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Logrotate tutorial

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Most well-written Unix programs and daemons produce two types of logs:

Entries for those logs, typically send to syslog daemon which writes them to disk. That means that syslog represents a built-in monitoring system in Linux. At the same time there are several non-compliant programs such as apache and oracle which, by default, write logs in different places.

Still there is no question that /var/log/messages represents a very important source of information when debugging system problems, investigating security incidents, and monitoring system workload. Weekly of monthly history of such logs often provide valuable historical baseline, helpful for troubleshooting incidents and analyzing intrusions and other security incidents.

That means that log rotation is important. In Linux this typically is done using logrotate utility. In Solaris and HP-UX) logs are send to /var/adm and there is a utility similar to logrotate too.

Log rotation is also important for two other reasons.

The logrotate is a small C-written utility (there is also Perl rewrite of logrotate called perl-logrotate ) which helps maintain log files, rotating them, compressing old, and delete those that fall outside specified criteria for keeping logs.

Location of logs does not matter. Logrotate can be used for any logs, not just for logs that are written in /var/log

The logrotate package is installed by default in RHEL and derivatives such as Suse. It is also used on Ubuntu and other linux distributions. So it is close to standard de-facto for log rotation in linux world.

For most distributions logrotate is shipped in form of RPM or other packaging format. logrotate RPM includes several files:

/usr/sbin/logrotate -- Utility binary
/etc/logrotate.conf -- Default configuration file
/etc/logrotate.d -- Default directory for other configuration files
/var/lib/logrotate.status -- Default state file

There are several utilities that can process syslog extracting really important messages. For example Logwatch which is also included in major linux distributions (although not always installed by default).

Default period of keeping logs is too short and needs to be changed

In default configuration a pre-determined number of important log files (such as /var/log/messages ) are kept on disk for a very limited time, and older logs are deleted automatically. By default, logs are kept for just 4 weeks, which is unacceptable for production servers and needs to be changed during the initial configuration of the server.

By default, logs are kept for just 4 weeks, which is unacceptable for production servers and needs to be changed during the initial configuration of the server.

To change the time your logs are kept for, edit /etc/logrotate.conf and change the rotate parameter. You can also override this for specific logs by editing the files in /etc/log/logrotate.d/ directory. For more details see the logrotate man page.


compress This is used to compress the rotated log file with gzip.
nocompress This is used when you do not want to compress rotated log files.
copytruncate This is used when processes are still writing information to open log files. This option copies the active log file to a backup and truncates the active log file.
nocopytruncate This copies the log files to backup, but the open log file is not truncated.
create mode owner group This rotates the log file and creates a new log file with the specified permissions, owner, and group. The default is to use the same mode, owner, and group as the original file.
nocreate This prevents the creation of a new log file.
delaycompress When used with the compress option, the rotated log file is not compressed until the next time it is cycled.
nodelaycompress This overrides delaycompress. The log file is compressed when it is cycled.
errors address This mails logrotate errors to an address.
ifempty With this, the log file is rotated even if it is empty. This is the default for logrotate.
notifempty This does not rotate the log file if it is empty.
mail address This mails log files that are cycled to an address. When mail log files are cycled, they are effectively removed from the system.
nomail When mail log files are cycled, a copy is not mailed.
olddir directory With this, cycled log files are kept in the specified directory. This directory must be on the same filesystem as the current log files.
noolddir Cycled log files are kept in the same directory as the current log files.
prerotate/endscript These are statements that enclose commands to be executed prior to a log file being rotated. The prerotate and endscript keywords must appear on a line by themselves.
postrotate/endscript These are statements that enclose commands to be executed after a log file has been rotated. The postrotate and endscript keywords must appear on a line by themselves.
daily This is used to rotate log files daily.
weekly This is used to rotate log files weekly.
monthly This is used to rotate log files monthly.
rotate count This specifies the number of times to rotate a file before it is deleted. A count of 0 (zero) means no copies are retained. A count of 5 means five copies are retained.
tabootext [+] list This directs logrotate to not rotate files with the specified extension. The default list of extensions is .rpm-orig, .rpmsave, v, and ~.
size size With this, the log file is rotated when the specified size is reached. Size may be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (sizek), or megabytes (sizem).


Normally, logrotate is run as a daily cron job. It will not modify a log multiple times in one day unless the criteria for that log rotation is based the size of the log and logrotate is invoked from cron run multiple times each day (or unless the -f or --force option is used).

The default configuration file is /etc/logrotate.conf. The configuration file defines the set of files to rotate and the parameters to apply to each rotation. It consists of multiple "configuration statements". Multiple configuration files can be specified on the command line. Later configuration files override the options given in earlier files, so the order in which the logrotate config files are listed is important. Normally, a single /etc/logrotate.conf file which may include "per application" slices in /etc/logrotate.d be used. The include directive by default specifies /etc/logrotate.d . If a directory is specified as configuration file, then every file in that directory is sourced as a config file.

A typical configuration statement, which provides monthly rotation and 12 month of log kept, may look like this:

"/var/log/messages" {
        rotate 12

If you see logs under /var/log that are suffixed with a dot and a number ( for example /var/log/daemon.log.1) or are compressed (/var/log/mysql.log.5.gz), that typically means they were rotated by logrotate using similar scheme

Both RHEL and Suse include /etc/logrotate.conf that is preconfigured for basic log-rotation of files in /var/log keeping contain number of generations of logs.

The options used in the /etc/logrotate.conf file are documented in the manpage for logrotate. Many options are available. Typically two criteria for rotation are used:

Old logfiles are typically compressed with gzip or bzip (the latter provides better compression of text files) to save space. They also can be moved to a new directory (see options below)

You can put multiple "per-application" sliced of configuration file in /etc/logrotate.d they will be merged for processing if your "master" file has include statement (see below). This makes possible configuration of log rotation for new services and applications done within the installation RPM, which copy the necessary "slice" into this directory during the installation. That means that you need to check this directory to get the whole picture of what log rotation statements you have.

In addition to /etc/logrotate.conf you need to check the directory /etc/logrotate.d to get the whole picture of what log rotation statements you have.

Here is a more complex logrotate.conf:

rotate 4
include /etc/logrotate.d
/var/log/wtmp {
  create 0664 root utmp
  rotate 6

The first four keywords, weekly, rotate 4, create and include are global directives, whereas the directives missingok, monthly, create and rotate are specific to the log files /var/log/wtmp. Please not that you need to analyze also /etc/logrotate.d to understand what this file is doing. In include statement is used, the configuration file logrotate.conf alone does not provide all the information necessary for understanding of log rotation on a particular server.

A local directive takes precedence over a global directive if it present in statement for specific log file. That means that in example above monthly rotate 6 directive in the listing above overwrites global directive weekly rotate 4

Let's assume we have a new service "foobar" which is configured to write logs to the directory /var/logs/foobar . To accommodate rotation needs for this daemon we need to add logrotate statement in /etc/logrotate.conf describing rotation parameters. For example:

/var/log/foobar/*.log {
rotate 6
create 640 root root
mail root@localhost
/etc/init.d/foobar restart

Of course it can be done simpler, but let's discuss this more complex example.

Here we use monthly to ensure that the logs are rotated each month and rotate 6 to make sure no more than seven previous logs are kept. Now an exotic functionality: when a log expires, it's emailed to root@localhost before being deleted as specified by mail. that can be done for daily logs. Otherwise email might be too big.

compress shrinks rotated logs except previous generation because of delaycompress. Using compress with delaycompress is a recommended setting.

Logrotate doesn't complain if the log files are missing thanks to missingok. After the logs have been rotated, a new one is created by create as being owned by the user and group root and the service is restarted.

Per service slices in logrotate.d directory

Let’s look at the slices that are present in /etc/logrotate.d directory. They are usually short, but from some of them you can learn configuring your own services better then from others. Here is one such example:

cat /etc/logrotate.d/apache2
/var/log/apache2/*.log {
   rotate 52
   create 640 root adm
      if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then
         /etc/init.d/apache2 restart > /dev/null

NOTE: The last curly brace "}" marks the end of commands to be applied to the logs defined in the header and should be on a separate line

This example contains so called postrotate script. It can be used along like an example above or with Using the prerotate script. For example:

   /usr/bin/chattr -a /var/log/messages
      /usr/bin/kill -HUP syslogd
      /usr/bin/chattr +a /var/log/messages
The format for this script uses the following methods:

The sharedscripts parameter in this example means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs have been compressed), not once for each log which is rotated.

We can see that by default this slice will rotate apache logs found in /var/log/apache2/ that have the extension *.log, on a weekly basis and keep 52 archives (about 1 year) of the old data. Apache produces a lot of log is the web sites are popular so here weekly rotation is OK. Once the rotation is completed it will restart the apache daemon. If you want to keep my own apache log files in a different location (/srv/www/logs/ for example) then I will need to change the header:

/srv/www/logs/*.log {

Probably, you also can benefit from changing the default hour when the daily cron is running to midnight.

Rotation of backups

You can also use this utility for rotation of simple backups and baselines. For example you can rotates files with the .tgz extension which are located in the /var/data/backups directory. The parameters in this file will override the global defaults in the /etc/logrotate.conf file. In this case, the rotated files won't be compressed, they'll be held for 30 days only if they are not empty, and they will be given file permissions of 600 for user root.

/var/data/etcbackups/*.tgz {
   rotate 30
   create 0600 root root
This was you can simply put tar command in cron and logrotate will ensure preservation of 30 last copies of /etc/ directory. This way you can avoid writing script that take care of all those actions.

Debugging your configuration

While writing and testing slices for new services very useful is the debug option:

logrotate -d file

This will show you what logrotate will do, without actually rotating anything, and this capability in not only valuable while testing you own /etc/logrotate.conf file and slices that you create, but also understanding logrotate actions on a new server that you need to manage.

Also logrotate -f file will force the rotation even if it normally should not happen (usually logrotate runs and rotate logs once per day from cron). This is also useful option if you experience crash or something that requires "a fresh start" of log files for troubleshooting.

If you want logrotate to execute only a specific configuration file, and not all of them, then issue the logrotate command with just that filename as the argument like this:

logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/syslog

In other words -f switch forces the logs to be rotated.

-f switch forces the logs to be rotated.

-d switch is the debug option which will show you what logrotate will do, without actually rotating anything

It might be useful to run logrotate with this switch every time the configuration files are changed.

Default RHEL configuration

On RHEL, logrotate is run from a daily job directory /etc/cron.daily/logrotate. When logrotate is called, it reads the default configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf. Alternate configuration files can be used if special option is provided on start-up. If no command line arguments are given, logrotate will print version and copyright information, along with a short usage summary. If any errors occur while rotating logs, logrotate will exit with non-zero status.

Default RHEL configuration of logrotate.conf is not suitable for production servers. The content of logrotate.conf that is installed by default with the RPM package presuppose weekly rotation and keeping just 4 weeks of logs (exceptions are /var/log/wtmp and /var/log/btmp )

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones

# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed

# packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d

# no packages own wtmp, or btmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
  create 0664 root utmp
  rotate 1

/var/log/btmp {
  create 0664 root utmp
  rotate 1

# system-specific logs may be configured here

Those default setting are not suitable for production servers and need to be changes. Typically on production servers (unless the volume of logs it really tremendous) rotation is done monthly and log are kept for 12 month (one year). Old logs should be compressed to save space. Compressed file can be viewed as easily uncompressed using zcat command, for example zcat /var/log/messages.1.gz

Directory /etc/logrotate.d in default RHEL installation contains around 20 files/slices for various services. It includes syslog, http, samba, squid and many others. They can be used for creation you own slices.

Depending on the number of daemons installed during the initial install after Linux installation the directory logrotate.d contains entries one for each installed daemon. For example:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 144 Dec 17  2009 acpid
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 288 Jun 28  2007 conman
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  71 Jan 19  2011 cups
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 167 Oct  6 12:12 httpd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 571 Aug 21  2006 mgetty
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 136 Aug 12  2008 ppp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 442 Jul 16  2008 psacct
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  61 Sep 30 05:41 rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 232 Jul 29  2011 samba
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 121 May 21  2009 setroubleshoot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 543 Feb 16  2010 squid
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  71 Jun  6  2011 subscription-manager
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 306 Jan  5  2010 syslog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  48 Aug 23  2006 tux
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  32 Oct 26  2009 up2date
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 188 Mar 28  2011 vsftpd.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Dec 14  2009 wpa_supplicant
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Jun 14  2011 yum

See also Log rotation in RHEL/Centos/Oracle linux

Cascading rotation scheme for logwatch and similar programs

Let's discuss rarely used, but useful cascading rotation scheme, in which file created by one rotation statement will be processed by another rotation statement. This is especially useful if you use logwatch or similar program for daily log analysis. Daily logs also give you the ability easily compare daily activities for the particular server. In this case you can have daily logs for a week, then weekly logs for 4 weeks, and then monthly compressed logs (three generations in total):

"/var/log/messages" {
   rotate 7
      /usr/sbin/logwatch --detail 5 --mail `cat /root/primary_administrator`
      /bin/cp /var/log/messages.1 >> /var/log/messages_weekly
      /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/rsyslogd`

"/var/log/messages_weekly" {
   rotate 4
      /bin/cp /var/log/messages.weekly.1 >> /var/log/messages_monthly
"/var/log/messages_monthly" {
    rotate 12
In the example above the lines between postrotate and endscript (both of which must appear on separate lines) are executed (using ) after the log file is rotated. These directives may only appear inside a log file definition. Normally, the absolute path to the log file is passed as first argument to the script.

If you try to generalize this to multiple logs you might need to use the sharedscripts directive to restart particular daemon once. See, for example, default version of /etc/logrotate.d/syslog script

This directive means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs are processed), not once for each log which is rotated.

Normal shell quoting rules apply within postrotate and endscript brackets, with ', ", and \ characters supported.

Specifying bzip2 compression options

As we mentioned before there is great sense to use bzip2 for compression of large log file. This can be achieved by using statements

compresscmd /bin/bzip2
compressext .bz2>

For example:

/var/log/cron {
   size 10M
   compresscmd /bin/bzip2
   compressext .bz2
   rotate 4

Examples of complete configuration files

Typically you do not modify "master" configuration file and just add "slices" to the directory logrotate.d.

Here is simple configuration from manpage, which has only historical interest and does not represent "state of the art" of writing logrotate configuration files:

# sample logrotate configuration file

/var/log/messages {
    rotate 5
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd

"/var/log/httpd/access.log" /var/log/httpd/error.log {
    rotate 5
    mail [email protected]
    size 100k
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/var/log/news/* {
    rotate 2
    olddir /var/log/news/old
        kill -HUP 'cat /var/run/'
The first few lines set global options; in the example, logs are compressed after they are rotated. Note that comments may appear anywhere in the config file as long as the first non-whitespace character on the line is a #.

The next section of the config files defined how to handle the log file /var/log/messages. The log will go through five weekly rotations before being removed. After the log file has been rotated (but before the old version of the log has been compressed), the command /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd will be executed.

The next section defines the parameters for both /var/log/httpd/access.log and /var/log/httpd/error.log. They are rotated whenever it grows over 100k in size, and the old logs files are mailed (uncompressed) to [email protected] after going through 5 rotations, rather than being removed.

The sharedscripts means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs have been compressed), not once for each log which is rotated. Note that the double quotes around the first filename at the beginning of this section allows logrotate to rotate logs with spaces in the name. Normal shell quoting rules apply, with ', ", and \ characters supported.

The last section defines the parameters for all of the files in /var/log/news. Each file is rotated on a monthly basis. This is considered a single rotation directive and if errors occur for more than one file, the log files are not compressed.

Please use wildcards with caution. If you specify *, logrotate will rotate all files, including previously rotated ones. A way around this is to use the olddir directive or a more exact wildcard (such as *.log).

See also

Putting it in cron

You need to create a cron job to actually make logrotate work. For example:

00 03 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -s /var/tmp/foobar.logrotate.status -f /etc/logrotate/logrotate.conf

In this example the command runs at 3 AM everyday. The -s /var/tmp/foobar.logrotate.status option specifies where logrotate keeps its status information. This file has to be writeable by the user running the cron. The last argument /etc/logrotate/logrotate.conf illustrates the ability of logrotate to use custom location of the configuration file. It can be useful for testing.


logrotate is designed to ease administration of systems that generate large numbers of log files. It allows automatic rotation, compression, removal, and mailing of log files. Each log file may be handled daily, weekly, monthly, or when it grows too large.

Normally, logrotate is run as a daily cron job. It will not modify a log multiple times in one day unless the criterion for that log is based on the log's size and logrotate is being run multiple times each day, or unless the -f or --force option is used.

Any number of config files may be given on the command line. Later config files may override the options given in earlier files, so the order in which the logrotate config files are listed is important. Normally, a single config file which includes any other config files which are needed should be used. See below for more information on how to use the include directive to accomplish this. If a directory is given on the command line, every file in that directory is used as a config file.

If no command line arguments are given, logrotate will print version and copyright information, along with a short usage summary. If any errors occur while rotating logs, logrotate will exit with non-zero status.


-d, --debug

Turns on debug mode and implies -v. In debug mode, no changes will be made to the logs or to the logrotate state file.
-f, --force
Tells logrotate to force the rotation, even if it doesn't think this is necessary. Sometimes this is useful after adding new entries to a logrotate config file, or if old log files have been removed by hand, as the new files will be created, and logging will continue correctly.
-m, --mail <command>
Tells logrotate which command to use when mailing logs. This command should accept two arguments: 1) the subject of the message, and 2) the recipient. The command must then read a message on standard input and mail it to the recipient. The default mail command is /bin/mail -s.
-s, --state <statefile>
Tells logrotate to use an alternate state file. This is useful if logrotate is being run as a different user for various sets of log files. The default state file is /var/lib/logrotate.status.
Prints a short usage message.
--?, --help
-Prints help message.
-v, --verbose
Turns on verbose mode.

Configuration File

logrotate reads everything about the log files it should be handling from the series of configuration files specified on the command line. Each configuration file can set global options (local definitions override global ones, and later definitions override earlier ones) and specify logfiles to rotate. A simple configuration file looks like this:

# sample logrotate configuration file

/var/log/messages {
    rotate 5
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd

"/var/log/httpd/access.log" /var/log/httpd/error.log {
    rotate 5
    mail [email protected]
    size 100k
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/var/log/news/* {
    rotate 2
    olddir /var/log/news/old
        kill -HUP 'cat /var/run/'
The first few lines set global options; in the example, logs are compressed after they are rotated. Note that comments may appear anywhere in the config file as long as the first non-whitespace character on the line is a #.

The next section of the config files defined how to handle the log file /var/log/messages. The log will go through five weekly rotations before being removed. After the log file has been rotated (but before the old version of the log has been compressed), the command /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd will be executed.

The next section defines the parameters for both /var/log/httpd/access.log and /var/log/httpd/error.log. They are rotated whenever it grows over 100k in size, and the old logs files are mailed (uncompressed) to [email protected] after going through 5 rotations, rather than being removed. The sharedscripts means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs have been compressed), not once for each log which is rotated. Note that the double quotes around the first filename at the beginning of this section allows logrotate to rotate logs with spaces in the name. Normal shell quoting rules apply, with ', ", and \ characters supported.

The last section defines the parameters for all of the files in /var/log/news. Each file is rotated on a monthly basis. This is considered a single rotation directive and if errors occur for more than one file, the log files are not compressed.

Please use wildcards with caution. If you specify *, logrotate will rotate all files, including previously rotated ones. A way around this is to use the olddir directive or a more exact wildcard (such as *.log).

Here is more information on the directives which may be included in a logrotate configuration file:

Specifies which command to use to compress log files. The default is gzip. See also compress.
Specifies which command to use to uncompress log files. The default is gunzip.
Specifies which extension to use on compressed logfiles, if compression is enabled. The default follows that of the configured compression command.
Command line options may be passed to the compression program, if one is in use. The default, for gzip(1), is "-9" (maximum compression).

Make a copy of the log file, but don't change the original at all. This option can be used, for instance, to make a snapshot of the current log file, or when some other utility needs to truncate or parse the file. When this option is used, the create option will have no effect, as the old log file stays in place.

Truncate the original log file in place after creating a copy, instead of moving the old log file and optionally creating a new one. It can be used when some program cannot be told to close its logfile and thus might continue writing (appending) to the previous log file forever. Note that there is a very small time slice between copying the file and truncating it, so some logging data might be lost. When this option is used, the create option will have no effect, as the old log file stays in place.
create mode owner group
Immediately after rotation (before the postrotate script is run) the log file is created (with the same name as the log file just rotated). mode specifies the mode for the log file in octal (the same as chmod(2)), owner specifies the user name who will own the log file, and group specifies the group the log file will belong to. Any of the log file attributes may be omitted, in which case those attributes for the new file will use the same values as the original log file for the omitted attributes. This option can be disabled using the nocreate option.
daily Log files are rotated every day.
Archive old versions of log files adding a daily extension like YYYYMMDD instead of simply adding a number. The extension may be configured using the dateformat option.
dateformat format_string
Specify the extension for dateext using the notation similar to strftime(3) function. Only %Y %m %d and %s specifiers are allowed. The default value is -%Y%m%d. Note that also the character separating log name from the extension is part of the dateformat string. The system clock must be set past Sep 9th 2001 for %s to work correctly. Note that the datestamps generated by this format must be lexically sortable (i.e., first the year, then the month then the day. e.g., 2001/12/01 is ok, but 01/12/2001 is not, since 01/11/2002 would sort lower while it is later). This is because when using the rotate option, logrotate sorts all rotated filenames to find out which logfiles are older and should be removed.
Postpone compression of the previous log file to the next rotation cycle. This only has effect when used in combination with compress. It can be used when some program cannot be told to close its logfile and thus might continue writing to the previous log file for some time.
extension ext
Log files with ext extension can keep it after the rotation. If compression is used, the compression extension (normally .gz) appears after ext. For example you have a logfile named and want to rotate it to instead of
Rotate the log file even if it is empty, overriding the notifempty option (ifempty is the default).
include file_or_directory
Reads the file given as an argument as if it was included inline where the include directive appears. If a directory is given, most of the files in that directory are read in alphabetic order before processing of the including file continues. The only files which are ignored are files which are not regular files (such as directories and named pipes) and files whose names end with one of the taboo extensions, as specified by the tabooext directive. The include directive may not appear inside a log file definition.
mail address
When a log is rotated out-of-existence, it is mailed to address. If no mail should be generated by a particular log, the nomail directive may be used.
When using the mail command, mail the just-rotated file, instead of the about-to-expire file.
When using the mail command, mail the about-to-expire file, instead of the just-rotated file (this is the default).
maxage count
Remove rotated logs older than <count> days. The age is only checked if the logfile is to be rotated. The files are mailed to the configured address if maillast and mail are configured.
minsize size
Log files are rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes, but not before the additionally specified time interval (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly). The related size option is similar except that it is mutually exclusive with the time interval options, and it causes log files to be rotated without regard for the last rotation time. When minsize is used, both the size and timestamp of a log file are considered.
If the log file is missing, go on to the next one without issuing an error message. See also nomissingok.
Log files are rotated the first time logrotate is run in a month (this is normally on the first day of the month).
Old versions of log files are not compressed. See also compress.
nocopy Do not copy the original log file and leave it in place. (this overrides the copy option).
Do not truncate the original log file in place after creating a copy (this overrides the copytruncate option).
New log files are not created (this overrides the create option).
Do not postpone compression of the previous log file to the next rotation cycle (this overrides the delaycompress option).
Do not archive old versions of log files with date extension (this overrides the dateext option).
nomail Don't mail old log files to any address.
If a log file does not exist, issue an error. This is the default.
Logs are rotated in the same directory the log normally resides in (this overrides the olddir option).
Run prerotate and postrotate scripts for every log file which is rotated (this is the default, and overrides the sharedscripts option). The absolute path to the log file is passed as first argument to the script. If the scripts exit with error, the remaining actions will not be executed for the affected log only.
Do not use shred when deleting old log files. See also shred.
Do not rotate the log if it is empty (this overrides the ifempty option).
olddir directory
Logs are moved into directory for rotation. The directory must be on the same physical device as the log file being rotated, and is assumed to be relative to the directory holding the log file unless an absolute path name is specified. When this option is used all old versions of the log end up in directory. This option may be overridden by the noolddir option.
The lines between postrotate and endscript (both of which must appear on lines by themselves) are executed (using ) after the log file is rotated. These directives may only appear inside a log file definition. Normally, the absolute path to the log file is passed as first argument to the script. If sharedscripts is specified, whole pattern is passed to the script. See also prerotate. See sharedscripts and nosharedscripts for error handling.
The lines between prerotate and endscript (both of which must appear on lines by themselves) are executed (using ) before the log file is rotated and only if the log will actually be rotated. These directives may only appear inside a log file definition. Normally, the absolute path to the log file is passed as first argument to the script. If sharedscripts is specified, whole pattern is passed to the script. See also postrotate. See sharedscripts and nosharedscripts for error handling.
The lines between firstaction and endscript (both of which must appear on lines by themselves) are executed (using ) once before all log files that match the wildcarded pattern are rotated, before prerotate script is run and only if at least one log will actually be rotated. These directives may only appear inside a log file definition. Whole pattern is passed to the script as first argument. If the script exits with error, no further processing is done. See also lastaction.
The lines between lastaction and endscript (both of which must appear on lines by themselves) are executed (using ) once after all log files that match the wildcarded pattern are rotated, after postrotate script is run and only if at least one log is rotated. These directives may only appear inside a log file definition. Whole pattern is passed to the script as first argument. If the script exits with error, just an error message is shown (as this is the last action). See also firstaction.
rotate count
Log files are rotated count times before being removed or mailed to the address specified in a mail directive. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.
size size
Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger then size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes. If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100Gare all valid.
Normally, prerotate and postrotate scripts are run for each log which is rotated and the absolute path to the log file is passed as first argument to the script. That means a single script may be run multiple times for log file entries which match multiple files (such as the /var/log/news/* example). If sharedscripts is specified, the scripts are only run once, no matter how many logs match the wildcarded pattern, and whole pattern is passed to them. However, if none of the logs in the pattern require rotating, the scripts will not be run at all. If the scripts exit with error, the remaining actions will not be executed for any logs. This option overrides the nosharedscripts option and implies create option.
Delete log files using shred -u instead of unlink(). This should ensure that logs are not readable after their scheduled deletion; this is off by default. See also noshred.
shredcycles count
Asks GNU shred(1) to overwite log files count times before deletion. Without this option, shred's default will be used.
start count
This is the number to use as the base for rotation. For example, if you specify 0, the logs will be created with a .0 extension as they are rotated from the original log files. If you specify 9, log files will be created with a .9, skipping 0-8. Files will still be rotated the number of times specified with the count directive.
tabooext [+] list
The current taboo extension list is changed (see the include directive for information on the taboo extensions). If a + precedes the list of extensions, the current taboo extension list is augmented, otherwise it is replaced. At startup, the taboo extension list contains .rpmorig, .rpmsave, ,v, .swp, .rpmnew, ~, .cfsaved and .rhn-cfg-tmp-*.
Log files are rotated if the current weekday is less than the weekday of the last rotation or if more than a week has passed since the last rotation. This is normally the same as rotating logs on the first day of the week, but it works better if logrotate is not run every night.
Log files are rotated if the current year is not the same as the last rotation.



Default state file.


Configuration options.

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[Feb 07, 2012] Creating logfile archives with logrotate

Many of the services installed on Linux machines will produce logfiles which grow, and grow, and grow. If left unchecked you can easily fill a disk with a large collection of logfiles if you're not careful.

The most common method of keeping logfile growth in check is to use logrotate, and many Debian packages are setup to work with this by default.

The most obvious package which uses it is Apache, the webserver, which by default keeps its logfiles in the directory /var/log/apache (or /var/log/apache2).

If you examine this directory you will see that there are a bunch of logfiles which are archived:

root@mystery:~# ls -1 /var/log/apache2/

Here the current logfiles access.log, error.log are kept raw as are yesterday's logfiles (access.log.1 and error.log.1). Previous logfiles are compressed with gzip and only kept for five weeks. (I know it's five weeks and not five days because I've looked at the configuration - It's not clear from this output though!)

The process that is in charge of compressing and rotating these logfiles is called logrotate and it is executed once per day upon Debian installations.

As we saw when we were looking at scheduling commands with cron there is a directory called /etc/cron.daily which contains scripts which are executed once per day. Here you will find the logrotate driver script.

Every day this script runs and examines two things:

The latter is where most of our packages are configured. This directory contains configuration files which other packages have installed. For example if you install apache the file /etc/logrotate.d/apache will be installed.

Many servers such as exim the mailserver will install their own configuration file, and you can add your own.

A typical logrotate configuration file looks like this:

/var/log/apache/*.log {
        rotate 52
        create 640 root adm
                if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then
                        /etc/init.d/apache restart > /dev/null

You can see several important things here. The most obvious is the list of files that will be matched by this configuration file:

/var/log/apache/*.log {

After this we have a collection of configuration terms, a different one on each line. In the example above we have:

Hopefully that should have made sense!

The upshot of this script is that any file which matches /var/log/apache/*.log is rotated every week, compressed, if it's non-empty. The new file is created with the file mode of 640, and after the rotation has finished the server is restarted.

If we wish to install a local service which creates a logfile we can cause it to be rotated very easily, just by adding a new logrotate configuration file.

Assuming we have a new service "fred" which produces its output in /var/log/fred/output.log we can cause this to be rotated every day with a script like this:

/var/log/fred/*.log {
  rotate 7
  create 640 fred fred
     /etc/init.d/fred restart

This will:

Any of the existing files in the logrotate directory can be examined for more examples - and the manpage documents all the options you may use in a clear manner:

man logrotate

Changing Apache log rotation behaviour on CentOS / RHEL

March 22, 2008

On a default install of CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the log rotation script will automatically rotate the Apache log file each day and then reload the httpd service. This post looks at how to prevent this action from occuring automatically, or to change the behaviour to rotate the log files if your naming convention for log files is different from the default.

The cron daemon on a CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux server by default runs the scripts in the directory /etc/cron.daily on a daily basis. This includes running the "logrotate" script which runs /usr/sbin/logrotate passing it the /etc/logrotate.conf configuration file. The default version of this logrotate.conf file is as follows:

# see "man logrotate" for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones create
# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed #compress
# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory include /etc/logrotate.d
# no packages own wtmp -- we'll rotate them here /var/log/wtmp { monthly minsize 1M create 0664 root utmp rotate 1 }
# system-specific logs may be also be configured here.

These default variables are fairly straight forward and give you control over how frequently the log files are rotated, how many lots of previous log files to keep before deleting them, whether or not to compress them and so on. It also tells logrotate to process all the files in the directory /etc/logrotate.d

The file which controls log rotation of Apache on CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux is named /etc/logrotate.d/httpd, and the default contents of this file are as follows:

/var/log/httpd/*log {
        /sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true

What this file is saying, is to rotate all files that match the pattern /var/log/httpd/*.log. The default access and error log files in Apache on CentOS and RHEL are named "access_log" and "error_log" so they match this pattern.

If you have changed the default names of the log files and they don't match this pattern, then you can have logrotate rotate your log files by making sure the pattern is in this file in place of the /var/log/httpd/*.log line. For example, if your log files were named and then /var/log/httpd/*.foo would match them.

If you do not wish the logrotate script to rotate your Apache log files at all, then you can simply delete this file like so, logged in either as root or using sudo:

rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/httpd

The changes will take effect the next time the logrotate script is run.

Manage Linux log files with Logrotate ; By Jim McIntyre

December 27, 2000 | TechRepublic

Log files are the most valuable tools available for Linux system security. The logrotate program is used to provide the administrator with an up-to-date record of events taking place on the system. The logrotate utility may also be used to back up log files, so copies may be used to establish patterns for system use. In this Daily Drill Down, I'll cover the following topics:

The logrotate program
The logrotate program is a log file manager. It is used to regularly cycle (or rotate) log files by removing the oldest ones from your system and creating new log files. It may be used to rotate based on the age of the file or the file's size, and usually runs automatically through the cron utility. The logrotate program may also be used to compress log files and to configure e-mail to users when they are rotated.

The logrotate configuration
The logrotate program is configured by entering options in the /etc/logrotate.conf file. This is a text file, which may contain any of the configuration options listed in the table below. The options entered in /etc/logrotate.conf may be used to set configuration parameters for any log file on the system. These options may also be used to allow logrotate to read configuration parameters from other log files, by using the include parameter.




compress This is used to compress the rotated log file with gzip.
nocompress This is used when you do not want to compress rotated log files.
copytruncate This is used when processes are still writing information to open log files. This option copies the active log file to a backup and truncates the active log file.
nocopytruncate This copies the log files to backup, but the open log file is not truncated.
create mode owner group This rotates the log file and creates a new log file with the specified permissions, owner, and group. The default is to use the same mode, owner, and group as the original file.
nocreate This prevents the creation of a new log file.
delaycompress When used with the compress option, the rotated log file is not compressed until the next time it is cycled.
nodelaycompress This overrides delaycompress. The log file is compressed when it is cycled.
errors address This mails logrotate errors to an address.
ifempty With this, the log file is rotated even if it is empty. This is the default for logrotate.
notifempty This does not rotate the log file if it is empty.
mail address This mails log files that are cycled to an address. When mail log files are cycled, they are effectively removed from the system.
nomail When mail log files are cycled, a copy is not mailed.
olddir directory With this, cycled log files are kept in the specified directory. This directory must be on the same filesystem as the current log files.
noolddir Cycled log files are kept in the same directory as the current log files.
prerotate/endscript These are statements that enclose commands to be executed prior to a log file being rotated. The prerotate and endscript keywords must appear on a line by themselves.
postrotate/endscript These are statements that enclose commands to be executed after a log file has been rotated. The postrotate and endscript keywords must appear on a line by themselves.
daily This is used to rotate log files daily.
weekly This is used to rotate log files weekly.
monthly This is used to rotate log files monthly.
rotate count This specifies the number of times to rotate a file before it is deleted. A count of 0 (zero) means no copies are retained. A count of 5 means five copies are retained.
tabootext [+] list This directs logrotate to not rotate files with the specified extension. The default list of extensions is .rpm-orig, .rpmsave, v, and ~.
size size With this, the log file is rotated when the specified size is reached. Size may be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (sizek), or megabytes (sizem).

The /etc/logrotate.conf file
The /etc/logrotate.conf file is the default configuration file for logrotate. The default /etc/logrotate.conf file installed with Red Hat Linux is shown below:
# see "man logrotate" for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

# send errors to root
errors root
# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones

# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed
# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d

# no packages own lastlog or wtmp --we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
; monthly
; create 0664 root utmp
; rotate 1

/var/log/lastlog {
; monthly
; rotate 1

# system-specific logs may be configured here

Setting defaults for logrotate
Default configuration settings are normally placed close to the beginning of the logrotate.conf file. These settings are usually in effect system-wide. The default settings for logrotate on this system are established in the first 12 lines of the file.

The third line

specifies that all log files will be rotated weekly.

The fifth line
rotate 4

specifies that four copies of old log files are retained before the files are cycled. Cycling refers to removing the oldest log files and replacing them with new copies.

The seventh line
errors root

sends all logrotate error messages to root.

The ninth line

configures logrotate to automatically create new log files. The new log files will have the same permissions, owner, and group as the file being rotated.

The eleventh line

prevents logrotate from compressing log files when they are rotated. Compression is enabled by removing the comment (#) from this line.

Using the include option
The include option allows the administrator to take log file rotation information, which may be installed in several files, and use it in the main configuration file. When logrotate finds the include option on a line in logrotate.conf, the information in the file specified is read as if it appeared in /etc/logrotate.conf.

Line 13 in /etc/logrotate.conf
include /etc/logrotate.d

tells logrotate to be read in the log rotation parameters, which are stored in the files contained in the /etc/logrotate.d directory. The include option is very useful when RPM packages are installed on a system. RPM packages' log rotation parameters will typically install in the /etc/logrotate.d directory.

The include option is important. Some of the applications that install their log rotation parameters to /etc/logrotate.d by default are apache, linuxconf, samba, cron, and syslog. The include option allows the parameters from each of these files to be read into logrotate.conf.

Using the include option in /etc/logrotate.conf allows the administrator to configure a rotation policy for these packages through a single configuration file.

Using include to override defaults
When a file is read by /etc/logrotate.conf, the rotation parameters specified in the include will override the parameters specified in the logrotate file. An example of /etc/logrotate.conf being overridden is shown below:
#Log rotation parameters for linuxconf
{ errors jim
/usr/bin/chattr -a /var/log/htmlaccess.log
/usr/bin/chattr +a /var/log/htmlaccess.log
{ nocompress

In this example, when the /etc/logrotate.d/linuxconf file is read by /etc/logrotate.conf, the following options will override the defaults specified in /etc/logrotate.conf:
errors jim

The nocompress and weekly options do not override any options contained in /etc/logrotate.conf.

Setting parameters for a specific file
Configuration parameters for a specific file are often required. A common example would be to include a section in the /etc/logrotate.conf file to rotate the /var/log/wtmp file once per month and keep only one copy of the log. When configuration is required for a specific file, the following format is used:

The following entry would cause the /var/log/wtmp file to be rotated once a month, with one backup copy retained:
#Use logrotate to rotate wtmp
rotate 1
Although the opening bracket may appear on a line with other text or commands, the closing bracket must be on a line by itself.
Using the prerotate and postrotate options
The section of code below shows a typical script in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog. This section applies only to /var/log/messages. On a production server, /etc/logrotate.d/syslog would probably contain similar entries.
/usr/bin/chattr -a /var/log/messages
/usr/bin/kill -HUP syslogd
/usr/bin/chattr +a /var/log/messages

The format for this script uses the following methods:

Running logrotate
There are three steps involved in running logrotate:
  1. Identify the log files on your system.
  2. Create rotation schedules and parameters for the log files.
  3. Run logrotate through the cron daemon.

The code below shows the default cronjob shipped with Red Hat Linux to allow logrotate to run daily:
#! /bin/sh

/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf

This cronjob allows logrotate to run daily with the rotation parameter specified in /etc/logrotate.conf.


Log rotation is the first step in log file management. The logrotate utility provides the Linux administrator with the ability to maintain a log file rotation policy and to retain copies of log files to assist in establishing patterns related to system usage. In this Daily Drill Down, we looked at the installation and configuration of logrotate, used the include option to read configuration files related to RPM packages, and ran logrotate as a cronjob. We also discussed the proper methods for restarting logrotate after the log rotation procedure is completed.

The authors and editors have taken care in preparation of the content contained herein but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for any damages. Always have a verified backup before making any changes.

Rotating Linux Log Files MDLog-sysadmin

Comments Chris Riney - June 7, 2006

I'm glad that he mentioned that this was based on a Debian systems, since the RedHat & SuSE systems that I work with do not have the syslog "Feature" that is described (must be part of syslogNG which I'm not familiar with). Both of these major commercial distributions manage the syslog files via logrotate.

Actually I'm just starting to work with SuSE Enterprise, and I'm noticing the differences in the way RedHat & SuSE implement scheduling Hourly, Daily, Weekly, & Monthly rotations.

A feature of of LogRotate 3.7.x that I found, (and was looking for) is the 'dateext' which appends the rotation date to the end instead of a sequential number. The problem I have with the sequential number, is that logrotate moves the older log's up the sequence, which causes those file to be backed-up multiple times with differential backups.

One item that you didn't cover, is how logrotate knows when it is the proper time to rotate a daily, weekly, or monthly file. Part of that is controlled by the status file (/var/lib/logrotate.status on most Linux system) which tracks when a particular file was last rotated. The other part is that Monthly rotations are done with the first run of logrotate that month, and Weekly's are run if the last run was later in the previous week, or the last rotation was over 7 days prior (Sunday=0 Saturday=6). So if you are running logrotate daily, then it works itself out to the first day of the month, and Sunday's for the weeklies.

logrotate notes on usage

These are my personal notes on how to use `logrotate' on a linux system.
I'm writing these notes to help me make sense of how things work.

2005-5-5: I don't know where the logrotate source went to. All of my links to logrotate are broken. The source in about September 2001 was logrotate-3.3.tar.gz. That probably isn't very useful though.

How logrotate is invoked from cron.

On one of my RedHat 5.2 systems, `crond' is started from the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond. The manual `man cron' says that cron

searches for /etc/crontab and the files in the /etc/cron.d/ directory.

My /etc/crontab file contains the following.


# run-parts
01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
0  0 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
And the /etc/cron.d directory contains nothing.

So clearly, any logrotate commands are being run out of one or more of the /etc/cron.* files. The manual `man 5 crontab' indicates that the above commands mean that the program `run-parts' will be run as user `root' for each of the scripts.

The command `run-parts' turns out to be the script /usr/bin/run-parts, which is very short, as follows.


# run-parts - concept taken from Debian

# keep going when something fails
set +e

if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
        echo "Usage: run-parts <dir>"
        exit 1

if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
        echo "Not a directory: $1"
        exit 1

for i in $1/* ; do
        [ -d $i ] && continue
        if [ -x $i ]; then

exit 0
In essence, this just runs all of the scripts in the specified directory. E.g. each hour, the executable plain files in /etc/cron.hourly are run.

It turns out that the `logrotate' program is invoked from /etc/cron.daily. This is the contents of the file /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.


/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
This means that the only file that `logrotate' gets its instructions from directly is /etc/logrotate.conf, which contains the following lines.
# see "man logrotate" for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 8 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 8

# send errors to root
errors root

# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones

# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed

# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d

# no packages own lastlog or wtmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
    rotate 1

# system-specific logs may be configured here
This is all explained in the manual `man logrotate'.

Operation of logrotate.

The directory /etc/logrotate.d contains the following files.

-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          354 Oct 13  1998 apache
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          108 Aug 28  1999 cron
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          188 Oct 14  1998 linuxconf
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          156 Oct 13  1998 mgetty
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          327 Aug 12  1998 syslog
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          457 Sep 10  1998 uucp
The file /etc/logrotate.d/apache is the one I'm interested in for this exercise. This file contains the following.
/var/log/httpd/access_log {
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/var/log/httpd/agent_log {
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/var/log/httpd/error_log {
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/var/log/httpd/referer_log {
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd
When I installed the latest version of Apache to get the PHP3 and PostgreSQL to work (around 20 March 2000) on my web server machine, I installed Apache so that the log files were in /home2/apache/logs instead of /var/log/httpd.

Therefore what I need to do now is to modify the /etc/logrotate.d/apache file so that the files referred to are all in the directory /home2/apache/logs instead. My new /etc/logrotate.d/apache script is as follows, and I saved the old one in directory /etc/logrotate.d/old1.

# The new improved logrotate script for apache on fox.

/home2/apache/logs/*-access_log {
    rotate 9
    errors [email protected]
    olddir /home2/apache/logs/oldlogs
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/home2/apache/logs/*-combref_log {
    rotate 9
    errors [email protected]
    olddir /home2/apache/logs/oldlogs
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

/home2/apache/logs/*-error_log {
    rotate 9
    errors [email protected]
    olddir /home2/apache/logs/oldlogs
        /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

For a log file of an ad-hoc utility I wrote, I have now created this configuration file /etc/logrotate.d/dping for `logrotate'.

# The new improved logrotate script for dping on fox.

/var/log/dping.txt {
    rotate 9
#    delaycompress
    errors [email protected]
Since the creating process cannot be HUPped to make it work with a new log file, I've used `copytruncate' to copy the file and then truncate it. The `delaycompress' is not useful because the original log file is copied rather than moved. Creation of .cvsignore file

Now on Sunday 30 September 2001, it's time to get `logrotate' going on my new SuSE 7.1 web server `dog'. The problem is that SuSE 7.1 does not come with logrotate software on it. So I had to go and look for it. The link at redhat was wrong, but by looking around a bit, I finally found it at I downloaded this file: logrotate-3.3.tar.gz.
[2005-5-5: I think it has disappeared again now. But here's a backup copy of logrotate-3.3.tar.gz.]
This can be compiled very simply with `make' and `make install'. There's a manual logrotate.8 with it too. The binary is installed as /usr/sbin/logrotate. So now all I have to do is write a configuration file for the logrotate program and then write a cron script for it.

(Note that since my main initial consideration is to rotate the httpd logs for the beginning of October 2001, I could just use the Apache tool for this purpose, which is /usr/local/apache/bin/rotatelogs on my system. However, I can't understand the documentation for this. So I'm playing safe and using the more flexible redhat `logrotate' tool instead.)

On my SuSE 7.1 machine `dog', the manual says that after reading the per-user crontab files in /var/spool/cron/tabs on start-up, the cron process reads the file /etc/crontab. On my machine as configured, I find the following.

root@dog# more /etc/crontab

#-* * * * *    root  test -x /usr/sbin/atrun && /usr/sbin/atrun
0 21 * * *     root  test -x /usr/sbin/faxqclean && /usr/sbin/faxqclean
5 22 * * *     root  test -x /usr/sbin/texpire && /usr/sbin/texpire
25 23 * * *    root  test -e /usr/sbin/faxcron && sh /usr/sbin/faxcron | mail FaxMaster

# check scripts in cron.hourly, cron.daily, cron.weekly, and cron.monthly
-*/15 * * * *   root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons
59 *  * * *     root  rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.hourly
14 0  * * *     root  rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily
29 0  * * 6     root  rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.weekly
44 0  1 * *     root  rm -f /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.monthly
There's nothing here to help me with initiating my daily script. (By the way, the fax commands are a bit worrying. I'll get rid of those when I understand exactly what they do. They obviously produce many meaningless message which root receives every day!)

So my next step is to look at the files in /etc/cron.d, because the cron manual says that all scripts in this directory are read next. On my machine the only file in /etc/cron.d is a script `seccheck', which produces copious useless messages to root every day and week. (I'll see if I can get rid of that some day too!)

The directory /etc/cron.daily contains a script `aaa_base_rotate_logs' which contains a complex set of rotation rules, but how are the scripts in this directory invoked? Hmmm... Maybe they're invoked from that `/usr/lib/cron/run-crons' script. Yes!! That's where it's invoked from. Yet another big, incomprehensible script. The core of that script is the following Bourne-shell loop.

for CRONDIR in /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} ; do
    test -d $CRONDIR || continue
    test -e $SPOOL/$BASE && {
        case $BASE in
          cron.hourly)  TIME="-cmin  +60 -or -cmin  60" ;;
          cron.daily)   TIME="-ctime +1  -or -ctime 1"  ;;
          cron.weekly)  TIME="-ctime +7  -or -ctime 7"  ;;
          cron.monthly) TIME="-ctime +`date -u +%d`"    ;;
        eval find $SPOOL/$BASE $TIME | xargs -r rm -f
    if test ! -e $SPOOL/$BASE ; then
        touch $SPOOL/$BASE

        # keep going when something fails
        set +e
        for SCRIPT in $CRONDIR/*[^~,] ; do
            test -d $SCRIPT && continue
            test -x $SCRIPT || continue
           case "$SCRIPT" in
               *.rpm*)         continue ;;
               *.swap)         continue ;;
               *.bak)          continue ;;
               *.orig)         continue ;;
               \#*)            continue ;;
           /sbin/checkproc $SCRIPT && continue
           nice -15 $SCRIPT
Now what does this mean?
The command `BASE=${CRONDIR##*/}' means that BASE is set to the `longest substring of $CRONDIR which matches pattern "*/"', according to my Bash reference card. This just means that the leading path components are removed. (This is done more simply in C-shell!) In the case of the daily cron job, if there is a file /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily (which is true), then the following command is run.
eval find /var/spool/cron/lastrun/cron.daily -ctime +1 -or -ctime 1 | xargs -r rm -f
The `xargs' command (which I have never seen before) builds and executes a command line from standard input. Weird! The `xargs' manual says this.
If  the  standard  input  does not contain any non-blanks,
do not run the command.  Normally, the command is run once
even if there is no input.
So in this case, the command `rm -f' is executed for each of the files with modification times within 24 hours of the current time. I don't really understand this.

It looks like the file removal commands in the file /etc/crontab are designed to synchronise the operation of the quarter-hour operations. The commands are only executed if the files in /var/spool/cron/lastrun have been removed. What a convoluted way of achieving a simple objective!!

Next any file in the directory /etc/cron.daily which do not end in the characters `~' or `,' (presumed to be edited files) are executed if they are executable and do not have the endings .rpm, .swap, .bak or .orig as follows.

           /sbin/checkproc $SCRIPT && continue
           nice -15 $SCRIPT
The loop continues is the process is already running. Otherwise it is run with nice level 15.

What this all means finally is that any script in the directory /etc/cron.daily will be run at 00:00 on each day. More to the point, the /etc/cron.monthly scripts are run at 00:00 at the beginning of each month. It all looks a bit dodgy because the `date' test is `date -u', which gives the current UTC day. But this should work, although the motivation for the `-u' is not quite clear.

All I have to do now is write a script and put it in /etc/cron.monthly. No problem!

Logrotate -- A Backup Solution by Sean D. Conway

Sys Admin

After a system failure, tracking down the media, determining the last known good backup, and starting the recovery process can be tricky. I implemented the solution described in this article to reduce the stress of performing backups. Using a program found in Linux called logrotate, I created a backup solution to consolidate and automate the backup process. Logrotate's configuration file contains the details to create the backups, compress the backup files, provide automatic rotation, and remove stale files.

Logrotate is a utility designed to handle the management of log files. Logrotate maintains a series of log files, automatically rotates the files, and removes the files based on the parameters provided in a configuration file. You can specify the name of any file in the logrotate configuration file, it is treated the same as a log file.

I used logrotate when I worked with Red Hat (RH) 6.0. Since then, I have found it to be part of a standard RH install. The current version is available from:
The program can be installed with an rpm -Uvh logrotate-3.6.4-1.i386.rpm (current RH 7.3 version) command. Following are a few points of interest in the logrotate tour:

/usr/sbin/logrotate -- Utility residence
/etc/logrotate.conf -- Default configuration file
/etc/logrotate.d -- Default directory for other configuration files
/var/lib/logrotate.status -- Default state file

On RH, logrotate is run from a daily job directory /etc/cron.daily/logrotate. When logrotate is called, it obtains information about which files it is processing by using the default configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf. Alternate configuration files can be used if optioned. The configuration file defines the file to rotate and the parameters to apply. A configuration file entry may look like this:

"/var/log/logfile.log" {
        rotate 7
Using the configuration shown here, the file logfile.log would be compressed and rotated and given the name of logfile.log.1.gz. After day two, the file logfile.log.1.gz would be rotated to logfile.log.2.gz and new copy of logfile.log.1.gz produced from logfile.log. At the end of the configuration file schedule, the directory would contain seven copies of the database. On the eighth day, the copy with the extension logfile.log.7.gz would be replaced with another rotated copy. A long listing (ls -al) in the directory would display seven copies of the database files, with dates preserved from when they were first created.

The man pages for logrotate explain the parameters used to control logrotate. The remainder of this article describes how logrotate can be used to produce a backup schema.

When planning the backup process, I used a variation on the grandfather-father-son backup tape rotation method. The backup set consists of grandfather(monthly), father(weekly), and son(daily) as shown in Figure 1.

Under this grandfather-father-son implementation method, a full backup is performed every day (Monday-Sunday); a full backup of the oldest daily is preserved every Sunday; a full backup of the oldest weekly is preserved the last day of a four-week cycle. This assumes you start the daily cycle on a Monday. After 1 year, 6 dailies, 3 weeklies, and 12 monthly copies are preserved.

Logrotate works similarly to a stack in programming. As each file is rotated, it is pushed onto the stack and forces other files down the stack. The size of the stack is determined by the rotate value in the logrotate configuration file. Once the stack capacity is reached, the first file in gets pushed out. Figure 1 illustrates the idea.

To produce the backup schema shown in Figure 1, create the configuration file /etc/logrotate_backup.conf from the following listing:

#Description:script designed to produce backups
#Author: Sean D. Conway
#Wed Aug 28 18:12:59 CDT 2002
#replace the path to be backed up.
#don't remove "" good for files that have spaces.
#maintain the "." file extensions this will preserve the frequency

#daily (son)
"/home/oracle/backup/database" {
        rotate 7

#weekly (father)
"/home/oracle/backup/database.7.gz" {
        rotate 4

#monthly (grandfather)
"/home/oracle/backup/database.7.gz.4" {
        rotate 12
This configuration file is divided into three sections: daily, weekly, and monthly. The following listing provides some comments to explain the parameter lines found in the script:
#daily (son)                         <--comments line
"/home/oracle/backup/database" {     <--file to rotate
        daily                        <--rotation schedule
        rotate 7                     <--rotation interval
        compress                     <--compress the file
The parameters here enable the logrotate program to rotate and compress daily a file called database. The rotation interval is seven. At the end of one week, the storage directory will contain the following files: database.1.gz, database.2.gz, database.3.gz, database.4.gz, database.5.gz, and database.6.gz. The weekly configuration would rotate the file database.7.gz to database.7.gz.1. The file database.1.gz would be the most current.

The logrotate utility can access the configuration files using two methods:

1. The configuration file can be placed in the default configuration file directory /etc/logrotate.d. This directory is listed in logrotates default configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf. All files in /etc/logrotate.d are additional configuration files that will be processed by the program.

2. An alternate method is to force the logrotate program to use an alternate configuration file from a command line. The following is the cron entry to support logrotate running each day at 07:00 using a configuration file called /etc/logrotate_backup.conf.

00 07 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate_backup.conf
I prefer the second method because it allows more flexible scheduling.

The logrotate backup mechanism is used to support three database servers as shown in Figure 2. Each database server produces a backup file and sends it to a server called a tape_gate. On the tape_gate server, logrotate runs daily and takes care of producing the rotation schema. The complete backup series is exported to tape for offsite storage.

Tape_gate also runs a licensed tape client for accessing the tape silo. This configuration allows the administrators to use the client software to schedule and access the backups. The administrator can use the backups stored locally or pull the file back from the tape storage device. All the file creation dates are preserved, and a simple grep on a month name will produce a list of backup files available for that month.

To get support for this backup solution, I had to address some design limitations. This implementation requires a server to process the backups. The horsepower required for the server is minimal. For this installation, I used a reclaimed Pentium desktop with an additional cost of two hard drives. It does provide an alternate point for accessing backups. I find it easier to access a backup from a disk rather than searching a tape library.

Backup files are moved from the source to tape_gate using secure ftp. At selective network slow periods the additional network traffic is acceptable. Secure ftp provides access to a ready backup from tape_gate if needed.

Table 1 shows the complete set of filenames after a one-year cycle. The drive capacity must be sufficient to support the number of system backups being handled. The cost for hard drive capacity today is lower than it was ten years ago. Sixty-gig IDE drives are common. At 14-MB compressed, I was able to get all the backups on a 60-GB drive. The three-database server backups total 500 MB compressed.

The feature that sold this design was cost. A client license for accessing the tape silo costs $1200. Each of the databases runs a different operating system, so each would have needed a different client license. Instead, two drives cost $300 and $1200 for one client license for tape_gate; I saved $2100. The alternative was to create NFS mount on all the servers.

I have been asked to add additional backups to the server. It seems this common approach to backups for a variety of systems can make life easier for administrators. Certainly, one common backup mechanism for all systems is easier to remember than a different backup method for each system.

Sean D. Conway is a former college instructor turned Network System Specialist for a regional telecommunications company in Canada. Working with administrators, they are responsible for the care and feeding of operational support systems inside the telecommunication cloud. He still dabbles in network theory lectures. His formal electronic engineering technology training and education background are valuable tools in achieving a goal -- making learning about computers and networks easier.

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Custom version of logrotate


logrotate rotates log files into an archive. The name of the archived file is based on the date, so the ssh log would be saved to /archives/2003/ssh/2003-01-01.gz, for example.

logrotate handles multilog directories by concatenating all fully processed logs and saving the combined contents.

After rotating each log, logrotate will normally delete it (you can tell it not to) and may optionally touch the file (useful for Solaris syslog, which expects to log to an existing file!) and/or run a script of your choice (useful to send a HUP signal, for example). logrotate can optionally be told to do something before it starts work and/or do something when it has finished.


Edit the logrotate script and set the global variables listed at the top.

Specifies the root for the archived logs.
Default: /archives

Commands to be executed before doing anything else.
Example: svc -d /service/mysql
Default: <nothing>

Commands to be executed immediately before exiting.
Example: svc -u /service/mysql
Default: <nothing>

Set this to anything and logrotate will be verbose. You can also use the -v flag when running the script.

Then set the paths to needed tools if necessary. In some cases you may need to set custom paths to the GNU versions of tools.

Path to GNU date.
Example: /usr/local/bin/gdate
Default: date

Path to GNU gzip.
Example: /usr/local/bin/gzip
Default: gzip

Next you need to define which services are going to be rotated. Edit the logs variable for that. Each entry in logs is just a label and can be named anything you like. For example, you might say:

logs="qmail mysql"

This would tell logrotate to expect directives defining how to rotate qmail and MySQL logs.

For each entry in the logs line, you must define two variables: path_xxx and files_xxx. The path variable tells logrotate where the logs are stored. Using the qmail example above, you might write


The files variable lists the files (or multilog directories) which should be rotated. You can put wildcards and other shell stuff in here if you want.


files_qmail="send smtpd pop3d"


logrotate uses the path and files variables together to determine what to rotate. Still with the example above, it would rotate /var/log/qmail/send, /var/log/qmail/smtpd and /var/log/qmail/pop3d.

The archived files would be stored in /archives/year/send/year-month-day.gz etc.

There are some optional variables which you can set for each log target.

If this is set, logrotate won't delete files after archiving them. In any case, logrotate will never delete files if the archive operation failed.

If this is set, logrotate will touch files after archiving and (maybe) deleting the originals.

Commands to be run before rotating files.
Example: hup_apache="killall -1 httpd"

If this is set, logrotate will copy files and then operate on the copies. This is not the default because it means using up much more disk space but it is useful to rotate logs from a program which keeps filehandles open but which you don't want to HUP.

Subdirectory of $archive where logs should be be rotated.
Example: prefix_qmail=qmail
qmail logs would now be archived under /archives/year/qmail.

Appended to filename when choosing path for archived log.
Example: suffix_qmail=.log
qmail logs would now be archived under /archives/year/xxx.log.

Suffix appended when logs are kept (keep_xxx is set). Defaults to .old when unset.
Example: old_apache=.yesterday



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