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Related functions (split, join, chr, oct, hex, etc).
Implementation of some additional useful functions (trim and scan)
There are two ways of performing string operations in Perl -- procedural and non-procedural. Here we will discuss procedural capabilities of Perl. Non-procedural (regular expressions based) capabilities will be discussed in Chapter 5
Procedural string handling in Perl is often simpler, more reliable and more easily debugged that other methods (debugging a complex regular expression is difficult -- especially for users without of couple of years practice in this sport ;-) . I strongly recommend for beginners to use procedural string operations as widely as possible, unless non-procedural capabilities are definitely better fit for a particular task. If such cases you often can borrow a similar regular expression from a book or other Perl script and gradually modify it to get to point when it is doing what you expect.
Usage on non-greedy modifies is highly recommended for simplification of regex, as they are essentially non procedural notation for sequential search of the substring in a larger string and as such less prone to errors. much like index function. And as such their behaviour is very predictable.
Please note that any string in Perl can be converted into array and back (for example using split and join functions), so if a given operation is simpler on arrays it might make sense to perform such a conversion and then convert the resulting array back to string. This trick is also useful working with words.
All-in-all capabilities of working with strings in Perl are one of the best of any scripting language.
What is especially important is the many problems can be viewed (or converted to) to the problem of manipulation of strings.
All-in-all capabilities of working with strings in Perl are one of the best of any scripting language in existence. In
you add to this that regex are integrated into the language are not a simple library add-on it is difficult to beat Perl in
this game.
What is especially important is the many problems can be viewed (or converted to) to the problem of manipulation of strings. |
As we already have learned that the " (double quote) is not a string delimiter in Perl -- it is an operator that concatenates everything with its scope including variables, performing variable substitution.
Variables can be only scalar -- either simple variable or elements of arrays and hashes. In case you use some complex expression chances are that it will be recognized correctly by syntax analyzer, but your better test this fact to be sure.
The result is interpreted as a string so double quotes can be used to perform the conversion of operator to string -- a surrogate of type casting.
The simplest example of using double quested to force string conversion would be:
if ("$b" eq "$a") { print "String '$a' equals to '$b'"; } else { print "String '$a' not equal '$b'"; }
If the case of letters during comparison does not matter the best way is to perform preliminary explicit conversion either to lower case or to upper case using functions uc() (converts to upper case) or lc() (converts to lower case). Both functions convert operand to string. For example previous example can be generalized to:
if (lc($b) eq lc($a)) { print "Case insensitive string '$a' equals to string '$b'"; } else { print "string '$a' not equal to '$b'"; }
This is a useful idiom in Perl that helps to ensure correct comparison of strings that can be either in lower or in upper case (for example user input). All Perl string comparisons are case sensitive and often you do know what case will be used (for example in answers like "Do you want to continue (yes/no)?", why does anybody wants to distinguish "Yes", "yes", or even " yES"?).
Mainframe tradition dictates to convert everything to upper case (first mainframes printers did not have a lowercase characters), but you can be more modern and use Unix style which dictates for everything to be converted to lowercase :-).
As a side note I would like to mention that from the point of view of the language designer this possibility actually makes second set of comparison operators used in Perl redundant -- it would be simpler and less error prone to require explicit conversion by usage of quotes if string comparison is used and use one set of operators. But it's too late... Also unless the interpreter is smart that involves additional (and mostly redundant) processing.
Still adopted in Perl solution if usage two distinct set of operator for string comparison and numeric comparison (borrowed from Unix shell) is probably a blunder in language design and source of construct and difficult to tract errors, especially if you program in other languages along with programming in Perl. It is also problematic because the errs might not demonstrate themselves until much later (for example if the string is purely number then comparison using number comparison operator will work OK as perl will convert the string to number on the fly.
Again the use of wrong comparison operator (most commonly usage == for string comparison) is one of the most common Perl errors: this proved to be a bad design decision similar to allowing the usage of an assignment in the if statement in C (like in if (i=1) { ... } ).
As we already discussed the dot symbol denote the concatenation operator in Perl. The operator takes two scalars, and combines them together in one scalar. Both of the scalars to the left and right are converted to strings. For example:
$line = $line . "\n"; # add a newline to the string $line ="$line\n"; # same thing
Like double quotes the concatenation operator can be used for casting a numeric value into string. The following (rather unrealistic) example demonstrates that when a numeric value that contains non-significant digits (0.00 in this particular case) is converted to string all non-significant digits are lost:
$a=0.00 . ''; if ( 0.00 . '' ) { print "$a is True\n"; } else { print "$a is False\n"; # Will print "0 is False" }
The side effect of usage is a number on the left side of the assignment statement is that is will be converted to floating point double precision and than from this representation will be converted back. In other words it will be converted to floating representation with double precision in statement " $a=0.00". That will be number 0. and that what will be printed in print statement as this number will be converted back to string "0"
In case of the real number 0.00 in statement . ''; "it will first be converted to string "0" and only then concatenated with null string in the concatenation operator resulting in string "0" which is false.
All non-significant digits are lost if we convert a string to numeric representation and then back to string |
Compare with:
$a="0.00"; if ($a) { print "$a is true\n" # will print "0.00 is true" }
In the latter example the string 0.00 will never be converted to numeric and as such will be considered true in the if statement.
It is important to know that concatenation operator enforces a scalar context and this mean that in case of an array the number of elements in the array will be substituted. For example (note that the array @ARGV represents all arguments passed on the command line to the script):
print "Arguments:".@ARGV."\n"; # a very unpleasant error.
The intent seems to be to print all command line arguments, but the Perl interpretation is quite different. Please run this example and find out what will be printed. One of the possible correct solutions is:
print map { "$_\n" } @ARGV; # map function provides an implicit foreach loop.
This operator is called the string repetition operator and is used to repeat a string. All you have to do is put a string on the left side of the x and a number on the right side. Like this:
"----|" x 5 # This is the same as "----|----|----|----|----|"
You can use any string as the source including strings that contain newline, for example:
print ("Hello\n" x 5);
Contrary to popular belief and Perl-hype regular expression are not the "universal opener" and in many cases procedural solutions is more transparent, more easily debugged and more modifiable in the future. Perl has full assortment of PL/1 string operations including substr, length, index and tr (translate). This functions are very powerful and generally they could probably accommodate for 80% of the operations that you ever would want to perform on strings. In case someone hates regular expressions for religious reasons he/she can do almost everything without them (kind of vegetarian diet, I think ;-)
There are also several other string manipulation functions that provide for important special cases (split, chop, chomp, uc, lc, unpack etc.). They are not well designed and we will discuss them after major functions.
Perl also have powerful array related string fictions like grep, sort, etc. We will discuss them in the part of this chapter devoted to arrays (3.2)
Please remember that one interesting idiosyncrasy of Perl is the concept of so called default argument denoted as $_. If you do not supply an argument for certain functions it will operate on default argument. If you do not supply arguments to the function it will usually operate on the default argument $_.
Moved to Perl substr function
Moved to Perl index and rindex built-in functions
Length of the string is probably the easiest function of them all. It has just one argument and returns the length of the string supplied as the this argument. For example
$a=length('abba') # $a will be 4
Those two are special and very limited functions that are really shame of Perl language designers. They do just one thing and were not generalized to cover important similar situations. Those two functions are:
The built-in function chop, chops the last character off the end of a scalar or array and returns it. Why just one and why I cannot chop, say, ten characters is a mystery to me (actually equivalent function for arrays pop permit argument with the number of elements popped, see part 3.2 of this chapter). I suspect that this is more "optimization trick" then anything else. Of course chop can be imitated with the substr function, but the case is rather frequent and deserves a special "short-cut" function that does not allocated new string but performs operation "in place".
The most popular use is for comparison of a string with a line of file that used to be read with newline as a part of input, but chop is safer and better function here. For example:
echo OK | perl -e '$a =<>; if ($a eq "OK"){ print "equal\n" }else{ print "non equal\n"; }
So to compensate for this we will need first to chop the last character (newline): chop($a); but its better to use chomp ( see below).
Due to the fact that scalars are stored in both string and numeric representation chop can be used for dividing of a number by 10 for example:
$n = 128; chop($n); # returns 12 (128 divided by ten!)Function returns the character that was dropped, and there is no way to return chopped string which is somewhat unfortunate and can lead to errors like:
$n = chop($n); # probably truncated by one character string was expected here
This is an error, because it returns just the last character of the string (the character that was chopped) not the truncated string. To return the truncated string one should use substr($string, 0, -1).
At the same time when the order of characters that you process in the string is not important chop can be used for processing sting character by character, the same way as substr(string,$i,1) is usually used in forward direction.
Chomp is another "Perl wart". It usually removes the newline if such exists. Like chop chomp works both for scalars and arrays. This is essentially a very limited version of trim function as it is known on REXX. Trim as used in REXX is a function that removes repeated first and/or last characters in a string (be it newline or blanks or whatever). Chomp can work with just trailing string (as defined by $/; it can be a regular expression):
This safer version of chop removes any trailing string that corresponds to the current value of $/ (also known as $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR in the English module). It returns the total number of characters removed from all its arguments. It's often used to remove the newline from the end of an input record when you're worried that the final record may be missing its newline. When in paragraph mode ($/ = ""), it removes all trailing newlines from the string. When in slurp mode ($/ = undef) or fixed-length record mode ($/ is a reference to an integer or the like, see perlvar) chomp() won't remove anything. If VARIABLE is omitted, it chomps $_. Example:
while (<>) { chomp; # avoid \n on last field @array = split(/:/); # ... }You can actually chomp anything that's an lvalue, including an assignment:
chomp($cwd = `pwd`); chomp($answer = <STDIN>);
If you chomp a list, each element is chomped, and the total number of characters removed is returned.
The function chomp is a conditional chop which is usually used for getting rid of newlines on the ends of Perl input. Lets say you define a 'special character' to be "\n" ( a newline). Then a statement such as:
$example = "This has a line with a newline at the end\n"; chomp($example);
In other words, chomp gets rid of the newlines only, not any last character like chop. if the string does not contain a newline at the end it will remain unchanged:
$example = "This doesn't have a newline"; chomp($example);
That makes chomp safer then chop.
Actually it does not need to be a newline -- newline is simply a default value of the special variable $/-- input record separator -- which contains the characters that you want to be chopped. This can be set to any value you want, as in:
$/ = "/"; $path = "/This/is/a/path/"; chomp($path); $/="\n"; print ($path); # will print '/This/is/a/path'
Please note that you need to restore the value of
$/,unless you want to break a lot of scripts. And yes it's ugly and should be just chomp("/This/is/a/path/","/") but Perl is pretty irregular language.
Split function breaks up a string based on some delimiter (which can be iether a string or a regular expression). In an array context, it returns a list of the things that were found. In a scalar context, it returns the number of things found. The most interesting cases of split usage involve using regular expressions. It is discussed in Chapter 5 ( 5.5 Perl Split function).
Function chr(NUMBER) returns the character represented by NUMBER in the ASCII table. For instance, chr(65) returns the letter A.
Function join(STRING, ARRAY) -- Returns a string that consists of all of the elements of ARRAY joined together using STRING as a delimiter. For instance, join(">>", ("AA", "BB", "cc")) returns "AA>>BB>>cc".
Function hex (EXPR Returns the decimal value of an expression interpreted as a hex string. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_. The hex function can handle strings with or without a leading 0x or 0X
$x="hex" ("0xa2"); # $x is 162 $x="hex" ("a2"); # $x is 162 $x="hex" (0xa2); # $x is 354 (!)Function oct (EXPR) returns the decimal value of an expression interpreted as an octal string. If EXPR is omitted, uses $_
$x = oct ("042"); # $x is 34 $x = oct ("42"); # $x is 34 $x = oct ("0x42"); # $x is 66 $x = oct (042); # $x is 28 (!)
The first frequent operation that is not among built-in functions of Perl is trim, ltrim and rtrim -- removal of blanks from both ends of the string, left or right, correspondingly. You can think about it as a generalization of chomp. You can implement it as a regular expression, for example:
sub trim {
return $_[0]=~s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
sub ltrim
return $_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
sub rtrim
return $_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
This implementation accepts one or several strings and applies the same operation to each.
The second function that is often useful is scan. This function removes from the string and returns as a result the first word of the string passed as an argument. If there is no words in the string the function should return empty string.
sub scan { if ($_[0] =~s/\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/$2/ ) { return $1; } else { return ''; } # if }
You can generalize it to multiple arguments the way previous function was implemented. That left as an exercise for the reader.
Another useful function implementation of which can be useful exercise for the reader is subword. It should work like substr but count not symbols but words:
subword(string, n[, length])Examples
$this_string=subword("Where is this string",3,2) # returns the string "this string" $third_word = subword("Where is this string",3)
Perl has an impressive array of string manipulating functions that can supplement its regular expressions-based string manipulation capabilities. Novices should probably avoid overusing regular expression string manipulation capabilities until they became more confident in understanding the associated semantics. In case the task maps clearly into classic sting function like substr and index is also lead to more clear programs that are easier to modify and maintain.
Several important points:
substr($string -2, 2); # two last symbols of the string
substr($s, -10) =~ s/ /./g;
1. What will the following fragment print ?
$name='softpanorama'; if ( index($name, 's') > -1 ) { printf("String '%s' has 's' in it\n", }
2. What will the following fragment print:
$string='softpanorama'; @c = split(//, $string); print "$c[0]$c[4]$c[2]$s[-3]$s[3]\n";
3. What will the following fragment print?
$str1='remember'; $str2='Perl'; $str3='warts"; $left = $str1 . " " . $str2 . " " . $str3; $right = "$str1 $str2 $str3"; if ($left == $right) { print "strings are equal\n"; } else { print "strings are unequal\n" }
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Last modified: March 12, 2019