Example - using a HEREDOC (here-document) and sending quotation marks in a command with PDSH

Here documents (heredocs) are a nice way to embed multi-line content in a single command, enabling the scripting of a file creation rather than the clumsy instruction to "open an editor and paste the following lines into it and save the file as /foo/bar".

Fortunately heredocs work just fine with pdsh, so long as you remember to enclose the whole command in quotation marks. And speaking of which, if you need to include quotation marks in your actual command, you need to escape them with a backslash. Here's an example of both, setting up the configuration file for my ever-favourite gnu screen on all the nodes of the cluster:

robin@RNMMBP ~ $ pdsh -w root@rnmcluster02-node0[1-4] "cat > ~/.screenrc <<EOF  
hardstatus alwayslastline \"%{= RY}%H %{kG}%{G} Screen(s): %{c}%w %=%{kG}%c  %D, %M %d %Y  LD:%l\"  
startup_message off  
msgwait 1  
defscrollback 100000  
nethack on  