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Some basic features of Geany:
Geany is known to run under Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS X, AIX v5.3, Solaris Express and Windows. More generally, it should run on every platform, which is supported by the GTK libraries. Only the Windows port of Geany is missing some features.
The code is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.
Latest version is: 1.22
We are happy to announce the release of Geany Plugins 1.22 which is targeted to work with Geany 1.22!
As major changes, two new plugins and one "old" plugin -- GeanyMiniScript, GeniusPaste, MultiTerm -- has been added to geany-plugins whereas default build of GeanyGDB with autotools has been deactivated.
As usual, tarballs and their corresponding GPG signatures can be found at http://plugins.geany.org/downloads.html. A comprehensive list of changes can be found at http://plugins.geany.org/geany-plugins/geany-plugins-1.22.NEWS.
Geany 1.22 is out! Posted on Jun. 18, 2012 at 03:29 PM Permanent linkWe are happy to announce a new release of Geany!
For a comprehensive list of changes please see Release Notes. A very detailed and complete list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog.
Some highlights:
We want to thank all developers, translators and everyone who contributed to this release with patches, feedback, bug reports and so on. Thank you!
As usual, all downloads can be found on Releases.
No, don't worry, 1.22 is not a typo. Many users told us our version numbers didn't reflect the maturity of Geany to their eyes, and wished it to be changed to reflect that. So after some discussion we decided to rename this version 1.22 instead of 0.22.
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For me, one of its two most critical features is not found in even most word processors -- split screen, both vertically or horizontally. And the spellcheck module eliminates the usual workaround of loading a completed text file into a word processor program.
A Closer Look
Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit. This is a library to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that was originally developed for the X Window functionality in Linux OSes.
Since Geany only requires the GTK2 runtime libraries, it can be used in multiple Linux environments running the KDE or GNOME desktop environments.
Like most open source software, Geany's detailed documentation file is available on the Web site. But unlike many open source products, Geany's how-to-use-it file is very complete and easy to use.
Mutual Aid
Getting user help, though, can be a bit daunting for newbies. Geany's users and developers communicate via mailing lists.
Relying on mailing lists for support is a throwback to the earlier days of computing. An easier approach is user forums.
Still, the Geany Web site also provides a good starting set of information in its FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section.
Flexible Installs
Geany runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS X, AIX v5.3, Solaris Express and Windows -- but the Windows port of Geany is missing some features.
Geany for Windows is available in a portable version for USB sticks. Linux versions, though, do not run the portable version.
Geany for the MacOS X is available here.
Some Experience Needed
Installing Geany is usually uncomplicated. If the target Linux distribution includes the Geany package in its software distribution manager, all is good.
If not, you can get it here -- but this is likely where newbies will run into some trouble.
The downloaded file is compressed. Besides uncompressing it, you may have to compile the results so it can be used by your particular Linux flavor.
Newcomers to Linux can find specific details on how to do this by checking with the users forums on the Internet for their particular Linux distribution.
Third-Party Packages
Chances are, you use one of these Linux distributions. If so, you can grab Geany from the resident package management system and install it sweat-free:
Puppy Linux
UbuntuA Composing Gem
Geany lets me compose text with the same efficiency that I loved in the Windows TextPad program. Many of these functions are equally suitable for those writing code.
For instance, setting the preferences option to load the list of files from the last session keeps all of my current projects on the screen every time I load Geany.
I can configure Geany to place each file in a tab, much like tabbed browsing. Placing the pointer on any tab and spinning the mouse wheel cycles through the list of open documents.
Other Gems
Geany also allows two sidebars to show bookmarks and a file list. Clicking on a file name lets me jump to that text file.
Maybe not so important to code writers is the word-count feature. This to me is indispensable. I can get a word count of the entire document or just the highlighted section.
A plug-in manager feature in the Tools drop-down menu provides additional features such as auto-saving files and adding a file browser tab to the sidebar.
Closing Thoughts
When I used Microsoft Windows, I was happy to pay for TextPad to get all of its hard-core features beyond what the free shareware version offered. Now that I am an avowed Linux user, I am even happier to have replaced my prized Windows TextPad text editor with Linux's Geany for free.
That is one of the real beauties about open source software. Geany comes with top-of-the-line features often not available in less accommodating Linux text editors.
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Geany is a small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. Another goal was to be as independent as possible from a special Desktop Environment like KDE or GNOME - Geany only requires the GTK2 runtime libraries.
Some basic features of Geany:
Syntax highlightingCode folding
Symbol name auto-completion
Construct completion/snippets
Auto-closing of XML and HTML tags
Call tips
Many supported filetypes including C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal (Abc ,ActionScript, Ada, ASM, C, C#, C++, CAML, CMake, Conf, CSS, D, Diff, Docbook , F77, Ferite, Fortran, FreeBasic, GLSL, Genie, HTML, Haskell, Haxe, Java, Javascript, LaTeX, Lua, Make, Markdown, Matlab, NSIS, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Po, Python, R, reStructuredText, Ruby, Sh, SQL, Tcl, Txt2tags, Vala, Verilog, VHDL, XML, YAML )
Symbol lists
Code navigation
Build system to compile and execute your code
Simple project management
Plugin interface
Here are the available plugins.
- geany-plugin-addons – miscellanous plugins for Geany
- geany-plugin-doc – a documentation plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-gdb – GDB plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-latex – improved LaTeX support plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-lipsum – Lorem Ipsum generator plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-lua – Lua scripting plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-prj – an alternative project manager for Geany
- geany-plugin-sendmail – mailer plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-shiftcolumn – text column shifting plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-spellcheck – spellcheck plugin for Geany
- geany-plugin-vc – VCS plugin for Geany
- geany-plugins – set of plugins for Geany
- geany-plugins-common – set of plugins for Geany (translations)
Debian (Oldstable, Stable, Testing and Unstable)
Geany is available through the official Debian archives.
apt-get install geany
sudo apt-get install [name-of-plugin]
For newer versions in the Oldstable and Stable releases, check http://www.backports.org for updated packages.
Geany can be found in the Everything repository for recent Fedora releases (or Fedora Extras repository for Fedora Core 6 and earlier).
To install Geany type
You can also install the Geany Plugins withyum install geany
yum install geany-plugins-*
Recent SVN snapshots for Fedora can be found at http://www.dominichopf.de/geany/.
Geany is available through the official Ubuntu archives (Universe section).
apt-get install geany
sudo apt-get install [name-of-plugin]
You might find newer versions in the Ubuntu Geany PPA at https://launchpad.net/~geany-dev/+archive/ppa.
Geany is included in Gentoo Portage, so just install it with:
emerge -av geany
To get Geany packages on a SuSE distribution usehttp://software.opensuse.org/download/GNOME:/Community/
(add the URL to your package manager (yast, zypper, sm
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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D
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Last modified: March 12, 2019