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September 6, 2009 | Plug-and-Pray IT blog
Editing Midnight Commander's color scheme In a previous post I was sort of laying out a "formula" on how to transform your Midnight Commander default color scheme into a transparent skin, without talking too much about how you can change the other colors.
To my great shame, I didn't pay too much attention to this blog or to the comments asking for further advice. I found Mateus' comment rather late (just now!) and decided to dig further, in order to find out how exactly to deal with more refined color changes, while still keeping the transparent background (in both in Midnight Commander and its editor).
So the first thing to know is which are the colors that Midnight Commander supports; the available colors are:
black gray lightgray white red brightred green brightgreen blue brightblue magenta brightmagenta cyan brightcyan brown yellow default
The "default" color is the one giving out the nice transparency.
Now, there are certain "components" in Midnight Commander's display that can have their colors altered. Here they are:
base_color, normal, selected, marked, markselect, errors, menu, reverse, dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus, viewunderline, menuhot, menusel, menuhotsel, helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink, gauge, input, directory, executable, link, stalelink, device, core, special, editnormal, editbold, editmarked, errdhotnormal, errdhotfocus
Each and every one of these "components" can have its own colors set accordingly to the user's wish. Each component is assigned a color pair and must be followed by a colon (':') in order to separate it from the color pair of the next component. Here's how this basic syntax must look like:
When you start modifying the color scheme in your Midnight Commander configuration file (located at ~/.mc/ini), you just have to add a section called "[Colors]" and proceed with enumerating the color pairs. So you'd have something like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
[Colors] component1=foreground_color1,background_color1:...:componentN= foreground_colorN,background_colorNFor increased readability, I will "truncate" that long line, adding a backslash ('\') to indicate that in fact what follows on the next line should be adjacent to the text on the previous line. This being said, the [Colors] section could look like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
[Colors] component1=foreground_color1,background_color1:\ component2=foreground_color2,background_color2:\ ... componentN=foreground_colorN,background_colorNNow that you've gotten the hang of this, let's see how the [Colors] section looks like in the default Midnight Commander color scheme (you know, the "ugly" one, with blue and dull cyan):
IMPORTANT NOTE: For visual impact's sake and due to Blogspot breaking long lines, I wrote each color pair on a single row, followed by a backslash ('\'). Please note that this does NOT work in the ~/.mc/ini file, so the final [Colors] section in your Midnight Commander configuration file MUST be a SINGLE line with no spaces and with each color pair separated from the next one by a colon (':').
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,blue:\ normal=lightgray,blue:\ selected=black,cyan:\ marked=yellow,blue:\ markselect=yellow,cyan:\ errors=white,red:\ menu=white,cyan:\ reverse=black,lightgray:\ dnormal=black,lightgray:\ dfocus=black,cyan:\ dhotnormal=blue,lightgray:\ dhotfocus=blue,cyan:\ viewunderline=brightred,blue:\ menuhot=yellow,cyan:\ menusel=white,black:\ menuhotsel=yellow,black:\ helpnormal=black,lightgray:\ helpitalic=red,lightgray:\ helpbold=blue,lightgray:\ helplink=black,cyan:\ helpslink=yellow,blue:\ gauge=white,black:\ input=black,cyan:\ directory=white,blue:\ executable=brightgreen,blue:\ link=lightgray,blue:\ stalelink=brightred,blue:\ device=brightmagenta,blue:\ core=red,blue:\ special=black,blue:\ editnormal=lightgray,blue:\ editbold=yellow,blue:\ editmarked=black,cyan:\ errdhotnormal=yellow,red:\ errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayNow let's see. What you want to change first of all is most of the background of these "components", such that the display will be one with a neat looking transparent background. So first of all you might want to make a few changes to these color pairs by replacing the background color "blue" with "default". After doing these changes, your [Colors] section will look a bit like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,default:\ normal=lightgray,default:\ selected=black,cyan:\ marked=yellow,default:\ markselect=yellow,cyan:\ errors=white,red:\ menu=white,cyan:\ reverse=black,lightgray:\ dnormal=black,lightgray:\ dfocus=black,cyan:\ dhotnormal=blue,lightgray:\ dhotfocus=blue,cyan:\ viewunderline=brightred,default:\ menuhot=yellow,cyan:\ menusel=white,black:\ menuhotsel=yellow,black:\ helpnormal=black,lightgray:\ helpitalic=red,lightgray:\ helpbold=blue,lightgray:\ helplink=black,cyan:\ helpslink=yellow,default:\ gauge=white,black:\ input=black,cyan:\ directory=white,default:\ executable=brightgreen,default:\ link=lightgray,default:\ stalelink=brightred,default:\ device=brightmagenta,default:\ core=red,default:\ special=black,default:\ editnormal=lightgray,default:\ editbold=yellow,default:\ editmarked=black,cyan:\ errdhotnormal=yellow,red:\ errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgray
Now you've got the basic "Midnight Commander transparent scheme" that was the result of this post.
Proceeding to Mateus' question, regarding how to change the rest of the colors now, it's about the same as before. What he didn't like there (and as a matter of fact I don't quite like it, either) is the dull cyan that's still seen in the following places:
the bottom line (the one displaying the F1...F10 function keys); the line that signifies the current selection, the "prompt" which shows you on which file/directory you're "on" at a given moment; the uppermost line (the "menu" line); the menus themselves, once you open them. To "fix" issues 1, 2, and 3 it is sufficient to alter the value of the "selected" parameter. Notice how it is initially
My personal choice is to replace the background cyan, which I don't really like, with green. To do this, I'll change this color pair to
You can, of course, change the foreground color as well. For me, it's alright to keep the foreground (the text) "black". You can change it to whatever suits your taste.
To "fix" issue number 4 in the list above, you need to change the "menu" parameter. To get it transparent, just change the "cyan" background to "default". Make other adjustments as you see fit. In other words, change
into, for instance,
However, there are a few "leftovers" from the default color scheme.
One of them is the parameter regarding the hotkeys in the menus (the "underlined" character on most of the menu options, showing you what key you can press in order to access that option faster than by moving to it with the arrow keys). This color pair is called "menuhot". I changed it from
Another thing which might bother you is the color of the line in the panel you're in when you've "selected all" files (when you've pressed the "*" key). This parameter is called "markselect". I changed it from
The color pair of the selected buttons in dialogs is called "dfocus". I changed mine from
In the "focused" buttons or options, the underlined character is called "dhotfocus". I changed mine from
since the background color was already green, after I modified the "dfocus" color pair.
The other buttons or options in the dialogs which have hotkeys assigned to them, but which are not "focused" (the buttons/options that you're not located on at a given moment) are still displayed in blue on a light gray background. This color pair is referred to as "dhotnormal". Since the blue looks a bit odd there, I changed
dhotnormal=brightgreen,default:\Well, this is nice, in window titles and on normal (unfocused) hotkeys I get the transparent background. The problem now is that the rest of the dialog window is still light gray. To change this (to make the window transparent as well), you only need to alter the "dnormal" color pair, such as changing it from
dnormal=white,default:\You may notice that the input fields stay cyan, as well; you find these fields in quite a lot of dialog boxes. To alter this, I changed
One thing which I consider useful is to have symbolic links displayed in bright cyan (as in the colored listings in the terminal). So I just changed
Now, regarding the rest of the color pairs, I don't really know what they do. However, if at some point after using Midnight Commander more with this new, neat, transparent/green color scheme you'll notice unwanted leftovers, you can try out other changes in the color pairs values, one at a time, until you determine the troublesome one.
After operating the changes above, my [Colors] section in ~/.mc/ini now looks like this:
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,default:\ normal=lightgray,default:\ selected=black,green:\ marked=yellow,default:\ markselect=white,green:\ errors=white,red:\ menu=lightgray,default:\ reverse=black,lightgray:\ dnormal=white,default:\ dfocus=black,green:\ dhotnormal=brightgreen,default:\ dhotfocus=brightgreen,green:\ viewunderline=brightred,default:\ menuhot=yellow,default:\ menusel=white,black:\ menuhotsel=yellow,black:\ helpnormal=black,lightgray:\ helpitalic=red,lightgray:\ helpbold=blue,lightgray:\ helplink=black,cyan:\ helpslink=yellow,default:\ gauge=white,black:\ input=black,green:\ directory=white,default:\ executable=brightgreen,default:\ link=brightcyan,default:\ stalelink=brightred,default:\ device=brightmagenta,default:\ core=red,default:\ special=black,default:\ editnormal=lightgray,default:\ editbold=yellow,default:\ editmarked=black,cyan:\ errdhotnormal=yellow,red:\ errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgray
I need to direct you to the "IMPORTANT NOTE" above. The final [Colors] section above is written like this - one pair on each row, followed by a backslash - for clarity's sake. The actual final [Colors] section in your ~/.mc/ini file will have to be a one-liner, with no blanks and no backslashes. So it will probably look similar to this:
Now, the next time you start mc, the new color scheme will take effect.
As a bonus, here's a picture of how my Midnight Commander looks like, with this new "skin" on:
Posted by Alexandra at 1:54 PM Labels: color scheme, mc, transparency 21 comments: Jared (Dogmeat)September 11, 2009 2:27 AM just saying hello ;)
ReplyDelete Alex.September 11, 2009 6:49 AM Hello Jared! Nice to see you around. As for social networking sites, I'm not into them at all.
ReplyDelete AnonymousSeptember 12, 2009 2:56 AM neither am I- I use it to keep track of bands, but I couldn't put my name without a website... you'll see that I have no "human" friends :P
ReplyDelete AnonymousSeptember 17, 2009 3:01 AM So, why'd you quit? I'm not asking you to come back or anything, but it IS a lot loess lively now. ;)
ReplyDelete AnonymousSeptember 17, 2009 3:02 AM Damn, sorry to spam, but I have to. less*
ReplyDelete Alex.September 17, 2009 6:47 AM Nice pic ;)
Jared, you can e-mail/IM me. I'm sure I left some contact details when I left.
Well, I left because I realized that my other interests were taking too much of my time and would not allow me to play FRP anymore, taking care of the administrating/social issues as well.
Now I'm just working, learning and reading mainly.
ReplyDelete AnonymousSeptember 19, 2009 7:00 PM I was going to email you originally, but I noticed the email address was @futurerp.
The few times I've been on IM, you haven't. :P
ReplyDelete AnonymousSeptember 21, 2009 6:03 AM Excellent post!
ReplyDelete AnonymousMay 19, 2010 3:16 AM still can't get the bar at the bottom to change... no matter what options i change, the numbers are still white/black and the text is always black/cyan :(
ReplyDelete AlexandraMay 19, 2010 3:56 AM Damn. You're right. Something changed in the meantime. I'm sure it did, otherwise the above screenshot would make no sense. Up until this something-got-broken-in-mc unfortunate event, the "status bar" (the menu with the F1...F10 options) was afected by the "selected=foreground/background" keyword.
ReplyDelete AnonymousAugust 6, 2010 11:00 PM How to fix the problem decribed above?
ReplyDelete AnonymousAugust 21, 2010 11:59 AM i have the same problem with F's menu color =(
ReplyDelete kamisoriJanuary 27, 2011 6:49 PM this fixes some colors back to transparent for mc 4.7.5
statusbar=light,default menunormal=lightgreen,default
ReplyDelete AnonymousFebruary 5, 2011 7:31 PM do you have a fix for this? id like to have the same colors as the screen shot but so far its not working
ReplyDelete AnonymousFebruary 5, 2011 7:36 PM this is a Response to the last post as it was me and I found the answer
If you go into your terminal profile and change the cyan color in the colors section to green or whatever you want it will change on Midnight Commander.
hope this was helpful!
ReplyDelete AnonymousAugust 14, 2011 3:55 AM Hello this work for me, but when I "sudo mc" nothing change the default color BLUE background is appeared back. Is this a bug that MC having. I can't seem to get transparency while I'm in sudo. Is it something thing do with the owner ship. I would say it's only work for user not globally. Any suggestion is greatly appreiciated.
ReplyDelete binarymeOctober 5, 2011 3:39 PM Love this! thanks.
ReplyDelete JugheadMarch 5, 2012 10:32 AM This, and all others have one issue: if you write some code and place some tab characters then you will be disturbed by cyan background of this characters
ReplyDelete Nerd ProgreApril 11, 2012 6:44 PM For the life of me I can't seem to find where the Midnight Commander config files are stored, because ".mc" is not under /home/username anymore!!
DAMN I wish Linux devs would stop shuffling things around....
ReplyDelete Nerd ProgreApril 11, 2012 6:53 PM Damn. I will answer myself. With the help from the Fedora mailing list... the config files are now in
~/.config/mc/ plus ~/.local/share/mc/ for other files.
ReplyDelete Alekseiy SerdyukSeptember 10, 2012 1:18 PM Thanks, just what I need!
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Dec 31, 2013 | unix.stackexchange.com
user2013619 ,Dec 31, 2013 at 0:43
I would like to use MC (midnight commander) to compress the selected dir with date in its name, e.g:dirname_20131231.tar.gz
The command in the User menu is :
tar -czf dirname_`date '+%Y%m%d'`.tar.gz %dThe archive is missing because
, and%d
has another meaning in MC. I made an alias for the date, but it also doesn't work.Does anybody solved this problem ever?
John1024 ,Dec 31, 2013 at 1:06
To escape the percent signs, double them:tar -czf dirname_$(date '+%%Y%%m%%d').tar.gz %dThe above would compress the current directory (%d) to a file also in the current directory. If you want to compress the directory pointed to by the cursor rather than the current directory, use %f instead:
tar -czf %f_$(date '+%%Y%%m%%d').tar.gz %f
handles escaping of special characters so there is no need to put %f in quotes.By the way, midnight commander's special treatment of percent signs occurs not just in the user menu file but also at the command line. This is an issue when using shell commands with constructs like
. At the command line, the same as in the user menu file, percent signs can be escaped by doubling them.
Apr 24, 2011 | tech.iprock.com
Skip to content April 24, 2011 by Admin
Important This is an edited version of a post that originally appeared on a blog called The Michigan Telephone Blog, which was written by a friend before he decided to stop blogging. It is reposted with his permission. Comments dated before the year 2013 were originally posted to his blog.If you've installed Midnight Commander and haven't changed the default colors, when you try to access a dropdown menu you may see this:
REALLY hard to read that menu, isn't it? Wouldn't you rather see this?
To fix the unreadable menus, just make sure Midnight Commander is not open, then use any text editor (such as nano) to open ~/.mc/ini:
nano ~/.mc/ini
Assuming that there is no existing [Colors] section in the file, just add this at the bottom of the file (if the second line exceeds the blog column width, just use copy and paste to get it all):
[Colors] base_color=default,default:menu=black,cyan:menuhot=brightmagenta,cyan:menusel=white,blue:menuhotsel=brightmagenta,blue
If there is an existing [Colors] section, you can try tweaking it using the parameters shown above. If you have a very recent version of Midnight Commander (which you probably will have if you are running Ubuntu), then instead of menu= you'll need to use menunormal= , as shown here:
[Colors] base_color=default,default:menunormal=black,cyan:menuhot=brightmagenta,cyan:menusel=white,blue:menuhotsel=brightmagenta,blue
Note that for some reason the base_color parameter must appear, or the other items are ignored. Save the change, exit the editor, and open Midnight Commander. If you then close Midnight Commander, you may find that the position of the [Colors] section has moved within the ini file -- apparently Midnight Commander rewrites the file when you close it -- but if you don't like the changes you can remove the [Colors] section to reverse the change.
I figured out how to do this after reading this blog post:
Related Posts
Ajnasz Blog – Midnight Commander colors and themes
Another source of information is:
Zagura's blog – Midnight Commander Color Themes
- Link: Midnight Commander Custom Interface Colors
- Link: Video Monkey – an excellent free video encoding (format converter) application exclusively for Mac OS X
- How to install Midnight Commander under Mac OS X (the easy way, using Rudix)
- How to install Midnight Commander under Mac OS X (the easiest way?)
- Link: 7 Apps To Help You Run Windows Programs On Another OS
- Link: How to Easily Create Audiobooks From Text Files in OS X
- Link: Do More, Faster In The Linux Terminal With Midnight Commander
- [OS X] Don't Put Tape On Your Webcam, This Free App Alerts You When Someone Hacks It
- Link: Send an SMS Text Message from the Command Line
- Link: Linux alias command explained with examples
- LinuxCommand.org: Midnight Commander
- Link: Get started with Midnight Commander, a Linux file manager
Aug 10, 2019 | www.linuxquestions.org
CrazyCatLover 12-22-2014 02:40 AM
Midnight Commander Help
Hi,I need to know how to check the current colour for mc and how to change it.
I google it and they talk about changeing some initial file /.mc/ini which i have no idea (no one ever gives full filename.)and i cant find it at all. Wasted an hour of my life. I just need the simplest way to change it, not another 10+ steps to change a stupid colour.
gengisdave 12-22-2014 03:22 AM
in some distros (mine, e.g.) it is located in ~/.local/mc/ini
sycamorex 12-22-2014 03:24 AM
This is the full filename. Mind you on my distro it's in ~/.config/mc/ini
Find / Create this file and add the following (obviously change the colour values):The syntax is: variable=foreground_colour,background_colour
Also, have a look at this:
Aug 10, 2019 | plug-and-pray.blogspot.com
Editing Midnight Commander's color scheme In a previous post I was sort of laying out a "formula" on how to transform your Midnight Commander default color scheme into a trasnparent skin, without talking too much about how you can change the other colors.
To my great shame, I didn't pay too much attention to this blog or to the comments asking for further advice. I found Mateus' comment rather late (just now!) and decided to dig further, in order to find out how exactly to deal with more refined color changes, while still keeping the transparent background (in both in Midnight Commander and its editor).
So the first thing to know is which are the colors that Midnight Commander supports; the available colors are:
defaultThe " default " color is the one giving out the nice transparency.
Now, there are certain "components" in Midnight Commander's display that can have their colors altered. Here they are:
base_color, normal, selected, marked, markselect, errors, menu, reverse, dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus, viewunderline, menuhot, menusel, menuhotsel, helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink, gauge, input, directory, executable, link, stalelink, device, core, special, editnormal, editbold, editmarked, errdhotnormal, errdhotfocus
Each and every one of these "components" can have its own colors set accordingly to the user's wish. Each component is assigned a color pair and must be followed by a colon (':') in order to separate it from the color pair of the next component. Here's how this basic syntax must look like:
When you start modifying the color scheme in your Midnight Commander configuration file (located at ~/.mc/ini ), you just have to add a section called " [Colors] " and proceed with enumerating the color pairs. So you'd have something like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
component1=foreground_color1,background_color1:...:componentN= foreground_colorN,background_colorNFor increased readability, I will "truncate" that long line, adding a backslash ('\') to indicate that in fact what follows on the next line should be adjacent to the text on the previous line. This being said, the [Colors] section could look like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
componentN=foreground_colorN,background_colorNNow that you've gotten the hang of this, let's see how the [Colors] section looks like in the default Midnight Commander color scheme (you know, the "ugly" one, with blue and dull cyan):
IMPORTANT NOTE: For visual impact's sake and due to Blogspot breaking long lines, I wrote each color pair on a single row, followed by a backslash ('\'). Please note that this does NOT work in the ~/.mc/ini file, so the final [Colors] section in your Midnight Commander configuration file MUST be a SINGLE line with no spaces and with each color pair separated from the next one by a colon (':').
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayNow let's see. What you want to change first of all is most of the background of these "components", such that the display will be one with a neat looking transparent background. So first of all you might want to make a few changes to these color pairs by replacing the background color "blue" with "default". After doing these changes, your [Colors] section will look a bit like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayNow you've got the basic "Midnight Commander transparent scheme" that was the result of this post .
Proceeding to Mateus' question, regarding how to change the rest of the colors now, it's about the same as before. What he didn't like there (and as a matter of fact I don't quite like it, either) is the dull cyan that's still seen in the following places:
To "fix" issues 1, 2, and 3 it is sufficient to alter the value of the " selected " parameter. Notice how it is initially
- the bottom line (the one displaying the F1...F10 function keys);
- the line that signifies the current selection, the "prompt" which shows you on which file/directory you're "on" at a given moment;
- the uppermost line (the "menu" line);
- the menus themselves, once you open them.
My personal choice is to replace the background cyan, which I don't really like, with green. To do this, I'll change this color pair to
You can, of course, change the foreground color as well. For me, it's alright to keep the foreground (the text) "black". You can change it to whatever suits your taste.
To "fix" issue number 4 in the list above, you need to change the " menu " parameter. To get it transparent, just change the "cyan" background to "default". Make other adjustments as you see fit. In other words, change
into, for instance,
However, there are a few "leftovers" from the default color scheme.
One of them is the parameter regarding the hotkeys in the menus (the "underlined" character on most of the menu options, showing you what key you can press in order to access that option faster than by moving to it with the arrow keys). This color pair is called " menuhot ". I changed it from
Another thing which might bother you is the color of the line in the panel you're in when you've "selected all" files (when you've pressed the "*" key). This parameter is called " markselect ". I changed it from
The color pair of the selected buttons in dialogs is called " dfocus ". I changed mine from
In the "focused" buttons or options, the underlined character is called " dhotfocus ". I changed mine from
since the background color was already green, after I modified the " dfocus " color pair.
The other buttons or options in the dialogs which have hotkeys assigned to them, but which are not "focused" (the buttons/options that you're not located on at a given moment) are still displayed in blue on a light gray background. This color pair is referred to as " dhotnormal ". Since the blue looks a bit odd there, I changed
Well, this is nice, in window titles and on normal (unfocused) hotkeys I get the transparent background. The problem now is that the rest of the dialog window is still light gray. To change this (to make the window transparent as well), you only need to alter the " dnormal " color pair, such as changing it from
You may notice that the input fields stay cyan, as well; you find these fields in quite a lot of dialog boxes. To alter this, I changed
One thing which I consider useful is to have symbolic links displayed in bright cyan (as in the colored listings in the terminal). So I just changed
Now, regarding the rest of the color pairs, I don't really know what they do. However, if at some point after using Midnight Commander more with this new, neat, transparent/green color scheme you'll notice unwanted leftovers, you can try out other changes in the color pairs values, one at a time, until you determine the troublesome one.
After operating the changes above, my [Colors] section in ~/.mc/ini now looks like this:
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayI need to direct you to the " IMPORTANT NOTE " above. The final [Colors] section above is written like this - one pair on each row, followed by a backslash - for clarity's sake. The actual final [Colors] section in your ~/.mc/ini file will have to be a one-liner, with no blanks and no backslashes. So it will probably look similar to this:
Now, the next time you start mc , the new color scheme will take effect.
As a bonus, here's a picture of how my Midnight Commander looks like, with this new "skin" on:
Posted by Alexandra at 1:54 PM Labels: color scheme , mc , transparency
Aug 10, 2019 | centos-vn.blogspot.com
Midnight Commander (or "mc") can have transparent panels instead of the ugly, dull default blue. So can "mcedit", its text editor.
Here's how to do it. Edit the file ~/.mc/ini and add at the end the following:
helplink=,:helpslink=,:editnormal=,default:Note #1: In the above 'code' block, there is only one line below [Colors] . I truncated the line with the backslash because of blogspot rendering issues. You just write all that on one single line, without the "\" (backslash-es).
Note #2: At the end of this line, the " editnormal,=default: " option means that mcedit will have transparent background in your console, as well.
To my great shame, I didn't pay too much attention to this blog or to the comments asking for further advice. I found Mateus' comment rather late (just now!) and decided to dig further, in order to find out how exactly to deal with more refined color changes, while still keeping the transparent background (in both in Midnight Commander and its editor).
So the first thing to know is which are the colors that Midnight Commander supports; the available colors are:
defaultThe " default " color is the one giving out the nice transparency.
Now, there are certain "components" in Midnight Commander's display that can have their colors altered. Here they are:
base_color, normal, selected, marked, markselect, errors, menu, reverse, dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus, viewunderline, menuhot, menusel, menuhotsel, helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink, gauge, input, directory, executable, link, stalelink, device, core, special, editnormal, editbold, editmarked, errdhotnormal, errdhotfocus
Each and every one of these "components" can have its own colors set accordingly to the user's wish. Each component is assigned a color pair and must be followed by a colon (':') in order to separate it from the color pair of the next component. Here's how this basic syntax must look like:
When you start modifying the color scheme in your Midnight Commander configuration file (located at ~/.mc/ini ), you just have to add a section called " [Colors] " and proceed with enumerating the color pairs. So you'd have something like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
component1=foreground_color1,background_color1:...:componentN= foreground_colorN,background_colorNFor increased readability, I will "truncate" that long line, adding a backslash ('\') to indicate that in fact what follows on the next line should be adjacent to the text on the previous line. This being said, the [Colors] section could look like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
componentN=foreground_colorN,background_colorNNow that you've gotten the hang of this, let's see how the [Colors] section looks like in the default Midnight Commander color scheme (you know, the "ugly" one, with blue and dull cyan):
IMPORTANT NOTE: For visual impact's sake and due to Blogspot breaking long lines, I wrote each color pair on a single row, followed by a backslash ('\'). Please note that this does NOT work in the ~/.mc/ini file, so the final [Colors] section in your Midnight Commander configuration file MUST be a SINGLE line with no spaces and with each color pair separated from the next one by a colon (':').
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayNow let's see. What you want to change first of all is most of the background of these "components", such that the display will be one with a neat looking transparent background. So first of all you might want to make a few changes to these color pairs by replacing the background color "blue" with "default". After doing these changes, your [Colors] section will look a bit like this:
# the rest of your ~/.mc/ini file
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayNow you've got the basic "Midnight Commander transparent scheme" that was the result of this post .
Proceeding to Mateus' question, regarding how to change the rest of the colors now, it's about the same as before. What he didn't like there (and as a matter of fact I don't quite like it, either) is the dull cyan that's still seen in the following places:
To "fix" issues 1, 2, and 3 it is sufficient to alter the value of the " selected " parameter. Notice how it is initially
- the bottom line (the one displaying the F1...F10 function keys);
- the line that signifies the current selection, the "prompt" which shows you on which file/directory you're "on" at a given moment;
- the uppermost line (the "menu" line);
- the menus themselves, once you open them.
My personal choice is to replace the background cyan, which I don't really like, with green. To do this, I'll change this color pair to
You can, of course, change the foreground color as well. For me, it's alright to keep the foreground (the text) "black". You can change it to whatever suits your taste.
To "fix" issue number 4 in the list above, you need to change the " menu " parameter. To get it transparent, just change the "cyan" background to "default". Make other adjustments as you see fit. In other words, change
into, for instance,
However, there are a few "leftovers" from the default color scheme.
One of them is the parameter regarding the hotkeys in the menus (the "underlined" character on most of the menu options, showing you what key you can press in order to access that option faster than by moving to it with the arrow keys). This color pair is called " menuhot ". I changed it from
Another thing which might bother you is the color of the line in the panel you're in when you've "selected all" files (when you've pressed the "*" key). This parameter is called " markselect ". I changed it from
The color pair of the selected buttons in dialogs is called " dfocus ". I changed mine from
In the "focused" buttons or options, the underlined character is called " dhotfocus ". I changed mine from
since the background color was already green, after I modified the " dfocus " color pair.
The other buttons or options in the dialogs which have hotkeys assigned to them, but which are not "focused" (the buttons/options that you're not located on at a given moment) are still displayed in blue on a light gray background. This color pair is referred to as " dhotnormal ". Since the blue looks a bit odd there, I changed
Well, this is nice, in window titles and on normal (unfocused) hotkeys I get the transparent background. The problem now is that the rest of the dialog window is still light gray. To change this (to make the window transparent as well), you only need to alter the " dnormal " color pair, such as changing it from
You may notice that the input fields stay cyan, as well; you find these fields in quite a lot of dialog boxes. To alter this, I changed
One thing which I consider useful is to have symbolic links displayed in bright cyan (as in the colored listings in the terminal). So I just changed
Now, regarding the rest of the color pairs, I don't really know what they do. However, if at some point after using Midnight Commander more with this new, neat, transparent/green color scheme you'll notice unwanted leftovers, you can try out other changes in the color pairs values, one at a time, until you determine the troublesome one.
After operating the changes above, my [Colors] section in ~/.mc/ini now looks like this:
errdhotfocus=yellow,lightgrayI need to direct you to the " IMPORTANT NOTE " above. The final [Colors] section above is written like this - one pair on each row, followed by a backslash - for clarity's sake. The actual final [Colors] section in your ~/.mc/ini file will have to be a one-liner, with no blanks and no backslashes. So it will probably look similar to this:
Now, the next time you start mc , the new color scheme will take effect.
As a bonus, here's a picture of how my Midnight Commander looks like, with this new "skin" on:
Aug 10, 2019 | ajnasz.hu
Koszti Lajos Midnight Commander is the most pupular file manager on unix like systems. It's fast and it has all features what you need. But it's only blue and we know, that everyone loves the eyecandy, everyone likes customizing his/her own desktop. But is there any way to custimize the mc ?
Yes, and I try to show you, how can you create your theme .You can change the Midnight Commander colors if you edit the ~/.mc/ini file, where you have to add a new section, named [Colors] . You should define the new colors in this section, for example:
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,green:normal=green,default:selected=white,gray ...
As you see, it has a simple syntax:
<keyword>=<foregroundcolor>,<backgroundcolor>:<keyword>= ...
The colors are optional, so you can use this:
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,green:normal=green:selected=,gray ...
It's not the exactly the same as the first version!
Fine, you can change some colors of the filemanager, but which are the keywords? These are:
- Base colors: normal, selected, marked, markselect, errors, input, reverse, gauge
- Menu colors: menu, menusel, menuhot, menuhotsel
- Dialog colors: dnormal, dfocus, dhotnormal, dhotfocus
- Help colors: helpnormal, helpitalic, helpbold, helplink, helpslink
- Viewer color: viewunderline
- Special highlighting colors: executable, directory, link, stalelink, device, special, core
- Editor colors: editnormal, editbold, editmarked
And which are the colors? I don't know all, but here are some of them:
white, gray, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan, red, brown, birghtgreen, brightblue, brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightred, defaultHere is the config, what I use:
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,green:normal=green,default:selected=white,gray:marked=yellow,default:markselect=yellow,gray:directory=blue,default:executable=brightgreen,default:link=cyan,default:device=brightmagenta,default:special=lightgray,default:errors=red,default:reverse=green,default:gauge=green,default:input=white,gray:dnormal=green,gray:dfocus=brightgreen,gray:dhotnormal=cyan,gray:dhotfocus=brightcyan,gray:menu=green,default:menuhot=cyan,default:menusel=green,gray:menuhotsel=cyan,default:helpnormal=cyan,default:editnormal=green,default:editbold=blue,default:editmarked=gray,blue:stalelink=red,default
Screenshot about my redesigned Midnight Commander
On the screenshot you can see, that the directory color is blue, the files are green, the executable files are birghtgreen and the selected line is white on a gray background.
And another one, what I use recently:
[Colors] base_color=lightgray,blue:normal=blue,default:selected=white,brightblue:marked=yellow,default:markselect=yellow,gray:directory=brightblue,default:executable=brightgreen,default:link=cyan,default:device=brightmagenta,default:special=lightgray,default:errors=red,default:reverse=green,default:gauge=green,default:input=white,gray:dnormal=green,gray:dfocus=brightgreen,gray:dhotnormal=cyan,gray:dhotfocus=brightcyan,gray:menu=green,default:menuhot=cyan,default:menusel=green,gray:menuhotsel=cyan,default:helpnormal=cyan,default:editnormal=green,default:editbold=blue,default:editmarked=gray,blue:stalelink=red,default
Screenshot about my redesigned Midnight Commander
And here is a small shell script, which will help for you to test your new theme:
#!/bin/sh mc --colors normal=green,default:selected=brightmagenta,gray:marked=yellow,default:markselect=yellow,gray:directory=blue,default:executable=brightgreen,default:link=cyan,default:device=brightmagenta,default:special=lightgray,default:errors=red,default:reverse=green,default:gauge=green,default:input=white,gray:dnormal=green,gray:dfocus=brightgreen,gray:dhotnormal=cyan,gray:dhotfocus=brightcyan,gray:menu=green,default:menuhot=cyan,default:menusel=green,gray:menuhotsel=cyan,default:helpnormal=cyan,default:editnormal=green,default:editbold=blue,default:editmarked=gray,blue:stalelink=red,default
Download the shell script to make your own mc theme
Save it as mccolortest.sh, make it executable with the chmod +x mccolortest.sh command, and run it with the ./mccolortest.sh command. If you want to change a color, just edit this file. When you done, copy the colors and paste it below the [Colors] section in the ~/.mc/ini . If it doesn't exists, make it yourself.
For more information of the mc redesigning check its manual page .
Anonymous • 6 éve ,Awesome!
Thank you for your clear explanation.Anonymous • 6 éve ,Thank you for theme. I tried your last theme and it is exactly what I was searching for.
Ajnasz Anonymous • 6 éve ,Also, in 4.8.3 here, I copied the first example scheme line and my colors are different. I can't even set the background of the select bar to gray (or "grey"): it gets replaced with black. Also, the panel headings remain blue here, unlike the (first) screenshot, and I can see no corresponding tag in the line anyway.
Good intro, regardless. Someone should post a pointer to a more up-to-date one, though, as Google seems to find this old thread within the top few hits. Király! ;)
Anonymous • 7 éve ,The colors are depends on the color settings of your terminal. I don't have those settings anymore which was when I posted this article, but here is my current. If I'm right, it's similar to that. Put it into your .Xdefaults
*background: #000000 *foreground: #EEEEEC ! Default ! 0: black *color0: #1C1C1C *color8: #333333 ! 1: red *color1: #C14242 *color9: #EF2929 ! 2: green *color2: #6AA037 *color10: #9DCF70 ! 3: yellow *color3: #CFAB2F *color11: #FCDA4F ! 4: blue *color4: #2D578A *color12: #729FCF ! 5: magenta *color5: #A85EB4 *color13: #AD7FA8 ! 6: cyan *color6: #2F8D8F *color14: #34E2E2 ! 7: white *color7: #D3D7CF *color15: #EEEEECAnonymous • 10 éve ,Now ~/.mc dir is ignored. Now is ~/.config/mc ;)
Anonymous • 10 éve ,Midnight Commander supports skins starting from 4.7.0-pre3 version. You can download a skin with black as a main color from here:
http://zool.in.ua/software/bluemoon/Anonymous Anonymous • 10 éve ,I am using MC on my router ASUS WL-500GP and I am developing php scripts on it. but as I see MC in openwrt (kmaikaze 8.09) does not use syntax-highlighting and it is very unconfortable.
Do you know how could I turn it on? I have already downloaded php.syntax file and put it into /usr/share/syntax dir but it does not seem to work. is it possible that some support is not compiled into my version or the syntax file must be compiled to another format?
Br Zé.Anonymous • 10 éve ,I found it. in ~/.mc/cedit/Syntax must be this:
file ..\*\\.(php|PHP)$ PHP\sFile
include php.syntaxand in the same dir php.syntax file must be placed. (copied out from a source distrib)
ZéAnonymous • 10 éve ,hei ajnasz, your color theme so very nice, keep my eye on my pc longer than usual. Well, i don't have much time to do more explore with this tricks. I think your taste so cool. If you have any kind of theme, i should be try it. :-)
Anonymous Anonymous • 10 éve ,Any chance to change the color of the files by extension?
Ajnasz Anonymous • 10 éve ,Midnight Commander supports this starting from 4.7.0-pre3 version.
Anonymous Ajnasz • 9 éve ,I didn't find anything about it. By the way, since the extension doesn't determinate the file type in UNIX like systems, it wouldn't make any sense to do it.
Anonymous • 11 éve ,Don't be silly. Mp3 is just music, txt is text, doc is document. The only thing, which is not exactly determinable is the executables, but whatever, it has +x flag.
Anonymous • 12 éve ,Also, you should know that most modern terminal applications allow you to redefine the exact shade of those 16 colors.
Some of them (such as the Gnome or KDE terminals) may have a place under their preferences where you can redefine the colors.
Older terminals, such as aterm, use ~/.Xdefaults for this. You can edit that file and add lines like this: "aterm*color1: OrangeRed" (without the quotes). What I've done with that is tell aterm that the "color1" (which was red) should now be "OrangeRed". See /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt for valid color names. You can use *color0 through *color15. So when you'll say "red" in MC's ini file, and if you use aterm, it will get replaced by color1 in ~/.Xdefaults and changed to OrangeRed. (Sorry, I don't remember the mappings between the names used by MC and 0-15 in Xdefaults by heart.)
On the same subject:
polishlinux.orgAdd following lines to your
file for cool color scheme like this one.
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Last modified: August, 20, 2019