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Older UNIX shells like Borne shell and ksh88 have clumsy, inefficient way of doing arithmetic based on external expr command:
z=`expr $z + 3`
This was questionable decision even at the time when Unix run of machines with just 2MB of memory. Even at this time shell can be implemented in Forth (which was available since early 70th) with much richer capabilities. Charles Moore and Elizabeth Rather formed FORTH, Inc. in 1973, refining and porting Forth systems to dozens of platforms. Forth interpreter is really small; minimal is under 1KB.
When Perl arrived, it became clear that classic Unix shell approach to arithmetic expressions is inferior on modern computers and actually increases overhead of shell instead of decreasing it. So ksh93 was created to fight back the lost ground. While it failed to stop Perl momentum and Perl replaced shell for larger scripts, ksh93 was a big improvement over all previous shells. Among innovation brought to shell world by ksh93 is this new type of arithmetic expressions.
Later bash (starting from version 3.2) re-implemented most of the advanced features of ksh93 plus a couple of its own. Currently bash is restricted to integer arithmetic, while ksh93 can do floating-point arithmetic as well.
In bash version 3.2 and later you can (and should) use $(( )) or let for integer arithmetic expressions and conditionals. The idea of ((...)) construct is similar to [[...]] construct introduced in ksh88. It provides built in capabilities for arithmetic that are superior to calling external function expr (or test in case of conditionals).
You can also declare integer variable using declare statement, for example:
declare -i k;
In this case you can omit ((...)) brackets and write expression like in "normal" programming languages. For example
declare -i k=0; declare -i j=10 k=k+j;All-in-all despite warts and non-uniformity with the rest of bash expression, ((..)) capabilities represent a considerable improvement over what we used to have in older Unix shells and thus should be used whenever possible. I would like to remind again that before ksh93 introduced let and (( ... )) commands, the only way to perform arithmetic was with expr. For example, to do the same increment to variable i you need to write:
i=`expr $i + 5`The ((...)) construct can (and should) be used in any control statements such as if, headers of the while loop and case statement.
conditional expression should always be used instead of expr functionThe ((...))
conditional expression evaluates an arithmetic expression like it
was written in a "normal" algorithmic language (you can even omit dollar signs from the variables within
such an expression) and sets the exit status to 1 if the expression evaluates to 0, or to 0 if the expression
evaluates to a non-zero value. For example:
(( uid == 0 )) (( uid > 1000 )) (( i=i+1 ))
You can use multiple expressions connected with operations AND or OR. That make it the new standard was to program integer comparisons in if statements, while loops and similar control flow constructs. Old [[...]] construct should no longer be used for arithmetic expressions: it just does not make any sense anymore outside string comparisons. For example
(( percent >= 0 && percent <= 100 ))
Another example:
(( uid > 10 && uid < 100 )) && echo "$usd is a system UID" # example of complex arithmetic condition
As long as you can limit yourself to integer arithmetic, you can use all the standard C-language operators inside of ((...)) conditionals.
As long as you can limit yourself to integer arithmetic, you can use all the standard C-language operators inside of ((...)) conditionals. |
Here is a more complex examples, that demonstrates that it not always possible to get rid of leading $ in arithmetic expressions -- parameters still should contain it:
function mess { if (( "$1" > 0 )) ; then total=$1 else total=100 fi tail -$total /var/adm/messages | more }
By default, shell variables are typeless and can be assigned both numeric and non-numeric values. You need explicitly declare integer variable for shell to know how they should be treated.
While this is not required, a good programming style is to declare all integer variables you use with the declare statement. That means that each variable name will appear in the script at least twice and that allow easy catch misspelling, which are the most common source of errors in bash script. such errors are difficult to defect because your test case might not cover the branch in which misspelled name is present. So it will be detect much later, possibly in production.
For novices and infrequent users of Bash this is actually a "must" requirement: all variables should be declared using the Bash
declare command and option set
-o nounset
should be set at the very beginning
of the script the script. For example to declare a variable named cores, as integer
variable use this:
set -o nounset
declare -i cores declare message
Choosing good variable names is important. The are two requirements here:
Because Bash does minimum checking of variable names, even with the nounset option turned on, another common mistake is using a variable that looks the same. You can declared a variable called nfiles, but in the body of his program use the variable nofiles. So it makes sense to initialize all variables in declare statement
set -o nounset
declare -i cores=16
printf %d $ncores
Here ncores variable is not initialized and will be detected.
Values can be assigned an initial value when the variable is first declared.
set -o nounset
declare -i cores=16 printf "%d" $cores
Because declare is a command, variables are created only when the declare command is executed.
The results of a command can also be assigned to a variable. If a command is contained in backquotes ('), everything written to standard output is stored in the variable being assigned instead. For example:
declare -i nfiles=0 nfiles=`ls -1 | wc -l` printf "%d" $nfiles
All arithmetic operations are performed on integers. Syntax is similar to conditional expressions with some twists. After all Bash is based on Born shall which is a product of 70th. And as such has a lot of warts. You have at least two "wrong" ways of writing arithmetic expression in bash :-). Unless you need compatibility with versions earlier then 2.0 (Typing variables declare or typeset ), the only right way is to declare all integer variables and use ((...)) notation for complex expressions and let for simple (insluding self-referncial operatiors ++, --, etc).
For example:
declare -i i; i++ # this is a bug in bash and will not work.
let i++ # much better
In logical expressions always use ((..)). For example
if (( file_size < 10 )) ; then echo "the file size is too small. Aborting..." exit fi
Again, it is highly recommended to explicitly declare the variables and use "normal language notation"
declare -i k=0 let i=k+1
That means that when there are multiple ways to write the same expression in bash, each with its own gotachs you need to use the most simple and direct way:
The most "gotch free was is to use ((..)) for the whole assignment statement. But agaiag if expression is way to complex and uses indirect calls to expr, you need to split it on a simpler chunks to avoid trobles.
for self-referential operators always use let. for more complex staff there are subtle nuances here that can spoit the broth. And in this sense ((...)) is more reliable option. In all cases I mentioned, Bash supports C-style shotcuts ++, --,+=, etc. For example:
(( i=i+1 )) is the same as (( i++ )) let i+=1 is the same as let i++ i=$(( i++)) is the same as let i++ but worse then previous example
Quotes or backslashes usually are not needed inside of the $(( )) construct: all characters between the (( and )) are treated as a string in double quotes. |
If you use let for more or less complex expression involving multiplication and brackets ( and I do not recommend using let for anything but C-style shortcut operators like += and ++) it is prudent to put expression in double quote to avoid conflict with bash meta symbols such as "*", '(' and ')'.
The best is to declare integer variables and use ((..)) notation. |
Again, most of C-style shortcuts operators are now supported by BASH. The most useful is probably += (familiar to any C programmer). That means that:
declare -i i i=i+5is better written as
declare -i i let i+=5
of cause each integer variable declaration is need in a script only once.
All C-style self-referential shortcut are now available in bash including increments/decrements ++/-- :
let i++or, worse:
(( $i++ ))
Here is an extended table of available shortcuts:
Operator | Operation with assignment | Use | Meaning |
= | Simple assignment | a=b | a=b |
*= | Multiplication | a*=b | a=(a*b) |
/= | Division | a/=b | a=(a/b) |
%= | Remainder | a%=b | a=(a%b) |
+= | Addition | a+=b | a=(a+b) |
-= | Subtraction | a-=b | a=(a-b) |
<<= | Bit-shift left | a<<=b | a=(a<<b) |
>>= | Bit-shift right | a>>=b | a=(a>>b) |
&= | Bitwise "and" | a&=b | a=(a&b) |
^= | Bitwise "exclusive or" | a^=b | a=(a^b) |
|= | Bitwise "or" | a|=b | a=(a|b) |
While constructs are almost identical there some minor differences. First of all explicit declation and then usage of "normal" programming language notation implicitly means that you use ((...)) notation. But you better be explicit. You are more or les safe is the expression is normal with = sign. Like
You can run into troubles using normal notation for self-referential operators. Here you always need to use let. In other words, writing
is "gotcha" in bash 4.2 if you enabled autocd option in your profile :-(
but in general "normal way of writing assignment statement in which the valuable on the left side of the assignement sign is declared as intergeg ahousl always be equavalent to ((...)). There should be no gotchas here.
I would prefer always use ((..)) in both conditional expressions and assignment statements just to be safe, and you let construct only for self referential operators.
There are some subtle nuances when you use let with compex expression including a couple of unpleasant gotchas:
let "i = i + 1"
That is definitely a kludge, as it is clear that this is a typical problems of "language within the language".
At the same time, some short assignment statements like k=$(( i++ )) can be more clearly written using let. But beware Gotchas with metacharacters like "*": you can't rewrite i=$(( i*2 )) as let i=i*2, because * in a metasymbol in Bash. Only as
let "i=i*2"
Otherwise * will be interpreted as wildcard. As string between (( and )) is considered to be included in double quotes, in most more or less complex cases the ((...)) command is more convenient to use than let.
String between (( and )) is considered to be included in double quotes which makes the ((...)) command more convenient to use than let. |
let i++ # clear and concise
This commands is equivalent to (( i=i + 1 )) as well as to (( i++ )) and looks slightly more natural. Similar situation exists with
let i+=5
you can write it as to (( i=i+5 )) but does this really make it more clear ?
Note: there can be some exotic usage of (( ... ))). For example, the assignments can be cascaded, through the use of the comma operator:
echo $(( i+=2 , j++ ))
which will do both assignments and then echo the result of the second expression (since the comma operator returns the value of its second expression).
Of cause, this is perversion, but still...
In C ?: there is a useful ternary operator that provides capabilities for a basic conditional expression. It is commonly referred to as the conditional operator, inline if (iif), or ternary if.
A traditional if-else construct in C is written:
if (a >= b) { max = a; } else { max = b; }
In C and Perl this can be rewritten as the following statement:
max = a >= b ? a : b;
Although many ternary operators are possible, only conditional operators is common. Other ternary operators so rare, that the conditional operator is commonly referred to as the ternary operator.
It is now re-implemented and is available in bash. The example above can be written as
let "max = a >= b ? a : b" # note usage of double quotesor better
(( max = a >= b ? a : b ))
For example:
a=6 b=5
let "max = a >= b ? a : b" # Condition is true echo $max let "b += 2" let "max = a > b ? a : b" # Condition is false echo $maxHere is a relevant discussion in Stack Overflow
Q: Is there a way to do something like this
int a = (b == 5) ? c : d;using Bash?
Daniel Daranas asked Oct 17 '10 at 14:38
A: Code:
a=$(( b == 5 ? c : d ))answered Oct 17 '10 at 14:53 by VladimirA: ternary operator ? : is just short form of if/else
case "$b" in 5) a=$c ;; *) a=$d ;; esacOr
a="$d"; [[ $b = 5 ]] && a="$c"down vote for [ $b == 5 ] && a=$c || a=$d
this solution is incorrect !!! Watch out with this construct, as the part after the || is also executed when the part between && and || fails. Use[ $b == 5 ] && { a=$c; true; } || a=$d – James Andino Nov 22 '13 at 23:14
This will avoid executing the part after || by accident when the code between && and || fails.
If the condition is merely checking if a variable is set, there's even a shorter form:
will assign to a the value of VAR if VAR is set, otherwise it will assign it the default value 20 -- this can also be a result of an expression. As alex notes in the comment, this approach is technically called "Parameter Expansion".(( a = b==5 ? c : d )) # string + numeric
This is good for numeric comparisons and assignments, but it will give unpredictable results if you use it for string comparisons and assignments.... (( )) treats any/all strings as 0 – Peter.O May 12 '11 at 22:51
(ping -c1 localhost&>/dev/null) && { echo "true", true; } || { echo "false"; }The let command supports most of the basic operators one would need:
let a = b==5 ? c : d;
Naturally, this works only for assigning variables; it cannot execute other commands.it is exactly equivalent to (( ... )), so it is only valid for arithmetic expressions – AlberT Jan 30 '13 at 12:07
Here is another option where you only have to specify the variable you're assigning once, and it doesn't matter whether what your assigning is a string or a number:
VARIABLE=`[ test ] && echo VALUE_A || echo VALUE_B`
Just a thought. :)down vote
if [ "$b" -eq 5 ]; then a="$c"; else a="$d"; fi
The cond && op1 || op2 solution suggested in other answers has an inherent bug: if op1 has a nonzero exit status, op2 silently becomes the result; the error will also not be catched in -e mode.
i = $(( i + 5 )) # not what you think!
bash will try to run a program named i and its first argument would be an equal sign, and its second argument would be the number you get adding 5 to the value of $i.
Spaces before and after equal sign have a special meaning: a space before equal sign confuses bash into thinking that this is a function invocation |
Another idiosyncrasy is that so called shell R-value rule ($ should be prefixed to the shell variable on the right side of assignment statement to get its value) is now optional and generally you should probably omit $ prefix for variables in ((..)) construct. That means that
let i=$i+1
can be written as in regular programming languages:
let i=i+1
The gotcha is that you still need the dollar sign for positional parameters (e.g.,$2) to distinguish it from a numeric constant (e.g., "2"). Here's an example:
i=$(( i + $2 ))
echo $(( 33*1024 ))
let a=11 # not the same as 'declare -i a=11' let a=a+5 # Equivalent to let "a = a + 5" (Double quotes and spaces make it more readable.) let "a <<= 3" # Equivalent to let "a = a << 3" echo "\"\$a\" (=16) left-shifted 3 places = $a" # 128 let "a /= 4" # Equivalent to let "a = a / 4" echo "128 / 4 = $a" # 32 let "a -= 5" # Equivalent to let "a = a - 5" echo "32 - 5 = $a" # 27 let "a *= 10" # Equivalent to let "a = a * 10" echo "27 * 10 = $a" # 270 let "a %= 8" # Equivalent to let "a = a % 8" echo "270 modulo 8 = $a (270 / 8 = 33, remainder $a)" # 6
let a++ # C-style (post) increment. let a-- # C-style decrement. # Of course, ++a, etc., also allowed . . .
[...] The format for arithmetic expansion is: $((expression))
The old format $[expression] is deprecated and will be removed in upcoming versions of bash. So $[...] is old syntax that should not be used anymore.
The feature has been deprecated since bash-2.0, but persists till today (bash-4.2). History of this feature is explained in the old email from the bug-bash mailing list. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2012-04/msg00033.html
“In early proposals, a form $[expression] was used. It was functionally equivalent to the "$(())" of the current text, but objections were lodged that the 1988 KornShell had already implemented "$(())" and there was no compelling reason to invent yet another syntax.
Furthermore, the "$[]" syntax had a minor incompatibility involving the patterns in case statements.”
Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov
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Please visit Heiner Steven's SHELLdorado, the best shell scripting site on the Internet |
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Apr 02, 2020 | opensource.com
Originally from: Get started with Bash scripting for sysadmins - Opensource.com
Most shells offer the ability to create, manipulate, and query indexed arrays. In plain English, an indexed array is a list of things prefixed with a number. This list of things, along with their assigned number, is conveniently wrapped up in a single variable, which makes it easy to "carry" it around in your code.
Bash, however, includes the ability to create associative arrays and treats these arrays the same as any other array. An associative array lets you create lists of key and value pairs, instead of just numbered values.
The nice thing about associative arrays is that keys can be arbitrary:
$ declare -A userdata
$ userdata [ name ] =seth
$ userdata [ pass ] =8eab07eb620533b083f241ec4e6b9724
$ userdata [ login ] = ` date --utc + % s `Query any key:
$ echo " ${userdata[name]} "
$ echo " ${userdata[login]} "
1583362192Most of the usual array operations you'd expect from an array are available.
- How to program with Bash: Syntax and tools
- How to program with Bash: Logical operators and shell expansions
- How to program with Bash: Loops
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Oct 17, 2018 | linuxconfig.org
Create indexed arrays on the fly We can create indexed arrays with a more concise syntax, by simply assign them some values:
$ my_array=(foo bar)In this case we assigned multiple items at once to the array, but we can also insert one value at a time, specifying its index:$ my_array[0]=fooArray operations Once an array is created, we can perform some useful operations on it, like displaying its keys and values or modifying it by appending or removing elements: Print the values of an array To display all the values of an array we can use the following shell expansion syntax:${my_array[@]}Or even:${my_array[*]}Both syntax let us access all the values of the array and produce the same results, unless the expansion it's quoted. In this case a difference arises: in the first case, when using@
, the expansion will result in a word for each element of the array. This becomes immediately clear when performing afor loop
. As an example, imagine we have an array with two elements, "foo" and "bar":$ my_array=(foo bar)Performing afor
loop on it will produce the following result:$ for i in "${my_array[@]}"; do echo "$i"; done foo barWhen using*
, and the variable is quoted, instead, a single "result" will be produced, containing all the elements of the array:$ for i in "${my_array[*]}"; do echo "$i"; done foo bar
Print the keys of an array It's even possible to retrieve and print the keys used in an indexed or associative array, instead of their respective values. The syntax is almost identical, but relies on the use of the!
operator:$ my_array=(foo bar baz) $ for index in "${!my_array[@]}"; do echo "$index"; done 0 1 2The same is valid for associative arrays:$ declare -A my_array $ my_array=([foo]=bar [baz]=foobar) $ for key in "${!my_array[@]}"; do echo "$key"; done baz fooAs you can see, being the latter an associative array, we can't count on the fact that retrieved values are returned in the same order in which they were declared. Getting the size of an array We can retrieve the size of an array (the number of elements contained in it), by using a specific shell expansion:$ my_array=(foo bar baz) $ echo "the array contains ${#my_array[@]} elements" the array contains 3 elementsWe have created an array which contains three elements, "foo", "bar" and "baz", then by using the syntax above, which differs from the one we saw before to retrieve the array values only for the#
character before the array name, we retrieved the number of the elements in the array instead of its content. Adding elements to an array As we saw, we can add elements to an indexed or associative array by specifying respectively their index or associative key. In the case of indexed arrays, we can also simply add an element, by appending to the end of the array, using the+=
operator:$ my_array=(foo bar) $ my_array+=(baz)If we now print the content of the array we see that the element has been added successfully:$ echo "${my_array[@]}" foo bar bazMultiple elements can be added at a time:$ my_array=(foo bar) $ my_array+=(baz foobar) $ echo "${my_array[@]}" foo bar baz foobarTo add elements to an associative array, we are bound to specify also their associated keys:$ declare -A my_array # Add single element $ my_array[foo]="bar" # Add multiple elements at a time $ my_array+=([baz]=foobar [foobarbaz]=baz)
Deleting an element from the array To delete an element from the array we need to know it's index or its key in the case of an associative array, and use theunset
command. Let's see an example:$ my_array=(foo bar baz) $ unset my_array[1] $ echo ${my_array[@]} foo bazWe have created a simple array containing three elements, "foo", "bar" and "baz", then we deleted "bar" from it runningunset
and referencing the index of "bar" in the array: in this case we know it was1
, since bash arrays start at 0. If we check the indexes of the array, we can now see that1
is missing:$ echo ${!my_array[@]} 0 2The same thing it's valid for associative arrays:$ declare -A my_array $ my_array+=([foo]=bar [baz]=foobar) $ unset my_array[foo] $ echo ${my_array[@]} foobarIn the example above, the value referenced by the "foo" key has been deleted, leaving only "foobar" in the array.Deleting an entire array, it's even simpler: we just pass the array name as an argument to the
command without specifying any index or key:$ unset my_array $ echo ${!my_array[@]}After executingunset
against the entire array, when trying to print its content an empty result is returned: the array doesn't exist anymore. Conclusions In this tutorial we saw the difference between indexed and associative arrays in bash, how to initialize them and how to perform fundamental operations, like displaying their keys and values and appending or removing items. Finally we saw how to unset them completely. Bash syntax can sometimes be pretty weird, but using arrays in scripts can be really useful. When a script starts to become more complex than expected, my advice is, however, to switch to a more capable scripting language such as python.
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Jun 01, 2018 | opensource.com
... ... ...
Looping through arrays
Although in the examples above we used integer indices in our arrays, let's consider two occasions when that won't be the case: First, if we wanted the
Looping through array elements$i
-th element of the array, where$i
is a variable containing the index of interest, we can retrieve that element using:echo ${allThreads[$i]}
. Second, to output all the elements of an array, we replace the numeric index with the@
symbol (you can think of@
as standing forall
):echo ${allThreads[@]}
.With that in mind, let's loop through
for t in ${allThreads[@]} ; do$allThreads
and launch the pipeline for each value of--threads
. / pipeline --threads $t
doneLooping through array indices
Next, let's consider a slightly different approach. Rather than looping over array elements , we can loop over array indices :
for i in ${!allThreads[@]} ; do
. / pipeline --threads ${allThreads[$i]}
doneLet's break that down: As we saw above,
represents all the elements in our array. Adding an exclamation mark to make it${!allThreads[@]}
will return the list of all array indices (in our case 0 to 7). In other words, thefor
loop is looping through all indices$i
and reading the$i
-th element from$allThreads
to set the value of the--threads
parameter.This is much harsher on the eyes, so you may be wondering why I bother introducing it in the first place. That's because there are times where you need to know both the index and the value within a loop, e.g., if you want to ignore the first element of an array, using indices saves you from creating an additional variable that you then increment inside the loop.
Populating arraysSo far, we've been able to launch the pipeline for each
Some useful syntax--threads
of interest. Now, let's assume the output to our pipeline is the runtime in seconds. We would like to capture that output at each iteration and save it in another array so we can do various manipulations with it at the end.But before diving into the code, we need to introduce some more syntax. First, we need to be able to retrieve the output of a Bash command. To do so, use the following syntax:
output=$( ./my_script.sh )
, which will store the output of our commands into the variable$output
.The second bit of syntax we need is how to append the value we just retrieved to an array. The syntax to do that will look familiar:
myArray+=( "newElement1" "newElement2" )The parameter sweepPutting everything together, here is our script for launching our parameter sweep:
allThreads = ( 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 )
allRuntimes = ()
for t in ${allThreads[@]} ; do
runtime =$ ( . / pipeline --threads $t )
allRuntimes+= ( $runtime )
doneAnd voilà!
What else you got?In this article, we covered the scenario of using arrays for parameter sweeps. But I promise there are more reasons to use Bash arrays -- here are two more examples.
Log alertingIn this scenario, your app is divided into modules, each with its own log file. We can write a cron job script to email the right person when there are signs of trouble in certain modules:
# List of logs and who should be notified of issues
logPaths = ( "api.log" "auth.log" "jenkins.log" "data.log" )
logEmails = ( "jay@email" "emma@email" "jon@email" "sophia@email" )# Look for signs of trouble in each log
for i in ${!logPaths[@]} ;
log = ${logPaths[$i]}
stakeholder = ${logEmails[$i]}
numErrors =$ ( tail -n 100 " $log " | grep "ERROR" | wc -l )# Warn stakeholders if recently saw > 5 errors
API queries
if [[ " $numErrors " -gt 5 ]] ;
emailRecipient = " $stakeholder "
emailSubject = "WARNING: ${log} showing unusual levels of errors"
emailBody = " ${numErrors} errors found in log ${log} "
echo " $emailBody " | mailx -s " $emailSubject " " $emailRecipient "
doneSay you want to generate some analytics about which users comment the most on your Medium posts. Since we don't have direct database access, SQL is out of the question, but we can use APIs!
To avoid getting into a long discussion about API authentication and tokens, we'll instead use JSONPlaceholder , a public-facing API testing service, as our endpoint. Once we query each post and retrieve the emails of everyone who commented, we can append those emails to our results array:
endpoint = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/comments"
allEmails = ()# Query first 10 posts
for postId in { 1 .. 10 } ;
# Make API call to fetch emails of this posts's commenters
response =$ ( curl " ${endpoint} ?postId= ${postId} " )# Use jq to parse the JSON response into an array
allEmails+= ( $ ( jq '.[].email' <<< " $response " ) )
doneNote here that I'm using the
tool to parse JSON from the command line. The syntax ofjq
is beyond the scope of this article, but I highly recommend you look into it.As you might imagine, there are countless other scenarios in which using Bash arrays can help, and I hope the examples outlined in this article have given you some food for thought. If you have other examples to share from your own work, please leave a comment below.
But wait, there's more!Since we covered quite a bit of array syntax in this article, here's a summary of what we covered, along with some more advanced tricks we did not cover:
One last thought
Syntax Result arr=()
Create an empty array arr=(1 2 3)
Initialize array ${arr[2]}
Retrieve third element ${arr[@]}
Retrieve all elements ${!arr[@]}
Retrieve array indices ${#arr[@]}
Calculate array size arr[0]=3
Overwrite 1st element arr+=(4)
Append value(s) str=$(ls)
Save ls
output as a stringarr=( $(ls) )
Save ls
output as an array of files${arr[@]:s:n}
Retrieve elements at indices n
As we've discovered, Bash arrays sure have strange syntax, but I hope this article convinced you that they are extremely powerful. Once you get the hang of the syntax, you'll find yourself using Bash arrays quite often.
... ... ...
Robert Aboukhalil is a Bioinformatics Software Engineer. In his work, he develops cloud applications for the analysis and interactive visualization of genomics data. Robert holds a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering from McGill.
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Oct 20, 2017 | stackoverflow.com
Amit , Jun 7, 2011 at 19:18
I have a couple of variables and I want to check the following condition (written out in words, then my failed attempt at bash scripting):if varA EQUALS 1 AND ( varB EQUALS "t1" OR varB EQUALS "t2" ) then do something done.And in my failed attempt, I came up with:
if (($varA == 1)) && ( (($varB == "t1")) || (($varC == "t2")) ); then scale=0.05 fiBest answer Gilles
What you've written actually almost works (it would work if all the variables were numbers), but it's not an idiomatic way at all.
( )
parentheses indicate a subshell . What's inside them isn't an expression like in many other languages. It's a list of commands (just like outside parentheses). These commands are executed in a separate subprocess, so any redirection, assignment, etc. performed inside the parentheses has no effect outside the parentheses.
- With a leading dollar sign,
$( )
is a command substitution : there is a command inside the parentheses, and the output from the command is used as part of the command line (after extra expansions unless the substitution is between double quotes, but that's another story ).
{ }
braces are like parentheses in that they group commands, but they only influence parsing, not grouping. The programx=2; { x=4; }; echo $x
prints 4, whereasx=2; (x=4); echo $x
prints 2. (Also braces require spaces around them and a semicolon before closing, whereas parentheses don't. That's just a syntax quirk.)
- With a leading dollar sign,
is a parameter expansion , expanding to the value of a variable, with possible extra transformations.
(( ))
double parentheses surround an arithmetic instruction , that is, a computation on integers, with a syntax resembling other programming languages. This syntax is mostly used for assignments and in conditionals.
- The same syntax is used in arithmetic expressions
$(( ))
, which expand to the integer value of the expression.
[[ ]]
double brackets surround conditional expressions . Conditional expressions are mostly built on operators such as-n $variable
to test if a variable is empty and-e $file
to test if a file exists. There are also string equality operators:"$string1" = "$string2"
(beware that the right-hand side is a pattern, e.g.[[ $foo = a* ]]
tests if$foo
starts witha
while[[ $foo = "a*" ]]
tests if$foo
is exactlya*
), and the familiar!
operators for negation, conjunction and disjunction as well as parentheses for grouping.
- Note that you need a space around each operator (e.g.
[[ "$x" = "$y" ]]
, not), and a space or a character like[[ "$x"="$y" ]]
both inside and outside the brackets (e.g.[[ -n $foo ]]
, not).[[-n $foo]]
[ ]
single brackets are an alternate form of conditional expressions with more quirks (but older and more portable). Don't write any for now; start worrying about them when you find scripts that contain them.This is the idiomatic way to write your test in bash:
if [[ $varA = 1 && ($varB = "t1" || $varC = "t2") ]]; thenIf you need portability to other shells, this would be the way (note the additional quoting and the separate sets of brackets around each individual test):
if [ "$varA" = 1 ] && { [ "$varB" = "t1" ] || [ "$varC" = "t2" ]; }; thenWill Sheppard , Jun 19, 2014 at 11:07
It's better to use==
to differentiate the comparison from assigning a variable (which is also=
) – Will Sheppard Jun 19 '14 at 11:07Cbhihe , Apr 3, 2016 at 8:05
+1 @WillSheppard for yr reminder of proper style. Gilles, don't you need a semicolon after yr closing curly bracket and before "then" ? I always thoughtif
could not be on the same line... As in:
if [ "$varA" = 1 ] && { [ "$varB" = "t1" ] || [ "$varC" = "t2" ]; }; then
Rockallite , Jan 19 at 2:41
Backquotes (` `
) are old-style form of command substitution, with some differences: in this form, backslash retains its literal meaning except when followed by$
, or\
, and the first backquote not preceded by a backslash terminates the command substitution; whereas in the$( )
form, all characters between the parentheses make up the command, none are treated specially.Peter A. Schneider , Aug 28 at 13:16
You could emphasize that single brackets have completely different semantics inside and outside of double brackets. (Because you start with explicitly pointing out the subshell semantics but then only as an aside mention the grouping semantics as part of conditional expressions. Was confusing to me for a second when I looked at your idiomatic example.) – Peter A. Schneider Aug 28 at 13:16matchew , Jun 7, 2011 at 19:29
very closeif (( $varA == 1 )) && [[ $varB == 't1' || $varC == 't2' ]]; then scale=0.05 fishould work.
breaking it down
(( $varA == 1 ))is an integer comparison where as
$varB == 't1'is a string comparison. otherwise, I am just grouping the comparisons correctly.
Double square brackets delimit a Conditional Expression. And, I find the following to be a good reading on the subject: "(IBM) Demystify test, [, [[, ((, and if-then-else"
Peter A. Schneider , Aug 28 at 13:21
Just to be sure: The quoting in 't1' is unnecessary, right? Because as opposed to arithmetic instructions in double parentheses, where t1 would be a variable, t1 in a conditional expression in double brackets is just a literal string.I.e.,
[[ $varB == 't1' ]]
is exactly the same as[[ $varB == t1 ]]
, right? – Peter A. Schneider Aug 28 at 13:21
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Sep 27, 2017 | mywiki.wooledge.org
Bash has several different ways to say we want to do arithmetic instead of string operations. Let's look at them one by one.
The first way is the let command:
$ unset a; a=4+5 $ echo $a 4+5 $ let a=4+5 $ echo $a 9You may use spaces, parentheses and so forth, if you quote the expression:
$ let a='(5+2)*3'For a full list of operators availabile, see help let or the manual.
Next, the actual arithmetic evaluation compound command syntax:
$ ((a=(5+2)*3))This is equivalent to let , but we can also use it as a command , for example in an if statement:
$ if (($a == 21)); then echo 'Blackjack!'; fiOperators such as == , < , > and so on cause a comparison to be performed, inside an arithmetic evaluation. If the comparison is "true" (for example, 10 > 2 is true in arithmetic -- but not in strings!) then the compound command exits with status 0. If the comparison is false, it exits with status 1. This makes it suitable for testing things in a script.
Although not a compound command, an arithmetic substitution (or arithmetic expression ) syntax is also available:
$ echo "There are $(($rows * $columns)) cells"Inside $((...)) is an arithmetic context , just like with ((...)) , meaning we do arithmetic (multiplying things) instead of string manipulations (concatenating $rows , space, asterisk, space, $columns ). $((...)) is also portable to the POSIX shell, while ((...)) is not.
Readers who are familiar with the C programming language might wish to know that ((...)) has many C-like features. Among them are the ternary operator:
$ ((abs = (a >= 0) ? a : -a))and the use of an integer value as a truth value:
$ if ((flag)); then echo "uh oh, our flag is up"; fiNote that we used variables inside ((...)) without prefixing them with $ -signs. This is a special syntactic shortcut that Bash allows inside arithmetic evaluations and arithmetic expressions.
There is one final thing we must mention about ((flag)) . Because the inside of ((...)) is C-like, a variable (or expression) that evaluates to zero will be considered false for the purposes of the arithmetic evaluation. Then, because the evaluation is false, it will exit with a status of 1. Likewise, if the expression inside ((...)) is non-zero , it will be considered true ; and since the evaluation is true, it will exit with status 0. This is potentially very confusing, even to experts, so you should take some time to think about this. Nevertheless, when things are used the way they're intended, it makes sense in the end:
$ flag=0 # no error $ while read line; do > if [[ $line = *err* ]]; then flag=1; fi > done < inputfile $ if ((flag)); then echo "oh no"; fi
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I feel stupid: declare not found in bash scripting? I was anxious to get my feet wet, and I'm only up to my toes before I'm stuck...this seems very very easy but I'm not sure what I've done wrong. Below is the script and its output. What the heck am I missing?
declare -a PROD[0]="computers" PROD[1]="HomeAutomation"
printf "${ PROD[*]}"
_______________________________________________________products.sh: 6: declare: not found
products.sh: 8: Syntax error: Bad substitutionI ran what you posted (but at the command line, not in a script, though that should make no significant difference), and got this:
-bash: ${ PROD[*]}: bad substitution
In other words, I couldn't reproduce your first problem, the "declare: not found" error. Try the declare command by itself, on the command line.
And I got rid of the "bad substitution" problem when I removed the space which is between the ${ and the PROD on the printf line.
Hope this helps.
The previous poster identified your second problem.
As far as your first problem goes ... I am not a bash guru although I have written a number of bash scripts. So far I have found no need for declare statements. I suspect that you might not need it either. But if you do want to use it, the following does work:
#!/bin/bashdeclare -a PROD
printf "${PROD[*]}\n"EDIT: My original post was based on an older version of bash. When I tried the declare statement you posted I got an error message, but one that was different from yours. I just tried it on a newer version of bash, and your declare statement worked fine. So it might depend on the version of bash you are running. What I posted above runs fine on both versions.
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Jul 26, 2017 | unix.stackexchange.com
Ron Burk :
Obviously cut out of a much more complex script that was more meaningful:
bash array readonly#!/bin/bash function InitializeConfig(){ declare -r -g -A SHCFG_INIT=( [a]=b ) declare -r -g -A SHCFG_INIT=( [c]=d ) echo "This statement never gets executed" } set -o xtrace InitializeConfig echo "Back from function"The output looks like this:ronburk@ubuntu:~/ubucfg$ bash bug.sh + InitializeConfig + SHCFG_INIT=([a]=b) + declare -r -g -A SHCFG_INIT + SHCFG_INIT=([c]=d) + echo 'Back from function' Back from functionBash seems to silently execute a function return upon the second declare statement. Starting to think this really is a new bug, but happy to learn otherwise.Other details:
Machine: x86_64 OS: linux-gnu Compiler: gcc Compilation CFLAGS: -DPROGRAM='bash' -DCONF_HOSTTYPE='x86_64' -DCONF_OSTYPE='linux-gnu' -DCONF_MACHTYPE='x86_64-pc-linux-gn$ uname output: Linux ubuntu 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Lin$ Machine Type: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Bash Version: 4.3 Patch Level: 11 Release Status: release
share improve this question edited Jun 14 '15 at 17:43 asked Jun 14 '15 at 7:05 118
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Weird. Doesn't happen in bash 4.2.53(1). – choroba Jun 14 '15 at 7:22
I can reproduce this problem with bash version 4.3.11 (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS). It works fine with bash 4.2.8 (Ubuntu 11.04). – Cyrus Jun 14 '15 at 7:34
Maybe related: unix.stackexchange.com/q/56815/116972 I can get expected result with declare -r -g -A 'SHCFG_INIT=( [a]=b )'
. – yaegashi Jun 14 '15 at 23:22By gum, you're right! Then I get readonly warning on second declare, which is reasonable, and the function completes. The xtrace output is also interesting; implies
without single quotes is really treated as two steps. Ready to become superstitious about always single-quoting the argument todeclare
. Hard to see how popping the function stack can be anything but a bug, though. – Ron Burk Jun 14 '15 at 23:58I found this thread in [email protected] related to
test -v
on an assoc array. In short, bash implicitly didtest -v SHCFG_INIT[0]
in your script. I'm not sure this behavior got introduced in 4.3.You might want to use
declare -p
to workaround this...if declare p SHCFG_INIT >/dev/null >& ; then echo "looks like SHCFG_INIT not defined" fi ====
Well, rats. I think your answer is correct, but also reveals I'm really asking two separate questions when I thought they were probably the same issue. Since the title better reflects what turns out to be the "other" question, I'll leave this up for a while and see if anybody knows what's up with the mysterious implicit function return... Thanks! – Ron Burk Jun 14 '15 at 17:01
Edited question to focus on the remaining issue. Thanks again for the answer on the "-v" issue with associative arrays. – Ron Burk Jun 14 '15 at 17:55
Accepting this answer. Complete answer is here plus your comments above plus (IMHO) there's a bug in this version of bash (can't see how there can be any excuse for popping the function stack without warning). Thanks for your excellent research on this! – Ron Burk Jun 21 '15 at 19:31
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Jul 26, 2017 | www.tldp.org
The declare or typeset builtins , which are exact synonyms, permit modifying the properties of variables. This is a very weak form of the typing [1] available in certain programming languages. The declare command is specific to version 2 or later of Bash. The typeset command also works in ksh scripts.
declare/typeset optionsExample 9-10. Using declare to type variables
- -r readonly
- ( declare -r var1 works the same as readonly var1 )
This is the rough equivalent of the C const type qualifier. An attempt to change the value of a readonly variable fails with an error message.
declare -r var1=1 echo "var1 = $var1" # var1 = 1 (( var1++ )) # x.sh: line 4: var1: readonly variable- -i integer
declare -i number # The script will treat subsequent occurrences of "number" as an integer. number=3 echo "Number = $number" # Number = 3 number=three echo "Number = $number" # Number = 0 # Tries to evaluate the string "three" as an integer.Certain arithmetic operations are permitted for declared integer variables without the need for expr or let .
n=6/3 echo "n = $n" # n = 6/3 declare -i n n=6/3 echo "n = $n" # n = 2- -a array
declare -a indicesThe variable indices will be treated as an array .
- -f function(s)
declare -fA declare -f line with no arguments in a script causes a listing of all the functions previously defined in that script.
declare -f function_nameA declare -f function_name in a script lists just the function named.
- -x export
declare -x var3This declares a variable as available for exporting outside the environment of the script itself.
- -x var=$value
declare -x var3=373The declare command permits assigning a value to a variable in the same statement as setting its properties.
#!/bin/bash func1 () { echo This is a function. } declare -f # Lists the function above. echo declare -i var1 # var1 is an integer. var1=2367 echo "var1 declared as $var1" var1=var1+1 # Integer declaration eliminates the need for 'let'. echo "var1 incremented by 1 is $var1." # Attempt to change variable declared as integer. echo "Attempting to change var1 to floating point value, 2367.1." var1=2367.1 # Results in error message, with no change to variable. echo "var1 is still $var1" echo declare -r var2=13.36 # 'declare' permits setting a variable property #+ and simultaneously assigning it a value. echo "var2 declared as $var2" # Attempt to change readonly variable. var2=13.37 # Generates error message, and exit from script. echo "var2 is still $var2" # This line will not execute. exit 0 # Script will not exit here.9.2.1. Another use for declare
Using the declare builtin restricts the scope of a variable.
foo () { FOO="bar" } bar () { foo echo $FOO } bar # Prints bar.However . . .
foo (){ declare FOO="bar" } bar () { foo echo $FOO } bar # Prints nothing. # Thank you, Michael Iatrou, for pointing this out.The declare command can be helpful in identifying variables, environmental or otherwise. This can be especially useful with arrays .
bash$ declare | grep HOME HOME=/home/bozo bash$ zzy=68 bash$ declare | grep zzy zzy=68 bash$ Colors=([0]="purple" [1]="reddish-orange" [2]="light green") bash$ echo ${Colors[@]} purple reddish-orange light green bash$ declare | grep Colors Colors=([0]="purple" [1]="reddish-orange" [2]="light green")
[1] In this context, typing a variable means to classify it and restrict its properties. For example, a variable declared or typed as an integer is no longer available for string operations .
declare -i intvar intvar=23 echo "$intvar" # 23 intvar=stringval echo "$intvar" # 0
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Jul 25, 2017 | wiki.bash-hackers.org
Purpose An array is a parameter that holds mappings from keys to values. Arrays are used to store a collection of parameters into a parameter. Arrays (in any programming language) are a useful and common composite data structure, and one of the most important scripting features in Bash and other shells.
Here is an abstract representation of an array named
. The indexes go from 0 to 3.NAMES 0: Peter 1: Anna 2: Greg 3: JanInstead of using 4 separate variables, multiple related variables are grouped grouped together into elements of the array, accessible by their key . If you want the second name, ask for index 1 of the array
. Indexing Bash supports two different types of ksh-like one-dimensional arrays. Multidimensional arrays are not implemented .Syntax Referencing To accommodate referring to array variables and their individual elements, Bash extends the parameter naming scheme with a subscript suffix. Any valid ordinary scalar parameter name is also a valid array name:
- Indexed arrays use positive integer numbers as keys. Indexed arrays are always sparse , meaning indexes are not necessarily contiguous. All syntax used for both assigning and dereferencing indexed arrays is an arithmetic evaluation context (see Referencing ). As in C and many other languages, the numerical array indexes start at 0 (zero). Indexed arrays are the most common, useful, and portable type. Indexed arrays were first introduced to Bourne-like shells by ksh88. Similar, partially compatible syntax was inherited by many derivatives including Bash. Indexed arrays always carry the
attribute.- Associative arrays (sometimes known as a "hash" or "dict") use arbitrary nonempty strings as keys. In other words, associative arrays allow you to look up a value from a table based upon its corresponding string label. Associative arrays are always unordered , they merely associate key-value pairs. If you retrieve multiple values from the array at once, you can't count on them coming out in the same order you put them in. Associative arrays always carry the
attribute, and unlike indexed arrays, Bash requires that they always be declared explicitly (as indexed arrays are the default, see declaration ). Associative arrays were first introduced in ksh93, and similar mechanisms were later adopted by Zsh and Bash version 4. These three are currently the only POSIX-compatible shells with any associative array support.[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*
. The parameter name may be followed by an optional subscript enclosed in square brackets to refer to a member of the array.The overall syntax is
- where for indexed arrays,subscript
is any valid arithmetic expression, and for associative arrays, any nonempty string. Subscripts are first processed for parameter and arithmetic expansions, and command and process substitutions. When used within parameter expansions or as an argument to the unset builtin, the special subscripts*
are also accepted which act upon arrays analogously to the way the@
special parameters act upon the positional parameters. In parsing the subscript, bash ignores any text that follows the closing bracket up to the end of the parameter name.With few exceptions, names of this form may be used anywhere ordinary parameter names are valid, such as within arithmetic expressions , parameter expansions , and as arguments to builtins that accept parameter names. An array is a Bash parameter that has been given the
(for indexed) or-A
(for associative) attributes . However, any regular (non-special or positional) parameter may be validly referenced using a subscript, because in most contexts, referring to the zeroth element of an array is synonymous with referring to the array name without a subscript.# "x" is an ordinary non-array parameter. $ x=hi; printf '%s ' "$x" "${x[0]}"; echo "${_[0]}" hi hi hiThe only exceptions to this rule are in a few cases where the array variable's name refers to the array as a whole. This is the case for the
builtin (see destruction ) and when declaring an array without assigning any values (see declaration ). Declaration The following explicitly give variables array attributes, making them arrays:Storing values Storing values in arrays is quite as simple as storing values in normal variables.
Syntax Description ARRAY=()
Declares an indexed array ARRAY
and initializes it to be empty. This can also be used to empty an existing array.ARRAY[0]=
Generally sets the first element of an indexed array. If no array ARRAY
existed before, it is created.declare -a ARRAY
Declares an indexed array ARRAY
. An existing array is not initialized.declare -A ARRAY
Declares an associative array ARRAY
. This is the one and only way to create associative arrays.
Syntax Description ARRAY[N]=VALUE
Sets the element N
of the indexed arrayARRAY
can be any valid arithmetic expressionARRAY[STRING]=VALUE
Sets the element indexed by STRING
of the associative arrayARRAY
As above. If no index is given, as a default the zeroth element is set to VALUE
. Careful, this is even true of associative arrays - there is no error if no key is specified, and the value is assigned to string index "0".ARRAY=(E1 E2 )
Compound array assignment - sets the whole array ARRAY
to the given list of elements indexed sequentially starting at zero. The array is unset before assignment unless the += operator is used. When the list is empty (ARRAY=()
), the array will be set to an empty array. This method obviously does not use explicit indexes. An associative array can not be set like that! Clearing an associative array usingARRAY=()
works.ARRAY=([X]=E1 [Y]=E2 )
Compound assignment for indexed arrays with index-value pairs declared individually (here for example X
). X and Y are arithmetic expressions. This syntax can be combined with the above - elements declared without an explicitly specified index are assigned sequentially starting at either the last element with an explicit index, or zero.ARRAY=([S1]=E1 [S2]=E2 )
Individual mass-setting for associative arrays . The named indexes (here: S1
) are strings.ARRAY+=(E1 E2 )
Append to ARRAY. As of now, arrays can't be exported. Getting values article about parameter expansion and check the notes about arrays.
Syntax Description ${ARRAY[N]}
Expands to the value of the index N
in the indexed arrayARRAY
. IfN
is a negative number, it's treated as the offset from the maximum assigned index (can't be used for assignment) - 1${ARRAY[S]}
Expands to the value of the index S
in the associative arrayARRAY
${ARRAY[*]}Similar to mass-expanding positional parameters , this expands to all elements. If unquoted, both subscripts *
expand to the same result, if quoted,@
expands to all elements individually quoted,*
expands to all elements quoted as a whole."${ARRAY[@]:N:M}"
${ARRAY[*]:N:M}Similar to what this syntax does for the characters of a single string when doing substring expansion , this expands to M
elements starting with elementN
. This way you can mass-expand individual indexes. The rules for quoting and the subscripts*
are the same as above for the other mass-expansions.For clarification: When you use the subscripts
for mass-expanding, then the behaviour is exactly what it is for$@
when mass-expanding the positional parameters . You should read this article to understand what's going on. MetadataDestruction The unset builtin command is used to destroy (unset) arrays or individual elements of arrays.
Syntax Description ${#ARRAY[N]}
Expands to the length of an individual array member at index N
( stringlength${#ARRAY[STRING]}
Expands to the length of an individual associative array member at index STRING
( stringlength )${#ARRAY[@]}
Expands to the number of elements in ARRAY
Expands to the indexes in ARRAY
since BASH 3.0
Syntax Description unset -v ARRAY
unset -v ARRAY[@]
unset -v ARRAY[*]
Destroys a complete array unset -v ARRAY[N]
Destroys the array element at index N
unset -v ARRAY[STRING]
Destroys the array element of the associative array at index STRING
It is best to explicitly specify -v when unsetting variables with unset.
pathname expansion to occur due to the presence of glob characters.Example: You are in a directory with a file named
, and you want to destroy an array elementx[1]
, withunset x[1]then pathname expansion will expand to the filenamex1
and break your processing!Even worse, if
is set, your array/index will disappear.To avoid this, always quote the array name and index:
unset -v 'x[1]'This applies generally to all commands which take variable names as arguments. Single quotes preferred.
Usage Numerical Index Numerical indexed arrays are easy to understand and easy to use. The Purpose and Indexing chapters above more or less explain all the needed background theory.
Now, some examples and comments for you.
Let's say we have an array
which is initialized as follows:sentence=(Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send)Since no special code is there to prevent word splitting (no quotes), every word there will be assigned to an individual array element. When you count the words you see, you should get 12. Now let's see if Bash has the same opinion:
$ echo ${#sentence[@]} 12Yes, 12. Fine. You can take this number to walk through the array. Just subtract 1 from the number of elements, and start your walk at 0 (zero)
((n_elements=${#sentence[@]}, max_index=n_elements - 1)) for ((i = 0; i <= max_index; i++)); do echo "Element $i: '${sentence[i]}'" doneYou always have to remember that, it seems newbies have problems sometimes. Please understand that numerical array indexing begins at 0 (zero)
The method above, walking through an array by just knowing its number of elements, only works for arrays where all elements are set, of course. If one element in the middle is removed, then the calculation is nonsense, because the number of elements doesn't correspond to the highest used index anymore (we call them " sparse arrays "). Associative (Bash 4) Associative arrays (or hash tables ) are not much more complicated than numerical indexed arrays. The numerical index value (in Bash a number starting at zero) just is replaced with an arbitrary string:
# declare -A, introduced with Bash 4 to declare an associative array declare -A sentence sentence[Begin]='Be liberal in what' sentence[Middle]='you accept, and conservative' sentence[End]='in what you send' sentence['Very end']=...Beware: don't rely on the fact that the elements are ordered in memory like they were declared, it could look like this:
# output from 'set' command sentence=([End]="in what you send" [Middle]="you accept, and conservative " [Begin]="Be liberal in what " ["Very end"]="...")This effectively means, you can get the data back with"${sentence[@]}"
, of course (just like with numerical indexing), but you can't rely on a specific order. If you want to store ordered data, or re-order data, go with numerical indexes. For associative arrays, you usually query known index values:for element in Begin Middle End "Very end"; do printf "%s" "${sentence[$element]}" done printf "\n"A nice code example: Checking for duplicate files using an associative array indexed with the SHA sum of the files:
# Thanks to Tramp in #bash for the idea and the code unset flist; declare -A flist; while read -r sum fname; do if [[ ${flist[$sum]} ]]; then printf 'rm -- "%s" # Same as >%s<\n' "$fname" "${flist[$sum]}" else flist[$sum]="$fname" fi done < <(find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} +) >rmdupsInteger arrays Any type attributes applied to an array apply to all elements of the array. If the integer attribute is set for either indexed or associative arrays, then values are considered as arithmetic for both compound and ordinary assignment, and the += operator is modified in the same way as for ordinary integer variables.
~ $ ( declare -ia 'a=(2+4 [2]=2+2 [a[2]]="a[2]")' 'a+=(42 [a[4]]+=3)'; declare -p a ) declare -ai a='([0]="6" [2]="4" [4]="7" [5]="42")'
is assigned to the result of2+4
gets the result of2+2
. The last index in the first assignment is the result ofa[2]
, which has already been assigned as4
, and its value is also givena[2]
.This shows that even though any existing arrays named
in the current scope have already been unset by using=
instead of+=
to the compound assignment, arithmetic variables within keys can self-reference any elements already assigned within the same compound-assignment. With integer arrays this also applies to expressions to the right of the=
. (See evaluation order , the right side of an arithmetic assignment is typically evaluated first in Bash.)The second compound assignment argument to declare uses
, so it appends after the last element of the existing array rather than deleting it and creating a new array, soa[5]
.Lastly, the element whose index is the value of
), gets3
added to its existing value, makinga[4]
. Note that having the integer attribute set this time causes += to add, rather than append a string, as it would for a non-integer array.The single quotes force the assignments to be evaluated in the environment of
. This is important because attributes are only applied to the assignment after assignment arguments are processed. Without them the+=
compound assignment would have been invalid, and strings would have been inserted into the integer array without evaluating the arithmetic. A special-case of this is shown in the next section.eval
, but there are differences.)'Todo:
' Discuss this in detail.Indirection Arrays can be expanded indirectly using the indirect parameter expansion syntax. Parameters whose values are of the form:
, orname[*]
when expanded indirectly produce the expected results. This is mainly useful for passing arrays (especially multiple arrays) by name to a function.This example is an "isSubset"-like predicate which returns true if all key-value pairs of the array given as the first argument to isSubset correspond to a key-value of the array given as the second argument. It demonstrates both indirect array expansion and indirect key-passing without eval using the aforementioned special compound assignment expansion.
isSubset() { local -a 'xkeys=("${!'"$1"'[@]}")' 'ykeys=("${!'"$2"'[@]}")' set -- "${@/%/[key]}" (( ${#xkeys[@]} <= ${#ykeys[@]} )) || return 1 local key for key in "${xkeys[@]}"; do [[ ${!2+_} && ${!1} == ${!2} ]] || return 1 done } main() { # "a" is a subset of "b" local -a 'a=({0..5})' 'b=({0..10})' isSubset a b echo $? # true # "a" contains a key not in "b" local -a 'a=([5]=5 {6..11})' 'b=({0..10})' isSubset a b echo $? # false # "a" contains an element whose value != the corresponding member of "b" local -a 'a=([5]=5 6 8 9 10)' 'b=({0..10})' isSubset a b echo $? # false } mainThis script is one way of implementing a crude multidimensional associative array by storing array definitions in an array and referencing them through indirection. The script takes two keys and dynamically calls a function whose name is resolved from the array.
callFuncs() { # Set up indirect references as positional parameters to minimize local name collisions. set -- "${@:1:3}" ${2+'a["$1"]' "$1"'["$2"]'} # The only way to test for set but null parameters is unfortunately to test each individually. local x for x; do [[ $x ]] || return 0 done local -A a=( [foo]='([r]=f [s]=g [t]=h)' [bar]='([u]=i [v]=j [w]=k)' [baz]='([x]=l [y]=m [z]=n)' ) ${4+${a["$1"]+"${1}=${!3}"}} # For example, if "$1" is "bar" then define a new array: bar=([u]=i [v]=j [w]=k) ${4+${a["$1"]+"${!4-:}"}} # Now just lookup the new array. for inputs: "bar" "v", the function named "j" will be called, which prints "j" to stdout. } main() { # Define functions named {f..n} which just print their own names. local fun='() { echo "$FUNCNAME"; }' x for x in {f..n}; do eval "${x}${fun}" done callFuncs "$@" } main "$@"Bugs and Portability Considerations
- Arrays are not specified by POSIX. One-dimensional indexed arrays are supported using similar syntax and semantics by most Korn-like shells.
- Associative arrays are supported via
typeset -A
in Bash 4, Zsh, and Ksh93.- In Ksh93, arrays whose types are not given explicitly are not necessarily indexed. Arrays defined using compound assignments which specify subscripts are associative by default. In Bash, associative arrays can only be created by explicitly declaring them as associative, otherwise they are always indexed. In addition, ksh93 has several other compound structures whose types can be determined by the compound assignment syntax used to create them.
- In Ksh93, using the
compound assignment operator unsets the array, including any attributes that have been set on the array prior to assignment. In order to preserve attributes, you must use the+=
operator. However, declaring an associative array, then attempting ana=( )
style compound assignment without specifying indexes is an error. I can't explain this inconsistency.$ ksh -c 'function f { typeset -a a; a=([0]=foo [1]=bar); typeset -p a; }; f' # Attribute is lost, and since subscripts are given, we default to associative. typeset -A a=([0]=foo [1]=bar) $ ksh -c 'function f { typeset -a a; a+=([0]=foo [1]=bar); typeset -p a; }; f' # Now using += gives us the expected results. typeset -a a=(foo bar) $ ksh -c 'function f { typeset -A a; a=(foo bar); typeset -p a; }; f' # On top of that, the reverse does NOT unset the attribute. No idea why. ksh: f: line 1: cannot append index array to associative array a- Only Bash and mksh support compound assignment with mixed explicit subscripts and automatically incrementing subscripts. In ksh93, in order to specify individual subscripts within a compound assignment, all subscripts must be given (or none). Zsh doesn't support specifying individual subscripts at all.
- Appending to a compound assignment is a fairly portable way to append elements after the last index of an array. In Bash, this also sets append mode for all individual assignments within the compound assignment, such that if a lower subscript is specified, subsequent elements will be appended to previous values. In ksh93, it causes subscripts to be ignored, forcing appending everything after the last element. (Appending has different meaning due to support for multi-dimensional arrays and nested compound datastructures.)
$ ksh -c 'function f { typeset -a a; a+=(foo bar baz); a+=([3]=blah [0]=bork [1]=blarg [2]=zooj); typeset -p a; }; f' # ksh93 forces appending to the array, disregarding subscripts typeset -a a=(foo bar baz '[3]=blah' '[0]=bork' '[1]=blarg' '[2]=zooj') $ bash -c 'function f { typeset -a a; a+=(foo bar baz); a+=(blah [0]=bork blarg zooj); typeset -p a; }; f' # Bash applies += to every individual subscript. declare -a a='([0]="foobork" [1]="barblarg" [2]="bazzooj" [3]="blah")' $ mksh -c 'function f { typeset -a a; a+=(foo bar baz); a+=(blah [0]=bork blarg zooj); typeset -p a; }; f' # Mksh does like Bash, but clobbers previous values rather than appending. set -A a typeset a[0]=bork typeset a[1]=blarg typeset a[2]=zooj typeset a[3]=blah- In Bash and Zsh, the alternate value assignment parameter expansion (
) evaluates the subscript twice, first to determine whether to expand the alternate, and second to determine the index to assign the alternate to. See evaluation order .$ : ${_[$(echo $RANDOM >&2)1]:=$(echo hi >&2)} 13574 hi 14485- In Zsh, arrays are indexed starting at 1 in its default mode. Emulation modes are required in order to get any kind of portability.
- Zsh and mksh do not support compound assignment arguments to
.- Ksh88 didn't support modern compound array assignment syntax. The original (and most portable) way to assign multiple elements is to use the
set -A name arg1 arg2
syntax. This is supported by almost all shells that support ksh-like arrays except for Bash. Additionally, these shells usually support an optional-s
argument toset
which performs lexicographic sorting on either array elements or the positional parameters. Bash has no built-in sorting ability other than the usual comparison operators.$ ksh -c 'set -A arr -- foo bar bork baz; typeset -p arr' # Classic array assignment syntax typeset -a arr=(foo bar bork baz) $ ksh -c 'set -sA arr -- foo bar bork baz; typeset -p arr' # Native sorting! typeset -a arr=(bar baz bork foo) $ mksh -c 'set -sA arr -- foo "[3]=bar" "[2]=baz" "[7]=bork"; typeset -p arr' # Probably a bug. I think the maintainer is aware of it. set -A arr typeset arr[2]=baz typeset arr[3]=bar typeset arr[7]=bork typeset arr[8]=foo- Evaluation order for assignments involving arrays varies significantly depending on context. Notably, the order of evaluating the subscript or the value first can change in almost every shell for both expansions and arithmetic variables. See evaluation order for details.
- Bash 4.1.* and below cannot use negative subscripts to address array indexes relative to the highest-numbered index. You must use the subscript expansion, i.e.
, to expand the nth-last element (or the next-highest indexed aftern
is unset). In Bash 4.2, you may expand (but not assign to) a negative index. In Bash 4.3, ksh93, and zsh, you may both assign and expand negative offsets.- ksh93 also has an additional slice notation:
are arithmetic expressions. These are needed for use with multi-dimensional arrays.- Assigning or referencing negative indexes in mksh causes wrap-around. The max index appears to be
, which would be addressed byarr[-1]
.- So far, Bash's
-v var
test doesn't support individual array subscripts. You may supply an array name to test whether an array is defined, but can't check an element. ksh93's-v
supports both. Other shells lack a-v
test.Evaluation order Here are some of the nasty details of array assignment evaluation order. You can use this testcase code to generate these results.
- Fixed in 4.3 Bash 4.2.* and earlier considers each chunk of a compound assignment, including the subscript for globbing. The subscript part is considered quoted, but any unquoted glob characters on the right-hand side of the
[ ]=
will be clumped with the subscript and counted as a glob. Therefore, you must quote anything on the right of the=
sign. This is fixed in 4.3, so that each subscript assignment statement is expanded following the same rules as an ordinary assignment. This also works correctly in ksh93.$ touch '[1]=a'; bash -c 'a=([1]=*); echo "${a[@]}"' [1]=amksh has a similar but even worse problem in that the entire subscript is considered a glob.$ touch 1=a; mksh -c 'a=([123]=*); print -r -- "${a[@]}"' 1=a- Fixed in 4.3 In addition to the above globbing issue, assignments preceding "declare" have an additional effect on brace and pathname expansion.
$ set -x; foo=bar declare arr=( {1..10} ) + foo=bar + declare 'a=(1)' 'a=(2)' 'a=(3)' 'a=(4)' 'a=(5)' $ touch xy=foo $ declare x[y]=* + declare 'x[y]=*' $ foo=bar declare x[y]=* + foo=bar + declare xy=fooEach word (the entire assignment) is subject to globbing and brace expansion. This appears to trigger the same strange expansion mode aslet
, other declaration commands, and maybe more.- Fixed in 4.3 Indirection combined with another modifier expands arrays to a single word.
$ a=({a..c}) b=a[@]; printf '<%s> ' "${!b}"; echo; printf '<%s> ' "${!b/%/foo}"; echo <a> <b> <c> <a b cfoo>- Fixed in 4.3 Process substitutions are evaluated within array indexes. Zsh and ksh don't do this in any arithmetic context.
# print "moo" dev=fd=1 _[1<(echo moo >&2)]= # Fork bomb ${dev[${dev='dev[1>(${dev[dev]})]'}]}Each testcase prints evaluation order for indexed array assignment contexts. Each context is tested for expansions (represented by digits) and arithmetic (letters), ordered from left to right within the expression. The output corresponds to the way evaluation is re-ordered for each shell: a[ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=${c[ $3 c ]}} No attributes a[ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=c[ $3 c ]} typeset -ia a a[ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=c[ $3 c ]} typeset -ia b a[ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=c[ $3 c ]} typeset -ia a b (( a[ $1 a ] = b[ $2 b ] ${c[ $3 c ]} )) No attributes (( a[ $1 a ] = ${b[ $2 b ]:=c[ $3 c ]} )) typeset -ia b a+=( [ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=${c[ $3 c ]}} [ $4 d ]=$(( $5 e )) ) typeset -a a a+=( [ $1 a ]=${b[ $2 b ]:=c[ $3 c ]} [ $4 d ]=${5}e ) typeset -ia a bash: 4.2.42(1)-release 2 b 3 c 2 b 1 a 2 b 3 2 b 1 a c 2 b 3 2 b c 1 a 2 b 3 2 b c 1 a c 1 2 3 c b a 1 2 b 3 2 b c c a 1 2 b 3 c 2 b 4 5 e a d 1 2 b 3 2 b 4 5 a c d e ksh93: Version AJM 93v- 2013-02-22 1 2 b b a 1 2 b b a 1 2 b b a 1 2 b b a 1 2 3 c b a 1 2 b b a 1 2 b b a 4 5 e d 1 2 b b a 4 5 d e mksh: @(#)MIRBSD KSH R44 2013/02/24 2 b 3 c 1 a 2 b 3 1 a c 2 b 3 c 1 a 2 b 3 c 1 a 1 2 3 c a b 1 2 b 3 c a 1 2 b 3 c 4 5 e a d 1 2 b 3 4 5 a c d e zsh: 5.0.2 2 b 3 c 2 b 1 a 2 b 3 2 b 1 a c 2 b 1 a 2 b 1 a 1 2 3 c b a 1 2 b a 1 2 b 3 c 2 b 4 5 e 1 2 b 3 2 b 4 5See also
- Parameter expansion (contains sections for arrays)
- The classic for-loop (contains some examples to iterate over arrays)
- The declare builtin command
- BashFAQ 005 - How can I use array variables? - A very detailed discussion on arrays with many examples.
- BashSheet - Arrays - Bashsheet quick-reference on Greycat's wiki.
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Mar 13, 2017 | name="KSH-CH-6-SECT-3">
So far we have seen two types of variables: character strings and integers. The third type of variable the Korn shell supports is an array . As you may know, an array is like a list of things; you can refer to specific elements in an array with integer indices , so that a[i] refers to the i th element of array a .
The Korn shell provides an array facility that, while useful, is much more limited than analogous features in conventional programming languages. In particular, arrays can be only one-dimensional (i.e., no arrays of arrays), and they are limited to 1024 elements. Indices can start at 0.
There are two ways to assign values to elements of an array. The first is the most intuitive: you can use the standard shell variable assignment syntax with the array index in brackets ( [] ). For example:
nicknames[2]=bob nicknames[3]=ed
puts the values bob and ed into the elements of the array nicknames with indices 2 and 3, respectively. As with regular shell variables, values assigned to array elements are treated as character strings unless the assignment is preceded by let .
The second way to assign values to an array is with a variant of the set statement, which we saw in Chapter 3, Customizing Your Environment . The statement:
set -A aname val1 val2 val3 ...
creates the array aname (if it doesn't already exist) and assigns val1 to aname[0] , val2 to aname[1] , etc. As you would guess, this is more convenient for loading up an array with an initial set of values.
To extract a value from an array, use the syntax ${ aname [ i ]} . For example, ${nicknames[2]} has the value "bob". The index i can be an arithmetic expression-see above. If you use
in place of the index, the value will be all elements, separated by spaces. Omitting the index is the same as specifying index 0.Now we come to the somewhat unusual aspect of Korn shell arrays. Assume that the only values assigned to nicknames are the two we saw above. If you type print
]}" , you will see the output:
bob ed
In other words, nicknames[0] and nicknames[1] don't exist. Furthermore, if you were to type:
nicknames[9]=pete nicknames[31]=ralph
and then type print
]}" , the output would look like this:
bob ed pete ralph
This is why we said "the elements of nicknames with indices 2 and 3" earlier, instead of "the 2nd and 3rd elements of nicknames ". Any array elements with unassigned values just don't exist; if you try to access their values, you will get null strings.
You can preserve whatever whitespace you put in your array elements by using
$ { aname [@] }"
(with the double quotes) instead of $ { aname [*
] }"
, just as you can with"
instead of $*
.The shell provides an operator that tells you how many elements an array has defined: ${# aname [
] } . Thus ${#nicknames[*
] } has the value 4. Note that you need the [*
] because the name of the array alone is interpreted as the 0th element. This means, for example, that ${#nicknames} equals the length of nicknames[0] (see Chapter 4 ). Since nicknames[0] doesn't exist, the value of ${#nicknames} is 0, the length of the null string.To be quite frank, we feel that the Korn shell's array facility is of little use to shell programmers. This is partially because it is so limited, but mainly because shell programming tasks are much more often oriented toward character strings and text than toward numbers. If you think of an array as a mapping from integers to values (i.e., put in a number, get out a value), then you can see why arrays are "number-dominated" data structures.
Nevertheless, we can find useful things to do with arrays. For example, here is a cleaner solution to Task 5-4, in which a user can select his or her terminal type ( TERM environment variable) at login time. Recall that the "user-friendly" version of this code used select and a case statement:
print 'Select your terminal type:' PS3='terminal? ' select term in 'Givalt GL35a' \ 'Tsoris T-2000' \ 'Shande 531' \ 'Vey VT99' do case $REPLY in 1 ) TERM=gl35a ;; 2 ) TERM=t2000 ;; 3 ) TERM=s531 ;; 4 ) TERM=vt99 ;; * ) print "invalid." ;; esac if [[ -n $term ]]; then print "TERM is $TERM" break fi done
We can eliminate the entire case construct by taking advantage of the fact that the select construct stores the user's number choice in the variable REPLY . We just need a line of code that stores all of the possibilities for TERM in an array, in an order that corresponds to the items in the select menu. Then we can use $REPLY to index the array. The resulting code is:
set -A termnames gl35a t2000 s531 vt99 print 'Select your terminal type:' PS3='terminal? ' select term in 'Givalt GL35a' \ 'Tsoris T-2000' \ 'Shande 531' \ 'Vey VT99' do if [[ -n $term ]]; then TERM=${termnames[REPLY-1]} print "TERM is $TERM" break fi done
This code sets up the array termnames so that ${termnames[0]} is "gl35a", ${termnames[1]} is "t2000", etc. The line TERM=${termnames[REPLY-1]} essentially replaces the entire case construct by using REPLY to index the array.
Notice that the shell knows to interpret the text in an array index as an arithmetic expression, as if it were enclosed in (( and )) , which in turn means that variable need not be preceded by a dollar sign ( $ ). We have to subtract 1 from the value of REPLY because array indices start at 0, while select menu item numbers start at 1.
6.3.1 typesetThe final Korn shell feature that relates to the kinds of values that variables can hold is the typeset command. If you are a programmer, you might guess that typeset is used to specify the type of a variable (integer, string, etc.); you'd be partially right.
typeset is a rather ad hoc collection of things that you can do to variables that restrict the kinds of values they can take. Operations are specified by options to typeset ; the basic syntax is:
typeset -o varname [= value ]
Options can be combined; multiple varname s can be used. If you leave out varname , the shell prints a list of variables for which the given option is turned on.
The options available break down into two basic categories:
6.3.2 Local Variables in Functions
String formatting operations, such as right- and left-justification, truncation, and letter case control.
Type and attribute functions that are of primary interest to advanced programmers.
typeset without options has an important meaning: if a typeset statement is inside a function definition, then the variables involved all become local to that function (in addition to any properties they may take on as a result of typeset options). The ability to define variables that are local to "subprogram" units (procedures, functions, subroutines, etc.) is necessary for writing large programs, because it helps keep subprograms independent of the main program and of each other.
If you just want to declare a variable local to a function, use typeset without any options. For example:
function afunc { typeset diffvar samevar=funcvalue diffvar=funcvalue print "samevar is $samevar" print "diffvar is $diffvar" } samevar=globvalue diffvar=globvalue print "samevar is $samevar" print "diffvar is $diffvar" afunc print "samevar is $samevar" print "diffvar is $diffvar"
This code will print the following:
samevar is globvalue diffvar is globvalue samevar is funcvalue diffvar is funcvalue samevar is funcvalue diffvar is globvalue
Figure 6.1 shows this graphically.
Figure 6.1: Local variables in functions
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Mar 13, 2017 | docstore.mik.ua
6.2 Integer Variables and ArithmeticThe expression $(($OPTIND - 1)) in the last example gives a clue as to how the shell can do integer arithmetic. As you might guess, the shell interprets words surrounded by $(( and )) as arithmetic expressions. Variables in arithmetic expressions do not need to be preceded by dollar signs, though it is not wrong to do so.
Arithmetic expressions are evaluated inside double quotes, like tildes, variables, and command substitutions. We're finally in a position to state the definitive rule about quoting strings: When in doubt, enclose a string in single quotes, unless it contains tildes or any expression involving a dollar sign, in which case you should use double quotes.
date (1) command on System V-derived versions of UNIX accepts arguments that tell it how to format its output. The argument +%j tells it to print the day of the year, i.e., the number of days since December 31st of the previous year.
We can use +%j to print a little holiday anticipation message:
print "Only $(( (365-$(date +%j)) / 7 )) weeks until the New Year!"We'll show where this fits in the overall scheme of command-line processing in Chapter 7, Input/Output and Command-line Processing .
The arithmetic expression feature is built in to the Korn shell's syntax, and was available in the Bourne shell (most versions) only through the external command expr (1). Thus it is yet another example of a desirable feature provided by an external command (i.e., a syntactic kludge) being better integrated into the shell. [[ / ]] and getopts are also examples of this design trend.
Korn shell arithmetic expressions are equivalent to their counterparts in the C language. [5] Precedence and associativity are the same as in C. Table 6.2 shows the arithmetic operators that are supported. Although some of these are (or contain) special characters, there is no need to backslash-escape them, because they are within the $(( ... )) syntax.
[5] The assignment forms of these operators are also permitted. For example, $((x += 2)) adds 2 to x and stores the result back in x .
Table 6.2: Arithmetic Operators
Operator Meaning + Plus - Minus *
Times / Division (with truncation) % Remainder << Bit-shift left >> Bit-shift right & Bitwise and | Bitwise or ~ Bitwise not ^ Bitwise exclusive or Parentheses can be used to group subexpressions. The arithmetic expression syntax also (like C) supports relational operators as "truth values" of 1 for true and 0 for false. Table 6.3 shows the relational operators and the logical operators that can be used to combine relational expressions.
Table 6.3: Relational Operators
Operator Meaning < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal >= Greater than or equal == Equal != Not equal && Logical and || Logical or For example, $((3 > 2)) has the value 1; $(( (3 > 2) || (4 <= 1) )) also has the value 1, since at least one of the two subexpressions is true.
The shell also supports base N numbers, where N can be up to 36. The notation B # N means " N base B ". Of course, if you omit the B # , the base defaults to 10.
6.2.1 Arithmetic ConditionalsAnother construct, closely related to $((...)) , is ((...)) (without the leading dollar sign). We use this for evaluating arithmetic condition tests, just as [[...]] is used for string, file attribute, and other types of tests.
((...)) evaluates relational operators differently from $((...)) so that you can use it in if and while constructs. Instead of producing a textual result, it just sets its exit status according to the truth of the expression: 0 if true, 1 otherwise. So, for example, ((3 > 2)) produces exit status 0, as does (( (3 > 2) || (4 <= 1) )) , but (( (3 > 2) && (4 <= 1) )) has exit status 1 since the second subexpression isn't true.
You can also use numerical values for truth values within this construct. It's like the analogous concept in C, which means that it's somewhat counterintuitive to non-C programmers: a value of 0 means false (i.e., returns exit status 1), and a non-0 value means true (returns exit status 0), e.g., (( 14 )) is true. See the code for the kshdb debugger in Chapter 9 for two more examples of this.
6.2.2 Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
The (( ... )) construct can also be used to define integer variables and assign values to them. The statement:
))creates the integer variable intvar (if it doesn't already exist) and assigns to it the result of expression .
That syntax isn't intuitive, so the shell provides a better equivalent: the built-in command let . The syntax is:
let intvar=expressionIt is not necessary (because it's actually redundant) to surround the expression with $(( and )) in a let statement. As with any variable assignment, there must not be any space on either side of the equal sign ( = ). It is good practice to surround expressions with quotes, since many characters are treated as special by the shell (e.g.,
, # , and parentheses); furthermore, you must quote expressions that include whitespace (spaces or TABs). See Table 6.4 for examples.Table 6.4: Sample Integer Expression Assignments
Assignment Value let x= $x 1+4 5 '
1 + 4'
5 '
(2+3) * 5'
25 '
2 + 3 * 5'
17 '
17 / 3'
5 '
17 % 3'
2 '
16 '
6 '
17 & 3'
1 '
17 | 3'
19 '
17 ^ 3'
18 Here is a small task that makes use of integer arithmetic.
Task 6.1Write a script called pages that, given the name of a text file, tells how many pages of output it contains. Assume that there are 66 lines to a page but provide an option allowing the user to override that.
We'll make our option - N , a la head . The syntax for this single option is so simple that we need not bother with getopts . Here is the code:
if [[ $1 = -+([0-9]) ]]; then let page_lines=${1#-} shift else let page_lines=66 fi let file_lines="$(wc -l < $1)" let pages=file_lines/page_lines if (( file_lines % page_lines > 0 )); then let pages=pages+1 fi print "$1 has $pages pages of text."Notice that we use the integer conditional (( file_lines % page_lines > 0 )) rather than the [[ ... ]] form.
At the heart of this code is the UNIX utility wc(1) , which counts the number of lines, words, and characters (bytes) in its input. By default, its output looks something like this:
8 34 161 bobwc 's output means that the file bob has 8 lines, 34 words, and 161 characters. wc recognizes the options -l , -w , and -c , which tell it to print only the number of lines, words, or characters, respectively.
wc normally prints the name of its input file (given as argument). Since we want only the number of lines, we have to do two things. First, we give it input from file redirection instead, as in wc -l < bob instead of wc -l bob . This produces the number of lines preceded by a single space (which would normally separate the filename from the number).
Unfortunately, that space complicates matters: the statement let file_lines=$(wc -l < $1) becomes "let file_lines= N " after command substitution; the space after the equal sign is an error. That leads to the second modification, the quotes around the command substitution expression. The statement let file_lines=" N " is perfectly legal, and let knows how to remove the leading space.
The first if clause in the pages script checks for an option and, if it was given, strips the dash ( - ) off and assigns it to the variable page_lines . wc in the command substitution expression returns the number of lines in the file whose name is given as argument.
The next group of lines calculates the number of pages and, if there is a remainder after the division, adds 1. Finally, the appropriate message is printed.
As a bigger example of integer arithmetic, we will complete our emulation of the C shell's pushd and popd functions (Task 4-8). Remember that these functions operate on DIRSTACK , a stack of directories represented as a string with the directory names separated by spaces. The C shell's pushd and popd take additional types of arguments, which are:
pushd +n takes the n th directory in the stack (starting with 0), rotates it to the top, and cd s to it.
pushd without arguments, instead of complaining, swaps the two top directories on the stack and cd s to the new top.
popd +n takes the n th directory in the stack and just deletes it.
The most useful of these features is the ability to get at the n th directory in the stack. Here are the latest versions of both functions:
function pushd { # push current directory onto stack dirname=$1 if [[ -d $dirname && -x $dirname ]]; then cd $dirname DIRSTACK="$dirname ${DIRSTACK:-$PWD}" print "$DIRSTACK" else print "still in $PWD." fi } function popd { # pop directory off the stack, cd to new top if [[ -n $DIRSTACK ]]; then DIRSTACK=${DIRSTACK#* } cd ${DIRSTACK%% *} print "$PWD" else print "stack empty, still in $PWD." fi }To get at the n th directory, we use a while loop that transfers the top directory to a temporary copy of the stack n times. We'll put the loop into a function called getNdirs that looks like this:
function getNdirs{ stackfront='' let count=0 while (( count < $1 )); do stackfront="$stackfront ${DIRSTACK%% *}" DIRSTACK=${DIRSTACK#* } let count=count+1 done }The argument passed to getNdirs is the n in question. The variable stackfront is the temporary copy that will contain the first n directories when the loop is done. stackfront starts as null; count , which counts the number of loop iterations, starts as 0.
The first line of the loop body appends the top of the stack ( ${DIRSTACK%%
} ) to stackfront ; the second line deletes the top from the stack. The last line increments the counter for the next iteration. The entire loop executes N times, for values of count from 0 to N -1.When the loop finishes, the last directory in $stackfront is the N th directory. The expression ${stackfront##
} extracts this directory. Furthermore, DIRSTACK now contains the "back" of the stack, i.e., the stack without the first n directories. With this in mind, we can now write the code for the improved versions of pushd and popd :function pushd { if [[ $1 = ++([0-9]) ]]; then # case of pushd +n: rotate n-th directory to top let num=${1#+} getNdirs $num newtop=${stackfront##* } stackfront=${stackfront%$newtop} DIRSTACK="$newtop $stackfront $DIRSTACK" cd $newtop elif [[ -z $1 ]]; then # case of pushd without args; swap top two directories firstdir=${DIRSTACK%% *} DIRSTACK=${DIRSTACK#* } seconddir=${DIRSTACK%% *} DIRSTACK=${DIRSTACK#* } DIRSTACK="$seconddir $firstdir $DIRSTACK" cd $seconddir else cd $dirname # normal case of pushd dirname dirname=$1 if [[ -d $dirname && -x $dirname ]]; then DIRSTACK="$dirname ${DIRSTACK:-$PWD}" print "$DIRSTACK" else print still in "$PWD." fi fi } function popd { # pop directory off the stack, cd to new top if [[ $1 = ++([0-9]) ]]; then # case of popd +n: delete n-th directory from stack let num={$1#+} getNdirs $num stackfront=${stackfront% *} DIRSTACK="$stackfront $DIRSTACK" else # normal case of popd without argument if [[ -n $DIRSTACK ]]; then DIRSTACK=${DIRSTACK#* } cd ${DIRSTACK%% *} print "$PWD" else print "stack empty, still in $PWD." fi fi }These functions have grown rather large; let's look at them in turn. The if at the beginning of pushd checks if the first argument is an option of the form + N . If so, the first body of code is run. The first let simply strips the plus sign (+) from the argument and assigns the result - as an integer - to the variable num . This, in turn, is passed to the getNdirs function.
The next two assignment statements set newtop to the N th directory - i.e., the last directory in $stackfront - and delete that directory from stackfront . The final two lines in this part of pushd put the stack back together again in the appropriate order and cd to the new top directory.
The elif clause tests for no argument, in which case pushd should swap the top two directories on the stack. The first four lines of this clause assign the top two directories to firstdir and seconddir , and delete these from the stack. Then, as above, the code puts the stack back together in the new order and cd s to the new top directory.
The else clause corresponds to the usual case, where the user supplies a directory name as argument.
popd works similarly. The if clause checks for the + N option, which in this case means delete the N th directory. A let extracts the N as an integer; the getNdirs function puts the first n directories into stackfront . Then the line stackfront=${stackfront% *} deletes the last directory (the N th directory) from stackfront . Finally, the stack is put back together with the N th directory missing.
The else clause covers the usual case, where the user doesn't supply an argument.
Before we leave this subject, here are a few exercises that should test your understanding of this code:
Add code to pushd that exits with an error message if the user supplies no argument and the stack contains fewer than two directories.
Verify that when the user specifies + N and N exceeds the number of directories in the stack, both pushd and popd use the last directory as the N th directory.
Modify the getNdirs function so that it checks for the above condition and exits with an appropriate error message if true.
Change getNdirs so that it uses cut (with command substitution), instead of the while loop, to extract the first N directories. This uses less code but runs more slowly because of the extra processes generated.
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Nov 04, 2016 | github.com
Relax-and-Recover is written in Bash (at least bash version 3 is needed), a language that can be used in many styles. We want to make it easier for everybody to understand the Relax-and-Recover code and subsequently to contribute fixes and enhancements.
Here is a collection of coding hints that should help to get a more consistent code base.
Don't be afraid to contribute to Relax-and-Recover even if your contribution does not fully match all this coding hints. Currently large parts of the Relax-and-Recover code are not yet in compliance with this coding hints. This is an ongoing step by step process. Nevertheless try to understand the idea behind this coding hints so that you know how to break them properly (i.e. "learn the rules so you know how to break them properly").
The overall idea behind this coding hints is:
Make yourself understoodMake yourself understood to enable others to fix and enhance your code properly as needed.
From this overall idea the following coding hints are derived.
For the fun of it an extreme example what coding style should be avoided:
#!/bin/bash for i in `seq 1 2 $((2*$1-1))`;do echo $((j+=i));done
Try to find out what that code is about - it does a useful thing.
Code must be easy to readCode should be easy to understand
- Variables and functions must have names that explain what they do, even if it makes them longer. Avoid too short names, in particular do not use one-letter-names (like a variable named
- just try to 'grep' for it over the whole code to find code that is related toi
). In general names should consist of two parts, a generic part plus a specific part to make them meaningful. For exampledev
is basically meaningless because there are so many different kind of device-like thingies. Use names likeboot_dev
or even betterboot_partition
to make it unambiguous what that thingy actually is about. Use different names for different things so that others can 'grep' over the whole code and get a correct overview what actually belongs to a particular name.- Introduce intermediate variables with meaningful names to tell what is going on.
For example instead of running commands with obfuscated arguments like
rm -f $( ls ... | sed ... | grep ... | awk ... )
which looks scaring (what the heck gets deleted here?) better usefoo_dirs="..." foo_files=$( ls $foo_dirs | sed ... | grep ... ) obsolete_foo_files=$( echo $foo_files | awk ... ) rm -f $obsolete_foo_files
that tells the intent behind (regardless whether or not that code is the best way to do it - but now others can easily improve it).- Use functions to structure longer programs into code blocks that can be understood independently.
- Don't use
one-liners, write proper if-then-else-fi blocks.
Exceptions are simple do-or-die statements like
COMMAND || Error "meaningful error message"
and only if it aids readability compared to a full if-then-else clause.- Use
instead of backticks`COMMAND`
- Use spaces when possible to aid readability like
instead of
Do not only tell what the code does (i.e. the implementation details) but also explain what the intent behind is (i.e. why ) to make the code maintainable.
- Provide meaningful comments that tell what the computer should do and also explain why it should do it so that others understand the intent behind so that they can properly fix issues or adapt and enhance it as needed.
- If there is a GitHub issue or another URL available for a particular piece of code provide a comment with the GitHub issue or any other URL that tells about the reasoning behind current implementation details.
Here the initial example so that one can understand what it is about:
#!/bin/bash # output the first N square numbers # by summing up the first N odd numbers 1 3 ... 2*N-1 # where each nth partial sum is the nth square number # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_number#Properties # this way it is a little bit faster for big N compared to # calculating each square number on its own via multiplication N=$1 if ! [[ $N =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then echo "Input must be non-negative integer." 1>&2 exit 1 fi square_number=0 for odd_number in $( seq 1 2 $(( 2 * N - 1 )) ) ; do (( square_number += odd_number )) && echo $square_number done
Now the intent behind is clear and now others can easily decide if that code is really the best way to do it and easily improve it if needed.
Try to care about possible errorsBy default bash proceeds with the next command when something failed. Do not let your code blindly proceed in case of errors because that could make it hard to find the root cause of a failure when it errors out somewhere later at an unrelated place with a weird error message which could lead to false fixes that cure only a particular symptom but not the root cause.
Maintain Backward Compatibility
- In case of errors better abort than to blindly proceed.
- At least test mandatory conditions before proceeding. If a mandatory condition is not fulfilled abort with
Error "meaningful error message"
, see 'Relax-and-Recover functions' below.- Preferably in new scripts use
set -ue
to die from unset variables and unhandled errors and useset -o pipefail
to better notice failures in a pipeline. When leaving the script restore the Relax-and-Recover default bash flags and options withapply_bash_flags_and_options_commands "$DEFAULT_BASH_FLAGS_AND_OPTIONS_COMMANDS"
see usr/sbin/rear .- TODO Use
set -eu
andset -o pipefail
also in existing scripts, see make rear working with ''set -ue -o pipefail" .Implement adaptions and enhancements in a backward compatible way so that your changes do not cause regressions for others.
Dirty hacks welcome
- One same Relax-and-Recover code must work on various different systems. On older systems as well as on newest systems and on various different Linux distributions.
- Preferably use simple generic functionality that works on any Linux system. Better very simple code than oversophisticated (possibly fragile) constructs. In particular avoid special bash version 4 features (Relax-and-Recover code should also work with bash version 3).
- When there are incompatible differences on different systems distinction of cases with separated code is needed because it is more important that the Relax-and-Recover code works everywhere than having generic code that sometimes fails.
When there are special issues on particular systems it is more important that the Relax-and-Recover code works than having nice looking clean code that sometimes fails. In such special cases any dirty hacks that intend to make it work everywhere are welcome. But for dirty hacks the above listed coding hints become mandatory rules:
- Provide explanatory comments that tell what a dirty hack does together with a GitHub issue or any other URL that tell about the reasoning behind the dirty hack to enable others to properly adapt or clean up a dirty hack at any time later when the reason for it had changed or gone away.
- Try as good as you can to foresee possible errors or failures of a dirty hack and error out with meaningful error messages if things go wrong to enable others to understand the reason behind a failure.
- Implement the dirty hack in a way so that it does not cause regressions for others.
For example a dirty hack like the following is perfectly acceptable:
# FIXME: Dirty hack to make it work # on "FUBAR Linux version 666" # where COMMAND sometimes inexplicably fails # but always works after at most 3 attempts # see http://example.org/issue12345 # Retries should have no bad effect on other systems # where the first run of COMMAND works. COMMAND || COMMAND || COMMAND || Error "COMMAND failed."
Character EncodingUse only traditional (7-bit) ASCII charactes. In particular do not use UTF-8 encoded multi-byte characters.
Text Layout
- Non-ASCII characters in scripts may cause arbitrary unexpected failures on systems that do not support other locales than POSIX/C. During "rear recover" only the POSIX/C locale works (the ReaR rescue/recovery system has no support for non-ASCII locales) and /usr/sbin/rear sets the C locale so that non-ASCII characters are invalid in scripts. Have in mind that basically all files in ReaR are scripts. E.g. also /usr/share/rear/conf/default.conf and /etc/rear/local.conf are sourced (and executed) as scripts.
- English documentation texts do not need non-ASCII characters. Using non-ASCII characters in documentation texts makes it needlessly hard to display the documentation correctly for any user on any system. When non-ASCII characters are used but the user does not have the exact right matching locale set arbitrary nonsense can happen, cf. https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Plain_Text_versus_Locale
- Indentation with 4 blanks, not tabs.
- Block level statements in same line:
if CONDITION ; then
- Curly braces only where really needed:
instead of${FOO}
, but${FOO:-default_foo}
.- All variables that are used in more than a single script must be all-caps:
instead of$foo
.- Variables that are used only locally should be lowercased and should be marked with
local $foo="default_value"
Relax-and-Recover functions
- Use the
keyword to define a function.- Function names are lower case, words separated by underline (
).Use the available Relax-and-Recover functions when possible instead of re-implementing basic functionality again and again. The Relax-and-Recover functions are implemented in various lib/*-functions.sh files .
test, [, [[, ((
See lib/global-functions.sh how to use them.
For example instead of using
if [[ ! "$FOO" =~ ^[yY1] ]] ; then
if ! is_true "$FOO" ; then
Paired parenthesis
- Use
where it is required (e.g. for pattern matching or complex conditionals) and[
everywhere else.((
is the preferred way for numeric comparison, variables don't need to be prefixed with$
there.See also
- Use paired parenthesis for
patterns as in
case WORD in (PATTERN) COMMANDS ;; esac
so that editor commands (like '%' in 'vi') that check for matching opening and closing parenthesis work everywhere in the code.
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June 24, 2015 | cyberciti.biz
... ... ...
Bash v4.0+ has inbuilt support for setting up a step value using {START..END..INCREMENT} syntax:
#!/bin/bash echo "Bash version ${BASH_VERSION}..." for i in {0..10..2} do echo "Welcome $i times" doneSample outputs:
Bash version 4.0.33(0)-release... Welcome 0 times Welcome 2 times Welcome 4 times Welcome 6 times Welcome 8 times Welcome 10 times... ... ...
Three-expression bash for loops syntax
This type of for loop share a common heritage with the C programming language. It is characterized by a three-parameter loop control expression; consisting of an initializer (EXP1), a loop-test or condition (EXP2), and a counting expression (EXP3).
for (( EXP1; EXP2; EXP3 )) do command1 command2 command3 doneA representative three-expression example in bash as follows:
#!/bin/bash for (( c=1; c<=5; c++ )) do echo "Welcome $c times" done... ... ...Jadu Saikia, November 2, 2008, 3:37 pm
Nice one. All the examples are explained well, thanks Vivek.Andi Reinbrech, November 18, 2010, 7:42 pmseq 1 2 20
output can also be produced using jotjot – 1 20 2
The infinite loops as everyone knows have the following alternatives.
while ://Jadu
I know this is an ancient thread, but thought this trick might be helpful to someone:Peko, July 16, 2009, 6:11 pmFor the above example with all the cuts, simply do
set `echo $line`
This will split line into positional parameters and you can after the set simply say
F1=$1; F2=$2; F3=$3
I used this a lot many years ago on solaris with "set `date`", it neatly splits the whole date string into variables and saves lots of messy cutting :-)
… no, you can't change the FS, if it's not space, you can't use this method
Hi Vivek,Michal Kaut July 22, 2009, 6:12 am
Thanks for this a useful topic.IMNSHO, there may be something to modify here
Latest bash version 3.0+ has inbuilt support for setting up a step value:#!/bin/bash
for i in {1..5}
1) The increment feature seems to belong to the version 4 of bash.
Reference: http://bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/syntax/expansion/brace
Accordingly, my bash v3.2 does not include this feature.BTW, where did you read that it was 3.0+ ?
(I ask because you may know some good website of interest on the subject).2) The syntax is {from..to..step} where from, to, step are 3 integers.
You code is missing the increment.Note that GNU Bash documentation may be bugged at this time,
because on GNU Bash manual, you will find the syntax {x..y[incr]}
which may be a typo. (missing the second ".." between y and increment).see http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Brace-Expansion
The Bash Hackers page
again, see http://bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/syntax/expansion/brace
seeems to be more accurate,
but who knows ? Anyway, at least one of them may be right… ;-)Keep on the good work of your own,
Thanks a million.- Peko
Hello,is there a simple way to control the number formatting? I use several computers, some of which have non-US settings with comma as a decimal point. This means that
for x in $(seq 0 0.1 1)
gives 0 0.1 0.2 … 1 one some machines and 0 0,1 0,2 … 1 on other.
Is there a way to force the first variant, regardless of the language settings? Can I, for example, set the keyboard to US inside the script? Or perhaps some alternative to$x
that would convert commas to points?
(I am sending these as parameters to another code and it won't accept numbers with commas…)The best thing I could think of is adding
x=`echo $x | sed s/,/./`
as a first line inside the loop, but there should be a better solution? (Interestingly, the sed command does not seem to be upset by me rewriting its variable.)Thanks,
MichalPeko July 22, 2009, 7:27 am
To Michal Kaut:
Hi Michal,
Such output format is configured through LOCALE settings.
I tried :
export LC_CTYPE="en_EN.UTF-8″; seq 0 0.1 1
and it works as desired.
You just have to find the exact value for LC_CTYPE that fits to your systems and your needs.
Peko July 22, 2009, 2:29 pm
To Michal Kaus [2]
Ooops – ;-)
Instead of LC_CTYPE,
LC_NUMERIC should be more appropriate
(Although LC_CTYPE is actually yielding to the same result – I tested both)By the way, Vivek has already documented the matter : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-find-supportable-character-sets.html
Philippe Petrinko October 30, 2009, 8:35 am
To Vivek:
Regarding your last example, that is : running a loop through arguments given to the script on the command line, there is a simplier way of doing this:
# instead of:
# FILES="$@"
# for f in $FILES# use the following syntax
for arg
# whatever you need here – try : echo "$arg"
doneOf course, you can use any variable name, not only "arg".
Philippe Petrinko November 11, 2009, 11:25 am
To tdurden:
Why would'nt you use
1) either a [for] loop
for old in * ; do mv ${old} ${old}.new; done2) Either the [rename] command ?
excerpt form "man rename" :RENAME(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide RENAME(1)
rename – renames multiple filesSYNOPSIS
rename [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f ] perlexpr [ files ]DESCRIPTION
"rename" renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified
as the first argument. The perlexpr argument is a Perl expression
which is expected to modify the $_ string in Perl for at least some of
the filenames specified. If a given filename is not modified by the
expression, it will not be renamed. If no filenames are given on the
command line, filenames will be read via standard input.For example, to rename all files matching "*.bak" to strip the
extension, you might sayrename 's/\.bak$//' *.bak
To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
- Philippe
Philippe Petrinko November 11, 2009, 9:27 pm
If you set the shell option extglob, Bash understands some more powerful patterns. Here, a is one or more pattern, separated by the pipe-symbol (|).
?() Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
*() Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
+() Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
@() Matches one of the given patterns
!() Matches anything except one of the given patternssource: http://www.bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/syntax/pattern
Philippe Petrinko November 12, 2009, 3:44 pm
To Sean:
Right, the more sharp a knife is, the easier it can cut your fingers…I mean: There are side-effects to the use of file globbing (like in [ for f in * ] ) , when the globbing expression matches nothing: the globbing expression is not susbtitued.
Then you might want to consider using [ nullglob ] shell extension,
to prevent this.
see: http://www.bash-hackers.org/wiki/doku.php/syntax/expansion/globs#customizationDevil hides in detail ;-)
Dominic January 14, 2010, 10:04 am
There is an interesting difference between the exit value for two different for looping structures (hope this comes out right):
for (( c=1; c<=2; c++ )) do echo -n "inside (( )) loop c is $c, "; done; echo "done (( )) loop c is $c"
for c in {1..2}; do echo -n "inside { } loop c is $c, "; done; echo "done { } loop c is $c"
You see that the first structure does a final increment of c, the second does not. The first is more useful IMO because if you have a conditional break in the for loop, then you can subsequently test the value of $c to see if the for loop was broken or not; with the second structure you can't know whether the loop was broken on the last iteration or continued to completion.Dominic January 14, 2010, 10:09 am
sorry, my previous post would have been clearer if I had shown the output of my code snippet, which is:
inside (( )) loop c is 1, inside (( )) loop c is 2, done (( )) loop c is 3
inside { } loop c is 1, inside { } loop c is 2, done { } loop c is 2Philippe Petrinko March 9, 2010, 2:34 pm
And, again, as stated many times up there, using [seq] is counter productive, because it requires a call to an external program, when you should Keep It Short and Simple, using only bash internals functions:
for ((c=1; c<21; c+=2)); do echo "Welcome $c times" ; done
(and I wonder why Vivek is sticking to that old solution which should be presented only for historical reasons when there was no way of using bash internals.
By the way, this historical recall should be placed only at topic end, and not on top of the topic, which makes newbies sticking to the not-up-to-date technique ;-) )Sean March 9, 2010, 11:15 pm
Andi Reinbrech November 18, 2010, 8:35 pmI have a comment to add about using the builtin for (( … )) syntax. I would agree the builtin method is cleaner, but from what I've noticed with other builtin functionality, I had to check the speed advantage for myself. I wrote the following files:
for ((i=1;i<=1000000;i++))
echo "Output $i"
for i in $(seq 1 1000000)
echo "Output $i"
And here were the results that I got:
time ./builtin_count.sh
real 0m22.122s
user 0m18.329s
sys 0m3.166stime ./seq_count.sh
real 0m19.590s
user 0m15.326s
sys 0m2.503sThe performance increase isn't too significant, especially when you are probably going to be doing something a little more interesting inside of the for loop, but it does show that builtin commands are not necessarily faster.
The reason why the external seq is faster, is because it is executed only once, and returns a huge splurb of space separated integers which need no further processing, apart from the for loop advancing to the next one for the variable substitution.
The internal loop is a nice and clean/readable construct, but it has a lot of overhead. The check expression is re-evaluated on every iteration, and a variable on the interpreter's heap gets incremented, possibly checked for overflow etc. etc.
Note that the check expression cannot be simplified or internally optimised by the interpreter because the value may change inside the loop's body (yes, there are cases where you'd want to do this, however rare and stupid they may seem), hence the variables are volatile and get re-evaluted.
I.e. botom line, the internal one has more overhead, the "seq" version is equivalent to either having 1000000 integers inside the script (hard coded), or reading once from a text file with 1000000 integers with a cat. Point being that it gets executed only once and becomes static.
OK, blah blah fishpaste, past my bed time :-)
AndiAnthony Thyssen June 4, 2010, 6:53 am
TheBonsai June 4, 2010, 9:57 amThe {1..10} syntax is pretty useful as you can use a variable with it!
limit=10 echo {1..${limit}} {1..10}You need to eval it to get it to work!
limit=10 eval "echo {1..${limit}}" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'seq' is not avilable on ALL system (MacOSX for example)
and BASH is not available on all systems either.You are better off either using the old while-expr method for computer compatiblity!
limit=10; n=1; while [ $n -le 10 ]; do echo $n; n=`expr $n + 1`; doneAlternativally use a seq() function replacement…
# seq_count 10 seq_count() { i=1; while [ $i -le $1 ]; do echo $i; i=`expr $i + 1`; done } # simple_seq 1 2 10 simple_seq() { i=$1; while [ $i -le $3 ]; do echo $i; i=`expr $i + $2`; done } seq_integer() { if [ "X$1" = "X-f" ] then format="$2"; shift; shift else format="%d" fi case $# in 1) i=1 inc=1 end=$1 ;; 2) i=$1 inc=1 end=$2 ;; *) i=$1 inc=$2 end=$3 ;; esac while [ $i -le $end ]; do printf "$format\n" $i; i=`expr $i + $inc`; done }Edited: by Admin – added code tags.
The Bash C-style for loop was taken from KSH93, thus I guess it's at least portable towards Korn and Z.
The seq-function above could use i=$((i + inc)), if only POSIX matters. expr is obsolete for those things, even in POSIX.
Philippe Petrinko June 4, 2010, 10:15 am
Right Bonsai,
( http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_06_04 )But FOR C-style does not seem to be POSIXLY-correct…
Read on-line reference issue 6/2004,
Top is here, http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/mindex.htmland the Shell and Utilities volume (XCU) T.OC. is here
doc is:
http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap01.htmland FOR command:
http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_09_04_03Anthony Thyssen June 6, 2010, 7:18 am
TheBonsai wrote…. "The seq-function above could use i=$((i + inc)), if only POSIX matters. expr is obsolete for those things, even in POSIX."
I am not certain it is in Posix. It was NOT part of the original Bourne Shell, and on some machines, I deal with Bourne Shell. Not Ksh, Bash, or anything else.
Bourne Shell syntax works everywhere! But as 'expr' is a builtin in more modern shells, then it is not a big loss or slow down.
This is especially important if writing a replacement command, such as for "seq" where you want your "just-paste-it-in" function to work as widely as possible.
I have been shell programming pretty well all the time since 1988, so I know what I am talking about! Believe me.
MacOSX has in this regard been the worse, and a very big backward step in UNIX compatibility. 2 year after it came out, its shell still did not even understand most of the normal 'test' functions. A major pain to write shells scripts that need to also work on this system.
TheBonsai June 6, 2010, 12:35 pm
Philippe Petrinko November 22, 2010, 8:23 amYea, the question was if it's POSIX, not if it's 100% portable (which is a difference). The POSIX base more or less is a subset of the Korn features (88, 93), pure Bourne is something "else", I know. Real portability, which means a program can go wherever UNIX went, only in C ;)
And if you want to get rid of double-quotes, use:
one-liner code:
while read; do record=${REPLY}; echo ${record}|while read -d ","; do field="${REPLY#\"}"; field="${field%\"}"; echo ${field}; done; done<data
script code, added of some text to better see record and field breakdown:
while read
echo "New record"
echo ${record}|while read -d ,
echo "Field is :${field}:"
Does it work with your data?
- PP
Philippe Petrinko November 22, 2010, 9:01 am
Of course, all the above code was assuming that your CSV file is named "data".
If you want to use anyname with the script, replace:
And then use your script file (named for instance "myScript") with standard input redirection:
myScript < anyFileNameYouWant
Philippe Petrinko November 22, 2010, 11:28 am
well no there is a bug, last field of each record is not read – it needs a workout and may be IFS modification ! After all that's what it was built for… :O)
Anthony Thyssen November 22, 2010, 11:31 pm
Another bug is the inner loop is a pipeline, so you can't assign variables for use later in the script. but you can use '<<<' to break the pipeline and avoid the echo.
But this does not help when you have commas within the quotes! Which is why you needed quotes in the first place.
In any case It is a little off topic. Perhaps a new thread for reading CVS files in shell should be created.
Philippe Petrinko November 24, 2010, 6:29 pm
Would you try this one-liner script on your CSV file?This one-liner assumes that CSV file named [data] has __every__ field double-quoted.
while read; do r="${REPLY#\"}";echo "${r//\",\"/\"}"|while read -d \";do echo "Field is :${REPLY}:";done;done<data
Here is the same code, but for a script file, not a one-liner tweak.
# script csv01.sh
# 1) Usage
# This script reads from standard input
# any CSV with double-quoted data fields
# and breaks down each field on standard output
# 2) Within each record (line), _every_ field MUST:
# - Be surrounded by double quotes,
# - and be separated from preceeding field by a comma
# (not the first field of course, no comma before the first field)
while read
echo "New record" # this is not mandatory-just for explanation
# store REPLY and remove opening double quote
# replace every "," by a single double quote
echo ${record}|while read -d \"
# store REPLY into variable "field"
echo "Field is :${field}:" # just for explanation
This script named here [cvs01.sh] must be used so:
cvs01.sh < my-cvs-file-with-doublequotes
Philippe Petrinko November 24, 2010, 6:35 pm
TheBonsai March 8, 2011, 6:26 am@Anthony,
By the way, using [REPLY] in the outer loop _and_ the inner loop is not a bug.
As long as you know what you do, this is not problem, you just have to store [REPLY] value conveniently, as this script shows.for ((i=1; i<=20; i++)); do printf "%02d\n" "$i"; donenixCraft March 8, 2011, 6:37 am
+1 for printf due to portability, but you can use bashy .. syntax too
for i in {01..20}; do echo "$i"; doneTheBonsai March 8, 2011, 6:48 am
Well, it isn't portable per se, it makes it portable to pre-4 Bash versions.
I think a more or less "portable" (in terms of POSIX, at least) code would be
i=0 while [ "$((i >= 20))" -eq 0 ]; do printf "%02d\n" "$i" i=$((i+1)) donePhilip Ratzsch April 20, 2011, 5:53 am
I didn't see this in the article or any of the comments so I thought I'd share. While this is a contrived example, I find that nesting two groups can help squeeze a two-liner (once for each range) into a one-liner:
for num in {{1..10},{15..20}};do echo $num;done
Great reference article!
Philippe Petrinko April 20, 2011, 8:23 am
Philippe Petrinko May 6, 2011, 10:13 am
Nice thing to think of, using brace nesting, thanks for sharing.Hello Sanya,
That would be because brace expansion does not support variables. I have to check this.
Anyway, Keep It Short and Simple: (KISS) here is a simple solution I already gave above:xstart=1;xend=10;xstep=1
for (( x = $xstart; x <= $xend; x += $xstep)); do echo $x;doneActually, POSIX compliance allows to forget $ in for quotes, as said before, you could also write:
for (( x = xstart; x <= xend; x += xstep)); do echo $x;donePhilippe Petrinko May 6, 2011, 10:48 am
Actually brace expansion happens __before__ $ parameter exapansion, so you cannot use it this way.
Nevertheless, you could overcome this this way:
max=10; for i in $(eval echo {1..$max}); do echo $i; done
Sanya May 6, 2011, 11:42 am
Hello, Philippe
Thanks for your suggestions
You basically confirmed my findings, that bash constructions are not as simple as zsh ones.
But since I don't care about POSIX compliance, and want to keep my scripts "readable" for less experienced people, I would prefer to stick to zsh where my simple for-loop worksCheers, Sanya
Philippe Petrinko May 6, 2011, 12:07 pm
First, you got it wrong: solutions I gave are not related to POSIX, I just pointed out that POSIX allows not to use $ in for (( )), which is just a little bit more readable – sort of.
Second, why do you see this less readable than your [zsh] [for loop]?
for (( x = start; x <= end; x += step)) do
echo "Loop number ${x}"
doneIt is clear that it is a loop, loop increments and limits are clear.
IMNSHO, if anyone cannot read this right, he should not be allowed to code. :-D
Anthony Thyssen May 8, 2011, 11:30 pm
If you are going to do… $(eval echo {1..$max});
You may as well use "seq" or one of the many other forms.
See all the other comments on doing for loops.Tom P May 19, 2011, 12:16 pm
I am trying to use the variable I set in the for line on to set another variable with a different extension. Couldn't get this to work and couldnt find it anywhere on the web… Can someone help.
FILE_TOKEN=`cat /tmp/All_Tokens.txt` for token in $FILE_TOKEN do A1_$token=`grep $A1_token /file/path/file.txt | cut -d ":" -f2`my goal is to take the values from the ALL Tokens file and set a new variable with A1_ infront of it… This tells be that A1_ is not a command…
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Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Parenthesis in bash arithmetic: 3 * (2 + 1)
expr does not seem to like parenthesis (used in mathematics to explicit operator priority):
expr 3 * (2 + 1)
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('How to express operator priority in bash?
/ bash / shell / quoting / arithmetic
asked Aug 12 '14 at 6:09 by Nicolas Raoul
Another way to use let bash builtin:
$ let a="3 * (2 + 1)"
$ printf '%s\n' "$a"Note
As @Stéphane Chazelas pointed out, in bash you should use ((...)) to do arithmetic over expr or let for legibility.
For portability, use $((...)) like @Bernhard answer.cuonglm
+1 Even more readable! I posted my question+answer just thinking it would be helpful for my fellow Linux users, but now I am getting a lot of benefit from the other answers :-) – Nicolas Raoul Aug 12 '14 at 6:52
There's no reason to be using let. It's not any more standard or portable than (( a = 3 * (2 + 1) )) (both come from ksh and are only available in ksh, bash and zsh) and it's less legible or easy to quote. Use a=$((3 * (2 + 1))) to be portable. – Stéphane Chazelas Aug 12 '14 at 15:27
I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it should not be used as there are better alternatives (one for legibility ((a = 3 * (2 + 1) )), one for portability a=$((3 * (2 + 1)))), so it's not a note against you or your answer but against it being the selected answer and top-scorer. – Stéphane Chazelas Aug 12 '14 at 15:48
@StéphaneChazelas: Updated my answer! – cuonglm Aug 12 '14 at 16:19
You can use the arithmetic expansion instead.
echo "$(( 3 * ( 2 + 1 ) ))"In my personal opinion, this looks a bit nicer than using expr. From man bash
Arithmetic Expansion Arithmetic expansion allows the evaluation of an arithmetic expression and the substitution of the result. The format for arithmetic expansion is:
$((expression))The expression is treated as if it were within double quotes, but a double quote inside the parentheses is not treated specially. All tokens in the expression undergo parameter expansion, string expansion, command substitution, and quote removal. Arithmetic expansions may be nested.
The evaluation is performed according to the rules listed below under ARITHMETIC EVALUATION. If expression is invalid, bash prints a message indicating failure and no substitution occurs.
edited Dec 9 '14 at 19:39, by Stéphane Chazelas
Aside from readability, it also doesn't require forking an extra process to do the arithmetic; it's handled by the shell itself. – chepner Aug 12 '14 at 12:02
Note that in POSIX shells, it's subject to word splitting, so it's a good habit to quote it in list contexts.
– Stéphane Chazelas Aug 12 '14 at 15:57
Use parenthesis with quotes:
expr 3 '*' '(' 2 '+' 1 ')'
The quotes prevent bash from interpreting the parenthesis as bash syntax.
Nicolas Raoul
What Nicolas illustrates but doesn't explain is that the tokens on the expr command line must be separated by spaces; so; for example, expr 3 "*" "(2" "+" "1)" will not work. (Also, BTW, you probably don't need to quote the +.)
– G-Man Aug 12 '14 at 17:28
The parentheses aren't keywords like while and [[, they're syntax. If they were keywords, they wouldn't be interpreted as such in command arguments. You need quotes so that bash doesn't parse them but instead sees a string literal.
– Gilles Aug 13 '14 at 1:31
@Gilles: Thanks, updated! – Nicolas Raoul Aug 13 '14 at 1:55
There's no reason to be using expr for arithmetic in modern shells.
POSIX defines the $((...)) expansion operator. So you can use that in all POSIX compliant shells (the sh of all modern Unix-likes, dash, bash, yash, mksh, zsh, posh, ksh...).
a=$(( 3 * (2 + 1) ))
a=$((3*(2+1)))ksh also introduced a let builtin which is passed the same kind of arithmetic expression, doesn't expand into something but returns an exit status based on whether the expression resolves to 0 or not, like in expr:
if let 'a = 3 * (2 + 1)'; then
echo "$a is non-zero"
fiHowever, as the quoting makes it awkward and not very legible (not to the same extent as expr of course), ksh also introduced a ((...)) alternative form:
if (( a = 3 * (2 + 1) )) && (( 3 > 1 )); then
echo "$a is non-zero and 3 > 1"
((a+=2))which is a lot more legible and should be used instead.
let and ((...)) are only available in ksh, zsh and bash. The $((...)) syntax should be preferred if portability to other shells is needed, expr is only needed for pre-POSIX Bourne-like shells (typically the Bourne shell or early versions of the Almquist shell).
On the non-Bourne front, there are a few shells with built-in arithmetic operator:
•csh/tcsh (actually the first Unix shell with arithmetic evaluation built-in):
@ a = 3 * (2 + 1)
•akanga (based on rc)
a = $:'3 * (2 + 1)'
•as a history note, the original version of the Almquist shell, as posted on usenet in 1989 had an expr builtin (actually merged with test), but it was removed later.answered Aug 12 '14 at 15:41 by Stéphane Chazelas
I learn something new every day from you, Stéphane. I very much appreciate your POSIX shell knowledge! – MattBianco Aug 21 '14 at 8:50
expr is an external command, it is not special shell syntax. Therefore, if you want expr to see shell special characters, you need to protect them from shell parsing by quoting them. Furthermore, expr needs each number and operator to be passed as a separate parameter. Thus:
expr 3 \* \( 2 + 1 \)Unless you're working on an antique unix system from the 1970s or 1980s, there is very little reason to use expr. In the old days, shells didn't have a built-in way to perform arithmetic, and you had to call the expr utility instead. All POSIX shells have built-in arithmetic via the arithmetic expansion syntax.
echo $((3 * (2 + 1)))The construct $((…)) expands to the result of the arithmetic expression (written in decimal). Bash, like most shells, supports only integer arithmetic modulo 264 (or modulo 232 for older versions of bash and some other shells on 32-bit machines).
Bash offers an additional convenience syntax when you want to perform assignments or to test whether an expression is 0 but don't care about the result. This construct also exists in ksh and zsh but not in plain sh.
((x = 3 * (2+1)))
echo "$x"
if ((x > 3)); then …In addition to integer arithmetic, expr offers a few string manipulation functions. These too are subsumed by features of POSIX shells, except for one: expr STRING : REGEXP tests whether the string matches the specified regexp.
A POSIX shell cannot do this without external tools, but bash can with [[ STRING =~ REGEXP ]] (with a different regexp syntax - expr is a classic tool and uses BRE, bash uses ERE).
Unless you're maintaing scripts that run on 20-year-old systems, you don't need to know that expr ever existed. Use shell arithmetic.
- Gilles
expr foo : '\(.\)' also does text extraction. bash's BASH_REMATCH achieves something similar. It also does string comparison, which POSIX [ does not do (though one could imagine ways to use sort for that).
– Stéphane Chazelas Aug 15 '14 at 11:25
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2014-02-13 | Greg's Wiki
Arithmetic in BASH is integer math only. You can't do floating point math in Bash; if you need that capability, see Bash FAQ #22.
Also see the Bash hackers article about the full syntax theory.
The $[ ] syntax is deprecated
There are several ways to tell Bash to treat numbers as integers instead of strings, and to do basic arithmetic operations on them. The first is to use the let command:
let a=17+23 echo "a = $a" # Prints a = 40Note that each arithmetic expression has to be passed as a single argument to the let command, so you need quotes if there are spaces or globbing characters, thus:
let a=17 + 23 # WRONG let a="17 + 23" # Right let 'a = 17 + 23' # Right let a=17 a+=23 # Right (2 arithmetic expressions) let a[1]=1+1 # Wrong (try after touch a1=1+1 or with shopt -s failglob) let 'a[1]=1+1' # Right let a\[1]=1+1 # RightDivision in Bash is integer division, and it truncates the results, just as in C:
let a=28/6 echo "a = $a" # Prints a = 4In addition to the let command, one may use the (( )) syntax to enforce an arithmetic context. If there is a $ (dollar sign) before the parentheses, then a substitution is performed (more on this below). White space is allowed inside (( )) with much greater leniency than with let, and variables inside (( )) don't require $ (because string literals aren't allowed). Examples:
((a=$a+7)) # Add 7 to a ((a = a + 7)) # Add 7 to a. Identical to the previous command. ((a += 7)) # Add 7 to a. Identical to the previous command. ((a = RANDOM % 10 + 1)) # Choose a random number from 1 to 10. # % is modulus, as in C. # (( )) may also be used as a command. > or < inside (( )) means # greater/less than, not output/input redirection. if ((a > 5)); then echo "a is more than 5"; fi(( )) without the leading $ is not a standard sh feature. It comes from ksh and is only available in ksh, Bash and zsh. $(( )) substitution is allowed in the POSIX shell. As one would expect, the result of the arithmetic expression inside the $(( )) is substituted into the original command. Like for parameter substitution, arithmetic substitution is subject to word splitting so should be quoted to prevent it when in list contexts. Here are some examples of the use of the arithmetic substitution syntax:
a=$((a+7)) # POSIX-compatible version of previous code. if test "$((a%4))" = 0; then ... lvcreate -L "$((4*1096))" -n lvname vgname # Actual HP-UX example.Variables may be declared as integers so that any subsequent assignments to them will always assume a numeric context. Essentially any variable that's declared as an integer acts as if you had a let command in front of it when you assign to it. For example:
unset b # Forget any previous declarations b=7+5; echo "$b" # Prints 7+5 declare -i b # Declare b as an integer b=7+5; echo "$b" # Prints 12Also, array indices are a numeric context:
n=0 while read line; do array[n++]=$line # array[] forces a numeric context doneThere is one common pitfall with arithmetic expressions in Bash: numbers with leading zeroes are treated as octal. For example,
# Suppose today is September 19th. month=$(date +%m) next_month=$(( (month == 12) ? 1 : month+1 )) # bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")This causes great confusion among people who are extracting zero-padded numbers from various sources (although dates are by far the most common) and then doing math on them without sanitizing them first. (It's especially bad if you write a program like this in March, test it, roll it out... and then it doesn't blow up until August 1.)
If you have leading-zero problems with Bash's built-in arithmetic, there are two possible solutions. The first is, obviously, to remove the leading zeroes from the numbers before doing math with them. This is not trivial in Bash, unfortunately, because Bash has no ability to perform substitutions on a variable using regular expressions (it can only do it with "glob" patterns). But you could use a loop:
# This removes leading zeroes from a, one at a time. while [[ $a = 0* ]]; do a=${a#0}; doneYou can do the above without using a loop, by using extended globs; see FAQ #67 for more information. Or, you could use sed; that may be more efficient if you're reading many numbers from a stream, and can arrange to sanitize them all in one command, rather than one by one.
Without a loop:
# This removes leading zeroes from a, all at once. a=${a##+(0)}The third solution is to force Bash to treat all numbers as base 10 by prefixing them with 10#. This might be more efficient, but also may be less elegant to read.
a=008 let b=a+1 # Generates an error because 008 is not valid in octal. let b=10#$a+1 # Force a to be treated as base 10. Note: the $ is required.Finally, a note on the exit status of commands, and the notions of "true" and "false", is in order. When bash runs a command, that command will return an exit status from 0 to 255. 0 is considered "success" (which is "true" when used in the context of an if or while command). However, in an arithmetic context, there are places where the C language rules (0 is false, anything else is true) apply.
Some examples:
true; echo "$?" # Writes 0, because a successful command returns 0. ((10 > 6)); echo "$?" # Also 0. An arithmetic command returns 0 for true. echo "$((10 > 6))" # Writes 1. An arithmetic expression returns 1 for true.In addition to a comparison returning 1 for true, an arithmetic expression that evaluates to a non-zero value is also true in the sense of a command.
if ((1)); then echo true; fi # Writes true.This also lets you use "flag" variables, just like in a C program:
found=0 while ...; do ... if something; then found=1; fi # Found one! Keep going. ... done if ((found)); then ...Here is a function to convert numbers in other bases to decimal (base 10):
todec() { echo "$(( $1#$2 ))" }Examples:
todec 16 ffe # -> 4094 todec 2 100100 # -> 36
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Both Bash and the Korn shell support evaluating arithmetic expressions without arithmetic expansion. The syntax is similar to $((...)) but without the dollar sign. Because expansion is not performed, the construct can be used without variable assignment or the colon operator:
$ x=10 $ ((x = x * 12)) $ echo $x 120 $The real value of this construct is that it allows arithmetic expressions to be used rather than test in if, while, and until commands. The comparison operators set the exit status to a nonzero value if the result of the comparison is false and to a zero value if the result is true. So writing
(( i == 100 ))has the effect of testing i to see whether it is equal to 100 and setting the exit status appropriately. This knowledge makes integer arithmetic ideal for inclusion in if commands:
if (( i == 100 )) then ... fiThe (( i == 100 )) returns an exit status of zero (true) if i equals 100 and one (false) otherwise, and has the same effect as writing
if [ "$i" -eq 100 ] then ... fiOne advantage of using ((...)) rather than test is the capability to perform arithmetic as part of the test:
if (( i / 10 != 0 )) then ... fiHere the comparison returns a true if i divided by 10 is not equal to zero.
while loops can also benefit from integer arithmetic. For example,
x=0 while ((x++ < 100)) do commands doneexecutes commands 100 times. (Note that some older versions of the Korn shell and Bash do not support the ++ and -- operators.)
Integer Types
The Korn shell and Bash both support an integer data type. You can declare variables to be integers by using the typeset command with the -i option
typeset -i variableswhere variables are any valid shell variable names. Initial values can be assigned to the variables at the time they are declared.
Arithmetic performed on integer variables with the ((...)) construct is slightly faster than on noninteger ones because the shell internally stores the value of an integer variable as a binary number and not as a character string.
An integer variable cannot be assigned anything but an integer value or an integer expression. If you attempt to assign a noninteger to it, the message bad number is printed by the Korn shell:
$ typeset -i i $ i=hello ksh: i: bad numberBash simply ignores any strings that don't contain numeric values and generates an error for anything that contains both numbers and other characters:
$ typeset -i i $ i=hello $ echo $i 0 $ i=1hello bash: 1hello: value too great for base (error token is "1hello") $ i=10+15 $ echo $i 25 $The preceding example shows that integer-valued expressions can be assigned to an integer variable, without even having to use the ((...)) construct. This holds true for both Bash and the Korn shell.
Numbers in Different Bases
The Korn shell and Bash allow you to perform arithmetic in different bases. To write a number in a different base with these shells, you use the notation
base#numberFor example, to express the value 100 in base 8 (octal) you write
8#100You can write constants in different bases anywhere an integer value is permitted. To assign octal 100 to the integer variable i, you can write
typeset -i i=8#100Note that with the Korn shell the base of the first value assigned to an integer variable fixes the base of all subsequent substitutions of that variable. In other words, if the first value you assign to the integer variable i is an octal number, each time you subsequently substitute the value of i on the command line, the Korn shell substitutes the value as an octal number using the notation 8#value.
$ typeset -i i=8#100 $ echo $i 8#100 $ i=50 $ echo $i 8#62 $ (( i = 16#a5 + 16#120 )) $ echo $i 8#705Because the first value assigned to i in this example is an octal number (8#100), all further substitutions of i will be in octal. When the base 10 value of 50 is next assigned to i and then i is subsequently displayed, we get the value 8#62, which is the octal equivalent of 50 in base 10.
In the preceding example, the ((...)) construct is used to add together the two hexadecimal values a5 and 120. The result is then displayed, once again in octal.
Bash uses both the base#number syntax for arbitrary bases and the C language syntax for octal and hexadecimal numbers-octal numbers are preceded by 0 (zero), and hexadecimal numbers are preceded by 0x:
$ typeset -i i=0100 $ echo $i 64 $ i=0x80 $ echo $i 128 $ i=2#1101001 $ echo $i 105 $ (( i = 16#a5 + 16#120 )) $ echo $i 453 $Unlike the Korn shell, Bash doesn't keep track of the variable's base; integer variables are displayed as decimal numbers. You can always use printf to print integers in octal or hexadecimal format.
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Arithmetic operators often occur in an expr or let expression.Example 8-2. Using Arithmetic Operations
#!/bin/bash # Counting to 11 in 10 different ways. n=1; echo -n "$n " let "n = $n + 1" # let "n = n + 1" also works. echo -n "$n " : $((n = $n + 1)) # ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts #+ to interpret "$((n = $n + 1))" as a command. echo -n "$n " (( n = n + 1 )) # A simpler alternative to the method above. # Thanks, David Lombard, for pointing this out. echo -n "$n " n=$(($n + 1)) echo -n "$n " : $[ n = $n + 1 ] # ":" necessary because otherwise Bash attempts #+ to interpret "$[ n = $n + 1 ]" as a command. # Works even if "n" was initialized as a string. echo -n "$n " n=$[ $n + 1 ] # Works even if "n" was initialized as a string. #* Avoid this type of construct, since it is obsolete and nonportable. # Thanks, Stephane Chazelas. echo -n "$n " # Now for C-style increment operators. # Thanks, Frank Wang, for pointing this out. let "n++" # let "++n" also works. echo -n "$n " (( n++ )) # (( ++n ) also works. echo -n "$n " : $(( n++ )) # : $(( ++n )) also works. echo -n "$n " : $[ n++ ] # : $[ ++n ]] also works echo -n "$n " echo exit 0Integer variables in Bash are actually signed long (32-bit) integers, in the range of -2147483648 to 2147483647. An operation that takes a variable outside these limits will give an erroneous result.a=2147483646 echo "a = $a" # a = 2147483646 let "a+=1" # Increment "a". echo "a = $a" # a = 2147483647 let "a+=1" # increment "a" again, past the limit. echo "a = $a" # a = -2147483648 # ERROR (out of range)As of version 2.05b, Bash supports 64-bit integers. Bash does not understand floating point arithmetic. It treats numbers containing a decimal point as strings.
a=1.5 let "b = $a + 1.3" # Error. # t2.sh: let: b = 1.5 + 1.3: syntax error in expression (error token is ".5 + 1.3") echo "b = $b" # b=1Use bc in scripts that that need floating point calculations or math library functions.
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Jun, 2008 | Linux Journal
If you're used to a "standard" *NIX shell you may not be familiar with bash's array feature. Although not as powerful as similar constructs in the P languages (Perl, Python, and PHP) and others, they are often quite useful.
Bash arrays have numbered indexes only, but they are sparse, ie you don't have to define all the indexes. An entire array can be assigned by enclosing the array items in parenthesis:
arr=(Hello World)Individual items can be assigned with the familiar array syntax (unless you're used to Basic or Fortran):arr[0]=Hello arr[1]=WorldBut it gets a bit ugly when you want to refer to an array item:echo ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]}To quote from the man page:The braces are required to avoid conflicts with pathname expansion.In addition the following funky constructs are available:
${arr[*]} # All of the items in the array ${!arr[*]} # All of the indexes in the array ${#arr[*]} # Number of items in the array ${#arr[0]} # Length if item zeroThe ${!arr[*]} is a relatively new addition to bash, it was not part of the original array implementation.The following example shows some simple array usage (note the "[index]=value" assignment to assign a specific index):
#!/bin/bash array=(one two three four [5]=five) echo "Array size: ${#array[*]}" echo "Array items:" for item in ${array[*]} do printf " %s\n" $item done echo "Array indexes:" for index in ${!array[*]} do printf " %d\n" $index done echo "Array items and indexes:" for index in ${!array[*]} do printf "%4d: %s\n" $index ${array[$index]} doneRunning it produces the following output:Array size: 5 Array items: one two three four five Array indexes: 0 1 2 3 5 Array items and indexes: 0: one 1: two 2: three 3: four 5: fiveNote that the "@" sign can be used instead of the "*" in constructs such as ${arr[*]}, the result is the same except when expanding to the items of the array within a quoted string. In this case the behavior is the same as when expanding "$*" and "$@" within quoted strings: "${arr[*]}" returns all the items as a single word, whereas "${arr[@]}" returns each item as a separate word.
The following example shows how unquoted, quoted "*", and quoted "@" affect the expansion (particularly important when the array items themselves contain spaces):
#!/bin/bash array=("first item" "second item" "third" "item") echo "Number of items in original array: ${#array[*]}" for ix in ${!array[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${array[$ix]}" done echo arr=(${array[*]}) echo "After unquoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" done echo arr=("${array[*]}") echo "After * quoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" done echo arr=("${array[@]}") echo "After @ quoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" doneWhen run it outputs:Number of items in original array: 4 first item second item third item After unquoted expansion: 6 first item second item third item After * quoted expansion: 1 first item second item third item After @ quoted expansion: 4 first item second item third itemMitch Frazier is the System Administrator at Linux Journal.
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z=$(($z+3)) z=$((z+3)) # Also correct. # Within double parentheses, #+ parameter dereferencing #+ is optional. # $((EXPRESSION)) is arithmetic expansion. # Not to be confused with #+ command substitution. # You may also use operations within double parentheses without assignment. n=0 echo "n = $n" # n = 0 (( n += 1 )) # Increment. # (( $n += 1 )) is incorrect! echo "n = $n" # n = 1 let z=z+3 let "z += 3" # Quotes permit the use of spaces in variable assignment. # The 'let' operator actually performs arithmetic evaluation, #+ rather than expansion.
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Bash Arrays by Mitch Frazier (Linux Journal, 2008)
Linux.com Turn Vim into a bash IDE
Linux tip Bash test and comparison functions
Path | Description | X-ref |
./bashdb |
Deprecated sample implementation of a bash debugger. | |
./complete |
Shell completion code. | |
./functions |
Example functions. | |
./functions/array-stuff |
Various array functions (ashift, array_sort, reverse). | |
./functions/array-to-string |
Convert an array to a string. | |
./functions/autoload |
An almost ksh-compatible 'autoload' (no lazy load). | ksh |
./functions/autoload.v2 |
An almost ksh-compatible 'autoload' (no lazy load). | ksh |
./functions/autoload.v3 |
A more ksh-compatible 'autoload' (with lazy load). | ksh |
./functions/basename |
A replacement for basename(1). | basename |
./functions/basename2 |
Fast basename(1) and dirname(1) functions for bash/sh. | basename, dirname |
./functions/coproc.bash |
Start, control, and end co-processes. | |
./functions/coshell.bash |
Control shell co-processes (see coprocess.bash). | |
./functions/coshell.README |
README for coshell and coproc. | |
./functions/csh-compat |
A C-shell compatibility package. | csh |
./functions/dirfuncs |
Directory manipulation functions from the book The Korn Shell. | |
./functions/dirname |
A replacement for dirname(1). | dirname |
./functions/emptydir |
Find out if a directory is empty. | |
./functions/exitstat |
Display the exit status of processes. | |
./functions/external |
Like command, but forces the use of external command. | |
./functions/fact |
Recursive factorial function. | |
./functions/fstty |
Front-end to sync TERM changes to both stty(1) and readline 'bind'. | stty.bash |
./functions/func |
Print out definitions for functions named by arguments. | |
./functions/gethtml |
Get a web page from a remote server (wget(1) in bash). | |
./functions/getoptx.bash |
getopt function that parses long-named options. | |
./functions/inetaddr |
Internet address conversion (inet2hex and hex2inet). | |
./functions/inpath |
Return zero if the argument is in the path and executable. | inpath |
./functions/isnum.bash |
Test user input on numeric or character value. | |
./functions/isnum2 |
Test user input on numeric values, with floating point. | |
./functions/isvalidip |
Test user input for valid IP addresses. | |
./functions/jdate.bash |
Julian date conversion. | |
./functions/jj.bash |
Look for running jobs. | |
./functions/keep |
Try to keep some programs in the foreground and running. | |
./functions/ksh-cd |
ksh-like cd: cd [-LP] [dir[change]]. | ksh |
./functions/ksh-compat-test |
ksh-like arithmetic test replacements. | ksh |
./functions/kshenv |
Functions and aliases to provide the beginnings of a ksh environment for bash | ksh |
./functions/login |
Replace the login and newgrp built-ins in old Bourne shells. | |
./functions/lowercase |
Rename files to lowercase. | rename lower |
./functions/manpage |
Find and print a manpage. | fman |
./functions/mhfold |
Print MH folders, useful only because folders(1) doesn't print mod date/times. | |
./functions/notify.bash |
Notify when jobs change status. | |
./functions/pathfuncs |
Path related functions (no_path, add_path, pre-path, del_path). | path |
./functions/README |
./functions/recurse |
Recursive directory traverser. | |
./functions/repeat2 |
A clone of the C shell built-in repeat. | repeat, csh |
./functions/repeat3 |
A clone of the C shell built-in repeat. | repeat, csh |
./functions/seq |
Generate a sequence from m to n;m defaults to 1. | |
./functions/seq2 |
Generate a sequence from m to n;m defaults to 1. | |
./functions/shcat |
Readline-based pager. | cat, readline pager |
./functions/shcat2 |
Readline-based pagers. | cat, readline pager |
./functions/sort-pos-params |
Sort the positional parameters. | |
./functions/substr |
A function to emulate the ancient ksh built-in. | ksh |
./functions/substr2 |
A function to emulate the ancient ksh built-in. | ksh |
./functions/term |
A shell function to set the terminal type interactively or not. | |
./functions/whatis |
An implementation of the 10th Edition Unix sh built-in whatis(1) command. | |
./functions/whence |
An almost ksh-compatible whence(1) command. | |
./functions/which |
An emulation of which(1) as it appears in FreeBSD. | |
./functions/xalias.bash |
Convert csh alias commands to bash functions. | csh, aliasconv |
./functions/xfind.bash |
A find(1) clone. | |
./loadables/ |
Example loadable replacements. | |
./loadables/basename.c |
Return nondirectory portion of pathname. | basename |
./loadables/cat.c |
cat(1) replacement with no options-the way cat was intended. | cat, readline pager |
./loadables/cut.c |
cut(1) replacement. | |
./loadables/dirname.c |
Return directory portion of pathname. | dirname |
./loadables/finfo.c |
Print file info. | |
./loadables/getconf.c |
POSIX.2 getconf utility. | |
./loadables/getconf.h |
Replacement definitions for ones the system doesn't provide. | |
./loadables/head.c |
Copy first part of files. | |
./loadables/hello.c |
Obligatory "Hello World" / sample loadable. | |
./loadables/id.c |
POSIX.2 user identity. | |
./loadables/ln.c |
Make links. | |
./loadables/logname.c |
Print login name of current user. | |
./loadables/Makefile.in |
Simple makefile for the sample loadable built-ins. | |
./loadables/mkdir.c |
Make directories. | |
./loadables/necho.c |
echo without options or argument interpretation. | |
./loadables/pathchk.c |
Check pathnames for validity and portability. | |
./loadables/print.c |
Loadable ksh-93 style print built-in. | |
./loadables/printenv.c |
Minimal built-in clone of BSD printenv(1). | |
./loadables/push.c |
Anyone remember TOPS-20? | |
./loadables/README |
./loadables/realpath.c |
Canonicalize pathnames, resolving symlinks. | |
./loadables/rmdir.c |
Remove directory. | |
./loadables/sleep.c |
Sleep for fractions of a second. | |
./loadables/strftime.c |
Loadable built-in interface to strftime(3). | |
./loadables/sync.c |
Sync the disks by forcing pending filesystem writes to complete. | |
./loadables/tee.c |
Duplicate standard input. | |
./loadables/template.c |
Example template for loadable built-in. | |
./loadables/truefalse.c |
True and false built-ins. | |
./loadables/tty.c |
Return terminal name. | |
./loadables/uname.c |
Print system information. | |
./loadables/unlink.c |
Remove a directory entry. | |
./loadables/whoami.c |
Print out username of current user. | |
./loadables/perl/ |
Illustrates how to build a Perl interpreter into bash. | |
./misc |
Miscellaneous | |
./misc/aliasconv.bash |
Convert csh aliases to bash aliases and functions. | csh, xalias |
./misc/aliasconv.sh |
Convert csh aliases to bash aliases and functions. | csh, xalias |
./misc/cshtobash |
Convert csh aliases, environment variables, and variables to bash equivalents. | csh, xalias |
./misc/README |
./misc/suncmd.termcap |
SunView TERMCAP string. | |
./obashdb |
Modified version of the Korn Shell debugger from Bill Rosenblatt's Learning the Korn Shell. | |
./scripts.noah |
Noah Friedman's collection of scripts (updated to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey). | |
./scripts.noah/aref.bash |
Pseudo-arrays and substring indexing examples. | |
./scripts.noah/bash.sub.bash |
Library functions used by require.bash. | |
./scripts.noah/bash_version. bash |
A function to slice up $BASH_VERSION. | |
./scripts.noah/meta.bash |
Enable and disable eight-bit readline input. | |
./scripts.noah/mktmp.bash |
Make a temporary file with a unique name. | |
./scripts.noah/number.bash |
A fun hack to translate numerals into English. | |
./scripts.noah/PERMISSION |
Permissions to use the scripts in this directory. | |
./scripts.noah/prompt.bash |
A way to set PS1 to some predefined strings. | |
./scripts.noah/README |
./scripts.noah/remap_keys.bash |
A front end to bind to redo readline bindings. | readline |
./scripts.noah/require.bash |
Lisp-like require/provide library functions for bash. | |
./scripts.noah/send_mail. |
Replacement SMTP client written in bash. | |
./scripts.noah/shcat.bash |
bash replacement for cat(1). | cat |
./scripts.noah/source.bash |
Replacement for source that uses current directory. | |
./scripts.noah/string.bash |
The string(3) functions at the shell level. | |
./scripts.noah/stty.bash |
Front-end to stty(1) that changes readline bindings too. | fstty |
./scripts.noah/y_or_n_p.bash |
Prompt for a yes/no/quit answer. | ask |
./scripts.v2 |
John DuBois' ksh script collection (converted to bash v2 syntax by Chet Ramey). | |
./scripts.v2/arc2tarz |
Convert an arc archive to a compressed tar archive. | |
./scripts.v2/bashrand |
Random number generator with upper and lower bounds and optional seed. | random |
./scripts.v2/cal2day.bash |
Convert a day number to a name. | |
./scripts.v2/cdhist.bash |
cd replacement with a directory stack added. | |
./scripts.v2/corename |
Tell what produced a core file. | |
./scripts.v2/fman |
Fast man(1) replacement. | manpage |
./scripts.v2/frcp |
Copy files using ftp(1) but with rcp-type command-line syntax. | |
./scripts.v2/lowercase |
Change filenames to lowercase. | rename lower |
./scripts.v2/ncp |
A nicer front end for cp(1) (has -i, etc).. | |
./scripts.v2/newext |
Change the extension of a group of files. | rename |
./scripts.v2/nmv |
A nicer front end for mv(1) (has -i, etc).. | rename |
./scripts.v2/pages |
Print specified pages from files. | |
./scripts.v2/PERMISSION |
Permissions to use the scripts in this directory. | |
./scripts.v2/pf |
A pager front end that handles compressed files. | |
./scripts.v2/pmtop |
Poor man's top(1) for SunOS 4.x and BSD/OS. | |
./scripts.v2/README |
./scripts.v2/ren |
Rename files by changing parts of filenames that match a pattern. | rename |
./scripts.v2/rename |
Change the names of files that match a pattern. | rename |
./scripts.v2/repeat |
Execute a command multiple times. | repeat |
./scripts.v2/shprof |
Line profiler for bash scripts. | |
./scripts.v2/untar |
Unarchive a (possibly compressed) tarfile into a directory. | |
./scripts.v2/uudec |
Carefully uudecode(1) multiple files. | |
./scripts.v2/uuenc |
uuencode(1) multiple files. | |
./scripts.v2/vtree |
Print a visual display of a directory tree. | tree |
./scripts.v2/where |
Show where commands that match a pattern are. | |
./scripts |
Example scripts. | |
./scripts/adventure.sh |
Text adventure game in bash! | |
./scripts/bcsh.sh |
Bourne shell's C shell emulator. | csh |
./scripts/cat.sh |
Readline-based pager. | cat, readline pager |
./scripts/center |
Center a group of lines. | |
./scripts/dd-ex.sh |
Line editor using only /bin/sh, /bin/dd, and /bin/rm. | |
./scripts/fixfiles.bash |
Recurse a tree and fix files containing various bad characters. | |
./scripts/hanoi.bash |
The inevitable Towers of Hanoi in bash. | |
./scripts/inpath |
Search $PATH for a file the same name as $1; return TRUE if found. | inpath |
./scripts/krand.bash |
Produces a random number within integer limits. | random |
./scripts/line-input.bash |
Line input routine for GNU Bourne Again Shell plus terminal-control primitives. | |
./scripts/nohup.bash |
bash version of nohup command. | |
./scripts/precedence |
Test relative precedences for && and || operators. | |
./scripts/randomcard.bash |
Print a random card from a card deck. | random |
./scripts/README |
./scripts/scrollbar |
Display scrolling text. | |
./scripts/scrollbar2 |
Display scrolling text. | |
./scripts/self-repro |
A self-reproducing script (careful!). | |
./scripts/showperm.bash |
Convert ls(1) symbolic permissions into octal mode. | |
./scripts/shprompt |
Display a prompt and get an answer satisfying certain criteria. | ask |
./scripts/spin.bash |
Display a spinning wheel to show progress. | |
./scripts/timeout |
Give rsh(1) a shorter timeout. | |
./scripts/vtree2 |
Display a tree printout of the direcotry with disk use in 1k blocks. | tree |
./scripts/vtree3 |
Display a graphical tree printout of dir. | tree |
./scripts/vtree3a |
Display a graphical tree printout of dir. | tree |
./scripts/websrv.sh |
A web server in bash! | |
./scripts/xterm_title |
Print the contents of the xterm title bar. | |
./scripts/zprintf |
Emulate printf (obsolete since printf is now a bash built-in). | |
./startup-files |
Example startup files. | |
./startup-files/Bash_aliases |
Some useful aliases (written by Fox). | |
./startup-files/Bash_profile |
Sample startup file for bash login shells (written by Fox). | |
./startup-files/bash-profile |
Sample startup file for bash login shells (written by Ramey). | |
./startup-files/bashrc |
Sample Bourne Again Shell init file (written by Ramey). | |
./startup-files/Bashrc.bfox |
Sample Bourne Again Shell init file (written by Fox). | |
./startup-files/README |
./startup-files/apple |
Example startup files for Mac OS X. | |
./startup-files/apple/aliases |
Sample aliases for Mac OS X. | |
./startup-files/apple/bash.defaults |
Sample User preferences file. | |
./startup-files/apple/environment |
Sample Bourne Again Shell environment file. | |
./startup-files/apple/login |
Sample login wrapper. | |
./startup-files/apple/logout |
Sample logout wrapper. | |
./startup-files/apple/rc |
Sample Bourne Again Shell config file. | |
./startup-files/apple/README |
Groupthink : Two Party System as Polyarchy : Corruption of Regulators : Bureaucracies : Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers : Harvard Mafia : Diplomatic Communication : Surviving a Bad Performance Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience : Who Rules America : Neoliberalism : The Iron Law of Oligarchy : Libertarian Philosophy
War and Peace : Skeptical Finance : John Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand : Oscar Wilde : Otto Von Bismarck : Keynes : George Carlin : Skeptics : Propaganda : SE quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes : Random IT-related quotes : Somerset Maugham : Marcus Aurelius : Kurt Vonnegut : Eric Hoffer : Winston Churchill : Napoleon Bonaparte : Ambrose Bierce : Bernard Shaw : Mark Twain Quotes
Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient markets hypothesis : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 : Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 23, No.10 (October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments : Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 : Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 : Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan (Win32/Crilock.A) : Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers as intelligence collection hubs : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : Inequality Bulletin, 2009 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Copyleft Problems Bulletin, 2004 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Energy Bulletin, 2010 : Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26, No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 : Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05 (May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method : Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US computer engineering : Donald Knuth : TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman : Linus Torvalds : Larry Wall : John K. Ousterhout : CTSS : Multix OS Unix History : Unix shell history : VI editor : History of pipes concept : Solaris : MS DOS : Programming Languages History : PL/1 : Simula 67 : C : History of GCC development : Scripting Languages : Perl history : OS History : Mail : DNS : SSH : CPU Instruction Sets : SPARC systems 1987-2006 : Norton Commander : Norton Utilities : Norton Ghost : Frontpage history : Malware Defense History : GNU Screen : OSS early history
Classic books:
The Peter Principle : Parkinson Law : 1984 : The Mythical Man-Month : How to Solve It by George Polya : The Art of Computer Programming : The Elements of Programming Style : The Unix Hater’s Handbook : The Jargon file : The True Believer : Programming Pearls : The Good Soldier Svejk : The Power Elite
Most popular humor pages:
Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society : Ten Commandments of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection : BSD Logo Story : The Cuckoo's Egg : IT Slang : C++ Humor : ARE YOU A BBS ADDICT? : The Perl Purity Test : Object oriented programmers of all nations : Financial Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related Humor : Programming Language Humor : Goldman Sachs related humor : Greenspan humor : C Humor : Scripting Humor : Real Programmers Humor : Web Humor : GPL-related Humor : OFM Humor : Politically Incorrect Humor : IDS Humor : "Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church : Richard Stallman Related Humor : Admin Humor : Perl-related Humor : Linus Torvalds Related humor : PseudoScience Related Humor : Networking Humor : Shell Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2012 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2013 : Java Humor : Software Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor : Education Humor : IBM Humor : Assembler-related Humor : VIM Humor : Computer Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer Humor
The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: July, 03, 2020