Why, on earth they are still using Sendmail is completely unclear, and pretty bizarre. Kind
of black mark for PBSpro developers. They base is main RHEL/CENTOS 6 and 7.
Jun '16Hi Subhasis,
Thank you for replying.
Yes, I found the src.rpm, and yesterday I did mess around with the spec-file - exactly at the
line you mention. Thanks, though.
I have tried various things to test it out. I have not actually tested any of the installations
- just verified that installation is possible (rpm -i --test), but at least it shows if compilation
is possible, and if the generated rpm(s) should be able to install on my system.
Firstly, it may be important for other readers of this thread to get a simple howto - the steps
to compile pbspro RPMs to a specific CentOS 7 environment (please correct me if these steps are
A. Get the centos7 zip-file with pre-compiled rpms. It will contain the necessary src.rpm.
B. Extract the content of the src.rpm like e.g.:
rpm2cpio pbspro-14.1.0-13.1.src.rpm | cpio -idmv
This should generate a tarball and a specfile (pbspro-14.1.0.tar.gz and pbspro.spec).
C. Put the tarball in ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
D. Edit the spec-file - I had to replace the sendmail with postfix (but see below!)
perl -pi -e 's/^Requires: sendmail$/Requires: postfix/' pbspro.spec
E. Compile: rpmbuild -bb pbspro.spec
With a bit of luck, new rpms should be generated in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
Now on with the spec-file issues.
Firstly, sendmail is "obsolete" on RHEL7 (and thus on CentOS7). Redhat writes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 offers two primary MTAs: Postfix and Sendmail.
Postfix is configured as the default MTA and Sendmail is considered deprecated.
So, if you want to hard-code a particular Mail Transport Agent (MTA), then probably postfix is
a better choice than sendmail - but see below.
For newer rpm versions (>= 4.13), it is actually possible to write stuff like:
Requires: (sendmail or postfix)
however, for CentOS72, rpm is only v4.11.3, so that does not buy us much (compilation fails if
you try).
There seems to be a better solution - which is just to require "any Mail Transport Agent" with:
Requires: MTA
MTA is provided by both sendmail and postfix (and by exim, opensmtpd and ssmtp if you have
those in your repo), so it should work for both MTA flavors. Thus, I suggest you simply change
this line up-stream.
And yes - I would suggest to include the RPM-build instructions in the INSTALL file. It our
site, we certainly prefer to use RPMs to deploy.
I'll try to raise both as "bugs" - we'll see how it goes - I'll refer to this thread for possible
With regard to the libical issue, I do not really know how to fix this, so that a Centos7 (7.0
or 7.1) build may install on a 7.2 system. Maybe, it just won't - it is not like you explicitly
require the .0 lib - it is probably just the one present in the build environment - while CentOS7.2
use the .1 lib.
Once again, many thanks for the warm reception.
Jun '16Hi Bjarne,
Thanks for the detailed email and the updated steps for CentOS7.2. This will be very valuable
for other community members as well.
About the libical issue, i have in the past been able to install pbs ignoring/supressing rpm
dependencies and then create a softlink from libical to the version that pbs needs. This is really
brute force way of making it work, and should not be done on a production system, but just mentioning
for academic interest.
The right solution (as you have noted already in the issue you raised)
is to distribute a version of PBS for CentOS 7.2 (or fix the sendmail dependency from pbspro.sepc
to allow community to build PBS from source on CentOS 7.2)
I noticed you have raised the issues on the pbs issue tracker. Many thanks for that. Kindly
feel free to submit code fixes for any/all of the issues, or leave them for other community members
to work on.
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