Running MPI jobs under SGE


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To run OpenMPI job under SGE you need to meet at least the following pre-conditions:

  1. SGE Parallel Environment
  2. OpenMPI should be compiled with the "--with-sge" command line switch. SGE support is not enabled by default. For Open MPI v1.3 and later, you need to explicitly request the SGE support during compilation with the "--with-sge" command line switch to the Open MPI configure script.

    For example:

    ./configure --with-sge
  3. Intel compiler libraries and OpenMPI libraries should be made available on all computational nodes
  4. Environment should be correct for all computational nodes, including such variable as LD_LIBRARY_PATH (this can be achieved by modifying .bashrc file for the particular user, for example vasp)
  5. You should create correct SGE submit script. Please node that submit script does not create the environment on other computation nodes except that first on which it runs. Environment specified in submit script and environment specified in .bash rc script should be identical.
  6. ulimit - locked memory limit should be set correctly on all the computational nodes.

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Running OpenMPI — IT4I Docs

The OpenMPI programs may be executed only via the PBS Workload manager, by entering an appropriate queue. On Anselm, the bullxmpi- and OpenMPI 1.6.5 are OpenMPI based MPI implementations.

Basic usage

Use the mpiexec to run the OpenMPI code.


$ qsub -q qexp -l select=4:ncpus=16 -I
qsub: waiting for job 15210.srv11 to start
qsub: job 15210.srv11 ready

$ pwd

$ module load openmpi
$ mpiexec -pernode ./helloworld_mpi.x
Hello world! from rank 0 of 4 on host cn17
Hello world! from rank 1 of 4 on host cn108
Hello world! from rank 2 of 4 on host cn109
Hello world! from rank 3 of 4 on host cn110

Please be aware, that in this example, the directive -pernode is used to run only one task per node, which is normally an unwanted behaviour (unless you want to run hybrid code with just one MPI and 16 OpenMP tasks per node). In normal MPI programs omit the -pernode directive to run up to 16 MPI tasks per each node.

In this example, we allocate 4 nodes via the express queue interactively. We set up the openmpi environment and interactively run the helloworld_mpi.x program.
Note that the executable helloworld_mpi.x must be available within the same path on all nodes. This is automatically fulfilled on the /home and /scratch filesystem.

You need to preload the executable, if running on the local scratch /lscratch filesystem

$ pwd

$ mpiexec -pernode --preload-binary ./helloworld_mpi.x
Hello world! from rank 0 of 4 on host cn17
Hello world! from rank 1 of 4 on host cn108
Hello world! from rank 2 of 4 on host cn109
Hello world! from rank 3 of 4 on host cn110

In this example, we assume the executable helloworld_mpi.x is present on compute node cn17 on local scratch. We call the mpiexec whith the --preload-binary argument (valid for openmpi). The mpiexec will copy the executable from cn17 to the /lscratch/15210.srv11 directory on cn108, cn109 and cn110 and execute the program.

MPI process mapping may be controlled by PBS parameters.

The mpiprocs and ompthreads parameters allow for selection of number of running MPI processes per node as well as number of OpenMP threads per MPI process.

One MPI process per node

Follow this example to run one MPI process per node, 16 threads per process. Note that no options to mpiexec are needed

$ qsub -q qexp select=4:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=1:ompthreads=16 -I

$ module load openmpi

$ mpiexec ./helloworld_mpi.x

In this example, we demonstrate recommended way to run an MPI application, using 1 MPI processes per node and 16 threads per socket, on 4 nodes.

Two MPI processes per node

Follow this example to run two MPI processes per node, 8 threads per process. Note the options to mpiexec.

$ qsub -q qexp select=4:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=2:ompthreads=8 -I

$ module load openmpi

$ mpiexec -bysocket -bind-to-socket ./helloworld_mpi.x

In this example, we demonstrate recommended way to run an MPI application, using 2 MPI processes per node and 8 threads per socket, each process and its threads bound to a separate processor socket of the node, on 4 nodes

16 MPI processes per node

Follow this example to run 16 MPI processes per node, 1 thread per process. Note the options to mpiexec.

$ qsub -q qexp select=4:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=16:ompthreads=1 -I

$ module load openmpi

$ mpiexec -bycore -bind-to-core ./helloworld_mpi.x

In this example, we demonstrate recommended way to run an MPI application, using 16 MPI processes per node, single threaded. Each process is bound to separate processor core, on 4 nodes.

In all cases, binding and threading may be verified by executing for example:

$ mpiexec -bysocket -bind-to-socket numactl --show
$ mpiexec -bysocket -bind-to-socket echo $OMP_NUM_THREADS

OpenMPI Process Mapping and Binding

The mpiexec allows for precise selection of how the MPI processes will be mapped to the computational nodes and how these processes will bind to particular processor sockets and cores.

MPI process mapping may be by specified by a hostfile or rankfile input to the mpiexec program. Altough all implementations of MPI provide means for process mapping and binding, following examples are valid for the openmpi only.


Example hostfile


Use the hostfile to control process placement

$ mpiexec -hostfile hostfile ./helloworld_mpi.x
Hello world! from rank 0 of 4 on host cn110
Hello world! from rank 1 of 4 on host cn109
Hello world! from rank 2 of 4 on host cn108
Hello world! from rank 3 of 4 on host cn17

In this example, we see that ranks have been mapped on nodes according to the order in which nodes show in the hostfile


Exact control of MPI process placement and resource binding is provided by specifying a rankfile

Appropriate binding may boost performance of your application.

Example rankfile

rank 0=cn110.bullx slot=1:0,1
rank 1=cn109.bullx slot=0:*
rank 2=cn108.bullx slot=1:1-2
rank 3=cn17.bullx slot=0:1,1:0-2
rank 4=cn109.bullx slot=0:*,1:*

This rankfile assumes 5 ranks will be running on 4 nodes and provides exact mapping and binding of the processes to the processor sockets and cores

rank 0 will be bounded to cn110, socket1 core0 and core1
rank 1 will be bounded to cn109, socket0, all cores
rank 2 will be bounded to cn108, socket1, core1 and core2
rank 3 will be bounded to cn17, socket0 core1, socket1 core0, core1, core2
rank 4 will be bounded to cn109, all cores on both sockets

$ mpiexec -n 5 -rf rankfile --report-bindings ./helloworld_mpi.x
[cn17:11180]  MCW rank 3 bound to socket 0[core 1] socket 1[core 0-2]: [. B . . . . . .][B B B . . . . .] (slot list 0:1,1:0-2)
[cn110:09928] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 1[core 0-1]: [. . . . . . . .][B B . . . . . .] (slot list 1:0,1)
[cn109:10395] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 0-7]: [B B B B B B B B][. . . . . . . .] (slot list 0:*)
[cn108:10406]  MCW rank 2 bound to socket 1[core 1-2]: [. . . . . . . .][. B B . . . . .] (slot list 1:1-2)
[cn109:10406]  MCW rank 4 bound to socket 0[core 0-7] socket 1[core 0-7]: [B B B B B B B B][B B B B B B B B] (slot list 0:*,1:*)
Hello world! from rank 3 of 5 on host cn17
Hello world! from rank 1 of 5 on host cn109
Hello world! from rank 0 of 5 on host cn110
Hello world! from rank 4 of 5 on host cn109
Hello world! from rank 2 of 5 on host cn108

In this example we run 5 MPI processes (5 ranks) on four nodes. The rankfile defines how the processes will be mapped on the nodes, sockets and cores. The --report-bindings option was used to print out the actual process location and bindings. Note that ranks 1 and 4 run on the same node and their core binding overlaps.

It is users responsibility to provide correct number of ranks, sockets and cores.

What pre-requisites are necessary for running an Open MPI job?

In general, Open MPI requires that its executables are in your PATH on every node that you will run on and if Open MPI was compiled as dynamic libraries (which is the default), the directory where its libraries are located must be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH on every node.

Specifically, if Open MPI was installed with a prefix of /opt/openmpi, then the following should be in your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

PATH:            /opt/openmpi/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /opt/openmpi/lib

Depending on your environment, you may need to set these values in your shell startup files (e.g., .profile, .cshrc, etc.).

NOTE: there are exceptions to this rule -- notably the --prefix option to mpirun.

See this FAQ entry for more details on how to add Open MPI to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Additionally, Open MPI requires that jobs can be started on remote nodes without any input from the keyboard. For example, if using rsh or ssh as the remote agent, you must have your environment setup to allow execution on remote nodes without entering a password or passphrase.

What ABI guarantees does Open MPI provide?

Open MPI's versioning and ABI scheme is described here, but is summarized here in this FAQ entry for convenience.

Open MPI provided forward application binary interface (ABI) compatibility for MPI applications starting with v1.3.2. Prior to that version, no ABI guarantees were provided.

NOTE: Prior to v1.3.2, subtle and strange failures are almost guaranteed to occur if applications were compiled and linked against shared libraries from one version of Open MPI and then run with another. The Open MPI team strongly discourages making any ABI assumptions before v1.3.2.
NOTE: ABI for the "use mpi" Fortran interface was inadvertantly broken in the v1.6.3 release, and was restored in the v1.6.4 release. Any Fortran applications that utilize the "use mpi" MPI interface that were compiled and linked against the v1.6.3 release will not be link-time compatible with other releases in the 1.5.x / 1.6.x series. Such applications remain source compatible, however, and can be recompiled/re-linked with other Open MPI releases.

Starting with v1.3.2, Open MPI provides forward ABI compatibility -- with respect to the MPI API only -- in all versions of a given feature release series and its corresponding super stable series. For example, on a single platform, an MPI application linked against Open MPI v1.3.2 shared libraries can be updated to point to the shared libraries in any successive v1.3.x or v1.4 release and still work properly (e.g., via the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable or other operating system mechanism).

For the v1.5 series, this means that all releases of v1.5.x and v1.6.x will be ABI compatible, per the above definition.

Open MPI reserves the right to break ABI compatibility at new feature release series. For example, the same MPI application from above (linked against Open MPI v1.3.2 shared libraries) will not work with Open MPI v1.5 shared libraries. Similarly, MPI applications compiled/linked against Open MPI 1.6.x will not be ABI compatible with Open MPI 1.7.x

Do I need a common filesystem on all my nodes?

No, but it certainly makes life easier if you do.

A common environment to run Open MPI is in a "Beowulf"-class or similar cluster (e.g., a bunch of 1U servers in a bunch of racks). Simply stated, Open MPI can run on a group of servers or workstations connected by a network. As mentioned above, there are several prerequisites, however (for example, you typically must have an account on all the machines, you can ssh or ssh between the nodes without using a password etc.).

Regardless of whether Open MPI is installed on a shared / networked filesystem or independently on each node, it is usually easiest if Open MPI is available in the same filesystem location on every node. For example, if you install Open MPI to /opt/openmpi-1.8 on one node, ensure that it is available in /opt/openmpi-1.8 on all nodes.

This FAQ entry has a bunch more information about installation locations for Open MPI.

How do I add Open MPI to my PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

Open MPI must be able to find its executables in your PATH on every node (if Open MPI was compiled as dynamic libraries, then its library path must appear in LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well). As such, your configuration/initialization files need to add Open MPI to your PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly.

How to do this may be highly dependent upon your local configuration, so you may need to consult with your local system administrator. Some system administrators take care of these details for you, some don't. YMMV. Some common examples are included below, however.

You must have at least a minimum understanding of how your shell works to get Open MPI in your PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly. Note that Open MPI must be added to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in two situations: (1) when you login to an interactive shell, (2) and when you login to non-interactive shells on remote nodes.

What if I can't modify my PATH and/or LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

There are some situations where you cannot modify the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- e.g., some ISV application prefer to hide all parallelism from the user, and therefore do not want to make the user modify their shell startup files. Another case is where you want a single user to be able to launch multiple MPI jobs simultaneously, each with a different MPI implementation. Hence, setting shell startup files to point to one MPI implementation would be problematic.

In such cases, you have two options:

  1. Use mpirun's --prefix command line option (described below).
  2. Modify the wrapper compilers to include directives to include run-time search locations for the Open MPI libraries (

    see this FAQ entry)

mpirun's --prefix command line option takes as an argument the top-level directory where Open MPI was installed. While relative directory names are possible, they can become ambiguous depending on the job launcher used; using absolute directory names are strongly recommended.

For example, say that Open MPI was installed into /opt/openmpi-1.8. You would use the --prefix option like this:

shell$ mpirun --prefix /opt/openmpi-1.8 -np 4 a.out

This will prefix the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH on both the local and remote hosts with /opt/openmpi-1.8/bin and /opt/openmpi-1.8/lib, respectively. This is usually unnecessary when using resource managers to launch jobs (e.g., SLURM, Torque, etc.) because they tend to copy the entire local environment -- to include the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- to remote nodes before execution. As such, if PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set properly on the local node, the resource manager will automatically propagate those values out to remote nodes. The --prefix option is therefore usually most useful in rsh or ssh-based environments (or similar).

Beginning with the 1.2 series, it is possible to make this the default behavior by passing to configure the flag --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default. This will make mpirun behave exactly the same as "mpirun --prefix $prefix ...", where $prefix is the value given to --prefix in configure.

Finally, note that specifying the absolute pathname to mpirun is equivalent to using the --prefix argument. For example, the following is equivalent to the above command line that uses --prefix:

shell$ /opt/openmpi-1.8/bin/mpirun -np 4 a.out

How do I launch Open MPI parallel jobs?

Similar to many MPI implementations, Open MPI provides the commands mpirun and mpiexec to launch MPI jobs. Several of the questions in this FAQ category deal with using these commands.

Note, however, that these commands are exactly identical. Specifically, they are symbolic links to a common back-end launcher command named orterun (Open MPI's run-time environment interaction layer is named the Open Run-Time Environment, or ORTE -- hence orterun).

As such, the rest of this FAQ usually refers only to mpirun, even though the same discussions also apply to mpiexec and orterun (because they are all, in fact, the same command).

How do I run a simple SPMD MPI job?

Open MPI provides both mpirun and mpiexec commands. A simple way to start a single program, multiple data (SPMD) application in parallel is:

shell$ mpirun -np 4 my_parallel_application

This starts a four-process parallel application, running four copies of the executable named my_parallel_application.

The rsh starter component accepts the --hostfile (also known as --machinefile) option to indicate which hosts to start the processes on:

shell$ cat my_hostfile
shell$ mpirun --hostfile my_hostfile -np 4 my_parallel_application

This command will launch one copy of my_parallel_application on each of and

More information about the --hostfile option, and hostfiles in general, is available in this FAQ entry.

Note, however, that not all environments require a hostfile. For example, Open MPI will automatically detect when it is running in batch / scheduled environments (such as SGE, PBS/Torque, SLURM, and LoadLeveler), and will use host information provided by those systems.

Also note that if using a launcher that requires a hostfile and no hostfile is specified, all processes are launched on the local host.

How do I run an MPMD MPI job?

Both the mpirun and mpiexec commands support multiple program, multiple data (MPMD) style launches, either from the command line or from a file. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 2 a.out : -np 2 b.out

This will launch a single parallel application, but the first two processes will be instances of the a.out executable, and the second two processes will be instances of the b.out executable. In MPI terms, this will be a single MPI_COMM_WORLD, but the a.out processes will be ranks 0 and 1 in MPI_COMM_WORLD, while the b.out processes will be ranks 2 and 3 in MPI_COMM_WORLD.

mpirun (and mpiexec) can also accept a parallel application specified in a file instead of on the command line. For example:

shell$ mpirun --app my_appfile

where the file my_appfile contains the following:

# Comments are supported; comments begin with #
# Application context files specify each sub-application in the
# parallel job, one per line.  The first sub-application is the 2
# a.out processes:
-np 2 a.out
# The second sub-application is the 2 b.out processes:
-np 2 b.out

This will result in the same behavior as running a.out and b.out from the command line.

Note that mpirun and mpiexec are identical in command-line options and behavior; using the above command lines with mpiexec instead of mpirun will result in the same behavior.

How do I specify the hosts on which my MPI job runs?

There are three general mechanisms:

  1. The --hostfile option to mpirun. Use this option to specify a list of hosts on which to run. Note that for compatibility with other MPI implementations, --machinefile is a synonym for --hostfile. See this FAQ entry for more information about the --hostfile option.
  2. The --host option to mpirun can be used to specify a list of hosts on which to run on the command line. See this FAQ entry for more information about the --host option.
  3. If you are running in a scheduled environment (e.g., in a SLURM, Torque, or LSF job), Open MPI will automatically get the lists of hosts from the scheduler.

NOTE: The specification of hosts using any of the above methods has nothing to do with the network interfaces that are used for MPI traffic. The list of hosts is only used for specifying which hosts on which to launch MPI processes.

I can run ompi_info and launch MPI jobs on a single host, but not across multiple hosts. Why?

(you should probably also see this FAQ entry, too)

If you can run ompi_info and possibly even launch MPI processes locally, but fail to launch MPI processes on remote hosts, it is likely that you do not have your PATH and/or LD_LIBRARY_PATH setup properly on the remote nodes.

Specifically, the Open MPI commands usually run properly even if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set properly because they encode the Open MPI library location in their executables and search there by default. Hence, running ompi_info (and friends) usually works, even in some improperly setup environments.

However, Open MPI's wrapper compilers do not encode the Open MPI library locations in MPI executables by default (the wrappers only specify a bare minimum of flags necessary to create MPI executables; we consider any flags beyond this bare minimum set a local policy decision). Hence, attempting to launch MPI executables in environments where LD_LIBRARY_PATH is either not set or was set improperly may result in messages about not being found.

You can change Open MPI's wrapper compiler behavior to specify the run-time location of Open MPI's libraries, if you wish.

Depending on how Open MPI was configured and/or invoked, it may even be possible to run MPI applications in environments where PATH and/or LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set, or is set improperly. This can be desirable for environments where multiple MPI implementations are installed, such as multiple versions of Open MPI.

How can I diagnose problems when running across multiple hosts?

In addition to what is mentioned in this FAQ entry, when you are able to run MPI jobs on a single host, but fail to run them across multiple hosts, try the following:

  1. Ensure that your launcher is able to launch across multiple hosts. For example, if you are using ssh, try to ssh to each remote host and ensuring that you are not prompted for a password. For example:
    shell$ ssh remotehost hostname

    If you are unable to launch across multiple hosts, check that your SSH keys are setup properly. Or, if you are running in a managed environment, such as in a SLURM, Torque, or other job launcher, check that you have reserved enough hosts, are running in an allocated job, etc.

  2. Ensure that your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set correctly on each remote host on which you are trying to run. For example, with ssh:
    shell$ ssh remotehost env | grep -i path
    PATH=...path on the remote host...
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...LD library path on the remote host...

    If your PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH are not set properly, see this FAQ entry for the correct values. Keep in mind that it is fine to have multiple Open MPI installations installed on a machine; the first Open MPI installation found by PATH and LD_LIBARY_PATH is the one that matters.

  3. Run a simple, non-MPI job across multiple hosts. This verifies that the Open MPI run-time system is functioning properly across multiple hosts. For example, try running the hostname command:
    shell$ mpirun --host remotehost hostname
    shell$ mpirun --host remotehost,otherhost hostname

    If you are unable to run non-MPI jobs across multiple hosts, check for common problems such as:

    1. Check that your non-interactive shell setup on each remote host to ensure that it is setting up the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly.
    2. Check that Open MPI is finding and launching the correct version of Open MPI on the remote hosts.
    3. Ensure that you have firewalling disabled between hosts (Open MPI opens random TCP and sometimes random UDP ports between hosts in a single MPI job).
    4. Try running with the plm_base_verbose MCA parameter at level 10, which will enable extra debugging output to see how Open MPI launches on remote hosts. For example: mpirun --mca plm_base_verbose 10 --host remotehost hostname
  4. Now run a simple MPI job across multiple hosts that does not involve MPI communications. The "hello_c" program in the examples directory in the Open MPI distribution is a good choice. This verifies that the MPI subsystem is able to initialize and terminate properly. For example:
    shell$ mpirun --host remotehost,otherhost hello_c
    Hello, world, I am 0 of 1, (Open MPI v1.7.5, package: Open MPI [email protected] Distribution, ident: 1.7.5, Mar 20, 2014, 99)
    Hello, world, I am 1 of 1, (Open MPI v1.7.5, package: Open MPI [email protected] Distribution, ident: 1.7.5, Mar 20, 2014, 99)

    If you are unable to run simple, non-communication MPI jobs, this can indicate that your Open MPI installation is unable to initialize properly on remote hosts. Double check your non-interactive login setup on remote hosts.

  5. Now run a simple MPI job across multiple hosts that does does some simple MPI communications. The "ring_c" program in the examples directory in the Open MPI distribution is a good choice. This verifies that the MPI subsystem is able to pass MPI traffic across your network. For example:
    shell$ mpirun --host remotehost,otherhost ring_c
    Process 0 sending 10 to 0, tag 201 (1 processes in ring)
    Process 0 sent to 0
    Process 0 decremented value: 9
    Process 0 decremented value: 8
    Process 0 decremented value: 7
    Process 0 decremented value: 6
    Process 0 decremented value: 5
    Process 0 decremented value: 4
    Process 0 decremented value: 3
    Process 0 decremented value: 2
    Process 0 decremented value: 1
    Process 0 decremented value: 0
    Process 0 exiting

    If you are unable to run simple MPI jobs across multiple hosts, this may indicate a problem with the network(s) that Open MPI is trying to use for MPI communications. Try limiting the networks that it uses, and/or exploring levels 1 through 3 MCA parameters for the communications module that you are using. For example, if you're using the TCP BTL, see the output of ompi_info --level 3 --param btl tcp .

When I build Open MPI with the Intel compilers, I get warnings about "orted" or my MPI application not finding What do I do?

The problem is usually because the Intel libraries cannot be found on the node where Open MPI is attempting to launch an MPI executable. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 1 --host mpi_hello
orted: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
A daemon (pid 11893) died unexpectedly with status 127 while
attempting to launch so we are aborting.
[...more error messages...]

Open MPI first attempts to launch a "helper" daemon (orted) on, but it failed because one of orted's dependent libraries was not able to be found. This particular library,, is an Intel compiler library. As such, it is likely that the user did not setup the Intel compiler library in their environment properly on this node.

Double check that you have setup the Intel compiler environment on the target node, for both interactive and non-interactive logins. It is a common error to ensure that the Intel compiler environment is setup properly for interactive logins, but not for non-interactive logins. For example:

shell$ cd $HOME
shell$ mpicc mpi_hello.c -o mpi_hello
shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
shell$ ssh
Welcome to node1.
node1 shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
node1 shell$ exit
shell$ ssh $HOME/mpi_hello
mpi_hello: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The above example shows that running a trivial C program compiled by the Intel compilers works fine on both the head node and node1 when logging in interactively, but fails when run on node1 non-interactively. Check your shell script startup files and verify that the Intel compiler environment is setup properly for non-interactive logins.

When I build Open MPI with the PGI compilers, I get warnings about "orted" or my MPI application not finding What do I do?

The problem is usually because the PGI libraries cannot be found on the node where Open MPI is attempting to launch an MPI executable. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 1 --host mpi_hello
orted: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
A daemon (pid 11893) died unexpectedly with status 127 while
attempting to launch so we are aborting.
[...more error messages...]

Open MPI first attempts to launch a "helper" daemon (orted) on, but it failed because one of orted's dependent libraries was not able to be found. This particular library,, is a PGI compiler library. As such, it is likely that the user did not setup the PGI compiler library in their environment properly on this node.

Double check that you have setup the PGI compiler environment on the target node, for both interactive and non-interactive logins. It is a common error to ensure that the PGI compiler environment is setup properly for interactive logins, but not for non-interactive logins. For example:

shell$ cd $HOME
shell$ mpicc mpi_hello.c -o mpi_hello
shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
shell$ ssh
Welcome to node1.
node1 shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
node1 shell$ exit
shell$ ssh $HOME/mpi_hello
mpi_hello: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The above example shows that running a trivial C program compiled by the PGI compilers works fine on both the head node and node1 when logging in interactively, but fails when run on node1 non-interactively. Check your shell script startup files and verify that the PGI compiler environment is setup properly for non-interactive logins.

When I build Open MPI with the Pathscale compilers, I get warnings about "orted" or my MPI application not finding What do I do?

The problem is usually because the Pathscale libraries cannot be found on the node where Open MPI is attempting to launch an MPI executable. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 1 --host mpi_hello
orted: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
A daemon (pid 11893) died unexpectedly with status 127 while
attempting to launch so we are aborting.
[...more error messages...]

Open MPI first attempts to launch a "helper" daemon (orted) on, but it failed because one of orted's dependent libraries was not able to be found. This particular library,, is a Pathscale compiler library. As such, it is likely that the user did not setup the Pathscale compiler library in their environment properly on this node.

Double check that you have setup the Pathscale compiler environment on the target node, for both interactive and non-interactive logins. It is a common error to ensure that the Pathscale compiler environment is setup properly for interactive logins, but not for non-interactive logins. For example:

shell$ cd $HOME
shell$ mpicc mpi_hello.c -o mpi_hello
shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
shell$ ssh
Welcome to node1.
node1 shell$ ./mpi_hello
Hello world, I am 0 of 1.
node1 shell$ exit
shell$ ssh $HOME/mpi_hello
mpi_hello: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The above example shows that running a trivial C program compiled by the Pathscale compilers works fine on both the head node and node1 when logging in interactively, but fails when run on node1 non-interactively. Check your shell script startup files and verify that the Pathscale compiler environment is setup properly for non-interactive logins.

Can I run non-MPI programs with mpirun / mpiexec?


Indeed, Open MPI's mpirun and mpiexec are actually synonyms for our underlying launcher named orterun (i.e., the Open Run-Time Environment layer in Open MPI, or ORTE). So you can use mpirun and mpiexec to launch any application. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 2 --host a,b uptime

This will launch a copy of the unix command uptime on the hosts a and b.

Other questions in the FAQ section deal with the specifics of the mpirun command line interface; suffice it to say that it works equally well for MPI and non-MPI applications.

Can I run GUI applications with Open MPI?

Yes, but it will depend on your local setup and may require additional setup.

In short: you will need to have X forwarding enabled from the remote processes to the display where you want output to appear. In a secure environment, you can simply allow all X requests to be shown on the target display and set the DISPLAY environment variable in all MPI process' environments to the target display, perhaps something like this:

shell$ hostname
shell$ xhost +
shell$ mpirun -np 4 -x a.out

However, this technique is not generally suitable for unsecure environments (because it allows anyone to read and write to your display). A slightly more secure way is to only allow X connections from the nodes where your application will be running:

shell$ hostname
shell$ xhost +compute1 +compute2 +compute3 +compute4
compute1 being added to access control list
compute2 being added to access control list
compute3 being added to access control list
compute4 being added to access control list
shell$ mpirun -np 4 -x a.out

(assuming that the four nodes you are running on are compute1 through compute4).

Other methods are available, but they involve sophisticated X forwarding through mpirun and are generally more complicated than desirable.

Can I run ncurses-based / curses-based / applications with funky input schemes with Open MPI?

Maybe. But probably not.

Open MPI provides fairly sophisticated stdin / stdout / stderr forwarding. However, it does not work well with curses, ncurses, readline, or other sophisticated I/O packages that generally require direct control of the terminal.

Every application and I/O library is different -- you should try to see if yours is supported. But chances are that it won't work.

Sorry. :-(

What other options are available to mpirun?

mpirun supports the "--help" option which provides a usage message and a summary of the options that it supports. It should be considered the definitive list of what options are provided.

Several notable options are:

How do I use the --hostfile option to mpirun?

The --hostfile option to mpirun takes a filename that lists hosts on which to launch MPI processes.

NOTE: The hosts listed in a hostfile have nothing to do with which network interfaces are used for MPI communication. They are only used to specify on which hosts to launch MPI processes.

Hostfiles my_hostfile are simple text files with hosts specified, one per line. Each host can also specify a default a maximum number of slots to be used on that host (i.e., the number of available processors on that host). Comments are also supported, and blank lines are ignored. For example:

# This is an example hostfile.  Comments begin with #
# The following node is a single processor machine:

# The following node is a dual-processor machine: slots=2

# The following node is a quad-processor machine, and we absolutely
# want to disallow over-subscribing it: slots=4 max-slots=4

slot and max-slots are discussed more in this FAQ entry

Hostfiles works in two different ways:

Note, too, that --hostfile is essentially a per-application switch. Hence, if you specify multiple applications (as in an MPMD job), --hostfile can be specified multiple times:

shell$ cat hostfile_1
shell$ cat hostfile_2
shell$ mpirun -np 1 --hostfile hostfile_1 hostname : -np 1 --hostfile hostfile_2 uptime
 06:11:45 up 1 day,  2:32,  0 users,  load average: 21.65, 20.85, 19.84

Notice that hostname was launched on and uptime was launched on

How do I use the --host option to mpirun?

The --host option to mpirun takes a comma-delimited list of hosts on which to run. For example:

shell$ mpirun -np 3 --host a,b,c hostname

Will launch one copy of hostname on hosts a, b, and c.

NOTE: The hosts specified by the --host option have nothing to do with which network interfaces are used for MPI communication. They are only used to specify on which hosts to launch MPI processes.

--host works in two different ways:

Note, too, that --host is essentially a per-application switch. Hence, if you specify multiple applications (as in an MPMD job), --host can be specified multiple times:

shell$ mpirun -np 1 --host a hostname : -np 1 --host b uptime

This will launch hostname on host a and uptime on host b.

How do I control how my processes are scheduled across nodes?

The short version is that if you are not oversubscribing your nodes (i.e., trying to run more processes than you have told Open MPI are available on that node), scheduling is pretty simple and occurs either on a by-slot or by-node round robin schedule. If you're oversubscribing, the issue gets much more complicated -- keep reading.

The more complete answer is: Open MPI schedules processes to nodes by asking two questions from each application on the mpirun command line:

The "how many" question is directly answered with the -np switch to mpirun. The "where" question is a little more complicated, and depends on three factors:

As briefly mentioned in this FAQ entry, slots are Open MPI's representation of how many processors are available on a given host.

The default number of slots on any machine, if not explicitly specified, is 1 (e.g., if a host is listed in a hostfile by has no corresponding "slots" keyword). Schedulers (such as SLURM, PBS/Torque, SGE, etc.) automatically provide an accurate default slot count.

Max slot counts, however, are rarely specified by schedulers. The max slot count for each node will default to "infinite" if it is not provided (meaning that Open MPI will oversubscribe the node if you ask it to -- see more on oversubscribing in this FAQ entry).

Open MPI currently supports two scheduling policies: by slot and by node:

In both policies, if the default slot count is exhausted on all nodes while there are still processes to be scheduled, Open MPI will loop through the list of nodes again and try to schedule one more process to each node until all processes are scheduled. Nodes are skipped in this process if their maximum slot count is exhausted. If the maximum slot count is exhausted on all nodes while there are still processes to be scheduled, Open MPI will abort without launching any processes.

NOTE: This is the scheduling policy in Open MPI because of a long historical precedent in LAM/MPI. However, the scheduling of processes to processors is a component in the RMAPS framework in Open MPI; it can be changed. If you don't like how this scheduling occurs, please let us know.

I'm not using a hostfile. How are slots calculated?

If you are using a supported resource manager, Open MPI will get the slot information directly from that entity. If you are using the --host parameter to mpirun, be aware that each instance of a hostname bumps up the internal slot count by one. For example:

shell$ mpirun --host node0,node0,node0,node0 ....

This tells Open MPI that host "node0" has a slot count of 4. This is very different than, for example:

shell$ mpirun -np 4 --host node0 a.out

This tells Open MPI that host "node0" has a slot count of 1 but you are running 4 processes on it. Specifically, Open MPI assumes that you are oversubscribing the node.

Can I run multiple parallel processes on a uniprocessor machine?


But be very careful to ensure that Open MPI knows that you are oversubscibing your node! If Open MPI is unaware that you are oversubscribing a node, severe performance degredation can result.

See this FAQ entry for more details on oversubscription.

Can I oversubscribe nodes (run more processes than processors)?


However, it is critical that Open MPI knows that you are oversubscribing the node, or severe performance degredation can result.

The short explanation is as follows: never specify a number of slots that is more than the available number of processors. For example, if you want to run 4 processes on a uniprocessor, then indicate that you only have 1 slot but want to run 4 processes. For example:

shell$ cat my-hostfile
shell$ mpirun -np 4 --hostfile my-hostfile a.out

Specifically: do NOT have a hostfile that contains "slots = 4" (because there is only one available processor).

Here's the full explanation:

Open MPI basically runs its message passing progression engine in two modes: aggressive and degraded.

For example, on a uniprocessor node:

shell$ cat my-hostfile
localhost slots=4
shell$ mpirun -np 4 --hostfile my-hostfile a.out

This would cause all 4 MPI processes to run in aggressive mode because Open MPI thinks that there are 4 available processors to use. This is actually a lie (there is only 1 processor -- not 4), and can cause extremely bad performance.

Can I force Agressive or Degraded performance modes?


The MCA parameter mpi_yield_when_idle controls whether an MPI process runs in Aggressive or Degraded performance mode. Setting it to zero forces Aggressive mode; any other value forces Degraded mode (see this FAQ entry to see how to set MCA parameters).

Note that this value only affects the behavior of MPI processes when they are blocking in MPI library calls. It does not affect behavior of non-MPI processes, nor does it affect the behavior of a process that is not inside an MPI library call.

Open MPI normally sets this parameter automatically (see this FAQ entry for details). Users are cautioned against setting this parameter unless you are really, absoultely, positively sure of what you are doing.

How do I run with the TotalView parallel debugger?

Generally, you can run Open MPI processes with TotalView as follows:

shell$ mpirun --debug ...mpirun arguments...

Assuming that TotalView is the first supported parallel debugger in your path, Open MPI will autmoatically invoke the correct underlying command to run your MPI process in the TotalView debugger. Be sure to see this FAQ entry for details about what versions of Open MPI and TotalView are compatible.

For reference, this underlying command form is the following:

shell$ totalview mpirun -a ...mpirun arguments...

So if you wanted to run a 4-process MPI job of your a.out executable, it would look like this:

shell$ totalview mpirun -a -np 4 a.out

Alternatively, Open MPI's mpirun offers the "-tv" convenience option which does the same thing as TotalView's "-a" syntax. For example:

shell$ mpirun -tv -np 4 a.out

Note that by default, TotalView will stop deep in the machine code of mpirun itself, which is not what most users want. It is possible to get TotalView to recognize that mpirun is simply a "starter" program and should be (effectively) ignored. Specifically, TotalView can be configured to skip mpirun (and mpiexec and orterun) and jump right into your MPI application. This can be accomplished by placing some startup instructions in a TotalView-specific file named $HOME/.tvdrc.

Open MPI includes a sample TotalView startup file that performs this function (see etc/openmpi-totalview.tcl in Open MPI distribution tarballs; it is also installed, by default, to $prefix/etc/openmpi-totalview.tcl in the Open MPI installation). This file can be either copied to $HOME/.tvdrc or sourced from the $HOME/.tvdrc file. For example, placing the following line in your $HOME/.tvdrc (replacing /path/to/openmpi/installation with the proper directory name, of course) will use the Open MPI-provided startup file:

shell$ source /path/to/openmpi/installation/etc/openmpi-totalview.tcl

How do I run with the DDT parallel debugger?

If you've used DDT at least once before (to use the configuration wizard to setup support for Open MPI), you can start it on the command line with:

shell$ mpirun --debug ...mpirun arguments...

Assuming that you are using Open MPI v1.2.4 or later, and assuming that DDT is the first supported parallel debugger in your path, Open MPI will autmoatically invoke the correct underlying command to run your MPI process in the DDT debugger. For reference (or if you are using an earlier version of Open MPI), this underlying command form is the following:

shell$ ddt -n {nprocs} -start {exe-name}

Note that passing arbitrary arguments to Open MPI's mpirun is not supported with the DDT debugger.

You can also attach to already-running proceses with either of the following two syntaxes:

shell$ ddt -attach {hostname1:pid} [{hostname2:pid} ...] {exec-name}
# Or
shell$ ddt -attach-file {filename of newline separated hostname:pid pairs} {exec-name}

DDT can even be configured to operate with cluster/resource schedulers such that it can run on a local workstation, submit your MPI job via the scheduler, and then attach to the MPI job when it starts.

See the official DDT documentation for more details.

What launchers are available?

The documentation contained in the Open MPI tarball will have the most up-to-date information, but as of v1.0, Open MPI supports:

How do I specify to the rsh launcher to use rsh or ssh?

See this FAQ entry.

Can I suspend and resume my job?

A new feature was added into Open MPI 1.3.1 that supports suspend/resume of an MPI job. To suspend the job, you send a SIGTSTP (not SIGSTOP) signal to mpirun. mpirun will catch this signal and forward it to the a.outs as a SIGSTOP signal. To resume the job, you send a SIGCONT signal to mpirun which will be caught and forwarded to the a.outs.

By default, this feature is not enabled. This means that both the SIGTSTP and SIGCONT signals will simply be consumed by the mpirun process. To have them forwarded, you have to run the job with --mca orte_forward_job_control 1. Here is an example on Solaris.

shell$ mpirun -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 -np 2 a.out

In another window, we suspend and continue the job.

shell$ shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M cpu1     0    0   0:00:21 5.9% a.out/1
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M cpu2     0    0   0:00:21 5.9% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1
shell$ kill -TSTP 15301
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M stop    30    0   0:01:44  21% a.out/1
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M stop    20    0   0:01:44  21% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1
shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M cpu1     0    0   0:02:06  17% a.out/1
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M cpu3     0    0   0:02:06  17% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1
shell$ kill -CONT 15301
shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305

Note that all this does is stop the a.outs. It does not, for example, free any pinned memory when the job is in the suspended state.

To get this to work under the SGE environment, you have to change the suspend_method entry in the queue. It has to be set to SIGTSTP. Here is an example of what a queue should look like.

shell$ qconf -sq all.q
qname                 all.q
starter_method        NONE
suspend_method        SIGTSTP
resume_method         NONE 

Note that if you need to suspend other types of jobs with SIGSTOP (instead of SIGTSTP) in this queue then you need to provide a script that can implement the correct signals for each job type.

How do I load libmpi at runtime?

If you want to load a the shared library libmpi explicitly at runtime either by using dlopen() from C/C ++ or something like the ctypes package from Python, some extra care is required. The default configuration of Open MPI uses dlopen() internally to load its support components. These components rely on symbols available in libmpi. In order to make the symbols in libmpi available to the components loaded by Open MPI at runtime, libmpi must be loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL option.

In C/C++, this option is specified as the second parameter to dlopen(). When using ctypes with Python, this can be done with the second (optional) parameter to CDLL(). For example (shown below in Mac OS X, where Open MPI's shared library name ends in ".dylib"; other operating systems use other suffixes, such as ".so")

  from ctypes import *
  mpi = CDLL('libmpi.0.dylib', RTLD_GLOBAL)
  f = pythonapi.Py_GetArgcArgv
  argc = c_int()
  argv = POINTER(c_char_p)()
  f(byref(argc), byref(argv))
  mpi.MPI_Init(byref(argc), byref(argv))

Other scripting languages should have similar options when dynamically loading shared libraries.

What MPI environmental variables exist?

Beginning with the 1.3 release, Open MPI provides the following environmental variables that will be defined on every MPI process:

Open MPI guarantees that these variables will remain stable throughout future releases

How do I get my MPI job to wireup its MPI connections right away?

e.g, the connections are only opened when the MPI process actually attempts to send a message to another process for the first time. This is done since (a) Open MPI has no idea what connections an application process will really use, and (b) creating the connections takes time. Once the connection is established, it remains "connected" until one of the two connected processes terminates, so the creation time cost is paid only once.

Applications that require a fully connected topology, however, can see improved startup time if they automatically "pre-connect" all their processes during MPI_Init. Accordingly, Open MPI provides the MCA parameter "mpi_preconnect_mpi" which directs Open MPI to establish a "mostly" connected topology during MPI_Init (note that this MCA parameter used to be named "mpi_preconnect_all" prior to Open MPI v1.5; in v1.5, it was deprecated and replaced with "mpi_preconnect_mpi"). This is accomplished in a somewhat scalable fashion to help minimize startup time.

Users can set this parameter in two ways:

See this FAQ entry for more details on how to set MCA parameters.


GPU Direct RDMA Information

Open MPI 1.7.4 has added some support to take advantage of GPU Direct RDMA on Mellanox cards. However, the supporting driver has not been released yet, so these features cannot be used yet. Note that to get GPU Direct RDMA support, you also need to configure your Open MPI library with CUDA 6.0.

To see if you have GPU Direct RDMA compiled into your library, you can check like this:

> ompi_info --all | grep btl_openib_have_cuda_gdr
   MCA btl: informational "btl_openib_have_cuda_gdr" (current value: "true", data source: default, level: 4 tuner/basic, type: bool)

To see if your OFED stack has GPU Direct RDMA support, you can check like this.

> ompi_info -all | grep btl_openib_have_driver_gdr
   MCA btl: informational "btl_openib_have_driver_gdr" (current value: "true", data source: default, level: 4 tuner/basic, type: bool)

To run with GPU Direct RDMA support, you have to enable it as it is off by default.

--mca btl_openib_want_cuda_gdr 1

How do I run with the SGE launcher?

NOTE: To build SGE support in v1.3, you will need to explicitly request the SGE support with the "--with-sge" command line switch to Open MPI's configure script.


this FAQ entry for a description of how to correctly build Open MPI with SGE support.

To verify if support for SGE is configured into your Open MPI installation, run ompi_info as shown below and look for gridengine.

For Open MPI 1.3:

shell$ ompi_info | grep gridengine
                 MCA ras: gridengine (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.3) 
Open MPI will automatically detect when it is running inside SGE and will just "do the Right Thing."

Specifically, if you execute an mpirun command in a SGE job, it will automatically use the SGE mechanisms to launch and kill processes. There is no need to specify what nodes to run on -- Open MPI will obtain this information directly from SGE and default to a number of processes equal to the slot count specified. For example, this will run 4 MPI processes on the nodes that were allocated by SGE:

# Get the environment variables for SGE
# (Assuming SGE is installed at /opt/sge and $SGE_CELL is 'default' in your environment)
# C shell settings
shell% source /opt/sge/default/common/settings.csh

# bourne shell settings
shell$ . /opt/sge/default/common/

# Allocate an SGE interactive job with 4 slots from a parallel
# environment (PE) named 'orte' and run a 4-process Open MPI job
shell$ qrsh -pe orte 4 -b y mpirun -np 4 a.out

There are also other ways to submit jobs under SGE:

# Submit a batch job with the 'mpirun' command embedded in a script
shell$ qsub -pe orte 4 my_mpirun_job.csh

# Submit an SGE and OMPI job and mpirun in one line
shell$ qrsh -V -pe orte 4 mpirun hostname

# Use qstat(1) to show the status of SGE jobs and queues
shell$ qstat -f

In reference to the setup, be sure you have a Parallel Environment (PE) defined for submitting parallel jobs. You don't have to name your PE "orte". The following example shows a PE named 'orte' that would look like:

% qconf -sp orte
   pe_name            orte
   slots              99999
   user_lists         NONE
   xuser_lists        NONE
   start_proc_args    NONE
   stop_proc_args     NONE
   allocation_rule    $fill_up
   control_slaves     TRUE
   job_is_first_task  FALSE
   urgency_slots      min
   accounting_summary FALSE
   qsort_args         NONE

   "qsort_args" is necessary with the Son of Grid Engine distribution,
   version 8.1.1 and later, and probably only applicable to it.  For
   very old versions of SGE, omit "accounting_summary" too.

   You may want to alter other parameters, but the important one is
   "control_slaves", specifying that the environment has "tight
   integration".  Note also the lack of a start or stop procedure.
   The tight integration means that mpirun automatically picks up the
   slot count to use as a default in place of the '-np' argument,
   picks up a host file, spawns remote processes via 'qrsh' so that
   SGE can control and monitor them, and creates and destroys a
   per-job temporary directory ($TMPDIR), in which Open MPI's
   directory will be created (by default).
   Be sure the queue will make use of the PE that you specified:

% qconf -sq all.q
pe_list               make cre orte

To determine whether the SGE parallel job is successfully launched to the remote nodes, you can pass in the MCA parameter "--mca plm_base_verbose 1" to mpirun.

This will add in a -verbose flag to qrsh -inherit command that is used to send parallel tasks to the remote SGE execution hosts. It will show whether the connections to the remote hosts are established successfully or not.

Various SGE documentation with pointers to more is available at the Son of GridEngine site, and configuration instructions can be found at the Son of GridEngine configuration how-to site..

2. Does the SGE tight integration support the -notify flag to qsub?

If you are running SGE6.2 Update 3 or later, then the -notify flag is supported. If you are running earlier versions, then the -notify flag will not work and using it will cause the job to be killed.

To use -notify, one has to be a careful. First, let us review what -notify does. Here is an excerpt from the qsub man page for the -notify flag.

This flag, when set causes Sun Grid Engine to send
warning signals to a running job prior to sending the
signals themselves. If a SIGSTOP is pending, the job
will receive a SIGUSR1 several seconds before the SIGSTOP.
If a SIGKILL is pending, the job will receive a SIGUSR2
several seconds before the SIGKILL. The amount of time
delay is controlled by the notify parameter in each
queue configuration.

Let us assume you the reason you want to use the -notify flag is to get the SIGUSR1 signal prior to getting the SIGTSTP signal. As mentioned in this

this FAQ entry one could run the job as shown in this batch script.

#! /bin/bash
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -N Job1
#$ -pe orte 16
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=00:20:00
mpirun -np 16 -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 a.out

However, one has to make one of two changes to this script for things to work properly. By default, a SIGUSR1 signal will kill a shell script. So we have to make sure that does not happen. Here is one way to handle it.

#! /bin/bash
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -N Job1
#$ -pe orte 16
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=00:20:00
exec mpirun -np 16 -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 a.out

Alternatively, one can catch the signals in the script instead of doing an exec on the mpirun.

#! /bin/bash
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -N Job1
#$ -pe orte 16
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=00:20:00
function sigusr1handler()
        echo "SIGUSR1 caught by shell script" 1>&2
function sigusr2handler()
        echo "SIGUSR2 caught by shell script" 1>&2
trap sigusr1handler SIGUSR1
trap sigusr2handler SIGUSR2
mpirun -np 16 -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 a.out
3. Can I suspend and resume my job?

A new feature was added into Open MPI 1.3.1 that supports suspend/resume of an MPI job. To suspend the job, you send a SIGTSTP (not SIGSTOP) signal to mpirun. mpirun will catch this signal and forward it to the a.outs as a SIGSTOP signal. To resume the job, you send a SIGCONT signal to mpirun which will be caught and forwarded to the a.outs.

By default, this feature is not enabled. This means that both the SIGTSTP and SIGCONT signals will simply be consumed by the mpirun process. To have them forwarded, you have to run the job with --mca orte_forward_job_control 1. Here is an example on Solaris.

shell$ mpirun -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 -np 2 a.out
In another window, we suspend and continue the job.
shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M cpu1     0    0   0:00:21 5.9% a.out/1
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M cpu2     0    0   0:00:21 5.9% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1

shell$ kill -TSTP 15301
shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M stop    30    0   0:01:44  21% a.out/1
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M stop    20    0   0:01:44  21% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1

shell$ kill -CONT 15301
shell$ prstat -p 15301,15303,15305
 15305 rolfv     158M   22M cpu1     0    0   0:02:06  17% a.out/1
 15303 rolfv     158M   22M cpu3     0    0   0:02:06  17% a.out/1
 15301 rolfv    8128K 5144K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% orterun/1
Note that all this does is stop the a.outs. It does not, for example, free any pinned memory when the job is in the suspended state.

To get this to work under the SGE environment, you have to change the suspend_method entry in the queue. It has to be set to SIGTSTP. Here is an example of what a queue should look like.

sheel$ qconf -sq all.q
qname                 all.q
starter_method        NONE
suspend_method        SIGTSTP
resume_method         NONE 
Note that if you need to suspend other types of jobs with SIGSTOP (instead of SIGTSTP) in this queue then you need to provide a script that can implement the correct signals for each job type.

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Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US computer engineering : Donald Knuth : TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman : Linus Torvalds  : Larry Wall  : John K. Ousterhout : CTSS : Multix OS Unix History : Unix shell history : VI editor : History of pipes concept : Solaris : MS DOSProgramming Languages History : PL/1 : Simula 67 : C : History of GCC developmentScripting Languages : Perl history   : OS History : Mail : DNS : SSH : CPU Instruction Sets : SPARC systems 1987-2006 : Norton Commander : Norton Utilities : Norton Ghost : Frontpage history : Malware Defense History : GNU Screen : OSS early history

Classic books:

The Peter Principle : Parkinson Law : 1984 : The Mythical Man-MonthHow to Solve It by George Polya : The Art of Computer Programming : The Elements of Programming Style : The Unix Hater’s Handbook : The Jargon file : The True Believer : Programming Pearls : The Good Soldier Svejk : The Power Elite

Most popular humor pages:

Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society : Ten Commandments of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection : BSD Logo Story : The Cuckoo's Egg : IT Slang : C++ Humor : ARE YOU A BBS ADDICT? : The Perl Purity Test : Object oriented programmers of all nations : Financial Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related Humor : Programming Language Humor : Goldman Sachs related humor : Greenspan humor : C Humor : Scripting Humor : Real Programmers Humor : Web Humor : GPL-related Humor : OFM Humor : Politically Incorrect Humor : IDS Humor : "Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church : Richard Stallman Related Humor : Admin Humor : Perl-related Humor : Linus Torvalds Related humor : PseudoScience Related Humor : Networking Humor : Shell Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2012 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2013 : Java Humor : Software Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor : Education Humor : IBM Humor : Assembler-related Humor : VIM Humor : Computer Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer Humor

The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: November, 14, 2014