltskin and his money grubbing ways. ..."
"... Tulsi is inspirational. I'm not talking 'politics' but regarding her willingness to speak truth to corruption. ..."
"... The self-evident externalities of 40 years of unfettered neoliberalism (war, lies, injustice, extreme wealth inequality, etc) now seem to be approaching some sort of explosive end-point. ..."
"... These problems are too entrenched for real politicians to sort out, so what we have instead is a form theatre, albeit a third-rate form of theatre with abysmal actors taking on roles that are far too difficult for them: Trump vs Biden would be the apotheosis this morass. ..."
"... As it turned out, the security state's narrative was easy to pull off because Sander is weak, lacks courage, and was never in it to win it. He never fought back against the DNC. ..."
"... He never called out the cheating in Iowa. There were thousands of volunteers that would be willing to protest on his behalf. Timid Bernie just let it go. ..."
"... Instead Bernie, kept saying "Biden is my good friend" or "Biden can beat Trump." WTF, if Biden can beat Trump then why are you running? Are you campaigning for Biden? ..."
"... The final nail was Tulsi's tweet asking for Biden and Bernie's support for her to right to participate in the next debate. Yang and Marianne Williamson tweeted yes of course, but Bernie was silent. On subsequent mainstream media news appearances Bernie totally ignored Tulsi's candidacy. That was it – Bernie is a lackey – completely intimidated by the DNC. ..."
"... "Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a top contender to head up the World Bank. Bloomberg endorsed Biden immediately after dropping out of the 2020 race. ..."
"... Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as Treasury secretary. Warren dropped out of the race last week after disappointing losses on Super Tuesday but hasn't yet made an endorsement. Axios reported that Warren's name had been floated as part of an effort to unite the fractured Democratic Party around Biden. Some of Biden's advisers have also suggested Warren as a vice-presidential candidate for that reason. ..."
"... Seems Bernie has reprised his role as sheep dog. Probably the reason the Orwellian DNC unpersoned Tulsi is that she probably refused to play. ..."
"... Hundreds of thousands of ballots in California and Texas were discarded. Warren purposely stayed in the race to screw Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, while Klobuchar and Buttigeg dropped out to prop-up Biden. ..."
"... And as I mentioned, Bernie is his own worst enemy, or as I also speculated he was never in it to win it. ..."
"... Blackmail ? The Clinton campaign exercising leverage over Sanders during the election – Podesta/wikileaks emails. 'This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him'. ..."
"... Unfortunately. Trump may end up botching the corona crisis and lose, but whoever wins it's going to be four more years of everything getting worse. ..."
"... Some research on 'possible' fraudulent hidden computer counting from first super Tuesday. ..."
Mar 12, 2020 |

The handful of American citizens who have by some miracle escaped the wave of death caused by the coronavirus will be braving the toilet-paper maddened crowds to vote in the latest round of Democratic primaries today.

There's several more rounds of voting before the convention in July, but this is the last before the next debate on March 15th.

The process is kinda moot at this point.

The weight of the establishment has thrown itself – for some reason – behind Joe Biden.

Since his "miraculous" wins on Super Tuesday we've been treated to dozens of stories praising his "decency", happy that "angry politics" lost, and calling for the party to "unite behind" Biden . And that's just The Guardian .

Jonathan Freedland, in his special brand of smug establishment boot-licking, suggested that Biden being a long-term establishment democrat is his strength in these times of crisis. You have to wonder if that crisis wasn't awful convenient for Joe, in that instance.

None of the mainstream media have questioned the validity of results or the fairness of the electoral process, although given the DNC's history you'd be forgiven for doing so.

After Biden's win, Trump immediately went on the offensive (so to speak), questioning Biden's mental acuity . This is likely just a taste of things to come.

It has to be said, Biden is vulnerable in this area. Seeing as he seemingly can't go a single public appearance without forgetting what day it is , what position he's running for , the words of the Declaration of Independence , who his wife is , or his own name .

Given this, you have to wonder what the point of the exercise is. Biden will likely be mauled by Trump, so are the Democrats even trying to win? Is the plan for Biden to have "health problems" before the convention, forcing the DNC to pick its own candidate? Or is the plan to have him run, win and then get Ned Starked by his vice-president whoever he or (more likely) she may be?

Whatever the plan turns out to be, progressives and leftists all over America will likely be disappointed in Bernie. If last time is anything to go by, no matter how obviously he (and more importantly his voters) get screwed over, Sanders will just let it happen.

It seems like Bernie is a serial offender here. Setting up hope only to fold faster than Superman on laundry day when the pressure is on. You wonder if he's being used as a tool to engage the youth vote, or just a puppet designed to funnel all real leftist thinkers into a political cul-de-sac.

The other Great White Hope of American leftists – or should that be "Great Native American hope"? – Elizabeth Warren, dropped out last week but is yet to endorse her fellow "progressive", Bernie Sanders. This could mean she's spiteful, or it could mean she's angling to be Biden's VP nominee. Either way, no real surprise and no real loss. Warren always talked a better game than she played and she didn't talk all that well.

Oh, and the DNC changed their debate eligibility rules to exclude Tulsi Gabbard . Something both the other candidates and the vast majority of the mainstream media have been quiet about.

Questions arise

Are the democrats really rallying behind Joe Biden? why?! Are they planning to throw the race? Is Joe Biden going senile? Who will each candidate pick as a running mate? Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?


If Bernie is real; ie. not sheep-dogging for Hillary again, he can prove it by dropping out immediately and throwing his delegates to Tulsi so she can debate Joe Biden on Sunday; then watch the fur fly. .last chance for the left.
Seriously, the only positive play left for Bernie, (if positive change is his intent )would be to immediately drop out and throw a "Hail Tulsi Pass" downfield ahead of the Sunday debate.

michaelk ,

One would imagine that Tulsi Gabbard would tick all the liberal/left boxes and virtues the Guardian pretends to adore and aspire to. She seems almost too perfect in my eyes another story perhaps? Anyway, one wonders what all those politically correct and so obvioulsy woke feminist ladies at the Guardian have against Tulsi? The Guardian seems to have decided that its future lies overseas, in America, which is very odd for a newspaper/platform based in the UK? Consequently, they are increasingly obsessed with moving closer and closer to the Democrat party in the US.

This is like the BBC that keeps talking to Americans about absolutely everything of importance that happens in the world and seeking their insights and opinions to a truly remarkably degree, considering how little they know and understand about the rest of the world and how poor they are at foreign languages and historical knowledge. Christ they know next to nothing about their own history, let alone the rest of the world! The idea that all these Americans are authorities on the world is ridiculous.

Harry Stotle ,

The ghosting of Gabbard illustrates how the MSM act in concert, and how they look after their own, i.e. backing those understand their role as puppets for corporate backers.

It also illustrates how the likes of the Guardian turn identity politics off and on like a tap, but more importantly how even shibboleths like identity politics are still secondary to an economic model that has placed us on the road to armegeddon.

Maxine ,

Well, Tulsi is FAR from "too perfect" .She voluntarily took part in the Bush/Cheny invasion of Iraq .How could anybody with a working mind have believed the lies of these nortorious criminals? .And what sort of judgement did this show? .Just as bad, she is a big fan of India's monstrous Right-Wing leader, Modi .Nevertheless, the DNC's throwing her out of the debate is another hideous sign of its corruption .Like her or not, she should have her opinions heard by the public.

Maxine ,

Don't get me wrong, I find the Gaurdian as despicable as CNN, MSNBC, FOX, the NYT and the rest of the American MSM .OffG is a god-send.

Admin2 ,

Thanks Maxine!

michaelk ,

One almost feels sorry for Bernie Sanders, who, even at this late stage, still seems to believe that he can drag Joe Biden to the 'left' and secure something/anything? for all those millions of ordinary Americans who supported Bernie's dream of a more just and equal America.

Poor Bernie and poor ordinary Americans. It ain't gonna work. Bernie knows that the Demorcratic party has chosen Biden, not him and his political dream is over, once again.

Now it's all about stopping the 'monster' Trump first and foremost. The coming election won't actually be about anything of real substance, nothing like Bernie's political ideas about healthcare and education; but it'll be a crass referendum about Trump's personality. Biden, of course, doesn't really have a personality anymore, that's going fast, along with his mental capacity.

Trump will smash him to pieces and be re-elected again. Four more years, at least.

Maxine ,

I would have voted for Bernie in 2016 if the DNC hadn't rigged the primary on behalf of Hillary .But I was overwhelmingly disappointed that he in the end supported her .Sadly, I am appalled that once again he announced he would support Biden if the latter won the primary this time. How could he?. Hillary and Biden are diametrically opposed to every one of Sander's professed principles!

Andy ,

With Joe having these " miraculous " wins in the primaries yet bringing nothing new to the table I can only conclude we are set for another 4 yrs of Trumpelstiltskin and his money grubbing ways.

As for Michelle Obama coming into the fight , I can only laugh and carry on with my life. I fail to see what she has to offer, other than being Barry's wife. Not really awe – inspiring stuff. Young Hilary must be turning in her coffin at the thought of being pipped to the post, as the first female President by another ex presidents wife.

We truly are living in bizarro times. The men behind the curtain must be laughing their collective arses off at the results of this circus they have created.

binra ,

Tulsi is inspirational. I'm not talking 'politics' but regarding her willingness to speak truth to corruption.

harry stotle ,

America dispensed with the idea of democracy some time ago.

The self-evident externalities of 40 years of unfettered neoliberalism (war, lies, injustice, extreme wealth inequality, etc) now seem to be approaching some sort of explosive end-point.

There may be a full blown international conflict, rather than asymmetrical power used to intimidate weaker states (led by the USA, and backed to the hilt by Britain, Israel, and KSA).

These problems are too entrenched for real politicians to sort out, so what we have instead is a form theatre, albeit a third-rate form of theatre with abysmal actors taking on roles that are far too difficult for them: Trump vs Biden would be the apotheosis this morass.

Pity more citizens in America fail to understand what has been done to them, or what this corrupt regime has inflicted on rest of the world.

Britain is no better – to expose what is happening we need a functioning MSM but what we have instead is the Guardian and BBC: platforms that are now infamous for churning out low calibre, or fake news.

different frank ,

Seamus Padraig ,

Is the plan for Biden to have "health problems" before the convention, forcing the DNC to pick its own candidate?

That's my theory. I think they're going to suddenly 'discover' that Joltin' Joe has 'health problems' and then roll out their real candidate on the second ballot at the convention this summer–probably Michelle Obama.

Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?

I think our only hope now is that the Corona Virus kills all other politicians in the US, leaving only Tulsi alive. Of course, the DNC would probably still find some way to deny her the nomination somehow

michaelk ,

The DNC's election tactics were superb. Corrupt, rotten, foul and manipulative as well, but they worked. The swathe of candidates at the start gave the impression of a democratic and fair race, whilst deflecting people away from the stark choice of supporting Biden or Sanders from the beginning.

Whilst Trump succeeded by first capturing the Republican party and then going on to win the presidential election; Sanders chose not to follow that strategy, apparently believing, though it's an extraordinary thing to believe, that the leadership of the party was going to allow him to win the nomination 'fairly.'

Biden against Trump is going to be the worst, most grotesque, election contest, ever seen in the United States. Two totally unworthy candidates battling it out over the rotting corpse of a dying democracy. Probably the best result would be if most people just stayed at home on election day and boycotted the entire ghastly event.

wardropper ,

Yes. People should just stay home. But of course there is a regular percentage of observers who are incensed by the idea that people will realize how little effect their vote truly has.

"It's treason not to vote", they rage, quite oblivious to the really treasonous system which manipulates votes according to something quite different from the interests of democracy.

wardropper ,

It would be interesting to see, (although it's not going to happen) how the media, faced with an absolute zero voting turnout, would still manage to yap on about a "neck and neck race", with the most corrupt party emerging the clear winner after all

Gary Weglarz ,

The Democratic Party candidate selection process continues to roll along providing all the tension and suspense of an impending colonoscopy – sans anesthetic. It has been clear since 25 (yes 25) Democratic Party challengers have already "dropped out" of the race – that divide and conquer would be the order of the day. Spread the electorate out among a ridiculous number of mainstream centrist candidates and then throw all that support to one candidate – Joe Biden. Why would the party establishment choose Biden? Perhaps the following recent quote from Joe might shed some light. In trying to reference the Declaration of Independence Biden had the following to say to a crowd at a campaign rally:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by -- you know, you know . . . the thing."

Since we all know "the thing" is said to "work in mysterious ways" – one can deduce that the Democratic Party elites are perhaps depending upon "the thing" to work some sort of a miracle for them. At any rate it is all rather "mysterious" indeed.

Since Tulsi Gabbard has had the temerity to not join the 25 brain-dead placeholders and to "drop out" herself, and since she has further shown the very bad form of continuing to speak to anyone who will listen about America's illegal amoral regime-change wars – she has sadly had to be simply – "disappeared." Yes, I know, this term is usually associated with the death-squad democracies my government supports endlessly and shamelessly in Latin America, but if nothing else our American MSM have shown that you don't need death squads when they are on the job. They are quite capable of completely and entirely "disappearing" anyone sharing a message that has not been – "oligarchy approved." Trying to find reference to Tulsi in MSM is like trying to get through a day without being brutally reminded of Joe Biden's blinding dementia problem – pretty much impossible.

As the author suggests the Democratic Party establishment surely must have some plan other than simply sabotaging Sanders and then throwing a demented Biden to the Orange One to act as a pinata during the presidential debates. We American's do love "reality TV," but this I fear would be about as crass and horrific a spectacle as watching someone drown puppies on live television. Surely we must assume that the DNC and party oligarchy plan to use Biden as yet another "place-holder" to be replaced between now and fall presidential debates. The name "Hillary 'the rot' Clinton comes to mind – and suddenly one is reminded that there are worse things in life than a colonoscopy.

Of course the actual credibility of all of this spectacle to date depends upon one actually believing that both the polling numbers, and the voting processes, are honest and ethical and accurate, which seems to me to be about as likely as "you know, you know . . . the thing," performing some sort of a "miracle" on behalf of the Democratic Party so that it can valiantly vanquish the Orange One – using of all things – a dementia sufferer.

From my limited vantage point here in southern California it would appear that America is very much like a runaway train speeding toward a very very thick brick wall while gaining speed minute by minute. This train of course has no "driver" – save the inexorable laws of history as they pertain to crumbling "empires."

With that in mind I think I'll go shopping again so I can pretend none of this is happening – while joining with my neighbors in "hoarding" as much toilet paper as I possibly can! Actually, truth be told, the local toilet paper supply is now long gone and people are now hoarding paper towels – (I kid you not) – which of course portends a lot of very very sore bottoms by the time this is all over.

Seamus Padraig ,

You can have a dogshit sandwich or a catshit sandwich, just so long as its kosher.

So true! +1000

Charlotte Russe ,

Unfortunately, for all of Bernie's enthusiastic supporter 2020 was a redux of 2016. Amnesia, initially sets in caused by the initial excitement. Bernie's campaign overwhelms those yearning for change. Sanders is cognizant of how young voters and the marginalized are economically suffering. He knows exactly what to say to arouse an audience of thousands.

Devoted crowds eagerly rally around Bernie anticipating the upcoming primaries, believing he'll win everyone of them. After all, how could anyone be against a message promoting social justice.

And lo and behold, right out of the box the security state shenanigans begin. A "Shadow app" surfaces in Iowa, followed by a narrow win in New Hampshire. And although Bernie won the popular vote in the first two primaries he still comes out the loser to CIA Pete. However, not to be deterred Bernie won the Nevada caucus in a landslide. That was the moment when security state needed to make its move. It was now or never. These ghouls could not let Bernie pick up any more momentum. If they did, it would be too late to stop him–Milwaukee could turn into a bloodbath. It was time for the intelligence agencies to take a stand.

Clyburn a sellout bourgeois conservative black was called upon to do his duty. You don't get to be a "misleader" of the poor and the dejected if you won't convince them to smile while jumping off a cliff.

Slick Clyburn, gathered all the other crooked black politicians and they united in force behind brain dead Biden. When misleader Clyburn speaks his downtrodden constituency listens. South Carolina was a wipeout–Biden overwhelmingly won. And that's all the security state needed. Using the state-run mainstream media news propaganda machine in 72 hours Biden's campaign was raised like Lazarus from the dead.

Drooling Joe, received a slew of slick endorsements from all the longtime party hacks. A narrative was easily generated– Sanders was a loser and only Biden could beat Trump. At the end of day, don't you dumbasses want to beat Trump. So let's unite behind alzheimer Joe–he's our best chance.

As it turned out, the security state's narrative was easy to pull off because Sander is weak, lacks courage, and was never in it to win it. He never fought back against the DNC.

He never called out the cheating in Iowa. There were thousands of volunteers that would be willing to protest on his behalf. Timid Bernie just let it go. There were other things showing Bernie's lack of interest in winning. He stupidly embraced the Russiagate concocted narrative and then was victimized by it himself. He refused to tear into Biden describing in detail how every piece of reactionary legislation Joe passed was based on payoffs he'd received for either his son or his brother. In South Carolina, Bernie never used the millions donated to play video clips proving Biden is a warmongering racist.

Instead Bernie, kept saying "Biden is my good friend" or "Biden can beat Trump." WTF, if Biden can beat Trump then why are you running? Are you campaigning for Biden?

The final nail was Tulsi's tweet asking for Biden and Bernie's support for her to right to participate in the next debate. Yang and Marianne Williamson tweeted yes of course, but Bernie was silent. On subsequent mainstream media news appearances Bernie totally ignored Tulsi's candidacy. That was it – Bernie is a lackey – completely intimidated by the DNC.

Naturally the DNC didn't want Tulsi near the debate stage–she's the bravest of the lot. Tulsi would have proved Biden was a crook and a war criminal. Tulsi presence would be a boom for bernie, but Bernie didn't want that since he was in cahoots with the DNC.

And in the end, that's what it was always all about NOTHING. Bernie is the Tammy and Jim Baker of politics a prophet of false hope. He gathers up all the guiless and guillibe and then tosses them into the lion's den.

In Biden's case it's easy to know why the slithering DC establishment gang embraced him with open arms -- they all wanted to come back home

Here are some of the people Biden is considering for senior positions, per Axios:

Every loathsome contemptible neoliberal military interventionist is waiting in the wings to continue where Obama left off ..

Gall ,

Super Tuesday was so obviously rigged. The vote in California deviated from exit polling by over 15% and don't get me started on that Shadow app used for the Iowa caucus. The only difference wasn't as blatantly obvious as the last Primary.

Seems Bernie has reprised his role as sheep dog. Probably the reason the Orwellian DNC unpersoned Tulsi is that she probably refused to play.

Charlotte Ruse ,

Hundreds of thousands of ballots in California and Texas were discarded. Warren purposely stayed in the race to screw Bernie in Minnesota and Massachusetts, while Klobuchar and Buttigeg dropped out to prop-up Biden.

In avid Bernie locations polling centers were closed. And when all else failed voting machines are hacked. No one should underate the power of state-run mainstream media propaganda they hammered Sanders and launded the creep Biden.

And as I mentioned, Bernie is his own worst enemy, or as I also speculated he was never in it to win it.

The elections are more democratic in Afghanistan. When I previously commented on several posts the Democratic Party Primaries need to be monitored by a UN Raconteur many found it amusing.

Maxine ,

Why did Bernie become a candidate if he were not in it to win? .I can't figure that one out.

Eric McCoo ,

Blackmail ? The Clinton campaign exercising leverage over Sanders during the election – Podesta/wikileaks emails. 'This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him'.

RealPeter ,

There is a lot in what Charlotte says. Unfortunately. Trump may end up botching the corona crisis and lose, but whoever wins it's going to be four more years of everything getting worse.

Andy ,

Some research on 'possible' fraudulent hidden computer counting from first super Tuesday.

Ken ,

The fix is in for the status quo, and it's quite likely another 4 years of the orange asshole.

RobG ,

The real left in America was destroyed in the early 20th century. What goes now is a complete joke.

Geoffrey Skoll ,

Everybody knows (listen to Leonard Cohen) Tulsi Gabbard does not exist, just like everybody knows Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction, Assad, that Putin Nazi, spread some kind of Bad Gas in Douma, repeatededly over several years since 2014, which the Intrepid White Helmets made better–just watch their Hollywood, Oscar winning movie. Of course Joe Biden is senile, else why would he challenge our carrot-topped Fearless leader, and everybody knows that Putin-Nazi Boris and Natasha tried to rig the 2016 election but were thwarted by Moose-Squirel, and other CIA assets.

[Mar 11, 2020] The toilet-paper maddened crowds will be braving coronavirus to vote in the latest round of Democratic primaries today

Now this became a real circus.
Notable quotes:
"... The weight of the establishment has thrown itself – for some reason – behind Joe Biden. Since his "miraculous" wins on Super Tuesday we've been treated to dozens of stories praising his "decency", happy that "angry politics" lost, and calling for the party to "unite behind" Biden . And that's just The Guardian . ..."
"... Jonathan Freedland, in his special brand of smug establishment boot-licking, suggested that Biden being a long-term establishment democrat is his strength in these times of crisis. You have to wonder if that crisis wasn't awful convenient for Joe, in that instance. ..."
Mar 11, 2020 |

The toilet-paper maddened crowds will be braving coronavirus to vote in the latest round of Democratic primaries today.

There's several more rounds of voting before the convention in July, but this is the last before the next debate on March 15th.

The process is kinda moot at this point.

The weight of the establishment has thrown itself – for some reason – behind Joe Biden. Since his "miraculous" wins on Super Tuesday we've been treated to dozens of stories praising his "decency", happy that "angry politics" lost, and calling for the party to "unite behind" Biden . And that's just The Guardian .

Jonathan Freedland, in his special brand of smug establishment boot-licking, suggested that Biden being a long-term establishment democrat is his strength in these times of crisis. You have to wonder if that crisis wasn't awful convenient for Joe, in that instance.

... ... ...

Whatever the plan turns out to be, progressives and leftists all over America will likely be disappointed in Bernie. If last time is anything to go by, no matter how obviously he (and more importantly his voters) get screwed over, Sanders will just let it happen.

The other Great White Hope of American leftists – or should that be "Great Native American hope"? – Elizabeth Warren, dropped out last week but is yet to endorse her fellow "progressive", Bernie Sanders. This could mean she's spiteful, or it could mean she's angling to be Biden's VP nominee. Either way, no real surprise and no real loss. Warren always talked a better game than she played and she didn't talk all that well.

Oh, and the DNC changed their debate eligibility rules to exclude Tulsi Gabbard . Something both the other candidates and the vast majority of the mainstream media have been quiet about.

Questions arise Are the democrats really rallying behind Joe Biden? why?! Are they planning to throw the race? Is Joe Biden going senile? Who will each candidate pick as a running mate? Will the DNC ever acknowledge Tulsi Gabbard exists?

[Mar 09, 2020] Look at the wonderful in DNC land where rules and format of debate is contntly changing to keep Tulsi out

Mar 09, 2020 |

Now Tired Joe gets to sit, relax a bit .not worry about record players and 150 million gun deaths .

Of course the DNC has now changed the rules again! Tulsi will not be allowed to debate .oh .but "she has no real support," you say! So what?

Rules can be altered for billionaires .what a party for the rich and privileged. DNC is Trump-light.

As Hillary said, "Rules are rules" .except when they are changed!

Good luck, you guys who think all is wonderful in DNC land.

[Mar 08, 2020] Jimmy Dore says that the rule is that the requirement for Dem debates will be always one more delegate than Tusli Gabbard has

Video (with some swearing)-
Notable quotes:
"... As interesting as it might be to have Tulsi there, the time has come for a two-man debate, mano a mano , between Mr. Neoliberal and Mr. Democratic Socialist. Our time has come. ..."
Mar 08, 2020 |

antidlc , March 6, 2020 at 4:30 pm

New Qualifications for Next Debate Likely Rule Out Gabbard
The Democratic National Committee has ratcheted up the threshold to qualify for its next presidential debate, requiring candidates to have picked up at least 20% of convention delegates allocated in state primary contests.

The Rev Kev , March 6, 2020 at 6:16 pm

Jimmy Dore says that the rule is that the requirement will be always one more delegate than Tusli Gabbard has. Video below (with some swearing)-

Bill Carson , March 6, 2020 at 6:18 pm

As interesting as it might be to have Tulsi there, the time has come for a two-man debate, mano a mano , between Mr. Neoliberal and Mr. Democratic Socialist. Our time has come.

[Mar 05, 2020] Tulsi Gets First Delegate, from Her Place of Birth No Less caucus99percent

Mar 05, 2020 |

JCWeb on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 7:20pm

Yes, the results from American Samoa are in, first to report 100% on Super Tuesday, and Tulsi is on the board, with over 20% of the vote, in second place behind (surprise) Michael Bloomberg, who also earns his first delegates tonight. Biden, Sanders and Warren didn't hit the 15% viability threshold and are shut out.

Bloomberg 49.86% 5 delegates
Tulsi 29.34% 1 delegate
Sanders 10.54% 0 delegates
Biden 8.83% 0 delegates
Warren 1.42% 0 delegates

Now, if the DNC sticks to the same criteria for the upcoming debate as they had for the last three, one delegate should be sufficient for Tulsi to return to the debate stage. Of course, they've been known to change the rules in the middle of the game before, but this time it looks like they won't have the excuse of too many candidates, particularly if Liz drops out if she can't win her home state.

janis b on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 9:13pm
My guess would be because

@The Liberal Moonbat

like many of the Pacific islands, the vast majority of the population is Christian, and like many Pacific Islands the population revere their Chiefs and religious leaders. The American Samoan Chief endorsed Bloomberg. Why he did is a partly explained in the following article from The Hill ... Climate change is a very immediate and tangible experience for pacific Islanders.

"I believe in Mike's message of change for the people of American Samoa -- he has the experience and the vision to bring about the change we need -- including staving off climate change, which will be devastating to our home. He has my family's vote, and my village," the chief said, according to a campaign release.

I haven't seen Bloomberg's ads there, but I can imagine he promised to help them in that regard.

laurel on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 7:39pm
Wonderful news for Tulsi.

She needed and more than deserved at least a delegate for her self-sacrificing, steadfast courage and honesty throughout this crooked campaign season. From the preponderance of Bloomberg votes, it looks like American Samoans haven't been paying close attention, but thankfully some of them could see past sophisticated advertisements to recognize one who is truly their own.

Thank you, Samoa.

[Mar 04, 2020] DNC Scrambles To Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies by Caitlin Johnstone

Mar 04, 2020 |

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

On a CNN panel on Monday , host John King spoke with Politico reporter Alex Thompson about the possibility of Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard qualifying on Super Tuesday for the party's primary debate in Phoenix later this month.

"I will note this, she's from Hawaii," King said of Gabbard.

"She's a congresswoman from Hawaii; American Samoa votes on Super Tuesday. The rules as they now stand, if you get a delegate, you're back in the debates. As of now. Correct? "

"Yeah, they haven't, I mean, that's been the rule for every single debate," Thompson replied.

"And the DNC has not released their official guidance for the March 15 debate in Phoenix, but it would be very obvious that they are trying to cancel Tulsi, who they're scared of a third party run, if they then change the rules to prevent her to rejoin the debate stage."

And indeed, as the smoke clears from the Super Tuesday frenzy, this is precisely what appears to have transpired.

Watch it til the end.

-- Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) March 4, 2020

"The Gabbard campaign said it was informed that it would net two delegates from the caucuses in American Samoa, which will allocate a total of six pledged delegates," The Hill reports today. "However, a report from CNN said that the candidate will receive only one delegate from the territory on Tuesday evening."

"Tulsi Gabbard may have just qualified for the next Democratic debate thanks to American Samoa," reads a fresh Business Insider headline. "Under the most recent rules, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii may have qualified for the next televised debate by snagging a delegate in American Samoa's primary."

"If Tulsi Gabbard gets a delegate out of American Samoa, as it appears she has done, she will likely qualify for the next Democratic debate," tweeted Washington Post 's Dave Weigel. "We don't have new debate rules yet, but party has been inviting any candidate who gets a delegate."

Rank-and-file supporters of the Hawaii congresswoman enjoyed a brief celebration on social media, before having their hopes dashed minutes later by an announcement from the DNC's Communications Director Xochitl Hinojosa that "the threshold will go up".

"We have two more debates -- of course the threshold will go up," tweeted Hinojosa literally minutes after Gabbard was awarded the delegate. "By the time we have the March debate, almost 2,000 delegates will be allocated. The threshold will reflect where we are in the race, as it always has."

We have two more debates-- of course the threshold will go up. By the time we have the March debate, almost 2,000 delegates will be allocated. The threshold will reflect where we are in the race, as it always has.

-- Xochitl Hinojosa (@XochitlHinojosa) March 4, 2020

"DNC wastes no time in announcing they will rig the next debates to exclude Tulsi," journalist Michael Tracey tweeted in response.

This outcome surprised nobody, least of all Gabbard supporters. The blackout on the Tulsi 2020 campaign has reached such extreme heights this year that you now routinely see pundits saying things like there are no more people of color in the race, or that Elizabeth Warren is the only woman remaining in the primary. They're not just ignoring her, they're actually erasing her. They're weaving a whole alternative reality out of narrative in which she is literally, officially, no longer in the race.

After Gabbard announced her presidential candidacy in January of last year I wrote an article explaining that I was excited about her campaign because she would severely disrupt establishment narratives, and, for the remainder of 2019, that's exactly what she did. She spoke unauthorized truths about Syria, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, she drew attention to the plight of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and said she'd drop all charges against both men if elected, she destroyed the hawkish, jingoistic positions of fellow candidates on the debate stage and arguably single-handedly destroyed Kamala Harris' run.

The narrative managers had their hands full with her. The Russia smears were relentless, the fact that she met with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was brought up at every possible opportunity in every debate and interview, and she was scoffed at and derided at every turn.

Now, in 2020, none of that is happening. There's a near-total media blackout on the Gabbard campaign, such that I now routinely encounter rank-and-file liberals on social media who tell me they honestly had no idea she's still running. She's been completely redacted out of the narrative matrix.

All candidates of color are out. An openly gay married candidate is out. 2 women left. The rest? 70+ old white men fighting for the future of America in 2020. Because of course.

-- Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) March 1, 2020

So it's unsurprising that the DNC felt comfortable striding forward and openly announcing a change in the debate threshold literally the very moment Gabbard crossed it. These people understand narrative control, and they know full well that they have secured enough of it on the Tulsi Problem that they'll be able to brazenly rig her right off the stage without suffering any meaningful consequences.

The establishment narrative warfare against Gabbard's campaign dwarfs anything we've seen against Sanders, and the loathing and dismissal they've been able to generate have severely hamstrung her run. It turns out that a presidential candidate can get away with talking about economic justice and plutocracy when it comes to domestic policy, and some light dissent on matters of foreign policy will be tolerated, but aggressively attacking the heart of the actual bipartisan foreign policy consensus will get you shut down, smeared and shunned like nothing else. This is partly because US presidents have a lot more authority over foreign affairs than domestic, and it's also because endless war is the glue which holds the empire together.

And now they're working to install a corrupt, right-wing warmongering dementia patient as the party's nominee. And from the looks of the numbers I've seen from Super Tuesday so far, it looks entirely likely that those manipulations will prove successful.

All this means is that the machine is exposing its mechanics to the view of the mainstream public. Both the Gabbard campaign and the Sanders campaign have been useful primarily in this way; not because the establishment would ever let them actually become president, but because they force the unelected manipulators who really run things in the most powerful government on earth to show the public their box of dirty tricks.

[Mar 04, 2020] I just can't be sympathetic with Bernie and his voters tonight. Remember how Bernie came out to support Tulsi Gabbard when she was having such a hard time with the establishment? Neither do I

Mar 04, 2020 |

SharonM , Mar 4 2020 3:34 utc | 104

I just can't be sympathetic with Bernie and his voters tonight. Remember how Bernie came out to support Tulsi Gabbard when she was having such a hard time with the establishment? Neither do I. Remember how Bernie's supporters made sure Bernie would speak the truth about russiagate, or they weren't going to support him? Neither do I. Remember how Bernie made it clear in every debate and every interview that the choice is endless war or medicare for all? He didn't. Watching someone with a few leftist atoms in him being defeated in State after State by a warmongering sociopath who belongs in a hospice with bars on the windows, is like watching what he deserves.

Jackrabbit , Mar 4 2020 6:10 utc | 129

Copeland @122
People who casually tell you that Bernie is for the Empire--and not for the repair of society-- are people trafficking in lies.
I encourage everyone to look at Bernie with a critical eye and decide for yourself. Anyone in political life for any length of time (like Bernie) must know that USA is EMPIRE-FIRST. Empire priorities (military and intelligence focus; 'weaponized' liberalism; neoliberal graft; dollar hegemony; Jihadis as a proxy army; etc.) dictate the limits of domestic politics.

Bernie's quixotic insurgency was doomed to fail unless Bernie attacked the Democratic Party's connection to Empire and use of identity politics to divide and conquer. Oh, and Bernie would have to threaten to leave the Democratic Party -- but then would become the independent Movement that Bernie and the Democratic Party have tried so hard to prevent!


[Mar 03, 2020] Semi-senile Biden is now so Presidential and is the best candidate forward

However, we do need to raise questions about election anomalies. Journalists should be focused on the DNC is cheating Bernie and, by extension, the American people. It must be recorded. It should be investigated. The first 4 primary contests account for only 4% of all allocated delegates, yet have a hugely disproportionate influence on the race. Of those 4 states, only NV is roughly in synch with the national demographic profile.
The whole primary system needs a major overhaul. It takes too long and costs too much (e.g., all the wasted $$ Steyer and Tulsi spent in SC). It's an embarrassing wasteful spectacle which only enriches the MSM and hired political consultant hacks. Most voters don't bother to tune in until 10-12 months into the marathon campaign. I would blow it all up and start over from scratch.
"They're fearful because Bernie Sanders, his political revolution, morally based, ethically based, is a fundamental challenge to their interest and their status." -- Dr. Cornel West
Mar 03, 2020 |

. @DWStweets endorses @JoeBiden .
"It was a very easy decision," she said. "We need to make sure that we put the best candidate forward."

-- Anthony Man (@browardpolitics) March 1, 2020

[Mar 03, 2020] The "Russian meddling" fraud: Tulsi Gabbard denounces election interference by US intelligence agencies by Patrick Martin

Notable quotes:
"... Washington Post ..."
"... Washington Post, ..."
"... World Socialist Web Site ..."
"... The author also recommends: ..."
Mar 03, 2020 |

In a remarkable statement that has gone virtually unreported in the American media, Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, publicly denounced US intelligence agencies for interfering in the presidential contest and attempting to sabotage the campaign of Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders.

In an opinion column published February 27 by the Hill , Gabbard attacked the article published by the Washington Post on February 21, the eve of the Nevada caucuses, which claimed that Russia was intervening in the US election to support Sanders. She also criticized the decision of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, to repeat the anti-Russia slander against Sanders during the February 25 Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina.

Gabbard is a military officer in a National Guard medical unit who has been deployed to Iraq and Kuwait and has continuing and close contact with the Pentagon. She is obviously familiar with the machinations of the US military-intelligence apparatus and knows whereof she speaks. Her harsh and uncompromising language is that much more significant.

She wrote:

Enough is enough. I am calling on all presidential candidates to stop playing these dangerous political games and immediately condemn any interference in our elections by out-of-control intelligence agencies. A "news article" published last week in the Washington Post, which set off yet another manufactured media firestorm, alleges that the goal of Russia is to trick people into criticizing establishment Democrats. This is a laughably obvious ploy to stifle legitimate criticism and cast aspersions on Americans who are rightly skeptical of the powerful forces exerting control over the primary election process.

We are told the aim of Russia is to "sow division," but the aim of corporate media and self-serving politicians pushing this narrative is clearly to sow division of their own -- by generating baseless suspicion against the Sanders campaign. It's extremely disingenuous for "journalists" and rival candidates to publicize a news article that merely asserts, without presenting any evidence, that Russia is "helping" Bernie Sanders -- but provides no information as to what that "help" allegedly consists of.

Gabbard continued:

If the CIA, FBI or any other intelligence agency is going to tell voters that "Russians" are interfering in this election to help certain candidates -- or simply "sow discord" -- then it needs to immediately provide us with the details of what exactly it's alleging.

After pointing out that the Democratic Party establishment and the corporate media have had little interest in measures to actually improve election security, such as requiring paper ballots or some other form of permanent record of how people vote, Gabbard demanded:

The FBI, CIA or any other intelligence agency should immediately stop smearing presidential candidates with innuendo and vague, evidence-free assertions. That is antithetical to the role those agencies play in a free democracy. The American people cannot have faith in our intelligence agencies if they are pushing an agenda to harm candidates they dislike.

As socialists, we do not share Gabbard's belief that the intelligence agencies have a positive role to play or that the American people need to have faith in them. As her military career demonstrates, she is a supporter of American imperialism and of the capitalist state. However, her opposition to the "dirty tricks" campaign against Sanders is entirely legitimate and puts the spotlight on a deeply anti-democratic operation by the military-intelligence apparatus.

Gabbard denounces this "new McCarthyism" and calls on her fellow candidate to rebuff the CIA smears and "defend the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution." Not a single one of the remaining candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination -- including Sanders himself -- has responded to her appeal.

Her statement concludes that the goal of the "mainstream corporate media and the warmongering political establishment" was either to block Sanders from winning the nomination, or, if he does become the nominee, to "force him to engage in inflammatory anti-Russia rhetoric and perpetuate the new Cold War and nuclear arms race, which are existential threats to our country and the world."

Despite Gabbard's appeal for the Democratic candidates not to be "manipulated and forced into a corner by overreaching intelligence agencies," the Democratic Party establishment has been working in lockstep with the intelligence agencies in the anti-Russia campaign against Trump, which began even before election day in 2016, metastasized into the Mueller investigation and then the effort to impeach Trump over his delay in the dispatch of military aid to Ukraine for its war with Russian-backed separatist forces.

Her comments are a complete vindication of what the World Socialist Web Site has written about the anti-Russia campaign and impeachment: these were efforts by the Democratic Party, acting as the representative of the military-intelligence apparatus, to block the emergence of genuine left-wing popular opposition to Trump, and to channel popular hostility to this administration in a right-wing and pro-imperialist direction.

Gabbard herself was the only House Democrat to abstain on impeachment, although she did not voice any principled grounds for her vote, such as opposition to the intelligence agencies. She has based her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination largely on an appeal to antiwar sentiment, particularly opposing US intervention in Syria. She has also said that if elected, she would drop all charges against Julian Assange and pardon Edward Snowden.

These views led to a vicious attack by Hillary Clinton, the defeated Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, who last October called Gabbard "a Russian asset," claiming that she was being groomed by Russia to serve as a third-party candidate in 2020 who would take votes away from the Democratic nominee and help re-elect President Trump. "She's the favorite of the Russians," Clinton claimed.

Since Clinton's attack, the Democratic National Committee has excluded Gabbard from its monthly debates, manipulating the eligibility requirements so that billionaire Michael Bloomberg would qualify even for debates held in states where he was not on the ballot but Gabbard was, such as Nevada and South Carolina.

The author also recommends:

Democratic Party deploys Russian meddling smear against Sanders
[24 February 2020]

US intelligence agencies meddle in Nevada primary to sabotage Sanders
[22 February 2020]

Hillary Clinton slanders Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Green Party candidate Jill Stein as Russian spies

[Mar 03, 2020] Why is Tulsi Gabbard Still In The Race by Pam Ho

Notable quotes:
"... Biden and Warren are both enthusiastic supporters of neocon foreign policy which is in line with their phony support for the working class. What happened to Warren's glittering M4A plan? It turned back into a pumpkin didn't it? It was all smoke and mirrors. No surprise if you know her history. ..."
"... Imperial Borg Assimilation ..."
"... The Foreign Policy Establishment ..."
"... Warren is an establishment social climber. She took off the mask and her true colors shone through when she viciously attacked Bernie Sanders as a misogynist. Yet still many people surrounding the Sander's campaign support Warren. Why is that? Big money on the left supports her, that's why. That big money also pays a lot of salaries in the liberal political job market. Have you heard of the The Democracy Alliance ? ..."
"... Why do so many liberals or even progressives dislike Tulsi and are so eager to see her gone? Propaganda from the media. The media for a year has relentlessly promoted Red Baiting towards Tulsi because Tulsi challenges the "Washington Consensus" (unfettered elite rule over America and the world with an iron fist). ..."
"... Everyone in the pro-Israel lobby (myself included) is already talking about how to make sure that Tulsi Gabbard's campaign is over before it even gets off the ground -- If you're going to bet on a Dem candidate, look elsewhere. ..."
"... There are many reasons behind that. The main reason though is Tulsi trying to stop war. The Neocons and Saudis have been pushing American politicians, celebrities, media owners, think tanks, foundations and so on for years -- to destroy Syria. Supposedly because Syria is close allies with Iran. ..."
Mar 03, 2020 |

As I was checking the news earlier today I noticed that the coronavirus had killed another top government official in Iran, bringing the total to 3. Or at least the 3 they have released info on. There's a chance it's worse among the Iranian leadership but they don't want to cause a panic. I checked the Twitterverse after that for my daily dose of madness and surprisingly kept seeing people ask rhetorically:

Why is Tulsi Gabbard still in the primary race?

Turns out that Amy "She Hulk" Klobuchar had dropped out of the primary race apparently to suck up to Joe Biden for a VP slot. And so had Pete "Honestly I'm Not Annoying" Buttigigieididisjjd. This of course should surprise no one since the threat of Bernie Sanders to the financial criminal syndicates greasing the palms of practically all politicians and media to do their bidding have seen the writing on the wall. They realize they need candidates to drop out in order to coalesce centrist votes around one or two to stop what they perceive to be a huge problem for them in Bernie Sanders.

... ... ...

Biden and Warren are both enthusiastic supporters of neocon foreign policy which is in line with their phony support for the working class. What happened to Warren's glittering M4A plan? It turned back into a pumpkin didn't it? It was all smoke and mirrors. No surprise if you know her history. Did you see her on Pod Save America regaling us with how much she believes in crippling countries by sanctions if they dare to resist the racist Imperial Borg Assimilation Machine aka The Foreign Policy Establishment ? That doesn't sound woke to me Miss Thang .

Warren is an establishment social climber. She took off the mask and her true colors shone through when she viciously attacked Bernie Sanders as a misogynist. Yet still many people surrounding the Sander's campaign support Warren. Why is that? Big money on the left supports her, that's why. That big money also pays a lot of salaries in the liberal political job market. Have you heard of the The Democracy Alliance ?

The Democracy Alliance is a semi-anonymous donor network funded primarily by none other than Democratic mega-donor George Soros. Since its inception in 2005, it is estimated the Alliance has injected over $500 million to Democratic causes. While it isn't typical that they would endorse a candidate outright, they focus more on formulating a catalog of organizations and PACs that they recommend the network of about 100 or so millionaires and billionaires invest in. Democracy Alliance almost literally have their hands in every major left-leaning institution you have (and haven't) heard of -- John Podesta and Neera Tanden's Center for American Progress, David Brock's Media Matters, Center for Popular Democracy, Demos (we'll come back to this one), and the Working Families Party. All of these organizations are listed on the Alliance's website as recommended investments for it's members; and invest they do. Here's the rub: Democracy Alliance's membership isn't made entirely public -- but we know enough that alot of the people that have sat in the highest levels of that organization have an affinity for Elizabeth Warren.

... ... ...

Why do so many liberals or even progressives dislike Tulsi and are so eager to see her gone? Propaganda from the media. The media for a year has relentlessly promoted Red Baiting towards Tulsi because Tulsi challenges the "Washington Consensus" (unfettered elite rule over America and the world with an iron fist).

That is why we got this from Jacob Wohl after Tulsi declared her candidacy last year:

Everyone in the pro-Israel lobby (myself included) is already talking about how to make sure that Tulsi Gabbard's campaign is over before it even gets off the ground -- If you're going to bet on a Dem candidate, look elsewhere.

There are many reasons behind that. The main reason though is Tulsi trying to stop war. The Neocons and Saudis have been pushing American politicians, celebrities, media owners, think tanks, foundations and so on for years -- to destroy Syria. Supposedly because Syria is close allies with Iran.

But they are not the only ones who want Syria destroyed. Other reasons may have to do with massive profits at stake. A natural gas survey team from Norway some years ago discovered that Syria has the largest untapped deposits of natural gas in the world . After that secret discovery became known by various powerful people plans were drawn up to split up the profits after the destruction of the Syrian government. But after Syria asked Russia for help that changed their plans.

Tulsi meanwhile kept going on CNN to tell the American people that our government was waging a secret war in Syria by giving advanced weapons to Al-Qaeda in order to help them topple the government. America, Israel , and the Saudis weren't the only ones with a plan for Syria. Turkey and Qatar had their own plans. The UK and other leading EU nations had a plan as well . And the only politician in any of those countries telling the public the truth of what was going on -- was Tulsi.

... ... ...

She is not having our country become a plaything for rich a-holes who use the lives and limbs of service members for their greedy scams. Because of that the idle rich sociopaths ruling America with their political and media henchmen went after Tulsi with a full barrage of lies , media blackouts, and massive amounts of propaganda -- all to stop her message from getting out so they can create a false image of her in people's minds. Everything and anything they can throw at her, they do.

There are two politicians whom they fear. Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. Which is why Bernie Sanders has unsurprisingly been trying to stay out of the foreign policy debate, or he even goes along with the establishment for the most part. He saw what they unleashed against Tulsi. He knows from long experience that propaganda works on a lot of people. The financial elites are not naive though, they probably believe he is going along with their ridiculous foreign policy as a political strategy -- until he gains more power. They fear that if he gains that power he will, like Tulsi, not go along with their imperial stormtrooper agenda.

[Mar 03, 2020] The Democratic Party oligarchy are the world champions at every sort of electoral malfeasance

Mar 03, 2020 |

bevin , Mar 3 2020 18:04 utc | 25

The thing to watch today will be the vote stealing by the Democrat oligarchy. They are the world champions at every sort of electoral malfeasance. Remember in 2016 how Bernie almost won New York until Brooklyn, his hometown, was counted and more than 20,000 voters disappeared? Then there was California where millions of votes went uncounted and Hillary was called the winner.

The Democrats are not really a political party in the sense that europeans understand the term, more like an agglomeration of electoral machines, controlled by politicians owned by vested interests, making up the rules as they go along.

With both Biden and Warren desperate for anything that can be portrayed as momentum expect the unexpected: repeats of the sort of nonsense we saw in Iowa and local precincts in which 110% of the electorate give unanimous support to the candidate most likely to take away their social security and wave 'bye-bye' as they die untreated of diseases. Or malnutrition.
nd the cherry on top of the electoral sundae in today's primaries will be the near unanimity with which the most glaring irregularities are ignored by the media, and anyone suggesting that 2+2= anything as predictable as 4 will be called a conspiracy theorist, working for Putin and the KGB.

[Mar 02, 2020] Semi-senile Biden is now so Presidential and is the best candidate forward

However, we do need to raise questions about election anomalies. Journalists should be focused on the DNC is cheating Bernie and, by extension, the American people. It must be recorded. It should be investigated. The first 4 primary contests account for only 4% of all allocated delegates, yet have a hugely disproportionate influence on the race. Of those 4 states, only NV is roughly in synch with the national demographic profile.
The whole primary system needs a major overhaul. It takes too long and costs too much (e.g., all the wasted $$ Steyer and Tulsi spent in SC). It's an embarrassing wasteful spectacle which only enriches the MSM and hired political consultant hacks. Most voters don't bother to tune in until 10-12 months into the marathon campaign. I would blow it all up and start over from scratch.
Mar 02, 2020 |

. @DWStweets endorses @JoeBiden .
"It was a very easy decision," she said. "We need to make sure that we put the best candidate forward."

-- Anthony Man (@browardpolitics) March 1, 2020

[Mar 01, 2020] Hollywood Goes Full Blacklist and Fails to Grasp the Irony by Larry C Johnson

Notable quotes:
"... It is especially galling to see how the Hollywood Community has embraced the era of red-baiting Joseph McCarthy as the new standard for what is acceptable. There was a time that a few brave souls in Hollywood (I am thinking Lucille Ball, Kirk Douglas and Gregory Peck), spoke out against the blacklisting of actors, writers and directors for their past political ties to the Soviet Union. ..."
"... This was an ugly, awful and evil time in America. It was a period of time fed by fear and ignorance. While it is true that there were Americans who identified as Communists and embraced the politics of the Soviet Union, we scared ourselves into believing that communist subversion was everywhere and that America was teetering on the brink of being submerged in a red tide. ..."
"... Hillary Clinton's crazy rant accusing U.S. Army Major and Member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, as a Kremlin puppet is not a deviation from the norm. Clinton exemplifies the terrifying norm of the political and cultural elite in this country. Accusing political opponents of being controlled by foreign enemies, real or imagined, is an old political tactic. Makes me wonder what Edward R. Murrow or Dalton Trumbo would say if we could bring them back from the dead. ..."
"... "Hillary Clinton's crazy rant accusing U.S. Army Major and Member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, as a Kremlin puppet is not a deviation from the norm." ..."
"... Ms. President is the closest facsimile to Lady Macbeth that American politics has been able to produce. She'd have murdered her own husband if she had thought succession would have fallen to her. As it was, the only thing that kept him alive was that she needed him for the run she had in mind for herself. The debris that this woman has left in her wake boggles the mind. That she came within a whisker of the job where she would perhaps have left the country in that debris field is a sobering thought to think about what American presidential politics has become in the 21st c. Alas, what passes for her failure and the Country's good fortune, her loved ones in the Arts are still not over. And so they are left commiserating and caterwauling over the Donald this, and the Donald that, while all this good material and their celebrity goes down the tube. Good riddance to them both. ..."
"... Trump campaigned on Drain the Swamp in 2016. The Swamp attempted to take him down with the Russia Collusion hoax that included Spygate and the Mueller special counsel investigation. ..."
Feb 14, 2020 |

In the wake of the latest Hollywood buffoonery displayed at the Oscars, I think it is time for the American public to denounce in the strongest possible terms the rampant hypocrisy of sanctimonious cretins who make their living pretending to be someone other than themselves. Brad Pitt, Joaquin Phoenix and Barbara Streisand pop to mind as representative examples. All three are eager to lecture the American public on the need for equality and non-discrimination. Yet, not one of the recipients of the Oscar gift bags worth $225,000 spoke out against that extraordinary excess nor demanded that the money spent purchasing these "gifts" be used to benefit the poor and the homeless. Nope, take the money and run.

It is especially galling to see how the Hollywood Community has embraced the era of red-baiting Joseph McCarthy as the new standard for what is acceptable. There was a time that a few brave souls in Hollywood (I am thinking Lucille Ball, Kirk Douglas and Gregory Peck), spoke out against the blacklisting of actors, writers and directors for their past political ties to the Soviet Union.

Now I have lived long enough to see the so-called liberals in Hollywood rail against Donald Trump and his supporters as "agents of Russia." Many in Hollywood, who weep crocodile tears over the abuses of the Hollywood Blacklist, are now doing the same damn thing without a hint of irony.

If you are a film buff (and I consider myself one) you should be familiar with these great movies that remind the viewer of the horrors visited upon actors, writers and directors during the Hollywood Blacklist:

This was an ugly, awful and evil time in America. It was a period of time fed by fear and ignorance. While it is true that there were Americans who identified as Communists and embraced the politics of the Soviet Union, we scared ourselves into believing that communist subversion was everywhere and that America was teetering on the brink of being submerged in a red tide.

Thirty years ago I reflected on this era and wondered how such mass hysteria could happen. Now I know. We have lived with the same kind of madness since Donald Trump was tagged as a Russian agent in the summer of 2016. And the irony is extraordinary. The very same Hollywood elite that heaped opprobrium on Director Elia Kazan for naming names in Hollywood in front of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, are now leading the charge in labeling anyone who dares speak out against the failed coup as "stooges" of the Kremlin or Putin.

Hillary Clinton's crazy rant accusing U.S. Army Major and Member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, as a Kremlin puppet is not a deviation from the norm. Clinton exemplifies the terrifying norm of the political and cultural elite in this country. Accusing political opponents of being controlled by foreign enemies, real or imagined, is an old political tactic. Makes me wonder what Edward R. Murrow or Dalton Trumbo would say if we could bring them back from the dead.

Bill H , 11 February 2020 at 10:20 AM

Very well said. And I would extend the same opprobrium to those who label as "racist" anyone who does not agree with their open border policies. Etc.
plantman , 11 February 2020 at 10:32 AM
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a vast understatement. You never could have convinced me 4 years ago that virtually all of my liberal friends would have completely lost touch with reality due to their visceral hatred of one man.

It no longer matters if you agree with people on social policy, entitlements, student loans, homelessness, drug addiction or even wealth distribution.

If you do not share their irrational hatred of Trump, you're going to be lambasted, shunned and treated like a pariah.

I've never seen anything like it. It's whacko!

Jim Henely , 11 February 2020 at 10:34 AM
Hillary Clinton has become the poster child for the corruption that has captured and paralyzed our political parties and government institutions. Why is she above prosecution? Is the corruption complete? Can we look to any individual or group to restore our Republic? Wake me when the prosecutions begin.
Flavius , 11 February 2020 at 11:35 AM
"Hillary Clinton's crazy rant accusing U.S. Army Major and Member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, as a Kremlin puppet is not a deviation from the norm."

Ms. President is the closest facsimile to Lady Macbeth that American politics has been able to produce. She'd have murdered her own husband if she had thought succession would have fallen to her. As it was, the only thing that kept him alive was that she needed him for the run she had in mind for herself. The debris that this woman has left in her wake boggles the mind. That she came within a whisker of the job where she would perhaps have left the country in that debris field is a sobering thought to think about what American presidential politics has become in the 21st c. Alas, what passes for her failure and the Country's good fortune, her loved ones in the Arts are still not over. And so they are left commiserating and caterwauling over the Donald this, and the Donald that, while all this good material and their celebrity goes down the tube. Good riddance to them both.

Dave Schuler , 11 February 2020 at 12:32 PM
I agree that HUAC's conduct was excessive but you really ought to show the other side of the coin as well.
  1. Communism was genuinely awful. To this day we don't know how many people died, murdered by their own governments, in Soviet Russia and Communist China.
  2. The U. S. government was infiltrated at the very pinnacle of government (as in presidential advisors) by Soviet agents. We know this from Kremlin documents.
  3. We now know (based on Kremlin documents) that the American Communist Party was run by knowing Soviet agents and was funded by the Soviet Union.
  4. The motion picture industry had been heavily infiltrated by Communists including some actual Soviet agents (while Reagan was head of SAG he rooted them out).

We resolved those issues the wrong way but they desperately needed to be resolved.

Vegetius , 11 February 2020 at 02:04 PM
>This was an ugly, awful and evil time in America

This is self-righteous baby boomer nonsense. It was a brief and slightly uncomfortable time for a handful of people in Hollywood, after which the subversion of American culture and institutions chugged along merrily along to the present day.

But this episode has been re-purposed and often reduced to caricature as part of a long ideological project aimed at convincing generations of otherwise intelligent white people that their past is a shameful parade of villains.

They don't call it 'programming' for nothing.

optimax , 11 February 2020 at 03:53 PM
Kirk Douglas bravely defied the blacklist by giving Dalton Trumbo credit on Spartacus under his real name, effectively breaking the blacklist.

I saw part of the Academy Awards and all I heard over and over again were the words race and gender, no female directors nominated.

On a side note, this being Black History month, teevee is usually filled with the appropriate programing. But because it is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Aushwitz the Jews are stealing the Blacks thunder by hogging the programming. When the oppressed collide.

Fred , 11 February 2020 at 04:02 PM
Just how big is the carbon footprint on a $225,000 swag bag? So nice to see Hollywood integrity in action. I wonder what the Bernie Tax will be on them in 2021?
bjd , 11 February 2020 at 04:16 PM
Chills run down my spine that you start your list with 'The Front'.

Woody Allen's 'The Front', a 'film noir' about the beast and about courage in trying to slay it, is an absolute masterpiece, its end is unmeasurably spectacular and encouraging, and... somehow the movie never got the acclaim it deserves, and lives as one of those quiet orphans.

But it is highly actual, and that is why you must have come to place it first.

Thank you for naming it. Extremely recommended.

blue peacock , 11 February 2020 at 07:26 PM
Trump campaigned on Drain the Swamp in 2016. The Swamp attempted to take him down with the Russia Collusion hoax that included Spygate and the Mueller special counsel investigation.

Rep. Devin Nunes uncovered many of the shenanigans while he investigated the claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. He implored Trump to use his prerogative as POTUS to declassify many documents and communications. Trump instead took the advice of Rod Rosenstein acting as AG who initiated the Mueller investigation and did not declassify. He then passed the buck to AG Barr, who has yet to declassify.

The question that needs to be asked in light of this: Is Trump a conman who has duped the electorate with Drain the Swamp as he has not used his exclusive powers of classification to present to the voter all the documents and communications about the actions of law enforcement and intelligence agencies relating to claims about Russian influence operations during the 2016 election?

Fred , 11 February 2020 at 08:13 PM

Maybe Trump conned the swamp into outing themselves, which hasn't proven that hard since they have even bigger ego's than he.

D , 11 February 2020 at 09:39 PM
Blue Peacock, the question that needs to be asked is do you blow your wad all at once on one play. Or do you drip, drip, drip it out strategically. I suggest the latter in this endless game of gotcha politics. Yes, Trump is a con man. That is how he made his billions - selling sizzle. One quality that does translate well into the political arena. No one is surprised - his life has been on the front pages for decades.

The only newly revealed quality that I find remarkable is his remarkable staying power - the most welcome quality of all. It takes ego maniacs to play this game. Surprised anyone still thinks politics is an avocation for normal people. It isn't. And we the people are the ones that demand this to be the case.

Sol Invictus , 11 February 2020 at 10:30 PM
I left the american sh*thole a long time ago and my choice never felt better. I look forward to seeing 50% of americans trying to slaughter the other 50% over socialism. Here we're doing just fine with socialist medecine, and social programs for just about everyting. The Commons are still viable where common sense resides... Oligarchs love cartels, socialism and piratization: it's all about privatizing the gains and socializing the losses to the hoi polloi.
james , 12 February 2020 at 12:35 AM
blue peacock... does an alligator want to drain the swamp? the answer is no... that is just a lot of hokum for the naive or illiterate...
james , 12 February 2020 at 12:36 AM
@ sol... your first sentence is pretty harsh and more of a reflection on you then anything else..
anon , 12 February 2020 at 02:26 AM
Great movie "the front". As to draining the swamp, well trump has to finish the job and here lies the problem. Once done what do you put in its place.

Bernie of course.

Diana Croissant , 12 February 2020 at 10:11 AM
I wonder if Hollywood knows how small some of the audiences in actual movie theaters are now. It's always surprising to me that I am sitting in almost empty theaters now when I decide I want actual movie theater popcorn and so will pay to watch a movie that I have read about and heard about from friends who have already seen the movie. I don't attend unless I've heard good things from my friends about the movie.

I am constantly surprised that some people even consider watching the Oscars now. I feel the same about professional sports.

You would be surprised at how good high school plays are and how good high school bands, orchestras, choirs are. The tickets are cheap, and a person actually gets to greet the performers.

I feel the same about my local university (my Alma Mater). It's Performing Arts departments are excellent. As a student long ago, my student pass allowed me to attend wonderful performances.

The Glory Days of Hollywood are no more. The actors and directors need to be humbled by having to go to towns across the country to see how sparse the audience in a movie theater is now. It's not at all as I remember as a child when there were long lines at the ticket window.

[Feb 29, 2020] Another Wasteful, Unnecessary War

We are an oil company, with an Army: Tulsi Gabbard talks IRAN with Guests Stephen Kinzer & Dennis Kucinich Posted

prairiedog 97p · 4 hours ago

So she was fooled into thinking Iraq had something to do withe 9/11?
Guess she couldn't figure out buildings never fall at free fall speed unless they have demolition charges set in them.
joed 42p · 3 hours ago
Hello Prairiedog,
Do you know why my comments are not accepted or shown here?
I replied to your comment with my comment that is not being accepted here.
I see you have a high ratting so i thought you may have an idea about accepted comments. what am I doing wrong?!
penrose256 75p · 1 hour ago
Where are all of the scientists who should know better? When are they going to stage a massive march on Washington?
USAInc1871 91p · 2 hours ago
The basic question in a corporation , such as USA Inc, is it profitable.

That is the beginning and the end.

The owners own you, and you are willing goyim.

[Feb 29, 2020] Covid-19 is probably 3 times more contagios that a "regular" flu

Feb 29, 2020 |

Sackerson , Feb 29 2020 19:47 utc | 2

...focus on precautions, preparations and resources for the elderly and those with certain chronic health conditions.

Krollchem , Feb 29 2020 19:57 utc | 4

Tulsi Gabbard on why politics as usual must be discarded in order to prevent a public health crisis:
Ilya Grushevskiy , Feb 29 2020 20:33 utc | 17

The risk is limited - this kills the old and infirm.

MOA was accurate in all the panic - China controlled its initial outbreak (although a re-entry is not unlikely imo). That the rest of the world didn't react fast enough, is expected though, but saying that before it was a thing would have been unnecessarily scare-mongering I'd say.

Jackrabbit , Feb 29 2020 22:26 utc | 42
Normal flu has R0 of about 1.3

Los Alamos Labs calculates Covid-19 R0 at between 4.7 to 6.6.

Bottomline: Covid-19 is much easier to spread / quick to spread.


CJ , Feb 29 2020 22:15 utc | 38
Hi B,
looks like the guys at New England Biolabs have a very rapid assay for COVID-19 --- Rapid Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Virus RNA Using Colorimetric LAMP

Yinhua Zhang, Nelson Odiwuor, Jin Xiong, Luo Sun, Raphael Ohuru Nyaruaba, Hongping Wei, Nathan A Tanner

Its a preprint -- but this is the way to go an isothermal loop mediated amplification (LAMP) assay. You ought to be able to get a result in about 30 minutes -- faster once they really automate it. Should cost virtually nothing a few cents.

Other versions of it might be adapted so you can use them in the field so a general practitioner or even a soldier will be able to make the diagnosis at the bed side-- its a simple color change in a tube. All you need is a pipette the assay tube a hot block and a timer. True positive rate 99.99% false positive about 1% or less. This what the CDC needs. Problem is that they have to mass produce the assay tubes -- we need 100 million like yesterday. The other thing is that we might need martial law to quarantine people and we need to train people to use the kits and fast.

All the best

Venom , Feb 29 2020 22:16 utc | 39
All of a sudden, "freedom isn't free" axiom acquires a really macabre meaning. The inevitable devastation in countries with laissez-faire approach to this emergency will eventually prove "totalitarian" Chinese measures as being vastly superior.
The US will undoubtedly - if grudgingly - adopt Beijing MO, but only after hundreds of thousands of people die needlessly, and America's healthcare system falls apart under the pressure of millions of patients unable to pay exorbitant bills.
oldhippie , Feb 29 2020 22:26 utc | 43
The American mind does not know what "public health" is.

"Public health" is not a thinkable thought. b's paragraph beginning with "Tests must be freely available..." is a sequence of events that cannot exist even in fiction in America. Only someone who has never lived here could write that paragraph. None of b's suggestions are happening. And because these simple measures cannot happen, a price will be paid.

Spike , Feb 29 2020 22:54 utc | 46
The overreaction to this will cause much, much more damage than the virus would have if it were responded to in a conventional, sensible way. Those in positions of responsibility are terrified of underreacting, and it's easy to rationalize that it's better to be safe than sorry.

If measures taken cause unnecessary disruption, if they increase the level of stress, the levels of disease and the amount of death will rise rather than fall. There is more to disease than just microbes.

This is not to say that we should be laissez-faire. Our response to the yearly outbreak of the flu is, in my opinion, insufficient. Schools are an unprecedented institution of prolonged propinquity. Children go to school, are with their classmates in enclosed rooms all day, and bring the disease home. Children survive, but grandma and grandpa might not. Schools can be shuttered during outbreaks, and the technology exists, at least for the relatively fortunate, to continue the instruction online. People should also be encouraged to avoid stressful prolonged propinquity situations such as travel on planes, trains, and interstate buses.

It's occurred to me that the death rate statistics might be misleading. Since China closed their schools, one can assume that the disease rate among children fell substantially. However, elderly people who live in care facilities, which is a high density living situation, would not enjoy the falling infection rate, and they are exactly the population most susceptible to a fatal outcome. This alone, perhaps, might make the death rate higher for COVID19 than for the flu.

Here, I think, is a very good take.

jadan , Feb 29 2020 22:56 utc | 47
The US healthcare system, the privatized system of exploitation of the sick for greater investor profits, is not capable of dealing with a pandemic. Trump and his gang of thieves, charlatans, and unapologetically incompetent followers of Ayn Rand and graduates of the Koch Brothers University, will prevent the socialization of medicine if they possibly can. Will a future cover of Time Magazine show them all hanging from lamp posts?

Whether this pandemic provokes the rapture of Pence & his 144,000 elect and the much anticipated End Times, or whether it fizzles out, I do heartily wish for one outcome: the disenfranchisement of Donald J Trump, his heirs & assigns, and all those who seem unable to smell the stink of his bullshit.

Thank you Jesus! Amen.

Pft , Feb 29 2020 21:53 utc | 33

CDC estimates 30 million flu cases each year with 30,000 deaths and 500,000 hospitalizations. I think we are a long way from any real concern. The US is nowhere near as polluted or densely populated as China. Also, I don't think we know how the disease spreads among non Asians. They are keeping that under wraps. Aside from those captives on the cruise ship there really has not been much spread from those who returned from China (visitors or citizens).

Mark2 , Feb 29 2020 21:12 utc | 26
Let s see America pass the 'Build a 2000 bed hospital in ten day test.
... ... ...
Krollchem , Feb 29 2020 21:12 utc | 24
Russ@ 12

Agreed that the US leadership is clueless and their thrashing around in order to protect corporate capitalism is xenophobic and dangerous to the world. Came across this research on a plant bioflavonoid that you might find useful in the treatment of SARS COV-1 (aka COVID-19).

Michel Chretien is setting up trials for combatting COVID-19 using a derivative of quercetin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory plant component.

In depth interview of this research in Canadian French:

Dr. Michel Chretien's background and research:

Quercetin and the mixture of isoquercitrin have already been found to suppress the arthropod-borne Mayaro virus (MAYV) occurring in forested areas in tropical South America:

Numerous other research articles on plant bioflavonoids such as Quercetin are readily available in the medical literature.

stephen laudig , Feb 29 2020 20:47 utc | 20
It's always Groundhog Day in the USA.
It's always late August 2005.
It's always New Orleans.
It's always Hurricane Katrina [or something else] on the horizon.
It's always a Republican Administration in power.
Who needs external enemies when we have such internal incompetents available to do the work of sabotage?
Russ , Feb 29 2020 20:21 utc | 12
Neither Reps nor Dems are psychologically capable even of conceiving the kinds of measures the post calls for. Trump's stooge already proclaimed that profit is the one and only goal of any response ("the market must decide"), while the Dem leadership as well can speak and think only in terms of making care "affordable", IOW the main purpose of the whole process still has to be corporate control and profit, even if a few stray Dems do want government to subsidize some victims. The purpose still is money changing hands, profit, commerce. Until the Big One levels the karma of this place that will never change.

It seems almost like fate is teeing up one practice play each time, just to show the US how hollowed out it is, before the real play begins. First was the Iranian reprisal strike which could have been so much more devastating. And now, although it's too early to tell how severe this pest ultimately will be, it looks so far like it won't completely cleanse the place. But if so that won't be for the lack of the US economic and cultural system giving it every opportunity it can use.

I have no doubt the US learns zero from either test case. By now the US is too berserk and stupid to deduce anything from its very survival than confirmation of the excellence of its policy and encouragement to further escalate and accelerate.

Trailer Trash , Feb 29 2020 19:59 utc | 6
The idea that Uncle Sam will do something useful and timely is simply laughable. I have been mostly housebound due to severe illness for the past five years. Imagine a five year quarantine! In all that time I have had zero social support besides receiving a disability pension. I hire a personal shopper every two weeks to bring groceries; everything else comes via UPS or FedEx. I frequently go two weeks at a time and never see anyone except maybe a delivery driver.

There is no system to take care of housebound people. For me there is no medical personal to make housecalls, no social support, no personal care workers, nothing. And this at a time when nationwide there are only small numbers of people like myself. Multiply this non-system by 100 or 1000 and people will die at home and no one will even notice.

Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning may be fast approaching. And we will have well-earned every bit of suffering headed our way.

Ilya G Poimandres , Feb 29 2020 19:59 utc | 5
Funny thing, b was right - China (and online deliveries as well really) managed to snuff the spread out well, and it seems that the rest of the world and their 'representative bureaucracies' will show all how limited they are when a fast acting 'unknown unknown' (Rummy, how you made sense here!) does its thing.

[Feb 28, 2020] Chas Freeman America in Distress The Challenges of Disadvantageous Change

Highly recommended!
I think everybody should listen the initial 47 minutes
Notable quotes:
"... Wanted to add that the malaise that is gripping the U.S. institutions is completely visible, it is not the opaque and obsequies portrait drawn by the punditry, news organizations, and elites. Seems most obvious to those of us outside the beltway that can clearly delineate between the failure of DC and the projections and marketing to the population that passes as wonky prose. Stupidity lacks the clarity, but brings the temerity making the facade not so subtle. ..."
"... Literally the only endorsement I've heard of Tulsi Gabbard - and a strikingly convincing one ..."
"... Isn't it just a question of the profits in the military business? ..."
Feb 24, 2020 |

In the United States and other democracies, political and economic systems still work in theory, but not in practice. Meanwhile, the American-led takedown of the post-World War II international system has shattered long-standing rules and norms of behavior. The combination of disorder at home and abroad is spawning changes that are increasingly disadvantageous to the United States. With Congress having essentially walked off the job, there is a need for America's universities to provide the information and analysis of international best practices that the political system does not.

Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. is a senior fellow at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, ambassador to Saudi Arabia (during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm), acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and Chargé d'affaires at both Bangkok and Beijing. He began his diplomatic career in India but specialized in Chinese affairs. (He was the principal American interpreter during President Nixon's visit to Beijing in 1972.)

Ambassador Freeman is a much sought-after public speaker (see ) and the author of several well-received books on statecraft and diplomacy. His most recent book, America's Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East was published in May 2016. Interesting Times: China, America, and the Shifting Balance of Prestige, appeared in March 2013. America's Misadventures in the Middle East came out in 2010, as did the most recent revision of The Diplomat's Dictionary, the companion volume to Arts of Power: Statecraft and Diplomacy. He was the editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on "diplomacy."

Chas Freeman studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and in Taiwan, and earned an AB magna cum laude from Yale University as well as a JD from the Harvard Law School. He chairs Projects International, Inc., a Washington-based firm that for more than three decades has helped its American and foreign clients create ventures across borders, facilitating their establishment of new businesses through the design, negotiation, capitalization, and implementation of greenfield investments, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, franchises, one-off transactions, sales and agencies in other countries.

Trade Prosper , 3 days ago (edited)

Well worth the watch and hope more see it, especially the presentation in the initial 47 minutes. We Americans take our deficits and the $ as the reserve currency far too lightly.

strezztechnoid , 2 days ago

Wanted to add that the malaise that is gripping the U.S. institutions is completely visible, it is not the opaque and obsequies portrait drawn by the punditry, news organizations, and elites. Seems most obvious to those of us outside the beltway that can clearly delineate between the failure of DC and the projections and marketing to the population that passes as wonky prose. Stupidity lacks the clarity, but brings the temerity making the facade not so subtle.

yes it's me , 3 days ago

Literally the only endorsement I've heard of Tulsi Gabbard - and a strikingly convincing one

Bob Trajkoski , 3 days ago

Way the US is Warmongering state and threat to humanity, on the planet.? Nukes in the hand's of gangsters

strezztechnoid , 2 days ago (edited)

No, not mercenaries, this is a protection racket. The U.N. address in late 2018 by the President (the laughter spoke volumes) was about as insightful as a "goodfellas" scene where the shakedown of the little guy is highlighted. It was the speeches by other countries at the meeting that was most informative.

A definitive pullback from U.S. hegemony was palpable, real, and un-moderated. Large and small countries all expressed an unwillingness to be held under the thumb of the global bully. This is the result of having an over abundance of a particle within D.C.; not the electron, photon, or neutron...but the moron.

Frank , 3 days ago

Aura of imperial purpose.

Dan Good , 7 hours ago

Isn't it just a question of the profits in the military business?

[Feb 26, 2020] Tulsi vs Bernie on borders

Feb 26, 2020 |

Ron Unz , says: Show Comment February 26, 2020 at 8:58 pm GMT

@Jeff Davis

So, while I see Bernie heading for an electoral win quite possibly large enough to prevent the DNC from cheating him out of the Democratic nomination, should he win the Presidency, preventing him from dying of "a heart attack" before his inauguration may well be a challenge. Paranoid? Maybe, but who can say? President Sanders may need an extraordinary level of protection just to stay alive.

That's exactly one of the several reasons he should pick Tulsi Gabbard as his VP. The voters might finally get a little suspicious if she *also* keels over from a "heart attack" age 38. And the "Deep State" hate her so much more than Sanders, they'd hire an extra food-taster for him.

Since today's Democrats are so big on race/gender issues plus "military service," nominating America's first non-white woman as a VP and a war veteran would check all the boxes.

sarz , says: Show Comment February 26, 2020 at 10:11 am GMT
@TG I suspect that the current Bernie on open borders is just a phase before the nomination. A salute to Demo idiocy.

Bernie's close associate Gabbard has been quietly talking sense on the border issue for quite some time.

This is an issue on which Trump has himself waffled a lot and delivered very little. It would be looking a gift horse in the mouth if Bernie were not to run with the border issue against Trump.

RudyM , says: Show Comment February 26, 2020 at 2:33 pm GMT

Bernie's close associate Gabbard has been quietly talking sense on the border issue for quite some time.

What has Gabbard said in particular that is so sensible? The best I've heard from her is that, well, we have to have some sort of control of our borders. But she is for another mass amnesty. I can see how that can seem "pragmatic," but it is just an invitation for more large scale illegal immigration.

Who is a closer associate of Sanders, Gabbard or AOC? Obviously the former can't campaign for Sanders while she herself is running, and Sanders can't boost Gabbard the way he has boosted AOC, but for the moment anyway Sanders looks closer to AOC than to Gabbard.

Jeff Davis , says: Show Comment February 26, 2020 at 10:17 pm GMT
@Ron Unz Bernie/Tulsi is the only ticket I would vote for over Trump.

I sent Trump to DC to burn the place down. Three years later the results are in: the Swamp drained him. That said, he started the revolution. Now comes 2020, and the next chapter.

I still like Trump. He made some progress: destroyed Hillary. And I choose to believe he was sincere in his stated policy goals, but faced unprecedented obstruction -- "Six ways from Sunday". So I don't blame him entirely for not achieving those goals.

But for me, the top priority was ending the wars.

So now, as Bernie takes up the revolutionary cause from the left, I'm waiting to see who gets my vote.

It never occurred to me, but yes, the idea of Tulsi as an insurance policy is another very good reason to pick her.

Will that happen? Will the Sanders team see that? Chuck Rocha and Nina Turner are the only Sanders team members I've seen in action, and they're some wicked smart people. Or will they wuss out and pick a centrist? (Personally, I think Bernie is sufficiently revolutionary not to wuss out, and yet )

Then too, it's still eight months till the election. If challenged, Trump could yet execute any of several winning plays: withdraw from Syria, Iraq and Afghan; pardon Julian Assange; declare his intent to replace Pompeo with Tulsi as Secretary of State. The list is long, and Trump wants to win.

Interesting times.

[Feb 26, 2020] Tulsi vs Bloomberg

Feb 26, 2020 |

TheVigilant1 , 2 hours ago

Separation of Powers is for losers.

DEMIZEN , 2 hours ago

its getting hillarious outhere:

just look at this one:

Democratic megadonor Bernard Schwartz has started reaching out to party leaders to encourage them to coalesce around a candidate for president in order to stop the surge of Sen. Bernie Sanders.

and then we call iran a regime?

Bloodstock , 2 hours ago

Yep he admitted that he bought 'em,,,now trying to cover it up. With the billions that he's got, I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.

PrideOfMammon , 2 hours ago

And you thought the *** takeover of the USA was still ahead.

IT is done~

commiebastid , 2 hours ago

final nails in coffin were hammered in with Citizens united

now this

notthebriang , 2 hours ago




What a bunch of bitches.

Tulsi 2020.

**** their wars.

And **** Them Too.

[Feb 23, 2020] Welcome to the American Regime

Highly recommended!
Feb 23, 2020 |

4 hours ago

Is America a 'regime'?

In the language of the American Oligarchy and it's tame and owned presstitutes on the MSM, any country targeted for destabilisation, destruction and rape – either because it doesn't do what America tells it do (Russia), because it has rich natural resources or has a 'socialist' state (Venezuela) or because lunatic neo-cons and even more lunatic Christian Evangelicals (hoping to provoke The End Times ) want it to happen (Syria and Iran) – is first labelled as a 'regime'.

That's because the word 'regime' is associated with dictatorships and human rights abuses and establishing a non-compliant country as a 'regime' is the US government's and MSM's first step at manufacturing public consent for that country's destruction.

Unfortunately if you sit back and talk a cool-headed, factual look at actions and attitudes that we're told constitute a regime then you have to conclude that America itself is 'a regime'.

So, here's why America is a regime:

4 hours ago

America's Military is Killing – Americans!

In 2018, Republicans (AND Democrats) voted to cut $23 billion dollars from the budget for food stamps (42 million Americans currently receive them).

Fats forward to 21 December 2019 and Donald Trump signed off on a US defense budget of a mind boggling $738 billion dollars.

To put that in context  --  the annual US government Education budget is sround $68 billion dollars.

Did you get that  --  $738 billion on defense, $68 billion on education?

That means the government spends more than ten times on preparations to kill people than it does on preparing children for life in the adult world.


How ******* psychotic and death-affirming is that? It gets even worse when you consider that that $716 billion dollars is only the headline figure – it doesn't include whatever the Deep State siphons away into black-ops and kick backs. And .America's military isn't even very good – it's hasn't 'won' a conflict since the second world war, it's proud (and horrifically expensive) aircraft carriers have been rendered obsolete by Chinese and Russian hypersonic missiles and its 'cutting edge' weapons are so good (not) that everyone wants to buy the cheaper and better Russian versions: classic example – the F-35 jet program will screw $1.5 TRILLION (yes, TRILLION) dollars out of US taxpayers but but it's a piece of **** plane that doesn't work properly which the Russians laughingly refer to as 'a flying piano'.

In contrast to America's free money for the military industrial complex defense budget, China spends $165 billion and Russia spends $61 billion on defense and I don't see anyone attacking them (well, except America, that is be it only by proxy for now).

Or, put things another way. The United Kingdom spent £110 billion on it's National Health Service in 2017. That means, if you get sick in England, you can see a doctor for free. If you need drugs you pay a prescription charge of around $11.50(nothing, if unemployed, a child or elderly), whatever the market price of the drugs. If you need to see a consultant or medical specialist, you'll see one for free. If you need an operation, you'll get one for free. If you need on-going care for a chronic illness, you'll get it for free.

Fully socialised, free at the point of access, healthcare for all. How good is that?

US citizens could have that, too.

Allowing for the US's larger population, the UK National Health Service transplanted to America could cost about $650 billion a year. That would still leave $66 billion dollars left over from the proposed defense budget of $716 billion to finance weapons of death and destruction   --  more than those 'evil Ruskies' spend.

The US has now been at war, somewhere in the world (i.e in someone elses' country where the US doesn't have any business being) continuously for 28 years. Those 28 years have coincided with (for the 'ordinary people', anyway) declining living standards, declining real wages, increased police violence, more repression and surveillance, declining lifespans, declining educational and health outcomes, more every day misery in other words, America's military is killing Americans. Oh, and millions of people in far away countries (although, obviously, those deaths are in far away countries and they are of brown-skinned people so they don't really count, do they?).

Time for a change, perhaps?

[Feb 23, 2020] Where Have You Gone, Smedley Butler The Last General To Criticize US Imperialism by Danny Sjursen

Here's a link to a free online copy of War is a Racket if anyone wants to read it. It's a short read. Pretty good too.
From comments (Is the USA government now a "regime"): In 2018, Republicans (AND Democrats) voted to cut $23 billion dollars from the budget for food stamps (42 million Americans currently receive them). Regimes disobey international law. Like America's habit of blowing up wedding parties with drones or the illegal presence of its troops in Syria, Iraq and God knows where else. Regimes carry out illegal assassination programs – I need say no more here than Qasem Soleimani. Regimes use their economic power to bully and impose their will – sanctioning countries even when they know those sanctions will, for example, be responsible for the death of 500,000 Iraqi children (the 'price worth paying', remember?). Regimes renege on international treaties – like Iran nuclear treaty, for example. Regimes imprison and hound whistle-blowers – like Chelsea manning and Julian Assange. Regimes imprison people. America is the world leader in incarceration. It has 2.2 million people in its prisons (more than China which has 5 times the US's population), that's 25% of the world's prison population for 5% of the world's population, Why does America need so many prisoners? Because it has a massive, prison-based, slave labour business that is hugely profitable for the oligarchy.
Regimes censor free speech. Just recently, we've seen numerous non-narrative following journalists and organisations kicked off numerous social media platforms. I didn't see lots of US senators standing up and saying 'I disagree completely with what you say but I will fight to the death to preserve your right to say it'. Did you?
Regimes are ruled by cliques. I don't need to tell you that America is kakistocratic Oligarchy ruled by a tiny group of evil, rich, Old Men, do I?
Regimes keep bad company. Their allies are other 'regimes', and they're often lumped together by using another favourite presstitute term – 'axis of evil'. America has its own little axis of evil. It's two main allies are Saudi Arabia – a homophobic, women hating, head chopping, terrorist financing state currently engaged in a war of genocide (assisted by the US) in Yemen – and the racist, genocidal undeclared nuclear power state of Israel.
Regimes commit human rights abuses. Here we could talk about…ooh…let's think. Last year's treatment of child refugees from Latin America, the execution of African Americans for 'walking whilst black' by America's militarized, criminal police force or the millions of dollars in cash and property seized from entirely innocent Americans by that same police force under 'civil forfeiture' laws or maybe we could mention huge American corporations getting tax refunds whilst ordinary Americans can't afford decent, effective healthcare.
Regimes finance terrorism. Mmmm….just like America financed terrorists to help destroy Syria and Libya and invested $5 billion dollars to install another regime – the one of anti-Semites and Nazis in Ukraine…
Highly recommended!
Some comments edited for clarity...
Notable quotes:
"... But after retirement, Smedley Butler changed his tune. ..."
"... "I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service... And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers." ..."
"... Smedley Butler's Marine Corps and the military of his day was, in certain ways, a different sort of organization than today's highly professionalized armed forces. History rarely repeats itself, not in a literal sense anyway. Still, there are some disturbing similarities between the careers of Butler and today's generation of forever-war fighters. All of them served repeated tours of duty in (mostly) unsanctioned wars around the world. Butler's conflicts may have stretched west from Haiti across the oceans to China, whereas today's generals mostly lead missions from West Africa east to Central Asia, but both sets of conflicts seemed perpetual in their day and were motivated by barely concealed economic and imperial interests. ..."
"... When Smedley Butler retired in 1931, he was one of three Marine Corps major generals holding a rank just below that of only the Marine commandant and the Army chief of staff. Today, with about 900 generals and admirals currently serving on active duty, including 24 major generals in the Marine Corps alone, and with scores of flag officers retiring annually, not a single one has offered genuine public opposition to almost 19 years worth of ill-advised, remarkably unsuccessful American wars . As for the most senior officers, the 40 four-star generals and admirals whose vocal antimilitarism might make the biggest splash, there are more of them today than there were even at the height of the Vietnam War, although the active military is now about half the size it was then. Adulated as many of them may be, however, not one qualifies as a public critic of today's failing wars. ..."
"... The big three are Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff, retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson ; Vietnam veteran and onetime West Point history instructor, retired Colonel Andrew Bacevich ; and Iraq veteran and Afghan War whistleblower , retired Lieutenant Colonel Danny Davis . All three have proven to be genuine public servants, poignant voices, and -- on some level -- cherished personal mentors. For better or worse, however, none carry the potential clout of a retired senior theater commander or prominent four-star general offering the same critiques. ..."
"... Consider it an irony of sorts that this system first received criticism in our era of forever wars when General David Petraeus, then commanding the highly publicized " surge " in Iraq, had to leave that theater of war in 2007 to serve as the chair of that selection committee. The reason: he wanted to ensure that a twice passed-over colonel, a protégé of his -- future Trump National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster -- earned his star. ..."
"... At the roots of this system lay the obsession of the American officer corps with " professionalization " after the Vietnam War debacle. This first manifested itself in a decision to ditch the citizen-soldier tradition, end the draft, and create an "all-volunteer force." The elimination of conscription, as predicted by critics at the time, created an ever-growing civil-military divide, even as it increased public apathy regarding America's wars by erasing whatever " skin in the game " most citizens had. ..."
"... One group of generals, however, reportedly now does have it out for President Trump -- but not because they're opposed to endless war. Rather, they reportedly think that The Donald doesn't "listen enough to military advice" on, you know, how to wage war forever and a day. ..."
"... That beast, first identified by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is now on steroids as American commanders in retirement regularly move directly from the military onto the boards of the giant defense contractors, a reality which only contributes to the dearth of Butlers in the military retiree community. For all the corruption of his time, the Pentagon didn't yet exist and the path from the military to, say, United Fruit Company, Standard Oil, or other typical corporate giants of that moment had yet to be normalized for retiring generals and admirals. Imagine what Butler would have had to say about the modern phenomenon of the " revolving door " in Washington. ..."
"... Today, generals don't seem to have a thought of their own even in retirement. And more's the pity... ..."
"... Am I the only one to notice that Hollywood and it's film distributors have gone full bore on "war" productions, glorifying these historical events while using poetic license to rewrite history. Prepping the numbheads. ..."
"... Forget rank. As Mr Sjursen implies, dissidents are no longer allowed in the higher ranks. "They" made sure to fix this as Mr Butler had too much of a mind of his own (US education system also programmed against creative, charismatic thinkers, btw). ..."
"... Today, the "Masters of the Permawars" refer to the international extortion, MIC, racket as "Defending American Interests"! .....With never any explanation to the public/American taxpayer just what "American Interests" the incredible expenditures of American lives, blood, and treasure are being defended! ..."
"... "The Americans follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." - Jospeh Goebbels ..."
"... The greatest anti-imperialist of our times is Michael Parenti: ..."
"... The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. Dangerous as these people may be, they are not so significant as thousands of other people who have never been mentioned. The really dangerous American fascists are not those who are hooked up directly or indirectly with the Axis. The FBI has its finger on those. The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. ..."
"... If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. ..."
Feb 23, 2020 |

Authored by Danny Sjursen via,

There once lived an odd little man - five feet nine inches tall and barely 140 pounds sopping wet - who rocked the lecture circuit and the nation itself. For all but a few activist insiders and scholars, U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Darlington Butler is now lost to history. Yet more than a century ago, this strange contradiction of a man would become a national war hero, celebrated in pulp adventure novels, and then, 30 years later, as one of this country's most prominent antiwar and anti-imperialist dissidents.

Raised in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and educated in Quaker (pacifist) schools, the son of an influential congressman, he would end up serving in nearly all of America's " Banana Wars " from 1898 to 1931. Wounded in combat and a rare recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor, he would retire as the youngest, most decorated major general in the Marines.

A teenage officer and a certified hero during an international intervention in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion of 1900, he would later become a constabulary leader of the Haitian gendarme, the police chief of Philadelphia (while on an approved absence from the military), and a proponent of Marine Corps football. In more standard fashion, he would serve in battle as well as in what might today be labeled peacekeeping , counterinsurgency , and advise-and-assist missions in Cuba, China, the Philippines, Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, France, and China (again). While he showed early signs of skepticism about some of those imperial campaigns or, as they were sardonically called by critics at the time, " Dollar Diplomacy " operations -- that is, military campaigns waged on behalf of U.S. corporate business interests -- until he retired he remained the prototypical loyal Marine.

But after retirement, Smedley Butler changed his tune. He began to blast the imperialist foreign policy and interventionist bullying in which he'd only recently played such a prominent part. Eventually, in 1935 during the Great Depression, in what became a classic passage in his memoir, which he titled "War Is a Racket," he wrote:

"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service... And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers."

Seemingly overnight, the famous war hero transformed himself into an equally acclaimed antiwar speaker and activist in a politically turbulent era. Those were, admittedly, uncommonly anti-interventionist years, in which veterans and politicians alike promoted what (for America, at least) had been fringe ideas. This was, after all, the height of what later pro-war interventionists would pejoratively label American " isolationism ."

Nonetheless, Butler was unique (for that moment and certainly for our own) in his unapologetic amenability to left-wing domestic politics and materialist critiques of American militarism. In the last years of his life, he would face increasing criticism from his former admirer, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the military establishment, and the interventionist press. This was particularly true after Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany invaded Poland and later France. Given the severity of the Nazi threat to mankind, hindsight undoubtedly proved Butler's virulent opposition to U.S. intervention in World War II wrong.

Nevertheless, the long-term erasure of his decade of antiwar and anti-imperialist activism and the assumption that all his assertions were irrelevant has proven historically deeply misguided. In the wake of America's brief but bloody entry into the First World War, the skepticism of Butler (and a significant part of an entire generation of veterans) about intervention in a new European bloodbath should have been understandable. Above all, however, his critique of American militarism of an earlier imperial era in the Pacific and in Latin America remains prescient and all too timely today, especially coming as it did from one of the most decorated and high-ranking general officers of his time. (In the era of the never-ending war on terror, such a phenomenon is quite literally inconceivable.)

Smedley Butler's Marine Corps and the military of his day was, in certain ways, a different sort of organization than today's highly professionalized armed forces. History rarely repeats itself, not in a literal sense anyway. Still, there are some disturbing similarities between the careers of Butler and today's generation of forever-war fighters. All of them served repeated tours of duty in (mostly) unsanctioned wars around the world. Butler's conflicts may have stretched west from Haiti across the oceans to China, whereas today's generals mostly lead missions from West Africa east to Central Asia, but both sets of conflicts seemed perpetual in their day and were motivated by barely concealed economic and imperial interests.

Nonetheless, whereas this country's imperial campaigns of the first third of the twentieth century generated a Smedley Butler, the hyper-interventionism of the first decades of this century hasn't produced a single even faintly comparable figure. Not one. Zero. Zilch. Why that is matters and illustrates much about the U.S. military establishment and contemporary national culture, none of it particularly encouraging.

Why No Antiwar Generals

When Smedley Butler retired in 1931, he was one of three Marine Corps major generals holding a rank just below that of only the Marine commandant and the Army chief of staff. Today, with about 900 generals and admirals currently serving on active duty, including 24 major generals in the Marine Corps alone, and with scores of flag officers retiring annually, not a single one has offered genuine public opposition to almost 19 years worth of ill-advised, remarkably unsuccessful American wars . As for the most senior officers, the 40 four-star generals and admirals whose vocal antimilitarism might make the biggest splash, there are more of them today than there were even at the height of the Vietnam War, although the active military is now about half the size it was then. Adulated as many of them may be, however, not one qualifies as a public critic of today's failing wars.

Instead, the principal patriotic dissent against those terror wars has come from retired colonels, lieutenant colonels, and occasionally more junior officers (like me), as well as enlisted service members. Not that there are many of us to speak of either. I consider it disturbing (and so should you) that I personally know just about every one of the retired military figures who has spoken out against America's forever wars.

The big three are Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff, retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson ; Vietnam veteran and onetime West Point history instructor, retired Colonel Andrew Bacevich ; and Iraq veteran and Afghan War whistleblower , retired Lieutenant Colonel Danny Davis . All three have proven to be genuine public servants, poignant voices, and -- on some level -- cherished personal mentors. For better or worse, however, none carry the potential clout of a retired senior theater commander or prominent four-star general offering the same critiques.

Something must account for veteran dissenters topping out at the level of colonel. Obviously, there are personal reasons why individual officers chose early retirement or didn't make general or admiral. Still, the system for selecting flag officers should raise at least a few questions when it comes to the lack of antiwar voices among retired commanders. In fact, a selection committee of top generals and admirals is appointed each year to choose the next colonels to earn their first star. And perhaps you won't be surprised to learn that, according to numerous reports , "the members of this board are inclined, if not explicitly motivated, to seek candidates in their own image -- officers whose careers look like theirs." At a minimal level, such a system is hardly built to foster free thinkers, no less breed potential dissidents.

Consider it an irony of sorts that this system first received criticism in our era of forever wars when General David Petraeus, then commanding the highly publicized " surge " in Iraq, had to leave that theater of war in 2007 to serve as the chair of that selection committee. The reason: he wanted to ensure that a twice passed-over colonel, a protégé of his -- future Trump National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster -- earned his star.

Mainstream national security analysts reported on this affair at the time as if it were a major scandal, since most of them were convinced that Petraeus and his vaunted counterinsurgency or " COINdinista " protégés and their " new " war-fighting doctrine had the magic touch that would turn around the failing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In fact, Petraeus tried to apply those very tactics twice -- once in each country -- as did acolytes of his later, and you know the results of that.

But here's the point: it took an eleventh-hour intervention by America's most acclaimed general of that moment to get new stars handed out to prominent colonels who had, until then, been stonewalled by Cold War-bred flag officers because they were promoting different (but also strangely familiar) tactics in this country's wars. Imagine, then, how likely it would be for such a leadership system to produce genuine dissenters with stars of any serious sort, no less a crew of future Smedley Butlers.

At the roots of this system lay the obsession of the American officer corps with " professionalization " after the Vietnam War debacle. This first manifested itself in a decision to ditch the citizen-soldier tradition, end the draft, and create an "all-volunteer force." The elimination of conscription, as predicted by critics at the time, created an ever-growing civil-military divide, even as it increased public apathy regarding America's wars by erasing whatever " skin in the game " most citizens had.

More than just helping to squelch civilian antiwar activism, though, the professionalization of the military, and of the officer corps in particular, ensured that any future Smedley Butlers would be left in the dust (or in retirement at the level of lieutenant colonel or colonel) by a system geared to producing faux warrior-monks. Typical of such figures is current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army General Mark Milley. He may speak gruffly and look like a man with a head of his own, but typically he's turned out to be just another yes-man for another war-power -hungry president.

One group of generals, however, reportedly now does have it out for President Trump -- but not because they're opposed to endless war. Rather, they reportedly think that The Donald doesn't "listen enough to military advice" on, you know, how to wage war forever and a day.

What Would Smedley Butler Think Today?

In his years of retirement, Smedley Butler regularly focused on the economic component of America's imperial war policies. He saw clearly that the conflicts he had fought in, the elections he had helped rig, the coups he had supported, and the constabularies he had formed and empowered in faraway lands had all served the interests of U.S. corporate investors. Though less overtly the case today, this still remains a reality in America's post-9/11 conflicts, even on occasion embarrassingly so (as when the Iraqi ministry of oil was essentially the only public building protected by American troops as looters tore apart the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in the post-invasion chaos of April 2003). Mostly, however, such influence plays out far more subtly than that, both abroad and here at home where those wars help maintain the record profits of the top weapons makers of the military-industrial complex.

That beast, first identified by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is now on steroids as American commanders in retirement regularly move directly from the military onto the boards of the giant defense contractors, a reality which only contributes to the dearth of Butlers in the military retiree community. For all the corruption of his time, the Pentagon didn't yet exist and the path from the military to, say, United Fruit Company, Standard Oil, or other typical corporate giants of that moment had yet to be normalized for retiring generals and admirals. Imagine what Butler would have had to say about the modern phenomenon of the " revolving door " in Washington.

Of course, he served in a very different moment, one in which military funding and troop levels were still contested in Congress. As a longtime critic of capitalist excesses who wrote for leftist publications and supported the Socialist Party candidate in the 1936 presidential elections, Butler would have found today's nearly trillion-dollar annual defense budgets beyond belief. What the grizzled former Marine long ago identified as a treacherous nexus between warfare and capital "in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives" seems to have reached its natural end point in the twenty-first century. Case in point: the record (and still rising ) "defense" spending of the present moment, including -- to please a president -- the creation of a whole new military service aimed at the full-scale militarization of space .

Sadly enough, in the age of Trump, as numerous polls demonstrate, the U.S. military is the only public institution Americans still truly trust. Under the circumstances, how useful it would be to have a high-ranking, highly decorated, charismatic retired general in the Butler mold galvanize an apathetic public around those forever wars of ours. Unfortunately, the likelihood of that is practically nil, given the military system of our moment.

Of course, Butler didn't exactly end his life triumphantly. In late May 1940, having lost 25 pounds due to illness and exhaustion -- and demonized as a leftist, isolationist crank but still maintaining a whirlwind speaking schedule -- he checked himself into the Philadelphia Navy Yard Hospital for a "rest." He died there, probably of some sort of cancer, four weeks later. Working himself to death in his 10-year retirement and second career as a born-again antiwar activist, however, might just have constituted the very best service that the two-time Medal of Honor winner could have given the nation he loved to the very end.

Someone of his credibility, character, and candor is needed more than ever today. Unfortunately, this military generation is unlikely to produce such a figure. In retirement, Butler himself boldly confessed that, "like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical..."

Today, generals don't seem to have a thought of their own even in retirement. And more's the pity...

2 minutes ago
Am I the only one to notice that Hollywood and it's film distributors have gone full bore on "war" productions, glorifying these historical events while using poetic license to rewrite history. Prepping the numbheads.
14 minutes ago

Forget rank. As Mr Sjursen implies, dissidents are no longer allowed in the higher ranks. "They" made sure to fix this as Mr Butler had too much of a mind of his own (US education system also programmed against creative, charismatic thinkers, btw).

The US Space Force has been created as part of a plan to disclose the deep state's Secret Space Program (SSP), which has been active for decades, and which has utilized, and repressed, advanced technologies that would provide free, unlimited renewable energy, and thus eliminate hunger and poverty on a planetary scale.

14 minutes ago
14 minutes ago

ALL wars are EVIL. Period .

29 minutes ago

Sadly enough, in the age of Trump, as numerous polls demonstrate, the U.S. military is the only public institution Americans still truly trust. Under the circumstances, how useful it would be to have a high-ranking, highly decorated, charismatic retired general in the Butler mold galvanize an apathetic public around those forever wars of ours. Unfortunately, the likelihood of that is practically nil, given the military system of our moment.

This is why I feel an oath keeping constitutionally oriented American general is what we need in power, clear out all 545 criminals in office now, review their finances (and most of them will roll over on the others) and punish accordingly, then the lobbyist, how many of them worked against the country? You know what we do with those.

And then, finally, Hollywood, oh yes I long to see that **** hole burn with everyone in it.

30 minutes ago
Republicrat: the two faces of the moar war whore.
32 minutes ago

Given the severity of the Nazi threat to mankind

Do tell, from what I've read the Nazis were really only a threat to a few groups, the rest of us didn't need to worry.

35 minutes ago
Today, the "Masters of the Permawars" refer to the international extortion, MIC, racket as "Defending American Interests"! .....With never any explanation to the public/American taxpayer just what "American Interests" the incredible expenditures of American lives, blood, and treasure are being defended!

Why are we sending our children out into the hellholes of the world to be maimed and killed in the fauxjew banksters' quest for world domination.

How stupid can we be!

41 minutes ago
(Edited) "Smedley Butler"... The last time the UCMJ was actually used before being permanently turned into a "door stop"!
49 minutes ago
He was correct about our staying out of WWII. Which, BTW, would have never happened if we had stayed out of WWI.
22 minutes ago
(Edited) Both wars were about the international fauxjew imposition of debt-money central bankstering.

Both wars were promulgated by the Financial oligarchyof New York. The communist Red Army of Russia was funded and supplied by the Financial oligarchyof New York. It was American Financial oligarchythat built the Russian Red Army that vexed the world and created the Cold War. How many hundreds of millions of goyim were sacrificed to create both the Russian and the Chinese Satanic behemoths.......and the communist horror that is now embedded in American academia, publishing, American politics, so-called news, entertainment, The worldwide Catholic religion, the Pentagon, and the American deep state.......and more!

How stupid can we be. Every generation has the be dragged, kicking and screaming, out of the eternal maw of historical ignorance to avoid falling back into the myriad dark hellholes of history. As we all should know, people who forget their own history are doomed to repeat it.

53 minutes ago
Today's General is a robot with with a DNA.
54 minutes ago
All the General Staff is a bunch of #asskissinglittlechickenshits
57 minutes ago
want to stop senseless Empire wars>>well do this

War = jobs and profit..we get work "THEY" get the profit.. If we taxed all war related profit at 99% how many wars would our rulers start? 1 hour ago

Here is a simple straightforward trading maxim that might apply here: if it works or is working keep doing it, but if it doesn't work or stops working, then STOP doing it. There are plenty of people, now poorer, for not adhering to that simple principle. Where is the Taxpayer's return on investment from the Combat taking place on their behalf around the globe? 'Nuff said - it isn't working. It is making a microscopic few richer & all others poorer so STOP doing it. 36 seconds ago We don't have to look far to figure out who they are that are getting rich off the fauxjew permawars.

How can we be so stupid???

1 hour ago

See also:


1 hour ago

The main reason you don't see the generals criticizing is that the current crop have not been in actual long term direct combat with the enemy and have mostly been bureaucratic paper pushers.

Take the Marine Major General who is the current commander of CENTCOM. By the time he got into the Iraq/Afghanistan war he was already a Lieutenant Colonel and far removed from direct action.

He was only there on and off for a few years. Here are some of his other career highlights aft as they appear on his official bio:

In short, these top guys aren't warriors they're bureaucrats so why would we expect them to be honest brokers of the truth?

51 minutes ago

are U saying Chesty Puller he's NOT? 1 hour ago
(Edited) The purpose of war is to ensure that the Federal Reserve Note remains the world reserve paper currency of choice by keeping it relevant and in demand across the globe by forcing pesky energy producing nations to trade with it exclusively.

It is a 49 year old policy created by the private owners of quasi public institutions called central banks to ensure they remain the Wizards of Oz doing gods work conjuring magic paper into existence with a secret spell known as issuing credit.

How else is a technologically advanced society of billions of people supposed to function w/out this divinely inspired paper?

1 hour ago

Goebbels in "Churchill's Lie Factory" where he said: "The Americans follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." - Jospeh Goebbels, "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik," 12. january 1941, Die Zeit ohne Beispiel

1 hour ago

The greatest anti-imperialist of our times is Michael Parenti:

Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over the last four or five centuries, carving up whole continents while oppressing indigenous peoples and obliterating entire civilizations. Yet, it is seldom accorded any serious attention by our academics, media commentators, and political leaders. When not ignored outright, the subject of imperialism has been sanitized, so that empires become "commonwealths," and colonies become "territories" or "dominions" (or, as in the case of Puerto Rico, "commonwealths" too). Imperialist military interventions become matters of "national defense," "national security," and maintaining "stability" in one or another region. In this book I want to look at imperialism for what it really is.

49 minutes ago
"Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over the last four or five centuries, carving up whole continents while oppressing indigenous peoples and obliterating entire civilizations. Yet, it is seldom accorded any serious attention by our academics, media commentators, and political leaders."

Why would it when they who control academia, media and most of our politicians are our enemies.

1 hour ago

"The big three are Secretary of State Colin Powell's former chief of staff, retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson ; ..."

Yep, Wilkerson, who leaked Valerie Plame's name, not that it was a leak, to Novak, and then stood by to watch the grand jury fry Scooter Libby. Wilkerson, that paragon of moral rectitude. Wilkerson the silent, that *******.


1 hour ago

" A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."

James Madison Friday June 29, 1787

"What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty.... Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins." (Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment [I Annals of Congress at 750, August 17, 1789])

1 hour ago

A particularly pernicious example of intra-European imperialism was the Nazi aggression during World War II, which gave the German business cartels and the Nazi state an opportunity to plunder the resources and exploit the labor of occupied Europe, including the slave labor of concentration camps. - M. PARENTI, Against empire

See Alexander Parvus

1 hour ago

Collapse is the cure. It's too far gone.

1 hour ago

Russia Wants to 'Jam' F-22 and F-35s in the Middle East: Report

1 hour ago

ZH retards think that the American mic is bad and all other mics are good or don't exist. That's the power of brainwashing. Humans understand that war in general is bad, but humans are becoming increasingly rare in this world.

1 hour ago

The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. Dangerous as these people may be, they are not so significant as thousands of other people who have never been mentioned. The really dangerous American fascists are not those who are hooked up directly or indirectly with the Axis. The FBI has its finger on those. The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.

If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort.

2 hours ago
The swamp is bigger than the military alone. Substitute Bureaucrat, Statesman, or Beltway Bandit for General and Colonel in your writing above and you've got a whole new article to post that is just as true.
2 hours ago
(Edited) War = jobs and profit..we get work "THEY" get the profit..If we taxed all war related profit at 99% how many wars would our rulers start?
2 hours ago [edited for clarity]
War is a racket. And nobody loves a racket more than Financial oligarchy. Americans come close though, that's why Financial oligarchy use them to project their own rackets and provide protection reprisals.

[Feb 22, 2020] Tulsi's Populist 'Country-First' Anti-War Crusade by Hunter DeRensis

Notable quotes:
"... A combat veteran and major in the U.S. National Guard, Gabbard has made ending America's policy of "regime change wars" the core of her campaign platform. "She puts peace over war profiteering," said Carl Holland, introducing the candidate to unanimous applause. But on this occasion, foreign policy was not the focus of her stump speech. ..."
"... After her first debate, I watched CNN coverage of that debate on YouTube and noted the amount of coverage devoted to her. I was struck by how little was said about her. The story included her in a clip of candidates deriding Trump but gave her NO coverage of her other views, in spite of the fact that she did well in the debate and made some sound-byte worthy statements. In contrast, the mainstream candidates got lots of coverage. ..."
"... She completely botched the Assad - poison gas issue. She swallowed the propaganda whole cloth, and when it was proven she was just wrong she huffed off in denial. ..."
"... Actually, it appears that Americans and Western media bought the propaganda on alleged Assad use of poison gas (vice the al-Qaeda linked "rebels"): ..."
"... Undoubtedly the finest candidate for president in the race. And by far the most presidential. Her campaign deserves more. ..."
"... HER core issue -- anti-foreign intervention, ending forever wars -- remain resoundingly popular. However, her relative low-profile as a Hawaiian congresswoman (compare her favorable support vis-a-vis Julian Castro, for instance), the constant mainstream media attacks (compare her to the Mayor Pete love-fest), and most importantly, her unwillingness to be reflexively anti-Trump, is costing her the support of a feverish, vengeful Democratic primary base. ..."
"... Hi, the main reason the major media went out to try to stop Tulsi's campaign: From the Dem leadership like Pelosi and Schumer, to the folks at CNN, MSNBC and all the network 'news' shows, they worked to stop her because: They are neocons! And she's talking ending wars over there and there! ..."
"... That goes against hardliners like AIPAC, and in mentioning CNN, for example, Blitzer is a neocon guy and he is foremost an Israeli supporter and so on. What, are we just gonna keep kidding ourselves? ..."
Feb 19, 2020 |
Is there a better time for a presidential townhall than on President's Day? And is there a better place than the Old Town Hall in the heart of Fairfax, Virginia? Built in 1900, this small, neoclassical-styled building, with wood pillars sprouting from floor to ceiling in the middle of its main room, brings to mind the same communal assemblies that the Old Dominion was founded on 400 years ago.

It was here that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii spoke Monday to over 200 supporters gathered ahead of the March 3 Democratic primary.

And gather they did. An hour before she was supposed to speak, a line was already forming down the sidewalk. A man near the front door held a "Tulsi 2020" sign out towards the road. When asked if he was on her staff, he responded that he wasn't even a volunteer for the event; he had brought the sign from home. The other attendees were similarly clad in Tulsi gear, holding signs, wearing shirts, and sporting "Veterans for Gabbard" hats. These were not undecided voters on a curiosity trip, but the enthusiastic base of a candidate most of the people driving past wouldn't even recognize.

A combat veteran and major in the U.S. National Guard, Gabbard has made ending America's policy of "regime change wars" the core of her campaign platform. "She puts peace over war profiteering," said Carl Holland, introducing the candidate to unanimous applause. But on this occasion, foreign policy was not the focus of her stump speech.

"What is it that makes people hate politics?" she asked the crowd after her customary "aloha" greeting. She believes it's the same reasons that she finds it off-putting: "I hate the pay-to-play politics that rules the day in Washington." She hates the hyper-partisanship, the politicians "who love to talk a lot but refuse to actually listen," and the leaders who carelessly "send our nation's sons and daughters off to fight in wars that have nothing to do with our country's national security."

Taking advantage of the holiday, she spoke about being inspired by Abraham Lincoln and his 1858 "House Divided" speech. She described a country still divided today, on matters of politics, race, gender, and even "what cable news channel you watch."

Briefly contrasting what she hates with what she loves, Gabbard said unreservedly, "I love our country. I love the people of this country." Multiple times she used the phrase "Country First" to describe her policies and her movement. The difference in intentions between her slogan and Donald Trump's "America First" would be hard to parse.

Gabbard's example of putting Country First was the First Step Act, a criminal justice bill passed by large bipartisan majorities in December 2018. The law enacted new dignity provisions for prisoners and resulted in the release of 7,000 people. Gabbard described members of her party who "did not want to give Trump a win, who stood in the way of this legislation passing." To those legislators who "put politics ahead of people, shame on you," she said.

For Gabbard, the corruption in the system doesn't stop with her fellow elected officials or the "high-powered lobbyists [who] stack the odds against the people." It includes those in "the corporate media trying to silence our voices because we dare speak the truth" about regime change wars. Like clockwork, when a woman in the audience asked about the OPCW whistleblower who has challenged the United Nations' conclusions about the alleged Douma chemical attack in Syria, members of the print media darted their heads up and scurried closer to the stage to try to get a potentially scandalous soundbite .

Gabbard responded by saying she has sent multiple letters to the OPCW inquiring about the whistleblower situation, but had not yet received satisfactory answers. She promised to keep trying.

The candidate closed her speech by telling the crowd, "You have my personal commitment that as your president, my sole mission every single day will be serving you and only you ." Her strategy for winning the White House would be "not taking people for granted, reaching out, and treating every American with respect."

After answering questions about health care, small business, and climate change, Gabbard stepped away from the podium and her fans lined up for pictures and a handshake. Meanwhile, her husband Abraham walked the room, chatting with people and recording the event on his phone.

In the unscientific poll of raised hands, the attendees were one third Democrat, one third Republican, and one third "independent, Libertarian, or Green." They were overwhelmingly from Northern Virginia or Maryland, with very few from Washington, D.C. Multiple families attended, some of whose kids presented Tulsi with homemade drawings. One family, with their two adolescent children present and husky dog tied up outside, drove all the way from West Virginia.

When everyone had dispersed, The American Conservative was given an opportunity to ask a question. Gabbard has been explicit in her condemnations of "radical Islam," and she's referred to the war on terror as an ideological war as much as a military one. When asked to specify whether she believes the terrorism against the West is the result of religious extremism or if it's a consequence of foreign military interventions and their subsequent blowback, she appeared to lean more to the latter.

"It's a combination of the radical, Wahhabi-Salafist ideology that serves as the fuel and the recruiting ground for terrorist organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda, that motivates them in their terror actions." Gabbard told TAC , "But it's also when you see how our regime change wars have had a direct impact. Not in going in and defeating terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, but actually serving to only strengthen them."

A Monmouth poll released the day after her townhall listed Gabbard's support in Virginia at 1 percent. This is similar to the national polls where she places last among the eight candidates still running for the Democratic nomination. Gabbard has previously announced that she's declining to run for reelection to the House (after four terms) and that she's taking her presidential campaign all the way to the Democratic convention in June. Where this will put the 38-year-old come January 2021 is anyone's guess. But whether in the White House or retired from politics, Tulsi Gabbard plans to continue putting Country First.

Hunter DeRensis is a reporter with The National Interest and a regular contributor to The American Conservative. Follow him on Twitter @HunterDeRensis .

JessicaR Martin Ranger 3 days ago
You are raising a valid question about why she is not doing better in the polls. While I have not done a statistical analysis of her press coverage, it appeared to me that the networks have largely shut her out.

After her first debate, I watched CNN coverage of that debate on YouTube and noted the amount of coverage devoted to her. I was struck by how little was said about her. The story included her in a clip of candidates deriding Trump but gave her NO coverage of her other views, in spite of the fact that she did well in the debate and made some sound-byte worthy statements. In contrast, the mainstream candidates got lots of coverage.

It is my impression that this trend has continued throughout the primaries.

It is reminiscent of the ways the networks treat other strong opponents of war. 1, Dennis Kucinich, NBC had a rule that to be on one of their debates-in 2004 if I remember correctly--a candidate had to finish in the top three in a primary. Kucinich finished third in Nevada. NBC changed the rules on him. He took them to court. The court ruled that NBC was a private business and could set their own rules. 2. Bernie Sanders in 2016. The CNN website largely ignored his candidacy until he started winning primaries. When they couldn't ignore him anymore, they ran unflattering photos of him with his mouth open--how else could he talk?-but did not do so for Clinton.

Anyway, that is my impression.

Osse JessicaR 2 days ago
I think the lack of press coverage is part of it. She is also demonized by most liberals and even some leftists. I say “ demonized” because I think at least some of the criticisms are false, but I am not sure about the others.
Alex (the one that likes Ike) MPC 3 days ago • edited
And I think you seriously underestimate the share of antiwar voters nationwide and overestimate the importance of those whom you, inexplicably from the Marxist point of view, call "left". Tulsi now holds a wild card.

She's still under forty, which is almost a senior teenager by modern standards, and already on her way to becoming a kingmaker through being able to guarantee either party's candidates the support of a serious share of voters from both and of independents for years to come.

MPC Alex (the one that likes Ike) 3 days ago

...I do think she would appeal to just the type of person the Dems want to peel away from Trump. She'd be a play for independents.

diverick MPC 2 days ago
I do think she would appeal to just the type of person the Dems want to peel away from Trump.

I would agree only, from what I have seen thus far, her appeal to a possibly significant number of previous Trump voters is seen as a negative in the eyes of Dem activists, pundits, other candidates, etc. The Dems don't seem to have any interest in winning over previous Trump voters, no matter what the reason was for their 2016 Trump vote.

I think a more accurate phrasing of the sentence above would be, "I do think she would appeal to just the type of person the Dems should want to peel away from Trump."

Alex (the one that likes Ike) Collin Reid 2 days ago
The only bridges she burned were those with the Democratic establishment, which is out of touch with reality and is doomed to soon repeat its Republican counterpart's inglorious end. Thus the fact that she burned those bridges actually shows that she, unlike so many other politicians, is capable of, at least, midterm planning. Not to mention that, as I've already said, she, given her strong cross-partisan appeal, can easily become a Republican now.

1) Did Sanders meet UN-recognized leaders of countries, against whom the neocon/neolib clique was waging illegal wars?
2) And that campaigning for Clinton cost Democrats the defection of many Sanders's voters to Trump's camp. Long-term planning, right.
3) 55% under a system which has recently shown how the votes are counted in all of its glory? Impressive.

RadicalCenter Alex (the one that likes Ike) 2 days ago • edited
I applaud Tulsi's anti-war comments and have observed that the establishment media shut her out of meaningful coverage. But there is no reason to think that she can influence any large block of voters and influence them enough to be a kingmaker. Not even close.

Andrew Yang, by contrast, could have some influence, though probably more in pushing the universal basic income idea than in inducing a particularly large number of voters to vote for this candidate or that. But he has achieved more influence than Tulsi for sure.

E_Conegliano MPC a day ago
Can you imagine the look on the face of AOC, Bernie's ambitious surrogate, if Bernie chose Tulsi for VP? IMO, Bernie has hitched his wagon to AOC's rock-star magnetism and Our Revolution's multicultural foot soldiers. No room for Tulsi, who favors closed borders and open discussions in contrast to open borders and PC lectures.
channelclemente 3 days ago
She completely botched the Assad - poison gas issue. She swallowed the propaganda whole cloth, and when it was proven she was just wrong she huffed off in denial.
Collin Reid channelclemente 2 days ago
Yea, that hurt her but the reality was it was crowded Primary with over 20 candidates and Gabbard had limited name recognition going into 2019!
Xanadu channelclemente 2 days ago
Actually, it appears that Americans and Western media bought the propaganda on alleged Assad use of poison gas (vice the al-Qaeda linked "rebels"):
Osse channelclemente 2 days ago
What are you talking about? If you mean Douma or the OPCW, it is more likely the mainstream which is in denial.
Dodo 3 days ago
Neoconservatives' wars for their own ideologies have exhausted most Americans. They want to stop wars, regardless. In coming economic depression, this view will rampant Eventually, appeasement will happen again.

Neconservatives and their supporters (regardless reasons) deserve this result but how about other Americans?

EdMan 3 days ago
Undoubtedly the finest candidate for president in the race. And by far the most presidential. Her campaign deserves more.
dbriz 3 days ago
If, still a large if, Sanders gets the nomination Gabbard makes a lot of sense as running mate. She appeals to the very votes needed to defeat Trump. Antiwar, libertarian oriented moderates. Any VP candidate with ties to the DNC will work against Sanders.
Collin Reid 2 days ago
????? Gabbard is getting 2 -3% polls in the Democratic Primary and is sort of a candidate who is winning with Democrats that don't like the Party. Frankly I was Gabbard suspect early 2020 but I also realistic enough to know below 40 year candidate with little name recognition tend not to win Primaries their first try. And for a young Gabbard her true goal should have building her name in the current Primary that 20 other candidates. (And given that often incumbents win the Presidency, 2024 could have been a competitive Primary.)

1) Originally I thought her biggest problem was past positions on gay rights and she was definitely behind curve on that one. And getting this weakness out of the way in 'trial test Primary' isn't the worst goal for young House member.

2) Sanders has much more anti-war candidate in 2020 than he was in 2016 so Gabbard message was not a lone voice here.

3) The dumbest thing Gabbard has done is give up her House seat in the completely D safe district in Hawaii. So why would the Sunday shows book an ex-House member in 2021? And the liberal punditry network is not as nearly as strong (or well paying) as the conservative pundits.

Xanadu 2 days ago • edited
I am a former Democrat, grew up lower middle class, and a legal immigrant. While I don't agree with all of her policy positions, I find Tulsi Gabbard's single-minded focus on the costs of foreign intervention THE most resonant/substantive topic for the United States, especially in a political system where Congress/Courts pass domestic legislation, and presidents only have absolute control of foreign policy.

What sets Tulsi a rare breed apart from other progressive Democrats is that she's unwilling to do 180s on core convictions as a reactionary take on Trump. The "whatever Trump is for, I'm against" transformation of Democratic lawmakers and media wonks has led them to support prolonging wars (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq); red-baiting nuclear stand-offs with Russia; sudden embrace of corporatist "free trade" like TPP; silcening any criticism of anti-women Islamic customs; and even libertarian wet dreams of effectively open borders. Even Bernie is wavering in his long-held convictions.

In response to why Tulsi's campaign hasn't resonated to higher polls, it's important to remember that HER core issue -- anti-foreign intervention, ending forever wars -- remain resoundingly popular. However, her relative low-profile as a Hawaiian congresswoman (compare her favorable support vis-a-vis Julian Castro, for instance), the constant mainstream media attacks (compare her to the Mayor Pete love-fest), and most importantly, her unwillingness to be reflexively anti-Trump, is costing her the support of a feverish, vengeful Democratic primary base.

RadicalCenter 2 days ago
She's a fool for giving up her Congressional seat. She would do better to win re-election to the House, make a national name for herself as the anti-war anti-military-profiteering voice in the Dem Party, and then run for the US Senate when one of the current white-hating establishment scum in the Hawaii Senate delegation finally retires.

Hirono and Schatz took their Senate seats only in 2012 and 2013 and aren't old, unfortunately, but Tulsi is younger at only 38. She can become a fairly senior member of Congress and run to succeed Hirono in say, 2030. Tulsi will then still be only 48.

Fayez Abedaziz 2 days ago
Hi, the main reason the major media went out to try to stop Tulsi's campaign: From the Dem leadership like Pelosi and Schumer, to the folks at CNN, MSNBC and all the network 'news' shows, they worked to stop her because: They are neocons! And she's talking ending wars over there and there!

That goes against hardliners like AIPAC, and in mentioning CNN, for example, Blitzer is a neocon guy and he is foremost an Israeli supporter and so on. What, are we just gonna keep kidding ourselves?

(he came from the Jerusalem Post, was a member of AIPAC.) What, something's wrong with pointing out facts? Shouldn't be.

steve Howell 14 hours ago
She is too liberal for me. And she is for gun control. so now ay would she ever get my vote. I do like some things she says.

[Feb 21, 2020] As an anti-war candidate Tulsi was not invited. She has been denied oxygen in the press, denied a platform in the debates and generally airbrushed out of the picture. No surprise there.

Feb 21, 2020 |

Hal Duell , Feb 20 2020 22:36 utc | 60

Bernie would prove to be such a disappointment. The other parrots on the perch not so much as they have brought nothing and will offer the same.

Tulsi was not invited. She has been denied oxygen in the press, denied a platform in the debates and generally airbrushed out of the picture. No surprise there. By speaking out against the forever-wars and against the prison gulag she committed the cardinal sin in US politics: You don't rock the boat, especially when pretending to do so! But how refreshing has her presence been in an otherwise dreary, dreary and predictable, landscape.

karlof1 , Feb 20 2020 22:38 utc | 62

b4real @47--

Thanks for your comment and question. Within US History, there are several such changes of direction, the first coming with the elections that ratified the 1787 Constitution. Second would be the 1800 election that elected Jefferson and ended what's known as the Federalist Era; it's extremely unlikely the Federalists would have made the Louisiana Purchase because of their enmity toward France. In 1828, General Jackson gained the White House amidst the Battle of the Bank, the importance of which is touched on in most survey US History classes but never examined as deeply as it demands. 1844 brought in Polk dedicated to expanding slavery who showed Congress couldn't stop the executive thus showing the vast--and foreseen--problems of an unregulated president as he provoked Mexico and stole 1/2 its territory; Polk was clearly the model for GW Bush. The 4-way election of 1860 showcased the break-up of the National Democratic Party into two factions; brought Lincoln, and the nascent Republican Party, who goaded the South's Fire Eaters to commence the Civil War. The 13-15th amendments greatly altered the national social fabric. In 1896, D-Party candidate WJ Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech elaborated the concept of Trickle-down Economics and firmly placed the D-Party as the party of the working-classes, which further compounded the D-Party's internal strife between its Northern urban political machines and Southern Segregationist politicos. 1912 again saw a 4-way race as T Roosevelt's split of the R-Party allowed Wilson to win and transfer the management of the government's financial affairs from the Treasury where they belonged to the privately controlled misnamed Federal Reserve Board, the woes of which we feel daily. 1920 saw the reversion from Wilsonian Internationalism to "Normalcy" as traditional US unilateralism regained ascendency with the rejection of the League of Nations. Although not perceived during the 1932 campaign since FDR didn't really know what he was going to do, a return to the social democratic republic commenced with the New Deal Era. 1944 didn't see an immediate change in policy course, but by June 1945 it was clear Truman was no FDR or Wallace; and by October, the Outlaw US Empire was born when the UN Charter came into force which was already being violated by Truman's government--we most certainly wouldn't have the CIA as a result of the 1947 National Security Act if Wallace had continued FDR's term, nor would there have been a Cold War. The only other change in direction (if it can be called that) was the adoption of Neoliberalism by Carter in 1978 and its rapid acceleration by Reagan/Bush which resulted in the Outlaw US Empire being even more aggressive than it was previously, a pace kept alive by the ascension of the Neocons in 2000.

Some of the directional changes occurred due to economic or social strife, but not all, nor arguably were they most important, IMO--1800, 1828, 1860, 1912, 1944. In 1932, if Hoover had regained his office, he would have had to get experimental just like FDR, and the evidence shows he was trying to get things to improve; it's been acknowledged by historians that neither had the intellectual tools required to fix the Depression. Here's a basic listing of the POTUS and there years in office. I should add 1876 as that election marked the end of Reconstruction and the beginning of big money corruption of the federal government. The loss by Bryan and the fused D- and Peoples Party in 1896 informed Conservatives like T Roosevelt and Taft that they had to listen to the people's demands for at least basic regulation of American Capitalism--remember, the first Progressives were Republicans, not Democrats.

Given more time to meditate on the question, I could probably cite further diversions in policy from one administration to the next. But the above provides a good overview. I should highlight Fedrick Jackson Turner's 1893 elucidation of his Frontier Thesis-- "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" --before the American Historical Association at Chicago's Colombian Exhibition since it made a huge impression on that era's elite and certainly prompted policy changes. A week's usually spent in grad seminar's discussing Turner's thesis.

[Feb 21, 2020] The fact that Bernie Sanders is one this stage with the other pro-war imperialists and Tulsi is not is no accident

Feb 21, 2020 |

JC , Feb 20 2020 23:37 utc | 70

Posted by: SharonM | Feb 20 2020 20:29 utc | 41

"Bernie Sanders belonged on that stage with the other pro-war imperialists. With him, we get affordable healthcare, while millions of people around the world will suffer through coups, invasions, bombings, mass murder, and mass displacement. There is absolutely NOTHING (nothing) for an anti-war advocate to get excited about with a Sanders Presidency."

Exactly! I'm surprise even Tulsi Gabbard not invited to the debate many here still wanna her for VP. I an't voting for anyone but Tulsi Gabbard, I hates the Democratic more than Trump and will vote for Trump if necessary.

JC , Feb 20 2020 23:41 utc | 71

Inside Bernie

Forgot to include Brother Nathanael

[Feb 21, 2020] There is no way Gabbard will be permitted as Sanders' running-mate unless she has totally sold out already.

Feb 21, 2020 |

A User , Feb 21 2020 3:04 utc | 101

Frankly some people here seem to be living in la-la-land where impossible dreams come true.

How about some realpolitik as practiced by both halves of the amerikan empire party when the VP decision time comes around. Does anyone imagine Kennedy wanted Johnson as VP or Bush I, Dan Quayle or Oblamblam the crookedest man in the senate, Joe Biden?

Of course not they were told to take these hacks as a way for 'the party' to keep the hairy eyeball on 'their' Prez.

Let's just pretend for a moment that Sanders came to conference with sufficient delegates that the hope of the DNC to override Sanders with superdelegates was simply too much for the dem party to achieve without alienating a sizable chunk of potential dem voters for life (the odds of that occurring are slimmer than a 2 year old Yemeni, but let's pretend).

Even if Sanders had sufficient delegates to obviate a brokered conference, it wouldn't matter, the DNC would still insist on a 'sit down' with the Sanders crew and insist he took a particular person as his VP. Sanders could refuse, in which case he could expect zero $$$'s for his campaign from the dems and worse the DNC would tell him that the party money, in many cases donated to the DNC by naifs who 'wanted to give Bernie a hand', was going to be spent 'down ticket' assisting all the dem pols up for re-election who were committed to opposing Bernie's favourite policies such as single payer healthcare.

Bernie would be screwed as even if he beat orange moron as he wouldn't stand a shitshow in hell of getting any of these "radical pinko policies" through, which would be justified by the rightist dem senators & congress-creeps saying "Democrat voters, voted for a democratic president not a Marxist president" over and over until the idiots among the public had been sufficiently indoctrinated to believe that tosh. There is no way Gabbard will be permitted as Sanders' running-mate unless she has totally sold out already.

Maybe Sanders should open the bidding with Gabbard, after which the DNC might offer up 'Pete the cheat' to ensure Bernie is defeated, or some other less power-hungry, more malleable dem lick-spittle.
If Sanders is smart enough to play this game, he will already have worded up one or two slightly conservative DC hacks on the qt, then make out he's making a huge compromise by selecting her/him.

He could conceivably get away with that as long as the DNC mobsters are blindsided - remember most of those DC lowlifes will leap at the chance of the veep's gig since it puts you in the inside running to be the prez after yer running 'mate'. And offering it quietly early on would give Sanders the right to insist on blind loyalty - which he prolly wouldn't get totally, but he would have something close to that

Trouble is I don't reckon Sanders has the smarts to pull a rort like that off - we shall see. Whatever he does do the odds are high of him being stymied every time if he does make it

Likklemore , Feb 21 2020 3:25 utc | 102

Posted by: Krollchem | Feb 21 2020 1:55 utc | 92

In reply to my comment on the process, you wrote

"Actually this is not technically correct
and then you quoted Article 2 Section 2 of the Constitution.

You ignored the process

I wrote on the process in which jim and jane mainstreet vote [the 2nd part of the process] to select the State electors to the Electoral College: from Link ( provided @ 24 and fully detailed below:

November 3, 2020 -- Election Day

During the general election your vote helps determine your State's electors. When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you aren't actually voting for President. You are telling your State which candidate you want your State to vote for at the meeting of the electors. The States use these general election results (also known as the popular vote) to appoint their electors. The winning candidate's State political party selects the individuals who will be the electors.[.]

Who selects the electors?

Choosing each State's electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each State choose slates of potential electors sometime before the general election. Second, during the general election, the voters in each State select their State's electors by casting their ballots.

The first part of the process is controlled by the political parties in each State and varies from State to State. Generally, the parties either nominate slates of potential electors at their State party conventions or they chose them by a vote of the party's central committee. This happens in each State for each party by whatever rules the State party and (sometimes) the national party have for the process. This first part of the process results in each Presidential candidate having their own unique slate of potential electors.

Political parties often choose individuals for the slate to recognize their service and dedication to that political party. They may be State elected officials, State party leaders, or people in the State who have a personal or political affiliation with their party's Presidential candidate. (For specific information about how slates of potential electors are chosen, contact the political parties in each State.)

The second part of the process happens during the general election. When the voters in each State cast votes for the Presidential candidate of their choice they are voting to select their State's electors. The potential electors' names may or may not appear on the ballot below the name of the Presidential candidates, depending on election procedures and ballot formats in each State.

The winning Presidential candidate's slate of potential electors are appointed as the State's electors -- except in Nebraska and Maine, which have proportional distribution of the electors. In Nebraska and Maine, the State winner receives two electors and the winner of each congressional district (who may be the same as the overall winner or a different candidate) receives one elector. This system permits Nebraska and Maine to award electors to more than one candidate.[.]

(empasis added)

psychedelicatessen , Feb 21 2020 4:04 utc | 103
Rob @ 99 - I don't think evidence of this form has been archived anywhere on the Internet. I would be particularly interested in seeing how much of a favorite Clinton was in 2016. I doubt she would have been more than 2/3, and the result not as shocking an upset were Trump actually 1/1. In any event, if the favorite an hour before the books closed always won, who then would ever consider the price on an underdog as an overlay? I'm not addressing any prediction of a winner; I'm observing the changes in public opinion as expressed through those who are willing to take a money position along the way. There would be no other prominent reason for Sanders to reclaim over Bloomberg in less than a week, the Democratic candidate top spot in betting odds, than his strong showing Wednesday night.

All of the legal gambling outlets will tend to keep fairly close in sync with changes in odds offered. Any one of them getting significantly out of sync is taking a position, attracting layoff action from one of the others. When someone makes an investment in this type of futures, it's with an eye toward spotting an overlay. That means a current line which is offering too strong a return on the investment. The books have several ways of adjusting. They can change the odds offered, lay off action with each other to balance their money position, or offer early resolution to certain ticket holders. For example, Trump opened at 5/2 and toward the end of 2018 had been bet down to 3/2. He is currently 8/13 which represents an extreme overlay if someone is holding a ticket with 3/2 odds. When this kind of situation occurs, all of the books are likely to sustain a loss. So, they will offer early resolution. A $2000 ticket on Trump at 3/2 will return $5000, however anyone holding this ticket may be offered $2750 today for early resolution. That's an immediate $750 profit for giving back their position.

Now to illustrate just how drastic changes in the futures betting can be, a few hours ago Sanders was 7/2, he's now 10/3. Bloomberg continues to slide, from 4/1 last week to 11/2 a few hours ago to now 7/1. Perhaps Bloomberg will be attractive enough to become an overlay at 10/1? I would consider that price might be worth taking a position on, if one thinks convention shenanigans will place him as the candidate. At that point (if correct) he'll drop to say 8/5 and will return a good profit from early resolution.

The changes in the betting lines appear more discernible to me, than a shift of a few percentage point amongst pollsters. Notice Pence is back on the board, so obviously some people think there's greater than a 300/1 chance Trump is deceased during this term.

Circe , Feb 21 2020 4:33 utc | 104
Aren't you being somewhat disingenuous by selectively nitpicking a few sentences out of Bernie's speech that merely express an opinion, not a declaration of political meddling, intervention or war, while leaving out the positive 90%, like his criticism of Bolsanaro, Netanyahu and Israel's racist unjust policies and his concern for the dire situation in Gaza?

He rails against Saudi Arabia and MBS and the war on Yemen. He's critical of Sheldon Adelson's influence, the Koch brothers and Mercer and the corruption of goverment and the greed they represent. He's critical of the massive amounts of funding spent on the military. That's great, no?

He's sympathetic to the unjust imprisonment of Lula da Silva and talks about the necessity of addressing climate change and poverty and much more. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT??? There's a Ziofascist in the White House right now who just brought on board Richard Grenell for DNI, (ironically mentioned in Bernie's speech last October... prophetic? Yes.), yet another Iranophobe! So you can guess what direction we're headed in?

Out of all the good that Bernie spoke you gripe about that small paragraph and use it to distort as still too aggressive his entire foreign policy vision and pov on issues few in Congress have the spine to address?

You think I'm just going to let slide this perversion of his message?

Just see how so many comments reek with that same type of distortion parotting YOUR CUE. Do you not feel any responsibilty to the truth and to the power your word may have to influence others to misjudge Bernie Sanders unfairly through your distorted lens?


I'm glad you at least gave him credit for defending well his positions in the midst of multiple attacks in the debate.

If Bernie can withstand the onslaught of unfair, disproportionate establishment and media attacks (your's included) and win the Nomination, it won't be thanks to the majority of you, but you will all in some way benefit from an improvement in foreign policy under a Sanders administration. OR DO YOU ACTUALLY PREFER TO DISCUSS WAR AND ATROCITY AND CONSPIRACY MACHINATIONS HERE ALL DAY, EVERY DAY IN PERPETUITY? Maybe that's the problem, maybe with Bernie as President you'll be less involved as armchair generals and have to settle for criticizing boring diplomacy for a change!

I don't know about you, but I really welcome most of what Bernie talked about and his vision for the future on this planet much more than discussing war with Iran, famine and climate disaster.

Bernie will make it in spite of haters, never Sanders, maligners, and distorters of the truth.

Oh, and he'll DESTROY Trump in November.

Jared suggests Bloomberg/Gabbard.


I guess you don't really know what Bloomberg's about. And you especially don't get Gabbard! She wouldn't be caught dead working for that Neocon warmonger!

SharonM and Jackrabbit

Get a room you professional koo-koo spinbots...preferrably in another Solar System where you can't damage impressionable minds. Ugh.

Cadence calls , Feb 21 2020 5:04 utc | 105
I feel bad for the Bernie Bros.
He's gonna sell them out again.
Dude has zero pull with his "party", and is facing a steamroller in Trump.
I would be happy to have a small dinner with Circe and friends after the convention.
We can commiserate over a few wodkas and goulash.
SharonM , Feb 21 2020 5:14 utc | 106
@104 Circe

"SharonM and Jackrabbit
Get a room you professional koo-koo spinbots...preferrably in another Solar System where you can't damage impressionable minds. Ugh."

I'm against war. You're obviously just another loser imperialist.

Penelope , Feb 21 2020 5:30 utc | 107
Since medical care figures so prominently in the election, might be a good idea to know why it costs so much now:

The Oligarch Takeover of US Pharma and Healthcare by Jon Hellevig
"The Awara study shows that in addition to the original sin of corporate greed, the exorbitant costs of the US healthcare system stem from layers upon layers of distortions with which the system is infested. Each part of the healthcare industry contributes to what is a giant monopoly scam: the pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment manufacturers, drug wholesalers, drug stores, group purchasing organizations, health insurance companies, doctors, clinics and hospitals, and even what should be impartial university research. And on top of that, there's the government as a giant enabler of monopolized corporations running roughshod over the American consumer and patient.

"But it is worse than that. All the monopolists (in official parlance, oligopolies) are in turn owned by the same set of investors in what is called horizontal shareholding. The same some 15-20. investors have the controlling stake in all the leading companies of the entire pharma and healthcare industry.

"That's not all. Two of the investors, BlackRock and Vanguard, are the biggest owners in almost every single one of the leading companies.

"Furthermore, BlackRock is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock's biggest owner being a mystical PNC Services, whose biggest owner in turn is Vanguard. Vanguard itself is recorded directly as BlackRock's second biggest owner. Moreover, BlackRock and Vanguard are the two biggest owners of almost all the other 15-20 biggest investors, which most are cross-owned and together own the entire US pharma and healthcare sector. Ultimately, then we might have the situation that the whole healthcare sector and Big Pharma are controlled by one giant oligarch clan (and the very real people who stand behind them), one single interest group of oligarch investors." --

PS: US is now 33d in life expectancy.

Circe , Feb 21 2020 5:45 utc | 108
Yesterday some dirty dog, Bloomberg or weasel Buttigieg, brought up the fact that Bernie has 2 million, and 3 homes, one in Washington, a house in Vermont his wife inherited from her parents and a cabin by a lake! OMG! QUICK! Call the Socialist police! He's 78, has a career in politics, wrote some bestsellers and he has to live like a monk otherwise, he's a hypocrite???

The hypocrites are the ones criticizing him and not Warren who appeared in Forbes cause she has two expensive homes, and 12 MILLION. But, at the debate she was coy and uncommonly silent when they attacked Bernie for what is perfectly normal given his career, success as an author and his age!

But Lizabeth, she cares so much about poor mothers and babies, and shares Bernie's platform, and yet is too chicken to call herself a democratic socialist. Yeah, with 12 Mil in the bank and different investments she's got a big stake in Capitalism! And someone mentionned that during the commercial break she was getting quite friendly yacking it up with Bloomberg, AFTER she put on the Non-disclosure artifice (watch out for hidden mics, Mike!). And she's not big on democracy either, since she would rather go to a brokered convention, than give Bernie the nomination when he gets the majority of pledged delegates. Screw her!

Oh Lizzie, you showed all your true colors!
DONE, put a fork in it!



Against war and for Trump? 🤣🤣🤣

Trust me, Bernie's not starting any war at his age, and he's from a bucolic state. If you think Bernie's for war and I'm an imperialist, then must be a real bad judge of character.

You fool no one. You hate Bernie for some other stupid reason.

Blue Dotterel , Feb 21 2020 6:19 utc | 109
Really, the Oligarch party composed of the Republican and Democrat branches will not make any significant changes to the status quo, even if Sanders is voted in to the presidency. Sanders' foreign policy is the Oligarch policy; Sanders domestic policy would never get past the Oligarch house without significant watering down to be totally irrelevant. Sanders only "threat" to the Oligarchs is that the presidency would give him a 4-year platform to continue to put forth his semi-socialist domestic views, seeding the brains of the ignorant masses with dangerous thoughts.

Voting for either branch of the Oligarch party is to vote for the status quo. All that is guaranteed are a few cosmetic changes of zero significance. Vote, but vote anyone but the Oligarch Party!

Piotr Berman , Feb 21 2020 7:26 utc | 110
A positive assessment of the chances of Sanders to win the nomination:

"Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg's presidential campaign called on former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to drop out of the Democratic presidential primary race in a memo released on Thursday, warning that Bloomberg's presence in the race would propel Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to the Democratic nomination. "

Pete could be more incisive by pointing that unlike his much more financially successful colleague from the race of nomination, he has no track record on making unwanted passes on women, or jokes that cannot be revealed to the publics. More seriously, American establishment is so vast that it is internally divided into various groups or cliques that detest each other. Pete is a darling of CIA circles, Bloomberg is so rich that he nearly makes an influence group by himself., but he may be popular among Wall Street denizens who donate to Metropolitan Opera and snicker at Trump who could not tell Verdi from Barbie doll. On political positions, I wonder if there is an ounce of difference.

YnO , Feb 21 2020 7:41 utc | 111
There is a lot of criticism in these comments about Sanders not going all out against the Democratic Party and playing too nice, but a counterpoint to consider is that we have a perfect example to contrast his behavior with: Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi was vice chair of the DNC and considered one of their "rising stars" in part because of the elites' insipid love of identity politics, and she is demonstrating the country what happens when you go nuclear against the establishment. She burned her political capital to back Bernie in 2016 and went on the attack during the debates she was able to get into. Would Sanders really get better results doing what Tulsi is doing, and if so, why would he going that course be different?
Krollchem , Feb 21 2020 8:27 utc | 112

What you describe is what is generally done. If the State legislature chooses to ignore the vote then your argument is not valid.

Please see the US Constitution that I linked...

james , Feb 21 2020 8:29 utc | 113
@95 sharon.. thanks.. that sounds reasonable.. however at present either one of the war parties is going to win.. i suppose some will think bernie i war party lite or something, but regardless if he gets the nod - which i highly doubt - the war party is still in control.. something bigger has to happen for this to change.. collapse is a popular fantasy for some.. i am not sure if or when that could happen too.. it is hard being reasonable in this atmosphere.. i am inclined to more radical thinking as the answer at this point..
BM , Feb 21 2020 8:58 utc | 114
"It's time to give the elites a bigger say in electing the President"

Under Trump Bezos lost highly profitable interests, and under a second Trump term he would likely lose still more. If any of the elites' choices get the Dem nomination, Trump is certain to win. Perhaps Bezos' reasoning was to try to provoke Dem supporters to reject the elites because that is the only chance of getting back the business interests he lost.

Bezos is a nasty piece of work indeed, but to his credit, maybe he at least sees the need of a more acceptable candidate.

Seer , Feb 21 2020 10:26 utc | 115
"They" have thrown down everything against Sanders yet he continues to rise. His support base is HUGE. Competition can't touch him. His victories will put him up so much that the DNC is rendered powerless.

Of all the candidates, Tulsi Gabbard is far away the closest in ideology to Sanders. She entered the race with Bernie's approval, before Bernie announced. Bernie knows that Tulsi is the only one (other than Nina Turner) that would totally have his back. I actually believe that Gabbard is the best candidate that the US has had in a LONG time. If she were selected as VP she would get a lot more exposure; the more exposure the more support she gets. I don't believe that Bernie needs to pick a VP in order to garner more votes; that is, it's not as strategically necessary as other candidates have required: I repeat: Bernie's base is HUGE. Tulsi is a BIG insurance policy. VP isn't a do-nothing position: it can cast a tie-breaking vote in the senate; it can act as collaborator with POTUS. In a more correct positioning of talents it would be Gabbard as POTUS and Sanders as VP. I'd be happy to see Nina Turner as VP but am worried that the pairing with Sanders would create too stark of a picture, one open to really ugly attacks: it's hard to attack Tulsi given her military experience (I hate that this needs to be played, but it's the reality we face). AND there's the VP debates: Tulsi vs Pence would be one for the history books.

Paco , Feb 21 2020 10:29 utc | 116
Turkey closed its airspace to russian airplanes flying to Syria and slowed down the so called Syrian Express. The straights would be closed in case of declared war but the flow can be slowed down by other means. Hard to think that war will be officially declared with all the joint projects in energy, but logistics would be a real problem for Russia if things get uglier.
The second question of the 20 series to Putin is about Ukraine, as usual he comes across as well informed and with ease of verve.
jared , Feb 21 2020 11:21 utc | 117

I guess you don't really know what Bloomberg's about. And you especially don't get Gabbard! She wouldn't be caught dead working for that Neocon warmonger!

Please advise - What is Bloomberg about.
In my experience he is a conservative moderate.
Do we just describe everyone we dont like as zionist?

Willy2 , Feb 21 2020 11:34 utc | 118
- The american writer Thomas Frank has put this way: The Democrats had every opportuniy to win the presidential election of 2016 by focussing on the people in "fly-over land", on the people who felt "left bhind" but instead they focussed on the "creative class" (laywers, the "professional class", hollywood and people from the tech sector (GOOGLE, Facebook, etc.).

- It was the presidential campaign of Trump who saw the chance to win over the people from "fly-over country".

Willy2 , Feb 21 2020 11:38 utc | 119
@Jared (#117):

- Yes, Bloomberg is a moderate republican but he is also an establishment figure/person. So, he won't be the one that will bring about MAJOR changes that are going to hurt that same establishment. Including the "zionists" (with or without quotation marks).

Willy2 , Feb 21 2020 11:47 utc | 120
- The people who are commenting on this topic should take into account one thing. Over the years the Republican party has purged the party of "moderate Republicans". As a result of that Republican party shifted more and more to the right side of the political spectrum.
William Gruff , Feb 21 2020 12:18 utc | 121
About Butt-gig...

If you were running a giant organized crime group with cash flow in the hundreds of $billions, with tentacles deeply penetrating all of the mass media, with connections at the top of all major western multinational corporations, and you wanted to "manage" the political system of the country that finances the military that you occasionally need, how would you do that?

Run you own candidates, of course!

So it is 2015. You've already gotten one of your candidates elected twice, and you are confident that mass media cultivated "identity politics" played a big part in getting him into the White House. Because of this you are now running another "identity politics" compliant candidate, but you have some tricks up your sleeve to guarantee she wins. Most importantly you have an utter heel running against her who cannot possibly win.

So you [big mafia don] are confident that you have the 2016 and 2020 elections sewn up, but even though it is only 2015, now is the time to be thinking about 2024. You've already used up the woman and Black man identity issues, so what next? The gay man "identity politics" angle, of course! So now you need to introduce to the public a gay candidate that is under your control so the public can start to get used to him and he can become widely known by the time campaigning starts in 2023.

Remind me now when it was that Butt-gig "came out" as gay? Oh, yeah, that's right! It was 2015. He then "married" in 2018.

"But Butt-gig is so young!"

Sure. Realize that he wasn't supposed to be running until 2024, when he would be in his forties. 2016 and 2020 were supposed to be Clinton's turn in the White House, but things went all sideways for some reason. Now you have to move up the timetable.

Butt-gig is CIA.

Willy2 , Feb 21 2020 12:43 utc | 122
- Bernie Sanders has promised FREE education/college and FREE Healthcare. Although I have SERIOUS doubts how he is going to pay for all that FREE stuff, the large support he enjoys shows very well how Joe Sixpack is thinking about his own economic situation.
- There were A LOT OF voters who voted first for Sanders in the primaries. When it became clear that Sanders wasn't going to be the Democratic candidate these voters votes for Trump in november 2016.
Piotr Berman , Feb 21 2020 12:50 utc | 123
Blue Dotterel is not satisfied: >>Sanders only "threat" to the Oligarchs is that the presidency would give him a 4-year platform to continue to put forth his semi-socialist domestic views, seeding the brains of the ignorant masses with dangerous thoughts.

Voting for either branch of the Oligarch party is to vote for the status quo. All that is guaranteed are a few cosmetic changes of zero significance. Vote, but vote anyone but the Oligarch Party! Sanders only "threat" to the Oligarchs is that the presidency would give him a 4-year platform to continue to put forth his semi-socialist domestic views, seeding the brains of the ignorant masses with dangerous thoughts.<<

But the oligarchy and sectors close to oligarchy are already worried exactly about that. For example, certain David Brook is almost morose. A nightmare that is at least 170 years old reappeared:

>>Bernie Sanders is also telling a successful myth: The corporate and Wall Street elites are rapacious monsters who hoard the nation's wealth and oppress working families. This is not an original myth, either. It's been around since the class-conflict agitators of 1848. It is also a very compelling us vs. them worldview that resonates with a lot of people.

When you're inside the Sanders myth, you see the world through the Bernie lens.
This brings memories... agitators of 1848, revolution spread around Europe, Hapsburgs quelling a revolution in Vienna only to watch Hungary, nearly half of the empire, raising in rebelion that lasted until Czar send help a year later, stimulating dense Romantic poetry that till today children in Central Europe are forced to learn. Final stanza translated into English (it has a very compelilng rhytm in the original)

[the funeral of an agitator of 1848 turns into a march of specters that disturb comfortable city dwellers]
And we shall drag on the funeral procession, saddening sleeping cities
Banging upon gates with urns, whistling into the notches of hatchets
Until the walls of Jericho fall like logs
Fainting hearts shall be revived; nations shall clear their musty eyes


Clueless Joe , Feb 21 2020 13:04 utc | 124
William Gruff:
So, do you basically imply that the next run, after Black, Woman and Gay, would be Latino? In which case they actually planned well ahead and AOC could be their card for 2032? Or would that be too far-fetched? (she seems to go a bit too far into leftism for that after all)
SharonM , Feb 21 2020 13:14 utc | 125
@108 Circe

Against war and for Trump? 🤣🤣🤣
Trust me, Bernie's not starting any war at his age, and he's from a bucolic state. If you think Bernie's for war and I'm an imperialist, then must be a real bad judge of character. You fool no one. You hate Bernie for some other stupid reason."

Here are some relevant questions with Bernie's answers:

*Question: Would you consider military force to pre-empt an Iranian or North Korean nuclear or missile test?
Sanders: Yes.

*Question: Would you consider military force for a humanitarian intervention?

Sanders: Yes.

*Question: If Russia continues on its current course in Ukraine and other former Soviet states, should the United States regard it as an adversary, or even an enemy?

Sanders: Yes.

*Question: Should Russia be required to return Crimea to Ukraine before it is allowed back into the G-7?

Sanders: Yes.

Don't care about your dumb opinion, Circe. But I don't want anyone else here to think I'm some supporter of the U.S. regimes two war parties. Bernie is just like Trump, Obama, the Bush and Clinton families--warmongering assholes all of them.

SharonM , Feb 21 2020 13:20 utc | 126
@113 James
I agree. An actual revolution here would probably require masses of people on the verge of starvation. But perhaps there's a trigger event that we can't foresee?
Victor , Feb 21 2020 13:49 utc | 127
As long as Sanders treats Latin America with respect, I will vote for him. He just said that he backs Evo Morales in Bolivia. That is a good sign.
john , Feb 21 2020 13:59 utc | 128
Willy2 @ 122 says:

Bernie Sanders has promised FREE education/college and FREE Healthcare. Although I have SERIOUS doubts how he is going to pay for all that FREE stuff,...

he's not.

and there's the rub, or the common denominator between domestic policy and foreign policy...i.e. lucre (and hellfire missiles are so much sexier , right?).

if a candidate is not clamoring loudly that the defense budget must be cut by at least 50%, he or she is being disingenuous, if not downright deceptive, about enacting any kind of national healthcare, education, or whatnot.

Jackrabbit , Feb 21 2020 14:10 utc | 129
james @113:
[If Bernie wins] the war party is still in control.. i am inclined to more radical thinking ... at this point.

When reasonable, level-headed people like james are "inclined to more radical thinking" then the establishment is really in trouble.

Will they take heed? Nah, they'll just send out more Circe dembots.


Circe , Feb 21 2020 14:25 utc | 130
@125 SharonM

If you were an anti-war candidate running for President of a militarized security state that is so easily brainwashed by half a billion dollars in ads run by a war-mongering Ziofascist and one of the highest-circulated Zionist-run propaganda rags asked trap questions to test their definition of patriotism on you, you too would go through the motions and give them what they wanna hear so they would leave you the fock alone for the rest of the campaign.

Now, if you're looking to blow in 15 minutes your years in the making efforts to win the Presidency and use your power to change that security state mentality, then you would stupidly answer what you're suggesting.


Bernie wants to restore the Iran deal, and do diplomacy with Iran, and substantially reduce military spending. Bernie is as anti-war a politicisn as I've seen in my lifetime. I'll bank on his wisdom over your intellectual dishonesty ANY DAY, ANY TIME, ANY WHERE. Unlike you, a lousy judge of character, or just plain demonizing Trumpbot on a fool's mission, I am an excellent judge of character who had Ziofascist Trump pegged from day one and took two years of flak for it! Today, I've been vindicated in every way. Ziofascist Trump is the agent provocateur in the Middle East unilaterally, repeatedly resorting to multiple acts of war against the Palestinians, Syria, Iraq and Iran. If he didn't trigger war yet, it's not for lack of trying! Everyone is wisely on hold prevailing on their cool-headedness hoping Americans elect a SANE, and more humane President, and that President will be Bernie Sanders.

When Bernie shuts the door on that lunatic's orange-cake face the entire planet will breathe A COLLECTIVE SIGH.

Now go bark your fake purist bullshet at someone stupid enough to fall for it. I'm a firewall for the truth and you're barking up the wrong tree and messing with someone berning for justice.


Get used to it; it's happening.

clickkid , Feb 21 2020 14:40 utc | 131
@ Circe | Feb 21 2020 14:25 utc | 130

If Sanders actually got into the Presidency and threatened established interests, then he would be given a non-refusable invitation to vist Dallas and drive past the Texas Shoolbook Depositary.

clickkid , Feb 21 2020 14:43 utc | 132
Or even the:

Texas schoolbook depository

SharonM , Feb 21 2020 14:43 utc | 133
@130 Circe

Oh sure, Bernie is just playing 4d chess, right? We've been hearing that for years about Trump as he bombs countries, assassinates people, and overthrows governments. We'll have to relive it all hearing about Bernie's grand scheme to undermine the MIC by doing exactly what the MIC wants. You're just another fake following a warmonger.

Blue Dotterel , Feb 21 2020 14:49 utc | 134
Piotr Berman,

"But the oligarchy and sectors close to oligarchy are already worried exactly about that. For example, certain David Brook is almost morose. A nightmare that is at least 170 years old reappeared"

Well if Sanders does manages to get the Dem. nomination, then go ahead and vote for him. Just, do not expect anything to change during his administration.

Otherwise, if someone else gets it, Sanders will be put out to pasture, and no one will hear from him again. He was pretty quiet the past three years. For Sanders, and his domestic ideas to blossom, he needs to be able to win the presidency, not just run for it. This is why the Oligarchy will probably tank him. Right now, very few people in the US are politically active. It is only the primaries after all. They are mostly ignored by the vast majority of the electorate despite CNN's propaganda polls (which read only 52% interest anyway). In fact, US elections for pres are regularly ignored by almost half the population, anyway.

If anyone else gets the dem nomination, there is no point voting for the Oligarch Party.

Circe , Feb 21 2020 14:52 utc | 135
@117 jared

Do you realize the damage you're doing to your credibility and reputation tooting Bloomberg's horn here?

Bloomberg is a rabid Zionist who defied a flight ban making a cruel, pompous spectacle of himself flying into Tel Aviv during Israel's massive criminal assault on Gaza while vociferously supporting Israel's shelling of children, schools and hospitals.

Bloomberg is a Ziofascist Israel shill Neocon BUSH jr REPUBLICAN. Complete Presidential disqualification in one sentence.

Now run along with your leaky can of Bloomberg whitewash.

Sheesh, how pathetic!

Likklemore , Feb 21 2020 14:57 utc | 136

Posted by: Krollchem | Feb 21 2020 8:27 utc | 112

If the State legislature chooses to ignore the vote then your argument is not valid.

Please see the US Constitution that I linked...

And you continue to ignore Process. Well, in Constitutional Law courses that very scenario is addressed. In Law, Process matters.

if the State legislature choses to ignore the vote.."[..]
if not members of the Parties elected to the Legislature, pray tell how is the Legislature comprised?

You do know when (ahead of the general election) the Republicans and Democratic Parties appoint their respective representative slate of electors they take into account Party Loyalists who are pledged to vote the presidential ticket?

On pledges of the electors: 29 states have laws forbidding the electors to violate their pledges.

In recent history: December 2016, Trump had the required electoral votes and the Hillary Mob attempted a full-throated campaign to have some of the Republican electors switch their votes at the Electoral College!!

How did that work out?

There were 7 "Faithless electors" who ignored their pledges. Oeps of the 7: five defected Democratic-loser Clinton and two the Republican president- elect. [Cases are on appeal before the Supreme Court; to be heard in 2019-2020 term]

When the Electors' switchero campaign did not succeed, Russiagate was the lever to frustrate Trump's presidency. Russiagate will continue as long as the orangeman occupies the White House.

Walter , Feb 21 2020 15:03 utc | 137
WP > "...After a senior U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers last week that Russia wants to see President Trump reelected..."

UNZ> "...Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Vice President Biden are being told that if they do not get out of the race and clear the lane for the mayor, they will get a socialist as their nominee, and the party will deserve the fate November will bring -- a second term for Trump..."

Now then, when will the intel dudes claim Buttboi and Buyiden and Klob are commie agents? Why already Wally suspects Putin's on the secret Badenov Shoe-phone with his vast army of verraters... I mean, there must be Some Truth, right?

And if (mirabele dictu) Burner get's 'lected and avoids Dallas... if that, then how will they change the story and tell us Burner is a Putin controlled Putin versteher?

("We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." (CIA Director Casey)

Karlofi mooted Beard's "Republic"... A proud attempt by Beard, but, alas (!) it reads like a sad comic... Painful.

Perhaps one interesting point there though > Lincoln's first inaugural.

I'll leave that for K-Man to discuss, if he likes.

Jackrabbit , Feb 21 2020 15:08 utc | 138
I'm all for disrupting the Democratic Party by voting for Sanders in the Primary.

But anyone that thinks that Sanders will be allowed to actually win the Primary is smoking something. And anyone that thinks that Sanders isn't working with the Democratic establishment to accomplish their goals is snorting something.

Sanders is there as window-dressing and to lure young voters into the Democratic Party fold as a "Democracy Works!" ploy (a form of 'stay in school' PSA) .

The Democratic Party won't actually nominate him because Americans would vote for Bernie's anti-oligarch program in droves. Anyone with any sense knows that the oligarchs have too much money and too much power and that government services monied interests instead of the people.

<> <> <> <> <> <>

We are now in a new Cold War. And we are on the brink of ANOTHER major war in the Middle East. It's long-past time to see through the bullshit propaganda, fakery, and scheming.


Circe , Feb 21 2020 15:23 utc | 139
Copy/paste Jackrabbit who hasn't hatched an original thought in quite some time tries to project his professional troll gig on me. Dembot? Is that all you could come up with?

As with Bernie, I might be more like, hmmm... how would I describe myself?

The Dems worst nightmare⁉️ 😜

...soon to become the Trump-era TERMINATOR.

or, better yet, Circe unleashed.

Walter , Feb 21 2020 15:23 utc | 140
Jackrabbit | Feb 21 2020 15:08 utc | 138

"Smokin' ??"

"...This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it..."

Wally is a bit's Lincoln saying the Revolution is a Right... And he wuz smokin...what?

But yes, context the entire document>

First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln

Fellow-Citizens of the United States: (avalon / yale / edu an' all of that)

Copeland , Feb 21 2020 15:55 utc | 141
All the slander being heaped upon Bernie is not going to drain one jot of energy from the momentum of his campaign. The trolls desire above all for a tide of chaos to wash over the country. The energy in this movement is going play out on the convention floor and beyond; and the spirit of the people is not about to be diminished or crushed.

It is best not to give up on the struggle, especially when the stakes have been made so clear as Bloomberg plants the flag of oligharchy in this election. Only Sanders and Warren had the decency to react with moral vigor to this outrage.

This is far from over. This is just getting interesting.

William Gruff , Feb 21 2020 16:29 utc | 142
Clueless Joe @124

Correct, as I see it that would be too far-fetched. I cannot see AOC being managed opposition, even if her behavior doesn't seem very leftish sometimes. The establishment's biggest concern with their management of the political process is to make sure that some of the things that AOC discusses remain outside the scope of acceptable political discourse. See Willy2 above with his "Free stuff!" narrative for how the establishment wants people to react... the establishment wants to prevent the public from even considering reallocating resources away from the military and corporate subsidies to so-called "Free stuff!" While AOC's ideology and support for Pelosi and such might leave some leftists unimpressed, the fact that she even discusses free-at-the-point-of-use healthcare and education as well as living wages strongly suggests that she is not part of the establishment's operation.

I honestly do not think the establishment has any plans for pandering very much to Latin American identity... there is far too much revolution in that identity. My guess is that the plans post-Butt-gig are to mix things up... say a Black lesbian or Black transsexual, for instance. Keep in mind this would be planned for 2028 (previously 2030) so whoever they have in mind would only be starting to get publicly groomed for the job now. The potential individuals may not have even had their debutante unveiling to the public yet.

fnord , Feb 21 2020 16:40 utc | 143
@Copeland, 141
The trolls desire above all for a tide of chaos to wash over the country.

Well, true, but we don't need much help. The Sanders campaign has been a gift to socialists who can piggy-back off of his demolition of decades of John Birch Society indoctrination against socialism. But as far as I'm concerned, that's the only good thing he's done. Him losing will be better for socialists - who can benefit from his supporters flocking to our organizations - rather than him winning and forcing us to take him in as "our guy" or us being tarred with any failures of his presidency.

William Gruff , Feb 21 2020 17:01 utc | 144
"[Sanders] losing will be better for socialists..." --fnord @143

Not good strategy. People are not ready to go for real revolution yet. They need to try half measures first and see those half measures fail or be attacked and defeated by the oligarchs. Sanders losing will cause many people to either drop out of the movement or switch to the far right. Sanders victory is needed just to show the masses that victory is possible. People pursue socialist revolution out of a sense of optimism and open possibilities, not desperation. Desperation leads to fascism.

Circe , Feb 21 2020 17:03 utc | 145
Uh-Oh, Jackrabbit just got scorched by Walter's bern brilliance.

I'm a lover of pithy truth, and here's one to describe Bernie's movement:

The real revolution is the evolution of consciousness.

Here's one to prepare for Trump's Bernie strategy:

When a narcissist can no longer control you, they will instead try to control how others see you.

(In other words, always keep in mind; they're coming at you from a position of weakness.)

In my words:

The key to triumph over evil is to take the fight into the light and INSPIRE ALLEGIANCE.

That's Bernie's strength, and that's why Bernie Sanders will become the 46th President of the United States.

Circe , Feb 21 2020 17:28 utc | 146
While Trump boasts he's the master of 4D chess; he will be outplayed by Bernie Sanders, the 4D Master of CHESED .

Bernie Sanders will defeat Donald J. Trump to become President of the United States.

[Feb 21, 2020] What are Tulsi chances to be Sanders VP or the Secretary of State?

Feb 21, 2020 |

Kali , Feb 20 2020 17:54 utc | 11

Many of Sanders supporters on Twitter will tell you that his foreign policy utterances are what "he has to do" so that the media doesn't increase their attacks on him. They say it is a con. A lot of others like the people at WSWS disagree completely. I don't know for sure, but it does make sense to play along with the establishment while you don't have power. And Tulsi is part of the Sanders Institute. As for Tulsi being VP, there would be unanimous outrage like you have never seen from so many liberals because Hinduphobia is rampant among so many of them. This explains how they have have been conned by a smear psy-op against Tulsi Gabbard: Anatomy of A Smear: How Liberals Have Become Willing Dupes of Foreign Political Psy-Ops

Adrian E. , Feb 20 2020 18:08 utc | 14

I find some of Sanders' answers about foreign policy extremely hawkish:

The most extreme thing is that Sanders would consider military force to prevent even just a missile test.

He also says he would "consider" "humanitarian interventions" without saying anything about those "humanitarian interventions" based on lies that led to deterioration of the humanitarian situation.

Under normal situations, I would think that Sanders' foreign policy positions should disqualify him. But we are talking here about the United States of America, a country with extreme disregard for international law, and it is probably correct that all other candidates who have a chance of being elected would be even worse (compared to the extremists Biden, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Buttigieg, Sanders' hawkishness and aggressive rhetoric against Russia seems relatively harmless). Compared to Trump, Sanders is probably the lesser evil.

But I doubt he will be inclined to go against the neocons who dominate the foreign policy establishment and the secret services.

I used to think that if Sanders is president, Gabbard could be Secretary of State or vice president. But now, I think this is unlikely. First because of many jingoistic statements by Sanders, but second also because polls show that Tulsi Gabbard seems to be quite unpopular among the US population. It seems that, while in Sanders' case the smears in the media don't work well because people already know Sanders well enough, in Gabbard's case, the smears seem to have worked. Sanders probably will not want to burden his administration with someone who is so hated by a large part of the Democratic electorate.

I think Tulsi Gabbard will be needed for something else if Sanders is elected, for pressuring Sanders from outside the government.

NemesisCalling , Feb 20 2020 19:35 utc | 32
The question is not if Sanders should choose Gabbard as V.P., the question is why he wouldn't, and that my friends will tell you all you need to know about Sanders and his genuine interest in leading this country.

If Gabbard is left off his ticket he will lose. If he chooses her, it will excite the left like nobody's business and he will cruise to victory utilizing the antiwar vote that got Trump into office. do have the establishment left who may not want anything to do with the antiwar and populist conjoinment of Sanders/Gabbard. It may be too world-shaking for them and they may throw their lot in with Trump.

Either way, I think we are in good shape, barring a full Neocon push to colonize Trump's presidency.

bevin , Feb 20 2020 19:40 utc | 33
It is very curious that there seems to me something approaching unanimity-among the commenters- that Sanders is the candidate who is least trustworthy.
I note that Jackrabbit even wheels out his old "Bernie the sheepdog" routine despite the fact that the rest of the Democrats continue to do all that they can to sabotage his campaign, ensuring that his supporters, when cheated in Convention, are going to walk out. Which, for those unacquainted with the logistics of pastoral agriculture, is not what sheepdogs-employed to gather the flocks together and deliver them to be clipped or butchered-do.
Of course the issue is imperialism. But imperialism is not an ideological but a material matter: among the material bases of the Empire is the superstition that the United States is under constant military threat and that, unless Americans voluntarily impoverish themselves, by giving vast sums to the MIC, they will lose everything. And the world will disintegrate. To undermine imperialism in the United States it is necessary to empower the only forces that can defeat the MIC-the masses, taxpayers working hours a week for the trillion dollar defense budget and workers afraid to stop making the rich ever richer and themselves poorer, less secure and more vulnerable.

Sanders challenges this view. And he does so from a very old-fashioned position. He is arguing that social and economic security should be the first priorities of government and that, in order to defend the constantly threatened benefits that exist and to extend them to such popular areas as healthcare and free tuition, it is necessary to restore the freedom to organise that existed before Taft Hartley.
The DNC and the anti Sanders forces are the current iteration of the coalition of Republican reactionaries and the Tammany/Jim Crow bosses that brought about Taft Hartley and the Cold War, the twin foundations of imperialist politics in the United States for more than seventy years.
As to Israel Sanders' position is one that is utter anathema to the Zionists- a clue being the enormous resources they are mobilising against him. A call for 'peace' and an end to the 'conflict' being the one policy that not only appeals to public opinion but cannot be countenanced by any of the Israeli parties all of which have committed their all to eradicating all traces of Palestine and dominating the middle east.

Robert Shule , Feb 20 2020 19:44 utc | 34
In the Nevada debate I noticed how the candidates other than Bernie at many times were talking into the cameras and over the heads of the people in the audience while garbling out their resumes about how they are the best candidate to beat Trump as if that was the debate question put to them. In doing so, I think they are really out boot-licking for super delegates.
Piotr Berman , Feb 20 2020 19:46 utc | 35
Sanders is a pro-war imperialist, clearly.

Posted by: SharonM | Feb 20 2020 18:57 utc | 28

Sanders does not seem a pro-war imperialist, and he has SOME positive statements on foreign policy now, and according to my observations in 2016, we is not interested in foreign policy and he wants to fight on one front. He also detests the leadership of Israel, but given his roots etc. he did not want to say anything on that, just some isolated statement when confronted in meetings with voters.

Now that he expected to be a front runner he hired the most progressive chaps from the mainline Democratic think tanks, and clearly, you can take them from CAP etc. but you cannot totally remove CAP etc. out of them. Coming from environment where "muscular liberals" keep taunting "so do you love dictators", after few years you prepare "appropriate defenses".

"Yes" on "Would you consider military action if Iran or North Korea did X" was a typical weaseling. "Not considering war under ANY circumstances" is still a third rail in American policies. So one "Yes" was placed in the questionaire. But he also had a long paragraph about diplomacy first, last resort, requesting advise and approval from Congress, so it was formal "considering", not "willingness". Your can interpreted differently, and that was the whole purpose.

I would ask something about economic warfare, sanctions etc., like how he would weight "applying pressure on regimes" versus "welfare of the population", how much of deprivation is too much. And selection criteria for the list of "regimes". Do absolute monarchies get exemption, perhaps on the account of reigning by the grace of G..d? When do we "worry" about events during vote counting (no worry on Honduras, grave concern on Bolivia). And so on.

Jackrabbit , Feb 20 2020 20:05 utc | 36
bevin @33: It is very curious ...

Well, it's very curious that Sanders accepts the party line on Russiagate/Russian meddling.

And it's very curious that Sanders attacks Maduro as a Dictator that must be removed.

And it's very curious that Sanders' bill to prevent US support for the war on Yemen had big loopholes.

And Sanders' 2016 campaigning was also very curious for his amazing deference to Hillary.

Also curious: how Sanders' candidacy is used as Democracy Works! propaganda to shore-up a corrupt. EMPIRE-FIRST political system.

<> <> <> <> <> <>

If WE can all see that the Democratic Party is scheming to have a brokered convention, WHY CAN'T BERNIE SEE IT? Well, of course he sees it. But he doesn't do anything about it. He plays into it by stressing his support for 'party unity'.


lysias , Feb 20 2020 20:05 utc | 37
Gabbard as VP would be Sanders's best insurance against being assassinated.
Piotr Berman , Feb 20 2020 20:05 utc | 38
Jackrabbit, are you quoting someone or yourself, you use quotation paragraphs without attributing to anyone.

Concerning tactical advise, I do not think that you tested it on "focus groups" or in any other way. Identity politics is a third rail in the territory to the left and center of the political centrum. Some aspects are OK, like changing attitude to work place sexual harassment or even demeaning. Shaming homosexual is medieaval (going back to a ancient Greek attitudes could be a step to far).

But there is a need to avoid alienating working class people who do not ascribe to political correctness. But what would you like to give up as an issue? The right to terminate pregnancy? Sanders made a choice that I fully approve: prying guns from the hands of the working people is a futile, alienating, and he did not win so many elections in a rural state full of hunters by trying that. He is correctly accused of never advocating gun control. But you cannot run in Democratic party AGAINST gun control, not because of DNC and other sinister powers (although they love the issue) but there is a wide constituency for it. As a hiker, I appreciate extensive state forests and game reserves created because of the wide support from the hunters, and the fact that the hunting in my state is forbidden on Sunday. "And on the seventh day thou shall hike".

Once I thought about a compromise good for running in the South, namely, why not agree to hand some commandments in public building, say, 5 out of 10? One could make a referendum choosing the "top 5".

waste , Feb 21 2020 0:06 utc | 75
Thanks b for watching the debate for us :)

Even if sanders gets the nomination (a very very big if), don 't expect him to go all anti-systemic at all, more the opposite I would say. So Tulsi for VC is like a red herring, he would probably choose a "moderate" for VC.

The following article is a very interesting one, showing the type of socialist sanders is. His ideas about socialism are closer to the european socialdemocratic system after the 90s , and we all know what a trainwreck that is.

M , Feb 21 2020 0:52 utc | 80
Tulsi won't be getting the hypothetical VP nod. Conservative voters may like her, but true-blue Democrats absolutely despise her. (You can thank the Clinton faction for both.) If Sanders picked her, the noisiest elements of the media would scream RUSSIA until their throats bled.

Sanders won't move very far rightward on the policy front as the general election approaches, which means he needs to appease the Sensible Liberals through other means. Bellicose rhetoric w/r/t Russia serves that purpose, and allows him to push back against insinuations that he benefited from or abetted Russia's Great Election Heist of 2016. Today's rhetoric may not become tomorrow's policy, though I won't be holding my breath.

The Jackrabbits who think Sanders doesn't stand a chance of being nominated are underestimating the ineptitude and unpopularity of the Democratic Party, the depth of which may somehow overcome even the most strenuous attempts at fixing the race's outcome. Sheepdog though he may be, I'm hoping to see Sanders herding politicians instead of voters come next February.

[Feb 21, 2020] This is a Class War, and we need everyone to come to the barricades and the polling stations!!

Feb 21, 2020 |

karlof1 , Feb 20 2020 20:43 utc | 43

bevin @33--

Thanks for that bit of analysis!

I'll forever argue that the United States of America's government was designed to be a social democratic republic. Proof of this deliberate design is found within the rationale for the federal government as stated in the Constitution's Preamble:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'll argue that establishing Justice and insuring domestic Tranquility means not to promote policies that result in economic divisiveness and massive disparities of wealth--what that hell's tranquil or justified about Bloomberg owning as much wealth as @160 million people: almost 1/2 of the populous?!?! How is it possible to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity in the face of such unjust, immoral disparities?! And I could go on and rant a lot more, but I think my point's made. Clearly, the best political weapon and campaign asset Sanders could deploy is the Preamble and argue that the Oligarchs and their Establishment are UnAmerican at best and Traitors at worst.

As I wrote the other day echoing Solomon and Sanders, it's a Class War, and we need everyone to come to the barricades and the polling stations!! And the naysayers better get the hell out-of-the-way or be trampled underneath the masses clamoring for a huge change in direction, which we might call back to fundamentals.

[Feb 21, 2020] Democrat dog and pony is designed to bury Tulsi and Sanders

Feb 21, 2020 |

Master Slacker , 20 February 2020 at 02:41 PM

The longer this Democrat dog and pony show continues the more I have a sense that it is a false flag operation whereby the most unelectable (Feel the Bern) is being raised while the most competitive (Tulsi Gabbard) has been shunted aside leaving no trace.
Tom Milton , 20 February 2020 at 04:51 PM
Master Slacker et al

Was privileged to attend a Tulsi Town Hall last evening in Colorado Springs.

Very impressive from start to finish. Estimate 300 attended, many young military, and many there identified as Republicans including a former CO State Senator.

Try to catch this wonderful candidate in person. Her positions are available in considerable detail on Wikipedia.

She may be shunted aside by the MSM, but she's leaving way more than a trace for sure -- a redemptive force for a troubled and divided nation.

Eureka Springs , 20 February 2020 at 05:06 PM
With exception of Sanders I can't imagine any candidate on the stage last night offering Gabbards a position in their administration.

If Bernie Sanders were President of say any South American country every other Democrat on stage last night would be delighted as president themselves to covertly and overtly destroy him and his nation. Think Honduras, Paraguay, Venezuela and Bolivia for the most recent examples.

This country is getting a very clear lesson in the fact not only is not a democracy, it's anti-democratic to its core. I hope at long last it finally sinks in among the half of eligible voters who still legitimize it with their vote.

divadab , 20 February 2020 at 05:54 PM
The US of A should do as EVERY other advanced economy did - and implement single payer healthcare and eject the profiteers from the medical system, which is a public good. Germany has had universal medical care since Otto von Bismarck implemented in the 1870's to unify the country - most other countries implemented it in the 20th century (UK just after WW2; Canada in 1963' and so on). This will liberate US Americans from the advanced world's most expensive and inefficient health insurance system, with administrative costs of over 20% compared to Canada's 2-3% depending on province. And Bernie Sanders is the only Dem candidate who unequivocally stands for Medicare for all - the rest are to some degree or other captured by health industry cartel payoffs, much as the Dem party is.

Bernie or bust! He's not a commie; he's a democratic socialist, in the model of FDR's New Deal. Yes he's bad on foreign policy - do you-all really approve of what Trump has been doing on behalf of "client states" who really run the foreign policy show in their domains? I'm not sure if this will ever change - no president wants to end up like JFK. But what is important is to improve the lot of all of us poor citizens who get to pay for all these shitshow foreign SNAFU's - will they ever end? Not while the likes of Pompeus Maximus is in charge....

[Feb 21, 2020] I don't think we should be delving on Sanders' foreign policy too much. Each President reliably betray his election platform

In France they used to say "Socialists who became ministers are not socialist ministers" ;-)
Notable quotes:
"... Sanders' 2016 campaigning was also very curious for his amazing deference to Hillary ..."
Feb 21, 2020 |
vk , Feb 20 2020 18:22 utc | 19
I don't think we should be delving on Sanders' foreign policy too much.

Obama was elected on a "hope and change" platform - mentioning removing troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, closing Guantanamo etc. and then, boom, Libya, drones, private contractors and Syria happened.

Also, we have the Deep State, which is the true dictator of American foreign policy. This is the team of "experts" and "advisers" who will "educate" whoever is newly elected to the WH. So it doesn't really matter what the candidates state about foreign policy at this point.

It really doesn't matter what Sanders says on the FP front.

Piotr Berman , Feb 20 2020 20:43 utc | 44

And Sanders' 2016 campaigning was also very curious for his amazing deference to Hillary .

Posted by: Jackrabbit | Feb 20 2020 20:05 utc | 36

I will not defend Sanders from basing his foreign policy on the progressive outliers of reactionary CAP. There is a distinct danger that he would be malleable on foreign policy, but also a hope... The hope is that he collected a lot of supporters who are less deferential to DC consensus than himself.

The deference to Hillary was a good tactical choice in my humble opinion. He leads the insurgents who do not favor the current DNC and party apparatus. To win a national elections he does need cooperation across party spectrum. PUMA is a real danger against that (search PUMA 2008 election). So he can (a) challenge and shame possible repeaters of PUMA (b) give good example (c) rely on his feared supporters who are guaranteed to be suspicious and grumpy.

Bloomberg as the champion of moderate democrats reminds me the candidate for Polish presidency that Nationalists put forth in 1922. He was the top aristocrat, with vast holdings. Nationalists had hopes of attracting the larger and very moderate peasant party, but moderate as they were, they just could not vote for Aristocrat Number One. A lot of Democrats prefer Sanders over Bloomberg, even the moderate ones. If Sanders becomes top in delegate count and Bloomberg second, brokering the convention against Sanders will be hard.

Bubbles , Feb 20 2020 21:30 utc | 51
I started out to say that Sanders can't compete in the American Political sham reality if he goes ball to the wall against Israel's aggression's and totally illegal behaviour which is supported by Democrats and Republican's alike because of the monetary power the Zionist fifth column in America wields with their "Benjamins"

Hat tip to that tiny girl born in Somalia for calling a spade a spade. Courage should be rewarded, not attacked by those who disrespect truth and decency.

Patroklos , Feb 20 2020 22:30 utc | 59
On Sanders' foreign policy: we shouldn't forget that democracies are belligerent, that the link between war and high citizen participation in decision-making was the hallmark of classical antiquity. More recently, the icing on FDR's New Deal was ww2. It doesn't surprise me that a shift to social democracy does not imply a decrease in external belligerence. In fact moderate right-wing libertarians tend on the whole to be the least fond of war, unless it's about protecting their interests. But when the interests at stake are understood by the deliberative citizen body (e.g. SPQR or ὁ δῆμος) to be those of the collective citizen body, then war is endemic. I am reminded too that one of the most left-wing institutions (in spirit at least) in the US is the Marine Corps: the polis is a warrior-guild (Max Weber)
waste , Feb 21 2020 0:06 utc | 75
Thanks b for watching the debate for us :)

Even if sanders gets the nomination (a very very big if), don 't expect him to go all anti-systemic at all, more the opposite I would say. So Tulsi for VC is like a red herring, he would probably choose a "moderate" for VC.

The following article is a very interesting one, showing the type of socialist sanders is. His ideas about socialism are closer to the european socialdemocratic system after the 90s , and we all know what a trainwreck that is.

Jackrabbit , Feb 21 2020 0:27 utc | 78
karlof1 @62, b4real @73

Whether he realizes it or not, karlof1 is exposing a version of the establishment-friendly "best of all worlds" (BOAW) political theory

BOAW was popular when Obama the deceiver was President. It fits well with his neoliberal hucksterism aka "social choice theory".

BOAW says that if something is wrong or can be improved, it will get attention and be addressed because people will get behind the change necessary to make it happen.

But the Empire and great wealth disparity has distorted democratic processes into something garish - like fun house mirrors. BOAW is now recognized as simply hopium propaganda and is hardly ever even mentioned anymore.


[Feb 19, 2020] The Democratic Zoo vs the Orange Showman

Notable quotes:
"... 7. Tulsi Gabbard. God bless her. I would vote for her but the Gays and the Zionists are both against her. This is not going to happen. ..."
Feb 16, 2020 |

1. Bernie Sanders is a Marxist who is not afraid to stand up in public for himself. His honeymoon in the USSR is not likely to be forgotten. He is a communist fellow traveler who has become a member of the rentier class. He wants to abolish private health insurance. Really! De Blasio and AOC, two more open Marxists are on his team? Really?

2. IMO Elizabeth Warren is an obvious serial liar who reminds me of a second grade teacher with enthusiasms for projects that the little children had better get on board for, or else! Another millionaire in socialist clothing.

3. And, there is Mayor Pete, the darling of the Wall Street population and all the world's bankers. Somehow the creatures of the coastal cities don't understand that the American electorate is not ready to elect a cute, openly homosexual man who will live in the White House with his husband and child. It is not going to happen this time around.

4. Amy Klobuchar - An obscure Mid-Western senator who shows signs of an idealism that might be a problem for the professional pols. She might do something not in their script.

5. Mikey Bloomberg - The People's Party is going to put forward a guy worth over $60 billion? Really? If that were not bad enough, the man has a long history of total ineptitude in human relations involving blacks and women? Really? Watch him try to mix with ordinary people in crowds. Sad.

6. Hillary? Old Deplorable herself? Trump beat her once already in the Electoral College, where the fraud in California's popular vote did not matter. A lot of people loath her.

7. Tulsi Gabbard. God bless her. I would vote for her but the Gays and the Zionists are both against her. This is not going to happen.

8. Tom Steyr - Ho hum. A taller version of Bloomberg, he made his money by investing in coal mines and now is a fanatic "climate change" guy.

9. Joe Biden. He was asked by Jorge Ramos "why did you and Obama lock up so many illegal kids on the border?" He replied "we were taking care of them." IMO he is and has always been a crooked, not too smart politician from a very small state. Hell! In Delaware you can know most of the electorate personally. He is done.

All of these folks are addicted to private jets that they hire if they do not actually own one or two. Naughty! Naughty!


And! On the other side we have the orange man. He will be quite happy to run against these guys. BTW I doubt that he has a billion in cash. That is probably why he doesn't want to release his tax returns. He came into office with little understanding of the differences between government and business and still knows little about that. He wants to believe that everyone in the Executive Branch is his personal employee. He is wrong about that.


BTW. McCabe IS NOT "off the hook." The particular charge DoJ is not going to try him for is the least of his problems.


Ah! The Bonfire of the Vanities. pl

Flavius , 16 February 2020 at 10:10 AM

"BTW. McCabe IS NOT "off the hook." The particular charge DoJ is not going to try him for is the least of his problems."

So true...and he knows it. You'll notice they haven't yet indicted the FBI lawyer who made a material misrepresentation on the Page FISC affidavit either. Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan are being investigated for their roles in having blown up the Presidential electoral process in the United States. The DoJ is not about to make itself up front look petty, vindictive, and stupid by indicting McCabe for spitting on the sidewalk. The Democrats would love to take advantage of that opportunity.

For those paying attention, this provides a welcome contrast to the way the political jihadists under Mueller conducted themselves - Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Papanobody. Ditto the Schiff impeachment debacle. Pure chickenshit made into red meat by an obliging institutional media.

It's heartening to see some evidence of judgement has returned to the Department.

divadab , 16 February 2020 at 11:35 AM
Sir - if Bernie Sanders is a Marxist so was FDR. They are both New Deal Democrats, representing the working people against the rapacious oligarchs.

Further, Medicare for All is a bare minimum of what is required to uplift the citizens of this nation. It seems increasingly that we cannot stop the warmongers in their desire to dominate or destroy so the best policy is to improve the lot of the citizens. That's what Bernie is about.

Incidentally, a proposed Bloomberg/Clinton ticket epitomises the corruption and stupidity and incompetence of the Dem elite. Contemptible scum.

turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 12:02 PM

Oh, BS! FDR was nothing like Bernie. What, he created Social Security and that made him a commie? Medicare for all would beggar us unless we ration care like they do in places like Canada.

Jack , 16 February 2020 at 12:12 PM

The optics of the non-prosecution of McCabe is not looking good when the DOJ have prosecuted Stone and Flynn for the same thing. There's no doubt we have a 2-tier justice system with a very corrupt prosecutorial system and a judiciary in lock step with them. The FISA court exemplifies this.

As far as the Orangeman is concerned he seems not much different than all the others. At the end of the day he hired Rosenstein, Wray, Sessions, Barr, Bolton, Kelly and Mattis. While he's got the prerogative to declassify he shirked each time and passed the buck. His shtick of being the representative of the Deplorables is just that. He only cares about his own skin.

He's completely in thrall of the Saudi bonesaw and Bibi's maximalist visions.

The bottom line in my opinion is we have a broken political, media and governmental system as the people the voters encourage to run it are as corrupt as in any tinpot banana republic.

Personally I'd like to see Trump vs Bernie as it would implode the Democrats and show clearly how polarized the electorate really is and how venal the media have become. What will they do when they hate both candidates?

NancyK , 16 February 2020 at 12:43 PM

rationed care is better than no care at all or care that bankrupts the family. I think most Canadian's prefer their system than ours. Having said that I don't agree with Medicare for all but I do think that individuals and families who cannot afford medical insurance should have affordable options available to them.

Sam Iam , 16 February 2020 at 12:58 PM

To help clarify Sander's world view, I'll present to this this snippet from a recent interview where he brings up modern-day China:

"It wasn't so many decades ago that there was mass starvation in China. All right? There is not mass starvation today and people have got -- the government has got to take credit for the fact that there is now a middle class in China. No one denies that more people in China have a higher standard of living than use to be the case. All right? That's the reality.

On the other hand, China is a dictatorship. It does not tolerate democracy, i.e., what they're doing in Hong Kong. They do not tolerate independent trade unions and the Communist Party rules with a pretty iron fist. So, and by the way, in recent years, Xi has made the situation even worse. So, I mean, I'll give, you give people credit where it is due. But you have to maintain values of democracy and human rights and certainly that does not exist in China."

D , 16 February 2020 at 01:06 PM
One bonfire that refuses to die and flamed up again today - Crowdstrike and the media's total refusal to even mention its name, which was the really critical part of the Ukrainian phone call. Not their phony quid pro quo.

All Democrat candidates need to questioned about Crowdstrike, since it led to two failed major Democrat-led actions against President Trump - The Mueller investigation and the Democrat impeachment.

Following article underscores what Larry Johnson has been reporting for years:

b , 16 February 2020 at 01:10 PM
Sander is a no 'Marxist' at all. I agree with this quote from Krugman (a Clinton guy):
The thing is, Bernie Sanders isn't actually a socialist in any normal sense of the term. He doesn't want to nationalize our major industries and replace markets with central planning; he has expressed admiration, not for Venezuela, but for Denmark. He's basically what Europeans would call a social democrat -- and social democracies like Denmark are, in fact, quite nice places to live, with societies that are, if anything, freer than our own.

The social democrat have always hated and fought against the communists who are the real Marxists.

D , 16 February 2020 at 01:13 PM
FDR strongly warned not to unionize government employees.

Sanders demands all workers shall be unionized, which is the backbone of the Green New Deal - mandatory union membership, creating vast slush funds of union dues going directly to the Democrat party.

Fred , 16 February 2020 at 01:16 PM

Just what has Bernie accomplished in 30 years in federal office, besides becoming a multimillionaire?

D , 16 February 2020 at 01:16 PM
What happened to the speculation that breaking the whole " Trump coup" conspiracy would take down all government agencies, including the Gang of 8?

Consequently, more than the Democrats are interested in burying any loose threads that could cause something much larger to unravel? Wolfe gets off. McCabe gets off. Page/Strozk leer smugly over glasses of wine. Clapper-Bernnan-Comey free as birds.

John Merryman , 16 February 2020 at 01:20 PM
The reality should not be so much about the personalities, as the processes driving them. We have this ideal of a nation of laws, not men, but the principle doesn't run that deep.

The medical situation, for instance, is rife with fraud and abuse. While some waste is necessary, the whole trial and error thing, our country's medical system is more about siphoning value out of the community, than effectively understanding the necessities of healthcare and trying to adequately provide for them, to the extent possible.

Which is not so much a healthcare issue, as it is a financial system issue. Here is a very insightful essay from Naked Capitalism, that could be applied across many fields;
Focus on the people distracts from the real issues.

eakens , 16 February 2020 at 01:45 PM
Good luck getting rid of the private insurance companies, lobbies, lawyers, accountants, and other third party beneficiaries of the private insurance market. United Healthcare has revenues of nearly a quarter trillion dollars just by itself. It's better to focus on what is possible instead of what is noble.

It is the same reason we won't be able to end all the wars, and simplify the tax code in a meaningful way. Intuit (the maker of TurboTax) is one of the largest supporters of complicating the forms and processes by which to file taxes.

The bottom line is that these are massive, structural changes that they would take constitutional amendments to fix since every 4-8 years some carpetbagger shows up seeking to undo what the other carpetbaggers did, and the only thing they do is create another cottage industry regulated by an equally large bureaucracy.

If you want to champion anything, start with campaign finance reform since everything else is just noise.

james , 16 February 2020 at 02:53 PM
basically you're saying 'the usa is screwed." that is what it sounds like to me..
Dwight , 16 February 2020 at 03:17 PM
Our current system already beggars most of us. Expensive yet insecure coverage that potentially bankrupts us all from surprise billing. Incredible time-suck to protect yourself from such predatory practices. (Though it appears Medicare recipients are protected from such price gouging.).

Employer-based coverage constrains job changes, and leaves people without coverage when they get laid off because of illness. I see Medicare for All as enhancing liberty. Tying health care to your employer is kind of feudal. Take away the tax breaks at least so the market is fair. I wouldn't mind paying premiums and copays, with monthly maximum, but wouldn't mind paying through taxes either.

Diana Croissant , 16 February 2020 at 03:30 PM
I am sorry, but my comment to this summary of the Democratic contenders is totally facetious. (Perhaps that is because if find all but Tulsi people who have been put forward by an obviously facetious group of people running the Democratic Party now.

Does anyone else suspect that Elizabeth Warren is making money on the side doing the voice for Pinocchio in the GEICO ads?

divadab , 16 February 2020 at 03:42 PM
Whoa! Quite a few responses - will try to answer in order:

@turcopolier - well I have direct experience of the Canadian system and based on many experiences, the Canadian universal single-payer system is not "rationed" in any way wrt urgent care. Yes if you have elective surgery like an arthroscopic knee repair of which I've had two and my choice was wait 3-5 months in Canada or pay $5,000 stateside and get it done next week. I paid. The choice of paying for service should never go away IMHO and this is a flaw among many which I note with Bernie's plan. Nonetheless he is articulating a bargaining position to attain something I think essential to re-organize the US health insurance system. WHy as a society are we paying twice as a percentage of gdp than Canada? It's profiteering. ANd Inefficiency. Probably in reverse order of importance, but they each feed the other.

@NancyK - some mix of a universal medicaire-style system with extra insurance available for those who want to pay for it (private room, immediate service, that kind of upgrade) might work, don't you think?

@fred - well, since you ask, and tho I'm no expert in the history of Bernie I do know this - he was mayor of Burlington VT for quite a while and you should take a walk around and see how some of his intitiatives have made Burlington more livable. ALso he garnered between 20 and 40 % of the Republican vote in his long run as Congressman from VT. As Representative and Senator he is well known for his successful amendements to the benefit of ALL
rather than for the benefit of the few, or, himself. He is only recently a millionaire, I understand, as he wrote a very successful book which made him a couple of million. Other than that, he owns real estate - who of his vintage who bought real estate has not made money?

Anyhoo, Bernie or bust!

ISL , 16 February 2020 at 03:45 PM
Dear Colonel,

I find I agree completely with all your points, except (respectfully) the intensity of your Bernie blast. If medicare for all is such a bad idea, then I await Trump to propose revoking ALL the communistic gov't medical care programs (including the free one congress gets).

Spark!!! spark!!! spark!!! Third rail.

Also, I note that Tulsi's has many more enemies. I continue supporting her (she is doing better than Steyer and Yang) in the hope that Bernie has had her as VP in mind all along or else that she will spend the next four years building a support base for 2024.

Barring the economy cracking or a new ME mess (perhaps by an Iranian proxy in revenge), I agree that the Dems will get trounced outside their coastal enclaves, particularly if the Dems continue to cheat the process. Nothings says stay home like having your vote stolen.

In the economic regards, the Corona Virus is a potentially massive black swan event - the Fed already has been printing 100 billion per month to stave off economic collapse for five months now (socialism for the banks!!!! Get a pitchfork) and no intention to slowdown for the foreseeable future, so it's not clear they have the bullets to deal with a, at a minimum, Corona shutdown of US supply chains. With a up to 24 day before symptoms appear, and false negatives of up to 80% in the very few who are tested, efforts to date by the US are just security theater.

Dwight , 16 February 2020 at 03:49 PM
Even if Bernie were a communist rather than a moderate social democrat, we have checks and balances, and the Fifth Amendment protecting property rights.
turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 05:10 PM

Just kidding yourself about how much damage he could do while president. Do you feel that way about Trump?

turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 05:12 PM
1. His plan would forbid insurance outside it. 2. The cost is massively prohibitive.
turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 05:16 PM

No. Trump is doing a good job except in the ME.

turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 06:12 PM

"wrt urgent care." What would you do if there were no available sources of treatment in the US?

turcopolier , 16 February 2020 at 06:16 PM
b (old adversary) You may not like to admits that I know a lot about various forms of leftism but I (like many other former USI officers know a lot about you) I personally recruited quite a few "Social Democrats" who were really agents of the USSR until they switched sides. They were tested a lot. I admit that Bernie evidently never voted for the Communist Party candidate for president as John Brennan did, but his honeymoon on an Intourist visa in the USSR speaks volumes. As I recall you were quite pro-Warsaw Pact and anti-NATO during the Cold War.
D , 16 February 2020 at 07:00 PM
Denmark retains its Lutheran sensibilities, if not their daily practice. It is very strict about immigration - very few are allowed in, closed borders, must speak Danish, turn over assets to the government, and no complaints about pork being on the menus.

Hygge celebrates thrift, simplicity and austerity. If you want Danish social democracy, you have to participate in the whole package. (Being of Danish heritage myself, I see nothin wrong with this but don't see many others living up to their unique lifestyle standards -

(NB: re-read Garrison Kielor's Lake Woebegon for further insights into Scandinavian heritage in the US - particuarly his footnoted treatise on 100 drawbacks being raised Scandinavian - US Scandinavians will laugh in self-recognition and also sadly nod in full agreement)

Danes laugh at our US welfare state and recognize it has nothing to do with their version of social welfare. Danish "socialism" provides workers with buy-in medical plans for more efficient delivery systems. It is by no means free government run health care or social welfare for all.

Norwegians are closer to this idealized model of "free stuff", but with even stricter about immigration controls and their system floats on massive amounts of fossil fuel extraction cash. Sweden, Finland, Iceland -- all have uniqiness in their social welfare systems that cannot translate to the US polyglot, poly-cultural model.

Danes also have suffered from high rates of depression and suicide. So Bernie, be sure to sign up for the whole package, and stop glossing over the missing details of your proposal for "Danish socialism".

Their system does work for the Danes and has a lot to like about it - but you have to plug in all the variables, so start by undoing the US welfare state plantation first and expect everyone to be a maker; not a taker.

Then give everyone a bike to replace their cars, and only then can you start handing out free health care - Danish style because their far more active lifestyle will define new models for health care needs.

[Feb 15, 2020] Tulsi's campaign is still alive

Feb 15, 2020 |

Bernie didn't win in '16. Rigging certainly but he had no nationwide general electoral opportunity to enter the WH. Instead, the Berniecrat progressive fire has continued burning slowly and steadily. Progressivism, in its various flavors, is now THE ascendant movement of the Left. It grew slowly, steadily. This is the comparison which is relevant to Tulsi's candidacy. Barring a miracle, Tulsi will not be the Dem nominee in November facing off El Trumpo. But she has lit a fire under hundreds of thousands which will continue to spread due to the gentle breezes of her campaign speeches. Perhaps 2024 is her year. If not, 2028 could realistically be the date she becomes POTUS.

My previous essay, It's the economy, was negative. Negative if one believes there is even a remote chance Saint Bernie gets to run against Trump. Yes, he, like the rest of the D's is running against Trump but what are the plans? Open Borders? Medicare for Illegal aliens? Bernie's got other proposals, meritorious ones deserving of support. But too much baggage. He is collecting baggage as adroitly as Liz Warren. Look what that's done to her campaign.

Kind-hearted Bernie is taking up survivors from the Warren life rafts, many of whom are armed with rubber penetrating pins.

Tulsi does not genuflect.

The same type of integrity-diminishing stances Liawatha has adopted, are now afflicting Saint Bernie. Pandering on open borders. Retreating before Culinary Union attacks without personally facing it down NOW--NOW when it counts.

The last man standing will be a woman. The rest are craven characatures of sincere humans, so phony that even a blind monkey could detect.

Who did Warren Harding defeat for President? Don't look it up--people don't remember losers. In 20 years, H. Rodent Clinton will be merely a bad dream, to be recalled in memory only by those interested in calamity.

Bernie started a movement. But, like Moses, he will never enter the Promised Land. His name will be remembered by even his opponents as someone who began steering the ship of state into better waters. But his portrait will not hang in the WH.

Tulsi is the future

on the cusp on Sat, 02/15/2020 - 8:10pm

I am not completely sure Tulsi is anything in the future.

She is not running for re-election. At the time of the next presidential election, she will be a private citizen.
She will have less leverage for endorsement of her colleagues than she does now.
For all we know, in 2 or 3 years, she may be out of the political realm completely.
I concede she is the type of person, or the sort of person that would take us forward, but she has little in the way of base right now, and will have an unknown base in a few years.
Bernie, no matter how I despise his foreign policy, is the poll leader, is a half-assed socialist, might actually improve/save lives of the working class and poor, and he is the start of a left swing we need now. Tulsi or some young leftie can knock it out of the park if we can just show people that social programs work, and work extremely well.

edg on Sat, 02/15/2020 - 8:14pm
Speculation about Tulsi's future...

@on the cusp

"The 2022 Hawaii gubernatorial election will take place on November 8, 2022, to elect the Governor of Hawaii. Incumbent Democratic Governor David Ige is term-limited and cannot seek re-election to a third term."

snoopydawg on Sat, 02/15/2020 - 8:23pm


But why would she give up her seat in congress for being governor? She sees things in Hawaii she wants to fix or being governor is a better shot at being president? I admit that I don't know much about her congressional record. I just don't understand why people feel so strongly against her. Once upon a time they wanted the wars to stop. Now they are hung ho for warring with Russia through Ukraine.


"The 2022 Hawaii gubernatorial election will take place on November 8, 2022, to elect the Governor of Hawaii. Incumbent Democratic Governor David Ige is term-limited and cannot seek re-election to a third term."

RantingRooster on Sat, 02/15/2020 - 8:39pm

Are you having a senior moment?

Don't get me wrong, there is much I like about Tulsi, but establishment democrats hate her, more than they hate Bernie. She openly defied them and quit the DNC on Bernie's behalf, and help bring down Debbie what-her-name as chairperson for the DNC.

[Feb 15, 2020] Write-in as a way of making a statement against the USA oligarchy corruption

Writing in Tulsi would probably be more a politically correct statement. She is a talented politician, a rare American gem. She speaks truth unlike the coward and lifelong conman Bonespurs
Feb 15, 2020 |
Patroklos , Feb 15 2020 21:58 utc | 57

Tulsi is the new JFK. But seems America is not ready for decent honest politian with ideals and aspirations. She think America is capable of greatness. I doubt it. But I will write her name in if thats what it takes. For what its worth.

jared , Feb 15 2020 19:18 utc | 19
Does that mean that the US is now officially a 'shithole country' too? Long gone are the days when a national leader was a former railway engine cleaner who lived in a little house in a country town, a man who would go on to enact a legislative program that embraced a whole community recovering from war .

The West is very very broken.

[Feb 15, 2020] Some people want Tulsi to drop out and endorse Bernie. They are wrong.

Notable quotes:
"... Bloomberg is not going to get people to vote in large enough numbers to be a contender, he had zero write-in votes in NH. So he is about running to gain support just enough to force a second vote in order to for superdelegates to over turn the will of the people for Bernie at the convention. ..."
Feb 15, 2020 |

Kali , Feb 15 2020 18:54 utc | 7

Bloomberg is not going to get people to vote in large enough numbers to be a contender, he had zero write-in votes in NH. So he is about running to gain support just enough to force a second vote in order to for superdelegates to over turn the will of the people for Bernie at the convention.

Some people want Tulsi to drop out and endorse Bernie, like Kyle Kulinski, but those people are not thinking right because they act as if Bernie is not a VERY OLD man who has had health issues recently. If Tulsi drops out and endorses Bernie and then Bernie a few months from now has health issues which force him out---THEN WHAT KYLE? You want Warren who is a proven con artist and neocon?

See Tulsi Gabbard is The Steely Dan of Politics or: Perfection Isn't For Everyone

[Feb 09, 2020] The Democrats are denying a voice to their strongest candidate, Tulsi Gabbard

Notable quotes:
"... " Don't tell the Democrats, but they are ignoring their best candidate for president. That candidate is Tulsi Gabbard. She is the congresswoman from Hawaii who would have the best chance of picking up the votes of independents and even some Republicans in November. But at the moment she is being ostracized by party leaders." Mulshine ..."
"... Agreed. But she's anti-war, so no chance of being supported by "party leaders" ( those "leaders" is a bit of a misnomer) ..."
"... Tulsi bet all her chips on New Hampshire just like Mayor Pete did in Iowa. I was up in the Conway region last August and saw billboards for Tulsi all over the place. There was nothing for other candidates. She held well over a hundred town halls in the state. I'm hoping this strategy works for her. ..."
Feb 09, 2020 |

" Don't tell the Democrats, but they are ignoring their best candidate for president. That candidate is Tulsi Gabbard. She is the congresswoman from Hawaii who would have the best chance of picking up the votes of independents and even some Republicans in November. But at the moment she is being ostracized by party leaders." Mulshine


Yes. pl

Daniel McAdams , 08 February 2020 at 10:47 PM

We had her on the program Friday:
Alex stumm , 08 February 2020 at 11:17 PM
Agreed. But she's anti-war, so no chance of being supported by "party leaders" ( those "leaders" is a bit of a misnomer)
The Twisted Genius , 08 February 2020 at 11:26 PM
Tulsi bet all her chips on New Hampshire just like Mayor Pete did in Iowa. I was up in the Conway region last August and saw billboards for Tulsi all over the place. There was nothing for other candidates. She held well over a hundred town halls in the state. I'm hoping this strategy works for her. I like EVERYTHING about her including her antiwar foreign policy stance and her genuinely progressive domestic policy.

I just received this message from her campaign:

"Tulsi is on the rise in New Hampshire and we need to be doing all we can right now to keep this upward momentum going!"

"First: Local paper The Caledonian Record yesterday released an online poll showing a whopping 67.3% of voters chose Tulsi as the candidate they would "like to see win the Primary.""

"Then: CNN/UNH polling released today shows Tulsi moving into 5th, within striking distance of Elizabeth Warren, with HALF of voters still uncommitted and up for grabs."

"It's the height of irony that CNN's OWN most recent polling shows Tulsi ahead of Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer and Deval Patrick -- all of whom were given nationally televised CNN town halls worth millions just this week, while the establishment network refused to let Tulsi speak. This blatant censorship denied New Hampshire voters (half undecided) the opportunity to hear from all the candidates, and then make an informed opinion about who to support."

I hope she does well in New Hampshire. It will be much harder for for the press to ignore her if she does.

james , 08 February 2020 at 11:33 PM
follow the money - usa state religion.. the donors are being looked after..

[Feb 08, 2020] Mayor Pete and Bill Maher - Sic Semper Tyrannis

Feb 08, 2020 |

Bill Maher interviewed Pete Buttigieg a few days ago on January 31, 2019. Bill Maher said, "You are the only military veteran in this."
Buttigieg nodded along and said, "Yeah."

It was a critical test of character for Mayor Pete, and Buttigieg showed his true colors. Instead of acknowledging Major Tulsi Gabbard -- the first female combat veteran to ever run for the presidency, who volunteered to deploy twice to the warzones of the Middle East at the height of the war, who has served in the Army National Guard for 17 years and is still serving today -- Buttigieg chose to allow the audience to believe the falsehood that he was the only military veteran running for president because it benefits him politically.

Furthermore, when Buttigeig's campaign posted the interview on social media, they chose to cut out the first part of Maher's statement (i.e.

"You are the only military veteran in this.") C'est un arriviste : mon opinion

Check this article:

Before I dive into Shortest Way Home's account of the life and career of Peter Buttigieg, let me be up front about my bias. I don't trust former McKinsey consultants. I don't trust military intelligence officers. And I don't trust the type of people likely to appear on "40 under 40" lists, the valedictorian-to-Harvard-to-Rhodes-Scholarship types who populate the American elite. I don't trust people who get flattering reams of newspaper profiles and are pitched as the Next Big Thing That You Must Pay Attention To, and I don't trust wunderkinds who become successful too early. Why? Because I am somewhat cynical about the United States meritocracy. Few people amass these kind of résumés if they are the type to openly challenge authority. Noam Chomsky says that the factors predicting success in our "meritocracy" are a "combination of greed, cynicism, obsequiousness and subordination, lack of curiosity and independence of mind, [and] self-serving disregard for others." So when journalists see "Harvard" and think "impressive," I see it and think "uh-oh."

Posted by: The Beaver | 07 February 2020 at 02:03 PM DNC and Media have black balled Gabbard.
Thrashing Kamala and Hillary is an unforgivable sin for the current DNC.
Democratic party is poorly served by DNC corruption and incompetence.
The top of their ticket reminds me of the decrepit party hacks the politburo put forward in the early 80s.
Moral and intellectual bankrupt.
Noting that McCain and Romney were the previous GOP nominees does not inspire confidence either

Posted by: sbin | 07 February 2020 at 02:23 PM I'm not normally into conspiracy theories, but I am suspicious of his direct commission into Naval intelligence. His educational background and a few other things makes me think he might be a CIA stooge.

And yes, pretty dishonest and arrogant to not mention Tulsi.

Posted by: Eric Newhill | 07 February 2020 at 02:36 PM I had heard Mayor Pete had been an engineer in the military but in a The Atlantic interview he says he was Naval Intelligence. He also spent time as a consultant for McKinsey in the Afghanistan but in neither case was he in much danger--unlike Tulsi.
In his own words: "Four years later, Buttigieg would return to Afghanistan as a Naval intelligence officer. He stayed on bases for the most part, venturing out only as an armed escort on an occasional trip. On the McKinsey work, they were outside the wire more, but "there was no moment of great adventure or danger for me, other than just the fact of we drove from Kabul to Jalalabad. That was a little risky. But in Iraq we were on base, or at least in the Green Zone, almost all the time."

How does a mayor of a small mid-west town wake up one day and decide he is qualified to run for the highest political office in the land and believe he can win. He's either insane or has friends inm high places. After the fudging of the numbers in Iowa in his favor, I'd say the latter.

Posted by: optimax | 07 February 2020 at 02:41 PM I have a low opinion of his personal integrity. But then I have a lot opinion of the President's personal integrity. Its probably time saving to say who does appear to have integrity rather than doesnt. At the moment I am prepared to believe Steyer, Gabbard, Sanders and Yang have some decency. But I could easily be wrong about any of them.

Posted by: Harry | 07 February 2020 at 02:51 PM Ian Gabbard should run as an independent if she doesn't get the nomination. I believe Gabbard said she won't but I hope she change her mind.

Posted by: Ian | 07 February 2020 at 03:01 PM different clue Since my background is strictly civilian, I cannot state . . . anything. But perhaps I can ask, could we refer to this as " foam-rubber valor"? Or "cardboard-replica valor"?

And it confirms a new emerging nickname I am seeing here and there for Mayor Pete . . . Pete the Cheat, Cheater Peter, Cheatin' Pete.. .

Posted by: different clue | 07 February 2020 at 03:23 PM

[Feb 08, 2020] I support Tulsi for president, whatever the odds, but she was not allowed on the stage

Feb 08, 2020 |

"The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said 'This is mine", and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.
--  Rousseau 1754"


I gave up my Friday Night trivial enjoyments to watch the Democratic Party debate in New Hampshire. I did it for you, pilgrims, for you and because SWMBO forced me to do it.

As you can see, I support TG for president, whatever the odds, but she was not allowed on the stage. This morning she was on the TeeVee with one or another of the babbling anchors and when pressed over Trump's expulsion from his household of Sunderland, the EU ambassador and the execrable Vindmans from the NSC staff said reluctantly (and correctly) that the president has a right to whomever he wants as his subordinates in the Executive Branch. BTW, something generally ignored is that the two Vindmans are still US Army officers. What they have lost are their current assignments.

But, to return to the subject of last night's debate - it was evident that all of them (even Joe) are running on the basis of Rousseau's bald assertion that mankind has fallen from a "state of nature" in which humans existed in a classless economic equality and that said humans are hopelessly corrupted by the chains created by the notion of private property. To one extent or another all the Democrats in the debate say they want "social justice," meaning a basic re-distribution of goods, (well, maybe not their own goods) as well as a way of life (for most people) in which Mother Earth is not despoiled of her treasures. In such a world bison and bears would presumably roam Central Park in The Big Apple where they could be played with by shaggy men and women in costumes made from grass and other Vegan materials. In that world there would a somewhat higher incidence of infectious diseases but there would be balance in the universe.

It is no wonder that the absent Bloomberg (the littlest one) thinks he can win the nomination. pl

[Feb 07, 2020] One outcome on Iowa might be the dems may well go crawling to Tulsi at the last minute begging her to save them from themselves.

Feb 07, 2020 |

I mentioned a while ago that the 2020 election will make the surrealism, and indeed idiocy, of the counter-Trump forces in 2016 look tame. It looks