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Installation of HPOM agent using ssh passwordless login and script

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Note: HP renamed the product called now HP operations manager way too many times. Also it is very inconsistent with using abbreviations. Here we will assume that the term "HP Operations manager" and abbreviations HPOM, OMU, and OVO  mean the same thing :-)

Documentation for the command like agent installation is almost incomprehensible as if HP want to generate calls to tech support in each and every more or less non-trivial case. GUI based installation is better for starters.  Even figuring out that the script should be used to install the HPOM software on HTTPS  nodes in not trivial thing if you never used HPOM before. It's badly explained in the documentation. Some info is scattered in chapter 9 in Administration UI Administration and Configuration Guide

Procedure for the installation of the HPOM agent is very similar to Tivoli. You need first to create a database record using special command opcnode and then run script which asks you several questions and installs the software. After that you need to test the result with the command opcragt. That's the view from 1000 feet. As always the devil is in details.    

To install the HPOM software on HTTPS nodes, using script you need to perform three main steps:

  1. Add node to the database with opcnode command This is a required step. Without database record about the node you can't run script.
  2. Create a certificate for passwordless SSH login to the selected node (this is optional but very convenient mode; you can also install the agent using  ftp + rsh).
  3. Run the script to install the HPOM software on the selected node. Like any command line program it can be scripted using expect (or Perl-expect) but one can also use a response file with the parameter -f.

The directories for agents for supported platforms are as following:


Add node to the database with opcnode command

This is an important prerequisite before usage of script. Command  opcnode adds a record about the node to the database. It there are few nodes it is simpler to do this operation via Admin GUI. If there are many nodes to install scripting opcnode is the way to go.

opcnode -add_node node_name=<node_name>  net_type=<network_type> mach_type=<machine_type>

mach_type specifies the machine type for a node in the HPOM Node Bank. This attribute is mandatory. If a new introduced platform is not yet known by opcnode, the platform number will be used. Machine types are defined in AgentPlatform files.In HPOM version 9 that following machine types are supported:



group_name=<group_name> node_type=<node_type>

Optionally you can select the type of managed node with the node_type attribute.

(optional) Enter the desired heartbeat polling settings  by using the opchbp command line utility, for example:

opchbp -interval 0h12m1s <nodename>


opcnode -add_node \ \
    node_label=nti10 \
    group_name=suse \
    layout_group=suse \
    ip_addr= \
    net_type=NETWORK_IP \

Create a certificate for passwordless SSH login to the selected node

This step is trivial and is not covered here. You should generally use RSA certificates. Here is the procedure on Solaris for allowing ssh access for root, without a password.  

1.  Configure the server to allow this type of connection:

Check  "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"  to make sure RSAAuthentication is set to "yes":
RSAAuthentication  yes

(If there is a line like  "IdentityFile  ~/.ssh/id_rsa",  make sure it is not commented out.)  

If you made changes to the ssh_config file, restart the "sshd" daemon:
Solaris 9:        /etc/init.d/sshd  restart
Solaris 10:        svcadm  restart  /network/ssh

2.  Create the public key to copy to your target system

Run the command:        ssh-keygen -t rsa         (accept defaults, no passphrase)

That should create a public key file:          ~/.ssh/


On the target host:

1.  Configure the server to allow this type of connection:

Edit  "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"  to make sure RSAAuthentication and PermitRootLogin are set to "yes":

PermitRootLogin  yes
RSAAuthentication  yes

(If there is a line like  "IdentityFile  ~/.ssh/id_rsa",  make sure it is not commented out.)  

If you made changes to the sshd_config file, restart the "sshd" daemon:
Solaris 9:        /etc/init.d/sshd  restart
Solaris 10:        svcadm  restart  /network/ssh

Copy your public key file over to the target system, and append it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys        (create the file if it does not exist)

Your connection should now work.

 Run the script
to install the HPOM software on the selected node


You should first configure the node either using Admin UI or using opcnode command During installation the node automatically sends a certificate request to the certificate server which is automatically granted. If auto-grant is disabled, you need to approve certificate manually.

The script performs the following tasks (not necessarily in order):

The script is located in the directory /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall:


Here is an example of the agent installation on a Suse 10 SP3 64 bit server

# /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/
          Script /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/ invoked by root at 11/05/10
          HPOM Software Maintenance on Managed Node(s).
          Enter system(s) for which software maintenance should be done.
          More than one system can be specified, if separated by blank: (empty
          = stop processing)
========>  suse10
========> Preferred IP address of node  suse10 (Return= suse10)?

Managed Nodes platforms supported by this Management Server:
========> Enter platform name for  suse10 :linux/x64/linux26
========> Automatic update of system resource files (y|n=default)?y
========> Automatic (re-)start of HPOM services on (y|n=default)?y
========> HPOM version (V.UU.FF) which should be installed on system
           suse10 (Return=latest version)?
========> Enter distribution method for Agent package (1 = Management
          Server based, 3 = Windows NT installation server 4 = Secure Shell
          installation (default=1)?4
========> Login name of superuser for system  suse10 (Return=root)?

          PHASE I: reading missing passwords for Managed Nodes.
          Checking for HPOM Config and Deploy component running on system
          There is no HP Deployment component running on system
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is bf:b5:3d:5c:4c:c6:5e:fa:71:63:77:46:75:68:63:9f.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

          PHASE II: checking prerequisites for Managed Nodes.

          ---- ----
WARNING:  Unexpected version of glibc detected: unknown
          System  suse10 is stand-alone or cluster server system.
          Checking disk space requirements for linux/x64/linux26 system
          Checking space for /tmp/opc_tmp directory on file system /tmp:
          140000 K bytes required 1210296 K bytes available.
          Checking space for /opt/OV directory on file system /opt:
          140000 K bytes required 883656 K bytes available.
          HPOM software truck file will be copied to directory /tmp/opc_tmp on
          system  suse10.
          Free disk space sufficient on node

          PHASE III: (de-)installing Agent Packages to Managed Nodes.

          ---- ----
          Transferring packages...
          Installing HPOvXpl package.
          Installing HPOvSecCo package.
          Installing HPOvBbc package.
          Installing HPOvSecCC package.
          Installing HPOvCtrl package.
          Installing HPOvDepl package.
          Installing HPOvConf package.
          Installing HPOvPerlA package.
          Installing HPOvPacc package.
          Installing HPOvPCO package.
          Installing HPOvEaAgt package.
          Installing HPOvLcja package.
          Installing HPOvLczC package.
          Installing HPOvLcko package.
          Installing HPOvEaAja package.
          Installing HPOvEaAes package.
          Installing HPOvEaAzC package.
          Installing HPOvEaAko package.
          Installing HPOvLces package.
          Installing HPOvXercesA package.
          Installing HPOvXalanA package.
          Installing HPOvAgtEx package.
          Updating HPOM database now that HPOM on system
 has been successfully installed or

          HPOM maintenance summary: 11/05/10 11:11:20
          Maintenance Mode: Installation/update
          1 node(s) were maintained in this run.
          Managed Node        Status      Errors    Warnings  Notes
 warning     0         1         0

          Maintenance summary is available on logfile
          HPOM software maintenance finished.
          For detailed information about the HPOM software maintenance, review
          the logfiles /var/opt/OV/log/OpC/mgmt_sv/install.log and


Defining Common Settings for Managed Nodes

You can define settings on the management server, which are applied to the managed nodes at installation time. Parameters, such as communication ports or http proxy settings, that are used by many nodes can be defined using the file:


A sample configuration file with examples of how to set up parameters is available at:


Take a copy of bbc_inst_defaults.sampl , rename it bbc_inst_defaults , and modify in accordance with the syntax specified in the sample file.

Allocate a Specific OvCoreId to a Managed Node

If you want to allocate a specific OvCoreId for a new node, manually add it as follows before starting the agent software installation:

opcnode -chg_id ... id=<id>


opcnode -add-node ... id=<id>

During agent installation, the OvCoreId from the HPOM database is used for the specified managed node.

This is recommended when reinstalling a node managed by many management servers. Reusing the original OvCoreId avoids having to update all the HP Operations management servers.

When installing certificates manually, everything is prepared on the HP Operations management server before an agent is installed, including creating an OvCoreId, generate a certificate, add the node with the new OvCoreId to the database. Only after these steps can the agent software be installed on the managed node. Finally the certificate must be copied to the managed node.

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[Dec 14, 2010] Agent installation has error from HPOM 9

IT Resource Center forums

Pavel Ch Aug 4, 2009 10:11:58 GMT

Hi All,

I try to install agent (on the Win 2003 and on the SuSe 10.0) from Admin UI of HPOM 9.0.

Installation status has state Failed and Exit Code - "20" in both system.

In the Agent Installation Log appears error:

from SuSe 10.0:
Script /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/ invoked by root at 08/04/09
WARNING: Cannot resolve/verify system by asking the name service
(or /etc/hosts).
PHASE I: reading missing passwords for Managed Nodes.
ERROR: Node unknown or not responding.
PHASE II: checking prerequisites for Managed Nodes.
NOTE: Skipping node

from Win 2003:
Script /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/ invoked by root at 08/04/09
PHASE I: reading missing passwords for Managed Nodes.
========> Do you want to re-enter the login information for system (y|n=default)?
WARNING: Time out of 1 seconds has occurred during user input.
WARNING: No valid password has been specified for ms/x86/winnt system
ERROR: Skipping node for initial password check;
maybe you know the password later when applying the HPOM software
maintenance on that system.

Ping from server to both nodes successful, is successful too.

Could you help me?

Goran Koruga


It looks like opcping script is failing.

You can debug like so:

cp -i /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/inst_debug.conf /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/inst_debug.conf

Edit the last file and uncomment OPC_DEBUG_LOCAL, OPC_DEBUG_REMOTE and OPC_DEBUG_FILE lines.

Then run and you will get the debugging info in /tmp/

More details are in the 'inst_debug' man page.

You should also look why it failed to resolve the node.


Pavel Ch

File "/tmp/" contains following:
> cat /tmp/
Script /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/ invoked by root at 08/04/09 13:38:41.
HPOM Software Maintenance on Managed Node(s).

Goran Koruga

Doh, I forgot you also have to uncomment OPC_DEBUG_APPEND and OPC_DEBUG_CALLOUT - sorry.


Pavel Ch

Thanks Goran Koruga,

I forgot to start FTP service on the Windows node.

One more question, is it correct - when I install agent to Windows node that HPOM only copy <agent_files> to ftp directory and then I need to manually execute "cscript opc_inst" on the node ?

Goran Koruga


Yes - that is normal. Once you have one Windows OM agent installed you can use that as an Installation Server to install other Windows nodes in an automated way.

But you need permissions sorted for that to work - it's explained in the manuals.


IT Resource Center forums - Agent install - This thread has been closed

Install HP OM Agent on Unix Machine

This is old version 8 installation with nice sceen shots. One importatnt thing to remember is that to install HP OM Agent on Unix Machine ensure the the node host name is resolvable by name service or located in Hosts file

December 18, 2008

Use SSH (Secure Shell) during the installation is very powerful option to insure secure communication in case the client has SSH.

Limit buffer size; it is useful for limiting the buffer size in case of the agent is unable to communicate with the client

to install the agent you can do using command line like

# /opt/OV/bin/OpC/agtinstall/ <target node>

IT Resource Center forums - Agent install fails with ssh access - This thread has been closed

We found that in order to install the OVO agent we had to temporarily re-enable some of the r commands.

1. Add "mgmntsvr_name root" to /.rhosts on the new node. For us our mgmtsvr_name is opscena, so the entry would look like "opscena root".
2. Enable rlogin if it is disabled. In /etc/inetd.conf the new node, uncomment login, shell, exec. Then, run "inetd -c"
3. Try distributing agent to new node.
4. Reverse steps 1 and 2.

Recommended Links

Install HP OM Agent on Unix Machine



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