Is MAGA bomber a false flag operation: Anthrax mailings anyone ?
Trump-supporting bodybuilder
charged over 'MAGA bomb' spree 'was caught by single fingerprint' as cops warn of more devices
Trump-supporting bodybuilder charged over ‘MAGA bomb’ spree ‘was caught by single fingerprint’ as cops warn of more devices.The suspect
is a bodybuilding strip club worker whose van was covered in Trump stickers including one showing Democrat Hillary Clinton in crosshairs
His cousin Lenny Altieri told the Associated Press that the 56-year-old is a former stripper who he described as a "lunatic."
.... ... ...
The so called "MAGA bomber"
sent devices to a dozen public figures who have been vocal critics of the Trump and his policies.
Along with the Clintons and the Obamas, former Vice President Joe Biden and Oscar winning actor De Niro have all been targeted
in the wave of mail bombs.
Other targets have included billionaire George Soros, CNN's New York studios, congresswomen Waters and Debbie Wasserman Shultz,
as well as Obama's former Attorney General Eric Holder.
If this is not susperious of false flag operation I do not know what is. Anthrax mailings anyw=one ?
The devices are made from PVC tubing attached to a digital clock, and were reportedly packed with sulphur as explosive and shards
of glass as shrapnel. Strange method to make a mail bomb.
- 20181101 : When "bomb-like devices" were "intercepted" throughout last week the first rection was who planed them? Their targets were a roll call of CIAL connected neolineral "resistance" heroes like Soros, Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan ( Nov 01, 2018 , )
- 20181101 : I suspect Cesar Sayoc is a straight up patsy. What strikes me is that the US empire and its faithful servants are resorting to old-fashioned and imported (out of the Goebbels manual, or if you like the Comintern manual) techniques to try and maintain their hold on public opinion. ( Nov 01, 2018 , )
- 20181028 : There is Panic Among the Oligarchs That Trump May Turn the Election -- Dangerous Diversions Are Appearing Everywhere LaRoucheP ( Oct 28, 2018 , )
- 20181028 : Arrest of bomb scare suspect heightens political warfare in Washington ( Oct 28, 2018 , )
- 20181028 : Nation Transfixed In Horror By Toy Bombs While Destroying Lives With Real Ones by Caitlin Johnstone ( Oct 28, 2018 , )
- 20181028 : Political pundit reported the bombing suspect to Twitter two weeks ago when he sent her a death threat after she appeared on Fox News - and he threatened Joe Biden and others - yet Twitter did nothing ( )
- 20181027 : False flag election tricks ( Oct 27, 2018 , )
- 20181027 : Regarding the "MAGA Bomber", a serial Law offender, apparently, never jailed (How is that? An informant?), sending innocuous failed bombs (the kind that these plants are always given) to the most rabid Trump's critics, just weeks before mid-terms, prompting these critics to air their "higher moral ground", non-stop ( Oct 27, 2018 , )
- 20181027 : wayfarer ( Oct 27, 2018 , )
Now, this works much better if your disturbed individual is actually obsessed with something
political, like, say, if he's a Donald Trump fanatic who has plastered the windows of the van
he's living in with all sorts of blatantly psychotic artwork deifying Donald Trump and
demonizing Donald Trump's political opponents, but you'll have to work with what your lunatic
gives you. In any event, whatever his pathology, you will need to de-pathologize your psycho,
so you can misrepresent him as a "domestic terrorist," and then associate whatever "ideology"
you've just painted onto him with "terrorism."
If that sounds a little complicated, don't worry, folks, it's really not! The ruling classes
and the corporate media just provided us with a demonstration of the
Putin-Nazi-Terrorist-O-Matic in action, which proves how easy-to-use it is. In the span of just
a single week, they whipped up so much mass paranoia that
These Putin-Nazi Terrorist "bomb-like devices" were "intercepted" throughout last week.
Their targets were a roll call of Resistance heroes, Soros, Obama, Hillary Clinton, John
Brennan, the offices of CNN, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, and, yes, even Robert De
Niro! Putin-Nazi panic paralyzed the nation! The neoliberal corporate media (who, remember, are
serious, respected professionals, not conspiracist nuts like Alex Jones) began pouring out
pieces informing the world that Donald Trump was behind these attacks, or had encouraged,
"emboldened," or "inspired" whoever was with
his violent, neo-Hitlerian rhetoric .
Rational , says:
October 30, 2018
at 2:07 am GMT
Great article, Sir.
Cesar is being painted as a white mail Republican terrorist.
He is neither white, nor mail, nor male, nor a Republican.
A real male does not strip in public.
He is a democrat as per:
Democrat did a good job of mailing plumbing supplies to his own friends.
How much did Soros pay him?
animalogic , says:
October 30, 2018
at 8:13 am GMT
So far I haven't heard exactly what the chemical make-up of these "pipe bombs" is none of
which detonated or even initiated a detonation sequence. No doubt the authorities will get
around to this trifling little fact in their own good time (ie when it has best propaganda
Jeff Stryker ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 4:45 am GMT
"Get one over on the crowd"
The problem with the angriest whites who want change is that they don't have any F@CKING
Even if the Left did not have the money to suppress the Alt-Right like Gavin, they have
the money for better production values. More people will watch Oprah than the Alt-Right. They
can get more air time. Hollywood will spend more money. They always have more
Our White Nationalist leaders are not billionaires. Tommy Morrison is not a self-made
millionaire. Richard Spencer the same.
These are average whites you meet in the street.
Tech billionaires, media moguls and globalists are all much more wealthy. They are not
white proles with few contacts in the business or media world who are out with the other
squirming proles on the street.
Jeff Stryker ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 4:45 am GMT
"Get one over on the crowd"
The problem with the angriest whites who want change is that they don't have any F@CKING
Even if the Left did not have the money to suppress the Alt-Right like Gavin, they have
the money for better production values. More people will watch Oprah than the Alt-Right. They
can get more air time. Hollywood will spend more money. They always have more
Our White Nationalist leaders are not billionaires. Tommy Morrison is not a self-made
millionaire. Richard Spencer the same.
These are average whites you meet in the street.
Tech billionaires, media moguls and globalists are all much more wealthy. They are not
white proles with few contacts in the business or media world who are out with the other
squirming proles on the street.
Hans Vogel , says:
October 31, 2018
at 8:48 am GMT
Good piece, though I miss the historical dimension. The described mechanism seems to me to
have been taken right out of the Goebbels manual, or if you like the Comintern manual. Which
were in turn inspired by the instructions of people like Edward Bernays.
What strikes me is that the US empire and its faithful servants are resorting to
old-fashioned and imported (stolen, "un-American") techniques to try and maintain their hold
on public opinion. I guess, here the economic benefits of the systematic dismantling of the
educational system all over the "West" are paying off! Which just proves the advantages of
stubbornly concentrating publc spending on armaments instead of education: it has a side
effect of making people so stupid they believe just anything.
Still, I wonder how it will be possible to keep repeating the old fairytale of why it was
necessary to fight the evil Nazis. If outright Nazism is what the US empire is all about, why
did they bother about fighting Hitler?
Probably because he was not "American." Or was it because the original Nazis spent quite a
bit on education?
Truther , says: October 31, 2018
at 10:37 am GMT
Nice Satire from C.J.
I suspect Cesar Sayoc is a straight up patsy. As Mr Hopkins points out, none of the
bombs(sic) had an earthly chance of exploding. Mr Sayoc was discovered due to DNA evidence no
doubt left on the beer cans he made the bombs out of. Its straight out of the Anthrax post
9/11 playbook but fortunately without deadly consequences. How the dumb American Sheeple
(apart from most readers of course) can't see it is beyond me.
In terms of lone nut being the harbinger of domestic terrorism we had this in the UK with
the Jo Cox case in 2016, where the mentally ill individual ( who I strongly suspect was
controlled by the Deep State) was hustled off to the Old Bailey accused of being a white
supremacist Brexit supporting terrorist and convicted in 3 days flat. No explanation of where
he actually acquired his gun, why for such a racist he didnt harm Cox's Asian assistant even
when she hit him with a handbag etc etc
Robert D Bowers is of course a homicidal maniac, Trump hater and gift horse to the ADL who
have their first real anti- semitism case in decades. Makes a change from blacks or policemen
shouting 'oy vey' or some other gross obscenity at Brooklyn Jews
Truther , says: October 31, 2018
at 10:40 am GMT
Vogel Absolutely agree the dumbing down of education especially the absence of any
critical thinking despite the presence of so called civics or citizenship on the curriculum
is crucial to the success of the propaganda effort
Stephen Paul
Foster , says: Website October 31, 2018
at 11:19 am GMT
No society can manage all of its fringe lunatics all of the time. So when one occasionally
goes off rails ("postal" as they used to say) the ideologues who manage the propaganda
outlets know that pointing to the obvious reality of the event doesn't advance the agenda.
And, luckily for them there is always a handy abstraction, a scary "ism" or "obia" to hang on
the event and smear a whole bunch of folks whose manners they disapprove of.
Jake , says: October 31, 2018
at 11:30 am GMT
Neoliberal Multicultural Globalist Capitalism is the new Marxism. Its true believers have
learned from the failures of Marxists to rule the world forever, forcing the deplorable white
trash to accept being cogs for ideological good, how to get the job done.
mcohen , says:
October 31, 2018
at 11:40 am GMT
Whats more concerning is something stormy daniels said about trump ..that he is out of his
depth.she might have ulterior motives but it somehow rings true.Combine that with sayoc and
bowers types and one has to wonder how many more are there out there just waiting to make
america great again
jilles dykstra
, says: October 31, 2018
at 12:21 pm GMT
" news is just coming in from Guardian columnist Christina Patterson that Jeremy Corbyn and
the Labour Party are also responsible for the Pittsburgh attack, "
I wonder if it is known that Soros owns the Guardian, so that, I fear, to the list CNN,
Washpost and NYT, Guardian can be added.
As I wrote here just a few hours ago, I wondered why there was no political follow up on the
Pittsburgh massacre.
But possibly this is it.
Cynics like me, who understand Pearl Harbour, Liberty, possibly Kennedy and Diana, certainly
Sept 11, now wonder 'who did it ?', and 'why were just ten jews killed ?'.
Automatic weapons are freely available in the USA, what a few Muslims can do in Paris should
be quite easy in the USA.
It is common practice with political murders to kill the murderer, such as Lee Harvey Oswald,
dead men cannot talk.
But after the murder of Anna Lyndh it seems possible that better ways have been found to hide
political murders.
jilles dykstra
, says: October 31, 2018
at 12:30 pm GMT
Vogel If Hitler was the problem, why was not Germany beaten in 1938, when both the Chech
and the Polish armies still existed ?
Attacked by Poland, Chechoslovakia, Britain and France, possibly the USSR too, Hitler Germany
would have been beaten in a few weeks, historians agree on this.
Historians debating this question agree on the only possible solution: that Roosevelt wanted
a long war, in which the USA would be the victor.
Dividing up Germany somehow between the mentioned four or five countries would bring the USA
Johnny Walker
Read , says: October 31, 2018
at 12:51 pm GMT
It's all really quite simple, welcome to Orwell's 1984.
Anon [424] Disclaimer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 1:44 pm GMT
DESERT FOX , says:
October 31, 2018
at 2:12 pm GMT
These false flags are a part of the deep states efforts to keep the American people in a
state of terror and hysteria to accept more and more government control over our lives and as
long as the people accept these acts at face value without doing any checking on the facts ,
the deep state will have succeeded.
aandrews , says:
October 31, 2018
at 2:45 pm GMT
" as if your wack job was actually a rational person and not just a totally paranoid geek who
decided to attempt to assassinate Reagan because he couldn't get a date with Jodie Foster ."
well when you put it like that .
anon [271] Disclaimer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 3:15 pm GMT
Whats more concerning is something stormy daniels said about trump ..that he is out of
his depth.she might have ulterior motives but it somehow rings true.
its true, he's probably nowhere as intelligent as obozo but somehow he gets by
stormy sounds like an expert, maybe she can judge a man's IQ by the taste of his sperm
Agent76 , says:
October 31, 2018
at 3:17 pm GMT
May 4, 2017 False Flag Exposed Caught Red Handed and Prevented
In this video, we give you the latest news of a false flag that has been prevented in
Germany, the historical context of false flags, and importance in current politics.
May 07, 2014 The Oldest Trick In the Book: Empire Pretends It Has to Launch Wars to
"Defend" Itself
Empires – almost by definition – fight imperial wars to gain land and
resources. But if they admitted to their citizens what they were up to, people wouldn't be
that excited in sacrificing their families' blood and treasure to fight a series of wars.
wayfarer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 3:22 pm GMT
False Flag Theories (Part 1.)
"False Flag? Al Qaeda, Jews, and Synagogues"
"MAGA Bomber and Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting False Flags"
"Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter, is an Actor!"
crimson2 , says:
October 31, 2018
at 3:25 pm GMT
This website is filled with white nationalist terrorists. Learn to accept your losses with
dignity, gents.
GamecockJerry ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 3:47 pm GMT
Cesar's good friend was an ex-Cia operative who he praised in Facebook post.
Who sends timed bombs in the mail?
No detonators?
wayfarer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 3:52 pm GMT
False Flag Theories (Part 2.)
"Game of Patsies!"
"Censorship has Won, the Banning of Gab Proves It"
Carroll Price ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 4:09 pm GMT
dykstra World War 2 may have continued indefinitely had not Russia been preparing to
invade Japan, thus forcing the United States into dropping the bombs.
Carroll Price ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 4:22 pm GMT
Anyone assuming the Jewish-controlled Deep State would have any qualms about killing a few
Jewish senior citizens to assure the revolution continues, are badly mistaken.
Jeff Stryker ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 4:25 pm GMT
They're born to lose and it is largely out of their hands. Part of it is Affirmative
Action, part of it PC.
But some of it is being born in Podunk towns or exurbs of no importance.
Poor parents. Going to lousy public schools. Early parenthood. Broken marriages. Drugs.
Petty problems with the police.
Hans Vogel , says:
October 31, 2018
at 4:44 pm GMT
Price FORCED to drop nuclear bombs? There is always a choice, even for a rogue state like
the US. (Rather, a state, inhabited by many decent, trusting people, but run by ruthless
criminals such as FDR, the Bushes, Obomba and the like). Besides, in early 1945 FDR received
a detailed report by one of his generals to the effect that Japan was ready to surrender. Yet
FDR, may he burn in hell, decided to ignore this and continue bombing Japanese cities: in
March of 1945, Tokyo was bombed, and over 100.000 Japanese civilians were murdered. The
Soviet Union had promised to join in the final assault on Japan, doing FDR a favor because he
did not want to go it alone.
Curmudgeon , says:
October 31, 2018
at 4:55 pm GMT
People who never resort to 'foul' language are either dead inside, or are scheming
scumbags trying to get one over on the crowd.
No one is in a position to determine whether "People never resort "
In the early 80s, I was at a social function where foul language use was part of the
general conversation. A woman in her mid to late 40s who was sitting at the table rebuked us
gently by stating that our profanities were a poor excuse for a bad vocabulary. There is a
time and place for profanity, spouting off profanely at a political opponent in a public
place does nothing for credibility.
As for calling a fig a fig, I seldom use the word cunt for the simple reason that a cunt
has a use , while those who are often called cunts, don't.
Reuben Kaspate
, says: October 31, 2018
at 4:56 pm GMT
Steve Sailer had vaunted about the Filipino becoming the new "Italian-american" in America
Cesar Sayoc is both!
EliteCommInc. ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 5:14 pm GMT
" . . . jew lover . . ."
Nothing gave the game up as much as the attack on a synagogue. No president has had a more
open love affair with Israel than Pres Trump.
It would take some astounding gymnastics to make a case this act was inspired by this
Agent76 , says:
October 31, 2018
at 5:23 pm GMT
Glad to view others keeping up with the fake dramas.
This October 29, 2018 FBI Drill Before Synagogue Shooting, Israel Bombs Hospital, Border
Militarized & Bayer Stock Crashes
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant
independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.
wayfarer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 5:27 pm GMT
"We Have the Best Government that Money Can Buy"
– Mark Twain
"Arizona Senate Candidate Sinema "I can't be talking about" Gun Bans"
"James O'Keefe Responds to Kyrsten Sinema's Absurd Comments"
Rurik , says:
October 31, 2018
at 5:46 pm GMT
I am immediately suspicious about anyone whose 'authority' includes a costume –
judges, pigs, TSA etc; likewise, anyone who relies on 'gravitas' or presentation
(politicians, senior bureaucrats, diplomats, marketing shitheads).
If every one of those people were put to the sword by people screaming "FUCK YOU" at the
top of their lungs, humanity would be better off.
I enjoyed your comment.
and agree wholeheartedly
(except for including 'pigs' with your litany of scoundrels. It's not fair to the
inoffensive four-legged kind ; )
obwandiyag , says:
October 31, 2018
at 5:58 pm GMT
@anon Nice
try. But, first of all, learn to write simply. Like the man said, all those words don't fit
on a phone.
Secondly, you are absolutely right. ID politics is what our owners want. They want us to
fight over who is oppressing whom. So it don't matter if you are pro-white or anti-white,
pro-racism or anti, you are doing our master's bidding.
The only answer is blacks and whites and homosexuals and heterosexuals and women and men
etc etc, all together, all as one, screaming, "Mo money mo money mo money mo money." But that
won't happen because they find it easier to shame each other over meaningless nonsense like
race and sex and other ridiculous identities.
obwandiyag , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:00 pm GMT
@A C
Cordeiro Like as if the exact same owners aren't funding the conservatives as well.
Confused loser.
ThreeCranes ,
says: October 31, 2018
at 6:01 pm GMT
To be a dissident in the 1960′s meant that one objected to the standard narrative of
White-European greatness and blamelessness for conquering much of the world. Today it means
just the opposite. The roles have reversed. Not only are Europeans not viewed as great but
they are blamed for everything that is wrong anywhere, anytime. To be a dissident is to
insist that Europeans aren't quite so bad as they are currently portrayed.
I never thought I'd say this but if Nixon were alive today he would appear as the very
soul of rationality and a bastion of sanity compared to the current crop of rat-faced,
unprincipled traitors who dominate the news. At least Nixon had the integrity to not sell out
his country to an alien tribe of sleazy money changers, usurers and unpatriotic off-shore
At one point in his life, Hunter Thompson thought things couldn't get any worse than
Tricky Dick. Little did he suspect. It's likely that Thompson, at some point before he pulled
the trigger, came to the belated realization that, compared to the debased venality of our
present leaders, Nixon was an honorable man, a lover of his country and a loyal patriot.
Watergate was a misdemeanor B & E compared to the rape and genocide of whites that is
taking place today.
jilles dykstra
, says: October 31, 2018
at 6:11 pm GMT
Vogel 'The English' in WII did not exist.
Many sympathized with Hitler
Ian Kershaw, ´Hitlers Freunde in England, Lord Londonderry und der Weg in den Krieg',
(Making Friends with Hitler. Lord Londonderry and Britain's Road to War, 2004, London),
München 2005
The Marquess of Londonderry, ´England blickt auf Deutschland, Um die deutsch-englische
Verständigung, Essen 1938 (Ourselves and Germany, 1938)
Churchill loved war, he refused all Hitler's attempts at peace.
There seems to be a book Churchill's Toy Shop, did not read it, Churchill's personal weapons
gadget development facility.
In this he was supported by his scientific advisor Lindemann
C.P.Snow, ´Science and government', 1961, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince and Stephen Prior, 'Double standards, The Rudolf Hess cover-up',
London 2002
Günther W.Gellermann, 'Geheime Wege zum Frieden mit England , Ausgewählte
Initiativen zur Beëndigung des Krieges 1940/1942', Bonn 1995
Stürmer, Teichmann, Treue 'Striking the Balance Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. A family
and a Bank', London 1994
Thomas E. Mahl, 'Desperate deception, British covert operations in the United States
1939-44', Dulles, Virginia, 1998
However, in Casablanca Churchill found out he was at the mercy of FDR
Francois Kersaudy, ´De Gaulle et Roosevelt, Le duel au sommet', Paris, 2004
If Churchill ever realised that LendLease was the end of the British empire, I wonder
R.F. Harrod, 'THE PROF, A personal memoir of Lord Cherwell', London, 1959
John Charmley,'Churchill's Grand Alliance, A provocative reassessment of the "Special
relationship" between England and the U.S. from 1940 to 1957', 1995, London
John Charmley, 'Der Untergang des Britischen Empires, Roosevelt – Churchill und
Amerikas Weg zur Weltmacht', Graz 2005
But the two essential books explaining why Chamberlain steered towards war, without wanting
Lawrence R. Pratt, 'East of Malta, West of Suez', London, 1975
Simon Newman, ´March 1939, The British guarantee to Poland, A study in the continuity
of British Foreign Policy', 1976, Oxford
The genocidal folly of bombing German women, children and old men:
Solly Zuckermann, 'From Apes to Warlords, an autobiography, 1904- 46', London 1988
Even the official post WWII British report on the bombing of Germany concluded that the
damage to GB was equal to German damage, British damage defined as building and maintaining
bombers, producing bombs, and, last but not in the least least, losing a whole generation of
Britain's promising young men
Peter H. Nicoll, ´Englands Krieg gegen Deutschland, Ursachen, Methoden und Folgen des
Zweiten Weltkriegs', 1963, 2001, Tübingen ( Britain's Blunder, 1953)
This last book also contains a calculation of how WWII impoverished the USA.
Wally , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:17 pm GMT
Vogel said:
"The described mechanism seems to me to have been taken right out of the Goebbels manual "
Oh really? What "manual" was that? Your indoctrination is showing.
Pie drops the ball when he talks about 'the Nazis' & the Battle of Britain, which was
a result of British initiation of bombing purely civilian targets.
Wally , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:28 pm GMT
Price The bombs did nothing to shorten the war.
Wally , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:32 pm GMT
Stryker And what shithole shtetl did your family come from?
Wally , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:39 pm GMT
Price Indeed, they killed quite a few on 9/11.
O'Keeffe , says: October 31, 2018
at 6:52 pm GMT
The New York Times explained how Trump was employing a strategy called "stochastic
terrorism," i.e., inspiring random acts of violence that are statistically predictable but
individually unpredictable!
Wow. Quasi-treasonous scumbaggery from the dominant press outlets has become so common, it
rarely registers on me anymore. But this is an unusually detestable example.
anon [271] Disclaimer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 6:53 pm GMT
But that won't happen because they find it easier to shame each other over
meaningless nonsense like race and sex and other ridiculous identities.
if this was true there would be no problem allowing hundreds of millions of africans into
Europe, the U.S. etc but sub-saharan africans have IQs as low as 70 and have never built
anything of substance in their existence
they have nothing to contribute except violence and crime
Hans Vogel , says:
October 31, 2018
at 7:06 pm GMT
@Wally Are
you familiar with the concept "figure of speech?"
What indoctrination are you referring to?
Hans Vogel , says:
October 31, 2018
at 7:21 pm GMT
dykstra Thanks for your bibliographical suggestions!
As for the English, I prefer this to the awkward term "British." (see also AJP Taylor's
introduction to his English History, 1914-1945 ). As long as the English and English
speakers usually refer to the Netherlands as "Holland," and US people call their country
"America" and themselves "Americans," why should we not say English instead of British?" The
English better get used to foreign usage, as have the Greeks ("Hellenes") and Hungarians
Btw, the translator of Nicoll's book on your list agrees with me: he calls Britain
tyrone , says:
October 31, 2018
at 7:57 pm GMT
Oops , you forgot one very important terrorist nest ..straight white male Trump supporters.
wayfarer , says:
October 31, 2018
at 10:59 pm GMT
"Anything is better than lies and deceit!" ― Leo Tolstoy
tac , says: November 1, 2018
at 2:28 am GMT
Here is a video that Ron Unz should feature of a truly honest and great young American Jewish
activist: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarren of The Anecdote speak about
this Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting:
Notable quotes:
"... Most importantly, there is now more than one choice facing the citizens of the world. The "one game in town" era of IMF dictates, the "Washington Consensus," is dead, although the dinosaurs have so far failed to concede their demise. The Belt and Road is being embraced across Asia, Africa and Ibero-America, and increasingly in both Eastern and Western Europe. This is what the Lords of the City of London and Wall Street fear most. When they heard this past week that Trump plans to meet Vladimir Putin in Paris immediately after the election, and that he is also to meet with Xi Jinping at the end of November in Argentina, all the King's horses and all the King's men have been deployed to prevent this affront to the British Empire's division of the world by the upstart President of the breakaway colony across the Atlantic. But Humpty Dumpty is about to take a great fall. ..."
There is Panic Among the Oligarchs That Trump May Turn the Election -- Dangerous
Diversions Are Appearing Everywhere October 26, 2018
President Trump draws a massive crowd at a campaign rally at the Toyota
Center in Houston TX. October 22, 2018 (Donald J Trump/Facebook)
President Donald Trump is fully deployed to assure that the "Impeachment Party" -- once known
as the Democratic Party -- is denied their effort to take over the Congress and launch an
impeachment. He has held 12 rallies across the country in support of Republican candidates,
repeating everywhere that a vote for Democrats this year is a vote against himself. He plans to
hold 10 more rallies in the final days preceding the election on Nov. 6. Although he seldom
engaged the press in his first two years, in the past three weeks he has held numerous press
conferences and interviews, fully confident and determined in his role as President. The
LaRouchePAC-sponsored Independent Congressional candidacies in Texas and South Dakota of Kesha
Rogers and Ron Wieczorek are rallying people around the country, regardless of party
affiliation, to defend the nation against the British-orchestrated coup attempt, and organizing
Americans to back Trump's intention to establish peace and friendship with Russia and China,
restore American System economic policies in the U.S., while calling on Trump to join in the
new paradigm for global development represented by the Belt and Road Initiative.
The British and their assets in the U.S. are not pleased. In the past week we have seen the
"caravan" of people from Honduras and Guatemala, openly mobilized and financed by George
Soros's NGOs, being driven toward the U.S. border, trying to force a showdown that they believe
will undermine Trump's resolve and public support. Even the Presidents of the these two
impoverished nations have denounced the operation as a destabilization of their own countries,
and created a "Safe Return" fund to entice the marchers back to their homelands. Mexican
President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador has offered jobs and work visas to
the marchers if they would stay in Mexico.
And now we have the mail-bomb operation, with primitive pipe-bombs mailed to Obama, Hillary
Clinton, CNN and others -- even George Soros himself -- although they may have been so poorly
constructed that they could not explode. CNN President Jeff Zucker immediately blamed Trump and
his press spokesperson Sarah Sanders, claiming that their attacks on the press constitute an
invitation for terrorist assassinations! Trump, in fact, strongly denounced the criminal acts
and swore to catch the perpetrators. The {Washington Post} headlined an article: "Amid
Incendiary Remarks, Targets of Trump's Words Become Targets of Bombs." They also denounced
those who questioned the bombs as a possible "false-flag" operation, of the sort now widely
recognized due to the fake chemical weapons attacks in Syria by the terrorist White
The New York Times went so far as to publish a short story by a British pulp novelist
about a Russian hit-man, with help from the U.S. Secret Service, assassinating President
These actions have a destabilizing purpose, but there is a process underway in humanity at
large which can not easily be stopped. The British people have rejected the EU dictatorship,
and now the same sentiment has led to a new government in Italy which is putting the health and
livelihood of their citizens ahead of the unelected Brussels oligarchs. The elections of
Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, and Donald Trump in the U.S.A. demonstrate the old Abe
Lincoln saying: You can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Most importantly, there is now more than one choice facing the citizens of the world.
The "one game in town" era of IMF dictates, the "Washington Consensus," is dead, although the
dinosaurs have so far failed to concede their demise. The Belt and Road is being embraced
across Asia, Africa and Ibero-America, and increasingly in both Eastern and Western Europe.
This is what the Lords of the City of London and Wall Street fear most. When they heard this
past week that Trump plans to meet Vladimir Putin in Paris immediately after the election, and
that he is also to meet with Xi Jinping at the end of November in Argentina, all the King's
horses and all the King's men have been deployed to prevent this affront to the British
Empire's division of the world by the upstart President of the breakaway colony across the
Atlantic. But Humpty Dumpty is about to take a great fall.
It is the power of ideas which has created this mass strike ferment around the world, ideas
conceived and set in motion by Lyndon LaRouche over the past half-century, finding resonance in
the minds of creative people in nations around the world. These ideas have drawn on the rich
classical culture of Plato and Schiller, the Confucian view of a harmonious society, the
American concept of the general welfare, the scientific spark of Krafft Ehricke's
Extraterrestrial Imperative, among others. It is these universal ideas which must guide us in
this moment of decision for the fate of mankind.
If we ask question "que bono" this really lloks like decmocts false flag operation. And after
Russogate there is no doubt that Democrats are cable of dirty tricks usually reserved for
intelligence agiances.
Notable quotes:
"... Trump has made the elections a referendum on himself. His rallies are aimed at whipping up a fascistic mentality that combines extreme nationalism, racism and anti-immigrant chauvinism with pseudo-populist demagogy against the "elites." ..."
"... The Democrats do not represent a genuine opposition to the threat of dictatorship, but an alternate route to it. They base their nominal opposition to Trump on powerful sections of the military-intelligence establishment represented by figures such as Brennan and Clapper. They fundamentally agree with Trump's pro-corporate domestic policies such as tax cuts for the rich and attacks on Medicaid and food stamps. They do not seriously oppose his police-state attacks on immigrants and assault on democratic rights more generally. On the contrary, they are in the forefront of the demands for more overt and systematic censorship of the internet. ..."
"... On foreign affairs, they support a massive expansion of the military and largely oppose Trump from the right -- using the trumped-up anti-Russia campaign to demand a more aggressive policy against Moscow and in the Middle East ..."
"... Both parties rest on narrow social bases and are held in contempt by broad sections of the population. Under conditions of a deepening economic and financial crisis in the US and internationally, and a resurgence of class struggle, the ruling class is lurching toward dictatorship. ..."
"... Washington Post ..."
"... Right-wing, pro-Trump media outlets such as Breitbart News ..."
While Sayoc has been apprehended, many questions remain unanswered and caution should be
exercised about jumping to conclusions. In light of the precarious circumstances of the
suspect's life, the precise nature of his alleged involvement in the incidents, as well as the
possibility that Sayoc has been manipulated by others, demands careful investigation.
But one thing is certain: this event, on the eve of a major national election, reflects the
extreme crisis of American democracy. The mail bombs are a symptom of a deepening social and
political crisis in the United States, the center of world capitalism.
Trump has made the elections a referendum on himself. His rallies are aimed at whipping
up a fascistic mentality that combines extreme nationalism, racism and anti-immigrant
chauvinism with pseudo-populist demagogy against the "elites." It is not an accident that
those sent potentially lethal mail bombs were all the targets of Trump's vilification.
The Democrats do not represent a genuine opposition to the threat of dictatorship, but
an alternate route to it. They base their nominal opposition to Trump on powerful sections of
the military-intelligence establishment represented by figures such as Brennan and Clapper.
They fundamentally agree with Trump's pro-corporate domestic policies such as tax cuts for the
rich and attacks on Medicaid and food stamps. They do not seriously oppose his police-state
attacks on immigrants and assault on democratic rights more generally. On the contrary, they
are in the forefront of the demands for more overt and systematic censorship of the
On foreign affairs, they support a massive expansion of the military and largely oppose
Trump from the right -- using the trumped-up anti-Russia campaign to demand a more aggressive
policy against Moscow and in the Middle East .
Both parties rest on narrow social bases and are held in contempt by broad sections of
the population. Under conditions of a deepening economic and financial crisis in the US and
internationally, and a resurgence of class struggle, the ruling class is lurching toward
The media hysteria over the mail bombs, despite their having been intercepted and having
failed to detonate, showed no signs of abating on Friday. The Democrats and media outlets
aligned with them, such as the New York Times , the Washington Post , CNN and
NBC, hope to leverage the bomb scare to their advantage in the November 6 midterm
The media banished from public attention such issues as Trump's witch hunt against
immigrants -- including the dispatch of active troops to the US-Mexico border and plans to
effectively abolish the right to asylum for Central American refugees -- the decision to pull
out of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty and trigger a new nuclear arms race with Russia,
and the ongoing mass slaughter in Yemen. The Democrats for their part maintained their silence
on these issues and instead attacked Trump for "sowing divisions."
Right-wing, pro-Trump media outlets such as Breitbart News , which had called
the mail bombs a "false flag" operation carried out by the Democrats and allied intelligence
officials, joined Trump himself in blaming the mainstream media for stoking up
At a campaign rally Friday night in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump attacked the media for
promoting "the politics of personal destruction." He went on to blame a "Bernie Sanders
supporter" for the attack on Republican congressmen in June 2017 that severely wounded
Representative Steve Scalise, and added: "Nor do we blame the Democrat Party every time radical
leftists seize and destroy public property and unleash violence and mayhem."
Neither side raised as an issue the implications of the massive police mobilization less
than two weeks from a national election, including cordoning off entire sections of midtown
Manhattan twice during the week following the interception of mail bombs, and the first
activation of a new program for the state to take control of the cell phone system. That took
the form of a text sent to everyone located within a certain radius of the Manhattan
headquarters of Time Warner following the interception of a bomb addressed to Brennan at
Instead, both Trump and the Democrats lavished praise on the FBI, the New York Police
Department and local police in Florida and California, making clear that the bomb scare will be
used to step up attacks on democratic rights, including more intensive internet censorship and
a further strengthening of police powers and mass surveillance.
Typical were the remarks of MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle, who pointed to the provocative
decals on Sayoc's van and demanded to know why he had not been immediately arrested on that
account. A national security "expert" on anther cable channel declared that the American people
had to consider themselves on 24-hour alert to detect terrorist threats, and should treat this
as the "new normal."
Looks more and more like a pre-election "false-flag" operation, of the sort now widely
recognized due to the fake chemical weapons attacks in Syria by White Helmets and Skripals.
Media headlines have been dominated for the last two days by the news that pipe bombs are being
sent to Democratic Party elites and their allies, a
list of whom as of this writing consists of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle
Obama, Joe Biden, George Soros, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Robert De Niro, and the CNN office
(addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan who actually works for NBC). As of this writing
nobody has been killed or injured in any way by any of these many explosive devices, and there
is as of this writing no publicly available evidence that they were designed to. As of this
writing there is no evidence that the devices were intended to do anything other than what they
have done: stir up fear and grab headlines.
And of course it is a good thing that nobody has been hurt by these devices. Obviously
targeting anyone with packages containing explosive materials is terrible, even if those
devices were not rigged with the intention of detonating and harming anyone, and it is a good
thing that not a single one of them has done so. It is a good thing that none of America's
political elites were targeted by the sort of explosive device that America drops on people in
other countries every single day. You know, the kind that actually explode.
Apparently some Acme comedy bombs mailed to a number of extremely rich people, which
thankfully did not hurt anybody at all, are infinitely more newsworthy than the real bombs
which maim and destroy children in Yemen on an industrial scale.
-- @CraigMurrayOrg
It is good that Barack Obama was never sent anything resembling the
26,171 bombs that his administration dropped in the final year of his presidency, for
example. It is good that neither
the first US president to serve every minute of his administration under wartime, nor those
who served as part of that administration like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton, were targeted with
the kinds of weapons which were deployed against impoverished people in other nations every
single day for all eight years. People would have been killed and badly injured if anyone had
been sent anything like those kinds of explosive devices, their bodies ripped to shreds like
the countless civilians killed in the airstrikes which resulted from the Obama administration's
expansion of
Bush's so-called "war on terror" .
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President Trump, whose administration has been
dropping even more bombs than its predecessor after
expanding the use of drone strikes and
peeling back regulations on
air strikes designed to protect
civilians , was quick to condemn the headline-grabbing pipe bomb campaign which did not
hurt anyone whatsoever.
"A major federal investigation is now underway,"
said the president who continues to assist Saudi Arabia in murdering
untold tens of thousands of civilians in Yemen. "The full weight of our government is being
deployed to conduct this investigation and bring those responsible for these despicable acts to
Right now the only political debate happening over these bomb scares is who is responsible
for them. I am being told by everyone to the left of Ted Cruz that I am required to believe
that this was with 100 percent certainty a terrorist plot orchestrated by a Trump supporter due
to the president's hateful rhetoric against the people who've been targeted, and if I don't
subscribe to that belief it means I'm a Nazi. Meanwhile Trump supporters are telling me this is
a deep state false flag designed to get Democrats elected in the midterms, because
<sarcasm> Republicans are totally not in bed with the alliance of plutocrats and
government agencies known as the deep state.</sarcasm>
But the fact of the matter is that next to nothing is known about this case; as of this
writing there isn't even a suspect yet. The proper thing to do when the mass media is telling
us with a unified voice to be afraid of something is to remain agnostic and very, very
skeptical of everything we are being told. There are any number of possible explanations for
this spate of impotent pipe bombs, many of which don't involve a partisan explanation at all.
Without endorsing any particular one, there are for example a few sociopathic government
agencies in the US which would love nothing more than to manufacture support for more intrusive
domestic "counter-terrorism" powers.
But partisan explanations are possible as well; maybe there really is a Trump supporter out
there who either (A) wanted to scare Democratic elites without hurting them and didn't realize
doing so would only generate sympathy and unify Democrats right before midterms, or (B) is
really, really consistent in being really, really bad at making pipe bombs. Who knows. The
important thing is to remain agnostic and skeptical.

Meanwhile, while we wait for copious amounts of facts and evidence before forming a solid
opinion one way or the other, how about a little interest in the people who are being targeted
with actual bombs that actually explode by the empire these Democratic elites serve? That, in
my opinion, is one debate we should all always be having.
Caitlin's articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please
consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook , following her antics on Twitter , checking out her podcast , throwing some money into her hat on
Patreon or Paypal , or buying her book
Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers .
This article was originally published by "
Medium " -
Notable quotes:
"... Rochelle Ritchie, a Former Press Secretary for Congress spoke on Fox News on October 11 and was harassed by Sayoc online afterwards...She reported him to Twitter but they said he didn't violate any rules or exhibit abusive behavior and did not penalize his account. ..."
pundit reported the bombing suspect to Twitter two weeks ago when he sent her a death threat
after she appeared on Fox News - and he threatened Joe Biden and others - yet Twitter did
[Right, that's because Deep State scum-bag Jack Dorsey is too busy shadow-banning free
speech advocates.]
A political analyst has revealed that she was harassed by the bombing suspect just two weeks
ago and reported him to Twitter, but they didn't deem him a threat. And it turns out Cesar
Altier Sayoc, the suspect arrested for a mail bomb spree targeting Democrats, was a prolific
tweeter who repeatedly sent threats to celebrities and political figures like Joe Biden, Jim
Carrey, and Ron Howard.
Rochelle Ritchie, a Former Press Secretary for Congress spoke on Fox News on October 11
and was harassed by Sayoc online afterwards...She reported him to Twitter but they said he
didn't violate any rules or exhibit abusive behavior and did not penalize his account.
October 27, 2018 at 3:07 pm
Don't get your SJW panties in a twist. The irrelevant detail of what party some criminal
supports is always made the central focus in US politics. The clown who sent (without proper
postage) a bunch of fake pipe bombs to precious Democratic Party leaders was driving around
in a van covered with pro-Trump posters and made sure to tell everyone he supports Trump. So
this was ammunition for the US MSM and Democratic Party to attack Trump.
Meanwhile the butcher (Stephen Paddock) who massacred 58 Republicans at a country and
western even in Las Vegas remains a "man of mystery" with no hint as to his party
affiliation. How convenient.
GoAwayAndShutUp , Oct 26, 2018 2:53:11 PM |
Totally Off-Topic.
Regarding the "MAGA Bomber", a serial Law offender, apparently, never jailed (How is that?
An informant?), sending innocuous failed bombs (the kind that these plants are always given)
to the most rabid Trump's critics, just weeks before mid-terms, prompting these critics to
air their "higher moral ground", non-stop. Sting operation, anyone? The kind of Peter
Strzok's "insurance policy".
October 27, 2018 at 12:54 pm GMT
Consider the man they just arrested for the mail bomb scare. Reportedly, this person was
a career criminal with drug dealing and grand theft on his record and he was caught in
possession of a white van with decals on it depicting his targets. This man is a caricature
of a Trump supporter, ready-made for the cable news broadcast. Does anyone else see the
absurdity of it? Can this guy be for real?
"Breaking Proof of Deep State Hoax!"
"Clapper Talks About Cesar Sayoc Before He's Named as Suspect!"
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