"That's something that I don't think we could possibly do in the United States, I can't
imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese
health authorities is that given the fact that it's spreading throughout the provinces it's
their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it.
Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you
shut things down it doesn't have a major effect."
By mid-summer, all had reversed course and encouraged mask-wearing in the general public as
an essential tool for halting the pandemic. Fauci
essentially conceded that he lied to the public in order to prevent a shortage on masks,
whereas other health officials did an about-face on the scientific claims around masking.
Anthony Fauci 's
decimal error in estimating Covid's fatality rates (March 11)
Fauci testified before Congress in early March where he was asked to estimate the severity
of the disease in comparison to influenza. His testimony that Covid was "10 times more lethal
than the seasonal flu" stoked widespread alarm and provided a major impetus for the decision to
go into lockdown.
The problem, as Ronald Brown documented in an
epidemiology journal article , is that Fauci based his estimates on a conflation of the
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for influenza, leading him to
exaggerate the comparative danger of Covid by an order of magnitude. Fauci's error –
which he further compounded in a late February article for the New England Journal of
Medicine – helped to convince Congress of the need for drastic lockdown measures,
while also spreading panic in the media and general public. As of this writing Fauci has not
acknowledged the magnitude of his error, nor has the journal corrected his article.
Anthony Fauci credits lockdowns for beating the virus in Europe (July 31)
In late July
Anthony Fauci offered additional testimony to Congress. His message credited Europe's heavy
lockdowns with defeating the virus, whereas he blamed the United States for reopening too early
and for insufficient aggressiveness in the initial lockdowns. As Fauci stated at the time, "If
you look at what happened in Europe, when they shut down or locked down or went to shelter in
place -- however you want to describe it -- they really did it to the tune of about 95% plus of
the country did that."
The message was clear: the United States should have followed Europe, but failed to do so
and got a summer wave of Covid instead. Fauci's entire argument however was based on a string of falsehoods
and errors.
Anthony Fauci touts New York as a model for Covid containment (June-December)
By all indicators, New York state has suffered one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the
world. Its year-end mortality rate of almost 1,900 deaths per million residents
every single country in the world. The state famously bungled its nursing home response
when Governor Andrew Cuomo forced these facilities to readmit Covid-positive patients as a way
to relieve strains on hospitals. The policy backfired as most hospitals never reached capacity,
but the readmissions introduced the virus into vulnerable nursing home populations resulting in
widespread fatalities (to this day
New York intentionally undercounts nursing home fatalities by excluding residents who are
moved to a hospital from its reported numbers, further obscuring the true toll of Cuomo's
New York has also fared poorly during the fall "second wave" despite reimposing harsh
restrictions and regional lockdown measures. By mid-December, its death rate shot far above the
mostly-open state of Florida, which has the closest comparable population size to New York. All
things considered, New York's weathering of the pandemic is an exemplar of what not to do.
Cuomo's policies not only failed to contain the virus – they likely made it far more
deadly to vulnerable populations. Enter Anthony Fauci, who has been asked multiple times in the
press what a model Covid response policy would look like. He gave his
first answer on July 20th : "We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those
cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York."
Fauci was operating under the assumption that New York, despite its bad run in the spring,
had successfully brought the pandemic under control through its aggressive lockdowns and slow
reopening. One might think that the fall rebound in New York, despite locking down again, would
call this conclusion into question. Not so much for Dr. Fauci, who told the
Wall Street Journal on December 8 : "New York got hit really badly in the beginning" but
they did "a really good job of keeping things down, and still, their level is low compared to
the rest of the country."
This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation
conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens...
The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a
first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We
trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that
Anthony Fauci says lockdowns are not possible in the United States (January
"That's something that I don't think we could possibly do in the United States, I can't
imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese
health authorities is that given the fact that it's spreading throughout the provinces it's
their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it.
Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you
shut things down it doesn't have a major effect."
US government and WHO officials advise against mask use (February and March)
When mask sales spiked due to widespread individual adoption in the early weeks of the
pandemic, numerous US government and WHO officials took to the airwaves to describe masks as
ineffective and discourage their use.
By mid-summer, all had reversed course and encouraged mask-wearing in the general public as
an essential tool for halting the pandemic. Fauci
essentially conceded that he lied to the public in order to prevent a shortage on masks,
whereas other health officials did an about-face on the scientific claims around masking.
While mainstream epidemiology literature stressed the ambiguous nature of evidence
surrounding masks
as recently as 2019 , these scientists were suddenly certain that masks were something of a
magic bullet for Covid. It turns out that both positions are likely wrong. Masks appear to have
marginal effects at diminishing spread, especially in highly infectious settings and around the
vulnerable. But their effectiveness at combating Covid has also been grossly exaggerated, as
illustrated by the fact that mask adoption reached
near-universal levels in the US by the summer with little discernible effect on the course
of the pandemic.
Anthony Fauci 's
decimal error in estimating Covid's fatality rates (March 11)
Fauci testified before Congress in early March where he was asked to estimate the severity
of the disease in comparison to influenza. His testimony that Covid was "10 times more lethal
than the seasonal flu" stoked widespread alarm and provided a major impetus for the decision to
go into lockdown.
The problem, as Ronald Brown documented in an
epidemiology journal article , is that Fauci based his estimates on a conflation of the
Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for influenza, leading him to
exaggerate the comparative danger of Covid by an order of magnitude. Fauci's error –
which he further compounded in a late February article for the New England Journal of
Medicine – helped to convince Congress of the need for drastic lockdown measures,
while also spreading panic in the media and general public. As of this writing Fauci has not
acknowledged the magnitude of his error, nor has the journal corrected his article.
"Two weeks to flatten the curve" (March 16)
The lockdowners settled on a catchy slogan in mid-March to justify their unprecedented
shuttering of economic and social life around the globe: two weeks to flatten the curve. The
White House
Covid task force aggressively promoted this line , as did the news media and much of the
epidemiology profession. The logic behind the slogan came from the
ubiquitous graph showing (1) a steep caseload that would overwhelm our hospital system, or
(2) a mitigated alternative that would spread the caseload out over several weeks, making it
To get to graph #2, society would need to buckle up for two weeks of shelter-in-place orders
until the capacity issue could be managed. Indeed, we were told that if we did not accept this
solution the hospital system would enter into catastrophic failure in only 10 days, as former
DHS pandemic adviser Tom Bossert claimed in a widely-circulated interview and Washington
Post column on March 11.
Two weeks came and went, then the rationale on which they were sold to the public shifted.
Hospitals were no longer on the verge of being overwhelmed – indeed most hospitals
nationwide remained well under capacity, with only a tiny number of exceptions in the worst-hit
neighborhoods of New York City.
A US Navy hospital ship sent to relieve New York departed
a month later after serving only 182 patients , and a pop-up hospital in the city's Javits
Convention Center
sat mostly empty . But the lockdowns remained in place, as did the emergency orders
justifying them. Two weeks became a month, which became two months, which became almost a year.
We were no longer "flattening the curve" – a strategy premised on saving the hospital
system from a threat than never manifested – but instead refocused on using lockdowns as
a general suppression strategy against the disease itself. In short, the epidemiology
profession sold us a bill of goods.
Neil Ferguson predicts a "best case" US scenario of 1.1 million deaths (March
The name Neil Ferguson, the lead modeler and chief spokesman for Imperial College London's
pandemic response team, has become synonymous with lockdown alarmism for good reason. Ferguson
has a long track record of making grossly exaggerated predictions of
catastrophic death tolls for almost every single disease that comes along, and urging
aggressive policy responses to the same including lockdowns.
Covid was no different, and Ferguson assumed center stage when he released a highly influential model
of the virus's death forecasts for the US and UK. Ferguson appeared with UK Prime Minister
Boris Johnson on March 16 to announce the shift toward lockdowns (with no small irony, he was
coming down with Covid himself at the time and may have been the
patient zero of a super-spreader event that ran through Downing Street and infected Johnson
Across the Atlantic, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx cited Ferguson's model as a direct
justification for locking down the US. There was a problem though: Ferguson had a bad habit of
dramatically hyping his own predictions to political leaders and the press. The Imperial
College paper modeled a broad range of scenarios including death tolls that ranged from tens of
thousands to over 2 million, but Ferguson's public statements only stressed the latter –
even though the paper itself conceded that such an extreme "worst case" scenario was highly
unrealistic. A telling example came on March 20th when
the New York Times's Nicholas Kristof contacted the Imperial College modeler to ask about
the most likely scenario for the United States. As Kristof related to his readers, "I asked
Ferguson for his best case. "About 1.1 million deaths," he said."
Researchers in Sweden use the Imperial College model to predict 95,000 deaths (April
After Neil Ferguson's shocking death toll predictions for the US and UK captivated
policymaker attention and drove both governments into lockdown, researchers in other countries
began adapting the Imperial College model to their own circumstances. Usually, these models
sought to reaffirm the decisions of each country to lock down. The government of Sweden,
however, had decided to buck the trend, setting the stage for a natural experiment to test the
Imperial model's performance.
In early April a team of researchers at Uppsala University adapted the Imperial model to
Sweden's population and demographics and ran its projections. Their result? If Sweden stayed
the course and did not lock down, it could expect a catastrophic 96,000 deaths by early summer.
The authors of the study recommended going into immediate lockdown, but since Sweden lagged
behind Europe in adopting such measures they also predicted that this "best case" option would
reduce deaths to "only" 30,000.
By early June when the 96,000 prediction was supposed to come true, Sweden had recorded
4,600 deaths. Six months later, Sweden has about 8,000 deaths – a severe pandemic to be
sure, but
an order of magnitude smaller than what the modelers predicted . Facing embarrassment from
these results, Ferguson and Imperial College attempted to distance
themselves from the Swedish adaptation of their model in early May. Yet the Uppsala team's
projections closely matched Imperial's own UK and US predictions when scaled to reflect their
population sizes. In short, the Imperial model catastrophically failed one of the few clear
natural experiment tests of its predictive ability.
Scientists suggest that ocean spray spreads Covid (April 2)
In the second week of the lockdowns several newspapers in California promoted a bizarre
theory: Covid could spread by ocean spray (although the paper later walked back the
headline-grabbing claim, it is outlined
here in the Los Angeles Times ). According to this theory – initially promoted by a
group of biologists who study bacterial infection connected to storm runoff – the Covid
virus washed down storm gutters and into the ocean, where the ocean breeze would kick it up
into the air and infect people on the nearby beaches. As silly as this theory now sounds, it
helped to inform California's initially draconian enforcement of lockdowns on its public
The same week that this modern-day miasmic drift theory appeared, police in Malibu
even arrested a lone paddleboarder for going into the ocean during the lockdown – all
while citing the possibility that the ocean breeze carried Covid with it.
Neil Ferguson predicts catastrophic death tolls in US states that reopen (May
Fresh off of their exaggerated predictions from March, the Imperial College team led by Neil
Ferguson doubled down on alarmist modeling. As several US states started to reopen in late
April and May, Ferguson and his colleagues published a new model predicting another
catastrophic wave of deaths by the mid-summer. Their model focused on 5 states with both
moderate and severe outbreaks during the first wave. If they reopened, according to the
Imperial team's model, New York could face up to 3,000 deaths per day by July.
Florida could hit as high as 4,000, and California could hit 5,000 daily deaths. Keeping in
mind that these projections were for each state alone, they exceed the daily death toll peaks
for the entire country in both the fall and spring. Showing just how bad the Imperial model
was, the actual death toll by mid-July in several of the examined states even fell below the
lower confidence boundary of its projected count . While Covid remains a threat in all 5
states, the post-reopening explosion of deaths predicted by Imperial College and used to argue
for keeping the lockdowns in place never happened.
Anthony Fauci credits lockdowns for beating the virus in Europe (July 31)
In late July
Anthony Fauci offered additional testimony to Congress. His message credited Europe's heavy
lockdowns with defeating the virus, whereas he blamed the United States for reopening too early
and for insufficient aggressiveness in the initial lockdowns. As Fauci stated at the time, "If
you look at what happened in Europe, when they shut down or locked down or went to shelter in
place -- however you want to describe it -- they really did it to the tune of about 95% plus of
the country did that."
The message was clear: the United States should have followed Europe, but failed to do so
and got a summer wave of Covid instead. Fauci's entire argument however was based on a string of falsehoods
and errors.
Mobility data from the US clearly showed that most Americans were staying home during the
spring outbreak, with a recorded decline that matched Germany, the Netherlands, and several
other European countries. Contrary to Fauci's claim, the US was actually slower than most of
Europe to reopen. Furthermore, his praise of Europe collapsed in the early fall when almost all
of the lockdown countries in Europe experienced severe second waves – just like the
locked down regions of the United States.
New Zealand and Australia declare themselves Covid-free (August-present)
New Zealand and Australia have thus far weathered the pandemic with extremely low case
counts, leading many epidemiologists and journalists to conflate these results with evidence of
their successful and replicable mitigation policies. In reality, New Zealand and Australia
opted for the medieval ' Prince Prospero' strategy of
attempting to wall themselves from the world until the pandemic passes – an approach that
is highly dependent on their unique geographies.
As island nations with comparatively lower international travel than North America and
Europe, both countries shut down their borders before the as-of-yet undetected virus became
widespread and have remained closed ever since. It's a costly strategy in terms of its economic
impact and personal displacement, but it kept the virus out – mostly.
The problem with New Zealand and Australia's Prince Prospero strategy is that it's
inherently fragile. All it takes to throw it into chaos is for the virus to slip past the
border – including by accident or human error. Then heavy-handed lockdowns ensue, imposed
with maximum disruption at the spur of the moment in a frantic attempt to contain the
The most famous example happened on August 9 when New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda
Ardern declared that New Zealand had reached
100 days of being Covid-free . Then just two days later a
breach happened , sending Auckland into heavy lockdown. It's a pattern that has repeated
itself every few weeks in both countries.
In early December, we saw a similar flurry of stories from Australia announcing that the
country had beaten Covid .
Two weeks later, another breach occurred in the suburbs around Sydney,
prompting a regional lockdown . There have been embarrassing missteps as well. In November
the entire state of South Australia went into heavy lockdown over a single misreported case of
Covid that was mistakenly
attributed to a pizza purchase that did not exist. While both countries continue to
celebrate their low fatality rates, they've also incurred some of the harshest and most
disruptive restrictions in the world – all the result of premature declarations of being
"Covid-free" followed by an unexpected breach and another frantic lockdown.
"Renewed lockdowns are just a strawman" (October)
In early October a group of scientists met at AIER where they drafted and signed the
Great Barrington Declaration , a
statement calling attention to the severe social and economic harms of lockdowns and urging the
world to adopt alternative strategies for ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable.
Although the statement quickly gathered tens of thousands of co-signers from health science and
medical professionals, it also left the lockdown supporters incensed. They responded not by
scientific debate over the merits of their policies, but with a
vilification campaign .
They answered by
flooding the petition with hoax signatures and juvenile
name-calling, and by peddling wildly false conspiracy theories about AIER's funding (the primary
instigator of both tactics, ironically, was a UK blogger known for promoting
9/11 Truther conspiracies ). But the lockdowners also adopted another narrative: they began
to deny that lockdowns were even on the table.
Nobody was considering bringing back the lockdowns from the spring, they insisted. Arguing
against the politically unpopular shelter-in-place orders in the fall only served the purpose
of undermining public support for narrower and more temperate restrictions. The Great
Barrington authors, we were told, were arguing with a "strawman" from the past.
Over the next several weeks in October a dozen or more prominent epidemiologists, public
health experts, and journalists peddled the "lockdowns are a
strawman" line . The "strawman" claim saw promotion in top outlets including the New
York Times , and in an op-ed by two
principle co-signers of the John Snow Memorandum, a competing petition that lockdown
supporters drafted as a response to the Great Barrington Declaration.
The message was clear: the GBD was sounding a false alarm against policies from the past
that the lockdowners "reluctantly" supported in the spring as an emergency measure but had no
intention of reviving. By early November, the "strawman" of renewed lockdowns became a reality
in dozens of countries across the globe – often cheered on by the very same people who
used the "strawman" canard in October.
Several US states followed suit including California, which imposed severe restrictions on
private gatherings up to and including meeting your own family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
And a few weeks after that, some of the very same epidemiologists who used the "strawman" line
in October revised their own positions after the fact. They started claiming they had supported a
second lockdown all along, and began blaming the GBD for
impeding their efforts to impose them at an earlier date. In short, the entire "lockdowns are a
strawman" narrative was false. And it now appears that more than a few of the scientists who
used it were actively lying about their own intentions in October.
Anthony Fauci touts New York as a model for Covid containment (June-December)
By all indicators, New York state has suffered one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the
world. Its year-end mortality rate of almost 1,900 deaths per million residents
every single country in the world. The state famously bungled its nursing home response
when Governor Andrew Cuomo forced these facilities to readmit Covid-positive patients as a way
to relieve strains on hospitals. The policy backfired as most hospitals never reached capacity,
but the readmissions introduced the virus into vulnerable nursing home populations resulting in
widespread fatalities (to this day
New York intentionally undercounts nursing home fatalities by excluding residents who are
moved to a hospital from its reported numbers, further obscuring the true toll of Cuomo's
New York has also fared poorly during the fall "second wave" despite reimposing harsh
restrictions and regional lockdown measures. By mid-December, its death rate shot far above the
mostly-open state of Florida, which has the closest comparable population size to New York. All
things considered, New York's weathering of the pandemic is an exemplar of what not to do.
Cuomo's policies not only failed to contain the virus – they likely made it far more
deadly to vulnerable populations. Enter Anthony Fauci, who has been asked multiple times in the
press what a model Covid response policy would look like. He gave his
first answer on July 20th : "We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those
cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York."
Fauci was operating under the assumption that New York, despite its bad run in the spring,
had successfully brought the pandemic under control through its aggressive lockdowns and slow
reopening. One might think that the fall rebound in New York, despite locking down again, would
call this conclusion into question. Not so much for Dr. Fauci, who told the
Wall Street Journal on December 8 : "New York got hit really badly in the beginning" but
they did "a really good job of keeping things down, and still, their level is low compared to
the rest of the country."
Dr. Anthony Fauci,
the epidemiologist revered almost religiously as a hero by mainstream media outlets and
Democrat politicians, has admitted that he lied to Americans to manipulate their acceptance of
a new Covid-19 vaccine.
The intentional deception involved estimates for what percentage of the population will need
to be immunized to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19 and enable a return to normalcy.
Earlier this year, Fauci said 60-70 percent – a typical range for such a virus –
but he moved the goalposts to 70-75 percent in television interviews about a month ago. Last
week, he
told CNBC that the magic number would be around "75, 80, 85 percent."
When pressed on the moving target in a New York Times interview
, Fauci said he purposely revised his estimates gradually. The newspaper, which posted the
article on Thursday, said Fauci changed his answers partly based on "science" and partly on his
hunch "that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks."
"When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd
immunity would take 70 to 75 percent," Fauci said.
Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, 'I can nudge
this up a bit,' so I went to 80, 85.
Fauci added that he doesn't know the real number but believes the range is 70-90 percent. He
said it may take nearly 90 percent, but he won't give that number because Americans might be
discouraged, knowing that voluntary acceptance won't be high enough to reach that goal.
... ... ...
But the doctor's changing story on herd immunity is only the latest in a series of Covid-19
flip-flops, including 180-degree shifts on such core issues as whether members of the general
public should wear masks and whether children should be sent back to school.
Just as his tone on herd immunity changed, his view on prospects for a return to normalcy
shifted dramatically. A few days before the November 3 presidential election, he echoed Biden's
gloomy Covid-19 outlook and implied that the Democrat challenger would deal with the crisis
more seriously than President Donald Trump. After the election, he turned far more
... ... ...
"This is not the first time that Fauci has admitted to deceiving the public for
utilitarian purposes in regard to coronavirus," journalist Ari Hoffman tweeted . Another
observer agreed, pointing out Fauci's flip-flop on masks. "The fact that people still listen to
these experts is the most worrying thing," he said.
Setting expectations for getting economic activity back to normal is virtually impossible
without realistic projections for the vaccination rate that would provide herd immunity. Dr.
Moncef Slaoui, chief scientific adviser for the Trump administration's vaccine rollout,
said in late November
that "true herd immunity" would take place without about 70 percent of Americans being
inoculated, which might be achieved by sometime in May 2021.
Fauci's admitted Covid-19 deception is symptomatic of how government officials
"infantilize the American people," one commenter said . "We're going to
be in trouble when we don't have Trump to blame everything on and people have to find a way to
Marek Weglinski 22 hours ago 24 Dec, 2020 09:09 PM
Dr. FRAUDCI is the face of chaotic, contradictory and completely bungled approach to this
pandemic, in the country which infamously claims the top spot of the number of the dead and
infected. Not any hero (what did he contribute beside the lies and misinformation?), and
definitely nothing to celebrate. His leadership and that of most other decision makers',
thoroughly failed the American people, during this challenging time. The real heroes are the
UNKNOWN, -those who put their lives on line to save others (mostly medical personnel).
It's me 23 hours ago 24 Dec, 2020 08:32 PM
And the next day, Dr Fraudci did a video: Had a good nights sleep, but the arm was a bit sore
(grabbing his RIGHT arm) but it's not that bad. Really, you can't remember which arm you got
Jabbed after 1 day. Normally you can't move the arm that gets jabbed with a needle without a
lot of pain.
ClairvoyantHW It's me 4 hours ago 25 Dec, 2020 03:39 PM
I don't unterstand why they can't use a real placebo in the studies when Fauci just recieved
Fauci is presented as trustworthy, intelligent and a hero, all because of his status as part of the Authority: The WHO, Bill Gates,
Economic Forum & Fauci
Healthy Jean
751 subscribers
If you want to find out more about the
Sorry, but I do not have more context about this video. I will tell you that Kary hated Fauci because Fauci is one of the
main people behind the AIDS scam. Read here straight from Kary's website
On AIDS Regarding AIDS I have published a hypothesis wherein the Retroviridae in general, rather than a particular species,
is the problem. This was published in Genetica 95:195- 197, 1995. It offers a mechanism for how the disease develops, and
importantly makes predictions that can be experimentally confirmed or falsified easily in rodents. This hypothesis may or
may not be true but it illustrates the nature of a useful scientific hypothesis. This is in contrast to the current AIDS
establishment's "It's the virus, stupid!" No experiments were ever done or even suggested to test the HIV hypothesis. The
fact that antiretroviral therapies may prolong the lives of some people infected with retroviruses says nothing more than
the fact, that. in other cases they are not at all useful. Something is going on here that we don't understand. Scientists
have to keep that in mind. If you want to see another great video on this topic of Kary then go
It talks about how the PCR is not really a test. He clearly states the PCR is not being misused. What Fauci and the others
are doing is amplifying the tests beyond what should be done. The issue is they use these results as is they are meaningful
is the problem. He also states that the measurement is not exact. He is clearly talking about how the results are being
used to say someone has AIDS when they clearly do not. Again, the interpretations are the issue. The PCR not meant to
diagnose, period.
Here is a link to a larger excerpt of this interview.
However, this isn't the entire interview. I will try to find the entire interview.... everyone start searching. In any
case, I think THIS part of it might not be in the link I just posted (I haven't checked yet). Because a few months ago I
watched this video and I don't remember him going after Fauci this hard. But I will rewatch it to see. We need to find the
original video interview as a whole, that would be best.
Are not so called asymptomatic cases mostly a side effect of excessive amplifications in PcR
tests? So they are healthy people who were "false positives" in PcR test. If this is true they
present no danger.
Thanks in part to a massive investment in research by the British government, a lot of
interesting data has come out of the UK, including a study which supposedly found evidence that
immunity to
COVID 'degrades' in the months after infection . Now, other studies have come to
seemingly contradictory conclusions . It's just another reminder how fraught and
complicated the process of study and research can be during an unprecedented pandemic.
It should also be a reminder, particularly as all the world's top COVID-vaccine
manufacturers reassure the public that their vaccines will work against the more infectious
mutated strains allegedly discovered in the UK and South Africa, among other places, that the
leading scientific and public health authorities aren't always 100% certain when it comes to -
as they like to call it - "the science".
Some members of the public might remember all the way back in February and January when
public officials first speculated that mass mask-wearing might not be that helpful unless
individuals were actually sick. They famously back-tracked on that, and - for that, and other
reasons - decided that we should all wear masks, and that lockdowns were more or less the best
solution to the problem, even as millions of Americans continued to flout the new "rules"
But for those who don't, this paper makes one thing clear: For all the talk in the press
about asymptomatic people being infectious, which included a heavy-handed rebuke of a WHO
scientist who nonchalantly said a few months back that asymptomatic people don't spread the
virus as effectively, there haven't been many large-sample-size longer-term studies that study
how "asymptomatic" patients actually spread the virus vs. how "symptomatic" patients do, since
most public health agencies don't even collect data on whether people who test positive are
asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, or symptomatic (a specification which, as most people probably
know by now, can vary widely).
Since the pandemic has only been ongoing for less than a year now, researchers have instead
tried conducting "meta studies" - that is, comparing data collected in dozens of studies
examining some aspect of the virus's functionality. In the paper noted above which examined 54
separate studies with nearly 78K total participants, the authors claim that "The lack of
substantial transmission from observed asymptomatic index cases is notable...These findings are
consistent with other household studies reporting asymptomatic index cases as having limited
role in household transmission."
This is of course not the first time we have heard this. Aside from the WHO scientist
example cited above, two British scientists recently published an editorial in the BMJ
imploring scientists to rethink how the virus spreads "asymptomatically".
That's not to say that asymptomatic people can't spread the virus, it's just to say that
maybe there is a significant difference in risk levels in terms of exposure . Of course, public
health officials at this point seem to be afraid to acknowledge anything that questions the
notion that everybody is potentially a threat. To be clear, the WHO's current guidance on the
issue is that "while someone who never develops symptoms can also pass the virus to others, it
is still not clear to what extent this occurs, and more research is needed in this area" - but
at this point, they have changed their guidance and flip-flopped so many times, who even knows,
understands or cares what they say?
Anyway, it's just some more food for thought next time somebody tries to lecture you about
"the science".
adr 1 hour ago (Edited) remove link
Asymptomatic people can not spread a viral infection.
This was considered fact until 2020.
valjoux7750 1 hour ago
Friend of mine passed away from non covid illness and the hospital offered to pay all his
medical bills if allowed to record as covid. His wife accepted.
Robespierre2020 23 minutes ago
They will never, ever admit that asymptomatic actually means false positive. They must
keep the case count up at all costs to keep stoking the fear.
Itchy and Scratchy 1 hour ago
The Big Lie is mutating quickly! Hide the women & children!
Newstarmistagain 1 hour ago
Anybody else get the feeling that this coronavirus nonsense is really nothing more than a
huge Pavlovian experiment being conducted on the entire population? You do realize that
Pavlov's dogs ended up catatonic, and in a state of perpetual fear, eh goiyim cattle?
PanGlossius 1 hour ago
Right on. This smells like the brute simplicity of Skinner or Pavlov programming. Crude,
careless, short time horizon. Like the practitioners are just running out the clock.
namrider 1 hour ago remove link
Conflicting reports and information because it = PSYOP
MrBoompi 33 minutes ago
What is a "covid patient"? Someone who tested positive? The pcr test doesn't detect live
viruses. Why would someone who is not sick, aka asymptomatic, be considered a patient?
If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic
material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by "cycling." (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is
converted to DNA in order to be detected, it's just the way the test works) This is how we
have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works
because if you amplify and cycle enough times to "grow" legitimate DNA fragments, you get
something with with a fair amount of specificity. W hat is becoming more and more apparent is
that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot
function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period.
When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique
does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active "symptomatic" infection. It
simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for
each patient. It turns out, if you "cycle" over around 25 times, the false positivity of
COVID infection starts getting very high.
I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a
simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with
very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to
"diagnose" if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to
detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but
as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some
confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we
walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes
which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim
that that individual was an infected patient? No!
So given all that, PeakProsperity's Chris
Martenson explains below , in great details, the answer to the most important question you
should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result .
"What's the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?"
Sounds wonky but it's actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone
is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.
Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any
clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.
The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT
values that are very high. Too high.
Jon Rappoport (excellent blog) nails it in some of his recent posts.
"July 16, 2020, podcast, 'This Week in Virology': Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the
PCR Covid test is useless and misleading when the test is run at '35 cycles or higher.' A
positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.
"Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci's key quote: ' If you get [perform the
test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more the chances of it being replication-competent [aka
accurate] are miniscule you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result]
from a 37 threshold cycle even 36 '
"Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be
wrongly interpreted as relevant.
"That's called a false positive.
"What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public
use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.
"Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly
participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because millions of Americans are being
told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and
"The total number of Covid cases in America -- which is based on the test -- is a gross
"The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case
GenuineAmerican 3 hours ago
Fauci has lied again the PCR maximum cycle for a accurate test results is 25 NOT 35. PCR
is run, or should be run at 21-25 cycles everything else will give a false positive. Had a
friend in Scottsdale MAYO. I had to go to this god-forsaken place to get him out. They were
running the PCR at 42 cycles to keep him in the hospital because he had very, very good UNION
insurance!! The health industries are all crooks, lying to people to get more money being
paid to the orgainizations by the feds.
BaNNeD oN THe RuN 7 hours ago
IQ tests were always seriously flawed, just like the PCR test
2015: 2,602,000
2016: 2,744,248
2017: 2,649,000
2018: 2,839,205
2019: 2,909,000
According to usalivestats(dot)com, there are 2,486,700 so far this year. There could be a lag
in reports, but I doubt enough to fulfill their doomsday claims. The CDC still admits only 6%
of these "COVID" are without 2 or more comorbidities, so that's about 25,000 or so. This is a
mild flu season. Here are the recent flu numbers:
2010: 36,656
2011: 12,447
2012: 42,570
2013: 37,930
2014: 51,376
2015: 22,705
2016: 38,230
2017: 61,099
2018: 34,157
choctaw charley 5 hours ago remove link
so what's the purpose behind the bogus plandemic. In order to institute a one world
plantation several things have to happen. Foremost is the sense of "nationhood". a nation can
be thought of as modeled on the family unit. We look similar, we share religious beliefs,
economic and political views and we have a common history which we take pride in. We trust
rely on and help another. If you have half a brain you don't need me to describe how all
these are under attack. So how does the plandemic play into this? Yesterday you neighbor was
your neighbor. Today he is behind a mask because the government tells you that he is a threat
to you and your family and you to his! The plandemic was used to to hugely expand the mail-in
ballot fraud further driving in the wedge suspicion. Then there is this: when you get your
covid test there will be a permanent file created with your name on it. It will contain your
genetic code and the test result. this will become the social register that is all over
Europe. Get a traffic ticket; late in making a payment; engage in disapproved political
activity as I am doing at this moment? All these will find their way into your file and will
in the future determine the rate you pay on your home mortgage whether you can be employed in
a government job, what you have to endure to board a commercial aircraft etc. There is also a
great likelihood that contained in the vaccine will be a tracking component. Consider also
population segment most vulnerable to covid: older retired people drawing on an already
bankrupt social security ponzi scheme. Hitler referred to these as "Useless Eaters". He had a
system in place to rid society of these. Later these faciliries were expanded to include the
Jewish population.
flyonmywall 9 hours ago
I've done lots of PCR in my life. If you have to do over 35 cycles to detect or amplify
something, you're probably barking up the wrong tree or there is something wrong with your
Once you ramp up the cycles to past 35-40 cycles, you're just amplifying non-specific
competing amplification products, of which there are always some.
You could have the best designed primers in the world, there is always some random ****
that happens to get amplified at high cycle counts.
Zero-Hegemon 4 hours ago
False positives are beneficial for obtaining COVID money and creating hysteria.
KimAsa 9 hours ago (Edited)
these psychopaths have redesignated the normal course of annual deaths from heart disease,
and other common ailments that old people die from, to Covid 19, to create the illusion of a
deadly pandemic. they claim to have isolated this virus out of one side of their mouth, out
the the other side they claim it has mutated (how many times?) so can't produce proof that
this virus even exists. and out of their ******* they claim to have developed a vaccine?
this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public for free moral agency
Ride_the_kali_yuga 9 hours ago
Covid "tests" are an efficient way to feed the false pandemic narrative with nonsensical
numbers of "contaminations". Masks are a mark of submission.
africoman 9 hours ago
Re-posting someone's comment from this article
If the masks work -- Why the six feet?
If the six feet works -- Why the masks?
If both of the above work -- Why the lockdowns?
If all three of the above work -- Why the vaccine?
If the vaccine is safe -- Why protect it with a no liability clause?
If the vaccine is safe---Why not test it on animals first before using it on
If SARS-CoV-2 exists -- Why has it never been isolated?
If SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated -- How can an effective vaccine be
If the RT-PCR test works -- Why so many false positives?
If Kary Mullis, the inventor of the RT-PCR test who conveniently died in August 2019,
says his test shouldn't be used to diagnose infectious diseases -- Why use it to detect
If there is an epidemic---Why so many empty hospitals?
If large numbers of people are dying from SARS-CoV-2---Why so many fake causes of death
on death certificates?
If SARS-CoV-2 exists -- Why give doctors financial incentives to diagnose
If the official COVID-19 narrative is defensible -- Why censor people who dispute this
by John Wear, (retired) lawyer, accountant, and author.
Excellent points, now let's threw a monkey wrench in it to the Operation Warp Speed
Schooey 6 hours ago
Its all BS
KimAsa 9 hours ago (Edited)
these psychopaths have redesignated the normal course of annual deaths from heart disease,
and other common ailments that old people die from, to Covid 19, to create the illusion of a
deadly pandemic. they claim to have isolated this virus out of one side of their mouth, out
the the other side they claim it has mutated (how many times?) so can't produce proof that
this virus even exists. and out of their ******* they claim to have developed a vaccine?
this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public for free moral agency
Ms No 8 hours ago
They actually murdered people with the lockdown too though. Knowingly and
premeditated...certainly some of those were also declared covid.
smacker 8 hours ago
" this is and always has been about the vaccinating the public "
That has become clear. What we are only now slowing learning is what the sinister motive
kellys_eye 9 hours ago
Is the test for Covid or Covid-19. Can it tell the difference? The 'normal' flu and
influenza are both corona viruses and this is the 'high season' for such cases in the
Northern hemisphere.
Strangely (or not) the incidence of actual flu and influenza are suspiciously MUCH lower
than they should be.
Ergo - tests that prove 'positive' for Covid are likely either false OR reporting on the
The LIES keep mounting and mounting.
Harry Tools 5 hours ago
there is no pandemic
RedNeckMother 3 hours ago
I will add another: FDA: 40 recommendation for testing
And let's not forget the comments by Fauci that if they're testing at 35 they're going to
get a lot of false positives.
There's an attorney in Ohio who has filed a FOI to obtain all the ct levels used by the
labs testing in Ohio. It will be very interesting once that is revealed - I'm sure our
governor already knows the answer. If I recall, the NYT itself did an article on this very
topic awhile back and estimated that 90% of the positive results in CT and NY were bogus. And
going from 40 to 35 I believe reduces positives by 63%.
We're being played.
MoreFreedom 5 hours ago remove link
Dr. Martenson's videos are very good. He's clear.
As for "the science" and scientists, we all make mistakes. If we didn't make mistakes, we
wouldn't have scientists pointing out other scientist's mistakes. But it's not a question of
whose science is correct, it's that science is no excuse for taking away peoples'
SRV 7 hours ago
The inventor of the test (Dr Kary Mullis) was very outspoken that it was NOT developed for
human virus confirmation...he died of cancer just weeks before the first Covid cases
The test procedure was developed as a screening tool in lab research, and he won a Nobel
Prize for it!
It's in your face proof of the scam we're all being subjected to that almost no one ever
questioned (brilliant move really)... ONE cycle above 35 (each cycle doubles the
amplification) will explode the the false positives.
And... if you have no symptoms you DO NOT have the virus (remember how much play the
"asymptomatic" BS story got early on... another psyop). Notice how none of the athletes never
get sick and are back in two weeks... yet it's never questioned by a soul paid to look the
other way!
smacker 9 hours ago
" What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed
as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having
a huge amount of false positives, period. "
This is not knew and didn't need to become "more and more apparent".
The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis is on video record stating it. Sadly his
knowledge has been wilfully ignored by the political elites and countless talking heads
and "experts" because it doesn't suit them and didn't fit their agenda.
It's time to prepare the gallows and stock up with rope.
smacker 7 hours ago remove link
The PCR test is used precisely because it can be manipulated to produce as many "cases" as
Just turn the dial up on "amplification cycles" and hey presto, you get as many positives
as you want.
The cases are not genuine cases but simply PCR positive tests, but are reported as "cases"
and then
"infections" by MSM who are "In On It".
The idea is "FEAR Management" which allows draconian CovID rules like lockdowns and tiers
social distancing to be introduced which accustoms people to being managed and
It then ramps up demand for vaccines which is the ultimate objective. Initially (or soon
after), the
vaccines will contain nano-technology - dust-chips - which will be used for surveillance and
Some say they will also contain ingredients to render people infertile (ie population
We are seeing in plain sight the biggest coup ever against mankind.
It must be stopped.
smacker 7 hours ago remove link
The PCR test is used precisely because it can be manipulated to produce as many "cases" as
Just turn the dial up on "amplification cycles" and hey presto, you get as many positives
as you want.
The cases are not genuine cases but simply PCR positive tests, but are reported as "cases"
and then
"infections" by MSM who are "In On It".
The idea is "FEAR Management" which allows draconian CovID rules like lockdowns and tiers
social distancing to be introduced which accustoms people to being managed and
It then ramps up demand for vaccines which is the ultimate objective. Initially (or soon
after), the
vaccines will contain nano-technology - dust-chips - which will be used for surveillance and
Some say they will also contain ingredients to render people infertile (ie population
We are seeing in plain sight the biggest coup ever against mankind.
considering cuomo was responsible for spreading the virus exponentially in the early days, he probably has had more
influence on all of our lives than the others
Story about Fauci, at least at the time was that it was so hospitals wouldn't be liable for deaths among medical
staff. But I think it was completely bad what both Cuomo and Fauci
Dr. Fauci was the trusted expert who intentionally lied to the American people and made things far worse. Cuomo is
directly responsible for why New York's response to the virus was so bad and cost many lives. Bullshit award.
Stringent COVID-19 control measures were imposed in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8,
2020. Estimates of the prevalence of infection following the release of restrictions could
inform post-lockdown pandemic management. Here, we describe a city-wide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic
acid screening programme between May 14 and June 1, 2020 in Wuhan. All city residents aged
six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated. No new symptomatic
cases and 300 asymptomatic cases (detection rate 0.303/10,000, 95% CI
0.270–0.339/10,000) were identified. There were no positive tests amongst 1,174
close contacts of asymptomatic cases. 107 of 34,424 previously recovered COVID-19
patients tested positive again (re-positive rate 0.31%, 95% CI 0.423–0.574%). The
prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Wuhan was therefore very low five to eight weeks
after the end of lockdown.
my emphasis
This study comes supporting early (June 2020) official statements by WHO where:
We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing.
They're following asymptomatic cases, they're following contacts and they're not finding
secondary transmission onward. It's very rare and much of that is not published in the
literature. From the papers that are published there's one that came out from Singapore
looking at a long-term care facility. There are some household transmission studies where
you follow individuals over time and you look at the proportion of those that transmit
onwards.We are constantly looking at this data and we're trying to get more information
from countries to truly answer this question. It still appears to be rare that an
asymptomatic individual actually transmits onward.
There existing or not "asymptomatic transmission" is a key piece of information because
there lies the fundamental justification for isolation measures imposed on asymptomatic
individuals with positive rtPCR test results. Further, without asymptomatic transmission,
general confinements can not be scientifically justified for the purposes of slowing
down/flattening the curve as has been claimed .
This recenters the pandemic response where it should be all along: properly diagnosed
It is very curious that no later than 24 hours, WHO, was backtracking on the original statements ,
letting us know that models [as opposed to actual epidemiological studies] suggest otherwise
but since they were models they were not mentioned. I'll chalk that up as excess zeal at
The supplementary material the study published in Nature was also revealing in terms of
the rtPCR testing protocol, which employed, following Chinese National Guidelines, Ct values
of ~35/34 (ORF and N genes respectively) on average. This arcs back to the question that has
been haunting us, why are these tests being threshold at such high Ct values. In the Chinese
case there appears to be an explanation. As the very title of the study mentions, these
are tests made for screening purposes not diagnostic .
The following is very enlightening, contrast the following case definitions:
Mild case The clinical symptoms are mild and no pneumonia manifestations can be
found in imaging .
Moderate case
Patients have symptoms such as fever and respiratory tract symptoms etc., and pneumonia
manifestations can be seen in imaging .
Severe case
Patients who meet any of the following criteria: dyspnea or respiratory rate ≥30
breaths/min; oxygen saturation ≤93% at a rest state; arterial partial pressure of oxygen
(PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2) ≤300 mmHg. Patients with >50% lesions progression
within 24 to 48 hours in lung imaging should be treated as severe cases.
Critical case
Patients who meet any of the following criteria: occurrence of respiratory failure
requiring mechanical ventilation; presence of shock; other organ failure that requires
monitoring and treatment in the Intensive Care Unit.[at this severity they apparently
dispense with imaging]
Clinically-diagnosed cases
The clinically-diagnosed cases were only allowed for the cases in the Hubei Province for
the period of February 9 to 19 based on the 5th edition of the Scheme released by the
National Health Commission of China released on February 8 and abolished on February 19. A
presumptive case was defined as meeting the following criteria: (1) recent travel history
to Wuhan City or Hubei Province; or close contact with a confirmed or probable case; or
cluster transmission; (2) fever and/or respiratory symptoms; (3) laboratory evidence of
normal or decreased number of leukocytes and/or lymphopenia. Those presumptive cases
with further radiographic evidence showing pneumonia but without a positive RT-PCR test
result were defined as clinically-diagnosed cases .
my emphasis
The take away: The Chinese rely on radiological imaging to confirm COVID-19 cases NOT on
rtPCR tests which they limit for screening purposes, as opposed to the European which use
radiological imaging to define a probable case and rtPCR testing to confirm. The Chinese
rely on a tried and tested method for confirming diagnostic and the European rely fallible
method generaly used for screening to confirm diagnostic .
This whole coronavirus thingy is becoming ridiculous. I don't think it's a complete fake ;
yes, there is coronavirus named COVID-19, yes it is highly contagious, yes it's a health
But to sum it up, we have here a new coronavirus which is slightly more dangerous than the
flu, which kills practically only very old people with comorbidities, with 99,98% chances
(ok, 99,95% if you like) of surviving it. given these odds, I'll pass on the vaccine, thank
From the beginning, the whole treatment of this thing stank to high heaven. I'm sorry, but
the only meaningful explanation I can give is this one : big pharma and its various shills
(politicians or doctors) recognized the opportunity such a virus would mean ; they then set
out to systematically downplay or kill any possibility of cheap and effective treatments, and
cleverly directed the firehose of dollars which was poured onto the laboratories developing a
Some facts :
- in France, we had two large-scale studies, Discovery and Hycovid, which were started (very
reluctantly) and were pratically forced to include HCQ+AZ in their panel.
- In the weekend following publication of the fraudulent Lancet newspaper, our health
minister ordered a full stop.
- Since then, months have gone by; NOT ONE JOURNALIST has either 1) investigated who were the
accomplices of the Lancet fraud 2) questioned why all national and international authorities
reacted in lockstep 3) and most importantly WHY THE DECISIONS TO STOP THE STUDIES WERE NOT
REVERSED following the Lancet's retractation.
-In October, we learn that the EU Commission gave a cool 1 billion to buy remdesivir. ONE
WEEK before the WHO study concluding on the ineffectiviness of remdesivir came out.
I'm sorry, but this is becoming a little too much. One coincidence OK, but here we are
talking about a string of improbable events, with NO ONE analyzing with a cool head what
happened or reversing decisions that were taken based on obvious frauds.
Three weeks ago, our president solemnly declared that our OR would be saturated in
mid-November with 9000 people under respiratory assistance, no matter what we do. Well here
were are, and the tally is 4.800. Not a good situation, but still only half ; and with nobody
pointing out that every winter, our OR are saturated anyway due to the flu and the
I think we should all grow up and do a more level-headed analysis of the pros and cons.
The most ridiculous thing perhaps is to see all those politicos sanctimoniously declare the
sanctity of life ; in a world where you can abort babies at your convenience, practices
eugenics, and where euthanasy is aggressively pushed into the mainstream, this is perhaps the
most hypocritical bullshit I have ever heard.
@Posted by: Avid Lurker | Nov 17 2020 13:53 utc | 117
Meh...Fauci is a political creature who has talked on both sides of his mouth on many
$ubject$, and goes with the (money)flow as long as he can get away with it without reducing
his credibility too much.
I wonder if Fauci is *still* singing the praises of Gilead's remdesivir, that $3K per
treatment apparent snake oil, according to critics:
Dr. Eric Topol, vice president for research at Scripps Research sez:
Most likely a game changer:
Portugiese court rule against PCR-test
Sorry, guys, this is a link to one of the best real-left Corona blogs, but in German
language. In Portugal a court decided that a PCR-test cannot be accepted as a proof of a
viral infection. Now think about its consequences!
The Great Revenge - How Tony Fauci F*cked Donald TrumpLiberty Blogger , Nov
16 2020 20:12 utc |
In January 2017 the CIA claimed that Russia had kompromat on Trump. Trump shot back at the
CIA. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer then
warned the incoming president:
"You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at
you," Schumer, a New York Democrat, told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. "So even for a practical,
supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this."
As the years after the warning passed by it proved to have been valid. The CIA 'whistle
blowers' put a great effort into sabotaging Trump's presidency. But they were largely
The CIA failed to sabotaged Trump's reelection. It was health community, including parts
of Trump's administration, which did that.
Trump had especially angered Dr. Fauci, the well known infectious-disease expert and
member of the government's coronavirus taskforce. Fauci's advise had been ignored and efforts
were made to hold him back from making public pronouncements.
On November 1, two days before the election, Fauci gave a widely distributed
interview to the Washington Post :
President Trump's repeated assertions the United States is "rounding the turn" on the novel
coronavirus have increasingly alarmed the government's top health experts, who say the
country is heading into a long and potentially deadly winter with an unprepared government
unwilling to make tough choices.
"We're in for a whole lot of hurt. It's not a good situation," Anthony S. Fauci, the
country's leading infectious-disease expert, said in a wide-ranging interview late Friday.
"All the stars are aligned in the wrong place as you go into the fall and winter season,
with people congregating at home indoors. You could not possibly be positioned more
Fauci's interview was not the first intervention he made. In October two leading vaccine
companies were ready to announce the success of their vaccine trials. But with at least the
knowledge of Fauci and the Federal Drug Administration both companies deviated from their
clinical protocols to intentionally move their success announcement to a date after the
During the summer Trump had been hopeful that a vaccine against the Covid-19 disease could
be announced before the election. It would have been proof that his strategy to (not) fight
the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had at least one success. The announcement of a vaccine was part of
President Trump's planned 'October
surprises' to win the election.
Trump's summer hope that a vaccine success could be announced during October was not
unreasonable. Two important vaccines candidate, one from Pfizer with BioNTech and one from
Moderna, had been successful tested in their first phases and were ready launch their large
phase 3 trials.
In a phase 3 vaccine trial several ten thousand people are put into two groups. The people
in one group receive the vaccine, the people in the other one a placebo. One then has to wait
and see how many people will get the disease. At certain points a statistical team will look
at those cases and check how many occurred in each group. The differences of the number of
people in each group who catch the disease is a scale for the vaccines efficacy. For a known
group size one can estimate in advance after how many disease cases determinations should be
made to show statistical significance.
Pfizer had published its clinical
protocol for the phase 3 trial which foresaw four points of interim analyses (IA) during
which it would become clear how well the vaccine was working:
During Phase 2/3, 4 IAs are planned and will be performed by an unblinded statistical team
after accrual of 32, 62, 92, and 120 cases. At each IA:
[Vaccine efficacy] for the first primary objective will be evaluated. Overwhelming
efficacy will be declared if the first primary study objective is met. The criteria for
success at an interim analysis are based on the posterior probability (ie,P[VE
>30%|data]) at the current number of cases. Overwhelming efficacy will be declared if
the posterior probability is higher than the success threshold. The success threshold for
each interim analysis will be calibrated to protect overall type I error at 2.5%.
Additional details about the success threshold or boundary calculation at each interim
analysis will be provided in the SAP.
The time plan, on which Trump was certainly briefed, foresaw that the first interim
analysis would likely occur in late September or early October.
However Pfizer did not publish
any results when the first two interim analysis points were met. On November 9, after the
election, Pfizer
announced very positive results at the third interim analysis point:
Pfizer and partner BioNTech said Monday that their vaccine against Covid-19 was strongly
effective, exceeding expectations with results that are likely to be met with cautious
excitement -- and relief -- in the face of the global pandemic.
The vaccine is the first to be tested in the United States to generate late-stage data.
The companies said an early analysis of the results showed that individuals who received
two injections of the vaccine three weeks apart experienced more than 90% fewer cases of
symptomatic Covid-19 than those who received a placebo.
The story of how the data have been analyzed seems to include no small amount of drama.
The first analysis was to occur after 32 volunteers -- both those who received the vaccine
and those on placebo -- had contracted Covid-19. If fewer than six volunteers in the group
who received the vaccine had developed Covid-19, the companies would make an announcement
that the vaccine appeared to be effective. The study would continue until at least 164
cases of Covid-19 -- individuals with at least one symptom and a positive test result --
had been reported.
However, the announcement at the two first interim analysis points was never made.
[William Gruber, Pfizer's senior vice president of vaccine clinical research and
development,] said that Pfizer and BioNTech had decided in late October that they wanted to
drop the 32-case interim analysis . At that time, the companies decided to stop having
their lab confirm cases of Covid-19 in the study , instead leaving samples in storage. The
FDA was aware of this decision. Discussions between the agency and the companies concluded,
and testing began this past Wednesday. When the samples were tested, there were 94 cases of
Covid in the trial.
This means that the statistical strength of the result is likely far stronger than was
initially expected. It also means that if Pfizer had held to the original plan, the data
would likely have been available in October, as its CEO, Albert Bourla, had initially
In October Pfizer already knew from its first interim analysis that its vaccine was
successful. But it intentionally held back on the announcement of its success. The FDA knew
of this!
Today Moderna announced the success of its Covid-19 vaccine. This is a vaccine in which
Dr. Fauci's organization is directly involved in. It seems that Moderna had, like Pfizer,
held back its very positive results until after the election:
The drugmaker Moderna announced on Monday that its coronavirus vaccine was 94.5 percent
effective, based on an early look at the results from its large, continuing study.
Researchers said the results were better than they had dared to imagine.
Moderna, based in Cambridge, Mass., developed its vaccine in collaboration with researchers
from the Vaccine Research Center, part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the institute, said in an interview: ...
Moderna had planned a first interim analysis of its trial data when the number of Covid-19
cases among participants reached 53. But the recent surge in cases drove the number to 95 ,
and it is likely to speed completion of the study.
Moderna, like Pfizer, skipped the announcement of the results at the first interim
analysis point in its clinical protocol.
The FDA and Dr. Fauci were involved in Pfizer's as well as the Moderna's decision to
deviate from their clinical protocols. Any change in these protocols must get the FDA's
approval. If the companies had not changed their plans the announcement of the good efficacy
of both vaccines' would have come before the election.
Trump's well planed vaccine 'October surprise' was sabotaged by two pharmaceutical
companies with at least the approval of Dr. Fauci and the FDA.
This might well have cost him his reelection.
It was the health community that really had 'six ways from Sunday' to get back at
Posted by b on November 16, 2020 at 19:54 UTC | Permalink
How many ways did the vultures steal the US election?
The Big Guy will ensure Americans continue to pay twice as much for pharmaceuticals. His
10% is doubled too, after all.
The Corporate State envelopes the administrators of the MSM, Medical and Academic
Institutions, and State and Local Governments, in order to create and enforce a largely
fictitious health emergency -- the latest in a series of Disaster Capitalist scenarios
designed to rob us blind.
"... A staggering 9.2 million jobs could be lost in the U.S. Travel & Tourism sector in 2020 if barriers to global travel remain in place, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) revealed. ..."
A staggering 9.2 million jobs could be lost in the U.S. Travel & Tourism sector in
2020 if barriers to global travel remain in place, the World Travel & Tourism Council
(WTTC) revealed.
The new figure comes from WTTC's latest economic modelling, which looks at the punishing
impact of COVID-19 and travel restrictions on the Travel & Tourism sector.
According to the latest data, 7.2 million jobs in the U.S. have been impacted. If there is
no immediate alleviation of restrictions on international travel, as many as 9.2 million jobs
– more than half of all jobs supported by the sector in the U.S. in 2019 – would be
WTTC has identified the four top priorities which should be addressed, including the
adoption of a comprehensive and cost-effective testing regime at departure to avoid
transmission, the re-opening of key 'air corridors' such as between New York and London, and
international coordination.
The challenge of restoring safe travels in the new normal is one of the biggest issues
facing the U.S. as it grapples with a depressed economy devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic,
which has hit the Travel & Tourism sector particularly hard.
The WTTC Economic Impact Report for 2019 revealed that Travel & Tourism contributed
$1.84 trillion to the U.S. economy and was responsible for more than one in 10 (10.7%) American
Intentionally or otherwise, Fauci put his thumb on the electoral scale by painting a
doomsday picture of the nation's Covid-19 outlook and suggesting the Democrat candidate is
more focused on the pandemic than is the Republican incumbent. Asked about differences between
the two on the virus issue, Fauci praised Biden for "taking it seriously from a
public-health perspective," and said Trump looks at it from the standpoint of "the
economy and reopening the country," according to the Post, which published its article
Saturday evening.
Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
echoed Biden's predictions of a "dark winter," saying, "We're in for a whole lot of
hurt. All the stars are aligned in the wrong place as you go into the fall and winter season,
with people congregating at home indoors. You could not possibly be positioned more
The doctor didn't specifically attribute his gloomy assessment to Trump's policies, but
Biden has made the virus outbreak the centerpiece of his campaign, repeatedly blaming the
president for the nation's Covid-19 death toll, which stands at more than
Fauci complained to the Post that Trump is increasingly leaning on medical adviser
Atlas for advice on the pandemic. "I have real problems with that guy," Fauci said.
"He's a smart guy who's talking about things that I believe he doesn't have any real insight
or knowledge or experience in. He keeps talking about things that, when you dissect it out and
parse it out, it doesn't make any sense."
Fauci said in April that Trump had immediately backed all the Covid-19 mitigation
recommendations made to him by US public health officials, including Fauci himself. In
September, he said the president had taken the outbreak very seriously from the beginning.
White House spokesman Judd Deere blasted Fauci for "choosing three days before an
election to play politics," after previously praising Trump's actions.
"As a member of the (White House coronavirus) task force, Dr. Fauci has a duty to express
concerns or push for a change in strategy, but he's not done that, instead choosing to
criticize the president in the media and make his political leanings known by praising the
president's opponent – exactly what the American people have come to expect from the
swamp," Deere told the Post.
Fauci said in February that the risk of coronavirus in the US was "relatively low,"
and told CBS's 60 Minutes program in March that "people should not be walking around with
masks." By October, he was voicing support for a national mask mandate.
Atlas contended in an interview with RT's Going Underground show
that Covid-19 lockdowns have been an "epic failure" and are "killing people"
without curbing the spread of the virus.
"The public-health leadership have failed egregiously, and they're killing people with
their fear-inducing shutdown policies," Trump's coronavirus adviser said.
Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel took to Twitter to criticize Fauci for attacking
Atlas while offering "zero evidence, data, etc," calling the comments "a little
character-assassination attempt by the tiny totalitarian."
Tweet See new Tweets
TweetJordan Schachtel @JordanSchachtel
· 19h Fauci has complete
breakdown, resorts to crying to the media. Notice his little rant (loaded with extreme amounts
of professional jealousy) has zero evidence, data, etc. A little character assassination
attempt by the tiny totalitarian. Quote Tweet Maggie Haberman
@maggieNYT · 21h "I have real problems with that guy," Fauci said of Atlas. "He's a
smart guy who's talking about things that I believe he doesn't have any real insight or
knowledge or experience in...when you dissect it out and parse it out, it doesn't make any
sense." https:// washingtonpost.com/politics/fauci
-covid-winter-forecast/2020/10/31/e3970eb0-1b8b-11eb-bb35-2dcfdab0a345_story.html 18
After Dr. Anthony
Fauci gave an interview in which he claimed the White House was controlling his media
appearances, the president lashed out at him, even taking to comparing how each of them throws
a baseball.
"Dr.Tony Fauci says we don't allow him to do television, and yet I saw him last night on
@60Minutes," Trump tweeted on Monday, referencing the interview where Fauci made his claims
about being limited in who he can talk to.
"He seems to get more airtime than anybody since the late, great, Bob Hope," the
president added, referencing the late comedian known for his near-constant rotation on
television while he was alive.
Trump said he wants Fauci to "make better decisions" and claimed the original
strategy to defeat the pandemic suggested by Fauci was "no masks & let China
... ... ...
In the campaign call, Trump reportedly called Fauci a "disaster" and said people are
tired of coronavirus and hearing from "Fauci and all these idiots."
While Fauci has been frequently criticized by conservatives for his support of lockdowns to
battle Covid-19, his popularity with Democrats has been growing. Presidential candidate Joe
Biden has said he would give Fauci the opportunity to continue working with the White House on
the pandemic if he won the election.
Thus, Democrats have not taken Trump's latest criticisms of the doctor all that well with
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and others targeting the president on social media.
"After deceptively using Dr. Fauci's words in a TV ad last week, now Trump is attacking
him as a 'disaster.' For what? For telling the truth. We all know who the disaster is here, Mr.
President. You," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California) tweeted .
Biden also released a statement condemning Trump's Fauci comments and claiming he is waving
the "white flag" on the pandemic.
garyo550 1 hour ago Some time ago-this year-Fauci
was outed as having endorsed, 15 years ago, Hydroxychlorquine as a drug that would kill AIDS,
Ebola, SARS and a legion of other bugs. What has changed? Filthy lucre is one reason touted.
During a conference call with campaign staff that White House reporters were bizarrely
allowed to listen in on, President Trump complained that "there's a bomb" every time Dr.
Anthony Fauci goes on television, which is most days.
This is far from the first time President Trump has complained about the good doctor. But it
might be the first time he's offered some direct commentary on exactly why he won't fire Dr.
Fauci, even as Trump seems to have moved on with a new COVID-19 advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas, who has
faced persecution by Big Tech for his views on how to approach COVID-19.
Though he conceded that the good doctor is "a nice guy" who has "been around for 500 years",
Trump said the problem with Dr. Fauci is that every time he goes on TV "there's a bomb", yet if
you fire him, "there's an even bigger bomb".
"People are saying whatever...just leave us alone. People are tired of COVID... People are
tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong...every time he goes
on television there's always a bomb, but there's a bigger bomb if you fire him. This guy's a
With less than 3 weeks to go before election day, Trump also asserted that the American people
are moving on from COVID-19 as cases rebound, while hospitalizations are also starting to creep
higher. However, so far at least, deaths have been mostly subdued.
Confirming that he was speaking mostly off the cuff, Trump added after that if there was a
reporter on the call (he didn't seem to realize that multiple WH reporters were apparently
listening) they could report it "just how I said it."
"If there's a reporter on you can have it just the way I said it, I couldn't care less,"
Trump said.
The NYT also brought up an interview with Dr. Fauci on '60 Minutes' last night where the
doctor refuted Trump's claims that the end of the outbreak is just around the corner.
Trump also reportedly called an NYT article claiming Trump was becoming increasingly
dissatisfied with some of his aides - which followed Trump hinting that he might not bring back
AG Bill Barr if elected for a second term due to his inability to charge any of the FBI officials
involved with Operation Crossfire Hurricane despite the mountain of evidence suggesting some
skulduggery was afoot as the FBI tried to put together an "insurance policy" to protect the
nation from Trump.
"I love Mark Meadows," Trump reportedly said (the NYT report focused on frictions between the
president and his chief of staff).
Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories.
Finally, Trump also told staff that the Wall Street Journal - which is controlled by Rupert
Murdoch, who also owns and controls the New York Post, the paper the published the string of
damning reports about Hunter Biden's influence-peddling abroad - is working on "an important
artvandalai , 5 hours ago
....If there's a reporter on you can have it just the way I said it, I couldn't care less,"
Trump said.
And that, my friends, is why Trump won the first time and will win again.
He was APPOINTED to lead Trump's Corona virus task force.
spqrusa , 3 hours ago
Trump did not appoint Fauci - Fauci is a permanent fixture in government protected from
firing by your know... "laws"
What a crock - the President HAS the Authority under the Constitution to FIRE ANYONE under
his command.
Les D , 3 hours ago
Yup, sure did, and too many others.
Wray, Barr, Bolton, Kelly, McMaster, Sessions, Tillerson, Cohn, Mattis, Kelly, Mooch,
Kiersten and her successor McAleenan; CIA Brennan lap dancer Haspel; promoted Rosenstein to 1st
Asst who then took over; Minarosa or whatever her name was.
Add who I'm forgetting. The worst performance of any president, brings in one snake after
another. Gorsuch will be the next one that becomes obvious. His first majority opinion sounded
the alarm. PT, Gorsuch said publicly Justice Kennedy, a 100% traitor turncoat, who he clerked
for and swore him in, was his Judicial Idol. Donald, duh?
Inept, inattentive, betrayed, too trusting--choose your analysis but his people decisions,
his favorite word: "A disaster".
BaNNeD oN THe RuN , 3 hours ago
Correct, ultimately Dr. Fauci reports to the Director of the Department of Health &
Human Services and Trump could insist that he be fired.
"... and that sumbytch got fired."
Pig Circus , 4 hours ago
Love him or hate him The Trumpster tells it like it is. Most transparent President in
Thousands of Britons who suffer heart attacks and strokes are dying at home instead of
seeking medical treatment, a new study has found, as new government figures show 75,000 are
projected to die as a result of lockdown measures.
Stay-at-home orders prompted countless people suffering from serious medical conditions to
avoid hospitals, according to the study's findings, which were published in the Heart medical
journal and first reported by the Daily Mail. The paper noted that deaths from heart disease in
private homes surged by 35 percent from March to July, resulting in 2,279 more fatalities on
average over the past six years. However, heart and stroke deaths in hospitals dropped by
around 1,400 during the same period, suggesting that some who chose to stay home would have
died anyway even if they had been hospitalized. The researchers calculated that in total, there
were 2,085 excess deaths in England and Wales that could be linked to heart attack and stroke
sufferers who refused to seek out medical treatment. This means that between March 2 and June
30, every day 17 people died needlessly from heart attacks.
American Thinker has run several articles like
this one about Dr. Anthony Fauci's political bias (which is his right). But the Miami
Herald published an article that was aimed at undermining President Trump , which actually
contains compelling evidence that Fauci's bias or ignorance is affecting what he is telling the
American people about Covid-19. In the article,
Dr. Fauci: 'I have to disagree' with Trump on coronavirus , the author writes:
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, disagreed on Friday with
President Donald Trump's assertion that the country is "rounding the corner" on the
coronavirus pandemic.
"I really do believe we're rounding the corner," Trump said
during a White House briefing on Thursday. He added that newweekly cases have gone down
by 44% since July.
"I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that because if you look at the thing that you
just mentioned, the statistics, Andrea, they're disturbing,"
Fauci told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday.
"We're plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000.
From his interview with Andrea Mitchell Friday, the Herald quotes Fauci as stating, "We're
plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000."
In fact, he is very wrong : the average daily new cases for the past two weeks have been
31,411, dramatically less than Fauci's 40,000 number; and the average daily deaths for the past
two-weeks have been 697, a full 30% less than Fauci's 1,000.
More significant, do these graphs of weekly average new cases (blue graph) and deaths (red
graph) from Bloomberg look like we're "plateauing?"
Source: Bloomberg
Fauci has a right and obligation to express his views about the current situation and the
future risks, but he should not mislead the public about the facts.
"We've been through this before," he said. "Don't ever, ever underestimate the potential
of the pandemic. And don't try and look at the rosy side of things."
"I keep looking at that curve, and I get more depressed and more depressed about the fact
that we never really get down to the baseline that I'd like," he said.
EmmittFitzhume , 59 minutes ago
Deep State Fauci has to go. Perhaps to prison
GoldenDebt , 58 minutes ago
Dr FRAUDci is non stop lying and flip-flopping
SMSpiff , 42 minutes ago
It's safe to come out of your basement now, Joe.
Pope Innocent III , 37 minutes ago
The nature of the Fauci scam is the total intentional destruction of induction and
Jerky Miester , 32 minutes ago
You've been ****ting up this board for 3 years 7 months, you little phaqqot. Time to get
out of the basement and earn an honest living....unless you make your bread and beer money
being a pro troll. KYS now.
NotAGenius , 39 minutes ago
This is the legal argument to indict Fauci on mass murder charges, justified but justice
no longer exists in the USA, written by a legal writer. These comments and Fauci's crimes
would convict Fauci of mass murder and sentence him to prison for life:
Zeroes want Fauci's head on a stick...but decry liberals who interfere with the free
speech rights of conservatives on college campuses.
Free speech or no free speech - which is it, Zeroes?
knopperz , 55 minutes ago
The flu vaccination is now 78 years around.
The flu is still there.
Next Stop --> 78 Years wearing a diaper in your face.
Get used to it suckers.
All those people pushing the Corona Narrative should be hanged by the Balls.
CheapBastard , 53 minutes ago
We are obviously rounding the corner with fewer cases and fewer deaths. Most businesses
trying to reopen. Fauci is political hack and was from the start. he's also totally
incompetent or a liar giving Americans completely wrong advice from the start. The MSM loves
him because he's anti-Trump.
2hangmen , 54 minutes ago
Fauci has been wrong since day 1 on Covid. He's done multiple 180s on policies, and the
fact this is NOT a deadly virus in comparison to all other virus outbreaks. He's still
playing politics and he's still making millions from Big Pharma and the Deep State. Fauci,
please say good bye, and ride off into the sunset with your ill gotten gains.
NotAGenius , 44 minutes ago
Trump can't fire Fauci. He is a career government employee. Trump gave him a platform in
the beginning. Trump has been right about Fauci now and mostly about this cold virus too,
advocating the best medicine possible for it - hcq - while Fauci prevented Americans from
getting this cheap commercial safe and effective medical treatment. Fauci has committed mass
murder by withholding a life-saving medicine from Americans. The FDA is criminal too, same
reason. FDA has also been paying hospitals $39,000 for every patient they kill with the fatal
ventilators, killing more than saving according to records. But the government wants more
deaths for bigger numbers. The American medical system is actually a genocidal organization
now, trying to kill as many Americans as possible in many different ways, many associated
with this medical fraud. Fauci should be imprisoned for life were any justice to exist in
America. At best, Trump can minimize and ignore him and arrange for him to have no venue to
spout b.s. and lies publicly. That's what we basically need: Fauci minimized if not
blueapples Staff , 33 minutes ago
Why would he ever fire the fall guy? If he fired him, you'd still have the push for
lockdowns, the policies based on flawed statistical models, and all the other nonsense.
Except then without a guy like Fauci to place blame on, the administrations role in this
becomes much more apparent.
It makes more sense to have a guy like Fauci on board to deflect to, especially given his
career as a government employee, so that it looks like there's some nefarious underlying
force that is working against the administration when the reality is that that nefarious
underlying force is working in tandem with it.
JaWS , 49 minutes ago
Damn the cases. I know about 10 people that have tested positive for covid19. Most cases
are not much more than a cold. Some not even that bad. Look at the deaths. That's where the
narrative should go. They are significantly down from the peak.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert ..."
I have to disagree with this.
SummerSausage , 36 minutes ago
If they left off the word "expert" it would be an accurate statement.
Bollixed , 6 minutes ago
Fauci is an expert. An 'ex' is a has-been and a 'spert' is a drip under pressure. He fits
the bill perfectly.
curtisw , 9 minutes ago
"Because I have a vaccine to peddle."
-- A. Fauci
scottyji , 19 minutes ago
Fauci's narcissisticly obsessed with his "expert image" and his lucrative role as pimp for
Big Pharma = total Napoleon Complex, two-faced, stinkin' bureaucrat of the Deep State.
Ergo I.C. , 28 minutes ago
Because Fauci and his buddy Bill Gates are trying peddle vaccines worth billions of
adr , 39 minutes ago
Since Fauchi is supposedly an expert, maybe he can tell us why people suffering from hay
fever are being told they have Covid.
In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the
effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in
the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis,
we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks (RR
0.78, 95% CI 0.51–1.20; I 2 = 30%, p = 0.25)
Of the 29 studies analyzed by the Lancet meta-study, seven studies are unpublished and
non-peer-reviewed observational studies that should not be used to guide clinical practice
according to the medRxiv disclaimer (references 3, 4, 31, 36, 37, 40 and 70; see table
Of the 29 studies considered by the meta-study, only four are about the SARS-CoV-2
virus ; the other 25 studies are about the SARS-1 virus or the MERS virus, both of which
have very different transmission characteristics: they were transmitted almost exclusively
by severely ill hospitalized patients and not by community transmission.
Of the four studies relating to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, two were misinterpreted by the
Lancet meta-study authors ( refs. 44 and 70 ), one is
inconclusive ( ref. 37 ),
and one is about N95 (FFP2) respirators and not about medical masks or cloth masks (see
detailed analysis below).
The Lancet meta-study is used to guide global facemask policy for the general
population. However, of the 29 studies considered by the meta-study, only three are
classified as relating to a non-health-care (i.e. community) setting . Of these three
studies, one is misclassified ( ref. 50 , relating to a
hospital environment), one showed no benefit of facemasks (
ref. 69 ), and one is a poorly designed retrospective study about SARS-1 in Beijing
based on telephone interviews ( ref. 74 ). None of these
studies refer to SARS-CoV-2.
The authors of the Lancet meta-study acknowledge that the certainty of the evidence
regarding facemasks is "low" as all of the studies are observational and none is a
randomized controlled trial (RCT). The WHO itself admitted that its updated facemask policy
guidelines were based not on new evidence but on "political lobbying" .
In view of these shortcomings, University of Toronto epidemiology professor Peter Jueni
the WHO study "methodologically flawed" and "essentially useless".
In the US state of Kansas , the 90 counties without mask mandates had lower coronavirus
infection rates than the 15 counties with mask mandates. To hide this fact, the Kansas
health department tried to
manipulate the official statistics and data presentation.
Consuelo , 36 minutes ago
Fauci has been torpedoed here --- even without his lying numbers (of cases & deaths).
With the actual non-LYING numbers, he should be stripped of his medical license and
prosecuted for gross negligence, even gross-er Incompetence, and for potential Criminal $Gain
off his rather cozy relationship with Big Pharma and Bill Gates...
This whole thing was a $SCAM of the highest order.
aelfheld , 34 minutes ago
Fauci's a bureaucrat.
Bureaucrats have unqualified immunity.
Everybodys All American , 43 minutes ago
During the Spanish Flu of 1918 no one as I can tell was advocating for everyone to be
vaccinated either for or against their will. That tells you everything about this Dr. Fauci
imo. He should be removed from the planet.
drstrangelove73 , 6 minutes ago
I've posted about Tony several times this year.I spent an academic quarter as a medical
student on his service at the NIH,then saw him again many times in the 80's when I returned
as a fellow.He is a lifelong democrat,and card carrying member of the deep state who has
played politics with the management of viral infections for 40 years.Let that sink in.He has
been the director of the same NIH institute for 40 years.No one else in the history of the institute has been a director
for half that long.You think he doesn't know
how to play the game? _arrow
asteroids , 14 minutes ago
How does Fauci explane Sweden? The number of new cases is very low. Their death rate is
almost zero. Sweden now has herd immunity without a vaccine.
Hyzer , 9 minutes ago
He pretends it doesn't exist, just like the MSM.
TannyDanner , 3 minutes ago
He's trusting the plebs won't do their own research. I'm looking at the data almost daily
and am beyond thankful that Sweden had the balls to go about it the way they did and not bow
down to the bullies.
legalize , 18 minutes ago
Fauci himself has said that asymptomatic cases are "not the driver of infection"
We keep measuring "cases" instead of symptomatic cases
Therefore, I could give **** all about "case numbers"; I want to know about number of
people who are infectious/symptomatic
Useful_Idiot714 , 35 minutes ago
700 mostly old people with other diseases are dying from this each day in a country of
325,000,000. Sounds like we need mail in voting so that the frightened commies can vote early
and often to save us by electing a senile racist rapist pedophile.
SummerSausage , 46 minutes ago
Panic is Fauci's objective.
Democrats love big government which means more power for Fauci, more taxes and less
freedom for you.
Robert Paulson , 30 minutes ago
Panic is too unpredictable, and disruptive.
The "hope" is for respectful, solemn acceptance that Big Brother/Sister can save "us" from
ill health, poverty and international "enemies."
I mean **** was broken across most institutions throughout Western Civilization before the
flu was weaponized into a means of control. But the whole theater has become absurd.
The casedemic is pure and blatant FUD targeted towards Trump and Americans.
JamcaicanMeAfraid , 27 minutes ago
I predict on November 4th and if Dementia Joe is elected Fauci and his super ego will
stand before any microphone put in fromt of him and say "Joe Biden has put a stop to covid,
he has conquered the virus."
aelfheld , 44 minutes ago
Fauci sees the statistics as disturbing because they indicate an endpoint to his
JaWS , 51 minutes ago
There are 4 men in my county that were tested positive within about 3 days of each other
and they had to quarantine for 14 days. About a week into it they started meeting everyday
down at the local fishing hole to fish while no one else was around. One of these men is 80
years old. The other 3 are in their 70s. Does this sound like something to shut the entire
country down?
GoldenDebt , 1 hour ago
Dont be a moron
Dr Fraudci is all politics and he's LYING. Dr FRAUDci also never condemned the protests as
being potential SUPER-SPREADER events
He's a criminal
moneybots , 13 minutes ago
"I really do believe we're rounding the corner," Trump said
during a White House briefing on Thursday. He added that newweekly cases have gone down
by 44% since July.
"I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that because if you look at the thing that you
just mentioned, the statistics, Andrea, they're disturbing," Fauci told Andrea Mitchell on
The statistics say Trump is right, according to the chart. Why is Fauci lying to the
American people?
Thalamus , 45 minutes ago
Fauci's worst case prediction of 1.7 million deaths from Covid-19 kind of came up short at
only 10K; but at least he didn't yell fire in a crowded theater .
Zerogenous_Zone , 48 minutes ago
which statistics?
to quote the great Mark Twain (now classified by the leftists as a rassiss)...
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics ."
the one statistic that is relevant, is the decrease in mortality...
and I for one, would like to know how they created a Covid-19 specific test...wait...what
was that?
THEY HAVEN'T?! it is an antigen test...that is, if you have any residual from your LAST
flu shot (they inject you with lysed virus to build up your antibody count...antigens!) you
could test positive...
and probably a majority of the tests are at issue since the test is highly
but who cares? the virus is out of the box and here to stay...so you have either already
been exposed, or you will soon be exposed...and NO vaccine will be sufficient (since viral
strains mutate almost immediately)...especially the comment cold (news flash!! the 'common
cold' is a CORONAVIRUS!!)
At what point does the man on the street realize that he has been had? It took me about 2
weeks, 6 months ago to realize what Fauci and his cronies were saying was nonsense. Smart
people that I know, took months to reach the same conclusion but many people are still buying
the disinfo.
Choomwagon Roof Hits , 3 hours ago
Once I started getting into the influenza-like-illness data and realized this was
spreading exponentially worldwide since at least November - there were probably millions or
tens of millions of people infected and recovered in the US by the time the first cases were
fackbankz , 3 hours ago
The scam just gets bigger and more absurd every week.
Wait until cold and flu season when people freak out over every little case of the
sniffles. Many will have forgotten completely that one year ago it was normal for people to
catch cold, and nobody worried about it.
Just when the fear starts to subside, and growing public skepticism seems to push governors
into opening, something predictable happens . The entire apparatus of mass media hops on some
new, super-scary headline designed to instill more Coronaphobia and extend the lockdowns yet
It's a cycle that never stops. It comes back again and again.
A great example occurred this weekend. A poll appeared on Friday from the Kaiser Family
Foundation. It showed
that confidence in Anthony Fauci is evaporating along with support for lockdowns and mandatory
Covid vaccines.
The news barely made the headlines, and very quickly this was overshadowed by a scary new
claim: restaurants will give you Covid!
It's tailor-made for the mainstream press. The study is from the
CDC, which means: credible. And the thesis is easily digestible: those who test positive
for Covid are twice as likely as those who tested negative to have eaten at a restaurant.
"Eating and drinking on-site at locations that offer such options might be important risk
factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection," the study says.
Very scary!
Thus the implied conclusion: don't allow indoor dining! Otherwise Covid will spread like
After six months of this Corona Kabuki dance, driven by alarmist media and imposed by wacko,
power-abusing governors and mayors, I've become rather cynical about the whole enterprise, so I
mostly ignore the latest nonsense.
In this case, however, I decided to take a closer look simply because so many millions of
owners, workers, and customers have been treated so brutally in the "War on Restaurants."
It turns out, of course, that this is not what the study said. What's more interesting is to
consider exactly what's going on here. The study was based on interviews with 314 people who
had been tested of their own volition. It included 154 patients with positive test results and
160 control participants with negative test results.
The interviews took place two weeks following the tests, and they concerned life activities
two weeks prior to getting the test.
Before we go on here, remember that what alarmed people about Covid was the prospect of
dying. The study says nothing about this subject, nor about hospitalization. It's a fair
assumption that the positive cases being interviewed here got it (presumably, if the tests are
accurate, which they are not )
and got over it.
This alone is interesting simply because it reveals how much the whole subject has been
changed: the pandemic has become a casedemic.
Now, to the question of life activities. In the study, based on answers to a survey, the
following were not correlated in any significant degree with positive cases of Covid:
Wearing a mask or not wearing a mask
Going to church
Riding on public transportation
Attending large house parties
Going to the gym
Going to the office
Going to the hair salon
Going shopping
Now one might suppose, if you think the study has any merit, that this would be the
The massive power of the state has been deployed all over the United States and the world to
force the closure of churches, gyms, offices, salons, and malls. This all happened and is still
happening. Also mask mandates became the new normal. The public has been invited by health
authorities to jeer at, denounce, and turn in anyone who doesn't have a cloth strapped to his
or her face.
All of this happened in complete contradiction to every commercial right, property right, or
normal human freedoms. We threw it all away in the name of virus control. Our lives have been
completely upended and our assumptions about our rights and liberties have been overturned.
And yet here is a study that is unable to document any correlation between these life
activities and catching the disease.
That's an amazing conclusion that could have generated headlines like:
Salons Won't Get You Sick, CDC Reports
You Won't Catch Covid at the Gym, CDC Shows
No, Your Hairstylist Doesn't Spread the Coronavirus
Scared to Go Shopping? Don't Be, Says the CDC
Your Mask Is Pointless, New Study Says
Church Goers Shouldn't Fear Sickness, Scientists Reveal
Study: Your House Party Didn't Spread the Virus
And so on. But none of this was to be. Not one single story in the mainstream press said
anything like this, even though this was all implied by the CDC study.
The one place that the study revealed a positive correlation between positive cases and life
activities was going to restaurants.
So that's what got the alarmist headlines. Yes, these are all real.
And so on for thousands of times in every mainstream venue. They are all competing for
clicks in the great agenda of extending lockdowns and feeding public fear as much as possible.
So the worst-possible spin on this slightly sketchy study gets all the headlines.
Thus is it burned into many people's minds that restaurants are really disease-spreading
venues. Go out to eat and you might die!
And here is what makes this even stranger. The interviewers never asked the people in the
survey whether they were eating indoors or outdoors, as incredible as that seems. The authors
admit this:
"Of note, the question assessing dining at a restaurant did not distinguish between indoor
and outdoor options."
Why not? Did they just forget to ask? What's going on here?
Which is to say that even if the results are meaningful – and there's so much about
this study that is murky and error prone – they are practically useless for knowing what
to do about it. If there is no distinction between indoor and outdoor, all speculation about
ventilation or crowds or the presence of food and so on, is utterly pointless.
Without knowing that, we are at a loss to figure out any answer to the question of why and
what to do. Instead, the message comes down to: don't go out to eat.
Here is how bad the science has become. In the discussion, the authors write the
"Direction, ventilation, and intensity of airflow might affect virus transmission, even if
social distancing measures and mask use are implemented according to current guidance. Masks
cannot be effectively worn while eating and drinking, whereas shopping and numerous other
indoor activities do not preclude mask use."
Here is what is weird: the study itself supports none of that paragraph.
The survey never asked about ventilation because the people who made the survey somehow
forgot to make a query concerning indoor vs. outdoor dining . As for masks, the study did in
fact ask respondents about mask wearing and the results showed no correlation between the
sickness and whether and to what extent people were wearing masks!
In other words, that paragraph in the discussion is contradicted in two places by the
authors' own study.
In addition, the authors themselves point to an intriguing issue: the people in the survey
might have biased their answers based on their personal knowledge of the test results.
Think about it this way. The people who had a positive Covid test are more likely to ask
themselves the great question: how did I get this? Going to restaurants is such a rare activity
these days that it stands out in one's mind. When the survey asked people if they had gone out
to eat, it is possible that the memory of the Covid positive person might be more likely to
blame the restaurant, whereas the Covid negative person might be more likely to have forgotten
the locale of every meal in the last 30 days.
In other words, the real result of the study might be: Covid patients are more likely to
scapegoat restaurants than gyms, churches, and salons.
Alas, none of these interesting considerations appear in the media-rendered version of this
study: panic and keep the lockdowns in place!
Lockdowns have become a conclusion in a desperate search for evidence. Imagine if you
undertook a study of C-positive vs. C-negative cases and asked the people if they mostly wear
lace-up or slip-on shoes. If you come up with some positive correlation, the CDC will publish
you and a media panic will ensue.
This is precisely where we've been for six solid months now. The media has become the
handmaiden of lockdown tyranny, blasting out simplistic versions of sketchy studies to keep the
panic going as long as possible. And the public, which is far too trusting of the media and its
capacity for rational and accurate reporting, eats it up.
For now. Once the dust settles on all of this, it seems highly likely that media science
reporting will lose credibility for a generation. It certainly deserves that fate.
"Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of COVID-19 offer little protection
against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small particles found in wildfire smoke that
can harm your health."
Just checking if that's the same CDC.
LA_Goldbug , 3 hours ago
Wow !!!!!
Nice find :-)
honest injun , 3 hours ago
At what point does the man on the street realize that he has been had? It took me about
2 weeks, 6 months ago to realize what Fauci and his cronies were saying was nonsense. Smart
people that I know, took months to reach the same conclusion but many people are still
buying the disinfo.
Be it Resolved, the scientific community has overreacted to the threat of COVID-19 and the
data prove it...
Six months into a global pandemic and 63,000 scientific papers later, scientists and
medical researchers continue to be perplexed by COVID-19. There are many unknowns with the
virus, and one of the most controversial is how deadly it really is. Since the beginning of
the pandemic, leading health institutions such as the World Health Organization and the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have warned that COVID-19 is much more
dangerous than the seasonal flu and that, without expansive public health measures, millions
of people around the world could die from the virus.
But there are some in the scientific community who disagree. And they say they have the
data to prove it. Antibody testing of large population groups indicates that we could be
grossly underestimating the number of people who have been infected by the virus –
which means we are dramatically overestimating the death rate. Given these findings, they
question whether sweeping public health controls are the way to approach a possible second
wave of COVID-19 this autumn.
To understand the true prevalence of COVID-19 infections in the United States, Jay
Bhattacharya has recently undertaken several seroprevalence studies (the study of antibodies in
a population). You can read about his study of Santa Clara County in California
here and his study of 5,600 Major League Baseball employees
here .
Sten Vermund has published numerous scholarly studies on infectious diseases, which you can
view here
During the debate both Jay and Sten speak about COVID-19's "infection fatality rate" (IFR).
IFR is one of the most important characteristics of an infectious disease in determining its
severity. It is basically the ultimate measure of a disease's ability to cause death. You can
learn more about IFR and how it is estimated here
. In the debate, both Jay and Sten agree that the current estimates of the COVID-19 infection
fatality rates are overestimated and therefore misleading. To learn more, read Jay's Wall Street
Journal op ed.
During the debate, Sten points out that between March and May of 2020 there was a 19 per
cent excess death rate in the United States. Excess death rates refer to
the difference between the observed numbers of deaths in specific time period and expected
number of deaths in the same time period. According to Sten, the excess rates are probably 28
per cent higher than the official deaths tally of COVID-19 because so many cases are not
reported. This
Nature.com article supports this view.
Jay argues that part of the science community's overreaction to COVID-19 has been censorship
of unpopular scientific views . Jay refers to an op ed in the New York Times by
Michael Eisen that expresses concern about how scientific study pre-prints are being
released before they are peer reviewed, and calling for the establishment of a scientific
"rapid review" service for pre-prints.
One of the scientists Jay identifies as having an unorthodox view on COVID-19 is Gabriela
Gomez, She speaks about her research on herd immunity occurring when as little as ten percent
of the population has been infected with the virus here
and you can read her research article
here .
Sten and Jay disagree with each other about the feasibility of isolating the most vulnerable
members of society, particularly the elderly, while letting the rest of the population continue
to live normally . Sten refers to a
New York Times article by David Katz which supports the strategy of "vertical
interdiction", where those over 60 are "preferentially protected."
Jay refers to the recent release of findings from a
Public Health England study that found negligible spread among one million students who
returned to school in June.
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From comments: "Article is poorly written by someone who does not know medical science. There
are no viral "cells" so the headline is a put off right away. The comment about "sensitivity" is
misplaced as PCR tests are too sensitive: ergo false positives. I believe "specificity" is the
word the author was searching for. If a test lumps true positives with false positives, then it
lacks specificity."
That's because new research from the University of Oxford's Center for Evidence-Based
Medicine and the University of the West of England has found that the swab-based technique used
for most COVID-19 testing is at risk of returning "false positives" since copies of the virus's
RNA detected by the tests might simply be dead, inactive material from a weeks-old infection.
Although patients infected with COVID-19 are typically only infectious for a week or less,
tests can be triggered by virus genetic material left over from a weeks-old infection.
The team's research involved analyzing 25 studies on the widely used polymerase chain
reaction test. PCR tests use material collected with a swab - the most common type of test
around the world, and especially in the US - then utilize a "genetic photocopying" technique
that allows scientists to magnify the small sample of genetic material collected, which they
can then analyze for signs of viral RNA.
What the researchers here have effectively found is that these PCR tests just aren't
sensitive enough to distinguish if the viral material is active and infectious, or dead and
For those who desire a more comprehensive understanding of how these tests work, the chart
below can be helpful.
Professor Carl Heneghan, one of the authors of the study, said there was a risk that a surge
in testing across the UK was increasing the risk of this sample contamination occurring and it
may explain why the number of Covid-19 cases is rising but the number of deaths is static.
"Evidence is mounting that a good proportion of 'new' mild cases and people re-testing
positives after quarantine or discharge from hospital are not infectious, but are simply
clearing harmless virus particles which their immune system has efficiently dealt with," he
told the Spectator.
Professor Heneghan added that international scrutiny might be required to avoid "the dangers
of isolating non-infectious people or whole communities." ZKnight 14 minutes ago
Fake science. How about purify the virus first and establish a gold standard for testing
first. No, of course not because the CDC has a patent for Covid-19 and nobody is allowed to try
find it to see if it exists. play_arrow LogicFusion 27 minutes ago
Everybody is a Covid-19 / Coronavirus expert now!
Read about the failed coin dealer and convicted felon's performance. It's hilarious!
Covid -19 has been so politicized that I don't believe a word of any publication for or
against testing, existence of the Virus, or anything that provokes testing or issues opinions
about locking down communities. Just like the riots, Covid news is just plain boring.
play_arrow ominous 3 hours ago
"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes the laws" - Mayer Amschel
Rothschild. play_arrow play_arrow tangent 4 hours ago remove link
People who recommend a vaccine for an entirely cured virus should lose their license to
practice medicine. 99.9% cure rate applying to people who take it before being hospitalized is
one of the biggest success stories in the history of medicine for HCQ. Not only that, but there
are multiple other likely cures that simply have not been studied well. You'd think people
would appreciate the fact that the common cold has been cured, but instead they just whine that
big pharma isn't getting those bucko bucks.
I honestly expected a ticker tape parade like in the movies when that first cure study came
out. But instead they took a massive **** on the study and on the doctor... ****ty world we
live in. ay_arrow Pair Of Dimes Shift 2 hours ago
An exec (55+) at my company is gung ho about the vaccine.
Unfortunately, I just had to give him a "wait and see" response although I know vaccines for
coronaviruses are impossible. play_arrow 2 play_arrow ThanksIwillHaveAnother 4 hours ago
Viruses are not full cells. They are DNA/RNA wrapped with a protein the clings to a cell
then the cell imports the DNA/RNA to start making its proteins. So what is inactive? If that
person sneezes on another person depending on immune system status that other person could get
a bad infection. y_arrow 4 CrabbyR 3 hours ago
viruses utilizes CELL structures and host DNA to replicate dna or rna according to the
viruses genetic code, the protein jacket is the final product to
disguise the virus from detection and to bind on another cell after the compromised cell
RUPTURES, there's more to it but if it cannot copy itself effectively it can become nonviable
and unable to infect another cell. It replicates DNA inside a host cell, It is not a complete
organism and cannot replicate unless it can inject its DNA into a host cell. Antibodies cling
to viruses and destroy this ability to bind to a target cell. A non viable virus has a damaged
coat or DNA RNA that has to many Dimers (damage or code breaks) Bacteria is more in line with
what you think a virus is y_arrow onewayticket2 4 hours ago (Edited) remove link
they lost me when they changed the definition of "death" to include "presumed, untested"
cases (while bI@#$% ing at me that we needed to "follow the science")....and even got busted
for the laughable motorcycle accident being classified as a covid death and the Labs that were
sending in 100% positive results. (until they were caught) play_arrow OutaTime43 4 hours ago
remove link
The test detects RNA. Not necessarily viable virus. Also, it will detect RNA presence in an
individual who may already have antibodies and may be immune. We are bombarded daily by viruses
of which we already have immunity. play_arrow sun tzu 10 hours ago
Shocking news that the South Koreans already discovered and published back in May. Western
big pharma driven medicine is garbage 😂😂😂
Interesting play_arrow play_arrow Jack Mehoff 1 more time 9 hours ago
Business as usual play_arrow play_arrow Argon1 7 hours ago
Preparation for agenda 2021 in 2017. play_arrow 1 play_arrow CrabbyR 4 hours ago
WOW.......ties a few strands from other sources together into a real ugly picture play_arrow
play_arrow Welsh Bard 10 hours ago
The professor who won the Nobel prize for work in this field, said that the way this test is
being operated with over forty cycles, means that any results are entirely meaningless.
In Britain, having spent over £15 billion setting up PCR testing systems and a shaky
test and trace apparatus on top of that, it appears that 90% of positive results now appear to
be false. This is compounded by the fact that when a hot spot develops, more testing is done to
show a rapid increase in more false positive results, meaning further new lockdowns and even
more testing to prove yet more false positive results ad infinitum.
Now whether this is by design or ineptitude, people must decide for themselves but the
outcome is utter chaos.
For those countries who have not followed the Swedish model especially countries like
Australia and New Zealand who have set up complete isolation, now face a future perpetually cut
off from the rest of the world.
Okay, new techniques will and are coming along to treat the disease like HCQ when used
correctly maybe as a prophylactic and a vaccine that will need to be constantly upgraded like
the Flu vaccine, means that the whole world has painted itself into a corner unless drastic
revision is now made to the whole sorry mess.
In the meantime, we will now be stuck with digital currency and the introduction of ID
Health Cards that will limit people in how they travel where they work and access to a whole
heap of things like government services.
Welcome to the new world order! play_arrow 1 KuriousKat 11 hours ago (Edited) remove
Don't tell the Shameless Aussie gov that after arresting hundreds for simply voicing doubt
on need to lockdown entire city...Next time it will be thousands and not a damn thing they can
do to stop it..These people are trickling us the truth how worthless the tests are when pretty
much everyone knows. play_arrow espirit 12 hours ago remove link
Imperial College
John Hopkins
Line all those peeps up against the wall, and the first one to rat gets to live.
I'll provide my own ammo... ay_arrow Sick Monkey 6 hours ago
Not everyone working in these agencies are dishonest but like you and I we have to work and
Most of them are trapped in this mess with bills to pay threatened by NDA.
play_arrow 1 Urban Roman 12 hours ago
Not particularly new news. Been talked about since April at least -- it's an RNA virus, it
has its own polymerase, and it leaves lots of RNA fragments in its wake.
The Corona family of viruses make 5 or 6 strands with partial copies of their RNA molecule.
negative copies are made first, and then copied again into positive copies. Finally the one big
RNA is made with the entire genome on it.
So about a dozen RNA molecules are made for each finished virus particle that is produced.
And finally, a variety of different primers are used for the PCR tests, some are matched to the
small partial RNA copies and others are matched to various features on the large whole-virus
RNA. They can give different results for the same sample.
So, someone who registers on a PCR test has probably been exposed to the virus, but the test
gives no clue as to whether it is an active infection, or the person is contagious, or they are
just coming down with it, or they got over it six months ago. play_arrow 4 play_arrow 1
10 play_arrow gordo 12 hours ago remove link
Sweden, no masks, no lock downs, ALL SCHOOLS OPEN, herd immunity, no second wave.
Still think your masks and lock downs are working muppets?
1 play_arrow The 3rd Dimentia 13 hours ago
SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy. Lee Merritt, M.D. play_arrow 3 play_arrow
hugin-o-munin 13 hours ago
I'm glad to see that many are starting to counter the official narrative.
We've been asleep for too long and allowed these agendas to fester to the point we're at now
where a college dropout software salesman and a former 3rd world communist terrorist (neither
of whom have any medical degree) are dictating to the world how everyone needs to get a DNA
altering vaccine and a medical ID. It's completely nuts and bonkers yet more or less the entire
planet's governments follow in 'lockstep' with ever more draconian laws and regulations
incarcerating people in their own homes, making them wear masks causing oxygen deprivation and
shutting down the entire world economy.
lay_arrow Warthog777 , 13 hours ago
Article is poorly written by someone who does not know medical science. There are no viral
"cells" so the headline is a put off right away. The comment about "sensitivity" is misplaced
as PCR tests are too sensitive: ergo false positives. I believe "specificity" is the word the
author was searching for. If a test lumps true positives with false positives, then it lacks
Anyone who would use the term "virus cells", has no clue what they're talking about and
should be completely disregarded. Viruses are not cells. PCR tests are searching for
something your body produces in response to a virus as well. They are not produced
specifically for a singular virus either. The entire concept of PCR testing is garbage. This
**** was a scam from the get-go.
hugin-o-munin , 13 hours ago
Yes it is evident now that this entire pandemic is false and political. The goal seems to
be to vaccinate entire populations and the question people need to ask is - why? what for?
Aside from the obvious economic motives there are some more sinister plans that most people
will have a hard time accepting but these need to be looked at. Several years ago there were
a group of doctors and researchers that died of suspicious suicides who were collaborating
and studying vaccines and the link to autism.
The effort was led by Dr.Jeffrey Bradstreet who was researching the natural substance
GcMAF and how this could boost the immune system. What he discovered was that many vaccines
had a compound/substance called Nagalase in them that is unnatural and has a detrimental
effect on the immune system and function of GcMAF (which is produced by our own bodies) and
has no business at all being in vaccines. Just before he was able to blow the whistle on this
he also died of a suspicious 'suicide' and today most of the clinics and research groups
working on GcMAF have been destroyed and ruined. Draw your own conclusions.
snblitz , 14 hours ago
Dr. Kary Mullis invented the PCR test. He said it was ineffective for this purpose.
Though he was addressing its use in a prior virus hoax unleashed upon the world.
I bet you didn't know this scam has been used before.
That is why I was able to call out the scam right from the start. The second I saw them
using the PCR again, I knew it was from the same playbook.
snblitz , 14 hours ago
So many lies.
Viruses are not alive. They have no metabolic functions. They cannot move.
Don't believe me? Get a degree is virology or microbiology or just a read a book on the
subject. Or capture a wuhan-virus yourself and watch it under a microscope. It won't move. It
won't consume anything. It will just sit there inert.
The problem is that you are being lied to at a scale you cannot imagine.
I know, off to the fema re-education camp for me for spreading false information about the
Though I am not the one spreading fear and hysteria.
aldousd , 13 hours ago
There article is confused, but the work of the doctor is not. Viruses use your cells to
reproduce. When your immune system targets the virus it actually kills your own cell which
has become host to the virus. The virus particles and markers, and the DNA of the virus can
be detected in these dead cells, but dead cells cannot serve as a factory for more viruses.
So it's effectively a dead virus infected cell. Not a dead virus cell.
So while the transcription of the idea here was done by an idiot, it's not an idiotic
idea. The tests cannot tell if the virus came in a living cell that is actively producing
more viruses or a dead host cell that has been assassinated by your immune system. That's
what they're talking about here.
mstyle , 11 hours ago
what about the chromosome 8 stuff that has been mentioned lately?
(since you appear to be rather intelligent)
hugin-o-munin , 11 hours ago
Thanks. Well the chromosome 8 discovery in the PCR test specifications/details is strange
and worrying because it makes you wonder why it's part of this at all. Some believe it's to
get more false positive results while others believe it is what the mRNA vaccines are
intended to target and if that's right then it's really sinister. What exactly is the plan?
To make all of us get Downs Syndrome? I don't know but judging by all their other lies and
schemes it wouldn't surprise me.
IRC162 , 14 hours ago
Fuggin progressives and their pandemic political prop. But really this reaction is the
same as their reaction to 'racial injustice'. They focus on feelings before the facts are
known in order to achieve their end, and then do their best to bury/ignore the facts when
they are gathered later.
94% COVID deaths with multiple comorbidities.
10 unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019 (6 were in self-defense).
adr , 15 hours ago
Why didn't you mention that nearly all labs are running 35-40 cycles which guarantees a
positive test, simply from noise.
The inventor of the test said if you don't find anything after 15 cycles, it probably
isn't there. After 20 cycles the noise starts to be greater than any real information. By 30,
the test is mostly noise. More than 35, the test is completely worthless.
Of course I've been saying this for five months, but most people didn't listen. After the
NYT article came out, people I know started saying, "How did you know?"
I said, "Because I have critical thinking skills. Why didn't you believe me? Name a time
I've steered you wrong."
Antiduck , 14 hours ago
333 labs in florida had 100% positivity. (stupid word.)
ZenStick , 12 hours ago
Exactly correct.
Nobody will touch this line of reasoning in public or on media.
Identify as Ferengi , 15 hours ago
See above, Born2Bwired.
The PCR test is not useful for what they are using it for apparently. This has been
known since the beginning. Here is quote regarding AIDS:
"Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Science for inventing the PCR, is thoroughly
convinced that HIV is not the cause of "AIDS". With regard to the viral load tests, which
attempt to use PCR for counting viruses, Mullis has stated: "Quantitative PCR is an
oxymoron." PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is
unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral
load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect
free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some
cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but
not viruses themselves.
What PCR does is to select a genetic sequence and then amplify it enormously. It can
accomplish the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack; it can amplify that needle
into a haystack. Like an electronically amplified antenna, PCR greatly amplifies the
signal, but it also greatly amplifies the noise. Since the amplification is exponential,
the slightest error in measurement, the slightest contamination, can result in errors of
many orders of magnitude."
In six or twelve months a majority of people will start to get that they were had. It will
be too late.
afronaut , 15 hours ago
Doubt it. Unless the media or government says it
palmereldritch , 14 hours ago
There will be mask wearing long before then for totally different reasons.
mstyle , 11 hours ago
There's a rather large percentage of the US population that's going to die with a mask on
their face, a BLM sign in their yard, and a Lemon on their screen.
Sad :-(
_wayfarer , 9 hours ago
They were had with 9/11, never got it.
Salisarsims , 5 hours ago
Most of the United States where had by 9/11, and still are.
BlueGreen , 15 hours ago
End lockdowns around the world now! Lockdowns kill. Never again. Sweden's death rate is
lower than US, and many other countries.
Gaedamfukn democrap virus. Botox face carcinogenic hair dyed fossilized demented nasty
wicked witch of the west ... and her army of flying monkey stooge guvners and mayors keeping
their states shut down to oust Orange Julius and they could give two diarrhea schitz about
you and your family All these terds care about is power
NoDebt , 15 hours ago
It's not just that the (government) response to this virus has ****** a lot of people
royally, it's the absolute certainty that they will do it again in exactly the same manner,
pretty much every damned year moving forward forever.
MaF , 15 hours ago
In many blue states they can do it until 2022 when they are voted out...unless the people
rise up.
drendebe10 , 15 hours ago
Sheeple rise up? Phat phukn chance
PaulDF , 15 hours ago
Hey, some people think that as long as Trump is gone ~ it doesn't matter what it takes.
Nothing is too extreme.
palmereldritch , 14 hours ago
The MS-DOS virus subscription model.
Sound familiar? lay_arrow
Implied Violins , 15 hours ago
The Nobel Prize winner, Kary Mullis, who developed the PCR test called out Fraudci for his
******** during the AIDS crisis on Nightline back in 1994:
Even then that ******* was practicing fraud in order to garner more tax dollars. His
"test" ruined hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives.
Fraudci deserves to be EXECUTED for his BS.
EuroPox , 16 hours ago
Who cares how many 'cases' there are? The virus is not lethal except for a tiny number of
people, who already have other problems. Quarantine them and let the rest of us get on with
Did Fauci and Birx knew something about origin or the virus that we do not know and that's why they panicked?
Notable quotes:
"... When you are over 75 years old, you are going to succumb to serious underlying conditions covid or no covid. Those who's deaths are being attributed to covid are primarily in that age group. It is disingenuous to create a panic over a virus that almost exclusively contributes (at most) to the deaths of the elderly with underlying serious conditions. Many of those who have died, succumbed to the underlying condition, but incidentally had covid. ..."
"... Actually, Laura, when you are over 75 years old, the risk of dying increases, period. Once you're into the 85 year old and over bucket, which many covid deaths are, you were probably going to die regardless; unless you're a vampire or some other inhuman death defying creature. Is this really news to anyone? ..."
"... CDC has an annual budget of $12 billion. Then there are public health budgets at NIH and other federal, state and counties. ..."
"... How come there was no agreed upon pandemic response plan? If there was, why wasn't it executed? Do public health authorities have a plan now that can be executed? ..."
"... It would appear to me this was a failure across all segments of society. The public because they so easily succumbed to fear. The media for fanning the flames of hysteria. Private healthcare for not providing realistic and alternative views. The government for not executing a coordinated response. ..."
"... dan of Steele - a contributory factor in the death toll in Italy might be the mandatory influenza vaccine. In the autumn/winter 2019, a super influenza vaccine (4 strains in one dose) was administered to old people and health care workers in Italy. Research suggests that influenza vaccine derived virus interference is significantly associated with coronavirus. ..."
"... For some reason, the authorities want COVID-19 to be recognized as The New Black Death. Rising numbers of 'cases' substitute for deaths in order to keep the fear factor high (as far as I can make out) when higher case numbers are an unsurprising consequence of ramped-up testing. There are allegedly high numbers of false positives, and many if not most of the cases uncovered by testing are in people who are asymptomatic or not very sick, certainly not in danger of dying or even having to be hospitalized. ..."
"So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the
US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus." The
Gateway Pundit."
"... the coronavirus fatality rate reported by the liberal mainstream media was completely
inaccurate and the actual rate more like a typical seasonal flu – the media was lying
Doctors Fauci and Birx were next to push ridiculous and highly exaggerated mortality rates
related to the coronavirus:
Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President
Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus
The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House
Coronavirus task force in early March
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down
the US economy and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model
But the Imperial College model Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed was garbage and they
recommended the destruction of the US economy using this model." Gateway Pundit
Hmmm ... The Fauci is a god crowd will heap scorn on this but, thing about it. pl
Yes, Col Lang., as you know, this is what I've been saying for months. It is what the good
data and analysis (not that CDC garbage) reveals. However, no one wants to believe the evil
capitalist private insurance companies. They think government is far more trustworthy and
competent. More of that conditioning of attitude and perception by the powers that be in the
plan to implement a big global govt.
The govt could have worked with the insurance companies to understand this thing. Seems
like the logical move if you have poor quality data and insurance has good data, and you
really believe there is a lethal pandemic on the loose.
When you are over 75 years old, you are going to succumb to serious underlying conditions
covid or no covid. Those who's deaths are being attributed to covid are primarily in that age
group. It is disingenuous to create a panic over a virus that almost exclusively contributes
(at most) to the deaths of the elderly with underlying serious conditions. Many of those who
have died, succumbed to the underlying condition, but incidentally had covid.
Another new report has come out that shows a significant proportion of covid positive
tests are showing positive for minuscule viral loads in the system; not enough to cause
illness (or serious illness). How many of those elderly that died of underlying conditions
fall into that category? Many of the tests show false positives.
This whole thing has been one big scam - and I believe deliberately.
Actually, Laura, when you are over 75 years old, the risk of dying increases, period. Once
you're into the 85 year old and over bucket, which many covid deaths are, you were probably
going to die regardless; unless you're a vampire or some other inhuman death defying
creature. Is this really news to anyone?
We must look at years of expected life lost, not raw body counts. That approach reveals
covid to not be a threat to society.
The numbers are consistent because the strategy has been carefully worked out to have
consistent documents. There will not be 20 million COVID cases requiring hospitalization
because a high percentage do not get sick. In re the IO, been there done that myself. My
question is, which group or constellation of groups is running the op.
"Here in old Europe it seems we are on the verge of a new outbreak. Some people have gone
on vacation and the number of daily new cases is on the rise."
The number of daily new cases in Germany has recently doubled because the number of daily
tests has also roughly doubled. The share of positive tests among all tests has remained
constant at around 1% for 3 months now.
Must be a very strange "new outbreak". The number of Covid patients in the ICUs of German
hospitals have been stagnating at a very low level (around 250 patients in the whole country)
for several weeks.
What has intrigued me about the Wuhan virus is the panicked, off-the-cuff response. A
pandemic is not new. We've had several in the recent past. SARS, H1N1, H2N2.
CDC has an annual budget of $12 billion. Then there are public health budgets at NIH and
other federal, state and counties.
How come there was no agreed upon pandemic response plan? If there was, why wasn't it
executed? Do public health authorities have a plan now that can be executed?
It would appear to me this was a failure across all segments of society. The public
because they so easily succumbed to fear. The media for fanning the flames of hysteria.
Private healthcare for not providing realistic and alternative views. The government for not
executing a coordinated response.
Money is never the issue in the USA. No one spends like us on healthcare, education,
national security. Outcomes are a different matter altogether. Value for money is poor since
there's a high "corruption" factor.
We've had many "wars". War on Poverty. War on Drugs. War on Terror. We've spent huge
amounts on each. They've all been failures!
Laura, When you get to a certain age, everyday you wake up to most of obituaries being for
people younger than yourself. It is a landmark point in one's life.
Before they were all so old. Now they are all so young. And no, they did not die "of
covid". The died. Fate played out their final hand. And you ask not for whom the bells toll
............. you just praise every single blessed day that is still yours to enjoy.
182,000 did not die "of covid" in the US. CDC played games with the numbers from day one.
The only mystery is why? And why did we let them do this. Because we did - Brix admitted up
front on TV they tossed anyone suspected of "covid" into the covid basket.
Any screw up were not facing covid, but overkilling "covid". The leftist cabal made sure
no other points of view were allowed. If a covid report did not include or imply
OrangemanBad, it never reached the airwaves. Please don't have selective memory problems
about any of this. Or else you have come to the wrong place to push them.
So now tell us where the new CDC data is flawed (9K deaths), and why that is justification
for believing their prior data is not flawed. (182K deaths)
I don't have a dog in this fight. I do hope that one day we will find out what is really going on with this covid-19. I
merely look at worldofmeters corona virus page and watch the numbers of new cases, serious cases, and deaths. Those numbers
were horrible for Italy for a long time and after months of being locked down hard, the numbers got better.
15 August is a very famous Italian holiday with everyone going to the beach, having picnics, and so on. Oddly enough a week
to 10 days later the numbers of new cases went up...quite a bit. Happily the deaths have not gone back to the 1000 a day from
the early days but I am holding my breath. In our little village we have 4 active cases and 21 in quarantine. They were
infected by people who had gone on vacation somewhere else.
as for Germany, my son lives near Hamburg and he is mostly teleworking and overall they are quite good at implementing good
pandemic control measures. Testing was free but I believe they are starting to charge for it again. My brother in law went to
Cyprus on his vacation this year and upon return he and his family were all tested.
believe me, I don't want this crap to go on any more than you do. It does not affect me all that much as I am finally
retired and have a single family home with a yard. being somewhat of a recluse anyway didn't make it worse.
"New outbreaks" that lead to herd immunity are a good thing; when the death rate remains
static or declines. Which is what is happening right now.
As long as every passing day adds more very elderly with 3.5 co-morbidities to the body
count, one can assume this flu is taking its normal course through this population
As it does every single year, since the flu was always previously known as "the old man's
friend". Sad, of course. Any death is sad. Very sad.
For reflection on eternal life however, take a look at the Czech opera "The Makropolus
Case". The diva lives for 300 years, and when it comes time to take the magic potion again
that keeps her eternally alive, she muses about the trials, tribulations and practical
burdens of her eternal life.......... and she finally decides to .......?????
Always hate it when media reports a percentage increase - "twice as many cases" -- but
never mentions the numbers. 2 case is twice as many as one case. Zut alors! We need new cases
to finally reach herd immunity.
Cases are okay. In fact, it is relief we are finally existing outside of this artificial
bubble, and at a time we now know a lot more about treatment and to stop killing people with
forced ventilator abuse.
Original game plan - flatten the curve - end up with the same numbers of cases, but over a
longer period time to ensure health care delivery would not be overwhelmed should they all
happen at once. That was the bargain - flatten the curve, but not change the numbers
When did "someone" demand we flat-line the numbers of infections, until they reach
absolute zero? Who, what, where, when, how or why did that change?
Will anti-Trump riots after Trump's 2020 re-election push "covid" off the front pages?
How many of the 500,000 attendees at Bike Week died of this, it's been three weeks
already? How about all those 'mostly peaceful' protests? (Not counting than the two who died
of the AR15 virus in Kenosha)
dan of Steele - a contributory factor in the death toll in Italy might be the mandatory
influenza vaccine. In the autumn/winter 2019, a super influenza vaccine (4 strains in one
dose) was administered to old people and health care workers in Italy. Research suggests that
influenza vaccine derived virus interference is significantly associated with
For some reason, the authorities want COVID-19 to be recognized as The New Black Death.
Rising numbers of 'cases' substitute for deaths in order to keep the fear factor high (as far
as I can make out) when higher case numbers are an unsurprising consequence of ramped-up
testing. There are allegedly high numbers of false positives, and many if not most of the
cases uncovered by testing are in people who are asymptomatic or not very sick, certainly not
in danger of dying or even having to be hospitalized.
The WHO admitted publicly that the chief reason it declared a pandemic was that too many
countries were - in its opinion - not taking the threat seriously enough. Therefore, even the
declaration of a pandemic was for scare value. When COVID-19 was at its peak for infections
and deaths, the WHO (Dr. Fauci himself, actually) claimed that medical-grade masks were not
necessary for the public, because the WHO deemed it necessary to reserve the supply of masks
for medical use. I don't think anyone would disagree that non-medical cloth masks have much
less filtration capability. But then Fauci reversed himself, and now a plethora of 'experts'
claim it is proven that non-medical cloth masks work to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and
there is growing and relentless pressure from the busybody sector to make them mandatory wear
in all public settings. Now, when the death rate is steadily dropping. No clinical trials
have ever achieved results which demonstrate that cloth masks do anything to stop the spread
of an airborne virus - not masks and only masks. Trials in which the subjects regularly
washed their hands, avoided touching their faces after touching other surfaces AND wore a
mask demonstrated a somewhat reduced infection rate. Tests in which only masks were used
showed either a statistically insignificant difference or no difference at all, but were not
proper clinical trials as the sample size was comparatively small and the masked group
contained a significant number who admitted they did not wear it all the time. But forcing
everyone to wear a mask has become a test of will for public authorities against a public in
which many do not want to wear them and are afraid compulsory wear will become the norm. Once
again, there is NO PROOF that they work, as the theory has never been properly tested, I
don't care what 'expert' is telling you the results are in, and masks work.
For those 'COVID warriors' who label all dissenters 'maskholes' and 'Covidiots', cite me a
proper clinical trial that establishes masks on their own significantly reduced the infection
rate of an airborne virus. That means show me how uninfected people wore a mask and did not
take other precautions, in the presence of an infected person (without touching them or
handling objects infected people handled) and remained uninfected. While you're at it, find
me where the '6-foot rule' came from. Nobody seems to know how that number was arrived upon,
the WHO says it did not come from them, and how does it account for different environments
such as the presence or absence of wind? People have to stand six feet apart outside while
waiting to be allowed in to the grocery store. How does that protect you from an airborne
virus that theoretically can only travel six feet in still air?
I am always willing to have my mind changed by actual science. But so far I am not seeing
it. Just a lot of politics.
"... It's time to stop fetishizing scientific methods. We have to accept that there are many elements of Covid-19 that science may never understand and if we wait for it to do so, we will never again be able to live a normal life. ..."
"... Science, if it is working properly, will not come to a conclusion that is wholly wrong. But not everything that is true can be established by a randomized control trial followed by peer review. Take the theory, popularized by Dr John Lee's work in the Spectator , that Covid has become less deadly as it spreads, and is now basically inert. ..."
"... People need to accept this about Covid (and hopefully later, much else) and stop fetishizing the scientific method at times when a bit of common sense would do the job. ..."
"... Consider this article , written by three scientific minds. It is a measured and 'data driven' analysis of whether Covid is becoming less deadly. But is blinkered by an assumption that only official data, no matter how muddled, can be relied upon. All you really need to do is ask doctors whether they are seeing people come in with Covid, or if they are dying of Covid when they do. Instead it focuses on case numbers, which are not worth the paper they are written on. ..."
"... So many people have been so frightened – understandably – by exaggerated accounts of the threat posed by Covid-19, and it will take a lot to persuade them that they have been sold a pup. But they need to be persuaded, so that can get their old lives back. The present regime will never take on this responsibility because it would center on an admission of massive guilt on their part. ..."
"... What is needed now from all sensible people is calm but insistent argument, with friends, relations and authorities alike, for the total abolition of all coronavirus-related restrictions. We saw some of that in London and Berlin over the weekend, and it was fantastic to see such well organized and clear minded dissent against the sinister 'new normal'. ..."
By Peter Andrews , Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a
background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in
It's time to stop fetishizing scientific methods. We have to accept that there are
many elements of Covid-19 that science may never understand and if we wait for it to do so, we
will never again be able to live a normal life.
The Covid-19 outbreak is largely over, and man's attempts to slow, stop or understand the
virus have failed. Science will eventually discover more about the pandemic but it is a slow
Science, if it is working properly, will not come to a conclusion that is wholly wrong. But
not everything that is true can be established by a randomized control trial followed by peer
review. Take the theory, popularized by Dr John Lee's work in the
Spectator , that Covid has become less deadly as it spreads, and is now basically
This would perfectly explain why so many people died of Covid-19 in a short period of time,
and why deaths have basically flat-lined since April. It fits with many Covid studies
confirming fast
evolution , different strains and reinfection .
Furthermore, a change to the virus itself could explain why the same patterns in deaths have
been seen everywhere, irrespective of lockdowns, demographics, contact tracing or any other
In fact, with each passing day it is increasingly probable that the virus has mutated to a
milder form. The trouble is it would be nigh on impossible to establish this with the
instruments of science, now or any time soon. The vagaries of individual human bodies and
microscopic particles are just beyond the scope of exact science.
People need to accept this about Covid (and hopefully later, much else) and stop fetishizing
the scientific method at times when a bit of common sense would do the job. We are paralysed by
a need for the World Health Organization or Public Health England to conjure up some
peer-reviewed study or other confirming to 99.9 percent likelihood that we can go back to
normal now. That will never happen, but we have to get back to normal.
Consider this
article , written by three scientific minds. It is a measured and 'data driven' analysis of
whether Covid is becoming less deadly. But is blinkered by an assumption that only official
data, no matter how muddled, can be relied upon. All you really need to do is ask doctors
whether they are seeing people come in with Covid, or if they are dying of Covid when they do.
Instead it focuses on case numbers, which are not worth the paper they are written on.
Here is another paper ,
co-authored by the brilliant Professor Carl Heneghan of the University of Oxford's Center for
Evidence-Based Medicine. He has been tireless in his questioning of the government's
interpretation of coronavirus statistics, although it has taken far too long for him to be
given any kind of
platform from which to address the public.
The study, while no doubt accurate and valuable for establishing fine points of detail,
seeks to answer whether the infection fatality ratio has been falling in the UK. A
comprehensive review of the limited data suggests that it has, but so what? What does that mean
to the average Joe, confused as to whether they should send their child to school in the
morning, or whether it would be irresponsible to give their elderly parents a
So many people have been so frightened – understandably – by exaggerated
accounts of the threat posed by Covid-19, and it will take a lot to persuade them that they
have been sold a pup. But they need to be persuaded, so that can get their old lives back. The
present regime will never take on this responsibility because it would center on an admission
of massive guilt on their part.
What is needed now from all sensible people is calm but insistent argument, with friends,
relations and authorities alike, for the total abolition of all coronavirus-related
restrictions. We saw some of that in London and Berlin over
the weekend, and it was fantastic to see such well organized and clear minded dissent against
the sinister 'new normal'.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
"... the government is owned by finance people. I guess we can't really stop them from using the money to pay for military stuff but the idea that any of this has any relationship to what's good or bad for "Americans" has been proven to be a complete crock of bull. ..."
"... We are all basically squatters in the parking lot of a shopping mall living in RVs and eating whatever food they sell at the nearest convenience store. That's all America is for me these days. ..."
One thing that is definitely Not Happening is the psychopaths in both parties, the media,
the medical mafia, Wall Street, and corporations taking responsibility for their crime spree
and fraud.
Now the medical community has been fully exposed to be less legitimate than crack dealers,
because at least crack dealers are not pretending to cure people like the medical mafia is
all based on blatant scientific fraud!
@No Friend Of The Devil ree-for-all for cash where you don't even have to be a US citizen
to get benefits anymore What exactly is the point of having a military other than it's just
another way to spend loads of cash. I definitely wouldn't support any kind of war on behalf
of "American Interests" now.
We have been swamped by illegal immigrants and the government is
owned by finance people. I guess we can't really stop them from using the money to pay for
military stuff but the idea that any of this has any relationship to what's good or bad for
"Americans" has been proven to be a complete crock of bull.
We are all basically squatters in
the parking lot of a shopping mall living in RVs and eating whatever food they sell at the
nearest convenience store. That's all America is for me these days.
Contrary to claims by the media and the ego maniac Dr. Fauci about a tidal wave of Covid
infections, I have first hand, albeit anecdotal evidence, that there is a lot of bullshit
surrounding reports of people who have "tested" positive for Covid.
During an in-depth interview that will air Tuesday night on ABC News as part of a primetime
special, "American Catastrophe: How Did We Get Here?," Fauci was pressed to explain why, months
after COVID-19 first reached U.S. soil, the U.S. government is still struggling to provide
adequate testing for Americans and sufficient personal protective gear for essential
"We keep hearing when we go to these task force meetings that these [issues] are being
corrected," Fauci said. "But yet when you go into the trenches, you still hear about that."
Fauci said he does not have a "good answer" and "cannot explain" the discrepancy, especially
since those matters are not part of his "day-by-day" responsibilities, but part of the problem
stems from the fact that "many of the things that we needed were not produced in the United
The U.S. government ended up competing for those materials with other nations stricken by
the pandemic, and the White House ultimately had to invoke emergency powers to push U.S.
companies to help.
Those challenges were exacerbated by what Fauci admitted were early missteps on testing by
the Centers for Disease Control, which developed tests that "didn't work" initially because
– it turned out – their results were based on potentially contaminated samples.
That forced the federal government to further rely private companies.
Asked about any missteps he may have made himself – including initially telling the
public that the average American didn't need to wear a mask – he said such decisions were
"based on the information at the moment."
In a segment due to air this
weekend, 'America This Week' host Eric Bolling sat down with Dr Judy Mikovits, a disgraced scientist who believes that the
coronavirus pandemic was orchestrated by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr Anthony Fauci and Bill
Gates to push vaccines on the population – a theory she set out in the documentary film 'Plandemic,' which has been effectively
censored off the internet.
Bolling called Mikovits' claims "hefty," and brought on medical contributor Dr Nicole Saphier to refute them, but CNN
host didn't push back hard enough against Mikovits' "baseless conspiracy theory," and hammered Bolling for allowing Mikovits to
"continue to make her case."
As CNN's article circulated
on Twitter on Saturday morning, the network's liberal audience called for a boycott of Sinclair. The broadcaster initially stood
by its decision to run the segment, declaring that
"at no juncture are we aligning with or
endorsing the viewpoints of Dr Mikovits."
However, within an hour,
Sinclair bent the knee and pulled the episode from the air until additional content could be added to counter Mikovits.
stations have been notified not to air this and will instead be re-airing last week's episode in its place,"
tweeted. For good measure, the company added
"we valiantly support Dr Fauci and the work he
and his team are doing to further prevent the spread of Covid-19."
Sinclair is an incredibly
powerful organization to have been swayed by an online outrage campaign. The company and its partner organizations own nearly 300
local TV stations around the country, and reach 40 percent of American households.
Proponents of the boycott
celebrated their victory on Twitter, declaring that
"we shamed them into doing the right
Amid a recent upsurge in
'cancel culture,' few campaigns have brought a company to its knees as fast as Saturday's blitz by CNN. Similar campaigns have
been mounted against Fox News'
– with an advertiser boycott and attempts by journalists to doxx his family among the most recent moves, but Carlson
remains on the air and unapologetic.
For Bolling and his
colleagues at Sinclair on the other hand, it's back to the studio to reshoot their offending segment at CNN's behest.
"But there is a graph here that if I explain this properly, it'll make sense to you. This is
from the Centers for Disease Control. And it is death counts attributable to COVID-19 through
July 11th. The week ending July 11th, which is the most recent date for data. They run about,
you know, a week to two weeks behind here.
So throw the chart up. This is by age. All sexes by age. So if you look at the top line, the
red line, the very top, that is the week ending April 11th. You can't see this on the chart. Go
ahead and put the chart up there, Brian, switch it over. The top line is red. You can't even
probably tell that. But, trust me. The top-most line is red, and it occurs on April the 11th.
That is the peak death rate, and it's probably about 6,000 . I don't know in what interval that
this thing is reporting.
Probably Eh, it's in a week. The key is to go all the way over to the right side. You see
the peak of death rates was April the 11th. It isn't now. The peak death rate was April 11.
That red line is people 85 years and older. The line under it is people 75 to 84. That's the
yellow line. The blue line underneath that is people 65 to 74. We're under 4,000 now in a week.
So the top line is people 85 and older.
If you go to the This is where I'm not gonna There are two reds, but you can't tell the
difference in them. Just trust me. Let's move to the far-right side of the chart. That's July
11th, and you'll see that the death rate is not even 500, right now, per week -- CDC -- in all
ages, in all demographics, says the CDC. We're not at peak death rate. The peak death rate was
April the 11th to April the 18th." Limbaugh
I see now we are being encouraged to ignore "death rate" as unimportant. What we are told to
panic about is a higher incidence of "positives" among population under 40 years of age. This
population apparently doesn't have as bad an outcome (hospitalization/death) and that's "bad"
because they don't get contact traced and thus have "community spread".
I just love how AP/NYT and local journos all quote seemingly random "experts" with no
discussion of just what their "expertise" consists of, other than perhaps a credential (and the
relevance of the credential to the "expert statement" (more correctly opinion) is never
Sir, Yes. You are thinking right about Cuomo murdering the elderly that cost the state so much money
- many having the homes and medical treatment paid for by Medicaid (Medicare only pays for 30
days). Only it wasn't just Cuomo it was also Witmer in Michigan and Murphy in New Jersey. They
killed off the costly elderly and got the bonus of more deaths to raise the fear of the virus
and gain subsequent control over the lives of citizens + via twisted logic, try to give Trump a
black eye. Those govs are are morally sick people. It is a no brainer, if you care about the
elderly, to not place people with what you believe is a deadly highly contagious virus in homes
full of elderly infirm people. I mean what is there to even consider or weigh about that
Had those murderers handled the nursing homes correctly (like Florida did) the virus would
have been a lot less deadly.
Btw, with regard to schools re-opening, note that the line of the graph for school and
college age people is basically synonymous with the X-axis; meaning they didn't die from the
virus even at its peak lethality.
To know what Fauci [don't wear a mask it don't help; wear a mask it helps] would say, let's
look at how Aristotle would help us elucidate this answer.
Q: What can one conclude from [the mouth of] the liar [Fauci]?
A: Answer: nothing Absolutely Nothing. +++++++++++++++ And on this basis, from his mouth, our national "pandemic" "strategy" was thus formulated, from
Mr. Nothing aka Fauci.
And onto more black humor, and the wearing a mask as virtue signalling -- since they can
only slow down by at most ten minutes any disease transmission of the novel coronvirus, there
is this "gem" spoken by someone who apparently believes the mask kool aid? I D K . . . --and
for me at least, his essay, Attorney Jonathan Turley, was funny to read, irrespective of
whether that was his intent:
[[There is a new form of protests sweeping across the country as individuals put on
anti-Mask masks to defy mandatory mask rules. The anti-masks are made of thin material, mesh or
even crochet and are advertised as having no protective qualities for Covid-19. The question is
whether they are legal. They appear to be so.]]
The the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was actually on sidelines and
did not yet contribute anything signigicat in understadning this coronavirus
The level of subservience of Fauci to Big Pharma is open for review
WASHINGTON -- Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday rejected President Donald Trump's
recent criticism of him in which he called the infectious disease expert an "alarmist."
... Fauci warned last week that the coronavirus pandemic could be as bad as the
1918 flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed at least 50 million people worldwide. He
also warned late last month that the number of
COVID-19 cases could top 100,000 a day.
Is the high share of 70% asymptomatic cases really confirmed?? The last time I heard
something about that isue it whas claimed to be 15-20% with no evidence for high numbers of
undiscovered asymtomatic cases. The extensive testing with a low percantege of positives
seems to confirm this.
If the asymptomatic cases were really around 2/3 then this would mean the number of real
cases is much higher the the number of officially counted cases, by the factor of 3
And this Big Pharma stooge was right: in open spaces unless you are inthe dence coud there is no reason to wear any mask
Notable quotes:
"... No – for a solid hour, I heard the following: that COVID19 – in reality, at most, a moderately serious flu virus – is the worst medical threat the United States has ever faced. ..."
For anyone who has forgotten, Fauci told 60 Minutes that:
There's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an
outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better and it might even block a
droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think it is. And often
there are unintended consequences – people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep
touching their face."
But he does make an astute point:
"Recently I had the poor judgment to turn on National Public Radio for about an hour, under the impression that I was
going to learn something about the day’s news.
... No – for a solid hour, I heard the following: that COVID19 – in reality, at most, a moderately serious flu virus – is
the worst medical threat the United States has ever faced.
But the real theme of the hour was masks, masks, masks: how to make them, how to wear them, their different types, who
doesn’t seem to have enough of them, and why muffling our faces (even though no such thing was ever demanded of us during
dozens of past viral outbreaks) is absolutely, positively good for us all."
When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we'd say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself...
Yesterday he uttered the following incoherent babble, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn't
go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work:
'We did not shut down entirely,' Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said. 'We need
to draw back a few yards and say, "OK, we can't stay shut down forever." You've got to shut down but then you've got to gradually
Got that?
What does this pretentious old windbag think - that the blooming, buzzing mass of a $21 trillion economy can be calibrated up
and down by the week via some magical dimmer switch?
Never mind because he was then on to this preposterous comparison:
Fauci also said he expects the public to compare the Covid-19 pandemic to the 1918 pandemic flu, which killed around 50 million
people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Well, it so happens that the US death rate from the Spanish Flu was 655 per 100,000 persons (675,000 deaths in a population of
103 million). That's obviously orders of magnitude larger than the 39 per 100,000 deaths to date from the Covid.
In fact, the impact of the Spanish Flu was not only 17X greater in terms of the overall mortality rate, but it was also a true
Grim Reaper in the sense that it struck across the entire age spectrum of the population (dark blue bars).
It actually started in the giant domestic military training compounds stood up by Woodrow Wilson to join a European war that was
none of America's business, but the virus did kill tens of thousands of 18-30 year-old draftees in their own barracks long before
they got to the killing fields of France.
By contrast, as we now surely understand, and you would think Fauci would, too, the Covid (light blue bars) is primarily a harvester
of elderly persons already struggling with life-threatening respiratory, heart, vascular, renal and diabetic illnesses.
Accordingly, among the 191 million Americans under the age of 45 years, there have been only 1.5 WITH-Covid deaths per 100,000,
while for the elderly, the opposite is true. Nearly 70,000 or more than 60 percent of all WITH-Covid death have been among the 75
years and older population, resulting in mortality rates as follows:
85 years & Over: 581 per 100,000 persons;
75-84 years: 200 per 100,000 persons;
Now, you don't need to take a single class in epidemiology to understand a core truth: That is, when nearly 60 percent of the
population under 45 years accounts for only 2.5 percent of the reported WITH-Covid deaths and has a rounding error mortality rate,
while the 6.5 percent of the population 75 years and older accounts for 60 percent of the deaths -- you don't fight the disease with
a one-size-fits all strategy of generic lockdowns, quarantines, and social regimentation.
And surely you don't shutdown the schools, gyms, bars, restaurants, movies, ball games, concerts, beaches, theme parks etc. because
the vulnerable elderly don't patronize these venues in appreciable numbers anyway, and could easily be warned to stay strictly away.
The key point, however, is that this whole unspeakable Lockdown Folly does not remotely stem from the "science", as the MSM supporters
of Fauci claim.
It's just a hair-brained experiment in social control that happened because the Donald was too weak, ill-informed, distracted,
and innumerate to send Fauci and his camarilla of doctors and vaccine-peddlers packing when the mid-March guidelines were first issued
by the CDC.
Yes, the Donald's political enemies in the ranks of big city mayors and Blue State governors have feasted upon the chum Fauci
& Co have persistently tossed into the fetid waters of national politics, but that doesn't let Trump off the hook.
If the truth be told, this is the Trump Lockdown Folly and ranks among the greatest blunders ever committed by a US President.
That's because even at this late date nearly four months into the resulting economic disaster:
there is no evidence that asymptomatic persons are transmitters of the virus,
there is powerful statistical evidence that 95 percent of the population can cope with the disease and recover if they do become
Yet, the twin pillars of Fauci's hare-brained social regimentation scheme assumes they very opposite: Namely, that healthy Americans
must be put under house arrest because they are silent spreaders and killers of their fellow citizens; and that the disease is so
virulent that its #1 enemy -- the powerful immune system of every healthy American -- cannot be trusted to do its job if the virus
is permitted to follow its natural course of contagion and eventual herd immunity.
As to the silent spreaders trope, here is how the very head of WHO's COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, recently explained
that transmission of the virus from asymptomatic patients appears to be very rare:
It still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual."
For crying out loud. That knocks the very rationale for stay-at-home orders to hundreds of millions of healthy citizens into a
cocked hat.
In a constitutional democracy, where the liberties and properties of citizens are protected by law, you need overwhelming proof
of an existential threat to society before ordering mass house arrests. But in this instance, the head of the WHO task force–the
agency that fomented the whole coronavirus hysteria in the first place–has said quite unequivocally: No cigar!
In a word, Dr. Fauci is peddling dangerous humbug under the banner of pseudo-science, and should have been shut-up and forced
into retirement long ago. The unfortunate truth, however, is that the Donald is too chicken to use the Fake "your fired" tool that
made him a short-lived TV star, if not a successful businessman.
His defenders, of course, mumble that his hands are tied because Fauci is a member of the legally protected Senior Executive Service
(SES). That's Jimmy Carter's gift to insubordinate bureaucracy, which your editor happily voted against back in the day -- but the
excuse is poppycock.
Under Federal law, Fauci can be fired if he is found to have engaged in --
misconduct, neglect of duty, malfeasance, or failure to accept a direct reassignment or to accompany a position in a transfer
of function", is or to be "less than successful [in his] executive performance.
If not "malfeasance", what would you call the absolute savaging of the livelihoods and life's work of tens of millions of American
workers and small businessmen for no good reason of state, which have resulted from Fauci's idiotic pronouncements and guidelines?
The thing is, after four months Fauci's blatherings and instructions to state and local authorities have fomented an outright
public Hysteria of biblical proportions.
It is not just that officialdom has closed restaurants and gyms via unconstitutional "takings" of their owners' properties. By
now, Fauci's Virus Patrol and its megaphones and misanthropes in the MSM have rendered large portions of the American public fearful
about leaving their own homes.
And, needless to say, they have also given the Donald's legions of rabid political enemies license to stage malign theatrics in
the name of Covid-fighting that would be unthinkable under any other circumstances.
For instance, it has now been announced that the school districts of Los Angeles and San Diego, which collectively serve nearly
one million students, will not have in-person teaching to start the school year.
But if you are conversant with any facts at all, you can only sputter: WTF!
There are nine million school age children in California, and not a single WITH-Covid death has occurred among them.
That's right. There have been 27,400 positive tests among these nine million kids, but all of them, positively all of them, have
been either asymptomatic or mildly ill -- as children are wont to become -- and have recovered.
Yet here is where America's growing fleet of clown cars comes in. It seems that the politicization has gone so far off the deep
end that the LA teachers union–35,000 strong -- is now taking the schools hostage for their own parochial ends.
They recently proclaimed that no schools should open in LA until there is a Charter School freeze; the police are defunded; Medicare-for-all
is adopted by the US Congress; new state taxes on the wealthy are enacted; and there is a Federal bailout of the LA school district.
You can't make this stuff up. And while they were taking the children hostage in the name of Covid-fighting, they also insisted
that the already dysfunctional schools of LA become completely pointless:
The union outlined numerous major provisions it says will be necessary to reopen schools again, including sequestering students
in small groups throughout the school day, providing students with masks and other forms of protective equipment, and re-designing
school layouts in order to facilitate 'social distancing.'
Of course, the latest outbursts of this kind of mindless social destruction has been fueled by the absolute mendacity of the Virus
Patrol and its MSM megaphones with respect to the so-called outbreak of new cases in the Sun Belt states.
But the whole brouhaha is a crock. There is no public health crisis in the so-called hot spots, as the up-to-date chart below
makes abundantly clear.
Yes, the 42-day trend of "new cases" has risen sharply in tandem with far more testing, and repeat testing of the same individuals
-- outcomes that were inherent in re-opening plans, which required employers to have their employees tested as a condition of operating.
But, alas, the death count trend in these 50 counties has not risen at all - except for the last few days when a lot of "catch-up"
data for earlier fatalities was thrown into the data hoppers by some of the counties involved.
That hasn't stopped the Covid-Howlers from proclaiming a phony medical crisis in Texas and elsewhere, with the same old tropes
about overflowing hospitals and strained ICU capacity in places like Houston.
But as the eagle-eyed maven of the corona-data, Alex Berenson, tweeted this AM, it's just a big fat lie. While CNN may have managed
to find one or two crowded facilities in the whole of the Houston-Harris county region of some 5 million souls, there are actually
still more than 2,500 empty hospital beds in the area.
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Here's the thing. The Virus Patrol has switched from the death count to the "case" count because the latter is not at the 3,000
per day predicted by the CDC in early May, and ballyhooed by the NYT and MSM as the leading edge of a horrid "second wave" coming
down the pike.
In fact, during July to date (thru the 14th), the daily WITH-Covid death count has averaged 613, or only one-fifth of the projected
June-July-August surge; and even that level is suspect, given the growing evidence that many local jurisdictions are doing retrospective
death audits to pad their case counts.
In any event, the readily available state-by-state data tells you all you need to know. This so-called Sun Belt wave of cases
is, indeed, the equivalent of the normal flu.
In the case of Florida, for instance, during the first 14 days of July, there have been 139,195 new cases reported, but only 4,322
new hospitalizations. So that means only 3.1 percent of this ballyhooed surge of cases was sick enough to even require hospitalization.
Needless to say, that's not a crisis; it's just one more part of the indictment against Fauci and his gang of malpracticing doctors.
They have put the anti-Trump press into a rabid feeding frenzy, and that coverage, in turn, has caused the American public to head
back into their Covid holes.
As it happened, three of the nation's largest banks reported their totally confected earnings for Q2 this AM, but the one thing
that stood out as meaningful was a collective $28 billion provision for future loan losses. That is, they see the massive wave of
defaults set in motion by Fauci's misbegotten Lockdown Nation strategy, and are getting prepared for the worst.
Meanwhile, the Fed's lunatic $3 trillion injection of liquidity into the canyons of Wall Street since the Lockdown Nation incepted
in mid-March continues to do its mischief, fueling a stock market bubble that gets more ludicrous (and dangerous) by the day.
We noted yesterday that during the Monday's great reversal on the stock market that Tesla had gained a "GM" ($38 billion) in the
morning spike, but lost a "BMW" ($42 billion) in the afternoon.
A timely piece by Bloomberg this AM helps explain how this kind of madness actually happened:
Almost 40,000 Robinhood accounts added shares of the automaker during a single fourhour span on Monday, according to website
Robintrack.net, which compiles data on the investing platform that's much beloved by day trading millennials.
The frenzy in interest means that as of the end of Monday's trading session, there are now roughly 457,000 users on the Robinhood
app that hold shares of the company in some form. That makes it the 10th-most popular stock on the platform, ahead of even Amazon.com
Inc., which is held by 358,000 users.
The one-day return may not have turned out so well. Tesla was up as much as 16 percent at one point before paring gains through
the day and finishing 3 percent lower. It was a rare losing day for the high flying stock, which has surged 56 percent over the
past 10 days.
So how did these mindless gamblers reason about a company that has never, ever made a four-quarter profit, and which reported
Q2 volumes well below last year, in coming to a peak valuation of $325 billion Monday morning?
Well, a sell-side analyst explained both that question, and the large fleet of clown cars now cruising up and down Wall Street
about as well as could be expected. Said this master of the crystal ball:
'At the current price, Tesla's stock reflects an expectation of 2030 volume of 5 million units, which is more than ten times
what the company appears on track to achieve this year,' Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas said.
Why, you don't say!
Then again, projecting EV car sales in the year 2030 is probably as good a use for Wall Street's clown car riders as any other.
Certainly, it would not dawn on them to ask whether a stock market held up by the Terrific Ten, and especially the FAANGs and
Microsoft, has anything at all to do with the dire state of the US economy.
It seems these trading sardines make up a quarter of the S&P 500 index by value, but just 8 percent of its composite revenues
and a mere 1 percent of jobs in the American workforce.
So, yes, the Acela Corridor has the clown cars coming and going - even as the stock bubble which will take down this whole fantasy
reaches its historic asymptote, as we will essay further in Part 3.
Nearly 71,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year...
Soaring overdose deaths in the US have helped drag down average life expectancy for 3
straight years, and by the looks of it, No. 4 might be right around the corner.
sbin , 1 hour ago
St Floyd died of an overdose.
2 years of drug overdose killed as many Americans as plandemic.
Work for funeral homes many more overdose and suicide deaths 20 to 40 year olds than covid
+70 and most were already dead but still breathing and making nursing home money.
Lucius Quinctius , 1 hour ago
The Chinese have a legitimate grievance ,(actually several), with regards to the
deliberate introduction of opium into their country by the British, in the 1800 s,as a means
to repatriate sterling used to pay for tea .Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank,(HSBC),very central
to funding this traffic as well as a Jewish-British banking family, the Sassoons, originally
from Baghdad ,directly involved.The immiseration of millions of Chinese in opium addiction as
well as the failed Chinese attempt To free themselves from this in the Opium Wars has left
them bitter,rightfully.
So, introducing fentanyl to the west is payback. Two years ago I looked up on Alibaba ,out
of curiosity ,the cost , quantity and availability of a common antibiotic, Vancomycin. It was
amazing, at least 30 responses, producing in quantity, hundreds of kilograms, cheap ....,,you
want it when? The Chinese pharmaceutical production capacity is enormous. Fentanyl is no
problem to produce in huge quantity for these folks. They, in their minds, have reason to
send it our way. We are at war.
MerLynn , 1 hour ago
yes its a Bio Chemical War.... and all Bio Weapons come from the Barrel of a Needle
Sid Davis , 1 hour ago
If you are free, that means you can make good choices for yourself and bad ones, too.
When you are a slave on the big government run plantation we call the USA, pain from being
subjugated encourages escape, and since the underground market in drugs is one of the few
remaining free markets, you still have the freedom there to make bad choices.
It isn't much solace to those you leave behind that you managed to permanently escape your
Off topic, but yesterday on Newsmax network in the US the guest COMPLETELY ripped into
Gates and Fauci. Newsmax is a major conservative media outlet that has both a TV network and
website with millions of viewers/readers. You can watch it here: https://twitter.com/KarluskaP/status/1283315374025515008
"And when Fauci was telling the White House Coronavirus Task Force that there was only
anecdotal evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus, I confronted him with
scientific studies providing evidence of safety and efficacy. A recent Detroit hospital study
showed a 50% reduction in the mortality rate when
the medicine is used in early treatment.
Now Fauci says a falling
mortality rate doesn't matter when it is the single most important statistic to help guide
the pace of our economic reopening. The lower the mortality rate, the faster and more we can
open." Navarro in USA Today
"Laputa's population consists mainly of an educated elite, who are fond of mathematics,
astronomy , music and
technology, but fail to make practical use of their knowledge. Servants make up the rest of the
The Laputans have mastered magnetic levitation. They also are very fond of astronomy, and
discovered two moons of Mars. (This is 151 years earlier than the
discovery of the two moons of Mars by Asaph Hall in 1877.) However, they are unable to
construct well-designed clothing or buildings, as they despise practical geometry as "vulgar
and mechanick". The houses are ill-built, lacking any right angles, [6] and
the clothes of Laputans, which are decorated with astrological symbols and musical figures, do
not fit, as they take measurements with instruments such as quadrants and a compass rather than with tape measures . [7] They
spend their time listening to the music of the spheres. They believe in astrology and worry
constantly that the sun will go out." wiki on Gullivers Travels.
Ah, I see it now! Dr. Fauci is a Laputan seer! He is devoid of any real comprehension or
respect for the ordinary humans trying to deal with actual pandemic problems rather than "the
music of the spheres."
Is he a Democratic Party operative? I doubt it. He is simply "out of it." pl
Fauci doesn't matter. Over the weekend the WH tried to strongarm parents to get on board
with school reopening. They are fucking with the wrong interest group.
There is a better, albeit a more difficult way to undermine Fauci. Educate the people that
this issue has vast economic consequences and we must factor in those consequences when
crafting an over-all policy. Fauci, I expect, will openly admit he is approaching the topic
from a purely medical perspective...which is exactly what he's supposed to be doing.
As is, Trump is leaves himself wide open to the obvious counter: Neither he nor his
economic adviser have any medical expertise.
"Tony Fauci has many, many vaccine patents and there's one vaccine patent that he has that
is a way of packaging a coronavirus with some other vaccine in a protein sheet and then
delivering it through a vaccine he somehow ended up owning that patent Tony Fauci will be
able to cash in . So Fauci's agency will collect half the royalties for that vaccine [related
to the coronavirus]."
"Sunderland co-founded the VC firm, known for making ambitious investments, after having
led program-related investments for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which provided
financial support to Moderna while she was there. Since 2010, Moderna has been working on
developing messenger RNA (mRNA) that allows the body's cells to act like reprogrammed
biological factories, producing antibodies needed to battle diseases, including viruses.
"The nice thing about big bets is that they play out over time. ... We made an investment
five years ago in Moderna, and mRNA was a big bet, and you see it playing out in terms of
their ability to get a rapid vaccine for Covid. ... You have to take those big bets,"
Sunderland said."
"The other thing that is amazing in its evolution is the amount that we've learned about
HIV pathogenesis, the reservoir, the potential for controlling the virus, either in the
absence of antiretroviral [treatment] or in a modified regimen that takes away the need to
have a single pill or multiple pills every single day. The thing that remains the holy grail
of unaccomplished goals is the development of a highly effective, safe vaccine. And that is
something that's not surprising because of the very special situation with HIV, that the body
-- as much as we study pathogenesis and understand it so incredibly well -- the body does not
make an adequate immune response against HIV, which is the reason why no one has yet
spontaneously cleared the virus by their immune system. And so what we need to do, and where
we're combination putting a lot of effort into, but also struggling with, is the issue of the
development of a vaccine that would be effective enough to be able to be deployed.
We have one situation that took place, well after that meeting in San Francisco, where a
trial of a candidate vaccine -- in a trial named RV 144 that took place in Thailand -- showed
a 31% efficacy, which gave us some great hints of correlates of immunity and are the basis
for a number of subsequent trials, but still was not good enough to deploy. So we have a
number of very large vaccine trials, going on now throughout the world, including a heavy
concentration in southern Africa. But we also are pursuing another line of vaccine research,
which is the attempt to present to the body, in the proper conformation with sequential
immunizations, the capability of making broadly neutralizing antibodies. And if we're
successful in that, then I think we have a really good chance of developing a vaccine that
would have an efficacy and safety profile good enough to actually deploy it."
I think over time mrna "vaccines" will change medicine. Are we opening Pandora's box?
Navarro wrote in the
op-ed for USA TODAY Tuesday that "Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he
has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on."
The White House's deputy chief of staff for communications, Dan Scavino, who has been by the
president's side since the 2016 campaign, on Sunday posted a cartoon on Facebook depicting
Fauci as a running faucet washing the U.S. economy down the drain.
"Sorry, Dr. Faucet! At least you know if I'm going to disagree with a colleague, such as
yourself, it's done publicly -- and not cowardly, behind journalists with leaks. See you
tomorrow!" Scavino wrote in a caption accompanying the cartoon.
>But media - and USA health officials - have been silent about long-term effects of
I find it a very cruel irony that Fauci of all people is in charge of the virus
non-response. He was a boat-anchor at NIH during the initial response to the AIDS crisis. He
has been instrumental in wrecking the NIH research program for ME. For example, he kicked the
ME research program out of his institute in Oct 1999:
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, met with the Dr. Harold Varmus, Director of NIH, and
concluded that CFS was more complex and activities should be relocated from a single NIH
institute." (CFSAC minutes Sept 2003)
The NIH research program has been in limbo ever since, subject to an unworkable
multi-institute something-or-other designed to make sure no one has authority or
responsibility to actually do something.
Fauci will soon be working overtime together with the UK psychobabblers to discredit
the personal reports of the COVID Longhaulers. They will be diagnosed with "stress" and given
a course of "computerized" CBT, which will tell them to ignore symptoms and carry on, until
they collapse.
When patients don't come back, doctors always assume they got better. Honest to god,
doctors have said that to me. It does not occur to them that patients get too sick to go to
the clinic, or they got tired of being fobbed off.
"... The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system's six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of those who did not receive the drug died. ..."
"... Among all patients in the study, there was an overall in-hospital mortality rate of 18%, and many who died had underlying conditions that put them at greater risk, according to Henry Ford Health System. Globally, the mortality rate for hospitalized patients is between 10% and 30%, and it's 58% among those in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator." Detroit News ..."
"... A long "take down" of Fauci: https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_ken-mccarthy-tony-fauci-is-corrupt-to-the-core/ ..."
"... This is not Fauci's first rodeo. He's been pumping hysteria for 36 years. He always gets it wrong. He was wrong about swine flu. He was wrong about bird flu. He was wrong about Zika. He was wrong about Ebola. He wildly exaggerated AIDS. And he always is wrong in the favor of pharmaceutical companies. And he's always wrong in favor of 'we've got to develop a vaccine now. We have to throw out all the rules. ..."
"... Observational studies are never the equivalent of double-blind randomized studies; but there can still provide important and fare more readily obtained early information about these connections and conditions. ..."
"... This stuff is hard. There are lots of variations in patient populations and treatment protocols. We have to consider doses, concomitant meds (such as azithromycin), patient status at time of treatment, age, and, comorbidities. ..."
"... the recently halted NIH trial was randomized, double-blinded; this was in a hospital setting. The prophylactic trial reported at the beginning of June in NEJM (author Boulware) was also randomized, double-blinded; this was in a prophylactic setting. ..."
"A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug
hydroxychloroquine helps lower the death rate of COVID-19 patients, the Detroit-based health
system said Thursday.
Officials with the Michigan health system said the study found the drug "significantly"
decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis.
The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system's six hospitals between
March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of
those who did not receive the drug died.
Among all patients in the study, there was an overall in-hospital mortality rate of 18%, and
many who died had underlying conditions that put them at greater risk, according to Henry Ford
Health System. Globally, the mortality rate for hospitalized patients is between 10% and 30%,
and it's 58% among those in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator." Detroit News
There will be no accountability: The b-stards have set the standards.
https://www.bcazlaw.com/surgical-mishaps/ Medical malpractice is a legal term used to describe a medical professional's failing to
uphold the acceptable standard of care in a situation. Doctors must adhere to accepted
medical community standards concerning treatment methods and technique, and failing to
do so can leave them liable for any resulting damages.
https://www.lynchlawyers.com/blog/hospital-medical-malpractice/ When a patient is under a hospitals care, the facility must operate at a level that meets the
medical community's standards for treating patients. This means the hospital or its
staff members cannot cause the patient harm as a result of negligence.
https://www.fortheinjured.com/blog/common-medical-errors/ When a doctor or medical facility's
failure to meet these standards results in a
patient's injury or death, the at-fault party can be held liable for medical malpractice
https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/map/TheCommunityStandard.html The community standard is the older standard and reflects the traditional deference of the
law toward physicians. It is based on what physicians as a group do in a given circumstance.
The community standard requires that the patient be told what other physicians in the same
community would tell a patient in the same or similar circumstances. "Community" refers both
to the geographic community and to the specialty (intellectual community) of the
It'll be 37 years this year he's had the same job in the federal bureaucracy.
There are two million people getting a paycheck from the federal government as
employees. Who do you think the third highest paid employee in the entire federal
bureaucracy is? It's Tony Fauci.
So just to sum all this up: This is not Fauci's first rodeo. He's been pumping hysteria
for 36 years. He always gets it wrong. He was wrong about swine flu. He was wrong about
bird flu. He was wrong about Zika. He was wrong about Ebola. He wildly exaggerated AIDS.
And he always is wrong in the favor of pharmaceutical companies. And he's always wrong in
favor of 'we've got to develop a vaccine now. We have to throw out all the rules.
And his wife is Christine Grady, chief of the Department of Bioethics of the National
Institute of Health and the head of the section on Human Subject Research. She is the
person that makes decisions on what's ethical to do with human subjects. That's his
Uncharted research: areas where anti-malarial drugs are sold widely over the counter - in
malaria prone parts of the world - eg: Central America, SEA and Pacific Islands. How do their
covid rates relate to these specific localities (not just generalized country numbers), where
ongoing prophylactic sales of OTC anti-malaria drugs are most prevalent?
Why does the CDC travel and tourism website info still recommend taking anti-malarial
drugs, when the other hand of our deep state bureaucrats are screaming these drugs will kill
Observational studies are never the equivalent of double-blind randomized studies; but
there can still provide important and fare more readily obtained early information about
these connections and conditions.
No comment/s needed perhaps. But deliciously anticipated. Here, from the Committee, and
especially from the MSM. Even if only silence. Because "silence is really violence" in this
https://www.yourdailyshakespeare.com/2020/06/08/the-world-upside-down/ And here is an example, a reported 'case-study'. A prince of Persia had melancholia and
suffered from the delusion of being a cow. He would moo like a cow, crying "Kill me so that a
good stew may be made of my flesh," and would never eat anything. Avicenna was persuaded to
treat the case and sent a message to the patient, asking him to be happy as the butcher was
coming to slaughter him. The sick man rejoiced. When Avicenna approached the prince with a
knife in his hand, he asked, "Where is the cow so I may kill it."
The patient then mooed like a cow to indicate where he was. He was then laid on the ground
for slaughter. When Avicenna approached the patient pretending to slaughter him, he said,
"The cow is too lean and not ready to be killed. He must be fed properly and I will kill it
when it becomes healthy and fat. The patient was then offered food, which he ate eagerly and
gradually gained strength, got rid of his delusion, and was completely cured.
How relevant may be the Avicennian case study to the current dynamics of the pandemic I will
leave it to my possible and patient readers to decide.
Dr. Marc Siegel a medical correspondent for Foxnews told T. Carlson weeks ago that an
emergency treatment of this drug saved the life of his 96 year old father who was at the
point of death, cured him overnight in fact.
It is a fact that cancer drugs are not uniformly effective in all patients.
The causes must be sought in the genotypes of the patients.
The differential response as well as effectiveness are not reasons to discard a
In further news on COVID-19 Treatments I have 2 items to report:
First one:
The 3-drug mixture of Azittomycin, Naproxen, and prednisolone (oral or injectable) have
been used successfully for reduction of the inflammation of respiratory system.
3 systematic trials have been undertaken and results were conclusive in expediting faster
Second one:
Clinical trials in Iran (in Masih Daneshvari hospital) – indicated 100% cure of
COVID-19 in 20 patients using a combination of ReciGen and Cultera (sic?) which is an AIDS
A second group of patients – 152 – had a reduction in mortality of 20% as
compared to those who were only receiving Cultera (sic.?)
This stuff is hard. There are lots of variations in patient populations and treatment
protocols. We have to consider doses, concomitant meds (such as azithromycin), patient status
at time of treatment, age, and, comorbidities.
A big difference: the Ford study was not randomized, not double-blinded. They used a
statistical technique to try to make the groups comparable on factors believed to be
relevant, but this is after fact. (It's a nice technique, I've used it myself, but it doesn't
magically solve all of the difficulties of retrospective analysis.)
In contrast, the recently halted NIH trial was randomized, double-blinded; this was in a
hospital setting. The prophylactic trial reported at the beginning of June in NEJM (author
Boulware) was also randomized, double-blinded; this was in a prophylactic setting.
Hydroxychloroquine is the active ingredient in the tonic portion of gin and tonics, which
I've been drinking for prophylactic purposes since the pandemic began.
"... Alan MacLeod is a Staff Writer for MintPress News. After completing his PhD in 2017 he published two books: Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting and Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent . He has also contributed to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting , The Guardian , Salon , The Grayzone , Jacobin Magazine , Common Dreams the American Herald Tribune and The Canary . ..."
alifornia-based pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences has
announced that a five-day course of its antiviral drug Remdesivir -- shown in tests to
effectively fight COVID-19 -- will cost $3,120 to Americans with health insurance and $2,340 to
those on Medicaid. Yet
research published in April calculated that the drug could be produced at a profit for as
little as $0.93 per day.
The study, led by Dr. Andrew Hill from the Department of Translational Medicine, University
of Liverpool, U.K., and published in the
Journal of Virus Eradication , found that a five-day course of lifesaving Remdesivir
could be mass-produced for less than the cost of a Subway sandwich. So cheap is the drug that
the saline solution and the syringe needed to administer it would be more costly.
MintPress spoke with Dr. Hill, who was dismayed by the company's announcement.
We are in a health emergency. We can't have a situation right now where people are unable
to access medicine because the prices are too high. Remdesivir is a drug that has had its
development costs paid for, in large part, by independent donors like governments and
ministries of health in China, the WHO, and the U.S. government. So why should a company be
making money in the middle of a pandemic by selling a drug which has largely been developed
independently of them?" he said.
News of the decision led to an explosion of public anger. "As Gilead charges $3,120 for its
COVID drug, Remdesivir, remember that the drug was developed with a $70,000,000 grant from the
federal government paid for by American taxpayers. Once again, Big Pharma is set to profit on
the people's dime," wrote former Secretary of Labor
Robert Reich. "This isn't healthcare. It's extortion," appeared to be the overwhelming sentiment
on social media.
Gilead itself, however, seemed not to share this sentiment. Indeed, its
press release on the subject positioned its decision as a selfless and magnanimous gesture
of corporate philanthropy. "We approached this with the aim of helping as many patients as
possible, as quickly as possible and in the most responsible way," said its CEO, Daniel O'Day,
adding that, "under normal circumstances" the company would have charged the public $12,000 per
"A new low"
Remdesivir is an intravenous antiviral drug that has been used to fight other coronaviruses
like SARS and MERS and has shown some effectiveness against Ebola. Although far from a miracle
treatment, studies have concluded that it aids
recovery, reducing the average hospital visit for COVID-19 patients from 15 days to 11 days
when compared to a placebo. Like with everything coronavirus-related, there is no absolute
scientific consensus. In late April, the WHO accidentally leaked a
Chinese study that suggested Remdesivir may not be as effective as Gilead claims it to be.
Nevertheless, the Trump administration has now bought
up the entire world's stock of the drug, effectively confiscating it and shutting out every
other country from the medicine.
"I've been working in medicine for 32 years and I have never seen anything like it. I've
never seen a country be that brazen. We have to work together. This could be a taste of the
future. They've tried to also do this with advanced orders of vaccines. Imagine if we had a 100
percent effective vaccine and it only went to Americans," Dr. Hill told MintPress
At the moment people don't quite understand the gravity of the decision that the American
government has made. This is a worldwide epidemic and we have got to remember that the
clinical trials of Remdesivir were not just conducted in the United States; they were
conducted around European and Chinese centers. Patients put themselves at risk to take part
in an experimental drug trial, and the gratitude we get as other countries after our people
were involved in these studies is to be shut out of the future supply of the drug?! It is
simply ethically unacceptable. I think there are serious questions to be answered. This is a
new low ground, unfortunately," he added.
Gilead has been under considerable public scrutiny of late. The company, which
announced profits of $5.4 billion last year, has increased its value by $15 billion since
the pandemic began. In December, MintPressreported
that it was being sued, accused of deliberately holding back a lifesaving HIV drug to extend
the profitability of their previous, inferior one. With shades of the Remdesivir announcement,
the drug is sold in Australia for $8 per month, but the company charges Americans around $2,000
for the same dosage. "Gilead has a long history of profiteering," said Dr. Hill. "Its CEO is a
billionaire and has been accused of tax avoidance; by keeping their intellectual property in
Ireland they avoided $10 billion in taxes in 2016 and they sell drugs for between 100 and 1,000
times the cost of production. And nobody is stopping them. I think this is a taste of things to
come if we don't have better controls on the pharmaceutical industry's excesses."
As of Wednesday morning, there have been 2.73 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the
United States, the six worst days for the virus in terms of infections all occurring in the
previous week.
Feature photo | A lab tech displays a package of the Remdesivir at the Eva Pharma Facility
in Cairo, Egypt June 29, 2020. Amr Abdallah | Reuters
Deaths from just *Pneumonia* from Feb1st to June20/20 =*119,174* Deaths from just Covid by
its self for same time period = 109,188 And for this time period 1,232,269 Deaths from all
causes. The numbers Fear game,obviously is being played up large by the DemoTards and we know
why! Funny how the Fake News,never speaks of this.
Arch_Stanton , 47 minutes ago
Fauci should have had his microphone taken away months ago. A testament to the power of
big pharma.
razorthin , 59 minutes ago
Little Fascist Koxucker.
"Please understand the people who have built this international order reject natural law,
so they do not like sovereign citizens. They do not believe people have inherent rights or
sacred liberties. Most frankly find God anathema and believe in no higher authority than
themselves and the heartless arithmetic they serve. So, while they have happily plundered
America of blood and treasure which we were foolish enough to provide in copious quantities,
they have no love or need of our nation or antiquated concepts such as those enshrined in the
Constitution and Bill of Rights. In their calculation, America needed to be taken down in
order to realize the global project, and as you see the first glimmers of a national effort
in opposition to that, a positive limited effort struggling to overcome the bureaucrats who
betray us all at every opportunity, it becomes clear the Left would rather collapse America
than see us oppose the new world without borders where everyone intermingles under a
controlling network of agencies. No guns, no resistance, no free speech, and no problems is
what they want. Only we stand in the way of the fulfillment of this Orwellian vision, and as
each day's hysteria on the news reveals, the powers that be are working overtime to push the
Left into revolt to topple America into a conflict that will remove us from prominence on the
world scene. Should they win, our rights are gone. Should they fail, the rest of the world
will have consolidated against us, save those few brave nations trying to fight themselves
free of the same entanglements that brought us low. This is where we are today, and it is one
hell of a dilemma for a person who cares about this country and our historic values. No
matter what we choose, any path but submission and surrender only leads to greater conflict,
so this makes us consider the first important question: What are we willing to fight to
preserve? Individuals and families will have to answer this question in the coming months and
years in a much more meaningful way than has been required in generations. The easy days are
coming to an end, and while the economy is booming and we're enjoying an Indian Summer for
our embattled nation, these questions will only become more pressing in the days ahead."
-- The Coming Civil War by Tom Kawczynski
nsurf9 , 1 hour ago
The nasolacrimal duct (also called the tear duct) carries tears from the lacrimal sac of
the eye into the nasal cavity. This virus seems to be able aerosol its particles more readily
than other viruses so as to spread its RNA/DNA in the air - as well as being normally
contracted through fluid droplets.
The eyes are large wet areas, perfect for collecting dust and viruses. If you're a part of
an at-risk demographic or just worried, make sure you cover you eyes. And, upon returning
home, I rinse the eyes out with water along with washing my hands.
Right now, I'm using some tight-fitting fishing glasses with my n99 mask, when I go into
stores or hi-density areas - but, looking for something better.
IvannaHumpalot , 1 hour ago
Rinsing your eyes wont help
yes you can get it through your eyes but that is very difficult via aerosol and
far more likely is you touch a contaminated surface after some dirty person without a
facemask has been talking and breathing out their infected droplets earlier
those droplets fall to the surface and you touch it then touch your eyes, nose or
or you breathe in an infective dose by not wearing a mask to reduce viral load
or you walk it home on your shoes
IvannaHumpalot , 1 hour ago
Herd immunity at 80%
america has 328 million
That means 262 million must get infected for fantasy herd immunity
US infected is now at 2.7 million infected
let us be generous and say 10x havent been diagnosed but have it
so the US is at 27 million infected
27 out of 262 million
there goes the stupid herd immunity sham
Wear a facemask, avoid catching or spreading it
tranium , 1 hour ago
Dr. HOAX is spreading plandemic.
ZKnight , 1 hour ago
Does anyone even believe this sleazy little man who's corona predictions were 20x off?
He single handedly destroyed the economy and people's jobs over a false alarm all to try
and get his vaccine's in.
WhiteHose , 1 hour ago
Hes been wrong on everything since Jan!
hugin-o-munin , 1 hour ago
We applaud the approval of chemical sweeteners, fluoride, GMOs, antibiotic saturated meat
products and poultry, not to mention the continued use of Glyphosate on just about all food
products. Eat and drink your industrial sugar and chemicals. Now we need a global vaccine
schedule and license linked to passports to make sure everyone on the planet is inoculated
all the time before we can allow them to buy and sell. This is all done out of pure love and
care for all people.
JamcaicanMeAfraid , 1 hour ago
Fauci's ego may start to encroach on the king of all egos, Barry Soreto
Peak Finance , 1 hour ago
"tremendous burden" that the US health care system might face this fall if COVID-19 and
the flu are circulating at the same time.
This man is truly a fool and should be arrested.
Death rates and statistics do not work that way
This coming flu season is going to be the MILDEST EVER because of Covid, as, the people
that WOULD HAVE DIED this season have ALREADY PASSED
Similar to the "Demand-pull" concept in economics
Random ZH posters smarter than people in the upper reaches of government
Fauci and Redfield are complete pieces of s h i t. So much misdirection and lies.
RTP , 2 hours ago
Gallo + Fauci = AIDS swindle
Fauci + Gates = COVID-19 swindle
How much longer will this poisonous dwarf ruin the future of mankind?
k3g , 2 hours ago
Question in March: Doc, you've been a Director at NIH infectious disease unit for 36
years. You're our top virologist. You're in the spotlight, your moment to shine, to show why
we've paid your salary and bene's all these years, we're counting on you. First question:
should we wear masks, would that help?
A: Dunno. Have to study it.
Q: Well, if we want to wear masks, how to we get them? When will the gubmint release masks
from the billions it has in storage?
A: Dunno. Not sure if we have any masks. Have you tried Home Depot?
The government and the FED dumping TRILLIONS of dollars to all these corporations,
meanwhile they can't even provide FREE MASKS for everyone. If they really wanted to help,
they could have given everyone masks. That's how you could have helped prevent it. And MASKS
are expensive why not subsidized it, and maybe we would have this in control and are
re-opening sooner.
On Monday, Gilead disclosed its pricing plan for Gilead as it prepares to begin charging for
the drug at the beginning of next month (several international governments have already placed
orders). Given the high demand, thanks in part due to the breathless media coverage despite the
drug's still-questionable study data, Gilead apparently feels justified in charging $3,120 for
a patient getting the shorter, more common, treatment course, and $5,720 for the longer course
for more seriously ill patients. These are the prices for patients with commercial insurance in
the US, according to Gilead's official pricing plan.
As per usual, the price charged to those on government plans will be lower, and hospitals
will also receive a slight discount. Additionally, the US is the only developed country where
Gilead will charge two prices, according to Gilead CEO Daniel O'Day. In much of Europe and
Canada, governments negotiate drug prices directly with drugmakers (in the US, laws dictate
that drug makers must "discount" their drugs for Medicare and Medicaid plans).
But according to O'Day, the drug is priced "far below the value it brings" to the
health-care system.
However, we'd argue that this actually isn't true. Remdesivir was developed by Gilead to
treat Ebola, but the drug was never approved by the FDA for this use, which caused Gilead to
shelve the drug until COVID-19 presented another opportunity. Even before the first study had
finished, the company was already pushing propaganda about the promising nature of the drug.
Meanwhile, the CDC, WHO and other organizations were raising doubts about the effectiveness of
steroid medications.
Months later, the only study on the steroid dexomethasone, a cheap steroid that costs less
than $50 for a 100-dose regimen, has shown that dexomethasone is the only drug so far that has
proven effective at lowering COVID-19 related mortality. Remdesivir, despite the fact that it
has been tested in several high quality trials, has not.
So, why is the American government in partnership with Gilead still pushing this
questionable, and staggeringly expensive, medication on the public?
The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind
It? Anthony Fauci's Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global
Research, June 10, 2020 Global Research Region: USA Theme: Media Disinformation ,
Science and
The Guardian has revealed the scandal behind the hydroxychloroquine study which was intent
on blocking HCQ as a cure for COVID-19. "Dozens of scientific papers co-authored by the chief
executive of the US tech company behind the Lancet hydroxychloroquine study scandal are now
being audited, including one that a scientific integrity expert claims contains images that
appear to have been digitally manipulated. The audit follows a Guardian investigation that
found the company, Surgisphere , used suspect data in major
scientific studies that were published and then retracted by world-leading medical journals,
including the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine. .
several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and analyses
conducted by Surgisphere Corporation and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai, in our
publication. We launched an independent third-party peer review of Surgisphere As such, our
reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore
notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process
The study was allegedly based on data analysis of 96,032 patients hospitalized with COVID-19
between Dec 20, 2019, and April 14, 2020 from 671 hospitals Worldwide. The database, according
to the Guardian could not be verified. It was false.
"I did not do enough to ensure that the data source was appropriate for this use. For
that, and for all the disruptions – both directly and indirectly – I am truly
CEO Dr. Sapan Desai took the blame. Who was behind him?
The Surgisphere Scientific Scam. Who was behind it? Who "commissioned" this Report?
Was the pharmaceutical industry and vaccine lobby group behind this initiative? The Lancet
acknowledges that the study received funding from the William Harvey Distinguished Chair in
Advanced Cardiovascular Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital which is held by Dr. Mandeep
Mehra. In this regard, it is worth noting that Brigham Health has a major contract with Big
Pharma's Gilead Sciences Inc , related to
the development of the Remdesivir drug for the treatment of COVID-19.
The Gilead-Brigham Health project was initiated in March 2020 .
Was the Surgisphere
study intended to provide a justification to block the use of HCQ, as recommended by Dr.
Anthony Fauci, advisor to president Trump? Upon reading the study (prior to its retraction),
"Dr Fauci, grinned as he told CNN that "the data shows hydroxychloroquine
is not an effective treatment "Referring to the Surgisphere report: "The scientific data is
really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy for it [HCQ]," said Dr. Fauci. (quoted by
CNN ).
Here is the CNN's authoritative assessment of Surgisphere's
report (prior to The Lancet's Retraction):
"Seriously ill Covid-19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine
were more likely to die or develop dangerous irregular heart rhythms, according to a large
observational study [by Surgisphere] published Friday [May 22, 2020] in the medical journal
Lancet .
Dr. Anthony Fauci who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) , has from the very outset led the campaign against hydroxychloroquine
(largely on behalf of Big Pharma) invoking similar "scientific arguments" against HCQ, saying
categorically there was no cure to COVID-19, and the only solution was the vaccine.
The campaign to destroy hydroxychloroquine has been waged relentlessly, both by competitor
pharmaceutical companies and those who want to destroy the US economy to advance their
political agenda. It is shocking that it has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and billions
of taxpayer dollars. But although the corruption of science for political and/ or financial
gain has become a defining characteristic of our age, it is not a new story.
The publication of the Surgisphere study had an immediate impact: According to
the Guardian , "Surgisphere data led to global trials of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19
being halted in May, because it appeared to show the drug increased deaths in Covid-19
"Higher Risks of Death" if you take HCQ, according to the study. In the days following the
fake Surgisphere Lancet report on May 22, several countries including Belgium, France, Italy,
acted to halt the use of hydroxychloroquine. The study had concluded patients taking the
anti-malaria drug had a higher risk of death than those who were not taking the medication
It is worth noting that prior to the conduct of the Surgisphere study, Dr. Fauci
stated categorically that the use of HCQ had not been studied in relation to the coronavirus.
"No proven drug": "Not Enough Known" . Nonsensical and false statements.
What Fauci failed to mention is that Chloroquine had been "studied" and tested fifteen years
ago by the CDC as a drug to be used against coronavirus infections. Chloroquine was used in
2002 and tested against SARS-1 coronavirus in a study under the auspices of the CDC published
in 2005 in the peer reviewed Virology Journal. The main conclusion of the article was that:
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. It was used in the
SARS-1 outbreak in 2002. It had the endorsement of the CDC.
The main author Dr. Martin J. Vincent together with several of his colleagues were
affiliated with the Special Pathogens Branch of the Atlanta based CDC together with co-authors
from a Montreal based partner research institution. The main conclusions of this study are that
Chloroquine is a tested drug and can be used for SARS-corona virus infections.
Dr. Anthony
Fauci has not put forth a treatment which could be applied against COVID-19. What he is saying
is that there is no treatment. And then he endorses the fake scientific study by Surgisphere
which was subsequently retracted by The Lancet. Lancet: the article was retracted
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been deliberately blocking a drug which was endorsed by the CDC 15
years ago for treatment of SARS-1 Coronavirus. More recently, it has been used extensively in a
number of countries in relation to the Coronavirus or SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) outbreak. Whose
interests is he serving?
That's not entirely true, we just do not believe in fraudulent agenda driven traitors like
Fauci's estimates were so off that the only 2 conclusions can be formed, gross negligence
or intentional deception, either way he has zero credibility left!
Locker up , 1 hour ago
I remember when the pandemic started Fauci said "Masks don't protect you and the front
line health workers need the masks for their protection". I think that statement caused him
to lose all credibility with the public. Fauci still sounds like he's drowning in mucus. They
should get a healthy honest scientist to talk to the public.
MsCreant , 1 hour ago
This guy should just step down.
He is now saying masks are good. They were not good when there was a shortage of them.
If he can't see the logic of why he is not trusted, he is incompetent. lay_arrow
Dumpster Elite , 1 hour ago
"How DARE you serfs and peasants question the authority and wisdom of your masters!!!
Max UK , 1 hour ago
Yeah Fauci, nobody has done as much to destroy trust actually, as YOU!
NumberNone , 1 hour ago
There are 57 genders...is that the science we don't believe in? Asking for a friend.
Lt. Frank Drebin , 1 hour ago
What a jerk. This dude has Napoleon syndrome, i.e. only he is right, everyone else is
Tarzan , 38 minutes ago
Fauci TEST ified that, although they are TEST ing more, there has been more positive TEST
s then before they were TEST ing more, and We're all crazy science deniers for recognizing
his inconsistent TEST imony.
Fauci clearly is a charlatan, a researcher who long ago became a politician and now cheats
like Pompeo. His mask wearng fiacto characterize him as a person who is unable to admin that he
was wrong. and admin the he lied in order to cover the shortage of masks for medical personnel
and complete unpreparedness of the country to the epidemic.
He also look like a boy who cried "wolf,wolf" way to many time, when no wolf was around.
This guy did absolutely nothing to understand and prepare for the epidemic from January to
Late March and then pushed for excessive measures like total quarantine. he should be fired for
incompetence. He is implicitly guilty for Ciumo idiotism in NY (horror hospital beds are running
out we need million of ventilators) and similar idiotism in NJ and other parts of the country,
which unnecessary closed businesses where wearing masks would suffice.
This charlatan never admitted his role in promotion of "gain of function" experiments and
financing them in Wuhan biolab.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the polarising director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, slammed everyday Americans for refusing to go along with 'authority' on
medical matters, and accused people of 'amazing denial' when it comes to 'truth'.
Speaking on a podcast called Learning Curve , produced by the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), Fauci charged that "unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science
bias that people are -- for reasons that sometimes are, you know, inconceivable and not
understandable -- they just don't believe science and they don't believe authority."
"So when they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it,
who's talking about science, that there are some people who just don't believe that -- and
that's unfortunate because, you know, science is truth, " Fauci asserted.
"It's amazing sometimes the denial there is, it's the same thing that gets people who are
anti-vaxxers , who don't want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate
the safety of vaccines," Fauci proclaimed, adding "That's really a problem."
Fauci also has a long history of being the front man for a network of powerful Big Pharma
and Big Medicine interests, pushing vaccines
and medicines in a clear conflict of interest.
* * *
Following Fauci's blame-scaping the anti-science bias of (implicitly ignorant) Americans,
Thiel Capital MD Eric Weinstein unleashed a barrage of uncomfortable truths on Twitter
How dare this man.
Do you want to know why they are learning to hate scientists for real Dr Fauci?
Because your group lies about science & your ilk drove the truth telling scientists
out of their rightful places inside the institutions calling bullshit on your lying about
masks. pic.twitter.com/VJLTGT0GOe
Scientists like me who don't go along with cowards & crowds cannot disrupt your
group's lies because we are outside. Imagine if I was tweeting from the National Science
Foundation or MIT. It would be a national news story about how your cabal lies and degrades
faith in science: https://t.co/leYsCerG3o
"But you prattle on. We will one day find out later that you suspected all along that the
Wuhan BS-L 4 virology lab might well be involved, but that you didn't say so for this or that
political reason.
Because you aren't a scientist. You play one. You are an MD turned actor.
Even when I agree with the conclusions of your institutional pseudo science cabal, you
cheat to get to our shared conclusions on vaccines, viruses, climate, etc.
So you want people to believe in science again? Ok. Call-yourself-out. Admit that your
crowd **lied** about our masks.
And not to put too fine a point on it: your group is sitting in chairs reserved for people
who don't do what your cabal just did.
You just don't have what it takes sir. I'm sorry. But science isn't acting. It's not a
beauty pagent. It's not politics.
Science requires courage ."
y_arrow 1
Whoa Dammit , 2 minutes ago
Like the other many things that Mr.Fauci has gotten wrong, he fails to recognize the truth
that Americans don't believe him
Boing_Snap , 6 minutes ago
People don't believe Fauci, never been in the real world, vaccine patent holder,
TruthHunter , 6 minutes ago
Fauci, you're not a scientist. You're a politician...stop whining when you're treated like
JoePorkChop , 6 minutes ago
Are scientists and authority some incorruptible special breed? A very skeptical eye
towards any power structure is very neccesary, always.
artytom , 6 minutes ago
Good man Weinstein.
HowardBeale , 7 minutes ago
Is he phucking joking? Fauci has no idea what Fauci will say tomorrow...
SuperareDolo , 8 minutes ago
I don't know if it would surprise Fauci to know that the majority of epidemiologists are
among those he says, "Don't believe in science, or authority."
Combining those two terms is very telling. Science is skeptical empiricism, not belief.
It's kind of self-contradictory to believe in conclusions, since he's not talking about
belief in the validity of skeptical empiricism. He's talking about his authority, which he
wants people to believe in, because he's a scientist. That's technocracy, and nobody should
accept that.
diogi23 , 9 minutes ago
Fauci is the John Bolton of science. Why does Trump keep him around??
aelfheld , 6 minutes ago
Science is a process, not 'revealed wisdom'.
I d----d sure don't put much faith in scientists who try to speak ex cathedra .
ze_vodka , 11 minutes ago
I require evidence based reasoning to be presented for Science...
I require that those who seek to be called an "Authority" demonstrate the ability to lead
well with kindness and humility.
I firmly reject arbitrary Totalitarianism... which is exactly what Fauci espouses and
Demystified , 12 minutes ago
Fauci is a medical MEATBALL, his credibility is in the toilet. A Flush is needed
ze_vodka , 11 minutes ago
I require evidence based reasoning to be presented for Science...
I require that those who seek to be called an "Authority" demonstrate the ability to lead
well with kindness and humility.
I firmly reject arbitrary Totalitarianism... which is exactly what Fauci espouses and
Demystified , 12 minutes ago
Fauci is a medical MEATBALL, his credibility is in the toilet. A Flush is needed
YouThePeople , 13 minutes ago
Fauxi is a corrupted paid stooge...and a bad actor.
Slayer666 , 14 minutes ago
Old School Americans aren't very fond of blindly following authority. They/We have a
rebellious streak. That's why the globalists/NWO want to import a new, more docile
population. But if America falls, don't expect the rest of the world to remain the same. Yeah
I know a lot of people would welcome that, but don't be too sure that what comes into that
power vacuum wouldn't be way worse.
hugin-o-munin , 6 minutes ago
There is a big difference in allowing the US economy to fail and having the US fail. Two
different things. In fact I think the best remedy to the current hyper corrupt system is to
let the dollar implode. That removes these fvckers' power in a clean sweep move and then
something more genuine and honest can take its place.
Distant_Star , 15 minutes ago
What ********. I believe in Newton's laws of motion. I believe in the laws of
thermodynamics and many other scientific rules. I believe in the periodic table. I believe in
Avogadro's number and Boyle's Law.
I don't believe in the "China model" that Fauchi, the corrupt WHO, the inept CDC with
their flawed Chinese test kits and the progressive politicians worshipped from day 1. I don't
believe it was necessary to lock down whole populations. I don't believe in the political
jihad against hydroxychloriquine because Trump said it might have value, mounds of anecdotal
evidence supported its use, and many physicians endorse it.
I don't subscribe to the globalist horesehit from the Gates Foundation with his push for
undeveloped vaccines and quantum dots, and statements that, "we have to vaccinate 6 billion
people." I have contempt for craven people who demand that everyone else be locked down for
their benefit, and whine about how "We can never go back to the way it was. Boo-hoo."
I question the ever changing, often contradictory narrative on this virus. I heap scorn on
their wildly inaccurate models that caused this economic and social disaster. I call
horse**** on the "scientists" and progressive authoritarians who joyfully locked down
populations and businesses when it was not necessary. These same fools then remained totally
silent when thugs, demonstrators, looters, arsonists, anarchists and mobs filled the street
for a "higher cause." I condemn those such as the "hero" Andrew Cuomo who put infected people
into nursing homes where old and vulnerable people died by the thousands for no reason. I
guess that makes me and millions of others science "deniers." On the other hand, maybe
ordinary people know a ship of floundering fools when they see one, and express genuine
concern. You don't need scientific method to see a disaster in motion. Screw Fauchi.
theboxseat , 12 minutes ago
I believe in:
Fool me once shame on you...
Darn who can remember Dubya's version of this
LA_Goldbug , 11 minutes ago
He's busy looking for WMD with Colon Powell in Iraq. He'll be back in 50 yrs. because it
is there and he will not stop looking.
ken , 9 minutes ago
Lies, just remember the lies, and that stupid look on his face while he tells them.
hugin-o-munin , 5 minutes ago
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in
Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you
can't get fooled again.”
Rocbottom , 15 minutes ago
SCIENCE doesn’t say jack ****. SCIENTISTS do. And this “scientist” is a
PROPAGANDIST not a doctor. THAT IS WHY no one believes what he says. He’s a paid
SteveNYC , 18 minutes ago
Joke of the day "American don't believe authority"
Tony, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? When you've been lied to, on a massive scale since 2001,
additional lies of which were put on steroids starting in 2016 - you'd be a FOOL to believe
"authority" or "EXPERTS" like you pal.
It's over.
k3g , 11 minutes ago
Lives Matter.
hugin-o-munin , 10 minutes ago
You must be a racist. :)
ken , 3 minutes ago
...not so much according to the Georgia Guidestones, the BMGF, U.S. Foreign Policy, and
the sacrificial babies used in blackmail to force it, by Israel.
sun tzu , 21 minutes ago
What science told the states in the northeast to send thousands of infected patients into
nursing homes?
Trezrek500 , 22 minutes ago
Science isn't about blind ideology.
B52Minot , 23 minutes ago
Faucci is nothing but a spoiled brat....and now he has a tantrum because Americans could
care less about what he says....why?? he wonders....Because Faucci has shown us the dark side
of science....how it can ruin you if you make the wrong decision about its true validity. If
we knew that the original estimate of deaths from COVID was a fraud Trump would never had
declared an emergency and agreed with a shut down....This entire COVID response has been one
big disaster....and a fraud with Faucci out there thinking he runs the place...
Time after time HE HAS BEEN WRONG..and his trust in the WHO and CHINA too has been
corrupted if not a fraud too...SO WHY IS HE STILL TRYING TO TELL US WHAT TO DO....Because he
thinks he is some sort of expert yet so flawed it oozes out of every pore...and NO ONE should
listen to him on anything. Just another crying kid having a tantrum....GO HOME and retire
Faucci...you really are worthless...and shut the hell up.
sun tzu , 24 minutes ago
Science is the truth, but scientists can and do lie.
BAMCIS , 24 minutes ago
Science has a PR problem. Mainly due to it only being accountable to itself and the fact
that for all it lofty aspirations, Science has not been able to achieve escape volatility
from the bounds of corruption that only Big Money can impose.
Plus Americans are culturally hard wired to view Science as an enemy. Luke, a dumb hick
farmer who used his faith and tenacity to destroy the crown jewel of the evil technocrats,
namely the Death Star. In most (if not all) James Bond movies the villains are mad scientists
or industrialists using science for "evil". In "The Hunger Games", Katniss Everdean is again
a bumpkin who wages war against the fancy people with their shiny tech in their decadent
cities. Its the Urban/Rural dichotomy. Same as it ever was.
bh2 , 27 minutes ago
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." -- Feynman
vampirekiller , 29 minutes ago
No one believes a queertard that attempted to attribute a 100% preventable queer disease
confined to the queer population to the majority heterosexual population. No one believes a
queertard when current empirical data refutes his fearmongering.
Lux , 29 minutes ago
I'm still wondering why Fauci is even alive. Then again, the entire Pentagon is populated
by traitors with offshore bank accounts, so..
smacker , 33 minutes ago
Someone needs to tell Fauci the reason why people don't believe the science is because it
keeps changing and contradicts itself.
There is no centre of competence on this virus and conflicting advice, including from
Voice-of-Reason , 35 minutes ago
Science originally said we didn't need masks and now we do. The problem I have with Mr
Fauci's form of science is that it is too easily manipulated by politics.
adr , 38 minutes ago
Hey Fauchole, is this science?
Upwards of 60% of people have natural immunity to Covid due to antibodies produced from
four or more common coronaviruses.
I reject your "science" and replace it with real research.
Well, yeah Dr. Fausti. We certainly did believe you. We didn't want to. But we are playing
along. You know like at work. And like living like free citizens in a supposedly free
country. By obliging you with shut-ins and shutdowns. And you terrorizing and bankrupting
millions. Yeah I think we played along. And had faith in government and science. Cuz you said
so. And would jail or punish those who did not. Take kids away. Send swat. Stuff like that.
Had bills to pay. Those bills just keep on coming. And the nerve of those people wanting to
like pay them! On time!
Government is only effective with the consent of the governed. You should know that. You
should also say something about how that was shown to be very selective enforcement. Cuz
riots or something. Do or don't matter? Confusing. They apparently can live of a billion
dollars from bank of America and starkbucks and Wal-Mart. Or just not pay their bills at all.
Or work. At a job. Where you have to show up on time, wear a mask and not burn **** down.
Stuff like that.
You are throwing a tantrum. Because everyone, not quite everyone. Still doesn't obey you.
Enough. To willingly line up for your vaccine. When it is ready. Of course. Seeing a little
scary times ahead for your authority. Who do you answer to Dr. Fausti? Are they getting a
little hot under your collar? Cuz science, right? Is what you most believe in. Not like
something else. And as long as we are here. Why do you work for Trump? Or more to the point.
Why does he employ you? Very confusing. Since he wants to maga. Supposedly.
Hal n back , 41 minutes ago
I wonder how he treats his subordinates who have different views
R2U2 , 40 minutes ago
Webster’s Dictionary, 1828:
1. Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose
"Two cankers are biting the very entrails of the United States today: the Romish and the
Mormon priests. Both are quietly at work to form a people of the most abject, ignorant and
fanatical slaves, who will recognize no other authority but their supreme pontiffs. Both are
aiming at the destruction of our schools, to raise themselves upon our ruins. Both shelter
themselves under our grand and holy principles of liberty of conscience, to destroy that very
liberty of conscience, and bind the world before their heavy and ignominious yoke.
The Mormon and the Jesuit priests are equally the uncompromising enemies of our
constitution and our laws; but the more dangerous of the two is the Jesuit—the Romish
priest, for he knows better how to conceal his hatred under the mask of friendship and public
good; he is better trained to commit the most cruel and diabolical deeds for the glory of
--Abraham Lincoln, 1864; "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome,” Charles Chiniquy,
The CIA is roughly half Mormon and half Roman Catholic.
Stan Smith , 43 minutes ago
The reason people don't trust institutions is because they fail us time and time
All why sucking up resources for research (good) and making sure people inside the system
are taken care of (less good).
The more Fauci talks the more he sounds like Al Gore. Not a good thing.
Lying about masks was bad. But lying about HC + Zinc is worse, at least in my mind.
To be fair to Fauci, that industry isnt the only one filled with dishonest schiesters.
They are everywhere.
Institutions aren't trusted because they've earned the distrust over decades. It's well
Sid Davis , 46 minutes ago
Fauci is a complete fraud.
He graduated from medical school and then spent 2 years working in hospitals. That is the
extent of his medical experience. For the last 50 years he has been a bureaucrat. He
obviously has a conflict of interest because of his ties to the Gates Foundation, Big Pharma,
and the Wuhan Lab where this mess started.
This guy belongs at the end of a rope, not at the top of the response team to this
He is a sociopathic conman, and not even very good at that.
Stillontheroad , 50 minutes ago
Hey Fucci. How much money to you stand to gain from all your patents, all granted when you
worked for the Federal Government but because you had friends in Congress a law was passed
giving you the proceeds from those patents when in the real world said patents belong to the
Voice-of-Reason , 52 minutes ago
Mr. Fauci,
We believe science. We just don't believe governmental controlled shutdowns are the answer
to this pandemic and that it ultimately does more damage to the economy than it protects
people from Covid19. And yes, we do not believe authority because they lie constantly, are
corrupt and generally are incompetent.
Krink26 , 53 minutes ago
When authorities weaponized everything including science, for political gain, people will
not trust your authority.
VideoEng_NC , 53 minutes ago
"Speaking on a podcast..."
This is the level of media Fauci seems to be relegated to plus his ever-welcoming friends
for interviews with the MSM. Would appear Hungarian Pengos here on ZH was correct on his
05/21 post regarding the ulterior motives behind the announcement of Pence staffers getting
the Wuhan virus making Fauci self isolate...for good. He doesn't even get to bake tree
Longdriver , 1 hour ago
Fauci's true colors are being shown now. He's getting testy because he is watching his
future personal profits go up in smoke in controlled vaccines.
DoctorFix , 1 hour ago
"Dont believe science"? Sure, Dr. Falsey! I believe in the "science" you represent. The
science of lies and criminal deception. The science of propaganda and manipulation. The kind
of sciences that you wholeheartedly embrace.
k3g , 1 hour ago
Fauci's turn came, and he proved himself to be incompetent, a bureaucrat, a fraud.
**** you Tony. You flat out suck.
What is The Hedge , 1 hour ago
What Fauci is really saying is that Americans are no longer accepting the false narratives
promoted by those in charge. Maybe there's hope.
Lumberjack , 1 hour ago
Mr. Fauci;
I’m your age and have a pretty strong background in engineering, science and some
other practical skills.
Over the last 30 years science has been bastardized by politicization and liberalism has
finally reached the point of teaching kids 2+3= anything they want.
Political science is based on fraud and bull$hit and now the real deal is as contaminated
as Fukushima.
Your comment about “authotity” screams of idiocracy. Try watering your crops
with gatorade and fertilizing with MDMA.
I know and knew real Phd’s who were real scientists and that’s when science
was based on theory, tests, duplication and verification.
That is no longer the case. It’s idiots like you, book smart field stupid (
I’m being kind with book smart), The only thing you a$$wipes are looking for is 10
minutes of fame, a bunch of money and molesting your interns and students with big boobs that
need a passing grade.
When as usual your astrological prognotications are bad (which are 99% of the time), you
find convenient parties to blame.
It’s time to put real science into both science and leadership.
I have high hopes that this will happen sooner rather than later.
Kid’s take note and see how many times they claimed eggs are bad for you and then
they said eggs are good for you. That goes for many other items and issues too.
Yesireebob, You screwed the pooch Mr. Fauci and I’m calling PETA right now.
NotAGenius , 1 hour ago
Why the hell does ZH give Fauci the incredibly dishonest cruel idiot any venue. He's a
liar and is the cause of the destruction of the USA by telling Trump we'd have a million
covid-19 deaths unless it was shut down and everyone stayed home. So Trump wiped out the
country and all of our lives on Fauci's b.s. That is what Fauci is, at best. Do not give him
any public platform to lie even more yet to the cowardly stupid clueless Americans. Fauci
does not deserve any recognition or platform for lies anywhere in the USA. But he's given the
stage because the government apparently supports his lies. They are all guilty of treason and
mass destruction of civilization. I want both executed at best, or at least humiliated with
public avoidance.
brian91145 , 1 hour ago
he is owned by the Rockefllers and Gates. That's a fact
radical-extremist , 1 hour ago
Scientists that can never bring themselves to say "I don't know." , are not
scientists...they're blathering charlatans pumping their brand and feeding their egos. Fauci
is much like Paul Krugman. He speaks with such confidence and certainty about everything,
that surely he must be right. And when proven wrong will do it again with the opposing view,
ignoring the fact he ever said it to begin with...as if there's no internet.
SurfingUSA , 1 hour ago
Yes true scientists are extremely humble and cautious, bec. they know how much they don't
FragNasty , 1 hour ago
Hee hee, greatings to all.
Science is meant to be based on evidence rather than faith. Maybe Fauci himself doesn't
believe in science with his inclination to the contrary. "Americans don't believe ..." The
man is a maniac! Maybe he is accidentally confessing to the state of "science" as a
counterpart to religion in it's role as an ideological control mechanism within the state of
politics today, more precisely the breakdown of such a control mechanism.
Often is man's best wisdom to be silent , 1 hour ago
Marionettes can easily be transformed into hanged persons. The ropes are already
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
BaNNeD oN THe RuN , 1 hour ago
He is right...
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political
and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is
just as good as your knowledge.
~ Isaac Asimov
But he is also one of the reasons that the anti-intellectual movement can maintain
momentum. Too many of the "authoritative voices" in positions of power are total
Itchy and Scratchy , 1 hour ago
This yap flappin’ freak show in on the board of Gates controlled WHO & various
other big pharma boards! His crooked snoot is buried so far into the cash flow trough it
ain’t even funny! Embezzlement poster child!
Handful of Dust , 1 hour ago
"Fauci the Fraud" will go down in history who will not remember him kindly.
Totally_Disillusioned , 1 hour ago
Fauci doesn't seem to understand WE DON'T BELIEVE HIM ANY LONGER!
SuperareDolo , 6 minutes ago
You never should have believed him. He was behind the attempt to steal credit for the
discovery of HIV by his underling, Gallo. There's a long story there.
Yog Soggoth , 1 hour ago
I believe Fauci gave the Wuhan lab $3.7 million.
We_The_People , 1 hour ago
That’s not entirely true, we just believe fraudulent agenda driven traitors like
Fauci’s estimates were so off that the only 2 conclusions can be formed, gross
negligence or intentional deception, either way he has zero credibility left!
We do still need to worry about the coronavirus's spread. But how can we when the experts
have completely forsaken our trust? Dr. Anthony Fauci (L), director of the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases speaks next to Response coordinator for White House
Coronavirus Task Force Deborah Birx, during a meeting with US President Donald Trump and
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards D-LA in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington,
DC on April 29, 2020. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
Since the pandemic began, I've been described as a so-called "COVID warrior," which makes
some sense. After all, I've defended the shutdowns of large gatherings. I've insisted that it's
wise to temporarily close churches and postpone funerals and other ceremonies. I've argued that
extreme caution is necessary -- that to do anything else would be to blatantly and selfishly
ignore the
scientific information at our disposal. I've held the opinion that, although it has caused
irrevocable harm to the economy and caused millions of people to suffer, business owners
who close up shop for fear of spreading contagion are in the right.
Now I feel like a fool.
By no means am I a coronavirus denier -- more than 100,000
and counting have died from the COVID. But with conflicting reports about everything from
wearing masks to the
spread of the virus through surfaces coming out of the World Health Organization and the
CDC almost weekly, my head is spinning. Nothing seems to make sense anymore.
For fear of spreading the virus, health experts have consistently recommended shutting down
and avoiding public spaces, including
schools ,
playgrounds ,
public pools , and
public transportation . They've also advocated for
limiting large gatherings and closing anything that might draw crowds. It's advice that's
been repeated for months -- to the point that those ignoring it have been
reviled and accused of experimenting with "
human sacrifice ."
That's because asymptomatic carriers of the virus, though they may feel all right
themselves, can become
mass spreaders of the deadly contagion, especially in large groups. This is why Michigan
protesting their state's lockdown in Lansing were deserving of shame -- they likely
caused mass immiseration and sickness, right?
Wrong. Turns out, health officials didn't really believe any of that.
Just last week, the WHO
announced that it's extremely rare for asymptomatic spreading of the coronavirus to occur.
If you feel fine, then you're probably not a grave threat to anyone, especially if you're
wearing a mask and gloves. Then the WHO backtracked on that statement, ultimately arriving at
the completely unhelpful determination that "
this is a major unknown ." Health experts simply don't know to what extent the disease is
transmitted by asymptomatic carriers -- yet they
still feel confident that the risks of the coronavirus shouldn't impact our protesting of
police brutality.
One rightly wonders how, within a span of weeks, we went from shaming people for being out
in the streets to shaming those who won't join the
crowd .
What's more,
contact with infected animals and surfaces is
unlikely to cause COVID-19 to spread, and
chlorine kills the virus upon contact, so clean pools are also safe. But of course, many
schools, playgrounds, pools, and businesses were forced to close.
Livelihoods have been destroyed, children are paying a
high price through a loss of time and key social-educational development, and mental health
across the country is on
the decline .
And now some journalists from prominent publications -- the same ones that have been
demanding oh-so-extreme caution -- are performing breathtaking gymnastics in an effort to
explaining that there's no evidence of outdoor coronavirus spread. Now, it's "prolonged
indoor close contact" that we have to worry about.
They may be right. Maybe protesters really shouldn't worry (though they probably
should ). But that doesn't excuse what seems to be a disgusting hypocrisy that trampled on
the livelihoods of more than
30 million Americans. Understandably, many are outraged and have
lost all faith in the experts.
Health advice can't shift with politics -- COVID-19, cancer, and the flu don't know party
lines. The virus is either unmanageable or manageable. That's it.
Now, with Trump
aiming to restart his so-called "MAGA rallies," we'll inevitably have -- and
already have had -- another round of tut-tutting from the media about how horribly
irresponsible it is to gather in crowds. But who can possibly blame those who shrug these
warnings off? MAGA rallies very well could spread COVID-19, but in the event they do, the
George Floyd protests will be equally culpable. Expert credibility has been lost.
Maybe we should, as many of my more classically liberal friends have been saying all along,
allow people to make their own choices, take their own risks, open their own businesses back
up, hold their own protests against injustice.
Whatever the case, given the whiplash the public has experienced over these past few weeks,
we certainly won't be running to health experts as readily as before. Certainly, social
distancing practices have
helped flatten the curve, but living your life based on the inconsistent messaging of the
WHO and the CDC is a recipe for disaster. If a second wave does appear, it will be cautious
individuals and community innovation that provides the solutions -- not those who have done
nothing to earn our trust.
Anthony DiMauro is a freelance writer based in New York City. His work has appeared
in The National Interest , Real Clear Media, and elsewhere. You can follow him on
Twitter @AnthonyMDiMauro.
Absolutely nothing about how the US has responded to the Corona Virus could be mistaken for being based on data. I mean getting
into the "spike" people are talking about, in Alabama where I live this is no spike, this is a continuation of the trend we've
been seeing since March. Cases never significantly declined, and instead we've just seen steady growth in deaths, active cases,
and new cases.
The increases we've seen have followed 2 weeks after what was basically the final wave to reopening (Which, really
isn't, but public perception was that life could go back to normal based on statements from the state), almost perfectly. I am
sure we'll see trends continue as protesters who were exposed start getting sick. It will just compound with the day to day effect
that can easily be directed at the miscommunication of what the threat is to the public.
Make no mistake, Saagar is right to be
annoyed but there is Nothing here that has been handled remotely well. Nobody communicated this well, nobody planned well, nobody
reopened well. Front to back, top to bottom this has been an embarrassing failure for the US.
Glenn Greenwald's video on the intercept about this was excellent. The medical and public health establishment need to be neutral,
people aren't going to trust them again.
Dave Chappelle pointed out in his latest standup that those we depend upon for information lie to us. CNN, Fox News and the
like are all meant to polarize the citizens. Obviously it has been working!
I had this discussion with my best friend in March. I was questioning how is it the masks can be useless for those trying to
prevent infections, but was efficient for those that had infection. Yet medical workers were using surgical masks while working
around covid patients. It was easy to conclude that it was to prevent panic buying. Even if the MSM was truthful (I do not condone
them lying), IMO people would have still bought out all of the masks. Just as they did with all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
The origin of this panic seems to have been a report from CNN on January 26 of an
alleged statement by China's health minister Ma Xiaowei that people who are (supposedly)
infected by the virus can infect others without themselves showing any symptoms of illness.
If that were true then you could be infected just by walking down the street -- clearly a
reason to panic. Ma didn't explain why he thought the virus can be spread before someone
has symptoms, but that didn't stop Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime adviser to the CDC,
from taking this claim seriously -- in effect endorsing it. Other CDC officials took up the
theme. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases picked up the ball and ran with it. Dr. Fauci is quoted as saying, "the Chinese
did not tell U.S. health authorities that the virus could spread before someone is
symptomatic", thus implicitly suggesting that indeed that was the case. This was denied by
epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, who stated, "I know of no evidence in 17 years of
working with coronaviruses ... where anyone has been found to be infectious during their
incubation period." On January 30 the New England Journal of Medicine published a
letter from 16 German doctors claiming that a symptomless Chinese woman (arriving from
China) had infected a German man in Munich, but when they got around to actually asking
her, she said that while in Munich she had in fact shown symptoms, which worsened on her
return to China. Thanks to CNN, Dr. Fauci,and the German doctors, the rumor of symptomless
transition morphed into "fact" among government officials and the general public. From then
on the MSM issued increasingly alarming reports of deaths due to this (allegedly) new
illness, ignoring the fact that people were (as usual) dying of the (not reported) seasonal
John Nolte: Dr.
Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud And for a devastating exposé of the 36-year
career of this vile quack doctor see the final article in William Engdahl's Covid article
here .
In February, as Italy began reporting infections, Prof. Neil Ferguson, Head of the
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London, dusted off a
computer program he had written 15 years ago implementing a model for infectious disease
spreading. Using data available from Italy he concluded (following his history of vastly
over-estimating deaths in previous epidemics) that 510,000 people (2.5 million in the U.S.)
could die if the U.K. government didn't abandon its strategy at that time of allowing the
disease to spread. On February 23 in Italy the first lockdowns and compulsory "social
distancing" began. Early in March Britain also imposed lockdowns, later extended to the
entire U.K., despite the fact that Prof. Ferguson had revised his death toll estimate from
510,000 down to 20,000.
The term "lockdown" normally means keeping prisoners locked down in their cells,
typically following a riot. It was also used in the MSM following the Boston Marathon
Bombing in 2013 (likely a false flag) to confine people to their homes until given
permission to come out -- a trial run?
On March 7 one Dr. James Lawler (U. of University Medical Center) misinformed the world
(to the delight of the MSM) that about 96 million Americans could become infected with
coronavirus, of whom about half a million would die. On March 11 the WHO, after much delay,
declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. On March 15 New York mayor Bill de Blasio declared
(with no evidence) that the virus can spread rapidly through "close interactions," and
issued an order (which was soon after repeated by governors of many other states) to close
restaurants, bars and cafes. On March 16 most European countries imposed lockdowns and
border closures. On March 20 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (along with governors of many
other states) shut down all "non-essential businesses", thereby depriving millions of
people of their jobs and their livelihoods, leading to bankruptcies and suicides. By March
30 approximately 265 million Americans were under indefinite lockdown and martial law in
all but name.
In late April a 'revised' version of the computer code written by Ferguson to predict
510,000 deaths in the U.K. was released to the GitHub code repository. It was examined
by an anonymous ex-Google software engineer, who found numerous flaws and bugs, in
particular that, from the same input data the program would produce very different outputs.
This makes it useless for scientific purposes, and also worse than useless as a basis for
political decisions (and consequently as a justification for government orders). Further
details at
Computer model that locked down the world turns out to be sh*tcode.
comment (by Frito) on Zero Hedge about Ferguson's shoddy code:
The thing that really has me pissed off, is that my government [the U.K.] (and many
others around the world), jumped in and spent hundreds of billions of dollars and
suspended the civil liberties of millions of people indefinitely and destroyed the
livelihoods of countless small business people based on just one unverified source [that
is, Ferguson]. There was ZERO due diligence done. The first thing that should have been
done was to require the production of the full source code for the simulation software
(as it was run, not this "cleaned up" stuff), and all input data so that it could be
verified. If they didn't want to provide it, then the simulation results should have been
Ferguson's "scientific" advice was bogus, and Boris Johnson was criminally negligent in
accepting it and ordering the lockdown of the entire U.K. But will they ever see jail time
for wrecking the U.K. economy and ruining the lives of millions of people? No way.
If journalists are worried about Covid-19 all over again, why don't they ask their beloved
Fauci why he didn't tell the rioters and looters to wear a face mask or "social distance"
during last week when they were all outside running amok and spreading Covid-19?
But he suddenly pops up this week and the fear mongering starts again... and the feeble
fall in line again lol
Anyway. Maybe Dr Fauci will give a press conference next week dressed in Kente
I swear 2020 is like we are living in a simulation lol
He intentionally broke the moratorium on the gain of function research studies and then
paid 3.7 million to china's virology lab in Wuhan to continue it. Where did this pandemic
start from again? He is guilty and should be thrown into a pit.
And Dr. Faucci is still lieing when he says that he didn't realize that it was so
transmittable early on because he was heavily invested in the Wuhan Lab for a long time
before the outbreak! And heavily invested in the WHO at the same time!
The only issue that I see is that Dr. Fauci wasn't lied too by the W.H.O. He was in full
know of what was going on and because of his role in the research in China, he went along
with the the guidelines the W.H.O. Its all a cover up and Dr. Fauci needs to be investigated
as well.
He was told in USA to stop developing covid 19 in the USA So.... he paid to send the
unfinished virus to China And they finished the job. Research & let me know if this isn't
the truth . If it is true find out why he did & then before you cut off his head for
treason inject him with vaccines he developed & leave for 1 year & watch results
Fauci is entirely too elderly (and out of experience) to be making judgement calls for the
entire country. One man alone should not be making decisions as he is doing.
"... The purpose of the mask is that if the wearer has the virus and is a carrier, the mask protects others from that carrier. The person infected wearing a mask coughs, splutters, sneezes into the mask which captures most of virus and reduces its spread to other people. ..."
The thing about masks is not that it protects the wearer, of
course, it does not protect the wearer, especially with the extra fiddling that Fauci
alludes to.
The purpose of the mask is that if the wearer has the virus and is a carrier, the mask
protects others from that carrier. The person infected wearing a mask coughs, splutters,
sneezes into the mask which captures most of virus and reduces its spread to other
Hospital staff have traditionally worn masks to protect patients, who may have a poor
immune system, from any illness that the doctor/nurse may be carrying.
I have done lots of travelling over the past few months, and
have not seen one person coughing or sneezing. Fauci said very clearly that people should
not be wearing masks. If someone thinks they are infected with a virus, they should not
being going out in public.
Because I completely blocked out mainstream media when the
quarantine started, this is actually the first time I've heard Fauci speak he reminds me of
Mel Brooks or of some bad actor in a bad sit-com he doesn't seem that smart is he smart?
Big news in CA is that "Grinning" Gavin Newsom is on the verge of being sued by the
PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY FEDERATION OF CA a coalition of tens of thousands of nail salons who
feel that Newsom is treating them unfairly on top of that, 80% of CA nail salons are
operated by Vietnamese immigrants, who are among the most patriotic individuals in America
the groundswell against Newsom is finally palpable
So we had two major pandemic exercises last year projecting almost exactly what did happen
with the corona virus. First was Crimson Contagion Jan thru Aug 2019
Then Event 201 the international war gaming of a global pandemic almost exactly like what
happened which took place only months before the real pandemic on October 2019
Another prediction from Fauci. This "Black Lives Matter" vs coronavirus puzzle will unfold in
14 days from now. In any case quarantine was send into the dust bin.
Some protesters might pay the price for Dem Party sponsored protests
Fauci, who sits on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, says he finds the protests across
the nation "very concerning" and a "perfect recipe" for a surge in Covid-19
"... The British scientist known as Professor Lockdown has undermined the draconian policy he unleashed on the world by confessing that Britain hasn't fared any better in tackling the disease than the laid-back Scandis. Professor Neil Ferguson probably woke up this morning breathing a massive sigh of relief because he hadn't been ripped to shreds again in the British newspapers for this second time in just under a month – this time over his startling admission that there has been no significant difference in the levels of Covid-19 suppression when comparing the UK and Sweden. ..."
"... In other words, in the type of roundabout waffling way you'd expect from a bumbling boffin, the scientist – dubbed 'Professor Lockdown' after he cajoled Boris Johnson into bringing the British economy to a screeching halt – reckons Sweden has essentially coped very well without being forced into any draconian lockdown, thank you very much. ..."
"... At the moment, the biggest accusation they could face is needlessly making a hames (for those of you who aren't Irish, this means a 'big mess') of the economy. Even Sweden's state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has since said that, while he regrets not implanting stricter measures to stop the spread of Covid-19, he "still would not have gone as far as other European countries did." ..."
"... He might've been dubbed "Dr Strangelove" after that embarrassing slip up – but now he just comes across as a nutty professor after his latest confession. These strong words might just come back to haunt BoJo when he next goes before the electorate. With a crippled economy thanks to the draconian measures, he's going to find the next election will be all about his mishandling of Covid-19, and specifically, "the economy, stupid." ..."
The British scientist known as Professor Lockdown has undermined the draconian policy he unleashed on
the world by confessing that Britain hasn't fared any better in tackling the disease than the
laid-back Scandis.
Professor Neil Ferguson probably woke up this morning breathing a massive sigh of relief because he
hadn't been ripped to shreds again in the British newspapers for this second time in just under a
month – this time over his startling admission that there has been no significant difference in the
levels of Covid-19 suppression when comparing the UK and Sweden.
During his
to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on Tuesday, he said:
[Swedish scientists] came to a different policy conclusion based really on quite similar science. I
don't agree with it but scientifically they're not far from scientists in any part of the world."
He then acknowledged that the Swedish authorities had
"got a long way to the same effect"
without a full lockdown.
In other words, in the type of roundabout waffling way you'd expect from a bumbling boffin, the
scientist – dubbed 'Professor Lockdown' after he cajoled Boris Johnson into bringing the British
economy to a screeching halt – reckons Sweden has essentially coped very well without being forced
into any draconian lockdown, thank you very much.
So where was the indignation about how his recommendations f**ked up the economy and made people
prisoners in their own homes? It certainly wasn't to be seen splashed across any British front pages.
Indeed, it was hard enough to find much, if any, coverage of this very significant news story on
It was buried inside the Daily Telegraph on page seven, running across a third of a page or less,
with a very accurate subheading
in clear black and white:
"Professor admits radical Scandinavian policy worked as well
as British policy of shutting down."
from the two countries' differing approaches has left the professor with little escape
route. UK (full lockdown/businesses shut down): 579 Covid-19 deaths per million of population. Sweden
(softer restrictions/businesses kept open): 442 deaths per million.
But why make such a startling confession now, when he could have wriggled away by saying it's too
early to assess the data as the disease is still running its course? The cynic in me wonders if Dr
Ferguson's matter-of-fact admission that a full lockdown probably didn't make a blind bit of
difference was fueled by ulterior motives. Seeing as his own reputation is already in tatters, was it
a warped act of revenge against Boris Johnson for being forced to fall on his sword after being caught
breaking lockdown with his married lover?
Or here's one for conspiracy theorists: instead of wanting to throw BoJo under the bus, could it
have been a case of wanting to hide something else that's about to come down the track? With America
now burning in the wake of the atrocious murder of George Floyd, the confession at this juncture
reminds me somewhat of how a British government spin doctor sent out a memo only 30 minutes after the
second plane hit the Twin Towers on 9/11 with the cynical recommendation
"it's now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury."
At the moment, the biggest accusation they could face is needlessly making a hames (for those of
you who aren't Irish, this means a 'big mess') of the economy. Even Sweden's state epidemiologist
Anders Tegnell has since
that, while he regrets not implanting stricter measures to stop the spread of Covid-19, he
"still would not have gone as far as other European countries did."
But the Swede being plagued with self-doubt sounds much more like someone racked with guilt about
"what ifs?"
like an Oskar Schindler type of character who was pictured crying at the end of
the Spielberg
because he was convinced he could've done better.
According to Aric Dromi, CEO of the Sweden-based Tempus Motu Think Tank, both the UK and Sweden's
response to Covid-19 is
"ego driven and lacking in strategy."
He told me:
"Differences in
the social structure between the UK and Sweden should have made a bigger impact between the numbers
infected. The Swedish economy, for example, far from being protected by remaining open, has still been
badly damaged as it relies heavily on exports, despite the lack of a lockdown. For both countries, it
represents a human sacrifice on the altar of economics, and it is wholly unacceptable."
It all reminds me of when John Cleese in the 'Gourmet Night' episode of 'Fawlty Towers'
guests that there were only three different types of duck on the menu that night – with
orange, with cherries or
which turned out to be
"duck without oranges or
And if you don't like duck? As Basil Fawlty
"Ah, well, if you don't like duck, uhhh, you're rather stuck."
At the end of the day, it might still be too early to fully know which was the right way to go,
which begs the question: Why did Prof. Ferguson jump the gun and heap such fulsome praise – no pun
intended here – on the Swedish model? Whatever way you spin it here, he has, once again,
the lockdown just like he did
violating quarantine he designed to meet married lover."
He might've been dubbed
"Dr Strangelove"
after that embarrassing slip up – but now he just
comes across as a nutty professor after his latest confession. These strong words might just come back
to haunt BoJo when he next goes before the electorate. With a crippled economy thanks to the draconian
measures, he's going to find the next election will be all
his mishandling of Covid-19, and specifically,
"the economy, stupid."
If you like this story, share it with a friend!
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Jason O'Toole
worked as a senior feature writer for the Irish Daily Mail, a columnist with the Irish Sunday Mirror
and senior editor of Hot Press magazine. He's also the author of several best-selling books.
"... The failure of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) against COVID-19, with nearly four times the annual budget of the WHO, is visible to the world. The CDC failed to provide a successful test for SARS-CoV-2 in the critical months of February and March , while ignoring the WHO's successful test kits that were distributed to 120 countries. ..."
"... Trump has yet to hold his administration and the CDC responsible for this criminal bungling. This, more than any other failure , is the reason that the U.S. numbers for COVID-19 are now more than 1.5 million and about a third of all global infections. Contrast this with China, the first to face an unknown epidemic, stopping it at 82,000 infections, and the amazing results that countries such as Vietnam and South Korea have produced. ..."
"... Taiwan was the first to inform the WHO of human-to-human transmissions in December, but was completely ignored. ..."
"... "Just how evil does this situation become? Is the general leadership of the American political economy trying to be evil just for the fun of it?" ..."
"... And at what point does the general indifference to this state of affairs that still, incredibly, obtains, turn over into mass outrage and condemnation? Skrelli, Bayer, and all the rest are frelling evil. Extortion writ large, with easily preventable death and suffering. ..."
"... As you note it's about profits. One of the disturbing condemnations of the now fading American Century, which most USians remain contentedly oblivious to is that during their watch as global hegemon, the US, in what can be seen, in the best light, as bad faith, worked to undermine the democratic functionality of international cooperative organizations like the WHO, the UN, etc. ..."
"... The intention of granting copyrights and patents was noble, to provide a limited monopoly on an invention or literary work for a limited period. IP has been distorted and twisted, extended to insane time limits to protect works that for any common sense thinkers have already become public domain (see, e.g. the Happy Birthday song, Mickey Mouse or re-formulation of a drug that's gone out of patent). Software should have had its own IP regime but that ship has sailed (thanks Bill G.). ..."
Donald Trump launched a new vaccine war in May, but not against the virus. It was against
the world. The United States and the UK
were the only
two holdouts in the World Health Assembly from the declaration that vaccines and medicines
for COVID-19
should be available as public goods , and not under exclusive patent rights. The
United States explicitly disassociated itself from the patent pool call, talking instead of
"the critical role that intellectual property plays" -- in other words, patents for vaccines
and medicines. Having badly botched his COVID-19 response, Trump is trying to redeem his
electoral fortunes in the November elections this year by promising an early vaccine. The 2020
version of Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan is shaping up to be, essentially, "
vaccines for us" -- but the rest of the world will have to queue up and pay what big pharma
asks, as they will hold the patents.
Trump has yet to hold his administration and the CDC responsible for this criminal
bungling. This, more than any
other failure , is the reason that the U.S. numbers for COVID-19 are now more than 1.5
million and about a third of all global infections. Contrast this with China, the first to face
an unknown epidemic, stopping it at 82,000 infections, and the amazing results that countries
such as Vietnam and
South Korea have produced.
One issue is now looming large over the COVID-19 pandemic. If we do not address the
intellectual property rights issue in this pandemic, we are likely to see a repeat of the AIDS tragedy . People
died for 10 years (1994-2004) as patented AIDS medicine was priced at $10,000 to $15,000
for a year's supply, far beyond their reach. Finally, patent
laws in India allowed people to get AIDS medicine at less than a dollar a day , or $350 for a year's supply.
Today, 80
percent of the world's AIDS medicine comes from India. For big pharma, profits trumped
lives, and they will continue to do so, COVID or no COVID, unless we change the world.
Most countries have compulsory licensing provisions that will allow them to break patents in
case of epidemics or health emergencies. Even the WTO, after a bitter fight, accepted in its
Doha Declaration (2001) that countries, in a health emergency, have the right to allow any
company to manufacture a patented drug without the patent holder's permission, and even import
it from other countries.
Why is it, then, that countries are unable to break patents, even if there are provisions in
their laws and in the TRIPS Agreement? The answer is their fear of U.S. sanctions against them.
Every year, the U.S. Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issues a Special
301 Report that it has used to threaten trade sanctions against any country that tries to
compulsorily license any patented product.
India figures prominently in this report year after year, for daring to
issue a compulsory license in 2012 to Natco for nexavar, a cancer drug Bayer was selling
more than $65,000 a year . Marijn Dekkers, the CEO of Bayer, was quoted widely that this
was "theft," and "We did not develop
this medicine for Indians We developed it for Western patients who can afford it."
This leaves unanswered how many people even in the affluent West can afford a $65,000 bill
for an illness. But there is no question that a bill of this magnitude is a death sentence for
anybody but the super-rich in countries like India. Though a number of other drugs were under
also consideration for compulsory licensing at that time, India has not exercised this
provision again after receiving U.S. threats.
It is the fear that countries can break patents using their compulsory licensing powers that
led to proposals for patent pooling. The argument was that since many of these diseases do not
affect rich countries, big pharma should either let go of their patents to such patent pools,
or philanthropic capital should fund the development of new drugs for this pool. Facing the
pandemic of COVID-19, it is this idea of patent pooling that emerged in the recent World Health
Assembly , WHA-73. All countries supported this proposal, barring the
United States and its loyal camp follower, the UK . The
United States also entered its disagreement on the final WHA resolution, being the
lone objector to patent pooling of COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, noting "the critical
role that intellectual property plays in incentivizing the development of new and improved
health products."
While patent pooling is welcome if no other measure is available, it also makes it appear as
if countries have no other recourse apart from the charity of big capital. What this hides, as
charity always does, is that people and countries have legitimate rights even under TRIPS to
break patents under conditions of an epidemic or a health emergency.
The United States, which screams murder if a compulsory license is issued by any country,
has no such compunction when its own interests are threatened. During the anthrax scare in
2001, the U.S. Secretary of Health issued a threat to
Bayer under "eminent domain for patents" for licensing the anthrax-treatment drug
ciprofloxacin to other manufacturers. Bayer folded, and agreed to supply the quantity at a
price that the U.S. government had set. And without a whimper. Yes, this is the same Bayer that
considers India as a "thief" for issuing a compulsory license!
The vaccination for COVID-19 might need to be repeated each year, as we still do not know
the duration of its protection. It is unlikely that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 will
provide a lifetime
immunity like the smallpox vaccine. Unlike AIDS, where the patient numbers were smaller and
were unfortunately stigmatized in different ways, COVID-19 is a visible threat for everyone.
Any attempt to hold people and governments to ransom on COVID-19 vaccines or medicines could
see the collapse of the entire patent edifice of TRIPS that big pharma backed by the United
States and major EU countries have built. That is why the more clever in the capitalist world
have moved toward a voluntary
patent pool for potential COVID-19 medicines and vaccines. A voluntary patent pool means
that companies or institutions holding patents on medicines -- such as remdesivir -- or
vaccines would voluntarily hand them over to such a pool. The terms and conditions of such a
handover, meaning at concessional rates, or for only for certain regions, are still not clear
-- leading to criticism that a voluntary patent pool is not a substitute for declaring that all
such medicines and vaccines should be declared global public goods during the COVID-19
Unlike clever capital, Trump's response to the COVID-19 vaccine is to thuggishly bully his
way through. He believes that with the unlimited money that the United States is now willing to
put into the vaccine efforts, it will either beat everybody else to the winning post, or
buy the company that is
successful . If this strategy succeeds, he can then use "his" COVID-19 vaccine as a new
instrument of global power. It is the United States that will then decide which countries get
the vaccine (and for how much), and which ones don't.
Trump's little problem is that the days of the United States being a sole global hegemon
passed decades ago. The United States has shown itself as a
fumbling giant and its epidemic response
shambolic . It has been unable to provide virus tests to its people in time, and failed to
stop the epidemic through containment/mitigation measures, which a number of other countries
have done.
China and the
EU have already agreed that any vaccine developed by them will be regarded as a public
good. Even without that, once a medicine or a vaccine is known to be successful, any country
with a reasonable scientific infrastructure can replicate the medicine or the vaccine, and
manufacture it locally. India in particular has one of the largest
generic drug and vaccine manufacturing capacities in the world. What prevents India, or any
country for that matter, from manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines or drugs once they are developed
-- only the empty threat of a failed hegemon on breaking patents?
Clearly the Trump and Johnson administrations are completely wrong in not supporting that
all COVID vaccines and medications be declared as public goods. This is an unprecedented
global threat requiring unprecedented global response.
But as a Canadian I have to reluctantly admit, there are legimate reasons to oppose the
WHO. Trump like a broken clock can be correct twice a day, even if he is wrong the other 1438
times a day.
The worst offence is that the WHO (World Health Organisation) is suppose to represent the
world, and yet it deliberately excludes Taiwan, which it a known part of the world with 24
million people.
Taiwan was the first to inform the WHO of human-to-human transmissions in December, but
was completely ignored. And Taiwan has best handled its response to the pandemic.
Personally I think that all countries should stop supporting the WHO until it restores
Taiwan's observer status it previous had until 2016. The only other reasonable option would
be to create an alternative health organisation to the WHO which does not exclude any part of
the world.
The WHO also has other failings, including corruption, exorbitant travel expenses, and an
unqualified president beholden to the CCP. But these failings pale in comparison to Taiwan's
exclusion, and hopefully the other failings can be fixed within the organisation.
"Just how evil does this situation become? Is the general leadership of the American
political economy trying to be evil just for the fun of it?"
And at what point does the general indifference to this state of affairs that still,
incredibly, obtains, turn over into mass outrage and condemnation?
Skrelli, Bayer, and all the rest are frelling evil. Extortion writ large, with easily preventable death and suffering.
it did NOT begin with trump.It's been there for most of my life. What will it take for ordinary people to get mad enough about it all to do something about
Even in this article, the unspoken assumption is that our hands are somehow tied that these
corps have agency far beyond anyone else's but those corps can be seized, and exist only at
the pleasure of governments in the places they pretend to exist in.
They are a human creation an Egregore, set tottering about as if it were willful and
but even Lefties treat them as untouchable godlike entities "oh, well lets appeal to
"Benevolent Capital, instead "
"Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man,
and blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race
is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions
where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs
against him, for one needs warmth
One still works, for work is a form of entertainment. But one is careful lest the
entertainment be too harrowing. One no longer becomes poor or rich: both require too much
exertion. Who still wants to rule? Who obey? Both require too much exertion.
No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels
different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.
'Formerly, all the world was mad,' say the most refined, and they blink
One has one's little pleasure for the day and one's little pleasure for the night: but one
has a regard for health.
'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink.""
As you note it's about profits. One of the disturbing condemnations of the now fading
American Century, which most USians remain contentedly oblivious to is that during their
watch as global hegemon, the US, in what can be seen, in the best light, as bad faith, worked
to undermine the democratic functionality of international cooperative organizations like the
WHO, the UN, etc.
Thus when emergencies arise such as international diplomatic crisis or pandemics, it is
found these organisations have been rendered untrustworthy, corrupted and unreliable;
unsuited to purpose. American exceptionalism?
It is clear now that the USA will not fund a national public health system to fight the
coronavirus epidemic. The only conclusion is the reason is to allow Pharmaceutical
Corporations to make huge profits by marketing patented drugs and vaccines to treat the
illness; if and when, they become available sometime in the future.
Due to incompetence, lack of money and bad messengering; the economic reopening of the USA
could kill close to a million Americans. To Republicans and Libertarians, this is of no
concern. Democrats may acknowledge the deaths but say they are unavoidable.
For the Elite keeping their wealth is more important than spending a portion to prevent
the huge costs in lives and treasure that will come once the Wuhan Coronavirus is established
across North America like the related common cold.
This is a teachable moment on the immorality of all "intellectual property". I am pleased to see that so many countries – other than the US and the UK –
can get together on the common decency of allowing everyone to live, and set that above the
"justice" of paying off intellectual property assignees. But these countries still have some
ways to go in understanding that this applies to all information. That the creation of
information can never be a living – in contrast to a living based on the creation of
essential goods and services, about which we are learning so much right now! – and that
information can never be owned.
They do not yet fully comprehend that all claims to own and extract rent from information
are in fact crimes against humanity.
The intention of granting copyrights and patents was noble, to provide a limited monopoly
on an invention or literary work for a limited period. IP has been distorted and twisted,
extended to insane time limits to protect works that for any common sense thinkers have
already become public domain (see, e.g. the Happy Birthday song, Mickey Mouse or
re-formulation of a drug that's gone out of patent). Software should have had its own IP
regime but that ship has sailed (thanks Bill G.).
Either a giant reform is due or people will ignore the law and infringe the IP. Chinese
companies do it with impunity. Maybe they're right to do so.
Patent applications for the top 20 offices, 2018
Rank Country Patent applications
1 China 1,542,002
2 U.S. 597,141
3 Japan 313,567
4 South Korea 209,992
If one sums up USA patent applications vs Asia (China, Japan, SK), it is USA 597K vs Asia
So Asia is putting in patent applications, vs the USA, at a 3.46 multiple vs the USA.
It will be interesting to see if the USA attitude about the sanctity of intellectual
property changes when important key patents are held by the rest of the world.
Teachable moments. This could get really interesting if China or a non US & associated puppets develops
an effect Covid treatment first.
I will dream of something like this: China develops vaccine, offers it free to US on condition it reduce it's Dept of War &
Aggression by 80% and honor all existing and recently existing arms control agreement, and
withdraws it's Naval forces though out the world and confines them to the North Atlantic and
California coast.
I wonder if a geopolitically powerful nation/bloc of nations such as China/India/etc might
announce that they disregard pharma IP, & announce that they will adhere to the economist
Dr Dean Baker-type policy of open source pharma R&D/recipe publication, any private
manufacturer may manufacture & sell the resultant pharma SKU. I am referring to any type
of pharma or medical device (such as ventilators), not just a COVID-19 vaccine. I would
guesstimate that the "soft power" & goodwill generated by such a policy would be
extremely beneficial to those nation(s). Furthermore, the US if it tried to retaliate via
sanctions or other threats would get a corresponding additional decrease in soft power.
To be honest, in some instances Indian govt practices on pharma are quite bad. It is
extremely hard in some instances to recoup investments at prices they ask for.
According to
the Telegraph , Michael Levitt correctly predicted the initial trajectory of the pandemic,
but was ignored by now-disgraced Imperial College epidemiologist Niall Ferguson, whose warnings
were embraced by the UK government as justification for the lockdown, despite the fact that the
projections proved to be extremely flawed and dramatically overestimated the virus's potential
for devastation. As early as march, Levitt warned that Ferguson's projections had
over-estimated the potential death toll by "10 or 12 times".
Instead of helping the situation, Fergusons' projections created an unnecessary "panic
virus" which spread among global political leaders, Prof Levitt told the Telegraph.
Prof Levitt, a British-American-Israeli who shared the Nobel prize for chemistry in 2013
for the "development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems", has said for two
months that the planet will beat coronavirus faster than most other experts predict.
"I think lockdown saved no lives," said the scientist, who added that the Government
should have encouraged Britons to wear masks and adhere to other forms of social
"I think it may have cost lives. It will have saved a few road accident lives - things
like that - but social damage - domestic abuse, divorces, alcoholism - has been extreme. And
then you have those who were not treated for other conditions."
Data from various studies has offered a mixed picture about the effectiveness of the
lockdowns. The number of cases and deaths has undoubtedly plunged in the US and across Europe
since strict lockdowns were almost universally enacted, but many wonder whether governments are
being overly cautious, perhaps to a dangerous degree.
Though his models have been vindicated by the passage of time, Levitt said his initial
concerns about Ferguson's models were largely ignored due to what he calls the "panic virus",
despite the fact that there's recent precedent for epidemiological models over-estimating the
impact of other outbreaks, including H1N1 and Ebola.
Having assessed the initial outbreak in China and from the infected Diamond Princess
cruise ship, he predicted by March 14 that the UK would lose around 50,000 lives. Prof
Ferguson's modelling that same week estimated up to 500,000 deaths without social distancing
"I think that the real virus was the panic virus," Prof Levitt told the Telegraph. "For
reasons that were not clear to me, I think the leaders panicked and the people panicked and I
think there was a huge lack of discussion..
The 73-year-old has no background as an epidemiologist, but he assessed the outbreak in
China and prepared a paper based on his own calculations. Most countries, he predicted, would
suffer a Covid-19 death rate worth around an extra month in excess deaths over the calendar
"In Europe, I don't think that anything actually stopped the virus other than some kind of
burnout," he added. " There's a huge number of people who are asymptomatic so I would
seriously imagine that by the time lockdown was finally introduced in the UK the virus was
already widely spread. They could have just stayed open like Sweden by that stage and nothing
would have happened."
Professor Levitt has now analysed the data from 78 nations with more than 50 reported
cases of coronavirus. His investigations proved the virus was never going to achieve the type
of exponential growth that the researchers at Imperial were predicting at the same time.
At this point, Levitt believes the virus has reached a point of saturation across Europe and
parts of the US making lockdowns much less effective. At this point, they're probably causing
far more harm than benefit.
The virus "has saturated", he believes, across Europe. "I think the lockdown will cause
much more damage than the deaths saved," he added. "When I saw the briefing (from Prof
Ferguson) I was shocked. I had a run-in with him when I actually saw that Ferguson's death
rate was a year's worth - doubling the normal death rate. I saw that and said immediately
that's completely wrong. I think Ferguson over-estimated 10 or 12 times. We should have seen
from China that a virus never grows exponentially. From the very first case you see,
exponential growth actually slows down very dramatically.
"The problem with epidemiologists is that they feel their job is to frighten people into
lockdown, social distancing. So you say 'there's going to be a million deaths' and when there
are only 25,000 you say 'it's good you listened to my advice'. This happened with Ebola and
bird flu. It's just part of the madness."
Prof Levitt says the global evidence shows the virus fades in dry heat and in much of the
western world "there seems to be some kind of immunity". "The main worry I would have would
be in China," he said when asked about the prospect of a second outbreak. "I am 73 and I feel
very young," he added. "I don't care about the risk at all. As you get old the risk of dying
from disease is so high that this is the time to buy a motorcycle, go skiing!"
Even as the NYT and WaPo search for every shred of evidence to support the view that the
reopening in the US will lead to a second wave, they're finding that there's not nearly as much
as they'd hoped - which is why projections are their new favorite tool.
Millennial Millie investigates the deep conflicts of interest and connections Bill Gates has
with the coronavirus and his proposed 'vaccine' to cure the pandemic.
Fauci jumped the gun with the Moderna vaccine promotion.
Notable quotes:
"... Former Harvard Medical School professor and founder of the university's cancer and HIV/AIDS research departments, William Haseltine dared to speak out today about the high level of bullshit and damage that is being done to "trust" in "scientists" and even dared to break the one holy writ that shall go un-mentioned, throwing some shade a Dr.Fauci. ..."
"... But, but, but... the CNBC anchorette blubbered, "are you questioning Dr. Fauci who also said that this was encouraging news?" ..."
"... "Whether [Fauci] shaded what should should have been done, I think is an important question. He's obviously under enormous pressure for positive results but it was not the right thing to do if you can't see the data." ..."
"... The most recent example is Moderna's claim Monday of favorable results in its vaccine trial, which it announced without revealing any of the underlying data. The announcement added billions of dollars to the value of the company, with its shares jumping almost 20 percent. Many analysts believe it contributed to a 900-point gain in the Dow Jones industrial average. ..."
"... The Moderna announcement described a safety trial of its vaccine based on eight healthy participants. The claim was that in all eight people, the vaccine raised the levels of neutralizing antibodies equivalent to those found in convalescent serum of those who recovered from covid-19. What to make of that claim? Hard to say, because we have no sense of what those levels were. This is the equivalent of a chief executive of a public company announcing a favorable earnings report without supplying supporting financial data, which the Securities and Exchange Commission would never allow. ..."
"... There is a legitimate question regarding what Moderna's unsupported assertion means. The scientific and medical literature reports that some people who have recovered have little to no detectable neutralizing antibodies . There is even existing scientific literature that suggests it is possible neutralizing antibodies may not protect animals or humans from infection or reinfection by coronaviruses. ..."
"... The National Institutes of Health announced last month that the drug remdesivir offered a clear benefit to covid-19 patients with moderate disease, shortening the length of their hospital stay by several days. But did it really? Twenty days after the announcement, the supporting data has still not been published. Without the data, no doctor treating a patient can be sure they are doing the right thing. ..."
"... Another paper , published the same day, found that remdesivir had no measurable effect on patient survival or the amount of virus detectable in nasopharynx and lung secretions. What then should a practicing physician do? Follow the unsupported advice of a news announcement or a medical report published in a leading scientific journal? This is not an idle question: The NIH announcement triggered a global stampede for limited supplies of the drug. ..."
"... The media also bears responsibility. Asking experts to opine on unsubstantiated claims is not useful. Medicine and science are not matters of majority opinion; they are matters of fact supported by transparent data. This is the backbone of scientific progress and our only hope to end this pandemic. We can't give up on our standards now. ..."
At a moment in time when narrative-following "scientists" are lauded
like unquestionably omniscient supreme beings enabling dumb-as-a-rock-partisan-politicians to
play omnipotent overlords without fear of blowback, the world needs more people like William
The last two weeks have seen markets and politicians jump exuberantly at the hope of every
press release from a biotech firm that proclaims one of their pet rabbits didn't die when they
fed it their latest DNA-reshaping test material (oh that is except if anyone dares say anything
positive about hydroxychloroquine but that is a topic for another discussion) as the fate of
global citizenry rests on a vaccine (and definitely not herd immunity, don't even mention
Barstool Sports' Dave Portnoy said it right - when did we shift from "flatten the curve,
flatten the curve, flatten the curve" to "we have to fund a cure or everyone's going to
And so, that is where we find ourselves... Every talking head proclaiming the same malarkey
- we will re-open carefully, with PPE, and social distancing, and whetever else is mandated
from on-high "until we find a vaccine in 12-18 months" at which point the world will be made
whole again and Kumbaya...
All of which brings us back to the man of the day in our humble opinion.
Former Harvard Medical School professor and founder of the university's cancer and HIV/AIDS
research departments, William Haseltine dared to speak out today about the high level of
bullshit and damage that is being done to "trust" in "scientists" and even dared to break the
one holy writ that shall go un-mentioned, throwing some shade a Dr.Fauci.
Reflecting on Moderna's press release this week (which was immediately followed by massive
equity raises across numerous biotech firms and upgrades from the underwriters, surprise),
Haseltine said:
"If a CFO had tried to get away with such an opaque and data-less statement it would have
bee treated with derision and possibly an investigation."
The CNBC anchor desperately tried to guilt him into the official narrative of clinging to
any hope as long as it lifts stocks - no matter its utter bullshittiness - but Haseltine
destroyed her naive party line:
"we all know its an emergency, and in an emergency it's even more important to be clear on
what you know and what you do not know."
Moderna did not follow the process:
"you don't know what happened, we don't know what happened, there is no data."
But, but, but... the CNBC anchorette blubbered, "are you questioning Dr. Fauci who also said
that this was encouraging news?"
"Whether [Fauci] shaded what should should have been done, I think is an important
question. He's obviously under enormous pressure for positive results but it was not the
right thing to do if you can't see the data."
The full interview below is a must-watch by all who care about their freedom being
controlled by a narrative directed by fearmongering elites in the name of "science" when the
"science" is a) being ignored, b) being bastardized to meet a political need, c) being treated
as if handed down on high from the man himself, or d) being manipulated explicitly.
Faith in medicine and science is based on trust. But today, in the rush to share scientific
progress in combating covid-19, that trust is being undermined.
Private companies, governments and research institutes are holding news conferences to
report potential breakthroughs that cannot be verified. The results are always favorable, but
the full data on which the announcements are based are not immediately available for critical
review. This is "publication by press release," and it's damaging trust in the fundamental
methods of science and medicine at a time when we need it most.
The most recent example is Moderna's
claim Monday of favorable results in its vaccine trial, which it announced without
revealing any of the underlying data. The announcement added billions of dollars to the value
of the company, with its
shares jumping almost 20 percent. Many analysts believe it contributed to a
900-point gain in the Dow Jones industrial average.
The Moderna announcement described a safety trial of its vaccine based on eight healthy
participants. The claim was that in all eight people, the vaccine raised the levels of
neutralizing antibodies equivalent to those found in convalescent serum of those who recovered
from covid-19. What to make of that claim? Hard to say, because we have no sense of what those
levels were. This is the equivalent of a chief executive of a public company announcing a
favorable earnings report without supplying supporting financial data, which the Securities and
Exchange Commission would never allow.
There is a legitimate question regarding what Moderna's unsupported assertion means. The
scientific and medical literature reports that some people who have recovered have little to no
detectable neutralizing antibodies . There is even existing scientific literature that
suggests it is possible neutralizing antibodies may not protect animals or
humans from infection or reinfection by coronaviruses.
Such "publication by press release" seems to be a standard practice lately.
The National Institutes of Health
announced last month that the drug remdesivir offered a clear benefit to covid-19 patients
with moderate disease, shortening the length of their hospital stay by several days. But did it
really? Twenty days after the announcement, the supporting data has still not been published.
Without the data, no doctor treating a patient can be sure they are doing the right thing.
Another paper
, published the same day, found that remdesivir had no measurable effect on patient survival or
the amount of virus detectable in nasopharynx and lung secretions. What then should a
practicing physician do? Follow the unsupported advice of a news announcement or a medical
report published in a leading scientific journal? This is not an idle question: The NIH
announcement triggered a global stampede for
limited supplies of the drug.
The case is more nuanced for the vaccine developed by the Jenner Institute at Oxford
University, though the mileposts remain the same: It started with a public
pronouncement of favorable results from an early study, this time in monkeys, well before
any data was publicly released. An NIH scientist working on a trial of the Oxford vaccine gave
an interview to the New
York Times , claiming the drug was a success.
But the data, released as a prepublication version more than two weeks after the story ran,
didn't quite live up to the early claim. All of the vaccinated monkeys became infected when
introduced to the virus. Though there was some reduction in the amount of viral RNA detected in
the lungs, there was no reduction in the nasal secretions in the vaccinated monkeys. So the
positive result reported by the Oxford group turned out not to be protection from infection at
all, something most would agree is what a successful vaccine would do. Instead, it lowered only
the amount of virus recoverable from the vaccinated monkey's lung.
To the Jenner Institute's credit, it does warn visitors to its website
that there have been many false reports about the progress of its vaccine trial. Still, having
a scientist working on the trial paint preliminary results in such a positive manner without
having yet released the full data is cause for concern.
We all understand the need to share scientific and medical data as rapidly as possible in
this time of crisis. But a media announcement alone is not enough. There are ways to share the
data quickly and transparently: posting manuscripts before review or acceptance on publicly
available websites or working with journals to allow an early view. Publishing in this manner
allows doctors and scientists to reach their own conclusion, based on the evidence
The media also bears responsibility. Asking experts to opine on unsubstantiated claims is
not useful. Medicine and science are not matters of majority opinion; they are matters of fact
supported by transparent data. This is the backbone of scientific progress and our only hope to
end this pandemic. We can't give up on our standards now.
* * *
So, by all means, trust in "science" but choose your "scientist" well...
Pure Evil, 13 minutes ago
It seems the more this hoax is exposed. The more Gates/Fauci appear as money grubbing
opportunist vaccine pushers the more the MSM and the government double down on the whole
false narrative.
hanekhw, 13 minutes ago
Look around at the moral climate and ask yourself if lying about everything for profit was
not required for success how can we stop it without pain, suffering and violence? There
really IS no free lunch and there never has been nor ever will be. We pay one way or another
but we ALL pay.
Enraged, 15 minutes ago
Fake media, fake Big Pharma, fake banksters, fake government, fake breasts, fake stock
"market", fake medical agencies, fake wars.
Assume they are 100% wrong unless there is substantial evidence they are correct, which
will be on very rare occasions.
Stochastic" is simply defined as "randomly determined; having a random probability
distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely."
In other words, they begin with a presumption, and therein lies the FIRST error. Ferguson's
assumption was wrong, to begin with. Then this mode is so old, they recommend that it be run
only on a single CORE processor as if we were dealing with an old IBM XT.
Effectively, you start the program with what is called a "seed" number which is then used to
produce a random number. Most children's games begin this way. In fact, this is a version of
what you would be similar to the game SimCity where you create a city starting from scratch and
it simulates what might happen based upon the beginning presumption. There are numerous bugs in
the code and the documentation suggests to run it several times and take the average. This is
just unthinkable! A program should produce the same result with the same data from which it
begins. Therefore, there is no possible way this model would ever produce the same results. In
reality, this model produces completely different results even when beginning with the very
same starting seeds and parameters because of the attempt to also make the seed random. This is
not even as sophisticated as SimCity, which is really questionable. This is where the Imperial
College claims that the errors will vanish if you run it on an old system in the
single-threaded mode as if you were using a 1980s XT.
In programming, you run what is known as a regression-test, which is re-running a functional
and non-functional test to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs
after a change. In market terminology, its called back-testing. In the most unprofessional
manner imaginable, the Imperial College code does not even have a regression-test structure.
They apparently attempted to but the extent of the random behavior caused by bugs in the code
to prevent that check? On April 4th, 2020, Imperial College noted:
" However, we haven't had the time to work out a scalable and maintainable way of running
the regression test in a way that allows a small amount of variation, but doesn't let the
figures drift over time."
This Ferguson Model is such a joke it is either an outright fraud, or it is the most inept
piece of programming I may have ever seen in my life. There is no valid test to warrant any
funding of Imperial College for providing ANY forecast based upon this model. This is the most
UNPROFESSIONAL operation perhaps in computer science. The entire team should be disbanded and
an independent team put in place to review the world of Neil Ferguson and he should NOT be
allowed to oversee any review of this model.
The only REASONABLE conclusion I can reach is that this has been deliberately used to
justify bogus forecasts intent for political activism, or I must accept that these academics
are totally incapable of even creating a theoretical model no less coding it as a programmer.
There seems to have been no independent review of Ferguson's work which is unimaginable!
A 15,000 line program is nothing. I will be glad to write a model like this in two weeks and
will only charge $1 million instead of $79 million. If you really want one to work globally, no
problem. It will take a bit more time and the price will be at a discount – only $50
million on sale – refunds not accepted as is the deal with Imperial College.
So just one more narrative about how the virus was so horrific, used to justify the
lockdowns, is shown to be utter bullshit. Remember "the immunity doesn't last, you can get
reinfected, the next time it's lethal"?
So, contrary to that, lots of people have immunity before they even get exposed to it.
From the common cold. So the idea that the corona immunity is a short term and unreliable
thing was just a bunch of uninformed blather, or worse, targeted and manipulative
Fearmongering bullshit that is 95% wrong needs to get called out constantly.
Even in New York there was not the "catastrophic death count" that I see people writing
about as if it were true.
Hey! Let's talk about duct tape and plastic sheeting! Remember that idiotic bullshit scare
"We have met the moment and we have prevailed," said President Donald Trump Monday, as he
supported the opening of the U.S. economy before the shutdown plunges us into a deep and
lasting depression.
Tuesday, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases, made
clear to a Senate committee his contradictory views.
"If states reopen their economies too soon, there is a real risk that you may trigger an
outbreak that you may not be able to control," said Fauci. "My concern is that we will start to
see little spikes that might turn into outbreaks of the disease (and) the inevitable return of
Fauci is talking of the real possibility of a second and even more severe wave of the
pandemic this summer and fall, if we open too soon.
There is evidence to justify the fears of Fauci and Dr. Robert Redfield of the Centers for
Disease Control, who told the same Senate committee, "We are not out of the woods yet."
Yet, there is a case to be made for the risks that Trump and red state governors are taking
in opening up sooner.
The Washington Post daily graph of new deaths nationally has been showing a curve sloping
downward for a month from April's more than 2,000 a day. On no day yet this week did the U.S.
record 2,000 dead from the virus. On some days, there were fewer than 1,000.
The graph for new coronavirus cases, which was showing more than 30,000 a day in April, is
now closer to 25,000.
Also, hospitalizations and ICU occupancies are not as high as they were. Hospitals put up in
Central Park and the Javits Center seem not to have been needed. There was and is no shortage
of ventilators. The Navy hospital ships Comfort and Mercy are returning to their home
Also, not all states are suffering equally, nor are all communities in the hardest-hit
states. There have been three times as many COVID-19 cases in New Jersey as in Texas, though
New Jersey is a fraction of the size and has a fraction of the population of Texas.
There are twice as many cases in Massachusetts as in Florida, the nation's third-most
populous state with one of its highest percentages of retirees and elderly. There have been
five times as many cases in New York as in California.
It is the nursing homes filled with the elderly and ill that have proven to be the real
killing fields of this virus. According to The New York Times, one-third of all deaths from
COVID-19 have come among residents and staff of nursing homes. Beyond these are the meatpacking
plants and the prisons where social distancing is almost nonexistent.
Moreover, while Fauci and Redfield are specialists in epidemics, Trump's portfolio goes far
beyond that.
He is chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, responsible for the
security and defense of the nation. His portfolio is broader and deeper than those of Fauci and
In the first hours of the Normandy invasion, General Eisenhower must have been rightly
alarmed about the high U.S. casualties on Omaha Beach. But he also had to concern himself with
the failure to capture the Port of Caen to bring ashore the armor to stop any German
counterattack that might turn D-Day into another Anzio.
Ike could not worry about casualties alone.
According to The Washington Post, economists already project that 100,000 small businesses
have shuttered, never to reopen.
"(D)eeper and longer recessions can leave behind lasting damage to the productive capacity
of the economy," warned Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell on Wednesday. "Avoidable
household and business insolvencies can weigh on growth for years to come."
Ultimately, Fauci is not "The Decider" here. Trump is.
It is he who is accountable to the nation for weighing the losses, both human and material,
due to his decisions.
Fauci may be the best at what he does, but he is still only an adviser. As John F. Kennedy
said after the Bay of Pigs, it is the president who ultimately bears responsibility for what he
does and fails to do, while "the advisers may move on to new advice."
Believing he can do no more than his White House is now doing to contain the incidence of
cases, hospitalizations and deaths, Trump has decided his primary job is to prevent the nation
from a catastrophic economic collapse from which it might take years to recover.
The country is slowly moving in Trump's direction, slowly opening. And he will be
responsible for whether the policy succeeds or opens the floodgates to a second and worse wave,
should it come.
As Abraham Lincoln put his situation: "I mean to keep going. If the end brings me out all
right, then what is said against me won't matter. If I'm wrong, ten angels swearing I was right
won't make a difference."
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and
Broke a President and Divided America Forever."
Fauci says that, "My concern is that we will start to see little spikes that might turn
into outbreaks of the disease "
The problem with his statement is the first two words. A science advisor is supposed to
provide advice based knowledge and science. It is not part of his job description to voice
his feelings.
In this case, it doesn't matter who is "right" only one of them is POTUS! I get it that
Trumps perch on his seat is tenuous and exactly how much real control he has over the
government he supposedly heads is open to speculation, but at the end of the day Trump is
POTUS and this is no time to be thinking of political futures he must be focused on the
future of America.
We need not only an end to the lockdowns, but an end to the media campaign to demoralize
the country by hyping the non-event known as corona virus. It is all hype. when you get past
the spin and media blitz, there is nothing about this virus that would justify any kind of
response beyond your doctor testing you for covid along with the flu when you go to the
doctor with flu symptoms. That's it.
This is simply not the life altering virus that is being hyped. The enemy here is NOT the
virus, it is the (((elites))) who are trying to destroy us. It is time people it is time.
Gen. Flynn is the perfect example of how far these gov't agencies will go to protect a lie
and those frauds involved in the cover up/hoax. Trump was there target, the pathetic part of
all this is just how many republicans knew about the fraud before Trump did and did nothing
to protect him or Americans.
Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is not
cited anywhere as an inventor or patent owner of the drug and has not authored any research
studying remdesivir.
While Fauci has also said that early trials of remdesivir on coronavirus patients are a
positive sign, he has also cautioned against prematurely celebrating.
"I was very serious when I said this was not the total answer by any means, but it's a very
important first step," Fauci said on April 30 about the NIH study on
As remdesivir is wholly owned by Gilead Sciences, Fauci is not legally entitled to any
profits from remdesivir.
Fauci was
the director of NIAID during the 2013-14 Ebola outbreak and spearheaded the department's
research and response to the virus. NIAID supported research into a range of potential Ebola
treatments, including remdesivir, as
recently as December. That said, Fauci did not directly conduct this research; neither he
nor the NIH stand to profit from its results.
The National Institutes of Health confirmed that Fauci has not authored any studies on
remdesivir and does not own stock in any biomedical or pharmaceutical companies.
Owning financial assets in pharmaceutical firms like Gilead would also be required to be
publicly disclosed per the
agency's ethics policy .
Amidst the storm of controversy raised by the lab-origin theory of COVID-19 extolled by such
figures as Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier, bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Sri
Lankan Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, an elaborate
project was undertaken under the nominal helm of NATURE Magazine in order to refute the claim
once and for all under the report 'The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2'
This project was led by a team of evolutionary virologists using a line of reasoning that
"random mutation can account for anything" and was parroted loudly and repeatedly by Fauci, WHO
officials and Bill Gates in order to shut down all uncomfortable discussion of the possible
laboratory origins of COVID-19 while also pushing for a global vaccine campaign. On April 18,
Dr. Fauci (whose close ties with Bill Gates, and Big Pharma have much to do with his control of
hundreds of billions of dollars of research money),
stated :
"There was a study recently that we can make available to you, where a group of highly
qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as
they evolve. And the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally
consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human."
I think at this moment, rife as it is with speculative arguments, confusion and
under-defined data, it is useful to remove oneself from the present and look for higher
reference points from which we can re-evaluate events now unfolding on the world stage.
"... Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a "vaccine criminal" and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. ..."
"... In an extraordinary seven-minute speech met with wide applause, Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome said that Italy had been subjected to a "Holy Inquisition of false science." ..."
Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a "vaccine criminal"
and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes
against humanity.
She also exposed
Bill Gates' agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through
the digital identification program ID2020.
In an extraordinary seven-minute speech met with wide applause, Sara Cunial, the Member of
Parliament for Rome said that Italy had been subjected to a "Holy Inquisition of false
She roundly criticized the unnecessary lockdown imposed on her fellow Italians in the
service of a globalist agenda. She urged fellow political leaders to desist in any plans to
compel citizens to surrender themselves to compulsory COVID-19 vaccination at the hands of the
corrupt elite – whom she identified as the Deep State .
Below is the transcription of the full speech delivered to the Italian Parliament by Sara
Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome.
Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from an imposition from above but by the
choice of individuals who feel more protected renouncing to their own freedom and granting it
to a third party.
With this, you are going on anesthetizing the minds with corrupted Mass Media with
Amuchina (a brand of disinfectant promoted by Mass Media) and NLP, with words like "regime",
"to allow" and "to permit", to the point of allowing you to regulate our emotional ties and
feelings and certify our affects.
So, in this way, Phase 2 is nothing else than the persecution/continuation of Phase 1
– you just changed the name, as you did with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). We
have understood people, for sure, don't die for the virus alone. So people will be allowed to
die and suffer, thanks to you and your laws, for misery and poverty. And, as in the "best"
regimes, the blame will be dropped only on citizens. You take away our freedom and say that
we looked for it. Divide et Impera (Divide and Rule).
It is our children who will lose more, who are 'raped souls', with the help of the
so-called "guarantor of their rights" and of CISMAI (Italian Coordination of Services against
Child Abuse). In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get
them used to probation, to get them used to slavery – involuntary treatment and to
virtual lager. All this in exchange for a push-scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the
appetites of a financial capitalism whose driving force is the conflict of interest, conflict
well represented by the WHO, whose main financier is the well-known "philanthropist and
savior of the world" Bill Gates.
We all know it, now. Bill Gates, already in 2018, predicted a pandemic, simulated in
October 2019 at the "Event 201", together with Davos (Switzerland). For decades, Gates has
been working on Depopulation policy and dictatorial control plans on global politics, aiming
to obtain the primacy on agriculture, technology and energy.
Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:
"If we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world
population by 10-15%. Only a genocide can save the world".
With his vaccines, Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa. Gates
caused a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India and still today with
DTP, Gates causes more deaths than the disease itself. And he does the same with GMOs
designed by Monsanto and "generously donated" to needy populations. All this while he is
already thinking about distributing the quantum tattoo for vaccination recognition and mRNA
vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system. In addition, Gates also does business
with several multinationals that own 5G facilities in the USA.
On this table there is the entire Deep State in Italian sauce :
Sanofi, together with GlaxoSmithKline are friends of the Ranieri Guerra, Ricciardi, and of
the well-known virologist that we pay 2000 Euro every 10 minutes for the presentations on Rai
(Italian state TV. She's probably talking about Burioni). Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline sign
agreements with medical societies to indoctrinate future doctors, making fun of their
autonomy of judgment and their oath.
Hi-Tech multinationals, like the Roman Engineering which is friend of the noble Mantoan,
or Bending Spoons, of Pisano, which are there for control and manage our personal health
datas in agreement with the European Agenda ID2020 of electronic identification, which aims
to use mass vaccination to obtain a digital platform of digital ID. This is a continuation of
the transfer of data started by Renzi to IBM. Renzi, in 2016, gave a plus 30% to Gates Global
On the Deep
State table there are the people of Aspen, like the Saxon Colao, who with his 4-pages
reports, paid 800 Euros/hour, with no scientific review, dictates its politics as a
Bilderberg general as he is, staying away from the battlefield. The list is long. Very long.
In the list there is also Mediatronic, by Arcuri and many more.
The Italian contribution to the International Alliance Against Coronavirus will be of 140
million Euros, of which 120 million Euros will be given to GAVI Alliance, the non-profit by
Gates Foundation. They are just a part of the 7.4 billion Euro fund by the EU to find a
vaccine against Coronavirus – vaccines which will be used as I said before.
No money, of course for serotherapy, which has the collateral effect of being super cheap.
No money for prevention, a real prevention, which includes our lifestyles, our food and our
relationship with the environment.
The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings,
transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks
to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises. While you rip up the Nuremberg code with
involuntary treatment, fines and deportation, facial recognition and intimidation, endorsed
by dogmatic scientism – protected by our "Multi-President" of the Republic who is real
cultural epidemic of this country.
We, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you won't be able
to repress all of us.
I ask you, President, to be the spokesperson and give an advice to our President Conte:
Dear Mr. President Conte, next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill
Gates forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If
you won't do this, tell us how we should define you, the "friend lawyer" who takes orders
from a criminal.
"If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific
evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or
deliberately manipulated," Fauci said in an interview with National Geographic
"Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus]
evolved in nature and then jumped species," the U.S. government's leading epidemiologist
His statements are in line with those set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO), a
United Nations agency that ratified on Monday that the coronavirus is of animal origin. "The
coronavirus circulates ancestrally between bats.
"That is something we know based on this virus's genetic sequence. What we need to
understand is which animal... was infected by bats and transmitted it to humans," the WHO
Emerging Diseases Department Director Maria Van Kerkhove said.
Demand Trump's incompetent, unqualified son-in-law be removed from the coronavirus
response team! #care2
Nevertheless, Trump insists that the U.S. government has evidence that the virus was created
in a laboratory in Wuhan (China), something that the Intelligence Directorate also
Are You Tired Of The Lies And Non-Stop Propaganda?
On Tuesday morning, the U.S. president also reacted angrily to a video titled "Mourning In
America" produced by The Lincoln Project (LP), a conservative group opposed to Trump's
reelection which blames him for mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic.
"There's mourning in America - and under the leadership of Donald Trump, our country is
weaker, sicker, and poorer," the LP video points out and adds that the United States is on the
brink of a new Great Depression.
In response to the above, Trump released his discomfort by calling the Lincoln Project
members "losers."
"... > How about we follow WHO's rule zero: test, test and test? ..."
"... Why the USA did not implemented entry/exist temperature checks (even at airports) I do not understand. The richest nation in the world has the government which is probably the most inept and disfunctional ..."
"... It looks like this is mainly the disease of megacities and industries with closely packed people (ships, meatpacking plants, Amazon warepuses) . And a large part of large cities infrastructure such as subways and air-conditioned building, hotels and shops are ideal environment for spreading of the virus. ..."
"... Another interesting feature of this virus is that it simply revealed how unhealthy the USA population generally is. For example, the epidemic of obesity now is tightly intermixed with the epidemic of COVID-19. Within the limits of the neoliberal social system very little can be done about it: for profit medicine makes is more fragile and create multiple avenue of abusing people. ..."
Do you understand that the current polymerase tests have 20-30% of false positives?
So if everybody in the USA is tested around 60-80 million people in the USA would be
deemed infected. I suspect that a very large percentage of "asymptomatics" are in reality
false positives.
We need to distinguish between the necessary measures and fearmongering. I suspect that in
the case of polymerase test the mantra "test, test, test" is close to the latter. This is s
rather expensive test and money probably can be better spend distributing masks to the
population. That would instantly give a larger effect. The simple measure that in the USA was
not done. Just for that Fauci should be fired and probably tried, IMHO.
The same is probably true with the distribution of oxymeters too: people with lows reading
need oxygen. As simple as that. That probably will cut hospitalizations in half.
My impression is that temperature and oxymeter testing might be a proxy for polymerase
testing and much cheaper: if oxygen saturation is less then 90% the person need to be
isolated/treated with oxygen
Why the USA did not implemented entry/exist temperature checks (even at airports) I do
not understand. The richest nation in the world has the government which is probably the most
inept and disfunctional
It looks like this is mainly the disease of megacities and industries with closely
packed people (ships, meatpacking plants, Amazon warepuses) . And a large part of large
cities infrastructure such as subways and air-conditioned building, hotels and shops are
ideal environment for spreading of the virus.
Even reasonable prophylactic measures do not work that well in large cities. Slums and
homeless are and will be hotspots.
Even at work enforcing prophylactic measures is non trivial. You need to change mask each
2 hours when you are working inside. How many people will do that ?
I think there is not way out other then clench your teeth and go forward adapting the
behavior as new information about the virus emerge.
For example individual supply of air in planes, trains and buses (which existed in old
planes and some buses ) might be an important psychological (and with better filters medical)
measure required.
Also Cruise ships "experiments" suggest that only around 20% of population is susceptible
to the virus. Even among Wuhan medics who started working with coronavirus patients without
wearing protective equipment only around half got the disease. The simplistic assumption that
100% of people is susceptible is just a myth propagated by fearmongers for fun and
Another interesting feature of this virus is that it simply revealed how unhealthy the USA
population generally is. For example, the epidemic of obesity now is tightly intermixed with
the epidemic of COVID-19. Within the limits of the neoliberal social system very little can
be done about it: for profit medicine makes is more fragile and create multiple avenue of
abusing people.
The first message is that covid19 is terrifying, unique, an existential threat to the human
This message is never sourced to much fact, because the facts about the virus don't really
support it. If it cites anything solid it's the appallingly sloppy and discredited Imperial
computer model, or some generic research into the pathology of severe infections or rare viral
syndromes, which it tries to spin as being unique to covid19, even though it is not. But mostly
it doesn't cite anything at all. Or really claim anything at all.
It just tells people to be afraid. Very afraid. Of death, of uncertainty, of the 'virus', of
other people, of 'fake news'.
The fear being encouraged is not rooted in facts, and is therefore impervious to
The second message is that covid19 is actually pretty harmless and no big deal.
This message is rooted in a great deal of fact, because, as we have been pointing out since
day one, pretty much all the data coming out about this virus supports exactly this
No official body has ever denied this, and most of them readily admit it. Regularly and
Here and here
and here and here .
Chris Whitty above is only one of many and this is not even his first go (see here ) at
explaining clearly that covid19 is only dangerous to a very very small minority of people, and
that most who get it will be just fine.
• Over the whole epidemic, even if there is no vaccine, a high proportion
will not get it.
• Of those who do, a significant proportion (exact number not yet clear)
have no symptoms.
• Of the symptomatic cases, the great majority (around 80%) a mild-
moderate disease.
• A minority have to go to hospital, most need only oxygen. The great
majority of these survive.
• A minority of those need ventilation.
• A minority of every agegroup sadly die with current treatment, but even
of the oldest group most do not.
[T]he great majority of people will not die from this and I'll just repeat something I
said right at the beginning because I think it's worth reinforcing :
Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all, at any
point of the epidemic which is going to go on for a long period of time.
Of those who do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have
the virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage, and we know that happens.
Of those who get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or
moderate disease. Might be bad enough for them to have to go to bed for a few days, not bad
enough for them to have to go to the doctor.
An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital, but the majority of those
will just need oxygen and will then leave hospital.
And then a minority of those will end up having to go to severe end critical care and
some of those sadly will die.
But that's a minority, it's 1% or possibly even less than 1% overall.
And even in the highest risk group this is significantly less than 20%, ie. the great
majority of people, even the very highest groups, if they catch this virus, will not
And I really wanted to make that point really clearly
Yes, Ken Garoo @26, the fearmongers have blood on their hands, not just in the UK, and this
is a massive life-and-death crisis. More evidence, from another unimpeachable source various
MoA stalwarts will now have to claim is a hack:
"...According to a stark report published in Lancet Global Health journal on Wednesday,
almost 1.2 million children could die in the next six months due to the disruption to health
services and food supplies caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
"The modelling, by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and
Unicef, found that child mortality rates could rise by as much as 45 per cent due to
coronavirus-related disruptions, while maternal deaths could increase by almost 39 per
"Dr [Stefan Peterson, chief of health at UNICEF] said these figures were in part a
reflection of stringent restrictions in much of the world that prevent people leaving their
homes without documentation, preventing them from accessing essential health care services.
"...Covid is not a children's disease. Yes there are rare instances and we see them
publicised across the media. But pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, death in childbirth, these
are the reasons we will see deaths rise."
Hurrah! I have my blogroll back! I'm just starting to build it. At some point in the frequent
rollouts of new WordPress features, they added a 'WP Admin' button, which gives access to the
'Links' page and allowed me to eliminate those irritating default links, as well as add new
ones. So, I'm just getting started, but among the must-sees I stumbled across while starting
out with links I knew I wanted to add right away are one discussing the coronavirus (haven't
even read all of it myself yet) at Club Orlov;
and a great article, very much on point with this post, at Irrussianality, detailing the
absolutely flabbergasting Joint Statement on the Anniversary of the End of the Second World
War, on the USA's State Department website. The Nazis get one mention – the rest is
non-stop Russia is evil.
I'm not sure what Dmitry Orlov does for a living, but if he is exclusively a writer when he's
not sailing around, I suppose he is entitled to charge a fee for his product, and I have
found it consistently excellent and well-sourced, much like John Helmer's work (although that
is still free). Orlov's blog is only $2.50 a month at the basic level of subscriber, and
that's cheap enough for me. I encourage readers to subscribe at the same level, because it's
an excellent resource. In this case, I had just skipped over it very quickly, because I
wanted to add it to the blogroll. I read the first couple of paragraphs, divined that it was
not only about the coronavirus, but vindicated many of my own beliefs, and went elsewhere to
add another site. I did not notice until I came back to it that it was now
So I'll copy a few salient points for everyone, and they can judge for themselves if they
are willing to pay a couple of bucks for that kind of content. It was not all about the
coronavirus – it started out about that, and sort of segued into the precarious
position the USA is now in economically. So that's why it may look like two different posts;
I am just excerpting at random: the entire post is much too long to copy. Presuming you have
read as much of the post as was already included as a teaser before it became
"First, let's handle the question of vaccination. There is a measles vaccine, yet it
kills 140,000 a year. There is a pneumococcus vaccine, yet it kills between 2 and 2.5 million
a year. There is a hepatitis B vaccine, yet it kills 140,000. There is a tetanus vaccine, yet
it kills 89,000 annually. There is a rotavirus vaccine, yet it kills 800,000. There is a HPV
vaccine, yet it kills 250,000. There is a tuberculosis vaccine, yet it kills 1.5 million.
There is an influenza vaccine, yet it kills 650,000 to 1 million a year. None of these are
considered pandemics, cause entire economies to be shut down, or call for any extraordinary
measures at all.
And then there is the novel coronavirus which has killed 218,187 people to date (the
vast majority of them very old and/or very sick) -- and this is considered to be a problem to
be solved with all possible haste. Some infectious disease experts have suggested that the
entire populace may be required to shelter in place until a vaccine becomes available.
Meanwhile, deaths from the novel coronavirus largely fit within the usual mortality of the
flu season. The northern hemisphere winter was warmer than usual, and some of the elderly and
sick people who would have been killed off by any of the usual influenza viruses (including
other coronaviruses) during any of the previous three flu seasons were claimed by the novel
But even this is uncertain because it is unclear whether these 218,187 deaths were
actually caused by the coronavirus or whether the coronavirus just happened to be present in
their bodies at the time of death. Furthermore, a lot of people were diagnosed as suffering
from this coronavirus based on symptoms which are not too different from those caused by
other viral agents. Lastly, the vast majority of those who have died from it had what are
called comorbidities. Elderly immunocompromised morbidly obese diabetics with high blood
pressure, cancer and other potential fatal ailments have been particularly susceptible. If
you discard all fatal cases with comorbidities and only consider young healthy people, then
the number of deaths where the new coronavirus is obviously the root cause may turn out to be
as low as zero.
Confirmed novel coronavirus cases number less than 3,147,626 worldwide, which is 0.04%
of the world's population. This barely adds up to a cough and a sneeze. As this virus has
spread throughout the world the increase in cases has slowed, but the number of confirmed
cases could yet double or even triple, adding up to as much as three coughs and three
sneezes. But then the World Health Organization enters the fray. The WHO makes gratuitous use
of appellations such as "world" and "health" but is actually a semi-private entity lavishly
financed by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, which is owned by a handful of highly inbred
oligarchic entities that include Vanguard, BlackRock, Capital Group, Morgan Stanley, Goldman
Sachs, Northern Trust and State Street, which in turn own each other in various convoluted
ways. WHO's main function is to scare people into getting vaccinated and accepting expensive
drug regimens (barely half of which do any good at all), thus funneling resources toward Big
The World Health Organization establishes thresholds to determine whether to declare an
influenza epidemic that range between 2.5% and 5%. The novel coronavirus misses the mark by a
thousand-fold, yet the WHO has declared it to be the cause of a global pandemic. If this
seems like an extreme overreaction, that is because this is an extreme overreaction. Some
conspiratorially-minded people may surmise that this is a conspiracy, but it isn't. It is yet
another blatant attempt to confiscate a chunk of the world's wealth by requiring it to buy
something worthless, just like this same set of medical/financial interests did with the
relatively worthless Tamiflu antiviral medication during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic of
2009-10 which caused a mere 18,036 deaths worldwide. This is a specific group pursuing its
own group interests."
Then he went into how the Chinese and the Russians are respectively manipulating the
coronavirus in their own countries for their own ends
"The Chinese have taken the novel coronavirus outbreak as a chance to train for
repelling a biological warfare attack. To argue that this coronavirus is indeed the agent of
a biowarfare attack is to argue for something extremely stupid because it just isn't
effective as a biowarfare agent. It's almost as bad as Novichok, which was touted as being
able to wipe out entire armies but only managed to sicken five people and kill just one of
them. It doesn't matter whether this coronavirus leaked out of a dead bat or a biowarfare
lab, or both -- it just isn't any good as a weapon. But the Chinese government imposed
extreme, unprecedented controls over much of the population and the economy. The Russians
followed suit, with the difference that while the Chinese saw these extreme measures as
temporary, setting up makeshift hospitals, the Russians seized on them as a chance to
fundamentally upgrade the entire health care system, setting it up to effectively handle any
future biological warfare attacks.
In doing so, the Chinese and the Russians pursued different goals. The Chinese need to
find a way to stop shipping actual physical manufactured goods to the US in exchange for
pieces of paper or promises to pay, all of which are about to become worthless, without
triggering a dangerous escalation. The need to do so with all necessary haste became obvious
in mid-August of 2019, when it turned out that banks were no longer willing to accept US
Treasury debt instruments as collateral for overnight loans. These were supposedly the safest
investments in the world that made up the world's largest and most liquid financial market --
until it turned out that they weren't that at all."
And on the American economy
"There are two important global processes which, while they will affect the US
particularly severely, go far beyond its geographic confines. One is the still relatively
gradual process of dethroning the US dollar from its position of dominance. Until the
coronavirus pandemic disrupted much of the global economy, most of its participants were
interested in preserving some measure of stability to the dollar system. But now that trade
has already been disrupted, an opening has been created to dump the dollar without
necessarily causing economic damage significantly worse than already exists. The actions of
the Federal Reserve, which is in the process of monetizing a large proportion of existing US
government debt and virtually all of the new debt being issued to cover the ever-growing
budget deficit, are undermining the dollar as well. Although the term "debt monetization" is
being used to describe what's happening, issuing currency with which to buy up worthless
promissory notes stretches the definition of "debt" beyond any reasonable limit, while
"monetization" is far too dignified a term for such a desperate delaying tactic. As a
consequence, some analysts do not see US dollar-based global financial system holding up too
far beyond this year.
The other process is the rapid transition of the US from the world's largest producer
of oil to one of the smallest, because the fracking bonanza has largely run its course. It
has never really made any money, since fracked oil is, for technological reasons, always too
expensive to sustain economic growth. And now, with an economic depression setting in,
economies at a standstill and oil futures trading in the negative territory (where market
participants are willing to pay producers to get out of having take delivery of the oil when
the contract matures) the fracking industry is going bankrupt, production is falling, and in
less than a year it is likely to be down by as much as 70%. At that point, any attempt at
economic recovery in the US will involve having to start importing large quantities of oil
from a world supply that, with the exception of fracked oil from the US, hasn't expanded much
since 2005."
My view is that despite this being all highly disruptive, it will prepare us all for the
inevitable outbreak of a truly deadly virus that will also kill the young and healthy too
(hopefully not cats). The world is becoming ever more globalized, transmission chains and
time seriously shortened. There will be no escape even on the periphery. A biological version
of Neville Shute's On the Beach.
Handling this well (in future) is eminently doable without even losing a (metaphorical)
bollock. It is basic stuff and really shouldn't be 'a thing.' The WHO is a redirection
nothing burger for those who are responsible for the abrogation of national competence.
Decisions are still taken at the national level, no? The WHO is a spokesbody and therein it
does have a role to play. It is neither free from political inteference or influence just
like every other international organization.
Fortunately, Asia has shown the common-sense that we in the old world have lost through
our own arrogance and self-importance. We should be humiliated, but we are not. We're too
busy blaming others.
This CoVid-19 outbreak has provided everyone with a crystal clear warning of precisely how
incompetent many nation states are over basic provision of health and pandemic planning in
the 21st Century. This isn't 1918. Things are supposed to have moved on a bit but it has
exposed the ideology of cuts, penny-pinching and not-give-a-f/kery over common-sense by those
elected (by us) to provide responsible government. They've been warned multiple times about
the risks, not to mention the series of other outbreaks in this century. Still, they're
rather more interested in squeaking out ever leaner efficiencies to maximize
I'm not worried about the planet, we'll knock ourselves off first.
My initial feeling was that the initial reaction of Putin, Trump and Johnson was to let the
thing burn itself out and maybe put the effort into looking after the most at risk. The
Imperial College thing seems to be the reason why Trump and Johnson went to lockdown and that
left me puzzled why Putin did. Orlov's piece gave me the idea that maybe, after talking to
Xi, Putin decided to use it as a test of Russia's ability to handle a bioattack. Notice that
Russia is actually building specialised hospitals around the country rather than just (as in
the West) temporarily re-purposing large facilities. We'll probably never know but it's a
thought I will keep in the Maybe File.
Agreed; I could think of no good reason for it, and consequently Orlov's speculation came as
a revelation. Again, it's only speculation on his part, but it does make sense and fits with
the Sino-Russian concept of every experience being a teachable moment, to be wrung for such
lessons as it may yield.
It is fairly well-known that Johnson's initial plan was to go for herd immunity and just
say bollocks to social distancing, but something caused him to abruptly reverse himself after
the UK had already started a pretty respectable infection curve. I'm not familiar with the
'Imperial College thing'; could you enlighten me? I do know that impatience at being shut in
with no job is increasingly unpopular with people everywhere it prevails, and governments are
having a harder time keeping the lid on. I can only imagine it is the same for Putin's
I see; thanks for that. I remember reading mentions of a study which forecast incredible
death tolls, but didn't realize that was it. Well, no way they could have done anything else,
in the face of that – 2.2 million deaths in the US, and more than half a million in the
I don't suppose they will ever be called to account for their fearmongering quackery. To
nobody's surprise, I'm sure, the Imperial College receives generous grants from the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation, the most recent in March of this year – just shy of $80
Million, to develop a new tool for malaria control and elimination in sub-Saharan Africa.
Nor was that the only one, by a long chalk; 80 donations between 2006 and 2018. This
website does ask that a disclaimer be included that the data are preliminary; final
development is not expected to be achieved until 2022. But at first glance, it looks like the
full amount will run into quite a few decimal places.
An under-reported fact in the US is the abundance of empty ICUs and now a surplus of
ventilators. A nearby city is laying off 2,500 medical personnel for lack of work (presumably
mobilized for the pandemic).
IIRC, a local story blew the whistle on a staged waiting line for Covid-19 testing; most
of the people in line (including medical volunteers who had nothing to do) were asked to to
stand in line to provide video footage for a network news team.
Yes, that's correct: Cherry Health, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The article points out that
Cherry Health stands to lose millions as a result of the crisis.
Ha, ha!! Dear God. Well, I hope he doesn't lose his tasty bit on the side over this –
he'll probably top himself. She looks quite yummy. But it's always the same, innit? Those who
make up the rules get a great kick out of it, but feel free to disregard them themselves as
soon as they get in the way.
Makes one wonder if the virus response is being managed at some level to cull the old and
frail to reduce health care costs. The obvious vulnerability of nursing home residents
combined with the apparent lack of resources specifically devoted to protecting those
individuals suggests high level scheming in that regard.
It was only a few months ago that we exceptional people were told that masks were useless
and unneeded (except for health care workers who desperately needed them for
self-protection). It is likely that policy lead to a rapid spread in the vulnerable
It is remarkable how quickly the "masks are useless" directive has been officially
forgotten. Now, it's all about how China allowed us to mishandle the situation.
I would think not, only because no apparent effort has been made to ensure infection of the
homeless in their cardboard cities, and wipe them out. Here, as I have mentioned before,
Mayor Helps has given them a city park to use as their own squalid state, constantly refers
to them tenderly as 'our most vulnerable', and provides them no end of services, all for free
on the taxpayer. If your ambitions are modest, there is no real incentive to work.
If it were all part of a diabolical plan, you would think that plan would allow for taking
out the 'useless eaters' among the poor and helpless, as well as the old.
It certainly looks that way but such a plot requires a competence that our political elites
(at least in the UK) just don't have. Unfortunately, we're led by the shallow, ignorant and
inexperienced who responded to a serious health problem with blind panic. It's common sense
that a virus, which is particularly dangerous for the elderly, shouldn't be let out to play
in care homes; that steps should have been taken to protect the vulnerable rather than
putting everyone under house arrest while destroying their livelihoods. But common sense is a
bit like common courtesy, not actually that common when you get right down to it.
Professor Neil Ferguson (he of the 500,000 deaths forecast) and his Imperial College team
have a dire track record of forecasting in previous health crises, consistently wrong by an
order of magnitude. Yet it seems that no-one in government or our once highly competent civil
service had either the skills or time to query his forecasting model and the assumptions he
made. The fact that he broke the lockdown, introduced as a result of his forecast, in order
to dally with his mistress, does kind of suggest he doesn't believe in his own figures.
Yes, it sounds as if you are right. I suppose one reason it looks like a well-managed
conspiracy is that it was such a startlingly stupid thing to do – it's difficult to
imagine people would willingly cause such destruction without the slightest look to the
Johnson is an idiot, but his first instinct – or apparently so, I suppose it might
have been just paralysis – was the correct one; proceed as normal, no reason to believe
this is the Black Death.
It's almost like the 'pandemic' is just an excuse for something, and the rest is just going
through the motions.
On relaxation of restrictions, it's mostly a game of feeling for the level of restriction
the public will tolerate, because it is so grateful for the degree of freedom allowed it. I
imagine when stores are opened, they're going to want Soviet-style lineups outside,
social-distancing 6 feet apart, because only 50 people are allowed inside at any one time. So
they can social-distance inside as well, as if that were somehow an effective
contagious-virus countermeasure, the way grocery stores are now. And 50 seems to be the magic
number no matter the size of the store, except for kiosks which are only allowed to serve one
person inside at a time.
The local pizza hotspot, Romeo's, seems to be doing a land-office business, and is
probably making money. They only serve take-out now, no inside service, so they only have to
pay the cooks and perhaps two counter-service persons; no waitresses or waiters or busboys.
And the line outside frequently is about a quarter-mile. But they still have to pay their
rent based on the size of the building, which is wasteful – look for perhaps quite a
few businesses switching to take-out only in the course of time, and renting smaller
premises. Because of course The Authorities are going to want social-distancing inside
restaurants as well as we emerge, to preserve the illusion that they knew what they were
Case in point. America has a surveillance state but it refuses to use it to save lives.
Instead, it uses it to save Wall Street and protect the extractive elite from any TRUE REAL
threat. I relish the notion of this virus running rampant across America until it ravages,
and decimates actually, the Praetorian Guard Class, the managerial class if you will, that
licks the ass of the extractive elite for some bread crust, discarded steak fat and a Tesla.
I want to see them truly suffer for their sins.
After weeks cooped up at home following governors' orders to contain the coronavirus
outbreak, U.S. residents appear eager to get moving again. As more states began to relax
restrictions, about 25 million more people ventured outside their homes on an average day
last week than during the preceding six weeks, a New York Times analysis of cellphone
data found .
In nearly every part of the country, the share of people staying home dropped, in some
places by nearly 11 percentage points.
As the death toll from this pandemic rises in America with no end in sight, Wall Street,
as reflected in the DJIA, doesn't even blink and actually cheers. It doesn't get any sicker
than that. Wall Street sees the carnage as an opportunity to make more profit off of death
and the extractive elite see it as an opportunity to concentrate wealth even further and rid
the world of burdensome useless eaters. It's sick. It's sadistic. It's malevolent. It's evil.
It's our reality.
"Paul's challenge encapsulates the debate between elected officials eager to open up businesses and willing to accept the risk
that more people will die, and public health experts committed to lowering infection rates and keeping the public as safe as possible.
" People are hurting and we're destroying our country ," Paul told reporters outside the hearing room. "We've got to open up business
we got to let people vote, and we're not going to live in a perfect world without infectious disease, we're still going to have it,
but we got to open the economy and that's the number one message I have."
The Kentucky senator, an opthamologist, told Fauci he didn't believe there would be a surge in cases if schools opened, which
is not what public health experts say. Paul dismissed predictive models of the virus. "The history of this, when we look back, will
be of wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction ," Paul said.
Paul then targeted Fauci personally: "As much as I respect you Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end-all, I don't think you're
the one person that gets to make the decision . We can listen to your advice. But there are people on the other side saying there
won't be a surge and we can safely open the economy." CNBC
IMO, there may or may not be an effective vaccine developed against COVID-19. Some virus bugs are never countered effectively
by vaccines. There are no vaccines for the common cold, the Spanish Influenza of 1918, and many other virus strains. Some diseases
must burn themselves out in a population by establishing herd immunity. Bubonic Plague is a bacterial infection, but the same thing
was true of it. It ravaged Europe, but eventually the fire of infection burned out in Europe and those of us who are descended from
Europeans are the descendants of the herd survivors.
COVID-19 is nothing like the Black Death or the Spanish Influenza in lethality except for the old and infirm. Suck it up, people!
Cowboy up! Grow a pair! Fauci is a techno dweeb who would keep the US shut down economically until the survivors of COVID-19 would
be living in a post-apocalyptic world of small communities living in poverty, a dystopian nightmare.
Rand Paul is also a doctor, and a survivor of the disease.
The Democrats are having a good time playing with Trump while the country burns to the ground economically.
Biden? Pelosi? Juan Williams? Northam? You want them? If you do, and you want to hunker down until the country dies, well then,
Bless You! You will deserve what you get.
SWMBO and I, and the doggies are unlikely to be here to share your pain. pl
LA County apparently wants to extend the lockdown by another 3 months. This is just insane!
Old guys like me could hang out more at the ranch but the youth need to be out and about.
There's no perfect risk-free scenario as you point out. Unfortunately we have cultivated a nanny state of big government and
big business that are quite rapacious in reality. Has any state actually passed legislation to enforce lockdowns? These are just
executive orders at the state and local levels. It would appear that these orders suspends the constitution? I'm surprised no
one has yet challenged these orders in state and federal courts.
We sure are an afraid lot. What happened to the derring-do?
maybe they could do a special ufc - wrestling type show with paul and fauci.. the american public seem very keen on this sort
of thing and would eat it up..
can someone explain how herd immunity works?? i've never heard of people being referred to as a herd... i missed that in school..
BTW, notice how Ukraine has vanished from the national conversation.
Who needs to keep yapping about how Trump let down (one faction in) Ukraine when they can blame him for the economic calamity
which, in point of fact, is due to the vast overreaction that has been pushed by the media and Dem politicians.
For example, failing to point out that New York has unique demographics, which directly and conclusively led to its high hospitalization
and fatality rate.
A key point the media doesn't adequately emphasize, IMO, is the sharpness of the dependency on age.
In Virginia, there have been, to date, roughly 900 deaths attributed to the virus.
Of those deaths, over half were to people over 80.
Roughly one quarter were people in their 70s.
About 15% were people on their 60s.
Less than 10% were people under 60.
There were ZERO deaths of people under 20.
To see a bar chart which shows the exact numbers, visit https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
Then click on "Demographics", then set "Select Measure" to "Deaths".
"public health experts"
These folks appear to be expert only at guaranteeing thier jobs. The backpedaling, double speak and out right fraud is beyond
shameless. I notice we aren't talking about the Georgia death count any longer but St. Travoon of the skittles accolyte. This
thing is over but for NYC and the politicians in the democratic death traps being governed by fools. Ordering infected elderly
patients back to nursing homes, which experts advised that to Cuomo and Whitmer? Suicide, drug overdoses, those deaths don't count?
"Biden? Pelosi? Juan Williams? Northam? You want them?" No, nor Whitmer nor Newsom. If we get them I won't be around much longer
than your doggies and I'm much younger than you and SWMBO.
I think a big part of the problem is the total lack of any deeper philosophic debate, as part of a normal social functioning.
People want answers not truths, so there are plenty of politicians and priests, but philosophy is neutered and left to the back
alleys of academia.
We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, in which there is this organic interplay
between competition and cooperation, as well as public and private functions of society, etc. So when we impose this goal oriented
model on those facts of life, we end up with a bunch of absolutist ideologs running the world and using the other side as boogymen
to rally their cultists. Rather than appreciating such interplay is fundamental to life.
When we have such a fundamentally primitive understanding of how reality functions, having nuanced discussion of life and death
issues is not possible.
The people won't stand for Fausti's nonsense, nor the Democrats'. They will just open their businesses and local governments -
especially county level - will allow it. Already happening in PA. Heck even some states are doing it. As counties and states open
up, the populations of those that do not will become increasingly agitated and begin to break "the rules". There will be a ripple
effect. The cowards and social media magnates and leftists will call them names and wave fingers at them, but the people won't
care. Actually they will continue to open with even more fervor just to give give these "elites" the finger.
As always, the socialist/dictator class ignores human nature and believes people can be programmed. As always, they are wrong.
People are no longer buying the models and case rates BS, etc. that the "scientists" put out there. Geekery ain't cutting it any
Hopefully, this will all occur peacefully with the socialists/dictators just throwing up their hands. If they double down,
then the tree of liberty gets watered. Probably the outcome that needs to happen, terrible as it is. Right now Pelosi is trying
to develop a plan to bribe the people into staying locked down and vote democrat. It will fail.
LA County apparently wants to extend the lockdown by another 3 months. This is just insane!
Old guys like me could hang out more at the ranch but the youth need to be out and about.
There's no perfect risk-free scenario as you point out. Unfortunately we have cultivated a nanny state of big government and
big business that are quite rapacious in reality. Has any state actually passed legislation to enforce lockdowns? These are just
executive orders at the state and local levels. It would appear that these orders suspends the constitution? I'm surprised no
one has yet challenged these orders in state and federal courts.
We sure are an afraid lot. What happened to the derring-do?
maybe they could do a special ufc - wrestling type show with paul and fauci.. the american public seem very keen on this sort
of thing and would eat it up..
can someone explain how herd immunity works?? i've never heard of people being referred to as a herd... i missed that in school..
BTW, notice how Ukraine has vanished from the national conversation.
Who needs to keep yapping about how Trump let down (one faction in) Ukraine when they can blame him for the economic calamity
which, in point of fact, is due to the vast overreaction that has been pushed by the media and Dem politicians.
For example, failing to point out that New York has unique demographics, which directly and conclusively led to its high hospitalization
and fatality rate.
A key point the media doesn't adequately emphasize, IMO, is the sharpness of the dependency on age.
In Virginia, there have been, to date, roughly 900 deaths attributed to the virus.
Of those deaths, over half were to people over 80.
Roughly one quarter were people in their 70s.
About 15% were people on their 60s.
Less than 10% were people under 60.
There were ZERO deaths of people under 20.
To see a bar chart which shows the exact numbers, visit https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/
Then click on "Demographics", then set "Select Measure" to "Deaths".
"public health experts"
These folks appear to be expert only at guaranteeing thier jobs. The backpedaling, double speak and out right fraud is beyond
shameless. I notice we aren't talking about the Georgia death count any longer but St. Travoon of the skittles accolyte. This
thing is over but for NYC and the politicians in the democratic death traps being governed by fools. Ordering infected elderly
patients back to nursing homes, which experts advised that to Cuomo and Whitmer? Suicide, drug overdoses, those deaths don't count?
"Biden? Pelosi? Juan Williams? Northam? You want them?" No, nor Whitmer nor Newsom. If we get them I won't be around much longer
than your doggies and I'm much younger than you and SWMBO.
I think a big part of the problem is the total lack of any deeper philosophic debate, as part of a normal social functioning.
People want answers not truths, so there are plenty of politicians and priests, but philosophy is neutered and left to the back
alleys of academia.
We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, in which there is this organic interplay
between competition and cooperation, as well as public and private functions of society, etc. So when we impose this goal oriented
model on those facts of life, we end up with a bunch of absolutist ideologs running the world and using the other side as boogymen
to rally their cultists. Rather than appreciating such interplay is fundamental to life.
When we have such a fundamentally primitive understanding of how reality functions, having nuanced discussion of life and death
issues is not possible.
The people won't stand for Fausti's nonsense, nor the Democrats'. They will just open their businesses and local governments -
especially county level - will allow it. Already happening in PA. Heck even some states are doing it. As counties and states open
up, the populations of those that do not will become increasingly agitated and begin to break "the rules". There will be a ripple
effect. The cowards and social media magnates and leftists will call them names and wave fingers at them, but the people won't
care. Actually they will continue to open with even more fervor just to give give these "elites" the finger.
As always, the socialist/dictator class ignores human nature and believes people can be programmed. As always, they are wrong.
People are no longer buying the models and case rates BS, etc. that the "scientists" put out there. Geekery ain't cutting it any
Hopefully, this will all occur peacefully with the socialists/dictators just throwing up their hands. If they double down,
then the tree of liberty gets watered. Probably the outcome that needs to happen, terrible as it is. Right now Pelosi is trying
to develop a plan to bribe the people into staying locked down and vote democrat. It will fail.
>Patient #1 was a 35 year old male who presented at a Seattle (WA) clinic on Jan 15, 2020
A month later Fauci was still proclaiming in public that the evil virus was less of a
problem than the annual influenza. Someplace there is a video of Fauci saying this, right
around Feb 15.
I can not understand how even complete incompetents manage to make exactly the wrong
decision at every opportunity. In the UK there was a policy to send elderly patients, both
suspected and known to have the virus, to care homes, without even warning the care home
people. Supposedly it was to make room for corona patients who were even sicker than the ones
going into care homes. This is straight-up criminal negligence.
The governor -- who himself has described nursing homes as a "feeding frenzy'' for the
deadly coronavirus -- said that the facilities can't challenge a state regulation
forcing them to admit patients with the contagion .
The CEO of a hard-hit Brooklyn nursing home, where 55 patients have died from the
coronavirus, told The Post last week that he'd been warning state Health Department
officials for weeks he had staffing and equipment issues -- yet received little help.
"There is no way for us to prevent the spread under these conditions,'' the head of the
Cobble Hill Health Center, Donny Tuchman, wrote in an e-mail to the department on April
He said he asked to move some patients to the makeshift wards at Manhattan's Javits
Center and aboard the city-docked USNS Comfort amid the pandemic, only to be told those two
spots were receiving only patients from hospitals.
"I made specific requests to transfer patients, and it didn't happen,'' Tuchman told The
Post. "There weren't options."
Deliberate policy decisions have killed and continue to kill people. That is perfectly
clear, even while the origins of the virus and the intent of decisions are hiding in the
muck. Will relatives of the dead just accept this as "an act of god", or will they come to
understand these events as "acts of dear leaders"?
For two months Dear Leaders have claimed that destroying the economy, house arrest, and no
care home visitors are for the express purpose of protecting ... care home residents. But
most of the dead were care home residents, along with plenty of their care workers.
Yes it sounds melodramatic but I keep seeing black-and-white images of people being herded
into shower rooms in order to get showered with Zyklon B. Please tell me why we are not
witnessing state-sanctioned murder.
"... Paul, who also has a medical degree, called for "a little bit of humility in our belief that we know what's best for our economy," questioning Fauci's support for a prolonged economic shutdown during a Senate hearing on the government's coronavirus response on Tuesday. ..."
"... With all due respect I don't think you're the end-all, I don't think you're the one person who gets to make a decision. ..."
"... "I hope that people who are predicting doom and gloom and saying oh we can't do this there's going to be a surge will admit they're wrong if there isn't a surge," the senator continued, calling for the Trump administration to listen to experts who disagreed with the "doom and gloom" predictions of Fauci and his ilk. ..."
"... Paul added that continuing the lockdown would widen the class divide, explaining that if children are kept out of school for months on end, then "the poor and underprivileged kids who don't have a parent that's able to teach them at home aren't going to be able to learn for a full year." He also said that the catastrophic narrative painting Covid-19 as a killer necessitating mass shutdowns had gotten started with "wrong prediction after wrong prediction," starting with the British scientist Neil Ferguson's apocalyptic forecasts – even as the British scientist had been meeting secretly with his mistress in violation of the lockdown he'd been championing. ..."
Republican Senator Rand Paul has challenged National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases director Dr Anthony Fauci on the nation's Covid-19 policy, suggesting the US is
waiting too long to reopen. Paul, who also has a medical degree, called for "a little bit of
humility in our belief that we know what's best for our economy," questioning Fauci's support
for a prolonged economic shutdown during a Senate hearing on the government's coronavirus
response on Tuesday.
Sen. Paul argues school decisions should be made district by district, tells Dr. Fauci: "I
don't think you're the end all."Fauci: "I'm a scientist... I think we better be careful if we
are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects."
With all due respect I don't think you're the end-all, I don't think you're the one
person who gets to make a decision.
"I hope that people who are predicting doom and gloom and saying oh we can't do this
there's going to be a surge will admit they're wrong if there isn't a surge," the senator
continued, calling for the Trump administration to listen to experts who disagreed with the
"doom and gloom" predictions of Fauci and his ilk.
" In rural states, we never really reached any sort of pandemic levels in Kentucky and
other states ," Paul pointed out, even as he acknowledged that " New England " had
been hit hard by the virus. " We have less deaths in Kentucky than we have in an average flu
season. "
" We don't know everything about this virus ," Fauci countered, challenging that
children in some parts of the country were turning up with " a very strange inflammatory
syndrome " similar to Kawasaki syndrome.
" You're right in the numbers that children do much much better .but I am very careful,
and hopefully humble, in knowing that I don't know everything about this disease, and that's
why I'm very reserved in making broad predictions ," Fauci continued.
Paul added that continuing the lockdown would widen the class divide, explaining that if
children are kept out of school for months on end, then "the poor and underprivileged kids who
don't have a parent that's able to teach them at home aren't going to be able to learn for a
full year." He also said that the catastrophic narrative painting Covid-19 as a killer
necessitating mass shutdowns had gotten started with "wrong prediction after wrong prediction,"
starting with the British scientist Neil Ferguson's apocalyptic forecasts – even as the
British scientist had been meeting secretly with his mistress in violation of the lockdown he'd
been championing.
Fauci's supporters took to social media to slam his opponent, noting that Paul had gone to
the Senate gym while infected with the coronavirus and perhaps infected others. They also cited
high numbers of Covid-19 cases in Paul's home county of Warren County, Kentucky.
Watching Republicans cheer on Rand Paul "taking on" Dr. Fauci almost perfectly
characterizes the anti-intellectual, anti-reason, anti-fact, and frankly degenerate state of
the Republican Party.
Warren County, Kentucky – where Rand Paul lives – has more COVID-19 cases per
capita than 51 of the 67 counties in New England states.Senator Paul is wrong and the
ignorant message he is peddling is dangerous. There is no special immunity to this virus
based on where you live. https://t.co/l9u5RBYR2J
Rand Paul absolutely destroys Dr. Fraudci. "I don't think you're the end all. I don't
think you're the one person who gets to make the decision." pic.twitter.com/nvljuGAy5u
Federal 'social distancing' guidelines were lifted at the end of April, but hotspots like
New York and California have extended their economic shutdowns as lesser-hit states have begun
to relax restrictions.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
"... X22 Report Fauci's Connections To Wuhan Ready To Be Exposed - Episode 2171c ..."
"... I don't remember Fauci ever apologizing his remarks concerning - you don't need to worry, you don't need masks - masks are bad, the virus can't be spread easily, his models predicting millions would die in the US. ..."
"The history of this when we look back will be wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction... As much as I
respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end all, I don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision,"
said Paul - who added that we need to "observe with an open eye what happened in Sweden, where the kids kept going to school."
"The mortality per capita in Sweden is actually less than France, less than Italy, less than Spain, less than Belgium,
less than the Netherlands, about the same as Switzerland. But basically I don't think there's anybody arguing that what
happened in Sweden is an unacceptable result. I think people are intrigued by it, and we should be."
"I don't think any of us are certain when we do all these modelings - there have been more people wrong with modeling
than right. We're opening up a lot of economies around the US, and I hope that people who are predicting doom and gloom
and saying 'oh, we can't do this, there's going to be a surge' - will admit when there isn't a surge."
Sen. Rand Paul:
"The history of this when we look back will be wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction... As much as I
respect you, Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end all, I don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision."
Fauci responded, (25 seconds in below), saying "Sen. Paul, I have never made myself out to be the end-all & only voice of this.
I'm a scientist, a physician, and a public health official."
He then offered a 'but, the children!' argument - latching onto Paul's comment that we don't know everything
about the virus, and that "we really better be very careful, particularly when it comes to children."
"Because the more and more we learn - we're seeing things about what this virus can do that we didn't see from the studies in
China. Or in Europe. For example, right now children presenting with COVID-19 who actually have a very strange inflammatory symdrome,
very similar to Kawasaki syndrome. I think we better be careful that we are not cavalier in thinking that children are not immune
to the deleterious effects.
"I never made myself to be out the end all.
I’m a scientist, a physician, and a public health official.
I give advice according to the best scientific evidence. "
I have not promoted the
#FireFauci movement.
I've defended him.
But now...
Fauci responded to a factual-based inquiry by @RandPaul w/an egregious
allusion to some mystery Kawasaki-like disease & tripled-down on his aversion to a 2020-21 school session.
Why isn't anyone asking directly about the 'gain of function' studies that NIH was doing on the US prior to outsourcing the
experiments to Wuhan and illegally funding it via the NIH....why is there a need to lockdown 300m people for a relative small
number of deaths which in turn are focused on the elderly with prior illnesses...what is the relationship betwe3n the CDC and
the European CDC... does the European CDC pay European hospitals for every diagnosis and every ventilator use.... its all BS...hopefully
people are beginning to smell a rat and through these bums out....
Al Agent, 3 minutes ago
True. Fauci wasn't elected to make policy; in fact, he wasn't elected at all! He was employed to advise on what happens under
different scenarios. Trump's economic advisors weren't elected to make policy; in fact, they weren't elected at all! They are
employed to advise on what happens under different scenarios.
Congress and The President decide on policy. They were elected to do that.
Templar X, 16 minutes ago
There will never be a vaccine for COVID-19 which is safe, effective, and worthwhile.
The fastest a vaccine has ever been developed in the past was four years after the first appearance of a new infectious disease.
Four years from now people will either have herd immunity or they will be dead.
Within a year or two, the COVID-19 virus will likely mutate itself to death, or it will weaken and become no worse than a regular
flu virus.
COVID-19 is, apparently, less harmful to people under 65 years of age and those with no underlying health conditions, which,
of course, is also true of the common flu.
theWHTMANN, 32 minutes ago
How come no one asks Fauci straight to his face regarding all the deaths that will happen because of the lockdown (missed surgeries,
suicide, famine, et al.). What is this con man's response? He doesn't care? What if non-COVID deaths because of the lockdown are
3x or 4x the COVID deaths? What then? Does anyone ask this fool Fauci whether he will take responsibility for anything?
mrpc, 30 minutes ago
Like Fauci says himself, in the interview, he gives advice. He doesn't make the decisions.
sun tzu, 34 minutes ago (Edited)
Where's the carnage in Georgia, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina from reopening? I see no massive surge in the hospitals
or deaths. The only carnage I see is in the nursing homes in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts all states run by Democrats
PerilouseTimes, 8 minutes ago
I made an appointment for a procedure this week and had to go in for covid pretesting today. It was my second test in three
months. I worked with and personally interacted with, people that tested positive for covid in mid March. I was unusually sick
in January and have talked to many others that was strange sick in January as well. After speaking with the health professionals
and the people I know in and around this, I am convinced that this is all a load of ****. I had covid in Jan, and so did many
of the others I worked with. The nurse I just talked to said to me that her and her family along with many people that she is
testing was convinced that they had it between Dec. and Feb. I'm in GA and it is long past time to get this show on the road.
Those experiments were going on in the United States until 2014. They were Dr. Anthony Fauci's projects. President Obama
ordered that to stop because they had a lot of lab escape problems in 2014 from three different labs
Instead of stopping as he was ordered, Fauci moved those operations to the Wuhan lab in China and continued to do those
experiments right up until the time that the coronavirus [pandemic occurred]. In fact, [infectious disease expert] Ian Lipkin
was doing those experiments over there when [COVID-19] exploded. And I'll tell you exactly what happened because it's very
---ZerooreZ---, 56 minutes ago
I am genuinely impressed with the American spirit, that everything covid related has happened at double the speed in the USA
compared to the UK - you were the last to get this thing and seem to be the first to open back up (well done!). I guess because
you guys have lived with guns your whole lives, you are braver than the average UK citizen who literally have been the most obedient
and most scared bunch I have experienced. People literally throw themselves off the pavements into the road to avoid someone walking
the other way, they would rather be
I don't remember Fauci ever apologizing his remarks concerning - you don't need to worry, you don't need masks - masks are
bad, the virus can't be spread easily, his models predicting millions would die in the US.
Newsweek reveals that as recently as last year, the US funded scientists at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology in 'gain of function' research on bat coronaviruses.
The source of that funding? The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease,
headed by.....(drumroll please)....Dr Anthony Fauci, lead medical expert for America's Covid-19
task force.
President Donald Trump's legal counsel, Rudy Giuliani, in a recent chat on "The Cats
Roundtable" on New York AM 970 radio, suggested a good U.S. attorney general move about
now would be to investigate key members of the past Barack Obama administration on the
Wuhan, China, laboratory, to see what they knew and when they knew it.
And then he mentioned Dr. Anthony Fauci specifically.
And then he accused the prior Team Obama of sending $3.7 million to the lab in 2014
-- at a time when that same Team Obama had banned the funding of any lab that was
involved in virus experimentation.
And then he named Fauci as the guy who gave the money to the Wuhan Institute of
Ouch. Politically speaking, the perception of one of this administration's loudest
voices on the coronavirus front -- the one calling for shutdowns and shut-ins and
contact tracing-slash-government-tracking of American citizens -- well, it doesn't look
good to have him tied financially to Wuhan.
Giuliani, as RedState noted, said this:
"Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving money to
any laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses.
Prohibited. Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory.
And then even after the State Department issued reports about how unsafe that
laboratory was, and how suspicious they were in the way they were developing a virus
that could be transmitted to humans, we never pulled that money."
Giuliani said if he were attorney general, he'd open an investigation.
Literally every human concern - every social, psychological, spiritual concern; every
political, constitutional, rule-of-law concern; every concern of human and civil rights,
civil liberties, human freedom; every concern of children's healthy development; and
literally every health concern except for this flu - have been eradicated from the
propaganda and evidently from the minds of the police-statists.
Their minds have been scoured clean of literally every thought except for a threadbare
fanatical obsession with quantity of life (an obsession they pursue in defiance of all the
evidence; their lockdowns don't work even according to their own terms, let alone according
to the terms of ecology, biodiversity, sound epidemiology; even their arch-ideologue and high
priest Neil Ferguson was caught admitting that he regards his entire agenda as nothing but a
Big Lie), and a grossly reductive notion of "opening the economy", which they deploy in order
to slander the rapidly increasing number of people who are questioning, criticizing, and
rejecting the lockdowns for a vast diversity of reasons I only briefly surveyed above.
The fact that the police-statists are utterly unwilling to meet any of these concerns
except for the economic, and are willing to meet that one only in the most reductive,
fraudulent, slanderous way which expresses total contempt for the vast numbers of people
being economically destroyed beyond any hope of recovery (which is a major purpose and goal
of the terror campaign and lockdowns), says it all about the total bankruptcy of their
position. As in every other case, police-state authoritarianism has nothing but brute thug
force, including in its ideas.
2001 His predictions on the Foot & Mouth Epidemic led to the needless 'voluntary'
slaughter of 12 million animals. This in turn led to countless bankruptcies and suicides
amongst small farmers. It also helped accelarate the concentration of farming into the hands
of Big Farmer.
2002 He predicted 'up to' 50,000 would die from aka variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease aka
'Margaret Thatcher disease'. The total from 1990 to 2017 was actually 178.
2005 He predicted 'up to' 200 million people worldwide would be killed by H5N1 aka 'bird
flu'. By 2006, WHO had reported 78 definite fatalities out of 147 eported cases.
2009 He predicted 'up to' 65,000 deaths in the UK from H1N1 aka 'swine flu'. In reality,
457 died from it in the UK.
2020 He predicted 'up to' 500,000 deaths in the UK (and 2.2 million in the US) from
Covid-19, used by the UK government to justify the lockdown. UK to date ~31,000 (probably
~85% exhibiting multiple comorbidities and dying 'with' Covid-19 rather than 'from' it).
Still it is early days, and ignoring the new death rate has been decreasing since ~ April 15,
give it another 4 years and we will be there!
So his score is 0 out of 5. Truly impressive.
The underlying question remains, why did the UK government take his advice when he has
been proven grossly wrong time after time?
It looks like Fauci is a political hack. But that not all. He also helped to deepen the
current recession.
Notable quotes:
"... Perhaps one way to help see through the professional obfuscation, and identify just exactly how political Dr. Fauci is, would be to: compare and contrast Dr. Fauci under President Obama in September 2009 after 3,000 to 4,000 H1N1 deaths in the USA -vs- Dr. Fauci under President Trump in March 2020 after 200 to 300 COVID-19 deaths. ..."
Perhaps one way to help see through the professional obfuscation, and identify just
exactly how political Dr. Fauci is, would be to: compare and contrast Dr. Fauci under President
Obama in September 2009 after 3,000 to 4,000 H1N1 deaths in the USA -vs- Dr. Fauci under
President Trump in March 2020 after 200 to 300 COVID-19 deaths. WATCH:
Now, to better absorb the information . According to the CDC final estimate of 2009 U.S. H1N1
cases ( published
in 2011 ): from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million U.S. cases,
274,304 U.S. hospitalizations, and 12,469 U.S. deaths occurred due to H1N1. That's the
empirical data.
The concept of "flattening" the virus curve; the presumptive reason for social distancing
and shutting down the U.S. economy; is based on a theory to extend the spread of COVID-19 to a
lesser incident rate over a longer duration, thereby lessening the burden on the U.S.
healthcare system. Hence, 'flatten' the spike in infections.
Put another way: "Flattening" means the same number of people eventually contract the virus,
only they do so over a longer period of time, and the healthcare system can treat everyone
because the numbers do not rise to level where the system is overloaded. In theory that seems
to make sense.
However, no-one is asking: what is the current stress level on the healthcare system right
now? Where are we in that capacity? and what is normal capacity level during a high-level flu
outbreak? and Where are we when compared against that baseline?
♦ Remember in 2009
there were over 61 million cases of H1N1, more than 274,000 hospitalizations and 12,469
additional deaths specifically attributed to that strain of flu virus in the U.S. [ DATA HERE ]
The premise to extend the virus duration in an effort to lower the infection rate and spread
the virus over a longer period of time needs to measured against: (a) where the healthcare
system is at any given moment; and (b) under traditional high-flu seasons where are we during
those historic events.
♦ STRESS LEVEL – The healthcare 'system' per se, is expending an awful lot of
time on mitigation efforts. As Dr. Birx noted: the current negative test rate for coronavirus
among those showing symptoms who are tested is 94 to 98 percent. That means of all the people
taking coronavirus tests, 94/98 out of 100 are symptomatic (they are sick) but they are not
infected with coronavirus. They are normal flu cases.
Our healthcare "system" is expending an incredible amount of resources on a mitigation
effort. According to Dr. Birx and the current U.S. test results, 94 to 98 percent of those
mitigation efforts are not engaging with coronavirus. They are dealing with regular flu
(perhaps a strong flu).
If you extract the mitigation effort from the overall effort, the current stress level on
the healthcare system doesn't seem to be overwhelming. What is stressing the system is a
coronavirus mitigation effort with a rate of 94 to 98 percent testing negative.
♦ Dr. Fauci's theory is self-fulfilling .
If the viral spread never exceeds the capacity of the healthcare system to deal with it, he
can claim success. Look, our flattened curve worked.
However, when contrast against flu outbreaks, no-one knows what the COVID-19 capacity
threshold is within the healthcare system. There's no way to disprove Fauci's theory.
Given the nature of the baseline for overall U.S. sanitation and hygiene, which is
significantly higher than Italy, S-Korea and China; and given the higher standards of food
safety (U.S. is the world leader); again significantly higher than Italy, S-Korea and China;
and given the nature of the U.S. healthcare system (more capacity per person); is it really a
fair comparison to overlay a COVID-19 outbreak, without also overlaying a traditional flu
Any theory that cannot be scientifically tested; and is simultaneously self-fulfilling; is,
by its nature, a false theory.
This is not to say that Dr. Anthony Fauci is intentionally misleading anyone; however, it is
absolutely true that no-one will be able to quantify if trillions of dollars of economic wealth
lost; and trillions more in economic activity lost; and trillions more in deficit spending; and
that might all be done just to follow the fantastical whims of a doctor who is directing the
mitigation of an ordinary flu-virus/season, and appears to be quite full of his own sense of
Does Dr Fauci enjoy indirect financial ties to Gilead? Does he own the stock?
Notable quotes:
"... Basically, this was a negative trial. Of the 255 patients screened, 237 met the eligibility criteria, and 158 were assigned to the remdesivir group, with 79 assigned to placebo control. Unfortunately, remdesivir treatment was not associated with a shorter time to clinical improvement, and mortality was not different between the two groups. ..."
"... It does look very fishy to me. Endpoint or outcome switching, particularly late in a clinical trial is a huge red flag. ..."
"... There are also other reasons to question this trial, including how no confidence intervals were reported, that not even an abstract was published, just a press release with, as Heathers put it, "two results in four lines": ..."
"... I remain very suspicious that the NIH study was announced the same day that a negative study out of China of remdesivir was published. It just seems too convenient. Maybe I'm being overly suspicious. Maybe I'm too suspicious. Maybe I'm falling prey to conspiracy mongering. However, in the Trump era, when the Trump administration has politicized previously (mostly) apolitical government agencies as never before, it's hard not to wonder. ..."
"... He was unimpressed by remdesivir's modest benefit. "It was expected to be a whopping effect," Topol added. "It clearly does not have that." ..."
"... Indeed, given that the pre-test probability of remdesivir having a significant effect was low, meaning that this trial is probably just noise: ..."
"... But Gilead will make billions and billions of dollars ..."
"... Could Anthony Fauci explain why the investigators of the NIAID remdesivir trial did change the primary outcome during the course of the project (16th April)? Removing "death" from primary outcome is a surprising decision. ..."
"... The most common adverse effects in studies of remdesivir for COVID-19 include respiratory failure and blood biomarkers of organ impairment, including low albumin, low potassium, low count of red blood cells, low count of platelets that help with clotting, and yellow discoloration of the skin. Other reported side effects include gastrointestinal distress, elevated transaminase levels in the blood (liver enzymes), and infusion site reactions. ..."
"... So, if it does shorten duration, is it worth potential liver damage, respiratory failure and organ impairment? In other words is the cure potentially as bad as the disease. ..."
"... For yet another drug that was supposed to be a game changer, I am unimpressed by its results. The whole mechanism is wrong. A drug with this mechanism would need to be almost a prophylactic for it to be hugely effective. ..."
"... Fauci didn't seem to have any problem cautioning against unwarranted optimism for CQ/HCQ even while DJT was championing the stuff. What is different about this? . ..."
"... So, what did Fauci say about chloroquine? ""We've got to be careful that we don't make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug. We still need to do the kinds of studies that definitely prove whether any intervention is truly safe and effective," Fauci, who is also a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said during an interview on "Fox & Friends. . . "We don't operate on how you feel, we operate on what evidence and data is," Fauci said, adding that it was "not a very robust study" or "overwhelmingly strong."" (Concha, 2020 Apr 3) ..."
"... Now, what did he say about Remdesivir: "Speaking to reporters from the White House, Fauci said he was told data from the trial showed a "clear-cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover." Fauci said the median time of recovery for patients taking the drug was 11 days, compared with 15 days in the placebo group. He said the mortality benefit of remdesivir "has not yet reached statistical significance." ..."
"... Disappointingly, the lock down seems to have made a number of people irrational. Just a quick post to expound on my Fauci post for those who see the world as binary – ie: black or white. These people think you either support Fauci 100% or 0% and a single criticism of any Fauci statement means 0% support of Fauci. I do not happen to worship at the altar of Fauci or any scientist and recognize all are subject to errors – including myself. I view the world in a more nuanced manner than those with the black/white delusion. I find I can disagree with some things a person says or stands for and agree with some other things they say or do. ..."
"... I am of the opinion that Fauci made a mistake here. The evidence for Remdesiver is nowhere near good enough for it to become the standard of care. ..."
"... On the other hand, watching the White House performance from afar, I can see the administration is dysfunctional and is run by a narcissistic bully, who will publicly turn on anyone who disagrees with them. ..."
"... I believe that is the main thrust of this Orac article – that the evidence for Remdesiver efficacy is sorely lacking. ..."
Remdesivir: Gilead wins with unimpressive results announced by press release On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced positive
results for the antiviral drug remdesivir treating COVID-19. They were unimpressive and, suspiciously, announced by press release
rather than scientific paper. It's all very fishy, but one thing's for sure. Gilead Sciences will make boatloads of money.
I've been writing a lot about the unjustified and
premature hype
over hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug with mild immunosuppressive activity that is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
and other autoimmune diseases and how the drug probably doesn't work against COVID-19, despite its being
hyped by President
Trump and his sycophants, toadies, and lackeys on Fox News,
Dr. Mehmet Oz ,
Dr. Phil , Dr. Didier Raoult
, and a
bevy of irresponsible fame seeking doctors who have no idea how to do a proper clinical study.
There are, however, other drugs
being hyped out there, drugs that might actually have a better chance of turning out to be effective treatments for COVID-19. Chief
among these is remdesivir, the experimental antiviral drug being tested by Gilead Sciences.
Remdesivir is an adenosine (a nucleotide) analog that inhibits
viral RNA polymerases. It is incorporated into RNA made by the virus, causing the premature termination of the RNA molecule, thus
interfering with viral replication. The drug was originally developed to treat Ebola and Marburg but was ultimately found to be
ineffective against these viruses . Because it inhibits the replication
of a number of RNA viruses, it was only natural that it would be considered as a possible treatment for COVID-19, and Gilead has
been relentlessly promoting it as such as the company has been working to carry out clinical trials.
White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday that data from a coronavirus drug trial testing Gilead Sciences'
antiviral drug remdesivir showed "quite good news" and sets a new standard of care for Covid-19 patients.
Speaking to reporters from the White House, Fauci said he was told data from the trial showed a "clear-cut positive effect
in diminishing time to recover."
Fauci said the median time of recovery for patients taking the drug was 11 days, compared with 15 days in the placebo group.
He said the mortality benefit of remdesivir "has not yet reached statistical significance."
The results suggested a survival benefit, with a mortality rate of 8% for the group receiving remdesivir versus 11.6% for the
placebo group, according to a statement from the National Institutes of Health released later Wednesday.
"This will be the standard of care," Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, added. "When
you know a drug works, you have to let people in the placebo group know so they can take it."
My skeptical antennae started twitching immediately, because on the same day a study from China was published in
The Lancet that
was far less impressive. In fact, it was a negative trial. What also got my skeptical antennae all aflutter twitching away was how
the results of the remdesivir trial were announced. Normally, when a study is announced to the press, it's upon publication of the
paper, and the press release is issued either the same day or the evening before publication. As of last night, as I wrote this,
however, the actual paper reporting the results of the clinical trial had not yet been published. As I perused Twitter on Wednesday,
I found even more reasons for skepticism.
So, before I get to the study touted by Dr. Fauci, let's review some history.
Remdesivir: The early days versus COVID-19 (like, you know, three weeks ago)
The first data published on remdesivir was a single-arm uncontrolled trial that somehow got published three weeks ago in
The New England Journal of Medicine . This was
peak COVID-19 publishing, when an uncontrolled case series of patients with severe COVID-19 treated with remdesivir under compassionate
was published in a super high impact journal like NEJM and made headlines as a result. Be that as it may, the case series examined
61 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who had an oxygen saturation of 94% or less while they were breathing room air or
who were receiving oxygen support. They received a 10-day course of remdesivir, consisting of 200 mg given intravenously on day 1,
followed by 100 mg daily for the remaining 9 days of treatment. (Remdesivir is an intravenous drug.) The authors reported clinical
improvement in 68% of evaluable patients:
Of the 61 patients who received at least one dose of remdesivir, data from 8 could not be analyzed (including 7 patients with
no post-treatment data and 1 with a dosing error). Of the 53 patients whose data were analyzed, 22 were in the United States,
22 in Europe or Canada, and 9 in Japan. At baseline, 30 patients (57%) were receiving mechanical ventilation and 4 (8%) were receiving
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. During a median follow-up of 18 days, 36 patients (68%) had an improvement in oxygen-support
class, including 17 of 30 patients (57%) receiving mechanical ventilation who were extubated. A total of 25 patients (47%) were
discharged, and 7 patients (13%) died; mortality was 18% (6 of 34) among patients receiving invasive ventilation and 5% (1 of
19) among those not receiving invasive ventilation.
The case series also did not collect viral load data to confirm potential antiviral activity in humans or any association between
declines in viral load and clinical improvement. Basically, when you get right down to it, this study was not really much better
than Didier Raoult's crappy
study of his hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin combination, but that didn't stop the authors from concluding that comparisons with
contemporaneous cohorts "suggest that remdesivir may have clinical benefit in patients with severe Covid-19." In reality, like Raoult's
trials, this trial said nothing about the efficacy of remdesivir against COVID-19 other than that the drug could be given to COVID-19
patients with a reasonable safety profile.
Less than week later, as
related by Derek Lowe , came news that two clinical trials of remdesivir in China, one for
severe disease and one
for moderate disease
had been suspended. (They still are.) Lowe noted that both trials had the notice: "The epidemic of COVID-19 has been controlled well
at present, no eligible patients can be recruited." The apparent explanation was "the stringent inclusion criteria for the trials
– apparently patients had to have no previous therapy with any other experimental agent to enroll, and that eliminates a lot
of people." Around the same time, Adam Feuerstein and Matthew Herper published a story in STAT,
Early peek at data on Gilead coronavirus drug suggests patients are responding to treatment :
The University of Chicago Medicine recruited 125 people with Covid-19 into Gilead's two Phase 3 clinical trials. Of those people,
113 had severe disease. All the patients have been treated with daily infusions of remdesivir.
"The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We've only had two patients perish,"
said Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the remdesivir studies for the hospital.
Her comments were made this week during a video discussion about the trial results with other University of Chicago faculty
members. The discussion was recorded and STAT obtained a copy of the video.
Derek Lowe
discussed this story in depth, and I largely agree with him that the leak of the video to STAT was a serious breach of clinical
trial ethics and protocol. (I'm not alone in suspecting that it was almost certainly intentional to jack up Gilead's stock price,
a result that was achieved.) Lowe also noted:
But now that it's out there, let's talk about what's in the leak. Gilead stock jumped like a spawning salmon in after-market
trading on this, and one of the reasons was that that 113 of the 125 patients were classed as having "severe disease". People
ran with the idea that these must have been people on ventilators who were walking out of the hospital, but that is not the case.
As AndyBiotech pointed out on Twitter,
all you had to do was read the trial's exclusion criteria
: patients were not even admitted into the trial if they were on mechanical ventilation. Some will have moved on to ventilation
during the trial, but we don't know how many (the trial protocol has these in a separate group).
Note also that this trial is open-label; both doctors and patients know who is getting what, and note the really key point:
there is no control arm. This is one of the trials mentioned in this post on small-molecule therapies as being the most likely
to read out first, but it's always been clear that the tradeoff for that speed is rigor. The observational paper that was published
on remdesivir in the NEJM had no controls either, of course, and that made it hard to interpret. Scratch that, it made it impossible
to interpret. It will likely be the same with this trial – the comparison is between a five-day course of remdesivir and a ten-day
course, and the primary endpoint is the odds ratio for improvement between the two groups.
Again, these data, such as they are, are no more useful than Didier Raoult's data on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat
COVID-19, but this brings us to the Chinese trial published in
The Lancet on Wednesday.
The Chinese randomized clinical trial
The Chinese trial
published two days ago is the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19,
but it was also one of the studies halted. Eligible patients were adults admitted to the hospital with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2
whose symptoms had lasted less than 12 days before enrollment and who had an oxygen saturation on room air of 94% or less or a ratio
of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen of 300 mm Hg or less (another measure of hypoxia), and radiologically
confirmed pneumonia.
Patients were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to intravenous remdesivir at the same dose as the NIH trial touted
by Dr. Fauci or the same volume of placebo infusions for 10 days and were permitted concomitant use of lopinavir–ritonavir, interferons,
and corticosteroids. The primary endpoint was time to clinical improvement up to day 28, defined at the time from randomization to
the point of a decline of two levels on a six-point ordinal scale of clinical status (from 1=discharged to 6=death) or discharged
alive from hospital, whichever came first. An intention-to-treat analysis was carried out.
Basically, this was a negative trial. Of the 255 patients screened, 237 met the eligibility criteria, and 158 were assigned to
the remdesivir group, with 79 assigned to placebo control. Unfortunately, remdesivir treatment was not associated with a shorter
time to clinical improvement, and mortality was not different between the two groups. Subgroup analysis looking for hypotheses found
that there was a trend towards a shorter duration of symptoms (not statistically significant) in patients treated with remdesivir
who had had symptoms for less than ten days. Most disappointingly, there was no detectable difference in viral load between the remdesivir
groups and the placebo controls. Again, basically this was a negative study with only the barest hint that remdesivir might -- I
repeat, might -- work if administered earlier in the course of COVID-19. That's some pretty thin gruel.
Which brings us to the NIH trial of remdesivir touted by Anthony Fauci.
The NIH press release for its remdesivir trial.
The results of the NIH remdesivir trial can, unfortunately, only be gleaned from the press release and
news stories so far:
For the first time, a major study suggests that an experimental drug works against the new coronavirus, and U.S. government
officials said Wednesday that they would work to make it available to appropriate patients as quickly as possible.
In a study of 1,063 patients sick enough to be hospitalized, Gilead Sciences's remdesivir shortened the time to recovery by
31% -- 11 days on average versus 15 days for those just given usual care, officials said. The drug also might be reducing deaths,
although that's not certain from the partial results revealed so far.
"What it has proven is that a drug can block this virus," the National Institutes of Health's Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
"This will be the standard of care," and any other potential treatments will now have to be tested against or in combination
with remdesivir, he said.
Here is the
press release , posted to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases website:
Hospitalized patients with advanced COVID-19 and lung involvement who received remdesivir recovered faster than similar patients
who received placebo, according to a preliminary data analysis from a randomized, controlled trial involving 1063 patients, which
began on February 21. The trial (known as the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial, or ACTT), sponsored by the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is the first clinical trial launched in
the United States to evaluate an experimental treatment for COVID-19.
An independent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) overseeing the trial met on April 27 to review data and shared their
interim analysis with the study team. Based upon their review of the data, they noted that remdesivir was better than placebo
from the perspective of the primary endpoint, time to recovery, a metric often used in influenza trials. Recovery in this study
was defined as being well enough for hospital discharge or returning to normal activity level.
Preliminary results indicate that patients who received remdesivir had a 31% faster time to recovery than those who received
placebo (p<0.001). Specifically, the median time to recovery was 11 days for patients treated with remdesivir compared with 15
days for those who received placebo. Results also suggested a survival benefit, with a mortality rate of 8.0% for the group receiving
remdesivir versus 11.6% for the placebo group (p=0.059).
More detailed information about the trial results, including more comprehensive data, will be available in a forthcoming report.
As part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's commitment to expediting the development and availability of potential COVID-19
treatments, the agency has been engaged in sustained and ongoing discussions with Gilead Sciences regarding making remdesivir
available to patients as quickly as possible, as appropriate. The trial closed to new enrollments on April 19. NIAID will also
provide an update on the plans for the ACTT trial moving forward. This trial was an adaptive trial designed to incorporate additional
investigative treatments.
As you can see, the difference in mortality was not statistically significantly different, although that could just be because
of inadequate numbers. It's also very important to note the part about the adaptive trial design of this trial, which puts Dr. Fauci's
comment about how remdesivir will become the "standard of care" going forward into the proper context. In this
particular trial , multiple different drugs can be
compared to placebo or standard of care. The idea is that, if a signal of efficacy is found with one drug, that drug becomes "standard
of care" and the trial is adapted to study how adding other experimental drugs compares to the "standard of care." So what Dr. Fauci
meant was that, based on the finding, going forward remdesivir will become the "standard of care" arm for the trial and the experimental
arm will become remdesivir plus another experimental therapeutic. However, given that the FDA is on the
of issuing an emergency use authorization for remdesivir to treat COVID-19, it looks as though remdesivir will become standard-of-care
in general soon.
But back to the results. Derek Lowe observed:
it's worth noting that had there been "clear and substantial evidence of a treatment difference" during the trial that the
DSMB was to have halted the study at that point. We can infer that nothing rose to that level, then: we have a difference, but
not substantial enough to have ended the trial prematurely.
It's also worth noting some things posted on Twitter about the trial. For instance, Waller Gellad noted:
It's very odd that the primary endpoint was changed:
Thread that summarizes my concerns with Remdesivir press release (not science) as well.
Changing the endpoint midtrial this way is like hosting a race for one destination then declaring wherever you end up after
running for an hour is the finish line. https://t.co/XMUXYW3njp
I'll summarize, so that you don't have to scroll through a Twitter thread if you don't want to. As James Heathers and Waller Gellad
noted, the original primary outcome of the trial when it was registered on March 20. The original primary endpoint of the trial was
an 8-point severity scale (death, on ventilator, hospitalized with oxygen, all the way down to discharged with no limits on activity)
but was changed to time to recovery. There's still a similar scale for the secondary endpoints, but no numbers for that were reported.
(Any bets on whether the results are negative?) This change was apparently made on or around April 16.
Gellad also notes:
last thing:
Here is the results table for the negative lancet trial of remdesivir. The highlighted results are what the primary outcome for
the NIH trial was until 2 weeks ago. https://t.co/niQ65zgLF2
It does look very fishy to me. Endpoint or outcome switching, particularly late in a clinical trial is a huge red flag.
Don't get me wrong. There can be legitimate scientific reasons to switch primary endpoints of a trial. as James Heathers
puts it:
Sometimes it becomes clear after you start that the registration is incomplete or wrong. Sometimes you have a better idea after
you start. Sometimes your thinking changes.
Other times, you're trying to cherry-pick the results.
There are also other reasons to question this trial, including how no confidence intervals were reported, that not even an abstract
was published, just a press release with, as Heathers put it, "two results in four lines":
(2) the results in the press release. I call this 'two results, four sentences' – press releases describe the results in incredibly
brief terms, usually the two most positive outcomes w the briefest explanation possible. He's me bitching about it earlier.
Basically, if you have two "good" results and twenty "bad" or uninterpretable results, what do you do? What are you going to tell
people? The two "good" results, of course!
Gary Schwitzer has
a nice
summary of the negative reactions to the trial and how it was announced.
The bottom line
I remain very suspicious that the NIH study was announced the same day that a negative study out of China of remdesivir was published.
It just seems too convenient. Maybe I'm being overly suspicious. Maybe I'm too suspicious. Maybe I'm falling prey to conspiracy mongering.
However, in the Trump era, when the Trump administration has politicized previously (mostly) apolitical government agencies as never
before, it's hard not to wonder.
Adding to my suspicion is the fact that the study was reported in a press release, rather than being published, which makes me
wonder if the press release was written to counter the negative study from China that would certainly have tanked Gilead's stock
prices. Yes, I know that the press release reported that this decis, apparently the announcement was decided upon after April 27
meeting of the data and safety monitoring board overseeing this trial, but the outcome switching so late in the trial makes me very
suspicious. Yes, the explanation, which should have been in the press release, along with an acknowledgment that the primary outcome/endpoint
had been changed, but wasn't is not unreasonable:
Then there was
this news report in which Fauci claimed that concerns about leaks fueled the announcement:
He expressed concern that leaks of partial information would lead to confusion. Since the White House was not planning a daily
virus briefing, Fauci said he was invited to release the news at a news conference with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards(D). "It
was purely driven by ethical concerns," Fauci told Reuters in a telephone interview.
"I would love to wait to present it at a scientific meeting, but it's just not in the cards when you have a situation where
the ethical concern about getting the drug to people on placebo dominates the conversation."
An independent data safety and monitoring board, which had looked at the preliminary results of the NIAID trial, determined
it had met its primary goal of reducing hospital stays.
On Tuesday evening, that information was conveyed in a conference call to scientists studying the drug globally.
"There are literally dozens and dozens of investigators around the world," Fauci said. "People were starting to leak it." But
he did not give details of where the unreported data was being shared.
I smell bullshit here. What probably really happened is that he was under enormous pressure to release the results. It was also
unwise to discuss the results with so many scientists until the manuscript reporting the results of the trial had at least been submitted
for publication. I agree with the scientists who had "expected it [the trial data] to be presented simultaneously in a detailed news
release, a briefing at a medical meeting or in a scientific journal, allowing researchers to review the data." I also agree with
Dr. Eric Topol, referring to the Chinese RCT and this one:
"That's the only thing I'll hang my hat on, and that was negative," said Dr. Eric Topol, director and founder of the Scripps
Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.
He was unimpressed by remdesivir's modest benefit. "It was expected to be a whopping effect," Topol added. "It clearly does not have that."
Indeed, given that the pre-test probability of remdesivir having a significant effect was low, meaning that this trial is probably
just noise:
Unfortunately, by the time you are symptomatic with a virus, you are usually already high/peak viral load. So, when you give
an antiviral to someone who is already ill, the damage from the virus is largely done. It's there in big numbers and in the cells.
Indeed, I'm not only unimpressed with the modest benefit reported, I question whether there really was any benefit at all, particularly
in light of the Chinese trial, which found zero difference in viral load in the remdesivir group.
The whole thing looks damned fishy, and we can't judge the study until it's actually published. Meanwhile, whatever the true reasons
for releasing the study results this way, mission accomplished. The negative effect of the Chinese study on Gilead's stock price
was successfully countered and remdesivir becomes a de facto standard of care for patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Worse, no
further trials of remdesivir versus placebo will be possible, because it's been declared that remdesivir "works" against COVID-19
and is the new standard of care! As Mark Hoofnagle put it in a great Twitter thread, that echoes my thoughts:
By the end of the day, reports that FDA is going to emergently approve remdesivir for treatment of COVID.
Gilead gets what they want. No one will want to be in a control arm in further trials and they will argue all future trials
must be noninferiority.
Absolute genius. You have to salute them. On the day a negative trial of their drug is reported, based on a press release they
took over the news cycle, and with some midstream edits to their endpoints their now "positive" trial wins them FDA approval and
a halted trial.
It's worse than that. If remdesivir is now the "standard of care" for hospitalized COVID-19 patients, it now becomes unethical
to randomize them to a placebo group testing ANY new drug for COVID-19. Trials will now have to compare remdesivir alone to remdesivir
plus experimental drug. We'll probably never know now for sure if remdesivir is truly effective against COVID-19.
But Gilead will make billions and billions of dollars.
Drs. Vladimir Zelenko and Stephen Smith have been claiming that hydroxychloroquine is a miracle drug based on anecdotes. Their
shoddy, poorly reported case series are not evidence of efficacy.
President Trump's COVID-19 advisors include Dr. Oz, Rudy Giuliani, and Peter Navarro, the latter an economist who thinks he can
science better than Anthony Fauci. Can science- and evidence-based medicine prevail with respect to hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus?
By Orac Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone,
somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to
himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as
David Gorski
In long twitter exchange mainly led by James Heathers, has anyone noticed that there are a series of tweets by Didier Raoult ?
One tweet reads:
Could Anthony Fauci explain why the investigators of the NIAID remdesivir trial did change the primary outcome during the
course of the project (16th April)? Removing "death" from primary outcome is a surprising decision.
In a quick search of the web I found the following two:
In the Ebola trial, researchers noted side effects of remdesivir (RDV) that included:
Increased liver enzyme levels that may indicate possible liver damage
Researchers documented similar increases in liver enzymes in three U.S. COVID-19 patients
The most common adverse effects in studies of remdesivir for COVID-19 include respiratory failure and blood biomarkers of organ
impairment, including low albumin, low potassium, low count of red blood cells, low count of platelets that help with clotting,
and yellow discoloration of the skin. Other reported side effects include gastrointestinal distress, elevated transaminase levels
in the blood (liver enzymes), and infusion site reactions.
Other possible side effects of remdesivir include:
Infusion‐related reactions. Infusion‐related reactions have been seen during a remdesivir infusion or around the time remdesivir
was given.[8] Signs and symptoms of infusion‐related reactions may include: low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and
Increases in levels of liver enzymes, seen in abnormal liver blood tests. Increases in levels of liver enzymes have been seen
in people who have received remdesivir, which may be a sign of inflammation or damage to cells in the liver.
So, if it does shorten duration, is it worth potential liver damage, respiratory failure and organ impairment? In other words
is the cure potentially as bad as the disease.
And, as Orac and many commenters have made more than clear, one more example of Trump's government, ignoring science, and jumping
to conclusions.
For yet another drug that was supposed to be a game changer, I am unimpressed by its results. The whole mechanism is wrong. A
drug with this mechanism would need to be almost a prophylactic for it to be hugely effective.
One thing they discovered is that the proteins involved have zinc atoms incorporated into their structure. This won't surprise
any biochemists, as zinc-containing proteins are common. But there's been a steady flow of fringe treatments for the disease --
including some involving chloroquine derivatives -- in which zinc was a key component. We'll have to see whether that changes
now that it's clear that zinc is needed to make copies of the virus (assuming that fact registers at all with the people
prone to promoting fringe therapies).
What is that saying about zinc? I've always heard that zinc was a good thing to have a high intracellular level of it to protect
against viruses besides also being needed to make NO.
So: "Fauci just dropped down a level or two in my estimation of his commitment to rationality."
Let's look at the "Reality": "America needs a federal government that assertively promotes and helps to coordinate that, not one
in which experts like Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx tiptoe around a president's tender ego."
I wouldn't want to be in Fauchi's shoes. If he openly criticizes Trump, he is out and staying in allows him to have some effect.
Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. So, he has to balance his "committment to rationality" to trying to modify/reduce the
insanity of Trump. If he resigned or was fired, could he have more of an influence? Maybe, maybe not. I would not want to be in his
shoes! ! ! Personally, I would probably resign and try to get our media to listen to me. Just standing next to Trump would turn my
So, maybe you should live up to your "name" and evaluate "reality" not an idealistic world.
So you wouldn't say what Fauci said and would quit, eh, Joel?
I wouldn't say what Fauci said about "standard of care" which is basically his endorsement of this.
I believe Orac wouldn't make that statement endorsing Remdesivir as the "standard of care".
I don't know of any self-respecting scientist who would make such a statement no matter what the pressure.
If I was pressured by DJT I would object but maybe agree to not make any statement pro or con about the subject – so as to keep my
position and influence but if someone asked me to say something I thought was not true I would not do it and refuse.
. Fauci didn't seem to have any problem cautioning against unwarranted optimism for CQ/HCQ even while DJT was championing the stuff.
What is different about this?
You write: "Fauci didn't seem to have any problem cautioning against unwarranted optimism for CQ/HCQ even while DJT was championing
the stuff. What is different about this?"
Yep; but the only studies promoting CQ/HCQ was a fraudulent one in France and an in vitro study.
What about Remdesivir? First it is a nucleic acid analogue designed to directly disrupt replication of the viral genome. Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine
were not even remotely designed to target viruses, though they have a moderate dampening effect on immune reactions, so they work
for autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis); but, as I wrote in a previous exchange, the immune response in an autoimmune
disease compared to a cytokine storm is like comparing 20 mile per hour winds to a category 5 hurricane, 160 mph winds. In addition,
chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine have a large number of mild side-effects and some really serious major ones.
So, what did Fauci say about chloroquine? ""We've got to be careful that we don't make that majestic leap to assume that this
is a knockout drug. We still need to do the kinds of studies that definitely prove whether any intervention is truly safe and effective,"
Fauci, who is also a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said during an interview on "Fox & Friends. . . "We don't
operate on how you feel, we operate on what evidence and data is," Fauci said, adding that it was "not a very robust study" or "overwhelmingly
strong."" (Concha, 2020 Apr 3)
Now, what did he say about Remdesivir: "Speaking to reporters from the White House, Fauci said he was told data from the trial
showed a "clear-cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover." Fauci said the median time of recovery for patients taking the
drug was 11 days, compared with 15 days in the placebo group. He said the mortality benefit of remdesivir "has not yet reached statistical
The results suggested a survival benefit, with a mortality rate of 8% for the group receiving remdesivir versus 11.6% for the
placebo group, according to a statement from the National Institutes of Health released later Wednesday. "This will be the standard
of care," Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, added. "When you know a drug works, you have
to let people in the placebo group know so they can take it." "What it has proven is a drug can block this virus," he said. (Lovelace,
2020 Apr 29)
"The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery," Fauci said
at the White House on Wednesday. The data he referred to is from a large study of more than 1,000 patients from multiple sites around
the world. Patients either received the drug, called remdesivir, or a placebo.
Dr. Michael Saag, associate dean for global health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said the results seemed promising.
Antiviral drugs such as remdesivir tend to work earlier in the course of an illness, so "the thing that I think is important in this
study is the patients had advanced disease," said Saag, who is not involved with any remdesivir trials. (NBC News (2020 Apr 29)
Hospitalized patients with advanced COVID-19 and lung involvement who received remdesivir recovered faster than similar patients
who received placebo, according to a preliminary data analysis from a randomized, controlled trial involving 1063 patients, which
began on February 21. The trial (known as the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial, or ACTT), sponsored by the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is the first clinical trial launched in the United
States to evaluate an experimental treatment for COVID-19.
An independent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) overseeing the trial met on April 27 to review data and shared their interim
analysis with the study team. Based upon their review of the data, they noted that remdesivir was better than placebo from the perspective
of the primary endpoint, time to recovery, a metric often used in influenza trials [my emphasis]. Recovery in this study was defined
as being well enough for hospital discharge or returning to normal activity level. . .
Results also suggested a survival benefit, with a mortality rate of 8.0% for the group receiving remdesivir versus 11.6% for the
placebo group (p=0.059). the group receiving remdesivir versus 11.6% for the placebo group (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (2020 Apr 29).
So, first I'd bet you don't understand how nucleic acid analogues work?
Second, though I tend not to rely on one study, this one was fairly large and the shortening of time to recovery was clinically significant,
"defined as being well enough for hospital discharge or returning to normal activity level." And Dr. Michael Saag: "Antiviral drugs
such as remdesivir tend to work earlier in the course of an illness, so "the thing that I think is important in this study is the
patients had advanced disease,"
Standard of Care is more a legal definition than a clinical one. Basically it reduces risk of malpractice lawsuits.
While I probably would not have called it "standard of care", instead clearly stating that based on the recent trial, it is currently
the best we have to offer or something to that effect.
So, Fauci didn't call it a cure, didn't claim it reduced mortality, though indications it did, and based on over 1,000 patients,
found it reduced hospitalization and return to normal life by a clinically significant margin, the standard used for flu studies.
Again, I would have been more cautious in my working; but your rank attack on a man who knows more about infectious diseases that
you, I, and many others, a man who has dedicated his life to preventing and dealing with them is just plain sickening. Your black
and white view of Fauci is how antivaccinationists and other adherers to unscience see the world. And an MPH probably means a couple
of lower level epidemiology courses. So, the old saying: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, coupled with a personality that
prefers a dichotomous world is very very problematic.
Only time and further studies will tell if Remdesivir really does shorten recovery time and, perhaps, also lowers mortality. Right
now, we have nothing else and I wouldn't jump on something because of this; but the over 1,000 patient study isn't nothing.
Just to be clear, Orac's critique is valid; but, as he says, by this time one becomes perhaps overly skeptical given Trump's insanity.
How cautious should Fauci have been? People are becoming desperate. The risks from Remdesivir are extremely low, so currently, either
use it or continue as is.
If there were significant risks and the one study had been one a much smaller group, the scales would be
different. And, though Orac is right they changed the outcome points, as mentioned, shortening of recovery time is a criterion used
for treatment of flu, so, though not, perhaps, the best end-point, it is certainly not the same as some studies using endpoints such
as lowered cholesterol without looking at deaths. They did look at deaths and though not significant, in the right direction. By
the way, do you even understand significance levels? Though only one study, p=0.059 isn't far from p=0.05.
Concha, Joe (2020 Apr 3). Fauci warns there's no 'strong' evidence anti-malaria drug works on coronavirus
Lovelace, Berkeley (2020 Apr 29). Remdesivir coronavirus drug trial: Dr. Fauci says it will set new standard of care. CNBC
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (2020 Apr 29). NIH Clinical Trial Shows Remdesivir Accelerates Recovery
from Advanced COVID-19
Disappointingly, the lock down seems to have made a number of people irrational. Just a quick post to expound on my Fauci post
for those who see the world as binary – ie: black or white. These people think you either support Fauci 100% or 0% and a single criticism
of any Fauci statement means 0% support of Fauci. I do not happen to worship at the altar of Fauci or any scientist and recognize
all are subject to errors – including myself. I view the world in a more nuanced manner than those with the black/white delusion.
I find I can disagree with some things a person says or stands for and agree with some other things they say or do.
My criticism of Fauci in regard to his remdesivir endorsement does not mean I have 0% support for Fauci it means that with that
statement and some others my positive view of him is now ~80% but not 100% and I will have to check up on what he is endorsing
to make sure that I agree with it just like I do with any other scientist/person.
BTW – If some were to check my Disqus account history (Reality022) you would find posts strongly defending Fauci against the Loony
Libertarians who seem to think he is the debil.
Now to a second point:
There appears to be a group of Fauci apologists who, to excuse Fauci's statement, say it is due to 'pressure from Trump/the administration'.
I do not subscribe to this excuse and think it is a horrible thing to say for 2 reasons:
1) There is absolutely no evidence that this statement was made under pressure. That idea is totally invented in the minds of
the Fauci apologists in their attempt to exonerate Fauci.
2) It is a horrible thing to say about Fauci. I take him at his word. If he said it he meant it. The excuse actually means that
Fauci's word is so untrustworthy that he can be pressured into being dishonest about his scientific opinions and only the apologists
can tell us when he is lying or actually relating his honest view. The apologists are basically saying Fauci is dishonest.
I have much more respect for the man and believe he is honest but in this case merely wrong.
That is all I'm going to say about this subject as some people are going off the rails with their binary view of the world. (snicker)
And you continue to miss the point that "Standard of Care" is mainly a legal term. Are you that dense? It is you who stated your
opinion of Fauci sank, so your binary view of the world. Try reading my other comments, closely, maybe you will learn something;
but I doubt it. "Reality", lacks reality testing.
I tend to agree. I am of the opinion that Fauci made a mistake here. The evidence for Remdesiver is nowhere near good enough
for it to become the standard of care. But then I am not the one having to make these decisions under difficult circumstances.
I don't pretend to understand why Fauci might have made the comment, so don't see a lot of point in speculating about it.
On the other hand, watching the White House performance from afar, I can see the administration is dysfunctional and is run by
a narcissistic bully, who will publicly turn on anyone who disagrees with them. I also see there are people within and around the
White House who are happy to tell whatever lies they think Trump wants to hear, either through fear or hope for advancement. I understand
why people would add 2 and 2 and come up with 5.
Chris Preston said, "I am of the opinion that Fauci made a mistake here. The evidence for Remdesiver is nowhere near good enough
for it to become the standard of care."
I believe that is the main thrust of this Orac article – that the evidence for Remdesiver efficacy is sorely lacking.
Quoting Orac's article above: "In reality, like Raoult's trials, this trial said nothing about the efficacy of remdesivir against
COVID-19 other than that the drug could be given to COVID-19 patients with a reasonable safety profile."
I agree with your 2nd paragraph and think that Fauci is not one of those administration toadies and is being honest and has merely
made a mistake perhaps brought about through grasping-at-straws desperation as described in a current SBM article.
I, as well, do not know why Fauci made the statement but to me it is very disrespectful of the man to use as an excuse that he
is dishonest enough to lie like a toady when pressured by Trump.
I think we are essentially in agreement about this matter.
Have fun.
re dysfunctional administration.. narcissistic bully et al
It seems that the aforementioned will now " wind down" the Covid task force ( The Hill reports) but Drs Fauci and Birx
will still be involved in some capacity.
AS though the battle is already won. Hah! CA and the NY area are reporting lower numbers of deaths and hospital admissions BUT
other areas are increasing theirs.
Maybe the Orange One imagines that if we discuss Covid less, people will think it's gone, go back to work, buy stuff and the economy
will flourish. Ignore it and it'll go away. Wishful thinking as usual.
Apparently you lack understanding of English. As I explained even grandfathered in medical treatments with no hard scientific
evidence are considered the standard of care, that is, if a doctor uses them he/she lessens risk of lawsuits. Standard of care doesn't
mean a high level of scientific validity.
I guess I am wasting my time. Think of it this way, if allowed for compassionate use advised by ones doctor, then doctor may not
be protected against lawsuits. Unfortunately, as something I read a long time ago, even in Colonial times Americans would rather
sue than eat breakfast. Just one more sickness of American exceptionalism, so maybe, just maybe, all Fauci was doing was trying to
reduce this risk.
Not to mention that CDC closed the lab. So CDC is not part of great vaccine conspiracy, after all. Huge news, I would say.
One could mention, too, that Johnson & Johnson get COVID vaccine contract. So Dorit Reiss' plots are not very effective, ater
all. Reply
You write: Hmm . Problems with the Wuhan Lab and those nasty bats back in 2018. Just another coincidence, I suppose.
Weird. So many coincidences."
From a recent article in the Atlantic:
scientists have also identified about 500 other coronaviruses among China's many bat species. "There will be many more
-- I think it's safe to say tens of thousands," says Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, who has led that work. Laboratory
experiments show that some of these new viruses could potentially infect humans. SARS-CoV-2 likely came from a bat, too.
It seems unlikely that a random bat virus should somehow jump into a susceptible human. But when you consider millions
of people, in regular contact with millions of bats, which carry tens of thousands of new viruses, vanishingly improbable
events become probable ones. In 2015, Daszak's team found that 3 percent of people from four Chinese villages that are close
to bat caves had antibodies that indicated a previous encounter with SARS-like coronaviruses. "Bats fly out every night
over their houses.
Some of them shelter from rain in caves, or collect guano for fertilizer," Daszak says. "If you extrapolate up to the
rural population, across the region where the bats that carry these viruses live, you're talking 1 [million] to 7 million
people a year exposed." Most of these infections likely go nowhere. It takes just one to trigger an epidemic.
Note. he links to peer-reviewed journal articles. So, as the second paragraph makes clear, antibodies to bat coronaviruses
exist in the population, etc. Add this to the sequencing of the genome that shows just how close it is to the 2003 SARS
corona virus and to bat coronaviruses and, as usual, your moronic "coincidences" just lacks any validity.
Note also that his article links to many other good ones.
As I've written before, nature is quite capable of creating really nasty microbes.
Oh this guy needs a dishonorable mention, Harvard traitor, Charles Leiber. "has received more than $15,000,000 in grant
funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD)." Our tax dollars hard at work for
this POS.
This is our guy: Charles M. Lieber Semiconductor nanowires: A platform for nanoscience and nanotechnology MRS Bulletin
Volume 36, Issue 12 (Laser micro- and nanofabrication of biomaterials)December 2011 , pp. 1052-1063 DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2011.26 So COVID 19 was not involved. One should indeed not serve two masters, DOD and a Chinese university
Note that he links to a number of excellent articles, including the two that the following is based on:
"scientists have also identified about 500 other coronaviruses among China's many bat species. "There will be
many more -- I think it's safe to say tens of thousands," says Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, who has
led that work. Laboratory experiments show that some of these new viruses could potentially infect humans. SARS-CoV-2
likely came from a bat, too.
It seems unlikely that a random bat virus should somehow jump into a susceptible human. But when you consider
millions of people, in regular contact with millions of bats, which carry tens of thousands of new viruses, vanishingly
improbable events become probable ones. In 2015, Daszak's team found that 3 percent of people from four Chinese
villages that are close to bat caves had antibodies that indicated a previous encounter with SARS-like coronaviruses.
"Bats fly out every night over their houses. Some of them shelter from rain in caves, or collect guano for fertilizer,"
Daszak says. "If you extrapolate up to the rural population, across the region where the bats that carry these
viruses live, you're talking 1 [million] to 7 million people a year exposed." Most of these infections likely go
nowhere. It takes just one to trigger an epidemic."
So, 3 percent of people had antibodies to bat corona viruses. As the above explains, it is quite probable that
the current virus came from someone infected by a bat. Now, since sequencing of the current SARS-Cov-2 has found
its genome quite close to the 2003 SARS virus and to several bat coronavirus genomes, goes against your sick need
to blame the Chinese. A coincidence is not even close to any type of proof, except in the mind of a moron like
you looking to place blame. And there is a great book on "coincidences": David J. Hand (2014). "The Improbability
Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day." Basically, what someone might think is
a rare coincidence isn't.
And, the major blame for what is happening in the U.S. is a combination of Trump and overall American unappreciation
for Public Health and, thus, pandemic preparedness. When it comes to cutting funding, first to go.
I realize that real research, logic, etc. have NO effect on moron's like you; but, hopefully, others monitoring
this exchange are open-minded.
And as Aarno pointed out, you attacked someone who had nothing to do with COVID. He worked with the Wuhan Institute
of Technology; yep, in Wuhan and that's it. It's a large city dimwit. More importantly, he has been charged, not
found guilty. I realize that the old adage innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply to anyone you chose to attack.
You just don't know when to stop. YOU ARE DESPICABLE!
"... Dr. Judy Mikovits is the central figure of 'Plandemic,' which basically claims that "billionaire patent owners" are stoking the spread of the coronavirus, all in the name of forcing "experimental poisons" on the population in the form of vaccines. ..."
"... Mikovits' central argument – that an eventual vaccine for coronavirus will kill "millions of people" ..."
"... "donated the entire amount to charity." ..."
"... However, amid the half-baked theories, Mikovits touches on some truth. The federal government does in fact pay hospitals a set amount of money to treat coronavirus patients, about $13,000. This amount rises to $39,000 if the patient is placed on a ventilator. Mikovits insists that ventilation is the wrong treatment for coronavirus patients, and is only carried out to boost revenues – something the ER doctors would disagree with. ..."
"... It doesn't help that many of the claims are disjointed, and rather than working towards its main goal of demonstrating a sinister plan by Fauci and vaccine evangelist Bill Gates to poison the masses, the documentary instead just lumps together anything critical of the mainstream consensus on the virus to paint Fauci in a bad light. ..."
"... For instance, it's been widely reported that Fauci's organization did give millions of dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to finance its study of coronaviruses, after the federal government banned such research in the US. However, no smoking gun linking Fauci to the current outbreak is provided. ..."
"... "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ..."
"... "bypass the gatekeepers of free speech," ..."
Pulled from YouTube, censored in internet searches, and denounced by every single mainstream
media outlet, what kind of information could make everyone so mad about 'Plandemic'? We watched
it to find out. A 23-minute teaser clip of the documentary went viral on Wednesday evening,
notching up tens of millions of views across multiple platforms. However, a media outcry soon
followed, with mainstream media outlets deploying their 'fact-checkers' to debunk its claims,
and Facebook and YouTube removing the video, citing their new rules on Covid-19
Yet censorship is also a sure-fire way to generate interest in the very thing you're trying
to censor – and multiple copies and versions of 'Plandemic' began to appear like
mushrooms. So who's behind it and what's in there?
A doctor with quite a reputation
Dr. Judy Mikovits is the central figure of 'Plandemic,' which basically claims that "billionaire patent owners" are stoking the spread of the coronavirus, all in the name
of forcing "experimental poisons" on the population in the form of vaccines.
The claims are quite bold, but it doesn't help that Mikovits herself is far from an unbiased
source on the subject. She's been active in anti-vaccine and fringe circles for years, even
while insisting she's not "anti-vax" herself.
Once an active cancer researcher and (mainstream) virologist, Mikovits was disgraced in 2011
for publishing what others in the scientific community called false research into Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. The dramatic events that followed – a search and arrest in her
California home – are used in 'Plandemic' to establish her alleged conflict with Dr.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and
President Donald Trump's coronavirus adviser.
Mikovits claims Fauci personally "paid off" law enforcement officials to arrest
her and detain her without trial. She was indeed arrested in November 2011, but for allegedly
stealing lab materials from the Nevada laboratory she worked at before her dismissal (which
Mikovits claims were "planted" in her house). Criminal charges brought against
Mikovits were later dismissed – but this has been tied to the legal troubles of her
former employer, Harvey Whittemore.
Evidence-free claims galore
Of course, the central part of the video – something being discussed in every
'Plandemic' piece and review – is made up of an array of Covid-19-related claims that
Mikovits makes.
These range from claims that wearing face masks "activates your own virus" (there's
no evidence of that) to the assertion that the devastating coronavirus outbreak in Northern
Italy can be linked to the uptake in flu vaccination the year before (a claim which appears to
be based on a misleading interpretation of one tangentially-related study, not any fresh
Mikovits' central argument – that an eventual vaccine for coronavirus will kill
"millions of people" – is unprovable, and her assertion that Fauci will
personally profit from any vaccine is outright false. Mikovits accuses Fauci of profiteering
from royalties on an AIDS treatment he patented in the 1990s, but Fauci only placed his name on
the patent because regulations required him to, and "donated
the entire amount to charity."
However, amid the half-baked theories, Mikovits touches on some truth. The federal
government does in fact pay hospitals a set amount of money to treat coronavirus patients,
about $13,000. This amount rises to $39,000 if the patient is placed on a ventilator. Mikovits
insists that ventilation is the wrong treatment for coronavirus patients, and is only carried
out to boost revenues – something the ER doctors would disagree with.
It doesn't help that many of the claims are disjointed, and rather than working towards
its main goal of demonstrating a sinister plan by Fauci and vaccine evangelist Bill Gates to
poison the masses, the documentary instead just lumps together anything critical of the
mainstream consensus on the virus to paint Fauci in a bad light.
For instance, it's been widely reported that Fauci's organization did
give millions of dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to finance its study of
coronaviruses, after the federal government banned such
research in the US. However, no smoking gun linking Fauci to the current outbreak is
Boost by censorship
Yet, when information like this is declared verboten, that's what people will think. There's
a popular quote by 'Game of Thrones' author George RR Martin: "When you tear out a man's
tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he
might say."
When right-wing polemicist Alex Jones and his conspiracy-laden news site Infowars were
essentially banned from the internet in 2018, the Infowars app shot to the top of both Apple
and Google's app stores.
The phenomenon is known as the 'Streisand effect,' named for a 2003 lawsuit in which singer
Barbara Streisand sued a photographer who shot an aerial snap of her California mansion for
invasion of privacy. The lawsuit backfired, and led to hundreds of thousands of people
downloading the picture. Before the case, it had only been viewed six times.
Likewise, the documentary's producers will spin the furor over 'Plandemic' to their
advantage. Already, their website urges viewers to "bypass the gatekeepers of free
speech," and slams the "overlords of big tech" for silencing them.
Forbidden knowledge is tempting, and by wiping 'Plandemic' from the internet, Silicon Valley
will only increase its notoriety.
The connection of Dr Fauci to the Wuhan lab is also well established. He moved viral "gain
of function" research to Wuhan after it was closed down in the USA by the Obama Regime.
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if
we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could
lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" - Bill Gates
"men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can
organize themselves and act together"
"new enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons
"in its present form, democracy is no longer well-suited for the tasks ahead. The
complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected
representatives to make competent decisions at the right time"
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fill the
"The real enemy then is humanity itself."
Excerpts from "The First Global Revolution" – I would add, a wonderful marxist
propaganda for the NWO.
Ms No, 4 hours ago Listen to this medical chick that saved millions from the EU and their
swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage. They tried to have her "psychiatrized" which means
locked away as crazy and probably tortured for the rest of her miserable life, being banged
with blood draw needles, forced meds and put in a straight jacket. Close to Assange
harleyjohn45, 4 hours ago She may have Fauci by the short hairs. He is deeply embedded in the
national health care oligarchy. Not my favorite person, had a lot to do with destroying the US
economy along with MSM. DaiRR, 5 hours ago The big pharma crime syndicate, embedded in
government health agencies with operatives like Fauci, is a mega-billion dollar enterprise and
those dollars buy off thousands of people like Fauci. People smarter than me need to figure out
how to stop this once and forever.
Meanwhile, if you don't realize Google and Facebook and all their offshoots are your enemy,
you are the enemy too. wdg, 5 hours ago (Edited) Dr. Judy Mikovits is just the tip of the
iceberg as more and more doctors and reserach scientists are speaking out and exposing the BIG
PHARMA CRIMINAL SYNDICATE that includes the WHO, CDC, NIH and many other so-called health care
and research agencies around the world, and Drs. Fauci and Birx not to mention the leadership
of most western government who have been bought off by this Criminal Syndicate which has
murdered and debilitated millions of people. These are crimes against humanity carried out at
the highest levels of governments, corporations and governmental agencies. Watch the powerful
video interview of Robert Kennedy Jr. below which provides a window into the evil world we now
live in. Big Pharma and the medical profession which sold their souls for money are both
finished because the trust is gone. Class action suits will bankrupt the lot.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine
Your Wikipedia and all your stupid marxist propaganda is fake, yep!
5 hours ago Why is the video doctored right at the end to make Fauci say a damning sentence.
You can see his head jerk to new positions as they piece together bits of video.
That fake ending just negated all credibility for the video.
Take a look at the original video where he told that (the part of interest is at the very
beginning starting at 2:50 and is ending at 3:40) and you shall see that the meaning (when the
parts where he brags about his past and future were removed) of what he actually have told in
that part was not altered in any way - the meaning is exactly the same. Due diligence in these
times is actually quite easy in cases like these, hence you should probably do the same prior
to posting
4 hours ago (Edited) I have zero tolerance for fake news. It's not up to me. If I spot it, I
call it. You just confirmed I was right. It's up to them to not fake video of a person they are
disparaging. There is no way for him to comment about that doctored section at the end.
Edit: I thank you for doing that research but it shouldn't be up to you either. This is not
the time for fake anything.
Commercialization of research including allowing patenting the research so that you can extract revenue stream from licensing
the patent and which became a binge addition in universities creates "academic entrepreneurs" which are very similar to Soviet
One thing that should be abundantly clear by now is that any thoughts, opinions, or speculation which challenges the official
narratives regarding COVID-19 will be promptly silenced by Silicon Valley, under the guise of protecting the public - which apparently
can't be trusted to absorb information and form their own opinions.
The most recent example of censored wrongthink is a new documentary, Plandemic, which features former chronic fatigue researcher
Judy Milkovits, who claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci - head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) - is
spewing 'absolute propaganda' about COVID-19.
In the video, Mikovits claimed Fauci perpetrated propaganda that led to the deaths of millions of people in the past. She also
raised questions about how COVID-19 deaths are being counted.
However, one of her biggest beefs against Fauci dates to the battles for credit over the discovery of HIV in the early 1980s.
In the video, Mikovits claimed she isolated HIV from the saliva and blood of patients in France but that Fauci was involved
in delaying research so a friend could take credit, which allowed the HIV virus to spread. These claims are not proven. They were
also disseminated in April by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Kennedy alleged on the Children’s Health Defense website (where he is chairman) -Heavy
Google's YouTube is currently playing whack-a-mole with a 25 minute promotional vignette for the documentary which has gone viral
- deleting new versions seemingly as fast as they pop up. The original version had over 1.6 million views when it was censored.
Facebook, however, hasn't deleted it (yet):
As noted by Heavy's Jessica McBride, Mikovits has a new book out,
Plague of Corrpution, which currently has 4.5 / 5 stars on Amazon.
Mikovits, who has
a new book out, was featured in the first vignette released to promote the movie. Her controversial career in the scientific
community has been punctuated by an arrest, lawsuit, retracted research study, allegations against Fauci and clashes with the
founders of the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease, which is located in Reno, Nevada. -Heavy
Mikovits has claimed that she published a "blockbuster" study which revealed that "the common use of animal and human fetal tissues
were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases," and that the "minions of Big Pharma" have been waging war against her to
destroy her "good name, career and personal life."
In the Plandemic video, Mikovits makes other claims, including that patents are a conflict of interest, and she criticizes
the concept of mass vaccines. “They will kill millions, as they already have with their vaccines,” she said, stressing she was
not anti-vaccine. She claims there is a financial incentive in COVID-19 strategies to not use natural remedies in order to push
people to use vaccines.
Mikovits co-wrote a book called Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases
and claims 30% of vaccines
are contaminated with retroviruses.
The book contains a forward from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The book was No. 2 on the Amazon bestseller list on May 6. -Heavy
Plandemic has received both praise and criticism,
however Google thinks it's best if you leave the thinking to them.
Fauci works for Bill Gates, and will push a vaccine & medications that he will profit from. I don't like him. However, the
end of this woman's video takes Dr. Fauci's 2017 remarks out of context. Fauci wasn't saying he knew this Plandemic would occur.
He was merely saying that every 4-8 years there is a new type of virus or flu strain in the world. (which is fearmongering in
a way -- with every new administration he needs to push for more funding by saying there will likely be an outbreak)
"Dr. Fauci, it turns out, has been a key cheerleader for this "death science" research for decades. He has also been credibly
accused by Dr. Judy Mikovitz and other virologists of stealing intellectual property and stifling whistleblowers who sought to
expose the truth about NIH-funded research and how it threatens humanity."...
Mokovitz has written a new book called, "Plague of Corruption". The hardcopy is "sold out" EVERYWHERE. I find this fishy. I
wonder if the kindle version has been edited to be less damaging to Fauci, et al. It wouldn't be hard for the government to buy
up all the copies. Plus, the website for the book does not load.
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines,
health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" - Bill Gates
"men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can organize themselves and act together"
"new enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised"
"in its present form, democracy is no longer well-suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many
of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time"
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like, would fill the bill"
"The real enemy then is humanity itself."
Excerpts from "The First Global Revolution" – I would add, a wonderful marxist propaganda for the NWO.
xxx Ms No, 4 hours ago
Listen to this medical chick that saved millions from the EU and their swine flu vaccine that caused brain damage. They tried
to have her "psychiatrized" which means locked away as crazy and probably tortured for the rest of her miserable life, being banged
with blood draw needles, forced meds and put in a straight jacket. Close to Assange treatment.
She may have Fauci by the short hairs. He is deeply embedded in the national health care oligarchy. Not my favorite person,
had a lot to do with destroying the US economy along with MSM.
DaiRR, 5 hours ago
The big pharma crime syndicate, embedded in government health agencies with operatives like Fauci, is a mega-billion dollar
enterprise and those dollars buy off thousands of people like Fauci. People smarter than me need to figure out how to stop this
once and forever.
Meanwhile, if you don't realize Google and Facebook and all their offshoots are your enemy, you are the enemy too.
wdg, 5 hours ago (Edited)
Dr. Judy Mikovits is just the tip of the iceberg as more and more doctors and reserach scientists are speaking out and exposing
the BIG PHARMA CRIMINAL SYNDICATE that includes the WHO, CDC, NIH and many other so-called health care and research agencies around
the world, and Drs. Fauci and Birx not to mention the leadership of most western government who have been bought off by this Criminal
Syndicate which has murdered and debilitated millions of people. These are crimes against humanity carried out at the highest
levels of governments, corporations and governmental agencies.
Watch the powerful video interview of Robert Kennedy Jr. below
which provides a window into the evil world we now live in. Big Pharma and the medical profession which sold their souls for money
are both finished because the trust is gone. Class action suits will bankrupt the lot.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement
Your Wikipedia and all your stupid marxist propaganda is fake, yep!
xxx 5 hours ago
Why is the video doctored right at the end to make Fauci say a damning sentence. You can see his head jerk to new positions
as they piece together bits of video.
That fake ending just negated all credibility for the video.
Take a look at the original video where he told that (the part of interest is at the very beginning starting at 2:50 and is
ending at 3:40) and you shall see that the meaning (when the parts where he brags about his past and future were removed) of what
he actually have told in that part was not altered in any way - the meaning is exactly the same. Due diligence in these times
is actually quite easy in cases like these, hence you should probably do the same prior to posting
xxx 4 hours ago (Edited)
I have zero tolerance for fake news. It's not up to me. If I spot it, I call it. You just confirmed I was right. It's up to
them to not fake video of a person they are disparaging. There is no way for him to comment about that doctored section at the
Edit: I thank you for doing that research but it shouldn't be up to you either. This is not the time for fake anything.
This imperial college that consults with the CDC and WHO and others should have also looked
at previous forecasts... No one serious should have paid any attention to this Ferguson guy
because his modelling was off by factors.. He has now destroyed hundreds of millions of
lives, cost countries trillions. Mostly only Africa was saved because they have lived
thorough westerners saying they dont know what they are doing and stopped listening. Death
rates at a very few areas that were published were higher but were the same everywhere else.
In fact over the course of the next few years the effects of this will be widely felt as
above average death rates due to the factors. Far above even without anything being done at
In 2009, one of Ferguson's models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu
outbreak in the UK -- the final figure was below 500. potential death toll during the 2005
Bird [avian] Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in
the low hundreds.
The clinical epidemiology tradition cautions that primitive model typically mislead us -- for
instance, by smuggling in unproven assumptions that have not been empirically established in
human populations.
The latter camp has won significant media attention in recent weeks. Bill Gates -- whose
foundation funds the research behind the most visible outbreak model in the United
States, developed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University
of Washington -- worries that COVID-19 might be a "once-in-a-century pandemic."
A notable detractor from this view is Stanford's John Ioannidis, a clinical epidemiologist,
meta-researcher, and reliable skeptic who has openly wondered whether the coronavirus pandemic
might rather be a
"once-in-a-century evidence fiasco." He argues that better data are needed to justify the
drastic measures undertaken to contain the pandemic in the United States and elsewhere.
Neil Ferguson is the chief hack with an unbroken record of failure in his epidemiological
projections (and therefore always failing upward, as is typical of the system's most useful
propagandists), whose prescriptions have been instrumental in pushing the lockdown ideology
and program.
Now we learn that he himself doesn't believe in his own lies, as he has felt free to flout
the same restrictions he has insisted must become the totalitarian "new normal".
"Professor Neil Ferguson, high priest of liberal hospital management and inventor of the
generalized containment against Covid-19. Professor Ferguson is still the European reference
for epidemic modelling.
- Yet it was he who, in 2001, convinced Prime Minister Tony Blair to have 6 million cattle
slaughtered to stop the foot-and-mouth epidemic (a decision that cost 10 billion pounds and
is now considered an aberration).
- In 2002, he calculated that mad cow disease would kill about 50,000 British people and
another 150,000 when transmitted to sheep. There were actually 177.
- In 2005, he predicted that bird flu would kill 65,000 Britons. There were a total of
His Corona terror-mongering will become known as his ultimate failure and lie.
Update (1045ET): In video of Trump's Tuesday morning scrum with reporters, the president can
be heard telling a reporter that he is allowing Dr. Fauci to testify before the Senate - and
not the House - because the House is "a set up".
REPORTER: Why won't you let Fauci testify before the House?
TRUMP: "Because the House is a set up. The House is a bunch of Trump haters ... they,
frankly, want our situation to be unsuccessful, which means death." pic.twitter.com/G3G5OoV5IV
And Fauci has already been awarded the dunce cap with his 1980s assertion that HIV was going
kill us all. So I guess for his most recent action he gets the dunce cap with slide rule
"The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit research group, under the
direction of President Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology. NIH canceled the project
just this past Friday, April 24th, Politico reported. Daszak did not immediately respond to
Newsweek requests for comment."
These models are nothing more than curve fitting tools that have limited predictive value.
Basically the models are derived from Neil Ferguson and his modelling group at Imperial
College, in addition to being backed by WHO, receive millions from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation.
Ferguson was the source of the "prediction" that 2.2 million Americans would likely die if
immediate lockdown of the US economy did not occur. Based on the Ferguson model, Dr Anthony
Fauci of NIAID confronted President Trump and supposedly pressured him to declare a national
health emergency. Much as in the UK, once the damage to the economy , Ferguson's model later
drastically lowered the US fatality estimates to between 100,000 to 200,000 deaths which has
since been reduced further.
Ferguson and his Imperial College modelers have a notorious track record for predicting
dire consequences of diseases. In 2002 Ferguson predicted that up to 50,000 people in UK
would die from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, "mad cow disease", possibly to 150,000 if
the epidemic expanded to include sheep. A total of 178 people were officially registered dead
from vCJD. In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million (!) people worldwide would be
killed by bird-flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus.
Then in 2009 Ferguson's group at Imperial College advised the government that swine flu or
H1N1 would probably kill 65,000 people in the UK. In the end, swine flu claimed the lives of
457 people.
As for China. They need a Fake Cold War. Have to give people an external enemy so people
wont figure out who the real enemy is. To the extent China was involved it was as an equal
I was on the ground in the US for less than 36 hours, but saw enough to be alarmed. If I
hadn't forcefully volunteered that I had just come from living in China, I don't think
anyone would have checked me for fever before entering the US.
Once I declared myself, I was escorted to a "CDC line" for a cursory temperature check
(with a large group of Mormon missionaries returning from Europe), given a Centres for
Disease Control and Prevention flier about Covid-19 symptoms and asked to stay home and
minimise my trips outside for 14 days.
Finally, after we promised not to leave our flat, our passports were returned to us, and
at 4.03am, some 16 hours after landing, we were home. That morning, a young woman in a
hazmat suit knocked on our door and took our temperatures at 10am. She returned at 3pm to
take our temperatures again.
This routine was repeated for 14 days before we would be permitted to circulate in the
general Shanghai population. We chatted occasionally with our temperature takers (they were
a rotating cast of 20-something women). Initially, a man would accompany them to film the
temperature reading, but by the final few days the women came alone.
A few days after our return, we discovered that authorities had placed a sensor on our
door. And more than a week after the start of our quarantine, we received a note informing
us we were not to open our door more than five times a day.
There's a lot more on the epic journey to pass through Chinese airport/immigration/nCOV
control procedures, but just this last bit makes it clear what the difference is.
Has anyone out there seen or heard of any nCOV quarantined people in the US even being
checked on once to see if they are maintaining quarantine? Much less twice a day for 14 days
by a live person, plus a sensor on the door?
Note that this is a much easier setup than contact tracing.
Thanks for this very helpful tracing of US propaganda.
Those projections are very suspect, especially Deaths Per Day, where the model is way off
the mark for Past data on deaths per day! Any decent model would at least account for the
past data, but that one predicted a fifth of the deaths, and shows the rate dramatically
increasing when reported deaths are slowly decreasing.
In the US, some states (Guam, Hawaii, Vermont) have suppressed the virus spread very well,
some (Florida, Washington state) have a slow decline in new cases, and just a few
(Massachusetts, Virginia others) are still increasing in new cases per day. Fortunately, the
rate is increasing in the District of Corruption, but not fast enough to reduce the
corruption much.
"The basis of reassuring the public about re-entry is repeating the facts about the threat
and who it targets . By now, studies from Europe
and the U.S
. all suggest that the overall fatality rate is far lower than early estimates. And we know who
to protect, because this disease – by the evidence – is not equally dangerous
across the population. In Michigan's Oakland County , 75 percent of deaths were in
those over 70 years old; 91 percent were in people over 60, similar to what was noted in
New York . And younger, healthier people have virtually zero risk of death and little
risk of serious disease; as I have noted before, under one percent of New York City's
hospitalizations have
been patients under 18 years of age, and less than one percent of deaths at any age
are in the absence of
underlying conditions.
Here are specific and logical steps to end the lockdown and safely restore normal life:
First , let's finally focus on protection for the most vulnerable -- that means nursing home
patients, who are already living under controlled access. This would include strictly
regulating all who enter and care for nursing home members by requiring testing and protective
masks for all who interact with these highly vulnerable people. Specifically, nursing home
workers should be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, and if negative, for virus to exclude
infection, to ensure safety of senior residents. No COVID-19-positive patient can resume
residence until definitively cleared by testing.
We should continue to inform the public about what they have already successfully learned
regarding the at-risk group. That means issuing rational guidelines advising the highest
standards of hygiene and appropriate social distancing while interacting with elderly friends
and family members at risk, including those with diabetes, obesity and other chronic
Second , those with mild symptoms of the illness should strictly self-isolate for two weeks.
It's not urgent to test them -- simply assume they have the infection. That includes
confinement at home, having the highest concern for sanitization and wearing protective masks
when others in their homes enter the same room." Dr. Scott Atlas in The Hill
It should be mentioned that Dr. John Ioannides, a leading epidemiologist at Stanford agrees
with Dr. Atlas.
I saw Atlas on a news program a day or so ago. The anchor looked frightened by what Atlas
was saying. This is understandable. The COVID panic is now so deeply embedded and pervasive
that to question the rationale for the shut-down of the economy is equivalent to heresy in a
theocratic state.
IMO the road back economically is going to be slow and difficult. I hope I am wrong. pl
I hope you are wrong, too. I am tired of the drama and hysteria.
Still, I do want the investigations into China's culpability for the
result of their "accident" or of their planned upheaval of the rest of the world.
I just want to trust some designated "expert" to tell us when when we can put away the
masks and can take up hugging our friends and shaking hands while smiling and meeting new
acquaintances. What is a church service without that and all the stories of Christs care and
concern for the "untouchables" of the world?
Seems the CCP's MSS's think-tank CICR compiled an Intelligence Report of their own warning
of possible armed conflict with U.S..
IMO it's hoped that our IC will realize that this virus doesn't jump ship into the human
sphere on its own naturally without 'human tweaking in a lab' which then provides a bridge
from which the virus could go from bats to the human sphere. And why would the CCP/MSS play
such a dangerous game? -- Bio-weapons R&D.
There can be little doubt that the fascist/socialist/anti-Trump elements in this country have
seized upon the presence of the virus to attempt to destroy Trump's chances in November and
to bring about greater state control of citizens. This immediately after the lame impeachment
plot failed to remove Trump; which was right after the lame Russian collusion plot failed to
remove Trump.
I don't think it's paranoid to consider that China released the virus on the US at a time
when President Trump is engaging in a major trade war with the Chinese, as a tactic in
fighting that war.
The Ionides/Atlas clinical perspective has been known to be correct - based on data -
since March, yet the Democrat controlled states continue to double down on state control of
their populations and destruction of their economies.
The Left has become a collection of kamikazes. The elites can ride this out. They have
money. They are hoping that when the economy is in ashes, all of the starving little people
will come into their open arms.
In 1968 another Asian virus, known as the Hong Kong flu, arrived in the US. It began
killing Americans noticeably in 1969. As this was occurring, the Woodstock music festival was
planned. The festival went off with now famous record crowd numbers during the peak of the
virus. No one seemed to care. That virus ultimately killed 100,000 Americans (not Woodstock
attendees); more than covid, even if you believe the artificially inflated covid figures.
That was at a time when the population of the US was far less. So a far greater % died than
We've been here before folks. It's the reaction that is different this time. The reaction
is driven by internal and external political objectives of massive importance for our future
as a free society.
Free people need to be able to make these decisions on their own. Give them clear
information and let them decide their next move. Keep the government "experts" out of the
decision making process. I believe that as the weather improves and the economic hardship
increases, Americans will turn on the fascist/socialist elites and take their lives back. The
vulnerable and the cowards will self-isolate. I further believe Americans will do what they
need to to get the economy going again, buying American made only, patronizing small
businesses beyond what they normally would and voting for pro-American candidates (i.e. the
Democrats lose big time).
What have we done every flu season that has resulted in very similar numbers and
population groups affected. How, in fact, is this one materially different.
Mnuchin said today that it is too early to say whether international travel will open back up
before the end of the year . Coincidentally, I also came across a Twitter poll of
15,000 people with the the following question & results:
"Hypothetically, if everything opens up tomorrow when would you fly again?"
- Immediately 25%
- 2-3 months 20%
- 3-6 months 26%
- 1 year or more 29%
Hardly scientific and I've no idea of the demographic or geographic spread of respondents,
but it seems pretty clear many people remain fearful.
The Democrat-media hysteria HAS been deeply ingrained.
The mass of people have - not surprisingly - turned out to be lambs (baby sheep).
Each person is responsible for managing their own life - which includes risk.
Unfortunately, the population of lambs has been trained over the years to look for mommy
government to manage their risk - mandatory seat belt laws come to mind.
Ben Franklin said it succinctly:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve
neither Liberty nor Safety."
There is widespread criticism of Ioannides two Covid studies, including the use of an
unapproved antibody tests which is known to give false positives; statistical flaws, and
recruiting volunteers for the sampling via Facebook, as well as the wife of a study co-author
to call and recruit parents from her kids school.
Here is an excerpt from an article on the controversy.
""My quick take is that something really odd is going on with Ioannidis," wrote Alexander
Rubinsteyn, a geneticist and computational biologist at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, in an email to Undark. Rubinsteyn suggested that Ioannidis may simply be "so
attached to being the iconoclast that defies conventional wisdom that he's unintentionally
doing horrible science."
He added: "Pretty much no one with statistical acumen believes these
In areas where the health system is not under stress this makes perfect sense. I would give
the hugging, handshaking and church services a miss and maintain the social distancing at
work and when out of the house as far as is practical. It needs to be done with lots of
testing, contact tracing and case isolation. Knowledge and common sense on everyone's part
will work. Limited local shutdown may be needed if cases start climbing in some areas.
Our restaurants open today in most of Florida. In spite of needing our hair attended to, we
will eat out both lunch and dinner. Sadly, some of our restaurants are closing for good. My
wife tells me that local Facebook is about evenly divided about going out now. I don't get it
as these folks have been gathering in the supermarkets the whole time.
"I just want to trust some designated 'expert' to tell us when when we can put away the
masks and can take up hugging our friends and shaking hands while smiling and meeting new
acquaintances. What is a church service without that and all the stories of Christs care and
concern for the 'untouchables' of the world?"
I think that "expert" you seek is going to have to be the person you see in the mirror
every morning. The "designated experts" have no interest in encouraging you to go back to
living a life you love. As Eric Newhill stated, it's going to be up to free-thinking adults
to make those decisions for themselves. If you expect or hope for "experts" to protect you
from yourself, then you have too much faith in "experts" and in government. Take sensible
precautions as they relate to your own risk demographic and respect other people making those
choices for themselves. Otherwise let's all get on living like Americans.
Even in blissful 'pre rona' December the Fed's repo market had been sounding the alarms that
a serious bubble recession was coming. Nothing apparently was fixed from the last wall street
megadooshbaggery meltdown. See:
This means that even those who built up real estate equity will have a difficult time
short term liquifying that equity, which means that Chase, Wells Fargo, et al have a lot of
pessimism about the US real estate market, the thing they have made so much money on last few
years, and which they were supposed to have fixed.
well pilgrims ;) not only is the economy enduring sudden searing pandemic pain, it is also
feeling the beginning of a big bubble popping recession, which everybody in the financial
world was already freaking about well before the rona arrived. Perhaps endless Fed QE can
prop up equities markets through November, perhaps, but then it's all bets off into 2021 as
numerous wall street debts scams will have to be deleveraged.
In the spirit of fairness, anti-body testing would allow scientists to identify who has the
anti-bodies and then track them to see if they become re-infected and, if so, at what level
of severity. That would shed light on the "herd immunity" theory (i.e. is there such a thing
and, if so, to what extent?).
Otherwise, calls for "universal testing" are just sound bites born of confusion and panic,
at best; another means of violating the rights of Americans at worst (e.g. making people wear
yellow stars, carrying papers that allow them to enjoy full or truncated societal
Widespread antibody testing will show covid-19 is more contagious than a lot of diseases,
but not not near as deadly as most people think. People will see they had it, didn't even
know it and are now immune to it at least in the near term. Fear will be deflated. We will
then have a known large segment of the population known to not capable of further spreading
the virus and a ready supply of antibody serum as an effective treatment for those who do get
infected. That will also diminish fear.
Covid-19 and our response to it is as much a political issue as it is a public health
issue. Trump was going to run on a booming economy. If he wants to get back to that strategy,
he has to banish the fear of the virus. That will get everyone back to work so they can eat
and pay rent, as well as continue to piss away their money on crap they don't need. Our
economy depends on all that. If Trump is smart, he best get to stepping and institute a
nationwide antibody testing program.
And Fauci has already been awarded the dunce cap with his 1980s assertion that HIV was going
kill us all. So I guess for his most recent action he gets the dunce cap with slide rule
A cruise passenger interests website offered another informal poll - are you willing to
cruise again: 64% said as much as in the past; 10% said they would cruise even more to help
get the industry back on its feet. Therefore, in this obviously interested sample, 75% want
the cruise industry to start up again. Yesterday. 25% will choose to wait or not cruise
The cruise industry passenger base remains willing and loyal. In fact they are probably
better trained in personal hygiene habits than most having had to deal with noro (aka
tourista ) in the past and a typical URI complaint commonly called" cruise crud" that
was most likely picked up on the air flight to get to the cruise port. The real numbers of
disease and mortality overall within this industry do not support the screaming head llnes
and lurid reporting.
It remains to be seen if one infection makes an individual immune for some time. IMO we
should follow the Atlas/Ioannides formula. I noticed in re-reading "Sharpsburg," that Hunter
McGuire appears therein.
What does an anti-body test do? I just had one last week and awaiting the results - was a
cruise passenger and international air passenger during the month of January in a later
suspected area. (not Asia).
Here is why I did the anti-body test: (Quest Labs - fee service, no RX- 99% accuracy -
drawn blood vial test)
1. Helps substantiate dates and areas of transmission that may not yet be in the data
2. Tracks the rates of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases occurring among the
"elderly", in order to see if there is an enhanced risk of not in this age group, if there
are no underlying co-morbidities.
3. Adds demographic data specific for the travel industry.
4. Allows possible donation of anti-body serum for research and perhaps mitigation of
those who are affected.
5. Personal peace of mind -been there and done that. Freedom to move about.
6. Provides baseline for duration of immunity; resilience of immunity or data showing
re-infection can be possible.
Primarily it is for data gathering to help stop the hysteria. That was worth the time,
money and blood donation for me. We will never know the true extent of this virus, its
impacts, its initial modeling accuracy until we start plugging facts into the "expert"
Taking one for the team is the way I see it. Will I now become a local Typhoid Mary and
our house burned down if this data becomes known? Or will people stop walking out into the
roadway in faux deference to my advanced age as I pass by, from our deliciously virtue
signaling "progressive" population in blue state California.
Am I right or wrong in thinking that when the injected liquidity plus existing cash
exceeds the amount of money that would haven been in the economy at this point then the
currency will begin to inflate?
"Provides baseline for duration of immunity; resilience of immunity or data showing
re-infection can be possible. Primarily it is for data gathering to help stop the hysteria."
Colonel, you are NOT wrong. The oil business in America is going to take a very long time to
recover. There are complete shutterings of businesses, bankruptcies and more - all while we
were in the middle of a downturn. Personally, I just folded up my tent because my my active
client list went from 21 to zero over this last month (and that includes intl clients).
As the number one buyer of US steel, the oilpatch represents much more than people
realize. We have also been the number one buyer of many other items - where sales have
disappeared as company quietly and reluctantly face the reality of the current induced
I'm being forced to change livelihoods - interesting for me, as I am short of the age to
get my SS check and too old to employ by most corporate masters....
Yes, I noticed Hunter Holmes when I reread Chancellorsville this time. I knew nothing
about him until you mentioned him a while back. He also founded what is now the VCU Medical
Center and was president of the AMA for a time. There is a statue of him on the State Capitol
grounds, but i haven't seen it yet.
In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr Anthony Fauci – the director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US
Coronavirus Task Force –
outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China's Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to
continue receiving US government funding.
Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
recently declared the anti-viral drug remdesivir as a "standard of care" based on unpublished
trials. But the judgment was sketchy and has come under question as it seems that the
moved the goalposts to achieve this outcome:
Instead of counting how many people taking the drug were kept alive on ventilators or died,
among other measures, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said it would
judge the drug primarily on a different outcome: how long it took surviving patients to
Death and other negative outcomes were moved to secondary measure status: They would still
be tracked, but they would no longer be the key measure of remdesivir's performance. The
switch -- which specialists said is unusual in major clinical trials but not unheard of --
was publicly disclosed on the government's clinicaltrials.gov website on April 16 but did not
receive much attention at the time.
"It raises a lot of flags, and it requires a lot of answers," Walid F. Gellad, a professor of
health policy and management at the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Medicine, said
in an interview, "especially when people start saying it's become the standard of care, and
all we saw was a news release in a trial with an outcome that was changed two weeks ago. It
really is striking."
A Chinese double blind study of remdesivir, previously published
in Lancet , had come to the conclusion that the drug had no statistically noticeable
influence on the length of recovery and the outcome.
One wonders how much White House influence was used to push that drug. White House influence
may also have been used in this ventilator acquisition that was
paid for but never delivered .
Needless to say, you did not need to be entombed in the infectious disease tunnel at the NIH
for 52 years like Dr. Fauci, a pretentious 79-year old windbag who should have himself been put
in a retirement home years ago, to realize that nursing homes are dense-packed with the frail,
disease-afflicted elderly.
So rather than wipe out $4 trillion of GDP via Lockdown Nation they might have started with
say $25 billion of incremental money for Medicare/Medicaid and the state public health agencies
to zero-in on protecting, isolating and treating the nursing home residents.
Hi B,
I think that we don't know if remdesivir works or not. The trial used patients that were very
sick. The virus had done its job and was no longer replicating exponentially. When you look
at these lungs they are full of exudate and superinfection and the damage is done. I am
surprised that there was any effect and the fact that there was is very encouraging. The time
to give a chain terminator like remdesivir is early in the infection as soon as the patient
presents and you have a positive test. You must hit the virus as it is exponentiating in the
nasopharynx. That is when you have to do the clinical trial then the outcome is admission to
ITU or not, then death or survival-- a really big trial.
I agree it is wrong to change the goal posts and it shouldn't have happened --- but the
clinical trial was flawed from the beginning any way.
In defense of remdesivir it works rather well in feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) which is
caused by a corona virus and is 100% lethal in cats. Remdesivir results in 100% survival with
occasional relapse that is still treatable with the drug. In humans, remdesivir will work
only if you give it early-- it is a powerful delayed chain terminator. So I do think the drug
will protect people that are in the early stages of the disease- so everyone will get it and
it will be huge for Gilead.
I think this remdesivir authorization was a genius move by the Trump administration. So
genial even Dr. Fauci must have immediately understood the catch and endorsed it, as it is
probable the drug must not have any grave collateral effects on the patients (as is the case
with hydroxycloroquine).
First of all, remdesivir helps one of America's biggest pharmaceuticals (Gilead).
Therefore, it will also help American capitalist reproduction.
Second, it will trigger a nationwide placebo effect thanks to widespread optimism and
petit-bourgeois euphoria, thus lowering the death rates (though not the infection rates), and
giving Trump an election boost in crucial areas (by the astroturf protests pattern, important
swing states in the Midwest).
Third, by the time the efficacy of remdesivir is debunked, the Trump administration can
simply state they acted with good will, with the "evidence" available at the time, and gently
apologize. It is the perfect plausible deniability.
Fauci should be fired for promoting this crap research on remdesivir. Changing the primary
endpoint is verboten, plain and simple. The only reason to change the primary endpoint is to
cherry-pick data in order to claim "success". Honest journals, if they still exist, will not
publish this rubbish, as it contravenes their industry's "Committee on Publication Ethics"
guidelines. The control arm of the trial was halted, another giant red flag, so there is
nothing to compare their cherry-picked data against.
This trial is now at the quality level of the rubbish research that "proves" homeopathy
"works". How can Fauci not be totally embarrassed by this? There must be powerful financial
forces behind this. No amount of air freshener can cover up the stink...
Trailer Trash,
FAUCI is now prohibited by Trump admin from testifying before Congress on the COVI debacle.
This criminal co-conspirator of Billy Goats owns the patents on the same HIV genes that just
happened to be found as gain-of-function additions to the genome of the Corona virus. PROVING
it is a lab made bioweapon. W/ Fauci's signature all over creation of this WMD. He should get
the electric chair for genocide.
Judy Mikovits gives compelling evidence that Fauci is a criminal that has the power to
retconn virus research. Her new book "Plague of Corruption" should be a great read, but I've
heard parts are hard to underestand.
Posted by: Frank Barnes | May 2 2020 20:28 utc | 12
Judy Mikovits gives compelling evidence that Fauci is a criminal that has the power to
retconn virus research. Her new book "Plague of Corruption" should be a great read, but
I've heard parts are hard to underestand.
Thanks Frank for the info, that is very noble of you!
Fauci did the same with AIDS drugs. Jumped on the first one regardless. Unfortunately, in
those days, people died and HIV was blamed when it likely was the drug. But, he's got almost
the same situation now. If you are deep with the virus, you'll probably die, so the drug used
is excused.
Watch the vaccine the US finally chooses. They are talking already about pushing it out in
this year, when the whole world knows it needs a year of testing.
So was Fauci an enthusiast of "gain of function" research? If so he is probably a criminal.
Notable quotes:
"... Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab With Millions Of U.S. Dollars For Risky Coronavirus Research ..."
"... [just] last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses. ..."
"... In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million. ..."
IMHO, if this
Newsweek article date April 28, 2020, is credible, then Trump and cohorts should tread
Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab With Millions Of U.S. Dollars For Risky
Coronavirus Research
[just] last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the
organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and
other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.
In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7
million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program
followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat
coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.
Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating
viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a
risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.[.]
Dr. Fauci did not respond to Newsweek's requests for comment. NIH responded with a
statement that said in part: "Most emerging human viruses come from wildlife, and these
represent a significant threat to public health and biosecurity in the US and globally, as
demonstrated by the SARS epidemic of 2002-03, and the current COVID-19 pandemic....
scientific research indicates that there is no evidence that suggests the virus was created
in a laboratory."[.]
NIH gave a non-denial, avoidance denial. Congressmen were on Foxnews attacking the
funding. Where there is a whiff of smoke?
Additional articles on U.S. funding:
NPR FoxNews
NationalInterest cites Pompeo on Foxnews defending the funding. Also, UK papers repeat
U.S. funding.
In pandemic blame distribution Fauci and the CDC top should get mayor shares.
In financial crash blame distribution the New York FED with its top 5 controller /
bail-out receiver banks have big parts. It still holds the world's other Central Banks
hostage through its reserves and trade in U$ dollars only meme.
In the intelligence area it is not very different: also that branch of the US Deep State
The jaw-dropping stupidity of the Trump administration regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is
truly mind numbing. There is an old dictum that states that there is no such thing as
'military intelligence.' To that I add there is no such thing as 'intelligence' in Washington
DC either, or the Trump White House for that matter. If you try to look for it, you will only
find hacks, flacks, quacks and certifiable jerks. You would do better to waste your time and
money looking for the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, or the Tooth Fairy. The prospect that
Trump could get anther four years as president is depressing indeed. All that would be left
is divine intervention, and I don't think that is any more likely than finding the
aforementioned mythical creatures.
"... Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, how many cases were infected with COVID-19? Did the US government cover up the spread of coronavirus with the flu? When will the US government make public the samples of the US influenza virus and its genetic sequence, or allow experts from the WHO or the United Nations to sample and analyze? ..."
1. Regarding the restarted avian influenza virus modification experiment last year, why
does the US release no more updates?
The Science reported in February 2019 that US authorities had quietly approved the avian
influenza virus modification experiment. The research, aiming to transform the H5N1 virus to
be more capable of infecting mammals, was controversial and considered extremely dangerous.
Some experts believe that the modification may increase the risk of human-to-human
transmission of the virus. The question is why the US government decided to unfreeze the
experiment 4 years after it was halted, and why there are no more updates regarding the
2. The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
was previously closed. What is the truth behind ?
The Global Biodefence reported in April that the USAMRIID, US Army's primary institution
and facility for biological research headquartered in Fort Detrick, Maryland, has resumed
full operation. The institution was once ordered to halt the study of biological select
agents and toxins (BSATs) last July. In March, there was a petition on the White House
website demanding the clarification of the shutdown of USAMRIID. Given that these issues have
become a primary public concern, what is the US government's response?
3. The US Department of Health and Human Services ran a scenario last year that was
similar to the COVID-19 outbreak. Is this just a coincidence?
In March, the New York Times quoted a draft report obtained from the US government saying
that from January to August 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services ran a
scenario called "Crimson Contagion" that simulated the fictional outbreak involving a group
of tourists visiting China. They then became infected and flew to various countries,
including the US. Last October, a high-level pandemic exercise named Event 201 was hosted by
a couple of US organizations. The drill simulated a scenario that a fictional virus called
CAPS, which causes more severe symptoms than SARS and transmits via the respiratory route
like the common flu, had caused a pandemic. Like COVID-19, there is no vaccine for CAPS.
Given the fact that the simulated virus is so much like COVID-19, is this just a
coincidence? Another question is, why did it not take enough preventive measures at the early
stages of the coronavirus outbreak since the US has predicted a similar pandemic?
4. US intelligence officials warned of coronavirus crisis as early as last November. Why
the warning was ignored?
In April, according to the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it was said that, as
early as late November 2019, US intelligence officials had warned the Defense Intelligence
Agency, the Pentagon, and the White House that an infectious disease was sweeping through
Wuhan, China.
Last November, the US National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) issued a report
detailing the coronavirus pandemic, which was later identified as "COVID-19". Some analysts
believed that the outbreak in Wuhan might have evolved into a catastrophic event. According
to the Washington Post, in more than two months from January to February, Trump had received
intensive warnings from the US intelligence agencies about the coronavirus. Why did the US
government not declare a "National Emergency" until March 13?
5. Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, can the US clarify how many cases are
actually infected with COVID-19?
Japanese Asahi Television reported on February 21 that some of the 14,000 people
reportedly killed by influenza in the US might have died from coronavirus, which became a hot
topic soon after.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report at the end of
February, showing that there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses in the US that
On March 11, at the House of Representatives, Robert Redfield, the director of the US CDC,
admitted that some in the US who were previously thought to have been killed from the flu may
have been infected with coronavirus.
Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, how many cases were infected with
COVID-19? Did the US government cover up the spread of coronavirus with the flu? When will
the US government make public the samples of the US influenza virus and its genetic sequence,
or allow experts from the WHO or the United Nations to sample and analyze?
6. When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of
the coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
A report released in late April by local health authorities suggests that a 57-year-old
woman from Santa Clara County of California died from COVID-19 on February 6, some 20 days
earlier than the date the US announced its first death caused by the virus.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Santa Clara County health officer Sara Cody in a piece
saying, "we presume that each of them represents community transmission and that there was
some significant level of virus circulating in our community in early February."
County Executive Officer Jeffrey V. Smith said this is evidence that the coronavirus was
circulating in California as early as January or even earlier.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered all counties in the state to review autopsies of
suspected coronavirus deaths dating back to December.
When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of the
coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
7. How did the US get the virus strains so soon to start the first human testing of a
vaccine against COVID-19?
The Wall Street Journal on March 16 reported that the first human testing of Moderna
Inc.'s experimental vaccine against the COVID-19 had already begun. Experts immediately
raised questions about the speed of the vaccine development, saying that it would not be
possible unless the US had obtained the virus strains from very early on. So how did the US
start the first human testing of the vaccine so soon? When and how did they get the virus
8. Why did the US government keep downplaying the pandemic while its officials privately
dumped stocks?
According to the Washington Post, US Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr
and his wife sold up to 1.7 million in 33 different stocks just one week before the market
plunged. Why did these officials at the Committee act so quickly while the government was
continually understating the pandemic?
Why is the vital information kept confidential to the public while the government
officials were taking advantage to practice insider-trading?
9. Why are US experts not allowed to discuss COVID-19 in public?
The New York Times reported that the White House began tightening controls for all
coronavirus messaging from health officials on February 27 after Vice President Mike Pence
led the nation's epidemic prevention and control efforts.
Several scientists and government health officials, including the nation's leading
infectious disease expert Anthony S. Fauci, have been asked to make statements or make public
appearances about the COVID-19 only after consultation with the US vice president's
Why does the United States, which claims free speech, not allow experts and scholars to
discuss the novel coronavirus in public? Does the US want to hide something or fear of
10. What research is being done in the US overseas biological laboratories? Why does the
US keep tight-lipped about it?
Natalia Poklonskaya, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, has
proposed verifying the legitimacy of US biological laboratories around the world, according
to Sputnik news agency.
Not long ago, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed concern about the
establishment of a biological laboratory in countries from the former Soviet Union.
Grigory Trofimchuk, a Russian expert in the field of internal affairs, foreign affairs,
and national defense, said the work of these biological laboratories was never disclosed to
the outside world, and that they had caused several problems, with widespread outbreaks of
dangerous infectious diseases such as measles at the laboratory site.
What research is being done in these biological laboratories? Why does the US keep
tight-lipped about the function, use, the safety of these biological laboratories?
Unsurprisingly, the Gates Foundation has injected substantial sums of money into both
groups. This year alone, the Gates Foundation has already given
$79 million to Imperial College, and in 2017 the Foundation announced a $279 million investment into the IHME
to expand its work collecting health data and creating models.
Anthony Fauci, meanwhile, has
become the face of the US government's coronavirus response, echoing Bill Gates' assertion
that the country will not "get back to normal" until "a good vaccine" can be found to insure
the public's safety.
ANTHONY FAUCI : If you want to get to pre-coronavirus . . . You know, that might not ever
happen, in the sense of the fact that the threat is there. But I believe with the therapies
that will be coming online, and with the fact that I feel confident that over a period of
time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right
back now.
Beyond just their frequent collaborations and cooperation in the
past, Fauci has direct ties to Gates projects and funding. In 2010, he was appointed to the
Council of the Gates-founded "
Decade of Vaccines " project to implement a Global Vaccine Action Plan, a project to which
Gates committed $10 billion of funding. And in October of last year, just as the current
pandemic was beginning, the Gates Foundation
announced a $100 million contribution to the National Institute of Health to help, among
other programs, Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' research into
... ... ...
AMY GOODMAN : And the charity of billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife
Melinda is under criticism following the disclosure it's substantially increased its holdings
in the agribusiness giant Monsanto to over $23 million. Critics say the investment in Monsanto
contradicts the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's stated commitment to helping farmers and
sustainable development in Africa.
LAURENCE LEE : The study from the pressure group Global Justice now paints a picture of
the Gates Foundation partly as an expression of corporate America's desire to profit from
Africa, and partly a damning critique of its effects.
POLLY JONES : You could have a case where the initial research is done by a Gates-funded
institution. And the media reporting on how well that research is conducted is done, the
media outlet is a Gates-funded outlet, or maybe a Gates-funded journalist from a media
program. And then the program is implemented more widely by a Gates-funded NGO. I mean . . .
There are some very insular circles here.
LEE : Among the many criticisms, the idea that private finance can solve the problems of
the developing world. Should poor farmers be trapped into debt by having to use chemicals or
fertilizers under written by offshoot of the foundation?
This is no mere theoretical conflict of interest. Gates is held up as a hero for donating
$35.8 billion worth of his Microsoft stock to the foundation, but during the course of his
"Decade of Vaccines," Gates' net worth has actually doubled, from $54
billion to $103.1 billion .
The Rockefeller story provides an instructive template for this vision of
tycoon-turned-philanthropist. When Rockefeller faced a public backlash, he helped spearhead the
creation of a system of private foundations that connected in with his business interests.
Leveraging his unprecedented oil monopoly fortune into unprecedented control over wide swathes
of public life, Rockefeller was able to kill two birds with one stone: moulding society in his
families' own interests even as he became a beloved figure in the public imagination.
Similarly, Bill Gates has leveraged his software empire into a global health, development
and education empire, steering the course of investment and research and ensuring healthy
markets for vaccines and other immunisation products. And, like Rockefeller, Gates has been
transformed from the feared and reviled head of a formidable hydra into a kindly old man
generously giving his wealth back to the public.
But not everyone has been taken in by this PR trick. Even The Lancet observed this
worrying transformation from software monopolist to health monopolist back in 2009, when the
extent of this Gates-led monopoly was becoming apparent to all:
The first guiding principle of the [Bill & Melinda Gates] Foundation is that it is
"driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family." An annual letter from Bill Gates
summarises those passions, referring to newspaper articles, books, and chance events that
have shaped the Foundation's strategy. For such a large and influential investor in global
health, is such a whimsical governance principle good enough?
This brings us back to the question: Who is Bill Gates? What are his driving interests? What
motivates his decisions?
These are not academic questions. Gates' decisions have controlled the flows of billions of
dollars, formed international partnerships pursuing wide-ranging agendas, ensured the creation
of "healthy markets" for big pharma vaccine manufacturers. And now, as we are seeing, his
decisions are shaping the entire global response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Next week, we will further explore Gates' vaccination initiatives, the business interests
behind them, and the larger agenda that is beginning to take shape as we enter the "new normal"
of the Covid-19 crisis.
In pandemic blame distribution Fauci and the CDC top should get mayor shares.
In financial crash blame distribution the New York FED with its top 5 controller /
bail-out receiver banks have big parts. It still holds the world's other Central Banks
hostage through its reserves and trade in U$ dollars only meme.
In the intelligence area it is not very different: also that branch of the US Deep State
Apr 16, 2020 Dr. Ron Paul Interview: Bill Gates & Tony Fauci Are Determined To Run The
World by Vaccines
Dr. Paul and Spiro discuss the current coronavirus crisis and the political, social and
economic fallout effecting millions of Americans, as people begin to display resistance to
the government lockdown response.
2.3 TRillion Dollars Missing from DOD Day before 9/11/ 2001
SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 Defense Business Practices
Secretary Rumsfeld and other officials talked with reporters about the need to refine the
Defense Department's business practices. An opening ceremony will kick off Acquisition
and Logistics Excellence Week. They answered questions from members of the media
""Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving any money to any
laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited!
Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory -- and then even after the
State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they
were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans,"Giuliani
So, the guy who is heading up the Corona response personally oversaw the funding of the lab
that created it......COME ON!
xxx 2 hours ago
I am a consistent complainer over the Obama administration's policies but this is one policy
where I admire them. THIS is what I mean when I keep complaining about the scientific
community. Obama had it right and should have been even more vocal in their opposition to
misguided research. If the reports on Fauci funding this are true it should be exposed and
LOUDLY vilified. WHEN are we going to hold the scientific community accountable? Do you know
how many brilliant and decent scientists are being muted because of the likes of these type
scientists that want free reign to do whatever they want?
Here's my point: If a scientist lower in prestige than Dr. Fauci had written a paper
defining "playing with viruses as important research" as unnecessary and dangerous, he/she
would be putting their very careers at risk due to Fauci's power. They've been doing it to any
scientist that disputes climate change models, to the point of even firing editors that allow
varying opinions. I'm not saying scientists are bad, just the opposite. Good Scientists are
being stifled by a small powerful few within their leagues.
I cannot suggest more strongly for anyone seeking the truth about this Corona Virus that you
HAVE to listen to an interview with Dr Mikovits who had originally worked on the discovery of
the Aids Virus and who was bullied and threatened by Fauci. YOU HAVE TO listen to this
I am NOT connected to this site in any way but I think this interview HAS to spread
throughout the World because this Scientist knows what she is talking about. AND, it is very
...This interview with Dr Mikovits tells us what this is all about and why Fauci cannot be
trusted. Only goes for 15 mins. But this is the most damning insight yet to be shared on the
""Back in 2014, the Obama administration prohibited the U.S. from giving any money to any
laboratory, including in the U.S., that was fooling around with these viruses. Prohibited!
Despite that, Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory -- and then even after the
State Department issued reports about how unsafe that laboratory was, and how suspicious they
were in the way they were developing a virus that could be transmitted to humans,"Giuliani
So, the guy who is heading up the Corona response personally oversaw the funding of the lab
that created it......COME ON!
xxx 2 hours ago
I am a consistent complainer over the Obama administration's policies but this is one policy
where I admire them. THIS is what I mean when I keep complaining about the scientific
community. Obama had it right and should have been even more vocal in their opposition to
misguided research. If the reports on Fauci funding this are true it should be exposed and
LOUDLY vilified. WHEN are we going to hold the scientific community accountable? Do you know
how many brilliant and decent scientists are being muted because of the likes of these type
scientists that want free reign to do whatever they want?
Here's my point: If a scientist lower in prestige than Dr. Fauci had written a paper
defining "playing with viruses as important research" as unnecessary and dangerous, he/she
would be putting their very careers at risk due to Fauci's power. They've been doing it to any
scientist that disputes climate change models, to the point of even firing editors that allow
varying opinions. I'm not saying scientists are bad, just the opposite. Good Scientists are
being stifled by a small powerful few within their leagues.
It is becoming clearer with each passing day that the death toll from the Wuhan virus is not
rising exponentially as the "experts" predicted but only modestly in some places while
levelling off or even declining almost everywhere else in the country --
as well as the world . The incidence of infection borders on nil in the hot and humid
countries, where the number of deaths remains in the double or very low triple digits
four months after the virus emerged from the Wuhan province of China.
Common sense alone indicates that the number of deaths will ultimately be nowhere near the 2
million without "mitigation" or a best case 100,000 to 240,000 with "mitigation" as predicted
by "Tony and Deborah" at the White House press briefings that have fueled nationwide panic.
Tony and Deb have
since revised their "models" downward to predict 40,000 to 178,000 deaths. And that
prediction has already been lowered again as the IMHE model Tony and Deb have been touting
during the briefings now "predicts" 81,766 deaths by August 4. That prediction
would require some 18,000 people to die every month between now and then, even though at 10,000
since February 29 -- a number consistent with a heavy flu season -- we appear to have
reached the peak and a decline is already evident .
At some point, Tony and Deb will be "predicting" precisely what has already happened, as we
saw with the "models" that first predicted Hillary Clinton was certain to win the Presidency.
And when the final death toll fails even to approach what they first predicted in order to
panic the whole country into a nationwide lockdown never before seen in human history, they
will make the unprovable, non-falsifiable, junk science claim that "mitigation worked."
But it is becoming increasingly clear that "mitigation" has done nothing but cause a
pointless, catastrophic disruption of social and economic life. This seems to delight the lying
media and their Democrat partners, who are striving to keep fear alive, avoid or minimize any
good news about the numbers, overstate the burden on local hospitals (without any unedited
video or other reliable evidence), argue against curative treatment by hydroxychloroquine or
otherwise, get everybody into masks after months of "expert" advice that masks are ineffective,
and generally prolong the economic damage and loss of civil liberties for months to come.
As the actual numbers belie the pseudo-scientific prophecies of doom, however, the lockdown
of America that began with Democrat governors and mayors now exhibits a curious and hardly
coincidental fissure along party lines. As of today, nine states, all headed by Republican
governors, refuse to join the lockdown regime and now provide embarrassing counterfactuals
demonstrating that officially mandated lockdowns were never necessary and have probably made
the situation worse by preventing the development of "herd immunity" to this virus, like all
the others, from the normal interaction of large populations.
The following are the nine states that have refused to impose lockdowns. All of them have
minimal death tolls from the Wuhan virus, including the populous South Carolina, and five of
them have not enacted even local lockdowns:
Arkansas – 14 deaths. No statewide or local lockdowns.
Iowa – 14 deaths. No statewide or local lockdowns.
Nebraska – 8 deaths. No statewide or local lockdowns.
North Dakota – 3 deaths. No statewide or local lockdowns.
Oklahoma – 42 deaths.
South Carolina – 40 deaths.
South Dakota – 2 deaths. No statewide or local lockdowns.
Utah – 8 deaths.
Wyoming – 0 deaths.
[Data as of this writing on April 6 at 9 p.m.]
Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas told the Fake News
New York Times what we have been saying on these pages since the stupid lockdowns began:
"the typical stay-at-home order was a misleading 'illusion' because it includes so many
exemptions allowing people to go out in public, such as for groceries or exercise ordering
people to stay at home would simply leave thousands jobless."
The Times demands to
know why these nine states have seceded from the United States of Mitigation: "Holdout
States Resist Calls for Stay-at-Home Orders: 'What Are You Waiting For?' screams the indignant
headline. Editorial desperation leaps from the page, for the Fake News combine as a whole knows
that these nine Republican-led holdout states are all counterfactual to the panic narrative,
and that what they are waiting for is the rest of the country to discover that they have been
had by the cheerleaders of "mitigation," who live in luxury and job security while the masses
suffer. First and foremost, Deb and Tony, intimate associates of Bill Gates, whose "models"
keep lowering predictions to catch up with the growing embarrassment of the real numbers.
Another embarrassing counterfactual is the Commonwealth of Virginia, now being suffocated by
Democrat Governor Ralph ("Infanticide") Northam's absurd executive orders, which have ruined
the state's economy while attempting to place its entire population under a fake quarantine
that does nothing but create instant unemployment and bankruptcy. The Northam lockdown will
remain in effect until June 10 unless Northam calculates he cannot get away with prolonging his
virus-themed dictatorship past Trump's new control date of April 30. Yet, as of the week of
March 28, the
Virginia Department of Health "has received report of 1,352 pneumonia and
influenza-associated deaths," including five pediatric deaths, during the 2019-20 flu season,
while purported deaths from the Wuhan virus and related pneumonia stand at 54 as of today at 9
p.m., with no pediatric deaths.
Based on the example of Virginia alone, which provides an all-but-irrefutable
counterfactual, it is time to call this fiasco what it is: Coronagate. In my view, Coronagate
will go down as the single biggest fraud in the fraud-ridden history of American politics --
outside of the fraudulent inducement of America's belated entry into World War I, which
116,000 American lives to an epochal disaster that destroyed the last remnants of
Christendom, guaranteed World War II, and led to the rise of the Third Reich and the Soviet
Meanwhile, the White House press briefings have devolved into a black comedy with the same
script every day: Trump recites a litany of statistics on the number of COVID-19 tests
performed, the mass production and distribution of ventilators and N95 respirators, surgical
masks, surgical gowns and surgical gloves; praises the captains of industry for pitching in
with massive contributions of product; and lauds the branches of the military for their massive
logistical operations, including the building of entire hospitals that remain almost empty.
Pence then delivers another sermon on how to "slow the spread in 30 days." Then Deb drones
on about her ever-evolving models, followed by a very hoarse Tony, who croaks the same
statements he made the day before about "the curve" and "mitigation, mitigation, mitigation"
while assiduously avoiding any suggestion that the "pandemic" could be over any time soon or
that there could be any proven effective treatment.
Then it's the media jackals' turn. Day after day these morons jabber at Trump with
accusations disguised as questions: Why has governor so-and-so or such-and-such hospital not
received enough test kits/ventilators/masks/gowns/gloves/breath mints?
... ... ...
At today's briefing, one reporter attempted to elicit from Fauci a declaration that, no
matter what Trump might think, America cannot "return to normal" without a vaccine whose
development is, conveniently enough for the media-DNC complex, at least a year away. Fauci's
meandering response was a dog whistle that, if he has anything to say about it, the country
will remain under some level of lockdown until there is a largely ineffective or even harmful
vaccine, like the one he advocated
for the swine flu of 2009.
The Fake News media are laboring to elevate Fauci, a star in the Leftist galaxy whose center
is Bill Gates, to the status of Recovery Czar whose "medical opinion" will determine the fate
of the nation
Goldman Sachs
predicts that the economy will shrink 34 percent in the second quarter, with unemployment
leaping to 15 percent.
Notable quotes:
"... Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by "executive order" and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. ..."
"... What if the "cure" is worse than the disease? ..."
From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding
an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even
according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu
outbreak of 2017-2018.
Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by "executive order" and the
unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression.
Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary
malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like
a horror movie, but it's real.
Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the
worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause "hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths
per year." As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the
coronavirus worldwide.
Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical
care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries
have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off
thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially
This prophecy does not correlate well with his complete inability to predict how coronavirus epidemic unfolded in the USA and
blunders around the road along with sleeping for two months after China informed the WHO about new coronavirus.
Fauci is a pretty sinister, not so much comical figure is we remembers his role in Gain of Function experiments
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, said there is "no doubt" Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise
infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.
Fauci has led the NIAID for more than 3 decades, advising the past five United States
presidents on global health threats from the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s
through to the current Zika virus outbreak.
During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump
administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza
and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.
"The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the
next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their
predecessors were faced with," he said.
While observers have speculated since his election about how Trump will respond to such
challenges, Fauci and other health experts said Tuesday that preventing disease pandemics
often starts overseas and that a proper response means collaboration between not only the
U.S. and other countries, but also the public and private health sectors.
"We will definitely get surprised in the next few years," he said. 'Risks have never
been higher'
Trump, the real estate developer-turned-Republican politician, has worried some infectious
disease experts with controversial and sometimes unclear views on certain health issues.
Ronald Klain, who coordinated the U.S.'s Ebola response for the Obama administration, said
Trump's virtual silence about the Zika outbreak and harsh comments about American volunteers
infected during the West African Ebola outbreak is "not the kind of leadership we need in our
next president."
Experts speculated about the infectious disease threats Donald Trump will face as
"It's hard to think of a more important time to show a willingness to speak out in the
public health community and the global health community than it is right now on the eve of
Donald Trump becoming our next president," Klain said. "The risks have never been higher, and
the question of his perspective on these issues has never been more dubious than it is with
Donald Trump."
Fauci and others noted some of the disease outbreaks that recent administrations have
faced, including current President Barack Obama, whose administration was tested early on
with an H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009. More recently, the administration was forced to
repurpose almost $600 million in federal funds set aside for the Ebola outbreak when
Republicans rejected Obama's request for $1.9 billion to fund the nation's Zika response.
Current Deputy Homeland Security Advisor Amy Pope, JD, said it was "typical" of the U.S.
government that money meant for the Ebola epidemic was appropriated for Zika because of the
proclivity of populations to worry about what is currently threatening them.
"We shouldn't ask the American public to make those choices in the future," she said. "It
doesn't keep them safe."
Klain said pandemic preparedness should be approached from a nonpartisan angle. A
Democrat, he referenced Republican President George W. Bush founding the U.S. President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and said Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and
Lindsey Graham collaborated with the Obama administration on the Ebola response.
"The mosquitoes don't know if they're biting Democrats or Republicans," Klain said. "They
don't know what party you are."
Other highlights
According to some of the experts who spoke on Tuesday, preparing the U.S. for pandemics
requires proper funding and starts by battling disease outbreaks overseas. This is not just
the right thing to do, but the best way to keep Americans safe, Klain said.
"There is no safety for us and our populace when infectious diseases rage," he said. "The
only way the American people can have safety and security in their lives is to promote safety
and security around the world."
Some other highlights from the forum:
Hamid Jafari, MD, acting director of the Division of Global Health Protection at the CDC,
said the CDC has been productive during past presidential transitions and expects the same
will be true as control of the White House passes from Obama to Trump: "We have room for
optimism that there will be continuing support," he said.
Pope said there is no playbook for fighting emerging infectious diseases: "We never know
what's going to hit us, so we need to be prepared as possible," she said.
According to Pope, some in the health community are wary about working with the security
community because they think it will be detrimental to their work, when the opposite is true:
"Marrying these communities actually leads to more resources and more attention," she
Bill Steiger, PhD, chief program officer of Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon and former director of
the HHS Office of Global Health Affairs, said his first piece of advice for the incoming
administration would be to budget time for HHS to focus on things other than domestic health
issues, because a larger problem is inevitable: "Some international global health crisis will
happen that will divert that attention. It has happened over and over again," he said.
Steiger said the global health agenda, including programs like PEPFAR, is an "easy win"
for the new administration: "Expand the funding if available, but at a minimum keep it
going," he said.
Fauci said he is in favor of a public health emergency fund that would be used to combat
outbreaks like those involving Ebola and Zika: "It's tough to get it but we need it. What we
had to go through with Zika was very, very painful when the president asked for $1.9 billion
in February and we didn't get [funding] until September."
Near the end, Fauci speculated about the possibility that there will be a resurgence of
Zika this summer. The virus has caused many travel-related cases in the U.S. and some locally
acquired cases in Florida and Texas. Fauci said other concerns for the Trump administration
include the potential for a new influenza pandemic and outbreaks of diseases that are not yet
on anyone's radar.
"What about the things we are not even thinking about?" he said. "No matter what, history
has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen because [facing] infectious diseases is
a perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we're extraordinarily confident
about is that we're going to see this in the next few years." – by Gerard Gallagher
Disclosures: Fauci, Jafari and Pope report no relevant financial disclosures. Infectious
Disease News was unable to confirm relevant financial disclosures for Klain and Steiger at
the time of publication.
Level of mismanaging of epidemic in Trump administration is staggering. Initially they
ignored it, but then switch to full panic mode facilitated by such questionable experts as Fauci.
Panic reaction with "one size fits all" quarantine measures created record unemployment.
BTW NIH fiscal year 2020 budget totals $41.6 billion.
The fact that Fauci did nothing to protect NY metropolitan areas means that he is incompetent
to hold this position.
More than a dozen U.S. researchers, physicians and public health experts, many of them from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were working full time at the Geneva
headquarters of the World Health Organization as the novel coronavirus emerged late last year
and transmitted real-time information about its discovery and spread in China to the Trump
administration, according to U.S. and international officials.
A number of CDC staffers are regularly detailed to work at WHO in Geneva as part of a
rotation that has operated for years. Senior Trump-appointed health officials also consulted
regularly at the highest levels with the WHO as the crisis unfolded, the officials said.
The presence of so many U.S. officials undercuts President Trump's charge that the WHO's
failure to communicate the extent of the threat, born of a desire to protect China, is largely
responsible for
the rapid spread of the virus in the United States.
There is hope. The coronavirus crisis has exposed the relative merits of nations, so the
entire world can see, for example, how broken and corrupt the US is, with no leadership to
speak of. Dawdling, it failed to prevent needless deaths, then shut down much of the
country, bankrupting thousands of businesses and throwing millions out of work. As a fix,
it throws mere crumbs at desperate citizens, while bailing out the big banks, again.
Texans flocked to the state's Capitol in Austin to protest Covid-19 lockdown measures,
refusing to practice social distancing and cheering for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired by
President Donald Trump. In attendance at Saturday's 'You Can't Close America' Rally were
InfoWars founder Alex Jones and host Owen Shroyer, who led the crowd of some 200 people in
chants against the mainstream media and officials like Fauci.
Shroyer, who referred to the doctor as "fascist Fauci," asked the crowd: "Do
you think Anthony Fauci should be fired?" , before leading them in chants of "Fire
Parts of that Wired.com story read like a stenographed PR release so I am not sure really what to make of it. The story seems
to make light of the safety breaches that were occurring at the Fort Detrick lab. While it is likely that most breaches (apart
from the waste disposal issue and the use of chemical rather than thermal treatment of waste) appeared to be minor OHS-type breaches
and appropriate staff training was all that was required, I did get an impression while reading the article that the CDC had its
arms twisted to grant re-accreditation to the facility due to pressure from the White House to get a vaccine ready in time before
November this year.
People will forget all that populism nonsense, and just be grateful for whatever McJobs
they can get to be able to pay the interest on their debts, because, hey global capitalism
isn't so bad compared to living under house arrest!
Hard to imagine that happening in Americastan, where the economy has been completely
destroyed by the lockdown. We'll be lucky 'merely' to have Great Depression levels of
unemployment when this madness finally ends.
For all the MAGApedes out there: Trump had better be seen to be fighting the
lockdown-shysters, not acquiescing to them, if he wants to get re-elected. If he spends the
summer continuing to genuflect before Dr. Falsie, Trump is toast come November.
"... "For this, we scared the hell out of the American people, we lost 17 million jobs, we put a major dent in the economy, we closed down the schools... shut down the churches," ..."
"... "You know, this was not, and is not a pandemic. But we do have panic and pandemonium as a result of the hype of this." ..."
"... "aggressively stupid" ..."
"... "Bill Bennett may be a self-proclaimed ethics expert, but he obviously knows very little about logic and cause-and-effect," ..."
"... "It is deeply irresponsible to air this view on national television," ..."
"... "the hell out of the American people." ..."
"... " crucial" ..."
"... "no need to change anything you're doing on a day-to-day basis." ..."
Former education secretary Bill Bennett has been savaged online for suggesting that the
coronavirus is "not a pandemic," calling for the lifting of lockdown measures, as the debate
rages over reopening the shuttered US economy. More than half a million Americans have caught
the coronavirus, with just over 22,000 deaths. While the numbers are dire, the University of
Washington's forecasters revised their total predicted Covid-19 deaths down to 60,000 last
week, a number comparable to deaths from influenza in 2017-2018, and
significantly lower than the six-figure death toll floated by
President Donald Trump's top medical adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, last month.
"For this, we scared the hell out of the American people, we lost 17 million jobs, we
put a major dent in the economy, we closed down the schools... shut down the churches,"
Bennett said on Monday's edition of Fox and Friends. "You know, this was not, and is not a
pandemic. But we do have panic and pandemonium as a result of the hype of this."
Fox News contributor Bill Bennett compares coronavirus to the flu, claiming that "this was
not and is not a pandemic." pic.twitter.com/Q4oBcXKISV
The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11 and it has
been reported in almost every country around the world. Bennett was flayed online for his
"aggressively stupid" statement.
"Bill Bennett may be a self-proclaimed ethics expert, but he obviously knows very little
about logic and cause-and-effect," wrote author Ward Carroll.
Aggressively stupid Bill Bennett may be a self-professed ethics expert, but he obviously
knows little about logic or cause-and-effect.Hey, Billy Boy, do you think there's any
relationship between actions taken and the number of #COVID19
fatalities?And get a haircut, old man.
"It is deeply irresponsible to air this view on national television,"tweeted CNN's
Chris Cillizza, while neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol suggested the low death toll was a
direct result of the government scaring "the hell out of the American people."
Needless to say, if we have "only" 60,000 deaths, it's BECAUSE "we scared the hell out of
the American people," and they radically changed behavior. Or rather: "We" didn't scare
anyone. People were alarmed by the facts and adjusted -- despite dangerous happy talk from
our president. https://t.co/yTeivjA82F
My doctor told me he presumes I had #COVID19 and then
related #coronavirus
pneumonia. I can assure Bill Bennett that even though I exercised and ate well, covid kicked
my ass. It was terrifying. I couldn't breathe and thought I was dying.It was nothing like the
flu, fool. https://t.co/9BjQvC2yyU
Bill Bennett doesn't understand that the only reason my "only" 60,000 people will die is
because we're all stuck at home.I've said before. If the GOP thinks this is a hoax then go
throw a huge party and invite yours entire family and Trump, and see how it goes. https://t.co/6TR3I0MyXC
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases is an imprecise science. While the University of
Washington's researchers attribute their revised predictions to "
crucial" social distancing measures and recommend they remain in place until the end
of May, many initial predictions about the virus were wrong. When it first entered the US in
January, media outlets urged Americans not to panic, warning them that the flu was a more
imminent threat. These same outlets now tell a
different story .
Likewise, Fauci himself said in February that there was "no need to change anything
you're doing on a day-to-day basis." On Sunday, he told CNN's Jake Tapper that the
government "could have saved lives" if social distancing started earlier.
With commentators on the right demanding a relaxation of lockdown rules, and Trump's
advisers telling the president – to quote Fauci – that "the virus decides"
when things return to normal, no clear path forward is obvious.
A distinct aspect of the shift in debate from framing in terms of "dual-use research" to
"gain-of-function research" has been focus on biosafety concerns -- e.g., that a devastating
pandemic could potentially result from a laboratory accident involving an especially dangerous
pathogen created via GOFR. In light of Ron Fouchier's claim that the ferret-transmissible
strain of H5N1 he produced is "probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make"
(Enserink 2011 ) and (previous) NSABB
chair Paul Keim's claim that "I can't think of another pathogenic organism as scary as this one
[created by Fouchier's team] I don't think anthrax is scary at all compared to this" (Enserink
), for example, some critics argued that the study in question should have been, and/or that
future similar research should be, conducted in laboratories with the highest bio-containment
level -- i.e., biosafety level 4 (BSL-4), as opposed to BSL-3 ("enhanced") in which this
research was done (Swazo 2013 ). Fouchier has, in
response, pointed out that his research received necessary institutional biosafety
review/approval; and others have argued that his research (given employment of safety measures
beyond ordinary BSL-3, including vaccination of lab workers against H5N1) in effect involved
safety equivalent to BSL-4 (Roos 2012 ). Anthony Fauci
(Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) has concluded that
"the scientists who triggered this debate [including Fouchier] have conducted their research
properly and under the safest and most secure conditions" (Fauci 2012 , p. 1).
No church on Easter for the faithful. The illuminati must feel like they are in heaven.
Their goal of achieving a godless society is in reach. Well, not exactly godless since they
think the elites among them have a mission to become like God, as man was made in Gods image
for the purpose of knowing himself through man. We shall all worship God, which are our
elites, and the priests of this Man-God religion are technocratic scientists. Some call it
scientism or gnosticism or transhumanism
The idea is to transhumanistly "upgrade" humanity, create an Internet of Us, and to
geocybernically control the processes of the earth system (this is known as the Fourth
Industrial Revolution 4IR)
Capitalism. How strange so many here recognize the evils of Bad capitalism, more properly
defined as Monopoly Capitalism, or Neoliberalism to distinguish it from good Capitalism
-which is competitive capitalism well regulated in the interests of society as a whole, with
a dash of socialism and monopoly (state or private) capitalism in certain industries as
When we talk of Bad Capitalism of the sort Marx no doubt had in mind, we must look back
and recall something Marx never envisioned, perhaps because it was a reaction to the
globalist socialist theories he espoused. That was Mussolini's and then later Hitlers
National Socialism, or economic Fascism. This was more accurately defined as a public private
partnership (P3) that is so often referred to by the Gates funded WOrld Economic Forum and
those talking about UN Sustainable Development Projects, and has become a religion of sorts
in the West and also in China (more about that in a separate comment when I have time) and is
really the essence of todays neoliberalism (not the propaganda you read about neoliberalism
from its supporters)
Back in the 30's Mussolini's economic fascism was greatly admired by the Capitalists of
that day, even FDR who has been mislabelled as socialist and anti-capitalist despite coming
from the financial elite (much like Trump who is mislabelled as nationalist snd
antiestablishment despite being a globalist and financial elite in private life).
Indeed just before and after Hitler took over in Germany with his partnership with German
companies - the Capitalists in the US and UK/France rushed in via cartel agreements with
German companies to invest and transfer technology. FDR did little to stop this.
FDR if we recall was the father of NRA which was his first priority after confiscating the
peoples gold and devaluing the dollar. Fortunately his fascist NRA economy was struck down by
the Supreme Court only to later reemerge during WWII. This is when P3 really crystallized in
the US although it would take decades to morph into todays beast, and required another Pearl
Harbor to gain acceptance for the purpose of keeping us safe from Islamic Terrorism and now
the virus terrorists
One might argue that the difference between Mussolini's and Hitlers P3 and today is the
government was the dominant power then, and today its at best an equal partner or more likely
dominated by the corporate side (in China the private ownership is largely in the hands of
the party elite as individuals and not the state which serves to subsidize their enterprises
while socializing losses and privatizing profits-like the West) . Those in government, after
public retirement go on to lucrative employment on the private side as their reward.
Regulatory agencies are all captured by the private side of this public private
This is apparent in many industries. Many of you see it with Military, intelligence and
homeland security, Big Tech/Data, finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE), etc.
However, when it comes to Medical -Pharma Industry and other "science" based industries
like the Climate Industry you are blinded by scientism promoted by the MSM spinmeisters
supporting the Green-Virus Globalist Agenda. Yet both of these industries are driven by
Public Private Partnerships to achieve Global Capitalist and Global Government Control
As Eisenhower said in his 1961 exit speech where he warned of the dangers of the MIC he
also said "we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could
itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."
So looking specifically at the actors involved in the latest Pandemic, and one sees many
of them are the same players behind the Climate Terror Industry, one sees a tremendous amount
of collaboration between Big Pharma, UN agencies, national health agencies, military,
academia and tax free philanthropic foundations (Gates, Rockefeller, etc).
Government funds basic science via military and health/science agencies to search for new
viruses or enhancing known viruses with gain of function research, that Big Pharma then
exploits to develop vaccines with government and philanthropic funds in the event such
viruses are released. All kinds of money gets spent in preparing for a pandemic, stockpiling
supplies , medicines, vaccines in advance of a pandemic, studying ways to control people once
a pandemic arrives, and studying more ways to control people to prevent another pandemic
(digital id, health certificates, mandatory vaccines) . When a pandemic does arrive, all
those exercises and simulations (Crimson Orange, Event 201, Dark Winter, etc) pay off,
trillions of dollars are unleashed out of thin air thanks to the Fed Reserve and handed out
to the private partners.
Disaster Capitalism at its finest, public private partnership working toward total control
of people and earning plenty of money while doing so. Companies having nothing to do with the
Pandemic but affected (Airlines, hotels) , some of which are already in trouble (Boeing) are
bailed out. Small business owners get crushed.
This guy is really a fearmonger who after sleeting for two months greatly contributed with
his idiotic interviews to the botched reaction of the US government to this crisis. He should
Notable quotes:
"... And now, after the Trump Administration scrambled to ramp up testing capacity and the states worked with the Feds, private entities, and others (including in some cases foreign nations) to distribute ventilators as Gov. Andrew Cuomo painted a horrifying portrait of sickened New Yorkers suffocating to death in hospital hallways because there were no ventilators available. ..."
"... Well, yesterday, NYC Mayor de Blasio said that, after a few days of near capacity numbers, hospitalizations have dropped by such a steep degree that the city believes it has enough ventilators on hand, and won't need any more. ..."
And now, after the Trump Administration scrambled to ramp up testing capacity and the states
worked with the Feds, private entities, and others (including in some cases foreign nations) to
distribute ventilators as Gov. Andrew Cuomo painted a horrifying portrait of sickened New
Yorkers suffocating to death in hospital hallways because there were no ventilators
Well, yesterday, NYC Mayor de Blasio said that, after a few days of near capacity numbers,
hospitalizations have dropped by such a steep degree that the city believes it has enough
ventilators on hand, and won't need any more.
Now on Thursday, Dr. Fauci is taking to cable news to spread the message of optimism that
has lifted US stocks over the past few days: Instead of the 240k figure used by President Trump
as recently as two weeks ago, Dr. Fauci told NBC News that if the public continued to stick to
the "mitigation efforts", that the death toll might be as low as 60k.
"... will know exactly which professor, non-profit boss, esteemed expert, talks sense outta a brain that absorbs information & devises answers, and which ones are little more than industry shills who got lucky once early in their career, who are the notorious plagiarists, who are better at politicking than doctoring etc. ..."
Out in the land of 'distinguished epidemiologists' the types who are charged with doing
the hands on work of developing counters to this virus, will know exactly which professor,
non-profit boss, esteemed expert, talks sense outta a brain that absorbs information &
devises answers, and which ones are little more than industry shills who got lucky once early
in their career, who are the notorious plagiarists, who are better at politicking than
doctoring etc.
That was one of the worst decisions Trump administration made. Now they change their stance. Better later then never...
Notable quotes:
"... Part of the reason was to preserve medical-grade masks for health care workers who desperately need them at a time when they are in continuously short supply. ..."
Until now, the C.D.C., like the W.H.O., has advised that ordinary people don't need to wear
masks unless they are sick and coughing.
Part of the reason was to preserve medical-grade masks
for health care workers who desperately need them at a time when they are in continuously short
Masks don't replace hand washing and social distancing.
"... Put together, they reveal how big a share of the American markets for drugs, medical devices, and protective gear is controlled by goods made overseas. The big takeaway is that the nation could be in big enough trouble if supply disruptions were to occur in normal times (say, due to natural disasters in manufacturing centers abroad). During a high-mortality pandemic like the CCP Virus, these levels of foreign dependency are high enough to guarantee significant numbers of needless deaths. ..."
"... And in fact, the import penetration trends for these products exemplify the nation's health care security weaknesses. In 2002 -- a good baseline, since that's the first year China was a member of the World Trade Organization -- imports overall accounted for 16.7 percent of all surgical appliances and supplies used in the United States (measured by value, not numbers of masks or pairs of gloves). During the first full year of the Great Recession, 2008, this share totaled 28.08 percent. ..."
"... Keeping this qualification in mind, overall, 32.41 percent of surgical appliances and supplies were imported from other countries by 2011, according to these figures. In 2016, that number reached 41.81 percent of a $33.71 billion U.S. market. It may well be higher these days, as between then and last year, U.S. overseas purchases jumped by more than 29 percent. (Interestingly, in light of domestic shortages, U.S. exports in appliances and supplies actually rose by more than 13 percent during this period!) ..."
"... Ventilators, sadly, have been in the news, too; they and related products like oxygen tents and bronchoscopes and inhalators and suction equipment are found in a big goods category called surgical and medical instruments. In 2002, imports from all corners of the world represented 22.04 percent of American consumption. By 2016, this figure stood at 35.91 percent of a $37.5 billion national market, and over the next three years, imports grew nearly 31 percent. (Exports expanded at a relatively slow 11.84 percent.) ..."
"... exclusive U.S. reliance on China for the chemical ingredients of numerous medicines has now become a major federal government concern. ..."
"... The main foreign suppliers to the American pharmaceuticals market as of last year look encouragingly diversified and encouragingly friendly. For example, Ireland was number one, with 22.15 percent of such shipments, followed by Switzerland with 14.05 percent. But third and fourth, with 8.87 percent and 8.39 percent of imports, were Germany and India, respectively, both of which have limited or embargoed their medical exports this year. And number five, at 7.38 percent, was Italy -- whose current CCP Virus devastation could easily bring about export restrictions. ..."
"... Last year, America's leading foreign supplier of surgical and medical instruments (the ventilators category) was Mexico, which sold U.S. customers 28.58 percent of the $17.62 billion of total imports. But export-curber Germany was number three, at 9.43 percent, and China was sixth, at 6.93 percent. ..."
"... Purely domestic policy steps, like mandating more stockpiling or new recycling and re-use strategies, undoubtedly can add to national medical products supplies. But even these general import penetration figures, along with the shortage reports that keep pouring in, make clear that enduring national health care security can't be restored without a major ramping up of domestic output. And since export-heavy economies like China's and Germany's will undoubtedly work overtime to keep their American health care customers -- including with all manner of predatory economic practices -- it's similarly clear that big, lasting U.S. departures from standard free trade policies will be unavoidable. ..."
Not Just China: U.S. Reliance on Foreign Medical Supplies is Staggering
The government's own numbers tell a frightening tale of how this happened, and when.
Virus pandemic having exposed scary domestic shortages of critical medical
goods ranging from safety masks to ventilators, along with potential shortages of
pharmaceuticals, political leaders across the spectrum are finally regretting having allowed so
much output of these products to migrate offshore.
China's role in global supply chains has understandably sparked much of the alarm, since its
government has all but threatened to withhold supplies of medicines whenever it wishes. But all
told, at least 38 countries (including the 27-member European Union) have curbed exports of
anti-pandemic products at some point since the CCP Virus began dominating headlines.
potential foreign chokeholds in the nation's health care-related supply chains appear global in
scope. The federal government's best data make clear just how widespread the problem has
become, and how steadily it's been growing.
The figures come from the government's statistics on industry-by-industry manufacturing
output and on exports and imports. (The output data can be accessed through databases created
by the Census Bureau for its Annual Survey of Manufactures that are located at this link . The
trade numbers can be retrieved at an interactive database maintained by the U.S. International
Trade Commission that's located at this link .)
Put together, they reveal how big a share of the American markets for drugs, medical
devices, and protective gear is controlled by goods made overseas. The big takeaway is that the
nation could be in big enough trouble if supply disruptions were to occur in normal times (say,
due to natural disasters in manufacturing centers abroad). During a high-mortality pandemic
like the CCP Virus, these levels of foreign dependency are high enough to guarantee significant
numbers of needless deaths.
These statistics aren't problem-free. Principally, because the manufacturing output figures
are so granular, and therefore take so long to compile, import penetration rates for these (and
other manufactures) can be calculated only through 2016. Yet the more timely import numbers can
provide a reasonable indication of whether vulnerabilities are worsening or shrinking. At the
same time, the government's main trade data aren't nearly as detailed as the production
numbers. As a result, it's not possible to know the percentage of, say, safety masks used in
the United States that are produced abroad. But it's easy to come up with this number for the
category in which masks (and other protective gear) are grouped -- surgical appliances and
And in fact, the import penetration trends for these products exemplify the nation's health
care security weaknesses. In 2002 -- a good baseline, since that's the first year China was a
member of the World Trade Organization -- imports overall accounted for 16.7 percent of all
surgical appliances and supplies used in the United States (measured by value, not numbers of
masks or pairs of gloves). During the first full year of the Great Recession, 2008, this share
totaled 28.08 percent.
Notably, these imports from China were a tiny 1.5 percent in 2002, and had actually dropped
to 0.49 percent by 2008. By 2016, they accounted for a seemingly modest 6.54 percent of
American consumption. But here's where another weakness in the data emerges: they say nothing
about the origin of the materials, parts, and components of the final goods.
Keeping this qualification in mind, overall, 32.41 percent of surgical appliances and
supplies were imported from other countries by 2011, according to these figures. In 2016, that
number reached 41.81 percent of a $33.71 billion U.S. market. It may well be higher these days,
as between then and last year, U.S. overseas purchases jumped by more than 29 percent.
(Interestingly, in light of domestic shortages, U.S. exports in appliances and supplies
actually rose by more than 13 percent during this period!)
Ventilators, sadly, have been in the news, too; they and related products like oxygen tents
and bronchoscopes and inhalators and suction equipment are found in a big goods category called
surgical and medical instruments. In 2002, imports from all corners of the world represented
22.04 percent of American consumption. By 2016, this figure stood at 35.91 percent of a $37.5
billion national market, and over the next three years, imports grew nearly 31 percent.
(Exports expanded at a relatively slow 11.84 percent.)
Again, the China figures are small beans -- the import penetration rate for 2016 was a mere
2.35 percent. But these products often contain lots of electronics parts, and half the world's
printed circuit boards, for example, are made in the People's Republic. In other words, lots of
existing global surge capacity throughout the sector is ultimately controlled by Beijing.
Thanks to the work of researchers like the Hastings Center's Rosemary Gibson and independent
journalist Katherine Eban, heavy and sometimes exclusive U.S. reliance on China for the
chemical ingredients of numerous medicines has now become a major federal government concern.
Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration is keeping an especially close eye on the availability
of no fewer than 20 pharmaceutical products that use Chinese raw materials. (Unfortunately, the
FDA won't say what they are, which calls for some Freedom of Information Act requests,
But the import penetration figures make clear that supply disruptions could also originate
elsewhere. Between 2002 and 2016, drugs produced overseas more than doubled their share of
America's consumption (which stood at nearly $200 billion three years ago), from 17.23 percent
to 38.51 percent. As of 2019, moreover, U.S. drugs imports were 20.34 percent higher than in
The main foreign suppliers to the American pharmaceuticals market as of last year look
encouragingly diversified and encouragingly friendly. For example, Ireland was number one, with
22.15 percent of such shipments, followed by Switzerland with 14.05 percent. But third and
fourth, with 8.87 percent and 8.39 percent of imports, were Germany and India, respectively,
both of which have limited or embargoed their medical exports this year. And number five, at
7.38 percent, was Italy -- whose current CCP Virus devastation could easily bring about export
Nor is this pattern restricted to pharmaceuticals. Last year, America's leading foreign
supplier of surgical and medical instruments (the ventilators category) was Mexico, which sold
U.S. customers 28.58 percent of the $17.62 billion of total imports. But export-curber Germany
was number three, at 9.43 percent, and China was sixth, at 6.93 percent.
For surgical appliances and supplies (the masks and protective gear category), Ireland
topped the 2019 foreign supplier list, selling the United States 24.09 percent of its $18.21
billion of total imports. But China was second, at 15.29 percent, and in third place, at 9.68
percent, stood Malaysia, which banned mask exports on March 20.
Purely domestic policy steps, like mandating more stockpiling or new recycling and re-use
strategies, undoubtedly can add to national medical products supplies. But even these general
import penetration figures, along with the shortage reports that keep pouring in, make clear
that enduring national health care security can't be restored without a major ramping up of
domestic output. And since export-heavy economies like China's and Germany's will undoubtedly
work overtime to keep their American health care customers -- including with all manner of
predatory economic practices -- it's similarly clear that big, lasting U.S. departures from
standard free trade policies will be unavoidable.
Alan Tonelson is the founder of RealityChek, a public policy blog focusing on economics
and national security, and the author of The Race to the Bottom .
U.S. intelligence agencies were issuing ominous, classified warnings in January and
February about the global danger posed by the coronavirus while President Trump and
lawmakers played down the threat and failed to take action that might have slowed the
spread of the pathogen, according to U.S. officials familiar with spy agency reporting.
The intelligence reports didn't predict when the virus might land on U.S. shores or
recommend particular steps that public health officials should take, issues outside the
purview of the intelligence agencies. But they did track the spread of the virus in China,
and later in other countries, and warned that Chinese officials appeared to be minimizing
the severity of the outbreak.
If the spy services were really concerned about the issue why did they not warn the
public? Instead of leaking new idiotic fairytales they could have leaked a warning about the
pandemic. Instead we were given this:
If the intelligence services had taken the pandemic seriously they could have warned the
public via their countless stenographers in the media. Instead they kept the media filled
with false anti-Russian stories and told Trump that the Chinese are lying which they were in
fact not.
Trump of course would have not have believed the intelligence reports anyway. Why would
he? The FBI and CIA have for three years tried to get him impeached. They created Russiagate
based on a fake dossier. They lied to get FISA warrants to spy on his campaign. When
Russiagate finally fell apart the CIA sent a fake 'whistleblower' to launch Ukrainegate. In
Trump's place there is no reason to believe a word of whatever any of the 'intelligence
officials' say.
The intelligence services failed to issue effective warnings. But they were not the only
ones. All institution in 'western' countries and their leaders have lacked in their
preparation for a larger outbreak.
China warned us early on. The WHO was informed in late December. On January 3 the director
of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was informed by his Chinese
colleagues. After China recognized that the new SARS-CoV-2 virus indeed jumped from person to
person it took radical measures to get a grip on the epidemic and those measures have worked
well. China has only 3,255 death in a nation of 1.4 billion people. Today all checkpoints
were removed from Wuhan city and life there is slowly turning back to normal.
Since when did the CIA, the NSA, the DIA and the rest of the much vaunted 17 alphabet-named
intel agencies in the US ever provide much in the way of "intelligence"?
The CIA famously failed to foresee the revolution that felled Iranian shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi and the role Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini played in it, in 1979. The CIA also failed
to foresee the downfall of Communist govts in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in 1989
and 1991. Instead the CIA spends US taxpayer millions on brainwashing and torture programs
like MK ULTRA and their like in universities and institutions in the US and Canada (McGill
University) from the 1950s onwards.
The current activities of the CIA and FBI in promoting anti-Russia / anti-China
propaganda and propaganda aimed at destabilising these and other nations that don't bow to
the US are equivalent to a global witch-hunt hysteria. The CIA's patron saint should be
17th-century English self-proclaimed Witchfinder General Matthee Hopkins. Senator Eugene
McCarthy probably wouldn't come close to this fanatic.
I thought it was well known that U.S. intelligence services don't exist to warn the public
about possible dangers from abroad. They exist to create dangers abroad and at home.
"The U.S. intelligence services fear to come under questioning for not raising enough
warning about the novel coronavirus pandemic."
Fear being questioned? U.S. intelligence agencies don't fear being questioned--I thought
this was well-known too. It's going to be harder and harder to write articles from the
perspective of being in favor of the U.S. regime using martial law on us without completely
forgetting what the U.S. regime stands for in the first place.
The Corbett Report released a video today about martial law. In it, he shows us a German
document from 2013, entitled:
"Information from the German government – Report on risk analysis in civil protection
"In it, frightening similarities with what is currently happening can be seen – in
particular by explicitly mentioning the "SARS coronavirus (CoV)". The scenario presented,
in which the spread, course, duration, mortality etc. are described, goes as far as to make
a drastic restriction of fundamental rights necessary.
The scenario states in this respect:"
"The competent authorities, first of all the public health authorities and primarily the
public health officers, must take measures to prevent communicable diseases. The IfSG
[Infektionsschutzgesetz] allows, among other things, restrictions of basic rights, such as
the right to inviolability of the home. Within the framework of necessary protective
measures, the fundamental right of personal freedom and the freedom of assembly can also be
restricted. In addition to these measures to be ordered directly by the public health
officer, the Federal Ministry of Health can order by statutory order that threatened
sections of the population have to take part in protective vaccinations or other measures
of specific prophylaxis, whereby the right to physical integrity can be restricted".
Knowing that b is German, I thought this could be of interest to him;)
"The U.S. intelligence services fear to come under questioning for not raising
enough warning about the novel coronavirus pandemic.
IMO, this is a misreading.
I think a better interpretation is that US media is providing cover for Deep State
officials (including high-level intelligence officials) that gamed the virus response. In
that regard, this is the key phrase:
The intelligence reports didn't predict when the virus might land on U.S. shores or
recommend particular steps that public health officials should take ...
= The intelligence services failed to issue effective warnings."
But we know that they were providing very effective warnings: Senator Richard Burr, who is
Chair of Intel Cmte, WAS getting appropriately dire warnings and acting upon those warnings:
trading stock and telling his closest friends and supporters about the looming pandemic and
the terrible effects it would have.
= "But they were not the only ones. All institution in 'western' countries and their
leaders have lacked in their preparation for a larger outbreak."
Well, we shouldn't over look the fact that the top US health officials are all currently
or formerly military officers:
Head of CDC - Colonel, US Army 1977–1996;
Undersecretary for Health - Admiral, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps;
Surgeon General - Vice Admiral, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.
I expect that top health officials in other Western countries are also be connected to the
military. These officials "failed us" in the same way that our media "fails
us": they serve the interests of the EMPIRE-FIRST Deep State.
I would say that Germany's testing is far superior
to the US. They test a far larger number of people and don't have the restriction of having to
show symptoms before one can get tested. This gives them a larger base of infected so it shows
a lower ratio for deaths/confirmed. Earlier detection will also greatly improve outcomes. The
slope of their new infections is also starting to flatten - unlike the US where it is getting
steeper with each passing day.
These factors are actually a really, really bad warning sign for the evolution of the virus
outbreak within the US. The US, as a fist world country should not have outcomes like a second
world country.
COVID-19 infections, but an incredibly low number of deaths and patients in serious
condition. The numbers may be valid but if so, there's an element of luck in Germany's
The only country I've seen that has been releasing daily figures on testing is South Korea
and they've been doing it since their first case on 20 Jan 2020. Update 21
Jan 2021 . First confirmed case in Germany was on 28 Jan.
As of 21 Mar:
Germany: confirmed cases 21,854. (population 83 million)
South Korea: confirmed cases 8,799. (population 51 million) Total tests administered
So, SK has better contained the internal spread than Germany and has released more
complete information on the imported cases.
At this time, I'm not going to speculate as to why SK's deaths are so much higher than
Germany's. But do note that if Germany's health care for a virus with no cure is so far
superior to SK's, why are there also so few recoveries in Germany - 180 compared to SK's
to the US. They test a far larger number of people and don't have the restriction of
having to show symptoms before one can get tested. This gives them a larger base of
infected so it shows a lower ratio for deaths/confirmed. Earlier detection will also
greatly improve outcomes. The slope of their new infections is also starting to flatten -
unlike the US where it is getting steeper with each passing day.
These factors are actually a really, really bad warning sign for the evolution of the
virus outbreak within the US. The US, as a fist world country should not have outcomes
like a second world country.
"US has 55 million masks" "we should sanitize and reuse them"
China makes N35 masks at the rate of tens of millions per day. They are shipping millions
to other countries around the world. Sinopec even constructed a brand new factory with 12
production lines from scratch in 10 days to manufacture the PP material over a month ago.
Trump bragging about how prescient he was in handling this pandemic.
Lying about China not telling world what was happening for two to three months
despite WHO reports from early January.
He keeps repeating how he acted very early.
Scapegoating China again. What a fucking lying fuckwit.
Still don't know how many or when test kits will come out.
Blaming all problems on previous administration - inherited the deficiencies.
One reporter catches him out on when he knew about China from his public statement on Jan
Watch the following video. Trump knew about the virus at least by Jan 3 (the day it's
genome was published)
out of the reagents to run the tests. So samples can be collected, but may not be
processed. There will be more cover-ups when this becomes generally known. Attention! Forward
Here's a video of how China ramped up mask production within days of learning about the
COVID-19 infection.
Someone should have the Trumpeter watch this video. He might discover why masks can't be
cleaned and reused.
Roche, the Swiss drug company that is one of several companies working with the
administration to increase the supply of tests, has started shipping tests to labs across the
Dude, I don't give a rat's ass about Donald Trump or any other American political
Democrat and Republican. They are all scum. All of them.
But the German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, foreign minister Heiko Maas, and the
German Health Ministry are treating this American takeover threat as real:
"At a news conference on Sunday, interior minister Horst Seehofer was asked to confirm
the attempts to court the German company. 'I can only say that I have heard several times
today from government officials today that this is the case, and we will be discussing it in
the crisis committee tomorrow,' he said."
" While the plans of the federal government remain classified, recent reports have
revealed that the military and intelligence communities -- now working with the NSC to
develop the government's coronavirus response -- have anticipated a massive explosion in
cases for weeks. U.S. military intelligence came to the conclusion over a month ago that
coronavirus cases would reach "pandemic proportions" domestically by the end of March. That
military intelligence agency, known as the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI),
coordinates closely with the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct "medical SIGINT
[signals intelligence]."
Reply about conditions in Hattiesburg for Judy2Shoes.
Did some running around the local Medical Industrial Complex this morning. What a difference
a week makes. The attitude about the coronavirus is completely different from last week.
Now there are people walking around the clinic and hospital wearing masks, and some
'rubber' gloves. Signs up everywhere about precautions for the coronavirus. When I went to
pay off a small bill associated with Phyl's leg case, there was a big sign in the glass door
for the Financial Department saying that, essentially, if you show the basic symptoms, do not
come into that office but go to the ER entrance for evaluation.
No signs of panic here yet. This region is still "low information" concerning the spread
and severity of the pathogen, but at least it is now a major concern locally.
Thank you so much, Ambrit. That makes me feel better. I have a lot of relatives in MS, but
their level of concern has been shaped by the MSM. It's so much better to hear from someone
like you, who is actually paying attention.
In my neck of the woods (eastern Washington), I've been trying for weeks to get people to
make prudent purchases of staples to store away – just in case.
One elderly neighbor kept saying people were overreacting, but I kept at her, pointing out
having a few extra supplies on hand might be a good idea and wouldn't be hoarding.
When I told her that Trump wasn't telling the public the truth, she said that people don't
understand that it's his job to keep the public calm. I could have walked her through the
dangerous results of his lying (and everything else he's doing), but I let it go. At least
she started to collect supplies a couple of weeks ago, and now she's in somewhat of an
overreacting mode. I don't care. Whatever keeps her safe.
Less than stellar news addendum.
Do call that 'Assisted Living' place and agitate for your uncle now. This afternoon, local
news announces that Hattiesburg has first probable case in Mississippi. A man who visited
Florida recently is "self isolated at home" after a first positive test result. Secondary
test being done now. Test happening at State lab.
At least the locals are mentally prepared now
Be strong.
That Lake Havasu travesty is all "Water Over The Dam" now. The real 1930s War was between
the Coastals and the Okies. See "The Grapes of Wrath" for a literary rundown on that one. (No
Pink P -- y Hats in that fight. People were killed.)
Insofar as the States have their own Health Authorities, they could ban certain types of
"contagious" people from entering their environs. I have seen cases of local Organs of State
Security requiring exile from a particular State in return for non-prosecution of certain
non-violent offenses.
The balance of power between the States and the Federal Government is an always evolving
Might not it be prudent to take all personnel currently in basic training from all branches
and give them basic medic training and oxygen ventilator training and have them ready to
deploy where ever needed. The Lombard region of Italy is already considering lowering the
triage age from 70 to 60.
I know of a Miami emergency room tech who just finished a 72 hour shift, was given a 12
hour break who says they are overwhelmed and getting burned out.
b, time for a cooler head. Okay, as the Russian virologist said, a new virus is a 'meeting of
strangers', so we have to get to 'know' each other first and this takes time. So, just as we
got to 'know' the various flu varieties and built immunities to them, so too the virus gets
to 'know' us and undergoes its mutations. After all, if it kills all its hosts, it kills
The thing about 'bat' flu is that it seems to kill the old and the sick but leaves the
majority with well, flu and I'm one of those old folk (I'm almost 75 and with a bunch of
metal tubes in my heart but with a strong immune system, so wish me luck).
I think you're overreacting somewhat.
Is it because it's only the so-called developed nations that have a high preponderance
of older people that we're seeing this panic, or is because capitalism was on the verge of
meltdown anyway?
My feeling is that the barbarians have no compunction in sacrificing the old and sick.
Social Darwinism Rules OK! And don't forget, the wealthy are mostly old too!!
I'm not trying to minimise the impact, but my feeling is that it has more to do with the
falling rate of profit than the number of sick people.
Bruce Aylward, Deputy DG of WHO, who is interviewed in this article makes eminent sense
but his views have been universally ignored in the West (he spent time in China in February),
I more than suspect because of the West's racist anti-Chinese attitudes, else why ignore
virtually all of his recommendations?
"the US is particularly poorly set up to cope, thanks to our fragmented public health
system and overpriced, privatized and less than comprehensive health care. That bad situation
is made worse by the CDC being short on resources and hamstrung further by the Trump
Administration's PR imperatives."
Basically, it is expected that Europe manages the crisis less badly.
It has been interesting watching Dr. John Campbell's growing realisation & some shock
that everything is not well with the US healthcare system & he has received some abuse
but also support from Americans for his growing criticism.
His listing as requested of his 2 degrees & Phd, never mind his long front line
experience & his books I think shut some up for perhaps thinking that he was only a
nurse, but perhaps he shouda gone to NakedCapitalism.
...It is the overwhelming of ICUs and the whole health care system that makes the new
virus much more deadly than it would be without overwhelmed ICUs.
That is because it is a NEW virus and we do not have a basic immunity against it in our
societies like we do have against common flu viruses.
For your age Pat, the death rate may be 5% with functional ICUs available. With
overwhelmed ICUs the death rate for your age will be above 50%.
Consider that Lombardy, which is now overwhelmed, has now a death rate over all cases of
6% while South Korea, which effectively limited the spread through early testing and is not
overwhelmed, limited the death rate to below 1%.
Whatever you may think of the blogger, he is absolutely 100% correct here. Executive
summary: if you extend the time period over which the epidemic occurs by testing and
quarantining, you reduce the risk that your health care system will collapse, like it has in
Italy. South Korea is the case where testing has prevented their health care system
collapsing. Their health care system has not collapsed. Italy's has.
And now we will wait and see what happens in the U.S. Trump is betting his re-election on
your being right.
The Last but not LeastTechnology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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