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Note: HP renamed the product called now HP operations manager way too many times. Also it is very inconsistent with using abbreviations. Here we will assume that the term "HP Operations manager" and abbreviations HPOM, OMU, and OVO mean the same thing :-)
There are two types of variables in HPOM:
Variables can be used in most parts of the policies including but not limited to
The interpretation of " <$string>" as HPOM system variable can be suppressed with the "\" escape character. If the " <$>" character combination is found, but the variable is unknown, or no closing bracket (">") is found, then no substitution is performed.
Parsing for escape characters would be limited to the characters directly before a known variable, as shown in examples 3, 4 and 5).
Variable are be available by default on all agent platforms. It would be possible to disable this for a node by setting the OPCINFO/NODEINFO key:OPC_MON_DISABLE_PROG_VARS TRUE
Policy: SNMP-service-Win2k with source name service
Example: 1
opcservice SNMP <$NAME>-<$SRCNAME>
opcservice SNMP SNMP-service-Win2k-service
Notes: Create required name for opcmon from both the policy
name and source name variables
Example: 2
Definition: opcservice SNMP <$FULLNAME>
Resolved: opcservice SNMP SNMP-service-Win2k-service
Notes: Resolves to the combined policy and source name.
Example: 4
Definition: opcservice SNMP \\<$FULLNAME>
Resolved: opcservice SNMP \SNMP-service-Win2k-service
Notes: Double escape character,
resolved to single and variables resolved.
The variables listed below can be used in most event policy editor text entry boxes. But you better check the results first ;-). In version 9.0 cases where the particular variable can be used and were it can't are very fuzzy and not well documented. Theoretically all OV variables can be used within message fields and passed to external programs as part of action of the particular policy. The reality is slightly different.
For example if you try to use <$MGMTSV_KNOWN_MSG_NODE_NAME> variable in the policy action
echo "<$MGMTSV_KNOWN_MSG_NODE_NAME> " > /tmp/ticker.log
that does not work, while
echo "<$MSG_OBJECT>" > /tmp/ticker.logworks OK.
Now if you replace echo with the custom script, say, tick_receptor.pl, this problem became much more difficult to troubleshoot. Still basic effect is the same. Policy with action
tick_receptor.pl "<$MSG_OBJECT>"
works OK. But policy with action
tick_receptor.pl "<$MGMTSV_KNOWN_MSG_NODE_NAME>"
behaves completely differently: it's not that OV variable <$MGMTSV_KNOWN_MSG_NODE_NAME> is not substituted (which is bad but can be understood). Looks like the whole action part of the policy became broke and script tick_receptor.pl is never invoked. Zero diagnostic on this failure -- as if everything is OK.
In other words this is a typical "Alice in Wonderland" situation with yet ad hoc "vendorscript". I wish HP adopted LUA for use for action invocations and OV policy variables were regular LUA variables.
NOTE: It is often useful to surround the variable with quotation marks, especially if it may return a value that contains spaces.
<$FULLNAME> Returns the name of the policy and the source (concatenated with -). As defined for templates, this would return the same as <$NAME> This variable, along with <$NAME> and <$FULLNAME>, can be used in the field Program Name as follows so that when you are renaming a policy, you would not need to modify the Program name field. For example:
mymonitorscript.bat <$NAME>-<SRCNAME> mymonitorscript.bat <$FULLNAME>
<$MSG_APPL> Returns the name of the application associated with the event that caused the message. Only events
from the Open Message Interface (parameter: application) or the Windows Event Log (parameter: source) will set this variable. Sample
output: /usr/bin/su(1) Switch User
<$MSG_GRP> Returns the default message group of the message. Only events from the Open Message Interface (parameter:
message_group) will set this variable. Sample output: Security
<$MSG_NODE> Returns the IP address of the managed node on which
the message originates. Sample output:
<$MSG_NODE_ID> Returns the GUID that the management server assigned to the node on which the message originates.
Because this value is only known by the management server, this variable cannot be resolved on the managed node. This variable is
valid for the service_id message attribute and in the Command box for an automatic or operator-initiated command. Sample output:
<$MSG_NODE_NAME> Returns the name of the managed node on which the message originates. This variable is not
fixed, however, and can be changed by a policy on a per-message basis. For example, if the policy is intercepting SNMP traps that
originate from other devices, you might want to set this variable to the name of the device where the trap originated. If the policy
is monitoring a logfile on a network share where applications on several nodes write messages, you could extract the name of the
node from the error message, save it in a user-defined variable, and assign it to MSG_NODE_NAME.
Important note: You can't use <$MGMTSV_KNOWN_MSG_NODE_NAME> everywhere. For some strange reason it is available only for the following message attributes:
This variable is useful in environments where management servers and agents resolve different hostnames for the same the node
(for example, NAT environments).
<$MSG_OBJECT> Delivers the name of the object associated with the event. Only events from the Open Message
Interface (parameter: msg_object) and Windows Event Log (parameter: category) will set this variable.
<$MSG_TEXT> Returns the full text of the message. For the Open Message Interface, this value is the msg_text
parameter. For the Windows Event Log this value is the event ID and description. In general, there are default texts for all editors
derived from incoming event properties (this is shown in the message text field of outgoing message properties).
Additional information about variables <$NAME>, <$FULLNAME>, and <$SRCNAME>
The execute command made by the monitor agent now includes additional processing that allows special opc defined variables for the policy/monitor/source name to be resolved.
<$THRESHOLD> Returns value for the threshold limit set in General Threshold Rule Properties. If the threshold is determined with a script, the name of the scripting language is returned, for example, VBScript Sample output: 95.00
<$VALUE> Returns the value measured by a Measurement Threshold policy. Sample output: 100.00
<$VALAVG> Returns the average value of all messages reported by the Measurement Threshold policy. Sample output: 100.00<$VALCNT> Returns the number of times that the threshold monitor has delivered a message to the browser. Sample output: 1
<$MSG_TIME_CREATED> Returns the time the message was created on the managed node in seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, coordinated universal time. Sample output: 950008585<$INSTANCE> Returns the name of the current instance Sample output: C;
<$SESSION(key)> Returns the value of a key stored in the Session object by using the Value method.The following variable is valid only in messages sent from Windows Management Interface policies
The following variables are valid only in messages sent from Scheduled Task policies:
<$WBEM:WMI class property> (for example, <$WBEM:TimeCreated> Sample output: 19991130105330.000000+060)
<$PROG> Returns the name of the program executed by the Scheduled Task policy Sample output:check_for_upgrade.bat<$USER> Returns the name of the user under which the scheduled task was executed. Sample output:administrator
<$LOGFILE> Returns the name of the logfile that contains the event which caused the message. Sample output:program_log.txt
<$LOGPATH> Returns the name and path of the logfile that contains the event which caused the message. Sample output:C:\temp\mylogfile\program_log.txt
The following session variables are set automatically and can be used to define actions in the format <$SESSION(session variable)>:
Defines the name used to access the process on the Managed Node
<PROCESSPARAMETERS> Defines the parameter pattern used to access the process on the Managed Node
<PROCESSNBREXPECTED> Defines the number of monitored processes
<PROCESSNBRAVAILABLE> Defines the number of available processes matching the process name and parameter pattern
<PROCESSMODE> Defines the string used to build the message text. It depends on the monitor you specify, for example:
The following variables are valid only in messages sent from Windows Services-monitor policies
PROCESSMODE is: " " (empty string)
The following session variables are set automatically and can be used in the actions in the format <$SESSION (session variable)>:<SERVICENAME>
Monitor state "stopped"
Defines the name used to access the Windows service on the Managed Node
<$SERVICEDISPLAYNAME> Defines the display name of the Windows service. This value is retrieved on the specified Managed Node and can be displayed in the local language of the Managed Node.
<$SERVICEMONITORSTATE> Defines the state of the Windows service to monitor, for example; "running", "stopped", or "disabled". If an agent catalog is available in the local language set on the Managed Node, this is the localized text for the monitor state. If no agent catalog is available in the local language of the Managed Node, English text is used to display the monitor state.
<$SERVICECURRENTSTATE> Defines the current state of the Windows service being monitored, for example; "running", "stopped", or "disabled". If an agent catalog is available in the local language set on the Managed Node, this is the localized text for the monitor state. If no agent catalog is available in the local language of the Managed Node, English text is used to display the monitor state.
<SERVICEACTION> Defines the string used to build the message text. It depends on the monitor mode you define:
Monitor state "running"
net start /Y <service_name>
net stop /Y <service_name>Monitor state "disabled"
Related Topics:
emptyPattern-matching and variables
Quick start: how to create a policy
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: March 12, 2019