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The Linux colorizing fouls things up royally. The the worst offender are ls and vim commands.
For ls can shut off command line colorizing
by editing /etc/DIR_COLORS and changing "COLOR tty" to "COLOR none" or (less drastically) by adding the --color=none,
or a similar option to the ls
This is typically accomplished by creating an alias to ls
in either
the user’s profile or in one of the system-wide profiles.
alias ls='ls --color=none'
See ls command for details.
for VIM you can turn syntax coloring off, change color scheme and modify your vimrc file. See Annoying colors in vim
But that is only a tip of the iceberg. There are many programs that suffer from overzealous colorization. Among them:
There are two way diminish this nuisance
Setting black & white terminal requires some knowledge of terminals. You can get it from
Text-Terminal-HOWTO Terminal Set-Up (Configure) Details
Colours with Linux terminals How to change the text-mode default from white-on-black
How to change the text-mode default from white-on-black
You will need to tell the terminal driver code that you want another default. There exists no standard way of doing this, but in case of Linux you have the setterm program.
"setterm" uses the information in the terminal database to set the attributes. Selections are done like
setterm -foreground black -background white -storewhere the "-store" besides the actual change makes it the default for the current console as well. This requires that the current terminal (TERM environment variable) is described "well enough" in the termcap database. If setterm for some reason does not work, here are some alternatives:
One of these xterms should be available and at least one of them support colour.
xterm -fg white -bg blue4 color_xterm -fg white -bg blue4 color-xterm -fg white -bg blue4 nxterm -fg white -bg blue4where 'color_xterm' supports the color version of 'ls'. This particular choice resembles the colors used on an SGI.
You may modify the kernel once and for all, as well as providing a run-time default for the virtual consoles with an escape sequence. I recommend the kernel patch if you have compiled your own kernel.
The kernel source file is
around line 1940, where you should modifyas appropriate. I use white on blue with
def_color = 0x07; /* white */ ulcolor = 0x0f; /* bold white */ halfcolor = 0x08; /* grey */
def_color = 0x17; /* white */ ulcolor = 0x1f; /* bold white */ halfcolor = 0x18; /* grey */The numbers are the attribute codes used by the video card in hexadecimal: the most significant digit (the "1" in the example colours above) is the background; the least significant the foreground. 0 = black, 1 = blue, 2 = green, 3 = cyan, 4 = red, 5 = purple, 6 = brown/yellow, 7 = white. Add 8 to get "bright" colours.
Note that, in most cases, a bright background == blinking characters, dull background. (From [email protected]).
You may also supply a new run-time default for a virtual console, on a per-display basis with the non-standard ANSI sequence (found by browsing the kernel sources)
ESC [ 8 ]which sets the default to the current fore- and background colours. Then the Reset Attributes string (ESC [ m) selects these colours instead of white on black.
You will need to actually echo this string to the console each time you reboot. Depending on what you use your Linux box for, several places may be appropriate:
This is where "Welcome to Linux xx.yy" is displayed under Slackware, and that is a good choice for stand-alone equipment (and probably be a pestilence for users logging in with telnet). This file is created at boottime (Slackware in /etc/rc.d/rc.S; Redhat in /etc/rc.d/rc.local), and you should modify lines looking somewhat like
echo ""> /etc/issue echo Welcome to Linux `/bin/uname -a | /bin/cut -d\ -f3`. >> /etc/issue
ESCAPE="<replace with a single escape character here>" echo "${ESCAPE}[H${ESCAPE}[37;44m${ESCAPE}[8]${ESCAPE}[2J"> /etc/issue echo Welcome to Linux `/bin/uname -a | /bin/cut -d\ -f3`. >> /etc/issueThis code will home the cursor, set the colour (here white on blue), save this selection and clean the rest of the screen. The modification takes effect after the next reboot. Remember to insert the _literal_ escape character in the file with C-q in emacs or control-v in vi, as apparently the sh used for executing this script does not understand the
syntax./etc/profile or .profile
if [ "$TERM" = "console" ]; then echo "\033[37;44m\033[8]" # # or use setterm. setterm -foreground white -background blue -store fi/etc/login or .login
if ( "$TERM" == "console" ) then echo "\033[37;44m\033[8]" # or use setterm. setterm -foreground white -background blue -store endifYou should be able to use the setterm program as shown above. Again, this requires that the remote machine knows enough about your terminal, and that the terminal emulator providing the login supports colour.
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Task: Turn off colors for ls command
Type the following command
$ ls --color=none
Or just remove alias with unalias command:
$ unalias ls
Task: Turn on colors for ls command
Use any one of the following command:
$ ls --color=auto
$ ls --color=tty
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glennzo Online
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linuxfirefoxDirectory colors have been annoying me
I didn't like the fact that folders on my NTFS partitions were shown in blue on a green background. I though that this was just plain ugly. I set out to change that.
In the file /etc/DIR_COLORS there is a line that reads:
PHP Code:
OTHER_WRITABLE 34;42 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not stickyA far as I can tell this is the line that is responsible for the ugly blue on green background display. I changed it so that there was essentially no background color. Just blue text. The edited line then is:
PHP Code:
OTHER_WRITABLE 34;1 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not stickyTo see the change I needed to close and re-open the terminal. I'm happy again, at least for a few minutes or until someone tells me my method is just plain wrong, and can now function as a productive member of society.
Is this the proper method? No freakin' idea.
Did I get the desired results? Yep.
Will I be proven wrong at some point? Probably.
Do I care? Nope.Just thought I'd share in case anyone else despises the blue on green text.
The Bassinator © ®
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PabloTwo Offline
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linuxchromeRe: Directory colors have been annoying me
That's basically correct. There are some old moldy threads here on the forum discussing this. What I always do is to make a copy of /etc/DIR_COLORS to ~/.dir_colors, then edit the file in my home directory.
To make the ntfs directories appear as the same color as your other directories, the color code to use is:
OTHER_WRITABLE 01;34 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky.You can see the default directory color code with the command "dircolors -p". Near the top of the output, you'll see this:
DIR 01;34 # directoryReply With QuotePabloTwo
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glennzo Online
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linuxubuntuchromeRe: Directory colors have been annoying me
Thanks for the tips PabloTwo
The Bassinator © ®
Laptop: Just a couple of old single core units
Desktop: BioStar MCP6PB M2+ / AMD Phenom 9750 Quad Core / 4GB / Kingston HyperX 3K SSD 240GB SATA 3.0 / 1TB SATA / EVGA GeForce 8400 GS 1GB
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