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[Dec 14, 2018] New York Times fraudulent election plot dossier escalates anti-Russia hysteria

Notable quotes:
"... It acknowledges that "police never identified who had hung the banners," but nonetheless goes on to assert that: "The Kremlin, it appeared, had reached onto United States soil in New York and Washington. The banners may well have been intended as visual victory laps for the most effective foreign interference in an American election in history." ..."
"... The authors, Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti, complain about a lack of "public comprehension" of the "Trump-Russia" story. Indeed, despite the two-year campaign of anti-Russian hysteria whipped up in Washington and among the affluent sections of the upper-middle class that constitute the target audience of the Times ..."
Sep 21, 2018 |

The New York Times published a fraudulent and provocative "special report" Thursday titled "The plot to subvert an election."

Replete with sinister looking graphics portraying Russian President Vladimir Putin as a villainous cyberage cyclops, the report purports to untangle "the threads of the most effective foreign campaign in history to disrupt and influence an American election."

The report could serve as a textbook example of CIA-directed misinformation posing as "in-depth" journalism. There is no news, few substantiated facts and no significant analysis presented in the 10,000-word report, which sprawls over 11 ad-free pages of a separate section produced by the Times.

The article begins with an ominous-sounding recounting of two incidents in which banners were hung from bridges in New York City and Washington in October and November of 2016, one bearing the likeness of Putin over a Russian flag with the word "peacemaker," and the other that of Obama and the slogan "Goodbye Murderer."

It acknowledges that "police never identified who had hung the banners," but nonetheless goes on to assert that: "The Kremlin, it appeared, had reached onto United States soil in New York and Washington. The banners may well have been intended as visual victory laps for the most effective foreign interference in an American election in history." The article begins with an ominous-sounding recounting of two incidents in which banners were hung from bridges in New York City and Washington in October and November of 2016, one bearing the likeness of Putin over a Russian flag with the word "peacemaker," and the other that of Obama and the slogan "Goodbye Murderer."

It acknowledges that "police never identified who had hung the banners," but nonetheless goes on to assert that: "The Kremlin, it appeared, had reached onto United States soil in New York and Washington. The banners may well have been intended as visual victory laps for the most effective foreign interference in an American election in history."

Why does it "appear" to be the Kremlin? What is the evidence to support this claim? Among the 8.5 million inhabitants of New York City and another 700,000 in Washington, D.C., aren't there enough people who might despise Obama as much as, if not a good deal more than, Vladimir Putin?

This absurd passage with its "appeared" and "may well have" combined with the speculation about the Kremlin extending its evil grip onto "United States soil" sets the tone for the entire piece, which consists of the regurgitation of unsubstantiated allegations made by the US intelligence agencies, Democratic and Republican capitalist politicians and the Times itself.

The authors, Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti, complain about a lack of "public comprehension" of the "Trump-Russia" story. Indeed, despite the two-year campaign of anti-Russian hysteria whipped up in Washington and among the affluent sections of the upper-middle class that constitute the target audience of the Times , polls have indicated that the charges of Russian "meddling" in the 2016 presidential election have evoked little popular response among the

[Dec 10, 2018] One thing that has puzzled me about Trump methods is his constant tweeting of witch hunt with respect to Mueller but his unwillingness to actually disclose what Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al actually did

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... One thing that has puzzled me about Trump methods is his constant tweeting of witch hunt with respect to Mueller but his unwillingness to actually disclose what Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al actually did by declassifying all the documents and communications among them. In your opinion what is he trying to accomplish with his method here? ..."
Dec 10, 2018 |

blue peacock , 12 hours ago

Col. Lang

I believe you are spot on in your analysis of the Trump methods. No doubt based on your personal observations up close of similar sole proprietor business hustlers. I think one problem that Trump methods face is that he needs people around him who can make things happen despite the byzantine ways of the vast federal bureaucracy who have their own agenda.

One thing that has puzzled me about Trump methods is his constant tweeting of witch hunt with respect to Mueller but his unwillingness to actually disclose what Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al actually did by declassifying all the documents and communications among them. In your opinion what is he trying to accomplish with his method here?

[Dec 03, 2018] Ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos begins two-week prison sentence

Dec 03, 2018 |

A man President Donald Trump named as a member of his foreign policy team during the 2016 campaign began his two-week sentence on Monday for lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts.

George Papadopoulos, the first Trump campaign aide sentenced as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, was ordered to report to the Federal Bureau of Prisons after his lawyers' last-ditch motions to delay his sentence were denied.

Papadopoulos arrived Monday at a minimum-security camp in Oxford, Wisconsin, the BOP confirmed to USA TODAY. There are currently 153 inmates at the camp, according to the agency's website .

U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss issued a 13-page ruling Sunday rejecting two motions filed by Papadopoulos' attorneys. Moss said Papadopoulos' time to file an appeal expired on Sept. 25 and that his hopes of having his plea deal voided by a case challenging Mueller's appointment were without merit.

The case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit argues that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein did not have the constitutional authority to appoint Mueller after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from matters dealing with the Russia investigation. Papadopoulos' lawyers said it would be "unjust" for their client to go to prison only to see Mueller's investigation declared illegitimate after he served his time.

But Moss said those arguments had been available to Papadopoulos for more than a year. And he pointed out that two other judges had "issued thorough and carefully reasoned opinions rejecting the arguments that Papadopoulos now champions."

Moss said the "prospect that the D.C. Circuit will reach a contrary conclusion is remote."

The judge also said nothing in the Bail Reform Act cited by Papadopoulos' lawyers would justify suspending a sentence to await "an appeal brought by a different party in a different case."

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts while working for the Trump campaign in 2016. In September, he was sentenced to two weeks in prison , a year of supervised release, 200 hours of community service and a $9,500 fine.

Mueller's prosecutors had sought a six-month sentence for Papadopoulos, who asked the judge to give him probation. A conviction for lying to the FBI can carry a sentence of up to five years in prison .

According to Mueller, Papadopoulos "lied to the FBI regarding his interactions with a foreign professor whom he understood to have significant ties to the Russian government, as well as a female Russian national."

Papadopoulos identified that professor as Joseph Mifsud , who introduced him to the Russian woman he knew as Olga. Mifsud told Papadopoulos Olga was related to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Papadopoulos later identified her as "Putin's niece" in a campaign email.

When asked about his contacts with Mifsud and Olga, Papadopoulos falsely told the FBI agents that his meetings with them happened before he joined the Trump campaign.

Trump has downplayed Papadopoulos' role in the campaign. But in March 2016, he touted Papadopoulos as a part of his foreign policy team during a meeting with The Washington Post editorial board .

"He's an energy and oil consultant," Trump said at the time. "Excellent guy."

According to Papadopoulos, he met with Trump, Sessions and other campaign officials at the Trump Hotel in Washington on March 31, 2016, and told them he could use his new connections to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin.

"While some in the room rebuffed George's offer, Mr. Trump nodded with approval and deferred to Mr. Sessions who appeared to like the idea and stated that the campaign should look into it," Papadopoulos' lawyers wrote in a court filing.

[Dec 02, 2018] CIA Officials Continue Efforts To Marginalize President Trump

Dec 02, 2018 |

Caius Keys , 6 hours ago link

CIA Officials Continue Efforts To Marginalize President Trump Via Washington Post

There is a particular transparency of motive which becomes clear, and reconciles all inquiry, when an interested observer accepts a particular media framework:

Hadenough1000 , 4 hours ago link

Arab brennan

was arab Obamas weaponizing king

dumbocrats you put Arabs in total power??? 😳😳

After the rapist Clinton's Arabs burned 3000 Americans to death???

what possibly could go wrong😜😜

Caius Keys , 4 hours ago link

Bushes love SA long time

CatInTheHat , 6 hours ago link

"the rout of Sunni jihadists in Syria by the combined forces of the Syrian government, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, it's clear that Islamic terrorism is no longer a threat that stirs the paranoia necessary to feed big military and intelligence budgets . For all the money they've spent, intelligence has done a terrible job of either anticipating terrorist strikes or defeating them in counterinsurgency warfare"

Excuse me,but WTF??

It's the US,NATO, Israhell and Saudis that created ISIS, with the above mentioned spending BILLIONS to combat ISIS in Syria.

The war on terror is a hoax. The lame exploitation of Arabs and Islam to manufacture consent for war on Iraq, starting with Mossad planting of low yield thermal nuke weapons that brought the Towers down..Saudis were the patsies.

All of this with blessing of Zionists banksters and US Treasury& Fed Reserve.

[Dec 02, 2018] Muller investigation has all the appearance of an investigation looking for a crime

Highly recommended!
Essentially Mueller witch hunt repeat the trick invented by Bolsheviks leadership during Stalin Great Terror: the accusation of a person of being a foreign agent is a 'slam dank" move that allows all kind to nasty things to be performed to convict the person no matter whether he is guilty of not.
Consolidation of power using Foreign Counter Intelligence as a tool is a classic and a very dirty trick.
Notable quotes:
"... It would be of great value to know what the underlying predicate crime(s) are that are sustaining Mueller's scorched earth approach to what looks to be 'all things Trump,' whether the crimes relate to counter intelligence jurisdiction (treason, espionage), illicit overseas business transactions relating to sanctions violations or something of that sort, or election law violations, the smoke of which got the whole Mueller jihad underway ..."
"... This would not be unusual in a Foreign Counter Intelligence case which are almost by definition open ended; it would be very unusual, in fact prohibited, in a criminal case where a factual predicate needs to be articulated that constitutes reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed. ..."
"... It seems Mueller has been riding the FCI horse whither he pleases to round up interviews, compare them, and then take the chicken shit route of charging 1001 violations to leverage his way forward. If that seems to smell bad, it is because it does. ..."
"... IMO, Trump is not helping himself or the American people get to the objective truth by declassifying all the documents and communications. Unless all the documents are released unredacted, all we have are theories and speculation. And Trump will be on the losing end of that as the news media and their Deep State collaborators have all the means to drive the narrative and attempt to convict in the court of public opinion through constant innuendo. ..."
"... In the mean time the Mueller investigation itself creates the crimes as pretty much most Trump associates have been indicted for perjury. Even Manafort was prosecuted for money laundering that took place over a decade ago ..."
"... Trump has stated that he doesn't want to declassify as the American people shouldn't know how corrupt their government is. This seems to contradict his Drain the Swamp rhetoric. ..."
"... Mueller may have created more crimes than existed before his inquiry. ..."
Dec 01, 2018 |

Mad_Max22 , 12 hours ago

Very informative post.

It would be of great value to know what the underlying predicate crime(s) are that are sustaining Mueller's scorched earth approach to what looks to be 'all things Trump,' whether the crimes relate to counter intelligence jurisdiction (treason, espionage), illicit overseas business transactions relating to sanctions violations or something of that sort, or election law violations, the smoke of which got the whole Mueller jihad underway .

It certainly does give every appearance, at least from the outside perspective, of an investigation looking for a crime.

This would not be unusual in a Foreign Counter Intelligence case which are almost by definition open ended; it would be very unusual, in fact prohibited, in a criminal case where a factual predicate needs to be articulated that constitutes reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed.

It seems Mueller has been riding the FCI horse whither he pleases to round up interviews, compare them, and then take the chicken shit route of charging 1001 violations to leverage his way forward. If that seems to smell bad, it is because it does.

Precisely the same approach could have been taken vis a vis the Uranium mattter or any of the Clinton Foundation speaker forays into foreign lands and almost certainly a boatload of 1001 violations would have come into port.

kievite -> Mad_Max22
So Muller reinvented the tactics used by Bolsheviks during the Great Purge period ( )

Most Stalin's political enemies were liquidated using the "foreign agent" charge.

Might be a good time to reread a book on "Moscow show trials" like

The prosecutor and the prey: Vyshinsky and the 1930s' Moscow show trials Arkadii V̆aksberg.

The quote "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce" might be applicable here.

blue peacock , 21 hours ago

IMO, Trump is not helping himself or the American people get to the objective truth by declassifying all the documents and communications. Unless all the documents are released unredacted, all we have are theories and speculation. And Trump will be on the losing end of that as the news media and their Deep State collaborators have all the means to drive the narrative and attempt to convict in the court of public opinion through constant innuendo.

In the mean time the Mueller investigation itself creates the crimes as pretty much most Trump associates have been indicted for perjury. Even Manafort was prosecuted for money laundering that took place over a decade ago .

There have been no claims from Mueller that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

Trump has stated that he doesn't want to declassify as the American people shouldn't know how corrupt their government is. This seems to contradict his Drain the Swamp rhetoric. With the Democrats gonna run the House come January. I think Trump will come under increased pressure from all sides. I don't believe the Mueller investigation will ever wind down until Trump is defeated either via impeachment or loss of the next presidential election.

Pat Lang Mod -> blue peacock , 15 hours ago
I heard Dershowitz (my new hero) say the other day that Mueller may have created more crimes than existed before his inquiry.

[Dec 01, 2018] Looks like FBI was actively working on compromising Trump with Russian ties.

Dec 01, 2018 |

kievite 13 minutes ago

This smells with entrapment -- looks like FBI was actively working on compromising Trump with Russian ties.

See also a very similar tale: https://theconservativetree...

Summary: George Papadopoulos and his wife Simone Mangiante approached in Greece by a known CIA/FBI operative, Charles Tawil. Mr. Tawil enlists George as a business consultant, under the auspices of energy development interests, and hands him $10,000 in cash to take back to the U.S. Upon arrival at the Dulles airport Robert Mueller had FBI agents waiting. Papadopoulos was stopped and searched; however, he never had the cash because he smartly left it in Greece with his lawyer. Further:

[W]hen he was arrested at Dulles Airport on July 27 after coming off a flight from Munich, prosecutors had no warrant for him and no indictment or criminal complaint. The complaint would be filed the following morning and approved by Howell in Washington.

[Dec 01, 2018] Dan Bongino - Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History

Dec 01, 2018 |

Not You , 1 day ago

Mueller has been destroying evidence since day one. That is his primary job.

KelMaster Construction , 2 days ago (edited)

With all of this verifiable information out there, and yet there are still so many that believe even more of fabricated lies propagated by the Bush, Obama and Clinton crime families. At some point you must ask yourself who was more likely to have enough power, influence and connections to collude with foreign governments. Now remember, all of this started long before anyone thought Donald J. Trump would even win the primaries, let alone the Presidency. Realizing that Santa Claus was just a fairy tale was a difficult disillusionment for children, but at some point, they had to grow up. Barrack, Hillary, and all of these high level government employees all reek of criminal activity, and if you cannot see this, you likely still believe in fairy tales.

DTrueView , 2 days ago

Having served in the military and currently being a Federal Officer, I was able read rough the media camouflage to protect Obama, Hillary, Comie, and the rest. I have been able to put the players on the board, but not see how it all fit together. This speech made it all crystal clear. Thank you Dan; for your service and God bless your courage.

Joseph NA , 2 days ago

Dan Dan Dan... How could you miss this?? Democrats trade in the dirty secrets of others. Do you really think the NSA spying Network is there because they want to know what I had for breakfast? Oh sure they'll keep a file on me and if I ever make trouble they can pull it up and then use everything about me to trash me in public... But come on the people they really want to spy on its each other! They have compromising information on one another and people they wish to control... How many people have we seen do the strangest things suddenly... Chief Justice John Roberts writing Obama care for them... they own the compromised, the complicit, and the corrupt people with power and they are legion

Philscbx , 1 week ago (edited)

Dan's the Man. Saved to file, images of Dan from 10-15 years ago standing behind Hillary as agent to protecting them. There is nothing Dan doesn't know. We owe Dan huge respect of his knowledge - I'd be first shaking his hand. Those watching, you'd be smart to download this, to play back from any device, even if just a sound file. Cheers

Largesse1000 , 1 week ago

I am from the UK, and our country is dying. The neo liberal elites are destroying the culture. We MUST have Trump safe and America as a bastion of freedom in the West. Those who did this to Trump MUST be found and imprisoned. They are a threat to Western culture at a time when the world is moving into a very difficult phase of its history. Personally, I would want to see them executed as traitors, endangering a sitting President and attacking the State. THAT is extremely serious and deserves execution.

19pete17 , 2 days ago (edited)

This nest of corruption involves the "progressive" establishment and was their attempt to seize and maintain power. Their agenda is geared towards bringing the kind of political consolidation we see in the EU to our shores. What that will mean is the whittling down of our national sovereignty. In other words, the end of the USA as we know it, all under the guise of American values and progress. Open borders, the whole works. All while keeping American citizens divided using what is known as identity politics, under the pretense that they are bringing people together. Up is down and down is up. Thank God Trump got elected.

ElectricAngel19 , 2 days ago

ROBERT MUELLER: UNMASKED by Congressman Louie Gohmert

Jimmy , 2 days ago (edited)

When Hillary Clinton pivoted to Russia hacking her campaign during the 2016 Presidential debates after she was caught in lie after lie after more Wikileaks lies, she said that 17 intel agencies confirm Russia did the hacking...she said so but provided not one source or name. We now know she lied because nobody knows (aside from Assange) who leaked or hacked the emails. But when she kept blaming Russia for "interfering in our elections and democracy" because her campaign was hit and exposed I knew she would further the Putin-Trump narrative. You can actually see these wheels spinning in her head as Trump says he doesn't know Putin, but it'd be good to get along with Russia...she and those protecting her are a scourge a cancer in America. I say this as someone mentally healthy and if I were suicided I just want it on record that I am no way no how ever going to commit suicide. That said Russia Investigation and Mueller are a political hit job, a concerted effort with their media to cloud and confuse the average American who has no clue what is going on.

Stan Dupp , 1 week ago

The Military Tribunals will have to get the job done. The justice system is too corrupt and guilty as well of sedition and Treason.Remember the Kavanaugh hearing when Sen. Graham brought up the function of Military Tribunals for high ranking officials to be tried and sentenced. The evidence is all there and it is now up to the President to invoke the Constitutional powers to arrest all of them for committing Treason and Sedition. It's the only way to drain the swamp for good.

bg147 , 1 day ago

Sure, they were corrupt.... yes, and so was Trump and his people for meeting with Russian KGB. Trump also pressure Comey into dropping the investigation into Flynn. There is also the question of him placing relatives in positions they know nothing about, pardoning individuals for political reasons, campaigning for political purposes with taxpayer money... flying around during the mid-terms. Rogers is the good guy? He is also the sponsor of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act which is the biggest invasion into your privacy in history. There is plenty of corruption to go around and both sides regularly abuse their power.

BENNIEDARRELL , 2 days ago

msm is propaganda and left wing activism that supports communist control and destruction of anyone who is able to protect our rights to own property and remain prosperous by using self sustainability as a means of securing our communities, our states and our country by shutting down illegal immigration invasions that steal jobs from people born here. and they vote for communism, the thing they ran from in their country. makes no sense. they're used and then turned on by democrats after they gain power.

Sine Cera Consulting , 14 hours ago

The problem of confirmation bias, is that people seek supportive insights. Less than two weeks after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 individuals and a trio of Russian companies for "interference operations targeting the United States," NSA Director Mike Rogers told members of Congress that the Trump administration hasn't even authorized him to take measures to prevent election meddling going forward. In response to a question from Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) about the authority that NSA "mission teams" have to "do something" about foreign interference, Rogers pointed out that he's only empowered to do something when "if granted the authority." "I don't have the day-to-day authority to do that," he said, prompting Reed to follow up about whether he has been "directed to do so given the strategic threat that face the united States and the significant consequences you recognize already?" "No I have not," Rogers replied. Mr interesting character.

Eric Dalais Noël , 1 day ago

Dan, you have joined all the dots, hammered all the nails for so many, many of us who are prone to critical thinking and never bought this Russian collusion delusion because which ever way we looked at it, it just didn't add up, it just didn't make sense. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm trying to get a copy of your book in Australia. There are just no winners in this terrible, horrible story. Best regards and stay safe my friend. Eric from DownUnder

Melvin Holliday , 6 hours ago

This is the Second biggest Scam in American history and Obama and Clinton are involved in both of them. The biggest scam ever perpetrated on the world was the one that got Obama elected to the Presidency and kept him there for 8 long year with the scam still continuing every time someone mentions the Forged Birth Certificate that has been presented as real just like the Gay Muslim Hypocrite that continues to lie and keep us all in the dark even though many of us know the truth.

BAC , 1 hour ago

Imagine being so powerful and well connected to every head of all the alphabet agencies that you can break laws that amount to treason and walk away unscathed. It's truly amazing to see this unfold. The only this works if everyone is dirty. Clinton's made hundreds of millions of dollars and set the standard on how to get away with it by brokering power and influence at the highest levels for a price. The sheep love her and celebrate her and her rapist husband. Fucking amazing.

JonSobieski , 4 hours ago

Media suffers from erosion of credibility, says Ingraham. What credibility?

MIFNP , 1 week ago

Admiral Rogers is an honorable man and PATRIOT. He will go down as one of the greatest men in US history.

Melvin Holliday , 6 hours ago

Please be advised that the crime family Obama is a lot bigger than the story that Dan tells. Everyone involved is married or some kind of relation or through political favors and government taxpayer pay outs and there are hundreds of crooks that can all be traced back to Obama or someone in his group of Liars & Thieves.

TheMozzaok , 1 hour ago

Cohen pleading guilty makes this all very problematic. The potential for Cohen doing illegal stuff for Trump is massively high. It is as high as Hillary doing illegal stuff. The massive problem with this whole story is that if it is true, Trump has had it for two years, and done nothing. That makes no sense. I trust not a one of them. I KNOW Hillary is a horrible piece of dirt that protects her sex abusing husband, but I also KNOW Trump has done so many dirty deals, and slept with innumerable low life wealth and power groupies, so neither is Snow White. Dirty Vs Filthy. I like Trump, and despise Hillary, but I am not delusional enough to think he is not hiding shit he does not want the people to know.

Philscbx , 3 days ago (edited)

Agent Dan Bongino brought up this video today in his podcast, He and the crew are quite surprised how it exploded viral. Other news channel sites have now posted the direct video link to here as well. One is forced to hit stop every 11 seconds to Take notes, download it, and it will obviously educate everyone that never had a clue, or at least update as it unfolds further. No Doubt, everyone Bongino noted,,, watch now, as they scramble & bail packing as others did. Oh the hell, another one suddenly retires. Someone claimed Dan's knowledge _ is for some reason, he's deep state,,, clearly, they have no idea about the 7th floor. I'll just leave it there. Cheers

Roy Loeffler , 1 day ago

OMG You can't make this stuff up. its crazy, crazy stuff

Tina Boyd , 2 days ago

cosmic justice? send them ALL to jail

Big Troll , 2 days ago

Dan Bongino is the truth!! Sheriff Clark is the truth, too. They need to team up!

PECOSO , 2 days ago

Everything leads back to Obama and Clinton. Follow the money and power

Floyd Maxwell , 3 days ago

Dan is the Gatling gun spraying truth

Miche Mehall , 2 days ago (edited)

Thank you Dan Bongino!!! We know that if you keep exposing the lies and liars, your life will be in jeopardy, so I'm praying God's DEVINE protection over your life, family and property...and calling ALL GOD-FEARING BELIEVERS do likewise!

Trumpshe honors , 2 days ago

The question still remains: when do we do something about the corruption. So far only the good guys are being punished.

Wilson Poss , 1 day ago

Obama ,Hilary , should get the death penalty! To betray the American people and ABUSE there authority. That is the lowest of lows. Trump is the best thing that has happened in the USA, EVER!

Not You , 1 day ago

Mueller has been destroying evidence since day one. That is his primary job.

South African - Future US citizen , 1 week ago

I'm black from South Africa - and believe me, the USA is the last hope for mankind, if the day ever comes that the USA dies - I wanna be long dead by then... MAGA❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

wayne mcclory , 2 days ago

So funny then got the wrong Michel Cohen ! Haaa this is so good thank you DAN !

JD plus , 2 days ago

They should all be in jail, enough said!!!

Josh , 2 days ago

funny how some of these liberals are for open borders but live in a gated ,guarded community .With an additional fence around their houses. hypocrites

LeBronda James , 1 day ago

Plz don't wind up dead dan

Stephen Scott , 1 week ago

Absolutely fascinating, every detail, want to see all these assholes in jail.

todd Brewer , 2 days ago

I hope hillary doesn't have Dan killed like she has so many others.

KelMaster Construction , 2 days ago (edited)

With all of this verifiable information out there, and yet there are still so many that believe even more of fabricated lies propagated by the Bush, Obama and Clinton crime families. At some point you must ask yourself who was more likely to have enough power, influence and connections to collude with foreign governments. Now remember, all of this started long before anyone thought Donald J. Trump would even win the primaries, let alone the Presidency. Realizing that Santa Claus was just a fairy tale was a difficult disillusionment for children, but at some point, they had to grow up. Barrack, Hillary, and all of these high level government employees all reek of criminal activity, and if you cannot see this, you likely still believe in fairy tales.

S Erick , 2 days ago

Thank God Republicans have control of the senate. We can get this investigated and prosecuted. Release the classifieds Trump!

Steve Trueblue , 1 day ago

Military court obvious solution

Jet Jeti , 6 days ago

Love finding stuff like this on YouTube. I can't stand cable news anymore

philip horner , 2 days ago

FISA court lack of corroboration is the crux of the problem.

hella good , 2 days ago

This guy is a hero a HERO PATRIOT

DTrueView , 2 days ago

Having served in the military and currently being a Federal Officer, I was able read rough the media camouflage to protect Obama, Hillary, Comie, and the rest. I have been able to put the players on the board, but not see how it all fit together. This speech made it all crystal clear. Thank you Dan; for your service and God bless your courage.

LD NOTW , 2 days ago

Will we ever see justice done?

Age OF Reason , 1 week ago

They have to be exposed, and in our lifetime.

Jim Scott , 2 days ago

Thank God for men like you! Hillary for Prison 2019!!!

Geronimo553 , 1 day ago

Knew Obama's admin was dirty with everything they kept trying to hide. Now their exposed yet again and they cannot hide the evidence this time.

Charles Harrison , 2 days ago

Perfectly laid out... that's what I like ,,,facts and no fat... love it.

Dorota Galas , 2 days ago

Nothing can be done ???!! Why....tons of evidence...its pretty obvious...and nothing can be done ? One party who lost can do everthing and get oway with it ..and conservatives cant do anything about it ???! Strange....conservatives won....they have evidence...they have conservative meda...and still nothing can be done ? Why ????! Somehow i just cannot buy it...!!! Dems can do everything..and u can do nothing ??? Sometning is wrong with it ....UNLESS....AND THIS IS MY GUT FEELING....UNLESS THE LEFT WING AND THE RIGHT WING...BELONGS TO THE SAME BIRD.....!!!!????!!!!

victor Batista , 3 days ago

And the truth shall set you free.... JOHN 8:31 - 34 . Than you Mr Dan Bongino for bring the truth once again.

eddie julian , 1 day ago

1,475 people who don't care about the truth thumbs downed this video.

Jon Doe , 1 day ago

God bless you Mr. Bongino

Michelle Green , 1 day ago

The 1.4kdislikes is the media and players of this scandal..

Dave Joe , 2 days ago

Dan Bongino, For President!

Michael Maman , 1 week ago

All Americans should be enraged at what the Obama administration did. Left, right, center, it shouldn't matter. Our Republic is at stake

Methadras , 2 days ago

Dan, I don't want divine justice. Let God deal with it. I want to see these jokers dealt with now.

Joseph NA , 2 days ago

Dan Dan Dan... How could you miss this?? Democrats trade in the dirty secrets of others. Do you really think the NSA spying Network is there because they want to know what I had for breakfast? Oh sure they'll keep a file on me and if I ever make trouble they can pull it up and then use everything about me to trash me in public... But come on the people they really want to spy on its each other! They have compromising information on one another and people they wish to control... How many people have we seen do the strangest things suddenly... Chief Justice John Roberts writing Obama care for them... they own the compromised, the complicit, and the corrupt people with power and they are legion

optician53 , 2 days ago

Dan Bongino would walk-up and bite the devil on the nose!!! I love it! :-)

reginol invincent , 2 days ago

we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees franklin d roosevelt, address,1939

Micah Edwards , 3 days ago

PLEASE let there be justice. Restore American faith

Bob Touson , 1 day ago

Thanks 🙏 DAN for being a great American , 🇺🇸, Never give up on setting the liberals straight, Keep fighting 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Bud Wiser , 1 day ago

Shouldn't everything that came from this dossier be null and void? All investigations and charges halt and dismissed.

Arnie Willis , 2 days ago

Why wait why not blow it all open and sink the demonrats

Allan Simoes , 2 days ago

Mueller is the main Cover up of White Water and Little Rock for Governor Clinton. Allan Simoes.

Philscbx , 1 week ago (edited)

Dan's the Man. Saved to file, images of Dan from 10-15 years ago standing behind Hillary as agent to protecting them. There is nothing Dan doesn't know. We owe Dan huge respect of his knowledge - I'd be first shaking his hand. Those watching, you'd be smart to download this, to play back from any device, even if just a sound file. Cheers

Sean Hurley , 2 days ago

Dan is awesome! The Obama administration is so disgusting. They all need to be incarcerated! For 8 years we've had nothing but corrupt Turds! It's such a shame. Thank you again Dan.

Miss Priss , 2 days ago

Didn't Obama just a few months ago give a speech in another country where he admitted to being from Kenya? Why hasn't he been arrested for that?!

Lia Flexx , 1 day ago (edited)

We must take back our media and wake the NPC left up. I feel like most of them would be on our side if they knew the truth. How could they not be? Whatever label you give the democrats the truth of them is pure evil. These aren't the democrats I used to hang out with. They used to have more morals than me.

YouMad Bruh , 1 day ago

And CNN is still talking about Trump and Russia. No really, that's all they talk about there. I wonder why

Largesse1000 , 1 week ago

I am from the UK, and our country is dying. The neo liberal elites are destroying the culture. We MUST have Trump safe and America as a bastion of freedom in the West. Those who did this to Trump MUST be found and imprisoned. They are a threat to Western culture at a time when the world is moving into a very difficult phase of its history. Personally, I would want to see them executed as traitors, endangering a sitting President and attacking the State. THAT is extremely serious and deserves execution.

19pete17 , 2 days ago (edited)

This nest of corruption involves the "progressive" establishment and was their attempt to seize and maintain power. Their agenda is geared towards bringing the kind of political consolidation we see in the EU to our shores. What that will mean is the whittling down of our national sovereignty. In other words, the end of the USA as we know it, all under the guise of American values and progress. Open borders, the whole works. All while keeping American citizens divided using what is known as identity politics, under the pretense that they are bringing people together. Up is down and down is up. Thank God Trump got elected.

Michael DeSilvio , 2 days ago

George Soros real name is Guy Orgy Schwartz. Look it up. Baracka Hussein Obamas real name is bath house Barry SODOMITE Soetoro. Michelle Obamas real name is RAMROD!

ElectricAngel19 , 2 days ago

ROBERT MUELLER: UNMASKED by Congressman Louie Gohmert

ELE 1978 , 2 days ago (edited)

Nice! Good guy.

Santty 0718 , 1 week ago

Thank God we have Don Bongino on our side 🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👏👏

Fobby Jose , 1 day ago (edited)

Dan Bongino has dethroned Nixon and placed Hillary and Obama in his place.God save Trump!

Angela Porisky , 1 day ago

Canada needs you too, Dan!

stitt29rg , 2 days ago

Why does nothing happen...what's the holdup? It's like brexit...

Laurie Van Tuyl , 2 days ago

There's no media because it's owned by George Soros and the Socialist New World Order .... So they are puppets and work on demand with no dignity and no soul

madminute , 3 days ago

Mr. Bongino is a breath of fresh air, a voice of logic and reason.

Kelly Scheldt , 1 day ago

Dam Bongino for president 2024. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

SonnyGTA , 2 days ago

This guy is Dead. On. Point.

Nicholas Frechen , 1 day ago

1 million! This is exploding. Keep spreading this everywhere. Doesn't matter what your politics is. Obama wasn't a progressive lol. Just a con artist. Have a good day.

william stockdale , 1 week ago


optician53 , 2 days ago

(cough, clearing throat) ..... The President of the United States of America ....... has been ripping off mattress tags .... IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

Ken , 1 day ago

And I thought my dog disappearing for a half hour every day hopping the fence doing the "Wild Thing" with my neighbors goat was drama... WOW !!!!! Glad he figured this All out for ME and us !!!! He's got them nailed down for sure !!!! MAGA...!!

The Great Homo Sapien , 2 days ago


Jean Wetherbee , 1 day ago (edited)

I love when Dan Bongino is on Fox news.

Brandy Pompeo , 1 week ago

WOW. I had no idea this went sooo deep.

Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder , 1 day ago

I want Dan B to run for Florida Senate because we need Rubio out.

bill reed , 1 day ago

If you voted Democrat... leave the USA.

james vale , 9 hours ago

the Republic has never been in more perilous times...............Democrats will go down in history as traitors

Carols Ortiz , 1 day ago

Good stuff

Jimmy , 2 days ago (edited)

When Hillary Clinton pivoted to Russia hacking her campaign during the 2016 Presidential debates after she was caught in lie after lie after more Wikileaks lies, she said that 17 intel agencies confirm Russia did the hacking...she said so but provided not one source or name. We now know she lied because nobody knows (aside from Assange) who leaked or hacked the emails. But when she kept blaming Russia for "interfering in our elections and democracy" because her campaign was hit and exposed I knew she would further the Putin-Trump narrative. You can actually see these wheels spinning in her head as Trump says he doesn't know Putin, but it'd be good to get along with Russia...she and those protecting her are a scourge a cancer in America. I say this as someone mentally healthy and if I were suicided I just want it on record that I am no way no how ever going to commit suicide. That said Russia Investigation and Mueller are a political hit job, a concerted effort with their media to cloud and confuse the average American who has no clue what is going on.

Mr. ProLogic , 1 day ago (edited)

#WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌐

Michelle Green , 1 day ago


DA Poppa , 1 day ago

This guy is a real American Hero. Go Man Go!

White Tuberose , 1 day ago

Can't be a criminal thief and a good father at the same time. Typical conservative empathy that is wonderful in a high trust society, suicidal in a multi cultural low trust society.

Slyfox68 , 2 days ago

Dan bongino is awesome! He is a down to earth real hardworking Patriotic American. God Bless him & keep him safe, we need him in this fight! If you have Amazon Prime, watch this documentary: "Enemy Of The State". It was written by a New Zealander, and is about the Communists hiding in plain sight in America. Very eye opening, and scary!

Tim Patz , 1 day ago

eventually, maybe 2, 5, 10, 20 years the truth will come out. Borrock Hoosayn Obammah will be investigated for this crime against the USA. this is THE biggest crime in American history. PERIOD.

Woody Prather , 1 day ago

Awesome! So glad I watched this! Stay safe!

THE ONE , 1 day ago

Dan bongino is a true American hero.

N. W. Dood , 2 days ago (edited)

Funny how (ALMOST) nobody cares about Israeli or Saudi influence...

Stan Dupp , 1 week ago

The Military Tribunals will have to get the job done. The justice system is too corrupt and guilty as well of sedition and Treason.Remember the Kavanaugh hearing when Sen. Graham brought up the function of Military Tribunals for high ranking officials to be tried and sentenced. The evidence is all there and it is now up to the President to invoke the Constitutional powers to arrest all of them for committing Treason and Sedition. It's the only way to drain the swamp for good.

Dennis King , 2 days ago

Dan's truth and facts do not care for your liberal feelings.

bg147 , 1 day ago

Sure, they were corrupt.... yes, and so was Trump and his people for meeting with Russian KGB. Trump also pressure Comey into dropping the investigation into Flynn. There is also the question of him placing relatives in positions they know nothing about, pardoning individuals for political reasons, campaigning for political purposes with taxpayer money... flying around during the mid-terms. Rogers is the good guy? He is also the sponsor of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act which is the biggest invasion into your privacy in history. There is plenty of corruption to go around and both sides regularly abuse their power.

colt1911com , 2 days ago

Dan is the MAN!!!...HE SHOULD RUN FOR GOVERNOR OF kalifornia!! he can turn this commie state around and free us!!!

Amy Vass , 2 days ago

Dang! Bongino ❤️

Edgar Kalonji , 3 days ago

I'm a congolese in DRC Congo (Central Africa) Love Dan Bongino, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Joe Digenova, Mark Levin, Lindsey Graham------ Deep State is against God, America and good peoples!

Alex Sasmay , 2 days ago

Este discurso es épico. Esto debe estar con doblaje español

Marriet Visser , 2 days ago

Dan for AG

Ginger D , 1 day ago (edited)

WOW, Dan this is brilliant. President Trump is not stupid. These guys are going down. Clean up on the scrum bags. No wonder Obama gave all that money to Iran. They never expected Clinton to lose. Massive Corruptions! Knowing the way President Trump is, I see massive indictments...WATCH!

cemetery things , 1 day ago

Blessings Dan

Earl Peterson , 1 week ago

Man, am I grateful for the Dan Bonginos out there. Gotta get this book.

Liberty Enterprises , 9 hours ago

As big a scam as the "Federal" Reserve...

BENNIEDARRELL , 2 days ago

msm is propaganda and left wing activism that supports communist control and destruction of anyone who is able to protect our rights to own property and remain prosperous by using self sustainability as a means of securing our communities, our states and our country by shutting down illegal immigration invasions that steal jobs from people born here. and they vote for communism, the thing they ran from in their country. makes no sense. they're used and then turned on by democrats after they gain power.

Jason Inchcliff , 1 day ago

No I'm not a lawyer... But wouldn't they have enough evidence to ARREST. No need for behind scene questioning

PATRICIA EYLER , 1 day ago

POWER GRAB ONE didn't get started for any particular reason,,, it was classic clinton... BECAUSE THEY COULD AND BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY THEIR MO.. They didn't even consider they HAD JUST STEPPED OVER A NEW REAL LINE.

Nell philpott , 1 week ago

The judges shouldn't rubber stamp everything that passes their desk. Let justice be done and Brennan and Obama should be afraid.

Bill Perez , 1 day ago

When we have idiot's that report the news in the main street media. The characters that are in our government like Nancy Pelosi, who can't put two syllables together, the scary Chucky Schumer and the notorious RBG who reminds me of a Weekend at Bernie's. You have to appreciate Donald J Trump and his Twitter Machine.

Paul Regalado , 1 day ago

Why won't you ever see Robert Mulluer trying with enthusiasm to present his report in public with a straight Dan made his video. I challenge democrates to get Robert Mulluer,s butt in gear and make an out front video like Dan,s..why is Robert Mulluer hiding? Robert Mulluer is hiding something. This is his demeanor.

Digg .Dangler , 21 hours ago (edited)

This video needs to be shared to everyone you know. WWG1WGA. The only way to see justice on this, is if We The People make it happen scream loud and wide and back up what the Trump Administration knows. The MSM/ big tech has been weaponized by the left, and our voice needs to be louder than their fake news. Call your representative weekly, write to your Senators, post memes everywhere, send them to everyone you know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Hillary, Obama, Et al need to be brought to real justice for nearly destroying our nation, a nation who millions of patriots have spilled blood to give you! We need to DEMAND Justice!

Al B , 1 day ago

Bongino is a true patriot and deserves a job in the White House.

james1stful , 1 week ago

When this man speaks I damn sure listen !!!! He well knows because hes been there !!! He protected the clintons for many years and has a great deal of inside knowledge !!

Hardus Steenkamp , 1 day ago

Thanx Bongino for telling the truth.

Peter Lemmon , 9 hours ago

Russian Derapaska is an oligarch connected to Soros, Rothschild, Lindsey Graham, McCain and other prominent Neoconservatives. President Putin of Russia threw Oligarch Derapaska out of Russia and humiliated him. Bongino is a liar, deliberately. Bongino there is no Cosmic justice. There is the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Stop covering for Hillary Clinton who committed espionage for Israel, China and UK and possibly Suadi Arabia. Why? High Technology was stolen by these nations from the USA to bring in their New World Order and the Silk Road given to China by the Rothschilds; USA fiat currency is dead. Trump has his ticket to the "Empty City in China." His kids have learned Mandarin Chinese. During the provoked attack against Russia for nuclear war, Elite will go under ground to a bullet train which will carry them to EU, then to China to the "Empty Cities." Nuclear War is what is planned for America on American military bases, after the Rothschild Banking Network collapses the economy. Pray for Humanity.

georgemarsone , 2 days ago


Michael Lacher , 2 days ago

Liberals live in 5,000 square foot mansions ? Talk about bs generalizations

Pirabee , 1 week ago

Only the tip of the iceberg to the biggest crime and treason story of the century!!

Ronnie Blasko , 1 day ago

Cosmic Justice? No thanks! If she's not locked away in our lifetime with the way the cultural Marxists are infiltrating every branch of our lives, there will be NO truthful writing of history for future generations. See to her NOW!

David Vice Bangura , 1 day ago (edited)

Your will Be surprise the things ex secret service knows about this governments and corrupted movement behind close doors they know more than the media knows

ExtremeRecluse , 2 days ago

I guess this former law enforcement officer does not believe in law enforcement.

John Doey , 1 day ago

Not even close! The biggest scam in history is... The "Income Tax..."

Rosalyn Kaplan , 1 week ago

Dan Bongino, Thank You!

America Rocks , 13 hours ago

Dan Bongino= One of the greatest, brave, strong ,voice of truth, and great American. They have come against our President, with lies, since before he was even sworn in. The scariest thing in all of this is the lack of critical thinking skills in many young people. Let's say, God forbid, if Hillary was in power. Let's say she said... we have to eliminate all non- necessary citizens,as in everyone but the elites over the age of 50, due to climate change, for the "common good" of the world. These young, non critical thinking young people, would go right along with it. She already , during the 2016 election spoke of the need for "fun camps" AKA concentration camps.

David F , 2 days ago

Dan, Thank you very much for all you have done. You're my newest hero!

Evan Ogren , 1 day ago

Whoever gave a thumbs down is just a Democrat denier

Shawna Boyko , 2 days ago

Bob "the mop" Mueller been cleaning up deep state loose ends since before 911.

Media Buster , 1 week ago

Everyone should watch this.

Mythical Vigilante , 2 days ago

Riveting... Dan Bongino is such a BOSS.

Zimmenator , 1 day ago

Wow !!! This guy left me speechless !! Unbelievably beautiful !!! There needs to be more people like this. God bless him !!

I. Bks , 20 hours ago

This guy is so cool...I need a wool jacket... CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS BOOK!!!

BILLY BUDDY , 2 days ago

Tyrannical governance is two sets of laws. One for the plebs. The other for the ruling elite. Lock them up and restore the Rule of Law to the Republic.

MEGA 2020 , 1 week ago

Mueller is the SECOND biggest scam on America, Obama was the first.


Q Sent Me!! Personally, I think that crystal clear transparency, not just transparency is needed with everything shown!! Regardless of how heinous and sickening it is. We The People after being lied to for decades deserve that. @

fourorthree2 , 8 hours ago

I can't watch any movies anymore! The real stuff is way more interesting!

Banjo Bob Trapp , 1 day ago

Get ropes, the guillotines and the firing squads!

Stephen Dunn , 1 week ago

Dan Bongino is a Rock Star!!

Elizabeth Mullins , 19 hours ago

We are literally at the most important turning point in our history - since the original American Revolution. I can't stress enough how we should focus our attention on supporting our President. We needed someone strong, brilliant, and unafraid to be our leader...thank Gd that Donald Trump stepped up to the plate... The Mighty Casey lives!

Zoobilee Zoo , 22 hours ago

The Conspiracy is deep my friends. Nothing will change. It depends on you, and YOU KNOW. We can protest until death: they will not listen. Don't sit back and think this will happen. They will NEVER give up what they have robbed from us. Stand up and resist. They are fully prepared for civil war, while we argue about who does what or who says more. They must plunge the US into a terrible civil conflict. They will destroy the nation, before they can rebuild it with themselves as the masters. Why have republicans and democrats allowed the invasion of illegals to continue? Several reasons. Americans will never fall for socialism: Central/South Americans are socialism friendly. Central/South Americans are poorly educated. Many cannot read or write spanish. Therefore; they are more aloof of political matters. The illegals are the beneficiaries of affirmative action. This means that your white american children are now permanent second class citizens. Politicians have encouraged the Balkanization of the US, by creating sanctuary cities. The illegals have been repeatedly told that the Southwestern US was stolen from them by Americans, and is rightfully theirs. The illegals literally call their "migration"(sic) "the reconquest". South/Central Americans are very "pro" violent revolution. Did you think that the leftists would take up weapons to fight against patriotic Americans? The handfuls that will take up arms will act as political commisars, soviet union style. The illegal immigrants, along with other hostile minority groups, are the standing army that will fight against American citizens. They are the hessian mercinaries. You see: the situation is dire

Mick Kelly , 19 hours ago

I am impressed with the presentation but not the judgement. If the USA does not pursue justice to conclusion, it will disintegrate.

1charlastar , 1 day ago

Trump is now tweeting a pic of them all behind bars and talking about treason. Let's not lose hope that at least some of the top ones go down.

Procommenter , 1 week ago

⚡️ President Trump is destroying cultural Marxism. ⚡️ President Trump is ending the war on coal. ⚡️ He's nullifying common core. ⚡️ He ended the Trans-Pacific Partnership ⚡️ He's de-regulating a bloated bureaucracy. ⚡️ He's bringing factories back to the U.S. ⚡️ He's ending illegal immigration. ⚡️ President Trump has busted 10,000 pederasts & pedophiles. ⚡️ President Trump rescued America from the job-killing Paris Accords.

N. W. Dood , 2 days ago

However, kudos to Dan for speaking out and up about the most corrupt Presidency (of Obama) in our history.

Sine Cera Consulting , 14 hours ago

The problem of confirmation bias, is that people seek supportive insights. Less than two weeks after special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 individuals and a trio of Russian companies for "interference operations targeting the United States," NSA Director Mike Rogers told members of Congress that the Trump administration hasn't even authorized him to take measures to prevent election meddling going forward. In response to a question from Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) about the authority that NSA "mission teams" have to "do something" about foreign interference, Rogers pointed out that he's only empowered to do something when "if granted the authority." "I don't have the day-to-day authority to do that," he said, prompting Reed to follow up about whether he has been "directed to do so given the strategic threat that face the united States and the significant consequences you recognize already?" "No I have not," Rogers replied. Mr interesting character.

Abandoned&Forgotten , 20 hours ago

Pray for the white hats to save this nation.

william jonas , 13 hours ago


LostinSweden , 1 week ago

Terrifying that most of the major news networks in the world are ignoring this. Even if it wasn't true, you'd HAVE TO investigate it.

Peopled Diagram , 1 day ago (edited)

"Clean up on aisles 1,2,3 and 4". Its beginning to sound a lot like Christmas.

JOE - , 1 day ago

Truly one of the greatest Americans to ever be. #FACT

ron l , 4 hours ago

Dan for president!

Gramma Kathryn , 21 hours ago

Thank you Dan Bongino!

Deals togo , 1 week ago

Bongino is a100% common sense smart man.

Phx Wife , 2 days ago

What an egotistical A$$HAT!

Seth Adam , 2 days ago (edited)

This butt clown needs to get on his old knees & thank God for our American Treasure & Hero Bob Mueller.

John , 2 days ago (edited)

I hope they all go down in the gas chambers. Such a disgrace that we have such swine in our government.

bgoodfella7413 , 1 day ago

This sounds like a complicated mob movie and somebody is about to get whacked.

Perpetual vera Dapaah , 6 days ago

Obama was a mistake for American people

The Harmonic Reactor , 14 hours ago (edited)

All of them are going down NOW. It is New Beginning now, God knows what to do. GOD, YOU ARE. Hello New Earth :)

Ann Zak , 4 hours ago

I so need to read this book. God Bless President Trump and, God Bless America ♥️🇺🇸♥️ #WWG1WGA ♥️🇺🇸♥️

Philscbx , 6 hours ago (edited)

Somewhere in Dan's speech, I missed this KEY Point, and everyone wonders, as I do, when do we show up latenite with LED lit cordless drills, assembling the gallows? Looking for related data, stumbled on this great site as always, they caught it ~ He stated One of the key points Bongino highlights is how none of the paper-trail; nothing about the substance of the conspiracy; can possibly surface until after 'AFTER' #RobertMueller is no longer in the picture. Until Robert Mueller is removed, none of this information can/will surface. That's why every political and media entity are desperate to protect Mueller; and also why Mueller's investigation will never end. 👇 from this site Makes me wonder what Stewie would do,, So this is what @Trump was watching the night before - Rocketman

Tommy Rocket , 2 hours ago

America has some serious, serious, serious Obama leftover problems... Question is what are the people going to do about it?

Educate cluster b , 1 week ago

Justice has to be done.

Eric Dalais Noël , 1 day ago

Dan, you have joined all the dots, hammered all the nails for so many, many of us who are prone to critical thinking and never bought this Russian collusion delusion because which ever way we looked at it, it just didn't add up, it just didn't make sense. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm trying to get a copy of your book in Australia. There are just no winners in this terrible, horrible story. Best regards and stay safe my friend. Eric from DownUnder

Paula Marshall , 1 day ago

Please Lord that I may live to see Obama and Hillary get proper justice....and Comey.and.....

hirkimer wilberfart , 1 day ago

No wonder Sessions never came up for air to often, 63,000+ indictments passed to Whitaker. I'd like to shake Dan's hand and show some respect !

TUFF LOVE NEEDED , 4 hours ago

Please send a copy of this book to OUR PRESIDENT..........and those he trust in his cabinet!

Kass Arthur , 1 week ago

I'm a Canadian who loves, loves, loves Dan Bongino

theodore stefatos , 11 hours ago

Mayor David Dinkins was loser payed for drug dealers funerals.

Melvin Holliday , 6 hours ago

This is the Second biggest Scam in American history and Obama and Clinton are involved in both of them. The biggest scam ever perpetrated on the world was the one that got Obama elected to the Presidency and kept him there for 8 long year with the scam still continuing every time someone mentions the Forged Birth Certificate that has been presented as real just like the Gay Muslim Hypocrite that continues to lie and keep us all in the dark even though many of us know the truth.

BAC , 1 hour ago

Imagine being so powerful and well connected to every head of all the alphabet agencies that you can break laws that amount to treason and walk away unscathed. It's truly amazing to see this unfold. The only this works if everyone is dirty. Clinton's made hundreds of millions of dollars and set the standard on how to get away with it by brokering power and influence at the highest levels for a price. The sheep love her and celebrate her and her rapist husband. Fucking amazing.

M.K. Carol , 45 minutes ago

When you raise your right hand and swear to God it means something only if you believe in God.

Weofthe People , 3 days ago

They must be Indicted - because no one should be above the Law.

Steven Henson , 1 day ago

when he was campaigning Trump I was telling people and Friends he will be the next president they're not going to let Hillary either president they don't want her to be the president

P4OUR , 6 hours ago

This is using facts with conspiracy FBI was investigating Trump for trump. Obama did authorize spying to catch terrorists plots & successfully & effectively caught many terrorists. That fact combined with his conspiracy looks pretty good. Probably ? None of these things are for what HE SAYS they are for LIES! Did you see a shred of evidence? Who does he use for facts, THE ONE MEDIA OUTLET THAT HE ACCUSES OF BEING FAKE, NONE OTHER THAN CNN!

American Woman , 11 hours ago

If Justice isn't done #WeThePeople Lose every right and Rouge Government has a the power.. Communism. They allowed our right to elect a President to be removed. Selling Nuke materials to those that want America Destroyed? They have destroyed America..

Joboo Luvs u , 15 minutes ago

Mueller will be invested himself, in the very near future. Russian uranium, Treason against America.

Richard Fox , 1 week ago

The swamp is deep and dirty. Most of the embedded regulars in D.C. are crooked despicable bastards. D.C. should be nuked.

mary howland , 2 hours ago

Mueller is arresting people without cause. These people have already been to court and got sentenced. He brings them in to squeeze them and tell them if they lie he will lighten their jail time. This in it.s self is illgal. The demorats don.t care. They kill people to get at Trump and have killed many. no shame from them or their supporters they agree with this killings. Pigs

ikkin , 2 hours ago

Awesome. I love how he explains all the Obama/Clinton shenanigans in an easy to understand - though difficult to follow- manner. Difficult to follow just bc there are sooooo many players in this scheme to undermine President Trump.

SuperVt100 , 1 day ago

Why does POTUS Trump let the Mueller investigation keep going at this point? If Mueller is plan C, then the Mueller investigation should be over..

Charles Cary , 4 hours ago


Candy Clews , 1 week ago

When is the mainstream public going to find out all about this? Trump HAS to declassify FISA

reginol invincent , 2 days ago

the law does punish man or women,that steals a goose from off the common,but lets the greater felon loose,that steals the common from the goose, hillary and russians stole the law will rightly try all fairly mueller shows us the truth.we americans are but slaves ,and knaves if we in power say it.

Larry Zackeroff , 15 hours ago

Mr. Bongino I have just one question. With all this proof of scandal why has nothing been done? Why are all these criminals still walking free? From Oboma and the Clinton Crime Machine down to the janitor sweeping the floors. Why are they not being prosecuted? Why did the Republican house investigators wait untill now to call in Comey to testify? Comey will continue to obstruct and use his stall tactics till the Democrat House majority takes over in January and all of this will be swept under the rug .Then WHAT? I feel that President Trump stands alone knee deep in the Washington Swamp. I feel that both the Left and the Right are the epiitomy of those Swamp Dwellers.All talk to keep us believing that they are working hard for justice and what happens when nothing comes out of this. They are all in bed with each other to keep us lining their pockets. WHAT A SCAM. I will continue to support our President. We the people are all he has. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP and GOD BLESS AMERICA. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

CaptRip0127 , 1 day ago

It's people like Dan Bongino who will save our country.

Eric Dalais Noël , 1 day ago

Dan, yet again you've given us tomorrow's headlines today. The fact the the Bushs and the Clintons are corrupt to the core has now been established beyond all fact and argument. The missing piece however, what will now rightly demolish the Obama false legacy, is the declassification of the unredacted email trades between Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton transmitted on Clinton's unsecured private server account. These emails exist, they are on file and they will be released. When they do see the public light of day they will testify to the greatest abuse of political power in the free world of our lifetimes and well beyond. The Obama/Clinton email exchange will completely vindicate the granular questions that so many of us have been asking for so long. There are and nor will there be any winners in this whole disgusting affair other than the whole truth.

vincem1957 , 1 week ago

I wish Dan Bongiono had a bigger audience!! He makes total common sense and there is an honesty abouyt hgim that I just know is RIGHT...from my gut instincts..rememberr those or are you too brainwasshed to know thats what you should count on!

KaseyJosh Kaseyjosh , 6 hours ago

Lol Trump was put as president by the simpsons 2 decades ago if you think for one moment that it's legit you need to take a look at yourself it's a Hollywood joke....!!!

Astor Marshall the Airedale , 2 days ago

LOL rich liberals what about the corporations and their top dogs that just got one of the biggest tax cuts that live in 20,000 square-foot mansions. Thanks conservative Republicans

geofo60 Geof Harris , 13 hours ago

I'd like to see Dan sit down with George Webb live on TV. Excellent summary of the plot but GW has spent three years joining the dots. If he's right & I haven't found anything to the contrary, then Americans of all political persuasions should be (1st) very angry and (2nd) extremely worried. George Webb channel on YouTube also on Twitter & the web, Spyring in Congress. Incredible group of researchers, contributors & Patriots.

P4OUR , 7 hours ago

Ok, let me see if I can get this right he says that the left leaning media is lost it's gone out! In the beginning, true or false? HE'S IMPLYING THAT THEY LIE, RIGHT? Then, as right wing conservatives do without fail he relies exclusively on the SAME MEDIA OUTLETS TO VARIFY HIS FACTS ON FOOTNOTES! Tell me people is there ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?

Mark Williams , 1 week ago

Daniel...Thank you for your Service....I Feel Humbled Sir....

Trumpshe honors , 12 hours ago

How do we stop them from impeaching him before he nails them???? They're apparently above the law, they are the law!!!. They have to take Trump down to save their hinds. Catch 22.

Godspeed , 1 day ago

Fn conservative oligarchy minion. So what's this guys skeleton in the closet going to be disclosed?

razor blade , 1 day ago

This is mind blowing. I thought this sort of thing went on in third world countries. Hard to believe it is in the US of A

Free Ma , 7 hours ago

So it's the "media" that protects the dems from this "justice" you people seek? Somebody's nuts.

Amber Hays Brannon , 1 week ago

I knew before he ever said out loud he was going to run for presidency that I he will be president one day and that he would save our country and liberate us from our corrupt gov't. Truth I am not a psychic don't believe in it but I swear I knew it years before and I never knew much about him other than he was a business man that spoke out about 9/11 and that he had a tower in NYC that I seen while visiting there to see ground zero. He is truly God sent and he is the greatest President and has made History books get a heck of a lot bigger.

Christina Kinne , 19 hours ago

Drain the swamp, investigate these criminals in the Justice Dept. Replace Justices that will not follow the law

XR IX , 17 hours ago

Is it Christmas time again so soon? Time for another scandal or conspiracy theory to plant seeds of fear. Fear motivates the mindless Americans into consumption. Consumption is the belief you can hold the wicked world at bay by providing anesthesia to your loved ones by material offerings. America is Truth, Justice, the American way. How is Trump providing that? Nationalism, and alternative reality. Yeah, a Flat Earth and Neo-Ns, good work America... now some orange dude who can't get a believable tan working, wants to rake the forest floor. This is so dumb. Our old allies laugh at us, and Russia could invade the US today because we've become the porn star republic. Have a Merry X-Mass with your orange Satan Claus.

123tominator007 , 21 hours ago (edited)

Wow. corrupt corrupt corrupt x100. We have snakes as our leaders. Slithering slimy snakes. And a witch who almost became prez.

BUD T , 3 days ago

The LEFT in America has become downright evil.

Rob Robster1 , 3 hours ago

Wow what a bombshell and now we know why they call it the swamp......they may get away with it but karma has a way of catching up to them

parinit , 22 hours ago

americans really like talking..... hard to follow till it gets to the point

Don Townsend , 16 hours ago

DEMOCRAT Has BECOME A SYNONYM FOR HOMOsexual ! DEMS TIME TO #WALKAWAY After being a life- long Democrat, since Carter ,I'll be voting Republican for ever for several reasons such as the disproportionate proliferation of HOMOSEXUAL TV programs and movies and the GUN GRAB ATTEMPTS by the Democrat Party. But , these next reasons really burn me up ! Recently, an openly HOMOSEXUAL teacher in EFLAND , N.C. recently read the book," KING AND KING ", TO HIS 3RD GRADE CLASS. It's the story of TWO HOMOSEXUAL PRINCES getting married and it shows them kissing. Also The Girl Scouts of America has been FORCED, by HOMOSEXUAL Groups, TO ACCEPT BOYS WHO IDENTIFY AS GIRLS. There even pushing to have sex education taught in Kindergarten "Chicago Passes Sex-Ed for Kindergartners - ABC News" "Obama: Sex Ed for Kindergartners 'Is the Right Thing to Do' In the state of California, heterosexual married couples can no longer be referred to as Husbands and Wives , Democrat Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that not only redefines marriage, but eliminates any reference to husband and wife, replacing each with the Generic Term Spouse ! People this is beyond the pale. The rampant proliferation of this kind of behavior is what we can expect if we continue to let the 2% TAIL OF THE HOMOSEXUAL POPULATION continue to WAG THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY. The REPUBLICAN PARTY is our last hope in maintaining some kind of MORAL COMPASS AND TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES that are the foundation of this Country . Voting in a another Democrat President and Congress will give them the opportunity to appoint Liberal Supreme Court Justices giving the Court a LIBERAL MAJORITY FOR GENERATIONS. Meaning we can expect more of this. The following is the Genesis of a Lawsuit filed in 2006 against the reading of the HOMOSEXUAL BOOK."KING AND KING" TO 7 YEAR OLDS IN A CLASSROOM. In 2006 Robb and Robin Wirthlin and David and Tonia Parker filed a federal lawsuit against the school district of Eastbrook Elementary School, which their second graders attended in Lexington, Massachusetts. The Wirthlins' son's teacher had read King & King aloud to the class as part of an educational unit on weddings. Parents countered that the school's job was to teach about the world and that Massachusetts sanctioned same-sex marriage The plaintiffs claimed that using the book in school constituted sex education without parental notification, which would be a violation of their civil rights and state law. Robin Wirthlin appeared on CNN, saying " We felt like seven years old is not appropriate to introduce homosexual themes. My problem is that this issue of romantic attraction between two men is being presented to my seven-year-old as wonderful, and good and the way things should be. Let us know and let us excuse our child from the discussion. " HERE'S WHAT THE LIBERAL JUDGES RULED: IF THIS IS THE KIND OF RULINGS YOU WANT , ELECT ANOTHER DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT The judge dismissed the lawsuit, saying "Diversity is a hallmark of our nation. The Wirthlins and the Parkers appealed the decision; a three-judge panel of the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in favor of the school. Judge Sandra Lynch, writing for the court, rejected the plaintiff's argument that their religious beliefs were being singled out as well as their argument that their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion was violated, writing, "There is no evidence of systemic indoctrination. There is no allegation that [the second-grader] was asked to affirm gay marriage. Requiring a student to read a particular book is generally not coercive of free exercise rights." The court also ruled that the parents' substantive due process rights were not violated, as these rights did not legally give them the degree of control they sought over the curriculum. Funny how you can't read a moral lesson from the Bible ,but you can Promote HOMOsexual marriage to 2nd and 3rd graders ! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS ! Here's a small % of shows with Homosexual Characters or Content without doing an in depth search ,let's see we have the one that started it all Will and Grace, then Strange Angel, Kidding, The First , Star Trek Discovery, Ozark , Ballers, The Killing, Aquarius , True Detective ,Bosch, Grace & Frankie , Zoo ,CSI- New Orleans ,Six Feet Under , Complications ,Entourage , Angels in America ,Community , Girls, The L Word, The Walking Dead ,The Last Man Standing, The Following, Empire , Backstrom , Chicago Fire , The Royals ,The Big Bang Theory, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Bored to Death , The Cleveland Show, King of the Hill, South park, The Simpsons, Glee, The 100,Black Sails, Madame Secretary , Gotham , Kingdom, How to get Away With Murder, The Modern Family, Dominion, Tyrant, The Night Shift, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Penny Dreadful, Nurse Jackie ,Star Crossed, The Fall , Peaky Blinders , Wentworth , Defiance, Hemlock Grove, Hannibal , The Bridge , Under The Dome ,Ray Donavan , Orphan Black, Banshee, Betrayal , House of Cards , Alpha House , Masters of Sex , Nashville, Da Vinci's Demons , Arrow, Sons of Anarchy ,Orange is the New Black, Sherlock ,Skins , Lip Service, How I met your Mother, Xena ,Prison Break , Homicide Life On The Streets , East Enders , Teen Wolf , Torchwood, Sex and the City , Bad Girls ,True Blood , Spartacus ,Game of Thrones , The Vampire Dairies , Shameless , Queer As Folk , The Wire ,The Office , Weeds ,Ripper Street , Schitt's Creek , Eye Candy ,Transparent, The Flash ,Chasing Life ,Hit The Floor ,Dracula , Dates , The Originals ,A Place To Call Home , The Fosters , The Carrie Dairies , Undateable , and American Horror Story just to mention a few there are dozens more. The HOMOsexualS are 2-5% of the population ,but 90% of the TV Shows have HOMOsexual content . Don't you think that's a bit disproportionate and does stuff like the following need to be on TV. Scene From Ballers: Episode 2 Actor 1 : Would you mind if I took you in my mouth Right now ! Actor 2: (formerly The Rock): The whole thing ? Actor 1: The whole shebang ! Actor 2: Make it quick ! Actor 1: Thank you for the blue balls !

JonSobieski , 4 hours ago

Media suffers from erosion of credibility, says Ingraham. What credibility?

MIFNP , 1 week ago

Admiral Rogers is an honorable man and PATRIOT. He will go down as one of the greatest men in US history.

super saiyan 4 , 1 day ago (edited)

Did you see trump retweet a picture with obama,hillary and bill behind bars? With text saying "trials for treason begin"???? THEY ARE ALL GOING TO PRISON or DEATH BY HANGING

Charles Queener , 3 hours ago (edited)

If these politician criminals don't get their just dues legally they will lethally

Tim Whaley , 1 day ago

Dan, your last four minutes made me cry. Its why I had to stop with 911 truth. I had to move on just hoping justice will be served...really great Dan!

TheConshuscriterion , 2 days ago

Meta Query?? QANON?? Q=Query??? Maybe that's why Trump is secretly communicating with Q?!

Melvin Holliday , 6 hours ago

Please be advised that the crime family Obama is a lot bigger than the story that Dan tells. Everyone involved is married or some kind of relation or through political favors and government taxpayer pay outs and there are hundreds of crooks that can all be traced back to Obama or someone in his group of Liars & Thieves.

TheMozzaok , 1 hour ago

Cohen pleading guilty makes this all very problematic. The potential for Cohen doing illegal stuff for Trump is massively high. It is as high as Hillary doing illegal stuff. The massive problem with this whole story is that if it is true, Trump has had it for two years, and done nothing. That makes no sense. I trust not a one of them. I KNOW Hillary is a horrible piece of dirt that protects her sex abusing husband, but I also KNOW Trump has done so many dirty deals, and slept with innumerable low life wealth and power groupies, so neither is Snow White. Dirty Vs Filthy. I like Trump, and despise Hillary, but I am not delusional enough to think he is not hiding shit he does not want the people to know.

A V , 9 hours ago

Dan Bongino needs to become an elected official - we need Americans like him in office!!!

brent sargent , 1 day ago


Charles Campbell , 1 week ago

Thank you Don I watch you and Gorka thank keep safe, God Bless for telling the truth

Steve Canada , 1 day ago (edited)

Could the case be made for collusion to commit sedition it's just what they done since Trump was a candidate they probably done a lot worse before he even announced he was running there Traders

Tim Temple , 1 day ago

This is the biggest "youtube" article i have seen out here.! I am amazed you are still alive! Move into the white house with Donald Trump for two months.

Kristene Murphy , 5 hours ago

Please produce another vid on the Australian involvement - Australians would like to know who!!!

John , 1 day ago

The media has brainwashed you with lies that's why people don't have understanding anymore they think the truth is a lie and the lies truth that's why blind people can understand Dan bongino

Steven Lissner , 1 week ago

I recommend watching the Dan Bongino Podcast also available on utube daily, Mon-Fri.

Frederick Friaday , 1 day ago

Mueller is a traitor to this country. He brought shame and dishonor to the Marines. The only way out for him is to go in to his bathroom and put a full metal jacket into his worthless brain. Maybe even take his family with him.

Cat Girl , 12 hours ago

Trump is bringing Cosmic Justice and it will be a beautiful thing!

turquoise770 , 21 hours ago

Wonder if Bongino is part of Q.

VbFit1 , 1 day ago

" 3rd country corruption Government" - Abused the power and betrayed the American people. Obama, Clinton, Mueller, Comey, Clipper and many others should be in jail now.

bonesport , 1 week ago

The entire Mueller probe has been a sham from the start, and we the people are still paying for this???? When does outrage turn into a shooting war

odell daniel , 1 day ago (edited)

Olbama is a low life con man, The real "bad guy", these people have to be prosecuted or our justice system is a joke.

SilentWolff , 1 day ago

1500 Down votes from liberal wackjobs who cant deal with the truth

Gregory Veenhuizen , 13 hours ago

How did we ever let things get this bad how could we have let a few people have all this power we the people can be blamed because we voted these idiots into office now we need to vote them out and show them who is boss and it's not them! Stand with this President and bring these corrupt people down and put them where there rightful place is in prison or gallows!

Timo H , 1 day ago

All those people Thumbed this video down because they couldn't accept the truth, the TRUTH hurts, and their feeling.

Anthony Baguinat , 1 week ago

""Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."" - Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin's secret police

[Nov 30, 2018] Mueller Takes Aim, But Is Trump in Trouble by By Aaron Maté

Witch hunt has its own dynamics and it is not necessary to get any facts to inflict great damage. Mueller, the key person in 8/11 investigation, is first and foremost a loyal neocon/neolib establishment stooge, not so much a lawyer. So the shadow of McCarthyism fall on the Washitnton, DC.
Felix Sater was FBI asset from the very beginning.
Which such Byzantium politics in Washington and intrigues between almost identical parties worth of Madrid court it is not accidental that FBI coves with upper hand in its struggle with Russian intelligence, Russians can't get such training in viciousness, double dealing and false flag operations anywhere.
Notable quotes:
"... Disappearing for the midterms , Russiagate has re-emerged front and center. This week's barrage of developments in the cases of indicted Trump campaign figures Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and George Papadopoulos have renewed long-running declarations of a presidency in peril . ..."
"... They coincide with a fresh round of alarm over the fate of Mueller's investigation following Trump's ouster of attorney general Jeff Sessions and the installation of Matthew Whitaker in his place. ..."
"... Although Mueller's final report has yet to be released, the issue that sparked the FBI investigation he inherited has already been resolved. The FBI began eyeing potential Trump-Russia ties in July 2016 after getting a tip that unpaid campaign aide George Papadopoulos may have been informed that Russia was in possession of stolen Democratic Party emails well before WikiLeaks made them public. But that trail went cold. It turns out that a London-based professor, Joseph Mifsud, told Papadopoulos that the Russian government might possess thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails. ..."
"... The Russia probe's other instigating figure, Carter Page, was also a low-level, unpaid campaign official. The information that led to his investigation is even more suspect. ..."
"... But its a key source for that supposition turned out to be the Steele dossier -- the salacious, Democratic Party-funded opposition research compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele. And while the FBI got Papadopoulos on lying to them, Page has not been accused of any crime... ..."
"... Just as the evidence used in Manafort's bank and tax fraud case underscored that he worked against Russian interests in Ukraine , Flynn's indictment turns up another inconvenient fact for the collusion hopeful: The foreign government that Flynn colluded with on Trump's behalf -- against the US government -- is not Russia, but Israel . ..."
"... Russians never signed on, and Cohen only grew increasingly frustrated with Sater's failure to live up to his lofty pledges. "You are putting my job in jeopardy and making me look incompetent," Cohen wrote Sater on December 31, 2015. "I gave you two months and the best you send me is some bullshit garbage invite by some no name clerk at a third-tier bank." ..."
"... It is also possible that Manafort's alleged lies have nothing to do with a Russia conspiracy; after all, his case, and that of his deputy Rick Gates, pertained not to Russia or the 2016 campaign, but instead to financial crimes during Manafort's lobbying stint in Ukraine. ..."
Nov 30, 2018 |
Disappearing for the midterms , Russiagate has re-emerged front and center. This week's barrage of developments in the cases of indicted Trump campaign figures Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and George Papadopoulos have renewed long-running declarations of a presidency in peril .

They coincide with a fresh round of alarm over the fate of Mueller's investigation following Trump's ouster of attorney general Jeff Sessions and the installation of Matthew Whitaker in his place. Leading Democrats now see the probe as so paramount that, despite having re-captured the House running on health-care issues, protecting the investigation has been deemed "our top priority" (Representative Jerry Nadler) and "at the top of the agenda," (Representative Adam Schiff).

There is nothing objectionable about wanting to safeguard the Mueller investigation, nor about concerns that Trump's appointment of an unqualified loyalist may jeopardize it. Mueller should complete his work, unimpeded. The question is one of priorities. After all, the fixation on Mueller has not just raised anticipation of Trump's indictment, or even impeachment -- it has also overshadowed many of the actual policies that those seeking his political demise oppose him for. At this highly charged moment, it seems prudent to re-consider whether the probe remains worthy of such attention and high hopes.

Although Mueller's final report has yet to be released, the issue that sparked the FBI investigation he inherited has already been resolved. The FBI began eyeing potential Trump-Russia ties in July 2016 after getting a tip that unpaid campaign aide George Papadopoulos may have been informed that Russia was in possession of stolen Democratic Party emails well before WikiLeaks made them public. But that trail went cold. It turns out that a London-based professor, Joseph Mifsud, told Papadopoulos that the Russian government might possess thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails.

The FBI interviewed Mifsud in Washington, DC, in February 2017, but Mueller has never alleged that Mifsud works with the Russian government. Papadopoulos was ultimately sentenced to just 14 days behind bars for lying to the FBI about the timing and nature of his contacts with Mifsud. He reported to a federal prison on Monday.

The Russia probe's other instigating figure, Carter Page, was also a low-level, unpaid campaign official. The information that led to his investigation is even more suspect. In its October 2016 application for a surveillance warrant on Page, the FBI claimed it "believes that [Russia's] efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with [the Trump campaign]." But its a key source for that supposition turned out to be the Steele dossier -- the salacious, Democratic Party-funded opposition research compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele. And while the FBI got Papadopoulos on lying to them, Page has not been accused of any crime...

With the Russia investigation's catalysts coming up all but empty, there is little reason to expect that the remaining campaign members who face prison time will reverse that trend. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn awaits sentencing in the coming weeks on charges similar to Papadopoulos's. Just as the evidence used in Manafort's bank and tax fraud case underscored that he worked against Russian interests in Ukraine , Flynn's indictment turns up another inconvenient fact for the collusion hopeful: The foreign government that Flynn colluded with on Trump's behalf -- against the US government -- is not Russia, but Israel .

Despite much hoopla to the contrary, Muller's new indictment of former Trump fixer Michael Cohen contains more inconvenient facts. Cohen has pleaded guilty to a single count for lying to Congress about his role in a failed attempt to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. According to the plea document, Cohen gave Congress false written answers in order to "minimize links," between the Moscow project and Trump, and to "give the false impression" that it was abandoned earlier than it actually was. Cohen told the court that he made these statements to "be loyal" to Trump and to be consistent with his "political messaging."

As I noted in The Nation in October 2017 , the attempted real-estate venture in Russia "does raise a potential conflict of interest" for Trump, who "pursued a Moscow deal as he praised Putin on the campaign trail." But nothing in Cohen's indictment incriminates Trump. Much of what it details was previously known, and rather than revealing an illicit, transatlantic collusion scheme, it reads more like a slapstick mafia buddy comedy. As Buzzfeed News reported in May , Cohen communicated extensively with Trump organization colleague Felix Sater -- identified in the Cohen plea as "Individual 2″ -- who had promised to secure Russian financing for the proposed Moscow project. But the Russians never signed on, and Cohen only grew increasingly frustrated with Sater's failure to live up to his lofty pledges. "You are putting my job in jeopardy and making me look incompetent," Cohen wrote Sater on December 31, 2015. "I gave you two months and the best you send me is some bullshit garbage invite by some no name clerk at a third-tier bank."

Cohen then took matters into his own hands. As was previously known, he did not have an email address for a Russian contact, so he wrote to a generic email address at the office of Dmitri Peskov, the press secretary for Vladimir Putin ("Russian Official 1," in the indictment). We now learn from Cohen that he managed to reach Peskov's assistant, who asked him "detailed questions and took notes." But as The New York Times noted when the Trump Moscow story first emerged: "The project never got [Russian] government permits or financing, and died weeks later." Sater tried to save the project. He discussed arranging visits to Russia by both Cohen and Trump, but Cohen ultimately backed out after allegations of Russian email hacking surfaced in June 2016. According to Buzzfeed , Sater even proposed giving Putin a $50 million penthouse as an enticement, but "the plan never went anywhere because the tower deal ultimately fizzled, and it is not clear whether Trump knew of "Sater's idea."

Cohen now claims that he spoke to Trump about the project more than the three times that he informed Congress about. For their part, Trump's attorneys do not seem concerned, saying that his recently submitted answers to Mueller align with Cohen's account. That Cohen perjured himself to Congress raises problems for him, but it is hard to see how his lies about a project that failed and a proposed trip to Russia that never happened can hurt Trump. That could only change if, as part of his new cooperation deal with Mueller, Cohen has more to give.

As for Manafort, his case took a major turn when Mueller canceled their cooperation agreement and accused him of "crimes and lies." The crucial questions are what does Mueller allege he lied to him about and what evidence is there to substantiate that charge. Mueller is expected to provide details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we can only speculate. The revelation that Manafort's lawyers shared information with Trump's attorneys even after the plea deal was struck in September has inevitably fueled speculation that Manafort is lying to benefit Trump, or even hide evidence of a Russia conspiracy. That is certainly possible. But theories that Manafort is then banking on a pardon from Trump do not square with the prevailing view that his agreement with Mueller -- which included admitting to crimes that could be re-charged in state court -- was " pardon proof ."

It is also possible that Manafort's alleged lies have nothing to do with a Russia conspiracy; after all, his case, and that of his deputy Rick Gates, pertained not to Russia or the 2016 campaign, but instead to financial crimes during Manafort's lobbying stint in Ukraine. The Wall Street Journal suggests that is the case, reporting that Manafort's alleged lies "don't appear to be central to the allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election that Mr. Mueller is investigating." Earlier this month, ABC News claimed , citing "multiple sources," that Mueller's investigators are "not getting what they want" from Manafort's cooperation deal. When it comes to collusion, perhaps there is just nothing to get.

[Nov 30, 2018] Kunstler Exposes The Dire Quandaries Of The Deep State by James Howard Kunstler

Notable quotes:
"... Brennan, the Muslim convert was Obama's handler for years. Obama was groomed by CIA ..."
Nov 30, 2018 |

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

Watergate had tragic Shakespearean overtones , with Nixon as King Lear, but Russia-Gate - perhaps the last gate America goes through on its giant slalom run to collapse - is but a Chinese Fire Drill writ large.

The reason? In 1973, we were still a serious people. Today, the most lavishly credentialed elite in history believe the most preposterous "stories," or, surely even worse, pretend to believe them for political advantage.

Now, an epic battle of wills is setting up as Robert Mueller's investigation concludes its business and its primary target, the Golden Golem of Greatness, girds his loins to push back. Behind the flimsy scrim of Russia collusion accusations stands a bewildering maze of criminal mischief by a matrix of federal agencies that lost control of their own dark operation to meddle in the 2016 election.

The US intel community (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc), with the Department of Justice, all colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the intel agencies of the UK and Australia, to derail Mr. Trump as a stooge of Russia and, when he shocked them by getting elected, mounted a desperate campaign to cover their asses knowing he had become their boss.

The Obama White House was involved in all this, attempting to cloak itself in plausible deniability, which may be unwinding now, too. How might all this play out from here?

One big mystery is how long will Mr. Trump wait to declassify any number of secret files, memoranda, and communications that he's been sitting on for months .

My guess is that this stuff amounts to a potent weapon against his adversaries and he will wait until Mr. Mueller releases a final report before declassifying it. Then, we'll have a fine constitutional crisis as the two sides vie for some sort of adjudication.

Who, for instance, will adjudicate the monkey business that is already on-the-record involving misdeeds in the Department of Justice itself? Will the DOJ split into two contesting camps, each charging the other? How might that work? Does the Acting Attorney General Mr. Whitaker seek indictments against figures such as Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, et al. Will he also rope in intel cowboys John Brennan and James Clapper? Might Hillary find herself in jeopardy -- all the while on the other side Mr. Mueller pursues his targets, characters like Mr. Manafort, Michael Cohen, and the hapless Carter Page?

Or might Mr. Mueller, and others, possibly find themselves in trouble, as spearheads of a bad-faith campaign to weaponize government agencies against a sitting president? That might sound outlandish, but the evidence is adding up. In fact the evidence of a Deep State gone rogue is far more compelling than any charges Mr. Mueller has so far produced on Trump-Russia "collusion." An example of bad faith is former FBI Director James Comey's current campaign to avoid testifying in closed session before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees -- he filed a motion just before Thanksgiving. Mr. Comey is pretending that an open session would be "transparent." His claim is mendacious. If he were questioned about classified matters in an open session, he would do exactly what he did before in open session: decline to answer about "sensitive" matters on the basis of national security. He could make no such claims in a closed session. The truth is, his attorneys are trying to run out the clock on the current composition of the house committees, which will come under a Democrat majority in January, so that Mr. Comey can avoid testifying altogether.

There are other dicey matters awaiting some kind of adjudication elsewhere.

For instance, who is going to review the chain of decisions among the FISA judges who approved of warrants made in bad faith to spy on US citizens? Perhaps the shrinking violet, Mr. Huber, out in the Utah Prosecutor's Office of the DOJ, is looking into all that. He's been at something for most of the year (nobody knows what). He has to answer to Mr. Whitaker now, or the permanent AG who replaces him. And why is Mr. Trump dragging his heels on nominating a permanent AG? I suppose the FISA court matter will fall to the Supreme Court, but how does that process work, and how long might it take?

The potential for a stand-off exists that will confound any effort to untangle these things, and I can see how that might lead to an extraordinary crisis in which Mr. Trump has to declare some form of emergency or perhaps martial law to clean out this suppurating abscess of illegality and sedition .

That can only be the last and worst resort, but what if the US judicial system just can't manage to clean up the mess it has made?

Dickweed Wang , 1 minute ago link

If Trump doesn't go on a major offensive within the next couple of weeks he's fucked because once the new ... House is sworn in on January 3rd he will be dealing with so many different distractions at the same time it will make his attempt to fight back almost impossible...

Cloud9.5 , 15 minutes ago link

If Kunstler is right in his prediction of collapse. The Deep State is going to go the way of the Stasi. Systemic collapse will usher in a purge the scope of which none of us can fathom.

MK ULTRA Alpha , 59 minutes ago link

The CIA was running the entire show. The FBI was the CIA's dog.

Stefan Halper has been mislabeled by MSM as an FBI informant. Stefan Halper is a CIA operative. He is the smoking gun.

Both the CIA and MI6 were colluding to prevent Trump from being elected and then working a coup after election.

It all leads back to former CIA director Brennan and national security advisor Clapper. Both worked under the authority of Obama, thus both believe what they were doing was authorized by Obama, particularly Clapper who took his marching orders from Obama. They both believed Clinton would win and everything would be brushed under the rug as usual.

Mueller is a cover up man and yes man with plenty of felonies. Rosenstein wrote the memo Comey needed to be fired, because he wanted to replace Comey with Mueller. Rosenstein worried Comey would talk, would begin to release data and start investigation to protect himself and the FBI, so when Trump refused to appoint Mueller to FBI director, Rosenstein appointed Mueller to take out Trump.

The MSM and everyone says how good Mueller is, but he's committed countless felonies and no one at the DOJ has honor to be an American. The DOJ is political and is against this nation, against the truth.

Sessions was cover up man and a yes man. He was also afraid of being indicted by Mueller. His main purpose was illegal immigration, that's all he cared about. He didn't care what happened to Trump and figured Pence would let him stay because of his mission on illegal immigration and cannabis. Sessions believed he would roll back the legalization of cannabis and Pence would follow him. Sessions believed Trump was soft on cannabis. That seems petty, but that's the way Sessions thought.

No one follows the law anymore, this has trickled down to the people. These people have set a bad example and the people have no respect for the system anymore.

The only way to make it respected again is for these criminals like Mueller, must be killed. But because of the malaise caused by the criminals no one cares about America anymore. No one cares enough to kill criminals like Mueller. The MSM is responsible for doing incredible damage to the character of our nation. It's because of them all of this happened because they will not tell the truth.

Duc888 , 40 minutes ago link

" It all leads back to former CIA director Brennan and national security advisor Clapper. Both worked under the authority of Obama"

Brennan, the Muslim convert was Obama's handler for years. Obama was groomed by CIA to be the errand-boi-POTUS.

UselessEater , 36 minutes ago link

Just 6 corporations - all interlocking - own 95% of America's mainstream media. There's the problem. Evil controls the narrative and fools the public. For example, ANTIFA - who are they really, what are their roots, where do they come from? None of THIS will you get from the MSM:

... ... ...

coaltar , 1 hour ago link

When you have a working brain, it's clear Trump is just another actor...

Captain Nemo de Erehwon , 1 hour ago link

"The potential for a stand-off exists that will confound any effort to untangle these things... might lead to an extraordinary crisis in which Trump has to declare some form of emergency or perhaps martial law to clean out this suppurating abscess of illegality and sedition ..."

The crooks will not give up without a fight and Trump will have to call in the military?

[Nov 24, 2018] Looks like we got the Ministry of Love, courtesy of CIA, MI6 and British government

Brennan and Obama as Godfathers of Ministry of Truth. How fitting ; -)
Nov 24, 2018 |

Now we know who financial Steele dossier and created Skripal affair ;-) Perfidious Albion: or yet another example of the pot calling the kettle black when in fact the kettle may not be black at all; it's just the pot making up things

In 2015 the government of Britain launched a secret operation to insert anti-Russia propaganda into the western media stream.

[Nov 24, 2018] British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear Campaigns

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... It lists Bellingcat and the Atlantic Council as "partner organisations" ..."
"... "The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation. ... much of the espionage performed on the Trump campaign was conducted on UK soil throughout 2016." ..."
"... "Gregory R. Copley, editor and publisher of Defense & Foreign Affairs, posited that Sergei Skripal is the unnamed Russian intelligence source in the Steele dossier. ... In Skripal's pseudo-country-gentleman retirement, the ex-GRU-MI6 double agent was selling custom-made "Russian intelligence"; he had fabricated "material" that went into the Steele dossier..." ..."
"... this movement in the west by gov'ts to pay for generating lies, hate and propaganda towards russia is really sick... it is perfect for the military industrial complex corporations though and they seem to be calling the shots in the west, much more so then the voice of the ordinary person who is not interested in war ..."
"... Seems to me that this shows the primacy of the City of London, with its offshore network of illicit capital accumulation, within Britain. It is a state within a state or even a financial empire within a state, which, for deep historical reasons isn't subject to the same laws as the rest of the UK. ..."
"... The UK's pathological obsession with Russia only makes sense to me as the city's insistence on continued 90s style appropriation of Russia's wealth ..."
"... British hypocrisy publicly called out. How this all unravels is one to watch. Extra large popcorn and soda for me ..."
"... It seems to me that the UK has far more to lose from doxxing than Russia does. The interference in sovereign allied states to 'manage' who the UK thinks they should appoint does not bode well for such relations ..."
"... A separate subcluster of so-called journalists names Deborah Haynes, David Aaronovitch of the London Times and Neil Buckley from the FT." Subcluster. Love it. Just how crap do you have to be to fail to make it to membership of a full cluster of smear merchants? ..."
"... I doubt very seriously that the British launched this operation without the CIA's implicit and explicit support. This has all the markings of a John Brennan operation that has been launched stealthily to prevent anyone from knowing its real origins. ..."
"... The Brits don't act alone, and a project of this magnitude did not begin without Langley's explicit approval. ..."
"... Now check out the wording in the above document: "Funding from institutional and national governmental sources in the US has been delayed by internal disputes within the US government, but w.e.f. March 2018 that deadlock seems to have been resolved and funding should now flow." Think about that. What would have blocked the flow of USG support for this project?? Why, the allegations of collusion against Trump, of course. Naturally, the Republicans are not going to provide money to an operation that threatens to destroy the head of their own party. So, there has been no bipartisan agreement on funding for anti-Russia propaganda ..."
"... This mob was created in the autumn of 2015, according to their site. That would have been about the time -- probably just after -- the Russians intervened in Syria. The Brits had plans for an invasion of Syria in 2009, according to their fave Guardian fish wrap. ..."
"... Pat Lang posted a report that strongly implies that charges of Russian influence on Trump are a deliberate falsification ..."
"... It seems quite possible that what is alleged as "Russian meddling" is actually CIA-MI6 meddling ..."
"... As I have said before, MAGA is a POLICY RESPONSE to the challenge from Russia and China. The election of a Republican faux populist was necessary and Trump, despite his many flaws, was the best candidate for the job. ..."
"... The Integrity Initiative's goal is to defend democracy against the truth about Russia. All this is so Orwellian. When will we get the Ministry of Love? ..."
"... They shot at an elephant and failed to kill it. So yes, out of the combo of frustration, resentment, and fear they hate the resurgent Russia and prefer Cold War II, and if necessary WWIII, to peaceful co-existence. Of course the usual corporate imperative (in this case weapons profiteering) reinforces the mass psychological pathology among the elites. ..."
"... The ironic thing is that Putin doesn't prefer to challenge the neoliberal globalist "order" at all, but would happily see Russia take a prominent place within it. It's the US and its UK poodle who are insisting on confrontation. ..."
"... Great article! It reminded me of what I read in George Orwell's novella "1984." He summed it all up brilliantly in nine words: "War is Peace"; "Freedom is Slavery"; "Ignorance is Strength." The three pillars of political power. ..."
"... Since UK has always blocked the "European Intelligence" initiative, on the basis of his pertenence to the "Five Eyes", and as UK is leaving the European Union, where it has always been the Troyan Horse of the US, one would think that all these people belonging to the so called "clusters" should register themselves as "foreign agents" working for UK government. ..."
"... William Browder ..."
Nov 24, 2018 |

British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear Campaigns Steveg , Nov 24, 2018 11:43:44 AM | link

In 2015 the government of Britain launched a secret operation to insert anti-Russia propaganda into the western media stream.

We have already seen many consequences of this and similar programs which are designed to smear anyone who does not follow the anti-Russian government lines. The 'Russian collusion' smear campaign against Donald Trump based on the Steele dossier was also a largely British operation but seems to be part of a different project.

The ' Integrity Initiative ' builds 'cluster' or contact groups of trusted journalists, military personal, academics and lobbyists within foreign countries. These people get alerts via social media to take action when the British center perceives a need.

On June 7 it took the the Spanish cluster only a few hours to derail the appointment of Perto Banos as the Director of the National Security Department in Spain. The cluster determined that he had a too positive view of Russia and launched a coordinated social media smear campaign (pdf) against him.


The Initiative and its operations were unveiled when someone liberated some of its documents, including its budget applications to the British Foreign Office, and posted them under the 'Anonymous' label at .

The Initiative is nominally run under the (government financed) non-government-organisation The Institute For Statecraft . Its internal handbook (pdf) describes its purpose:

The Integrity Initiative was set up in autumn 2015 by The Institute for Statecraft in cooperation with the Free University of Brussels (VUB) to bring to the attention of politicians, policy-makers, opinion leaders and other interested parties the threat posed by Russia to democratic institutions in the United Kingdom, across Europe and North America.

It lists Bellingcat and the Atlantic Council as "partner organisations" and promises that:

Cluster members will be sent to educational sessions abroad to improve the technical competence of the cluster to deal with disinformation and strengthen bonds in the cluster community. [...] (Events with DFR Digital Sherlocks, Bellingcat, EuVsDisinfo, Buzzfeed, Irex, Detector Media, Stopfake, LT MOD Stratcom – add more names and propose cluster participants as you desire).

The Initiatives Orwellian slogan is 'Defending Democracy Against Disinformation'. It covers European countries, the UK, the U.S. and Canada and seems to want to expand to the Middle East.

On its About page it claims: "We are not a government body but we do work with government departments and agencies who share our aims." The now published budget plans show that more than 95% of the Initiative's funding is coming directly from the British government, NATO and the U.S. State Department. All the 'contact persons' for creating 'clusters' in foreign countries are British embassy officers. It amounts to a foreign influence campaign by the British government that hides behind a 'civil society' NGO.

The organisation is led by one Chris N. Donnelly who receives (pdf) £8,100 per month for creating the smear campaign network.

Chris Donnelly - Pic via Euromaidanpress

From its 2017/18 budget application (pdf) we learn how the Initiative works:

To counter Russian disinformation and malign influence in Europe by: expanding the knowledge base; harnessing existing expertise, and; establishing a network of networks of experts, opinion formers and policy makers, to educate national audiences in the threat and to help build national capacities to counter it .

The Initiative has a black and white view that is based on a "we are the good ones" illusion. When "we" 'educate the public' it is legitimate work. When others do similar, it its disinformation. That is of course not the reality. The Initiative's existence itself, created to secretly manipulate the public, is proof that such a view is wrong.

If its work were as legit as it wants to be seen, why would the Foreign Office run it from behind the curtain as an NGO? The Initiative is not the only such operation. It's applications seek funding from a larger "Russian Language Strategic Communication Programme" run by the Foreign Office.

The 2017/18 budget application sought FCO funding of £480,635. It received £102,000 in co-funding from NATO and the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense. The 2018/19 budget application shows a planned spending (pdf) of £1,961,000.00. The co-sponsors this year are again NATO and the Lithuanian MoD, but also include (pdf) the U.S. State Department with £250,000 and Facebook with £100,000. The budget lays out a strong cooperation with the local military of each country. It notes that NATO is also generous in financing the local clusters.

One of the liberated papers of the Initiative is a talking points memo labeled Top 3 Deliverable for FCO (pdf):

  • Developing and proving the cluster concept and methodology, setting up clusters in a range of countries with different circumstances
  • Making people (in Government, think tanks, military, journalists) see the big picture, making people acknowledge that we are under concerted, deliberate hybrid attack by Russia
  • Increasing the speed of response, mobilising the network to activism in pursuit of the "golden minute"

Under top 1, setting up clusters, a subitem reads:

- Connects media with academia with policy makers with practitioners in a country to impact on policy and society: ( Jelena Milic silencing pro-kremlin voices on Serbian TV )

Defending Democracy by silencing certain voices on public TV seems to be a self-contradicting concept.

Another subitem notes how the Initiative secretly influences foreign governments:

We engage only very discreetly with governments, based entirely on trusted personal contacts, specifically to ensure that they do not come to see our work as a problem, and to try to influence them gently, as befits an independent NGO operation like ours, viz;
- Germany, via the Zentrum Liberale Moderne to the Chancellor's Office and MOD
- Netherlands, via the HCSS to the MOD
- Poland and Romania, at desk level into their MFAs via their NATO Reps
- Spain, via special advisers, into the MOD and PM's office (NB this may change very soon with the new Government)
- Norway, via personal contacts into the MOD
- HQ NATO, via the Policy Planning Unit into the Sec Gen's office.
We have latent contacts into other governments which we will activate as needs be as the clusters develop.

A look at the 'clusters' set up in U.S. and UK shows some prominent names.


Members of the Atlantic Council, which has a contract to censor Facebook posts , appear on several cluster lists. The UK core cluster also includes some prominent names like tax fraudster William Browder , the daft Atlantic Council shill Ben Nimmo and the neo-conservative Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum. One person of interest is Andrew Wood who handed the Steele 'dirty dossier' to Senator John McCain to smear Donald Trump over alleged relations with Russia. A separate subcluster of so-called journalists names Deborah Haynes, David Aaronovitch of the London Times, Neil Buckley from the FT and Jonathan Marcus of the BBC.

bigger - bigger

A ' Cluster Roundup ' (pdf) from July 2018 details its activities in at least 35 countries. Another file reveals (pdf) the local partnering institutions and individuals involved in the programs.

The Initiatives Guide to Countering Russian Information (pdf) is a rather funny read. It lists the downing of flight MH 17 by a Ukranian BUK missile, the fake chemical incident in Khan Sheikhoun and the Skripal Affair as examples for "Russian disinformation". But at least two of these events, Khan Sheikun via the UK run White Helmets and the Skripal affair, are evidently products of British intelligence disinformation operations.

The probably most interesting papers of the whole stash is the 'Project Plan' laid out at pages 7-40 of the 2018 budget application v2 (pdf). Under 'Sustainability' it notes:

The programme is proposed to run until at least March 2019, to ensure that the clusters established in each country have sufficient time to take root, find funding, and demonstrate their effectiveness. FCO funding for Phase 2 will enable the activities to be expanded in scale, reach and scope. As clusters have established themselves, they have begun to access local sources of funding. But this is a slow process and harder in some countries than others. HQ NATO PDD [Public Diplomacy Division] has proved a reliable source of funding for national clusters. The ATA [Atlantic Treaty Association] promises to be the same, giving access to other pots of money within NATO and member nations. Funding from institutional and national governmental sources in the US has been delayed by internal disputes within the US government, but w.e.f. March 2018 that deadlock seems to have been resolved and funding should now flow.

The programme has begun to create a critical mass of individuals from a cross society (think tanks, academia, politics, the media, government and the military) whose work is proving to be mutually reinforcing . Creating the network of networks has given each national group local coherence, credibility and reach, as well as good international access. Together, these conditions, plus the growing awareness within governments of the need for this work, should guarantee the continuity of the work under various auspices and in various forms.

The third part of the budget application (pdf) list the various activities, their output and outcome. The budget plan includes a section that describes 'Risks' to the initiative. These include hacking of the Initiatives IT as well as:

Adverse publicity generated by Russia or by supporters of Russia in target countries, or by political and interest groups affected by the work of the programme, aimed at discrediting the programme or its participants, or to create political embarrassment.

We hope that this piece contributes to such embarrassment.

Posted by b on November 24, 2018 at 11:24 AM | Permalink

Comments Perfidious ALbion!

When will we learn?

pretzelattack , Nov 24, 2018 11:44:00 AM | link

Coincidentally, or not, i just saw this article at the guardian;
Anya , Nov 24, 2018 11:57:00 AM | link
The British government has been running a serious meddling into the US affairs:

"The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation. ... much of the espionage performed on the Trump campaign was conducted on UK soil throughout 2016."

A Steele & Skrupal's anti-Russian / anti-Trump saga:

"Gregory R. Copley, editor and publisher of Defense & Foreign Affairs, posited that Sergei Skripal is the unnamed Russian intelligence source in the Steele dossier. ... In Skripal's pseudo-country-gentleman retirement, the ex-GRU-MI6 double agent was selling custom-made "Russian intelligence"; he had fabricated "material" that went into the Steele dossier..."

For M16 to expose this level of stupidity is stunning.

james , Nov 24, 2018 11:58:02 AM | link
thanks b....

this movement in the west by gov'ts to pay for generating lies, hate and propaganda towards russia is really sick... it is perfect for the military industrial complex corporations though and they seem to be calling the shots in the west, much more so then the voice of the ordinary person who is not interested in war.. i guess the idea is to get the ordinary people to think in terms of hating another country based on lies and that this would be a good thing... it is very sad what uk / usa leadership in the past century has come down to here.... i can only hope that info releases like this will hasten it's demise...

Ingrian , Nov 24, 2018 12:03:55 PM | link
Seems to me that this shows the primacy of the City of London, with its offshore network of illicit capital accumulation, within Britain. It is a state within a state or even a financial empire within a state, which, for deep historical reasons isn't subject to the same laws as the rest of the UK.

The UK's pathological obsession with Russia only makes sense to me as the city's insistence on continued 90s style appropriation of Russia's wealth

james , Nov 24, 2018 12:15:31 PM | link
@6 ingrian... things didn't go as planned for the expropriation of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.. it seems the west is still hurting from not being able to exploit Russia fully, as they'd intended...
et Al , Nov 24, 2018 12:20:09 PM | link

Let the Doxx wars begin! Sure, Anonymous is not Russian but it will surely now be targeted and smeared as such which would show that it has hit a nerve. British hypocrisy publicly called out. How this all unravels is one to watch. Extra large popcorn and soda for me.

I think we've all noticed the euro-asslantic press (and friends) on behalf of, willingly and in cooperation with the British intelligence et al 'calling out' numerous Russians as G(R)U/spies/whatever for a while now yet providing less than a shred of credible evidence.

It seems to me that the UK has far more to lose from doxxing than Russia does. The interference in sovereign allied states to 'manage' who the UK thinks they should appoint does not bode well for such relations.

Meanwhile in Brussels they are having their cake and eating it, i.e. bemoaning Europe's 'weak response' to Russian propaganda:

BTW, did anyone read Wired UK's current advertorial (nov 14) by Carl Miller for Brigade 77?

Forthestate , Nov 24, 2018 12:26:09 PM | link
"A separate subcluster of so-called journalists names Deborah Haynes, David Aaronovitch of the London Times and Neil Buckley from the FT." Subcluster. Love it. Just how crap do you have to be to fail to make it to membership of a full cluster of smear merchants?
worldblee , Nov 24, 2018 12:33:05 PM | link
Yet another example of the pot calling the kettle black when in fact the kettle may not be black at all; it's just the pot making up things. "These Russian criminals are using propaganda to show (truths) like the fact the DNC and Clinton campaigns colluded to prevent Sanders from being nominated, so we need to establish a clandestine propaganda network to establish that the Russians are running propaganda!"
psychohistorian , Nov 24, 2018 12:34:32 PM | link

....full cluster of smear merchants". May all the clusters of smear merchants be exposed to the public as the acolytes of evil they are.

plantman , Nov 24, 2018 12:36:48 PM | link
"In 2015 the government of Britain launched a secret operation to insert anti-Russia propaganda into the western media stream."

I doubt very seriously that the British launched this operation without the CIA's implicit and explicit support. This has all the markings of a John Brennan operation that has been launched stealthily to prevent anyone from knowing its real origins.

The Brits don't act alone, and a project of this magnitude did not begin without Langley's explicit approval.

Now check out the wording in the above document: "Funding from institutional and national governmental sources in the US has been delayed by internal disputes within the US government, but w.e.f. March 2018 that deadlock seems to have been resolved and funding should now flow." Think about that. What would have blocked the flow of USG support for this project?? Why, the allegations of collusion against Trump, of course. Naturally, the Republicans are not going to provide money to an operation that threatens to destroy the head of their own party. So, there has been no bipartisan agreement on funding for anti-Russia propaganda

BUT...the author assures us that the "deadlock seems to have been resolved and funding should now flow" Huh?? In other words, the fix is in. Mueller will pardon Trump on collusion charges but the propaganda campaign against Russia will continue...with the full support of both parties. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it...

m , Nov 24, 2018 12:40:07 PM | link
This mob was created in the autumn of 2015, according to their site. That would have been about the time -- probably just after -- the Russians intervened in Syria. The Brits had plans for an invasion of Syria in 2009, according to their fave Guardian fish wrap.

A lot of sour grapes with this so-called 'integrity initiative', IMO. BP was behind a lot of this, I would also think. When Assad pulled the plug on the pipeline through the Levant in 2009, the Brits hacked up a fur ball. It's gone downhill for them ever since. Couldn't happen to a nicer lot. If you can't invade or beat them with proxies, you can at least call them names.

Jackrabbit , Nov 24, 2018 12:40:58 PM | link

Pat Lang posted a report that strongly implies that charges of Russian influence on Trump are a deliberate falsification: THE CHIMERA OF DONALD TRUMP, RUSSIAN MONEY LAUNDERER :

If Trump was taking dirty money or engaged in criminal activity with Russians then he was doing it with Felix Sater, who was under the control of the FBI... And who was in charge of the FBI during all of the time that Sater was a signed up FBI snitch? You got it -- Robert Mueller (2001 thru 2013) ...

It seems quite possible that what is alleged as "Russian meddling" is actually CIA-MI6 meddling, including:

Steele dossier: To create suspicion in government, media, and later the public

Leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks (but calling it a "hack"): To help with election of Trump and link Wikileaks (as agent) to Russian election meddling

Cambridge Analytica: To provide necessary reasoning for Trump's (certain) win of the electoral college.

Note: We later found that dozens of firms had undue access to Facebook data. Why did the campaign turn to a British firm instead of an American firm? Well, it had to be a British firm if MI6 was running the (supposed) Facebook targeting for CIA.

As I have said before, MAGA is a POLICY RESPONSE to the challenge from Russia and China. The election of a Republican faux populist was necessary and Trump, despite his many flaws, was the best candidate for the job.
Cyril , Nov 24, 2018 1:10:13 PM | link
The Integrity Initiative's goal is to defend democracy against the truth about Russia. All this is so Orwellian. When will we get the Ministry of Love?
Russ , Nov 24, 2018 1:16:21 PM | link
Posted by: james | Nov 24, 2018 12:15:31 PM | 7

"things didn't go as planned for the expropriation of russia after the fall of the soviet union.. it seems the west is still hurting from not being able to exploit russia fully, as they'd intended..."

They shot at an elephant and failed to kill it. So yes, out of the combo of frustration, resentment, and fear they hate the resurgent Russia and prefer Cold War II, and if necessary WWIII, to peaceful co-existence. Of course the usual corporate imperative (in this case weapons profiteering) reinforces the mass psychological pathology among the elites.

The ironic thing is that Putin doesn't prefer to challenge the neoliberal globalist "order" at all, but would happily see Russia take a prominent place within it. It's the US and its UK poodle who are insisting on confrontation.

GeorgeV , Nov 24, 2018 1:34:08 PM | link
Great article! It reminded me of what I read in George Orwell's novella "1984." He summed it all up brilliantly in nine words: "War is Peace"; "Freedom is Slavery"; "Ignorance is Strength." The three pillars of political power.
Sasha , Nov 24, 2018 1:38:39 PM | link
Since UK has always blocked the "European Intelligence" initiative, on the basis of his pertenence to the "Five Eyes", and as UK is leaving the European Union, where it has always been the Troyan Horse of the US, one would think that all these people belonging to the so called "clusters" should register themselves as "foreign agents" working for UK government...and in this context, new empowerished sovereign governemts into the EU should consider the possibility expelling these traitors as spies of the UK....

Some of the "clusters" unmasked here....some, like Ignacio Torreblanca in Spain, are related to the CFR....

Zanon , Nov 24, 2018 2:12:45 PM | link
Country list of agents of influence according to the leak:
Zanon , Nov 24, 2018 2:13:28 PM | link
cresty , Nov 24, 2018 2:18:30 PM | link
Thank you very much for going through all the files, b. Will share far and wide

[Nov 24, 2018] Now we know created MH17 smear campaign, who financial Steele dossier and created Skripal affair ;-)

Highly recommended!
Nov 24, 2018 |

Perfidious Albion: or yet another example of the pot calling the kettle black when in fact the kettle may not be black at all; it's just the pot making up things

In 2015 the government of Britain launched a secret operation to insert anti-Russia propaganda into the western media stream.

We have already seen many consequences of this and similar programs which are designed to smear anyone who does not follow the anti-Russian government lines. The 'Russian collusion' smear campaign against Donald Trump based on the Steele dossier was also a largely British operation but seems to be part of a different project.

The ' Integrity Initiative ' builds 'cluster' or contact groups of trusted journalists, military personal, academics and lobbyists within foreign countries. These people get alerts via social media to take action when the British center perceives a need.

[Nov 23, 2018] Kunstler Exposes The Core Truth Of The 2016 Russia Collusion Story

Notable quotes:
"... For decades, it has been rumored that the Clintons have FBI files on most members of Congress and use these files for blackmail purposes. Given the events of the past few years, I actually believe this rumor to be grounded in truth. ..."
"... For decades, it has been rumored that the Clintons have FBI files on most members of Congress and use these files for blackmail purposes. Given the events of the past few years, I actually believe this rumor to be grounded in truth. ..."
Nov 23, 2018 |

Kunstler Exposes "The Core Truth" Of The 2016 Russia Collusion Story

by Tyler Durden Fri, 11/23/2018 - 15:25 23 SHARES Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Holiday Doings And Undoings

Somehow I doubt that this Christmas will win the Bing Crosby star of approval. Rather, we see the financial markets breaking under the strain of sustained institutionalized fraud, and the social fabric tearing from persistent systemic political dishonesty. It adds up to a nation that can't navigate through reality, a nation too dependent on sure things, safe spaces, and happy outcomes. Every few decades a message comes from the Universe that faking it is not good enough.

The main message from the financials is that the global debt barge has run aground, and with it, the global economy. That mighty engine has been chugging along on promises-to-pay and now the faith that sustained those promises is dissolving. China, Euroland, and the USA can't possibly meet their tangled obligations, and are running out of tricks for rigging, gaming, and jacking the bond markets, where all those promises are vested. It boils down to a whole lot of people not getting paid, one way or the other -- and it's really bad for business.

Our President has taken full credit for the bubblicious markets, of course, and will be Hooverized as they gurgle around the drain. Given his chimerical personality, he may try to put on an FDR mask -- perhaps even sit in a wheelchair -- and try a few grand-scale policy tricks to escape the vortex. But the net effect will surely be to make matters worse -- for instance, if he can hector the Federal Reserve to buy every bond that isn't nailed to some deadly derivative booby-trap. But then he'll only succeed in crashing the dollar. Remember, there are two main ways you can go broke: You can run out of money; or you can have plenty of worthless money.

On the social and political scene, I sense that some things have run their course. Is a critical mass of supposedly educated people not fatigued and nauseated by the regime of "social justice" good-think, and the massive mendacity it stands for , starting with the idea that "diversity and inclusion" require the shut-down of free speech. The obvious hypocrisies and violations of reason emanating from the campuses -- a lot, but not all of it, in response to the Golden Golem of Greatness -- have made enough smart people stupid to endanger the country's political future. A lot of these formerly-non-stupid people work in the news media. It's not too late for some institutions like The New York Times and CNN to change out their editors and producers, and go back to reporting the reality-du-jour instead of functioning as agit-prop mills for every unsound idea ginned through the Yale humanities departments.

Shoehorned into the festivity of the season is the lame-duck session in congress, and one of the main events it portends is the end of Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. The Sphinx-like Mueller has maintained supernatural silence about his tendings and intentions. But if he'd uncovered anything substantial in the way of "collusion" between Mr. Trump and Russia, the public would know by now, since it would represent a signal threat to national security. So it's hard not to conclude that he has nothing except a few Mickey Mouse "process" convictions for lying to the FBI. On the other hand, it's quite impossible to imagine him ignoring the well-documented evidence trail of Hillary Clinton colluding with Russians to influence the 2016 contest against Mr. Trump -- and to defame him after he won. There's also the Hieronymus Bosch panorama of criminal mischief around the racketeering scheme known as the Clinton Foundation to consider. Do these venal characters get a pass on all that?

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) has announced plans to call Federal Attorney John Huber (Utah District) to testify about his assignment to look into these Clinton matters. It's a little hard to see how that might produce any enlightenment, since prosecutors are bound by law to not blab about currently open cases. The committee has also subpoenaed former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former FBI Director James Comey, and others who have some serious 'splainin' to do. But if both Huber and Mueller come up empty-handed on the Clintons it will be one of the epic marvels of official bad faith in US history.

There is a core truth to the 2016 Russia collusion story, and the Clintons are at the heart of it. Failure to even look will have very dark consequences for the public interest.

XWeatherman , 40 seconds ago link

It ought to be obvious to just about everyone who is paying attention and not a Corporate-Whore Democrat that the "The Russians Did It" delusion and the accompanying Mueller "investigation" is only a distraction to draw attention away from the obvious and numerous crimeS of H. Clinton, including running an electronic drop-box for U.S. state secrets using a server in her basement, charity fraud, pay-to-play bribe-taking, the uranium to Russia case, etc. And, that's not counting the inexcusable Unprovoked War of Aggression WAR CRIME against Libya. (Of course, she had an excuse: "Destroy a country in order to save a few "protesters".

Mueller is the Deep State (Corporations [especially Military Industrial Complex Death-Merchants, who direct the politicians and foreign policy actions (continual War-For-Humongous-Profits that has taken and takes multiple trillions of dollars away from potential domestic programs & Wall Street bankster-fraudsters who bankrupted the country with the lead-up to and aftermath of the 2008-2009 financial fiasco and who sent U.S. industrial production jobs to other countries] and Oligarchs who reap the profits of such crimes and their results) operative who apparently was brought in the head the FBI to fail to prevent and to coverup the real actors and actions that occurred in association with the downing of buildings at the New York City World Trade center on 9/11.

Hapa , 5 minutes ago link

Sorry, nobodies going to jail and all will be swept under the rug. We will have war to cover their tracks along with all the other frauds. The political buddy buddy system at the upper levels is set up to protect the guilty, and nobody has to pay the price lest the whole thing crumble. It's built that way.

Our only way out is a crash and a reset, with no guarantee what happens on the other side.

I used to be optimistic, but the level of lies, double speak and university factories pumping out marxist leftists portends a bleak future. How anyone thinks we can reason our way out of this situation is fooling themselves about human nature.

SantaClaws , 6 minutes ago link

Nice to see Kunstler focusing on some serious issues like the Uranium One scandal for a change. He seems to be on the concluding end of a cold-turkey or other rehab from some long-term unholy influence. As a result, he has been producing increasingly readable articles for the past several months. Congratulations are due him but with the warning that recovery is always one day at a time.

VWAndy , 7 minutes ago link

Did the Clintons go on a world tour like some kinda rockstars selling us all out?

An nobody said ****!

He–Mene Mox Mox , 14 minutes ago link

" Remember, there are two main ways you can go broke: You can run out of money; or you can have plenty of worthless money". Both pretty much sums up America's predicament. Americans are deep in debt, and their money is worthless.

MarsInScorpio , 1 minute ago link

OK.let's try this for speculative prediction:

Mueller isn't going to touch the Clintons - they have way too much criminal dirt on him. And Huber is an unknown lightweight with no Malicious Seditious Media support.

Sooooo . . . there is only one thing to do once the new Congress takes its oath: Trump gets DOJ Acting AG to appoint the long-awaited Special Prosecutor.

There are more than enough recognized felonies to go after - unlike the Mueller fishing expedition. That will put the Democrat investigation on ice - mainly because lots of Demo chairs and members will be part of the investigation.

"Yes Virginia, Hillary is going to prison . . .:"

navy62802 , 34 minutes ago link

Any serious investigation of the Clinton Foundation would reveal that "Russian Collusion" has everything to do with distraction from the crimes of the Clinton family. The fact that Bill and Hillary have escaped accountability for their heinous crimes is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in US history. It is truly quite frightening.

The Merovingian , 34 minutes ago link

There is a reason why the DOJ, Congress (both parties), MSM, the MIC, the Deep State don't want ANYONE to look into corruption ... because they are ALL ******* guilty as sin and buried neck deep in ****. Its long past time for the whole ******* thing to come down. We're all fucked.

Jim in MN , 13 minutes ago link

Weiner laptop For The Win. Give us that hard drive, Mr. President! We'll have it all analyzed in one weekend.

Meanwhile, Seth Rich awaits Mueller's OH SO DILIGENT investigation.

Can you believe that the 'core' of Mueller's 'case' ends up being about WIKILEAKS?

What the serious ****.

If he's done zero serious looks at Seth Rich all Mueller's work will just be thrown out of court anyway.

Ham sandwich my fat turkey-enriched ***.

For decades, it has been rumored that the Clintons have FBI files on most members of Congress and use these files for blackmail purposes. Given the events of the past few years, I actually believe this rumor to be grounded in truth.

chippers , 40 minutes ago link

This guy is dreaming if he thinks anything is going to happen to the clintons, the MSM/DOJ is protected those 2 scumbags with the line that if they are investigated trump is going after his political opponents, just like a banana republic. But truthfully nothing reaks more of banana repubicism more then letting the high and mighty of on crimes.

chunga , 12 minutes ago link

I'd like to give a shout out to the "opposition" red team that has sat by and done nothing for more than 30 years.

And for you dopes in Rio Linda, that doesn't mean I'd rather have Honest Hill'rey, for crying out loud.

Bricker , 41 minutes ago link

Theres only one truth...Hillary and Co (CIA) colluded to bring down Trump and Trump kicked the **** out of her.

If we had a true republic, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Lerner would all be under indictment. I mean the ******* list is long

pissonmefico , 19 minutes ago link

If they weren't all on the same side, that of the international bankster cabal, Trump would order his justice department to prosecute those people you mentioned.

The purpose of the Russia investigation is to fool you into thinking there are two sides, and to demonized Russia to create public opinion in favor of attacking Russia because it is not on board with the jwo totalitarian world government. WTFU.

navy62802 , 28 minutes ago link

For decades, it has been rumored that the Clintons have FBI files on most members of Congress and use these files for blackmail purposes. Given the events of the past few years, I actually believe this rumor to be grounded in truth.

Teamtc321 , 24 minutes ago link

Mueller long ago gave up the fruitless hunt for Russian collusion involving President Trump and is now desperately seeking overdue library books or unpaid parking tickets on anyone remotely connected to President Trump to justify his mooching taxpayer dollars.

[Nov 14, 2018] Clapper and Brennan are felons Probably yes.

Notable quotes:
"... Brennan was the leading force behind the prosecutions of eight national security whistleblowers during the Obama administration, almost three times the number of whistleblowers charged under the Espionage Act by all previous presidents combined. ..."
"... I worked for Clapper once and detest the man. I consider him to be an unprincipled careerist devoid of loyalty to anything or anyone but himself. He was IMO by far the worst Director the Defense Intelligence Agency has ever had and a man who did great damage to that agency in the process of seeking favor from his superiors. He is also a confessed perjurer. ..."
"... I first knew John Brennan when he was a junior analyst attached to the CIA station in Saudi Arabia and I was the Defense Attaché in the same embassy. I had a great deal of opportunity to observe him on the job and found him to be lacking in integrity, courtesy and intellect. ..."
"... He is well made up and looks to me to be hanging on through will power. ..."
"... Sir, I have to agree, Trump is beginning to fray on the edges and I think it will get worse. The 24/7 media attacks and resistance movement in general is having the desired impact. Trump is probably already distracted and angered by the impending impeachment process, criminal investigations and lawsuits that are coming beginning in January. Trump will not get a second term even if he wants it at this point. ..."
"... Whether it's Clapper, Clinton, Trump, Brennan, Obama, the neocon cabal in Bush II admin, or pick any scion from Wall Street's rogues gallery of bad actors from the last twenty years. Individuals charged with authority, those holding immense wealth, or in many instances both, have broken public trust. Repeatedly. And often egregiously. And they seem to be increasingly in your face about it. ..."
"... Col.- I agree. Especially with respect to the beating he is taking from all sides. He wrecked both the Bush and Clinton dynasties -- quite the vindictive bunch. And then had the unmitigated gall to take on the DC beast with no real allies and through only sheer tyranny of will. I'm amazed he's lasted this long without totally capitulating. ..."
"... My guess would be that he was a CIA informer/asset on the CPUSA, but apparently wasnt very good at it. Why this resulted in him being effectively promoted to agent, well, no idea. ..."
"... The somewhat paranoid explanation is that the KGB had a cunning plan of hindering US IC by trying to make them recruit morons. Imagine not-Stirlitz, who is CIA/DIA HR but actually KGB, carefully perusing different candidates and trying to figure out who would likely do the most damage if ever employed by the respective agency. ..."
"... He is and has always been a leftist who penalized straight, white men for being such when he was director of DIA without regard to talent or experience issuing a directive to HR that no such could be hired or promoted without his permission in each case. Brennan was a communist sympathizer but Clapper was a proponent of identity politics before it was fashionable. ..."
"... I hope their new best friends in the Democratic "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Party are happy with them. Why do they (if I remember correctly) still have their security clearances? ..."
Nov 14, 2018 |

12 November 2018 Clapper and Brennan are felons? Probably yes. "The CIA is required by law to inform congressional oversight committees whenever one of its officers, agents, or administrators breaks the law, when an operation requires congressional approval because it is a "covert action" program, or whenever something happens at the CIA that's potentially controversial and the agency wants to save itself the embarrassment of explaining itself to Congress later.

" I could see no reason to withhold declassification of these documents." Grassley said. "They contained no information that could be construed as [betraying] sources and methods."

Brennan was the leading force behind the prosecutions of eight national security whistleblowers during the Obama administration, almost three times the number of whistleblowers charged under the Espionage Act by all previous presidents combined.

Indeed, I was one of the "Obama Eight." I was charged with five felonies, including three counts of espionage, after I blew the whistle on the CIA's torture program. Of course, I hadn't committed espionage and those charges were eventually dropped, but not until I had agreed to take a plea to a lesser charge. I served 23 months in a federal prison.

Brennan and Clapper think the law doesn't apply to them. But it does. Without the rule of law, we have chaos. The law has to apply equally to all Americans. Brennan and Clapper need to learn that lesson the hard way. They broke the law. They ought to be prosecuted for it." Kiriakou in Consortium News


I worked for Clapper once and detest the man. I consider him to be an unprincipled careerist devoid of loyalty to anything or anyone but himself. He was IMO by far the worst Director the Defense Intelligence Agency has ever had and a man who did great damage to that agency in the process of seeking favor from his superiors. He is also a confessed perjurer.

I first knew John Brennan when he was a junior analyst attached to the CIA station in Saudi Arabia and I was the Defense Attaché in the same embassy. I had a great deal of opportunity to observe him on the job and found him to be lacking in integrity, courtesy and intellect. It should be remembered that he was a supporter of the Communist Party of the United States before the CIA for some obscure reason hired him. pl

Farmer Don , a day ago

It's amazing to some one outside the country, to see how the Liberal people in the US, now love Clapper and Brennan, who they would normally hate, just because they hate Trump so much more. John Kiriakou's book "Doing time like a spy" is an eye opening read for someone who has no idea about the power plays in Washington. I'm glad he has bounced back from the pounding they gave him. I may be wrong, but I think Meuller was the head person pushing the false charges. Kiriakou wrote a piece were he advises Trump not to testify for Meuller, as it will be all twisted against him.
The Porkchop Express -> Farmer Don , 20 hours ago

Maureen Dowd had the following column in the NYT on Sunday. Thought it apropos of your comments:

"Only Trump could get the pussy-hat crowd to fill Times Square to protest Jeff Sessions's firing."

At some point, the politically powerful and financially wealthy are going to have to be treated -- and be seen to be treated -- equally to their fellow citizens. If this bullshit continues without some publicly corrective measure(s) the wheels are going to start falling off the wagon.

Pat Lang Mod -> The Porkchop Express , 16 hours ago
I have the impression that Trump is entering a melt-down stage, not from the Mueller nonsense but rather just from the unending pressure against him from the left and from within the GOP. I would not be surprised to see some sort of collapse either physically or in policy. Watch the border.
Farmer Don -> Pat Lang , 14 hours ago
I don't know, Trump may be the only person who looks younger after eight years in office! Doesn't he look in better shape then two years ago? I think the White house cooks are limiting his intake of KFC and cheese burgers to good effect.
Pat Lang Mod -> Farmer Don , 13 hours ago
I do not agree. He is well made up and looks to me to be hanging on through will power.
Eric Newhill -> Pat Lang , 11 hours ago
Sir, I have to agree, Trump is beginning to fray on the edges and I think it will get worse. The 24/7 media attacks and resistance movement in general is having the desired impact. Trump is probably already distracted and angered by the impending impeachment process, criminal investigations and lawsuits that are coming beginning in January. Trump will not get a second term even if he wants it at this point.

Basically, the country is done for. In 20 years it will be as fully socialist as the worse of Europe (Sweden?). The 1 and 2 amendments will be gutted. The others? Well, it depends on your skin color, gender and your political leanings. Not good for whites, males and conservatives. The successful will be taxed into oblivion and there will be open borders, globalism, etc. That is what the people have been trained by the education system and Hollywood propaganda to want. Trump was a last gasp of the original American ideals and he knows it. It was all for naught.

English Outsider -> Eric Newhill , 6 hours ago
A long way from 2016, Mr Newhill, both sides of the Atlantic. Still all to play for though.
PRC90 -> The Porkchop Express , 14 hours ago
If the Dem controlled HR play only to the adulation of the pink pussy-hat crowd, and if they regard themselves as far above the Deplorables then the wheels may also drop off. Their exuberance portends some unsafe use of their new found legislative power.
The Porkchop Express -> PRC90 , 7 hours ago

I was speaking in a much broader sense about political culpability re: wheels falling off the wagon. I think one of the attitudes that both the pussy-hatters and the deplorables share (though I'm sure they would loathe to admit it) and that is relevant to our current "climate" of hostility revolves around their respective sense on a core issue of fairness. Not that I'm saying life is or should be fair. But, come on. A ruling class can only piss all over a polity, or publicly appear to be doing so, for only so long while telling them it's raining before it boomerangs.

Whether it's Clapper, Clinton, Trump, Brennan, Obama, the neocon cabal in Bush II admin, or pick any scion from Wall Street's rogues gallery of bad actors from the last twenty years. Individuals charged with authority, those holding immense wealth, or in many instances both, have broken public trust. Repeatedly. And often egregiously. And they seem to be increasingly in your face about it.

As Mark Blyth, an economist at Brown, has noted on several occasions: "The Hamptons are not a defensible position."

Col.- I agree. Especially with respect to the beating he is taking from all sides. He wrecked both the Bush and Clinton dynasties -- quite the vindictive bunch. And then had the unmitigated gall to take on the DC beast with no real allies and through only sheer tyranny of will. I'm amazed he's lasted this long without totally capitulating.

Pat Lang Mod -> The Porkchop Express , 7 hours ago
I don't think he will surrender, but he may break.
Snow Flake , 16 hours ago
It should be remembered that he was a supporter of the Communist Party of the United States before the CIA for some obscure reason hired him. pl

doesn't show on Wikipedia on first sight. I don't have much knowledge about the communist party in the US. I recall that Bertold Brecht was on McCarty's list as suspect. That's my field, the arts.

PRC90 -> Snow Flake , 15 hours ago
According to his vote for a Communist candidate was his protest against 'the system', ie., it was his means of expressing disquiet with either Nixon or Ford. Perhaps there is a long story in there somewhere.
Pat Lang Mod -> PRC90 , 13 hours ago
Whatever his motivation the vote should have been a permanent bar to employment in the IC
Pat Lang Mod -> Snow Flake , 16 hours ago
It has been widely reported in the media here and he has not denied it. The CPUSA was an instrument of the USSR.
Lefty -> Pat Lang , 15 hours ago
Brennan fits Stalin's description of CPUSA members as "useful idiots".
Snow Flake -> Pat Lang , 15 hours ago
thanks Pat. I trust your takes on people, and I am surely no fan of either, but this puzzled me. So he voted for the communist party in the US, without any awareness it was a lost vote? With 21?

Ok, for some reason I trust Zerohedge in limited ways as a source on the right that may do its homework or Tyler, Durden, was it?

In this context it may make sense, but what is the meta-message concerning the meeting between Putin and Trump? Ok, maybe I should NOT have listed Putin first.

So what are the facts? Well John Brennan was accepted into the CIA in 1980 even though he admitted voting Communist in 1976. This is something inexplicable and astounding for any thinking person to understand of itself.

Brennan, who by then had been appointed President Obama's CIA chief, first publicly revealed this at the Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus, on 15 September 2016, in Washington DC. There, he said that when he had applied in 1980 to join the CIA, he admitted to them that in the 1976 Presidential election, at the height of the Cold War against the "Godless" Soviet Union, when a strong Christian presidential candidate, Jimmy Carter was running against Gerald Ford, Brennan had voted instead for the candidate of the US Communist Party, Gus Hall, and that he was then greatly relieved to find that this information didn't cause rejection of his CIA application. One must ask why, as it happened 11 years before the "end of the Cold War" in 1991.

widely reported in media, beyond first Google sight by Rush Limbaugh?

Mightypeon -> Snow Flake , 6 hours ago
My guess would be that he was a CIA informer/asset on the CPUSA, but apparently wasnt very good at it. Why this resulted in him being effectively promoted to agent, well, no idea.

My understanding is that promoting assets to actual agents is not a very common thing, but could perhaps be done with people of very marginal asset value.

The somewhat paranoid explanation is that the KGB had a cunning plan of hindering US IC by trying to make them recruit morons. Imagine not-Stirlitz, who is CIA/DIA HR but actually KGB, carefully perusing different candidates and trying to figure out who would likely do the most damage if ever employed by the respective agency.

The bog standard explanation is that he knew someone who knew someone, and this was sufficient.

The last possible explanation was that someone in the hiring process thought it was a good joke. Spies have quirky senses of humor.

blue peacock , a day ago
Can't imagine the meltdown in the media and the Democrats if any of these Deep State characters get indicted? So, the big question is will Trump go for broke?
Keith Harbaugh , 7 hours ago
Apropos of your comments and opinions about Clapper: I have suggested before (without evident result) and now suggest again that you review, in SST, Clapper's 2018 memoir "Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence" .

I did read it, but do not have the expertise to review most of it. However, I will mention, from memory, several things in it that impressed me:

1. Regarding the firing of Michael Flynn as DIA Director, Clapper said that, in his view, the justification for the firing was primarily that Flynn had not handled the civilian DIA workforce properly. Essentially, that he did not coddle them as they wanted/needed to be coddled. He thought he could/should give them orders on how he wanted things to be done, and it was their duty to obey. And if they did not, that that was their fault, not his.

2. He definitely saluted the flag of political correctness.

a) He praised practically to the skies the abilities of the women who supported him. He finished his remarks about them by saying something like:"I hope when they (the women) take over the world that they will remember me kindly."

b) As to homosexuals and the gender insane (that's my, non-professional, term for what many call "transgenders"), he could see no reason whatsoever for discrimination against them. With regard to the gender insane, the job of the government was to protect them against prejudice and hostility.

c) He emphasized his opposition to any discrimination against African-Americans.

I could give my own view on these social/political issues, but that would be a distraction. Let the focus be on his views.

With regard to Clapper's less than accurate response to Senator Wyden, Clapper goes into great detail to give the background to that, and discuss it.
I, although no expert on how IC leaders should answer questions from Congressmen, find his explanation of his action to be satisfying.
Was there a better answer? I do not know. But without further argument, I do not see his answer as a crime.

Anyhow, Colonel, I am sure you are eminently qualified to review his book, from the points of view of intelligence, foreign policy, and IC management, and from your comments above would seem to have the motivation. I hope you do so.

Pat Lang Mod -> Keith Harbaugh , 7 hours ago
I will NEVER read or comment on his wretched book. He is and has always been a leftist who penalized straight, white men for being such when he was director of DIA without regard to talent or experience issuing a directive to HR that no such could be hired or promoted without his permission in each case. Brennan was a communist sympathizer but Clapper was a proponent of identity politics before it was fashionable. BTW, I am supposed to obey you?
Keith Harbaugh -> Pat Lang , 6 hours ago
"BTW, I am supposed to obey you?" Of course not. But if I refrained from mentioning that this was the second time I had suggested it, I would open myself up to criticism for not mentioning the earlier time. Either approach can be criticized.

I certainly respect your choice to not review the book, but I hope you will not feel me too much of a pain if I state that I hope, sometime in the future, you change your mind. Few, if any, people, have the insights into Clapper that you do.

Pat Lang Mod -> Keith Harbaugh , 5 hours ago
F--k Clapper.
Harlan Easley , a day ago
Another election stolen by the Democrats. A House of Representative seat in New Mexico. CNN, Fox, MSNBC declared the Republican the winner the night of the election. This is before 8,000 ballots out of 203,000 citizens showed up. Of course the Democrat Secretary of State informed the Republican candidate she lost after counting these 8,000 votes.


It's over as far as I'm concerned. The Democrat Party has decided to steal elections as they please. No objection from the Democrat Press. I loathe the Paul Ryan agenda but I hate the Democrat Party more for what they have done to this country. There will never be another election where either side will believe fair. Due to made up conspiracies such as Russian collusion and heaven forbid have to show your id to vote.

Hillary runs in 2020 and this is the nail in the coffin of this Republic. Florida is just a test run for her to steal that state.

blue peacock -> Harlan Easley , a day ago
Hillary has to first steal the primary. That may be easier said then done.
Bill H -> blue peacock , a day ago
She did it in 2016, and there was no negative outcome even when the theft was revealed and acknowledged. Why would it not be just as easy to do it again in 2020, given that the theft has the blessing of the Democratic Party?
PeterVE , a day ago
I hope their new best friends in the Democratic "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Party are happy with them. Why do they (if I remember correctly) still have their security clearances?
Pat Lang Mod -> PeterVE , a day ago
Most people retain security clearance after they leave government, so that the can do contract work for the government.
Mightypeon -> Pat Lang , 6 hours ago
My understanding is that leaving government in other countries may well result in a degradation (but iirc not a total revocation) of any held security clearance.

My impression, which is a guess and by no means authoritative or anything, is that the US tends to classify too much information (much of it would not or only barely merit being classified), and is then by necessity too lax in handing out clearances (as many clearance owning individuals are needed to handle all the classified data). This results in situations like Manning and Snowden, who iirc had some type of clearance and worked this to gain information considerably above their actual legitimate clearance. Such as "escalation" of clearance privileges will likely be far easier to achieve (and quite a bit harder to detect) then stealing secrets without any clearance at all.

Classification is a bit like defending, if one attempts to defend everything, by classifying everything, one may well end up defending nothing at all.

Pat Lang Mod -> Mightypeon , 6 hours ago
Ho Hum. Who cares what they do in other countries?

[Nov 12, 2018] Obama s CIA Secretly Intercepted Congressional Communications About Whistleblowers

Highly recommended!
So the USA Congress operates under CIA surveillance... Due to CIA access to Saudi money the situation is probably much worse then described as CIA tried to protect both its level of influence and shadow revenue streams.
Notable quotes:
"... The idea that the CIA would monitor communications of U.S. government officials, including those in the legislative branch, is itself controversial. But in this case, the CIA picked up some of the most sensitive emails between Congress and intelligence agency workers blowing the whistle on alleged wrongdoing. ..."
"... I am not confident that Congressional staff fully understood that their whistleblower-related communications with my Executive Director of whistleblowing might be reviewed as a result of routine [CIA counterintelligence] monitoring." -- Intelligence Community Inspector General 2014 ..."
"... The disclosures from 2014 were released late Thursday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). "The fact that the CIA under the Obama administration was reading Congressional staff's emails about intelligence community whistleblowers raises serious policy concerns as well as potential Constitutional separation-of-powers issues that must be discussed publicly," wrote Grassley in a statement. ..."
"... According to Grassley, he originally began trying to have the letters declassified more than four years ago but was met with "bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Brennan and Clapper." ..."
"... Back in 2014, Senators Grassley and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) had asked then-Director of National Intelligence Clapper about the possibility of the CIA monitoring Congressional communications ..."
"... CIA security compiled a report that include excerpts of whistleblower-related communications and this reports was eventually shared with the Director of the Office of Security and the Chief of the Counterintelligence Center" who "briefed the CIA Deputy Director, Deputy Executive Director, and the Chiefs of Staff for both the CIA Director and the Deputy Director ..."
"... During Director Clapper's tenure, senior intelligence officials engaged in a deception spree regarding mass surveillance," said Wyden upon Clapper's retirement in 2016. ..."
Nov 02, 2018 |

Authored by Sharyl Attkisson,

Newly-declassified documents show the CIA intercepted sensitive Congressional communications about intelligence community whistleblowers.

The intercepts occurred under CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The new disclosures are contained in two letters of "Congressional notification" originally written to key members of Congress in March 2014, but kept secret until now.

In the letters, then-Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough tells four key members of Congress that during "routing counterintelligence monitoring of Government computer systems," the CIA collected emails between Congressional staff and the CIA's head of whistleblowing and source protection. McCullough states that he's concerned "about the potential compromise to whistleblower confidentiality and the consequent 'chilling effect' that the present [counterintelligence] monitoring system might have on Intelligence Community whistleblowing."

The idea that the CIA would monitor communications of U.S. government officials, including those in the legislative branch, is itself controversial. But in this case, the CIA picked up some of the most sensitive emails between Congress and intelligence agency workers blowing the whistle on alleged wrongdoing.

"Most of these emails concerned pending and developing whistleblower complaints," McCullough states in his letters to lead Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees at the time: Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia); and Representatives Michael Rogers (R-Michigan) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland). McCullough adds that the type of monitoring that occurred was "lawful and justified for [counterintelligence] purposes" but

"I am not confident that Congressional staff fully understood that their whistleblower-related communications with my Executive Director of whistleblowing might be reviewed as a result of routine [CIA counterintelligence] monitoring." -- Intelligence Community Inspector General 2014

The disclosures from 2014 were released late Thursday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). "The fact that the CIA under the Obama administration was reading Congressional staff's emails about intelligence community whistleblowers raises serious policy concerns as well as potential Constitutional separation-of-powers issues that must be discussed publicly," wrote Grassley in a statement.

According to Grassley, he originally began trying to have the letters declassified more than four years ago but was met with "bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Brennan and Clapper."

Grassley adds that he repeated his request to declassify the letters under the Trump administration, but that Trump intelligence officials failed to respond. The documents were finally declassified this week after Grassley appealed to the new Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.

History of alleged surveillance abuses

Back in 2014, Senators Grassley and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) had asked then-Director of National Intelligence Clapper about the possibility of the CIA monitoring Congressional communications. A Congressional staffer involved at the time says Clapper's response seemed to imply that if Congressional communications were "incidentally" collected by the CIA, the material would not be saved or reported up to CIA management.

"In the event of a protected disclosure by a whistleblower somehow comes to the attention of personnel responsible for monitoring user activity," Clapper wrote to Grassley and Wyden on July 25, 2014, "there is no intention for such disclosure to be reported to agency leadership under an insider threat program."

However, the newly-declassified letters indicate the opposite happened in reality with the whistleblower-related emails:

"CIA security compiled a report that include excerpts of whistleblower-related communications and this reports was eventually shared with the Director of the Office of Security and the Chief of the Counterintelligence Center" who "briefed the CIA Deputy Director, Deputy Executive Director, and the Chiefs of Staff for both the CIA Director and the Deputy Director."

Clapper has previously come under fire for his 2013 testimony to Congress in which he denied that the national Security Agency (NSA) collects data on millions of Americans. Weeks later, Clapper's statement was proven false by material leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

"During Director Clapper's tenure, senior intelligence officials engaged in a deception spree regarding mass surveillance," said Wyden upon Clapper's retirement in 2016.

"Top officials, officials who reported to Director Clapper, repeatedly misled the American people and even lied to them."

Clapper has repeatedly denied lying, and said that any incorrect information he provided was due to misunderstandings or mistakes.

Clapper and Brennan have also acknowledged taking part in the controversial practice of "unmasking" the protected names of U.S. citizens - including people connected to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump - whose communications were "incidentally" captured in US counterintelligence operations. Unmaskings within the US intelligence community are supposed to be extremely rare and only allowed under carefully justified circumstances. This is to protect the privacy rights of American citizens. But it's been revealed that Obama officials requested unmaskings on a near daily basis during the election year of 2016.

Clapper and Brennan have said their activities were lawful and not politically motivated. Both men have become vocal critics of President Trump.

* * *

Order the New York Times bestseller "The Smear" today online or borrow from your library

Keter , 5 hours ago link

"ah, ah, ah, em, not intentionally." Clapper - ROFL

numapepi , 9 hours ago link

Can you imagine what kind of place the US would have been under Clinton?!!!!!!

All the illegality, spying, conniving, dirty tricks, arcancides, selling us out to the highest bidder and full on attack against our Constitution would be in full swing!

Chaotix , 9 hours ago link

When intel entities can operate unimpeded and un-monitored, it spells disaster for everyone and everything outside that parameter. Their operations go unnoticed until some stray piece of information exposes them. There are many facilities that need to be purged and audited, but since this activity goes on all over the world, there is little to stop it. Even countries that pledge allegiance and cooperation are blindsiding their allies with bugs, taps, blackmails, and other crimes. Nobody trusts nobody, and that's a horrid fact to contend with in an 'advanced' civilization.

numapepi , 9 hours ago link

Almost sounds like the Praetorian guard?

The real power behind the throne.

Rhys12 , 10 hours ago link

Forget the political parties. When the intelligence agencies spy on everyone, they know all about politicians of both parties before they ever win office, and make sure they have enough over them to control them. They were asleep at the switch when Trump won, because no one, including them, believed he would ever win. Hillary was their candidate, the State Department is known overseas as "the political arm of the CIA". They were furious when she lost, hence the circus ever since.

iAmerican10 , 11 hours ago link

From its founding by the Knights of Malta the JFK&MLK-assassinating, with Mossad 9/11-committing CIA has been the Vatican's US Fifth Column action branch, as are the FBI and NSA: with an institutional hiring preference for Roman Catholic "altared boy" closet-queen psychopaths "because they're practiced at keeping secrets."

Think perverts Strzok, Brennan, and McCabe "licked it off the wall?"

Smi1ey , 11 hours ago link

We need to bring back FOIA.

Too much secrecy.

And how is that Pentagon audit doing, btw?

Chaotix , 9 hours ago link

I agree with you 100%. Problem is, tons of secret technology and information have been passed out to the private sector. And the private sector is not bound to the FOIA requests, therefore neutralizing the obligation for government to disclose classified material. They sidestepped their own policies to cooperate with corrupt MIC contractors, and recuse themselves from disclosing incriminating evidence.

archie bird , 12 hours ago link

Everyone knows that spying runs in the fam. 44th potus Mom and Gma BOTH. An apple doesn't fall from the tree. If ppl only knew the true depth of the evil and corruption we would be in the hospital with a heart attack. Gilded age is here and has been, since our democracy was hijacked (McCain called it an intervention) back in 1963. Unfortunately it started WAY back before then when (((they))) stole everything with the installation of the Fed.

Dornier27 , 15 hours ago link

The FBI and CIA have long since slipped the controls of Congress and the Constitution. President Trump should sign an executive order after the mid terms and stand down at least the FBI and subject the CIA to a senate investigation.

America needs new agencies that are accountable to the peoples elected representatives.

greasyknees , 16 hours ago link

Not news. The CIA likely has had access to any and all electronic communication for at least a decade.

Lord JT , 19 hours ago link

what? clapper and brennan being dirty hacks behind the scenes while parading around as patriots? say it aint so!

Racin Rabitt , 20 hours ago link

A determined care has been used to cultivate in D.C., a system that swiftly decapitates the whistleblowers. Resulting in an increasingly subservient cadre of civil servants who STHU and play ostrich, or drool at what scraps are about to roll off the master's table as the slide themselves into a better position, taking advantage to sell vice, weapons, and slaves.

Westcoastliberal , 21 hours ago link

What the hell does the CIA have to do with ANYTHING in the United States? Aren't they limited to OUTSIDE the U.S.? So why would they be involved in domestic communications for anything? These clowns need to be indicted for TREASON!

5onIt , 22 hours ago link

Clapper and Brennan, Brennan and Clapper. These two guys are the damn devil.

It makes me ill.

MuffDiver69 , 22 hours ago link

I'll take " Police State" for five hundred Alex

[Nov 10, 2018] Burying The Other Russia Story: WSJ Editors Expose The House Democrats' Real Plan

Notable quotes:
"... Adam Schiff will shut down the probe that found FBI abuses. ..."
"... Credit for knowing anything at all goes to Intel Chairman Devin Nunes and more recently a joint investigation by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (Judiciary) and Trey Gowdy (Oversight). Over 18 months of reviewing tens of thousands of documents and interviewing every relevant witness, no Senate or House Committee has unearthed evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the presidential election. If Special Counsel Robert Mueller has found more, he hasn't made it public. ..."
"... But House investigators have uncovered details of a Democratic scheme to prod the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign. We now know that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired Fusion GPS, which hired an intelligence-gun-for-hire, Christopher Steele, to write a "dossier" on Donald Trump's supposed links to Russia. ..."
"... Mr. Steele fed that document to the FBI, even as he secretly alerted the media to the FBI probe that Team Clinton had helped to initiate. Fusion, the oppo-research firm, was also supplying its dossier info to senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion. ..."
"... This abuse of the FBI's surveillance powers took place as part of a counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign -- which the FBI also hid from Congress. Such an investigation is unprecedented in post-J. Edgar Hoover American politics, and it included running informants into the Trump campaign, obtaining surveillance warrants, and using national security letters, which are secret subpoenas to obtain phone records and documents. ..."
Nov 10, 2018 |

Via The Wall Street Journal

Adam Schiff will shut down the probe that found FBI abuses.

Arguably the most important power at stake in Tuesday's election was Congressional oversight, and the most important change may be Adam Schiff at the House Intelligence Committee. The Democrat says his top priority is re-opening the Trump-Russia collusion probe, but more important may be his intention to stop investigating how the FBI and Justice Department abused their power in 2016. So let's walk through what we've learned to date.

Credit for knowing anything at all goes to Intel Chairman Devin Nunes and more recently a joint investigation by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (Judiciary) and Trey Gowdy (Oversight). Over 18 months of reviewing tens of thousands of documents and interviewing every relevant witness, no Senate or House Committee has unearthed evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the presidential election. If Special Counsel Robert Mueller has found more, he hasn't made it public.

But House investigators have uncovered details of a Democratic scheme to prod the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign. We now know that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired Fusion GPS, which hired an intelligence-gun-for-hire, Christopher Steele, to write a "dossier" on Donald Trump's supposed links to Russia.

Mr. Steele fed that document to the FBI, even as he secretly alerted the media to the FBI probe that Team Clinton had helped to initiate. Fusion, the oppo-research firm, was also supplying its dossier info to senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion.

House investigators have also documented the FBI's lack of judgment in using the dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against former Trump aide Carter Page. The four FISA warrants against Mr. Page show that the FBI relied almost exclusively on the unproven Clinton-financed accusations, as well as a news story that was also ginned up by Mr. Steele.

The FBI told the FISA court that Mr. Steele was "credible," despite Mr. Steele having admitted to Mr. Ohr that he passionately opposed a Trump Presidency. The FBI also failed to tell the FISA court about the Clinton campaign's tie to the dossier.

This abuse of the FBI's surveillance powers took place as part of a counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign -- which the FBI also hid from Congress. Such an investigation is unprecedented in post-J. Edgar Hoover American politics, and it included running informants into the Trump campaign, obtaining surveillance warrants, and using national security letters, which are secret subpoenas to obtain phone records and documents.

Mr. Nunes and his colleagues also found that officials in Barack Obama's White House "unmasked" Trump campaign officials to learn about their conversations with foreigners; that FBI officials exhibited anti-Trump bias in text messages; and that the FBI team that interviewed then Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn reported that they did not think Mr. Flynn had lied about his Russian contacts. Mr. Mueller still squeezed Mr. Flynn to cop a guilty plea.

All of this information had to be gathered despite relentless opposition from Democrats and their media contacts. Liberal groups ginned up a phony ethics complaint against Mr. Nunes, derailing his committee leadership for months. Much of the media became Mr. Schiff's scribes rather than independent reporters. Meanwhile, the FBI and Justice continue to stonewall Congress, defying subpoenas and hiding names and information behind heavy redactions.

There is still much more the public deserves to know. This includes how and when the FBI's Trump investigation began, the extent of FBI surveillance, and the role of Obama officials and foreigners such as Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese academic who in spring 2016 supposedly told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that Russia held damaging Clinton emails. When he takes over the committee, Mr. Schiff will stop asking these questions and bless the FBI-Justice refusal to cooperate.

Senate Republicans could continue to dig next year, but Mr. Mueller seems uninterested. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March asked Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber to look into FBI misconduct, but there has been little public reporting of what he is finding, if he is even still looking. Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz is investigating, though that report is likely to take many more months.

* * *

All of which puts an additional onus on Mr. Trump to declassify key FBI and Justice documents sought by Mr. Nunes and other House investigators before Mr. Schiff buries the truth. A few weeks ago Mr. Trump decided to release important documents, only to renege under pressure from Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and members of the intelligence community.

Mr. Sessions resigned this week and perhaps Mr. Rosenstein will as well. Meantime, Mr. Trump should revisit his decision and help Mr. Nunes and House Republicans finish the job in the lame duck session of revealing the truth about the misuse of U.S. intelligence and the FISA court in a presidential election.

[Nov 05, 2018] Papadopoulos Details Alleged Entrapment Scheme By Undercover Deep State Agents

Notable quotes:
"... "I am more than happy to deliver the $10,000 in cash I received, as part of what I believe was a sting operation to frame me in summer 2017, to your committee to examine for marked bills. This is in the interest of me being fully transparent," he wrote last week on Twitter to North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows and Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe. ..."
"... Afraid he might be killed if he didn't accept the money, Papadopoulos took the funds and later contacted Tawil - who allegedly told Papadopoulos he didn't want it back. From there, Papadopoulos gave the cash to his attorney in Greece. Upon his return to the United States several days later, Papadopoulos was arrested on July 28, 2017 at Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C., by agents who he believes were looking for the cash. ..."
"... And then when Papadopoulos landed back in America, he was arrested at Dulles International Airport on July 27th. Strangely, he wasn't shown the warrant for his arrest when arrested, and didn't know the reason why until the next day. The $10,000 that Tawil paid Papadopoulos in cash is interesting in this context, as it would be the exact amount of money one would be required to declare at customs. Papadopoulos didn't recall if he was arrested before or after he filled out a customs slip (but didn't have the money on him). - ..."
Nov 04, 2018 |

George Papadopoulos - a central figure and self-admitted dupe in the Obama administration's targeted spying on the Trump campaign, gave a wide-ranging interview to Dan Bongino on Friday, detailing what he claims to have been a setup by deep state operatives across the world in order to ultimately infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Reviewing events

In March 2016 , Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud told Papadopoulos - an energy consultant who had recently joined the Trump campaign - that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, a claim which Papadopoulos repeated in May 2016 to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar . Of note, former FBI Assistant Director of counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, reportedly traveled to London directly before Downer met with Papadopoulos, while a few months later former FBI agent Peter Strzok met with Downer in London directly before the DOJ officially launched their investigation into the Trump campaign.

The alleged admission about Clinton's emails officially sparked the Obama administration's counterintelligence operation on Trump on July 31, 2016 - dubbed Operation Crossfire Hurricane. In September 2016, the FBI would send spy Stefan Halper to further probe Papadopoulos on the Clinton email allegation, and - according to his interview with Dan Bongino, Papadoplous says Halper angrily accused him of working with Russia before storming out of a meeting.

Halper essentially began interrogating Papadopoulos, saying that it's "obviously in your interest to be working with the Russians" and to "hack emails." " You're complicit with Russia in this, isn't that right George " Halper told him. Halper also inquired about Hillary's hacked emails, insinuating that Papadopoulos possessed them. Papadopoulos denied knowing anything about this and asked to be left alone. -

There are two schools of thought on Papadopoulos and his relationship with Mifsud - the first link in the chain regarding the Clinton email rumor. Notably, Mifsud claimed last November to be a member of the Clinton Foundation, and has donated to the charity.

The first theory is that Mifsud and Papadopoulos are Russian agents, and that Papadopoulos was used to try and establish a backchannel to Putin. Papadopoulos admits he tried to set up a Trump-Putin meeting - which was flatly rejected by the Trump campaign. Papadopoulos, however, claims the Putin connection was a woman Mifsud introduced him to claiming to be Putin's niece, who was present at a March 24, 2016 meeting.

The second theory regarding Mifsud is that he was a deep state plant working with the FBI; convincing Papadopoulos that he could arrange a meeting with members of the Russian government and then seeding Papadopoulos with the Clinton email rumor. From there, as the theory goes, the "deep state" attempted to pump Papadopoulos for information and set up a case against him - beginning with Alexander Downer and the "drunken" confession in London.

Papadopoulos told Bongino that he wasn't drunk during his meeting with Downer, and that he was being recorded . Papadopoulos noted during the Bongino interview that transcripts of his meetings with Mifsud and Dower reportedly exist - which he says proves that he was set up. According to Papadopoulos, Mifsud's lawyer said that he's not a Russian asset and was instead working for Western intelligence.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying the FBI about his interactions with Mifsud, and was sentenced to 14 days in federal prison and a $9,500 fine.

$10,000 cash

Papadopoulos also told Bongino about $10,000 in cash that he was given in an Israel hotel room in July 2017 - which he claims was another attempt to set him up. He says that he believes the bills were marked, and is looking for a way to bring the cash into the United States for Congressional investigators to analyze. The cash is currently with his attorney in Greece.

"I'm actually trying to bring that money back somehow so that Congress can investigate it because I am 100 percent sure those are marked bills, and to see who was actually running this operation against me," Papadopoulos gold Bongino.

"I am more than happy to deliver the $10,000 in cash I received, as part of what I believe was a sting operation to frame me in summer 2017, to your committee to examine for marked bills. This is in the interest of me being fully transparent," he wrote last week on Twitter to North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows and Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe.

The two Republicans are members of a congressional task force investigating the FBI's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The task force interviewed Papadopoulos on Oct. 25.

Papadopoulos acknowledged in his interview with Bongino that his claims about his encounters with an Israeli-American businessman named Charles Tawil were "an incredible, insane story."

"But it's true," he asserted.

Papadopoulos told Bongino the he believes that Tawil "was working on behalf of Western intelligence to entrap me."

Papadopoulos does not have direct evidence that Tawil was working on behalf of a Western government when they met in March and July 2017. Instead, Papadopoulos is speculating based on what he says is the peculiar circumstances of his encounters with Tawil as well as his meetings with at least one known FBI informant. - Daily Caller

Afraid he might be killed if he didn't accept the money, Papadopoulos took the funds and later contacted Tawil - who allegedly told Papadopoulos he didn't want it back. From there, Papadopoulos gave the cash to his attorney in Greece. Upon his return to the United States several days later, Papadopoulos was arrested on July 28, 2017 at Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C., by agents who he believes were looking for the cash.

And then when Papadopoulos landed back in America, he was arrested at Dulles International Airport on July 27th. Strangely, he wasn't shown the warrant for his arrest when arrested, and didn't know the reason why until the next day. The $10,000 that Tawil paid Papadopoulos in cash is interesting in this context, as it would be the exact amount of money one would be required to declare at customs. Papadopoulos didn't recall if he was arrested before or after he filled out a customs slip (but didn't have the money on him). -

At minimum, one should set aside an hour for the Bongino-Papadopoulos interview if only to hear his version of events.

Perhaps the biggest mystery of all is how George was able to end up with such a hot Italian (not Russian) wife:

[Oct 27, 2018] Is Obama Staging a Color Revolution in the US by Martin Berger

Some people understood that this is a color revolution even in 2016
Notable quotes:
"... And even though the corporate elites have formally acknowledged Trump's victory, they are pressuring the current government to fight the next US President tooth and nail, until all resources are exhausted. ..."
"... Over the last eight years, the Obama administration has acquired a long list of tricks that were used against undesired governments in various parts of the world, while the most effective among them is the so-called "color revolutions," where essentially a coup d'etat is achieved by media manipulation and large mobs. US intelligence services are now prepared to unleash such a revolution on the home front, since they are fairly concerned about their future under Trump, as the Washington Post would report. ..."
"... It goes without saying that an attempt to launch a "color revolution" in the United States is being supported by a number of Europe states in addition to the US ..."
"... Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook." ..."
Nov 12, 2016 |

The recent victory of now President-elect Donald Trump has taken a lot of Americans by surprise. But it would be safe to say that the corporate ruling elites that went all in on Hillary Clinton were literally shocked by her defeat. Without her at the head of the state they fear they may not be able to carry on spreading the corruption, which is believed to be at the foundation of the Clinton clan, or carry on waging wars upon other states which includes arming terrorists responsible for killing thousands of civilians around the world.

And even though the corporate elites have formally acknowledged Trump's victory, they are pressuring the current government to fight the next US President tooth and nail, until all resources are exhausted.

Over the last eight years, the Obama administration has acquired a long list of tricks that were used against undesired governments in various parts of the world, while the most effective among them is the so-called "color revolutions," where essentially a coup d'etat is achieved by media manipulation and large mobs. US intelligence services are now prepared to unleash such a revolution on the home front, since they are fairly concerned about their future under Trump, as the Washington Post would report.

The fact that Obama still believes in Trump's inability to replace him in the White House has already been announced by the White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. At the same time, he would point out, while commenting on the anti-Trump protests in the US, that the right for freedom of expression must be exercised without violence, clearly alluding to the current administration's arsenal of "peaceful" tools that would allow it to get rid of Trump.

That is why we already are witnessing a wave of "protests" being unleashed under the control of the Obama administration. The corporate media and social networks are openly arrayed against the incoming 45th US President. These very tactics have been used by US intelligence agencies in Brazil, Nicaragua, Hong Kong, Thailand, as well as across the Middle East and Eastern Europe to unleash a "color revolution". In some countries, such actions have brought foreign government under the direct control of the White House, as we can see it in Ukraine, Brazil and several other countries.

As a result, we are now being told about thousands of protesters in US cities rallying against the Trump election victory. These claims were followed by a petition published on that demands the US authorities change the results of the recent election, demanding the electoral college be revised, and that the election results be overturned on December 19. It is being reported that this petition has already been signed by a total of two million people .

It goes without saying that an attempt to launch a "color revolution" in the United States is being supported by a number of Europe states in addition to the US , including France and Germany, since the political order there is concerned about the impunity they've been enjoying coming to an end, with Trump failing to openly signal continued open US support for them.. The British Independent wants Trump to be impeached, citing law professor Christopher Peterson, who would claim that there is a strong case for the beginning of legal proceedings that would stop Donald Trump from being president. The impeachment process is usually initiated when a president of a state has committed some sort of a serious offense, but Trump hasn't been able to do anything yet, since he hasn't been inaugurated. Still the Independent believes there must be some legal ground for his impeachment.

It's clear the train of "color revolution" is under full steam in the US today. What will come up from this attempt to ignore the US Constitution, remains to be seen.

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook."

[Oct 26, 2018] FBI Concealed Evidence That Directly Refutes Premise Of Trump-Russia Probe GOP Lawmaker

Notable quotes:
"... Department of Justice and FBI officials in the Obama administration in October of 2016 only presented to the court the evidence that made the government's case to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate ..."
"... The FBI referred to Papadopoulos in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application - however what has been released to the public is so heavily redacted that it's unclear why he is mentioned. ..."
"... As The Hill 's John Solomon notes, based on Congressional testimony by former FBI General Counsel James Baker - the DOJ / FBI redactions aren't hiding national security issues - only embarrassment . ..."
"... President Trump issued an order to declassify the documents on September 17, but then walked it back - announcing that the DOJ would be allowed to review the documents first after two foreign allies asked him to keep them classified. ..."
"... "My opinion is that declassifying them would not expose any national security information, would not expose any sources and methods," said Ratcliffe. "It would expose certain folks at the Obama Justice Department and FBI and their actions taken to conceal material facts from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court." ..."
Oct 15, 2018 |

After hinting for months that the FBI was not forthcoming with federal surveillance court judges when they made their case to spy on the Trump campaign, Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe (R) said on Sunday that the agency is holding evidence which "directly refutes" its premise for launching the probe, reports the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross.

Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe provided Sunday the clearest picture to date of what the FBI allegedly withheld from the surveillance court.

Ratcliffe suggested that the FBI failed to include evidence regarding former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos , in an interview with Fox News.

Ratcliffe noted that the FBI opened its investigation on July 31, 2016, after receiving information from the Australian government about a conversation that Papadopoulos had on May 10, 2016, with Alexander Downer , the top Australian diplomat to the U.K. - Daily Caller

While Australia's Alexander Downer claimed that Papadopoulos revealed Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, Ratcliffe - who sits on the House Judiciary Committee - suggested on Sunday that the FBI and DOJ possess information which directly contradicts that account.

"Hypothetically, if the Department of Justice and the FBI have another piece of evidence that directly refutes that, that directly contradicts that, what you would expect is for the Department of Justice to present both sides of the coin to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to evaluate the weight and sufficiency of that evidence," Ratcliffe said, adding: "Instead, what happened here was Department of Justice and FBI officials in the Obama administration in October of 2016 only presented to the court the evidence that made the government's case to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate."

The FBI referred to Papadopoulos in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application - however what has been released to the public is so heavily redacted that it's unclear why he is mentioned.

As The Hill 's John Solomon notes, based on Congressional testimony by former FBI General Counsel James Baker - the DOJ / FBI redactions aren't hiding national security issues - only embarrassment .

Other GOP lawmakers have suggested that evidence exists which would exonerate Papadopoulos - who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Maltese professor (and self-professed member of the Clinton Foundation), Joseph Mifsud.

Ratcliffe suggested that declassifying DOJ / FBI documents related to the matter "would corroborate" his claims about Papadopoulos.

Republicans have pressed President Trump to declassify the documents, which include 21 pages from a June 2016 FISA application against Page. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has said that the FBI failed to provide "exculpatory evidence" in the FISA applications. He has also said that Americans will be "shocked" by the information behind the FISA redactions. - Daily Caller

President Trump issued an order to declassify the documents on September 17, but then walked it back - announcing that the DOJ would be allowed to review the documents first after two foreign allies asked him to keep them classified.

"My opinion is that declassifying them would not expose any national security information, would not expose any sources and methods," said Ratcliffe. "It would expose certain folks at the Obama Justice Department and FBI and their actions taken to conceal material facts from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."

[Oct 23, 2018] Russiagate 2.0 Now with more stupid

Notable quotes:
"... I've come to the realization that the MSM and our government are using a very different definition of "democracy" and "democratic institutions" than the one in the dictionary. Their version of "democracy" is all about national security and financial interests, and have very little to do with elections and popular will. ..."
"... ideas and opinions ..."
"... @The Voice In the Wilderness ..."
"... ideas and opinions ..."
"... @The Voice In the Wilderness ..."
"... @The Voice In the Wilderness ..."
"... @enhydra lutris ..."
"... @enhydra lutris ..."
"... @enhydra lutris ..."
"... @The Liberal Moonbat ..."
"... , surprised the special counsel in April when they actually showed up in court to fight the charges ..."
"... "There is no statute of interfering with an election. There just isn't," said Dubelier, who added that Mueller's office alleged a "made-up crime to fit the facts they have." ..."
Oct 23, 2018 |
We can soon forget Russia's "meddling" in the 2016 election (or lack of meddling ), because the Justice Department is already throwing down indictments for meddling in the 2018 midterm elections.
Russians working for a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin are engaging in an elaborate campaign of "information warfare" to interfere with the American midterm elections next month, federal prosecutors said on Friday in unsealing charges against a woman whom they labeled the project's "chief accountant."

Information warfare? That sounds serious. So what exactly is her objectives?

But this time, prosecutors said the operatives appeared beholden to no particular candidate. Russia's trolls did not limit themselves to either a liberal or conservative position, according to the complaint. They often wrote from diverging viewpoints on the same issue.

Uh, that's called trolling, and if trolling is against the law then 4Chan should watch out.
It seems that trolling now equals fraud .

It isn't just Russia. China and Iran are meddling as well.

In a joint statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Justice Department, FBI and Department of Homeland Security said they "do not have any evidence" that foreign countries have disrupted the voting process or changed any tallies , but that the campaigns have spread "disinformation" and "foreign propaganda."

"We are concerned about ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and influence public sentiment and government policies," the statement said. "These activities also may seek to influence voter perceptions and decision making in the 2018 and 2020 U.S. elections."

So how exactly are they defrauding the American public? As for "undermine confidence in democratic institutions", we already know that we are an oligarchy , not a democracy. So I think the burden of evidence is on our government to prove otherwise, not on Russia.

I've come to the realization that the MSM and our government are using a very different definition of "democracy" and "democratic institutions" than the one in the dictionary. Their version of "democracy" is all about national security and financial interests, and have very little to do with elections and popular will.

Leftists aren't cooperating on Russiagate

You would think from the MSM that Russiagate is "liberals" versus Trump, and that everyone on "the left" is OK with this.
But even some in the media have noticed that leftists that don't identify as Democrats are Russiagate skeptics.

Why Are So Many Leftists Skeptical of the Russia Investigation?

Why the left needs to wise up to the growing Trump-Russia scandal

and of course TOP is fully onboard

The Voice In th... on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 4:28pm
So what specifically was illegal?

AFAIK, all those facebook posts would be legal if posted by someone in the USA.
Are foreign ideas illegal now? are ideas and opinions illegal?

You would think from the MSM that Russiagate is "liberals" versus Trump, and that everyone on "the left" is OK with this.
But even some in the media have noticed that leftists that don't identify as Democrats are Russiagate skeptics.

Why Are So Many Leftists Skeptical of the Russia Investigation?

Why the left needs to wise up to the growing Trump-Russia scandal

and of course TOP is fully onboard

gjohnsit on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 5:33pm
Consider Russia's "crimes" with RT

@The Voice In the Wilderness
This is supposed to be bad from the official report

RT aired a documentary about the OccupyWall Street movement on 1, 2, and 4 November. RT framed the movement as a fight against "the ruling class" and described the current US political system as corrupt and dominated by corporations.

RT advertising for the documentary featured Occupy movement calls to "take back" the government. The documentary claimed that the US system cannot be changed democratically, but only through "revolution." After the 6 November US presidential election, RT aired a documentary called "Cultures of Protest," about active and often violent political resistance

RT's reports often characterize the United States as a "surveillance state" and allege widespread infringements of civil liberties, police brutality, and drone use

RT has also focused on criticism of the US economic system, US currency policy, alleged Wall Street greed, and the US national debt. Some of RT's hosts have compared the United States to Imperial Rome and have predicted that government corruption and "corporate greed" will lead to US financial collapse

#1 AFAIK, all those facebook posts would be legal if posted by someone in the USA. Are foreign ideas illegal now? are ideas and opinions illegal?

Linda Wood on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 11:19pm
Oh, come on.


alleged Wall Street greed

Alledged Wall Street greed?

leveymg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 5:49pm
This criminalizes a practice that is commonplace and legal

@The Voice In the Wilderness @The Voice In the Wilderness
when carried out by employees of thousands of foreign-owned companies from countries other than Russia.

Basically, this Russian woman is being indicted for doing the books for a Russian entity that incorporated a number of US businesses. These businesses had persons write and post under pen names a number of articles dealing with political subjects. That has been interpreted by the Special Counsel as a conspiracy to violate a federal campaign law that forbids contributions to US election campaigns. That's right, the indictment construes written opinion to be the same as money contributions.

The case would probably be thrown out -- nobody has been prosecuted for this before -- however the woman indicted will never be in court to defend herself, as the prosecutor and FBI know. Mueller is getting desperate to come up with indictments to fill in his jig saw puzzle.

enhydra lutris on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:27pm
The supremes, infamusly, ruled that miney is speech. Hence,

speech must be money, n'est ce pas?

leveymg on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 1:09pm
SCOTUS also found in the same case that even foreign corporate

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris speech is constitutionally protected and can't be limited by campaign finance legislation. Mueller appears to have decided on his own to abrogate the Citizens United decision.

That would be okay, if he applied it to prosecute political mouthpieces such as AIPAC, along with corporate fronts owned by the Saudis, Chinese, British and 100 other countries who similiarly post anonymously.

It's now undeniable: Mueller is the prosecutorial weapon of a very selective political vendetta.

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:51pm
This is from your first link


But somewhere on the left, right around the fault line where Barack Obama is deemed to have been a bad president, opinion turns back again toward skepticism.

It gets worse from there. I'm betting that this was written by someone from the Atlantic Council or maybe Friedman's twin brother. This person sure went to a lot of work to deride anyone who doesn't believe in Russia Gate didn't he?

Facebook has almost admitted that they are censoring people and websites because of Russia's ads on it that they say affected the election. BTW. Didn't Obama also use Cambridge Analytics during his campaign and did the same things that Trump did? Pretty sure that he did. But I guess that was different because of reasons. Yep. That's why.

You would think from the MSM that Russiagate is "liberals" versus Trump, and that everyone on "the left" is OK with this. But even some in the media have noticed that leftists that don't identify as Democrats are Russiagate skeptics.

Why Are So Many Leftists Skeptical of the Russia Investigation?

Why the left needs to wise up to the growing Trump-Russia scandal

and of course TOP is fully onboard

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 5:25pm
For gawd's sake!
We are concerned about ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and influence public sentiment and government policies,

First off the GOP is doing a hell of a job undermining confidence in democratic institutions and the voting process by its gerrymandering and its voter ID policies. Look at what's happening in Georgia (?) where the guy running is in charge of the voting policies and is kicking thousands of people off the voting rolls.

Influence government policies you say? If millions of Americans can't do that then how could a foreign country do it? BTW. This is already happening what with all the lobbyists and super PACs. But sure. Let's blame the 3 countries that they want to war with. Anyone who believes this shit ... well I'll not finish this sentence.

gjohnsit on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 6:00pm
Russiagate is useful for crushing dissent

Look at this hit piece on Jill Stein

Months before the 2016 election they were already calling Jill Stein a "Nader spoiler" ( here , here , and here )

Funny how 3rd parties are demonized in this "democracy"

We are concerned about ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and influence public sentiment and government policies,

First off the GOP is doing a hell of a job undermining confidence in democratic institutions and the voting process by its gerrymandering and its voter ID policies. Look at what's happening in Georgia (?) where the guy running is in charge of the voting policies and is kicking thousands of people off the voting rolls.

Influence government policies you say? If millions of Americans can't do that then how could a foreign country do it? BTW. This is already happening what with all the lobbyists and super PACs. But sure. Let's blame the 3 countries that they want to war with. Anyone who believes this shit ... well I'll not finish this sentence.

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 6:35pm


There is so much BS in that article it's hard to choose which one is the worst but I'm going with this one.

But Stein's willingness to praise Russian propaganda outlets and push Kremlin talking points didn't end in Moscow. Indeed, she challenged – and arguably surpassed – Trump in crafting the most Moscow-friendly campaign of 2016.

For instance, Stein made the strange claim multiple times that NATO had "surrounded" Russia with nuclear weapons. As she told The Intercept, "This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, on steroids – in fact, on crack." (Less than 10 percent of Russia's land border touches any NATO member-states.) She also said last year that NATO is only fighting "enemies we invent to give the weapons industry a reason to sell more stuff."

This is what she actually said about NATO and Russia.

Stein: I think this is an issue where something does need to be said--but it's important to understand where they are coming from. The United States, under Bush 1, had an agreement when Germany joined NATO--Russia agreed with the understanding that NATO would not move one inch to the east. Since then NATO has pursued a policy of basically encircling Russia--including the threat of nukes and drones and so on.

Okay and this one too.

Likewise, Stein claimed that Ukraine's 2014 revolution was, in reality, a "coup" that the U.S. "helped foment." Only two other leaders have described Ukraine's toppling of former president Viktor Yanukovych as a "coup": Putin and Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev, whose country remains a security ally of Russia. Stein even spent time last year saying that "Russia used to own Ukraine."

Pretty sure that during Obama's presidency the Ukraine government was overthrown by this country and now we're arming neo Nazis with some very bad weapons.

ThinkProgress says it's being targeted by ad networks for producing 'controversial political content'. I'm thinking it's more because they lie their asses off to people who read its website. This is the most blatant lying I've seen from a website. How many people believed every word written there?

divineorder on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:08pm
FWIW Jill Stein out campaigning for Greens


Join us on Sunday 10/28 to meet Jill Stein and Alameda/SF County Green candidates: Laura Wells, Saied Karamooz, Aidan Hill and Mike Murphy. to support our candidates. People,...

-- Santa Clara Greens (@SCCGreens) October 19, 2018

Deja on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:05pm
You left out the D establishment


First off the GOP is doing a hell of a job undermining confidence in democratic institutions and the voting process by its gerrymandering and its voter ID policies.

I agree with your whole comment. Just wanted to make sure we don't leave out the monster that is the Dem establishment, aka the other half of the single body that screws us every chance it gets. Supposed differences are only spoken, especially in election years. When it gets down to the meat and potatoes, our representatives are one big symbiotic meal -- the kind that gives you the shits until you're dead.

We are concerned about ongoing campaigns by Russia, China and other foreign actors, including Iran, to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and influence public sentiment and government policies,

First off the GOP is doing a hell of a job undermining confidence in democratic institutions and the voting process by its gerrymandering and its voter ID policies. Look at what's happening in Georgia (?) where the guy running is in charge of the voting policies and is kicking thousands of people off the voting rolls.

Influence government policies you say? If millions of Americans can't do that then how could a foreign country do it? BTW. This is already happening what with all the lobbyists and super PACs. But sure. Let's blame the 3 countries that they want to war with. Anyone who believes this shit ... well I'll not finish this sentence.

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:24pm
Not for that comment


The GOP has made it so that over 10% of the population can't vote this year. I think it's in Georgia where thousands are being kicked off the voting rolls almost every day by the dude that is in charge of it and he is also running for an office. They have been gerrymandering the country and other things. Of course the democrats don't seem to be doing much to make it easier for people to vote. But yeah, both parties are just as corrupt.

boriscleto on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 9:36pm
Georgia has purged 340,000

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

Illinois purged 550,000...Indiana purged 20,000...etc...

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 10:16pm
Thanks for the numbers and the links


Isn't it Brian Kemp who is not only running for office, but he is also in a position to purge the voting rolls? This is a huge conflict of interest and some judge should have stopped him from being able to do that. I guess that's what people are suing him for?

Close to 500,000 people were not able to vote in one of the states that Trump won in. Not sure if they were Hillary's or Trump's voters though.

BTW. People are upset with Jill Stein because they think that her votes cost Hillary the election when the libertarian candidate got more votes than Jill did. And yet he's not blamed for her loss. I wonder why that is?

dervish on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 11:46pm
It's because they're sexist. n/t



Isn't it Brian Kemp who is not only running for office, but he is also in a position to purge the voting rolls? This is a huge conflict of interest and some judge should have stopped him from being able to do that. I guess that's what people are suing him for?

Close to 500,000 people were not able to vote in one of the states that Trump won in. Not sure if they were Hillary's or Trump's voters though.

BTW. People are upset with Jill Stein because they think that her votes cost Hillary the election when the libertarian candidate got more votes than Jill did. And yet he's not blamed for her loss. I wonder why that is?

lotlizard on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 2:03am
The Dems only kick people off voting rolls in *primaries*

That makes it all okay for "lesser of two evils" voters.


First off the GOP is doing a hell of a job undermining confidence in democratic institutions and the voting process by its gerrymandering and its voter ID policies.

I agree with your whole comment. Just wanted to make sure we don't leave out the monster that is the Dem establishment, aka the other half of the single body that screws us every chance it gets. Supposed differences are only spoken, especially in election years. When it gets down to the meat and potatoes, our representatives are one big symbiotic meal -- the kind that gives you the shits until you're dead.

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 5:34pm
From the ToP link
Robert Mueller's indictment of the Russians who interfered in our election is a milestone in an ongoing investigation. The charges focus on the Russians who used online social networking platforms to divide voters and disrupt the electoral process.

Changed any votes? Party affiliations? Removed people from the voting rolls? Closed down voting precincts? Didn't supply enough voting machines for high voting areas? Nope. Nope. Nope and nope. Just placed a few ads on Fakebook and most of them after the election was over. It's taken Mueller two years to look into this? If he hasn't found any evidence yet then why waste time and money worrying about China and Iran doing anything? I'm thinking that Mueller is just pretending to be investigating, but he's really spending his time golfing or whatever his favorite activities are.

Bisbonian on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 10:20am
No kidding

@snoopydawg , its like a nuclear submarine calling the teapot black.

Robert Mueller's indictment of the Russians who interfered in our election is a milestone in an ongoing investigation. The charges focus on the Russians who used online social networking platforms to divide voters and disrupt the electoral process.

Changed any votes? Party affiliations? Removed people from the voting rolls? Closed down voting precincts? Didn't supply enough voting machines for high voting areas? Nope. Nope. Nope and nope. Just placed a few ads on Fakebook and most of them after the election was over. It's taken Mueller two years to look into this? If he hasn't found any evidence yet then why waste time and money worrying about China and Iran doing anything? I'm thinking that Mueller is just pretending to be investigating, but he's really spending his time golfing or whatever his favorite activities are.

Bollox Ref on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 6:16pm
Remember all those wonderful presents

we were going to receive at Fitzmas? Hoping the Establishment is going to finally reveal its sausage-making, really is a flight of fancy. McSausage for the McResistance. The Public are to be seen at voting stations, and not heard.

divineorder on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 6:28pm
Great essay. Thanks!

Hell I am surprised they even mentioned that first part.

In a joint statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Justice Department, FBI and Department of Homeland Security said they "do not have any evidence" that foreign countries have disrupted the voting process or changed any tallies,

At any rate cracked up when I read Caitlin on FB this morning:

Politico Report Says Russiagaters Should Prepare To Kiss My Ass

"In a just world, everyone who helped promote this toxic narrative would apologize profusely and spend the rest of their lives being mocked and marginalized." #Mueller #TrumpRussia

-- Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) October 20, 2018

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:28pm
In case you missed it


We had Great discussion about Caitlin's article. Lots of good comments.

Hell I am surprised they even mentioned that first part.

In a joint statement, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Justice Department, FBI and Department of Homeland Security said they "do not have any evidence" that foreign countries have disrupted the voting process or changed any tallies,

At any rate cracked up when I read Caitlin on FB this morning:

Politico Report Says Russiagaters Should Prepare To Kiss My Ass

"In a just world, everyone who helped promote this toxic narrative would apologize profusely and spend the rest of their lives being mocked and marginalized." #Mueller #TrumpRussia

-- Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) October 20, 2018

MrWebster on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 7:04pm
We are looking at the terminus point of the Russian hysteria.

Actually, I am thinking nuclear war with Russia may be the terminus point, but in terms of propaganda we are seeing it. I have followed the Russia hysteria since 2015 when it was in its infant stage here in the States, but advancing in Europe.

There are still some charges that Russians broke into certain accounts as Microsoft has claimed a few months back, but the claims go no where as they have to admit they had absolutely no proof. And the story fades away until a new charge is made, and those now are hard to make up.

As previous posters before in have commented above, basically the terminus point is ascribing all dissent within the Western powers as Russian created. In this charge it is impossible to to argue as no proof is needed except for the existance of dissent. No more charges which can be proved such as an actual hack. And that dissent can be for or against an issue. All issues lead to Moscow.

The huge censorship of various sites done by Facebook and Twitter begin and are justified by the Russia hysteria and "fan news".

divineorder on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 8:19pm
Aside from in your comment though, plenty wrong with Dems?

@MrWebster @snoopydawg

The long con that is #RussiaGate .

-- John "Squinty Forehead Man" Graziano (@jvgraz) October 18, 2018

Actually, I am thinking nuclear war with Russia may be the terminus point, but in terms of propaganda we are seeing it. I have followed the Russia hysteria since 2015 when it was in its infant stage here in the States, but advancing in Europe.

There are still some charges that Russians broke into certain accounts as Microsoft has claimed a few months back, but the claims go no where as they have to admit they had absolutely no proof. And the story fades away until a new charge is made, and those now are hard to make up.

As previous posters before in have commented above, basically the terminus point is ascribing all dissent within the Western powers as Russian created. In this charge it is impossible to to argue as no proof is needed except for the existance of dissent. No more charges which can be proved such as an actual hack. And that dissent can be for or against an issue. All issues lead to Moscow.

The huge censorship of various sites done by Facebook and Twitter begin and are justified by the Russia hysteria and "fan news".

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 10:27pm
And the Vermont electrical grid that Russia hacked into the


computer that wasn't even hooked up to the internet. Brennan said that Russia tried to meddle in 21?state's voting rolls, but the states said that never happened. But just like people are still saying that all 17 intelligence (3) agencies agree that Russia interfered with the election people still think that the other stuff is true. This is why spreading propaganda is so powerful. The lies are what they remember, not the retractions if they're ever given.

About those FB ads that swayed the election ...

The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election.

-- Rob Goldman (@robjective) February 17, 2018

Actually, I am thinking nuclear war with Russia may be the terminus point, but in terms of propaganda we are seeing it. I have followed the Russia hysteria since 2015 when it was in its infant stage here in the States, but advancing in Europe.

There are still some charges that Russians broke into certain accounts as Microsoft has claimed a few months back, but the claims go no where as they have to admit they had absolutely no proof. And the story fades away until a new charge is made, and those now are hard to make up.

As previous posters before in have commented above, basically the terminus point is ascribing all dissent within the Western powers as Russian created. In this charge it is impossible to to argue as no proof is needed except for the existance of dissent. No more charges which can be proved such as an actual hack. And that dissent can be for or against an issue. All issues lead to Moscow.

The huge censorship of various sites done by Facebook and Twitter begin and are justified by the Russia hysteria and "fan news".

Bisbonian on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 10:25am
by the way

@snoopydawg , there are only sixteen intelligence agencies:


computer that wasn't even hooked up to the internet. Brennan said that Russia tried to meddle in 21?state's voting rolls, but the states said that never happened. But just like people are still saying that all 17 intelligence (3) agencies agree that Russia interfered with the election people still think that the other stuff is true. This is why spreading propaganda is so powerful. The lies are what they remember, not the retractions if they're ever given.

About those FB ads that swayed the election ...

The majority of the Russian ad spend happened AFTER the election. We shared that fact, but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of Tump and the election.

-- Rob Goldman (@robjective) February 17, 2018

The Liberal Moonbat on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 8:38pm
NOT FROM THE ONION - oh, wait, yes it is...wait, what?

Who's on first...?

Bisbonian on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 10:33am
I like the comment from the Lobster Murderer the best.

@The Liberal Moonbat

Who's on first...?

snoopydawg on Sat, 10/20/2018 - 11:06pm
Remember the Russian agencies that Mueller charged?

He still doesn't want to give their attorneys the evidence he has against them.

Judge Orders Mueller To Prove Russian Company Meddled In Election

A Washington federal judge on Thursday ordered special counsel Robert Mueller's team to clarify election meddling claims lodged against a Russian company operated by Yevgeny Prigozhin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Bloomberg.

Concord Management and Consulting, LLC. - one of three businesses indicted by Mueller in February along with 13 individuals for election meddling , surprised the special counsel in April when they actually showed up in court to fight the charges . Mueller's team tried to delay Concord from entering the case, arguing that thee Russian company not been properly served, however Judge Dabney Friedrich denied the request - effectively telling prosecutors 'well, they're here.'

* Concord pleaded not guilty in May. Their attorney, Eric Dubelier - a partner at Reed Smith, has described the election meddling charges as "make believe," arguing on Monday that Mueller's indictment against Concord "doesn't charge a crime."

"There is no statute of interfering with an election. There just isn't," said Dubelier, who added that Mueller's office alleged a "made-up crime to fit the facts they have."

Concord is one of the corporations that Mueller said placed ads on FB to sway people's opinion on Trump and Hillary. The ads that most were placed after the election.

[Oct 21, 2018] FBI Admits It Used Multiple Spies To Infiltrate Trump Campaign

So intelligence agencies are now charged with protection of elections from undesirable candidates; looks like a feature of neofascism...
Notable quotes:
"... The Department of Justice admitted in a Friday court filing that the FBI used more than one "Confidential Human Source," (also known as informants, or spies ) to infiltrate the Trump campaign through former adviser Carter Page, reports the Daily Caller ..."
"... Included in Hardy's declaration is an acknowledgement that the FBI's spies were in addition to the UK's Christopher Steele - a former MI6 operative who assembled the controversial and largely unproven "Steel Dossier" which the DOJ/FBI used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Page. ..."
"... In addition to Steele, the FBI also employed 73-year-old University of Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, a US citizen, political veteran and longtime US Intelligence asset enlisted by the FBI to befriend and spy on three members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election . Halper received over $1 million in contracts from the Pentagon during the Obama years, however nearly half of that coincided with the 2016 US election. ..."
"... In short, the FBI's acknowledgement that they used multiple spies reinforces Stone's assertion that he was targeted by one. ..."
"... Stefan Halper's infiltration of the Trump campaign corresponds with the two of the four targets of the FBI's Operation Crossfire Hurricane - in which the agency sent former counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and others to a London meeting in the Summer of 2016 with former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer - who says Papadopoulos drunkenly admitted to knowing that the Russians had Hillary Clinton's emails. ..."
"... Interestingly Downer - the source of the Papadopoulos intel, and Halper - who conned Papadopoulos months later, are linked through UK-based Haklyut & Co. an opposition research and intelligence firm similar to Fusion GPS - founded by three former British intelligence operatives in 1995 to provide the kind of otherwise inaccessible research for which select governments and Fortune 500 corporations pay huge sums ..."
"... Downer - a good friend of the Clintons, has been on their advisory board for a decade, while Halper is connected to Hakluyt through Director of U.S. operations Jonathan Clarke, with whom he has co-authored two books. (h/t ) ..."
Oct 20, 2018 |

The Department of Justice admitted in a Friday court filing that the FBI used more than one "Confidential Human Source," (also known as informants, or spies ) to infiltrate the Trump campaign through former adviser Carter Page, reports the Daily Caller .

"The FBI has protected information that would identify the identities of other confidential sources who provided information or intelligence to the FBI" as well as "information provided by those sources," wrote David M. Hardy, the head of the FBI's Record/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS), in court papers submitted Friday.

Hardy and Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys submitted the filings in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for the FBI's four applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Page. The DOJ released heavily redacted copies of the four FISA warrant applications on June 20, but USA Today reporter Brad Heath has sued for full copies of the documents. - Daily Caller

Included in Hardy's declaration is an acknowledgement that the FBI's spies were in addition to the UK's Christopher Steele - a former MI6 operative who assembled the controversial and largely unproven "Steel Dossier" which the DOJ/FBI used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Page.

The DOJ says it redacted information in order to protect the identity of their confidential sources, which "includes nonpublic information about and provided by Christopher Steele," reads the filing, " as well as information about and provided by other confidential sources , all of whom were provided express assurances of confidentiality."

Government lawyers said the payment information is being withheld because disclosing specific payment amounts and dates could "suggest the relative volume of information provided by a particular CHS. " That disclosure could potentially tip the source's targets off and allow them to "take countermeasures, destroy or fabricate evidence, or otherwise act in a way to thwart the FBI's activities." - Daily Caller

Steele, referred to as Source #1, met with several DOJ / FBI officials during the 2016 campaign, including husband and wife team Bruce and Nellie Ohr. Bruce was the #4 official at the DOJ, while his CIA-linked wife Nellie was hired by Fusion GPS - who also employed Steele, in the anti-Trump opposition research / counterintelligence effort funded by Trump's opponents, Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

In addition to Steele, the FBI also employed 73-year-old University of Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, a US citizen, political veteran and longtime US Intelligence asset enlisted by the FBI to befriend and spy on three members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election . Halper received over $1 million in contracts from the Pentagon during the Obama years, however nearly half of that coincided with the 2016 US election.

Stefan Halper

Halper's involvement first came to light after the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross reported on his involvement with Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, another Trump campaign aide. Ross's reporting was confirmed by the NYT and WaPo .

In June, Trump campaign aides Roger Stone and Michael Caputo claimed that a meeting Stone took in late May, 2016 with a Russian appears to have been an " FBI sting operation " in hindsight, following bombshell reports in May that the DOJ/FBI used a longtime FBI/CIA asset, Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, to perform espionage on the Trump campaign.

Roger Stone

When Stone arrived at the restaurant in Sunny Isles, he said, Greenberg was wearing a Make America Great Again T-shirt and hat. On his phone, Greenberg pulled up a photo of himself with Trump at a rally, Stone said. - WaPo

The meeting went nowhere - ending after Stone told Greenberg " You don't understand Donald Trump... He doesn't pay for anything ." The Post independently confirmed this account with Greenberg.

After the meeting, Stone received a text message from Caputo - a Trump campaign communications official who arranged the meeting after Greenberg approached Caputo's Russian-immigrant business partner.

" How crazy is the Russian? " Caputo wrote according to a text message reviewed by The Post. Noting that Greenberg wanted "big" money, Stone replied: "waste of time." - WaPo

In short, the FBI's acknowledgement that they used multiple spies reinforces Stone's assertion that he was targeted by one.

Further down the rabbit hole

Stefan Halper's infiltration of the Trump campaign corresponds with the two of the four targets of the FBI's Operation Crossfire Hurricane - in which the agency sent former counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and others to a London meeting in the Summer of 2016 with former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer - who says Papadopoulos drunkenly admitted to knowing that the Russians had Hillary Clinton's emails.

Interestingly Downer - the source of the Papadopoulos intel, and Halper - who conned Papadopoulos months later, are linked through UK-based Haklyut & Co. an opposition research and intelligence firm similar to Fusion GPS - founded by three former British intelligence operatives in 1995 to provide the kind of otherwise inaccessible research for which select governments and Fortune 500 corporations pay huge sums .

Alexander Downer

Downer - a good friend of the Clintons, has been on their advisory board for a decade, while Halper is connected to Hakluyt through Director of U.S. operations Jonathan Clarke, with whom he has co-authored two books. (h/t )

Alexander Downer, the Australian High Commissioner to the U.K. Downer said that in May 2016, Papadopoulos told him during a conversation in London about Russians having Clinton emails.

That information was passed to other Australian government officials before making its way to U.S. officials. FBI agents flew to London a day after "Crossfire Hurricane" started in order to interview Downer.

It is still not known what Downer says about his interaction with Papadopoulos, which TheDCNF is told occurred around May 10, 2016.

Also interesting via Lifezette - " Downer is not the only Clinton fan in Hakluyt. Federal contribution records show several of the firm's U.S. representatives made large contributions to two of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign organizations ."

Halper contacted Papadopoulos on September 2, 2016 according to The Caller - flying him out to London to work on a policy paper on energy issues in Turkey, Cyprus and Israel - for which he was ultimately paid $3,000. Papadopoulos met Halper several times during his stay, "having dinner one night at the Travellers Club, and Old London gentleman's club frequented by international diplomats."

They were accompanied by Halper's assistant, a Turkish woman named Azra Turk. Sources familiar with Papadopoulos's claims about his trip say Turk flirted with him during their encounters and later on in email exchanges .


Emails were also brought up during Papadopoulos's meetings with Halper , though not by the Trump associate, according to sources familiar with his version of events. T he sources say that during conversation, Halper randomly brought up Russians and emails. Papadopoulos has told people close to him that he grew suspicious of Halper because of the remark. - Daily Caller

Meanwhile, Halper targeted Carter Page two days after Page returned from a trip to Moscow.

Page's visit to Moscow, where he spoke at the New Economic School on July 8, 2016, is said to have piqued the FBI's interest even further . Page and Halper spoke on the sidelines of an election-themed symposium held at Cambridge days later. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6 and a close colleague of Halper's, spoke at the event.


Page would enter the media spotlight in September 2016 after Yahoo! News reported that the FBI was investigating whether he met with two Kremlin insiders during that Moscow trip.

It would later be revealed that the Yahoo! article was based on unverified information from Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier regarding the Trump campaign . Steele's report, which was funded by Democrats, also claimed Page worked with Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on the collusion conspiracy. - Daily Caller

A third target of Halper's was Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis, whose name was revealed by the Washington Post on Friday.

In late August 2016, the professor reached out to Clovis, asking if they could meet somewhere in the Washington area, according to Clovis's attorney, Victoria Toensing.

"He said he wanted to be helpful to the campaign" and lend the Trump team his foreign-policy experience, Toensing said.

Clovis, an Iowa political figure and former Air Force officer, met the source and chatted briefly with him over coffee, on either Aug. 31 or Sept. 1, at a hotel cafe in Crystal City, she said. Most of the discussion involved him asking Clovis his views on China.

"It was two academics discussing China," Toensing said. " Russia never came up. " - WaPo

Meanwhile, Bruce Ohr is still employed by the Department of Justice, and Fusion GPS continues its hunt for Trump dirt after having partnered with former Feinstein aide and ex-FBI counterintelligence agent, Dan Jones.

It's been nearly three years since an army of professional spies was unleashed on Trump - and he's still the President, Steele and Downer notwithstanding.

[Oct 18, 2018] Treasury Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Confidential Info On Ex-Trump Advisers; BuzzFeed Implicated

Oct 18, 2018 |

Treasury Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Confidential Info On Ex-Trump Advisers; BuzzFeed Implicated

by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/17/2018 - 16:22 1.3K SHARES

In the latest indication of the Trump administration's efforts to root out alleged leakers, a senior Treasury Department official working in the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN), Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, has been charged with leaking confidential financial reports to the media concerning former Trump campaign advisers Paul Manafort and Richard Gates, according to The Hill .

Prosecutors say that Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards , a senior adviser to FinCEN, photographed what are called suspicious activity reports, or SARs, and other sensitive government files and sent them to an unnamed reporter, in violation of U.S. law. - The Hill

Suspicious Activity Reports are filed by banks in order to confidentially notify law enforcement of potentially illegal financial transactions. The documents leaked by the Treasury official, which began last October, are reported to have been used as the basis for 12 news articles published by an unnamed organization.

While the news organization was not named in the complaint, it lists the headlines and other details of six BuzzFeed articles published between October 2017 to as recently as Monday which they allege were based on the leaks.

BuzzFeed reporters Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier are commonly listed on several of the articles referenced in the government's complaint. (examples here , here and here ).

Edwards has been charged with one count of unauthorized disclosures of SAR reports and one count of conspiracy to make unauthorized disclousres of SARs. She will be tried in the Southern District of New York, and faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted on both charges.

When she was arrested, Edwards was in possession of a flash drive which was allegedly used to save the unlawfully disclosed SARs, as well as a cell phone " containing numerous communications over an encrypted application in which she transmitted SARs and other sensitive government information to Reporter-1."

"We hope today's charges remind those in positions of trust within government agencies that the unlawful sharing of sensitive documents will not be tolerated and will be met with swift justice by this Office," said US Attorney Geoffrey Berman in a statement.

According to the criminal complaint, agents in the Treasury inspector general's office detected "a pattern" of unauthorized media disclosures of the sensitive financial files beginning in October 2017 and continuing for a year . The disclosures were related to matters being investigated either by special counsel Robert Mueller , the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York or the Justice Department's National Security Division.

They included leaks about suspicious transactions made by Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, and Gates, Manafort's longtime business partner who also served on the Trump campaign and the transition team. Both individuals were charged in connection with Mueller's Russia investigation last October with crimes stemming from their foreign lobbying activity. Both have since decided to plead guilty and cooperate with Mueller's probe. - The Hill

Could Manafort now make the case that unauthorized media leaks saturating national headlines baised the jury against him?

Edwards is also accused of leaking sensitive financial information regarding Russian national, Maria Butina, who was charged with acting as an unregistered agent of the Russian government.

The alleged leak announced Wednesday would be the second major suspected breach at FinCEN reported this year, after a federal law enforcement official told The New Yorker in May that he leaked SARs on a shell company set up by Michael Cohen , Trump's former attorney, after two similar bank records appeared to be missing from the FinCEN database. - The Hill

Edwards is also accused of sending the reproter internal FinCEN emails, investigative memos and intelligence assessments

[Oct 15, 2018] Some say that declassifying the FBI documents related to "Russiagate" would expose "sources and methods". Others say that the documents are being kept secret to prevent the DOJ and FBI from major embarrassment. I say that both can be true

Notable quotes:
"... Not sure about that, as at least 2 crucial allies, the UK and Australia, were pressured by the Obama and Hillary camps to set this whole narrative off...and therefore does he seriously damage those international and key security countries with info or does he compromise to keep the peace? ..."
"... I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.... That's that the UK's GCHQ initiated spying on Popadolous and Trump Tower at the request of Obummer and/or Rice and/or Brennan, BEFORE the FBI/Comey said UNDER OATH that they started in May, and were denied a FISA warrant in June 2016.... that's why they needed the 'golden shower dossier.' ..."
Oct 15, 2018 |

this_circus_is_no_fun , 12 minutes ago link

Some say that declassifying the documents would expose " sources and methods ". Others say that the documents are being kept secret to prevent the DOJ and FBI from becoming embarrassed . I say that both can be true.

If the documents expose the liars and fabrications that went into the entire Russia Gate fraud, then declassifying the documents will indeed embarrass the DOJ and FBI by showing that their " sources " are liars and that their " methods " are fabrications.

See, everything always makes sense in the circus.

Paddyo2 , 37 minutes ago link

Either Trump is constantly threatened, boxed into a corner, or it IS ALL FOR SHOW!

The best example is now, Trump "walking back the release" because of Aussie and UK complicity. The threatened release of USA dirty laundry, of which there is plenty knowing how our CIA works. Or we are being played once more.

Frankly, I'm beyond sick of these walk backs! IG report! Rosenstein resigns! FISA Declas!!

I'm an independent voter. It's high time I WALK BACK my vote for all Republicans on November 6th UNLESS WE THE People that they represent get a FULL UNREDACTED FISA AND IG REPORT published .

Tell Trump and the Republican party . Protect NOT ONE Criminal. If UK or Aus threaten exposing spies or military secrets then threaten back with annihilation should they endanger Americans.

I'm fed up beyond return with Holder, Brennan et al.

Anunnaki , 30 minutes ago link

It is all for show.

Our elites don't put each other in jail. That is reserved for the Deplorables.

Remember what Trump said after the election, "The Clinton's are good people."

Bingo Hammer , 49 minutes ago link

Obama, Hillary and the DNC pressured the UK's M16 as the No.1 instigator via Steele, its lapdog Australia's intelligence service, then told Alexander Downer to forward "salted" info to US agencies...and 2.5 years later here we are

wolf pup , 35 minutes ago link

It's always something that causes The Never Ending Wait..

and it always makes decent sense in the short term (memory loss)..

and it always; and for years now, happens.

I can't buy that those involved are powerful, savvy, or more importantly, courageous enough to finally stand the hell UP to the powers that be bullshitting the Citizenry. It's clearly not the case.

And what does Sundance say of the MIA Sessions? Is he really wearing tights and cape under those rumpled wee suits of his, and just snarling to leap out, indictments in hand, to read off tens of thousands of the accused' names? "Stealth Jeff"; actor par excellence? Sessions as Hero? Any day now to be proved The Truth's Hitman?

A GOP-won Midterms would benefit from the declassification of criminal intent that supports the US President. -> Before the vote. Afterward, and if the vote gone badly, lol it'll be as useful as John Brennan's soul. And a "Mueller surprise"; if the declassification happened before the vote, would be tainted beyond its .. surprise.

So why the wait this time - again?

I'm sorry; I don't mean to come across rudely, but "hoping; forever" is exhausting, damaging to fact based living, induces apathy and entirely suits those who have so much to hide, and offers nothing to the targets involved; We, the People.

scraping_by , 1 hour ago link

The factions in the FBI/DOJ who want to keep the Russian collusion hoax going are the same ones who protected Hillary from the most outrageous violation of the espionage laws ever to bubble to the surface. Office politics in that axis are a lot like any other large company, with the exception of sending people to prison. So her supporters are still on the job.

The investigation never made first page news, living out here in the alternate press, and now that The Donald seems to walk back obvious Donaldesque moves, it might never come to light. Remember his campaign promise was to prosecute Sec. Clinton, and he settled for firing Comey. So they may get away with most of this yet.

Any time the US government cooperates with the British, we get stuck. The Austrailians are colonials and love it. So the paperwork for the Comey-McCabe-Rosenstien conspiracy might never be published.

tunetopper , 1 hour ago link

When the FBI wants a warrant, its presumed that they are not going to make an even-handed case to the FISA Court. All they have to do is deny that they had sufficient infomation to the contrary. Thats what makes this court an abomination to our freedom. This is why the US Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act are a bunch of crap. We are now finding out that intelligence services knew who concocted 911 (elements within the Saudi Govt along side the wealthy dissident near-royals ie. the Khashoggis and the Bin-Ladens, and possibly the Israelis knew too).

JethroBodien , 1 hour ago link

Everyone, none of this matters. Has everyone forgotten about 9/11 and the conspiracy perpetrated on the American people. Frankly all is not what it seems and most of what we are seeing is simply theatre for the masses.

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

~ Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924), 28th President of the United States

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
― President John F. Kennedy

trutherator , 1 hour ago link

Remember? The FBI lovers email that said the president wants to "know everything"?

Start there. Did Congress ask either of them where they heard this, and how much of this treachery Obama was complicit in?

cheech_wizard , 1 hour ago link

Might I reference this:

Dornier27 , 2 hours ago link

Anyone else worried that the President keeps doing an about face or being unable or unwilling to deliver on important issues? Orders papers to be published unredacted then they are not? Hillary walking free. No Wall, no withdrawal from Afghanistan and now backtracking on punishing Saudi Arabia....

business as stusual , 1 hour ago link

Just like the rest, he is owned.

DjangoCat , 1 hour ago link

" and now backtracking on punishing Saudi Arabia.."

And you think the Russian's really poisoned the Skripals, or that Assad merrily gassed his own people just before entering peace talks, or that the White Helmet people being invited into Canada are not Al Nusra terrorists?

You had better be prepared to believe all that if you think the Saudis are stupid enough to dismember a Washington Post journalist in a Saudi consulate, and to let it be recorded to boot. How dumb can you get? But then, maybe I misjudge you. Maybe you do believe all that. Not me, pal.

PS For extra confirmation, just look at who has decided not to attend Davos in the Desert. Top of the list are the New Yawk banksters.

Bavarian , 1 hour ago link

You want to might ask yourself why the Post ran this story, employed the journalist and published that John Brennan demand that we "punish" Saudi Arabia. You might ask yourself why the NYT pushed the narrative that RR should be fired before mid-terms.

'Misunderstanding all you see' - John Lennon

Jim in MN , 2 hours ago link

Weiner laptop please. Now, please. thx

WorkingClassMan , 2 hours ago link

Domestic terrorists (the Federal Bureau of Intimidation) generally is dramatic.

bh2 , 3 hours ago link

Guess which specific portions of the released documents will be redacted "for national security reasons".

Hulk , 3 hours ago link

and while we are at it, declassify the whistleblower report generated by the William Binney complaint.

Then put Haydn's treasonous *** in jail too...

DingleBarryObummer , 3 hours ago link

i watched a documentary about that. basically, binney was genius who created a genius system to find terrorists while maintaining the integrity of the constitution (and for relatively cheap cost!). The deep state was like "piss on that," spent 100x more money than they had to, and wiped their *** with the constitution.

Hulk , 3 hours ago link

dont forget that the FBI fabricated evidence about Binney and three of his colleagues.The criminal case against Binney and his colleagues was then thrown out of court once the fabrication was revealed. This out of control corruption has been going on a long time...

ardent , 3 hours ago link

It's obvious the FUNDAMENTALS of the conflict with Russia

have NOT changed one iota. Even with Trump.

lester1 , 3 hours ago link

FBI is a criminal racket!

And where the hell are the "honorable" FBI agents to blow the lid off all the corruption/ conspiracy against the President ??🤔

Totally_Disillusioned , 3 hours ago link

I've stated for months that rank and file are in the tank w/leadership corruption OR they have been threatened either with harm to themselves of family members if they didn't go along. However at this point, no whistleblowers proves the former.

DaBard51 , 3 hours ago link

Have they opened Weiner's laptop or found Hillary's laptop yet?

A trend... as reported by (!) CNN & NY Times (!)...

When nine hundred years old you become, look this good you will not.

Totally_Disillusioned , 3 hours ago link

Strzok testifed several CDs of ALL 680K emails that included crimes against children, classified info was handed over to Comey who merely placed them in his office. Comey has been gone for over six months, why have those CDs not been reviewed and acted on?

There are a LOT of dots and THEY count on YOU not connecting them. I keep a journal.

Everybodys All American , 3 hours ago link

Lets suppose its all true. Which we pretty much know if you have been paying attention that the FBI has gone rogue. Then what? Arrests? Mueller? I don't think that's even close to what is needed. We are talking major treason from multiple levels and people through out government.

hooligan2009 , 3 hours ago link


" the DOJ would be allowed to review the documents first after two foreign allies asked him to keep them classified. "

refers to the British and Australian governments who would be embarassed because rogue agents wishing to arrange for the impeachment of Trump would be exposed.

as such, this would represent a threat to the apolitical use of five eyes security pact for intelligence purposes - a pact intended to detect and prevent EXTERNAL threats to the five eyes nations - rather than instigate POLITICAL control of INTERNAL affairs of the democratic functioning of five eyes countries.

treason and sedition has been exposed within the US - aided and abetted by drunks and sycophants in britain and australia,

Joe Davola , 3 hours ago link

My impression is that FIVE EYES exists so that the individual members can ask one of the other members to spy on their own people without violating constitutional limits on such activity.

Madcow , 3 hours ago link

In my humble opinion, politicians and government bureaucrats should be strictly prohibited from falsely accusing their ideological opponents of criminal activity and then manufacturing fake evidence to support those claims.

No amount of sanctimonious political-correctness justifies Authoritarian rule squarely in opposition to the US Constitution.

NoDebt , 3 hours ago link

"Americans will be "shocked" by the information behind the FISA redactions"

Not after waiting for this evidence for two ******* years. I'm worn out. Do something about it or **** off.

lester1 , 3 hours ago link

Trump caved and allowed the deep state members at the FBI to conceal the truth!

Think for yourself , 2 hours ago link

Exactly @NoDebt. Nearly every day or multiple times a day there's something huge that radically alters the narrative... people are worn out. This is so huge!

ypczh , 5 minutes ago link

Timing is everything and Trump knows it. All heads of the hydra must be cut off at the same time.

Bingo Hammer , 55 minutes ago link

Not sure about that, as at least 2 crucial allies, the UK and Australia, were pressured by the Obama and Hillary camps to set this whole narrative off...and therefore does he seriously damage those international and key security countries with info or does he compromise to keep the peace? Too much is at play here for Trump expose the truth

otschelnik , 3 hours ago link

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.... That's that the UK's GCHQ initiated spying on Popadolous and Trump Tower at the request of Obummer and/or Rice and/or Brennan, BEFORE the FBI/Comey said UNDER OATH that they started in May, and were denied a FISA warrant in June 2016.... that's why they needed the 'golden shower dossier.' That's i-l-l-e-g-a-l.

Oh, and Brennan said he pushed the FBI to initiate an investigation but Nunes said there was no intelligence (EC) which they could base it on. It was a set-up from day 1.

[Oct 14, 2018] RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 11 OCTOBER 2018 by Patrick Armstrong

Oct 14, 2018 |

THE CONSPIRACY. Bit by bit, slowly (far too slowly) the story comes out . A DNC/FBI/CIA conspiracy to discredit Trump. I just read Shattered where it is stated that the Russia story was invented as the excuse for failure: but the book establishes that defeat was the consequence of never being able to articulate a reason to vote for her, a disorganized campaign and not observing the dissatisfaction that Sanders and Trump (and Bill Clinton) perceived. The Russia stuff is 1) a distraction from failure, 2) a hook on which to hang Trump and 3) propaganda for the "Mackinder war".

[Oct 05, 2018] How the Russia Spin Got So Much Torque by Norman Solomon

Notable quotes:
"... Shattered ..."
"... Yet last year, notably without success, the Clinton campaign devoted plenty of its messaging to the Trump-Russia theme. As the "Shattered" book notes, "Hillary would raise the issue herself repeatedly in debates" with Trump. For example, in one of those debates she said: "We have seventeen – seventeen ..."
"... In early spring, the former communications director of the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, summed up the post-election approach neatly in a Washington Post ..."
"... The inability of top Clinton operatives to identify with the non-wealthy is so tenacious that they still want to assume "the public will be with us" the more they talk about Russia Russia Russia. Imagine sitting at a kitchen table with average-income voters who are worried sick about their financial futures – and explaining to them that the biggest threat they face is from the Kremlin rather than from US government policies that benefit the rich and corporate America at their expense ..."
"... One of the most promising progressives to arrive in Congress this year, Rep. Jamie Raskin from the Maryland suburbs of D.C., promptly drank what might be called the "Klinton Kremlin Kool-Aid." His official website features an article about a town-hall meeting that quotes him describing Trump as a "hoax perpetrated by the Russians on the United States of America. ..."
"... Like hundreds of other Democrats on Capitol Hill, Raskin is on message with talking points from the party leadership. That came across in an email that he recently sent to supporters for a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser. It said: "We pull the curtain back further each day on the Russian Connection, forcing National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to resign, Attorney General Sessions to recuse, and America to reflect on who's calling the shots in Washington. ..."
A new book about Hillary Clinton's last campaign for president – Shattered , by journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes – has gotten a lot of publicity since it appeared two weeks ago. But major media have ignored a revealing passage near the end of the book.

Soon after Clinton's defeat, top strategists decided where to place the blame. "Within 24 hours of her concession speech," the authors report, campaign manager Robby Mook and campaign chair John Podesta "assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn't entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument."

Six months later, that centerpiece of the argument is rampant – with claims often lurching from unsubstantiated overreach to outright demagoguery.

A lavishly-funded example is the "Moscow Project," a mega-spin effort that surfaced in midwinter as a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. It's led by Neera Tanden, a self-described "loyal soldier" for Clinton who also runs the Center for American Progress (where she succeeded Podesta as president). The Center's board includes several billionaires.

The "Moscow Project" is expressly inclined to go over the top, aiming to help normalize ultra-partisan conjectures as supposedly factual. And so, the homepage of the "Moscow Project" prominently declares: "Given Trump's obedience to Vladimir Putin and the deep ties between his advisers and the Kremlin, Russia's actions are a significant and ongoing cause for concern."

Let's freeze-frame how that sentence begins: "Given Trump's obedience to Vladimir Putin." It's a jaw-dropping claim; a preposterous smear.

Echoes of such tactics can be heard from many Democrats in Congress and from allied media. Along the way, no outlet has been more in sync than MSNBC, and no one on the network has been more promotional of the Russia-runs-Trump meme than Rachel Maddow, tirelessly promoting the line and sometimes connecting dots in Glenn Beck fashion to the point of journalistic malpractice.

Yet last year, notably without success, the Clinton campaign devoted plenty of its messaging to the Trump-Russia theme. As the "Shattered" book notes, "Hillary would raise the issue herself repeatedly in debates" with Trump. For example, in one of those debates she said: "We have seventeen – seventeen – intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and they are designed to influence our election ."

After Trump's election triumph, the top tier of Clinton strategists quickly moved to seize as much of the narrative as they could, surely mindful of what George Orwell observed: "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." After all, they hardly wanted the public discourse to dwell on Clinton's lack of voter appeal because of her deep ties to Wall Street. Political recriminations would be much better focused on the Russian government.

In early spring, the former communications director of the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, summed up the post-election approach neatly in a Washington Post opinion article : "If we make plain that what Russia has done is nothing less than an attack on our republic, the public will be with us. And the more we talk about it, the more they'll be with us."

The inability of top Clinton operatives to identify with the non-wealthy is so tenacious that they still want to assume "the public will be with us" the more they talk about Russia Russia Russia. Imagine sitting at a kitchen table with average-income voters who are worried sick about their financial futures – and explaining to them that the biggest threat they face is from the Kremlin rather than from US government policies that benefit the rich and corporate America at their expense.

Tone deaf hardly describes the severe political impairment of those who insist that denouncing Russia will be key to the Democratic Party's political fortunes in 2018 and 2020. But the top-down pressure for conformity among elected Democrats is enormous and effective.

One of the most promising progressives to arrive in Congress this year, Rep. Jamie Raskin from the Maryland suburbs of D.C., promptly drank what might be called the "Klinton Kremlin Kool-Aid." His official website features an article about a town-hall meeting that quotes him describing Trump as a "hoax perpetrated by the Russians on the United States of America. "

Like hundreds of other Democrats on Capitol Hill, Raskin is on message with talking points from the party leadership. That came across in an email that he recently sent to supporters for a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser. It said: "We pull the curtain back further each day on the Russian Connection, forcing National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to resign, Attorney General Sessions to recuse, and America to reflect on who's calling the shots in Washington. "

You might think that Wall Street, big banks, hugely funded lobbyists, fat-check campaign contributors, the fossil fuel industry, insurance companies, military contractors and the like are calling the shots in Washington. Maybe you didn't get the memo.

Norman Solomon is co-founder of and founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy . His books include War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death .

[Oct 02, 2018] Recovered memory is a Freudian voodoo. Notice how carefully manicured these charges are such that they can never be falsified? This is the actual proof she is a liar and this whole thing is staged

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... Their testimony was usually highly emotional and impassioned, leaving an impression very similar to that conveyed last night by Dr. Ford. ..."
"... The "Recovered" (or "False") Memory Syndrome movement emerged in the midst of the steadily radicalizing Feminist Movement in the United States, probably at the very apogee of its extreme evolution, and was a movement in which Freudian therapy was central and Freudian therapists came to play the leading role. ..."
"... It was only after they had been subjected to extensive pseudo-scientific Freudian "therapy," in which sex always lay prominently at the center, that virtually all of these women came forward with these stories. ..."
"... nd, in this dispute the American ultra-Feminists chose to believe and preach the worst, most salacious, and most vicious possible interpretation of Dr. Freud's highly speculative, evidence-less, and – as subsequent study has overwhelmingly shown – completely contrived diagnoses. ..."
"... Beginning with a conviction that cocaine could provide a substantial therapeutic base for solving psychological problems, Freud seems himself to have become for a period a regular consumer of that drug, but subsequently altered the focus of his therapy to hypnosis. After realizing certain limitations to this approach, he shifted again, turning to the so-called "Talking Cure" rooted in provoking word associations, which provided the basis for the classic Freudian method of popular imagination – with the patient reclining on a couch and the good Dr. seated behind with his notebook and pen in hand. This is the method he retained for the rest of his life. ..."
"... The primary fault which has been cited for Freud's methods generally, but which has been particularly critiqued in both hypnosis and the "Talking Cure" as a reason for their invalidation, is the claim that both – at least inadvertently – incorporate the high probability of suggestion from the therapist. ..."
"... Analysis thus follows a circular course, the analyst's theoretical surmise being first subtly communicated to the patient, then confirmed by the patient's casting of his (or, more often her) own ideas within the framework which had been suggested by the analyst. In the end, nothing new is actually discovered. The patient merely replicates the expressed Freudian doctrine. ..."
"... Those women patients, and a few men, became their victims, but in turn became the perpetrators in the savaging of numerous men's lives, as these men were subjected to the most vicious accusations imaginable. Most of these accusations were, in retrospect, clearly fantasies in a ruthless mid-20th century male-witch hunt. ..."
"... Into this popular intellectual desert walks Dr. Ford, both whose personal history and her strange physical mannerisms in testimony before the Senate clearly indicate she has unfortunately suffered some form of serious psychological disturbance. ..."
"... Seemingly alienated from her own parents and most immediate family members, she has made her home as far away from the Washington, DC area ..."
"... In 2012 she underwent some sort of psychological counseling with her husband, though the details as far as I know have not emerged. But, it hardly seems likely coincidental that her first documentable expressions of antipathy to Judge Kavanaugh occurred in that year, when it was announced that Judge Kavanaugh was considered the likely Supreme Court appointee should Mit Romney win the Presidential election. Her expressions of antipathy to him have only grown from there. ..."
"... Use of weapons and tactics, of which the defender is unprepared for, is a good offense. ..."
"... Are Republicans et al. unable to understand basic military strategy? Do we lack the ability to conceive of new tactics and weapons to use against Democrats and Globalists? ..."
"... I realize that it is unacceptable to attack this poor helpless victim so the "it can't be corroborated" card has to be played. However, who else notices how carefully manicured these charges are such that they can never be falsified? This is the actual proof she is a liar and this whole thing is staged. ..."
"... She always takes everybody on some emotional ride right up to the point where she could be exposed but never with enough information so somebody could come out of the woodwork and prove she is a liar. ..."
"... We also have the infamous letter where we are repeatedly reminded she mailed it BEFORE Kavanaugh was picked. Of course, we only have Feinstein's word for that since nobody saw it until after this crap started. The delay was used to push up the story with new revelation about Mike Judge in a grocery store that shied away from her – again with no specific date so Judge could prove she is a liar. ..."
"... We also have all of our own recollections of high school insecurities and male-female interactions. What freshman or sophomore girl didn't get all giddy at the thought of the older guys hitting on her so she could tell all her friends about her older boyfriend ..."
"... Outside doors enter public areas kitchen sunroom living rooms not bedrooms. An outside door into a master bedroom with attached bathroom is a red flag that it's intended for an illegal what's called in law apartment ..."
"... Your post is very perceptive and just might be how it all went down. With the complications of couples' counseling over her demand for the bizarre double main entry doors. (lulz) Though I would think any family that built an illegal in-law apartment into their Palo Alto house and deployed it, would be ratted out by their neighbors. ..."
Oct 02, 2018 |

Nicephorus says: September 29, 2018 at 7:58 am GMT 2,000 Words

We still have to wait to see whether Judge Kavanaugh's appointment will go through, so the most important practical consequence of this shameful exercise in character assassination is as yet unknown. I'm pretty sure he'll eventually be appointed.

But, I think some critical theoretical aspects of the context in which this battle was waged were definitively clarified in the course of this shameful and hugely destructive effort by the Democrat leadership to destroy Judge Kavanaugh's reputation in pursuit of narrow political advantage. On balance, although Judge Kavanaugh and his family were the ones who had to pay the price for this bitter learning experience, all of us should be the long-term beneficiaries of this contest's central but often hidden issues being brought to light and subjected to rational analysis. I want to show what I think these hidden issues are.

What this sordid affair was all about was the zombie-like return-from-the-dead of a phenomenon exposed and pretty much completely invalidated more than thirty years ago, which never should have been permitted to raise its ugly head before an assembly of rational, educated Americans: the "Recovered Memory" (aka "False Memory") Syndrome movement of the 1980s, in which numerous troubled, frequently mentally off-balance, women (and a few men) came forward to declare that they had been the victims of incestual sexual abuse – most often actual sexual intercourse – at the hands of mature male family members; usually fathers but sometimes uncles, grandfathers, or others.

Their testimony was usually highly emotional and impassioned, leaving an impression very similar to that conveyed last night by Dr. Ford. Many hearers were completely convinced that these events had occurred. I recall having a discussion in the 1990s with two American women who swore up and down that they believed fully 25% of American women had been forced into sexual intercourse with their fathers. I was dumbfounded that they could believe such a thing. But, vast numbers of American women did believe this at that time, and many – perhaps most – may never have looked sufficiently into the follow-up to these testimonials to realize that the vast majority of such bizarre claims had subsequently been definitively proven invalid.

The "Recovered" (or "False") Memory Syndrome movement emerged in the midst of the steadily radicalizing Feminist Movement in the United States, probably at the very apogee of its extreme evolution, and was a movement in which Freudian therapy was central and Freudian therapists came to play the leading role.

It was only after they had been subjected to extensive pseudo-scientific Freudian "therapy," in which sex always lay prominently at the center, that virtually all of these women came forward with these stories. A major controversy, which arose within the ranks of the Freudians themselves over what was the correct understanding of the Master's teachings, lay at the core of the whole affair. A nd, in this dispute the American ultra-Feminists chose to believe and preach the worst, most salacious, and most vicious possible interpretation of Dr. Freud's highly speculative, evidence-less, and – as subsequent study has overwhelmingly shown – completely contrived diagnoses.

It's now known that Dr. Freud's journey to the theoretical positions which had become orthodoxy among his followers by the mid-20th century had followed a strange, little known, possibly deliberately self-obscured, and clearly unorthodox course. Beginning with a conviction that cocaine could provide a substantial therapeutic base for solving psychological problems, Freud seems himself to have become for a period a regular consumer of that drug, but subsequently altered the focus of his therapy to hypnosis. After realizing certain limitations to this approach, he shifted again, turning to the so-called "Talking Cure" rooted in provoking word associations, which provided the basis for the classic Freudian method of popular imagination – with the patient reclining on a couch and the good Dr. seated behind with his notebook and pen in hand. This is the method he retained for the rest of his life.

The primary fault which has been cited for Freud's methods generally, but which has been particularly critiqued in both hypnosis and the "Talking Cure" as a reason for their invalidation, is the claim that both – at least inadvertently – incorporate the high probability of suggestion from the therapist. In this view, patient testimony moves subtly, and probably without the patient's awareness, from whatever his or her own understanding might originally have been to the interpretation implicitly propounded by the analyst. Analysis thus follows a circular course, the analyst's theoretical surmise being first subtly communicated to the patient, then confirmed by the patient's casting of his (or, more often her) own ideas within the framework which had been suggested by the analyst. In the end, nothing new is actually discovered. The patient merely replicates the expressed Freudian doctrine.

The particular doctrine at hand was undergoing a critical reworking at this very time, and this important reconsideration of the Master's meaning almost certainly constituted a major, likely the predominating, factor which facilitated the emergence of the Recovered Memory Syndrome movement. Freudian orthodoxy at that time included as an important – seemingly its key – component the conviction of a child's (even an infant's) sexuality, as expressed through the hypothesized Oedipus Complex for males, and the corresponding Electra Complex for females. In these complexes, Freud speculated that sexually-based neuroses derived from the child's (or infant's) fear of imagined enmity and possible physical threat from the same-sex parent, because of the younger individual's sexual longing for the opposite-sex parent.

This Freudian idea, entirely new to European, American, and probably most other cultures, that children, even infants, were the possessors of an already well-developed sexuality had been severely challenged by Christian and some other traditional authorities, and had been met with repugnance from many individuals in Western society. But, the doctrine, as it then stood, was subject to a further major questioning in the mid-1980s from Freudian historical researcher Jeffrey Masson, who postulated, after examining a collection of Freud's personal writings long kept from popular examination, that the Child Sexual Imagination thesis itself was a pusillanimous and ethically-unjustified retreat from an even more sinister thesis the Master had originally held, but which he had subsequently abandoned because of the controversy and damage to his own career its expression would likely cause. This was the belief, based on many of his earlier interviews of mostly women patients, that it wasn't their imaginations which lay behind their neuroses. They had told him that they had actually been either raped or molested as infants or young girls by their fathers. This was the secret horror hidden away in those long-suppressed writings, now brought into the light of day by Prof. Masson.

Masson's research conclusions were initially widely welcomed within the psychoanalytical fraternity/sorority and shortly melded with the already raging desire of many ultra-Feminist extremists to place the blame for whatever problems and dissatisfactions women in America were encountering in their lives upon the patriarchal society by which they claimed to be oppressed. The problem was men. Countless fathers were raping their daughters. Wow! What an incentive to revolutionary Feminist insurrection! You couldn't find a much better justification for their man-hate than that. Bring on the Feminist Revolution! Men are not only a menace, they are no longer even necessary for procreation, so let's get rid of them entirely. This is the sort of extreme plan some radical Feminists advocated. Many psychoanalysts became their professional facilitators, providing the illusion of medical validation to the stories the analysts themselves had largely engendered. Those women patients, and a few men, became their victims, but in turn became the perpetrators in the savaging of numerous men's lives, as these men were subjected to the most vicious accusations imaginable. Most of these accusations were, in retrospect, clearly fantasies in a ruthless mid-20th century male-witch hunt.

This radical ideology is built upon the conviction that Dr. Freud, in at least this one of his several historical phases of interpretative psychological analysis, was really on to something. But, subsequent evaluation has largely shown that not to be the case. The same critique which had been delivered against the Child Sexual Imagination version of Freud's "Talking Cure" analytical method was equally relevant to this newly discovered Father Molestation thesis: all such notions had been subtly communicated to the patient by the analyst in the course of the interview. Had thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of European and American women really been raped or molested by their fathers? Freud offered no corroborating evidence of any kind, and I think it's the consensus of most competent contemporary psychoanalysts to reject this idea. Those few who retain a belief in it betray, I think, an ideological commitment to Radical Feminism, for whose proponents such a view offers an ever tempting platform to justify their monstrous plans for the future of a human race in which males are subjected to the status of slaves or are entirely eliminated.

But, the judicious conclusions of science often – perhaps usually – fail to promptly percolate down to the comprehension of common humanity on the street, and within the consequent vacuum of understanding scheming politicians can frequently find opportunity to manipulate, obfuscate, and distort facts in order to facilitate their own devious and often highly destructive schemes. Such, I fear, is the situation which has surrounded Dr. Ford. The average American of either sex has absolutely no familiarity with the history, character, or ultimate fate of the Recovered Memory Syndrome movement, and may well fail to realize that the phenomenon has been nearly entirely disproved.

Into this popular intellectual desert walks Dr. Ford, both whose personal history and her strange physical mannerisms in testimony before the Senate clearly indicate she has unfortunately suffered some form of serious psychological disturbance.

Seemingly alienated from her own parents and most immediate family members, she has made her home as far away from the Washington, DC area where she was born as possible within the territorial limits of the continental United States. The focus of her professional research and practice in the field of psychology has lain in therapeutic treatment to overcome mental and emotional trauma, a problem she has acknowledged has been her own disturbing preoccupation for many decades. In 2012 she underwent some sort of psychological counseling with her husband, though the details as far as I know have not emerged. But, it hardly seems likely coincidental that her first documentable expressions of antipathy to Judge Kavanaugh occurred in that year, when it was announced that Judge Kavanaugh was considered the likely Supreme Court appointee should Mit Romney win the Presidential election. Her expressions of antipathy to him have only grown from there.

Dr. Ford is clearly an unfortunate victim of something or someone, but I don't believe it was Judge Kavanaugh. Almost certainly she has been influenced in her denunciations against him by both that long-term preoccupation with her own sense of psychological injury, whatever may have been its cause, and her professional familiarization with contemporary currents of psychological theory, however fallacious, likely mediated by the ministrations of that unnamed counselor in 2012. Subsequently, she has clearly been exploited mercilessly by the scheming Democratic Party officials who have viciously plotted to turn her plight to their own cynical advantage. As in so many cases during the 1980s Recovered Memory movement, she has almost certainly been transformed by both the scientifically unproven doctrines and the conscienceless practitioners of Freudian mysticism from being merely an innocent victim into an active victimizer – doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling the pain inherent in her own tragic situation and aggressively projecting it upon helpless others, in this case Judge Kavanaugh and his entire family. She is not a heroine.

PiltdownMan , says: September 29, 2018 at 9:01 am GMT

A recovered memory from more than five decades ago. Violet Elizabeth, a irritating younger child who tended to tag along, often wore expensive Kate Greenaway dresses. Her family was new money. William was no misogynist, though. He liked and respected Joan, who was his friend. The second William book is online.

Coemgen , says: September 29, 2018 at 10:35 am GMT
-- -- -- -- -- -- -
1. A good offense is the best defense.
2. An ambush backed up by overwhelming force is a good offense.
3. Use of weapons and tactics, of which the defender is unprepared for, is a good offense.

Are Republicans et al. unable to understand basic military strategy? Do we lack the ability to conceive of new tactics and weapons to use against Democrats and Globalists?

MarkinLA , says: September 29, 2018 at 12:49 pm GMT
I realize that it is unacceptable to attack this poor helpless victim so the "it can't be corroborated" card has to be played. However, who else notices how carefully manicured these charges are such that they can never be falsified? This is the actual proof she is a liar and this whole thing is staged.

She always takes everybody on some emotional ride right up to the point where she could be exposed but never with enough information so somebody could come out of the woodwork and prove she is a liar.

We also have the infamous letter where we are repeatedly reminded she mailed it BEFORE Kavanaugh was picked. Of course, we only have Feinstein's word for that since nobody saw it until after this crap started. The delay was used to push up the story with new revelation about Mike Judge in a grocery store that shied away from her – again with no specific date so Judge could prove she is a liar. This all reeks of testimony gone over and coached by a team of lawyers.

We also have all of our own recollections of high school insecurities and male-female interactions. What freshman or sophomore girl didn't get all giddy at the thought of the older guys hitting on her so she could tell all her friends about her older boyfriend and possibility of going to the prom as a lower classman? All he had to do (assuming he wasn't repulsive physically and he was a bit of a jock) was make the usual play of pretending to be interested and he likely would have been at least getting to first base at the party.

From her pictures she was no Pamela Anderson and would likely have been flattered. The idea that you rape someone without trying to get the milk handed to you on a silver platter is ridiculous.

This is another female driven hysteria based on lies like the child molestation and satanic cult hysterias of years past. Those were all driven by crazy or politically motivated women who whipped up the rest of the ignorant females.

Clyde , says: September 29, 2018 at 12:58 pm GMT

Outside doors enter public areas kitchen sunroom living rooms not bedrooms. An outside door into a master bedroom with attached bathroom is a red flag that it's intended for an illegal what's called in law apartment

Your post is very perceptive and just might be how it all went down. With the complications of couples' counseling over her demand for the bizarre double main entry doors. (lulz) Though I would think any family that built an illegal in-law apartment into their Palo Alto house and deployed it, would be ratted out by their neighbors.

[Oct 02, 2018] I m puzzled why CIA is so against Kavanaugh?

Highly recommended!
An interesting hypothesis. CIA definitly became a powerful political force in the USA -- a rogue political force which starting from JFK assasination tries to control who is elected to important offices. But in truth Cavanaugh is a pro-CIA candidate so to speak. So why CIA would try to derail him.
Notable quotes:
"... I think I've figured out why they had to go to couples counseling about an outside door and why she came up with claim that she needed an outside bedroom door because she'd been assaulted 37 years ago. The Palo Alto building codes for single family homes were created to make sure single family homes remained single family and weren't chopped up into apartments. ..."
"... An outside door into a master bedroom with attached bathroom is a red flag that it's intended for an illegal what's called in law apartment ..."
"... So she wants the door. Husband says waste of money and trouble. Contractor says call me when you're ready. So they go to counseling Husband explains why the door's unreasonable. Therapist asks wife why she " really deep down" needs the door. Wife makes up the story about attempted rape 35 years ago flashbacks If only there were 2 doors in that imaginary bedroom she could have escaped. ..."
"... Kacanaugh was nominated. CIA searched for sex problems in his working life. Found nothing Searched law school and college found nothing. In desperation searched high school found nothing. Searched CIA personnel records which go back to grade school and found one of their own employees was about Kavanaugh's age and attended a high school near his and the students socialized. ..."
"... She's 3rd generation CIA. grandfather assistant director. Father CIA contractor who managed CIA unofficial band accounts. And she runs a CIA recruitment office. ..."
Oct 02, 2018 |

Anon [257] Disclaimer says: September 29, 2018 at 8:28 am GMT 400 Words

I think I've figured out why they had to go to couples counseling about an outside door and why she came up with claim that she needed an outside bedroom door because she'd been assaulted 37 years ago. The Palo Alto building codes for single family homes were created to make sure single family homes remained single family and weren't chopped up into apartments.

Outside doors enter public areas kitchen sunroom living rooms not bedrooms. An outside door into a master bedroom with attached bathroom is a red flag that it's intended for an illegal what's called in law apartment

There's a unit It's a stove 2 ft counter space and sink. The stoves electric and plugs into an ordinary household electricity. It's backed against the bathroom wall. Break through the wall, connect the pipes running water for the sink. Add an outside door and it's a small apartment.

Assume they didn't want to make it an apartment just a master bedroom. Usually the contractor pulls the permits routinely. But an outside bedroom door is complicated. The permits will cost more. It might require an exemption and a hearing They night need a lawyer. And they might not get the permit.

So she wants the door. Husband says waste of money and trouble. Contractor says call me when you're ready. So they go to counseling Husband explains why the door's unreasonable. Therapist asks wife why she " really deep down" needs the door. Wife makes up the story about attempted rape 35 years ago flashbacks If only there were 2 doors in that imaginary bedroom she could have escaped.

Kacanaugh was nominated. CIA searched for sex problems in his working life. Found nothing Searched law school and college found nothing. In desperation searched high school found nothing. Searched CIA personnel records which go back to grade school and found one of their own employees was about Kavanaugh's age and attended a high school near his and the students socialized.

She's 3rd generation CIA. grandfather assistant director. Father CIA contractor who managed CIA unofficial band accounts. And she runs a CIA recruitment office.

I'm puzzled why CIA is so against Kavanaugh?

[Sep 29, 2018] Hopefully the FBI will investigate this collusion between Soros and the Democrats and Ms. Katz to influence the results of the judicial nomination process.

Sep 29, 2018 |

wren , says: September 29, 2018 at 10:37 am GMT

It seems that Flake was not only emotionally abused by those ladies in the elevator, he was played as well.

Hopefully the FBI will investigate this collusion between Soros and the Democrats and Ms. Katz to influence the results of the judicial nomination process.

[Sep 26, 2018] Soros Confirms Funding Ongoing Trump-Russia Hunt By Ex-Feinstein Staffer And Fusion GPS

Is not Soros a CIA asset? He was instrumental in "color revolutions" in Soviet Union and post Soviet republics.
This is really Byzantium level of political intrigue. A state with such a high level political intrigue might be eventually replaced by military dictatorship.
Notable quotes:
"... An aide to George Soros, Michael Vachon, has confirmed a February report that the left-wing billionaire financier has funded an ongoing effort by Fusion GPS and ex-Feinstein staffer and former FBI agent, Dan Jones, to privately continue the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross. ..."
"... Vachon made the admission to the Washington Post 's David Ignatious - who has previously been accused of being a deep-state conduit. ..."
"... Daniel J. Jones - an ex-FBI investigator and former Feinstein staffer, was " intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos published by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS. " ..."
"... In short, Jones is working with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to continue their investigation into Donald Trump, using a $50 million war chest just revealed by the House Intel Committee report. ..."
"... An April House Intel Report notes that in March 2017, Jones told the FBI that he was working with Steele and Fusion GPS, with funding to the tune of $50 million. ..."
Sep 26, 2018 |
An aide to George Soros, Michael Vachon, has confirmed a February report that the left-wing billionaire financier has funded an ongoing effort by Fusion GPS and ex-Feinstein staffer and former FBI agent, Dan Jones, to privately continue the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross.

Vachon made the admission to the Washington Post 's David Ignatious - who has previously been accused of being a deep-state conduit.

Ignatius notes at the end of a Tuesday article downplaying GOP assertions that the Obama administration and Clinton campaign actually colluded with Russia to defeat Trump; "Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson declined to comment for this article. Soros's spokesman, Michael Vachon, told me that Soros hadn't funded Fusion GPS directly but had made a grant to the Democracy Integrity Project, which used Fusion GPS as a contractor. "

The Democracy Integrity Project - according to the Caller, was formed in 2017 by Jones.

The Post column confirms what a Washington, D.C., lawyer named Adam Waldman told The Daily Caller News Foundation about a conversation he had with Jones in March 2017.

Waldman was an attorney for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. He also worked in some capacity for Christopher Steele, according to text messages he exchanged with Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence panel.

In what the Post's Ignatius noted was an "incestuous" relationship, Steele, a former MI6 officer, has done work for the Kremlin-linked Deripaska in the past .

Waldman told TheDCNF that Jones approached him on March 15, 2017 through text message asking to meet.

"Dan Jones here from the Democracy Integrity Project. Chris wanted us to connect," he wrote, seemingly referring to Steele. At a meeting two days later, Waldman said that Jones told him that he was working with Steele and Fusion GPS and that their project was being funded by Soros and a group of Silicon Valley billionaires . - Daily Caller

effort was originally revealed in February and reported on by The Federalist , after a series of leaked text messages between Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and lobbyist Adam Waldman suggested that Daniel J. Jones - an ex-FBI investigator and former Feinstein staffer, was " intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos published by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS. "

In short, Jones is working with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to continue their investigation into Donald Trump, using a $50 million war chest just revealed by the House Intel Committee report.

Jones also runs the Penn Quarter Group - a "research and investigative advisory" firm whose website was registered in April of 2016, days before Steele delivered his first in a series of Trump-Russia memos to Fusion GPS . Jones also began tweeting out articles suggesting illicit ties between the Trump campaign and Russia as early as 2017.

Steele's work during the 2016 election culminated in the salacious and unverified 35-page "Steele dossier" used to obtain a FISA warrant against then-President Trump (which, as we reported on Friday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper leaked the details to CNN 's Jake Tapper prior to the seemingly coordinated publication by BuzzFeed ).

An April House Intel Report notes that in March 2017, Jones told the FBI that he was working with Steele and Fusion GPS, with funding to the tune of $50 million.

"In late March 2017, Jones met with FBI regarding PQG, which he described as 'exposing foreign influence in Western election,'" reads the House Intel report. "[Redacted] told FBI that PQG was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million ."

"[Redacted] further stated that PQG had secured the services of Steele, his associate [redacted], and Fusion GPS to continue exposing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election," reads the report, which adds that Jones " planned to share the information he obtained with policymakers and with the press ."

And the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross noted at the time, Jones "also offered to provide PQG's entire holdings to the FBI" according to the report, citing a "FD-302" transcript of the interview he gave to the FBI.

Of note, during Congressional testimony last year when Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) asked Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, if he was still being paid for work related to the dossier , Simpson refused to answer . And while the dossier came under fire for " salacious and unverified " claims, a January 8 New York Times profile of Glenn Simpson confirmed that dossier-related work continues.

Sean Davis of The Federalist reported in February that Jones' name was mentioned in a list of individuals from a January 25 Congressional letter from Senators Grassley and Graham to various Democratic party leaders who were likely involved in Fusion GPS's 2016 efforts. The letter sought all communications between the Democrats and a list of 40 individuals or entities, of which Jones is one.

Still no word on whether Jones and Fusion GPS - funded by Soros - have been able to find a connection between Trump and Russia, but we're sure they'll keep plugging away.

insanelysane , 8 minutes ago

More fake dossiers? After the Kav fiasco of fake accusations, who the **** is going to believe in anything else coming from Steele and Fusion and company?

Hyzer , 3 minutes ago

The New York Times for one.

Boscovius , 8 minutes ago

For good or bad, the Founders gave Treason a very strict definition. It probably won't apply to very many of these fucko's. But yes, Sedition is most certainly on the menu.

medium giraffe , 11 minutes ago

"You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny."

-Darth Soros

???ö? , 13 minutes ago

That's probably called SEDITION.

Grumbleduke , 14 minutes ago

are these assholes some kind of an exile government?

Where were they exactly exiled from, then? How about you yanks send some democracy bombs their way, for a change?

Look at them as sacrificial lambs: the world would cheer, give you props and support like after 9/11. Meanwhile new psychos with unimaginable wealth and cold-heartedness will quietly take over. Don't you worry, we'll all get fucked hard.

One way or another - this clown show won't last for long.

You think your/"our" children will ever forgive us?

[Sep 24, 2018] Did they wire Kenny Mr.Trump?

Sep 24, 2018 |

Greece , Sep 22, 2018 3:05:11 PM | link

Well, well, Mr.Trump talks the talk but never walks the walk it semms...

If only poor Kennedy would be so lucky...

Nobody to point fingers at for wiring the president...

Did they wire Kenny Mr.Trump?

You did a big show about putting out stuff that would reveal what happened with kennedy, but instead the people were fed the ussual BS plus some "new" irrelevant" stuff.

Was it just a show to push for more power for your favorite Mr.Netanyahou?

How did they eavesdrop Kenny Mr.Trump?

[Sep 24, 2018] Given Trumps kneeling to the British Skripal poisoning 'hate russia' hoax I suspect there is no chance he will go after Christopher Steele or any of the senior demoncrat conspirers no matter how much he would love to sucker punch Theresa May and her nasty colleagues.

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... If Trump backs the British looneys in the UN security council in a day or two we can all be sure he is now a puppet on a British string and that point will be seen by USA voters. ..."
"... Any leader that lets a foreign nation, Britain, try to destroy his family, presidential campaign and now presidency by assembling and publishing a dirt dossier without response is a coward. If Trump wont stand up to Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, or any of the dossier conspirators, then he is useless. The USA voters see that no matter what the spin but the swing voters more than any other actually discriminate and make judgements based on actions ..."
"... They are in a quandary and only Trump can cement their support by going after the perpetrators NOW and telling the EU loonies like Britain and France to F off with their belligerent war mongering. I wouldn't count on it. ..."
Sep 22, 2018 |

uncle tungsten , Sep 22, 2018 6:34:26 PM | 32

More notions on USA election so excuse a repeat post all. I figure an enormous number of voters reeled in horror at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton president and voted for Trump. Will that horror revert to more democrat support now?

Are those swing voters now uncertain if the $hillary will stage a come back. Nothing absolute has been stated and the demoncrats go through the motions of 'thinking about' another stooge like creepy Joe Biden. The USA is not liberated from the 'Clinton option' yet.

More to the point though is that repeatedly implied and sometimes stated 'certainty' that the DOJ/FBI under its new Trumpian management has a thousand grand jury indictments pending to be actioned in October or something. The Trumpers are certain that their hero is about to slay the many headed dragon and they have been anticipating that move for some time. Sure there appears to be sufficient evidence to draw and quarter a couple of seriously stupid clowns.

Given Trumps kneeling to the British Skripal poisoning 'hate russia' hoax I suspect there is no chance he will go after Christopher Steele or any of the senior demoncrat conspirers no matter how much he would love to sucker punch Theresa May and her nasty colleagues. If Trump backs the British looneys in the UN security council in a day or two we can all be sure he is now a puppet on a British string and that point will be seen by USA voters.

Any leader that lets a foreign nation, Britain, try to destroy his family, presidential campaign and now presidency by assembling and publishing a dirt dossier without response is a coward. If Trump wont stand up to Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, or any of the dossier conspirators, then he is useless. The USA voters see that no matter what the spin but the swing voters more than any other actually discriminate and make judgements based on actions .

They are in a quandary and only Trump can cement their support by going after the perpetrators NOW and telling the EU loonies like Britain and France to F off with their belligerent war mongering. I wouldn't count on it.

[Sep 23, 2018] Arguing the Constitution with Brennan is like arguing the Bible with an Atheist

Sep 23, 2018 |

KCMarkLeader -> JackDan

Arguing the Constitution with Brennan is like arguing the Bible with an Atheist.

hansenwtLeader -> KCMark

Except Brennan will be in charge of something again in the next Democrat Presidency....if you vote Democrat....Anyone that remotely acts like Brennan, (not a partisan argument)...should never ever be allowed near the levers of control of this country....the 2016 election has proven this.

[Sep 23, 2018] UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited Grave Concerns Over Steele Involvement

Highly recommended!
Notable quotes:
"... Steele also had extensive contacts with DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who - along with Steele - was paid by opposition research firm Fusion GPS in the anti-Trump campaign. Trump called for the declassification of FBI notes of interviews with Ohr, which would ostensibly reveal more about his relationship with Steele. Ohr was demoted twice within the Department of Justice for lying about his contacts with Fusion GPS. ..."
"... Perhaps the Brits are also concerned since much of the espionage performed on the Trump campaign was conducted on UK soil throughout 2016 . Recall that Trump aid George Papadopoulos was lured to London in March, 2016, where Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud fed him the rumor that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton. It was later at a London bar that Papadopoulos would drunkenly pass the rumor to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer (who Strzok flew to London to meet with). ..."
"... Papadopoulos accepted a flight to London and a $3,000 honorarium. He claims that during a meeting in London, Halper asked him whether he knew anything about Russian hacking of Democrats' emails. ..."
"... Papadopoulos had other contacts on British soil that he now believes were part of a government-sanctioned surveillance operation. - Daily Caller ..."
"... In total, Halper received over $1 million from the Obama Pentagon for "research," over $400,000 of which was granted before and during the 2016 election season. ..."
"... In short, it's understandable that the UK would prefer to hide their involvement in the "witch hunt" of Donald Trump since much of the counterintelligence investigation was conducted on UK soil. And if the Brits had knowledge of the operation, it will bolster claims that they meddled in the 2016 US election by assisting what appears to have been a set-up from the start . ..."
"... Steele's ham-handed dossier is a mere embarrassment, as virtually none of the claims asserted by the former MI6 agent have been proven true. ..."
"... Steele, a former MI6 agent, is the author of the infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. He worked as a confidential human source for the FBI for years before the relationship was severed just before the election because of Steele's unauthorized contacts with the press. ..."
"... That said, Steele hasn't worked for the British government since 2009, so for their excuse focusing on the former MI6 agent while ignoring the multitude of events which occurred on UK soil, is curious. ..."
"... I find it interesting that the Theresa May Govt in UK has the temerity to interfere with US politics (until they got caught out!), yet can't find the spine to stand up to the EU. ..."
"... THE UNITED KINGDOM along with ISRAEL & SAUDI ARABIA have always been the ones behind US Politics making, pulling the strings behind the curtains since the Petrodollar Inception, The Greater Israel project & the NWO initiative - only this time around Trump was not the UK's pick... ..."
"... England dominates the offshore money laundering havens where the super rich hide their money and evade taxes. They need to be brought down. No more African dictators looting their nation's resources and hiding the money first in offshore banks and then in JP Morgan and Brit banks. ..."
"... It is a test. If Trump doesn't go ahead with declassification, we know for sure he is no better than the globalists and neocons whose goal has always been to destroy and depopulate America. ..."
"... 'focusing on the former MI6 agent while ignoring the multitude of events which occurred on UK soil, is curious' ..."
"... Not at all. It's obvious - the problem ISN'T Steele. They're living in fear, as are many in DC and elsewhere, that Trump is going to pry the lid open and reveal at least some of their activities. If killing him would fix the problem, they would. It's too late, considering what Trump is threatening to do. I wonder if he'll back down, at least some? ..."
"... U.K. does not want the jurisdiction. U.S. spies lure you overseas then...compromise you. ..."
"... Duh. This Started In London! Britain is the "foreign country" involved in our elections. Wake up everyone. It's LONDONGATE ..."
"... May gonna owe Vlad an apology when Skripal is revealed to be Steele's source. Steele himself hadn't been to Russian in 15 years. Will he get life in prison for attempted murder? ..."
"... "t's hard to tell who's telling the truth and who isn't in this whole Russia narrative. Fact is, NOBODY is telling the truth. That is what I've determined after doing my own research.": ..."
"... Trump made promises before being elected, then lied and sold America out, just like every other corrupted assklown politician. he is no different than clinton bush obama, just as arrogant, just as corrupt, and just as much a traitor. ..."
Sep 23, 2018 |

UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs; Cited "Grave Concerns" Over Steele Involvement

by Tyler Durden Sun, 09/23/2018 - 11:15 4.6K SHARES

The British government "expressed grave concerns" to the US government over the declassification and release of material related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the New York Times . President Trump ordered a wide swath of materials "immediately" declassified "without redaction" on Monday, only to change his mind later in the week by allowing the DOJ Inspector General to review the materials first.

The Times reports that the UK's concern was over material which "includes direct references to conversations between American law enforcement officials and Christopher Steele," the former MI6 agent who compiled the infamous "Steele Dossier." The UK's objection, according to former US and British officials, was over revealing Steele's identity in an official document, "regardless of whether he had been named in press reports."

We would note, however, that Steele's name was contained within the Nunes Memo - the House Intelligence Committee's majority opinion in the Trump-Russia case.

Steele also had extensive contacts with DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who - along with Steele - was paid by opposition research firm Fusion GPS in the anti-Trump campaign. Trump called for the declassification of FBI notes of interviews with Ohr, which would ostensibly reveal more about his relationship with Steele. Ohr was demoted twice within the Department of Justice for lying about his contacts with Fusion GPS.

Perhaps the Brits are also concerned since much of the espionage performed on the Trump campaign was conducted on UK soil throughout 2016 . Recall that Trump aid George Papadopoulos was lured to London in March, 2016, where Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud fed him the rumor that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton. It was later at a London bar that Papadopoulos would drunkenly pass the rumor to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer (who Strzok flew to London to meet with).

Also recall that CIA/FBI "informant" (spy) Stefan Halper met with both Carter Page and Papadopoulos in London.

Halper, a veteran of four Republican administrations, reached out to Trump aide George Papadopoulos in September 2016 with an offer to fly to London to write an academic paper on energy exploration in the Mediterranean Sea.

Papadopoulos accepted a flight to London and a $3,000 honorarium. He claims that during a meeting in London, Halper asked him whether he knew anything about Russian hacking of Democrats' emails.

Papadopoulos had other contacts on British soil that he now believes were part of a government-sanctioned surveillance operation. - Daily Caller

In total, Halper received over $1 million from the Obama Pentagon for "research," over $400,000 of which was granted before and during the 2016 election season.

In short, it's understandable that the UK would prefer to hide their involvement in the "witch hunt" of Donald Trump since much of the counterintelligence investigation was conducted on UK soil. And if the Brits had knowledge of the operation, it will bolster claims that they meddled in the 2016 US election by assisting what appears to have been a set-up from the start .

Steele's ham-handed dossier is a mere embarrassment, as virtually none of the claims asserted by the former MI6 agent have been proven true.

Steele, a former MI6 agent, is the author of the infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. He worked as a confidential human source for the FBI for years before the relationship was severed just before the election because of Steele's unauthorized contacts with the press.

He shared results of his investigation into Trump's links to Russia with the FBI beginning in early July 2016.

The FBI relied heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to fill out applications for four FISA warrants against Page. Page has denied the dossier's claims, which include that he was the Trump campaign's back channel to the Kremlin. - Daily Caller

That said, Steele hasn't worked for the British government since 2009, so for their excuse focusing on the former MI6 agent while ignoring the multitude of events which occurred on UK soil, is curious.

StychoKiller , 54 minutes ago

I find it interesting that the Theresa May Govt in UK has the temerity to interfere with US politics (until they got caught out!), yet can't find the spine to stand up to the EU. If I were Trump, not only would the shoe be dropping re: UK Govt involvement in US politics, but said shoe would be making an imprint across her face! (stoopid twat!)

texantim , 1 hour ago

I say release the docs and put sanctions on UK.

BitchesBetterRecognize , 1 hour ago

So the Motherland ******* up with the ex-colony yet again, huh?

THE UNITED KINGDOM along with ISRAEL & SAUDI ARABIA have always been the ones behind US Politics making, pulling the strings behind the curtains since the Petrodollar Inception, The Greater Israel project & the NWO initiative - only this time around Trump was not the UK's pick...

Oh, but those "civilized" Allies backstabbing each other for more power grip on the USA....

Baron von Bud , 2 hours ago

England dominates the offshore money laundering havens where the super rich hide their money and evade taxes. They need to be brought down. No more African dictators looting their nation's resources and hiding the money first in offshore banks and then in JP Morgan and Brit banks.

Many hedge funds are deep into this game. I'd wager on Carlyle Group and the Bush clan. Billions of people can't get ahead because the super rich are ******* crooks running the banks and governments. They don't pay taxes but force a small dry cleaner to pay 45% in fed/state taxes. These criminals include Hillary Clinton and many members of congress. Feinstein, Pelosi, Maxine and many more of both parties need to be investigated. How do they get so rich on a congressman's salary. Deep into tax evasion and payoffs? Release the documents and let MI6 hang.

Malvern Joe , 3 hours ago

It is a test. If Trump doesn't go ahead with declassification, we know for sure he is no better than the globalists and neocons whose goal has always been to destroy and depopulate America. It would represent the biggest sellout of this country since the creation of the Fed in 1913, He will go down as the biggest fraud ever and his base will deport his *** to the sums of India where he can defecate in public.

Bricker , 3 hours ago

You dont get to supply a rogue agent, that was probably told to do it in the first place, and then tell Trump not to do it out of harm, harm is all you BRIT DEEP STATES deserve

Moving and Grooving , 3 hours ago

'focusing on the former MI6 agent while ignoring the multitude of events which occurred on UK soil, is curious'

Not at all. It's obvious - the problem ISN'T Steele. They're living in fear, as are many in DC and elsewhere, that Trump is going to pry the lid open and reveal at least some of their activities. If killing him would fix the problem, they would. It's too late, considering what Trump is threatening to do. I wonder if he'll back down, at least some?

The sheer corruption of the Global Government is on display here, revealing itself, if you watch for it. Whether planned or not, the last 6 months or so have been astonishing to watch. The entire media has been shown to be liars, academia is shown to be an expensive provider of unprepared students, the corporate world is furiously rent-seeking and finding new ways to destroy humanity, and government is too busy selling Americans out to write a budget. In all countries around the world, adjusting for national status. Lawsuits in the west, machetes in the third world.

Ban KKiller , 4 hours ago

U.K. does not want the jurisdiction. U.S. spies lure you overseas then...compromise you.

John C Durham , 4 hours ago

Duh. This Started In London! Britain is the "foreign country" involved in our elections. Wake up everyone. It's LONDONGATE .

Anunnaki , 4 hours ago

May gonna owe Vlad an apology when Skripal is revealed to be Steele's source. Steele himself hadn't been to Russian in 15 years. Will he get life in prison for attempted murder?

PeaceForWorld , 4 hours ago

"t's hard to tell who's telling the truth and who isn't in this whole Russia narrative. Fact is, NOBODY is telling the truth. That is what I've determined after doing my own research.":

I really like this woman "Shut the **** up!". She is a former Bernie supporter just like me. She has turned against Democrats just like me. She doesn't trust any of the Establishment parties.

Buddha71 , 4 hours ago

Trump made promises before being elected, then lied and sold America out, just like every other corrupted assklown politician. he is no different than clinton bush obama, just as arrogant, just as corrupt, and just as much a traitor. he has broken the promises upon which he was elected, just like all the other fkn liars before him. no different. just a pos. he has not made america great again, just more of the same, unemployment is a lie, it is closer to 17%.

[Sep 23, 2018] Brennan FBI Has Obligation To Circumvent Trump, Took Constitutional Oath To United States by Ian Schwartz

Brennan is dreaming about acceptance of Mueller witch hunt for all Americans: "It is critically important for all of the American citizens to learn the results of that investigation, and whether or not it implicates Mr. Trump and others, we have to be ready to accept those findings as apolitical, and not something that is being done for political purposes," he said.
Notable quotes:
"... Actually, Brennan...there is nothing unconstitutional about what Trump is doing. Nothing at all, not one thing. Your call for circumvention is however seditious and you should be prosecuted for your actions. But beyond that, your fear and your blathering makes me smile from ear to ear because it means you are scared that the truth about you and your ilk WILL come one. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". It is precious watching you squirm! ..."
"... Arguing the Constitution with Brennan is like arguing the Bible with an Atheist. ..."
"... So, why should WE THE PEOPLE not be able to see what Brennan and his ilk have either been leaking selectively at us or hiding to subvert a lawful election. ..."
Sep 19, 2018 |

Former CIA director and MSNBC contributor John Brennan called on FBI director Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to "push back" on any directive from the White House that may have a "negative impact" on the Mueller investigation.

Brennan called on "individuals of conscience" in the administration to remember that they took an oath of office not an oath to Donald Trump. Moments prior Brennan admonished people who are abusing their powers to "protect" Trump.

"I think that they should continue to push, push, push, and if Mr. Tump and the White House does not relent, then they have some decisions to make, and whether or not they are going to the just not follow that direction and be fired or to resign," Brennan said of the trio.

"A number of individuals are trying to protect Mr. Trump and abusing their authorities and their powers, whether it be in Congress or within the executive branch," Brennan said on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports . "And this is something that I am hoping that individuals of conscience are going to stop and prevent because I am concerned that this is just one indication that Mr. Trump is going to increasingly look for steps to take in order to further to try to subvert the Mueller investigation."

"I think that they should continue to push, push, push, and if Mr. Tump and the White House does not relent, then they have some decisions to make, and whether or not they are going to the just not follow that direction and be fired or to resign, but if they really believe this is going to have serious impact, the national security law enforcement, and judicial process, they have an obligation since they took the oath of office to the constitution of the United States and not Mr. Trump to uphold their responsibilities and their agency and the departments' authorities," Brennan said.

Brennan called it critically important that Americans accept the results of the Mueller probe.

"It is critically important for all of the American citizens to learn the results of that investigation, and whether or not it implicates Mr. Trump and others, we have to be ready to accept those findings as apolitical, and not something that is being done for political purposes," he said.


Actually, Brennan...there is nothing unconstitutional about what Trump is doing. Nothing at all, not one thing. Your call for circumvention is however seditious and you should be prosecuted for your actions. But beyond that, your fear and your blathering makes me smile from ear to ear because it means you are scared that the truth about you and your ilk WILL come one. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". It is precious watching you squirm!

KCMarkLeader -> JackDan

Arguing the Constitution with Brennan is like arguing the Bible with an Atheist.

hansenwtLeader -> KCMark

Except Brennan will be in charge of something again in the next Democrat Presidency....if you vote Democrat....Anyone that remotely acts like Brennan, (not a partisan argument)...should never ever be allowed near the levers of control of this country....the 2016 election has proven this.


So, why should WE THE PEOPLE not be able to see what Brennan and his ilk have either been leaking selectively at us or hiding to subvert a lawful election.

We're talking about FISA warrants of a Presidential campaign's staff.

Why should we not see this? Why should the truth not all come out?

What possible reason can Brennan have to keep THIS out of public knowledge?

JackDanLeader -> Edgarson

The only logical reason is because Brennan does not want to go to jail. Well too bad Brennan!


In other words, this man is telling the FBI NOT to release anything that belongs to We The People.

JackDanLeader -> SUTOPEL

In other words he is openly advocating for government officials to disobey a presidential order, which is either sedition or treason. I'll let Brennan pick which one.

[Sep 23, 2018] Intelligence agencies combined aspects of street gangs and political parties, taking positions on current issues, notably claimants to the throne

The tragedy is that Georgetown Prep and Yale alumni like Pompeo have no fear of lampposts or Hiroshima. Unless the elite work to get consent of the governed back again, the future will be one or the other.
Sep 23, 2018 |

The armed forces are watching the present chaos in the US between the revolutionary "Progressives" and the counter-revolutionary "Deplorables." Our versions of Belisarius, Narses and Mundus are calculating the odds of an eventual calming of the discord. They cannot think that the odds are very good.

Political war could easily lead to the real thing. pl

[Sep 22, 2018] New York Times Tries Treason Again

Notable quotes:
"... shortly after FBI Director James Comey was fired by Trump, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed using the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office, and himself wearing a wire to record the President at the White House. Rosenstein is supervising the Mueller Special Counsel investigation of the President. Rosenstein has heatedly denied the Times story. ..."
"... Also this week, Mueller's first victim, former Trump Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos began press appearances detailing how he was set up by the British and the CIA in the evidence fabrication phase of the Russiagate investigation, during the Spring of 2016. ..."
Sep 22, 2018 |

Friday afternoon, the New York Times once again took up the coup against Donald Trump, not as a news matter, but as a witting psychological warfare instrument for those bent on trying to illegally remove this President from office. They report, with great fervor, that shortly after FBI Director James Comey was fired by Trump, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed using the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office, and himself wearing a wire to record the President at the White House. Rosenstein is supervising the Mueller Special Counsel investigation of the President. Rosenstein has heatedly denied the Times story.

This leak occurs in a context where the coup itself is unraveling. The President ordered the declassification of foundational documents in the coup itself on Monday, September 17, including tweets from Robert Mueller's central witness, Jim Comey. According to press accounts, "our allies" called to complain, most certainly the British and the Australians who instigated this coup together with Barack Obama and John Brennan. In addition, the so-called gang of eight Senators and Congressmen who get briefed by the intelligence community had their knickers in a full knot. On Friday, shortly before the Times story broke, the President delayed release of the documents, placing their release in the hands of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, while insisting that the documents be reviewed and released in an expedited fashion. He also reserved the right to move forward himself if the matter was not handled with expedition. This was a sound move by Trump and the documents will be released.

Also this week, Mueller's first victim, former Trump Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos began press appearances detailing how he was set up by the British and the CIA in the evidence fabrication phase of the Russiagate investigation, during the Spring of 2016. There is a sitting grand jury in Washington D.C. hearing evidence concerning fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. According to various sources, that grand jury is also hearing evidence about criminal abuses of the FISA court process and media leaks.

The press reporting to date on the story points to Andrew McCabe or Robert Mueller as the source of the leak to the New York Times .

McCabe's memos are reportedly the source of the story and he has provided those to Mueller.

There is no doubt that Rosenstein has been a corrupt force throughout the ongoing coup against the President.

The question, which allies of the President should be asking, however, is why is this occurring now? In this strategic context? From the grey lady ragsheet that is the chief propaganda arm of the coup?

The President should demand that the Inspector General Horowitz immediately obtain and review the McCabe memos and interview everyone involved in the referenced in the Times and any follow-on meetings under oath, as well as investigating the source of the leak to the New York Times , providing him an immediate report for his consideration by early next week.

[Sep 17, 2018] I hold to the theory that the Generals backed Trump and the CIA backed Hillary.

Notable quotes:
"... I hold to the theory that the Generals backed Trump and the CIA backed Hillary. ..."
Sep 17, 2018 |

dltravers , Sep 16, 2018 11:46:17 PM | link


Graham seems slightly more well behaved since McCain left the Senate. The stare down of Graham was excellent.

I hold to the theory that the Generals backed Trump and the CIA backed Hillary. Adding to that theory I submit that it was the reason why the former regime targeted Flynn first. As head of the DIA he may have had a big role in neutralizing some of the other intelligence agencies in their election meddling. He was the most dangerous person to the former regime.

I do not hold the the mass indictments theory. With that many Grand Juries going someone would see something unless they are being held on military bases with military people on the juries. The whole system would melt down if that happened. The MSN would be all over this spinning the military dictator line, especially with the upcoming election.

If the Republicans lose Congress the Trump Russia investigations will continue for another two years along with the tiring blather from the MSM.

[Sep 16, 2018] Looks like the key players in Steele dossier were CIA assets

Highly recommended!
'Assume, for the sake of argument, that powerful, connected people in the intelligence community and in politics worried that a wildcard Trump presidency, unlike another Clinton or Bush, might expose a decade-plus of questionable practices. Disrupt long-established money channels. Reveal secret machinations that could arguably land some people in prison.
'What exactly might an "insurance policy" against Donald Trump look like?'
All this leads me back to the suspicion that Steele's involvement may have been less in crafting the dossier, than making it possible to conceal its actual origins while giving it an appearance of credibility. It could also be the case that Nellie Ohr's sudden interest in radio transmissions had to do with communications inside the United States, rather than with Steele.
Notable quotes:
"... A great deal of evidence, I think, suggests that practically all those involved in 'Russiagate' were caught totally unprepared by Trump's victory, that they then went rushing around like headless chickens, and that part of this process involved a decision being taken to publish the dossier, without consulting British intelligence. If people like Younger were not consulted, then it would seem to me unlikely that Steele was. ..."
"... And I have immense difficulty seeing how any competent media lawyer would not have recommended, at the minimum, the redaction of the names of Aleksej Gubarev and his company from the final December 2016 memorandum. This would have made legal action unlikely, without greatly diminishing the effect of the claims. ..."
"... But if this was so, and if what they thought was accurate information was actually disinformation, the likely conduit would not have been through Steele, but from FSB cybersecurity people to their FBI counterparts. ..."
"... It it is I think material that intelligence agencies commonly include a great variety of people, ranging from very able analysts and operators to complete dolts. So, the CIA has employed both Philip Giraldi and John Brennan, MI6 both Alastair Crooke and also Christopher Steele and Alex Younger. ..."
"... It is however somewhat revealing that one now finds Giraldi and Crooke appearing on a Russian site, 'Strategic Culture Foundation', while Brennan and Younger are treated as authoritative figures by the MSM. ..."
"... My strong suspicion is that 'Russiagate' is a kind of nemesis, arising from the fact that key figures in British and American intelligence have, over a protracted period of time, got involved in intrigues where they are way out of their depth. The unintended consequences of these have meant that people like Brennan and Younger, and also Hannigan, have ended up having to resort to desperate measures to cover their backsides. ..."
"... There are many aspects to this story that don't make any sense to me if one looks at it from a rational perspective. One of course being concerns about libel litigation and the related legal discovery that you note. The second being no real contingency planning in the event Hillary loses the election. Admittedly they must have bought the media line and Nate Silver's forecast of a greater than 75% probability of a Hillary win. ..."
"... The purported "arms length" relationships don't make any sense. There's Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson playing a central role. They hire Nellie Ohr, a possible CIA asset and the wife of Bruce Ohr, the 4th highest ranking official at the DOJ. ..."
"... Glenn Simpson also hires Christopher Steele who he knows from previous "spook" associations. Steele had numerous and continuous communications including telephone, Skype, email and personal meetings with Bruce and Nellie Ohr during all this. ..."
"... Then there is Mifsud and Halper. Apparently both are CIA and FBI assets. ..."
"... You have Brennan ginning up concerns giving super secret and individual briefings to the Gang of 8 in Congress. There's Democratic Senator Mark Warner, the minority leader on the Senate Intelligence Committee texting and calling Adam Waldman, Deripaska's US attorney about setting up clandestine meetings with Steele. ..."
"... Not to be left behind there's Sen. McCain doing the same. His top aide even travels to London to meet Steele. And then there's Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page busily spending every waking moment texting each other about every twist and turn in all the political games being played. Of course there's Admiral Rogers investigating unusual searches by FBI officials and contractors on the NSA database. And he briefs President-elect Trump at Trump Tower which prompts the entire transition team to move to Trump's golf course in NJ. ..."
"... In fact the IG report on the Clinton "investigation" states that many at the FBI were accepting "gifts" from various media personalities for a quid pro quo ..."
"... There's Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr's direct boss who testifies he knew nothing about Ohr being a conduit to Strzok for Steele. Of course he knew nothing but signed the FISA application on Carter Page. ..."
"... At this point I don't buy that Christopher Steele dug up real intelligence from his contacts at the highest levels of the Russian government, which caught Brennan, Clapper, Comey and Lynch's pants on fire, who then launched a formal investigation of Russia collusion with Trump. Many things just don't pass the smell test. Now of course I have no qualifications nor experience in spookdom. ..."
"... I agree that it (and Skripalmania) are almost impossible to make sense of unless you think of a bunch of highly politicised not very bright people sinking deeper and deeper into what looked like a bright idea at the time. ..."
"... I ask because, if one tries to look at it in a non-partisan way, the Western IC seemed to be a failure when it came to predicting Russian reactions in the Donbass, the Crimea, and it seems in Syria. I link this to various comments from Colonel Lang indicating that true experts were replaced over the years by less experienced and knowledgeable people. Does being "highly politicised" mean that they're not up to much when it comes to minding the shop? ..."
"... I thought I detected a protest against the politicisation of the US in the world some years ago. And we must not forget that Gen Flynn (DIA) and Adm Rogers (NSA) acted strongly against this. Flynn was the first casualty of the Trump/Russia hysteria and the Clapper claque tried to fire Rogers. ..."
"... I was born in the Depression and have seen vitriolic politics but never have seen such a massive opposition by the media, the pundits and the establishment of both parties. Over 500 print publications endorsed Hillary. Only some 20 endorsed Trump. Yet he confounds the pundits by winning the election. Clearly many voters are at odds with the political media class. ..."
"... I think there is an ideological background to this, on which the piece by Alastair Crooke – himself former MI6 – to which Patrick Armstrong links, and the piece by James George Jatras to which Crooke links, are both to the point. The 'end of history' crowd thought they were inhabiting a realised utopia, and cannot cope with the fact that their dream is collapsing. ..."
"... In relation to the millenarian undercurrents on which Crooke focuses, however, it is also worth noting that a traditional conservative suspicion has been that millenarianism is naturally linked to antinomianism: the belief that the moral law is not binding on the elect. ..."
"... It is obviously possible that Ohr did not report up the chain of command, and if so, he and his wife become pivotal figures in the conspiracy. Alternatively, it could be that Rosenstein is lying – in which case, we have large questions about who else is implicated, and specifically whether the termination of Steele by the FBI was anything more than a ruse. ..."
"... 'Yet, Simpson allegedly acknowledged that most of the information Fusion GPS and British intelligence operative Christopher Steele developed did not come from sources inside Moscow. "Much of the collection about the Trump campaign ties to Russia comes from a former Russian intelligence officer (? not entirely clear) who lives in the U.S.," Ohr scribbled in his notes.' ..."
"... And it confirms my strong suspicion that the dossier is actually a composite product, much of it assembled at Fusion, which could indeed contain material from a range of people from the former Soviet space, who could living in the United States, Britain, or elsewhere – Ukraine and the Baltics being obvious possibilities. ..."
"... So Sergei Skripal and Sergei Millian, neither of whom fit the description by Simpson, have been mentioned as possible sources, and there is also the very curiously ambiguous role of Rinat Akhmetshin. ..."
"... All these people, obviously, could simply have fabricated material or retailed gossip, and Steele himself was involved in fabricating material on an industrial scale to cover up what actually happened to Alexander Litvinenko. ..."
"... All this leads me back to the suspicion that Steele's involvement may have been less in crafting the dossier, than making it possible to conceal its actual origins while giving it an appearance of credibility. It could also be the case that Nellie Ohr's sudden interest in radio transmissions had to do with communications inside the United States, rather than with Steele. ..."
"... Apparently that organisation is doing rather well in sustaining the claiming that 'fair report privilege' could circumvent any requirement to prove truth – and a key question now is whether documents which the DOJ is being forced to produce will establish that the dossier was being used by officials in ways that would trigger the privilege as of 10 January 2017. ..."
"... That said, what Ohr reports Simpson as telling him raises fundamental questions about how anyone could have relied upon the dossier for anything – and should push people back to actually asking hard questions about its origins. ..."
"... To add: Steele was on the FBI's payroll, in addition to being on Fusion GPS's payroll. And on the payroll of Her Majesty's Government. After he got caught leaking to the media he was apparently "fired" by the FBI. But he was continuing to communicate and brief through Bruce Ohr at the DOJ. ..."
"... I think the circle of Glenn Simpson. Chris Steele, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Adam Waldman. Peter Strzok, and Sen. Mark Warner will be very interesting to pursue. ..."
"... The other circle that should be investigated is the Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey, Yates, Susan Rice. ..."
"... No investigation can exclude the active participation of key people from the media complex including people like Comey's good friend Benjamin Wittes. ..."
"... In its original version, the 'Statement of Principles' explained, among other things, that the Society: 'Believes that only modern liberal democratic states are truly legitimate, and that any international organization which admits undemocratic states on an equal basis is fundamentally flawed.' ..."
"... Ironically, it was shortly after the publication of the dossier that Anatol Lieven published in the 'National Interest' an article entitled 'Is America Becoming a Third World Country?' (See https://nationalinterest.or... .) ..."
"... Also in June, Sergei Karaganov published a piece in 'Russia in Global Affairs', of which he is publisher, entitled 'Ideology of Eastward Turn.' ..."
"... I do not think Karaganov's article is simply a reflection of changes in Russian attitudes. The changes, it seems to me, are global. ..."
"... I do think that we in the West really blew it. In 1990, we could have said, in all humility, that our way of life (IMO the key word is pluralism) had proven more survivable. So we should welcome the others into the tent. Instead, we were right and that was that. ..."
"... Just as you're asking about the origins of the dossier I wonder if it was orchestrated or something that evolved organically? If it was orchestrated, then who was the mastermind? Did Brennan, Clapper and Come sit down and hatch it or was Simpson the brains? What is astounding is the scale. So many people involved. Were they all motivated by ideology or by the need to protect their racket? ..."
"... It seems there are many sub-plots. There's the Deripaska, Steele, Waldman, Mueller, Sen. Warner angle. Then there's the Simpson, Steele, Ohr, Strzok, Page, McCabe angle. There's also the Simpson, Steele, media reporters angle. Then there's the whole Mifsud, Halper, Carter Page, Papadopolous, Downer bit. There's the Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, Strzok FISA application piece. Then there's all the stuff happening in the UK including Hannigan's resignation as soon as Trump is elected. Of course the whole Mueller appointment and the obstruction of justice thread to tie Trump's hand. There are so many elements. Who initiated and coordinated? Was each element separate? ..."
"... Together, these methods are likely to have produced a mass of information. It is important to remember, for example, that at the time of his mysterious death on 23 March 2013 Boris Berezovsky was negotiating to return to Russia, and that his head of security, Sergei Sokolov did return, with a 'cache' of documents. ..."
"... The purpose was to demonstrate that Alexei Navalny was the instrument of a 'régime change' plot in which William Browder was acting as an agent of MI6. ..."
"... An important role in the Apelbaum piece is played by the private security company Hakluyt. A quick look at the entries on Wikipedia and Powerbase will make clear that, if there is a British 'deep state', this is likely to be at its core. ..."
"... It is against this background that on has to see a specific claim which Apelbaum makes, for which I do not think any evidence is produced, about two figures whose role in 'Russiagate' is clearly central. So Luke Harding is described as 'A Guardian reporter and a Hakluyt and Orbis contractor' (note word.) Meanwhile, Edward Baumgartner is described as 'Co-founder of Edward Austin. Contractor at Orbis and Hakluyt.' ..."
"... That Harding is corrupt, as also Sir Robert Owen's 'Inquiry' into the death of the late Alexander Litvinenko, I can prove. When Owen's report was published in January 2016, a preliminary response by me was posted here on SST, which among other things listed some of the evidence establishing that the interviews supposedly recorded with Litvinenko by Detective Inspector Brent Hyatt immediately before his death were blatant forgeries. ..."
"... In relation to that part of the evidence discussed in my January 2016 post which exposes the fumbling attempts by Steele and his colleagues to cover up the truth about when and how Litvinenko travelled into central London on the day he was supposedly killed, most of this had been among a mass of material submitted by me to the Inquiry Team, which I have e-mails to prove was read. ..."
"... Further study of Owen's report has confirmed my suspicion that a strong 'prima facie case' of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice exists against very many of those involved in it. ..."
"... At the same time, materials produced on the Russian side have confirmed my suspicion that the reason why Steele and others have been able to get away with their cover-up is that the Russian intelligence services are no more enthusiastic than their British counterparts about having anything like the whole truth about how Litvinenko lived and died made public. ..."
"... Additionally, the text itself displays an odd parallelism with his assertion regarding the Steele Dossier- that is, the likelihood of multiple authors, of diverse origins. ..."
"... My curiosity about who Apelbaum might be is reinforced by the fact that the intimations he gives about his background in his responses to comments, while not incompatible with what he has said in the past, do not sit so easily with it. ..."
"... So, questions naturally arise about Apelbaum's intelligence career, in particular, who he is likely to have been employed by, and associated with, in the past, and whether he is still involved with any of those agencies which have employed him. ..."
"... 'Also, there is a large Hakluyt/Orbis "commercial intelligence" network in the US that regularly services political and federal agencies and has the power to summon Nazgűls the likes of John Brennan. So Steele is not the new kid on the block, he has been doing this type of work long before 2016. This is also why he has such a cozy relationship with the brass at the DOJ and state.' ..."
"... This is that he, the Ukrainian nationalist former KGB person Yuri Shvets, the convicted Italian disinformation peddler Mario Scaramella, and quite possibly the sometime key FBI expert on Mogilevich, Robert 'Bobby' Levinson, were involved in trying to suggest that Mogilevich was an instrument of a plot by Putin to equip Al Qaeda with a 'mini nuclear bomb.' ..."
"... In his prepared statement, Lugovoi claimed that his supposed victim used to say that everyone in Britain were ''retards', to use the translation submitted in evidence to Owen's Inquiry, or 'idiots', to use that by RT. And according to this version, the British believed in everything that 'we' – that is, the Berezovky group – said was happening in Russia. ..."
"... Whether or not Litvinenko expressed this cynical contempt, the credulity with which the claims of the 'information operations' people around Berezovsky have been accepted – well illustrated by Owen's report and perhaps most ludicrous in Harding's journalism – makes clear it is justified. ..."
"... Perhaps then, cartoons about Trump as a puppet, with the strings pulled by another puppet representing Manafort, whose strings are in turn pulled by Putin, should be replaced by ones in which Mueller is seen as a puppet manipulated by the ghost of Boris Berezovsky. ..."
"... But that is the irony. The relationship with Berezovsky blew up in the faces of all concerned, when in the wake of the successsful corruption of the investigation into the death of Litvinenko by him and his 'information operations' people, he attempted to recoup his fortunes by suing Roman Abramovich, and got taken to pieces by Lord Sumption. ..."
"... The 'Vesti Nedeli' piece uses what Elizaveta Berezovskaya says in support of the claim that Berezovsky was murdered by British 'special forces', because he was planning to return to Russia, and he 'knew too much about them.' ..."
"... One of the things I've never understood about the Trump Dossier story is the lack of any forensic analysis of its content and style anywhere in the media, even the alt media. Who was supposed to have actually written it? Steele? The style does not match someone of his background and education, and the formatting and syntax were atrocious. The font actually varied from "report" to "report." It certainly did not give me the impression of being the product of a high-end, Belgravia consultancy. ..."
"... I wonder whether it was produced by an American of one sort or another and then "laundered" by being accorded association with the UK firm. Given that Steele just happened to be hired by the USG to help in the anti-FIFA skulduggery, he and his firm seem very much to be a concern that does dirty little jobs that need discretely to be done, though in this case, the discretion was undermined. ..."
"... Most of the memos were issued before October and Fusion/Simpson authorized Steele to release information to the FBI starting in July. The question is why the memos were released after the election when a release before the election would have been enough to sink Trump. Instead the FBI and presumably those paying Fusion on Hillarys behalf sat on it, and Comey comes out days before the election ..."
"... Kind of looks like they all wanted Trump in office and the disclosure was to give Trump the excuse needed to back track on his promises to improve relations with Russia and blame that on pressure from the Deep State and Russia Gate. ..."
"... Looking at Trumps history with Sater (FBI/CIA asset) and his political aspirations that began following his Moscow visit in 1987 it seems likely Trump has been a Deep State asset for 30 years and fed intelligence to CIA/FBI on Russian oligarchs and mafia . Indeed he may well have duped Russians into believing he was working for them when in fact it was the CIA/FBI who had the best Kompromat with US RICO laws that could have beggared him ..."
"... One thing to remember about the FBI is Sy Hersh. Hersh claims the FBI has been sitting on a report for two years that fingers murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich as the Wikileaks DNC email leaker (or one of them, at least.) ..."
"... I suspect the decision to publish the dossier was political. It was required to enable Clapper, Brennan, and others to opine on national media and create further media hysteria prior to the vote as well as to justify the counter-intelligence investigations underway. They were throwing the kitchen sink to sink Trump's electoral chances. I don't think a lot of thought was given about the legal ramifications. ..."
"... This seems to be a pattern. Leak information. Then use the leaked story to justify actions like apply for a FISA warrant or fan the media flames. ..."
"... I find it incredulous that former leaders of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies have gained paid access to powerful media platforms and they have used it to launch vicious attacks on a POTUS. ..."
"... I find it amazing that McCabe and Peter Strzok are raising hundreds of thousands of dollars on social media platforms. ..."
"... If the GOP retains the House and Jim Jordan becomes speaker, then there may be a possibility that Sessions, Rosenstein and Wray may be fired and another special counsel appointed who will then convene a grand jury. ..."
Aug 23, 2018 |

My strong impression is that nobody on the British side vetted the dossier for publication. A striking feature of the early news coverage is that there appeared to be total confusion, with some of the reporting suggesting that the sources quoted wanted to hang him out to dry, others that they wanted to defend him.

An interesting aspect is that not only were anonymous sources linked to MI6 quoted on both sides of the argument -- which could have been explained by disagreements within the organisation: in different stories, not however far apart in date, its head, Sir Alex Younger, was portrayed as holding radically different views.

When CNN publicised the existence of the dossier on 10 January 2017, the same day that it was published by 'BuzzFeed', it suggested that the author was British. The following day, the WSJ named Steele.

On 13 January, Martin Robinson, UK Chief Reporter for 'Mail Online', published a report whose headlines seem worth quoting in full:

'I introduced him to my wife as James Bond': Former spy Chris Steele's friends describe a "show-off" 007 figure but MI6 bosses brand him "an idiot" for an "appalling lack of judgement" over the Trump "dirty dossier": Intelligence expert Nigel West says friend is like Ian Fleming's famous character; He said: "He's James Bond. I actually introduced him to my wife as James Bond'; Mr West says Steele dislikes Putin and Kremlin for ignoring rules of espionage; Angry spy source calls him 'idiot' and blasts decision to take on the Trump work; Current MI6 boss Sir Alex Younger is said to be livid about reputation damage.'

(See . )

On 15 January, however, Kim Sengupta, Defence Editor of the 'Independent', produced a report headlined: 'Head of MI6 used information from Trump dossier in first public speech; Warnings on cyberattacks show ex-spy's work is respected.'

(See .)

A great deal of evidence, I think, suggests that practically all those involved in 'Russiagate' were caught totally unprepared by Trump's victory, that they then went rushing around like headless chickens, and that part of this process involved a decision being taken to publish the dossier, without consulting British intelligence. If people like Younger were not consulted, then it would seem to me unlikely that Steele was.

This leads me on to another puzzle about the dossier to which I have been having a difficulty finding a solution. Long years ago I was reasonably familiar with libel law in relation to journalism. Anyone who 'served indentures', as very many of us did in those days, had to study it. Later, I got involved in a protracted libel suit -- successfully, I hasten to add -- in relation to a programme I made, and had the sobering experience of having a top-class libel barrister requiring me to justify every assertion I had made.

In the jargon then, a crucial question when an article, or programme, was being 'vetted' before publication was whether it represented a 'fair business risk.' This involved both the technical legal issues, and also judgements as to whether people were likely to sue, and how if they did the case would be likely to pan out.

On the face of things, one would not have expected that people at 'BuzzFeed' would have gone ahead and make the dossier public, without having it 'vetted' by competent lawyers. And I have difficulty seeing how, if they did, the advice could have been to publish what they published.

I have some difficulty seeing how the advice could have been to include the memorandum with the claims about the Alfa Group oligarchs, unless either these could be seriously defended or it was assumed that contesting them effectively would involve revealing more 'dirty linen' than these wanted to see aired in public.

And I have immense difficulty seeing how any competent media lawyer would not have recommended, at the minimum, the redaction of the names of Aleksej Gubarev and his company from the final December 2016 memorandum. This would have made legal action unlikely, without greatly diminishing the effect of the claims.

Trying to make sense of why such an obvious precaution was not taken, I find myself wondering whether, in fact, the reason may have been that the people responsible for the dossier may have actually believed this part of it at least.

If that is so, however, the most plausible explanation I can see is that while other claims in the dossier may well be total fabrication, either by the people at Fusion and Steele or by some of their questionable contacts, this information at least did come from what Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr et al thought were reliable Russian government sources.

But if this was so, and if what they thought was accurate information was actually disinformation, the likely conduit would not have been through Steele, but from FSB cybersecurity people to their FBI counterparts.

I think that the cases involving Karim Baratov and Dmitri Dokuchaev and his colleagues may be much more complex than is apparent from what looks to me like patent disinformation put out both on the Western and Russian sides.

It it is I think material that intelligence agencies commonly include a great variety of people, ranging from very able analysts and operators to complete dolts. So, the CIA has employed both Philip Giraldi and John Brennan, MI6 both Alastair Crooke and also Christopher Steele and Alex Younger.

It is however somewhat revealing that one now finds Giraldi and Crooke appearing on a Russian site, 'Strategic Culture Foundation', while Brennan and Younger are treated as authoritative figures by the MSM.

If you want to get a clear picture of quite how low-grade the latter figure is, incidentally, it is worth looking at the speech to which Kim Sengupta refers.

(See .)

A favourite line of mine comes in Younger's discussion of the -- actually largely mythical -- notion of 'hybrid warfare': 'In this arena, our opponents are often states whose very survival owes to the strength of their security capabilities; the work is complex and risky, often with the full weight of the State seeking to root us out.'

Leaving aside the fact that this is borderline illiterate, what it amazing is Younger's apparent blindness to clearly unintended implications of what he writes. If indeed, the 'very survival' of the Russian state 'owes to the strength of [its] security capabilities', the conclusions, seen from a Russian point of view, would seem rather obvious: vote Putin, and give medals to Patrushev and Bortnikov.

My strong suspicion is that 'Russiagate' is a kind of nemesis, arising from the fact that key figures in British and American intelligence have, over a protracted period of time, got involved in intrigues where they are way out of their depth. The unintended consequences of these have meant that people like Brennan and Younger, and also Hannigan, have ended up having to resort to desperate measures to cover their backsides.

Posted at 01:19 PM in Habakkuk , Intelligence | Permalink

Jack , 4 days ago


There are many aspects to this story that don't make any sense to me if one looks at it from a rational perspective. One of course being concerns about libel litigation and the related legal discovery that you note. The second being no real contingency planning in the event Hillary loses the election. Admittedly they must have bought the media line and Nate Silver's forecast of a greater than 75% probability of a Hillary win.

The purported "arms length" relationships don't make any sense. There's Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson playing a central role. They hire Nellie Ohr, a possible CIA asset and the wife of Bruce Ohr, the 4th highest ranking official at the DOJ.

Glenn Simpson also hires Christopher Steele who he knows from previous "spook" associations. Steele had numerous and continuous communications including telephone, Skype, email and personal meetings with Bruce and Nellie Ohr during all this. They even have discussions about Deripaska and about his visa application to visit the US. Bruce is a conduit to Strzok at FBI. Glenn Simpson also is part of these discussions with Steele and the Ohrs.

Simpson also arranges for Steele to brief "reporters" like David Corn and others at the NY Times, WaPo, WSJ, Politico and others. Then there is Mifsud and Halper. Apparently both are CIA and FBI assets. They are communicating with Carter Page and Papadopolous, who in turn is drinking and yapping with Aussie ambassador Downer.

You have Brennan ginning up concerns giving super secret and individual briefings to the Gang of 8 in Congress. There's Democratic Senator Mark Warner, the minority leader on the Senate Intelligence Committee texting and calling Adam Waldman, Deripaska's US attorney about setting up clandestine meetings with Steele. There's Sen. Harry Reid passing on the Steele "dossier" to Comey.

Not to be left behind there's Sen. McCain doing the same. His top aide even travels to London to meet Steele. And then there's Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page busily spending every waking moment texting each other about every twist and turn in all the political games being played. Of course there's Admiral Rogers investigating unusual searches by FBI officials and contractors on the NSA database. And he briefs President-elect Trump at Trump Tower which prompts the entire transition team to move to Trump's golf course in NJ.

Oh, there is also Nellie Ohr setting up ham radio to avoid detection in her communications with Steele. Then we have everyone leaking and spinning to their "cohorts" in the premier media like the NY Times, CNN and WaPo.

Comey even has his buddy a professor and ostensibly his legal counsel on the payroll of the FBI as a contractor with access to all the sensitive databases leaking to the media.

Andy McCabe has his legal counsel Lisa Page spin stories around his wife's huge campaign contributions from Clinton consigliere McAuliffe.

In fact the IG report on the Clinton "investigation" states that many at the FBI were accepting "gifts" from various media personalities for a quid pro quo.

As if all this was not enough there's AG Loretta Lynch, meeting with Bill Clinton on a tarmac ostensibly to discuss their grandkids. Not to forget there were these "unmaskings" of surveillance information by Susan Rice, Samantha Power.

There's Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr's direct boss who testifies he knew nothing about Ohr being a conduit to Strzok for Steele. Of course he knew nothing but signed the FISA application on Carter Page. Then there are the FISC judges who never believed their mandate required them to verify the evidence before issuing sweeping surveillance warrants. Now all this is what I as an old farmer and winemaker have read. Those more in tune would easily add to these convoluted machinations.

I don't know how to make sense of all this. All I see is the extent of effort to prevent Donald Trump from being elected and after he won from governing. The most obvious observation is that the leadership in our law enforcement and intelligence agencies are so busy politicking spinning and leaking they have neither the time or the inclination let alone competence to do their real job for which they get paid a handsome wage and sterling benefits.

At this point I don't buy that Christopher Steele dug up real intelligence from his contacts at the highest levels of the Russian government, which caught Brennan, Clapper, Comey and Lynch's pants on fire, who then launched a formal investigation of Russia collusion with Trump. Many things just don't pass the smell test. Now of course I have no qualifications nor experience in spookdom.

If you have any speculative theories that connects some of the dots it would be my great pleasure to read.

Patrick Armstrong -> Jack , 3 days ago

I agree that it (and Skripalmania) are almost impossible to make sense of unless you think of a bunch of highly politicised not very bright people sinking deeper and deeper into what looked like a bright idea at the time.

Confident that their horse is going to win the race and that the media will cover it all up and nobody will ever hear anything about anything. Now that the unexpected happened, they're just spinning and denying faster hoping the Dems win in Nov and stop all the investigations. And, they're getting nervous wondering who's going to sell out whom next. Up and down, around and around. Gerbils -- there really isn't anything very consistent, planned or thought-out.

In this respect, this piece attempts to make sense (on a very large scale) of their panic. https://www.strategic-cultu...

English Outsider -> Patrick Armstrong , a day ago

"I agree that it (and Skripalmania) are almost impossible to make sense of unless you think of a bunch of highly politicised not very bright people sinking deeper and deeper into what looked like a bright idea at the time."

I believe your summary of what's happening is more accurate than Alastair Crooke's as set out in the article linked to.

But bright or not, what are these people in the IC doing being "highly politicised"? Does that not render them considerably less efficient?

I ask because, if one tries to look at it in a non-partisan way, the Western IC seemed to be a failure when it came to predicting Russian reactions in the Donbass, the Crimea, and it seems in Syria. I link this to various comments from Colonel Lang indicating that true experts were replaced over the years by less experienced and knowledgeable people. Does being "highly politicised" mean that they're not up to much when it comes to minding the shop?

Patrick Armstrong -> English Outsider , 5 hours ago

I thought I detected a protest against the politicisation of the US in the world some years ago. And we must not forget that Gen Flynn (DIA) and Adm Rogers (NSA) acted strongly against this. Flynn was the first casualty of the Trump/Russia hysteria and the Clapper claque tried to fire Rogers.

Jack -> Patrick Armstrong , 3 days ago


Usually the incumbent party loses the mid-term election. The Democrats lost big in Obama's first mid-term. The Republicans won the House and gained six senators. While the punditry claims a Blue Wave and Nate Silver is giving the Dems the odds. I'm not so sure. I think the GOP will increase their majority in the Senate putting any conviction of Trump out of question.

I was born in the Depression and have seen vitriolic politics but never have seen such a massive opposition by the media, the pundits and the establishment of both parties. Over 500 print publications endorsed Hillary. Only some 20 endorsed Trump. Yet he confounds the pundits by winning the election. Clearly many voters are at odds with the political media class.

Patrick Armstrong -> Jack , 2 days ago

Yeah. My bet is that the Repubs hold onto both. 1) the economy is getting better 2) what do the Dems have to offer other than this crazy Trump/Russia thing?

Rob -> Patrick Armstrong , a day ago

Economy will slow down sharply in 2019 but there should be enough momentum to help with the mid-terms. Trump needs to stop with the endless sanction stuff. The House does look like a close one.

Pat Lang Mod -> Rob , a day ago

what is the evidence for a slowdown in 2019?

Rob -> Pat Lang , a day ago

With all the caveats that apply to financial forecasting copper, monetary indicators and equity markets are all flagging a slowdown is upon us.

David Habakkuk -> Jack , 3 days ago


At a very general level, a 'speculative theory' which I have been mulling over for some time was rather well set out in a commentary in 'The Hill' on 9 August by Sharyl Attkisson, which opens:

'Let's begin in the realm of the fanciful.

'Assume, for the sake of argument, that powerful, connected people in the intelligence community and in politics worried that a wildcard Trump presidency, unlike another Clinton or Bush, might expose a decade-plus of questionable practices. Disrupt long-established money channels. Reveal secret machinations that could arguably land some people in prison.

'What exactly might an "insurance policy" against Donald Trump look like?'

And Attkisson goes on to outline precisely the developments that appear to have happened.

(See .)

I think there is an ideological background to this, on which the piece by Alastair Crooke – himself former MI6 – to which Patrick Armstrong links, and the piece by James George Jatras to which Crooke links, are both to the point. The 'end of history' crowd thought they were inhabiting a realised utopia, and cannot cope with the fact that their dream is collapsing.

In relation to the millenarian undercurrents on which Crooke focuses, however, it is also worth noting that a traditional conservative suspicion has been that millenarianism is naturally linked to antinomianism: the belief that the moral law is not binding on the elect. And in turn, according to a familiar skeptical view, antinomianism can easily end up in in straightforward rascality.

On the rascality – to which Attkisson is pointing – I am working on how parts of the picture can be fleshed out. A few preliminary points raised by your remarks.

As you note, 'There's Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr's direct boss who testifies he knew nothing about Ohr being a conduit to Strzok for Steele.' So, we know that Ohr and Steele were conspiring together to ensure that the latter could continue to be intimately involved in the Mueller investigation, despite the FBI termination,

It is obviously possible that Ohr did not report up the chain of command, and if so, he and his wife become pivotal figures in the conspiracy. Alternatively, it could be that Rosenstein is lying – in which case, we have large questions about who else is implicated, and specifically whether the termination of Steele by the FBI was anything more than a ruse.

If, as seems to me likely, although not certain, the second possibility is closer to the truth than the former, then before Ohr testifies on 28 August before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees he will have to consider whether he is prepared to 'take the rap' for his superiors, or 'sing sweetly.'

The fact that in a report in 'The Hill', I think on the same day as the Attkisson piece, John Solomon was quoting from Ohr's handwritten notes of a meeting with Glenn Simpson in December 2016 makes me wonder whether he may not already have made a decision. A key paragraph from the report:

'Yet, Simpson allegedly acknowledged that most of the information Fusion GPS and British intelligence operative Christopher Steele developed did not come from sources inside Moscow. "Much of the collection about the Trump campaign ties to Russia comes from a former Russian intelligence officer (? not entirely clear) who lives in the U.S.," Ohr scribbled in his notes.'

(See .)

There is I think a need for caution here. There is no guarantee that Simpson was telling the literal truth to Ohr, or indeed the latter reproducing with absolute accuracy with he was told (handwritten notes can be disposed of easily, but they can also be rewritten.)

One is I think on firmer ground in relation to what it suggests was not the case – that there is any substance whatsoever in the ludicrous story of someone running a private security company in London sending out hired employees who then gain access to top Kremlin insiders, with these, of course, telling them precisely what they actually think.

And it confirms my strong suspicion that the dossier is actually a composite product, much of it assembled at Fusion, which could indeed contain material from a range of people from the former Soviet space, who could living in the United States, Britain, or elsewhere – Ukraine and the Baltics being obvious possibilities.

So Sergei Skripal and Sergei Millian, neither of whom fit the description by Simpson, have been mentioned as possible sources, and there is also the very curiously ambiguous role of Rinat Akhmetshin.

All these people, obviously, could simply have fabricated material or retailed gossip, and Steele himself was involved in fabricating material on an industrial scale to cover up what actually happened to Alexander Litvinenko.

That said, I continue to think it possible that both the second and final memoranda may incorporate some 'glitter', as well as 'chickenfeed' fed from FSB cybersecurity people to their FBI counterparts, to hark back to George Smiley says to the Minister, quite possibly included in the hope that the BS involved would be reproduced in contexts where it could provoke legal action.

All this leads me back to the suspicion that Steele's involvement may have been less in crafting the dossier, than making it possible to conceal its actual origins while giving it an appearance of credibility. It could also be the case that Nellie Ohr's sudden interest in radio transmissions had to do with communications inside the United States, rather than with Steele.

It could then be that Steele has been, in effect, hoist with his own petard, in that he is having to sustain the fiction that he had some kind of grounds for making the claims about Aleksej Gubarev and XBT. How far this matters, at least in relation to the action bought against 'BuzzFeed' in Florida, remains moot at the moment.

Apparently that organisation is doing rather well in sustaining the claiming that 'fair report privilege' could circumvent any requirement to prove truth – and a key question now is whether documents which the DOJ is being forced to produce will establish that the dossier was being used by officials in ways that would trigger the privilege as of 10 January 2017.

That said, what Ohr reports Simpson as telling him raises fundamental questions about how anyone could have relied upon the dossier for anything – and should push people back to actually asking hard questions about its origins.

fanto -> David Habakkuk , 2 days ago

Mr Habakkuk, you mention "ambiguous role of Rinat Akhmetshin" - I am not sure if you meant Akhmetov.

I am surprised and curious about you mentioning him - if you meant Akhmetov - because that is one name among all the oligarchs which has so far not been prominent. Thank you for your posts, these posts and the SST comments could and should serve as help to the congressional investigations and hearings.

blue peacock -> Jack , 4 days ago


To add: Steele was on the FBI's payroll, in addition to being on Fusion GPS's payroll. And on the payroll of Her Majesty's Government. After he got caught leaking to the media he was apparently "fired" by the FBI. But he was continuing to communicate and brief through Bruce Ohr at the DOJ.

I think the circle of Glenn Simpson. Chris Steele, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Adam Waldman. Peter Strzok, and Sen. Mark Warner will be very interesting to pursue.

The other circle that should be investigated is the Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Comey, Yates, Susan Rice.

No investigation can exclude the active participation of key people from the media complex including people like Comey's good friend Benjamin Wittes.

Patrick Armstrong , 3 days ago

Younger isn't the brightest bulb in the box, is he?

"If you doubt the link between legitimacy and effective counter-terrorism, then – albeit negatively – the unfolding tragedy in Syria will, I fear, provide proof. I believe the Russian conduct in Syria, allied with that of Assad's discredited regime, will, if they do not change course, provide a tragic example of the perils of forfeiting legitimacy. In defining as a terrorist anyone who opposes a brutal government, they alienate precisely that group that has to be on side if the extremists are to be defeated. Meanwhile, in Aleppo, Russia and the Syrian regime seek to make a desert and call it peace. The human tragedy is heart-breaking"

David Habakkuk -> Patrick Armstrong , 3 days ago


Those were indeed some of the most inane comments in an inane piece.

But then, if you read an interview given to Jay Elwes of 'Prospect' magazine in May last year by Younger's predecessor Sir Richard Dearlove, who looks to have been a significant background presence in what has been going on, you will find that, although he is much more coherent than than his successor, it is almost as inane.

(See https://www.prospectmagazin... . )

As it happens, Dearlove was one of the signatories of the 'Statement of Principles' of something called the 'Henry Jackson Society.'

This was founded in 2005, in Cambridge, by a group in whom acolytes of an historian called Maurice Cowling were prominent – Dearlove is himself a graduate in history from that university.

In its original version, the 'Statement of Principles' explained, among other things, that the Society: 'Believes that only modern liberal democratic states are truly legitimate, and that any international organization which admits undemocratic states on an equal basis is fundamentally flawed.'

(See .)

Ironically, it was shortly after the publication of the dossier that Anatol Lieven published in the 'National Interest' an article entitled 'Is America Becoming a Third World Country?' (See https://nationalinterest.or... .)

Among other things, he harked back to the way that, in 1648, a century and a half of bloody ideological strife in Europe had been ended with a recognition that the legitimacy of different state forms had to be accepted, if a kind of 'war of all against all' was to be avoided.

And Lieven went on to reflect on the way that, at what was then widely seen as the end of the Cold War, the abandonment of universalisitic pretensions by Russia and China was interpreted as justifying an embrace of these by the the West.

This, he went on to argue, had actually had the paradoxical effect of relegitimising 'régimes' which do not conform to Western 'democratic' models, concluding by noting what appears to our new, quasi-Soviet, preference for not letting experience interfere with ideological dogma:

'Finally – even after the catastrophes of Iraq and Libya – there is almost no awareness among US policymakers of the fact that US attempts to change the regimes of other countries are likely to be seen not only by the elites of those countries but also by their populations as leading to – and intended to lead to – the destruction of the state itself, leading to disaster for its society and population. When the Communist regime in the USSR collapsed (though only in part under Western pressure), it took the Soviet state with it. The Russian state came close to following suit in the years that followed, Russia was reduced to impotence on the world stage, and large parts of the Russian and other populations suffered economic and social disaster. Remembering their own past experiences with state collapse, warlordism, famine and foreign invasion, Chinese people looked at this awful spectacle and huddled closer to the Chinese state – one that they may dislike in many ways, but which they certainly trust more than anything America has to offer – especially given the apparent decay of democracy throughout the West.'

( https://nationalinterest.or... .)

I read with interest your piece back in June entitled 'Putin Once Dreamed the American Dream', reprinting Charles Heberle's account of the 'Transforming Subjects Into Citizens' project, and the attitude of some people close to Putin to it.

(See .)

One of the things which struck me was that the question why the American Revolution succeeded, and so many others failed, which was concerning the intellectuals to whom Heberle talked, is one of the central questions of modern political thought, from Tocqueville on.

(Indeed, the question of the preconditions for what might be called 'constitutional' government, has been central to 'republican' thought, ever since it was revived by Italian thinkers, including prominently Machiavelli, when the 'Renaissance' made them reactivate and rework debates from ancient Rome and Greece.)

However, to hark back to the anxieties expressed by Lieven, nothing in the analysis of the great French thinker necessary guarantees that the success of 'Democracy in America' is stable and permanent, or indeed that the relatively civilised order of the post-war 'Pax Americana' is necessarily durable in Western Europe.

Also in June, Sergei Karaganov published a piece in 'Russia in Global Affairs', of which he is publisher, entitled 'Ideology of Eastward Turn.' A paragraph that struck me:

'Russian society should by no means abdicate from its mostly European culture. But it should certainly stop being afraid, let alone feel ashamed, of its Asianism. It should be remembered that from the standpoint of prevailing social mentality and society's attitude to the authorities Russia, just as China and many other Asian states, are offspring of Chengiss Khan's Empire. This is no reason for throwing up hands in despair or for beginning to despise one's own people, contrary to what many members of intelligencia sometimes do. It should be accepted as a fact of life and used as a strength. The more so, since amid the harsh competitive environment of the modern world the authoritarian type of government – in the context of a market economy and equitable military potentials – is certainly far more effective than modern democracy. This is what our Western partners find so worrisome. Of course, we should bear in mind that authoritarianism – just like democracy – may lead to stagnation and degradation. Russia is certainly confronted with such a risk.'

Unlike you, I cannot claim serious expertise on Russia. But, as a reasonably alert generalist television current affairs producer, I took note of the indications which were emerging in the course of 1987 that the Gorbachev 'new thinking' was underpinned by a realisation that Soviet institutions and ideas had become fundamentally dysfunctional, to which you have referred repeatedly over the years.

And, after long tedious months trying interest the powers that were in British broadcasting in what was happening, I ended up producing a couple of programmes for BBC Radio in February/March 1989 in which we interviewed some of the leading 'new thinkers', among them Karaganov's then immediate superior at the Institute of Europe, Vitaly Zhurkin.

At the Institute for the USA and Canada, by contrast, we did not interview its head, Georgiy Arbatov, but his deputy, Andrei Kokoshin, and one of the latter's mentors on military matters and collaborators General-Mayor Valentin Larionov, who I later realised had earlier been one of the foremost Soviet nuclear strategists. (At the Institute for World Economy and International Relations, we interviewed Arbatov's son, Alexei.)

Talking to these people we got a sense, although it had to be fleshed out later, of the scale of the disillusion with Soviet models, and indeed – which began to frighten me not long after – of the way many of them were romanticising the West.

What Karaganov now writes is I think a hardly very surprising reaction to the way that the Western powers responded to the 'new thinking.' Moreover, it seems to me that the disillusionment involved is in no sense particular Russian, but rather global.

If one regards 'democracy' as though it were quoted on the stock exchange, before 1914 there were very many buyers, including among the Russian élite. By 1931, in very many places, including large sections of the 'intelligentsia' in Western countries, it was a sellers' market, to put it mildly.

After 1945, a kind of long 'bull market' in 'democracy' started: for very good reasons.

The – largely but very far from entirely – peaceful retreat and collapse of Soviet power was to a very significant extent the product of this. The subsequent behaviour of Western élites has generated a vicious 'bear market', a fact they appear unable to understand.

I do not think Karaganov's article is simply a reflection of changes in Russian attitudes. The changes, it seems to me, are global.

Patrick Armstrong -> David Habakkuk , 3 days ago

I do think that we in the West really blew it. In 1990, we could have said, in all humility, that our way of life (IMO the key word is pluralism) had proven more survivable. So we should welcome the others into the tent. Instead, we were right and that was that.

PS, in light of the Henry Jackson society and all Younger's references to "values" this one rather stands out "A vital lesson I take from the Chilcot Report is the danger of group think."

Yeah. Group think, the very opposite of what I mean by pluralism.

Jack -> David Habakkuk , 3 days ago


Sharyl Atkinson describes well the conspiracy. When one steps back and look at all the machinations we know now, it seems incredible.

Just as you're asking about the origins of the dossier I wonder if it was orchestrated or something that evolved organically? If it was orchestrated, then who was the mastermind? Did Brennan, Clapper and Come sit down and hatch it or was Simpson the brains? What is astounding is the scale. So many people involved. Were they all motivated by ideology or by the need to protect their racket?

It seems there are many sub-plots. There's the Deripaska, Steele, Waldman, Mueller, Sen. Warner angle. Then there's the Simpson, Steele, Ohr, Strzok, Page, McCabe angle. There's also the Simpson, Steele, media reporters angle. Then there's the whole Mifsud, Halper, Carter Page, Papadopolous, Downer bit. There's the Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, Strzok FISA application piece. Then there's all the stuff happening in the UK including Hannigan's resignation as soon as Trump is elected. Of course the whole Mueller appointment and the obstruction of justice thread to tie Trump's hand. There are so many elements. Who initiated and coordinated? Was each element separate?

There's no doubt a political thriller movie could be made.

FB -> Patrick Armstrong , 3 days ago

Thanks for the quote...LOL

I guess the comedy part is that there actually exist people with medically functioning brains, who are somehow able to contort such a worldview...Aleppo as peaceful 'desert' indeed...who knew that having bearded fanatics in charge is somehow 'better'...[and not 'heart-breaking']...

Michael Regan , 2 days ago

Some here may find blogpost from March of this year interesting as it speaks to the production of the Steele dossier. I have not seen it mentioned here before and a site search produced no results. https://apelbaum.wordpress.... Some sections seem to have gotten David Cay Johnston's hackles up.

David Habakkuk -> Michael Regan , a day ago

Michael Regan,

I had seen Yaacov Apelbaum's piece referred to by Clarice Feldman in a post on the 'American Thinker' site a few days back, but not looked at it properly.

It is indeed fascinating, and clearly repays a closer study than I have so far had time to give it. I was however relieved to find that what Apelbaum writes 'meshes' quite well with my own views of the likely authorship of the dossier.

A question I have is whether the monumental amount of labour involved in producing it can really be the work of a single IT person – however wide-ranging his abilities and interests. My suspicion is that there may be input from Russian intelligence.

This is not said in order to discredit Apelbaum's work. In matters where I have had occasion critically to examine claims from official Russian sources, I have found several unsurprising, but recurring, patterns. Sometimes, the information provided can be shown to be essentially accurate, and it is reasonably clear how it has been obtained.

At other times, claims are made which information from other sources suggests either are, or may well be, true, but the 'sources and methods' involved are deliberately obscured, making evaluation more difficult.

And then, there are many occasions when what one gets is quite patently a mixture of accurate information and disinformation. Analysing these can be very productive, if one can both sift out the accurate information, and attempt to see what the disinformation is designed to obscure.

One thing of which I am absolutely certain is that the networks which are outlined by Apelbaum are precisely those which Russian intelligence will have spent a great deal of time and ingenuity penetrating.

This will have been attempted by 'SIGINT' and surveillance methods, and also through infiltrating agents and turning people. (There are often grounds to suspect that some of those most vociferously denouncing Putin are colluding with Russian intelligence.)

Together, these methods are likely to have produced a mass of information. It is important to remember, for example, that at the time of his mysterious death on 23 March 2013 Boris Berezovsky was negotiating to return to Russia, and that his head of security, Sergei Sokolov did return, with a 'cache' of documents.

Some of these were used back in April 2016 in a 'Vesti Nedeli' edition presented by Dmitry Kiselyov, who manages Russia's informational programming resources, and an accompanying documentary on the 'Pervyi Kanal' station.

The purpose was to demonstrate that Alexei Navalny was the instrument of a 'régime change' plot in which William Browder was acting as an agent of MI6.

There is a good discussion of this, which highlights some of the problems with the documents, by Gilbert Doctorow, and Sokolov appears to have been involved in some murky activities since.

(See ; .)

But whatever the credibility or lack of it of the material, its appearance illustrates a general pattern, where the political disintegration of the London-based opposition to Putin has meant that more and more people involved in it have been supplying information to the Russians.

If, as I strongly suspect, there is fire beneath the smoke in those Russian television programmes, and if a great part of a series of projects of a related kind orchestrated in conjunction by elements in American and British intelligence were actually large run from this side, this will be creating headaches for people in Washington, as well as London.

An important role in the Apelbaum piece is played by the private security company Hakluyt. A quick look at the entries on Wikipedia and Powerbase will make clear that, if there is a British 'deep state', this is likely to be at its core.

(See ; .)

It is against this background that on has to see a specific claim which Apelbaum makes, for which I do not think any evidence is produced, about two figures whose role in 'Russiagate' is clearly central. So Luke Harding is described as 'A Guardian reporter and a Hakluyt and Orbis contractor' (note word.) Meanwhile, Edward Baumgartner is described as 'Co-founder of Edward Austin. Contractor at Orbis and Hakluyt.'

That Harding is corrupt, as also Sir Robert Owen's 'Inquiry' into the death of the late Alexander Litvinenko, I can prove. When Owen's report was published in January 2016, a preliminary response by me was posted here on SST, which among other things listed some of the evidence establishing that the interviews supposedly recorded with Litvinenko by Detective Inspector Brent Hyatt immediately before his death were blatant forgeries.

If this is the case, then questions are raised about how much of the apparently compelling forensic evidence is forged – and close examination suggests that key parts of it are.

(See http://turcopolier.typepad.... .)

In relation to that part of the evidence discussed in my January 2016 post which exposes the fumbling attempts by Steele and his colleagues to cover up the truth about when and how Litvinenko travelled into central London on the day he was supposedly killed, most of this had been among a mass of material submitted by me to the Inquiry Team, which I have e-mails to prove was read.

Likewise, also in January 2016, I sent the key relevant evidence on this crucial matter to Harding and senior figures at the 'Guardian', and have reason to believe it was read.

Further study of Owen's report has confirmed my suspicion that a strong 'prima facie case' of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice exists against very many of those involved in it.

At the same time, materials produced on the Russian side have confirmed my suspicion that the reason why Steele and others have been able to get away with their cover-up is that the Russian intelligence services are no more enthusiastic than their British counterparts about having anything like the whole truth about how Litvinenko lived and died made public.

Given the central role which Steele has now assumed in what looks like one of the biggest political scandals in American history, and the fact that in his book 'Collusion' Harding was again coming out in support of him, it would be of the greatest possible interest if indeed the latter had combined being a senior 'Guardian' correspondent with being paid by both Orbis and – even more important – Hakluyt.

And, particularly given the peculiar ambiguities of the role both of Fusion GPS and Baumgartner in the 'Trump Tower' meeting, it would be of great interest if the latter could be tied not only to Fusion, but to Orbis and – again even more important – Hakluyt.

This in turn might be relevant in trying to make sense of whether the fact that he and Simpson appear to have been working against Trump and Browder at the same time was or was not part of an elaborate ploy to give credibility to 'information operations' against the former.

There are accordingly two possibilities. It may be that, while much else in the Apelbaum material can be shown to be accurate, such accurate information is being used to give credibility to disinformation.

Alternatively, he is being used as a conduit for accurate and really explosive information about the British end of 'Russiagate', which he is unlikely to have unearthed all by himself, and the actual sources of which are – for very understandable reasons – being obscured.

Michael Regan -> David Habakkuk , a day ago

Mr Habakkuk-

Thank you for your reply. You have given me much to think about and I am very grateful that you took the time to respond in such a comprehensive manner, and that you have provided me and others here with some really compelling information and notions.

In particular, the issue of sources and methods you note seems spot on. The author(s)'s information gathering methodologies and expertise are certainly not those of the laiety. In fact in the comments below his post YA mentions intelligence work.

Additionally, the text itself displays an odd parallelism with his assertion regarding the Steele Dossier- that is, the likelihood of multiple authors, of diverse origins.

One thing that did catch my eye was a response he made to David Cay Johnston's pissy request for a retraction about Jacoby involvement. YA included a quote in Latin from Cicero's accusations against Cataline. Here is the English: What is there that you did last night, what the night before -- where is it that you were -- who was there that you summoned to meet you -- what design was there which was adopted by you, with which you think that any one of us is unacquainted?

While this sort of riposte isn't exactly hyper-erudite, it ain't chopped liver either. What I mean to say is that exceptional cyber skills, algorithm coding (I'm guessing crawlers) are not commonly coupled with that sort of classical formation. His recourse to various biblical quotes suggests an unusual level of education as well. And no way is he younger than 38 or so.

At any rate, thank you for the article and your kind and informative reply.

David Habakkuk -> Michael Regan , a day ago

Michael Regan,

Thanks. I have now read both a good few of Apelbaum's earlier posts, and also the comments on his discussion of the dossier. Given the importance of his analysis of that document closer study is clearly needed of all this material, but I have some preliminary reactions.

My curiosity about who Apelbaum might be is reinforced by the fact that the intimations he gives about his background in his responses to comments, while not incompatible with what he has said in the past, do not sit so easily with it.

In a July 2010 post, he explained that: 'In my previous life, I was a civil engineer. I worked for a large power marine construction company doing structural design and field engineering.' According to the account he gave then, he subsequently shifted to software development.

(See https://apelbaum.wordpress.... .)

What he now tells us is that: 'As far as how I first started, I do have an intelligence background and have been developing OSINT/cyber/intelligence platforms for many years.'

That makes sense in terms of the analysis, which – whatever other inputs there may or may not have been – looks to me like the work of someone who has a serious background in these kinds of methodology, and moreover, is clearly not any kind of 'Fachidiot.'

So, questions naturally arise about Apelbaum's intelligence career, in particular, who he is likely to have been employed by, and associated with, in the past, and whether he is still involved with any of those agencies which have employed him.

Even if he is not, questions would obviously rise about present connections arising from past work. This is in addition to the possibility that the logic of events may have provoked him to collaborate with those who might earlier have been his adversaries.

Reading Apelbaum's work, I am reminded of another interesting intervention in an embittered argument relating to the Middle East and the post-Soviet space, from what turned out to be an unexpected source.

In the period following the 'false flag' sarin attack at Ghouta on 21 August 2013 an incisive demolition of the conventional wisdom was provided in the 'crowdsourced' investigation masterminded by one 'sasa wawa' on a site entitled 'Who Attacked Ghouta?'

(See .)

And then, in December 2016, an Israeli high technology entrepreneur called Saar Wilf, a former employee of Unit 8200, that country's equivalent of the NSA or GCHQ, who had subsequently made a great deal of money when he and his partner sold their company to Paypal, co-founded a site called 'Rootclaim.'

(See .)

The site, it was explained, was dedicated to applying Bayesian statistics to 'current affairs' problems. This is a methodology, whose modern form owes much to work done at Bletchley Park in the war, which is invaluable in 'SIGINT' analysis and also combating online fraud.

At the outset, 'Rootclaim' posted a recycled version of some of the key material from the 'Who Attacked Ghouta?' investigation. So, it seems likely, if not absolutely certain, that Saar Wilf and 'sasa wawa' are one and the same.

Following the Salisbury incident on 4 March, a blogger using the name 'sushi' produced a series of eleven posts under the title 'A Curious Incident' on the 'Vineyard of the Saker' blog.

(See .)

Again, there are some very clear resemblances to 'sasa wawa' and Saar Wilf, which made me wonder whether the same person may be reappearing under yet another 'moniker.'

While the 'flavour' of Apelbaum seems to be different, the combination of what looks like serious technical expertise in IT techniques relating to intelligence with broad general intellectual interests looks to me similar.

I was amused by the combination of his quotation of the words from John 8:32 etched into the wall of the original CIA headquarters – 'And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free' – and the following remarks:

'The June 2016 start date of Steele's contract with Fusion GPS is the start of the "billable" activity, not the beginning of the research. Steele and Simpson/Jacoby have been collaborating on Trump/Russia going back to 2009.

'Also, there is a large Hakluyt/Orbis "commercial intelligence" network in the US that regularly services political and federal agencies and has the power to summon Nazgűls the likes of John Brennan. So Steele is not the new kid on the block, he has been doing this type of work long before 2016. This is also why he has such a cozy relationship with the brass at the DOJ and state.'

As it happens, I think that many of the collaborations involved may have started significantly earlier than this. In his response to David Cay Johnston, Apelbaum links to an April 2007' WSJ' article by Simpon and Jacoby which, among other things, deals with Semyon Mogilevich.

This is behind a paywall, but, fortunately, the fact that Ukrainian nationalists have had an obvious interest in treating it as a source of reliable information has meant that it is easily accessible.

(See )

It should I think be clear from my January 2016 post why I find this particularly interesting, in that it has to be interpreted in the context of a crucial 'key' to the mystery of the death of Alexander Litvinenko.

This is that he, the Ukrainian nationalist former KGB person Yuri Shvets, the convicted Italian disinformation peddler Mario Scaramella, and quite possibly the sometime key FBI expert on Mogilevich, Robert 'Bobby' Levinson, were involved in trying to suggest that Mogilevich was an instrument of a plot by Putin to equip Al Qaeda with a 'mini nuclear bomb.'

So, I then come back to the question of whether this notion of a 'large Haluyt/Orbis "commercial intelligence" network in the US', playing the role of Sauron with Brennan, perhaps, as the 'Witch-king of Angmar', does or does not have substance.

If it does, there would be very good reasons for a variety of people, with a range of different attitudes to events in the post-Soviet space and the Middle East, to think that they had an interest in collaborating with Russian intelligence against a common enemy.

If it does not, then there is a real possibility that Apelbaum may be involved in using accurate intelligence to disseminate inaccurate. (It seems to me that he is much too intelligent to be a plausible candidate for the role of 'useful idiot.')

One further point that may, or may not, be relevant. Many of the most influential American and British Jews, for reasons which I find somewhat hard to understand, seem to have decided that the heirs of the architects of the Lvov pogrom are nice and cuddly.

So, for example, Chrystia Freeland, the unrepentant granddaughter of the notorious Nazi collaborator Michael Chomiak, has been able to end up as Canadian Foreign Minister because made a successful journalistic career on the London 'Financial Times', a paper with a strong Jewish presence.

That the editorial staff of such a paper thought it appropriate to have someone like Freeland as their Moscow correspondent gives you a good insight into how moronic British élites have become. This may well be relevant, in trying to evaluate claims about Hakluyt and other matters.

In relation to Apelbaum, it may be quite beside the point that other Jews from a Russian/East European background, both in Russia, Israel, and the United States, have very different views on Ukraine, Russia, and the dangers posed – not least to Israel – by jihadists. It is however a fact which needs to be born in mind, when one comes across people whose views cut across conventional dividing lines in the United States and Britain.

Beside the point in relation to Apelbaum, I am confident, but also needing to be kept in mind, is the possibility that elements in the United States 'intelligence community', seeing the 'writing on the wall', may think it appropriate to shift from trying to pass the buck by blaming the Russians to doing so by blaming the Brits.

Michael Regan -> David Habakkuk , a day ago

It seems apparent that Putin's reordering of the Russian economy after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management, Republic Bank's difficulites and the death of Edmund Safra left a bitter taste in the mouths of many who had hoped to exercise rentier rights over the Russian economy and resources. Why so much US resources and energy have been committed to recovering a contested deed is a real conundrum.

I was unaware of Freeland's grandfather and his lamentable CV. Thank you. It's funny that you mentioned both the Ghouta post and the Vineyard of the Saker. I recall reading those and thinking- this is not like common fare on the intertubes.

Your last points about failings in the quality of elite decision-making is extremely important. This dynamic of the dumb (US, UK, EU) at the wheel is, for me, the most frightening feature of the current state of play. In the worst moments I fear we are all on a bus driven by a drunk monkey, careening through the Andes. It's going to hurt all the way to the bottom.

Again, I am very grateful for your replies and all the great information and thought.

David Habakkuk -> Michael Regan , 2 hours ago

Michael Regan,

I think the question of why large elements in both American and British élites got so heavily invested, in essence, in supporting the oligarchs who refused Putin's terms in what turned into a kind of 'bare knuckles' struggle they were always likely to lose is a very interesting one.

It has long seemed to me that, even if one looked at matters from the most self-interested and cynical point of view, this represented a quite spectacular error of judgement. And, viewing the way in which 'international relations' are rearranging themselves, I am reasonably confident that this was one matter on which I got things right.

A central reason for this, I have come to think, is that Berezovsky and the 'information operations' people round him – Litvinenko is important, but the pivotal figure, the 'mastermind', if you will, was clearly Alex Goldfarb, and Yuri Shvets and Yuri Felshtinsky both played and still play important supporting roles – were telling people in the West what these wanted to hear.

It is a truth if not quite 'universally acknowledged', at least widely recognised by those who have acquired some 'worldly wisdom', that intellectually arrogant people, with limited experience of the world and a narrow education, can commonly be 'led by the nose' by figures who have more of the relevant kinds of intelligence and experience, and few scruples.

This rather basic fact is central to understanding the press conference on 31 May 2007 where the figure whom the Berezovsky group and Christopher Steele had framed in relation to the death of Litvinenko, Andrei Lugovoi, responded to the Crown Prosecution Service request for his extradition.

In his prepared statement, Lugovoi claimed that his supposed victim used to say that everyone in Britain were ''retards', to use the translation submitted in evidence to Owen's Inquiry, or 'idiots', to use that by RT. And according to this version, the British believed in everything that 'we' – that is, the Berezovky group – said was happening in Russia.

(For the RT translation, see .)

Whether or not Litvinenko expressed this cynical contempt, the credulity with which the claims of the 'information operations' people around Berezovsky have been accepted – well illustrated by Owen's report and perhaps most ludicrous in Harding's journalism – makes clear it is justified.

What moreover became very evident, when Glenn Simpson testified to the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committees, was that he was once again recycling the Berezovsky's group's version of Putin 'sistema' as the 'return of Karla.'

Given what has been emerging on the ways in which Fusion GPS and Steele were both integrated into networks involving top-level people in the FBI, DOJ, State Department and CIA, it seems clear that the 'retards'/'idiots' label is as applicable to people on your side as to people on ours.

Perhaps then, cartoons about Trump as a puppet, with the strings pulled by another puppet representing Manafort, whose strings are in turn pulled by Putin, should be replaced by ones in which Mueller is seen as a puppet manipulated by the ghost of Boris Berezovsky.

But that is the irony. The relationship with Berezovsky blew up in the faces of all concerned, when in the wake of the successsful corruption of the investigation into the death of Litvinenko by him and his 'information operations' people, he attempted to recoup his fortunes by suing Roman Abramovich, and got taken to pieces by Lord Sumption.

As to what happened next, a recent item on 'Russian Insider', providing a link to and transcript of a more recent piece presented by Dmitry Kiselyov on 'Vesti Nedeli is a good illustration of where accurate information and disinformation can be mixed in material from Russian sources.

(See .)

The piece, which appeared in July, discusses, and quotes from, an interview given the previous month to Dmitry Gordon, who runs a Ukrainian nationalist site, by Berezovsky's daughter Elizaveta. Among other things, this deals with Berezovsky's death.

(See . A little manipulation will get you a reasonably serviceable English translation, although it becomes comic because Berezovsky is referred to as 'pope'.)

The 'Vesti Nedeli' piece uses what Elizaveta Berezovskaya says in support of the claim that Berezovsky was murdered by British 'special forces', because he was planning to return to Russia, and he 'knew too much about them.'

As it happens, this is a patently tendentious reading of what she says. However, interesting features of the actual text of the interview are 1. that it does provide what to my mind is compelling evidence that her father was murdered, and 2. while she clearly suggests that this was covered up by the British, she is not suggesting that they were responsible – but also not making Putin 'prime suspect.'

Whether the suggestion by his daughter that her father might have been murdered by people who knew that by so doing they might get control of assets he might otherwise recoup has any merit I cannot say: I doubt it but cannot simply rule the possibility out.

What remains the case is that at that point there were very many people, including but in no way limited to elements in Western intelligence agencies, who had strong interests in avoiding a return by Berezovsky to Russia.

And the same people had the strongest possible interest in avoiding his being treated at the Inquest into Litvinenko's death by a competent barrister representing the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the way he had been treated by Lord Sumption.

Ironically, it may have been partly because Lugovoi had made a dramatic announcement that he was withdrawing from the proceedings less than a fortnight before Berezovsky's death that before this happened a lot of people were staring at an absolutely worst-case scenario.

Time and again, in Owen's report, one finds matters where he recycles patent disinformation, which a well-briefed barrister acting for the ICRF could have easily ripped to shreds. At the same time, in this situation, the Russians could most probably have made a reasonable fist of coping with the multiple contradictions in claims made on their own side.

And, crucially, their patent weak suit – the need to obscure the actual role of Russian intelligence in the smuggling of the polonium into London, which had nothing to do with any murder plot – could have been reasonably well 'covered.'

Precisely because of these facts, the one scenario which can very easily be completely ruled out is that which is basic to the 'information operations' now coming out of London and Washington. In this, Berezovsky's death is portrayed as a key element in a systematic attempt by the Putin 'sistema' to eradicate the supposedly heroic opposition, much of it located in London.

That sustaining this fable is critical to defending the credibility of Steele, and therefore of the whole 'Russiagate' narrative, is quite evident from the 'From Russia With Blood' materials published by 'BuzzFeed' in July last year.

(See .)

This, however, leads on to a paradox, which is highlighted by a piece posted by James George Jatras on the 'Strategic Culture Foundation' site on 18 August, entitled 'Have You Committed Your Three Felonies Today?'

(See https://www.strategic-cultu... .)

Among the points Jatras – who I think is an Orthodox Christian – makes is that the logic of contesting the 'Russiagate' narrative has had some strange consequences. Among these, there is one on which the actual history of the activities of Berezovsky and his 'information operations' people bears directly:

'Flipping the "Russians did it" narrative: Among the President's defenders, on say Fox News, no less than among his detractors, Russia is the enemy who (altogether now!) "interfered in our elections" in order to "undermine our democracy." Mitt Romney was right! The only argument is over who was the intended beneficiary of Muscovite mendacity, Trump or Hillary – that's the variable. The constant is that Putin is Hitler and only a traitor would want to get along with him. All sides agree that the Christopher Steele dossier is full of "Russian dirt" – though there's literally zero actual evidence of Kremlin involvement but a lot pointing to Britain's MI6 and GCHQ.'

(See https://www.strategic-cultu... .)

For reasons I have already discussed, I think what while Jatras is substantially right, 'zero evidence' is only partially correct: It seems to me that disinformation supplied by elements in Russian intelligence could quite possibly have found its way into the second and final memoranda.

That said, Jatras has pointed to a fundamental feature of the current situation, which involves multiple ironies.

The total destruction of Steele's credibility could easily be achieved by anyone who was interested in looking at the evidence about the life and death of the late Alexander Litvinenko seriously. However, because a central tactic of most of those who are attacking the 'Russiagate' narrative has generally been 'Flipping the "Russians did it" narrative', they are like people who ought to be able to see Steele's 'Achilles' heel', but in practice, often end up attacking him where his armour is, without being, not at its weakest.

Meanwhile, as I have already stressed, the ability of the Russian authorities to undermine the 'narrative' produced by the 'information operations' people around Berezovsky, of whom the most important are Alex Goldfarb and Yuri Shvets, is compromised by their fear of having to 'own up to' their actual role in the smuggling of the polonium into London in October-November 2007.

The person who had a strong interest in blowing this structure of illusion to pieces was actually Lugovoi. But it seems to me at least possible that there has been a kind of disguised covert conspiracy by elements in Western and Russian intelligence to ensure there was no risk of him doing so.

Steve Smith , 3 days ago

One of the things I've never understood about the Trump Dossier story is the lack of any forensic analysis of its content and style anywhere in the media, even the alt media. Who was supposed to have actually written it? Steele? The style does not match someone of his background and education, and the formatting and syntax were atrocious. The font actually varied from "report" to "report." It certainly did not give me the impression of being the product of a high-end, Belgravia consultancy.

I wonder whether it was produced by an American of one sort or another and then "laundered" by being accorded association with the UK firm. Given that Steele just happened to be hired by the USG to help in the anti-FIFA skulduggery, he and his firm seem very much to be a concern that does dirty little jobs that need discretely to be done, though in this case, the discretion was undermined.

Paul M , 3 days ago

Most of the memos were issued before October and Fusion/Simpson authorized Steele to release information to the FBI starting in July. The question is why the memos were released after the election when a release before the election would have been enough to sink Trump. Instead the FBI and presumably those paying Fusion on Hillarys behalf sat on it, and Comey comes out days before the election

Saying he was reopening the HC email investigation.

Kind of looks like they all wanted Trump in office and the disclosure was to give Trump the excuse needed to back track on his promises to improve relations with Russia and blame that on pressure from the Deep State and Russia Gate.

Looking at Trumps history with Sater (FBI/CIA asset) and his political aspirations that began following his Moscow visit in 1987 it seems likely Trump has been a Deep State asset for 30 years and fed intelligence to CIA/FBI on Russian oligarchs and mafia . Indeed he may well have duped Russians into believing he was working for them when in fact it was the CIA/FBI who had the best Kompromat with US RICO laws that could have beggared him

richardstevenhack , 3 days ago

One thing to remember about the FBI is Sy Hersh. Hersh claims the FBI has been sitting on a report for two years that fingers murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich as the Wikileaks DNC email leaker (or one of them, at least.)

Now can we imagine that not everyone in a senior position at the FBI knows about that report? I can't. Literally everyone from the supervisor of the Special Agent or computer forensic investigator who examined Rich's computer right up to the Director HAD to know that report exists - and covered it up.

That right there is obstruction of justice and conspiracy. Literally everyone at the FBI who can't PROVE he didn't know about that report will be going to jail. The entire top administration of the FBI is going to go down.

And how many people at the Department of Justice are aware of that report? Did Rosenstein know? Who else in the Obama administration knew?

That would be motivation for a lot of desperate maneuvering. Add to that who was really behind the Steele Dossier and even more people are likely to end up in jail.

Pat Lang Mod -> richardstevenhack , 3 days ago

What is the link for Hersh saying that?

richardstevenhack -> Pat Lang , 3 days ago

You haven't heard that yet? It's the infamous audio tape that Hersh was caught on discussing it. He's since obfuscated what he said, but the tape stands on its own, and he has never said that anything he said on the tape wasn't true, despite that a lot of Democrats and Trump-bashers claim he has.

Here's one source on Youtube:

Seymour Hersh discussing Wikileaks DNC leaks Seth Rich & FBI report

Pat Lang Mod -> richardstevenhack , 3 days ago

I have told you several times and I will tell you again probably hopelessly that Hersh PERSONALLY has told me that the "tape" was made without his permission or knowledge when he was aimlessly speculating on possibilities.

richardstevenhack -> Pat Lang , 3 days ago

I am unaware of your explicitly telling me that he personally told you that the tape was "aimless speculation." My apologies if I missed that response.

Of course the tape was made without his permission. We all know that. It's irrelevant to what he said on the tape.

What I'm saying is that despite what he may have told you, nothing on that tape sounds like "aimless speculation".

When you consider that he has four good reasons for dissembling about the tape, I view it as far more likely that everything he said was true.

1) If what he said is true, he may have compromised his FBI contact. Not good for his line of work.

2) If what he said is true, compromising that contact may well make all his other contacts wary about talking to him in the future - a bad deal for a journalist who relies on his contacts.

3) If what he said is true, he may have compromised his ability to get his "long form journalism" article published - a problem he already has had in the past.

4) If what he said is true, he's accusing the FBI of sitting on that report for two years, which might well make him a target of retaliation in some way.

If you believe that everything he said on the tape is untrue and that is what he explicitly told you, fine. I'm waiting for his "long form journalism" report to explain it. So far everything he has said publicly about it has not contradicted what he said on the tape, but merely waved his hands about it.

Pat Lang Mod -> richardstevenhack , 3 days ago

Sy Hersh talks a lot both loudly and profanely. He never intended to tell Buttowski that there was more than a possibility that the FBI held more than a rumor that this might be true. He talked to Buttowski because a mutual friend of him and me asked him to do so for no good reason. Please go talk to all the other people you pester and not on SST. You are an argumentative nuisance.

Aukuu Makule -> Pat Lang , 3 days ago

I have no stake in the debate about Rich, DNC, wikileaks.
But I do notice some loose ends. Hersh may well have engaged in speculation, but it is interesting speculation:
55. During his conversation with Butowsky, Mr. Hersh claimed that he had received information from an "FBI report." Mr. Hersh had not seen the report himself, but explained: "I have somebody on the inside who will go and read a file for me. And I know this person is unbelievably accurate and careful. He's a very high level guy."

56. According to Mr. Hersh, his source told him that the FBI report states that, shortly after Seth Rich's murder, the D.C. police obtained a warrant to search his home. When they arrived at the home, the D.C. police found Seth Rich's computer, but were unable to access it.The computer was then provided to the D.C. police Cyber Unit, who also were unable to access the computer. At that point, the D.C. police contacted the Cyber Unit at the FBI's Washington D.C. field office. Again, according to the supposed FBI report, the Washington D.C. field office was able to get into the computer and found that in "late spring early summer [2016], [Seth Rich][made] contact with Wikileaks." "They found what he had done. He had submitted a series of documents, of emails. Some juicy emails from the DNC." Mr. Hersh told Butowsky that Seth Rich "offered a sample [to WikiLeaks][,] an extensive sample, you know I'm sure dozens, of emails, and said I want money."
. . .
"I hear gossip," Hersh tells NPR on Monday. "[Butowsky] took two and two and made 45 out of it."
. . .
The clip is definitely worth listening to in its entirety if you haven't already. Hersh is heard telling Butowsky that he had a high-level insider read him an FBI file confirming that Seth Rich was known to have been in contact with WikiLeaks prior to his death, which is not even a tiny bit remotely the same as having "heard rumors". Hersh's statements in the audio recording and his statement to NPR cannot both be true.

blue peacock , 3 days ago


An interview of Rep. John Ratcliffe who will lead the questioning of Bruce Ohr.

Rob , 3 days ago

I suspect Buzzfeed were in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and perhaps you overestimate their professionalism.

David Habakkuk -> Rob , 3 days ago


You may very well be right. There may be a large element of 'amateur night out' about this.

But then I come back to the question of who decided that the dossier be published, and who, if anyone, was consulted before the decision was made. For the reasons I gave, I am reasonably confident that those on this side who had been in one way or another complicit in its production and covert dissemination were taken aback by the publication.

It is not clear to me whether anything significant can be inferred from the publicly available evidence about whether those on your side who had been complicit were involved in the decision to publish without taking even elementary precautions, or whether the 'Buzzfeed' people just had a rush of blood to the head.

blue peacock -> David Habakkuk , 3 days ago


I suspect the decision to publish the dossier was political. It was required to enable Clapper, Brennan, and others to opine on national media and create further media hysteria prior to the vote as well as to justify the counter-intelligence investigations underway. They were throwing the kitchen sink to sink Trump's electoral chances. I don't think a lot of thought was given about the legal ramifications.

This seems to be a pattern. Leak information. Then use the leaked story to justify actions like apply for a FISA warrant or fan the media flames.

Cynthia Anne , 4 days ago

And now they are turning on one another. Hayden just slammed Clapper for making too much of losing the security clearance the he abuse for political reasons.

Pat Lang Mod -> Cynthia Anne , 4 days ago

Looks like both Clapper and Haydon made the same comment about Brennan. they said "his rhetoric was becoming a problem. Ah, the USAF intel rats are swimming for the shore. Lets see how many others (not all USAF) decide to try to save themselves.

blue peacock -> Pat Lang , 4 days ago

Col. Lang

I find it incredulous that former leaders of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies have gained paid access to powerful media platforms and they have used it to launch vicious attacks on a POTUS.

I find it amazing that McCabe and Peter Strzok are raising hundreds of thousands of dollars on social media platforms.

IMO, everyone on the list that Sarah Sanders noted, should not just lose their clearance but should be testifying to a grand jury.

MP98 -> blue peacock , 3 days ago

Not really incredulous. Just expected behavior from swamp creatures whose self-assumed importance and "rights" (that the rest of us peasants don't have) are coming under threat.

David Habakkuk -> blue peacock , 3 days ago

blue peacock

It seems to me absolutely appalling, and I am also appalled that people on this side appear to have been playing a central role in all this.

One question. It seems to me that if what seems likely to be true does prove true, a range of these people must have committed very serious offences indeed.

However, I am too ignorant to know what precisely those offences might be. If you, or anyone else, had a clear understanding, I would be interested.

English Outsider -> David Habakkuk , 3 days ago

"It seems to me absolutely appalling, and I am also appalled that people on this side appear to have been playing a central role in all this."

That says it all. We got the more discreditable side of the affair outsourced to us. Ugh. Is that all we're fit for now in the UK? White helmets and Khan Sheikhoun and Steele, all the scrubby stuff? Is that what the famous "Special Relationship" now consists of? We get to do the scrubby stuff because it's what we're fit for and we can be relied upon to keep it quiet?

Because at least on the American side there are people concerned about the political/PR involvement of parts of their own Intelligence Community, and seeking to have it looked into. Here - am I right? - it's dead silence.

I've been permitted to say before on SST that I don't think the Americans are going to resolve this affair satisfactorily until more light is cast on the UK side. But I also think that, for our own sakes, we should be looking at what exactly our IC does, and in particular, how much UK political involvement there was in what is now clear was a direct PR attack on an American President.

Pat Lang Mod -> English Outsider , 3 days ago

I strongly suspect that Steele has a future as a novelist.

blue peacock -> David Habakkuk , 3 days ago


I'm not a lawyer and have no experience with the federal criminal statutes. Having said that I suspect that the following could be considered crimes:

There may also be certain professional agreements with the government that may have been violated. The only way any of these people will face a grand jury is if Donald Trump chooses to take action. Left to the natural devices of the law enforcement institutions nothing will happen and they will sweep everything under the rug. The intensity of Trump's tweets and the accusations therein are rising. If the GOP retains the House and Jim Jordan becomes speaker, then there may be a possibility that Sessions, Rosenstein and Wray may be fired and another special counsel appointed who will then convene a grand jury.

Considering what has been uncovered by Congressional investigators and the DOJ IG, I am truly surprised that Sessions has resisted the appointment of a special counsel. But of course that could go the way of the Owens inquiry in your country.

[Sep 15, 2018] Where is the Special Counsel looking into FBI/DOJ misconduct with regard to falsely exonerating Hillary while fabricating probable cause to spy on Trump?

Notable quotes:
"... Mueller is getting bad press for not going after Hillary and the democrats. If his findings are all against Trump it will be portrayed as a partisan hack job given all the dems on his team. ..."
Sep 15, 2018 |

I Am Jack's Macroaggression ,

Wait - where is the Special Counsel looking into FBI/DOJ misconduct with regard to falsely exonerating Hillary ehile fabricating probable cause to spy on Trump??

Seriously, Mueller has been on a fishing expedition for 2 fucking years premised entirely on what seems to be FBI/DOJ manufactured evidence and lies to the FISA court... steele memo, the meetings with 'Russians' that were obvious set ups... Sally Yates making what should be a CRIMINAL abuse of office call in justifying spying on Flynn because as part of an incoming admin he was (gasp!) talking to Russian diplomats like incoming admins HAVE TO AND ALWAYS do...

There are more than enough reasons for a special counsel to look into all that because the Very fucking point Is the FBI and DOJ have been corrupted by political bias, despite the 'nothing to see here' bullshit of the IG Report.

All this while Hillary and Brennan and Comey and Clapper with his phony bullshit DNI report all walk around free.. and I'll believe McCabe and Rosenstein are going to be indicted when they are indicted.

Rosenstein tried to hide very relevant texts from Congress and lied about why.

Trump is getting shit advice. He should fire Sessions and Rosenstein right away, let the media go nuts, and find a couple black or latino guys or women to replace them in 'acting' status. See - they just need to be honest and teasonably good.

I Claudius, 4 hours ago

Completely disagree w/Dershowitz. Mueller is getting bad press for not going after Hillary and the democrats. If his findings are all against Trump it will be portrayed as a partisan hack job given all the dems on his team.

My thoughts? Tony Podesta and that Skadden Arps attorney have been selected by the party leaders as the fall guys for the dems. They are throwing them overboard so the Mueller BS probe can be portrayed as non-partisan. They can claim that Manafort was not just a "get Trump's associates" hit job by now stating that Manafort got them these two clowns.

Manafort has zero on Trump and Mueller now has a huge dem jizz load on his face for getting nowhere. He now has to preserve his reputation and going after these two f'wads for some minor issue (don't forget, the Repubs backed themselves into a corner claiming this Foreign lobbyist thing is a minor infraction). So now they get these two guys on a BS charge . . .

And they walk and Mueller saves face.

caconhma, 3 hours ago

It is all BS. The Trump affairs are just diversions from his primary assignments:

  1. Utterly promote and advance interests of Zionist Mafia and Israel
  2. Destabilize the US internal situation and use it as a pretext for transforming the USA into a totalitarian police state
  3. Protect and defend US$ as the only one viable reserve currency
  4. Prevent by any means China from becoming a geopolitical superpower challenging the USA

IMHO, Trump's masters are doing their job very incompetent and their evil game will terribly backfire against them.

[Sep 15, 2018] Brennan traveling to Ukraine to meet with the coup leaders using a diplomatic passport and a false identity

Notable quotes:
"... I'll add one. Brennan traveling to Ukraine to meet with the coup leaders, traveling under a diplomatic passport and a false identity (assumed name). This put him right in the middle of the Ukraine crises, along with Biden and V Nuland, and the mess they created just to get NATO on Russia's borders. ..."
Sep 15, 2018 |

Curious , August 17, 2018 at 2:30 am

I'll add one. Brennan traveling to Ukraine to meet with the coup leaders, traveling under a diplomatic passport and a false identity (assumed name).

This put him right in the middle of the Ukraine crises, along with Biden and V Nuland, and the mess they created just to get NATO on Russia's borders.

This is as big, if not bigger than his lying to Congress, so I'll throw in the reminder.

[Sep 12, 2018] Leaking Like Mad FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known

Sep 12, 2018 |

"Leaking Like Mad": FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known

by Tyler Durden Wed, 09/12/2018 - 15:30 637 SHARES

The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday , goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News , which obtained "new communications between the former lovers."

A December 15, 2016 email appears to discuss a "political" leaking operation, in which others were " leaking like mad " amid the Trump-Russia probe.

"Oh, remind me to tell you tomorrow about the times doing a story about the rnc hacks," Page texted Strzok.

"And more than they already did? I told you Quinn told me they pulling out all the stops on some story " Strzok replied.

A source told Fox News "Quinn" could be referring to Richard Quinn, who served as the chief of the Media and Investigative Publicity Section in the Office of Public Affairs. Quinn could not be reached for comment.

Strzok again replied: " Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried, and political, they're kicking into overdrive. "

In one passage, Strzok apparently misreads a reference to "rnc" as "mc," and then, realizing his error, blames "old man eyes."

It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term "sisters." - Fox News

"Sisters" may refer to sister agency.

"Sisters is an odd phrase to use," retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. " It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it's all about cooperation and sharing. "

The US intelligence community is comprised of 17 agencies, including the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the National Security Agency.

Fox News notes that the "leaking like mad" reference was texted the same day that several US news outlets reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved - and personally approved, Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Several days before that, an article titled " Russian Hackers Acted to Aid Trump in Election, U.S. Says, " was published in the New York Times , which cited "senior administration officials."

Then, on January 10, 2017, The Times published another article which suggested that Russian hackers had "gained limited access" to the Republican National Committee (RNC) - the same day that BuzzFeed News published the "Steele Dossier" accusing President Trump of a variety of salacious and unproven ties to Russia.

Following the text about "sisters leaking," Strzok wrote to Page:

" And we need to talk more about putting C reporting in our submission. They're going to declassify all of it "

Page replied: "I know. But they're going to declassify their stuff, how do we withhold "

" We will get extraordinary questions. What we did what we're doing. Just want to ensure everyone is good with it and has thought thru all implications," Strzok wrote. "CD should bring it up with the DD."

A source told Fox News that "C" is likely in reference to classified information, whereas "CD" is Cyber Division, and DD could refer to former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March for making an unauthorized disclosure to the news media, and "lacked candor" under oath on multiple occassions.

It is unclear what "submission" Strzok and Page were referring to. - Fox News

A source also told Fox News that the messages were part of the newly released batch of Strzok-Page communications obtained by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who uncovered them as part of his investigation into the FBI's conduct in the Russia investigation.

LaugherNYC ,

Dead silence in the media about the entire FBI DOJ scandal for months. Only the occasional piece on conservative blogs. EIther Huber has Grand Jury true bills coming October 1 to slam on the Dems just before the midterms, or this coverup of Deep State malfeasance will go on until the Dems get the House and impeach Trump. The plan seems to let them all get away with their betrayal of the country.

McCabe should already be in prison, yet it seems like there has yet even been a decision to indict him... he might be in front of a gran d jury, or he might just be chillin waiting for his grievance with the union to be heard and be awarded back pay and pension vesting, a if what he did is equivalent to a guy driving his forklift into a wall at Costco after a beer.,

MrBoompi ,

Now "It's all about cooperation and sharing." What a crock of shit. They still want us to believe the government agencies didn't communicate with each other, or work together, before 911. That's high level propaganda that's still being used to cover up what happened on 911 and justify the anti-constitutional Patriot Act.

Stan522 ,

"The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday , goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News , which obtained "new communications between the former lovers." "

Questions arise....

The media obviously knows who is leaking and they also know who's been in the news relating to this investigation, yet, they still refuse to connect the dots and write about the uncontrollable sieve of leaks

The media also refuses to put any focus on the drip by drip bits of information about how there was bias. The devilcRAT talking heads are in contortions trying to excuse all of this and the MSM are allowing it.

The Inspector General apparently conducted an investigation on all of this shit's and concluded there was no bias, yet every day there seems to be more evidence that there was extreme bias. What more needs to be shown to get the media talking about it?

Last weeks breaking news had shown that Andrew Weisman (yes, the same clown that now works for Mueller's hit squad) as colluding with Bruck Ohr and Christopher Steele during the creation of that fake news Dossier and Weisman was feeding information to Mueller. When will Mueller drop this scam investigation?

There are still republicans that hold the opinion that Mueller must be allowed to finish his investigation. With the fact that Weisman was part of the hit squad creating dirt about Trump, at what point are these idiot politicians are going to grow a pair and start talking about all of this? It seems they are the same lazy thinkers that go along with the man caused global warming hoax.

Yesterday's breaking news was about what DeGenova stated about the meeting in obama's office with Rice, Yates, Biden, Comey, and Obama. He says "It was a meeting to discuss how Sally Yates was going to get Michael Flynn. And the President of the United States, Barack Obama, was directly involved in these discussions." Yet NOTHING was shown on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest about this.

asscannon101 ,

That first pic in the article- the one of Strzok- that is a 'peyote face'. The crazy eyes and the grotesque, exaggerated facial grimacing. Mescaline will do that to you. I've read a lot of books about that shit. Just lucky that he didn't spaz out, shit in his pants, flop around on the floor squawking like a seagull and start chewing his own lips off. I've read a lot of books about that shit. A lot of books. Over and over again. A lot of fucking books.

troutback ,

Get a Fucking Rope and an Oak Tree. That's how I feel. It's fucking Treason!



bobdog54 ,

The swamp aka the deep state is not only not a conspiracy theory but a real seditionous conspiracy against our Constitutional Laws and Way of Life. And much much deeper than most can imagine.

Automatic Choke ,

why are they not incarcerated?

this shit is an affront to all of us who follow the laws, respect election results, pay taxes, and try to be good citizens.


navy62802 ,

So we already know that these people committed sedition against the government based on the known evidence. One more tape doesn't prove the crime any more than the other evidence. All this does is drive home the fact that there were additional conspirators who protected these criminals from justice. It's fucking sickening.

Call me when someone in the government gets the balls to finally charge these criminals with the crimes they have obviously committed. Until then, new evidence is moot.

bobdog54 ,

Wish I could give you 100 up arrows!

All Risk No Reward ,

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
― Malcolm X

The above is true, but only tangentially related to this topic in that it expresses the media LIES.

The TRUTH is that the BankstObama FBI worked overtime to get BankstoTrump "elected" as one of the Bankster financed "selections." Banksters "select" based on money and promotion, then you "vote" on their selection in an "election."

Let freeDUMB rain!

Here's how it worked...

1. Mid 2016, FBI became aware of Hellary's criminal activity.

2. Mid 2016, Comey sent memo stating Hellary would not be prosecuted. He did not say this is because she's a Money Power Sith Lord front woman who has a KMA card. Nick Rockefeller explained this to Aaron Russo, as told by Aaron himself when he was interviewed by Alex Jones. Oh, and Rockefeller told him the details of the post 9/11 Afghanistan invasion in advance, too. The interview is worth watching.

3. October, 2016, Comey announced an investigation into Hellary's criminal behavior. Uh, it was already determined she wouldn't be prosecuted, right? Yup. So why publicly imply she could be charged and convicted IF NOT TO AID AND ABET DONALD "HE'S WORTH MORE TO US (BANKSTERS) ALIVE THAN DEAD" TRUMP INTO THE WHITE HOUSE?

By the way, that's an accurate and real quote from an attorney that represents something like 50+ banks against Trump. He said it to describe why the Banksters didn't force Donald into bankruptcy and take all his stuff. Donald OWES the Banksters FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS TODAY THAT IS NOT POVERTY!

This is called an October Surprise, and they are rarely good.

4. After the elections, Comey announces that Hellary committed the crimes, was caught red handed, but wouldn't be prosecuted because she didn't intend to commit the crime. Try that at your next court date for running a stop sign you didn't see, serfer boys and girls.

5. Propaganda depicting Comey and Trump as enemies ensued immediately, lest the mindless rabble formulate the most obvious question in their wittle minds...

"Why did the Obama FBI create a phony October Surprise to hurt Hellary and promote Trump's election as President?"

That's not in the Money Power Matrix programming!

The reason is that the Banksters wanted Trump in office, because their debt-based money system bubble (largest in human history) is set to implode AND THERE IS NO PERSON ON PLANET EARTH THAT IS MORE CAPABLE OF MAGNETICALLY TAKING ALL THE BLAME ONTO HIMSELF THAN DONALD J. TRUMP.


The name of the game is to shield the Banksters and their debt-money system from criticism as the fraudulent ROOT CAUSE of the debt-money bubble bust cycles that asset strips entire societies and leads to systematic global oppression of all ordinary people. At least for those not directly or indirectly murdered by the Bankster anti-ordinary human agendas.

And, being promoted as an outsider, the Banksters get to save their two controlled privately incorporated "politically parties in the minds of Muppets" from taking full blame, therefore, all the Muppets will continue to think they have freedom because they get to "vote" for Bankster quisling #1 or Bankster quisling #2.

Let freeDUMB rain!

PS - The Banksters don't even care that I spill the beans on their plans because they know the masses, even the ZeroHedge masses, simply lack the imagination to envision the reality they Banksters have financed into existence.

alfbell ,

Wake me up once the handing out of prison sentences starts. If they never do, I don't want to wake up.

WarAndPeace ,

Only a politician would not recognize that they are criminals.... ah apply that whichever way you want.

LaugherNYC ,

Dead silence in the media about the entire FBI DOJ scandal for months. Only the occasional piece on conservative blogs. EIther Huber has Grand Jury true bills coming October 1 to slam on the Dems just before the midterms, or this coverup of Deep State malfeasance will go on until the Dems get the House and impeach Trump. The plan seems to let them all get away with their betrayal of the country.

McCabe should already be in prison, yet it seems like there has yet even been a decision to indict him... he might be in front of a gran d jury, or he might just be chillin waiting for his grievance with the union to be heard and be awarded back pay and pension vesting, a if what he did is equivalent to a guy driving his forklift into a wall at Costco after a beer.,

MrBoompi ,

Now "It's all about cooperation and sharing." What a crock of shit. They still want us to believe the government agencies didn't communicate with each other, or work together, before 911. That's high level propaganda that's still being used to cover up what happened on 911 and justify the anti-constitutional Patriot Act.

Captain Nemo de Erehwon ,

Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. It is what prevents people from doing real damage. It is the sole hope for the world.

It was not hard-nosed intelligence and legal professionals running a secretive op to overturn the election. If it were there would not be this trail of text messages describing each step in detail. The amateurish execution, given all the assets at their disposal including Australian Ambassadors, mysterious European Professors, and other premiere intelligence agencies, even perhaps other US government agencies is like spoilt rich kids ruining their parents' ...hmm is that offensive nowadays? guardians' ...!@$# it ... father's company.

All Risk No Reward ,

>>Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. <<

You don't comprehend the milieu.

The agendas include, but are not limited to:

1. Produce more debt - private, corporate, and governmental. Incompetence? On what planet? They are AMAZING!

2. Prevent the plebs from realizing #1. Again, they have you duped - and you aren't alone.

3. Pretend inferiority, so that concerted malevolent intent is not discerned. Art of War 101.

The are doing a stellar job at their true agendas.

Dare I say, so good that I can't exclude supernatural guidance.

Muddy1 ,

Why show the attractive pictures of Lisa Page? I liked the ones where she looked like the dimwit she is.

Pons Asinorum ,

She's more attractive with her mouth shut.

Yog Soggoth ,

"Sisters" may refer to sister agency.

"Sisters is an odd phrase to use," retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. " It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it's all about cooperation and sharing. " Witches perhaps? Cotton Mather was right!

fulliautomatix ,

There's another William - "it's all about cooperation and sharing." Oh, and telling the truth.

Remington Steel ,

Treasonous fucks. They should all hang in D.C.'s National Mall.

SnatchnGrab ,

Hang them in the public square so that we may spit on them.

I am Groot ,

They should be staked down to the ground out in the desert, covered in honey and have ants poured all over them.

SaulAzzHoleSky ,

Strzok's lawyer will say that this refers to problems with his Depends, not the media.....


Down down deeper and down - that's pretty deep.

There's very little deep about the F-uk-us Political Establishment; empty suits, treasonous filth, cowardly, and yet, wholeheartedly believe they are principled. S.H.O.C.K.I.N.G

motoXdude ,

Just like enlightened, educated Liberals... those working in these agencies (and most likely the agencies themselves) are above the law and here to govern the great unwashed and deplorables! This IS THE DEEP STATE aka THE SWAMP! Time to drain it or drop a high tension power line in it!

Anunnaki ,

Leaking must not be a crime for Keebler Sessions

Mzhen ,

Wasn't it fortunate that Seth Rich was involved in transporting DNC data to WikiLeaks? Without the "hacking" link in the chain, the rest of the plan could not have been set into motion. Characterized as an ardent Bernie supporter, Seth Rich was actually scheduled to go to work at Hillary's campaign headquarters a few weeks after the date of his murder.


The Classic Clinton Foundation ENTRAPMENT.

The job offer being a ruse just in case they didn't get him 1st Time.

SirBarksAlot ,

According to this news clip, there are secret military tribunals going on and John McCain was executed for his treason.


His 3 remaining brain-cells were targeted with magnetic pulses like the one's going down at the US Embassy in CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBA.

HominyTwin ,

That's right! Powerful people are taking care of everything, and making sure all will be right with the USA once again, in the very near future, without effort or sacrifice or thinking on our part. That is wonderful news!!!!

south40_dreams ,

Build the gallows.

missionshk ,

my understanding is that there were 14 people from various agencies, in a chat room all committing treason, but dont here about that any more

ardent ,

While some are "Leaking Like Mad",

others are "Killing Like Mad".

WARNING: Graphic Images

alter_ ,

This is a coup, plain and simple, and the coup is winning.

Prosource ,

Not sure the coup is winning, but it's been almost 2 years and we are only this far in investigations and prosecutions ???

fulliautomatix ,

Trying to keep some of the legal community alive.

Dickweed Wang ,

Does Lisa Page have tits or are those mutant mosquito bites?

NewHugh ,

In my limited experience flat girls figure out a way to "compensate"...

I am Groot ,

Have you seen her smile ? She's all gums. I'll bet Stzrok loves when the vet takes her teeth out to clean them and she blows him.


SirBarksAlot ,

It hasn't been determined if she has tits or not.

However, she certainly has balls.

cosmyccowboy ,

she needs the crocodille dundee test... the dept of injustice is trannies on parade!

Collectivism Killz ,

Just in case Qanon is wrong about Keebler Elf Sessions, can someone at least gently remind him that failure to prosecute will give creeps like Joe Biden a second shot at his Granddaughters? Not sure if he cares, but I would think an old hound dog such as Sessions would at least consider his final legacy on earth. All that Fried Chicken and chitlins have to catch up with him at some point.

Yog Soggoth ,

Everyone up on the Hill feels the fire burning below their feet, those who succumb will embrace the everlasting heat. Where is Billy? Can you clean this up for me?

Stan522 ,

"The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday , goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News , which obtained "new communications between the former lovers." "

Questions arise....

The media obviously knows who is leaking and they also know who's been in the news relating to this investigation, yet, they still refuse to connect the dots and write about the uncontrollable sieve of leaks

The media also refuses to put any focus on the drip by drip bits of information about how there was bias. The devilcRAT talking heads are in contortions trying to excuse all of this and the MSM are allowing it.

The Inspector General apparently conducted an investigation on all of this shit's and concluded there was no bias, yet every day there seems to be more evidence that there was extreme bias. What more needs to be shown to get the media talking about it?

Last weeks breaking news had shown that Andrew Weisman (yes, the same clown that now works for Mueller's hit squad) as colluding with Bruck Ohr and Christopher Steele during the creation of that fake news Dossier and Weisman was feeding information to Mueller. When will Mueller drop this scam investigation?

There are still republicans that hold the opinion that Mueller must be allowed to finish his investigation. With the fact that Weisman was part of the hit squad creating dirt about Trump, at what point are these idiot politicians are going to grow a pair and start talking about all of this? It seems they are the same lazy thinkers that go along with the man caused global warming hoax.

Yesterday's breaking news was about what DeGenova stated about the meeting in obama's office with Rice, Yates, Biden, Comey, and Obama. He says "It was a meeting to discuss how Sally Yates was going to get Michael Flynn. And the President of the United States, Barack Obama, was directly involved in these discussions." Yet NOTHING was shown on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest about this.

lookslikecraptome ,

Just put up the link to fox news that ran this story. Talk about a cut and paste.

ZazzOne ,


SirBarksAlot ,

Boom, boom, boom, let's go back to my room and we can do it all night and you can make me feel right.


Here is the communist party website...see if the message differs significantly from the Democrat agenda

"As Communists, we work in the elections not just for a candidate but strategically to build and strengthen the movement and our Party for the long term. The situation varies greatly from one state and election district to the next so tactics have to be developed locally. The more we share our concrete experiences, the more we can learn and get ideas from each other. Here are thoughts for consideration:

1. Where to concentrate?

Clubs: the neighborhood or election district where the club is located;

Districts: election districts that can be flipped; election districts where working-class champions who are incumbents are under attack; election districts with a progressive primary candidate.

2. What goals?

• build a voter base to change the political balance of forces;
• strengthen relationships with unions, left/progressive electoral forms like Our Revolution (OR) and Working Famlies Party (WFP), etc;
• raise the level of class consciousness, unity and solidarity;
• enlarge the CPUSA diverse working-class membership and readership of People's World;
• identify among our members potential candidates for local office.

3. What methods?

Voter registration: laws differ from state to state. Where there is postcard registration, door-to-door work with voter cards and issue petitions and sign-ups are a great way to identify people who want to become engaged and who we can follow up with to vote and get involved. Tabling with voter cards, issue petitions, People's World and literature is another way, but harder to follow up with people in scattered geography. Increasing voter turnout in working-class communities can win elections and create the base for organizing to win a people's program. It is a direct challenge to the corporate right-wing that depends on depressing and suppressing the vote.

Participate with allies: Unions, progressive community groups and left/progressive electoral forms are the best way to participate in campaigns and build the movement for the long term. Organizations vary from place to place. Labor 2018 is the AFL-CIO program and anyone can take part in phone banks and visits to the homes of union members. Each union also has its own election program that union members should prioritize. Local issue coalitions or ballot initiatives are also important venues, for example Jobs with Justice, Planned Parenthood, Fight for 15, the Poor People's Campaign, Millions of Jobs etc. Left and progressive electoral organizations that have endorsed candidates with strong programs are a strategic way to participate such as Our Revolution, Working Families Party, Indivisible, etc. If you are just getting started this is a great way to reach out.

Chupacabra-322 ,

They really thought Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath Hillary Clinton would win.

And, with it. Complete destruction of Conservatism, Libertarian Values, & Ideology.

Her Crimes would have never been uncovered or bought out into the open as we're witnessing.

Much was at stake. Everything was lost.

The Presidency LOST.

Weaponized Intelligence Community with Agents, Assets & Operatives. LOST.

Complicit, Criminal Loyal CIA, FBI, DOJ. LOST.

Supreme Court. LOST.

No doubt, the censorship & Gas Lighting would have been turned on fully.

And, with it Tyrannical Lawlessness.

mc888 ,

How about the "Free Press"? Exposed as nothing but a corrupt propganda outlet for the DS.

"Free Independent Journalism" LOST.

All these MSM propaganda outlets need their FCC licenses revoked for broadcasting false information and hoaxes.

18 U.S. Code § 1038 - False information and hoaxes

Add RICO charges and prosecute every exec, editor, and agent undercover as a media whore hiding behind the First Amendment to commit their crimes.

Yog Soggoth ,

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 ...

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of theWorlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology seri... Nothing new. He even used the weather!

r0mulus ,

Operation Mockingbird lives on, just as we, the "conspiracy theorists" said.

And look who was wrong about reality in the end:
The ones pretending nothing was/is wrong, and that we were/are crazy.

Well who's crazy now motherfuckers?
Looks like it's you lot over there, desperately clinging to your MSM/DNC/GOP idols, asking for FB/Twitter/Google to ban everything too inconvenient for your "reality".

Face the truth for once: the collusion is and has always been between the MSM/DNC/GOP/Alphabet Agencies and the DEEP STATE. And you perpetuate the oppression by being party to it.

Yippie21 ,

And to sell the Russia-crap, the Obama administration purposely kicked diplomats out of the country and laid on sanctions in December. I'm curious enough to wonder how much of the White-helmet gas attacks in Syria ( that Trump reacted to ) were indirectly done to further the anti-Russia narrative by Obama folks.... After all, the whole Syria mess has his fingerprints all over it.

surf@jm ,

Big wow......

Clear and convincing evidence of a crime, obviously isn't a crime in Washington D.C., unless, of course, you are a conservative.....

fulliautomatix ,

little wow - Strzok deliberately documented the crimes on his and Page's phones.

thetruthhurts ,

It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term "sisters."


CIA, NSA etc.

PrivetHedge ,

I see what they are afraid of now.

The 'russiagate' stuff is now starting to reveal the very structure and organisation of the Deep State: once only suspected by the sheep, now it's coming into plain sight for all to see to the horror of all the pharisee jew vampires who are now seeing the first signs of dawn.

asscannon101 ,

That first pic in the article- the one of Strzok- that is a 'peyote face'. The crazy eyes and the grotesque, exaggerated facial grimacing. Mescaline will do that to you. I've read a lot of books about that shit. Just lucky that he didn't spaz out, shit in his pants, flop around on the floor squawking like a seagull and start chewing his own lips off. I've read a lot of books about that shit. A lot of books. Over and over again. A lot of fucking books.

troutback ,

Get a Fucking Rope and an Oak Tree. That's how I feel. It's fucking Treason!



bobdog54 ,

The swamp aka the deep state is not only not a conspiracy theory but a real seditionous conspiracy against our Constitutional Laws and Way of Life. And much much deeper than most can imagine.

Automatic Choke ,

why are they not incarcerated?

this shit is an affront to all of us who follow the laws, respect election results, pay taxes, and try to be good citizens.


navy62802 ,

So we already know that these people committed sedition against the government based on the known evidence. One more tape doesn't prove the crime any more than the other evidence. All this does is drive home the fact that there were additional conspirators who protected these criminals from justice. It's fucking sickening.

Call me when someone in the government gets the balls to finally charge these criminals with the crimes they have obviously committed. Until then, new evidence is moot.

bobdog54 ,

Wish I could give you 100 up arrows!

All Risk No Reward ,

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
― Malcolm X

The above is true, but only tangentially related to this topic in that it expresses the media LIES.

The TRUTH is that the BankstObama FBI worked overtime to get BankstoTrump "elected" as one of the Bankster financed "selections." Banksters "select" based on money and promotion, then you "vote" on their selection in an "election."

Let freeDUMB rain!

Here's how it worked...

1. Mid 2016, FBI became aware of Hellary's criminal activity.

2. Mid 2016, Comey sent memo stating Hellary would not be prosecuted. He did not say this is because she's a Money Power Sith Lord front woman who has a KMA card. Nick Rockefeller explained this to Aaron Russo, as told by Aaron himself when he was interviewed by Alex Jones. Oh, and Rockefeller told him the details of the post 9/11 Afghanistan invasion in advance, too. The interview is worth watching.

3. October, 2016, Comey announced an investigation into Hellary's criminal behavior. Uh, it was already determined she wouldn't be prosecuted, right? Yup. So why publicly imply she could be charged and convicted IF NOT TO AID AND ABET DONALD "HE'S WORTH MORE TO US (BANKSTERS) ALIVE THAN DEAD" TRUMP INTO THE WHITE HOUSE?

By the way, that's an accurate and real quote from an attorney that represents something like 50+ banks against Trump. He said it to describe why the Banksters didn't force Donald into bankruptcy and take all his stuff. Donald OWES the Banksters FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS TODAY THAT IS NOT POVERTY!

This is called an October Surprise, and they are rarely good.

4. After the elections, Comey announces that Hellary committed the crimes, was caught red handed, but wouldn't be prosecuted because she didn't intend to commit the crime. Try that at your next court date for running a stop sign you didn't see, serfer boys and girls.

5. Propaganda depicting Comey and Trump as enemies ensued immediately, lest the mindless rabble formulate the most obvious question in their wittle minds...

"Why did the Obama FBI create a phony October Surprise to hurt Hellary and promote Trump's election as President?"

That's not in the Money Power Matrix programming!

The reason is that the Banksters wanted Trump in office, because their debt-based money system bubble (largest in human history) is set to implode AND THERE IS NO PERSON ON PLANET EARTH THAT IS MORE CAPABLE OF MAGNETICALLY TAKING ALL THE BLAME ONTO HIMSELF THAN DONALD J. TRUMP.


The name of the game is to shield the Banksters and their debt-money system from criticism as the fraudulent ROOT CAUSE of the debt-money bubble bust cycles that asset strips entire societies and leads to systematic global oppression of all ordinary people. At least for those not directly or indirectly murdered by the Bankster anti-ordinary human agendas.

And, being promoted as an outsider, the Banksters get to save their two controlled privately incorporated "politically parties in the minds of Muppets" from taking full blame, therefore, all the Muppets will continue to think they have freedom because they get to "vote" for Bankster quisling #1 or Bankster quisling #2.

Let freeDUMB rain!

PS - The Banksters don't even care that I spill the beans on their plans because they know the masses, even the ZeroHedge masses, simply lack the imagination to envision the reality they Banksters have financed into existence.

alfbell ,

Wake me up once the handing out of prison sentences starts. If they never do, I don't want to wake up.

WarAndPeace ,

Only a politician would not recognize that they are criminals.... ah apply that whichever way you want.

LaugherNYC ,

Dead silence in the media about the entire FBI DOJ scandal for months. Only the occasional piece on conservative blogs. EIther Huber has Grand Jury true bills coming October 1 to slam on the Dems just before the midterms, or this coverup of Deep State malfeasance will go on until the Dems get the House and impeach Trump. The plan seems to let them all get away with their betrayal of the country.

McCabe should already be in prison, yet it seems like there has yet even been a decision to indict him... he might be in front of a gran d jury, or he might just be chillin waiting for his grievance with the union to be heard and be awarded back pay and pension vesting, a if what he did is equivalent to a guy driving his forklift into a wall at Costco after a beer.,

MrBoompi ,

Now "It's all about cooperation and sharing." What a crock of shit. They still want us to believe the government agencies didn't communicate with each other, or work together, before 911. That's high level propaganda that's still being used to cover up what happened on 911 and justify the anti-constitutional Patriot Act.

Captain Nemo de Erehwon ,

Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. It is what prevents people from doing real damage. It is the sole hope for the world.

It was not hard-nosed intelligence and legal professionals running a secretive op to overturn the election. If it were there would not be this trail of text messages describing each step in detail. The amateurish execution, given all the assets at their disposal including Australian Ambassadors, mysterious European Professors, and other premiere intelligence agencies, even perhaps other US government agencies is like spoilt rich kids ruining their parents' ...hmm is that offensive nowadays? guardians' ...!@$# it ... father's company.

All Risk No Reward ,

>>Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. <<

You don't comprehend the milieu.

The agendas include, but are not limited to:

1. Produce more debt - private, corporate, and governmental. Incompetence? On what planet? They are AMAZING!

2. Prevent the plebs from realizing #1. Again, they have you duped - and you aren't alone.

3. Pretend inferiority, so that concerted malevolent intent is not discerned. Art of War 101.

The are doing a stellar job at their true agendas.

Dare I say, so good that I can't exclude supernatural guidance.

Muddy1 ,

Why show the attractive pictures of Lisa Page? I liked the ones where she looked like the dimwit she is.

Pons Asinorum ,

She's more attractive with her mouth shut.

Yog Soggoth ,

"Sisters" may refer to sister agency.

"Sisters is an odd phrase to use," retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. " It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it's all about cooperation and sharing. " Witches perhaps? Cotton Mather was right!

fulliautomatix ,

There's another William - "it's all about cooperation and sharing." Oh, and telling the truth.

Remington Steel ,

Treasonous fucks. They should all hang in D.C.'s National Mall.

SnatchnGrab ,

Hang them in the public square so that we may spit on them.

I am Groot ,

They should be staked down to the ground out in the desert, covered in honey and have ants poured all over them.

SaulAzzHoleSky ,

Strzok's lawyer will say that this refers to problems with his Depends, not the media.....


Down down deeper and down - that's pretty deep.

There's very little deep about the F-uk-us Political Establishment; empty suits, treasonous filth, cowardly, and yet, wholeheartedly believe they are principled. S.H.O.C.K.I.N.G

motoXdude ,

Just like enlightened, educated Liberals... those working in these agencies (and most likely the agencies themselves) are above the law and here to govern the great unwashed and deplorables! This IS THE DEEP STATE aka THE SWAMP! Time to drain it or drop a high tension power line in it!

Anunnaki ,

Leaking must not be a crime for Keebler Sessions

Mzhen ,

Wasn't it fortunate that Seth Rich was involved in transporting DNC data to WikiLeaks? Without the "hacking" link in the chain, the rest of the plan could not have been set into motion. Characterized as an ardent Bernie supporter, Seth Rich was actually scheduled to go to work at Hillary's campaign headquarters a few weeks after the date of his murder.


The Classic Clinton Foundation ENTRAPMENT.

The job offer being a ruse just in case they didn't get him 1st Time.

SirBarksAlot ,

According to this news clip, there are secret military tribunals going on and John McCain was executed for his treason.


His 3 remaining brain-cells were targeted with magnetic pulses like the one's going down at the US Embassy in CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBA.

HominyTwin ,

That's right! Powerful people are taking care of everything, and making sure all will be right with the USA once again, in the very near future, without effort or sacrifice or thinking on our part. That is wonderful news!!!!

south40_dreams ,

Build the gallows.

missionshk ,

my understanding is that there were 14 people from various agencies, in a chat room all committing treason, but dont here about that any more

ardent ,

While some are "Leaking Like Mad",

others are "Killing Like Mad".

WARNING: Graphic Images

alter_ ,

This is a coup, plain and simple, and the coup is winning.

Prosource ,

Not sure the coup is winning, but it's been almost 2 years and we are only this far in investigations and prosecutions ???

fulliautomatix ,

Trying to keep some of the legal community alive.

Dickweed Wang ,

Does Lisa Page have tits or are those mutant mosquito bites?

NewHugh ,

In my limited experience flat girls figure out a way to "compensate"...

I am Groot ,

Have you seen her smile ? She's all gums. I'll bet Stzrok loves when the vet takes her teeth out to clean them and she blows him.


SirBarksAlot ,

It hasn't been determined if she has tits or not.

However, she certainly has balls.

cosmyccowboy ,

she needs the crocodille dundee test... the dept of injustice is trannies on parade!

Collectivism Killz ,

Just in case Qanon is wrong about Keebler Elf Sessions, can someone at least gently remind him that failure to prosecute will give creeps like Joe Biden a second shot at his Granddaughters? Not sure if he cares, but I would think an old hound dog such as Sessions would at least consider his final legacy on earth. All that Fried Chicken and chitlins have to catch up with him at some point.

Yog Soggoth ,

Everyone up on the Hill feels the fire burning below their feet, those who succumb will embrace the everlasting heat. Where is Billy? Can you clean this up for me?

Stan522 ,

"The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday , goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News , which obtained "new communications between the former lovers." "

Questions arise....

The media obviously knows who is leaking and they also know who's been in the news relating to this investigation, yet, they still refuse to connect the dots and write about the uncontrollable sieve of leaks

The media also refuses to put any focus on the drip by drip bits of information about how there was bias. The devilcRAT talking heads are in contortions trying to excuse all of this and the MSM are allowing it.

The Inspector General apparently conducted an investigation on all of this shit's and concluded there was no bias, yet every day there seems to be more evidence that there was extreme bias. What more needs to be shown to get the media talking about it?

Last weeks breaking news had shown that Andrew Weisman (yes, the same clown that now works for Mueller's hit squad) as colluding with Bruck Ohr and Christopher Steele during the creation of that fake news Dossier and Weisman was feeding information to Mueller. When will Mueller drop this scam investigation?

There are still republicans that hold the opinion that Mueller must be allowed to finish his investigation. With the fact that Weisman was part of the hit squad creating dirt about Trump, at what point are these idiot politicians are going to grow a pair and start talking about all of this? It seems they are the same lazy thinkers that go along with the man caused global warming hoax.

Yesterday's breaking news was about what DeGenova stated about the meeting in obama's office with Rice, Yates, Biden, Comey, and Obama. He says "It was a meeting to discuss how Sally Yates was going to get Michael Flynn. And the President of the United States, Barack Obama, was directly involved in these discussions." Yet NOTHING was shown on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest about this.

lookslikecraptome ,

Just put up the link to fox news that ran this story. Talk about a cut and paste.

ZazzOne ,


SirBarksAlot ,

Boom, boom, boom, let's go back to my room and we can do it all night and you can make me feel right.


Here is the communist party website...see if the message differs significantly from the Democrat agenda

"As Communists, we work in the elections not just for a candidate but strategically to build and strengthen the movement and our Party for the long term. The situation varies greatly from one state and election district to the next so tactics have to be developed locally. The more we share our concrete experiences, the more we can learn and get ideas from each other. Here are thoughts for consideration:

1. Where to concentrate?

Clubs: the neighborhood or election district where the club is located;

Districts: election districts that can be flipped; election districts where working-class champions who are incumbents are under attack; election districts with a progressive primary candidate.

2. What goals?

• build a voter base to change the political balance of forces;
• strengthen relationships with unions, left/progressive electoral forms like Our Revolution (OR) and Working Famlies Party (WFP), etc;
• raise the level of class consciousness, unity and solidarity;
• enlarge the CPUSA diverse working-class membership and readership of People's World;
• identify among our members potential candidates for local office.

3. What methods?

Voter registration: laws differ from state to state. Where there is postcard registration, door-to-door work with voter cards and issue petitions and sign-ups are a great way to identify people who want to become engaged and who we can follow up with to vote and get involved. Tabling with voter cards, issue petitions, People's World and literature is another way, but harder to follow up with people in scattered geography. Increasing voter turnout in working-class communities can win elections and create the base for organizing to win a people's program. It is a direct challenge to the corporate right-wing that depends on depressing and suppressing the vote.

Participate with allies: Unions, progressive community groups and left/progressive electoral forms are the best way to participate in campaigns and build the movement for the long term. Organizations vary from place to place. Labor 2018 is the AFL-CIO program and anyone can take part in phone banks and visits to the homes of union members. Each union also has its own election program that union members should prioritize. Local issue coalitions or ballot initiatives are also important venues, for example Jobs with Justice, Planned Parenthood, Fight for 15, the Poor People's Campaign, Millions of Jobs etc. Left and progressive electoral organizations that have endorsed candidates with strong programs are a strategic way to participate such as Our Revolution, Working Families Party, Indivisible, etc. If you are just getting started this is a great way to reach out.

Chupacabra-322 ,

They really thought Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath Hillary Clinton would win.

And, with it. Complete destruction of Conservatism, Libertarian Values, & Ideology.

Her Crimes would have never been uncovered or bought out into the open as we're witnessing.

Much was at stake. Everything was lost.

The Presidency LOST.

Weaponized Intelligence Community with Agents, Assets & Operatives. LOST.

Complicit, Criminal Loyal CIA, FBI, DOJ. LOST.

Supreme Court. LOST.

No doubt, the censorship & Gas Lighting would have been turned on fully.

And, with it Tyrannical Lawlessness.

mc888 ,

How about the "Free Press"? Exposed as nothing but a corrupt propganda outlet for the DS.

"Free Independent Journalism" LOST.

All these MSM propaganda outlets need their FCC licenses revoked for broadcasting false information and hoaxes.

18 U.S. Code § 1038 - False information and hoaxes

Add RICO charges and prosecute every exec, editor, and agent undercover as a media whore hiding behind the First Amendment to commit their crimes.

Yog Soggoth ,

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 ...

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of theWorlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology seri... Nothing new. He even used the weather!

youshallnotkill ,

If the FBI really would have put its muscle behind it HRC would be president.

Instead Comey was waffling, re-opening the email investigation and writing a mealy-mouthed letter to Congress just before the election.

It's pretty funny to watch the Tyler Kremlin boys try to contort this into a Deep State conspiracy to prevent Trump and get HRC elected. If so this would have been the most inept conspiracy ever.

debtserf ,

News Flash: It was (inept).

How else are we finding all this out?

"Trump won therefore there cannot have been a conspiracy" is not a cogent argument.

Paralentor ,

We all knew it. What the Soros owned Social Media and Rothschild AP/Reuters owned mainstream choose to tell the sleeping public is an entirely different story.

justyouwait ,

So if we didn't live in a banana republic these guys would all be in prison or at least going through some court proceedings for what they did. Not here though. No sir, we live in a full blown, first world banana republic where the power elite are truly far better off than the peons that pay their way but we offer enough distractions on so many levels that most of the peons don't realize they are being played and many that do throw up their hands and say ho hum, I have nothing to worry about (as long as they can have their entertainment & distractions).

The whole FBI has to be tore down and redone from the ground up. Sure the Deep State would want total control of the national and most powerful police force. This is how you control government and the peons. It has shown itself to be beyond corrupt. Yes there may be many good ones still out there but how do we know anymore? Wipe it out and start again. Yes, I know it won't happen because it is far too huge a labyrinth to dismantle & reassemble but the point is still valid. I guess the best we can hope for is to take down some at the top and then make them squeal on the others. Won't happen until we reform the DOJ first though.

DRTexas ,

What? Sorry, I wasn't listening. I was thinking about the bread, circuses, and the bit of meat and cake they are allowing me to have.

Mercuryquicksilver ,

Cults have "Sisters".

Chupacabra-322 ,

Mocking Bird, Presstitute, Deep State "Sister" appendages.

chubbar ,

No question these folks are committing treason/sedition and it goes directly to Obama, that fucking traitor. God, I hope these fuckers swing!

Itdoesntmatter ,

fuck you people are fucking stupid....The people writing this shit are laughing at you idiot sheeple...

Totin ,

Riiiiiight. You are a dumb phuck if you don't think this kind of news makes a huge difference.

1970SSNova396 ,

I will have to wait until Strzok's Jew lawyer tells us the real deal. They don't lie for sure. There is a golden calf joke in there somewhere.

Hadenough1000 ,

Comey will be in jail when this is over

1970SSNova396 ,

That can't happen! The entire US government will be jail if that were to happen including half the house and 80% of the senate past and present.

NMmom ,

I have no problem with that. Do you?

fulliautomatix ,

They ought to be happy they're only going to jail.

Stan522 ,

Comey was following orders....

A fish stinks starting at the head

No one at the top ever pays the price, they usually find an underling to take the fall, so don't expect jail time for obama.....

1970SSNova396 ,

Hillary wasn't joking when she said " we all will hang from nooses if the fuking bastard wins"

To be continued.

Hadenough1000 ,

This is why anyone paying attention KNOWS that this makes watergate look like a kindergarten party

ISIS Barry weaponized the hell out of our government

just like they do in third world dumps where that Muslim pig was raised

all the felons this time are obamas boys

MedTechEntrepreneur ,

I want these two Yay-hoo's Waterboarded and Propofal'ed tonight! Live streamed nationwide. I want the truth...all of it!

peippe ,

to learn what? that these lovers loved hillary & thought they were doing 'god's work'?

please, it's like listening to francis the leader of the catholic church these days.

Gitmo for all of them.

Kosher meals till they quit lying.

All the other detainees get Egg McMuffins.


Gums and Butter

Page and the balding weirdo dickhead...match made in hell

Strzok has to be the most fucked up individual I have ever seen...a 50 yr old that acts like an effeminate weirdo

Fucking scary that a weirdo like that can obtain a position that high in "intelligence"

Truly fucked up...must have been servicing folks like Brennan

topshelfstuff ,

Sure Previously Known, But Not Previously Believed To Be

r0mulus ,

Operation Mockingbird lives on, just as we, the "conspiracy theorists" said.

And look who was wrong about reality in the end:
The ones pretending nothing was/is wrong, and that we were/are crazy.

Well who's crazy now motherfuckers?
Looks like it's you lot over there, desperately clinging to your MSM/DNC/GOP idols, asking for FB/Twitter/Google to ban everything too inconvenient for your "reality".

Face the truth for once: the collusion is and has always been between the MSM/DNC/GOP/Alphabet Agencies and the DEEP STATE. And you perpetuate the oppression by being party to it.

JoeTurner ,

I sometimes lose sleep wondering how horrific things would be if the Clinton Crime Cabal was in power. All over the TV in New York demorats are running insane political ads for Cuomo, Nixon, Teachout and all the rest of the wild eyed communist wack jobs. Not one of them has any proposals to govern better or improve the life of the middle class. Its all about aggrieved minorities sticking it to whitey for 'mo gimmies'

Hadenough1000 ,

If that fat drunk and her raping Pig hubby had won then

MS13 Killers would be in the streets with their amnesty papers and new welfare checks and voter Registration

weinstein would be in the cabinet

Rapist clinton and ISIS Barry would be on the Supreme Court

we would be losing 200,000 jobs a week again like with Barry

thank God for Trump

Prosource ,

And Mike Rogers.

And Bill Binney.

And Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan.

1970SSNova396 ,

New York is a shithole country ...a lost cause....JewVille

Zappalives ,

nyc is a parasite on the real America and must be destroyed.

Prosource ,

Babylon will fall..

Count on it..

Just hope we can survive the tumor removal.

Yippie21 ,

And to sell the Russia-crap, the Obama administration purposely kicked diplomats out of the country and laid on sanctions in December. I'm curious enough to wonder how much of the White-helmet gas attacks in Syria ( that Trump reacted to ) were indirectly done to further the anti-Russia narrative by Obama folks.... After all, the whole Syria mess has his fingerprints all over it.

surf@jm ,

Big wow......

Clear and convincing evidence of a crime, obviously isn't a crime in Washington D.C., unless, of course, you are a conservative.....

fulliautomatix ,

little wow - Strzok deliberately documented the crimes on his and Page's phones.

thetruthhurts ,

It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term "sisters."


CIA, NSA etc.

attah-boy-Luther ,

16 more 'sisters eh?

yipper....pedos love like a set of arkansas cousins as

PrivetHedge ,

I see what they are afraid of now.

The 'russiagate' stuff is now starting to reveal the very structure and organisation of the Deep State: once only suspected by the sheep, now it's coming into plain sight for all to see to the horror of all the pharisee jew vampires who are now seeing the first signs of dawn.

valerie24 ,

God, I hope you're right.

insanelysane ,

Still want to see the communication between the lovers at the time Seth Rich was murdered.

the artist ,

" Sisters " is code for " News Outlets "

BankSurfyMan ,

Looking like a gimp for MSM, 'More than anyone, Special Agent Strzok wants to testify publicly and attempt to have the unfiltered truth be heard,' next HEDGE!

Wahooo ,

So...under the ruse of consolidating agencies under Homeland Security to effectively coordinate against terrorism, they now are organized to effectively coordinate a battle against anyone of their choosing.

i think we've been had.

consider me gone ,

It was only a matter of time. Thing is, is that it took almost no time at all. Go figure. So much for that Constitution thingy. What did Franklin say again, when he left the Constitution Convention?

Chupacabra-322 ,

The Deep State collects blackmail data on all Democratic & Republican members that are in positions of power. That is how they are able to keep secrets and control politicians.

The entire Surveillance Infrastructure Is & was being used for one thing. .. To build blackmail 'Control Files' on thousands if not millions of Americans. ... An Extortion Tool. .. NOTHING legal about it.

The Awan Case is the biggest Criminal, Treasonous, Seditious Intelligence Political Espionage Operation of our lifetime.

And, the Awans were let off the Hook. That alone is telling of how far down the Tyrannical Lawless Espionage rabbit hole it is.

Idiocracy's Not Sure ,

FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known ..Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People In Large Groups.....NUTPOSPILG

valerie24 ,

Agree, but will the real culprits be convicted? I'm talking about the dual citizens that have kept us in endless wars in the Middle East, some of whom have active roles in the White House.

No doubt Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, Strozk, Page, etc. Should be in jail. Hell, Sessions should probably be in jail just for failing to act.

What about the rest? The 9/11 conspirators - Silverstein, Bush, Cheney, the CIA and Mossad, the dancing fucking Israeli's?

What a shit show

conraddobler ,

It's all just a show, even Q says constantly to "Enjoy the show"

I haven't liked this show for about 10 plus years and it wasn't that good before and on top of all that, the illusion to which I have awoken from about that time seems to have shattered any illusions that were concurrent to it.

In reality, our country was taken from us at least 100 years ago "if not much more, and if we ever really had one" and if anyone thinks that they will ever "give it back" then you are in fact suffering from a severe reality gap.

There are no "good guys" when they want to put the ring on to save us all they still unfortunately will have to put the damn ring on to do it.

No one is advocating what actually needs to be done, namely finding a band of hobbits to toss it into the fire from whence it came.

Just because some honorable people want to stop dishonorable people from doing dishonorable things does not mean when they are elevated to such positions of power that they won't turn themselves, they always do.

Until the MIC collapses we will forever be slaves to someone, doesn't matter who, bankers or the military, either way we will not be free.

Restoring the rule of law would mean public trials, not military tribunals, a fact which people aren't discussing at all.

The way they caught these people was the spying on everyone. The very power that most threatens our liberties will restore our liberties?

What are the odds of that?

I'm not blind, the world is a dangerous place, maybe liberty is just too tough or impossible to exercise in the modern world?

Clearly we were nearing a horrible fate and I am grateful for being saved form something worse even if it only flips us out of one pan to the next the other pan was intolerably hot.

What I most want to point out above all else is that human freedom is exceedingly fragile and tough to win, it should be guarded much more closely and absolute power will always corrupt so anything we do to navigate as a nation needs to adhere to the constitution as closely as possible.

I don't like being told there have to be secrets, I don't like military tribunals, I'm not saying that we don't need a military.

We need a military and we need it badly and we need to get out money's worth out of it.

I can only ask that instead of a show, give me the real damn thing, I want, along with millions upon millions of other Americans, REAL DAMN LIBERTY!

asscannon101 ,

That first pic in the article- the one of Strzok- that is a 'peyote face'. The crazy eyes and the grotesque, exaggerated facial grimacing. Mescaline will do that to you. I've read a lot of books about that shit. Just lucky that he didn't spaz out, shit in his pants, flop around on the floor squawking like a seagull and start chewing his own lips off. I've read a lot of books about that shit. A lot of books. Over and over again. A lot of fucking books.

troutback ,

Get a Fucking Rope and an Oak Tree. That's how I feel. It's fucking Treason!



bobdog54 ,

The swamp aka the deep state is not only not a conspiracy theory but a real seditionous conspiracy against our Constitutional Laws and Way of Life. And much much deeper than most can imagine.

Automatic Choke ,

why are they not incarcerated?

this shit is an affront to all of us who follow the laws, respect election results, pay taxes, and try to be good citizens.


navy62802 ,

So we already know that these people committed sedition against the government based on the known evidence. One more tape doesn't prove the crime any more than the other evidence. All this does is drive home the fact that there were additional conspirators who protected these criminals from justice. It's fucking sickening.

Call me when someone in the government gets the balls to finally charge these criminals with the crimes they have obviously committed. Until then, new evidence is moot.

bobdog54 ,

Wish I could give you 100 up arrows!

All Risk No Reward ,

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."
― Malcolm X

The above is true, but only tangentially related to this topic in that it expresses the media LIES.

The TRUTH is that the BankstObama FBI worked overtime to get BankstoTrump "elected" as one of the Bankster financed "selections." Banksters "select" based on money and promotion, then you "vote" on their selection in an "election."

Let freeDUMB rain!

Here's how it worked...

1. Mid 2016, FBI became aware of Hellary's criminal activity.

2. Mid 2016, Comey sent memo stating Hellary would not be prosecuted. He did not say this is because she's a Money Power Sith Lord front woman who has a KMA card. Nick Rockefeller explained this to Aaron Russo, as told by Aaron himself when he was interviewed by Alex Jones. Oh, and Rockefeller told him the details of the post 9/11 Afghanistan invasion in advance, too. The interview is worth watching.

3. October, 2016, Comey announced an investigation into Hellary's criminal behavior. Uh, it was already determined she wouldn't be prosecuted, right? Yup. So why publicly imply she could be charged and convicted IF NOT TO AID AND ABET DONALD "HE'S WORTH MORE TO US (BANKSTERS) ALIVE THAN DEAD" TRUMP INTO THE WHITE HOUSE?

By the way, that's an accurate and real quote from an attorney that represents something like 50+ banks against Trump. He said it to describe why the Banksters didn't force Donald into bankruptcy and take all his stuff. Donald OWES the Banksters FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS TODAY THAT IS NOT POVERTY!

This is called an October Surprise, and they are rarely good.

4. After the elections, Comey announces that Hellary committed the crimes, was caught red handed, but wouldn't be prosecuted because she didn't intend to commit the crime. Try that at your next court date for running a stop sign you didn't see, serfer boys and girls.

5. Propaganda depicting Comey and Trump as enemies ensued immediately, lest the mindless rabble formulate the most obvious question in their wittle minds...

"Why did the Obama FBI create a phony October Surprise to hurt Hellary and promote Trump's election as President?"

That's not in the Money Power Matrix programming!

The reason is that the Banksters wanted Trump in office, because their debt-based money system bubble (largest in human history) is set to implode AND THERE IS NO PERSON ON PLANET EARTH THAT IS MORE CAPABLE OF MAGNETICALLY TAKING ALL THE BLAME ONTO HIMSELF THAN DONALD J. TRUMP.


The name of the game is to shield the Banksters and their debt-money system from criticism as the fraudulent ROOT CAUSE of the debt-money bubble bust cycles that asset strips entire societies and leads to systematic global oppression of all ordinary people. At least for those not directly or indirectly murdered by the Bankster anti-ordinary human agendas.

And, being promoted as an outsider, the Banksters get to save their two controlled privately incorporated "politically parties in the minds of Muppets" from taking full blame, therefore, all the Muppets will continue to think they have freedom because they get to "vote" for Bankster quisling #1 or Bankster quisling #2.

Let freeDUMB rain!

PS - The Banksters don't even care that I spill the beans on their plans because they know the masses, even the ZeroHedge masses, simply lack the imagination to envision the reality they Banksters have financed into existence.

alfbell ,

Wake me up once the handing out of prison sentences starts. If they never do, I don't want to wake up.

WarAndPeace ,

Only a politician would not recognize that they are criminals.... ah apply that whichever way you want.

LaugherNYC ,

Dead silence in the media about the entire FBI DOJ scandal for months. Only the occasional piece on conservative blogs. EIther Huber has Grand Jury true bills coming October 1 to slam on the Dems just before the midterms, or this coverup of Deep State malfeasance will go on until the Dems get the House and impeach Trump. The plan seems to let them all get away with their betrayal of the country.

McCabe should already be in prison, yet it seems like there has yet even been a decision to indict him... he might be in front of a gran d jury, or he might just be chillin waiting for his grievance with the union to be heard and be awarded back pay and pension vesting, a if what he did is equivalent to a guy driving his forklift into a wall at Costco after a beer.,

MrBoompi ,

Now "It's all about cooperation and sharing." What a crock of shit. They still want us to believe the government agencies didn't communicate with each other, or work together, before 911. That's high level propaganda that's still being used to cover up what happened on 911 and justify the anti-constitutional Patriot Act.

Captain Nemo de Erehwon ,

Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. It is what prevents people from doing real damage. It is the sole hope for the world.

It was not hard-nosed intelligence and legal professionals running a secretive op to overturn the election. If it were there would not be this trail of text messages describing each step in detail. The amateurish execution, given all the assets at their disposal including Australian Ambassadors, mysterious European Professors, and other premiere intelligence agencies, even perhaps other US government agencies is like spoilt rich kids ruining their parents' ...hmm is that offensive nowadays? guardians' ...!@$# it ... father's company.

All Risk No Reward ,

>>Moral of the story: Cherish incompetence. <<

You don't comprehend the milieu.

The agendas include, but are not limited to:

1. Produce more debt - private, corporate, and governmental. Incompetence? On what planet? They are AMAZING!

2. Prevent the plebs from realizing #1. Again, they have you duped - and you aren't alone.

3. Pretend inferiority, so that concerted malevolent intent is not discerned. Art of War 101.

The are doing a stellar job at their true agendas.

Dare I say, so good that I can't exclude supernatural guidance.

Muddy1 ,

Why show the attractive pictures of Lisa Page? I liked the ones where she looked like the dimwit she is.

Pons Asinorum ,

She's more attractive with her mouth shut.

Yog Soggoth ,

"Sisters" may refer to sister agency.

"Sisters is an odd phrase to use," retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. " It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it's all about cooperation and sharing. " Witches perhaps? Cotton Mather was right!

fulliautomatix ,

There's another William - "it's all about cooperation and sharing." Oh, and telling the truth.

Remington Steel ,

Treasonous fucks. They should all hang in D.C.'s National Mall.

SnatchnGrab ,

Hang them in the public square so that we may spit on them.

I am Groot ,

They should be staked down to the ground out in the desert, covered in honey and have ants poured all over them.

SaulAzzHoleSky ,

Strzok's lawyer will say that this refers to problems with his Depends, not the media.....


Down down deeper and down - that's pretty deep.

There's very little deep about the F-uk-us Political Establishment; empty suits, treasonous filth, cowardly, and yet, wholeheartedly believe they are principled. S.H.O.C.K.I.N.G

motoXdude ,

Just like enlightened, educated Liberals... those working in these agencies (and most likely the agencies themselves) are above the law and here to govern the great unwashed and deplorables! This IS THE DEEP STATE aka THE SWAMP! Time to drain it or drop a high tension power line in it!

Anunnaki ,

Leaking must not be a crime for Keebler Sessions

Mzhen ,

Wasn't it fortunate that Seth Rich was involved in transporting DNC data to WikiLeaks? Without the "hacking" link in the chain, the rest of the plan could not have been set into motion. Characterized as an ardent Bernie supporter, Seth Rich was actually scheduled to go to work at Hillary's campaign headquarters a few weeks after the date of his murder.


The Classic Clinton Foundation ENTRAPMENT.

The job offer being a ruse just in case they didn't get him 1st Time.

SirBarksAlot ,

According to this news clip, there are secret military tribunals going on and John McCain was executed for his treason.


His 3 remaining brain-cells were targeted with magnetic pulses like the one's going down at the US Embassy in CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBA.

HominyTwin ,

That's right! Powerful people are taking care of everything, and making sure all will be right with the USA once again, in the very near future, without effort or sacrifice or thinking on our part. That is wonderful news!!!!

south40_dreams ,

Build the gallows.

missionshk ,

my understanding is that there were 14 people from various agencies, in a chat room all committing treason, but dont here about that any more

ardent ,

While some are "Leaking Like Mad",

others are "Killing Like Mad".

WARNING: Graphic Images

alter_ ,

This is a coup, plain and simple, and the coup is winning.

Prosource ,

Not sure the coup is winning, but it's been almost 2 years and we are only this far in investigations and prosecutions ???

fulliautomatix ,

Trying to keep some of the legal community alive.

Dickweed Wang ,

Does Lisa Page have tits or are those mutant mosquito bites?

NewHugh ,

In my limited experience flat girls figure out a way to "compensate"...

I am Groot ,

Have you seen her smile ? She's all gums. I'll bet Stzrok loves when the vet takes her teeth out to clean them and she blows him.


SirBarksAlot ,

It hasn't been determined if she has tits or not.

However, she certainly has balls.

cosmyccowboy ,

she needs the crocodille dundee test... the dept of injustice is trannies on parade!

Collectivism Killz ,

Just in case Qanon is wrong about Keebler Elf Sessions, can someone at least gently remind him that failure to prosecute will give creeps like Joe Biden a second shot at his Granddaughters? Not sure if he cares, but I would think an old hound dog such as Sessions would at least consider his final legacy on earth. All that Fried Chicken and chitlins have to catch up with him at some point.

Yog Soggoth ,

Everyone up on the Hill feels the fire burning below their feet, those who succumb will embrace the everlasting heat. Where is Billy? Can you clean this up for me?

Stan522 ,

"The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday , goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News , which obtained "new communications between the former lovers." "

Questions arise....

The media obviously knows who is leaking and they also know who's been in the news relating to this investigation, yet, they still refuse to connect the dots and write about the uncontrollable sieve of leaks

The media also refuses to put any focus on the drip by drip bits of information about how there was bias. The devilcRAT talking heads are in contortions trying to excuse all of this and the MSM are allowing it.

The Inspector General apparently conducted an investigation on all of this shit's and concluded there was no bias, yet every day there seems to be more evidence that there was extreme bias. What more needs to be shown to get the media talking about it?

Last weeks breaking news had shown that Andrew Weisman (yes, the same clown that now works for Mueller's hit squad) as colluding with Bruck Ohr and Christopher Steele during the creation of that fake news Dossier and Weisman was feeding information to Mueller. When will Mueller drop this scam investigation?

There are still republicans that hold the opinion that Mueller must be allowed to finish his investigation. With the fact that Weisman was part of the hit squad creating dirt about Trump, at what point are these idiot politicians are going to grow a pair and start talking about all of this? It seems they are the same lazy thinkers that go along with the man caused global warming hoax.

Yesterday's breaking news was about what DeGenova stated about the meeting in obama's office with Rice, Yates, Biden, Comey, and Obama. He says "It was a meeting to discuss how Sally Yates was going to get Michael Flynn. And the President of the United States, Barack Obama, was directly involved in these discussions." Yet NOTHING was shown on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and the rest about this.

lookslikecraptome ,

Just put up the link to fox news that ran this story. Talk about a cut and paste.

ZazzOne ,


SirBarksAlot ,

Boom, boom, boom, let's go back to my room and we can do it all night and you can make me feel right.


Here is the communist party website...see if the message differs significantly from the Democrat agenda

"As Communists, we work in the elections not just for a candidate but strategically to build and strengthen the movement and our Party for the long term. The situation varies greatly from one state and election district to the next so tactics have to be developed locally. The more we share our concrete experiences, the more we can learn and get ideas from each other. Here are thoughts for consideration:

1. Where to concentrate?

Clubs: the neighborhood or election district where the club is located;

Districts: election districts that can be flipped; election districts where working-class champions who are incumbents are under attack; election districts with a progressive primary candidate.

2. What goals?

• build a voter base to change the political balance of forces;
• strengthen relationships with unions, left/progressive electoral forms like Our Revolution (OR) and Working Famlies Party (WFP), etc;
• raise the level of class consciousness, unity and solidarity;
• enlarge the CPUSA diverse working-class membership and readership of People's World;
• identify among our members potential candidates for local office.

3. What methods?

Voter registration: laws differ from state to state. Where there is postcard registration, door-to-door work with voter cards and issue petitions and sign-ups are a great way to identify people who want to become engaged and who we can follow up with to vote and get involved. Tabling with voter cards, issue petitions, People's World and literature is another way, but harder to follow up with people in scattered geography. Increasing voter turnout in working-class communities can win elections and create the base for organizing to win a people's program. It is a direct challenge to the corporate right-wing that depends on depressing and suppressing the vote.

Participate with allies: Unions, progressive community groups and left/progressive electoral forms are the best way to participate in campaigns and build the movement for the long term. Organizations vary from place to place. Labor 2018 is the AFL-CIO program and anyone can take part in phone banks and visits to the homes of union members. Each union also has its own election program that union members should prioritize. Local issue coalitions or ballot initiatives are also important venues, for example Jobs with Justice, Planned Parenthood, Fight for 15, the Poor People's Campaign, Millions of Jobs etc. Left and progressive electoral organizations that have endorsed candidates with strong programs are a strategic way to participate such as Our Revolution, Working Families Party, Indivisible, etc. If you are just getting started this is a great way to reach out.

Chupacabra-322 ,

They really thought Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath Hillary Clinton would win.

And, with it. Complete destruction of Conservatism, Libertarian Values, & Ideology.

Her Crimes would have never been uncovered or bought out into the open as we're witnessing.

Much was at stake. Everything was lost.

The Presidency LOST.

Weaponized Intelligence Community with Agents, Assets & Operatives. LOST.

Complicit, Criminal Loyal CIA, FBI, DOJ. LOST.

Supreme Court. LOST.

No doubt, the censorship & Gas Lighting would have been turned on fully.

And, with it Tyrannical Lawlessness.

mc888 ,

How about the "Free Press"? Exposed as nothing but a corrupt propganda outlet for the DS.

"Free Independent Journalism" LOST.

All these MSM propaganda outlets need their FCC licenses revoked for broadcasting false information and hoaxes.

18 U.S. Code § 1038 - False information and hoaxes

Add RICO charges and prosecute every exec, editor, and agent undercover as a media whore hiding behind the First Amendment to commit their crimes.

Yog Soggoth ,

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 ...

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of theWorlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology seri... Nothing new. He even used the weather!

youshallnotkill ,

If the FBI really would have put its muscle behind it HRC would be president.

Instead Comey was waffling, re-opening the email investigation and writing a mealy-mouthed letter to Congress just before the election.

It's pretty funny to watch the Tyler Kremlin boys try to contort this into a Deep State conspiracy to prevent Trump and get HRC elected. If so this would have been the most inept conspiracy ever.

debtserf ,

News Flash: It was (inept).

How else are we finding all this out?

"Trump won therefore there cannot have been a conspiracy" is not a cogent argument.

Paralentor ,

We all knew it. What the Soros owned Social Media and Rothschild AP/Reuters owned mainstream choose to tell the sleeping public is an entirely different story.

justyouwait ,

So if we didn't live in a banana republic these guys would all be in prison or at least going through some court proceedings for what they did. Not here though. No sir, we live in a full blown, first world banana republic where the power elite are truly far better off than the peons that pay their way but we offer enough distractions on so many levels that most of the peons don't realize they are being played and many that do throw up their hands and say ho hum, I have nothing to worry about (as long as they can have their entertainment & distractions).

The whole FBI has to be tore down and redone from the ground up. Sure the Deep State would want total control of the national and most powerful police force. This is how you control government and the peons. It has shown itself to be beyond corrupt. Yes there may be many good ones still out there but how do we know anymore? Wipe it out and start again. Yes, I know it won't happen because it is far too huge a labyrinth to dismantle & reassemble but the point is still valid. I guess the best we can hope for is to take down some at the top and then make them squeal on the others. Won't happen until we reform the DOJ first though.

DRTexas ,

What? Sorry, I wasn't listening. I was thinking about the bread, circuses, and the bit of meat and cake they are allowing me to have.

Mercuryquicksilver ,

Cults have "Sisters".

Chupacabra-322 ,

Mocking Bird, Presstitute, Deep State "Sister" appendages.

chubbar ,

No question these folks are committing treason/sedition and it goes directly to Obama, that fucking traitor. God, I hope these fuckers swing!

Itdoesntmatter ,

fuck you people are fucking stupid....The people writing this shit are laughing at you idiot sheeple...

Totin ,

Riiiiiight. You are a dumb phuck if you don't think this kind of news makes a huge difference.

1970SSNova396 ,

I will have to wait until Strzok's Jew lawyer tells us the real deal. They don't lie for sure. There is a golden calf joke in there somewhere.

Hadenough1000 ,

Comey will be in jail when this is over

1970SSNova396 ,

That can't happen! The entire US government will be jail if that were to happen including half the house and 80% of the senate past and present.

NMmom ,

I have no problem with that. Do you?

fulliautomatix ,

They ought to be happy they're only going to jail.

Stan522 ,

Comey was following orders....

A fish stinks starting at the head

No one at the top ever pays the price, they usually find an underling to take the fall, so don't expect jail time for obama.....

1970SSNova396 ,

Hillary wasn't joking when she said " we all will hang from nooses if the fuking bastard wins"

To be continued.

Hadenough1000 ,

This is why anyone paying attention KNOWS that this makes watergate look like a kindergarten party

ISIS Barry weaponized the hell out of our government

just like they do in third world dumps where that Muslim pig was raised

all the felons this time are obamas boys

MedTechEntrepreneur ,

I want these two Yay-hoo's Waterboarded and Propofal'ed tonight! Live streamed nationwide. I want the truth...all of it!

peippe ,

to learn what? that these lovers loved hillary & thought they were doing 'god's work'?

please, it's like listening to francis the leader of the catholic church these days.

Gitmo for all of them.

Kosher meals till they quit lying.

All the other detainees get Egg McMuffins.


Gums and Butter

Page and the balding weirdo dickhead...match made in hell

Strzok has to be the most fucked up individual I have ever seen...a 50 yr old that acts like an effeminate weirdo

Fucking scary that a weirdo like that can obtain a position that high in "intelligence"

Truly fucked up...must have been servicing folks like Brennan

topshelfstuff ,

Sure Previously Known, But Not Previously Believed To Be

r0mulus ,

Operation Mockingbird lives on, just as we, the "conspiracy theorists" said.

And look who was wrong about reality in the end:
The ones pretending nothing was/is wrong, and that we were/are crazy.

Well who's crazy now motherfuckers?
Looks like it's you lot over there, desperately clinging to your MSM/DNC/GOP idols, asking for FB/Twitter/Google to ban everything too inconvenient for your "reality".

Face the truth for once: the collusion is and has always been between the MSM/DNC/GOP/Alphabet Agencies and the DEEP STATE. And you perpetuate the oppression by being party to it.

JoeTurner ,

I sometimes lose sleep wondering how horrific things would be if the Clinton Crime Cabal was in power. All over the TV in New York demorats are running insane political ads for Cuomo, Nixon, Teachout and all the rest of the wild eyed communist wack jobs. Not one of them has any proposals to govern better or improve the life of the middle class. Its all about aggrieved minorities sticking it to whitey for 'mo gimmies'

Hadenough1000 ,

If that fat drunk and her raping Pig hubby had won then

MS13 Killers would be in the streets with their amnesty papers and new welfare checks and voter Registration

weinstein would be in the cabinet

Rapist clinton and ISIS Barry would be on the Supreme Court

we would be losing 200,000 jobs a week again like with Barry

thank God for Trump

Prosource ,

And Mike Rogers.

And Bill Binney.

And Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan.

1970SSNova396 ,

New York is a shithole country ...a lost cause....JewVille

Zappalives ,

nyc is a parasite on the real America and must be destroyed.

Prosource ,

Babylon will fall..

Count on it..

Just hope we can survive the tumor removal.

Yippie21 ,

And to sell the Russia-crap, the Obama administration purposely kicked diplomats out of the country and laid on sanctions in December. I'm curious enough to wonder how much of the White-helmet gas attacks in Syria ( that Trump reacted to ) were indirectly done to further the anti-Russia narrative by Obama folks.... After all, the whole Syria mess has his fingerprints all over it.

surf@jm ,

Big wow......

Clear and convincing evidence of a crime, obviously isn't a crime in Washington D.C., unless, of course, you are a conservative.....

fulliautomatix ,

little wow - Strzok deliberately documented the crimes on his and Page's phones.

thetruthhurts ,

It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term "sisters."


CIA, NSA etc.

attah-boy-Luther ,

16 more 'sisters eh?

yipper....pedos love like a set of arkansas cousins as

PrivetHedge ,

I see what they are afraid of now.

The 'russiagate' stuff is now starting to reveal the very structure and organisation of the Deep State: once only suspected by the sheep, now it's coming into plain sight for all to see to the horror of all the pharisee jew vampires who are now seeing the first signs of dawn.

valerie24 ,

God, I hope you're right.

insanelysane ,

Still want to see the communication between the lovers at the time Seth Rich was murdered.

the artist ,

" Sisters " is code for " News Outlets "

BankSurfyMan ,

Looking like a gimp for MSM, 'More than anyone, Special Agent Strzok wants to testify publicly and attempt to have the unfiltered truth be heard,' next HEDGE!

Wahooo ,

So...under the ruse of consolidating agencies under Homeland Security to effectively coordinate against terrorism, they now are organized to effectively coordinate a battle against anyone of their choosing.

i think we've been had.

consider me gone ,

It was only a matter of time. Thing is, is that it took almost no time at all. Go figure. So much for that Constitution thingy. What did Franklin say again, when he left the Constitution Convention?

Chupacabra-322 ,

The Deep State collects blackmail data on all Democratic & Republican members that are in positions of power. That is how they are able to keep secrets and control politicians.

The entire Surveillance Infrastructure Is & was being used for one thing. .. To build blackmail 'Control Files' on thousands if not millions of Americans. ... An Extortion Tool. .. NOTHING legal about it.

The Awan Case is the biggest Criminal, Treasonous, Seditious Intelligence Political Espionage Operation of our lifetime.

And, the Awans were let off the Hook. That alone is telling of how far down the Tyrannical Lawless Espionage rabbit hole it is.

Idiocracy's Not Sure ,

FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known ..Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People In Large Groups.....NUTPOSPILG

let freedom ring ,

Trump is fucking nuts get over it!

Westcoastliberal ,

Go back to the Huffington Post. It's where idiots like you belong.

MsCreant ,

Nuts or not does not make this right.

You're putting too much "dumb" in your free-dumb.

valerie24 ,

The entire US population should be nuts over it and at the ready with their pitchforks. This shit has gone on way too long and thankfully Trump's election has exposed these deep state scumbags.

r0mulus ,

If you don't make an argument supported by facts, you lose by default. Loser.

Got The Wrong No ,

let freedom ring. That's funny coming from a 1 month Media Matters Commie.

Trump is nuts.....the new war cry of the failed Demrat losers. Everything from Russiagate to Stormy has failed. Let's try the 25 Amendment. You and your masters are a fucking joke.

debtserf ,

There's an orange nutter living rent-free in your head. Maybe you need to get over it son. He won. Nearly 2 years ago now. You really need to let it go.

Breathe....and relax.

Snout the First ,

Isn't there more than enough evidence disclosed already to have a dozen or two of them behind bars for life? What the fuck is Trump waiting for?

GaryLeeT ,

I think he's waiting so he can deliver an October surprise with a massive declassification.

Yippie21 ,

That and he may want to wait to get Kavanaugh seated on the court. Trump is a long-game thinker so, might at well get a judge first, and then start kicking ant hills.

navy62802 ,

It might take a while, but I think the full truth will eventually emerge. What has been done here is a betrayal of the United States by career bureaucrats. It appears to be a campaign of sedition.

Westcoastliberal ,

Coup de 'tat is what it is. Double whammy: Treason AND Sedition!

valerie24 ,

Agree, but will the real culprits be convicted? I'm talking about the dual citizens that have kept us in endless wars in the Middle East, some of whom have active roles in the White House.

No doubt Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, Strozk, Page, etc. Should be in jail. Hell, Sessions should probably be in jail just for failing to act.

What about the rest? The 9/11 conspirators - Silverstein, Bush, Cheney, the CIA and Mossad, the dancing fucking Israeli's?

What a shit show

debtserf ,

Hasn't it already emerged enough? You couldn't make this shit up. Even LeCarre would be hard pushed to concoct such a labyrinthine plot as this. And no doubt there's much much more, much deeper sub-plots, but you get the gist.

conraddobler ,

It's all just a show, even Q says constantly to "Enjoy the show"

I haven't liked this show for about 10 plus years and it wasn't that good before and on top of all that, the illusion to which I have awoken from about that time seems to have shattered any illusions that were concurrent to it.

In reality, our country was taken from us at least 100 years ago "if not much more, and if we ever really had one" and if anyone thinks that they will ever "give it back" then you are in fact suffering from a severe reality gap.

There are no "good guys" when they want to put the ring on to save us all they still unfortunately will have to put the damn ring on to do it.

No one is advocating what actually needs to be done, namely finding a band of hobbits to toss it into the fire from whence it came.

Just because some honorable people want to stop dishonorable people from doing dishonorable things does not mean when they are elevated to such positions of power that they won't turn themselves, they always do.

Until the MIC collapses we will forever be slaves to someone, doesn't matter who, bankers or the military, either way we will not be free.

Restoring the rule of law would mean public trials, not military tribunals, a fact which people aren't discussing at all.

The way they caught these people was the spying on everyone. The very power that most threatens our liberties will restore our liberties?

What are the odds of that?

I'm not blind, the world is a dangerous place, maybe liberty is just too tough or impossible to exercise in the modern world?

Clearly we were nearing a horrible fate and I am grateful for being saved form something worse even if it only flips us out of one pan to the next the other pan was intolerably hot.

What I most want to point out above all else is that human freedom is exceedingly fragile and tough to win, it should be guarded much more closely and absolute power will always corrupt so anything we do to navigate as a nation needs to adhere to the constitution as closely as possible.

I don't like being told there have to be secrets, I don't like military tribunals, I'm not saying that we don't need a military.

We need a military and we need it badly and we need to get out money's worth out of it.

I can only ask that instead of a show, give me the real damn thing, I want, along with millions upon millions of other Americans, REAL DAMN LIBERTY!

valerie24 ,

Excellent post!!

fulliautomatix ,

faded a bit toward the end, nice one.

Freedom is a property that can be taken from you? How do you come by this "freedom"?

RubberJohnny ,

Why are these people still on the OUTSIDE?


Rubicon727 ,

"Why are these people still on the OUTSIDE?


Why? Because the greedy corporations, banks, and the entire financial system has corrupted every federal/regional and local institutions from the US Senate/The Military Complex all the way down to the local politician.

It only stands to reason the US would come to this. With millions of zombified American citizens, and the bought off media - they are all participants watching this nation DIE!

I Am Jack's Macroaggression ,


Hey, Stockman outlined this well over a year ago. It would be great to see an updated article:

semperfi ,

enjoy the show

Winston Churchill ,

The Chalupa sisters.Called it a year ago.

Brennan used the Ukrainians to launder the dossier to Steele.

Oldwood ,

The "deep state" is anyone who attempts to direct our government in contradiction to the constitution or the will of the people as represented by democratic process. They have been shoving this notion of the sanctity of "democracy" while willingly subverting it in every case that its result contradict THEIR AGENDA. It knows no party or specific affiliation beyond its own self interests.

Trump, as the outsider, is forced to work in league with many of these people as "they" will not allow anything else. People openly opposed to them are destroyed by their media and courts, and as such, Trump's roster of potential team is severely limited. The ONLY means of putting people devoted to the destruction of deep state is through elections, as all others (and even then) will be run through the gauntlet.

We can Trash Trump all we please, but find me another, ANYONE who will stand in his place, someone who will gain enough support to win an election against otherwise insurmountable odds, and will then stand and face them and take their withering unending attacks. We hear the complaints of his tweets, when in consideration of what he faces hourly, seems tiny in response....while knowing he is attacked for that in full knowledge that doing anything more would bring about more investigation, legal action and the inevitable impeachment.

Trump is the impossible man, the one who is willing to do what no other will, and ALL constitutional, within the law. Accusations of tyranny when he has done nothing extraordinary other than to simply act within his constitutional powers to advance his stated agenda.

We can dislike what he does and how he does it but no rational person can suggest he is doing it illegally or immorally (beyond the standards that progressives have established themselves).

fulliautomatix ,

Hey Oldwood - I've enjoyed your posts for a while now.

I'd argue that the deep state is more usefully defined as that part of the governing body that exercises sovereign rights with regard to exemption to consequences at law. It is probably worth noting that these sovereign rights evolved from a claimed divine right as the divine was based in Rome (for the model of "the democratic west") and the claim was no longer useful. Where others are more than willing to employ murderous tactics such a recognised body is a pragmatic tool - but one to be used by the state as a whole. No consequences at law does not mean no consequences at all - and it does not mean that the people who have employed murderous tactics in order to benefit themselves are immune to reaction to their behaviours. Arguing that you are immune to consequences at law, at the same time as seeking the protection of the law, is no argument.

brushhog ,

Does anyone believe that these two were acting on their own? You think they masterminded the whole conspiracy? They were two low-level foot soldiers in a much deeper conspiracy...the real questions that need to be addressed is who were the generals? Whose orders were they operating under?

107cicero ,

Hillary's, Obama, Soros', Rice's, Brennans' and Comey's.

But I think that Crooked Hillary double crossed Comey in the last two weeks, reneging on a post presidential promise I would guess, and Comey 'restarted' the investigation which deep sixed her presidential hopes.

Thieves and whores fight among each other just as hard......

brushhog ,

Forgot Clapper.

FreedomWriter ,

That's why waterboarding is still legal and Trump is OK with it.

AsEasyAsPi ,

The only evidence of "Collusion" exists with Hillary, the DNC, Fusion GPS and the Obamite-Leftovers in the DOJ/FBI.

beenlauding ,

Stories about How Corrupt Us government is: 6million

Arrests: 0

[Sep 10, 2018] New Strzok-Page Texts Discuss FBI Media Leak Strategy Within Hours Of Washington Post Bombshell

The FBI and CIA were colluding to undermine a sitting US President with Brennan having the pivotal role and Strzok as his liaison at FBO
Sep 10, 2018 |

by Tyler Durden Mon, 09/10/2018 - 18:07 522 SHARES

Newly released text messages between disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page regarding a "media leak strategy" have come under intense scrutiny, as they were exchanged one day before and one day after a bombshell Washington Post article during a critical point in the Trump-Russia investigation, reports Sara Carter and the Daily Caller 's Chuck Ross.

Photo: Daily Caller

The text messages, revealed Monday by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and sent the day before and after two damaging articles about former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, raise " grave concerns regarding an apparent systematic culture of media leaking by high-ranking officials at the FBI and DOJ related to ongoing investigations."

Recall that Strzok's boss, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, was fired for authorizing self-serving leaks to the press.

Also recall that text messages released in January reveal that Lisa Page was on the phone with Washington Post reporter Devlin Barrett , then with the New York Times , when the reopening of the Clinton Foundation investigation hit the news cycle - just one example in a series of text messages matching up with MSM reports relying on leaked information, as reported by the Conservative Treehouse .

♦Page: 5:19pm "Still on the phone with Devlin . Mike's phone is ON FIRE."

♥Strzok: 5:29pm "You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there's news on."

♦Page: 5:30pm "He knows. He just got handed a note."

♥Strzok: 5:33pm "Ha. He asking about it now?"

♦Page: 5:34pm "Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now."

At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:

me title=

The newly released Strzok-Page texts reveal more of the same :

me title=

The review of the documents suggests that the FBI and DOJ coordinated efforts to get information to the press that would potentially be "harmful to President Trump's administration." Those leaks pertained to information regarding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrant used to spy on short-term campaign volunteer Carter Page.

The letter lists several examples:

Meadows says that the texts show " a coordinated effort on the part of the FBI and DOJ to release information in the public domain potentially harmful to President Donald Trump's administration. "

We're sure Rosenstein will get right on it...

janus ,

lisa page...why do i get the sense she was strzork's agency handler and not his fbi lover? is it because his mannerisms scream homo, or is it because he speaks to her as a subordinate to a superior? those texts were far more focused on the dissemination and control of information than they were about arranging trysts. strange. and speaking of homos, did you guys catch the conversation about kasich? seems he's been in the closet for a long time. seems his long-time advisor/'roommate' is more than just that.

another lisa that should pique your interest is Lisa Barsoomian. who is lisa barsoomian? who is she married to? what is her connection with lynch, holder, strzok, ohr, steele, obama, priestap, comey, etc?

anyone else think a FISA declass docu-drop perfectly apropos for the 9/11 anniversary?

i sure do.


jeff montanye ,

i never get tired of realizing peter strzok, regarded as absolutely the top of the line in counterintelligence, thought ("I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you . . .") he could avoid the nsa by his choice of phone. priceless.

insanelysane ,

Look the un-bias IG reviewed the FBI's action and found no bias. How can that happen? Who does a review to see if the IG is biased? Who does a review to see if the person that finds that the IG has no bias has bias?? Who does a review....

Someday Sessions and Rosenstein may get sacked or the people responsible for the sacking will get sacked.

Keyser ,

If the Dims take back Congress in the mid-terms, none of these revelations will matter one iota as the Dims will bury these investigations and start their own into everything Trump... Time for Trump to drop the hammer on all of these people, BEFORE the mid-terms...

novictim ,

And what is the reason for the people REALLY in charge going after Trump? It has always been about his Anti-Neoliberal agenda.

Specifically, TARIFFS on CHINA. The oligarchs behind the establishment have made fantastic amounts of money off the strip-mining of American industry and Capital. They want the cheap labour of Asia and the 3rd world yet also want to sell the sh#t back to the USA even though that trade imbalance will lead to ruin.

If not for President Trump, there would be no hope for the American people.

ipud ,

April 12, 2017: Peter Strzok congratulates Lisa Page on a (hatchet) job well done...

VladLenin ,

Who's the threat again?

Noktirnal ,

From FBI's "Protected Voices" website, on "Safer Campaign Communications"-

"To secure communications channels -- such as email, messaging apps, and social media -- use encryption, disable archiving , use access controls, disable remote wiping, use account lockout, and patch your systems."

If campaigns should disable archiving, would they not be in violation of federal e-mail retention laws?

rosiescenario ,

It is interesting that all of the "reporters" at the MSM do not care that the entire (excluding FOX) news organization is behaving exactly as Tass and Pravda used to behave under communist Russia. These folks are too dense to see the irony that a read of RT today is more factual than anything coming out of the U.S. media.

I guess when you are a liberal Dem you do not have anything honest and factual to resort to calling Benghazi "a wild conspiracy".

migra ,

They aren't too dense. They know exactly whats going on and they are happy with it as long as it helps there cause.

Stan522 ,

So, what the fuck was the Inspector General looking at and reviewing when he declared there was no bias.....?

migra ,

Because IG Horowitz is one of, "them".

Anunnaki ,

Horowitz. Nuff said

enough of this ,

It was a deep-state whitewash just like his next report is going to be.

I am Groot ,

You mean "Inspector Clouseau"......

max2205 ,


Sanity Bear ,

By the way this new commenting system and specifically the lack of ability to follow up on a conversation since there are no links to a user's history of comments really sucks.

sgorem ,

i agree.........

ThinkerNotEmoter ,


I blame Trump.

Indelible Scars ,

It is waaaay better.

SmallerGovNow2 ,

agree with you. it is the way it used to be when you could really have a common thread and people were not jumping the thread just to get their comments at the top...

Nunny ,

It was so tiresome to respond to a thread and have to wade through 3 pages+ to see if someone responded. I like this much better.

Sanity Bear ,

True, glad to see the comment-jumping thing gone.

However, now you have to remember which articles you posted on and hunt for them yourself in order to check for followup, which is worse user-wise than having to click through a bunch of pages to see how far down your comment got pushed.

pops ,

Yes. It sucks big time.

Sanity Bear ,

Hanging offense treason, and there is not even the slightest ambiguity that that is what this is.

Empire's Frontiers ,

Why does it seem obvious that the sitting administration used all its levers to aid Hillary in her election, and further, destroy Trump in his victory?

Ink Pusher ,

That'll be 6 orders of SEDITION with a side order of COLLUSION for each and a Diet TREASON for everyone to drink please.

Long Live The Donald ,

Trump is fucking nuts! Get Over it!

cheech_wizard ,

So you're still sodomizing your children?

Yen Cross ,

Yen is older, and looks 1o years younger than than that pile of shit!

Guilt has away of destroying people

Yen Cross ,

Faggot libtard snowflake?

American Snipper ,

This cocksucker Rosenberg needs to be fired, as is everyone on Trumps short list of leakers. Drain the fucking swamp! Redact all Russian docs, speed it up, Mr. President!!!

I am Groot ,

When you say "fired" , I'm thinking he should be strapped to missile and fired into the sun, Wiley coyote style.....

Yen Cross ,

Pro facto**** Never ever once, ever has Yen cheated on a Woman.

Many opportunities, but yen used the bigger head.

Yen will never cheat on the Woman he's dedicated to.

Cursive ,

Lisa should really stick with the straight hair. Much better than that headshot with the cheesy perm that was first circulated. Her credentials as a nasty Deep State dick gobbler aside, She rises from a 2 to a 5 (on a scale of 10).

Htos1 ,

3, with a bag. If she's not fat.

bookofenoch ,

Nope. Lisa Page is a filthy whore. Imagine sharing her front and back holes with Strzok. Or Kissing her Strzok jizz drinking hole.

Repulsive. Forever disgraced. The woman is dogshit.

I am Groot ,

It's really hard to rate animals on a scale of 1 to 10. Tough choice between her and a goat.

rbianco3 ,

Released in January- this is September WTF?

This is seriously important information - could have exonerated the President almost a year ago - and had he been impeached would have no recourse. Those that did not release until now are co-conspirators.

justyouwait ,

They are co-conspirators and more. They were placed to do the job they are doing. Rotten Rodney is the head of the snake in the DOJ. He was positioned to slow down or if possible totally hold back key information from congress (his boss). Old man Sessions was co-opted right from the start. He looks & acts like a guy taking orders. I don't know what they have on him (use your imagination) but he was neutered right from day 1. He should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired. I think if a true investigation is ever done and all the facts come out, Rotten Rodney could very well be charged with treason along with a large number of other Deep State operatives and more than a few in the Democratic Party.

Htos1 ,

Depends on what was in all those bankers boxes of FBI files trucked over to the WH from Reno and Holder in the 90's.

Chupacabra-322 ,

♦Page: 5:19pm "Still on the phone with Devlin . Mike's phone is ON FIRE."

♥Strzok: 5:29pm "You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there's news on."

♦Page: 5:30pm "He knows. He just got handed a note."

♥Strzok: 5:33pm "Ha. He asking about it now?"

♦Page: 5:34pm "Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now."

At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:

These Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths & Sociopaths get off on Gas Lighting the Public through their own manufactured, Scripted False Narratives & Psychological Operations.

Sick, twisted, Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths deserve to be hung with Piano wire. Them, Breanan, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Obama & last but not least the ring leader Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath at Large, Hillary Clinton.

stubb ,


1970SSNova396 ,

The CrossRoads have been reached.........Saddle up

Can't wait for the release of all the MSM person that were paid via GPS to spin this shit!

Yen Cross ,

That little prick, needs to be knocked down, an notch?

His cum guzzling adultress pretty much sums things up?

Calvertsbio ,

What we need is a 100% republican DOJ, FBI, CIA, politicians... wipe out the democrats for a better society... That should work, then we won't need Zerohedge to spread all this propaganda !

Robert of Ottawa ,

The repubs and dementocrats are on the same team, the uniparty swamp where all congressman and senators get equal bribes if they wish

1970SSNova396 ,

They're all whores for a buck.How else can you make less than 200k per year yet retire with millions ...just in the House.

Calvertsbio ,

Yes, we are doomed, for sure it is every FAMILY for themselves... Glad I only have one kid to work thru this mess, I can keep an eye on her...

My sister, brother, father all are week too week people.. They never listened, prepared, etc... Just glad Pops has the SS and post office pension... Otherwise, would be living here... Also kind of glad they are 1200 miles away... Too bad they ignored all the signs... They will be begging in a few years.. Beans and RICE

Htos1 ,

90% of the repugs are ON the team! Otherwise billary would be a warm memory and no 9/11.

sniffybigtoe ,

Never fear! The GOP is ready and willing to do fuck all about it.

r0mulus ,

Yep- can't have a fake two party system without a fake second party to collude with...

candyman ,

After 3 hrs... ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN - nothing on the web pages.

thetruthhurts ,

November can't come fast enough for Democrats and the Corporatist deep state.

enough of this ,

It was a deep-state whitewash just like his next report is going to be.

rbianco3 ,

Released in January- this is September WTF?

This is seriously important information - could have exonerated the President almost a year ago - and had he been impeached would have no recourse. Those that did not release until now are co-conspirators.

justyouwait ,

They are co-conspirators and more. They were placed to do the job they are doing. Rotten Rodney is the head of the snake in the DOJ. He was positioned to slow down or if possible totally hold back key information from congress (his boss). Old man Sessions was co-opted right from the start. He looks & acts like a guy taking orders. I don't know what they have on him (use your imagination) but he was neutered right from day 1. He should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired. I think if a true investigation is ever done and all the facts come out, Rotten Rodney could very well be charged with treason along with a large number of other Deep State operatives and more than a few in the Democratic Party.

Htos1 ,

Depends on what was in all those bankers boxes of FBI files trucked over to the WH from Reno and Holder in the 90's.

Chupacabra-322 ,

♦Page: 5:19pm "Still on the phone with Devlin . Mike's phone is ON FIRE."

♥Strzok: 5:29pm "You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there's news on."

♦Page: 5:30pm "He knows. He just got handed a note."

♥Strzok: 5:33pm "Ha. He asking about it now?"

♦Page: 5:34pm "Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now."

At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:

These Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths & Sociopaths get off on Gas Lighting the Public through their own manufactured, Scripted False Narratives & Psychological Operations.

Sick, twisted, Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths deserve to be hung with Piano wire. Them, Breanan, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Obama & last but not least the ring leader Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath at Large, Hillary Clinton.

Dre4dwolf ,

Fbi leaks fake story to media -> Media reports fake story-> Fbi uses fake story as evidence in Visa Court - > Fisa court grants a Fisa warrant that would of otherwise been denied -> rinse repeat till all your political enemies are crippled by fake investigations

??? profit???

Fufi007 ,

Deep State and Shadow Government Clowns.

They all burning in Hell. Let's give them goodbye.

In due course of time, they will be sucked out of here and taken far into Space into a gross Planet where the Monkeys are seeing that Black Stone next to their pot hole and going like crazy for the marvel just discovered.

The more shit you intake the heavier and difficult lift to better zones.

Miserables. Hasta la Vista Fools. They took it deep and swallowed the whole Enchilada !!!!

OccamsCrazor ,

these fbi and doj f*ckers will roast in hell.

WAY worse than Watergate.

MuffDiver69 ,

That Strzok is one fudge packer. Having an affair my ass...not with any women.

devnickle ,

Shall be hung by the neck until deceased. That is the penalty for Treason. Hillary, Bill, Obama, Lynch, Jarrett, Podesta's, Holder, Awans, Whatshername Shitz, et al. The list is endless. McStain is dead, he bailed before the purge.

devnickle ,

Saddam was powder puff compared to these assholes. If it was good enough for him.....

arby63 ,

If they worked for me, they would be facing a grand jury now.

janus ,

lisa page...why do i get the sense she was strzork's agency handler and not his fbi lover? is it because his mannerisms scream homo, or is it because he speaks to her as a subordinate to a superior? those texts were far more focused on the dissemination and control of information than they were about arranging trysts. strange. and speaking of homos, did you guys catch the conversation about kasich? seems he's been in the closet for a long time. seems his long-time advisor/'roommate' is more than just that.

another lisa that should pique your interest is Lisa Barsoomian. who is lisa barsoomian? who is she married to? what is her connection with lynch, holder, strzok, ohr, steele, obama, priestap, comey, etc?

anyone else think a FISA declass docu-drop perfectly apropos for the 9/11 anniversary?

i sure do.


Normal ,

Hey, that's worse than rootin tootin putin. Putin didn't do it. The FBI did it.

flyonmywall ,

Whaaat? The FBI and CIA colluding to undermine a sitting US President?

Oh come on, that's just silly !!

GotEmAll ,

Yes these people are leaking, and they will leak again, again and again etc. Until these Leakers get shown the inside of a Jail cell, tell me why would they be afraid to leak?

Look at strzok, what did he get lose his job (by the way some leftist will hire him somehwere) and what else......nothing; heck it didn't even cost him anything really considering all the donations he got from his go fund me.

You want the leaks to stop, its time for Sessions, to start laying the hammer down on these candyasses.

wafm ,

besides having a totally unfuckinpronouncable name, Zok is obviously a complete incompetent. Hang the cunt.

DJ the Tax Man ,

Whether they know it or not the FBI and DOJ have a very limited life cycle left in the workings of our country. The American people will take over soon and the justice will be delivered swift and viciously.

DOJ and FBI you have a choice step-up and do your job or just step aside.

For the sake of the saving of America every one of the Deomocrats better end up behind bars for the rest of their life including Mueller

Tunga ,


Tunga ,

"A meme is a cognitive or behavioral pattern that can be transmitted from one individual to another one. Since the individual who transmitted the meme will continue to carry it, the transmission can be interpreted as a replication : a copy of the meme is made in the memory of another individual, making him or her into a carrier of the meme. This process of self-reproduction (the memetic life-cycle ), leading to spreading over a growing group of individuals, defines the meme as a replicator, similar in that respect to the gene (Dawkins, 1976; Moritz, 1991.

No known source but still a favorite Tunga talking point: NOT!

Karl Marxist ,

But Hurrican Florence, everybody! Trump's gonna release those documents ... but ... Hurricane Florence! Israel's gonna commit that Idlib false flag, hurl banned white phosphorus weapons at US funded "terrorists" who are Syrian Christians but Hurricane Florence! Everything's gonna get crunched. Just what the media is waiting for. 24/7 on Hurricane Florence!

Tunga ,

Stop making sense!!!

jeff montanye ,

i never get tired of realizing peter strzok, regarded as absolutely the top of the line in counterintelligence, thought ("I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you . . .") he could avoid the nsa by his choice of phone. priceless.

deus ex machina ,


pelican ,

Stan Beeman level of skill.

Makes one wonder if all the FBI is this sloppy.

FBaggins ,

Hey look at this. More than 28 ZH articles on domestic and financial issues and finally one from earlier today something on Syria.

Now let me see. The elite and imperious commissars of the US high command in their caution to protect vital US propaganda interests and save the people from the truth, have banned all coverage of the Syrian conflict on Youtube - out of fear that their next planned false-flag attack will blow up in their faces - which means that they have likely also "cautioned" with severe sanctions any alternate media site directors in the same way.

Ms No ,

For all we know we could become rice crispies within 24 hours. Its not immanent but not at all out of the question. I think people are desensitized to this already.

People should be on the edge of their seats, if not shitting their pants. Russian media is pretty quiet too. Al Jazeera is now an atrocity similar to Hufpo (since the mad prince hung everybody upside down and surrounded Qatar and nabbing Jazeera).

Its eerie when this happens. People seem to be desensitized to the idea of conflict with Russia already.

I am Groot ,

Forget the rope and the bullets. It's time to take a fucking axe to all of these Deep State scumbag traitors.

insanelysane ,

Look the un-bias IG reviewed the FBI's action and found no bias. How can that happen? Who does a review to see if the IG is biased? Who does a review to see if the person that finds that the IG has no bias has bias?? Who does a review....

Someday Sessions and Rosenstein may get sacked or the people responsible for the sacking will get sacked.

consider me gone ,

Enough already gaaddammit! You swamp creatures need to fess up that you've tried to unseat Trump from Day 1. End this bogus "investigation" that y'all know, and have known, is nothing short of treason. Everyone caught in your snares should be released regardless of guilt or innocence. Everyone involved in your conspiracy should get mandatory 25 years with no parole. Yeah, that means you too Brennan!

truthseeker47 ,

Disagree: Commie traitor Brennan should be in front of a firing squad.

consider me gone ,

I'd be okay with that too. But swinging from a noose having vacated his bowels on national TV would be more degrading.

Tunga ,

Big love rules.


Tunga ,

Maybe you should stick to T€#++€r?


Tunga ,

"These people, are not people." - Bill Clinton to AG Lynch on the Tarmack.

navy62802 ,

Conspiracy. Not "collusion."

navy62802 ,

I will never forget that freak Strozk testifying before Congress. I get chills just thinking about it.

CheapBastard ,

"Matter" NOT an investigation.

~ Low Renta Lynch

Yog Soggoth ,​to-Washington-Riyadh-and-Jerusalem-566895 Hopefully no comment necessary.

LaugherNYC ,

Yeah, there's a comment. Vlad in Syria building up forces to allow Iran to install missile sites to protect Nordstream 2 and Assad regime while threatening Israel. Do Israel and its allies stand by and let this happen or do they tell Vlad the game is on, and if it's war he must have, then war he will have,

So this Moscow Messiah has become the enabler of the wonderful mullahs of Iran and the humanist Assad of Syria. These are the quality of scum with which the Tsar of Russia has chosen to align. All you proud Russians stand and sing an anthem to the butcher of Damascus and the most repressive and dangerous force in the Middle East, the Murderous Mullahs of a Muzzled Iran. What an Axis of Pigs. For alleged muslims, they snortle like pork around in the shite and mud with Vlad an awful lot.

Putin drives the Middle East and the world toward Armageddon because his intellectual and moral poverty can devise no strategy for the spread of Russian power except at the tip of missiles.Maybe he wants to accelerate the war before it becomes nuclear, so he cannot push Israel to the edge of extinction.

Perhaps he will ride in as the Great Reconciliator once he has allowed Iran's expansion throughout Syria. The Jews will either concede, or they will treat us to a true test of the Russian super AAs. It may be a really good show, or it could be time for Amazon and Apple to relocate to a zip code 100 feet below Wellington, new Zealand.

MrAToZ ,

Why is there no perp walk? There is a conga line of law breakers and not a single arrest. Either there is something going on that we are not allowed to know or this is going to drag on till it fades away. This is the longest quietest investigation into largest crime and scandal in U.S. history and all that is on display is arrogance. Hang someone in the town square.

dubsea ,

Were two years in. ..and you wonder..does our democracy run a machine...out of control government...or does the machine run democracy... goddam we voted ...let him do his job....

navy62802 ,

The machine runs the "democracy." If you have not realized that yet, you are willfully blind.

Keyser ,

If the Dims take back Congress in the mid-terms, none of these revelations will matter one iota as the Dims will bury these investigations and start their own into everything Trump... Time for Trump to drop the hammer on all of these people, BEFORE the mid-terms...

Oldwood ,

Not only that, but our hot air economy will pop like a cheap Chinese balloon.

The only thing keeping it going is public and business confidence that they might have a chance. That chance will dissipate like a baby fart if Trump faced a Democrat majority.

It should make many here yearning for their dream "reset" wet with anticipation.....the ultimate in ignorance.....getting exactly what they hope for.

LaugherNYC ,

Every single shred of evidence points to a powerful conspiracy between the DOJ, FBI, HRC and Democrat machine to smear Trump with the cooperation of all those Russians supposedly totally riding the Trump train. Yeah, that's how I help get an American et elected, create a whole smear story that he's a Russian puppet.

If they're not gong to prosecute these lying scum, there needs to be a for real investigarion

devnickle ,

And the shooting will commence.

BankSurfyMan ,

Dry humping Lisa with a bit of Hedge off the wall, Thanks Peter... Fucktard Man of the year 2018 and beyond! SEXY!

MozartIII ,

Can we just shoot all of them already? The Clintons as well??

goldenbuddha454 ,

dumb and dumbererer

WarAndPeace ,

If these two get off without being sentenced for criminals, Americans are gonna actually start a revolution with guns.

commiebastid ,

you can bet it won't be covered in the 'news'

devnickle ,

Enough is enough.

Old Poor Richard ,

Democratic operative codename "Keebler Elf" is furiously scrambling to bury and distract. Maybe call friends in the White Helmets: "Now would be a great time for that fake gas attack!"

The Terrible Sweal ,

Stzork should go up the river for a very long time.

CheapBastard ,

That'll be hard to do when he's disenboweled.

I am Groot ,

When he's cremated, I mean buried at the stake, they can send his remains to Gitmo.

claytonmoore50 ,

I hope they have had to surrender their passports.

They are so done...

oDumbo ,

You can just "smell" the Starbucks shitcan on these pukes. Hang them at noon.

mpcascio ,

They should be indicted immediately.

ardent ,

REAL bombshell:

WARNING: Graphic Images

Moloch ,

Imagine clicking on a short url in a comment section in the current year .

Fedtacular ,

#CancelAllAgencies FBI CIA DOJ ATF DHS TSA EPA DOE FAA FDA. fuck it. They are all filled with Union loving liberal pensioners. Cutting the heads off won't kill the deep state.

captain whitewater ,

Hang all of these criminals from lamp posts along the capital streets.

GoingBig ,

Here on Conspiracy Hedge.... The news nobody else is reporting because its conjecture.

Nunny ,

Have another drink and stumble to bed Hillary.

wisefool ,

they stink. we dont. The church will always find the high ground.

It is a metitroucious society if you take the long view.

ZIRPdiggler ,

Would you do Lisa Page? I would. She's not super hot but she kinda looks like she would be fun in bed

booboo ,

If she had as many dicks sticking out of her that were stuck in her she would look like a porcupine.

Scuba Steve ,

too gummy when she smiles ...

I am Groot ,

She must have a good vet to get her teeth that clean.

Anunnaki ,

She has DSL

novictim ,

And what is the reason for the people REALLY in charge going after Trump? It has always been about his Anti-Neoliberal agenda.

Specifically, TARIFFS on CHINA. The oligarchs behind the establishment have made fantastic amounts of money off the strip-mining of American industry and Capital. They want the cheap labour of Asia and the 3rd world yet also want to sell the sh#t back to the USA even though that trade imbalance will lead to ruin.

If not for President Trump, there would be no hope for the American people.

Anunnaki ,

No one goes to jail

Won Hung Lo ,

T minus ZERO. Here it comes......

pine_marten ,

Strzok's member seemed alive with a dark malfeasance that sent her deep into an underworld where her orgasms were tectonic.

ipud ,

April 12, 2017: Peter Strzok congratulates Lisa Page on a (hatchet) job well done...

Thethingreenline ,

Page looks kinda hot in that pic


Hot's OTT however, she looks like she's handled a cockatoo.

Thethingreenline ,

I am Groot ,

I'm sure Eva Braun said Hitler "looked kinda hot" too.......

VladLenin ,

Who's the threat again?

Noktirnal ,

From FBI's "Protected Voices" website, on "Safer Campaign Communications"-

"To secure communications channels -- such as email, messaging apps, and social media -- use encryption, disable archiving , use access controls, disable remote wiping, use account lockout, and patch your systems."

If campaigns should disable archiving, would they not be in violation of federal e-mail retention laws?

paul20854 ,

This guy needs incarceration.

I am Groot ,

You meant to say "incineration". There, fixed that for ya......

CatInTheHat ,

They are ALL in on it. This whole fucking shit show slow walked in a bunch of Kabuki for the plebes

Trump, as the most powerful man in the world could have fired Sessions ages ago and had every single document DECLASSIFIED to where this shitshow would have ended long ago and cankles, Obama Rice Holder, Powers, Lynch , would be doing a perp walk

And where are the investigations into true Russian collusion with Cankles having sold our yellow cake to them for a few bucks donation to the Clinton money washing machine foundation? And her emails, many of which have been discovered and we're highly claddified sent on that bitch's blackberry & on and on it goes

They are ALL IN ON IT. INCLUDING TRUMP. And none of this shit is going to end until the American people overthrow their government

Chupacabra-322 ,

It's absolute, complete, open, in our Faces Tyrannical Lawlessness .

Shue ,

And there's fuck all any of you can do anything about it.

Chipped ham ,

Some Donkeys gonna get kicked.

Better happen real soon. I can't take it. Just when I can't scream anymore about why someone's not in jail, out comes another nugget like this.

Drip. Drip. Drip. I can't take it anymore. When will the dam break?

Htos1 ,

We need a couple of dam busters to come rolling in........Q and Trump come to mind.

Heroic Couplet ,

What laws should Republicans be able to break? How does Trump have seven-to-ten indicted campaign and transition staff? Where was Trey Gowdy, the Faux News attorneys, the RNC attorneys, Rudy Giuliani, Mitch McConnell, Mark Meadows, the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and Rupert Murdoch when Trump was vetting ha-ha and appointing his team? Faux News has succeeded in dumbing down Republicans to the point their long term memory is whatever Hillary did last.

Fishthatlived ,

"seven-to-ten"......what a maroon.

ChiangMaiXPat ,

Run away troll...the sedition is mind numbing. What your failing to grasp on purpose I might add is the entire investigation against Trump is specious "tainted fruit" illegal, it is a Coup in any iteration. Monastic cognitive dissonance only gets you so far....

Tzanchan ,

Gowdy spent lord knows how many hours/years looking to string up HRC...The select committee itself was created by House Republicans in May 2014. The committee issued its final report on the Benghazi attack a little more than two years later in June 2016 and was officially shut down in December 2016. The select panel spent $7 million during the course of the probe.
The committee ultimately issued an 800-page report, which faulted the Obama administration on a number of fronts, and lawmakers questioned Clinton for 11 hours in an October 2015 hearing. Zero indictments and a piss away of taxpayer money. Yes 4 noble and patriotic Americans were killed and the administration bumbled the reasons, but crimes committed, well, none. Talk about double standards.

Nunny ,

Yes indeedy....who shut down the Bengazi investigation?

xcct ,

Build the fucking gallows! Time for bullshit talk is over. Arrest, try and execute all these fuckers.

Htos1 ,

We need a "neutral" 3rd party as the DOJ is corrupt, and the house has no bollocks. Say, oh, the military? AND their gallows.

goldenbuddha454 ,

All these Washington elites run in the same circles. Term limits on all of Congress. On all civil servants too. Noone who has worked in gov. can be a lobbyist. Its so incestuous. The door revolves continuously in favor of the connected.

bookofenoch ,

Page and Strozk are disgusting. Hideous.

They will die screaming, and nobody will mourn them.

Fedtacular ,

They will be sent off McCain style.

Ban KKiller ,

George Webb covers this pretty well...and more. How come he can keep naming names and live? Or not be sued for libel? Anyhoo...his show is pretty amazing.

Shill me.

JimZin ,

my Popcorn with extra butter is hot and ready to go...let the mid-term shit show begin! hanging is way to nice for these deepstate fuckturds. yes a noose is right, but they should be dragged behind a Ford truck on a gravel road by a couple of Deplorables that smell like Walmart

Htos1 ,

I remember that Texas based campaign commercial from 1996!

"If you vote Republican, another brother is dragged behind a pickup truck"!

Only then it actually worked on the low infos.

Indelible Scars ,

The Honorable Rod RosenSTEIN? Alrighty then....

rosiescenario ,

It is interesting that all of the "reporters" at the MSM do not care that the entire (excluding FOX) news organization is behaving exactly as Tass and Pravda used to behave under communist Russia. These folks are too dense to see the irony that a read of RT today is more factual than anything coming out of the U.S. media.

I guess when you are a liberal Dem you do not have anything honest and factual to resort to calling Benghazi "a wild conspiracy".

migra ,

They aren't too dense. They know exactly whats going on and they are happy with it as long as it helps there cause.

Stan522 ,

So, what the fuck was the Inspector General looking at and reviewing when he declared there was no bias.....?

migra ,

Because IG Horowitz is one of, "them".

Anunnaki ,

Horowitz. Nuff said

enough of this ,

It was a deep-state whitewash just like his next report is going to be.

I am Groot ,

You mean "Inspector Clouseau"......

max2205 ,


Sanity Bear ,

By the way this new commenting system and specifically the lack of ability to follow up on a conversation since there are no links to a user's history of comments really sucks.

sgorem ,

i agree.........

ThinkerNotEmoter ,


I blame Trump.

Indelible Scars ,

It is waaaay better.

SmallerGovNow2 ,

agree with you. it is the way it used to be when you could really have a common thread and people were not jumping the thread just to get their comments at the top...

Nunny ,

It was so tiresome to respond to a thread and have to wade through 3 pages+ to see if someone responded. I like this much better.

Sanity Bear ,

True, glad to see the comment-jumping thing gone.

However, now you have to remember which articles you posted on and hunt for them yourself in order to check for followup, which is worse user-wise than having to click through a bunch of pages to see how far down your comment got pushed.

pops ,

Yes. It sucks big time.

Sanity Bear ,

Hanging offense treason, and there is not even the slightest ambiguity that that is what this is.

Empire's Frontiers ,

Why does it seem obvious that the sitting administration used all its levers to aid Hillary in her election, and further, destroy Trump in his victory?

Ink Pusher ,

That'll be 6 orders of SEDITION with a side order of COLLUSION for each and a Diet TREASON for everyone to drink please.

Long Live The Donald ,

Trump is fucking nuts! Get Over it!

cheech_wizard ,

So you're still sodomizing your children?

Yen Cross ,

Yen is older, and looks 1o years younger than than that pile of shit!

Guilt has away of destroying people

Yen Cross ,

Faggot libtard snowflake?

American Snipper ,

This cocksucker Rosenberg needs to be fired, as is everyone on Trumps short list of leakers. Drain the fucking swamp! Redact all Russian docs, speed it up, Mr. President!!!

I am Groot ,

When you say "fired" , I'm thinking he should be strapped to missile and fired into the sun, Wiley coyote style.....

Yen Cross ,

Pro facto**** Never ever once, ever has Yen cheated on a Woman.

Many opportunities, but yen used the bigger head.

Yen will never cheat on the Woman he's dedicated to.

Cursive ,

Lisa should really stick with the straight hair. Much better than that headshot with the cheesy perm that was first circulated. Her credentials as a nasty Deep State dick gobbler aside, She rises from a 2 to a 5 (on a scale of 10).

Htos1 ,

3, with a bag. If she's not fat.

bookofenoch ,

Nope. Lisa Page is a filthy whore. Imagine sharing her front and back holes with Strzok. Or Kissing her Strzok jizz drinking hole.

Repulsive. Forever disgraced. The woman is dogshit.

I am Groot ,

It's really hard to rate animals on a scale of 1 to 10. Tough choice between her and a goat.

rbianco3 ,

Released in January- this is September WTF?

This is seriously important information - could have exonerated the President almost a year ago - and had he been impeached would have no recourse. Those that did not release until now are co-conspirators.

justyouwait ,

They are co-conspirators and more. They were placed to do the job they are doing. Rotten Rodney is the head of the snake in the DOJ. He was positioned to slow down or if possible totally hold back key information from congress (his boss). Old man Sessions was co-opted right from the start. He looks & acts like a guy taking orders. I don't know what they have on him (use your imagination) but he was neutered right from day 1. He should be charged with dereliction of duty and fired. I think if a true investigation is ever done and all the facts come out, Rotten Rodney could very well be charged with treason along with a large number of other Deep State operatives and more than a few in the Democratic Party.

Htos1 ,

Depends on what was in all those bankers boxes of FBI files trucked over to the WH from Reno and Holder in the 90's.

Chupacabra-322 ,

♦Page: 5:19pm "Still on the phone with Devlin . Mike's phone is ON FIRE."

♥Strzok: 5:29pm "You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there's news on."

♦Page: 5:30pm "He knows. He just got handed a note."

♥Strzok: 5:33pm "Ha. He asking about it now?"

♦Page: 5:34pm "Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now."

At 5:36pm Devlin Barrett tweets:

These Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths & Sociopaths get off on Gas Lighting the Public through their own manufactured, Scripted False Narratives & Psychological Operations.

Sick, twisted, Treasonous Seditious Psychopaths deserve to be hung with Piano wire. Them, Breanan, Clapper, Lynch, Rice, Obama & last but not least the ring leader Pure Evil War Criminal Treasonous Seditious Psychopath at Large, Hillary Clinton.

stubb ,


1970SSNova396 ,

The CrossRoads have been reached.........Saddle up

Can't wait for the release of all the MSM person that were paid via GPS to spin this shit!

Yen Cross ,

That little prick, needs to be knocked down, an notch?

His cum guzzling adultress pretty much sums things up?

Calvertsbio ,

What we need is a 100% republican DOJ, FBI, CIA, politicians... wipe out the democrats for a better society... That should work, then we won't need Zerohedge to spread all this propaganda !

Robert of Ottawa ,

The repubs and dementocrats are on the same team, the uniparty swamp where all congressman and senators get equal bribes if they wish

1970SSNova396 ,

They're all whores for a buck.How else can you make less than 200k per year yet retire with millions ...just in the House.

Calvertsbio ,

Yes, we are doomed, for sure it is every FAMILY for themselves... Glad I only have one kid to work thru this mess, I can keep an eye on her...

My sister, brother, father all are week too week people.. They never listened, prepared, etc... Just glad Pops has the SS and post office pension... Otherwise, would be living here... Also kind of glad they are 1200 miles away... Too bad they ignored all the signs... They will be begging in a few years.. Beans and RICE

Htos1 ,

90% of the repugs are ON the team! Otherwise billary would be a warm memory and no 9/11.

sniffybigtoe ,

Never fear! The GOP is ready and willing to do fuck all about it.

r0mulus ,

Yep- can't have a fake two party system without a fake second party to collude with...

candyman ,

After 3 hrs... ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN - nothing on the web pages.

thetruthhurts ,

November can't come fast enough for Democrats and the Corporatist deep state.

Dre4dwolf ,

Fbi leaks fake story to media -> Media reports fake story-> Fbi uses fake story as evidence in Visa Court - > Fisa court grants a Fisa warrant that would of otherwise been denied -> rinse repeat till all your political enemies are crippled by fake investigations

??? profit???

Calvertsbio ,

Of course it is, profit for the republican party. works every time... Always blame others for your own misgivings.

danl62 ,

Obama perfected that strategy. When you are guilty blame the other party. When someone else does something right take credit even though you had nothing to do with it. Than have a press conference with I,I,I me, me,me ...

Mr. Bones ,

Alinsky rules numbers 5, 6, 8, 11, and 13.

1970SSNova396 ,

The Obama dik sukers meeting has been canceled for today....try again on Tuesday Sport

stubb ,

I always blame your mother for my misdoings. Quite appropriate, as she is balls-deep involved in most of them.

HenryJ ,

"Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."...........Abraham Lincoln, a Portion of his Lyceum address

BrokeMiner ,

FBI and DOJ are just a bunch of dudes in a circle jerk that get nothing done and cover up a bunch of illegal shit. what a joke

stubb ,

They look good doing it, though.

Lord JT ,

Rod Rosenstein? more like Rod Rosenasshole, if you ask me.

Pigeon ,

Errr...Dr. Rosen Rosen...

aaahhhhh Dr. Rosenpenis

Lost in translation ,


I still use that line, myself - it was a great movie!!

Yen Cross ,

Two peas in an pod.

For the life of me, I don't understand why dudes cross swords.

Women are so beautiful.

Men are very handsome, and women are beautiful.

Yen gets confused sometimes???

The clown is 48, and an professional cheater. His wife has the sex drive of the last CAT balance sheet.

Yen is taking a nap. Fuck you very much

Yen Cross ,

Was it the CAT balance sheet, or me pile driving your trophy wife?

MoreFreedom ,

Pretty soon these conspirators will be doing plea deals that they were doing what Obama told them to do. And they'll have evidence to back it up. Otherwise Obama wouldn't be working so hard attacking Trump, along with the other guilty acting members of his administration. Strzok showed he thought he was still untouchable.

Pigeon ,

Vee ver juscht following orders

Htos1 ,

Hence, the need for tribunals at Gitmo!


I think Page flipped way, way back. That's why we have her emails. Emails which the FBI tried to withhold from Congress. There are still bombshells among the Page-Strzok emals that haven't been released. The FBI has pleaded a "glitch" (that's the word it has the huzpah to use) already to excuse the slow production.

MuffDiver69 ,

Many sources for FBI investigative reports are actually media articles that were written based on leaks from the FBI investigators.

>This is one of the reasons the media are dug-in to a position of alignment with the corrupt DOJ and FBI officials.

Inasmuch as the truth is adverse to the interests of the corrupt officials, so too is that same truth toxic to the media corporations who engaged in the collaboration.

Additionally, many of the journalists who keep showing up amid the population of this ongoing story are likely connected to the Fusion-GPS network.

This creates even more motive for ongoing media obfuscation.

True Blue ,

It is a neat little circle-jerk; the FBI lacks probable cause to get the secret courts to give them a writ because their 'evidence' is obviously from a paid off source within one political party trying to undo their opposition; so they 'leak' a massive pile of steaming bullshit to the friendly presstitutes, who promptly write a 'news' article based on it, which the FBI then takes to their 'secret court' judge as 'probable cause' to spy on their patron's opposition...

This is beyond banana republic level of corruption, malfeasance and abuse of power.

TeethVillage88s ,

There are many books Non-Fiction and Fiction that indicate that the Nazis were not rooted out after WWII. Of course in hind sight there is little benefit from USA from joining WWI or WWII other than securing a position as Super Power and Financial and Trading/Industrial Giant... to assume the Anglo Empire... But to my point: I'd guess we have secrets upon secrets, we create 1000s of secrets a day, and have huge secrets industries. 17 Intel Agencies. I would guess CIA, NSA, SEC, FINRA, FDIC, Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve... all have secrets and can act against Trump as Gary Cohn and Mnuchin, John Bolton, might. Lots of room for adding Mockingbird Sources.

Many sources for FBI investigative reports are actually media articles that were written based on leaks from the FBI investigators.

thebigunit ,

I'm not so sure about that.

We're sure Rosenstein will get right on it...

Rosenstein seems to me like kind of a slimy reptile.

just the tip ,

for the 10,000th time.

it is not treason god damn it.

it is sedition.

Not Too Important ,

Wrong. The dossier starts in London, with MI6. This is international involvement, which makes it all treason, and because it is against the 'Head of State', it is accurately defined as 'High Treason'.

Hillary's actions regarding her server involved the 'US Nation', which makes her crimes 'High Treason', and every single person who used that server, or knew about that server and stopped any action, is also guilty of 'High Treason'.

These are crimes punishable by death, as outlined in the US Constitution. Now you can see why there is such a massive attempt at avoiding indictments and trials. And you can see why Trump made it clear, through EO, that these widespread crimes of 'High Treason' should be handled by military tribunals.

Both sides have to play for keeps, there's only going to be one victor. And they will kill billions to avoid punishment. Or just simply take as many as they can with them, they are all psychopaths.


Joe DiGenova today says Susan Rice's self-serving email memorandum to herself, which she sent literally minutes before she left the WH, concerning a recent meeting at the WH on, I think, Jan 5th, was the meeting at which the FBI ambush of General Flynn was planned. Obama, Lynch, Comey, and others, including Sally Yates were in on it.

nmewn ,

That mental image is almost as bad as Bruth Ohr & Nellie or...Bill & Hill ;-)

So, where are we at here?

Looks to me like...






Nellie...fluent in Russian, a student in Russia 1989 & a CIA op before & now, walking the



Finally, history will show Mike Rogers as a patriot in the entire affair, how he could just sit there, next to Comey and not stand up and garret him (knowing what he had done) in front of that Senate Committee (and the cameras) is a testament to his honor, his integrity and his commitment to the rule of law as a free man.

I couldn't have done it, it would have been over in five seconds.

[Sep 09, 2018] (Update) DNC Papadopoulos s UK contact may be dead by Amanda Matthews

Notable quotes:
"... These new questions about Mifsud come as Trump draws attention to reports that the FBI used another individual as a confidential informant in connection with the Russia case. The informant met several campaign officials, including Papadopoulos, during the 2016 race. ..."
"... A Tablet investigatio n using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele's top-secret "sources" in the Russian government -- which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control -- but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire. Understanding the origins of the "Steele dossier" is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the United States. ..."
"... 1) Mills and Samuelson should have been compelled to produce the computers by grand-jury subpoena with no immunity agreement; ..."

You know, I have been selling the DNC short. They're crazier than I ever imagined they could be. And what happens if the guy shows up? They'll have to grease his doorknobs with some Novichok juice I guess.

But just in case he is MIA, they need to check and see what The Clinton Creature's been up to. Generally she's the common thread between a political scandal and a dead body, right?

DNC: Papadopoulos's UK contact may be dead

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday raised the prospect that the London-based professor who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton may be dead.

DNC lawyers wrote in court filings Friday that Joseph Mifsud, who spoke to Papadopoulos during the 2016 presidential election, "is missing and may be deceased," Bloomberg News reported. The lawyers did not elaborate.

The DNC stood by its claim in a statement to The Hill on Friday. The committee indicated that an investigator had been used to find Mifsud, who had disappeared for months, and was told the Maltese professor may be dead.

"The DNC's counsel has attempted to serve Mifsud for months and has been unable to locate or contact him. In addition, public reports have said he has disappeared and hasn't been seen for months," DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said.

The possibilities for really bad drama and/or high camp comedy here are endless. How's Booby going to pin this on some poor low hanging fruit?

I hope there are future episodes coming because I want to see what happens if he shows up. Or even better yet, if he IS defunct. Which will open the door to how did they know ?


Professor Joe Mifsud: a 'ghost' on the run from the Americans, Russians and Italians

Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud, who has gained international notoriety for allegedly being the person who connected the Trump campaign to the Russians looking to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, is not only on the run from the Americans, Russians and the press, but also from the Italian judicial authorities, who have been unable to track down the wayward academic.

This week, in fact, Mifsud was a no-show in the courts of Palermo, where he was to answer to charges, along with two others, of having unjustifiably inflated salaries at a university consortium in Agrigento, Sicily, which he presided almost a decade ago.

At a hearing in Palermo, Italy, Joseph Mifsud was described as "a ghost" after neither he nor his lawyers turned up in court on Wednesday.

Sicilian prosecutors described Mifsud as a "peculiar subject" and said that all attempts to reach and notify the professor about the hearing had proved futile.


The Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, in their report on Russia's attempted interference in the election released in April, described Mifsud as being "Kremlin-linked".

However, Mifsud also had Western ties at academic institutions like the Link Campus University in Rome, the University of Stirling in Scotland, the London Academy of Diplomacy and the London Centre for International Law Practice.


These new questions about Mifsud come as Trump draws attention to reports that the FBI used another individual as a confidential informant in connection with the Russia case. The informant met several campaign officials, including Papadopoulos, during the 2016 race.

span y dervish on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 4:29am

Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse

has an interesting piece up that's worth a read .

span y ovals49 on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 6:31am
Interesting is an understatement!


This puts some meat on the bones of gulfgal's essay interpreting the meaning of some very interesting video from McStain's funeral. The wheels of the DNC bus seem to just about ready to fall off.

George Webb has also been all over the Ohrs over the past few days. The thousands of sealed warrants rumored to be waiting for a mass extinction event may be more than just wishful thinking.

has an interesting piece up that's worth a read .

span y Not Henry Kissinger on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 9:31am
Here's the kicker:

@ovals49 @ovals49 @ovals49

Through this process, what few recognize is that much of the material inside the Steele Dossier is actually research intelligence material unlawfully extracted from the FBI and NSA database; most likely in majority an assembly by Nellie Ohr.

Nellie et al. ran unauthorized searches through the security databases and gave the results to foreign agent Steele to pretend it was his own research.

How many serious crimes in just that one sentence?


This puts some meat on the bones of gulfgal's essay interpreting the meaning of some very interesting video from McStain's funeral. The wheels of the DNC bus seem to just about ready to fall off.

George Webb has also been all over the Ohrs over the past few days. The thousands of sealed warrants rumored to be waiting for a mass extinction event may be more than just wishful thinking.

span y Deja on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 11:42am
Nellie Ohr's HAM radio license

What is the significance of the license? I read the post, and all the comments on the first page. There's a really long comment by "CET" that rambles on about it, but I'm not thinking too clearly today. What is the significance?

has an interesting piece up that's worth a read .

span y dervish on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 2:31pm
Another way of communicating I suppose n/t


What is the significance of the license? I read the post, and all the comments on the first page. There's a really long comment by "CET" that rambles on about it, but I'm not thinking too clearly today. What is the significance?

span y HenryAWallace on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 11:59am
I realize that this is not the most startling fact


in the scenario, but, am I the only one who did not know that the FBI has an office in Rome?

On a related note, isn't it past time for the FBI, the CIA and Homeland Security to merge? Not only is all the duplication among them costly, but the artificial divisions and rivalries among them are dangerous.

has an interesting piece up that's worth a read .

span y The Voice In th... on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 4:07pm
FBI is not supposed to operate outside our borders

and CIA is not supposed to operate inside our borders.

"Homeland Security" Sounds like SS to me.


in the scenario, but, am I the only one who did not know that the FBI has an office in Rome?

On a related note, isn't it past time for the FBI, the CIA and Homeland Security to merge? Not only is all the duplication among them costly, but the artificial divisions and rivalries among them are dangerous.

span y Amanda Matthews on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 8:01pm
'Homeland Security' is now in charge

@The Voice In the Wilderness
of our elections. THAT is not a good thing.

Election Security
Elections play a vital role in a free and fair society and are a cornerstone of American democracy. We recognize the fundamental link between the trust in election infrastructure and the confidence the American public places in basic democratic function. A secure and resilient electoral process is a vital national interest and one of our highest priorities at the Department of Homeland Security.

We are committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections – state and local government, election officials, federal partners and the vendor community – to manage risks to election infrastructure. We will remain transparent as well as agile to combat and secure our physical and cyber infrastructure against new and evolving threats.

The Department of Duct Tape and Plastic running our elections is very unsettling to me.

As the Homeland Security Department called on Americans to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal windows and doors in the event of a terrorist attack, critics on Wednesday said such precautions would have limited value and likened them to ineffective civil defense measures of the Cold War era.

and CIA is not supposed to operate inside our borders.

"Homeland Security" Sounds like SS to me.

span y Pluto's Republic on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 11:47am
That Hill article that you are citing filled with lies, fabrications, and FBI-type revisions. Those lies attempt to pull the DNC emails into Russia's hands. There are many other points of direct misinformation, as well, that attempt to build a case for Mueller that simply is not there in reality. Important events have been scrubbed.

A credible timeline of events can be found here: @Brian_Whit/the-george-papadopoulos-file-a-timeline-5c699c3aae4b

But, there's something missing in all this reportage I should chase down. Remember when an Austrailian official contacted the FBI to blow the whistle on Papadopoulos after a drunken cocktail hour they shared in London? That now has been scrubbed from history. It came from lies spewed from the NYT, when people were finally catching on to the FISA warrants, to cover for the wiretapping that was already going on. That's the only time dirt on Hillary has ever been tied to Papadopoulos. The only "witness." Now, it's like it never happened.

Thanks for posting, Amanda.

span y Pluto's Republic on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 12:14pm
My take on your update:

Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud, who has gained international notoriety for allegedly being the person who connected the Trump campaign to the Russians looking to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign... .

There is nothing out there that has ever suggested a motive like "derailing Hillary." The idea is absurd on the face of it. This is new disinformation.

If you read the real timeline, you'll see that Papadopoulos was obsessed with getting a meeting together between Russia and Trump for the purpose of peaceful relations in the future. And, cui bono? , also to make his first big score on the geopolitical stage.

Nobody cared about Hillary.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Mifsud was a US asset. The girl he introduced Papadopoulos to was an obvious set-up -- but almost too low-level to be bothered with. This whole charade is not about Russia. It's about entrapment.

span y enhydra lutris on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 9:25pm
My thoughts exactly:

@Pluto's Republic
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Mifsud was a US asset. Or Dem/Steele hireling.

Maltese Professor Joseph Mifsud, who has gained international notoriety for allegedly being the person who connected the Trump campaign to the Russians looking to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign... .

There is nothing out there that has ever suggested a motive like "derailing Hillary." The idea is absurd on the face of it. This is new disinformation.

If you read the real timeline, you'll see that Papadopoulos was obsessed with getting a meeting together between Russia and Trump for the purpose of peaceful relations in the future. And, cui bono? , also to make his first big score on the geopolitical stage.

Nobody cared about Hillary.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Mifsud was a US asset. The girl he introduced Papadopoulos to was an obvious set-up -- but almost too low-level to be bothered with. This whole charade is not about Russia. It's about entrapment.

span y snoopydawg on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 9:51pm
Milfud was used by the FBI to tell Papadopoulos

@enhydra lutris

that Russia had Hillary's emails, IIRC. Then Papadopoulos met with an ambassador to relay the information him.

Russia Gate has so many threads in that pulling on one or two will see the whole thing unravel. Which is what we are seeing.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Mifsud was a US asset. Or Dem/Steele hireling.

span y leveymg on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 3:48pm
If true, Nellie must have an active TS-SCI or higher clearance

Which would make Nellie Ohr much more than just an invited panelist at a CIA Open Source symposium along with Simpson some years ago. There are reported to be about 20 people legally authorized to do unmaskings, most are at NSA, and it is unlikely Nellie Ohr is one of them.

I therefore doubt Nellie was the one doing the extracting, which has been elsewhere referenced as "unmasking" of raw NSA intercepts. In that case, the unmasking was likely carried out by someone at the NSC. Rice or Power, maybe?

Thus, could it be that the Steele Dossier was really just a cover for the dissemination from the White House basement of classified materials unmasked by the same people at the NSC who then acted unlawfully to make them public to help the Clinton campaign/DNC sink the opposition?

Yes, that would violate a whole bunch of laws -- keep in mind, two FISA warrant applications were denied, the first in June 2016 after which the Steele Memo was commissioned until one was finally granted for coverage of Page in October. So, something had to be put together earlier to evade the warrant requirements.

Indeed, this turns Russiagate completely on its head.

There may have been a criminal conspiracy, but it was by the alleged victims of the Russian plot. No wonder the pillars of Russiagate all seem to morph into something else under close scrutiny, and the alleged Russian agents -- Page and Papadoloulos, along with their first-level handler, Milfsud -- turn out to be FBI or MI-6 plants.

span y dervish on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 2:58pm
Remember this?


N.S.A. Purges Hundreds of Millions of Call and Text Records

Maybe they were just covering their tracks.

Which would make Nellie Ohr much more than just an invited panelist at a CIA Open Source symposium along with Simpson some years ago. There are reported to be about 20 people legally authorized to do unmaskings, most are at NSA, and it is unlikely Nellie Ohr is one of them.

I therefore doubt Nellie was the one doing the extracting, which has been elsewhere referenced as "unmasking" of raw NSA intercepts. In that case, the unmasking was likely carried out by someone at the NSC. Rice or Power, maybe?

Thus, could it be that the Steele Dossier was really just a cover for the dissemination from the White House basement of classified materials unmasked by the same people at the NSC who then acted unlawfully to make them public to help the Clinton campaign/DNC sink the opposition?

Yes, that would violate a whole bunch of laws -- keep in mind, two FISA warrant applications were denied, the first in June 2016 after which the Steele Memo was commissioned until one was finally granted for coverage of Page in October. So, something had to be put together earlier to evade the warrant requirements.

Indeed, this turns Russiagate completely on its head.

There may have been a criminal conspiracy, but it was by the alleged victims of the Russian plot. No wonder the pillars of Russiagate all seem to morph into something else under close scrutiny, and the alleged Russian agents -- Page and Papadoloulos, along with their first-level handler, Milfsud -- turn out to be FBI or MI-6 plants.

span y Deja on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 4:45pm
I suppose, but remember Manning?

I'm no security clearance expert, but unless the whole system had a protocol and clearance overhaul, it's probable, imo, that Nellie could have had access.

Hell, Manning still had access to, and the ability to download, 10s of thousands (might have been 100s of thousands -- it's been too long ago for me to recall the exact number) of classified documents and audios/videos after assaulting a superior and being moved to the mail room. If you can try to beat up your superior, get arrested by MPs, get basically demoted to the mail room, and still have your clearance, something is wrong. I know we're talking military -vs- IC, but it's all still government and all still classified information. Seems to me, the only ones without access are us.

Which would make Nellie Ohr much more than just an invited panelist at a CIA Open Source symposium along with Simpson some years ago. There are reported to be about 20 people legally authorized to do unmaskings, most are at NSA, and it is unlikely Nellie Ohr is one of them.

I therefore doubt Nellie was the one doing the extracting, which has been elsewhere referenced as "unmasking" of raw NSA intercepts. In that case, the unmasking was likely carried out by someone at the NSC. Rice or Power, maybe?

Thus, could it be that the Steele Dossier was really just a cover for the dissemination from the White House basement of classified materials unmasked by the same people at the NSC who then acted unlawfully to make them public to help the Clinton campaign/DNC sink the opposition?

Yes, that would violate a whole bunch of laws -- keep in mind, two FISA warrant applications were denied, the first in June 2016 after which the Steele Memo was commissioned until one was finally granted for coverage of Page in October. So, something had to be put together earlier to evade the warrant requirements.

Indeed, this turns Russiagate completely on its head.

There may have been a criminal conspiracy, but it was by the alleged victims of the Russian plot. No wonder the pillars of Russiagate all seem to morph into something else under close scrutiny, and the alleged Russian agents -- Page and Papadoloulos, along with their first-level handler, Milfsud -- turn out to be FBI or MI-6 plants.

span y Amanda Matthews on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 8:12pm
It was Rice.


Susan Rice revealed to House Intelligence why she unmasked identities of Trump officials

Ignore the 'reasons' in the article. It's pure BS.

Which would make Nellie Ohr much more than just an invited panelist at a CIA Open Source symposium along with Simpson some years ago. There are reported to be about 20 people legally authorized to do unmaskings, most are at NSA, and it is unlikely Nellie Ohr is one of them.

I therefore doubt Nellie was the one doing the extracting, which has been elsewhere referenced as "unmasking" of raw NSA intercepts. In that case, the unmasking was likely carried out by someone at the NSC. Rice or Power, maybe?

Thus, could it be that the Steele Dossier was really just a cover for the dissemination from the White House basement of classified materials unmasked by the same people at the NSC who then acted unlawfully to make them public to help the Clinton campaign/DNC sink the opposition?

Yes, that would violate a whole bunch of laws -- keep in mind, two FISA warrant applications were denied, the first in June 2016 after which the Steele Memo was commissioned until one was finally granted for coverage of Page in October. So, something had to be put together earlier to evade the warrant requirements.

Indeed, this turns Russiagate completely on its head.

There may have been a criminal conspiracy, but it was by the alleged victims of the Russian plot. No wonder the pillars of Russiagate all seem to morph into something else under close scrutiny, and the alleged Russian agents -- Page and Papadoloulos, along with their first-level handler, Milfsud -- turn out to be FBI or MI-6 plants.

span y snoopydawg on Sat, 09/08/2018 - 10:36pm
Both Rice and Powers it looks like did the unmasking

@Amanda Matthews

CNN says Rice

Washington (CNN)Former national security adviser Susan Rice privately told House investigators that she unmasked the identities of senior Trump officials to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year, multiple sources told CNN.

The New York meeting preceded a separate effort by the UAE to facilitate a back-channel communication between Russia and the incoming Trump White House.

AJL says Powers

According to numerous reports, "[f]ormer United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power is believed to have made 'hundreds' of unmasking requests to identify individuals named in classified intelligence community reports related to Trump and his presidential transition team."

Think about that: Hundreds of unmasking requests by Obama's U.N. Representative. And "[o]f those [hundreds of] requests, only one offered a justification that was not boilerplate."

Now new reports have revealed the unprecedented number of unmasking requests made by former Ambassador Power: "[She] was "unmasking" at such a rapid pace in the final months of the Obama administration that she averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016 – and even sought information in the days leading up to President Trump's inauguration . . . ."

At the ACLJ, we have been consistently fighting the Obama-era deep state's usurpation, unmasking, and criminal violations of the Espionage Act. Now we're fighting to get to the bottom of yet another frightening Obama Administration scandal.

I remember reading this article when it came out. It has some good links in it.

Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake "RussiaGate" Story

Mary Jacoby, the wife of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, who is the man in the middle of the entire Russiagate scandal, boasted on Facebook about how 'Russiagate,' would not exist if it weren't for her husband.

A Tablet investigatio n using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the Russiagate scandal emerged not from the British ex-spy Christopher Steele's top-secret "sources" in the Russian government -- which are unlikely to exist separate from Russian government control -- but from a series of stories that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby co-wrote for TheWall Street Journal well before Fusion GPS existed, and Donald Trump was simply another loud-mouthed Manhattan real estate millionaire. Understanding the origins of the "Steele dossier" is especially important because of what it tells us about the nature and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the United States.

From the Tablet article:

A Tablet investigation using public sources to trace the evolution of the now-famous dossier suggests that central elements of the