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Anna Netrebko in La Traviata

Some comments Act 1 Act 2 Act 3

Composer: Giuseppe Verdi

Act 1

The salon in Violetta's house

Violetta Valéry, a famed courtesan, throws a lavish party at her Paris salon to celebrate her recovery from an illness. Gastone, a count, has brought with him his friend, the young nobleman Alfredo Germont, who has long adored Violetta from afar. While walking to the salon, Gastone tells Violetta that Alfredo loves her, and that while she was ill, he came to her house every day. Alfredo joins them, admitting the truth of Gastone's remarks. Violetta replies to Alfredo, "I’m indebted to you".

The Baron waits nearby to escort Violetta to the salon, but she walks to him saying, "You, Baron, never cared as much". The Baron replies, "I have just known you for a year". Violetta glares at Alfredo and says, "He just met me a minute ago!". At the salon, the Baron is asked to give a toast, but he refuses and the crowd turns to Alfredo (Alfredo, Violetta, chorus: Libiamo ne' lieti calici – "Drinking song").

From the next room, the orchestra begins to play and the guests move there to dance. Violetta feels dizzy and asks the guests to go ahead and to leave her to rest for a while to recover. The Baron leaves her alone. The guests dance in the next room, while Violetta looks at her face in her mirror. She looks pale. Alfredo enters and he expresses his concern for her fragile health and later declares his love for her (Alfredo, Violetta: Un dì, felice, eterea – "The day I met you").

At first Violetta rejects him because his love means nothing of importance to her. However, there is something about Alfredo that touches her heart. Alfredo is about to leave when she gives him a flower, telling him to return it when it has wilted. She promises to meet him the next day.

After the guests leave, Violetta wonders if Alfredo could actually be the one in her life (Violetta: Ah, fors'è lui – "Perhaps he is the one"). But she concludes that she needs freedom to live her life (Violetta: Sempre libera – "Always free"). From off stage, Alfredo's voice is heard singing about love as he walks down the street.

 Act 2

Scene 1: Violetta's country house outside Paris

Alfredo is shocked to learn this and leaves for Paris immediately to settle matters himself. Violetta returns home and receives an invitation from her friend, Flora, inviting her to a party in Paris. Alfredo’s father, Giorgio Germont, is announced and demands that, for the sake of his family, she break off her relationship with his son. He is reluctantly impressed by Violetta’s nobility, which is not what he expected from a courtesan.

She bids farewell to Giorgio. Giorgio kisses her forehead in a gesture of gratitude for her kindness and sacrifice, before leaving her weeping alone.

Violetta gives a note to Annina to send to Flora as acceptance of the party invitation. As she is writing a farewell letter to Alfredo, he enters. She can barely control her sadness and tears; she tells him repeatedly of her unconditional love before rushing out and handing the farewell letter to her servant to give to Alfredo.

The servant gives the farewell letter to Alfredo. As soon as he finishes reading it, Giorgio comes in and attempts to comfort his son, reminding him of his family in Provence (Giorgio: Di Provenza il mar – "In Provence"). Alfredo suspects the Baron is behind his separation with Violetta and the party invitation, which he finds on the desk, strengthens his suspicions. He determines to confront Violetta at the party. Giorgio tries to stop Alfredo, but he rushes out.

Scene 2: Party at Flora’s house

Violetta arrives with Baron Douphol. They see Alfredo at the gambling table, and upon seeing them, Alfredo creates a big scene about his winning. The Baron feels annoyed. He goes to the gambling table and challenges him. Alfredo wins some large sums of money from the Baron until Flora announces that the supper is ready. Alfredo leaves with handfuls of money.


 Act 3

Violetta’s bedroom

Dr. Grenvil tells Annina that Violetta will not live long as her tuberculosis has worsened. Alone in her room, Violetta reads a letter sent by Alfredo’s father saying the Baron was only wounded in his duel with Alfredo. The letter also states that he has informed Alfredo of the sacrifice Violetta made for him and his sister; and that he is sending his son to see her as quickly as possible to ask for her forgiveness. But Violetta senses it is too late (Violetta: Addio del passato – "So closes my sad story").

Annina rushes in the room to tell Violetta of the arrival of Alfredo. The lovers are reunited. Alfredo suggests that they leave Paris (Alfredo, Violetta: Parigi, o cara , noi lasceremo – "Dearest, we’ll leave Paris" ).

But it is too late; she knows her time is up (Alfredo, Violetta: Gran Dio! morir si giovane – "O, God! to die so young"). The old Germont enters (Ah, Violetta) with the doctor. He regrets what he has done. Shortly after, Violetta dies in Alfredo’s arms.




But when the maid, Annina, reveals that Violetta has pawned her jewels to keep the house, Alfredo leaves for the city to settle matters at his own cost. Violetta comes looking for him and finds an invitation from Flora to a party that night. Violetta has no intention of going back to her old life, but trouble intrudes with the appearance of Alfredo's father.

Scene II

  1. Soon Alfredo strides in, making bitter comments about love and gambling recklessly at cards. Violetta has arrived with Baron Douphol, who challenges Alfredo to a game and loses a small fortune to him. Everyone goes in to supper, but Violetta has asked Alfredo to see her. Fearful of the Baron's anger, she wants Alfredo to leave, but he misunderstands her apprehension and demands that she admit she loves Douphol. Crushed, she pretends she does.


Germont enters with the doctor before Violetta is seized with a last resurgence of strength. Feeling life return, she staggers and falls dead at her lover's feet.

-- courtesy of Opera News

Some comments by Netrebko about per performance and highlights of the opera

Act 1

brindisi Un Di Felice E Strano Sempre Libera

Act 2

O Mio Rimorso Pura Siccome un Angelo Dite alla giovine Amami alfredo  
Di Provenza il Mar...;No,Non Udrai.


Invitato a qui...Ogni suo aver.. (money scene) Di Sprezzo Degno Di questo core  

Act 3




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