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On Unix platforms the standard make utility is a build tool for software that uses a Bourne shell type syntax for compiling and linking source code.  While basic idea (to compile files timespam pn which is later than timestamp on object and executable files, the detailss are complex as there can be interdependencies between the progems.  Also the probloem provides several "mode" modes including "presudotargets" make clean and make install (see below)

The dominant version of make is GNU make sometimes called gmake. There is also different slightly better implementatione from Bell Labs nmake.

Windows compilers "project files" are generally equivalent to Makefiles. Actually most commercial C compiler IDE's contain something like a built-in make using some "project files". (If conducting a port to a Unix platform you might want to disentangle yourself from the non-transportability and awful licensing issues involved with these "project files" though.

Makefile creation has long traditions in Unix environment. It usually has several preconfigured options:

make  # use the default makefile (makefile  or Makefile  ) and first target in it

make clean # removes all packages

make install # install the package into target directories

clean and install are called a phony targets and are discussed later in the section on dependency rules.

Of course a 'make' utility can be simply written in a scripting language. In such cases the syntax of the input Makefile is also somewhat "arbitrary" meaning that it need not follow the command language syntax of the native language interpreter (lex & yacc are helpful here but need not play a role). In fact, Nick Ing-Simmons has written a make-like utility entirely in perl. It is available from CPAN.

perl Makefile.PL

Again, the make  utility is tool originally created for compiling computer programs but that can be used for various tasks line installing packages. 

Make is controlled by the makefile has is speciali mini-language that consists of rules. By default makefile is a file in the current directory with the name Makefile or makefile. A rule in the makefile tells  make how to execute a series of commands in order to build a target  file from source files. It also specifies a list of dependencies of the target file. This list should include all files (whether source files or other targets) which are used as inputs to the commands in the rule. A simple rule has the following syntax:

target:   dependencies ...

Note that commands are arbitrary shell commands. When you run make, you can specify particular targets to update; otherwise, make  updates the first target listed in the makefile. Of course, any other target files needed as input for generating these targets must be updated first.

Make uses the makefile to figure out which target files ought to be brought up to date, and then determines which of them actually need to be updated. If a target file is newer than all of its dependencies, then it is already up to date, and it does not need to be regenerated. The other target files do need to be updated, but in the right order: each target file must be regenerated before it is used in regenerating other targets.

Make  goes through a makefile starting with the target it is going to create. make  looks at each of the target's dependencies to see if they are also listed as targets. It follows the chain of dependencies until it reaches the end of the chain and then begins backing out executing the commands found in each target's rule. Actually every file in the chain may not need to be compiled. Make  looks at the time stamp for each file in the chain and compiles from the point that is required to bring every file in the chain up to date. If any file is missing it is updated if possible.

Make  builds object files from the source files and then links the object files to create the executable. If a source file is changed only its object file needs to be compiled and then linked into the executable instead of recompiling all the source files.

Simple Example

This is an example makefile to build an executable file called prog1. It requires the source files,, and An include file, mydefs.h, is required by files  and If you wanted to compile this file from the command line using C++ the command would be

This command line is rather long to be entered many times as a program is developed and is prone to typing errors. A makefile could run the same command better by using the simple command

or if prog1  is the first target defined in the makefile

This first example makefile is much longer than necessary but is useful for describing what is going on.

 prog1 : file1.o file2.o file3.o CC -o prog1 file1.o file2.o file3.o file1.o : mydefs.h CC -c file2.o : mydefs.h CC -c file3.o : CC -c clean : rm file1.o file2.o file3.o

Let's go through the example to see what make  does by executing with the command make prog1  and assuming the program has never been compiled.

  1. make  finds the target prog1  and sees that it depends on the object files file1.o file2.o file3.o
  2. make  next looks to see if any of the three object files are listed as targets. They are so make  looks at each target to see what it depends on. make  sees that file1.o  depends on the files  and mydefs.h.
  3. Now make  looks to see if either of these files are listed as targets and since they aren't it executes the commands given in file1.o's rule and compiles  to get the object file.
  4. make  looks at the targets file2.o  and file3.o  and compiles these object files in a similar fashion.
  5. make  now has all the object files required to make prog1  and does so by executing the commands in its rule.

This example can be simplified somewhat by defining macros. Macros are useful for replacing duplicate entries. The object files in this example were used three times, creating a macro can save a little typing. Plus and probably more importantly, if the objects change, the makefile can be updated by just changing the object definition.

 OBJS = file1.o file2.o file3.o prog1 : $(OBJS) CC -o prog1 $(OBJS) file1.o : mydefs.h CC -c file2.o : mydefs.h CC -c file3.o : CC -c clean : rm $(OBJS)

This makefile is still longer than necessary and can be shortened by letting make  use its internal macros, special macros, and suffix rules.

 OBJS = file1.o file2.o file3.o prog1 : ${OBJS} ${CXX} -o $@ ${OBJS} file1.o file2.o : mydefs.h clean : rm ${OBJS}

Invoking make

Make  is invoked from a command line with the following format

However from this vast array of possible options only the -f makefile and the names options are used frequently. The table below shows the results of executing make  with these options.

Frequently used make  options
Command Result
make use the default makefile, build the first target in the file
make myprog use the default makefile, build the target myprog
make -f mymakefile use the file mymakefile  as the makefile, build the first target in the file
make -f mymakefile myprog use the file mymakefile  as the makefile, build the target myprog


To operate make  needs to know the relationship between your program's component files and the commands to update each file. This information is contained in a makefile you must write called Makefile  or makefile.By default when invoked without parameters make  will search the current working directory for one of the following two files and try to use the first found:



Comments can be entered in the makefile following a pound sign ( #  ) and the remainder of the line will be ignored by make. If multiple lines are needed each line must begin with the pound sign.

 # This is a comment line

Dependency rules

A rule consist of three parts, one or more targets, zero or more dependencies, and zero or more commands in the following form:

 target1 [target2 ...] :[:] [dependency1 ...] [; commands] [<tab> command]

Note: each command line must begin with a tab  as the first character on the line and only command lines may begin with a tab.


A target is usually the name of the file that make  creates, often an object file or executable program.

A phony target is one that isn't really the name of a file. It will only have a list of commands and no prerequisites.

One common use of phony targets is for removing files that are no longer needed after a program has been made. The following example simply removes all object files found in the directory containing the makefile.

 clean : rm *.o


A dependency identifies a file that is used to create another file. For example a .cc  file is used to create a .o, which is used to create an executable file.


Each command in a rule is interpreted by a shell to be executed. By default make uses the /bin/sh shell. The default can be over ridden by using the macro SHELL = /bin/sh or equivalent to use the shell of your preference. This macro should be included in every makefile to make sure the same shell is used each time the makefile is executed.


Macros allow you to define constants. By using macros you can avoid repeating text entries and make makefiles easier to modify. Macro definitions have the form

 NAME1 = text string NAME2 = another string

Macros are referred to by placing the name in either parentheses or curly braces and preceding it with a dollar sign ( $  ). The previous definitions could referenced

 $(NAME1) ${NAME2}

which are interpreted as

 text string another string

Some valid macro definitions are

 LIBS = -lm OBJS = file1.o file2.o $(more_objs) more_objs = file3.o CXX = CC DEBUG_FLAG = # assign -g for debugging

which could be used in a makefile entry like this

 prog1 : ${objs} ${CXX} $(DEBUG_FLAG) -o prog1 ${objs} ${LIBS}

Macro names can use any combination of upper and lowercase letters, digits and underlines. By convention macro names are in uppercase. The text string can also be null as in the DEBUG_FLAG  example which also shows that comments can follow a definition.

You should note from the previous example that the OBJSmacro contains another macro $(MORE_OBJS). The order that the macros are defined in does not matter but if a macro name is defined twice only the last one defined will be used. Macros cannot be undefined and then redefined as something else.

Make  can receive macros from four sources, macros maybe defined in the makefile like we've already seen, internally defined within make, defined in the command line, or inherited from shell environment variables.

Internal macros

Internally defined macros are ones that are predefined in make. You can invoke make  with the -p  option to display a listing of all the macros, suffix rules and targets in effect for the current build. Here is a partial listing with the default macros from MTSU's mainframe frank.


Special macros

There are a few special internal macros that make  defines for each dependency line. Most are beyond the scope of this document but one is especially useful in a makefile and you are likely to see it even in simple makefiles.

The macro @  evaluates to the name of the current target. In the following example the target name is prog1  which is also needed in the command line to name the executable file. In this example -o @  evaluates to -o  prog1.

 prog1 : ${objs} ${CXX} -o $@ ${objs}

Command line macros

Macros can be defined on the command line. From the previous example the debug flag, which was null, could be set from the command line with the command

Definitions comprised of several words must be enclosed in single or double quotes so that the shell will pass them as a single argument. For example

could be used to link an executable using the math and X Windows libraries.

Shell variables

Shell variables that have been defined as part of the environment are available to make  as macros within a makefile. C shell users can see the environment variables they have defined from the command line with the command

These variables can be set within the .login  file or from the command line with a command like:

With four sources for macros there is always the possibility of conflicts. There are two orders of priority available for make. The default priority order from least to greatest is:

  1. internal definitions
  2. shell environment variables
  3. makefile definitions
  4. command line macro definitions

If make  is invoked with the -e  option the priority order from least to greatest is

  1. internal definitions
  2. makefile definitions
  3. shell environment variables
  4. command line macro definitions

Suffix rules

Make  has a set of default rules called suffix or implicit rules. These are generalized rules that make  can use to build a program. For example in building a C++ program these rules tell make  that .o  object files are made from .cc  source files. The suffix rule that make  uses for a C++ program is

 .cc.o: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<

where $<  is a special macro which in this case stands for a .cc  file that is used to produce a particular target .o  file.


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[Jul 01, 2020] How to handle dynamic and static libraries in Linux by Stephan Avenwedde

Jun 17, 2020 |
Knowing how Linux uses libraries, including the difference between static and dynamic linking, can help you fix dependency problems. Feed 27 up Image by : Internet Archive Book Images. Modified by CC BY-SA 4.0 x Subscribe now

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Linux, in a way, is a series of static and dynamic libraries that depend on each other. For new users of Linux-based systems, the whole handling of libraries can be a mystery. But with experience, the massive amount of shared code built into the operating system can be an advantage when writing new applications.

To help you get in touch with this topic, I prepared a small application example that shows the most common methods that work on common Linux distributions (these have not been tested on other systems). To follow along with this hands-on tutorial using the example application, open a command prompt and type:

$ git clone https: // / hANSIc99 / library_sample
$ cd library_sample /
$ make
cc -c main.c -Wall -Werror
cc -c libmy_static_a.c -o libmy_static_a.o -Wall -Werror
cc -c libmy_static_b.c -o libmy_static_b.o -Wall -Werror
ar -rsv libmy_static.a libmy_static_a.o libmy_static_b.o
ar: creating libmy_static.a
a - libmy_static_a.o
a - libmy_static_b.o
cc -c -fPIC libmy_shared.c -o libmy_shared.o
cc -shared -o libmy_shared.o
$ make clean
rm * .o

After executing these commands, these files should be added to the directory (run ls to see them):

libmy_static.a About static linking

When your application links against a static library, the library's code becomes part of the resulting executable. This is performed only once at linking time, and these static libraries usually end with a .a extension.

A static library is an archive ( ar ) of object files. The object files are usually in the ELF format. ELF is short for Executable and Linkable Format , which is compatible with many operating systems.

The output of the file command tells you that the static library libmy_static.a is the ar archive type:

$ file libmy_static.a
libmy_static.a: current ar archive

With ar -t , you can look into this archive; it shows two object files:

$ ar -t libmy_static.a

You can extract the archive's files with ar -x <archive-file> . The extracted files are object files in ELF format:

$ ar -x libmy_static.a
$ file libmy_static_a.o
libmy_static_a.o: ELF 64 -bit LSB relocatable, x86- 64 , version 1 ( SYSV ) , not stripped About dynamic linking More Linux resources Dynamic linking means the use of shared libraries. Shared libraries usually end with .so (short for "shared object").

Shared libraries are the most common way to manage dependencies on Linux systems. These shared resources are loaded into memory before the application starts, and when several processes require the same library, it will be loaded only once on the system. This feature saves on memory usage by the application.

Another thing to note is that when a bug is fixed in a shared library, every application that references this library will profit from it. This also means that if the bug remains undetected, each referencing application will suffer from it (if the application uses the affected parts).

It can be very hard for beginners when an application requires a specific version of the library, but the linker only knows the location of an incompatible version. In this case, you must help the linker find the path to the correct version.

Although this is not an everyday issue, understanding dynamic linking will surely help you in fixing such problems.

Fortunately, the mechanics for this are quite straightforward.

To detect which libraries are required for an application to start, you can use ldd , which will print out the shared libraries used by a given file:

$ ldd my_app ( 0x00007ffd1299c000 ) = > not found = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007f56b869b000 )
/ lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2 ( 0x00007f56b8881000 )

Note that the library is part of the repository but is not found. This is because the dynamic linker, which is responsible for loading all dependencies into memory before executing the application, cannot find this library in the standard locations it searches.

Errors associated with linkers finding incompatible versions of common libraries (like bzip2 , for example) can be quite confusing for a new user. One way around this is to add the repository folder to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to tell the linker where to look for the correct version. In this case, the right version is in this folder, so you can export it:


Now the dynamic linker knows where to find the library, and the application can be executed. You can rerun ldd to invoke the dynamic linker, which inspects the application's dependencies and loads them into memory. The memory address is shown after the object path:

$ ldd my_app ( 0x00007ffd385f7000 ) = > / home / stephan / library_sample / ( 0x00007f3fad401000 ) = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007f3fad21d000 )
/ lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2 ( 0x00007f3fad408000 )

To find out which linker is invoked, you can use file :

$ file my_app
my_app: ELF 64 -bit LSB executable, x86- 64 , version 1 ( SYSV ) , dynamically linked, interpreter / lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2, BuildID [ sha1 ] =26c677b771122b4c99f0fd9ee001e6c743550fa6, for GNU / Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

The linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86– is a symbolic link to , which is the default linker for my Linux distribution:

$ file / lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2
/ lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2: symbolic link to ld- 2.31 .so

Looking back to the output of ldd , you can also see (next to ) that each dependency ends with a number (e.g., /lib64/ ). The usual naming scheme of shared objects is:

**lib** **.<MAJOR>** . **<MINOR>**

On my system, is also a symbolic link to the shared object in the same folder:

$ file / lib64 /
/ lib64 / symbolic link to libc- 2.31 .so

If you are facing the issue that an application will not start because the loaded library has the wrong version, it is very likely that you can fix this issue by inspecting and rearranging the symbolic links or specifying the correct search path (see "The dynamic loader:" below).

For more information, look on the ldd man page .

Dynamic loading

Dynamic loading means that a library (e.g., a .so file) is loaded during a program's runtime. This is done using a certain programming scheme.

Dynamic loading is applied when an application uses plugins that can be modified during runtime.

See the dlopen man page for more information.

The dynamic loader:

On Linux, you mostly are dealing with shared objects, so there must be a mechanism that detects an application's dependencies and loads them into memory. looks for shared objects in these places in the following order:

  1. The relative or absolute path in the application (hardcoded with the -rpath compiler option on GCC)
  2. In the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  3. In the file /etc/

Keep in mind that adding a library to the systems library archive /usr/lib64 requires administrator privileges. You could copy manually to the library archive and make the application work without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH :

sudo cp / usr / lib64 /

When you run ldd , you can see the path to the library archive shows up now:

$ ldd my_app ( 0x00007ffe82fab000 ) = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007f0a963e0000 ) = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007f0a96216000 )
/ lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2 ( 0x00007f0a96401000 ) Customize the shared library at compile time

If you want your application to use your shared libraries, you can specify an absolute or relative path during compile time.

Modify the makefile (line 10) and recompile the program by invoking make -B . Then, the output of ldd shows is listed with its absolute path.

Change this:

CFLAGS =-Wall -Werror -Wl,-rpath,$(shell pwd)

To this (be sure to edit the username):

CFLAGS =/home/stephan/library_sample/

Then recompile:

$ make

Confirm it is using the absolute path you set, which you can see on line 2 of the output:

$ ldd my_app ( 0x00007ffe143ed000 ) = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007fe50926d000 )
/ home / stephan / library_sample / ( 0x00007fe509268000 ) = > / lib64 / ( 0x00007fe50909e000 )
/ lib64 / ld-linux-x86- 64 .so.2 ( 0x00007fe50928e000 )

This is a good example, but how would this work if you were making a library for others to use? New library locations can be registered by writing them to /etc/ or creating a <library-name>.conf file containing the location under /etc/ . Afterward, ldconfig must be executed to rewrite the file. This step is sometimes necessary after you install a program that brings some special shared libraries with it.

See the man page for more information.

How to handle multiple architectures

Usually, there are different libraries for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of applications. The following list shows their standard locations for different Linux distributions:

Red Hat family

Debian family

Arch Linux family

FreeBSD (technical not a Linux distribution)

Knowing where to look for these key libraries can make broken library links a problem of the past.

While it may be confusing at first, understanding dependency management in Linux libraries is a way to feel in control of the operating system. Run through these steps with other applications to become familiar with common libraries, and continue to learn how to fix any library challenges that could come up along your way.

Managing Projects With Make (A Nutshell Handbook) by Andrew Oram, Steve Talbott, Steve Talbot

3 out of 5 stars

Good Book

Byvijaya dantulurion March 25, 2001

Format: Paperback

I recently had to work on our project's make file. The first look at it made me nervous. Fortunately I found this book. This book is a great introduction to unix' power tool 'make'. The authors clearly had enough experience to tell us what, how and whys. The first chapter generates excitement to continue on to the next ones. Chapters two and three must be read with lots of patience.

Remember, 'make' is a complex tool used for complex projects. Its not an easy go. Troubleshooting section listed some common problems, which, by the way, are really helpful.

The project management is good too. The only complaint I have with this book is it is a little pricey. For thirty bucks, I expect more bang. The authors could have updated the book with new breed of make tools like Apache's 'ant'. An example of building a project could have really helped. The man pages listed for 'make' on my unix system didn't take me far enough to grasp this tool. I highly recommend it to beginners.

The GNU Make Book by John Graham-Cumming

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition (April 16, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1593276494
ISBN-13: 978-1593276492
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

M. Helmke on April 27, 2015

I think this book is fantastic. It does have one weakness that

The GNU Make Book is intended for people who already have an understanding of GNU Make, what it is, and the basics of how and why someone would use it. The reader is assumed to know enough about programming and source code, about compiling and creating software executables to not need an introduction. The book begins by talking about setting environment variables in your makefile. If you know what this means, you will likely benefit from the book. If you don't, you aren't ready for this book.

I think this book is fantastic. It does have one weakness that, once addressed, would be likely to broaden its appeal and earn the review 5 stars instead of just 4. Many people who want or need to learn to use GNU make more effectively do not yet have the foundational knowledge necessary for reading or benefiting from this book. That could be remedied in a 15-20 page introductory chapter covering topics like "what is make?" and "how is make typically used?" The descriptions could be short, but would set the context for the rest of the book and ease the nervous reader in. Perhaps starting with something like, "GNU make is a tool that enables you to automate the generation of program executables from program source code" would be useful and could be followed by, "

This is typically accomplished by writing a Makefile, which includes a list of instructions for make to use as it does its work."

Michael Kim on May 1, 2015

The definitive GNU Make book

GNU Make is an automation tool for software builds. With that said, this book is intended for readers who have experience working in a Linux or Mac OS X environment, experience with programming, know what GNU Make is, and how they can use it to their advantage.

If you are new to GNU Make, I recommend that you read up on GNU Make and work with it a little first before reading this book to better grasp the concept.

The author does well in explaining and elaborating the content. The code is easy to read and to follow along. The pages are structured well so that you can easily distinguish what is code and what is text. Here is a list of topics discussed in the book:

Overall, this is a great GNU Make book that has a lot of useful content from a highly credible author.

Mick Charles Beaver on July 27, 2015

Hot Pizza

A coworker once told me that "GNU Make isn't the build system you need, it's the build system you deserve." I have to agree with that. GNU Make is a real-world tool for real-world problems and is arguably rough around the edges because of this.

Appropriately, "The GNU Make Book" is a well-written walk through on how to debug and understand GNU Make and its quirks.

It is a book written for programmers with more than a few scars on their fingertips. While you should look elsewhere for a tutorial or a complete reference, this one of a kind book will at least give you an umbrella as you weather the storm of tears that often comes with inheriting someone else's Makefile.

Nowhere else will you find as many high-quality and in-depth examples for flexing the mainstream features of a Makefile, profiling a slow build, and debugging the various things that can go wrong.

It's relatively short and relatively cheap. Would buy again. A+++.

Managing Projects with GNU Make (Nutshell Handbooks) Robert Mecklenburg

GNU Make Reference Manual Richard M. Stallman



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Last modified: July, 02, 2020