Over the years, many text editors have been created for Linux. But only one editor emerges as standard de-facto editor for sysadmins and that is vi/vim. Even if some other text editors are easier to use, vi is the only text editor that is always available as it is installed on RHEL by default. That is why as a Linux administrator you need to know how to work with vi.
Any sysadmin should know vim, as in some situation it is the only editor available. And it makes sense to know more, not less about vim -- it is one of the few powerful tools (almost sysadmin IDE) available on Rhcsa exam. Person who know it really well gets some advantage over the rest of the exam participants.
Vim is a powerful editor and at the same time vim is hard to learn. Much of it's power lies requires knowledge of corresponding commands and leaning this can't be done in week. Don't feel overwhelmed. Go slow. One command, one plugin at a time. Don't overdo it. cd
The level of knowledge of vim (often dismal) does not correlate directly with the qualification of sysadmin (I know several super qualified sysadmins with more then a decade of experience in Unix are despite of this are still pretty basic in vim). But speed and convenience of editing with multiple files helps, and especially helps in time constrained environment like Rhcsa exam.
One interesting idea in such an environment is to open all the necessary files in one vim session and do not quit it until the end of exam, discarding files that you no longer need and reloading those that you do. This is significantly more productive then working with vi one file at a time.
We will not cover basics here. We assume that you already have spent 30 mins doing the vim tutorial (run vimtutor instead of vim in terminal). That means that know the basic movements, and a dozen of most important commands.
For those who just start learning vi, there is a good introduction to vi by listing side by side vi commands to typical Windows GUI Editor cursor movement and shortcut keys. It lists all the basic commands including yy (copy line) and p (paste after) or P (paste before): vi (Vim) for Windows Users
! | Brackets | Filters | Windows Control | ||||||
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j |
k | l | m | n | o | p | r | s | t | u |
v | w | x | y | z |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- !{cmd}{filter} send {motion} text through external program {filter} " store in register # same as "*", but search backwards $ end of line % find match of current parenthesis, brace, or bracket --------------------------------------------------------------------- & synonym for ":s//~/" (repeat last substitute) ' goto beginning of line with mark ( previous sentence ) next sentence * search forward for [count]'th occurent of word nearest cursor --------------------------------------------------------------------- + first character of next line , reverse direction of last f, F, t, or T - first character of previous line . repeat last command / search forward --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 beginning of line : go to ex-mode ; repeat last f, F, t, or T ={motion} filter {motion} lines through 'equalprg' external program ? search backward --------------------------------------------------------------------- @ execute command in register
[( goto previous unmatched '(' [[ previous section [] go backwards count sections or to previous '}' in 1st column [{ goto previous unmatched '{' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [# goto previous unmatched "#if" or "#else" [* goto previous start of a C comment (/*) [i display 1st line tha contains keyword under cursort [I display all lines that contain keyword under cursor [^I jump to 1st line that contains keyword under cursor --------------------------------------------------------------------- [d display 1st macro definition that contains macro under cursor [D display all macro definition that contain macro under cursor [^D jump to 1st macro definition that contains keyword under cursor ][ go forwards count sections to to next '}' in 1st column ]] next section --------------------------------------------------------------------- ]} goto next unmatched '}' ]# goto next unmatched "#if" or "#else" ]* goto next end of a C comment (*/) ]i like '[i', but start at current cursor positiont ]I like '[I', but start at current cursor position --------------------------------------------------------------------- ]^I like '[^I', but start at current cursor position ]d like '[d', but start at current cursor position ]D like '[D', but start at current cursor position ^ first non-whitespace character _ move (count-1) lines downard on first non-blank character --------------------------------------------------------------------- ` goto mark { previous paragraph | to screen column [count] in current line } next paragraph ~ switch case of current character --------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters
!!{filter} filter [count] lines through the external program {filter} '' go to start of line of previous mark or location before search `` return to previous mark or location before a search (return) next line (spacebar) next character --------------------------------------------------------------------- <% shift text until matching (, [, or { to the left << shift paragraph one shiftwidth to the left >% shift text until matching (, [, or { to the right >> shift paragraph one shiftwidth to the right
a append after the current location A append at the end of the line ^a add [count] to the number at or after the cursor
B b beginning of previous word B beginning of previous word, ignore punctuation ^b scroll back one screen C c delete {motion} text (into register) and begin insert C change to end of line ^c ends insert mode, unused in command mode
D d{motion} delete text covered by a {motion} D delete to end of line ^d scroll down half a window E e end of word E end of word, ignore punctuation ^e scroll screen down one line fx find given character by searching forwards F find given character by searching backwards --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^f scroll forward one screen g ^a dump memory profile g ^g show information about current cursor position g ^h start Select block mode g ^] :tjump to tag under the cursor --------------------------------------------------------------------- g# like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>" g$ wrap off: goto rightmost onscreen character of current line g* like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>" g0 wrap off: goto leftmost onscreen character of current line g? rot13 encoding operator --------------------------------------------------------------------- g?? rot13 encode current line g?g? rot13 encode current line gD goto definition of word under cursor in current file gE go backwards to end of previous WORD gH start Select line mode --------------------------------------------------------------------- gI like "I", but always start in column 1 gJ join lines without inserting space (like :j!) ["x]gP put text (from register x) N times gR enter virtual replace mode gU{motion} make Nmove text uppercase --------------------------------------------------------------------- gV don't reselect previous Visual area (maps, menus) in Select mode g] :tselect on tag under cursor g^ wrap off: goto leftmost non-white onscreen char on current line ga print ascii value of character under cursor gd goto definition of word under cursor in current function --------------------------------------------------------------------- ge go backwards to end of previous word gf start editing file whose name is under cursor gg cursor to line N (default: 1) ; start Select mode gh start Select mode gj wrap on: like "j", but go N screen lines down --------------------------------------------------------------------- gk wrap on: like "k", but go N screen lines up gm goto character at middle of screenline go cursor to byte N in buffer ["x]gp put text (from register x) after cursor N times gq{motion} format text --------------------------------------------------------------------- gr{char} virtual replace N chars with given char gs goto sleep for N (1) seconds gu{motion} make Nmove text lowercase gv reselect previous Visual area g~{motion} swap case for Nmove text --------------------------------------------------------------------- g<Down> same as gj g<End> same as g$ g<Home> same as g0 g<LeftMouse> same as <ctrl-LeftMouse> g<RightMouse> same as <ctrl-RightMouse> g<Up> same as gk --------------------------------------------------------------------- G ...Goto [defaults to end of file] ^g show status line h left H first line on screen ^h backspace in insert mode, left in command mode --------------------------------------------------------------------- i insert before current location I insert before first non-whitespace character on line ^i goto [count] newer cursor position in jump list j down J join next line with current line --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^j down in command, create newline in insert k up K use keywordprg (kp option) to lookup keyword under cursor ^k xx enter digraph specified by two characters l right --------------------------------------------------------------------- L last line on screen ^l redraw screen m mark position into register M middle of screen ^m carriage return --------------------------------------------------------------------- n repeat last search N repeat last search, reverse direction ^n down in command o open line below current O open line above current --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^o goto older cursor position in jump list p put below current line P put above current line ^p up in command qx record typed characters into given register x --------------------------------------------------------------------- q stop macro recording Q quit and run ex ^q same as ctrl-v r replace current character R replace characters until insert mode is left --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^r redraw screen in command mode s substitute S substitute entire line ^s split current window into two t to... --------------------------------------------------------------------- T backward to... ^t moves to next shiftwidth. u undo last change U undo changes to current line ^u scroll up half a window --------------------------------------------------------------------- v start Visual mode at given character V start linewise Visual mode ^v start blockwise Visual mode w beginning of next word W beginning of next word, ignore punctuation
Windows Control --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W ^B same as "^W b" ^W ^C same as "^W c" ^W ^D same as "^W d" ^W ^F same as "^W f" ^W ^G same as "^W g .." --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W ^I same as "^W i" ^W ^J same as "^W j" ^W ^K same as "^W k" ^W ^N same as "^W n" ^W ^O same as "^W o" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W ^P same as "^W p" ^W ^Q same as "^W q" ^W ^R same as "^W r" ^W ^S same as "^W s" ^W ^T same as "^W t" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W ^W same as "^W w" ^W ^X same as "^W x" ^W ^Z same as "^W z" ^W ^] same as "^W ]" ^W ^^ same as "^W ^" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W ^_ same as "^W _" ^W + increase current window height N lines ^W - decrease current window height N lines ^W = make all windows the same height ^W R rotate windows upwards N times --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W S same as "^W s" ^W W go to N previous window (wrap around) ^W ] split window and jump to tag under cursor ^W ^ split current window and edit alternate file N ^W _ set current window height to N (default: very high) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W b go to bottom window ^W c close current window (like |:close|) ^W d split window and jump to definition under the cursor ^W f split window and edit file name under the cursor ^W g ^] split window and do |:tjump| to tag under cursor --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W g ] split window and do |:tselect| for tag under cursor ^W g } do a |:ptjump| to the tag under the cursor ^W i split window & jump to declaration of identifier under cursor ^W j go to N next window (stop at last window) ^W k go to N previous window (stop at first window) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W n open new window, N lines high ^W o close all but current window (like |:only|) ^W p go to previous (last accessed) window ^W q quit current window (like |:quit|) ^W r rotate windows downwards N times --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W s split current window in two parts, new window N lines high ^W t go to top window ^W w go to N next window (wrap around) ^W x exchange current window with window N (default: next window) ^W z close preview window --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^W } show tag under cursor in preview window ^W <Down> same as "^W j" ^W <Up> same as "^W k"
x delete current character X delete previous character ^x unused
Y y yank... Y yank current line ^y scroll screen up one line
z redraw with line [count] at top-of-window zt like "z<cr>" but leave cursor in same column z{height}<CR> redraw window {height} lines tall z. redraw with line [count] at center of window zz like "z." but cursor left at same column z- redraw with line [count] at bottom of window --------------------------------------------------------------------- zb like "z-" but leave cursor in same column z<Right> wrap off: scroll screen [count] characters to left zl same as "z<Right>" z<Left> scroll screen [count] characters to right zh same as "z<Left>" --------------------------------------------------------------------- zL scroll screen half a screenwidth to left zH scroll screen half a screenwidth to right zs scroll text&cursor horizontally so cursor on right of screen ze scroll text&cursor horizontally so cursor on left of screen ZZ write (only if changes have been made) and quit --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^z suspend Vim
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Oct 19, 2018 | vimsheet.com
I've compiled a list of essential Vim commands that I use every day. I then give a few instructions on how to making Vim as great as it should be, because it's painful without configuration.
##Cursor movement (Inside command/normal mode)
- jump by start of words (punctuation considered words)W
- jump by words (spaces separate words)e
- jump to end of words (punctuation considered words)E
- jump to end of words (no punctuation)b
- jump backward by words (punctuation considered words)B
- jump backward by words (no punctuation)0
- (zero) start of line^
- first non-blank character of line (same as 0w)$
- end of line- Advanced (in order of what I find useful)
- move down half a pageCtrl+u
- move up half a page}
- go forward by paragraph (the next blank line){
- go backward by paragraph (the next blank line)gg
- go to the top of the pageG
- go the bottom of the page: [num] [enter]
- Go To that line in the document- Searching
f [char]
- Move to the next char on the current line after the cursorF [char]
- Move to the next char on the current line before the cursort [char]
- Move to before the next char on the current line after the cursorT [char]
- Move to before the next char on the current line before the cursor- All these commands can be followed by
(semicolon) to go to the next searched item, and,
(comma) to go the the previous searched item##Insert/Appending/Editing Text
- Results in insert mode
- start insert mode at cursorI
- insert at the beginning of the linea
- append after the cursorA
- append at the end of the lineo
- open (append) blank line below current line (no need to press return)O
- open blank line above current linecc
- change (replace) an entire linec [movement command]
- change (replace) from the cursor to the move-to point.- ex.
changes from the cursor to the end of the cursor wordEsc
- exit insert moder [char]
- replace a single character with the specified char (does not use insert mode)d
- delete
- [movement command] deletes from the cursor to the move-to point.- ex.
deletes from the cursor to the end of the current worddd
- delete the current line- Advanced
- join line below to the current one##Marking text (visual mode)
- starts visual mode
- From here you can move around as in normal mode (hjkl, etc.) and can then do a command (such as
, orc
- starts linewise visual modeCtrl+v
- start visual block modeEsc
- exit visual mode- Advanced
- move to Other corner of blocko
- move to other end of marked area##Visual commands Type any of these while some text is selected to apply the action
- yank (copy) marked textd
- delete marked textc
- delete the marked text and go into insert mode (like c does above)##Cut and Paste
- yank (copy) a linep
- put (paste) the clipboard after cursorP
- put (paste) before cursordd
- delete (cut) a linex
- delete (cut) current characterX
- delete previous character (like backspace)##Exiting
- write (save) the file, but don't exit:wq
- write (save) and quit:q
- quit (fails if anything has changed):q!
- quit and throw away changes##Search/Replace
- search for pattern?pattern
- search backward for patternn
- repeat search in same directionN
- repeat search in opposite direction:%s/old/new/g
- replace all old with new throughout file ( gn is better though):%s/old/new/gc
- replace all old with new throughout file with confirmations##Working with multiple files
:e filename
- Edit a file:tabe
- Make a new tabgt
- Go to the next tabgT
- Go to the previous tab- Advanced
- vertically split windowsctrl+ws
- Split windows horizontallyctrl+wv
- Split windows verticallyctrl+ww
- switch between windowsctrl+wq
- Quit a window##Marks Marks allow you to jump to designated points in your code.
- Set mark {a-z} at cursor position- A capital mark {A-Z} sets a global mark and will work between files
- move the cursor to the start of the line where the mark was set''
- go back to the previous jump location##General
- undoCtrl+r
- redo.
- repeat last command#Making Vim actually useful Vim is quite unpleasant out of the box. For example, typeing
for every file save is awkward and copying and pasting to the system clipboard does not work. But a few changes will get you much closer to the editor of your dreams.##.vimrc
- My .vimrc file has some pretty great ideas I haven't seen elsewhere.
- This is a minimal vimrc that focuses on three priorities:
- adding options that are strictly better (like more information showing in autocomplete)
- more convenient keystrokes (like
for write, instead of:w [enter]
)- a similar workflow to normal text editors (like enabling the mouse)
- Copy this to your home directory and restart Vim. Read through it to see what you can now do (like
to save a file)
- Mac users - making a hidden normal file is suprisingly tricky. Here's one way:
- in the command line, go to the home directory
- type
nano .vimrc
- paste in the contents of the .vimrc file
to save- You should now be able to press
in normal mode to save a file.[space]p
should paste from the system clipboard (outside of Vim).
- If you can't paste, it's probably because Vim was not built with the system clipboard option. To check, run
vim --version
and see if+clipboard
exists. If it says-clipboard
, you will not be able to copy from outside of Vim.- For Mac users, homebrew install Vim with the clipboard option. Install homebrew and then run
brew install vim
- then move the old Vim binary:
$ mv /usr/bin/vim /usr/bin/vimold
- restart your terminal and you should see
vim --version
now with+clipboard
- The easiest way to make Vim more powerful is to use Vintageous in Sublime Text (version 3). This gives you Vim mode inside sublime. I suggest this (or a similar setup with the Atom editor) if you aren't a Vim master. Check out Advanced Vim if you are.
- Vintageous is great, but I suggest you change a few settings to make it better.
- Clone this repository to
, or similar. Then check out the "custom" branch.
- Alternatively, you can get a more updated Vintageous version by cloning the official repository and then copying over this patch .
- Change the user settings (
) to include:
"caret_style": "solid"
- This will make the cursor not blink, like in Vim.
- Sublime Text might freeze when you do this. It's a bug; just restart Sublime Text after changing the file.
in Vim means "redo". But there is a handy Ctrl + R shortcut in Sublime Text that gives an "outline" of a file. I remapped it to alt+r by putting this in the User keymap
{ "keys": ["alt+r"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": "@"} },
- Add the ability to toggle Vintageous on and off
- Mac users: you will not have the ability to hold down a navigation key (like holding j to go down). To fix this, run the commands specified here: https://gist.github.com/kconragan/2510186
- Now you should be able to restart sublime and have a great vim environment! Sweet Dude.
##Switch Caps Lock and Escape
- I highly recommend you switch the mapping of your caps lock and escape keys. You'll love it, promise! Switching the two keys is platform dependent; Google should get you the answer
##Other I don't personally use these yet, but I've heard other people do!
- Write and quit all open tabs (thanks Brian Zick)
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Oct 19, 2018 | kb.iu.edu
Vi editor command keys:
ZZ Exit, saving changes t<x> Up to <x> forward Q Enter ex mode T<x> Back up to <x> <ESC> End of insert <x>| Go to column <x> :<cmd> Execute ex command w,W Forward one word :!<cmd> Shell command b,B Back one word ^g Show filename/size e,E End of word ^f Forward one screen ^h Erase last character ^b Back one screen ^w Erase last word ^d Forward half screen ^? Interrupt ^u Backward half screen ~ Toggle character case <x>G Go to line <x> a Append after /<x> Search forward for <x> i,I Insert before ?<x> Search backward for <x> A Append at end of line n Repeat last search o Open line below N Reverse last search O Open line above ]] Next section/function r Replace character [[ Previous section/function R Replace characters % Find matching () { or } d Delete ^l Redraw screen dd Delete line ^r Refresh screen c Change z<CR> Current line at top y Yank lines to buffer z- Current line at bottom C Change rest of line ^e Scroll down one line D Delete rest of line ^y Scroll up one line s Substitute character `` Previous context S Substitute lines H Home window line J Join lines L Last window line x Delete after M Middle window line X Delete before + Next line Y Yank current line hjkl Cursor movement: p Put back lines left/down/up/right P Put before 0 Beginning of line << Shift line left $ End of line >> Shift line right f<x> Find <x> forward u Undo last change F<x> Find <x> backward U Restore current lineEx mode commands:q Quit set <x> Enable option q! Quit, discard changes set no<v> Disable option r <f> Read in file <f> set all Show all options sh Invoke shell vi Vi mode wq Write and quit w <f> Write file <f> w! <f> Overwrite file <f>Options:autoindent Automatic line indentation autowrite Write before quit ignorecase Ignore case in searches number Display line numbers showmatch Show matches to ) and } as typed terse Quiet mode wrapscan Wraparound in searches wrapmargin Automatic line splitting
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: December 01, 2018