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HP iLo command line interface use so called SMASH CLP command language.
SMASH CLP is the DMTF suite of specifications that deliver industry-standard protocols and profiles to unify the management of the data center. The SMASH CLP specification enables simple and intuitive management of heterogeneous servers in a data center. SMASH CLP provides a standardized set of commands for configuration and control of management processors (called Management Access Points) and host systems. On iLO, access SMASH CLP through the SSH port.
The latter provides a standardized set of commands for configuration and control of management processors (called Management Access Points) and host systems. On iLO 3 command line interface can be accessed via SSH or serial port.
Up to five network connections can be active simultaneously.
Note: in case of serial port connection CLI is enabled by hitting ESC. The SSH session starts after authentication.
Command line session had a prompt that is displayed after each command (or if you exit VSP):
Each time a CLI command is executed, the returned output follows this general format:
hpiLO-> {CLI command} status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED ... command output ...If an invalid command is entered, then the status and status_tag values reflect the error as shown:
hpiLO-> boguscommand status=2 status_tag=COMMAND PROCESSING FAILED error_tag=COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED
There are several keyboard sequences for frequent commands:
iLO key sequence commands Key sequence | Description |
<ESC>Q | Exits the iLO command line interface |
<ESC>R<ESC>r<ESC>R | Resets the server |
<ESC>^ | Powers on the server |
The general syntax of a CLP command is:
<verb> <target> <option> <property>
• Verbs—The supported verbs are:
◦ cd
◦ create
◦ delete
◦ help
◦ load
◦ reset
◦ set
◦ show
◦ start
◦ stop
◦ exit
◦ version
Target—The default target is the /. Change the target using the cd command, or by specifying a
target on
the command line.
• Options—The valid options are:
◦ -all
◦ -a
• Properties — Are the attributes of the target that can be modified.
• Output — The output syntax is:
◦ status
◦ status_tag
◦ status_msg
The valid Boolean values for any command are yes, no, true, false, y, n, t, f, 1, and 0.
The escape key commands are shortcuts to popular tasks.
Resets the system.
Powers on the system.
Erases the current line.
There is a one second timeout for entering any of the escape sequence characters.
Following are the base commands for use on the command line:
For example, to find the current iLO firmware version, enter the following command:
show /map1/firmware1 show
The command displays values of a property or contents of a collection target. For example:
hpiLO-> show status=0 status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETED / Targets system1
See more:
The IPMI specification is a standard that defines a set of common interfaces to a computer system. System administrators can use IPMI to monitor system health and manage the system. IPMI 2.0 defines a mandatory system interface, and an optional LAN interface. The iLO processor supports both interfaces.
The IPMI specification defines a standardized interface for platform management. The IPMI specification defines the following types of platform management:
You must be familiar with IPMI specifications when issuing raw commands. For additional information, see the IPMI specification on the Intel website at
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03/03/2011 | Alex Who
As is typically the case, I've spent the past hour trying to figure out this poorly documented task. So here goes; somewhere on the net where you can easily find how to set a friggin iLo's IP address using the builtin (crappy) CLI.I was given a couple of blades that had statically assigned IPs. The c7000 onboard administrator has a handy tool, Enclosure Bay IP Addressing, which lets us set the IPs of all of the management interfaces for blades, i.e. the iLo, and any interconnects that may be attached. What doesn't it do? Well, it doesn't change statically assigned IP addresses.
WTF, seriously? This hunk of junk is 1000 miles away so I can't go to the console and reboot it.
So here we go…
- SSH into the OA, I'm not going to say "or telnet"…why would you do that?
- Connect to the blades iLo that you are trying to configure:
connect server 7 where 7 is the slot number of the blade
- You should now be at the iLo command prompt
- Now we could get fancy and set the IP from here…but I'm tired, don't feel well, and just wanted to get it over with, so I set it to DHCP:
set /map1/dhcpendpt1 EnabledState=yes
After the iLo resets it will come up and look for a DHCP server, if you have a DHCP server you're good to go. If you're like me and have no DHCP server, but you were smart enough to think that the EBIPA was gonna do the trick you will notice that the IP address you entered in EBIPA is now assigned to the iLo.
Here's a guide on the CLI: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00294268/c00294268.pdf
Rjnoll | 09/28/2012 at 05:52 AM
This is correct if you want DHCP for ILO. If you don't you need to type this set /map1/enetport1/lanendpt1/ipendpt1 IPv4Address=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX subnet=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
NOTE!! If you enabled DHCP, you will need to disable it first by typing set /map1/dhcpendpt1 EnabledState=no
JBTN | 10/25/2012 at 05:55 AM
Thanks you very much..
By the way "connect server XX" can fail too (Unable to establish connection to server.). In this case I don't know what to do.
reset for For Linux:
connect to the enclosure:
$ ssh ixencloxyz -l Administrator
connect to the blade slot (use GUI to find out; I dont have the CLI command right now)
IXENCLOXYZ> connect server XhpiLO-> cd /map1
status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETEDhpiLO-> reset
Resetting iLO.CLI session stopped
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May 25, 2012 | My Knowledge Base
To proceed with this we will use HPONCFG utility.To write the current iLo configuration simply open a cmd prompt and execute the following command:
C:\Program Files\HP\hponcfg>hponcfg /w iLoConfig.xmlTo change settings you need to create an XML file containing the parameters you want to change, formatted using the RIBCL language.
RIBCL allows you to write XML scripts to configure and manage iLO config settings.
To modify the network settings create a xml file with this information:
<RIBCL VERSION="2.0"> <LOGIN USER_LOGIN="user" PASSWORD="password"> <RIB_INFO MODE="WRITE" > <MOD_NETWORK_SETTINGS> <IP_ADDRESS VALUE = "x.x.x.x"/> <SUBNET_MASK VALUE = "x.x.x.x"/> <GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS VALUE = "x.x.x.x"/> <PRIM_DNS_SERVER value = "x.x.x.x"/> <DHCP_ENABLE VALUE = "N"/> </MOD_NETWORK_SETTINGS> </RIB_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>And then run the script like so:
C:\Program Files\HP\hponcfg>hponcfg /f your_script_name.xmlHope that this information can be useful
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... Here are the steps to gain access to HP iLO thru Command Line Interface (CLI) via SSH
roo@solaris# ssh Administrator@linux-mgmt
Administrator@linux-mgmt's password:
User:Administrator logged-in to linux-mgmt.corp.ads(
iLO 2 Standard Blade Edition 2.00 at 11:16:29 Jun 21 2010
Server Name: linux
Server Power: OnhpiLO-> VSP
Starting virtual serial port.
Press 'ESC (' to return to the CLI Session. <-– TAKE NOTE OF THE Escape SequencehpiLO-> Virtual Serial Port active: IO=0x03F8 INT=4
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
linux#hpiLO-> exit
status_tag=COMMAND COMPLETEDCLI session stopped
Received disconnect from 11: Client Disconnect
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July 17, 2010 | setaOffice
Just ssh to the IP that you configured the iLO
emerson@shellcore:~ $ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]′s password:
User:Emerson Takahashi logged-in to ILO_TESTLABHP.(
iLO 2 Advanced Evaluation 1.81 at 11:05:47 Jan 15 2010
Server Name: proliant_g5
Server Power: OnhpiLO->
Since I will access through a text terminal, Linux is configured to use the serial port (configured through the file /boot/grub/grub.conf)
hpiLO-> help
help : Used to get context sensitive help.
show : Used to show values of a property or contents of a collection target.
create : Used to create new user account in the name space of the MAP.
Example: create /map1/accounts1 username= password=
group=delete : Used to delete user account in the name space of the MAP.
Example: delete /map1/accounts1/load : Used to move a binary image from an URL to the MAP. The URL is
limited to 80 characters
Example : load -source : Used to cause a target to cycle from enabled to disabled and back to enabled.
set : Used to set a property or set of properties to a specific value.
start : Used to cause a target to change state to a higher run level.
stop : Used to cause a target to change state to a lower run level.
cd : Used to set the current default target.
Example: cd targetnameexit : Used to terminate the CLP session.
version : Used to query the version of the CLP implementation or other CLP
elements.oemhp_ping : Used to determine if an IP address is reachable from this iLO 2.
Example : oemhp_ping , where is the IP address that you wish
to pingoemhp_loadSSHKey : Used to authorize a SSH Key File from an URL The URL is
limited to 80 characters
Example : oemhp_loadSSHKey -source http://UserName:[email protected]/images/SSHkey1.ppkHP CLI Commands:
POWER : Control server power.
UID : Control Unit-ID light.
NMI : Generate an NMI.
VM : Virtual media commands.
VSP : Invoke virtual serial port.Type VSP and you're in. To login as root you need to include the serial port (in this case ttyS1) on your /etc/securetty file or you will be given the error message that your user or password is wrong.
hpiLO-> VSP
Starting virtual serial port.
Press 'ESC (' to return to the CLI Session.hpiLO-> Virtual Serial Port active: IO=0x02F8 INT=3
login as:
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HP Integrated Lights-Out - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HP Integrated Lights-Out 3 (iLO 3) - ; Manuals - HP Business Support Center
If an invalid command is entered, then the status and status_tag values reflects the error as shown:
hpiLO-> boguscommand
If an invalid parameter is given to a valid command, the response is slightly different:
hpiLO-> show /bad
Invalid property.
The following commands are supported in this release of CLP. The same command set is supported
through the serial port and SSH connections.
The privilege level of the logged in user is verified against the privilege required for the command.
The command is only executed if the privilege levels match. If the serial command line session
status is set to
Enabled-No Authentication
, then all the commands are executed without verifying the privilege level.
The general syntax of CLP command is:
<verb> <target> <option> <property>
The valid Boolean values for any command are yes, no, true, false, and y, n, t, f.
General notes:
If the commands on the CLP command span more than one line, you cannot navigate between different lines.
Operating system-specific notes:
CLP service to remap the Backspace key to use the value 0x7f, making the key functional. In the Windows PuTTy client, the Backspace key can be mapped to a value of 0x8 by changing the setting for Terminal Keyboard to Control-H.
Using the command line 29
Escape commands
The escape key commands are short-cuts to popular tasks.
automatically start a CLI session after a successful login.
There is a one second timeout for entering any of the escape sequence characters.
Base commands
Entering help displays all supported commands.
Entering <command help/?> displays the help message specific to that command.
root context for the server is "/" and is the starting point for a CLP system. By changing the
context, you can shorten commands.
For example, to find the current iLO 3 firmware version, enter the show /map1/firmware1
version command.
However, if you enter the cd /map1/firmware1 command, then enter show version,
this displays the information as well.
hpiLO-> show
cd version exit show
The first line of information returned by the show command is the current context. In the
example, / is the current context. Following the context is a list of subtargets (Targets) and
properties (Properties) applicable to the current context. The verbs (Verbs) section shows which
commands are applicable to this context.
You can also specify the show command with an explicit or implicit context as well as a
specific property. For example, an explicit context is /map1/firmware1 and is not dependent
on the current context, while an implicit context assumes that the context specified is a child
of the current context. If the current context is /map1 then a show firmware command
displays the /map1/firmware1 data.
If you do not specify a property, then all properties are shown. In the case of the /map1/
firmware1 context, two properties are available: version, and date. If you execute show
/map1/firmware1 date, only the date is shown.
30 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
to implement the changes.
For example:
hpiLO-> version
SM-CLP Version 1.0
For example:
Where is the IP address you are testing.
Specific commands
The following sections cover iLO 3 specific commands available when using the command line,
User commands
User commands enable you to view and modify user settings. User settings are located at
Specific commands 31
All local users are valid targets. For example, if three local users have the login names Administrator,
admin, and test, then valid targets are:
Property Access Description
username read/write Corresponds to the iLO 3 login name.
password read/write Corresponds to the password for the current user.
Displays the name of the user. If a name is not specified, the parameter
uses the same value as the login name (username). This value corresponds
to the iLO 3 user name property.
name read/write
group read/write Specifies the privilege level. The valid values are as follows:
If a group is not specified, no privileges are assigned to the user.
The current path is /map1/accounts1.
In the example, username corresponds to the login name.
In the example, lname1 is the login name of the user.
HP SIM SSO settings
HP SIM SSO settings commands are accessed using /map1/oemhp_ssocfg1. You must have
the Configure iLO 3 Settings privilege to change these properties. SSO is only supported for browser
access from trusted HP SIM servers. SSO is a licensed feature. For more information, see the HP
ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out 3 User Guide.
Property Access Description
The Single Sign-On required trust level. Valid values are
disabled, all, name, and certificate.
oemhp_ssotrust Read/write
The privileges associated with the user role. Valid values
are login, oemhp_rc, oemhp_power, oemhp_vm,
config, admin.
oemhp_ssouser Read/write
32 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
Property Access Description
The privileges associated with the operator role. Valid
values are login, oemhp_rc, oemhp_power,
oemhp_vm, config, admin.
oemhp_ssooperator Read/write
The privileges associated with the administrator role. Valid
values are login, oemhp_rc, oemhp_power,
oemhp_vm, config, admin.
oemhp_ssoadministrator Read/write
Contains 0 or more HP SIM Trusted Server records. Each
record can contain a server name or a server certificate.
oemhp_ssoserver Read
set oemhp_ssocfg/ oemhp_ssotrust = certificate
set oemhp_ssocfg/ oemhp_ssouser = login
set oemhp_ssocfg/ oemhp_ssooperator = login,oemhp_rc,
cd map1/oemhp_ssocfg
</map1/oemhp_ssocfg>hpiLO-> create = hpsim1.corp.net
</map1/oemhp_ssocfg>hpiLO-> load = hpsim2.corp.net
</map1/oemhp_ssocfg>hpiLO-> delete = 5
cd map1/oemhp_ssocfg
Network commands
The network subsystems are located at:
Specific commands 33
Properties, Targets, and Verbs:
◦ EnabledState
◦ OtherTypeDescription
◦ EnabledState
◦ HostName
◦ DomainName
◦ OtherTypeDescription
◦ AccessInfo
◦ AccessContext
◦ AccessInfo
◦ AccessContext
◦ cd
◦ version
◦ exit
◦ show
◦ set
◦ AccessInfo
◦ AccessContext
◦ AccessInfo
◦ AccessContext
◦ AccessInfo
◦ AccessContext
34 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
– DNSServerAddress
– RegisterThisConnection
– DomainName
– DHCPOptionToUse
– WINSServerAddress
– RegisterThisConnection
– DHCPOptionToUse
◦ Verbs
– cd
– version
– exit
– show
◦ oemhp_SRoute1Address
◦ oemhp_Mask1Address
◦ oemhp_Gateway1Address
◦ oemhp_SRoute2Address
◦ oemhp_Mask2Address
◦ oemhp_Gateway2Address
◦ oemhp_SRoute3Address
◦ oemhp_Mask3Address
◦ oemhp_Gateway3Address
◦ DHCPOptionToUse
set /map1/enetport1 speed=100
set /map1/enetport1/lanendpt1 ipv4address=
You can specify one or more properties on the command line. If multiple properties are on the
same command line, they must to be separated by a space.
iLO 3 is reset after network settings have been applied.
iLO 3 settings
The iLO 3 settings commands enable you to view or modify iLO 3 settings. iLO 3 settings are
located at /map1/config1.
Specific commands 35
No targets
Property Access Description
Enables or disables the iLO 3. Boolean
values are accepted.
oemhp_mapenable Read/Write
Sets session timeout in minutes. Valid
values are 15, 30, 60, and 120.
oemhp_timeout Read/Write
Enables or disables RBSU prompt
during POST. Boolean values are
oemhp_rbsuenable Read/Write
Enables or disables login requirement
for accessing RBSU. Boolean values are
oemhp_rbsulogin Read/Write
Enables or disables iLO 3 IP address
display during POST. Boolean values
are accepted.
oemhp_rbsushowip Read/Write
Sets the Remote Console configuration.
Valid values are enabled, disabled, or
oemhp_rcconfig Read/Write
oemhp_httpport Read/Write Sets the HTTP port value.
oemhp_sslport Read/Write Sets the SSL port value.
oemhp_rcport Read/Write Sets remote console port value.
oemhp_vmport Read/Write Sets virtual media port value.
oemhp_sshport Read/Write Sets the SSH port value.
Enables or disables SSH. Boolean
values are accepted.
oemhp_sshstatus Read/Write
Enables or disables CLP session through
serial port. Boolean values are
oemhp_serialclistatus Read/Write
Enables or disables authorization
requirement for CLP session through
oemhp_serialcliauth Read/Write
serial port. Boolean values are
Sets the serial port speed for the CLP
session. The valid values are 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.
oemhp_serialclispeed Read/Write
Sets the minimum password length
oemhp_minpwdlen Read/Write
Sets the logging criteria for failed
oemhp_authfailurelogging Read/Write
Enables or disables remote console
acquire operations.
oemhp_rc_aquire Read/Write
(not supported in iLO 3 v1.00)
36 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
Property Access Description
Enables or disables the Remote Console
Computer Lock.
oemhp_computer_lock Read/Write
Enable or disable enforcing AES/3DES
oemhp_enforce_aes Read/Write
set /map1/config1 oemhp_mapenable=yes oemhp_timeout=30
You can specify one or more properties in the command line. If multiple properties are on the same
command line, they must be separated by a space.
command examples:
set /map1/config1 oemhp_computer_lock = windows
set /map1/config1 oemhp_computer_lock = custom,l_gui,l
set /map1/config1 oemhp_computer_lock = disabled
For a complete list of oemhp_computer_lock custom keys, see the HP ProLiant Integrated
Lights-Out 3 User Guide. Keys with a space must have the space replaced with an underscore.
For example:
set /map1/config1 oemhp_computer_lock = custom,SYS_RQ
iLO 3 embedded health settings
iLO 3 embedded health commands enable you to display system embedded health information
for fans, temperature sensors, voltage sensors, and the power supply.
iLO 3 embedded health CLP settings are located here:
Property Access Description
Displays fan, sensor, or power supply
label number
DeviceID Read
Displays fan, sensor, or power supply
ElementName Read
Displays fan, sensor, or power supply
operational status
OperationalStatus Read
Displays if fan is operating at variable
VariableSpeed Read
DesiredSpeed Read Displays the current fan speed
Displays the health status of the fan,
sensor, or power supply
HealthState Read
Specific commands 37
Property Access Description
Displays the reading units for
temperature and voltage sensors
RateUnits Read
CurrentReading Read Displays the current reading of sensor
SensorType Read Displays the sensor type
Displays temperature sensor caution
Oemhp_CautionValue Read
Displays temperature sensor critical
Oemhp_CriticalValue Read
The command show system1/fan1 displays the system fan1 properties. For example:
DeviceID=Fan 1
ElementName=I/O Board
VRM power supplies are usually mapped to the sensor targets. The command show system1/
sensor1 displays the VRM 1 properties. For example:
DeviceID=VRM 1
ElementName=CPU 1
Other sensor targets show system temperatures. The command show system1/sensor3 displays
one of the temperature zone properties. For example:
DeviceID=Temp 1
ElementName=I/O Board Zone
SNMP settings
SNMP settings commands enable you to view and modify SNMP settings. SNMP settings are
available at /map1/snmp1.
38 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
Property Access Description
Sets the first SNMP trap destination
accessinfo1 Read/Write
Sets the second SNMP trap destination
accessinfo2 Read/Write
Sets the third SNMP trap destination
accessinfo3 Read/Write
Enables or disables iLO 3 SNMP alerts.
Boolean values accepted.
oemhp_iloalert Read/Write
Enables or disables host agent SNMP
alerts. Boolean values accepted.
oemhp_agentalert Read/Write
Enables or disables iLO 3 SNMP
pass-through. Boolean values accepted.
oemhp_snmppassthru Read/Write
oemhp_imagenturl Read/Write Sets the Insight Manager Agent URL.
Determines if the LOM device responds
to anonymous XML queries. Valid
oemhp_imdatalevel Read/Write
selections can be enabled and
set /map1/snmp1 accessinfo1= oemhp_imdatalevel=Enabled
You can specify one or more properties on the command line. If multiple properties are on the
same command line, they must be separated by a space.
License commands
License commands enable you to display and modify the iLO 3 license. License commands are
available at /map1/.
Command Description
cd Changes the current directory
show Displays license information
set Changes the current license
Directory commands
Directory commands enable you to view and modify directory settings. Directory settings are
available at: /map1/oemhp_dircfg1
Specific commands 39
Property Access Description
Enables or disables directory authentication. Valid settings are as
oemhp_dirauth Read/Write
Enables or disables local account authentication. This property can
be disabled only if directory authentication is enabled. Boolean
values accepted.
oemhp_localacct Read/Write
Sets the directory server IP address or DNS name. The schema-free
directory configuration requires a DNS name.
oemhp_dirsrvaddr Read/Write
oemhp_ldapport Read/Write Sets the directory server port.
Displays the LOM object distinguished name. This field is ignored
when the schema-free directory configuration is used.
oemhp_dirdn Read/Write
Displays the directory user login search context. This field is not
necessary when the schema-free directory configuration is used.
oemhp_usercntxt1, 2 ... Read/Write
(up to 15)
Displays security group distinguished name. Used within the
schema-free directory configuration only.
oemhp_group(n)_name Read/Write
where n = 1..6
oemhp_rc, oemhp_power, oemhp_vm, config, admin.
oemhp_group(n)_priv Read/Write
where n = 1..6
You can define additional groups using additional set commands.
You can specify one or more properties on the command line. If multiple properties are on the
same command line, they must be separated by a space.
Virtual media commands
Access to the iLO 3 virtual media is supported through the CLP. The virtual media subsystem is
located at /map1/oemhp_vm1. See the user guide for more information.
You can access the following sub-components of the virtual media.
Target Description
/map1/oemhp_vm1/floppydr1 Virtual floppy or key drive device
/map1/oemhp_vm1/cddr1 Virtual CD-ROM device
40 SMASH CLP Scripting Language
Property Access Description
The image path and name for virtual media access. The value is a URL
with a maximum length of 80 characters.
oemhp_image Read/Write
Displays if a virtual media device is already connected through the CLP
or scriptable virtual media.
oemhp_connect Read
oemhp_boot Read/Write Sets the boot flag. The valid values are:
oemhp_wp Read/
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: July, 28, 2019