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US Presidential Elections of 2016: from primaries to election day

November 8 as a referendum on neoliberal globalization

Trump's candidacy = sovereignty + NO War. Clinton's candidacy = Globalism + WAR. Your vote is either for War or against War. It's that simple...

The main issue in this election is that the Neoliberal Imperial Oligarchy has now taken off the mask, they have abandoned the pretense of "Coke Pepsi" two party competition to unite behind the defender of status quo interests, with WikiLeaks detailing the gory details of their corruption and malfeasance

Neoliberal MSM and fifth column of neocons in Washington are in panic: as more people understand that this is a choice between petty criminal and Mafiosi, neocon Hillary, who was instrumental in rape and killing of women and children in Libya and Syria might lose to Paleoconservative Trump

Version 4.2 (Nov 08, 2016)

 "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Or perhaps, as Bush's critics might say,
"Elect Clintons once, shame on you. Elect Clintons twice ... shame on me." (picked from Times)

News Crisis of legitimacy of neoliberal elite Recommended Links Two Party System as Polyarchy Donald Trump Hillary "Warmonger" Clinton Bernie Sanders: A turncoat socialist Anti Trump Hysteria Anti-Russian hysteria in connection emailgate and DNC leak
DNC emails leak Hillary health issues Hillary Clinton email scandal "Clinton Cash" Scandal: Hillary Clinton links to foreign donors and financial industry Hillary wet kiss with neocons Obama: a yet another Neocon "Fuck the EU": neocons show EU its real place Neocon foreign policy is a disaster for the USA Hillary role in Libya disaster
Bill sexapades and Hillary Is Hillary Clinton a toxic manager? Hillary as a pathological liar Lock her up movement Hillary role in Syria bloodbath Non-Interventionism Trump foreign policy platform Elite [Dominance] Theory And the Revolt of the Elite The Deep State
Media-Military-Industrial Complex Neoconservatism Demonization of Putin  American Exceptionalism New American Militarism Neocolonialism as Financial Imperialism Pope Francis on danger of neoliberalism Neoliberalism as Trotskyism for the rich Perjury Investigation of Hillary Clinton
The Iron Law of Oligarchy Amorality and criminality of neoliberal elite  Audacious Oligarchy and "Democracy for Winners" Myth about intelligent voter Pluralism as a myth Libertarian Philosophy Nation under attack meme Demexit Trump on immigration
Principal-agent problem Corporatist Corruption Resurgence of neo-fascism as reaction on neoliberalism Ethno-linguistic Nationalism Corporatism National Security State Predator state Machiavellism Neoliberal Brainwashing -- Journalism in the Service of the Powerful Few
Betrayal by Bernie Sanders of his supporters Superdelegates at Democratic National Convention Jeb "Wolfowitz Stooge" Bush US Presidential Elections of 2012  Mayberry Machiavellians Politically Incorrect Humor Skeptic Quotations Humor Etc

Note: due to the size introduction was moved to a separate page November 2016 as a referendum on neoliberal globalization

This election is about the backlash against neoliberalism that became the dominant ideology of the ruling elite in the USA since 1980th. At this point blue color workers became sick of Demorats (aka Neoliberal Democrats) who are betraying them after each elections ("Change we can believe in" in worlds of the king of "bait and switch" Obama) and expecting still they will vote for Democratic as they have nowhere to go (Clinton strategy). They want to show middle finger to Clinton and other neoliberal criminals who deprived them of work, of dignity, of health (heroine epidemic is hitting the USA really hard). It's a class war all over again. Note how neoliberal media tried to misrepresent it accusing Trump supporters of racism, bigotry, and all other sins to mask anti-neoliberal backlash of the US population, and the revolutionary situation in the county, when the elite lost the control of the population. Which really somewhat reminds me the last days of the USSR when communist propaganda stopped working and people start seeing the "Politburo" as "naked king" -- a bunch of corrupt priests of obscure religion, who do not believe in the ideology they promote for "shmucks", only with their own and their families well-being. that their sons and daughters attend Western universities and their wives are shopping in Paris.

It is not an exaggeration to see in 2016 Presidential election as a referendum on neoliberal globalization. But the political power still belongs to  Neoliberals, which dominates both the government and the economy (transnationals are the cornerstone of neoliberal world order). It's a big question if the American people will be able to change neoliberal dogma, the official civil religion of the USA without a violent revolution...

The great Trump political breakthrough was consolidating the white working class and white middle class vote. At last "clintonization" (sellout of the Party to Wall Street whichwas initialed by Bill Clinton, converting it into the party of "soft neoliberalism" which at times was undistinguishable from "hard neoliberalism" )  of Democratic Party backfired.  Demexit -- abandoning of Demorats by white working and middle class is now a reality.

Writing in Politico, Georgetown political scientist Joshua Mitchell has a long, important take on the deep meaning of Trump — and it’s probably not what you think:

If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.

These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989.

 That is what the Trump campaign, ghastly though it may at times be, leads us toward: A future where states matter. A future where people are citizens, working together toward (bourgeois) improvement of their lot. His ideas do not yet fully cohere. They are a bit too much like mental dust that has yet to come together. But they can come together. And Trump is the first American candidate to bring some coherence to them, however raucous his formulations have been.

This is a clear repudiation of neoliberalism (aka "casino capitalism" or  Trotskyism for the rich) -- the secular religion to both Republican and Democratic parties adhere (while the term is prohibited from mass media -- can you imagine the Communist Party of the USSR would prohibit its members under the threat of purge to utter the word "communism" or call themselves "communists").  And that means that Trump is a threat to Washington neoliberal elite, the threat to neoliberal  Washington_Consensus, which  since 1980 (or even earlier) rules the place. That's why they fight and demonization of Trump is conducted by neoliberal media with such a fierce determination. That's why such a tremendous efforts and money are spend on propelling sick and unprincipled establishment candidate -- Hillary Clinton. A warmonger neoconservative, who is a staunch neoliberal (like her husband Bill Clinton).

The US neoliberal elite ("creator class" or "Masters of the Universe" in neoliberal jargon) have successfully revolted against the political and economic constraints on their wealth and power put by "enlightened corporatism" of the New Deal, and for 36 years managed to redistribute wealth up to the level that has no historical presidents. As a result social stability is in danger and "the rest" (or Untermensch, or "takers"/"welfare queen" in neoliberal jargon) are rebelling in the only way left open to them: voting for anyone who claims to be an outsider. (Romney-Ryan 'makers vs. takers' rhetoric helped spawn Donald Trump Washington Examiner)

This idea of low-income "takers" lay beneath Mitt Romney's view that the 47 percent of adults in the U.S. who owed no federal income tax were therefore "dependent upon government" and "who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them…."


But "taker" is a slur also when aimed at recipients of government benefits. Millions of "takers" are people who work 40 hours, but at low wages, and thus receive the earned-income tax credit. Will you blame their low wages on them? Perhaps they got horrible education thanks to incompetent government, or were just never blessed with marketable skills.

Some percentage of the 47 percent are World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam Veterans, who after serving their country, put in decades of work, and now live off the Social Security they paid into, without earning enough to owe federal income tax.

The "takers" include widows receiving food stamps, the ill being kept alive by Medicaid, and people drawing on unemployment because their employer got up and moved to Mexico.

More importantly, many of those on welfare or disability hate that they are dependent. They want to be working.

Are there "welfare queens," lazy able-bodied moochers, and people scamming disability? Yes. But lumping in 47 percent of the country with these scoundrels is as illegitimate lumping all businessmen in with the failed bankers who depend on bailouts.

This wasn't just Ryan's mistake. Conservatives broadly have equated low income with dependency. The conservative belief that the market tends to reward skill and diligence often mutates into a belief that poverty reflects some sort of turpitude.

That view helped give birth to Donald Trump, who has tapped into the working class that Ryan and Romney had pushed away.

Globalization and free trade are fast becoming dirty words. That’s because they were  culprits for major  shocks — like the 2008 financial crisis. In the United States alone, median household income has been practically stagnant for about three decades, the labor market continues to be anemic, manufacturing jobs have been lost, and many have experienced a significant deterioration in living standards.

Much of the post-Brexit and primary election conventional wisdom seems to be stuck in a political narrative in which the Brexit vote and the rise of Trump_vs_deep_state in the United States are seen as symbols of the populist revolution. These symbols are combined with a nationalist tide has been sweeping not only the United Kingdom and the United States, but also many other parts of Europe, including Poland, Hungary, France, The Netherlands and Scandinavia, not to mention, Russia, Turkey, India and Israel.

According to this narrative, economic insecurity and cultural anxiety that reflect sociodemographic trends have given momentum to ethnonationalism and religious separatism in both the United States and the United Kingdom. The Rust Belt is pitted against New York City, and the Midlands against London.

All this means that the crisis of neoliberalism, which started in 2008 now obtained political dimension, when the institutions created by neoliberalism are under attacks from the disgruntled population. The power of neoliberal propaganda, the power of brainwashing and indoctrination of population via MSM, schools and universities to push forward neoliberal globalization started to evaporate. And the fight against neoliberal globalization is not easy and it is not accidentally Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee and neoliberal MSM unlashed unprecedented campaign of blackmail against Trump.  The fact is, Sheldon Wolin not accidentally calls neoliberalism "inverted totalitarianism" . It's a system where corporate power has seized all of political  levers of control. In fact, under neoliberalism, there is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs or ExxonMobil or Raytheon. We also have lost our privacy. And under Obama, an assault against civil liberties has outstripped what George W. Bush carried out.

This is about the crisis of neoliberal ideology and especially Trotskyism part of it (neoliberalism can be viewed as Trotskyism for the rich). The following integral elements of this ideology no longer work well and are starting to cause the backlash:

  1. High level of inequality as the explicit, desirable goal (which raises the productivity). "Greed is good" or "Trickle down economics" -- redistribution of wealth up will create (via higher productivity) enough scrapes for the lower classes, lifting all boats.
  2. "Neoliberal rationality" when everything is a commodity that should be traded at specific market. Human beings also are viewed as market actors with every field of activity seen as a specialized market. Every entity (public or private, person, business, state) should be governed as a firm. "Neoliberalism construes even non-wealth generating spheres-such as learning, dating, or exercising-in market terms, submits them to market metrics, and governs them with market techniques and practices." People are just " human capital" who must constantly tend to their own present and future market value.
  3. Extreme financialization or converting the economy into "casino capitalism" (under neoliberalism everything is a marketable good, that is traded on explicit or implicit exchanges.)
  4. The idea of the global, USA dominated neoliberal empire and related "Permanent war for permanent peace" -- wars for enlarging global neoliberal empire via crushing non-compliant regimes either via color revolutions or via open military intervention.
  5. Downgrading ordinary people to the role of commodity and creating three classes of citizens (moochers, or Untermensch, "creative class" and top 0.1%), with the upper class (0.1% or "Masters of the Universe") being above the law like the top level of "nomenklatura" was in the USSR.
  6. "Downsizing" sovereignty of nations via international treaties like TPP, and making transnational corporations the key political players, "the deciders" as W aptly said. Who decide about the level of immigration flows, minimal wages, tariffs, and other matters that previously were prerogative of the state.

So after 36 (or more) years of dominance (which started with triumphal march of neoliberalism in early 90th) the ideology entered "zombie state". That does not make it less dangerous but its power over minds of the population started to evaporate. Far right ideologies now are filling the vacuum, as ith the discreditation of socialist ideology and decimation of "enlightened corporatism" of the New Deal in the USA there is no other viable alternatives.

The same happened in late 1960th with the Communist ideology. It took 20 years for the USSR to crash after that with the resulting splash of nationalism (which was the force that blow up the USSR) and far right ideologies.

It remains to be seen whether the neoliberal US elite will fare better then Soviet nomenklatura as challenges facing the USA are now far greater then challenges which the USSR faced at the time. Among them is oil depletion which might be the final nail into the coffin of neoliberalism and, specifically, the neoliberal globalization.

This has been a bipartisan effort, because they've both been captured by corporate power. We have undergone what John Ralston Saul correctly calls a corporate coup d'état in slow motion, and it's over.

Neoliberal poison destroys a society and lifts the politicians with nationalistic bend like Trump. First, neoliberalism dislocated the working class, de-industrialized the country. Then, in the name of austerity, it destroyed public institutions, education, public broadcasting. And then it poisoned the political system.

I would argue that in terms of megalomania and narcissism, Hillary Clinton is not far behind Trump. But the point is, we've got to break away from-which is exactly the narrative neoliberal MSM want us to focus on.

 We've got to break away from political personalities and understand and examine and critique the structures of power. And, in fact, the Democratic Party, especially beginning under Bill Clinton, has carried water for corporate entities as assiduously as the Republican Party.

We need to be aware of neoliberal brainwashing. I mean, this whole debate over the DNC WikiLeaks emails disclosure is insane. The key question here is not who leaked emails, but whether they are authentic or not. They are. As well as DNC dirty laundry exposed those long emails -- you should read them. They're really appalling, and exposes the way the Democratic primaries were rigged. Tricks used included the mechanism of the superdelegates (which unlawfully declared their allegiance very early creating pro-Clinton pressure of voters) , the stealing of the caucus in Nevada, and the huge amounts of corporate money and money of super PACs that flowed into the Clinton campaign. This faux feminism on which Hillary Clinton based her campaign is another propaganda trick. She si hostile to both women and children. Cold like any sociopath.  The fact is, Clinton has a track record of hurting US children: she and her husband destroyed welfare as we know it, and 70% of the original recipients were children.

If is important to understand that the rise of nationalism, the phenomenal success of Trump is just a form of backlash against neoliberalism. 


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[Dec 04, 2019] The Anti-Trust Election

This is from 2016 election cycle but still relevant. Money quote: "Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse. "
Despicable neoliberal MSM do not like to discuss real issue that facing people in 220 elections. They like to discuss personalities. Propagandists of Vichy left like Madcow spend hours discussing Ukrainegate instead of real issues facing the nation.
Notable quotes:
"... Donald Trump has promised to make deregulation one of the focal points of his presidency. If Trump is elected, the trend toward rising market concentration and all of the problems that come with it are likely to continue. ..."
"... If Clinton is elected, it's unlikely that her administration would be active enough in antitrust enforcement for my taste. But at least she acknowledges that something needs to be done about this growing problem, and any movement toward more aggressive enforcement of antitrust regulation would be more than welcome. ..."
"... Once again we have a stark 'choice' in this party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them. Like flipping a coin: heads, the predator class wins; tails, we lose. ..."
"... "Vote third party to register your disgust..." and waste the opportunity, at least in a few states, to affect the national outcome (in many states the outcome is not in doubt, so, thanks to our stupid electoral college system, millions of voters could equally well stay home, vote third party, or write in their dog). ..."
"... But then it dawned on me: antitrust enforcement is largely up to the president and his picked advisers. If Democrats really think it is so damned important, why has Clinton's old boss Barack Obama done so very, very little with it? ..."
"... Josh Mason thinks a Clinton administration may push on corporate short-termism if not on anti-trust. We'll see, but seeing as the Obama administration didn't do much I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary doesn't either. ..."
"... They ignored the housing bubble, don't seem to understand the connection between manufacturing and wealth (close your eyes and imagine your life with no manufactured goods, because they are all imported and your economy only produces a few low value-added raw materials such as timber or exotic animals) then you will see that allowing the US to deindustrialize was a really, world-historic mistake. ..."
"... Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse. ..."
Oct 08, 2016 |
Economist's View
I have a new column:

The Anti-Trust Election of 2016 :

... ... ...

Donald Trump has promised to make deregulation one of the focal points of his presidency. If Trump is elected, the trend toward rising market concentration and all of the problems that come with it are likely to continue.

We'll hear the usual arguments about ineffective government and the magic of markets to justify ignoring the problem.

If Clinton is elected, it's unlikely that her administration would be active enough in antitrust enforcement for my taste. But at least she acknowledges that something needs to be done about this growing problem, and any movement toward more aggressive enforcement of antitrust regulation would be more than welcome.

JohnH : October 07, 2016 at 09:10 AM , October 07, 2016 at 09:10 AM
"We'll hear the usual arguments about ineffective government" which has been amply demonstrated during the last 7 years by negligible enforcement of anti-trust laws.

Once again we have a stark 'choice' in this party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them. Like flipping a coin: heads, the predator class wins; tails, we lose.

Vote third party to register your disgust and to open the process to people who don't just represent the predator class.

supersaurus -> JohnH... October 07, 2016 at 10:05 AM , October 07, 2016 at 10:05 AM
"Vote third party to register your disgust..." and waste the opportunity, at least in a few states, to affect the national outcome (in many states the outcome is not in doubt, so, thanks to our stupid electoral college system, millions of voters could equally well stay home, vote third party, or write in their dog).
JohnH -> JohnH... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 04:32 PM
Thomas Frank: "I was pleased to learn, for example, that this year's Democratic platform includes strong language on antitrust enforcement, and that Hillary Clinton has hinted she intends to take the matter up as president. Hooray! Taking on too-powerful corporations would be healthy, I thought when I first learned that, and also enormously popular. But then it dawned on me: antitrust enforcement is largely up to the president and his picked advisers. If Democrats really think it is so damned important, why has Clinton's old boss Barack Obama done so very, very little with it?"

One party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them...a distinction without a difference.

Who do you prefer to have guarding the chicken house...a fox or a coyote? Sane people would say, 'neither.'

Peter K. -> DrDick... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 01:13 PM
Yes and Clinton supporters attacked Sanders over this during the primaries.

Josh Mason thinks a Clinton administration may push on corporate short-termism if not on anti-trust. We'll see, but seeing as the Obama administration didn't do much I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary doesn't either.

"At Vox,* Rachelle Sampson has a piece on corporate short-termism. Supports my sense that this is an area where there may be space to move left in a Clinton administration."


Henry Carey's ghost : , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 09:35 PM
Economists have said for thirty years that free trade will benefit the US. Increasingly the country looks like a poor non-industrialized third world country. Why should anyone trust US economists?

They ignored the housing bubble, don't seem to understand the connection between manufacturing and wealth (close your eyes and imagine your life with no manufactured goods, because they are all imported and your economy only produces a few low value-added raw materials such as timber or exotic animals) then you will see that allowing the US to deindustrialize was a really, world-historic mistake.

Trust in experts is what has transformed the US from a world leader in 1969 with the moon landing to a country with no high speed rail, no modern infrastructure, incapable of producing a computer or ipad or ship.

Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse.


[Dec 04, 2019] The Anti-Trust Election

This is from 2016 election cycle but still relevant. Money quote: "Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse. "
Despicable neoliberal MSM do not like to discuss real issue that facing people in 220 elections. They like to discuss personalities. Propagandists of Vichy left like Madcow spend hours discussing Ukrainegate instead of real issues facing the nation.
Notable quotes:
"... Donald Trump has promised to make deregulation one of the focal points of his presidency. If Trump is elected, the trend toward rising market concentration and all of the problems that come with it are likely to continue. ..."
"... If Clinton is elected, it's unlikely that her administration would be active enough in antitrust enforcement for my taste. But at least she acknowledges that something needs to be done about this growing problem, and any movement toward more aggressive enforcement of antitrust regulation would be more than welcome. ..."
"... Once again we have a stark 'choice' in this party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them. Like flipping a coin: heads, the predator class wins; tails, we lose. ..."
"... "Vote third party to register your disgust..." and waste the opportunity, at least in a few states, to affect the national outcome (in many states the outcome is not in doubt, so, thanks to our stupid electoral college system, millions of voters could equally well stay home, vote third party, or write in their dog). ..."
"... But then it dawned on me: antitrust enforcement is largely up to the president and his picked advisers. If Democrats really think it is so damned important, why has Clinton's old boss Barack Obama done so very, very little with it? ..."
"... Josh Mason thinks a Clinton administration may push on corporate short-termism if not on anti-trust. We'll see, but seeing as the Obama administration didn't do much I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary doesn't either. ..."
"... They ignored the housing bubble, don't seem to understand the connection between manufacturing and wealth (close your eyes and imagine your life with no manufactured goods, because they are all imported and your economy only produces a few low value-added raw materials such as timber or exotic animals) then you will see that allowing the US to deindustrialize was a really, world-historic mistake. ..."
"... Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse. ..."
Oct 08, 2016 |
Economist's View
I have a new column:

The Anti-Trust Election of 2016 :

... ... ...

Donald Trump has promised to make deregulation one of the focal points of his presidency. If Trump is elected, the trend toward rising market concentration and all of the problems that come with it are likely to continue.

We'll hear the usual arguments about ineffective government and the magic of markets to justify ignoring the problem.

If Clinton is elected, it's unlikely that her administration would be active enough in antitrust enforcement for my taste. But at least she acknowledges that something needs to be done about this growing problem, and any movement toward more aggressive enforcement of antitrust regulation would be more than welcome.

JohnH : October 07, 2016 at 09:10 AM , October 07, 2016 at 09:10 AM
"We'll hear the usual arguments about ineffective government" which has been amply demonstrated during the last 7 years by negligible enforcement of anti-trust laws.

Once again we have a stark 'choice' in this party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them. Like flipping a coin: heads, the predator class wins; tails, we lose.

Vote third party to register your disgust and to open the process to people who don't just represent the predator class.

supersaurus -> JohnH... October 07, 2016 at 10:05 AM , October 07, 2016 at 10:05 AM
"Vote third party to register your disgust..." and waste the opportunity, at least in a few states, to affect the national outcome (in many states the outcome is not in doubt, so, thanks to our stupid electoral college system, millions of voters could equally well stay home, vote third party, or write in their dog).
JohnH -> JohnH... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 04:32 PM
Thomas Frank: "I was pleased to learn, for example, that this year's Democratic platform includes strong language on antitrust enforcement, and that Hillary Clinton has hinted she intends to take the matter up as president. Hooray! Taking on too-powerful corporations would be healthy, I thought when I first learned that, and also enormously popular. But then it dawned on me: antitrust enforcement is largely up to the president and his picked advisers. If Democrats really think it is so damned important, why has Clinton's old boss Barack Obama done so very, very little with it?"

One party who won't enforce existing laws and another who will just get rid of them...a distinction without a difference.

Who do you prefer to have guarding the chicken house...a fox or a coyote? Sane people would say, 'neither.'

Peter K. -> DrDick... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 01:13 PM
Yes and Clinton supporters attacked Sanders over this during the primaries.

Josh Mason thinks a Clinton administration may push on corporate short-termism if not on anti-trust. We'll see, but seeing as the Obama administration didn't do much I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary doesn't either.

"At Vox,* Rachelle Sampson has a piece on corporate short-termism. Supports my sense that this is an area where there may be space to move left in a Clinton administration."


Henry Carey's ghost : , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 09:35 PM
Economists have said for thirty years that free trade will benefit the US. Increasingly the country looks like a poor non-industrialized third world country. Why should anyone trust US economists?

They ignored the housing bubble, don't seem to understand the connection between manufacturing and wealth (close your eyes and imagine your life with no manufactured goods, because they are all imported and your economy only produces a few low value-added raw materials such as timber or exotic animals) then you will see that allowing the US to deindustrialize was a really, world-historic mistake.

Trust in experts is what has transformed the US from a world leader in 1969 with the moon landing to a country with no high speed rail, no modern infrastructure, incapable of producing a computer or ipad or ship.

Trump_vs_deep_state will outlive Trump and the people's faith in economists will only be restored after the next financial collapse if all of the financial sector is liquidated, all the universities and think tanks go bankrupt and the know-nothing free traders disappear from our public discourse.


[Nov 12, 2016] The Clintons And Soros Launch Americas Purple Revolution

Notable quotes:
"... America's globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military "experts" opposed Trump's candidacy, Trump is "required" to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such "experts" among Trump's inner circle of advisers. ..."
"... Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush's White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush's Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump's White House team. ..."
"... There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump's senior- and middle-level positions. ..."
"... Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration. ..."
"... PNAC: Project for New American Century. The main neocon lobby, it focused first on invading Iraq. Founded 1997, by William Kristol & Robert Kagan. First action: open letter to Clinton advocating Iraq war. Members in the Iraq-War clique: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, BOLTON, Libby, Abrams, Wurmser, Perle. ..."
"... HE PROMISED he would appoint a special prosecutor, PROMISED... ..."
"... Trump should reverse the McCain Feingold bill. That would take some wind out of Soros' sails, at least temporarily because that was Soros' bill. He wanted campaign finance reform which actually meant that he wanted to control campaign finance through 501C3 groups, or foundations such as Open Society,, Ella Baker society, Center for American progress, etc. He has a massive web of these organizations and they fund smaller ones and all kinds of evil. ..."
"... Tyler, please rerun this! How George Sorros destroys countries, profits from currency trading, convinces the countries to privatize its assets, buys them and then sells them for yet another profit: ..."
"... We know so little about Trump ... he's neoCon friendly to start with (remember he hired neoCon Grandee James Woolsey as an advisor)... and remember too Trump is promising his own war against Iran ... ..."
"... JFK was gunned down in front of the whole world. ..."
"... If Trump really is a nationalist patriot he'll need to innoculate the Population about the Deep State... they in turn will unleash financial disintegration and chaos, a Purple Revolution and then assassinate Trump (or have his own party impeach him) ..."
"... Organizing a means to receive the protestors' complaints may co-opt any organized effort to disrupt good political interaction and it will also separate out the bad elements cited by Madsen. ..."
Nov 12, 2016 |
Submitted by Wayne Madsen via,

Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to "go quietly into that good night". On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic "Blue America" and Republican "Red America" into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.

The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros's "Purple Revolution" in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.

It is doubtful that President Trump's aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton's private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care. However, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he will continue hearings in the Republican-controlled Congress on Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Mrs. Clinton's aide Huma Abedin . President Trump should not allow himself to be distracted by these efforts. Chaffetz was not one of Trump's most loyal supporters.

America's globalists and interventionists are already pushing the meme that because so many establishment and entrenched national security and military "experts" opposed Trump's candidacy, Trump is "required" to call on them to join his administration because there are not enough such "experts" among Trump's inner circle of advisers.

Discredited neo-conservatives from George W. Bush's White House, such as Iraq war co-conspirator Stephen Hadley, are being mentioned as someone Trump should have join his National Security Council and other senior positions. George H. W. Bush's Secretary of State James Baker, a die-hard Bush loyalist, is also being proffered as a member of Trump's White House team.

There is absolutely no reason for Trump to seek the advice from old Republican fossils like Baker, Hadley, former Secretaries of State Rice and Powell, the lunatic former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, and others. There are plenty of Trump supporters who have a wealth of experience in foreign and national security matters, including those of African, Haitian, Hispanic, and Arab descent and who are not neocons, who can fill Trump's senior- and middle-level positions.

Trump must distance himself from sudden well-wishing neocons, adventurists, militarists, and interventionists and not permit them to infest his administration. If Mrs. Clinton had won the presidency, an article on the incoming administration would have read as follows:

"Based on the militarism and foreign adventurism of her term as Secretary of State and her husband Bill Clinton's two terms as president, the world is in store for major American military aggression on multiple fronts around the world. President-elect Hillary Clinton has made no secret of her desire to confront Russia militarily, diplomatically, and economically in the Middle East, on Russia's very doorstep in eastern Europe, and even within the borders of the Russian Federation. Mrs. Clinton has dusted off the long-discredited 'containment' policy ushered into effect by Professor George F. Kennan in the aftermath of World War. Mrs. Clinton's administration will likely promote the most strident neo-Cold Warriors of the Barack Obama administration, including Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, a personal favorite of Clinton".

President-elect Trump cannot afford to permit those who are in the same web as Nuland, Hadley, Bolton, and others to join his administration where they would metastasize like an aggressive form of cancer. These individuals would not carry out Trump's policies but seek to continue to damage America's relations with Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, and other nations.

Not only must Trump have to deal with Republican neocons trying to worm their way into his administration, but he must deal with the attempt by Soros to disrupt his presidency and the United States with a Purple Revolution

No sooner had Trump been declared the 45th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obama's lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014.

As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded and "Black Lives Matter", broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States.

The Soros-financed Russian singing group "Pussy Riot" released on YouTube an anti-Trump music video titled "Make America Great Again". The video went "viral" on the Internet. The video, which is profane and filled with violent acts, portrays a dystopian Trump presidency. Following the George Soros/Gene Sharp script to a tee, Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova called for anti-Trump Americans to turn their anger into art, particularly music and visual art. The use of political graffiti is a popular Sharp tactic. The street protests and anti-Trump music and art were the first phase of Soros's Purple Revolution in America.

President-elect Trump is facing a two-pronged attack by his opponents. One, led by entrenched neo-con bureaucrats, including former Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency director Michael Hayden, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Bush family loyalists are seeking to call the shots on who Trump appoints to senior national security, intelligence, foreign policy, and defense positions in his administration. These neo-Cold Warriors are trying to convince Trump that he must maintain the Obama aggressiveness and militancy toward Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries. The second front arrayed against Trump is from Soros-funded political groups and media. This second line of attack is a propaganda war, utilizing hundreds of anti-Trump newspapers, web sites, and broadcasters, that will seek to undermine public confidence in the Trump administration from its outset.

One of Trump's political advertisements, released just prior to Election Day, stated that George Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Lloyd Blankfein, are all part of "a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities". Soros and his minions immediately and ridiculously attacked the ad as "anti-Semitic". President Trump should be on guard against those who his campaign called out in the ad and their colleagues. Soros's son, Alexander Soros, called on Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, to publicly disavow Trump. Soros's tactics not only seek to split apart nations but also families. Trump must be on guard against the current and future machinations of George Soros, including his Purple Revolution.

Pinto Currency nmb Nov 11, 2016 8:37 PM ,

Purple must be the color of pedophiles.

Soros, Clintons, Podestas, amd apparently Obama are all into it as we are learning from Comet Ping Pong scandal:

Keep your eye on Jared Kushner, who is Trump's son-in-law. He refused to have his newspaper the NY Observer endorse Trump. That is not a good sign.

MalteseFalcon Pinto Currency Nov 11, 2016 8:39 PM ,
"It is doubtful that President Trump's aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton's private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care."

None of those "pressing issues" involve the DOJ or the FBI.

Investigate, prosecute and jail Hillary Clinton and her crew.

Trump is going to need a hostage or two to deal with these fucks.

If he doesn't, they will deal with him.

letsit Occident Mortal Nov 11, 2016 8:45 PM ,
Netanyahu, the greatest neocon of all, endorsed Trump. All TRUE neocons love Trump.

Husk-Erzulie nmewn Nov 12, 2016 9:48 AM ,
Big series of protests being planned. Recruiting ads in Craigslist nationwide. Purple ties and dresses all over MSM this morning.

This is when the Purple Hats, Flags, Balloons start coming out.

Kill it before it grows.

any_mouse californiagirl Nov 12, 2016 2:54 AM ,
Purple and royalty? Purple in Rome?

News for the Clintons, The R's and D's already united to vote against Hillary.

I do not understand why they think street protests will bring down a POTUS? And that would be acceptable in a major nation.

Why isn't the government cracking down the separatists in Oregon, California, and elsewhere? They are not accepting the legal outcome of an election. They are calling for illegal secession. (Funny in 1861 this was a cause for the federal government to attack the joint and seveal states of the union.) If a group of whites had protested Obama's election in 2008?

The people living in Kalispell are reviled and ridiculed for their separatist views. Randy Weaver and family for not accepting politically correct views. And so on.

This is getting out of hand. There will be no walking this back.

Erek any_mouse Nov 12, 2016 7:47 AM ,
Purple is the color of royalty! Are these fuckers proclaiming themselves as King and Queen of America? If so, get the executioner and give them a "French Haircut"!
X_in_Sweden Grimaldus Nov 12, 2016 10:58 AM ,
Grimaldus ,

"Yes. And who are the neocons really? Progressives. Neocon is a label successfully used by criminal progressives to shield their brand."

Well let's go a little bit deeper in examing the 'who' thing:

"The neoconservative movement, which is generally perceived as a radical (rather than "conservative") Republican right, is, in reality, an intellectual movement born in the late 1960s in the pages of the monthly magazine Commentary , a media arm of the American Jewish Committee , which had replaced the Contemporary Jewish Record in 1945. The Forward , the oldest American Jewish weekly, wrote in a January 6th, 2006 article signed Gal Beckerman: " If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it.... "

From the article By Laurent Guyénot , Who Are The Neoconservatives?*

Are you connecting the dots.......folks......?

. . . _ _ _ . . . Bendromeda Strain Nov 11, 2016 11:04 PM ,

Great avatar!


Lavada Chupacabra-322 Nov 12, 2016 10:41 AM ,
The idea of arresting the Clinton Crime, Fraud and Crime Family would be welcomed. BUT, who is going to arrest them? Loretta Lynch, James Comey, WHO? The problem here is that our so called "authorities" are all in the same bed. The tentacles of the Eastern Elite Establishment are everywhere in high office, academia, the media, Big Business, etc. The swamp is thoroughly infested with this elite scum of those in the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Chatham House, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Jason Society and numerous other private clubs of the rich, powerful and influential. The Illuminati has been exposed, however they aren't going down lightly. They still have massive amounts of money, they own the media and the banking houses. Some have described it as MIMAC, the Military Industrial Media Academic Complex. A few months ago here at Zero Hedge, there was an article which showed a massive flow chart of the elites and their organization

They could IF and WHEN Trump gets to Washington after 20 Jan 2017, simply implode the economy and blame t it on Trump. Sort of what happened to Herbert Hoover in the late 1920's. Unfortunately the situation in the US will continue to deteriorate. George Soros, a major financial backer of Hillary will see to that. Soros is a Globalist and advocate of one world government. People comment that Soros should be arrested. I agree, BUT who is going to do that?

Grimaldus ShortCommonSense Nov 12, 2016 9:12 AM ,
Agree. I think Trump will yank all the "aid" to Israel as well as "aid" to the Islamic murderers of the Palitrashian human garbage infesting the area. This "aid" money is simply a bribe to keep both from killing each other. F**k all of them. None of our business what they do.

We got progressives ( lots and lots of Jews in that group) who are the enemy of mankind and then we got Islam who are also the enemy of mankind. Why help either of them? Makes no sense.

Wile-E-Coyote Bastiat Nov 12, 2016 5:35 AM ,
How come Soros never got picked up by Mossad for war crimes against his own people?

And if he is such a subversive shit why hasn't a government given him a Polonium 210 enema.

Martian Moon Wile-E-Coyote Nov 12, 2016 8:13 AM ,
Always wondered about that

Soros is hated in Israel and has never set foot there but his foundations have done such harm that a bill was recently passed to ban foreign funding of non profit political organizations

Chupacabra-322 RopeADope Nov 11, 2016 9:03 PM ,
The fact that we all have to worry about the CIA killing a President Elect simply because the man puts America first, really says it all.

The Agency is Cancer. Why are we even waiting for them to kill another one of our people to act? There should be no question about the CIA's future in the US.

Dissolved & dishonored. Its members locked away or punished for Treason. Their reputation is so bad and has been for so long, that the fact that you joined them should be enough to justify arrest and Execution for Treason, Crimes Against Humanity & Crimes Against The American People.

King Tut Chupacabra-322 Nov 11, 2016 9:11 PM ,
JFK made the mistake of publicly stating his intention of smashing the CIA instead of just doing it quickly and quietly
Chupacabra-322 King Tut Nov 11, 2016 9:30 PM ,
There are entirely way too many Intelligence Agencies. Plus the Contractors, some of who shouldn't have high level clearance to begin with which the US sub contracts the Intel / work out to.

For Fucks sake, Government is so incompetent it can't even handle it own Intel.

Something along the lines of Eurpoe's Five Eyes would be highly effective.

Fuck those Pure Evil Psychopaths at the CIA They're nothing more than a bunch of Scum Fuck murdering, drug running, money laundering Global Crime Syndicate.

HowdyDoody Chupacabra-322 Nov 11, 2016 10:59 PM ,
Five Eyes isn't European, it is US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. If you note carefully, the NSA etc think we can't count.
chubbar Pinto Currency Nov 11, 2016 8:46 PM ,
The FBI is still investigating the Clinton Foundation, Trump needs to encourage that through backdoor channels. Soro's needs to be investigated, he has been tied to a conspiracy to incite violence, this needs to be documented and dealt with. Trump can not ignore this guy. If any of these investigations come back with a recommendation to indict then that process needs to be started. Take the fight to them, they are vulnerable!
Chupacabra-322 chubbar Nov 11, 2016 9:12 PM ,
Make a National APB Warrent for the apprehension & arrest of George Sooros for inciting violence, endsrgerimg the public & calling for the murder of our Nations Police through funding of the BLM Group.

Have every Law Informent Agency in the Nation on alert. Also, issue a Bounty in the Sum of $5,000,000 for his immediate apprehension.

kwc chubbar Nov 12, 2016 4:50 AM ,
Trump needs to replace FBI chickenshits & sellouts with loyal people then get the FBI counter-terrorism to investigate and shut down Soros & the various agencies instigating the riots. It's really simple when you quit over-thinking a problem. It's domestic terrorism. It's the FBI's job to stop it.
Laddie nmb Nov 11, 2016 8:43 PM ,
I read what Paul said this morning and thought, despite Paul's hostility to Trump during the primaries most likely due to his son, Rand's loss, that Paul gave good advice to Trump.
Let's face it Donald Trump is a STOP GAP measure. And demographic change over the next 4 years makes his re-election very, very UNLIKELY. If he keeps his campaign promises he will be a GREAT president. However as ZH reported earlier he appears to be balking from repealing Obamacare, I stress the word APPEARS.

Let us give him a chance. This is all speculation. His enemies are DEADLY as they were once they got total control in Russia, they killed according to Solzhenitsyn SIXTY-SIX MILLION Russian Christians. The descendants of those Bolsheviks are VERY powerful in the USSA. They control the Fed, Hollyweird, Wall Street, the universities...

Professor Kevin MacDonald's 'The Culture of Critique' Reviewed

Like the South Africans the Tribe TALKED us out of our nation.

Mechanisms for Cuckservatives and Other Misguided White People by Dr. Kevin MacDonald September 22, 2016

Much of the media and advertising exist by pushing buttons that trigger appropriate financially lucrative reflexes in their audiences, from pornography to romantic movies to team sports. Media profits are driven by competition over how best to push those buttons. But the effort to produce politically and racially cuckolded Whites adds a layer of complexity: What buttons do you push to make Whites complicit in their own racial and cultural demise?

Actually, there are a whole lot of them, which shouldn't be surprising. This is a very sophisticated onslaught, enabled by control over all the moral, intellectual, and political high ground by the left. With all that high ground, there are a lot of buttons you can push.

Our enemies see this as a pathetic last gasp of a moribund civilization and it is quite true for our civilization is dying. Identity Christians describe this phase as Jacob's Troubles and what the secular Guillaume Faye would, I think, describe as the catastrophe required to get people motivated. The future has yet to be written, however I cannot help but think that God's people, the White people, are stirring from their slumber.

King Tut Laddie Nov 11, 2016 8:49 PM ,
See: The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon- Rudyard Kipling
Paul Kersey -> Paul Kersey Nov 11, 2016 8:20 PM ,
"PNAC: Project for New American Century. The main neocon lobby, it focused first on invading Iraq. Founded 1997, by William Kristol & Robert Kagan. First action: open letter to Clinton advocating Iraq war. Members in the Iraq-War clique: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, BOLTON, Libby, Abrams, Wurmser, Perle.

JINSA, The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. "explaining the link between U.S. national security and Israel's security" Served on JINSA's Advisory Board: Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, BOLTON, Perle."

Mini-Me Nov 11, 2016 8:18 PM ,
If Trump has probable cause on the Soros crimes, have his DoJ request a warrant for all of Soros's communications via the NSA, empanel a grand jury, indict the bastard, and throw his raggedy ass in prison. It would be hard for him to run his retarded purple revolution when he's getting ass-raped by his cell mate.
Hurricane Baby -> Mini-Me Nov 11, 2016 8:41 PM ,
I agree. Thing is, I think as president he can simply order the NSA to cough up whatever they have, just like Obama could have done at any point. The NSA is part of the Defense Department, right? What am I missing here?
Dilluminati Nov 11, 2016 8:26 PM ,
Funny: Clinton swears Comey did her in and the DNC blames arrogant Hillary.

But in respect to Soro's money and the Dalas shooting or other incited events, there should be a grand jury empanelled and then charges brought against him. I think nothing short of him hiding in an embassy with all his money blocked by Swift is justice for the violence that he funded.

... ... ...

Skiprrrdog Nov 11, 2016 8:57 PM ,
It is doubtful that President Trump's aides will advise the new president to carry out a diversionary criminal investigation of Mrs. Clinton's private email servers and other issues related to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, especially when the nation faces so many other pressing issues, including jobs, immigration, and health care. However, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said he will continue hearings in the Republican-controlled Congress on Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Mrs. Clinton's aide Huma Abedin. President Trump should not allow himself to be distracted by these efforts. Chaffetz was not one of Trump's most loyal supporters.

And so it begins; I really hope that this is just some misinformation/disinformation, because HE PROMISED he would appoint a special prosecutor, PROMISED...

johnwburns Nov 11, 2016 9:10 PM ,
The likes of Bill Kristol, Ben Shapiro and Jonah Goldberg get to catch up on their Torah for the forseeable future but the likes of Lloyd Blankfein will probably get to entertain the court since they have probably crossed paths doing business in NYC. The "real conservative" deeply introspective, examine-my-conscience crowd screwed themselves to the wall, god love them.
Ms No Nov 11, 2016 9:05 PM ,
Trump should reverse the McCain Feingold bill. That would take some wind out of Soros' sails, at least temporarily because that was Soros' bill. He wanted campaign finance reform which actually meant that he wanted to control campaign finance through 501C3 groups, or foundations such as Open Society,, Ella Baker society, Center for American progress, etc. He has a massive web of these organizations and they fund smaller ones and all kinds of evil.
Rebel yell Nov 11, 2016 9:36 PM ,
Tyler, please rerun this! How George Sorros destroys countries, profits from currency trading, convinces the countries to privatize its assets, buys them and then sells them for yet another profit:
Posa Nov 12, 2016 10:25 AM ,
We know so little about Trump ... he's neoCon friendly to start with (remember he hired neoCon Grandee James Woolsey as an advisor)... and remember too Trump is promising his own war against Iran ... (just in case you confused him with Mother Theresa).. But then again JFK took office with a set of initiatives that were far more bellicose and provocative (like putting huge Jupiter missile launchers on the USSR border in Turkey)... once he saw he light and fired the pro Nazi Dulles Gang , JFK was gunned down in front of the whole world.

If Trump really is a nationalist patriot he'll need to innoculate the Population about the Deep State... they in turn will unleash financial disintegration and chaos, a Purple Revolution and then assassinate Trump (or have his own party impeach him)

I'm guessing though that deep down Trump is quite comfortable with a neoCon cabinet... hell he already offered Jamie Diamon the office of Treasry Secretary... no doubt a calculated gesture to signal compliance with the Deep State.

rocknrollinhone... Nov 11, 2016 9:59 PM ,
Soros is heavily invested in the globalist agenda. Wouldn't be surprised if they don't take a shot at assassinating Trump.
bsdetector Nov 11, 2016 11:10 PM ,
The Clintons do not do things by accident. Coordination of colors at the concession speech was meant for something. Perhaps the purple revolution or maybe they want to be seen as royals. It doesn't really matter why they did it; the fact is they are up to something. They will not agree to go away and even if they offered to just disappear with their wealth we know they are dishonest. They will come back... that is what they do.

They must be stripped of power and wealth. This act must be performed publicly.

In order to succeed Mr. Trump I suggest you task a group to accomplish this result. Your efforts to make America great again may disintegrate just like Obamacare if you allow the Clintons and Co. to languish in the background.

bsdetector Nov 12, 2016 12:06 AM ,
The protestors are groups of individuals who may seek association for any number of reasons. One major reason might be the loss of hope for a meaningful and prosperous life. We should seek out and listen to the individuals within these groups. If they are truly desirous of being heard they will communicate what they want without use of violence. Perhaps individuals join these protest groups because they do not have a voice.

Organizing a means to receive the protestors' complaints may co-opt any organized effort to disrupt good political interaction and it will also separate out the bad elements cited by Madsen.

The articles reporting that Mr. Trump has changed his response to the protestors is a good effort to discover the protestors' complaints and channel their energy into beneficial political activity. Something must be done quickly though, before the protests get out of hand, for if that happens the protestors will be criminals and no one will want to work with them.

In order to make America great again we need input from all of America. Mr. Trump you can harness the energy of these protestors and let them know they are a part of your movement.

Batman11 -> Batman11 Nov 12, 2016 3:09 AM ,
Classical economists are experts on today's capitalism, it is 18th and 19th Century capitalism, it's how it all started.

Adam Smith would think we are on the road to ruin.

"But the rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with the prosperity and fall with the declension of the society. On the contrary, it is naturally low in rich and high in poor countries, and it is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin."

Exactly the opposite of today's thinking, what does he mean?

When rates of profit are high, capitalism is cannibalizing itself by:

1) Not engaging in long term investment for the future

2) Paying insufficient wages to maintain demand for its products and services.

Got that wrong as well.

Adam Smith wouldn't like today's lobbyists.

"The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it."


dogismycopilot Nov 12, 2016 5:39 AM ,
First five minutes of Alex Jones' video today is clips of people saying "Donald Trump will never be president".

Full Show - Soros-Funded Goons Deployed to Overthrow America - 11/11/2016

CoCosAB Nov 12, 2016 7:04 AM ,
AMERICAN SPRING: She practiced overseas in Tunisia, Algeria, Oman, Jordan, Libya, Egypt... Now it's time to apply the knowledge in her own country!

lakecity55 -> CoCosAB •Nov 12, 2016 7:53 AM

Really good chance these subversive operations will continue. Soros has plenty of money. Trump will have to do some rough stuff, but he needs to, it's what we hired him for.

[Nov 12, 2016] NATO mulls worst-case scenario in case Trump pulls US troops out of Europe – report - RT News

Nov 12, 2016 |
NATO strategists are reportedly planning for a scenario in which Trump orders US troops out of Europe, as the shock result of the US presidential election sinks in, spreading an atmosphere of uncertainty. According to Spiegel magazine, strategists from NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg's staff have drafted a secret report which includes a worst-case scenario in which Trump orders US troops to withdraw from Europe and fulfills his threat to make Washington less involved in European security. Read more German defense minister says Trump should be firm with Russia as NATO stood by US after 9/11

"For the first time, the US exit from NATO has become a threat" which would mean the end of the bloc, a German NATO officer told the magazine.

During his campaign, Trump repeatedly slammed NATO, calling the alliance "obsolete." He also suggested that under his administration, the US may refuse to come to the aid of NATO allies unless they "pay their bills" and "fulfill their obligations to us."

"We are experiencing a moment of the highest and yet unprecedented uncertainty in the transatlantic relationship," said Wolfgang Ischinger, former German ambassador in Washington and head of the prominent Munich Security Conference. By criticizing the collective defense, Trump has questioned the basic pillar of NATO as a whole, Ischinger added.

The president-elect therefore has to reassure the European allies that he remains firm on the US commitment under Article 5 of the NATO charter prior to his inauguration, the top diplomat stressed.

Earlier this week, Stoltenberg lambasted Trump's agenda, saying: "All allies have made a solemn commitment to defend each other. This is something absolutely unconditioned."

Fearing that Trump would not appear in Brussels even after his inauguration, NATO has re-scheduled its summit – expected to take place in early 2017 – to next summer, Spiegel said.

The report might reflect current moods within the EU establishment as well, as Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has called on the member states to establish Europe's own military.

Washington "will not ensure the security of the Europeans in the long term... we have to do this ourselves," he argued on Thursday.

If Trump is serious about reducing the number of US troops stationed in Europe, large NATO countries like Germany have little to offer, Spiegel said. Even major member states' militaries lack units able to replace the Americans, which in turn may trigger debate on strengthening NATO's nuclear arm, a sensitive issue in most European countries for domestic reasons.

Still, an increase in defense spending has already been approved by the Europeans following pressure from the outgoing US administration. Over the past few days in Brussels, representatives of NATO states have been working on the so-called "Blue Book," a secret strategy paper which stipulates each member's contribution in the form of troops, aircraft, warships, and heavy armor until 2032, Spiegel reported.

The document stipulates an increase in each NATO members' military spending by one percent of each nation's GDP, in addition to the current two percent.

Uncertainty over Trump's NATO policy seems to be taking its toll; Germany, one of the largest military powers in Europe, plans to allocate 130 billion euros ($140bn) to military expenditures by 2030, but the remarkable figure may be a drop in the ocean.

"No one knows yet if the one percent more would be enough," the German NATO officer told Spiegel.

Nevertheless, the US is continuing to deploy troops to eastern Europe, justifying the move with the need to protect the region from "assertive Russia." Earlier this week, the largest arms shipment yet, 600 containers, arrived in Germany to supply the US armored and combat aviation brigades, expected to deploy in Europe by January 2017.

Read more EU Commission president wants clarity from Trump on NATO, trade

[Nov 12, 2016] Trump's national security guru

Notable quotes:
"... Better relations with Russia will encourage them to venture into Europe? How does that work? The more friendly they are with us, I'd think the less they'd want to upset us and destroy those gains. The alternative might end up in a war with Russia. Yeah, that's great! Good grief, CNN. ..."
"... " ultranationalistic rhetoric". This sensationalist hyperbole is wrecking our language. Being against intervening in other countries affairs is not being "ultranationalistic" ..."
"... When you [neo]liberals living in your bubble fly over middle America, over all the small towns, farms, factories and coal miners that you often forget about. Just remember that there is a big middle finger pointing up at you. ..."
"... Well now a substancial portion of Americans know that free trade isn't so good. When it started to hit home for non working class folks, eyes opened up. ..."

Flynn, like Trump, sees Russian president Vladimir Putin as someone the US can do business with. In December, Flynn attended a banquet in Moscow where he sat next to Putin. He also has appeared on the Kremlin TV mouthpiece, Russia Today (which Flynn has compared to CNN).

If Flynn is Trump's national security advisor or secretary of defense we can expect him to push for a closer relationship with the Russians; a punitive policy on Iran -- and a more aggressive war on Islamist militants around the world. These views mesh well with what we have heard from Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

Daniel, 35 minutes ago

Mr. Bergen : "American Islamists, Flynn claims, are trying to create "an Islamic state right here at home" by pushing to "gain legal standing for Sharia." Flynn cited no evidence for this claim." !!!?? Really ?? "German court lets off 'Sharia police' patrol in Wuppertal"


Not a bad article up until the last paragraph. Better relations with Russia will encourage them to venture into Europe? How does that work? The more friendly they are with us, I'd think the less they'd want to upset us and destroy those gains. The alternative might end up in a war with Russia. Yeah, that's great! Good grief, CNN.

And "derail the deal that prevents Iran from developing nuclear weapons"? What is this, backwards day?

Ron Lane

" ultranationalistic rhetoric". This sensationalist hyperbole is wrecking our language. Being against intervening in other countries affairs is not being "ultranationalistic"


Iraq was a failure , But attacking IRAN will not be ??????????? FOOLS

CNN User

When you [neo]liberals living in your bubble fly over middle America, over all the small towns, farms, factories and coal miners that you often forget about. Just remember that there is a big middle finger pointing up at you.

We don't accept your values and are tired of having ours oppressed.


@Lenny Good - Ukraine should clearly be dominated by Russia and who gives a s t about Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Call me when Russia is threatening Poland

Dwright :

Well now a substancial portion of Americans know that free trade isn't so good. When it started to hit home for non working class folks, eyes opened up.

[Nov 11, 2016] The Democrats abandoned the only people that are paying the bills in this country - period! And the working class sent a message loud and clear.

Nov 11, 2016 |
sou812 3h ago 0 1 The Democrats abandoned the only people that are paying the bills in this country - period! And the working class sent a message loud and clear. The arrogance and ignorance of he left is astounding: focused on the novelty of getting a woman elected to the presidency even though she was the worst of choices. An arrogant, dishonest, bought and paid for Wall Street elitist like her husband, they thought that her experience was enough to seal her success. Ta!
The Dem's have lost it all and it will take two decades to recover, if ever.

[Nov 11, 2016] Betrayal is punished...

Nov 11, 2016 |


, 10 Nov 2016 12:4>
After 8 years of "no change" Obama, a president totally owned by the corporations, banks, big money etc. and the man who failed to do anything about that huge and ever widening wealth gap the Democrats were obviously out of favour with the poor working class. But the voters seem to have forgotten than Trump still stands for the Republicans and thats where he will enrol his cabinet from, he can not act alone. Those same weak, ineffective ultra right loonies that stood against Trump and made him look special will now stand with him in government. Its still money politics.

[Nov 11, 2016] Mutinous DNC Staffers Rage At Donna Brazile You Are Part Of The Problem... You Let This Happen

Nov 11, 2016 |

Mutinous DNC Staffers Rage At Donna Brazile: "You Are Part Of The Problem... You Let This Happen"

Tyler Durden Nov 11, 2016 2:55 PM 0 SHARES Liar, cheat, and fired CNN contributor Donna Brazile faced an angry crowd on Thursday night ... as Democratic Party officials held their first staff meeting since Hillary Clinton was crushed by the "least qualified candidate for President ever."

As The Huffington Post reports, Donna Brazile, the interim leader of the Democratic National Committee, was giving what one attendee described as "a rip-roaring speech" to about 150 employees, about the need to have hope for wins going forward, when a staffer identified only as Zach stood up with a question.

"Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this?" he asked, according to two people in the room. "You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend [former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz] plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself."

Some DNC staffers started to boo and some told him to sit down. Brazile began to answer, but Zach had more to say.

"You are part of the problem," he continued, blaming Brazile for clearing the path for Trump's victory by siding with Clinton early on . "You and your friends will die of old age and I'm going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy."

Zach gathered his things and began to walk out. When Brazile called after him, asking where he was going, he told her to go outside and "tell people there" why she should be leading the party.

Two DNC staffers confirmed the exchange, and Brazile appeared to confirm the exchange also...

"As you can imagine, the individual involved is a member of the staff and I personally do not wish to discuss our internal meetings."

Brazile could move to stay on as chair after March, but Thursday's meeting shows at least some party officials want fresh blood at the top.

"The party is at a crossroads. They have been using the same playbook for decades, and now, they won't let anyone else come in and change it up," said one former longtime DNC staffer, who requested anonymity to speak freely.

"The fact that Democrats just sat through a devastating defeat and now have to trust the leadership that not only contributed to Clinton's loss, but the crushing 2014 midterm losses, well, what do they expect?"

Mutiny at the DNC? And where does Brazile go now? No TV network will hire a proven liar and cheat. There's no Democratic campaign for her to jump to like Wasserman-Schultz... So Brazile will probably find herself worling at The Clinton Foundation.

[Nov 11, 2016] Obama can pardon Clinton Foundation players without specified which crimes they committed

Nov 11, 2016 |
Ken Nari | Nov 11, 2016 2:51:53 PM | 55
Susan Sunflower @ 48

Disgusting as it is, yes, my understanding is Obama can do exactly that. My guess is, want to or not, he probably will come under so much pressure he will have to pass out plenty of pardons. Or maybe Lynch will give everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation immunity to testify and then seal the testimony -- or never bother to get any testimony. So many games.

For Obama, it might not even take all that much pressure. From about his second day in office, from his body language, he's always looked like he was scared.

Instead of keeping his mouth shut, which he would do, being the lawyer he is, Giuliani has been screaming for the Clintons' scalps. That's exactly what a sharp lawyer would do if he was trying to force Obama to pardon them. If he really meant to get them he would be agreeing with the FBI, saying there doesn't seem to be any evidence of wrong doing, and then change his mind once (if) he's AG and it's too late for deals.

With so many lawyers, Obama, the Clintons, Lynch, Giuliani, Comey, no justice is likely to come out of this.

h | Nov 11, 2016 2:53:37 PM | 56
Maybe I saw the question about a 9/11 investigation on the other thread, but someone here asked if this is true. Well, it appears to be on a burner -

jdmckay | Nov 11, 2016 2:58:20 PM | 57
Ken Nari @ 55

From what I've read, prez pardon comes with explicit admission of guilt. Highly questionable either (or both) Clintons would accept that.

Mina | Nov 11, 2016 3:03:16 PM | 58
Simply brilliant
(it could be on the other thread, sorry)

Susan Sunflower | Nov 11, 2016 3:12:12 PM | 59
@ Posted by: Ken Nari | Nov 11, 2016 2:51:53 PM | 55

I heard a podcast on Batchelor with Charles Ortel which explained some things -- even if there are no obvious likely criminal smoking guns -- given that foundations get away with a lot of "leniency" because they are charities, incomplete financial statements and chartering documents, as I recall. I was most interested in his description of the number of jurisdictions the Foundation was operating under, some of whom, like New York were already investigating; and others, foreign who might or might be, who also have very serious regulations, opening the possibility that if the Feds drop their investigation, New York (with very very strict law) might proceed, and that they might well be investigated (prosecuted/banned??) in Europe.

The most recent leak wrt internal practices was just damning ... it sounded like a playground of favors and sinecures ... no human resources department, no written policies on many practices ...

This was an internal audit and OLD (2008, called "the Gibson Review") so corrective action may have been taken, but I thought was damning enough to deter many donors (even before Hillary's loss removed that incentive) particularly on top of the Band (2011) memo. Unprofessional to the extreme.

It's part of my vast relief that Clinton lost and will not be in our lives 24/7/365 for the next 4 years. (I think Trump is an unprincipled horror, but that's as may be, I'm not looking for a fight). After the mess Clinton made of Haiti (and the accusations/recriminations) I somehow thought they'd have been more careful with their "legacy" -- given that it was founded in 1997, 2008 is a very long time to be operating without written procedures wrt donations, employment

from 11/08/2016, Batchelor segment page

[Nov 11, 2016] Of course it's pc to pretend that immigrants create jobs rather than taking them etc etc. But I would put this question to any economist, journalist or politician who doesn't believe that immigration hurts the working classes: how would you like it if a million workers arrived, all qualified to your level or above in economics/journalism/politics, and all willing to work for much less than you make?

Nov 11, 2016 |
Ed209 5h ago 2 3 Good article, but it fails to mention immigration as a further factor hammering the working class. Of course it's pc to pretend that immigrants create jobs rather than taking them etc etc. But I would put this question to any economist, journalist or politician who doesn't believe that immigration hurts the working classes: how would you like it if a million workers arrived, all qualified to your level or above in economics/journalism/politics, and all willing to work for much less than you make?

Of course, in the case of the UK it hasn't been one million, but more than three million. And in the case of the USA, untold millions (illegals alone are thought to number 10 million).

It's because economists, journalists and politicians never have to face this kind of competition for their own jobs that they are so keen on mass immigration. But low-skill/no-skill workers face this reality everyday. Nika2015 Ed209 4h ago 0 1 Telling it like it is...Bravo! Reply Share Share on Facebook Facebook Share on Twitter Twitter | Pick Report Dana Todd Ed209 4h ago 0 1 There's a pretty in-depth analysis of immigration's effect on economy and workers/wages here
Bottom line is, it's complicated, and not all immigrants are the same - or the same value to a country. Immigrants with college degrees definitely add to the GDP of their new home, typically estimated in six figures cumulative per individual contribution. Immigrants without college degree do place a drain on the country, through depressed wages, because there's parity (and since we haven't invested as much in our educations here, we are not as competitive to outside labor). Illegal immigrants cause a definite deficit, albeit not so big as to threaten an entire economy - but by creating an artificial competition they drive wages down.
I am by all measures a liberal and very open to immigration - I think we can't measure in dollars what we get in new ideas, new energy, culture, art, food, music - but for those who take a hard line look at the return/impacts, it's worth taking the time to understand the more complex story in the data.

[Nov 11, 2016] The Democrats did a fine job of stomping out any enthusiasm by sabotaging Bernie Sanders

Nov 11, 2016 |
Paid Minion November 10, 2016 at 3:21 pm

The Democrats did a fine job of stomping out any enthusiasm by sabotaging Bernie Sanders.

The DNC became a wholly owned subsidiary of Clinton Family Inc. starting in about 2008. Control the rulemakers/money flow, and you can control who the nominee is. At least that is the conventional thinking, and Clinton Inc. is nothing if not conventional.

To buy the DNC, she chose to go to the Wall Street banksters, and others. Essentially an "up front" bribe. No smoking gun needed to be created. They knew what they were paying for, without it being said.

(I'm curious to see how many "donations" the Clinton Foundation receives, now that she's been pushed out on an ice floe.)

They never anticipated a challenger who didn't need the DNC, or it's cash.

They ignored the stats showing how many people wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton under any circumstance. Just call them racist/sexist/dumbazz hicks, and call them "deplorables". Ask Mitt Romney how that worked out for him.

She lost an election to DONALD TRUMP. Even without the airwaves filled with Republican attack ads. (Lack of RNC enthusiasm for Trump? Or a recognition that Hillary's negatives couldn't be covered in a 30 second commercial?).

If it wasn't for the Clinton's collective ego, and lust for power/money (after all, we all now that in the current state of affairs, the moneyed class drives policy), we'd all (well, all of us who don't live in the rarefied air of the 1%ers/Banksters) be celebrating the upcoming inauguration of President Sanders.

[Nov 11, 2016] Clinton raised $154 million in September for her campaign and the party. And people "getting the resources they needed"? Seems odd.

Nov 11, 2016 |

oho November 10, 2016 at 7:06 pm

". Clinton raised $154 million in September for her campaign and the party. And people "getting the resources they needed"? Seems odd."

smells like the allegations thrown at the Clinton Foundation--insiders directing very generous contracts to other insiders. with competence or efficacy secondary.

Nothing to see of course.

Carolinian November 10, 2016 at 7:25 pm

How Podesta may have caused Clinton to weaken her position on Wall Street. New Wikileak shows he pushed her to show "love" for Obama rather than criticism of BHO's handling of reform

The next day, an OpEd under the byline of Hillary Clinton appeared at Bloomberg News. Obama's name was mentioned four separate times in a highly favorable light. Clinton said Obama had signed into law "important new rules" after the 2008 financial crash; she was going to "build on the progress we've made under President Obama"; "thanks to President Obama's leadership" the economy is now on "sounder footing"; and the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation that Obama signed into law had "made important reforms, but there's more to do."

Since Bloomberg News is heavily read by people on Wall Street, this was a signal to them that Hillary Clinton would leave the bulk of her husband's cash cow deregulation in place by following in the footsteps of Obama. What Obama's administration had done in 2010 was to create the illusion of regulating Wall Street by proposing hundreds of vaguely worded rules in the Dodd-Frank legislation, then putting crony Wall Street regulators in charge at the SEC and U.S. Treasury to be sure the rules were never actually implemented in any meaningful way. (Under Dodd-Frank, the U.S. Treasury Secretary now sits atop a new financial stability body known as the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The crony Federal Reserve, which failed to see the crisis coming, was given enhanced supervisory powers over the largest Wall Street bank holding companies.) Obama even ignored one of his own rules in Dodd-Frank. It called for Obama to appoint a Vice Chairman for Supervision at the Federal Reserve to police Wall Street.[…]

There is another telling fact in the email. Hillary Clinton seems to have had very little to do with actually fashioning her policies. Another Clinton adviser, Dan Schwerin, indicates that WJC (William Jefferson Clinton, i.e. Bill Clinton) had edited the OpEd with "further refinements from policy team," but there is no mention that Hillary Clinton was involved in her own OpEd that would bear her byline.

So not just by Podesta but victimized by her philandering husband one last time? Awhile back Pat Lang suggested it was really Bill who pushed her into running. The impeach-ee needed his legacy redeemed.

Tom November 10, 2016 at 7:53 pm

Regarding this part of the excerpt:

Hillary Clinton seems to have had very little to do with actually fashioning her policies.

This is a point that has irked me ever since I waded into the Podesta emails - how even the smallest public statement or even just a Tweet required numerous rounds of revisions, feedback, vetting and tweaking from the Clinton insiders.

It seemed that Clinton rarely had a fire in the belly on any particular position. It was whatever her team determined was the most politcally advantageous at the moment.

Maybe this is how most presidential candidates function, but it made me see Clinton as Presidential Robot Version 2016, programmed by her team to simulate the appearance of a person with convictions.

I'm sure she has some real convictions and I'm sure she has done real good in the world. But maybe Assange is right - she has been consumed by power and greed and was seduced by the possibility of more.

[Nov 11, 2016] Keith Ellison, Howard Dean offered as possible DNC chairs as Democrats seek to regroup

Nov 11, 2016 |

In the wreckage of Hillary Clinton's unexpected loss, liberal lawmakers and advocacy groups have started plotting a major overhaul of the Democratic National Committee, with the aim of using the staid organization to reconnect the party with working-class voters it lost to President-elect Donald Trump.

Much of the talk since Tuesday's election has focused on selecting a new chairman, with the most frequently mentioned successor being Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), a leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who backed the primary bid of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

On Thursday afternoon, former Vermont governor Howard Dean (D) offered his service for a second tenure as DNC chairman, saying on Twitter: "The dems need organization and focus on the the young. Need a fifty State strategy and tech rehab. I am in for chairman again."

Evil Incarnate1956

I think the Republicans should get down on their knees and give thanks to God for Barack Obama. I'm serious.

He did great at getting himself elected, and he had some coattails when he was on the ballot. When he wasn't on the ballot, the Dems' election performance has been one unmitigated disaster after another- midterm epic-fails in 2010 and 2014, and Tuesday's election the frosting on the cake.

Where is the Democrats' bench strength? Where is their future? Besides Barack Obama, the face of their party today is Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Steny Hoyer.

Obama, by cramming Obamacare down people's throats against their will, and his executive order overreach, has taken a wrecking ball to the Democrat Party.

I hope the Democrats will adopt a strategy to continue the trend.

Neat trick.....if you were to take the overtones of the media at large and the messaging coming from the HRC camp you can easily see why she lost the rust belt. I worked as a carpenter in South Bend, IN from about 2002-2008 and she was never going to win those people without a MESSAGE....when did she ELEVATE AND STUMP HARD for income equality and the platform....NEVER!!!! It was against her principles and the interests of the people who surrounded her and the DNC.....FOOLS!!!!!

Neoliberalism is DEAD....even the IMF, published a report on this back in June 2016....take a look at Glen Greenwald's piece while you're at it.

nealkaye, 8:46 PM EST

The GOP has the White House, the Senate and the House, the 33 state Governerships and, for the next 30 years, the US Supreme Court (once Trump picks the next 3 Justices).

Thank you Pres. Obama.

[Nov 08, 2016] Clintons Foreign Policy Will Obviously Be More Aggressive, So Why Pretend Otherwise

Nov 08, 2016 |
By Daniel Larison James Traub gamely tries to convince us (and himself) that Clinton's foreign policy won't be as aggressive and meddlesome as she says it will be, but he undermines his argument when he says this:

As a senator and later secretary of state, she rarely departed from the counsel of senior military officials. She was far more persuaded of the merits of Gen. David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal's counterinsurgency plan for Afghanistan, which would have sent an additional 40,000 troops there, than Obama was and maybe even more than then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates was. She rarely departed from Gates on any significant issue. Of course, the one time she did so was on Libya, where she advocated intervention and he did not [bold mine-DL]. On Syria, Clinton may have to choose between her own expressed commitments and a Pentagon that is far more cautious and more inclined to see mishap than are civilian interventionists. I wonder how Kagan-esque she will be in the White House. Less so, perhaps, than she was as secretary of state.

In other words, when military officers recommended a larger escalation, she agreed with them, and when Gates didn't support intervention she didn't agree. Clinton was fine with advice from the military when it meant supporting deeper involvement, but she broke with Gates when he didn't want to take sides in a foreign war. That isn't a picture of someone who consistently heeds military advice, but rather someone who always opts for the more aggressive option available at the time. It doesn't make much sense that Clinton as president would be less "Kagan-esque" than she was as a member of Obama's Cabinet. As president, she will have considerable leeway to do as she sees fit, Congress will be pathetically quiescent as usual, and most of the foreign policy establishment will be encouraging her to do more in Syria and elsewhere. Clinton will be predisposed to agree with what they urge her to do, and in the last twenty years she has never seen a military intervention that she thought was unnecessary or too risky. Why is that suddenly going to change when she has the power of the presidency? In virtually every modern case, a new president ends up behaving more hawkishly than expected based on campaign rhetoric. All of the pressures and incentives in Washington push a president towards do-somethingism, and Clinton has typically been among the least resistant to the demand to "do something" in response to crises and conflicts, so why would we think she would become more cautious once she is in office? I can understand why many of her supporters wish that to be the case, but it flies in the face of all the available evidence, including most of what we know about how Washington works.

Traub makes a number of predictions at the end of his article:

She will not make dumb mistakes. She will reassure every ally who needs reassurance. She will try to mute China's adventurism in the South China Sea without provoking a storm of nationalism. She'll probably disappoint the neocons. She won't go out on any limbs. She won't shake the policymaking consensus.

I don't know where this confidence in Clinton's good judgment comes from, but it seems misplaced. I suppose it depends on what you think smart foreign policy looks like, but there is a fair amount of evidence from Clinton's own record that she is quite capable of making dumb mistakes.

That doesn't just apply to her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq and her backing for intervention in Libya, but could also refer to her support for sending weapons to Ukraine, her endorsement of "no-fly" and safe zones in Syria, her preference for more sanctions on Iran while negotiations were still taking place, and her belief that the U.S. has to bomb another country to retain its "credibility." All of these are mistakes, and some are quite dumb.

It isn't at all reassuring to know that Clinton will "reassure every ally who needs reassurance," because in practice that means indulging bad behavior from reckless clients and rewarding them with more aid and weapons. Earlier in the article, Traub seems to understand that enabling the Saudis is a bad idea:

This last policy, which for Clinton will come under the heading of "alliance management," would only deepen the violence and sectarian strife rending the region. She would be better advised to tell the Saudis that the United States will reduce its support of their war effort unless they make serious efforts toward a lasting cease-fire.

That would certainly be wiser than offering uncritical backing of their intervention, but what is the evidence that Clinton thinks U.S. support for the war on Yemen needs to be curtailed? Yemen has been devastated in no small part because of Obama's willingness to "reassure" the Saudis and their allies. What other countries will be made to suffer so Clinton can keep them happy? Clinton may disappoint neocons, but then they are disappointed by anything short of preventive war. Even if Clinton's foreign policy isn't aggressive enough to satisfy them, it is likely to be far more aggressive than necessary.

[Nov 08, 2016] The US elections are a staged political farce with NO MATERIAL IMPACT on the US imperial policies, domestic or international

Notable quotes:
"... It is shockingly disappointing that MOA, this otherwise intelligent incisive, a deeply intellectual and factual blog's readership exhibit a trait common to overall American anti-intellectual sheeple constituency as Gore Vidal posited decades ago, having no shame expressing their utter confusion and ignorance about one fundamental fact of reality they are facing. ..."
"... Those political puppets, stooges of oligarchy are no alternatives to the calcified imperial system itself, they never have been and they never will. They are new/old faces of the same old 240 y.o. Anglo-American imperial regime based on ancient and modern slavery and they already declared it by submitting to it via pledging to run in this farcical rigged electoral fallacy. ..."
Nov 08, 2016 |

Kalen | Nov 8, 2016 3:21:04 AM | 73

It is shockingly disappointing that MOA, this otherwise intelligent incisive, a deeply intellectual and factual blog's readership exhibit a trait common to overall American anti-intellectual sheeple constituency as Gore Vidal posited decades ago, having no shame expressing their utter confusion and ignorance about one fundamental fact of reality they are facing.

THE FACT: The US elections are a staged political farce with NO MATERIAL IMPACT on the US imperial policies, domestic or international WHATSOEVER. And that's the fact based on rock solid empirical evidences also MOA proliferates that only a mental patient can deny.


Those political puppets, stooges of oligarchy are no alternatives to the calcified imperial system itself, they never have been and they never will. They are new/old faces of the same old 240 y.o. Anglo-American imperial regime based on ancient and modern slavery and they already declared it by submitting to it via pledging to run in this farcical rigged electoral fallacy.

All at the end will openly pledge unwavering support for the regime and their rotten deeply corrupted parties while abandoning their gullible voters.

Supporters of any of these plastic puppets of oligarchy not unlike a cargo cult, are impatient, nervous, excited and scared sitting and waiting before an impregnable curtain of political deceit, lies and manipulation by the ruling elite in front of their wide shut eyes , turning to magic, superstition, appeasement, making up stories, poems out of their incoherent utterances filed with tautologies, innuendos and absurd, begging for mercy or praying for a caprice of good will to save them ultimately in a form of fake, meaningless political turds passing as empty "political" platform promises while blatantly abandoning their unalienable rights to independence, self-determination and democratic system of people's rule, based on equality in the law, and one voter one vote principle, for a role of a meddlesome spectators to their own execution.

THE FACT: The democratic electoral system worth participating does not exist in the US but none of the candidates would utter this truth as long as they can benefit from the fraud and that includes third parties. If this was a true change or revolution, that we desperately need, honest leaders would not run their campaign within the corrupted system set up by and for two oligarchic parties but they would decry and utterly reject it.

Think people, all the so-called candidates even third party candidates are just nibbling on the behemoth of abhorrent and brutal US imperial power mostly with utterances that they never intended to follow if they wanted to survive terror of the US security apparatus, while peddling the lies about small incremental changes and stealing ours and our children future by asking us to wait, be patient, and begging ruling elite for mercy and may be for some crumbs from an oligarchs' table after they are not able to gorge themselves anymore with our blood sweat and tears.

Unfortunately, this time as well, millions of irrational, desperate and helpless in their daily lives electoral zombies such as those, under a spell of exciting political masquerade, regrettably also on this blog, will be aligning themselves with one or the other anointed by establishment winner [whoever it will be] of a meaningless popularity/beauty contest, in a delusional feat of transference of a fraction of elite's power to themselves just for a second of a thrill of illusion of power, illusion of feelings that something depends on me, that I can make a difference, a delusion of holding skies from falling and by that saving the world common among paranoid mental patients.

And they will continue to authorize their own suicide mission, since even baseless, continually disproved hope of Sisyphus, of any chance of influencing of the political realm via means of begging is the last thing that dies.




Posted by: Kalen | Nov 8, 2016 3:21:04 AM | 73

[Nov 08, 2016] Which way Utah falls

Notable quotes:
"... I think Mormons are ticked over Romney losing in 2012 and blame Evangelicals ask when there was fear Evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon. Romney did as well as a non Mormon robber baron would have done in 2012. Trump trashing Romney annoyed Mormons who probably aren't going to get another shot at the Oval Office any time soon. ..."
"... the Romney, Will, Kristol, McCain, Graham, Paulson, Blankfein NEVER TRUMP brigades are up to their sleazy behinds in the Clinton Foundation FRAUD. ..."
"... The Foundation is under very very strict rules but has ignored all of them, putting all their contributors at risk. If Trump wins – a grand jury will have all the necessary ammunition to bring down a whole lot of people, here and abroad. ..."
Nov 08, 2016 |
Vatch November 7, 2016 at 2:47 pm

Shouldn't Utah be considered a swing state in 2016? Some Mormons are unhappy with aspects of Trump's behavior, and wild card McMullin is a member of the LDS church.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef November 7, 2016 at 3:15 pm

Can't be worse than Bill's behavior. Plus Trump doesn't drink.

Vatch November 7, 2016 at 3:48 pm

Nate Silver's site gives Trump an overwhelming advantage in Utah, but I still think that surprises are possible. See this article (which admittedly also shows a significant polling advantage for Trump):

An Emerson College poll released on November 3 shows him at 28 percent to Trump's 40 percent and Clinton's 20 percent.

Jason Perry, the director of Utah's bipartisan Hinckley Institute, says there is a large percentage of voters who do not even know who McMullin is, "but they know who he is not. He's not Trump, and he's not Hillary".

With 67 percent of Utah voters viewing Trump unfavourably according to a Monmouth University poll, voting for the Republican candidate does not appear to sit well with Utah's value-minded voters.

Becky Rasmussen, 37, of Highland City, is one such voter who could not see herself voting for Trump, in part because of her Mormon faith.

While she also sees Clinton as unfit for the presidency, Trump, she says, is "completely morally bankrupt …You see framed in his office him on the cover of Playboy Magazine".

But Porter Goodman, 28, from Provo – who believes that voting for McMullin "is the only way to not throw away your vote" – says it is not his Mormon beliefs that cause him to view Trump as having a "lack of morality".

"I say he lacks morality because he lies and because he abuses other people with his words and actions," Goodman says. "Savour the magnificent irony of Trump supporters who say, 'Yeah, Trump may be a pathological liar, but set that aside and focus on the great things he says he'll do as president."

NotTimothyGeithner November 7, 2016 at 4:42 pm

I think Mormons are ticked over Romney losing in 2012 and blame Evangelicals ask when there was fear Evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon. Romney did as well as a non Mormon robber baron would have done in 2012. Trump trashing Romney annoyed Mormons who probably aren't going to get another shot at the Oval Office any time soon.

Nate doesn't do a why or how of trends and just focuses on raw numbers based on previous polls. It's why he never landed a baseball job when other Stat geeks did. If there was an usual trend in Utah, Nate would miss it.

The key issue is are Mormons "Republicans" or "conservative" when they describe themselves. If their identity is "conservative," I could see them not voting for Trump. If being a "Republican" matters, they will vote. They voted for McCain, and the fundies hated that guy.

GMoore November 7, 2016 at 5:52 pm

the Romney, Will, Kristol, McCain, Graham, Paulson, Blankfein NEVER TRUMP brigades are up to their sleazy behinds in the Clinton Foundation FRAUD.

The Foundation is under very very strict rules but has ignored all of them, putting all their contributors at risk. If Trump wins – a grand jury will have all the necessary ammunition to bring down a whole lot of people, here and abroad.

It's the great untold story of this election. IT's also the spit and glue that holds the Clinton coalition of media, government, Wall St, Dems and Goper royalty together in this fight to the death to keep a "friendly" administration in DC. This is kill or be killed time.

[Nov 08, 2016] The real danger of serious election-rigging: electronic voting machines. How do we know the machine *really* recorded everyones votes correctly? Insrtead we have anti-russian hysteria fed to us 24 x 7

Notable quotes:
"... "Yet commentators who have been ready and willing to attribute Donald Trump's success to anger, authoritarianism, or racism rather than policy issues have taken little note of the extent to which Mr. Sanders's support is concentrated not among liberal ideologues but among disaffected white men." ... ..."
"... poor pk a leader of the Stalinist press ..."
"... the surprising success of Bernie Sanders -- a Brooklyn-born, Jewish socialist -- in the primaries is solid proof that the electorate was open to a coherent argument for genuine progressive change, and that a substantial portion of that electorate is not acting on purely racist and sexist impulses, as so many progressive commentators say. ..."
"... "I will live my life calmly and my children will be just fine. I will live my life calmly and my children will be just fine." That assumes you're about 85 years old...and don't have long to live! ..."
"... Laid out by whom? By the commercial "media" hype machine that has 12-16 hours of airtime to fill every day with the as sensationalized as possible gossip (to justify the price for the paid advertisements filling the remaining hours). ..."
"... Killary Clinton got no closer than Ann Arbor this weekend, a message! ..."
"... Mr. Krugman forgot to list the collusion of the DNC and the Clinton campaign to work against Sanders. ..."
"... putting crooked in the same sentence as Clinton or DNC is duplicative wording. This mortification is brought to US by the crooked and the stalinist press that calls crooked virtue. ..."
"... Krugman did so much to help create the mass of white working class discontent that is electing Trump. Krugman and co cheering on NAFTA/PNTR/WTO etc, US deindustrialization, collapse of middle class... ..."
"... Hopefully the working class masses will convince our rulers to abandon free trade before every last factory is sold off or dismantled and the US falls to the depths of a Chad or an Armenia. ..."

anne -> anne... , November 07, 2016 at 01:47 PM

May 23, 2016

The Truth About the Sanders Movement
By Paul Krugman

In short, it's complicated – not all bad, by any means, but not the pure uprising of idealists the more enthusiastic supporters imagine.

The political scientists Christopher Achen and Larry Bartels have an illuminating discussion of Sanders support. The key graf that will probably have Berniebros boiling is this:

"Yet commentators who have been ready and willing to attribute Donald Trump's success to anger, authoritarianism, or racism rather than policy issues have taken little note of the extent to which Mr. Sanders's support is concentrated not among liberal ideologues but among disaffected white men." ...

[ Yes, I do find defaming people by speculation or stereotype to be beyond saddening. ]

ilsm -> anne... , November 07, 2016 at 03:53 PM
poor pk a leader of the Stalinist press
anne -> Chris Lowery ... , November 07, 2016 at 10:28 AM
The fact that Obama either won, or did so much better than Hillary appears to be doing with, the white working-class vote in so many key battleground states, as well as the surprising success of Bernie Sanders -- a Brooklyn-born, Jewish socialist -- in the primaries is solid proof that the electorate was open to a coherent argument for genuine progressive change, and that a substantial portion of that electorate is not acting on purely racist and sexist impulses, as so many progressive commentators say.

And her opponent was/is incapable of debating on substance, as there was/is neither coherence nor consistency in any part of his platform -- nor that of his party....

[ Compelling argument. ]

JohnH : , November 07, 2016 at 10:26 AM
Question is, will Krugman be able to move on after the election...and talk about something useful? Like how to get Hillary to recognize and deal with inequality...
JohnH : , November 07, 2016 at 10:29 AM
Barbara Ehrenreich: "Forget fear and loathing. The US election inspires projectile vomiting. The most sordid side of our democracy has been laid out for all to see. But that's only the beginning: whoever wins, the mutual revulsion will only intensify... With either Clinton or Trump, we will be left to choke on our mutual revulsion."
JohnH -> JohnH... , November 07, 2016 at 10:29 AM
JohnH -> Bloix... , November 07, 2016 at 04:59 PM
"I will live my life calmly and my children will be just fine. I will live my life calmly and my children will be just fine." That assumes you're about 85 years old...and don't have long to live!
ilsm -> JohnH... , November 07, 2016 at 03:54 PM
the great mortification, these two.
cm -> JohnH... , November 07, 2016 at 11:11 PM
Laid out by whom? By the commercial "media" hype machine that has 12-16 hours of airtime to fill every day with the as sensationalized as possible gossip (to justify the price for the paid advertisements filling the remaining hours).
Tom aka Rusty : , November 07, 2016 at 11:17 AM
Something interesting today.... President Obama came to Michigan. I fully expected him to speak in Detroit with a get out the vote message. Instead he is in Ann Arbor, speaking to an overwhelmingly white and white-collar audience. On a related note, the Dems have apparently written off the white blue collar vote in Michigan, even much of the union vote. the union leaders are pro Clinton, but the workers not so much. Strange year.
ilsm -> Tom aka Rusty... , November 07, 2016 at 03:55 PM
Killary Clinton got no closer than Ann Arbor this weekend, a message!
John M : , November 07, 2016 at 11:26 AM
The real danger of serious election-rigging: electronic voting machines. How do we know the machine *really* recorded everyone's votes correctly? (Did any Florida county ever give Al Gore negative something votes?)
Julio -> John M ... , November 08, 2016 at 06:42 AM
That's a big subject but you are right, that is the biggest risk of significant fraud. Not just the voting machines, but the automatic counting systems. Other forms of possible election fraud are tiny by comparison.
Enquiring Mind : , November 07, 2016 at 11:48 AM
Here is the transcript from 60 Minutes about the Luntz focus group rancor. Instructive to read about the depth of feeling in case you didn't see the angry, disgusted faces of citizens.

ScottB : , November 07, 2016 at 12:08 PM
Mr. Krugman forgot to list the collusion of the DNC and the Clinton campaign to work against Sanders.
ilsm -> ScottB... , November 07, 2016 at 03:57 PM
putting crooked in the same sentence as Clinton or DNC is duplicative wording. This mortification is brought to US by the crooked and the stalinist press that calls crooked virtue.
Before the 1970s the US was both rich and protectionist - no look at our horrible roads and hopeless people - the miracle of free trade! : , November 07, 2016 at 07:13 PM
Krugman did so much to help create the mass of white working class discontent that is electing Trump. Krugman and co cheering on NAFTA/PNTR/WTO etc, US deindustrialization, collapse of middle class...

Hopefully the working class masses will convince our rulers to abandon free trade before every last factory is sold off or dismantled and the US falls to the depths of a Chad or an Armenia.

[Nov 08, 2016] We don't want World War 3 with Russia. We want our factories and jobs back, we would like to spend $1 trillion a year on infrastructure instead of blowing up yet another Middle Eastern nation.

Notable quotes:
"... We don't want World War 3 with Russia. We want our factories and jobs back, we would like to spend $1 trillion a year on infrastructure instead of blowing up yet another Middle Eastern nation. ..."
"... Fuck Hillary, Fuck the neolibcons, Fuck al-CIAda, Fuck the fascist banksters who eat our children for breakfast. ..."
"... Vote Trump in swing states. Vote Jill everywhere else. ..."
Nov 08, 2016 |
Perimetr | Nov 8, 2016 4:34:49 AM | 77

The heartland of the US is RED, solid RED.
The neolibcons are printing up their Newsweek mags with Madam President on the cover.

They don't have a clue about how pissed off the people in the "flyover states" are.

Fuck their rigged polls and lying news.

Sure Trump is behind or neck-and-neck . . . Just like we have 5% unemployment.

As long as you don't count the 1/3 of working age people who DON"T HAVE A JOB.

The deplorables can think of 650,000 reasons why Hillary should be in PRISON, even if the FBI can't.

We don't want World War 3 with Russia. We want our factories and jobs back, we would like to spend $1 trillion a year on infrastructure instead of blowing up yet another Middle Eastern nation.

Fuck Hillary, Fuck the neolibcons, Fuck al-CIAda, Fuck the fascist banksters who eat our children for breakfast.

ProPeace | Nov 8, 2016 7:02:55 AM | 80
@RayB | Nov 8, 2016 12:18:53 AM | 62 "The only real issue here is either war or peace."

Yes, especially that the US has war-based, or "blood economy" (like diamonds).

Interesting tidbits:

... ... ...

rufus magister | Nov 8, 2016 7:26:46 AM | 81
fairleft at 43 --

Do not blow shit up, like the political system, without a clear idea where the pieces will land and how you will put them back together. Crisis would benefit the right, not the left, given the current correlation of class and political forces.

The best result. sadly, would be a resounding win for Mrs. Clinton. As the comment at 11 shows, anything less than a crushing defeat will enable the alt-right and embolden the most reactionary and nativist elements in society.

The notion that worsening conditions will automatically produce progressive revolution is a pipe-dream. Beaten-down folks struggling to survive don't have the time or energy to organize.

Vote your conscience, your hopes. Takingg the long view, I am again voting, as I have for years, for the Socialist Workers Party.

Jackrabbit | Nov 8, 2016 8:03:07 AM | 82
rufus @81:
Do not blow shit up ...
The corrupt 'Third Way' Democrats blew up U.S. democracy years ago. "Do not blow shit up" = BOHICA.
The best result. sadly, would be a resounding win for Mrs. Clinton.... I am again voting, as I have for years, for the Socialist Workers Party.
Shameless, unadulterated bullshit.

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Vote Trump in swing states. Vote Jill everywhere else.

[Nov 08, 2016] The conflict with Russia is not one of economic systems. It's simply that America wants to control other countries and keep other countries within the dollar orbit. And what that means is that if the whole world saves in the form of dollars, that means saving by buying Treasury bonds.

Notable quotes:
"... What America objects to in Russia is that Americans couldn't buy control of their oil, couldn't buy control of their natural resources, couldn't buy control of their public utilities and charge economic rents and continue to make Russia the largest stock market boom in the world as it was from 1994 through 1998 when there was the crisis. ..."
"... So the conflict is not one of economic systems. It's simply that America wants to control other countries and keep other countries within the dollar orbit. And what that means is that if the whole world saves in the form of dollars, that means saving by buying Treasury bonds. ..."
"... And other countries are trying to withdraw from this and America says, "Well, we can smash you." ..."
"... There really is no alternative, and that's the objective of control: to create a society in which there is no choice. That's what a free market [myth] is really all about: preventing any choice by the people except what the government gives them. ..."
"... has the illusion of choice in choosing either between which is the lesser evil. They get to vote for the lesser evil when it's all really the same process. ..."

mauisurfer | Nov 8, 2016 12:02:23 AM | 60

Michael Hudson says

> Ashcroft: What sort of president then will Hillary Clinton be?

> Hudson: A dictator. She… a vindictive dictator, punishing her enemies, appointing neocons in the secretary of state, in the defense department, appointing Wall Street people in the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, and the class war will really break out very explicitly. And she'll-as Warren Buffet said, there is a class war and we're winning it.

> Ashcroft: As in the one percent are winning it.

> Hudson: The one percent are winning it. And she will try to use the rhetoric to tell people: "Nothing to see here folks. Keep on moving," while the economy goes down and down and she cashes in as she's been doing all along, richer and richer, and if she's president, there will not be an investigator of the criminal conflict of interest of the Bill Clinton Foundation, of pay-to-play. You'll have a presidency in which corporations who pay the Clintons will be able to set policy. Whoever has the money to buy the politicians will buy control of policy because elections have been privatized and made part of the market economy in the United States. That's what the Citizens United Supreme Court case was all about.

> Hudson: Well, after 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up, it really went neoliberal. And Putin is basically a neoliberal. So there's not a clash of economic systems as there was between capitalism and communism. What America objects to in Russia is that Americans couldn't buy control of their oil, couldn't buy control of their natural resources, couldn't buy control of their public utilities and charge economic rents and continue to make Russia the largest stock market boom in the world as it was from 1994 through 1998 when there was the crisis.

So the conflict is not one of economic systems. It's simply that America wants to control other countries and keep other countries within the dollar orbit. And what that means is that if the whole world saves in the form of dollars, that means saving by buying Treasury bonds.

And that means lending all of the balance-of-payments surplus that Russia or China or other countries look at, by lending it to the U.S. Treasury, which will use that money to militarily encircle these countries and threaten to do to any country that seeks to withdraw from the dollar system exactly what they did to Iraq or Libya or Afghanistan, or now Syria.

And other countries are trying to withdraw from this and America says, "Well, we can smash you." No country's going to invade any other country. There's not going to be a military draft in any country 'cause the students; the population would rise up. Nobody's going to invade, and you can't control or occupy a country if you don't have an army. So the only thing that America can do-or any country can do militarily-is drop bombs.

And that's sort of the equivalent of, just like the European Central Bank told Greece, "We'll close down your banks and the ATM machines will be empty," America will say, "Well, we'll bomb you, make you look like Syria and Libya if you don't turn over your oil, your pipelines, your utilities to American buyers so we can charge rents; we can be the absentee landlords. We can conquer the world financially instead of militarily. We don't need an army; we can use finance. And the threat of military warfare and bombing you to achieve things." Other countries are trying to stay free of the mad bomber, and it's all about who's going to control the world's natural resources: water, real estate, utilities-not a question of economic systems so much anymore.

> Well, President Obama, even though he's a tool of Wall Street, at least he says, "It's not worth blowing up the world to fight in the near east." Hillary says, "It is worth pushing the world back to the Stone Age if they don't let us and me, Hillary, tell the world how to behave." That's a danger of the world and that's why the Europeans should be terrified of a Hillary presidency and terrified of the direction that America is doing, saying, "We want to control the world." It's not control the world through a different economic philosophy. It's to control the world through ownership of their land, natural resources and essentially, governments and monetary systems. That's really what it's all about. And the popular press is not doing a good job of explaining that context, but I can assure you, that's what they're talking about in Russia, China and South America.

> There really is no alternative, and that's the objective of control: to create a society in which there is no choice. That's what a free market [myth] is really all about: preventing any choice by the people except what the government gives them. That's what the Austrian school was all about in the 1920s, waging war and assassination against the labor leaders and the socialists in Vienna, and that's what the free marketers in Chile were all about in the mass assassinations of labor leaders, university professors, intellectuals, and that's exactly the situation in America today without the machine guns, because the population doesn't really feel that it has any alternative, but has the illusion of choice in choosing either between which is the lesser evil. They get to vote for the lesser evil when it's all really the same process.

[Nov 08, 2016] Oh, What a Lovely War! Delusional foreign policy could bring disaster

Notable quotes:
"... The American people don't know very much about war even if Washington has been fighting on multiple fronts since 9/11. The continental United States has not experienced the presence a hostile military force for more than 100 years and war for the current generation of Americans consists largely of the insights provided by video games and movies. The Pentagon's invention of embedded journalists, which limits any independent media insight into what is going on overseas, has contributed to the rendering of war as some kind of abstraction. Gone forever is anything like the press coverage of Vietnam, with nightly news and other media presentations showing prisoners being executed and young girls screaming while racing down the street in flames. ..."
"... Given all of that, it is perhaps no surprise that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, neither of whom has served in uniform, should regard violence inflicted on people overseas with a considerable level of detachment. ..."
"... They both share to an extent the dominant New York-Washington policy consensus view that dealing with foreigners can sometimes get a bit bloody, but that is a price that someone in power has to be prepared to pay. One of Hillary's top advisers, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, famously declared that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children due to U.S. led sanctions were "worth it." ..."
"... Hillary Clinton and her advisors, who believe strongly in Washington's leadership role globally and embrace their own definition of American exceptionalism, have been explicit in terms of what they would do to employ our military power. ..."
"... She would be an extremely proactive president in foreign policy, with a particular animus directed against Russia. ..."
"... Hillary has received support from foreign policy hawks, including a large number of formerly Republican neocons, to include Robert Kagan, Michael Chertoff, Michael Hayden, Eliot Cohen and Eric Edelman. James Stavridis, a retired admiral who was once vetted by Clinton as a possible vice president, recently warned of "the need to use deadly force against the Iranians. ..."
"... Hillary believes that Syria's president Bashar al-Assad is the root cause of the turmoil in that country and must be removed as the first priority. . It is a foolish policy as al-Assad in no way threatens the United States while his enemy ISIS does and regime change would create a power vacuum that will benefit the latter. ..."
"... Hillary has not recommended doing anything about Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, all of which have at one time or another for various reasons supported ISIS, but she is clearly no friend of Iran, which has been fighting ISIS. ..."
"... One of Hillary's advisors, former CIA acting Director Michael Morell, has called for new sanctions on Tehran and has also recently recommended that the U.S. begin intercepting Iranian ships presumed to be carrying arms to the Houthis in Yemen. ..."
"... Hillary's dislike for Russia's Vladimir Putin is notorious. Syria aside, she has advocated arming Ukraine with game changing offensive weapons and also bringing Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, which would force a sharp Russian reaction. One suspects that she might be sympathetic to the views expressed recently by Carl Gershman in a Washington Post op-ed that received curiously little additional coverage in the media. Gershman is the head of the taxpayer funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which means that he is a powerful figure in Washington's foreign-policy establishment. NED has plausibly been described as doing the sorts of things that the CIA used to do. ..."
"... She would increase U.S. military presence in the South China Sea to deter any further attempts by Beijing to develop disputed islands and would also "ring China with defensive missiles," ostensibly as "protection" against Pyongyang but also to convince China to pressure North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. One wonders what Beijing might think about being surrounded by made-in-America missiles. ..."
Nov 08, 2016 |

The American people don't know very much about war even if Washington has been fighting on multiple fronts since 9/11. The continental United States has not experienced the presence a hostile military force for more than 100 years and war for the current generation of Americans consists largely of the insights provided by video games and movies. The Pentagon's invention of embedded journalists, which limits any independent media insight into what is going on overseas, has contributed to the rendering of war as some kind of abstraction. Gone forever is anything like the press coverage of Vietnam, with nightly news and other media presentations showing prisoners being executed and young girls screaming while racing down the street in flames.

Given all of that, it is perhaps no surprise that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, neither of whom has served in uniform, should regard violence inflicted on people overseas with a considerable level of detachment. Hillary is notorious for her assessment of the brutal killing of Libya's Moammar Gaddafi, saying "We came, we saw, he died." They both share to an extent the dominant New York-Washington policy consensus view that dealing with foreigners can sometimes get a bit bloody, but that is a price that someone in power has to be prepared to pay. One of Hillary's top advisers, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, famously declared that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children due to U.S. led sanctions were "worth it."

In the election campaign there has, in fact, been little discussion of the issue of war and peace or even of America's place in the world, though Trump did at one point note correctly that implementation of Hillary's suggested foreign policy could escalate into World War III. It has been my contention that the issue of war should be more front and center in the minds of Americans when they cast their ballots as the prospect of an armed conflict in which little is actually at stake escalating and going nuclear could conceivably end life on this planet as we know it.

With that in mind, it is useful to consider what the two candidates have been promising. First, Hillary, who might reasonably be designated the Establishment's war candidate though she carefully wraps it in humanitarian "liberal interventionism." As Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has always viewed a foreign crisis as an opportunity to use aggressive measures to seek a resolution. She can always be relied upon to "do something," a reflection of the neocon driven Washington foreign policy consensus.

Hillary Clinton and her advisors, who believe strongly in Washington's leadership role globally and embrace their own definition of American exceptionalism, have been explicit in terms of what they would do to employ our military power.

She would be an extremely proactive president in foreign policy, with a particular animus directed against Russia. And, unfortunately, there would be little or no pushback against the exercise of her admittedly poor instincts regarding what to do, as was demonstrated regarding Libya and also with Benghazi. She would find little opposition in Congress and the media for an extremely risky foreign policy, and would benefit from the Washington groupthink that prevails over the alleged threats emanating from Russia, Iran, and China.

Hillary has received support from foreign policy hawks, including a large number of formerly Republican neocons, to include Robert Kagan, Michael Chertoff, Michael Hayden, Eliot Cohen and Eric Edelman. James Stavridis, a retired admiral who was once vetted by Clinton as a possible vice president, recently warned of "the need to use deadly force against the Iranians. I think it's coming. It's going to be maritime confrontation and if it doesn't happen immediately, I'll bet you a dollar it's going to be happening after the presidential election, whoever is elected."

Hillary believes that Syria's president Bashar al-Assad is the root cause of the turmoil in that country and must be removed as the first priority. . It is a foolish policy as al-Assad in no way threatens the United States while his enemy ISIS does and regime change would create a power vacuum that will benefit the latter. She has also called for a no-fly zone in Syria to protect the local population as well as the insurgent groups that the U.S. supports, some of which had been labeled as terrorists before they were renamed by current Secretary of State John Kerry. Such a zone would dramatically raise the prospect of armed conflict with Russia and it puts Washington in an odd position vis-à-vis what is occurring in Syria. The U.S. is not at war with the Syrian government, which, like it or not, is under international law sovereign within its own recognized borders. Damascus has invited the Russians in to help against the rebels and objects to any other foreign presence on Syrian territory. In spite of all that, Washington is asserting some kind of authority to intervene and to confront the Russians as both a humanitarian mission and as an "inherent right of self-defense."

Hillary has not recommended doing anything about Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, all of which have at one time or another for various reasons supported ISIS, but she is clearly no friend of Iran, which has been fighting ISIS. As a Senator, she threatened to "totally obliterate" Iran but she has more recently reluctantly supported the recent nuclear agreement with that country negotiated by President Barack Obama. But she has nevertheless warned that she will monitor the situation closely for possible violations and will otherwise pushback against activity by the Islamic Republic. As one of her key financial supporters is Israeli Haim Saban, who has said he is a one issue guy and that issue is Israel, she is likely to pursue aggressive policies in the Persian Gulf. She has also promised to move America's relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a "new level" and has repeatedly declared that her support for Israel is unconditional.

One of Hillary's advisors, former CIA acting Director Michael Morell, has called for new sanctions on Tehran and has also recently recommended that the U.S. begin intercepting Iranian ships presumed to be carrying arms to the Houthis in Yemen. Washington is not at war with either Iran or Yemen and the Houthis are not on the State Department terrorist list but our good friends the Saudis have been assiduously bombing them for reasons that seem obscure. Stopping ships in international waters without any legal pretext would be considered by many an act of piracy. Morell has also called for covertly assassinating Iranians and Russians to express our displeasure with the foreign policies of their respective governments.

Hillary's dislike for Russia's Vladimir Putin is notorious. Syria aside, she has advocated arming Ukraine with game changing offensive weapons and also bringing Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, which would force a sharp Russian reaction. One suspects that she might be sympathetic to the views expressed recently by Carl Gershman in a Washington Post op-ed that received curiously little additional coverage in the media. Gershman is the head of the taxpayer funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which means that he is a powerful figure in Washington's foreign-policy establishment. NED has plausibly been described as doing the sorts of things that the CIA used to do.

After making a number of bumper-sticker claims about Russia and Putin that are either partially true, unproven or even ridiculous, Gershman concluded that "the United States has the power to contain and defeat this danger. The issue is whether we can summon the will to do so." It is basically a call for the next administration to remove Putin from power-as foolish a suggestion as has ever been seen in a leading newspaper, as it implies that the risk of nuclear war is completely acceptable to bring about regime change in a country whose very popular, democratically elected leadership we disapprove of. But it is nevertheless symptomatic of the kind of thinking that goes on inside the beltway and is quite possibly a position that Hillary Clinton will embrace. She also benefits from having the perfect implementer of such a policy in Robert Kagan's wife Victoria Nuland, her extremely dangerous protégé who is currently Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and who might wind up as Secretary of State in a Clinton Administration.

Shifting to East Asia, Hillary sees the admittedly genuine threat from North Korea but her response is focused more on China. She would increase U.S. military presence in the South China Sea to deter any further attempts by Beijing to develop disputed islands and would also "ring China with defensive missiles," ostensibly as "protection" against Pyongyang but also to convince China to pressure North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. One wonders what Beijing might think about being surrounded by made-in-America missiles.

Trump's foreign policy is admittedly quite sketchy and he has not always been consistent. He has been appropriately enough slammed for being simple minded in saying that he would "bomb the crap out of ISIS," but he has also taken on the Republican establishment by specifically condemning the George W. Bush invasion of Iraq and has more than once indicated that he is not interested in either being the world's policeman or in new wars in the Middle East. He has repeatedly stated that he supports NATO but it should not be construed as hostile to Russia. He would work with Putin to address concerns over Syria and Eastern Europe. He would demand that NATO countries spend more for their own defense and also help pay for the maintenance of U.S. bases.

Trump's controversial call to stop all Muslim immigration has been rightly condemned but it contains a kernel of truth in that the current process for vetting new arrivals in this country is far from transparent and apparently not very effective. The Obama Administration has not been very forthcoming on what might be done to fix the entire immigration process but Trump is promising to shake things up, which is overdue, though what exactly a Trump Administration would try to accomplish is far from clear.

Continuing on the negative side, Trump, who is largely ignorant of the world and its leaders, has relied on a mixed bag of advisors. Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn appears to be the most prominent. Flynn is associated with arch neocon Michael Ledeen and both are rabid about Iran, with Flynn suggesting that nearly all the unrest in the Middle East should be laid at Tehran's door. Ledeen is, of course, a prominent Israel-firster who has long had Iran in his sights. The advice of Ledeen and Flynn may have been instrumental in Trump's vehement denunciation of the Iran nuclear agreement, which he has called a "disgrace," which he has said he would "tear up." It is vintage dumb-think. The agreement cannot be canceled because there are five other signatories to it and the denial of a nuclear weapons program to Tehran benefits everyone in the region, including Israel. It is far better to have the agreement than to scrap it, if that were even possible.

Trump has said that he would be an even-handed negotiator between Israel and the Palestinians but he has also declared that he is strongly pro-Israel and would move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, which is a bad idea, not in America's interest, even if Netanyahu would like it. It would produce serious blowback from the Arab world and would inspire a new wave of terrorism directed against the U.S.

Regarding the rest of the Middle East, Trump would prefer strong leaders, i.e. autocrats, who are friendly rather than chaotic reformers. He rejects arming rebels as in Syria because we know little about whom we are dealing with and find that we cannot control what develops. He is against foreign aid in principle, particularly to countries like Pakistan where the U.S. is strongly disliked.

In East Asia, Trump would encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals to deter North Korea. It is a very bad idea, a proliferation nightmare. Like Hillary, he would prefer that China intervene in North Korea and make Kim Jong Un "step down." He would put pressure on China to devalue its currency because it is "bilking us of billions of dollars" and would also increase U.S. military presence in the region to limit Beijing's expansion in the South China Sea.

So there you have it as you enter the voting booth. President Obama is going around warning that "the fate of the world is teetering" over the electoral verdict, which he intends to be a ringing endorsement of Hillary even though the choice is not nearly that clear cut. Part of the problem with Trump is that he has some very bad ideas mixed in with a few good ones and no one knows what he would actually do if he were president. Unfortunately, it is all too clear what Hillary would do.

[Nov 08, 2016] What sort of president then will Hillary Clinton be?

mauisurfer | Nov 8, 2016 12:02:23 AM | 60

Michael Hudson says

> Ashcroft: What sort of president then will Hillary Clinton be?

> Hudson: A dictator. She… a vindictive dictator, punishing her enemies, appointing neocons in the secretary of state, in the defense department, appointing Wall Street people in the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, and the class war will really break out very explicitly. And she'll-as Warren Buffet said, there is a class war and we're winning it.

> Ashcroft: As in the one percent are winning it.

> Hudson: The one percent are winning it. And she will try to use the rhetoric to tell people: "Nothing to see here folks. Keep on moving," while the economy goes down and down and she cashes in as she's been doing all along, richer and richer, and if she's president, there will not be an investigator of the criminal conflict of interest of the Bill Clinton Foundation, of pay-to-play. You'll have a presidency in which corporations who pay the Clintons will be able to set policy. Whoever has the money to buy the politicians will buy control of policy because elections have been privatized and made part of the market economy in the United States. That's what the Citizens United Supreme Court case was all about.

[Nov 08, 2016] What Hath Trump Wrought

Notable quotes:
"... Bush I and II, Mitt Romney, the neocons and the GOP commentariat all denounced Trump as morally and temperamentally unfit. Yet, seven of eight Republicans are voting for Trump, and he drew the largest and most enthusiastic crowds of any GOP nominee. ..."
"... How could the Republican establishment advance anew the trade and immigration policies that their base has so thunderously rejected? ..."
"... Do mainstream Republicans think that should Trump lose a Bush Restoration lies ahead? The dynasty is as dead as the Romanovs. ..."
"... The media, whose reputation has sunk to Congressional depths, has also suffered a blow to its credibility. ..."
"... Its hatred of Trump has been almost manic, and WikiLeaks revelations of the collusion between major media and Clintonites have convinced skeptics that the system is rigged and the referees of democracy are in the tank. ..."
"... But it is the national establishment that has suffered most. The Trump candidacy exposed what seems an unbridgeable gulf between this political class and the nation in whose name it purports to speak. ..."
"... Middle America believes the establishment is not looking out for the nation but for retention of its power. And in attacking Trump it is not upholding some objective moral standard but seeking to destroy a leader who represents a grave threat to that power. ..."
"... Moreover, they see the establishment as the quintessence of hypocrisy. Trump is instructed to stop using such toxic phrases as "America First" and "Make America Great Again" by elites... ..."
"... While a Trump victory would create the possibility of a coalition of conservatives, populists, patriots and nationalists governing America, should he lose, America's future appears disunited and grim. ..."
Herewith, a dissent. Whatever happens Tuesday, Trump has made history and has forever changed American politics.

Though a novice in politics, he captured the Party of Lincoln with the largest turnout of primary voters ever, and he has inflicted wounds on the nation's ruling class from which it may not soon recover.

Bush I and II, Mitt Romney, the neocons and the GOP commentariat all denounced Trump as morally and temperamentally unfit. Yet, seven of eight Republicans are voting for Trump, and he drew the largest and most enthusiastic crowds of any GOP nominee.

Not only did he rout the Republican elites, he ash-canned their agenda and repudiated the wars into which they plunged the country.

Trump did not create the forces that propelled his candidacy. But he recognized them, tapped into them, and unleashed a gusher of nationalism and populism that will not soon dissipate.

Whatever happens Tuesday, there is no going back now.

How could the Republican establishment advance anew the trade and immigration policies that their base has so thunderously rejected?

How can the GOP establishment credibly claim to speak for a party that spent the last year cheering a candidate who repudiated the last two Republican presidents and the last two Republican nominees?

Do mainstream Republicans think that should Trump lose a Bush Restoration lies ahead? The dynasty is as dead as the Romanovs.

The media, whose reputation has sunk to Congressional depths, has also suffered a blow to its credibility.

Its hatred of Trump has been almost manic, and WikiLeaks revelations of the collusion between major media and Clintonites have convinced skeptics that the system is rigged and the referees of democracy are in the tank.

But it is the national establishment that has suffered most. The Trump candidacy exposed what seems an unbridgeable gulf between this political class and the nation in whose name it purports to speak.

Consider the litany of horrors it has charged Trump with.

He said John McCain was no hero, that some Mexican illegals are "rapists." He mocked a handicapped reporter. He called some women "pigs." He wants a temporary ban to Muslim immigration. He fought with a Gold Star mother and father. He once engaged in "fat-shaming" a Miss Universe, calling her "Miss Piggy," and telling her to stay out of Burger King. He allegedly made crude advances on a dozen women and starred in the "Access Hollywood" tape with Billy Bush.

While such "gaffes" are normally fatal for candidates, Trump's followers stood by him through them all.

Why? asks an alarmed establishment. Why, in spite of all this, did Trump's support endure? Why did the American people not react as they once would have? Why do these accusations not have the bite they once did?

Answer. We are another country now, an us-or-them country.

Middle America believes the establishment is not looking out for the nation but for retention of its power. And in attacking Trump it is not upholding some objective moral standard but seeking to destroy a leader who represents a grave threat to that power.

Trump's followers see an American Spring as crucial, and they are not going to let past boorish behavior cause them to abandon the last best chance to preserve the country they grew up in.

These are the Middle American Radicals, the MARs of whom my late friend Sam Francis wrote.

They recoil from the future the elites have mapped out for them and, realizing the stakes, will overlook the faults and failings of a candidate who holds out the real promise of avoiding that future.

They believe Trump alone will secure the borders and rid us of a trade regime that has led to the loss of 70,000 factories and 5 million manufacturing jobs since NAFTA. They believe Trump is the best hope for keeping us out of the wars the Beltway think tanks are already planning for the sons of the "deplorables" to fight.

Moreover, they see the establishment as the quintessence of hypocrisy. Trump is instructed to stop using such toxic phrases as "America First" and "Make America Great Again" by elites...

... ... ...

While a Trump victory would create the possibility of a coalition of conservatives, populists, patriots and nationalists governing America, should he lose, America's future appears disunited and grim.

But, would the followers of Donald Trump, whom Hillary Clinton has called "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic … bigots," to the cheers of her media retainers, unite behind her should she win?

No. Win or lose, as Sen. Edward Kennedy said at the Democratic Convention of 1980, "The work goes on, the cause endures."

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of the new book "The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority."

[Nov 08, 2016] Trump 'I Do Think a Lot of the Polls Are Purposefully Wrong' - Breitbart

Nov 08, 2016 |

Tuesday on Fox News Channel, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump offered his thoughts on how the campaign proceeded as Election Day has finally come.


One of his criticisms was how the polls had been handled, which he called in some cases "phony" and "purposefully wrong."

Partial transcript as follows:

DOOCY: A couple of weeks ago you know it was revealed that part of Hillary Clinton's game plan was to try, you know, to talk up the polls and make it seem like the show's over, no way you can win. Then of course the polls for the most part right now are too close to call. Ultimately though do you think the polls that we've seen over the last week or two, going back, are wrong because the pollsters are not factoring in how many Democrats are going to be voting for you?

You know all this early voting stuff, they say well this many Democrats requested ballots, this many Republicans. And also just the gigantic number of Republicans who have turned out to see you, the enthusiasm level. Do you think those things the pollsters are getting wrong?

TRUMP: I do think a lot of the polls are purposefully wrong. I think I can almost tell you by the people that do it. The media is very dishonest, extremely dishonest. And I think a lot of the polls are phony. I don't even think they interview people.

DOOCY: Right.

TRUMP: I think they just put out phony numbers. I do think this, after the debates, I think my numbers really started to go up well. And then I did a series over the last two weeks, only of you know, really important speeches I think. 20,000, 25,000 people, 31,000 people were showing up to these speeches.

You saw yesterday, you saw the kind of crowds we're getting. I said something's happening here. Something incredible is happening here. And tell you the enthusiasm and the love in those rooms, in those arenas, they're really arenas, I mean in New Hampshire last night it was a tremendous arena, beautiful arena. And same thing, we had a big convention center last night in Michigan. But they're packed. I mean we have thousands of people.

DOOCY: Right.

TRUMP: We had last night in Michigan we had 10,000 people outside that couldn't get in.



TRUMP: 10,000 people. It's been amazing. So I said something's happening. Something's really going on.

[Nov 07, 2016] No, Hillary Clinton is not less Evil than Trump One has Funny Hair, the Other Wears Trouser-suits Global Research - Centre

Nov 07, 2016 |
After all, Clinton is not going to make it into the Oval Office unless she can secure the votes of those who backed the far-more progressive Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries.

Clinton's camp have wielded various sticks to beat these voters into submission. Not least they have claimed that a refusal to vote for Clinton is an indication of one's misogyny . But it has not been an easy task. Actor Susan Sarandon, for example, has stated that she is not going to "vote with my vagina". As she notes, if the issue is simply about proving one is not anti-women, there is a much worthier candidate for president who also happens to be female: Jill Stein, of the Green Party.

Sarandon, who supported Sanders in the primaries, spoke for a vast swath of voters excluded by the two-party system when she told BBC Newsnight:

I am worried about the wars, I am worried about Syria, I am worried about all of these things that actually exist. TTP [Trans-Pacific Partnership] and I'm worried about fracking. I'm worrying about the environment. No matter who gets in they don't address these things because money has taken over our system.

Given that both Donald Trump and Clinton represent big money – and big money only – Clinton's supporters have been forced to find another stick. And that has been the "lesser evil" argument. Clinton may be bad, but Trump would be far worse. Voting for a non-evil candidate like Jill Stein – who has no hope of winning – would split the progressive camp and ensure Trump, the more evil candidate, triumphs. Therefore, there is a moral obligation on progressive voters to back Clinton, however bad her track record as a senator and as secretary of state.

There is nothing new about this argument. It had been around for decades, and has been corralling progressives into voting for Democratic presidents who have still advanced US neoconservative policy goals abroad and neoliberal ones at home.

America's pseudo-democracy

So is it true that Clinton is the lesser-evil candidate? To answer that question, we need to examine those "policy differences" with Trump.

On the negative side, Trump's platform poses a genuine threat to civil liberties. His bigoted, "blame the immigrants" style of politics will harm many families in the US in very tangible ways. Even if the inertia of the political system reins in his worst excesses, as is almost certain, his inflammatory rhetoric is sure to damage the façade of democratic discourse in the US – a development not to be dismissed lightly. Americans may be living in a pseudo-democracy, one run more like a plutocracy, but destroying the politics of respect, and civil discourse, could quickly result in the normalisation of political violence and intimidation.

On the plus side, Trump is an isolationist, with little appetite for foreign entanglements. Again, the Washington policy elites may force him to engage abroad in ways he would prefer not to, but his instincts to limit the projection of US military power on the international stage are likely to be an overall good for the world's population outside the US. Any diminishment of US imperialism is going to have real practical benefits for billions of people around the globe. His refusal to demonise Vladimir Putin, for example, may be significant enough to halt the gradual slide towards a nuclear confrontation with Russia, either in Ukraine or in the Middle East.

Clinton is the mirror image of Trump. Domestically, she largely abides by the rules of civil politics – not least because respectful discourse benefits her as the candidate with plenty of political experience. The US is likely to be a more stable, more predictable place under a Clinton presidency, even as the plutocratic elite entrenches its power and the wealth gap grows relentlessly.

Abroad, however, the picture looks worse under Clinton. She has been an enthusiastic supporter of all the many recent wars of aggression launched by the US, some declared and some covert. Personally, as secretary of state, she helped engineer the overthrow of Col Muammar Gaddafi. That policy led to an outcome – one that was entirely foreseeable – of Libya's reinvention as a failed state, with jihadists of every stripe sucked into the resulting vacuum. Large parts of Gadaffi's arsenal followed the jihadists as they exported their struggles across the Middle East, creating more bloodshed and heightening the refugee crisis. Now Clinton wants to intensify US involvement in Syria, including by imposing a no-fly zone – or rather, a US and allies-only fly zone – that would thrust the US into a direct confrontation with another nuclear-armed power, Russia.

In the cost-benefit calculus of who to vote for in a two-party contest, the answer seems to be: vote for Clinton if you are interested only in what happens in the narrow sphere of US domestic politics (assuming Clinton does not push the US into a nuclear war); while if you are a global citizen worried about the future of the planet, Trump may be the marginally better of two terribly evil choices. (Neither, of course, cares a jot about the most pressing problem facing mankind: runaway climate change.)

So even on the extremely blinkered logic of Clinton's supporters, Clinton might not be the winner in a lesser-evil presidential contest.

Mounting disillusion

But there is a second, more important reason to reject the lesser-evil argument as grounds for voting for Clinton.

Trump's popularity is a direct consequence of several decades of American progressives voting for the lesser-evil candidate. Most Americans have never heard of Jill Stein, or the other three candidates who are not running on behalf of the Republican and Democratic parties. These candidates have received no mainstream media coverage – or the chance to appear in the candidate debates – because their share of the vote is so minuscule. It remains minuscule precisely because progressives have spent decades voting for the lesser-evil candidate. And nothing is going to change so long as progressives keep responding to the electoral dog-whistle that they have to keep the Republican candidate out at all costs, even at the price of their own consciences.

Growing numbers of Americans understand that their country was "stolen from them", to use a popular slogan. They sense that the US no longer even aspires to its founding ideals, that it has become a society run for the exclusive benefit of a tiny wealthy elite. Many are looking for someone to articulate their frustration, their powerlessness, their hopelessness.

Two opposed antidotes for the mounting disillusionment with "normal politics" emerged during the presidential race: a progressive one, in the form of Sanders, who suggested he was ready to hold the plutocrats to account; and a populist one, in the form of Trump, determined to deflect anger away from the plutocrats towards easy targets like immigrants. As we now know from Wikileaks' release of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's emails, the Democats worked hard to rig their own primaries to make sure the progressive option, Sanders, was eliminated. The Republicans, by contrast, were overwhelmed by the insurrection within their own party.

The wave of disaffection Sanders and Trump have been riding is not going away. In fact, a President Clinton, the embodiment of the self-serving, self-aggrandising politics of the plutocrats, will only fuel the disenchantment. The fixing of the Democratic primaries did not strengthen Clinton's moral authority, it fuelled the kind of doubts about the system that bolster Trump. Trump's accusations of a corrupt elite and a rigged political and media system are not merely figments of his imagination; they are rooted in the realities of US politics.

Trump, however, is not the man to offer solutions. His interests are too close aligned to those of the plutocrats for him to make meaningful changes.

Trump may lose this time, but someone like him will do better next time – unless ordinary Americans are exposed to a different kind of politician, one who can articulate progressive, rather regressive, remedies for the necrosis that is rotting the US body politic. Sanders began that process, but a progressive challenge to "politics as normal" has to be sustained and extended if Trump and his ilk are not to triumph eventually.

The battle cannot be delayed another few years, on the basis that one day a genuinely non-evil candidate will emerge from nowhere to fix this rotten system. It won't happen of its own. Unless progressive Americans show they are prepared to vote out of conviction, not out of necessity, the Democratic party will never have to take account of their views. It will keep throwing up leaders – in different colours and different sexes – to front the tiny elite that runs the US and seeks to rule the world.

It is time to say no – loudly – to Clinton, whether she is the slightly lesser-evil candidate or not. The original source of this article is Jonathan Cook Blog Copyright © Jonathan Cook , Jonathan Cook Blog , 2016

[Nov 07, 2016] 200PM Water Cooler 11-7-2016 naked capitalism

Notable quotes:
"... Neoliberalism is a kind of statecraft. It means organizing state policies by making them appear as if they are the consequences of depoliticized financial markets. ..."
"... It involves moving power from public institutions to private institutions, and allowing governance to happen through concentrated financial power. Actual open markets for goods and services tend to disappear in neoliberal societies. ..."
"... Neoliberalism is not faith in free markets. Neoliberalism is not free market capitalism. Neoliberalism is a specific form of statecraft that uses financial markets as a veil to disguise governing policies. ..."
"... The only consolation is that clearly a Dem or Repub president doesn't really matter, given the corporatocracy (or oligarchy, take your pick). So the bonus this year is that Drump destroyed the Bush dynasty and most of the RNC. And Clinton has burnt all her bridges and allies and the liberal MSM in getting to her (assumed) victory. ..."
"... remember whatever happens the world will go on and one US president or another will screw the serfs domestically and bomb Middle Eastern countries. ..."
"... Unless Hillary and the gung-ho neocons decide that we really should see just how far Putin can be pushed. ..."
"... I don't care which one wins, all I know is that the rest of us in the 90% will be screwed either way. But I will settle down in the evening, have a cuppa, and hope that TV will provide me with some schadenfreude. ..."
"... We cannot betray the ideal of a popular democracy by pretending this contrived political theater is free or fair or democratic. We cannot play their game. We cannot play by their rules. Our job is not to accommodate the corporate state…. ..."
"... "I do not, in the end, fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists." ..."
"... "It is not my job to support someone who makes for a better Republican than they can come up with themselves." ..."
"... I will never again vote for the 'lesser of two evils'. Did it once for Obama (against Sarah Palin). Never again. It just encourages more crapification. ..."
"... I've read exactly one compelling argument for voting Hillary, by Jim Kunstler, who thinks it best if the crew responsible for the mess is still holding the bag when things really go south. ..."
Nov 07, 2016 |
The Trail

Best pro-Trump piece I've seen: "The GOP's 'Ungrateful Bastard' Caucus" [ American Greatness ].

Best pro-Clinton piece remains: "Vote for the Lying Neoliberal Warmonger: It's Important" [ Common Dreams ].

The best reasons I can think of to vote for each candidate (as opposed to against the other candidates). In no particular order:

These reasons are, of course, entirely incommensurate.

"The American Conservative Presidential Symposium" [ The American Conservative ]. Michael Tracey: "Trump might be better than Hillary on foreign policy (my top issue), but he's far too volatile to conclude that with any certainty, and he may well end up being catastrophically worse. The Clintons' outrageous stoking of a war fervor over Russia is quite simply depraved and should disqualify them from reentering the White House…. Democrats deserve punishment for nominating a candidate with such severe legal problems, stifling a genuine populist insurgent in the most craven possible fashion (I supported Bernie Sanders but find his recent hectoring pro-Clinton conduct highly off-putting). Their shambolic, 'rigged' primary process can't be countenanced, nor can the 2016 electoral debacle as a whole, so I'll do my small part in rejecting this horror show by declining to vote."


"America's Ruling Elite Has Failed and Deserves to Be Fired" [ Of Two Minds ]. "The last failed remnants of the state-cartel hierarchies left over from World War II must implode before we can move forward. Healthcare, defense, pharmaceuticals, higher education, the mainstream media and the systems of governance must all decay to the point that no one can be protected from the destructive consequences of their failure, and no paychecks can be issued by these failed systems." Tellingly, the author omits the FIRE sector. So I would say their definition of elite is odd.

"[E]ducation levels are a more significant factor this year. Obama won a majority of those with a high school diploma (or less) in 2012, while Romney won college-educated voters. This year the numbers are reversed. Among white voters with only a high school education, Trump leads by over 25 points. Among whites with a college degree, Clinton leads by about 10 percent. This is the first time since serious polling began in 1952 that this has happened [ RealClearPoltiics ]. And when I ask myself who sent the United States heading toward Third World status, it's not those without college degrees. In fact, it's Clinton's base.

"The Last Gasp of the American Dream" [ The Archdruid Report ].

[M]illions of Americans trudge through a bleak round of layoffs, wage cuts, part-time jobs at minimal pay, and system-wide dysfunction. The crisis hasn't hit yet, but those members of the political class who think that the people who used to be rock-solid American patriots will turn out en masse to keep today's apparatchiks secure in their comfortable lifestyles have, as the saying goes, another think coming. Nor is it irrelevant that most of the enlisted personnel in the armed forces, who are the US government's ultimate bulwark against popular unrest, come from the very classes that have lost faith most drastically in the American system. The one significant difference between the Soviet case and the American one at this stage of the game is that Soviet citizens had no choice but to accept the leaders the Communist Party of the USSR foisted off on them, from Brezhnev to Andropov to Chernenko to Gorbachev, until the system collapsed of its own weight…

If George W. Bush was our Leonid Brezhnev, as I'd suggest, and Barack Obama is our Yuri Andropov, Hillary Clinton is running for the position of Konstantin Chernenko; her running mate Tim Kaine, in turn, is waiting in the wings as a suitably idealistic and clueless Mikhail Gorbachev, under whom the whole shebang can promptly go to bits. While I don't seriously expect the trajectory of the United States to parallel that of the Soviet Union anything like as precisely as this satiric metaphor would suggest, the basic pattern of cascading dysfunction ending in political collapse is quite a common thing in history, and a galaxy of parallels suggests that the same thing could very easily happen here within the next decade or so. The serene conviction among the political class and their affluent hangers-on that nothing of the sort could possibly take place is just another factor making it more likely.

"Why Trump Is Different-and Must Be Repelled" [Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker ].

For the past months, and into this final week, as for much of the past year, many New Yorkers have been in a position that recalls parents with a colicky baby: you put the baby down at last, it seems safely asleep, grateful and unbelievably exhausted you return to bed-only to hear the small tell-tale cough or sob that guarantees another crying jag is on the way. The parents in this case, to fill in the metaphorical blanks, are liberal-minded folk; the baby's cries are any indicators that Donald Trump may not be out of the race for President-as he seemed to be even as recently as last week-and may actually have a real chance at being elected. Disbelief crowds exhaustion: this can't be happening. If the colicky baby is a metaphor too sweet for so infantile a figure as the orange menace, then let us think instead, perhaps, of the killer in a teen horror movie of the vintage kind: every time Freddy seemed dispatched and buried, there he was leaping up again, as the teens caught their breath and returned, too soon, to their teendom.

Of course, Gopnik - who should really stick to writing sweetly atmospheric pieces about Paris - is both passive-aggressive and infuriatingly smug. To "fill in the metaphorical blanks," but for realz, both the "colicky baby" and the teen horror movie villain are infantilized and displaced versions of a working class Other: The Trump voter that Eurostar-rider Gopnik hates and fears, because he's afraid they're going to come and kill him and take his stuff. In short, he has the guilty conscience of a classic liberal.

Democrat Email Hairball

"Dow surges 300 points as FBI clears Clinton on eve of election" [ USA Today ]. Hmm. Insiders go to HappyVille!

Our Famously Free Press

"Vox Scams Readers Into Thinking Prescient World Series Tweet Was A Scam [Update]" [ DeadSpin ].

Guillotine Watch

"Too Smug to Jail" [Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone ]. "As we reach the close of an election season marked by anger toward the unaccountable rich, The Economist has chimed in with a defense of the beleaguered white-collar criminal."

[T]his is the crucial passage:

"Most corporate crime is the result of collective action rather than individual wrongdoing-long chains of command that send (often half-understood) instructions, or corporate cultures that encourage individuals to take risky actions. The authorities have rightly adjusted to this reality by increasingly prosecuting companies rather than going after individual miscreants."

Yikes! This extraordinary argument is cousin to the Lieutenant Calley defense , i.e., that soldiers bear no responsibility for crimes they were ordered to execute. The Economist here would have you believe that there's no such thing as an individual crime in a corporate context.

Class Warfare

On neoliberalism [Matt Stoller, Facebook , via Atrios ].

Neoliberalism is a kind of statecraft. It means organizing state policies by making them appear as if they are the consequences of depoliticized financial markets.

It involves moving power from public institutions to private institutions, and allowing governance to happen through concentrated financial power. Actual open markets for goods and services tend to disappear in neoliberal societies.

Financial markets flourish, real markets morph into mass distribution middlemen like Walmart or Amazon.

Neoliberalism is not faith in free markets. Neoliberalism is not free market capitalism. Neoliberalism is a specific form of statecraft that uses financial markets as a veil to disguise governing policies.

What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed. Stoller is paraphrasing his review of Greta Krippner's Capitalizing on Crisis , which sounds well worth a read.

"Uncovering Credit Disparities among Low- and Moderate-Income Areas" [ Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis ]. "Eggleston found that LMI [lower abd middle-income] neighborhoods with relatively better credit tend to be in metros with a larger percentage of white residents, and they are typically found in the East, West and parts of the upper Midwest. They also tend to be in metros that have lower poverty rates."

HopeLB November 7, 2016 at 4:15 pm

Look at reddit r/politics. Did Hillary/Brock stop paying to downvote all anti-Hill posts/comments? Reaction to the Daily Beast telling readers "YOU MUST VOTE HILLARY" was at 11,000. Maybe, Hillary and Co are trying to get a handle on real voter sentiment?
Or they don't care now that it is in the bag.

Pavel November 7, 2016 at 3:03 pm

LOL I was going to post (well, I guess I am doing so) that the finger I am counting down on is my middle finger, which I shall extend to the DNC, the RNC, the MSM, and the rest of the corrupt US oligarchy that brought us here. Especially the MSM - and note of course that it was Bill Clinton who deregulated the media so it went from one hundred or so to the SIX corporate behemoths that control 90%+ of the news that the average American consumes.


The only consolation is that clearly a Dem or Repub president doesn't really matter, given the corporatocracy (or oligarchy, take your pick). So the bonus this year is that Drump destroyed the Bush dynasty and most of the RNC. And Clinton has burnt all her bridges and allies and the liberal MSM in getting to her (assumed) victory.

My humble advice for tomorrow: have a case of beer, wine, whiskey, or green tea at hand, relax, play some good music, ignore the MSM, and remember whatever happens the world will go on and one US president or another will screw the serfs domestically and bomb Middle Eastern countries.

Norm November 7, 2016 at 3:31 pm

Unless Hillary and the gung-ho neocons decide that we really should see just how far Putin can be pushed.

OIFVet November 7, 2016 at 5:05 pm

Oh yeah, I will extend my own middle finger right back at them tomorrow. Voting for Stein will at least give me the inner peace and comfort of knowing that I did not vote for the "lesser evil" represented by Madame Secretary. I don't care which one wins, all I know is that the rest of us in the 90% will be screwed either way. But I will settle down in the evening, have a cuppa, and hope that TV will provide me with some schadenfreude.

frosty zoom November 7, 2016 at 2:58 pm

must be a glitch in putin's ipad.

RabidGandhi November 7, 2016 at 5:20 pm

He even changed all the clocks Saturday night. Is nothing sacred?

Kim Kaufman November 7, 2016 at 6:28 pm

A repost from a while ago that I saved and finally read over the weekend: Everything Is Broken

Ulysses November 7, 2016 at 2:59 pm

Thanks indeed!

I apologize if these concluding thoughts on an exhausting electoral season, by Chris Hedges, have already been posted:

"We cannot betray the ideal of a popular democracy by pretending this contrived political theater is free or fair or democratic. We cannot play their game. We cannot play by their rules. Our job is not to accommodate the corporate state….

The state seeks to control us through fear, propaganda, wholesale surveillance and violence. [This] is the only form of social control it has left. The lie of neoliberalism has been exposed. Its credibility has imploded. The moment we cease being afraid, the moment we use our collective strength as I saw in Eastern Europe in 1989 to make the rulers afraid of us, is the moment of the system's downfall.

Go into the voting booth on Tuesday. Do not be afraid. Vote with your conscience."

phred November 7, 2016 at 3:53 pm

Thank you for that link. I particularly liked the last sentences of Hedges' piece:

"I do not, in the end, fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists."


BecauseTradition November 7, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Sounds too much like the Demos fighting for the people but never winning. Also a bit narcissistic. And is Hedges a foe of, say, the government insurance of privately created deposits – a fascist invention if ever there was?

cocomaan November 7, 2016 at 3:38 pm

Thanks for Correcting the Record! Glad that we can lump anyone who questions your narrative into four neat categories. There's no possible way someone could have an original thought.

Knifecatcher November 7, 2016 at 4:10 pm

Lifted verbatim from Deadspin. You'd think CTR could write their own propaganda rather than plagiarizing from a crappy sportswriter.

Carolinian November 7, 2016 at 2:48 pm

Gopnik/infuriatingly smug….lotta that going around. You hate what you fear?

Waldenpond November 7, 2016 at 5:16 pm

You only need to buy a plane etc. to hand out as favors, buy 4 or 5 dozen media personalities at mainstream outlets (a network is a must), get your sycophants in elections offices all over the country to purge your rival's voters and raise a billion dollars. Easy peasy.

Code Name D November 7, 2016 at 4:45 pm

Your assuming we don't get about a dozen Florida Hanging-chad scandals. If Trump wins the wrong states – this will land in court, and all end in tears.

nippersdad November 7, 2016 at 2:56 pm

That Reed column, "Vote for the lying neoliberal warmonger; it's important, has always struck me badly. His point that those who voted for a Democrat for President since '92 have done as badly or worse than they would in voting for Clinton is just false. No one in my memory has so slavishly supported finance capital and foreign wars. No one has made going to war with China, Russia or Iran a central plank in their candidacy.

I, personally, can't get over that. Republicans will do what they will do, it is not my job to support someone who makes for a better Republican than they can come up with themselves.

Ulysses November 7, 2016 at 3:04 pm

"It is not my job to support someone who makes for a better Republican than they can come up with themselves."

Very well said!!

nycTerrierist November 7, 2016 at 5:28 pm


I will never again vote for the 'lesser of two evils'. Did it once for Obama (against Sarah Palin). Never again. It just encourages more crapification.

Escher November 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm

I've read exactly one compelling argument for voting Hillary, by Jim Kunstler, who thinks it best if the crew responsible for the mess is still holding the bag when things really go south.

I believe it was linked here when published.

aab November 7, 2016 at 7:53 pm

I'd be more inclined to value that possibility if it wasn't clear that the Executive Branch can now launch wars of choice at will. I have a draft age daughter.

Foppe November 7, 2016 at 3:14 pm

It's not a reference to Doing your Bit turning in family/friends/neighbors/coworkers who you "know" to be abusing the system, and thus Causing the Problem??

Pat November 7, 2016 at 3:19 pm

First violence is not the answer. Still that does make one want to find a way to march the people who came up with that along with the top management of Cigna to the stocks for some quality communing time with their customers. That there should also be a huge pile of rotten produce near the stocks would be merely coincidence.

OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL November 7, 2016 at 4:27 pm

LOL and tomorrow a majority of Americans will vote back in the crowd that brought this down upon them. Wait til you see what they are gearing up to do to SocSec.

Maybe it's a deep-seated Calvinist/Protestant self-loathing? Catholic self-flaggelation? Stockholm Syndrome?

Joe Bageant wrote about the curious phenomenon of the Republican base voting year in and year out for candidates who acted in direct opposition to their own economic interests…maybe that's both "sides" of politics now?

jrs November 7, 2016 at 3:40 pm

I wish I had a benefit package :( Even a crappy one! They are throwing us on to some kind of exchange program this year. Things go from bad to worse …

Jeremy Grimm November 7, 2016 at 3:48 pm

An off-the-wall question - is your pseudonym related to Henrich Boll's story "Der Mann mit den Messern"?

Knifecatcher November 7, 2016 at 3:58 pm

Ha! Nope. Bought a house in 2009 and thought it was appropriate, and have been using it on finance / political forums ever since. Worked out OK for us, though.

Oregoncharles November 7, 2016 at 4:10 pm

that was good timing. We bought a duplex then, have done very well on it. A lot of work, though.

Jeremy Grimm November 7, 2016 at 6:30 pm

So you don't like to throw a knife over your head and catch it with a board over your head at the last minute?

frosty zoom November 7, 2016 at 3:07 pm

not only branding, but leeching as well.

frosty zoom November 7, 2016 at 3:08 pm

in response to "Knifecatcher".

Oregoncharles November 7, 2016 at 3:43 pm

" But lots of other states use electronic machines in some capacity" [Wired]. "

Much depends on exactly how. For an example, Oregon uses paper ballots marked by the voter, but, at least in my county, electronic counters. But the paper ballots are audited and stored for years, so it's easy to check up. Everything happens at the courthouse, so there's no transmission from precincts, and transmission to the SOS is probably in person by phone, followed up by email.

I'm confident in this system, not least because Oregon is a "clean" state. One county official has been caught cheating by filling in unvoted lines for Republicans, but went to jail. I can think of other ways for insiders to cheat, but it would be dangerous and pretty easy to catch.

I'm not concerned about the electronic counters as long as they aren't connected to the internet – no reason for them to be – and the results are properly audited, the biggest if. I wonder a bit about very small rural counties, where everybody knows everybody else's business and there isn't much money for safeguards.

In any case, from a national point of view Oregon's results are not in doubt. Now I have to do some campaign work for our Ranked Choice Voting initiative, and I look forward to finding out how it did in Maine.

John k November 7, 2016 at 3:45 pm

Trump had big mo, maybe until yesterday…
Today's Ibd puts T ahead by 2, best for some time… Plus generally favorable LATimes…
And blacks not turning out nearly as 08/12.
And Brexit and MI primary polls were far off because ungrateful deplorables.
Regardless, FL is must win for T. If he gets that, then the following swings might fall into place:
OH, NV, NC, IA, NM, (270), and maybe NH bonus.
If he misses FL he would need PA plus CO, likely hopeless.

I guess we deserve what we've got here… Vastly corrupt warmonger running for Obomber's third term vs loose racist/sexist cannon, albeit apparently the latter likes Putin and avoidsWWIII. Does seem harsh.

Jeremy Grimm November 7, 2016 at 3:55 pm

As I read the Archdruid's essay I could not but agree with everything he said about the soon past election.

Though I usually read him for how to deal with what comes after.

JSM November 7, 2016 at 4:01 pm

Re: Vox Scams Readers Into Thinking Prescient World Series Tweet Was A Scam [Update]

Time to correct the correction: 'This story was not up to our standards, and we deeply regret the error.'

What standards?

nobody November 7, 2016 at 4:03 pm

Regarding "Best pro-Trump piece I've seen," this one is better:

" Donald Trump and Empire: An Assessment ," by Max Forte.

LT November 7, 2016 at 4:10 pm

Dow surge…

Of course, if Hillary wins the bubble wins. Everyone with a 401k thinks they hit a triple, but they were walked to third. They won't make it to "home" (comfy retirement).

Meanwhile, Trump is of the 80s heyday of corporate raids…letting it fall and buying up cheap. Wall St knows.

Hillary wins – ride the bubble and pray you know when to dump (and you can't trust the MSM info – otherwise suckers would have seen 2008 coming).

Trump wins – being liquid rules the day.

Ché Pasa November 7, 2016 at 4:17 pm

The election will continue until the correct result is obtained.

That could happen tomorrow; it could just as well drag into January if the EC is tied or, say, the "Russians" interfere and we have to have a cyberwar or something. Wouldn't it be interesting if the House of Rs had to pick the prez? Maybe if the Supremes hadn't lawlessly intervened in the 2000 election, we wouldn't be in this pickle now. But they did. And we are.

The "correct result" one assumes is Hillary; one has assumed so since this morbid campaign began. As appealing as Bernie could be at times, there was no chance he would be allowed to stand as the Democratic nominee. And if the indications of chicanery are correct, he was actively prevented from becoming the nominee regardless of the "vote."

At no time did those who rule us ever consider Trump for the Big Chair. He's just too open and uncouth, don'tchaknow. Can't have that. Might give the game away. But he's a sop to the so-called populists, and man does he run a masterful con. All the slick and perfumed members of his class only wish they had his skill at suckering the rubes. Whoa. Dude.

Meanwhile, it's good to learn that there can be no corruption unless its name is Clinton (er, correction: "Clintoon") or can be linked somehow, if only tangentially, to the Clintoon Crime Syndicate, or it arises politically from the Democratic (er, correction: "Democrat") Party which is the ultimate source of all corruption, even that of the Clintoons.

Nothing the Democrat Party or the Clintoons do is defensible; defenses for Trump, on the other hand, well. "It's just business." Or my favorite: "At least he hasn't killed anybody (sotto voce: yet… that we know of ") So let's give him a chance!

Our Rulers are close to panicking because no matter who is ultimately selected, they fear there will be blood in the streets, and the unrest might get close to their compounds, lead to unpleasantness in their high-rises, interfere, perhaps, with some of their looting and destruction for pleasure.

This election has, for once, discommoded the comfortable.

I voted for Stein, the completely incorrect candidate, though I toyed with leaving the topline blank. Many people I know did that. But no, some of us feel the need to show solidarity with our leftish comrades. So few though, in the end.

We'll get through this, but it'll get uglier.

Tvc15 November 7, 2016 at 5:56 pm

I'm finally coming to the conclusion I'll vote for Stein too for a similar reason. Have thought about voting the following ways ranked by likelihood.

Leave the top of the ticket blank – not wanting to legitimize the charade
Write-in Stein
Write-in Bernie
Trump – if "they" hate him so much…

We are a 3 write-in family in Maine.
Spouse, Bernie
19 yr old male, Obama, I think absurist humor, but not certain.

marym November 7, 2016 at 6:01 pm

According to her website Stein is on the ballot in Maine.

Tvc15 November 7, 2016 at 6:54 pm

Thanks, I'll find out tomorrow. My spouse received an absentee ballot and said Stein wasn't listed. Maybe she missed her.

marym November 7, 2016 at 7:11 pm

Also, if people are writing in a candidate to make a statement or as an act of personal conscience, that's their choice, but if they want the vote counted the rules vary by state. In most states, including Maine, the candidate has to file paperwork.

curlydan November 7, 2016 at 5:58 pm

What's your prediction of how many votes Stein will get nationwide? The Wiki god of knowledge says she got 470K in 2012. I'm going to say 3M in 2016 or about 2.5%.

cocomaan November 7, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Interesting line from the Gopnik article:

One need only track the past month's series of outrages, each quickly receding into the distance, to recall that he has done not one but almost innumerable things that in any previous election would have been, quaint word, "disqualifying."

I don't know if it would ever occur to Gopnik, but perhaps people are tired of idiotic gaffes and meaningless scandals sinking candidates. Maybe, for a sizable portion of the country, the sex scandal has been overused as some kind of indicator for someone's ability to govern, or, even though Gopnik doesn't understand this, it isn't a reflection on their ability to speak about policies that mean something to them.

Talking with Trump supporters I know, they are all very much influenced by: 1) his embracing of nationalism, 2) rejection of trade deals, 3) ideas about reforming government finance. Of course, their distrust for Hillary is just as strong.

I haven't met any trump supporters saying, "Gee, I really think his misogyny lets me free my own inherent sexism." But then again, when identity politics is what you rely on to make your vote, anyone opposed to your candidate is part of a vast linked chain of ignorant brains and invisible connections that only they can see or appreciate.

Also loved his closing line:

For, as Shakespeare would have grasped at once, there is no explaining Trump.

Isn't that your job, Adam? Put your keyboard down if you're unable to do it and spare us the columns.

timbers November 7, 2016 at 4:28 pm

The slightest bit of self-discipline on Trump's part, and Clinton is suddenly in the race of her life. Shows her extreme weakness as a candidate, and the decadence of the Democrat nomenklatura that forced her nomination through, not to mention the decadence of the political class…

If Clinton wins by any margin that doesn't keep her up all night, will not be surprised if she and Team Blue will act as if this is the most awesome-est triumph ever because they are the most awesome-est ever. First women first couple both being Presidents etc etc. They don't seem to have any sense of just how weak and disliked she/they are, and why. They will arrogantly proceed to govern as if they received a powerful mandate and not give an inch anywhere on policy, confident that the methods they used to get elected will work again in 4 years. It will be their way or the highway.

The increased volatility you predict makes sense.

hamstak November 7, 2016 at 5:36 pm

A cynic might also view another first in this election: the first time that a "charitable" foundation has been elected to the office! But perhaps I am being somewhat unfair in questioning the esteemed institution's charity, as it has indeed been charitable towards some.

GMoore November 7, 2016 at 5:39 pm

Taxable Donations to the Clinton Foundation could pay off the national debt – says Charles Ortel, should a Trump administration request a grand jury to assess the many many deficiencies and out and out crimes of that sham charity.

That is the spit and glue that binds the never Trump coalition. There are billions and billions at stake. Wall St, foreign governments, world leaders and the Gates Foundation, Bezos, Slim, Geithner, Paulson - all the big boys. Ortel does a splendid job on you tube explaining how strict the rules are for charitable foundations.

The FBI has the goods on the Clinton's and their phony baloney "foundation".

All they need is a courageous and honest Atty General – state or federal – willing to literally risk life, limb, children, dogs, cats and extended family members should they file charges on the Royals and fail.

"The onus is on the charity" – says Ortel, to prove their innocence, once charges are filed. And the Clinton Foundation has never EVER filed the proper paper work to do ANY of their activities. AGAIN, the rules state you may not raise money for AIDS, unless your charter was filed to do so. the Clintons have never filed the necessary paperwork. There is a 19 page expose on their failure to file or provide the necessary forms.

Hundreds of billions in taxable penalties and interest will be due, should Trump prevail and ask for a grand jury. He doesn't have to threaten them. THEY KNOW

When you see George Will, LInsay Graham, Bill Kristol and the Bush crime family pulling out all the stops to end this revolution – it's because of EXPOSURE.

The Clinton Foundation is the GOLD MINE. Watch and listen.

hreik November 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm

thank you thank you thank you

Waldenpond November 7, 2016 at 7:51 pm

Media will call states early. They will have to call CA. Our numbers take too long to count.

John Merryman November 7, 2016 at 4:56 pm

Looking at the market today, the adage; "Buy the rumor, sell the news," comes to mind.

Jim Haygood November 7, 2016 at 5:02 pm

It's over …

Hillary Clinton's planned celebratory election night fireworks display over the Hudson River has been canceled, it was revealed Monday.

"They do have a permit for fireworks, but at this point we believe the fireworks is canceled," NYPD chief of intelligence Tommy Galati said at a city press conference on Election Day security with Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner James O'Neill.

When asked by a reporter why the fireworks were canceled, Galati responded, "I cannot tell you that."

Clinton was planning aerial detonations for her potential victory that would last for two minutes starting as early at 9:30 p.m. - a half-hour after the polls close in New York.

Since when does the chief of intelligence get involved in a fireworks permit?

Pat November 7, 2016 at 5:08 pm

New York City is going to be a mess tomorrow. I do see that Clinton has messed up Philadelphia.

Unfortunately after tomorrow there will just be a different form of awful….no matter who wins.

UserFriendly November 7, 2016 at 5:35 pm

Since Latino Turnout has been up and AA down Trumps best shot is hoping that the Philly transit strike and Rain in Detroit and most of PA on tuesday suppress less enthusiastic Clinton voters. Both have low early voting. Then he has to cross his fingers for NC and NH.

Waldenpond November 7, 2016 at 5:45 pm

Transit strike is over as reported in links.

UserFriendly November 7, 2016 at 5:56 pm

crud. Well maybe the rainstorm will blow in a little sooner then it is predicted, even then it will only hit Pittsburgh though. But it will hit Detroit all day.

UserFriendly November 7, 2016 at 5:52 pm

Otherwise he needs to hold FL. Then it comes down to PA, NC, NV, and NH.

He can lose PA and win the rest,

Or he can win PA and any 1 other and win (NH would be a tie)

UserFriendly November 7, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Basically he needs either PA & Michigan or FL. Michigan is a stretch, even with the rain, and PA is a long shot without the strike. So it looks like his best hope is what I predicted ages ago.

UserFriendly November 7, 2016 at 6:36 pm

We'll know at 7pm, unless he wins both FL and NH at 7 my money is on him going down.

ewmayer November 7, 2016 at 5:41 pm

Gallup US Consumer Spending Measure, October 2016: " In October, Americans' daily self-reports of spending averaged $93, similar to September's $91 average. However, it is among the highest for the month of October in the survey's nine-year trend" [Econoday] - Was it too much to hope for an economists-trying-to-sound-smart subtitle along the lines of "Economists cite effect of Halloween falling in October this year" on this?

(And I wonder how that yuuge $2 rise compares to the error bars on the survey. Also whether any portion can be attributed to all those new improved health insurance rates showering their blessings on the country.)

Dave November 7, 2016 at 6:02 pm

What about the idea that if we elect Trump, Americans' anger will be diffused and most people will be happy?
If Clinton gets it, everyone, except her financiers will be unhappy, sooner or later.

Four years of Hillary, continuing economic stagnation and more wars may usher in and elect a candidate in 2020 who will make Trump look like a meek-mannered gentleman.

Will it really be worth it to the elite to elect Hillary and end up having to live behind locked gates and only venture out in public with a cadre of bodyguards? Will the wealthy see their Teslas and luxury cars stoned and trashed when they park them in public?

Or, should they just live with Trump and like it? If I were an elite, I'd vote for Trump for that very reason.

Karl Kolchack November 7, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Electing Trump will not defuse the anger–it will just mean that for a little while at least the half of the population who owns most of the guns will be happier. That will give us a year or so until they realize that he was never serious about helping them, and lacks the political skills or even attention span to do so. By 2018, we'd be right back to the starting point–just in time to start the whole stupid cycle all over again.

Yves Smith November 7, 2016 at 7:54 pm

No, a lot of things would change. Clinton winning would be seen as validation of the status quo. Trump winning would be destabilizing. To pretend that the two outcomes are the same is wrongheaded.

Trump winning would break the hold of the Clintons on the Democratic party, and since they've made the party overly concerned with the Presidency, at the expense of building a bench or capturing down-ticket races (all down the list, Congress, governorships, important state level posts), the damage to the party would be profound. They were already expected to lose the Senate in 2018 even if they recover it tomorrow.

Trump winning would also throw a wrench into the Republicans, although not to quite as profound a degree, since him getting this far has already put them in disarray. It would put the orthodox corporate types and many of the evangelicals in a tizzy. The lineup that Trump wants to bring in as his team are either outsiders or not well like by the mainstream of the party. So you can expect Trump to have to fight with much of his own party, as well as the Dems keen to re-establish themselves in the face of their loss.

If nothing else, Trump can do a lot on the trade front without Congress, based on the analyses I've seen so far. How far he would get in trying to wind down our over-involvement in the Middle East is questionable, but it does appear that he would at least stop further escalation with Russia. He also appears to have the ability to get INS rules enforced more strictly (Obama has deported more people than is widely acknowledged).

In other words, the President has a fair bit of power to act unilaterally. That does not require "political skills" since you don't need to get Congress to go along. I agree Trump would have little success with Congress, based on the precedent of Jimmy Carter, who had been a governor and had a House and Senate that were both solidly Democratic, and thus in theory should have gotten some cooperation, but brought in a team of outsiders and acted as if being post-Watergate meant he could do things differently.

John Steinbach November 7, 2016 at 6:51 pm

I'm probably voting for Trump only because of TPP. Thanks to the trade traitors, fast track passage made it much easier to pass TPP with a simple majority during the lame duck session. Clinton will let it ride, but Trump will probably kill it, or at least try to.

Otherwise I'd cast a feel good vote for Stein.

Jeremy Grimm November 7, 2016 at 6:54 pm

If DARPA's robotics program will only come up with some cool enough robots we might send a bot or two to closes down the flow of gated sewer lines or stop the flow of gated water - or add a little something.

I never never even made these suggestions - a Russian spy working for PUTIN took over my keyboard.

JustAnObserver November 7, 2016 at 7:12 pm

After Hillary comes the Intifada of the "deplorables" ?

Kim Kaufman November 7, 2016 at 6:43 pm

I have absolutely no evidence that there's any manipulating of the polling data going on, or how that would work if it were, but it seems to me that this down to the wire close and flip-flopping polling data is hugely in the media's $$ interest. Gazillion$$ are being dumped into late media buys especially for senate races. I can't see how they could manipulate it but if the media could it's certainly in their $$ interest to do so.

Fiver November 7, 2016 at 6:49 pm

I raised this yesterday as a comment, but would like to re-phrase as a question. Bearing in mind that the Clinton 'team' had possession of all of her e-mails for 2 years prior to the original request for the records re the Benghazi investigation, and that the Admin was kind enough to allow Clinton's lawyers to be the ones who determined which e-mails were 'work-related' and which 'personal', and further bearing in mind that the focus has been on whether or not any of the 'personal' e-mails were classified or not, I'd like to ask everyone this:

Did the FBI audit all of the e-mails that Clinton lawyers put in the 'work-related' basket? Given State is full of Clinton 'friendlies' would it not be possible that incriminating 'personal' e-mails were improperly slotted as 'work-related' to hide them with State until it all blows over? Alternately, was the FBI granted access to all Clinton's State Department '.gov' account messages, and those on the systems often referenced by Clinton and others that was used for all important, classified, secret stuff? Further, did FBI have access to all Clinton's (or others') communications using State Department (or other Government) systems that may have been sent to the Foundation, or to any of her usual suspects (Podesta, Mills, Abedin, Clinton lawyers, etc.)?

Two years is a long time for someone to think about what to do with a pile of incriminating stuff – something a bit more selective than Podesta's 'dump it'.

oho November 7, 2016 at 7:48 pm

Comey to be fired post-election? (written by Edward Klein, author of "Blood Feud")

allan November 7, 2016 at 7:50 pm

Truly terrible NPR coverage of the start of the Dylann Roof trial in Charlestown on
both the morning and evening shows.

No mention of the fact that a charismatic black state senator, Clementa Pinckney, was assassinated.
Pinckney is referred to, and not by name, only as the pastor of the Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church.

No breathless speculations or leaks from anonymous LE sources about how Roof was radicalized
or who else might have been involved in the plot.

No use of the phrase `domestic terrorism', which apparently is off limits in such cases.

Oh those tote bag liberals.

[Nov 07, 2016] Hillary Loses the Left

Nov 07, 2016 |

November 7, 2016 by legitgov

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Hillary Loses the Left | 06 Nov 2016 | While Donald Trump has been consolidating his base of support, the opposite appears to be happening for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who seems to be hemorrhaging supporters from her progressive base...[I]n the closing days of the 2016 campaign, the rift has been laid bare through a combination of WikiLeaks revelations, a series of high-profile endorsements for Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein from progressives like Marc Lamont Hill, Cornel West, and Susan Sarandon, as well as polling data that suggests Trump's broad populist messaging is resonating with Democrat-leaning voters. v Contrary to the narrative perpetuated by corporate media, many prominent liberals are now expressing their belief that installing Hillary Clinton, a " corporatist hawk ," in the White House is " the true danger " and would be " more dangerous " for progressive values, the well-being of the nation, and the stability of the world than would four years of a Donald Trump presidency.

[Nov 07, 2016] Bernie Sanders was a Con Artist, had an 'Agreement' with Hillary Clinton – Wikileaks

According to a new Wikileaks email, Bernie Sanders was just a Manchurian candidate and a Clinton puppet all along. We finally have confirmation of what we have suspected since Bernie said "people are sick of hearing about your damn emails" all the way back in 2015 during one debate. That was a big give-away and a huge red flag which many have raised back then but now we finally have irrefutable proof that Bernie Sanders was just a SCAM candidate and a con artist.

[Nov 07, 2016] More Jobs, a Strong Economy, and a Threat to Institutions

Notable quotes:
"... it's easy to imagine a President Trump refusing to heed our own highest court, which, as President Andrew Jackson observed, has no way, other than respect of institutions, to enforce its decisions. ..."
"... It's easy to carp like this but the sclerotic elite in charge of the country has failed to address demographic concerns, and has stamped out any politically incorrect thoughts as being signs of baseness. ..."
"... Now they are so upset that a challenger has arisen. It's unfortunate that this particular challenger has no background in government and will probably harm our economic growth with his lack of skill, but the elites will have to eat the cake they baked. ..."
"... Economists told us that free trade deals and open borders would make us prosperous and yet that hasn't happens. ..."
"... The technicians running trade policy, monetary policy and fiscal policy haven't held up their end of the bargain. ..."
"... Wealth and power has been redistributed upwards. ..."
"... The union movement has been destroyed in outright class war. ..."
"... The corporate media spread lies and distraction. It induces both apathy and a rat race/dog-eat-dog mentality. ..."
"... Consider how far we've moved right, so that Nixon e.g. would be considered hopelessly and radically leftist today. Given that, moving left should be one of the first things you consider. ..."
"... Yes, we've seen right wing policies killing jobs and steering wealth to the wealthy, and that's bad policy. But unfortunately it seems it's always possible to do *worse*. ..."
"... Trump's policies would double down on wealth transfer, while he spouts the typical RW mantra of "(my dopey policy which would destroy jobs) would be good for jobs." ..."
"... Economic growth fueled by foreign oil is nice while it lasts but what will happen to the country when the oil runs out or we are forced to fight a war that disrupts the supply? ..."
Nov 07, 2016 |
Adam Davidson in the New Yorker:
More Jobs, a Strong Economy, and a Threat to Institutions : ...Institutions are significant to economists, who have come to see that countries become prosperous not because they have bounteous natural resources or an educated population or the most advanced technology but because they have good institutions. Crucially, formal structures are supported by informal, often unstated, social agreements. A nation not only needs courts; its people need to believe that those courts can be fair. ...

Over most of history, a small élite confiscated wealth from the poor. Subsistence farmers lived under rules designed to tax them so that the rulers could live in palaces and pay for soldiers to maintain their power. Every now and then, though, a system appeared in which leaders were forced to accommodate the needs of at least some of their citizens. ... The societies with the most robust systems for forcing the powerful to accommodate some of the needs of the powerless became wealthier and more peaceful. ... Most nations without institutions to check the worst impulses of the rich and powerful stay stuck in poverty and dysfunction. ...

This year's Presidential election has alarmed economists for several reasons. No economist, save one , supports Donald J. Trump's stated economic plans, but an even larger concern is that, were he elected, Trump would attack the very institutions that have provided our economic stability. In his campaign, Trump has shown outright contempt for courts, free speech, international treaties, and many other pillars of the American way of life. There is little reason to think that, if granted the Presidency, Trump would soften his stand. ...'s easy to imagine a President Trump refusing to heed our own highest court, which, as President Andrew Jackson observed, has no way, other than respect of institutions, to enforce its decisions. No one knows what Trump would do as President, but, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts, the military, and their rights to free speech and assembly. When this happens, history tells us, people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas. They focus, instead, on taking from others and holding tightly to what they've already amassed. Those societies, without the institutions that protect us from our worst impulses, become poorer, uglier, more violent. That is how nations fail.

Alex S : , November 05, 2016 at 01:15 PM
It's easy to carp like this but the sclerotic elite in charge of the country has failed to address demographic concerns, and has stamped out any politically incorrect thoughts as being signs of baseness.

Now they are so upset that a challenger has arisen. It's unfortunate that this particular challenger has no background in government and will probably harm our economic growth with his lack of skill, but the elites will have to eat the cake they baked.

Peter K. : , November 05, 2016 at 01:23 PM
"No one knows what Trump would do as President, but, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts, the military, and their rights to free speech and assembly. When this happens, history tells us, people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas. They focus, instead, on taking from others and holding tightly to what they've already amassed. Those societies, without the institutions that protect us from our worst impulses, become poorer, uglier, more violent. That is how nations fail."

This is all true but let's provide a little more context than the totebaggers' paint-by-numbers narrative.

The Democratic Party has been moved to right as the middle class has struggled.

And more and more people become susceptible to demagogues like Trump as Democrats try to play both sides of the fence, instead of standing foresquarely behind the job class.

Let's hope we don't find out what Trump does if elected. My guess is that he'd delegate foreign and domestic policy to Mike Pence as Trump himself would be free to pursue his own personal grudges via whatever means are available.

Alex S -> Peter K.... , -1
As we can see here, through leftist glasses, the only possible remedy for solving a problem is moving left.
Julio -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:02 PM
Consider how far we've moved right, so that Nixon e.g. would be considered hopelessly and radically leftist today.
Given that, moving left should be one of the first things you consider.
anne -> Julio ... , November 05, 2016 at 03:26 PM
Consider how far we've moved right, so that Nixon e.g. would be considered hopelessly and radically leftist today. Given that, moving left should be one of the first things you consider.

[ An important criticism. ]

Alex S -> Julio ... , November 05, 2016 at 03:50 PM
We have moved left. The gays and blacks are treated better. We no longer tolerate wars like Vietnam. The Iraq war was an order of magnitude smaller. War helps scientific discovery and progress. For more capable nations to help civilize weaker and more chaotic ones is helpful, but leftists won't accept that.
Peter K. -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:12 PM
As Julio points out, under any objective analysis, politics have moved to the right.

Rightwing policy solutions have been tried: tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, breaking of unions, etc.

We've seen the results. Stagnation and slow growth.

The social democratic post-war years were much better with shared prosperity for all citizens.

JohnH -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 03:53 PM
"It's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts."

When Obama refuses to jail torturers or those responsible for mortgage fraud, we the people are justified in having less confidence in the courts.

Peter Liepmann -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 05:52 PM
Yes, we've seen right wing policies killing jobs and steering wealth to the wealthy, and that's bad policy. But unfortunately it seems it's always possible to do *worse*.

Trump's policies would double down on wealth transfer, while he spouts the typical RW mantra of "(my dopey policy which would destroy jobs) would be good for jobs."

Tim Harford made a good case for trust accounting for 99% of the difference in per capita GNP between the US and Somalia.

""If you take a broad enough definition of trust, then it would explain basically all the difference between the per capita income of the United States and Somalia," ventures Steve Knack, a senior economist at the World Bank who has been studying the economics of trust for over a decade. That suggests that trust is worth $12.4 trillion dollars a year to the U.S., which, in case you are wondering, is 99.5% of this country's income (2006 figures). If you make $40,000 a year, then $200 is down to hard work and $39,800 is down to trust.

How could that be? Trust operates in all sorts of ways, from saving money that would have to be spent on security to improving the functioning of the political system. But above all, trust enables people to do business with each other. Doing business is what creates wealth."

anne -> Peter Liepmann... , November 05, 2016 at 06:38 PM
Precise references, including links are necessary.
anne : , November 05, 2016 at 01:49 PM
Adam Davidson in the essay refers to this paper, which is well worth reading:

April, 2016

Presidents and the US Economy: An Econometric Exploration
By Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson


The US economy has performed better when the president of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regardless of how one measures performance. For many measures, including real GDP growth (our focus), the performance gap is large and significant. This paper asks why. The answer is not found in technical time series matters nor in systematically more expansionary monetary or fiscal policy under Democrats. Rather, it appears that the Democratic edge stems mainly from more benign oil shocks, superior total factor productivity (TFP) performance, a more favorable international environment, and perhaps more optimistic consumer expectations about the near-term future.

Alex S -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 02:59 PM
Economic growth fueled by foreign oil is nice while it lasts but what will happen to the country when the oil runs out or we are forced to fight a war that disrupts the supply?
pgl -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:03 PM
I was in college in the mid 1970's and we asked this question a lot. Some think this worry has gone away. I don't agree with those types. Which is why a green technology investment drive makes a lot of sense for so many reasons.
Alex S -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 04:03 PM
Quote from the paper you linked to: "Arguably, oil shocks have more to do with US foreign policy than with US economic policy-the two Gulf Wars being prominent examples. That said, several economists have claimed that US monetary policy played an important role in bringing on the oil shocks. See, for example, Barsky and Kilian (2002)."
anne -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 04:13 PM
Do set down a link to a reference when possible:

July, 2001

Do We Really Know that Oil Caused the Great Stagflation? A Monetary Alternative
By Robert B. Barsky and Lutz Kilian


This paper argues that major oil price increases were not nearly as essential a part of the causal mechanism that generated the stagflation of the 1970s as is often thought. There is neither a theoretical presumption that oil supply shocks are stagflationary nor robust empirical evidence for this view. In contrast, we show that monetary expansions and contractions can generate stagflation of realistic magnitude even in the absence of supply shocks. Furthermore, monetary fluctuations help to explain the historical movements of the prices of oil and other commodities, including the surge in the prices of industrial commodities that preceded the 1973/74 oil price increase. Thus, they can account for the striking coincidence of major oil price increases and worsening stagflation.

Alex S -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 04:22 PM
My quote dragged on too long. I should have ended it with the first sentence. Monetary policy could play a role but foreign policy could still be the biggest factor.
Peter K. -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 03:09 PM

"Former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder said he's skeptical that fiscal policy will be loosened a great deal if Clinton wins the election, as seems likely based on recent voter surveys.

"She is promising not to make budget deficits bigger by her programs," said Blinder, who is now a professor at Princeton University. "Whatever fiscal stimulus there is ought to be small enough for the Fed practically to ignore it."

PGL told us that Hillary's fiscal program would be YUGE.

Like with Trump everything he says is a lie.

anne -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 03:56 PM
Dean Baker in "Rigged" * reminds me of the lasting limits to growth that appear to follow the sacrifice of growth, especially to the extent of allowing a recession, for the sake of budget balancing during a time of surrounding economic weakness:


October, 2016

Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
By Dean Baker

anne -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 04:01 PM
Simply excellent:

October, 2016

Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
By Dean Baker

Introduction: Trading in Myths

In winter 2016, near the peak of Bernie Sanders' bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, a new line became popular among the nation's policy elite: Bernie Sanders is the enemy of the world's poor. Their argument was that Sanders, by pushing trade policies to help U.S. workers, specifically manufacturing workers, risked undermining the well-being of the world's poor because exporting manufactured goods to the United States and other wealthy countries is their path out of poverty. The role model was China, which by exporting has largely eliminated extreme poverty and drastically reduced poverty among its population. Sanders and his supporters would block the rest of the developing world from following the same course.

This line, in its Sanders-bashing permutation, appeared early on in Vox, the millennial-oriented media upstart, and was quickly picked up elsewhere (Beauchamp 2016). After all, it was pretty irresistible. The ally of the downtrodden and enemy of the rich was pushing policies that would condemn much of the world to poverty.

The story made a nice contribution to preserving the status quo, but it was less valuable if you respect honesty in public debate.

The problem in the logic of this argument should be apparent to anyone who has taken an introductory economics course. It assumes that the basic problem of manufacturing workers in the developing world is the need for someone who will buy their stuff. If people in the United States don't buy it, then the workers will be out on the street and growth in the developing world will grind to a halt. In this story, the problem is that we don't have enough people in the world to buy stuff. In other words, there is a shortage of demand. But is it really true that no one else in the world would buy the stuff produced by manufacturing workers in the developing world if they couldn't sell it to consumers in the United States? Suppose people in the developing world bought the stuff they produced raising their living standards by raising their own consumption.

That is how the economics is supposed to work. In the standard theory, general shortages of demand are not a problem. Economists have traditionally assumed that economies tended toward full employment. The basic economic constraint was a lack of supply. The problem was that we couldn't produce enough goods and services, not that we were producing too much and couldn't find anyone to buy them. In fact, this is why all the standard models used to analyze trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership assume trade doesn't affect total employment. Economies adjust so that shortages of demand are not a problem.

In this standard story (and the Sanders critics are people who care about textbook economics), capital flows from slow-growing rich countries, where it is relatively plentiful and so gets a low rate of return, to fast-growing poor countries, where it is scarce and gets a high rate of return....

pgl -> Peter K.... , November 06, 2016 at 03:37 AM
It is yuuuuge - and no I did not say anything of the sort. Rather I noted it would be less than 1% of GDP. This is what I get for trying to get the facts right. It gets too complicated for you even when we simplify things so you get angry and start screaming "liar". Grow up.
mrrunangun : , November 05, 2016 at 06:23 PM
Per capta GDP grew from $51,100 to $51,400 between July 1 2015 and July 1 2016. This 0.6% growth does not seem to me to be a statistic supporting claims of improving employment and improving wage growth.

Dean has suggested in one of his commentaries that wage growth may be an artifact of a decline in the quality of health insurance coverage. Wage growth is not figured net of increased outlays for deductibles and copays related to changes in health insurance. PPACA discourages low deductible and low copay health plans by placing a "Cadillac tax" on them, or at least threatening to do so. The consequent rise in wage workers' outlays for copays and deductibles are not captured in the statistics that claim to measure wage gains. This results in an income transfer from the well to the sick, but can produce statistics that can be interpreted in politically convenient ways by those so inclined

anne -> mrrunangun... , November 05, 2016 at 06:33 PM

August 4, 2014

Real per capita Gross Domestic Product for United States and United Kingdom, 2007-2015

(Percent change)

August 4, 2014

Real per capita Gross Domestic Product for United States and United Kingdom, 2007-2015

(Indexed to 2007)

anne -> mrrunangun... , November 05, 2016 at 06:35 PM

January 15, 2016

Employment Cost Indexes for Wages and Salaries & Benefits, 2007-2016

(Percent change)

January 15, 2016

Employment Cost Indexes for Wages and Salaries & Benefits, 2002-2016

(Percent change)

pgl -> mrrunangun... , November 06, 2016 at 03:38 AM
Excellent perspective. Let me say well done before PeterK gets angry and calls you a liar.
ilsm -> mrrunangun... , November 06, 2016 at 05:10 AM
I had a job offer about 15 years ago, the quoted salary was not to my liking so the HR type told me how much the Cadillac insurance was "worth".

I do not think you 'get' why Cadillac plans are taxed............


'income transfers'......

mrrunangun -> ilsm... , November 06, 2016 at 12:25 PM
I get why the plans are taxed. I don't believe that the results of that policy have been beneficial for the bulk of the population. Most of the good done by PPACA was done by the expansion of Medicaid eligibility. I believe that requiring the working poor people to settle for high deductible high copay policies has had the practical effect of requiring them to choose between adequate medical and further impoverishment. I do not believe that the PPACA could not have been financed in a way less injurious to the working poor. As the insurers have been unable to make money in this deal, the hospital operators seem to have been the only winners in that their bad debt problems have been ameliorated.
cm : , November 05, 2016 at 11:09 PM
"people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas"

And this is entirely rational, as in the situation described, the fruits of their efforts will likely be siphoned from their pockets by the elites and generally rent-seekers with higher social standing and leverage, or at best their efforts will amount to too little to be worth the risk (including the risk of wasting one's time i.e. opportunity cost). It also becomes correspondingly harder to convince and motivate others to join or fund any worthwhile efforts. What also happens (and has happened in "communism") is that people take their interests private, i.e. hidden from the view of those who would usurp or derail them.

Chris G : , -1
"Those who witness extreme social collapse at first hand seldom describe any deep revelation about the truths of human existence. What they do mention, if asked, is their surprise at how easy it is to die.

The pattern of ordinary life, in which so much stays the same from one day to the next, disguises the fragility of its fabric. How many of our activities are made possible by the impression of stability that pattern gives? So long as it repeats, or varies steadily enough, we are able to plan for tomorrow as if all the things we rely on and don't think about too carefully will still be there. When the pattern is broken, by civil war or natural disaster or the smaller-scale tragedies that tear at its fabric, many of those activities become impossible or meaningless, while simply meeting needs we once took for granted may occupy much of our lives.

What war correspondents and relief workers report is not only the fragility of the fabric, but the speed with which it can unravel. As we write this, no one can say with certainty where the unraveling of the financial and commercial fabric of our economies will end. Meanwhile, beyond the cities, unchecked industrial exploitation frays the material basis of life in many parts of the world, and pulls at the ecological systems which sustain it.

Precarious as this moment may be, however, an awareness of the fragility of what we call civilisation is nothing new.

'Few men realise,' wrote Joseph Conrad in 1896, 'that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings.' Conrad's writings exposed the civilisation exported by European imperialists to be little more than a comforting illusion, not only in the dark, unconquerable heart of Africa, but in the whited sepulchres of their capital cities. The inhabitants of that civilisation believed 'blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion,' but their confidence could be maintained only by the seeming solidity of the crowd of like-minded believers surrounding them. Outside the walls, the wild remained as close to the surface as blood under skin, though the city-dweller was no longer equipped to face it directly.

Bertrand Russell caught this vein in Conrad's worldview, suggesting that the novelist 'thought of civilised and morally tolerable human life as a dangerous walk on a thin crust of barely cooled lava which at any moment might break and let the unwary sink into fiery depths.' What both Russell and Conrad were getting at was a simple fact which any historian could confirm: human civilisation is an intensely fragile construction. It is built on little more than belief: belief in the rightness of its values; belief in the strength of its system of law and order; belief in its currency; above all, perhaps, belief in its future.

Once that belief begins to crumble, the collapse of a civilisation may become unstoppable. That civilisations fall, sooner or later, is as much a law of history as gravity is a law of physics. What remains after the fall is a wild mixture of cultural debris, confused and angry people whose certainties have betrayed them, and those forces which were always there, deeper than the foundations of the city walls: the desire to survive and the desire for meaning."

Source -

[Nov 07, 2016] Slavoj Zizek Says He'd Vote Trump: Hillary Clinton 'Is the Real Danger'

Nov 07, 2016 |

November 7, 2016 by legitgov

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Slavoj Žižek Says He'd Vote Trump: Hillary Clinton 'Is the Real Danger' | 04 Nov 2016 | Slovenian-born philosopher and cultural theorist Slavoj Žižek said a Hillary Clinton presidency is a greater danger to the nation than a President Donald Trump. Žižek explained that while he is "horrified" by Trump, he believes a Trump presidency could result in a "big awakening" that could set into motion the formation of "new political processes." By contrast, Žižek said he sees Clinton as "the true danger"--pointing specifically to her insincerity, her ties to the Wall Street banks, and her dedication to the "absolute inertia" of our established political system.

[Nov 07, 2016] Election 2016 Playing a Game of Chicken With Nuclear Strategy

The author is a neocon... Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty was deeply unfair as it did not eliminated see based missiles, only ground based one. It is essentially a trap Gorbachov went into.
Notable quotes:
"... On the American side, the weapon of immediate concern is a new version of the AGM-86B air-launched cruise missile, usually carried by B-52 bombers. Also known as the Long-Range Standoff Weapon (LRSO) ..."
"... No wonder former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry called on President Obama to cancel the ALCM program in a recent Washington Post op-ed piece. "Because they… come in both nuclear and conventional variants," he wrote, "cruise missiles are a uniquely destabilizing type of weapon." And this issue is going to fall directly into the lap of the next president. ..."
Nov 07, 2016 |
By Michael T. Klare, a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and the author, most recently, of The Race for What's Left . A documentary movie version of his book Blood and Oil is available from the Media Education Foundation . Follow him on Twitter at @mklare1. Originally published at TomDispatch

... ... ..

With passions running high on both sides in this year's election and rising fears about Donald Trump's impulsive nature and Hillary Clinton's hawkish one, it's hardly surprising that the "nuclear button" question has surfaced repeatedly throughout the campaign. In one of the more pointed exchanges of the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton declared that Donald Trump lacked the mental composure for the job. "A man who can be provoked by a tweet," she commented , "should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes." Donald Trump has reciprocated by charging that Clinton is too prone to intervene abroad. "You're going to end up in World War III over Syria," he told reporters in Florida last month.

For most election observers, however, the matter of personal character and temperament has dominated discussions of the nuclear issue, with partisans on each side insisting that the other candidate is temperamentally unfit to exercise control over the nuclear codes. There is, however, a more important reason to worry about whose finger will be on that button this time around: at this very moment, for a variety of reasons, the "nuclear threshold" - the point at which some party to a "conventional" (non-nuclear) conflict chooses to employ atomic weapons - seems to be moving dangerously lower.

Not so long ago, it was implausible that a major nuclear power - the United States, Russia, or China - would consider using atomic weapons in any imaginable conflict scenario. No longer. Worse yet, this is likely to be our reality for years to come, which means that the next president will face a world in which a nuclear decision-making point might arrive far sooner than anyone would have thought possible just a year or two ago - with potentially catastrophic consequences for us all.

No less worrisome, the major nuclear powers (and some smaller ones) are all in the process of acquiring new nuclear arms, which could, in theory, push that threshold lower still. These include a variety of cruise missiles and other delivery systems capable of being used in "limited" nuclear wars - atomic conflicts that, in theory at least, could be confined to just a single country or one area of the world (say, Eastern Europe) and so might be even easier for decision-makers to initiate. The next president will have to decide whether the U.S. should actually produce weapons of this type and also what measures should be taken in response to similar decisions by Washington's likely adversaries.

Lowering the Nuclear Threshold

During the dark days of the Cold War, nuclear strategists in the United States and the Soviet Union conjured up elaborate conflict scenarios in which military actions by the two superpowers and their allies might lead from, say, minor skirmishing along the Iron Curtain to full-scale tank combat to, in the end, the use of "battlefield" nuclear weapons, and then city-busting versions of the same to avert defeat. In some of these scenarios, strategists hypothesized about wielding "tactical" or battlefield weaponry - nukes powerful enough to wipe out a major tank formation, but not Paris or Moscow - and claimed that it would be possible to contain atomic warfare at such a devastating but still sub-apocalyptic level. (Henry Kissinger, for instance, made his reputation by preaching this lunatic doctrine in his first book, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy .) Eventually, leaders on both sides concluded that the only feasible role for their atomic arsenals was to act as deterrents to the use of such weaponry by the other side. This was, of course, the concept of " mutually assured destruction ," or - in one of the most classically apt acronyms of all times: MAD. It would, in the end, form the basis for all subsequent arms control agreements between the two superpowers.

Anxiety over the escalatory potential of tactical nuclear weapons peaked in the 1970s when the Soviet Union began deploying the SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic missile (capable of striking cities in Europe, but not the U.S.) and Washington responded with plans to deploy nuclear-armed, ground-launched cruise missiles and the Pershing-II ballistic missile in Europe. The announcement of such plans provoked massive antinuclear demonstrations across Europe and the United States. On December 8, 1987, at a time when worries had been growing about how a nuclear conflagration in Europe might trigger an all-out nuclear exchange between the superpowers, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

That historic agreement - the first to eliminate an entire class of nuclear delivery systems - banned the deployment of ground-based cruise or ballistic missiles with a range of 500 and 5,500 kilometers and required the destruction of all those then in existence. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation inherited the USSR's treaty obligations and pledged to uphold the INF along with other U.S.-Soviet arms control agreements. In the view of most observers, the prospect of a nuclear war between the two countries practically vanished as both sides made deep cuts in their atomic stockpiles in accordance with already existing accords and then signed others, including the New START , the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty of 2010.

... ... ...

To put this in perspective, Russian leaders ardently believe that they are the victims of a U.S.-led drive by NATO to encircle their country and diminish its international influence. They point, in particular, to the build-up of NATO forces in the Baltic countries, involving the semi-permanent deployment of combat battalions in what was once the territory of the Soviet Union, and in apparent violation of promises made to Gorbachev in 1990 that NATO would not do so. As a result, Russia has been bolstering its defenses in areas bordering Ukraine and the Baltic states, and training its troops for a possible clash with the NATO forces stationed there.

... ... ...

On the American side, the weapon of immediate concern is a new version of the AGM-86B air-launched cruise missile, usually carried by B-52 bombers. Also known as the Long-Range Standoff Weapon (LRSO), it is, like the Iskander-M, expected to be deployed in both nuclear and conventional versions, leaving those on the potential receiving end unsure what might be heading their way.

In other words, as with the Iskander-M, the intended target might assume the worst in a crisis, leading to the early use of nuclear weapons. Put another way, such missiles make for twitchy trigger fingers and are likely to lead to a heightened risk of nuclear war, which, once started, might in turn take Washington and Moscow right up the escalatory ladder to a planetary holocaust.

No wonder former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry called on President Obama to cancel the ALCM program in a recent Washington Post op-ed piece. "Because they… come in both nuclear and conventional variants," he wrote, "cruise missiles are a uniquely destabilizing type of weapon." And this issue is going to fall directly into the lap of the next president.

pretzelattack November 7, 2016 at 1:46 am

scanning it, it keeps referring to the obama administration's beliefs about russia, and claims by american officials. given the hysteria about putin allegedly hacking the us election, and the propaganda surrounding the war on terror, i'm reluctant to rely on this kind of evidence.

Lambert Strether November 7, 2016 at 2:29 am


But even Hillary Clinton, for all her experience as secretary of state, is likely to have a hard time grappling with the pressures and dangers that are likely to arise in the years ahead, especially given that her inclination is to toughen U.S. policy toward Russia.

"Even" is a little rich, given that the Clinton campaign has systematically - I hate to use the word, but - demonized* Putin. One can regard the political class as cynically able to turn on a dime when the election is done, but Clinton has also induced her base of "NPR tote baggers" to buy in, and the more massive base is harder to turn. And then of course the neo-cons have gone over to her, and they certainly know which side their bread has blood on.

So, if Clinton wins, the dominant faction of the Democrat Party is - from the leadership through the nomenklatura to the base - committed to a "muscular" foreign policy, including a "No Fly Zone" in Syria, where shooting down a Russian plane would be an act of war, so far as Russia is concerned. (In the last debate, Clinton pointedly didn't answer what she would do in that eventuality.)

It is what it is. We are where we are.

NOTE * I mean, come on. Trump and Comey as Putin's agents of influence? Beyond bizarre.

UPDATE One of the salient features of the bureaucratic infighters who brought about World War I is their utter mediocrity; see this review of The Sleepwalkers , a diplomatic history of how World War I came out. If you want to see real mediocrity in today's terms, read the Podesta emails.

integer November 7, 2016 at 2:50 am

And contrast that quote with:

Whoever is elected on November 8th, we are evidently all headed into a world in which Trumpian-style itchy trigger fingers could be the norm.

So even Hillary Clinton might not be able to handle a world full of Trumpian-style itchy trigger fingers. That's a bit hard to swallow imo.

timotheus November 7, 2016 at 5:35 am

"Muscular" policy towards Russia: [echo "muscular policy! muscular policy!" slow fade]. And we think Putin is a clownish macho.

Joins "innovation", economic "liftoff" and "headwinds", "fight for", etc.

hemeantwell November 7, 2016 at 8:44 am

Agreed. Klare's order of presentation creates a questionable sense of causality by talking first about Russian tech and strategy and then about what appear to be US responses. For example, my understanding of recent developments of low yield nuclear weapons - I'm thinking of the "dial a bomb" - has the US once again opening up a new strategic front the Russians feel compelled to duplicate. His discussion of the Iskander M similarly elides the question of how the Russians think about the B52-based cruise missiles the US has had for years.

He also seems to lose track of a point he introduces by referring to Kissinger's advocacy of the use of low yield nukes. Kissinger's book came out in 1957, and afair only the US had battlefield nuclear missile delivery systems back in early 60s. After Kissinger gained power in the Nixon administration, they both thought that it was useful to look rationally irrational, to set out a logic for dangerous policies in order to make opponents fearful of a catastrophic reaction. The Russians are likely doing the same thing. I'm sure, too, that talking of a low first use threshold is a way to split Europe from the US.

Massinissa November 7, 2016 at 2:38 am

I like the article, but it seems like its putting too much of the fault on Russia.

Roland November 7, 2016 at 3:10 am

This article on nuclear strategy makes no mention of the single most destabilizing thing that happened in nuclear affairs in this century: the USA's unilateral abrogation of the ABM Treaty.

How could the author make such an omission?

The biggest nuclear problem we face is that there are "serious" military and political leaders in the USA who think that their new ABM systems will allow them to burst the shackles of assured-destruction, and thus to actively employ escalation dominance as a foreign policy tool..

integer November 7, 2016 at 5:20 am

political leaders in the USA who think that their new ABM systems will allow them to burst the shackles of assured-destruction

"Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand."

― Archibald Putt

charles 2 November 7, 2016 at 5:06 am

The author puts too much emphasis on anti-cities warfare at a pre-strategic level. A strike will be more likely to be an EMP anti-infrastructure strike. In modern societies, one doesn't need to kill people to break their resolve. Disrupting the provision of electricity, mobile, cable and internet connection is amply enough to eliminate the appetite for overseas military adventures.

fajensen November 7, 2016 at 6:13 am

The nukes run on a dead-man switch. If one EMP's "everything", the periodic "please do not launch today, sir"-signal will not reach the silos/submarines and missiles will launch automatically.

We can be pretty sure that the last missiles launched will be salted with some "well, fuck you too!"-concoction to create massive fallout and maybe even some bio-weapons on top for all those weakened immune systems (from the gamma radiation). The USSR did a lot of very high quality research on biological weapons, obviously, everyone else has whatever they had in the 1980's. People who ingest radioactive dust are goners sooner or later. Sooner with bio-weapons on top of the radiation poisoning.

People, especially people "on top" who should be informed and know better, yet still think ABM systems work effectively for any other purpose than moving billions of USD to into the pockets of defense industry cronies, are simply deluded. Even with cooked tests, where the speed and trajectory of the opposition missile is known to the missile defence in advance, the odds of an intercept are low.

Disturbed Voter November 7, 2016 at 6:31 am

The only way to win is not play – War-games

Why would the elites not want to win, compared to the first 70 years of the nuclear age?

fajensen November 7, 2016 at 8:04 am

Why would the elites not want to win, compared to the first 70 years of the nuclear age?

They are like 70-80 years old, geriatrics already, soon diaper-cases. All thes powerful people are in a desparate race with time to "set things right", before they lose all of their faculties (or start smelling of poo so no-one invites them anymore).

Jim A November 7, 2016 at 9:01 am

Even more troubling, Russia has adopted a military doctrine that favors the early use of nuclear weapons if it faces defeat in a conventional war, and NATO is considering comparable measures in response. The nuclear threshold, in other words, is dropping rapidly.

Of course this is the exact mirror image of the US policy during the Cold War. We relied on the threat of "theater nuclear war" to deter the huge Soviet conventional forces that NATO had little chance of stopping with conventional forces. Of course the Germans joked that the definition of a "theater" nuclear weapon was one that went off in Germany.

[Nov 07, 2016] How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer

anne -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 04:01 PM

Simply excellent:

October, 2016

Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
By Dean Baker

Introduction: Trading in Myths

In winter 2016, near the peak of Bernie Sanders' bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, a new line became popular among the nation's policy elite: Bernie Sanders is the enemy of the world's poor. Their argument was that Sanders, by pushing trade policies to help U.S. workers, specifically manufacturing workers, risked undermining the well-being of the world's poor because exporting manufactured goods to the United States and other wealthy countries is their path out of poverty. The role model was China, which by exporting has largely eliminated extreme poverty and drastically reduced poverty among its population. Sanders and his supporters would block the rest of the developing world from following the same course.

This line, in its Sanders-bashing permutation, appeared early on in Vox, the millennial-oriented media upstart, and was quickly picked up elsewhere (Beauchamp 2016). After all, it was pretty irresistible. The ally of the downtrodden and enemy of the rich was pushing policies that would condemn much of the world to poverty.

The story made a nice contribution to preserving the status quo, but it was less valuable if you respect honesty in public debate.

The problem in the logic of this argument should be apparent to anyone who has taken an introductory economics course. It assumes that the basic problem of manufacturing workers in the developing world is the need for someone who will buy their stuff. If people in the United States don't buy it, then the workers will be out on the street and growth in the developing world will grind to a halt. In this story, the problem is that we don't have enough people in the world to buy stuff. In other words, there is a shortage of demand. But is it really true that no one else in the world would buy the stuff produced by manufacturing workers in the developing world if they couldn't sell it to consumers in the United States? Suppose people in the developing world bought the stuff they produced raising their living standards by raising their own consumption.

That is how the economics is supposed to work. In the standard theory, general shortages of demand are not a problem. Economists have traditionally assumed that economies tended toward full employment. The basic economic constraint was a lack of supply. The problem was that we couldn't produce enough goods and services, not that we were producing too much and couldn't find anyone to buy them. In fact, this is why all the standard models used to analyze trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership assume trade doesn't affect total employment. Economies adjust so that shortages of demand are not a problem.

In this standard story (and the Sanders critics are people who care about textbook economics), capital flows from slow-growing rich countries, where it is relatively plentiful and so gets a low rate of return, to fast-growing poor countries, where it is scarce and gets a high rate of return....

[Nov 07, 2016] Economists View More Jobs, a Strong Economy, and a Threat to Institutions

Nov 07, 2016 |
Adam Davidson in the New Yorker:
More Jobs, a Strong Economy, and a Threat to Institutions : ...Institutions are significant to economists, who have come to see that countries become prosperous not because they have bounteous natural resources or an educated population or the most advanced technology but because they have good institutions. Crucially, formal structures are supported by informal, often unstated, social agreements. A nation not only needs courts; its people need to believe that those courts can be fair. ...

Over most of history, a small élite confiscated wealth from the poor. Subsistence farmers lived under rules designed to tax them so that the rulers could live in palaces and pay for soldiers to maintain their power. Every now and then, though, a system appeared in which leaders were forced to accommodate the needs of at least some of their citizens. ... The societies with the most robust systems for forcing the powerful to accommodate some of the needs of the powerless became wealthier and more peaceful. ... Most nations without institutions to check the worst impulses of the rich and powerful stay stuck in poverty and dysfunction. ...

This year's Presidential election has alarmed economists for several reasons. No economist, save one , supports Donald J. Trump's stated economic plans, but an even larger concern is that, were he elected, Trump would attack the very institutions that have provided our economic stability. In his campaign, Trump has shown outright contempt for courts, free speech, international treaties, and many other pillars of the American way of life. There is little reason to think that, if granted the Presidency, Trump would soften his stand. ...'s easy to imagine a President Trump refusing to heed our own highest court, which, as President Andrew Jackson observed, has no way, other than respect of institutions, to enforce its decisions. No one knows what Trump would do as President, but, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts, the military, and their rights to free speech and assembly. When this happens, history tells us, people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas. They focus, instead, on taking from others and holding tightly to what they've already amassed. Those societies, without the institutions that protect us from our worst impulses, become poorer, uglier, more violent. That is how nations fail.

Alex S : , November 05, 2016 at 01:15 PM
It's easy to carp like this but the sclerotic elite in charge of the country has failed to address demographic concerns, and has stamped out any politically incorrect thoughts as being signs of baseness. Now they are so upset that a challenger has arisen. It's unfortunate that this particular challenger has no background in government and will probably harm our economic growth with his lack of skill, but the elites will have to eat the cake they baked.
pgl -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 01:51 PM
Agreed. You should have seen Peter Navarro latest performance. He may be ruder than Trump himself and he certainly babbles gibberish.
Peter K. : , November 05, 2016 at 01:23 PM
"No one knows what Trump would do as President, but, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts, the military, and their rights to free speech and assembly. When this happens, history tells us, people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas. They focus, instead, on taking from others and holding tightly to what they've already amassed. Those societies, without the institutions that protect us from our worst impulses, become poorer, uglier, more violent. That is how nations fail."

This is all true but let's provide a little more context than the totebaggers' paint-by-numbers narrative.

The Democratic Party has been moved to right as the middle class has struggled.

And more and more people become susceptible to demagogues like Trump as Democrats try to play both sides of the fence, instead of standing foresquarely behind the job class.

Let's hope we don't find out what Trump does if elected. My guess is that he'd delegate foreign and domestic policy to Mike Pence as Trump himself would be free to pursue his own personal grudges via whatever means are available.

Peter K. -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 01:29 PM
As Bernie Sanders's campaign demonstrated, there is still hope. In fact hope is growing.

Lucky for us Sanders campaigned hard for Hillary, knowing what the stakes are.

Given the way people like PGL treated Sanders during the campaign and given what Wikileaks showed, I doubt the reverse would have been true had Sanders won the primary.

Peter K. -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 01:30 PM
But then Sanders still would have beaten Trump easily.
Gerri -> Peter K.... , November 06, 2016 at 06:39 AM
The reverse would have been true, because we Democrats would have voted party above all else and especially in this election year. Remember "party" the thing that Bernie supporters and Bernie himself denigrated? I believe the term
"elites" was used more than once to describe the party faithful.
Alex S -> Peter K.... , -1
As we can see here, through leftist glasses, the only possible remedy for solving a problem is moving left.
Julio -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:02 PM
Consider how far we've moved right, so that Nixon e.g. would be considered hopelessly and radically leftist today.
Given that, moving left should be one of the first things you consider.
anne -> Julio ... , November 05, 2016 at 03:26 PM
Consider how far we've moved right, so that Nixon e.g. would be considered hopelessly and radically leftist today.

Given that, moving left should be one of the first things you consider.

[ An important criticism. ]

Alex S -> Julio ... , November 05, 2016 at 03:50 PM
We have moved left. The gays and blacks are treated better. We no longer tolerate wars like Vietnam. The Iraq war was an order of magnitude smaller. War helps scientific discovery and progress. For more capable nations to help civilize weaker and more chaotic ones is helpful, but leftists won't accept that.
anne -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 04:08 PM
Oh, I understand:

June 13, 2014

The Lack of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth
By Tyler Cowen

[ Who else could possibly have written such an essay? The guy is really, really scary. ]

anne -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 04:20 PM

June 14, 2014

Does the Right Hold the Economy Hostage to Advance Its Militarist Agenda?

That's one way to read Tyler Cowen's New York Times column * noting that wars have often been associated with major economic advances which carries the headline "the lack of major wars may be hurting economic growth." Tyler lays out his central argument:

"It may seem repugnant to find a positive side to war in this regard, but a look at American history suggests we cannot dismiss the idea so easily. Fundamental innovations such as nuclear power, the computer and the modern aircraft were all pushed along by an American government eager to defeat the Axis powers or, later, to win the Cold War. The Internet was initially designed to help this country withstand a nuclear exchange, and Silicon Valley had its origins with military contracting, not today's entrepreneurial social media start-ups. The Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite spurred American interest in science and technology, to the benefit of later economic growth."

This is all quite true, but a moment's reflection may give a bit different spin to the story. There has always been substantial support among liberals for the sort of government sponsored research that he describes here. The opposition has largely come from the right. However the right has been willing to go along with such spending in the context of meeting national defense needs. Its support made these accomplishments possible.

This brings up the suggestion Paul Krugman made a while back (jokingly) that maybe we need to convince the public that we face a threat from an attack from Mars. Krugman suggested this as a way to prompt traditional Keynesian stimulus, but perhaps we can also use the threat to promote an ambitious public investment agenda to bring us the next major set of technological breakthroughs.


-- Dean Baker

Alex S -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 05:15 PM
Three points

1. Baker's peaceful spending scenario is not likely because of human nature.

2. Even if Baker's scenario happened, a given dollar will be used more efficiently in a war. If there is a threat of losing, you have an incentive to cut waste and spend on what produces results.

3. The United States would not exist at all if we had not conquered the territory.

anne -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 04:24 PM

September, 2016

US Budgetary Costs of Wars through 2016: $4.79 Trillion and Counting
Summary of Costs of the US Wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan and Homeland Security
By Neta C. Crawford


Wars cost money before, during and after they occur - as governments prepare for, wage, and recover from them by replacing equipment, caring for the wounded and repairing the infrastructure destroyed in the fighting. Although it is rare to have a precise accounting of the costs of war - especially of long wars - one can get a sense of the rough scale of the costs by surveying the major categories of spending.

As of August 2016, the US has already appropriated, spent, or taken on obligations to spend more than $3.6 trillion in current dollars on the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria and on Homeland Security (2001 through fiscal year 2016). To this total should be added the approximately $65 billion in dedicated war spending the Department of Defense and State Department have requested for the next fiscal year, 2017, along with an additional nearly $32 billion requested for the Department of Homeland Security in 2017, and estimated spending on veterans in future years. When those are included, the total US budgetary cost of the wars reaches $4.79 trillion.

But of course, a full accounting of any war's burdens cannot be placed in columns on a ledger....

anne -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 04:27 PM

June 13, 2014

The Lack of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth
By Tyler Cowen

[ Guy is really, really, really scary. ]

Peter K. -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:12 PM
As Julio points out, under any objective analysis, politics have moved to the right.

Rightwing policy solutions have been tried: tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, breaking of unions, etc.

We've seen the results. Stagnation and slow growth.

The social democratic post-war years were much better with shared prosperity for all citizens.

JohnH -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 03:53 PM
"It's possible to imagine a nation where people have less confidence in the courts."

When Obama refuses to jail torturers or those responsible for mortgage fraud, we the people are justified in having less confidence in the courts.

Peter Liepmann -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 05:52 PM
Yes, we've seen right wing policies killing jobs and steering wealth to the wealthy, and that's bad policy. But unfortunately it seems it's always possible to do *worse*. Trump's policies would double down on wealth transfer, while he spouts the typical RW mantra of "(my dopey policy which would destroy jobs) would be good for jobs." Tim Harford made a good case for trust accounting for 99% of the difference in per capita GNP between the US and Somalia.
""If you take a broad enough definition of trust, then it would explain basically all the difference between the per capita income of the United States and Somalia," ventures Steve Knack, a senior economist at the World Bank who has been studying the economics of trust for over a decade. That suggests that trust is worth $12.4 trillion dollars a year to the U.S., which, in case you are wondering, is 99.5% of this country's income (2006 figures). If you make $40,000 a year, then $200 is down to hard work and $39,800 is down to trust.

How could that be? Trust operates in all sorts of ways, from saving money that would have to be spent on security to improving the functioning of the political system. But above all, trust enables people to do business with each other. Doing business is what creates wealth."

anne -> Peter Liepmann... , November 05, 2016 at 06:38 PM
Precise references, including links are necessary.
anne : , November 05, 2016 at 01:49 PM
Adam Davidson in the essay refers to this paper, which is well worth reading:

April, 2016

Presidents and the US Economy: An Econometric Exploration
By Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson


The US economy has performed better when the president of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regardless of how one measures performance. For many measures, including real GDP growth (our focus), the performance gap is large and significant. This paper asks why. The answer is not found in technical time series matters nor in systematically more expansionary monetary or fiscal policy under Democrats. Rather, it appears that the Democratic edge stems mainly from more benign oil shocks, superior total factor productivity (TFP) performance, a more favorable international environment, and perhaps more optimistic consumer expectations about the near-term future.

Alex S -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 02:59 PM
Economic growth fueled by foreign oil is nice while it lasts but what will happen to the country when the oil runs out or we are forced to fight a war that disrupts the supply?
pgl -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:03 PM
I was in college in the mid 1970's and we asked this question a lot. Some think this worry has gone away. I don't agree with those types. Which is why a green technology investment drive makes a lot of sense for so many reasons.
anne -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 03:40 PM
Economic growth fueled by foreign oil is nice while it lasts but what will happen to the country when the oil runs out or we are forced to fight a war that disrupts the supply?

[ Having read and reread this question, I do not begin to understand what it means. There is oil here, there is oil all about us, there is oil in Canada and Mexico and on and on, and the supply of oil about us is not about to be disrupted by any conceivable war and an inconceivable war is never going to be fought. ]

anne -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 03:50 PM
Economic growth fueled by foreign oil is nice while it lasts but what will happen to the country when the oil runs out or we are forced to fight a war that disrupts the supply?

[ My guess is that this is a way of scarily pitching for fracking for oil right in my garden, but I like my azealia bushes and mocking birds. ]

Alex S -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 04:03 PM
Quote from the paper you linked to: "Arguably, oil shocks have more to do with US foreign policy than with US economic policy-the two Gulf Wars being prominent examples. That said, several economists have claimed that US monetary policy played an important role in bringing on the oil shocks. See, for example, Barsky and Kilian (2002)."
anne -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 04:13 PM
Do set down a link to a reference when possible:

July, 2001

Do We Really Know that Oil Caused the Great Stagflation? A Monetary Alternative
By Robert B. Barsky and Lutz Kilian


This paper argues that major oil price increases were not nearly as essential a part of the causal mechanism that generated the stagflation of the 1970s as is often thought. There is neither a theoretical presumption that oil supply shocks are stagflationary nor robust empirical evidence for this view. In contrast, we show that monetary expansions and contractions can generate stagflation of realistic magnitude even in the absence of supply shocks. Furthermore, monetary fluctuations help to explain the historical movements of the prices of oil and other commodities, including the surge in the prices of industrial commodities that preceded the 1973/74 oil price increase. Thus, they can account for the striking coincidence of major oil price increases and worsening stagflation.

Alex S -> Alex S... , November 05, 2016 at 04:22 PM
My quote dragged on too long. I should have ended it with the first sentence. Monetary policy could play a role but foreign policy could still be the biggest factor.
Peter K. -> anne... , November 05, 2016 at 03:09 PM

"Former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder said he's skeptical that fiscal policy will be loosened a great deal if Clinton wins the election, as seems likely based on recent voter surveys.

"She is promising not to make budget deficits bigger by her programs," said Blinder, who is now a professor at Princeton University. "Whatever fiscal stimulus there is ought to be small enough for the Fed practically to ignore it."

PGL told us that Hillary's fiscal program would be YUGE.

Like with Trump everything he says is a lie.

anne -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 03:56 PM
Dean Baker in "Rigged" * reminds me of the lasting limits to growth that appear to follow the sacrifice of growth, especially to the extent of allowing a recession, for the sake of budget balancing during a time of surrounding economic weakness:


October, 2016

Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
By Dean Baker

anne -> Peter K.... , November 05, 2016 at 04:01 PM
Simply excellent:

October, 2016

Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
By Dean Baker

Introduction: Trading in Myths

In winter 2016, near the peak of Bernie Sanders' bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, a new line became popular among the nation's policy elite: Bernie Sanders is the enemy of the world's poor. Their argument was that Sanders, by pushing trade policies to help U.S. workers, specifically manufacturing workers, risked undermining the well-being of the world's poor because exporting manufactured goods to the United States and other wealthy countries is their path out of poverty. The role model was China, which by exporting has largely eliminated extreme poverty and drastically reduced poverty among its population. Sanders and his supporters would block the rest of the developing world from following the same course.

This line, in its Sanders-bashing permutation, appeared early on in Vox, the millennial-oriented media upstart, and was quickly picked up elsewhere (Beauchamp 2016). After all, it was pretty irresistible. The ally of the downtrodden and enemy of the rich was pushing policies that would condemn much of the world to poverty.

The story made a nice contribution to preserving the status quo, but it was less valuable if you respect honesty in public debate.

The problem in the logic of this argument should be apparent to anyone who has taken an introductory economics course. It assumes that the basic problem of manufacturing workers in the developing world is the need for someone who will buy their stuff. If people in the United States don't buy it, then the workers will be out on the street and growth in the developing world will grind to a halt. In this story, the problem is that we don't have enough people in the world to buy stuff. In other words, there is a shortage of demand. But is it really true that no one else in the world would buy the stuff produced by manufacturing workers in the developing world if they couldn't sell it to consumers in the United States? Suppose people in the developing world bought the stuff they produced raising their living standards by raising their own consumption.

That is how the economics is supposed to work. In the standard theory, general shortages of demand are not a problem. Economists have traditionally assumed that economies tended toward full employment. The basic economic constraint was a lack of supply. The problem was that we couldn't produce enough goods and services, not that we were producing too much and couldn't find anyone to buy them. In fact, this is why all the standard models used to analyze trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership assume trade doesn't affect total employment. Economies adjust so that shortages of demand are not a problem.

In this standard story (and the Sanders critics are people who care about textbook economics), capital flows from slow-growing rich countries, where it is relatively plentiful and so gets a low rate of return, to fast-growing poor countries, where it is scarce and gets a high rate of return....

pgl -> Peter K.... , November 06, 2016 at 03:37 AM
It is yuuuuge - and no I did not say anything of the sort. Rather I noted it would be less than 1% of GDP. This is what I get for trying to get the facts right. It gets too complicated for you even when we simplify things so you get angry and start screaming "liar". Grow up.
mrrunangun : , November 05, 2016 at 06:23 PM
Per capta GDP grew from $51,100 to $51,400 between July 1 2015 and July 1 2016. This 0.6% growth does not seem to me to be a statistic supporting claims of improving employment and improving wage growth.

Dean has suggested in one of his commentaries that wage growth may be an artifact of a decline in the quality of health insurance coverage. Wage growth is not figured net of increased outlays for deductibles and copays related to changes in health insurance. PPACA discourages low deductible and low copay health plans by placing a "Cadillac tax" on them, or at least threatening to do so. The consequent rise in wage workers' outlays for copays and deductibles are not captured in the statistics that claim to measure wage gains. This results in an income transfer from the well to the sick, but can produce statistics that can be interpreted in politically convenient ways by those so inclined

anne -> mrrunangun... , November 05, 2016 at 06:33 PM

August 4, 2014

Real per capita Gross Domestic Product for United States and United Kingdom, 2007-2015

(Percent change)

August 4, 2014

Real per capita Gross Domestic Product for United States and United Kingdom, 2007-2015

(Indexed to 2007)

anne -> mrrunangun... , November 05, 2016 at 06:35 PM

January 15, 2016

Employment Cost Indexes for Wages and Salaries & Benefits, 2007-2016

(Percent change)

January 15, 2016

Employment Cost Indexes for Wages and Salaries & Benefits, 2002-2016

(Percent change)

pgl -> mrrunangun... , November 06, 2016 at 03:38 AM
Excellent perspective. Let me say well done before PeterK gets angry and calls you a liar.
ilsm -> mrrunangun... , November 06, 2016 at 05:10 AM
I had a job offer about 15 years ago, the quoted salary was not to my liking so the HR type told me how much the Cadillac insurance was "worth".

I do not think you 'get' why Cadillac plans are taxed............


'income transfers'......

mrrunangun -> ilsm... , November 06, 2016 at 12:25 PM
I get why the plans are taxed. I don't believe that the results of that policy have been beneficial for the bulk of the population. Most of the good done by PPACA was done by the expansion of Medicaid eligibility. I believe that requiring the working poor people to settle for high deductible high copay policies has had the practical effect of requiring them to choose between adequate medical and further impoverishment. I do not believe that the PPACA could not have been financed in a way less injurious to the working poor. As the insurers have been unable to make money in this deal, the hospital operators seem to have been the only winners in that their bad debt problems have been ameliorated.
cm : , November 05, 2016 at 11:09 PM
"people stop dreaming about what they could have if they invest in education, new businesses, and new ideas"

And this is entirely rational, as in the situation described, the fruits of their efforts will likely be siphoned from their pockets by the elites and generally rent-seekers with higher social standing and leverage, or at best their efforts will amount to too little to be worth the risk (including the risk of wasting one's time i.e. opportunity cost). It also becomes correspondingly harder to convince and motivate others to join or fund any worthwhile efforts. What also happens (and has happened in "communism") is that people take their interests private, i.e. hidden from the view of those who would usurp or derail them.

Chris G : , -1
"Those who witness extreme social collapse at first hand seldom describe any deep revelation about the truths of human existence. What they do mention, if asked, is their surprise at how easy it is to die.

The pattern of ordinary life, in which so much stays the same from one day to the next, disguises the fragility of its fabric. How many of our activities are made possible by the impression of stability that pattern gives? So long as it repeats, or varies steadily enough, we are able to plan for tomorrow as if all the things we rely on and don't think about too carefully will still be there. When the pattern is broken, by civil war or natural disaster or the smaller-scale tragedies that tear at its fabric, many of those activities become impossible or meaningless, while simply meeting needs we once took for granted may occupy much of our lives.

What war correspondents and relief workers report is not only the fragility of the fabric, but the speed with which it can unravel. As we write this, no one can say with certainty where the unraveling of the financial and commercial fabric of our economies will end. Meanwhile, beyond the cities, unchecked industrial exploitation frays the material basis of life in many parts of the world, and pulls at the ecological systems which sustain it.

Precarious as this moment may be, however, an awareness of the fragility of what we call civilisation is nothing new.

'Few men realise,' wrote Joseph Conrad in 1896, 'that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings.' Conrad's writings exposed the civilisation exported by European imperialists to be little more than a comforting illusion, not only in the dark, unconquerable heart of Africa, but in the whited sepulchres of their capital cities. The inhabitants of that civilisation believed 'blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion,' but their confidence could be maintained only by the seeming solidity of the crowd of like-minded believers surrounding them. Outside the walls, the wild remained as close to the surface as blood under skin, though the city-dweller was no longer equipped to face it directly.

Bertrand Russell caught this vein in Conrad's worldview, suggesting that the novelist 'thought of civilised and morally tolerable human life as a dangerous walk on a thin crust of barely cooled lava which at any moment might break and let the unwary sink into fiery depths.' What both Russell and Conrad were getting at was a simple fact which any historian could confirm: human civilisation is an intensely fragile construction. It is built on little more than belief: belief in the rightness of its values; belief in the strength of its system of law and order; belief in its currency; above all, perhaps, belief in its future.

Once that belief begins to crumble, the collapse of a civilisation may become unstoppable. That civilisations fall, sooner or later, is as much a law of history as gravity is a law of physics. What remains after the fall is a wild mixture of cultural debris, confused and angry people whose certainties have betrayed them, and those forces which were always there, deeper than the foundations of the city walls: the desire to survive and the desire for meaning."

Source -

[Nov 07, 2016] Donald Trump: Hillary Clintons policy for Syria would lead to world war three

Nov 07, 2016 |
by Lauren Gambino

Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton's plan for Syria would "lead to world war three" because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia.

In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, the Republican presidential nominee said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading than Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, to step down, playing down a long-held goal of US policy.

Trump questioned how his Democratic opponent would negotiate with Russia's president Vladimir Putin after having demonized him; blamed Barack Obama for a downturn in US relations with the Philippines under its new president, Rodrigo Duterte; bemoaned a lack of Republican unity behind his candidacy and said he would easily win the election if the party leaders supported him.

"If we had party unity, we couldn't lose this election to Hillary Clinton," he said.

On Syria's civil war, Trump said Clinton could drag the US into a world war with a more aggressive posture toward resolving the conflict.

Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and "safe zones" on the ground to protect noncombatants. Some analysts fear that protecting those zones could bring the US bring into direct conflict with Russian fighter jets.

"What we should do is focus on Isis. We should not be focusing on Syria," said Trump as he dined on fried eggs and sausage at his Trump National Doral golf resort. "You're going to end up in world war three over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton," Trump said.

"You're not fighting Syria any more, you're fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, all right? Russia is a nuclear country, but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk," he said.

Trump said Assad is much stronger now than he was three years ago. He said getting Assad to leave power was less important than defeating Isis.

"Assad is secondary, to me, to Isis," he said.

On Russia, Trump again knocked Clinton's handling of US-Russian relations while secretary of state and said her harsh criticism of Putin raised questions about "how she is going to go back and negotiate with this man who she has made to be so evil", if she wins the presidency.

On the deterioration of ties with the Philippines, Trump aimed his criticism at Obama, saying the president "wants to focus on his golf game" rather than engage with world leaders.

Since assuming office, Duterte has expressed open hostility towards the US, rejecting criticism of his violent anti-drug clampdown, using an expletive to describe Obama and telling the US not to treat his country "like a dog with a leash".

The Obama administration has expressed optimism that the two countries can remain firm allies. Trump said Duterte's latest comments showed "a lack of respect for our country".

[Nov 07, 2016] Clinton, Trump and foreign policy: global conflicts await the next president by Julian Borger World affairs editor and Oliver Milman in New York

Notable quotes:
"... In the presidential debates, Clinton talked of establishing a "no-fly zone" or a "safe zone" inside Syria. However, it is hard to see how that would be done without risking a direct clash with Russia, with all the risks that entails. The generals at the Pentagon, who have long argued against the feasibility of establishing such a zone, would work hard to block such a scheme. A Clinton White House is also likely to explore ways of increasing the flow of arms to moderate opposition groups. ..."
"... Trump has indicated that he would seek to work with Assad and Putin in a combined fight against Isis, and has not voiced criticism of the bombardment of rebel-held areas such as eastern Aleppo. That policy would also have heavy costs. The Syrian opposition and the Gulf states would see it as a betrayal, and the new administration would have to deal with the reality that neither the regime nor Russia has much immediate interest in fighting Isis. ..."
"... Trump is likely to take the opposite approach. He avoided criticism of Russia for its actions in Ukraine, hinted he might accept the annexation of Crimea, and ignored US intelligence findings that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic party's email. ..."
"... Trump has suggested, by contrast, that Nato is obsolete and questioned whether its security commitments in Europe are worth what the US is currently spending on them. ..."
"... Clinton first supported the TPP and then criticised it in the face of the primary challenge from Bernie Sanders. Her reservations may prolong the negotiations, but she is ultimately expected to pursue and seek completion of the ambitious multilateral trade deals. ..."
"... Trump built his campaign on opposition to all such deals , which he has characterised as inherently unfavourable to the US. He has promised to seek bilateral trade deals on better terms and to punish other countries deemed to be trading unfairly with sanctions, ignoring the threat of retaliation. ..."
Nov 07, 2016 |
... ... ...


Within his or her first year in office, a new US president would also face a direct challenge to US power in the western Pacific. The Chinese programme of laying claim to reefs and rocks in the South China Sea and turning them into naval and air bases gives Beijing potential control over some the busiest shipping lanes in the world. US influence is under further threat by the rise of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, who has threatened to eject US troops , casting doubt on his predecessor's agreement to allow new permanent American presence.

Clinton's likely policy will be to continue Obama's faltering "pivot to Asia", and to prioritise restoring the faith of US allies in the region that Washington will help them resist Chinese attempts to dominate the South China Sea. It is a policy that is held hostage to some extent by Duterte's ultimate intentions, and it could lead to a rapid escalation of tension in the region.

Trump has pointed to the Chinese reef-building programme as a reflection of US weakness but has not said what he would do about it. He has focused more on the threat posed to the US by its trade relations with China. In the transactional model of foreign relations Trump favours, he could agree to turn a blind eye to creeping Chinese takeover in the South China Sea in exchange for a bilateral trade deal with Beijing on better terms.


A new US president will arrive in office at a time of significant military advances against Islamic State in Syria and neighbouring Iraq, but diminishing options when it comes to helping shape the opposition battle against the Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian backers. It is possible that the rebel stand in Aleppo will have fallen by then, giving the regime the upper hand and postponing yet again any hopes of a political transition.

In the presidential debates, Clinton talked of establishing a "no-fly zone" or a "safe zone" inside Syria. However, it is hard to see how that would be done without risking a direct clash with Russia, with all the risks that entails. The generals at the Pentagon, who have long argued against the feasibility of establishing such a zone, would work hard to block such a scheme. A Clinton White House is also likely to explore ways of increasing the flow of arms to moderate opposition groups.

Trump has indicated that he would seek to work with Assad and Putin in a combined fight against Isis, and has not voiced criticism of the bombardment of rebel-held areas such as eastern Aleppo. That policy would also have heavy costs. The Syrian opposition and the Gulf states would see it as a betrayal, and the new administration would have to deal with the reality that neither the regime nor Russia has much immediate interest in fighting Isis.

Russia and Ukraine

A Clinton administration is expected to take a tougher line with Moscow than the Obama White House, all the more so because of the substantial evidence of the Kremlin's efforts to try to intervene in the US presidential election in her opponent's favour. Clinton could well seek to take a leadership role in negotiations with Moscow over Ukraine and the stalled Minsk peace process, which have hitherto been left to Germany and France. She could also opt to send lethal aid to Ukraine as a way of increasing US leverage.

Trump is likely to take the opposite approach. He avoided criticism of Russia for its actions in Ukraine, hinted he might accept the annexation of Crimea, and ignored US intelligence findings that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic party's email. A Trump administration is unlikely to contest Russian enforcement of its influence in eastern Ukraine.

Europe and Nato

Clinton aides have signalled consistently that one of her priorities would be to show US willingness to shore up EU and Nato cohesion, and will attend summits of both organisations in February.

Trump has suggested, by contrast, that Nato is obsolete and questioned whether its security commitments in Europe are worth what the US is currently spending on them. He said he would check whether US allies "fulfilled their obligation to us" before coming to their defence , calling into question the purpose of the defence pact. Later in the campaign, he changed tack, saying he would seek to strengthen the alliance, but a win for Trump on Tuesday would nonetheless deepen anxiety in eastern European countries, such as the Baltic states, that a US-led Nato would come to their defence in the face of Russian encroachment.


The two major free trade projects of the Obama administration, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with Europe (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the countries on the Pacific rim, will probably still be under negotiation when the new president comes into office, giving him or her the option of killing or completing them.

Clinton first supported the TPP and then criticised it in the face of the primary challenge from Bernie Sanders. Her reservations may prolong the negotiations, but she is ultimately expected to pursue and seek completion of the ambitious multilateral trade deals.

Trump built his campaign on opposition to all such deals , which he has characterised as inherently unfavourable to the US. He has promised to seek bilateral trade deals on better terms and to punish other countries deemed to be trading unfairly with sanctions, ignoring the threat of retaliation.

... ... ...

[Nov 07, 2016] WikiLeaks DNC and CNN colluded on questions for Trump, Cruz

Newly released emails from WikiLeaks suggest that the Democratic National Committee colluded with CNN in devising questions in April to be asked of then-Republican primary candidate Donald Trump in an upcoming interview.

In an email to DNC colleagues on April 25 with the headline "Trump Questions for CNN," a DNC official with the email username [email protected] asked for ideas for an interview to be conducted by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

"Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed. ... Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow."

The sender of the email would seem to be DNC Research Director Lauren Dillon, who was identified in previous reports of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks in July.

[Nov 07, 2016] Mike Pence Responds to FBI Mishandling Classified Information Is a Crime

I think email sandals essentially zeroed Hillary changes to win any traditional Republican states... But we will know for sure in two days. It also exposed such a level of incompetence by Hillary herself and her close entourage that is really staggering even after Bush II administration.
Notable quotes:
"... Pence was not having it. "Ladies and gentlemen, mishandling classified information is a crime." He reminded the audience that "Hillary Clinton said there's nothing marked classified on her emails, sent or received, and the FBI director told to Congress, that's not true." ..."
"... Separate emails also indicated that a top State Department official had attempted to offer the FBI quid pro quo if the bureau agreed to let Clinton alter the classified status of the documents found on her private server. ..."

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence tells New Hampshire residents that "mishandling classified information is a crime" and is discussing Hillary Clinton's ethical lapses.

During a rally in North Carolina on Sunday, Pence taled about FBI Director James Comey, shortly after news broke that Comey issued a written that the bureau had "not changed" its conclusions that Clinton should not face indictment over her raucous email scandal.

Speaking at the Hickory Regional Airport, Pence said, "You have a four-star general that might get five years in prison, before the end of this year, for mishandling classified information," of retired Gen. James Cartwright who was charged with lying to the FBI about discussing classified information with reporters about Iran's nuclear program, during a probe.

Pence continued, "you have a sailor that just went to jail for taking a half-a-dozen photographs in a classified area of a nuclear submarine. So let me say this, if only for their decades of self-dealing with the politics of personal enrichment, mishandling classified information and compromising our national security, we must ensure that Hillary Clinton is never elected president of the United States of America."

... ... ...

Comey wrote, "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton."

Pence was not having it. "Ladies and gentlemen, mishandling classified information is a crime." He reminded the audience that "Hillary Clinton said there's nothing marked classified on her emails, sent or received, and the FBI director told to Congress, that's not true."

He also pointed out that Clinton said she did not email any classified information to anyone. "And the head of the FBI told to Congress, there was classified information that was emailed."

Separate emails also indicated that a top State Department official had attempted to offer the FBI quid pro quo if the bureau agreed to let Clinton alter the classified status of the documents found on her private server.

RNC chairman Reince Priebus issued a statement to Breitbart News, following Comey's announcement, making it clear that the FBI's public corruption investigation of the Clinton Foundation - which has raised billions of dollars - is ongoing:

The FBI's findings from its criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton's secret email server were a damning and unprecedented indictment of her judgment. The FBI found evidence Clinton broke the law, that she placed highly classified national security information at risk and repeatedly lied to the American people about her reckless conduct. None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should never be president.

[Nov 07, 2016] Former House Intelligence Chairman Im 100 Percent Sure Hillarys Server Was Hacked

It is unclear whether it was actually hacked, but the server was so unprofessionally managed that hacking it is within the reach of medium qualification hacker. It violates the USA guidelines for setting government mail server in all major areas. The only thing that could saved it from hacking is that it looked very much as honeypot. On state level hacking there are no idiots or script kiddies. They would never attack the server directly. They would probably go first after 'no so bright" Bryan Paglian home network, or, better, after home network of completely clueless in computer security Huma Abedin. There are many ways to skin the cat, and after the USA developed Flame and Stixnet the gloves went off. At least for Iranians, who were targeted by those cyber attacks.
Notable quotes:
"... he is "100 percent confident" that Clinton's secret private email server was hacked by foreign enemies. ..."
"... Clinton could face espionage charges if FBI investigators find that she permitted national defense information to be "lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed" through "gross negligence," which includes dishonesty. ..."
"... Wouldn't we love to have in real time, the emails and the electronic communications of the Russian foreign minister, the Iranian foreign minister, and the Chinese? They're going to use that to exploit their advantage in their global strategy. That is what was going on. Our enemies were getting information on our national security issues, our economic security issues, in real time to plan their strategy for how they will thwart American interest. ..."
"... So what did we lose? Did she identify some of our sources? Some of the people that were working for the United States getting information. If we did, then we've got to go back and get those people out of the field. People might have died because of the information that she left and put onto her server. ..."

Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Pete Hoekstra said that he is "100 percent confident" that Clinton's secret private email server was hacked by foreign enemies.

"I said this right away when we found out she had a secret server. I said, 'OK, that thing was hacked by the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, and maybe some other governments,'" Hoekstra said on "Breitbart News Saturday" on Sirius/XM Channel 125.

Clinton could face espionage charges if FBI investigators find that she permitted national defense information to be "lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed" through "gross negligence," which includes dishonesty.

... ... ...

Wouldn't we love to have in real time, the emails and the electronic communications of the Russian foreign minister, the Iranian foreign minister, and the Chinese? They're going to use that to exploit their advantage in their global strategy. That is what was going on. Our enemies were getting information on our national security issues, our economic security issues, in real time to plan their strategy for how they will thwart American interest.

So what did we lose? Did she identify some of our sources? Some of the people that were working for the United States getting information. If we did, then we've got to go back and get those people out of the field. People might have died because of the information that she left and put onto her server.

Breitbart News has led the media in exposing the national security ramifications of Clinton's private email server. In a recent piece entitled, "Hillary Clinton Email Case Explained," Breitbart News reported:

Hillary's 2008 campaign IT specialist Bryan Pagliano labored for months in a room on K Street in Washington, D.C., building the server for Clinton to use.

Hillary Clinton kicked off her State Department career in Foggy Bottom in January 2009 with a private Apple server, then switched to Pagliano's handcrafted server in March 2009

…Hillary Clinton went to great lengths to hide the fact that she was using a private email server. She emailed with President Obama while Obama was using a pseudonym. She kept her own State Department IT Help Desk in the dark about her secret email activities, because her private email account got flagged when she tried to send emails to her own staff. "It bounced back. She called the email help desk at state (I guess assuming u had state email) and told them that. They had no idea it was YOU," Abedin told her. Clinton even paid a firm in Jacksonville called "Perfect Privacy LLC" to plug in phony owner names for her email network on Internet databases.

The server had an open webmail portal, making it easily vulnerable to run-of-the-mill hackers. James Comey noted evidence showing hacks by "hostile actors." Capitol Hill sources speak in hushed tones about the "Russian Files," which are said to include information about a Russian hack. Clinton was warned of a security "vulnerability" on her BlackBerry on her first official trip to China, and the State Department told her to stop using it. But Clinton decided to keep using it. She told a private audience in a paid speech that her BlackBerry was under attack constantly by the Chinese and Russians.

The State Department warned Clinton to stop using her Blackberry to conduct email business after the Department flagged a major security "vulnerability" on Clinton's first official trip to China as Secretary of State. But Clinton ignored the warning and kept using her Blackberry.

[Nov 07, 2016] Gen. Mike Flynn Hillary Clintons Email Setup Was Unbelievable Active Criminal Behavior

Nov 07, 2016 |
Flynn said that the media is covering up Clinton's alleged crimes:

People need to know what this is and so the mainstream media-all of the media, basically 99 percent of the media-doesn't even bother with it anymore. Nobody even covers it anymore. This is dangerous for our country and then you throw in all this stuff from this past week-you have this case against Anthony Weiner and he's directly tied to Hillary Clinton.

He's under multiple investigations. Then you have the Clinton Foundation, which is under multiple investigations by the FBI, and not just one but multiple.

You have the reopening of the national security investigation by the FBI directly against Hillary Clinton, that's another one that's open.

So I mean we are stupid people, we are stupid people in this country is we elect Hillary Clinton to be our next president because we're going to have nothing but scandal and dark cloud scandal over our country for the next four years and we cannot afford it with all the problems we face in this country and all the problems we face around the world.

What we need is we need to drain the damn swamp .

We need to get new leadership in our country, we need to get fresh blood in our country, and we need to stop the madness we are facing with this era of corruption in our country that has been going on for decades. We have got to stop it.

[Nov 07, 2016] Hillary Clintons Cough Returns During Mad-Dash Campaign Finish

Nov 07, 2016 |
But the cough that she has struggled with during various moments of her campaign returned during a rally in Ohio on Sunday afternoon. It was Clinton's second rally that day.

After coughing several times, Clinton reached for a lozenge and quickly popped it in her mouth - then ended her speech just minutes later.

**cough** two days left

- Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 6, 2016

In Florida on Saturday, Clinton's voice was hoarse, but she cut her campaign speech short after it was hit by an unexpected rain storm.

[Nov 07, 2016] Sanders had non-aggression pact with Clinton who had leverage to enforce it. He basically handed her this nomination.

Nov 07, 2016 |

WikiLeaks  Verified account

Sanders had non-aggression pact with Clinton who had "leverage" to enforce it Robby Mook ("re47") email reveals …

Robert. ‏@robbiemakestees · Nov 4

@wikileaks the plot thickens. He basically handed her this nomination. What did he honestly think was gonna happen?

[Nov 06, 2016] Bernie Sanders Supporter Bashes Hillary Clinton from Her Own Stage 'Trapped in World of Elite,' 'Lost Grip of Average Person'

Notable quotes:
"... He opened his remarks by bashing Donald Trump on student loan debt, but then surprisingly turned to bashing Hillary Clinton from her own stage. "Unfortunately, Hillary doesn't really care about this issue either," Vanfosson said. "The only thing she cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her campaign. The only people that really trust Hillary are Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup can trust Hillary, the military industrial complex can trust Hillary. Her good friend Henry Kissinger can trust Hillary." ..."
"... "She is so trapped in the world of the elite that she has completely lost grip on what it's like to be an average person," Vanfosson continued. "She doesn't care. Voting for another lesser of two evils, there's no point." ..."

Just a few days before the general election, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton and her running mate Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) still can't unite her party. Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, her Democratic primary rival, are disrupting her campaign's efforts to take on GOP nominee Donald J. Trump, and in Iowa on Saturday one prominent Sanders backer was actually escorted out of a Clinton campaign event for urging those present not to vote for Clinton-for which he was cheered by the crowd.

Kaleb Vanfosson, the president of Iowa State University's Students for Bernie chapter, bashed Hillary Clinton and told rally-goers at her own campaign event not to vote for her. He was cheered.

He opened his remarks by bashing Donald Trump on student loan debt, but then surprisingly turned to bashing Hillary Clinton from her own stage. "Unfortunately, Hillary doesn't really care about this issue either," Vanfosson said. "The only thing she cares about is pleasing her donors, the billionaires who fund her campaign. The only people that really trust Hillary are Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup can trust Hillary, the military industrial complex can trust Hillary. Her good friend Henry Kissinger can trust Hillary."

The crowd at the Clinton-Kaine event erupted in applause.

"She is so trapped in the world of the elite that she has completely lost grip on what it's like to be an average person," Vanfosson continued. "She doesn't care. Voting for another lesser of two evils, there's no point."

At that point, a Clinton staffer rushed on stage and grabbed the young man by the arm to escort him off the stage and out of the event.

[Nov 06, 2016] Emails Warrant No New Action Against Hillary Clinton, F.B.I. Director Says

Now the question is: if this is true, why the invetigation was reopened in the first place? For many voters, this story comes too late. More than 12m votes have already been cast across the country in early voting, representing around 10% of the likely total votes in this election.

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, told Congress on Sunday that he had seen no evidence in a recently discovered trove of emails to change his conclusion that Hillary Clinton should face no charges over her handling of classified information.

... ... ...

The letter was a dramatic final twist in a tumultuous nine days for both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Comey, who drew widespread criticism for announcing that the F.B.I. had discovered new emails that might be relevant to its investigation of Mrs. Clinton, which ended in July with no charges. That criticism of Mr. Comey from both parties is likely to persist after the election.

[Nov 06, 2016] The Podesta Emails - Undeniable proof that the lobbyists wanted to put Bernie out

Notable quotes:
"... WikiLeaks series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank. ..."
"... if President Obama signs this terrible legislation that blatantly validates Bernie's entire campaign message about Wall Street running our government, this will give Bernie a huge boost and 10,000 -20,000 outraged citizens (who WILL turn up because they will be so angry at the President for preemption vt) will be marching on the Mall with Bernie as their keynote speaker. " ..."
"... But Hirshberg does not stop here. In order to persuade Podesta about the seriousness of the matter, he claims that " It will be terrible to hand Sanders this advantage at such a fragile time when we really need to save our $$$ for the Trump fight. " ..."
Nov 06, 2016 |
WikiLeaks series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank.

An email from Gary Hirshberg, chairman and former president and CEO of Stonyfield Farm , to John Podesta on March 13, 2016, confirms why the lobbyists strongly opposed Bernie Sanders.

Hirshberg writes to a familiar person, as he was mentioned at the time as a possible 2008 Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, requesting Obama should not pass the Roberts bill because " if President Obama signs this terrible legislation that blatantly validates Bernie's entire campaign message about Wall Street running our government, this will give Bernie a huge boost and 10,000 -20,000 outraged citizens (who WILL turn up because they will be so angry at the President for preemption vt) will be marching on the Mall with Bernie as their keynote speaker. "

But Hirshberg does not stop here. In order to persuade Podesta about the seriousness of the matter, he claims that " It will be terrible to hand Sanders this advantage at such a fragile time when we really need to save our $$$ for the Trump fight. "

[Nov 06, 2016] Hillary Accepted Qatar Money Without Notifying Government, While She Was Head Of State Dept

Notable quotes:
"... according to the State Department, the previously undisclosed donation suggests there may be an ethics violation by the foundation, even though the State of Qatar is shown on the foundation's website as having given at least that amount. There is no date listed for the donation. ..."
"... Underscoring the potential flagrant abuse of ethical guidelines if the Qatar payment is confirmed, Hillary Clinton promised the U.S. government that while she served as secretary of state the foundation would not accept new funding from foreign governments without seeking clearance from the State Department's ethics office . The agreement was designed to dispel concerns that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by donations to the foundation. ..."
"... She has another problem. Previous posts on ZH indicate that there exists a conflict between the Clinton Foundation and the CHAI the Clinton Health Access Initiative. ..."
"... The board of CHAI is upset that the CF accepts money intended for CHAI but this money never flows through to CHAI. The CF accepts funds and encourages donations based on CHAI activity but these funds do not appear to be transferrred to the legal entity undertaking the health work. ..."
"... "Pay my foundation": ..."
"... We (CHAI) are very concerned about cases where we meet Clinton Foundation donors who believe they have given money to support CHAI's work because they have donated to the CF, when in reality CHAI does not receive the funds. ..."
"... only 5.7% goes to charitable causes. The remainder goes to salaries, travel and confrences. In other words, goes to pay Hillary's and Bill's personal and political expenses. ..."
"... The Clintons out Mafia the Mafia. ..."
"... "The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, 'We're going to go public with this if you don't reopen the investigation and you don't do the right thing with timely indictments,'" ..."
Nov 06, 2016 |

Three weeks ago, when we first reported that Qatar had offered to pay the Clinton Foundation $1 million after a hacked Podesta email disclosed that the ambassador of Qatar " Would like to see WJC [William Jefferson Clinton] 'for five minutes' in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011 ", we said that in this particular case, the Clinton Foundation may also be in violation of State Department ethics codes.

As we said in early October, while this has been seen by critics of the Clinton Foundation as yet another instance of influence pandering and "pay-to-play", this time there may actually be consequences for the Clinton Foundation: according to the State Department, the previously undisclosed donation suggests there may be an ethics violation by the foundation, even though the State of Qatar is shown on the foundation's website as having given at least that amount. There is no date listed for the donation.

Underscoring the potential flagrant abuse of ethical guidelines if the Qatar payment is confirmed, Hillary Clinton promised the U.S. government that while she served as secretary of state the foundation would not accept new funding from foreign governments without seeking clearance from the State Department's ethics office . The agreement was designed to dispel concerns that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by donations to the foundation.

Of course, US foreign policy could be very easily swayed if Hillary accepted money and simply did not report it the receipt of such money.

sushi 1980XLS Nov 5, 2016 8:30 AM ,

She has another problem. Previous posts on ZH indicate that there exists a conflict between the Clinton Foundation and the CHAI the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

The board of CHAI is upset that the CF accepts money intended for CHAI but this money never flows through to CHAI. The CF accepts funds and encourages donations based on CHAI activity but these funds do not appear to be transferrred to the legal entity undertaking the health work.

Next question is - Where does the money go? And who benefits? ,

clooney_art sushi Nov 5, 2016 8:32 AM ,
"Pay my foundation":
sushi clooney_art Nov 5, 2016 8:46 AM ,

CHAI is often portrayed by the Clinton Foundation (CF) as an initiative of the Foundation. . . . We (CHAI) are very concerned about cases where we meet Clinton Foundation donors who believe they have given money to support CHAI's work because they have donated to the CF, when in reality CHAI does not receive the funds.

See paragraph 4 on page 3 of the full memo which is a part of the above ZH post.

The Saint bamawatson Nov 5, 2016 10:47 AM ,
Hillay said at one of the debates that the Clinton Foundation pays out 90% to charity.

NOT SO. Latest filing - 2014 - shows that only 5.7% goes to charitable causes. The remainder goes to salaries, travel and confrences. In other words, goes to pay Hillary's and Bill's personal and political expenses.

The Clintons out Mafia the Mafia.

Cigar Smoker The Saint Nov 5, 2016 12:42 PM ,
Ten years ago I considered setting up a Non-profit Family Charitable corporation, the minimum yearly donation was 7% at that time, of course it may have changed.
The Saint Cigar Smoker Nov 5, 2016 2:16 PM ,
Here's something new from WND/Breitbart:

Citing a "well-placed source" in the New York Police Department, Blackwater USA founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince.....said the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in the Weiner investigation but received "huge pushback" from the Justice Department.

"The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, 'We're going to go public with this if you don't reopen the investigation and you don't do the right thing with timely indictments,'"

[Nov 06, 2016] Trump vs. the REAL Nuts -- the GOP Uniparty Establishment

Notable quotes:
"... An awful lot of people out there think we live in a one-party state-that we're ruled by what is coming to be called the "Uniparty." ..."
"... There is a dawning realization, ever more widespread among ordinary Americans, that our national politics is not Left versus Right or Republican versus Democrat; it's we the people versus the politicians. ..."
"... Donald Trump is no nut. If he were a nut, he would not have amassed the fortune he has, nor nurtured the capable and affectionate family he has. ..."
"... To be conservative, then, is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss. ..."
"... Trump has all the right instincts. And he's had the guts and courage-and, just as important, the money -to do a thing that has badly needed doing for twenty years: to smash the power of the real nuts in the GOP Establishment. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
54 Comments Credit:

A couple of remarks in Professor Susan McWillams' recent Modern Age piece celebrating the 25th anniversary of Christopher Lasch's 1991 book The True and Only Heaven , which analyzed the cult of progress in its American manifestation, have stuck in my mind. Here's the first one:

In the most recent American National Election Studies survey, only 19 percent of Americans agreed with the idea that the government, "is run for the benefit of all the people." [ The True and Only Lasch: On The True and Only Heaven, 25 Years Later , Fall 2016]

McWilliams adds a footnote to that: The 19 percent figure is from 2012, she says. Then she tells us that in 1964, 64 percent of Americans agreed with the same statement.

Wow. You have to think that those two numbers, from 64 percent down to 19 percent in two generations, tell us something important and disturbing about our political life.

Second McWilliams quote:

In 2016 if you type the words "Democrats and Republicans" or "Republicans and Democrats" into Google, the algorithms predict your next words will be "are the same".

I just tried this, and she's right. These guesses are of course based on the frequency with which complete sentences show up all over the internet. An awful lot of people out there think we live in a one-party state-that we're ruled by what is coming to be called the "Uniparty."

There is a dawning realization, ever more widespread among ordinary Americans, that our national politics is not Left versus Right or Republican versus Democrat; it's we the people versus the politicians.

Which leads me to a different lady commentator: Peggy Noonan, in her October 20th Wall Street Journal column.

The title of Peggy's piece was: Imagine a Sane Donald Trump . [ Alternate link ]Its gravamen: Donald Trump has shown up the Republican Party Establishment as totally out of touch with their base, which is good; but that he's bat-poop crazy, which is bad. If a sane Donald Trump had done the good thing, the showing-up, we'd be on course to a major beneficial correction in our national politics.

It's a good clever piece. A couple of months ago on Radio Derb I offered up one and a half cheers for Peggy, who gets a lot right in spite of being a longtime Establishment Insider. So it was here. Sample of what she got right last week:

Mr. Trump's great historical role was to reveal to the Republican Party what half of its own base really thinks about the big issues. The party's leaders didn't know! They were shocked, so much that they indulged in sheer denial and made believe it wasn't happening.

The party's leaders accept more or less open borders and like big trade deals. Half the base does not! It is longtime GOP doctrine to cut entitlement spending. Half the base doesn't want to, not right now! Republican leaders have what might be called assertive foreign-policy impulses. When Mr. Trump insulted George W. Bush and nation-building and said he'd opposed the Iraq invasion, the crowds, taking him at his word, cheered. He was, as they say, declaring that he didn't want to invade the world and invite the world. Not only did half the base cheer him, at least half the remaining half joined in when the primaries ended.

I'll just pause to note Peggy's use of Steve Sailer' s great encapsulation of Bush-style NeoConnery: "Invade the world, invite the world." Either Peggy's been reading Steve on the sly, or she's read my book We Are Doomed , which borrows that phrase. I credited Steve with it, though, so in either case she knows its provenance, and should likewise have credited Steve.

End of pause. OK, so Peggy got some things right there. She got a lot wrong, though

Start with the notion that Trump is crazy. He's a nut, she says, five times. His brain is "a TV funhouse."

Well, Trump has some colorful quirks of personality, to be sure, as we all do. But he's no nut. A nut can't be as successful in business as Trump has been.

I spent 32 years as an employee or contractor, mostly in private businesses but for two years in a government department. Private businesses are intensely rational, as human affairs go-much more rational than government departments. The price of irrationality in business is immediate and plainly financial. Sanity-wise, Trump is a better bet than most people in high government positions.

Sure, politicians talk a good rational game. They present as sober and thoughtful on the Sunday morning shows.

Look at the stuff they believe, though. Was it rational to respond to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. by moving NATO right up to Russia's borders? Was it rational to expect that post-Saddam Iraq would turn into a constitutional democracy? Was it rational to order insurance companies to sell healthcare policies to people who are already sick? Was the Vietnam War a rational enterprise? Was it rational to respond to the 9/11 attacks by massively increasing Muslim immigration?

Make your own list.

Donald Trump displays good healthy patriotic instincts. I'll take that, with the personality quirks and all, over some earnest, careful, sober-sided guy whose head contains fantasies of putting the world to rights, or flooding our country with unassimilable foreigners.

I'd add the point, made by many commentators, that belongs under the general heading: "You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps." If Donald Trump was not so very different from run-of-the-mill politicians-which I suspect is a big part of what Peggy means by calling him a nut-would he have entered into the political adventure he's on?

Thor Heyerdahl sailed across the Pacific on a hand-built wooden raft to prove a point, which is not the kind of thing your average ethnographer would do. Was he crazy? No, he wasn't. It was only that some feature of his personality drove him to use that way to prove the point he hoped to prove.

And then there is Peggy's assertion that the Republican Party's leaders didn't know that half the party's base were at odds with them.

Did they really not? Didn't they get a clue when the GOP lost in 2012, mainly because millions of Republican voters didn't turn out for Mitt Romney? Didn't they, come to think of it, get the glimmering of a clue back in 1996, when Pat Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary?

Pat Buchanan is in fact a living counter-argument to Peggy's thesis-the "sane Donald Trump" that she claims would win the hearts of GOP managers. Pat is Trump without the personality quirks. How has the Republican Party treated him ?

Our own Brad Griffin , here at on October 24th, offered a couple more "sane Donald Trumps": Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. How did they fare with the GOP Establishment?

Donald Trump is no nut. If he were a nut, he would not have amassed the fortune he has, nor nurtured the capable and affectionate family he has. Probably he's less well-informed about the world than the average pol. I doubt he could tell you what the capital of Burkina Faso is. That's secondary, though. A President has people to look up that stuff for him. The question that's been asked more than any other about Donald Trump is not, pace Peggy Noonan, "Is he nuts?" but, " Is he conservative? "

I'm sure he is. But my definition of "conservative" is temperamental, not political. My touchstone here is the sketch of the conservative temperament given to us by the English political philosopher Michael Oakeshott :

To be conservative, then, is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss.

Rationalism in Politics and other essays (1962)

That fits Trump better than it fits any liberal you can think of-better also than many senior Republicans.

For example, it was one of George W. Bush's senior associates-probably Karl Rove-who scoffed at opponents of Bush's delusional foreign policy as "the reality-based community." It would be hard to think of a more un -Oakeshottian turn of phrase.

Trump has all the right instincts. And he's had the guts and courage-and, just as important, the money -to do a thing that has badly needed doing for twenty years: to smash the power of the real nuts in the GOP Establishment.

I thank him for that, and look forward to his Presidency.

[Nov 05, 2016] Susan Sarandon DNC is completely corrupt

Nov 05, 2016 |
Actress Susan Sarandon on Thursday tore into the Democratic National Committee (DNC), calling it "completely corrupt." "After my experience in the primary, it's very clear to me the DNC is gone," she told CNN's Carol Costello .

"Every superdelegate is a lobbyist. The way that the system is set up in terms of trying of having superdelegates - you could win a state and not get the delegates. It's crazy."

Sarandon backed Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Dem elector says he won't vote for Clinton A field guide to third-party prospects Susan Sarandon on refusing to back Clinton: 'I don't vote with my vagina' MORE (I-Vt.) for the Democratic nomination. She said she still respects Sanders even though he endorsed Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton Trump seeks uptick in race's final days Trump touts 'contract' in GOP weekly address Beyonce, Jay Z rally young voters at Clinton concert MORE for president.

"Look, Bernie has said 'don't ever listen to me if I tell you how to vote,' " she said.

"What [Sanders] did is show people that they counted. He brought them hope. He's supporting a lot of candidates. It's very important to go and vote down the ticket."

Sarandon predicted a surge in third-party support on Election Day, calling Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump Donald Trump Trump seeks uptick in race's final days Trump touts 'contract' in GOP weekly address Report: National Enquirer withheld story about Trump affair MORE "untrustable."

"I think we've been voting the lesser of two evils for too long. The good news is everybody's so frustrated that at least we're awake."

Sarandon on Monday endorsed Green Party nominee Jill Stein.

"It's clear a third-party is necessary and viable at this time," she said in a letter posted on Stein's campaign website. "And this is the first step in accomplishing that end."

Stein has about 2 percent support nationally, according to a RealClearPolitics average of polls . iv>

[Nov 05, 2016] Clinton Deleted Classified Email To Her Daughter The Daily Caller

Nov 05, 2016 |
Hillary Clinton deleted a 2009 email in which she forwarded classified information to her daughter, Chelsea.

The email was released on Friday by the State Department. It is one of thousands of documents recovered by the FBI from Clinton's private email server.

The Dec. 20, 2009 email chain , entitled "Update," started with a message from Michael Froman, who served as a deputy assistant to President Obama and deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs.

The email, which is redacted because it contains information classified as "Confidential," was sent to Jake Sullivan, Clinton's foreign policy adivser at the State Department, and several Obama aides. Sullivan sent it to Hillary Clinton who then forwarded it to Chelsea, who emailed under the pseudonym "Diane Reynolds."

[Nov 05, 2016] Hillary's High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Notable quotes:
"... If this is so, Hillary Clinton as security risk ranks right up there with Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, though they acted out of treasonous ideology and she out of Clintonian hubris. What do these foreign intelligence agencies know about Clinton that the voters do not? ..."
"... The second revelation from Baier is that the Clinton Foundation has been under active investigation by the white-collar crime division of the FBI for a year and is a "very high priority." ..."
"... The FBI told Baier that they anticipate indictments. ..."
"... Indeed, with the sums involved, and the intimate ties between high officials of Bill's foundation, and Hillary and her close aides at State, it strains credulity to believe that deals were not discussed and cut. ..."
"... Wall Street Journal ..."
"... And he knows better than any other high official the answer to a critical question that needs answering before Tuesday: has Baier been fed exaggerated or false information by FBI agents hostile to Clinton? Or has Baier been told the truth? In the latter case, we are facing a constitutional crisis if Clinton is elected. And the American people surely have a right to know that before they go to the polls on Tuesday. ..."
"... Patrick J. Buchanan is a founding editor of ..."
"... and the author of the book ..."
The American Conservative

For, if true, Clinton could face charges in 2017 and impeachment and removal from office in 2018.

According to Baier, FBI agents have found new emails, believed to have originated on Clinton's server, on the computer jointly used by close aide Huma Abedin and her disgraced husband, Anthony Weiner.

Abedin's failure to turn this computer over to the State Department on leaving State appears to be a violation of U.S. law.

Moreover, the laptops of close Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, thought destroyed by the FBI, were apparently retained and are "being exploited" by the National Security division.

And here is the salient point. His FBI sources told Baier, "with 99 percent" certitude, that Clinton's Chappaqua server "had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence services."

If this is so, Hillary Clinton as security risk ranks right up there with Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, though they acted out of treasonous ideology and she out of Clintonian hubris. What do these foreign intelligence agencies know about Clinton that the voters do not?

The second revelation from Baier is that the Clinton Foundation has been under active investigation by the white-collar crime division of the FBI for a year and is a "very high priority."

Specifically, the FBI is looking into published allegations of "pay-to-play." This is the charge that the Clinton State Department traded access, influence, and policy decisions to foreign regimes and to big donors who gave hundreds of millions to the Clinton Foundation, along with 15 years of six-figure speaking fees for Bill and Hillary.

According to Baier's sources, FBI agents are "actively and aggressively" pursuing this case, have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple persons, and are now being inundated in an "avalanche of new information" from WikiLeaks documents and new emails.

The FBI told Baier that they anticipate indictments.

Indeed, with the sums involved, and the intimate ties between high officials of Bill's foundation, and Hillary and her close aides at State, it strains credulity to believe that deals were not discussed and cut.

Books have been written alleging and detailing them.

Also, not only Fox News but also the Wall Street Journal and other news sources are reporting on what appears to be a rebellion inside the FBI against strictures on their investigations imposed by higher ups in the Department of Justice of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Director Comey has come under fire from left and right-first for refusing to recommend the prosecution of Clinton, then for last week's statement about the discovery of new and "pertinent" emails on the Abedin-Weiner computer-but retains a reputation for integrity.

And he knows better than any other high official the answer to a critical question that needs answering before Tuesday: has Baier been fed exaggerated or false information by FBI agents hostile to Clinton? Or has Baier been told the truth? In the latter case, we are facing a constitutional crisis if Clinton is elected. And the American people surely have a right to know that before they go to the polls on Tuesday.

What is predictable ahead?

Attorney General Lynch, whether she stays or goes, will be hauled before Congress to explain whether she or top aides impeded the FBI investigations of the Clinton scandals. And witnesses from within her Justice department and FBI will also be called to testify.

Moreover, Senate Republicans would block confirmation of any new attorney general who did not first promise to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the email and pay-to-play scandals, and any pressure from Lynch's Justice Department on the FBI.

Even Democrats would concede that a Department of Justice staffed by Hillary Clinton appointees could not credibly be entrusted with investigating alleged high crimes and misdemeanors by former Secretary of State Clinton and confidants like Abedin and Mills.

An independent counsel, a special prosecutor, appears inevitable.

And such individuals usually mark their success or failure by how many and how high are the indictments and convictions they rack up.

... ... ...

Patrick J. Buchanan is a founding editor of The American Conservative and the author of the book The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority.

[Nov 05, 2016] What does it take to bring Hillary Clinton to justice

Nov 03, 2016 |
54 Comments Guest Posts The Saker

Originally written for RT

Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States (POTUS).

How's that humanly possible, as the (daily) Bonfire of The Scandals – relentlessly fed by WikiLeaks revelations and now converging FBI investigations – can now be seen from interstellar space?

It's possible because Hillary Clinton, slouching through a paroxysm of manufactured hysteria, is supported by virtually the whole US establishment, a consensual neocon/neoliberalcon War Party/Wall Street/corporate media axis.

But History has a tendency to show us there's always a straw that breaks the camel's back.

... ... ...

As far as the Clinton machine is concerned, an interlocking influence peddling pile up is the norm. John Podesta also happens to be the founder of the Center for American Progress – a George Soros operation and prime recruiting ground for Obama administration officials, including US Treasury operatives who decided which elite Too Big To Fail (TBTF) financial giants would be spared after the 2008 crisis. , for its part, has connected Soros Open Society foundations to global funding rackets directly leading to subversion of governments and outright regime change (obviously sparing Clinton Foundation donors.)

Exceptional bananas, anyone?

The perfectly timed slow drip of WikiLeaks revelations, for the Clinton machine, feels like a sophisticated form of Chinese torture. To alleviate the pain, the relentless standard spin has been to change the subject, blame the messenger, and attribute it all to "evil" Russian hacking when the real source for the leaks might have come straight from the belly of the (Washington) beast.

At the Valdai discussion club last week, it took President Putin only a few sentences to debunk the whole Clinton machine narrative with a bang:

"Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election. The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police. You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems, and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth.

I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can somehow influence the American people's choice? America is not some kind of 'banana republic', after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong."

Reality, though, continues to insist on offering multiple, overlapping banana republic instances, configuring a giant black hole of transparency.

Anthropologist Janine Wedel has been one of the few in Clinton-linked US mainstream media acknowledging how Bill Clinton, while Hillary was Secretary of State, perfected his version of "philantro-capitalism" (actually a money laundering "pay to play" racket), a practice "by no means confined to the Clintons".

And the racket prospered with inbuilt nuggets, such as Hillary being perfectly aware that prime Clinton Foundation donors Qatar and Saudi Arabia were also financing ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.

Huma, the Fall Princess

Now, less than a week before the election, we have come to the crucial juncture where the WikiLeaks revelations are merging with the FBI investigations – all three of them.

Exhibit A is

this WikiLeaks bombshell; Peter Kadzik, who's now in charge of the Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into the 650,000 emails found on the laptop shared by Clinton's right-hand woman Huma Abedin and her estranged, pervert husband Anthony Wiener, is a Clinton asset.

Not only Kadzik was an attorney for Marc Rich when he was pardoned by Bill Clinton; Podesta – as also revealed by WikiLeaks – thanked Kadzik for keeping him "out of jail"; and it was Kadzik who gave Podesta a secret heads up on the Clinton email investigation.

The Clinton machine, starring a self-described virtuous Madonna, is actually a pretty nasty business. Huma and her family's close connections to Saudi Arabia – and the Muslim Brotherhood – are legendary (that includes his brother Hassan, who works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi). Podesta, by the way, is a handsomely remunerated lobbyist for Saudi Arabia in Washington; that's part of the Clinton Foundation connection.

Yet now, with Huma in the spotlight – still maintaining she didn't know all those emails were in her and Wiener's laptop – it's no wonder Hillary has instantly downgraded her, publicly, to "one of my aides". She used to be Hillary's ersatz "daughter"; now she's being framed as The Fall Princess.

And that brings us to the intersection of those three FBI investigations; on Hillary's Subterranean Email Server (in theory closed by FBI's Comey last summer); on the Clinton Foundation; and on Wiener's sexting of minors. The FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for over a year now. Let's try to cut a long story short.

Follow the evidence

Last July, the DOJ – under Clinton/Obama asset Loretta Lynch – decided not to prosecute anyone on Emailgate. And yet FBI director Comey – who nonetheless stressed Hillary's "extreme carelessness" – turbo-charged his no-denial mode on another investigation, as in the FBI "sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe."

Soon we had Clinton Foundation FBI investigators trying to get access to all the emails turned over in the Emailgate investigation. The East District of New York refused it. Very important point; up to 2015, guess who was the US attorney at the East District; Clinton/Obama asset Lynch.

Enter an extra layer of legalese. Less than two months ago, the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators discovered they could not have access to any Emailgate material that was connected to immunity agreements.

But then, roughly a month ago, another FBI team captured the by now famous laptop shared by Huma and Wiener – using a warrant allowing only a probe on Weiner's sexting of a 15-year-old girl. Subsequently they found Huma Abedin emails at all her accounts – from [email protected] to the crucial [email protected] . This meant not only that Huma was forwarding State Dept. emails to her private accounts, but also that Hillary was sending emails from the "secret" to Huma at

No one knew for sure, but some of these emails might be duplicates of those the Clinton Foundation FBI investigators could not access because of the pesky immunity agreements.

What's established by now is that the metadata in the Huma/Wiener laptop was duly examined. Now picture both teams of FBI investigators – Clinton Foundation and pervert Wiener – comparing notes. And then they decide Huma's emails are "relevant".

Key questions apply; and the most pressing is how the emails were deemed "relevant" if the investigators could only examine the metadata. What matters is that Comey certainly was made aware of the content of the emails – a potential game-changer. That's why one of my sources insists his decision to go public came from above.

The other key question now is whether the DOJ – via Kadzik? – will once again thwart another investigation, this time on the Clinton Foundation. Senior, serious FBI agents won't take that – massive euphemism – kindly. The FBI has been on the Clinton Foundation for over a year. Now, arguably, they are loaded with evidence – and they won't quit. Winning the presidency now seems to be the least of Hillary Clinton's Bonfire of Scandals' problems.

Eric, November 4, 2016 1:08 pm

After the Nixon Watergate scandal, which avoided discussion of his war crimes and treasonous undermining of Vietnamese peace talks, and probable role in JFK's assassination. And after the Iran Contra scandal which also involved illegal arms transfers, obstruction of justice, end running around supplying arms to terrorists, drug dealing, etc., it is refreshing that after Bill's impeachment on relatively minor charges (do older guys having affairs with younger women occur, and they don't want to talk about it?), to see some Democrats, who have always portrayed themselves as the good guys against the evil Nixons and Reagans and Bushes, being caught red handed in good oldfashioned money laundering, gun running, supplying arms to terrorists and cavorting with and accepting money from good old fashioned head chopping human rights violators, in true treasonous style.

As the saying goes, "The country is run by gangsters, and the ones who win are called 'The Government'.

Vote Third Party.

[Nov 05, 2016] Economists View Paul Krugman Who Broke Politics

Notable quotes:
"... I'll be interested to see how much Hillary tries to "work with Republicans" when it comes to foreign or domestic policy, as she's promising on the campaign trail. ..."
"... In a recent interview Biden was talking about how his "friends" in the Senate like McCain, Lindsy Graham, etc. - the sane ones who hate Trump - have to come out in support of the Republican plan to block Clinton from nominating a Supreme Court judge, because of if they don't, the Koch brothers will primary them. ..."
"... While I agree that the Republican party has been interested in whatever argument will win elections and benefit their donor class, doesn't the Democratic Party also have a donor class? Haven't Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton had a close relationship with some business interests? Did anyone go to jail after the asset bubble? Did welfare reform work or simply shift the problem out of view? How complicit are the Democrats in the great risk shift? ..."
"... I would think the scorched earth politics of the neoliberals required Democrats to shift to the right if they ever hoped to win an election, again. That is what it has looked like to me. The American equivalent of New Labor in Britain. So, we have a more moderate business-interest group of Democrats and a radical business-interest group of Republicans during the past 40 years. I think Kevin Phillips has made this argument. ..."
"... Our grand experimental shift back to classical theory involved supply side tax cuts, deregulation based on the magic of new finance theory, and monetarist pro-financial monetary policy. All of which gave us the masquerade of a great moderation that ended in the mother of all asset bubbles. While we shredded the safety net. ..."
"... Now the population is learning the arguments about free trade magically lifting all boats up into the capitalist paradise has blown up. We've shifted the risk onto the working population and they couldn't bear it. ..."
"... Economists lied to the American people about trade and continue to lie about the issue day in and day out. Brainwashing kids with a silly model called comparative advantage. ..."
Nov 05, 2016 |
Peter K. : November 04, 2016 at 08:51 AM , 2016 at 08:51 AM
This is all true but Krugman always fails to tell the other side of the story.

I'll be interested to see how much Hillary tries to "work with Republicans" when it comes to foreign or domestic policy, as she's promising on the campaign trail.

The centrists always do this to push through centrist, neoliberal "solutions" which anger the left.

In a recent interview Biden was talking about how his "friends" in the Senate like McCain, Lindsy Graham, etc. - the sane ones who hate Trump - have to come out in support of the Republican plan to block Clinton from nominating a Supreme Court judge, because of if they don't, the Koch brothers will primary them.

Let's hope Hillary does something about campaign finance reform and Citizen United and takes a harder line against obstructionist Republicans.

Eric : November 04, 2016 at 09:28 AM

While I agree that the Republican party has been interested in whatever argument will win elections and benefit their donor class, doesn't the Democratic Party also have a donor class? Haven't Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton had a close relationship with some business interests? Did anyone go to jail after the asset bubble? Did welfare reform work or simply shift the problem out of view? How complicit are the Democrats in the great risk shift?

I would think the scorched earth politics of the neoliberals required Democrats to shift to the right if they ever hoped to win an election, again. That is what it has looked like to me. The American equivalent of New Labor in Britain. So, we have a more moderate business-interest group of Democrats and a radical business-interest group of Republicans during the past 40 years. I think Kevin Phillips has made this argument.

Our grand experimental shift back to classical theory involved supply side tax cuts, deregulation based on the magic of new finance theory, and monetarist pro-financial monetary policy. All of which gave us the masquerade of a great moderation that ended in the mother of all asset bubbles. While we shredded the safety net.

Now the population is learning the arguments about free trade magically lifting all boats up into the capitalist paradise has blown up. We've shifted the risk onto the working population and they couldn't bear it.

Perhaps the less partisan take-way would be - is it possible for any political candidate to get elected in this environment without bowing to the proper interests? How close did Bernie get? And, how do we fix it without first admitting that the policies of both political parties have not really addressed the social adjustments necessary to capture the benefits of globalization? We need an evolution of both political parties - not just the Republicans. If we don't get it, we can expect the Trump argument to take even deeper root.

America was rich when it had tariff walls - now it's becoming poor - Thanks economists! : November 04, 2016 at 09:43 PM
Economists lied to the American people about trade and continue to lie about the issue day in and day out. Brainwashing kids with a silly model called comparative advantage. East Asian economists including Ha Joon Chang among others debunked comparative advantage and Ricardianism long ago.

Manufacturing is everything. It is all that matters. We needed tariffs yesterday. Without them the country is lost.

[Nov 04, 2016] Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election

Notable quotes:
"... With the reopening of the FBI investigation of Hillary and related scandals exploding all around her, election theft is not only more risky but also less likely to serve the Oligarchy's own interests. ..."
"... A Hillary presidency could put our country into chaos. I doubt the oligarchs are sufficiently stupid to think that once she is sworn in, Hillary can fire FBI Director Comey and shut down the investigation. The last president that tried that was Richard Nixon, and look where that got him. ..."
"... If you were an oligarch, would you want your agent under this kind of scrutiny? If you were Hillary, would you want to be under this kind of pressure? ..."
"... "Clinton's presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein's Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including "Tatiana." The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls." ..."
Nov 04, 2016 |
Yes they can ;-). that's how two party system is functioning by default. Rank-and-file are typically screwed. the only exception is so called "revolutionary situation", when the elite lost legitimacy and can't dictate its will on the people below.

November 4, 2016

The election was set up to be stolen from Trump. That was the purpose of the polls rigged by overweighting Hillary supporters in the samples. After weeks of hearing poll results that Hillary was in the lead, the public would discount a theft claim. Electronic voting makes elections easy to steal, and I have posted explanations by election fraud experts of how it is done.

Clearly the Oligarchy does not want Donald Trump in the White House as they are unsure that they could control him, and Hillary is their agent.

With the reopening of the FBI investigation of Hillary and related scandals exploding all around her, election theft is not only more risky but also less likely to serve the Oligarchy's own interests.

Image as well as money is part of Oligarchic power. The image of America takes a big hit if the American people elect a president who is currently under felony investigation.

Moreover, a President Hillary would be under investigation for years. With so much spotlight on her, she would not be able to serve the Oligarchy's interests. She would be worthless to them, and, indeed, investigations that unearthed various connections between Hillary and oligarchs could damage the oligarchs.

In other words, for the Oligarchy Hillary has moved from an asset to a liability.

A Hillary presidency could put our country into chaos. I doubt the oligarchs are sufficiently stupid to think that once she is sworn in, Hillary can fire FBI Director Comey and shut down the investigation. The last president that tried that was Richard Nixon, and look where that got him.

Moreover, the Republicans in the House and Senate would not stand for it. House Committee on oversight and Government Reform chairman Jason Chaffetz has already declared Hillary to be "a target-rich environment. Even before we get to day one, we've got two years worth of material already lined up." House Speaker Paul Ryan said investigation will follow the evidence.

If you were an oligarch, would you want your agent under this kind of scrutiny? If you were Hillary, would you want to be under this kind of pressure?

What happens if the FBI recommends the indictment of the president? Even insouciant Americans would see the cover-up if the attorney general refused to prosecute the case. Americans would lose all confidence in the government. Chaos would rule. Chaos can be revolutionary, and that is not good for oligarchs.

Moreover, if reports can be believed, salacious scandals appear to be waiting their time on stage. For example, last May Fox News reported:

"Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender's infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the "Lolita Express" - even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by

"Clinton's presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein's Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including "Tatiana." The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls."

Fox News reports that Epstein served time in prison for "solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution. He allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on 'Orgy Island,' an estate on Epstein's 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands."
Some Internet sites, the credibility of which is unknown to me, have linked Hillary to these flights. http

[Nov 04, 2016] The Guardian WikiLeaks Reveals How Globalist Elites Run America for Their Own Interests

Notable quotes:
"... From The Guardian : ..."
"... Read the rest here . ..."
Thomas Frank writes in The Guardian that the WikiLeaks emails to and from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta "offer an unprecedented view into the workings of the elite, and how it looks after itself." They provide "a window into the soul of the Democratic party and into the dreams and thoughts of the class to whom the party answers."

From The Guardian:

This genre of Podesta email, in which people try to arrange jobs for themselves or their kids, points us toward the most fundamental thing we know about the people at the top of this class: their loyalty to one another and the way it overrides everything else. Of course Hillary Clinton staffed her state department with investment bankers and then did speaking engagements for investment banks as soon as she was done at the state department. Of course she appears to think that any kind of bank reform should "come from the industry itself". And of course no elite bankers were ever prosecuted by the Obama administration. Read these emails and you understand, with a start, that the people at the top tier of American life all know each other. They are all engaged in promoting one another's careers, constantly.

Everything blurs into everything else in this world. The state department, the banks, Silicon Valley, the nonprofits, the "Global CEO Advisory Firm" that appears to have solicited donations for the Clinton Foundation. Executives here go from foundation to government to thinktank to startup. There are honors. Venture capital. Foundation grants. Endowed chairs. Advanced degrees. For them the door revolves. The friends all succeed. They break every boundary.But the One Big Boundary remains. Yes, it's all supposed to be a meritocracy. But if you aren't part of this happy, prosperous in-group – if you don't have John Podesta's email address – you're out.

Read the rest here.

[Nov 04, 2016] Erik Prince NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case

Nov 04, 2016 |
Blackwater founder and former Navy SEAL Erik Prince told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM that according to one of his "well-placed sources" in the New York Police Department, "The NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making" in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received "huge pushback" from the Justice Department.

Prince began by saying he had no problem believing reports that the FBI was highly confident multiple foreign agencies hacked Hillary Clinton's private email server . "I mean, it's not like the foreign intelligence agencies leave a thank-you note after they've hacked and stolen your data," Prince said to SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

Prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton's email server last week.

"Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing," Prince claimed.

"They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times," he said.

"The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, 'We're going to go public with this if you don't reopen the investigation and you don't do the right thing with timely indictments,'" Prince explained.

"I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they've gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That's the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters," Prince said.

"There's five different parts of the FBI conducting investigations into these things, with constant downdrafts from the Obama Justice Department. So in the, I hope, unlikely and very unfortunate event that Hillary Clinton is elected president, we will have a constitutional crisis that we have not seen since, I believe, 1860," Prince declared.

Marlow asked Prince to clarify these revelations.

"NYPD was the first one to look at that laptop," Prince elaborated. "Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife – the closest adviser of Hillary Clinton for 20 years – have both flipped. They are cooperating with the government. They both have – they see potential jail time of many years for their crimes, for Huma Abedin sending and receiving and even storing hundreds of thousands of messages from the State Department server and from Hillary Clinton's own homebrew server, which contained classified information. Weiner faces all kinds of exposure for the inappropriate sexting that was going on and for other information that they found."

"So NYPD first gets that computer. They see how disgusting it is. They keep a copy of everything, and they pass a copy on to the FBI, which finally pushes the FBI off their chairs, making Comey reopen that investigation, which was indicated in the letter last week. The point being, NYPD has all the information, and they will pursue justice within their rights if the FBI doesn't," Prince contended.

"There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they've seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs," he stated.

"So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that's the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue," Prince said.

He noted that the FBI can investigate these matters, "but they can't convene a grand jury. They can't file charges."

"The prosecutors, the Justice Department has to do that," he explained. "Now, as I understand it, Preet Bharara, the Manhattan prosecutor, has gotten ahold of some of this. From what I hear, he's a stand-up guy, and hopefully he does the right thing."

Marlow agreed that Bharara's "sterling reputation" as a determined prosecutor was "bad news for the Clintons."

Prince agreed, but said, "If people are willing to bend or break the law and don't really care about the Constitution or due process – if you're willing to use Stalinist tactics against someone – who knows what level of pressure" could be brought to bear against even the most tenacious law enforcement officials?

"The point being, fortunately, it's not just the FBI; [there are] five different offices that are in the hunt for justice, but the NYPD has it as well," Prince said, citing the Wall Street Journal reporting that has "exposed downdraft, back pressure from the Justice Department" against both the FBI and NYPD, in an effort to "keep the sunlight and the disinfecting effects of the truth and transparency from shining on this great evil that has gone on, and is slowly being exposed."

"The Justice Department is trying to run out the clock, to elect Hillary Clinton, to prevent any real justice from being done," he warned.

As for the mayor of New York City, Prince said he has heard that "de Blasio wants to stay away from this."

"The evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that I think even he wants to stay away from it, which is really telling," he said.

Prince reported that the other legislators involved in the case "have not been named yet," and urged the NYPD to hold a press conference and name them.

"I wish they'd do it today," he said. "These are the unusual sliding-door moments of history, that people can stand up and be counted, and make a real difference, and to save a Republic, save a Constitution that we actually need and love, that our forefathers fought and died for. For any cop that is aware of this level of wrongdoing, and they have veterans in their family, or deceased veterans in their family, they owe it to them to stand up, to stand and be counted today , and shine the light of truth on this great evil."

"From what I understand, up to the commissioner or at least the chief level in NYPD, they wanted to have a press conference, and DOJ, Washington people, political appointees have been exerting all kinds of undue pressure on them to back down," he added.

Marlow suggested that some of those involved in keeping the details quiet might want to avoid accusations of politicizing the case and seeking to influence the presidential election.

"Sure, that's it. That's the argument for it," Prince agreed. "But the fact is, you know that if the Left had emails pointing to Donald Trump visiting, multiple times, an island with underage sex slaves basically, emails, you know they'd be talking about it. They'd be shouting it from the rooftops."

"This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton – look, you don't have to make any judgments. Just release the emails," he urged. "Just dump them. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth."

Prince dismissed the claims of people like Clinton campaign CEO John Podesta and DNC chair Donna Brazile that some of the damaging emails already released by WikiLeaks were fabricated, noting that "forensic analysis done shows that, indeed, they are not fabricated; they are really legitimate."

"This is stuff coming right off a hard drive that was owned by Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest adviser for the last 20 years," he said of the new bombshells. "This is not from some hacker or anybody else. This is a laptop seized from a warrant in a criminal investigation."

Prince confirmed that based on his information, Abedin is most likely looking at jail time, unless she cuts a deal with prosecutors.

"There's a minimum of obstruction of justice and all kinds of unlawful handling of classified information," he said. "Because remember, this laptop was in the possession of Weiner, who did not have a security clearance. And many, many of those emails were from her Yahoo account, which had State Department emails forwarded to them, so she could easier print these messages, scan them, and send them on to Hillary. That's the carelessness that Hillary and her staff had for the classified information that the intelligence community risks life and limb to collect in challenged, opposed areas around the world."

"That's not who you want in the White House," Prince declared.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

[Nov 04, 2016] Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

Notable quotes:
"... The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta. ..."
"... "What is remarkable is that, in the party of Jackson and Bryan and Roosevelt, smiling financiers now seem to stand on every corner, constantly proffering advice about this and that". ..."
"... Do they want more of the same + the Clinton's insatiable appetite for self-enrichmentand that permanent insincere smile? If not, why not give Trump a chance. If they don't like him, kick him out in four years' time. ..."
"... My feeling is this sort of behaviour has its equivalents throughout history and that when it peaks we have upheaval and decline. ..."
"... "Yes, it's all supposed to be a meritocracy. But if you aren't part of this happy, prosperous in-group – if you don't have John Podesta's email address – you're out." ..."
"... Of course you are quite correct, the Democratic Party is a fraud for working people and a collection of self serving elitist. If you have a solution to solve why people keep voting for them I would love to hear it. ..."
"... I am sure the people of Syria and Libya are grateful to these amazing people for destroying their countries and stealing their resources. ..."
"... What's left is a pretty ugly, self-righteous and corrupt crowd. Their attacks on Comey have been despicable, beneath contempt and absurd. I think they're going to lose and they will deserve to. ..."
"... "Former National Endowment for the Arts chairman Bill Ivey says a leaked e-mail to Clinton deputy John Podesta did not reveal a 'master plan' for maintaining political power via 'an unaware and compliant citizenry.'" ..."
"... I use work in these circles and the soul crushing thing is that elites look out for themselves and their careers and have no real personality, morals, values, character, backbone and certainly no interest in the people. They have personalities of wet fish and are generally cowardice and an embarrassment to mankind. In sort a waste of space ..."
Nov 04, 2016 |

The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta. They are last week's scandal in a year running over with scandals, but in truth their significance goes far beyond mere scandal: they are a window into the soul of the Democratic party and into the dreams and thoughts of the class to whom the party answers.

The class to which I refer is not rising in angry protest; they are by and large pretty satisfied, pretty contented. Nobody takes road trips to exotic West Virginia to see what the members of this class looks like or how they live; on the contrary, they are the ones for whom such stories are written. This bunch doesn't have to make do with a comb-over TV mountebank for a leader; for this class, the choices are always pretty good, and this year they happen to be excellent.

They are the comfortable and well-educated mainstay of our modern Democratic party. They are also the grandees of our national media; the architects of our software; the designers of our streets; the high officials of our banking system; the authors of just about every plan to fix social security or fine-tune the Middle East with precision droning. They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

...I think the WikiLeaks releases furnish us with an opportunity to observe the upper reaches of the American status hierarchy in all its righteousness and majesty.

The dramatis personae of the liberal class are all present in this amazing body of work: financial innovators. High-achieving colleagues attempting to get jobs for their high-achieving children. Foundation executives doing fine and noble things. Prizes, of course, and high academic achievement.

...Hillary's ingratiating speeches to Wall Street are well known of course, but what is remarkable is that, in the party of Jackson and Bryan and Roosevelt, smiling financiers now seem to stand on every corner, constantly proffering advice about this and that. In one now-famous email chain, for example, the reader can watch current US trade representative Michael Froman, writing from a Citibank email address in 2008, appear to name President Obama's cabinet even before the great hope-and-change election was decided (incidentally, an important clue to understanding why that greatest of zombie banks was never put out of its misery).

The far-sighted innovators of Silicon Valley are also here in force, interacting all the time with the leaders of the party of the people. We watch as Podesta appears to email Sheryl Sandberg. He makes plans to visit Mark Zuckerberg (who, according to one missive, wants to "learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action"). Podesta exchanges emails with an entrepreneur about an ugly race now unfolding for Silicon Valley's seat in Congress; this man, in turn, appears to forward to Podesta the remarks of yet another Silicon Valley grandee, who complains that one of the Democratic combatants in that fight was criticizing billionaires who give to Democrats. Specifically, the miscreant Dem in question was said to be:

"… spinning (and attacking) donors who have supported Democrats. John Arnold and Marc Leder have both given to Cory Booker, Joe Kennedy, and others. He is also attacking every billionaire that donates to [Congressional candidate] Ro [Khanna], many whom support other Democrats as well."

Attacking billionaires! In the year 2015! It was, one of the correspondents appears to write, "madness and political malpractice of the party to allow this to continue".

There are wonderful things to be found in this treasure trove when you search the gilded words "Davos" or "Tahoe".

... ... ...

Then there is the apparent nepotism, the dozens if not hundreds of mundane emails in which petitioners for this or that plum Washington job or high-profile academic appointment politely appeal to Podesta – the ward-heeler of the meritocratic elite – for a solicitous word whispered in the ear of a powerful crony.

This genre of Podesta email, in which people try to arrange jobs for themselves or their kids, points us toward the most fundamental thing we know about the people at the top of this class: their loyalty to one another and the way it overrides everything else. Of course Hillary Clinton staffed her state department with investment bankers and then did speaking engagements for investment banks as soon as she was done at the state department. Of course she appears to think that any kind of bank reform should "come from the industry itself". And of course no elite bankers were ever prosecuted by the Obama administration. Read these emails and you understand, with a start, that the people at the top tier of American life all know each other. They are all engaged in promoting one another's careers, constantly.

Everything blurs into everything else in this world. The state department, the banks, Silicon Valley, the nonprofits, the "Global CEO Advisory Firm" that appears to have solicited donations for the Clinton Foundation. Executives here go from foundation to government to thinktank to startup. There are honors. Venture capital. Foundation grants. Endowed chairs. Advanced degrees. For them the door revolves. The friends all succeed. They break every boundary.

But the One Big Boundary remains. Yes, it's all supposed to be a meritocracy. But if you aren't part of this happy, prosperous in-group – if you don't have John Podesta's email address – you're out.

greatapedescendant 5d ago

It's all polyarchy,plutocracy and powerful lobbyists for the arms and finance industries. The average US citizen counts for nothing. The higher up on the socio-economic scale you are, the more you count. Except for a brainwashed vote once every 4 years.

From today's Guardian…

"US politics tends to be portrayed as driven by geopolitical interests rather than personalities, and so most ordinary Russians assume that little will change, whoever wins."

"And nothing will change for the average US citizen, just like in Britain. Looks like most ordinary Russians have got it spot on.

greatapedescendant -> greatapedescendant 5d ago

And as if that were not enough, the elections are 'rigged' in various ways.

Americans have a great responsibility not only to their country but to other so-called advanced western democracies which follow they US model. A radical change in US politics to bring it in line with genuine concern for the interests of the average citizen would greatly assist efforts here on the other side of the Atlantic to do the same.

SergeantPave 5d ago

Astonishing that registered Democrats rejected one of the cleanest politicians in modern US history in order to nominate the Queen of Wall St. What do they hope to gain from expanded corporate globalism and entrenchment of the corporate coup d'etat at home?

Matthew McNeany -> SergeantPave 5d ago

Except that it was the same party grandees (Super-delegates - the very word sticks in your throat no?) who all but confirmed Clinton's appointment before a single ballot was cast by the party rank and file.

djhurley , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
"What is remarkable is that, in the party of Jackson and Bryan and Roosevelt, smiling financiers now seem to stand on every corner, constantly proffering advice about this and that".

Spot on. There's amnesia today about where the Democratic party historically stood in regard to Wall Street and its interests.

Watchman80 -> djhurley , 31 Oct 2016 13:0
Yep - very good article.

I am surprised to find it in the Guardian.

democratista -> Watchman80 , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
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Beckow -> djhurley , 31 Oct 2016 15:1
Real issues - like economic well-being for all - have been replaced by Democrats with mindless identity politics. Clinton is literally running on "I will spend half a billion to reduce bullying", on unisex bathrooms, and more women of color everywhere.

Is that what democracy should be all about? FDR and other real Democrats would die laughing if they would see these current "progressive liberals" - they stand for nothing, they are a total waste of time, as Obama so amply demonstrated.

ga gamba , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
The warning signals were screaming months ago and the mass media concocted a smear campaign against Sanders because he wasn't owned and he was the wrong gender.

Sanders would have destroyed Trump in this election.

Oliver Elkington -> ga gamba , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
See, Trump is right when he says that the US media is corrupt
DaveTheFirst -> ga gamba , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
Then Bernie endorsed Clinton... :\
callaspodeaspode -> DaveTheFirst , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
Yes he did endorse her. Because it is customary for the losing candidate(s) in the nomination race to do so. He said he would endorse her if she won, right from the start of the process. For the patently obvious reason, which he repeated again and again, that even a compromised HRC is far better than Donald Trump.

And he kept his word, but not before he did his level best during the convention to get some decent policies jammed into the Democratic Party platform.

unclestinky , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
And if the same sort of leakage had come from the Republicans you'd see exactly the same patronage and influence peddling. If there's one area of politics that remains truly bipartisan it's the gravitational pull of large sums of money.
Chris Davison -> unclestinky , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
Which only goes to show that ALL of them are unfit for any position of Public Office, let alone any Public employment.
gandrew -> unclestinky , 31 Oct 2016 15:1
Except Citizens United failed because Republicans opposed it in the form of their Supreme Court judges.
OhSuitsYouSir -> Chris Davison , 31 Oct 2016 17:1
yawn yawn - what a profound comment
callaspodeaspode , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
We even read the pleadings of a man who wants to be invited to a state dinner at the White House and who offers, as one of several exhibits in his favor, the fact that he "joined the DSCC Majority Trust in Martha's Vineyard (contributing over $32,400 to Democratic senators) in July 2014".

Then there is the apparent nepotism, the dozens if not hundreds of mundane emails in which petitioners for this or that plum Washington job or high-profile academic appointment politely appeal to Podesta – the ward-heeler of the meritocratic elite – for a solicitous word whispered in the ear of a powerful crony.

Something timeless about it all, isn't there? Like reading an account of court life in the era of Charles II.

Mark Taylor -> callaspodeaspode , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
And to think that they had a revolution to get rid of all that nonsense.
AIRrrww , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
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gully_foyle , 31 Oct 2016 11:2
There's nothing revelatory in the fact that this is happening among the Democrats, there is surely a carbon copy going on with the Republicans! But somehow I don't think Wikileaks will be releasing anything about that, until the GoP happens to do something that steps on Putin's toes...
Banditolobster -> gully_foyle , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
Weak, the truth is the truth, ranting about reds under the beds is bollocks.
sbmfc -> gully_foyle , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
The Russian link is something made up by the Dems to take the heat off Clinton.

Podesta was caught out by a simple phishing trick which could be carried out by anyone.

gully_foyle -> Banditolobster , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
We'll find out the truth about how Wikileaks operates one day. The alignment between Wikileaks releases and interests of Russian foreign policy became suspicious a long time before you read on Breitbart that Clinton made it up. And I wasn't in any way denying or diminishing the activities described in the article. There are just better articles out there, which consider corruption in "the system" from all sides - which is exactly how it should be viewed, not more of this divide and conquer bullshit.
Oliver Elkington , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
It is clear that rigging had taken place in the Democrat primaries, Bernie Sanders was more popular with a big chunk of the electorate including the young, here in the Guardian few people had a bad word to say about him, compare that to Hillary who's only strong point seems to be that she is a safer choice than Trump.
jianhan q -> Oliver Elkington , 31 Oct 2016 13:0
She's not.
js1919 -> jianhan q , 31 Oct 2016 14:0
I'm not so sure anymore either. For the world, maybe Trump is better in the end (ofc Clinton is by far better for the US). I knew what a hawk Clinton is but seeing her "obliterate Iran" comments made me think she might be even more dangerous than I thought.
HotTomales -> Oliver Elkington , 31 Oct 2016 17:1
The corollary is, Trump is the only candidate that Hillary can beat. That bares some thinking over, I believe, especially in the light of the way we know the political system and the Democrats in particular work. Oh well . . .
greenwichite , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
It didn't matter so much when the right-wing parties were puppets of billionaires.

The political crisis arrived when the supposedly "left-wing" parties sold out to them too.

At which point, democratic choice evaporated.

Financial interests have today captured the entire body-politic of Britain and America, and it really doesn't matter which party you vote for - Goldman Sachs will call the shots regardless.

And they see you as simply a cash-cow to be milked for the benefit of the very rich, themselves included.

ID904765 -> greenwichite , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
Your general point is broadly accurate - however I would have second thoughts before singling out Goldman Sachs any more than say Morgan Stanley , Citigroup or Bank of America.
Fred Bloggs -> ID904765 , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
Goldman Sachs are the leader of the gang?
BurgermaS -> ID904765 , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
I think he meant Goldman Sachs as a term for the larger banking group of interests (as you listed). Some call them the 'white shoe boys'. Everyone knows the banks control everything now.
KateShade , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
Let me make sure I've got this right:

you would prefer politicians who never speak to the people running businesses, finance, universities, hospitals etc etc.?

Marjallche -> KateShade , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
I would prefer politicians who don't get paid by those whose power they are supposed to rein in.
stormsinteacups -> KateShade , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
you've got it the wrong way's the groups you mention that plead NOT speak with politicians. Please don't include those running hospitals and universities with the worldwide business and finance mafia.
KateShade -> Marjallche , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
paying politicians is definitely not the way to go... campaign funding rules are what is crippling the US....

other countries have much better systems...

or are you thinking of other forms of 'payment'?

JennM , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
I see no way out of this mess
ralphrooney -> JennM , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
hopefully it ends with hillary in jail
LabourMess -> JennM , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
So you don't think that Trump will try to drain the swamp.
Mates Braas -> ralphrooney , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
Hoping to see Clinton end up in jail is no different than hoping to see Bush at the ICC.
Brownbread , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
"This genre of Podesta email, in which people try to arrange jobs for themselves or their kids, points us toward the most fundamental thing we know about the people at the top of this class: their loyalty to one another and the way it overrides everything else."

This is quite a mundane observation. To which social group does a tendency for in-group loyalty NOT apply? I think what it actually shows is that high status people mix together and are more confident in using such forms of communication with powerful people (with whom they assume a connection) for personal gain. Hardly surprising. And also only applies to the sample - those who emailed - rather than the general class. That is, it's a bad sample because it is self selecting, and therefore says something more about people who are willing to communicate in this way, rather than their broader class.

MacCosham -> Brownbread , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
A tendency for in-group loyalty and loyalty overriding everything else are two very, very, very different things.
Brownbread -> MacCosham , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
Okay, read as, 'a tendency for an in-group loyalty that, when acted out, overrides everything else' (as implied by the definition of 'loyalty').
Brownbread -> MacCosham , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
So to be clear, I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. One is about how often you are loyal to your group, and the other is about the nature of loyalty itself.
soixantehuitard , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
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waldoh , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
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kelso77 , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
What has seemingly slipped under the radar is Podesta's emails withDr Edgar Mitchell, Tom Delonge and a couple of Generals.

The truth is out there...

PaulGButler -> kelso77 , 31 Oct 2016 12:2

What has seemingly slipped under the radar is Podesta's emails withDr Edgar Mitchell, Tom Delonge and a couple of Generals.

Looks like it's going to stay there as well, at least as far as you are concerned ...

JustinNimmo , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
That the people at the very top of their industry and professions know each other and communicate with each other is hardly a surprise. Nor is it bad - it helps the world to function. Nor is it necessarily corrupt provided they operate within the law. What is important is that getting to the top of these professions is an opportunity open to everyone with the ability and the drive. That, sadly, is not the case. Nepotism does not help either.
greenwichite -> JustinNimmo , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
These people at the top of their professions have a track-record of abysmal failure. Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and the other banks should have been allowed to collapse in 2008, as fitting punishment for their greed and incompetence. Instead, they used their paid-for access to the Bush White House to demand and acquire a trillion-dollar bailout.

That's not networking. It's corruption.

infamy72 -> JustinNimmo , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
Who's laws , oh the ruling classes laws.
z8000736 , 31 Oct 2016 11:3
[neo]Liberal may be a dirty word to call someone in America but the author of this piece seems unaware it doesn't work quite the same way the other side of the Atlantic. May I suggest panty-waisted pointy-head instead?
1iJack -> z8000736 , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
Better yet: Globalist. Its an underlying theme that we have seen unite the Clintons and Bush/Romney families in this election cycle...we now know who the enemy is, and they have infiltrated both the Democrats and the Republicans. They have a secret badge they wear pledging an allegiance to a higher power: the Clinton/Bush/Romney families are the jack-booted thugs of the American globalists.
Brownbread -> 1iJack , 31 Oct 2016 15:2
Yeah, they are so much nastier than those cuddly protectionists.
Ted_Pikul -> Brownbread , 31 Oct 2016 16:5
The more the administrative class' borderless "humanism" aligns with the oligarchy's desire for cheap labor, the less objectionable those cuddly persons become.
BobSlater , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
It's very easy to make a case that HRC is unfit for the presidency... Except for the fact the alternative is Trump. A clique arranges matters for themselves and the electorate is basically told to go to hell.

What is over there is on it's way over here if it hasn't happened already. You can build big corporations with a flourishing financial sector or you can build a nation. I would say choose but you don't get a choice.

kodicek , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
Good job in presenting Hillary as the poor victim, when she has the whole weight of the neo-liberal media-banking system behind her... Next up in Orwell land...
flybow , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
here's a link to them.
themandibleclaw , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
As George Carlin said "It's a big club and you ain't in it".
Brownbread -> themandibleclaw , 31 Oct 2016 15:3
He also said, "be excellent to each other."
MitchellParker , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
"Along with the concept of American Dream runs the notion that every man and woman is entitled to an opinion and to one vote, no matter how ridiculous that opinion might be or how uninformed the vote. It could be that the Borderer Presbyterian tradition of "stand up and say your rightful piece" contributed to the American notion that our gut-level but uninformed opinions are some sort of unvarnished foundational political truths.

I have been told that this is because we redneck working-class Scots Irish suffer from what psychiatrists call "no insight".

Consequently, we will never agree with anyone outside our zone of ignorance because our belligerent Borderer pride insists on the right to be dangerously wrong about everything while telling those who are more educated to "bite my ass!"

― Joe Bageant, Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War

Longerenong , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
There is still a week to go.

The way this election has been going you'd have to be a fool not to expect yet another twist in the plot.

HonourableMember , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
A meritocracy always crashes and crushes its actors and puppet masters whenever merit is neither exhibited nor warranted ...... for then is it too much alike a fraudulent ponzi to be anything else.
noteasilyfooled , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
What Americans need to ask themselves is: Are they happy with things as they are after 8 years of Obama? Do they want more of the same + the Clinton's insatiable appetite for self-enrichmentand that permanent insincere smile? If not, why not give Trump a chance. If they don't like him, kick him out in four years' time.
Elephantmoth -> noteasilyfooled , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Are Americans happy with things as they are after 8 years of a Republican Congress stonewalling every attempt to improve things for ordinary people, even shutting down the whole government in pursuit of their partisan agenda? The childish antics of our 'democratic representatives' have diminished the ideals of democracy and would sink even further with Trump, who could do a lot of damage in four years.
ID1906465 -> noteasilyfooled , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
four years is a very long time! Took less than that for the Nazis to get into power after having got into parliament.
PaulGButler -> noteasilyfooled , 31 Oct 2016 12:1

why not give Trump a chance.

Bit ironic, given your user name "noteasilyfooled". You are aware that Donald Trump (in spite of several attempts to lose his fortune) is a billionaire?

Bluejil , 31 Oct 2016 11:4
It has been ongoing through out history, ancient Greece and the beginning of democracy, Romans, Kings, Queens, courts and courtiers. Is it really a surprise that if you do not have a Harvard MBA, you won't rise through the ranks of Goldman's and McKinsey? It's no different here in England, £50,000 and up to dine with Dave and George last year.

Most of the population trusts who they elect to do the jobs they themselves would not do or could not do, it's steeped in history that the well educated take the helm. Politics is nepotism and money has always played a very large part, for every party, not just the democrats. Let's not pretend the republicans are innocent saints in all of this, if Wikileaks were to delve into their actions there would be a shit storm, remember the NRA is part and parcel of the Republican party.

Blenheim -> Bluejil , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Most of the population trusts who they elect to do the jobs they themselves would not do or could not do

Not sure we do .. We're totally apathetic and cynical in regards to politics, and certainly those who put themselves forward mostly aren't up to the job but are seemingly unemployable elsewhere; look no further than the last PM and his idiot chum, and now the current PM and her front bench. Would you employ 'em?..

MacCosham -> Bluejil , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Ehm, sorry, no. Remember there is a word, democracy , which is taken to mean that governments act according to the wishes of the people who elected them. Your petty partisanship is blinding you.
haribol , 31 Oct 2016 11:4

They are the comfortable and well-educated mainstay of our modern Democratic party. They are also the grandees of our national media; the architects of our software; the designers of our streets; the high officials of our banking system; the authors of just about every plan to fix social security or fine-tune the Middle East with precision droning. They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

This is across the WHOLE of the West no matter whether right leaning or left leaning.

moria50 -> elliot2511 , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
Also cousins albeit 19th cousins.
WhitesandsOjibwe , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
"Keep the American public compliant and unaware."

Clinton's private and public face. Says it all.

missuswatanabe , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
The really interesting question is whether it has always been like this (and we just don't have the emails to prove it) or whether this is a fairly new phenomenon. My feeling is this sort of behaviour has its equivalents throughout history and that when it peaks we have upheaval and decline.

The current malaise goes back a long way but was catalysed by the end of the Cold War. Because the West 'won' with a system of liberal capitalist democracy, politics took a back seat to business interests. The Clintonian and Blairite 'third way' was billed as a practical compromise but the reality was an abdication of politics. Into this vacuum stepped the kind of self-serving elite the Podesta emails reveal. Arrangements are starting to break down and Michael Gove's much derided statement that people have 'had enough of experts' is actually the most insightful thing that has been said about 21st Century politics so far.

dedalus77uk , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
Yes, yes, Thomas. But one click on your name reveals an approach to these elections which about as unbiased against Clinton as Comley's - it's pretty clear who you want to win.

Among other things, if Trump wins, though, there will be war in Europe within 2 years, as Putin grabs the Baltic states and the USA sits back, arms folded - you heard it here first.

1iJack -> dedalus77uk , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Europe hates the U.S. and hasn't wanted us in NATO for decades. Goodbye.
jean2121 -> dedalus77uk , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
You are delusional. It isn quite the contrary that will happen. the war monger is Hillary. what proof do you need?
caseball -> dedalus77uk , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
If Clinton is elected itll be First Strike using nukes by the US. You heard it here first.
1iJack , 31 Oct 2016 11:5
And by electing Trump, we are trying to fuck up all of the people you mention in your article above. We can't completely, but through things like term limits we can make Washington a city full of strangers to them. It is much more difficult to deal with strangers in the "back room" as you can't trust them.

We need to make Washington as inaccessible to those folks as it is to Main Street America.

We have to break America for these globalist elites before America will work for Main Street again.

Because the American oligarchy has now turned globalist, their goals are now contrary to those of the American people, and that's why all Hillary has is empty slogans like "I'll fight for you" while Trump is saying tangible things like "I'll build a wall" and "I'll renegotiate or tear up NAFTA."

We are done with them, and this is just getting started.

TonyBlunt -> Raismail , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Putin runs the only government that puts billionaires in jail. We put them in the House of Lords or let them run our media.
AlfaBeta73 , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
fantastic ending to a great article:

"Yes, it's all supposed to be a meritocracy. But if you aren't part of this happy, prosperous in-group – if you don't have John Podesta's email address – you're out."

traversecity , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
What's particularly interesting is to contrast the main-chance sleaziness of their internal jockeying with the overwhelming self-righteousness of their pronouncements on public issues. No wonder the voters want revenge.
martinusher , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
This is just the class system in action. Or did everyone think that the US was a classless society?
David Dougherty , 31 Oct 2016 12:0
Of course you are quite correct, the Democratic Party is a fraud for working people and a collection of self serving elitist. If you have a solution to solve why people keep voting for them I would love to hear it.
mattblack81 -> David Dougherty , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
I think the point is that all politics is the same, democrat or republican. These people are self serving leeches on the rest of society and they have us thanking them for it......well in the USA they have you mindlessly chanting USA USA USA over and over again but you get my drift.
hammond , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
It's called globalisation and it's exactly the same in the Uk . neoliberal asset stripping while the citizenry get shafted
WhitesandsOjibwe -> Longerenong , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
Wikileaks doesn't get 'directed'. It's very likely the leaks are from the inside of the Clinton campaign. They've been very sloppy and not very tech savvy by all accounts.
Peter Kelly , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
That such a state of affairs exists is no surprise at all, especially as the whole proclaimed basis of society in America is designed to produce it exactly.

They may couch it in different terms and dress it up to look like 'democracy and freedom', but it is a selfish, greedy stampede where only the lucky or the nasty succeed.

We are forever told that anyone can achieve the 'American dream', but it is a complete myth. The idea that if everyone just puts in the effort they could all live in limitless luxury is such a false illusion you wonder why it hasn't been buried along with believing the world is flat and the sun is a god.

Stechris Willgil , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
If you want to understand how American politics works then watch House of Cards on Netflix with Kevin Spacey . A brilliant series .
Mates Braas , 31 Oct 2016 12:1
The best democracy money can buy indeed, and they want to export this sham to other countries using bombs.
BurgermaS -> Mates Braas , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
no they don't! The freedom and democracy is just bullshot that cons the populace to not see that it's really "nick all your stuff under the threat of violence". They're gangsters. That's all they do.
unedited , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
The state and big business are corruptly entangled.
reluctanttorontonian , 31 Oct 2016 12:2 /
Freemoneyforeveryone , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
Seriously? Your story is powerful people associate with each other and do each other favours? Absent a pure dictatorship, that's how power works. Even then, I happen to know you're inferring too much design in some of the events you describe.
Mates Braas -> Freemoneyforeveryone , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
Don't you find it strange for corporations to be selecting a cabinet?
FattMatt , 31 Oct 2016 12:2

This genre of Podesta email, in which people try to arrange jobs for themselves or their kids, points us toward the most fundamental thing we know about the people at the top of this class: their loyalty to one another and the way it overrides everything else.

All classes use nepotism to some degree.

Elephantmoth , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
We all know how people in power act in their own interests and that goes for both Parties, not only the one singled out in this article.
What is less clear is how all this hysteria about personalities makes any difference to ordinary people whose interests have been entirely sidelined in this election circus. Where is the discussion about how Americans can get affordable healthcare, or a job that pays more than the minimum, or how to respond to climate change, for instance?
Nada89 , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
The US presidential race signifies the way the political process has become irrevocably debased.
The e-mails merely highlight the cynicism of politicians who long ago ceded power to the financial and corporate world.

Politicians don't really understand the complexities of finance, in the same way they are unable to fathom the Middle east, or even what life has become like for huge swathes of the American population. At the same time politicians have long ceased to be the engine of social progress, in fact more often than not their policies are more likely to do great harm rather than good.

If anybody is surprised by the general tenor of these e-mails I assume they must have been the sort of children who were heartbroken when one day their parents gently sat them down to break it to them that Santa was actually Daddy in an oversized red suit.

TheFireRises , 31 Oct 2016 12:2
And they wonder why Trump is doing so well, Dirty Media, Dirty Government.
antipodes , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
" The dramatis personae of the liberal class are all present in this amazing body of work: financial innovators. High-achieving colleagues attempting to get jobs for their high-achieving children. Foundation executives doing fine and noble things. Prizes, of course, and high academic achievement."

I am sure the people of Syria and Libya are grateful to these amazing people for destroying their countries and stealing their resources.

keynsean , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
Just look over here as former politicians get on the gravy train as they lose their seats or retire. As for the Eton alumni - closer than the mafia ....
pleasevotegordonout , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
Yes ...just look at thsi stunning revent incisive Guardian journam=lism that has helped break this open

"But if she wins, what an added bonus that, as the first woman to enter the White House, she will also step through the door as by far the most qualified and experienced arrival there for generations."

"This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest"

"The Guardian view on the FBI's Clinton probe: exactly the wrong thing to do"

Chuckman , 31 Oct 2016 12:3
"Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run"

First, no, no one in his right mind should forget the FBI cache which very likely contains evidence of serious crimes by Clinton.

At the very least, they can prove she did not comply with subpoenas and destroyed evidence and lied to the FBI.

Second, yes, the Podesta e-mails do show us something of how America is run, but the picture is far from complete.

We've not had a enough look into the Clinton Foundation and its intertwining with the affairs of a very senior official and the President himself.

One very much suspects Hillary of playing "pay for play" with foreign governments, much the kind of corruption the US loves to accuse less-developed countries of.

After all, when the Clintons were in the White House, fund-raising gimmicks reached unprecedented levels. President Bill came up with the offer of a sleep-over in the Lincoln Bedroom for rich supporters who coughed up a $250,000 campaign contribution.

There are many indications, but no hard proof, of just how corrupt this foundation is. One analyst who has spent some time studying it has called it a huge criminal scheme.

Let's not forget that Julian Assange, the man who gave us the Podesta material, has promised revelations "which could put Hillary in jail" before the election.

Frogdoofus -> FattMatt , 31 Oct 2016 12:5
It's more a country club. If you're in, you're in. If you're out, you're out. Most people are out and will stay that way forever.
Wolly74 -> Chelli , 31 Oct 2016 12:5

The cost of democracy is corruption.

And that's different from autocracy or dictatorship how exactly?

Williamthewriter -> Chelli , 31 Oct 2016 13:0
You're right of course. All of politics is about doing favors for people high and low, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. In the entire article the one real scandalous thing is that it quotes from hacked personal emails that no on but those who wrote them have a right to see.
LeCochon -> Chelli , 31 Oct 2016 13:0
It depends. Hardcore technical knowledge can put you above the technically illiterate lawyers, economists and journalists of the political class.
keepithuman , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
If anyone thinks that the immediate solution to not backing this type of behavior from one of the major political parties is to elect a huckster riding the wave of righteous revulsion to all of this, then they deserve everything that they will get when said huckster gets to the pinnacle of power.

The solution does not lie with the other major political party either, boy would I love to see a release of emails detailing how that organization is run. It is already in collapse due to the eroding corruption resulting in downright robbery of the people, and on-going bigotry and constant war-mongering to rob the world of its assets.

Nothing will happen to change any of this unless a realistic third party based on true service to the people of this country gains national acceptance. The best thing that could come from these emails and the fracturing of the Republican party would be that all disillusioned and disgruntled citizens unite to form this third party. This will take the emergence of some genuine, selfless leadership, but I have hopes that this can and will happen.

Otherwise, the future is not rosy, and one day we may look back at this hateful campaign with nostalgia.

Flagella , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
We have our own elite clubs in this country some of which have been here for centuries. All members regardless of Party are connected through elite school networks and by of course the class system which is copper fastened to keep the great unwashed out. Corruption, nepotism and cronyism are all present here too even if concealed by the veil of respectability and having the right postcode. From the comfort of their clubs, their marble homes and granite banks they rob the people of Britain and the world.
Isaac_Blunt -> Flagella , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
LOL. Not at all paranoid then...
QuebecCityOliver -> Flagella , 31 Oct 2016 12:5
Yes. I am sure that explains John Major very well.

Gordon Brown does not fit the mould , either.

Talent can make it through more easily in the UK than the USA. That is simply a fact.

Wolly74 -> Isaac_Blunt , 31 Oct 2016 12:5
As they say 'Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean etc. etc.....'
DoctorWibble , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
I'd recommend reading "The Unwinding - An Inner History of the new America" by George Packer who dissects this very well via potted biographies of several real people. The book also covers it's opposite - the rising unemployment, de-industrialisation, repossessions and other themes. A very useful background for understanding this election and whatever comes after. And a good read too which can't always be said about such books.
jazzfan19605 , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
Trump supporters say that Trump is not a politician or part of the Washington "establishment" but he has built his empire by buying politicians for years. His flock is so fooled.
ThaddeusTheBold , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
As someone who started in poverty and rose to do well through lots of hard work and lots of good luck, the "revelation" that this country is controlled by a smug elite is not news. I may be liberal but I have no illusions about the elitism and exclusionism that ruling cadres always exhibit. And if I could achieve one thing, politically, in this lifetime it would be to break the back of privilege in this country and on this planet forever, and make true meritocracy -- not cronyism, not nepotism, not herdeitary wealth and power -- the ONLY determinant of success.
LeCochon -> ThaddeusTheBold , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
Then setup/ join a grassroots party.
I would like to see a pan-European, non-ideological party which will focus on getting people out of the debt economy into economic and financial freedom. The price of housing and transportation and education needs to be addressed. There needs to be less government, fewer MPs and more room for people who create value and employment. There is a lot of innovation out there online for example, but the mass of people are not being exposed to these options. A
gjjwatson , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
This is how the rich, powerful and landed interest in all societies work. Constitutional democracy was supposed to counter it`s worst excesses.
Voters everywhere understand how their governments have been subverted and that is why politicians are mistrusted.
QuebecCityOliver -> LesterUK , 31 Oct 2016 13:0
I was confused by your spelling for a second - David Icke.

One theory states that society would have had to crate a similar model if Icke hadn't provided us with one. It is also, probably, better to blame alien overlords to human ones.

Rainsborow , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
This is a pretty tame assessment. The more I see about HRC (who I once respected, not that long ago) the more angry and saddened I feel. The Dems have lost their connection with the people they were meant to represent. What's left is a pretty ugly, self-righteous and corrupt crowd. Their attacks on Comey have been despicable, beneath contempt and absurd. I think they're going to lose and they will deserve to.
Andrius Ledas , 31 Oct 2016 12:4
The funniest thing about the comments of this article is the people who claim that electing Trump will be different somehow. Trump will demolish the system, Trump will shake things up! Please! Trump IS a part of this system, a system that has two clubs, A and B. Each club has its interests and each club wants to elect a figure that would represent its interests. Moreover, clubs A and B really work together, they are two groups of shareholders that are sometimes in disagreement in the distribution of profit, but at the bottom line they are working for the same goal, the enrichment of themselves and their associates. You have to be very naive to believe that POTUS, a mere public relations figure, would be allowed to make any significiant executive decisions in this company. That's not what a public relations officer does. The real decisions are with the executives of the club, and they are not elected, they are admitted into the club. The real question, however, is if it can be otherwise, if it has ever been otherwise, can we conceive of a system that would be different. This should be the concern of all political experts, scientists and journalists.
CanWeNotKnockIt -> Andrius Ledas , 31 Oct 2016 12:5
Yeah but he's going to build a wall, lock her up, tear up trade agreements with the neighbours, bar Muslims from coming to the USA, create millions of well-paid jobs, open up loads of coal mines, have a trade war with China, end lobbying, establish limited terms (if only a president could have a third term) and sue umpteen women for alleging sexual assault.
Vidarr -> tobyjosh , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
"Just a bunch of expensive suits deciding on what's best for the world (and themselves)"

That's the wrong emphasis based on the points made in this article; surely it is "Just a bunch of expensive suits deciding on what's best for the themselves (and the world)".

Alun Jones , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
Time to Drain the Swamp
hadeze242 , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
sanders said it and trump, an insider of independent means, are both right about the Clinton duo's sleazy corruption. thank you Wikileaks, thank you perv Weiner, thank you Huma for sharing (one of your) computers with your sex-fiend husband. thank you for sharing your total honesty and high morality, all deserving that we citizens pay your pensions and salaries.
Akkarrin , 31 Oct 2016 13:1
Its taken a while but i think I've decided. I genuinely want Clinton to lose, i think Trump will be a disastrous president and the worst in history by far, and worse then Clinton.

That said Clinton and the DNC deserve to lose for the horrific way they treated Sanders in the nomination to see Clinton crowned the candidate... she does not deserve to win and i cannot face that smug arrogant speech which will come if she does much less the next 4-8 years.

supercool , 31 Oct 2016 13:2
Lobbying, influence then a thin line to break into corruption and the system being run for the selfish interest of the tiny few against the majority. The US is no exception to this, it is just done more subtly with a smokescreen and sleight of hand.
AkwaIbom999 , 31 Oct 2016 13:2
I'm not sure where the "news" is in this piece. The same rules of engagement apply during Republican administrations. The same rules of engagement apply in every administration in every country in every part of our benighted World .... and, sadly, always have done. The only response to the article that I can think of is that eternally useful Americanism ... "No s**t Sherlock."
stevecammack , 31 Oct 2016 13:2
it is the elite - both right and left wing who have accumulated all the power, know each other very well and have one aim in life - to retain the power and priviledge for themselves, their families and their peers - whether that is by social class, university, religion and yes race. Bitter - you bet people are bitter - ignorant people who don't see they are all much of the same. It's all about the power and the money that they have, you don't and you don't seem to care. Actually you probably do have right power, money, class and race hence the pathetically flippant comment.
HarryArs -> stevecammack , 31 Oct 2016 13:5
There is no left wing in power in DC. It would be apt to say "the right wing and the far right wing".
gondwanaboy -> CanWeNotKnockIt , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
Well he's already aware of media bias and that a Deep State exists quietly in the background so it will be interesting to see what happens after the election.
mattb1 , 31 Oct 2016 13:2
This is old news. Anyone who knows The Golden Rule can tell you those with the gold make the rules.
Phil Butler , 31 Oct 2016 13:2
Brilliant. Absolutely and positively the best piece on the subject I have read. As an American, once a cable installer who visited all the cliche homes of social-strata USA, I find a ray of hope ij what you write. It is a hope that Americans will just admit the unbelievable folly of Hillary Clinton as a choice for dog catcher, much less Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. For God's sake, or the sake of Howard Hughes even, this group would nuke Idaho for not approving of a transexual-animal wedding ceremony, let along disagreeing on healthcare. You have framed and illuminated a portrait of the macabre aristocracy now in charge. I hope more people read this.
smaguidhir , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
Ok, new line, US Military coup 2017!!

Neither of the two main political parties have a candidate worth anyone's time. The choice is between a sexual predator and a serial liar to see who will lead the richest most powerful country on the face of the earth and these two are what the parties have puked up for us to choose between. I cant imagine a general or admiral sitting in front of either of these two specimens and thinking themselves proud to be led by them.

This entire cycle is a disgrace, vote for Hillary, impeach her in a year stick Kaine in as a caretaker and then have a proper election in 2020, its the only sane way out of this disaster.

Phil429 -> smaguidhir , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
There's no such thing as a military solution. A coup to dethrone the power, sure, but let's hope for one that's effective.
Orr George -> smaguidhir , 31 Oct 2016 13:5
"Sexual predator", really? You mean like Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, 2 men with RAPE accusations following them around for decades? All Trump did was kiss women in show biz and beauty contests, and they LET him. I guess you never saw Richard Dawson on Family Feud?
SlumVictim , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
You know damn well, people who get to the top in so called western capitalist representative democracy, only represent themselves. The very idea they care about the people in general is totally demolished by observing the evidence, how countries function and where the money flows to and where from.

The people are no better than domesticated cattle being led out to graze and brought back in the evening to be milked. Marx was right when he talked about wage slavery. The slavers are those in the legislatures of the west.

MereMortal , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
I really like Thomas Frank, author of the brilliant Pity the Billionaire.
I can't help feeling here that he's really softballed the the US elite (the Democrats in this case) by only mildly calling them on their epic corruption.
If seen from Main street, is it any wonder the US electorate have in their millions turned aournd and said "no, you're not going to ensnare us again with your bullshit promises because you want our vote, you are the problem and we're going to kick YOU out"
I mean how many times can they hope to fool the electorate with bought and paid for contestants, all the while with the media having their back. When the media is as corrupt and 'owned' as the US mainstream media, people look elsewhere and there they find voices that are far far more critical of what their awful rulers get up to.
Embracist -> MereMortal , 31 Oct 2016 13:4
Trump and Clinton have been friends for years. So the electorate is fooled once again. Every time the public start to get wind of what's going on, the establishment just adds another layer to the onion. By the time the hoi polloi catch up, they've siphoned tens of billions, hundreds of billions for themselves, and created all new distractions and onion layers for the next election. People are undeniably stupid.
Mauryan , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
This confirms the existence of a shadow government, made up of rich and powerful industrialists and bankers who control the way elections results turn out, so that they can help themselves. From their standpoint, Trump will be a wart in their rear end, because he basically lacks the sophistication needed to hide excretion under the carpet and walk over it smiling. He is already full of it and therefore is of no use to them. They did not expect him to come this far. There is a first time surprise for everything. They did not expect Sanders to gain momentum either. But they managed to contain it, phew! Now with Clinton, they can continue with their merry ways, earning billions more, settings fires across the globe and making more profits out them. It is not just the Democratic party that is full of stench. It includes the other party as well. Right wing and left wing belong to the same bird. All the campaign for voting, right to vote, participate etc. are just window wash. American democracy is buried deep in the Arlington cemetery. What runs now is Plutocracy, whose roots have cracked through the foundations and pillars of this country. Either a bloody revolution will happen one day soon or America will go the way of Brazil.
pretendname , 31 Oct 2016 13:3
It's puzzling really

The US public are pretty happy generally with extra-judicial killing (we call that murder in the UK, remember this for later on in the post), seems little concern about the on-record comments of Clinton regarding Libya.

In fact the on-record comments of Clinton generally, that doesn't even involve hacked email accounts, are absolutely damning to most Europeans.

However.. here in the UK what passes for satire comedy TV shows have rigorously stuck to the line Trump is an idiot, Clinton is a democrat.
I can understand their fascination with Trump.. he's an easy target.. but nobody in the UK media seems to have the balls to call out the fact that Clinton is neck deep in 'extra judicial killing', which I find odd.. More importantly I find this to be an absolutely damning indictment of British media. This organ not withstanding.

David Prince , 31 Oct 2016 13:4
Interesting, but this just tells of the usual cronyism and nepotism; unedifying as it is. We see very little here though of her true masters; i.e. Goldman Sachs; or more specifically the people who own GS who are Hiliary's puppet masters. I would be more worried about Hiliarys ambition apparently to push for a conflict with Russia; a conflict that serves the Military industrial complex and the bankers that own it. DT may be a Narcicist but as Michael Moore says; "the enemy of my enemy....."
BillFromBoston , 31 Oct 2016 14:0
To be more precise these emails show how the US is run under the DEMOCRAT Party.
Murdoch Mactaggart -> BillFromBoston , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
These particular emails do, yes. You'd find exactly the same models were an equivalent lot released involving Reince Priebus or his ilk.
seanwiddowson -> BillFromBoston , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
As a Brit, I'd like to ask if the Republican Party is any different. I very much doubt it.
ID9552055 , 31 Oct 2016 14:1

It's all supposed to be a meritocracy. But if you aren't part of this happy, prosperous in-group – if you don't have XYZ's email address – you're out.

Great article that makes you think as a reader. For instance, though more ethical, it makes you wonder how things are different in the BBC or The Guardian, or NYT, or other powerful organisations. How far does merit count, how far does having the right background, how far not rocking the boat?
Hopefully the article will inspire others to look into the leaderships of American politics where "everything blurs into everything in this world'.

W.R. Garvey , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
The most shocking emails to me were the ones that revealed the Democratic Party had a substantial role in creating and organizing groups like Catholics United, with the intent of using them to try to liberalize the Catholic Church on issues like abortion and same sex marriage.

The same people who (rightly) cried foul over GW Bush crossing the church/state divide apparently had no problem doing the same thing when it suited their agenda. I tend to vote Democratic, but I don't know if I can continue to do that in the future. This kind of thing should not be happening in America.

SuSucat , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
Sounds a bit like Italy to me or nearer to home Blair's cool Britannia.
deFigueira , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
With a constitution like that of the US, with its establishment parties sharing a bought and sold executive evey few years, and in the absence of representative parliamentary democracy, the psuedo macarthyist insinuations of this article are as civilized as it can get.
KendoNagasaki , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
An interesting article, offering snippets of the emails that have been released, all of which confirms two things, it seems to me:

First, that the world operates as we might have suspected it to. In the control of, and in the interests of rich cliques.

Second, that we are on the whole apathetic to our predicament.

Mark Sutcliffe , 31 Oct 2016 14:1
"And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."

And there is the thinking of the elite rolled into a few sentences.

ImaHack -> Mark Sutcliffe , 31 Oct 2016 14:3 /

"Former National Endowment for the Arts chairman Bill Ivey says a leaked e-mail to Clinton deputy John Podesta did not reveal a 'master plan' for maintaining political power via 'an unaware and compliant citizenry.'"

BoomerLefty , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
One might think that after reading this article, that a liberal/progressive like me would hate the Democratic Party and all of the elites in it. Well, you would be right (no pun intended), but the folks that I really despise are on the GOP side of the equation.

My animosity begins with Eisenhower, who turned the Dulles brother lose on the world to start so many of the fires that still rage today. Then came Nixon, with his "southern strategy", to turn the hate and racism that existed in America since its founding into a political philosophy that only an ignorant, half-assed Hollywood actor could fully weaponize. Then there was GWB who threw jet fuel onto the still smoldering ashes left from the Dulles boys.

(And if you think you can throw LBJ back at me, consider that he saw no way out of Vietnam simply because he knew the right was accuse him of being soft on communism - and so the big fool pushed ever deeper into the Big Muddy.)

And the toxic fumes from those blazes then drifted over Donald J Trump and his fellow 16 clown car occupants - all trying to out-hate each other.

There is simply no alternative to the Democratic Party because the GOP represents hate, misogyny, racism, and the zombie legions that catered to the corporatocracy and the Christian right. It was such a winning strategy that the Democratic Party created the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) - led by the likes of the Clinton's who out-repug'd the Repugnants, and stole their corporate lunches. And this is what we have left (no pun intended).

It sucks!

pierrependre , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
First, Frank misunderstood Kansas. Now he says he was blind to the reality of the Democratic party until the Podesta emails enlightened him. He's right though that the Democrats are never out of power whether they win or lose elections (although it's always more convenient to win them, even with a Clinton and the knowledge that he or she means nasty baggage to come). Republicans have a lock on country clubs; Dems have a lock on government.
Nobby Barnes -> pierrependre , 31 Oct 2016 15:2
i understand that the republicans make up most of the governor positions as well as state houses plus the fed. senate and congress...that is why america is now a banana republic [re: see the fbi interference] and is why america is now an as it is by the republican duck dynasty intellectual class. stay tuned as fascism follows. please don't stand close to're an american and embarrassing....
guardiansek , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
Trust me, middle and lower-class people also try to let eachother know that their kids need a job, and can you help out. And I don't mind the bank exec promoting the dinner of locally grown/caught produce with the tastesful wine pairing. Certainly pretty twee, but otherwise pretty normal.

What should be concentrated on is the amount of "OMG, they are complaining about billionaires!" whining in these emails, and the amount of manipulative news cycle management and duplicitous skullduggery that takes place.

And how about a law that prevents the Clintons from even stepping on Martha's Vineyard for at least 4-5 years?

In all, a somewhat depressing but predictable confirmation that the Democratic party has embraced the donor class to the extent that the donors are now the party's true constituents.

RichWoods -> guardiansek , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
Just like New Labour. It's not very cheering.
SmartestRs , 31 Oct 2016 14:2
A self-interested, self-promoting, self-protecting "Elite" seeks to control and dominate. Clinton is clearly integral to this abhorrent system. The USA is in desperate need of change yet the political system is the antidote to any change. Trump is not the answer. Americans should be very worried.
TinTininAmerica -> SmartestRs , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
The only benefit to Trump winning is that both parties will be blown up and recreated with new, fresh faces - and Trump will be impeached within months.
David Von Steiner -> SmartestRs , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
Why isn't Trump the answer? No one can give me a valid rational reason. He is one of the few who has shone light on the Swamp and is bringing the woke corrupt world down.
Nobby Barnes -> SmartestRs , 31 Oct 2016 15:0
that elite you speak of happen to be your fellow americans and live on your street..unless of course you live in a trailer which case stop your whining and get yourself an education and a better job instead of spending all your time watching wrestling and celebrity apprentice and moaning about the elite...i notice trump hired his stupid kids instead of cracker jack executives...i guess thats some of the nepotism you're crying about....ya rube.
David Von Steiner -> John Star , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
Trump is different though. He socialized in these environments...the politicians...use hit him up for donations....gossip too him about the goings on even try and sleep with him .
Trump does not drink so at these events he probably heard unlimited stories maybe even Bill Clinton bragged to him.
For what ever reason he wants to bring
This scum down. Maybe they disgust him like they disgust us?
Dean Alexander , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
If the current rumours are true, HC is in it up to her neck.
helenamcg , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
'This genre of Podesta email, in which people try to arrange jobs for themselves or their kids, ' I ss written as evidence of nepotism. But there is no mention of whether or not these requests were successful. Nepotism requires that the person requesting the favour is granted it.
WallyWombat , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
Indeed, how could the Clintons go from "effectively broke" in 2001 to $140 million in 2007, and $200 million in 2015?
pretzelattack -> MontyJohnston , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
lol no she doesn't. she doesnt want single payer, neither did obama. she doesnt want a liberal supreme court. she doesn't want the minimum wage raised to 15. she may support race gender lbgt "fairness" as long as it is to her political advantage. but when it isn't, she will throw anybody under the bus.
makeinstall , 31 Oct 2016 14:3

"Read these emails and you understand, with a start, that the people at the top tier of American life all know each other. They are all engaged in promoting one another's careers, constantly."

As long as that class division exists, nothing will ever change, and that class will never relinquish that division of their own accord.

hush632 , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
There appears to be an illusion to influencing the events that unfold, rather than responding to events. Conspiracy theorists may go knuts.
Mafevema , 31 Oct 2016 14:3
How different is this from anywhere else on the planet? There will always be " elites" composed of well connected and/or powerful and/ or wealthy and/or famous people.

I have a good job in a good firm and i am inundated by emails from clients or their friends trying to place their offspring. I decline politely, blame HR and PC, express my sincerest regrets and delete.

As for wealthy and powerful people enjoying holidays in the company of other wealthy and powerful people, so what? I spend my holiday with my friends and my friends tend to have the same professional middle class background and outlook.

What's new?

uponthehill -> LuckyBob , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
She should have said ."You guys are a bunch of cowardly, greedy, malformed humans. You are the cream of everything wrong with society today.. And the worse of it all is,. you know it too. I can smell it in this very room."
That's what!
whiteblob -> LuckyBob , 31 Oct 2016 14:4

Democratic government can save us from Hell.

democracy should be about voting for the candidate you want to win, not who don't want to win!

judyblue -> LuckyBob , 31 Oct 2016 15:1

If we followed the likes of Frank Democrats would be out of power for ever.

No, these Democrats would merely be members of the Republican Party, honestly declaring that the people with money make the rules to benefit themselves. What's the moral point of being in power if you have to be just as bad as the opposing party in order to stay in power?
David Von Steiner , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
I use work in these circles and the soul crushing thing is that elites look out for themselves and their careers and have no real personality, morals, values, character, backbone and certainly no interest in the people. They have personalities of wet fish and are generally cowardice and an embarrassment to mankind. In sort a waste of space
judyblue -> David Von Steiner , 31 Oct 2016 15:1
You used to work in these circles? Not proof-reading their correspondence, I hope.
Shane Johns , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
A meritocracy wouldn't have such hob-nobbing going on for positions of power. There'd be no reason to ask for special consideration for 'Johnny' -- since he would already have risen to the top based on his own MERIT. So I don't understand why this author keeps insisting that this is a meritocracy when the evidence is so clearly and so obviously the opposite.
judyblue -> Shane Johns , 31 Oct 2016 15:1

So I don't understand why this author keeps insisting that this is a meritocracy when the evidence is so clearly and so obviously the opposite.

I think you missed the author's irony.
SeanThorp , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
Once upon a time these emails would have been front and centre of Guardian reporting, headline news and leader columns, now a single opinion article tucked away from the front page. Truly the gatekeepers have lost just as much credibility as the political class that they shill for.
Ambricourt , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
A secret "deep state" operated by a cabal of families? -Lizards on Martha's Vineyard? Is David Icke right, after all?
muttley79 -> Ambricourt , 31 Oct 2016 16:2
It is well known that there is a deep state operating in America, if you want to learn something instead of sneering and being ignorant, you could do worse than reading books such as these:

MacSpeaker , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
Shocking. And nothing like the bonhomie shared betwen Oxbridge, The City and No. 10, I suppose?
judyblue -> MacSpeaker , 31 Oct 2016 15:0
This is happening in America, which has always claimed that there are no classes here and everything is done according to merit. So, yes, it's exactly like the triad you mention and it is the more offensive for occurring in a country that expressly repudiates it.
DavidTheDude -> judyblue , 31 Oct 2016 15:1
No classes in America? In a country that was built on the back of slavery and segregation?

Please give your head a shake.

DrChris , 31 Oct 2016 14:4
That article adds up to zero, it does not tell us anything. There are people with networks, and people promote other people they know. Nothing peculiar about this, it works like this in every walk of life. By and large people with high stakes will choose other people who they know can get very hard jobs done, otherwise their project becomes a failure. Can other talented people break into these networks? They can and they do.
pretzelattack -> DrChris , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
they're so talented, it only took 9 emails for huma to explain to clinton how a fax machine worked.
pretzelattack -> Nobby Barnes , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
he's pretty powerful yes. he just runs interference for clinton controlled foundations as far as i know, but i'm sure he will help out the big banks if called upon. your comment reeks of dishonesty.
meggo56 -> SterlingPound , 31 Oct 2016 15:5
It's called a "capitalist republic" for a reason.
KissTheMoai -> meggo56 , 31 Oct 2016 15:5
Plutocracy is a more fitting term.
Paul Ryan , 31 Oct 2016 14:5
The Democrats are as bad if not worse than the Republicans at deceit, manipulation of the media, leaking false information, feeding out a narrative etc..

Its basically become like an arms race between the 2 parties to win by any means necessary because they are so polarized.

The system needs to be overhauled and changed because its not fit for the 21st century. The UK political system too needs to modernise because its creaking as well.

matvox , 31 Oct 2016 15:0
Frank (What's the matter with Frank? Frank) misses the point. completely. The amazing thing about all these emails is how absolutely squeaky clean Podesta is. How many of us could say the same if our personal emails from the last 10 years were blasted all over the internet?!? Not one -- not one! -- example of intemperate language, of bias, of unchained passions, of immaturity. I'm proud to be his fellow citizen and would gladly let him serve as Chief of Staff again if he so chose. Go Italian-Americans!
tweenthetropics -> matvox , 31 Oct 2016 15:2
Do you think he has just one email account?

It seems that his emails expose 10 years of bias ... don't you get it?

And why the hyphenated American thing?

dig4victory , 31 Oct 2016 16:0
The Democratic Party faces exactly the same problem as the Labour Party in the UK.

They are both parties which are supposed to represent the interests of the working class and middle class but they have been infiltrated by corrupt right wing groups lining their own pockets and representing the interests of the oligarchy.

The Labour and Democratic parties need to work together to get these poisonous people out of their organisations before they destroy they destroy them from within.

shoey000 , 31 Oct 2016 16:1
This is all fascinating, and disturbing, but sadly, not a surprise.
It also isn't restricted to the upper echelons of political parties either.

It is no coincidence we hear the same comedians/pundits/writers on Radio Four every week.
It is no coincidence we see the same people on tv.
It is no coincidence the sons and daughters of sons and daughters of the people who went to certain universities go the same universities.
It is no coincidence certain arts grants go to a certain group of people a lot more than they go to others.
It is no coincidence that European grants go to the same small groups of people running organisations.
I'll wager it is no coincidence at the Guardian certain people get work experience and internships.
Its the way the world works, and it stinks.

ACloud , 31 Oct 2016 16:1
Great essay. It is hard to get all the thoughts about the elite into words when so much anger and confusion exist now that all lines have blurred. No longer left and right, but top to bottom. Whereas the world is mostly very grey for the bulk of us, these emails shed a light very clearly on what is black and white and green all over for a few who are really in control. This election has certainly pulled back the curtain and left everyone exposed. For so long Americans could pretend there was virtue and dignity in the "democratic" foundation of our politics, but now with absolute certainly we can see that it is not so and likely never was. No pretending anymore.
muttley79 , 31 Oct 2016 16:1
The class to which I refer is not rising in angry protest; they are by and large pretty satisfied, pretty contented. Nobody takes road trips to exotic West Virginia to see what the members of this class looks like or how they live; on the contrary, they are the ones for whom such stories are written. This bunch doesn't have to make do with a comb-over TV mountebank for a leader; for this class, the choices are always pretty good, and this year they happen to be excellent.

They are the comfortable and well-educated mainstay of our modern Democratic party. They are also the grandees of our national media; the architects of our software; the designers of our streets; the high officials of our banking system; the authors of just about every plan to fix social security or fine-tune the Middle East with precision droning. They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

This is a good point. A lot of people who torpedoed Bernie Sanders' campaign against Hillary Clinton in the primaries seem to be comfortable with little or no political change. They do not seem willing to admit that the political and economic system in the US (and elsewhere) is fundamentally broken, and effectively is in ruins.


JimHarrison -> redwhine , 31 Oct 2016 17:1

You' re saying that one bad effect of hacks is that email security will be improved and it will be harder to have secure communications. In effect, you hate the idea that the NSA can read our emails, but you're worried that the Russians won't be able to. Personally, I don't want either the government or Wikileaks to invade my privacy. You apparently think that data theft is OK as long as Julian Assange does it.
julianps , 31 Oct 2016 16:1

Yes, it's all supposed to be a meritocracy.

As in, there's a merit to being in the clique.
akacentimetre -> Kevin Skilling , 31 Oct 2016 17:1
That's an ahistorical understanding of the party. Yes, in the runup to the Civil War, the 'Democratic' party was the party of proto-white supremacists, slave owners, and agriculturalists. But the party system as it exists today with its alignment of Dems = liberal and Republicans = conservative came into being around/after 1968. Claiming that today's 'Democrats' voted against slavery is like claiming that today's 'Republicans' are worthy of being lauded for being abolitionists - which would be high hypocrisy given their habits of racism and black voter suppression.
sblejo , 31 Oct 2016 16:2
Righteousness and majesty...They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

Exactly what Bernie Sanders was against, just think what 'could' have happened if he were the nominee. The question is when will the email explicitly showing Clinton undermining him come out? Hillary deserves every bit of what is coming out against her, she asked for it, she wants the power and celebrity, but it comes with some pretty ugly stuff. As Mr. Sanders said, she is very 'ambitious', an understatement. If nothing comes out to prove her malice against Mr. Sanders, I will always be convinced it is there somewhere. Now because of what the Democrats did against him that was proven and oh by the way 'the Russians did it', we have her running neck and neck with Trump. They asked for it, they got it.

MarkusKraut , 31 Oct 2016 16:3
This is so depressing.

Why is it that literally all Western democracies have developed totally incapable and immoral political elites at the same time who seem to be lacking any kind of ethical compass?

It is blatantly obvious in the USA where both candidates are almost equally abysmal, but for different reasons. But the same is also true in Germany, Great Britain, France and most other Western countries I can judge on. How did that happen? Where are the politicians who are doing the job for other reasons than self-fulfillment and ideology?

Trump, Clinton, May, Johnson, Farage, Hollande, Sarkozy, Le Pen, Merkel, Gabriel, Petry ... and the rest are all product of a political system that is in a deep crisis. And this comes from someone who has always and will always believe in democracy as such. But how can we finally get better representatives of our political system again?

cyrilnorth -> MarkusKraut , 31 Oct 2016 16:4
"all western democracies" are NOT democracies, but plutocracies
Fitzoid -> MarkusKraut , 31 Oct 2016 16:4
You can't put Corbyn in that group but look at the stick he gets. How dare he try and represent people when he's not part of the elite!
Kevin Skilling -> MarkusKraut , 31 Oct 2016 17:0
Start holding them to account for the lies they tell in a court of law, if they are running campaigns on bullshit, make them own it...
gloriousrevolution , 31 Oct 2016 16:3
What the writer is describing and what the e-mails reveal, is, for anyone with half a brain not too dumbed down by partisanship; is the structure of a system that isn't democracy at all, but clearly an oligarchy. The super-rich rule and the rest are occasionaly alowed to vote for a candidate chosen by the rich, giving the illusion of democracy.
NarniScalo -> gloriousrevolution , 31 Oct 2016 16:5
Yup, that about sums it up. Yet in the case the choice is truly awful.

And whilst we are here let's remember that the European Parliament is very democratic. The US system or the UK System would never allow so many nut jobs from UKIP, FN, Lega Nord and various other facists have a voice. The EU parliament is very representative.

ID8737013 , 31 Oct 2016 16:4
Good read. Money is like manure and if you spread it around it does a lot of good. But if you pile it up in one place, like Silicon Valley or the banks, eventually it will smell pretty bad and attract a lot of flies, like the one that seems attracted to Hillary.
Ubermensch1 , 31 Oct 2016 16:4
You get some idea of just how batty the US electoral campaign system is when you consider that John Podesta is the guy who has hinted at 'exposing' the US government 'cover up' of UFOs...and even got Hillary Clinton making statements about looking into Area 51. Well, that's the vote of all the multitude of conspiracy loons nicely in the bag -- It only shows just how desperate the campaigns are.
ev2rob , 31 Oct 2016 17:1
world history has always provided that the wealthy look after themselves. What's new? Here, both American candidates are wealthy. But Clinton appears to want to look after others and other will look at and after her. I'm not sure what Trump can look after, perhaps his business dealings and bankruptcy triumphs, and lawsuits. Perhaps America is going through a new type of revolution, generational and the massive entry of the post-industrial age in America. How many Americans are screaming for the past, while at least one U.S. automakers shifts some of their factories to Mexico - e.g., Chrysler.
occamslaser , 31 Oct 2016 17:2
We get the candidates we deserve, in any so-called democracy. The west worships money and glitz and celebrity, willingly watches "reality" TV, and in general can aspire to nothing better than material superiority over the neighbours. The U.S., with its pathetic "American Dream," is the most egregious victim of its own obsessions. Bernie Sanders, who in Canada, Britain, or western Europe would be considered centrist, is vilified as a raving socialist. Genuinely well-disposed people with a more humane alternative political vision lack the necessary millions to gain public attention. And so one is left with Business-as-Usual Hillary Clinton (mendacious elitist one-percenter) or the duplicitous demagogue Donald Trump (mendacious vulgar one-percenter).

The internet should be a democratic forum for intelligent discussion of alternatives but has become largely the province of trolls and wingnuts. We should be able to do better.

ID1726608 , 31 Oct 2016 17:2
I'm with MarkusKraut; not because of what the e-mails have discovered - I suspect we all suspected this kind of machinery from BOTH parties - but because their discovery is entirely one-sided.
What does it prove? That the Republicans are any better? Or that Don is any more qualified to be president than he was two weeks ago?

No. It proves one thing, and one thing only - that Republicans keep secrets better than Dems do. At least the important ones.

And I say that as someone who was a security administrator for ten years. And I can guarantee you one thing (and one thing only): The Russians would NOT have got past any e-mail server that I built.

My worry is now not who gets elected - this was always a ship of fools - or who's to blame (although I'm sure we'll be told in the first "hundred days"), but what it means for democracy.
And don't worry, I'm not going to try to equate democracy with Hillary (although I still support her); but about secrecy .

E-mail has always been the most likely medium to be cracked (the correct term for illegal hacking), and secrecy is anathema to democracy - always was, and always will be.
And having been caught with their pants down, I'd like to see the Democratic party, win or lose this election, to say that ALL future e-mails will be a matter of public record. And challenge the GOP to do the same.

Unfortunately, it'll simply be viewed as a failure of security that any administrator like me could tell you is almost impossible, and they'll simply buy better servers for 2020.

oldworldwisdom , 31 Oct 2016 17:2
How America is run? More like how the world has been hijacked by the oligarchs.
Matt Wood , 31 Oct 2016 17:2
For the 1% by the 1%?
Soleprop , 31 Oct 2016 17:2
I've never felt any of the mail to be particularly surprising, but merely a demonstration of what a NeoLiberal society, run by money, looks like at a more granular level. I won't vote for a Trump, but living in California I can vote Green without having to pull the lever for a Clinton. If California goes Trump, then every other state in the nation will have swirled down the drain with him.
ElyFrog , 31 Oct 2016 17:3
In the book 'Who Rules America" written by William Domhoff, first published in 1967, it laid out how the ruling class sits on each others boards of directors, (which he called 'interlocking directorates", inhabits certain think tanks and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations or political parties, goes to the same clubs, intermarries, and knows one another. I.E. the ruling class is a coherent group of HUMAN BEINGS. People think they are some abstract, nameless wonder. They are not. Podesta's e-mails, as Frank rightly notices, show the Democratic Party elite. Another set will show the Republican Party elite, and how BOTH link to each other.
piebeansMontrachet , 31 Oct 2016 17:3
We are talking about the biggest war mongering outfit on the planet. An election. This ship is being driven by assholes no one elected...and as per, walk away with money and knighthoods while the fabric of our society is unravelling. Store water and tinned goods...or good luck on the help line
MistaSyms , 31 Oct 2016 17:4
Good comment except for the needless hand-wringing about reading "private" e-mails. The freak show that is the 2016 US general election is yet another clear sign that neo-liberalism is a scam run for and by bankers, corporate CEOs, kooky tech billionaires, corrupt politicians and other wealthy and amoral sociopaths.

The media has become their propaganda arm and the divide between what people experience and see and what the media tells them is happening grows ever wider. Alternative media outlets (although some of these, such as VICE, are neo-lib shills also) and organisations like WikiLeaks are more important than ever as they still speak truth to power. Even some dissidents and media 'agitators' are coming down on the side of the establishment - I am thinking Snowden, Greenwald and Naomi Klein all of whom have wagged their fingers at Julian Assange for doing a job the media used to do.

A good rule of thumb that tells you who the establishment worries about is looking at who is repeatedly denounced in the media. Trump, Assange and Putin currently have the powers that be worried because they are giving them the proverbial two fingers (or one finger, depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on) and exposing the rotten framework of lies and corruption that hold the rickety system together. Media darlings like Snowden present no real threat and are tolerated, even celebrated.

[Nov 04, 2016] Julian Assange Says Trump Wont Be Allowed To Win, Clinton And ISIS Are Funded By The Same Money Zero Hedge

Notable quotes:
"... In my opinion, the biggest thing to come out of these emails is the complete manipulation of the "news". ..."
Nov 04, 2016 |
My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment," said Assange. "Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves."

He is right, but the same was said about Brexit.

Cognitive Dissonance -> 1980XLS •Nov 4, 2016 8:10 AM

It seems the Shadow Government has decided to go full banana republic.

The sad fact is the vast majority of people simply don't believe this could happen 'here'.

Joe Davola -> two hoots •Nov 4, 2016 9:09 AM

In my opinion, the biggest thing to come out of these emails is the complete manipulation of the "news". The only thing I can attribute it to is that the media are just another form of the free-stuff crowd, because it's not as if Hillary offers a shining beacon of ideology. It's easy to write stories when they're written for you, and it appears that you're really smart because you "got the scoop".

Sure the Saudi angle is quite damning, but for most that's just too deep and difficult to piece together - unless the news breaks it down to simple sound bytes (or an emoji). Heck, without Tyler combing these dumps and lining them up with the overall picture of what was going down at the time, it would be easy to just get swamped in the sheer volume. Much like the "we've printed out 50,000 emails" wasn't intended to help the investigation, it was intended to bog the process down.

Mike in GA -> I am a Man I am Forty •Nov 4, 2016 8:28 AM

Trump has pushed back on every issue that the establishment has thrown at him. Wikileaks has helped with their steady drip of revealing emails giving us all a behind-the-scenes look at the everyday thoughts of our "Leaders". The corruption, collusion and outright criminality thus exposed could only have been accomplished by Trump - certainly no establishment Uniparty candidate would so fearlessly take on the daily goring of everyone else's ox.

Now exposed, this corruption and criminality HAS to be addressed and can only be addressed by an outsider, change-agent president. The opportunity to clean house so substantially does not present itself often and may never again. If properly executed, the halls of power could largely be purged of the criminal class so endemic in the wikileaked emails.

This is where it gets pretty hairy for Trump, and for America. These criminals, living large, very large, on the taxpayer, will not go silently into the night. They will pull out every stop to stop Trump or at least limit the damage. People will start dying a little faster in DC now.

Can anyone explain why that 55 y/o Major General, about to get the promotion of his lifetime into the Air Force Missile Command would commit suicide? And why it took 2 months for the AF to rule it a "suicide"? Rumor says he became privy to domestic EMP contingency plans and was unwilling to comply.

When assassination becomes a tool of the ruling party, the Party has come to town.

[Nov 04, 2016] the Podesta emails show compete corruption of democratic party

Notable quotes:
"... The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta. ..."
Nov 04, 2016 |

The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta. They are last week's scandal in a year running over with scandals, but in truth their significance goes far beyond mere scandal: they are a window into the soul of the Democratic party and into the dreams and thoughts of the class to whom the party answers.

The class to which I refer is not rising in angry protest; they are by and large pretty satisfied, pretty contented. Nobody takes road trips to exotic West Virginia to see what the members of this class looks like or how they live; on the contrary, they are the ones for whom such stories are written. This bunch doesn't have to make do with a comb-over TV mountebank for a leader; for this class, the choices are always pretty good, and this year they happen to be excellent.

They are the comfortable and well-educated mainstay of our modern Democratic party. They are also the grandees of our national media; the architects of our software; the designers of our streets; the high officials of our banking system; the authors of just about every plan to fix social security or fine-tune the Middle East with precision droning. They are, they think, not a class at all but rather the enlightened ones, the people who must be answered to but who need never explain themselves.

[Nov 04, 2016] During Hillary Clinton tenure as the Secretary of State, the total arms exports from the US doubled in dollar value

Notable quotes:
"... The Saudis, the Qataris, the Moroccans, the Bahrainis, particularly the first two, are giving all this money to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton is secretary of state, and the State Department is approving massive arms sales, particularly Saudi Arabia. ..."
"... this notorious jihadist group, called ISIL or ISIS, is created largely with money from people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation? ..."

John Pilger: The Saudis, the Qataris, the Moroccans, the Bahrainis, particularly the first two, are giving all this money to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton is secretary of state, and the State Department is approving massive arms sales, particularly Saudi Arabia.

Julian Assange: Under Hillary Clinton – and the Clinton emails reveal a significant discussion of it – the biggest-ever arms deal in the world was made with Saudi Arabia: more than $80 billion. During her tenure, the total arms exports from the US doubled in dollar value.

JP: Of course, the consequence of that is that this notorious jihadist group, called ISIL or ISIS, is created largely with money from people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation?

[Nov 04, 2016] The 11th Anniversary of 9/11

Nov 04, 2016 |


October 25, 2016 at 9:25 pm GMT • 100 Words

The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 ~ Paul Craig Roberts

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of "Conspiracy Theory"

9/11 After 13 years

The Tide is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory - Paul Craig Roberts

No Airliner Black Boxes Found at the World Trade Center? Senior Officials Dispute Official 9/11 Claim

[Nov 04, 2016] 9-11 Truth - The Unz Review

Oct 25, 2016 | The Unz Review

For the first time a presidential candidate, admittedly from a fringe party, is calling for a reexamination of 9/11. Jill Stein of the Green Party has recognized that exercises in which the United States government examines its own behavior are certain to come up with a result that basically exonerates the politicians and the federal bureaucracy. This has been the case since the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which, inter alia, failed to thoroughly investigate key players like Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby and came up with a single gunman scenario in spite of considerable evidence to the contrary.

When it comes to 9/11, I have been reluctant to enter the fray largely because I do not have the scientific and technical chops to seriously assess how buildings collapse or how a large passenger airliner might be completely consumed by a fire. In my own area, of expertise, which is intelligence, I have repeatedly noted that the Commission investigators failed to look into the potential foreign government involvement in the events that took place that day. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan just for starters may have been involved in or had knowledge relating to 9/11 but the only investigation that took place, insofar as I can determine, was a perfunctory look at the possible Saudi role, the notorious 28 pages, which have recently been released in a redacted form.

A friend recently recommended that I take a look at a film on 9/11 that was first produced back in 2005. It is called Loose Change 9/11 and is available on Amazon Video or in DVD form as well as elsewhere in a number of updated versions. The first version reportedly provides the most coherent account, though the later updates certainly are worth watching, add significantly to the narrative, and are currently more accessible.

Loose Change is an examination of the inconsistencies in the standard 9/11 narrative, a subject that has been thoroughly poked and prodded in a number of other documentaries and books, but it benefits from the immediacy of the account and the fresh memories of the participants in the events who were interviewed by the documentary's director Dylan Avery starting in 2004. It also includes a bit of a history lesson for the average viewer, recalling Hitler's Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, all of which were essentially fraudulent and led to the assumption of emergency powers by the respective heads of state.

The underlying premise of most 9/11 revisionism is that the United States government, or at least parts of it, is capable of almost anything. Loose Change describes how leading hawkish Republicans were, as early as 2000, pushing to increase U.S. military capabilities so that the country would be able to fight multi-front wars. The signatories of the neocon Project for the New American Century paper observed that was needed was a catalyst to produce a public demand to "do something," that "something" being an event comparable to Pearl Harbor. Seventeen signatories of the document wound up in senior positions in the Bush Administration.

The new Pearl Harbor turned out to be 9/11. Given developments since 9/11 itself, to include the way the U.S. has persisted in going to war and the constant search for enemies worldwide to justify our own form of Deep State government, I would, to a large extent, have to believe that PNAC was either prescient or perhaps, more diabolically, actively engaged in creating a new reality.

That is not to suggest that either then or now most federal employees in the national security industry were part of some vast conspiracy but rather an indictment of the behavior and values of those at the top of the food chain, people who are characteristically singularly devoid of any ethical compass and base their decisions largely on personal and peer group ambition.

9/11 Truthers are characteristically very passionate about their beliefs, which is part of their problem in relating to a broader public. They frequently demand full adherence to their version of what passes for reality. In my own experience of more than twenty years on the intelligence side of government I have frequently found that truth is in fact elusive, often lying concealed in conflicting narratives. This is, I believe, the strength of Loose Change as it identifies and challenges inconsistencies in the established account without pontificating and, even though it has a definite point of view and draws conclusions, it avoids going over to the dark side and speculating on any number of the wilder "what-if" scenarios.

I recommend that readers watch Loose Change as it runs through discussions of U.S. military exercises and inexplicable stand-downs that occurred on 9/11, together with convincing accounts of engineering and technical issues related to how the World Trade Center and WTC7 collapsed. Particularly intriguing are the initial eyewitness accounts from the site of the alleged downing of UA 93 in Pennsylvania, a hole in the ground that otherwise showed absolutely no evidence of a plane having actually crashed. Nor have I ever seen any traces of a plane in photos taken at the Pentagon point of impact.

The film describes the subsequent investigative failures that took place, perhaps deliberately and arranged from inside the government, and concludes that the event amounts to an "American coup" which changed the United States both in terms of its domestic liberties and its foreign policy. After watching the film, one must accept that there are numerous inconsistencies that emerge from any examination of the standard narrative promoted by the 9/11 Commission and covered up by every White House since 2001. The film calls the existing corpus of government investigations into 9/11 a lie, a conclusion that I would certainly agree with.

The consequences of 9/11 are indeed more important than the event itself. Even those who have come to accept the established narrative would have to concede that "that day of infamy" changed America for the worse, as the film notes. While the United States government had previously engaged in illegal activity directed against for suspected spies, terrorists and a variety of international criminals, wholesale surveillance of what amounts to the entire population of the country was a new development brought in by the Patriot Acts. And, for the first time, secret prisons were set up overseas and citizens were arrested without being charged and held indefinitely. Under the authority of the Military Commissions Act tribunals were established to try those individuals who were suspected of being material supporters of terrorism, "material supporters" being loosely interpreted to make arrest, prosecution and imprisonment easier.

More recently, executive authority based on the anti-terror legislation has been used to execute American citizens overseas and, under the Authorization to Use Military Force, to attack suspects in a number of countries with which the United States is not at war. This all takes place with hardly a squeak from Congress or from the media. And when citizens object to any or all of the above they are blocked from taking action in the courts by the government's invocation of State Secrets Privilege, claiming that judicial review would reveal national secrets. Many believe that the United States has now become a precursor police state, all as a result of 9/11 and the so-called War on Terror which developed from that event.

So who benefited from 9/11? Clearly the executive branch of the government itself, which has seen an enormous expansion in its power and control over both the economy and people's lives, but there are also other entities like the military industrial complex, the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, and the financial services sector, all of which have gained considerably from the anti-terror largesse coming from the American taxpayer. Together these entities constitute an American Deep State, which controls both government and much of the private sector without ever being mentioned or seriously contested.

Suggesting government connivance in the events of 9/11 inevitably raises the question of who exactly might have ordered or carried out the attacks if they were in fact not fully and completely the work of a handful of Arab hijackers? The film suggests that one should perhaps consider the possibility of a sophisticated "false flag" operation, by which we mean that the apparent perpetrators of the act were not, in fact, the drivers or originators of what took place. Blowing up huge buildings and causing them to pancake from within, if indeed that is what took place, is the work of governments, not of a handful of terrorists. Only two governments would have had that capability, the United States itself and also Israel, unfortunately mentioned only once in passing in the film, a state player heavily engaged in attempting to bring America into its fight with the Arab world, with Benjamin Netanyahu subsequently saying that "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq swung American public opinion in our favor."

To be honest I would prefer not to think that 9/11 might have been an inside job, but I am now convinced that a new 9/11 Commission is in order, one that is not run and guided by the government itself. If it can be demonstrated that the attacks carried out on that day were quite possibly set up by major figures both inside and outside the political establishment it might produce such a powerful reaction that the public would demand a reversal of the laws and policies that have so gravely damaged our republic. It is admittedly unlikely that anything like that could ever take place, but it is at least something to hope for.

NosytheDuke, October 25, 2016 at 4:36 am GMT • 100 Words

Only by constantly repeating to all and sundry the blatant falsehoods, frauds and meddling that are evident which absolutely contradict the official narrative of what happened can a tipping point be reached and the demands for a new, open and independent investigation be the unavoidable topic in political and social life.

Only after a new, open and independent investigation and a ruthless holding to account of those responsible has taken place can America go about its business of being great because it is good. Good luck with that.

3.MarkinLA, October 25, 2016 at 4:39 am GMT • 200 Words

Remember Korean Air flight 007. At that time the conspiracy theory was that the US and South Korean governments got the pilot to invade Soviet air space while the Space Shuttle was in the vicinity along with the electronic surveillance plane that crossed KAL007′s path in order to light up USSR air defenses and collect data.

Whether it was true or not, the Reagan administration used it to vilify the USSR and push it's hawkish agenda.

9/11 doesn't have to have been done by the government for Deep State entities to take advantage. Any preplanning of what to do afterward could also be explained by them knowing what was going to happen (ala Pearl Harbor) and letting it happen. There were plenty of intelligence reports in the commission proceedings that have indicated something was up but not acted upon. They didn't have an admiral they could blame like they did at Pearl so the whole system was blamed which made expanding the security apparatus so much easier.

Brabantian, Website

October 25, 2016 at 8:59 am GMT • 300 Words

In the European press, Italy's President Francesco Cossiga exposed that the NYC towers destruction of 11 September 2001 was done by the USA & Israel's Mossad , and that all Europe's governments know this

Too few people know, that the New York Times itself, a few weeks before the NYC towers fell, photographed 'Israeli art students' (!) working in-between the walls of the those towers, amidst stacks of boxes with certain markings which … identify the box contents as components of bomb detonators
World Trade Center's Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli 'Art Student' Project

Also, too few people know that Osama Bin Laden himself denied being involved in the 11 Sep. 2001 NYC towers destruction, & that the 'Osama Bin Laden' videos & tapes shown for several years afterwards, are clearly-proven fakes with actors

The claimed discoverer of those 'bin Laden' videos & tapes – allegedly scouring the 'Jihadi YouTubes' for material no one else 'finds' – is Israeli-American Rita Katz of the laughable 'SITE' – 'Search for International Terrorist Entities'

Dissident US military-intel veterans tell us:

" The truth about [Osama] Bin Laden, that his last known communication was December 3rd, 2001, received by the CIA / NSA intercept facility in Doha, in which he accused American Neocons of staging 9-11.

" This was less than two weeks before his death, as reported in Egypt, Pakistan, India, Iran and even by Fox News, until Rita Katz brought him back to life in the guise of a Mercedes repair shop owner of Somali parentage living in Haifa, Israel.

" The new short, fat Bin Laden, who lost his ability to speak Oxford English, continued to drop audio tapes in the dumpster behind Katz's Brooklyn apartment for years, until his frozen corpse was dumped into the Indian Ocean. "

- Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

Hans Vogel, October 25, 2016 at 9:07 am GMT

If I recall correctly, it was Thierry Meyssan who in 2002 in his book La terrible imposture first suggested that 9/11 was a coup. John Kerry's brother-in-law Sarkozy later forced Meyssan into exile, because he was becoming a nuisance to the US and their French puppets.

AmericaFirstNow , October 25, 2016 at 11:59 am GMT
@AmericaFirstNow 9/11 Motive & Media Betrayal :

For actual 9/11 truth about how fire brought down Building 7 as well see the links at following URL:

Rehmat, October 25, 2016 at 12:35 pm GMT • 200 Words

Dr. Giraldi is missing the point. While Washington and Zionist-controlled mainstream media had blamed the Taliban, Pakistan, Iran, and lately Saudi Arabia – they never mentioned the 800-pound Gorilla – the Zionist regime.

The most vilified person had been head of Pakistan's intelligence chief, Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, who pointed his finger to Israel Mossad two weeks after the 9/11 – even before media ridiculously blamed Osama Bin Laden in order to invade and occupy Afghanistan – a country which did not had a single tank, helicopter, fighter jet or even a commercial plane to defend itself from the so-called ONLY WORLD POWER.

Hamid Gul's claim on September 26, 2001, is now supported by thousands of scientists, scholars, politicians, architects and even a Jewish member of the so-called 9/11 COMISSION, Philip Zelikow (Zionist Jew) admitted in 2004 that America invaded Iraq in 2003 because Saddam Hussein became an existential threat to the Zionist entity.

In December 2001, US historian Michael Collins Piper claimed that the so-called "19 Arab hijackers" could have been Israeli agents.

On September 10, 2016, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts posted an article, entitled, 9/11: 15 years of a transparent lie.

Fred Reed , October 25, 2016 at 2:22 pm GMT

Nine-Eleven Conspiracy Exam (Note: This was written when Israel was the most popular culprit. Some questions may need to be changed to reflect changes in guilt. Failure to answer all questions will result in a grade of F.)

Diogenes, October 25, 2016 at 2:24 pm GMT

9/11 was an amazing sociological event for what it can tell us about human psychology. The vast majority of people uncritically swallowed the official explanation, a few critical observers cast suspicions on the official story, then a group of chronically suspicious people, known as conspiracy theorists, who believe the government cannot be trusted had a cause celebre, then a group of anti conspiracy theorists and pro-government reactionaries devoted their energies to discredit the 9/11 Truthers while the vast majority of people are as a result confused and paralyzed into indecision and apathy. I will take note of who in these comments are 9/11 naysayers and observe what they say about other controversial topics!

Rurik , October 25, 2016 at 2:55 pm GMT

The underlying premise of most 9/11 revisionism is that the United States government, or at least parts of it, is capable of almost anything.

we now know that they set the Waco compound on fire, and that they were firing machine guns into the only exit once the flames had engulfed the building. Bodies were piled up at the site of the exit that the coroner ruled were homicide deaths from bullet wounds. Homicides that our government committed. Most American yawn at such news. 'Those people (including the children) were 'whackos'.

Recently our government has murdered or maimed or displaced millions upon millions of innocent men, women and children in the Middle East, and destroyed several countries, all based on by now well-established lies. Most Americans yawn at such knowledge. Those people 'hate our freedom'.

Our government is also running a permanent torture camp. A 'Ministry of Love', or Minluv, in Orwell's Newspeak parlance.

The signatories of the neocon Project for the New American Century paper observed that was needed was a catalyst to produce a public demand to "do something," that "something" being an event comparable to Pearl Harbor. Seventeen signatories of the document wound up in senior positions in the Bush Administration.

the "something" that these neocon Zionists demanded from their "new Pearl Harbor like event" was for America to set about destroying all Muslim nations considered inconvenient to Israel. Without the 'event', Americans just were not willing to sacrifice their children to the Zionist cause.

One of the central figures demanding that America act in Israel's interest was a one Phillip D. Zelikow. A neocon insider extraordinaire.

This from his Wiki page:

In the November–December 1998 issue of Foreign Affairs, he co-authored an article Catastrophic Terrorism, with Ashton B. Carter , and John M. Deutch, in which they speculated that if the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center had succeeded, "the resulting horror and chaos would have exceeded our ability to describe it. Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America's fundamental sense of security, as did the Soviet atomic bomb test in 1949. Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force. More violence could follow, either future terrorist attacks or U.S. counterattacks. Belatedly, Americans would judge their leaders negligent for not addressing terrorism more urgently." [24]

Yes, that Ashton Carter, our current Secretary of Defense. And John Deutch was the director of the CIA at one time. (perhaps Mr. Giraldi knows of him)

This Jewish neocon war mongering Zionist who called for a Peal Harbor like event to catalyze Americans to go to war for Israel, ended up being the executive director of the 911 Commission. The same 911 Commission that is universally recognized as a fraud and a cover up. Even by some of the men who were on it.

I'm going to stop here. My head simply swims from the sheer evil of these people.

Miro23, October 25, 2016 at 3:20 pm

@Fred Reed

A simpler 9/11 questionnaire for Fred;

"Did right wing elements in Israel close to Likud, and US Neocons close to the Bush administration engineer the attacks to enable the Iraq war?" Yes____ No____ Don't know____

Essay question: Are there any similarities between these events and other False Flag attacks aimed at Great Britain and the US such as 1) The King David Hotel bombing 2) Operation Susannah – Lavon Affair 3) USS Liberty?

Jon Gold , October 25, 2016 at 3:31 pm GMT • 200 Words

Loose Change? C'mon Phil…

9/11: Press For Truth

In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of The 9/11 Families

9/11 Family Members, Jersey Girls, and member of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee Lorie Van Auken and Mindy Kleinberg released a report showing how poorly the 9/11 Commission answered their questions:

The September Eleventh Advocates (Jersey Girls) have released a multitude of press releases over the years bringing attention to and calling into question certain aspects of 9/11:

Here are the 9/11 Family Steering Committee's list of unanswered questions. The final statement from the 9/11 Family Steering Committee states "the report did not answer all of our questions…":

Here is essential testimony from different 9/11 Family Members during the 9/11 Commission:

Here are all of the different statements released by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee during the time of the 9/11 Commission. They show extremely well the corruption and compromise within the 9/11 Commission:

My EXTREMELY extensive show "We Were Lied To About 9/11."

Rurik October 25, 2016 at 3:56 pm GMT • 1,000 Words
@Fred Reed Nine-Eleven Conspiracy Exam (Note: This was written when Israel was the most popular culprit. Some questions may need to be changed to reflect changes in guilt. Failure to answer all questions will result in a grade of F.)

Was the US government solely responsible for the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

Was Israel solely responsible for the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

Did Israel and the US government together engineer the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

Was neither Israel nor the US government responsible? yes___no___Don't know___

Were Saudis involved in any way in the plot? yes___no___Don't know___

If Israel was responsible, did the CIA know? yes___no___Don't know___

Was President Bush, through the CIA or otherwise, aware of the Israeli participation, making the President and the CIA part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Did AA77 hit the Pentagon. yes___no___Don't know___

Essay question: If no, What happened to AA77? ____________ Don't know___

If not AA77, did a missile hit the Pentagon? yes___no___Don't know___

If a missile, was ws it fired by the US military, making the military part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

If no, fired by whom? ____________ Don't know___

Did the NTSB fake the data from the flight data recorders, making it part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Were the Towers destroyed by a controlled demolition? yes___no___Don't know___

Did aircraft hit the the Towers? yes___no___Don't know___

If so, who flew them? ____________ Don't know__

Essay question: Why both controlled demolition and aircraft? Ignore this question if the two were not used together

Essay question: If a controlled demolition, describe the placement and quantities needed, and the source of your information.

Was the FBI involved in the cover-up, and therefore part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Was Larry Silverstein, owner of the Towers, part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Did the media cover up the conspiracy, thereby making them part of it? yes___no___Don't know___

Essay question: If Israel was involved, should America bomb Tel Aviv?

Was the US government solely responsible for the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

no, Israel was also responsible

Was Israel solely responsible for the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

No, elements in the US gov and controlled media were also responsible

Did Israel and the US government together engineer the attacks? yes___no___Don't know___

not governments per se, but elements in those governments. Like "the orders still stand" Dick Cheney, but certainly not all the assorted minions of the US or Israeli governments.

Was neither Israel nor the US government responsible? yes___no___Don't know___

not governments per se. If you restrict the question to this broadly defined blanket condemnation, then the answer would be 'yes'.

Were Saudis involved in any way in the plot? yes___no___Don't know___

there's zero reason for thinking so

If Israel was responsible, did the CIA know? yes___no___Don't know___

at the highest levels, yes, but there again, that certainly doesn't mean every single employee

Was President Bush, through the CIA or otherwise, aware of the Israeli participation, making the President and the CIA part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Don't know

Did AA77 hit the Pentagon. yes___no___Don't know___

there's no evidence of it. And if it had, they'd show us one of the scores (hundreds?) of videos

Essay question: If no, What happened to AA77? ____________ Don't know___

the reason the flights were wildly diverted was probably to land the planes, liquidate the passengers and crew, and then send up specially outfitted jets for the purpose of crashing into the towers. (as the pretext for them to collapse, as the pretext to start the Eternal Wars for Israel and to turn us all into Palestinians)

If not AA77, did a missile hit the Pentagon? yes___no___Don't know___

it looks like it

If a missile, was ws it fired by the US military, making the military part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Don't know. And again, it wouldn't be "the military", as in some monolithic entity that is fully aware of everything that "it' does. There are fringe sub-sets of the military that are often engaged in illegal and covert ops.

If no, fired by whom? ____________ Don't know___

Don't know

Did the NTSB fake the data from the flight data recorders, making it part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

what data?!

From what I understand, we have not been made privy to any of the information on any of the flight data recorders. If you're aware of any data from the flight data recorders then you should give us a link!

Were the Towers destroyed by a controlled demolition? yes___no___Don't know___


it's *obvious* that building seven was thus demolished, and so it follows that the other two were also.

Did aircraft hit the the Towers? yes___no___Don't know___

two of them, yes. The third was not hit by a plane, it simply plopped down in nicely cut pieces ready for shipment to China.

If so, who flew them? ____________ Don't know__

In all likelihood, remote control. Check out the comptroller of the Pentagon at the time and his sundry organizations. Nice little rabbit hole of its own.

Essay question: Why both controlled demolition and aircraft? Ignore this question if the two were not used together


they needed to horrify and anger the American people to rally us to war on Israel's neighbors. (+ there was the added benefit to lucky Larry of a few billion shekels and an opportunity to get rid of a couple of financial boondoggles. Such a deal!)

Essay question: If a controlled demolition, describe the placement and quantities needed, and the source of your information.

this is silly

we don't need to know the exact caliber of bullet that hit JFK to know that the government and Warren commission was lying. And they likely used military type crap that we're not even privy to. Come on Fred.

Was the FBI involved in the cover-up, and therefore part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

elements, sure

like the people that went around and collected all the videos that might have showed what hit the Pentagon. Certainly the people at the top were and are privy to the crime and cover up. Just like with JFK.

Was Larry Silverstein, owner of the Towers, part of the conspiracy? yes___no___Don't know___

Yes, of course he was

Did the media cover up the conspiracy, thereby making them part of it? yes___no___Don't know___

not your local channel seven, but the media as it's controlled from the top, and lie about EVERTYING. Yes Fred, that media was complicit. And still are. And are the ones that are going to hand the reins of this nations to Hillary Clinton. That media, you betcha.

Essay question: If Israel was involved, should America bomb Tel Aviv?

of course not. There again you're being silly Fred.

what America should do is the same thing is should (and still needs to) do as regards the other cowardly and treacherous false flag that *elements* in the Israeli government and security forces were responsible for- the attack on the USS Liberty. We should have a real investigation that ferrets out these uber-criminals and brings them to justice.

911 was a coup to turn the US into Israel's rabid dog in the Levant. And create a police state for any Americans that object, even with our very own torture camp. Isn't that something?

You should write about it someday Fred. I can't think of a person more suited to mock the American idea of the free and the brave running a torture camp for goat herders and Afghans who don't want America making them free too.

as for 911, all you have to know is that building seven was an obvious controlled demolition. From there it doesn't matter if George Dubya Bush was in on it or what type of materials specifically were used to bring the buildings down. That shit is all academic. We know they lied, and are lying. Only a deluded fool or moral coward (or worse) would pretend to themselves otherwise once he's seen the irrefutable evidence that they're lying.

TheJester October 25, 2016 at 4:31 pm GMT • 200 Words

There are multiple ways to engineer a "False Flag" attack:

1. You do it yourself, flying someone else's "flag" and hope no one notices. (Very primitive … rarely works unless you are a wooden frigate at sea attacking enemy maritime commerce.)

2. You hire someone else to do it and hope none of them get caught. (Moderately primitive … but it worked for awhile in the Kennedy assassination.)

3. You infiltrate a hostile terrorist organization, take control, and redirect it to the attack. (Very difficult to do … but this was done in the NATO-sponsored Gladio terrorist attacks in Europe in the 1960s as well as the Black Hand attacks that precipitated WWI.)

4. You infiltrate a hostile terrorist organization, discover what they have planned, and QUIETLY remove all of YOUR obstacles that would otherwise have prevented the attack. (This is the best if you can pull it off since you leave no fingerprints. You might, as in 911, be accused of incompetent but, okay, you missed that one, so what!)

BTW: #4 doesn't mean you don't help the terrorists with a little demolition work to make sure the spectacle unfolds as planned. You really need grand firework displays in these things to get them the attention they deserve.

Si1ver1ock, October 25, 2016 at 5:04 pm GMT

For those just coming into the 911 Truth movement, you should probably look at the hard evidence first to see if it merits further consideration. After that, you can go to he circumstantial evidence.

Start with the physics and engineering:

The question isn't whether this theory or that theory is absolutely correct. The question is whether there is sufficient cause for a new investigation. I never hear a good argument from the anti-Truth crowd as to why we shouldn't have another investigation.

We want a new investigation. They don't want one. Why?

Miro23, October 25, 2016 at 7:17 pm GMT

A key to instant identification of the faith-based C-theorist is the loud claim that "steel-framed buildings" don't collapse as a result of fire. Fact is, yes they do - known, verified, fully-explained using real, verifiable data.

Here's a list of steel framed high rises and other high rises that experienced major fires:

– One New York Plaza, New York. 50 stories steel. Dropped beams on 33rd & 34th floors.
– Alexis Nihon Plaza, Montreal. 15 stories steel. Partial collapse on 11th floor.
– Windsor Tower, Madrid. 29 stories steel/concrete. Partial collapse.
– One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia. 38 stories. No collapse.
– Broadgate Phase 8, London. 14 stories. No collapse.
– First Interstate Bank, Los Angeles. 62 stories. No collapse.
– MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas. 26 stories. No collapse.
– Joelma Building, Sao Paulo. 25 stories. No collapse.
– Andraus Building, Sao Paulo. 31 stories. No collapse.

These fires were much longer lasting and more intense than the WTC fires and none of these buildings experienced a complete collapse.
Can you give a list of modern steel frame 20 storey+ buildings similar to WTC 1, 2 & 7 that have experienced a complete collapse due to fire – known and verified.

Miro23 , October 25, 2016 at 8:23 pm GMT • 300 Words

I have repeatedly noted that the Commission investigators failed to look into the potential foreign government involvement in the events that took place that day. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan just for starters may have been involved in or had knowledge relating to 9/11 but the only investigation that took place, insofar as I can determine, was a perfunctory look at the possible Saudi role, the notorious 28 pages, which have recently been released in a redacted form.

It might have been worth checking out Israel a bit more closely. They have been running False Flag operations against the British and the US for years, aimed at engaging them in war against Arab states. For example:

The Irgun bombing of the King David Hotel (headquarters of the British Mandate Government of Palestine) in which Zionists dressed as Arabs placed milk churns filled with explosives against the main columns of the building killing 91 people and injuring 44. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu attended a celebration to commemorate the event.

Operation Susannah (Lavon Affair) where Israeli operatives impersonating Arabs bombed British and American cinemas, libraries and educational centres in Egypt to destabilize the country and keep British troops committed to the Middle East.

Or on June 8th 1967, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty with unmarked aircraft and torpedo boats. 34 men were killed and 171 wounded, with the attack in international waters following nine hours of close surveillance. When the ship failed to sink, the Israeli government concocted an elaborate story to cover the crime. Original plan to blame the sinking with all lives lost on the Egyptians and draw the US into the 6 Day War.

Or Israelis and U.S. Zionists appearing all over the more recent WTC 9/11 "Operation" with Israelis once again impersonating Arabs in a historic deception/terror action of a type that carries a lot of kudos with old ex-terrorist Likudniks. In any event, Israelis were sent to film the historic day (as they later admitted on Israeli TV), with the celebrations including photos of themselves with a background of the burning towers.

CanSpeccy says: • Website October 25, 2016 at 9:57 pm GMT •
@War for Blair Mountain
add in the fact that the steel support beams only had to be softened not melted to cause catastrophic structural failure.
You are absolutely correct about that. If the beams had melted, or even softened, then the building would have collapsed. But not straight down at near free-fall speed into its own footprint, while crushing all the concrete to dust.

If the columns had melted, or merely softened, they would not have melted or softened uniformly across the the building, so the result would have been an asymetric collapse resulting in the top of the building toppling over and crashing onto the roof of adjacent buildings. The portion of the building beneath the fire zone would have been left standing.

But, as we know, nothing like that happened.

CanSpeccy , October 26, 2016 at 2:07 am GMT • 400 Words @Oldeguy
Pretty much my response. Something, I know not what, is amiss with Our Favorite Expatriate.
Not being sure of what really happened in an event this pivotal is a reason to proceed with further discussion and investigation- not to shut it down.
The most successful, by far, commando operation in history performed flawlessly by a bunch of guys with boxcutters directed by cell phone by a fugitive hiding out in a cave in Afghanistan ?
On the the face of it, that matches the goofiest of any of the conspiracy theories.

On the the face of it, that [the theory about 19 guys with box-cutters under the direction of fugitive in a cave in Afghanistan] matches the goofiest of any of the conspiracy theories.

And even the members of the 9/11 Commission have admitted they don't really believe it.


The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) "obstructed our investigation".

The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission also said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements , yet didn't bother to tell the American people (free subscription required).

Indeed, the co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations .

9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right", that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, that the 9/11 debate should continue, and that the 9/11 Commission report was only "the first draft" of history .

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that "There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn't have access . . . ."

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said "We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting"

Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: "It is a national scandal" ; "This investigation is now compromised" ; and "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up" .

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that " We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way – conflicts of interest ".

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff's inquiry, said "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true."

[Nov 03, 2016] And Now For Some Comic Relief by Jonathan V. Last

Nov 03, 2016 |
Presenting...the Clinton IT Department! This has not been an especially ennobling election. Or a rewarding one. Or even entertaining. Pretty much everything about 2016 has been boorish and grotesque. But finally it is time to laugh.

This has not been an especially ennobling election. Or a rewarding one. Or even entertaining. Pretty much everything about 2016 has been boorish and grotesque. But finally it is time to laugh.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Clinton IT department.

Over the weekend we finally found out how Clinton campaign honcho John Podesta's emails were hacked. But first a couple disclaimers:

1) Yes, it's unpleasant to munch on the fruit of the poisoned tree. But this isn't a court of law and you can't just ignore information that's dragged into the public domain.

2) We're all vulnerable to hackers. Even if you're a security nut who uses VPNs and special email encryption protocols, you can be hacked. The only real security is the anonymity of the herd. Once a hacker targets you, specifically, you're toast.

I'm a pretty tech-savvy guy and if the Chinese decided to hack my emails tonight, you'd have everything I've ever written posted to Wikileaks before the sun was up tomorrow.

But that is … not John Podesta's situation.

What happened was this: On March 19, Podesta got what looked--kind of, sort of--like an email from Google's Gmail team. The email claimed that someone from the Ukraine had tried to hack into Podesta's Gmail account and that he needed to change his password immediately.

This is what's called a "phishing" scam, where hackers send legitimate-looking emails that, when you click on the links inside them, actually take you someplace dangerous. In Podesta's case, there was a link that the email told him to click in order to change his password.

This was not an especially good bit of phishing. Go have a look yourself. The email calls Podesta by his first name. It uses as a link shortener. Heck, the subject line is the preposterous "*someone has your password*". Why would Google say "someone has your password?" They wouldn't. They'd say that there had been log-in attempts that failed two-step authentication, maybe. Or that the account had been compromised, perhaps. If you've spent any time using email over the last decade, you know exactly how these account security emails are worded.

And what's more, you know that you never click on the link in the email. If you get a notice from your email provider or your bank or anyone who holds sensitive information of yours saying that your account has been compromised, you leave the email, open your web browser, type in the URL of the website, and then manually open your account information. Again, let me emphasize: You never click on the link in the email!

But what makes this story so priceless isn't that John Podesta got fooled by an fourth-rate phishing scam. After all, he's just the guy who's going to be running Hillary Clinton's administration. What does he know about tech? And Podesta, to his credit, knew what he didn't know: He emailed the Clinton IT help desk and said, Hey, is this email legit?

And the Clinton tech team's response was: Hell yes!

No, really. Here's what they said: One member of the team responded to Podesta by saying "The gmail one is REAL." Another answered by saying "This is a legitimate email. John needs to change his password immediately."

It's like the Clinton IT department is run by 90-year-old grandmothers. I half-expect the next Wikileaks dump to have an email from one Clinton techie to another asking for help setting their VCR clock.

As the other guy likes to say, "only the best people."

[Nov 03, 2016] Obama channels inner Pinocchio: "I trust her," Obama said. "I know her. And I wouldn't be supporting her if I didn't have absolute confidence in her integrity."

He completely forgot what he said about her in 2008. At that time he was much closer to truth.


Further to throwing Comey under the bus yesterday, Obama had this to say:

"I trust her," Obama said. "I know her. And I wouldn't be supporting her if I didn't have absolute confidence in her integrity."

No amount of Bleach-bit can remove that yellow streak running down his back and straight through the entirety of his 'legacy'. Not once did he come down on the side opposite entrenched power – in fact, we can now add major 'obstruction of justice' to his prior litany of failures to prosecute white collar criminals as the basis for its own section, splitting criminal activity into two parts, one domestic, the other for a raft of war crimes.

[Nov 03, 2016] "Hillary Clinton Economic Team Planned Secret Meeting With Wall Street Mogul Pushing To Shift Retiree Savings To Financial Firms"

Nov 03, 2016 |

[David Sirota, International Business Times ]. And Sirota is a busy lad–

[Nov 03, 2016] Prof. Michael Hudson on Hillary Clinton and the US Elections

Great interview. Very worthwhile to listen in full...
Notable quotes:
"... you're in the age of globalism, where a select few uber rich control everything and no one can do anything about it. ..."
"... She is every bit as banal and myopic as tRump. It is not about merit----it is about surrogates and political clans supported by gangster capitalists. ..."

hipocampelofantocame • a day ago

Michael Hudson just sits there and details the exact situation and the real truth, as he has been doing for a long time now. Remember this video in six months.

HarryObrian > NilbogResident

No, you're in the age of globalism, where a select few uber rich control everything and no one can do anything about it. Everyone was warned about this over 30 years ago but there wasn't enough exposure to the facts for enough people to care or do anything about it. Now that the facts and reality have hit you have all these lazy alarmists like Hudson who prey on the fear of a few who really can't do anything about it but who haven't realized it yet. Oh well, whine on.

sufferingsuccatash > NilbogResident

Hillary is not a qualified leader either. She is every bit as banal and myopic as tRump. It is not about merit----it is about surrogates and political clans supported by gangster capitalists.

0040 • a day ago

Another great video from Mr Hudson. Von Clausewitz's axiom that "War is politics by other means" has never been made clearer.


Hudson is right on. Trump is the lesser of two evils. Under Trump, checks and balances will remain strong and active. Under Hillary, they will disappear.

[Nov 03, 2016] Clinton will have a unique opportunity to cut grand austerity deals with all the "big elements" of Simpson-Bowles, to renege on her corporate trade promises, and to wage war with great gusto in the name of a "united" country.

Nov 03, 2016 |

Carolinian November 3, 2016 at 9:07 pm

Glen Ford says Hillary Grand Bargain on the way (should she win).

But in the interim, Clinton will have a unique opportunity to cut grand austerity deals with all the "big elements" of Simpson-Bowles, to renege on her corporate trade promises, and to wage war with great gusto in the name of a "united" country. Ever since the Democratic National Convention it has been clear that the Clintonites are encouraged to consider everyone outside of their grand circle to be suspect, subversive, or depraved. Their inclusive rhetoric is really an invocation of a ruling class consensus, now that Trump has supposedly brought the ruling class together under one banner. In Hillary's tent, the boardrooms are always in session.

[Nov 03, 2016] She will honor her "feminist" supporters by appointing the most violent and virulent warmongering women into positions of power so they too can like the men can decide which

Nov 03, 2016 |
black and brown women and children to bomb.

Erelis | Nov 3, 2016 7:02:05 PM | 37

And yes, about the only thing "liberal" about Clinton involves identity politics. But if she is elected, all of her supporters who used identity politics based attacks to smear Bernie Sanders and his supporters (along with a good dose of that against Trump also) are going to be in for a very rude awakening. How easily in particular the gay and black communities forget the administration of Bill Clinton and what he and Hillary did.

Just as a start, Clinton ignored the identity crowd by picking somebody for VP that the identity crowd spent the previous year smearing the Sanders campaign over: Kaine is your prototypical straight privileged white male who has failed upwards. And not a peep from the identity crowd especially black leaders who more than any other group put Clinton over the top (forgetting the cheating for a moment). One of the early Wikileak revelations was a memo to Congressional candidates how to marginalize BLM if they were ever confronted.

If BLM acts up and damages her politically, a President Hillary will smash the leaders and movement in the same Obama violently smashed OWS .

She will honor her "feminist" supporters by appointing the most violent and virulent warmongering women into positions of power so they too can like the men can decide which black and brown women and children to bomb. She will stab in the back such early supporters as SEIU by refusing to support min. wage increases. And women are disproportionately the base of min. wage workers. She supports Simpson-Bowles as revealed by Wikileaks and the Cat Food Commission recommended cutting social security. Guess which groups that will really hurt? Maybe the next groveling task for John Lewis will be to attack people who are against Hillary cutting social security.

[Nov 03, 2016] John Podesta and Mook conspiring to commit money laundering

Nov 03, 2016 |

oho November 3, 2016 at 3:03 pm

John Podesta + Mook conspiring to commit money laundering. Not hyperbole.

Portia November 3, 2016 at 3:06 pm

3k/mo ok for you?

why yes

[Nov 03, 2016] Wiener laptop emails are not duplicates of emails previously found on Hillary private email server.

Thirdeye | Nov 3, 2016 8:44:28 PM | 45

And the hits just keep on comin' with the Abedin email stash:

"These emails, CBS News' Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton's private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI's investigation into Clinton."

[Nov 03, 2016] FBI took Clinton II up on her demand that all the emails be released

Notable quotes:
"... I haven't read where this has been posted yet but evidently the FBI took Clinton II up on her demand that all the emails be released ..."

psychohistorian | Nov 3, 2016 9:10:02 PM | 49

I haven't read where this has been posted yet but evidently the FBI took Clinton II up on her demand that all the emails be released

I am sure glad I went long on popcorn....should have enough to last through next Tuesday.

psychohistorian | Nov 3, 2016 9:25:22 PM | 51
I am sorry for not providing the FBI link which is below

[Nov 03, 2016] Report Indictment likely in FBIs Clinton Foundation probe

Nov 03, 2016 |
Two sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI's investigations told Fox News Wednesday that a probe of the Clinton Foundation is likely to lead to an indictment.

Fox News's Bret Baier said Wednesday that the FBI probe into a possible pay-to-play scheme between Democratic presidential nominee and the Clinton Foundation has been going on for over a year. Sources told the news network that the investigation, which is conducted by the White Collar Crime division of the FBI, is a "very high priority."

One source further stated that the bureau collected "a lot of" evidence, adding that "there is an avalanche of new information coming every day." Baier also said that the Clinton Foundation probe is more expansive than previously thought, and that many individuals have been interviewed several times throughout the course of the investigation. Sources said that they are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case" and that investigations are likely to continue. Baier added that when he pressed the sources about the details of both probes, they told him that they are likely to lead to an indictment. Additionally, Baier reported that according to Fox News's sources, Clinton's private email server had been breached by at least five foreign intelligence hackers. FBI Director James Comey said in July that he could not say definitively whether her server had been breached.

[Nov 03, 2016] If elected Hillary would have as much contempt for the electorate as she had for her staff.

Notable quotes:
"... If elected Hillary would have as much contempt for the electorate as she had for her staff. ..."
"... In an e-mail sent from Comcast after Clinton was interviewed by NBC's Matt Lauer, Lauer came under fire after questioning Hillary on the e-mails, according to the technical crew after the show Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of her assistant and then the screaming started, she was in full meltdown, she came apart literally unglued, she is the most foul mouthed woman I've ever heard, and that voice at screech level…"If that f-ing bastard wins we all hang from nooses! Lauer's finished and if I lose its all on your heads for screwing this up". She screamed "she'd get that f-ing Lauer fired for this". ..."
"... Donna Brazile was singled out by Clinton.."I'm so sick of your face, you stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo while letting that fucking Lauer get away with this. What are you good for really? Get the f–k to work janitoring this mess.. do I make myself clear". ..."

harrylaw | Nov 3, 2016 5:09:39 PM | 22

If elected Hillary would have as much contempt for the electorate as she had for her staff.

In an e-mail sent from Comcast after Clinton was interviewed by NBC's Matt Lauer, Lauer came under fire after questioning Hillary on the e-mails, according to the technical crew after the show Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of her assistant and then the screaming started, she was in full meltdown, she came apart literally unglued, she is the most foul mouthed woman I've ever heard, and that voice at screech level…"If that f-ing bastard wins we all hang from nooses! Lauer's finished and if I lose its all on your heads for screwing this up". She screamed "she'd get that f-ing Lauer fired for this".

Donna Brazile was singled out by Clinton.."I'm so sick of your face, you stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo while letting that fucking Lauer get away with this. What are you good for really? Get the f–k to work janitoring this mess.. do I make myself clear".

[Nov 03, 2016] Robin's Reactionary Mind In The New Yorker – The Book That Didn't Predict Not-Trump

Notable quotes:
"... The outcome of the election remains in doubt despite one candidate's collapsing support. There are a number here who have been making similar arguments about the inefficacy of left-right labels. ..."
"... The prospect of a gutting of the Democratic party seems far more likely to me, if Brent Baier is to be believed, and that is a big 'if,' I concede. We should see the donor class candidate triumph as we normally do. ..."
"... The constituency that supports Trump is utterly indifferent to the Frums of the world, and even the Limbaughs. They are pissed-off, non-ideological, and highly-motivated. ..."
"... electoral politics in this country has come to such a pass but the Left (or what passes for it in the US) is as much to blame as the Right in that they haven't offered real substantive alternatives to the NeoLib/NeoCon orthodoxy that seems to dominate US policymaking. ..."
Crooked Timber

kidneystones 11.03.16 at 12:15 pm

Corey does deserve credit for all the reasons jh notes. The outcome of the election remains in doubt despite one candidate's collapsing support. There are a number here who have been making similar arguments about the inefficacy of left-right labels.

... ... ...

The prospect of a gutting of the Democratic party seems far more likely to me, if Brent Baier is to be believed, and that is a big 'if,' I concede. We should see the donor class candidate triumph as we normally do. My basic read has not changed, however. The constituency that supports Trump is utterly indifferent to the Frums of the world, and even the Limbaughs. They are pissed-off, non-ideological, and highly-motivated.

Frum still hasn't figured out that he's just as likely to find himself the target of their hostility as any Dem. And right now Trump supporters outnumber the Frums of the world by far from inconsequential numbers.

I still say Trump edges it.

DMC 11.03.16 at 7:27 pm

There's just too many people in this country for whom "more of the same and harder" is a deal breaker. They'll go with the guy who tells them "one more throw of the dice" and who apparently scares the snot out of the Establishment types.

The ruder he is, the more they like it. The more the "grown-ups" say this is going to be bad for the country, the better it sounds to people picking up cans off the road to make ends meet. Its utterly hateful that electoral politics in this country has come to such a pass but the Left (or what passes for it in the US) is as much to blame as the Right in that they haven't offered real substantive alternatives to the NeoLib/NeoCon orthodoxy that seems to dominate US policymaking.

[Nov 03, 2016] Secret Recordings Fueled Mutinous FBI Investigation of Clintons Despite DOJ Orders To Stand Down

Nov 03, 2016 |
It's looking increasingly like there is an ongoing mutiny underway within the FBI as the Wall Street Journal is reporting that, according to "officials at multiple agencies", FBI agents felt they had adequate evidence, including "secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation" , to pursue an investigation of the Clinton Foundation but were repeatedly obstructed by officials at the Department of Justice.

Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.

The roots of the dispute lie in a disagreement over the strength of the case, these people said, which broadly centered on whether Clinton Foundation contributors received favorable treatment from the State Department under Hillary Clinton.

Senior officials in the Justice Department and the FBI didn't think much of the evidence, while investigators believed they had promising leads their bosses wouldn't let them pursue , they said.

Despite clear signals from the Justice Department to abandon the Clinton Foundation inquiries, many FBI agents refused to stand down. Then, earlier this year in February 2016, the FBI presented initial evidence at a meeting with Leslie Caldwell, the head of the DOJ's criminal division, after which agents were delivered a clear message that "we're done here." But, as the WSJ points out, DOJ became increasing frustrated with FBI agents that were " disregarding or disobeying their instructions" which subsequently prompted an emphatic "stand down" message from the DOJ to "all the offices involved."

As 2015 came to a close, the FBI and Justice Department had a general understanding that neither side would take major action on Clinton Foundation matters without meeting and discussing it first. In February, a meeting was held in Washington among FBI officials, public-integrity prosecutors and Leslie Caldwell, the head of the Justice Department's criminal division. Prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York-Mr. Capers' office-didn't attend, these people said.

The public-integrity prosecutors weren't impressed with the FBI presentation, people familiar with the discussion said. "The message was, 'We're done here,' " a person familiar with the matter said.

Justice Department officials became increasingly frustrated that the agents seemed to be disregarding or disobeying their instructions.

Following the February meeting, officials at Justice Department headquarters sent a message to all the offices involved to " stand down ,'' a person familiar with the matter said.

The FBI had secretly recorded conversations of a suspect in a public-corruption case talking about alleged deals the Clintons made , these people said. The agents listening to the recordings couldn't tell from the conversations if what the suspect was describing was accurate, but it was, they thought, worth checking out.

[Nov 03, 2016] Obama created this situation by allowing Loretta Lynch to be compromised

Nov 03, 2016 |

MerlinUK 10h ago

Obama can GTFO. He created this situation by allowing Loretta Lynch to be compromised, as well as himself. The BFBI was left with little choice but to go public in a legal way via FOIA requests, something that the corrupt DoJ can't stop. Jason Chaffetz has now formally asked another member of the corrupt Government to recuse himself, as he too is compromised and was tipping off the Clintons. We have yet to find out just how far these rabbit holes go, but the Illuminati appear to be worried - $150M is a lot to explain away...

BillFromBoston 10h ago

Obama criticizes the FBI today...but didn't have a single bloody word to say when BillyBob (that's Bill Clinton to you Brits) happened to bump into the nation's Attorney General several days before she declared Hillary to be a candidate for sainthood.

But that's understandable...after all, all they talked about was grandchildren and golf.Just ask them,they'll tell you!

curiouschak 10h ago

Idiot democrat primary voters. They actually ended up selecting such a toxic, defensive, shifty corrupt candidate that she may up handing the election to an orange turd with a dead raccoon on its head.

They couldn't do the right and smart thing and elect Sanders. He would have wiped the floor with this tangerine blowhard

Chuckman 10h ago

You are pathetic, Obama, absolutely pathetic. Who ever heard of the chief magistrate criticizing law enforcement during an investigation about which he indeed knows very little.

Or, maybe that should be, pretends to know very little. There are suggestions that some material could be dangerous to Obama.

His previous testimony that he knew nothing about illegal, insecure computers being used at State appears contradicted by the fact we now know from Wiki-Leaks material he had a pseudonym and had e-mails back and forth from Hills and Company.

[Nov 03, 2016] Former UK Army Chief Trump Might Make The World Safer
In an interview with House magazine, Lord Richards of Herstmonceux – the former Chief of the Defence staff – said Mr. Trump is "wise enough to get good people round him and probably knows that he's got to listen to them and therefore I think we should not automatically think it will be less safe".

He added: "It's non-state actors like Isis that are the biggest threat to our security. If countries and states could coalesce better to deal with these people – and I think Trump's instinct is to go down that route – then I think there's the case for saying that the world certainly won't be any less safe.

"It's that lack of understanding and empathy with each other as big power players that is a risk to us all at the moment.

"Therefore I think he would reinvigorate big power relationships, which might make the world ironically safer."

During the interview Lord Richards also discussed the somewhat controversial view that the West should partner with Russia and Bashar al-Assad to take back the Syrian city of Aleppo.

He said: "If the humanitarian situation in Syria is our major concern, which it should be – millions of lives have been ruined, hundreds of thousands have been killed – I believe there is a strong case for allowing Assad to get in there and take the city back.

"The opposition groups – many of whom are not friends of ours, they're extremists – are now intermingled with the original good opposition groups, are fighting from amongst the people. The only quick way of solving it is to allow Assad to win. There's no way the opposition groups are going to win."

Lord Richards added: "We want the humanitarian horror of Aleppo to come to a rapid halt. The best and quickest way of doing that is to encourage the opposition groups to leave. The Russians are undoubtedly using their weapons indiscriminately. If they're going to attack those groups then there is inevitably going to be civilian casualties.

"The alternative is for the West to declare a no-fly zone and that means you've got to be prepared to go to war with Russia ultimately. I see no appetite for that and nor, frankly, do I see much sense in it. It sticks in my throat to say it because I have no love for Assad.

"The fact is, the only way to get it to stop now is to allow Assad to win and win quickly and then turn on Isis with the Russians."

[Nov 03, 2016] FBI Sources Tell Fox News An Indictment Is Likely In Clinton Foundation Case Video


Fox News Channel's Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

[Nov 03, 2016] Podesta is also the appointed Congressional lobbyist for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Nov 03, 2016 |
. . . _ _ _ . . . Nov 3, 2016 9:24 AM ,
" Podesta is also the appointed Congressional lobbyist for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – for the modest amount of $200,000 per month."

[Nov 03, 2016] If Trump wins, all the Democratic party elites should be given their pink slips and never allowed to run the DNC again.

Notable quotes:
"... Holding on to the White House in 2016 is extremely important. We can't afford to let party elites jeopardize that by ignoring the will of the voters. Join me and DFA in telling superdelegates to pledge to support the popularly-elected winner of the nomination now. ..."
"... If Trump wins, all the Democratic party elites should be given their pink slips and never allowed to run the DNC again ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

nonsensefactory, 1h ago 3 4

Recall this warning to the Democratic Party after Bernie Sander's landslide win in New Hampshire? Shockingly, all the superdelegates went over to Hillary Clinton:

Holding on to the White House in 2016 is extremely important. We can't afford to let party elites jeopardize that by ignoring the will of the voters. Join me and DFA in telling superdelegates to pledge to support the popularly-elected winner of the nomination now.

If Trump wins, all the Democratic party elites should be given their pink slips and never allowed to run the DNC again.

[Nov 03, 2016] More Collusion With Donna Brazile Revealed As Hillary Campaign Sought Advice On Prepared Debate Answers Zero Hedge

Nov 03, 2016 |

Donna Brazile was noticeably uncomfortable for every second of the following 10-minute interview with Megyn Kelly of Fox News. Kelly pushed hard on the recent Project Veritas undercover videos showing DNC operatives plotting to incite violence at Trump rallies and commit massive voter fraud and over Brazile's leaked email showing that she provided a CNN debate question to Hillary ahead of a March 2016 debate with Bernie. Brazile tried every trick in the book to deflect and pivot but Kelly held her feet to the fire.

[Nov 03, 2016] The Lords of Capital Sic Crazy Hillary on the World Black Agenda Report

Nov 03, 2016 |
By virtually every measurement, the United States is in deep crisis, as both a society and as the headquarters of global capitalism. We can roughly measure the severity of some aspects of the crisis with the tools of economic analysis. Such an analysis is quite useful in explaining why Washington is so eager to risk war with Russia and China, whether in Syria or the South China Sea or along the ever expanding borders of NATO. To put it simply, the U.S. and western Europe become smaller, in terms of their economic influence, with every passing day, and cannot possibly maintain their political dominance in the world except by military force, coercion and terror. Those are the only cards the imperialists have left to play. The ruling circles in the U.S. are aware that time is not on their side, and it makes them crazy -- or crazier than usual.

The ruling class's own analysts tell them that the center of the world economy is moving inexorably to the East and the South; that this trend will continue for the foreseeable future; and that the U.S. is already number two by some economic measures -- and dropping. The Lords of Capital know there is no future for them in a world where the dollar is not supreme and where Wall Street's stocks, bonds and derivatives are not backed by the full weight of unchallenged empire. Put another way, U.S. imperialism is at an inflection point, with all the indicators pointing downward and no hope of reversing the trend by peaceful means.

Now, that's actually not such a bad prognosis for the United States, as a country. The U.S. is a big country, with an abundance of human and natural resources, and would do just fine in a world among equals. But, the fate of the Lords of Capital is tied to the ongoing existence of empire. They create nothing, but seek to monetize and turn a profit on everything. They cannot succeed in trade unless it is rigged, and have placed bets in their casinos that are nominally seven times more valuable than the total economic activity of planet Earth. In short, the Lords of Capital are creatures of U.S. imperial dominance; they go out of business when the empire does.

Beat the Clock

The rulers are looking class death in the face -- and it terrifies them. And when the Lords of Capital become frightened, they order their servants in politics and the war industries and the vast national security networks to take care of the problem, by any means necessary. That means militarily encircling Russia and China; arming and mobilizing tens of thousands of jihadist terrorists in Syria, in an attempt to repeat the regime change in Libya; waging a war of economic sanctions and low-level armed aggression against Iran; occupying most of the African continent through subversion of African militaries; escalating subversion in Latin America; and spying on everyone on earth with a digital connection. All this, to stop the clock that is ticking on U.S. and European world economic dominance.

Left political analysts that I greatly respect argue that Hillary Clinton and the mob she will come in with in January will pull back from apocalyptic confrontation with Russia in Syria -- that they're not really that crazy. But, I'm not at all convinced. The ruling class isn't just imagining that their days are numbered; it's really true. And rulers do get crazy when their class is standing at death's door.

For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford. On the web, go to

[Nov 03, 2016] Clintons explosive e-mails, by Manlio Dinucci

Notable quotes:
"... When Hillary was Secretary of State, she convinced Obama to authorize a covert operation in Libya (which included sending in special forces and arming terrorist groups) in preparation for a US/Nato aeronaval attack. ..."
"... Clinton's emails that subsequently came to light, prove what the real motive for war might be: blocking Gaddafi's plan to harness Libya's sovereign funds to establish independent financial organizations, located within the African Union and an African currency that could serve as an alternative to the dollar and the CFA franc. ..."
"... Immediately after razing the State of Libya, the US and Nato brought in the Gulf Monarchies and set about a covert operation to destroy the State of Syria by infiltrating it with special forces and terrorist groups that gave birth to Isis. ..."
"... "the best way to help Israel is to help the rebellion in Syria that has now lasted for more than a year" (i.e. from 2011). How? By mounting the case that the use of force is a sina qua non to make Basshar Assad fold, so as to endanger his life and that of his family". ..."
"... "wrecking Assad would not only be a huge advantage for the security of the State of Israel, but would also go a long way to reducing Israel's justifiable fear that it will lose its nuclear monopoly". ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

From time to time, it is in the interests of the Western media and political establishment to do a bit of "political cleansing".

Thus the West pulls out some skeleton from the closet. A British Parliamentary Committee has criticized David Cameron for authorizing the use of force in Libya when he was Prime Minister in 2011. However the basis for criticism was not the war of aggression per se (even though it erased from the map a sovereign state) but rather the fact that war was entered into without an adequate "intelligence" foundation and also because there was no plan for "reconstruction" [ 1 ].

The same mistake was made by President Obama: thus he declared last April that Libya was his "biggest regret", not because he used US-led Nato forces to reduce it to smithereens but because he had failed to plan for "the day after". At the same time, Obama has confirmed his support for Hillary Clinton who is now running for president. When Hillary was Secretary of State, she convinced Obama to authorize a covert operation in Libya (which included sending in special forces and arming terrorist groups) in preparation for a US/Nato aeronaval attack.

Clinton's emails that subsequently came to light, prove what the real motive for war might be: blocking Gaddafi's plan to harness Libya's sovereign funds to establish independent financial organizations, located within the African Union and an African currency that could serve as an alternative to the dollar and the CFA franc.

Immediately after razing the State of Libya, the US and Nato brought in the Gulf Monarchies and set about a covert operation to destroy the State of Syria by infiltrating it with special forces and terrorist groups that gave birth to Isis.

An e mail from Clinton, one of the many the Department of State was compelled to de-classify following the uproar triggered by the disclosures on Wikileaks, proves what one of the key objectives of the operation still underway. In an e mail dated 31 December 2012, declassified as "case no: F – 2014 – 20439, Doc No. CO5794998", Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, wrote [ 2 ]:
"It is Iran's strategic relationship with the Bashar Assad regime that allows Iran to threaten Israel's security – not through a direct attack but through its allies in Lebanon such as the Hezbollah."
She then emphasizes that:

"the best way to help Israel is to help the rebellion in Syria that has now lasted for more than a year" (i.e. from 2011). How? By mounting the case that the use of force is a sina qua non to make Basshar Assad fold, so as to endanger his life and that of his family".

And Clinton concludes:

"wrecking Assad would not only be a huge advantage for the security of the State of Israel, but would also go a long way to reducing Israel's justifiable fear that it will lose its nuclear monopoly".

So, the former Secretary of State admits what officially is not said. That Israel is the only country in the Middle East to possess nuclear weapons [ 3 ].

The support given by the Obama Administration to Israel over and above some disagreements (more formal than substantive) is confirmed by the agreement signed on 14 September at Washington under which the United States agrees to supply Israel over a ten year period with weapons of the latest design for a value of 38 billion dollars through an annual financing of 3.3 billion dollars plus half a million for "missile defense".

In the meantime, after the Russian intervention scuppered the plan to engage in war to demolish Syria from within, the US obtains a "truce" (which it immediately violated), launching at the same time a fresh attack in Libya, in the sheepskin of humanitarian operations that Italy participates in with its "para-medics".

Meanwhile Israel, lurking in the background, strengthens its nuclear monopoly so precious to Clinton.

[Nov 03, 2016] Senior FBI officials were told of new emails in early October but wanted more information before renewing Clinton probe

So from early October the FBI new exactly what is in the mails.

Senior FBI officials were informed about the discovery of new emails potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server at least two weeks before Director James B. Comey notified Congress, according to federal officials familiar with the investigation.

The officials said that Comey was told that there were new emails before he received a formal briefing last Thursday, although the precise timing is unclear.

The information goes beyond the details provided in the letter that Comey sent to lawmakers last week declaring that he was restarting the inquiry into whether Clinton mishandled classified material during her tenure as secretary of state. He wrote in the Friday letter that "the investigative team briefed me yesterday" about the additional emails.

The people familiar with the investigation said that senior officials had been informed weeks earlier that a computer belonging to former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) contained emails potentially pertinent to the Clinton investigation. Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, shared the computer with her husband, from whom she is now separated.

[Nov 03, 2016] Changing subject lines of classified e-mails days before attorneys delete e-mails of personal nature by...subject line contents

Notable quotes:
"... The Presidency is the Clinton's last chance to protect their empire. ..."
"... People are theorizing that the Clinton emails were in a folder marked life insurance because Uma feared for her life and thought that the folder would protect from being murdered. Good thinking Uma! ..."
"... You know, Huma looks so totally clueless about everything mechanical or technical that I might actually believe it if she were to nailgun herself to death. Same for Hillary, for that matter. ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

ghengis86 Nov 3, 2016 12:20 PM ,

Changing subject lines of classified e-mails days before attorneys delete e-mails of personal nature by...subject line contents!?!?! Intent motherfuckers.

Holy crap.....they are both changing this email to be personal so it can be deleted and not turned over! This is obstruction of justice!

Podesta replies, changes the subject line, and adds personal comments a month later because that is when the lawyers were sorting through the emails to determine which ones were personal. Hillary replied too!

This is big! ,

gratis already......
Handful of Dust jcaz Nov 3, 2016 12:42 PM ,

Hillary deleted her incriminating emails. State covered it up. Asked about using White House executive privilege to hide from Congress.





· "They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee."

· "That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over. It also includes emails that HRC had that Sid didn't."

· "Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That's the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will."

· "We brought up the existence of emails in reserach this summer but were told that everything was taken care of."

· "That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over."

· The State Department was:

o (1) Coordinating with the Clinton political campaign.

o (2) Colluding with the press to spin it positively.

o (3) Doing so BEFORE they released it to AN EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. The Clinton campaign was always a step ahead of the committee investigating them. Shameful.

· Nick states "Just spoke to State" He goes on to reveal that State colluded with him about which emails are being revealed to committee and that the State plans to plant a story with AP.

· Shows intent to withhold emails from the subpoena.

two hoots Nov 3, 2016 12:21 PM ,

The Presidency is the Clinton's last chance to protect their empire.

Withdrawn Sanction two hoots Nov 3, 2016 12:44 PM ,
Worked for el-BJ....until it didnt...until he was hounded from office for the war HE started. Hubris has its own set of checks and balances.
Rebel yell Nov 3, 2016 12:31 PM ,
People are theorizing that the Clinton emails were in a folder marked life insurance because Uma feared for her life and thought that the folder would protect from being murdered. Good thinking Uma!

Clinton dead bodies toll at 90:

tarabel Rebel yell Nov 3, 2016 12:32 PM ,

You know, Huma looks so totally clueless about everything mechanical or technical that I might actually believe it if she were to nailgun herself to death. Same for Hillary, for that matter.

[Nov 03, 2016] Now being reported that the Cheryl Millls laptop, thought to have been destroyed as part of her immunity deal, is actually intact and being reviewed by the FBI

Notable quotes:
"... Now being reported that the Cheryl Millls laptop, thought to have been destroyed as part of her immunity deal, is actually intact and being reviewed by the FBI. Ruh Roh. Not sure if it will contain emails related to yoga classes or national security ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |
stratplaya , 3 Nov 2016 17:1>
Now being reported that the Cheryl Millls laptop, thought to have been destroyed as part of her immunity deal, is actually intact and being reviewed by the FBI. Ruh Roh. Not sure if it will contain emails related to yoga classes or national security

Rouvas -> stratplaya 45m ago

Why does she get immunity anyway? Usually you give someone immunity in return for getting them to blab on someone...

Oh yes, silly me, it's the Clinton's we are talking about... different rules apply

[Nov 03, 2016] Podesta Files Part 27 Wikileaks Releases Another 1,100 Emails, Total Is Now 44218

Nov 03, 2016 |

Today's release follows dramatic revelations in which we learned that the DOJ's Peter Kadzik had colluded with John Podesta in the early days of the Clinton campaign, while in a serpate email we found more evidence of collusion between the Clinton campaign, the NYT and the State Department in drafting the "breaking" story that exposed Hillary's possession of a home email server.

[Nov 03, 2016] The FBIs White Collar Crime Unit Is Probing The Clinton Foundation

Notable quotes:
"... In the latest update from Fox's Bret Baier , we learn that the Clinton Foundation investigation has now taken a "very high priority," perhaps courtesy of new documents revealed by Wikileaks which expressed not only a collusive element between Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and the "charitable foundation's" donors, which included the use of funds for personal gain, but also revealed deep reservations by people within the foundation about ongoing conflicts of interest. ..."
"... FBI agents are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case," and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, Baier's sources said. Agents also are going through what Clinton and top aides have said in previous interviews as well as the FBI 302 documents, which agents use to report interviews they conduct, to make sure notes line up, according to sources. ..."
"... As expected, the Clinton Foundation denied everything, and Foundation spokesman, Craig Minassian, told Fox news a statement: "We're not aware of any investigation into the Foundation by the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any United States Attorney's Office and we have not received a subpoena from any of those agencies." ..."
"... Now that details of the infighting between the DOJ and FBI regarding the Foundation probe have been made public, Loretta Lynch may have no choice but to launch an official probe, including subpoeans. ..."
"... The information follows a report over the weekend by The Wall Street Journal that four FBI field offices have been collecting information about the foundation. The probes – in addition to the revived email investigation – have fueled renewed warnings from Republicans that if Clinton is elected next week, she could take office under a cloud of investigations. ..."
"... Separately, Fox News reports that authorities also are virtually certain, i.e., "there is about a 99 percent chance", that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed and taken emails from Hillary Clinton's private server, two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations told Fox News. If so, it would suggest that the original FBI probe - which found no evidence of breach - was either incomplete or tampered with. ..."
"... In other words, Anthony Weiner may be ultimately responsible not only for the downfall of Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy, but also the collapse of the entire Clinton Foundation... which incidentally is just what Donald Trump warned could happen over a year ago. ..."
Zero Hedge
Now that thanks to first the WSJ, and then Fox News, the public is aware that a probe into the Clinton Foundation is not only a hot topic for both the FBI and the DOJ (and has managed to split the law enforcement organizations along ideological party lines), but is also actively ongoing despite the DOJ's attempts to squash it.

In the latest update from Fox's Bret Baier, we learn that the Clinton Foundation investigation has now taken a "very high priority," perhaps courtesy of new documents revealed by Wikileaks which expressed not only a collusive element between Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and the "charitable foundation's" donors, which included the use of funds for personal gain, but also revealed deep reservations by people within the foundation about ongoing conflicts of interest.

As Baier also notes, the Clinton Foundation probe has been proceeding for more than a year, led by the White-Collar Crime division.

White Collar Crime Unit pursuing @ClintonFdn case.

- Fox News (@FoxNews) November 3, 2016

Fox adds that even before the WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, and FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people regarding the case.

"There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day," one source told Fox News, adding some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.

FBI agents are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case," and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, Baier's sources said. Agents also are going through what Clinton and top aides have said in previous interviews as well as the FBI 302 documents, which agents use to report interviews they conduct, to make sure notes line up, according to sources.

As expected, the Clinton Foundation denied everything, and Foundation spokesman, Craig Minassian, told Fox news a statement: "We're not aware of any investigation into the Foundation by the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any United States Attorney's Office and we have not received a subpoena from any of those agencies."

.@ClintonFdn on @WSJ report.

- Fox News (@FoxNews) November 3, 2016

Now that details of the infighting between the DOJ and FBI regarding the Foundation probe have been made public, Loretta Lynch may have no choice but to launch an official probe, including subpoeans.

The information follows a report over the weekend by The Wall Street Journal that four FBI field offices have been collecting information about the foundation. The probes – in addition to the revived email investigation – have fueled renewed warnings from Republicans that if Clinton is elected next week, she could take office under a cloud of investigations.

"This is not just going to go away … if she ends up winning the election," Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" earlier this week.

Donald Trump has referenced this scenario, repeatedly saying on the stump this past week that her election could trigger a "crisis."

Separately, Fox News reports that authorities also are virtually certain, i.e., "there is about a 99 percent chance", that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed and taken emails from Hillary Clinton's private server, two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations told Fox News. If so, it would suggest that the original FBI probe - which found no evidence of breach - was either incomplete or tampered with.

The revelation led House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul to describe Clinton's handling of her email system during her tenure as secretary of state as "treason."

"She exposed [information] to our enemies," McCaul said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday morning. "Our adversaries have this very sensitive information. … In my opinion, quite frankly, it's treason."

McCaul, R-Texas, said that FBI Director James Comey told him previously that foreign adversaries likely had gotten into her server. When Comey publicly discussed the Clinton email case back in July, he also said that while there was no evidence hostile actors breached the server, it was "possible" they had gained access.

Clinton herself later pushed back, saying the director was merely "speculating."

But sources told Fox News that Comey should have said at the time there is an "almost certainty" that several foreign intelligence agencies hacked into the server.

The claims come as Comey's FBI not only revisits the email investigation following the discovery of additional emails on the laptop of ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner – the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin – but is proceeding in its investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

In other words, Anthony Weiner may be ultimately responsible not only for the downfall of Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy, but also the collapse of the entire Clinton Foundation... which incidentally is just what Donald Trump warned could happen over a year ago.

A summary of Baier's latest reporting is in the clip below...

[Nov 03, 2016] The FBI suddenly discloses dismissed Bill Clinton case

The FBI has unexpectedly published papers from an over ten-year-old investigation of former president Bill Clinton's controversial pardon of a financier, reports NTB.

The case against Clinton was dismissed without charges in 2005, and several Democrats therefore question why the 129-page report of the investigation is published right now, a few days before the election, in which Bill Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton is trying to become president.

The rage against the FBI is already great in the Democratic Party after the federal police last week announced they will investigate new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Financier Marc Rich was indicted for tax fraud and lived in exile in Switzerland when Bill Clinton pardoned him on his last day as president on January 20, 2001. Several reacted to the pardon, especially since Rich's ex-wife was a major donor to the Democratic Party.

The FBI started to investigate the pardon the year after.

[Nov 03, 2016] What Trump represents is not crazy and it is not going away. Peter Thiel defends support for Donald Trump

Notable quotes:
"... The support Trump has enjoyed is directly tied to the frustration many across the country feel toward Washington and its entrenched leaders, and they shouldn't expect that sentiment to dissipate regardless of whether Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton wins at the ballot box on Nov. 8, he said. ..."
The Washington Post

Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel reiterated his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Monday morning, telling a room of journalists that a Washington outsider in the White House would recalibrate lawmakers who have lost touch with the struggles of most Americans.

Thiel said it was "both insane and somehow inevitable" that political leaders would expect this presidential election to be a contest between "political dynasties" that have shepherded the country into two major financial crises: the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s, and the housing crisis and economic recession later that decade.

The support Trump has enjoyed is directly tied to the frustration many across the country feel toward Washington and its entrenched leaders, and they shouldn't expect that sentiment to dissipate regardless of whether Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton wins at the ballot box on Nov. 8, he said.

"What Trump represents isn't crazy and it's not going away," he said.

[Nov 03, 2016] Thousands of people eill vote for Trump as a cynical form of rebellion agaisnt neoliberal establishemnt which is hell-bent on globalization

Nov 03, 2016 |

redwhine zitan

10h ago
I'd actually argue the opposite. Thousands of people are turning to Trump as a cynical form of rebellion. They think that voting for him will be interesting/fun. If you were to ask them how a Hillary Clinton presidency would seriously make their lives worse, they'd have nothing serious to answer. At best they might say that they'll be fine, but that the rest of the country would suffer, and then spout of a bunch of nonsense as to why that would be. It's a luxury to be so reckless, which is where America is right now. If millions of lives literally depended on the outcome of this election, people would be much more careful about how they plan to vote.

[Nov 03, 2016] A Divided US Sociologist Arlie Hochschild on the 2016 Presidential Election

Nov 03, 2016 |

...they felt that mainstream America had left them and had gone by, didn't see them, didn't recognize who they were and neither political party spoke to their feelings and interests. In this sense, they felt like strangers in their own land.

I'll give you an example of that. One woman I spoke to said, "I'm really glad you've come to interview us, because we are the fly-over-state and people think of the South that we're ignorant, backward, that we have old-fashioned attitudes, that we're pro-family, pro-life and that many people think we're racist when we're not, and so they write us off, they call us rednecks, so thanks for coming to see who we really are." You've said that, "The conservatives of yesterday seem moderate or liberal today" in the US. Can you elaborate on this move to the right in American politics?

In 1968, Barry Goldwater was the first really radical anti-government national candidate for the Republican presidency. His wife was a founder of Planned Parenthood. Today, Republicans and the Tea Party want to defund Planned Parenthood, which offers contraception, abortion, cancer screening and other very important things.

Again, former Republican President Richard Nixon brought us the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and now Republicans are calling for the end of the EPA.

Yet again, former Republican President Eisenhower called for a minimum wage; now Republicans oppose this. Eisenhower called for investments in public infrastructure, now it's opposed. Today, the Republicans of the '50s, '60s, '70s and '80s look liberal. That's how far right we've become.

[Nov 03, 2016] With Only Six Days Remaining, Trump Surges in the Polls as Hillary Supporters Abandon Ship Zero Hedge

Nov 03, 2016 |

johnwburns Nov 2, 2016 8:06 PM ,
Fighting against total of the big ghetto states is a bitch. Looks like Trump needs to run the table as in FL,OH,GA,NC,AZ,CO,IA,NV. Not impossible but something resembling a real kill shot from Wikileaks sure would help.
TuffsNotEnuff johnwburns Nov 2, 2016 8:23 PM ,
Trump's big problem from the early exit interviews is a "balk" effect. That could be decisive in FL, GA, NC, AZ, UT.

If you like Reagan, Bill Clinton, or a well mannered governor such as Kasich what does Trump do for you as president?

roadhazard Nov 2, 2016 6:27 PM ,
Amazing that Weiners laptop could make any difference after Bengaaahzi...
robnume Nov 2, 2016 6:13 PM ,
I have always believed that Trump is actually the elites choice and that they have been practicing reverse psychology on the voters. Nothing that has happened during this 'selection' season has put me off of that hypothesis. I told my husband months ago that there would be an October/November surprise and that Trump may very well end up in the White House. Hillary is just too broken to be able to pull it off. I've heard his economic policy speeches: privatize social security, etc., and they all line up with just what the elites have wanted for a long time. I know most ZHers don't feel this way, but politics is a bitch, my friends. Let the down voting commence.
Burticus robnume Nov 2, 2016 7:54 PM ,
Yes, I've also speculated that Sir Trumpalot could possibly be a "work" (choreographed by the Eleeches) instead of a "shoot" (sincere).

Even so, there's no way he (or anyone else) could be worse than Hitlery and the Clinton Crime Family.

Occams_Razor_Trader robnume Nov 2, 2016 7:27 PM ,
Thumbs down- You got it Dude.

Your theory is actually a theory - In politics NOTHING happens by chance.

Mark Twain said: If voting really mattered- They wouldn't let us do it!

I honestly believe that the PTB have every election sewn up through controlled opposition- yet Trump would move us to Totalitarianism at a much slower rate than the HitlerBeast. The Political Overton Window has shifted hard to the left over the last 30 years. Both parties are to the left of John F. Kennedy, sadly. Lesser of two evils is the new name of the game!

Lyman54 robnume Nov 2, 2016 7:13 PM ,
Evidence doesn't support your theory Rob. Ask yourself why every news organization in the English speaking world is busy trashing Trump? Odd way to for the elites to show support.
skillyhog Nov 2, 2016 4:35 PM ,
I'm an establishment hater and long to see Clinton's get their due, so support Trump by default. What I think is instructive, if nothing else interesting, is Brandon Smith's POV on Trump's potential "victory". The chess board is fascinating, but may not be R's and D's playing the game at all. For the planned crash, they'd rather have the "isolationist" (falsely painted term) than the Globalist at the helm for blame. "See?? Its these same Brexit and Trump voting "isolationist"! We need the SDR and the Big Boys back in charge!".......still, I'd have a thrill run up my leg to watch a long-time crook get her just comeuppance....
JBPeebles Nov 2, 2016 4:34 PM ,
BREAKING: Steve from infowars and youtube videos:
2:40 in; Unedited
"We've initiated a counter coup through Assange and Wikileaks."
Comey's action reflected a response to the Silent Coup.
"We're going to stop you from making HRC President of the U.S."
Massive corruption under Clinton Foundation.
"I am just a small part of something bigger than myself."
"Brave men and women in the FBI, CIA,Director of Intelligence, Military Intelligence and 15 other intelligence agencies who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the White House, Justice Department, Intelligence Services (so we) decided that there was something we had to do to save the Republic so we initiated a Counter Coup through Julian Assange through emails that we gave to him in order to undermine Hillary and Bill Clinton."
Pieczenik indicated this "Second American Revolution" had no guns, wapons, or intent to kill or harm." He says the Counter Coup is made up of veterans in the intelligence service like (himself.) He asserts that they will make sure Obama leaves office without a pardon or any other "act of treason."
The coup "wants a peaceful transition."
Pieczenik said this is a "moment of history occurring right now."
gezley JBPeebles Nov 2, 2016 8:04 PM ,
I'm sick of hearing about this Pieczenik guy. It's been non-stop here at ZH lately. There's no way this Tribe member is up to any good with his counter-coup distraction.
Mazzy Nov 2, 2016 4:21 PM ,
What happens when states like Maryland, New Jersey, Colorado and Iowa vote for Trump (because they didn't bother to rig in those areas), but Hilary still "wins" in super battle ground states like Ohio and Pennsylvania because those elections were rigged?

[Nov 03, 2016] Trillions of dollars at stake as multinationals want Hillary to be elected

Notable quotes:
"... So no mention of the Department of Justice tipping off the Clinton campaign Guardian? Surely that it a pretty damning new revelation. Corrupt to the core. No of course not, ignoring wikileaks and shilling more of the same old wall to wall Anti Trump scaremongering. ..."
"... We get it, Trump is a jerk. Hillary Clinton is systemically corrupt. ..."
"... And here I was thinking the Guardian was progressive… but you'll stoop to anything to get your chosen corporatist candidate over the line eh? ..."
"... Obama changed his tone. The Dems are in desperate mode. Kinda nice to see them on the defense. However they will never change their globalist agenda to sell off the rest of middle class. ..."
"... Trump against the entire establishment with unlimited funds. They sent out their top politicians/celebrities in full force and still can't flip Florida. If he wins with only popular support it will be the best upset in modern history. ..."
"... Obama has destroyed the nation with his identity politics, his lies, his elitist BS, his lack of awareness of the constitution, his constant pronouncing of guilt or innocence from the WH, his inviting key players in the BLM movement and the various idiot celebs like Jay-Z and Beyonce, to the WH, his arrogance, etc. ..."
"... As the above LA Times poll shows, Trump now has a monstrous 5.4% lead. His supporters are growing on a daily basis, as he continues to attract African-American supporters and Democrats in record-breaking numbers for a Republican candidate. ..."
"... Obama is a master of calling people racists without actually coming out with it. He is also a master of playing on people's fears. He has been such a disappointment. Instead of uniting the country he has kept it divided. ..."
"... The Obamas are hypocrites of the highest order,In 2007/8 they said the Clintons were toxic and Hillary should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. The Obamas cronyism for the powerful and elite makes my blood boil ..."
"... The Obamas swept into the White House on a dream ticket provided in the main by the black vote, With the first 2 yrs of hobnobbing with the rich, powerful and famous he was slow to do a thing for the voter and all of 8 yrs on he still hasn't and we all know he never will ? ..."
"... The condescending Obamas are now out rallying for the very same woman they denounced 8 yrs earlier. They are in essence expecting the voter to forget everything that went on before and vote the impeached X President and his caustic wife ..."
"... Sure... He's all that. But he said he doesn't want a nuclear war with Russia. Hillary on the other hand is really keen on the idea. All her MIC backers agree. ..."
"... And clinton has the official endorsement of all the republican neocons who wrote and implemented the project for the new American century which embarked your country on a series of illegal wars in the middle east, millions of people dead, and created international terrorism. Oh and your national debt rose to trillions and your country's Infrastructure is falling apart and you have absolutely nothing tangible to show for it. Good luck with Hillary guys. ..."
"... "But it was Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Tom Brokaw, who quote 'paid tribute' to Ronald Reagan's economic and foreign policy. She championed NAFTA - even though it has cost South Carolina thousands of jobs. And worst of all, it was Hillary Clinton who voted for George Bush's war in Iraq. ..."
"... Hillary Clinton. She'll say anything, and change nothing. It's time to turn the page. ..."
"... Shouldn't it be illegal, for Obama, a government official, to attempt to influence the election? The Guardian already reported that Obama has been campaigning more than any sitting president before him. ..."
"... And besides, is that what he does on taxpayers' dime? Shouldn't he in general be addressing important issues of the country? ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

fedback 6h ago

Trillions of dollars at stake.

Massive multi billion dollar corporate entities and financial conglomerates who have a vested self interest in the election will throw everything they have got into the system. No effort too extreme, nothing out of bounds.

65jangle 6h ago

So no mention of the Department of Justice tipping off the Clinton campaign Guardian? Surely that it a pretty damning new revelation. Corrupt to the core. No of course not, ignoring wikileaks and shilling more of the same old wall to wall Anti Trump scaremongering.

We get it, Trump is a jerk. Hillary Clinton is systemically corrupt.

And here I was thinking the Guardian was progressive… but you'll stoop to anything to get your chosen corporatist candidate over the line eh?

BlueberryCompote -> ByzantiumNovum 6h ago
The lunatic Russophobia of the US State Department makes your intervention unnecessary as Obama probably was the last bulwark against insanity.

Rigobertus 7h ago

Let's not forget the dead:
America Betrayed - Bush Administration, FBI Complicity In 911:

Juillette 7h ago

Obama changed his tone. The Dems are in desperate mode. Kinda nice to see them on the defense. However they will never change their globalist agenda to sell off the rest of middle class.

Trump against the entire establishment with unlimited funds. They sent out their top politicians/celebrities in full force and still can't flip Florida. If he wins with only popular support it will be the best upset in modern history.

aldebaranredstar 8h ago

Obama has destroyed the nation with his identity politics, his lies, his elitist BS, his lack of awareness of the constitution, his constant pronouncing of guilt or innocence from the WH, his inviting key players in the BLM movement and the various idiot celebs like Jay-Z and Beyonce, to the WH, his arrogance, etc.

He has not only destroyed the Dem Party--which is weaker than it has ever been--but the entire nation with his Executive orders that got overturned by the SCOTUS--the man is pure hell. A bad leader is a bad leader, no matter the color. People are disgusted with his actions as POTUS and that is the bottom line cause of the rise of DT. Obama has waged war in his own nation--not only overseas. Peace Prize--HAHAHA.

Flugler 8h ago


As the above LA Times poll shows, Trump now has a monstrous 5.4% lead. His supporters are growing on a daily basis, as he continues to attract African-American supporters and Democrats in record-breaking numbers for a Republican candidate.

In addition to this, the polls may be horribly off, as Trump has what many are calling the "monster vote" waiting in the wings. This is in reference to the stunning amount of previously unregistered voters who have never voted in their life but plan on showing up to the polls to support Donald Trump, as internal polling is showing.

Further supporting how strong his momentum is across all categories is the fact that Donald Trump now has the majority of support across ALL age categories. A huge development, considering that he has been struggling with young voters throughout much of his campaign.

rocjoc43rd 8h ago

Obama is a master of calling people racists without actually coming out with it. He is also a master of playing on people's fears. He has been such a disappointment. Instead of uniting the country he has kept it divided. I wonder if he is keeping the country safe while he spends the next week campaigning for his replacement.

mandyjeancole 8h ago

The Obamas are hypocrites of the highest order,In 2007/8 they said the Clintons were toxic and Hillary should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. The Obamas cronyism for the powerful and elite makes my blood boil

The Obamas swept into the White House on a dream ticket provided in the main by the black vote, With the first 2 yrs of hobnobbing with the rich, powerful and famous he was slow to do a thing for the voter and all of 8 yrs on he still hasn't and we all know he never will ?

The condescending Obamas are now out rallying for the very same woman they denounced 8 yrs earlier. They are in essence expecting the voter to forget everything that went on before and vote the impeached X President and his caustic wife another bite of the proverbial cherry, Donald Trumps somewhat blundering campaign has been mired in his apparent misogyny and he has come in for the most horrendous criticism by the world's press while Mrs. Clintons lies and, deceit up until now were considered acceptable for a 30 yr veteran of politics.

Mr. Trump maybe an all-American dreamer, he may not always come across as the most coherent, but he loves his Country. and he wants what's best for it.....If America is looking for mistakes made look no further than Europe, The powers that be.. have made the most catastrophic decisions that have in turn left the once proud cultures of Europe in the grip of Islamic fundamentalist whose barbaric in doctoring wants to take us back a 1000 yrs. Give Mr. Trump 4 yrs.. its not too long..He just might surprise you. MJC

Meep_Meep 8h ago

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump decried Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as "the candidate of yesterday," calling himself and his supporters "the movement of the future."

Yeah...the future!

DeAngelOfPi -> Brighton181 8h ago

Sure... He's all that. But he said he doesn't want a nuclear war with Russia. Hillary on the other hand is really keen on the idea. All her MIC backers agree.

SoloLoMejor -> PostTrotskyite 9h ago

And clinton has the official endorsement of all the republican neocons who wrote and implemented the project for the new American century which embarked your country on a series of illegal wars in the middle east, millions of people dead, and created international terrorism. Oh and your national debt rose to trillions and your country's Infrastructure is falling apart and you have absolutely nothing tangible to show for it. Good luck with Hillary guys.

RememberRemember 9h ago

2016 Obama, perhaps you would like a word with 2008 Obama.

Obama: "I'm Barack Obama, running for president and I approve this message."

Announcer: "It's what's wrong with politics today. Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected. Now she's making false attacks on Barack Obama.

"The Washington Post says Clinton isn't telling the truth. Obama 'did not say that he liked the ideas of Republicans.' In fact, Obama's led the fight to raise the minimum wage, close corporate tax loopholes and cut taxes for the middle class.

"But it was Hillary Clinton, in an interview with Tom Brokaw, who quote 'paid tribute' to Ronald Reagan's economic and foreign policy. She championed NAFTA - even though it has cost South Carolina thousands of jobs. And worst of all, it was Hillary Clinton who voted for George Bush's war in Iraq.

"Hillary Clinton. She'll say anything, and change nothing. It's time to turn the page. Paid for by Obama for America."

calderonparalapaz 9h ago

A Hillary ad should be about Clinton Inc as the american dream. Thanks Teneo!

"Until the Friday blockbuster news that the FBI was reopening its probe into the Hillary email server, the biggest overhang facing the Clinton Campaign was the escalating scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, Doug Band's consultancy firm Teneo, and Bill Clinton who as a result of a leaked memo emerged was generously compensated for potential political favors by prominent corporate clients using Teneo as a pass-thru vehicle for purchasing influence.

In a section of the memo entitled "Leveraging Teneo For The Foundation," Band spelled out all of the donations he solicited from Teneo "clients" for the Clinton Foundation. In all, there are roughly $14mm of donations listed with the largest contributors being Coca-Cola, Barclays, The Rockefeller Foundation and Laureate International Universities. Some of these are shown below (the full details can be found in "Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill's "For-Profit" Activities")"

hadeze242 9h ago

the more the media hush up on Huma Abedin, the more there is to know. it was her & criminally accused Weiner's PC which (in a folder innocuously labelled) had 650,000 emails. Abedin comments "she did not now how the 650,000 emails got there" (sic). the US media continues to cover up this aspect of the Trio story: Abedin-Clinton-Weiner... the fact that Weiner is buddy with Israel's Netanyahu simply adds to this intertwined messy cover-up.

BoSelecta 9h ago

The Clintonite corruption spreads in to the Justice Department:

vr13vr 9h ago

Shouldn't it be illegal, for Obama, a government official, to attempt to influence the election? The Guardian already reported that Obama has been campaigning more than any sitting president before him.

And besides, is that what he does on taxpayers' dime? Shouldn't he in general be addressing important issues of the country?

ALostIguana -> vr13vr 9h ago

Hatch Act explicitly excludes the President and Vice-President. They can take part in political campaigning. Most other members of the executive are constrained by the Hatch Act.

[Nov 03, 2016] The stench of desperation and corruption is surrounding the Dems like the piles of rotting corpses Obama and Clinton have stacked up in Libya and Syria

Notable quotes:
"... Let's hope that Mr. Assange is saving the best for last, and delivers the coup de grace to the warmongering sociopathic harpy and she melts down like the wicked witch of the west. ..."
"... Either way, methinks that a great mass of unwashed deplorables may just rise up and sweep the authoritarian orange barbarian into power. ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |
libertate 5h ago

My my, the times they are interesting.

The stench of desperation and corruption is surrounding the Dems like the piles of rotting corpses Obama and Clinton have stacked up in Libya and Syria.

Let's hope that Mr. Assange is saving the best for last, and delivers the coup de grace to the warmongering sociopathic harpy and she melts down like the wicked witch of the west.

Either way, methinks that a great mass of unwashed deplorables may just rise up and sweep the authoritarian orange barbarian into power.

Which is why I'm stocking up on ribeyes, scotch, and ammo for next week. Should Trump prevail, I give better than even odds that the leftist chimps will, literally, go berserk .

[Nov 03, 2016] Off The Record dinner at Podestas with reporters covering Clinton

Notable quotes:
"... Hillary wouldn't even be close if the press weren't in the tank for her ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

JackMeOff Nov 3, 2016 9:37 AM

Off The Record dinner at Podesta's with reporters covering Clinton:

The goals of the dinner include:

(1) Getting to know the reporters most closely c overing HRC and getting them comfortable with team HRC

(2) Setting expectations for the announcement and launch period

(3) Framing the HRC message and framing the race

(4) Demystifying key players on HRC's campaign team

(5) Having fun and enjoying good cooking

I am a Man I am... JackMeOff Nov 3, 2016 10:01 AM ,
REPORTERS RSVP (28) 1. ABC – Liz Kreutz 2. AP – Julie Pace 3. AP - Ken Thomas 4. AP - Lisa Lerer 5. Bloomberg - Jennifer Epstein 6. Buzzfeed - Ruby Cramer 7. CBS – Steve Chagaris 8. CNBC - John Harwood 9. CNN - Dan Merica 10. Huffington Post - Amanda Terkel 11. LAT - Evan Handler 12. McClatchy - Anita Kumar 13. MSNBC - Alex Seitz-Wald 14. National Journal - Emily Schultheis 15. NBC – Mark Murray 16. NPR - Mara Liassion 17. NPR – Tamara Keith 18. NYT - Amy Chozik 19. NYT - Maggie Haberman 20. Politico - Annie Karni 21. Politico - Gabe Debenedetti 22. Politico - Glenn Thrush 23. Reuters - Amanda Becker 24. Washington Post - Anne Gearan 25. Washington Post – Phil Rucker 26. WSJ - Colleen McCain Nelson 27. WSJ - Laura Meckler 28. WSJ - Peter Nicholas

Pigeon •Nov 3, 2016 9:49 AM

It bothers me these stories are constantly prefaced with the idea that Wikileaks is saving Trump's bacon. Hillary wouldn't even be close if the press weren't in the tank for her. How about Wikileaks evening the playing field with REAL STORIES AND FACTS?

[Nov 03, 2016] On 12 June 2016, Petra, the official Press agency of Jordan, published an interview with the crown prince of Arabia, Mohamed Ben Salmane, in which he affirmed the modernity of his family, which had illegally financed Hillary Clintons Presidential campaign to the tune of 20 percent, despite the fact that she is a woman

Nov 03, 2016 |

From: E-mails - Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, by Thierry Meyssan

by: Thierry Meyssan

"Huma Abedin is a US citizen who was raised in Saudi Arabia. Her father is director of an academic revue – of which, for many years, she was the sub-editor – which regularly prints comments from the Muslim Brotherhood. Her mother is president of the Saudi association of female members of the Brotherhood, and worked with the wife of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. Her brother Hassan works for Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the religious authority of the Brotherhood and spiritual counsellor of Al-Jazeera."

... ... ...

Huma Abedin is today a central figure of the Clinton campaign, alongside the campaign director, John Podesta, ex-General Secretary of the White House under the Presidency of Bill Clinton. Podesta is also the appointed Congressional lobbyist for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – for the modest amount of $200,000 per month. On 12 June 2016, Petra, the official Press agency of Jordan, published an interview with the crown prince of Arabia, Mohamed Ben Salmane, in which he affirmed the modernity of his family, which had illegally financed Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign to the tune of 20%, despite the fact that she is a woman. The day after this publication, the agency cancelled the dispatch and claimed that its Internet site had been hacked.

... ... ...

As it happens, in the team of her challenger, Donald Trump, we note the presence of General Michael T. Flynn, who attempted to oppose the creation of the Caliphate by the White House, and resigned from the direction of the Defense Intelligence Agency in order to signal his disapproval. He works alongside Frank Gaffney, a historical "Cold Warrior", now qualified as a "conspiracy theorist" for having denounced the presence of the Brotherhood in the Federal State.

It goes without saying that from the FBI's point of view, any support for jihadist organisations is a crime, whatever the policy of the CIA may be. In 1991, the police – and Senator John Kerry – had provoked the ecollapse of BCCI, a Pakistani bank (although it is registered in the Cayman Islands), which the CIA used for all sorts of secret operations with the Muslim Brotherhood and also the Latino drug cartels.

[Nov 03, 2016] Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside - Chicago Tribune

Hillary lost, even is she wins...
Notable quotes:
"... What if she is elected? Think of a nation suffering a bad economy and continuing chaos in the Middle East, and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president. Add to that congressional investigations and a public vision of Clinton as a Nixonian figure wandering the halls, wringing her hands. ..."
It's obvious the American political system is breaking down. It's been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they're properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.

FBI director James Comey's announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious.

This can't be about pervert Anthony Weiner and his reported desire for a teenage girl. But it can be about the laptop of Weiner's wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, and emails between her and Hillary. It comes after the FBI investigation in which Comey concluded Clinton had lied and been "reckless" with national secrets, but said he could not recommend prosecution.>

... ... ...

What if she is elected? Think of a nation suffering a bad economy and continuing chaos in the Middle East, and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president. Add to that congressional investigations and a public vision of Clinton as a Nixonian figure wandering the halls, wringing her hands.

The best thing would be for Democrats to ask her to step down now. It would be the most responsible thing to do, if the nation were more important to them than power. And the American news media - fairly or not firmly identified in the public mind as Mrs. Clinton's political action committee - should begin demanding it.

... ... ...

The Clintons weren't skilled merchants. They weren't traders or manufacturers. The Clintons never produced anything tangible. They had no science, patents or devices to make them millions upon millions of dollars.

All they had to sell, really, was influence. And they used our federal government to leverage it.

If a presidential election is as much about the people as it is about the candidates, then we'll learn plenty about ourselves in the coming days, won't we?

[Nov 03, 2016] Classified Email - Changed subject when returned to Hillary (Personal Subject) Proof of changing subject Lines for Deletion

Notable quotes:
"... 'Yes and interesting but not for this channel.' ..."
Original Email Chain ('Here's what I mentioned') from August 19th

Same Email but with Personal Subject Line ('Congrats!') from September 28th

After Podesta mentions in the original email chain 'Yes and interesting but not for this channel.', he then sends this email back to Hillary's inbox a month later with a subject line of 'Congrats!'. Could this be an example of altering email subject lines for the purpose of getting deleted as 'personal' emails? This chain appears to have classified material. I would assume Clinton would not want this email in her system, and Podesta very blatantly was aware of it not belonging there. (More aware than Clinton herself, which is quite frightening).

Can we compare this email to the emails that were turned over to state? Or, compare it to the date that Congress sent the order to provide all emails? When was that again? I'm assuming it's certainly not there.

EDIT: The dates line up. This email subject was changed and sent at the same time Hillary's team was wiping personal emails.

EDIT 2: This needs to get out to everyone. Media / FBI / Wikileaks / TYT / You name it. Please share/tweet/whatever!

[Nov 03, 2016] FBI investigating Clinton Foundation pay for play scheme

Notable quotes:
"... FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI's White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation. ..."
"... Even before the WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, law enforcement sources tell Fox News. ..."
"... "There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day," one source told Fox News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails. ..."
Nov 03, 2016 |

A second FBI investigation involving Hillary Clinton is ongoing. The investigation to uncover corruption by the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton, is given high priority and now runs parallel with the reopened FBI case of her using a private email server to avoid the Federal Records Act.

The FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a "very high priority," separate sources with intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News .

FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI's White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

Even before the WikiLeaks dumps of alleged emails linked to the Clinton campaign, FBI agents had collected a great deal of evidence, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

"There is an avalanche of new information coming in every day," one source told Fox News, who added some of the new information is coming from the WikiLeaks documents and new emails.

FBI agents are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case," and will be going back and interviewing the same people again, some for the third time, sources said.

Agents are also going through what Clinton and top aides have said in previous interviews and the FBI 302, documents agents use to report interviews they conduct, to make sure notes line up, according to sources.

[Nov 03, 2016] Clinton sets sights on red states with Arizona speech – campaign live

Notable quotes:
"... A pregnant double-humped camel in pantsuit is more likely to squeeze through the eye of the needle than Hillary is to win Arizona. ..."
"... Why is a person who is being investigated by the FBI being considered for the Presidency of the US? ..."
"... She's fucked either way now. Way too much shit on her and they say they've got even more that will be so damning she could go straight to prison. ..."
"... Wow, I didn't know it was getting this bad: Chicago Tribune Asks Clinton To Step Down ..."

HerrPrincip 19m ago

A pregnant double-humped camel in pantsuit is more likely to squeeze through the eye of the needle than Hillary is to win Arizona.

Indie60 25m ago

Why is a person who is being investigated by the FBI being considered for the Presidency of the US?

ViktorZK -> Indie60 24m ago

Huma Abedin's running for POTUS?

Puro -> Indie60 23m ago

She's fucked either way now. Way too much shit on her and they say they've got even more that will be so damning she could go straight to prison.

Now I understand why the Clintons transfered almost 2 billion dollars to Qatar recently.

1iJack 36m ago

Wow, I didn't know it was getting this bad: Chicago Tribune Asks Clinton To Step Down

[Nov 03, 2016] Trump will simply pursue "saner, more sensible" immigration policies

Thiel also criticized the media's coverage of Trump's bombastic remarks. He said that while the media takes Trump's remarks "literally" but not "seriously," he believes Trump supporters take them seriously but not literally. In short, Trump isn't actually going to impose religious tests on immigrants or build a wall along the Mexican border, as he has repeatedly said, but will simply pursue "saner, more sensible" immigration policies.

"His larger-than-life persona attracts a lot of attention. Nobody would suggest that Donald Trump is a humble man. But the big things he's right about amount to a much needed dose of humility in our politics," Thiel said.

While the Silicon Valley tech corridor and suburbs around Washington have thrived in the last decade or more, many other parts of the country have been gutted by economic and trade policies that closed manufacturing plants and shipped jobs overseas, Thiel said, reiterating a previous talking point.

"Most Americans don't live by the Beltway or the San Francisco Bay. Most Americans haven't been part of that prosperity," Thiel said Monday. "It shouldn't be surprising to see people vote for Bernie Sanders or for Donald Trump, who is the only outsider left in the race."

Thiel later said he had hoped the presidential race might come down to Sanders and Trump, two outsiders with distinct views on the root cause of the nation's economic malaise and the best course of action to fix it. "That would have been a very different sort of debate," he said.

Thiel's prepared remarks seemed more of an admonishment of the state of the country today than a ringing endorsement of Trump's persona and policies. He decried high medical costs and the lack of savings baby boomers have on hand. He said millennials are burdened by soaring tuition costs and a poor outlook on the future. Meanwhile, he said, the federal government has wasted trillions of dollars fighting wars in Africa and the Middle East that have yet to be won.

Trump is the only candidate who shares his view that the country's problems are substantial and need drastic change to be repaired, Thiel said. Clinton, on the other hand, does not see a need for a hard reset on some of the country's policies and would likely lead the U.S. into additional costly conflicts abroad, he said.

A self-described libertarian, Thiel amassed his fortune as the co-founder of digital payment company PayPal and data analytics firm Palantir Technologies. He has continued to add to that wealth through venture capital investments in companies that include Facebook, Airbnb, Lyft and Spotify, among many others.

[Nov 02, 2016] Donald Trump is no outsider: he mirrors our political culture by George Monbiot

Trump mirrors resentment with the current political culture. Unfortunately very few readers in this forum understand that the emergence of Trump as a viable candidate in the current race, the candidate who withstand 24x7 air bombarment by corrupt neoliberabl MSM (like Guardian ;-) signify deep crisis of neoliberalsm and neoliberal globalization.
Notable quotes:
"... "What Madison could not have foreseen was the extent to which unconstrained campaign finance and a sophisticated lobbying industry would come to dominate an entire nation, regardless of its size." ..."
"... That's it – finance and sophisticated lobbying. And you can add to that mass brainwashing at election campaigns by means of choice language and orchestration as advised by cognitive scientists who are expressly recruited for this purpose. Voters remain largely unaware of the mind control they are undergoing. And of course the essential prerequisite for all of this is financial power. ..."
"... Now read again in this light Gore Vidal's famous pronouncement… "Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically by definition be disqualified from ever doing so." ..."
"... Worse still, the political spectrum runs from right to right. To all intents and purposes, one single party, the US Neoliberal party, with 2 factions catering for power and privilege. Anything to the left of that is simply not an available choice for voters. ..."
"... Americans have wakened up to the fact that they badly need a government which caters for the needs of the average citizen. In their desperation some will still vote for Trump warts and all. This for the same sorts of reasons that Italians voted for Berlusconi, whose winning slogan was basically 'I am not a politician'. ..."
"... The right choice was Bernie Sanders. Sadly, not powerful enough. So Americans missed the boat there. But at least there was a boat to miss this time around. You can be sure that similar future boats will be sunk well in advance. Corporate power has learnt its lesson and the art of election rigging has now become an exact science. ..."
"... Donald Trump, Brexit and Le Pen are all in their separate ways rejections of the dogma of liberalism, social and economic, that has dominated the West for the past three decades. ..."
"... In 2010, Chomsky wrote : ..."
"... The United States is extremely lucky.....if somebody comes along who is charismatic and honest this country is in real trouble because of the frustration, disillusionment, the justified anger and the absence of any coherent response. ..."
"... Dangerous times. The beauty of democracy is we get what we deserve ..."
"... The worst thing about Donald Trump is that he's the man in the mirror. ..."
"... He is the distillation of all that we have been induced to desire and admire. ..."
"... I thought that he is the mirror image, the reverse, of the current liberal consensus. A consensus driven by worthy ideals but driven too far, gradually losing acceptance and with no self correcting awareness. ..."
"... Trump is awful - but by speaking freely he challenges the excesses of those who would limit free speech. Trump is awful - but by demonising minorities he challenges those who would excuse minorities of all responsibility. Trump is awful - but by flaunting his wealth he challenges those who keep their connections and wealth hidden for the sake of appearances. ..."
"... Trump is awful because the system is out of balance. He is a consequence, not a cause. ..."
"... Voting for Trump is voting for peace. Voting for Clinton is voting for WW3. ..."
"... It's quite clearly because Hillary as President is an utterly terrifying prospect. When half the population would rather have Trump than her, it must be conceded that she has some serious reputational issues. ..."
"... Personally, I'd take Trump over Hillary if I was a US citizen. He may be a buffoon but she is profoundly dangerous, probably a genuine psychopath and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Presidency. Sanders is the man America needs now, though, barring one of Hillary's many crimes finally toppling her, it's not going to happen... ..."
"... The true constitution is plutocracy tempered by scandal ..."
"... And the shame is we seem to be becoming desensitized to scandal. We cannot be said to live in democracies when our political class are so obviously bought by the vastly rich. ..."
"... One of the things it says is that people are so sick of Identity Politics from the Left and believe the Left are not very true to the ideals of what should be the Left. ..."
"... When the people who are supposed to care about the poor and working joes and janes prefer to care about the minorities whose vote they can rely on, the poor and the working joes and janes will show their frustration by supporting someone who will come along and tell it as it is, even if he is part of how it got that way. ..."
"... People throughout the world have awoken to the Left being Right Light but with a more nauseating moral superiority complex. ..."
"... he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics ..."
"... 'Encouraged by the corporate media, the Republicans have been waging a full-spectrum assault on empathy, altruism and the decencies we owe to other people. Their gleeful stoving in of faces, their cackling destruction of political safeguards and democratic norms, their stomping on all that is generous and caring and cooperative in human nature, have turned the party into a game of Mortal Kombat scripted by Breitbart News.' ..."
"... Many years ago in the British Military, those with the right connections and enough money could buy an officer's commission and rise up the system to be an incompetent General. As a result, many battles were mismanaged and many lives wasted due to the incompetent (wealthy privileged few) buying their way to the top. American politics today works on exactly the same system of wealthy patronage and privilege for the incompetent, read Clinton and Trump. Until the best candidates are able to rise up through the political system without buying their way there then the whole corrupt farce will continue and we will be no different to the all the other tin pot republics of the world. ..."
"... There's the "culture wars" aspect. Many people don't like being told they are "deplorable" for opposing illegal (or even legal) immigration. They don't like being called "racist" for disagreeing with an ideology. ..."
"... I like the phrase Monbiot ends with - "He is our system, stripped of its pretences" - it reminds me of a phrase in the Communist Manifesto - but I don't think it's true. "Our" system is more than capitalism, it's culture. And Clinton is a far more "perfect representation" of the increasingly censorious, narrow [neo]liberal culture which dominates the Western world. ..."
"... Finally, Monbiot misses the chance to contrast Clinton's and Trump's apparent differences with regard to confronting nuclear-armed Russia over the skies of Syria. It could be like 1964 all over again - except in this election, the Democrat is the nearest thing to Barry Goldwater. ..."
"... As a life-long despiser of all things Trump, I cannot believe that I am saying this: Trump is good for world peace. ..."
"... I fully agree with Monbiot, American democracy is a sham - the lobby system has embedded corruption right in the heart of its body politic. Lets be clear here though, whatever is the problem with American democracy can in theory at least be fixed, but Trump simply can not and moreover he is not the answer ..."
"... His opponent, war child and Wall Street darling can count her lucky stars that the media leaves her alone (with husband Bill, hands firmly in his pockets, nodding approvingly) and concentrates on their feeding frenzy attacking Trump on sexual allegations of abusing women, giving Hillery, Yes, likely to tell lies, ( mendacious, remember when she claimed to be under enemy fire in Bosnia? remember how evasive she was on the Benghazi attack on the embassy) Yes Trump is a dangerous man running against an also extremely dangerous woman. ..."
"... Extremely interesting reference to the Madison paper, but the issue is less about the size of the electorate, and more about the power that the election provides to the victor. ..."
"... Democracy in the US is so corrupted by money that it is no longer recognisable as democracy. You can kick individual politicians out of office, but what do you do when the entire structure of politics is corrupt? ..."
"... When you look at speeches and conversations and debates with the so-called bogeyman, Putin, he is not at all in a league as low and vile as portrayed and says many more sensible things than anybody cares to listen to, because we're all brainwashed. We are complicit in wars (now in Syria) and cannot see why we have to connive with terrorists, tens of thousands of them, and they get supported by the war machine and friends like Saudis and Turkey which traded for years with ISIS. ..."
"... Clinton the war hawk, and shows us we are only capable of seeing one side and project all nastiness outward while we can feel good about ourselves by hating the other. ..."
"... It fits the Decline of an Empire image as it did in other Falls of Civilizations. ..."
"... Trump spoke to the executives at Ford like no one before ever has. He told them if they moved production to Mexico (as they plan to do) that he would slap huge tariffs on their cars in America and no one would buy them. ..."
"... What happens in Syria could be important to us all. Clinton doesn't hide her ambition to drive Assad from power and give Russia a kicking. It's actually very unpopular although the media doesn't like to say so; it prefers to lambast Spain for re-fueling Russian war ships off to fight the crazed Jihadists as if we supported the religious fanatics that want to slaughter all Infidels! There is an enormous gulf between what ordinary people want and the power crazy Generals in the Pentagon and NATO. ..."
"... USA has got itself in an unholy mess . It's politicians no longer work for the people . Their paymasters care not if life in Idaho resembles Dantes inferno . Trump has many faults but being "not Hilary" is not one of them. The very fact he is disliked by all the vested interests should make you take another look. And remember , the American constitution has many checks and balances , a President has a lot less power than most people imagine. ..."
"... Like many on the right, the left have unthinkingly accepted a narrative of an organized, conspiratorial system run by an elite of politicians and plutocrats. The problem with this narrative is it suggests politics and politicians are inherently nefarious, in turn suggesting there are no political solutions to be sought to problems, or anything people can do to challenge a global system of power. As Monbiot asks: "You can kick individual politicians out of office, but what do you do when the entire structure of politics is corrupt?" Well, what indeed? ..."
"... I don't think you need to believe in an organised conspiracy and I don't see any real evidence that George Monbiot does. The trouble is that the corporate and political interests align in a way that absorbs any attempt to challenge them and the narrative has been written that of course politics is all about economics and of course we need mighty corporations to sustain us. ..."
"... Not long after the start of the presidential campaign I began to reflect that in Trump we are seeing materializing before us the logical result of the neoliberal project ..."
"... The Republican party essentially offered their base nothing – that was the problem. ..."
"... They couldn't offer all the things that ordinary Americans want – better and wider Medicaid, better and wider social security, tax increases on the rich, an end to pointless foreign wars and the American empire. ..."
"... The Democrats have largely the same funding base, but they at least deliver crumbs – at least a nod to the needs of ordinary people through half-hearted social programmes. ..."
"... Trump is imperfect because he wants normal relations rather than war with Russia. No, Hillary Clinton is the ultimate representation of the system that is abusing us. What will occur when Goldman Sachs and the military-industrial complex coalition get their, what is it, 5th term in office would be a great subject of many Guardian opinion pieces, actually. But that will have to wait till after November 8. ..."
"... And, of course, we also have Hillary's Wall Street speeches -- thanks to Wikileaks we have the complete transcripts, in case Guardian readers are unaware. They expose the real thinking and 'private positions' of the central character in the next episode of 'Rule by Plutocracy'. ..."
"... The democrats is the party practicing hypocrisy, pretending that they somehow representing the interest of the working class. They are the ones spreading lies and hypocrisy and manipulating the working class everyday through their power over the media. Their function is to appease the working class. The real obstacle for improving conditions for the working class historically has always been the Democratic party, not the Republican party. ..."
"... In what concerns foreign politics, Trump some times seems more reasonable than Clinton and the establishment. Clinton is the best coached politician of all times. She doesn't know that she's coached. She just followed the most radical groups and isn't able to question anything at all. The only thing that the coaches didn't fix until now is her laughing which is considered even by her coaches as a sign of weirdness. ..."
"... Western economies are now so beholden to the patronage of the essentially stateless multinational, it has become a political imperative to appease their interests - it's difficult to see a future in which an administration might resist this force, because at its whim, national economies face ruination. In light of such helplessness our political representatives face an easier path in simply accepting their lot as mere administrators who will tinker at the margins [and potentially reap the rewards of a good servant], rather than hold to principle and resist an overwhelming force. ..."
"... "Trump personifies the traits promoted by the media and corporate worlds he affects to revile; the worlds that created him. He is the fetishisation of wealth, power and image in a nation where extrinsic values are championed throughout public discourse. His conspicuous consumption, self-amplification and towering (if fragile) ego are in tune with the dominant narratives of our age." ..."
"... Yes, they don't care any more if we see the full extent of their corruption as we've given up our power to do anything about it. ..."
"... It was once very common to see Democratic politicians as neighbors attending every community event. They were Teamsters, pipe fitters, and electricians. And they were coaches and ushers and pallbearers. Now they are academics and lawyers and NGO employees and managers who pop up during campaigns. The typical income of the elected Democrats outside their government check is north of $100,000. They don't live in, or even wander through, the poorer neighborhoods. So they are essentially clueless that government services like busses are run to suit government and not actual customers. ..."
"... Yea, 15 years of constant wars of empire with no end in sight has pretty much ran this country in the ground. ..."
"... We all talk about how much money is wasted by the federal government on unimportant endeavors like human services and education, but don't even bat an eye about the sieve of money that is the Pentagon. ..."
"... Half a trillion dollars for aircraft carriers we don't need and are already obsolete. China is on the verge of developing wickedly effective anti-ship missiles designed specifically to target these Gerald R. Ford-class vessels. You might as well paint a huge bull's-eye on these ships' 4-1/2 acre flight deck. ..."
"... There are plenty more examples of this crap and this doesn't even include the nearly TWO trillion dollars we've spent this past decade-and-a-half on stomping flat the Middle East and large swaths of the Indian subcontinent. ..."
"... And all this time, our nation's infrastructure is crumbling literally right out from underneath us and millions upon millions of children and their families experience a daily struggle just to eat. Eat?! In the "greatest," wealthiest nation on earth and we prefer to kill people at weddings with drones than feed our own children. ..."
"... I'd like to read an unbiased piece about why the media narrative doesn't match the reality of the Trump phenomenon. He is getting enormous crowds attend his rallies but hardly any coverage of that in the filtered news outlets. Hillary, is struggling to get anyone turn up without paying them. There is no real enthusiasm. ..."
"... The buzzwords and tired old catch phrases and cliches used by the left to suppress any alternative discussion, and divert from their own misdemeanors are fooling no one but themselves. Trump supporters simply don't care any more how Hillary supporters explain that she lied about dodging sniper fire. Or the numerous other times she and her cohorts have been caught out telling fibs. ..."
"... Very true. Throughout history the rich, the powerful, the landed, ennobled interest and their friends in the Law and money changing houses have sought to control governments and have usually succeeded. ..."
"... In the Media today the rich are fawned over by sycophantic journalists and programme makers. These are the people who make the political weather and create the prevailing narratives. ..."
"... Working class people fancied themselves to above the common herd and thought themselves part of some elite. ..."
"... It's quite disturbing the lengths this paper will go to in order to slur and discredit Trump, labelling him dangerous and alluding to the sexual assault allegations. This even goes so far to a very lengthy article regarding Trumps lack of knowledge on the Rumbelows Cup 25 years ago. ..."
"... Whereas very little examination is made into Hillary Clinton's background which includes serious allegation of fraud and involvement in assisting in covering up her husband's alleged series of rapes. There are also issues in the wikileaks emails that merit analysis as well as undercover tapes of seioau issues with her campaign team. ..."
"... One of the most important characteristics of the so-called neoliberalism is its negative selection. While mostly successfully camouflaged, that negative selection is more than obvious this time, in two US presidential candidates. It's hard to imagine lower than those two. ..."
"... Well, OK George. Tell me: if Trump's such an establishment candidate, then why does the whole of the establishment unanimously reject him? Is it normal for Republicans (such as the Bushes and the neocons) to endorse Democrats? Why does even the Speaker of the House (a Republican) and even, on occasion, Trump's own Vice-Presidential nominee seem to be trying to undermine his campaign? If Trump is really just more of the same as all that came before, why is he being treated different by the MSM and the political establishment? ..."
"... Obviously, there's something flawed about your assumption. ..."
"... Trump has exposed the corruption of the political system and the media and has promised to put a stop to it. By contrast, Clinton is financed by the very banks, corporates and financial elites who are responsible for the corruption. This Trump speech is explicit on what we all suspected is going on. Everybody should watch it, irrespective of whether they support him or not! ..."
"... "I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump and they don't necessarily agree with him. They're not racist or redneck, they're actually pretty decent people and so after talking to a number of them I wanted to write this. ..."
"... Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of Ford Motor executives and said "if you close these factories as you're planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I'm going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody's going to buy them." It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives, and it was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - the "Brexit" states. ..."
"... Mrs Clinton is also the product of our political culture. A feminist who owes everything to her husband and men in the Democratic Party. A Democrat who started her political career as a Republican; a civil right activist who worked for Gerry Goldwater, one of last openly racist/segregationist politicians. A Secretary of State who has no clue about, or training in, foreign policy, and who received her position as compensation for losing the election. A pacifist, who has never had a gun in her hands, but supported every war in the last twenty years. A humanist who rejoiced over Qaddafi's death ("we came, we won, he is dead!") like a sadist. ..."
"... One thing that far right politics offers the ordinary white disaffected voter is 'pay back', it is a promised revenge-fest, putting up walls, getting rid of foreigners, punishing employers of foreigners, etc., etc. All the stuff that far right groups have wet dreams about. ..."
"... Because neoliberal politics has left a hell of a lot of people feeling pissed off, the far right capitalizes on this, whilst belonging to the same neoliberal dystopia so ultimately not being able to make good on their promises. Their promises address a lot of people's anger, which of course isn't really about foreigners at all, that is simply the decoy, but cutting through all the crap to make that clear is no easy task, not really sure how it can be done, certainly no political leader in the western hemisphere has the ability to do so. ..."
"... Wrong as always. Trump *is* an outsider. He's an unabashed nationalist who's set him up against the *actual* caste that governs our politics: Neo-liberal internationalists with socially trendy left-liberal politics (but not so left that they don't hire good tax lawyers to avoid paying a fraction of what they are legally obliged to). ..."
"... Best represented in the Goldman Sachs executives who are donating millions to Hillary Clinton because they are worried about Trump's opposition to free trade, and they know she will give them *everything* they want. ..."
"... Trumps the closest thing we're gotten to a genuine threat to the system in a long, long time, so of course George Monbiot and the rest of the Guardian writers has set themselves against him, because if you're gonna be wrong about the EU, wrong about New Labour, wrong about social liberalism, wrong about immigration, why change the habit of a lifetime? ..."
"... Lies: Emails, policy changes based on polls showing a complete lack of conviction, corporate collusion, Bosnia, Clinton Foundation, war mongering, etc. Racist stereotypes: Super predators. Misogyny: Aside from her laughing away her pedophile case and allegedly threatening the women who came out against Bill, you've also got this sexist gem "Women are the primary victims of war". ..."
"... Alleged gropings: Well she's killed people by texting. So unless your moral compass is so out of whack that somehow a man JOKING about his player status in private is worse than Clinton's actions throughout her political career, then I guess you could make the case that Clinton at least doesn't have this skeleton in her closet. ..."
"... Refusal to accept democratic outcomes: No. He's speaking out against the media's collusion with the democratic party favoring Clinton over every other nominee, including Bernie Sanders. He's talking about what was revealed in the DNC leaks and the O'Keefe tapes that show how dirty the tactics have been in order to legally persuade the voting public into electing one person or the other. ..."
"... When do the conspiracy theories about the criminality of his opponent no longer count as conspiracies? When we have a plethora of emails confirming there is indeed fire next to that smoke, corruption fire, collusion fire, fire of contempt for the electorate. When we have emails confirming the Saudi Arabians are actually funding terrorist schools across the globe, emails where Hilary herself admits it, but will not say anything publicly about terrorism and Saudi Arabia, what's conspiracy and what's reality? ..."
"... Is it because Saudi Arabia funded her foundation with $23 million, or because it doesn't fit with her great 'internationalists' global agenda? ..."
"... Yep trump is a buffoon, but the failure of all media to deliver serious debate means the US is about to elect someone probably more dangerous than trump, how the hell can that be ..."
"... Nothing wrong with a liberal internationalist utopia, it sounds rather good and worth striving for. It's just that what they've been pushing is actually a neoliberal globalist nirvana for the 1 per cent ..."
"... The problem is the left this paper represents were bought off with the small change by neoliberalism, and they expect the rest of us to suck it up so the elites from both sides can continue the game ..."
"... we near the end of the neoliberal model. That the USA has a choice between two 'demopublicans' is no choice at all. ..."
"... This is the culmination of living in a post-truth political world. Lies and smears, ably supported by the corporate media and Murdoch in particular means that the average person who doesn't closely follow politics is being misinformed. ..."
"... The complete failure of right wing economic 'theories' means they only have lies, smears and the old 'divide and conquer' left in their arsenal. 'Free speech' is their attempt to get lies and smears equal billing with the truth. All truth on the other hand must be suppressed. All experts and scientists who don't regurgitate the meaningless slogans of the right will be ignored, traduced, defunded, disbanded or silenced by law. ..."
"... Not so much an article about Trump as much as a rant. George Monbiot writes with the utter conviction of one who mistakenly believes that his readers share his bigotry. When he talks about the 'alleged gropings' or the 'alleged refusal to accept democratic outcomes', that is exactly what they are 'alleged'. ..."
"... The Democratic Party has been dredging up porn-stars and wannabe models who now make claims that Trump tried to 'kiss them without asking'. ..."
"... The press also ignored the tapes of the DNC paying thugs to cause violence at Trump rallies, the bribes paid to the Clintons for political favours and the stealing of the election from Bernie Sanders. Trump is quite right to think the 'democratic outcome' is being fixed. Not only were the votes for Sanders manipulated, but Al Gore's votes were also altered and manipulated to ensure a win for Bush in the 2000 presidential election. The same interests who engineered the 2000 election have switched from supporting the Republican Party to supporting Clinton. ..."
"... Great article. The neoliberals have been able to control the narrative and in doing so have managed to scapegoat all manner of minority groups, building anger among those disaffected with modern politics. Easy targets - minorities, immigrants, the poor, the disadvantaged and the low-paid workers. ..."
"... The real enemy here are those sitting atop the corporate tree, but with the media controlled by them, the truth is never revealed. ..."

America's fourth president, James Madison, envisaged the United States constitution as representation tempered by competition between factions. In the 10th federalist paper, written in 1787, he argued that large republics were better insulated from corruption than small, or "pure" democracies, as the greater number of citizens would make it "more difficult for unworthy candidates to practise with success the vicious arts by which elections are too often carried". A large electorate would protect the system against oppressive interest groups. Politics practised on a grand scale would be more likely to select people of "enlightened views and virtuous sentiments".

Instead, the US – in common with many other nations – now suffers the worst of both worlds: a large electorate dominated by a tiny faction. Instead of republics being governed, as Madison feared, by "the secret wishes of an unjust and interested majority", they are beholden to the not-so-secret wishes of an unjust and interested minority. What Madison could not have foreseen was the extent to which unconstrained campaign finance and a sophisticated lobbying industry would come to dominate an entire nation, regardless of its size.

For every representative, Republican or Democrat, who retains a trace element of independence, there are three sitting in the breast pocket of corporate capital. Since the supreme court decided that there should be no effective limits on campaign finance, and, to a lesser extent, long before, candidates have been reduced to tongue-tied automata, incapable of responding to those in need of help, incapable of regulating those in need of restraint, for fear of upsetting their funders.

Democracy in the US is so corrupted by money that it is no longer recognisable as democracy. You can kick individual politicians out of office, but what do you do when the entire structure of politics is corrupt? Turn to the demagogue who rages into this political vacuum, denouncing the forces he exemplifies. The problem is not, as Trump claims, that the election will be stolen by ballot rigging. It is that the entire electoral process is stolen from the American people before they get anywhere near casting their votes. When Trump claims that the little guy is being screwed by the system, he's right. The only problem is that he is the system.

The political constitution of the United States is not, as Madison envisaged, representation tempered by competition between factions. The true constitution is plutocracy tempered by scandal. In other words, all that impedes the absolute power of money is the occasional exposure of the excesses of the wealthy.

greatapedescendant 26 Oct 2016 4:11

A good read thanks. Nothing I really disagree with there. Just a few things to add and restate.

"What Madison could not have foreseen was the extent to which unconstrained campaign finance and a sophisticated lobbying industry would come to dominate an entire nation, regardless of its size."

That's it – finance and sophisticated lobbying. And you can add to that mass brainwashing at election campaigns by means of choice language and orchestration as advised by cognitive scientists who are expressly recruited for this purpose. Voters remain largely unaware of the mind control they are undergoing. And of course the essential prerequisite for all of this is financial power.

Now read again in this light Gore Vidal's famous pronouncement… "Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically by definition be disqualified from ever doing so."

Which recalls Madison over 200 years before… "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted."

What the US has is in effect is not a democracy but a plutocracy run by a polyarchy. Which conserves some democratic elements. To which the US president is largely an obedient and subservient puppet. And which openly fails to consider the needs of the average US citizen.

Worse still, the political spectrum runs from right to right. To all intents and purposes, one single party, the US Neoliberal party, with 2 factions catering for power and privilege. Anything to the left of that is simply not an available choice for voters.

Americans have wakened up to the fact that they badly need a government which caters for the needs of the average citizen. In their desperation some will still vote for Trump warts and all. This for the same sorts of reasons that Italians voted for Berlusconi, whose winning slogan was basically 'I am not a politician'. Though that didn't work out too well. No longer able to stomach more of the same, voters reach the stage of being willing to back anyone who might bring about a break with the status quo. Even Trump.

The right choice was Bernie Sanders. Sadly, not powerful enough. So Americans missed the boat there. But at least there was a boat to miss this time around. You can be sure that similar future boats will be sunk well in advance. Corporate power has learnt its lesson and the art of election rigging has now become an exact science.

UltraLightBeam 26 Oct 2016 4:11

Donald Trump, Brexit and Le Pen are all in their separate ways rejections of the dogma of liberalism, social and economic, that has dominated the West for the past three decades.

The Guardian, among others, laments the loss of 'tolerance' and 'openness' as defining qualities of our societies. But what's always left unsaid is: tolerance of what? Openness to what? Anything? Everything?

Is it beyond the pale to critically assess some of the values brought by immigration, and to reject them? Will only limitless, unthinking 'tolerance' and 'openness' do?

Once self-described 'progressives' engage with this topic, then maybe we'll see a reversal in the momentum that Trump and the rest of the right wing demagogues have built up.

petercookwithahook 26 Oct 2016 4:14

In 2010, Chomsky wrote:

The United States is extremely lucky.....if somebody comes along who is charismatic and honest this country is in real trouble because of the frustration, disillusionment, the justified anger and the absence of any coherent response.

Dangerous times. The beauty of democracy is we get what we deserve.

DiscoveredJoys -> morelightlessheat 26 Oct 2016 6:11

The most telling part for me was:

The worst thing about Donald Trump is that he's the man in the mirror.

Except that instead of

He is the distillation of all that we have been induced to desire and admire.

I thought that he is the mirror image, the reverse, of the current liberal consensus. A consensus driven by worthy ideals but driven too far, gradually losing acceptance and with no self correcting awareness.

Trump is awful - but by speaking freely he challenges the excesses of those who would limit free speech. Trump is awful - but by demonising minorities he challenges those who would excuse minorities of all responsibility. Trump is awful - but by flaunting his wealth he challenges those who keep their connections and wealth hidden for the sake of appearances.

Trump is awful because the system is out of balance. He is a consequence, not a cause.

Gman13 26 Oct 2016 4:25

Voting for Trump is voting for peace. Voting for Clinton is voting for WW3.

These events will unfold if Hillary wins:

1. No fly zone imposed in Syria to help "moderate opposition" on pretence of protecting civilians.

2. Syrian government nonetheless continues defending their country as terrorists shell Western Aleppo.

3. Hillary's planes attack Syrian government planes and the Russians.

4. Russia and Syria respond as the war escalates. America intensifies arming of "moderate opposition" and Saudis.

5. America arms "rebels" in various Russian regions who "fight for democracy" but this struggle is somehow hijacked by terrorists, only they are not called terrorists but "opposition"

6. Ukranian government is encouraged to restart the war.

7. Iran enters the war openly against Saudi Arabia

8. Israel bombs Iran

9. Cornered Russia targets mainland US with nuclear weapons

10. Etc.

snakebrain -> Andthenandthen 26 Oct 2016 6:54

It's quite clearly because Hillary as President is an utterly terrifying prospect. When half the population would rather have Trump than her, it must be conceded that she has some serious reputational issues.

If Hillary and the DNC hadn't fixed the primaries, we'd now be looking at a Sanders-Trump race, and a certain Democrat victory. As it is, it's on a knife edge as to whether we get Trump or Hillary.

Personally, I'd take Trump over Hillary if I was a US citizen. He may be a buffoon but she is profoundly dangerous, probably a genuine psychopath and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Presidency. Sanders is the man America needs now, though, barring one of Hillary's many crimes finally toppling her, it's not going to happen...

jessthecrip 26 Oct 2016 4:29

Well said George.

The true constitution is plutocracy tempered by scandal

And the shame is we seem to be becoming desensitized to scandal. We cannot be said to live in democracies when our political class are so obviously bought by the vastly rich.

Remko1 -> UnevenSurface 26 Oct 2016 7:43

You're mixing up your powers. legislative, executive and judicial are the powers of law. Money and business are some of the keys to stay in command of a country. (there's also military, electorate, bureaucracy etc.)

And if money is not on your side, it's against you, which gets quite nasty if your main tv-stations are not state-run.

For example if the EU would (theoretically of course) set rules that make corruption more difficult you would see that commercial media all over the EU and notoriously corrupted politicians would start making propaganda to leave the EU. ;)

yamialwaysright chilledoutbeardie 26 Oct 2016 4:38

One of the things it says is that people are so sick of Identity Politics from the Left and believe the Left are not very true to the ideals of what should be the Left.

When the people who are supposed to care about the poor and working joes and janes prefer to care about the minorities whose vote they can rely on, the poor and the working joes and janes will show their frustration by supporting someone who will come along and tell it as it is, even if he is part of how it got that way.

People throughout the world have awoken to the Left being Right Light but with a more nauseating moral superiority complex.

Danny Sheahan -> chilledoutbeardie 26 Oct 2016 5:25
That many people are so desperate for change that even being a billionaire but someone outside the political elite is going to appeal to them.

Tom1Wright 26 Oct 2016 4:32

I find this line of thinking unjust and repulsive: the implication that Trump is a product of the political establishment, and not an outsider, is to tar the entire Republican party and its supporters with a great big flag marked 'racist'. That is a gross over simplification and a total distortion.

UnevenSurface -> Tom1Wright 26 Oct 2016 5:05

But that's not what the article said at all: I quote:

he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics

No mention of the GOP.

Tom1Wright -> UnevenSurface 26 Oct 2016 5:14

and I quote

'Encouraged by the corporate media, the Republicans have been waging a full-spectrum assault on empathy, altruism and the decencies we owe to other people. Their gleeful stoving in of faces, their cackling destruction of political safeguards and democratic norms, their stomping on all that is generous and caring and cooperative in human nature, have turned the party into a game of Mortal Kombat scripted by Breitbart News.'

HindsightMe 26 Oct 2016 4:33
the truth is there is an anti establishment movement and trump just got caught up in the ride. He didnt start the movement but latched on to it. While we are still fixated on character flaws the undercurrent of dissatisfaction by the public is still there. Hillary is going to have a tough time in trying to bring together a divided nation
leadale 26 Oct 2016 4:37
Many years ago in the British Military, those with the right connections and enough money could buy an officer's commission and rise up the system to be an incompetent General. As a result, many battles were mismanaged and many lives wasted due to the incompetent (wealthy privileged few) buying their way to the top. American politics today works on exactly the same system of wealthy patronage and privilege for the incompetent, read Clinton and Trump. Until the best candidates are able to rise up through the political system without buying their way there then the whole corrupt farce will continue and we will be no different to the all the other tin pot republics of the world.
arkley leadale 26 Oct 2016 5:48
As Wellington once said on reading the list of officers being sent out to him,
"My hope is that when the enemy reads these names he trembles as I do"
Some would argue however that the British system of bought commissions actually made the army more effective in part because many competent officers had to stay in the field roles of platoon and company commanders rather than get staff jobs and through the fact that promotion on merit did exist for non-commissioned officers but there was a block on rising above sergeant.

Some would argue that the British class system ensured that during the Industrial Revolution charge hands and foremen were appointed from the best workers but there was no way forward from that, the result being that the best practices were applied through having the best practitioners in charge at the sharp end.

rodmclaughlin 26 Oct 2016 4:37
"he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics."

Obviously, Donald Trump is not an "outsider" in the economic sense. Trump definitely belongs to the ruling "caste", or rather, "class". But he is by no means the perfect representative of it. "The global economy", or rather, "capitalism", thrives better with the free movement of (cheap) labour than without it. Economically, poor Americans would be better off with more immigration control.

And there's more too it than economics. There's the "culture wars" aspect. Many people don't like being told they are "deplorable" for opposing illegal (or even legal) immigration. They don't like being called "racist" for disagreeing with an ideology.

I like the phrase Monbiot ends with - "He is our system, stripped of its pretences" - it reminds me of a phrase in the Communist Manifesto - but I don't think it's true. "Our" system is more than capitalism, it's culture. And Clinton is a far more "perfect representation" of the increasingly censorious, narrow [neo]liberal culture which dominates the Western world.

Finally, Monbiot misses the chance to contrast Clinton's and Trump's apparent differences with regard to confronting nuclear-armed Russia over the skies of Syria. It could be like 1964 all over again - except in this election, the Democrat is the nearest thing to Barry Goldwater.

nishville 26 Oct 2016 4:40
As a life-long despiser of all things Trump, I cannot believe that I am saying this: Trump is good for world peace. He might be crap for everything else but I for one will sleep much better if he is elected POTUS.
dylan37 26 Oct 2016 4:40
Agree, for once, with a piece by George. Trump is nothing new - we've seen his kind of faux-outsider thing before, but he's amplifying it with the skills of a carnival barker and the "what me?" shrug of the everyman - when we all know he's not. The election result can't be rigged because the game is fixed from the start. A potential president needs millions of dollars behind them to even think about running, and then needs to repay those bought favours once in office. Trump may just win this one though - despite the polls, poor human qualities and negative press - simply because he's possibly tapped into a rich seam of anti-politics and a growing desire for anything different, even if it's distasteful and deplorable. It's that difference that might make the difference, even when it's actually just more of the same. It's all in the packaging.
greenwichite 26 Oct 2016 4:41
Donald Trump is a clumsy, nasty opportunist who has got one thing right - people don't want globalisation.

What people want, is clean, high-tech industries in their own countries, that automate the processes we are currently offshoring. They would rather their clothes were made by robots in Rochdale than a sweat-shop in India.

Same goes for energy imports: we want clean, local renewables.

What people don't want is large, unpleasant multinational corporations negotiating themselves tax cuts and "free trade" with corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton.

Just my opinion, of course...

TheSandbag -> greenwichite 26 Oct 2016 4:50
Your right about globalisation, but I think wrong about the automation bit. People want Jobs because its the only way to survive currently and they see them being shipped to the country with the easiest to exploit workforce. I don't think many of them realize that those jobs are never coming back. The socioeconomic system we exist in doesn't work for 90% of the population who are surplus to requirements for sustaining the other 10%.
Shadenfraude 26 Oct 2016 4:43
I fully agree with Monbiot, American democracy is a sham - the lobby system has embedded corruption right in the heart of its body politic. Lets be clear here though, whatever is the problem with American democracy can in theory at least be fixed, but Trump simply can not and moreover he is not the answer.

... ... ...

oddballs 26 Oct 2016 5:24

Trump threatened Ford that if they closed down US car plants and moved them to Mexico he would put huge import tariffs on their products making them to expensive.

Export of jobs to low wage countries, how do you think Americans feel when they buy 'sports wear, sweater, t-shirts shoes that cost say 3 $ to import into the US and then get sold for20 or 50 times as much, by the same US companies that moved production out of the country.

The anger many Americans feel how their lively-hoods have been outsourced, is the lake of discontent Trump is fishing for votes.

His opponent, war child and Wall Street darling can count her lucky stars that the media leaves her alone (with husband Bill, hands firmly in his pockets, nodding approvingly) and concentrates on their feeding frenzy attacking Trump on sexual allegations of abusing women, giving Hillery, Yes, likely to tell lies, ( mendacious, remember when she claimed to be under enemy fire in Bosnia? remember how evasive she was on the Benghazi attack on the embassy)
Yes Trump is a dangerous man running against an also extremely dangerous woman.

onepieceman 26 Oct 2016 5:31

Extremely interesting reference to the Madison paper, but the issue is less about the size of the electorate, and more about the power that the election provides to the victor.

One positive outcome that I hope will come of all of this is that people might think a little more carefully about how much power an incoming president (or any politician) should be given. The complacent assumption about a permanently benign government is overdue for a shakeup.

peccadillo -> Dean Alexander 26 Oct 2016 5:43

Democracy in the US is so corrupted by money that it is no longer recognisable as democracy. You can kick individual politicians out of office, but what do you do when the entire structure of politics is corrupt?

Having missed that bit, I wonder if you actually read the article.

tater 26 Oct 2016 5:46
The sad thing is that the victims of the corrupt economic and political processes are the small town folk who try to see Trump as their saviour. The globalisation that the US promoted to expand its hegemony had no safeguards to protect local economies from mega retail and finance corporations that were left at liberty to strip wealth from localities. The Federal transfer payments that might have helped compensate have been too small and were either corrupted pork barrel payments or shameful social security payments. For a culture that prides itself on independent initiative and self sufficiency this was always painful and that has made it all the easier for the lobbyists to argue against increased transfer payments and the federal taxes they require. So more money for the Trumps of this world.

And to the future. The US is facing the serious risk of a military take over. Already its foreign policy emanates from the military and the corruption brings it ever closer to the corporations. If the people don't demand better the coup will come.

MrMopp 26 Oct 2016 6:12

There's a reason turnout for presidential elections is barely above 50%.

Wised up, fed up Americans have long known their only choice is between a Coke or Pepsi President.

Well, this time they've got a Dr. Pepper candidate but they still know their democracy is just a commodity to be bought and sold, traded and paraded; their elections an almost perpetual presidential circus.

That a grotesque like Trump can emerge and still be within touching distance of the Whitehouse isn't entirely down to the Democrats disastrous decision to market New Clinton Coke. Although that's helped.

The unpalatable truth is, like Brexit, many Americans simply want to shake things up and shake them up bigly, even if it means a very messy, sticky outcome.

Anyone with Netflix can watch the classic film, "Network" at the moment. And it is a film of the moment.

"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be.

We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.'

Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. [shouting] You've got to say: 'I'm a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!'

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!

I want you to get up right now. Sit up. Go to your windows. Open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!...You've got to say, I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"

And that was in 1976. A whole lot of shit has happened since then but essentially, Coke is still Coke and Pepsi is still Pepsi.

Forty years later, millions are going to get out of their chairs. They are going to vote. For millions of Americans of every stripe, Trump is the "I'M AS MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE", candidate.

And he's in with a shout.

André De Koning 26 Oct 2016 6:13

Trump is indeed the embodiment of our collective Shadow (As Jung called this unconscious side of our Self). It does reflect the degeneration of the culture we live in where politics has turned into a travesty; where all projections of this side are on the Other, the usual other who we can collectively dislike. All the wars initiated by the US have started with a huge propaganda programme to hate and project our own Shadow on to this other. Often these were first friends, whether in Iran or Iraq, Libya: as soon as the oil was not for ""us" , they were depicted as monsters who needed action: regime change through direct invasion and enormous numbers of war crimes or through CIA programmed regime change, it all went according to shady plans and manipulation and lies lapped up by the masses.

When you look at speeches and conversations and debates with the so-called bogeyman, Putin, he is not at all in a league as low and vile as portrayed and says many more sensible things than anybody cares to listen to, because we're all brainwashed. We are complicit in wars (now in Syria) and cannot see why we have to connive with terrorists, tens of thousands of them, and they get supported by the war machine and friends like Saudis and Turkey which traded for years with ISIS.

The Western culture has become more vile than we could have imagined and slowly, like the frog in increasingly hot water, we have become used to neglecting most of the population of Syria and focusing on the rebel held areas, totally unaware of what has happened to the many thousands who have lived under the occupation by terrorists who come from abroad ad fight the proxy war for the US (and Saudi and the EU). Trump dares to embody all this, as does Clinton the war hawk, and shows us we are only capable of seeing one side and project all nastiness outward while we can feel good about ourselves by hating the other.

It fits the Decline of an Empire image as it did in other Falls of Civilizations.

tashe222 26 Oct 2016 6:28

Lots of virtue signalling from Mr. M.

Trump spoke to the executives at Ford like no one before ever has. He told them if they moved production to Mexico (as they plan to do) that he would slap huge tariffs on their cars in America and no one would buy them.

Trump has said many stupid things in this campaign, but he has some independence and is not totally beholden to vested interests, and so there is at least a 'glimmer' of hope for the future with him as Potus.

DomesticExtremist 26 Oct 2016 6:28

I never tire of posting this link:

Donald Trump and the Politics of Resentment

Lindsay Went DomesticExtremist 26 Oct 2016 6:58

Yes, when the Archdruid first posted that it helped me understand some of the forces that were driving Trump's successes. I disagree with the idea that voting for Trump is a good idea because it will bring change to a moribund system. Change is not a panacea and the type of change he is likely to bring is not going to be pleasant.

Hanwell123 -> ArseButter 26 Oct 2016 6:59

What happens in Syria could be important to us all. Clinton doesn't hide her ambition to drive Assad from power and give Russia a kicking. It's actually very unpopular although the media doesn't like to say so; it prefers to lambast Spain for re-fueling Russian war ships off to fight the crazed Jihadists as if we supported the religious fanatics that want to slaughter all Infidels! There is an enormous gulf between what ordinary people want and the power crazy Generals in the Pentagon and NATO.

unsubscriber 26 Oct 2016 6:43
George always writes so beautifully and so tellingly. My favourite sentence from this column is:
Their gleeful stoving in of faces, their cackling destruction of political safeguards and democratic norms, their stomping on all that is generous and caring and cooperative in human nature, have turned the party into a game of Mortal Kombat scripted by Breitbart News.
Cadmium 26 Oct 2016 6:51
Trump is not a misogynist, look the word up. He may be crude but that's not the same thing. He also represents a lot more people than a tiny faction. He is also advocating coming down on lobbying, which is good. He may be a climate change denier but that's because a lot of his supporters are, he'd probably change if they did. The way to deal with it is with rational argument, character assassination is counterproductive even if he himself does it. Although he seems to do it as a reaction rather than as an attack. He probably has a lot higher chance of winning than most people think since a lot of people outside the polls will feel represented by him and a lot of those included in the polls may not vote for Hilary.
ID4755061 26 Oct 2016 6:52
George Monbiot is right. Trump is a conduit for primal stuff that has always been there and never gone away. All the work that has been done to try to change values and attitudes, to make societies more tolerant and accepting and sharing, to get rid of xenophobia and racism and the rest, has merely supressed all these things. Also, while times were good (that hasn't been so for a long time) most of this subterranean stuff got glossed over most of the time by some kind of feel good factor and hope for a better future.

But once the protections have gone, if there is nothing to feel good about or there is little hope left, the primitive fear of other and strange and different kicks back in. It's a basic survival instinct from a time when everything around the human species was a threat and it is a fundamental part of us and Trump and Palin at al before him have got this, even if they don't articulate it this way, and it works and it will always work. It's a pure emotional response to threat that we can't avoid, the only way out of it, whihc many of use use, is to use our intellects to challenge the kick of emotion and see it for what it is and to understand the consequences of giving it free reign. It's this last bit that Trump, Palin, Farage and their ilk just don't get and never will, we aill always be fighting this fight.

PotholeKid 26 Oct 2016 6:56
Political culture includes the Clintons and Bushes, the Democratic party and Republican party. exploring that culture using the DNC and Podesta leaks as reference, paints a much better picture of the depth of depravity this culture represents..Trump is a symptom and no matter how much the press focuses on maligning his character. The Clintons share a huge responsibility for the corruption of the system. Mr. Monbiot would serve us well by looking at solutions for cleaning up the mess, what Trumps likes to call "Draining the swamp"
lonelysoul72 26 Oct 2016 6:59
Trump for me , he is horrendous but Clinton is worse.

nooriginalthought 26 Oct 2016 7:06

"Democracy in the U.S. is so corrupted by money it is no longer recognisable as democracy." Sounds like a quote from Frank Underwood. To catch a thief sometimes you need the services of a thief. With a fair degree of certainty we can be sure a Clinton administration will offer us continuity .

Your probably going to vote Trump. Looking forward to a long list of articles here in November prophecies of Armageddon a la brexit. You liberal lefties , you'll never learn. If you want to know what people are thinking , you got to get out of the echochamber.

nooriginalthought -> aurlius 26 Oct 2016 7:45

Sorry , hate having to explain myself to the dim witted.

USA has got itself in an unholy mess . It's politicians no longer work for the people . Their paymasters care not if life in Idaho resembles Dantes inferno .
Trump has many faults but being "not Hilary" is not one of them. The very fact he is disliked by all the vested interests should make you take another look.
And remember , the American constitution has many checks and balances , a President has a lot less power than most people imagine.

Pinkie123 26 Oct 2016 7:21

While it is impossible to credibly disagree with the general thrust of this, some of Monbiot's assumptions exemplify problems with left-wing thinking at the moment.

But those traits ensure that he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics. He is our system, stripped of its pretences.

Like many on the right, the left have unthinkingly accepted a narrative of an organized, conspiratorial system run by an elite of politicians and plutocrats. The problem with this narrative is it suggests politics and politicians are inherently nefarious, in turn suggesting there are no political solutions to be sought to problems, or anything people can do to challenge a global system of power. As Monbiot asks: "You can kick individual politicians out of office, but what do you do when the entire structure of politics is corrupt?" Well, what indeed?

I think Monbiot a principled, intelligent left-wing commentator, but at the same time he epitomises a left-wing retreat into pessimism in the face of a putatively global network of power and inevitable environmental catastrophe. In reality, while there is no shortage of perfidious, corrupt corporate interests dominating global economies, there is no organized system or shadowy establishment - only a chaotic mess rooted in complex political problems. Once you accept that reality, then it becomes possible to imagine political solutions to the quandaries confronting us. Rather than just railing against realities, you can envision a new world to replace them. And a new kind of world is something you very rarely get from the left these days. Unlike the utopian socialists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there is little optimism or imagination - just anger, pessimism and online echo chambers of 'clictivists'.

Like the documentarian Adam Curtis says, once you conclude that all politics is corrupt then all you can do is sit there impotently and say: 'Oh dear'.

deltajones -> Pinkie123 26 Oct 2016 8:12

I don't think you need to believe in an organised conspiracy and I don't see any real evidence that George Monbiot does. The trouble is that the corporate and political interests align in a way that absorbs any attempt to challenge them and the narrative has been written that of course politics is all about economics and of course we need mighty corporations to sustain us.

Even the left has largely taken on that narrative and it's seen as common sense. Challenging this belief system is the toughest job that there is and we see that in the howling indignation hurled at Jeremy Corbyn if he makes the slightest suggestion of nationalisation of the railways, for instance.

ianfraser3 26 Oct 2016 7:29

Not long after the start of the presidential campaign I began to reflect that in Trump we are seeing materializing before us the logical result of the neoliberal project, the ultimate shopping spree, buy an election.

furiouspurpose -> IllusionOfFairness 26 Oct 2016 8:08

The Republican party essentially offered their base nothing – that was the problem.

They couldn't offer all the things that ordinary Americans want – better and wider Medicaid, better and wider social security, tax increases on the rich, an end to pointless foreign wars and the American empire. None of these things were acceptable to their funders so that only left emotional issues – anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-god, pro-gun. And all of the emotional issues are on the wrong side of history as the US naturally grows more politically progressive. So the Republican party couldn't even deliver on the emotionally driven agenda. I think their base realised that they were being offered nothing – and that's why they turned to Trump. Perhaps a fascist blowhard could bulldoze the system to deliver on the emotional side of the offer. That's why Trump broke through

The Democrats have largely the same funding base, but they at least deliver crumbs – at least a nod to the needs of ordinary people through half-hearted social programmes. In the end the African Americans decided that Hillary could be relied upon to deliver some crumbs – so they settled for that. That's why Sanders couldn't break through.

fairleft 26 Oct 2016 7:55

Trump is imperfect because he wants normal relations rather than war with Russia. No, Hillary Clinton is the ultimate representation of the system that is abusing us. What will occur when Goldman Sachs and the military-industrial complex coalition get their, what is it, 5th term in office would be a great subject of many Guardian opinion pieces, actually. But that will have to wait till after November 8.

Such commentary would be greatly aided the Podesta emails, which enlighten us as to the mind and 'zeitgeist' of the HIllary team. And, of course, we also have Hillary's Wall Street speeches -- thanks to Wikileaks we have the complete transcripts, in case Guardian readers are unaware. They expose the real thinking and 'private positions' of the central character in the next episode of 'Rule by Plutocracy'.

But, of course, opinion columns and think pieces on the Real Hillary and the Podesta emails will have to wait ... forever.

toffee1 26 Oct 2016 7:58

Trump shows the true face of the ruling class with no hypocrisy. He is telling us the truth. If we have a democracy, we should have a party representing the interests of the business class, why not. The democrats is the party practicing hypocrisy, pretending that they somehow representing the interest of the working class. They are the ones spreading lies and hypocrisy and manipulating the working class everyday through their power over the media. Their function is to appease the working class. The real obstacle for improving conditions for the working class historically has always been the Democratic party, not the Republican party.

Kikinaskald Cadmium 26 Oct 2016 8:39
In fact presidents don't usually have much affect, they're prey to their advisors. Generally true. But Obama was able to show that he was able to distance himself up to a certain point from what was around him. He was aware of the power of the establishment and of their bias. So, when the wave against Iran was as strong as never before, he made a deal with Iran. He also didn't want to intervene more actively in Syria and even in what concerns Russia, he seems to have moderate positions.

In what concerns foreign politics, Trump some times seems more reasonable than Clinton and the establishment. Clinton is the best coached politician of all times. She doesn't know that she's coached. She just followed the most radical groups and isn't able to question anything at all. The only thing that the coaches didn't fix until now is her laughing which is considered even by her coaches as a sign of weirdness.

Kikinaskald -> J.K. Stevens 26 Oct 2016 9:09

She is considered to be highly aggressive, she pushed for the bombing of a few countries and intervening everywhere..

Chris Williams 26 Oct 2016 8:20

Unfortunately all politics in the west is based on a similar model with our own domestic landscape perhaps most closely resembling that in the US. We've always been peddled convenient lies of course, but perhaps as society itself becomes more polarised [in terms of distribution of wealth and the social consequences of that], the dissonance with the manufactured version of reality becomes ever sharper. It is deeply problematic because traditional popular media is dominated by the wealthy elite and the reality it depicts is as much a reflection of the consensual outlook of that elite as it is deliberate, organised mendacity [although there's plenty of that too].

Western economies are now so beholden to the patronage of the essentially stateless multinational, it has become a political imperative to appease their interests - it's difficult to see a future in which an administration might resist this force, because at its whim, national economies face ruination. In light of such helplessness our political representatives face an easier path in simply accepting their lot as mere administrators who will tinker at the margins [and potentially reap the rewards of a good servant], rather than hold to principle and resist an overwhelming force.

Meanwhile the electorate is become increasingly disaffected by this mainstream of politics who they [rightly] sense is no longer truly representative of their interests in any substantive way. To this backdrop the media has made notable blunders in securing the status quo. It has revealed the corruption and self-seeking of many in politics and promoted the widespread distrust of mainstream politicians for a variety of reasons. While the corruption is real and endemic, howls of protest against political 'outsiders' from this same press is met with with the view that the political establishment cannot be trusted engendered by the same sources.

The narrative for Brexit is somewhat similar. For many years the EU was the whipping boy for all our ills and the idea that it is fundamentally undemocratic in contrast to our own system, so unchallenged that it is taken for fact, even by the reasonably educated. Whilst I'm personally deflated and not a little worried by our exit, it comes as little surprise that a distorted perspective on the EU has led to a revolt against it.

There are of course now very many alternative narratives to those which are the preserve of monied media magnates, but they're disparate, fractured and unfocused.

Only the malaise has any sort of consistency about it and it is bitterly ironic that figures like Trump and Farage can so effectively plug into that in the guise of outsiders, to offer spurious alternatives to that which is so desperately needed. It's gloomy stuff.

Winstons1 Chris Williams 26 Oct 2016 9:27

Very well written .

Western economies are now so beholden to the patronage of the essentially stateless multinational, it has become a political imperative to appease their interests - it's difficult to see a future in which an administration might resist this force, because at its whim, national economies face ruination. In light of such helplessness our political representatives face an easier path in simply accepting their lot as mere administrators who will tinker at the margins [and potentially reap the rewards of a good servant], rather than hold to principle and resist an overwhelming force.

I have been an advocate of this point for a long time.There is a saying in politics in America that'' the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the speed at which they drop to their knees when big business walks into the room''.

How it is going to be stopped or indeed if there is the will to do so,I do not know. The proponents and those who have most to lose have been incredibly successful in propagating the myth that 'you to can have what I have'and have convinced a sizeable minority that there is no alternative.
Until that changes and is exposed for the illusion that it is ,we are I fear heading for something far worse than we have now.

trp981 26 Oct 2016 8:20 2 3

"Trump personifies the traits promoted by the media and corporate worlds he affects to revile; the worlds that created him. He is the fetishisation of wealth, power and image in a nation where extrinsic values are championed throughout public discourse. His conspicuous consumption, self-amplification and towering (if fragile) ego are in tune with the dominant narratives of our age."

Because this is who we are and this is how we role. We got on rickety ships and braved the cowardly waters to reach these shores, with tremendous realworld uncertainty and absolute religious zeal. We are the manly men and womanly women who manifested our destiny, endured the cruel nature naturing, and civilized the wild wild west, at the same time preserving our own wildness and rugged individualism. Why should we go all soft and namby-pamby with this social safety nonsense? Let the roadkills expire with dignified indignity on the margins of the social order. We will bequeath a glorious legacy to the Randian ubermenschen who will inherit this land from us. They will live in Thielian compounds wearing the trendiest Lululemons. They will regularly admonish their worses with chants of: "Do you want to live? Pay, pal". If we go soft, if we falter, how will we ever be able to look in the eye the ghosts of John Wayne, Marion Morrison, Curtis LeMay, Chuck Heston, Chuck Norris, and the Great Great Ronnie Himself? Gut-check time folks, suck it up and get on with the program.

"The political constitution of the United States is not, as Madison envisaged, representation tempered by competition between factions. The true constitution is plutocracy tempered by scandal."

The Founders had a wicked sense of humor. They set up the structure of various branches so as to allow for the possibility of a future take-over by the Funders. That leaves room for the exorbitant influence of corporations and wealthy individuals and the rise of the Trumps, leading to the eventual fall into a Mad Max world.

"Yes, [Trump] is a shallow, mendacious, boorish and extremely dangerous man. But those traits ensure that he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics. He is our system, stripped of its pretences."

It is irrelevant if everyone sees the emperor/system has no clothes, it quite enjoys walking around naked now that it has absolute power.

Lopedeloslobos -> trp981 26 Oct 2016 9:02

'It is irrelevant if everyone sees the emperor/system has no clothes, it quite enjoys walking around naked now that it has absolute power.'

Yes, they don't care any more if we see the full extent of their corruption as we've given up our power to do anything about it.

chiefwiley -> Luftwaffe 26 Oct 2016 9:31

It was once very common to see Democratic politicians as neighbors attending every community event. They were Teamsters, pipe fitters, and electricians. And they were coaches and ushers and pallbearers. Now they are academics and lawyers and NGO employees and managers who pop up during campaigns.
The typical income of the elected Democrats outside their government check is north of $100,000. They don't live in, or even wander through, the poorer neighborhoods. So they are essentially clueless that government services like busses are run to suit government and not actual customers.

It's sort of nice to have somebody looking after our interests in theory, but it would be at least polite if they deemed to ask us what we think our best interests are. Notice the nasty names and attributes being hurled at political "dissidents," especially around here, and there should be little wonder why many think the benevolent and somewhat single minded and authoritarian left is at least part of their problems.

ghstwrtrx7 -> allblues 26 Oct 2016 14:02

Yea, 15 years of constant wars of empire with no end in sight has pretty much ran this country in the ground.

We all talk about how much money is wasted by the federal government on unimportant endeavors like human services and education, but don't even bat an eye about the sieve of money that is the Pentagon.

Half a trillion dollars for aircraft carriers we don't need and are already obsolete. China is on the verge of developing wickedly effective anti-ship missiles designed specifically to target these Gerald R. Ford-class vessels. You might as well paint a huge bull's-eye on these ships' 4-1/2 acre flight deck.

And then there there's the most egregious waste of money our historically over-bloated defense budget has ever seen: The Lockheed-Martin F-35 Lightening II Joint Strike Fighter. Quite a mouthful, isn't? When you hear how much this boondoggle costs the American taxpayer, you'll choke: $1.5 Trillion, with a t. What's even more retching is that aside from already being obsolete, it doesn't even work.

There are plenty more examples of this crap and this doesn't even include the nearly TWO trillion dollars we've spent this past decade-and-a-half on stomping flat the Middle East and large swaths of the Indian subcontinent.
And all this time, our nation's infrastructure is crumbling literally right out from underneath us and millions upon millions of children and their families experience a daily struggle just to eat. Eat?! In the "greatest," wealthiest nation on earth and we prefer to kill people at weddings with drones than feed our own children.

I can't speak for anyone else other than myself, but that, boys and girls, has a decided miasma of evil about it.

transplendent 26 Oct 2016 9:49

I'd like to read an unbiased piece about why the media narrative doesn't match the reality of the Trump phenomenon. He is getting enormous crowds attend his rallies but hardly any coverage of that in the filtered news outlets. Hillary, is struggling to get anyone turn up without paying them. There is no real enthusiasm.

If Hillary doesn't win by a major landslide (and I mean BIGLY) as the MSM would lead us to believe she is going to, it could be curtains for the media, as what little credibility that is not already swirling around the plughole will disappear down it once and for all.

The buzzwords and tired old catch phrases and cliches used by the left to suppress any alternative discussion, and divert from their own misdemeanors are fooling no one but themselves. Trump supporters simply don't care any more how Hillary supporters explain that she lied about dodging sniper fire. Or the numerous other times she and her cohorts have been caught out telling fibs.

leftofstalin 26 Oct 2016 10:06

Sorry George YOU and the chattering classes you represent are the reason for the rise of the far right blinded by the false promises of new labour and it's ilk the working classes have been demonized as striking troublemakers benefit frauds racists uneducated bigots etc etc and going by the comments on these threads from remainders you STILL don't understand the psyche of the working class

Gary Ruddock 26 Oct 2016 10:07

When Obama humiliated Trump at that dinner back in 2011 he may have set a course for his own destruction. Lately, Obama does not appear anywhere near as confident as he once did.

Perhaps Trump has seen the light, seen the error of his ways, maybe he realizes if he doesn't stand up against the system, then no one will.

transplendent 26 Oct 2016 10:38

Trump's only crime, is he buys into the idea of national identity and statehood (along with every other nation state in the world mind you), and Hillary wants to kick down the doors and hand over the US to Saudi Arabia and any international vested interest who can drop a few dollars into the foundation coffers. I can't see Saudi Arabia throwing open the doors any day soon, unless it is onto a one way street.

N.B. The Russians are not behind it.

gjjwatson 26 Oct 2016 11:10

Very true. Throughout history the rich, the powerful, the landed, ennobled interest and their friends in the Law and money changing houses have sought to control governments and have usually succeeded.

In the Media today the rich are fawned over by sycophantic journalists and programme makers. These are the people who make the political weather and create the prevailing narratives.

I remember when President Reagan railed against government whilst he was in office, he said the worst words a citizen could hear were "I`m from the government, I`m here to help you".

Working class people fancied themselves to above the common herd and thought themselves part of some elite.

All of this chimes of course with American history and it`s constitution written by slave owning colonists who proclaimed that "all men are created equal".

bonhiver 26 Oct 2016 12:10

It's quite disturbing the lengths this paper will go to in order to slur and discredit Trump, labelling him dangerous and alluding to the sexual assault allegations. This even goes so far to a very lengthy article regarding Trumps lack of knowledge on the Rumbelows Cup 25 years ago.

Whereas very little examination is made into Hillary Clinton's background which includes serious allegation of fraud and involvement in assisting in covering up her husband's alleged series of rapes. There are also issues in the wikileaks emails that merit analysis as well as undercover tapes of seioau issues with her campaign team.

Whereas it is fair to criticise Trump for a lot of stuff it does appear that there is no attempt at balance as Clinton's faults appear to get covered up om this paper.

Whereas I can not vote in the US elections and therefore the partisan reporting has no substantive effect on how I may vote or act it is troubling that a UK newspaper does not provide the reader with an objective as possible reporting on the presidential race.

It suggests biased reporting elsewhere.

thevisitor2015 26 Oct 2016 12:46

One of the most important characteristics of the so-called neoliberalism is its negative selection. While mostly successfully camouflaged, that negative selection is more than obvious this time, in two US presidential candidates. It's hard to imagine lower than those two.

seamuspadraig 26 Oct 2016 13:37

Well, OK George. Tell me: if Trump's such an establishment candidate, then why does the whole of the establishment unanimously reject him? Is it normal for Republicans (such as the Bushes and the neocons) to endorse Democrats? Why does even the Speaker of the House (a Republican) and even, on occasion, Trump's own Vice-Presidential nominee seem to be trying to undermine his campaign? If Trump is really just more of the same as all that came before, why is he being treated different by the MSM and the political establishment?

Obviously, there's something flawed about your assumption.

CharlesPDXOr -> seamuspadraig 26 Oct 2016 13:58

I think the answer to your question is in the article: because Trump has brought the truth of the monied class into the open. He is a perfect example of all that class is and tries to pretend it is not. And when the commoners see this in front of them, a whole lot of them are disgusted by it. That doesn't sit well back in the country club and the boardroom, where they work so hard to keep all of that behind closed doors. They hate him because he is one of them and is spilling the beans on all of them.

bill9651 26 Oct 2016 13:01

Trump has exposed the corruption of the political system and the media and has promised to put a stop to it. By contrast, Clinton is financed by the very banks, corporates and financial elites who are responsible for the corruption. This Trump speech is explicit on what we all suspected is going on. Everybody should watch it, irrespective of whether they support him or not!

Frances56 26 Oct 2016 13:54

Michael Moore explaining why a lot of people like him

"I know a lot of people in Michigan that are planning to vote for Trump and they don't necessarily agree with him. They're not racist or redneck, they're actually pretty decent people and so after talking to a number of them I wanted to write this.

Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club and stood there in front of Ford Motor executives and said "if you close these factories as you're planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I'm going to put a 35% tariff on those cars when you send them back and nobody's going to buy them." It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives, and it was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - the "Brexit" states.

You live here in Ohio, you know what I'm talking about. Whether Trump means it or not, is kind of irrelevant because he's saying the things to people who are hurting, and that's why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump. He is the human Molotov Cocktail that they've been waiting for; the human hand grande that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them. And on November 8, although they lost their jobs, although they've been foreclose on by the bank, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone, the car's been repoed, they haven't had a real vacation in years, they're stuck with the shitty Obamacare bronze plan where you can't even get a fucking percocet, they've essentially lost everything they had except one thing - the one thing that doesn't cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American constitution: the right to vote.
They might be penniless, they might be homeless, they might be fucked over and fucked up it doesn't matter, because it's equalized on that day - a millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job: one. And there's more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class. So on November 8 the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain, and take that lever or felt pen or touchscreen and put a big fucking X in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J Trump.

They see that the elite who ruined their lives hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate. Thank you media: the enemy of my enemy is who I'm voting for on November 8.

Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right. Trump's election is going to be the biggest fuck you ever recorded in human history and it will feel good."

Michael Moore

Debreceni 26 Oct 2016 14:15

Mrs Clinton is also the product of our political culture. A feminist who owes everything to her husband and men in the Democratic Party. A Democrat who started her political career as a Republican; a civil right activist who worked for Gerry Goldwater, one of last openly racist/segregationist politicians. A Secretary of State who has no clue about, or training in, foreign policy, and who received her position as compensation for losing the election. A pacifist, who has never had a gun in her hands, but supported every war in the last twenty years. A humanist who rejoiced over Qaddafi's death ("we came, we won, he is dead!") like a sadist.

Both candidates have serious weaknesses. Yet Trump is very much an American character, his vices and weaknesses are either overlooked, or widely shared, secretively respected and even admired (even by those who vote against him). Clinton's arrogance, elitism and hypocrisy, coupled with her lack of talent, charisma and personality, make her an aberration in American politics.

BabylonianSheDevil03 26 Oct 2016 15:26

One thing that far right politics offers the ordinary white disaffected voter is 'pay back', it is a promised revenge-fest, putting up walls, getting rid of foreigners, punishing employers of foreigners, etc., etc. All the stuff that far right groups have wet dreams about.

Farage used the same tactics in the UK. Le Pen is the same.

Because neoliberal politics has left a hell of a lot of people feeling pissed off, the far right capitalizes on this, whilst belonging to the same neoliberal dystopia so ultimately not being able to make good on their promises. Their promises address a lot of people's anger, which of course isn't really about foreigners at all, that is simply the decoy, but cutting through all the crap to make that clear is no easy task, not really sure how it can be done, certainly no political leader in the western hemisphere has the ability to do so.

ProseBeforeHos 26 Oct 2016 15:45

"But those traits ensure that he is not an outsider but the perfect representation of his caste, the caste that runs the global economy and governs our politics."

Wrong as always. Trump *is* an outsider. He's an unabashed nationalist who's set him up against the *actual* caste that governs our politics: Neo-liberal internationalists with socially trendy left-liberal politics (but not so left that they don't hire good tax lawyers to avoid paying a fraction of what they are legally obliged to).

Best represented in the Goldman Sachs executives who are donating millions to Hillary Clinton because they are worried about Trump's opposition to free trade, and they know she will give them *everything* they want.

Trumps the closest thing we're gotten to a genuine threat to the system in a long, long time, so of course George Monbiot and the rest of the Guardian writers has set themselves against him, because if you're gonna be wrong about the EU, wrong about New Labour, wrong about social liberalism, wrong about immigration, why change the habit of a lifetime?

aofeia1224 26 Oct 2016 16:09

"What is the worst thing about Donald Trump? The lies? The racist stereotypes? The misogyny? The alleged gropings? The apparent refusal to accept democratic outcomes?"

Lies: Emails, policy changes based on polls showing a complete lack of conviction, corporate collusion, Bosnia, Clinton Foundation, war mongering, etc.
Racist stereotypes: Super predators. Misogyny: Aside from her laughing away her pedophile case and allegedly threatening the women who came out against Bill, you've also got this sexist gem "Women are the primary victims of war".

Alleged gropings: Well she's killed people by texting. So unless your moral compass is so out of whack that somehow a man JOKING about his player status in private is worse than Clinton's actions throughout her political career, then I guess you could make the case that Clinton at least doesn't have this skeleton in her closet.

Refusal to accept democratic outcomes: No. He's speaking out against the media's collusion with the democratic party favoring Clinton over every other nominee, including Bernie Sanders. He's talking about what was revealed in the DNC leaks and the O'Keefe tapes that show how dirty the tactics have been in order to legally persuade the voting public into electing one person or the other.

Besides that, who cares about his "refusal" to accept the outcome? The American people protested when Bush won in 2000 saying it was rigged. Same goes with Obama saying the same "anti democratic" shit back in 2008 in regards to the Bush Administration.

Pot call kettle black

caravanserai 26 Oct 2016 16:16

Republicans are crazy and their policies make little sense. Neo-conservatism? Trickle down economics? Getting the poor to pay for the mess created by the bankers in 2008? Trump knows what sells to his party's base. He throws them red meat. However, the Democrats are not much better. They started to sell out when Bill Clinton was president. They pretend to still be the party of the New Deal, but they don't want to offend Wall Street. US democracy is in trouble.

rooolf 26 Oct 2016 16:24

When do the conspiracy theories about the criminality of his opponent no longer count as conspiracies? When we have a plethora of emails confirming there is indeed fire next to that smoke, corruption fire, collusion fire, fire of contempt for the electorate. When we have emails confirming the Saudi Arabians are actually funding terrorist schools across the globe, emails where Hilary herself admits it, but will not say anything publicly about terrorism and Saudi Arabia, what's conspiracy and what's reality?

Is it because Saudi Arabia funded her foundation with $23 million, or because it doesn't fit with her great 'internationalists' global agenda?

Either way there seems to be some conspiring of some sort

When is it no longer theory? And where does the guardian fit into this corrupted corporate media idea?

Yep trump is a buffoon, but the failure of all media to deliver serious debate means the US is about to elect someone probably more dangerous than trump, how the hell can that be

rooolf 26 Oct 2016 16:35

What the author overlooks is the media's own complicity in allowing this to develop

Unfortunately the corruption of the system is so entrenched it takes an abnormality like trump to challenge it

Hard to believe, but trump is a once in a lifetime opportunity to shake shit up, not a pleasant one, in fact a damn ugly opportunity, but the media shut him down, got all caught up in self preservation and missed the opportunity

it what comes next that is scary

BScHons -> rooolf 26 Oct 2016 17:09

Nothing wrong with a liberal internationalist utopia, it sounds rather good and worth striving for. It's just that what they've been pushing is actually a neoliberal globalist nirvana for the 1 per cent

rooolf BScHons 26 Oct 2016 17:17

Totally agree

The problem is the left this paper represents were bought off with the small change by neoliberalism, and they expect the rest of us to suck it up so the elites from both sides can continue the game

Talking about the environment and diversity doesn't cut it

mrjonno 26 Oct 2016 17:02

Well said as ever George. Humanity is in a total mess as we near the end of the neoliberal model. That the USA has a choice between two 'demopublicans' is no choice at all.

I would go further in your analysis - media controlled by these sociopaths has ensured that our society shares the same values - we are a bankrupt species as is.

As long as you are here to provide sensible analysis, along with Peter Joseph, I have hope that we can pull out of the nosedive that we are currently on a trajectory for.

Thank you for your sane input into an otherwise insane world. Thank you Mr Monbiot.

annedemontmorency 26 Oct 2016 19:08

We'll ignore the part about the inability to accept democratic outcomes since that afflicts so many people and organisations - Brexit , anyone?

More to the point is how the summit of US politics produces candidates like Trump and Clinton.

Clinton is suffering the same damage the LibDems received during their coalition with the Tories .Proximity to power exposed their inadequacies and hypocrisy in both cases.

Trump - unbelievably - remains a viable candidate but only because Hillary Clinton reeks of graft and self interest.
The obvious media campaign against Trump could also backfire - voters know a hatchet job when they see one - they watch House of Cards.

But politics is odd around the whole world.
The Guardian is running a piece about the Pirate party in Iceland.

Why go so far? - the most remarkable coup in recent politics was UKIP forcing a vote on the EU which it not only won it did so in spite of only ever having ONE MP out of 630.

Trump may be America's UKIP - he resembles them in so many ways.

ID6209069 26 Oct 2016 20:35

It's possible that something like this was inevitable, in a nation which is populated by "consumers" rather than as citizens. There are "valuable demographics" versus those that aren't worthy of the attention of the constant bombardment of advertising. I jokingly said last year that as I was turning 55 last year, I am no longer in the 'coveted 29-54 demo'. My worth as a consumer has been changed merely by reaching a certain age, so I now see fewer ads about cars and electronics and more about prescription medicines. The product of our media is eyeballs, not programs or articles. The advertising is the money maker, the content merely a means of luring people in for a sales pitch, not to educate or inform. If that structure sells us a hideous caricature of a successful person and gives him political power, as long as the ad dollars keep rolling in.

GreyBags 26 Oct 2016 21:19

This is the culmination of living in a post-truth political world. Lies and smears, ably supported by the corporate media and Murdoch in particular means that the average person who doesn't closely follow politics is being misinformed.

The complete failure of right wing economic 'theories' means they only have lies, smears and the old 'divide and conquer' left in their arsenal. 'Free speech' is their attempt to get lies and smears equal billing with the truth. All truth on the other hand must be suppressed. All experts and scientists who don't regurgitate the meaningless slogans of the right will be ignored, traduced, defunded, disbanded or silenced by law.

We see the same corrupted philosophy in Australia as well.

JamesCameron 7d ago

Yet Trump, the "misogynist, racist and bigot"' has more women in executive and managerial positions than any comparable company, pays these women the same or more than their male counterparts and fought the West Palm Beach City Council to be allowed to open his newly purchased club to blacks and Jews who had been banned until then. I suspect his views do chime with Americans fed up with political correctness gone mad as well as the venality of the administration of Barak Obama, a machine politician with dodgy bagmen from Chicago – the historically corrupt city in Illinois, the most corrupt state in the Union. Finally, unlike The Hilary, he has actually held down a job, worked hard and achieved success and perhaps they are more offended by what she does than what he says.

aucourant 7d ago

Not so much an article about Trump as much as a rant. George Monbiot writes with the utter conviction of one who mistakenly believes that his readers share his bigotry. When he talks about the 'alleged gropings' or the 'alleged refusal to accept democratic outcomes', that is exactly what they are 'alleged'.

The Democratic Party has been dredging up porn-stars and wannabe models who now make claims that Trump tried to 'kiss them without asking'. This has become the nightly fare of the mainstream media in the USA. At the same time the media ignores the destruction of Clinton's emails, the bribing of top FBI officials who are investigating the destroyed tapes and the giving of immunity to all those who aided Clinton in hiding and destroying subpoenaed evidence.

The press also ignored the tapes of the DNC paying thugs to cause violence at Trump rallies, the bribes paid to the Clintons for political favours and the stealing of the election from Bernie Sanders. Trump is quite right to think the 'democratic outcome' is being fixed. Not only were the votes for Sanders manipulated, but Al Gore's votes were also altered and manipulated to ensure a win for Bush in the 2000 presidential election. The same interests who engineered the 2000 election have switched from supporting the Republican Party to supporting Clinton.

Anomander64 6d ago

Great article. The neoliberals have been able to control the narrative and in doing so have managed to scapegoat all manner of minority groups, building anger among those disaffected with modern politics. Easy targets - minorities, immigrants, the poor, the disadvantaged and the low-paid workers.

The real enemy here are those sitting atop the corporate tree, but with the media controlled by them, the truth is never revealed.

mochilero7687 5d ago

Perhaps next week George will write in detail about all the scandals Hildabeast has caused and been involved in over the past 40 years - which have cost the US govt tens of millions of dollars and millions of man hours - but I won't be holding my breath.

[Nov 02, 2016] Donald gave a great speech a couple of weeks or so ago, and clearly is not the kind of puppet that occupied this high political office now

Speeches does not matter much, especially in case of Hillary, who will forget about her election promises sooner then Obama and like Obama is able to turn around on a dime. But still there is some truth to that. Looks like the elite is slip. Look into NYPost -- it is strongly pro-Trump. Since 1993, Post has been owned by , Rupert Murdoch News Corporation and its successor, News Corp , which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. In 1976, Rupert Murdoch bought Post for US$30.5 million
Nov 02, 2016 |
Kayman billhicks Nov 2, 2016 5:51 PM ,
The TPTB doesn't want Trump. They are just coming to the realization they are about to have their wrists handcuffed to their ankles.
billhicks Kayman Nov 2, 2016 7:02 PM ,
Not sure. And neither are u. As the proportion of red pillers increases, exponentially now perhaps, TPTB may change tact. Donald gave a great speech a couple of weeks or so ago, and clearly is not the kind of puppet who has been instilled into high political office thus far.

However, is it not possible that TPTB realise all of this populism and moreover the insightful but significant minority is becoming an issue. And perhaps Trump can either placate or give them a scapegoat.

It is also possible he's either an elaborately cloaked puppet or they think they can manipulate him eventually or worse. He is good, or rather better than what has come before. But is he the real deal? Possibly. Worth a try of course. He may save us. Economy will tank on the next POTUS.

She will undoubtedly make it worse. He may make it better. Ron Paul would have saved us if we/they let him. That chance has gone. Am waiting for one of the new wave of populist anti-politicians to really lift the curtain. Trump has threatened to do it. Perhaps even the good ones realize that if they dish out red pills like smartest then it's game over...

[Nov 02, 2016] Veterans, Feeling Abandoned, Stand by Donald Trump by NICHOLAS CONFESSORE

Notable quotes:
"... The roster of retired military officers endorsing Hillary Clinton in September glittered with decoration and rank. One former general led the American surge in Anbar, one of the most violent provinces in Iraq. Another commanded American-led allied forces battling the Taliban in Afghanistan . Yet another trained the first Iraqis to combat Islamic insurgents in their own country. ..."
"... After 15 years at war, many who served in Iraq or Afghanistan are proud of their service but exhausted by its burdens. They distrust the political class that reshaped their lives and are frustrated by how little their fellow citizens seem to understand about their experience. ..."
"... "When we jump into wars without having a real plan, things like Vietnam and things like Iraq and Afghanistan happen," said William Hansen, a former Marine who served two National Guard tours in Iraq. "This is 16 years. This is longer than Vietnam." ..."
Nov 02, 2016 |

The roster of retired military officers endorsing Hillary Clinton in September glittered with decoration and rank. One former general led the American surge in Anbar, one of the most violent provinces in Iraq. Another commanded American-led allied forces battling the Taliban in Afghanistan . Yet another trained the first Iraqis to combat Islamic insurgents in their own country.

But as Election Day approaches, many veterans are instead turning to Donald J. Trump , a businessman who avoided the Vietnam draft and has boasted of gathering foreign policy wisdom by watching television shows.

Even as other voters abandon Mr. Trump, veterans remain among his most loyal supporters, an unlikely connection forged by the widening gulf they feel from other Americans.

After 15 years at war, many who served in Iraq or Afghanistan are proud of their service but exhausted by its burdens. They distrust the political class that reshaped their lives and are frustrated by how little their fellow citizens seem to understand about their experience.

Perhaps most strikingly, they welcome Mr. Trump's blunt attacks on America's entanglements overseas.

"When we jump into wars without having a real plan, things like Vietnam and things like Iraq and Afghanistan happen," said William Hansen, a former Marine who served two National Guard tours in Iraq. "This is 16 years. This is longer than Vietnam."

In small military towns in California and North Carolina, veterans of all eras cheer Mr. Trump's promises to fire officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs . His attacks on political correctness evoke their frustrations with tortured rules of engagement crafted to serve political, not military, ends. In Mr. Trump's forceful assertion of strength, they find a balm for wounds that left them broken and torn.

"He calls it out," said Joshua Macias, a former Navy petty officer and fifth-generation veteran who lives in the Tidewater region of Virginia, where he organized a "Veterans for Trump" group last year. "We have intense emotion connected to these wars. The way it was politicized, the way they changed the way we fight in a war setting - it's horrible how they did that."

[Nov 02, 2016] Trump Slams Media in Miami - Crowd Chants CNN Sucks

Notable quotes:
"... Never before have so many media organizations, old and new, abandoned all pretense of fairness to take sides and try to pick a president. It is unbelievable. ..."
Nov 02, 2016 |
Trump called integrity in journalism an important issue, but then denounced the media as "dishonest" and cited a New York Post piece by Michael Goodwin.

"Another important issue for Americans his integrity in journalism," Trump said. "These people are among the most dishonest people I have ever met, spoken to, done business with. These are the most dishonest people. There has never been dishonesty – there has never been dishonesty like we have seen in this election. There has never been anywhere near the media dishonesty like we have seen in this election. Don't worry, they won't spin the cameras to show the massive crowds. They won't do that.

The very talented Michael Goodwin of the New York Post just wrote today that 2016 presidential race will mark the low watermark of journalism that is worthy, if you think of it, of the First Amendment. Never before have so many media organizations, old and new, abandoned all pretense of fairness to take sides and try to pick a president. It is unbelievable. Honestly. for instance, a great story given out to the media they'll make it look as bad as possible – as bad possible.

[Nov 02, 2016] This presidential race is the low-water mark of American journalism

Notable quotes:
"... A survey covering 12 weeks of the campaign after the summer conventions found that 91 percent of Trump coverage on the three largest broadcast networks was "hostile." The Media Research Center also found that much of the focus was on Trump's personal life, while the networks downplayed investigations into Clinton's emails and her family foundation. ..."
"... Thanks to WikiLeaks, we have irrefutable evidence that none of this is based on journalism standards. Rather, it reflects the incestuous relationship between liberal members of elite media organizations and the Democratic Party. The alliance mocks any claims that the media are independent. ..."
"... John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman, was caught fielding flattering comments from reporters and columnists and guiding coverage. One Politico reporter, Glenn Thrush, sent Podesta a story to review before it was published, calling himself a "hack" and pleading, "Please don't share or tell anyone I did this." ..."
"... CNN proved that its nickname, the Clinton News Network, is deserved. Only after WikiLeaks showed that Democratic Party honcho Donna Brazile, a paid commentator, twice gave Clinton debate questions in advance did the network sever its ties with her. ..."
"... Tellingly, Clinton never rejected the insider advantage against rival Bernie Sanders, nor seemed surprised by it. And CNN still shows no curiosity about whether anyone else participated in the scam. ..."
"... When the New York Times crossed the Rubicon by allowing reporters to express their opinions in so-called news stories, the floodgates opened across the country as imitators followed suit. ..."
"... The decision by editor Dean Baquet to dismantle the standards of the Times to try to elect Clinton will not be easy to reverse after the campaign. The standards were developed over decades to build public trust, and removing them elevates the editor's bias to policy. ..."
Nov 01, 2016 |

In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned America about the "unwarranted influence" of a "military-industrial complex." Were he speaking today, Ike might be warning about a media-political complex.

And for the same reason - the dangers to democracy and liberty of "the disastrous rise of misplaced power."

However it ends, the 2016 presidential race will mark the low-water mark of journalism that is worthy of the First Amendment. Never before have so many media organizations, old and new, abandoned all pretense of fairness to take sides and try to pick a president.

Their cozy confederacy with the incumbent political faction is largely in opposition to public will. Although polls show a tight race for the White House, studies find staggeringly lopsided coverage, with Donald Trump getting far more negative coverage than Hillary Clinton.

A survey covering 12 weeks of the campaign after the summer conventions found that 91 percent of Trump coverage on the three largest broadcast networks was "hostile." The Media Research Center also found that much of the focus was on Trump's personal life, while the networks downplayed investigations into Clinton's emails and her family foundation.

Thanks to WikiLeaks, we have irrefutable evidence that none of this is based on journalism standards. Rather, it reflects the incestuous relationship between liberal members of elite media organizations and the Democratic Party. The alliance mocks any claims that the media are independent.

John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chairman, was caught fielding flattering comments from reporters and columnists and guiding coverage. One Politico reporter, Glenn Thrush, sent Podesta a story to review before it was published, calling himself a "hack" and pleading, "Please don't share or tell anyone I did this."

CNN proved that its nickname, the Clinton News Network, is deserved. Only after WikiLeaks showed that Democratic Party honcho Donna Brazile, a paid commentator, twice gave Clinton debate questions in advance did the network sever its ties with her.

Tellingly, Clinton never rejected the insider advantage against rival Bernie Sanders, nor seemed surprised by it. And CNN still shows no curiosity about whether anyone else participated in the scam.

It is hard to escape the conclusion that playing favorites, while pretending to be neutral, is business-as-usual. The only difference is that WikiLeaks exposed the ugly truth. Much of the media world has long tilted left, but this year, the bias became open and notorious war because the liberal bell cow decided that Trump was not deserving of basic fairness.

When the New York Times crossed the Rubicon by allowing reporters to express their opinions in so-called news stories, the floodgates opened across the country as imitators followed suit.

The decision by editor Dean Baquet to dismantle the standards of the Times to try to elect Clinton will not be easy to reverse after the campaign. The standards were developed over decades to build public trust, and removing them elevates the editor's bias to policy.

As such, the decision establishes a political litmus test for hiring, and new employees likely will be expected to echo the party line in their "reporting." Let's see how many conservatives or even moderates get promoted, and whether religiously observant employees feel discriminated against.

This "disastrous rise of misplaced power" is visible each and every day as the Times' front-page headlines read like editorials in slamming Trump and boosting Clinton. Tuesday's was a classic, with the top story accusing Trump of a "tax dodge" 30 years ago.

See also The New York Times abandoned its integrity just to bash Donald Trump

[Nov 02, 2016] The real obstacle for improving conditions for the working class historically has always been the Democratic party, not the Republican party

Nov 02, 2016 |

toffee1 26 Oct 2016 7:58

Trump shows the true face of the ruling class with no hypocrisy. He is telling us the truth. If we have a democracy, we should have a party representing the interests of the business class, why not. The democrats is the party practicing hypocrisy, pretending that they somehow representing the interest of the working class. They are the ones spreading lies and hypocrisy and manipulating the working class everyday through their power over the media. Their function is to appease the working class. The real obstacle for improving conditions for the working class historically has always been the Democratic party, not the Republican party.

[Nov 02, 2016] Cory Bernardi warns One Nation will rise if migration not halved

Notable quotes:
"... Actually there is a point about reducing migration that can be rationally made. It's not about racial purity or demonising refugees but the prospect of high population growth brings great challenges and a. Need to assess what population Australia can reasonably sustain. ..."
"... It's interesting that Australia has benefited greatly by migration since WW2. The enriching of our economic and cultural fabric has been incontestable. But maybe we've reached the safe limits of population growth. Even the Bernadis and Abetz clans have reached here relatively recently. ..."
"... Call me old fashioned but I thought it was the responsibility of Governments to develop sound policies in the interests of the country and EXPLAIN them to the voters so that they can get understanding and support. This seems to be way beyond our politicians now, they throw anything up in the air and abandon it when there is opposition. So much for integrity and conviction. ..."
"... This morning an economic think tank recommended doubling the immigration intake, saying it would "increase per capita GDP" despite the fact that per capita GDP has gone backwards due to increased migration. ..."
"... If you halved the current migration rate it would return to historical levels, and be better for the economy and for the well being of the people already here. ..."
"... The problem is not with migration in this country, but with the 457 visa program where employers, like Caltex and 7Eleven, pay below award wages and provide poor working conditions. ..."
"... This flows on into the broader community festering discontent amongst Australians who see their jobs and employment conditions disappearing. ..."
"... Rather than focusing on immigrants, how about a thoughtful discussion of growth: what it means, how it ought to be measured, what's good and bad about it, and moving forward, what we as a society want in those terms. Immigration will assume a far more meaningful place in the context of a discussion of that kind, which would hopefully incorporate a strong environmental focus. But even in terms of the latter, issues of sustainability are not simply about raw population numbers but ultimately about lifestyle, modes of consumption, and energy use. ..."
"... What's really interesting here are the telling contradictions within the governing party between its fundamental commitments to neo-liberalism and ever-increasing growth in GDP as absolute goods, and its stumbling attempts to also embrace political reaction against the economic consequences of both policies. ..."
"... In that sense Bernardi is a useful idiot - plays to reaction through the red herring of prejudice (plus allowing the extreme right in the LNP to vent a bit of steam) while remaining rock-solid behind neo-liberalism and free markets -- at least, when it comes to the free movement of capital anyway (though the LNP has very astutely used various categories of working visa as an attempt to gradually entrench the movement of labour also, though not in any 'free' sense, just in the interests of maximizing profits). ..."
"... Yes it has, but Australia is now a vastly different place to what it was in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Back then there was plenty of land and housing, jobs available to anyone who wanted them, and the roads and hospitals were virtually empty. ..."
"... Australia isn't like that anymore and anyone living in the major cities knows how overcrowded they currently are. The 2 bedroom flat opposite me is being rented out and 7 people are living in it. Also, one of the garages downstairs is being occupied by a small family of three.. ..."
"... We need pro family policies if we wish to reduce migration. Working women must be given bigger incentives. ..."

Liberal senator, who has reiterated his support for Trump while on taxpayer-funded secondment to the UN, calls on government to 'reconsider' refugee intake

quintal -> MadDuck

Hi mad duck

Actually there is a point about reducing migration that can be rationally made. It's not about racial purity or demonising refugees but the prospect of high population growth brings great challenges and a. Need to assess what population Australia can reasonably sustain.

We are, Antarctica aside, the driest, ,soil poor of all the continents. To put further pressure on our resources by too great a population increase is not wise.

It's interesting that Australia has benefited greatly by migration since WW2. The enriching of our economic and cultural fabric has been incontestable. But maybe we've reached the safe limits of population growth. Even the Bernadis and Abetz clans have reached here relatively recently.

It's also instructive that those countries with relatively small populations that invest in people as opposed to mines are economically more successful than are we. Think Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland. Taken together they have about half of Austrlias population and are amongst the strongest economies in the world.

So there's an irony that Senator BErnadi, detestable in so many of his statements, makes some common purpose with environmental groups .

Ironic but I suppose that it is what it is and the issue needs some careful thought.


Alpo88 1h ago

"Cory Bernardi warns One Nation will rise if migration not halved"....

Liberal Civil War- Dispatch from the front N. 22:

General Bernardi, commander of the Third Infantry Division of the Confederate Army of the Australian Conservatives has sent an ultimatum to the besieged contingent of the Army of the Waffler in Canberra warning that an all out assault, with a taking-no-prisoners rule is being prepared unless the Waffler's Army surrenders immediately and unconditionally.

Commander in Chief Gen. Turnbull is reported to be in his bunker, frantically thinking how to respond to the ultimatum: a task that he has described to his entourage as "squaring the circle in a way that nobody notices I have failed in the task"....
A review of the young stormtroopers deployed to protect the bunker is planned for this afternoon....

Facebook Twitter

McMurdo 1h ago

What an intelligent approach, there is criticism of policy so drop it quickly.

Call me old fashioned but I thought it was the responsibility of Governments to develop sound policies in the interests of the country and EXPLAIN them to the voters so that they can get understanding and support. This seems to be way beyond our politicians now, they throw anything up in the air and abandon it when there is opposition. So much for integrity and conviction.

Of course Bernardi is being opportunistic here and using scare tactics to get a policy change he wants for other reasons. That he even tries this stunt indicates the very low point our
politics has reached. In a healthy system his views would be disowned and rejected instantly.
Our brave pollies will spend days wafting in the wind waiting to see how much support he gets before they declare a position, if they manage that at all. Pathetic.

ajostu 1h ago

OK I loathe Bernardi, but it's time to look at a bit of history.

John Howard has admitted that his "Stop The Boats" policy was a bait-and-switch scheme to soften the public's resistance to higher immigration. Other ministers from the period (Costello, Vanstone) have supported this version of history.

So while pushing the we-hate-boat-people line, Howard doubled the regular immigration intake. Rudd, Gillard and Abbott have all gone along with this in a completely bipartisan fashion.

Why? Because it's what lazy, uninnovative Australian business wants. More people, business expands, CEO bonus, that's all that matters.

Meanwhile people (particularly in Sydney and Melbourne) are noticing that their quality of life has gone down. Cities are crowded, traffic appalling, and young people can't buy a house (though immigration is a small factor in that last one).

Both Labour and Liberal have completely buggered up regular immigration. The 457 scheme is a disaster, below-minimum-wage pseudo-slavery is widespread, and "students" are rorting the system left right and centre.

And the Greens do SFA because they'd have to choose between genuine sustainability (which is, you know, what Greens are supposed to be on about) and an open migration policy (because they don't have the political skills to separate refugees from the overall intake).

This morning an economic think tank recommended doubling the immigration intake, saying it would "increase per capita GDP" despite the fact that per capita GDP has gone backwards due to increased migration.

If you halved the current migration rate it would return to historical levels, and be better for the economy and for the well being of the people already here.

Of course Bernardi doesn't care about any of that he only cares about One Nation. But if One Nation is the only party proposing a reduction in immigration, they'll get a lot of votes.

FredLurk 1h ago

I hate to agree with Bernadi, but he's dead right. Look at what is happening in Paris right now. Ask yourself, do we want this here?


The problem is not with migration in this country, but with the 457 visa program where employers, like Caltex and 7Eleven, pay below award wages and provide poor working conditions.

This flows on into the broader community festering discontent amongst Australians who see their jobs and employment conditions disappearing.

But Bernadi and his ilk choose to distract from corporate malfeasance by playing the racist card, and thereby protecting the vested interests of the Coalition.

Filipio 1h ago

I happen to be a fan of immigration to Australia. It's enriched Australian society enormously. At the same time can we please move on from seeing GDP as some kind of sacred measure of all that is holy and good, even in economic terms?

Rather than focusing on immigrants, how about a thoughtful discussion of growth: what it means, how it ought to be measured, what's good and bad about it, and moving forward, what we as a society want in those terms. Immigration will assume a far more meaningful place in the context of a discussion of that kind, which would hopefully incorporate a strong environmental focus. But even in terms of the latter, issues of sustainability are not simply about raw population numbers but ultimately about lifestyle, modes of consumption, and energy use.

What's really interesting here are the telling contradictions within the governing party between its fundamental commitments to neo-liberalism and ever-increasing growth in GDP as absolute goods, and its stumbling attempts to also embrace political reaction against the economic consequences of both policies.

In that sense Bernardi is a useful idiot - plays to reaction through the red herring of prejudice (plus allowing the extreme right in the LNP to vent a bit of steam) while remaining rock-solid behind neo-liberalism and free markets -- at least, when it comes to the free movement of capital anyway (though the LNP has very astutely used various categories of working visa as an attempt to gradually entrench the movement of labour also, though not in any 'free' sense, just in the interests of maximizing profits).

jack1878 -> Filipio 43m ago

"I happen to be a fan of immigration to Australia. It's enriched Australian society enormously."

Yes it has, but Australia is now a vastly different place to what it was in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Back then there was plenty of land and housing, jobs available to anyone who wanted them, and the roads and hospitals were virtually empty.

Australia isn't like that anymore and anyone living in the major cities knows how overcrowded they currently are. The 2 bedroom flat opposite me is being rented out and 7 people are living in it. Also, one of the garages downstairs is being occupied by a small family of three..

Is this what we really want? Just because a policy worked well 50 years ago doesn't mean it should be retained for eternity.

jack1878 1h ago

I hate to say it, but I agree with Bernardi on the issue of immigration--but not much else.

To still be carrying out a policy of mass immigration in these disastrous economic times ie. no jobs, shortage of housing, overcrowded roads, hospitals etc. is a recipe for social unrest.

To cause such social unrest merely to prop up an overheated housing market and create a large pool of cheap labour for the benefit of wealthy elites is about as irresponsible a policy as you can get.

James Graham 45m ago

We need pro family policies if we wish to reduce migration. Working women must be given bigger incentives.

Abolish the tax breaks for novated lease vehicles for a start. Lift the GST on cars to 15%. And lets offer even higher incentives to have the 2nd and 3rd child.

SisterRhino -> NambuccaBarry 34m ago

I note even CNN ( Clinton Network News!) that has championed the same views of Donald Trump that you have just outlined, is starting to distance itself from Hillary.

She's so tainted that she will be of no use to her benefactors if she does squeak across the line. Who'd be dumb enough to be asking for the favours they've paid for given the scrutiny she'd going to be under from hereon in?

Just her backers desert the ship, one by one, then all at once.

[Nov 02, 2016] Ex-Secret Service officer behind Clinton tell-all planning defamation suit

Notable quotes:
"... It also demands Brock "immediately and publicly retract any statement or inference by yourself and/or Media Matters to the effect that Officer Byrne was not fully truthful in recounting within 'Crisis of Character' details from any previous testimony." ..."
"... His lawyer states that "some of our best witnesses to such immediacy are George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Bruce Lindsey, Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton himself - who appear to have already confirmed … under oath … the regular proximity of Officer Byrne to the President for many years." ..."
"... Byrne claims the liberal advocacy group tried to hurt his credibility to defend the Clintons. ..."
Oct 26, 2016 |

A former Secret Service officer who published an explosive tell-all from his days guarding the Bill and Hillary Clinton White House is planning to file a defamation lawsuit against his detractors, The Post has learned.

A lawyer for Gary Byrne, whose book " Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate ," has sent notices to Media Matters for America and David Brock informing them that he intends to file suit.

"Officer Byrne will bring legal action against you, in your personal capacity, and against Media Matters," a lawyer for the former Secret Service officer wrote to Brock, a loyal Clinton ally and the founder of the liberal advocacy group Media Matters.

The letter requests Brock and Media Matters to "hold" all records and communications associated with their communications regarding Byrne - including "Any communication(s) between David Brock and The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton" regarding the former Secret Service officer, suggesting there might be collusion between the campaign and her defenders.

It also demands Brock "immediately and publicly retract any statement or inference by yourself and/or Media Matters to the effect that Officer Byrne was not fully truthful in recounting within 'Crisis of Character' details from any previous testimony."

Additionally, Byrne's attorney demanded a retraction for "the utterly false statement(s) that Officer Byrne was not in close proximity to President William Jefferson Clinton."

His lawyer states that "some of our best witnesses to such immediacy are George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Leon Panetta, Bruce Lindsey, Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton himself - who appear to have already confirmed … under oath … the regular proximity of Officer Byrne to the President for many years."

Byrne claims the liberal advocacy group tried to hurt his credibility to defend the Clintons.

[Nov 02, 2016] Avoid War Crimes

Nov 02, 2016 |

anne said in reply to anne...

Avoid War Crimes

To the Editor:

In ''A Burden Too Heavy to Put Down,'' * David Brooks writes, ''Inevitably, there will be atrocities'' committed by our forces in Iraq. Did he forget to add that they must be prosecuted?

War crimes are indeed more likely if influential commentators foreshadow impunity for perpetrators of the ''brutal measures our own troops will have to adopt.''

The choice is not between committing war crimes and retreating ''into the paradise of our own innocence.'' A third option is for the United States to strive to avoid complicity.

It is untrue that ''we have to take morally hazardous action.'' Those who choose it, or urge others to, cannot evade or distribute responsibility by asserting that ''we live in a fallen world.''


New Haven, Nov. 4, 2003
The writer is director of the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University.

[Nov 01, 2016] The Media Hysteria And Dishonesty On Trump Has Backfired

Notable quotes:
"... That is the takeaway from the Trump candidacy. They fired every gun they could muster at him, and he's still standing. Standing, and even winning, if some polls are to be believed. ..."
"... It's kind of disappointing that it took an outsized personality like Trump to bring straightforwardness into the mainstream. Ron Paul was straightforward, and did amazingly well, but he wasn't glitzy enough to avoid being marginalized. Bernie Sanders was straightforward, but he wasn't glamorous enough to avoid being steamrollered by a political machine. Nope, it took a guy with cutthroat business savvy and TV experience to let America in on the Big Secret. ..."
"... Any hour now the NYT, WaPo, LAT, and Atlantic are going to publish poll results showing that among their selected samples, the Mainstream Media are viewed as the same MiniTru banners-flying young crusaders as liberated the people of the United States in the 1970s from marriage, ethics, societal trust, and the horror of a life lived without STDs, divorce, multiracial offspring, and stoner grandparents. ..."
"... "Only one major newspaper has endorsed Donald Trump. Only one. And this is a man whom the American people might choose as their president. What better proof could we have of the stark difference between printed opinion and public opinion, between what Americans think and what our rulers want us to think? Donald Trump has ripped away whatever was left of the pretense of media objectivity." ..."
"... "Despite the concerted shrieking of virtually the entire American ruling class" ..."
"... Ironically, the same potential outcome the discredited mainstream media bloviates and fear mongers about. ..."
"... Race is big issue in the US, since it is a country that had a 90%+ majority of people of white European ancestry as recently as the 1950′s, with an accompanying European foundation and Constitution. ..."
"... Yeah, the stupidity of it all offends me more than the content sometimes. Fortunately things are improving and sites like Breitbart are promoting the message while dropping this stupidity. ..."
"... On, let me suggest reading Sailer, Mercer, Reed, and Derbyshire. Ron Unz also co-founded the more highbrow ..."
The Unz Review

From the start of Donald Trump's campaign, the media have covered him dishonestly. They have consistently portrayed him as a closet "white supremacist" who deliberately appeals to " racists ." They have tried to tie him to a wicked movement known as the "Alt-Right." They are now working on another dishonest angle: that Donald Trump is "mainstreaming hate" and bringing "racism" into public discourse. The media clearly want to stampede voters into Mrs. Clinton's camp so as to spare us the agony of a "racist" in the White House.

The demonization campaign has backfired. By trying to hang racial dissidents around Donald Trump's neck, the media have given American Renaissance and other organizations far more publicity than ever before. At the same time, constant shouts of "racist" and "bigot" don't seem to hurt Mr. Trump: instead they are wrecking what is left of media credibility. The biggest irony, though, is that Donald Trump is probably not one of us at all. But even small deviations from the cast-iron orthodoxy of race are enough to plunge our rulers into dark fantasies about Donald Trump as a secret David Duke fan.

Media dishonesty started immediately. When Mr. Trump pointed out that some immigrants from Mexico were criminals, the press acted as if he had said all Mexican immigrants are criminals. Then, when alert news hounds discovered that those of us they love to call "haters" and "white supremacists" liked Mr. Trump, there was no end of articles with titles such as : " Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump ," " Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump ," " 'Heil Donald Trump': Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists Show Support ," and " The White Nationalists Who Support Donald Trump ."

These articles had a simpleminded purpose: discredit Mr. Trump by parading before the reader any Nazi, Kluxer, or racially conscious white person who had anything nice to say about the candidate. The implication was that if "racists" were going to vote for Donald Trump he must be "racist," too.

This was deceitful and one-sided. When the chairman of the American Communist Party endorsed Hillary Clinton , no one suggested this meant she was a communist.

It is true that Mr. Trump gave the media just enough of an excuse to pretend he really is a closet "bigot" because he did not repudiate "racists" with the snorts of indignation respectability requires. There was the famous exchange in February when a reporter pushed Mr. Trump to disavow an endorsement from David Duke. As The Hill reported it: " 'David Duke endorsed me? OK, alright. I disavow, OK?' Trump said, seeking to quickly move on to another question."

That same month, there was another famous exchange with Jake Tapper of CNN :

Tapper: Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don't want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?

Donald Trump: Well just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists.

The media leaped on these exchanges with shouts of joy . "Trump refuses to disavow white supremacists! That's because he is one!"

There are far better explanations. First, Donald Trump is a pugnacious man. He doesn't like being pushed around by anyone, especially not by journalists who hate him . If Mr. Tapper had belligerently demanded that Mr. Trump agree that the sky is blue, Mr. Trump would have bridled at that.

Second, Donald Trump probably doesn't know anything about David Duke or white supremacy. I would be astonished if he has ever looked into the thinking of David Duke or any other alleged "white supremacist." It is his feistiness and his ignorance of white advocacy that explain his answers, not some carefully concealed racial consciousness.

The press has also pounced on Donald Trump's retweets of "racist" material, which is supposed to be yet more proof that he is a secret supremacist. Business Insider, for example, published this shocking story: " 5 times Donald Trump has engaged with alt-right racists on Twitter ." Not one of these tweets is obviously "racist," and it would be surprising if Mr. Trump or his skeleton staff took the time to vet the sources of the thousands of tweets @realDonaldTrump has sent during the campaign.

Now the press is working on another smear-Trump angle. Recently, I have been contacted by journalists from such places as Bloomberg News, Reuters, and the New York Times , who clearly want to write that Donald Trump is "mainstreaming hate," that he is responsible for a huge surge in the Alt-Right. They want to know about all the people who have been flocking to because of what Donald Trump says. They want me to tell them about people who have been "emboldened" to "speak out against minorities" because Donald Trump has led the way. They would love to find someone who now thinks he is free to run down the street shouting "nigger!" because Mr. Trump wants to take a hard look at Muslim immigrants.

I have explained to them as patiently as I can that they have it the wrong way around. No one comes looking for because Donald Trump wants to build a wall. They come looking for us because the media have written about us in their attempt to convince the world that Mr. Trump is a "racist." They come looking for us because Mrs. Clinton kindly called attention to us by complaining about the Alt-Right and her "basket of deplorables." I also try to explain that if the media had not launched its malicious campaign of trying to hold Donald Trump responsible for the views of certain people who support him, few people would have heard of the Alt-Right. In their zeal to paint their enemy in the darkest colors, they are promoting the Alt-Right, not Donald Trump.

I explain that racial dissent has been growing like never before, for reasons that have nothing to do with the campaign. It is Trayvon Martin , Michael Brown , Black Lives Matter, and black rioters who are sending hundreds of thousands of frustrated white people our way– not Donald Trump. This will not change whether Mr. Trump wins or loses. The top landing pages on are analyses of race and crime–something Mr. Trump never talks about.

I also explain to reporters that it is idiotic to think Mr. Trump has mainstreamed "hate," by which they mean sensible observations about race. I ask them to name a single person who has been "emboldened" to say something "racist" just because Donald Trump is the GOP nominee. Of course, they can't. If anything, it is the opposite. Mr. Trump has been called every name under the sun for the mildest, most common-sense observations about Muslims and immigration. Anyone tempted to come out of the closet is likely to hesitate more than ever. Things could change if Mr. Trump becomes president, but the candidate himself has done very little to spread our ideas.

What Donald Trump has done is spark an unprecedented interest in politics among disaffected young people who recognize that Mitt Romney and John McCain are no different from Barack Obama when it comes to preserving whites, their society, and their culture. I know a number of millennials who never bothered to vote before but who certainly will in November. I know some who have made their first political contribution or who have spent weekends volunteering for the Trump campaign.

I point out to reporters that this is what elections are supposed to be all about: giving the voters real choices. I note that the Trump/Clinton contest will almost certainly produce a record voter turnout for a modern election. Haven't our rulers been wringing their hands over a lack of political engagement, especially among the young? Well, now they have engagement, alright, but they don't like it. They don't like it because so many people are stumping for the candidate they love to call a " threat to democracy ." Liberals are such transparent hypocrites. They claim to love democracy, but suddenly start worrying about its health if the people refuse vote the way they tell them to.

The whole Trump-is-a-racist fracas shows just how painfully fragile orthodoxy has become. I may be wrong, but I have no reason to think Donald Trump thinks at all as we do. He has never said or done anything to suggest he is anything more than an ordinary American with normal instincts: He doesn't want criminals sneaking across the border, he thinks sanctuary cities for illegals are crazy, he doesn't see why we need more Muslims, and he is angry when immigrants go on welfare. Millions of ordinary Americans clearly agree with him, and not because they are racially aware. It is because they are decent, fair-minded people who also have a nagging sense that the country is changing in unwelcome ways.

I am convinced that Mr. Trump does not have a sophisticated understanding of race. So far as I can tell, he doesn't have a sophisticated understanding of much of anything. He has stumbled by instinct onto a few sensible policies that white advocates have been promoting for a long time, but not because he is one of us.

Maybe–just maybe–he will move in our direction. It's not impossible to imagine a President Trump asking, in an offhand way, "What's wrong with white people wanting to remain a majority in the United States?" Or he might casually note that you can't expect as many blacks as Asians in AP classes because they don't have the same levels of intelligence. But I can imagine the opposite, too: President Trump so bogged down in Beltway baloney that he never even builds the wall.

There is one thing that Donald Trump has changed. He has proven that Republican bromides about taxes and small government don't excite people. He has proven that there is tremendous anger against political insiders of both parties. He has proven that Americans do want their country to come first. They don't want it to try to save the world or to be a dumping ground for people who have wrecked their own countries.

And even if he has not "mainstreamed racism," he has shown that if you have a backbone you can withstand what is surely the most intense and concentrated program of hate ever directed at an American. On October 11, Roger Cohen wrote in the New York Times that Donald Trump is a "phony, liar, blowhard, cheat, bully, misogynist, demagogue, predator, bigot, bore, egomaniac, racist, sexist, sociopath," and a "dictator-in-waiting with a brat's temper and a prig's scowl." [ Trump_vs_deep_state After Trump ] This must be one of the most unhinged, hysterical outbursts in the history of American political journalism. And it is unusual only for its wordiness, not its tone.

Don't the editors of the Times realize that this kind of frothing explains why more Americans believe in Bigfoot (29 percent) than trust newspapers (20 percent)? Virtually the entire industry is so consumed with rage at Donald Trump and contempt for his supporters that it cannot control itself. Open, petulant bias is driving more and more Americans to social media and to sites like for their news.

Despite the concerted shrieking of virtually the entire American ruling class, Donald Trump is going to get close to half of the vote on November 8. Some 60 million people are going to vote for a man for whom Roger Cohen [ Email him ] has emptied his dictionary trying to insult. Only one major newspaper has endorsed Donald Trump. Only one . And this is a man whom the American people might choose as their president. What better proof could we have of the stark difference between printed opinion and public opinion, between what Americans think and what our rulers want us to think? Donald Trump has ripped away whatever was left of the pretense of media objectivity.

Whether he wins or not, whether he is one of us or not, Donald Trump has laid bare the collusion between big media and a political system in which both parties collaborate to run the country in their interests and those of their big donors. Voters–finally–have a chance to vote against the entire corrupt system. On November 8th they could bring it crashing down, but even if it still stands, it is visibly weakened, badly discredited. These are the perfect conditions in which our ideas will flourish as never before.

Jared Taylor [ Email him ] is editor of American Renaissance and the author of Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America . (For Peter Brimelow's review, click here .) His most recent book is White Identity .

(Reprinted from by permission of author or representative)
  1. Demeter Last says: November 1, 2016 at 6:14 am GMT • 300 Words

    And even if he has not "mainstreamed racism," he has shown that if you have a backbone you can withstand what is surely the most intense and concentrated program of hate ever directed at an American.

    That is the takeaway from the Trump candidacy. They fired every gun they could muster at him, and he's still standing. Standing, and even winning, if some polls are to be believed.

    (I suspect that this kind of determination resonates well with Mr. Taylor. Taylor is one of the most inoffensive men to have ever put pen to paper, but his ideas and honor have been attacked for years. Yet still he stands.)

    It's kind of disappointing that it took an outsized personality like Trump to bring straightforwardness into the mainstream. Ron Paul was straightforward, and did amazingly well, but he wasn't glitzy enough to avoid being marginalized. Bernie Sanders was straightforward, but he wasn't glamorous enough to avoid being steamrollered by a political machine. Nope, it took a guy with cutthroat business savvy and TV experience to let America in on the Big Secret.

    The Big Secret is:

    1) For all the fait accompli chatter on TV, this is still America, and Americans still get to vote.

    2) America really is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and we defined those aspects in the first two Amendments to the Constitution.

    3) When you're free enough to be brave, some people are brave enough to be free.

    TL;DR: happy to see Mr. Taylor's article here.

  2. Wally says: • Website November 1, 2016 at 6:23 am GMT

    The 'media' attacks Trump for wanting to built a wall, while they ignore Israel's apartheid wall that is already built.

  3. Wally says: November 1, 2016 at 6:29 am GMT @Anon

    The media make fun of conspiracy theories, but the more they lie, the more they are adding fuel to fire to alternative media.

    I still believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.

    But there have been so many lies about so many things that I wonder if future generations will trust anything. And if I were a millennial today, I wouldn't trust that Lee Oswald killed Kennedy either since the media are so surreal about everything. The 'new cold war' is the most ridiculous thing.

    Ah yes, the magic bullet.

    And how's your Big Foot fantasy coming along?

    • Replies: @Olorin Interesting you mention we PNWers' favorite evolutionary atavism. (Well, second-favorite, in Seattle and Portland.)

    I read somewhere in these pages (Derb?) recently that more Americans now believe in Bigfoot (29 percent) than believe the MSM are doing a good job (20 percent).

    You know what this means.

    Any hour now the NYT, WaPo, LAT, and Atlantic are going to publish poll results showing that among their selected samples, the Mainstream Media are viewed as the same MiniTru banners-flying young crusaders as liberated the people of the United States in the 1970s from marriage, ethics, societal trust, and the horror of a life lived without STDs, divorce, multiracial offspring, and stoner grandparents.

    Trust in US Media at All-Time High!

    Americans Praise NYT for Leading the Truth and Justice Vanguard against Fuhrer Trump and Generalissimo Pepe!

    Chocolate Rations Up 127%!

    Only Hillary Can Supply HerTurn Singularity!

    Coming Soon: Free Huma Abedin Action Figure!

    Turn in Your Parents for Likes, Upthumbs, and Game Upgrades!

  4. Miro23 says: November 1, 2016 at 7:41 am GMT • 100 Words

    "…. it (the MSM) is visibly weakened, badly discredited."

    This has to be one of the best articles on Unz.

    "Only one major newspaper has endorsed Donald Trump. Only one. And this is a man whom the American people might choose as their president. What better proof could we have of the stark difference between printed opinion and public opinion, between what Americans think and what our rulers want us to think? Donald Trump has ripped away whatever was left of the pretense of media objectivity."

    And this,

    "Despite the concerted shrieking of virtually the entire American ruling class"

  5. Miro23 says: November 1, 2016 at 8:21 am GMT • 100 Words @Fran Macadam Even Jared Taylor, like the proverbial broken clock, correctly calls out the times once in a while.

    "...whether he is one of us or not, Donald Trump has laid bare the collusion between big media and a political system in which both parties collaborate to run the country in their interests and those of their big donors."

    Momentarily accurate, but this isn't the way the hands of the clock point after that:

    "These are the perfect conditions in which our ideas will flourish as never before."

    Ironically, the same potential outcome the discredited mainstream media bloviates and fearmongers about.

    Ironically, the same potential outcome the discredited mainstream media bloviates and fear mongers about.

    Well, they could have tried having an open and frank discussion about RACE rather than just using it as a propaganda tool.

    Race is big issue in the US, since it is a country that had a 90%+ majority of people of white European ancestry as recently as the 1950′s, with an accompanying European foundation and Constitution. Now, as an open borders state, it is fast heading towards a country with a non-European racial majority. with the Establishment pushing them towards multiculturalism, identity politics and non-integration, probably to build a permanently fractured nation that they can easily dominate with their highly effective private system of patronage.

    • Replies: @Fran Macadam It's not skin color or ethnicity that counts, it's character and beliefs. I've no confidence in judging what policies or who to support by virtue of "race." I'd rather interact with a community of another ethnicity, which has compatible beliefs, than one whose individual physical characteristics most resemble mine, but reviles all I believe in. The fact is, there is a lot of the latter. Reply Agree/Disagree/Etc. More... This Commenter This Thread Hide Thread Display All Comments
  6. Montefrío says: November 1, 2016 at 9:13 am GMT • 200 Words

    I'm one of those people who never paid any attention to the "alt-right" or any of the websites associated with it until the obviously-biased msm made such a fuss.

    "It is because they are decent, fair-minded people who also have a nagging sense that the country is changing in unwelcome ways." I like to believe I belong to this group and will remain in it, although with a somewhat harsher perspective than was previously the case. These sites have led me to read books I'd never considered reading and at 70, I've read a great deal.

    All things considered, I find the nazi stuff over the top, the racial slur stuff undignified, but much of the message spot on: the country (and not just the USA) has changed in "unwelcome ways", continues to do so based on observations from afar, and will continue to change for the worse for as long as falsely conscious folks of European origin play into the hands of their openly hostile enemies. I suggest visiting these sites to widen one's perspective if nothing else. One can discover literature effectively censored by the thought police for many years now, literature of far greater worth than much of what is promoted as "great" by others.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    ...literature of far greater worth than much of what is promoted as "great" by others.
    For sure. The garbage gets front page, Nobel prizes and Pulitzer prizes while tons of good stuff never sees the light of day or gets trashed. , @Lot Welcome aboard Montefrio! Please keep commenting. Since you are 70, I think this site's mostly under-40 readers will appreciate your perspective. Keep in mind though half of us have ADHD, so keep it brief too!
    I find the nazi stuff over the top, the racial slur stuff undignified, but much of the message spot on
    Yeah, the stupidity of it all offends me more than the content sometimes. Fortunately things are improving and sites like Breitbart are promoting the message while dropping this stupidity.

    On, let me suggest reading Sailer, Mercer, Reed, and Derbyshire. Ron Unz also co-founded the more highbrow

    AmConMag is nice too because you can email article links to potential converts without having embarrassing anti-Semite crap all over the rest of the site that make you look like a nut. , @Schlock Trooper

    All things considered, I find the nazi stuff over the top
    But as Franz Stangl duly noted, they do have some really cool uniforms. Reply Agree/Disagree/Etc. More... This Commenter Display All Comments
  7. WorkingClass says: November 1, 2016 at 9:32 am GMT • 100 Words

    "….he has shown that if you have a backbone you can withstand what is surely the most intense and concentrated program of hate ever directed at an American."

    It ain't just Trump. The continuous blizzard of hate is directed at me. Joe sixpack. Imperial Washington is a steaming heap of excrement. Theft, lies, treason and murder are it's stock in trade. Yet it is Trump who is vulgar and I who am deplorable. All I need to know about Trump is he stands up to these dirtbags.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    The continuous blizzard of hate is directed at me. Joe sixpack.
    Actually it's also directed at anyone who smells a rat, and there are plenty of mangy rodents in the steaming heaps of excrement in D.C., New Yawk and Chicago to name a few.And it appears to be an inviolable rule that "Sixpackians" smell rats long before the masses of White Collar Princes do.
    Theft, lies, treason and murder are it's stock in trade.
    And they always have been and shall continue, despite the silly mythology to the contrary. There's a reason Patrick Henry boycotted the cornstitutional convention in Philly in 1787, giving as a reason that he "smelt a rat." The rats have been spreading their droppings for centuries, and it will take a true Hercules to clean up the Augean cesspool they've made of the world, and it won't be done in one day, if ever.

    Nevertheless, we have no choice but to maintain the struggle! Reply Agree/Disagree/Etc. More... This Commenter Display All Comments

  8. Randal says: November 1, 2016 at 10:36 am GMT • 500 Words

    I may be wrong, but I have no reason to think Donald Trump thinks at all as we do. He has never said or done anything to suggest he is anything more than an ordinary American with normal instincts: He doesn't want criminals sneaking across the border, he thinks sanctuary cities for illegals are crazy, he doesn't see why we need more Muslims, and he is angry when immigrants go on welfare. Millions of ordinary Americans clearly agree with him, and not because they are racially aware. It is because they are decent, fair-minded people who also have a nagging sense that the country is changing in unwelcome ways.

    This seems to me to be a reasonable assessment of the man and his broad politics.

    Maybe–just maybe–he will move in our direction. It's not impossible to imagine a President Trump asking, in an offhand way, "What's wrong with white people wanting to remain a majority in the United States?" Or he might casually note that you can't expect as many blacks as Asians in AP classes because they don't have the same levels of intelligence. But I can imagine the opposite, too: President Trump so bogged down in Beltway baloney that he never even builds the wall.

    This, too, seems to be a reasonable assessment of the prospects were Trump to win.

    Though I have a general interest in the politics of identity and a more immediate interest in the ongoing demonization and criminalisation of traditionalist dissent by the dominant left, my primary interest in the US presidential election is in relation to foreign policy, and the extent to which the next president is likely to continue the bipartisan interventionist idiocies of the past 20 years. Clinton clearly will, having played a big part in driving said idiocies in her career to date. Trump, though, is an unknown quantity. Much as Taylor sees the possibilities in relation to his own area of particular interest, so it goes for my own area. It's possible to imagine a President Trump presiding over a draw back from the aggressive confrontation of Russia and China, and if not actually shutting down then at least deprioritising the various US "democracy promotion" and other programs designed to try to spread US ideology around the world. But it's also possible to imagine him going the other way, either leaving foreign policy to the US "experts" while he concentrates on the pressing domestic issues he would undoubtedly have in dealing with implacable sabotage of his time in office by the media, judicial and legislative branches of the US regime, or worse, letting himself be convinced by the same interventionist lobbyists as filled George W Bush's empty head after he took office.

    Sill, for both of us an unknown with at least the possibility of sensible policy is clearly better than the certainty of disaster the world would get with Clinton.

  9. Greg Bacon says: • Website November 1, 2016 at 10:45 am GMT • 100 Words

    Trump is 'Hope an Change,' v 2.o. Or, if you like, Obama in 'white-face' to give the rubes some entertainment while their world collapses around them and Wall Street pickpockets are nicking what money they have left while watching the show.

    The TBTF banks really run the show. Do you seriously think they'd let someone get into the WH who might actually do their job of protecting the USA and not Wall Street casinos?

  10. Authenticjazzman says: November 1, 2016 at 1:43 pm GMT • 100 Words

    Here's the solution :

    Interview : Mr Trump you are a racist.

    Mr trump answers : No you are a racist.

    Back and forth no matter how long.

    This is the only way to handle this distorted issue : DT and his folks must turn it around on them, as they are the real racists, but nobody dares to say it out loud.

    Detroit is a result of their racism.

    Authenticjazzman, "Mensa" society member of forty-plus years.

  11. Randal says: November 1, 2016 at 2:01 pm GMT • 100 Words

    Here's the solution :

    Interview : Mr Trump you are a racist.

    Mr trump answers : No you are a racist.

    I think the best response to the assertion that one is a racist is to reply: "And?", and to make the case that being racist is not necessarily a bad thing, if all the things that antiracists claim are racist are to be included in the definition.

    • Replies: @Authenticjazzman "And"

    Nope it won't work, because agreeing with them, would be construed as a "Confession" and would simply turn potential allies against us.
    I would, if I had a say in campaign policy , I would accuse them, the leftists, the democrats right back of every fucking thing they have accused us of, and I would be right, as they in reality are the fucking racists, mysogenists, even the homophobes,as they now claim that a gay person cannot bonafibably ever be a Republican,which simply indicates that they have no respect for the self-determination of gay folks.

    The dumb-ass nice-guy Republicans have taken everything sitting down for the last half century
    and we see the results, and I am convinced that most of the turn-coats have done so because they are terrified of being hit with the "Racist" label.
    We need more allies and not a tedious redefinition of various labels.

    Authenticjazzman, "Mensa" society member of forty-plus years, and pro jazz performer. , @RadicalCenter You know that most people aren't ready for that, especially "swing voters". If trump said that, he would surely lose. Counterproductive, if satisfying momentarily.

    But trump should call Dems racist for treating black Americans like serfs, and he absolutely should call out Clinton et al. on their fomenting racial hatred and division, and their apologism for widespread racially-targeted violence and intimidation against white and Asian people.

  12. highrpm says: November 1, 2016 at 2:16 pm GMT

    in their current state, the MSM are just evangelists pushing their religions, the crazy unfounded irrational beliefs that racism is evil and egalitarians are good. where are the independently verifiable clinical tests? just like all the other myriad religions, creating gods in their own image.

[Nov 01, 2016] If HRC wins, we have war with Russia, including possibly WW3. That makes environmental issues moot

Nov 01, 2016 |
Anonymous November 1, 2016 at 7:39 pm

If HRC wins, we have war with Russia, including possibly WW3. That makes environmental issues moot.

Separately, HRC will not even agree to a carbon tax, she lobbied for two giant polluting coal plants in South Africa, and she promotes fracking worldwide.

[Nov 01, 2016] Conspiracy Vs. Government Is Elite Propaganda Justifying Violent Repression Zero Hedge

Notable quotes:
"... With US belief in "conspiracy theory" over 50 percent (see our previous article here ) elites are showing increasingly concern that they have lost control of their narrative. ..."
"... The article explains that if people grow paranoid about government, then the "norms" of government will collapse. ..."
"... The article also has parallels to an article we analyzed recently here by Cass Sunstein. His Bloomberg editorial suggested that nothing was more important from a political standpoint than returning "civility" to Congress and politics generally. ..."
"... The NeoCons will take the United States in the same direction it is going until its' bust. Endless war, run down infrastructure and poverty is the future. Tax receipts are falling fast and government can't pay the big bills with service sector jobs. ..."
"... Decommissioning the plethora of foreign airbases and dismantling NATO would see the Bankster/MIC die a death. Gotta starve those beasts pronto. ..."
"... "Conspiracy theory is called "paranoid politics" in this article but it amounts to the same thing." ..."
"... "conspiracy theory" ..."
"... "paranoid" ..."
"... "we should" ..."
"... "paranoid politics" ..."
"... "good" ..."
"... necessarily controlled ..."
"... "The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost invariably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And if he is not romantic personally, he is apt to spread discontent among those who are." ..."
"... "dishonest, insane and intolerable," ..."
"... "paranoid politics," ..."
"... "We need" ..."
"... justifiably paranoid ..."
Nov 01, 2016 |

With US belief in "conspiracy theory" over 50 percent (see our previous article here ) elites are showing increasingly concern that they have lost control of their narrative.

This article again illustrates elite push back. The article explains that if people grow paranoid about government, then the "norms" of government will collapse.

Conspiracy theory is called "paranoid politics" in this article but it amounts to the same thing.

The article also has parallels to an article we analyzed recently here by Cass Sunstein. His Bloomberg editorial suggested that nothing was more important from a political standpoint than returning "civility" to Congress and politics generally.

This article runs along the same lines: Negative perceptions of the US government can make the process of "governing" dysfunctional.

Herdee •Nov 1, 2016 12:13 AM

The NeoCons will take the United States in the same direction it is going until its' bust. Endless war, run down infrastructure and poverty is the future. Tax receipts are falling fast and government can't pay the big bills with service sector jobs.

WTFUD •Oct 31, 2016 11:14 PM

Major Civil Unrest is required in the USSofA to alleviate the pressure on Russia, the Elites' would be bogeyman. The rest of the world would benefit too.

Decommissioning the plethora of foreign airbases and dismantling NATO would see the Bankster/MIC die a death. Gotta starve those beasts pronto.

PoasterToaster •Oct 31, 2016 10:30 PM

Bankers hiding behind "government" and using the moral authority it carries in people's heads to carry out their dirty deeds. But now the people have seen behind the curtain and the dope at the controls has been found wanting. Writing is on the wall for them and they know it.

"The rise of paranoid politics could make America ungovernable"

We in America aren't supposed to be "governed". And our state of mind is none of your goddamned business.

medium giraffe Oct 31, 2016 9:55 PM
"Conspiracy theory is called "paranoid politics" in this article but it amounts to the same thing."

There is a huge difference between critical thought and lack of education.

The Telegraph author's unwillingness to seperate the two is telling.

Radical Marijuana -> medium giraffe Oct 31, 2016 11:45 PM
One of the most delightful ironies (to those with a sufficiently macabre sense of humour) is that declassified CIA documents from the 1960s have proven that the mass media promotion of the "conspiracy theory" meme was deliberately developed by the CIA, using their media assets.

Many people have developed ways to discuss the relatively slim differences between being "paranoid" versus being realistic. After several decades of enjoying the luxury to spend most of my time attempting to understand the political processes, my conclusion has always been that THE MORE I LEARNED, THE WORSE IT GOT.

It is barely possible to exaggerate the degree to which "we should" seriously consider "paranoid politics" as being the most realistic. Governments are only "good" in the sense that they are the biggest forms of organized crime, dominated by the best organized gangs of criminals. In my view, that conclusion can both be derived from the basic principles of the ways that general energy systems operate, as well as empirically confirmed by an overwhelming abundance of well-documented evidence. Indeed, more rational evidence and logical arguments result in that any deeper analysis of politics ALWAYS discovers and demonstrates the ways that civilization is necessarily controlled by applications of the methods of organized crime, whose excessive successfulness are more and more spinning out of control.

As H.L. Menchen stated:

"The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost invariably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And if he is not romantic personally, he is apt to spread discontent among those who are."

The important things which most governments DO,

that are "dishonest, insane and intolerable,"

are ENFORCE FRAUDS by private banks.

Given those social FACTS, it is barely possible to develop a sufficiently "paranoid politics," to encompass the degree to which the existing political economy, based upon enforcing frauds, is being driven by advancing technologies towards becoming exponentially more fraudulent. The problem is NOT that some people are becoming too critical, but that the majority of them have not yet become critical enough ... "We need" to go beyond being merely superficially cynical, in order to become profoundly cynical enough to perhaps cope with how and why governments ARE the biggest forms of organized crime, dominated by the best organized gangs of criminals.

In my view, most of the content published on Zero Hedge, which engages in various superficially correct analyses of those problems, tends to never engage in deeper levels of analysis, due to the degree to which the resulting conclusions are way worse than anything which could be adequately admitted and addressed. Rather, it is barely possible to exaggerate the degree to which one is justifiably paranoid about the ways that the ruling classes in Globalized Neolithic Civilization are becoming increasingly psychotic psychopaths:




Radical Marijuana -> medium giraffe •Nov 1, 2016 12:25 AM

Yes, mg, the CIA, in ways which were, of course, ILLEGAL, attempted to discredit those who did not believe the official story regarding the assination of President Kennedy.

You may well already be familiar with this:

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

The most relevant conclusion of that documentary was that, at the highest levels, there is no difference, because they blend together, between organized crime and government agencies such as the CIA, which was effectively the American branch of the secret police employed by the international bankers.

jeff montanye Oct 31, 2016 9:08 PM
i believe i've said it before but bust 9-11 and these fucks shut up for eternity, many of them incarcerated eventually.

[Nov 01, 2016] Ed Klein Comey Under Pressure to Redeem Himself

Notable quotes:
"... "And Valerie Jarrett was under explicit orders – I know people say, 'Well, you never really tell the Attorney General exactly what to do; you kind of wink.' There was no wink. She was told in no uncertain terms, according to my sources, that under no circumstances should Hillary Clinton be indicted because Barack Obama wants desperately for Hillary Clinton to succeed him in the White House, and not to have Donald Trump in the White House because Donald Trump will completely undo everything that Obama thinks is his legacy," he added. ..."
"... Obama's real endgame is to get Clinton over the finish line in the 2016 election, then let her running mate, Tim Kaine, the "real Obama guy," take over if she's removed from office. ..."
"... Tim Kaine and the Clintons were never good friends because Tim Kaine backed Obama in 2008 against Hillary, and one of the deals for Obama to back Hillary this time was for her to pick Tim Kaine, Obama's boy, as her vice president." ..."
Nov 01, 2016 |
"In my view, what has not been reported, and what I think is very significant, is that we've all forgotten that Anthony Weiner is under investigation for what amounts to child pornography, alleged child pornography," said Klein.

"Now, if he's found guilty on multiple charges, they can put him away for life because each charge brings 15, 20 years. So if you're his attorney, you say to him, 'Tony, what can you give the prosecutors in exchange for bringing down the number of years you're gonna have to serve?' And it's my view that what he offered them was the computer, and that in exchange, he has gotten an agreement to reduce his charges," he speculated.

"This computer apparently was unknown to the FBI, and I think the reason that it took two, three, or even four weeks between the time that they stumbled on this computer – because Weiner made it available in exchange for a deal – and the time that [James] Comey knew about it, the director of the FBI, was because they were in the process of cutting this arrangement," Klein continued.

"Finally, it came to Comey's attention, as we know, and it became obvious to him and imperative to him that he do something about it – because if he didn't, can you imagine what would happen after the election, and it became knowledge that he knew about this, did nothing about it? Clearly, the Congress would open a probe of the FBI and why it did nothing about it. And Comey would be, not only on the hot seat, but perhaps even impeachable. So I think that this is the untold story of behind-the-scenes maneuvering on these emails," he said.

Klein was convinced the allegations of Weiner "sexting" with underage children were "the alpha and the omega of this whole story" because "otherwise, this computer would never have come to light."

Another factor Klein highlighted was the revolt among FBI agents angry at political interference in their investigations of Hillary Clinton.

"That's not my opinion; this is my reporting," he said. "My reporting indicates from several sources that the atmosphere at the FBI has never been, the morale has never been lower, that there is a stack, literally a stack of resignations waiting on Comey's desk for him to sign, which he has yet to do, that people, when they meet him in the hallway, and he says, 'Good morning' to them, many of them don't even reply because they're not talking to him; that the sense within the FBI is that he disgraced the institution back in July, when he knew quite well, obviously, that Mrs. Clinton had violated not one, but several federal statutes in jeopardizing national security, and raked her over the coals verbally – and then, for reasons that I think had to do with his not wanting to interfere in the presidential race, let her off legally."

"Many of the people in the FBI thought that that was disgraceful," Klein asserted. "I think he's been under huge pressure ever since to redeem himself. I'm told his wife even – who is not only his most personal, deepest relationship, but also a major adviser in his career – has been telling him, 'Jim, you've got to do something about this.'"

"This is a guy who goes to church every Sunday. He's an evangelical Catholic," he said of Comey. "He gets on his knees every night, prays to God, prays about his dead child that he lost, two or three days after the child was born, believes deeply in his own moral rectitude and constantly thinks that he is on the side of the angels. And I think he felt that what he did this time around, which was to send this letter to the Congress, was the highest right, moral thing to do. Whether it was or not, I think that's what motivated him."

Marlow suggested Comey would not have reopened the Clinton investigation "unless he knows he's got the goods."

"I agree with you. I think the disgrace is not James Comey. I think the disgrace is the White House and the Justice Department because as I report in my book Guilty as Sin, despite what Loretta Lynch said about how independent she was or is, she and Valerie Jarrett were having secret meetings last summer about the email investigation, keeping the President and the White House up to date on everything that Jim Comey was doing," Klein said.

"And Valerie Jarrett was under explicit orders – I know people say, 'Well, you never really tell the Attorney General exactly what to do; you kind of wink.' There was no wink. She was told in no uncertain terms, according to my sources, that under no circumstances should Hillary Clinton be indicted because Barack Obama wants desperately for Hillary Clinton to succeed him in the White House, and not to have Donald Trump in the White House because Donald Trump will completely undo everything that Obama thinks is his legacy," he added.

"So I think the disgrace is the Attorney General, and the Attorney General trying to interfere with the FBI's investigations – both of the emails and the Clinton Foundation," Klein reiterated.

Marlow mentioned a theory proposed by Breitbart News Daily callers that Obama's real endgame is to get Clinton over the finish line in the 2016 election, then let her running mate, Tim Kaine, the "real Obama guy," take over if she's removed from office.

"That's not such a crazy theory," said Klein. "It may be a little far-fetched, but your callers are completely right: Tim Kaine and the Clintons were never good friends because Tim Kaine backed Obama in 2008 against Hillary, and one of the deals for Obama to back Hillary this time was for her to pick Tim Kaine, Obama's boy, as her vice president."

[Nov 01, 2016] Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation

Notable quotes:
"... 'The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him,' the source continued. 'And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state. ..."
"... 'He talks about the damage that he's done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he's been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It's taken a tremendous toll on him. ..."
"... 'It shattered his ego. He looks like he's aged 10 years in the past four months.' ..."
"... But Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism. His announcement about the revived investigation, which came just 11 days before the presidential election, was greeted with shock and dismay by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the prosecutors at the Justice Department. ..."
"... 'Lynch and Obama haven't contacted Jim directly,' said the source, 'but they've made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.' ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

'The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him,' the source continued. 'And that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state.

'He talks about the damage that he's done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he's been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It's taken a tremendous toll on him.

'It shattered his ego. He looks like he's aged 10 years in the past four months.'

But Comey's decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism. His announcement about the revived investigation, which came just 11 days before the presidential election, was greeted with shock and dismay by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the prosecutors at the Justice Department.

'Jim told me that Lynch and Obama are furious with him,' the source said. As I revealed in my latest New York Times bestseller Guilty As Sin Obama said that appointing Comey as FBI direct was 'my worst mistake as president.' 'Lynch and Obama haven't contacted Jim directly,' said the source, 'but they've made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.'

[Nov 01, 2016] Inside the Invisible Government - The Unz Review

Nov 01, 2016 |

The attack on Iraq, the attack on Libya, the attack on Syria happened because the leader in each of these countries was not a puppet of the West. The human rights record of a Saddam or a Gaddafi was irrelevant. They did not obey orders and surrender control of their country.

The same fate awaited Slobodan Milosevic once he had refused to sign an "agreement" that demanded the occupation of Serbia and its conversion to a market economy. His people were bombed, and he was prosecuted in The Hague. Independence of this kind is intolerable.

As WikLeaks has revealed, it was only when the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in 2009 rejected an oil pipeline, running through his country from Qatar to Europe, that he was attacked.

From that moment, the CIA planned to destroy the government of Syria with jihadist fanatics – the same fanatics currently holding the people of Mosul and eastern Aleppo hostage.

Why is this not news? The former British Foreign Office official Carne Ross, who was responsible for operating sanctions against Iraq, told me: "We would feed journalists factoids of sanitised intelligence, or we would freeze them out. That is how it worked."

The West's medieval client, Saudi Arabia – to which the US and Britain sell billions of dollars' worth of arms – is at present destroying Yemen, a country so poor that in the best of times, half the children are malnourished.

[Nov 01, 2016] Chris Hedges Its Our Bombs, Not Trumps Comments, that Fuel Hatred Towards the United States

Notable quotes:
"... HEDGES: Well what feeds the hatred toward the west has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It has to do with the one-thousand-pound iron fragmentation bombs and cruise missiles and 155 artillery shells that are being dropped all over areas that ISIS controls. ..."
"... That is a far more potent engine of rage than anything Trump says and I think sometimes we forget what we' re doing and the state terror that is delivered day in and day out on Muslims in areas that have been opened up by these failed states because of our military adventurism in countries like Libya and Iraq. ..."
"... : Chris the recently released WikiLeaks indicate that Hillary Clinton is involved in conspiring in maintaining Israels nuclear dominance in the region and containing Irans nuclear development program. ..."
"... Yea, I mean shes quite upfront. I have to give her credit on that in terms of her militantly pro-Israel stance. She of course has courted quite successfully wealthy pro-Israeli donors attacking the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement. ..."
"... So one of the dangers of Clinton and shes called for a no fly zone over Syria. Well, people forget that when you institute a no fly zone, that is patrolled and that requires very heavy presence of US forces. ..."
... ... .. ...

HEDGES: Well what feeds the hatred toward the west has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It has to do with the one-thousand-pound iron fragmentation bombs and cruise missiles and 155 artillery shells that are being dropped all over areas that ISIS controls.

That is a far more potent engine of rage than anything Trump says and I think sometimes we forget what we' re doing and the state terror that is delivered day in and day out on Muslims in areas that have been opened up by these failed states because of our military adventurism in countries like Libya and Iraq.

PERIES: So connect those two for us. Give us some examples of how the war on terror in the Middle East, Syria in particular, is causing this kind of islamophobia here and our hesitancy about doing humanitarian work by accepting refugees that are fleeing these wars and how it manifests itself in the form of islamophobia here.

HEDGES: Well, islamophobia here is a doctrine that plays quite conveniently into the goals of the corporate state in the same way that anti-communism once played into the goals of our capitalist democracy. So the caricature of threats from the Muslim world independent of the actual possibility of those threats has especially since 9/11, one of the corner stones of the argument that has been used by the security and surveillance state to strip us of basic civil liberties, including for instance, under the Obama administration, misinterpreting the 2001 authorization to use military force act as giving the executive branch to right to assassinate American citizens. Of course I'm talking about Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old son.

So the rise of islamophobia has been largely independent of anything Muslims have done other than perhaps initially the attacks of 9/11. The continued over 15 years of indiscriminate violence, industrial violence, delivered on whole swaps of the Muslim world has stirred up the kind of hornet' s nest that we' re seeing enraged not only among Muslims in the Muslim world but Muslims in Europe and many other parts of the globe who despite Clinton' s rhetoric see this as a war against Muslims. I think that although she speaks in kind of a softer and more tolerate tone, Clinton has been one of the main architects of the attacks for instance in Libya that have given or empowered or given rise to groups like ISIS. While Clinton' s rhetoric is certainly more palatable, she has been an enthusiastic supporter that we are going to bomb our way into peace in the Muslim world.

PERIES: Chris give us a sense of the climate created by what both candidates eluded to that Muslims in this country has to help us in terms of identifying potential terrorists and any kind of activities in the community that might feed terrorists attacks here. What does this do to a society?

HEDGES: Well it turns us into a society of informers. I think we have to acknowledge how pervasive the harassment is of Muslim Americans when they go through the airport, intrusive invasions of their privacy by Homeland Security, the FBI, and others. We have to acknowledge that almost all of the homegrown terrorist attacks that the FBI have broken have been orchestrated by the FBI usually with people of marginal means and sometimes marginal intelligence being prodded and often provided supposed equipment to carry out terrorist attacks. The racial profiling that has gone on coupled with the rhetoric and this is very dangerous because if you take already an alienated youth and subject it to this kind of unrelenting harassment, then you provide a recipe for homegrown radicalism.

So yes it' s once again an effort in this case on part of the Trump rhetoric to blame the Muslims for not only their own victimhood but for terrorist attacks that are being driven by jihadist whom the vast majority, 99 plus percent of the Muslim world has no contact with and probably very little empathy for, I mean there' s 4 to 5 million Muslims, I think I have that right, in the United States. Most of them have integrated quite successfully into American. Unlike in Britain because Muslim immigrants in the United States whereas in Europe, France, they came over as laborers, we largely absorbed Muslim professional classes, doctors, engineers, and others and the Muslim community in the United States is pretty solidly middle class and professional.

... ... ...

PERIES: Chris the recently released WikiLeaks indicate that Hillary Clinton is involved in conspiring in maintaining Israels nuclear dominance in the region and containing Irans nuclear development program. Your comments on those WikiLeaks.

HEDGES: Yea, I mean shes quite upfront. I have to give her credit on that in terms of her militantly pro-Israel stance. She of course has courted quite successfully wealthy pro-Israeli donors attacking the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement. And she has and will continue what are considered Israeli interests in the region which are not our interest. Israel pushed very heavily for an invasion of Iraq as a way to destroy a powerful state within the region. That did not serve our interests at all. In fact, it elevated to the dominant position within the region, Iran and out of these vacuums gave birth to these jihadist groups and got us embroiled in wars that we can never win.

So one of the dangers of Clinton and shes called for a no fly zone over Syria. Well, people forget that when you institute a no fly zone, that is patrolled and that requires very heavy presence of US forces. Not just air forces but ground stations, radar stations, anti-aircraft missile batteries. Shes quite openly calling for a further escalation for American involvement in the Syrian quagmire which of course again we did so much to create by along with our allies, the Saudis and Qataris and others pumping so many arms in them. I think we gave a billion dollars worth of arms to Syrian rebels as if you can control where those arms go, just in the last year.

[Nov 01, 2016] Top Constitutional Law Expert Comey Did NOT Violate Law By Announcing Email Investigation

Notable quotes:
"... You can disagree with the timing of Comey's disclosure, but that is not a matter for the Hatch Act or even an ethical charge in my view. ..."
"... Congress passed the Hatch Act in response to scandals during the 1938 congressional elections and intended the Act to bar federal employees from using "[their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election." Comey is not doing that in communicating with Congress on a matter of oversight. ..."
Nov 01, 2016 |

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid alleges that FBI Director Comey has violated the law by announcing the re-opened investigation into Clinton emails so close to the presidential election.

Is he right?

One of the top constitutional law experts in the United States (and a liberal), Professor Jonathan Turley, says no :

[Reid's] allegation is in my view wildly misplaced. Reid is arguing that the actions of FBI Director James B. Comey violates the Hatch Act . I cannot see a plausible, let alone compelling, basis for such a charge against Comey.

In his letter to Comey, Reid raised the the Hatch Act, which prohibits partisan politicking by government employees.

5 U.S.C. § 7323(a)(1) prohibits a government employee from "us[ing] his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election."

Reid argued:

"Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another. I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law."

The reference to "months" is curious. Comey has kept Congress informed in compliance with oversight functions of the congressional committees but has been circumspect in the extent of such disclosures. It is troubling to see Democrats (who historically favor both transparency and checks on executive powers) argue against such disclosure and cooperation with oversight committees. More importantly, the Hatch Act is simply a dog that will not hunt.

Richard W. Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota and the chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House from 2005 to 2007, has filed a Hatch Act complaint against Comey with the federal Office of Special Counsel and Office of Government Ethics. He argues that "We cannot allow F.B.I. or Justice Department officials to unnecessarily publicize pending investigations concerning candidates of either party while an election is underway."

However, Comey was between the horns of a dilemma. He could be accused of acts of commission in making the disclosure or omission in withholding the disclosure in an election year. Quite frankly, I found Painter's justification for his filing remarkably speculative. He admits that he has no evidence to suggest that Comey wants to influence the election or favors either candidate. Intent is key under the Hatch investigations. You can disagree with the timing of Comey's disclosure, but that is not a matter for the Hatch Act or even an ethical charge in my view.

Congress passed the Hatch Act in response to scandals during the 1938 congressional elections and intended the Act to bar federal employees from using "[their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election." Comey is not doing that in communicating with Congress on a matter of oversight.

Such violations under the Hatch Act, even if proven, are not criminal matters . The Office of Special Counsel can investigate such matters and seek discipline - a matter than can ultimately go before the Merit Systems Protection Board.

[Oct 31, 2016] The FBIs Clinton Investigation Is Wider Than Assumed

Notable quotes:
"... The Wall Street Journal today added to its so far excellent reporting on the Clinton issues by revealing the much bigger story behind it: FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe - Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton's private server (open copy here ). ..."
"... B, you're dead right, Hillary is screwed either way. Uncle Bill won't get to wave his mouldy bratwurst in the East Wing for long if she does get through this. ..."
"... Seems the entire "Atlantic media"(bbc, cnn etc etc, aka msm) have all put their collective eggs in Killary's leaky basket. Any pretence of balanced journalism's been thrown out of the window and replaced with brutal yellow propaganda - one which will make chairman Mao blush. ..."
"... The only downside of this for voters and for the people of the world is that a wounded Hillary Clinton may be even MORE likely to push for confrontation leading to WWIII. ..."
"... So did the FBI find Abedin's get out of jail insurance policy, and has that now become Comey's get out of jail insurance policy? ..."
"... Agree with WorldBLee. Hillary has virtually no mandate, little trust, and little support from we, the people...unless she can make the case for a big war. ..."
"... To rule, she will have to rely on her friends on Wall Street, the security establishment, and the media...all of whom find war to be lucrative. ..."
"... The dirt unearthed on HRC ought to have her facing prison for life. ..."
"... If HRC should somehow get elected, more than enough evidence already exists to Impeach and Convict ..."
"... b, you don't list the significance of the 650,000 (!) emails themselves among your bullets. That number of emails may well represent an image of Hillary's private server email store. It's said that several of her aides were tasked with their destruction ... but it now looks like Abedin 'forgot' about the copy on this machine. Once they're loose ... you're right when you say of Hillary that ... ..."
"... @7 stumpy, 'So did the FBI find Abedin's get out of jail insurance policy, and has that now become Comey's get out of jail insurance policy?' Very succinctly and well-put. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

The Washington Post editors today added to their hypocrisy with three additional anti-Comey op-eds:

I interpret that as naked fear that their candidate Hillary Clinton may now loose. That fear is justified.

The Wall Street Journal today added to its so far excellent reporting on the Clinton issues by revealing the much bigger story behind it: FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe - Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton's private server (open copy here ).

According to the reporting, based on FBI sources, FBI agents in New York and elsewhere have been looking into the Clinton Foundation for several months. They suspect that this "charity" was selling political favors by then Secretary of State Clinton in exchange for donations that personally benefited the Clinton family.

The Justice Department blocked further aggressive investigations into the issue, allegedly because of the ongoing election. A high FBI official, Andrew McCabe, also showed disinterest in a further pursuit of the issue. McCabe's wife had just tried to get elected as state senator and had receive a campaign donation of nearly $500,000 from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Clinton friend and at times board member of the Clinton Foundation. The FBI agents pursuing the investigation into the Clinton Foundation were not amused.

The separate investigation into former Congressman Weiner for sexual contacts with minors was looking for pedophile stuff on Weiner's electronic devices. It didn't find any as far as we can tell, but found some 650,000 emails archived on a laptop.

Several thousand of these emails were sent or received by Weiner's spouse, the intimate Clinton aide Huma Abedin. They came through Clinton's private email server. At least some of these thousands of emails are likely copies of those that were deleted from Clinton's server when the (separate) investigation into it started.

They may be evidence that Clinton sent and received classified documents through her unsecured system. Some of these emails may also contain serious dirt related to the Clinton Foundation. (It is highly likely that at least some FBI agents know "unofficially" what these emails contain. Legally they could not look at them without a warrant which they only got today.)

Thus we have three ongoing FBI investigations:

Additional investigations that may come up are on:

With such a list of potentially very serious scandals pending it is highly understandable that FBI director Comey went public and did not follow the advice from the Justice Department to pursue these issues only on a reduced level. It would have been political suicide to try to keep this silent. Way too many FBI agents eager to pursue these case were in the known and would have talked, as they do now, to the media.

If Clinton gets elected she will be hampered by these scandals for the next two years. The Republicans in Congress will jump on these issues as soon as possible. There will be endless hearings with large media coverage. The only question is when the first attempts at an impeachment process will be made - before or after she moves back into the White House. She and her family may be better off with her losing the campaign.

b on October 31, 2016 at 03:19 PM | Permalink

Yup. Al Capone went down for tax evasion.

MadMax2 | Oct 31, 2016 3:49:02 PM | 2
If I'm not mistaken Eric Holder was a recurring chatacter in that 80's TV show CHIPS was he not...? Something about that greasy B-Grade pornstar moustache.

B, you're dead right, Hillary is screwed either way. Uncle Bill won't get to wave his mouldy bratwurst in the East Wing for long if she does get through this.

But she wont. Hillary has fallen off the cliff (see poll below) in the poll below and we're all gonna get to Pitch'n'Putt a nice little 18 holes around the White House lawns on the back of The Don.

No MSM poll is worth anything, especially with so many closet Trump voters this election... but the USC/Dornslife Daybreak differs a little in it's methodology that's worthy of inspection (random selection of 600-800 of the same 3000 participants emailed each day being the main feature). Also worth checking the Characteristics of Candidate graphs - really interesting to get ro know the demographics of what is going to drive what is now a likely landslide win.

The methodology behind this poll was developed by the RAND corp and correctly predicted Obama beating Romney to 0.5 percentage points in 2012.

Zico | Oct 31, 2016 3:51:48 PM | 3
Seems the entire "Atlantic media"(bbc, cnn etc etc, aka msm) have all put their collective eggs in Killary's leaky basket. Any pretence of balanced journalism's been thrown out of the window and replaced with brutal yellow propaganda - one which will make chairman Mao blush.

Trump is gunning for the WH those concerned better get use to it. The sad part is, the American people are f*cked either way. Killary will only hasten America's decline and Trump will make it a slow motion one.

What I don't get is, out of the approximately 300 million US citizens, couldn't they find any smart,less crooked person to lead them???

chet380 | Oct 31, 2016 3:52:36 PM | 4
Comey caved to right-wing criticism and pressure. In the U.S. there is a law that prohibits a public official from influencing, or attempting to influence, an election and yet he took this incomprehensible step against the advice of the Justice Dep't. lawyers.
WorldBLee | Oct 31, 2016 3:53:15 PM | 5
The only downside of this for voters and for the people of the world is that a wounded Hillary Clinton may be even MORE likely to push for confrontation leading to WWIII. Once talk of war starts, all concern over illegal wrongdoing will fade to the background as everyone rallies in the US to support the "Commander in Chief".

Many people have already voted via early voting and can't take back their votes even if they wanted to. However, I suspect that dyed in the wool Clinton/DNC/Democrat zealots will continue to shout that this is all a vast alt-right conspiracy to tarnish their sweet, innocent Hillary.

stumpy | Oct 31, 2016 3:59:43 PM | 7
So did the FBI find Abedin's get out of jail insurance policy, and has that now become Comey's get out of jail insurance policy?
JohnH | Oct 31, 2016 4:08:03 PM | 8
Agree with WorldBLee. Hillary has virtually no mandate, little trust, and little support from we, the people...unless she can make the case for a big war.

To rule, she will have to rely on her friends on Wall Street, the security establishment, and the media...all of whom find war to be lucrative.

Northern Observer | Oct 31, 2016 4:08:13 PM | 9
You do not want to give the GOP control of three branches of government, unless you really hate the American people and want to see them suffer. Actually now it makes sense...
Mina | Oct 31, 2016 4:12:59 PM | 10
I suggest a triumvirat Trump-Johnson-Wilders or The Three Blond Mops to rule Amerikka and let the rest of the world be a safer place without their interventionism (but if we look at the UK, France or the Turks not to mention KSA and Qatar or Israel, it is hard to believe it would work out).
karlof1 | Oct 31, 2016 4:18:53 PM | 11
Marcy Wheeler weighs-in on the scandal here,

The dirt unearthed on HRC ought to have her facing prison for life. Never knew about the quaint rule chet380 @4 alludes to until I read Wheeler's item--a rule that grossly undermines the Rule of Law and shouldn't exist!

If HRC should somehow get elected, more than enough evidence already exists to Impeach and Convict -- but then the same was true regarding WJC's impeachment.

jfl | Oct 31, 2016 4:22:26 PM | 12
b, you don't list the significance of the 650,000 (!) emails themselves among your bullets. That number of emails may well represent an image of Hillary's private server email store. It's said that several of her aides were tasked with their destruction ... but it now looks like Abedin 'forgot' about the copy on this machine. Once they're loose ... you're right when you say of Hillary that ...
She and her family may be better off with her losing the campaign.
... and the people on the other end of all those emails will be able to see that - and even more clearly that they may be better off with her losing her campaign - even if dogged determination keeps the blinders on the Clintons themselves.
Edward | Oct 31, 2016 4:23:58 PM | 13
Maybe Clinton will withdraw from the race. The DNC apparatchniks and the establishment have a stake in defeating Trump. At what point do they bail on Hillary?
jfl | Oct 31, 2016 4:27:35 PM | 14
@7 stumpy, 'So did the FBI find Abedin's get out of jail insurance policy, and has that now become Comey's get out of jail insurance policy?' Very succinctly and well-put.
jfl | Oct 31, 2016 4:31:53 PM | 15
b, 'The Washington Post editors today added to their hypocrisy with three additional anti-Comey op-eds:

Eric Holder: James Comey is a good man, but he made a serious mistake ...'

That has got to be the kiss of death in itself ... Mr Too-Big to Jail weighs-in in defense of the world's - well, the country's - most jailable whale.

[Oct 31, 2016] Team Clinton tracked Weiners sexting since 2011

Oct 31, 2016 |
Team Clinton was keeping tabs on Anthony Weiner's sexting habits as far back as 2011, according to WikiLeaks emails.

One disturbing report came to the attention of John Podesta, now chair of Clinton's presidential campaign, and Neera Tanden, a Senate aide and 2008 presidential campaign staffer, when Jennifer Palmieri, the current campaign communications director, forwarded news of an investigation into Weiner's contacts with a Delaware teenager.

"Police on Friday afternoon came to the home of a 17-year-old high school junior to ask her about direct online communications she has had with Rep. Anthony Weiner," read the report dated June 10, 2011.

"Two officers from the New Castle County Police Department arrived at the girl's home around 4:30 p.m. and asked to speak with the girl's mother about the daughter's contact with Weiner. Another officer appeared at the home a short time later."

A reporter was at the home when the police arrived, the story from Fox News stated.

Palmeiri passed along the news story to Podesta and Tanden with a one-word comment: "Oof."

Weiner resigned from Congress on June 21, 2011, after he accidentally tweeted a picture of himself in bulging briefs.

He apparently intended to send the photo privately to a woman he communicated with online - and though he first insisted his Twitter account had been hacked, he later admitted wrongdoing and stepped down from Congress.

Weiner, who is married to Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin, was recently busted for sexting another underage girl - a 15-year-old in North Carolina.

[Oct 31, 2016] Hillary has only herself to blame for the mess she's in

Notable quotes:
"... We must forgive Mark Twain for his error when he declared that "history never repeats itself but it often rhymes." After all, he'd never met the Clintons. ..."
"... Why didn't you turn that computer over to the FBI during its initial investigation? ..."
"... Did you lie to the FBI about having work-related emails on it? ..."
"... Also, did Weiner have access to classified material? ..."

We must forgive Mark Twain for his error when he declared that "history never repeats itself but it often rhymes." After all, he'd never met the Clintons.

... ... ...

...Clinton is understandably panicked because the timing of Comey's announcement could cost her the election. Her demand that he release everything immediately is also understandable, even as she knows it is impossible for him to release potential evidence before it is examined.

Clinton created the mess with her incredibly stupid decision to use a private server as secretary of state.

... ... ...

She could simply order Abedin to hold a press conference and answer any and every question about the newest batch of emails. Let reporters ask Abedin directly:

  1. What's in those emails?
  2. Did any contain classified material?
  3. Why didn't you turn that computer over to the FBI during its initial investigation?
  4. Did you lie to the FBI about having work-related emails on it?
  5. Also, did Weiner have access to classified material?
  6. Was the computer ever hacked?

... ... ...

Hillary won't do any of that because the potential downside is also huge. My guess is she fears the worst, and may secretly subscribe to the idea that Comey wouldn't have acted in such a bold and controversial way without some conviction that he had stumbled on a potential bombshell.

.... ... ...

[Oct 31, 2016] FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe - WSJ

Notable quotes:
"... told agents to limit their pursuit of the case. ..."
"... Justice Department officials told the FBI at the meeting they wouldn't authorize more aggressive investigative techniques, such as subpoenas, formal witness interviews, or grand-jury activity. But the FBI officials believed they were still well within their authority to pursue the leads and methods already under way, these people said. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

The continuing work means that if Mrs. Clinton wins the White House, she will likely do so amid at least one ongoing investigation into her inner circle being handled by law-enforcement officials who are deeply divided over how to manage such cases.

The latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau's second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a minor, they had recovered a laptop with 650,000 emails. Many, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.

Those emails stretched back years, these people said, and were on a laptop that both Mr. Weiner and Ms. Abedin used and that hadn't previously come up in the Clinton email probe. Ms. Abedin said in late August that the couple were separating.

The FBI had searched the computer while looking for child pornography, people familiar with the matter said, but the warrant they used didn't give them authority to search for matters related to Mrs. Clinton's email arrangement at the State Department. Mr. Weiner has denied sending explicit or indecent messages to the teenager.

In their initial review of the laptop, the metadata showed many messages, apparently in the thousands, that were either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton's home that had been the focus of so much investigative effort for the FBI. Senior FBI officials decided to let the Weiner investigators proceed with a closer examination of the metadata on the computer, and report back to them.

At a meeting early last week of senior Justice Department and FBI officials, a member of the department's senior national-security staff asked for an update on the Weiner laptop, the people familiar with the matter said. At that point, officials realized that no one had acted to obtain a warrant, these people said.

... ... ...

New details show that senior law-enforcement officials repeatedly voiced skepticism of the strength of the evidence in that probe, sought to condense what was at times a sprawling cross-country effort, and, according to some people familiar with the matter, told agents to limit their pursuit of the case.

That led to frustrations among some investigators, who viewed FBI leadership as uninterested in probing the charity, these people said. Others involved disagreed sharply, defending FBI bosses and saying Mr. McCabe in particular was caught between an increasingly acrimonious fight for control between the Justice Department and FBI agents pursuing the Clinton Foundation case.

Such internal tensions are common, and it isn't unusual for field agents to favor a more aggressive approach than supervisors and prosecutors think is merited. But the internal debates about the Clinton Foundation show the high stakes when such disagreements occur surrounding someone who is running for president.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Mr. McCabe's wife, Jill McCabe, received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 from the political action committee of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime ally of the Clintons and, until he was elected governor in November 2013, a Clinton Foundation board member.

Mr. McAuliffe had supported Dr. McCabe in the hopes she and a handful of other Democrats might help win a majority in the state Senate, giving Mr. McAuliffe more sway in the state capitol. Dr. McCabe lost her race last November, and Democrats failed to win their majority.

A spokesman for the governor has said that "any insinuation that his support was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous."

Dr. McCabe told the Journal, "Once I decided to run, my husband had no formal role in my campaign other than to be a supportive husband to me and our children."

In February of this year, Mr. McCabe ascended from the No. 3 position at the FBI to the deputy director post, making him second only to Mr. Comey. When he assumed that role, officials say, he started overseeing the probe into Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server for government work when she was secretary of state.

FBI officials have said Mr. McCabe had no role in the Clinton email probe until he became deputy director, and there was no conflict of interest because by then his wife's campaign was over.

But other Clinton-related investigations were under way within the FBI, and they have been the subject of internal debate for months, according to people familiar with the matter.

Early this year, four FBI field offices-New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Little Rock, Ark.-were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.

Los Angeles agents had picked up information about the Clinton Foundation from an unrelated public corruption case and had issued some subpoenas for bank records related to the foundation, these people said.

The Washington field office was probing financial relationships involving Mr. McAuliffe before he became a Clinton Foundation board member, these people said. Mr. McAuliffe has denied any wrongdoing, and his lawyer has said the probe is focused on whether he failed to register as an agent of a foreign entity.

Clinton Foundation officials have long denied any wrongdoing, saying it is a well-run charity that has done immense good around the world.

The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said.

In February, FBI officials made a presentation to the Justice Department, according to these people. By all accounts, the meeting didn't go well.

... ... ...

Justice Department officials told the FBI at the meeting they wouldn't authorize more aggressive investigative techniques, such as subpoenas, formal witness interviews, or grand-jury activity. But the FBI officials believed they were still well within their authority to pursue the leads and methods already under way, these people said.

In July, Mr. Comey announced he was recommending against any prosecution in the Clinton email case. About a week later, the FBI sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe, with Mr. McCabe deciding the FBI's New York office would take the lead with assistance from Little Rock.

The Washington field office, FBI officials decided, would focus on a separate matter involving Mr. McAuliffe. Mr. McCabe had decided earlier in the spring that he would continue to recuse himself from that probe, given the governor's contributions to his wife's former political campaign.

Within the FBI, the decision was viewed with skepticism by some, who felt the probe would be stronger if the foundation and McAuliffe matters were combined. Others, particularly senior officials at the Justice Department, felt that both probes were weak, based largely on publicly available information, and had found little that would merit expanded investigative authority.

According to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe, despite the department's refusal to allow more aggressive investigative methods in the case. Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn't use those methods.

... ... ...

Others further down the FBI chain of command, however, said agents were given a much starker instruction on the case: "Stand down." When agents questioned why they weren't allowed to take more aggressive steps, they said they were told the order had come from the deputy director-Mr. McCabe.

Others familiar with the matter deny Mr. McCabe or any other senior FBI official gave such a stand-down instruction.

For agents who already felt uneasy about FBI leadership's handling of the Clinton Foundation case, the moment only deepened their concerns, these people said. For those who felt the probe hadn't yet found significant evidence of criminal conduct, the leadership's approach was the right response to the facts on the ground.

In September, agents on the foundation case asked to see the emails contained on nongovernment laptops that had been searched as part of the Clinton email case, but that request was rejected by prosecutors at the Eastern District of New York, in Brooklyn. Those emails were given to the FBI based on grants of partial immunity and limited-use agreements, meaning agents could only use them for the purpose of investigating possible mishandling of classified information.

Some FBI agents were dissatisfied with that answer, and asked for permission to make a similar request to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, according to people familiar with the matter. Mr. McCabe, these people said, told them no and added that they could not "go prosecutor-shopping."

Not long after that discussion, FBI agents informed the bureau's leaders about the Weiner laptop, prompting Mr. Comey's disclosure to Congress and setting of the furor that promises to consume the final days of a tumultuous campaign.

[Oct 31, 2016] As Hillary Clintons Campaign Falters, Progressive Presidential Nominee Jill Stein Has Opening to Rise - Breitbart

Oct 31, 2016 |
Jill Stein to win over the hearts of some progressives and jump start her far-left " people-powered " movement.

"This is Jill Stein's moment," said longtime Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Pat Caddell.

"There are many Clinton voters who would rather vote their conscience than vote for a major party. According to the latest Breitbart/Gravis poll, when given the choice of whether you should vote for a major party candidate or vote your conscience, 44% of Clinton voters said you should vote your conscience," Caddell explained.

Even before the FBI director's dramatic announcement on Friday, the ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll indicated that "loosely affiliated or reluctant Clinton supporters"- which includes white women and young voters under the age of 30- seem to be floating off and "look less likely to vote."

Caddell explained that the polling data suggests "there are many people who are ambivalent about Clinton who don't want to vote for Trump. Given these new revelations from WikiLeaks and the re-intensity of the concern regarding the corruption of her emails, these ambivalent voters need a place to go and Jill Stein-being not only a progressive woman, but an honest progressive woman-is the obvious choice for so many of these voters, particularly for those who supported Bernie Sanders."

Indeed, nearly 60 percent of voters- including 43 percent of Democrats- believe America needs a third major political party, according to a Gallup poll released late last month.

As one former Bernie Sanders supporter told Breitbart News, "It's come to this: voting for Hillary Clinton is voting for the lesser of two evils. But voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil, and I'm tired of voting for evil. That's why I'm voting for Jill Stein. "

This sentiment has been echoed by Stein herself who has argued, "it's time to reject the lesser of two evils and stand up for the greater good."

Stein seems ready to capitalize on the FBI's announcement as well as the steady stream of WikiLeaks revelations that have exposed, what Stein has characterized as, the Clinton camp's "hostility" to progressives.

"The FBI has re-opened the Clinton investigation. Will the American people rise up and vote for honest change?" Stein asked on Friday, via Twitter.

... ... ...

Clinton's strained relationship with progressives has been well documented and could present Stein– who has demonstrated a remarkable ability to articulately prosecute the progressive case against Clinton– with an opening, especially as polling reveals a significant chunk of Clinton voters believe voting their conscience ought to trump voting for a major political party.

As Politico reported in a piece titled "WikiLeaks poisons Hillary's relationship with left" :

Some of the left's most influential voices and groups are taking offense at the way they and their causes were discussed behind their backs by Clinton and some of her closest advisers in the emails, which swipe liberal heroes and causes as "puritanical," "pompous", "naive", "radical" and "dumb," calling some "freaks," who need to "get a life." […] among progressive operatives, goodwill for Clinton - and confidence in key advisers featured in the emails including John Podesta, Neera Tanden and Jake Sullivan - is eroding…

Even before the FBI's announcement, many noted that it was becoming increasingly difficult to view a vote for Clinton as anything other than a vote to continue the worst aspects of political corruption.

As columnist Kim Strassel recently wrote , the one thing in this election of which one can be certain is that "a Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law." As such, "anyone who pulls the lever for Mrs. Clinton takes responsibility for setting up the nation for all the blatant corruption that will follow," Strassel concludes . "She just doesn't have a whole lot of integrity," said far-left progressive Cornel West.

West endorsed Stein over Clinton explaining Stein is "the only progressive woman in the race."

"The Clinton train- [of] Wall Street, security surveillance, militaristic- is not going in the same direction I'm going," West told Bill Maher earlier this year.

She's a neoliberal… [I] believe neoliberalism is a disaster when it comes to poor people and when it comes to people in other parts of the world dealing with U.S. foreign policy and militarism. Oh, absolutely. Ask the people in Libya about that. Ask the people in the West Bank about that.

West has separately explained that Clinton's "militarism makes the world a less safe place" and that her globalist agenda created the "right-wing populism" that has fueled Trump's rise.

Clinton policies of the 1990s generated inequality, mass incarceration, privatization of schools and Wall Street domination. There is also a sense that the Clinton policies helped produce the right-wing populism that we're seeing now in the country. And we think she's going to come to the rescue? That's not going to happen.

"It's too easy to view him [Trump] as an isolated individual and bash him," West told Maher. "He's speaking to the pain in the country because white, working class brothers have been overlooked by globalization, by these trade deals"– trade deals which Stein also opposes.

Stein has railed against the passage of TPP, which she and her party have described as "NAFTA on steroids" that would "enrich wealthy corporations by exporting jobs and pushing down wages." They have argued that the deal essentially amounts to a "global corporate coup" that "would give corporations more power than nations" by letting them "challenge our laws".

#ImVoting4JillBecause she is the only positive choice for our children's future #votegreen #Election2016 #JillStein @DrJillStein

- Beebz the Squirrel (@SquirrelBeebz) October 25, 2016

Stein is against the "massive expanding wars," "the meltdown of the climate," "the massive Wall Street bailouts," and "the offshoring of our jobs."

Pointing to Clinton's "dangerous and immoral" militarism, Stein has warned that "a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war" and has explained how under a Clinton presidency, "we could very quickly slide into nuclear war" or could start an air-war with Russia.

"No matter how her staff tries to rebrand her" Clinton is "not a progressive," Stein has said -rather Clinton is a "corporatist hawk" that " surrounds herself with people who are hostile progressives" such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz "after she sabotaged Bernie [Sanders]." Stein has warned progressives that the role of corporate Democrats like Clinton is to "prevent progressives from defying corporate rule."


- Canary Coalminer (@BigTinyBird) October 23, 2016

Stein has made a point to highlight the fact that "we're now seeing many Republican leaders join Hillary Clinton in a neoliberal uni-party that will fuel right-wing extremism," by continuing to push its "neoliberal agenda [of] globalization, privatization, deregulation, [and] austerity for the rest of us."

In contrast to Clinton's corporatist "uni-party", Stein and her party have explained that their campaign represents a "people's party with a populist progressive agenda" that-unlike Democrats and Republicans- is not "funded by big corporate interests including Wall St. Banks, fossil fuel giants, & war profiteer."

Stein is a Harvard Medical School graduate, a mother to two sons, and a practicing physician, who became an environmental-health activist and organizer in the late 1990s. As the Green Party's 2012 presidential candidate, Stein already holds the record for the most votes ever received by a female candidate for president in a general election.

In Jill Stein, her party writes, "progressives have a peace candidate not beholden to the billionaire class."

[Oct 31, 2016] Eight days before the election: Overview of political situation

Notable quotes:
"... For Comey to do what he did, when and how he did it, I gotta believe there is some extinction-level event inside those emails. Something so toxic that even Obama is throwing up his hands, or at least easing hiimself way, way back on the periphery. ..."
"... If Comey is playing politics with such an important job or can't even handle a mutiny us department, why did Obama nominate a life long Republican to the post of FBI Director? ..."
"... Interesting to literally see where Obama draws the line in the sand. "Sorry, you're on your own (smug Barry laugh meme)." ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |


"Clinton Foundation: Inurement" [ Amy Sterling Cassill ]. Word of the day: "The concept of "inurement" is one that most nonprofit organization board members should be familiar with. In common language, "inurement" is a concept that means a board member, donor, or employee can't benefit excessively from the organization's funds."

"Donald Trump's Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders" [Kurt Eichenwald, Newsweek ]. Oppo garbage truck unloads….

War Drums

"Harry Reid's incendiary claim about 'coordination' between Donald Trump and Russia" [ WaPo ].

But there is no public evidence to support Reid's claim of actual "coordination" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. And were that to be the case, it would be a scandal of epic proportions. Asked what evidence exists of such a connection, Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson cited classified briefings. "There have been classified briefings on this topic," Jentleson said. "That is all I can say."

Nudge nudge wink wink. Say no more! Say no more!

The Voters

"Signs Grow of Another Third-Party Fizzle" [ Wall Street Journal ]. "But it appears increasingly likely that no outside candidate will take a meaningful chunk of the national vote, as seemed plausible in the early summer. The combined clout of Mr. Johnson and Ms. Stein fell from 17% of registered voters in July to 9% in the most recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The running RealClearPolitics polling average of all four candidates is even less generous, showing Mr. Johnson and Ms. Stein dropping from around 12% at various times this summer to just 7% now."


"Would Trump "Make a Deal" With The Left?" [ Michael Tracey ]. I doubt it. And would the Left make a deal with Trump? Still, if the deal were to prevent a war…

The Trail

UPDATE "CNN says it is 'completely uncomfortable' with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile sharing questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation" [ Politico ]. Too funny! Instant karma, and Brazile turns out to be just as clumsy and dishonest a hack as Wasserman-Shultz. No doubt there will be a place for her in the Clinton administration.

"FT endorsement: For all her weaknesses, Clinton is the best hope" [ Financial Times ].

"Donald Trump has a path to victory again thanks to Florida" [ WaPo ]. "Remember that winning Florida isn't a luxury for Trump - it's a necessity. If Clinton wins the 18 states (plus D.C.) that every Democratic presidential nominee has carried between 1992 and 2012, she has 242 electoral votes. Add Florida's 29 to that total and Clinton is at 271 and the election is over."

Democrat Email Hairball

"How Clinton plans to deal with Comey's October surprise" [ Politico ]. "Projecting confidence" and "galvanizing supporters." Those are the talking points? Really? Seems a little meta.


"A $72-million apartment project. Top politicians. Unlikely donors." [ Los Angeles Times ]. "No one is registered to vote at the run-down house on 223rd Street. The living room window has been broken for months. A grit-covered pickup sits in the dirt front yard with a flat tire. Yet dozens of donations to local politicians - totaling more than $40,000 - have come from four of the people who have lived there over the last eight years." That's so dumb. If you want to launder money, you set up a family foundation. What's wrong with these people?

"When CIA and NSA Workers Blow the Whistle, Congress Plays Deaf" [ The Intercept ].

Jim Haygood, October 31, 2016 at 2:18 pm

'7' years:

One could add a few more. The Panic of 1907. The bear market of 1917. The recession and bear market (50% decline) of 1937. The recession and bear market of 1957. The bear market of 1977.

Not that I would trade on this decadal pattern alone. But "7" years see more than their fair share of calamities.

hunkerdown, October 31, 2016 at 3:07 pm

Christine Lagarde said something about sevens six months before MH17 was downed by drunken Ukies. 7 is one of the more common digits coerced into weak passwords by password "diversity" standards.

It's bisyllabic and sibilant, therefore powerful and mystical to the ear.

Jim Haygood, October 31, 2016 at 2:25 pm

This ought to shut up Harry Reid.

But then again, who cares what a lame duck thinks?

White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Monday said President Obama does not believe FBI Director James Comey was meddling in the presidential election by announcing Friday that his agency discovered new emails that may be related to its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private server.

In his daily press briefing, Earnest said Obama believes Comey "is a man of principle and good character," and "doesn't believe that Director Comey is intentionally trying to influence the outcome of the election."

Tom, October 31, 2016 at 2:28 pm

Hillary Clinton 10/28/16:

"We've heard these rumors. We don't know what to believe. I'm sure there will be even more rumors," she explained about the new emails being connected to Abedin and Weiner. "That's why it is incumbent upon on the FBI to tell us what they're talking about."

Obama 10/31/16:

Who is this we you're talking about?

hunkerdown, October 31, 2016 at 3:08 pm

Incumbent. I do not think that word means what you think it means, Madame Secretary.

Jen October 31, 2016 at 2:29 pm

Well, well. Another feud breaking out in the open?

Pat October 31, 2016 at 2:33 pm

Interesting. Obama going high, or deciding where the chips may fall.

Tom October 31, 2016 at 2:36 pm

I think the latter.

For Comey to do what he did, when and how he did it, I gotta believe there is some extinction-level event inside those emails. Something so toxic that even Obama is throwing up his hands, or at least easing hiimself way, way back on the periphery.

temporal October 31, 2016 at 2:38 pm

Personal briefing perhaps? Most likely this is just as it appears. It's all going to be about the Weiner and the person that shared his hardware.

NYPaul October 31, 2016 at 3:18 pm

I'd like to know more about the folder, "life insurance."

NotTimothyGeithner October 31, 2016 at 3:20 pm

Don't forget Obama can't be embarrassed or make mistakes. Comey as an Obama appointee will always be defended by Obama until there is a risk of the stench reaching Obama or missing a round of golf.

If Comey is playing politics with such an important job or can't even handle a mutiny us department, why did Obama nominate a life long Republican to the post of FBI Director?

Roger Smith October 31, 2016 at 3:15 pm

Interesting to literally see where Obama draws the line in the sand. "Sorry, you're on your own (smug Barry laugh meme)."

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 31, 2016 at 3:23 pm

Does it mean that the Russians have Comey and Obama working for them?

Who can you trust but Hillary?

[Oct 31, 2016] Hillary Clinton took money from and supported nations that she KNEW funded ISIS and terrorists

Notable quotes:
"... "…the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region." ..."
"... "Clintons should know better than to raise money from folks whose primary concern has been supporting the NIAC, a notorious supporter of the Radical Islamic Mullahs. "The Clinton's have thrown principle out the window in exchange for cold hard cash…putting money ahead of principle." ..."
"... If these revelations don't completely terminate Hillary Clinton's candidacy, certainly four straight years of Congressional Emailgate hearings will, should she outright steal the election from Donald Trump on November 8th, or shortly thereafter. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

_ _ _

If these revelations don't completely terminate Hillary Clinton's candidacy, certainly four straight years of Congressional Emailgate hearings will, should she outright steal the election from Donald Trump on November 8th, or shortly thereafter.

[Oct 31, 2016] Trump Id Get Electric Chair for Cheating Debates Like Hillary

Oct 31, 2016 |
Trump was commenting on the revelation by Wikileaks on Monday that CNN commentator Donna Brazile, who is now the chair of the Democratic National Committee, had been caught again passing debate questions from the network to the Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary.

Brazile had been exposed earlier doing the same - passing a question to the Clinton campaign in advance of a town hall debate against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

At the time, Brazile was not yet DNC chair, but was a regular CNN contributor.

CNN fired Brazile on Monday, releasing a statement: ""We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor."

[Oct 31, 2016] Their IT guy, Justin Cooper I believe, put spyware on Bills phone

Oct 31, 2016 |
Krungle Bastiat Oct 31, 2016 1:39 PM ,
Their IT guy, Justin Cooper I believe, put spyware on Bill's phone (per Chelsea in one of the Wikileaks emails) and also embezzled CF money (again, per Chelsea).

Also, he's apparently kind of dim as he had to get IT advice from Reddit. So either JC was deep undercover for the feds and he set them up, or, when Huma was working from home during his pregnancy he set up auto-sync on her devices. Or...if they were using iPhones and Macs, they idiot proof syncing and it happens without someone who isn't computer literate even knowing.

The most likely scenario IMO is simply hubris and stupidity. IT guy set that laptop on auto-sync, they forgot about it when the FBI came calling the first time because that computer had fallen into Weiner's sticky fingers full-time for a few years by that point.

Carelessness and poor judgement seem most likely here--remember thesee folks can get the best Google IT people to their home anytime to deal with their IT needs. They could have gotten the best people at the NSA. They didn't even get the best guy out of the phone book. As their colleagues say in various Wikileaked emails, they have terrible judgement.....

[Oct 31, 2016] In the second act of this movie, Comey learns that the Weiner laptop had emails that were so damning it would be a crime against the public to allow them to vote without first seeing a big red flag

Notable quotes:
"... In the second act of this movie, Comey learns that the Weiner laptop had emails that were so damning it would be a crime against the public to allow them to vote without first seeing a big red flag. And a flag was the best he could do because it was too early in the investigation to leak out bits and pieces of the evidence. That would violate Clinton's rights. ..."
"... In this movie, Comey did the hero thing. He alerted the public to the fact that the FBI found DISQUALIFYING information on the Weiner laptop. And he took a second bullet to his reputation. ..."
"... I start by assuming Comey is the same man now as the one who was carefully vetted before being hired to protect the integrity of one of our most important institutions. And even Comey's critics concede he's smart. ..."
"... The way you know the new emails are disqualifying for Clinton is because otherwise our hero would have privately informed Congress and honored the tradition of not influencing elections. Comey is smart enough to know his options. And unless he suddenly turned rotten at his current age, he's got the character to jump in front of a second bullet for the Republic. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |
Back to Comey.

I'm hearing several interpretations for these two observations:

1. Comey seemed pro -Clinton when he dropped the initial email case.

2. Comey seems anti -Clinton this week because he announced a new round of investigations right before the election.

How can both behaviors be explained? Or, as I like to ask, which movie does the best job of explaining our observations and also predicting the future?

Some say Comey is a political pawn in a rigged system. By that movie script we can explain why he dropped the initial email case. But we can't explain why he's acting against Clinton's interests now. What changed?

Well, some say Comey had to reopen the case against Clinton after discovering the Weiner laptop emails. If he failed to act, there might be a revolt at the FBI and maybe a whistleblower would come forward. But that leaves unexplained why Comey detailed to Congress how Clinton appeared to be guilty of crimes at the same time he said the FBI was dropping the case. If Comey had been protecting Clinton on the first round, he would have softened his description of her misdeeds, wouldn't he? But he didn't seem to hold back anything.

And none of those hypotheses explain why the people who know Comey have high regard for his integrity. Comey also has the security of a 10-year appointment as Director, so he has a low chance of getting fired or politically influenced. That's exactly why the job has a 10-year term. Given what we know of Comey before any of the Clinton emails, any movie that casts Comey as an ass-covering weasel is probably making a casting mistake.

So allow me to offer an interpretation of events that casts Comey as more of a patriot and hero than an ass-covering weasel. Compare my interpretation with whatever movie you have in your head and see which one works best for explaining and predicting.

My movie says Comey had good evidence against Clinton during the initial investigation but made a judgment call to leave the decision to the American public. For reasons of conscience, and acting as a patriot, Comey explained in clear language to the public exactly what evidence the FBI found against Clinton. The evidence looked damning because it was. Under this interpretation, Comey took a bullet to his reputation for the sake of the Republic. He didn't want the FBI to steal this important decision away from the people, but at the same time he couldn't let the people decide blind. So he divulged the evidence and stepped away, like the action hero who doesn't look back at the explosion.

In the second act of this movie, Comey learns that the Weiner laptop had emails that were so damning it would be a crime against the public to allow them to vote without first seeing a big red flag. And a flag was the best he could do because it was too early in the investigation to leak out bits and pieces of the evidence. That would violate Clinton's rights.

But Comey couldn't easily raise a red flag to warn the public because it was against FBI policy to announce a criminal investigation about a candidate so close to election day. So Comey had a choice of either taking another bullet for the Republic or screwing the very country that he has spent his career protecting.

In this movie, Comey did the hero thing. He alerted the public to the fact that the FBI found DISQUALIFYING information on the Weiner laptop. And he took a second bullet to his reputation.

How do I know the new emails are that bad?

I start by assuming Comey is the same man now as the one who was carefully vetted before being hired to protect the integrity of one of our most important institutions. And even Comey's critics concede he's smart.


The way you know the new emails are disqualifying for Clinton is because otherwise our hero would have privately informed Congress and honored the tradition of not influencing elections. Comey is smart enough to know his options. And unless he suddenly turned rotten at his current age, he's got the character to jump in front of a second bullet for the Republic.

According to this movie, no matter who gets elected, we'll eventually learn of something disqualifying in the Weiner emails.

And we can't say we weren't warned. Comey took two bullets to do it.

So compare this movie to your own movie and see which one does the best job of explaining the observed facts. And when we find out what is in the Weiner laptop emails, compare that news to my prediction that the information is disqualifying.

The Persuasion Filter says there is no prefered reality. We all see our own movies. In my movie, Comey's has a consistent personality from start to finish. He starts out his career as a smart, competent patriot and he later proves it by taking two bullets for the Republic. If your movie script has Comey suddenly changing his basic character for this election season, don't expect an Oscar.

[Oct 31, 2016] 12 Facts About the FBI Investigation of Hillary Clintons Emails

Oct 31, 2016 |
Twelve facts reveal what everyone needs to know about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server.

Those twelve facts consist of:

    On October 3, FBI agents seized a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, as part of the investigation into a report that he was sexting a 15-year-old girl. While searching the laptop, FBI agents uncovered new emails that are likely connected to the agency's investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server. The laptop was used by Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin and reportedly has 650,000 emails on it. Earlier in the investigation, Huma Abedin swore under oath in a deposition that she had turned over the devices that may have been used to email Clinton: two laptops, a BlackBerry, files she found in her apartment. Huma Abedin reportedly did not know about emails that were on the computer the FBI discovered. "The possibility that this device contains any emails of hers is news to her," a source familiar with the investigation told CNN . Anthony Weiner is cooperating with the FBI's investigation, according to Fox News anchor Bret Baier . FBI Director James Comey was reportedly informed about the new emails last Thursday. He notified Congress the following day. Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was complete. He sent a letter on Friday to both Democrats and Republican members of Congress to clarify that the case remained open. Justice Department officials tried to stop James Comey from sending the letter, according to the New York Times , warning that it would be a break of longstanding policy. Investigators believe that some of the emails deleted from Hillary Clinton's private server are on this laptop, according to CNN . Many of the emails were "either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton's home," according to the Wall Street Journal . Officials received a court order during the weekend to investigate the emails. The process has begun, but it will take weeks, according to several sources.

[Oct 31, 2016] Rats are starting to leave the sinking ship

Oct 31, 2016 |

Tyler said... Rats are starting to leave the sinking ship:

Again, if you really believed that Hillary ever had a 12 point lead over Trump I've got news for you. Functionally tied even with a +8 Dem oversampling. Brace for a Trumpslide. This was even BEFORE the FBI announcement. Reply 30 October 2016 at 12:07 PM Joe100 said in reply to Tyler... Tyler -

I found a surprisingly good article on BBC news this morning addressing whether Trump can pull off the election. The poor predictions of Brexit vote outcome have clearly raised concerns about polling accuracy. A key point was that "Some 2.8 million people - about 6% of the electorate - who had not voted for decades, if ever, turned up at the polling stations on 23 June and almost all of them voted to leave the EU."

The article covers a broad range of issues raising uncertainty in elections like the impact of cellphone use and the increasing reluctance of the public to answer surveys.

It suggests that there is probably more uncertainty in all of the presidential race polling than is being admitted – with some emphasis on the limits of "proprietary 'likely voter' models used by most polling companies. The article ends quoting Nate Silver suggesting that many pollsters have not factored enough uncertainty into their models.. Reply 30 October 2016 at 02:38 PM

[Oct 31, 2016] ITS OVER Huma Abedin Just Flipped! What She Did Minutes Ago Has Hillary In Tears…

Oct 31, 2016 |

EndingFed News Network

Huma Abedin has VOIDED her immunity deal with the FBI. She will be facing jail time or give up dirt on Hillary Clinton. Hillary has got to be crying big ol' gator tears right about now…

Huma Abedin has been by Hillary's side for a long time. After those emails were found on her husband Anthony Weiner's computer. Hillary Clinton does not want her around anymore. According to Hillary's campaign, Abedin is now sitting in a different section of the plane when it was traveling to Florida.

[Oct 31, 2016] Roger Stone Its Time America Got Some Answers About Huma Abedin EndingFed News Network

Notable quotes:
"... Abedin was deeply involved with the establishment of Hillary's private email server, which was used for all of her work as Secretary of State. Now, since we know Hillary had hundreds of classified or top-secret documents on her vulnerable server (despite her early lies saying she did not), any faith in Huma's judgment - at the very least - has been demolished. You will soon ask yourself, "how did this woman get a security clearance?" ..."
"... There is no doubt that she and Hillary have an extremely close relationship. She has been loyal and faithful to Hillary for twenty years. "I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would be Huma." So spoke Hillary in 2010. She even visited with Huma's mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia in 2011, telling her that Huma's position was "very important and sensitive." Saleha is reportedly an outspoken advocate for genital mutilation for girls in the Islamic world. ..."
"... One exception to this was the February 2016 issue of Vanity Fair . Author William D Cohen's story, titled "Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?" tackled some of the issues I have gone over in this piece. It was well written, informative, and controversial. The backlash was immediate. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

Chic gal pal? Mild mannered politician's wife? Harmless clotheshorse? Saudi plant? Innocent aide? Handler?

Huma Abedin is Vice Chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. But Huma is more, much more than that. She is the person closest to the most powerful woman in American politics and perhaps the next President. Huma has been described variously as Hillary's "body woman," a sort of glorified go-to personal maid, gentle confidant, and by others as an Islamic spy. She may be all of these things, because as we shall see, Huma Abedin has an interesting and complex career history.

Abedin was deeply involved with the establishment of Hillary's private email server, which was used for all of her work as Secretary of State. Now, since we know Hillary had hundreds of classified or top-secret documents on her vulnerable server (despite her early lies saying she did not), any faith in Huma's judgment - at the very least - has been demolished. You will soon ask yourself, "how did this woman get a security clearance?"

She was born Huma Mahmood Abedin in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was Indian and born in New Delhi. In the early 1970s, he was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University. The Muslim Students Association or MSA was started in 1963 by Saudi Arabia's biggest charity, the Muslim World League, a group formed and funded by the Kingdom to spread Islam throughout the world.

... ... ...

There were several issues being investigated both internally by the State Department and Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee for conflicts of interest and embezzlement . She filed inaccurate time sheets overpaying herself $10,000. Mr. Grassley has also questioned whether the deal with Abedin really met the requirements for a special government employee status. One of those requirements is that someone's work as a contractor be different enough from the original job to warrant giving the person contractor status. Documents acquired by the Washington Times show that she told State officials that she planned to do the same kind of work as an SGE that she did as Deputy Chief of Staff.

She became part of Hillary's transition team in 2013, helping her to return to private life. She continued her work at the Clinton Foundation and set up her own consulting firm, Zain Endeavors LLC .

On October 16, 2015, Abedin testified in a closed session before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in a session that was expected to focus on the 2012 Benghazi attack during which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. She said, "I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks," adding she was "honored" to work for Clinton at State and "proud" of her service there. Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of "'I don't remember' and 'I don't recollect.'"

There is no doubt that she and Hillary have an extremely close relationship. She has been loyal and faithful to Hillary for twenty years. "I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would be Huma." So spoke Hillary in 2010. She even visited with Huma's mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia in 2011, telling her that Huma's position was "very important and sensitive." Saleha is reportedly an outspoken advocate for genital mutilation for girls in the Islamic world.

So how has the media dealt with Huma Abedin? In short, they haven't. The family's critics have been attacked and labeled as conspiracy theorists.

One exception to this was the February 2016 issue of Vanity Fair . Author William D Cohen's story, titled "Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?" tackled some of the issues I have gone over in this piece. It was well written, informative, and controversial. The backlash was immediate.

[Oct 31, 2016] Watch the Post twist itself into a pretzel, trying to explain, carefully walking through this latest Clinton mess, picking certain facts, ignoring others, not asking the obvious questions

Notable quotes:
"... I watch the Post twist itself into a pretzel, trying to explain, carefully walking through this latest Clinton mess, picking certain facts, ignoring others, not asking the obvious questions ..."
"... In a previous release of information as a result of a Freedom of Information suit, it became known that Huma Abedin had forwarded emails from Clinton's private email server, to Ms. Abedin's personal yahoo email account. ..."
"... I understand that Mrs. Clinton was SOS for four years. Nevertheless, how do you forward tens of thousands of emails? ..."
"... And what of the 30,000 destroyed (by Clinton) emails? The only thing that makes sense, is that the newly discovered emails include some of the missing emails. ..."
"... "We don't know what this means yet except that it's a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that's where we are..." ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |

HappyInSF 10/29/2016 7:44 PM EST

As I watch the Post twist itself into a pretzel, trying to explain, carefully walking through this latest Clinton mess, picking certain facts, ignoring others, not asking the obvious questions (e.g. are some of the emails found on Weiner's laptop copies of the 30,000 emails that Clinton destroyed, even though she was under subpoena to turn them over to the State Dept.?) it makes me believe that there is not an honest, moral, trustworthy person, left in our government, our political leadership, or our press corps.
HappyInSF 10/29/2016 7:09 PM EST
In a previous release of information as a result of a Freedom of Information suit, it became known that Huma Abedin had forwarded emails from Clinton's private email server, to Ms. Abedin's personal yahoo email account.

The new bit of news today, is that the FBI found TENS OF THOUSANDS of Clinton related emails on Weiner's (shared with Abedin?) laptop. I understand that Mrs. Clinton was SOS for four years. Nevertheless, how do you forward tens of thousands of emails? I don't think it can be a batch operation, they must have been forwarded individually. And what of the 30,000 destroyed (by Clinton) emails? The only thing that makes sense, is that the newly discovered emails include some of the missing emails. As Carl Bernstein (one of the two original Post reporters who broke the Watergate story, which led to Nixon's resignation) said yesterday:

"We don't know what this means yet except that it's a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that's where we are..."

[Oct 31, 2016] Sherlock Holmes: How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

Oct 31, 2016 |
fresno dan October 30, 2016 at 7:39 am

Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has told people she is unsure how her emails could have ended up on a device she viewed as her husband's computer, the seizure of which has reignited the Clinton email investigation, according to a person familiar with the investigation and civil litigation over the matter.

The person, who would not discuss the case unless granted anonymity, said Abedin was not a regular user of the computer, and even when she agreed to turn over emails to the State Department for federal records purposes, her lawyers did not search it for materials, not believing any of her messages to be there.


Abedin told the FBI in an interview in April that her attorneys asked for guidance from the State Department on how to conduct that review but did not receive a response.

Summarizing Abedin's interview, FBI agents wrote that she told them the attorneys "erred on the side of caution and opted to include anything that they were unsure about."

In a sworn deposition in June, Abedin said she "looked for all the devices that may have any of my State Department work on it and returned - returned - gave them to my attorneys for them to review for all relevant documents."

Curiouser and curiouser.

Sherlock Holmes: How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

We have a Russian Weiner in our computers… And in an abundance of caution, I am checking my drawers…

the source

[Oct 31, 2016] FBI investigating new e-mail tied to Clinton scandal

Notable quotes:
"... I have to take the same or similar training as Hillary Clinton must have taken when she was secretary of state. The difference is that I do not have selective memory like Hillary nor am I a pathological liar. If I had done what Hillary has done no doubt I would be in federal prison! ..."
"... IMO either one is disqualifying to be President of the United States. Her extraordinary incompetence need not rise to the level of criminality. The court of public opinion is not a court of law, and candidates running for public office are judged in the court of public opinion accordingly. ..."
"... Apparently Weiner is "cooperating" with the FBI, which gives them the right to search emails on the laptop without an additional warrant... including the Abedin emails. I would likely think this would involve a plea deal for Weiner for throwing Abedin and Hillary under the bus. Despicable , but this is Weiner we're talking about. ..."
Oct 31, 2016 |
bettercitizens Ars Scholae Palatinae reply Oct 30, 2016 3:15 PM
I work with classified data and create derivative classifications as part of my job as a civilian with the Navy. Classified information is a pain in the ass, but it has to be dealt with properly and securely. That is why we have SIPRNET to e-mail classified data.

The SIPRNET system forces a header at the top of all e-mail messages stating the classification level and if foreign nationalities can view the data, etc. Additonally when creating a derivative classification one has to consult the security classification guide for the program and mark the data properly in any files.

I have to take the same or similar training as Hillary Clinton must have taken when she was secretary of state. The difference is that I do not have selective memory like Hillary nor am I a pathological liar. If I had done what Hillary has done no doubt I would be in federal prison!

Cheers, DC

Red Foreman Wise, Aged Ars Veteran
... ... ...

IMO either one is disqualifying to be President of the United States. Her extraordinary incompetence need not rise to the level of criminality. The court of public opinion is not a court of law, and candidates running for public office are judged in the court of public opinion accordingly.

Thoughtful Ars Tribunus Militum et Subscriptor

... ... ...

What may have been confusing you is that POP3 clients (generally speaking, unless told NOT to) remove e-mail from the server and keep it locally. IMAP and MS Exchange can do that too but you have to take extra configuration steps to ensure that the client removes the mail and stores it locally (instead of the e-mail simultaneously residing on both the client and the server).

Drone13 Smack-Fu Master, in training reply 5 hours ago drachasor wrote:

... ... ...

Apparently Weiner is "cooperating" with the FBI, which gives them the right to search emails on the laptop without an additional warrant... including the Abedin emails. I would likely think this would involve a plea deal for Weiner for throwing Abedin and Hillary under the bus. Despicable , but this is Weiner we're talking about.

This morning the FBI also secured a warrant for the notebook, so warrant-less search is no longer an issue to discuss. It has also been reported that there are somewhere around 650,000 emails to sort through between Weiner's and Abedin's emails. That has to be a very distasteful task.. separating the wheat from the shaft.

whobeme Smack-Fu Master, in training reply Oct 30, 2016 1:01 PM Drone13 wrote:

... ... ...

I believe the first one indicates this scenario is unfolding:

1. laptop went with Weiner when they split, so the FBI did not review it during the initial investigation. (Gross incompetence on their part.)

2. In the later investigation for Weiner's weenie wagging the FBI obtained the laptop and reviewed HIS emails. In the process they found some to or from HER, most likely in a separate login account. The warrant they were using for his investigation did not apply to the Clinton investigation, and they passed the observation up the chain of command but did not read those emails (or will not admit to reading them.)

which brings us to today

3. Huma says she doesn't know what is on that laptop and does not know how any of her emails got there. ... story.html

We have been speculating previously about what mail protocols were used. The presence of a large number of emails when she expected none suggests to me that at some point she borrowed his machine to check her emails. (Hers being on the blink or left at the office or some such thing.) The email client used may have employed IMAP and while she thought it was just showing her the couple of emails she needed to look at, in the background it was downloading a full copy of each folder she accessed. She may not have expected that because on her machine whichever email client this was was configured to not make local copies.

[Oct 30, 2016] The FBIs email inquiry is a fitting end to this dumpster fire of an election by Richard Wolffe

Neoliberal queen is waiting coronation, but ...
Notable quotes:
"... The US has one thing in common with the UK. A massive hidden disenfranchised underclass, who are often unemployed or underemployed . He will get that vote, just as brexit did, and the reason he invited Farage over was because he knows this. ..."
"... When you see all the corruption and fraud that goes on around the world by the wealthy and powerful you see that change by grass root movements doesn't stand a chance. ..."
"... Politicians with their nepotism and cronyism , CEO's, Bankers/Hedge Funnd Managers, Big Business, Big Pharma, Lobbyists, Industrialists, Multi-Nationals...all part part of a Global Cabal that doesn't care about the poor or the working class. ..."
"... it is my belief that they are already relatively certain that at least one State Department email with classified information, and perhaps many more, reside on a laptop computer owned by Anthony Weiner and used by him to exchange sexually explicit content with supposedly underage women -- and I say "supposedly" because posing as an available member of the opposite sex is a common clandestine maneuver. ..."
"... The war candidate is and always has been Hillary. Never met a war she didn't like. Trump OTOH is much more interested in money than in war. He is an isolationist. It's one reason I like his platform, I am tired of the wars. Hillary would continue them. ..."
"... The problem with Hillary (which the DNC should have thought about as they sabotaged Bernie Sander's bid in the primaries) is that there is more then enough kindling in her background to create a decent fire....and lots and lots of smoke! ..."
"... exactly - enough skeletons in her closet to fill a good sized cemetery. ..."
"... "Pseudo-scandal"? Or pseduo-journalism. Richard Wolffe's credibility as a journalist just went up in flames. If you want to read Hillary Clinton's media releases, cut out the middle man and go directly to her campaign website. ..."
"... Clinton is unpopular because, at the innermost core, she's unlikable. Sort of an evil stepmother type who's trying to look more motherly. ..."
"... Into this mess is the media, which refuses to provide serious discussion and analysis over important economic, social, environmental and foreign policy issues. Instead it turns everything into theatre with a focus on sex scandals, rumours, hair cuts and what the candidate is wearing. ..."
"... Elections are being won or lost on wafer thin margins because the choice of candidate are so poor. Policy is ignored or even mostly absent. Instead we have what is little better than a game show. ..."
"... It is like a choice between Pepsi and Coke, whatever choice you make you only get highly sugared and fizzy lolly water that won't do your health any good in the long run. ..."
"... Perhaps all politicians close to an election should be immune from the law for a period? ..."
"... No spin from the neoliberal establishment will save their queen Hillary. ..."
"... Because we're talking about the Big Circumcised Weiner, someone who self-identifies as "a perpetually horny middle-aged man", we've got the fun prospects of one or more sex crimes, along with volumes of sorta' consensual sex, being documented among the, possibly, famous and the soon to famous; and a little wealthier too. ..."
"... When the the swamp is drained the American people will be shocked and sickened by the crimes of the people behind the so-called progressive, globalist, socialist, thieving, murdering vermin that the bankster cabal sent among the people to destroy the United States. By all means, the corrupt politicians and their masters must be investigated. So too the people who run the disgusting corporate media and scurrilous vermin behind groups like "Media Matters" "Open Societies" etc. etc. etc. ..."
"... The trouble with your argument is that the Conservative side has analogous front organisations backed by oil and other interest groups which are intent on imposing their will regardless of the popular will. The Conservatives have indeed been outgunned by the Liberal mafia this time. ..."
"... " progressive, globalist, socialist, thieving, murdering vermin"... How are the "bankster cabal" you conjure in any way progressive and/or socialist? Do you have any clue, or are these just two of your go-to slurs? ..."
"... She doesn't mind the disgusting behaviour and carryings-on of Trump being exposed before an election and it shouldn't be any different for her either. We hear a lot about the accusations against Donald Trump in this country and we don't hear much about what Hillary has done with all her emails or what is alleged to have been written in them. ..."
"... You have got to be joking. How about the War in Yemen, 90% + casualty rates with drone strikes and targeted assassination, Saudi Arabia weapons deals, vetoing JASTA, War in Syria and Libya disaster, NSA surveillance continuing, Civil Asset forfeiture equitable sharing program, NDAA 2012 - 17 including indefinite detention and now women's draft, 2nd Amendment infringement and calls for Australian gun control , Guantanamo still open, still pursuing REAL ID, TSA groping, Biometric database and associated ID card to track movements 24/7, Militarization of the police under 1033 program, Federal government procurement of Stingrays and ALPR readers, smart meter program spying, CISA, IRS and Fast and Furious scandals, prosecution of Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, pursuance of TPP, TISA and TTIP ? ..."
"... "The latest pseudo-scandal to hit Clinton is unlikely to rob her of the presidency. But it sure isn't going to impress voters already sickened by a shocking campaign." ..."
"... Even a number of actions such as the possible destruction of 31,000 emails and several mobiles after receiving a Congressional subpoena to produce them was not enough to persuade him otherwise. ..."
"... A reasonable conclusion must be the latest criminal investigation concerns not the finding of these additional emails but the actual content of the emails. This matter therefore -far from a pseudo-scandal- must take a very serious form if it causes the FBI at this acutely sensitive time for the election to reopen criminal investigations. ..."
"... Comey has not re-opened the investigation, he simply notified Congress he is looking at "newly obtained info" to determine what it is and how should something be found) it might relate to a decision to re-open the investigation. Basically he is simply covering his ass, although, he now screwed that up and has Justice on his ass also calling for him to make a full disclosure. He will have to make public the info or possibly face a Justice Department investigation of his agency. Major error on his part. ..."
"... How many "non-stories" did Hillary generate in her lifetime? 50? 100? 200? It seems to me that wherever she goes, a "non-story" or two is sure to follow. This may be a non-story that broke the camel's back. Yes, Virginia, you can politically die of one "non-story" too many. ..."
"... Are they a banana republic? They are a great power, correct me if I'm wrong. ..."
"... It's bad enough that the 47 year old Jennifer Lopez, dressed in boots and suspenders is prancing about on stage in Miami. But she brings onto the stage the almost 70 year old Hillary Clinton who, as one of the worst speakers in political history, has the crowd silenced within seconds as she rants about how "we're not going to let Donald Trump get away with it". ..."
"... Her campaign is a fucking joke and they and the MSM are trying to sell this fetid pile of shit to the whole world ..."
"... Obama, Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, and Wall Street decided eight years ago she would be president in 2017. Americans are fed up with that sort of bullshit. ..."
"... Clinton's attacks on Russia are deeply worrying. I have no doubt at all that she'll try and impose a no fly zone in Syria, which will mean direct confrontation, risking an all out war. This woman is a warmonger and she needs to be stopped. ..."
"... People, this whole thing is merely a diversion to move attention from corruption in high places, onto Huma and Anthony Weiner. Comey's had to do something to move attention from the fact that Obama lied to the people, he lied to Congress concerning not knowing about Clinton's private e-mail arrangement and even used a pseudonym to connect with her. This is public knowledge now and not speculation. ..."
"... Clinton will make sure that the NWO gains control. It is being implemented in the background as all this is going. Many people are not the least bit interested in how their children are being brainwashed, how borders have been dissolved, how Obama has been quietly taking unilateral control of government. It seems that they will sit through the pantomime that is this election enjoying every diversionary twist, then when Clinton is elected, they will be unaware that the tentacles of the enemy of the people have penetrated every compartment of government. Vote for Clinton and you are voting for a one world government. There is a war going on and it is truly a battle between good and evil! God help the world. ..."

MichaelKenyon 29 Oct 2016 17:50

I think the reason people don't like Obama is because he has bombed 7 countries. Maybe Clinton can get to 8 if she goes after Russia.

NotKindOrGentle 29 Oct 2016 17:52

How do the Americans ever get anything done when 18 months of their electoral cycle is taken up with campaigning for the next one.

riggbeck -> NotKindOrGentle 29 Oct 2016 18:13

Then there's the lunacy of mid-term elections. Four years isn't very long for a president to deliver on major election promises, yet the constitution potentially halves that time with the threat of losing majorities in the House of Representatives or the Senate.

Checks and balances turn into gridlock.

GeeDeeSea 29 Oct 2016 17:54

It's not the FBI that made her use a private e-mail account. It's not the FBI that decided to install a private server. Get real. These were her decisions in an attempt to conceal her activities while in public office.

Preparetobeoffended 29 Oct 2016 17:58

And so it goes on.

Clinton, still heading for the White House? What planet are you on!

Will Bernie supporters vote for Clinton knowing the Democrats conspired to steal the nomination from him. Will they, really.

Will Wikileaks and Project Veritas`s most damning offerings be ignored by these sheep with hands covering ears yelling I`m not listening! Will they, really.

Trump is the less frightening of two frightening options, but at least he has going for him the fact that he has tenaciously attacked the corruption clear to all capable of an independent thought.

Trump is going to win, and going to win comfortably. Get used to it.

GeeDeeSea 29 Oct 2016 18:01

2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election

"I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake," said Sen. Clinton. "And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win."

absentlyadjustable 29 Oct 2016 18:06

We don't know what the emails are, I wouldn't expect us to. If there's an investigation then you don't release confidential information. But the information that we have gleaned from Wikileaks shows that the State authorities have been involved in shutting things down, as has the Clinton campaign and we know that a large and suspicious payment was made to a close relative of an investigator.

We also know that the IRS has been used over a period in a partisan manner to the disadvantage of the Republicans and that the previous decision on the emails not to take action was met with incredulity within the FBI.

If the FBI is making this announcement now then it must have discovered something that has worried it. It made the announcement soon after the matter arose as it should have done given that this is a very important piece of information of which voters need to be aware.

The press to date has handled Clinton with kid gloves and it still wants to do so. Fortunately the revelations coming out and probably the true polls have been making them think again and so they are allowing a little doubt to enter their coverage.

Hopefully this will be the end of the Clinton campaign, but with the money, contacts and other resources available to it there will be an immense effort, from the State and campaign, to blacken the reputation of a body which previously has served Clinton so well.

absentlyadjustable 29 Oct 2016 18:16

Can I point out as well how biased the reporting of the Presidential campaign has been in the UK? Most of the media have been acting as the publicity wing of the Democrats and the only people to be interviewed, especially on the BBC, seem to have been from the liberal Clinton supporting press

AndyPandy1968 29 Oct 2016 18:29

I am sorry to say my personal feeling is that this is the last straw and Trump will win.

I don't support him but he is not stupid, and he was running too close for comfort even before this. He is not playing to the Guardian, he is playing to an American audience, many of whom have a totally different view of the world.

The US has one thing in common with the UK. A massive hidden disenfranchised underclass, who are often unemployed or underemployed . He will get that vote, just as brexit did, and the reason he invited Farage over was because he knows this.

That is why he says these clumsy things. Not because he is stupid. He says them because he is playing to that audience. It is deliberate.

Let's hope I am wrong.

DogsLivesMatter 29 Oct 2016 18:31

When you see all the corruption and fraud that goes on around the world by the wealthy and powerful you see that change by grass root movements doesn't stand a chance.

Politicians with their nepotism and cronyism , CEO's, Bankers/Hedge Funnd Managers, Big Business, Big Pharma, Lobbyists, Industrialists, Multi-Nationals...all part part of a Global Cabal that doesn't care about the poor or the working class.

Even the UN and WHO are stacked with those who have influential connections. Pay to Play has become the norm. What choice does anyone have anymore other than going with the devil you know? None!

Sappho53 29 Oct 2016 18:35

The world wants a complete investigation into the illegal Iraq War with consequences. The world is still reeling form this Republican LIE and it has cost US allies dearly in lives, finances, and terrorism. The Republicans have hidden from the biggest scandal of the past one hundred years. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice must answer and so must all of their supporters in the Republican Party.

Glenn Smith 29 Oct 2016 18:40

Contrary to your interpretation, Mr. Wolffe, I think the FBI's brave action is going to have precisely the result of denying Hillary the election, and justifiably so (and not that I think Trump is any better): it is my belief that they are already relatively certain that at least one State Department email with classified information, and perhaps many more, reside on a laptop computer owned by Anthony Weiner and used by him to exchange sexually explicit content with supposedly underage women -- and I say "supposedly" because posing as an available member of the opposite sex is a common clandestine maneuver.

providenciales -> BlueberryCompote 29 Oct 2016 19:12

Actually, people will be able to buy the insurance they can afford and that they want if we get rid of Obamacare. You wouldn't like unaffordable insurance with deductibles that mean you don't have any coverage either.

Trump has already said who he would nominate to SCOTUS so you can't scaremonger on that score. He gave a list in fact.

The war candidate is and always has been Hillary. Never met a war she didn't like. Trump OTOH is much more interested in money than in war. He is an isolationist. It's one reason I like his platform, I am tired of the wars. Hillary would continue them.

Casey13 29 Oct 2016 18:51

Once Hillary is elected the whole stinking cesspit of Clinton Inc will start crashing down around her in a hodgepodge of scandals that make Watergate look like Jay walking. She will be Impeached within a year.

JavaZee 29 Oct 2016 18:56

The problem with Hillary (which the DNC should have thought about as they sabotaged Bernie Sander's bid in the primaries) is that there is more then enough kindling in her background to create a decent fire....and lots and lots of smoke!

boxcarwillie -> JavaZee 29 Oct 2016 19:08

exactly - enough skeletons in her closet to fill a good sized cemetery.

Theleme1532 29 Oct 2016 19:03

"Pseudo-scandal"? Or pseduo-journalism. Richard Wolffe's credibility as a journalist just went up in flames. If you want to read Hillary Clinton's media releases, cut out the middle man and go directly to her campaign website.

boxcarwillie 29 Oct 2016 19:06

Clinton is unpopular because, at the innermost core, she's unlikable. Sort of an evil stepmother type who's trying to look more motherly. doesn't work. with that said, the article is right - this has been a dumpster fire campaign and i'll be glad to see it over. i doubt HRC will make good on any of her campaign promises, but i would be afraid Trump would. Hope it's better next time. Bernie would be 78, but that's not as old as it used to be.

Reality_Man 29 Oct 2016 19:14

On the web I read that the NY FBI office is in open rebellion with the DC FBI and that during the Antony Wiener investigation they found classified emails on a shared laptop PC. Who knows maybe Huma will be under arrest before November the 8th. One way or another it was done for a reason I would suggest that the FBI is still a law enforcement agency not a political organization. As the end of the Obama administration comes to pass it's only natural that the Chinese made him get out of the back of air force one to show a lack of respect and other countries and agencies may be showing what they feel. Strong Together may not work if Huma is separated from her baby. She just may sing terrified bird. Just Saying.

Arcane 29 Oct 2016 19:15

This election is a sad reflection on the current state of democracy across much of the Western World. The major political parties are so compromised with insider politics and a lack of genuine concern for the long-term benefit of the voters they purport to represent that they keep on producing candidates of the worst quality.

Into this mess is the media, which refuses to provide serious discussion and analysis over important economic, social, environmental and foreign policy issues. Instead it turns everything into theatre with a focus on sex scandals, rumours, hair cuts and what the candidate is wearing.

Our democracies - not just in the United States but around the world - are under threat from this same malaise. It starts with political parties that care more about protecting the interests of a few insiders and influential interest groups. These political movements no longer appeal to the majority of voters.

Elections are being won or lost on wafer thin margins because the choice of candidate are so poor. Policy is ignored or even mostly absent. Instead we have what is little better than a game show.

It is like a choice between Pepsi and Coke, whatever choice you make you only get highly sugared and fizzy lolly water that won't do your health any good in the long run.

BlueberryCompote -> Arcane 29 Oct 2016 19:22

You've got to admit, however, that America has the worst and most extreme version of this problem with little sign of anyway out.

bookworm7 29 Oct 2016 19:29

This raises the obvious question: what on earth was the FBI director thinking when he dropped his letter on Friday making it crystal clear that he knew nothing?

He said the investigation was being re-opened in the light of new evidence. If the investigators 'knew everything' why would they investigate? The above is a piece of sophistry conflating the knowledge of the facts with the knowledge that the facts are to be investigated.

I can see how the timing looks suspect, but consider the alternative; if he knew about the new evidence necessitating the re-opening of the investigation, and withheld telling Congress on purpose because Clinton was a politician close to an electron, would this also not look bad? Could he not be accused of withholding pertinent information for political purposes?

Perhaps all politicians close to an election should be immune from the law for a period?

PlayaGiron 29 Oct 2016 19:32

No spin from the neoliberal establishment will save their queen Hillary.

Gangoffour -> Bifocal 29 Oct 2016 20:52

Because we're talking about the Big Circumcised Weiner, someone who self-identifies as "a perpetually horny middle-aged man", we've got the fun prospects of one or more sex crimes, along with volumes of sorta' consensual sex, being documented among the, possibly, famous and the soon to famous; and a little wealthier too.

I'm sure it's a lot easier to pick up honey pots when they provide a sympathetic shoulder to snuggle into because your wife refuses to satisfy your needs since she's doing all of Hillary's work.

Who wouldn't want to be part of the Clinton matchmaking machine?

Berkeley2013 29 Oct 2016 20:22

Mr Wolffe writes:

"From the Clinton Foundation to the private email server, from Benghazi to Weiner, from Whitewater to Monica, the list is as long as it is utterly spurious. Whatever crumbs of wrongdoing there may be, they don't amount to something worthy of Watergate, or even the myriad gate-suffixed scandals since. Questionable behavior is not the same as criminal or even impeachable conduct."

How could anything involving the protocols and laws regarding national security communications be called "spurious?"

How can anything involving many separate pieces of DoS communication be called "crumbs of wrongdoing?"

gladiointurkey 29 Oct 2016 20:41

When the the swamp is drained the American people will be shocked and sickened by the crimes of the people behind the so-called progressive, globalist, socialist, thieving, murdering vermin that the bankster cabal sent among the people to destroy the United States. By all means, the corrupt politicians and their masters must be investigated. So too the people who run the disgusting corporate media and scurrilous vermin behind groups like "Media Matters" "Open Societies" etc. etc. etc.

BlueberryCompote -> gladiointurkey 29 Oct 2016 20:45

The trouble with your argument is that the Conservative side has analogous front organisations backed by oil and other interest groups which are intent on imposing their will regardless of the popular will. The Conservatives have indeed been outgunned by the Liberal mafia this time.

nostrobo -> gladiointurkey 29 Oct 2016 20:57

" progressive, globalist, socialist, thieving, murdering vermin"... How are the "bankster cabal" you conjure in any way progressive and/or socialist? Do you have any clue, or are these just two of your go-to slurs?

AdamEdward88 29 Oct 2016 21:10

She doesn't mind the disgusting behaviour and carryings-on of Trump being exposed before an election and it shouldn't be any different for her either. We hear a lot about the accusations against Donald Trump in this country and we don't hear much about what Hillary has done with all her emails or what is alleged to have been written in them. I'd be quite interested to find out what was in any she might have sent to Tony Blair. She hasn't got a good track record on the Middle-East and we base our opinions in this country on a different set of media reports to people in the US.

Starwars102 29 Oct 2016 21:11

The integrity of the Obama administration.

You have got to be joking. How about the War in Yemen, 90% + casualty rates with drone strikes and targeted assassination, Saudi Arabia weapons deals, vetoing JASTA, War in Syria and Libya disaster, NSA surveillance continuing, Civil Asset forfeiture equitable sharing program, NDAA 2012 - 17 including indefinite detention and now women's draft, 2nd Amendment infringement and calls for Australian gun control , Guantanamo still open, still pursuing REAL ID, TSA groping, Biometric database and associated ID card to track movements 24/7, Militarization of the police under 1033 program, Federal government procurement of Stingrays and ALPR readers, smart meter program spying, CISA, IRS and Fast and Furious scandals, prosecution of Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, pursuance of TPP, TISA and TTIP ?

That list of problems was a mile long and there is probably a lot more I have not mentioned. Says a lot about Obama's time in office.

mrjonno 29 Oct 2016 21:26

And we still look to the USA for leadership in the world? Give me a break. This is a country that is responsible for destroying much of the world through the economic paradigm of neoliberalism which has seen the introduction of economy based in 'throw away and buy new' along with 'dodgy money' to create the 1% leading to resource overshoot. On current trends we are well in deficit. From World Footprint -

Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us. And of course, we only have one.

Neither Clinton nor Trump are suitable presidential material but when has the USA ever been about being suitable for the world? Never.

BTW Earth Overshoot Day happened on August 8 this year. Since then we are using more than the planet Earth can absorb or replenish. We are on a collision course with catastrophe.

Well done America....

unlywnted 29 Oct 2016 21:34

"The latest pseudo-scandal to hit Clinton is unlikely to rob her of the presidency. But it sure isn't going to impress voters already sickened by a shocking campaign."

Pseudo-scandal??!! Where in Gods name are you coming from to arrive at that conclusion? FBI Director Comey closed the file on further investigation a few months ago saying while Clinton's casual handling of certain State Dept classified emails was reprehensible, he was not recommending criminal action because there was an absence of any evidence she had acted with criminal intent.

Even a number of actions such as the possible destruction of 31,000 emails and several mobiles after receiving a Congressional subpoena to produce them was not enough to persuade him otherwise.

Yet now, despite clearly realising its dramatic effect on the impending presidential election Comey informs all interested parties that the file on the criminal investigation is to be re-opened because of new emails that have come to light. However, since his original ruling was that he saw no criminal intent in Clinton's careless dissemination of State emails to private servers it is difficult to understand why that ruling doesn't also cover the latest emails that presumably are from Clinton's secretary's -or spouse- computer.

A reasonable conclusion must be the latest criminal investigation concerns not the finding of these additional emails but the actual content of the emails. This matter therefore -far from a pseudo-scandal- must take a very serious form if it causes the FBI at this acutely sensitive time for the election to reopen criminal investigations.

OXIOXI20 -> unlywnted 29 Oct 2016 21:44

Comey informs all interested parties that the file on the criminal investigation is to be re-opened because of new emails that have come to light.

NOT TRUE. That's the bullshit Trump is spewing. Comey has not re-opened the investigation, he simply notified Congress he is looking at "newly obtained info" to determine what it is and how should something be found) it might relate to a decision to re-open the investigation. Basically he is simply covering his ass, although, he now screwed that up and has Justice on his ass also calling for him to make a full disclosure. He will have to make public the info or possibly face a Justice Department investigation of his agency. Major error on his part.

HerrPrincip -> sgwnmr 29 Oct 2016 22:38

How many "non-stories" did Hillary generate in her lifetime? 50? 100? 200? It seems to me that wherever she goes, a "non-story" or two is sure to follow. This may be a non-story that broke the camel's back. Yes, Virginia, you can politically die of one "non-story" too many.

pfox33 29 Oct 2016 22:13
Are they a banana republic? They are a great power, correct me if I'm wrong.
JuicyMinion 29 Oct 2016 22:15
It's bad enough that the 47 year old Jennifer Lopez, dressed in boots and suspenders is prancing about on stage in Miami. But she brings onto the stage the almost 70 year old Hillary Clinton who, as one of the worst speakers in political history, has the crowd silenced within seconds as she rants about how "we're not going to let Donald Trump get away with it".

Her campaign is a fucking joke and they and the MSM are trying to sell this fetid pile of shit to the whole world

antobojar -> JuicyMinion 29 Oct 2016 22:29

..Do you expect that declining empire, led by arrogant, corrupt and greedy "elite" can act rationally..?
Look, who they chosen as a prospective saviours.. he he..

AveAtqueCave 29 Oct 2016 23:13

Obama, Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, and Wall Street decided eight years ago she would be president in 2017. Americans are fed up with that sort of bullshit.

irishguy 30 Oct 2016 0:33

The author is baffled as to why the FBI has intervened this late in the election by opening an apparent pseudo-scandal case against Clinton? Here's my theory why:

Maybe it's all about managing the psychology of the the majority voters through the media.

Maybe this whole episode has been orchestrated by the establishment (who want Clinton in); is designed to go nowhere and allow Clinton to ultimately claim she was vindicated in the whole email affair while at the same time with the purpose of maintaining a perceived sense of tension in the minds of the US public in the run up to election day – in the sense that the election result is not perceived to be a foregone conclusion already.

However, when you take a step back, it's not realistic to think Trump has a chance of getting in at this point. He's alienated too much of the electorate already.
But the majority voters need to be made feel they're doing something positive by averting the danger of Trump through voting Clinton – not simply voting for Clinton as the establishment's chosen candidate in a foregone conclusion.

HarryFlashman 30 Oct 2016 1:26

Hillary Nixon. I mean would you buy a used car from her?

JVRTRL -> HarryFlashman 30 Oct 2016 3:19

It depends who the customer is. The Clintons have always taken very good care of their biggest money donors. For ordinary people, it would be a bad idea. For their connected donors, it's a completely different reality. The dealership and the other employees would have the problem, not the rich and connected customer.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, would pawn off the lemons on unsuspecting customers, loot the dealership purely for his own benefit, somehow get a tax credit for his trouble, and brag to the world about what a smart and ethical guy he is.

europeangrayling 30 Oct 2016 1:35

Looks to me like the FBI got done taken over by Putin. This Putin guy, he is everywhere. Pike fishing on horseback in Siberia while banging some hot Russian gold medal gymnast and overthrowing the US government and running the FBI now. Putin is on a whole new level, he is changing the game.

And a few days ago, I got a pizza with hamburger and mushroom, and I didn't like it as much, the regular mushroom one was better, and I said 'f-ing Putin man'. This guy, he did it again, made me question myself and order that hamburger, meddling in our democracy. It was still OK, I ate it, but that's 20 bucks I could have spent on a much better regular mushroom instead of that Russian hamburger crap. Or at least put some chicken on it. Putin man.

furminator 30 Oct 2016 1:53

Anyway Howard Dean, you know primal scream Dean, is saying on his twitter that Comney is on the side of Putin. Yes the Director of the FBI is really a Russian stooge, a sleeper agent. Poor Hillary, the FBI, which is controlled by the Justice Department, which is controlled by the Obama White House, is out to get her coz Russia. She's the victim of a vast right and left wing conspiracy.

Henrychan 30 Oct 2016 2:31

John Pilger's latest article:

"Propaganda is most effective when our consent is engineered by those with a fine education – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia – and with careers on the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post.

These organisations are known as the liberal media. They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT.

And they love war.

While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life."

furminator -> Henrychan 30 Oct 2016 2:56

Clinton's attacks on Russia are deeply worrying. I have no doubt at all that she'll try and impose a no fly zone in Syria, which will mean direct confrontation, risking an all out war. This woman is a warmonger and she needs to be stopped.

Kess 30 Oct 2016 3:00
The media hasn't exactly cover itself in glory either. Throughout the nomination process Clinton was given an incredibly easy ride. If the media (including the Guardian) had highlighted her issues earlier then perhaps the DNC would'be been forced to nominate a candidate with a little more integrity, and Trump wouldn't stand a chance.

BelieveItsTrue 30 Oct 2016 3:13

People, this whole thing is merely a diversion to move attention from corruption in high places, onto Huma and Anthony Weiner. Comey's had to do something to move attention from the fact that Obama lied to the people, he lied to Congress concerning not knowing about Clinton's private e-mail arrangement and even used a pseudonym to connect with her. This is public knowledge now and not speculation.

Of course HC has said publicise everything but she does not have to wait for the FBI to do this, she could have done this to begin with, before she bleached her server, before evidence was destroyed by the Democratic campaign (13 smart-phones) and lap tops destroyed by the FBI. It is a croc and if you do not wake up to this, the world is lost.

Clinton will make sure that the NWO gains control. It is being implemented in the background as all this is going. Many people are not the least bit interested in how their children are being brainwashed, how borders have been dissolved, how Obama has been quietly taking unilateral control of government. It seems that they will sit through the pantomime that is this election enjoying every diversionary twist, then when Clinton is elected, they will be unaware that the tentacles of the enemy of the people have penetrated every compartment of government. Vote for Clinton and you are voting for a one world government. There is a war going on and it is truly a battle between good and evil! God help the world.

[Oct 30, 2016] M of A - Unprincipled WaPo Editors Damned Comey Critics - Now Join Them

Notable quotes:
"... Schrodinger's Election: Simultaneously hacked by Russia to make Trump win and not rigged at all if Killary wins. ..."
"... Hillary's tech guy asking questions on Reddit about how to manipulate/destroy email info for a VIP; ..."
"... Immunity given to virtually everyone involved that was close to Hillary. I believe that the number was 5 people. This seems overly generous and not in keeping with good investigative practice. ..."
"... Yes, people less well connected have gone to jail for lesser offenses than Hillary Clinton and her unsecured email thing. However, I think this issue is being deliberately raised specifically to shield Hillary Clinton and boost her candidacy. It's being used to flood the airwaves, and drive out the even more damning evidence against her. ..."
"... I mean, consider what she did in Libya: attacked a relatively prosperous and stable nation that was not a threat to us and was actually trying to cooperate, she allied us with Al Qaeda (!! why is this not blowing people's minds !!) blew it all to smithereens leaving behind a Mad max-style dystopia. And that's just for starters. There is her apparent desire to attack Russian forces in Syria, her desire to loot social security and give it all to her buddies in Wall Street, her desire to tear up the constitution and give supreme plenary power to multinational corporations... She is the Queen of Chaos, the candidate of Wall Street and War. ..."
"... I think the FBI suddenly raised this issue because the polls are tightening, and the establishment would prefer that in the remaining few days the airwaves be filled with lesser offenses that many Americans regard as technical, than with solid coverage of just what a corrupt monster Clinton really is. I mean, do you really think that any high governmeant official does anything that is not scripted and approved in advance? ..."
"... This would all be funny if it didn't represent the machinations of our overlords. This is like a carousel that is spinning out of control and now the pieces are starting to break off. ..."
"... Looks like he was wrong a lot farther back than July. Now we know that there was never a grand jury. Even the astute, ex-judge Andrew Napolitano claimed on more than one occasion that a GJ must be sitting. For instance, when the FIB gave immunity to Pagliano, that signaled to many in the know that a GJ had to be sitting. Not so. W/out a GJ, there was no real investigation. 147 FIB agents working on a sham. ..."
"... Napolitano also predicted a Saturday Massacre if Hilton was not indicted -- dozens of FIB agents would resign. ..."
"... He is doing Hilton a favor by trying to keep pissed-off FIB agents from jumping ship and spilling beans in the week before the election. ..."
"... Hillary is taking a risk in asking the FBI for more details. It could backfire. If Comey is put under heavy pressure to unveil the reasons that made him send this warning to the Congress, he may admit that at least one email his team checked was classified. ..."
"... That would be a huge blow to Hillary's campaign. She may have either to withdraw from the elections or risk been prosecuted after she is elected. She should pray that the FBI does not release more details... ..."
"... The funny aspect of this struggle is three women are involved in the justice abuse drama: Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin and Loretta Lynch, while three men are involved in the sexual abuse drama: Trump, Bill Clinton and Weiner. ..."
"... Let me tell you, if the FIB ever got a search warrant for your husband's computer and found your criminal em's on that computer, the original search warrant for the computer would be more than enough to allow them to open your em's. But the rules are different for Hilton, Bilton, and the entire Clinton RICO team. ..."
"... Sounds like FIB is going to Abedin's suits and asking for permission to look at the em's. Like WTF???? Since when does FIB or any law enforcement seek permission from a target's legal team to carry out an investigation? ..."
"... (there are reports that Abedin -- as is customary -- swore under oath that she had scrubbed all state department documents from all of her personal devices ... and -- FWIW -- she was granted immunity during the earlier investigation ... ..."
"... So Comey didn't use any of the Podesta files as evidence ? He's still an establishment coward. Comedy is a A lower class of criminal still serving a higher class of partisan criminals. ..."
"... I think Abedin's career is over ... which is a good thing since the reports of Clinton's cult-like oh-so-"loyal" inner circle were dismaying (cough). ..."
"... If most of these people never really look at urls, their tech people and security people, did. They passed it as acceptable. ..."
"... Comey couldn't prosecute Clinton without prosecuting all those people too, which is impossible ..."
"... Huma no sign of today 30th on or near Clingon campaign plane Florida this AM. ..."
"... Obviously Huma had an email account on Weiner's computer. It seems that the existence of this account and its email contents were found while looking at Wiener's email account. ..."
"... My suspicion was always that Comey was trying to preempt a leak ... likely by some FBI-well connected congress critter ..."
"... Calling for the FBI to release information is double edged. If the emails are copies of the ones that Hillary destroyed from her server because they were too compromising then she will be in deep trouble. ..."
"... Gee! What could go wrong with a scenario like that – a high-ranking government official seeking to become president who exhibits callous disregard for national security protocols, a trusted aide who worked in her family magazine in Saudi Arabia on behalf of radical Islamic causes who was married to a Jewish member of Congress who had a propensity for compromising himself through illicit and bizarre sexual activity? ..."
"... Demanding that the DOJ or FBI "release all the information" is simply grandstanding ... they can't (they apparently don't have legal access and haven't reviewed it) ... and Weiner and Abedin are entitled to privacy protection for all non-related content, and the various government agencies also have security and other concerns ... ..."
"... Demand away!!! Film at 11!!! Shake that fist, hold your breath until your face is read and your eyes bulge ... show the world just how well you can simulate OUTRAGE. ..."
"... Let's recall 24 years ago the 11th hr indictment of Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger that doomed the re-election of president George H.W. Bush . ..."
"... The Clintons seized on the new indictment, howling about a "culture of corruption" that supposedly pervaded the administration. Bush's poll numbers declined and Bill Clinton won the election. ..."
"... Brace for more bombshells – up next, The Clinton Family Foundation. ..."
"... Question of the day. Over half million emails on Weiner's computer, are the 33,000 deleted emails in this trove? ..."
"... According to a NYPD source, the emails on Weiner's laptop are NOT about state secrets, but are in fact pointing to a pedophilia ring with the Clintons at the center. ..."
"... New headaches for VP nominee Tim Kaine as alleged mistress comes forward with tape of thr ..."
"... FWIW, I read today Huma was also getting paid by Tedeo ... she is always described as "like a daughter", working for clinton since SHE was a 19 year old intern ... she's now 40 ... shudder ... meaning 21 years or 1996 ... ..."
"... The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that came to light in 1998, referring to a sexual relationship between 1995 and 1996 with then 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. ..."
"... I've always wondered how Chelsea feels about the oh-so-elegant like-a-daughter Abedin ..."
"... Still, while Bill was destroying long-term Clinton family relationships via Lewinsky (and demands that people lie for him), Hillary had "Huma" to lean" on and "mentor" ... It sounds so co-dependent. (and I suggest zero other impropriety) I've witnessed some very dysfunctional boss/assistant relationships ... shudder. ..."
"... This is what I like about Donald Trump... (not exactly the same words) If I'm elected you will go to jail and to Ford's executives in Detroit. If you move productions to Mexico, I'll impost a 35% on all vehicles from Mexico and no one will buy Ford! ..."
"... The #1 meme about Donald Trump is his racism ... and the racism of his supporters ... this has been the drumbeat since last Spring ... daily, constant, unrelenting and without exception ... and unfair and ridiculous, without nuance, rejecting all other explanations and flatly rejecting any number of contradicting Trump rally witness reports ... ..."
"... The meme has been: Support Trump and you are a racist ... full stop. That all Trump supporters want to go back to pre-Civil Rights, pre-Women's liberation, and support for Trump is a rage-induced quest regain lost "white privilege" ... ..."
Oct 30, 2016 |
Juan Moment | Oct 30, 2016 8:53:27 AM | 2
Comment on Twitter, made me laugh.

Schrodinger's Election: Simultaneously hacked by Russia to make Trump win and not rigged at all if Killary wins.

Fontana | Oct 30, 2016 9:24:31 AM | 3
Whatever else happens in this race, it has been a pleasure watching the media destroy what little credibility they had left.

Noirette | Oct 30, 2016 10:22:56 AM | 8
Comey is under pressure. Either thru his own reading of the situation and head banging ("I have to act now"), because threats of new/other leaks are looming, or because some are pushing to break the dams (e.g. internal to FBI) or just becos the info is so damning covering it up if it ever comes out will spark disaster for him in any case. Or a combination, or even other, extra, reasons.

He is compelled, or wishes to as a white knight, I doubt that actually, to 're-open' with vague, indeterminate words, the HRC e-mail private-server matter. Obviously coverin' his ass but waiting on decisions from the VIPs. (Lynch. Clinton.)

3 FBI investigs. are ongoing:

1) Into the Clinton Foundation, which was never halted but seems to limp along (held back? bogged down as very complicated, e.g. insider trading?) See also the Bill Clinton foundation, though afaik it is not under scrutiny?

2) Into the sexting Wiener scandal, which was 'independent'? Not, imho, an FBI matter, but NY authorities? - Charges of sexting to minors, one person, one count, not too hard to deal with, but when huma - clinton - govmt. e-mails were found on 'his' laptop, another dimension came into play…

3) Killary private server, e-mail scandal, bis repetita

…> there might even be other unknowns

Imho these 3 investigs. have now become intertwined, there is simply no way for the FBI to keep up any Chinese Walls any longer.

Jackrabbit | Oct 30, 2016 10:29:38 AM | 10
I wrote about Comey and the newly discovered emails on the Open Thread here and here

There's still lots of questions.

Some thought that Comey was part of the 'fix' when Bill Clinton met with Lynch on the tarmac and Comey subsequently made the judgment call to NOT recommend prosecution.

We then heard about flaws in the investigation:

1. Hillary's tech guy asking questions on Reddit about how to manipulate/destroy email info for a VIP;

2. Immunity given to virtually everyone involved that was close to Hillary. I believe that the number was 5 people. This seems overly generous and not in keeping with good investigative practice.

Comey's letter to Congress has reinvigorated the Trump campaign but also:

1. served as a distraction to Wikileaks release of the Podesta emails (MSMS wrote more about Russian hacking than about the Podesta emails)

2. allowed Hillary & Co. to grandstand and beat their chests

It's likely that Huma has told Hillary what these emails are (if Hillary didn't already know) . So look at how hard Obama/Hillary fight the FBI to get a sense for how important these emails are.

There's a possibility that these emails are a nothingburger and that the Hillary campaign ultimately benefits from the perception that Republicans are after Hillary.

Ben | Oct 30, 2016 10:53:28 AM | 13

Have you ever been party to a bureaucracy with electronic mail policies? If you are anal-retentive, have no family life and sleep an hour a day, you could possibly comply with the panoply written by lawyers covering the legal ass of the organization. Other than that….


Bill H | Oct 30, 2016 11:15:24 AM | 14
"He should have pressed for charges against Clinton..."

Sorry, no. It is not his position to press for charges or to advocate against him. It is his job to perform the investigation and turn to facts over to the prosecutor who decides whether or not a prosecution is warranted. He may decide that duties assigned to him are not consistent with the law and refuse to perform them, and has done so, but he does not decide how the law should be enforced.

Virgile | Oct 30, 2016 11:34:13 AM | 15
The weiner-abedin computer that carries sexting and US state emails has certainly been hacked. US state secrets are intermixed with porno emails and available to the public. yes america is great!
TG | Oct 30, 2016 11:34:45 AM | 16
I would like to propose an alternative explanation.

Yes, people less well connected have gone to jail for lesser offenses than Hillary Clinton and her unsecured email thing. However, I think this issue is being deliberately raised specifically to shield Hillary Clinton and boost her candidacy. It's being used to flood the airwaves, and drive out the even more damning evidence against her.

I mean, consider what she did in Libya: attacked a relatively prosperous and stable nation that was not a threat to us and was actually trying to cooperate, she allied us with Al Qaeda (!! why is this not blowing people's minds !!) blew it all to smithereens leaving behind a Mad max-style dystopia. And that's just for starters. There is her apparent desire to attack Russian forces in Syria, her desire to loot social security and give it all to her buddies in Wall Street, her desire to tear up the constitution and give supreme plenary power to multinational corporations... She is the Queen of Chaos, the candidate of Wall Street and War. She is Vlad the Impaler on crack.

I think the FBI suddenly raised this issue because the polls are tightening, and the establishment would prefer that in the remaining few days the airwaves be filled with lesser offenses that many Americans regard as technical, than with solid coverage of just what a corrupt monster Clinton really is. I mean, do you really think that any high governmeant official does anything that is not scripted and approved in advance?

psychohistorian | Oct 30, 2016 11:50:33 AM | 18
This would all be funny if it didn't represent the machinations of our overlords. This is like a carousel that is spinning out of control and now the pieces are starting to break off.

I hope that question that the rest of the world is asking itself is: Why the heck are we continuing to buy American T-bills?

The global plutocrats have had since 2008 to set this casting of throwing the US under the bus up. The US public will rise up but have been too brainwashed to do anything intelligent, unfortunately.

We need to rid ourselves of the tools that the global plutocrats use to retain control of the West, Private Finance and unfettered inheritance.

And yes, I voted for Jill Stein again because I want to see the Green party get to at least 5% so we can build another choice than the bifurcated one before Americans currently.

What is next? I don't think the show is over yet.

Denis | Oct 30, 2016 11:53:30 AM | 19
b: "I for one believe that Comey was wrong in July and is right today. He should have pressed for charges against Clinton early on."

Looks like he was wrong a lot farther back than July. Now we know that there was never a grand jury. Even the astute, ex-judge Andrew Napolitano claimed on more than one occasion that a GJ must be sitting. For instance, when the FIB gave immunity to Pagliano, that signaled to many in the know that a GJ had to be sitting. Not so. W/out a GJ, there was no real investigation. 147 FIB agents working on a sham.

Napolitano also predicted a Saturday Massacre if Hilton was not indicted -- dozens of FIB agents would resign. Two days day before Comey's October IED Napolitano claimed that was now happening -- FIB agents are resigning and once they are out, the leaks will become a flood. Comey is the Dutch boy with his thumb stuck up his ass in the dike. He is doing Hilton a favor by trying to keep pissed-off FIB agents from jumping ship and spilling beans in the week before the election.

There is one certainty in this election: Whoever loses it will be someone most Americans absolutely despise. (It is important to emphasize the positive.)

psychohistorian | Oct 30, 2016 12:41:46 PM | 28
And in other empire building/dying news there is this from Turkey

virgile | Oct 30, 2016 12:46:20 PM | 29
Hillary is taking a risk in asking the FBI for more details. It could backfire. If Comey is put under heavy pressure to unveil the reasons that made him send this warning to the Congress, he may admit that at least one email his team checked was classified.

That would be a huge blow to Hillary's campaign. She may have either to withdraw from the elections or risk been prosecuted after she is elected. She should pray that the FBI does not release more details...

The funny aspect of this struggle is three women are involved in the justice abuse drama: Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin and Loretta Lynch, while three men are involved in the sexual abuse drama: Trump, Bill Clinton and Weiner.

This will make the next successful series on HBO: Sex, power and politic!

Kalen | Oct 30, 2016 12:55:53 PM | 30
Had enough to of this meaningless disgusting farce called elections in the US and what wonder the hell purpose it serves?
Here is the answer:

Penelope | Oct 30, 2016 1:46:43 PM | 33
Here's stuff you didn't know about Trump. Not silly or salacious.

mauisurfer | Oct 30, 2016 2:22:28 PM | 36
President Putin's speech at Valdai:
October 29, 2016.
(Putin covers everything, deserves a full read)

Denis | Oct 30, 2016 2:22:36 PM | 37
The story now is that FIB agents investigating Weiner's kiddie sexting stumbled on Abedin's em's on Weiner's laptop. Apparently, they think they have to have a special search warrant to look at her em's.

Let me tell you, if the FIB ever got a search warrant for your husband's computer and found your criminal em's on that computer, the original search warrant for the computer would be more than enough to allow them to open your em's. But the rules are different for Hilton, Bilton, and the entire Clinton RICO team.

Sounds like FIB is going to Abedin's suits and asking for permission to look at the em's. Like WTF???? Since when does FIB or any law enforcement seek permission from a target's legal team to carry out an investigation?

CNN also raises the specter of spousal privilege between Wiener and Abedin. Shouldn't be a problem. Spousal privilege means one spouse cannot be compelled to testify against another. It does not provide a safe haven on one spouse's computer for illegal em's of the other . . . well, you know, unless you are on the Clinton RICO team. CNN's theory (probably from Jeffrey Toobin) would be like saying, the cops can't look in a wife's underwear drawer for a pistol used by the husband to commit a murder. What BS.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 2:29:36 PM | 38
As far as I can tell, Comey knew that getting an expanded warrant (to cover actually opening Abedin's newly discovered email trove) would be leaked and that that would be more damaging (in many ways to many people) ... so he bit the bullet and is being subjected to massive criticism from everyone ...

Imagine the bombshell if they had attempted to keep this secret and it had been revealed next week or after the election ...

""The issue is complicated because the computer is considered to belong to Anthony Weiner, her estranged husband, and the case may raise spousal privilege legal protections for Abedin.

Government lawyers hope to secure the warrant to permit investigators to review thousands of emails on a computer Abedin shared with Weiner, officials said.The new search warrant is needed because the existing authorization, covered by a subpoena, related only to the ongoing investigation of Weiner, who is accused of having sexually explicit communications with an underage girl.Investigators from the FBI's New York field office who are conducting the Weiner investigation " ""

cnn: Justice Department seeks approval for email search
(there are reports that Abedin -- as is customary -- swore under oath that she had scrubbed all state department documents from all of her personal devices ... and -- FWIW -- she was granted immunity during the earlier investigation ...

schlub | Oct 30, 2016 2:37:49 PM | 39

A political commentator believes the polls in the United States are being "manipulated," adding that they are not reflecting the will of the American people.

"Trump is an outsider. He is coming in new. He does not have any political history, he has no political experience. He is coming as an agent of change," Mike Harris told Press TV in an interview on Sunday.

SCARY...Helloween coming,& you know what that means...Samhain.
That's right...even worse than this this year:

Sometimes right on time, almost as if using a calendar(!), like 2011 when they decided to sacrifice MF Global.
Or 2011 also when they ended their murderous bombing of Libya, started earlier MAR 31 by those uncouth frenchie fokkers.

Sometimes "celebrated" late, as in 1956 NOV 5 with Brits sending invasion force to take back Suez that Nasser just nationalized, or 1979 NOV 4 Iran US embassy hostages (not like that wasn't due...Mossadegh was overthrown in 1953).

tom | Oct 30, 2016 2:41:29 PM | 41
So Comey didn't use any of the Podesta files as evidence ? He's still an establishment coward. Comedy is a A lower class of criminal still serving a higher class of partisan criminals.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 2:58:32 PM | 44
Sure drove WikiLeaks' (damning) Band memo out of discussion or consideration ... and the irony is that this probably -- ultimately -- has nothing to do with Clinton ... I think Abedin's career is over ... which is a good thing since the reports of Clinton's cult-like oh-so-"loyal" inner circle were dismaying (cough).

GOP congresscritters were already having kittens over the number of Clinton insiders granted immunity during the long tangled course of the investigation ..
Cnn 09/23/201 .

Caveat: I previously found mention of Abedin getting immunity prior to July and now cannot find a confirming source .... sigh

s | Oct 30, 2016 3:04:35 PM | 45
If using a private server to get around FOIA was a problem, it was a problem then, not now. But getting around FOIA was something everybody else, as well as Clinton wanted. That's why they had no problems sending and receiving emails from another server. If most of these people never really look at urls, their tech people and security people, did. They passed it as acceptable.

Comey couldn't prosecute Clinton without prosecuting all those people too, which is impossible. Pretending you really give a shit about the server when you don' care about all those other people who committed the same crime just proves one thing: It's a political prosecution aimed exclusively at an opponent. Another phrase for political prosecution is "show trial." You can't always make sure only the people you don't like get prosecuted.

And, security issues? In the world of Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and wikileaks, no sensible and honest person thinks using government equipment means security.

The only use for this fake scandal is to pander to mad dog reactionaries.

schlub | Oct 30, 2016 3:22:46 PM | 48
Huma no sign of today 30th on or near Clingon campaign plane Florida this AM.

Supposedly Lord O tried but failed to directly intercede to block the FBI from searching Anthony's computer.

Maybe that 'suicided' top US missile general a day ago was the start of the cleanup crew moving, & the rats are doing what they always do---ratting, or scurrying for cover.

OH, the Huma-nity!

harrylaw | Oct 30, 2016 3:45:04 PM | 51

...Did Hilary Clinton give non cleared people access to classified information? Comey.. Yes sir.

virgile | Oct 30, 2016 4:41:50 PM | 59
Obviously Huma had an email account on Weiner's computer. It seems that the existence of this account and its email contents were found while looking at Wiener's email account.

Possibly it is a pop3 account (connected to Hillary server) meaning that these emails have been downloaded from the server and are physically on the computer probably without any password. If these emails are duplicates of 'classified' emails that Hillary has purposely deleted from her server, then she and Huma could be in deep trouble. In any case Huma is in trouble even if the emails are not classified as she did not declare their existence to the FBI. I understand the Wiener computer is in the hands of the Wiener's case investigators.

My guess is that the FBI has already had access to that computer and had a peek at these emails. I think that after examining some of them, they realize they were relevant to the investigation. As they have no warrant, they cannot announce anything officially. The FBI is now waiting for a warrant from Huma's lawers to officially view the account.

If Hillary is so keen to have details from these email, Huma should immediately give the ok for a warrant.
My opinion is that Hillary is terrified that these emails are very damaging so she needs to obstruct their release, while still accusing the FBI of backstabbing. It seems that her only chance is to discredit Comey and she is working on that now.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 4:51:18 PM | 60
My suspicion was always that Comey was trying to preempt a leak ... likely by some FBI-well connected congress critter ... According to the NYT, while Weiner investigators (and god knows who else) have known about the e-mails for weeks, Comey was not informed until shortly before his announcement (he must have been angry and horrified).

I still think that the shit-storm that would have erupted from a "leak" of a "secret" newly expanded arm of a "closed" investigation would have been far worse ... wrt to the whole "undermining" or "rigging" the election meme being sold -- by both parties ...

I'm getting conflicting impressions of "plausible deniability" by folks claiming to have been blind-sided by Comey's announcement ... I think (as I've said before) Comey is the designated whipping boy, and perhaps even volunteered to be just that, as everyone and their brother expresses horror at something that cannot be undone ...

virgile | Oct 30, 2016 5:04:41 PM | 62
Calling for the FBI to release information is double edged. If the emails are copies of the ones that Hillary destroyed from her server because they were too compromising then she will be in deep trouble.

I guess her only way out is to discredit Comey and get him out of the way. Is Comey strong enough to stand against the war Clinton will start on him?

virgile | Oct 30, 2016 5:08:38 PM | 65
Gee! What could go wrong with a scenario like that – a high-ranking government official seeking to become president who exhibits callous disregard for national security protocols, a trusted aide who worked in her family magazine in Saudi Arabia on behalf of radical Islamic causes who was married to a Jewish member of Congress who had a propensity for compromising himself through illicit and bizarre sexual activity?

"I have an idea! Let's make the architect of this mess the president of the United States." That's what the Democratic Party decided.
Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 5:14:47 PM | 67
Demanding that the DOJ or FBI "release all the information" is simply grandstanding ... they can't (they apparently don't have legal access and haven't reviewed it) ... and Weiner and Abedin are entitled to privacy protection for all non-related content, and the various government agencies also have security and other concerns ...

Demand away!!! Film at 11!!! Shake that fist, hold your breath until your face is read and your eyes bulge ... show the world just how well you can simulate OUTRAGE.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 5:22:47 PM | 68
and let's not forget -- as everyone seems to be doing -- that these e-mails are years old and that there is no genuine urgency to this matter, no matter how much outrage and urgency and panic and other theatrics are demonstrated.

This investigation is (almost certainly) a dead parrot ... but like Weiner's sexting, it's something everyone can quite safely be OUTRAGED!!! about. Democrats and Clinton supporter long ago announce they didn't give a flying fig about Clinton's disregard for rules or transparency or truthfulness ... and the Republicans demonstrated -- that like Whitewater and Benghazi that came before -- that they didn't care about a lack of actionable findings as determined by those empowered to make such determinations ... There were no indictments because even the wrongdoing that was found was "determined" to not rise to the criteria necessary wrt to intent.

so, they cry ... let's have another investigation, more hearings, maybe a change in venues, leadership, oversight authority ...

(is it rigged? almost certainly, but more more and more isn't likely to change the outcome)

Ken Nari | Oct 30, 2016 5:38:24 PM | 69
Susan Sunflower @ 40

Probably just a coincidence, but as for Kaine making demands on Comey, one has to wonder why he doesn't just pick up the phone and call him?

How close they are (were) is hard to say, but they are certainly well acquainted. Both lived in Richmond, and taught at the University of Richmond Law School, a small, private school. Both moved in the same Richmond social circle and have friends in common.

Believe me, I do not move in that social circle, or have many friends in Richmond, but at least two are also friends of both Kaine and Comey. Maybe Kaine's wife could just call Comey's wife to find out what's going on. Or maybe Kaine is starting to get cold feet about running with Hillary and put Comey up to this. :-)

Small world. Just another oddity of this comedy-horror show of an election.

Petri Krohn | Oct 30, 2016 6:00:39 PM | 71
Re: But this season's version has at least some amusing moments.

I have tried to collect the funniest moments to this page on ACLOS:

US presidential elections

1 - Trump loves Putin
1.1 - Trump conspires with Putin

2 - Putin rigs elections
2.1 - Trump and Putin poisoned Hillary
2.2 - Assange sucks Putin's dick
2.3 - McCarthy runs for president

3 - News of Putin's rigging of election makes Americans question integrity of election
3.1 - Obama threatens WW3 with Russia
3.2 - Obama launches cyber attack on Russia
3.3 - Trump won't accept result if he loses

4 - Obama cancels elections

5 - Hillary grabs pussy

6 - Historians find signs of intelligent life

7 - The ballots

Everything is sourced to the most reliable sources, like the Washington Post , Wall Street Journal , and The New York Times .

Petri Krohn | Oct 30, 2016 6:02:04 PM | 72
Sorry, the link was broken: US presidential elections

Tobin Paz | Oct 30, 2016 6:14:30 PM | 74
@NemesisCalling | Oct 30, 2016 3:11:26 PM | 47

I do believe that Trump is a safer candidate than Clinton, but he is still seriously flawed. He stands out as a peace candidate next to Clinton, but he still makes statements about bombing ISIS and their family members. Two war crimes in that statement seeing as the US is in Syria illegally. He also wants to increase the defense budget... WTF, it's already more than half of the federal discretionary spending. His choice of Pence is also a huge warning sign.

Stein is the only candidate that I have heard make a rational statement regarding Syria... stop sending in more weapons. I'll concede that I may be naive, but as a true outsider she has the best chance to rein in the military. We could discuss the deep state and who calls the shots, but at point it wouldn't matter who gets elected.

Baraka's Soros connection should be considered, but let's not forget that Rothschild helped bailout Trump with his casino. I'm also very concerned about his dealings and potential ties with organized crime.

... ... ..

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 6:21:50 PM | 75
I think the possibility that there were "rogue" FBI investigators keeping Comey in the dark -- to create an "October surprise" -- may be the most significant (and scary) part of this story (if true) ... shades of the numerous other "rogue" factions we've seen under Obama ... see also the 50 anonymous state department dissenters to Obama's policies (obviously endorsing Hillary). I'm curious if they and this ruse will ever be mentioned again.

Another failure of the chain of command ... lack of respect for authority within the highest levels of government. I'm thinking some people understood the message in too many movies glorifying renegades and mavericks. This isn't whistleblowing because no one will listen, this is subverting the process because you didn't like the outcome ... will cheating and fabrication come next to these ideology driven zealots? Has it already?

likklemore | Oct 30, 2016 6:24:46 PM | 77
The Bezos' Wapo rag is expected to be selective. Credibility destroyed. Now, with all the howling from The Clinton gang. The best display of what goes around, comes around! ……
Let's recall 24 years ago the 11th hr indictment of Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger that doomed the re-election of president George H.W. Bush .

This was the weekend before the election!

Bill Clinton cheered 11th hour indictment that doomed Bush re-election

[24 years ago], as former President George H.W. Bush was surging back against challenger Bill Clinton, a special prosecutor raised new charges against Bush in the Iran-Contra probe, prompting Clinton to claim he was running against a "culture of corruption."

[.] Many Republicans claimed that the indictment made by special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh against former Reagan-era Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger the weekend before the 1992 election cost Bush a second term. The indictment, later thrown out, challenged Bush's claim that he did not know about a controversial arms-for-hostages deal that dogged the Reagan-Bush administration."

[.]The Clintons seized on the new indictment, howling about a "culture of corruption" that supposedly pervaded the administration. Bush's poll numbers declined and Bill Clinton won the election.

Shortly after the election, a federal judge threw out the new indictment because it violated the five-year statute of limitations and improperly broadened the original charges. President Bush then pardoned Weinberger.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Speechless but I am not shocked.

likklemore | Oct 30, 2016 7:10:05 PM | 81
@ Susan Sunflower 75

I think the possibility that there were "rogue" FBI investigators keeping Comey in the dark -- to create an "October surprise" -- may be the most significant (and scary) part of this story (if true) ... shades of the numerous other "rogue" factions we've seen under Obama ... see also the 50 anonymous state department dissenters to Obama's policies (obviously endorsing Hillary). I'm curious if they and this ruse will ever be mentioned again.

It's called Mutiny in D.C. Comey's hand was forced.

Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents

and, add this to the mix – I read an article on a credible site of a new bombshell but before I link to it, the contents should be confirmed during week of November 1st. However, this gem was included in the article:

"people at the Pentagon are aligned:
Will not silently sit still as one of their 4-Star generals get ramrodded for MUCH less than Hillary did. They are aligned with the insurrectionists at the FBI.

The general in question
Oct. 17, 2016 NYT
James Cartwright, Ex-General, Pleads Guilty in Leak Case,

(General Cartwright's undoing)

"It was wrong for me to mislead the F.B.I. on Nov. 2, 2012, and I accept full responsibility for this," General Cartwright said. "I knew I was not the source of the story and I didn't want to be blamed for the leak. My only goal in talking to the reporters was to protect American interests and lives; I love my country and continue to this day to do everything I can to defend it."

~ ~ ~ ~

Brace for more bombshells – up next, The Clinton Family Foundation.

Question of the day. Over half million emails on Weiner's computer, are the 33,000 deleted emails in this trove?

persiflo | Oct 30, 2016 8:16:06 PM | 89
There is another, rather adventurous accounting of the investigation. According to this transcript from a chat board, some anonymous analyst at the Bureau turned to the public, basically saying they can't do anything about the Clinton Foundation because the case is too big - it would mean taking on the totally implied government, and exposing deeds that they fear might lead to foreign declarations of war. He proceeded to ask the public instead to go after the Foundation. But after seeing this route did actually not work out, the people at the Bureau might have come up with plan B. This seems consistent; as long as you accept the assumption. The transcript is a bit hard to read, but the story rather thrilling, and definitely "se non è vero, è ben trovato".

You also might appreciate Bill Still's narration of the Phoenix incident with Loretta Lynch.

Tobin Paz | Oct 30, 2016 8:21:00 PM | 90
@jdmckay | Oct 30, 2016 7:38:37 PM | 84

The Clinton administration was bombing Iraq three times a week during 1999 and 2000 at a cost of over $2 billion a year. Regardless of who the next president was going to be, I think you could make a strong case that they were going to war in Iraq. The war record of Clinton, followed by Bush, followed by Obama lends credence to this assumption. Note that the attack on Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001, less than a month after September 11. I'm not a military expert, but that seems incredibly quick. Bush hadn't even been president for a year.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 8:22:55 PM | 91
The Clinton Family Foundation seems so slushy ... the funds are totally at the family's "discretion" and it's hard to imagine a genuine "scandal" The Foundation/CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) really only needs a credible "dissatified customer" with records saying they didn't get the quid-pro-quo what they paid for ... however, two credible above-reproach dissatisified customers each other would be better. I've figured someone like that exists (or even that one could have been created/manufactured for this purpose) ... however, it's the bridgeburning involved in going public ....


PhobosMoon | Oct 30, 2016 9:14:12 PM | 94
(!) According to a NYPD source, the emails on Weiner's laptop are NOT about state secrets, but are in fact pointing to a pedophilia ring with the Clintons at the center.

Looks like Bill wasn't alone on Epsteins Lolita Express. Hillary has a well documented preference for underage girls.

Look into
-Jared Fogle
-Cathy O'^Brien
-the 'Hillary Clinton Tapes'
-Tim Kaine (WikiLeaks, VP choice since 07.2015(!))


beq | Oct 30, 2016 9:15:31 PM | 95
Her Majesty has a solution

blues | Oct 30, 2016 9:30:37 PM | 97
And... Hillary's "running mate":

DEVELOPING New headaches for VP nominee Tim Kaine as alleged mistress comes forward with tape of thr

Don't you want somebody to love.

(Maybe NOT Tim Kaine.)

blues | Oct 30, 2016 9:56:08 PM | 100

... DEVELOPING New headaches for VP nominee Tim Kaine as alleged mistress comes forward with tape of thr


virgile | Oct 30, 2016 9:57:27 PM | 101
Is Comey trying to back the expected winner?

Paul Craig Roberts • October 29, 2016

The problem for the FBI, which once was a trusted American institution, but no longer is, is that there is no longer any doubt that Donald Trump will win the popular vote for president of the United States. His appearances are so heavily attended that thousands are turned away by local fire/occupancy regulations. In contrast, Hillary has curtailed her appearances, because she doesn't draw more than 30 or 40 people.

Americans are sick to death of the corrupt Clintons and the corrupt American media. The Clintons are so completely bought-and-paid-for by the Oligarchy that they were able to outspend Hollywood on their daughter's wedding, dropping $3,000,000 on the event.

likklemore | Oct 30, 2016 10:03:12 PM | 103
@ Susan Sunflower 86

It's hard to imagine what "bombshell" could involve the Family Foundation unless they's paying for the upkeep of Bill's baby-mamas and kiddy-farm ... would anyone care?

Soon, more facts will be revealed - there is the probe of the Clinton Foundation that the DOJ tried blocking but there is the mutiny.

One of the 7 appetizers before the main course:
via ZH:

Doug Band To John Podesta: "If This Story Gets Out, We Are Screwed"

Until the Friday blockbuster news that the FBI was reopening its probe into the Hillary email server, the biggest overhang facing the Clinton Campaign was the escalating scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, Doug Band's consultancy firm Teneo, and Bill Clinton who as a result of a leaked memo emerged was generously compensated for potential political favors by prominent corporate clients using Teneo as a passthru vehicle for purchasing influence.

In a section of the memo entitled "Leveraging Teneo For The Foundation," Band spelled out all of the donations he solicited from Teneo "clients" for the Clinton Foundation. In all, there are roughly $14mm of donations listed with the largest contributors being Coca-Cola, Barclays, The Rockefeller Foundation and Laureate International Universities. Some of these are shown below (the full details can be found in "Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill's "For-Profit" Activities")

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Do read the article and embedded links within.

Influence – peddling. I do recall some congress critters being charged and sent to the other big house. This is more than pay-for-play

Added to what has already been exposed about the Clinton Foundation, here also ZH via WSJ:

[650,000 emails found…..] DOJ blocked the Foundation probe

~ ~ ~ ~
Oh wait, there was this meeting on the tarmac. It is said the discussion was about the grand kids.

A charitable entity for the Clintons and their cronies.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 10:25:49 PM | 106
I had heard (sorry no memory of where and no cite) that the meeting on the tarmac was actually about the Foundation probe ... it was ridiculous. That video is certainly "partisan" but I had wondered who initiated the meeting and whose plane they met on ... (as I recall those details somehow never made it into any article I read). So, if accurate, Bill Clinton is an overbearing intimidating azzhole -- to his loyal long-term "protégé" ... so what else is new. She can commiserate with the ex-Clinton-friend club

FWIW, I read today Huma was also getting paid by Tedeo ... she is always described as "like a daughter", working for clinton since SHE was a 19 year old intern ... she's now 40 ... shudder ... meaning 21 years or 1996 ...


The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that came to light in 1998, referring to a sexual relationship between 1995 and 1996 with then 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

I've always wondered how Chelsea feels about the oh-so-elegant like-a-daughter Abedin. I saw a picture of her on the phone "on the tarmac" in 4-5 inch stilettos ... Even when slender and glammed up, Chelsea looks just like her "rather dumpy" mother ... blech... forgive me. Weiner, by reports, is whip smart and very funny, very well read and delightful company ... he's just a compulsive wanker -- apparently in need of constant re-assurance and praise and attention ... blech.

Still, while Bill was destroying long-term Clinton family relationships via Lewinsky (and demands that people lie for him), Hillary had "Huma" to lean" on and "mentor" ... It sounds so co-dependent. (and I suggest zero other impropriety) I've witnessed some very dysfunctional boss/assistant relationships ... shudder.

Jack Smith | Oct 30, 2016 10:28:33 PM | 107
This is what I like about Donald Trump... (not exactly the same words) If I'm elected you will go to jail and to Ford's executives in Detroit. If you move productions to Mexico, I'll impost a 35% on all vehicles from Mexico and no one will buy Ford!
Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 10:34:50 PM | 108
The #1 meme about Donald Trump is his racism ... and the racism of his supporters ... this has been the drumbeat since last Spring ... daily, constant, unrelenting and without exception ... and unfair and ridiculous, without nuance, rejecting all other explanations and flatly rejecting any number of contradicting Trump rally witness reports ...

The meme has been: Support Trump and you are a racist ... full stop. That all Trump supporters want to go back to pre-Civil Rights, pre-Women's liberation, and support for Trump is a rage-induced quest regain lost "white privilege" ...

It's not true ... but that's the drill... utter ostracism, forever, long past the election ... it's very destructive and dangerous ... it's a red-line, unforegivable ...

Moore's movie challenged that mindset and he was criticised for his "tolerance" of and reaching out to Trump voters... to the point that the "claim" more was supporting Trump has been widely repeated (sliming Moore) ... Sorry I was so emphatic, it's just I supported Moore's outreach (because it's humane and reality-based) ... and I hated seeing him slimed by the intolerant ... ghastly election.

Susan Sunflower | Oct 30, 2016 10:44:35 PM | 109
As you have heard, the 30% import tax is an absolute non-starter ... in that the president does not have that power and there is probably still too many automotive jobs and the auto lobby too strong for congress is spank them in that way ... Driving the auto industry into bankruptcy isn't good for "America's bottom line" either.

It's like the wall ... It's a when pigs fly "feel-good" nonstarter

[Oct 30, 2016] Speaking also of Pedesta email it is interesting that it was Podesta who make mistake of assessing phishing email link, probably accidentally

mistah charley, ph.d. said... 30 October 2016 at 09:13 AM

Speaking also of Podesta's email, not Huma's, the following is interesting:

Briefly, it seems Podesta received an email "You need to change your password", asked for professional advice from his staff if it was legit, was told "Yes, you DO need to change your password", but then clicked on the link in the original email, which was sent him with malicious intent, as he suspected at first and then was inappropriately reassured about - rather than on the link sent him by the IT staffer.

Result - the "phishing" email got his password info, and the world now gets to see all his emails.

Personally, my hope is that Huma and HRC will be pardoned for all their crimes, by Obama, before he leaves office.

Then I hope that Huma's divorce will go through, and that once Hillary is sworn in she will at last be courageous enough to divorce Bill (who actually performed the Huma-Anthony Weiner nuptials - you don't have to make these things up).

Then it could happen that the first same-sex marriage will be performed in the White House, probably by the minister of DC's Foundry United Methodist Church, which has a policy of LBGQT equality. Or maybe Hillary, cautious and middle-of-the-road as usual, will go to Foundry UMC sanctuary for the ceremony, recognizing that some Americans' sensibilities would be offended by having the rite in the White House.

As Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan wrote, "Love is all there is, it makes the world go round, love and only love, it can't be denied. No matter what you think about it, you just can't live without it, take a tip from one who's tried."

[Oct 30, 2016] FBI Investigation Into Bribery With Clinton Foundation Spans Nation, Multiple Field Offices, Says WSJ

Notable quotes:
"... It appears there was rift between the FBI and the DOJ with how to move forward with the investigation. Agents in the Washington office were directed to focus on a separate issue relating to the actions of former Virginia Governor and Clinton Foundation Board Member Terry McAuliffe. Agents inside the FBI believed they could build a stronger case if the investigation of McAuliffe and the foundation were combined. ..."
"... FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe seemed to be caught in the middle of the fight between DOJ officials who appeared to want to slow down or shut down the investigation and FBI agents who were eager to pour more resources into the investigation. ..."
"... The story gets more complicated when you factor in that McCabe's wife, Dr. Jill McCabe had received a $467,500 campaign contribution in 2015 for a state senate race from McAuliffe . ..."
"... CNN also reported that multiple field offices were "in agreement a public corruption investigation should be launched" with Clinton Foundation officials as a target. The cable news network reported the investigation would have looked at "conflicts of interest by foreign donors and official acts by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. ..."
Oct 30, 2016 |
FBI investigators from across the country have been following leads into reports of bribery involving the Clinton Foundation. Multiple field offices have been involved in the investigation.

A report in Sunday's Wall Street Journal (WSJ) by Devlin Barrett revealed that agents assigned to the New York field office have been carrying the bulk of the work in investigating the Clinton Foundations. They have received assistance from the FBI field office in Little Rock according to "people familiar with the matter, the WSJ reported. Other offices, including Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., have been collecting evidence to regarding "financial crimes or influence-peddling."

As far back as February 2016, FBI agents made presentation to the Department of Justice (DOJ), the WSJ's sources stated. "The meeting didn't go well," they wrote. While some sources said the FBI's evidence was not strong enough, others believed the DOJ had no intention from the start of going any further. Barrett wrote that the DOJ officials were "stern, icy and dismissive of the case."

Barrett wrote, "'That was one of the weirdest meetings I've ever been to,' one participant told others afterward, according to people familiar with the matter."

It appears there was rift between the FBI and the DOJ with how to move forward with the investigation. Agents in the Washington office were directed to focus on a separate issue relating to the actions of former Virginia Governor and Clinton Foundation Board Member Terry McAuliffe. Agents inside the FBI believed they could build a stronger case if the investigation of McAuliffe and the foundation were combined.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe seemed to be caught in the middle of the fight between DOJ officials who appeared to want to slow down or shut down the investigation and FBI agents who were eager to pour more resources into the investigation.

Barrett wrote, "'Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?' Mr. McCabe asked, according to people familiar with the conversation. After a pause, the official replied, 'Of course not,' these people said."

Some of the WSJ sources told Barrett that a "stand down" order had been given to the FBI agents by McCabe. Others denied that no such order was given.

Preet Bharara, an assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, appears to have taken in interest in moving forward from the DOJ side, the Daily Caller's Richard Pollock reported in August.

Pollock wrote:

The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara's prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.

He said prosecutorial support could come from multiple U.S. Attorneys Offices and stated this was a major departure from other "centralized FBI investigations."

The story gets more complicated when you factor in that McCabe's wife, Dr. Jill McCabe had received a $467,500 campaign contribution in 2015 for a state senate race from McAuliffe .

CNN also reported that multiple field offices were "in agreement a public corruption investigation should be launched" with Clinton Foundation officials as a target. The cable news network reported the investigation would have looked at "conflicts of interest by foreign donors and official acts by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

[Oct 30, 2016] House Committee Chairmen Lay Out Case For Perjury Against Hillary

Aug 15, 2016 |
Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, may have committed perjury in testimony before Congress, two separate U.S. House committee chairmen detailed late Monday.

In a letter from House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips, the two top House Republicans made their case that Clinton committed perjury.

Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote to Phillips:

On August 2, 2016, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik confirmed that you received the Committees' request for an investigation regarding certain statements made by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her testimony before Congress and will 'take appropriate action as necessary. To assist the investigation, this letter identifies several pieces of Secretary Clinton's testimony that appear to implicate 18 U.S.C. §§1621 and 1001 the criminal statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements, respectively. The evidence collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during its investigation of Secretary Clinton's use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony, which are described in greater detail below.

Before detailing at least four specific instances in which Clinton allegedly committed perjury, the House Republicans explained the matter a bit further:

During a House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing on October 22, 2015, Secretary Clinton testified with respect to (1) whether she sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time; (2) whether her attorneys reviewed each of the emails on her personal email system; (3) whether there was one, or more servers that stored work-related emails during her time as Secretary of State; and (4) whether she provided all her work-related emails to the Department of State. Although there may be other aspects of Secretary Clinton's sworn testimony that are at odds with the FBI's findings, her testimony in those four areas bears specific scrutiny in light of the facts and evidence FBI Director James Comey described in his public statement on July 5, 2016 and in testimony before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016.

The first of four main areas where Hillary Clinton allegedly perjured herself before the U.S. Congress was with her claim in sworn testimony that she never sent or received emails on her illicit home-brew email server-which was in violation of State Department guidelines, and according to FBI director James Comey "extremely careless."

"With respect to whether she sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time, Secretary Clinton testified under oath to the Select Committee that she did not," Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote to the U.S. Attorney for Washington, D.C. "Specifically, during questioning by Rep. Jim Jordan, Secretary Clinton stated 'there was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.'"

Chaffetz and Goodlatte further quoted from Clinton's testimony by including this quote:

[M]any Americans have no idea how the classification process works. And therefore I wanted to make it clear that there is a system within our government, certainly within the State Department . . . where material that is thought to be classified is marked such, so that people have the opportunity to know how they are supposed to be handling those materials . . . and that's why it became clearer, I believe, to say that nothing was marked classified at the time I sent or received it.

The two House Committee chairmen detail in the letter to the U.S. Attorney for D.C. that Clinton, according to the FBI Director, was not telling the truth in that testimony before Congress:

The FBI, however, found several of Secretary Clinton's emails did in fact contain markings that identified classified information therein. In Director Comey's public statement on July 5, 2016, he said, 'a very small number of the emails containing classified information bore the markings indicating the presence of classified information.' When Director Comey testified on July 7, 2016, he specifically addressed this issue. Rep. Trey Gowdy asked, 'Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified either sent or received. Was it true?' He said it was not. Director Comey also stated, 'There was classified material emailed.' Specifically, he stated that three documents on Secretary Clinton's private server contained classified information clearly marked 'Confidential.' He further testified, 'In the one involving 'top secret' information, Secretary Clinton not only received but also sent emails that talked about the same subject.'

The second claim on which Hillary Clinton appears to have been caught perjuring herself according to the two top House Republicans was with regard to her statements that her lawyers read all of her emails.

"With respect to whether her attorneys reviewed each of the emails on her personal email system, Secretary Clinton testified that her attorneys used search terms and reviewed every single email to identify any that were work-related and should therefore be returned to the Department of State," Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote, before quoting directly from Clinton's transcript from when she testified under oath:

Rep. Jordan: But I'm asking how - I'm asking how it was done. Was

- did someone physically look at the 62,000 e-mails, or did you use search terms, date parameters? I want to know the specifics.

Mrs. Clinton: They did all of that, and I did not look over their shoulders, because I thought it would be appropriate for them to conduct that search, and they did.

Rep. Jordan: Will you provide this committee - or can you answer today, what were the search terms?

Mrs. Clinton: The search terms were everything you could imagine that might be related to anything, but they also went through every single e-mail.

"The FBI found, however, that Secretary Clinton's lawyers did not in fact read all of her emails-they relied exclusively on a set of search terms to identify work-related messages," Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote, before quoting from Comey's July 5 testimony:

The lawyers doing the sorting for Secretary Clinton in 2014 did not individually read the content of all of her e-mails, as we did for those available to us; instead, they relied on header information and used search terms to try to find all work-related e-mails among the reportedly more than 60,000 total e-mails remaining on Secretary Clinton's personal system in 2014. It is highly likely their search terms missed some work-related e-mails, and that we later found them, for example, in the mailboxes of other officials or in the slack space of a server. It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.

The third area where Hillary Clinton seems to have perjured herself according to the two House Committee chairmen is when she testified that she only used one server or device.

"With respect to whether there was one, or more servers that stored work-related emails during her time as Secretary of State, Secretary Clinton testified there was only one server," Goodlatte and Chaffetz wrote to the D.C. U.S. Attorney, before pulling another transcript of congressional testimony:

Rep. Jordan: In March, you also said this: your server was physically located on your property, which is protected by the Secret Service. I'm having a hard time figuring this out, because this story's been all over the place. But - there was one server on your property in New York, and a second server hosted by a Colorado company in - housed in New Jersey. Is that right? There were two servers?

Mrs. Clinton: No.

Rep. Jordan: OK.

Mrs. Clinton: There was a - there was a server…

Rep. Jordan: Just one?

Mrs. Clinton: . . . that was already being used by my husband's team. An existing system in our home that I used, and then later, again, my husband's office decided that they wanted to change their arrangements, and that's when they contracted with the company in Colorado.

Rep. Jordan: And so there's only one server? Is that what you're telling me? And it's the one server that the FBI has?

Mrs. Clinton: The FBI has the server that was used during the tenure of my State Department service.

Goodlatte and Chaffetz also wrote:

The FBI, however, found Secretary Clinton stored work-related emails on several servers. In Director Comey's public statement, he said, 'Secretary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department, and used numerous mobile devices to view and send e-mail on that personal domain.' In Director Comey's testimony on July 7, 2016, he stated that Secretary Clinton used several devices to send and receive work-related emails during her tenure as Secretary of State. He testified, 'She used multiple devices during her four years as secretary of state.'

The fourth and final area where Clinton seems to have, according to Chaffetz and Goodlatte, perjured herself while under oath was during her claim that she provided all of her work-related emails to the Department of State.

"Finally, with respect to whether she provided all her work-related emails to the Department of State, Secretary Clinton testified to the Select Committee that she had," Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote, before again pulling a transcript of Clinton's testimony before Congress.

Mrs. Clinton: Well, Congressman, I have said repeatedly that I take responsibility for my use of personal e-mail. I've said it was a mistake. I've said that it was allowed, but it was not a good choice. When I got to the department, we were faced with a global financial crisis, major troop decisions on Afghanistan, the imperative to rebuild our alliances in Europe and Asia, an ongoing war in Iraq, and so much else. E-mail was not my primary means of communication, as I have said earlier. I did not have a computer on my desk. I've described how I did work: in meetings, secure and unsecured phone calls, reviewing many, many pages of materials every day, attending . . .

Rep. Jordan: I - I - I appreciate (inaudible).

Mrs. Clinton: . . . a great deal of meetings, and I provided the department, which has been providing you, with all of my work-related e-mails, all that I had. Approximately 55,000 pages. And they are being publicly released.

Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote:

The FBI found, however, 'several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014.' In the course of its investigation, the FBI recovered 'still others . . . from the laborious review of the millions of e-mail fragments dumped into the slack space of the server decommissioned in 2013.' When Director Comey appeared before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016, he confirmed that Secretary Clinton did not turn over all work-related emails to the FBI. He stated, 'We found work-related emails, thousands, that were not returned.'

Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrapped their letter to the U.S. Attorney for D.C. by noting that the FBI's findings prove Hillary Clinton was not telling the truth when she testified under oath before Congress.

"The four pieces of sworn testimony by Secretary Clinton described herein are incompatible with the FBI's findings," Chaffetz and Goodlatte wrote.

[Oct 30, 2016] Report Huma Abedin Doesnt Know How Her Emails Wound Up on Her Husbands Computer - Breitbart

Oct 30, 2016 |
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin said she doesn't know how her emails wound up on a device she said was her husband's computer, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

The person, who requested anonymity, said Abedin was not a regular user of the computer and her lawyers did not search it for materials, thinking no messages would be there even after she agreed to turn over her messages to the State Department for record-keeping, the Washington Post reported.

On June 28, 2016, Abedin swore under oath that she looked for all devices containing work information so the records could be given to the State Department, the Daily Beast reported.

In the sworn oath, she said she "looked for all the devices that may have any of my State Department work on it and returned - returned - gave them to my attorneys for them to review for all relevant documents."

Investigators found thousands of emails on Weiner's computer that they believe to be relevant to the Clinton investigation, according to federal law enforcement officials.

It is still unknown how the emails are relevant or whether or not they are significant.

Officials say it is possible that the messages could be duplicates of already investigated emails, but that will not be determined until a computer program goes through the emails to weed out the duplicates so officials can closely examine the emails for classified information.

[Oct 30, 2016] Former FBI Official Calls Bill, Hillary Clinton a Crime Family

Notable quotes:
"... "The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation," he said. "That's the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I'm sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go along with that." ..."
"... Kallstrom blamed the FBI leadership under FBI Director James Comey as the reason the investigation was held back, but not the rest of the bureau. ..."
"... "The agents are furious with what's going on, I know that for a fact," he said. ..."
Oct 30, 2016 |
A former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a "crime family" and added that top officials impeded the investigation into Clinton's email server while she was secretary of state.

Former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom praised Donald Trump before he offered a take down of the Clintons in a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, The Hill reported.

"The Clintons, that's a crime family, basically," Kallstrom said. "It's like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool."

Kallstrom, best known for spearheading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late '90s, called Clinton a "pathological liar" and blamed Attorney General Loretta Lynch for botching the Clinton email server investigation.

"The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation," he said. "That's the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I'm sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go along with that."

"God forbid we put someone like that in the White House," he added of Clinton.

Kallstrom blamed the FBI leadership under FBI Director James Comey as the reason the investigation was held back, but not the rest of the bureau.

"The agents are furious with what's going on, I know that for a fact," he said.

[Oct 30, 2016] Clinton Foundation FBI Investigation Confirmed By Former Assistant FBI Director

Oct 30, 2016 |
Saturday on CNN while discussing the FBI reopening the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's use of a private unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of state, former Assistant Director of the FBI Thomas Fuentes said, "The FBI has an intensive investigation ongoing into the Clinton Foundation."

He added, "The FBI made the determination that the investigation would go forward as a comprehensive unified case and be coordinated, so that investigation is ongoing and Huma Abedin and her role and activities concerning secretary of state in the nature of the foundation and possible pay to play, that's still being looked at and now."

[Oct 30, 2016] Amid struggles, Lady Luck is on Hillary Clinton's side

Notable quotes:
"... Her e-mailing practices have been under federal investigation ..."
"... Her unorthodox deals, including an agreement to speak in Morocco in exchange for a $12 million gift to the Clinton Global Initiative charity, have landed on the front pages of American newspapers. She infuriated liberals by cozying up to Wall Street banks. She's the consummate insider in the year of the political outsider. ..."
"... But at this point Clinton could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, to borrow one of Donald Trump's more remarkable boasts about himself, and she might not lose many votes. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |

Her e-mailing practices have been under federal investigation for a big chunk of her candidacy.

Her unorthodox deals, including an agreement to speak in Morocco in exchange for a $12 million gift to the Clinton Global Initiative charity, have landed on the front pages of American newspapers. She infuriated liberals by cozying up to Wall Street banks. She's the consummate insider in the year of the political outsider.

... ... ...

"By any metric you would want to use, Hillary Clinton was probably the weakest possible general election candidate the Democrats could have produced in 2016," said Tucker Martin, a Virginia-based Republican strategist. "She was absolutely beatable."

But at this point Clinton could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, to borrow one of Donald Trump's more remarkable boasts about himself, and she might not lose many votes.

[Oct 30, 2016] Anatol Lieven · The Push for War The Threat from America

[Oct 30, 2016] After the attacks Americas new cold war

Notable quotes:
"... Now the threat is real; and for the foreseeable future we will have to live with and seek to reduce two closely interlinked dangers: the direct and potentially apocalyptic threat posed by terrorists, mainly (though by no means exclusively) based in the Muslim world, and the potential strengthening of those terrorists' resolve by misguided US actions. ..."
"... The most unilateralist Administration in modern American history has been forced to recognise, in principle at least, the country's pressing need for allies ..."
"... Apart from the fact that most European armies are useless when it comes to serious warfare, they are already showing great unwillingness to give the US a blank cheque for whatever military action the Bush Administration chooses to take. ..."
"... A strong sense of righteousness has always been present in the American tradition; but until 11 September, an acute sense of victimhood and persecution by the outside world was usually the preserve of the paranoid Right. ..."
Sep 28, 2001 |

"Who says we share common values with the Europeans? They don't even go to church!" Will the atrocities of September 11 push America further to the right or open a new debate on foreign policy and the need for alliances? In this exclusive online essay from the London Review of Books, Anatol Lieven considers how the cold war legacy may affect the war on terrorism

Not long after the Bush Administration took power in January, I was invited to lunch at a glamorous restaurant in New York by a group of editors and writers from an influential American right-wing broadsheet. The food and wine were extremely expensive, the decor luxurious but discreet, the clientele beautifully dressed, and much of the conversation more than mildly insane. With regard to the greater part of the world outside America, my hosts' attitude was a combination of loathing, contempt, distrust and fear: not only towards Arabs, Russians, Chinese, French and others, but towards 'European socialist governments', whatever that was supposed to mean. This went with a strong desire - in theory at least - to take military action against a broad range of countries across the world.

Two things were particularly striking here: a tendency to divide the world into friends and enemies, and a difficulty verging on autism when it came to international opinions that didn't coincide with their own - a combination more appropriate to the inhabitants of an ethnic slum in the Balkans than to people who were, at that point, on top of the world.

Today Americans of all classes and opinions have reason to worry, and someone real to fear and hate, while prolonged US military action overseas is thought to be inevitable. The building where we had lunch is now rubble. Several of our fellow diners probably died last week, along with more than six thousand other New Yorkers from every walk of life. Not only has the terrorist attack claimed far more victims than any previous such attack anywhere in the world, but it has delivered a far more damaging economic blow. Equally important, it has destroyed Americans' belief in their country's invulnerability, on which so many other American attitudes and policies finally rested.

This shattering blow was delivered by a handful of anonymous agents hidden in the wider population, working as part of a tightly-knit secret international conspiracy inspired by a fanatical and (to the West) deeply 'alien' and 'exotic' religious ideology. Its members are ruthless; they have remarkable organisational skills, a tremendous capacity for self-sacrifice and self-discipline, and a deep hatred of the United States and the Western way of life. As Richard Hofstader and others have argued, for more than two hundred years this kind of combination has always acted as a prompt for paranoid and reactionary conspiracy theories, most of them groundless.

Now the threat is real; and for the foreseeable future we will have to live with and seek to reduce two closely interlinked dangers: the direct and potentially apocalyptic threat posed by terrorists, mainly (though by no means exclusively) based in the Muslim world, and the potential strengthening of those terrorists' resolve by misguided US actions.

The latter danger has been greatly increased by the attacks. The terrorists have raised to white heat certain smouldering tendencies among the American Right, while simultaneously - as is usually the case at the start of wars - pushing American politics and most of its population in a sharply rightward direction; all of which has taken place under an unexpectedly right-wing Administration. If this leads to a crude military response, then the terrorists will have achieved part of their purpose, which was to provoke the other side to indiscriminate retaliation, and thereby increase their own support.

It is too early to say for sure how US strategies and attitudes will develop. At the time of writing Afghanistan is the focus, but whatever happens there, it isn't clear whether the US Administration will go on to launch a more general campaign of military pressure against other states which have supported terrorist groups, and if so, what states and what kind of military pressure? US policy is already pulled in two predictable but contradictory directions, amply illustrated in the op-ed pages of US newspapers and in debates within the Government.

The most unilateralist Administration in modern American history has been forced to recognise, in principle at least, the country's pressing need for allies. There are the beginnings, too, of a real public debate on how US policy needs to be changed and shaped to fight the new 'war'. All this is reminiscent of US attitudes and behaviour at the start of the Cold War, when Communism was identified as the central menace to the US and to Western capitalism and democracy in general.

On the other hand, the public desire for revenge has strengthened certain attitudes - especially in the Republican Party and media, as well as parts of the Administration - which, if they prevail, will not only be dangerous in themselves, but will make the search for real allies difficult. And real allies are essential, above all in the Arab and Muslim worlds. In the longer run, only the full co-operation of Arab regimes - along with reform and economic development - can prevent the recruitment, funding and operations of Arab-based terrorist groups.

As for Europe, British military support may be unconditional, but most European countries - Russia among them - are likely to restrict their help to intelligence and policing. Apart from the fact that most European armies are useless when it comes to serious warfare, they are already showing great unwillingness to give the US a blank cheque for whatever military action the Bush Administration chooses to take.

Yet a blank cheque is precisely what the Administration, and the greater part of US public opinion, are asking for. This is Jim Hoagland, veteran establishment foreign correspondent and commentator, in the generally liberal Washington Post:

"Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and many of the other Arab states Powell hopes to recruit for the bin Laden posse have long been part of the problem, not part of the solution to international terrorism. These states cannot be given free passes for going through the motions of helping the United States. And European allies cannot be allowed to order an appetiser of bin Laden and not share in the costs of the rest of a meal cooked in hell."

If this is the Post, then the sentiments in the right-wing press and the tabloids can well be imagined. Here is Tod Lindberg, the editor of Policy Review, writing in the Washington Times:

"The United States is now energetically in the business of making governments pick a side: either with us and against the terrorists, or against us and with them... Against the category of enemy stands the category of 'friend'. Friends stand with us. Friends do whatever they can to help. Friends don't, for example, engage in commerce with enemies, otherwise they aren't friends."

A strong sense of righteousness has always been present in the American tradition; but until 11 September, an acute sense of victimhood and persecution by the outside world was usually the preserve of the paranoid Right. Now it has spread and, for the moment at least, some rather important ideas have almost vanished from the public debate: among them, that other states have their own national interests, and that in the end nothing compels them to help the US; that they, too, have been the victims of terrorism - in the case of Britain, largely funded from groups in the United States - but have not insisted on a right of unilateral military retaliation (this point was made by Niall Ferguson in the New York Times, but not as yet in any op-ed by an American that I have seen); and that in some cases these states may actually know more about their own part of the world than US intelligence does.

Beyond the immediate and unforeseeable events in Afghanistan - and their sombre implications for Pakistan - lies the bigger question of US policy in the Arab world. Here, too, Administration policy may well be a good deal more cautious than the opinions of the right-wing media would suggest - which again is fortunate, because much opinion on this subject is more than rabid. Here is AM Rosenthal in the Washington Times arguing that an amazing range of states should be given ultimatums to surrender not only alleged terrorists but also their own senior officials accused by the US of complicity:

"The ultimatum should go to the governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Sudan and any other devoted to the elimination of the United States or the constant incitement of hatred against it... In the three days the terrorists consider the American ultimatum, the residents of the countries would be urged 24 hours a day by the United States to flee the capital and major cities, because they would be bombed to the ground beginning the fourth."

Rosenthal isn't a figure from the lunatic fringe ranting on a backwoods radio show, but the former executive editor of the New York Times, writing in a paper with great influence in the Republican Party, especially under the present Administration.

No Administration is going to do anything remotely like this. But if the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has emerged as the voice of moderation, with a proper commitment to multilateralism, other voices are audible, too. Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defence, has spoken of "ending states which support terrorism", and in the case of Iraq, there are those who would now like to complete the work of the Gulf War and finish off Saddam Hussein.

Here, too, the mood of contempt for allies contributes to the ambition. Thus Kim Holmes, vice-president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, argued that only deference to America's Arab allies prevented the US from destroying the Iraqi regime in 1991 (the profound unwillingness of Bush Senior to occupy Iraq and take responsibility for the place also played its part in the decision): "To show that this war is not with Islam per se, the US could be tempted to restrain itself militarily and accommodate the complex and contradictory political agendas of Islamic states. This in turn could make the campaign ineffectual, prolonging the problem of terrorism."

Getting rid of Saddam Hussein is not in itself a bad idea. His is a pernicious regime, a menace to his own people and his neighbours, as well as to the West. And if the Iraqi threat to the Gulf States could be eliminated, US troops might be withdrawn from Saudi Arabia: it was their permanent stationing on the holy soil of Islam that turned Osama bin Laden from an anti-Soviet mujahid into an anti-American terrorist.

But only if it were to take place in the context of an entirely new policy towards Palestine would the US be able to mount such a campaign without provoking massive unrest across the Arab world; and given what became of promises made during the Gulf War, there would first of all have to be firm evidence of a US change of heart. The only borders between Israel and Palestine which would have any chance of satisfying a majority of Palestinians and Arabs - and conforming to UN resolutions, for what they are worth - would be those of 1967, possibly qualified by an internationalisation of Jerusalem under UN control. This would entail the removal of the existing Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories, and would be absolutely unacceptable to any imaginable Israeli Government. To win Israeli agreement would require not just US pressure, but the threat of a complete breach of relations and the ending of aid.

There may be those in the Administration who would favour adopting such an approach at a later stage. Bush Sr's was the most anti-Israeli Administration of the past two generations, and was disliked accordingly by the Jewish and other ethnic lobbies. His son's is less beholden to those lobbies than Clinton's was. And it may be that even pro-Israeli US politicians will at some point realise that Israel's survival as such is not an issue: that it is absurd to increase the risk to Washington and New York for the sake of 267 extremist settlers in Hebron and their comrades elsewhere.

Still, in the short term, a radical shift is unlikely, and an offensive against Iraq would therefore be dangerous. The attacks on New York and the Pentagon and the celebrations in parts of the Arab world have increased popular hostility to the Arabs in general and the Palestinians in particular, a hostility assiduously stoked by Israeli propaganda. But when it comes to denouncing hate crimes against Muslims - or those taken to be Muslims - within the US, the Administration has behaved decently, perhaps because they have a rather sobering precedent in mind, one which has led to genuine shame: the treatment of Japanese Americans during world war two.

This shame is the result of an applied historical intelligence that does not extend to the Arab world. Americans tend - and perhaps need - to confuse the symptoms and the causes of Arab anger. Since a key pro-Israel position in the US has been that fundamental Palestinian and Arab grievances must not be allowed legitimacy or even discussed, the only explanation of Arab hostility to the US and its ally must be sought in innate features of Arab society, whether a contemporary culture of anti-semitism (and anti-Americanism) sanctioned by Arab leaderships, or ancient 'Muslim' traditions of hostility to the West.

All of which may contain some truth: but the central issue, the role of Israeli policies in providing a focus for such hatred, is overwhelmingly ignored. As a result, it is extremely difficult, and mostly impossible, to hold any frank discussion of the most important issue affecting the position of the US in the Middle East or the open sympathy for terrorism in the region. A passionately held nationalism usually has the effect of corrupting or silencing those liberal intellectuals who espouse it. This is the case of Israeli nationalism in the US. It is especially distressing that it should afflict the Jewish liberal intelligentsia, that old bedrock of sanity and tolerance.

An Administration which wanted a radical change of policy towards Israel would have to generate a new public debate almost from scratch - which would not be possible until some kind of tectonic shift had taken place in American society. Too many outside observers who blame US Administrations forget that on a wide range of issues, it is essentially Congress and not the White House or State Department which determines foreign policy; this is above all true of US aid. An inability or unwillingness to try to work on Congress, as opposed to going through normal diplomatic channels, has been a minor contributory factor to Britain's inability to get any purchase on US policy in recent years.

The role of Congress brings out what might be called the Wilhelmine aspects of US foreign and security policy. By that I do not mean extreme militarism or a love of silly hats, or even a shared tendency to autism when it comes to understanding the perceptions of other countries, but rather certain structural features in both the Wilhemine and the US system tending to produce over-ambition, and above all a chronic incapacity to choose between diametrically opposite goals. Like Wilhelmine Germany, the US has a legislature with very limited constitutional powers in the field of foreign policy, even though it wields considerable de facto power and is not linked either institutionally or by party discipline to the executive. The resulting lack of any responsibility for actual consequences is a standing invitation to rhetorical grandstanding, and the pursuit of sectional interests at the expense of overall policy.

Meanwhile, the executive, while in theory supremely powerful in this field, has in fact continually to woo the legislature without ever being able to command its support. This, too, encourages dependence on interest groups, as well as a tendency to overcome differences and gain support by making appeals in terms of overheated patriotism rather than policy. Finally, in both systems, though for completely different reasons, supreme executive power had or has a tendency to fall into the hands of people totally unsuited for any but the ceremonial aspects of the job, and endlessly open to manipulation by advisers, ministers and cliques.

In the US, this did not matter so much during the Cold War, when a range of Communist threats - real, imagined or fabricated - held the system together in the pursuit of more or less common aims. With the disappearance of the unifying threat, however, there has been a tendency, again very Wilhelmine, to produce ambitious and aggressive policies in several directions simultaneously, often with little reference at all to real US interests or any kind of principle.

The new 'war against terrorism' in Administration and Congressional rhetoric has been cast as just such a principle, unifying the country and the political establishment behind a common goal and affecting or determining a great range of other policies. The language has been reminiscent of the global struggle against Communism, and confronting Islamist radicalism in the Muslim world does, it's true, pose some of the same challenges, on a less global scale, though possibly with even greater dangers for the world.

The likelihood that US strategy in the 'war against terrorism' will resemble that of the Cold War is greatly increased by the way Cold War structures and attitudes have continued to dominate the US foreign policy and security elites. Charles Tilly and others have written of the difficulty states have in 'ratcheting down' wartime institutions and especially wartime spending. In the 1990s, this failure on the part of the US to escape its Cold War legacy was a curse, ensuring unnecessarily high military spending in the wrong fields, thoroughly negative attitudes to Russia, 'zero-sum' perceptions of international security issues in general, and perceptions of danger which wholly failed, as we now see, to meet the real threats to security and lives.

The idea of a National Missile Defense is predicated on a limited revival of the Cold War, with China cast in the role of the Soviet Union and the Chinese nuclear deterrent as the force to be nullified. Bush's foreign and security team is almost entirely a product of Cold War structures and circumscribed by Cold War attitudes (which is not true of the President himself, who was never interested enough in foreign policy; if he can get his mind round the rest of the world, he could well be more of a free-thinker than many of his staff).

The collapse of the Communist alternative to Western-dominated modernisation and the integration (however imperfect) of Russia and China into the world capitalist order have been a morally and socially ambiguous process, to put it mildly; but in the early 1990s they seemed to promise the suspension of hostility between the world's larger powers. The failure of the US to make use of this opportunity, thanks to an utter confusion between an ideological victory and crudely-defined US geopolitical interests, was a great misfortune which the 'war against terrorism' could in part rectify. Since 11 September, the rhetoric in America has proposed a gulf between the 'civilised' states of the present world system, and movements of 'barbaric', violent protest from outside and below - without much deference to the ambiguities of 'civilisation', or the justifications of resistance to it, remarked on since Tacitus at least.

How is the Cold War legacy likely to determine the 'war against terrorism'? Despite the general conviction in the Republican Party that it was simply Reagan's military spending and the superiority of the US system which destroyed Soviet Communism, more serious Cold War analysts were always aware that it involved not just military force, or the threat of it, but ideological and political struggle, socio-economic measures, and state-building. The latter in particular is an idea for which the Bush team on their arrival in office had a deep dislike (if only to distance themselves from Clinton's policies), but which they may now rediscover. Foreign aid - so shamefully reduced in the 1990s - was also a key part of the Cold War, and if much of it was poured into kleptocratic regimes like Mobutu's, or wasted on misguided projects, some at least helped produce flourishing economies in Europe and East Asia.

The Republican Party is not only the party of Goldwater and Reagan, but of Eisenhower, Nixon and Kissinger. Eisenhower is now almost forgotten by the party. 'Eisenhower Republicans', as they refer to themselves, are usually far closer to Tony Blair (or perhaps more accurately, Helmut Schmidt) than anyone the Republican Party has seen in recent years, and I'd wager that the majority of educated Americans have forgotten that the original warning about the influence of the 'military industrial complex' came from Eisenhower.

Kissinger is still very much alive, however, and his history is a reminder that one aspect of the American capacity for extreme ruthlessness was also a capacity for radical changes of policy, for reconciliation with states hitherto regarded as bitter enemies, and for cold-blooded abandonment of close allies and clients whose usefulness was at an end. It would not altogether surprise me if we were now to see a radical shift towards real co-operation with Russia, and even Iran.

In general, however, the Cold War legacies and parallels are discouraging and dangerous. To judge by the language used in the days since 11 September, ignorance, demonisation and the drowning out of nuanced debate indicate that much of the US establishment can no more tell the difference between Iran and Afghanistan than they could between China and the Soviet Union in the early 1960s - the inexcusable error which led to the American war in Vietnam. The preference for militarised solutions continues (the 'War on Drugs', which will now have to be scaled back, is an example). Most worryingly, the direct attack on American soil and American civilians - far worse than anything done to the US in the Cold War - means that there is a real danger of a return to Cold War ruthlessness: not just in terms of military tactics and covert operations, but in terms of the repulsive and endangered regimes co-opted as local American clients.

The stakes are, if anything, a good deal higher than they were during the Cold War. Given what we now know of Soviet policymaking, it is by no means clear that the Kremlin ever seriously contemplated a nuclear strike against America. By contrast, it seems likely that bin Laden et al would in the end use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons if they could deliver them.

There is also the question of the impact of US strategies (or, in the case of Israel, lack of them) on the unity of the West - assuming that this is of some importance for the wellbeing of humanity. However great the exasperation of many European states with US policy throughout the Cold War, the Europeans were bound into the transatlantic alliance by an obvious Soviet threat - more immediate to them than it was to the US. For the critical first decade of the Cold War, the economies of Europe were hopelessly inferior to that of the US. Today, if European Governments feel that the US is dragging them into unnecessary danger thanks to policies of which they disapprove, they will protest bitterly - as many did during the Cold War - and then begin to distance themselves, which they could not afford to do fifty years ago.

This is all the more likely if, as seems overwhelmingly probable, the US withdraws from the Balkans - as it has already done in Macedonia - leaving Europeans with no good reason to require a US military presence on their continent. At the same time, the cultural gap between Europeans and Republican America (which does not mean a majority of Americans, but the dominant strain of policy) will continue to widen. 'Who says we share common values with the Europeans?' a senior US politician remarked recently. 'They don't even go to church!' Among other harmful effects, the destruction of this relationship could signal the collapse of whatever hope still exists for a common Western approach to global environmental issues - which would, in the end, pose a greater danger to humanity than that of terrorism.

· Anatol Lieven is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington DC.

[Oct 30, 2016] The elections became a referendum on Mrs Clinton fitness for office, and that had increasingly seemed to be Mrs. Clintons to lose

Notable quotes:
"... But the Clinton team also had to deal with a newly emboldened Mr. Trump, who urged voters at a rally on Saturday in Golden, Colo., to oppose Mrs. Clinton because of her "criminal action" that was "willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful." ..."
"... Handed a new opening against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump used the moment to baselessly claim there had been an internal F.B.I. "revolt" and made a sexually suggestive joke about Mr. Weiner. ..."
"... "As Podesta said, she's got bad instincts," Mr. Trump said, distorting a comment in one of the thousands of Mr. Podesta's hacked emails recently released by WikiLeaks. "Well, she's got bad instincts when her emails are on Anthony Weiner's wherever." ..."
"... The paramount fear among Clinton advisers and Democratic officials was that an election that had become a referendum on Mr. Trump's fitness for office, and that had increasingly seemed to be Mrs. Clinton's to lose, would now become just as much about her conduct. ..."
"... "This is like an 18-wheeler smacking into us, and it just becomes a huge distraction at the worst possible time," said Donna Brazile, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee and a close Clinton ally. ..."
"... a reflection of 18 months of frustration that her personal decisions about her email practices and privacy were still generating unhelpful political drama. ..."
"... Two Clinton aides, for example, pointedly noted in interviews that it was difficult to press a counterattack without fully knowing what was in Ms. Abedin's emails. ..."
"... While some voters are undecided, about 20 million Americans have already cast ballots in early voting, and millions more long ago concluded which candidate they would support. ..."
"... In a polarized country where many are unwaveringly contemptuous of either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton, the latest development in the email story prompted a mix of shrugs and renewed determination from the left and told-you-so claims of Clinton perfidy from the right. ..."
Oct 30, 2016 |

Fred C. Dobbs -> Fred C. Dobbs, Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 07:37 PM

'Some prominent Democratic women, meanwhile, were angry that a murky announcement from the F.B.I. might impede the election of the first female president of the United States.

"It worries me because it gives the Republicans something to blow up and fan folks' anger with," said former Representative Patricia Schroeder of Colorado, who considered a run for the Democratic nomination for president in 1988. "I was on the Judiciary Committee when I was in Congress, and I have never seen the F.B.I. handle any case the way they have handled hers."'

Hillary Clinton Assails James Comey, Calling Email
Decision 'Deeply Troubling'

Hillary Clinton and her allies sprang onto a war footing on Saturday, opening a ferocious attack on the F.B.I.'s director, James B. Comey, a day after he disclosed that his agency was looking into a potential new batch of messages from her private email server.

Treating Mr. Comey as a threat to her candidacy, Mrs. Clinton took aim at the law enforcement officer who had recommended no criminal charges less than four months earlier for her handling of classified information as secretary of state.

"It's pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election," Mrs. Clinton said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. "In fact, it's not just strange; it's unprecedented and it is deeply troubling."

For Democrats, it was also deeply worrying. Mrs. Clinton's advisers expressed concern that the F.B.I.'s renewed attention to emails relating to the nominee would turn some voters against her, hurt party candidates in competitive House and Senate races, and complicate efforts to win over undecided Americans in the final days of the election.

So after stepping gingerly around the issue on Friday, calling on Mr. Comey to release more specific information but not overtly criticizing him, her campaign made it personal on Saturday, accusing the director of smearing Mrs. Clinton with innuendo late in the race and of violating Justice Department rules.

The decision to target Mr. Comey for his unusual decision to publicly disclose the inquiry came during an 8 a.m. internal conference call, after aides saw reports that Justice Department officials were furious, believing he had violated longstanding guidelines advising against such actions so close to an election.

Even before Mrs. Clinton spoke in Florida, her campaign chairman, John D. Podesta, and campaign manager, Robby Mook, criticized Mr. Comey for putting out incomplete information and breaking with Justice Department protocol.

"By providing selective information, he has allowed partisans to distort and exaggerate to inflict maximum political damage," Mr. Podesta said during a conference call with reporters. "Comey has not been forthcoming with the facts," he added, describing the director's letter to Congress on Friday as "long on innuendo."

Whatever shortcomings Mrs. Clinton may have as a candidate, Saturday's coordinated effort showed that the political organization that she, her husband and her allies had built over decades remained potent and would not let what seemed like victory erode easily. By midday, Mr. Comey, a Republican appointed by President Obama and confirmed nearly unanimously by the Senate, found himself in its cross hairs.

Encouraged by Mrs. Clinton's senior aides to reframe the story and make it about Mr. Comey's actions, liberal groups such as the Congressional Black Caucus demanded that he release more information. Other surrogates were emailed talking points prodding them to deem it "extraordinary that 11 days before the election a letter like this - with so few details - would be sent to 8 Republican committee chairmen." (Ranking Democrats on the committees also received copies.)

Mr. Comey has not publicly commented on the investigation, other than with the letter saying that more emails were being examined. He also wrote an email to F.B.I. employees explaining that he felt he had to inform Congress even though the agency did not yet know "the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails."

With Mrs. Clinton leading Donald J. Trump in nearly every battleground state, Clinton advisers were emphatic that they would not be thrown off stride. They said they would not change any political strategy, television advertising or campaign travel plans.

For months, the F.B.I. had investigated whether Mrs. Clinton had broken any laws by using a private email server while she was secretary of state. This past summer, Mr. Comey said that Mrs. Clinton had been "extremely careless" by allowing sensitive information to be discussed outside secure government servers, but that the agency had concluded that Mrs. Clinton had not committed a crime. The investigation was closed.

But on Friday, Mr. Comey notified Congress that the agency had discovered emails, possibly relevant to the investigation, that belonged to Mrs. Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin. The emails were discovered on the computer of Ms. Abedin's estranged husband, Anthony D. Weiner, during a separate investigation into allegations that he had exchanged sexually explicit messages with a teenager.

According to several Clinton advisers, Mrs. Clinton told them overnight and on Saturday that she wanted the campaign to operate normally, not rashly, while pressuring Mr. Comey to dispel any possibility that her candidacy was under legal threat.

But the Clinton team also had to deal with a newly emboldened Mr. Trump, who urged voters at a rally on Saturday in Golden, Colo., to oppose Mrs. Clinton because of her "criminal action" that was "willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful."

Handed a new opening against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump used the moment to baselessly claim there had been an internal F.B.I. "revolt" and made a sexually suggestive joke about Mr. Weiner.

"As Podesta said, she's got bad instincts," Mr. Trump said, distorting a comment in one of the thousands of Mr. Podesta's hacked emails recently released by WikiLeaks. "Well, she's got bad instincts when her emails are on Anthony Weiner's wherever."

The paramount fear among Clinton advisers and Democratic officials was that an election that had become a referendum on Mr. Trump's fitness for office, and that had increasingly seemed to be Mrs. Clinton's to lose, would now become just as much about her conduct.

In phone calls, email chains and text messages on Saturday, Clinton aides and allies were by turns confident that the F.B.I. would find nothing to hurt Mrs. Clinton and concerned that the inquiry would nudge demoralized Republicans to show up to vote for down-ballot candidates - and perhaps even cast ballots, however reluctantly, for the battered Mr. Trump.

"This is like an 18-wheeler smacking into us, and it just becomes a huge distraction at the worst possible time," said Donna Brazile, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee and a close Clinton ally. "We don't want it to knock us off our game. But on the second-to-last weekend of the race, we find ourselves having to tell voters, 'Keep your focus; keep your eyes on the prize.'"

As much as Clinton advisers stressed that they were not panicking, some of them radiated anger at Mr. Comey, Mr. Weiner and even Mrs. Clinton - a reflection of 18 months of frustration that her personal decisions about her email practices and privacy were still generating unhelpful political drama. Two Clinton aides, for example, pointedly noted in interviews that it was difficult to press a counterattack without fully knowing what was in Ms. Abedin's emails.

Some prominent Democratic women, meanwhile, were angry that a murky announcement from the F.B.I. might impede the election of the first female president of the United States.

"It worries me because it gives the Republicans something to blow up and fan folks' anger with," said former Representative Patricia Schroeder of Colorado, who considered a run for the Democratic nomination for president in 1988. "I was on the Judiciary Committee when I was in Congress, and I have never seen the F.B.I. handle any case the way they have handled hers."

While some voters are undecided, about 20 million Americans have already cast ballots in early voting, and millions more long ago concluded which candidate they would support.

In a polarized country where many are unwaveringly contemptuous of either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton, the latest development in the email story prompted a mix of shrugs and renewed determination from the left and told-you-so claims of Clinton perfidy from the right.

Fred C. Dobbs -> Fred C. Dobbs... , October 29, 2016 at 09:12 PM

'Hopefully, it will infuriate & motivate
Dem voters more than it will please
& energize GOPsters.'
likbez -> Fred C. Dobbs... , -1
"Encouraged by Mrs. Clinton's senior aides to reframe the story and make it about Mr. Comey's actions"

Reminds me a reaction of a cornered rat...

It was she who created private "Shadow IT" within the State Department.

It was she who hired Huma Abedin who proved to be completely clueless in computer security (and not only in computer security) and, as such, represented probably even higher level of security risks then Mrs Clinton herself. Forwarding email to her private Web mail account for printing because direct printing from the State Department email account was convoluted is an interesting solution for a high level State Department official, who signed various non-disclosure documents.

It was she who was eliminated incriminating emails by claiming the they are private after investigation was already opened and she was asked to provide them. Elimination was done using special software to prevent recovery.

It was she who lied about her actions.

, October 29, 2016 at 09:58 PM

[Oct 29, 2016] Im With Her - Against Hillarys Malevolent Matriarchy

Notable quotes:
"... In recent interviews, Donald Trump's wife, Melania Trump, observed wryly that almost every malicious, lie-filled article about herself or he husband was written by a … female. ..."
"... On the Soviet-style witch-hunt launched against her husband with media mediation, she said this: "All sexual assault allegations should be handled in a court of law. To accuse someone, man or woman, without evidence is damaging and unfair." ..."
"... The very embodiment of the malevolent liberal matriarchy rising is the sainted Michelle Obama. The First Lady was lauded for an unhinged anti-Trump address to the nation's women. ..."
Oct 26, 2016 |

In recent interviews, Donald Trump's wife, Melania Trump, observed wryly that almost every malicious, lie-filled article about herself or he husband was written by a … female.

... ... ...

When a liberal woman declares she's a strong woman (usually uttered in a tart-like, staccato inflection), she's using a cliché. Look at her actions. You'll see that "strong" to liberal distaff means kicking and screaming until she brings others into compliance with her worldview and ways.

... ... ...

More material than her mien were Melania Trump's words of reason. On the Soviet-style witch-hunt launched against her husband with media mediation, she said this: "All sexual assault allegations should be handled in a court of law. To accuse someone, man or woman, without evidence is damaging and unfair."

This was the exact verdict of famed defense attorney Tom Mesereau, about the Bill Cosby pile-on. Quit the feeding frenzy. Give the man his due process. Investigate the women, counseled Mesereau, Esq., at the time.

... ... ...

The very embodiment of the malevolent liberal matriarchy rising is the sainted Michelle Obama. The First Lady was lauded for an unhinged anti-Trump address to the nation's women. In a world where Americans have been beheaded on camera, women raped en masse on Europe's streets, and Christians exterminated in the Middle East-the First Lady bewailed being "shaken" to her shallow core by raunchy words. "I can't stop thinking about it," groaned Michelle about Mr. Trump's Access Hollywood indiscretion. It "has shaken me to my core in a way I could not have predicted."

[Oct 29, 2016] Top donors to Hillary campaign
Killary PAC | Oct 28, 2016 1:31:52 PM | 20

The Top 10

Rank Name Donations
1 Tom Steyer $38 million
2 Donald Sussman $23.4 million
3 Miriam & Sheldon Adelson $21.5 million
4 Robert Mercer $20.2 million
5 Michael Bloomberg $20.1 million
6 Fred Eychaner $20 million
7 Paul Singer $17.3 million
8 George Soros $16.5 million
9 Maurice "Hank" Greenberg $15.1 million
10 Elizabeth & Richard Uihlein $14 million

[Oct 29, 2016] Sometimes Bill And Hillary Have The Worst Judgment Wikileaks Releases Part 22 Of Podesta File

Notable quotes:
"... and concludes by saying that " Sometimes HRC/WJC have the worst judgement ." In retrospect, she is right. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
In the aftermath of one of the most memorable (c)october shocks in presidential campaign history, Wikileaks continues its ongoing broadside attack against the Clinton campaign with the relentless Podesta dump, by unveiling another 596 emails in the latest Part 22 of its Podesta release, bringing the total emails released so far to exactly 36,190, leaving less than 30% of the total dump left to go.

RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 22 #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails22 #HillaryClinton

- WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 29, 2016

As usual we will go parse through the disclosure and bring you some of the more notable ones.

* * *

In a February 2012 email from Chelsea Clinton's NYU alias, [email protected] , to Podesta and Mills, Bill and Hillary's frustrated daughter once again points out the "frustration and confusion" among Clinton Foundation clients in the aftermath of the previously noted scandals plaguing the Clinton consultancy, Teneo:

Over the past few days a few people from the Foundation have reached out to me frustrated or upset about _____ (fill in the blank largely derived meetings Friday or Monday). I've responded to all w/ essentially the following (ie disintermediating myself, again, emphatically) below. I also called my Dad last night to tell him of my explicit non-involvement and pushing all back to you both and to him as I think that is indeed the right answer. Thanks

Sample: Please share any and all concerns, with examples, without pulling punches, with John and Cheryl as appropriate and also if you feel very strongly with my Dad directly. Transitions are always challenging and to get to the right answer its critical that voices are heard and understood, and in the most direct way - ie to them without intermediation. Particularly in an effort to move more toward a professionalism and efficiency at the Foundation and for my father - and they're the decision-makers, my Dad most of all

* * *

A February 2015 email from Neera Tanden lashes out at David Brock of the Bonner Group, profiled in this post: " Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits Implicated ." As a reminder, the Bonner Group, as we showed last month, may be a money laundering front involving various SuperPACs and non-profit institutions:

In the email Tanden says that:

"Brock/Bonner are a nightmare: Really, Suzie Buell isn't giving to the superpac? I wonder how that got in this story " Big donors holding off making pledges to pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC ",

and concludes by saying that " Sometimes HRC/WJC have the worst judgement ." In retrospect, she is right.

* * *

Speaking of "donor advisor" Mary Pat Bonner , the following email from March 2009 hints at potential impropriety in shifting money from one democratic donor group to another, the Center for American Progress :

I have moved all the sussman money from unity '09 to cap and am reviewing the others . I will assess it and keep you informed

Something else for the DOJ to look into after the elections, perhaps?

* * *

And then there is this email from August 2015 in which German politician Michael Werz advises John Podesta that Turkish president Erdogan "is making substantial investments in U.S. to counter opposition (CHP, Kurds, Gulenists etc.) outreach to policymakers" and the US Government.

John, heard this second hand but more than once. Seems Erdogan faction is making substantial investments in U.S. to counter opposition (CHP, Kurds, Gulenists etc.) outreach to policymakers and USG. Am told that the Erdogan crew also tries to make inroads via donations to Democratic candidates, including yours. Two names that you should be aware of are *Mehmet Celebi* and *Ali Cinar*. Happy to elaborate on the phone, provided you are not shopping at the liquor store.

The email :

This should perhaps explain why the US has so far done absolutely nothing to halt Erdogan's unprecedented crackdown on "coup plotters" which has seen as many as 100,000 workers lose their jobs, be arrested, or otherwise removed from Erdogan's political opposition.

[Oct 29, 2016] Clinton Right Hand Woman Huma Abedin Takes the Stage at Center of Email Scandal

Oct 29, 2016 |
The FBI announcement comes on the heels of a report yesterday by journalist Paul Sperry, who gave new details about Abedin's role in the email scandal.

Protective detail assigned to guard former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her two residences complained that her closest aide Huma Abedin often overrode standard security protocols during trips to the Middle East, and personally changed procedures for handling classified information, including highly sensitive intelligence briefs the CIA prepared for the president, newly released FBI documents reveal.

The security agents, who were interviewed as witnesses in the FBI's investigation of Clinton's use of an unauthorized private email server to send classified information, complained that Abedin had unusual sway over security policies during Clinton's 2009-2013 tenure at Foggy Bottom.

Abedin's influence in these matters, including the revelation in Sperry's article that "Abedin possessed much more power" over Clinton's staff, schedule, and security than other former chiefs of staffs, is especially concerning given the links that Abedin has to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the Muslim World League, a group that Hillary Clinton herself said in 2009 was funding terrorism.

... ... ...

Here is some of the exhaustive reporting Breitbart has done on Huma Abedin: Hillary Clinton's History: Muslim Connections Stem Back To 1990s Hillary Clinton's History: How Huma Abedin Went from Intern to Top Adviser After 9/11, Saudis Had Huma Abedin-Connected Group Removed from Terror List On September 11, Huma Abedin Worked For Hillary Clinton and Saudi Charity Suspected of Terror Funding Memo: Clinton State Department Thought Huma Abedin-Connected Saudi Group Funded Terror 28 Pages Suggest Huma-Connected Group Funded Terrorism Hillary Clinton's Top Aide Huma Abedin Published Articles that Blamed USA for 911, Blamed Women For Violence

Media coverage of this story has been supporessed owing to pressure from the Democratic Party.

For example, Vanity Fair magazine published an article Jan. 6 of this year with the now eerily accurate title, " Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem? " The left-wing attack machine Media Matters for America wasted no time in posting an article with false information and smears in order to protect the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton has stated publicly that she helped "start and support" the Media Matters group, and that organization has consistently come to her rescue with misinformation, half-truths, and smears that invariably get repeated by the established media.

The Vanity Fair article apparently sent shockwaves through the Clinton camp. Any mainstream press coverage of Huma Abedin is rare, and what coverage there is almost universally laudatory. Despite the fawning coverage she has received, there are many unanswered questions about Abedin, especially given Abedin's complete access to Hillary Clinton, one of the most powerful people in the world, a former Secretary of State and possible future president.

As Vanity Fair's William Cohan writes in his piece:

Over the years Huma has served in several positions, with increasingly important-sounding titles. She has been Hillary's "body woman," her traveling chief of staff, a senior adviser, and a deputy chief of staff when Hillary was secretary of state. Now, based in Brooklyn, she is the vice-chair of Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign.

The Vanity Fair piece on the secretive Abedin confirmed a number of facts that have been reported by conservative media for a couple of years but have been twisted and convoluted by the mainstream media.

For example, the Vanity Fair article flatly lays out the information that Huma Abedin was an assistant editor at a publication called the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1996 until 2008. He writes:

When (Huma) Abedin was two years old, the family moved to Jidda, Saudi Arabia, where, with the backing of Abdullah Omar Nasseef, then the president of King Abdulaziz University, her father founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, a think tank, and became the first editor of its Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, which stated its mission as "shedding light" on minority Muslim communities around the world in the hope of "securing the legitimate rights of these communities."…

It turns out the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma was an assistant editor there between 1996 and 2008. Her brother, Hassan, 45, is a book-review editor at the Journal and was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, where Nasseef is chairman of the board of trustees. Huma's sister, Heba, 26, is an assistant editor at the Journal.

Breitbart News added information this year that shows that the "Abedin family business" is housed in the offices of the Muslim World League.

The webpage for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs site says how to reach the Journal : "Editorial Correspondence including submission of articles and books for review should be addressed to: Editor, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 46 Goodge Street, London WIP 1FJ, U.K."

The current official Journal website also lists the same 46 Goodge Street address, which is the same exact address listed on the Muslim World League's London office address.

The official website for the Muslim World League's London office lists its address as 46 Goodge Street.

The current day London Online website also lists the Muslim World League office in London and the Journal's parent organization, Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs , as having the exact same 46 Goodge Street address.

A Yelp! listing for the Muslim World League shows the same 46 Goodge Address and a photo of the entrance.

Google Maps from 2008 -the earliest date available-shows the Muslim Word League London office entrance, which appears to have office space above a pizza restaurant .

This direct connection to the Muslim World League and a child organization called the World Arab Muslim Youth Association (WAMY)-also housed at Goodge Street offices-is significant due to a 2009 State Department memo which reveals that while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and Huma Abedin was her top aide, and the Secretary of State's office was engaged in talks with Saudi Arabia about stopping the Muslim World League from funding terrorism at the same time the "Abedin family business" was operating out of the Muslim World League's London office.

This revelation shows that while Huma Abedin was serving at the highest level of government as Hillary Clinton's aide and had access to this information, Abedin had a direct connection to a group that was suspected of actively funding groups like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hamas, which had not only killed civilians around the world but also U.S. servicemen.

The memo, which was originally published by WikiLeaks , was sent on December 30, 2009 from the Secretary of State to the Department of Treasury and ambassadors in several Gulf region countries including Saudi Arabia. The stated goal of the memo is that "all action posts deliver the general talking points" to those countries.

The connection to terror funding is also listed in the infamous "missing 28 pages" from a report by the 9/11 commission that were kept hidden for years until their release on a Friday afternoon earlier this year. Page 24 of the 28-page report discusses Osama Bin Laden's half-brother and says in part:

According to the FBI, Abdullah Bin Ladin has a number of connections to terrorist organizations. He is the President and Director of the World Arab Muslim Youth Association (WAMY) and the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Science in America. Both organizations are local branches of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

According to the FBI, there is reason to believe that WAMY is "closely associated with the funding and financing of international terrorist activities and in the past has provided logistical support to individuals wishing to to fight in the Afghan War." In 1998, the CIA published a paper characterizing WAMY as a NGO that provides funding. logistical support and training with possible connections to the Arab Afghans network, Hamas, Algerian extremists and Philippine militants.

Although the 28 pages make no mention of Abedin at all, the information in the 28 pages lays out a timeline of events during the planning and execution of the 9/11 terror attack that shows that, at all times, Huma Abedin was working for both Hillary Clinton and the WAMY organization the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs.

These connections become especially disturbing when you consider what Sperry reported yesterday:

Another guard assigned to Clinton's residence in Chappaqua, N.Y., recalled in a February FBI interview that new security procedures for handling delivery of the diplomatic pouch and receiving via fax the highly classified Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) had been "established by Abedin." The witness added that Abedin controlled the operations of a secure room known as a SCIF located on the third floor of the residence.

In her own April 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin contended that she "did not know that Clinton had a private server until about a year and a half ago, when it became public knowledge." The server was set up in the basement of the Chappaqua residence.

However, another witness told agents that he and another Clinton aide with an IT background built the new server system "at the recommendation of Huma Abedin," who first broached the idea of an off-the-grid email server as early as the "fall (of) 2008," ostensibly after Barack Obama was elected president.

With the FBI investigation reopened, it will be interesting to see if the mainstream media finally begins to do their job and ask tough questions about Huma Abedin.

[Oct 29, 2016] Only 29% of those who said that they would vote for Clinton said their vote was intended to stop Trump from getting to the White House. By contrast, 43% of Trump voters said their decision was a defensive vote against Clinton

Oct 29, 2016 |
Polling offers some clues . Last week, George Washington University released the results of a survey of 1,000 adults who said they were registered and likely to vote. Only 29% of those who said that they would vote for Clinton said their vote was intended to stop Trump from getting to the White House. By contrast, 43% of Trump voters said their decision was a defensive vote against Clinton.

That doesn't necessarily get us any closer to forecasting the results. It's a fact that voter turnout will shape this election outcome but it's much harder to predict how human nature might affect that turnout. What drives people to action more – support for a set of values or fear of the alternatives? Love or hate?

[Oct 29, 2016] The level of militarism in the current US society and MSM is really staggering. anti-war forces are completely destroyed (with the abandonment of draft) and are limited for

Oct 29, 2016 |
libertarians (such as Ron Paul) and paleoconservatives.

likbez -> Fred C. Dobbs... October 28, 2016 at 04:37 PM , 2016 at 04:37 PM

>"Plus, she's very nasty towards Vlad Putin."

What I do not get is how one can call himself/herself a democrat and be jingoistic monster. That's the problem with Democratic Party and its supporters. Such people for me are DINO ("Democrats only in name"). Closet neocons, if you wish. The level of militarism in the current US society and MSM is really staggering. anti-war forces are completely destroyed (with the abandonment of draft) and are limited for libertarians (such as Ron Paul) and paleoconservatives. There is almost completely empty space on the left. Dennis Kucinich is one of the few exceptions
(see )

I think that people like Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland and Dick Cheney can now proudly join Democratic Party and feel themselves quite at home.

BTW Hillary is actually very pleasant with people of the same level. It's only subordinates, close relatives and Security Service agents, who are on the receiving end of her wrath. A typical "kiss up, kick down personality".

The right word probably would not "nasty", but "duplicitous".

Or "treacherous" as this involves breaking of previous agreements (with a smile) as the USA diplomacy essentially involves positioning the country above the international law. As in "I am the law".

Obama is not that different. I think he even more sleazy then Hillary and as such is more difficult to deal with. He also is at his prime, while she is definitely past hers:

== quote ==
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday it was hard for him to work with the current U.S. administration because it did not stick to any agreements, including on Syria.

Putin said he was ready to engage with a new president however, whoever the American people chose, and to discuss any problem.
== end of quote ==

Syria is an "Obama-approved" adventure, is not it ? The same is true for Libya. So formally he is no less jingoistic then Hillary, Nobel Peace price notwithstanding.

Other things equal, it might be easier for Putin to deal with Hillary then Obama, as she has so many skeletons in the closet and might soon be impeached by House.

[Oct 29, 2016] Stein war with Russia is not an option

Notable quotes:
"... She [Hillary Clinton] has concurrently this Clinton Foundation business, where she is granting special favors, special partnerships, special government contracts, weapons deals, etc., to Clinton Foundation donors. So, there's just a lot here that represents how the economic and political elite are very much represented, I think, by both of these candidates, and underscores why it's really important for us to exercise our power in a democracy . ..."
"... To present a no-fly zone here as a solution is extremely dangerous. A no-fly zone means we are going to war with Russia, because it means we will be shooting down planes in the sky in order to create this no-fly zone, which is where Russia has a commitment to defending the Assad government. So, remember, there was a ceasefire, which was very hard-won, and that ceasefire was destroyed by the action of the Americans bombing, apparently by mistake, although some people say not by mistake, but it was our bombing of the Syrian troops that destroyed that ceasefire . ..."
"... That was our part, the U.S., in allowing the nuclear arms race to re-engage . Mikhail Gorbachev, the former premier of the Soviet Union, said last week that we are now at a more dangerous period regarding nuclear war than we have ever been. So, it's really important for the warmongers in the Democratic and Republican parties to be cooling their jets now and for us to be moving forward towards a weapons embargo and a freeze on the funding of those countries that are continuing to fund terrorist enterprises . ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
'There was a ceasefire, which was very hard-won, and that ceasefire was destroyed by the action of the Americans bombing, apparently by mistake, although some people say not by mistake, but it was our bombing of the Syrian troops that destroyed that ceasefire'

via globinfo freexchange

After our call to independent media for a 'counter-debate' with the US third parties , the independent news network Democracy Now! made a first revolutionary step to break the US bipartisan debate monopoly.

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! explains again the process, in this second presidential debate: " We spend the rest of today's show airing excerpts of the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate and give Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein a chance to respond to the same questions posed to the major-party candidates. Again, Dr. Stein and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson were excluded from the debate under stringent rules set by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties. We invited both Stein and Johnson to join us on the program; only Stein took us up on the offer. "

In this last part of the second debate, Jill Stein, again, was the only presidential candidate that told the whole truth to the American people without hesitation.

Concerning the Syrian mess and the Russian intervention, Hillary Clinton showed again why she is the most dangerous to be the next US president. She avoided again to admit the huge responsibility of the US intervention and their allies in Libya and the Middle East which created absolute chaos. She blamed again the Russians, although - as Jill Stein stated very correctly - it was the US that destroyed the hard-won ceasefire in Syria. Hillary showed again her absolute devotion to the neocon/neoliberal agenda, therefore, start a war with Russia. She showed again how dangerous she is.

On the contrary, Jill Stein stated very clearly that war with Russia is out of question.

Key points:

She [Hillary Clinton] has concurrently this Clinton Foundation business, where she is granting special favors, special partnerships, special government contracts, weapons deals, etc., to Clinton Foundation donors. So, there's just a lot here that represents how the economic and political elite are very much represented, I think, by both of these candidates, and underscores why it's really important for us to exercise our power in a democracy . We have a right to know who we can vote for, as well as a right to vote.

Syria is a disaster, and it's a very complicated disaster. It is a civil war. It is a proxy war among many nations. It is a pipeline war also between Russia and the Gulf states, who are competing to run their pipelines with fracked gas into Europe across Syria. So, this is a very complicated situation, and there is a hornets' nest, a real circular firing squad of alliances here that's, you know, extremely, extremely complicated.

To present a no-fly zone here as a solution is extremely dangerous. A no-fly zone means we are going to war with Russia, because it means we will be shooting down planes in the sky in order to create this no-fly zone, which is where Russia has a commitment to defending the Assad government. So, remember, there was a ceasefire, which was very hard-won, and that ceasefire was destroyed by the action of the Americans bombing, apparently by mistake, although some people say not by mistake, but it was our bombing of the Syrian troops that destroyed that ceasefire .

We need to redouble our efforts here. And we need to acknowledge that war with Russia is not an option. There are 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert. And who was it that dropped out of the nuclear arms control? That was George Bush. That was our part, the U.S., in allowing the nuclear arms race to re-engage . Mikhail Gorbachev, the former premier of the Soviet Union, said last week that we are now at a more dangerous period regarding nuclear war than we have ever been. So, it's really important for the warmongers in the Democratic and Republican parties to be cooling their jets now and for us to be moving forward towards a weapons embargo and a freeze on the funding of those countries that are continuing to fund terrorist enterprises .

[Oct 29, 2016] James Comey was on the Board of Directors of HSBC while they were money laundering for drug runners and terrorists, he has done squat to stop GamerGate

Notable quotes:
"... James Comey was on the Board of Directors of HSBC while they were money laundering for drug runners and terrorists, he has done squat to stop GamerGate, he has a horrible record as director of the FBI and should have never been nominated, never been confirmed, and is a completely horrible person. ..."
"... Mark Felt was of the same mind when it came to being passed over after J. Edgar Hoover died. And recall that he gained notoriety as Deep Throat. ..."
"... Here is a chance to redeem himself and stop Hillary. ..."
"... In a situation where one has an truly abysmal leader, that leader will need sidekicks who are obviously worse. The abysmal leader can position herself to the reasonable / competent side of the "bad cop" sidekicks, thus being not exactly the "good cop" but the "better cop" while still going in the desired direction of crazy and misery for all. ..."
"... If things get a bit out of hand, the blame can be pinned on the sidekick "going overboard" and the sidekick publicly sacrificed to "restore confidence" and "look forward". ..."
"... I think there is some possibilities, The rusty old ship "The Foundation" has simply sprung yet another leak and there is more evidence for FBI to dismiss and immunities to be doled out to fix the situation ..."
"... Something so nasty has come up so that the oligarch factions forming the "inner party" decided that Something Must be Done About The Situation – or Else. Jeffrey Epstein did home movies, apparently. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |

dcblogger October 28, 2016 at 4:45 pm

James Comey was on the Board of Directors of HSBC while they were money laundering for drug runners and terrorists, he has done squat to stop GamerGate, he has a horrible record as director of the FBI and should have never been nominated, never been confirmed, and is a completely horrible person.

Arizona Slim October 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm

Mark Felt was of the same mind when it came to being passed over after J. Edgar Hoover died. And recall that he gained notoriety as Deep Throat.

Andrew Watts October 28, 2016 at 9:57 pm

Mark Felt had already gained notoriety before Watergate because he was one of the FBI's special agents who was charged for conducting illegal surveillance on American leftists. It's one of those things all those conspiracy theorists don't emphasis about COINTELPRO and other programs. The only people actually charged and convicted in the matter were FBI agents.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:32 pm

Here is a chance to redeem himself and stop Hillary. The race is Trump's to lose now.

allan October 28, 2016 at 5:44 pm

He was also general counsel of the largest defense contractor in the world (Lockheed Martin) and general counsel of the largest hedge fund / personality cult in the world (Bridgewater). Just a small town lawyer. If the town is Davos.

polecat October 28, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Perhaps that's part and parcel to our current heroin epidemic …….

fajensen October 29, 2016 at 6:07 am

Perfectly Qualified –

In a situation where one has an truly abysmal leader, that leader will need sidekicks who are obviously worse. The abysmal leader can position herself to the reasonable / competent side of the "bad cop" sidekicks, thus being not exactly the "good cop" but the "better cop" while still going in the desired direction of crazy and misery for all.

If things get a bit out of hand, the blame can be pinned on the sidekick "going overboard" and the sidekick publicly sacrificed to "restore confidence" and "look forward".

Why Obama needed Biden around, George Bush had Cheney … The European Left has the Islamists and the Social Democrats has the neo-liberals to bisect against.


I think there is some possibilities, The rusty old ship "The Foundation" has simply sprung yet another leak and there is more evidence for FBI to dismiss and immunities to be doled out to fix the situation

Enough mail-votes have come in to predict a crushing victory for Trump. Comey realizes that he is maybe on the wrong side of this whole thing and goes for "incompetence" being part of his legacy rather than "conspiracy"

Something so nasty has come up so that the oligarch factions forming the "inner party" decided that Something Must be Done About The Situation – or Else. Jeffrey Epstein did home movies, apparently.

However, I think that it is just FBI doing another fix for Hillary.

[Oct 29, 2016] Two word summary: CORNERED RAT

Notable quotes:
"... Two word summary: CORNERED RAT ..."
"... Just like 0bama finding out about HRC's private email from the press … after he'd been corresponding with her from his own private email address. ..."
"... With daily practice, the faux naif act comes easy. :-) ..."
"... I gather that Clintonland is honestly shocked, though. They're having to expose their talking points unmodified pushed directly by people like Krugman, instead of their normal process of using CTR trolls for cover. ..."
"... It's also possible that the emails are more about Clinton Foundation corruption than they are State Department rule breaking, so there wouldn't be any reason to notify State. (Although how that would connect to the original case without being at least in part about transmitting classified information insecurely is beyond me.) ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:04 pm

Hillary's 4-minute apologia pro vida sua in response to Comey's volte face :

Two word summary: CORNERED RAT

Can't get over the Nuremberg rally massed flags behind her.

The future's so bright, she shoulda wore shades. ;-)

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 8:14 pm

UHH @4:30…State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Friday that the department knows nothing about why the FBI reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server just hours earlier.

Toner began the State Department daily press briefing by telling Associated Press reporter Matt Lee that he already knew what the topic of the first question would be. Lee asked Toner what the State Department knew of the FBI's actions and what may be involved in the reopened investigation.

"First, what do we know? Not much more than you know, in fact. About the same," Toner said. "We just learned about this when we saw news reports of the letter."

"What emails they may be looking at, what they're looking for, any more details at all, we just don't know anything about the scope of this new–I'm not even sure it's an investigation, but this effort to look at additional emails," Toner continued.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:20 pm

Just like 0bama finding out about HRC's private email from the press … after he'd been corresponding with her from his own private email address.

With daily practice, the faux naif act comes easy. :-)

aab October 28, 2016 at 11:28 pm

I gather that Clintonland is honestly shocked, though. They're having to expose their talking points unmodified pushed directly by people like Krugman, instead of their normal process of using CTR trolls for cover.

I don't have an explanation for why Comey would start acting like a law enforcement official at this late date, but it does look like he didn't notify Clintonland ahead of time, and apparently the State Department has basically been a Clinton sleeper cell for the last four years, so that would include State.

It's also possible that the emails are more about Clinton Foundation corruption than they are State Department rule breaking, so there wouldn't be any reason to notify State. (Although how that would connect to the original case without being at least in part about transmitting classified information insecurely is beyond me.)

Lambert Strether Post author October 29, 2016 at 1:25 am

Maybe Comey needed to get out in front of ticked off FBI worker bees. Better Comey release it himself than have it leaked over the weekend.

[Oct 29, 2016] Cyberspace opened up the Clinton Foundation's Pay for Play scams for scrutiny despite the best efforts of corporate media and the connected elite to keep it closed

Notable quotes:
"... Intriguing. Maybe these emails have survived so far is, because Abedin's laptop was shared, it wasn't on the list of agreed-to-be-destroyed laptops (so far, at least). ..."
"... I wonder if there will be any public pressure on FBI to go after some of the numerous devices/servers you posted about on other threads about a week ago. If so, no one is talking about it yet. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |

VietnamVet October 28, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Cyberspace opened up the Clinton Foundation's Pay for Play scams for scrutiny despite the best efforts of corporate media and the connected elite to keep it closed; the endless wars at Saudi Arabia and Israel's bequest, the purposeful burdening of debt on anyone who needs housing, medical care or education, and the utter contempt for the little people. Corruption so inept that missing Hillary Clinton e-mails are in Carlos Danger's explicit underage passion filled smartphone in FBI's possession.

Lambert Strether Post author October 29, 2016 at 1:34 am

The emails (are said to be) on Abedin's laptop (shared with Weiner), not on Weiner's phone.

TheCatSaid October 29, 2016 at 12:52 pm

Intriguing. Maybe these emails have survived so far is, because Abedin's laptop was shared, it wasn't on the list of agreed-to-be-destroyed laptops (so far, at least).

I wonder if there will be any public pressure on FBI to go after some of the numerous devices/servers you posted about on other threads about a week ago. If so, no one is talking about it yet.

[Oct 29, 2016] DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Oct 29, 2016 |

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 10:35 pm

DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

LOL he had no choice

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 10:46 pm

i wouldn't think the clinton campaign would welcome that complaint, unless they're more desperate than i think.

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 11:39 pm

They probably got someone to file it. It just reeks of holier then thou temper tantrum. But Comey had no choice, he had to amend his testimony.

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 11:45 pm

maybe clinton made the decision unilaterally, which is quite possible. seems like the campaign would want to bury the email scandal instead of going on the offensive. i do so hope this means their internal polling is scaring them.

UserFriendly October 29, 2016 at 12:39 am

This close? no way. she needs a full rebuttal.

Foppe October 29, 2016 at 2:54 am

Maybe it can be used to cut off the FBI's internet access until the elections are over?

[Oct 29, 2016] Sharon Day Rescind your Clinton Endorsement

Notable quotes:
"... After weeks of revealing information behind the Clinton Foundation and their self-motivated fundraising tactics, there is no other word to describe the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. She's engaged in behavior that is disqualifying to be a candidate for the highest office, and yet dozens of American legislators, leaders and even media outlets have endorsed her candidacy. ..."
"... She's swindled countries out of donations, she's swindled corporate America with her lofty promises and she's swindled the American people – over and over and over again. ..."
"... So why now, after the knowledge that top-tier corporations and other wealthy supporters paid to meet with both the former president and the now Democratic presidential nominee should we believe that she would change her behavior to act in the best interest of the country? In fact, one could argue that this information is a window into how Clinton would rule the land. She'd have an eye out for only herself and her family, while leaving the American people - who so desperately want a change - with the same old Clinton-first approach. ..."
"... Beyond her blatant disregard for the American public, Clinton's cavalier approach to national security has come into question from a myriad of angles. From the secret server in her home basement that received hundreds of confidential email communications, to the lack of response she paid to the Congress when asked about the issue, to the suggestion that she made promises to the FBI that would cause them to "look the other way" when ruling on the secret email server. And then how about the millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation took from countries that are of disrepute, not to mention those that show little concern for women's rights. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
It was 25 years ago that Martin Scorsese delighted audiences with his movie rendition of the Jim Thompson novel, "The Grifters."

The story is an ingenious tale of deception and betrayal. By definition a grifter is someone who has made money dishonestly, in a swindle or a confidence game.

After weeks of revealing information behind the Clinton Foundation and their self-motivated fundraising tactics, there is no other word to describe the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. She's engaged in behavior that is disqualifying to be a candidate for the highest office, and yet dozens of American legislators, leaders and even media outlets have endorsed her candidacy.

She's swindled countries out of donations, she's swindled corporate America with her lofty promises and she's swindled the American people – over and over and over again.

So why now, after the knowledge that top-tier corporations and other wealthy supporters paid to meet with both the former president and the now Democratic presidential nominee should we believe that she would change her behavior to act in the best interest of the country? In fact, one could argue that this information is a window into how Clinton would rule the land. She'd have an eye out for only herself and her family, while leaving the American people - who so desperately want a change - with the same old Clinton-first approach.

Beyond her blatant disregard for the American public, Clinton's cavalier approach to national security has come into question from a myriad of angles. From the secret server in her home basement that received hundreds of confidential email communications, to the lack of response she paid to the Congress when asked about the issue, to the suggestion that she made promises to the FBI that would cause them to "look the other way" when ruling on the secret email server. And then how about the millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation took from countries that are of disrepute, not to mention those that show little concern for women's rights.

The most recent set of Clinton emails that have come to light are of such great concern to national security that the FBI has announced they will conduct a new investigation of Clinton's emails. This is just ELEVEN days before the country goes to the polls and decides on our next president.

Where has the leadership gone in this country? Since when do reputable news outlets stand behind candidates who have proven themselves over and over to be out for themselves and dangerous, even? It used to be that newspapers and legislators and leaders who speak from a platform would find themselves offering wisdom. Wisdom about which candidate was best for the job – based on the facts. Instead we find ourselves sifting through the list of endorsements for Clinton with little or no mention of her disregard for the law, her lack of concern for those she serves, and the careless nature in which she has proven herself to lead.

Now that the newspapers know better and have written about the truth in their own words, how can the media and elected officials stand by their decision to endorse her? They need to rescind their endorsement. That includes President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

In a quote from his book Thompson describes one of the characters, "Anyone who deprived her of something she wanted, deserved what he got."

Sounds all too familiar to the Democratic nominee for grifter-in-chief. If she's not changed by now, who is to say she'd be any different when she was the most powerful elected official in the United States. Once a grifter, always a grifter.

Sharon Day is the Republican National Committee Co-Chair.

[Oct 29, 2016] Hallelujah! here it guys! the internal Clinton Foundation attachment that connects the shady dots!

Notable quotes:
"... Wow, they clearly state Bill Clinton uses golfing to establish communication with donors ..."
"... "People with knowledge of the call in both camps said it was one of many that Clinton and Trump have had over the years, whether about golf or donations to the Clinton Foundation. But the call in May was considered especially sensitive, coming soon after Hillary Rodham Clinton had declared her own presidential run the month before." - source ..."
"... In total, The Wall Street Journal reports, two dozen companies and groups, plus the Abu Dhabi government, gave Bill more than $8 million for speeches, even as they were hoping for favorable treatment from Hillary's bureaucracy. And 15 of them also gave at least $5 million total to the foundation. ..."
"... Can someone help me see the shadiness, what am I missing? unless the "foundation donors require significant maintenance to keep them engaged and supportive of the foundation" means they are giving them political favors then it just looks like the clinton foundation is accepting donations and that is it. ..."
"... so pro-clinton sources have been propping up the Clinton Foundation for years as the pinnacle of charity while not really being able to explain where all the money goes; ..."
"... This shows that they require 20 million a year to operate with 8 employees. It shows they have to raid the Clinton Global Initiative for $6M to $11M every year to cover that budget hole... ..."
"... This is useful information that is probably not reflected on tax returns. Most importantly it shows that when Bill was offered a shady $8 million dollar over 2 year deal that would appear to be a conflict of interest while Hillary was Sect of State, Podesta and Band suggested hiding the money as payment for speeches. This boosts the accusation that the speeches are payments for quid pro quo. ..."
"... Does any of it contradict the MOU she signed when appointed Sec State? ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |

Wow, they clearly state Bill Clinton uses golfing to establish communication with donors

beccairene 2 points 3 points 4 points 9 hours ago (1 child)

Wait, isn't golfing what Loretta Lynch claimed to have discussed with WJC on the plane?

robaloie 2 points 3 points 4 points 8 hours ago * (0 children)

He also said they were talking about golf when he called Donald trump last year before trump decided to run.

"People with knowledge of the call in both camps said it was one of many that Clinton and Trump have had over the years, whether about golf or donations to the Clinton Foundation. But the call in May was considered especially sensitive, coming soon after Hillary Rodham Clinton had declared her own presidential run the month before." - source

Not_a_Fake 8 points 9 points 10 points 18 hours ago (0 children)

Question-Are we to assume that any OTHER speaking engagements that WJC did were not because of the foundation, but from when his wife was SOS?

In total, The Wall Street Journal reports, two dozen companies and groups, plus the Abu Dhabi government, gave Bill more than $8 million for speeches, even as they were hoping for favorable treatment from Hillary's bureaucracy. And 15 of them also gave at least $5 million total to the foundation.

soupy_scoopy 113 points 114 points 115 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Has this been cleared by CNN for me to view?

BigLizardz 2 points 3 points 4 points 19 hours ago (0 children)

Lol I'm actually too scared to click in wikileak/dikileak links. #1984?

OldDirtyPlastered 14 points 15 points 16 points 22 hours ago (0 children)

Good question. I don't want to do anything illegal.

Uncle_Touchy_ 17 points 18 points 19 points 1 day ago (0 children)

You'll have to ask Downy McDaterape or whatever that anchor's name is. You know the one.

moreoverhereafter 4 points 5 points 6 points 1 day ago * (5 children)

Can someone help me see the shadiness, what am I missing? unless the "foundation donors require significant maintenance to keep them engaged and supportive of the foundation" means they are giving them political favors then it just looks like the clinton foundation is accepting donations and that is it.

5pointlight [ S ] 81 points 82 points 83 points 1 day ago * (4 children)

so pro-clinton sources have been propping up the Clinton Foundation for years as the pinnacle of charity while not really being able to explain where all the money goes; because it sure doesn't seem to be going to Haiti or many other charities.

This shows that they require 20 million a year to operate with 8 employees. It shows they have to raid the Clinton Global Initiative for $6M to $11M every year to cover that budget hole... so this gives credence to the suspicion that the CF is hiding money somewhere (laundering money to Clintons and friends). Also this document shows how teneo made Bill Clinton " more than $50 million in for-profit activity we have personally helped to secure for President Clinton to date or the $66 million in future contracts" as of 2011.

This is useful information that is probably not reflected on tax returns. Most importantly it shows that when Bill was offered a shady $8 million dollar over 2 year deal that would appear to be a conflict of interest while Hillary was Sect of State, Podesta and Band suggested hiding the money as payment for speeches. This boosts the accusation that the speeches are payments for quid pro quo.

Fake_Unicron comment score below threshold -12 points -11 points -10 points 16 hours ago (0 children)

Any sources on that, like the foundation spending?

How have you compared their spending reports to those from other charities?

In contrast to your unsourced allegations:

How would the charity donations allow the CF to launder money for the donors? Any evidence or is this just guesswork auditing?

Why do you think this is "probably not reflected on tax returns"?

driusan 10 points 11 points 12 points 23 hours ago (0 children)

Does any of it contradict the MOU she signed when appointed Sec State?

[Oct 29, 2016] Bill and Hillary Clinton failed to get required permits for a rushed renovation of the house and grounds they recently bought next to their original Westchester home, it was reported Friday

Oct 29, 2016 |
Something about Hillary and Bill management skiils...

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 5:12 pm

Penny ante but completely typical:

Bill and Hillary Clinton failed to get required permits for a rushed renovation of the house and grounds they recently bought next to their original Westchester home, it was reported Friday.

Records show that the Clintons' contractors filled in an in-ground pool, covering it with gravel, and extensively remodeled the interior of the property - all without applying for permits and paying the required fees to the town of New Castle.

Building Inspector William Maskiell inspected the Chappaqua property after getting the tip about the pool work and then discovered the other renovations that were underway.

Attached to the building inspector's letter was a document titled Clinton Violation Inspection Report in which Maskiell said the contractor told him the Clintons "were quite adamant about [the Thanksgiving deadline] and what had started as a paint job turned into this," meaning the major renovation.

When Hillary becomes "adamant," nobody dares to confront her, even if her demands are illegal.

Building permits are for little people. Hillary can grant herself a retroactive permit with an executive order.

Tom October 28, 2016 at 6:34 pm

Crazy - there are more problems than just the lack of building permits:

The Clintons also have outstanding zoning and Building Department problems at their residence next door at 15 Old House Lane,

They obtained variances in 2000 for a guard house on the property, for a higher fence and for "lot coverage," or the amount of space buildings take up on the property.

The variances must be renewed every five years - but the Clintons never showed up before the Zoning Board of Appeals.

"Consequently, they are null and void. They should have come back in 2005, 2010 and 2015. So the variances have expired and they have to start from scratch" and reapply, said the inspector.

The original home and a combination library and gym in an outbuilding still have outstanding building permit issues as well, including a sprinkler "sign off" by the town engineer and an electrical inspection in the library/gym

I'm not seeing much basic competency here in executing home ownership responsibilities. Next I'll hear Bill steals the neigbor's Sunday newspaper off their porch.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 7:26 pm

More likely he steals the neighbor's teenage daughter for a midnight ride.

[Oct 29, 2016] The Nuclear Option - Wikileaks Reveals Even Hillarys Own Staff Knows Truth Shes Psychotic

Notable quotes:
"... Remember back when President Bill Clinton got into all that trouble molesting the young intern in his Oral Office? Remember the first thing the lying, conniving, dissembling commander-in-cheek did? ..."
"... In the latest batch of leaked emails, one top Democratic operative is still grappling with "WJC Issues." "How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?" Ron Klain asks in a list of questions worth posing to Mrs. Clinton. "You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him?" And, perhaps the best: "Will you apologize to the women who were wrongly smeared by your husband and his allies?" ..."
"... Never apologize. Never admit. And always keep lying. ..."
"... That is the very heart of the ethos of Hillary Clinton's campaign. Lie about everything. Lie all the time. ..."
"... Lie about emails. Lie about servers. Lie about national security. Lie about who knew what when. Lie about spilling classified secrets. Lie about dead soldiers. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
...l each batch of stolen emails is worse than the last.

Hillary Clinton is a liar. She has terrible instincts. She doesn't believe in anything. Her head is broken. She doesn't know why she should be president. She is pathological. And she is psychotic.

Just ask everybody who works for her. Just ask campaign chairman John Podesta. Just ask the people working the hardest to get her elected president.

I mean, in her most rabid streak of attacks on Donald Trump's alleged unfitness for office, Mrs. Clinton doesn't call him "psychotic."

Psychotic! That is what her campaign chairman called her.

Remember back when President Bill Clinton got into all that trouble molesting the young intern in his Oral Office? Remember the first thing the lying, conniving, dissembling commander-in-cheek did?

Take a poll. And he found out that he could skate by on even this - even this! But first - the poll told him - he had to stall for time. He had to lie about it for as long as he possibly could before coming clean.

And that was exactly what he did. And he survived.

And good thing he survived so he could go on to haunt America another 15 years later.

In the latest batch of leaked emails, one top Democratic operative is still grappling with "WJC Issues." "How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?" Ron Klain asks in a list of questions worth posing to Mrs. Clinton. "You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him?" And, perhaps the best: "Will you apologize to the women who were wrongly smeared by your husband and his allies?"

Answer: Not likely.

Never apologize. Never admit. And always keep lying.

That is the very heart of the ethos of Hillary Clinton's campaign. Lie about everything. Lie all the time.

Lie about emails. Lie about servers. Lie about national security. Lie about who knew what when. Lie about spilling classified secrets. Lie about dead soldiers.

Exhaust the people with lies. And then, very flippantly, after months or years of lying, say whatever you have to say to make the press go away.

"I am sorry you were confused."

"I have already said I wish I had done it differently."

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

It is all so shameless and dirty and befuddling that it would make Niccolo Machiavelli blush.

Charles Hurt can be reached at [email protected]; follow him on Twitter via @charleshurt .

[Oct 29, 2016] Clintons define success as how much they can get away with

Notable quotes:
"... An acquaintance of mine said of the Clintons: "They define success as how much they can get away with." Clearly, this is just the latest example. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
grayslady October 28, 2016 at 5:48 pm

An acquaintance of mine said of the Clintons: "They define success as how much they can get away with." Clearly, this is just the latest example.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 7:13 pm

"The pain is not about having cheap people around…. real pain is the fact that there are some people with a price to start with." Sameh Elsayed

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:17 pm

Or as Dorothy Parker presciently quipped about the Clintons:

Q: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

A: You can't hear an enzyme.

[Oct 29, 2016] A Presidency From Hell by Patrick J. Buchanan

Notable quotes:
"... Moreover, thousands of emails were erased from her server, even after she had reportedly been sent a subpoena from Congress to retain them. During her first two years as secretary of state, half of her outside visitors were contributors to the Clinton Foundation. Yet there was not a single quid pro quo, Clinton tells us. ..."
"... Pat is oh-so right: "This election is not over." In fact it's likely that Donald Trump will continue to surge and will win on November 8th. ..."
"... Remember: Many of the polls claiming to show statistically significant Clinton leads were commissioned by the same corrupt news organizations that have worked for months to bias their news coverage in an attempt to throw the election to Clinton. ..."
"... The problem facing the donor class and the party elites is that Trump supporters are not swayed by the media bias. A recent Gallup poll shows Americans trust in journalists to be at its lowest level since Gallup began asking the question. ..."
"... Americans are savvy to the media's rigging of election reporting. Election Day, Nov. 8th, will show that the dishonest reporting of the mainstream media and the cooked samplings of their polls were all for naught. ..."
"... More years of bank favoritism, corporate socialism, political corruption, failed social programs, deindustrialization, open borders lawlessness, erosion of liberties, interventionism and wage stagnation is all adding more steam to the pressure cooker. ..."
"... A Trump presidency would back the pressure off, a Clinton presidency would be a disaster. ..."
"... Why does PJB, of all people, cling to the abhorrent notion that presidential "greatness" is defined by territorial aggrandizement through war? ..."
"... Unfortunately, that new evidence of the Clinton Criminal Enterprise (CCE) caused nary a ripple in the MSM. It was merely noted in the Crony lapdog Washington Post and then quickly submerged into the bottom of the content swamp. The Clinton WikiLeaks documents and the James O'Keefe corruption videos are marginalized or not even acknowledged to exist by the various MSM outlets. ..."
"... Hillary is probably guilty of a lot of things. However, evidence from the counter-media and/or Congress means nothing to the MSM. In fact the MSM will actually conjure up a multitude of baseless red herrings to protect Hillary. E.g., the Trump as Putin puppet meme as a diversion away from documented Clinton corruption. ..."
"... The anti-Hillary elements can only mutually reinforce in their internet ghettos. Those ghettos do not provide enough political leverage to move against a President Hillary no matter how compelling the evidence of the Clinton's collective criminality. In that context, Hillary will be politically inoculated by the protective MSM against Republican congressional inquiries and attacks. ..."
"... Hillary's presidency will almost certainly be a catastrophe because it will manifest the haggard, corrupt, cronied-up, parasitic and mediocre qualities of the hack sitting in the Oval Office. Expect a one term fiasco and then Hillary will stumble out of the White House as even more of a political and personal wreck. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |
... ... ...

Moreover, thousands of emails were erased from her server, even after she had reportedly been sent a subpoena from Congress to retain them. During her first two years as secretary of state, half of her outside visitors were contributors to the Clinton Foundation. Yet there was not a single quid pro quo, Clinton tells us.

Yesterday's newspapers exploded with reports of how Bill Clinton aide Doug Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation, and then hit up the same corporate contributors to pay huge fees for Bill's speeches.

What were the corporations buying if not influence? What were the foreign contributors buying, if not influence with an ex-president, and a secretary of state and possible future president?

Did none of the big donors receive any official favors?

"There's a lot of smoke and there's no fire," says Hillary Clinton.

Perhaps, but there seems to be more smoke every day.

If once or twice in her hours of testimony to the FBI, to a grand jury, or before Congress, Clinton were proven to have lied, her Justice Department would be obligated to name a special prosecutor, as was Nixon's.

And, with the election over, the investigative reporters of the adversary press, Pulitzers beckoning, would be cut loose to go after her.

The Republican House is already gearing up for investigations that could last deep into Clinton's first term.

There is a vast trove of public and sworn testimony from Hillary, about the server, the emails, the erasures, the Clinton Foundation. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, there are tens of thousands of emails to sift through, and perhaps tens of thousands more to come.

What are the odds that not one contains information that contradicts her sworn testimony? Rep. Jim Jordan contends that Clinton may already have perjured herself.

And as the full-court press would begin with her inauguration, Clinton would have to deal with the Syrians, the Russians, the Taliban, the North Koreans, and Xi Jinping in the South China Sea-and with Bill Clinton wandering around the White House with nothing to do.

This election is not over. But if Hillary Clinton wins, a truly hellish presidency could await her, and us.

Patrick J. Buchanan is a founding editor of The American Conservative and the author of the book The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority

Kurt Gayle , says: October 27, 2016 at 11:55 pm

Pat is oh-so right: "This election is not over." In fact it's likely that Donald Trump will continue to surge and will win on November 8th.

Remember: Many of the polls claiming to show statistically significant Clinton leads were commissioned by the same corrupt news organizations that have worked for months to bias their news coverage in an attempt to throw the election to Clinton.

On the other hand, several polls with a history of accuracy have consistently shown either a Trump lead or a statistical dead-heat.

The problem facing the donor class and the party elites is that Trump supporters are not swayed by the media bias. A recent Gallup poll shows Americans trust in journalists to be at its lowest level since Gallup began asking the question.

Americans are savvy to the media's rigging of election reporting. Election Day, Nov. 8th, will show that the dishonest reporting of the mainstream media and the cooked samplings of their polls were all for naught.

Thus, fortunately, the American people will avoid the spectacle of a "truly hellish" Clinton presidency.

Matt , says: October 28, 2016 at 12:58 am
More years of bank favoritism, corporate socialism, political corruption, failed social programs, deindustrialization, open borders lawlessness, erosion of liberties, interventionism and wage stagnation is all adding more steam to the pressure cooker.

A Trump presidency would back the pressure off, a Clinton presidency would be a disaster.

William N. Grigg , says: October 28, 2016 at 1:13 am
James Polk, no charmer, was a one-term president, but a great one, victorious in the Mexican War, annexing California and the Southwest, negotiating a fair division of the Oregon territory with the British.

Why does PJB, of all people, cling to the abhorrent notion that presidential "greatness" is defined by territorial aggrandizement through war?

Michael Bienner , says: October 28, 2016 at 1:36 am
Tyranny is upon us…
Brian J. , says: October 28, 2016 at 7:17 am
The only people responsible for that "cloud" are conservatives. If you wish to prevent the horrid fate that you're describing, Pat, you need to apologize and concede that these investigations are groundless. You can't say "where there's smoke, there's fire" if we can all see your smoke machine.
PAXNOW , says: October 28, 2016 at 7:29 am
The Visigoths will continue their advance on Rome by the millions. The Supreme Court and Fed will shy away from diversity in their numbers. The alternative media will go bonkers, but to no avail. The military will provide employment (endless wars) to those displaced by a permissive immigration policy. Elizabeth I – will look down (up) in envy.
David , says: October 28, 2016 at 7:46 am
"Cloud" is an understatement.
SteveM , says: October 28, 2016 at 8:34 am
Re: "Yesterday's newspapers exploded with reports of how Bill Clinton aide Doug Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation, and then hit up the same corporate contributors to pay huge fees for Bill's speeches."

Unfortunately, that new evidence of the Clinton Criminal Enterprise (CCE) caused nary a ripple in the MSM. It was merely noted in the Crony lapdog Washington Post and then quickly submerged into the bottom of the content swamp. The Clinton WikiLeaks documents and the James O'Keefe corruption videos are marginalized or not even acknowledged to exist by the various MSM outlets.

Hillary is probably guilty of a lot of things. However, evidence from the counter-media and/or Congress means nothing to the MSM. In fact the MSM will actually conjure up a multitude of baseless red herrings to protect Hillary. E.g., the Trump as Putin puppet meme as a diversion away from documented Clinton corruption.

The anti-Hillary elements can only mutually reinforce in their internet ghettos. Those ghettos do not provide enough political leverage to move against a President Hillary no matter how compelling the evidence of the Clinton's collective criminality. In that context, Hillary will be politically inoculated by the protective MSM against Republican congressional inquiries and attacks.

Hillary's presidency will almost certainly be a catastrophe because it will manifest the haggard, corrupt, cronied-up, parasitic and mediocre qualities of the hack sitting in the Oval Office. Expect a one term fiasco and then Hillary will stumble out of the White House as even more of a political and personal wreck.

Agree with Pat though that it's going to be a wild ride for the rest of us – straight down.

P.S. A Republican Congress does have the power of the purse and could shave away Clinton's Imperial use of the executive branch. But the feckless Congress has never been intelligent enough to utilize that power effectively.

Mike Schilling , says: October 28, 2016 at 9:31 am
And if anyone would know about clouds of mistrust, it's a Nixon staffer/
Kurt Gayle , says: October 28, 2016 at 9:58 am
SteveM makes excellent points about the mainstream media cover-up of the Wikileaks revelations:

"Unfortunately, that new evidence of the Clinton Criminal Enterprise (CCE) caused nary a ripple in the MSM. It was merely noted in the Crony lapdog Washington Post and then quickly submerged into the bottom of the content swamp. The Clinton WikiLeaks documents and the James O'Keefe corruption videos are marginalized or not even acknowledged to exist by the various MSM outlets."

Alex Pfeiffer (The Daily Caller) expands upon SteveM's critique in "The Anatomy Of A Press Cover-Up." Great stuff:

Viriato , says: October 28, 2016 at 10:14 am
@William N. Grigg: "Why does PJB, of all people, cling to the abhorrent notion that presidential "greatness" is defined by territorial aggrandizement through war?"

Yes, that's one aspect of PJB's thought that has long disturbed me. Granted, PJB is a nationalist, and I can see why an old-fashioned nationalist would admire Polk. But PJB also advocates an "enlightened nationalism." There's nothing enlightened about stealing someone else's land. Frankly, I fail to see how Polk's actions are any different from Hitler's actions a century later. I don't want to offend anyone but, I'm sorry… this needs to be said.

Viriato , says: October 28, 2016 at 10:24 am
I greatly admire Pat Buchanan, but this article is rather ridiculous.

"If once or twice in her hours of testimony to the FBI, to a grand jury, or before Congress, Clinton were proven to have lied, her Justice Department would be obligated to name a special prosecutor, as was Nixon's."

Translation: "I want revenge for Watergate."

Look, I admire Nixon. I think he was one of our greatest Presidents. I really mean that. I also think that he was unfairly subjected to a witch hunt and that there was no valid reason for him to have faced the prospect of impeachment (and the same is true, in my view, for both of the Presidents who were actually impeached, interestingly enough). Nixon should have been allowed to finish his second term.

I think Hillary Clinton is also facing a witch hunt. I don't agree with her foreign policy views or with many of her domestic policy views, but this vicious attempt by the GOP to take her down needs to stop. There is no evidence that she is any more corrupt than anybody else.

And, in any case, if she gets elected, she will be entitled to serve as President. To deliberately try to sabotage her Presidency by hounding her with these investigations would be to show profound contempt for democratic norms.

Enough already. I don't support Clinton or Trump. Jill Stein is my gal now. But I hope that whoever wins does a great job and that all goes well for them. Nothing else would be in the best interests of the country or the world.

KevinS , says: October 28, 2016 at 10:43 am
"Remember: Many of the polls claiming to show statistically significant Clinton leads were commissioned by the same corrupt news organizations that have worked for months to bias their news coverage in an attempt to throw the election to Clinton.
On the other hand, several polls with a history of accuracy have consistently shown either a Trump lead or a statistical dead-heat."

We heard this in 2012. Go back and read the Free Republic election night thread to see how such comforting thoughts came crashing down as the night went on. Then read the posts today…all the exact same people saying all the exact same things.

Karel , says: October 28, 2016 at 12:53 pm
For a society to work well and to succeed, the good-will (trust and support) of it's productive, tax-paying citizens is of paramount importance. The corrupt politics in DC for the last 25 years has used up this good-will. Only few trust these elitists , as evidenced by the success of the socialist, Sanders, and Trump.

With the election of the corrupt, lying, unaccomplished politician, the legitimacy of the D.C. "Leaders" will be gone. It would be a disaster!

KennethF , says: October 28, 2016 at 1:05 pm
" She would enter office as the least-admired president in history, without a vision or a mandate. She would take office with two-thirds of the nation believing she is untruthful and untrustworthy. "

Funny you should go there. Sure, HRC has historically high unfavorability ratings. Fact: DJT's unfavorability ratings are even higher. Check any reasonably non-partisan site such as RCP or 538.

Pretty much all the negatives about HRC are trumped by Trump. His flip-flopping makes hers look amateur: he used to be a pro-choice Democrat; has publicly espoused admiration for HRC and declared that WJC was unfairly criticized for his transgressions. Integrity: he's stiffed countless businesses, small and large; he's been sued by his own lawyers for non-payment. Character: he behaves like a child, 'nuff said.

Corruption: his daddy illegally bailed him out of a financial jam; Trump's foundation makes the Clintons' look legit by comparison.

With HRC, the GOP had a huge chance to take back the WH: she has plenty of genuine baggage to go along with the made-up stuff. However the GOP managed to nominate the one candidate who makes her transgressions appear tolerable. The end result is that a significant number of moderate Republicans are supporting no one, Johnson, or even HRC. Trump is so toxic that very few progressive Dems will stray from HRC, despite being horrified by her corporate connections.

Susan , says: October 28, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Re today: The FBI is not investigating her server. Servers don't send emails on their own. They are investigating Hillary Clinton. They just don't like to say that. I wonder if it's in order to – once again – announce Hillary's "innocence," just before the end of early voting and voting day. We'll see.
GeneTuttle , says: October 28, 2016 at 2:52 pm
Once again, Pat shows prescience. The bombshell about the reopened FBI investigation was dropped minutes after I read this article.
jeff , says: October 28, 2016 at 3:14 pm
For those interested in a functional government, note that this is three straight elections – over twelve years – where the incoming president is a priori deemed illegitimate, regardless of the scale of the victory, and the opposing political party has no interest in working with that president.

In fact, some senators and representatives (Cruz, Gowdy, Issa, etc.) seem to take joy and pride in noting the extent and length of these investigations, regardless of what they find. It is the very process of governmental obstruction they seek, not necessarily justice or truth.

KD , says: October 28, 2016 at 3:26 pm
Looks like the FBI discovered some new emails:

Could we have a new historic first if Hillary wins, the First Woman President to be impeached by Congress? And the first couple in the history of the Republic to both be impeached?

dave , says: October 28, 2016 at 3:27 pm
At some point the Republicans have to be for something. I suppose they will be tempted to go after Ms. Clinton for what she has elided or attempted to, but I think that is a major mistake. You wrote: "Yet the hostility Clinton would face the day she takes office would almost seem to ensure four years of pure hell.
The reason: her credibility, or rather her transparent lack of it."

There are a few assumptions in this – first, that any investigations into her past behavior will be impartial. True or not, the impression will be hard to pull off – I expect they will easily be framed as misogynist. And some most likely will be, so it takes a bit of thought and study to determine which are motivated by misogyny and which are not. News cycles are too fast for that sort of reflection, and in any event more or less all the major papers and television networks are in her camp, so can't really expect journalism out of them anymore. It will be a called a misogynist, partisan investigation and that will be the end of it.

Second, it assumes that the people doing the investigation have credibility. That's a big if – the GOP went from Bush 43's two terms of military adventurism, increasing income inequality and economic catastrophe to no introspection or admission of error in the ensuing 8 years of apparently mindless, vindictive opposition. That is a long time of being kind of – well – less than thoughtful.

And it's had tremendous costs. Mr. Obama presents as a decent man in his profiles, but he was very inexperienced when elected and in my opinion has more or less been bumbling around for almost 8 years now, kind of like Clouseau in those old Pink Panther movies. Only a lot of people of died, lost their homes or have seen their communities consumed by despair. Government has been very ineffective for many Americans, and the Republicans have a lot to answer for with the way they've chosen to spend their time and direct their energy over the last 8 years. It's been a waste going after Obama, and going after Clinton will just be more of the same.

And the last assumption is that with all that might be going on in the next few years, this is important. Ms. Clinton has made some statements, some good, some bad. The bad, though, are remarkably bad – she's for invading a Middle Eastern country and establishing control over their airspace, as an example. In 2017. It's pure crazy. She has Democratic support. Hate to think if she is elected the Republicans will be focusing on email.

[Oct 29, 2016] More journalists to add to the presstitutes list. They were all obvious Clinton hacks though.

Oct 29, 2016 |

More journalists to add to the shit list. They were all obvious Clinton hacks though.

Lambert Strether Post author October 29, 2016 at 1:45 am

Why, it's Neera Tanden to John Podesta :

when bloomberg was having problems w the times he called Arthur schulzburger and asked for coffee. He made the case that they were treating him like a billionaire dilettante instead of Third term mayor. It changed the coverage moderately but also aired the issues in the newsroom so people were more conscious of it. But Arthur is a pretty big wuss so he's not going to do a lot more than that.

Hillary would have to be the one to call.

He also thinks the brown and women pundits can shame the times and others on social media. So cultivating Joan Walsh, Yglesias, Allen, perry bacon, Greg Sargent , to defend her is helpful. They can be emboldened. Fwiw - I pushed pir to do this a yr ago.

"brown and women pundits". Neera so woke.

aab October 29, 2016 at 3:08 am

I'm guessing Harvard graduate Matt Yglesias is thrilled to find out that Clintonland views his usefulness primary through the prism of his skin color, particularly given that his family background not actually all that "brown."

[Oct 29, 2016] Must Watch!! Hillary Clinton tried to ban this video

Hillary Clinton's Strange Behavior: WHAT IS GOING ON?

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

[Oct 29, 2016] Hillary Clinton's parkinson's - Hillary Clinton's eyes color changes in NBC Broadcast video

Looks like video was edited to hide crossing of yes which is a sign of Parkinson...
Oct 07, 2016 |

NBC Broadcast False Report From Hill Force One

The Webtech Vidzette

Videos constructed from public sources that show the true Hillary Clinton. All video used under the doctrine of FAIR USE.
For more, check out

[Oct 29, 2016] Eleven days before the election: Overview of political situation

Notable quotes:
"... Let's see: Promoting the notion that it's okay for one country to interfere with and influence a democratic election of another country. I need to see if I can figure out what the implications of this might be in a current context. ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |


"The Clinton campaign raked in $101 million this month, pressing its cash advantage in the final stretch to election day" [ Politico ]. "Only about $18 million of the haul came in checks of less than $200." Ka-ching.


"From the outset, I've argued that without a public option - a Medicare-like plan that would be available to all Americans buying health insurance - insurance competition would dwindle and premiums would skyrocket. Now that they have, it's time to do now what we should have done then: take the simplest route to a more stable and affordable health care system." [Jacob Hacker, New York Times ]. "Critics of the public option are convinced it's a one-way ticket to single payer (the government alone provides coverage). History suggests the opposite: The public option isn't a threat to a system of broad coverage through competing private plans. Instead, it's absolutely critical to making such a system work." Notice the equivocation on "Medicare- like plan," setting up exactly the same kind of bait and switch operation that career "progressives" and Hacker personally ran in 2009 .

War Drums

"Political Airpower, Part I: Say No to the No-Fly Zone" [ War on the Rocks ].

The Voters

"This market barometer says Trump still has a chance at the White House" [ MarketWatch ]. "The slump [of the Mexican peso, a] key barometer of Trump's chances represents 'recognition that the election may be closer than polls suggest and growing fears U.S. political uncertainty may be on the rise,' [Colin] Cieszynski says."


"'There's a danger the dike could break for Republicans,' says Tim Storey, who analyzes politics for the National Conference of State Legislatures. He found that there has been a sea change in expectations on both sides since Oct. 7 when The Washington Post reported on the existence of the 'Access Hollywood' tapes… Republicans have become increasingly concerned that they could lose statehouse majorities in as many as 10 states, Storey said" [ RealClearPolitics ].

The Trail

"Clinton lead shrinks, even as nearly 6 in 10 expect her to win, Post-ABC tracking poll finds" [ WaPo ]. Only one poll, so FWIW. "Trump saw his biggest gains among political independents, favoring Trump by a 12-point margin in the latest tracking poll, 49 to 37 percent, after giving Clinton a narrow edge in late last week." Now that's volatile!


Democrat Email Hairball

"Clinton campaign manager John Podesta apparently thinks Eric Garner's death was justified" [ Mic ].

Erica Garner reacts:

Check the responses…

And then this happened:


UPDATES Good heavens!

"FBI to take new 'investigative steps' on Clinton emails" [ WaPo ]. "The FBI will investigate whether additional classified material is contained in emails sent using Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was secretary of state, FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday. The announcement appears to restart the FBI's probe of Clinton's server, which previously ended in July with no charges…"

"New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Anthony Weiner's Electronic Devices" [ New York Times ]. "Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner… The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case - one federal official said they numbered in the thousands." Then again, if Weiner runs true to form, classification won't be an issue. But that most definitely does not mean Clinton's home free .

Quite the Friday afternoon news dump. And not a good week for the Clinton campaign, despite the triumphalism.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 2:12 pm

This may get overshadowed by the FBI's reopened investigation of Hillary. But it shouldn't:

On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.

The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audio cassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.

Speaking about the January 25, 2006, election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council, Clinton weighed in about the result, which was a resounding victory for Hamas (74 seats) over the U.S.-preferred Fatah (45 seats).

"I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake," said Sen. Clinton. "And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win. "

All the Clintons learned from Bush v. Gore in 2000 was, "We need to steal more votes than they do."

Biil Smith October 28, 2016 at 3:19 pm

Did the FBI actually re-open the probe? Some reports, CBS seem to be saying they are they just thinking about it?

What the heck was the other investigation?

Some reports are saying it had nothing to do emails from Wikileaks.

Something else that has been ongoing.

MDBill October 28, 2016 at 3:52 pm

Let's see: Promoting the notion that it's okay for one country to interfere with and influence a democratic election of another country. I need to see if I can figure out what the implications of this might be in a current context.

WheresOurTeddy October 28, 2016 at 4:05 pm

This is who she is. This is who they are. #DownWithTheOligarchy

JohnnyGL October 28, 2016 at 4:55 pm

Wow, that's a bombshell…no doubt media will ignore.

Tom Denman October 28, 2016 at 5:49 pm

"no doubt media will ignore." You can count on it.

Donald October 28, 2016 at 5:58 pm

The famine in Yemen caused by our Saudi allies is receiving very little attention in the US, so I would expect our great American liberals to agree with Clinton that we have every right to rig the elections of furriners.

I keep expecting that right after Clinton wins, the great humanitarian liberals will let out their outrage, suppressed up to this point because of the need to stop Trump. Just kidding.

WJ October 28, 2016 at 11:36 pm

This is extraordinarily forthright. No wonder why her aides ensure that all her interviews are scripted in advance. Don't miss the part where she seems to allude to the revenge-escalation of "these cultures."

Synoia October 28, 2016 at 2:13 pm

The narrow and arguably outdated conception of sovereignty in the European framework raises new democratic dilemmas.

Quite. With that attitude is certainly does raise new (democratic) dilemmas. To whom is the quote attributed?

Torsten October 28, 2016 at 4:50 pm

Found it here ..

Pirmann October 28, 2016 at 2:13 pm

Time for Bill Clinton to head back out to the ole tarmac. Comey is reopening the FBI email investigation!

Synoia October 28, 2016 at 2:18 pm

Bribe was too small.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 2:26 pm

I expect to see some hard work….. finding FBI Agent spouses to run for office, appoint to think tanks and scam foundations so they can funnel some of that sweet, sweet repressive regime laundered money. A corrupt political party's work is never done.

Code Name D October 28, 2016 at 3:14 pm

More like the white-wash didn't take. Clinton needs another coat.

edmondo October 28, 2016 at 5:06 pm

Does the House have to wait until after the November election to start impeachment proceedings?

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:50 pm

Kennedy was absolutely right on this: Ask not what the House can do for you; ask what you can do for the House.

Stop Hillary on Nov. 8.

Do not risk a battle between Congress and a commander in chief with the Executive branch under her control.

We the Little People can do it!!!

nippersdad October 28, 2016 at 6:03 pm

No, as a former SoS (and Senator, for that matter) they can impeach her after she left office if it is connected to anything she did whilst she held the position.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 2:48 pm

Can the FBI investigate itself as well?

"Let's look into what happened the last time."

timbers October 28, 2016 at 4:21 pm

I'm skeptical. Maybe this is just about throwing Huma under the bus and a pretext to restore FBI morale while diverting attention from the abundant evidence the FBI is sitting on which easily proves Clinton's many crimes?

jgordon October 28, 2016 at 6:29 pm

Surprising. I had assumed that we could have video footage of Hillary barbecueing babies and the FBI would just say "There was no intent! Nothing to see here folks, move along".

thoughtful person October 28, 2016 at 8:06 pm

K think that something along those lines is operative here. When I heard Trump in NH on npr saying how maybe 'the system' was not that bad….

Don't want they losing side about to launch a revolution after all!

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 11:17 pm

This is by Eichenwald, so take with salt… but it seams plausible.

You never know though, they could find an email that Clinton bleach bit after Huma printed it.

grayslady October 28, 2016 at 2:14 pm

It looks as though an "October surprise" is coming from an unexpected place– the FBI. There are numerous articles about this on the web now, but this one contains a decent analysis.

Sandy October 28, 2016 at 2:44 pm

I've been saying something big would happen before Election Day, as it would be uncharacteristic of this crazy cycle to have a quiet home stretch. Kim Dotcom was claiming a couple of days ago that he has her emails and sent them on to Wikileaks and Gowdy.

But I'm unsure of how this FBI investigation plays out. Obviously, the FBI won't release findings on the new emails for months. And, FBI is not Wikileaks, they don't dump the emails for the public to review.

Something tells me this is Comey covering his (and FBI) ass. Perhaps he's been made aware that an outside source, e.g., Wikileaks, has the emails and is going to release soon, so he's trying to get ahead of it.

I have no doubt that her emails are out there somewhere, I'm certain the NSA has had them all along and has been using them for leverage. Any script kiddie could have hacked that joke of a server they were running in their closet, let alone the NSA.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 3:29 pm

The response is the investigation has nothing to do with WL or hacking. So yes, I'd go with it's him trying to get out in front of what he knows is coming.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:16 pm

Putin has gotten to the Republican bureau director.

Krugman: "Comey needs to provide full info immediately..otherwise, it's partisan."

nippersdad October 28, 2016 at 2:50 pm

And did you see this?

I'll bet that Wall Street thought that Clinton's e-mail scandals had already been baked in. They have recovered some, but that is one mighty jumpy graph.

craazyboy October 28, 2016 at 3:09 pm

If the FBI wanted to speed things up, they should have the HFT computers read Hillary's e-mails.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:16 pm

a 2fer…flash crash assets back to reality! actually a 3fer…global citizens would thank us…hell a 4fer…remove the growing target off US --

nippersdad October 28, 2016 at 4:22 pm

Looking at it again, it looks like they have managed to quantify Hillary's value in (to?) the markets; still looking shaky.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:09 pm

TisTis: Trump Hopes "Justice Will Finally Be Done" As FBI Reopens Probe Into Hillary Clinton Emails
JUSTICE WITHIN 2 WEEKS? i don't think soooo Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy. ~Wendell Berry

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:26 pm

AP tweet:

BREAKING: US official: Newly discovered emails related to Clinton investigation did not come from her private server.

That takes Platte River Networks and Datto out of the picture.

So what are we talkin' about here … some kinda whistle blower?

Kim Dotcom and the NSA dropped a dime on her?

LZFR October 28, 2016 at 3:30 pm

Apparently it is from none other than , wait for it, Anthony Weiner.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Agent Danger … you are being decommissioned.

Barmitt O'Bamney October 28, 2016 at 5:11 pm

The weiner that just keeps on giving.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:38 pm

i swear i saw today where the DOJ was giving a 'speech' about Whistleblowers…can't find it. maybe i saw it yesterday…DOJ getting in front of this??

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:55 pm

OOPS i saw it HERE AT THE COOLER…my apologies Lambert…i'm sleep deprived

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Should Hillary be working on 'due to stress and bad health, I am quitting' speech?

From Nixon's last speech:

I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interest of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations.

jgordon October 28, 2016 at 7:18 pm

Considering who her VP is, maybe the goal all along was for her to somehow crawl across the finish line then turn over all the evil doing to Kaine while she enjoys her lavish rewards in the nursing home.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:29 pm

NYT: "the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner."

Ah ha … wouldn't it be a hoot if the FBI's probe of Carlos Danger sexting a 15-year-old turned up evidence that was right under their noses … if they'd only bothered to convene a grand jury and subpoena it.

Heads gonna roll.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:37 pm

Fortune teller Trump on Twitter, Aug 3rd:

It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary's private illegal emails. Huma's PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world.
11:50 AM – 3 Aug 2015

Whoa that's just spooky.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:40 pm

oh this Cat Fight will be over in Sugar Ray seconds!!!
this is fuckingunbelieveable…Huma knows ALLLLL

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:18 pm

Trump relies on Russian astrologers, I think.

HopeLB October 28, 2016 at 11:11 pm

Remember in the debate (2?) when he forcasted a financial crash?

craazyboy October 28, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Trump: I call your pussy and raise you a Weiner!

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 4:02 pm

Can you imagine the headline writers at the New York Post right now--their heads must be exploding.

allan October 28, 2016 at 4:12 pm

Check out the photo ménage à trois currently up at the Post.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Hillary Shafted by Weiner Device

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 5:29 pm

For those who don't look, it's very 2016….
On your left is Abedin leaning her head away with a face palm. In the center is Weiner, shirtless, dopey wide eyed expression taking a selfie. On the right is Clinton, squinting with a hand up blocking the glare of the bright lights being shone on her.

petal October 28, 2016 at 6:15 pm

hahahaha that's brilliant! Great for a laugh on this dark and rainy Friday afternoon.

dale October 28, 2016 at 6:25 pm

hahahaha. That's the funniest thing I've read in a week.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 6:49 pm

craazyboy outdid the NY Post, whose cover luridly trumpets "Dickileaks" and "STROKING GUN" with the infamous Weiner selfie:

Arizona Slim October 28, 2016 at 4:09 pm

Wait a minute. Huma is still married to that guy?

Huma, what's the matter with you? Got a touch of the Stockholm Syndrome?

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 7:04 pm

i caught his documentary with her in it…found it strange myself that she's still around…then a toddler waddled into the frame.
can't help ponder they hadn't planned this for awhile…

hunkerdown October 28, 2016 at 7:30 pm

It seems reasonable to assume that all "power couples" are sham marriages for the salt-of-the-earth quaintsters. I have no idea how one might objectively rebut that conjecture regarding any particular case.

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 4:20 pm

what if he attempted to send a 15 yr old a picture a selfie, and accidentally sent the detailed plans for attacking syria one week after the election.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 4:25 pm

I think the punishment was to be the ones to go through all of Weiner's pictures.

Barmitt O'Bamney October 28, 2016 at 5:48 pm

If there is an email from Hillary, whether containing top secret info or not, which was pertinent to Clinton's performance at State (and thus pertinent to the FBI inquiry,) but FBI never received it or recovered it, then that shouldould make an open and shut case of obstruction and lying to the FBI against her. Of course it's too late to stop her legally. But politically she could be kneecapped. Impeachment proceedings launching during Inaugural speeches and balls are a real turd in the punch bowl.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 6:04 pm

Could it be Abedin sending receiving on her computer with an address through Clinton's server not involving Clinton at all? It is all exempt under the 'I don't recall' principle anyway.

different clue October 28, 2016 at 8:56 pm

If the OverClass has the power to prevent that impeachment, the OverClass will prevent that impeachment.

Hillary is the designated Obama 2.0 President. Her job is to cement the Obama legacy just as Obama's job was to cement the Bush legacy.
Don't expect any impeachment anytime soon.

The only way to stop Hillary is to vote for Trump and get Hillary defeated.

Alex morfesis October 28, 2016 at 5:52 pm

Can't remove a sitting president…unless you have the votes to impeach…the comey show…announce something..and gosh darn it…got timed out by the election…

temporal October 28, 2016 at 4:07 pm

And yet the timing is awkward.

New on Friday usually means that the majority of Americans will have forgotten everything but their name by the time Monday rolls around. All the MSM has to do is find another bright shiny object to write about together on the weekend. Their past open collusion with HRC's campaign makes that a foregone conclusion.

Chances are the FBI will ask Hillary which of the Weiner's emails she deems important.

NotTimothyGeithner October 28, 2016 at 4:50 pm

I think Comey overestimated his standing and the standing of "FBI Director" with the populace at large and expected everyone to just applaud when he criticized Clinton and expected Clinton to win big or Republican voters to sour on Trump providing him protection going forward.

Heres what I believe scares Comey, the GOP base hasn't soured on Trump, Hillary won't big, and the GOP House will remain intact with me ears under pressure for not supporting the elected GOP leader. No one has really voted for Paul Ryan (Veep doesn't count) outside of one congressional district.

The "left" (everyone who isn't a Republican and isnt on the CGI payroll is what I mean) won't defend Hillary or actions to protect her past the 8th. If Comey has acted in anyway inappropriately and has mutininous agents, he will be in trouble.

Jen October 28, 2016 at 6:58 pm

Or the proverbial horse's head just showed up on his desk. And it ain't from Clinton, Inc.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Is this the weekend (many) people set aside some time to think about the coming election?

jrs October 28, 2016 at 5:35 pm

"Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta criticised the FBI's "extraordinary" timing.

He said on Friday: "The (FBI) Director owes it to the American people to immediately provide the full details of what he is now examining."

oh you silly fool, the only way we ever get the full details of anything is on Wikileaks.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:38 pm

Be careful what you ask for…

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 6:41 pm

hmmm… Clinton's had the inside dirt on the first round of the investigation. Seems like an Abedin issue.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 6:57 pm

Further… didn't she get immunity? Seems like Comey needs to re-open, re-question and cover these items under the immunity also so she can't be prosecuted for them in the future.

Synoia October 28, 2016 at 2:17 pm

Why do we hear so much about the racism of the white working class and so little about the racism of the ruling class?

Well, the Ruling Class remained silent in Public until Trump. Then the ugly truth was revealed was revealed on TV, by both Trump (Mexicans) and Clinton (Deplorables).

And possibly by Romney as wee in his comment about the 49% who don't pay (income) taxes, and the republican meme of Makers and Takers (stated in the wrong order I believe).

armchair October 28, 2016 at 3:05 pm

Front page of the Seattle Times had side-by-side articles of a Dakota Pipeline story (dozens arrested) beside the story of the acquittal of Bundy's bunch. They're so factually different though. One story involves powerful interests using and abusing the land to their own economic advantage and squandering the land resources for future generations and the other story involves . . .

Carolinian October 28, 2016 at 3:14 pm

Or the racism of the middle class. People are tribal and arguably it is baked into our DNA. That doesn't excuse the mental laziness of trafficking in stereotypes but one could make a case that racism is as much a matter of ignorance as of evil character. Obama with his "bitter clingers" and HIllary with her "deplorables" are talking about people about whom they probably know almost nothing. One of the long ago arguments for school integration was that propinquity fosters mutual understanding. This met with a lot of resistance. And for people like our Pres and would be Pres a broader view of the electorate would be inconvenient. They might have to turn into actual liberals.

lb October 28, 2016 at 2:24 pm

The McClatchy article on 'digital fingerprints' has a wonderful quote that should be hammered into everyone's minds:

"We do freely make available information about ourselves episodically that we may think isn't terribly revealing but aggregated, it reveals a whole lot." - Rebecca Weiner, New York City Police Department

People who don't worry about what's actually lost in information disclosure and leakage simply lack creativity. They don't conjure up the broader (or lateral) contexts for simple data to take on broader meaning. It's actually nice to see this admitted openly and clearly by someone from the NYPD. The next time someone speaks apologetically of surveillance because they have, "nothing to hide," I may use this as part of a retort and pivot to a discussion on naivete and trust of authority.

Vatch October 28, 2016 at 2:44 pm

"Jury acquits Ammon Bundy, six others for standoff at Oregon wildlife refuge" [WaPo].

Were any of the defendants Black? I rather doubt it. Just as Driving-While-Black can be a capital offense, I would assume that the penalty for Seizing-Federal-Property-While-Black is quite severe also. The sentencing stage for Driving-While-Black is sometimes reached before there has even been a trial.

Lambert Strether Post author October 28, 2016 at 3:46 pm

I think you have impunity if you're white and right wing ; a distinction that's lost on my Twitter feed, at least.

Occupy, after all, was the target of a 17-city paramilitary crackdown orchestrated by the Federal government.

cocomaan October 28, 2016 at 3:55 pm

Weren't many of the bundy gang FBI informants? I think this was the FBI and DOJ covering their own asses.

I think WaPo has an agenda to push on this one. Here's an Oregon paper:

Defense lawyers also raised questions about the FBI informants at the refuge. Prosecutors confirmed there were 15 informants involved in the case, nine of whom were at the refuge – including three who were identified at the trial. Six others at the refuge remained unidentified.

Without knowing who they were or what they did during the occupation, the lawyers didn't know if any of the informants conspired with the defendants to commit any of the crimes alleged in the indictment, defense lawyers argued. They revealed that one of the informants at the refuge was a man who went by the alias "John Killman" but was really Fabio Minoggio of Las Vegas, who was asked to oversee the shooting range at the refuge.

Sounds like some shenanigans.

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 4:21 pm

i suspect they had informants in the occupy movement, too. somehow that wasn't a defense there, though.

cocomaan October 28, 2016 at 6:41 pm

Judging from Comey's ineptitude, it wouldn't surprise me if there was some garbage going on in the background that they had to let them walk.

That said, I give him props for not pulling a Janet Reno/ATF/Waco.

Andrew Watts October 28, 2016 at 10:08 pm

The prosecution dropped the ball and was incredibly complacent. They barely spent any time laying out the charges. The whole trial amounted to the defense sucking up all the oxygen in the courthouse.

It's disappointing but I'm even more disappointed by the fact the migrating birds didn't return early and attack the yeehadists. After they come north they're all horny and mate. It makes them particularly aggressive against puny humans who get in their way.

The last time I was at Malheur a kindly Federal employee warned me away from the tower the yeehadists were using as a sniper nest. Owls have been known to attack insignificant humans in Oregon. It's their nesting ground.

Carolinian October 28, 2016 at 4:25 pm

Great….another Comey cockup.

JerseyJeffersonian October 28, 2016 at 4:27 pm

Ah, yes, the old Entrapment Ploy, wherein some of the illegality comes about through incitement by informers/agents provocateur. Works wondrously well if you can keep the identities of the informers/agents provocateur a secret, but no so well if you can't. I should imagine that the Bundy folks might have been on the lookout for tells, such as when the individual who generally is passive, or stays in the background starts making, uh, suggestions . Counter-intelligence 101.

bunko October 28, 2016 at 4:35 pm

Are you making a suggestion?

Andrew Watts October 28, 2016 at 10:21 pm

Hah! If you can't spot a agent provocateur you're probably stupid enough to do something that should land you in prison. The Department of Homeland Security's fusion centers in Portland and Salem were busy during the wildlife refuge takeover. All those radicalized hipsters and lefties supporting/harassing the yeehadists with their edible sex products et cetra.


Gotta help the white people collecting welfare via the US Intelligence community to keep receiving those checks. I gotta wonder though if activists were targeted for inflammatory internet speech/actions or if their Mormon co-religionists in the federal government didn't appreciate what amounted to a crowdsourced psychological warfare campaign.

Oh well.

JSM October 28, 2016 at 2:45 pm

Re: "This market barometer says Trump still has a chance at the White House" et al.

The polls – Rasmussen, LA Times & IBD – say that Trump has a 50% (or more, since electoral votes=independent-minded states determine the winner of the presidential race) chance at the White House. The race continues to be a dead heat nationally, just as it has been for two or three weeks now.

The FBI is making news at this hour, but is this going to be the Podesta email that makes the largely worthless & discredited press wake up and take notice?

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:25 pm

If Trump doesn't win it, we all have to bow down to the magnificent greatness of our media.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 2:51 pm

Bezzle Airbnb: [a fine of up to $7,500 on advertising short-term rentals of less than 30 days. This means users can still list a room in their home, but cannot advertise entire apartments."]

Won't people just code their advertisements…. bdrm 900 sq ft, own kitchen and bath, sleeps 6. Owner travels.

ekstase October 28, 2016 at 2:55 pm

Talking in pix or emojis gives a certain latitude, even deniability, which words, with their specific meanings, (confound it,) just can't offer. Words can be tracked down, and mean specific things, and hold you to account. We don't need that anymore. What we need in today's world is cover for our vague jumble of impressions and our nagging feeling that global warming is simply going to solve all of our problems for us – panic. Calm down, I say. Stop thinking in words, and things will get a lot simpler for you.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 4:19 pm

Talk about everything old is new again…. we're so advanced we're using pictographs (on tablets) again.

temporal October 28, 2016 at 2:58 pm

re: Apple, it seems, is angling for the 'amateur creative' and isn't interested in anything else anymore.

A few years back I bought a used 2009 Mac Pro for $800, upgraded the firmware to 2010-12, upgraded the CPUs to two 2.8 ghz 6 cores for $400 and the memory to 24 GB 1333 MHz DDR3. I suspect that when I shuffle off this mortal coil this machine will still be the fastest and most functional Mac I'll ever have owned. Too bad the PCIe bus is old-timey but I'm not much of a game player.

For the last few years all of the released Macs have been a letdown.

I hope that one day I can get one of those 2013 trashcans for cheap but calling them Mac Pros is completely inappropriate. Where I somewhat disagree with the author of the article is that the trashcans were the proof that Apple had no interest in making a highly functional, professional machines. These new, slower, unrepairable MacBook Pros are just more of the same for the portable crowd.

Moore's law is dead and buried but no one wrote an obit. Apple is a bank wannabe that sells some other products.

Arizona Slim October 28, 2016 at 3:00 pm

"Please re-elect Gerald. Please."

Now, THAT is a political ad I would enjoy watching more than once. Matter of fact, I just did.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 3:02 pm

Is there a more accurate term than militarized police? They are former military, military equipment, military training, military practices etc. They went around the constitution to put military on the streets… They are more accurately mercenaries. Anyone familiar with any terms for the backdoor military?

voteforno6 October 28, 2016 at 8:28 pm

The irony is that, in the military, the cops have some of the worst discipline problems.

flora October 28, 2016 at 3:06 pm

Thanks for the Apple IT links. Looks like the Touchbar was especially designed to sync with Adobe graphics programs and other camera/photo programs, which would have been a nice addition to the function keys. A Touchbar as a replacement to the function keys? Privileging app users over program developers? (shakes head, mutters inaudibly)

Bjornasson October 28, 2016 at 4:25 pm

Apple began to lose me with the MacBook Pro when they made it un-openable and replaced the nice metal power button with just another key. Now it just seems like they have run out of incremental things to "improve" with a machine that really has no huge issues, other than the need to keep up with ongoing technological changes.

flora October 28, 2016 at 4:31 pm

My guess: Apple bought a lot of tech properties before it knew how it would integrate them, and before it had a project for them (e.g. bought wireless headphone maker Wi-Gear) . In this new release Apple seemed to let the parts drive the project; to kludge together a few of these acquired techs. Just a guess.

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 3:11 pm

Robby Mook just deleted all his tweets….

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:17 pm

Anticipatory obstruction of justice.

Book him, Dan-o!

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 3:24 pm

New emails were from Weiner's sexting. investigation.

KurtisMayfield October 28, 2016 at 3:45 pm

Wow… Did she really get herself involved in the Weiner mess? I really, really can't wait to read those.

Roger Smith October 28, 2016 at 3:40 pm

Are we sure he had tweets prior to this?

cocomaan October 28, 2016 at 3:56 pm

Just did a search for "Robby mook tweeted" and had plenty of results.

"What Trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way," Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tweeted.

Roger Smith October 28, 2016 at 4:05 pm

You had better luck than I did with my search. thanks! The one tweet left on his account makes it sound like he just joined, even though the joined date says August 2015. Very odd.

allan October 28, 2016 at 4:20 pm

Just a reminder: all the tweets that have ever been tweeted are available … for a price:

How Despots Use Twitter to Hunt Dissidents [Bloomberg]

Foppe October 28, 2016 at 3:13 pm

I'm not from belgium, but the belgian SP/PS = basically neoliberal, while the Belgian labor party (PvdA) is more properly thought of as Socialist (i.e., well to Bernie's left). (For reference, in NL it's the other way around: the SP is actually socialist, while the PvdA is neolib with a bleeding heart contingent that carps ineffectually from the sidelines, always accepting that "the revolution will happen mañana". It may be that this was an act by Magnette, in the hope that he could pacify that contingent, in or outside his party; I don't know who organized the reading + discussion of CETA in the Wallonian Parliament.)

Unorthodoxmarxist October 28, 2016 at 4:14 pm

It looks like the Walloon SP is a typical social dem party that has become neoliberal, but they are being pushed hard in the regional elections by the Workers' Party of Belgium (PvdA-PTB). I think this is an attempt by them to square the circle and give in to the demands of the EU ruling class and attempt to head off the growing threat to their left. Seems incredibly cynical to me, rather than coming from any genuine place. It remains to be seen what would happen if the Workers' Party gained regional control after this: would they, too, capitulate or would they force a confrontation?

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:16 pm

Hillary's speaking live in Cedar Rapids Iowa … playing the woman card; just yammering on and on about it.

It's as obnoxious as if her opponent asserted, you should vote for me because I've got a big schlong and she don't.

Off with their heads!

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:18 pm

hey Jim…if she gets a heckle about the fbi, let us know if she responds. (i'll gladly pay you tuesday as i cannot bring myself to EVER listen to her)

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 4:16 pm

Friday, 2:25 p.m.

Hillary Clinton isn't saying anything yet about the FBI decision to investigate new emails linked to her private email server.

Clinton ignored shouted questions from reporters about the FBI investigation as she walked off her plane Friday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

She smiled and waved to reporters gathered on the tarmac, but made no comments.

Clinton spent about 25 minutes on the plane after it landed before she emerged. Following Clinton off the plane was famed photographer Annie Leibovitz. She was shooting photos of the candidate for at least part of the time reporters were waiting for the candidate.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:27 pm

Like Sanders, Trump should ask for one more debate.

timotheus October 28, 2016 at 3:21 pm

"Should the Walloon parliament, representing 3.5 million people, be entitled to prevent a policy affecting 510 million Europeans?"

Of course not! Ridiculous. The 510 million Europeans should be represented by a gaggle of "free-trade" experts in Brussels instead.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 3:27 pm

"The Army said Friday it has determined that suicide was the cause of death of a two-star general who was found dead in his home on a military base in Alabama, the AP reports. Maj. Gen. John Rossi was found dead July 31 at Redstone Arsenal, two days before he was to assume command of Army Space and Missile Defense Command . He is the first Army general to commit suicide on active duty since record-keeping began in 2000, according to the Army; USA Today reports that he is "the highest-ranking soldier ever to have taken his own life."" hmmm

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 3:41 pm

I'm worried about "Bill." Hope he's got a food taster up in Chappy.

(Just think what's on his phone.)

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:29 pm

Do they screen pilots more rigorously than commanders of Space and Missile Defense Command?

How many can a suicidal pilot take down compared with this?

Vatch October 28, 2016 at 6:21 pm

"the highest-ranking soldier ever to have taken his own life."

I assume they're referring to U.S. soldiers. For suicides by higher ranking officers, here are some examples, derived from this Wikipedia category: Lieutenant General

Marcus Antonius. I don't know what his rank was, but it was certainly higher than Major General,_5th_Duke_of_Bolton Lieutenant General

Which reminds me: why is a Lieutenant general higher in rank than a Major general? That has long confused me.

Tom Bradford October 28, 2016 at 10:17 pm

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, took his own life on Oct. 14, 1944.

They don't come any higher ranking than a Field Marshall.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 10:28 pm

Brutus fell on his own sword.

Was Brutus lower in rank than a field marshal?

War minister Anami when Imperial Japan surrendered, also killed himself (this time, by seppukku) and left a cryptic note.

No one ranks higher than the Leader though.

TarheelDem October 28, 2016 at 3:42 pm

It's Bill Clinton's interstate emergency management agreement (then pitched for FEMA-type emergencies) and not the PATRIOT Act's DHS Fusion Centers that are managing law enforcement response to #NoDAPL, eh? That means that the federal agencies are not particularly involved yet, doesn't it?

RWood October 28, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Might be interesting:

Counterspin interview w/Color of Change/Brandi Collins
Standing Rock commentaries

KurtisMayfield October 28, 2016 at 3:42 pm

If anyone hasn't enjoyed the #draftourdaughters meme yet, this might make you chuckle.

What a perfect combination of opening up the selective service to women with a warmongering neoconservative HRC. Some of them hit hard, so be careful.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 8:30 pm

They are good. [Grandma always wished she died with Grandpa in WWII. Now my daughter can fulfill her dream. I'm with her.] I'm still waiting for one with a "Stand with ISIS" theme.

Bjornasson October 28, 2016 at 4:28 pm

People shake their heads when Trump says that he took advantage of tax loopholes like any other businessman, but they are okay with the same law compliance bullshit that Hillary resorts to with the emails, Clinton foundation etc.
this election has just really hammered in the message that people will simply ignore any logical or factual realities if they contradict their own prejudices, even as they loudly proclaim their moral and intellectual superiority in choosing the "right" candidate.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 5:08 pm

"The IRS rule apparently used by Trump and many others dates back to 1918. Put simply, businesses can "carry forward" tax losses to future years. In other words, if a business loses $50,000 one year, and makes the same amount the following year, it is considered to have "broken even." If a business takes a loss of $1 million, it could theoretically make $100,000 for the next ten years and pay no taxes.

In fact, in 1995 (the same year of Trump's tax return), 500,000 people used the same tax advantages that Trump apparently used. However, unlike Trump's losses of nearly a billion dollars, the average American's claimed loss was $97,500.

These losses are allowed to flow through the business to the benefit of the business owner. So, the loss of the business can be used to offset personal income of the business owners.

Using the rule is perfectly legal, assuming of course that the losses claimed are legitimate losses under the tax code. Losses must be real net operating loss, enough to cancel out any profit made.

Advantages for Real Estate Owners

Real estate has a number of losses that can be claimed, including depreciation of the value of real estate assets, real estate taxes, and costs to maintain the property. Real estate owners also can use losses in real estate, to offset non-real estate gains in certain cases. So, for example, if property depreciates, those losses can cover not only any profits made from the real estate itself, but also any other business ventures the real estate owner may be involved in. Owners of investment real estate, however, may be subject to the "passive activity" rules, which limit the owner's ability to use real estate losses against other business income.

Real estate owners can also defer taxes by flipping property. If a developer exchanges property routinely, the losses can be continually carried forward so that no taxes are actually paid."

"Clinton foundation etc." would take up too much bandwith and unfair to other NC posters BUT YOU GET THE POINT, RIGHT?

if not let's settle this with her own record… Forbes: Christopher Preble points out "Clinton supported every one of the last seven U.S. military interventions abroad, plus two others we ended up fighting." For instance, while First Lady she pushed for U.S. intervention in the Balkans-attacking the Bosnian Serbs and then Serbia. She was an enthusiastic war advocate, explaining: "I urged him [her husband] to bomb." Alas, Bosnia remains badly divided while Kosovo has turned into a gangster state which, according to the New York Times, is "a font of Islamic extremism and a pipeline for jihadists."
"Sen. Hillary Clinton supported the overbroad Authorization for Use of Military Force after September 11, which 15 years later the Obama administration claims as warrant for its very different war against the Islamic State. She strongly backed the Iraq invasion. Only after it turned out badly and threatened to damage her political career did she acknowledge her mistake. Of course, that was too late to retrieve the thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and trillions of dollars squandered. At the same time, she said she was sorry for opposing the 2007 "surge" of troops, despite what Iraq became. Worse, a former State department aide reported that Clinton later announced she would not feel "constrained" in the future by the failure in Iraq."

Bjornasson October 28, 2016 at 6:06 pm

That information on the trump tax was clarifying- thanks! It will help me in discussions with Clinton supporters.

Waldenpond October 28, 2016 at 4:35 pm

#DraftOurDaughters (First we take down Trump, then we take down Putin) (It's Our Turn)…. Buzzfeed picked it up? and then dropped it. Please tell me BF did not actually do a write up.
This came back at the Buzzfeed site with page not found. Now, file not found.

MtnLife October 28, 2016 at 5:07 pm

It's working but I can't tell if they are serious or if that is some epic level trolling. That seems to be consistent with the theme of this election though.

dcblogger October 28, 2016 at 4:45 pm

James Comey was on the Board of Directors of HSBC while they were money laundering for drug runners and terrorists, he has done squat to stop GamerGate, he has a horrible record as director of the FBI and should have never been nominated, never been confirmed, and is a completely horrible person.

Arizona Slim October 28, 2016 at 5:17 pm

Mark Felt was of the same mind when it came to being passed over after J. Edgar Hoover died. And recall that he gained notoriety as Deep Throat.

Andrew Watts October 28, 2016 at 9:57 pm

Mark Felt had already gained notoriety before Watergate because he was one of the FBI's special agents who was charged for conducting illegal surveillance on American leftists. It's one of those things all those conspiracy theorists don't emphasis about COINTELPRO and other programs. The only people actually charged and convicted in the matter were FBI agents.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:32 pm

Here is a chance to redeem himself and stop Hillary.

The race is Trump's to lose now.

kimsarah October 28, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Sounds perfectly qualified.

allan October 28, 2016 at 5:44 pm

He was also general counsel of the largest defense contractor in the world (Lockheed Martin) and
general counsel of the largest hedge fund / personality cult in the world (Bridgewater).
Just a small town lawyer. If the town is Davos.

polecat October 28, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Perhaps that's part and parcel to our current heroin epidemic …….

Bea Braun October 28, 2016 at 4:57 pm

I read the comments earlier in the day so not sure if this has been noted. In a new emergency procedure, the Left Party is still trying to block the CETA agreement in the final hours before the agreement. It is not clear whether the application has reached the court in time. I think it would be called the Federal Constitutional Court. Preventatively the Left Party has also submitted an alternative claim should the first one be too late to be considered
site in German

JohnnyGL October 28, 2016 at 5:08 pm

This could be interesting…Clinton campaign sitting on Trump tapes since March 2016? It's not specific, though.

WJ October 28, 2016 at 10:38 pm

Email from late February of 2016 also to Palmieri discusses status of "swift boat" attack against Trump..,

jawbone October 28, 2016 at 5:08 pm

I began to read today's Water Cooler and went, "What? Is this a parody?", about a link I no longer recall, BUT I kept saying that to myself as I read on And felt the same about some other reports I came across today. Have we passed some "red line" into another dimension?

These really are real links?

(Yeah, I know they are…it's just that they seem like they shouldn't be….)

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 5:12 pm

Penny ante but completely typical:

Bill and Hillary Clinton failed to get required permits for a rushed renovation of the house and grounds they recently bought next to their original Westchester home, it was reported Friday.

Records show that the Clintons' contractors filled in an in-ground pool, covering it with gravel, and extensively remodeled the interior of the property - all without applying for permits and paying the required fees to the town of New Castle.

Building Inspector William Maskiell inspected the Chappaqua property after getting the tip about the pool work and then discovered the other renovations that were underway.

Attached to the building inspector's letter was a document titled Clinton Violation Inspection Report in which Maskiell said the contractor told him the Clintons "were quite adamant about [the Thanksgiving deadline] and what had started as a paint job turned into this," meaning the major renovation.

When Hillary becomes "adamant," nobody dares to confront her, even if her demands are illegal.

Building permits are for little people. Hillary can grant herself a retroactive permit with an executive order.

grayslady October 28, 2016 at 5:48 pm

An acquaintance of mine said of the Clintons: "They define success as how much they can get away with." Clearly, this is just the latest example.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 7:13 pm

"The pain is not about having cheap people around…. real pain is the fact that there are some people with a price to start with." Sameh Elsayed

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:17 pm

Or as Dorothy Parker presciently quipped about the Clintons:

Q: What's the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?

A: You can't hear an enzyme.

Tom October 28, 2016 at 6:34 pm

Crazy - there are more problems than just the lack of building permits:

The Clintons also have outstanding zoning and Building Department problems at their residence next door at 15 Old House Lane,

They obtained variances in 2000 for a guard house on the property, for a higher fence and for "lot coverage," or the amount of space buildings take up on the property.

The variances must be renewed every five years - but the Clintons never showed up before the Zoning Board of Appeals.

"Consequently, they are null and void. They should have come back in 2005, 2010 and 2015. So the variances have expired and they have to start from scratch" and reapply, said the inspector.

The original home and a combination library and gym in an outbuilding still have outstanding building permit issues as well, including a sprinkler "sign off" by the town engineer and an electrical inspection in the library/gym

I'm not seeing much basic competency here in executing home ownership responsibilities. Next I'll hear Bill steals the neigbor's Sunday newspaper off their porch.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 7:26 pm

More likely he steals the neighbor's teenage daughter for a midnight ride.

jawbone October 28, 2016 at 5:13 pm

Interesting tidbit about the Illinois US senate race. The incumbent, the Republican Mark Kirk, had a stroke and since then has made notably non-PC comments. Last night he made a comment about Tammy Duckworth's Chinese heritage (her mother is Chinese born in Thailand), and that comment has drawn attention to his overall neurological health.

A friend of mine had a stroke which deeply affected the part of the brain responsible for impulse control. He used to be highly organized, extremely conscious of ramifications of his actions, spent carefully, prepared for exigencies, etc. Since the stroke, and especially when he's feeling more energetic, he spends like a drunken sailor, swears like one, has no care about consequences of his actions. If he's feeling under pressure this is even more exaggerated.

Kirk's recovery from his stroke has won him some sympathy, but I gather there's has not been much reporting about any personality changes. The debate made this change a bit more open to scrutiny and other examples are apparently being discussed.

Anyone from Illinois know more?

During a debate between Rep. Tammy Duckworth and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) for his U.S. Senate seat in Springfield, Illinois, Kirk mocked Duckworth's ancestry, saying in rebuttal of her comments on the true cost of war,
"I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington."

His remark came in response to her statement that, "My family has served this nation in uniform going back to the Revolution. I am a Daughter of the American Revolution."

schultzzz October 28, 2016 at 5:14 pm

NC started the "Thanks Ms. Lewinsky for saving Social Security" meme ;
I don't think this scandal alone will sink Clinton, but if it does, would that make Anthony the 'boy Monica'?

craazyboy October 28, 2016 at 5:49 pm

Trump's yuuuge Weiner?

TheCatSaid October 28, 2016 at 5:25 pm

In line with the Corruption theme, check out the election fraud documentation at Fraction Magic – Short Version video recently released. It shows manipulation of actual vote files (Statement of Votes Cast) and how locations selected for audit were not tampered with.

The hero of the story is Bennie Smith, a soft-spoken Memphis TN-based genius who has skills in computer programming and databases; accounting; and political demographic analysis. By luck those are the same skills that convicted felon Jeffrey Dean had. (Dean wrote the software for the Diebold voting machines–and I've been told they can now prove that Dean was the originator of the fractionalized vote-counting software for the central tabulators.)

A longer version of the video is due out in days–in the meantime, the 9 min. excerpt on the Short Version is amazing. Check out the tips at the end–how the public can help.

Paid Minion October 28, 2016 at 5:25 pm

Lanny Breuer……Nathan Thurm. Twins separated at birth?

nowhere October 28, 2016 at 5:26 pm

Still not sure I get all the hubbub about context sensitive function keys. The ESC key will still be available for everyone's vi/Vim sessions.

kimsarah October 28, 2016 at 5:38 pm

And Bernie's comment would be …

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 28, 2016 at 5:42 pm

"I should have persisted as the Not-Hillary choice…a higher ethical demand than keeping my promise to the D party???"

Instead, now it's Trump?

craazyboy October 28, 2016 at 5:53 pm

I am very, very tired of hearing about Hillary's e-mails.

Synoia October 28, 2016 at 8:49 pm

I'm more tired of Hillary's females (Nuland, Huma, etc)..

Tom October 28, 2016 at 9:28 pm


Cleanup October 28, 2016 at 6:07 pm

Don't worry, Lloyd Blankfein is checking Comey's work. FBI today placed the Weiner investigation under their crack Special Agent for Witness Liquidation, Aaron McFarlane.

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 7:48 pm

Hello …According to Reuters , the European Union on Friday lifted limits on Gazprom's use of a link from its offshore Nord Stream pipeline to Germany, allowing Russia to pump more gas to Europe and bypass its usual routes via Ukraine.

…soooooo they're going to begin rebuilding Syria

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:04 pm

Hillary's 4-minute apologia pro vida sua in response to Comey's volte face :

Two word summary: CORNERED RAT

Can't get over the Nuremberg rally massed flags behind her.

The future's so bright, she shoulda wore shades. ;-)

abynormal October 28, 2016 at 8:14 pm

UHH @4:30…State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Friday that the department knows nothing about why the FBI reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server just hours earlier.

Toner began the State Department daily press briefing by telling Associated Press reporter Matt Lee that he already knew what the topic of the first question would be. Lee asked Toner what the State Department knew of the FBI's actions and what may be involved in the reopened investigation.

"First, what do we know? Not much more than you know, in fact. About the same," Toner said. "We just learned about this when we saw news reports of the letter."

"What emails they may be looking at, what they're looking for, any more details at all, we just don't know anything about the scope of this new–I'm not even sure it's an investigation, but this effort to look at additional emails," Toner continued.

Jim Haygood October 28, 2016 at 8:20 pm

Just like 0bama finding out about HRC's private email from the press … after he'd been corresponding with her from his own private email address.

With daily practice, the faux naif act comes easy. :-)

Arizona Slim October 28, 2016 at 9:58 pm

Like the Zeiss shades?

VietnamVet October 28, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Cyberspace opened up the Clinton Foundation's Pay for Play scams for scrutiny despite the best efforts of corporate media and the connected elite to keep it closed; the endless wars at Saudi Arabia and Israel's bequest, the purposeful burdening of debt on anyone who needs housing, medical care or education, and the utter contempt for the little people. Corruption so inept that missing Hillary Clinton e-mails are in Carlos Danger's explicit underage passion filled smartphone in FBI's possession.

Stalingrad October 28, 2016 at 8:07 pm

The international community considers backroom corporate trade deals as one example of the general problem of fragmentation. The US government tries to end-run the UN Charter with NATO. It tries to end-run ILO conventions with the WTO. It tries to end-run economic and social rights with ISDS. It tries to end-run sovereign debt principles (e.g. A/69/L.84) with the Paris Club and the IMF. In response, the international community has been working to synthesize the different legal regimes in an objective way.

Corporate special pleading gets subsumed in old-time diplomacy, finding common ground, so the pitched-battle narrative is absent, but when Zayas comes out and says ISDS cannot negate human rights, this is the context. They're trying to preserve a non-hierarchical regime in which the only absolute is the purposes and principles of the UN: peace and development, which comes down to human rights.

allan October 28, 2016 at 9:15 pm

Feds, Utahns worry that Oregon standoff verdicts will set violent tone for land battle [SLC Trib]

And so it begins:

… One key Utah proponent of land transfer affirmed the importance of respectful dialogue and seeking change through legal channels.

"I would hope there would never be a green light to act outside the rule of law. I can understand the frustration, but in Utah we do things different. We honor the law," said Rep. Keven Stratton, R-Orem. "Guns on either side would never be appropriate."

But when it comes to land management, Stratton said, the federal government has strayed from "constitutional anchors of state sovereignty and equal footing." Restoring balance between federal and state authority would help resolve issues before they lead to confrontations like those at Bunkerville and Malheur. …

`Restoring balance … resolve issues' is Sage Brush Rebel for `My way or the RS 2477 highway '.

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 9:16 pm

Clinton blows off DAPL concerns by promising to 'listen' which might as well be 'have a conversation' or completely ignor.

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 9:18 pm

More journalists to add to the shit list. They were all obvious Clinton hacks though.

Jay M October 28, 2016 at 9:51 pm

hard to believe Clinton is stumbling this weekend over another unleashed member

allan October 28, 2016 at 10:19 pm

Phishing for Fools, Hipster Edition:

Emails show how Clinton campaign chairman apparently hacked [AP]

New evidence appears to show how hackers earlier this year stole more than 50,000 emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, an audacious electronic attack blamed on Russia's government and one that has resulted in embarrassing political disclosures about Democrats in the final weeks before the U.S. presidential election.

The hackers sent John Podesta an official-looking email on Saturday, March 19, that appeared to come from Google. It warned that someone in Ukraine had obtained Podesta's personal Gmail password and tried unsuccessfully to log in, and it directed him to a website where he should "change your password immediately."

Podesta's chief of staff, Sara Latham, forwarded the email to the operations help desk of Clinton's campaign, where staffer Charles Delavan in Brooklyn, New York, wrote back 25 minutes later, "This is a legitimate email. John needs to change his password immediately."

But the email was not authentic. …

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 10:35 pm

DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

LOL he had no choice

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 10:46 pm

i wouldn't think the clinton campaign would welcome that complaint, unless they're more desperate than i think.

UserFriendly October 28, 2016 at 11:39 pm

They probably got someone to file it. It just reeks of holier then thou temper tantrum. But Comey had no choice, he had to amend his testimony.

pretzelattack October 28, 2016 at 11:45 pm

maybe clinton made the decision unilaterally, which is quite possible. seems like the campaign would want to bury the email scandal instead of going on the offensive. i do so hope this means their internal polling is scaring them.

skippy October 28, 2016 at 11:01 pm

I think my 1st year university student daughter [business with high distinctions] summed up the election in the car whilst taking her to work – its stupid – and can't believe these are adults running for president of America of all places….

[Oct 29, 2016] Huma abedin became also intanged in mishandling classified materials and may face criminal procecution

Her immunity deal does not cover this incident. They now can force her sing...
Notable quotes:
"... Hillary Clinton's most trusted State Department aide Huma Abedin once left classified papers in the pocket behind the front seat of a staff car she was assigned in India, according to an email released Monday. ..."
"... Abedin wrote to Clinton's personal assistant Lauren Jiloty on July 20, 2009 to ask her to move the material to her trunk so an ambassador wouldn't see them when he rode with her in the back seat. ..."
"... She told Jiloty that the papers consisted of 'burn stuff,' indicating that they were classified documents that belonged among materials that agency rules required employees to place in 'burn bags' for incineration. ... ..."
"... New emails the FBI is examining related to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private computer server were discovered after the agency seized electronic devices belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing law enforcement officials. ... ..."
Oct 29, 2016 |

Fred C. Dobbs -> Fred C. Dobbs... October 28, 2016 at 03:32 PM

(So, more sloppy handling of classified material going on, looks like. Not by Hillary Clinton however.)

Bombshell email shows Huma Abedin left classified material in her CAR via @MailOnline - Aug 23

Hillary Clinton's most trusted State Department aide Huma Abedin once left classified papers in the pocket behind the front seat of a staff car she was assigned in India, according to an email released Monday.

Abedin wrote to Clinton's personal assistant Lauren Jiloty on July 20, 2009 to ask her to move the material to her trunk so an ambassador wouldn't see them when he rode with her in the back seat.

She told Jiloty that the papers consisted of 'burn stuff,' indicating that they were classified documents that belonged among materials that agency rules required employees to place in 'burn bags' for incineration. ...

FBI found Clinton-related emails on devices belonging to Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner via @AOL - Oct 28

New emails the FBI is examining related to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private computer server were discovered after the agency seized electronic devices belonging to Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing law enforcement officials. ...

ilsm -> Fred C. Dobbs... , -1
Someone at FBI missed the cease and desist memo....
likbez said in reply to Fred C. Dobbs... October 28, 2016 at 09:23 PM
Huma immunity deal does not extend to this incident. She might get into really hot water now.

[Oct 28, 2016] Russias Putin says Obama administration does not stick to any deals Reuters

Oct 28, 2016 |
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday it was hard for him to work with the current U.S. administration because it did not stick to any agreements, including on Syria.

Putin said he was ready to engage with a new president however, whoever the American people chose, and to discuss any problem.

[Oct 28, 2016] Fact Check Trump Is Right that Clinton Might Trigger World War III

Oct 28, 2016 |
Trump claims that Clinton's policy on Syria would lead to World War 3.

Let's fact check …

The Washington Post points out that a vote for Clinton is a vote for escalating military confrontation in Syria and elsewhere:

In the rarefied world of the Washington foreign policy establishment, President Obama's departure from the White House - and the possible return of a more conventional and hawkish Hillary Clinton - is being met with quiet relief.

The Republicans and Democrats who make up the foreign policy elite are laying the groundwork for a more assertive American foreign policy, via a flurry of reports shaped by officials who are likely to play senior roles in a potential Clinton White House .


The studies, which reflect Clinton's stated views, break most forcefully with Obama on Syria …. call[ing] for stepped-up military action to deter President Bashar al-Assad's regime and Russian forces in ­Syria.


Most of the studies propose limited American airstrikes with cruise missiles to punish Assad ….


Last year, Obama dismissed calls for a no-fly zone in northwestern Syria - a position advocated by Clinton - as " half-baked ."


Even pinprick cruise-missile strikes designed to hobble the ­Syrian air force or punish Assad would risk a direct confrontation with Russian forces, which are scattered throughout the key ­Syrian military bases that would be targeted.

"You can't pretend you can go to war against Assad and not go to war against the Russians," said a senior administration official who is involved in Middle East policy and was granted anonymity to discuss internal White House deliberations.

The most liberal presidential candidate still running – Green Party candidate Jill Stein – says:

She explains :

Hillary Clinton wants to start an air war with Russia. Let's be clear: That's what a no-fly zone means. It is tantamount to a declaration of war against Russia.


Clearly the Democrats are incredibly embarrassed about the nature of these revelations, and they've created a smokescreen here to try and distract from that. But that smokescreen is pushing us to the brink of warfare with Russia now, where you have the U.S. head of defense, Ashton Carter, talking about nuclear war. We just did a dry run dropping fake nuclear bombs over Nevada. This is really dangerous stuff; this is not pretend. So we need to take a deep breath here, we need to step back and stop beating the war drums. In this context, Hillary Clinton is talking about starting an air war with Russia. Which could slide-you know, we're on the verge of nuclear war right now.


The most likely nuclear threat right now is with Russia. There's no doubt about that. When you have Mikhail Gorbachev, who was the prime minister of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, saying that the threat of nuclear war is hotter now than it has ever been in all of history, you've got to take that pretty seriously. And when you have Hillary Clinton then beating the war drums against Russia, and essentially saying that if she's elected that we will declare war on Russia-because that's what a no-fly zone over Syria amounts to. Shooting down Russian warplanes.


Hillary Clinton is a disastrous nuclear threat right now in a context where we're already off-the-charts in the risk of nuclear war. She has stated in this context that she's essentially opening up a battlefront with Russia. So to my mind, this emerges as the clearest and most present danger.

Prominent liberal economist Jeffrey Sachs writes in the Huffington Post, in an essay bannered " Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine ":

It is often believed that the Republicans are the neocons and the Democrats act as restraints on the warmongering. This is not correct. Both parties are divided between neocon hawks and cautious realists who don't want the US in unending war. Hillary is a staunch neocon whose record of favoring American war adventures explains much of our current security danger.

Just as the last Clinton presidency set the stage for financial collapse, it also set the stage for unending war. On October 31, 1998 President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act that made it official US policy to support "regime change" in Iraq.

It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.

Thus were laid the foundations for the Iraq War in 2003.

Of course, by 2003, Hillary was a Senator and a staunch supporter of the Iraq War, which has cost the US trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and done more to create ISIS and Middle East instability than any other single decision of modern foreign policy. In defending her vote, Hillary parroted the phony propaganda of the CIA:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members… "

After the Iraq Liberation Act came the 1999 Kosovo War, in which Bill Clinton called in NATO to bomb Belgrade, in the heart of Europe, and unleashing another decade of unrest in the Balkans. Hillary, traveling in Africa, called Bill: "I urged him to bomb," she told reporter Lucinda Frank.

Hillary's record as Secretary of State is among the most militaristic, and disastrous, of modern US history . Some experience. Hilary was a staunch defender of the military-industrial-intelligence complex at every turn, helping to spread the Iraq mayhem over a swath of violence that now stretches from Mali to Afghanistan. Two disasters loom largest: Libya and Syria.

Hillary has been much attacked for the deaths of US diplomats in Benghazi, but her tireless promotion of the overthrow Muammar Qaddafi by NATO bombing is the far graver disaster. Hillary strongly promoted NATO-led regime change in Libya, not only in violation of international law but counter to the most basic good judgment. After the NATO bombing, Libya descended into civil war while the paramilitaries and unsecured arms stashes in Libya quickly spread west across the African Sahel and east to Syria. The Libyan disaster has spawned war in Mali, fed weapons to Boko Haram in Nigeria, and fueled ISIS in Syria and Iraq. In the meantime, Hillary found it hilarious to declare of Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died."

Perhaps the crowning disaster of this long list of disasters has been Hillary's relentless promotion of CIA-led regime change in Syria . Once again Hillary bought into the CIA propaganda that regime change to remove Bashir al-Assad would be quick, costless, and surely successful. In August 2011, Hillary led the US into disaster with her declaration Assad must "get out of the way," backed by secret CIA operations.

Five years later, no place on the planet is more ravaged by unending war, and no place poses a great threat to US security. More than 10 million Syrians are displaced, and the refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean or undermining the political stability of Greece, Turkey, and the European Union. Into the chaos created by the secret CIA-Saudi operations to overthrow Assad, ISIS has filled the vacuum, and has used Syria as the base for worldwide terrorist attacks.

The list of her incompetence and warmongering goes on. Hillary's support at every turn for NATO expansion, including even into Ukraine and Georgia against all common sense, was a trip wire that violated the post-Cold War settlement in Europe in 1991 and that led to Russia's violent counter-reactions in both Georgia and Ukraine. As Senator in 2008, Hilary co-sponsored 2008-SR439 , to include Ukraine and Georgia in NATO. As Secretary of State, she then presided over the restart of the Cold War with Russia.

It is hard to know the roots of this record of disaster. Is it chronically bad judgment? Is it her preternatural faith in the lying machine of the CIA? Is it a repeated attempt to show that as a Democrat she would be more hawkish than the Republicans? Is it to satisfy her hardline campaign financiers? Who knows? Maybe it's all of the above. But whatever the reasons, hers is a record of disaster. Perhaps more than any other person, Hillary can lay claim to having stoked the violence that stretches from West Africa to Central Asia and that threatens US security .

Jakob Augstein notes in Der Spiegel:

Trump would probably be the better choice in the question of war and peace than Clinton.

Clinton has expressly expressed the wish to establish a flight ban on Syria, or parts of it. *** In truth, it would be an act of war. The risks are unpredictable. Above all, the risk of a military conflict with Russia.


The highest soldier of the United States of America, General Joseph Dunford, President of the United States General Staff of the United States Forces, is certain. To control the entire airspace over Syria would mean war with Syria and Russia. Dunford's predecessor in office estimated a few years ago that an effective flight bomb over Syria would involve the use of 70,000 soldiers and a monthly cost of $ 1 billion.

But the bottom line is Clinton's proven historical track record … she's at least partly responsible for war after catastrophic war and coup after disastrous coup in Libya, Syria, Kosovo, Haiti, Honduras and other countries around the world.

And it's interesting, indeed, that the Neocons who got us into the Iraq war have endorsed Clinton instead of Trump .

Trump might speak in a crude, knee-jerk manner … but Clinton is probably more likely to actually get us into war .

[Oct 28, 2016] Team Clinton Headspace Emails Published by WikiLeaks Are About Her Mood

Notable quotes:
"... Hillary has suggested on several occasions publicly that Trump cannot be trusted with the 'Nuclear Codes' because he is erratic and unstable. Now that most people agree that no matter where they came from the Wikileaks is telling the truth we can see how Hillary's own people are scared of her 'mood swings' and her health problems.... ..."
"... She is the one who should not have access to the Nuclear Codes much less be running for President ..."
"... Hillary's own campaign team is waging a war on women. ..."
"... The American media, nothing but despicable State Sycophant Propaganda Ministry runt traitors! ..."
"... Whether Russia is behind it or not is irrelevant. Its not like the USA is an innocent player in hacking other countries. What's of importance is the contents of the emails. Whoever hacked them - if any at all (they were most likely provided by disgruntled DNC insiders) did not alter them (as proven by security checks). HRC, the DNC and her campaign team are deeply corrupt, hence she is unqualified to lead the USA. ..."
"... So here's the REAL story.​ ​Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. ..."
"... It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video. ..."
"... Obama and Hillary committed treason...and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further...the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor. ..."
Oct 28, 2016 |
Hillary has suggested on several occasions publicly that Trump cannot be trusted with the 'Nuclear Codes' because he is erratic and unstable. Now that most people agree that no matter where they came from the Wikileaks is telling the truth we can see how Hillary's own people are scared of her 'mood swings' and her health problems....

She is the one who should not have access to the Nuclear Codes much less be running for President because she also is a Criminal and belongs in Federal Prison.

RobL_v2 2 hours ago Her mood??

This is coded speech microaggression. They are discriminating against her because she is a woman, implying she is 'moody' you know 'hysterical'... hysterectomy... its sexist, its misogynist its harassment, its abuse, its hate speech.

Come on Liberal media, where are you ... call it out... this is your bread and butter... Hillary's own campaign team is waging a war on women.

They did it to Sarah Palin and Barbara Bachman... You know they'd do it if Trump said Hillary was 'moody'.

The American media, nothing but despicable State Sycophant Propaganda Ministry runt traitors!

Lion 3 WhiteSplainItToYou 42 minutes ago

Whether Russia is behind it or not is irrelevant. Its not like the USA is an innocent player in hacking other countries. What's of importance is the contents of the emails. Whoever hacked them - if any at all (they were most likely provided by disgruntled DNC insiders) did not alter them (as proven by security checks). HRC, the DNC and her campaign team are deeply corrupt, hence she is unqualified to lead the USA.

DoruSlinger✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ an hour ago

Wikileaks needs to get this out (I have not verified the info sent to me last night):

So here's the REAL story.​ ​Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video.

Obama and Hillary committed treason...and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further...the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised...and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at the Hearing whom is running for POTUS. Only the Dems, with their hands out, palms up, will support her. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in…because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers.

Suelark DoruSlinger✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ 42 minutes ago

Please repost this here and elsewhere. If true it would make sense of much of what has happened.

Regular Guy an hour ago
Tim Kaine: "I don't think we can dignify documents dumped by WikiLeaks and just assume that they're all accurate and true,"

They were confirmed true when John Podesta's Twitter password was distributed in one of the WikiLeaks email releases and his Twitter account was hijacked the same day by a troll saying, "Trump 2016! Hi pol". Checkmate b!tch. see more DNC Russian Hacker Pepe Regular Guy 12 minutes ago The way they parse words, the Kaine statement still doesn't state the documents are not accurate. He makes an editorial statement to mislead the listener into thinking there is some reason to question the facts.

DeplorableCarlo an hour ago
Sounds pretty much like poor temperament to me when you have mood problems. Can we please put national security on hold for now, we have to check her mood ring. It is imperative for the best outcome that we check her head space. WOW! That's a real dumb explanation. Maybe if we use the word mood instead of temperament that will be better than telling people she has health problems in her head.

[Oct 28, 2016] An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a do-or-die mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

Notable quotes:
"... So here's the REAL story.​ ​Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. ..."
"... It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video. ..."
"... Obama and Hillary committed treason...and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further...the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor. ..."
Oct 28, 2016 |

DoruSlinger✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ an hour ago

Wikileaks needs to get this out (I have not verified the info sent to me last night):

So here's the REAL story.​ ​Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video.

Obama and Hillary committed treason...and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further...the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised...and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at the Hearing whom is running for POTUS. Only the Dems, with their hands out, palms up, will support her. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in…because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers.

[Oct 28, 2016] Clinton camp blindsided by email story

Notable quotes:
"... The discussion, which was released by WikiLeaks from a batch of messages apparently stolen from Podesta's account, sheds additional light on the campaign's lack of preparation for questions about Clinton's bespoke setup. The private email arrangement has become a cloud over the Democratic presidential nominee and spurred a yearlong FBI investigation. ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |
Hillary Clinton presidential campaign-in-waiting appeared unprepared for a New York Times story last year that exposed her exclusive use of private email account and server for government business, according to a newly released email.

The day the Times story was published, John Podesta, who would later be named campaign chairman, asked future campaign manager Robby Mook if he had seen it coming .

"Did you have any idea of the depth of this story?" Podesta asked Mook in an email late on the evening of March 2, 2015, roughly a month before Clinton launched her bid for the White House.

"Nope," Mook responded after 1 a.m. that night. "We brought up the existence of emails in research (sic) this summer, but were told that everything was taken care of."

The discussion, which was released by WikiLeaks from a batch of messages apparently stolen from Podesta's account, sheds additional light on the campaign's lack of preparation for questions about Clinton's bespoke setup. The private email arrangement has become a cloud over the Democratic presidential nominee and spurred a yearlong FBI investigation.

The email released on Thursday is one of several published by WikiLeaks detailing the Clinton campaign's scurrying response to revelations about her email server.

Days later, President Obama would say that he was unaware of Clinton's email setup until it became public knowledge.

However, Clinton's aides knew that he and the former secretary of State had exchanged emails, and they worried that contradicted Obama's public statement.

"[W]e need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say," Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former State Department chief of staff, told other aides on March 7.

The White House later said Obama was aware of Clinton's email address but did not know the full scope of her unusual setup. Notes from the FBI investigation into Clinton's arrangement revealed that Obama used a pseudonym for emailing with Clinton and others.

[Oct 28, 2016] Tom Haydens Haunting by Jim Kavanagh

Oct 28, 2016 |
As an old SDS-er, I found it hard to see Tom Hayden go. However meandering his path, he was at the heart of radical history in the 60s, an erstwhile companion, if not always a comrade, on the route of every boomer lefty.

One of his finer moments for me, which I've never seen mentioned (including among this week's encomia) since he wrote it, was his 2006 article , published on CounterPunch with an introduction by Alexander Cockburn, in which he apologized for a "descent into moral ambiguity and realpolitick that still haunts me today." It would be respectful of Hayden's admirers and critics, on the occasion of his passing, to remember which of his actions "haunted" him the most.

The title of the article says it clearly: "I Was Israel's Dupe." In the essay, Hayden apologizes for his support of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which was for him that "descent into moral ambiguity" More importantly, he explains why he did it, in a detailed narrative that everyone should read.

Hayden sold out, as he tells it, because, in order to run as a Democratic candidate for the California State Assembly, he had get the approval of the influential Democratic congressman Howard Berman. Berman is a guy who, when he became Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was proud to tell the Forward that he took the job because of his "interest in the Jewish state" and that: "Even before I was a Democrat, I was a Zionist."

Hayden had to meet with Howard's brother Michael, who, acting as "the gatekeeper protecting Los Angeles' Westside for Israel's political interests," told Hayden: "I represent the Israeli Defense Forces"-a sentence that could serve as the motto of most American congress critters today. The "Berman-Waxman machine," Hayden was told, would deign to "rent" him the Assembly seat on the "one condition: that I always be a 'good friend of Israel.'"

But American congressmen were not the only "gatekeepers" through whose hands Hayden had to pass before being allowed to run for Congress. Other "certifiers" included "the elites, beginning with rabbis and heads of the multiple mainstream Jewish organizations, the American-Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), [and].. Israeli ambassadors, counsels general and other officials."

In fact, Hayden had to, in his words, be "declared 'kosher' by the ultimate source, the region's representative of the state of Israel," Benjamin Navon, Israel's Counsul-general in Los Angeles.

In other words, in this article Hayden was describing, in an unusually concrete way, how the state of Israel, through its state officials and their compliant American partners, was effectively managing-exercising veto power over Democratic Party candidates, at the very least-American elections down to the level of State Assembly . In any constituency "attuned to the question of Israel, even in local and state elections," Hayden knew he "had to be certified 'kosher,' not once but over and over again."

This experience prompted Hayden to express a "fear that the 'Israeli lobby' is working overtime to influence American public opinion on behalf of Israel's military effort to 'roll back the clock' and 'change the map' of the region." Hayden warned of the "trepidation and confusion among rank-and-file voters and activists, and the paralysis of politicians, especially Democrats," over support of Israel. He vowed to "not make the same mistake again," and said: "Most important, Americans must not be timid in speaking up, as I was 25 years ago."

Whatever else he did-and he was never particularly radical about Palestine-this article was a genuinely honest and unusual intervention, and it deserves a lot more notice-as a moment in Tom Hayden's history and that of the American left-than it has got. Looking back and regretfully acknowledging that one had been duped and morally compromised by what seemed the least troublesome path 25 years earlier, saying "I woulda, shoulda, coulda done the right thing," is a haunting moment for anyone. Doing it in a way that exposes in detail how a foreign country constantly manipulates American elections over decades is worthy of everyone's notice.

I doubt Hillary and her Democratic supporters will have anything to say about this "interference "in American elections, even local and state. But I do hope many of those who are touched by the loss of Tom Hayden heed these words from him, and don't wait another 25 years to overcome their "fear and confusion" about saying and doing the right thing regarding the crimes of Israel, troublesome as that might be.

[Oct 28, 2016] Breaking: Clinton Journalists Already Spinning Latest FBI Revelation by Michael Sainato

Notable quotes:
"... The announcement comes at a pivotal time in Clinton's presidential campaign, as recent polls have suggested she is strongly favored to win the presidential election. But with this recent development-coupled with embarrassing revelations recently released by WikiLeaks implicating the Clinton Foundation and exposing Clinton's policies as little more than political expediency --- a victory that seemed almost inevitable is now in jeopardy. ..."
"... What's more likely is that James Comey chose to announce the new evidence under the review in the investigation shortly after it was discovered, rather than wait to announce its review after the election, as that would politicize the investigation. If Democrats didn't want an FBI investigation impacting their presidential candidate, then they shouldn't have propped up a candidate who was under a FBI criminal investigation. ..."
Oct 28, 2016 |

The FBI announced on October 28 that they are reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation," wrote FBI Director James Comey in a statement .

The announcement comes at a pivotal time in Clinton's presidential campaign, as recent polls have suggested she is strongly favored to win the presidential election. But with this recent development-coupled with embarrassing revelations recently released by WikiLeaks implicating the Clinton Foundation and exposing Clinton's policies as little more than political expediency --- a victory that seemed almost inevitable is now in jeopardy.

WikiLeaks emails from Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta confirmed criticisms of Clinton's private email server. In the leaked emails , her staff is shown coordinating with the State Department, the White House , the Department of Justice, and mainstream media to cover up the scandal and distort it as a partisan issue to protect Clinton's presidential candidacy. Reports from the State Department Inspector General , FBI Director Comey, and two reports on the FBI's investigation have effectively disproven every defense of Clinton's private email server that has been utilized by Clinton partisans since it's use was first revealed in early 2015.

And pro-Clinton journalists are already trying to spin the FBI's latest announcement.

Newsweek 's Kurt Eichenwald falsely claimed the FBI wasn't re-opening their investigation but that FBI Director Comey had to amend his previous testimony. But Comey never testified the FBI reviewed all the evidence-rather, he testified there is a list of evidence we saw in the investigation. If Eichenwald is correct about Comey needing to amend his testimony, it is because the FBI found new evidence that suggests Clinton is guilty. Eichenwald, notorious for touting disproven assumptions and theories-as with a Russian conspiracy theory he still pushes, which The Washington Post , BuzzFeed and other news outlets have debunked-is incorrect. The FBI investigation is being reopened because new emails were discovered, and the FBI is going to review them.

Ian Millhiser of Think Progress , founded by Podesta, called Comey "extremely careless" for reopening the investigation before the election, and claimed the FBI director was meddling in the election by doing so because he is a Republican. This is the same argument Clinton partisans refuted when critics argued politics played a role in Comey's initial decision not to recommend an indictment.

MSNBC's Joy Reid made the same claim that Comey was meddling in the election.

What's more likely is that James Comey chose to announce the new evidence under the review in the investigation shortly after it was discovered, rather than wait to announce its review after the election, as that would politicize the investigation. If Democrats didn't want an FBI investigation impacting their presidential candidate, then they shouldn't have propped up a candidate who was under a FBI criminal investigation.

[Oct 28, 2016] Carlos Danger Reopens EmailGate and Team Clinton Trembles

Notable quotes:
"... The New York Times is reporting that the emails came from the FBI's investigation into the sexting habits of former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner , who was married to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's all-purpose factotum. The idea that another hack by persons unknown has truly opened Pandora's Box for Clinton, Inc. less than two weeks before the election, seems too delicious for some Republicans to contemplate. ..."
"... It could be the long-awaited "smoking gun" that establishes serious criminality by Clinton, Inc.-or it could be more emails of Hillary discussing yoga and how to figure out the DVR. ..."
"... That said, Democrats who are wordsmithing this development and prematurely declaring that it's no big deal-or worse, some nefarious Trumpian plot-need to step back and let the FBI do its job. It seems unlikely that the Bureau will wrap this up before November 8, and since Comey has informed Congress what's going on, the FBI director won't be telling the public much either. ..."
"... Just over a year ago I predicted that EmailGate was far from over, and it remains very much alive today, despite the best efforts of Hillary Clinton, her staff, and her ardent defenders in the media. Nobody should expect that the Democratic nominee will be charged with any crimes in EmailGate: the naked interference of President Obama's Justice Department in this case demonstrates that reality. ..."
"... However, this scandal remains very much alive as a political matter, and less than two weeks before the election, politics is what matters now. Hillary has never come up with very good answers about why she strictly avoided the use of State Department email when she was the boss at Foggy Bottom, much less why her "unclassified" emails contained so much highly classified information -and she seems unlikely to, all of a sudden. ..."
"... Throughout this scandal, Friday news-dumps have been a regular feature, per well-honed Beltway bureaucratic practice. This one may be the biggest of all. ..."
Oct 28, 2016 |
Newly incriminating Clinton emails may have been found during the FBI's investigation into the sexting habits of former NY Congressman Anthony Weiner

FBI Is Re-Opening Clinton E-Mail Investigation Oct. 28 -- The inquiry into Hillary Clinton's use of private e-mail as secretary of state is being re-opened by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congressional committee chairman alerting them of his decision. Bloomberg's Margaret Talev reports on "Bloomberg Markets."

Just 11 days before our presidential election, the explosive issue of EmailGate is back in the news, thanks to James Comey, the FBI director who less than four months ago gave Hillary Clinton a pass on her illegal use of email and a personal server when the Democratic nominee was secretary of state.

After weeks of damaging revelations care of Wikileaks about just how much the Clinton camp knew about EmailGate for years, and tried to downplay its significance in the media, Comey today sent a letter to the chairmen of the relevant Congressional committees-including, significantly, the House and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees -- that blows EmailGate wide open all over again. He says:

"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton's personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony.

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony."

Having taken Comey to task for his serious mishandling of the FBI's year-long EmailGate investigation-particularly how his account of what the Bureau discovered made Hillary's guilt clear, but he still declined to ask the Department of Justice to seek prosecution-he deserves some credit for due diligence here. It requires some political fortitude to do this practically on an election's eve.

Clearly the FBI has uncovered new emails-the mention of "connection with an unrelated case" is intriguingly vague-that may (or may not) have relevance to the investigation. We don't yet know what that information might be, or how it was obtained, but rumors are swirling as usual. Some are pointing a finger at a leaker inside the U.S. Government; other rumors point to a foreign origin of these newly discovered emails. The New York Times is reporting that the emails came from the FBI's investigation into the sexting habits of former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner , who was married to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's all-purpose factotum. The idea that another hack by persons unknown has truly opened Pandora's Box for Clinton, Inc. less than two weeks before the election, seems too delicious for some Republicans to contemplate.

In truth, the FBI isn't reopening the EmailGate investigation because it was never actually closed. Director Comey here is merely doing what he's legally required to: inform the relevant Congressional committees that new information which may have relevance has been discovered, and the FBI is now assessing its value to the on-going investigation.

Republicans shouldn't get too excited just yet, since Comey hasn't told us anything about the provenance of these emails. It could be the long-awaited "smoking gun" that establishes serious criminality by Clinton, Inc.-or it could be more emails of Hillary discussing yoga and how to figure out the DVR.

That said, Democrats who are wordsmithing this development and prematurely declaring that it's no big deal-or worse, some nefarious Trumpian plot-need to step back and let the FBI do its job. It seems unlikely that the Bureau will wrap this up before November 8, and since Comey has informed Congress what's going on, the FBI director won't be telling the public much either.

Just over a year ago I predicted that EmailGate was far from over, and it remains very much alive today, despite the best efforts of Hillary Clinton, her staff, and her ardent defenders in the media. Nobody should expect that the Democratic nominee will be charged with any crimes in EmailGate: the naked interference of President Obama's Justice Department in this case demonstrates that reality.

However, this scandal remains very much alive as a political matter, and less than two weeks before the election, politics is what matters now. Hillary has never come up with very good answers about why she strictly avoided the use of State Department email when she was the boss at Foggy Bottom, much less why her "unclassified" emails contained so much highly classified information -and she seems unlikely to, all of a sudden.

For Team Clinton, EmailGate remains a nightmare that they would really prefer not to talk about. But here we are, talking about it all over again, thanks to Director Comey. Throughout this scandal, Friday news-dumps have been a regular feature, per well-honed Beltway bureaucratic practice. This one may be the biggest of all.

[Oct 28, 2016] New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Devices Once Used by Anthony Wiener

Oct 28, 2016 |
Fred C. Dobbs : , October 28, 2016 at 02:05 PM
(Is this anything?)

Carlos Danger Reopens EmailGate and Team Clinton Trembles
Observer - John R. Schindler • 10/28/16

Just 11 days before our presidential election, the explosive issue of EmailGate is back in the news, thanks to James Comey, the FBI director who less than four months ago gave Hillary Clinton a pass on her illegal use of email and a personal server when the Democratic nominee was secretary of state.

After weeks of damaging revelations care of Wikileaks about just how much the Clinton camp knew about EmailGate for years, and tried to downplay its significance in the media, Comey today sent a letter to the chairmen of the relevant Congressional committees-including, significantly, the House and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees-that blows EmailGate wide open all over again. He says:

"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton's personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony.

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony." ...

Fred C. Dobbs -> Fred C. Dobbs... , -1
New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Devices Once Used by Anthony Weiner
NYT - Oct 28
Fred C. Dobbs : , October 28, 2016 at 02:05 PM
(Is this anything?)

Carlos Danger Reopens EmailGate and Team Clinton Trembles
Observer - John R. Schindler • 10/28/16

Just 11 days before our presidential election, the explosive issue of EmailGate is back in the news, thanks to James Comey, the FBI director who less than four months ago gave Hillary Clinton a pass on her illegal use of email and a personal server when the Democratic nominee was secretary of state.

After weeks of damaging revelations care of Wikileaks about just how much the Clinton camp knew about EmailGate for years, and tried to downplay its significance in the media, Comey today sent a letter to the chairmen of the relevant Congressional committees-including, significantly, the House and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees-that blows EmailGate wide open all over again. He says:

"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton's personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony.

In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony." ...

Fred C. Dobbs -> Fred C. Dobbs... , -1
New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Devices Once
Used by Anthony Weiner
NYT - Oct 28
ilsm : , -1
Suddenly, the FBI finding 'stuff'.

Too many 'agency' whistleblowers have been talking to congress persons!

Will the country be better off with a 'Nixon' gone in a few months or Trump with no public trial of the crooked [yes, redundant word use] DNC 'establishment'?

[Oct 28, 2016] Trump Hopes Justice Will Finally Be Done As FBI Reopens Probe Into Hillary Clinton Emails

Looks like Obama decided to throw Hillary under the bus or was force to do so...
Oct 28, 2016 |

Zero Hedge Update:

As CNBC adds , Donald Trump seized on the news Friday that the FBI is probing new emails related to Hillary Clinton's private server, contending that she threatens United States security and cannot be trusted in the White House. "I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and Department of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made," Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire. "This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood and is about to be corrected."

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation," Comey wrote.

As FBI reopens inquiry into @HillaryClinton emails, @realDonaldTrump says it's a scandal worse than Watergate

- BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) October 28, 2016

"Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony," he concluded.

Trump claimed that "Clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before."


More details from CNN which writes that after recommending this year that the Department of Justice not press charges against the Secretary of State, Comey said in the letter to eight congressional committee chairman that "recent developments" urged him to take another look.

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation," Comey wrote the chairmen. "I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."

Comey said that he was not sure how long the additional review would take and said the FBI "cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant."

Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. It's also unclear whether the emails in question are from Clinton herself.

Clinton's campaign learned of the news while they were aboard a flight to Iowa. "We're learning about this just like you all are," a Clinton aide told CNN.

The surprising news jolts a presidential race that had largely settled as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump struggled in national and key battleground polls. Now, Clinton will be placed back on the defensive and forced to confront yet again questions about her trustworthiness.

* * *

As we detailed earlier, in a stunning development moments ago Jason Chaffetz tweeted that the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton emails has been reopened: saying that "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation."

FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened

- Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) October 28, 2016

After being briefed by his investigative team, Comey "agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to asses their importance to our investigation." Comey said he could not predict how long it would take the bureau to assess whether the new emails are "significant."

Moments later, NBC News reported that the agency was reopening the investigation and shared a letter from FBI director James Comey informing key lawmakers of the investigation.. .

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation," Comey wrote.

"I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information," Comey wrote

The full letter to members of Congress, in which FBI director James Comey said the agency had "learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation" in connection with an unrelated case, is shown below.

BIG: The FBI is reopening its investigation into @HillaryClinton 's email server. Here's the letter from the FBI to Congress:

- Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) October 28, 2016

JLee2027 Oct 28, 2016 1:08 PM ,


Trying to save himself from a jail cell after Trump wins.

Stainless Steel Rat JLee2027 Oct 28, 2016 1:09 PM ,
Don't fuck with me Chaffy... is this for real?!?!?! :-D
greenskeeper carl Stainless Steel Rat Oct 28, 2016 1:12 PM ,
No, it's not for real. How much more evidence can you possibly need? She is guilty of at least 5 violations of federal law by any objective measure and they let her walk. Anyone thinking this will go any different hasn't been paying attention. Banana republic, two sets of laws.
evoila greenskeeper carl Oct 28, 2016 1:12 PM ,
perhaps 33K emails found their way into his inbox with a note saying do the right thing.
WillyGroper evoila Oct 28, 2016 1:20 PM ,
only if accompanied by this from the NSA:

that would explain a 180.

only to save their worthless evil hide.

[Oct 28, 2016] Hillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference Demands Full And Complete Facts From FBI Zero Hedge

Oct 28, 2016 |
Blink and you missed it: in a brief, 3 minute 47 second address to the press, a defiant Hillary slammed the FBI, said that she hopes that whatever information the Bureau has will be shared with the American people and added that she is confident that no charges will be brought against her by the FBI, while taking the opportunity to ask people to go out and vote for her.

She took three questions which some have mockingly said were drafted and/or preapproved by Clinton campaign direction of communications Jennifer Palmier.

"We are 11 days out from perhaps the most important national election of our lifetimes," Clinton said during the brief press conference in Des Moines, Iowa. "Voting is already underway in our country, so the American people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately."

Hillary revealed that the FBI had not contacted her before or since Comey sent a letter to lawmakers Friday afternoon.

"So we don't know the facts, which is why we are calling on the FBI to release all the information that it has," she said. "Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant, so let's get it out."

Comey's letter said that the FBI was reviewing pertinent emails that it found in an unrelated investigation, but did not reveal much more than that. Republicans and the GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump quickly pounced on the news.

Clinton was asked about a New York Times report that said the FBI had found the new emails in its separate investigation into Anthony Weiner's sexting scandal.

"We've heard these rumors," she said "We don't know what to believe. And I'm sure there will be even more rumors. That's why it's incumbent on the FBI to tell us what they're talking about, Jeff. Your guess is as good as mine and I don't think that's not good enough."

Watch the brief recording below:

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton addresses FBI director's revelation of new review related to private email server case.

- NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) October 28, 2016

Hillary's statement was similar to what Tim Kaine said earlier: it's "very, very troubling" that the FBI is releasing information about a new probe into emails that may relate to Hillary Clinton just 11 days before the election. The Democratic vice presidential nominee is commenting on the development in an interview with Vice News. Kaine says the FBI director needs to provide more details on the situation. He suggests it's troubling that members of the press are finding out information before campaign officials. Kaine's comments in turn echo the a statement made by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and thus by Hillary.

* * *

Finally, President Obama is staying silent - for now - on the FBI director's announcement of an investigation into new emails related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. Obama is in Orlando, Florida, where according to AP he is encouraging voters - young voters in particular - to take advantage of their opportunity to cast their ballots before Election Day on Nov. 8.

[Oct 28, 2016] New Clinton Emails Emerged As Part Of Probe Into Anthony Weiner's Electronic Devices NYT

Oct 28, 2016 |

by Tyler Durden Oct 28, 2016 3:22 PM 0 SHARES In the latest stunning revelation in today's saga involving the FBI's second probe, moments ago the NYT reported that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina . The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case - one federal official said they numbered in the thousands - potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.

Until recently Anthony Weiner was married to Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin, who separated from Weiner recently after news emerged that Weiner had engaged in an online affair with an underage girl .

The F.B.I. told Congress that it had uncovered new emails related to the closed investigation into whether Mrs. Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified information, potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.

One clue as to what the FBI may have uncovered comes courtesy of FOIAed Judicial Watch email disclosures, revealed one month ago, according to which Hillary Clinton's chief of staff at the State Department, Cheryl Mills, had received classified national security information through one of two or three personal, unsecured email accounts she regularly used to communicate with Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Approximately 10 percent of Abedin's emails released through Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act requests were addressed to one of Mills' various personal email addresses. As WND reported at the time , several were found to contain such highly sensitive material that the State Department redacted 100 percent of the content pages, marking many pages with a bold stamp reading "PAGE DENIED ."

Of the more than 160 emails in the latest Judicial Watch release, some 110 emails – two-thirds of the total – were forwarded by Abedin to two personal addresses she controlled . The Washington Times reported in August 2015 that the State Department had admitted to a federal judge that Abedin and Mills used personal email accounts to conduct government business in addition to Clinton's private to transact State Department business.

In a curious twist, one heavily redacted email, dated May 15, 2009, was sent by the infamous Doug Band (who until today was the primary source of headaches for Hillary Clinton due to his role as head of the Clinton Foundation-linked Teneo consulting firm whose recently leaked confidential memo exposed the fund flows involving Bill Clinton), to Mills at a personal address and to Huma Abedin at her State Department address.

Band was forwarding to Mills and Abedin an email request from an associate who was seeking a State Department position in Charleston, South Carolina. Attached was a letter that the office-seeker had first sent to Bill Clinton containing the office-seeker's resume . In the email Band was making a State Department job request on behalf of a Clinton Foundation and/or Teneo-related person.

The email from Band was completely redacted, except for a salutation and first sentence. The letter the office-seeker had sent to President Clinton, as well as the office-seeker's résumé, was redacted except for a phrase that reads, "Well organized, driven professional."

A second email dated May 15, 2009, was sent by Abedin from her State Department email to her personal email, presumably [email protected] . Abedin apparently was archiving in her personal email account an email Hillary Clinton sent her from Clinton's private email server at [email protected] . Abedin was asked to print out attachments to an email Mills sent via a private address the previous day to Clinton involving "timetables and deliverables" for her review via Alec Ross, a technology policy expert who then held the title of senior adviser for innovation to Secretary Clinton.

The two pages of timetables and deliverables attached to the email were 100 percent redacted, with "PAGE DENIED" stamped across the first redacted page.

* * *

Ironically, it appears that Donald Trump was spot on once again, first with a recent statement on the Huma-Abedin split :


"Huma is making a very wise decision. I know Anthony Weiner well, and she will be far better off without h im. I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information. Who knows what he learned and who he told? It's just another example of Hillary Clinton's bad judgment. It is possible that our country and its security have been greatly compromised by this. " - Donald J. Trump

and then, previously with this August 3, 2015 tweet:

It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary's private illegal emails. Huma's PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 3, 2015

Well, maybe not tell the world, but certainly drag Hillary into another scandal just as she appeared certain to win the election with less than 2 weeks until D-Day.

[Oct 27, 2016] Washington Post Press Telling Trump Supporters Your Candidate Is Virtually Certain to Lose - Breitbart

Notable quotes:
"... These are accurate, statistically sound statements. But they are something else, too. Declarations that Trump is highly unlikely to win also serve as counters to the Republican nominee's warning that the "rigged" election could be " stolen from us ." ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |
Callum Borchers, author at the Washington Post blog The Fix, admits that the press is declaring victory for Hillary Clinton - to discredit claims that the election is rigged.

From the Washington Post :

Since the final presidential debate last week, many news outlets have been delivering an unvarnished message to Donald Trump supporters: Your candidate is virtually certain to lose the election Nov. 8.

" Clinton probably finished off Trump last night ," FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver wrote the day after the debate. " Hillary Clinton is almost certain to be president ," Guardian columnist and former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson added.

A day later, the Times's Upshot blog increased Clinton's chances of winning to 93 percent , an all-time high. On Monday, Politico's Ben Schreckinger wrote that " Donald Trump's path to an election night win is almost entirely closed ." Here at The Fix, Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake wrote that " Donald Trump's chances of winning are approaching zero ."

These are accurate, statistically sound statements. But they are something else, too. Declarations that Trump is highly unlikely to win also serve as counters to the Republican nominee's warning that the "rigged" election could be " stolen from us ."

Read the rest of the article here .

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential Race , Big Journalism , Hillary Clinton , Callum Borchers , Donald Trump , Washington Post

[Oct 27, 2016] Twelve days before the election: Overview of political situation

Notable quotes:
"... "As secretary of state, Clinton was an early supporter of arming and training members of the Syrian opposition to fight Assad, a plan that faced resistance out of concern that it would be difficult to appropriately vet fighters and ensure that weapons didn't fall into the hands of extremists. Today, the program is off to a slow start, with only 54 graduates from the first class, several of whom scattered after coming under attack by an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria. As commander-in-chief, Clinton would dramatically escalate the program, she said. " Who was in charge of the training program? Ira Magaziner? ..."
"... Trump leads Clinton by 2 in Florida" [ Politico ]. Of course, it's madness to track individual polls, but since the miasma of Clinton trumphalism has grown so thick, people may need a breath of fresh air. ..."
"... "Hillary's 33,000 emails might not be 'missing' after all" Like a MacGuffin in a Hitchcock movie? [ New York Post ]. Important! ..."
"... "Richard Nixon could only wish he got Hillary's FBI treatment" [ New York Post ]. True! Sadly, I have to quote the New York Post twice in a row. It is what it is. We are where we are. ..."
"... Lordie. There are entire cultures where women are not at all liked….start with India. ..."
"... I could suggest American Black culture is similarly biased in general. The American Black antipathy to 'Gays' is a known ..."
"... Turning the argument on it's head, I would argue that so called 'feminine' characteristics on the part of Trump are a positive for his character. The less confrontational and more cooperative aspects of Trump's personality being dominant are good signs for a position where the gentle arts of politics are needed. ..."
"... Finally, well now, Trump is a complicated mess. So what. It's what he will do, and more importantly, what he will not do, when in office that are of interest. He can be as 'gay' as he wants. If he keeps us out of war with Russia, I'll back him as much as I can. Then he can compete in the Miss America pageant in drag for all I care. ..."
"... Personally, I think a corrupt woman warmonger claiming to speak for all women is an insult to all women, but maybe we both know different sets of women. ..."
"... Within one or two weeks after the fall of Libya, a central bank was established by the "rebels" there, whereby they immediately adopted the US dollar as their base currency. (Ghadaffi had been working with other African countries towards adopting an Afro-centric currency to trade in oil and commodities, and dropping the USD.) ..."
"... This is why all of the polls are BS. People do not want to be questioned incessantly nor bullied. But when it's just the voter and the ballot, watch what happens. ..."
"... I find the whole hysteria over Russian hacking very one-sided. If the US takes it upon itself, out of sincere concern, to help out "moderates" in overthrowing a repressive, evil government in Syria, Libya and Iraq, maybe the same thing happening to the US itself is not that weird? Here is a tyrannical government with little regard for its demotivated and demoralized citizens who can not on their own displace it. This government threatens nuclear war and kills an unjustified number of its own citizens. Its public infrastructure is in ruins and oligarchy is everywhere. In the past the US has set the example for dealing with such troubled states; its time the doctor took his own medicine. ..."
"... The "17 intelligence agencies" claim is complete Clinton bullshit. I'm kind of amazed that journalists are now stating this as fact. ..."
"... Love the headline for the Bay News article you linked to - "Hillary calls for unity." Old miss "basket of deplorables" - also known as Miss "hire bird dogs to incite violence at rallies and blame her opponent" - is getting all squishy to extol the virtues of unity. Seriously - does anyone still believe a word that comes out of her mouth? ..."
"... I believe her line she constantly repeats: "Celebrating diversity" is code for destroying the middle class! ..."
"... DNC Mantra: Unity in Diversity. ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |

Days until: 12. That's less than two weeks!


"But Trump's biggest local political donation [in Chicago] was the $50,000 he donated to Emanuel's first mayoral campaign" [ Chicago Reader (DG)]. "That donation came on December 23, 2010, a couple months before Rahm was elected. In 2011, Emanuel's administration approved the god-awful 20-foot-high "T-R-U-M-P" sign that the Donald felt compelled to plaster on his building overlooking the Chicago River. But Mayor Emanuel's not Trump's only Democratic pal in town. Trump also hired Alderman Burke's law firm to handle his tax appeals to Assessor Berrios's office. Burke then won Trump several million dollars worth of property tax breaks." There don't seem to be many degrees of separation between the elites. I suppose that's why they're elites…


"A hotelier's guide to the 2016 presidential election" [ Hotel News Now ]. "Many hotels in the U.S. rely on a flow of legal immigrants to fill a variety of positions. Hoteliers want that pipeline of potential employees to remain open, while avoiding additional red tape to verify their statuses."

"Battlegrounds: The Fight for Mosul and Election Day Disruptions" (podcast) [ Foreign Policy Editor's Roundtable ]. If you want to get a good reading on the insanity that is The Blob , this is the podcast for you. The speakers spend a good twenty minutes discussing the details of Syria and Iraq, concluding that historians will look back on it as "a forty year's war," without ever once giving a reason for us to be there . Soothing NPR voices, no anger, a lot of laughter. Smart people.

War Drums

"Hillary Clinton Promises A More Muscular Foreign Policy As President" [ HuffPo ]. "As secretary of state, Clinton was an early supporter of arming and training members of the Syrian opposition to fight Assad, a plan that faced resistance out of concern that it would be difficult to appropriately vet fighters and ensure that weapons didn't fall into the hands of extremists. Today, the program is off to a slow start, with only 54 graduates from the first class, several of whom scattered after coming under attack by an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria. As commander-in-chief, Clinton would dramatically escalate the program, she said. " Who was in charge of the training program? Ira Magaziner?

The Voters

"What Do Trump and Marx Have in Common?" [Jochen Bittner, New York Times ]. This is another piece along the lines of the article from the Manhattan Institute's City Journal that Yves linked to this morning, although it's not a piece of outright hackery. For example: "When Hillary Clinton calls half of Mr. Trump's voters a 'basket of deplorables,' she sounds as aloof as Marie Antoinette, telling French subjects who had no bread to 'eat cake.'" But both articles deploy the "angry populists of left and right" vs. the "sensible center" trope (remember that in the Beltway you should never display anger; it's a strong taboo). Bittner concludes: "Mrs. Clinton has the chance to change, by leading a political establishment that examines and processes anger instead of merely producing and dismissing it." Obama destroyed hope by not delivering change. And now Clinton is holding the bag for the anger that caused. From the Department of Schadenfreude…

UPDATE "Clinton's image has improved 9 percentage points since the summer in the 18-29 age group, while Trump's has remained the same" [ McClatchy ]. "But the survey also found that half of young voters are more 'fearful' about the future than 'hopeful.' This was true across all demographic groups, with the highest level of anxiety among whites. Under a third of white women thought they would better off financially than their parents. More than a third of white men agreed."

The Trail

UPDATE "Poll: Trump leads Clinton by 2 in Florida" [ Politico ]. Of course, it's madness to track individual polls, but since the miasma of Clinton trumphalism has grown so thick, people may need a breath of fresh air.

UPDATE "Hillary Clinton has a small lead in New Hampshire, according to the results of a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday, but Donald Trump has shrunk her advantage since the university's last survey of the battleground state" [ Politico ]. Same caveat, same rationale.

UPDATE "No, Texas' balky machines aren't switching Trump votes to Clinton" [ McClatchy ]. Electronic voting sucks and should be abolished in favor of hand-marked paper ballots counted in public, but they don't suck for that reason .

"But academic research has picked up something that thousands of hours of campaign punditry has missed completely: Donald Trump talks like a woman" [ Politico ]. "Donald Trump is a stunning outlier. His linguistic style is startlingly feminine, so much so that the chasm between Trump and the next most feminine speaker, Ben Carson, is about as great as the difference between Carson and the least feminine candidate, Jim Webb. And Trump earns his ranking not just because he talks a lot about himself or avoids big words (both of which are true); according to Jones, he also shows feminine patterns on the more subtle measures, such as his use of prepositions and articles. The key then is not what Trump talks about-making Mexico pay for the wall or bombing the hell out of ISIL-but rather how he says it." Readers?

Well, well:


"This party was dead before Lincoln got here" [ USA Today ]. "Pity the poor Republican Party, which has been on its deathbed since the age of 2. Never mind that Republicans currently control both houses of Congress, 30 state legislatures and 31 governors' mansions - this split between Establishment Republicans and Trump Republicans is a sure sign the party will be flatlining any day now. Aaaaaany day now …"

Democrat Email Hairball

"Hillary's 33,000 emails might not be 'missing' after all" Like a MacGuffin in a Hitchcock movie? [ New York Post ]. Important!

"Richard Nixon could only wish he got Hillary's FBI treatment" [ New York Post ]. True! Sadly, I have to quote the New York Post twice in a row. It is what it is. We are where we are.

And then there's this:

Hopefully, Our Neena can kiss that chief of staff position goodbye.

"New Research Blames Insiders, Not North Korea, for Sony Hack" [ Time ]. The obvious parallel being…

Police State Watch

"AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal" [ Daily Beast ]. "The telecom giant is doing NSA-style work for law enforcement-without a warrant-and earning millions of dollars a year from taxpayers." Not sure what's new here….

"The day when police zap suspects from the sky with drones carrying stun guns may be nearing" [ Wall Street Journal ].

Black Injustice Tipping Point

"The U.N. Caused Haiti's Cholera Epidemic. Now the Obama Administration Is Fighting the Victims" [ The New Republic ]. 2014, still relevant today.

Geographic Information Systems can be empowering:

Class Warfare

"Don't Diss the Dark Ages" [ Of Two Minds ]. " New modes of production and new social /political orders do not arise fully formed. They are pieced together by trial and error and numerous cycles of adaptation, innovation and failure." Salutary reminder!

"This issue brief explains how monopsony, or wage-setting power, in the labor market can reduce wages, employment, and overall welfare, and describes various sources of monopsony power. It then reviews evidence suggesting that firms may have wage-setting power in a broad range of settings and describes several trends in recent decades consistent with a growing role for monopsony power in wage determination. It concludes with a discussion of several policy actions taken by the Obama Administration to help promote labor-market competition and ensure a level playing field for all workers" [ Council of Economic Advisors ]. How I hate that dead "level playing field" metaphor. Generally, playing fields are level. It's the refs and the crooked guys with their hands in the till in the front office that I worry about.

"In late 2007, before the recession started, the prime-age employment-to-population ratio in the U.S. was about the same as in other Group of Seven developed nations (which also include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the U.K.). The U.S., however, experienced a much larger decline during the recession, and remains much farther from undoing the damage. As of June, the G-7 as a whole had recovered almost completely, while the U.S. was only 60 percent back from its lowest point" [ Bloomberg ]. "Prime-age" like "prime beef"…

About Lambert Strether

Lambert Strether has been blogging, managing online communities, and doing system administration 24/7 since 2003, in Drupal and WordPress. Besides political economy and the political scene, he blogs about rhetoric, software engineering, permaculture, history, literature, local politics, international travel, food, and fixing stuff around the house. The nom de plume "Lambert Strether" comes from Henry James's The Ambassadors: "Live all you can. It's a mistake not to." You can follow him on Twitter at @lambertstrether.

diptherio October 26, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Sign the #WeAreTwitter petition here (available in English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano & Portugués):

A community-owned Twitter would result in new revenue streams, since we users would have a chance to buy in as co-owners. We could re-open the platform's data to spur innovation. We could set more transparent, accountable rules for handling abuse. And we would no longer merely be fickle users; we'd be invested in your sustainability and success. The very meaning of success would change. Without the short-term pressure of the stock markets, we believe we can realize Twitter's full value-which the current business model has struggled to do for years now.

So, here's the situation. A group of us wants to set up a cooperative to gather fellow Twitter users in the hope that we'll be able to make a deal. A fair deal-one that rewards and includes the people who helped create the Twitter we love. We hope they'll work with us. And Twitter is only the start, a chance to flex our thinking and organizing around co-owning a major platform utility; our cooperative is cooking up plans for bringing shared ownership elsewhere on the internet, too.

We, the undersigned, call on Twitter to work with us to share the future of the company with those who love and rely on it most.

reslez October 26, 2016 at 4:57 pm

Twitter, Inc. has shown they can't be trusted with control of a major communication platform. Their management or other employees routinely censor trending hashtags to suit their own political preferences. I don't know if a community managed version would be any better, but at least it would be in different hands. Come to think about it, that sums up a lot of elections, too.

Synoia October 26, 2016 at 2:29 pm

____. n. The despondency that steals over you when you're committed to inventing an election drinking game but have just realized that no rules can possibly be adequate to the task.


Tom Stone October 26, 2016 at 2:32 pm

I'm sure the FBI will be all over this Email thingy just as soon as they hear about it!

Tom October 26, 2016 at 2:46 pm

Yes, Comey certainly covered himself in glory on that one, didn't he?

Lambert Strether October 27, 2016 at 2:12 am

Yep. Worth a couple of board directorships, for sure.

dcblogger October 26, 2016 at 2:36 pm

The Onion: Trump Holds Strategy Meeting With Campaign's Top Militia Leaders Ahead Of Election Day

more from The Onion: Trump Campaign Training Poll Watchers To Spot Any Suspicious Skin Colors On Election Day

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 26, 2016 at 3:21 pm

That onion is pungent.

pricklyone October 26, 2016 at 4:32 pm

Is orange one of the suspicious colors?

WheresOurTeddy October 26, 2016 at 6:17 pm

Who owns the Onion? Follow the money.

Mark Gisleson October 26, 2016 at 2:36 pm

Thought you might be interested in TechDirt's reporting on the Copyright Office:

There's an earlier article here:

No credit necessary (I'm a recovering blogger).

Yves Smith October 27, 2016 at 5:31 am

Lordie. There are entire cultures where women are not at all liked….start with India.

And I don't buy this analysis at all.

If you are a guy with a high sex drive, you are thinking about sex a ton. One study said men think about sex anywhere from twice a minute to twice a day. That means if you aren't getting laid frequently, you are basically thinking about how you aren't getting enough sex. And there is clearly more male appetite for sex than women willing to provide it, whether due to genetics or cultural programming. That's why "prostitute" mean a female prostitute; you need to state otherwise if male.

So if you are a guy not getting enough sex and you perceive women to be withholding sex from you (which is a big undercurrent of male/female relations, women trading sex for security and/or money), it isn't hard to imagine that the men are low or even high grade angry with women all the time . The only women who would be exempt would be the ones too old to be sex partners, except they may be guilty by association.

ambrit October 27, 2016 at 6:19 am

I could suggest American Black culture is similarly biased in general. The American Black antipathy to 'Gays' is a known, (at least the segment of said culture observable here Down South.) I might go so far as to posit this characteristic of the culture as having been inculcated by White Southern culture in the past as a means of 'managing' the black population. Such trends are generational in duration. Notice that Ben Carson was the next most 'effeminate' on the list.

Turning the argument on it's head, I would argue that so called 'feminine' characteristics on the part of Trump are a positive for his character. The less confrontational and more cooperative aspects of Trump's personality being dominant are good signs for a position where the gentle arts of politics are needed.

Finally, well now, Trump is a complicated mess. So what. It's what he will do, and more importantly, what he will not do, when in office that are of interest. He can be as 'gay' as he wants. If he keeps us out of war with Russia, I'll back him as much as I can. Then he can compete in the Miss America pageant in drag for all I care.

Lambert Strether October 27, 2016 at 2:21 am

Surely you know that's not true . Save the rah-rah pom-pom waving for your Facebook page.

Personally, I think a corrupt woman warmonger claiming to speak for all women is an insult to all women, but maybe we both know different sets of women.

Yves Smith October 26, 2016 at 11:28 pm

This is such garbage.

1. Women apologize all the time. Just listen. Does Trump ever apologize?

2. Most women phrase orders as questions. Trump loves giving orders, famously, "You're fired!" If you give orders like a guy as a woman, people get pissed with you.

3. Men interrupt women like crazy. Women are loath to interrupt and usually apologize when they do. Trump has no inhibitions about interrupting.

Yves Smith October 27, 2016 at 5:08 am

I suspect the "talking like a man" is about professional class markers. If you talk like a lawyer or an accountant, you are talking like a man, in what they depict as depersonalized and distant and "complex" ergo masculine. Trump pointedly talks in a borderline lower class manner.

And Trump is a salesman. The "personal" style is a selling technique.

Ché Pasa October 27, 2016 at 7:13 am

A "salesman"? Huh. He's a conman. His style is that of a con-artist - without the art part.

Waldenpond October 26, 2016 at 5:22 pm

Pat: why we need to essentially recruit and train people for a civil war?

I always thought it was to create customers for weapons manufacturers. Profit. Growth. GDP. Why do you hate GDP?

sgt_doom October 26, 2016 at 6:31 pm

Because it is not a civil war. Because financial hegemony is the ultimate goal.

Within one or two weeks after the fall of Libya, a central bank was established by the "rebels" there, whereby they immediately adopted the US dollar as their base currency. (Ghadaffi had been working with other African countries towards adopting an Afro-centric currency to trade in oil and commodities, and dropping the USD.)

uncle tungsten October 27, 2016 at 8:12 pm

The north African states intended that the new currency would be backed by gold. It was ready to implement (ex Egypt) and the French went berserk (again) about their disobedient (ex) colonies. The president of France was also mindful of having accepted a large donation from Ghadaffi to assist his re-election, he got caught out. That is illegal in France. He is running for re-election again.

Pirmann October 26, 2016 at 10:02 pm

This is why all of the polls are BS. People do not want to be questioned incessantly nor bullied. But when it's just the voter and the ballot, watch what happens.

Pat October 26, 2016 at 3:25 pm

If I were uber wealthy I might have done a flyer that says "Voting for a lesser evil is still voting for evil. When you vote for X, your vote is for X regardless of who X is, it is not a vote for A or B. People claiming otherwise are trying to prop up a weak candidate they know is unacceptable by using scare tactics. They have the problem you do not. Never forget that any party can nominate awful people and it is not limited to only one at a time. And this is a wonderful example of both major Parties throwing a finger at the people of America and nominating vastly disliked and distrusted people who are unfit for the office of President. Vote for who you want and tell the whiners they screwed themselves and might want to nominate a better candidate next time."

John k October 27, 2016 at 2:01 am

It never occurred to them to pick Bernie, an anti neolib, anti neocon. They are the opposite of Bernie on absolutely every issue. Guess he doesn't agree? Seems odd…

Bjornasson October 26, 2016 at 3:20 pm

I find the whole hysteria over Russian hacking very one-sided. If the US takes it upon itself, out of sincere concern, to help out "moderates" in overthrowing a repressive, evil government in Syria, Libya and Iraq, maybe the same thing happening to the US itself is not that weird? Here is a tyrannical government with little regard for its demotivated and demoralized citizens who can not on their own displace it. This government threatens nuclear war and kills an unjustified number of its own citizens. Its public infrastructure is in ruins and oligarchy is everywhere. In the past the US has set the example for dealing with such troubled states; its time the doctor took his own medicine.

reslez October 26, 2016 at 5:07 pm

The "evidence" for Russian hacking is so suspect that anyone who repeats the story instantly stamps themselves as either a con or a mark. It's depressing to see media corruption so blatantly displayed. Now I know what 2003 must have felt like (I was too young to have much of an opinion back then).

WJ October 26, 2016 at 5:56 pm

What more evidence do you need than the word of Hillary and CNN? They both say that 17 intelligence agencies have confirmed it. Which makes me think that maybe we have too many intelligence agencies.

Gareth October 26, 2016 at 6:21 pm

The "17 intelligence agencies" claim is complete Clinton bullshit. I'm kind of amazed that journalists are now stating this as fact. I could say I'm shocked but nothing the presstitutes do surprises me anymore.

They are busy preening for their future White House access. It kind of makes me want to get drunk and vote for the orange haired guy.

Kokuanani October 26, 2016 at 6:57 pm

Just finished trying to "re-educate" my husband after he listened to [and apparently believed] a report in the CBS Evening News on the "Russian hacking of Clinton's e-mails." They reported it as complete "fact," without even a perfunctory "alleged."

Too difficult to do this correction one person at a time, while the networks have such massive reach.

tony October 26, 2016 at 3:50 pm

How to spot a liar

I watched a few videos of Clinton surrogates and there was duping delight all over. I suggest watching the linked video about lie spotting.

Pat October 26, 2016 at 4:13 pm

Outdoor rally, no mention of numbers but info about early voting numbers:

Also no attendance number estimate in this one, but a mention of the 15,000 at Trump's most recent visit

Tom October 26, 2016 at 6:31 pm

Love the headline for the Bay News article you linked to - "Hillary calls for unity." Old miss "basket of deplorables" - also known as Miss "hire bird dogs to incite violence at rallies and blame her opponent" - is getting all squishy to extol the virtues of unity. Seriously - does anyone still believe a word that comes out of her mouth?

sgt_doom October 26, 2016 at 6:35 pm

I believe her line she constantly repeats: "Celebrating diversity" is code for destroying the middle class!

hunkerdown October 26, 2016 at 7:41 pm

She probably wasn't talking to you. She was probably talking to the history textbooks yet to be written.

Lambert Strether October 27, 2016 at 2:29 am

"Hillary calls for unity"

Rather like: "Honey, I've changed!"

when you think about it.

ambrit October 27, 2016 at 11:19 am

DNC Mantra: Unity in Diversity.

[Oct 27, 2016] Dennis Kucinichs Extraordinary Warning On Washingtons Think Tank Warmongers

Notable quotes:
"... Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich has just penned an extremely powerful warning about the warmongers in Washington D.C. Who funds them, what their motives are, and why it is imperative for the American people to stop them. ..."
"... Washington, DC, may be the only place in the world where people openly flaunt their pseudo-intellectuality by banding together, declaring themselves "think tanks," and raising money from external interests, including foreign governments, to compile reports that advance policies inimical to the real-life concerns of the American people. ..."
"... As a former member of the House of Representatives, I remember 16 years of congressional hearings where pedigreed experts came to advocate wars in testimony based on circular, rococo thinking devoid of depth, reality, and truth. I remember other hearings where the Pentagon was unable to reconcile over $1 trillion in accounts, lost track of $12 billion in cash sent to Iraq, and rigged a missile-defense test so that an interceptor could easily home in on a target. War is first and foremost a profitable racket. ..."
"... According to the front page of this past Friday's Washington Post, the bipartisan foreign-policy elite recommends the next president show less restraint than President Obama. Acting at the urging of "liberal" hawks brandishing humanitarian intervention, read war, the Obama administration attacked Libya along with allied powers working through NATO. ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |
Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

– From Major General Smedley Butler's War is a Racket

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich has just penned an extremely powerful warning about the warmongers in Washington D.C. Who funds them, what their motives are, and why it is imperative for the American people to stop them.

The piece was published at The Nation and is titled: Why Is the Foreign Policy Establishment Spoiling for More War? Look at Their Donors .

Read it and share it with everyone you know.

Washington, DC, may be the only place in the world where people openly flaunt their pseudo-intellectuality by banding together, declaring themselves "think tanks," and raising money from external interests, including foreign governments, to compile reports that advance policies inimical to the real-life concerns of the American people.

As a former member of the House of Representatives, I remember 16 years of congressional hearings where pedigreed experts came to advocate wars in testimony based on circular, rococo thinking devoid of depth, reality, and truth. I remember other hearings where the Pentagon was unable to reconcile over $1 trillion in accounts, lost track of $12 billion in cash sent to Iraq, and rigged a missile-defense test so that an interceptor could easily home in on a target. War is first and foremost a profitable racket.

How else to explain that in the past 15 years this city's so called bipartisan foreign policy elite has promoted wars in Iraq and Libya, and interventions in Syria and Yemen, which have opened Pandora's box to a trusting world, to the tune of trillions of dollars, a windfall for military contractors. DC's think "tanks" should rightly be included in the taxonomy of armored war vehicles and not as gathering places for refugees from academia.

According to the front page of this past Friday's Washington Post, the bipartisan foreign-policy elite recommends the next president show less restraint than President Obama. Acting at the urging of "liberal" hawks brandishing humanitarian intervention, read war, the Obama administration attacked Libya along with allied powers working through NATO.

Indeed, I warned about this in last week's piece: U.S. Foreign Policy 'Elite' Eagerly Await an Expansion of Overseas Wars Under Hillary Clinton .

The think tankers fell in line with the Iraq invasion. Not being in the tank, I did my own analysis of the call for war in October of 2002, based on readily accessible information, and easily concluded that there was no justification for war. I distributed it widely in Congress and led 125 Democrats in voting against the Iraq war resolution. There was no money to be made from a conclusion that war was uncalled for, so, against millions protesting in the United States and worldwide, our government launched into an abyss, with a lot of armchair generals waving combat pennants. The marching band and chowder society of DC think tanks learned nothing from the Iraq and Libya experience.

The only winners were arms dealers, oil companies, and jihadists. Immediately after the fall of Libya, the black flag of Al Qaeda was raised over a municipal building in Benghazi, Gadhafi's murder was soon to follow, with Secretary Clinton quipping with a laugh, "We came, we saw, he died." President Obama apparently learned from this misadventure, but not the Washington policy establishment, which is spoiling for more war.

The self-identified liberal Center for American Progress (CAP) is now calling for Syria to be bombed, and estimates America's current military adventures will be tidied up by 2025, a tardy twist on "mission accomplished." CAP, according to a report in The Nation, has received funding from war contractors Lockheed Martin and Boeing, who make the bombers that CAP wants to rain hellfire on Syria.

The Brookings Institute has taken tens of millions from foreign governments , notably Qatar, a key player in the military campaign to oust Assad. Retired four-star Marine general John Allen is now a Brookings senior fellow . Charles Lister is a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute , which has received funding from Saudi Arabia , the major financial force providing billions in arms to upend Assad and install a Sunni caliphate stretching across Iraq and Syria. Foreign-government money is driving our foreign policy.

As the drumbeat for an expanded war gets louder, Allen and Lister jointly signed an op-ed in the Sunday Washington Post, calling for an attack on Syria. The Brookings Institute, in a report to Congress , admitted it received $250,000 from the US Central Command, Centcom, where General Allen shared leadership duties with General David Petraeus. Pentagon money to think tanks that endorse war? This is academic integrity, DC-style.

And why is Central Command, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of transportation, and the US Department of Health and Human Services giving money to Brookings?

Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, who famously told Colin Powell , "What's the point of having this superb military you're always talking about if we can't use it," predictably says of this current moment , "We do think there needs to be more American action." A former Bush administration top adviser is also calling for the United States to launch a cruise missile attack on Syria.

The American people are fed up with war, but a concerted effort is being made through fearmongering, propaganda, and lies to prepare our country for a dangerous confrontation, with Russia in Syria.

The demonization of Russia is a calculated plan to resurrect a raison d'être for stone-cold warriors trying to escape from the dustbin of history by evoking the specter of Russian world domination.

It's infectious. Earlier this year the BBC broadcast a fictional show that contemplated WWIII, beginning with a Russian invasion of Latvia (where 26 percent of the population is ethnic Russian and 34 percent of Latvians speak Russian at home).

The imaginary WWIII scenario conjures Russia's targeting London for a nuclear strike. No wonder that by the summer of 2016 a poll showed two-thirds of UK citizens approved the new British PM's launching a nuclear strike in retaliation. So much for learning the lessons detailed in the Chilcot report.

As this year's presidential election comes to a conclusion, the Washington ideologues are regurgitating the same bipartisan consensus that has kept America at war since 9/11 and made the world a decidedly more dangerous place.

The DC think tanks provide cover for the political establishment, a political safety net, with a fictive analytical framework providing a moral rationale for intervention, capitol casuistry. I'm fed up with the DC policy elite who cash in on war while presenting themselves as experts, at the cost of other people's lives, our national fortune, and the sacred honor of our country.

Any report advocating war that comes from any alleged think tank ought to be accompanied by a list of the think tank's sponsors and donors and a statement of the lobbying connections of the report's authors.

It is our patriotic duty to expose why the DC foreign-policy establishment and its sponsors have not learned from their failures and instead are repeating them, with the acquiescence of the political class and sleepwalkers with press passes.

It is also time for a new peace movement in America, one that includes progressives and libertarians alike, both in and out of Congress, to organize on campuses, in cities, and towns across America, to serve as an effective counterbalance to the Demuplican war party, its think tanks, and its media cheerleaders. The work begins now, not after the Inauguration. We must not accept war as inevitable, and those leaders who would lead us in that direction, whether in Congress or the White House, must face visible opposition.

Thank you Mr. Kucinich, I couldn't agree more.

RogerMud Oct 27, 2016 7:33 PM ,

we should have elected him in 2008. missed opportunity.
LetThemEatRand -> RogerMud Oct 27, 2016 7:41 PM ,
Just like Ron Paul (with whom he agrees on matters of foreign policy and the Fed), he was painted by MSM as a kook. I wonder why. While I understand that many here would never vote for him because he believes in things like social programs, so do all of the Republicans in Congress. He would have made a far better president than zero or McCain.
nmewn Oct 27, 2016 7:37 PM ,
So I guess the War on Poverty is who won? ;-)
Ignatius Oct 27, 2016 7:43 PM ,
Off Topic: Oregon Standoff -- Not Guilty of Conspiracy

The comment section is filled with weeping bolsheviks, apparently.

[Oct 27, 2016] Trumps Foreign Policy Is Sane While Clintons Is Belligerent

Notable quotes:
"... Reality dictates ...abstaining or voting for anyone other than Donald Trump is a de facto vote for Hillary Clinton. As POTUS she has declared her intentions of imposing a (Libyan style) "NO FLY" zone over Syria, to "Obliterate" "Iran" and "Russia", confront China and expand the globalization of the American economy. ..."
"... For the sake of all humanity, criminal warmonger Hillary must be voted out on Nov.8 2016 ..."
"... While what you say may be half true, you miss the point entirely. It's irrelevant weather or not Trump keeps his words as we have no control over that anyway. What we do have control over however is not giving a mandate to Hillary's criminal war making intentions and the only way to do that under the circumstances, is to vote her out, by voting Trump in period. ..."
"... The clever economic left realizes that although Trump has some of dem ebul GOP economic ideas, he's more sensible than Hillary Clinton. ..."
"... I think b should've taken note of the Hillary camp's attempt in recent days to play down her militarism. ..."
"... IMO the best strategy is to vote Trump in battleground states and vote Green everywhere else. ..."
"... Very early on, I was of the opinion that Hillary's negatives were so high that her run should be seen as electing the Republican. But neocon defections, DNC collusion, 'sheepdog' Sanders, and more convinced me that the establishment really does want a Hillary coronation. ..."
"... The lesser-evilists are assuming that there aren't enough votes, so you are just taking votes from the lesser evil and helping the greater evil. True if their assumption is true, that there aren't enough votes for a third party to win. ..."
"... Another third-party argument is sending a signal to party leaders and the public that there are voters who despise the oligarchy candidates. That would improve growth of a third party (it would also attract oligarchy influence to them). ..."
"... We need to stop letting the corporate press goad us into fighting over trivia - transgenders in bathrooms! Trump's hair! Clinton's smile! - and focus on what is truly crucial. ..."
"... Hillary Clinton is a monster and God help us all if she wins. I envision President Clinton with perfectly coiffed hair with a rosy plastic smile (kudos to her mortician) giving a perfectly written speech with all the trendy buzzwords (celebrating diversity, helping the middle class, sustainable energy, etc.etc.) while outside the world burns. ..."
"... Whatever you do, no matter how much the corporate press tells you that Trump is 'finished,' go to the polls and vote. Because for the first time in decades, a US presidential election matters. ..."
"... Trump will meet with much resistance from the establishment. His worst instincts will be constrained. That is not true for Hillary & Co. ..."
"... A loss for a corrupted Democratic Party is best for the country. A strong showing by Greens is a further embarrassment. The left can then build on a solid foundation. ..."
"... Chomsky advocated for voting for Hillary in battleground states and Greens elsewhere. ..."
"... I do not believe that the 'Third Way' Democratic Party can be changed from within. The example of Obama and Hillary should have disabused any progressive of such fantasies. ..."
"... Trump, both domestically and internationally is the best breath of fresh air in American politics since FDR. Of course purists and utopians might disagree, but when he wins on Nov.8,I'll treat that day as the second 4th of July. America first, at long last, instead of traitors for zion. Hoo haw. Todays Wapoo intimates Trump anti-Semite. And Colin liar Powell is for the Hell Bitch. ..."
"... This elections cycle almost all fake leftist and NeoCon, both Democratic Party and Republicans voting for Hillary. ..."
"... Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is taken straight out of "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" by Oded Yinon, also known as The Yinon Plan. ..."
"... I am a spectator outside the USSA. USSA policies affect all of humanity on planet earth. A vote for the Clinton adds another potential 16 years reign in the WH, a continuation of the corruption, death, destruction and endless wars. ..."
"... Since the 1990s in Arkansas then in D.C., their retirement is long overdue. Stop the Clintons from enriching themselves on the public purse…foreign and domestic. ..."
"... OMg Illary cares about women's rights but takes $millions in donations from such likes as KSA, Qatar. Not to mention, countries that are steeped in poverty. Take a look at the donors to the Clinton Foundation. ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |
Some highlights of a recent Donald Trump interview with Reuters:
U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton's plan for Syria would "lead to World War Three," because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia.

In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State is a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down,..

Trump questioned how Clinton would negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin after demonizing him; blamed President Barack Obama for a downturn in U.S. relations with the Philippines under its new president, Rodrigo Duterte;...

Trump's foreign policy talk is far more sane than Clinton's and her camp's. It is ludicrous to event think about openly attacking Russian (or Syrian) troops in Syria with an al-Qaeda supporting "no-Fly-Zone". Russia would respond by taking down U.S. planes over Syria. The Russian government would have to do so to uphold its authority internationally as well as at home.

The U.S. could respond by destroying all Russian assets in and around Syria. It has the capabilities. But then what? If I were Putin my next step would be a nuclear test shoot in Siberia - a big one - to make a point and to wake up the rest of the world. I would also provide secret support to any indigenous anti-U.S. movement anywhere. China would support Russia as its first line of self defense.

"What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria," said Trump as he dined on fried eggs and sausage at his Trump National Doral golf resort. "You're going to end up in World War Three over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton.

"You're not fighting Syria any more, you're fighting Syria, Russia and Iran, all right? Russia is a nuclear country, but a country where the nukes work as opposed to other countries that talk," he said.
On Russia, Trump again knocked Clinton's handling of U.S.-Russian relations while secretary of state and said her harsh criticism of Putin raised questions about "how she is going to go back and negotiate with this man who she has made to be so evil," if she wins the presidency.

On the deterioration of ties with the Philippines, Trump aimed his criticism at Obama, saying the president "wants to focus on his golf game" rather than engage with world leaders.

The last two points are important. Trump, despite all his bluster, knows about decency. What is the point of arrogantly scolding negotiation partner who have the power to block agreements you want or need?

Why blame Russia for hacking wide open email servers when no Russian speakers were involved? Why blame Duterte? It is the U.S. that has a long history of violent racism in the Philippines and FBI agents committed false flag "terrorism" is Duterte's home town Davao. Bluster may paper over such history for a moment but it does not change the facts or helps solving problems.

Trump's economic policies would be catastrophic for many people in the U.S. and elsewhere. But Hillary Clinton would put her husband, the man who deregulated Wall Street, back in charge of the economy. What do people expect the results would be?

The points above may be obvious and one might be tempted to just pass them and dig into some nig-nagging of this or that election detail. But the above points as THE most important of any election. The welfare of the people is not decided with some "liberal" concession to this or that niche of the general society. The big issues count the most. Good or evil flow from them. Trumps principle, and I think personal position, is leaning towards peaceful resolution of conflicts. Clinton's preference is clearly, as her history shows, escalation and general belligerence. It is too risky to vote for her.

RayB | Oct 26, 2016 4:14:08 AM | 1
What's to be done?

Reality dictates ...abstaining or voting for anyone other than Donald Trump is a de facto vote for Hillary Clinton. As POTUS she has declared her intentions of imposing a (Libyan style) "NO FLY" zone over Syria, to "Obliterate" "Iran" and "Russia", confront China and expand the globalization of the American economy.

Thus all Americans by default and their own actions will have given her a mandate to do her will and thereby become complicit in their own economic destruction, war crimes and potentially starting world war three and a planetary thermonuclear holocaust.

Striped of all the other none issue nonsense and distractions the critical choice we are all faced with making is that simple. And one that will for all eternity weigh on our collective souls conscience.

For the sake of all humanity, criminal warmonger Hillary must be voted out on Nov.8 2016

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 26, 2016 5:31:47 AM | 4
@ jfl | Oct 26, 2016 4:32:57 AM | 2

Why are you still beating on that worn out tin drum of yours, Dr. Jill Stein isn't going anywhere, not even if she politically walks on water. You keep at it like the dog in a manger, gnawing on the remains of some desiccated bone. What you (and others maintaining your OPINIONS) have become is stool pigeons to land some herd of discontents into the position of self inflicted voter suppression, their votes without effect on the outcome of the election. If you and the others weren't so completely innumerate, you would realise the first division in the election was between elegible participants and non-participants. Of the participants only voters for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will decide the eventual winner (with the highly probable event of assisted voting machine fraud). All other votes are the effete delusions of some morally deranged cult. There Is No Alternative (TINA) is the illusion of your political kindred is saying there is an alternative. You cannot point out even one city commission in the top thousand that either the 'Greens' or 'Libertarians' exercise control over, at best there may be a Communist mayor somewhere in that number. If perchance Dr Stein were to win, where is the political support necessary to conduct governance at any level? No your ideas come from Walt Disney directly - they are cartoon delusions. You need to carry a warning whenever you express your opinions, like those posted on nuts - My opinion may contain delusions.

About the only ability for today's voter to have any effect on the voting system is to provide an unexpected aggregate that would draw back the curtains to expose the expectations and machinations of the vote counters. Voting as you suggest will only allow those manipulations to remain hidden - not effective voting by any measure, nor is it voting one's interests. If any of your ilk have a counter argument that will stand scrutiny, please have at it, otherwise your silence after once stating your opinion might be your best course to follow.

RayB | Oct 26, 2016 6:25:20 AM | 5

While what you say may be half true, you miss the point entirely. It's irrelevant weather or not Trump keeps his words as we have no control over that anyway. What we do have control over however is not giving a mandate to Hillary's criminal war making intentions and the only way to do that under the circumstances, is to vote her out, by voting Trump in period.

Anything else amounts to a dereliction of patriotic duty and criminal negligence.

The idea that there is any real "choice" here to be had, other than doing what's of a critical necessity at this point in time, is totally delusional in and of itself buying into the illusion that we have any real freedom of choices here. Sorry we don't have that luxury.

We don't have a choice, other than to resister our protest vote against the political establishment which clearly doesn't want to see Trump win the presidency of the US empire under any circumstances.

Given how close trump has gotten to within the reach of taking real power as commander in chief of the worlds most powerful imperial empire, the deep state and political establishment will make sure that, that threat will never happen again, if they even allow him to live very much longer.

So no second chances here for us all in another 4-8 years down the road, nor for all the men, women and children victims to be killed by wars in all the countries Hillary has set her cross-hair sights on as soon as she takes control of the entire state apparatus from the white house.

Time to get off our asses and get real here, and back on the right side of history, if but for once in our lifetimes.

Talk is cheep but action is not. As in Trump's Gettysburg address he said "we have now crossed the Rubicon" and heaven or hell there's no going back to the status quo, as he's already declared war on the corrupt state department, the media and the whole of the elite's political establishment.

"So there's but one choice left to make here, and it's which side are you fighting on?"

somebody | Oct 26, 2016 6:31:50 AM | 6
The paper of Trump's son in law tells it as it is .
According to an email from Marissa Astor, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook's assistant, to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, the campaign knew Trump was going to run, and pushed his legitimacy as a candidate.

WikiLeaks' release shows that it was seen as in Clinton's best interest to run against Trump in the general election. The memo, sent to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) also reveals the DNC and Clinton campaign were strategizing on behalf of their candidate at the very beginning of the primaries. "We think our goals mirror those of the DNC," stated the memo, attached to the email under the title "muddying the waters."

The memo named Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson as wanted candidates. "We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously," the memo noted.

Clinton was widely presumed to be the Democratic presidential nominee long before the primaries began. This assumption was held by the mainstream media and the Democratic Party leadership. Expecting Clinton to be the nominee, the DNC and Clinton campaign developed strategies for the general election.

In June, hacker Guccifer 2.0 released an opposition research dossier on Trump, dated December 19, 2015. Coincidentally, no other opposition research dossiers were released by Guccifer 2.0 from the DNC hacks.

It was in the best interest of Clinton, and therefore the Democratic Party, that Trump was the Republican presidential nominee. Polls indicated Sen. Rubio, Gov. Kasich, or almost any other establishment Republican would likely beat Clinton in a general election. Even Cruz, who is reviled by most Republicans, would still maintain the ability to rally the Republican Party-especially its wealthy donors-around his candidacy. Clinton and Democrats expected the FBI investigation into her private email server would serve as a major obstacle to Clinton's candidacy, and the public's familiarity with her scandals and flip-flopping political record put her at a disadvantage against a newcomer. Donald Trump solved these problems.

All the Clinton campaign had to do was push the mainstream media in the general direction of covering and attacking Trump as though he was the star of the Republican presidential primaries. As the presumed Democratic nominee, whomever she decided to dignify by responding to-whether the comments were directed at her or not-would be presumed to be the spokesperson, or nominee, of the Republican Party.

"Clinton, Trump trade insults as rhetoric heats up between front-runners," read the headline from a CNN article in September 2015. "Hillary Clinton Seizes On Donald Trump's Remarks to Galvanize Women," read a New York Times headline from December. Several media outlets criticized the mainstream media obsession with Trump, but despite a few concerns that the media was propping up his legitimacy as a candidate with their constant news coverage, it continued unabatedly.

The mainstream media was more than willing to do the Clinton campaign and DNC's work for them by creating a narrative that the 2016 presidential elections was about Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.

Was Trump in on it? You decide .

Americans, you have been cheated.

RayB | Oct 26, 2016 6:34:35 AM | 7

(Sorry typo, let's try that again)

Question being.....

"So there's but one choice left to make here, and it's which side are you fighting on?"

lemur | Oct 26, 2016 7:04:37 AM | 10
"Trump's economic policies would be catastrophic for many people in the U.S. and elsewhere."

The clever economic left realizes that although Trump has some of dem ebul GOP economic ideas, he's more sensible than Hillary Clinton.

col | Oct 26, 2016 7:28:09 AM | 12
Hey T bear are you Aussie, their was a poster T bear banging on in Aussie press, quite liked your arguments as of now.
As Trump policy I predicted it (quite like Alexander Mercouris ) by 1. observation of what is said, what was not said and what you can tease out of the rest. After the 2 debate i was convinced that Trump would not declare "Assad must go " Just for this he has my consent to be POTUS.
RayB | Oct 26, 2016 8:25:08 AM | 17

Re: "You decide".

How does the saying go?... 'oh what a tangled web we weave when we seek to deceive". Hence I don't believe that if Hillary actually chose Trump to be who she ran against, that she (nor all the expert politico's around her)had any real idea of what a Pandora's box they were opening.

Same thing go's for Trump, whom I don't think understood how fate and destiney would seize him and transform his role in life into a renegade against the systemic corruption of the deep state's political establishment.

Now only a year back, I would never have thought and sooner die and be the last person on earth to be plumbing for a megalomaniac character like billionaire Trump.

But when faced with the real prospect of a criminally indictable and clinically insane, maniacal psychopathic personality like Hillary, having her finger on the red nuclear button, my instincts for survival and that of all humanity, informs my rational judgements and actions.

And that's essentially the basis on which I've decided that voting for Trump is the only sane option left to try and avert more wars and the possibility of a thermonuclear disaster.

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 8:26:08 AM | 18
I think b should've taken note of the Hillary camp's attempt in recent days to play down her militarism.
Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 8:27:24 AM | 19
IMO the best strategy is to vote Trump in battleground states and vote Green everywhere else.
Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 8:30:32 AM | 20
Very early on, I was of the opinion that Hillary's negatives were so high that her run should be seen as electing the Republican. But neocon defections, DNC collusion, 'sheepdog' Sanders, and more convinced me that the establishment really does want a Hillary coronation.
Killary PAC | Oct 26, 2016 8:36:52 AM | 21 = Gordon Duff = Bob Foote

Stew Webb Reveals Gordon Duff's Real Identity on PressTV (5-10-15) -

Here is an exact quote from Gordon Duff AKA Bob Foote .

Joe | Oct 26, 2016 8:47:01 AM | 22
@jfl 15 and 16 and third-partyists

Your points are good but there is no need for this vitriol: the opposing points are also good as far as they go.

You believe that a third party is the only way out of the 2-party oligarchy sham. True only if it works, which it hasn't. You are assuming that there are, or eventually would be enough voters. That argument is missing so far. Provide that evidence and you beat the lesser-evilists.

The lesser-evilists are assuming that there aren't enough votes, so you are just taking votes from the lesser evil and helping the greater evil. True if their assumption is true, that there aren't enough votes for a third party to win.

You both need to get that evidence before getting angry.

Another third-party argument is sending a signal to party leaders and the public that there are voters who despise the oligarchy candidates. That would improve growth of a third party (it would also attract oligarchy influence to them).

I think that your anger would be better directed at the problem (take out MSM stations and staff and oligarchy generally). Between ourselves, let's get the evidence on vote effects.

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 26, 2016 8:55:20 AM | 23
@ 19 Jackrabbit

Consider each state a 'battleground' state, there are national aggregates to consider that, if nothing else, shed light on the historical contest for future historians to inspect and pass judgement, particularly should the qualified 'not participating' outnumber the qualified participants. No telling what future criteria will be about the validity of sub-median voter turnout, in some places it is enough to invalidate a poll, that could easily spread.

@ 12

No, not Aussie but have friends who were. I hold the Australian government to be the hiding place for the 3rd Reich, so not likely any beneficial relationship will exist.

@ fairleft | Oct 26, 2016 8:05:28 AM | 14

Experience informs those who rely on 'ad hominem' as defence against another's argument are incapable of mounting a counter argument using facts. Furthermore, with few exception most so doing have developmental problems and have not matured much past adolescence, they going through life as man-children. Check back when you have matured. And that is definitely an ad hominem - to the person.

TG | Oct 26, 2016 8:55:40 AM | 24
Well and clearly said.

We need to stop letting the corporate press goad us into fighting over trivia - transgenders in bathrooms! Trump's hair! Clinton's smile! - and focus on what is truly crucial.

It's rational to worry about Trump. Yes, he has a good track record of getting along with business partners when it counts, but he has no track record in governance. But Hillary Clinton is a monster and God help us all if she wins. I envision President Clinton with perfectly coiffed hair with a rosy plastic smile (kudos to her mortician) giving a perfectly written speech with all the trendy buzzwords (celebrating diversity, helping the middle class, sustainable energy, etc.etc.) while outside the world burns.

Whatever you do, no matter how much the corporate press tells you that Trump is 'finished,' go to the polls and vote. Because for the first time in decades, a US presidential election matters.

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 9:22:55 AM | 27
fairleft @25

The fact is that the Greens can not/will not win.

Trump will meet with much resistance from the establishment. His worst instincts will be constrained. That is not true for Hillary & Co.

A loss for a corrupted Democratic Party is best for the country. A strong showing by Greens is a further embarrassment. The left can then build on a solid foundation.

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 9:30:30 AM | 29
Chomsky advocated for voting for Hillary in battleground states and Greens elsewhere.

I do not believe that the 'Third Way' Democratic Party can be changed from within. The example of Obama and Hillary should have disabused any progressive of such fantasies.

dahoit | Oct 26, 2016 9:40:25 AM | 30
Trump, both domestically and internationally is the best breath of fresh air in American politics since FDR. Of course purists and utopians might disagree, but when he wins on Nov.8,I'll treat that day as the second 4th of July. America first, at long last, instead of traitors for zion. Hoo haw. Todays Wapoo intimates Trump anti-Semite. And Colin liar Powell is for the Hell Bitch.

What the hell do people need?

SmoothieX12 | Oct 26, 2016 9:45:56 AM | 31
The U.S. could respond by destroying all Russian assets in and around Syria. It has the capabilities. But then what? If I were Putin my next step would be a nuclear test shoot in Siberia - a big one - to make a point and to wake up the rest of the world.

Russia's "deescalation" procedure (in reality it could be viewed both ways) is a take off of several strategic bombers (TU-160 from Engels) and deployment into the Arctic Region with subsequent launch of salvo of cruise missiles (Kh-102) armed with nuclear warheads into the polygons or uninhabited spaces. Putting all RVSN (nuclear strategic missile forces) on the immediate readiness (Combat Station) is also an option.

There are certain ways, including diplomatic ones, to make "partners" more attentive to the events. Plus, most likely, the price, which US and NATO would pay in case some moron will decide to eliminate Russian Forces in Syria, will be very high purely militarily and, especially, reputation-wise.

Attack on Russian Forces in Syria will also be the beginning of the end of NATO, if not the outright collapse. In the end, Russia has means to directly conventionally counter US, just this last quarter alone Russian Navy took delivery of 100+ cruise and ASMs of Kaliber and Onyx-classes. Contingencies have been counted and planned for.

x | Oct 26, 2016 10:38:55 AM | 35
Trump's foreign policy summed up in a 35% levy threat on Ford exporting jobs to Mexico. Read my lips ...! Nails the underlying tensions in the Race for the Place. The Big "F__k You!" election... Even the spinless Bernie S. is slithering into criticism of Klinton and the Wall St Gang. "Michael Moore Explains Why TRUMP Will Win"

[Published on Oct 24, 2016, 3:55m]

dh | Oct 26, 2016 10:52:50 AM | 36
James Clapper thinks the Russians just might be serious..... '...says he wouldn't put it past Russia to "to shoot down an American aircraft" if a no-fly zone is imposed over Syria.'

Not to worry. Hillary was only kidding about a no fly zone. Talking tough to keep up with the boys. It's an empowerment thing.

Jack Smith | Oct 26, 2016 11:38:53 AM | 37
@Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 9:22:55 AM | 27

A loss for a corrupted Democratic Party is best for the country. A strong showing by Greens is a further embarrassment. The left can then build on a solid foundation.

We are on the same wavelength. YES , we can't have Green and Democratic Party at the same time. First eliminates the Democratic party in this election cycle. You can't eat your cake and have it too . Therefore, voting against Democratic Party is my first priority.

This elections cycle almost all fake leftist and NeoCon, both Democratic Party and Republicans voting for Hillary.

anon | Oct 26, 2016 11:47:31 AM | 38
Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is taken straight out of "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties" by Oded Yinon, also known as The Yinon Plan.

Here are are a few illustrative excerpts:

"The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon's total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel's primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi'ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.

Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible."

Now compare this to what Gen. Wesley Clarke revealed about the lead-up to the Iraq War. Six weeks later, I saw the same officer, and asked: "Are we still going to attack Iraq?" He said: "Sir, it's worse than that. He said – he pulled up a piece of paper off his desk – he said: "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense's office. It says we're going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years – we're going to start with Iraq, and then we're going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran."

This document, and the events which have followed its publication, should lay to rest once and for all any illusions we might have harboured in relation to the various wars in the Middle East.

The depths of the associated treason and treachery are simply breathtaking and will continue in overdrive should Hillary Rodent Clinton be elected President.

likklemore | Oct 26, 2016 11:56:13 AM | 39
@ jfl 2 and all commenters echoing

No to Clinton, No to Trump?

The only answer is eliminating the pre-selection mechanism that delivers the 2-candidate, elephant/jackass non-choice every election.
This is the election to do so: No to Clinton, no to Trump

jfl, I have always admired and read your comments here on MoA.

Sadly your posit means either of these two candidates will be (s)elected. Third Party rise in the USSA Will. Not. Happen. Anytime .Soon. Third Party candidates will not attract the ->$7 + billions required to run for the presidency. The status quo prevails.
So, in this very close election, wherein Soros told Bloomberg Hillary is a done deal, Amerikans are left with these two options; voting for the least dangerous of the two:

(a) the brain damaged corrupt Illary as Huma, her sidekick, noted –"She is Still Not Perfect in Her Head"


(b) Trump, the blabber.

Derek Hunter, Radio Host, from the "Never Trump" camp:

"Why I Now Feel Compelled To Vote For Trump"

The media needs to be destroyed. And although voting for Trump won't do it, it's something. Essentially, I am voting for Trump because of the people who don't want me to, and I believe I must register my disgust with Hillary Clinton.

I am not of the mindset that any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, but a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary. And I need to vote against Hillary. I need to vote against the media.

After the last debate, when no outlet "fact checked" Hillary's lie that her opposition to the Heller decision had anything to do with children, or her lie that the State Department didn't lose $6 billion under her leadership, I couldn't hold out any longer.

A Trump administration at least will include people I trust in positions that matter. I don't know if they will be able to hold him completely in check, but I know a Clinton administration will include people who have been her co-conspirators in corruption, and there won't even be a media to hold her accountable.

The Wikileaks emails have exposed an arrogant cabal of misery profiteers who hold everyone, even their fellow travelers deemed not pure enough, in contempt. These bigots who've made their fortune from government service should be kept as far away from the levers of power as the car keys should be kept from anyone named Kennedy on a Friday night. My one vote against it will not be enough, but it's all I can do and I have to do all I can do.

I won't stop being critical of Trump when he deserves it; I won't pretend someone is handing out flowers when they're shoveling BS. But I'd rather have BS shoveled out of a president than our tax dollars shoveled to a president's friends and political allies.

The Project Vertias videos exposed a corrupt political machine journalists would have been proud to expose in the past. The Wikileaks emails pulled back the curtain on why that didn't happen – journalists are in on it. I can't pretend otherwise, and I have no choice but to oppose it. [.]

I oppose much of what Donald Trump has said, but I oppose everything Hillary Clinton has done and wants to do. And what someone says, no matter how objectionable, is less important than what someone does, especially when it's so objectionable. A personal moral victory won't suffice when the stakes are so high. As such, I am compelled to vote against Hillary by voting for the only candidate with any chance whatsoever of beating her – Donald Trump.

~ ~ ~
I am a spectator outside the USSA. USSA policies affect all of humanity on planet earth. A vote for the Clinton adds another potential 16 years reign in the WH, a continuation of the corruption, death, destruction and endless wars.

Since the 1990s in Arkansas then in D.C., their retirement is long overdue. Stop the Clintons from enriching themselves on the public purse…foreign and domestic.

OMg Illary cares about women's rights but takes $millions in donations from such likes as KSA, Qatar. Not to mention, countries that are steeped in poverty. Take a look at the donors to the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons have no shame, no conscience and they can't grow one.

Hoarsewhisperer | Oct 26, 2016 11:56:25 AM | 40
@ 12
No, not Aussie but have friends who were. I hold the Australian government to be one of the hiding place s for the 3rd Reich, so not likely any beneficial relationship will exist.
Posted by: Formerly T-Bear | Oct 26, 2016 8:55:20 AM | 23

There, fixed it.
ALL of the Christian Colonial countries have pro-AmeriKKKan fascist governments which studiously ignore the Will Of the People.
I can't think of a single X-tian government which has NOT fallen into lockstep with the US - in flagrant defiance of the electorate.
Since we can't outbid the ppl who are bribing them to defy us, the only practical solution is rg the lg's pitchforks.

AnEducatedFool | Oct 26, 2016 12:05:00 PM | 41
I don't post here much anymore but Dr. Stein is the head of an NGO called the Green Party not a political party. She is busy protesting in North Dakota to get on Democracy Now instead of camping out in Bernie States pushing those voters to continue our political revolution with her. It's a shame really.

I've never had much respect for the Green Party and they have shown that they are incapable of becoming an oppisition party in the U.S.

If you are interested in 3rd parties take some time to check out the Justice Party and Rocky Anderson. They are not active this cycle. The Justice Party does not have an International Party which is problematic for the Greens in the U.S. The name Justice is much better in rhetorical fights than Green and they are not riddled with former Democratic whores.

With that said vote for Trump in swing states. He is the Lesser of Two Evils and this time we are talking about Nuclear War with Russia. Clinton is still a Goldwater Girl.

anon | Oct 26, 2016 12:06:04 PM | 42

The Green Party should, for all intents and purposes, be opposed to a billionaire lobbyist like Soros, however Jill Stein's running mate, Baraka, was also a board member at the Center for Constitutional Rights, CCR.

Which happens to be funded by George Soros.

There are other connections between the Green Party and George Soros, but I haven't got time to pursue this....

Anyone interested should look into the period from 2004 to 2011, when Baraka was the Executive Director of the US Human Rights Network, and look at who was funding the HUNDREDS of NGOs that make up the Human Rights Network.

ArthurGilroy | Oct 26, 2016 12:12:22 PM | 43
You are all wrong.

Anyone who seriously considers that voting...or NOT voting...for either of these creatures will change a goddamned thing is totally asleep to what has happened in the U.S. over the past 60+ years.

Gor read this article on today's Counterpunch:

A Deep State of Mind: America's Shadow Government and Its Silent Coup


Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system … a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…. The important point to remember about this group is not its ideology but its organization… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government…. This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable."

- Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech

Unaffected by elections. Unaltered by populist movements. Beyond the reach of the law.

Say hello to America's shadow government.

A corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country, this shadow government represents the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry.

No matter which candidate wins the presidential election, this shadow government is here to stay. Indeed, as recent documents by the FBI reveal, this shadow government-also referred to as "The 7th Floor Group"-may well have played a part in who will win the White House this year.



Read the rest of the article.

All of it.

And then go take care of your own business as best you can. The status quo will remain...hidden in various ways as it has been hidden since the late '40s/early '50s...until it fails of its own doing. No amount of talky talk talk, no amount of organizing, no amount of anything is going to change what is up here. The best any of us can do is to try to reach one mind at a time.

Eisenhower tried to warn us in his farewell speech:


The record of many decades stands as proof that our people and their Government have, in the main, understood these truths and have responded to them well in the face of threat and stress.

But threats, new in kind or degree, constantly arise.

Of these, I mention two only.

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.

Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system – ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.


It didn't work then and it will work even less well now, in what we laughingly refer to as our "Information Age."

It's all over but the failing, and that could take a long, long while. could be over in a nuclear instant.

Deal wid it.

Deal wid 'em both, and every other possibility in between.

All of the constant political jerking off in the media?

Just that.

A virtual reality constructed for the entertainment...and thus silencing and control of...the proles, using other ignorant proles as Judas goats.

Politics porn.


Go do something real.



Shadyl | Oct 26, 2016 12:28:53 PM | 44
Hillary's last no fly zone was Libya, just saying....
Hoarsewhisperer | Oct 26, 2016 12:56:44 PM | 45
"It is ludicrous to event think about openly attacking Russian (or Syrian) troops in Syria with an al-Qaeda supporting "no-Fly-Zone". Russia would respond by taking down U.S. planes over Syria. The Russian government would have to do so to uphold its authority internationally as well as at home."

It is ludicrous. And stupid. It would also be tantamount to a declaration of war. And the chickenshit US Military does NOT want a war with Russia, no matter what the daydreamers might say.

Tobin Paz | Oct 26, 2016 1:11:21 PM | 46
Stating that the Green Party can not win does not take reality into account. Only 18% of voters participated in the primaries, the majority of voters are neither Democrats nor Republicans, and the population of Millennials has surpassed that of the Baby Boomers.

Of course this doesn't change the fact that it is still very unlikely that Jill Stein will win, but to imply that it's impossible is dishonest. I have always voted for the candidate that I liked... never for the lesser of two evils. How different would the world be if Nader had either won or gained popular support in 2000? Voting for the lesser of two evils has pushed the Republican Party into crazy town with the Democratic Party taking their place.

I'm not arrogant enough to tell people how to vote, however I am arrogant enough to inform. The lack of information and the inability to process more than one thought by both the voters and the media, alternative included, is astounding.

I'm pretty sure that people on this site know what imposing a no-fly zone in Syria would entail.
How is this not advocating a war of aggression? Have we forgotten what the Nuremberg Tribunal declared as the supreme international crime:

War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.

Not only do you have the current administration committing war crimes, you also have it's presidential candidate openly advocating a war crime.

likklemore | Oct 26, 2016 1:20:59 PM | 47
My post, which I did not save, fell into a deep cyber hole.

To All commenters echoing "No to Clinton no to Trump" voting third party will result in either of the two.

It appears as we close in on the last weeks of the (s)election, Independents and Never Trumpers are breaking away for the Donald.

From Derek Hunter, Radio Host, of the "Never Trump" camp

Why I Now Feel Compelled To Vote For Trump

[.] The media needs to be destroyed. And although voting for Trump won't do it, it's something. Essentially, I am voting for Trump because of the people who don't want me to, and I believe I must register my disgust with Hillary Clinton.

I am not of the mindset that any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, but a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary. And I need to vote against Hillary. I need to vote against the media.

After the last debate, when no outlet "fact checked" Hillary's lie that her opposition to the Heller decision had anything to do with children, or her lie that the State Department didn't lose $6 billion under her leadership, I couldn't hold out any longer.

A Trump administration at least will include people I trust in positions that matter. I don't know if they will be able to hold him completely in check, but I know a Clinton administration will include people who have been her co-conspirators in corruption, and there won't even be a media to hold her accountable.

The Wikileaks emails have exposed an arrogant cabal of misery profiteers who hold everyone, even their fellow travelers deemed not pure enough, in contempt. These bigots who've made their fortune from government service should be kept as far away from the levers of power as the car keys should be kept from anyone named Kennedy on a Friday night. My one vote against it will not be enough, but it's all I can do and I have to do all I can do.

I won't stop being critical of Trump when he deserves it; I won't pretend someone is handing out flowers when they're shoveling BS. But I'd rather have BS shoveled out of a president than our tax dollars shoveled to a president's friends and political allies.

The Project Vertias videos exposed a corrupt political machine journalists would have been proud to expose in the past. The Wikileaks emails pulled back the curtain on why that didn't happen – journalists are in on it. I can't pretend otherwise, and I have no choice but to oppose it. [.]

I oppose much of what Donald Trump has said, but I oppose everything Hillary Clinton has done and wants to do. And what someone says, no matter how objectionable, is less important than what someone does, especially when it's so objectionable. A personal moral victory won't suffice when the stakes are so high. As such, I am compelled to vote against Hillary by voting for the only candidate with any chance whatsoever of beating her – Donald Trump.

~ ~ ~ ~
It is long past due and time to stop the corrupt Clintons from continuing to enrich themselves off the backs of taxpayers; domestic and foreign.
Illary professes to care about women's rights yet her Clinton Family Foundation takes in $millions from the likes of KSA and Qatar. Moreover, there is no shame in taking donations from small countries steeped in poverty. It is high time to retire the Clintons. They have no conscience. If you haven't a conscience you can't grow one.

h | Oct 26, 2016 1:29:32 PM | 48
RayB - well stated arguments to vote for Trump. Thank you for taking the time to post them.

As folks here already know, Hillary's stated commitment to impose a No-Fly Zone in Syria is a show stopper for me. There is no way I can support more tragedy in Syria let alone elsewhere.

Any who don't think such a policy position does not matter tells me you are a supporter of the neoliberal/neocon imperial building for which I cannot support. This is what a vote for Clinton means.

I may have had a different opinion or thought about the U.S. morphing into the world's top cop had I ever been asked, but I wasn't. I never was asked to vote on it or for/against it. These sneaky rastards intentions were never spelled out, never communicated succinctly to the populous let alone debated on the merits. Nope. These rastards are hell bent on shoving their neoliberal/neocon/third way/nwo crap down American's throats.

And no, Donald is and always will be an outsider. If you believe otherwise you've obviously not been paying much attention to him over the last four years. That man did not win the primaries by chance, he won them handily through skill and out maneuvering his opponents. He has spent the last four years learning up close the plethora of challenges an open border presents to the security of the U.S. He gets the issues revolving around policing and the growing police state. He has formiddable experience making, losing and making money again. He's had a front seat to big business and its multiple machinations for decades.

And a vote for Hillary is a vote for the Establishment and their utopian new world order, which includes WAR, WAR, and MORE WAR!

Lisa | Oct 26, 2016 1:42:00 PM | 49
Touching naivety about Trump however the probability of him being 'different', given his record, doesn't support it.

The problem with Trump is he made a #1 strategic mistake in supporting and giving in to the religious right.

Apart from anything else this gives zero confidence that he'd stand up to the far more powerful neo-liberal, neo-con 'war party' establishment if he got into power. If he caves totally to a bunch of fundamentalist nutjobs, who themselves are neo-liberal and neo-conservative to the core, it doesn't actually inspire any confidence whatsoever. Take one example Mike Pence is a neo-conservative 'Israel firster'... through and through.

Somehow I can't see the world being a safer place if the US tears itself to pieces trying to become a fundamentalist religious 'state', dominated by a bunch of people wanting 'the end of times'....

Despite the "with some "liberal" concession to this or that niche of the general society." comment, he has threatened the rights of the majority of voters and even the very existence of some.
In case no one had noticed 50% of the population are women, add in all the other minorities and you have a healthy 60-70% he is directly threatening.

Religious right candidates (like Cruz and Pence) are unelectable, ever more so with time as organised religion dies in the US and their policies on women and LGBTI people, plus let's not forget their endemic racism, become every more unacceptable.

And note ALL the 'religious right' people are total neo-conservatives, that almost make Clinton look like a pacifist.

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 1:50:53 PM | 50
Tobin Paz @45

Trump has nearly destroyed the Republican Party. And he has done so by speaking truths that are rarely heard in "polite company": our politicians are puppets and our elections are "rigged".

Sanders spoke against inequality but he didn't go as far as Trump. He couldn't because he was merely a sheepdog, leading his young 'flock' to Hillary.

If Trump wins, it would be a body blow to the Democrats who play on peoples fears to get elected but never deliver workable solutions. Rinse. Repeat.

The Greens can win in 2020 after Trump fails and both parties are in disarray.

<> <> <> <> <> <> <>

I'm not telling people how to vote. I encourage people to think for themselves. This is only MY opinion.

ThatDamnGood | Oct 26, 2016 2:00:41 PM | 51
Its hard to emotionally accept the occurrence of a nuclear war today.
You should see how Saker couldn't cope with it at first.

If Russian assets in Syria get destroyed. The response will not to be nuking that little island in the Indian ocean far away from everything or Hawaii that is in the middle of nowhere.

An act of war was done.

WW3 begins.

Ody | Oct 26, 2016 2:05:09 PM | 52
"The U.S. could respond by destroying all Russian assets in and around Syria. It has the capabilities. But then what?" Then the US activates also activates phase D which is NATO invasion of Russia (from Ukraine, the Baltics, Scandinavia) and China (from South Korea, Japan + other US bases scatered all over the US empire).

I don't believe Trump's domestic and foreign policy will be any more different or peacefull. I think he would just be facing a lot more resistance. Either way, unless Hillary dies there is no doubt she will be the next POTUS.

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 26, 2016 2:23:11 PM | 53
@ Hoarsewhisperer | Oct 26, 2016 11:56:25 AM | 39

Bartender, please set up a drink for the hoarsewispererer, should have watched the p's and q's a bit more closely and been a bit more inclusive.

h | Oct 26, 2016 2:23:42 PM | 54

Hey Lisa, how old are you?

As a 50 something adult who lives in a state where we have a healthy voter population of Christian Right, which you refer to as religious right, folk let me assure you that your description of them is way the hell out of line. Your distasteful comment shows just how inexperienced and ignorant you are about this very American voting block.

Why are you even weighing in here? You seem more of a DailyKos kinda poster. Posters around here tend to avoid language that is as divisive as yours and that all knowing punkish tone you are using.

NemesisCalling | Oct 26, 2016 2:31:26 PM | 55
Hey Lisa @48

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but these neoconservative you are talking about have been leaving his camp in droves in the preceeding months. Please do not lecture us on some secret collusion between Trump and those wicked shits. There is no doubt they will be crawling back to the Donald when he sits on the throne. But make no mistake: he will not forget the treachery of these subjects, just as the constituents of these jokers will not forget how they abandoned the Donald and revealed their obedience to the uniparty. These are the voters that hate "politicians," remember? I can't wait to see Paul Ryan squirm.

And GTFO with your lgbtq trolling nonsense. Time to relegate these babies to their safe spaces so we can all breathe a sigh of relief to be rid of their loud, obnoxious mental anguish over their own petty insignificance. Remember, too, that Syrian lives matter. Once the culture of death is curtailed anroad, we can tackle the culture of death at home. Ancient Chinese wisdom for dumb trolls.

ToivoS | Oct 26, 2016 2:47:27 PM | 56

#40. Good points.

Trump sounds very scary in many ways but most of the stuff he babbles on about should not worry anybody. The President of the US does not rule the US. Power in the US is distributed into the three branches of government -- the executive, Congress and the judiciary. Most of Trump's worst ideas will have to pass through Congress and the judiciary. There is only one area where the President has total dominion and that is foreign policy and making war.

The question should come down to who do we want want as the next President -- a candidate that seeks war with Russia or one who wants to negotiate and make deals? Given that question we will be better off with Trump.

If Trump wins he will not have any support in Congress so it makes no sense that he will succeed in cutting taxes for the richest or build the Mexican wall or any of the other nutty things he advocates. But making peace with the Russians is the one thing he could accomplish.

Also I support Trump because the Democratic National Committee has been completely taken over by the Hillary and neocon wing of the Democratic Party. As long as they control the Democratic Party (which they do today) any US president that is a Democrat means that WWIII is a real option always on the table. Tax cuts for the rich, increased monopolization of the economy, increased poverty rates, restrictions on abortions, etc, are quite secondary. [BTW, I have served on a county Democratic central committee for the last two decades and worked on presidential campaigns for Democrats going back to Eisenhower-Stevens in 1956 (except for Humphrey in 1968). What I have witnessed is that the entire party has been taken over by the big money contributions going down to city council elections.] A Trump victory will give us a small chance for the grass roots Democrats to regain some influence in national Party affairs -- today we have none.

john | Oct 26, 2016 2:49:16 PM | 57

NOT voting requires no amount of talky talk talk, no amount of organizing, no amount of anything. but if everyone did it the central government would become immediately irrelevant and collapse, and if the central government collapsed, its attendant institutions would unravel, the primary grifters would atrophy on the vine, and the deep state would be in deep shit.

Tom Murphy | Oct 26, 2016 2:57:26 PM | 58
@1 I think it makes little sense to convince progressives that the should vote for Hillary. And it is absurd to insist that a vote for anyone other than Trump is "a de facto vote for Hillary Clinton." The more people that don't vote for Hillary the better. And a vote for Jill Stein builds up the Green Party. If we could get the message out that Hillary is just too dangerous and that a real progressive choice is Jill Stein, then it is possible that a good number of people who may have voted for Hillary (and who can't stomach Trump) could take away Clinton's margin of victory . I am voting for Jill Stein, I live in NY, it is not practical, given past elections, to think Trump could win NY. I would be wasting my vote to vote for Trump in NY. When I vote for Jill Stein, that is another vote NOT going to Hillary Clinton. see video: VIDEO
ALberto | Oct 26, 2016 2:58:21 PM | 59
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In the U.S., 13% approve of the job Congress is doing, in line with approval ratings ranging from 11% to 16% since August. The current rating is just four percentage points above the record low of 9% recorded in November 2013.

'Selection' 2016 is a clown show. Trump, Hill & Bill, Bu$h I, Bu$h II even Romney are all heavily involved is the drug money laundry business. A vote is a vote that legitimises the system.

I just cannot bring myself to vote for any of these criminals. Every vote legitimises this freak show.

***Last letter of the alphabet does not work on my keyboard.


Tom Murphy | Oct 26, 2016 3:01:29 PM | 60
Donald Trump as the front runner and then candidate of the Republican Party didn't just happen. This was by design, it was what the DNC and the Hillary campaign wanted and what they told the media to do, to elevate him to leader of the pack. ( Wikileaks reveals
ArthurGilroy | Oct 26, 2016 3:08:34 PM | 61
NOT voting requires no amount of talky talk talk, no amount of organizing, no amount of anything. but if everyone did it the central government would become immediately irrelevant and collapse, and if the central government collapsed, its attendant institutions would unravel, the primary grifters would atrophy on the vine, and the deep state would be in deep shit.


Oh, I agree wholeheartedly.

But it ain't gonna happen .

A huge majority of the U.S. population is still caught up in the wonderful political virtual reality game so generously provided for free by the Deep State-controlled media. They will clomp-clomp-clomp on out of their zombified dwellings and vote for whichever of the two-dimensional VR candidates for whom they root.

So it goes.

Would it were otherwise.


tom | Oct 26, 2016 3:12:28 PM | 62
Ludicrous propaganda once again from b. B sure is trying his darndest to want to work for the Russian state under his lord and saviour Putin the irresistible.

Trump himself said that China is a threat to the US. And he refuses to rule out no war with China. Therefore Trump is likely wanting to start world War three by attacking China. How is that worse than Hitlery wanting to attack Russia in Syria.

Trump will take Iraqs oil, make Mexico pay for a wall on the US side starting a war with them, and so much more horrendous criminality

And Trumps foreign policy is "sane". What despicable ludicrous lies

ALberto | Oct 26, 2016 3:15:11 PM | 63
My opinion

Trump and KKKillary popular vote split 50/50. Electoral College goes to $hillary.

Like the 'Talking Heads' said "Same as it ever was."

fast freddy | Oct 26, 2016 3:18:51 PM | 64
I predicted that JEB! would be the next President. I still don't understand why I was so far off the mark. He's crooked enough...He's smart enough...
ben | Oct 26, 2016 3:28:11 PM | 65
Seriously people. If anyone believes either candidate means what they say, with all due respect, you're delusional. No matter what, whomever "wins", they'll do as they're instructed to do.

Sorry b, with all due respect and gratitude for what you do, that includes you. Living up to one's rhetoric is difficult, for anyone running for POTUS, impossible.

From The Hague | Oct 26, 2016 3:33:36 PM | 66
The only relevant vote against that crazy bitch from hell?
Of course:
A number of commentators have pointed out that the US could destroy Russia's assets - what they don't point out is that this would expose US assets to destruction - which is why WW3 is almost inevitable if the US escalates in Syria

Posted by: paul | Oct 26, 2016 3:49:28 PM | 67

A number of commentators have pointed out that the US could destroy Russia's assets - what they don't point out is that this would expose US assets to destruction - which is why WW3 is almost inevitable if the US escalates in Syria

Posted by: paul | Oct 26, 2016 3:49:28 PM | 67

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 4:03:45 PM | 68
Those who say: Its all a charade, voting changes nothing, Trump will do what he's told, etc. have
either given up in disgust or are purposely ignoring reality. The establishment is afraid of a
Trump win. There are numerous instances of their manipulating or attempting to manipulate the election.

Vote Trump in swing states. Vote Green everywhere else.

NemesisCalling | Oct 26, 2016 4:10:33 PM | 69
@59 Tom

So what? I've read that leak. Doesn't speak or reference in any way complicity of Trump's campaign or even the repubs. I think you are framing that to fit your perspective that the DNC is the main powerbroker, here. Whereas, the more hilarious conclusion to draw would be that, through their arrogance and complete and utter disdain for the disaffected, they underestimated the threat of a "fringe" candidate. Talk about the most fuckin' shortsighted political decision (all-time bone head plays #1) this side of Joe Liebermann. God it makes me smile. And to think, the media played right into Trump's tiny hands. That's showmanship. Face it: he is smarter and crafter and he knows the people just a hair more.

john | Oct 26, 2016 4:12:02 PM | 70
ArthurGilroy says:

But it ain't gonna happen

no, Arthur, it ain't, but, presumably, you won't be voting either.

NemesisCalling | Oct 26, 2016 4:20:45 PM | 71
@Ben 64

Yes, we all want Trump to save the whales, make cake healthy, unite the Muslim world, make college free, fix health-care, restore the rust-belt, solve climate - change while delivering more jobs to energy sector, defeat Isis while not upsetting KSA, Qatar,, and not go into Syria.

I'll take one of those at least for my vote. Can you guess which one?

Pascal | Oct 26, 2016 4:22:03 PM | 72
Lately I can understand why most people hate trump and love Clinton or vise versa. But I have to say that both party's have great and solid points that needs to be taken serious the voting will be harder then before that is for sure the only thing I hate about the politics is that when the candidate has won all point's they have made in the election round will go out the window.

My dutch boyfriend just ask me why do they always put one man in the seat to control all why not join forces will this not be a better option what do you think those he has a point or is it just wrong thinking on his part.

ArthurGilroy | Oct 26, 2016 4:25:33 PM | 73


True dat.


They weren't just talking tough about a no-fly zone in Libya.

Posted by: lysias | Oct 26, 2016 4:43:07 PM | 74

They weren't just talking tough about a no-fly zone in Libya.

Posted by: lysias | Oct 26, 2016 4:43:07 PM | 74

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 5:13:07 PM | 75
Love Him or Hate Him, Trump is the Revolution Against the Establishment

Look at Greece. The progressives/socialists could not win. It seems that we need a nationalist.

It is a hard truth for progressives. The left has failed miserably to check the tyranny of neolibcon Centrists who sell us all out to the highest bidder.

We need a Trump, like Russia needed a Putin. To right the ship.

When the dust settles, and lessons are learned, real progressives with integrity can rebuild.

dh | Oct 26, 2016 5:24:20 PM | 76
@73 Libya was a piece of cake. No nasty Russians to worry about. If Hillary tries that in Syria she'll be sorry. We all will.
schlub | Oct 26, 2016 5:50:54 PM | 77
Jimbo is giving a good daily rundown of the fraud coming in from the advance polls, & other things.
I like the one where the poll station workers are filling in the paper ballot votes after, for those not voting.

dan | Oct 26, 2016 6:02:30 PM | 78
I don't know about Trump. But Hillary is a fucking nightmare. I don't live in America and I can't vote there, but to those who do and can, please don't vote for that psycho bitch. Anyone else. Anybody. But to cast a vote for her would be an exhibition of ignorance and willful sociopathy. The world is begging you, please... Pleeeeeeeease. Do not vote for whole countries to be flushed down the same toilet of meglomaniacal greed. Be nice. There are a lot of other people living on this planet. We don't wanna kill anybody, we just wanna relax and thrive. Get with the program....
ALberto | Oct 26, 2016 6:04:08 PM | 79
Just my opinion

Trump loses in the Electoral College. Gets his own TV network and proceeds to preempt and co opt 3rd party Constitution Party. Just like Dr. Ron Paul's campaign was co opted by supposed Tea Party people who were in fact Conservative paid stooges. Right off the top the Cock brothers come to mind.

MadMax2 | Oct 26, 2016 6:16:17 PM | 80
@Jackrabbit 74
The Nationalist response is a natural one in the face of this unseen, centralising, globalist beast. UK just had theirs with Brexit, and now we see the battle lines redrawn and subsequent rally behind Corbyn. France could be next in Europe.

The left seems not to know where it is in the states... I agree it needs to fall into disarray before rediscovering itself.

Trump has the momentum going down the straight, no one knows what the fuck is going on amongst all the monkey shit being flung in the cage...but no one is oblivious to the the fact that the establishment, from the neocon flight to the unprecedented MSM collusion and everything in-between, is so OTT Trump. Too much so. It's what the progressive left always wanted, a hero like this, to stand up to the machine.

All that money and all Hillary cam come up with is a naughty word and 'Never Trump' - almost as if Trump goaded them into a shitfight by making idiotic, outlandish statements alongside his more thoughtful output that doesn't make primetime cable news. Now the Dems have less than two weeks to attack some real issues to quiet the silent majority's upcoming 'fuck you' vote...

I'd even go as far to say there will be plenty of silent Dems voting Trump if the election was right now. No wonder Trump wants a 4th debate.

MadMax2 | Oct 26, 2016 6:24:30 PM | 81
@78 ALberto
Good call, its not The Don or Hillary, Hillary's toast either way. The November question is: President Trump or TrumpTV...?
karlof1 | Oct 26, 2016 6:32:41 PM | 82
The only recourse the citizenry of the Outlaw US Empire has in attempting to restore its freedoms and regain control of the national government is to revolt. Unfortunately, such a dire action requires a high degree of solidarity amongst a body of citizens large enough to make the attempt and there's no sign of such a body anywhere to be seen. Thus we'll see the selection of HRC and the last gasp of the Neoliberalcons attempt to establish Full Spectrum Dominance of the planet and its people that will likely escalate the already existing Hybrid WW3 to a hot war. In other words, it doesn't matter who you vote for, so you ought to vote your conscience so you can be right with yourself. Our household's voting Stein.
dumbass | Oct 26, 2016 6:42:57 PM | 83
>> He's crooked enough...He's smart enough...

Stuart Smalley??

Sigil | Oct 26, 2016 6:55:14 PM | 84
'The big issues count the most. Good or evil flow from them. Trumps principle, and I think personal position, is leaning towards peaceful resolution of conflicts.' - b

The latter sentence contrasts with trump's determination to kill ISIS and take their oil. Sounds like occupation to me. And his manner of fighting them - with unrestrained torture and bullets dipped in pig's blood - is likely to catalyse supporty for them else where in the muslim world (and the muslim parts of the west), even if ISIS is stomped flat in Syria/Iraq. Coup[led with his blanket ban on muslim immigration, this sounds like a recipe for more conflict, not less.

Likewise with some other big issues: climate change and world trade. As shitty as the WTO system can be, simply withdrawing and erecting huge tariffs would have catastrophic effects on world trade that wwe comparable to if not worse than the 1931 Smoot-Hawley tariffs that crippled world trade and set the stage for WW2. Worse, Trump's 100% opposition to acting on climate change, and his determination to allow all fossil fuel extraction projects to go ahead, will guarantee catastrophic global warming that will make WW2 itself look insignificant in the long run.

I agree that Hillary is a menace. But that doesn't make Trump less of one.

lysias | Oct 26, 2016 6:59:27 PM | 85
Climate change is indeed a threat, but not an immediate one.

WW3 is an immediate threat.

It made sense to ally with Stalin, a long-term threat, against Hitler, an immediate one.

fairleft | Oct 26, 2016 7:31:04 PM | 86
Perfect legacy of Obama is the just announced Obamacare insurance premium 25℅ avg rate increases. Covered at WSWS but can't link from this phone. How about a $10,000 deductible for a family of 4 making $40,000? Things will get worse on several fronts next year, according to bipartisan plans published in the NYT. Trump's 'solution' is going back to what we had before, ie he has no solution. Wants to turn Medicaid, aid for our poor, into a voucher program. Don't vote for austerity, don't vote for HillTrump.
rufus magister | Oct 26, 2016 7:39:36 PM | 87
I knew there would be further need of this. Once again, the facts strongly suggest why he's a bigger hawk than Hillary Clinton.
Trump isn't a leftist, nor is he a pacifist. In fact, Trump is an ardent militarist, who has been proposing actual colonial wars of conquest for years. It's a kind of nationalist hawkishness that we haven't seen much of in the United States since the Cold War - but has supported some of the most aggressive uses of force in American history.

You'll see a robust bill of particulars in the article; I've cited some of them earlier. To little effect of course; Red Hats and Green Tea Bags make excellent counter-factual filters.

The author, Zack Beauchamp, quite helpfully puts The Day-Glo Orange Duckhead in historical context. He quotes the historian Walter Russell Mead on the Jacksonian tradition in American foreign policy. He's from Bard College, BTW, which rates fairly high up on the uber-liberal university scale. So they don't be doin' too many Orange Jello Shots, know what I mean?

Jacksonians, according to Mead, are basically focused on the interests and reputation of the United States. They are skeptical of ... idealistic quests removed from the interests of everyday Americans. But when American interests are in question, or failing to fight will make America look weak, Jacksonians are more aggressive than anyone.

"The Gulf War was a popular war in Jacksonian circles because the defense of the nation's oil supply struck a chord with Jacksonian opinion.... With them it is an instinct rather than an ideology - a culturally shaped set of beliefs and emotions rather than a set of ideas," Mead writes. Sound familiar?

Historically - and here's the important part - the Jacksonian tradition has been partly responsible for a lot of what we see today as American atrocities....

Jackson himself is responsible for the "Trail of Tears."

On the campaign trail, Trump routinely cites Gens. George Patton and Douglas MacArthur as foreign policy models - uber-Jacksonians both. Patton wanted to invade the Soviet Union after World War II to head off perceived future threats to America. And President Harry Truman fired MacArthur, despite his strategic genius, for publicly and insubordinately advocating total war against China during the Korean War.

This is the tradition Trump's views seem to fit into. But while Patton and MacArthur at least had real military expertise and intellectual heft animating their hawkishness, Trump is just a collection of angry impulses. There's no worked-out strategic doctrine here, just an impulse to act aggressively when it seems like America's interests and/or reputation are at stake.

Just a bundle of anger, driven by emotion, no set plan, aggressive with poor impulse control. What could possibly go wrong?

So he doesn't want the present wars in the Ukraine and Syria, he says, now. But all the better to bomb Iraq and Iran into a pulp, it would seem.

Sigil | Oct 26, 2016 7:43:02 PM | 88
Climate change is already affecting the world, and it will take a concerted effort over a much, much longer period to get it under control, when compared to the Nazi threat.
This is scientifically certain. The prospect of WW3 under Hillary's presidency is very far from being certain.
james | Oct 26, 2016 7:54:57 PM | 89
thanks b.. i agree..

what oligarch will those pesky amerikkans vote for?

oligarch 1 - hillary

or oligarch 2 - trump

if it was me, i would be voting 2.. but being in canada, i don't get to vote.. i just get to listen to bullshite 2016 election usa 24/7 any time i venture onto the internut..

blues | Oct 26, 2016 8:11:10 PM | 90
What are we facing now? WE ARE FACING WW-III!

I don't now recall if i've posted these pieces here yet, but they do involve a matter of life and death for ALL OF US! So here they are:

Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy As "Scarier Than Trump's"


The third - and final - presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump was held Oct. 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace.

At one point Hillary said: "....and I'm going to continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens within Syria"

Listen at: 1 hour, 20 minutes in:

A No Fly Zone means we shoot down Russian planes. And THAT MEANS WW-III.

= = = = Furthermore = = = =

With single-bid ("plurality") voting you only have two candidates to choose from.

I have described the strategic hedge simple score election method all over the Internet, and it has been known of for many years. It is simple in the sense that does not require easily hackable voting machines, and can easily work with hand counted paper ballots at non-centralized poling stations. It is not hampered by any requirement to cater to so-called "sincere," "honest" (actually artless and foolish) voters. It easily thwarts both the spoiler effect and the blind hurdle dilemma (the "Burr Dilemma"), which prevents voters from exercising the strategies that they need to use to defeat the big bosses. It just works.

Strategic hedge simple score voting can be described in one simple sentence: Strategically bid no vote at all for undesired candidates (ignore them as though they did not exist), or strategically cast from five to ten votes for any number of candidates you prefer (up to some reasonable limit of, say, twelve candidates), and then simply add all the votes up.

Both IRV-style and approval voting methods suffer from the blind hurdle dilemma, which can be overcome with the hedge voting strategy. An example of usage of the hedge strategy, presuming the (most famous) case of a "leftist" voter, would be casting ten votes for Ralph Nader, and only eight or nine "hedge votes" for Al Gore. This way, the voter would only sacrifice 20 or 10 percent of their electoral influence if Nader did not win.

Don't be fooled by fake "alternatives" like "IRV" and "approval voting". Ranked choice voting is supported by the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Open Society Foundations (of Soros), and on and on.

Ranked choice voting is just as bad,or worse than out present single-bid ("plurality") method with regard to enforcing the two party syndrome, and this has been demonstrated repeatedly in history.

Score voting is fundamentally distinct from ranked choice voting, and does not promote the two party syndrome. That's probably why it doesn't get hundreds of millions of promotion dollars as the "Green" Party's ranked choice system does.

PLEASE look at the truth for yourself:

Very hard to believe, huh?

And demand hand counted paper ballots that cannot be rigged by "Russian hackers".

We are stuck with this miserable system because of a surprisingly large array of people who I call the "election methods cognoscenti". Over many years, these cognoscenti have assembled an enormous collection of distracting, unworkable election methods. This "intellectual subject" has, for instance, consumed perhaps hundreds of pages in works such as the Wikipedia. These cognoscenti have created a gigantic Glass Bead Game which serves no real purpose other than to facilitate intellectual speculation. In nearly every instance where their election methods have been employed, disaster has ensued, although in a few cases, their systems have languished on, providing no better results than the choose-one voting system. Millions, perhaps tens of millions of dollars, have been spent promoting the "IRV" method, which has been tried and abandoned in several venues where it caused massive chaos.

We cannot afford any more of this intellectual masturbation, which has lead to this absurd 2016 "election". All we should be doing is protesting for safe, easy-to-understand strategic hedge simple score voting.

And I will be voting for Donald Trump, even though I know that my "ballot" is going to be fed into an infernal machine.

schlub | Oct 26, 2016 8:18:01 PM | 91

Clinton advised the mainstream media to push his legitimacy as a "pied piper" candidate because she realized, after looking at the poll numbers, that she wouldn't stand a chance at winning the presidency against any of the establishment republicans without making them "pied pipers" – it just so happened that Donald was the easiest to play the role considering his long history of friendship with the Clintons.

Caption this!:

or this:

jdmckay | Oct 26, 2016 8:50:23 PM | 92
blues @ 89


Oh c'mon. Stooping pretty low on that one. One of election's sicker sideshows: Briebert's site covering Stein more then almost anyone else... when they can twist one of Jill's criticism's of Hillary into and endorsement of Trump. Jill is most certainly a NASTY woman. :)

This is bottom feeding stuff.

Jackrabbit | Oct 26, 2016 8:56:56 PM | 93
I get it. I really do.

Trump has some strange ideas. And he'll cause some real harm in some areas.

But again, his strong medicine is what is needed. We can spill loads of electronic ink debating the
reasons why and talking about how he sucks but that won't change the reality.

I am very much against the duopoly. But one of these two will win. A win by Trump and a strong
showing by the Greens is the best we can hope for.It sends a clear message. What message does
voting for Hillary send? That we will allow ourselves to be compromised yet AGAIN?

Trump says: "either you have a country, or you don't". So what are the 'borders' that the left will
defend? Just how much will the Left allow its so-called leaders to compromise and marginalize us?

There is a natural alliance between the principled left and principled right that the mercenary,
mendacious establishment fears. Don't be fooled by Hillary/DNC scare tactics and media manipulation!

Hillary tells some voters that she will continue Obama's policies and other voters that she will be
different. She assures Goldman Sacks that her private positions differ very much from her public
positions. She runs pay to play scams via the Clinton Foundation, takes tons of money from Wall Street
and pretends that none of that influences her. The Chair of the DNC joined her campaign after her
work against Sanders was revealed! And Sanders response? He endorsed Hillary!!

The Democrats believe that YOU and your family, friends, and neighbors are confused and scared or just
plain dumb and foolish enough to vote for Hillary and other Democrats that will ride her coattails.
Prove them wrong. Stand up for yourself! Vote for Trump in swing states and Jill Stein in other states.

Sigil | Oct 26, 2016 9:09:07 PM | 94
@92 What message does voting for Hillary send?

That the establishment candidate is not automatically the worst possible candidate. Not when the other is an unrepentant racist determined to castrate the First Amendment and incinerate the climate. What message does it send when a candidate whose campaign took off at the point he called most - if not all - illegal immigrants 'rapists' wins the White House? Besides, you sound more like a Sanders supporter than a Trump supporter - so maybe his thoughts are worth taking into account here.

metamars | Oct 26, 2016 9:10:12 PM | 95
@ rufus magister 86

I had assumed your link would be garbage, but took a look, anyway. In fact, it raises significant points. In particular, previously unknown (to me) details about his views about "taking the oil".

I'm definitely for Trump, consider him far safer and saner than Clinton wrt foreign policy with most of the world (I suspect he could be worse wrt N Korea, than Clinton; also, no better wrt Africa, than Clinton).

I have never been impressed with the Trumpian "take the oil" position that I learned of during the campaign, and have described it as "goofy" and "sure sounding like a war crime". That this particular stupidity (or hawkish stupidity, if you prefer) is nothing new, and extended to Libya, is disappointing.

Still, on balance, compared to the endless hemming in and provocation of nuclear super-power Russia (not to mention smearing of Putin), by the neocon class of which Hillary is an obvious example of, the author's claim that Trump is more of a hawk than her still sounds absurd. Even if the argument has some merits.

Foreign affairs editor of Chronicles Magazine, srdja Trifkovic rated Trump's foreign policy speech of April a B+. From :

"Donald Trump's foreign policy speech last Wednesday deserves at least a solid B+ and you can read my take on it in the June issue of Chronicles. It offered an eloquent argument for offensive realism, based on the fact that the international system-composed of sovereign nation-states pursuing their interests-is still essentially competitive and Hobbesian. Trump is the only candidate who understands this cardinal fact, and who unambiguously states America is not and should not be an exception to that timeless principle."

A key guy who has Trump's ear (and for whom there was speculation would be VP) was former DIA head Mike Flynn. See "Trump's favorite general" @ From that article:

"Since leaving government, Flynn has angered U.S. officials over his friendly ties to Russia, with which he has publicly advocated better relations and military cooperation in the Middle East - a departure from the official Pentagon line. He even recently sat at the head table at a dinner in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin, whom Trump has praised."

This same article also says,

"Much as Trump likes to keep things in the family, Flynn's son, Michael G. Flynn, serves as a chief adviser."

The idea that Trump wouldn't consult with the likes of Flynn - who might be his Secretary of Defense - also seems goofy. Of course he will.

The Obama Administration, of which Hillary was an integral part, deliberately allowed ISIS to flourish, in it's early stages. Trump's incompetence as a political candidate is amply demonstrated by the fact that, even given 3 national debate audiences, he FAILED to pin the US non-interdiction of the mega ISIS oil trade, run through Turkey, on the Obama administration (thus, to one degree or another, also on Clinton). See "Russian intel spots 12,000 oil tankers & trucks on Turkey-Iraq border - General Staff" for photos that Trump should have (pardon the expression) trumpeted during all 3 national debates. Had he done so, in stead of being politically inept and inarticulate, he would have cemented in the public's mind just HOW evil the foreign policy of both Obama and Clinton were. (Of course, he should have also mentioned the wikileaks tick tock memos, crediting uber SoS failure Hilary Clinton with steps on the road to the destruction of Libya).

Hillary has not just spouted militaristic, imperialistic hokum. She was also in the decision loop, as war crimes against Libya, in particular, were being decided on, then perpetrated. She has a history that is far more evidential of catastrophic militarism than goofy statements about "taking the oil".

Jay M | Oct 26, 2016 9:20:36 PM | 96
Even if you are going to pick the other guy's pocket, you have to view him as human
I wonder about the digital scum
rufus magister | Oct 26, 2016 9:27:52 PM | 97
metamars at 94 --

Very kind of you to note your new-found concerns, anytime.

Trump has net yet been in the loop. I do not want him there, he would be bad for the country and planet. His public statements suggest he would make far worse decisions.

blues | Oct 26, 2016 9:29:50 PM | 98
re: jdmckay | Oct 26, 2016 8:50:23 PM | 91


Oh c'mon. Stooping pretty low on that one. {end quote}

You are misquoting me intensionally. I put: "BREAKING: JILL STEIN ENDORSES DONALD TRUMP [Sort Of][1 min., 15 sec.]" And that is because YouTube links often break up while their titles remain searchable.

You ignored that I added "[Sort of]"!

I think there are likely a lot of DailyKos zombies around here tonight.

Trump may be a bullheaded semi-thug, but I'll vote for him before I join the "die with Hillary" movement.

metamars | Oct 26, 2016 10:35:59 PM | 99
"His public statements suggest he would make far worse decisions."

On balance, no, they don't. Even if Flynn couldn't talk any sense into him regarding "taking the oil", and a President Trump somehow managed to pull that off, and it turned into an endless conflict, the $$ cost of which exceeded the oil profits thus obtained, that would still be preferable to nuclear exchanges with Russia.

I read just today about a Russian nuke, called "Satan", that supposedly can destroy a country the size of France (or the state of Texas). I had to read it twice, since the claim seemed preposterous. (I assume it's some sort of multiple warhead device, and what the claim really means is that it can destroy all cities in an area the size of France.)

Peace with Russia is, to use a Star Trek phrase, the "prime directive". Trusting that to Clinton is a fool's errand. Trusting that to Trump is not.

ab initio | Oct 26, 2016 10:41:58 PM | 100
No matter the facts, and b has laid it out as clearly as one can, the left and the urban classes in America will vote for the proven warmonger. Why? For them virtue signalling is more important than the existential threat of riding up an escalatory ladder to a nuclear exchange with Russia.
Shadow Nine | Oct 26, 2016 10:47:29 PM | 101
After listening to right-wingers howl and whine today, droning on about big bad gumint and the only salvation is their guy and/or the free market. I say we end the misery that the capitalist system produces once and for all by throwing all support for Hillary. An anti-war vote for Trump helps preserve the madness, how could any sane person help capitalism, that to me is abnormal behaviour that Hillary can rectify. Death is an inevitable human condition, Right-wing evangelists are nothing but cowards. Viva Hillary and cheers to accelerating the process!
james | Oct 26, 2016 11:10:05 PM | 102
@100.. interesting approach..
blues | Oct 26, 2016 11:27:08 PM | 103
This website has been hacked.

Someone has made it so that the site cannot be read unless the text is shrunk to be too small to read.

psychohistorian | Oct 26, 2016 11:42:46 PM | 104
@ blues

Hacked is a bit strong....somebody messed up their attempt at HTML

Shadow Nine | Oct 26, 2016 11:44:30 PM | 105
@101, Just spitballing back into the Janus fascist face. Imagine the Borg exporting this capitalist madness , while proselytizing it's religious virtues to the masses?
Julian | Oct 27, 2016 12:01:24 AM | 106
Interesting, yes it is Reuters, but it's a quote of what Erdogan apparently said.

President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey's military operations in Syria aimed to secure al-Bab and the town of Manbij, which a group of Kurdish and Arab militias seized from Islamic State in August, but were not intended to stretch to Aleppo.

"Let's make a joint fight against terrorist organizations. But Aleppo belongs to the people of Aleppo ... making calculations over Aleppo would not be right," he said in a speech in Ankara.

Turkey launched "Operation Euphrates Shield" two months ago, sending tanks and warplanes into Syria in support of the largely Turkmen and Arab rebels.

Erdogan signaled Turkey could target the Afrin region of northwest Syria, which is controlled by Kurdish YPG forces and lies just west of the "Euphrates Shield" area of operations.

"In order to defeat threats directed at our nation from Kilis to Kirikhan, we are also putting that area on our agenda of cleansing from terror," he said, referring to two Turkish towns across the border from Afrin.

Looks fairly clear the objectives are Al-bab & Manbij, and then the Afrin pocket. Definitely if the Syrians/Russians don't intervene to "save" Afrin, then that would push the Kurds into the arms of the Americans, but if that's all the Turks do, then that solidifies the Turkish-Russian pact at the same time.

schlub | Oct 27, 2016 12:03:51 AM | 107
Inching ever closer, one reported death at a time, to the current world record holder who is either Mark Twain or perhaps Binny himself.
26 October 2016 14:48
Iraqi Analyst Discloses S.Arabia, Turkey's Plot to Transfer Al-Baghdadi to Libya
A prominent Iraqi military analyst disclosed that Riyadh and Ankara had hatched plots to transfer ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from Mosul to Libya but the massive presence of the popular forces and Russian fighter jets at the bordering areas of Iraq and Syria dissuaded them.

schlub | Oct 27, 2016 12:07:17 AM | 108

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has said he wants all foreign troops, in which the majority are American, out of the Philippines in the next two years.

This comes amidst his desire to realign his country with China and Russia, and further from the grasps of Washington.

schlub | Oct 27, 2016 12:10:20 AM | 109

Russia has launched the latest addition to its series of super-stealth diesel-electric submarines, the Veliky Novgorod, which sports advanced stealth technologies and increased combat range.

The latest addition to the Black Sea Fleet is capable of striking land, sea and underwater targets and was officially launched from St. Petersburg's Admiralty Shipyard on Wednesday in the presence of Russian Navy Deputy Commander Vice-Admiral Aleksandr Fedotenkov, and Admiralty Shipyard CEO Alexander Buzakov.

schlub | Oct 27, 2016 12:11:37 AM | 110

GOP nominee Donald Trump does not believe that settlements built by the Zionist regime of Israel in Palestine are illegal, his advisor on Israel says.

David Friedman, who was campaigning for the New York billionaire at a restaurant on Mount Zion (Jabel Sahyoun) in East Jerusalem al-Quds, made the comments to AFP after the Wednesday rally.

Jack Smith | Oct 27, 2016 12:24:00 AM | 111
Tom Hayden, Courageous Warrior for Peace. October 26, 2016 (BULL SHIT)

Former antiwar sellout becomes a warmonger and support endless wars: warmongers - Obomo, Hillary.

Remember on November 8, vote for any party, but not The Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the war party.

For me still undecided - Donald Trump or Jill Stein.

Dr. William Wedin | Oct 27, 2016 12:48:06 AM | 112
I agree with Moon of Alabama's predictions up to the point that he asserts that Putin's "best" or "most likely" response (I am not clear which) to having all of Russia's military assets in Syria destroyed is the meek test-firing of a "big" tactical nuclear weapon in Siberia by way of a non-lethal display of "shock and awe." Neither Putin nor his generals would ever let things get so one-sided in America's father. Rather, the Russian military would respond the way Putin, the 8th-degree black-belt Judoka has responded in every match that led to his becoming the Judo Champion of Leningrad in 1976. Namely, they would attack, attack, attack--no matter the cost. That's how General Zhukov defeated Hitler. The same way Grant won the Civil War. Zhukov never let up the pressure. Putin learned his lesson on that score when he tried to teach the US the Judo principle of Jita Kyoei (or the "mutual benefit") in mutual self-restraint in his acceptance of a ceasefire and a partial pull-out of Russian forces back in March; followed by another betrayed ceasefire last month. No more. Now if he is hit, he's going to hit back harder--in unexpected places and ways. He has vowed to never fight another war on Russian soil. So he may well carry the attack early to the US homeland. Study the way he won Judo matches--with lightning speed and startling moves. The Saker would argue that Putin would go for lateral rather than vertical escalation. But I think that Hillary's transsexual desire (I speak as a psychologist here) to prove herself the "tougher man" may force Putin to launch a First Strike in the expectation she's about to. Indeed he tells us that the first lesson he learned as a street fighter at the age of 10 was: "Strike First." I think he will.
Jack Smith | Oct 27, 2016 12:59:30 AM | 113
I can never under understand why so many 60s and 70s antiwar become warmongers today?

Amerika drops more than 7 millions tons of bombs, about 20 to 30% unexploded. They knew millions innocent civilians perished and many more will die of unexploded bombs. Further Napalm & Agent Orange was used and still causing deforms children today.

How can anyone vote for The Democratic Party is beyond common sense? The Democratic Party had always been a warmonger party, yesterday, today and tomorrow....

Ike | Oct 27, 2016 1:32:14 AM | 114
With the Clinton's long list of shady deals Hillary would be an easy target for blackmail by some organisation such as a security service that wants to control the policies of the president.
Shadow Nine | Oct 27, 2016 1:35:48 AM | 115
@112 Jack Smith,

It's not funny how hypocritical the right-wing have become just to get their guy in office. Fuck 'em I say. For those same fucktards that believe Obama a communist/socialist, they're simply invoking a red scare tactic. The love to scapegoat the other, ie. teacher's, immigrants because their brainwashed minds love their servitude and criticism of the capitalist system is beyond the pale.

Both parties represent what you nominally call warmonger in one form or the other, serving their corporate paymasters. Any minds reconciling the differences would be well advised to check up on Glen Ford, Omali Yeshitela and the world socialist website periodically.

Hoarsewhisperer | Oct 27, 2016 1:48:59 AM | 116
This is a formal request to b...

Would you please delete ArthurGilroy's comments
at #42 and #60?
#42 could have been an accident caused by
failure to Preview.
But #60 was a deliberate margin wrecker, imo.

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 27, 2016 3:29:37 AM | 117
@ psychohistorian | Oct 26, 2016 11:42:46 PM | 103

No they did not mess up their HTML, they put ==== well beyond the wrap limits. It happens when commentators use any lengthy address that does not have hyphens incorporated. If the programming were to put in a virtual hyphen, that changes the address for using, it seems. HTML is the tool to use to get around that problem. The problem is few commentators are tool users; the result is the reader suffers from one: stupid, inattention or intent. The perpetrator:

ArthurGilroy | Oct 26, 2016 3:08:34 PM | 60

ProPeace | Oct 27, 2016 3:29:40 AM | 118
How about a few bombs dropped on the Yellowstone caldera?

Or artificial tsunamis flooding military bases on/in Diego Garcia, Guam, Hawaii, Norfolk,...

The Atlantist Thalassocracy is quite vulnerable actually.

The Kalibr missiles installed in Kaliningrad could reach London easily...

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 27, 2016 3:32:59 AM | 119
@ 115

One upped. Should finish reading before sounding off.

From The Hague | Oct 27, 2016 3:34:18 AM | 120
@Jack Smith #110,112

Yes, it's unbelieveble to read what for example the popstars say.

'Look, America is like the best idea the world ever came up with. But Donald Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America, potentially,' Bono replied. 'It could destroy it,' the rocker added.

She compared him to Hitler, likened his campaign to a "racist" version of "Fun with Dick and Jane" and even said he evoked the murderous child star in "The Bad Seed."
"I just think he's" an idiot, Cher said of Donald J. Trump, adding a decidedly unprintable modifier.

With Hillary Clinton in the audience, singer Adele told her fans at a Miami concert Tuesday night not to vote for Donald Trump.
"Don't vote for him," the Grammy Award winner said on stage, according to a Clinton aide. "I can't vote but I am 100% for Hillary Clinton, I love her, she's amazing."

And so on.
Also for example:
Elton John
John Fogerty
Neil Young
Paul mcCartney
Roger Waters

Just stupid and ignorant?

MadMax2 | Oct 27, 2016 4:07:32 AM | 121
@119 FTH
Holier than thou superstars wrapped in the warm bosom of capitalism that is the 1%. Can't blame them, they're being looked after. They just hear the un-pc bleating.
Working Class Nero | Oct 27, 2016 4:21:36 AM | 122
What makes me happiest about this election is that we are finally seeing some left/right cooperation in the fight against the corporate oligarchy. I follow both sides closely and it is great to see right wingers cheering Jill Stein, Julian Assange, and even Bernie Sanders.

In order for the left/right combination to work both sides have to make compromises. Certainly we see the Trumpian right dumping the warmongering. as MoA is pointing out. Trumpsters are also open to universal health care, and are less insistent on divisive social issues. And the rejection of job-killing "free" trade is another great evolution towards sanity on the right.

The left are goig to have to abandon the idea of remaking America by pumping in millions of 3rd world immigrants. This is the largest wedge still existing between the left and right. if you have not seen Bernie Sanders denouncing Open Borders as a Koch Borthers scam to lower wages then you need to get busy on Google right now. Besides universal health care is absolutely impossible without very tight borders -- just ask Canada who have far more Draconian immigration laws than even Trump is proposing.

But the most important reason to vote Trump is because if he wins the Powers-That-Be will never let him take power! Remember the Electoral College? TPTB can and will strip the victory away from Trump and give it to someone else. This will do more to destroy the current capitalist system than anything else.

Yeah, Right | Oct 27, 2016 6:17:06 AM | 123
@105, quoting Reuters: "Erdogan signaled Turkey could target the Afrin region of northwest Syria"

When Turkey launched "Operation Euphrates Shield" there was much commentary about how this would end the Kurdish plan to link Kobane with the Afrin pocket.

At the time I thought to myself: OK, so does that leave the Afrin pocket exposed, or is it pretty secure even when left to its own devices?

Nobody else seemed the slightest bit interested in pondering that though, apparently, Erdogan has now decided that it is a blister that needs to be lanced.

@105: "then that would push the Kurds into the arms of the Americans"

Err, no, I suspect not. After all, it was Biden who ordered the Kurdish forces to withdraw back behind the Euphrates once Erdogan started his little adventure, so it's pretty obvious that if the choice is between (a) Turkey and (b) the Kurds then good ol' Uncle Sam is going to side with the Turks.

fast freddy | Oct 27, 2016 7:04:22 AM | 124
Surprised to see Roger Waters on that list. WTF, Roger?

His condemnation of Israel and his love for Palestine has been clear.

Expressing his staunch I/P political views, Roger has consistently angered warmongering wingnuts at his concerts. (They like his music, but they wish he would shut up about " his politics".)

Waters should know clearly that Hillary Rotten Clinton will explicitly follow the Yinon Plan dictates for Greater Israel; and feed our sons and daughters (not hers) into the military meat grinder.

fast freddy | Oct 27, 2016 7:06:40 AM | 125
Neil Young is another one - should know better. Sir McCartney is no surprise. He's a suck-up, milquetoast douchebag.
Wwinsti | Oct 27, 2016 7:24:47 AM | 126
Russia wants to join forces with the US to take Raqqa.

The story is the third one down, so you have to scroll a little.

-- | Oct 27, 2016 7:26:35 AM | 127
Sick motherf*cker is on again!

Clinton adviser Chris Morell, wants US to intercept Iranian ships to help Saudi Arabia

pantaraxia | Oct 27, 2016 7:39:17 AM | 128

@119 From The Hague

"Yes, it's unbelieveble to read what for example the popstars say."

Madonna offers oral sex to Clinton voters

Nuff said.

Jack Smith | Oct 27, 2016 8:40:02 AM | 129
Blowin' In the Wind

Many thanks for those who read and comments.. I can never under understand why so many 60s and 70s antiwar become warmongers today?

I'm from the sixties - baby boom generation, not antiwar but leaning from anti commie to warmonger. I cannot understands why antiwar movements were against Vietnam war . America, land of the free leading the fighting against the commies spreading from the North moving southward to the two Korea, (Indochina) Laos, Cambodia, North &South Vietnam, Thailand, Malaya (independent), Singapore British Crown colony, Hong Kong British Crown colony, Indonesia, The Philippines. The warmonger was Lyndon B. Johnson a Democrat.

Blowin' In the Wind sang by leftist's antiwar singers. I'm especially touched by Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez... Where are they today? Warmongers for Hillary?


Sorrie, Eng not my mother tongue.

dahoit | Oct 27, 2016 9:13:31 AM | 130
The red zionist leader pretend hates Trump.
Hee hee,the vitriol from the serial liars should be enough for sane human to vote Trump.
Imagine the debt that the HB will owe the zionists if they manage to steal this election for her,their obvious chosen whore.
The zionists aint going to like the heartlands response to the fix.
The raw deal they are issuing to Trump will be rejected.
dahoit | Oct 27, 2016 9:15:21 AM | 131
They found the deed at last;700 BC papyrus mentions Jerusalem!
sheesh.They hate us all for not believing their bs.
h | Oct 27, 2016 9:48:44 AM | 132
112 said

"But I think that Hillary's transsexual desire (I speak as a psychologist here) to prove herself the "tougher man" may force Putin to launch a First Strike in the expectation she's about to. Indeed he tells us that the first lesson he learned as a street fighter at the age of 10 was: "Strike First." I think he will."

So do I. He did not go into Syria without a long-range strategy. And when he and China and others use the term "multi-polar" they mean it. Their commitment/strategy is at the cellular level which makes them unpredictable and dangerous to their adversary. Putin is all business.


Here's a vid of Podesta's think tank - Center for American Progress - where Mike Morrell NOT Chris Morrell along with others discuss the Middle East and U.S. partners -

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 27, 2016 9:53:27 AM | 133
This may be priceless:

From Russia with LOVE.

Noirette | Oct 27, 2016 11:33:18 AM | 134
I've written along this line before, apologies for the repeat.

The US has lost power, particularly economic power, and some soft power -not military power- in the last 20 or ++ years. An uncomfortable situation. This has disturbed, and will continue to disrupt, nay shatter, the PTB (Shadow Gvmt., fake duopoly, corporate rule, neo-fascism, slot in yr perso description) control.

The selection of Obama was a simplistic move: he could be ushered in as representing 'change', and seemingly 'win' an 'election' twice, with biz as usual (hopefully) maintaining itself, continuing with a puppet President. (As is organised 'abroad', see Poroshenko for ex.)

A crack on the political scene was the Tea Party, within Repub. circles, and it was genuine (if wacky), unlike Occupy Wall Street, or the present Black Lives Matter, which are more or less 'fake color revol.' controlled splinters that can be turned on or off. The Sanders candidacy split the Dem. base, and was either a nasty surprise for the neo-libs (they brought it on themselves, read Podesta e-mails) or an 'allowed' move to maintain the pretense of real political options.

The Repubs. could not turn up a convincing candidate (anyone with brains would avoid this situation like the plague, and the Rubio, Cruz type personas were just 'place holders') so the plan morphed into letting Trump win the nomination and lose the election to the neo-lib-con (HRC) faction. This plan was born out of arrogance, hubris, 'bubble' blindness and ignorance, and the supposed iron grip control of the MSM, aka 'the narrative.'

Trump did much better than expected, went on doing so. CNN at first gave him a 1% chance of winning the nomination, what a laugh. Imho Trump played the MSM masterfully, but that is neither here nor there - the PTB were shocked to see their hold erode, they never imagined losing control of the 'opposition' or the discontents, aka the rabble, the compliant sheeples: many different strands: Greens, e.g. Stein, whose vicious tweets against HRC are something to behold, libertarians, BernieBros for 'social democracy' and free college, now turned to Cleaning Out the Swamp, law -n- order types, gun toters, Blacks for Trump, and on and on ..unimaginable.

As no reasoned politically argued response was available, the PTB went into attack mode which completely backfired, as could readily be predicted. This is the post-Democracy Age (if it ever existed and the term 'democracy' is of course BS.)

Trump appears to confusedly propose a way of dealing with the US loss of economic domination, of power and place on the World Stage: nationalistic retrenchment, "better deals", OK, plus "a stronger military," a double-pronged sword, not pacifist, on the face of it.

Makes a kind of hopeful sense, and appeals greatly. HRC (she is just a propped up figure) in a corrupt circuit of PTB-NWO - the top 20% globalist class - has to push the agenda of the MIC, of Wall Street, Big Corps, Silicon Valley, etc. for personal position. Donors who give mega-cash get corp. and pol. favors, etc.

Mina | Oct 27, 2016 12:09:36 PM | 135
French MSM report as if it was the most natural thing in the world that Erdogan made a speech to say he intends to get back Manbij from the Kurds and participate in getting back Northern Syria, in cooperation with the US.
If the Turks enter that far, there is no doubt it will lead to a wider war ... Could that be the reason Hollande is so sure of being reelected in May?
5 dancing shlomos | Oct 27, 2016 12:32:21 PM | 136
stopped going to VT several years ago during their grand support of the slaughter of Libya. duff wrote I was posting from tel aviv.
have to be careful with vt. what is a lie and what is decent.

trump is hated/feared by repubs/dems, the establishment, wall st, the crooks, cronies, pedophiles, liars, warmongers, creepers in the dark, rich beggars with hands out, culture-destroyers.

supporting legal immigration is sound national policy as is not wanting to fight wars for jewry. supporting soc sec and medicare and spending tax dollars on repairing infrastructure in America not Israel is also sound.

i support trump.

Piotr Berman | Oct 27, 2016 12:57:36 PM | 137
My take is similar to rufus magister, namely that Trump (a) talks a lot of nonsense, but unlike a disciplined robot like Marco Rubio, he is eclectic and mixes that nonsense with surprisingly reasonable statements.

Many attacks on Trump almost convince me that he is the best candidate out there. But his own web site is much less convincing, and his personal appearances may be outright scary.

On domestic issues, he more or less follows all bad aspects of GOP model. His trade policy ideas are so unworkable that nothing will come out of them. Not that I disagree that there is too much of "free trade", but like with any complex system, it is much easier to make it worse that to make it better.

Back to Trump as an architect of new, improved foreign policy. Here the room for improvement is much more clear, because so much of the current policy is to effectively do little shits here and there, and to sell more arms than before, so totally ineffective policy would be a plus. It does not even need to be particularly consistent etc. But "greedy merchant" mentality exhibited by Trump in many quotes, like "take their oil", "those allies do not pay their dues", and "why did we give [returned!!!] money to Iran", make me genuinely worried that he would continue selling weapons to Gulfies and help them bombing Yemen and smuggling weapons to Syria: if they pay us that this is OK. Secondly, he was abjectly pandering to AIPAC. Thirdly, some mad statements about decisive direct intervention and using torture. The only change that I would be sure under Trump presidency is that CIA would be out of the loop, or at least, much less visible than now. And he would probably stop pressing EU to maintain and expand sanctions on Russia. But he would restore sanctions on Iran??

In other words, a mixed bag at best on foreign policy, probably ineffectual nonsense on trade policy and very retrograde changes in domestic policy. To name the few, green light to all possible abortion restriction, if not outlawing the abortion by SCOTUS, advocacy of police brutality, regressive taxation, letting people with chronic diseases die as uninsurable etc. So one has to consider how scary HRC is.

My estimate is that she would be basically Obama with inferior rhetoric. Leaked e-mails show that her decision making is quite deliberative, and the circle of opinions that are included not particularly insular. It is too neocon to my liking, and "Obama as is" happened to be much less appealing than "Obama before elected". Since there is no consensus to attack the Russians, she would not hammer it through.

Thus one can reasonably hope that HRC will be relatively harmless. And it is not even clear that Russia is harmed by sanctions. They restrict somewhat the access to goods and financial services, but during cheap oil, the top issues for Russia is import substitution, development of domestic production, and curtailing the capital flight. Good access to financial services can be quite detrimental to a country, as we can study on the example of Greece: joining Eurozone vastly improved the access to the financial markets and enabled to borrow much more that prudent. As Russia remains a net exporter by a quite large margin, keeping money at home is much more important than access to credit.

That said, a reasonable hope does not exactly dispel the fears described above. Moreover, it is predicated on the lack of "imperialist/neo-con consensus", and wobbly results of the elections would help. Thus, everybody here who can vote should vote as she/he damn pleases. If you do not like Clinton, I would suggest Stein, because she actually spells out a coherent and sensible position, and not patches of senses and horror, so this is Trump's policy and this is Stein's policy.

somebody | Oct 27, 2016 1:54:09 PM | 138
Posted by: Working Class Nero | Oct 27, 2016 4:21:36 AM | 122

Yeah, in Germany this is called "querfront" strategy. Problem is that fascism is a captialist scam for authoritarian rule.

Formerly T-Bear | Oct 27, 2016 1:56:17 PM | 139
Over at ZeroHedge a headline reads:

Putin Asks: "Is America Now A Banana Republic"

Politically yep, 'fraid so.

somebody | Oct 27, 2016 2:13:19 PM | 140
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Oct 27, 2016 12:57:36 PM | 137

Actually, for breaking up the two party system I would probably vote the libertarian ticket.

[Oct 27, 2016] Krugman on Trump TV and the Future of Right-Wing Media (Video)

Oct 27, 2016 |

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Krugman on Trump TV and the Future of Right-Wing Media (Video)

Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 04:01 PM in Economics , Video | Permalink Comments (23)
Feed You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. JohnH : , October 25, 2016 at 04:19 PM

I thought I'd never say this, but Glenn Beck gave a very thoughtful interview with Charley Rose last night. He raised a lot of issues that the other Glenn (Glenn Greenwald) has been raising--the moral bankruptcy of each political party and the tendency of each to attack the other for things that they themselves would deny, excuse, and say that it doesn't
matter when their own party does it.

Glenn is not supporting Trump. But he gives the example of the many Republicans who viciously attacked Bill Clinton for his sexual behavior but now deny, excuse and say that it doesn't matter when Trump does it.

The flip side, of course, is found with the many Democrats who viciously attack Trump but denied, excused, and said that it didn't matter when Bill Clinton did it.

Glenn says that to restore trust with the American people, both parties need to clean their houses and become parties that put laws and principles first, which implies criticizing their own instead of shielding them when
they misbehave.

reason -> JohnH... , October 26, 2016 at 12:01 AM
The big difference with Trump is that he is the guy in the glass house throwing stones.
Kenneth Almquist -> JohnH... , October 26, 2016 at 12:36 AM
This sounds like another attempt to claim the two parties are equivalent. Your claim that "many Democrats...viciously attack Trump but denied, excused, and said that it didn't matter when Bill Clinton did it," would be a bit more credible if you actually named a few of the alleged "many Democrats."

Most of the attacks on Trump are the result of Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women, which Clinton has not done. In any case, to claim that the Democratic party needs to "clean its house" you need evidence that there is a problem today, not merely one two decades ago when Bill Clinton was in office.

JohnH -> Kenneth Almquist... , October 26, 2016 at 08:34 AM
Thanks for providing a great example of a Democrat trying to deny, explain away, and say that Bill Clinton's behavior in the 1990s didn't matter!

Of course, Bill Clinton's radical deregulation of the 1990s (ending Glass-Steagall, commodities deregulation, etc.) and ending welfare as we knew it doesn't matter either...because it was done by a Democrat.

Nor did his attack on Serbia, which set the precedent for the pointless and futile war in Iraq. It's OK when Democrats wage war, as long as it's papered over with claims of 'humanitarian bombing.'

And Barack Obama's refusal to prosecute bankers and torturers doesn't matter, though Democrats would have cried 'bloody murder' if a Republican had behaved this way. Nor does his embrace of NSA spying really matter. Nor his proposed cuts to Social Security and social programs in general...because his is a Democrat.

This is why economic elites love to have Democrats in power...because they can push through horrible reforms...and rest confident that many of the party faithful will deny, excuse, and even claim that it didn't matter...because a Democrat did it.

Chris Lowery -> JohnH... , October 26, 2016 at 09:57 AM
John, speaking only for myself, the defense of Bill Clinton in the 1990's had nothing to do with excusing his atrocious behavior -- it had to do with the opposition engaging in a witch hunt to destroy a sitting president. and exploiting the vehicle of a special prosecutor's authority, granted to look into entirely different and unrelated matters, to do so. This was a gross misuse of official power. Clinton's mistake was in refusing to answer questions unrelated to the authorized inquiry.

As to the other items on your list of objections to Bill Clinton's actions, a few I'd agree with, and others I'd disagree with; but they are all unrelated to the issue of equivalence that you and Beck raise.

JohnH -> Chris Lowery ... , October 26, 2016 at 01:36 PM
I'd agree that Democrats never organized a witch hunt against any sitting Republican since Nixon.

Problem is, they never organized a serious opposition either, and readily bought into the opposition's tax cuts, budget cuts, and pointless and futile wars.

If Democrats won't organize a serious opposition to the likes of Cheney/Bush43, how can you take them seriously as an opposition party?

IMO Democrats are just Republicans-lite...

JohnH -> Kenneth Almquist... , October 26, 2016 at 09:23 AM
Kenneth Almquist claims that Bill Clinton never assaulted anyone, which provides yet more evidence of a Democratic denial of charges against their guy.

Did Juanita Brodderick's name ever register among the Democratic faithful, staunch defenders of Bill Clinton, right or wrong?

Brodderick's claim of rape was met with the typical denial and disbelief, which is still commonplace today...particularly when rape might have been done by someone rich or powerful...

DeDude -> Kenneth Almquist... , October 26, 2016 at 06:49 PM
Yes the big difference is that Clinton never ran around and said that sexual assault is OK, and he could get away with it. He was accused but never convicted of sexual assaults. You don't condemn a person for being accused of something. The only actual sex was consensual sex with a young woman.
pgl : , October 25, 2016 at 05:49 PM
Unlike JohnH - I actually bother to listen to the link our host provided. Krugman makes 3 claims:

(1) Breitbart does not need the Donald.

(2) Breitbart appeals to the racist crazies in our nation.

(3) Faux News will try to survive by becoming less establishment Republican and more like Breitbart - a bunch of Tea Party racists.

I have no crystal ball but this sounds about right.

cm -> pgl... , October 25, 2016 at 06:52 PM
The for-profit media thrive and depend on controversy and generally content that is emotionally engaging. Racism is only a small part of it, it is much more broadly appealing - it is essentially "addressing", channeling, amplifying, and redirecting existing grievances of a large part of the public. If economy and society would be doing great and a large majority of people would be happy/contented, these anger-based media formats wouldn't find an audience.

The same underlying causes as the success of Trump. The reason why he can maintain considerable success despite of grave shortcomings is because he continues to be a channel for the anger that is not disappearing. (With the support of the media, who are also interested in an ongoing controversy with details as scandalous as possible.)

EMichael -> cm... , October 26, 2016 at 07:48 AM
I disagree.

This "anger that is not disappearing" has been based on racism for decades. None of these Trump supporters are newly minted Rep voters; they have voted Rep their entire lives.

This is not so new group based on outrage over the problems of our "rigged system", this is the base that has voted consistently against their economic well being for decades.

EMichael -> EMichael... , October 26, 2016 at 09:01 AM
AS in,

"But holy hell, Republicans still refuse to be convinced.

According to a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll, seventy-two percent of registered Republicans "still doubt" the President's place of birth. Forty-one percent outright disagreed with the statement, "Barack Obama was born in the United States," while only twenty-seven percent of Republicans agree.

As NBC News blatantly states in the poll's findings, "Only slightly more than one in four Republican voters agreed that the president was born in the United States."

Let me know when you can come up with a reason that this kind of thought process is not dictated by racism.

DeDude -> cm... , October 26, 2016 at 06:36 PM
The main area where Faux needs to make a decision, is how far it will move with the GOP base on closed borders. The interest of the corporates is for open borders, whereas the xenophobe GOP base is strongly against. If Faux decide to remain on the corporates side of that issue, a Trump/Breibart media would have a chance. The GOP will face the same choice, but there is no way they split from the corporates that owns them. So the question is whether Faux will split with GOP on the issues that divide the GOP corporates from the GOP base. Their business office would say yes (hold on to the viewers), but they are not just a business.
JohnH -> pgl... , October 25, 2016 at 09:31 PM
I'd love to know exactly how pgl 'read' the video that our host provided...transcript please!

The left needs media that
1) Does not need Hillary
2) Does not engage in cold war fearmongering
3) Becomes less establishment and more progressive.

Will Krugman talk about that?

BTW Here's an address on inequality by Stiglitz, given two weeks ago. When was the last time that Krugman, whose day job at CUNY is allegedly about studying inequality, even talked about the subject?

pgl -> JohnH... , October 26, 2016 at 01:18 AM
Read??? Try "listen". Lord - you can't read.
anne -> JohnH... , October 26, 2016 at 07:06 AM
"Here's an address on inequality by Stiglitz, given two weeks ago...."

Which would be the address in question?

Interviews with and Articles about Professor Stiglitz

forgotten ghost of American protectionism : , October 25, 2016 at 06:44 PM
The trade deficit will continue to explode; the US will lose most of its remaining industrial base over the next few years and the population of new poor and unemployed will grow sharply. Trump will be in a strong position to say "I told you so" and pick up the pieces of our broken society in 2020. You can't destroy the livelihood of 150-300 million people without some kind of political movement emerging to restore the economy to its industrial age prosperity.
reason -> forgotten ghost of American protectionism... , -1
Where does 150-300 million people come from? And why aren't you looking at what is happening in finance which is just as important in driving the demise of US industry (an overvalued currency is exactly the same as a cut in tariffs).

[Oct 27, 2016] Hillary Clinton's infrastructure investment plans are too small as she Wall Street stooge

Oct 27, 2016 |

Peter K. : October 26, 2016 at 08:20 AM , Hillary Clinton's infrastructure investment plans are too small as she Wall Street stooge

Sanjait and PGL tell us that Hillary plans about $1.65 trillion in additional spending over the next ten years.

Wow that sounds like a lot! No wonder conservative web sites are all up in arms about the new spending. (No doubt they're trying to fan the flames of their already enflamed readers.)

Alan Blinder is a smart economist. He says otherwise:

"Former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder said he's skeptical that fiscal policy will be loosened a great deal if Clinton wins the election, as seems likely based on recent voter surveys.

"She is promising not to make budget deficits bigger by her programs," said Blinder, who is now a professor at Princeton University. "Whatever fiscal stimulus there is ought to be small enough for the Fed practically to ignore it.""

But PGL bashed Bernie Sanders supporters and supported centrist Clinton during the primary. What gives?

Why is he lying about her fiscal plans now?

And what about Hillary's endorsement of the centrist view that we are not allowed to discuss the Fed during a Presidential election. The deplorable voters aren't to be trusted (when the experts like PGL and Bobby Rubin did such a fine job with the housing bubble and financial crisis).

As the Blinder quote shows, Fed policy is very important especially if it can "brush off" fiscal policy's effects on employment levels and aggregate demand.

Peter K. -> Peter K.... , -1
Larry Summers and Krugman argue that Hillary Clinton's infrastructure investment plans are "substantially" too small. And they supported her!

Krugman went so far as to lie about Sanders and his supporters. Summers called them populist authoritarians.

And yet PGL just outright ignores what they have to say when he brown-noses them on every other occasion.

We know Sanjait is a centrist at heart the way he bad-mouths Dean Baker on a regular basis.

[Oct 27, 2016] Eleven days before election,: the overview of political situation

Notable quotes:
"... Societies Under Siege is a sophisticated account of how, and why, economic sanctions applied in recent years to South Africa, Iraq and Myanmar affected the politics of those three countries without achieving the goals that the Western politicians which dictated them intended ..."
"... Precisely… The whole idea that "this is not the time for reform" Is complete crap. If these people are the best we've got, we are screwed. ..."
"... I do not believe "revolutions purity" means much more than continued bribes for access and favors for the Clinton Foundation, or its members. Or does it mean "clean money"? ..."
"... or they could create a character like Emmanuel Goldstein. they've sort of overlaid him on trump, but virtual reality is the bestest. ..."
"... I voted the straight republican ticket. If HRC wins I want her to get impeached immediately. Prior to this election, I never voted for any Republican. ..."
"... I voted for NO incumbents …. If that meant voting for Republican candidates ..well then, so be it … ..."
"... A good reason to vote for Stein is that if she gets 5+% of the vote, the Greens could get federal matching funds in 2020. We have to have more choices than the Republicrats! ..."
"... And would that mean that the Greens would start acting like a real political party? Instead of the ecology club for misfits? ..."
"... Forget the Easter Bunny. She can't win. But that's not the point, is it? The point is to send a multi-part message: (1) You're disgusted with the two big parties and (2) presumptive winner H had better keep looking over her left shoulder, because you are out there. ..."
"... Honestly, this is one of the best explanations of people voting against Hillary I have seen. Well worth the read. (I give it an A+ FWIW) ..."
"... Another must-read from Jacobin: I wasn't aware of this terrible chapter. Anyone who cares about Haiti should shun the Clintons. ..."
"... The fact that the Haitians seem to be so unanimously against them (in my observations) should be a clear WARNING to voters regarding their foreign affairs and personal character… Alas, so should so much of the other evidence. ..."
"... I wonder if Hillary will out herself as a Republican after the election… "No more hiding my private positions in a closet for me." ..."
"... These aren't health, labor and consumer groups - these are simply anti-American and anti-worker swine! No parsing about the TPP, it is a solid crapfest of which no portion should be passed, and any group which claims otherwise should be deported! ..."
"... Like it or not, only change candidate, now and for the foreseeable future, is trump. On the plus side, we avoid emptying out the Ibm silos. And maybe, just maybe, he really gets bills passed for infrastructure spending. Best of all, dems might actually move left. ..."
Oct 27, 2016 |
By Lambert Strether


"As a longtime Bill Clinton adviser came under fire several years ago for alleged conflicts of interest involving a private consulting firm and the Clinton Foundation, he mounted an audacious defense: Bill Clinton's doing it, too" [ Politico ].

"The unusual and brash rejoinder from veteran Clinton aide and Teneo Consulting co-founder Doug Band is scattered across the thousands of hacked emails published by WikiLeaks, but a memo released Wednesday provides the most detailed look to date at the intertwined worlds of nonprofit, for-profit, official and political activities involving Clinton and many of his top aides.

The memo at one point refers bluntly to the money-making part of Clinton's life as 'Bill Clinton Inc.' and notes that in at least one case a company - global education firm Laureate International Universities - began paying Clinton personally after first being a donor to the Clinton Foundation.

I think it's important for young women and girls to see that a corrupt dynasty can occupy the White House a second time.

"Inside 'Bill Clinton Inc.': Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income" [ WaPo ]. Gives "intersectionality" a new twist, eh? Rather a lot of detail in this; well worth a read.

War Drums

"Societies Under Siege is a sophisticated account of how, and why, economic sanctions applied in recent years to South Africa, Iraq and Myanmar affected the politics of those three countries without achieving the goals that the Western politicians which dictated them intended" [ Asian Affairs ].

The Voters

"Goldman Sachs: Election Won't End Like Brexit" [Barrons, via Across the Curve ]. "We think that the upcoming U.S. election won't end up as another Brexit-styled surprise for for two reasons."

First, and most importantly, whole both situations represented an opportunity for voters to endorse a change in the status quo, voters in the UK were asked to decide on an idea whereas in the US they are being asked to decide on a person. The distinction is illustrated in US polling by the difference between the small share of Americans who believe the country is moving in the right direction (29%) and majority who approve of the job President Obama is doing (52%).

Second. While the polls conducted on the eve of the referendum vote showed "remain" with a 4.6pp lead, in contrast to the 3.8pp actual vote margin in favor of "leave", an average of polls published by the Economist magazine the day before the election showed a tied race, and showed "leave" leading for much of the prior month. As much as 10% of the public in many of these surveys was also undecided. By contrast, Sec. Clinton has led the average of presidential polls consistently for more than a year, with the exception of one week in late July following the Republican convention, and for most of the last year her lead has been substantial, averaging 4pp since the last primary elections were held.

Includes a wrap-up of polling methodologies as well.

"Laboratories of change" [Tim Canova, Medium ]. Florida referendum proposals. Interesting!


"Less than two weeks from Election Day, Democrats are on track to pick up between 10 and 20 House seats, a slight uptick in their fortunes, but still well short of the 30 seats they need for the majority. Low enthusiasm for the top of the GOP ticket remains a concern for down-ballot Republicans, but Trump isn't as much of a drag outside of well-educated suburbs, which could limit Democrats' gains" [ Cook Political Report ].

The Trail

"Win or lose, the Republican candidate and his inner circle have built a direct marketing operation that could power a TV network-or finish off the GOP" [ Bloomberg ]. And Trump controls a lot of data. Fascinating article. Son of Berlusconi?

"Texas: Trump 45%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 7% (UT/Texas Tribune); Texas: Trump 45%, Clinton 38%, Johnson 7% (Austin American Statesman); Florida: Clinton 43%, Trump 39%, Johnson 6% (University of North Florida); Pennsylvania: Clinton 46%, Trump 39% (NYT/Siena)" [ Political Wire ]. FWIW!

UPDATE "20 percent of Florida voters have already cast their ballots" [ McClatchy ]. The breathless coverage of early voting, and its "historic levels," is making me crazy. Early voting seems like a terrible idea to me. For some large percent of the population, it renders the last part of the race irrelevant, incentivizing earlier "surprises." The real answer is to make Election Day a national holiday. Why the heck not?


"For decades, Democratic presidential candidates have been making steady gains among upper income whites and whites with college and postgraduate degrees. This year, however, is the first time in at least six decades that the Democratic nominee is positioned to win a majority of these upscale voters" [ New York Times ]. "What these figures suggest is that the 2016 election will represent a complete inversion of the New Deal order among white voters. From the 1930s into the 1980s and early 1990s, majorities of downscale whites voted Democratic and upscale whites voted Republican. Now, looking at combined male and female vote totals, the opposite is true."

"Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats' Madame Defarge, and Bernie Sanders, winner of 22 millennial-fueled primaries, are going to guarantee the revolution's purity in any Clinton presidency" [ Wall Street Journal , "The Warren-Sanders Presidency"]. "For starters, they have a list. Politico reported in early September that Sen. Warren and progressive policy groups such as the Roosevelt Institute are 'developing a hit list of the types of people they'll oppose-what one source called 'hell no' appointments-in a Clinton administration. '" Well, we can but hope that the Roosevelt Institute has improved since 2011 . Readers?

Democrat Email Hairball

UPDATE "Podesta tops Clinton's short list for chief of staff" [ Politico ]. "Podesta, the architect of President Barack Obama's climate initiatives, is also rumored to be interested in a potential Cabinet post, such as energy secretary. But that road would require Senate confirmation, which could be an opening for hearings on the WikiLeaks release of his hacked email - in total, the site plans to release 50,000 emails revealing behind-the-scenes dealmaking going back 10 years."

... ... ...

Our Famously Free Press

"Facebook's Trending Algorithm Can't Stop Fake News, Computer Scientists Say" [ Buzzfeed ].

By scaling internationally, Facebook is creating a situation whereby future Trending failures will potentially occur at a scale unheard of in the history of human communication. Fake stories and other dubious content could reach far more people faster than ever before.

For Trending to become a reliable, global product, it will need to account for the biases, bad actors, and other challenges that are endemic to Facebook and the news media. Put another way, in order to succeed, the Trending algorithm needs to be better than the very platform that spawned it. That's because fake news is already polluting the platform's News Feed organically. A recent BuzzFeed News analysis of giant hyperpartisan Facebook pages found that 38% of posts on conservative pages and 19% of posts on liberal pages featured false or misleading content

Imperial Collapse Watch

"Rise of the American Mercenary" [ The American Conservative ]. " [T]he rise of the contractor to wage America's military operations is Obama's silent national-security legacy, with more dead contractors on his watch (1,540 as of March) and little or no transparency about who these contractors are and what they do. [Foreign Policy writer Micah Zenko] scoffed at Obama's insistence that he has pursued a 'fight U.S. footprint' across these lonflict zones. "Were it not for these contractors, Obama's 'light footprint' would suddenly be two or three times as large,' Zenko wrote."


" Globalization has greased the slippery slope from factory to landfill by enabling the global distribution of defective parts. Whether they are pirated, designed to fail or just the result of slipshod quality control, the flood of defective parts guarantee that the entire assembly they are installed in–stoves, vacuum cleaners, transmissions, electronics, you name it–will soon fail and be shipped directly to the landfill, as repairing stuff is far costlier than buying a new replacement" [ Of Two Minds ].

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was slated to hold four days of public meetings, Oct. 18-21, focused on essentially one question: Is glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide, safe?" [ Alternet ]. "However, the EPA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) meetings were 'postponed,' just four days before they were suppose to meet, after intense lobbying by the agrichemical industry, including Monsanto."

Guillotine Watch

Class Warfare

"Iowans on their wages: 'I'm not stupid or lazy. It's just not there'" [ Des Moines Register ].

rich October 27, 2016 at 3:01 pm

When CIA and NSA Workers Blow the Whistle, Congress Plays Deaf

Do the committees that oversee the vast U.S. spying apparatus take intelligence community whistleblowers seriously?

Do they earnestly investigate reports of waste, fraud, abuse, professional negligence, or crimes against the Constitution reported by employees or contractors working for agencies like the CIA or NSA?

For the last 20 years, the answer has been a resounding "no."

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 27, 2016 at 3:43 pm

Did George really cut down that the cherry tree?

Looking deeper, were our founding fathers without personal faults? Perhaps some were rude, with too much ego, didn't say acceptable nice things about many people, etc.

But none tried to get into the White House (not sure it existed then) through a personal foundation.

DJG October 27, 2016 at 4:42 pm

What could possibly go wrong with the empire hiring Germanic mercenaries to patrol the borderlands?

WJ October 27, 2016 at 6:34 pm

Hahaha +100

nippersdad October 27, 2016 at 2:23 pm

Something else y'all might care to see; Nomi Prins' predictions for Wall Street during a Clinton Presidency:

shinola October 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm

Great article – thanks for the link! A snippet:

" So let's recap Hillary's America, past, present, and future. It's a land lacking in meaningful structural reform of the financial system, a place where the big banks have been, and will continue to be, coddled by the government. No CEO will be jailed, no matter how large the fines his bank is saddled with or how widespread the crimes it committed. Instead, he's likely to be invited to the inaugural ball in January. "

Contains many other good observations; good enough that I hope Yves or Lambert consider it for tomorrow's Links or Water-cooler.

Vatch October 27, 2016 at 2:24 pm

"Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats' Madame Defarge, and Bernie Sanders, winner of 22 millennial-fueled primaries, are going to guarantee the revolution's purity in any Clinton presidency"

I have serious doubts that Warren and Sanders will be able to veto any of Clinton's choices for office. I think we can expect to see plenty of clones of Eric Holder, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, and Mary Jo White in a Clinton administration. Similarly, we'll clones of Donald Rumsfeld, Hank Paulson, and Alberto Gonzales in a Trump administration.

We missed our chance during the Democratic primaries - the oligarchs saved themselves.

Lambert Strether Post author October 27, 2016 at 2:32 pm

Then we'll mark them up good. Remember, campaign 2020 begins in November 9.

polecat October 27, 2016 at 3:45 pm

there won't BE a campaign in 2020 at the rate things are going --

…at least not one that would matter to the 99%

polecat October 27, 2016 at 3:54 pm

…..and Warren & Sanders … they aren't going to achieve shit …..

The time for either of them to stand on principle was THIS election …. not four years from now …

it's all a pantomime --

Roger Smith October 27, 2016 at 4:08 pm

Precisely… The whole idea that "this is not the time for reform" Is complete crap. If these people are the best we've got, we are screwed.

Synoia October 27, 2016 at 4:10 pm

Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats' Madame Defarge, and Bernie Sanders, winner of 22 millennial-fueled primaries, are going to guarantee the revolution's purity in any Clinton presidency

I do not believe "revolutions purity" means much more than continued bribes for access and favors for the Clinton Foundation, or its members. Or does it mean "clean money"?

AnEducatedFool October 27, 2016 at 6:17 pm

The only people that can stop Clinton in DC are Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy. Sanders and Warren are going to play ball. They may hold up a nominee or two but Clinton is already working with Republicans to form a unity Cabinet. Sanders and Warren will have no clout if Clinton is able to bring on Republican and Democratic neo-cons/neo-liberals. Granted Warren is a politician now and has clearly embraced Clinton on the trail…too the point that I get sick when I see her. I really really really hope that Berniecrats primary her.

JTMcPhee October 27, 2016 at 7:44 pm

Even the Walloons can be brought to heel. Corporations rule, corruption triumphs, everyone has their price or vulnerability to one lever or another.

Jolly good show, fellow humans!

grizziz October 27, 2016 at 2:40 pm

Guaranteeing the revolutions purity: As I recall, the presidential election is winner-takes-all and to quote Alec Baldwin from the movie Glengary-Glenross, "second place gets a set of steak knives."

I suppose that in terms of leverage, it will depend on the outcome of the Senate races to see if Warren or Sanders will get committee chairmanships and thus be able to control legislation. If the Senate does not trun over, Warren and Sanders will be seen as weak.

Link to Glengary-Glenross –

Pat October 27, 2016 at 3:13 pm

In truth it depends on the numbers AND how obstructionist the Republicans choose to be. Will the oligarchs demand that their most rewarded Senators support the usual suspects for confirmation even though they are Clinton nominees regardless of party OR will the Republicans need to continue obstructing the Dems for the base? If it is the former, you are right that the Progressive wing will have little say, the latter could mean that they have some bargaining power, especially if the Dems have the majority and it is embarassing to Clinton.

Frankly I figure it will be the former for anything the oligarchs care about (which will be pretty much everything Warren cares about) and obstruction for everything else.

craazyboy October 27, 2016 at 4:10 pm

My greatest fear is that the next 4 years will be exactly the same as the last 6 months, including Trump is still running for prez and the media is idolizing Hillary to stop the Trump threat. The Deep State and oligarchs convince Congress they are "stronger together". WikiLeaks hacks the FBI and deletes the FBI copies of Hillary's e-mails. 'Course I could be wrong about that.

jrs October 27, 2016 at 4:54 pm

wow that is a scary thought. Hillary v Trump 2020. I think the Republican party might try to stop any Trump threat in the future, but it does a world of good for Hillary and the oligarchs.

pretzelattack October 27, 2016 at 5:18 pm

or they could create a character like Emmanuel Goldstein. they've sort of overlaid him on trump, but virtual reality is the bestest.

Daryl October 27, 2016 at 4:15 pm

It's been a long time since there has been a congressional group with enough solidarity to push things around like this, I have many doubts. (Well, except most of Congress regularly acting to do horrible things like the TPP).

DJG October 27, 2016 at 4:46 pm

I have been wondering if the Democrats are just holding Warren and Sanders out as bait. In a sense, they are bait to the voting public. In a sense, they are bait to see which politicians will be foolhardy enough to make a movement to join them. I suspect that they are being set up to be purged. I'm surprised that the WSJ was so temperate (maybe the editorial board is waiting for the elections). Why didn't WSJ signal better by calling him Bernie Robespierre and her the Charlotte Corday of the Democratic Party?

Vatch October 27, 2016 at 5:28 pm

they are bait to see which politicians will be foolhardy enough to make a movement to join them. I suspect that they are being set up to be purged.

Ha! Yes, like Mao's "Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom" campaign.

Yves Smith October 27, 2016 at 5:57 pm

Warren has blocked two Obama appointments and that was before Sanders had a national name and an independent funding base.

ekstase October 27, 2016 at 2:25 pm

"Lambert: 2016 Days until: 11. That's only one more than ten days!"

Wow! Gosh. I'd forgotten about that election thing. Here's another helpful countdown:

EndOfTheWorld October 27, 2016 at 4:27 pm

I voted the straight republican ticket. If HRC wins I want her to get impeached immediately. Prior to this election, I never voted for any Republican.

Massinissa October 27, 2016 at 4:54 pm

Im in a red state, so I think Im going to vote straight ticket Democrat (except not Hillary) just for that reason.

polecat October 27, 2016 at 6:58 pm

I voted for NO incumbents …. If that meant voting for Republican candidates ..well then, so be it …

Carla October 27, 2016 at 2:42 pm

A good reason to vote for Stein is that if she gets 5+% of the vote, the Greens could get federal matching funds in 2020. We have to have more choices than the Republicrats!

Arizona Slim October 27, 2016 at 3:07 pm

And would that mean that the Greens would start acting like a real political party? Instead of the ecology club for misfits?

nippersdad October 27, 2016 at 2:52 pm

You might look up the process for tabulating undervotes in your state. IIRC, those are pretty closely watched by the state parties.

ChiGal in Carolina October 27, 2016 at 3:18 pm

thanks, all I could find were old articles about how NC's straight-party ballot that excludes prez resulted in undervoting – assumed to be in error. but will keep looking. to be safe, guess I'll vote Stein.

JeffC October 27, 2016 at 2:57 pm

Forget the Easter Bunny. She can't win. But that's not the point, is it? The point is to send a multi-part message: (1) You're disgusted with the two big parties and (2) presumptive winner H had better keep looking over her left shoulder, because you are out there.

dk October 27, 2016 at 3:54 pm

After the election, counties and states publish a canvass of the total number of ballots cast, and how many votes each candidate got. The sum of votes for candidates minus the vote total shows disengagement for that race. Political researchers and campaign strategists examine these numbers, and they work their way into future campaign strategies. PACs, lobbyist firms, and other donor-funded groups also consider these figures along with others to determine candidate viability.

Here's one from NM 2012:

Total Voters: 786522
Sum of all Presidential votes: 783757
Difference: 2765 (~0.35%)

But the NM Secretary of State's office did not publish total ballot numbers for 2014. The current trend is for counties and state to publish fewer and fewer details (and not just of elections). This is why state and county seats are important.

ChiGal in Carolina October 27, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Thank you, that is helpful.

Waldenpond October 27, 2016 at 2:50 pm

Imperial Collapse Watch…. increasingly used on the domestic front also. I don't believe the attack dogs used on the NoDAPL watchers were law enforcement.

Democracy Now is covering the military ramp up today but it looks like that is police agencies (out of the area). Use of multiple MRAPs, sound cannon, armored truck, bulldozer.

rich October 27, 2016 at 2:54 pm

An interview about Money Laundering
By Golem XIV on October 27, 2016 in latest

Here is a 9 minute interview I did recently for Real Media about Money Laundering and what happened to me when I wrote about it. It's an extract from a much longer and wide ranging interview.

In case you're interested I wrote in more length about the incident in "Making the Truth Illegal – revisited"

fresno dan October 27, 2016 at 3:14 pm

'the UK lobbied the US not to prosecute UK banks'
Well, the US doesn't prosecute US bank money launderers, so clean, clean money must be the most important factor in making an economy successful*

* and by successful, I mean the 1% ever richer….

DWD October 27, 2016 at 2:58 pm

I may have missed it, but I did not see this link to Conner Kilpatrick in the Jacobin Magazine listed at this site.

Honestly, this is one of the best explanations of people voting against Hillary I have seen. Well worth the read. (I give it an A+ FWIW)

nycTerrierist October 27, 2016 at 3:35 pm

Another must-read from Jacobin: I wasn't aware of this terrible chapter. Anyone who cares about Haiti should shun the Clintons.

Roger Smith October 27, 2016 at 4:32 pm

The fact that the Haitians seem to be so unanimously against them (in my observations) should be a clear WARNING to voters regarding their foreign affairs and personal character… Alas, so should so much of the other evidence.

john October 27, 2016 at 4:38 pm

NPR reported the Clinton Foundation reported they distributed half of all HIV drugs globally. So what are the odds she'll really fix Obama/Affordable care? She's already sold us to the pharma's.

Kurt Sperry October 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm

Depressing, but must read.

dcblogger October 27, 2016 at 3:11 pm

I wrote this more than a year ago, but it seems more relevant than ever. Waiting for the attack on Fort Sumter

b. October 27, 2016 at 4:39 pm

"Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats' Madame Defarge, and Bernie Sanders, winner of 22 millennial-fueled primaries, are going to guarantee the revolution's purity in any Clinton presidency"

Here's a good example of somebody missing the point:

The four "reports" below are the trial balloons so far for the post-election counter-purity campaign to inoculate Clinton against her "supports". Beneath the BS, there is the same derogatory message, belittling and denying any Warren/Sanders agency under the new regime – at a point when it is not at all clear whether they actually have any, anyway.

The hit pieces:

Bonus item – is Sanders going to run as D in 2018?

Arizona Slim October 27, 2016 at 5:02 pm

Sanders went back to being an Independent. And, as far as his running for re-election to the Senate, my prediction is NO.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 27, 2016 at 6:06 pm

I wonder if Hillary will out herself as a Republican after the election… "No more hiding my private positions in a closet for me."

Synoia October 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm

Belgium will ask the European Court of Justice to clarify the proposed investment court system,

Hmm, I wonder if the Court will preserve it prerogative of being the Court of last resort? I also wonder about a constitutional challenge to ISDS in the US, based on Marbury V Madison.

DJG October 27, 2016 at 4:59 pm

Synoia: I have a feeling that the Walloons know that it will, which is why they are kicking the matter upstairs. The E C of J has overruled whole piles of national law, sending legislators scurrying.

Vatch October 27, 2016 at 5:00 pm

"Inside 'Bill Clinton Inc.': Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income" [WaPo].

According to this article , as of 2012, the pension for ex U.S. Presidents is $199,700 per year, which explains why Bill Clinton needs so much money from other sources. He held that job for a full 8 years, and he gets less than $200,000 per year from the U.S. government! Some folks might think that a six figure pension like that should only be given to a person who has worked a full career of 30 to 40 years.

Oops, another article says that the current pension is $205,700 - my bad. According to page 5, George W. Bush ($214,000) and Bill Clinton ($218,000) received more the statutory pension. There's no explanation as to why. Former Presidents also get office allowances.

allan October 27, 2016 at 6:07 pm


Note difference betw the ARMED Bundy standoffs in Oregon & Nevada vs. the unarmed standoff in North Dakota. Full media coverage vs Silence.

And sure enough, currently no story on the front pages of the NYT or WaPo about either the encampment in ND
or the occupation of the HRC campaign headquarters in Brooklyn.

MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 27, 2016 at 6:48 pm

Thanks. Didn't know about the occupation of Hillary's campaign headquarters.

sgt_doom October 27, 2016 at 6:44 pm

TPP: "Health, labor and consumer groups are warning President Barack Obama to refrain from including a 12-year monopoly period for biological drugs in legislation to implement the TPP as a means for addressing congressional concerns over the pact. . .

These aren't health, labor and consumer groups - these are simply anti-American and anti-worker swine! No parsing about the TPP, it is a solid crapfest of which no portion should be passed, and any group which claims otherwise should be deported!

John k October 27, 2016 at 7:11 pm

Obama McCain 2008… McCain possibly more belligerent, but Obama did smash Libya, now Yemen.
Obama Romney 2012… Didn't matter who won. Identical policies.
Clinton trump 2016… Clinton more of same, trump?

People wanting change are waiting for an ideal changer. Not gonna happen. Bernie one such, but wouldn't get into the mud with opponent. Imagine she wins and runs again in 2020… Which of the 16 reps on the stage would be an improvement? Or imagine she retires for health, or is impeached… Look who she selected for veep… Might even be worse. And don't bleet the supremes… We know she's considering a rep Texan.

Like it or not, only change candidate, now and for the foreseeable future, is trump. On the plus side, we avoid emptying out the Ibm silos. And maybe, just maybe, he really gets bills passed for infrastructure spending. Best of all, dems might actually move left.

[Oct 27, 2016] Podesta wants Clintons Email Aide to be Drawn and Quartered

Notable quotes:
"... The revelations that - as Secretary of State - Clinton had committed such a huge security gaffe was quickly picked up on - and has since extensively been used by - Republican candidate Donald Trump, as an example of how Clinton is unfit for the presidency. ..."
"... "This is a change election: people (even those who support Obama) are not interested in the status quo. Therefore they want a candidate who will make change, actually fight the status quo." ..."
"... It is believed they will continue to be dripped out ahead of the presidential election on November 8. Apart from the embarrassment over the email account, the leaks show Clinton changing her position on free trade agreements. ..."
"... The question is not whether or not Donald or Hillary are fit to be US President. The question should be is the United States fit to exist in a civilized world? The answer is; not in its current form! Perhaps if the US returned to following its Constitution, but not otherwise! ..."

Whoever advised US Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton that she could use private emails while in office should have been "drawn and quartered," according to the latest batch of emails of the campaign chairman John Podesta, published by WikiLeaks on October 27.Clinton ran into huge trouble when it was revealed that - while Secretary of State - she had been using insecure private email accounts based on non-government servers, exposing the US administration to hacking or surveillance from foreign nations.

In the latest cache of emails, one of Clinton's advisers, Neera Tanden wrote to Podesta asking: "Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered? Like whole thing is f****** insane."

One of the 'Podesta Emails' released by Wikileaks An investigation by the FBI concluded that 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information.

The revelations that - as Secretary of State - Clinton had committed such a huge security gaffe was quickly picked up on - and has since extensively been used by - Republican candidate Donald Trump, as an example of how Clinton is unfit for the presidency.

Apology Enough?

Another chain of emails delivered Clinton's advisers' verdict on her round of interviews with the media apologizing for the email gaffe and saying: "As I look back at it now, even though it was allowed, I should have used two accounts. That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility."

Tanden responded: "She rocked it!" in a suggestion that the plan had been to admit culpability personally - an honest appeal for empathy to kill the political furore.

Another adviser, Jennifer Palmieri replied: "I actually cried a little bit with relief."

However, John Podesta replied that Clinton may not have gone far enough and that Trump had found her weak spot. "No good deed goes unpunished. Press takeaway was the whine of but 'she really didn't apologize to the American people' I am beginning to think Trump is on to something," Podesta wrote

Too 'Establishment'?

Meanwhile, another email - also from Tanden - show the sense of vulnerability within the Clinton camp: her need to appeal to voters who conceive of her as being part of the establishment and - in particular - part of the Obama set who promised much, but delivered little. "So if she attacks [Trump] from the right (say on taxes), she will sound establishment/centrist and that hurts her. She needs to reaffirm her liberal credentials, not just her doer credentials," Tanden wrote.

"This is a change election: people (even those who support Obama) are not interested in the status quo. Therefore they want a candidate who will make change, actually fight the status quo."

Wikileaks has gradually been releasing more than 30,000 emails hacked from the account belonging to Podesta since October 7, 2016, giving an insight into the background thinking within her team.

It is believed they will continue to be dripped out ahead of the presidential election on November 8. Apart from the embarrassment over the email account, the leaks show Clinton changing her position on free trade agreements.

Read more:

William Cocker · Port Alberni, British Columbia

The question is not whether or not Donald or Hillary are fit to be US President. The question should be is the United States fit to exist in a civilized world? The answer is; not in its current form! Perhaps if the US returned to following its Constitution, but not otherwise!

[Oct 26, 2016] Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

Using pseudonym suggests full understand that email goes to the private server...
Oct 26, 2016 |
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton's private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

Story Continued Below

The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton's closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker "Guccifer." In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."

[Oct 26, 2016] Over-sampling issue in Podesta emails

Notable quotes:
"... The simplest explanation is usually best. All the indicators, especially the support of the donor class, elites of all kinds etc. points towards a Democratic victory, perhaps a very strong victory if the poll numbers last weekend translate into electoral college numbers. ..."

kidneystones 10.25.16 at 11:07 am ( 55 )

I stopped by to check if my comment had cleared moderation. What follows is a more thorough examination (not my own, entirely) on Corey's point 1, and some data that may point towards a much narrower race than we're led to believe.

The leaked emails from one Democratic super-pac, the over-sampling I cited at zerohedge (@13o) is part of a two-step process involving over-sampling of Democrats in polls combined with high frequency polling. The point being to encourage media to promote the idea that the race is already over. We saw quite a bit of this last weekend. Let's say the leaked emails are reliable.

This suggests to me two things: first – the obvious, the race is much closer than the polls indicated, certainly the poll cited by Corey in the OP. Corey questioned the validity of this poll, at least obliquely. Second, at least one super-pac working with the campaign sees the need to depress Trump turn-out. The first point is the clearest and the most important – the polls, some at least, are intentionally tilted to support a 'Hillary wins easily' narrative. The second allows for some possibly useful speculation regarding the Clinton campaigns confidence in their own GOTV success.

The simplest explanation is usually best. All the indicators, especially the support of the donor class, elites of all kinds etc. points towards a Democratic victory, perhaps a very strong victory if the poll numbers last weekend translate into electoral college numbers.

That's a big if. I suggest Hillary continues to lead but by much smaller margins in key states. It's also useful to point out that Trump's support in traditionally GOP states may well be equally shaky.

And that really is it from me on this topic barring a double digit swing to Hillary in the LA Times poll that has the race at dead even.

Layman 10.25.16 at 11:31 am


"The leaked emails from one Democratic super-pac, the over-sampling I cited at zerohedge (@13o) is part of a two-step process involving over-sampling of Democrats in polls combined with high frequency polling."

Excellent analysis, only the email in question is eight years old. And it refers to a request for internal polling done by the campaign. And it suggests over-sampling of particular demographics so the campaign could better assess attitudes among those demographics.

And this is a completely normal practice which has nothing to do with the polling carried out by independent third parties (e.g. Gallup, Ipsos, etc) for the purposes of gauging and reporting to the public the state of the race.

And when pollsters to over-sample, the over-sampling is used for analysis but is not reflected in the top-line poll results.

[Oct 25, 2016] The Clinton Foundation contributed to the February coup in Ukraine, having longstanding ties to Ukrainian oligarchs who pushed the country to European integration.

Notable quotes:
"... It has recently turned out that Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, a vocal proponent of Ukraine's European integration, made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State. Although the foundation swore off donations from foreign governments while Mrs. Clinton was serving as a state official, it continued accepting money from private donors. Many of them had certain ties to their national governments like Viktor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian businessman and ex-parliamentarian. ..."
"... Viktor Pinchuk has always been one of the most vocal proponents of Ukraine's European integration. In 2004 Pinchuk founded the Yalta European Strategy (YES) platform in Kiev. YES is led by the board including ex-president of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski and former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana. According to the website of the platform, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Kofi Annan, Radoslaw Sikorski, Vitaliy Klitschko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Petro Poroshenko and other prominent figures have participated in annual meetings of YES since 2004. ..."
"... Experts note that after the coup, the Ukrainian leadership has actually become Washington's puppet government. Several foreign citizens, including American civilian Natalie Jaresko, Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius and Georgia-born Alexander Kvitashvili have assumed high posts in the Ukrainian government. It should be noted that Natalie Jaresko, Ukraine's Financial Minister, have previously worked in the US State Department and has also been linked to oligarch Viktor Pinchuk. ..."
May 17, 2015 |

A sinister atmosphere surrounds the Clinton Foundation's role in Ukrainian military coup of February 2014, experts point out.

It has recently turned out that Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, a vocal proponent of Ukraine's European integration, made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State. Although the foundation swore off donations from foreign governments while Mrs. Clinton was serving as a state official, it continued accepting money from private donors. Many of them had certain ties to their national governments like Viktor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian businessman and ex-parliamentarian.

Remarkably, among individual donors contributing to the Clinton Foundation in the period between 1999 and 2014, Ukrainian sponsors took first place in the list, providing the charity with almost $10 million and pushing England and Saudi Arabia to second and third places respectively.

It is worth mentioning that the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation alone transferred at least $8.6 million to the Clinton charity between 2009 and 2013. Pinchuk, who acquired his fortune from a pipe-making business, served twice as a parliamentarian in Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada and was married to the daughter of ex-president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma.

Although the Clinton's charity denies that the donations were somehow connected with political matters, experts doubt that international private sponsors received no political support in return. In 2008 Pinchuk pledged to make a five-year $29 million contribution to the Clinton Global Initiative in order to fund a program aimed at training future Ukrainian leaders and "modernizers." Remarkably, several alumni of these courses are current members of Ukrainian parliament. Because of the global financial crisis, the Pinchuk Foundation sent only $1.8 million.

Experts note that during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Viktor Pinchuk was introduced to some influential American lobbyists. Curiously enough, he tried to use his powerful "friends" to pressure Ukraine's then-President Viktor Yanukovych to free Yulia Tymoshenko, who served a jail term.

Viktor Pinchuk has always been one of the most vocal proponents of Ukraine's European integration. In 2004 Pinchuk founded the Yalta European Strategy (YES) platform in Kiev. YES is led by the board including ex-president of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski and former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana. According to the website of the platform, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Kofi Annan, Radoslaw Sikorski, Vitaliy Klitschko, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Petro Poroshenko and other prominent figures have participated in annual meetings of YES since 2004.

No one would argue that proponents of Ukraine's pro-Western course played the main role in organizing the coup of February 2014 in Kiev. Furthermore, the exceptional role of the United States in ousting then-president Viktor Yanukovich has also been recognized by political analysts, participants of Euromaidan and even by Barack Obama, the US President.

Experts note that after the coup, the Ukrainian leadership has actually become Washington's puppet government. Several foreign citizens, including American civilian Natalie Jaresko, Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius and Georgia-born Alexander Kvitashvili have assumed high posts in the Ukrainian government. It should be noted that Natalie Jaresko, Ukraine's Financial Minister, have previously worked in the US State Department and has also been linked to oligarch Viktor Pinchuk.

So far, experts note, the recent "game of thrones" in Ukraine has been apparently instigated by a few powerful clans of the US and Ukraine, who are evidently benefitting from the ongoing turmoil. In this light the Clinton Foundation looks like something more than just a charity: in today's world of fraudulent oligopoly we are facing with global cronyism, experts point out, warning against its devastating consequences.

Read more:

See also: US Intelligence Services Behind 2014 Ukraine Coup – EU Parliament Member

[Oct 25, 2016] The two-party system is a political monopoly of the capitalist class. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are political instruments of big business. The claims of Bernie Sanders and his pseudo-left apologists that it is possible to reform or pressure the Democrats-and even carry out a political revolution through it-have proven to be lies

Notable quotes:
"... This outcome has an objective character. The two-party system is a political monopoly of the capitalist class. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are political instruments of big business. The claims of Bernie Sanders and his pseudo-left apologists that it is possible to reform or pressure the Democrats-and even carry out a "political revolution" through it-have proven to be lies ..."
Sep 14, 2016 |
"The 2016 election campaign was dominated for many months by explosive popular disaffection with the whole political and corporate establishment. But it has concluded in a contest between two candidates who personify that establishment-one a billionaire from the criminal world of real-estate swindling, the other the consensus choice of the military-intelligence apparatus and Wall Street.

This outcome has an objective character. The two-party system is a political monopoly of the capitalist class. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are political instruments of big business. The claims of Bernie Sanders and his pseudo-left apologists that it is possible to reform or pressure the Democrats-and even carry out a "political revolution" through it-have proven to be lies."

And of course….some warmonger gibberish from:

[Oct 25, 2016] Welcome To The George Orwell Theme Park Of Democracy

Notable quotes:
"... Their grievances about a grift-maximized political economy were genuine, and Trump managed to make them look like a claque of sinister clowns. This cartoon of a rich kid with no internal boundaries was unable to articulate their legitimate complaints. His behavior during the so-called debates verged on psychotic. ..."
"... The "tell" in these late stages of the campaign has been the demonization of Russia - a way more idiotic exercise than the McCarthyite Cold War hysteria of the early 1950s, since there is no longer any ideological conflict between us and all the evidence indicates that the current state of bad relations is America's fault, in particular our sponsorship of the state failure in Ukraine and our avid deployment of NATO forces in war games on Russia's border. Hillary has had the full force of the foreign affairs establishment behind her in this war-drum-banging effort, yet they have not been able to produce any evidence, for instance, in their claim that Russia is behind the Wikileaks hack of Hillary's email. They apparently subscribe to the Joseph Goebbels theory of propaganda: if you're going to lie, make sure it's a whopper, and then repeat it incessantly. ..."
"... The media has been on-board with all this. The New York Times especially has acted as the hired amplifier for the establishment lies - such a difference from the same newspaper's role in the Vietnam War ruckus of yesteryear. Today (Monday) they ran an astounding editorial "explaining" the tactical necessity of Hillary's dishonesty: "In politics, hypocrisy and doublespeak are tools," The Times editorial board wrote. Oh, well, that's reassuring. Welcome to the George Orwell Theme Park of Democracy. ..."
"... Of course neither Trump nor Hillary show any signs of understanding the real problems afflicting the USA. They don't recognize the basic energy equation that has made it impossible for industrial economies to keep growing, or the deformities in banking and finance that result from official efforts to overcome these implacable conditions, namely, the piling up of ever-greater debt to "solve" the problem of over-indebtedness. ..."
"... Hillary would bring a more measured discredit to the system with the chance that our institutions might be rehabilitated - with the cherry-on-top being Hillary's eventual impeachment for lying, a fate that her husband and the late Richard Nixon both wiggled out of one way or another. ..."
Oct 25, 2016 |
Submitted by James Howard Kunstler via

It's getting hard to give a shit about this election, though you might still care about this country. The damage has been done to the two long-reigning political parties and perhaps that's a good thing. They deserved to be dragged into the gutter and now they can either go through a severe rehab or be replaced by as-yet-unformed coalitions of reality-based interests.

Trump did a greater disservice all-in-all to the faction he supposedly represented. Their grievances about a grift-maximized political economy were genuine, and Trump managed to make them look like a claque of sinister clowns. This cartoon of a rich kid with no internal boundaries was unable to articulate their legitimate complaints. His behavior during the so-called debates verged on psychotic. If Trump loses, I will essay to guess that his followers' next step will be some kind of violence. For the moment, pathetic as it is, Trump was their last best hope.

I'm more comfortable about Hillary - though I won't vote for her - because it will be salutary for the ruling establishment to unravel with her in charge of it. That way, the right people will be blamed for the mismanagement of our national affairs. This gang of elites needs to be circulated out of power the hard way, under the burden of their own obvious perfidy, with no one else to point their fingers at. Her election will sharpen awareness of the criminal conduct in our financial practices and the neglect of regulation that marked the eight years of Obama's appointees at the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The "tell" in these late stages of the campaign has been the demonization of Russia - a way more idiotic exercise than the McCarthyite Cold War hysteria of the early 1950s, since there is no longer any ideological conflict between us and all the evidence indicates that the current state of bad relations is America's fault, in particular our sponsorship of the state failure in Ukraine and our avid deployment of NATO forces in war games on Russia's border. Hillary has had the full force of the foreign affairs establishment behind her in this war-drum-banging effort, yet they have not been able to produce any evidence, for instance, in their claim that Russia is behind the Wikileaks hack of Hillary's email. They apparently subscribe to the Joseph Goebbels theory of propaganda: if you're going to lie, make sure it's a whopper, and then repeat it incessantly.

The media has been on-board with all this. The New York Times especially has acted as the hired amplifier for the establishment lies - such a difference from the same newspaper's role in the Vietnam War ruckus of yesteryear. Today (Monday) they ran an astounding editorial "explaining" the tactical necessity of Hillary's dishonesty: "In politics, hypocrisy and doublespeak are tools," The Times editorial board wrote. Oh, well, that's reassuring. Welcome to the George Orwell Theme Park of Democracy.

Of course neither Trump nor Hillary show any signs of understanding the real problems afflicting the USA. They don't recognize the basic energy equation that has made it impossible for industrial economies to keep growing, or the deformities in banking and finance that result from official efforts to overcome these implacable conditions, namely, the piling up of ever-greater debt to "solve" the problem of over-indebtedness.

The beginning of the way out of this quandary will be recognition that the federal government is the greatest obstacle for America making the necessary adjustments to a world that has changed. If Trump got elected, I'm convinced that he would be removed from office by a military coup inside of a year, which would be an epic smash-up of our political machinery per se, comparable to the period 44 BCE in Rome, when the republic crashed. Hillary would bring a more measured discredit to the system with the chance that our institutions might be rehabilitated - with the cherry-on-top being Hillary's eventual impeachment for lying, a fate that her husband and the late Richard Nixon both wiggled out of one way or another.

J S Bach BabaLooey Oct 24, 2016 5:03 PM ,

This is nothing new.

Hitler is accused of being the evil practitioner of the "Big Lie" technique, but as usual, he was misquoted. Here's the entire idea in context:

"In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others.…" (p. 231 of the Manheim translation)

Hitler is accusing the Jews of the Vienna press of this strategy. It is often taken as evidence that Hitler advocated the "Big Lie." He is, in fact, accusing his enemies of lying.

One might say, rightly, that Trump and Hitler ARE on the same page here... both accusing the jews of bearing grand false witness. (Trump implicitly)

BabaLooey Captain Chlamydia Oct 24, 2016 4:46 PM ,
BOYCOTT Hollywhack!

If you must watch movies.

Antenna TV - DUMP CABLE.


Here's my own message to Hollywhackers

Dear Hollywood celebrities:

You exist for my entertainment. Some of you are great eye candy. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. Some of you can scare the hell out of me. Others make me laugh.

But you all have one thing in common, you only have a place in my world to entertain me. That's it. You make your living pretending to be someone else . Playing dress up like a 6 year old. You live in a make believe world in front of a camera.

And often when you are away from one too. Your entire existence depends on my patronage. I'll crank the organ grinder; you dance. I don't really care where you stand on issues.

Honestly, your stance matters far less to me than that of my neighbor. You see, you aren't real. I turn off my TV or shut down my computer and you cease to exist in my world . Once I am done with you, I can put you back in your little box until I want you to entertain me again.

Get back into your bubble. I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for something blue and shiny. And I'm also supposed to care that you will leave this great country if Trump becomes president? Ha. Please don't forget to close the door behind you.

We'd like to reserve your seat for someone who loves this country and really wants to be here. Make me laugh, or cry. Scare me. But realize that the only words of yours that matter are scripted. I might agree with some of you from time to time, but it doesn't matter. In my world, you exist solely as entertainment So, shut your pie hole and dance, monkey!

beemasters Four chan Oct 24, 2016 5:09 PM ,
"In politics, hypocrisy and doublespeak are tools," but she has made it a way of life that nobody knows if her campaign promises are essentially a "doublespeak". If only the criteria is being the best liar, she would win the presidency hands down.
HopefulCynical beemasters Oct 24, 2016 5:15 PM ,
This gang of elites needs to be circulated out of power the hard way, under the burden of their own obvious perfidy, with no one else to point their fingers at.

Ahh, but you think they'll be "circulated out of power" under Hillary?! No chance. The bitch will have tanks in the street first. And after the financial collapse, the soldiers will cooperate, because they won't want their families starving like everybody else's will be.

Mr. Bones HopefulCynical Oct 24, 2016 5:52 PM ,

"Trump was their last best hope."

Trump isn't a hope, he's a gesture. Woe unto those who don't recognize it.

The Alarmist Mr. Bones Oct 24, 2016 7:04 PM

"I'm more comfortable about Hillary - though I won't vote for her - because it will be salutary for the ruling establishment to unravel with her in charge of it."

Sorry, but that is a leap of faith I can't make. It's like being at the event horizon of a black hole and deciding to jump into the hole because you look forward to seeing what is on the other side. Chances are you will be spaghettified so that your atoms might arrive elsewhere, but not in particular relation to the you that jumped into the hole, so you will not survive to see any change of scenery.

There will be a USA after Hillary, but it will not be your father's USA, and getting to this new promised land will be a very painful process. Rome lived on until 1453 in the form of the Byzantine empire, but the Republic died well before the birth of Christ.

yippee kiyay The Alarmist Oct 24, 2016 11:28 PM ,
"This gang of elites"

And who are they? These elusive "elites"?

[Oct 25, 2016] Ex-State Department IT Staffer Pleads the Fifth on Clinton Email Questions

Notable quotes:
"... A former [key] IT staffer at the State Department who oversaw technology for senior officials invoked his Fifth Amendment right in a sworn deposition on Monday when asked about Hillary Clinton's private email server. ..."
Oct 25, 2016 |
John Bentel is one of the key future of "private email server" scandal, the manager who squashed concerns of other IOt personnel about legality of the so called "bathroom server".
October 24, 2016

A former [key] IT staffer at the State Department who oversaw technology for senior officials invoked his Fifth Amendment right in a sworn deposition on Monday when asked about Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Bentel answered over 90 questions that were submitted him to by Judicial Watch, the conservative watchdog group that has been leading the charge for more information from Clinton and her associates regarding her email server. Bentel was ordered by a federal judge to answer the questions similarly to how Clinton had been.

Judicial Watch says that the topics of the questions they submitted to Bentel included whether Clinton was paying Bentel's legal fees or had offered him other compensation.

"On advice from my legal counsel, I decline to answer the question and I invoke my Fifth Amendment rights," Bentel answered each question.

Bentel invoking the Fifth Amendment "highlights the disturbing implication that criminal acts took place related to the Clinton email and our Freedom of Information Act requests," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Monday.

[Oct 25, 2016] 11 Truth? Was it an American coup?

Notable quotes:
"... Jill Stein of the Green Party has recognized that exercises in which the United States government examines its own behavior are certain to come up with a result that basically exonerates the politicians and the federal bureaucracy. ..."
"... A friend recently recommended that I take a look at a film on 9/11 that was first produced back in 2005. It is called Loose Change 9/11 and is available on Amazon Video or in DVD form as well as elsewhere in a number of updated versions. The first version reportedly provides the most coherent account, though the later updates certainly are worth watching, add significantly to the narrative, and are currently more accessible. ..."
"... Loose Change is an examination of the inconsistencies in the standard 9/11 narrative, a subject that has been thoroughly poked and prodded in a number of other documentaries and books, but it benefits from the immediacy of the account and the fresh memories of the participants in the events who were interviewed by the documentary's director Dylan Avery starting in 2004. It also includes a bit of a history lesson for the average viewer, recalling Hitler's Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, all of which were essentially fraudulent and led to the assumption of emergency powers by the respective heads of state. ..."
"... The underlying premise of most 9/11 revisionism is that the United States government, or at least parts of it, is capable of almost anything. ..."
"... The signatories of the neocon Project for the New American Century paper observed that was needed was a catalyst to produce a public demand to "do something," that "something" being an event comparable to Pearl Harbor. Seventeen signatories of the document wound up in senior positions in the Bush Administration. ..."
"... The new Pearl Harbor turned out to be 9/11. Given developments since 9/11 itself, to include the way the U.S. has persisted in going to war and the constant search for enemies worldwide to justify our own form of Deep State government, I would, to a large extent, have to believe that PNAC was either prescient or perhaps, more diabolically, actively engaged in creating a new reality. ..."
"... the strength of Loose Change as it identifies and challenges inconsistencies in the established account without pontificating and, even though it has a definite point of view and draws conclusions, it avoids going over to the dark side and speculating on any number of the wilder "what-if" scenarios. ..."
"... I recommend that readers watch Loose Change as it runs through discussions of U.S. military exercises and inexplicable stand-downs that occurred on 9/11, together with convincing accounts of engineering and technical issues related to how the World Trade Center and WTC7 collapsed. Particularly intriguing are the initial eyewitness accounts from the site of the alleged downing of UA 93 in Pennsylvania, a hole in the ground that otherwise showed absolutely no evidence of a plane having actually crashed. Nor have I ever seen any traces of a plane in photos taken at the Pentagon point of impact. ..."
Oct 25, 2016 |
11 Truth? Was it an "American coup?" Leave a Comment For the first time a presidential candidate, admittedly from a fringe party, is calling for a reexamination of 9/11. Jill Stein of the Green Party has recognized that exercises in which the United States government examines its own behavior are certain to come up with a result that basically exonerates the politicians and the federal bureaucracy. This has been the case since the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which, inter alia, failed to thoroughly investigate key players like Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby and came up with a single gunman scenario in spite of considerable evidence to the contrary.

When it comes to 9/11, I have been reluctant to enter the fray largely because I do not have the scientific and technical chops to seriously assess how buildings collapse or how a large passenger airliner might be completely consumed by a fire. In my own area, of expertise, which is intelligence, I have repeatedly noted that the Commission investigators failed to look into the potential foreign government involvement in the events that took place that day. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan just for starters may have been involved in or had knowledge relating to 9/11 but the only investigation that took place, insofar as I can determine, was a perfunctory look at the possible Saudi role, the notorious 28 pages, which have recently been released in a redacted form.

A friend recently recommended that I take a look at a film on 9/11 that was first produced back in 2005. It is called Loose Change 9/11 and is available on Amazon Video or in DVD form as well as elsewhere in a number of updated versions. The first version reportedly provides the most coherent account, though the later updates certainly are worth watching, add significantly to the narrative, and are currently more accessible.

Loose Change is an examination of the inconsistencies in the standard 9/11 narrative, a subject that has been thoroughly poked and prodded in a number of other documentaries and books, but it benefits from the immediacy of the account and the fresh memories of the participants in the events who were interviewed by the documentary's director Dylan Avery starting in 2004. It also includes a bit of a history lesson for the average viewer, recalling Hitler's Reichstag fire, Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin incident, all of which were essentially fraudulent and led to the assumption of emergency powers by the respective heads of state.

The underlying premise of most 9/11 revisionism is that the United States government, or at least parts of it, is capable of almost anything. Loose Change describes how leading hawkish Republicans were, as early as 2000, pushing to increase U.S. military capabilities so that the country would be able to fight multi-front wars. The signatories of the neocon Project for the New American Century paper observed that was needed was a catalyst to produce a public demand to "do something," that "something" being an event comparable to Pearl Harbor. Seventeen signatories of the document wound up in senior positions in the Bush Administration.

The new Pearl Harbor turned out to be 9/11. Given developments since 9/11 itself, to include the way the U.S. has persisted in going to war and the constant search for enemies worldwide to justify our own form of Deep State government, I would, to a large extent, have to believe that PNAC was either prescient or perhaps, more diabolically, actively engaged in creating a new reality.

That is not to suggest that either then or now most federal employees in the national security industry were part of some vast conspiracy but rather an indictment of the behavior and values of those at the top of the food chain, people who are characteristically singularly devoid of any ethical compass and base their decisions largely on personal and peer group ambition.

9/11 Truthers are characteristically very passionate about their beliefs, which is part of their problem in relating to a broader public. They frequently demand full adherence to their version of what passes for reality. In my own experience of more than twenty years on the intelligence side of government I have frequently found that truth is in fact elusive, often lying concealed in conflicting narratives. This is, I believe, the strength of Loose Change as it identifies and challenges inconsistencies in the established account without pontificating and, even though it has a definite point of view and draws conclusions, it avoids going over to the dark side and speculating on any number of the wilder "what-if" scenarios.

I recommend that readers watch Loose Change as it runs through discussions of U.S. military exercises and inexplicable stand-downs that occurred on 9/11, together with convincing accounts of engineering and technical issues related to how the World Trade Center and WTC7 collapsed. Particularly intriguing are the initial eyewitness accounts from the site of the alleged downing of UA 93 in Pennsylvania, a hole in the ground that otherwise showed absolutely no evidence of a plane having actually crashed. Nor have I ever seen any traces of a plane in photos taken at the Pentagon point of impact.

The film describes the subsequent investigative failures that took place, perhaps deliberately and arranged from inside the government, and concludes that the event amounts to an "American coup" which changed the United States both in terms of its domestic liberties and its foreign policy. After watching the film, one must accept that there are numerous inconsistencies that emerge from any examination of the standard narrative promoted by the 9/11 Commission and covered up by every White House since 2001. The film calls the existing corpus of government investigations into 9/11 a lie, a conclusion that I would certainly agree with.

The consequences of 9/11 are indeed more important than the event itself. Even those who have come to accept the established narrative would have to concede that "that day of infamy" changed America for the worse, as the film notes. While the United States government had previously engaged in illegal activity directed against for suspected spies, terrorists and a variety of international criminals, wholesale surveillance of what amounts to the entire population of the country was a new development brought in by the Patriot Acts. And, for the first time, secret prisons were set up overseas and citizens were arrested without being charged and held indefinitely. Under the authority of the Military Commissions Act tribunals were established to try those individuals who were suspected of being material supporters of terrorism, "material supporters" being loosely interpreted to make arrest, prosecution and imprisonment easier.

More recently, executive authority based on the anti-terror legislation has been used to execute American citizens overseas and, under the Authorization to Use Military Force, to attack suspects in a number of countries with which the United States is not at war. This all takes place with hardly a squeak from Congress or from the media. And when citizens object to any or all of the above they are blocked from taking action in the courts by the government's invocation of State Secrets Privilege, claiming that judicial review would reveal national secrets. Many believe that the United States has now become a precursor police state, all as a result of 9/11 and the so-called War on Terror which developed from that event.

So who benefited from 9/11? Clearly the executive branch of the government itself, which has seen an enormous expansion in its power and control over both the economy and people's lives, but there are also other entities like the military industrial complex, the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, and the financial services sector, all of which have gained considerably from the anti-terror largesse coming from the American taxpayer. Together these entities constitute an American Deep State, which controls both government and much of the private sector without ever being mentioned or seriously contested.

Suggesting government connivance in the events of 9/11 inevitably raises the question of who exactly might have ordered or carried out the attacks if they were in fact not fully and completely the work of a handful of Arab hijackers? The film suggests that one should perhaps consider the possibility of a sophisticated "false flag" operation, by which we mean that the apparent perpetrators of the act were not, in fact, the drivers or originators of what took place. Blowing up huge buildings and causing them to pancake from within, if indeed that is what took place, is the work of governments, not of a handful of terrorists. Only two governments would have had that capability, the United States itself and also Israel, unfortunately mentioned only once in passing in the film, a state player heavily engaged in attempting to bring America into its fight with the Arab world, with Benjamin Netanyahu subsequently saying that "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq swung American public opinion in our favor."

To be honest I would prefer not to think that 9/11 might have been an inside job, but I am now convinced that a new 9/11 Commission is in order, one that is not run and guided by the government itself. If it can be demonstrated that the attacks carried out on that day were quite possibly set up by major figures both inside and outside the political establishment it might produce such a powerful reaction that the public would demand a reversal of the laws and policies that have so gravely damaged our republic. It is admittedly unlikely that anything like that could ever take place, but it is at least something to hope for.

[Oct 25, 2016] Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Notable quotes:
"... Wait just a damn minute. Why is the DNI telling THE RUSSIANS what the USIC suspects? Wouldn't that blunt the capability for taking counter measures? Unless... red herring? ..."
"... The problem with "the Russians" tale is that the Podesta emails are rather weak sauce. Is there anyone paying close attention that didn't know HRC's camp had influential contacts in the media and the DNC and used them to their advantage? ..."
"... Indeed. So far there is a little of note in the leaked emails. They confirm, among the other things we already knew: ..."
"... The Clintonites don't think very highly of Sanders. ..."
"... They have a lot of trusted friends in the media - some *very* trusted embeds. ..."
"... There is a difference between what Clinton says in public and what she really believes. ..."
"... They didn't want to release the content of the Goldman Sachs speeches because the contents included a lot of Clinton pandering and rear-kissing to banksters. ..."
"... Podesta is an influential man, and a lot of people email him to use his influence and for help them. ..."
"... Presumably, if US intelligence is so confident about Russian government methods, motivations, tactics, tic tacs and techniques they also should have a pretty damn good idea about what is still out there and also would have the means to disrupt its dissemination, if necessary. ..."
"... In other words, don't hold yer breath. ..."
"... "First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange." ..."
"... Weapons of Mass Destruction! We have irrefutable evidence! Yellowcake! ..."
"... Keith B. Alexander:"Those who would want to weave the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people, is absolutely false… From my perspective, this is absolute nonsense." ..."
"... "Two U.S. representatives accused Clapper of perjury for telling a congressional committee in March 2013, that the NSA does not collect any type of data at all on millions of Americans. One senator asked for his resignation, and a group of 26 senators complained about Clapper's responses under questioning. Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony." ..."
"... We have something like what Marxists call "revolutionary situation" when the elite loses control of "peons". And existence of Internet made MSM propaganda far less effective that it would be otherwise. ..."
"... That's why they resort to war propaganda tricks. ..."
Oct 25, 2016 |

Sandwichman -> Sandwichman ... October 24, 2016 at 09:58 AM


October 07, 2016

Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow-the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Sandwichman -> Sandwichman ...

is confident that... are consistent with...

Wait just a damn minute. Why is the DNI telling THE RUSSIANS what the USIC suspects? Wouldn't that blunt the capability for taking counter measures? Unless... red herring?

Look! Over there!

Sandwichman -> EMichael... , October 24, 2016 at 10:39 AM
The problem with "the Russians" tale is that the Podesta emails are rather weak sauce. Is there anyone paying close attention that didn't know HRC's camp had influential contacts in the media and the DNC and used them to their advantage?

I'm shocked, shocked that there is backroom power politics going on in a political campaign!

The upshot of the WikiLeaks Podesta emails is to DISCREDIT WIKILEAKS as an independent source of disclosure.

Why would Putin want to do that?

Why would CLAPPER want to do that?

Dan Kervick -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 01:54 PM
Indeed. So far there is a little of note in the leaked emails. They confirm, among the other things we already knew:

1. The Clintonites don't think very highly of Sanders.

2. They have a lot of trusted friends in the media - some *very* trusted embeds.

3. There is a difference between what Clinton says in public and what she really believes.

4. They didn't want to release the content of the Goldman Sachs speeches because the contents included a lot of Clinton pandering and rear-kissing to banksters.

5. Podesta is an influential man, and a lot of people email him to use his influence and for help them.

DeDude -> EMichael... , October 24, 2016 at 10:52 AM
Here is a better outline of the whole thing

"One of the first leaked files had been modified on a computer using Russian-language settings by a user named "Feliks Dzerzhinsky." Dzerzhinsky was the founder of the Cheka, the Soviet secret police"

The Russian connect was not "revealed" by NSA alone and the evidence for anybody who understand computers and "trails" is quite strong.

The fact that the initial "leaks" were not such a big deal was no surprise. Given Julian's desperate need to not get Clinton into the white house, you would expect him to save the most juicy stuff until a few days before the election.

Sandwichman -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 12:25 PM
From the Esquire article: "Matt Tait, a former GCHQ operator... was particularly prolific. Hours after the first Guccifer 2.0 dump, on the evening of June 15, Tait found something curious."

For the record, "GCHQ" does not refer to the magazine, Gentlemen's Quarterly.

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 12:40 PM
For the record, "GCHQ" does not refer to the magazine, Gentlemen's Quarterly.

[ I prefer to think it does, and even if not it probably should so refer. ]

Dan Kervick -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 01:11 PM
I wonder what those juicy leaks are?
Sandwichman -> Dan Kervick... , October 24, 2016 at 02:10 PM
Presumably, if US intelligence is so confident about Russian government methods, motivations, tactics, tic tacs and techniques they also should have a pretty damn good idea about what is still out there and also would have the means to disrupt its dissemination, if necessary.

In other words, don't hold yer breath.

Dan Kervick -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 03:52 PM
Well, I assume Podesta has given somebody all of his emails, so they can compare against what is already released and see what is to come. I think their only defense against it is to try to discredit whatever it is ahead of time.
DeDude -> Dan Kervick... , October 24, 2016 at 04:00 PM
Only your imagination is the limit - since they are not real. But we will most likely never know since even Assange knows that he can only lose this one.
Dan Kervick -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 02:09 PM
Wow, amazing that the founder of the "secret" police would leak emails with his digital fingerprints all over them.
Sandwichman -> Dan Kervick... , October 24, 2016 at 02:12 PM
That Dzerzhinsky! Such a joker!
DeDude -> Dan Kervick... , October 24, 2016 at 03:54 PM
No he would be the exact person to make such a mistake. After looking at them he would not have the technical expertise to understand that he had left a fingerprint.
likbez -> Sandwichman ... , -1

First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange. There is executive branch and three letter agencies should generally keep their mouth shut and allow others to voice the concerns, etc.

This might be a sigh of complete disorganization of executive branch with intelligence agencies becoming a power players. Kind of "Deep State" morphing into "surface state".

There are might be also multiple valid reasons for disclosing such a sensitive information:

  1. I want your money stupid Pinocchio.
  2. Smoke screen to hide their own nefarious activities and/or blunders within the USA. Actually existence of Hillary private server is somewhat incompatible with the existence of NSA.
  3. This is one thing when Podesta using gmail. It's quite another when the Secretary of state uses "bathroom server" with incompetent or semi-competent tech staff and completely clueless entourage.
  4. Pre-emptive strike reflecting some internal struggle within US Intelligence community itself with a neocon faction going "all in" to force the viewpoint, and more aggressive toward Russia stance, which might not be shared by others.
  5. Please note that CIA and DOD are fighting each other in Iraq and Syria to a certain extent.
  6. Increase Anti-Russian hysteria, which helps Hillary as a candidate of neocon establishment.
  7. Russians might recently uncover some nefarious activities (I heard FSB did discover compromised computers in some ministries) and this is the preparation for the blowback.

There might be more. You never know.

Sandwichman -> likbez... , October 24, 2016 at 12:31 PM
"First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange."


Second, the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange.

Last but not least, the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange.

Did I mention that the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange?

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 10:12 AM
The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts....

-- Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security
and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

[ "Consistent with the methods and motivations..." is a shocking supposition to be made public, but we have been subject to such suppositions, seemingly with increasing frequency, for these last 15 years. ]

Sandwichman -> anne... , October 24, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Weapons of Mass Destruction! We have irrefutable evidence! Yellowcake!

Keith B. Alexander:"Those who would want to weave the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people, is absolutely false… From my perspective, this is absolute nonsense."


Senator Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?"

DNI Clapper"No, sir."

Senator Wyden: "It does not?"

DNI Clapper:"Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly."

The [IN]operative word there was "collect" which in NSAspeak does not mean... collect.

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 06:12 PM
Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost if you KEEP IT A SECRET!

Why didn't you tell the world, eh?

[ Worth reading and reading and reading. ]

Julio -> anne... , October 24, 2016 at 01:24 PM
Not shocking anymore. It is, after all, consistent with the methods and motivations of our rulers.
anne -> Julio ... , October 24, 2016 at 02:52 PM
[ "Consistent with the methods and motivations..." is a shocking supposition to be made public, but we have been subject to such suppositions, seemingly with increasing frequency, for these last 15 years. ]

Not shocking anymore. It is, after all, consistent with the methods and motivations of our rulers.

[ Understood. ]

Sanjait -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 10:35 AM
Some paranoid claptrap to go along with your usual anti intellectualism.

Interestingly, with your completely unrelated non sequitur, you've actually illustrated something that does relate to Krugmans post. Namely that there are wingnuts among us. They've taken over the Republican Party, but the left has some too. Fortunately though the Democratic Party hasn't been taken over by them yet, and is still mostly run by grown ups.

Sandwichman -> Sanjait... , October 24, 2016 at 10:42 AM
I am confident that what you say here is consistent with your methods and motivations.
likbez -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 06:05 PM
"I am confident that what you say here is consistent with your methods and motivations."

Pretty consistent, I agree. IMHO Sanjait might belong to the category that some people call the "Vichy left" – essentially people who are ready to sacrifice all principles to ensure their 'own' prosperity and support the candidate who intends to protected it, everybody else be damned.

Very neoliberal approach if you ask me. Ann Rand would probably be proud for this representative of "creative class".

Essentially the behavior the we've had for the last 8 years with the king of "bait and switch".

Sandwichman -> Sanjait... , October 24, 2016 at 10:47 AM
More "paranoid claptrap" (or should that be Clappertrap?):

Edward Snowden: "...the breaking point was seeing the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress. … Seeing that really meant for me there was no going back."

Peter K. -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 11:43 AM
"Two U.S. representatives accused Clapper of perjury for telling a congressional committee in March 2013, that the NSA does not collect any type of data at all on millions of Americans. One senator asked for his resignation, and a group of 26 senators complained about Clapper's responses under questioning. Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony."

Oliver Stone's movie was pretty good.

I agree with you that the hacked email are pretty "weak sauce" for the Russians to risk a confrontation with the sole super power.

It's possible given that Putin was upset over Hillary backing the pro-democracy movement publically in recent elections.

likbez -> DrDick... , October 24, 2016 at 11:55 AM
My impression is that Trump_vs_deep_state is more about dissatisfaction of the Republican base with the Republican brass (which fully endorsed neoliberal globalization), the phenomenon somewhat similar to Sanders.

Working class and lower middle class essentially abandoned DemoRats (Clinton democrats) after so many years of betrayal and "they have nowhere to go" attitude.

Looks like they have found were to go this election cycle and this loss of the base is probably was the biggest surprise for neoliberal Democrats.

Now they try to forge the alliance of highly paid professionals who benefitted from globalization("creative class"), financial speculators and minorities. Which does not look like a stable coalition to me.

Some data suggest that among unions which endorsed Hillary 3 out of 4 members will vote against her. And that are data from union brass. Lower middle class might also demonstrate the same pattern this election cycle.

In other words both Parties are now split and have two mini-parties inside. I am not sure that Sanders part of Democratic party would support Hillary. The wounds caused by DNC betrayal and double dealing are still too fresh.

We have something like what Marxists call "revolutionary situation" when the elite loses control of "peons". And existence of Internet made MSM propaganda far less effective that it would be otherwise.

That's why they resort to war propaganda tricks.

[Oct 25, 2016] The polls are wrong. The battle against Trump is for many a rejection of what they see in the mirror transposed onto Trump, as far as males go. Many women, including some who support him, see in Trump a dangerous predator who offers the promise of protection and wealth, but at a cost.

Oct 25, 2016 |

kidneystones 10.24.16 at 11:15 am ( 13 )

Make that 4 and 2

I disagree with the basic premise of the post in that the right has been beaten because it has won.

That's certainly not how the right sees the landscape. The tea party of 2010 was co-opted by Richard Armey and the Kochs on the one hand and buried under a mountain of forms by Lois Lerner on the other. The Armey group rallies to Ted Cruz, who is sure to have something to say about America and the future of the Republican party should Trump be undone because of his lewd behavior and actions.

The media is certain to be savaged no matter what the outcome. The number of artists and musicians who both profit from and promote misogyny and violence invited to the WH over the last 8 years to serve as role models for America's youth should raise nary an eyebrow. The prudery of the moment is going to be the template for 'social reform' under the Republicans. If Hillary and her media allies succeed in derailing the Trump insurgency via his mouth, his hands, and his zipper they're going to face an extremely hostile electorate. Cruz is certain to try to step into Trump's shoes as leader, preaching that Trump was a flawed messenger undone by an unforgiving god. This will make sense for too many Americans to completely ignore. The unhappy white males who have yet to self-identify as angry white males, rather than simply as Americans, may well decide to do so.

Whatever few victories the Democrats enjoy lower down the ticket are unlikely to survive skyrocketing Affordable Care Act premiums, some form of amnesty, and an extension of America's wars in the ME. The Democrats are betting the farm that Republicans will never unlock the padlock Democrats maintain over socially-conservative minorities. Cruz's ground game and networking with the evangelical community didn't get the job done in 2016, but we can be sure that he and his team are already mapping 2020.

Trump should be defeated according to most here. Some may actually believe Trump really is the anti-Christ Hitler we've been constantly told he is, instead of a widely watched and often admired vulgarian capitalist welcomed into living rooms across America for more than a decade. Whatever Trump is, he's not Cruz. His supporters are not Cruz supporters. Yet.

I've no idea whether those supporting the Democratic candidate expect her to wake up on November 9, should she win, and suddenly decide to abandon the practices that got her this far. I certainly don't. If you're nauseated at the prospect of 4-8 more years of secrecy, war, lies, and corruption you're going to need to keep more than barf bags at hand, however. The polarization that has divided America over the last 8 years is, imho, far more likely to become much more corrosive and damaging with Democrats in charge.

Ted Cruz will literally be burning crosses and probably books, pornography, and anyone/thing else that strikes his fancy. The donor class is praying that Hillary/Bush can stamp out the fires. With rising unemployment, stagnating wages, and more and more Americans feeling that the system isn't interested in them, or their children, there may very well be a little hell to pay, or a lot.

kidneystones 10.24.16 at 12:37 pm 16

@ 14 It won't surprise you to learn I think you're wrong about Trump. The battle against Trump is for many a rejection of what they see in the mirror transposed onto Trump, as far as males go. Many women, including some who support him, see in Trump a dangerous predator who offers the promise of protection and wealth, but at a cost. Good thing no woman would ever sell herself, or her principles, to such a man – and if Bill Clinton pops into your head, please don't blame me.

Which is why, in this instance, I think the polls are wrong. Who in their right mind is going to ever admit that Trump's language and behavior is not offensive? Nobody. Who in their right mind looks out at America and sees Donald Trump, not Bill Cosby etc, etc, etc as a threat to their own daughters, sisters, sons, etc? Which is why, in the end, enough voters are going to say no thanks to Hillary and roll the dice with Donald.

I like your question re: Cruz. I find him such a phenomenally transparent phony that I can't quite believe anyone trusts him. With Trump, and Bill Clinton, what you see is what you get – Slick Willie.

At the moment Americans are being told they don't like what they see in Trump, but if that were the case, why was he so popular back when he was actually on the Howard Stern show and otherwise acting out? I frankly don't think most Americans give a toss what Trump did or said this week, much less ten years ago. The stink coming out of the Clinton campaign is so rank it's actually penetrating the media wall of silence. Given that social media provides numerous ways for candidates to bypass the gate-keepers, I suspect enough voters are learning what's in the emails whether CNN, or the Wapo, report the discoveries, or not.

Like I said. I think it will be close and right now I still say Trump edges it.

[Oct 25, 2016] Whatever it is, its a bunch of scams, lies and public manipulation schemes

"One of your prime objectives," J. Edgar Hoover, the longtime F.B.I. director, said in one memo, "should be to neutralize ... the New Left movement."
Notable quotes:
"... First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange. There is executive branch and three letter agencies should generally keep their mouth shut and allow others to voice the concerns, etc. ..."
"... Where this kind of high level foreign policy is involved, the US government and intelligence services blew their cred with me long ago. I disbelieve them now on as a strong and resilient prior. ..."
likbez said in reply to Sandwichman... October 24, 2016 at 11:21 AM


First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange. There is executive branch and three letter agencies should generally keep their mouth shut and allow others to voice the concerns, etc.

This might be a sigh of complete disorganization of executive branch with intelligence agencies becoming a power players. Kind of "Deep State" morphing into "surface state".

There are might be also multiple valid reasons for disclosing such a sensitive information:

  1. I want your money stupid Pinocchio.
  2. Smoke screen to hide their own nefarious activities and/or blunders within the USA. Actually existence of Hillary private server is somewhat incompatible with the existence of NSA.
  3. This is one thing when Podesta using gmail. It's quite another when the Secretary of state uses "bathroom server" with incompetent or semi-competent tech staff and completely clueless entourage.
  4. Pre-emptive strike reflecting some internal struggle within US Intelligence community itself with a neocon faction going "all in" to force the viewpoint, and more aggressive toward Russia stance, which might not be shared by others.
  5. Please note that CIA and DOD are fighting each other in Iraq and Syria to a certain extent.
  6. Increase Anti-Russian hysteria, which helps Hillary as a candidate of neocon establishment.
  7. Russians might recently uncover some nefarious activities (I heard FSB did discover compromised computers in some ministries) and this is the preparation for the blowback.

There might be more. You never know.

Reply Monday,

Dan Kervick -> likbez... October 24, 2016 at 01:14 PM

I can't claim that a mere mortal like me actually has the slightest clue what is really going on. All I will hazard is that, whatever it is, it's a bunch of scams, lies and public manipulation schemes.

Where this kind of high level foreign policy is involved, the US government and intelligence services blew their cred with me long ago. I disbelieve them now on as a strong and resilient prior.

[Oct 25, 2016] Grand Strategy What is America's Most Pressing Foreign Policy Issue

Notable quotes:
"... There are a variety of potential threats around the world today: tensions in the South China Seas, a nuclear North Korea, conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and civil wars in the Middle East are just a few. In order to better think about these challenges and how they relate to U.S. national security, the Center for the National Interest partnered with the Charles Koch Institute to host a foreign policy roundtable which addressed the question: What is the most pressing issue for America's foreign policy? ..."
"... Mearsheimer argues that the second problematic dimension of U.S. foreign policy is that the United States is "heavily into transformation." By "transformation," Mearsheimer means that "We believe that what we should do in the process of running the world is topple governments that are not liberal democracies and transform them into [neo]liberal democracies." ..."
"... according to Mearsheimer, the United States is pursuing "a hopeless cause; there is a huge literature that makes it clear that promoting democracy around the world is extremely difficult to do, and doing it at the end of a rifle barrel is almost impossible." ..."
"... "It's remarkably difficult to understand why we still continue to think we can dominate the world and pursue the same foreign policy we've been pursuing at least since 2001, when it has led to abject failure after abject failure." ..."
"... Andrew Bacevich opines that the United States needs to "come to some understanding of who we are and why we do these things – a critical understanding of the American identity." Notre Dame's Michael Desch agrees: "That cuts to the core of American political culture. I think the root of the hubris is deep in the software that animates how we think about ourselves, and how we think about the world." ..."
Oct 24, 2016 | The National Interest Blog

There are a variety of potential threats around the world today: tensions in the South China Seas, a nuclear North Korea, conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and civil wars in the Middle East are just a few. In order to better think about these challenges and how they relate to U.S. national security, the Center for the National Interest partnered with the Charles Koch Institute to host a foreign policy roundtable which addressed the question: What is the most pressing issue for America's foreign policy? Watch the rest of the videos in the "Grand Strategy" series.

John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago doesn't shy away from a bold answer: The most pressing issue is that the United States has a "fundamentally misguided foreign policy." Mearsheimer argues that there are two dimensions to U.S. foreign policy that get the United States into "big trouble." First, he says, "We believe that we can dominate the globe, that we can control what happens in every nook and cranny of the world." The problem with this is that "the world is simply too big and nationalism is much too powerful of a force to make it possible for us to come close to doing that."

Mearsheimer argues that the second problematic dimension of U.S. foreign policy is that the United States is "heavily into transformation." By "transformation," Mearsheimer means that "We believe that what we should do in the process of running the world is topple governments that are not liberal democracies and transform them into [neo]liberal democracies."

The United States has engaged in numerous international military interventions over the past fifteen years, primarily in the Middle East. Proponents of these interventions argue that they are necessary in order to build stable democracies in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. However, according to Mearsheimer, the United States is pursuing "a hopeless cause; there is a huge literature that makes it clear that promoting democracy around the world is extremely difficult to do, and doing it at the end of a rifle barrel is almost impossible."

So why has the United States continued to pursue policies and strategies that fail to convert U.S. military might into political ends?

Eugene Gholz of the University of Texas at Austin suggests that the root of the issue could be American hubris. The United States has made the mistake of "thinking we can control things we can't control." Mearsheimer agrees with Gholz, although he finds the situation perplexing: "It's remarkably difficult to understand why we still continue to think we can dominate the world and pursue the same foreign policy we've been pursuing at least since 2001, when it has led to abject failure after abject failure."

Several other scholars chime in to offer their own thoughts on this thorny issue. Boston University's Andrew Bacevich opines that the United States needs to "come to some understanding of who we are and why we do these things – a critical understanding of the American identity." Notre Dame's Michael Desch agrees: "That cuts to the core of American political culture. I think the root of the hubris is deep in the software that animates how we think about ourselves, and how we think about the world."

Harvard University's Stephen Walt offers yet another possibility. Walt asks if the U.S. commitment to its current misguided and damaging foreign policy is due to "deep culture" or if it is result of "the national security apparatus we built after World War II." Walt thinks it is the latter: the United States "was not a highly interventionist country until after the Second World War." After World War II, "we built a large national security state, we had bases everywhere, and then we discovered that we can't let go of any of that, even though the original reason for building it is gone."

Did the other panelists agree with Walt? Did anyone suggest a different problem as a candidate for the most pressing issue? Watch the full video above to see and be sure to check out the other videos of CNI and CKI's panel of nationally acclaimed foreign policy scholars addressing additional questions.

[Oct 25, 2016] Trump supporters no longer believe or trust the Republican elite who they see as corrupt which is partly true

Notable quotes:
"... My impression is that Trump_vs_deep_state is more about dissatisfaction of the Republican base with the Republican brass (which fully endorsed neoliberal globalization), the phenomenon somewhat similar to Sanders. ..."
"... Working class and lower middle class essentially abandoned DemoRats (Clinton democrats) after so many years of betrayal and "they have nowhere to go" attitude. ..."
"... Now they try to forge the alliance of highly paid professionals who benefitted from globalization("creative class"), financial speculators and minorities. Which does not look like a stable coalition to me. ..."
"... In other words both Parties are now split and have two mini-parties inside. I am not sure that Sanders part of Democratic party would support Hillary. The wounds caused by DNC betrayal and double dealing are still too fresh. ..."
"... We have something like what Marxists call "revolutionary situation" when the elite loses control of "peons". And existence of Internet made MSM propaganda far less effective that it would be otherwise. That's why they resort to war propaganda tricks. ..."

Peter K. -> Sanjait... , October 24, 2016 at 11:48 AM

"That's not untrue, but it seems to me to be getting worse."

Because of economic stagnation and anxiety among lower class Republicans. Trump blames immigration and trade unlike traditional elite Republicans. These are economic issues.

Trump supporters no longer believe or trust the Republican elite who they see as corrupt which is partly true. They've been backing Nixon, Reagan, Bush etc and things are just getting worse. They've been played.

Granted it's complicated and partly they see their side as losing and so are doubling down on the conservatism, racism, sexism etc. But Trump *brags* that he was against the Iraq war. That's not an elite Republican opinion.

likbez -> DrDick... , -1
My impression is that Trump_vs_deep_state is more about dissatisfaction of the Republican base with the Republican brass (which fully endorsed neoliberal globalization), the phenomenon somewhat similar to Sanders.

Working class and lower middle class essentially abandoned DemoRats (Clinton democrats) after so many years of betrayal and "they have nowhere to go" attitude.

Looks like they have found were to go this election cycle and this loss of the base is probably was the biggest surprise for neoliberal Democrats.

Now they try to forge the alliance of highly paid professionals who benefitted from globalization("creative class"), financial speculators and minorities. Which does not look like a stable coalition to me.

Some data suggest that among unions which endorsed Hillary 3 out of 4 members will vote against her. And that are data from union brass. Lower middle class might also demonstrate the same pattern this election cycle.

In other words both Parties are now split and have two mini-parties inside. I am not sure that Sanders part of Democratic party would support Hillary. The wounds caused by DNC betrayal and double dealing are still too fresh.

We have something like what Marxists call "revolutionary situation" when the elite loses control of "peons". And existence of Internet made MSM propaganda far less effective that it would be otherwise. That's why they resort to war propaganda tricks.

likbez : , October 24, 2016 at 12:00 PM
My impression is that that key issue is as following: a vote for Hillary is a vote for the War Party and is incompatible with democratic principles.

She is way too militant, and is not that different in this respect from Senator McCain. That creates a real danger of unleashing the war with Russia.

Trump with all his warts gives us a chance to get some kind of détente with Russia.

In other words no real Democrat can vote for Hillary.

[Oct 24, 2016] Weapons of Mass Destruction! We have irrefutable evidence! Yellowcake!

This strange statement of DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE means direct involvement of Us intelligence agencies in the US election.
Notable quotes:
"... Not to worry. The "Intelligence Community" (USIC) has it all figured out. ..."
"... Step one: discredit the whistle blowers by sending hacked emails to WikiLeaks and blaming Russia. Step two: collect mountains of data without oversight Step three: ?? anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 12:10 PM Step one: discredit the whistle blowers by sending hacked emails to WikiLeaks and blaming Russia. Step two: collect mountains of data without oversight Step three: ?? [ Step three could be terrifying if the new Washington and media Cold Warriors and McCarthyists continue on their way. Democrats have become wild, militarist Republicans on foreign affairs, so where is any counter to come from? ..."
"... TIME, the Economist, and the New Yorker have all now published covers portraying Putin as a scary, Evil menace ..."
"... This could be a poster for a horror movie. But it's just the sane, sober, centrist @TheEconomist, doing what they do best ..."
"... The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow-the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities. ..."
"... The problem with "the Russians" tale is that the Podesta emails are rather weak sauce. Is there anyone paying close attention that didn't know HRC's camp had influential contacts in the media and the DNC and used them to their advantage? ..."
"... The upshot of the WikiLeaks Podesta emails is to DISCREDIT WIKILEAKS as an independent source of disclosure. ..."
"... "One of the first leaked files had been modified on a computer using Russian-language settings by a user named "Feliks Dzerzhinsky." Dzerzhinsky was the founder of the Cheka, the Soviet secret police" ..."
"... From the Esquire article: "Matt Tait, a former GCHQ operator... was particularly prolific. Hours after the first Guccifer 2.0 dump, on the evening of June 15, Tait found something curious." For the record, "GCHQ" does not refer to the magazine, Gentlemen's Quarterly. ..."
"... First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange. ..."
"... The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts.... ..."
"... Weapons of Mass Destruction! We have irrefutable evidence! Yellowcake! ..."
"... Keith B. Alexander: "Those who would want to weave the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people, is absolutely false… From my perspective, this is absolute nonsense." ..."
"... Senator Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?" ..."
"... DNI Clapper "No, sir." ..."
"... Historically it was the USA that started cyberwar and who developed the most advanced capabilities in this space. Remember the worm which tried to subvert functionality of Iranian centrifuges electronics using specially designed malware and Trojans like Flame? ..."
"... So the first suspect should internal (kind of Snowden II), not external. There was also a story with an alternative viewpoint: ..."
"... There were also rumors about FOXACID - The NSA's hacking program getting into DNC hands. ..."
"... Sanjait might belong to the category that some people call the "Vichy left" – essentially people who are ready to sacrifice all principles to ensure their 'own' prosperity and support the candidate who intends to protected it, everybody else be damned. ..."
"... Very neoliberal approach if you ask me. Ann Rand would probably be proud for this representative of "creative class". ..."
"... More "paranoid claptrap" (or should that be Clappertrap?): Edward Snowden: "...the breaking point was seeing the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress. … Seeing that really meant for me there was no going back." ..."
"... "Two U.S. representatives accused Clapper of perjury for telling a congressional committee in March 2013, that the NSA does not collect any type of data at all on millions of Americans. One senator asked for his resignation, and a group of 26 senators complained about Clapper's responses under questioning. Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony." ..."
"... My impression is that that key issue is as following: a vote for Hillary is a vote for the War Party and is incompatible with democratic principles. ..."
"... In other words no real Democrat can vote for Hillary. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |
It's Trump's party, so cry if you want to:
It's Trump's Party, by Paul Krugman, NY Times : ...Everyone who endorsed Mr. Trump in the past owns him now... And voters should realize that voting for any Trump endorser is, in effect, a vote for Trump_vs_deep_state, whatever happens at the top of the ticket.

.... ... ...

Sandwichman : , October 24, 2016 at 09:50 AM

Not to worry. The "Intelligence Community" (USIC) has it all figured out.
Sandwichman -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 09:55 AM
Step one: discredit the whistle blowers by sending hacked emails to WikiLeaks and blaming Russia.

Step two: collect mountains of data without oversight

Step three: ??

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 12:10 PM
Step one: discredit the whistle blowers by sending hacked emails to WikiLeaks and blaming Russia.

Step two: collect mountains of data without oversight

Step three: ??

[ Step three could be terrifying if the new Washington and media Cold Warriors and McCarthyists continue on their way. Democrats have become wild, militarist Republicans on foreign affairs, so where is any counter to come from? ]

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 12:12 PM
Crazily preparing us for Step three:

Barry Eisler ‏@barryeisler

This could be a poster for a horror movie. But it's just the sane, sober, centrist @TheEconomist, doing what they do best

5:14 PM - 21 Oct 2016

anne -> anne... , October 24, 2016 at 12:25 PM
When I need to be reminded of just how afraid of the new McCarthyists I have to be, I will look to the crazily prejudiced cover of The Economist and remember that I have yet to come across a complaint by any academic economist.

No matter though, as I keep promising I will be naming names. I have my list, and am steadily writing down names to name and name names from morning to evening I surely will.

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 12:13 PM

Michael Tracey @mtracey

TIME, the Economist, and the New Yorker have all now published covers portraying Putin as a scary, Evil menace

Barry Eisler @barryeisler

This could be a poster for a horror movie. But it's just the sane, sober, centrist @TheEconomist, doing what they do best

7:42 AM - 22 Oct 2016

Sandwichman -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 09:58 AM

October 07, 2016

Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security
and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow-the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Sandwichman -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 10:03 AM
is confident that... are consistent with...

Wait just a damn minute.

Why is the DNI telling THE RUSSIANS what the USIC suspects? Wouldn't that blunt the capability for taking counter measures? Unless... red herring?

Look! Over there!

Sandwichman -> EMichael... , October 24, 2016 at 10:39 AM
The problem with "the Russians" tale is that the Podesta emails are rather weak sauce. Is there anyone paying close attention that didn't know HRC's camp had influential contacts in the media and the DNC and used them to their advantage?

I'm shocked, shocked that there is backroom power politics going on in a political campaign!

The upshot of the WikiLeaks Podesta emails is to DISCREDIT WIKILEAKS as an independent source of disclosure.

Why would Putin want to do that? Why would CLAPPER want to do that?

DeDude -> EMichael... , October 24, 2016 at 10:52 AM
Here is a better outline of the whole thing "One of the first leaked files had been modified on a computer using Russian-language settings by a user named "Feliks Dzerzhinsky." Dzerzhinsky was the founder of the Cheka, the Soviet secret police"

The Russian connect was not "revealed" by NSA alone and the evidence for anybody who understand computers and "trails" is quite strong.

The fact that the initial "leaks" were not such a big deal was no surprise. Given Julian's desperate need to not get Clinton into the White house, you would expect him to save the most juicy stuff until a few days before the election.

Sandwichman -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 12:25 PM
From the Esquire article: "Matt Tait, a former GCHQ operator... was particularly prolific. Hours after the first Guccifer 2.0 dump, on the evening of June 15, Tait found something curious." For the record, "GCHQ" does not refer to the magazine, Gentlemen's Quarterly.
likbez -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 11:21 AM

First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange. There is executive branch and three letter agencies should generally keep their mouth shut and allow others to voice the concerns, etc.

This might be a sigh of complete disorganization of executive branch with intelligence agencies becoming a power players. Kind of "Deep State" morphing into "surface state".

There are might be also multiple valid reasons for disclosing such a sensitive information:

  1. I want your money stupid Pinocchio.
  2. Smoke screen to hide their own nefarious activities and/or blunders within the USA. Actually existence of Hillary private server is somewhat incompatible with the existence of NSA.
  3. This is one thing when Podesta using gmail. It's quite another when the Secretary of state uses "bathroom server" with incompetent or semi-competent tech staff and completely clueless entourage.
  4. Pre-emptive strike reflecting some internal struggle within US Intelligence community itself with a neocon faction going "all in" to force the viewpoint, and more aggressive toward Russia stance, which might not be shared by others.
  5. Please note that CIA and DOD are fighting each other in Iraq and Syria to a certain extent.
  6. Increase Anti-Russian hysteria, which helps Hillary as a candidate of neocon establishment.
  7. Russians might recently uncover some nefarious activities (I heard FSB did discover compromised computers in some ministries) and this is the preparation for the blowback.

There might be more. You never know.

DeDude -> likbez... , October 24, 2016 at 11:29 AM
"such a sensitive" "Russians might recently uncover"

Holy Moly - why don't you just write it in Russian and let us use a translation app to get your peddling straightened out.

This is so funny even "Sandwinchment" will have to admit the Russian connection.

likbez -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 12:03 PM
Don't be a Hillary shill. This is a serious issue that need real pro and contra arguments not your Ad Hominum attacks
Sandwichman -> likbez... , October 24, 2016 at 12:31 PM
"First of all the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange."


Second, the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange.

Last but not least, the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange.

Did I mention that the fact that intelligence community issue a statement on such a matter is very strange?

anne -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 10:12 AM
The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts....

-- Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security
and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

[ "Consistent with the methods and motivations..." is a shocking supposition to be made public, but we have been subject to such suppositions, seemingly with increasing frequency, for these last 15 years. ]

Sandwichman -> anne... , October 24, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Weapons of Mass Destruction! We have irrefutable evidence! Yellowcake!

Keith B. Alexander: "Those who would want to weave the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people, is absolutely false… From my perspective, this is absolute nonsense."


Senator Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?"

DNI Clapper "No, sir."

Senator Wyden: "It does not?"

DNI Clapper: "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly."

The [IN]operative word there was "collect" which in NSAspeak does not mean... collect.

DeDude -> anne... , October 24, 2016 at 11:00 AM
Not shocking at all unless you are ignorant about tracing and analyzing hacks. The traces and approaches are like fingerprints. Nobody in the business have any doubts that the Russians did this - but they will never give you the details of how they got to that conclusion, because this is a public website and the hacking wars are like the missile wars, if the other side knows what you got they can counter it and make your job harder.
likbez -> DeDude... , October 24, 2016 at 11:42 AM
You might be a little bit naïve as for traces.

The first rule of such activities on state level is to pretend that you are somebody else deliberately leaving false clues (IP space, keyboard layout, etc), everything that you call traces.

Historically it was the USA that started cyberwar and who developed the most advanced capabilities in this space. Remember the worm which tried to subvert functionality of Iranian centrifuges electronics using specially designed malware and Trojans like Flame?

So the first suspect should internal (kind of Snowden II), not external. There was also a story with an alternative viewpoint:

There were also rumors about FOXACID - The NSA's hacking program getting into DNC hands.

Using botnets essentially gives anybody substantial freedom about what IP space you want to use. You can pretend to be Russian if you want to and use computers from Russian IP space.

Sanjait -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 10:35 AM
Some paranoid claptrap to go along with your usual anti intellectualism.

Interestingly, with your completely unrelated non sequitur, you've actually illustrated something that does relate to Krugmans post. Namely that there are wingnuts among us. They've taken over the Republican Party, but the left has some too. Fortunately though the Democratic Party hasn't been taken over by them yet, and is still mostly run by grown ups.

Sandwichman -> Sanjait... , October 24, 2016 at 10:42 AM
I am confident that what you say here is consistent with your methods and motivations.

likbez -> Sandwichman... October 24, 2016 at 06:05 PM

"I am confident that what you say here is consistent with your methods and motivations."

Pretty consistent, I agree. IMHO Sanjait might belong to the category that some people call the "Vichy left" – essentially people who are ready to sacrifice all principles to ensure their 'own' prosperity and support the candidate who intends to protected it, everybody else be damned.

Very neoliberal approach if you ask me. Ann Rand would probably be proud for this representative of "creative class".

Essentially the behavior the we've had for the last 8 years with the king of "bait and switch".

Sandwichman -> Sanjait... , October 24, 2016 at 10:47 AM
More "paranoid claptrap" (or should that be Clappertrap?): Edward Snowden: "...the breaking point was seeing the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress. … Seeing that really meant for me there was no going back."
DeDude -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 11:43 AM
Private hackers may be tired of all this Russia friendly "measured response" from the US government and take the matter of retaliation into their own hands.

Peter K. -> Sandwichman ... , October 24, 2016 at 11:43 AM
"Two U.S. representatives accused Clapper of perjury for telling a congressional committee in March 2013, that the NSA does not collect any type of data at all on millions of Americans. One senator asked for his resignation, and a group of 26 senators complained about Clapper's responses under questioning. Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony."

Oliver Stone's movie was pretty good. I agree with you that the hacked email are pretty "weak sauce" for the Russians to risk a confrontation with the sole super power. It's possible given that Putin was upset over Hillary backing the pro-democracy movement publically in recent elections.

likbez : , October 24, 2016 at 12:00 PM
My impression is that that key issue is as following: a vote for Hillary is a vote for the War Party and is incompatible with democratic principles.

She is way too militant, and is not that different in this respect from Senator McCain. That creates a real danger of unleashing the war with Russia.

Trump with all his warts gives us a chance to get some kind of détente with Russia.

In other words no real Democrat can vote for Hillary.

[Oct 24, 2016] Donna Brazile accused about leaking a town hall question to the Clinton campaign

Notable quotes:
"... "I did not receive any questions from CNN, let's just be very clear," a shaky Brazile told Kelly. ..."
"... "I never got documents from CNN," she reiterated, adding that "a lot of those emails I would not give them the time of the day. I've seen so many doctored emails. I've seen things that come from me at two in the morning that I don't even send." (RELATED: DNC Chair Now Says Podesta Emails Were 'Doctored') ..."
"... Brazile then offered to share whatever documents she has. "If there is anything that I have I will share," she said. ..."
"... Martin, the TV One host suspected of giving Brazile the question, gave a convoluted answer last week when asked if he coordinated with Brazile. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile complained during an interview on Wednesday that she is being "persecuted" by being asked questions about leaking a town hall question to the Clinton campaign.

And during the interview, conducted on Fox News after the presidential debate, Brazile said that her interviewer, Megyn Kelly, was "like a thief" because her questions cited emails that were stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and released by Wikileaks.

Kelly grilled Brazile, who was a CNN and ABC News contributor prior to taking over the DNC in July, about an email revealed by Wikileaks showing her providing a tip about a March 13 town hall question to the Clinton campaign. (RELATED: Donna Brazile Leaked CNN Town Hall Question To Clinton Campaign)

"From time to time I get the questions in advance," Brazile wrote in a March 12 email to Clinton's communications director, Jennifer Palmieri.

The question, which was about the death penalty, was asked of Clinton by Roland Martin, a host with TV One, which co-hosted the debate with CNN.

"I did not receive any questions from CNN, let's just be very clear," a shaky Brazile told Kelly.

"Where did you get it?" the host shot back.

"First of all what information are you providing to me that will let me see what you are talking about?" said Brazile.

She grew more defensive.

"As a Christian woman I understand persecution, but I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is totally false," the operative said.

"Podesta's emails were stolen. You're like the thief that what's to bring into the night what you found in the gutter," she continued.

Kelly then referred to an interview CNN anchor Jake Tapper gave last week in which he said that it was his understanding that the question came from Roland Martin or TV One. He called the leak "very, very troubling." (RELATED: Jake Tapper Says DNC Chair's Leak To Clinton Campaign Is 'Very, Very Troubling)

"I am not going to try to validate falsified information. I have my documents, I have my files," Brazile told Kelly.

"I never got documents from CNN," she reiterated, adding that "a lot of those emails I would not give them the time of the day. I've seen so many doctored emails. I've seen things that come from me at two in the morning that I don't even send." (RELATED: DNC Chair Now Says Podesta Emails Were 'Doctored')

Brazile then offered to share whatever documents she has. "If there is anything that I have I will share," she said.

Brazile did not return an email from The Daily Caller asking how she plans to prove that she did not send the question to Palmieri.

Martin, the TV One host suspected of giving Brazile the question, gave a convoluted answer last week when asked if he coordinated with Brazile.

Update: Brazile responded to TheDC's questions about the town hall questions and about her comments in the interview with Megyn Kelly.

Asked if she would make good on her pledge to share the information she has and why she refused to say that TV One was not the source of the town hall question, she responded: "You're so unprofessional."

TheDC followed up on the questions. "Ask where the doctored videos were made. Chinese or Russians," Brazile responded.

susan the other October 24, 2016 at 12:20 pm

It was painful watching Donna Brazile get caught in Megan Kelly's cross examination. She (Donna) was loyal to a fault, making herself look like an idiot, a very sad idiot, when she claimed the emails had been doctored.

[Oct 24, 2016] I wonder if the various powers that be assembled some kind of Committee to Defend the Liberal Order when Trump began to make noises about re-assessing Nato.

Notable quotes:
"... I wonder if the various powers that be assembled some kind of "Committee to Defend the Liberal Order" when Trump began to make noises about re-assessing Nato ..."
"... A very interesting and pretty plausible hypothesis... That actually is the most deep insight I got from this interesting discussion. In such case intelligence agencies are definitely a part of "Committee to Defend the Liberal Order" which is yet another explanation of their strange behavior. ..."
"... it's a bunch of scams, lies and public manipulation schemes. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

Dan Kervick -> Sandwichman ...

I wonder if the various powers that be assembled some kind of "Committee to Defend the Liberal Order" when Trump began to make noises about re-assessing Nato. Reply Monday, October 24, 2016 at 02:11 PM

likbez -> Dan Kervick..., October 24, 2016 at 06:34 PM


> ...some kind of "Committee to Defend the Liberal Order" when Trump began to make noises about re-assessing Nato.

A very interesting and pretty plausible hypothesis... That actually is the most deep insight I got from this interesting discussion. In such case intelligence agencies are definitely a part of "Committee to Defend the Liberal Order" which is yet another explanation of their strange behavior.

Thank you --

Dan Kervick -> likbez... October 24, 2016 at 01:14 PM , 2016 at 01:14 PM
I can't claim that a mere mortal like me actually has the slightest clue what is really going on. All I will hazard is that, whatever it is, it's a bunch of scams, lies and public manipulation schemes.

Where this kind of high level foreign policy is involved, the US government and intelligence services blew their cred with me long ago. I disbelieve them now on as a strong and resilient prior.

[Oct 24, 2016] Six reasons for optimism (and one big one for pessimism) - Crooked Timber

Notable quotes:
"... the discontent that motivates the Trump voters seems less likely to just vanish. We seem to be in the midst of a realignment of both UK and US politics, of which Trump and Farrage are just symptoms ..."
"... Trump should be defeated according to most here. Some may actually believe Trump really is the anti-Christ Hitler we've been constantly told he is, instead of a widely watched and often admired vulgarian capitalist welcomed into living rooms across America for more than a decade. Whatever Trump is, he's not Cruz. His supporters are not Cruz supporters. Yet. ..."
"... Which is why, in this instance, I think the polls are wrong. Who in their right mind is going to ever admit that Trump's language and behavior is not offensive? Nobody. Who in their right mind looks out at America and sees Donald Trump, not Bill Cosby etc, etc, etc as a threat to their own daughters, sisters, sons, etc? Which is why, in the end, enough voters are going to say no thanks to Hillary and roll the dice with Donald. ..."
"... The stink coming out of the Clinton campaign is so rank it's actually penetrating the media wall of silence. Given that social media provides numerous ways for candidates to bypass the gate-keepers, I suspect enough voters are learning what's in the emails whether CNN, or the Wapo, report the discoveries, or not. ..."
"... On most wedge issues, Trump is running as a bog-standard Republican conservative, and he's losing on those issues. ..."
"... Indeed I see the synthesis of neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism as the final consolidation of conservatism and the end of what we have understood as history – the final triumph of capitalism as it dies. ..."
"... The right has also succeeded in the same way to reduce consumer rights. Arbitration agreements are attached to almost everything you buy that needs an agreement (software, mobile phones, etc.) before use. The agreements not only mandate secret arbitration they also prevent consumers from banding together in order to form a class thus making each individual consumer litigate alone. Obviously this reduces the power of individual consumers and also decreases the incentive for any one consumer to do something about what, on the individual level, may be a small injury. Basically it allows business to steal a small amount from a lot of people. ..."
"... On the "economy", "taxes", and, "foreign affairs" the respondents "trust" the GOP more than the Dems. Though on one key measure "caring about people like you" the Dems are trusted over the GOP by a slight margin. ..."
"... The reduction of marginal income tax rates on the highest "wage" incomes combined with new doctrines of corporate business leadership that emphasized the maximization of shareholder value created a new class of C-suite business executives occupying positions of great political power as allies and servants of the rentier class of Capital owners. The elaborate structures of financial repression and mutual finance were systematically demolished, removing many of the protections from financial predation afforded the working and middle classes. ..."
"... she's the least popular Democratic candidate perhaps ever! That's the only reason it would be close. A party built around the principles of white male supremacy and dedicated to expanding the wealth and income gap is at a massive disadvantage in any non-gerrymandered election. ..."
"... It is striking to me how even on the left the discussion of U.S. militarism and imperialism has been marginalized and does not come up much in casual conversation. We had an active peace movement through the worst days of the Cold War, and then there was a bit of a resurgence of it in response to the Iraq War. But Obama's acceptance of the core assumptions of the 'War on Terror' (even as he waged it more responsibly) seems to have led to the war party co-opting the liberals as well until there is no longer an effective opposition. The rhetoric of 'humanitarian intervention' has been hugely successful in that effort. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

SusanC 10.24.16 at 11:00 am

Trump himself will go away, I think. But the discontent that motivates the Trump voters seems less likely to just vanish. We seem to be in the midst of a realignment of both UK and US politics, of which Trump and Farrage are just symptoms. Farrage has already made an attempt at retiring from politics, and I could easily see Trump going back to reality television after the election. The real question is: what will their supporters do next?

I am also surprised that Corey thinks feminism and the civil rights movement has been defeated. These seem to me to be areas in which some progress has been made (along with other forms of identity politics, e.g. gay marriage). It's been the class-based labour/union movement that's been the real loser.

Possibly it depends on which time scale you're talking about, and that some of us now count as old people, in that our implicit timescale is over our lifetimes. Maybe young college students think that all the progress made by feminism happened before they were even born, and things have slowed down of late. (With a slight hat-tip to Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions , I could easily see some further progress on feminist issues being made simply by the older guys in management positions dying off, and being replaced by younger people who grew up in a different culture),

kidneystones 10.24.16 at 11:15 am ( 13 )

Make that 4 and 2

I disagree with the basic premise of the post in that the right has been beaten because it has won.

That's certainly not how the right sees the landscape. The tea party of 2010 was co-opted by Richard Armey and the Kochs on the one hand and buried under a mountain of forms by Lois Lerner on the other. The Armey group rallies to Ted Cruz, who is sure to have something to say about America and the future of the Republican party should Trump be undone because of his lewd behavior and actions.

The media is certain to be savaged no matter what the outcome. The number of artists and musicians who both profit from and promote misogyny and violence invited to the WH over the last 8 years to serve as role models for America's youth should raise nary an eyebrow. The prudery of the moment is going to be the template for 'social reform' under the Republicans. If Hillary and her media allies succeed in derailing the Trump insurgency via his mouth, his hands, and his zipper they're going to face an extremely hostile electorate. Cruz is certain to try to step into Trump's shoes as leader, preaching that Trump was a flawed messenger undone by an unforgiving god. This will make sense for too many Americans to completely ignore. The unhappy white males who have yet to self-identify as angry white males, rather than simply as Americans, may well decide to do so.

Whatever few victories the Democrats enjoy lower down the ticket are unlikely to survive skyrocketing Affordable Care Act premiums, some form of amnesty, and an extension of America's wars in the ME. The Democrats are betting the farm that Republicans will never unlock the padlock Democrats maintain over socially-conservative minorities. Cruz's ground game and networking with the evangelical community didn't get the job done in 2016, but we can be sure that he and his team are already mapping 2020.

Trump should be defeated according to most here. Some may actually believe Trump really is the anti-Christ Hitler we've been constantly told he is, instead of a widely watched and often admired vulgarian capitalist welcomed into living rooms across America for more than a decade. Whatever Trump is, he's not Cruz. His supporters are not Cruz supporters. Yet.

I've no idea whether those supporting the Democratic candidate expect her to wake up on November 9, should she win, and suddenly decide to abandon the practices that got her this far. I certainly don't. If you're nauseated at the prospect of 4-8 more years of secrecy, war, lies, and corruption you're going to need to keep more than barf bags at hand, however. The polarization that has divided America over the last 8 years is, imho, far more likely to become much more corrosive and damaging with Democrats in charge.

Ted Cruz will literally be burning crosses and probably books, pornography, and anyone/thing else that strikes his fancy. The donor class is praying that Hillary/Bush can stamp out the fires. With rising unemployment, stagnating wages, and more and more Americans feeling that the system isn't interested in them, or their children, there may very well be a little hell to pay, or a lot.

kidneystones 10.24.16 at 12:37 pm @ 14

It won't surprise you to learn I think you're wrong about Trump. The battle against Trump is for many a rejection of what they see in the mirror transposed onto Trump, as far as males go. Many women, including some who support him, see in Trump a dangerous predator who offers the promise of protection and wealth, but at a cost. Good thing no woman would ever sell herself, or her principles, to such a man – and if Bill Clinton pops into your head, please don't blame me.

Which is why, in this instance, I think the polls are wrong. Who in their right mind is going to ever admit that Trump's language and behavior is not offensive? Nobody. Who in their right mind looks out at America and sees Donald Trump, not Bill Cosby etc, etc, etc as a threat to their own daughters, sisters, sons, etc? Which is why, in the end, enough voters are going to say no thanks to Hillary and roll the dice with Donald.

I like your question re: Cruz. I find him such a phenomenally transparent phony that I can't quite believe anyone trusts him. With Trump, and Bill Clinton, what you see is what you get – Slick Willie.

At the moment Americans are being told they don't like what they see in Trump, but if that were the case, why was he so popular back when he was actually on the Howard Stern show and otherwise acting out? I frankly don't think most Americans give a toss what Trump did or said this week, much less ten years ago.

The stink coming out of the Clinton campaign is so rank it's actually penetrating the media wall of silence. Given that social media provides numerous ways for candidates to bypass the gate-keepers, I suspect enough voters are learning what's in the emails whether CNN, or the Wapo, report the discoveries, or not.

Like I said. I think it will be close and right now I still say Trump edges it.

Layman 10.24.16 at 12:55 pm

"Clinton will win easily, but it could easily be argued that the victory will be over Trump the man than over any ideology. If Clinton were running against Cruz – who on any reasonable measure is well to the right of Trump – would she be 20 points ahead with women?"

Hard to find more recent polling than this; but based on this, women would solidly still prefer Clinton over Cruz.

I also doubt that notion that it is Trump's vulgarity, on its own, rather than Republican conservative ideology which is driving the likely result. Trump does himself no favors, but Clinton's negatives hold her back, too. On most wedge issues, Trump is running as a bog-standard Republican conservative, and he's losing on those issues.

infovore 10.24.16 at 1:30 pm

@13 "Oversampling" is jargon with a specific technical meaning. Pew describes what it is in its discussion of

Jerry Vinokurov 10.24.16 at 1:30 pm ( 21 )

Which is why, in the end, enough voters are going to say no thanks to Hillary and roll the dice with Donald.

What odds would you accept on this outcome?

SusanC 10.24.16 at 2:26 pm @20.

Indeed. There's a difference between a biased sample and the oversampling technique. The difference being that with oversampling you statistically correct for the fact that you've intentionally sampled some subpopulation more frequently than you would have done if you just chose members of the whole population uniformly at random (while a biased sample just ignores or is ignorant of the problem…)

(I hope this isn't too much of a derail. There is a grand CT tradition of yawn-not-that-again OPs with derails where you might learn something).

Waiting for Godot 10.24.16 at 3:38 pm ( 23 )

I am not sanguine about the apparent collapse of this version (Trump) of American fascism. If conservatism can be said to be that which argues for the preservation of traditional social institutions and traditional political values then conservatism is far from dying. Indeed I see the synthesis of neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism as the final consolidation of conservatism and the end of what we have understood as history – the final triumph of capitalism as it dies.

Bernard Yomtov 10.24.16 at 3:59 pm

the reason I think the right has not much of a future is that it has won. If you consider its great animating energies since the New Deal-anti-labor, anti-civil rights, and anti-feminism-the right has achieved a considerable amount of success.

I agree with dd that this is just wrong. Are labor, the civil rights movement, women's rights, worse than they were at the end of the New Deal? I don't see how.

efcdons 10.24.16 at 4:16 pm ( 25 )

The right has won or is winning in an some ways on labor and civil rights issues by changing the procedure by which one can assert the rights that may exist.

The number of strikes are down as someone else mentioned. But the Right has also largely succeeded in reducing the ability of individual employees to engage in private actions to vindicate their rights. E.g. the huge increase in enforceable arbitration agreements in what are essentially contracts of adhesion. The Right has solidified the ability of business to prevent employees from using the independent, publicly funded judiciary, and instead forces them to use private, secretive, arbitrators who essentially work for the companies (because the business is a repeat player and the arbitrators rely on being chosen to arbitrate in order to make their money).

The right has also succeeded in the same way to reduce consumer rights. Arbitration agreements are attached to almost everything you buy that needs an agreement (software, mobile phones, etc.) before use. The agreements not only mandate secret arbitration they also prevent consumers from banding together in order to form a class thus making each individual consumer litigate alone. Obviously this reduces the power of individual consumers and also decreases the incentive for any one consumer to do something about what, on the individual level, may be a small injury. Basically it allows business to steal a small amount from a lot of people.

In regards to Clinton and her chances against any other Republican, here is some polling which suggests the country at least trust the GOP over the Dems on a number of important issues. It is from April, 2016 so not the freshest data. But it might indicate Trump's bog standard GOP policies are not what is driving votes to Clinton/away from Trump.

On the "economy", "taxes", and, "foreign affairs" the respondents "trust" the GOP more than the Dems. Though on one key measure "caring about people like you" the Dems are trusted over the GOP by a slight margin.

bruce wilder 10.24.16 at 5:04 pm

Among the most successful projects of the Right was financialization of the economy.

The reduction of marginal income tax rates on the highest "wage" incomes combined with new doctrines of corporate business leadership that emphasized the maximization of shareholder value created a new class of C-suite business executives occupying positions of great political power as allies and servants of the rentier class of Capital owners. The elaborate structures of financial repression and mutual finance were systematically demolished, removing many of the protections from financial predation afforded the working and middle classes.

In the current election, the Democratic Party has split on financial reform issues, with the dominant faction represented by the Party's candidate prioritizing issues of race and gender equality.

Layman 10.24.16 at 5:06 pm ( 29 )

"In regards to Clinton and her chances against any other Republican, here is some polling which suggests the country at least trust the GOP over the Dems on a number of important issues."

I imagine any poll pitting 'generic Republican' against Hillary Clinton in April of this year would have shown 'generic Republican' winning. The problem is, you can't run 'generic Republican'.

I'm hard pressed to point at any prominent Republican who I think would be handily beating Clinton now. Once you name them, they have to say what they're for and against, and she takes her shot at them, and they're fighting an uphill battle. And she's the least popular Democratic candidate perhaps ever! That's the only reason it would be close. A party built around the principles of white male supremacy and dedicated to expanding the wealth and income gap is at a massive disadvantage in any non-gerrymandered election.

PGD 10.24.16 at 6:28 pm

It is striking to me how even on the left the discussion of U.S. militarism and imperialism has been marginalized and does not come up much in casual conversation. We had an active peace movement through the worst days of the Cold War, and then there was a bit of a resurgence of it in response to the Iraq War. But Obama's acceptance of the core assumptions of the 'War on Terror' (even as he waged it more responsibly) seems to have led to the war party co-opting the liberals as well until there is no longer an effective opposition. The rhetoric of 'humanitarian intervention' has been hugely successful in that effort.

One of the most depressing things about this election campaign to me has been to see the Democrats using their full spectrum media dominance not to fight for a mandate for left policies, but to run a coordinated and effective propaganda campaign for greater U.S. military involvement in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, focusing on demonizing Putin and on humanitarian intervention rhetoric around Aleppo and the like.

[Oct 24, 2016] Qatar, like most Muslim countries, treats women as second-class citizens, but champion-of-women Hillary never lets a little thing like that stop her from doing business

Qatar, like most Muslim countries, treats women as second-class citizens, but champion-of-women Hillary never lets a little thing like that stop her from doing business. (See: "On favors.") And a far greater threat than murderous Muslims adhering to a fanatical 7th-century religious ideology lurks right here at home - those pesky Roman Catholics and their silly 2,000-year-old faith. (See: "On Catholics.")

[Oct 24, 2016] The Clinton administration will have a tough balance, throwing enough crumbs to the left to keep them happy while giving payback for the speaking fees

Oct 24, 2016 |

Tom aka Rusty : , October 24, 2016 at 06:04 AM

Lloyd Blankfein is all in for HRC, so we know what sort of economy we will get.

The Clinton administration will have a tough balance, throwing enough crumbs to the left to keep them happy while giving payback for the speaking fees.

pgl -> Tom aka Rusty... , October 24, 2016 at 06:33 AM
Before Anne demands that you identify who this is - let me help. Lloyd Craig Blankfein is an American business executive. He is the CEO and Chairman of Goldman Sachs.

Now was that so hard? As for "we know what sort of economy we will get". No Rusty - we do not know WTF you mean by this. So get to it as man splain this to us.

pgl -> pgl... , October 24, 2016 at 06:36 AM
Lloyd in his own words:

If Rusty was thinking about this discussion, wouldn't it have been nice had he bothered to provide this link. Lord!

Dan Kervick -> pgl... , -1
Of course we know what kind of economy we'll get - the one the US capitalist establishment wants.
RGC : , October 24, 2016 at 06:24 AM
Since both major parties are owned by plutocrats, we get a choice between quicker or slower misery. And since Hillary is in bed with the neocons, we also get the probability of major conflagration or US oppression of the globe.

If a progressive/populist revolt doesn't change the current path we are all screwed.

[Oct 24, 2016] Dont Repeat That To Anybody - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally Implicated In Latest Project Veritas Video

Oct 24, 2016 |
Last week, Jame O'keefe and Project Veritas Action potentially altered the course of the U.S. election, or at a minimum raised serious doubts about the practices of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, after releasing two undercover videos that revealed efforts of democrat operatives to incite violence at republican rallies and commit "mass voter fraud." While democrats have vehemently denied the authenticity of the videos, two democratic operatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, have both been forced to resign over the allegations.

Many democrats made the rounds on various mainstream media outlets over the weekend in an attempt to debunk the Project Veritas videos. Unfortunately for them, O'Keefe fired back with warnings that part 3 of his multi-part series was forthcoming and would implicate Hillary Clinton directly.

Anything happens to me, there's a deadman's switch on Part III, which will be released Monday. @HillaryClinton and @donnabrazile implicated.

- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 21, 2016

Now, we have the 3rd installment of O'Keefe's videos which does seemingly reveal direct coordination between Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval to organize a smear campaign over Trump's failure to release his tax returns. Per Project Veritas :

Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton's campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change. And, it's all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations. " In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground," says Creamer in one of several exchanges. "So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground." It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: "Don't repeat that to anybody."

Within the video both Clinton and Brazile are directly implicated by Creamer during the following exchange:

"The duck has to be an Americans United for Change entity. This had to do only with some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue. That's why. It's really silly.

We originally launched this duck because Hillary Clinton wants the duck .

In any case, so she really wanted this duck figure out there doing this stuff, so that was fine. So, we put all these ducks out there and got a lot of coverage. And Trump taxes. And then ABC/Disney went crazy because they thought our original slogan was 'Donald ducks his taxes, releasing his tax returns."

They said it was a trademark issue. It's not, but anyway, Donna Brazile had a connection with them and she didn't want to get sued. So we switched the ownership of the duck to Americans United for Change and now our signs say 'Trump ducks releasing his tax returns.' And we haven't had anymore trouble."

As Project Veritas points out, this direct coordination between Clinton, Brazile and Americans United For Change is a violation of federal election laws:

"The ducks on the ground are likely 'public communications' for purposes of the law. It's political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United For Change funds but controlled by Clinton/her campaign."

Here is the full video just released:

As a reminder, below are parts 1 & 2 of the Project Veritas series in case you missed them.

Video 1 revealed DNC efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies:

Video 2 provided the democrat playbook on how to committ "mass voter fraud":

RawPawg Oct 24, 2016 1:10 PM ,
i'm waiting for SHTF

And all I get is Ducks

nope-1004 RawPawg Oct 24, 2016 1:15 PM ,
Throw the scumbag Hillary in Jail!!!!

It's time people acknolwedge the deep corruption and headed down to the Capital on foot.

remain calm nope-1004 Oct 24, 2016 1:15 PM ,
Comey will get right on it.
Duane Norman remain calm Oct 24, 2016 1:16 PM ,
And this is why the people want Trump, because he isn't above Comey!

Occident Mortal nyse Oct 24, 2016 1:45 PM ,
What's the bets Comey ends up at Goldman Sachs?

e.g. VP without portfolio?

NoDebt Occident Mortal Oct 24, 2016 2:01 PM ,
"As Project Veritas points out, this direct coordination between Clinton, Brazile and Americans United For Change is a violation of federal election laws "

Yeah, you pretty much got the head shot there. Unfortunately, no gun to shoot it from. The enforcement authorities all work FOR the Democrat party.

Full spectrum dominance. It's a bitch. Even if you catch them red-haned there's no "authorities" to report it to that will listen to you.

Remember what happened to Planned Parenthood when they were caught red-handed selling human tissue for profit (which is also illegal)? That's right. Nothing. Same thing here.

Son of Loki NoDebt Oct 24, 2016 2:02 PM ,
Clinton attack featuring Miss Universe was months in the making, email shows

The Saint froze25 Oct 24, 2016 5:22 PM ,
The problem is that the MSM isn't reporting on any of this stuff about Hillary. And, the Republicans in office aren't on the news at all to talk about any of this. So, the only place it is reported is on the Trump campaign trail where just a few thousand hear about.

If the media won't report it and the Republicans won't talk about it, Hillary gets a pass. The audience for sites like ZH and Drudge are just preaching to the chior and not reaching the people who could change their minds or haven't made up their minds.

froze25 -> ImGumbydmmt •Oct 24, 2016 3:40 PM
What this video is, is evidence of collusion between a campaign and a SuperPac. That is illegal in a criminal court. This is enough to open an investigation, problem is nothing will be done by Nov 8th. All we can do is share it non-stop.
Bastiat d Haus-Targaryen •Oct 24, 2016 2:11 PM
Don't discount the Enquirer: remember who took down Gary Hart and John Edwards:

Hillary Clinton's shady Mr. Fix It will tell all on TV tonight, just days after his explosive confession in The National ENQUIRER hit the stands.

The man who's rocked Washington, D.C., will join Sean Hannity on tonight's episode of "Hannity" - airing on the FOX News Channel at 10 p.m. EST - to reveal his true identity at last.

[Oct 24, 2016] Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe

Notable quotes:
"... Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system, according to a report. ..."
"... The money directed by McAuliffe began flowing two months after the FBI investigation into Clinton began in July 2015. Around that time, the candidate's husband was promoted from running the Washington field office for the FBI to the No. 3 position at the bureau. ..."
"... In a statement to the Journal, the FBI said McCabe "played no role, attended no events, and did not participate in fundraising or support of any kind. Months after the completion of her campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton's emails." ..."

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.

The money directed by McAuliffe began flowing two months after the FBI investigation into Clinton began in July 2015. Around that time, the candidate's husband was promoted from running the Washington field office for the FBI to the No. 3 position at the bureau.

Within a year, McCabe was promoted to deputy director, the second-highest position in the bureau.

In a statement to the Journal, the FBI said McCabe "played no role, attended no events, and did not participate in fundraising or support of any kind. Months after the completion of her campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton's emails."

The governor's office claimed the FBI's McCabe met the governor only once - on March 7, 2015, when McAuliffe persuaded Jill McCabe to run.

The 2015 Virginia state Senate run - her first attempt to gain public office - was unsuccessful as she lost to the incumbent Republican.

McAuliffe "supported Jill McCabe because he believed she would be a good state senator. This is a customary practice for Virginia governors … Any insinuation that his support was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous," a spokesman for the Virginia governor told the Journal.

McAuliffe has been a longtime backer of the Clintons, even serving as Hillary Clinton's campaign chair in 2008.

[Oct 24, 2016] Hillary the Hawk closing in on the White House

Notable quotes:
"... The Democratic nominee in the final debate reiterated her bellicose stance towards Syria. Combined with her 2003 vote for war in Iraq, and her central role in getting the U.S. into the 2011 war in Libya, Clinton could become the most hawkish candidate elected president in most Americans' lifetimes. ..."
"... Enforcing a no-fly zone is "basically an act of war," Michael Knights, a no-fly-zone expert at the Washington Institute told me in the run up to the Libyan war. ..."
"... "Hillary's War," was the Washington Post's headline for a flattering feature on the Secretary of State's central role in driving the U.S. to intervene in Libya's civil war in 2011. ..."
"... Clinton staff, published emails have shown, worked hard to get Clinton credit for the war. Clinton's confidante at the State Department Jake Sullivan drafted a memo on her "leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country's Libya policy from start to finish." ..."
"... Hillary's war was illegal-because the administration never obtained congressional authorization for it-and it was also disastrous. "Libya is in a state of meltdown," John Lee Anderson wrote in the Atlantic last summer. ..."
"... Yet somehow, through three general election debates, she never got a single question on Libya. Consider that: a former Secretary of State touted a war as a central achievement of hers, is running on her foreign-policy chops, and she is escaping accountability for that disastrous war. ..."
"... Clinton, of course, also voted for the Iraq War in 2003. She says now she thinks that war was a mistake because it destabilized region. But somehow she doesn't apply that supposed lesson to Libya or to Syria. ..."
"... The pattern is clear: Hillary Clinton is consistently and maybe blindly pro-war. She is now the clear frontrunner to become our next president. The antiwar movement that flourished under President George W. Bush has disappeared under President Obama . Will it revive under Hillary? Will Republicans have the power or the desire to check her ambitious interventionism. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

Hillary Clinton can change her views in an instant on trade, guns, gay marriage, and all sorts of issues, but she's consistent in this: she wants war.

The Democratic nominee in the final debate reiterated her bellicose stance towards Syria. Combined with her 2003 vote for war in Iraq, and her central role in getting the U.S. into the 2011 war in Libya, Clinton could become the most hawkish candidate elected president in most Americans' lifetimes.

"I am going to continue to push for a no-fly zone and safe havens within Syria," Clinton said Wednesday night. Totally separate from the fight against ISIS, Clinton's "no-fly zones and safe havens" are U.S. military intervention in the bloody and many-sided conflict between Syria's brutal government, terrorist groups, and rebel groups.

Enforcing a no-fly zone is "basically an act of war," Michael Knights, a no-fly-zone expert at the Washington Institute told me in the run up to the Libyan war. Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified before the Senate that a no-fly zone created "the potential of a direct conflict with the Syrian integrated air defense system or Syrian forces or, by corollary, a confrontation with the Russians."

Defense Secretary Ash Carter testified in the same hearing that "safe zones" would require significant U.S. boots on the ground.

So while Hillary says she doesn't want war with Russia or Syria, or boots on the ground in Syria, she pushes policies that the Pentagon says risk war and require boots on the ground.

Hillary showed that same cavalier attitude toward war earlier this decade, laughingly declaring "we came, we saw, he died." This was her version of George W. Bush's "Mission Accomplished" moment, and Libya was her smaller - and less legal - version of Bush's Iraq War.

"Hillary's War," was the Washington Post's headline for a flattering feature on the Secretary of State's central role in driving the U.S. to intervene in Libya's civil war in 2011.

Clinton staff, published emails have shown, worked hard to get Clinton credit for the war. Clinton's confidante at the State Department Jake Sullivan drafted a memo on her "leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country's Libya policy from start to finish."

Sullivan listed, point-by-point, how Clinton helped bring about and shape the war. Before Obama's attack on Moammar Gadhafi, "she [was] a leading voice for strong UNSC action and a NATO civilian B5 protection mission," the memo explained.

Hillary's war was illegal-because the administration never obtained congressional authorization for it-and it was also disastrous. "Libya is in a state of meltdown," John Lee Anderson wrote in the Atlantic last summer.

ISIS has spread, no stable government has arisen, and the chaos has led to refugee and terrorism crises.

Clinton nevertheless calls her war "smart power at its best," declaring during the primary season, "I think President Obama made the right decision at the time."

Yet somehow, through three general election debates, she never got a single question on Libya. Consider that: a former Secretary of State touted a war as a central achievement of hers, is running on her foreign-policy chops, and she is escaping accountability for that disastrous war.

Clinton, of course, also voted for the Iraq War in 2003. She says now she thinks that war was a mistake because it destabilized region. But somehow she doesn't apply that supposed lesson to Libya or to Syria.

The pattern is clear: Hillary Clinton is consistently and maybe blindly pro-war. She is now the clear frontrunner to become our next president. The antiwar movement that flourished under President George W. Bush has disappeared under President Obama . Will it revive under Hillary? Will Republicans have the power or the desire to check her ambitious interventionism.

If Hillary wins big and sweeps in a Senate majority with her, we could be in for four more years of even more war.

Timothy P. Carney, the Washington Examiner's senior political columnist, can be contacted at [email protected] . His column appears Tuesday and Thursday nights on

[Oct 24, 2016] Peace Through Trump The American Conservative

Notable quotes:
"... US-Russia-China cooperation will eliminate for the US the threat of war with the only two powers whose nuclear capabilities could pose existential threats to the US. ..."
"... Simultaneously, Trump will put an end to "the prevailing view that the U.S. is, and always must be, the benign hegemon, altruistically policing the world, while allowing its allies, satellites-and even rivals-to manufacture everything and thereby generate the jobs, profits, and knowhow…a view that elevated the ambitions and pretensions of the American elite over the well-being of the larger U.S. population…Instead of sacrificing American economic interests on the altar of U.S. 'leadership,' [Trump] will view the strengthening of the American economy as central to American greatness." ..."
"... President Trump will rebuild the decimated US manufacturing sector and return to Americans those tens of millions of jobs that America's globalist elites were allowed to ship overseas. Rebuilding the US economy – and jobs! – will be the centerpiece of a Donald Trump presidency. ..."
"... The problem is that everyone wants to call themselves a Realist, even the Neocons. The Neocons proclaim that promoting Democracy, nation building, and being the world's policeman is 'realism' because if you withdraw from the world the problems follow you home. Tom Rogan bellowed that we needed to destroy Syria in the name of realism. They are totally wrong but the point is that everyone wants to claim this mantle which is why I tend to avoid this term. ..."
"... I think we should embrace the Putin Doctrine but that name is toxic. Basically, he eschews destroying standing govts because it is highly destabilizing. This is common sense. ..."
"... Oh, when I hear 'Bush kept us safe' it tears my heart out when I see guys in their 20/30's walking around with those titanium prosthetics. Do the 4,000+ men who died in Iraq and 10,000+ severely wounded count? And this does not even start to count the chaos and death in the M.E. ..."
"... Mainstream media are besides themselves at the prospect of their masters having to relinquish their special entitlements; namely, designer wars, selection of the few to govern the many (Supreme Court and the Fed), and putting foreign dictates over American interests at an incredible cost to the U.S. in human and non-human resources. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

Donald Trump played a wily capitalistic trick on his Republican opponents in the primary fights this year-he served an underserved market.

By now it's a cliché that Trump, while on his way to the GOP nomination, tapped into an unnoticed reservoir of right-of-center opinion on domestic and economic concerns-namely, the populist-nationalists who felt left out of the reigning market-libertarianism of the last few decades.

Indeed, of the 17 Republicans who ran this year, Trump had mostly to himself the populist issues: that is, opposition to open borders, to free trade, and to earned-entitlement cutting. When the other candidates were zigging toward the familiar-and unpopular-Chamber of Commerce-approved orthodoxy, Trump was zagging toward the voters.

Moreover, the same sort of populist-nationalist reservoir-tapping was evident in the realm of foreign affairs. To put it in bluntly Trumpian terms, the New Yorker hit 'em where they weren't.

The fact that Trump was doing something dramatically different became clear in the make-or-break Republican debate in Greenville, S.C., on February 13. Back in those early days of the campaign, Trump had lost one contest (Iowa) and won one (New Hampshire), and it was still anybody's guess who would emerge victorious.

During that debate, Trump took what seemed to be an extraordinary gamble: he ripped into George W. Bush's national-security record-in a state where the 43rd president was still popular. Speaking of the Iraq War, Trump said, "George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East."

And then Trump went further, aiming indirectly at the former president, while slugging his brother Jeb directly: "The World Trade Center came down during your brother's reign, remember that."

In response, Jeb intoned the usual Republican line, "He kept us safe." And others on the stage in Greenville that night rushed to associate themselves with Bush 43.

In the aftermath of this verbal melee, many thought that Trump had doomed himself. As one unnamed Republican "strategist" chortled to Politico , "Trump's attack on President George W. Bush was galactic-level stupid in South Carolina."

Well, not quite: Trump triumphed in the Palmetto State primary a week later, winning by a 10-point margin.

Thus, as we can see in retrospect, something had changed within the GOP. After 9/11, in the early years of this century, South Carolinians had been eager to fight. Yet by the middle of the second decade, they-or at least a plurality of them-had grown weary of endless foreign war.

Trump's victory in the Palmetto State was decisive, yet it was nevertheless only a plurality, 32.5 percent. Meanwhile, Sen. Marco Rubio, running as an unabashed neocon hawk, finished second.

So we can see that the Republican foreign-policy "market" is now segmented. And while Trump proved effective at targeting crucial segments, they weren't the only segments-because, in actuality, there are four easily identifiable blocs on the foreign-policy right. And as we delineate these four segments, we can see that while some are highly organized and tightly articulate, others are loose and inchoate:

First, the libertarians. That is, the Cato Institute and other free-market think tanks, Reason magazine, and so on. Libertarians are not so numerous around the country, but they are strong among the intelligentsia.

Second, the old-right "isolationists." These folks, also known as "paleocons," often find common ground with libertarians, yet their origins are different, and so is their outlook. Whereas the libertarians typically have issued a blanket anathema to all foreign entanglements, the isolationists have been more selective. During World War I, for example, their intellectual forbears were hostile to U.S. involvement on the side of the Allies, but that was often because of specifically anti-English or pro-German sentiments, not because they felt guided by an overall principle of non-intervention. Indeed, the same isolationists were often eager to intervene in Latin America and in the Far East. More recently, the temperamentally isolationist bloc has joined with the libertarians in opposition to deeper U.S. involvement in the Middle East.

Third, the traditional hawks. On the proverbial Main Street, USA, plenty of people-not limited to the active-duty military, veterans, and law-enforcers-believe that America's national honor is worth fighting for.

Fourth, the neoconservatives. This group, which takes hawkishness to an avant-garde extreme, is so praised, and so criticized, that there's little that needs be added here. Yet we can say this: as with the libertarians, they are concentrated in Washington, DC; by contrast, out beyond the Beltway, they are relatively scarce. Because of their connections to big donors to both parties, however, they have been powerful, even preeminent, in foreign-policy circles over the last quarter-century. Yet today, it's the neocons who feel most threatened by, and most hostile to, the Trump phenomenon.

We can pause to offer a contextual point: floating somewhere among the first three categories-libertarians, isolationists, hawks-are the foreign-policy realists. These, of course, are the people, following in the tradition of the great scholar Hans Morgenthau, who pride themselves on seeing the world as it is, regarding foreign policy as just another application of Bismarckian wisdom-"the art of the possible."

The realists, disproportionately academics and think-tankers, are a savvy and well-credentialed group-or, according to critics, cynical and world-weary. Yet either way, they have made many alliances with the aforementioned trio of groups, even as they have usually maintained their ideological flexibility. To borrow the celebrated wisdom of the 19th-century realpolitiker Lord Palmerston, realists don't have permanent attachments; they have permanent interests. And so it seems likely that if Trump wins-or anyone like Trump in the future-many realists will be willing to emerge from their wood-paneled precincts to engage in the hurly-burly of public service.

Returning to our basic quartet of blocs, we can quickly see that two of them, the libertarians and the neocons, have been loudly successful in the "battle of ideas." That is, almost everyone knows where the libertarians and the neocons stand on the controversies of the moment. Meanwhile, the other two groups-the isolationists and the traditional hawks-have failed to make themselves heard. That is, until Trump.

For the most part, the isolationists and hawks have not been organized; they've just been clusters of veterans, cops, gun owners, and like-minded souls gathering here and there, feeling strongly about the issues but never finding a national megaphone. Indeed, even organized groups, such as the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, sizable as they might be, have had little impact, of late, on foreign affairs.

This paradoxical reality-that even big groups can be voiceless, allowing smaller groups to carry the day-is well understood. Back in 1839, the historian Thomas Carlyle observed of his Britain, "The speaking classes speak and debate," while the "deep-buried [working] class lies like an Enceladus"-a mythological giant imprisoned under a volcano. Yet, Carlyle continued, the giant under the volcano will not stay silent forever; one day it will erupt, and the inevitable eruption "has to produce earthquakes!"

In our time, Trump has provoked the Enceladus-like earthquake. Over the past year, while the mainstream media has continued to lavish attention on the fine points of libertarianism and neoconservatism, the Peoples of the Volcano have blown up American politics.

Trump has spoken loudly to both of his groups. To the isolationists, he has highlighted his past opposition to the Iraq and Libya misadventures, as well as his suspicions about NATO and other alliances. (Here the libertarians, too, are on board.) At the same time, he has also talked the language of the hawks, as when he has said, "Take the oil" and "Bomb the [bleep] out of them." Trump has also attacked the Iran nuclear agreement, deriding it as "one of the worst deals ever made."

Thus earlier this year Trump mobilized the isolationists and the hawks, leaving the libertarians to Rand Paul and the neocons to Rubio.

Now as we move to the general election, it appears that Trump has kept the loyalty of his core groups. Many libertarians, meanwhile, are voting for Gary Johnson-the former Republican governor at the top of the Libertarian Party's ticket-and they are being joined, most likely as a one-off, by disaffected Republicans and Democrats. Meanwhile, the neocons, most of them, have become the objective allies, if not the overt supporters, of Hillary Clinton.

Even if Trump loses, his energized supporters, having found their voice, will be a new and important force within the GOP-a force that could make it significantly harder for a future president to, say, "liberate" and "democratize" Syria.


Yet now we must skip past the unknown unknowns of the election and ask: what might we expect if Trump becomes president?

One immediate point to be borne in mind is that it will be a challenge to fill the cabinet and the sub-cabinet-to say nothing of the thousands of "Schedule C" positions across the administration-with true Trump loyalists. Yes, of course, if Trump wins that means he will have garnered 50 million or more votes, but still, the number of people who have the right credentials and can pass all the background checks-including, for most of the top jobs, Senate confirmation-is minuscule.

So here we might single out the foreign-policy realists as likely having a bright future in a Trump administration: after all, they are often well-credentialed and, by their nature, have prudently tended to keep their anti-Trump commentary to a minimum. (There's a piece of inside-the-Beltway realist wisdom that seems relevant here: "You're for what happens.")

Yet the path to realist dominion in a Trump administration is not smooth. As a group, they have been in eclipse since the Bush 41 era, so an entire generation of their cadres is missing. The realists do not have long lists of age-appropriate alumni ready for another spin through the revolving door.

By contrast, the libertarians have lots of young staffers on some think-tank payroll or another. And of course, the neocons have lots of experience and contacts-yes, they screwed up the last time they were in power, but at least they know the jargon.

Thus, unless president-elect Trump makes a genuinely heroic effort to infuse his administration with new blood, he will end up hiring a lot of folks who might not really agree with him-and who perhaps even have strongly, if quietly, opposed him. That means that the path of a Trump presidency could be channeled in an unexpected direction, as the adherents of other foreign-policy schools-including, conceivably, schools from the left-clamber aboard. As they say in DC, "personnel is policy."

Still, Trump has a strong personality, and it's entirely possible that, as president, he will succeed in imprinting his unique will on his appointees. (On the other hand, the career government, starting with the State Department's foreign service officers, might well prove to be a different story.)

Looking further ahead, as a hypothetical President Trump surveys the situation from the Sit Room, here are nine things that will be in view:


Trump will recall, always, that the Bush 43 presidency drove itself into a ditch on Iraq. So he will surely see the supreme value of not sending U.S. ground troops-beyond a few advisors-into Middle Eastern war zones.


Trump will also realize that Barack Obama, for all his talk about hope and change, ended up preserving the bulk of Bush 43's policies. The only difference is that Obama did it on the cheap, reducing defense spending as he went along.

Obama similar to Bush-really? Yes. To be sure, Obama dropped all of Bush's democratic messianism, but even with his cool detachment he kept all of Bush's alliances and commitments, including those in Afghanistan and Iraq. And then he added a new international commitment: "climate change."

In other words, America now has a policy of "quintuple containment": Russia, China, Iran, ISIS/al-Qaeda, and, of course, the carbon-dioxide molecule. Many would argue that today we aren't managing any of these containments well; others insist that the Obama administration, perversely, seems most dedicated to the containment of climate change: everything else can fall apart, but if the Obamans can maintain the illusion of their international CO2 deals, as far as they are concerned all will be well.

In addition, Uncle Sam has another hundred or so minor commitments-including bilateral defense treaties with countries most Americans have never heard of, along with special commitments to champion the rights of children, women, dissidents, endangered species, etc. On a one-by-one basis, it's possible to admire many of these efforts; on a cumulative basis, it's impossible to imagine how we can sustain all of them.

A populist president like Trump will further realize that if the U.S. has just 4 percent of the world's population and barely more than a fifth of world GDP, it's not possible that we can continue to police the planet. Yes, we have many allies-on paper. Yet Trump's critique of many of them as feckless, even faithless, resonated for one big reason: it was true.

So Trump will likely begin the process of rethinking U.S. commitments around the world. Do we really want to risk nuclear war over the Spratly Islands? Or the eastern marches of Ukraine? Here, Trump might well default to the wisdom of the realists: big powers are just that-big powers-and so one must deal with them in all their authoritarian essentiality. And as for all the other countries of the world-some we like and some we don't-we're not going to change them, either. (Although in some cases, notably Iraq and Syria, partition, supervised by the great powers, may be the only solution.)


Trump will surely see world diplomacy as an extension of what he has done best all his life-making deals. This instinct will serve him well in two ways: first, he will be sharply separating himself from his predecessors, Bush the hot-blooded unilateralist war-of-choicer and Obama the cool and detached multilateralist leader-from-behind. Second, his deal-making desire will inspire him do what needs to be done: build rapport with world leaders as a prelude to making things happen.

To cite one immediate example: there's no way that we will ever achieve anything resembling "peace with honor" in Afghanistan without the full cooperation of the Taliban's masters in Pakistan. Ergo, the needed deal must be struck in Islamabad, not Kabul.

Almost certainly, a President Trump will treat China and Russia as legitimate powers, not as rogue states that must be single-handedly tamed by America.

Moreover, Trump's deal-making trope also suggests that instead of sacrificing American economic interests on the altar of U.S. "leadership," he will view the strengthening of the American economy as central to American greatness.


Trump will further realize that his friends the realists have had a blind spot of late when it comes to eco nomic matters. Once upon a time-that is, in the 19th century-economic nationalism was at the forefront of American foreign-policy making. In the old days, as America's Manifest Destiny stretched beyond the continental U.S., expansionism and Hamiltonianism went together: as they used to say, trade follows the flag. Theodore Roosevelt's digging of the Panama Canal surely ranks as one of the most successful fusions of foreign and economic policy in American history.

Yet in the past few decades, the economic nationalists and the foreign-policy realists have drifted apart. For example, a Reagan official, Clyde Prestowitz of the Economic Strategy Institute, has been mostly ignored by the realists, who have instead embraced the conventional elite view of free trade and globalization.

So a President Trump will have the opportunity to reunite realism and economic nationalism; he can once again put manufacturing exports, for example, at the top of the U.S. agenda. Indeed, Trump might consider other economic-nationalist gambits: for example, if we are currently defending such wealthy countries as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Norway, why aren't they investing some of the trillions of dollars in their sovereign-wealth funds into, say, American infrastructure?


Trump will also come into power realizing that he has few friends in the foreign-policy establishment; after all, most establishmentarians opposed him vehemently. Yet that could turn out to be a real plus for the 45th president because it could enable him to discard the stodgy and outworn thinking of the "experts." In particular, he could refute the prevailing view that the U.S. is, and always must be, the benign hegemon, altruistically policing the world, while allowing its allies, satellites-and even rivals-to manufacture everything and thereby generate the jobs, profits, and knowhow. That was always, of course, a view that elevated the ambitions and pretensions of the American elite over the well-being of the larger U.S. population-and maybe Trump can come up with a better and fairer vision.


As an instinctive deal-maker, Trump will have the capacity to clear away the underbrush of accumulated obsolete doctrines and dogmas. To cite just one small but tragic example, there's the dopey chain of thinking that has guided U.S. policy toward South Sudan. Today, we officially condemn both sides in that country's ongoing civil war. Yet we might ask, how can that work out well for American interests? After all, one side or the other is going to win, and we presumably want a friend in Juba, not a Chinese-affiliated foe.

On the larger canvas, Trump will observe that if the U.S., China, and Russia are the three countries capable of destroying the world, then it's smart to figure out a modus vivendi among this threesome. Such practical deal-making, of course, would undermine the moralistic narrative that Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are the potentates of new evil empires.


Whether or not he's currently familiar with the terminology, Trump seems likely to recapitulate the "multipolar" system envisioned by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. Back then, the multipolar vision included the U.S., the USSR, Western Europe, China, and Japan.

Yet multipolarity was lost in the '80s, as the American economy was Reaganized, the Cold War grew colder, and the Soviet Union staggered to its self-implosion. Then in the '90s we had the "unipolar moment," when the U.S. enjoyed "hyper-power" primacy.

Yet as with all moments, unipolarity soon passed, undone by the Iraq quagmire, America's economic stagnation, and the rise of other powers. So today, multipolarity seems destined to re-emerge with a slightly upgraded cast of players: the U.S., China, Russia, the European Union, and perhaps India.


And, of course, Trump will have to build that wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.


Some might object that I am reading too much into Trump. Indeed, the conventional wisdom, even today, maintains that Trump is visceral, not intellectual, that he is buffoonish, not Kissingerian.

To such critics, this Trump supporter feels compelled to respond: when has the conventional wisdom about the New Yorker been proven correct?

It's not easy to become president. In all of U.S. history, just 42 individuals have been elected to the presidency-or to the vice presidency and succeeded a fallen president. That is, indeed, an exclusive club. Or as Trump himself might say, it's not a club for dummies.

If Trump does, in fact, become the 45th president, then by definition, he will have proven himself to be pretty darn strategic. And that's a portent that bodes well for his foreign policy.

James P. Pinkerton is a contributor to the Fox News Channel.

Kurt Gayle , October 24, 2016 at 12:03 am
Among James Pinkerton's most compelling reasons to hope for a Trump presidency are these two:

[1] "Almost certainly, a President Trump will treat China and Russia as legitimate powers, not as rogue states that must be single-handedly tamed by America…Trump will observe that if the U.S., China, and Russia are the three countries capable of destroying the world, then it's smart to figure out amodus vivendi among this threesome…"

US-Russia-China cooperation will eliminate for the US the threat of war with the only two powers whose nuclear capabilities could pose existential threats to the US.

[2] Simultaneously, Trump will put an end to "the prevailing view that the U.S. is, and always must be, the benign hegemon, altruistically policing the world, while allowing its allies, satellites-and even rivals-to manufacture everything and thereby generate the jobs, profits, and knowhow…a view that elevated the ambitions and pretensions of the American elite over the well-being of the larger U.S. population…Instead of sacrificing American economic interests on the altar of U.S. 'leadership,' [Trump] will view the strengthening of the American economy as central to American greatness."

President Trump will rebuild the decimated US manufacturing sector and return to Americans those tens of millions of jobs that America's globalist elites were allowed to ship overseas. Rebuilding the US economy – and jobs! – will be the centerpiece of a Donald Trump presidency.<

Chris Chuba , October 24, 2016 at 8:28 am
The problem is that everyone wants to call themselves a Realist, even the Neocons. The Neocons proclaim that promoting Democracy, nation building, and being the world's policeman is 'realism' because if you withdraw from the world the problems follow you home. Tom Rogan bellowed that we needed to destroy Syria in the name of realism. They are totally wrong but the point is that everyone wants to claim this mantle which is why I tend to avoid this term.

I think we should embrace the Putin Doctrine but that name is toxic. Basically, he eschews destroying standing govts because it is highly destabilizing. This is common sense.

Oh, when I hear 'Bush kept us safe' it tears my heart out when I see guys in their 20/30's walking around with those titanium prosthetics. Do the 4,000+ men who died in Iraq and 10,000+ severely wounded count? And this does not even start to count the chaos and death in the M.E.

PAXNOW , October 24, 2016 at 10:13 am
Trump just came across as different while maintaining conservative, albeit middle-American values. Mainstream media are besides themselves at the prospect of their masters having to relinquish their special entitlements; namely, designer wars, selection of the few to govern the many (Supreme Court and the Fed), and putting foreign dictates over American interests at an incredible cost to the U.S. in human and non-human resources.

The song goes on. Trump hit a real nerve. Even if he loses, the American people have had a small but important victory. We are frustrated with the ruling cabal. A sleeping giant has been awoken. This election could be the political Perl Harbor….

Ed Johnson , October 24, 2016 at 10:41 am
Pinkerton has spent thousands of words writing about someone who is not the Donald Trump anyone has ever seen.

In this, he joins every other member of the Right, who wait in hopeful anticipation to see a Champion for their cause in Donald Trump, and are willing to turn a blind eye to his ignorance, outright stupidity, lack of self-discipline, and lack of serious intent.

Pinkerton, he will only follow your lead here if he sees what's in it for HIM, not for the Right and certainly not for the benefit of the American people.

w vervin , October 24, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Flawed premise. This opine works its way through the rabbit hole pretzel of current methodologies in D.C. The ones that don't work. The city of NY had a similar outcome building a certain ice skating facility within the confines of a system designed to fail.

What Trump does is implode those failed systems, implements a methodology that has proven to succeed, and then does it. Under budget and before the deadline. Finding the *right* bodies to make it all work isn't as difficult as is surmised. What that shows is how difficult that task would be for the author. Whenever I hear some pundit claim that Trump can't possibly do all that means is the pundit couldn't possibly do it.

The current system is full of youcan'tdoits, what have you got to lose, more of the same?

[Oct 24, 2016] Exploiting Cold War rhetoric tactics might helped Hillary win the election. I guess the idea is to deal with the aftermath and fallout later

Notable quotes:
"... Exploiting Cold War rhetoric & tactics has helped her win the election. I guess the idea is: deal with the aftermath and fallout later. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

anne :

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Exploiting Cold War rhetoric & tactics has helped her win the election. I guess the idea is: deal with the aftermath and fallout later.

Katrina vandenHeuvel @KatrinaNation

How does new Cold War-- which ends space for dissent, hurts women & children, may lead to nuclear war--help what Clinton claims she is for?

EMichael -> anne... , October 23, 2016 at 05:28 AM

I would submit that there are very few voters that will vote from Clinton because of this "cold war rhetoric" schtick.

Greenwald keeps falling and cannot get up.

ilsm -> EMichael... , October 23, 2016 at 06:18 AM
Few "will [move the] vote from Clinton because of this "cold war rhetoric" schtick.

Those "few" were awake during the 80's and see the nuclear/neocon dystopian horror behind Clinton.

While Trump mentioned using nukes, Hillary's nuke policy is 'well' laid out by Robert Kagan and the hegemon interests.

Recall Mao said "go ahead......'

Nukes are just another form of the pointless body count strategy.

JohnH -> EMichael... , October 23, 2016 at 08:03 AM
LOL! "Very few voters that will vote from Clinton because of this "cold war rhetoric" schtick."

Putin/Russia were by far the most mentioned topics at the debates...yet EMichael has the naivety to assert that cold war tactics don't matter. What a rube!

EMichael -> JohnH... , October 23, 2016 at 08:12 AM
Really? How many minutes were spent on Putin(not Russia, Putin)?

How many minutes were spent on Trump's misogyny?

No way to measure it, but when I find a person who votes for Clinton because of her attacks on Putin(not Russia, Putin), I'll let you know.

Don't hold your breath.

pgl -> EMichael... , October 23, 2016 at 09:19 AM
Trump does seem to admire Putin. Maybe he wants to date Russian babes.
ilsm -> pgl... , October 23, 2016 at 11:28 AM
Can't imagine Trump needs to go that far from home!

Trump is not smart enough to listen to the Kagans....

Like a smart neoliberal.

If the Russians are releasing knowledge that embarrasses Klinton they are doing a service.

pgl -> ilsm... , October 23, 2016 at 11:40 AM
Yes ilsm. He goes down to Brighton Beach regularly. Shh - don't tell Melanie.
JohnH -> JohnH... , October 23, 2016 at 11:14 AM
As usual, EMichael is as uninformed as ever. For his information, Russia/Putin were mentioned 178 times in the 3 debates, topping the list of topics covered.

By comparison, climate change got four mentions, poverty 10, and US economic performance--hold onto your hats!--didn't make the list. NSA snooping didn't get mentioned either.

So, EMichael, if Russia/Putin don't matter to voters, why did candidates talk so much about it? Oh, I know, to distract attention from more serious issues that their paymasters didn't want them to talk about!

JohnH -> JohnH... , October 23, 2016 at 11:14 AM

[read it and weep.]

ilsm -> JohnH... , October 23, 2016 at 11:29 AM
Emike and pgl are adept at fallacies of argument.

I hope they are more adept at reasoning in the real world.

EMichael -> JohnH... , October 23, 2016 at 11:56 AM
Also, the question is about what people are voting for, not how many times Putin was mentioned.
Dan Kervick -> EMichael... , October 23, 2016 at 11:45 AM
Clinton had attracted a lot of centrist Republicans to her campaign, and I think the hawkish and old school foreign policy stance has something to do with it.
pgl -> Dan Kervick... , October 23, 2016 at 12:19 PM
Centrists are supporting her simply because Trump is batshit insane.
anne -> anne... , -1

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Exploiting Cold War rhetoric & tactics has helped her win the election. I guess the idea is: deal with the aftermath and fallout later.

Katrina vandenHeuvel @KatrinaNation

How does new Cold War-- which ends space for dissent, hurts women & children, may lead to nuclear war--help what Clinton claims she is for?

4:36 AM - 23 Oct 2016

[ Absolutely perfect. ]

[Oct 24, 2016] Eli Lake a dork who used to be the National Security Correspondent for the Daily Beast exercises in Russophobia on Bloomberg

Notable quotes:
"... So… Russia is already isolated, its economy is in shreds… or not? Because you can't have isolation (as you, pressitudes, claimed since 2014) of Russia and demand it at the same time! At the same time, no – ignoring Russia completely and talking only about "plox, don't use nukes, m'cay?" is not a "diplomacy". ..."
"... Absolutely schizophrenic Clinton-McFoul (yes, I know that his surname is spelled differently), which is still dominants in the alls of power of the West boils down to the following: ..."
"... 1) Talk harsh (really harsh!) with Russia on things we don't like ..."
"... 2) Cooperate with Russia when it possible as if never happened. ..."
"... And when Russia says that there are direct links between 1) and 2), that you can't expect to get 2) after doing 1) – there is no use to fake a hurt innocence of Ukrainians from this old anecdote with the "А на за що?!" punchline, ..."
"... You want war? You will have one! Want peace? Then behave yourself accodringly. ..."
"... Eli Lake is a dork who used to be the 'National Security Correspondent' for the Daily Beast. You know what a rag that is. Also, he was educated at Trinity College, a private liberal-arts school. ..."
"... I know how we can reach a compromise – me and the Russian government. Every year on the day that article was published, they could have "Eli Lake Day". On that day, an American company could be chosen at random to be kicked out of the country and have all its assets confiscated. The documents could lead off with, "Congratulations! You have been selected to receive the Eli Lake Award for Bankruptcy. You can thank Eli Lake and his big fucking mouth". ..."
Oct 22, 2016 |

Lyttenburgh , October 14, 2016 at 6:24 am

Unsurprisingly – this article is from the Blub-blub-bloomberg. What is surprising – it's not by Lyonya Bershidski. It's by another titan of handshakability – Eli Lake.

Treat Russia Like the International Poison It Is

Why, surely with the name like that the article must be honest, objective and answer to all standards of the journalism (in the West)?

I was again surprised when the now standard litany of Kremlin sins suddenly became an accusation of "Murder, Kidnapping and Jaywalking":

"Russia also poisons the international system in small ways… It continues to support Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as head of the International Chess Federation, despite his chummy visits to rogue states like North Korea and Iran. His recent plan to hold the international chess championship in Iran has drawn protest from the U.S. women's chess champion, Nazi Paikidze-Barnes, because Iran requires women to cover their heads with a hijab."

Wow. Yet another bottom is crushed successfully and the standards of journalism in the Free West get new way to fall! Or was it a secret way to endorse a "legitimate" head of the Chess Federation – fearless Gary Kimovich Kasparov?

With new way to fall achieved by crashing yet another bottom the article takes a plunge:

"Browder last month proposed a plan for Interpol to create a two-tiered system. Speaking before a human-rights commission in Congress, he said that transparent countries like the U.S. would have their red notice requests processed immediately, whereas countries like Russia, known to abuse the system, would have their requests reviewed by a panel of objective and independent experts before being sent out to member states."

How handshakable! Surely, such approach will demonstrate the equality of countries in the international relations and the true value of the Rule of Law!

The article ends in – now traditional for all Westie journos – couple of self-contradicting paragraphs:

"None of this should preclude diplomacy with Russia. The U.S. and Russia should still have channels to discuss nuclear stockpiles and other matters. But as Secretary of State John Kerry has learned in his fruitless engagements, Russian promises are worthless. Everyone in U.S. politics, with the exception of Donald Trump and a few other extremists on the left and right, understands this. Russia is a pariah.

Pariahs are not asked to cooperate on challenges to the global commons. They shouldn't get to host events like the World Cup, as Russia is scheduled to do in 2018. They should not be diplomatic partners in U.S. policy to disarm other pariahs like Iran. No, pariahs should be quarantined. With Russia, it's the very least the U.S. and its allies can do to save the international system from a country that seeks to destroy it."

So… Russia is already isolated, its economy is in shreds… or not? Because you can't have isolation (as you, pressitudes, claimed since 2014) of Russia and demand it at the same time! At the same time, no – ignoring Russia completely and talking only about "plox, don't use nukes, m'cay?" is not a "diplomacy".

Absolutely schizophrenic Clinton-McFoul (yes, I know that his surname is spelled differently), which is still dominants in the alls of power of the West boils down to the following:

1) Talk harsh (really harsh!) with Russia on things we don't like

2) Cooperate with Russia when it possible as if never happened.

Now imagine that your neighbour decided to harm you in some nasty, really mean way. Imagine him throwing seeds on you car, parked outside, and then filming how birds land (and shit) o your car on his phone – with lots, and lots of really "smart" comments. Then your neighbor uploads this video on YouTube, his Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram etc, etc. Here he engages with other commenters in the vein of "Yeah, I know – he's a total douche! He got what he deserved! But wait, guys – I have more plans for my neighbour!!!:)".

Next week he asks you to borrow him a landmover – as if nothing has ever happened before. And when Russia says that there are direct links between 1) and 2), that you can't expect to get 2) after doing 1) – there is no use to fake a hurt innocence of Ukrainians from this old anecdote with the "А на за що?!" punchline,

You want war? You will have one! Want peace? Then behave yourself accodringly.

marknesop , October 14, 2016 at 9:06 pm

Eli Lake is a dork who used to be the 'National Security Correspondent' for the Daily Beast. You know what a rag that is. Also, he was educated at Trinity College, a private liberal-arts school. But the day will come when it is Russia's choice to punish Americans for the ignorant things people like Eli Lake said. I would do it in a heartbeat; I would chortle with glee as I tore up American proposals for joint ventures, and send balaclava-sporting kids dressed like Voina around to paint giant dicks on their office doors with the message, "This is for Eli", until they fled for the airport gibbering with terror. But that's me. Russia probably won't do it, because they are pragmatic and like business and profit.

I know how we can reach a compromise – me and the Russian government. Every year on the day that article was published, they could have "Eli Lake Day". On that day, an American company could be chosen at random to be kicked out of the country and have all its assets confiscated. The documents could lead off with, "Congratulations! You have been selected to receive the Eli Lake Award for Bankruptcy. You can thank Eli Lake and his big fucking mouth".

[Oct 24, 2016] Of course Clinton will work well with Republicans because she in reality is a staunch Republican

Notable quotes:
"... "We have not run this campaign as a campaign against the GOP with the big broad brush - we've run it against Donald Trump," Kaine told the Associated Press. "We're going to get a lot of Republican votes, and that will also be part of, right out of the gate, the way to bring folks back together." ..."
"... In an interview, Kaine said Saturday that he and Hillary Clinton have already discussed how to work with Republicans if they win the presidential election against Trump and his running-mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, in a little more than two weeks. He said that tackling economic anxieties, finding common policy ground with the GOP, and perhaps bringing Republicans into the administration would be elements of unity, though he added that he and Clinton did not discuss cabinet positions, the AP reported. ..."
"... So the plan isn't to try and turn the Senate blue? What kind of work can a Clinton/Kaine administration "get done" with a GOP congress? My first guess would be giving big business something they want in "exchange" for something they want like a repatriation tax holiday to gently suggest corporations bring some of the money they have overseas back to the US and using a small portion of that money to pay for infrastructure spending business associations like the US COC have been advocating for years. ..."
"... It's not like the Dems have a chance of taking congress or at least the Senate so why do anything that might annoy the GOP. Since the GOP are usually so reasonable and the slightest suggestion Dems may want to take over Congress would be the straw that broke the camel's back and turn the generally reasonable GOP into a well oiled "no" machine. ..."
Oct 24, 2016 |

efcdons : Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 08:28 AM

Sen. Tim Kaine said he's already reaching out to Republicans as the Democratic vice presidential hopeful looks for ways to repair damage done between the two parties during th divisive race for the White House.

"We have not run this campaign as a campaign against the GOP with the big broad brush - we've run it against Donald Trump," Kaine told the Associated Press. "We're going to get a lot of Republican votes, and that will also be part of, right out of the gate, the way to bring folks back together."

In an interview, Kaine said Saturday that he and Hillary Clinton have already discussed how to work with Republicans if they win the presidential election against Trump and his running-mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, in a little more than two weeks. He said that tackling economic anxieties, finding common policy ground with the GOP, and perhaps bringing Republicans into the administration would be elements of unity, though he added that he and Clinton did not discuss cabinet positions, the AP reported.

Kaine, who is in his fourth year as a senator from Virginia after serving as the state's governor, said Clinton is stepping up efforts to help Democrats recapture Senate control, but he hasn't made a specific pitch for a Democratic Senate. He's focusing his efforts on finding policies Republicans and Democrats can agree on.

"I have very good relations with Republicans in the Senate," Kaine said. "There's some people who really want to get some good work done."

[So the plan isn't to try and turn the Senate blue? What kind of work can a Clinton/Kaine administration "get done" with a GOP congress? My first guess would be giving big business something they want in "exchange" for something they want like a repatriation tax holiday to gently suggest corporations bring some of the money they have overseas back to the US and using a small portion of that money to pay for infrastructure spending business associations like the US COC have been advocating for years.

It's not like the Dems have a chance of taking congress or at least the Senate so why do anything that might annoy the GOP. Since the GOP are usually so reasonable and the slightest suggestion Dems may want to take over Congress would be the straw that broke the camel's back and turn the generally reasonable GOP into a well oiled "no" machine.

[Oct 23, 2016] The USA now is in the political position that in chess is called Zugzwang

Notable quotes:
"... I would agree that Trump is horrible candidate. The candidate who (like Hillary) suggests complete degeneration of the US neoliberal elite. ..."
"... But the problem is that Hillary is even worse. Much worse and more dangerous because in addition to being a closet Republican she is also a warmonger. In foreign policy area she is John McCain in pantsuit. And if you believe that after one hour in White House she does not abandon all her election promises and start behaving like a far-right republican in foreign policy and a moderate republican in domestic policy, it's you who drunk too much Cool Aid. ..."
"... In other words, the USA [workers and middle class] now is in the political position that in chess is called Zugzwang: we face a choice between the compulsive liar, unrepentant, extremely dangerous and unstable warmonger with failing health vs. a bombastic, completely unprepared to governance of such a huge country crook. ..."
Oct 23, 2016 |
likbez October 22, 2016 11:20 pm

The key problems with Democratic Party and Hillary is that they lost working class and middle class voters, becoming another party of highly paid professionals and Wall Street speculators (let's say top 10%, not just 1%), the party of neoliberal elite.

It will be interesting to see if yet another attempt to "bait and switch" working class and lower middle class works this time. I think it will not. Even upper middle class is very resentful of Democrats and Hillary. So many votes will be not "for" but "against". This is the scenario Democratic strategists fear the most, but they can do nothing about it.

She overplayed "identity politics" card. Her "identity politics" and her fake feminism are completely insincere. She is completely numb to human suffering and interests of females and minorities. Looks like she has a total lack of empathy for other people.

Here is one interesting quote ( ):

"What scares me is my knowledge of her career-long investment in trying to convince the generals and the admirals that she is a 'tough bitch', ala Margaret Thatcher, who will not hesitate to pull the trigger. An illuminating article in the NY Times ( ) revealed that she always advocates the most muscular and reckless dispositions of U.S. military forces whenever her opinion is solicited. "

Usually people are resentful about Party which betrayed them so many times. It would be interesting to see how this will play this time.

Beverly Mann October 23, 2016 12:00 pm

It will be interesting to see if yet another attempt to "bait and switch" working class and lower middle class works this time?

Yup. The Republicans definitely have the interests of the working class and lower middle class at heart when they give, and propose, ever deeper tax cuts for the wealthy, the repeal of the estate tax that by now applies only to estates of more than $5 million, complete deregulation of the finance industry, industry capture of every federal regulatory agency and cabinet department and commission or board, from the SEC, to the EPA, to the Interior Dept. (in order to hand over to the oil, gas and timber industries vast parts of federal lands), the FDA, the FTC, the FCC, the NLRB, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Justice Dept. (including the Antitrust Division)-to name only some.

And OF COURSE it's to serve the interests of the working class and lower middle class that they concertedly appoint Supreme Court justices and lower federal court judges that are unabashed proxies of big business.

And then there's the incessant push to privatize Social Security and Medicare. It ain't the Dems that are pushing that.

You're drinking wayyy too much Kool Aid, likbez. Or maybe just reading too much Ayn Rand, at Paul Ryan's recommendation.

beene October 23, 2016 10:31 am

I would suggest despite most of the elite in both parties supporting Hillary, and saying she has the election in the bag is premature. In my opinion the fact that Trump rallies still has large attendance; where Hillary's rallies would have trouble filling up a large room is a better indication that Trump will win.

Even democrats are not voting democratic this time to be ignored till election again.

likbez October 23, 2016 12:56 pm


=== quote ===
Yup. The Republicans definitely have the interests of the working class and lower middle class at heart when they give, and propose, ever deeper tax cuts for the wealthy, the repeal of the estate tax that by now applies only to estates of more than $5 million, complete deregulation of the finance industry, industry capture of every federal regulatory agency and cabinet department and commission or board, from the SEC, to the EPA, to the Interior Dept. (in order to hand over to the oil, gas and timber industries vast parts of federal lands), the FDA, the FTC, the FCC, the NLRB, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Justice Dept. (including the Antitrust Division) -- to name only some.

And OF COURSE it's to serve the interests of the working class and lower middle class that they concertedly appoint Supreme Court justices and lower federal court judges that are unabashed proxies of big business.
=== end of quote ===

This is all true. But Trump essentially running not as a Republican but as an independent on (mostly) populist platform (with elements of nativism). That's why a large part of Republican brass explicitly abandoned him. That does not exclude that he easily will be co-opted after the election, if he wins.

And I would not be surprised one bit if Dick Cheney, Victoria Nuland, Paul Wolfowitz and Perle vote for Hillary. Robert Kagan and papa Bush already declared such an intention. She is a neocon. A wolf in sheep clothing, if we are talking about real anti-war democrats, not the USA brand of DemoRats. She is crazy warmonger, no question about it, trying to compensate a complete lack of diplomatic skills with jingoism and saber rattling.

The problem here might be that you implicitly idealize Hillary and demonize Trump.

I would agree that Trump is horrible candidate. The candidate who (like Hillary) suggests complete degeneration of the US neoliberal elite.

But the problem is that Hillary is even worse. Much worse and more dangerous because in addition to being a closet Republican she is also a warmonger. In foreign policy area she is John McCain in pantsuit. And if you believe that after one hour in White House she does not abandon all her election promises and start behaving like a far-right republican in foreign policy and a moderate republican in domestic policy, it's you who drunk too much Cool Aid.

That's what classic neoliberal DemoRats "bait and switch" maneuver (previously executed by Obama two times) means. And that's why working class now abandoned Democratic Party. Even unions members of unions which endorses Clinton are expected to vote 3:1 against her. Serial betrayal of interests of working class (and lower middle class) after 25 years gets on nerve. Not that their choice is wise, but they made a choice. This is "What's the matter with Kansas" all over again.

It reminds me the situation when Stalin was asked whether right revisionism of Marxism (social democrats) or left (Trotskyites with their dream of World revolution) is better. He answered "both are worse" :-).

In other words, the USA [workers and middle class] now is in the political position that in chess is called Zugzwang: we face a choice between the compulsive liar, unrepentant, extremely dangerous and unstable warmonger with failing health vs. a bombastic, completely unprepared to governance of such a huge country crook.

Of course, we need also remember about existence of "deep state" which make each of them mostly a figurehead, but still the power of "deep state" is not absolute and this is a very sad situation.

Beverly Mann, October 23, 2016 1:57 pm

Good grace.

Two points: First, you apparently are unaware of Trump's proposed tax plan, written by Heritage Foundation economists and political-think-tank types. It's literally more regressively extreme evn than Paul Ryan's. It gives tax cuts to the wealthy that are exponentially more generous percentage-wise than G.W. Bush's two tax cuts together were, it eliminates the estate tax, and it gives massive tax cuts to corporations, including yuge ones.

Two billionaire Hamptons-based hedge funders, Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, have been funding a super PAC for Trump and since late spring have met with Trump and handed him policy proposals and suggestions for administrative agency heads and judicial appointments. Other yuge funders are members of the Ricketts family, including Thomas Ricketts, CEO of TD Ameritrade and a son of its founder.

Two other billionaires funding Trump: Forrest Lucas, founder of Lucas Oil and reportedly Trump's choice for Interior Secretary if you and the working class and lower middle class folks whose interests Trump has at heart get their way.

And then there's Texas oil billionaire Harold Hamm, Trump's very first billionaire mega-donor.

One of my recurring pet peeves about Clinton and her campaign is her failure to tell the public that these billionaires are contributing mega-bucks to help fund Trump's campaign, and to tell the public who exactly they are. As well as her failure to make a concerted effort to educate the public about the the specifics of Trump's fiscal and deregulatory agenda as he has published it.

As for your belief that I idealize Clinton, you obviously are very new to Angry Bear. I was a virulent Sanders supporter throughout the primaries, to the very end. In 2008 I originally supported John Edwards during the primaries and then, when it became clear that it was a two-candidate race, supported Obama. My reason? I really, really, REALLY did not want to see another triangulation Democratic administration. That's largely what we got during Obama's first term, though, and I was not happy about it.

Bottom line: I'm not the gullible one here. You are.

likbez, October 23, 2016 2:37 pm

You demonstrate complete inability to weight the gravity of two dismal, but unequal in their gravity options.

All your arguments about Supreme Court justices, taxes, inheritance and other similar things make sense if and only if the country continues to exist.

Which is not given due to the craziness and the level of degeneration of neoliberal elite and specifically Hillary ("no fly zone in Syria" is one example of her craziness). Playing chickens with a nuclear power for the sake of proving imperial dominance in Middle East is a crazy policy.

Neocons rule the roost in both parties, which essentially became a single War Party with two wings. Trump looks like the only chance somewhat to limit their influence and reach some détente with Russia.

Looks like you organically unable to understand that your choice in this particular case is between the decimation of the last remnants of the New Deal and a real chance of WWIII.

This is not "pick your poison" situation. Those are two events of completely difference magnitude: one is reversible (and please note that Trump is bound by very controversial obligations to his electorate and faces hostile Congress), the other is not.

We all should do our best to prevent the unleashing WWIII even if that means temporary decimation of the remnants of New Deal.

Neoliberalism after 2008 entered zombie state, so while it is still strong, aggressive and bloodthirsty it might not last for long. And in such case the defeat of democratic forces on domestic front is temporary.

That means vote against Hillary.

[Oct 23, 2016] We need to tell everyone that for the sake of the world future do not vote for this dangerous woman!

Oct 23, 2016 |

"As president, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack," the Democratic presidential nominee said. "We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses. "

We need to tell everyone that for the sake of the word. do not vote for this dangerous woman!

Posted by: Tom Murphy | Oct 22, 2016 7:33:32 PM | 28

[Oct 23, 2016] Hillary Clinton did not just pay mercenaries to assault Trump supporters, she also violated the law on several occasions.

Notable quotes:
"... Hillary Clinton did not just pay mercenaries to assault Trump supporters, she also violated the law on several occasions. ..."
"... In Illinois, Trump will be citing the Illinois criminal statute. The Mob action is a Class Four felony punishable by 3-6 years in prison and a $25,000 fine for each charge in Illinois. When Trump brings forward the paperwork, he very well could charge anyone associated with helping, planning, organizing, or paying anyone to commit acts of violence–which would include Hillary Clinton. ..."
Oct 23, 2016 |
Hillary Clinton did not just pay mercenaries to assault Trump supporters, she also violated the law on several occasions.

Selection 2016 events are really getting interesting.

Hillary Clinton did not just pay mercenaries to assault Trump supporters, she also violated the law on several occasions.

ALberto | Oct 22, 2016 12:40:56 PM | 7

In Illinois, Trump will be citing the Illinois criminal statute. The Mob action is a Class Four felony punishable by 3-6 years in prison and a $25,000 fine for each charge in Illinois. When Trump brings forward the paperwork, he very well could charge anyone associated with helping, planning, organizing, or paying anyone to commit acts of violence–which would include Hillary Clinton.

In Illinois, statute reads as follows:

A person commits mob action when he or she engages in any of the following:

The knowing or reckless use of force or violence disturbing the public peace by 2 or more persons acting together and without authority of law;

The knowing assembly of 2 or more persons with the intent to commit or facilitate the commission of a felony or misdemeanor; or

The knowing assembly of 2 or more persons, without authority of law, for the purpose of doing violence to the person or property of anyone supposed to have been guilty of a violation of the law, or for the purpose of exercising correctional powers or regulative powers over any person by violence.

Donald Trump would win this case easily, but he is not stopping in Illinois. Trump and his team have indicated that he will also be suing for the brutal attacks that occurred in San Diego, California.


[Oct 23, 2016] The 30 Seconds After The Last Debate That CNN Would Rather You Did not See

Notable quotes:
"... And continued and constant propaganda-peddling that the race is over because Trump's sexual assault allegations are "sucking all the air out of the room" compared to Hillary's stream of WikiLeaks facts. ..."
"... CNN made the mistake of asking its focus group of real Americans who won the final debate... and instantly regretted it... ..."
"... The media is just going to claim a winner on election night no matter what happens. You can't know otherwise. ..."
"... I know that in my day to day dealings, as a businessman and as a private individual, I am taking every opportunity to fuck over the main stream media and anyone that works in it, hard and without mercy. ..."
"... As Trump said CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Wash Post, NYT working hard to elect Hillary Rodent. ..."
"... Rep Sheila Jackson (D) continues to embarrass herself by denouncing Wikipedia for engaging in espionage. ..."
Oct 23, 2016 |
And continued and constant propaganda-peddling that the race is over because Trump's sexual assault allegations are "sucking all the air out of the room" compared to Hillary's stream of WikiLeaks facts.

CNN made the mistake of asking its focus group of real Americans who won the final debate... and instantly regretted it...

Catullus Oct 22, 2016 5:30 PM ,

The media is just going to claim a winner on election night no matter what happens. You can't know otherwise.
hedgeless_horseman Catullus Oct 22, 2016 5:39 PM ,

I know that in my day to day dealings, as a businessman and as a private individual, I am taking every opportunity to fuck over the main stream media and anyone that works in it, hard and without mercy.

These opportunities are many and significant. I am enjoying it. Consequences, bitchezzz!!!

Chris Dakota Crisismode Oct 22, 2016 8:43 PM ,
As Trump said CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Wash Post, NYT working hard to elect Hillary Rodent.

Rep Sheila Jackson (D) continues to embarrass herself by denouncing Wikipedia for engaging in espionage.

She is the congresswoman from Mars

Claimed we sent a man to Mars

We won the Vietnam war

Hurricanes need more diverse names

Wore a gold Hillary Clinton campaign pin Wednesday to a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the FBI investigation into Clinton's private email server.

[Oct 23, 2016] From a speech given today in PA

Oct 23, 2016 |
J S Bach Never One Roach Oct 22, 2016 10:22 PM ,
From a speech given today in PA...

If you still can't decide which candidate the "best policies", you're the enemy.

Here is the list of the "Contract with the American Voter" policies detailed by Trump:

  1. Propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress
  2. Institute a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)
  3. Require for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.
  4. Institute a five year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service
  5. Create a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
  6. Institute a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.
  7. Announce intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205.
  8. Announce withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  9. Direct Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.
  10. Direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.
  11. Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars' worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.
  12. Lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.
  13. Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure.
  14. Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.
  15. Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  16. Cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities.
  17. Begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back.
  18. Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
  19. Work with Congress on a Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act.An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
  20. Work with Congress on a End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
  21. Work with Congress on a American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
  22. Work with Congress on a School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to gives parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
  23. Work with Congress on a Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
  24. Work with Congress on a Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act.Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-side childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
  25. Work with Congress on an End Illegal Immigration Act. Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
  26. Work with Congress on a Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
  27. Work with Congress on a Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values
  28. Work with Congress on a Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.

[Oct 23, 2016] Trump Unloads in Pennsylvania Speech Hillary Clinton Should Be in Prison - Breitbart

Oct 23, 2016 |
In a lengthy speech on Saturday night in Manheim, Pennsylvania, Republican nominee for president Donald J. Trump lambasted his opponent Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton for a secret tape recording of her bashing supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont-and even called for Clinton to be placed in prison and questioned as to whether she has been loyal to her husband former President Bill Clinton.

Trump said in the speech on Saturday night:

A new audio tape that has surfaced just yesterday from another one of Hillary's high roller fundraisers shows her demeaning and mocking Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters. You know, and I'll tell you something we have a much bigger movement that Bernie Sanders ever had. We have much bigger crowds than Sanders ever had. And we have a more important movement than Bernie Sanders ever had because we're going to save our country, okay? We're going to save our country. But I can tell you Bernie Sanders would have left a great, great legacy had he not made the deal with the devil. He would have really left a great legacy. Now he shows up and 120 people come in to hear him talk. Bernie Sanders would have left a great legacy had he not made the deal, had he held his head high and walked away. Now he's on the other side perhaps from us and we want to get along with everybody and we will-we're going to unite the country-but what Bernie Sanders did to his supporters was very, very unfair. And they're really not his supporters any longer and they're not going to support Hillary Clinton. I really believe a lot of those people are coming over and largely because of trade, college education, lots of other things-but largely because of trade, they're coming over to our side-you watch, you watch. Especially after Hillary mocks him and mocks all of those people by attacking him and his supporters as 'living in their parents' basements,' and trapped in dead-end careers. That's not what they are.

Also in his speech on Saturday night, Trump summed up exactly what came out in the latest Hillary Clinton tapes in which she mocks Sanders supporters:

She describes many of them as ignorant, and [that] they want the United States to be more like Scandinavia but that 'half the people don't know what that means' in a really sarcastic tone because she's a sarcastic woman. To sum up, and I'll tell you the other thing-she's an incompetent woman. She's an incompetent woman. I've seen it. Just take a look at what she touches. It never works out, and you watch: her run for the presidency will never ever work out because we can't let it work out. To sum up, Hillary Clinton thinks Bernie supporters are hopeless and ignorant basement dwellers. Then, of course, she thinks people who vote for and follow us are deplorable and irredeemable. I don't think so. I don't think so. We have the smartest people, we have the sharpest people, we have the most amazing people, and you know in all of the years of this country they say, even the pundits-most of them aren't worth the ground they're standing on, some of that ground could be fairly wealthy but ground, but most of these people say they have never seen a phenomenon like is going on. We have crowds like this wherever we go.


Later in the speech, Trump came back to the tape again and hammered her once more for it.

"Hillary Clinton all but said that most of the country is racist, including the men and women of law enforcement," Trump said. "She said that the other night. Did anybody like Lester Holt? Did anybody question her when she said that? No, she said it the other night. [If] you're not a die hard Clinton fan-you're not a supporter-from Day One, Hillary Clinton thinks you are a defective person. That's what she's going around saying."

In the speech, Trump questioned whether Clinton has the moral authority to lead when she considers the majority of Americans-Trump supporters and Sanders supporters-to be "defective" people. And he went so far as saying that Clinton "should be in prison." He went on:

How on earth can Hillary Clinton try to lead this country when she has nothing but contempt for the people who live in this country? She's got contempt. First of all, she's got so many scandals and she's been caught cheating so much. One of the worst things I've ever witnessed as a citizen of the United States was last week when the FBI director was trying so hard to explain how she away with what she got away with, because she should be in prison. Let me tell you. She should be in prison. She's being totally protected by the New York Times and the Washington Post and all of the media and CNN-Clinton News Network-which nobody is watching anyway so what difference does it make? Don't even watch it. But she's being protected by many of these groups. It's not like do you think she's guilty? They've actually admitted she's guilty. And then she lies and lies, 33,000 emails deleted, bleached, acid-washed! And then they take their phones and they hammer the hell out of them. How many people have acid washed or bleached a Tweet? How many?

He returned to the secret Clinton tape a little while later:

Hillary Clinton slanders and attacks anyone who wants to put America First, whether they are Trump Voters or Bernie Voters. What she said about Bernie voters amazing. Like the European Union, she wants to erase our borders and she wants to do it for her donors and she wants people to pour into country without knowing who they are.

Trump later bashed the media as "dishonest as hell" when calling on the reporters at his event to "turn your cameras" to show the crowd that came to see him.

"If they showed the kind of crowds we have-which people can hear, you know it's interesting: you can hear the crowd when you hear the television but if they showed the crowd it would be better television, but they don't know much about that. But it would actually be better television," Trump said.

Trump also questioned whether Hillary Clinton has been loyal to her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton has been known to cheat on Hillary Clinton with a variety of mistresses and has been accused of rape and sexual assault by some women.

"Hillary Clinton's only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself," Trump said. "I don't even think she's loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth. And really, folks, really: Why should she be, right? Why should she be?"

Throughout the speech, Trump weaved together references to his new campaign theme about Clinton-"Follow The Money"-with details about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. He said:

We're going to take on the corrupt media, the powerful lobbyists and the special interests that have stolen your jobs, your factories, and your future-that's exactly what's happened. We're going to stop Hillary Clinton from continuing to raid the industry from your state for her profit. Hillary Clinton has collected millions of dollars from the same global corporations shipping your jobs and your dreams to other countries. You know it and everybody else knows it. That's why Clinton, if she ever got the chance, would 100 percent approve Trans Pacific Partnership-a total disastrous trade deal. She called the deal the 'gold standard.' The TPP will bring economic devastation to Pennsylvania and our campaign is the only chance to stop that and other bad things that are happening to our country. She lied about the Gold Standard the other night at the debate. She said she didn't say it-she said it. We want to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership and if we don't-remember this, if we don't stop it, billions and billions [of dollars] in jobs and wealth will be vacuumed right out of Pennsylvania and sent to these other countries. Just like NAFTA was a disaster, this will be a disaster. Frankly I don't think it'll be as bad as NAFTA. It can't get any worse than that-signed by Bill Clinton. All of us here in this massive room here tonight can prevent this from happening. Together we can stop TPP and we can end the theft of American jobs and prosperity.

Trump praised Sanders for being strongly opposed to the TPP:

I knew one man-I'm not a big fan-but one man who knew the dangers of the TPP was Bernie Sanders. Crazy Bernie. He was right about one thing, only one thing, and that was trade. He was right about it because he knew we were getting ripped off, but he wouldn't be able to do anything about it . We're going to do a lot about it. We're going to have those highways running the opposite direction. We're going to have a lot of trade, but it's going to come into our country. We are going to start benefitting our country because right now it's one way road to trouble. Our jobs leave us, our money leaves us. With Mexico, we get the drugs-they get the cash-it's that simple.

Hillary Clinton, Trump noted, is "controlled by global special interests."

"She's on the opposite side of Bernie on the trade issue," Trump said. "She's totally on the opposite side of Bernie."

He circled back to trade a bit later in the more-than-hour-long speech, hammering TPP and Clinton cash connections. Trump continued:

Three TPP member countries gave between $6 and $15 million to Clinton. At least four lobbyists who are actively lobbying for TPP passage have raised more than $800,000 for her campaign. I'm just telling you Pennsylvania, we're going to make it. We're going to make it. We're going to make it if we have Pennsylvania for sure. It'll be easy. But you cannot let this pass. NAFTA passed. It's been the worst trade deal probably ever passed, not in this country but anywhere in the world. It cleaned out New England. It cleaned out big portions of Pennsylvania. It cleaned out big portions of Ohio and North Carolina and South Carolina-you can't let it happen.

Trump even called the politicians like Clinton "bloodsuckers" who have let America be drained out of millions upon millions of jobs.

"These bloodsuckers want it to happen," Trump said. "They're politicians that are getting taken care of by people that want it to happen. Other countries want it to happen because it's good for them, but it's not good for us. So hopefully you're not going to let it happen. Whatever Hillary's donors want, they get. They own her. On Nov. 8, we're going to end Clinton corruption. Hillary Clinton, dishonest person, is an insider fighting for herself and for her friends. I'm an outsider fighting for you. And by the way, just in case you're not aware, I used to be an insider but I thought this was the right thing to do. This is the right thing to do, believe me."

[Oct 23, 2016] How political novice Trump ascended the obviously rigged primary system to become the Republican nominee and might win while Ron Paul knocked on this same door for decades and was quickly dispatched each time

Notable quotes:
"... in accordance with the prevailing American ideology, one can complain all they want about the system and pose limited questions why things are the way they are. But one is not allowed to seriously question the basis of the system without being labeled a heretic and banished to the hinterlands where demons and dragons reside. ..."
"... A perfect example is the setup we all witnessed during the final debate between Clinton and Trump. The Presidential Debates are long established ideological rituals designed to reinforce and affirm faith and belief in the system. They are part and parcel of the supporting façade the election process represents to the controlling meme. "We the People" select one of 'us' to travel to the capital city where rules and laws are enacted to protect 'us' from enemies foreign and domestic while at the same time enriching 'our' lives. ..."
"... It was no accident of chance the last question posed to both 'candidates' (would they accept and support the election results if they lose) was essentially a pledge of allegiance to the ideological ethos. And for Trump, the self appointed establishment heretic, it was a trap designed to fully ensnare and expel him, and his heathen campaign, into the fires of faithless hell. But by doing so the heretics are also affirmed in their belief both in their leader and their cause. ..."
"... Nor was it an accident Trump was chosen first to answer while the priest's favored candidate (whom I suspect was already alerted to the deception) sat ready to embrace the system and reject the wrong thinking dissenter. ..."
"... Of all the barbs and venom exchanged between the two candidates, is it really surprising at all that every major mainstream news outlet, known collectively as the mouthpiece of the ideological priests, led the next morning's ' news ' with huge headlines about the final nonconforming utterance from Trump? ..."
"... Burn the bastard at the stake, the angry priests wail in agony ..."
"... The more a prevailing political meme strays from its founding ideology, meaning in this case crony corruption and political favoritism, the tighter the screws must be turned to drive the antithetical strays back toward the center. And the place to begin this process is with its leadership, either established or budding. Uncharacteristically, the heretical plebes have long been without acknowledged leadership until Trump arrived on the scene. ..."
"... Whether he is controlled opposition, useful puppet or exactly who he appears to be, Trump has succeeded in flushing the misfits and malcontents from the redoubt woodpile and out into the open. This may be precisely why Trump was allowed to get this far and not promptly buried under the end zone in the new Giants Stadium when he first appeared on the political scene. ..."
"... How is it that political novice Trump not only appeared on the scene, but ascended the obviously rigged primary system to become the Republican nominee? Ron Paul (and others) knocked on this same door for decades and were quickly dispatched each time using time honored control techniques. Why not Trump? Because his time has come? Because he's the one? ..."
"... This is not to say Hillary Clinton isn't also being propelled forward by the very same mechanism that has empowered Trump. If " The Donald " is flawed, Hillary Clinton is mortally impaired. And it would made perfect sense from the control system's perspective to match or exceed the glaring imperfections of one candidate (Trump) with an even more egregious example of crony capitalism run riot in the other (Clinton). The great white hope verses establishment lackey and career criminal. The choice couldn't be both clearer and more obscure than as presented for your electoral blessing. ..."
"... This is the principal reason why I expect Trump to ' win ' this election, if not by hook then by mainstream crook. The crony capitalists represented by Clinton have had their fill at the public feeding trough and are more than capable of fending for their selves during the next spiraling leg downward. But those who had previously abandoned all hope, and thus were primed for more drastic (read destructive) measures if not properly corralled, have once again been engaged in the political system and have thrown their support behind the white knight. ..."
"... The golden rule of dying ideological Empires is simplicity itself. What it cannot subvert or corrupt it destroys. Significant and healing change cannot, and therefore will not, originate from within the Empire for that would disenfranchise the powerful priests, the hanger-on's and sycophants. ..."
"... Orders of magnitude hotter than burning magnesium, any effort made to dampen or disperse the white hot insanity of the dying Empire, either from within or externally, only succeeds in spreading and intensifying the Luciferian conflagration. Simply stated, madness breeds more madness. ..."
"... In my opinion this is the only explanation for the blatant media bias against Trump combined with the obviously scripted non media responses to all things Clinton, the in-your-face rigging and distortions of the political process ..."
"... Plato described the inability of a group of (ideological) prisoners chained in a cave to interpret reality based solely upon the play of shadows projected upon the stone wall in front of them. The utter futility of their efforts is only revealed when one prisoner frees himself, enabling him to fully view the puppeteers behind them creating the illusion. ..."
Zero Hedge
This is why, in accordance with the prevailing American ideology, one can complain all they want about the system and pose limited questions why things are the way they are. But one is not allowed to seriously question the basis of the system without being labeled a heretic and banished to the hinterlands where demons and dragons reside.

A perfect example is the setup we all witnessed during the final debate between Clinton and Trump. The Presidential Debates are long established ideological rituals designed to reinforce and affirm faith and belief in the system. They are part and parcel of the supporting façade the election process represents to the controlling meme. "We the People" select one of 'us' to travel to the capital city where rules and laws are enacted to protect 'us' from enemies foreign and domestic while at the same time enriching 'our' lives.

It was no accident of chance the last question posed to both 'candidates' (would they accept and support the election results if they lose) was essentially a pledge of allegiance to the ideological ethos. And for Trump, the self appointed establishment heretic, it was a trap designed to fully ensnare and expel him, and his heathen campaign, into the fires of faithless hell. But by doing so the heretics are also affirmed in their belief both in their leader and their cause.

Nor was it an accident Trump was chosen first to answer while the priest's favored candidate (whom I suspect was already alerted to the deception) sat ready to embrace the system and reject the wrong thinking dissenter.

Of all the barbs and venom exchanged between the two candidates, is it really surprising at all that every major mainstream news outlet, known collectively as the mouthpiece of the ideological priests, led the next morning's 'news' with huge headlines about the final nonconforming utterance from Trump?

Burn the bastard at the stake, the angry priests wail in agony, their power and prestige coming under serious attack from the process itself. Or so they piously claim.

The more a prevailing political meme strays from its founding ideology, meaning in this case crony corruption and political favoritism, the tighter the screws must be turned to drive the antithetical strays back toward the center. And the place to begin this process is with its leadership, either established or budding. Uncharacteristically, the heretical plebes have long been without acknowledged leadership until Trump arrived on the scene.

Regardless of who or what Donald Trump truly is, the long suffering and rapidly increasing ranks of the disenfranchised and disillusioned have rallied around The Donald, elevating him to the revolutionary figurehead of 'The Movement' determined to drain the ideological swamp that is present day Washington DC.

Whether he is controlled opposition, useful puppet or exactly who he appears to be, Trump has succeeded in flushing the misfits and malcontents from the redoubt woodpile and out into the open. This may be precisely why Trump was allowed to get this far and not promptly buried under the end zone in the new Giants Stadium when he first appeared on the political scene.

Since one must never be allowed to seriously question the system (because the doubt it raises is threatening to the system) if one does question and is allowed to continue and even flourish (ala Trump) there must be a hidden reason for this heretical event to occur 'naturally'.

Therefore to naively believe the priest's controllers have lost mastery over their ideology simply because a heretic has appeared and is growing amongst their ranks is to misunderstand the methods employed, honed and refined over thousands of years by those very same priests and their descendants, regardless of the prevailing controlling meme. They've been doing this for thousands of years folks and are quite accomplished at their craft.

How is it that political novice Trump not only appeared on the scene, but ascended the obviously rigged primary system to become the Republican nominee? Ron Paul (and others) knocked on this same door for decades and were quickly dispatched each time using time honored control techniques. Why not Trump? Because his time has come? Because he's the one?


I do not disagree with those who carefully document the growing instability of the dominant socioeconomic/political system. There is little doubt large and widening cracks are appearing in the carefully constructed and nurtured ideological façade.

But to believe the Empire is so close to collapse that a revolutionary could slip between the cracks and come within a few weeks of ascending to the throne is, in my humble opinion, pushing it just a wee bit too far. Those shadows on the cave wall have little to no relation to reality.

Take the time to study the disruptive techniques used by the ideological establishment to co-opt and control the last attempted American revolution, that of the anti war generation of the 60's and early 70's. Nearly every counter cultural uprising during that period of time was thoroughly infiltrated and sometimes directly controlled by operatives. To think this isn't happening today with the massive increase in intrusive spy technology is to remain firmly planted in La-La Land.

Trump's popularity among the great unwashed is a product of the mainstream media, the very same control device used on a daily basis to feed the indentured population its ration of Soma. However, in an effort to turn Trump into a super magnet for the downtrodden, the mainstream media needed to employ reverse psychology and condemn that which they wished to empower with credibility. Quite frankly, this only works if the population is so desperate for salvation to appear they would accept such a psychologically flawed and egotistic front man as Donald Trump.

Don't ever forget Donald Trump's media presence was honed and refined by the control mechanism itself, Hollywood and its various offshoots and tentacles. Best known as the billionaire producer and 'actor' in The Apprentice, Trump has a total of 19 credits as a producer, 20 credits as an actor and an incredible 222 credits as 'self'. This is a man who clearly knows how to play an audience, with his ego the star attraction.

That alone doesn't necessarily make Trump an establishment 'made man'. But while he wasn't breast fed at the political nipple, he certainly isn't an 'outsider' by any stretch of the imagination. And yet here he is……the embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of a vast cross section of disaffected and disenfranchised. It just doesn't get any better than this.

This is not to say Hillary Clinton isn't also being propelled forward by the very same mechanism that has empowered Trump. If "The Donald" is flawed, Hillary Clinton is mortally impaired. And it would made perfect sense from the control system's perspective to match or exceed the glaring imperfections of one candidate (Trump) with an even more egregious example of crony capitalism run riot in the other (Clinton). The great white hope verses establishment lackey and career criminal. The choice couldn't be both clearer and more obscure than as presented for your electoral blessing.

And ultimately this may be the purpose for this obviously concocted and orchestrated charade. The last stage of a dying Empire is the looting of the weak from within by the elite. When the barbarians finally break through the outer gates, all they will find are empty vaults and the scattered remains of a desperate native population, the valuables having long ago been strip-mined and spirited away.

But before this point in the end game can be reached, the natives must be held in place long enough for the final rape to commence. As public confidence in a political solution dissipates and restlessness (some might say desperation) grows, a false hope and belief must be re-instilled in various sub factions of the population in order to draw them back in, ultimately imprisoned by their own ideological bent.

This occurred in 2008 with the great black hope, Barrack Obama, and once again is happening in 2016 with the great white hope, Donald Trump. Both of these individuals, while presenting as one would expect political outsiders to appear, were/are deeply conflicted and entangled. Don't forget Obama was a political newbie with only a few years in public office before being miraculously elevated to the highest office in the land. It is more than coincidence they both talk a thoroughly convincing game to the sub-set they were created to enthrall.

This is the principal reason why I expect Trump to 'win' this election, if not by hook then by mainstream crook. The crony capitalists represented by Clinton have had their fill at the public feeding trough and are more than capable of fending for their selves during the next spiraling leg downward. But those who had previously abandoned all hope, and thus were primed for more drastic (read destructive) measures if not properly corralled, have once again been engaged in the political system and have thrown their support behind the white knight.

White Knight

All the king's horse's and all the king's men couldn't put the Empire back together again.

Emotionally stabilized and increasingly mesmerized, the plebes are now ripe for the rape if for no other reason than they will wait and see if the revolution is actually tweeted and originates from the White House.

I suspect 'they' will be severely disappointed.

The golden rule of dying ideological Empires is simplicity itself. What it cannot subvert or corrupt it destroys. Significant and healing change cannot, and therefore will not, originate from within the Empire for that would disenfranchise the powerful priests, the hanger-on's and sycophants.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and power in the hands of the corrupt is never relinquished, only forcefully taken and then passed from one dirty hand to the next. This renders any discussion of a positive healthy change from within moot and a non starter.

This is an insanity very few understand when viewed from a distance, an all encompassing madness that is always underestimated in its ferocity and velocity. When face to face with this evil phenomenon, few have the strength of will to stand their ground, let alone survive the encounter. Evil madness of this magnitude always self consumes and can never be extinguished by an external force.

Orders of magnitude hotter than burning magnesium, any effort made to dampen or disperse the white hot insanity of the dying Empire, either from within or externally, only succeeds in spreading and intensifying the Luciferian conflagration. Simply stated, madness breeds more madness. To engage the madness is to feed the insanity.

In my opinion this is the only explanation for the blatant media bias against Trump combined with the obviously scripted non media responses to all things Clinton, the in-your-face rigging and distortions of the political process and the incomprehensible capitulation by so many previously withdrawn and cynical ideological escapees who are willingly walking back into the belly of the political beast to support a critically flawed and conflicted Trump.

Plato described the inability of a group of (ideological) prisoners chained in a cave to interpret reality based solely upon the play of shadows projected upon the stone wall in front of them. The utter futility of their efforts is only revealed when one prisoner frees himself, enabling him to fully view the puppeteers behind them creating the illusion.

Unless and until "We the Individuals" engage in a determined and consistent effort to see beyond our ideological horse blinders and fully grasp the true nature of our reality, "We the People" will remain at best mere spectators, and at worst indentured servants, to the reality puppeteers behind us.

As much as I wish this insanity would just end, I fear we have many miles to go before the final awakening.

[Oct 23, 2016] The Dangers of Hillary Clinton

Oct 23, 2016 |

Fred C. Dobbs : October 23, 2016 at 02:46 PM

The Dangers of Hillary Clinton
NYT - Ross Douthat - Oct 23

A vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign has suggested in broad ways and subtle ones, isn't just a vote for a Democrat over a Republican: It's a vote for safety over risk, steady competence over boastful recklessness, psychological stability in the White House over ungovernable passions.

This theme has been a winning one for Hillary, in her debates and in the wider campaign, and for good reason. The perils of a Trump presidency are as distinctive as the candidate himself, and a vote for Trump makes a long list of worst cases - the Western alliance system's unraveling, a cycle of domestic radicalization, an accidental economic meltdown, a civilian-military crisis - more likely than with any normal administration.

Indeed, Trump and his supporters almost admit as much. "We've tried sane, now let's try crazy," is basically his campaign's working motto. The promise to be a bull in a china shop is part of his demagogue's appeal. Some of his more eloquent supporters have analogized a vote for Trump to storming the cockpit of a hijacked plane, with the likelihood of a plane crash entirely factored in.

But passing on the plane-crash candidate doesn't mean ignoring the dangers of his rival.

The dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency are more familiar than Trump's authoritarian unknowns, because we live with them in our politics already. They're the dangers of elite groupthink, of Beltway power worship, of a cult of presidential action in the service of dubious ideals. They're the dangers of a recklessness and radicalism that doesn't recognize itself as either, because it's convinced that if an idea is mainstream and commonplace among the great and good then it cannot possibly be folly.

Almost every crisis that has come upon the West in the last 15 years has its roots in this establishmentarian type of folly. The Iraq War, which liberals prefer to remember as a conflict conjured by a neoconservative cabal, was actually the work of a bipartisan interventionist consensus, pushed hard by George W. Bush but embraced as well by a large slice of center-left opinion that included Tony Blair and more than half of Senate Democrats.

Likewise the financial crisis: Whether you blame financial-services deregulation or happy-go-lucky housing policy (or both), the policies that helped inflate and pop the bubble were embraced by both wings of the political establishment. ...

(Crises happen. How are these two linked? The first came about because we were in the throes of 9/11. The 2nd arguably because we were in the delayed throes of a bubble collapse. And with a president who was out of his depth.)

likbez -> Fred C. Dobbs...

== quote ===
The dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency are more familiar than Trump's authoritarian unknowns, because we live with them in our politics already. They're the dangers of elite groupthink, of Beltway power worship, of a cult of presidential action in the service of dubious ideals. They're the dangers of a recklessness and radicalism that doesn't recognize itself as either, because it's convinced that if an idea is mainstream and commonplace among the great and good then it cannot possibly be folly.
=== end of quote ===
That looks like indirect attack on neocons which is atypical for NYT.

IMHO the main danger of Hillary presidency is the danger of WWIII due to her own jingoism and recklessness as well as outsize neocons influence in her administration (she is the person who promoted Cheney's associate Victoria Nuland, who got us into Ukrainian mess).

As such outweighs all possible dangers of Trump presidency by a wide margin.

Voting for Hillary is like voting for John McCain in a pantsuit in order to prevent decimation of the remnants of the New Deal inherent in Trump administration.

Trump at least gives us some chance of détente with Russia.

Just look how mainstream Republicans are bashing Trump

Also he faces hostile Congress and "deep state", while Hillary is a creature of "deep state", a marionette, if you wish, which will continue the current disastrous interventionist foreign policy.

Of course Trump can be co-opted by "deep state" too. That's also a danger.

There is a nice cartoon, probably from Times, that I found at

US Presidential Elections of 2016 as a referendum on neoliberal globalization

[Oct 23, 2016] Trump wins. Problem: he will be completely alone. The Neocons have total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts.

Notable quotes:
"... From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies. The Fed is their stronghold. How in the world will Trump deal with these rabid "crazies in the basement"? ..."
"... When Putin came to power he inherited a Kremlin every bit as corrupt and traitor-infested as the White House nowadays. As for Russia, she was in pretty much the same sorry shape as the Independent Nazi-run Ukraine. Russia was also run by bankers and AngloZionist puppets and most Russians led miserable lives. ..."
Oct 23, 2016 |

From The Hague | Oct 22, 2016 12:48:39 PM | 8

Option two: Trump wins. Problem: he will be completely alone. The Neocons have total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts. From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies. The Fed is their stronghold. How in the world will Trump deal with these rabid "crazies in the basement"?

When Putin came to power he inherited a Kremlin every bit as corrupt and traitor-infested as the White House nowadays. As for Russia, she was in pretty much the same sorry shape as the Independent Nazi-run Ukraine. Russia was also run by bankers and AngloZionist puppets and most Russians led miserable lives.

[Oct 23, 2016] Exclusive - Trump Economic Adviser Donald Will Tell Wall Street to 'Go to Hell' While He Fixes Economy for American Workers

While trump idea of cutting taxes for business might work in a sort term, the whole neoliberal system is so corrupt that any attempt to make distribution more fair will be sabotaged. and Trump appeal to small business owners is somewhat fake. When political in the USA talks about small business owners typically he is a Wall Street stooge.
Notable quotes:
"... Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for president, is in a unique position to be able to tell the Wall Street lobbyists and special interests to "go to hell" while he actually fixes the U.S. economy, his senior economic adviser Peter Navarro told Breitbart News Saturday. ..."
"... The basic problem is for a congressman or a president to get elected, they need obscene amounts of money. And the only place you can get obscene amounts of money is from Wall Street and the big corporations who benefit from shipping our jobs and our factories overseas-that's the fundamental political problem. That's the beauty of Donald Trump. He's the change agent. He can tell Wall Street and these big people and corporations that want to ship our jobs overseas to go to hell. He stands up for our workers. ..."
"... Navarro's interview came just an hour before Trump's address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he laid out what he will do in his first 100 days as president if elected on Nov. 8, and made his closing argument to the American people in the campaign. ..."
"... What happens is there will be a major speech that goes on for 40 minutes laying out in precise detail exactly what's going to get done and then the media will take a clip from that that's unrelated to the policy agenda and make that the news. It's difficult to push through that when so much of the media has a NeverTrump agenda. ..."
"... For every one percent of GDP growth that we have lost over the last 15 years, we've lost 1.2 million jobs. If you add that up over the 15-year period, that would be over 20 million jobs, which is about what we need to put everybody back to work at a decent wage. So that's the grim reality. ..."
"... Clinton is part of the problem. In fact, it's extraordinary to me-you cannot name a presidential candidate in history who has singlehandedly through bad trade deals destroyed more American jobs and more American factories than Hillary Clinton. She did NAFTA, she did China's entry into the World Trade Organization, she did the South Korean 2012 deal, every single one of those. We're talking about millions and millions and millions of jobs and just misery in all of the swing states in this election. ..."

Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for president, is in a unique position to be able to tell the Wall Street lobbyists and special interests to "go to hell" while he actually fixes the U.S. economy, his senior economic adviser Peter Navarro told Breitbart News Saturday.

Navarro said on the program, which aired on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday:

The basic problem is for a congressman or a president to get elected, they need obscene amounts of money. And the only place you can get obscene amounts of money is from Wall Street and the big corporations who benefit from shipping our jobs and our factories overseas-that's the fundamental political problem. That's the beauty of Donald Trump. He's the change agent. He can tell Wall Street and these big people and corporations that want to ship our jobs overseas to go to hell. He stands up for our workers.

Navarro's interview came just an hour before Trump's address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he laid out what he will do in his first 100 days as president if elected on Nov. 8, and made his closing argument to the American people in the campaign.

Navarro told Breitbart News Saturday of the speech:

This is basically a broad overview of the whole Trump policy agenda for America. It's very exciting news. If you think about what's going on this year in America, we've got the slowest growth since World War II. We've got a national security mess in every theater in the world from Asia to the Middle East, and we've got a healthcare plan that is imploding, and we've got an immigration plan that is overwhelming this country, so in the remaining days until Nov. 8 Mr. Trump is going to lay all of this out and it's going to be exciting to hear positive policies talked about to the American people instead of anything but policy.

Trump, Navarro noted, has been giving detailed policy-oriented speeches across the United States over the past several months while his Democratic opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton has been running a policy-free campaign focused on insults and the politics of personal destruction. Nonetheless, the media completely ignores Trump's solutions-focused campaign. So what Trump plans to do now is circumvent the media while taking his message directly to the American people. Navarro said:

What happens is there will be a major speech that goes on for 40 minutes laying out in precise detail exactly what's going to get done and then the media will take a clip from that that's unrelated to the policy agenda and make that the news. It's difficult to push through that when so much of the media has a NeverTrump agenda.

So what Mr. Trump's going to do is just take the case to the American people between now and election day that his agenda is the right one on the economy, immigration, healthcare, and everything on down-national security-this is a critical election.

Hillary Clinton's agenda, Navarro said, would devastate the United States on every front. He said:

In fact, if we turn the country over to Hillary Clinton at this point we know the following: We know that she can't possibly be better at economically than we've been doing and she'll probably do worse. We know that she will continue with the Obamacare agenda which is collapsing before our eyes. We know that Hillary Clinton's foreign policy agenda will continue to be weakness and chaos in places like the Middle East. We know all of this and it's important for the American people to learn more in more granular detail about the competing policies of each of the candidates and that's the mission between now and Nov. 8.

One of the key points he brought up during the interview was Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in the United States, which since the early 2000s has significantly slowed down compared with the latter half of the 20th century. That crushes Americans' chances of getting a good job with high-paying wages, as the slowdown in the 21st century has cost the United States around 20 million jobs, maybe more. Navarro went on:

Let me give you just the central statistic of American life right now: From 1947 to 2001, our economy grew at an average rate of 3.5 percent a year. Since 2002, that rate's fallen to 1.9 percent a year. For every one percent of GDP growth that we have lost over the last 15 years, we've lost 1.2 million jobs. If you add that up over the 15-year period, that would be over 20 million jobs, which is about what we need to put everybody back to work at a decent wage. So that's the grim reality.

Navarro said the reason this has happened is because of a "structural problem" in the U.S. economy that people like Hillary Clinton refuse to solve:

Now, the question is: Why has this happened? The answer is simply that we have a deep structural problem in our economy and the basic answer is we don't invest on American soil like we used to. That's a major problem. We invest in Mexico and China and Vietnam and Cambodia instead. That drains our GDP directly, and then we also run a massive trade deficit: $766 billion a year, which alone probably takes a point off our growth rate. Now, Donald Trump recognizes this. He recognizes that two of the most important things are to get more investment on domestic soil by corporations and businesses and to eliminate the trade deficit.

Trump will solve the problem on four separate fronts, Navarro said, something that will take bold leadership and courage in Washington. Navarro continued:

So what do you do? You attack that on four different fronts: regulatory, trade directly, energy, and basically what we need to do is realign the incentives of corporations so that it's better to invest in Michigan than Mexico. One of the ways to do that is to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35 percent down to 15 percent, which would make us competitive with all of those countries which have lower corporate tax rates and are basically running huge surpluses with us: Germany, Japan, South Korea, China, Mexico. These are the countries that are just killing us strategically. So, if we want to get better growth-stronger growth-we have to attack this structurally. Now, what Obama and Clinton have been doing is treating the problem not structurally but as a cyclical phenomenon that you can simply use what we call Keynesian stimulus - named after John Maynard Keynes, famous economist: the idea that if you simply spend a bunch of government money and print a bunch of government money that somehow that will stimulate the economy. Well, we've had eight years of that. Barack Obama has doubled our debt from $10 to $20 trillion using fiscal stimulus and our Federal Reserve balance sheet has been totally destroyed and what do we have to show for it? We have one percent growth instead of 3.5 or 4.

Navarro said Clinton has two separate ideas to "stimulate the economy," both of which he said won't work.

"One is to basically tax the rich and give the money to everybody else," he said, noting that that is essentially classic leftist redistribution of wealth that will "depress savings and investment from the people who save the most and allow the most investment." Navarro added:

And the other is this wacky thing to significantly raise business taxes to get a pot of money and then build some infrastructure. It might sound good to some people-we definitely need the infrastructure-but the last thing we want to do is reallocate funds in America from the efficient private sector to the less efficient public sector. Trump has an infrastructure plan which will produce twice as much spending without having to raise any taxes. He uses an elegant system of a tax credit to incentivize the private sector to build this stuff.

Navarro said the problem is, in addition to cheap labor overseas, a number of government policies that strangle business development in the United States while encouraging offshoring of U.S. companies. He elaborated:

Cheap labor is a small part of the problem at work here. If it were only cheap labor, America would be in trouble. Because it's other things too, we have a great chance to turn it around. Here's the problem: Our high corporate tax rate pushes our companies offshore. Our high regulatory burden pushes our companies offshore. To the extent we put our coal miners and oil and gas industry out of business and raise electricity costs and energy costs, that pushes our corporations offshore. To the extent that we allow China to illegally subsidize goods and sell them into this country, that pushes our jobs and factories offshore. To the extent we don't hold the World Trade Organization and Mexico accountable for manipulating the rules of the VAT versus income tax is very injurious to this country.

Navarro added that if someone is elected president with the "will and the intelligence" to take on the special interests and fix the problems, America can survive this threat. He concluded:

All of this stuff is in our hands. It simply takes the will and the intelligence to do it, and the ability to resist the special interests who are on the other side of that equation. Trump will solve this problem, Clinton is part of the problem. In fact, it's extraordinary to me-you cannot name a presidential candidate in history who has singlehandedly through bad trade deals destroyed more American jobs and more American factories than Hillary Clinton. She did NAFTA, she did China's entry into the World Trade Organization, she did the South Korean 2012 deal, every single one of those. We're talking about millions and millions and millions of jobs and just misery in all of the swing states in this election. If anybody is listening to this in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, North Carolina, please recognize that Hillary Clinton bears a major responsibility for whatever misery your state is going through.



[Oct 23, 2016] An Establishment in Panic

Notable quotes:
"... Establishment panic is traceable to another fear: its [neoliberal] ideology, its political religion, is seen by growing millions as a golden calf, a 20th-century god that has failed. ..."
"... After having expunged Christianity from our public life and public square, our establishment installed "democracy" as the new deity, at whose altars we should all worship. And so our schools began to teach. ..."
"... Today, Clintons, Obamas, and Bushes send soldiers and secularist tutors to "establish democracy" among the "lesser breeds without the Law." ..."
"... By suggesting he might not accept the results of a "rigged election," Trump is committing an unpardonable sin. But this new cult, this devotion to a new holy trinity of diversity, democracy, and equality, is of recent vintage and has shallow roots. ..."
"... For none of the three-diversity, equality, democracy-is to be found in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, or the Pledge of Allegiance. In the pledge, we are a republic. ..."
"... Among many in the silent majority, Clintonian democracy is not an improvement upon the old republic; it is the corruption of it. ..."
"... Consider: six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. ..."
"... Yet, some of us recall another time, when Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote in "Points of Rebellion": "We must realize that today's Establishment is the new George III. Whether it will continue to adhere to his tactics, we do not know. If it does, the redress, honored in tradition, is also revolution." ..."
"... Baby-boomer radicals loved it, raising their fists in defiance of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. But now that it is the populist-nationalist right that is moving beyond the niceties of liberal democracy to save the America that they love, elitist enthusiasm for "revolution" seems more constrained. ..."
The American Conservative
What explains the hysteria of the establishment? In a word, fear. The establishment is horrified at the Donald's defiance because, deep within its soul, it fears that the people for whom Trump speaks no longer accept its political legitimacy or moral authority. It may rule and run the country, and may rig the system through mass immigration and a mammoth welfare state so that Middle America is never again able to elect one of its own. But that establishment, disconnected from the people it rules, senses, rightly, that it is unloved and even detested.

Having fixed the future, the establishment finds half of the country looking upon it with the same sullen contempt that our Founding Fathers came to look upon the overlords Parliament sent to rule them.

Establishment panic is traceable to another fear: its [neoliberal] ideology, its political religion, is seen by growing millions as a golden calf, a 20th-century god that has failed.

Trump is "talking down our democracy," said a shocked Clinton.

After having expunged Christianity from our public life and public square, our establishment installed "democracy" as the new deity, at whose altars we should all worship. And so our schools began to teach.

Half a millennia ago, missionaries and explorers set sail from Spain, England, and France to bring Christianity to the New World.

Today, Clintons, Obamas, and Bushes send soldiers and secularist tutors to "establish democracy" among the "lesser breeds without the Law."

Unfortunately, the natives, once democratized, return to their roots and vote for Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, using democratic processes and procedures to reestablish their true God. And Allah is no democrat.

By suggesting he might not accept the results of a "rigged election," Trump is committing an unpardonable sin. But this new cult, this devotion to a new holy trinity of diversity, democracy, and equality, is of recent vintage and has shallow roots.

For none of the three-diversity, equality, democracy-is to be found in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, or the Pledge of Allegiance. In the pledge, we are a republic.

When Ben Franklin, emerging from the Philadelphia convention, was asked by a woman what kind of government they had created, he answered, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Among many in the silent majority, Clintonian democracy is not an improvement upon the old republic; it is the corruption of it.

Consider: six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November.

If that is democracy, many will say, to hell with it. And if felons decide the electoral votes of Virginia, and Virginia decides who is our next U.S. president, are we obligated to honor that election?

In 1824, Gen. Andrew Jackson ran first in popular and electoral votes. But, short of a majority, the matter went to the House. There, Speaker Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams delivered the presidency to Adams-and Adams made Clay secretary of state, putting him on the path to the presidency that had been taken by Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Adams himself. Were Jackson's people wrong to regard as a "corrupt bargain" the deal that robbed the general of the presidency? The establishment also recoiled in horror from Milwaukee Sheriff Dave Clarke's declaration that it is now "torches and pitchforks time."

Yet, some of us recall another time, when Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote in "Points of Rebellion": "We must realize that today's Establishment is the new George III. Whether it will continue to adhere to his tactics, we do not know. If it does, the redress, honored in tradition, is also revolution."

Baby-boomer radicals loved it, raising their fists in defiance of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. But now that it is the populist-nationalist right that is moving beyond the niceties of liberal democracy to save the America that they love, elitist enthusiasm for "revolution" seems more constrained.

What goes around comes around.

Patrick J. Buchanan is a founding editor of The American Conservative and the author of the book The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority.

[Oct 22, 2016] Rigged Debates Questions Arise Again Over Lighted Screen At Hillarys Podium Zero Hedge

Notable quotes:
"... Just remember, Hillary is honest. All Democrats are good. Hillary has your best interests in mind. Hillary never lies. ..."
Oct 22, 2016 |

After the first debate, numerous videos surfaced alleging that Hillary was using some sort of teleprompter built into her podium to assist with answering questions or to offset whatever medical condition she's dealing with. The videos were largely dismissed as "cooky alt-right conspiracy theories" and didn't get much attention outside of those spheres.

But, when similar abnormalities surfaced on Hillary's podium in the third debate, combined with the fact that she spent an awkward amount of time during her answers peering down rather than at the camera, we grew a bit more curious.

With that said, here is a video analyzing the abnormalities from debate 1. Notice that around 18 seconds into this video one can very clearly see a light shut off on Hillary's podium even though there is no such light at Trump's podium.

But, you don't have to take that guy's word for it. Here is the actual debate footage from NBC.. .fast forward to the 1:38:30 mark at the very end of this video and you can see the exact same phenomenon.

And here is a screen capture from the end of the debate. Notice there is a light on Hillary's podium while Trump's is completely dark.

But where things get really interesting is that the exact same phenomenon occurred at debate 3 this week as pointed out by the following video posted by Anonymous.

Again, as you can see, there seems to be a light on Hillary's podium...

...but none at Trump's.

And here is one more angle...

And the two together...

But again, no need to take our word for it as you can simply scan through the full debate footage posted by USA Today and see the phenomenon for yourself. Also note that, at numerous points while answering questions throughout the debate, Hillary seems to be looking down at her podium for extended periods of time rather than at the the point that it was actually awkward for people watching the debate live.

Don't believe it? In the following video, fast forward to the 42:25 mark and watch Hillary's eyes as she responds to the question... where is she looking?

Now, recall that debate 2 was structured as a town hall discussion so this type of cheating would not have been feasible. That said, oddly enough, debate 2 was the one that almost everyone universally thought she lost.

Duc888 Oct 21, 2016 6:58 PM ,

Just remember, Hillary is honest. All Democrats are good. Hillary has your best interests in mind. Hillary never lies.

back to basics PrayingMantis Oct 21, 2016 7:08 PM ,
At this point, all I can master energy to do anymore is shake my head in disgust.
Al Gophilia back to basics Oct 21, 2016 7:24 PM ,
If this is rigged then so will the vote. All Trump supporters should stay at the booth on the day as a show of force. That could be our only chance at non-violent revolution. Identify with the group, T shirts (Bill is a Rapist!), placards, hats etc.

Turn up!

Rise Up!

Escrava Isaura swmnguy Oct 21, 2016 9:07 PM ,

It's fascinating watching the America far right (libertarians, nationalists, ultraconservatives) all in this election. Even the kitchen sink "teleprompter" they're throwing into our political and our social systems. Now, are they right or wrong in doing so? Or, does it really matter?

On the surface one would not think so. But I think it matters a lot. Wonder why?

What will happen if they lose?

Or worse, let's imagine that Trump won.

Will the "vast majority" of clueless Americans know, or have a clue what will be coming in either case?

Trump doesn't know how to lose unless there's something for him to gain. I do wonder what the system will have to offer the Devil for his concession speech? And good luck to them post election, because it will be impossible to govern, especially for the Republicans.

Now, the picture is much clear if Trump wins, and below is a good take, in my opinion. Found it very insightful. It's by Norman Pagett: The "weimar Period" puts it very neatly

It really is worth reading up on Hi-ler's speeches in the 30s-Trump word for word pretty much. HRC cant deliver any more than trump can, because the resources do not exist to "make America great again" or even to sustain the economy at its current level.

when Hit-ler was saying exactly the same thing he had to invade Poland to sustain his fantasy, and despite the wailing and contrition in 1945-the German people cheered him on when he was initially successful. The same millions are cheering Trump now.

When the system collapses, as it must (as Hit-ler's ponzi scheme), the chaos that will ensure will demand the takeover by a dictator, because faced with breakdown of society, governments have no option but to introduce martial law and in US political terms-that means a theofascism-the godbotherering wannabe dictators are waiting in the wings.
The military will fall in behind whoever pays their wages. There's no Poland to invade, and subjugate therefore the only "masses" to subjugate will be the American people-at least that section of them who are "unbelievers"-ie any kind of minority-and ultimately political opponent.
We all know what happened to minorities in Germany in the 30s. The same thing will happen again-someone has to take the blame for what's gone wrong wth the country and its economy. The parallels are exact.

The constitution?

Democracy is the child of affluence. It ends when democracy ends.

philipat toro Oct 21, 2016 11:18 PM ,

Hey toro , previously mofio then santafe then Aristotle of Greece then Gargoyle then bleu then oops then lance-a-lot then most recently Loftie . Looks like Loftie got banned or just outed. I shall miss him! Let's see how long toro survives, shall we?

You are a serial spammer and a serial pain in the ass. Might I politely suggest that you go fuck yourself? And get a life.

PS. You might have noticed that my attempt to expose you for what you are is always the same. That's because your Spam is always the same (Using fake links to your BS site which has no connection to your comments; which are deliberately dramatic to mislead people into responding or clicking on the fake link) so it seems only fair that my exposure of your crap should also always be the same. An eye for an eye.

PrayingMantis philipat Oct 22, 2016 12:41 AM ,

... check out the scumbag john poo desta trying his best while he struggled to explain, lie some more and stuttered to deflect wikileaks facts exposed on his hacked emails and being called out for his lies while being heckled non-stop by the public ... >>>

... and while you're at the site, take a look at this ... hiliary insults barack hussein at the al smith 2016 dinner ... too funny ... >>> ...

... and btw, for libertarians, ..."... VIDEO: Rand Paul tells every Libertarian why they need to vote for TRUMP! " ... >>>

jeff montanye PrayingMantis Oct 22, 2016 4:01 AM ,
that al smith dinner sounds like it was quite the do; will have to see both speeches.

the part of hillary's third debate performance that seeemed the oddest was the "surprise" question at the end as to why the voters should support them. hillary was first and ripped into it with nary a glance down, like she was expecting it.

trump went second and gave a worse performance on that question, imo.

Offthebeach Escrava Isaura Oct 22, 2016 4:08 AM ,
Not well educated.

Upton Sinclair, author 'Grapes of Wrath, The Jungle,. ' wrote ' It Can't Happen Here' in the 1930s.

Leonard Piekoff wrote 'The Ominous Parallels' in 1982.

The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America is a 1982 book by philosopher Leonard Peikoff, in which Peikoff compares the culture of the United States with the culture of Germany leading up to the Nazis......

Chris Dakota swmnguy Oct 22, 2016 1:38 AM ,
I said it was very dangerous Oct 16-21 with Mars conjunct Pluto at 15* Capricorn.

That is where the elites get the knife in the heart.

It happened at that Catholic dinner in NYC with media and Wall St bailout recipients.

Donald delivered it for us.

The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed

Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed.

Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed.

The American ruling Elite has lost the consent of the governed.

I was wrong, it wasn't a act of war between global powers, it is an act of war declared by Donald Trump on our behalf.

With the money channel whore dressed in scarlet with her tits out and white leather gloves on behind The Donald. The whole thing has been a magic lantern show put on by Hollywood to entertain the sheep. While wages go down, jobs shipped out and cheap labor flooding in.

The Catholics support Hillary's rape of Haiti and phony chairty that she enriched herself with. They were even uneasy with Donalds statement that "we need to celebrate the culture of life" meaning don't use abortion as birth control. Tim Kaine a Jesuit, which is basically a Jewish organization and Hillary 24 hrs before saying she supports partial birth abortion. They couldn't wait to congradulate her and fawn all over her.

Dying Killer Kissinger melting behind the white funeral flowers in the pyramid table arrangement.

I should have known at 15* Capricorn it would be this. Watching them boo and hiss at him, he was us and that was the knife in the heart with all masks down.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

-Willam Butler Yeats

This party is just getting started, I said it was going to start now and the real action (Execution of French King, Execution of English King) takes place at the Pluto/Uranus opposition in 2046-2048.

Jewish power is hanging by a thread, that's only 30 yrs.

I won't be here in this form, but maybe you will be.

fattail Soul Glow Oct 22, 2016 9:30 AM ,
Good point. Nothing left to chance. I was so frustrated with Trump and his stupid, banal, vapid speeches, and the fact that I could make all of the arguments against clinton better than him. Now it makes sense.
charms Soul Glow Oct 22, 2016 11:41 AM ,
Could very well be.

How do you get an incompetent corrupt, and malignant candidate elected? You stand them off against some other tainted character that will be just as controllable.

The pupetmasters have run this model to ground. They are not prepared to lose.

janus Occident Mortal Oct 21, 2016 8:33 PM ,
The fall of legacy media has assumed about it the hue of 'epic saga'. The People are really rooting for us. Legacy media, so thoroughly detested among the masses as it is, having in this last election permanently offended over 80% of their audience with demonstrative hostility to both of The People's candidates (Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders), will NEVER regain any semblance of trust or veneration in the broader public's sentiments. This David & Goliath epic being all the more heroic as The People know, in their heart of hearts, that these scheming gremlins in the media are rotten to the core, and they similarly know that we're pure of heart and motive. It truly is good vs. evil story-book heroics...and the crowd is roaring for us with each blow stricken. This is serious; The People not only want to see them defeated, they seek a punitive spectacle, they demand a grand finale -- the ornery and agitated mob lusts for its pound of flesh. Gotta give the people what they want.

A servant to all is mastered by none -- this has been my governing philosophy since declaring war on this establishment some five years ago. Before initiating phase one of my campaign and this adventure in Boston, I owned a restaurant back in Alabama. In that time, I learned a little bit about satisfying the public's a distinct and idiosyncratic way. I've gone about revolution is just such a fashion -- iconaclastic and idiosyncratic. I've often had to improvise, but have always adhered to an overarching strategy...or i should say 'recipe'. I've been working on a formula of up something for The People's consumption. I've been sorta chronicling my adventures within the broader context of this societal/political shift -- a seismic rearrangement of prevailing paradigm so profound and absolute you won't see anything like it for another millennia. Yes, I knew something BIG was abrew in the machinations of this species back in Hickstick, Alabama. Feeling janus had the wherewithal and talents sufficient to make some contribution to this great turning, I devoted myself wholly to it. I'm not alone. There are many who've risked everything. And it makes for a great story. But beyond the story, and regarding phase two, I have a bit of surprise up my sleeve for tptb: the truth is, janus is a more effective and persuasive speaker than writer. Please forgive me for saying so, and I do say this from a sense of rational modesty, but I have something of a gift for words and their arrangement. Again, I'm not attempting to boast -- I mean really, I would not keep going if I didn't know what kind of impact we're having on the Hedge... janus has from the beginning pledged his gifts to this vs. them...good vs. evil. All the while I'd been hiding the greater talent under a bushel, preparing to make of it another donation.

tptb, you will soon be forced to deal with my perspicacity in an extemporaneous setting. There will be no way to mitigate the damages nor prepare. Imagine if you will the fearlessness, confidence and courage of Donald Trump but from a manner imminently polite and courteous -- even to a fault. Think about the quick and nimble thinking of Trump expressed with a command of language and erudition that would make Cicero jealous. Throw into this the ability to instantly structure highly complex arguments that are both cogent and stimulating to a wise mind. all of which is to say -- and pardon my french -- tptb, you're fucked. One way or another, janus will soon start have my permission to start freaking. I told you all from the beginning, ain't a goddam thing you can do to stop me. I'm better than you used to laugh and now you gulp. What's that ole saying about laughing last?

heh heh heh

Meanwhile, as I rest and prepare my vocal chords, chef janus will carve another pound of flesh from the carcass of a freshly slain legacy-media, slicing off a hunk while the beast still simpers and serve it to the public rare, with the blood still in it. (just wait till I rip their heart out while it beats for the grande finale) I've entitled it:

As The Pendulum Swings

The ponderous procession of Providence is subject to the laws of stasis and extremes. All things tend to extremes and then return, ever so temporarily, to the equilibrium of stasis -- this is the pattern of dynamism in nature; the inertia intrinsic to this swing back to stasis has a value slightly greater than the force which propelled it to the most recent and retreating extreme. As this relates to the mass-sentiments governing the hive-mind of mankind, we are just now starting the descent from a peak of institutional perfidy. The political pendulum is edging ever so slightly away from a totalitarian control matrix so absolute it would make stalin blush. We will soon pick up speed and then accelerate quickly to arrests and trials. But the extreme to which these devils have pushed The People being so far beyond what's ever been done in the civilized world, I feel that by the time this is all over, we will see guillotines. Understand, this pitch of acrimony is still only nascent. Once the dollar goes and everyone's investments, jobs, food stamps, etc., we are going to see a ferocity within the masses unique in all of history.

yes, media clowns, you are in great peril. The people will be calling for your hides. Sure, you won't be the only targets, but you'll most certainly be a focus. How do you like it now that it's your emails being hacked and scrutinized? How will you like it when your sordid private lives are exposed? You thought it was funny when you were on the inside; but now that things are turning inside out, do you feel so insulated? Think you're protected? hardly...your masters will happily throw you to the baying mob hoping your hide will sate their appetite. Your fates are only these: prison, death or, if you're lucky, menial service sector jobs. Yes, those of you wise enough to start speaking the truth now will be spared prison or something more severe. I recommend you exercise this option. Perhaps you think janus is exaggerating...but after everything that's happened, do you think it wise to bet on tptb? janus has peered into the future. Predictable outcome: Good Guys win. Not even close. In fact, you could call it a blood-bath:

You reap what you sow in this world. The metaphysical concept of equilibrium is what we call justice; justice necessarily involves punitive measures. You journalists are the custodians of democracy. You have abrogated your end of the social contract. You have betrayed The Public in service to wickedness. Whether you did so from fear or to curry favor with The People's enemies is largely immaterial, you cast your lot with evil which has for a while flourished -- you just so happen to be involved in the time of its to be you. In aiding and abetting the deception and fleecing of the public, you have several wars to your credit, rivers of blood stain you hands, the mass poisoning of the people has been undertaken as you advanced have not only sat back and watched The People suffer, you have contributed your life's work to that end.

Same as Nuremberg, 'just following orders' will not be a permissible defense. As to this equilibrium and its relationship to the concept of justice, when the punishments are meted out, they will be far more severe than you can now fathom, but they will be proportionate to the sentiments of the time. When the pendulum reaches the other extreme of its travel, when The People discover the level of your involvement and participation, an eye for an eye won't do -- they'll be demanding two. Mark my words, legacy media. Be ye therefore wise and know the signs of the times.

Donald Trump is just the beginning...there are several more volumes to this story...and the best part is, there's a very happy ending.

The little seeds cast about here on the Hedge have germinated and are starting to take root in The Public...just wait till they bloom:

{btw, the above song is from a band to which i give a five star recommendation...first such honor since Houndmouth...and so, i introduce the Hedge to Shovels and Rope (gotta love that name)}


[Oct 22, 2016] The Dangers of Centrist Internationalism

Responsibility to protect in reality degenerated in another means to launch the wars of neoliberal empire expansion.
Oct 22, 2016 |

The American Conservative

There was another part of the Post article I cited in my last post that I wanted to address:

"The dynamic is totally different from what I saw a decade ago" when Democratic and Republican elites were feuding over the invasion of Iraq, said Brian Katulis, a senior Middle East analyst at the Center for American Progress. Today, the focus among the foreign policy elite is on rebuilding a more muscular and more "centrist internationalism," he said [bold mine-DL].

Every term used in that last sentence is either misleading or flat-out wrong. A more aggressive policy in Syria or anywhere else shouldn't be described as "muscular" for a few reasons. For one thing, committing the U.S. to short-sighted and ill-conceived military interventions does nothing to enhance the strength or security of the country. Such a policy doesn't build strength–it wastes it. Calling an aggressive policy "muscular" betrays a bias that aggressive measures are the ones that demonstrate strength, when they usually just demonstrate policymakers' crude and clumsy approach to foreign problems. One might just as easily describe these policies as meat-headed instead.

"Centrist" is one of the most overused and abused words in our politics. The term is often used to refer to positions that are supposedly moderate, pragmatic, and relatively free of ideological bias, but here we can see that it refers to something very different. Many people that are considered to be "centrists" on the normal left-right political spectrum are frequently in favor of a much more aggressive foreign policy than the one we have now, but that doesn't make their foreign policy a moderate or pragmatic one. In fact, this "centrism" is not really a position in between the two partisan extremes, both of which would be satisfied with a less activist and interventionist foreign policy than we have today, but represents an extreme all its own.

Besides, there's nothing moderate or pragmatic about being determined to entangle the U.S. deeper in foreign wars, and that is what this so-called "centrist" foreign policy aims to do.

Likewise, it is fairly misleading to call what is being proposed here internationalist. It shows no respect for international law. Hawkish proposals to attack Syria or carve out "safe zones" by force simply ignore that the U.S. has no right or authority to do either of these things. There appears to be scant interest in pursuing international cooperation, except insofar as it is aimed at escalating existing conflicts. One would also look in vain for working through international institutions. The only thing that is international about this "centrist internationalism" seems to be that it seeks to inflict death and destruction on people in other countries.

[Oct 22, 2016] The alternative to trump is not a progressive candidate. It is a corrupt neocon warmonger with health problems

Oct 22, 2016 |

ilsm : , -1
The alternative to trump is not progressive.

A theme among trump supporters is "lack of trust". Who knows what Hillary* stands for and how the dnc spins.

The distrust flows with the progressive alliance with librul morals.

* aside from more bombing than bushco.

marcus nunes : , October 22, 2016 at 03:55 AM
Kocherlakota:"Another possibility, highlighted in Yellen's speech, is that the recovery engineered by the Fed was so slow that it did (possibly reversible) damage to the supply side -- for example, as long-term unemployment eroded the skills and motivation of workers"
Unfortunately they won´t give up their favorite Phillips Curve Model:
anne -> marcus nunes ... , October 22, 2016 at 05:35 AM
Really nice argument with which I agree, however I have also been wondering just how damage to the supply side has been done by these years of war:

September, 2016

US Budgetary Costs of Wars through 2016: $4.79 Trillion and Counting
Summary of Costs of the US Wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan and Homeland Security
By Neta C. Crawford

ilsm -> anne... , October 22, 2016 at 06:00 AM
The sovereign could blow things up to assure a fiction called 'security' or it could build things that are real.

Bastiat wrote about this 160 years ago, when Frances was building fortresses that failed 3 times from 1870.

marcus nunes -> anne... , October 22, 2016 at 06:35 AM
Anne, wars are certainly "destructive", but why should this one damage the supply side so much more than all the other wars?
anne -> marcus nunes ... , -1
Anne, wars are certainly "destructive", but why should this one damage the supply side so much more than all the other wars?

[ I would argue that the unprecedented amount of time taken by the wars, the important actual spending and what was not spent as a result of the constraint of spending on the wars. Also, while there was spending on the wars which bolstered the economy, I would argue this spending did relatively little to build a productive base for the economy.

We could properly argue that digging ditches and filling them in provides needed work and support for the economy in a recession, but we were lots better off productively because of New Deal ditch digging and filling designed for the Tennessee Valley Authority. ]

anne -> Global Famine Cannibalism... , October 22, 2016 at 08:14 AM
But just think what all of our pre-emptive invasions did to the global environment....

[ A refrain that I have often read, but have no reference just now, is that American militarism has been the price of economic advance or well-being. Likely because I am bothered by militarism and such a generality, I have never set down a reference. But, I have not thought about the environmental effects of war since 2001. ]

JohnH -> anne... , October 22, 2016 at 08:44 AM
The other problem with foreign wars is that, to the extent that money is spent abroad and stays there, they represent leakage to the US economy...IOW they are a contractionary force. Of course, there is no reporting on how much of the DOD budget gets spent abroad and stays there. However, leasing alone of 800 plus military bases can't be cheap...

OTOH digging ditches and filling them in keeps money in the economy and probably even has a positive multiplier.

anne -> JohnH... , -1
The money spent abroad argument is faulty as such, since dollars spent in abroad on development programs will in turn be spent in the United States. China has begun a "one belt, one road" program in which large, large sums will be spent on infrastructure from Russia and Mongolia to Laos and Cambodia to Pakistan and Bangladesh... to build an Asian trading network.

Money spent abroad on fighting however is another matter.

anne -> marcus nunes ... , -1

November, 2003

The Most Technologically Progressive Decade of the Century
By Alexander J. Field


There is now an emerging consensus that over the course of U.S. economic history, multifactor productivity grew fastest over a broad plateau between 1905 and 1966, and within that period, in the two decades following 1929. This paper argues that the bulk of the achieved productivity levels in 1948 had already been attained before full scale war mobilization in 1942. It was not principally the war that laid the foundation for postwar prosperity. It was technological progress across a broad frontier of the American economy during the 1930s.

Ghost of Christmas Future : , -1
$800 billion trade deficit still not a major topic in economics. This is incredible. The US has only 5% of the world's population yet we are absorbing more than a third of the global trade surplus of surplus economies.

Is it easier for 5% of the world to absorb $800 billion a year in annual trade deficits or would it be easier for 95% of the world able to do that? A trade surplus for the US of $800 billion is much more reasonable. A swing of $1.6 trillion in aggregate demand would have enormous consequences for US development, stability and unemployment levels. A commitment to industry, combined with low interest loans, government contracts and high tariffs would lead to a boom in industrial investment rather than its virtual absence. The working class could actually find jobs working again rather than being forced into the drug trade and prison - even people in the destroyed cities of Camden, Chicago and Buffalo could find hope again. We could get 10-14% annual GDP growth as 25-50 factories were built a day. (We lost 15 a day from 2000-2010 with our economists not noticing or caring) Why does the US settle for economic destruction when Vietnam, Singapore, China, Israel etc. etc. show that growth and development are easy? Why must we accept poverty and deindustrialization? Why do Americans need to be forced to return to stone age subsistence agriculture, street commerce, prostitution, begging, the drug trade?

The pointless destruction of the US as an economy, center of wealth and technology continues apace without attracting any attention from our serious economists. Trump should continue to focus on his message - Clinton won't fix anything, and things may very well collapse between now and November 2020. At which point Trump will be ideally positioned to champion the 40-70% of the population that is "new poor". Our last hope is that Trump wins in November 2016 or Nov. 2020 and as soon as he takes office both disbands all economics departments and raises tariffs to the necessary 300-400% range. Anything else is continued insane economic suicide.

ilsm -> Fred C. Dobbs... , -1
Hegemon needs all the tools it can scrape up to perpetrate its evil.

Obama was going to end Iraghistan, now US has done Libya, is doing Syria and still losing lives and wasting treasure in Iraghistan.

Obama advocated a nuclear free world until someone offered a reason to add $30B a year to the pentagon trough.

Safety and reliability is a sham in the pentagon trough.

The only use of nuclear weapons is extending the terror bpmbing which Le May and Bomber Harris perfected.

Smaller nuclear yields add the the useless but very expensive read profitable strategy of bombing them "into the stone age".

If the only strategy is count body bags then small nukes fit.

Bottom line hegemon war is immoral.

Adding $30B a year is adding opportunity cost to the immoral!

Love of "security" (cash for the trough) is the root of all evil.

ilsm -> anne... , -1
$30B a year for nuclear arms modifications on top of the spending keeping the existing A-bombs ready to blow away the world for the hege0mon!!!!!

Russia and China spending less than half the pentagon core budgets which do not include the munificent war supplements.

Between Russia's $78B a year and China's $140B per year they have a long way to go with the US putting $500B a year in the core pentagon trough and adding plus ups for bombing Assad.

However, if China is as efficient in war as in manufactures the $500B riddled with waste and welfare is concerning.

[Oct 22, 2016] Green Party leader Jill Stins views

Oct 22, 2016 |

Waldenpond October 21, 2016 at 6:31 pm

QCenk: Russia destroying Aleppo.

Stein: Stop beating war drums. NATO surround Russia, war games around russia, fake nucs as prep for war, Clinton virtual declaration of war no fly zone, Brzyenski neo-con has changed, Aleppo horrible US broke cease fire, we are not the bad guys, no good guys or bad guys, need honest brokers instead of tools of defense industry (Kerry good).

QCenk: less war footing, were would you use force. Ex. Syria: Bagdadi, can we drone strike?
A: Israel had Eichmann, they did not take him out, they complied w/inter law, captured, tried, paid price, world of laws or bullies, I would use a force were int law, when under imminent threat or under attack.
Q: Special forces like they did with Bin Laden or no?
A: SF acceptable in policing.
Q:Judgment in court would you enforce.
A: Inter respected rules Yes. Drones are assassination program. Mobilize population against us. No drones as a weapon of war.
Q: Iraq/Syria: Our allies say they are advancing on Iraq what would you do. Brinkmanship, engage weapons embargo, US, Russia, allies. ISIS success supported by allies, cut that support by Saudis, hold Baghdad for weeks but reversed, blindly continue? Fails and creates next generation.
Q: If Russia goes into Estonia to protect some Russians, what would you do?
Communicate starting now, brinkmanship, surrounding Russia, reverse of Cuban missile crisis.
Q: That's long term, what is short term plan.
A: Estonia member of NATO. Obliged by NATO contract. Bacevich-let NATO take care of Europe. Create truly defensible policy.

RWood October 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Who is on her cabinet list?

Lambert Strether Post author October 22, 2016 at 2:06 am

My question, too. For example, if Stephanie Kelton were Stein's nominee for Treasury, I wouldn't worry so much about Stein's views on what quantitiative easing can and cannot do.

Lambert Strether Post author October 22, 2016 at 2:47 am

I went looking. The official GP site links to the "Green Shadow Cabinet" site ("The Green Shadow Cabinet of the United States is a civic project not sponsored by or affiliated with any political party," so who knows whether it's really authoritative, despite the GP link). From the Cabinet Members page:

Ellen Brown, Secretary of the Treasury

Oh, dear…

Yves Smith October 22, 2016 at 2:55 am

I hate to be a critic of someone who has her heart in the right place. but agreed in spades. Brown so does not understand the Fed, money and banking that I sometimes wonder if she's a plant to make people on the left spout ideas that will discredit them.

meeps October 22, 2016 at 3:36 am

The Green Shadow Cabinet was around during the 2012 elections. They are placeholders for these positions though not yet official. I don't know if all the 'appointments' are current (I see 2015 dates), so some of them may have changed.

Yves, I know you don't need homework (thanks for all you do here), but if you have a moment and are so inclined, maybe contact the campaign with your concerns about Brown and offer an opinion as to why the choice discredits them or their aims? Or don't. I realize your time and experience is valuable and more suited to remunerated advising than free opining.

In any case, didn't Kelton endorse Clinton?

Waldenpond October 21, 2016 at 6:38 pm

Q6: Energy from coal etc. Stein: green new jobs etc.
Q: push.. short term would you shut down the coal mines? Stein? 17 years to zero out fossil fuels. Emergency put people to work in other industries, solar, transportation, rail, or light rail or it's curtains in a matter of decades. 2060 10,20,30 feet of sea rise. Goodbye population centers, nuclear plants will go Fukashima, where does money come from? 1/2 T essential for our survival. Organizer in the white house instead of bloated military, or tax wall street .2%.
Q: cenk still pushing. European countries limit coal mines, so would you say no more coal mines, no oil drilling?
Stein: you can't negotiate with environment, climate. More jobs to be created by doing what science says to do. zero mean zero. Scientists say play with fire. EPA to protect environment and health, extinction is not compatible with health.
Taking a break and then back to : are you a spoiler?

Waldenpond October 21, 2016 at 7:01 pm

Q7: can't hear, hopefully someone will repeat?
Stein: dealing with congress that doesn't get anything done and a Pres that does opposite of elected purpose? Turn the wh into the Green house. Political house of cards is falling down. Dislike, distrusted candidates. When? organize for life saving, civiliZation saving event. Organizer and chief. Lobbyists calling the shots, predatory banks etc, we the public locked out, vast number to mobilize end student debt, health care, agenda doable, flood offices insisting (she's meandering) on green new deal, phone, e-mail, show up. Quaking in boots, organized political power we have.
Q8: Campaign finance, lobby etc seems rigged, how to overcome?
Stein: passed Camp finance reform thru referendum as 85% D legislature wouldn't do it. Public financing, money no longer in control can't buy elections, holding airwarve hostage to corp profiteering, not rocket science. Mass. Ds repealed public finance on voice vote, worser evil to make themselves inevitable. (At least she admits what her state did was an ultimate failure)
Cenk: Constitutional amendment, what would it say? Stein: Yes, CU not only problem, distorted constitution, money is not speech, 1$ 1 Vote, corps not people, we have the right to democratically decide.
Cenk: Clinton too, within first 30 days?
Stein: Clinton only refers to unaccountable money pretends to support, ok declared money,
Q9: If someone doesn't want Trump, vote for you instead of Clinton?
Stein: 4 out fo 10 don't vote, it will be 6 out of 10, stand up, what is exit strategy of greater and lesser evil, Trumps' statements, Clinton's acts Libya, bombing Muslims, D, unfathomable hr vilations against immigration, coup in Honduras and refugees, R hate and fear, D deportation and night raids, they get worse more corp, more militarist, interrupt the downward spiral. Trump scumbag smokescreen for economic predators once Clinton wins, SS privatization, fool me once, twice, three, vote like your lives depend on it because they do.
Cenk: T or C, who would you pick?
Difference not enough to save your job, environment, climate etc. I will not sleep wll if T elected. I will not sleep well if C elected either, war with Russia. This is a democracy.
Q10: drug war, 160,000 died against cartels, 1T$, drug use hasn't dropped. Alcohol prohibition makes more powerful, drug also. Lack of regulation, arrests (every 25 seconds) legalize, tax, regulate all drugs as prohibition makes it work?
Stein: Instruct DEA to use science what will and won't be scheduled. Marijuana off, pulls rug out from under mafioso industry. Decriminalize, health issue, needs more study. Legalize marijuana.
MCR for all discussion.

Waldenpond October 21, 2016 at 7:11 pm

Ooh, here we go: Sam Seder question: Some are voting to get the GP to 5%, 100 in office but that is less statewide. Do you have a plan for off years and what is it? (I'm betting she won't answer)

Stein: So much we can do, fear campaign delivers what we're afraid of, this democracy not for us, stand up, (still no plan) make most progressive vote, rank choice voting, politics of fear, moral compass, raise up local candidates, go to website, donate, independent parties lead the way, abolition spoilers, (still no plan) Abraham Lincoln, stand up like your lives depend on it…… nope, no plan.

[Oct 22, 2016] You would have to be so incompetent as to need a daily caregiver to be a liberal activist and not know Hillary Clinton despises you.

Notable quotes:
"... Nonsense. You would have to be so incompetent as to need a daily caregiver to be a "liberal" activist and not know Hillary Clinton despises you. ..."
"... Didn't click on the link. I presume this is just face-saving blather from inside the pen. ..."
"... It's compatible with Hillary's three-act campaign's third act of "putting the Party back together" with the solvent glue of conflation and the structural adhesive of Stronger Together ("get in mah fasces, maggots"). ..."
Oct 22, 2016 |

Kim Kaufman October 21, 2016 at 6:13 pm

Some fun dish in here: WikiLeaks poisons Hillary's relationship with left. After learning how Clinton feels about them, liberals vow to push back against her agenda and appointments.

aab October 21, 2016 at 6:53 pm

I'm sorry, it took WIKILEAKS to figure this out?

Nonsense. You would have to be so incompetent as to need a daily caregiver to be a "liberal" activist and not know Hillary Clinton despises you.

Didn't click on the link. I presume this is just face-saving blather from inside the pen. Gotta pretend you're not in the pen to get more calves in there with you. If they can actually see the wires and the prods, it takes more effort to get them down the chute.

hunkerdown October 21, 2016 at 7:16 pm

It's a decent bit of dish, but what one gets out of the forced synonymy of "liberal" and "left" and "progressive" depends on what priors one brings in with it, and I don't think I'll wait for the third time around before calling it as enemy design.

It's compatible with Hillary's three-act campaign's third act of "putting the Party back together" with the solvent glue of conflation and the structural adhesive of Stronger Together ("get in mah fasces, maggots").

Today's aptrogram from professional political kayfabe: Amanda Marcotte → At Drama, Moan Etc.

Vatch October 22, 2016 at 1:22 pm

I'm sorry, it took WIKILEAKS to figure this out?

I agree with this. All a person has to do is look at a few of her votes in the Senate to see how right wing she is. Some examples (which I posted during the primaries - sorry for the repetition):

With the exception of a few social issues, Hillary Clinton is a right wing Republican.

[Oct 22, 2016] The Soul Of The Clinton Machine

Oct 22, 2016 |

She is a Democrat only by name. In reality she is a wolf in sheep clothing -- a neoliberal (and a neocon -- a warmonger with the distinct anti-Russian bet) that betrayed working people and middle class long ago and pandering only to the top 1%. The while "clitonized" Democratic party is the party of top 1% (top 10% at best). Rejection of Hillary is just rejection of Demorats (neoliberal democrats) betrayal of working and middle classes. It remains to be seen f Wall Street managed to push her thrith the thoat of Americal people, despite all re revultion her candidacy evoke, her corruption and her failing health.
The American Conservative
Charles Krauthammer, explaining why he's not voting for either Trump or Clinton , says this about Hillary, in light of the recent Wikileaks revelations:

The soullessness of [Clinton's] campaign - all ambition and entitlement - emerges almost poignantly in the emails, especially when aides keep asking what the campaign is about. In one largely overlooked passage, Clinton complains that her speechwriters have not given her any overall theme or rationale. Isn't that the candidate's job? Asked one of her aides , Joel Benenson: "Do we have any sense from her what she believes or wants her core message to be?"

It's that emptiness at the core that makes every policy and position negotiable and politically calculable. Hence the embarrassing about-face on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after the popular winds swung decisively against free trade.

So too with financial regulation, as in Dodd-Frank . As she told a Goldman Sachs gathering, after the financial collapse there was "a need to do something because, for political reasons . . . you can't sit idly by and do nothing."

Of course, we knew all this. But we hadn't seen it so clearly laid out. Illicit and illegal as is WikiLeaks, it is the camera in the sausage factory. And what it reveals is surpassingly unpretty.

Read the whole thing.

Who on the left is genuinely excited about voting for Hillary Clinton? Sure, there are some, but she strikes me as being a Democratic figure who's a lot like Mitt Romney was on the Right: the perfect distillation of a kind of Establishmentarianism within their own party. (I hasten to say that whatever my disagreement with Romney over policy might have been, he always struck me as a thoroughly decent person. Hillary Clinton … not.) It is hard to think of two more different figures on the Right than Mitt Romney and Donald Trump - temperamentally and otherwise. Yet within four years, the GOP convulsed so much that it got Donald Trump. What Trump's triumph over the GOP Establishment showed was its deep weakness. It just needed a strong push.

Might that be the case for the Democrats post-Clinton? Who is the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party? Where might he come from? I don't think we can see him (or her) now, but I have a hunch that he's out there. I find it hard to believe that the Democrats are not going to be immune to the same economic and cultural forces that dismantled the GOP. I could be wrong. Her sort of conniving, careerist, technocratic liberalism surely is not long for this world. Yes? Posted in Democrats , Presidential politics . Tagged Charles Krauthammer , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton .

[Oct 22, 2016] Hillary needs advisors like Paul Krugman to whitewash her sellout to Wall Street.

Oct 22, 2016 |

anne : October 22, 2016 at 09:59 AM , 2016 at 09:59 AM

October 22, 2016

Debt, Diversion, Distraction
By Paul Krugman


There was a time, not long ago, when deficit scolds were actively dangerous - when their huffing and puffing came quite close to stampeding Washington into really bad policies like raising the Medicare age (which wouldn't even have saved money) and short-term fiscal austerity. At this point their influence doesn't reach nearly that far. But they continue to play a malign role in our national discourse - because they divert and distract attention from much more deserving problems, depriving crucial issues of political oxygen.

You saw that in the debates: four, count them, four questions about debt from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, not one about climate change. And you see it again in today's New York Times, with Pete Peterson (of course) and Paul Volcker (sigh) lecturing us * about the usual stuff.

What's so bad about this kind of deficit scolding? It's deeply misleading on two levels: the problem it purports to lay out is far less clearly a major issue than the scolds claim, and the insistence that we need immediate action is just incoherent.

So, about that supposed debt crisis: right now we have a more or less stable ratio of debt to GDP, and no hint of a financing problem. So claims that we are facing something terrible rest on the presumption that the budget situation will worsen dramatically over time. How sure are we about that? Less than you may imagine.

Yes, the population is getting older, which means more spending on Medicare and Social Security. But it's already 2016, which means that quite a few baby boomers are already drawing on those programs; by 2020 we'll be about halfway through the demographic transition, and current estimates don't suggest a big budget problem.

Why, then, do you see projections of a large debt increase? The answer lies not in a known factor - an aging population - but in assumed growth in health care costs and rising interest rates. And the truth is that we don't know that these are going to happen. In fact, health costs have grown much more slowly since 2010 than previously projected, and interest rates have been much lower. As the chart above shows, taking these favorable surprises into account has already drastically reduced long-run debt projections. These days the long-run outlook looks vastly less scary than people used to imagine.

Still, it's probably true that something will eventually have to be done to bring spending and revenues in line. But that brings me to the second point: why is this a crucial issue right now?

Are debt scolds demanding that we slash spending and raise taxes right away? Actually, no: the economy is still weak, interest rates still low (meaning that the Fed can't offset fiscal tightening with easy money), and as a matter of macroeconomic prudence we should probably be running bigger, not smaller deficits in the medium term. So proposals to "deal with" the supposed debt problem always involve long-term cuts in benefits and (reluctantly) increases in taxes. That is, they don't involve actual policy moves now, or for the next 5-10 years.

So why is it so important to take up the issue right now, with so much else on our plate?

Put it this way: yes, it's possible that we may at some point in the future have to cut benefits. But deficit scolds talk as if they offer a way to avoid this fate, when in fact their solution to the prospect of future benefit cuts is … to cut future benefits.

If you try really hard, you can argue that locking in policies now for this future adjustment will make the transition smoother. But that is really a second-order issue, hardly deserving to take up a lot of our time. By putting the debt question aside, we are NOT in any material way making the future worse.

And that is a total contrast with climate change, where our failure to act means pouring vast quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, materially increasing the odds of catastrophe with every year we wait.

So my message to the deficit scolds is this: yes, we may face some hard choices a couple of decades from now. But we might not, and in any case there aren't any choices that must be made now. Meanwhile, there are genuinely scary things happening as we speak, which we should be taking on but aren't. And your fear-mongering is distracting us from these real problems. Therefore, I would respectfully request that you people just go away.


ilsm -> anne... , -1
Hillary needs important advisors like paul v and pete p to help her sell out to wall st.........

[Oct 22, 2016] I keep trying to imagine what special interest is so invested in the no-fly zone that they can force Hillary to keep proposing it, even though it is obviously no longer feasible

Oct 22, 2016 |

Procopius October 22, 2016 at 10:06 am

I keep trying to imagine what special interest is so invested in the no-fly zone that they can force Hillary to keep proposing it, even though it is obviously no longer feasible. Is it just inertia? She is so used to pushing the idea that she brings it up without thinking, and then has to dodge out of the way? But the whole situation has passed out of the realm of rational thought. It reminds me of Vietnam.

The idea the South and North Vietnam were separate countries was never true, but John Foster Dulles insisted on repeating the lie at every opportunity and after a while the Village all started to believe it.

None of the stated goals in Syria make any sense any longer (if the ever did), but we keep pursuing them. Scary.

[Oct 22, 2016] payments for some of Bill and Hillary's activities (non-speech related and easier to hide), ie lobbying for foreign governments and corporations, were structured through holding companies in Singapore, Hong Kong

Oct 22, 2016 |

Cry Shop October 22, 2016 at 4:10 am

Bill Clinton has a mysterious shell-company

Trump could not be the only candidate under reporting family income. It's been pretty common talk among the chambers of commerce in Asia that payments for some of Bill and Hillary's activities (non-speech related and easier to hide), ie lobbying for foreign governments and corporations, were structured through holding companies in Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

Certainly having a on-shore tax shell is an important part of repatriation, just in time for Hillary's promised tax holiday.

[Oct 22, 2016] Nationalists and Populists Poised to Dominate European Balloting

Oct 21, 2016 |

As Europeans assess the fallout from the U.K.'s Brexit referendum , they face a series of elections that could equally shake the political establishment. In the coming 12 months, four of Europe's five largest economies have votes that will almost certainly mean serious gains for right-wing populists and nationalists. Once seen as fringe groups, France's National Front, Italy's Five Star Movement, and the Freedom Party in the Netherlands have attracted legions of followers by tapping discontent over immigration, terrorism, and feeble economic performance. "The Netherlands should again become a country of and for the Dutch people," says Evert Davelaar, a Freedom Party backer who says immigrants don't share "Western and Christian values."

... ... ....

The populists are deeply skeptical of European integration, and those in France and the Netherlands want to follow Britain's lead and quit the European Union. "Political risk in Europe is now far more significant than in the United States," says Ajay Rajadhyaksha, head of macro research at Barclays.

... ... ...

...the biggest risk of the nationalist groundswell: increasingly fragmented parliaments that will be unable or unwilling to tackle the problems hobbling their economies. True, populist leaders might not have enough clout to enact controversial measures such as the Dutch Freedom Party's call to close mosques and deport Muslims. And while the Brexit vote in June helped energize Eurosceptics, it's unlikely that any major European country will soon quit the EU, Morgan Stanley economists wrote in a recent report. But they added that "the protest parties promise to turn back the clock" on free-market reforms while leaving "sclerotic" labour and market regulations in place. France's National Front, for example, wants to temporarily renationalise banks and increase tariffs while embracing cumbersome labour rules widely blamed for chronic double-digit unemployment. Such policies could damp already weak euro zone growth, forecast by the International Monetary Fund to drop from 2 percent in 2015 to 1.5 percent in 2017. "Politics introduces a downside skew to growth," the economists said.

[Oct 21, 2016] This Election Circus Is A Disservice To The People

Notable quotes:
"... Once again, during the last hour of the third debate, Clinton reiterated her position on a 'no fly zone' and 'safe zones' in Syria. She is absolutely committed to this policy position which aligns with the anonymous 50+ state dept lifers and Beltway neocons stance. ..."
"... Trump's candidacy = sovereignty - NO War. Clinton's candidacy = Globalism - WAR. Your vote is either for War or against War. It's that simple... ..."
"... Simply incredible the borg,and all those who say she is a lock are in for a big surprise,as Americans don't believe the serial liars anymore. ..."
"... It will be a 'fuck you' vote more than a vote for The Don. ..."
"... The dems forgot to switch off the internet. The anti-Trump MSM campaign is so total and over the top because it has to be --> CNN is so last century. No one is getting out of bed to vote Hillary. ..."
"... Step away from your TVs, smartphones and computers with your brains in the air. Let them breathe freely. ..."
"... Clinton seems to have had some of the questions ahead of time. She seemed to be reading the answers off a telepromter in her lecturn. ..."
"... He should declare that Hillary helped arm Al Qaeda to topple Assad for her banker buddies (cant mention the Jewishness/Israeli Firsterism of the 'neocons' of course, not because false but because true) and will be happy to send African Americans and Latinos to die for 'oil companies' and her 'banker friends' and after decades of establishment Dems promising the sky, maybe they dont need an inveterate liar who arms Islamic terrorists. ..."
"... Hillary armed Al Qaeda and possibly ISIS - both AngloZionist proxies. How in the fuck is she not in jail??? ..."
"... As Noam Chomsky has pointed out, duopolistic elections are merely mechanisms of manufactured consent. When each of the major parties are controlled by the different factions of the oligarchy, there is only afforded the option to vote for the ideology put forth by each oligarchic group. ..."
"... What fascinates me is how Obama went all public about Trumps assertions of rigged elections. It appears the puppet masters are very afraid of a "cynical" (realistic) population. Manufactured consent only works if people play the game. As evidenced in South Africa when no one showed up to vote, the government collapsed. ..."
"... "Your vote is either for War or against War. It's that simple." Is this being lost sight off amongst all the noise? I hope not, for the sake of the Ukrainians and the Syrians. And for the sake of the countries yet to be destabilised. ..."
"... A vote for Clinton = War and a vote for Trump = NO war ..."
"... Don't know when WH was created but the domain name was registered (in Beirut not Syria) in August 2014 and it is hosted on Cloudflare in Texas. Maybe it took some time get the brand recognition going? ..."
"... she also tends to repeat the same talking points 900 times so i knew what she'd say before she said it. did catch her whining about imaginary "russian rigging". again; no surprise there. ..."
"... as for trump, he mentioned abortion stuff more than usual in what i'm guessing is an attempt to win back any jesus freaks he lost with the billy bush tape. ..."
"... For the first time I listened to a Trump speech - delivered in Florida on the 13th of this month. What struck me is how much the media attacks on him and his family have got to him. He mentions how he could have settled for a leisurely retirement, but that he felt he had to do something for his country. ..."
"... perhaps he hadn't quite realized the array of power that is lined up against him. They are not going to let one dude wreck their party. ..."
"... It examines Trump through the prism as a likely "Jacksonian Conservative", who are not dissimilar to traditional conservatives but are not non-interventionists as such, just far more honest about their interventionism (as they are unburdened by the neocon bullshit about "killing them to make them barbarians more civilised") and really only likely to want to apply aggression where they feel that fundamental American interests are threatened. ..."
"... Getting Julian Assange's internet connection cut off just makes the Obama regime look even more stupid and pathetic now. The document dumps keep on coming. Did they really think they would stop that by shutting off the LAN in the Ecuadoran embassy? ..."
"... The underlying problem seems to be that John Podesta bought into the marketing bullshit about The Cloud. So he kept all his very sensitive correspondence at his Gmail account, apparently using it as the archive of his correspondence. ..."
"... I don't know if we'll ever know who hacked his account. It is not that hard to do, so it doesn't really require a "state actor". Google only gives you a few tries at entering your password, so Podesta's account couldn't have been hacked by randomly trying every possibility. Somehow, the hacker got the actual password. Either it was exposed somewhere, or it was obtained by spear phishing . That involves sending your target an email that directs him to a Web page that asks him to enter his password. All that's required to do that is being able to write a plausible email, and setting up a Web site to mimic the Web site where the account you want to hack resides, Gmail in this case. ..."
"... Nearly all information technology security breaches are insider jobs, genuine crackers/hackers are rare. Wikileaks is by far the most likely being fed from the inside of the DNC etc. and/or from their suppliers or security detail by people that are disgusted, have personal vendettas, and so on. It's the real Anonymous, anyone anywhere, not the inept CIA stooges or the faux organized or ideological pretenders. In addition any analyst at the NSA with access to XKeyScore can supply Wikileaks with all the Podesta emails on a whim in less than half an hour of "work" and the actual data to be sent would be gotten with a single XKeyScore database query. That sort of query is exactly what the XKeyScore backend part was built to do as documented by Snowden and affirmed by Binney and others. ..."
"... Duterte may well be flawed but he has a keen nose for where things are heading, Filipinos should be proud of him. ..."
"... 'Hillary "We will follow ISIS to Raqqa to take it "back"' (take Raqqa back from the Syrians?) ..."
"... The crazy hyper-entitled White Supremacist bi*ch is beyond any belief. ..."
"... Jesus Christ, Adolf F. Hitler would've blushed if he said some of her shit. This woman admits she is a war criminal in real time. ..."
"... If Hillary is elected, she will be haunted by her 'mistakes' and by the exposure of her double face by Wikileaks. She is stigmatized as 'crooked Hillary' and as an unreliable decision maker. From now on, all her decisions will be tainted with suspicion. I doubt that she'll be able to lead the country properly during the 4 years she hopes to stay in power. ..."
"... the United States has strayed from its democratically-based roots to become a banking and corporate plutocracy. ..."
Oct 21, 2016 |

Via Adam Johnson:

"Total mentions all 4 debates:

The candidates are not the first to blame for this. The first to blame are the moderators of such debates, the alleged journalists 8and their overlords) who do not ask questions that are relevant for the life of the general votes and who do not intervene at all when the debaters run off course. The second group to blame are the general horse-race media who each play up their (owner's) special-interest hobbyhorses as if those will be the decisive issue for the next four years. The candidates fight for the attention of these media and adopt to them.

I didn't watch yesterday's debate but every media I skimmed tells me that Clinton was gorgeous and Trump very bad. That means she said what they wanted to hear and Trump didn't. It doesn't say what other people who watched though of it. Especially in the rural parts of the country they likely fear the consequences of climate change way more than Russia, ISIS and Iran together.

Another reason why both candidates avoided to bring up the issues low in the list above is that both hold positions that are socially somewhat liberal and both are corporatists. None of those low ranked issues is personally relevant to them. No realistic answer to these would better their campaign finances or their personal standing in the circles they move in. Personally they are both east coast elite and don't give a fu***** sh** what real people care about.

As far as I can discern it from the various reports no new political issues were touched. Clinton ran her usual focus group tested lies while Trump refrained from attacking her hard. A huge mistake in my view. He can beat her by attacking her really, really hard, not on issues but personality. Her disliked rate (like Trump's) is over -40%. She is vulnerable on many, many things in her past. Her foreign policy is way more aggressive than most voters like. Calling this back into mind again and again could probably send her below -50%. Who told him to leave that stuff alone? Trump is a major political disruption . He should have emphasized that but he barely hinted at it for whatever reason.

The voters are served badly -if at all- by the TV debates in their current form. These do not explain real choices. That is what this whole election circus should be about. But that is no longer the case and maybe it never was.

rg the lg | Oct 20, 2016 10:19:53 AM | 10
I watched a couple of minutes of the Hillary&Donald show. Then got a book and read instead.

Granted the Queen of Chaos will now have an empire to rule over ... but there will be no honeymoon - there are a lot of issues that will dog her heels irrespective of the so-called press trying to help cover-up. The good news in that is the probability of political gridlock. The bad news is that the QoC will have almost no control over her neo-con handlers, the military nor the CIA ...

It's going to be a helluva ride. The DuhMurriKKKan people have little to do with anything ... and it is possible the economy may show a slight increase as the DuhMurriKKKan people do what they've been trained to do: go on a shopping spree for shit they don't need on the grounds that it'll make them feel better.

Plus, the DNC bus did dump shit in the street in Georgia ... a fitting symbol for politics in Dumb-shit-MurriKKKah. Doh!

chipnik | Oct 20, 2016 10:41:32 AM | 12

"In this venue, your honours, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte said to applause at a Chinese forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli. "Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."

Obviously, TheRealDonald's missing Minot nuke will be visiting the Duterte presidential compound shortly after the Trump-Clinton fraud selection, then Der Decider, whoever plays that 'hope and chains' spox role for Deep State, will announce it was a 'Russian strike', against US 'peace-keeping' forces in the Western Pacific, and then proceed accordingly to attack and occupy Crimea, to 'protect our BFF in the Middle East, Israel'.

Deep State has already cued up a SCOTUS decision on Citizens United Ultra for 2017. QEn+ already cued up to support junk T-bonds for 'The Wall' or 'The Infrastructure'. US national 'debt' (sic) will hit $25,000,000,000,000 by 2020, then it's game over.

Diana | Oct 20, 2016 10:42:18 AM | 13
Suggestion: never report on a debate you didn't watch. Trump came out very strongly against abortion.
Danny801 | Oct 20, 2016 10:47:48 AM | 15
as an American citizen, I am truly terrified of this election. Hillary Clinton will most likely start WW3 to serve her masters in Saudi Arabia which seek to eliminate Iran and Russia. Most of us who read this page see Russia as the country fighting terrorist and the US as the one supporting terrorism. Not good. The problem is Trump does himself no favors with the women voters. This election I think also put the world and the normally clueless and self centered American citizens that we are in alot of trouble. The fact that these are the two candidates means we are in serious decline. The world has known that for a while and to be honest, a multi polar world is a good thing
dahoit | Oct 20, 2016 10:48:48 AM | 16
And the Russian stuff, Trump had to be somewhat combative vs Russia, as the meme is Russia is helping him. So simple to read.
SmoothieX12 | Oct 20, 2016 10:55:06 AM | 17
@15, Danny801
Hillary Clinton will most likely start WW3 to serve her masters in Saudi Arabia which seek to eliminate Iran and Russia

Saudis are dumb, it was about them, now famous, Lavrov's phrase--debily, blyad' (fvcking morons), but even they do understand that should the shit hit the fan--one of the first targets (even in the counter-force mode) will be Saudi territory with one of the specific targets being Saudi royal family and those who "serve" them. It is time to end Wahhabi scourge anyway.

rg the lg | Oct 20, 2016 11:12:29 AM | 18
For the Eric Zeuss haters amongst the commentariat - give him hell:

For the open minded, This is an article worth mulling:

PokeTheTruth | Oct 20, 2016 11:43:56 AM | 22

Neither candidate is even remotely qualified to be the executive. Declare "None of The Above" and stay home and don't vote on November 8th.
Qoppa | Oct 20, 2016 11:50:24 AM | 23
I watched, it was boring. And I agree, Trump should have been more on the offensive, but with more precision, not just his usual rambling.

jdmckay | Oct 20, 2016 10:26:19 AM | 11
He tried to distance himself from Putin, oddly the only thing he had going for him in my book (realization Putin's got things done right, things we should have done, and US has lied about it). Trump backed off...
YES, major point.

Here is a good take

h | Oct 20, 2016 11:56:00 AM | 24
Once again, during the last hour of the third debate, Clinton reiterated her position on a 'no fly zone' and 'safe zones' in Syria. She is absolutely committed to this policy position which aligns with the anonymous 50+ state dept lifers and Beltway neocons stance.

This irresponsible, shortsighted, deadly position alone disqualifies her completely from serving as Commander in Chief.

Imagine, if you will, she wins. She convenes her military advisors and they discuss how to implement this policy - no fly zone. Dunsford tells her, again, if said policy were to be implemented we, the US, would risk shooting down a Russian fighter jet(s) who is safeguarding, by invitation, the air space of the sovereign state of Syria. She says that is a risk we must take b/c our 'clients' Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel are demanding such action and Assad must go.

Kaboom - we either have a very real WWIII scenario on our hands OR a complete revolt by our armed forces...nobody in their right mind wants to go to war with Russia...and I'm no longer convinced she's in her right mind.

So, what if Hillary wants WWIII?

What if this is in her and her fellow travelers long-term game 'Global' plan?

What if she's insane enough to believe the U.S. and our allies could beat Russia and their allies?

What if she gets back into the WH and we spend the next four years poking, taunting, propagandizing pure hate and fear at the bear all the while brainwashing the American psyche to hate, loathe and fear all things Russian? How maddening will that be? Haven't we already been through enough psychological warfare?

What if one of the next steps in the New World Order or Global governments game plan is to untether the U.S. military from the shores of the U.S. and grow it into a Global government military force? You know, the world's police force.

What if they scenario'd out WWIII plans and the implementation of a no fly zone in Syria is where it all begins?

What if this is the reason Clinton isn't budging from her 'no fly zone' position? She wants war. She believes we can win the war. If we win the war the American Globalists morph into 'World' leaders.

Who in the hell would want this other than those that are quietly leading and championing this monster. I don't. Do you?

This election is about one thing and one thing only. The people of the United States, our founding documents, our sovereignty vs the American Globalist class, their control and their Global government wet dream.

Trump's candidacy = sovereignty - NO War. Clinton's candidacy = Globalism - WAR. Your vote is either for War or against War. It's that simple...

MadMax2 | Oct 20, 2016 12:18:04 PM | 26
Simply incredible the borg,and all those who say she is a lock are in for a big surprise,as Americans don't believe the serial liars anymore.

dahoit | Oct 20, 2016 10:47:07 AM | 14

I believe your assertion is correct. A low turn out, monster win is out there. It will be a 'fuck you' vote more than a vote for The Don. I would imagine a lot of people are in for a shock - and a bigger shock than the public backlash against austerity that Brexit was, where 'respected' polling was off by 10 points by election day.

The dems forgot to switch off the internet. The anti-Trump MSM campaign is so total and over the top because it has to be --> CNN is so last century. No one is getting out of bed to vote Hillary.

ArthurGilroy | Oct 20, 2016 12:34:11 PM | 27
Scylla and Charybdis. Does it really matter much which one wins? I await the collapse of this empire and pray that it does not totally explode. What we say and/or think will make absolutely no difference to the final result. The controllers are in control and have been so since the assassination '60s.

Step away from your TVs, smartphones and computers with your brains in the air. Let them breathe freely.

May you be born(e) into interesting times.


PokeTheTruth | Oct 20, 2016 12:43:53 PM | 28
@27 I completely agree, Arthur.

The Strait of Messina is dangerous waters so the American public's only logical recourse is to steer the ship of democracy towards sense and sensibility and let go the anchor of "None of The Above". The people must demand new candidates who are worthy of holding the Office of the President. The federal bureaucracy will continue to run the government through September of 2017, plenty of time for a new election.

Declare Tuesday, November 8th a national day of voter independence and stay home!

chipnik | Oct 20, 2016 12:44:41 PM | 29

That's a simply ludicrous position to take! Trump's 'The Wall' together with 'Defeat ISIS' together with 'Stand with Israel' is EXACTLY the same Yinon Plan as Clinton's, although it probably spares the poor folks in Crimea, now under the Russian Oligarchy, and does nothing at all for the poor folks of Ukraine, now under the Israeli Junta Coup.

Either candidate is proposing soon $TRILLION Full Battle Rattle NeoCon DOD-DHS-NSA-CIA There's zero daylight between them. The only difference is Trump will make sure that the Exceptionals are relieved of any tax burden, while Clinton will make sure the burden falls on the Middle Class. Again, there is zero daylight between them. For every tax increase, Mil.Gov.Fed.Biz receives the equivalent salary increase or annual bonus.

This whole shittery falls on the Middle Class, and metastasizes OneParty to Stage Five.

Trump won't win in any case. His role was to throw FarRightRabbinicals off the cliff, and make Hillary appear to voters to be a Nice Old Gal Centrist. She's not. The whole thing was rigged from the 1998 and 9/11 coup, from Bernie and Donald, on down the rabbit hole.

Piotr Berman | Oct 20, 2016 12:58:10 PM | 31
Debates are to convince, not to illuminate. What a person did not figure out before the debates, it is rather hopeless to explain.

Thus the stress on issues that are familiar even to the least inquisitive voters, heavily overrepresented among the "undecided voters" who are, after all, the chief target. Number one, who is, and who is not a bimbo?

The high position of Putin on the topic list is well deserved. This is about defending everything we hold pure and dear. We do not want our daughters and our e-mail violated, unless we like to read the content. Daughters are troublesome enough, but the threat to e-mails is something that is hard to understand, and that necessitates nonsense. Somehow Putin gets in the mix, rather than Microsoft, Apple, Google and other companies that destroyed the privacy of communications with crappy software.

But does it matter? It is like exam in literature or history. It does not matter what the topic is, but we want to see if the candidates can handle it to our satisfaction. For myself, I like Clinton formula: "You will never find me signing praises of foreign dictators and strongmen who do not love America". It is so realistic! First, given her age and fragile throat, I should advise Mrs. Clinton to refrain from singing. And if she does, the subject should be on the well vetted list, "leaders who love America". That touches upon some thorny issues, like "what is love", but as long as Mrs. Clinton does not sing, it is fine.

Trump, if I understand him, took a more risky path, namely, the he is more highly regarded by people who count, primarily Putin, than schwartzer Obama and "not so well looking chick" Clinton. Why primarily Putin? It is a bit hard to see who else. The person should have some important leadership position. And he/she should be on the record saying something nice about Trump. At that point the scope of name-dropping is narrow.

Nur Adlina | Oct 20, 2016 1:00:32 PM | 32
Wasn't ''PEOPLES GET THE GOVERNMENT THEY DESERVE'',the regime change war cry of so called ''US''?.Dont see why Madame ''we came we saw he died'' become POTUS approves ''no fly'' wet dream of war mongers gets shot down by ''evil '' putin and aliies from the skies of Syria onto the ground in pieces.Than discrimination for hundreds of years while ''americans'' figure out what happened withdrawing into a shell like a wounded animal leaving the rest of the world to live in peace!
Blue | Oct 20, 2016 1:11:34 PM | 34
Clinton seems to have had some of the questions ahead of time. She seemed to be reading the answers off a telepromter in her lecturn.
mike k | Oct 20, 2016 1:15:02 PM | 35
What Trump should say?:

He should declare that Hillary helped arm Al Qaeda to topple Assad for her banker buddies (cant mention the Jewishness/Israeli Firsterism of the 'neocons' of course, not because false but because true) and will be happy to send African Americans and Latinos to die for 'oil companies' and her 'banker friends' and after decades of establishment Dems promising the sky, maybe they dont need an inveterate liar who arms Islamic terrorists.

Hillary armed Al Qaeda and possibly ISIS - both AngloZionist proxies. How in the fuck is she not in jail???

Michael | Oct 20, 2016 1:16:58 PM | 36
As Noam Chomsky has pointed out, duopolistic elections are merely mechanisms of manufactured consent. When each of the major parties are controlled by the different factions of the oligarchy, there is only afforded the option to vote for the ideology put forth by each oligarchic group.

Each party defines their ideology to distinguish itself from the other to assure a divided population. They also manipulate the population via identity politics and state it in such a way that voters decisions are not rationally resolved but emotionally so, to assure that sufficient cognitive dissonance is developed to produce a risky shift to a make a decision in favor of a candidate that would otherwise be unacceptable.

Rigged from the get go is definitely true.

What fascinates me is how Obama went all public about Trumps assertions of rigged elections. It appears the puppet masters are very afraid of a "cynical" (realistic) population. Manufactured consent only works if people play the game. As evidenced in South Africa when no one showed up to vote, the government collapsed.

EnglishOutsider | Oct 20, 2016 1:41:59 PM | 37

h, 24

"Your vote is either for War or against War. It's that simple." Is this being lost sight off amongst all the noise? I hope not, for the sake of the Ukrainians and the Syrians. And for the sake of the countries yet to be destabilised.

h | Oct 20, 2016 1:49:33 PM | 38

My position is not ludicrous!

Where has Trump once advocated for a no fly zone let alone war? Links and sources please. Enlighten me.

The only candidate who has been steadfast in support of a no fly zone in Syria is Clinton. Trump avoids the entire Syrian mess like the plague. Have you not heard him attack Hillary on her Iraq vote, Libyan tragedy, Syria etc? He's not only attacking her for her incompetence and dishonesty, but b/c he finds these wars/regime changes abominable. As do I.

A vote for Clinton = War and a vote for Trump = NO war

TG | Oct 20, 2016 2:00:36 PM | 39
I share your frustration. In my opinion televised 'debates' should be banned, and we should go back to the time-honored technique of looking at the record. Whether Clinton is smooth or has a weird smile, or Trump is composed or goes on a rant, makes no difference to me.

I know what Hillary Clinton will do, which is, what she has done for the past 20+ years. She will aggressively fight even more wars, maybe even attacking Russian forces in Syria (!). She will spend trillions on all this 'nation-destroying' folly, and of course, that will necessitate gutting social security because deficits are bad. She will throw what's left of our retirement funds to the tender mercies of Wall Street, and after they are through with us we will be lucky to get pennies on the dollar. She will open the borders even more to unchecked third-world immigration, which will kill the working class. She will push for having our laws and judiciary over-ruled by foreign corporate lawyers meeting in secret (TPP etc. are not about trade - tariffs are already near zero - they are about giving multinational corporations de-facto supreme legislative and judicial power. Really). She will remain the Queen of Chaos, the candidate of Wall Street and War, who never met a country that she didn't want to bomb into a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Trump? He says a lot of sensible things, and despite his mouthing off in public, he has a track record of amicably cooperating with people on long-term projects. But he has no track record in governance, so of course, I don't really know. He's a gamble.

But right now I am so fed up with the status quo that I am willing to roll the dice. Trump 2016.

Erelis | Oct 20, 2016 2:08:01 PM | 41
I agree Trump has had chance after chance to effectively attack Clinton. But here is the problem. Much of that attack would have had to be done from a leftist angle. Outside of Russia, Trump looks to be as much a militarist as Obama at least. The gop money daddies are just as militarist as the democratic party money daddies. The gop is pro-war just they don't want democrats running them.

Benghazi is a perfect example. They refuse to attack Clinton on her pro-war, destroy everybody policies, so they they make up attacks about the handling of the Benghazi attacks, rather than the reason why Americans were there--to send arms to jihadist terrorists in Syria. (By the way this is why silence on Obama letting criminal banksters go--they would have done the same thing.)

Trump is intellectually challenged. He could have seen what was happening and brought along his base to an anti-war position and attracted more people. His base was soft clay in his hands as even he noticed. However he had no skills as political leader to understand nor the ability to sculpt his base and win the election, which was given Clinton's horrible numbers, his to lose.

Mike | Oct 20, 2016 2:11:46 PM | 42
h, 29

Q: Where you are on the question of a safe zone or a no-fly zone in Syria?

TRUMP: I love a safe zone for people. I do not like the migration. I do not like the people coming. What they should do is, the countries should all get together, including the Gulf states, who have nothing but money, they should all get together and they should take a big swath of land in Syria and they do a safe zone for people, where they could to live, and then ultimately go back to their country, go back to where they came from.

Q: Does the U.S. get involved in making that safe zone?

TRUMP: I would help them economically, even though we owe $19 trillion.

Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 interview on Syrian Refugee crisis , Oct 11, 2015

john | Oct 20, 2016 2:25:23 PM | 43
Michael says:

As evidenced in South Africa when no one showed up to vote, the government collapsed


boycott, divest(disinvest), sanction(ratify)

h | Oct 20, 2016 2:44:42 PM | 45

Thanks for the resource, Mike.

I don't know about your read of Trump's response, but I don't think he's talking about the same kind of safe zone the Brookings Institute has in mind aka carving up Syria. His answer suggests he's thinking a 'safe zone' as more in terms of a temporary refugee zone/space/camp...'they do a safe zone for people, where they could to live, and then ultimately go back to their country, go back to where they came from.'


Awesome comment!

Qoppa | Oct 20, 2016 3:01:33 PM | 46
Here is an excellent overview on the White Helmets:

.... while Mr Raed Saleh has a truely humanistic piece in the NYT
(comments disallowed, I wonder why)

btw, does anyone know which exact month in 2013 the WH were founded?
It´s a minor detail, but it would fit so neatly if it is after the first week of September '13 when the "humanitarian" airstrike for the false-flag Ghouta attack was called off. Demonstrating it was conceived as Project R2P Intervention 2.0 after the first one failed.

ben | Oct 20, 2016 3:14:41 PM | 47
Wizzy @ 2: Ditto!

Not only a disservice b, but, by design, a distraction. All hail the empire's newest pawn, HRC.

Yonatan | Oct 20, 2016 3:23:53 PM | 49
Qoppa @46.

Don't know when WH was created but the domain name was registered (in Beirut not Syria) in August 2014 and it is hosted on Cloudflare in Texas. Maybe it took some time get the brand recognition going?

Le Mesurier claims that he persoanlly trained the first group of 20 volunteers in early 2013. It seems these 20 'carefully vetted moderate rebels' each went on to train further groups of 20. So, if we allow 1-2 months training, it looks like mid-late 2013 might be a reasonable date for them to take an effective role in the PR business.

jfl | Oct 20, 2016 3:24:25 PM | 50
b, 'The voters are served badly -if at all- by the TV debates in their current form. These do not explain real choices. That is what this whole election circus should be about. But that is no longer the case and maybe it never was.'

No 'maybe' ... the 'political' process in the US is a complete fraud. The present political class must be removed and replaced. People term 3rd Party/Write-in votes as 'protest votes' but they can - must in my view - be more than that. They must be the first step taken to simply seize power and control of the USA by US citizens. We cannot have a democracy - anywhere - without an engaged demos. That's just the way it is. No to Clinton, no to Trump . No to the elephants and the jackasses and the menagerie. It will take a decade/a dozen years. If we had begun in 2004 we'd be there by now.

ben | Oct 20, 2016 3:26:18 PM | 51
P.S.---As Wizzy alluded to, Trump, for whatever reason, is the only candidate almost guaranteed to funnel votes to HRC, the empire's choice.
the pair | Oct 20, 2016 3:59:45 PM | 53
downloaded it from youtube late last night. that gave me the option of skimming past hillary and her WASPy passive aggressive act. she also tends to repeat the same talking points 900 times so i knew what she'd say before she said it. did catch her whining about imaginary "russian rigging". again; no surprise there.

as for trump, he mentioned abortion stuff more than usual in what i'm guessing is an attempt to win back any jesus freaks he lost with the billy bush tape. the fact that he supposedly went so far down in the polls from that tape makes the whole thing seem pointless ("who can pander to uptight morons with moronic priorities more") but saying silly stuff about overturning roe v wade seemed desperate. even if he got to appoint more than the one judge replacing the fat dead greaseball he probably won't get another. and even in that case he would need approval from a congress that agrees on nothing but their hatred for him.

even the things that got more mentions didn't matter. all i saw on the screeching MSM (especially CliNtoN) was "oh mah gerd he said he's waiting until election day to comment on the election! that means riots and bloodshed cuz that's what goes on in our dumb fuck heads all day!"

at least canada will be spared all the rich whining hipster pieces of trash like lena dunham. small consolation.

jo6pac | Oct 20, 2016 4:59:42 PM | 54
Did someone say pawn.

Then no reason to vote because GS is going to do it for you.

jo6pac | Oct 20, 2016 5:00:54 PM | 55


I hope this doesn't double post

Lochearn | Oct 20, 2016 5:29:04 PM | 56
For the first time I listened to a Trump speech - delivered in Florida on the 13th of this month. What struck me is how much the media attacks on him and his family have got to him. He mentions how he could have settled for a leisurely retirement, but that he felt he had to do something for his country.

It's almost as if he'd already decided to back off, convincing himself that maybe he can do more outside the White House. There is a resigned tone to his voice especially the way he finishes sentences. Maybe he just knows, or was told, that he'd be assassinated if he ever got elected. Or perhaps he hadn't quite realized the array of power that is lined up against him. They are not going to let one dude wreck their party.

Here is the link to the speech:

jdmckay | Oct 20, 2016 6:41:56 PM | 60
Good, substantive interview with Jill Stein . Includes insightful discussion on ME, Syria & relations with Putin/Russia. Especially for those not familiar with her may find this interesting. Conducted yesterday (10/19).
rufus magister | Oct 20, 2016 7:43:23 PM | 65
in re 38 --

Nah, it's ludicrous. 'Cuz this is like the gazillionth time I posted this. And will sadly have to do it a few more times in the next three weeks. The Donald Trump dove myth dies hard.

In the past five years, Trump has consistently pushed one big foreign policy idea: America should steal other countries' oil....

"In the old days when you won a war, you won a war. You kept the country," Trump said. "We go fight a war for 10 years, 12 years, lose thousands of people, spend $1.5 trillion, and then we hand the keys over to people that hate us on some council." He has repeated this idea for years, saying during one 2013 Fox News appearance, "I've said it a thousand times."

....To be clear: Trump's plan is to use American ground troops to forcibly seize the most valuable resource in two different sovereign countries. The word for that is colonialism.

Trump wants to wage war in the name of explicitly ransacking poorer countries for their natural resources - something that's far more militarily aggressive than anything Clinton has suggested.

This doesn't really track as "hawkishness" for most people, mostly because it's so outlandish. A policy of naked colonialism has been completely unacceptable in American public discourse for decades, so it seems hard to take Trump's proposals as seriously as, say, Clinton's support for intervening more forcefully in Syria....

He also wants to bring back torture that's "much tougher" than waterboarding. "Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work," he said at a November campaign event. But "if it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for what they're doing."

....The problem is that Trump's instincts are not actually that dovish. Trump... has a consistent pattern of saying things that sound skeptical of war, while actually endorsing fairly aggressive policies.

....In a March 2011 vlog post uncovered by BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, Trump full-throatedly endorsed intervening in the country's civil war - albeit on humanitarian grounds, not for its oil.

"Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we're sitting around," Trump said. "We should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives." In a later interview, he went further, endorsing outright regime change: "if you don't get rid of Gaddafi, it's a major, major black eye for this country."

Shortly after the US intervention in Libya began in March 2011, Trump criticized the Obama administration's approach - for not being aggressive enough. Trump warned that the US was too concerned with supporting the rebels and not trying hard enough to - you guessed it - take the oil.

"I would take the oil - and stop this baby stuff," Trump declared. "I'm only interested in Libya if we take the oil. If we don't take the oil, I'm not interested."

Throw in a needy, fragile ego -- the braggadocio is overcompensation -- and a hairtrigger temper, and the invasion scenarios write themselves.

And by the way, he's apparently not really that good a businessman either. Riches-to-Riches Trump Spins Fake Horatio Alger Tale . If he'd put his money into S&P 500 index fund, he'd be worth about eight times what he likely is now. Which is very likely substantially less than what he says he is. Good reason to withhold the tax returns, no?

So I guess his only recommendation is a reality show with the tagline "You're fired!" All surface, no depth, the ultimate post-modernist candidate. No fixed mean to that text, alright, he both invites you to write your interpretation but polices "the other" outside of it.

Interesting that the first post-modern candidate is a bloodthirsty fascist (given his refusal to accept the electoral results, I would now consider this not wholly inappropriate).

But then again, someone as innocent as Chauncey Gardiner was unlikely to emerge from the media.

stumpy | Oct 20, 2016 8:31:10 PM | 66

Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
" Obama: Vote Rigging Is Impossible - If In Favor Of Hillary Clinton | Main
October 20, 2016
This Election Circus Is A Disservice To The People

Via Adam Johnson:

"Total mentions all 4 debates:

Russia/Putin 178
ISIS/terror 132
Iran 67
Abortion 17
Poverty 10
Climate change 4
Campaign finance 3
Privacy 0"
The candidates are not the first to blame for this. The first to blame are the moderators of such debates, the alleged journalists 8and their overlords) who do not ask questions that are relevant for the life of the general votes and who do not intervene at all when the debaters run off course. The second group to blame are the general horse-race media who each play up their (owner's) special-interest hobbyhorses as if those will be the decisive issue for the next four years. The candidates fight for the attention of these media and adopt to them.

I didn't watch yesterday's debate but every media I skimmed tells me that Clinton was gorgeous and Trump very bad. That means she said what they wanted to hear and Trump didn't. It doesn't say what other people who watched though of it. Especially in the rural parts of the country they likely fear the consequences of climate change way more than Russia, ISIS and Iran together.

Another reason why both candidates avoided to bring up the issues low in the list above is that both hold positions that are socially somewhat liberal and both are corporatists. None of those low ranked issues is personally relevant to them. No realistic answer to these would better their campaign finances or their personal standing in the circles they move in. Personally they are both east coast elite and don't give a fu***** sh** what real people care about.

As far as I can discern it from the various reports no new political issues were touched. Clinton ran her usual focus group tested lies while Trump refrained from attacking her hard. A huge mistake in my view. He can beat her by attacking her really, really hard, not on issues but personality. Her disliked rate (like Trump's) is over -40%. She is vulnerable on many, many things in her past. Her foreign policy is way more aggressive than most voters like. Calling this back into mind again and again could probably send her below -50%. Who told him to leave that stuff alone? Trump is a major political disruption. He should have emphasized that but he barely hinted at it for whatever reason.

The voters are served badly -if at all- by the TV debates in their current form. These do not explain real choices. That is what this whole election circus should be about. But that is no longer the case and maybe it never was.

Posted by b on October 20, 2016 at 09:11 AM | Permalink

I didn't watch too.

Posted by: Jack Smith | Oct 20, 2016 9:22:12 AM | 1

I don't follow US elections closely, but my take on this - Trump had made a deal. He pretends to be fighting, but he is not. Dunno what was that - either he was intimidated, blackmailed, bought off, or any combination of thereof, and it doesn't matter actually.
Hail to the first Lady President of the United States. Best luck to Middle East, Eastern Europe and SE Asia - they all gonna need it. Oh, and dear US voters - don't blame yourself, you don't have any influence on the election, so it's not your fault. You'll pay the price too, though.

Posted by: Wizzy | Oct 20, 2016 9:27:47 AM | 2

"But that is no longer the case and maybe it never was"

It was when the League of Women Voters ran the show but when they wouldn't agree to selling out the citizens in Amerika is when we got this dog and phoney show.

I didn't watch and I'll be Voting Green.

rg the lg | Oct 20, 2016 10:19:53 AM | 10

Strictly speaking, if the voters aren't getting what they want from the politicians in a democracy, and they're too chickenshit to demand reform or else - then they should blame themselves because it IS their fault.

We're getting really, really sick of the bullshit that passes for politics in 2 Party Oz. We sent them a subtle message in 2015 by voting for independents and splinter groups and the "Government" governs with a majority of 1 seat. Next election there will either be a responsive non-traitorous Government, or a revolution. Some of them are starting to wake up and others are pretending not to notice. But the writing is on the wall...

Quadriad | Oct 20, 2016 8:31:16 PM | 67
#65 Doofus Minister

I've had a good look at your "The Donald Trump dove myth" article and I must admit that its quality far exceeds your own verbal rubbish.

It examines Trump through the prism as a likely "Jacksonian Conservative", who are not dissimilar to traditional conservatives but are not non-interventionists as such, just far more honest about their interventionism (as they are unburdened by the neocon bullshit about "killing them to make them barbarians more civilised") and really only likely to want to apply aggression where they feel that fundamental American interests are threatened.

To me, that's a big step up from the NEOCON/NEOLIB false pretense garbage. I'd far rather have an honest RATIONAL and RISK ASSESSING thug than a two faced snake, which better describes your C**tory and her Kissenger/Albright gang of perfectly murderable certified war criminals. You can call him a "fascist" if you like. You obviously prefer the 1984 thuggery to more honest, above the table varieties. To each one his own.

One last note. Those goons that the Dems kept sending to Trump's rallies to stir violence up, there's now the fucking Himalayas of evidence that it's entirely real and beyond any doubt.

Guess who was the historical king of criminal spamming of shit stirring goons at political adversaries' rallies? The Bolsheviks and your own fixated Fascists/Nazis. Looks like your Hillary learned from the best, inspired by the best, via her fascist mentor Klitsinger et num al.

So, enjoy your Clintory, dear Pom, and good luck as you and yer Britannia're gonna need it if that discard of a dementia stricken half-human wins the elections.

Demian | Oct 20, 2016 8:32:32 PM | 69
Wikileaks has now progressed to emails sent to Obama:

Wikileaks Releases Barack Obama's 'Binders of Women,' Minorities

Getting Julian Assange's internet connection cut off just makes the Obama regime look even more stupid and pathetic now. The document dumps keep on coming. Did they really think they would stop that by shutting off the LAN in the Ecuadoran embassy?

The underlying problem seems to be that John Podesta bought into the marketing bullshit about The Cloud. So he kept all his very sensitive correspondence at his Gmail account, apparently using it as the archive of his correspondence.

I don't know if we'll ever know who hacked his account. It is not that hard to do, so it doesn't really require a "state actor". Google only gives you a few tries at entering your password, so Podesta's account couldn't have been hacked by randomly trying every possibility. Somehow, the hacker got the actual password. Either it was exposed somewhere, or it was obtained by spear phishing . That involves sending your target an email that directs him to a Web page that asks him to enter his password. All that's required to do that is being able to write a plausible email, and setting up a Web site to mimic the Web site where the account you want to hack resides, Gmail in this case.

Outsider | Oct 20, 2016 8:50:36 PM | 70
Nearly all information technology security breaches are insider jobs, genuine crackers/hackers are rare. Wikileaks is by far the most likely being fed from the inside of the DNC etc. and/or from their suppliers or security detail by people that are disgusted, have personal vendettas, and so on. It's the real Anonymous, anyone anywhere, not the inept CIA stooges or the faux organized or ideological pretenders. In addition any analyst at the NSA with access to XKeyScore can supply Wikileaks with all the Podesta emails on a whim in less than half an hour of "work" and the actual data to be sent would be gotten with a single XKeyScore database query. That sort of query is exactly what the XKeyScore backend part was built to do as documented by Snowden and affirmed by Binney and others.

The powers that be can cheat but people can ignore their efforts, it's what happens in every revolution and civil war. It's hard to see how a second Clinton presidency will have any shred of legitimacy in the US or in the world.

Duterte may well be flawed but he has a keen nose for where things are heading, Filipinos should be proud of him.

Don't believe anyone who says what you do or don't do doesn't matter.

Quadriad | Oct 20, 2016 8:57:12 PM | 71
@Stumpy - 'Hillary "We will follow ISIS to Raqqa to take it "back"' (take Raqqa back from the Syrians?)

The crazy hyper-entitled White Supremacist bi*ch is beyond any belief.

I blame Trump's old age and slow wit for not noticing this verbal Nazism and pointing it directly back at that brown-shirt ad hoc.

Jesus Christ, Adolf F. Hitler would've blushed if he said some of her shit. This woman admits she is a war criminal in real time.

stumpy | Oct 20, 2016 10:46:59 PM | 76
Again I apologize for reposting the whole thread--

Anyway, here is link to the most disturbing quote from HRC, imo ...

CLINTON: Well, I am encouraged that there is an effort led by the Iraqi army, supported by Kurdish forces, and also given the help and advice from the number of special forces and other Americans on the ground. But I will not support putting American soldiers into Iraq as an occupying force. I don't think that is in our interest, and I don't think that would be smart to do. In fact, Chris, I think that would be a big red flag waving for ISIS to reconstitute itself.

The goal here is to take back Mosul. It's going to be a hard fight. I've got no illusions about that. And then continue to press into Syria to begin to take back and move on Raqqa, which is the ISIS headquarters.

I am hopeful that the hard work that American military advisers have done will pay off and that we will see a real - a really successful military operation. But we know we've got lots of work to do. Syria will remain a hotbed of terrorism as long as the civil war, aided and abetted by the Iranians and the Russians, continue.

I'll be quiet, now.

Piotr Berman | Oct 20, 2016 11:26:04 PM | 79
From the link of jo6pac:

Considering Lynn Forester de Rothschild's apparent hand in potential President Hillary Clinton's economic policy, such theories don't appear so far from the truth - and only further prove the United States has strayed from its democratically-based roots to become a banking and corporate plutocracy.

This is a bit misinformed conclusion. Some of you may know "Wizard of Oz". It is a famous novel for children that was used for the screenplay of an adorable movie with the same title. Not everybody knows that it was also a novel for the adults, with a key: a political satire against banking and corporate plutocracy that controlled the government of USA around 1900. If I recall, the title figure of the Wizard was Mark Hanna, and Wicked Witch of the East stood for eastern banks which at that time included the largest banks that were behind Mark Hanna (who in turn was the puppeteer of the President). Certain things change in the last 120 years, for example, the rich and famous largely abandoned the mansions in Rhode Island, but New York remains the financial capital. I somewhat doubt that Rothschild secretly have the sway over this crowd, if one would have to point to the most powerful financial entity I would pick Goldman Sachs. Yes, it helped that Lady de Rothschild was sociable, amiable and communicated well with Hillary and numerous gentlemen who could drop 100,000 on a plate to please the hostess, but at the end of the day, things were quite similar when Rothschild largely sticked to Europe.

The structural problem is not a conspiracy, but simply, capitalism. Any way you cut it, democracy relies on convincing the citizens what is good and what is bad for them, and that still requires money. Money can come from numerous small donors or few large ones, or some combination. Unfortunately, large donors have disproportional influence, until a politician creates his/her brand, too few small donors would know about him/her. Nice thing about Sanders was that he operates largely outside the circle of large donors. That said, both Clintons and Obama entered the political scene as "outsiders".

I met rich people only few times in my life, and I must admit, it is a pleasant experience. Sleeping is comfortable, food is good, when you go to restaurant the owner greets your party very politely and explains the best dishes of the day and so on. In politics, there are reactionary fat cats and progressive fat cats, but needless to say, they tend to share certain perspective and they skew the media, the academia and the policies in a certain direction.

virgile | Oct 20, 2016 11:31:02 PM | 80
If Hillary is elected, she will be haunted by her 'mistakes' and by the exposure of her double face by Wikileaks. She is stigmatized as 'crooked Hillary' and as an unreliable decision maker. From now on, all her decisions will be tainted with suspicion. I doubt that she'll be able to lead the country properly during the 4 years she hopes to stay in power.
psychohistorian | Oct 21, 2016 12:26:22 AM | 82
@ Piotr Berman who wrote: The structural problem is not a conspiracy, but simply, capitalism.

I heartily disagree. Capitalism is a myth created to cover for decisions made by those who own private finance.....part of my undergraduate degree is in macro economics. Your assertion that the Rothschild influence is restricted to Europe is laughable.

Joe6pac has it right......the United States has strayed from its democratically-based roots to become a banking and corporate plutocracy.

I believe that it is Piotr Berman that is misinformed.

blues | Oct 21, 2016 12:31:59 AM | 83
People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ

The Only Realistic Democracy:

With single-bid ("plurality") voting you only have two candidates to choose from.

I have described the strategic hedge simple score election method all over the Internet. It is simple in the sense that does not require easily hackable voting machines, and can easily work with hand counted paper ballots at non-centralized voting places. It is not hampered by any requirement to cater to so-called "sincere," "honest" (actually artless and foolish) voters. It easily thwarts both the spoiler effect and the blind hurdle dilemma (the "Burr Dilemma"). It just works.

Strategic hedge simple score voting can be described in one simple sentence: Strategically bid no vote at all for undesired candidates (ignore them as though they did not exist), or strategically cast from five to ten votes for any number of candidates you prefer (up to some reasonable limit of, say, twelve candidates), and then simply add all the votes up.

Both IRV-style and approval voting methods suffer from the blind hurdle dilemma, which can be overcome with the hedge voting strategy. An example of usage of the hedge strategy, presuming the case of a "leftist" voter, would be casting ten votes for Ralph Nader, and only eight or nine for Al Gore. This way, the voter would only sacrifice 20 or 10 percent of their electoral influence if Nader did not win.

Don't be fooled by fake "alternatives like "IRV" and "approval voting".

And demand hand counted paper ballots that cannot be rigged by "Russian hackers".

TheRealDonald | Oct 21, 2016 12:44:45 AM | 84

Reagan delivered Stingers to the Northern Alliance and Taliban, why is Reagan not in prison? Because of people like Ollie North and Dick Armitage. Because the Deep State is in control under Continuance of Government, ever since the 2001 military coup.

Trump may have gone to Catholic prep school, but he's no choir boy either.

TheRealDonald | Oct 21, 2016 12:51:20 AM | 85

Hillary will win, it's in the bag, and she won't be haunted by anything at all, she doesn't have an introspective bone in her hagsack. She will be our Nero for 21st C.

"We came, we saw, he died, haww, haww, haww."

Should have been bodybagged and tagged and disposed of at sea, her, not M.

[Oct 21, 2016] The main issue in this election is that the Imperial Oligarchy has now taken off the mask, they have abandoned the pretense of 2 party competition to unite behind the defender of status quo interests, with WikiLeaks detailing the gory bits of their corruption and malfeasance

Notable quotes:
"... Point being that not only would The Clintons have the Democratic Party machine to rely on for potential vote rigging in this stage of the process (distinguishing vs. primaries simply for rhetorical focus), ..."
"... but with the clear reality of the Republican Party elite also backing her, she can rely on at least some of the Republican Party machine also being available for potential vote rigging, and who have their experience in Florida, Ohio, etc to bring to the table. ..."
"... The longer term issue is the Imperial Oligarchy has now taken off the mask, they have abandoned the pretense of 2 party competition to unite behind the defender of status quo interests, with WikiLeaks detailing the gory bits of their corruption and malfeasance. And everybody in the system is tainted by that, both parties, media, etc. It has overtly collapsed to the reality of a single Party of Power (per the term Oligarch media like to use re: Russia for example). ..."
"... the Clinton faction is 100% "bi-partisan" and about confluence of both Oligarchic parties. ..."
"... I would say the Democratic primary was even a mirror of this, I would guess that Clinton had hoped to win more easily vs Sanders without rigging etc... essentially between Sanders and Trump turning anything but "radical status quo" into boogymen. ..."
"... That just reveals how close to the line the Imperial Oligarchy feels compelled to play... and, I suppose, how confident they are in the full spectrum of tools at their disposal to manipulate democracy. ..."
"... But that is also shown merely by the situation we are in, with the collapse of the two party system in order to maintain the strength of Imperial Oligarchy. ..."

yup yeah uh huh | Oct 19, 2016 8:12:06 PM | 96

Point being that not only would The Clintons have the Democratic Party machine to rely on for potential vote rigging in this stage of the process (distinguishing vs. primaries simply for rhetorical focus),

but with the clear reality of the Republican Party elite also backing her, she can rely on at least some of the Republican Party machine also being available for potential vote rigging, and who have their experience in Florida, Ohio, etc to bring to the table.

The longer term issue is the Imperial Oligarchy has now taken off the mask, they have abandoned the pretense of 2 party competition to unite behind the defender of status quo interests, with WikiLeaks detailing the gory bits of their corruption and malfeasance. And everybody in the system is tainted by that, both parties, media, etc. It has overtly collapsed to the reality of a single Party of Power (per the term Oligarch media like to use re: Russia for example).

And the craziest thing of course is not that this all happened by accident because some "scary clown" appeared, but that this was nearly exactly planned BY The Clinton faction themselves (promoting Trump in order to win vs. "scary clown"). Most notably, not simply as a seizure of power by Democratic Party "against" Republicans... They are very clear the Clinton faction is 100% "bi-partisan" and about confluence of both Oligarchic parties.

I would say the Democratic primary was even a mirror of this, I would guess that Clinton had hoped to win more easily vs Sanders without rigging etc... essentially between Sanders and Trump turning anything but "radical status quo" into boogymen. Only surprise was how well Sanders did, necessitating fraud etc, with polls in fact showing Sanders was BETTER placed to defeat Trump than Clinton.

That just reveals how close to the line the Imperial Oligarchy feels compelled to play... and, I suppose, how confident they are in the full spectrum of tools at their disposal to manipulate democracy.

But that is also shown merely by the situation we are in, with the collapse of the two party system in order to maintain the strength of Imperial Oligarchy.

[Oct 21, 2016] Washington moves to silence WikiLeaks

Washington forgot his role in color revolutions in Ukraine, Russia, Serbia and other countries, when Washington controlled neoliberal media served as air support for local fifth column. Now boomerang returned...

On Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry of Ecuador confirmed WikiLeaks' charge that Ecuador itself had ordered the severing of Assange's Internet connection under pressure from the US government. In a statement, the ministry said that WikiLeaks had "published a wealth of documents impacting on the US election campaign," adding that the government of Ecuador "respects the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states" and "does not interfere in external electoral processes." On that grounds, the statement claimed, the Ecuadorian government decided to "restrict access" to the communications network at its London embassy.

[Oct 21, 2016] Trump booed as he rips into Clinton at Catholic charity dinner

Looks like Yahoo commentariat is definitely anti-Hillary and did not buy the Yahoo story. the first pro-hillary comment was in the second dozen of comments by ratings from Yahoo readers.

[Oct 21, 2016] The Debate Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Showed the True Nature of the Two Candidates by Robert W. Merry

Pro-Clinton interpretation, but with some interesting insights....
Notable quotes:
"... But Trump demonstrated greater self-control early in the debate than he has displayed at times previously, and he didn't take the bait. He countered by saying Clinton wanted "open borders" and emphasizing the necessity any sovereign nation has for clearly delineated borders. "Either we have a country or we don't," he said. "Either we have borders or we don't." ..."
"... "Look," he said at one point, "she's been proven to be a liar. This is just another lie." And he reverted to form late in the debate when he interjected into one of her perorations, "What a nasty woman!" ..."
"... In supporting his allegation that the election is "rigged," Trump cited three elements of concern. First, the mainstream media - "so bad, so dishonest, so corrupt; it is poisoning the minds of the voters." Second, he said millions of unqualified people have been added to the voter rolls when they shouldn't be registered. Third, he said Clinton "should not be allowed to run," presumably because of previous allegations of wrongdoing related to her private email server and the machinations of the Clinton Foundation. ..."
"... the suggestion that the media have poisoned the minds of citizens evinces a lack of faith in the voters' ability to sort through the events of the day and arrive at sound political judgments... ..."
Oct 21, 2016 |

... ... ..

The two existential challenges of any long-term government-democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, royalty-are the necessity of legitimacy and the dangers of succession. The American Founders crafted a system designed to ensure both legitimacy and peaceful succession through a complex and delicately balanced system of popular sovereignty. That system is healthy only when the nation at large accepts its sanctity. Trump signaled that he might not accept it in the face of defeat.

The refusal was stunning in its revelation that this man who seeks the presidency wouldn't perceive how incendiary - and, in the view of millions of Americans, disqualifying-such a pronouncement would be. Perhaps Trump didn't really mean it. Perhaps he thought he was merely introducing "suspense" into the race, as he put it, when he said, "I will look at it at the time." And no doubt his core supporters will defend the position, tossing out comparisons to Al Gore in 2000 or Andrew Jackson in 1824. But, in the annals of recent American presidential politics, it is difficult to think of a candidate pronouncement more guaranteed to stymie that candidate's path to the White House.

Clinton, studied and pugnacious, avoided any such gaffe. After her first two outings with Trump, she had mastered the art of delivering body blows at every opportunity, citing specific episodes and anecdotes that she portrayed as demonstrating his unfitness for office-the controversy over his alleged mistreatment of women, his rough language toward illegal immigrants, his criticisms of a gold star family and a Hispanic federal judge, his purchase of Chinese steel to build his buildings. She chided him for not mentioning the border wall he wants to build during a recent visit with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. "He didn't raise it," she declared, clearly seeking to get Trump's goat. "He choked."

But Trump demonstrated greater self-control early in the debate than he has displayed at times previously, and he didn't take the bait. He countered by saying Clinton wanted "open borders" and emphasizing the necessity any sovereign nation has for clearly delineated borders. "Either we have a country or we don't," he said. "Either we have borders or we don't."

But, when debate moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News, queried Clinton about a recent WikiLeaks revelation that she extolled "open borders" to foreign bankers, the candidate deftly elided the thrust of the question by saying she was talking merely about the transfer of electrical energy across borders through an international grid system. Then she pounced on the WikiLeaks mention to slam Trump for not condemning the Russians, considered by U.S. intelligence services to be behind the WikiLeaks revelations.

Trump drew a smattering of laughter by calling her segue "a great pivot" and suggested nobody really knows who is behind the ongoing WikiLeaks revelations. He repeated his call for better U.S. relations with Russia, particularly in combatting the Islamic State, or ISIS, in Syria.

Clinton also demonstrated her rhetorical dexterity in avoiding any direct response to Wallace's question about allegations of "pay to play" practices at the controversial Clinton Foundation, viewed by many as an institution designed primarily to bolster the Clintons' political clout and generate huge speaking fees for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Democratic candidate launched into an extensive defense of the foundation's lofty good works that proved so long and off-point that Wallace repeatedly sought to get her back to the question at hand. Clinton ignored him.

Trump seemed to enter the debate bent on avoiding the kind of jarringly harsh attacks he had engaged in previously, and he succeeded for the most part. But he still reached for his blunderbuss from time to time. "Look," he said at one point, "she's been proven to be a liar. This is just another lie." And he reverted to form late in the debate when he interjected into one of her perorations, "What a nasty woman!"

Wallace, who seemed resolved to get the candidates into some substantive discussions on major issues facing the nation, elicited serious exchanges on the role of the Supreme Court in the American constitutional system, abortion, immigration, economic policy, trade and the burgeoning national debt, fueled significantly by unchecked entitlement spending. On the latter question, neither candidate demonstrated much credibility as someone who particularly cares about reining in federal spending. Clinton said she would "go where the money is"-the corporations and the rich-and placed unrealistic expectations on the capacity of this fiscal approach to address the debt problem. Trump, without much detail, said his policies, including big tax cuts, would generate so much economic growth, and federal revenue, that entitlement spending won't be a problem.

Clinton seized every opportunity to direct her rhetoric to the constituent elements of her party women , minorities, the LBGT community, affluent liberals. Hers was a program of expanded entitlements, including federal support for college students, greater aid to education, and a solution to the Affordable Care Act that would entail greater federal intervention into health care. She said little that separated her from her socialist opponent in the primaries, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

In supporting his allegation that the election is "rigged," Trump cited three elements of concern. First, the mainstream media - "so bad, so dishonest, so corrupt; it is poisoning the minds of the voters." Second, he said millions of unqualified people have been added to the voter rolls when they shouldn't be registered. Third, he said Clinton "should not be allowed to run," presumably because of previous allegations of wrongdoing related to her private email server and the machinations of the Clinton Foundation.

While many observers, including some liberals, agree that the media establishment is largely against Trump, and probably more overtly than we have seen in recent memory, the suggestion that the media have poisoned the minds of citizens evinces a lack of faith in the voters' ability to sort through the events of the day and arrive at sound political judgments...

[Oct 21, 2016] Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy As Scarier Than Trumps Zero Hedge

Notable quotes:
"... The presidential candidate also tweeted the words of her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, who said, "It should [be] clear to everyone that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war." ..."
"... Regrettably for Americans, Stein is right about the Democratic nominee. Those concerned about the future of America with someone as erratic as Donald Trump in the Oval Office are justified in their worry, but to believe Hillary is somehow a "better option" is not only a naive assumption - but a reckless one. A vote for Hillary is undoubtedly a conscious vote to go war with a nuclear-armed superpower. ..."
"... US empire is bigger than any President. No president can change it. ..."
Oct 21, 2016 |
Dr. Stein, who has strongly advocated for a more peaceful approach to U.S. relations in the Middle East - as well as throughout the world - recently took to her Twitter account to boldly state what may come as a shock to many Americans:

"Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is much scarier than Donald Trump's."

The presidential candidate also tweeted the words of her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, who said, "It should [be] clear to everyone that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war."

Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is much scarier than Donald Trump's, who does not want to go to war with Russia. #PeaceOffensive

- Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) October 14, 2016

"It should clear to everyone that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war." - @ajamubaraka Watch live:

- Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) October 13, 2016

Dr. Stein elaborated on her social media statements when asked by a reporter in Texas this week what she felt a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like.

"Well, we know what kind of Secretary of State she was," Stein said in her response. "[Hillary] is in incredible service to Wall Street and to the war profiteers. She led the way in Libya and she's trying to start an air war with Russia over Syria, which means, if Hillary gets elected, we're kinda going to war with Russia, folks…a nuclear-armed power."

While many Americans act as if one's disdain for Hillary Clinton and her policies automatically make them a supporter of Donald Trump for president - or vice versa - Stein went on to vocalize her fear of both major party candidates.

"Who will sleep well with Trump in the White House? But you shouldn't sleep well with Hillary in the White House either. Fortunately, we live in a democracy and we have more than two deadly choices," Stein said, referring to herself and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

Regrettably for Americans, Stein is right about the Democratic nominee. Those concerned about the future of America with someone as erratic as Donald Trump in the Oval Office are justified in their worry, but to believe Hillary is somehow a "better option" is not only a naive assumption - but a reckless one. A vote for Hillary is undoubtedly a conscious vote to go war with a nuclear-armed superpower.

Still not a believer? Watch the video below and see for yourself:

Escrava Isaura Handful of Dust Oct 20, 2016 11:19 PM ,

There are so many holes on Dr. Stein observations that I don't even know where to start.

First: US empire is bigger than any President. No president can change it.

Second: Only the naive can think that a neocon (Hillary) can be more dangerous than a bully (Trump).

Third: Dr. Stein, could you please tell us what will happen when the empire has not enough energy, food, and resources to give to its people? Tell us your "un-reckless" solution, because I can't wait to hear.

Ohh. I just remember. You can't, because it doesn't exist.

Bill of Rights Oct 20, 2016 9:22 PM ,
Epic Trey Gowdy tells Obama "F**K Off with Your Executive Order

BabaLooey Bill of Rights Oct 20, 2016 10:05 PM ,
I admire Gowdy, and respect his tenacity.

I watched the video.

IMO - he wasn't hard ENOUGH on that passel of cunt-media fuckers.

Every single one of the fuckwads in attendance should have been filmed - the camera turned on THEM.

The fucks

big-data Oct 20, 2016 9:49 PM ,
This well-articulated executive summary (10 minutes of your time) integrates the consequences of the world's biggest financial bubble with the risk of military escalation with Russia in Syria, the Balkans, or Ukraine. Hilllary's foreign policy goes head-to-head with Russia's foreign policy: they are different with respect to use of nuclear weapons, particularly tactical nuclear weapons.

BabaLooey Oct 20, 2016 9:53 PM ,
Stein is ignored by the MSM

Show me ANY stories from her on ANY of the Million Dicks in a Bag "credible" media.....

<tapping foot>...............


But Cankly-pooper has that jag off Air Force cucked dickwad on TeeVee ads every ten fucking minutes saying Trump is unfit to have his finger on the button.

Just like the moron I talked to a couple of weeks ago, when he said he was voting for Catheter because "Trump was going to take us to war".....(finding out he gets his "news" from social media, Google News and the NYT)

MORONS...that's who Clinton has .....fucking morons....

Kina Oct 20, 2016 10:12 PM ,
Jill Stein - Green Party candidate, and Gary Johnson - Libtarian candidate .......

[In battleground states] BOTH need to come out and tell their voting supporters to NOT vote for them but to vote Trump...and only vote for them if they can't vote Trump. Because there is no point in a Greens platform if the planet is at war or in destruction, likewise their is no chance of a Libertarian platform for a country in increased wars, or world at war.

The Libertarian and Greens platform assume a peaceful country and world - with Cliinton and her backers the USA will ge the exact opposite.

  • This is why the Greens and Libitarians most not only endorse Trump but tell their voters they must vote for Trump for there to be any hope for the USA's future.
  • In fact if I were Trump I would be making this pitch to them.

    [Oct 21, 2016] Trump got the best final line ever of a final presidential debate: you want another Obama term, vote for her (words to that effect).

    Notable quotes:
    "... Also, Wallace has kept control of this thing... asked good questions to both of them and been the best moderator (IMO) by far of the 3 previous debates. At least tonight, both of them have been able to actually talk about some relevant policy... although nothing close to enlightening from either. ..."
    "... Basically you have a treacherous but effective salesman that stiffs contractors versus a treacherous career politician. Two of the top in their class, respectively. Ultimately Russia, Iran and China will need to assess the future threats and assert the defense of their interests in anticipation of whatever the result may be, while being diplomatically astute. ..."
    "... He was constantly on-topic and superior ..."
    "... In the debate, Trump came across to me as someone who would make a welcome change to the phoniness of Reagan and Obama (Bill Clinton and Bush 2 came across not so much as phonies as hicks), while Hillary came across as someone playing her on Saturday Night Live. ..."
    "... And Trump got the best final line ever of a final presidential debate: you want another Obama term, vote for her (words to that effect). ..."
    "... Ultimately I think Trump made Hillary look worse to me than she made him, so he won the debates based upon their respective records. That's me however, and not the general voting public. ..."
    jdmckay | Oct 19, 2016 10:13:16 PM | 108
    Surprisingly civilized debate tonight, given these 2.

    Also, Wallace has kept control of this thing... asked good questions to both of them and been the best moderator (IMO) by far of the 3 previous debates. At least tonight, both of them have been able to actually talk about some relevant policy... although nothing close to enlightening from either.

    stumpy | Oct 19, 2016 10:20:01 PM | 109
    Hillary sez USA will take back Mosul and then go into Syria to take back Raqqa. Take back? When did USA have it to begin with?
    From The Hague | Oct 19, 2016 10:45:42 PM | 110
    3th debate

    Just Looked and listened to Trump and that crazy bitch from hell.

    Throwing from towers
    Women rights
    Why don't you give the money back?
    Kill from Hell:
    - - > no reaction

    Jackrabbit | Oct 19, 2016 11:01:01 PM | 111
    Trump seemed subdued. Trying to be more Presidential?

    - He should've:

    - spoken of the connection between the Khans and the Democratic Party;

    - talked about Hillary's having lied to the Benghazi families about why the reasons for the Benghazi attack? (She says she has made working for families her life's work) ;

    - discussed the failure of the Obama Administration to protect us from terrorism and the heroin epidemic - most heroin comes from Afghanistan where we have had troops for years;

    - mentioned Hillary's public/private stance on issues (from Hillary's Goldman speeches) .

    I think Trump made Hillary look worse to me than she made him, so he won the debates based upon their respective records. That's me however, and not the general voting public.

    bbbb | Oct 19, 2016 11:06:06 PM | 112

    The debate got particularly nasty. Trump went at her hard, but came off as being a bully. Hillary dodged and weaved through some treacherous waters, and both continued to affirm their positions, however good or bad.

    Basically you have a treacherous but effective salesman that stiffs contractors versus a treacherous career politician. Two of the top in their class, respectively. Ultimately Russia, Iran and China will need to assess the future threats and assert the defense of their interests in anticipation of whatever the result may be, while being diplomatically astute.

    From The Hague | Oct 19, 2016 11:06:36 PM | 113
    - He should've:

    He was constantly on-topic and superior

    Demian | Oct 19, 2016 11:16:42 PM | 115
    In the debate, Trump came across to me as someone who would make a welcome change to the phoniness of Reagan and Obama (Bill Clinton and Bush 2 came across not so much as phonies as hicks), while Hillary came across as someone playing her on Saturday Night Live.

    And Trump got the best final line ever of a final presidential debate: you want another Obama term, vote for her (words to that effect).

    bbbb | Oct 19, 2016 11:34:28 PM | 116
    @111 But his bullying attitude possibly turns off many (female) voters, and he's most definitely stiffed workers and investors. He is very very salesmanish, which is not such a good thing. Hillary doesn't change her tune, despite how awful it is. I can't say the same about Trump.

    Ultimately I think Trump made Hillary look worse to me than she made him, so he won the debates based upon their respective records. That's me however, and not the general voting public.

    I think people will hold their nose and vote for Hillary, while others will be scared to associate themselves with Trump by voting for him. That's how I see it anyway. Perhaps the level of anger with the status-quo will be substantial enough to tip the scales for Trump.

    ben | Oct 20, 2016 12:10:20 AM | 119
    On e-voting. worth a listen...

    [Oct 20, 2016] Obama Vote Rigging Is Impossible - Unless In Favor Of Hillary Clinton

    Notable quotes:
    "... It is high time for the U.S. to return to paper-ballots and manual vote counting. The process is easier, comprehensible, less prone to manipulations and reproducible. Experience in other countries show that it is also nearly as fast, if not faster, than machine counting. There is simply no sensible reason why machines should be used at all. ..."
    "... There is simply no sensible reason why machines should be used at all." Of course there is - to rig elections. What do you think they are used for. ..."
    "... The price to pay is the ability to be alerted when vote rigging is going on. Bush won in 2000 because his people controlled the processes that mattered in Florida. ..."
    "... There are the same allegations about 2004 in regards to Ohio. ..."
    "... Here's the best statistical analysis of US vote count irregularities to date. Not a pretty picture. ..."
    "... There is more needed than just paper ballots. A proportional system, a limit on donations and partisan/donor government posts, a stop to the corporate and lobbyist revolving doors. ..."
    "... At present the US seem to be on their way to a one party system. Any democratic process will take place within this "private" club including a very small part of the population. ..."
    "... for the 1 percent the system is not rigged, they have a preferred globalization candidate, and a police state fall back should the peasants rebell. ..."
    "... US citizens are reduced to vote in a block to this power in the Senate and the House in continuous cycles. In the end that blocks any political progress there might be. ..."
    "... There's lots of evidence that the 2004 election was stolen for Bush in Ohio. ..."
    "... "smartmatic" is obviously the right choice. it's a name we know and trust. Like Deibold, Northrup, KBR, and Bellingcat. The integrity stands for itself. ..."
    "... Just think of how many residents of graveyards will be voting their consciences (or lack thereof) this year. Remember Chicago advise - vote early, vote often. ..."
    "... obomber has a friend in the vote rigging business. ..."
    "... Concerted media campaign (scripted) against Trump portrays him as hysterical. Recall the trumped-up "(Howard) Dean Scream". ..."
    "... Hillary is as nasty and hysterical as Trump or worse. She uses the F bomb regularly. Screams at her subordinates and she annihilated several countries worth of women and children. ..."
    "... We should all be aware of what occurred in the two Baby Bush elections as far as voter machine tabulations and judicial fraud in his becoming president in both elections and the likely murder(s) to cover the fraud up. Small plane crashes being almost untraceable. ..."
    "... paper vote or bust. Everything else hides an attempt at control and ultimately fraud. ..."
    "... How does that help Trump? Most DNC *and* RNC Deep State insiders favor Hillary. ..."
    "... Who is leaking all this stuff so well-timed together? Might just be the FBI, finding itself unable to prosecute officially, not only for fear of retribution, but also because the heap of shit that would get uncovered could be enough for the rest of the world to declare war on the US. ..."
    "... In Vietnam, as in Iraq, the U.S. government pushed hard to get an election to sanctify its puppet regime. Ellsberg, who spent two years in Vietnam after his time in the Pentagon, aided some of the key U.S. officials in this effort who sought an honest vote. But when U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge heard their pitch, he replied, "You've got a gentleman in the White House right now [Johnson] who has spent most of his life rigging elections. I've spent most of my life rigging elections. I spent nine whole months rigging a Republican convention to choose Ike as a candidate rather than Bob Taft." Lodge later ordered, "Get it across to the press that they shouldn't apply higher standards here in Vietnam than they do in the U.S." ..."
    "... Why is policy discussion absent from this election cycle? Its all Trump bashing,wo one iota of his policies being broadcast? ..."
    "... Obomba, the most un-criticised POTUS in American history, is a laughable pos concerned about his terrible corrupt legacy of death war and division which Trump will reveal, once in. ..."
    "... Election Fraud within the Outlaw US Empire has a long history. One very intrepid investigator and expert on this is Brad Friedman who runs the Brad Blog, whose current lead item is about this very topic. ..."
    "... The Vote 'No Confidence' movement is growing. It's being actively discussed on FB and ZH now ..."
    "... Trump say the election is rigged ? Obama's setting up a straw mam by changing the story to election fraud. There may well be fraud in the voting process but we are unlikely to ever know how much. But as to the election being rigged , that's so plainly obvious it's painful. ..."
    "... And Germany doesn't allow electronic voting machines. Gotta be a clue there somewhere. ..."
    "... There is ample evidence of election fraud, vote fraud, and various types of 'rigging' or 'organising' in the US it is just too long to go into in a short post. ..."
    "... Poll Pro-HRC results are not trustworthy. They aren't necessarily outright fabricated (is easy to do and very hard to detect / prosecute), nor even fraudulently carried out, but 'arranged' to give the desired result, which might even, in some cases, be perfectly unconscious, just following SOP. (I could outline 10 major problems / procedures that twist the results.) ..."
    "... Then, the media take it up, and cherry-pick the results, pro HRC. That includes internet sites like real clear politics, which I noticed recently is biased (paid?) in favor of HRC. ..."
    "... It is amazing to me, yet very few ppl actually dig into the available info about the polls. (Maybe 300 ppl in the world?) HRC needs these fakelorum poll results because they will 'rig' the election as best as they can, they need to point back to them: "see we were winning all the time Trump deplorables yelling insults who cares" - Pathetic. Also, of course, controlling the polls while not the same as 'riggin' the election is part of the same MO. (See Podesta e-mails from Wikileaks.) ..."
    "... I think things could get pretty ugly on Nov 9 if Trump wins because i don't see Hillary going quietly into the night and the dems have seeded "putin is rigging" the election idea to contest the results. Plus the establishment that wants Hillary controls the media and the executive office. ..."
    "... Trump's delegitimizing the election before it takes place is definitely color revolution stuff - the carrot revolution? ..."
    "... "Hillary Clinton now says her "number one priority" in Syria is the removal of Bashar al-Assad, putting us on the path of war with Syria and Russia next year. ..."
    "... no-fly zone" over Syria will certainly be followed by the shooting down of both Russian and U.S. jets, in an unpredictable escalation that could easily spread ..."
    "... Note the sums are shards of chewed peanuts and their shells. MSM are bought, controlled and are put in a lowly position, and pamper to power, any.… They will go where the money is but it takes them a long time to figure out who what where why etc. and what they are supposed to do. They cannot be outed as completely controlled, so have to do some 'moves' to retain credibility, and their clients/controllers understand that. Encouraging a corrupt 4th Estate has its major downsides. ..."
    "... Rigged. Right. Let me tell you about rigged. The US system is rigged in a far larger sense than any Americans realize. It's rigged to blow off the Constitution. ..."
    "... the idea of the Electoral College was that every four years communities vote for a local person who could be trusted to go to Washington and become part of the committee that chooses a president and vice-president. ..."
    "... The process is "supposed" to be more akin to the Holy See choosing a pope. The electors were to meet in Washington, debate the possibilities, come up with short list, go to the top person on the list and ask if they would be willing to be president (or vice-president, as the case may be), and if they agreed, the deal was done. If not, go to the second person. ..."
    "... And demand hand counted paper ballots that cannot be rigged by "Russian hackers". It's called simple score because it is almost the same as other well-known forms of score (and "range") voting, except it's optimized for hand counted paper ballots (i.e. no machines). ..."
    "... Need to comb through the propositions carefully. Against big business and self serving liberals.. BTW, I'm a Californian from the Central Valley. Oh! How I wish there is a proposition. Should Hussein Obomo II charge for crimes against humanity? ..."
    "... it is absolutely evident that Donald Trump is not only facing the mammoth Clinton political machine, but, also the combined forces of the viciously dishonest Mainstream Media." ..."
    "... "When was the last time the media threw 100% of its support behind one party's presidential candidate? What does that say about the media?" ..."
    "... Do you feel comfortable with the idea that a handful of TV and print-news executives are inserting themselves into the process and choosing our leaders for us?" ..."
    "... It looks like ALL of the Neocon war criminals and architects of the mass slaughters in Iraq (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc) are standing with Hillary Clinton: ..."
    "... Here's a partial list of neocon war criminals supporting Miss Neocon: Paul Wolfowitz (aka, the Prince of Darkness), Eliot Cohen, Richard Perle, David Wurmser, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, Marc Grossman, David Frum, Michael Chertoff, John Podhoretz, Elliot Abrams, Alan Dershowitz, etc ..."
    "... All neocons stand with the CrookedC*nt because there hasn't been nearly enough pointless war, slaughter, dismemberment, death or trauma, it needs to go on FOREVER. ..."
    "... To be blunt. It is not only MSM who are prostitutes of oligarchic ruling elite but all or most even so called left-leaning or independent media are all under guise of phony "opposition" or diversity of opinion where there is none. ..."
    "... MSM even lacks this basic foundation of a rational thought and must be dismissed entirely. ..."
    "... The freedom of speech and press, democracy and just simple decency are simply not allowed in these US under penalty of social marginalizing or even death as Assange and Manning are facing. The entire message of MSM propaganda false flag soldiers is fear. ..."
    "... The US Elections themselves are regularity defrauded (read Greg Palast) for decades in thousands of well-documented different and additional ways to polls such as: ..."
    "... No independent verification of the vote or serious reporting by international observers about violations, or independent exit polls, and many, many more ways every election is stolen as anybody who opens eyes can see. ..."
    "... "The individual loses his substance by voluntarily bowing to an overpowering and distant oligarchy, while simultaneously "participating" in sham democracy." ..."
    "... Remember this is a person that actually publicly admits he took 6 months off (from what?) to campaign for Mr Changey Hopey, The drone Bombing Nobel Peace Prize winner, so it's not like he could ever 5have any political insights worth listening to, now is it? ..."
    "... Oddly, I looked to Russia for inspiration. RF believes in international law so greatly that she strives mightily at every turn to make it the way nations interact. And what we can see if we choose, is that this effort is paying off. The world is changing because of what Russia believes in. ..."
    "... Although Clinton Won Massachusetts by 2%, Hand Counted Precincts in Massachusetts Favored Bernie Sanders by 17% ..."
    "... Massachusetts, one of the participating states for the Super Tuesday election results, may need further scrutiny to allay concerns over election fraud using electronic voting machines. 68 out of the state's 351 jurisdictions used hand counted ballots and showed a much larger preference of 17% for Bernie Sanders than the rest of the jurisdictions tabulated by electronic voting machine vendors ES&S, Diebold and Dominion. Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of Massachusetts by 1.42 %. ..."
    "... In the Dominican Republic's last elections (May 2016) voters forced the Electoral Office to get rid of the electronic count in favor of paper ballots, which were counted both, by scanner and by hand, one by one, in front of delegates from each party. This action avoided a credibility crisis and everything went smooth. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    Is rigging the U.S. election possible?

    Obama says it is not possible:

    Obama was asked about Trump's voter fraud assertions on Tuesday [..] He responded with a blistering attack on the Republican candidate, noting that U.S. elections are run and monitored by local officials, who may well be appointed by Republican governors of states, and saying that cases of significant voter fraud were not to be found in American elections.

    Obama said there was "no serious" person who would suggest it was possible to rig American elections , adding, "I'd invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes."

    That is curious. There are a lot of "non serious" persons in the Democratic Party who tell us that Russia is trying to manipulate the U.S. elections. How is it going to that when it's not possible?

    Moreover - Obama himself suggested that Russia may interfere with the U.S. elections: Obama: 'Possible' Russia interfering in US election

    Is rigging the election only impossible when it is in favor of Hillary Clinton? This while rigging the elections in favor of Donald Trump, by Russia or someone else, is entirely possible and even "evident"?


    That said - I do believe that the U.S. election can be decided through manipulation. We have evidently seen that in 2000 when Bush was "elected" by a fake "recount" and a Supreme Court decision.

    The outcome of a U.S. presidential election can depend on very few votes in very few localities. The various machines and processes used in U.S. elections can be influenced. It is no longer comprehensible for the voters how the votes are counted and how the results created. *

    The intense manipulation attempts by the Clinton camp, via the DNC against Sanders or by creating a Russian boogeyman to propagandize against Trump, lets me believe that her side is well capable of considering and implementing some vote count shenanigan. Neither are Trump or the Republicans in general strangers to dirty methods and manipulations.

    It is high time for the U.S. to return to paper-ballots and manual vote counting. The process is easier, comprehensible, less prone to manipulations and reproducible. Experience in other countries show that it is also nearly as fast, if not faster, than machine counting. There is simply no sensible reason why machines should be used at all.

    * (The German Constitutional Court prohibited the use of all voting machines in German elections because for the general voters they institute irreproducible vote counting which leads to a general loss of trust in the democratic process. The price to pay for using voting machines is legitimacy.)

    Posted by b on October 19, 2016 at 01:54 AM | Permalink

    wj2 | Oct 19, 2016 2:00:43 AM | 1
    I just found out that many states in the US use electronic voting systems made by Smartmatic which is part of the SGO Group. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is the chairman of SGO. This man is heavily entangled with Soros. Hillary is Soros' candidate. You simply can't make this sh*t up
    Blue | Oct 19, 2016 2:27:24 AM | 2
    " There is simply no sensible reason why machines should be used at all." Of course there is - to rig elections. What do you think they are used for.
    Erast Fandorin | Oct 19, 2016 2:40:48 AM | 4
    So much for Smartmatic:
    Julian | Oct 19, 2016 2:50:37 AM | 5
    No. The price to pay is the ability to be alerted when vote rigging is going on. Bush won in 2000 because his people controlled the processes that mattered in Florida.

    There are the same allegations about 2004 in regards to Ohio.

    Adjuvant | Oct 19, 2016 3:36:40 AM | 6
    Here's the best statistical analysis of US vote count irregularities to date. Not a pretty picture.

    And here's a broader analysis of voting integrity issues this year.

    But don't worry: the Department of Homeland Security wants to step in to protect our elections -- with a new Election Cybersecurity Committee that has no cybersecurity experts, but plenty of people embroiled in election fraud lawsuits!

    somebody | Oct 19, 2016 5:09:02 AM | 7
    There is more needed than just paper ballots. A proportional system, a limit on donations and partisan/donor government posts, a stop to the corporate and lobbyist revolving doors.

    And diverse political parties that present voters with a choice. At present the US seem to be on their way to a one party system. Any democratic process will take place within this "private" club including a very small part of the population.

    But democracy never meant the power of the poor. So, no, for the 1 percent the system is not rigged, they have a preferred globalization candidate, and a police state fall back should the peasants rebell.

    And in the end, this is the way things are run in Russia and China, with a lot less media circus.

    somebody | Oct 19, 2016 5:20:28 AM | 8
    Posted by: somebody | Oct 19, 2016 5:09:02 AM | 7

    Add - a limit to presidential power for one person. US citizens are reduced to vote in a block to this power in the Senate and the House in continuous cycles. In the end that blocks any political progress there might be. The US are the oldest modern democracy. It is like being stuck in the age of steam engines.

    nmb | Oct 19, 2016 5:51:09 AM | 9
    Stein: this so-called debate is a sad commentary on what our political system has become
    Seamus Padraig | Oct 19, 2016 6:44:12 AM | 10
    @ wj2 (Oct 19, 2016 2:00:43 AM | 1):

    Good one, wj2! Here's some more info on Lord Malloch-Brown and George Soros, courtesy of WikiPedia:

    Malloch Brown has been closely associated with billionaire speculator George Soros. Working for Refugees International, he was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia in 1993–94, formed by George Soros. He has since kept cordial relations with Soros, and rented an apartment owned by Soros while working in New York on UN assignments. In May 2007, Soros' Quantum Fund announced the appointment of Sir Mark as vice-president. In September 2007, The Observer reported that he had resigned this position on becoming a government minister in the UK. Also in May 2007, Malloch Brown was named vice-chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute, two other important Soros organisations.,_Baron_Malloch-Brown#Association_with_George_Soros

    lysias | Oct 19, 2016 8:10:37 AM | 11
    There's lots of evidence that the 2004 election was stolen for Bush in Ohio.
    shh | Oct 19, 2016 8:50:59 AM | 14
    DOOOOOOOOOM! "smartmatic" is obviously the right choice. it's a name we know and trust. Like Deibold, Northrup, KBR, and Bellingcat. The integrity stands for itself. With a population so gleefully ignorant and self centered as D'uhmerica, you should be lowering your expectations significantly.
    Ken Nari | Oct 19, 2016 8:57:45 AM | 15
    Are honest elections even legal in Texas and Louisiana? How about Massachusetts and New York? They may be legal there but it would be dangerous to try to enforce that.
    Formerly T-Bear | Oct 19, 2016 9:06:36 AM | 16
    Just think of how many residents of graveyards will be voting their consciences (or lack thereof) this year. Remember Chicago advise - vote early, vote often.
    jo6pac | Oct 19, 2016 9:19:36 AM | 17
    obomber has a friend in the vote rigging business.

    Voting Green in Calif.

    fastfreddy | Oct 19, 2016 9:45:56 AM | 18
    PB 13 "Concerning attacks from both sides, Trump is definitely more hysterical."

    Concerted media campaign (scripted) against Trump portrays him as hysterical. Recall the trumped-up "(Howard) Dean Scream".

    Trump's hysterical rants (and the smear campaign) are played up in a organized attempt to knock him out. People are getting kneecapped (Billy Bush) to demonstrate to others the wrath that may be visited upon them for supporting the wrong candidate.

    Take Bill O'Reilly for example, He told a subordinate female employee (documented court record) that he wanted to "get a few wines in her and soap up her tits in the shower with a loofah and falafel. There was a settlement and the story was under-reported. Forgotten and forgiven. In fact Bill O stands as an arbiter of moral virtue.

    Hillary is as nasty and hysterical as Trump or worse. She uses the F bomb regularly. Screams at her subordinates and she annihilated several countries worth of women and children.

    It is simply "not in the script" to malign Hillary with her own words and obnoxious behavior. By the way, she is also a drunk.

    john | Oct 19, 2016 10:06:05 AM | 19
    rufus magister says: Y'all keep on diggin' well, there's this , and i didn't even have to break ground.
    BRF | Oct 19, 2016 10:16:56 AM | 20
    We should all be aware of what occurred in the two Baby Bush elections as far as voter machine tabulations and judicial fraud in his becoming president in both elections and the likely murder(s) to cover the fraud up. Small plane crashes being almost untraceable.
    Northern Observer | Oct 19, 2016 10:21:48 AM | 21
    paper vote or bust. Everything else hides an attempt at control and ultimately fraud.
    dumbass | Oct 19, 2016 10:22:18 AM | 22
    >> "The vast majority of battleground states have Republicans overseeing their election systems," These officials actually count the votes,

    How does that help Trump? Most DNC *and* RNC Deep State insiders favor Hillary.

    > and they, like Ohio's Husted, have criticized the Day-Glo Duckhead.


    persiflo | Oct 19, 2016 10:29:06 AM | 23
    Here's another one:

    Who is leaking all this stuff so well-timed together? Might just be the FBI, finding itself unable to prosecute officially, not only for fear of retribution, but also because the heap of shit that would get uncovered could be enough for the rest of the world to declare war on the US.

    lysias | Oct 19, 2016 10:54:38 AM | 25
    Daniel Ellsberg, in his book Secrets , recounts what he had learned during his government service about the honesty of U.S. elections. As reported in Counterpunch :
    In Vietnam, as in Iraq, the U.S. government pushed hard to get an election to sanctify its puppet regime. Ellsberg, who spent two years in Vietnam after his time in the Pentagon, aided some of the key U.S. officials in this effort who sought an honest vote. But when U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge heard their pitch, he replied, "You've got a gentleman in the White House right now [Johnson] who has spent most of his life rigging elections. I've spent most of my life rigging elections. I spent nine whole months rigging a Republican convention to choose Ike as a candidate rather than Bob Taft." Lodge later ordered, "Get it across to the press that they shouldn't apply higher standards here in Vietnam than they do in the U.S."

    But Lodge's comments were downright uplifting compared with a meeting that Ellsberg attended with former Vice President Richard Nixon, who was visiting Vietnam on a "fact-finding mission" to help bolster his presidential aspirations. Former CIA operative Edward Lansdale told Nixon that he and his colleagues wanted to help "make this the most honest election that's ever been held in Vietnam." Nixon replied, "Oh, sure, honest, yes, honest, that's right … so long as you win!" With the last words he did three things in quick succession: winked, drove his elbow hard into Lansdale's arm, and slapped his own knee.

    dahoit | Oct 19, 2016 11:00:42 AM | 26
    12,13,will you clowns keep your zippers closed? Your propaganda is unseemly, and we'll see just whose victory will be huge Nov.8,won't we? Why does anyone put any credence in serial liar polls? Why is policy discussion absent from this election cycle? Its all Trump bashing,wo one iota of his policies being broadcast?

    That is his vote rigging angle, that the MSM is corrupt and is politically assassinating him daily,not the polls themselves being a major factor in the rigging accusations.

    Obomba, the most un-criticised POTUS in American history, is a laughable pos concerned about his terrible corrupt legacy of death war and division which Trump will reveal, once in. And only commie morons would oppose that.

    karlof1 | Oct 19, 2016 11:46:58 AM | 27
    Election Fraud within the Outlaw US Empire has a long history. One very intrepid investigator and expert on this is Brad Friedman who runs the Brad Blog, whose current lead item is about this very topic. I suggest those interested in learning more take the time to investigate his site and its many years of accumulated evidence proving Election Fraud a very big problem,
    TheRealDonald | Oct 19, 2016 11:50:32 AM | 28
    The Vote 'No Confidence' movement is growing. It's being actively discussed on FB and ZH now. A bloviating bunko artist vers a grifting crypto neocon is not a 'choice', it's a suicide squad lootfest it's taking America down.

    ... ... ..

    Nobody | Oct 19, 2016 12:17:59 PM | 30
    In Humboldt County California we still use paper ballots. Our polling place also has one electronic voting machine sitting in a corner for voters who can't use the paper ballots. I have never seen it being used. There was a transparency program that I think they still do where all ballots were scanned and the images made available online for the public to double check results. I'm no wiz with machine vision but I think I could knock together enough code to do my own recount.

    I'm not paying much attention but doesn't Trump say the election is rigged ? Obama's setting up a straw mam by changing the story to election fraud. There may well be fraud in the voting process but we are unlikely to ever know how much. But as to the election being rigged , that's so plainly obvious it's painful.

    And Germany doesn't allow electronic voting machines. Gotta be a clue there somewhere.

    Noirette | Oct 19, 2016 12:43:09 PM | 31
    There is ample evidence of election fraud, vote fraud, and various types of 'rigging' or 'organising' in the US it is just too long to go into in a short post. (See for ex. Adjuvant @ 6, john @ 18)

    Ideally, one would have to divide it into different types. It is also traditional, which some forget, I only know about that from 'realistic' novels, I recently read Dos Passos' Manhattan Transfer, and was amazed how little things change (despite horse-drawn carriages, rouge, spitoons, cigars, sauerkraut, etc.) - see karlof1 @ 25.

    Poll Pro-HRC results are not trustworthy. They aren't necessarily outright fabricated (is easy to do and very hard to detect / prosecute), nor even fraudulently carried out, but 'arranged' to give the desired result, which might even, in some cases, be perfectly unconscious, just following SOP. (I could outline 10 major problems / procedures that twist the results.)

    Then, the media take it up, and cherry-pick the results, pro HRC. That includes internet sites like real clear politics, which I noticed recently is biased (paid?) in favor of HRC.

    It is amazing to me, yet very few ppl actually dig into the available info about the polls. (Maybe 300 ppl in the world?) HRC needs these fakelorum poll results because they will 'rig' the election as best as they can, they need to point back to them: "see we were winning all the time Trump deplorables yelling insults who cares" - Pathetic. Also, of course, controlling the polls while not the same as 'riggin' the election is part of the same MO. (See Podesta e-mails from Wikileaks.)

    This is also the reason for the mad accusations of Putin interference in US elections - if somebody is doing illegit moves it is Trump's supporter Putin and so the 'bad stuff' is 'foreign take-over' and not 'us', and btw NOT the Republicans, or Trump circle, which is very telling.

    I didn't see the O Keefe, Project Veritas, vids mentioned. Here the first one. There is a second one up and more coming.

    alaric | Oct 19, 2016 12:49:20 PM | 32
    I think things could get pretty ugly on Nov 9 if Trump wins because i don't see Hillary going quietly into the night and the dems have seeded "putin is rigging" the election idea to contest the results. Plus the establishment that wants Hillary controls the media and the executive office.

    Oh boy.

    somebody | Oct 19, 2016 1:05:09 PM | 33
    Posted by: jdmckay | Oct 19, 2016 12:11:35 PM | 27

    Trump's delegitimizing the election before it takes place is definitely color revolution stuff - the carrot revolution?

    It is an interesting experiment if you can make people vote for a candidate they don't like by it being the only way to prevent a candidate they dislike even more. You just showed you aren't able to.

    Petri Krohn | Oct 19, 2016 1:49:49 PM | 37
    My link collection on the elections is here: US presidential elections - ACLOS

    Topics discussed:

    anon | Oct 19, 2016 2:03:32 PM | 39

    "Hillary Clinton now says her "number one priority" in Syria is the removal of Bashar al-Assad, putting us on the path of war with Syria and Russia next year.

    Any "no-fly zone" over Syria will certainly be followed by the shooting down of both Russian and U.S. jets, in an unpredictable escalation that could easily spread

    Russia will not back down if we start shooting down its aircraft. Is Hillary willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to protect al-Qaeda in Syria?

    Mina | Oct 19, 2016 2:07:19 PM | 40
    latest fisk
    Noirette | Oct 19, 2016 2:32:17 PM | 46
    96% of disclosed campaign contributions from journalists went to the Clinton campaign. From the MSM: TIME.

    Note the sums are shards of chewed peanuts and their shells. MSM are bought, controlled and are put in a lowly position, and pamper to power, any.… They will go where the money is but it takes them a long time to figure out who what where why etc. and what they are supposed to do. They cannot be outed as completely controlled, so have to do some 'moves' to retain credibility, and their clients/controllers understand that. Encouraging a corrupt 4th Estate has its major downsides.

    Denis | Oct 19, 2016 2:53:54 PM | 48
    Rigged. Right. Let me tell you about rigged. The US system is rigged in a far larger sense than any Americans realize. It's rigged to blow off the Constitution.

    If you want to know how badly rigged, ask any voter when they leave the voting venue: "What is the name of the elector you just voted for?" You'll get either: 1) a dumb stare; 2) a laugh, or 3) a "WTF is an elector?"

    Under the Constitution, Americans vote for electors. They do not vote for presidents, and there's a reason for that. It's called "mass stupidity."

    The Fondling Fathers were smart enough to know that the people are too stupid to choose their own leader. So the idea of the Electoral College was that every four years communities vote for a local person who could be trusted to go to Washington and become part of the committee that chooses a president and vice-president.

    There is not "supposed" to be any campaign, candidates, or polls. The process is "supposed" to be more akin to the Holy See choosing a pope. The electors were to meet in Washington, debate the possibilities, come up with short list, go to the top person on the list and ask if they would be willing to be president (or vice-president, as the case may be), and if they agreed, the deal was done. If not, go to the second person. Pretty much how the CEO of a large corporation is chosen.

    Having the people of a community vote for the local person who would be the most trustworthy to deliberate on who should be president is a reasonable objective. I mean, essentially the question for the voter would be reduced to: "What person in our community would be least likely to be bought off?" But having a gang-bang of 60 million voting Americans who don't really know shit about the morons they are voting into office . . . that, on its face, is a sign of mass self-deception and insanity. It is mass stupidity perpetuating itself.

    The circus that the US presidential election has turned into – including the grotesque primaries – just goes to show how fucking stupid Americans are. The system is an embarrassment to the entire country. And it is an act of flipping-off the Fondling Fathers and their better judgment every four years. But worst of all, the present system is virtually certain to eventually produce the most powerful person in the world who is a complete moron, and who will precipitate a global catastrophe – economic, or military, or both.

    Two names come immediately to mind.

    blues | Oct 19, 2016 2:59:19 PM | 50

    ... ... ...

    And demand hand counted paper ballots that cannot be rigged by "Russian hackers". It's called simple score because it is almost the same as other well-known forms of score (and "range") voting, except it's optimized for hand counted paper ballots (i.e. no machines).

    Jack Smith | Oct 19, 2016 3:09:23 PM | 52
    Hey MoA,

    Just got my mail-in ballots from the postman. Voting against all Democrats except, for POTUS. Take a few days and vote either Jill Stein or Donald Trump.

    Need to comb through the propositions carefully. Against big business and self serving liberals.. BTW, I'm a Californian from the Central Valley. Oh! How I wish there is a proposition. Should Hussein Obomo II charge for crimes against humanity?

    anon | Oct 19, 2016 3:16:23 PM | 53

    "For any minimally conscious American citizen, it is absolutely evident that Donald Trump is not only facing the mammoth Clinton political machine, but, also the combined forces of the viciously dishonest Mainstream Media."

    -Boyd D. Cathey, "The Tape, the Conspiracy, and the Death of the Old Politics", Unz Review

    "When was the last time the media threw 100% of its support behind one party's presidential candidate? What does that say about the media?"

    Do you feel comfortable with the idea that a handful of TV and print-news executives are inserting themselves into the process and choosing our leaders for us?"

    from Mike Whitney, Counterpunch

    To read more:

    Bruno Marz | Oct 19, 2016 3:26:32 PM | 54
    If Jill Stein needs 5% of the vote in order to be considered a legitimate candidate (or to bring the Green party up to legitimate third-party status for the 2020 election), then you can rest assured that no matter how many votes she actually gets, her percentage will never be above 4.99%. Just like when Obama swept into office in 2008, the powers-that-be made sure the Democrats never had a filibuster-proof majority. Give 'em just enough to believe that the system works, but never enough to create a situation where the lack of change can't be explained away by "gridlock". Brilliant in its malevolence, really.
    anon | Oct 19, 2016 3:32:17 PM | 55

    It looks like ALL of the Neocon war criminals and architects of the mass slaughters in Iraq (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc) are standing with Hillary Clinton:

    Here's a partial list of neocon war criminals supporting Miss Neocon: Paul Wolfowitz (aka, the Prince of Darkness), Eliot Cohen, Richard Perle, David Wurmser, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, Marc Grossman, David Frum, Michael Chertoff, John Podhoretz, Elliot Abrams, Alan Dershowitz, etc

    All neocons stand with the CrookedC*nt because there hasn't been nearly enough pointless war, slaughter, dismemberment, death or trauma, it needs to go on FOREVER.

    Kalen | Oct 19, 2016 3:35:05 PM | 56
    To be blunt. It is not only MSM who are prostitutes of oligarchic ruling elite but all or most even so called left-leaning or independent media are all under guise of phony "opposition" or diversity of opinion where there is none.

    Actually MOA is one of few, more or less independent, aligning itself with any sane ideology, a welcome island of order in the ocean of media cacophony and I often disagreed with MOA but I appreciate its logical consistency and integrity, hard facts based journalism,no matter from what moral stand MOA writings are coming from. MSM even lacks this basic foundation of a rational thought and must be dismissed entirely.

    But there is much, much more rigging going on, on massive, even global scale. The fraud is so massive and so visible that blinds people from the truth about it. From the truth of how massively they are being controlled in their opinions and thoughts.

    The freedom of speech and press, democracy and just simple decency are simply not allowed in these US under penalty of social marginalizing or even death as Assange and Manning are facing. The entire message of MSM propaganda false flag soldiers is fear.

    It may seem shocking for people under spell of overwhelming propaganda, but this government run by Global oligarchs is dangerous to our physical and mental health and must be eradicated as a matter of sanitary emergency.

    Let's sweep all those political excretions into the sewage pipes where they belong. But first we have to recognize the scale of their influence and their horrifying daily routine subversion of social order, gross malfeasance or even horrendous crimes also war crimes covered up by MSM.

    Only after we get rid of this abhorrent, brutal regime, cut the chains of enslavement we can have decent democracy or voting, not before.

    John Stuart Mill - "Government shapes our character, values, and intellect. It can affect us positively or negatively. When political institutions are ill constructed, "the effect is felt in a thousand ways in lowering the morality and deadening the intelligence and activity of the people"

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "I had come to see that everything was radically connected with politics, and that however one proceeded, no people would be other than the nature of its government.

    And here we are, believing the shit those mofos and feeding us about freedom and democracy citing bought and sold lies as "scientific research" concocted for one reason alone, to fuck us up , exploit and discard when not needed.

    Here is, in a small part, about how they do it, starting from phony polls that suppose to sway you one way or another into following supposed projected winner anointed by the establishment.

    Polls are routinely skewed, even MSM pundits say use polls they can trust i.e. which give them results their bosses seek.

    Now over hundred top newspapers and media outlets endorsed Hillary so you can safely remove them from your list of polls you can rely on.

    Anyway most polls are rigged even more than elections themselves, mostly by skewing the content of a poling sample like in the above example. If you poll Dems about Reps that exactly you get what you seek. But they are more insidious like doubling or tripling polling sample and then pick an choose what answers they like, or focus sample on the area you know there is overall support for your thesis or assertion of candidate regardless of official affiliation, and many more down to raw rigging by fixing numbers or adjustments.

    The US Elections themselves are regularity defrauded (read Greg Palast) for decades in thousands of well-documented different and additional ways to polls such as:

    By limiting selection of possible candidates and their access to statewide or national ballot box via rigged undemocratic caucuses and primaries and other unreasonable requirements, goal-seeking ad-hoc rules. by eliminating and/or confusing voters about voting at proper physical location often changed in last moments, forcing into never counted provisional vote by purposely hiding registered lists, purging made up "felons" from voter lists, requiring expensive or unavailable or costly to obtain due to extensive travel, identifying documents, threatening citizen (of color) with deportation, accusing them of voter fraud [baseless challenging that automatically pushes voter into provisional vote], or strait offering meaningless provisional ballots instead of proper ballot for people who can't read (English) well, eliminating students and military vote when needed on phony registration issues, signature, pictures, purposefully misspelled names, mostly non-British names etc., reducing number of polling places where majority votes for "rouge" candidate, forcing people to stand in line for hours or preventing people from voting al together.

    Selecting remote polling locations with obstructed public access by car or transit, paid parking, exposed to weather elements, cold, wind and rain in November.

    Hacking databases before and after vote, switching votes, adding votes for absent voters, and switching party affiliations and vote at polling places as well up in the data collating chain, county, state, filing in court last minute frivolous law suits aimed to block unwanted candidates or challenging readiness of the polling places in certain neighborhoods deemed politically uncertain, outrageous voting ON a WORKING DAY (everywhere else voting is on Sunday or a day free of work) skewing that way votes toward older retired people.

    Massive lying propaganda of whom we vote for, a fraudulent ballot supposedly voting for "candidates" but in fact voting on unnamed electors, party apparatchiks instead, violating basic democratic principle of transparency of candidates on the ballot and secrecy of a voter, outrageous electorate college rules design to directly suppress democracy. Requirement of approval of the electoral vote by congress is an outrageous thing illegal in quasi-democratic western countries due to division of powers.

    Outrageous, voting day propaganda to discourage voting by phony polling and predictions while everywhere else there is campaigning ban, silence for two to three days before Election Day.

    No independent verification of the vote or serious reporting by international observers about violations, or independent exit polls, and many, many more ways every election is stolen as anybody who opens eyes can see.

    All the above fraud prepared by close group of election criminals on political party payroll, months/years before election date often without any contribution from ordinary polling workers who believe that nothing is rigged.

    If somebody thinks that they would restrain themselves this time, think again. The regime, in a form of mostly unsuspecting county registrars are tools of the establishment and will do everything, everything they can and they can a lot, to defraud those elections and push an establishment candidate down to our throats, without a thought crossing their comatose minds. "Just doing their jobs like little Eichmanns of NAZI regime".

    One way or another your vote will be stolen or manipulated up and down the ticket at will and your participation would mean one thing legitimizing this abhorrent regime.

    We must reject those rigged elections and demand that establishment must go, all of them GOP, DNC and that including Hillary before any truly democratic electoral process worth participating may commence.

    "The individual loses his substance by voluntarily bowing to an overpowering and distant oligarchy, while simultaneously "participating" in sham democracy."
    C. Wright Mills,"The Power Elite" (1956)

    and here is why:

    Any sane person must thus conclude that an act of voting in the current helplessly tainted and rigged political system is nothing but morally corrupting tool that divides us, conflicts us, extorts from us an approval for the meaningless political puppets of the calcified, repugnant oligarchic US regime, in a surrealistic act of utter futility aimed just to break us down, to break our sense of human dignity, our individual will and self-determination since no true choice is ever being offered to us and never will.

    Idea of political/electoral boycott, unplugging from the system that corrupts us and ALTERNATIVE POLITICAL PROCESS designed, developed and implemented for benefit of 99% of population is the only viable idea to express our political views that are absent from official regime candidates' agendas and from the rigged ballots. Let's not be afraid, it was already successfully done in the past. It works." Without courage there is only slavery.

    jdmckay | Oct 19, 2016 3:50:06 PM | 57
    Bo Dacious @ 41
    Remember this is a person that actually publicly admits he took 6 months off (from what?) to campaign for Mr Changey Hopey, The drone Bombing Nobel Peace Prize winner, so it's not like he could ever 5have any political insights worth listening to, now is it?

    Grow up.

    I took the time off (I'm a software engineer) after the primaries (having supported neither BO or HRC) because that's who get got. We were coming off 8 years of BushCo which was, in summary... a horror. The republicans were 100% unrepentant, and McCain was a far louder and steadfast supporter of Iraq then Hillary... wasn't even close. McCain burried his Abramhoff investigation, sealed their findings for 50 years. And his running mate was not just bereft of any policy expertise, she was a loudmouth loon... even FOX canceled her post election show.

    I was well aware of BO's questions/limitations. He didn't put his time in as a Senator and sponsored no meaningful legislation. He played it safe. He had no real policy track record. And as a Senator he quietly slipped away and hob-nobbed with Bush several times (no other Dem Senator at the time did this that I was aware). So yeah, Obama was on open question.

    But he was the guy we got....

    ALAN | Oct 19, 2016 4:20:32 PM | 65
    The Best of Joachim Hagopian
    Grieved | Oct 19, 2016 4:27:54 PM | 66
    I was going to pass on this election, but I've read a lot here about it and started to consider what as a US voter I might do.

    Oddly, I looked to Russia for inspiration. RF believes in international law so greatly that she strives mightily at every turn to make it the way nations interact. And what we can see if we choose, is that this effort is paying off. The world is changing because of what Russia believes in.

    I believe in voting. I believe in multiple parties. I believe the game is totally rigged but sometimes you can win, except that you have to play for this to happen. I believe that you have to be the thing you want.

    I believe in a Green Party and I admire the sanity that comes from Dr. Jill Stein every time I encounter her position. This is the world I believe in. This is the world I'll vote for and support, with all tools that comes to hand, forever.


    I don't believe in the view that aspiring for betterment is foolish or naive, or the view that current status cannot change or be changed. Such views fail to acknowledge the physical reality of a new universe manifesting in each moment, always different in some way from that of the previous moment. Such views are lost, bewildered, behind the curve, forever.

    blues | Oct 19, 2016 4:45:09 PM | 69
    Term limits are useless. There could never be a Cynthia McKinney or a Dennis Kucinich -- Ever! Term limited representatives would by definition be track record-free representatives. If you really would like positive change, you simply need to get strategic hedge simple score voting:

    Nothing else can possibly help.

    Jackrabbit | Oct 19, 2016 4:58:09 PM | 72
    The Donald describes what this election is about (ht Saker)
    lysias | Oct 19, 2016 5:19:33 PM | 74
    I am disappointed in how critical of Assange Glenn Greenwald and Naomi Klein are in this piece: IS DISCLOSURE OF PODESTA'S EMAILS A STEP TOO FAR? A CONVERSATION WITH NAOMI KLEIN .
    Wat | Oct 19, 2016 6:07:24 PM | 77

    Although Clinton Won Massachusetts by 2%, Hand Counted Precincts in Massachusetts Favored Bernie Sanders by 17%

    Mar 06 2016

    J.T. Waldron

    Massachusetts, one of the participating states for the Super Tuesday election results, may need further scrutiny to allay concerns over election fraud using electronic voting machines. 68 out of the state's 351 jurisdictions used hand counted ballots and showed a much larger preference of 17% for Bernie Sanders than the rest of the jurisdictions tabulated by electronic voting machine vendors ES&S, Diebold and Dominion. Hillary Clinton was declared the winner of Massachusetts by 1.42 %.

    Malvin | Oct 19, 2016 6:15:15 PM | 78
    In the Dominican Republic's last elections (May 2016) voters forced the Electoral Office to get rid of the electronic count in favor of paper ballots, which were counted both, by scanner and by hand, one by one, in front of delegates from each party. This action avoided a credibility crisis and everything went smooth.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Theres a reason Trumps rigged election claims resonate. Heres why

    Notable quotes:
    "... I think that Trump is referring to Clinton's use of her private, insecure server for confidential e-mails of which she ordered 30,000 to be deleted and had Obama intervene to stop an FBI investigation. Honest and transparent, I think not. ..."
    "... In "normal" circumstances she would have been disqualified as a candidate and possibly be facing criminal proceedings. Let's face it, neither candidate is at all suitable as leader of the western world. ..."
    "... The current bedrocks of the capitalist system are at breaking point. Parliamentary democracy and the nation state are crumbling under various pressures. They may be saves but I think we are entering the period when they will be replaced. I have no idea what with though. ..."
    "... Remember when U.S. NGOs were "respected" bodies around the world. Now we know they were spies and subverters, now banned from all self respecting countries around the world. ..."
    "... Remember how the U.S. went into Iraq for De4mocracy. Now we know it was oil and deliberate mayhem. ..."
    "... Ditto Afghanistan, Libya, and their failed attempt to lay waste Syria. ..."
    "... Ukraine is just a stand alone shithole created by the U.S., lied about by them, down to the downing of MH17 ..."
    "... If you want lies and deceit, look at the U.S ..."
    "... Not to be too critical, but most of what you mentioned was perpetrated under a single presidential administration. Cheney was dividing Iraqi oilfields way before the "invasion". Bush was just a puppet. You know, the kind of guy you would like to have a beer with. Just a good ole'boy. ..."
    "... Is Hillary trying to stir up her own counter revolution in case she loses too? It seems like a fatally flawed attempt. People barely have the energy to turn out to vote for her, let alone take up arms for her. ..."
    "... The DNC rigged the vote to nominate Clinton over Sanders. Why wouldn't they employ the same tricks in the election itself? ..."
    "... Any individual with a shred of decency should be extremely disturbed by the actions of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC. They privately discussed methods of discrediting Sanders based SOLELY on his religious affiliation. ..."
    "... Despite having a tonne of shit thrown at him and the msm and big money donors squarely in Clinton's corner, Trump's still standing. Polls released today: LA Times +2 Trump; NBC +6 Clinton; Rasmussen +1 Clinton ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |
    Kate Aronoff

    The fight over vote rigging in 2016 is a proxy war for a much deeper crisis: the legitimacy of American democracy

    Nearly 90% of Trump supporters agreed with a Rand Corporation survey statement that "people like me don't have any say about what the government does." The irony here is that Trump voters are historically some of the most enfranchised, with some of his strongest support coming from white protestant men. A study done during the primaries also found that Trump backers make an average of $72,000 per year, compared with a $61,000 average among likely Clinton voters.

    ... ... ...

    Corporate citizens – as defined by Citizens United – now have an easier time getting a hold of their elected representative than just about any other American. In other words, money talks in Washington, and Super Pacs have spend just under $795m this election cycle. Because lobbying money courses through every level of politics, the most successful candidates are the best at making friends in the Fortune 500.

    Meanwhile, just six in 10 Americans are confident their votes will be accurately cast and counted. And unlike in systems based on proportional representation, our winner-take-all electoral model creates some of the highest barriers to entry for political outsiders of any democracy on earth.

    Americans' distrust of politics is about more than just elections, though. Congressional approval ratings have declined steadily since 2009 , and now sit at just 20% – a high in the last few years. Unions – which used to cudgel Democrats into representing working people's interests – are at their weakest point in decades, and lack the sway they once held at the highest levels of government.

    Declines in organized labor have been paired with the disappearance of steady and well-paid work, either succumbed to automation or shipped overseas by free trade agreements. A jobless recovery from the financial crisis has left many adrift in the economy, while executives from the firms that drove it got golden parachutes courtesy of the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve.

    On the table now are to very different responses to these crises. Using an apocryphal quote from Frederich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg once wrote : "Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism."

    SmartestRs 2d ago

    I think that Trump is referring to Clinton's use of her private, insecure server for confidential e-mails of which she ordered 30,000 to be deleted and had Obama intervene to stop an FBI investigation. Honest and transparent, I think not.

    In "normal" circumstances she would have been disqualified as a candidate and possibly be facing criminal proceedings. Let's face it, neither candidate is at all suitable as leader of the western world.


    When Mrsfuriouspurpose got a gig as a poll clerk on the EU referendum she offered everyone who came through the door a pencil to write their cross.

    Many brought their own pens and a fair few explained that they were concerned that pencil could be rubbed out and wanted to make sure – just in case.

    It ain't only the yanks who are getting suspicious about how honest our democracy has become.

    davidc929 -> furiouspurpose

    The current bedrocks of the capitalist system are at breaking point. Parliamentary democracy and the nation state are crumbling under various pressures. They may be saves but I think we are entering the period when they will be replaced. I have no idea what with though.


    Remember when U.S. NGOs were "respected" bodies around the world. Now we know they were spies and subverters, now banned from all self respecting countries around the world.

    Remember how the U.S. went into Iraq for De4mocracy. Now we know it was oil and deliberate mayhem.

    Ditto Afghanistan, Libya, and their failed attempt to lay waste Syria.

    Ukraine is just a stand alone shithole created by the U.S., lied about by them, down to the downing of MH17.

    If you want lies and deceit, look at the U.S.

    Trump is right in his accusations. Idle chatter is just that, wasteful of time and distracting idle chatter,

    Thomas Hosking -> Kholrabi

    Not to be too critical, but most of what you mentioned was perpetrated under a single presidential administration. Cheney was dividing Iraqi oilfields way before the "invasion". Bush was just a puppet. You know, the kind of guy you would like to have a beer with. Just a good ole'boy.

    DaanSaaf -> Kholrabi

    Ukraine is just a stand alone shithole created by the U.S.,

    tbf, that was as much the handiwork of the EU as it ever was the US


    For better or for worse, the 2016 presidential campaign was all about him.

    Not about his policies. Not about calm analysis of what was wrong and how it could be fixed.

    It was always about him. And now, the nation's attention is still focused on him and his peccadillos…rather than Ms Clinton and her scams, corruptions, and Deep State flimflams.

    'Remember, it's a rigged system. It's a rigged election,' said the candidate over the weekend.

    Is the election really rigged? Probably not in the way Mr Trump intends listeners to believe. But the 'system' is so rigged that the election results hardly matter.
    A real conservative would shift the debate away from fanny pinching and other ungentlemanly comportment to how it is rigged. Americans want to know. How come the economy no longer grows as it used to? How come most Americans are poorer today than they were in 1999? How come we no longer win our wars?

    He would explain to listeners that much of the rigging took place while Hillary and Bill Clinton were collecting more than $150 million in speaking fees, telling us how to improve the world!

    Then, he would help listeners put two and two together - explaining how the fake dollar corrupted the nation's economy…and its politics, too.

    And he would offer real solutions. As it is, nobody seems to care. Not the stock market. Not the bond market. Not commentators. Not Hillary. Not Donald. Nobody.

    Bill Bonnar - Daily reckoning

    Ken Weller -> leadale

    Actually, he did address those issues quite frequently, including during the debate. It's the media that is trying to dictate what the important issues are.

    Ken Weller

    I recall that in previous elections, notably the 2004 presidential, progressive voices rightly pointed to possible election rigging. I even remember DNC chair Howard Dean interviewing Bev Harris of about how this could be achieved. Now that Trump's people are concerned about the issue, it's suddenly crazy.

    Meanwhile, Clinton's camp has put forth there own conspiracy theory that Russia may somehow rig it for Trump, never mind that that the voting machines are disconnected from the internet and thus hackers.

    Brett Hankinson -> Ken Weller

    Is Hillary trying to stir up her own counter revolution in case she loses too? It seems like a fatally flawed attempt. People barely have the energy to turn out to vote for her, let alone take up arms for her.

    Trump is far more effective and newsworthy because he's inciting violence during the US election and it actually seems plausible that violence could result. He doesn't even need to win the popular vote to wreck the place.

    Whodeaux Brett Hankinson

    It's win/win for Trump and his ilk. Or rather, if he wins then obviously he wins. If he loses he can just say he won, his fanbois will take over bird sanctuaries left and right, and when FBI and National Guard inevitably kill some of them he can screech about how Real Mericans® are being picked on by those nasty Globalist Bankers and the Entitlement Class, those two terms being the current dog whistles for what the John Birchers used to call Jews and Blacks.

    Trump doesn't seem to realize actual people are going to be actually dead before this is all over. One cannot untoast bread.


    The DNC rigged the vote to nominate Clinton over Sanders. Why wouldn't they employ the same tricks in the election itself?
    Our voting machines & tabulators are insecure - that's a known fact.
    So the concern among all voters (not just Trump supporters) is real & justified.

    HiramsMaxim MountainMan23

    If I were a Sanders supporter I would be furious.

    Hell, I'm not a Sanders supporter, and I am still furious. What matters an individual's vote, if the outcome has already been determined by The Powers That Be?

    Todd Owens HiramsMaxim

    Any individual with a shred of decency should be extremely disturbed by the actions of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC. They privately discussed methods of discrediting Sanders based SOLELY on his religious affiliation.

    "It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist," Bradley Marhsall, former CFO of the DNC.

    This is identity politics at its absolute worst.

    HiramsMaxim ButtChocolate

    Its a little more sophisticated than that.

    In the Podesta email dumps, there is plenty of evidence of particular members of the Press actively colluding with the Clinton campaign, and even submitting articles for review by the campaign before publishing.

    So, he is taking what are, at the very least, journalistic standards lapses, and spins it into something larger. He takes a little fear, and makes a big story out of it. And, because these media organisations cannot admit what they are doing, or deny the generally accepted verity of the Wikileaks dumps, he gets a free shot.

    Remember, to all the good progressives out there, Trump is not trying to appeal to you, convince you, or make you like him. In fact, the more you hate him, the more "ideologically pure" he looks to his supporters.

    Example: Look at The Guardian reporting of the firebombing at the Republican office here in NC. Any reasonable person would agree that firebombing is wrong. But, TG could not even use that word. The article they published bent over backwards to minimise the action, and blame it on Trump.

    Sure, that plays well to The Guardian readership. But, it just confirms (well, at least it appears to confirm) the loud cries of media bias that Trump and his supporters rail against. The irony is that when the same types of things happen domestically, by a Press that thinks it is "helping" their preferred candidate, it only confirms the worst suspicions of the opposition. And, it only taked one or two examples to give Trump room to condemn all media.

    Trump has one overwhelming skill on display here. He is able to bait the media, and they cannot resist rising to that bait. He is, for lack of a better term, a World Class Troll.


    "as his support slips"

    Despite having a tonne of shit thrown at him and the msm and big money donors squarely in Clinton's corner, Trump's still standing. Polls released today: LA Times +2 Trump; NBC +6 Clinton; Rasmussen +1 Clinton

    HiramsMaxim Harryy

    It is facinating that the last two weeks of ugliness on both sides has had just about zero effect on people.

    Its as if both sides have already made up their minds, and refuse to pay attention to the Media.

    [Oct 20, 2016] The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is notable for its deliberately bizarre policies and it effectively exists to satirise British politics

    Notable quotes:
    "... The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is a registered political party established in the United Kingdom in 1983 by the musician David Sutch, better known as "Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow" or simply "Screaming Lord Sutch". It is notable for its deliberately bizarre policies and it effectively exists to satirise British politics, and to offer itself as an poignant alternative for protest voters, especially in constituencies where the party holding the seat is unlikely to lose it and everyone else's vote would be quietly wasted. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    EMichael : , October 20, 2016 at 08:31 AM

    Meanwhile, for those who are considering voting third party, perhaps this information would be useful.

    pgl -> EMichael... , October 20, 2016 at 08:36 AM
    I watched that yesterday. Funny and a complete take down of Jill Stein. How come a British comedian knows more about our issues than one of our candidates for the White House? Oh wait - even Jill Stein knows more than Donald Trump. If it were not for that Constitutional matter, I'd say Oliver for President.
    Fred C. Dobbs -> pgl... , -1
    All politics is 'wacky',
    the third-party kind is
    the wackiest of all.

    Maybe the UK does it best.

    The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is a registered political party established in the United Kingdom in 1983 by the musician David Sutch, better known as "Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow" or simply "Screaming Lord Sutch". It is notable for its deliberately bizarre policies and it effectively exists to satirise British politics, and to offer itself as an poignant alternative for protest voters, especially in constituencies where the party holding the seat is unlikely to lose it and everyone else's vote would be quietly wasted.

    [Oct 20, 2016] One of the systemic dangers of psychopathic females in high political positions is that remaining as reckless as they are, they try to outdo men in hawkishness

    Notable quotes:
    "... a simple fact (that escapes many participants of this forum, connected to TBTF) the that Hillary is an unrepentant neocon, a warmonger that might well bring another war, possibly even WWIII. ..."
    "... One of the systemic dangers of psychopathic females in high political positions is that remaining as reckless as they are, they try to outdo men in hawkishness. ..."
    "... Enthusiasm of people in this forum for Hillary is mainly enthusiasm for the ability of TBTF to rip people another four years. ..."
    "... The level of passive social protest against neoliberal elite (aka "populism" in neoliberal media terms) scared the hell of Washington establishment. Look at neoliberal shills like Summers, who is now ready to abandon a large part of his Washington consensus dogma in order for neoliberalism to survive. ..."
    "... And while open revolt in national security state has no chances, Trump with all his warts is a very dangerous development for "status quo" supporters, that might not go away after the elections. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |
    Adamski -> Peter K.... , October 20, 2016 at 07:35 AM
    Trump is winning with people in their 50s and they have a higher chance of voting than millennials do. That plus voter suppression may hand this to Trump yet. There was an LA Times poll this month that showed a small Trump lead. An outlier, sure, but the same poll was right about Obama in 2012 when other polls were wrong. Just saying
    likbez -> Adamski... , -1
    > "Trump is winning with people in their 50s and they have a higher chance of voting than millennials do."

    Yes. Thank you for making this point.

    Also people over 50 have more chances to understand and reject all the neoliberal bullshit MSM are pouring on Americans.

    As well as a simple fact (that escapes many participants of this forum, connected to TBTF) the that Hillary is an unrepentant neocon, a warmonger that might well bring another war, possibly even WWIII.

    One of the systemic dangers of psychopathic females in high political positions is that remaining as reckless as they are, they try to outdo men in hawkishness.

    Enthusiasm of people in this forum for Hillary is mainly enthusiasm for the ability of TBTF to rip people another four years.

    Not that Trump is better, but on warmongering side he is the lesser evil, for sure.

    The level of passive social protest against neoliberal elite (aka "populism" in neoliberal media terms) scared the hell of Washington establishment. Look at neoliberal shills like Summers, who is now ready to abandon a large part of his Washington consensus dogma in order for neoliberalism to survive.

    And while open revolt in national security state has no chances, Trump with all his warts is a very dangerous development for "status quo" supporters, that might not go away after the elections.

    That's why they supposedly pump Hillary with drugs each debate :-).

    [Oct 20, 2016] Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being given the debate questions

    Notable quotes:
    "... claims that the election is rigged, putting officials on the defense weeks before most voters head to the polls. ..."
    "... Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions - she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump added one more accusation against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton: "inappropriately" getting the debate questions.

    Trump's tweet with the latest allegation comes the day after the final presidential debate in which he refused to commit to the outcome of the Nov. 8 election.

    Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions - she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary.
    - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 20, 2016

    Less than two hours after sending the tweet, the real estate mogul told a rally in Ohio that he would accept the results of the election - if he wins.

    "I would like to promise and pledge . . . that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if I win."

    Trump later said in the rally that he would accept a clear result but reserves the right to contest a questionable outcome.

    Trump's comments about the election results during the debate were blasted by politicians on both sides of the aisle, including Governor Charlie Baker and Libertarian vice presidential candidate Bill Weld, a former governor of Massachusetts. Weld called the debate remarks "the death knell for [Trump's] candidacy."

    Senator John McCain of Arizona, a top Republican who withdrew his support of Trump earlier this month, said he conceded defeat "without reluctance" in 2008 when then-Senator Barack Obama won the presidential election. McCain said the loser has always congratulated the winner, calling the person "my president."

    "That's not just the Republican way or the Democratic way. It's the American way. This election must not be any different," McCain said in a statement.

    Trump and his supporters have been making unsubstantiated claims that the election is rigged, putting officials on the defense weeks before most voters head to the polls. Civil rights activists have called some of the accusations a thinly veiled racist attack.

    Fred C. Dobbs said... October 20, 2016 at 10:37 AM
    (As if!)

    Trump accuses Clinton of being
    secretly given debate questions
    via @BostonGlobe - Nicole Hernandez - October 20, 2016

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump added one more accusation against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton: "inappropriately" getting the debate questions.

    Trump's tweet with the latest allegation comes the day after the final presidential debate in which he refused to commit to the outcome of the Nov. 8 election.

    Donald J. Trump ✔ ‎@realDonaldTrump

    Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions - she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary.

    10:55 AM - 20 Oct 2016

    Less than two hours after sending the tweet, the real estate mogul told a rally in Ohio that he would accept the results of the election - if he wins.

    "I would like to promise and pledge ... that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if I win."

    Fred C. Dobbs said in reply to Fred C. Dobbs...

    (But he didn't want the job anyway.)

    President? It would be a demotion, says
    Donald Trump Jr
    via @MailOnline - Oct 20

    Donald Trump Jr said last night moving into the White House would be a 'step down' for his father.

    Trump Jr was being interviewed on Fox News after the third presidential debate in Las Vegas and was asked how he thought the Republican candidate had performed during the final presidential debate. ...

    [Oct 20, 2016] The Ruling Elite Has Lost the Consent of the Governed

    Notable quotes:
    "... As I have tirelessly explained, the U.S. economy is not just neoliberal (the code word for maximizing private gain by any means available, including theft, fraud, embezzlement, political fixing, price-fixing, and so on)--it is neofeudal , meaning that it is structurally an updated version of Medieval feudalism in which a top layer of financial-political nobility owns the engines of wealth and governs the marginalized debt-serfs who toil to pay student loans, auto loans, credit cards, mortgages and taxes--all of which benefit the financiers and political grifters. ..."
    "... The media is in a self-referential frenzy to convince us the decision of the century is between unrivaled political grifter Hillary Clinton and financier-cowboy Donald Trump. Both belong to the privileged ruling Elite: both have access to cheap credit, insider information ( information asymmetry ) and political influence. ..."
    "... If you exit the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, etc. at a cushy managerial rank with a fat pension and lifetime benefits and are hired at a fat salary the next day by a private "defense" contractor--the famous revolving door between a bloated state and a bloated defense industry--the system works great. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    Information Clearing House - ICH

    Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed.

    Every ruling Elite needs the consent of the governed: even autocracies, dictatorships and corporatocracies ultimately rule with the consent, however grudging, of the governed.

    The American ruling Elite has lost the consent of the governed. This reality is being masked by the mainstream media, mouthpiece of the ruling class, which is ceaselessly promoting two false narratives:

    1. The "great divide" in American politics is between left and right, Democrat/Republican
    2. The ruling Elite has delivered "prosperity" not just to the privileged few but to the unprivileged many they govern.

    Both of these assertions are false. The Great Divide in America is between the ruling Elite and the governed that the Elite has stripmined. The ruling Elite is privileged and protected, the governed are unprivileged and unprotected. That's the divide that counts and the divide that is finally becoming visible to the marginalized, unprivileged class of debt-serfs.

    The "prosperity" of the 21st century has flowed solely to the ruling Elite and its army of technocrat toadies, factotums, flunkies, apparatchiks and apologists. The Elite's army of technocrats and its media apologists have engineered and promoted an endless spew of ginned-up phony statistics (the super-low unemployment rate, etc.) to create the illusion of "growth" and "prosperity" that benefit everyone rather than just the top 5%. The media is 100% committed to promoting these two false narratives because the jig is up once the bottom 95% wake up to the reality that the ruling Elite has been stripmining them for decades.

    As I have tirelessly explained, the U.S. economy is not just neoliberal (the code word for maximizing private gain by any means available, including theft, fraud, embezzlement, political fixing, price-fixing, and so on)--it is neofeudal , meaning that it is structurally an updated version of Medieval feudalism in which a top layer of financial-political nobility owns the engines of wealth and governs the marginalized debt-serfs who toil to pay student loans, auto loans, credit cards, mortgages and taxes--all of which benefit the financiers and political grifters.

    The media is in a self-referential frenzy to convince us the decision of the century is between unrivaled political grifter Hillary Clinton and financier-cowboy Donald Trump. Both belong to the privileged ruling Elite: both have access to cheap credit, insider information ( information asymmetry ) and political influence.

    The cold truth is the ruling Elite has shredded the social contract by skimming the income/wealth of the unprivileged. The fake-"progressive" pandering apologists of the ruling Elite--Robert Reich, Paul Krugman and the rest of the Keynesian Cargo Cultists--turn a blind eye to the suppression of dissent and the looting the bottom 95% because they have cushy, protected positions as tenured faculty (or equivalent). They cheerlead for more state-funded bread and circuses for the marginalized rather than demand an end to exploitive privileges of the sort they themselves enjoy.

    Consider just three of the unsustainably costly broken systems that enrich the privileged Elite by stripmining the unprivileged:

    While the unprivileged and unprotected watch their healthcare premiums and co-pays soar year after year, the CEOs of various sickcare cartels skim off tens of millions of dollars annually in pay and stock options. The system works great if you get a $20 million paycheck. If you get a 30% increase in monthly premiums for fewer actual healthcare services--the system is broken.

    If you're skimming $250,000 as under-assistant dean to the provost for student services (or equivalent) plus gold-plated benefits, higher education is working great. If you're a student burdened with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt who is receiving a low-quality, essentially worthless "education" from poorly paid graduate students ("adjuncts") and a handful of online courses that you could get for free or for a low cost outside the university cartel--the system is broken.

    If you exit the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, etc. at a cushy managerial rank with a fat pension and lifetime benefits and are hired at a fat salary the next day by a private "defense" contractor--the famous revolving door between a bloated state and a bloated defense industry--the system works great.

    If you joined the Armed Forces to escape rural poverty and served at the point of the spear somewhere in the Imperial Project--your perspective may well be considerably different.

    Unfortunately for the ruling Elite and their army of engorged enablers and apologists, they have already lost the consent of the governed.

    They have bamboozled, conned and misled the bottom 95% for decades, but their phony facade of political legitimacy and "the rising tide raises all boats" has cracked wide open, and the machinery of oppression, looting and propaganda is now visible to everyone who isn't being paid to cover their eyes. Brimming with hubris and self-importance, the ruling Elite and mainstream media cannot believe they have lost the consent of the governed. The disillusioned governed have not fully absorbed this epochal shift of the tides yet, either. They are aware of their own disillusionment and their own declining financial security, but they have yet to grasp that they have, beneath the surface of everyday life, already withdrawn their consent from a self-serving, predatory, parasitic, greedy and ultimately self-destructive ruling Elite.

    Charles Hugh Smith, new book is #8 on Kindle short reads -> politics and social science: Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform ($3.95 Kindle ebook, $8.95 print edition) For more, please visit the book's website .

    [Oct 20, 2016] Guest-post-essential-rules-tyranny

    Notable quotes:
    "... At bottom, the success of despotic governments and Big Brother societies hinges upon a certain number of political, financial, and cultural developments. The first of which is an unwillingness in the general populace to secure and defend their own freedoms, making them completely reliant on corrupt establishment leadership. For totalitarianism to take hold, the masses must not only neglect the plight of their country, and the plight of others, but also be completely uninformed of the inherent indirect threats to their personal safety. ..."
    "... The prevalence of apathy and ignorance sets the stage for the slow and highly deliberate process of centralization. ..."
    "... People who are easily frightened are easily dominated. This is not just a law of political will, but a law of nature. Many wrongly assume that a tyrant's power comes purely from the application of force. In fact, despotic regimes that rely solely on extreme violence are often very unsuccessful, and easily overthrown. ..."
    "... They instill apprehension in the public; a fear of the unknown, or a fear of the possible consequences for standing against the state. They let our imaginations run wild until we see death around every corner, whether it's actually there or not. When the masses are so blinded by the fear of reprisal that they forget their fear of slavery, and take no action whatsoever to undo it, then they have been sufficiently culled. ..."
    "... The bread and circus lifestyle of the average westerner alone is enough to distract us from connecting with each other in any meaningful fashion, but people still sometimes find ways to seek out organized forms of activism. ..."
    "... In more advanced forms of despotism, even fake organizations are disbanded. Curfews are enforced. Normal communications are diminished or monitored. Compulsory paperwork is required. Checkpoints are instituted. Free speech is punished. Existing groups are influenced to distrust each other or to disintegrate entirely out of dread of being discovered. All of these measures are taken by tyrants primarily to prevent ANY citizens from gathering and finding mutual support. People who work together and organize of their own volition are unpredictable, and therefore, a potential risk to the state. ..."
    "... Destitution leads not just to hunger, but also to crime (private and government). Crime leads to anger, hatred, and fear. Fear leads to desperation. Desperation leads to the acceptance of anything resembling a solution, even despotism. ..."
    "... Autocracies pretend to cut through the dilemmas of economic dysfunction (usually while demanding liberties be relinquished), however, behind the scenes they actually seek to maintain a proscribed level of indigence and deprivation. The constant peril of homelessness and starvation keeps the masses thoroughly distracted from such things as protest or dissent, while simultaneously chaining them to the idea that their only chance is to cling to the very government out to end them. ..."
    "... When law enforcement officials are no longer servants of the people, but agents of a government concerned only with its own supremacy, serious crises emerge. Checks and balances are removed. The guidelines that once reigned in police disappear, and suddenly, a philosophy of superiority emerges; an arrogant exclusivity that breeds separation between law enforcement and the rest of the public. Finally, police no longer see themselves as protectors of citizens, but prison guards out to keep us subdued and docile. ..."
    "... Tyrants are generally men who have squelched their own consciences. They have no reservations in using any means at their disposal to wipe out opposition. But, in the early stages of their ascent to power, they must give the populace a reason for their ruthlessness, or risk being exposed, and instigating even more dissent. The propaganda machine thus goes into overdrive, and any person or group that dares to question the authority or the validity of the state is demonized in the minds of the masses. ..."
    "... Tyrannical power structures cannot function without scapegoats. There must always be an elusive boogie man under the bed of every citizen, otherwise, those citizens may turn their attention, and their anger, towards the real culprit behind their troubles. By scapegoating stewards of the truth, such governments are able to kill two birds with one stone. ..."
    "... Citizen spying is almost always branded as a civic duty; an act of heroism and bravery. Citizen spies are offered accolades and awards, and showered with praise from the upper echelons of their communities. ..."
    "... Tyrannies are less concerned with dominating how we live, so much as dominating how we think ..."
    "... Lies become "necessary" in protecting the safety of the state. War becomes a tool for "peace". Torture becomes an ugly but "useful" method for gleaning important information. Police brutality is sold as a "natural reaction" to increased crime. Rendition becomes normal, but only for those labeled as "terrorists". Assassination is justified as a means for "saving lives". Genocide is done discretely, but most everyone knows it is taking place. They simply don't discuss it. ..."
    Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt Market

    The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

    As we look back on the horrors of the dictatorships and autocracies of the past, one particular question consistently arises; how was it possible for the common men of these eras to NOT notice what was happening around them? How could they have stood as statues unaware or uncaring as their cultures were overrun by fascism, communism, collectivism, and elitism? Of course, we have the advantage of hindsight, and are able to research and examine the misdeeds of the past at our leisure. Unfortunately, such hindsight does not necessarily shield us from the long cast shadow of tyranny in our own day. For that, the increasingly uncommon gift of foresight is required…

    At bottom, the success of despotic governments and Big Brother societies hinges upon a certain number of political, financial, and cultural developments. The first of which is an unwillingness in the general populace to secure and defend their own freedoms, making them completely reliant on corrupt establishment leadership. For totalitarianism to take hold, the masses must not only neglect the plight of their country, and the plight of others, but also be completely uninformed of the inherent indirect threats to their personal safety. They must abandon all responsibility for their destinies, and lose all respect for their own humanity. They must, indeed, become domesticated and mindless herd animals without regard for anything except their fleeting momentary desires for entertainment and short term survival. For a lumbering bloodthirsty behemoth to actually sneak up on you, you have to be pretty damnably oblivious.

    The prevalence of apathy and ignorance sets the stage for the slow and highly deliberate process of centralization. Once dishonest governments accomplish an atmosphere of inaction and condition a sense of frailty within the citizenry, the sky is truly the limit. However, a murderous power-monger's day is never quite done. In my recent article 'The Essential Rules of Liberty' we explored the fundamentally unassailable actions and mental preparations required to ensure the continuance of a free society. In this article, let's examine the frequently wielded tools of tyrants in their invariably insane quests for total control…

    Rule #1: Keep Them Afraid

    People who are easily frightened are easily dominated. This is not just a law of political will, but a law of nature. Many wrongly assume that a tyrant's power comes purely from the application of force. In fact, despotic regimes that rely solely on extreme violence are often very unsuccessful, and easily overthrown. Brute strength is calculable. It can be analyzed, and thus, eventually confronted and defeated.

    Thriving tyrants instead utilize not just harm, but the imminent THREAT of harm. They instill apprehension in the public; a fear of the unknown, or a fear of the possible consequences for standing against the state. They let our imaginations run wild until we see death around every corner, whether it's actually there or not. When the masses are so blinded by the fear of reprisal that they forget their fear of slavery, and take no action whatsoever to undo it, then they have been sufficiently culled.

    In other cases, our fear is evoked and directed towards engineered enemies. Another race, another religion, another political ideology, a "hidden" and ominous villain created out of thin air. Autocrats assert that we "need them" in order to remain safe and secure from these illusory monsters bent on our destruction. As always, this development is followed by the claim that all steps taken, even those that dissolve our freedoms, are "for the greater good". Frightened people tend to shirk their sense of independence and run towards the comfort of the collective, even if that collective is built on immoral and unconscionable foundations. Once a society takes on a hive-mind mentality almost any evil can be rationalized, and any injustice against the individual is simply overlooked for the sake of the group.

    Rule #2: Keep Them Isolated

    In the past, elitist governments would often legislate and enforce severe penalties for public gatherings, because defusing the ability of the citizenry to organize or to communicate was paramount to control. In our technological era, such isolation is still used, but in far more advanced forms. The bread and circus lifestyle of the average westerner alone is enough to distract us from connecting with each other in any meaningful fashion, but people still sometimes find ways to seek out organized forms of activism.

    Through co-option, modern day tyrant's can direct and manipulate opposition movements. By creating and administrating groups which oppose each other, elites can then micromanage all aspects of a nation on the verge of revolution. These "false paradigms" give us the illusion of proactive organization, and the false hope of changing the system, while at the same time preventing us from seeking understanding in one another. All our energies are then muted and dispersed into meaningless battles over "left and right", or "Democrat versus Republican", for example. Only movements that cast aside such empty labels and concern themselves with the ultimate truth of their country, regardless of what that truth might reveal, are able to enact real solutions to the disasters wrought by tyranny.

    In more advanced forms of despotism, even fake organizations are disbanded. Curfews are enforced. Normal communications are diminished or monitored. Compulsory paperwork is required. Checkpoints are instituted. Free speech is punished. Existing groups are influenced to distrust each other or to disintegrate entirely out of dread of being discovered. All of these measures are taken by tyrants primarily to prevent ANY citizens from gathering and finding mutual support. People who work together and organize of their own volition are unpredictable, and therefore, a potential risk to the state.

    Rule #3: Keep Them Desperate

    You'll find in nearly every instance of cultural descent into autocracy, the offending government gained favor after the onset of economic collapse. Make the necessities of root survival an uncertainty, and people without knowledge of self sustainability and without solid core principles will gladly hand over their freedom, even for mere scraps from the tables of the same men who unleashed famine upon them. Financial calamities are not dangerous because of the poverty they leave in their wake; they are dangerous because of the doors to malevolence that they leave open.

    Destitution leads not just to hunger, but also to crime (private and government). Crime leads to anger, hatred, and fear. Fear leads to desperation. Desperation leads to the acceptance of anything resembling a solution, even despotism.

    Autocracies pretend to cut through the dilemmas of economic dysfunction (usually while demanding liberties be relinquished), however, behind the scenes they actually seek to maintain a proscribed level of indigence and deprivation. The constant peril of homelessness and starvation keeps the masses thoroughly distracted from such things as protest or dissent, while simultaneously chaining them to the idea that their only chance is to cling to the very government out to end them.

    Rule #4: Send Out The Jackboots

    This is the main symptom often associated with totalitarianism. So much so that our preconceived notions of what a fascist government looks like prevent us from seeing other forms of tyranny right under our noses. Some Americans believe that if the jackbooted thugs are not knocking on every door, then we MUST still live in a free country. Obviously, this is a rather naïve position. Admittedly, though, goon squads and secret police do eventually become prominent in every failed nation, usually while the public is mesmerized by visions of war, depression, hyperinflation, terrorism, etc.

    When law enforcement officials are no longer servants of the people, but agents of a government concerned only with its own supremacy, serious crises emerge. Checks and balances are removed. The guidelines that once reigned in police disappear, and suddenly, a philosophy of superiority emerges; an arrogant exclusivity that breeds separation between law enforcement and the rest of the public. Finally, police no longer see themselves as protectors of citizens, but prison guards out to keep us subdued and docile.

    As tyranny grows, this behavior is encouraged. Good men are filtered out of the system, and small (minded and hearted) men are promoted.

    At its pinnacle, a police state will hide the identities of most of its agents and officers, behind masks or behind red tape, because their crimes in the name of the state become so numerous and so sadistic that personal vengeance on the part of their victims will become a daily concern.

    Rule #5: Blame Everything On The Truth Seekers

    Tyrants are generally men who have squelched their own consciences. They have no reservations in using any means at their disposal to wipe out opposition. But, in the early stages of their ascent to power, they must give the populace a reason for their ruthlessness, or risk being exposed, and instigating even more dissent. The propaganda machine thus goes into overdrive, and any person or group that dares to question the authority or the validity of the state is demonized in the minds of the masses.

    All disasters, all violent crimes, all the ills of the world, are hoisted upon the shoulders of activist groups and political rivals. They are falsely associated with fringe elements already disliked by society (racists, terrorists, etc). A bogus consensus is created through puppet media in an attempt to make the public believe that "everyone else" must have the same exact views, and those who express contrary positions must be "crazy", or "extremist". Events are even engineered by the corrupt system and pinned on those demanding transparency and liberty. The goal is to drive anti-totalitarian organizations into self censorship. That is to say, instead of silencing them directly, the state causes activists to silence themselves.

    Tyrannical power structures cannot function without scapegoats. There must always be an elusive boogie man under the bed of every citizen, otherwise, those citizens may turn their attention, and their anger, towards the real culprit behind their troubles. By scapegoating stewards of the truth, such governments are able to kill two birds with one stone.

    Rule #6: Encourage Citizen Spies

    Ultimately, the life of a totalitarian government is not prolonged by the government itself, but by the very people it subjugates. Citizen spies are the glue of any police state, and our propensity for sticking our noses into other peoples business is highly valued by Big Brother bureaucracies around the globe.

    There are a number of reasons why people participate in this repulsive activity. Some are addicted to the feeling of being a part of the collective, and "service" to this collective, sadly, is the only way they are able to give their pathetic lives meaning. Some are vindictive, cold, and soulless, and actually get enjoyment from ruining others. And still, like elites, some long for power, even petty power, and are willing to do anything to fulfill their vile need to dictate the destinies of perfect strangers.

    Citizen spying is almost always branded as a civic duty; an act of heroism and bravery. Citizen spies are offered accolades and awards, and showered with praise from the upper echelons of their communities. People who lean towards citizen spying are often outwardly and inwardly unimpressive; physically and mentally inept. For the average moral and emotional weakling with persistent feelings of inadequacy, the allure of finally being given fifteen minutes of fame and a hero's status (even if that status is based on a lie) is simply too much to resist. They begin to see "extremists" and "terrorists" everywhere. Soon, people afraid of open ears everywhere start to watch what they say at the supermarket, in their own backyards, or even to family members. Free speech is effectively neutralized.

    Rule #7: Make Them Accept The Unacceptable

    In the end, it is not enough for a government fueled by the putrid sludge of iniquity to lord over us. At some point, it must also influence us to forsake our most valued principles. Tyrannies are less concerned with dominating how we live, so much as dominating how we think. If they can mold our very morality, they can exist unopposed indefinitely. Of course, the elements of conscience are inborn, and not subject to environmental duress as long as a man is self aware. However, conscience can be manipulated if a person has no sense of identity, and has never put in the effort to explore his own strengths and failings. There are many people like this in America today.

    Lies become "necessary" in protecting the safety of the state. War becomes a tool for "peace". Torture becomes an ugly but "useful" method for gleaning important information. Police brutality is sold as a "natural reaction" to increased crime. Rendition becomes normal, but only for those labeled as "terrorists". Assassination is justified as a means for "saving lives". Genocide is done discretely, but most everyone knows it is taking place. They simply don't discuss it.

    All tyrannical systems depend on the apathy and moral relativism of the inhabitants within their borders. Without the cooperation of the public, these systems cannot function. The real question is, how many of the above steps will be taken before we finally refuse to conform? At what point will each man and woman decide to break free from the dark path blazed before us and take measures to ensure their independence? Who will have the courage to develop their own communities, their own alternative economies, their own organizations for mutual defense outside of establishment constructs, and who will break under the pressure to bow like cowards? How many will hold the line, and how many will flee?

    For every American, for every human being across the planet who chooses to stand immovable in the face of the very worst in mankind, we come that much closer to breathing life once again into the very best in us all.

    [Oct 20, 2016] The third debate wrapup

    Notable quotes:
    "... "Now we have the three [Goldman] transcripts. Everyone can read them, and everyone should. What they show is Clinton's extraordinary understanding of our world - its leaders and their politics, terrorist groups and their vulnerabilities, the interplay of global forces, and the economic well-being of Americans" ..."
    "... I think this debate especially was "priced in" - any Trump supporter at this stage has lost the capacity for changing minds, especially as so much of it is anti-Hillary. ..."
    "... It is astounding that with all her money and MSM support/collusion HRC is only a few digits ahead in the polls. I still see a slim chance that Trump will win, if his hidden and shy voters go out and some of Hillary's stay home (lazy and complacent). ..."
    "... Having said that, the establishment is terrified of a Trump win, and so many of those voting machines don't leave an audit trail… ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |
    Days until: 18.

    Debate Wrapup

    I can tell what how the press stories will read from the headlines and the writers, so I won't bother to link to them. See the NC debate live blog for a rice bowl-free discussion.

    "Trump had done well, delivering his best prepared and most substantive performance, but it wasn't nearly good enough to reshape the race. He came into Las Vegas trailing big time, and surely leaves the same way" [ New York Post ]. "Absent an unforeseeable black swan event that tips the table in his favor, Hillary Clinton is headed to the White House." Although I'd bet the terrain is quite different today from the terrain Clinton imagined back when she was influence peddling at Goldman in 2015.

    ... ... ..

    And then there's this, which does seem to under cut the bizarre "our electoral system is perfection itself" narrative that Democrat loyalists are pushing:

    ... ... ...

    UPDATE "But the negativity in this campaign has been something else, and the debates have been very heavy on character attacks. In terms of the overall impact on the health of American democracy, I think there's one thing that's particularly concerning: These two candidates, whose personal conduct and character have been impugned over and over, both went through competitive primaries. There were other candidates. Clinton and Trump both won their nominations, fairly and decisively. But for people who might tune in sporadically, the conclusion that this is the best we can do might produce real dismay." [ FiveThirtyEight ]. Yes, it's called a legitimacy crisis.

    "The stream posted on his Facebook wasn't anything different than what people saw on CNN or Fox News or MSNBC, just a livestream of the debate, but more than 170,000 watched it at once. By the time the broadcast ended, more than 8.7 million had tuned in at some point. Compare that to the half a million views Time posted for its debate lifestream, or the nearly 900,000 who watched BuzzFeed News'" [ Independent Journal Review ]. "Welcome to the first broadcast of Trump TV."

    War Drums

    "Anyone who believes the United States is not fighting enough wars in the Middle East can be happy this week. We have just plunged into another one. Twice in recent days, cruise missiles fired from an American destroyer have rained down on Yemen. The Pentagon, a practiced master of Orwellian language, calls this bombing 'limited self-defense'" [ Boston Globe ]. "American forces were already involved in Yemen's civil war. Since 2002, our drone attacks have reportedly killed more than 500 Yemenis, including at least 65 civilians. We are also supplying weapons and intelligence to Saudi Arabia, which has killed thousands of Yemenis in bombing raids over the last year and a half - including last week's attack on a funeral in which more than 100 mourners were killed." But I'm sure none of the mourners were women or people of color. So that's alright, then.


    "Now we have the three [Goldman] transcripts. Everyone can read them, and everyone should. What they show is Clinton's extraordinary understanding of our world - its leaders and their politics, terrorist groups and their vulnerabilities, the interplay of global forces, and the economic well-being of Americans" [ RealClearPolitics ].

    This is the line the Moustache of Understanding took. Which is all you need to know, really Although this writer is a little vague on just how they are "extraordinary."

    "Walmart, Wendy Clark, Target and Apple: More WikiLeaked Clinton Campaign Messaging Secrets" [ Advertising Age ].

    The Trail

    "Trump Holds On To 1-Point Lead As Debate Sparks Fly - IBD/TIPP Poll" [ Investors Business Daily ]. Incidentally, IBD sounds like the sort of publication Trump would read.

    allan October 20, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    Washington's foreign policy elite breaks with Obama over Syrian bloodshed [WaPo]

    There is one corner of Washington where Donald Trump's scorched-earth presidential campaign is treated as a mere distraction and where bipartisanship reigns. In the rarefied world of the Washington foreign policy establishment, President Obama's departure from the White House - and the possible return of a more conventional and hawkish Hillary Clinton - is being met with quiet relief.

    The Republicans and Democrats who make up the foreign policy elite are laying the groundwork for a more assertive American foreign policy via a flurry of reports shaped by officials who are likely to play senior roles in a potential Clinton White House. …

    This consensus is driven by broad-based backlash against a president who has repeatedly stressed the dangers of overreach and the limits of American power, especially in the Middle East. "There's a widespread perception that not being active enough or recognizing the limits of American power has costs," said Philip Gordon, a senior foreign policy adviser to Obama until 2015. "So the normal swing is to be more interventionist." …

    Smart investors will go long producers of canned food and manufacturers of fallout shelter materials.

    Bunk McNulty October 20, 2016 at 4:02 pm

    Who Are All These Trump Supporters? (New Yorker)

    George Saunders strives mightily to have us believe our economic situation has nothing to do with the attractiveness of The Donald to certain constituencies. But even he has to acknowledge what people are angry about (emphasis added):

    "All along the fertile interstate-highway corridor, our corporations, those new and powerful nation-states, had set up shop parasitically, so as to skim off the drive-past money , and what those outposts had to offer was a blur of sugar, bright color, and crassness that seemed causally related to more serious addictions. Standing in line at the pharmacy in an Amarillo Walmart superstore, I imagined some kid who had moved only, or mostly, through such bland, bright spaces, spaces constructed to suit the purposes of distant profit, and it occurred to me how easy it would be, in that life, to feel powerless, to feel that the local was lame, the abstract extraneous, to feel that the only valid words were those of materialism ("get" and "rise")-words that are perfectly embodied by the candidate of the moment.

    Something is wrong, the common person feels, correctly: she works too hard and gets too little; a dulling disconnect exists between her actual day-to-day interests and (1) the way her leaders act and speak, and (2) the way our mass media mistell or fail entirely to tell her story. What does she want? Someone to notice her over here, having her troubles. "

    Pavel, October 20, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    I blissfully ignored the televised "debate" last night though I followed the comments here at NC and on Twitter for a while. Not sure my blood pressure would survive 90 mins of Hillary's voice and smug smile or anything about Trump.

    It is amusing to note the OUTRAGE that Trump might dare question the election results. Jesus H Christ the media are just taking us all for amnesiac idiots, aren't they?

    I think this debate especially was "priced in" - any Trump supporter at this stage has lost the capacity for changing minds, especially as so much of it is anti-Hillary.

    It is astounding that with all her money and MSM support/collusion HRC is only a few digits ahead in the polls. I still see a slim chance that Trump will win, if his hidden and shy voters go out and some of Hillary's stay home (lazy and complacent).

    Having said that, the establishment is terrified of a Trump win, and so many of those voting machines don't leave an audit trail…

    [Oct 20, 2016] I thought we were pretty sure that the US had attacked Yemen, were just not sure that Yemen had attacked the US ship.

    Oct 20, 2016 |
    hemeantwell October 20, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    Twice in recent days, cruise missiles fired from an American destroyer have rained down on Yemen.

    Whoaaa. There may still be doubts about this. After all, what do the Houthis gain, especially right after the Saudis have outdone themselves in atrocities.

    Officials Saturday night were uncertain about what exactly happened, if there were multiple incoming missiles or if there was a malfunction with the radar detection system on the destroyer.

    frosty zoom October 20, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    that's quite a bold statement.

    Harry October 20, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    I thought we were pretty sure that the US had attacked Yemen, we're just not sure that Yemen had attacked the US ship.

    Plenue October 20, 2016 at 6:33 pm

    Even if the Yemenis did, I fail to see why this is considered shocking and unacceptable. I get that decades of kowtowing to Israel has conditioned the United States to not understand that a blockade is inherently an act of war, but quite aside from starving the people of Yemen we've been directly supporting the Saudi bombing. We've been belligerents in this conflict from the start.

    NotTimothyGeithner October 20, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    The Russian FM, Lavrov put it best when he described the U.S. as only desiring vassals.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Van Jones Can Empathize With Trump Voters

    Yet another attempt to explain Trump success... and Democratic Party disintegration because Dems lost working class voters and substantial part of middle class voters.
    Notable quotes:
    "... I have a great deal of empathy for the Donald Trump voters. ..."
    "... The elites have failed the people so thoroughly that tens of millions of people, on any side of any issue, can legitimately say they don't think the system is working for them anymore, if it ever did. ..."
    "... There are elements of racism, xenophobia and misogyny in the Trump movement, and there's also all kinds of legitimate of anxieties. ..."
    "... The rise of Trump is a judgment on the progressive movement that has adopted a style that doesn't leave much room for a 55-year-old heterosexual white Republican living in a red state to feel that he has any place of honor or dignity in the world progressives are trying to create. We see the disrespect coming from them, but there's a subtle disrespect coming from us, the NPR crowd, that is intolerant of intolerance. Nobody wants to feel as though they don't count. ..."
    I also believe that people are fundamentally good, but this election cycle has tried that hypothesis for me.

    I have a great deal of empathy for the Donald Trump voters. When you listen to them talk about feeling hurt, scared and left behind, they sound like the Black Lives Matter activists.

    How so? The elites have failed the people so thoroughly that tens of millions of people, on any side of any issue, can legitimately say they don't think the system is working for them anymore, if it ever did. ...

    ... ... ...

    A lot of people are mocking the idea that you can explain the bigotry at a Trump rally by writing it off as simply a response to economic anxiety.

    There are elements of racism, xenophobia and misogyny in the Trump movement, and there's also all kinds of legitimate of anxieties.

    The rise of Trump is a judgment on the progressive movement that has adopted a style that doesn't leave much room for a 55-year-old heterosexual white Republican living in a red state to feel that he has any place of honor or dignity in the world progressives are trying to create. We see the disrespect coming from them, but there's a subtle disrespect coming from us, the NPR crowd, that is intolerant of intolerance. Nobody wants to feel as though they don't count.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Interesting read on what got discussed and what didn't get discussed in the three debates

    Oct 20, 2016 |

    JohnH -> pgl... , October 20, 2016 at 08:59 AM
    Interesting read on what got discussed and what didn't get discussed in the three debates:

    Russia/Putin: 137
    Social Security: 15
    Poverty/the Poor: 8
    Climate Change: 3
    NSA/Privacy/Surveillance: 0

    Basically the debates consisted of a lot of noise with very little substance...a pathetic performance in a democracy.

    An informed citizenry is a threat to a corrupt duopoly...

    pgl -> JohnH... , October 20, 2016 at 09:21 AM
    They talked about poverty 8 times in one night? Krugman only mentioned it 6 times yesterday. Krugman NEVER talk about income inequality. Seriously - do you not get why your own dog says you are a stupid bore?
    JohnH -> JohnH... , -1
    Link to above:

    [Oct 20, 2016] Hillary might try to give Wall Street the mother of all financial gifts by mandating retirement savings accounts managed by Wall Street

    Oct 20, 2016 |

    JohnH -> Chris Lowery ... October 20, 2016 at 08:19 AM , 2016 at 08:19 AM

    Hillary might try to give Wall Street the mother of all financial gifts by mandating retirement savings accounts managed by Wall Street.

    Kind of like Obama's gift of mandated health insurance coverage given to a health insurance industry that is consolidating more and more every day...and becoming an oligopoly?

    Of course, we already know how this ends from privatization of retirement plans in Britain and in Chile--it's a boon mainly to the finance industry.

    "Britain's experience with individual accounts has been troubling. None other than the business oriented Wall Street Journal, in fact, headlined an article on the British experience: "Social Security Switch in U.K. is Disastrous; A Caution to the U.S.?"[7] While the Journal article mainly focused on a multi-billion dollar fraud scandal in which British pension sellers gave workers bad investment advice, others have critically noted the system's unexpectedly high administrative costs and the growing income inequality among the nation's workers"

    What else would you expect from the Clintons, who have spent a good part of their careers sucking up to the finance industry?

    [Oct 20, 2016] The third Presidential debate: Trump should clearly delineate himself from HRC by saying he wants no war with Russia. People hate war.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Trump should be ready for the Russia thing. I expect him to clearly delineate himself from HRC by saying he really really really wants no war with Russia. in fact, he's already said if he's elected he will meet with Putin before he's even inaugurated. It's a winning position for Trump. People hate war. ..."
    "... I am skeptical of how much that will win over people in Hillary's base, since many well-to-do liberals I know swallow the Putin-is-evil propaganda without question and consider the threat of nuclear war as a distant, impossible thing. For them Trump is an immediate, concrete threat and bad relations with Russia leading to nuclear war a considerably more abstract proposition. ..."
    "... Clinton: Citizens United "undermined" our democratic system. So, in other words, the system is indeed rigged. Glad they agree on something. ..."
    "... I'm watching with a former TV producer who just pointed out that they've got soft light on her and hard light on him. ..."
    "... I noticed that too, this debate and the last one. She has that Doris Day'ish type of look and he looks pale. The lighting – ..."
    "... The heroin use is from having no jobs. ..."
    "... and from doctors and Big Pharma pushing it. Marijuana appears to be better for pain and less harmful. ..."
    "... That "she always supported the wall, never gets anything done so no wall" was quite adroit ..."
    "... Clinton can't resist gleeful smirk, she can throw in some of her prepared remarks. ..."
    "... Wikleaks=Russians=PayNoAttentionToThoseSpeechesToTheBanks PUTIN!!!! ..."
    "... ooh-Clinton's already on wikileaks and Russia and Putin. 17 intelligence people have supposedly confirmed they were trying to change the election. ..."
    "... Trump–great calling her out on her pivot off the borders. ..."
    "... "You encouraged espionage of our people" I remember Hillary calling for a bolstering of NSA surveillance efforts after Orlando? ..."
    "... Of course no mention that Obama has deported more people than any other president. ..."
    "... Clinton's pivot from "hemisphere without borders" to Wikileaks/Russia/Putin interfering with out democracy. Pathetic. The audience found it laughable. ..."
    "... she just lied about nuclear weapons…the secty of defense has to approve…she…is…well…she always lies so what else is new… ..."
    "... Hillary's eyes are very glassy, She's doped up ..."
    "... Trump saying jobs are stagnant, last report so bad "I should win the election". ..."
    "... Your 30 years of experience coincide with the utter screwing over of the working people. ..."
    "... Amen. I just watched about two minutes… all I could take. Her smirk and lies drive me nuts. ..."
    "... Her basic narrative is she is the single most qualified person in the history of things to ever be deign to run for President and then she mumbles about one thing she did between being a lawyer for Wal-Mart and the governor's wife. It's a terrible narrative. Oh, and being on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 25 years. ..."
    "... American bombs and bullets are humanitarian, dontcha know? ..."
    "... NBC set up the Billy Bush tape, if that's what's being referred to. The Clintons set up the big frontpage NYT 'accusers,' or whatever it was. ..."
    "... These agents provacateurs accusations against Clinton are quite plausible (hey, they were on PBS Newshour) even if the source is shady. They just feel very Clintonesque. ..."
    "... Dirty politics Clinton style. ..."
    "... There is a lot of evidence dug up by reddit amateur investigators after the tape leaked. They found people on the tape in a few protest videos as well as a woman on the Clinton payroll. I don't trust the voter fraud tape at all, but the inciting violence at riots tapes looks like the real deal. ..."
    "... They go along well with the shots fired into and the burglary/ransacking of Sander's Nevada campaign headquarters, and the firebombings of Republican campaign offices in swing states. ..."
    "... well done $hillary…the question was for her to respond about bill and his stuff…good diversion…congrats… ..."
    "... "America is great because America is good." We kill because we love… ..."
    "... She twists everything. Chubby Checker would be proud of Shillary. ..."
    "... Now he's bringing up her emails. What happened to the FBI, he asks? Talks about 1 guy getting 4 yrs in jail for 1 lie to the FBI, a 4-star general, but she makes hundreds of lies. ..."
    "... Has Hillary Clinton ever apologized for anything? Or just said "I misspoke." ..."
    "... Hillary did not respond to Trump's charge that she paid for people to riot in Chicago before his rally. Instead she began to speak very slowly to eat up her time. ..."
    "... Oooh, Clinton uses rhetoric–says Trump is "dark, divisive, dangerous". She practiced that one. There was no context. ..."
    "... Wallace is pressing her more on pay to play. Trump says it's a criminal enterprise, Saudi & Qatar giving lots of money. They kill women & treat them horribly, push gays off buildings, but Clinton takes their money. He says she should give their money back. He says in Haiti they hate Clinton, what the foundation did was a disgrace. ..."
    "... Clinton claims they spend 90% of donations on their programs. (Pinocchio moment, anyone?) ..."
    "... Spending money on programs is lawyerly language. From what I have read, CF runs events but does little that benefits people "on the ground" ..."
    "... Too bad Trump doesn't have any facts on Haiti. He could have buried her. This is so boring. Just low grade snipes at each other. ..."
    "... Almost focusing on Haiti, almost a good point, then narcissism derails Trump … ..."
    "... Media dishonest & corrupt, NYT wrote about it, poisoned the minds of voters but he thinks people can see through it. ..."
    "... the fbi did a one year investigation or a three day cover up…? ..."
    "... Clinton claims we've had "free and fair elections". Now there's a huge lie. Bigger lie than about her emails. ..."
    "... Oh noes, Trump is denigrating our democracy. So did the DNC by rigging the primaries. ..."
    "... She's appalled? What hypocrisy! ..."
    "... Grabbing women. Nine came forward, said you groped them. Why would so many women all make up these stories, and Clinton, what your husband, was that worse? ..."
    "... Hey, it's the best democracy that Organized Money can buy! ..."
    "... "Intelligence surge." Sounds bad and worse. ..."
    "... I do have to say without Trump in this election the lid would not have been blown off the criminality of the government in Washington. Mouthing off about it all the time every chance he gets. Not that Trump will do anything to change it. But still. ..."
    "... Good point. He's exposing this fraud for what she is. ..."
    "... This election would have been all about transgender bathrooms. ..."
    "... Trump: Sanders supporting Clinton is a big mistake. Amen. ..."
    "... To Americans of either side who are sick of our failed foreign policy and wondering whether it's intentionally duplicitous, yah, I think it's a winner. Keep reading, you'll see. ..."
    "... Hillary sticking to technicals and official truths – "FBI cleared me after a year-long investment"; "Google Trump Iraq – all these sources" etc. If she can validate it, it must be true! ..."
    "... He should have mentioned wikileaks. They found her own oppo research said his Iraq war opposition would be a huge problem for her. ..."
    "... Trump is kicking butt. Stein or Trump… Can't stomach Bill in the WH again. ..."
    "... Wallace asks Clinton about no fly zone, risk of starting a war. She says those are genuine risks, but thinks she could "strike a deal". ..."
    "... Oh god, she says no-fly zone would save lives…. ..."
    "... Trump occasionally emits MMT-like sounds, but I'm not sure that he believes them. For example, he has previously accurately noted that US can't be forced to default on USD-denominated debt, since it prints its own currency. Then he suggested that we could reduce the outstanding debt by negotiating down the price of previously issued Treasury bonds (not sure the details; perhaps threaten to default, hammer the price by terrifying bond-holders, and buy the depressed price bonds.) ..."
    "... Hillary has become a traditional Republican with regard to American exceptionalism. ..."
    "... I couldn't believe it when she was appalled Trump criticized Reagan. All Obama did was say Reagan had some "good ideas." ..."
    "... Liberal talking heads are hyperventilating about the Donald dissing Reagan. Tells me all I need to know. ..."
    "... She's gonna create two classes of SS/Medicare recipients. Great. Some will get a fraction more, most will be screwed. ..."
    "... I guess you could say Donald at least can learn. He's gotten better in each debate in terms of not appearing to be a drug addict with anger issues. ..."
    "... "Because neo-liberalism. Because I like the idea, a lot, of catching the Mount Pelerin Society, Pinochet, Diane Rehm, the Friedmans, Joe Biden, Rush Limbaugh, and the people who drafted the Democratic platform in one big net, and then deep-sixing the entire squirming and gesticulating political class with language that's "exceptionally bloggy and aggressively casual and implicitly ironic." ..."
    "... Media all freaking out about the "respect the results of the election" question. Strange that nobody has brought up Al Gore - it certainly would have been better for the country if Al had pushed harder in 2000. ..."
    "... Wow ABC, the elections ain't rigged but Russia hacked them?! Make up your damned minds already, this is more schizophrenia in a single sentence than I can handle… ..."
    "... #Breaking: Trump's lead advisor Roger Ailes has left the Trump campaign. According to reports: "[Fox] said the pair had a falling out, with both sides saying debate prep had not gone the way they wanted. The report came just hours before Wednesday's third presidential debate in Las Vegas, where Trump will try to dig out of a recent polling hole. ..."
    "... The report said that Ailes had concerns that Trump could not focus and that preparation would be a "waste of time," while Trump thought Ailes spent too much prep time telling old stories." ..."
    "... And Hillary is against Citizens United, now that she has been the one who has benefited the most and won't need it anymore. ..."
    "... Just in terms of tone, whenever Clinton says something appalls her, it makes me think "Gee, that might be a good idea!" Not that it is, but that's my reaction at this point. ..."
    "... With that forced smile of HER's …. I wouldn't get within 5 kilometers of the bloody white hag -- ..."
    "... 'families' …. Cosa Nostra ?? ..."
    "... The Clinton dynasty needs to be brought down asap. Their grip and influence is even more than most realize, I suspect. ..."
    "... I thought Trump did pretty well, said more about "jobs" than Clinton, which is usually a smart move. Not a lot of specifics. Closing minute was a flop though. Clinton spent far too long accusing Russian hackers, which she can't substantiate, and people care less about than the content of the leaked information. ..."
    "... And Hillary, do you promise then not to rig the elections with your allies like you did the Democratic primaries? "Bernie Sanders will not be a factor in N.J." 9/22/2015. ..."
    "... Biggest muffed issue: Wallace asks Clinton if she'd shoot down a Russian plane that violated her no-fly zone. Clinton dodges, Wallace does not press her, Trump does not press her either. "No, Hillary, I'm anxious to know. How badly do you want a new war, this time with Russia?" or some such. ..."
    "... I stand by my opinion of chris wallace being the best and this is really awkward but fox has great post-debate commentary. ..."
    "... Fox is probably more free to push Clinton because their networks of political access are less tied to her campaign than all the other outlets, who seem scared shitless of being thought to cause the slightest embarrassment for her. ..."
    "... actually, mr. wallace did the best job by far of any of these "moderators". ..."
    "... The fact that wallace hit both sides hard made trump loom better. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    EndOfTheWorld October 19, 2016 at 8:49 pm

    Trump should be ready for the Russia thing. I expect him to clearly delineate himself from HRC by saying he really really really wants no war with Russia. in fact, he's already said if he's elected he will meet with Putin before he's even inaugurated. It's a winning position for Trump. People hate war.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 8:55 pm

    I am skeptical of how much that will win over people in Hillary's base, since many well-to-do liberals I know swallow the Putin-is-evil propaganda without question and consider the threat of nuclear war as a distant, impossible thing. For them Trump is an immediate, concrete threat and bad relations with Russia leading to nuclear war a considerably more abstract proposition.

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    Agreed, they swallow it.

    Tom Allen October 19, 2016 at 10:04 pm

    …[T]he 1980s, they're now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War's been over for 20 years.

    - Barack Obama to Mitt Romney, in the final presidential debate of 2012.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 8:56 pm

    I may switch to watching Call the Midwife on PBS after the first hour so as to restore my faith in humanity and universal national healthcare, instituted in the UK seven decades ago during the years of extreme postwar austerity while we trudge along here in "never ever" land.

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    Fitting as it's a crap shoot for the country no matter who "wins".

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    Clinton: Citizens United "undermined" our democratic system. So, in other words, the system is indeed rigged. Glad they agree on something.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    Supreme Court….

    CLINTON Clinton Need Supreme Court stand up for women LBTQ, stand up on Citiznes United [chutzpah]

    Not reverse Roe v Wade, not reverse marriage inequality, stand up and say Supreme Court should represent all of us

    TRUMP What it's all about. Imperative have right justice. Ginsberg forced to apologize for statements she made

    Uphold Second Amendment, which is under seige. Justices I name pro-life, great scholars, interpret the way the Founders waned it interpreted. Constitution way it was meant to be…

    * * *

    Clinton "stand up" often punched…

    optimader October 19, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    LBTQ didn't say Q….she's not all inclusive

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:14 pm

    Is it just me, or does this seem like nothing related to what either one would do as president? Just a show. A weird kind of reality show.

    Clinton's doing word soup about 2nd amendment etc. saying nothing.

    Wallace sounds a little nervous. Trump sounds calm, portrays Clinton as "extremely upset". Painting her as overly emotional. Sexist.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 9:16 pm

    CLINTON Respect Second Amendment. But 33K year die, need background checks, close loopholes, sensible reforms that do not conflict.

    Heller: Disagree with SC application in that case. DC wanted to protect toddlers, a reasonable regulation

    WALLACE How will you ensure 2A protected?

    TRUMP SHe was angry when Heller came down. Scalia well-crafted.

    W Were you upset?

    CLINTON Yes bc toddlers kill people with guns. No doubt I respect 2A and right to bear arms. No conflict w sensible regulation. I understand Donald is funded by NRA and running millions of ads against me.

    W You support a national right to carry law?

    TRUMP Chicago toughest laws, more violence than any other city. I support 2A, very proud to have the NRA endorsement. We are going to appoint justices that will feel strongly about 2A, won't damage it.

    Synoia October 19, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    Because in DC speak "open" = "speaking in the open" (as opposed to closed doors).

    3.14e-9 October 19, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    I'm watching with a former TV producer who just pointed out that they've got soft light on her and hard light on him.

    Susan C October 20, 2016 at 12:07 am

    I noticed that too, this debate and the last one. She has that Doris Day'ish type of look and he looks pale. The lighting –

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:22 pm

    The heroin use is from having no jobs.

    Bob October 19, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    In central Indiana (Gov. Pence's bailiwick) another 350 union manufacturing jobs are going to Mexico. Yesterday it was announced that Rexnord will close its local plant. That's on top of the 1400 jobs lost with the departure of Carrier announced months ago.

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 9:45 pm

    and from doctors and Big Pharma pushing it. Marijuana appears to be better for pain and less harmful.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:23 pm

    Trump fear mongering immigrants people kill people. Sheesh. Talking about heroin flooding across the southern border. I bet he won't mention the prescription opiate issue.

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    And why are we in Afghanistan anyway?

    IowanX October 19, 2016 at 10:55 pm


    John October 19, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    There is no way the 11 million figure is real. No way. They have been telling us it's 11 million for over 3 decades. It's got to be over 30 million by now.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    Hillary totally glossing over Obama-era deportations

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    Trump says "bad bad bad". Clinton – on immigration starts with things that sound sane then goes all cerebral, just more word soup. She doesn't know when to shut up.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 9:26 pm

    That "she always supported the wall, never gets anything done so no wall" was quite adroit

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    Both trying so hard to be controlled. Clinton can't resist gleeful smirk, she can throw in some of her prepared remarks.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:28 pm

    Okay, get the current 15 million out of the shadows so as to eliminate their downward pressure on wages. Then what?

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 9:32 pm

    She's crazy can't vote for her. Stein or bust.

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:28 pm

    Everyone these two know uses illegals as their nannies, cooks, drivers, house cleaners, gardeners etc.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:29 pm

    He says she'll be a disaster with open borders and she gets her big grin again. It's a game of facial expression and emotive words.

    allan October 19, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    Wikleaks=Russians=PayNoAttentionToThoseSpeechesToTheBanks PUTIN!!!!

    Patricia October 19, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    "Russians", twice! And Putin!

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 9:30 pm

    Ding! Russia/Putin deflection of WikiLeaks. Took longer than I thought.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:31 pm

    ooh-Clinton's already on wikileaks and Russia and Putin. 17 intelligence people have supposedly confirmed they were trying to change the election.

    Trump–great calling her out on her pivot off the borders.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 9:33 pm

    "You encouraged espionage of our people" I remember Hillary calling for a bolstering of NSA surveillance efforts after Orlando?

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 9:33 pm

    She's on that when the topic is immigration, she's WAY off topic.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    Was this the same outfit that confirmed WMDs in Iraq?

    HBE October 19, 2016 at 9:34 pm

    These debates seem to be mainly focused on scaring each tribe into showing up to vote there is certainly no appeal to independents by either side.

    Hillary really gave the liberals a good he's Hitler scare on immigration, "round them up", "put them on trains", hmm I wonder what focus groups said those phrases reminded them of.

    Of course no mention that Obama has deported more people than any other president.

    John k October 19, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Any job an illegal gets is a job a legal could have had, albeit at a higher wage. This includes apple picking and all the others. And the legal Hispanics and others have all worked this out.

    John Zelnicker October 19, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    When Alabama passed laws against undocumented immigrants, the tomatoes rotted on the plants because no one else would do the work, even at higher wages.

    Yves Smith October 19, 2016 at 11:28 pm

    I've pointed that out, but that is because the wages weren't high enough because….drumroll….those farmers competed with farmers in other states that can and do hire illegal workers.

    So this isn't a valid test of what would happen if you shut down the seasonal worker flow on a widespread basis. You probably would have a very painful transition the first year as farmers tried bidding for workers and bid too low.

    When I was a kid, lots of kids picked strawberries in the summer. Not terribly pleasant work but reasonably paid and only a few weeks. You could probably get teenagers in the summer for crops that had short harvest windows.

    Ivy October 20, 2016 at 12:17 am

    Picking various crops meant new school clothes and a new bicycle for many kids back in the day. There was a sense of camaraderie and shared experience that made the work seem easier, and some brought transistor radios to provide background music. People generally had a good time and kids saw the work ethic in action.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:57 pm

    Guess you never had to work those jobs to survive; manual labor jobs like construction and working in a restaurant and just about anything else that the little people do. Now most Americans can't get hired at those jobs.They go to illegals.

    ggm October 19, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    Clinton wants to rip babies from their mother's wombs and Trump wants to tear families apart through deportation. Who are these people??

    Trump did finally mention Hillary's border wall vote and Obama's deportations. Literally Hitlers.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:34 pm

    Clinton's pivot from "hemisphere without borders" to Wikileaks/Russia/Putin interfering with out democracy. Pathetic. The audience found it laughable.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:34 pm

    Trump's digs are more effective–short, clear words. "She's the puppet" Clinton's ideas are sometimes better but it's overly cerebral and too word-soupy. Trump – "Putin has outsmarted her in Syria", etc. etc.

    just_kate October 19, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    this is insane. hillary upset about foreign interference ??

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    she just lied about nuclear weapons…the secty of defense has to approve…she…is…well…she always lies so what else is new…

    Jolly Tommo October 19, 2016 at 9:37 pm

    As in first debate Trump holds it together for about half an hour and then starts to throw a wobbly.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    W Immigration. Trump wall, Clinton 100 days include pathway to citizenship

    TRUMP Amnesty unfair to people waiting in line for years. In audience 4 mothers killed by illegal immigrants. We have no country if we have no borders. Border control and ICE endorsed me. It means their job is tougher. They want strong borders. Up NH, single biggest problem heroin, poisoning the blood of our youth. Strong borders, amnesty, ICE, they all want the wall [Trump starts sniffing]. When the border is secured, we'll make a determination [about the rest of it]

    CLINTON Carla, worried she was born here, parents were not. I don't want to see parents separated from children. 11M undocumented, 4 million children. Would need a massive law enforcement presence to round up the undocumented, then put them on trains and buses. Not in keeping with who we are, would rip our country apart. Voted for border security. My comprehensive plan includes border security. Get rid of violent. Trump went to Mexico, didn't mention the wall, got into a twitter war

    TRUMP Mexican President nice man, CLinton fought for the wall in 2006 but she never gets anything done so naturally it was't built

    WALL I voted for border security. It is clear what Donald has a different view of what to do. Bring undocumented out of the shadows. Donald used undocumented workers to build Trump tower. Don't want employers to exploit.

    TRUMP Under Obama millions have already been moved out. We're a country of laws. We either have a border or we don't. MIllions in line and waiting and unfair to have open borders, also a disaster on trade. Obama has deported millions

    CLINTON Open borders a rank mistatement. Used to be partisan

    W $225K from bank stpeech, "my dream is open trade and open borders"

    CLINTON I was talking about energy [!!]. I want an electric grid. Wikileaks has engaged in espionage against Americans. Hacked and given info. Clearly from Putin himself, as 17 intel officials say Most important question: Will Trump admit and condemn Russians have done this. Those are the questions we need answered

    TRUMP Big pivot she wants open borders. How'd we get to Putin

    W [dithers]

    TRUMP She wants open borders, 550% [more Syrians]. If Russia and US got along and went after ISIS that would be good.

    TRUMP 1800 nuclear warheads and she's playing chicken.

    CLINTON He's rather have a puppet

    TRUMP You're the puppet

    CLINTON You are willing to sign up for Putin's wish list. He has a clear favorite. We've never had a foreign govt try to interfere. 17 agencies all conclude highest levels Russian

    TRUMP SHe has no idea if it's Russia or China

    CLINTON 17 agents sworn to protect

    TRUMP Putin has outsmarted her every step of the way. In Syria–

    W Even if you don't know who, do you condemn?

    TRUMP Of course I condemn. If we were friends with Russian. Putin has outsmarted them at every step of the way. All you have to do is look at the Middle East. We've spent six trillion dollars and they've taken over the middle east

    CLINTON I find it ironiic she's raised nuclear weapons since he's been cavalier. Bottom line on nuclear weapons When President gives order it must be followed. 4 minutes between order and launch. 10 people who had responsibility would not trust Turmp

    TRUMP 200 generals endorse. As far as Japan and other countries, all I said is we have to renegotiate [can't afford].

    Look, she's been proven to be a liar in so many ways.

    CLINTON US has kept the peace through our alliances. They've made us safer.

    otis October 19, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    Hillary's eyes are very glassy, She's doped up

    Ivy October 20, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Clinton seemed to almost tear up a little when she heard a particularly damning salvo, as when Wallace asked about Bill, and then she pivoted. Her wet eyes were a tell.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    Wallace is nervous. You can tell he feels what happens in the election will depend on his performance as moderator.

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    Still can't believe he's Mike Wallace's son.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    Wallace is doing a good job framing the questions as polarities subtly favoring the conservative position.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:41 pm

    Weird that after Trump had mentioned twice he'd want to work with Russia, then Clinton said he'd want to tear up his agreements.

    ggm October 19, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    I'm biased against her admittedly, but I think he is kicking her ass here.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    Both are really solidifying their anti-status quo and pro-status quo credentials. No one who still professes to be undecided is going to be convinced beyond their own pre-conceived tendencies.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:43 pm

    It's so surreal. now Trump is on about horrible deals, how to get paid by foreign countries like Saudi Arabia. Making a great deal with NAFTA.

    Now Clinton "will translate"–he says "You can't".

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 9:45 pm

    He really should push on the TPP, not decades old deals, but he's just not that smart. Where the ball is going to be and all that.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    Clinton now talking about how to control the debt, do it like Big Bill.

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:45 pm

    Not what was "happening", what Wall Street CAUSED.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:46 pm

    Trump says Wallace is "correct" (during his debt/bailout related question to Clinton), with big grin/smirk, some laughter from audience at how he got that in there.

    Clinton feels like she's on the defensive about her budget's ability to get the economy moving.

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    $hillary…has there ever been an economic crash anywhere in the world where the clowns who were running the show/economy into the ground were allowed and continue to be allowed to run the show…??

    usually it is off with their heads…even if it is symbolic…

    here…not so much…

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:47 pm

    What both of them want is for Americans to work for 3 bucks a day.

    dcblogger October 19, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    I am only following this on Twitter, but it does not look like Trump is doing at all well.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    Depends what you mean by "doing well". He's holding his own, getting in a good few zingers, not losing it. She keeps going on and on and on and sounds more defensive, he's more confident.

    sleepy October 19, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    I think he's doing well as far as these things go.

    Yves Smith October 19, 2016 at 10:00 pm

    Unless you also have right wing political commentators on your Twitter feed, you are suffering from sample bias. The MSM is all in for Clinton. Ditto any political sites in the center and left save the pretty far left ones like Counterpunch and Black Agenda Report, which are willing to entertain the idea that Clinton is the more effective evil.

    Now here is a different slice of sample bias: my only mother in law survey has been of the guys in my gym. Upscale Upper East Side (I get a big break by having been a charter member 21 years ago). They chat at night like hens, even about their love lives (which is kinda cute, particularly given that the youngest guy is in his late 30s). So I am highly confident that only one guy there is right wing (and he's the only guy who knows what I do, he's a Zero Hedge reader with a classic libertarian mindset). Most were Sanders voters.

    They are all gonna vote for Trump, including one of the trainers (who is clearly of a lower-class background from the way he speaks, and he is one of the Sanders supporters). And what surprises me more is that they are wiling to say this out loud in this neighborhood (heavy Clinton supporters) when there are women (besides me) within earshot.

    Just sayin'.

    Now Trump may indeed not be doing all that well, but my Twitter feed is dominated by journalists, and I don't even need to look to tell you that they would declare Clinton the winner, as they did in debates with Sanders when polls later deemed Sanders to have come out on top.

    dcblogger October 19, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    I always follow these events via hashtag, so it is whoever is using the hashtag.

    jonf October 19, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    You said upscale. That kinda gives it away. My experience in this neighborhood is those with higher incomes generally are in or near management and generally vote republican even though they may have little idea of the issues. Sanders may have tickled their fancy but Hillary, after all, is a felon. Right? It says so right here all over my FB.

    MojaveWolf October 19, 2016 at 11:10 pm

    Was not on twitter during debate so I don't know what it was like there but I thought he did both well and horrifically, depending on when/what. He was decent at the infighting part (very good at the non-policy infighting), not so good at the policy part (granted, he has to get the horrible-at-policy base to turn out, and what will work for them will not work for me).

    He actually did a good job pointing out real (and some possibly not-real, I dunno about some of it) corruption. If his allegations were false, Clinton certainly didn't seem in a hurry to make impossible to walk back flat denials.

    Clinton was on her game to begin with and cleaning his clock, except when she went stupid/scary w/the anti-Russia stuff, but her evasions were glaringly obvious in places and he got better the first third of the debate.

    Debate also started w/Supreme Court, which was the one area the Dems have always been able to reliably scare people into voting for candidates they don't want. And choice, where HIllary was great and Trump was awful. Rest of debate occasionally appeared to have been sponsored by the Peterson Foundation.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    Trump saying jobs are stagnant, last report so bad "I should win the election".

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    Clinton got Trump on the Chinese steel.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 9:49 pm

    "doesn't add a penny to the debt." hmmm…

    John October 19, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    The Pentagon is missing 9 TRILLION. Talk about that Trump, Clinton.

    homeroid October 19, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    Anyone notice that Trump looks just like that puppet Jeff Dunham used. You know the grumpy one.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    He has a new facial expression–lips in a straight line, quasi-smile it looks like he's practiced it–like his stately version of her gleeful smirk.

    otis October 19, 2016 at 9:51 pm

    If I can't say her red glassy eyes are red and glassy you can not have the donation I planned. I'm disappointed in the moderation of this thread. Will not forget.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 9:51 pm

    Your 30 years of experience coincide with the utter screwing over of the working people.

    JCC October 19, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Amen. I just watched about two minutes… all I could take. Her smirk and lies drive me nuts.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:52 pm

    Now Trump is attacking her about losing $6 Billion from the State Department. Criticizes her record, her "bad experience". Oh no she's going on about Children's Defense Fund again. But she's on the defensive. Trying to build up her experience–the trouble is she hasn't really done much.

    NotTimothyGeithner October 19, 2016 at 10:00 pm

    Her basic narrative is she is the single most qualified person in the history of things to ever be deign to run for President and then she mumbles about one thing she did between being a lawyer for Wal-Mart and the governor's wife. It's a terrible narrative. Oh, and being on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for 25 years.

    Then of course, there are the weekly introductions to the real Hillary her crooked friends really like.

    oh October 19, 2016 at 9:53 pm

    look st her silly (S___ Eating) grin/

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 9:53 pm

    W econonomy

    CLINTON I want biggest jobs program since WWII. New jobs and clean energy [she goes all singsong when emitting talking points.] Raise minimum wage, equal pay. You will not get a tuition bill from public college or u if plan Sanders and I worked out. Most gains gone to the top, and the rich will pay for their share. Plan analyzed by experts, would gain 10 million jobs. Trump tax cuts trickle down economics on steroids, cost us jobs, lead to recession

    TRUMP Her plan will raise and even double your taxes. The rest of the public will pay for her tuition.

    Start off where we left. Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia. They're very rich, why aren't they paying? Since I questioned, they've all started to pay up. She says "We love our allies," but that makes it hard for them to pay up. DUring his regime, deficit doubled.

    Look at all the places I just left, our jobs have fled. I'm going to renegotiate NAFTA, and if we can't, walk away. Bring offshore taxes back into the country

    CLINTON Let me translate that if I can.

    TRUMP You can't

    CLINTON He wants tax cuts. I have said no tax increase $250K. He mentioned the debt. We went from deficit to surplus. Obama has cut the deficit by two-third. One of the ways you create jobs is by investing in people. We've tried cutting taxes on the weathy

    W Your plan similar to Obama stim plan, slowest growth

    TRUMP Corrent

    W Is your plan a continuation of Obama stimulus plan?

    CLINTON Never seen people as physically distraught as Bushies. Obama doesn't get credit he deserves for hard decisions. I'm proposed we invest from the middle out and the ground up. My proposal won't add a penny to the debt. We're beginning to see increasing wages.

    W Trump, even conservative economists say your numbers don't add up?

    TRUMP India is growing at 8%, China at 7%. We are growing at 1% and I think it's going down. Is that the last jobs report before the election? I should win easily! We've lost our jobs, products pouring in from all over the world. I pass factories that were thriving 20 years ago. It's horrible what happened. She can say her husband did well. Now she wants to sign TPP. She lied when she said it wasn't gold standard

    CLINTON When I saw the TPP, I was against. There's only one of us that's shipped jobs to China and that's Donald. I fought Chinese dumping steel, but Donald bought Chinese steel. Crocodile tears!

    TRUMP She's been doing this for 30 years, why the hell didn't she do it for the last 15 years? You have experience over me, but it's bad experience. The problem is you talk and don't do anything. At State, $6 billion dollars is missing. Where did it go?

    CLINTON State Dept untrue and debunk. [Deploys Children's Defense Fund]. On the day I was in the briefing room [watching OBL get whacked], he was on the Apprentice

    TRUMP I think I did a better job. I built a phenomenal company with that million dollar loan. Take a look at Syria, Look at ISIS. She and Obama created a vacuum. She gave us ISIS as sure as you're sitting there.

    Anonymous October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    So does this mean the private colleges–except for Ivies and those in like financial condition–are all going to be forced out of business?

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:53 pm

    Clinton: "Trump has bought Chinese steel." So have we all, along with a lot of other substandard stuff. Bridge Comes to San Francisco With a Made-in-China Label

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    American bombs and bullets are humanitarian, dontcha know?

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:55 pm

    He accused Clinton of setting up the sexual harassment tapes.

    JSM October 19, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    NBC set up the Billy Bush tape, if that's what's being referred to. The Clintons set up the big frontpage NYT 'accusers,' or whatever it was. The latter story was written by Haberman & Jonathan Martin, two of the Clinton campaign's favorite hacks named in the Wikileaks emails. Interesting, no?

    (PS. With all due respect to site policy it is not a certainty that the NYT allegations are false, but they are certainly suspicious for the reason given.)

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 9:56 pm

    These agents provacateurs accusations against Clinton are quite plausible (hey, they were on PBS Newshour) even if the source is shady. They just feel very Clintonesque.

    oh October 19, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    Dirty politics Clinton style.

    ggm October 19, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    There is a lot of evidence dug up by reddit amateur investigators after the tape leaked. They found people on the tape in a few protest videos as well as a woman on the Clinton payroll. I don't trust the voter fraud tape at all, but the inciting violence at riots tapes looks like the real deal.

    JSM October 19, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    They go along well with the shots fired into and the burglary/ransacking of Sander's Nevada campaign headquarters, and the firebombings of Republican campaign offices in swing states.

    Everything is random people, just listen to Clinton's measured, dulcet tones and fasten on her innocent smile…

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    well done $hillary…the question was for her to respond about bill and his stuff…good diversion…congrats…

    donald donald donald…

    when she said you had a problem with what you did with these women and could not apologize…

    you could have asked her… are you talking about me or your husband bill…

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    "America is great because America is good." We kill because we love…

    oh October 19, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    She twists everything. Chubby Checker would be proud of Shillary.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    Clinton is calling out Trump's criticism of women, their appearance, etc. She's on stronger ground here. Now she's losing it again, word soup about what our country is. Why can't she stay on a topic? She keeps weakening her points by going on and saying nothing. Making America great again. Using his memes.

    Trump saying no one respects women more than here.

    Now he's bringing up her emails. What happened to the FBI, he asks? Talks about 1 guy getting 4 yrs in jail for 1 lie to the FBI, a 4-star general, but she makes hundreds of lies.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    my god, grab her by the pushiness, donald!

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    Has Hillary Clinton ever apologized for anything? Or just said "I misspoke."

    Susan C October 19, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    Hillary did not respond to Trump's charge that she paid for people to riot in Chicago before his rally. Instead she began to speak very slowly to eat up her time.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    She does not refute. This one may have legs.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Oooh, Clinton uses rhetoric–says Trump is "dark, divisive, dangerous". She practiced that one. There was no context.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 10:02 pm

    more wikileaks?!? go, chris, go!

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    Trump is playing the hypocrisy card against Clinton rather well.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    Wallace asks her questions about Foundation, donation. Wallace is nervous. (When questioning Trump, he uses a different tone – he's not as scared, he's more deprecating.)

    Wallace is pressing her more on pay to play. Trump says it's a criminal enterprise, Saudi & Qatar giving lots of money. They kill women & treat them horribly, push gays off buildings, but Clinton takes their money. He says she should give their money back. He says in Haiti they hate Clinton, what the foundation did was a disgrace.

    Clinton claims they spend 90% of donations on their programs. (Pinocchio moment, anyone?)

    Samuel Conner October 19, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    Spending money on programs is lawyerly language. From what I have read, CF runs events but does little that benefits people "on the ground"

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Too bad Trump doesn't have any facts on Haiti. He could have buried her. This is so boring. Just low grade snipes at each other.

    jrs October 19, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Almost focusing on Haiti, almost a good point, then narcissism derails Trump …

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    Trump: "You gave us these tax loopholes." True. They both suck

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    Trump talks about his foundation, 100% used. Wallace asks if the money was used to pay his debts. Trump says it went to building houses for veterans and disabled.

    Clinton says we won't know cuz he won't release his tax returns, so we can't prove anything. She claims her tax returns reveal something. (Ha ha ha ha–Clinton Foundation docs don't reveal much.)

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:08 pm

    Trump says Clinton should have changed the law, she gets lots of money. He mentions his beautiful hotel and she says again "built with Chinese steel", audience laughs. Wallace asks Trump about rigged election, will he commit to accept the result of the election, he says he'll look at it at the time.

    Media dishonest & corrupt, NYT wrote about it, poisoned the minds of voters but he thinks people can see through it.

    Voter roles – people on the register who shouldn't be.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    Trump says she should never have been allowed to run because she's guilty of serious things, the emails and more.

    Wallace returns to ask if he'll go along with the election result, Trump says he'll let him know.

    Clinton says Trump always claims things are rigged if they don't go his way.

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 10:10 pm

    the fbi did a one year investigation or a three day cover up…? but the question or statement was the transition of power… donald…just respond since he is not in power there is no issue here

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    Clinton claims we've had "free and fair elections". Now there's a huge lie. Bigger lie than about her emails.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    Oh noes, Trump is denigrating our democracy. So did the DNC by rigging the primaries.

    oh October 19, 2016 at 10:21 pm

    She's appalled? What hypocrisy!

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    well, of course, that's why Gore and Kerry conceded, It would have been impolite not to.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    W Grabbing women. Nine came forward, said you groped them. Why would so many women all make up these stories, and Clinton, what your husband, was that worse?

    TRUMP Debunked. I think she made them come forward. My rally in Chicago violent because them. I didn't even apologize to my wife, sitting right here, bc I didn't do it. I don't know why. I believe she got these people to step forward, or 10 minutes of fame. Lies or fiction

    CLINTON At the last debate, we heard what Donald did. Others come forward. He went on to say "Look at her." Donald thins belittling women makes him bigger. So we now know how Donald thinks of women. That's who Donald is. It's up to all of us to say who we are. We want to celebrate our diveristy. America is great because America is good….

    TRUMP Nobody has more respect for women than I do. I want to talk about something slightly different. What isn't fictionalized are her emails, where she destroyed 33K emails after getting a subpoena. We have a general going to jail for 1 lie. She's A four star general. And she gets away with it, and she can run for President.

    CLINTON Every time Donald is pushed, he goes for denying responsibility. [Kahn, McCain…] It's not onte thing, it's a pattern of divisiness, a dark vision where he incites violence at his rallies.

    TRUMP So sad when she talks about violence at my rallies when she incites it!

    W Clinton, in 2009 you promised to avoid appearance of Clinton with CF. Can you really say you kept your pledge? WHy is this not "pay to play"

    CLINTON Everything I did in furtherance of our country. CF is a world-renowned charity. 11M get HIV treatment. We have made environment

    W The question went to pay to play

    TRUMP It's a criminal enterprise. Saudis gave millinos. These are people who kill gays. Why don't you give back the money? In Little Haiti and they hate the Clintons because of what the CF did in Clinton

    CLINTON Happy to compare to Donald's foundation, portrait. Haiti is the poorest country. CF raised 30 million. We're going to keep working to help.

    TRUMP They don't want your help.

    CLINTON Hasn't released his tax returns, so we don't know anything about his charities. Half of all immigrants actually pay income taxes

    TRUMP We're entitled to depreciate because of laws you passed. Most of her donors have done what I did. You should have changed the law when you were a Senator. But you want change the law because you've taken so much ad. I sat there and watched ad after ad after ad paid for by your friends on Wall Street

    W Trump, warned election rigged. Pence pledges will accept, Ivanka said will accept.

    TRUMP I will look at it at the time. What I've seen is so bad. The media is so corrupt and the pile-on is so amazing. If you look at your voter rolls you will see millions that are registered to vote that shouldn't be. She's guilty of a serious crime and should not be allowed be to run. In that respect it's rigged!

    W A tradition is the peaceful transition of power. The country comes together.

    TRUMP What I'm saying is that I'll tell you at the time.

    CLINTON Donald always says everything was rigged. Trump U, claims judge is rigged. There was even a time he didn't an Emmy three times. This is mindset, it's how he things. Funny but troubling. We've been around 240 years, we've had free and fair elections [!!!!!]. Obama said, when you're whining, you're not up to doing the job! He is denigrating, talking down to our democracy. I am appalled.

    TRUMP What the FBI did and the Justice did, including meeting with the AG on the tarmac in Arizona, is a disgrace.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    how dare you insult democracy, donald?

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    Especially the fake, rigged kind we have in this country.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:14 pm

    Hey, it's the best democracy that Organized Money can buy!

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Did anyone hear a word about how these two would create the 50 million jobs
    we need at half decent wages?

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Trump brings up Big Bill's mtg with AG in plane on tarmac–audience claps him enthusiastically.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    IF only Clinton would use her moments of impassioned rhetoric to talk about doing things for the American people rather than pushing to shame Trump or defending the FBI… Now back to droning Clinton on protecting soldiers and conflict in Syria (yawn)

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:13 pm

    "Intelligence surge." Sounds bad and worse.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:14 pm

    Clinton says we have a lot of work to do. Syria etc. We have to keep our eye on ISIS, we need an "intelligence surge". Continue to push for no fly zone and gain leverage on Syrian gov't and the Russians to bring the conflict to an end.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:16 pm

    Trump – we had Mosul, she left, her fault. No secrecy, people talking about Mosul for 3 months. Clinton wants to look good for the election. The leaders we wanted to get (in Mosul) are all gone. Iran is taking over Iraq, we've made it easy for them. We'll take Mosul and Iran will benefit.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    I do have to say without Trump in this election the lid would not have been blown off the criminality of the government in Washington. Mouthing off about it all the time every chance he gets. Not that Trump will do anything to change it. But still.

    oh October 19, 2016 at 10:24 pm

    Good point. He's exposing this fraud for what she is.

    ggm October 19, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    This election would have been all about transgender bathrooms.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 10:18 pm

    Trump name drops "Bernie Sanders" x2… Clinton x1 everybody Drink, Drink, Drink!

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:19 pm

    Clinton about Trump supported the Iraq invasion, he says "wrong".

    Trump says she's unfit, says Podesta says horrible things about her and he was right. Says Sanders was right about her, bad judgment.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:19 pm

    Trump: Sanders supporting Clinton is a big mistake. Amen.

    johnnygl October 19, 2016 at 10:19 pm

    Clinton: 'safe zones in syria to get leverage on russia and assad' - wtf?!?!!!??

    Trump with this 'element of surprise' thing is so dumb! Does he think this is a winner?!!?? Also, the guy is so scatter-brained!???

    Trump's as bad as the first debate. Maybe worse.

    jgordon October 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    Oh I don't know. I thought that when Trump pointed out the objective fact that Hillary is a criminal who should be in prison right now rather than running for president that was pretty much all that needed to be said for him to win.

    JSM October 19, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    To Americans of either side who are sick of our failed foreign policy and wondering whether it's intentionally duplicitous, yah, I think it's a winner. Keep reading, you'll see.

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 10:19 pm

    Hillary sticking to technicals and official truths – "FBI cleared me after a year-long investment"; "Google Trump Iraq – all these sources" etc. If she can validate it, it must be true!

    Trump, on the other hand, is winging it with "homebaked" truths – some bald lies, some half-truths, some actual truths. However, if it resonates with the gut feeling of enough people, it is much better basis for argument than pure technicality.

    She just giggled after calling him the most dangerous man to have ever run for the Presidency. Wtf.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Yes, her laughing and smiling never help

    ggm October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    He should have mentioned wikileaks. They found her own oppo research said his Iraq war opposition would be a huge problem for her.

    I noticed she stopped plugging her website. Afraid he will reply with a plug for wikileaks?

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    Wallace says Aleppo has fallen, Trump says it's still there, still happening. Wallace sounds shaky. Trump again "it's so sad". Says Assad is tougher than Clinton & Obama. Says it's our fault Iran is powerful, we gave them bundles of cash, $1.7 Billion.

    We're backing the rebels, but we don't know who the rebels are. If they ever did overthrow Assad, they might end up with something worse than Assad. Causes Great Migration, in many cases they are ISIS-aligned, great Trojan horse, "Thanks a lot Hillary for doing a great job."

    tawal October 19, 2016 at 10:23 pm

    Trump is kicking butt. Stein or Trump… Can't stomach Bill in the WH again. Even though I'm in CA, and should vote Stein; what if, Trump gets the majority???

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    On the contrary, I think he did a good job – kinda recast it as a sequel to Iraq.

    johnnygl October 19, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    Wallace is the best moderator yet! Thanks for asking about no fly zone meaning war with russia!

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    Wallace asks Clinton about no fly zone, risk of starting a war. She says those are genuine risks, but thinks she could "strike a deal".

    Re: refugees, they will be vetted, but not close our doors, that boy with blood coming down his face is haunting. Orlando Pulse Nightclub killer born in Queens just like Donald. (Wow that's a low blow.)

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    "We will make it very clear to Russia" ain't exactly 'striking a deal.'

    polecat October 19, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    a real kidney punch that one …. i think she turn virtually all of Queens … HIS WAY --

    WJ October 19, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    Clinton: This great country of America is good because greatness of our good people. I don't believe that Donald has greatness good enough for America because of his ungood comments about women reporters I've disabled in defense of Children's Defense Fund. That's not the kind of double plus goodness of America I want to fight for.

    Trump: I have the highest regard for all overweight and disabled women. Always have. I will let them speak for my successes. But Hillary is trying to distract from emails. Lots of generals are in prison for breaking security but the FBI has to look the other way, because 6 billion is lost in Syria and there is no action. I will renegotiate the Missouri Compromise, and the Louisiana Purchase if I have to. They were bad deals for America's workers, and I have a lot of money.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    "Nobody can believe how stupid our leadership is." Wrong!

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    W If we push ISIS out, you put troops into that vacuum?

    CLINTON I am encouraged there is an effort by Iraq in Syria. Will not support American troops "as an occupying force" [ZOMG, the lawerly parsing!] Hopeful that the hard work military advisors. Intelligence surge… I'm going to continue to push for a no-fly zone. Need serious negotation to bring conflict to an end.

    TRUMP I've been reading about Mosul for three months. What about the element of surprise? They've all left. Why are we doing it? So she can look tough for the election. So Mosul is going to be a wonderful thing, and Iran should write us a letter of thanks.

    CLINTON Once again, Donald is implying he dind't support Iraq. I just want everybody to Google "Donald Trump Iraq" and you can hear the audio [thank you Eric Schmidt]. What's really important is to understand all the interplay. We need to go after the leadership, "get rid of them" in Mosul, then move on to Rakka. I'm amazed to see Donald thinks all these governments [colluded to elect me].

    TRUMP Wikileaks. Podesta said some horrible things about you and boy was he right. "Terrible instincts." Sanders "bad judgment" I agree with both.

    CLINTON Sanders says you're the most dangerous person to run and I think he's right

    W Aleppo? Said some wrong things about Alepp

    TRUMP It's a disaster

    W ALso said Syria and Russia fighting ISIS but they've been been bombing.

    TRUMP By fighting Assad, he was tougher and smarter than her and Obama. Now he's aligned with Russia, and Iran, who we made stronger. They don't want ISIS. We're backing rebels. We don't know who the rebels are. If the rebels overthrow Assad, could be worse. If she did nothing, we would be better off. And she caused the Great Migration. What 'til you see what happens. Lots of luck Hillary. Great job

    W No-fly, Obama has refused to do. What if a Russian plane violates, shoot it down?

    CLINTON I am aware of the legitimate concerns you have expressed. I think we could strike a deal and make it clear that this was something in the best interests of people on the ground.

    I am not going to get anybody into the country not vetted. Picture of the 4-year-old haunting. We have [Doesn't answer about shooting the plane down]

    TRUMP Had a ceasefire, Russia took over land, ceasefire ends. We are so outplayed by Putin and Assad and Iran. Nobody can believe how stupid our leadership is.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Trump says ISIS never should have happened. No one can believe how stupid our leadership is. (He's probably right about that. Can't imagine what foreigners make of this crazy election.)

    Bjornasson October 19, 2016 at 10:36 pm

    I can contribute my two cents!

    Four years ago I would have been surprised to see that the rhetoric and tactics are quite similar to those frequently employed in Indian politics; I somehow thought that the developed, Enlightened West would be above that. The thing that surprises me is not the abysmal quality of the candidates, but the attitude of Americans towards this election.

    They are much better informed than their developing world counterparts and much better (or longer) educated – on average. And yet, they are either enthusiastic for their candidate or unable to grasp just how truly broken their political system is. They joke about it, post memes and get self-righteous on social media and in-person, but they seem to have little to no concern about what it means in the big picture. They have no willingness to be open-mindedness (although all of them worship the innovation and out-of-the-box thinking of Silicon Valley and Steve Jobs) and consider points of view that may not align with their preferences. As you may have guessed, I live on a University campus – which is not representative of the USA, but is definitely the pool of people from which the "future leaders of the free world" are expected to be drawn. I am not enthusiastic about that prospect.
    This then, to me, is perhaps the most disappointing aspect of life in America and the most clarifying aspect of this election.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    "I somehow thought that the developed, Enlightened West would be above that."

    Patricia October 19, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    Oh god, she says no-fly zone would save lives….

    allan October 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    And now a message from Peter Peterson.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    jeezus frickin' murphy! please, please, please let me debate this vile woman.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    So cutting taxes on the rich is going to create tremendous jobs. Heard that so many times I can't count.

    Micky9finger October 19, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    Hard to take. One suggestion, put a switch on the microphones and switch them off when they won't stop talking.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    Trump "I'm going to create the kind of country we used to be".

    [Well God save us from someone who wants to take us backwards.]

    We have to use our great people. We will create an economic machine, the likes of which we haven't seen in many decades, companies that will grow and expand and start from new.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    National Debt now = 77% of GDP

    Clinton = Ndebt to 86% of GDP
    Trump = Ndebt to 105% of GDP

    Trump: "We will have created a tremendous … machine once again"
    Clinton: "I will not add one penny to the National debt"

    So is Trump more MMT than Clinton?!


    Samuel Conner October 19, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    Trump occasionally emits MMT-like sounds, but I'm not sure that he believes them. For example, he has previously accurately noted that US can't be forced to default on USD-denominated debt, since it prints its own currency. Then he suggested that we could reduce the outstanding debt by negotiating down the price of previously issued Treasury bonds (not sure the details; perhaps threaten to default, hammer the price by terrifying bond-holders, and buy the depressed price bonds.)

    At other times Trump has criticized the level of debt, for example the fact that the nominal public debt doubled under Obama (after doubling under Bush II, it must be admitted). It appears to me that Trump favors lower nominal debt as a good thing in itself, without consideration of the effect of lowering the debt on other sectors.

    I'm not confident that Trump actually believes any MMT principles.

    OTOH, I'm pretty confident that HRC rejects MMT completely. She boasts of WJC's surpluses, for example. She evidently doesn't know elementary accounting facts such as the sectoral balances identity.

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    back in 1987…he basically said then what he says now…because her beltway buddies have been doing fine since 1987….the folks in youngstown ohio and johnstown pennsylvania….not so much…

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:30 pm

    Clinton criticizes a $100,000 ad Trump took out in 1987 criticizing things.

    Clinton says she doesn't add a penny to the national debt. How we'll pay for education, infrastructure, get prescription drug costs down–ask wealthy & corporations to pay their fair share, it won't diminish growth.

    We have to get back to building the middle class, I want to invest in you. (wonder who she means by that)

    Trump–"we've heard this before" He says he disagreed with Reagan on trade.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Cut the military and spook budgets in half and we are good to go on Social Security.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    holy crap, she reaganed!

    donald, wake up, she's out-americanning you big time.

    allan October 19, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    CFRB approves of this message.

    Starveling October 19, 2016 at 10:31 pm

    Puppies are great because puppies are good…. ugh. Hillary has become a traditional Republican with regard to American exceptionalism.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    > Reagan had ten thousand golden retriever puppies, all of them named America.

    Well, that wins the Internet! I couldn't believe it when she was appalled Trump criticized Reagan. All Obama did was say Reagan had some "good ideas."

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Liberal talking heads are hyperventilating about the Donald dissing Reagan. Tells me all I need to know.

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    OK, here comes the Grand Bargain. Isn't this over yet? He's punting to Obamacare.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:32 pm

    Wallace on entitlements, 60% of the budget, neither one has a plan to deal with this.

    Trump – says cut taxes, grow the economy. Repeal & replace Obamacare, it's destroying out businesses. It'll probably die of his own weight, premiums going up 70 80 100%. He says Clinton wants to make it worse.

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    Her snarky side comments are not really helping her, at least for me.

    Lee October 19, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    Trump: Repeal and replace Obamacare. A lot of sticker shocked Americans nodding their heads.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Nothing is making premiums go down but ending the health insurance extortion racket once and for all.

    dbk October 19, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    I don't understand how people accepted referring to SS and Medicare as "entitlements".

    T: Obamacare has to go – increase in premiums – bad health care at most exp. price.

    W: Same question: will you +taxes /-benefits to save SS?

    C: I want to increase benefits for those who have been disadvantaged.
    ACA extended solvency of Medicare Trust Fund. Have to get costs down, increase value (???), emphasize wellness.

    Depressing topic.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Wallace's question is really limiting the framing of the question about benefits, taxes, entitlements. No room in his world for MMT or any kind of non-austerity approach.

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    They have not "agreed" to closing statements? Weird.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:35 pm

    W Clinton debt/GRP ratio to 86% and debt to 105%. Why aren't you dealing with the problem?

    TRUMP They're wrong, because I'm going to create jobs. We could get to 1% growth to 5%. Have business people not political hacks making trade deals. We will create an economic machine like we haven't seen for decades. People will get back to work

    CLINTON When did he think the country was great? Trump has been criticizing our government for decades. He was criticizing President Reagan. To the debt, I won't add a penny to the debt. We are going where the money is. Ask the rich and corps to pay their fair share. What economists call "middle-out growth" [they do?]

    TRUMP I disagreed with Reagan on trade. Now we're going to do it right.

    W Biggest driver is entitlements, neither has a serious plan on Medicare and Social Security running out of money?
    Would President Trump do a Grand Bargain?

    TRUMP Cutting taxes and grow economy. Repeal and replace ObamaCare. It's probably going to die of its own weight. Premiums. "Bad health care at the most expensive price."

    CLINTON I am on record as saying we need to put more money in SS Trust Fund, taxing rich, assuming Donald doesnt' get out of them.

    TRUMP Such a nasty woman

    CLINTON I will not cut benefits. I want to enhance benefits for poor and women who have been disadvantages.

    CLINTON Trump tax cuts disaster effect on debt.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:35 pm

    1 Trillion a year is a depleted military according to Trump. Gag

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    Don't handshake, I want a steel cage grudge match!

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:37 pm

    Wallace gives them each 1 minute closing statement why they should be elected.

    Clinton- everyone watching, I'm reaching out to everyone to help make our country what it should be, make it fairer for everyone, we need your talents, energy, ambition. (Yeah she'll suck out our energy for sure.) I'll stand up for your interests against powerful corporations. (Really???)

    Trump–she's raising money from the people she wants to control. I'll take care of veterans better than our immigrants. Law & order. Take care of everyone. I'll take better care of African Americans & Latinos, better than she could do in a hundred years. We can't take 4 more years of Barack Obama and that is what we would get with her.

    ginnie nyc October 19, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    She's gonna create two classes of SS/Medicare recipients. Great. Some will get a fraction more, most will be screwed.

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    You'll wish you were dirt poor. You'll be better off.

    Come to think of it, that's already how it works.
    If you have nothing you are taken care of.
    If you have a tiny bit you are on your own.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    W Asks for closing statements, one minute

    CLINTON Reaching out to all Americans because we need everybody to make country what it should be. I've been privileges to see presidency up close. I will stand up for families against powerful interests, good jobs, rising incomes. Hope give me a chance to server.'

    TRUMP She's raising money from people she wants to control. It doesn't work that way. Military, police, law and order and justice. Inner cities a disaster. I will do more for AAs than she can do in ten lifetimes. We are going to make America great again. We cannot take four more years of Obama and that's what you get with her.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    Did Clinton just hug Meg Whitman in the audience???

    John October 19, 2016 at 10:41 pm

    Yes. Who was that man behind her that shook Clinton's hand next?

    Kim Kaufman October 19, 2016 at 10:39 pm

    I guess you could say Donald at least can learn. He's gotten better in each debate in terms of not appearing to be a drug addict with anger issues.

    polecat October 19, 2016 at 10:59 pm

    It's too bad that Hillary had a bigger boat -- …she was floating in a leaky dinghy at this debate, however …

    Skippy October 19, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    In the immortal words once electronically presented here on NC….

    "Because neo-liberalism. Because I like the idea, a lot, of catching the Mount Pelerin Society, Pinochet, Diane Rehm, the Friedmans, Joe Biden, Rush Limbaugh, and the people who drafted the Democratic platform in one big net, and then deep-sixing the entire squirming and gesticulating political class with language that's "exceptionally bloggy and aggressively casual and implicitly ironic."

    Whats that thingy again about being oblivious about irony…. oh yeah….

    Excessive examples

    ... ... ...

    Octopii October 19, 2016 at 10:41 pm

    Media all freaking out about the "respect the results of the election" question. Strange that nobody has brought up Al Gore - it certainly would have been better for the country if Al had pushed harder in 2000.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    Yes the defending of our crap election systems and crap democracy is beyond belief. People have no idea how bad it is.

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    And Podesta is claiming it was a "low moment" for Trump that he said he'd wait and see. Why should anyone accept results in advance with so much election rigging past & present? Podesta again talks about "a dark place"–same wording Clinton used. That must be the new meme.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:48 pm

    Trump won't buy a pig in a poke. That speaks well of him.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 11:16 pm

    agreed. that was a trap and he wouldn't budge.

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 10:41 pm

    Wow ABC, the elections ain't rigged but Russia hacked them?! Make up your damned minds already, this is more schizophrenia in a single sentence than I can handle…

    Skippy October 19, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    #Breaking: Trump's lead advisor Roger Ailes has left the Trump campaign. According to reports: "[Fox] said the pair had a falling out, with both sides saying debate prep had not gone the way they wanted. The report came just hours before Wednesday's third presidential debate in Las Vegas, where Trump will try to dig out of a recent polling hole.

    The report said that Ailes had concerns that Trump could not focus and that preparation would be a "waste of time," while Trump thought Ailes spent too much prep time telling old stories."

    Go Green or go HOME October 19, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    The statements re: wikileaks no doubt were discussed, and Ailes couldn't support that. Has Trump been to enough shitty mid-western and southern towns with empty factories and had an epiphany? Perhaps he's not just going to throw the election to H->

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    My hot take:

    Nothing we didn't know before. She's a corrupt, lying warmonger with a record of policy debacles. He's a stew of conservative talking points and failed policy nostrums, personal behaviors perhaps no worse than many other billionaires, spiced with occasional sharp perceptions. Neither of them are nice people. I wouldn't want to have a beer with him, and if I had coffee with her, I'd be sure to bring a taster.

    Tactically, Trump did well (although the Beltway is going to go nuts on Putin and Trump not rolling over for a stolen election* like Gore did). If Trump had brought his game to this level in debates one and two, he'd be a lot closer.

    NOTE * Not that Trump is correct to say that voter fraud is significant; that's one of the many conservative talking points that are just wrong.

    jgordon October 19, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    I would have gone along with you on that a few days ago. However please explain why Democrats are systematically engaging in election fraud, as proven by videos over the past two days, if it has no impact. I changed my opinion on this subject specifically because of these videos by the way.

    johnnygl October 19, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    Welcome to the party! Did you sleep through the dem primaries?

    WJ October 19, 2016 at 11:08 pm

    Problem is that if Trump calls out election fraud, he won't be understood by his base, who for various reasons prefer to believe that elections are rigged by busloads of sweaty brown people with fake ID's rather than by a well-dressed white man sitting at a computer.

    kimsarah October 20, 2016 at 12:20 am

    And Hillary is against Citizens United, now that she has been the one who has benefited the most and won't need it anymore.

    HBE October 19, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    It really seemed both were focused on appealing to their tribes and not much else. There certainly appeared to be no attempt to reach "undecideds" or independents. Maybe because internal polls show they are mostly staying home or voting third party? So no point (al la CNN changing 3Rd party to "undecideds"). Basically, scare your tribe into showing up to vote, but only your tribe. Not even a passing shout out to independents on positions (except trump on Russia)

    polecat October 19, 2016 at 11:27 pm

    Again, I say they should've both been given skateboards … and a choice of the trident or a pike ..and then allowed to go at it …..

    ….while answering to the moderator's questions .. of course -- ':]

    Double-plus good if Chris was decked out in a Roman Centurion's gear ….. holding a staff

    OIFVet October 19, 2016 at 11:29 pm

    Celebrity deathmatch is the only acceptable format given the current crop of candidates.

    polecat October 20, 2016 at 12:05 am

    well, yeah .. it is what it is …. a bad spectacle !!

    and we're living it …..

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 11:11 pm

    voter fraud is not significant, but election fraud sure is.

    alex morfesis October 19, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    on c-span…huma keeps whispering to her…we have to go…we have to go…and $hillary is not going…interesting dynamic…

    finally she is off camera….

    uncle tungsten October 19, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    Listening to Hilary is like wearing a cilice on the inner ear.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Just in terms of tone, whenever Clinton says something appalls her, it makes me think "Gee, that might be a good idea!" Not that it is, but that's my reaction at this point.

    polecat October 19, 2016 at 11:15 pm

    With that forced smile of HER's …. I wouldn't get within 5 kilometers of the bloody white hag --

    TheCatSaid October 19, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    Media showing Clintont & Podesta, not showing Trump. Says it all.

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:54 pm

    I watched CBS, saw both families.

    polecat October 20, 2016 at 12:10 am

    'families' …. Cosa Nostra ??

    crittermom October 20, 2016 at 12:04 am

    I watched a prime time show (on my computer) recently and noted it had a several second shot of a street sign named Clinton that had no bearing whatsoever to the story. (Having become a cynic during this election, I now notice small things like that) Swell. Subliminal messaging it seems, since apparently all the in-your-face-naming ('Clinton, Clinton'!) wasn't judged to be sufficient.

    The Clinton dynasty needs to be brought down asap. Their grip and influence is even more than most realize, I suspect.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    I thought Trump did pretty well, said more about "jobs" than Clinton, which is usually a smart move. Not a lot of specifics. Closing minute was a flop though. Clinton spent far too long accusing Russian hackers, which she can't substantiate, and people care less about than the content of the leaked information.

    Clinton also tried too hard to show she's knowledgeable about foreign policy getting too far into the weeds on Middle East strategy, so basically talking over the heads of most people. Her closing statement was pretty good and well rehearsed (has she used this elsewhere?)

    JSM October 19, 2016 at 10:58 pm

    *Unasked question (after asking Trump whether he'll accept results).

    And Hillary, do you promise then not to rig the elections with your allies like you did the Democratic primaries? "Bernie Sanders will not be a factor in N.J." 9/22/2015.

    WJ October 19, 2016 at 11:14 pm

    But what does this really mean? It sounds like state-party politics in-speak but I am not certain I understand what is being said. Here's the fuller quote from the email you link to:

    "Presently the Chair has given the line to Hillary in 20 of the 21 counties which only assures that Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders will not be a factor in N.J. Also, all of the major city mayors are aligned with us as well."

    Could mean lots of things, not all of them shady, no?

    Lambert Strether October 19, 2016 at 10:59 pm

    Biggest muffed issue: Wallace asks Clinton if she'd shoot down a Russian plane that violated her no-fly zone. Clinton dodges, Wallace does not press her, Trump does not press her either. "No, Hillary, I'm anxious to know. How badly do you want a new war, this time with Russia?" or some such.

    johnnygl October 19, 2016 at 11:13 pm

    That is why i think trump lost. He cannot afford to miss those opportunities. I've got a few beers in me so i'm missing dodges. Trump should have smelled blood and hammered those dodges. He only picked at her over the 'open borders'

    I stand by my opinion of chris wallace being the best and this is really awkward but fox has great post-debate commentary. Am i just wasted? I swear they really are being fair and balanced. Maybe they are doing their job because of their mixed feelings on trump?

    WJ October 19, 2016 at 11:35 pm

    Fox is probably more free to push Clinton because their networks of political access are less tied to her campaign than all the other outlets, who seem scared shitless of being thought to cause the slightest embarrassment for her. One upside to her presidency will be watching Wolf Blitzer and Chuck Todd try to outdo one another like two beaten dogs in performing the requisite rituals of submission.

    frosty zoom October 19, 2016 at 11:07 pm

    actually, mr. wallace did the best job by far of any of these "moderators".

    johnnygl October 19, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    The fact that wallace hit both sides hard made trump loom better.

    Edward October 19, 2016 at 11:20 pm

    I thought the questions in this debate were better then the last one. The answers from the candidates were still mostly hot air. How many nanoseconds would a President Clinton need to decide she actually likes trade agreements and Wall Street giveaways and the resulting contributions after all? I liked that fact that Trump was calling out Clinton on her miserable record, even though his facts/critique often seemed garbled/superficial. I was also glad he was questioning the validity of our elections, although his reasons sounded wrong. I found Wallace's suggestion that questions of election fraud should be ignored for the sake of unity disturbing. When a journalist says something like this you have to wonder what crimes they are covering up in their own reporting for "unity". I agreed with Clinton that Trump's economic and immigration plans are bogus nonsense.

    If Trump becomes president I expect his truth-telling will end. As an outsider, speaking "truth to power" helps him nut it would hurt him as an insider.

    Qrys October 19, 2016 at 11:33 pm

    Looks like John T. Harvey didn't waste any time: Another Thing Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Get Wrong In This Election: The National Debt

    5. The private sector cannot consistently generate sufficient demand to create jobs for everyone who wants one. As technology and productivity have increased, so it has become more difficult. Entrepreneurs cannot be blamed for adding self-checkout lanes, they have families and stockholders. But it means the store can sell the same volume of output with fewer employees–unemployment therefore rises. (For more, see "Why the Private Sector NEEDS the Government to Spend Money.")

    Hence, we need the public sector to spend in deficit so that a.) the private sector can net save and b.) jobs are created to supplement those generated by the market system. And it creates neither a default risk nor inflation–unless we are already at full-employment, which means we don't need to be spending that much in the first place! It is noteworthy that when, in the midst of the Great Depression, the government decided to try to reduce the deficit, unemployment jumped from 14% (after having fallen from nearly 25%) to 19%. Once WWII hit, however, any worries about government spending went right out the window and unemployment plummeted to 1.9%. There's no reason we can't be there right now. Only bad policy can stand in our way.

    Eleanor Rigby October 20, 2016 at 12:08 am

    I may have to re-watch to make sure I have this right, but I was shocked that Chris Wallace said it would be 2-minute answers and then 10 minutes of free discussion.

    But, with the first topic about the Constitution, after the 2-minute answers, he immediately asked Clinton a question about partial-birth abortion …. wth did that come from? I have not heard either candidate talking much about this … Trump has been tongue-tied about that earlier in the year, and it's not one of his big points, anyway. Now, watching the C-Span post-debate calls, people are harranguing Clinton for wanting to kill babies in the days before birth, when she wouldn't do anything to touch Roe v. Wade, so it's a false issue. That didn't come from Trump; it came from the moderator!!!!!

    I feel the whole debate as sandbagged at that point, and it freed the topic about women to get pivoted to Russia.

    PhilU October 20, 2016 at 12:12 am

    George Soros owns voting machines in 16 states!

    Or at least is tied to some shady business that does.

    [Oct 20, 2016] The Third Presidential Debate

    Notable quotes:
    "... To this day, I am dumbfounded that the Trump campaign has never used "We came, we saw, he died!" or "What difference, at this point, does it make?" against Clinton. To not replay these gaffes over and over again is quite possibly the worst case of political amateurism I have ever seen. ..."
    "... At least Trump *started,* however haltingly, to put the Washington foreign policy consensus under scrutiny. That was a small but unprecedented step for a major-party presidential candidate. ..."
    "... This election has focused so (word removed by author) much on scandals about foundations and emails and groping and "OMG he said this" and "OMG she said that" that there's no room left to talk about actual policy. ..."
    "... Trump is leading a voice desperate to be heard and needing to be heard, but he's the worst man for the job. ..."
    "... His record and past is incredibly flawed and wide open to character attacks. This allowed Clinton to pivot every question she didn't like right into a character issue. Free trade issues? Trump used illegal Chinese Steel. Taxes? Trump never paid any. Jobs? Trump hires illegals and doesn't pay his contractors. Foreign policy? Trump worships Putin and wants to nuke and grab all the oil. So on so on. ..."
    "... the folks of TAC and other conservative areas have plenty of good ideas of how he could do it, Trump doesn't do it. He just makes the same generic insults ("she's a disaster, it's a disaster, everything is a disaster, and everyone is smarter too") but beyond the initial quote-worthy line he doesn't press hard on specifics nor does he focus on enough specifics on what makes him better. ..."
    "... Clinton is a candidate that started out with a lot of flaws and very low support from her base. A strong Republican Candidate would've either forced Clinton to clean up her act and pivot more into a populist stance or resulted in a stronger Democratic primary due to a desperate need to put up a more electable contender to follow up on Obama. ..."
    "... Trump was put up as an alternative to Clinton. And after we saw him a hawkish extremely pro-life perfect example of "typical politician" with a lot of skeletons doesn't seem all that bad anymore. ..."
    "... Look at this and tell me all he ways Trump is demonstrating his blatantly obvious dementia. Wandering speech. Inability to concentrate. Irrelevant replies to specific questions. Inability to remember his own talking points. Inability to recognize the meaning of what is said to him and around him. Inability to distinguish fact from fancy, his own fantasies from reality. The man is senile. ..."
    "... let's remember that the three biggest crackpots in the primaries – Carson, Cruz, and Trump – got more than 60% of the votes. So, before we go around trying to make ourselves feel better by telling ourselves that, without Trump, everything would have been fine, just imagine what a disaster the GOP would be facing if Ted Cruz were the nominee. ..."
    "... The alternative to Trump wasn't Rubio the lightweight, Jeb the retread, or Kasich. It was Cruz. Just ruminate on that a bit. ..."
    "... Clinton lied through her teeth on the issue of the Clinton Foundation; which she made sound like God's personal charity. He didn't lay a glove on her on that issue. Why? ..."
    "... As a Christian, I find Hillary Clinton unacceptable. I also find Donald Trump unacceptable. I think most people who are not Christians feel the same way. 2016 is a loss for everyone. ..."
    "... Our republic– I'm sorry, our oligarchy - is in bad shape. But to the debate: The election isn't rigged if you are such an idiot that you are clearly losing it by your own fault. ..."
    "... Cruz pokes all sorts of people (including people he needs as allies and voters) in their eyes, repeatedly, and then tells them it's for their own good, when it's perfectly apparent that his ego is so needy he will abandon his principles when the right opportunity arises (viz his endorsement of Trump as Trump looked likely to overtake HRC). ..."
    "... Rubio is an empty suit for the Israel-Saudi Arabia neocon set. ..."
    "... Because Cruz is a Dominist. Meaning he specifically wants to establish a Christian theocracy in America and thinks he was sent by God to create it. Claiming that the first amendment only applies to Christians is so antithetical to the American foundation it scares this even of us who dont share his beliefs. ..."
    "... Foreign Policy is an area where Trump could have scored some points on Hillary Clinton's rather flawed record, Libya, Syria, etc. However, Trump is so undisciplined and unfocused that he failed to really nail her. ..."
    "... On top of all of this, the Republican Party is fractured between the GOP Establishment and the GOP Base. The GOP Base strongly supports Trump, the the GOP Establishment is weak at best. Indeed, many of the GOP elite, such as the Bush Family cannot stand him and refuse to support him. ..."
    "... He knew the question about his accepting the outcome of the election should he lose was going to come up, and he know he could only hurt himself by the answer he gave. He intentionally shot himself in the foot, once again. ..."
    Oct 20, 2016 |
    The third presidential debate was arguably the most substantive of the general election, but that wasn't a high bar to clear. It was also probably Trump's best performance against Clinton, but it still wasn't nearly good enough to close the gap between them. His refusal to say simply that he would accept the result of the election became the main takeaway from the debate and the banner headline in practically every newspaper. Trump was very likely to lose the election anyway at this point, but he seems determined to lose it in a way that will bring even more discredit on him and his supporters. He managed to overshadow everything else he said during the debate with that one answer, and anything else he said–for good or ill–will receive very little attention. Since Trump was already trailing Clinton going into the debate, the onus was on him to score a clear victory. He did not, and he missed his last major chance to make the election more competitive. That failure is his, and no one else did it to him.

    Clinton was forced to dodge questions about donors to the Clinton Foundation and her support for a "no-fly zone" in Syria, but that was the result of tough questioning from the moderator. Her answers to these questions were woefully inadequate and evasive, but her opponent didn't take advantage of them. Trump never really managed to get the better of Clinton the entire night, and he tended to ramble aimlessly in response to questions that might have worked to his advantage. On more than one occasion, he ended up railing against the nuclear deal with Iran in response to questions that had nothing to do with it. This not only kept him from giving a coherent answer to the questions he was asked, but it also showed how heavily he relied on discredited hawkish talking points when he ran into difficulty. At one point, Trump tried to attack Clinton over New START, which he laughably called "the start-up." Even if there had been merit to Trump's criticism, he made such a hash of it as to make his attack useless.

    The result of all this was that Clinton was able to escape scrutiny of most of her record. She was never asked to defend her support for the Libyan war, nor did she really have to answer for anything else that she did as Secretary of State. Once again, her opponent didn't know enough to know how to use her record against her. Despite her poor record on foreign policy, Clinton was able to get off almost completely scot-free.

    Posted in foreign policy , politics . Tagged Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , Iran , Libyan war , New START , Syria

    Viriato , says: October 20, 2016 at 8:13 am

    "The result of all this was that Clinton was able to escape scrutiny of most of her record. She was never asked to defend her support for the Libyan war, nor did she really have to answer for anything else that she did as Secretary of State."

    Yes. I would have expected this if Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush had been the GOP nominee, but I truly expected better from Trump.

    To this day, I am dumbfounded that the Trump campaign has never used "We came, we saw, he died!" or "What difference, at this point, does it make?" against Clinton. To not replay these gaffes over and over again is quite possibly the worst case of political amateurism I have ever seen. Just think back to 2008: one of the Obama campaign's most devastating tactics was to constantly remind voters of McCain's "The fundamentals of the economy are strong" gaffe.

    The GOP had a golden opportunity this year. Clinton is an incredibly flawed candidate. Yet the GOP blew it by nominating a bad person who is totally unqualified to be President. My only consolation is that Rubio or Bush would have been even worse candidates than Trump… and probably worse Presidents than Clinton.

    At least Trump *started,* however haltingly, to put the Washington foreign policy consensus under scrutiny. That was a small but unprecedented step for a major-party presidential candidate. Hopefully, it will pave the way for a more serious, profound, and systematic critique of the Washington consensus from a major-party candidate in the future. Right now, I don't see who that could possibly be, but then I never imagined Trump would ever actually throw his hat into the ring, much less win the GOP nomination.

    Dakarian , says: October 20, 2016 at 8:26 am
    Firstly, let me start up with a suggestion for the country: Figure out a way to clone Wallace twice and have each one of them run a debate. The only reason why this debate actually had a bit of meat to it is because of what Wallace put into it and I loved how he kept both candidates feet on the fire while actually letting them debate and go after each other at times.

    The problem is that he had far too many issues to go over and not enough time to do it. This election has focused so (word removed by author) much on scandals about foundations and emails and groping and "OMG he said this" and "OMG she said that" that there's no room left to talk about actual policy. That's part of the problem.

    The main part, though, is Trump. Not his original platform, which I've repeatedly said is appealing (even if I disagree with a good portion of it, it brings points of discussion that need to be addressed) or his voter base (some of which are crazy, but as we've seen, the crazies of the democrats are also fully active). Trump is leading a voice desperate to be heard and needing to be heard, but he's the worst man for the job.

    His record and past is incredibly flawed and wide open to character attacks. This allowed Clinton to pivot every question she didn't like right into a character issue. Free trade issues? Trump used illegal Chinese Steel. Taxes? Trump never paid any. Jobs? Trump hires illegals and doesn't pay his contractors. Foreign policy? Trump worships Putin and wants to nuke and grab all the oil. So on so on.

    Of course you can do similar against Hillary and she's just as open. But while the folks of TAC and other conservative areas have plenty of good ideas of how he could do it, Trump doesn't do it. He just makes the same generic insults ("she's a disaster, it's a disaster, everything is a disaster, and everyone is smarter too") but beyond the initial quote-worthy line he doesn't press hard on specifics nor does he focus on enough specifics on what makes him better. Or he's hitting points that hurt him more than help. He based his claim that Clinton wants open boarders on immigration on a wikileaks document that was about energy policy? He's attacking the Clinton Foundation while holding a similarly shady Foundation of his own?

    Though really all of this is moot since he tends to take ALL of the air out of the room with talking points that have nothing to do with Clinton's policy issues or his benefits on policy but are all about Trump. I take note that everyone, from the analysis after the debate to the news sites to even TAC's first point to bring up about the debate was Trump's answer when asked if he'll respect the results of the election. He could've spent the entire debate pinning Clinton to the wall with a powerful performance and it'll all be useless because:

    "Trump won't commit to accepting election results if he loses"

    is the big takeaway.

    And that's why I cringed when I saw what Republicans were selecting during the primaries. It wasn't just because Trump is Trump, but also because a weak Republican candidate results in a weak Democratic candidate that wins anyway. Clinton is a candidate that started out with a lot of flaws and very low support from her base. A strong Republican Candidate would've either forced Clinton to clean up her act and pivot more into a populist stance or resulted in a stronger Democratic primary due to a desperate need to put up a more electable contender to follow up on Obama.

    But we got Trump. Which, I remind myself, was still the best option from the primary (given that Rand Paul fell off a cliff somehow). And because we got Trump THIS is the election we got.

    Honestly the folks I feel worst about are his voting base, and I mean in a "I feel for your loss" way. It's full of people who are either losing their way of life, such as blue collars that used to be in manufacturing, and those who fear they are going to lose it, such as the evangelicals. They have real issues, and this election realized their party isn't going to solve them, so they looked for an alternative that would help.

    And they got someone who, after wooing them by showing how little he's related to the GOP, spent all his time with a horribly managed campaign, attacks that don't hold water even when they are valid, presents enough material to easily feed a political media hungry for viewers, and who pivots to become more like the GOP when he needs to get to specifics.

    It's like Samsung and Apple. Apple brings out an expensive, disliked phone, Samsung decides to throw a phone thinking "any phone will do that's not Apple." and now not only did it blow up in their face but the public isn't as bothered about a phone with no headphone jack.

    And so here. Trump was put up as an alternative to Clinton. And after we saw him a hawkish extremely pro-life perfect example of "typical politician" with a lot of skeletons doesn't seem all that bad anymore. Perhaps she also needs an election win rivaling Reagan and supreme court slot left open just for her and her newly minted Democratic Senate?

    I would say "perhaps this will result in a better, more reasonable, and stronger Republican party come next time" but I said that in 2008 with McCain. And instead I get Trump.

    So I don't know. Maybe folks like me who are left-of-center will be considered conservatives now after this Left-shift is over. I'm already on the TAC more than I'm in the more leftward sites.

    But if there's still hope for the current Right in 2020, please PLEASE, no more "anyone buts". And seriously. Wallace Clones. 10 of them. THAT would help Make America Great Again.

    Rugeirn Drienborough , says: October 20, 2016 at 8:37 am
    Look at this and tell me all he ways Trump is demonstrating his blatantly obvious dementia. Wandering speech. Inability to concentrate. Irrelevant replies to specific questions. Inability to remember his own talking points. Inability to recognize the meaning of what is said to him and around him. Inability to distinguish fact from fancy, his own fantasies from reality. The man is senile.
    Brooklyn Blue Dog , says: October 20, 2016 at 9:58 am
    Before we get too much into ego-salving revisionism about which candidates would have been better opponents to Hillary, let's remember that the three biggest crackpots in the primaries – Carson, Cruz, and Trump – got more than 60% of the votes. So, before we go around trying to make ourselves feel better by telling ourselves that, without Trump, everything would have been fine, just imagine what a disaster the GOP would be facing if Ted Cruz were the nominee.

    The alternative to Trump wasn't Rubio the lightweight, Jeb the retread, or Kasich. It was Cruz. Just ruminate on that a bit.

    Carl , says: October 20, 2016 at 9:59 am
    Clinton lied through her teeth on the issue of the Clinton Foundation; which she made sound like God's personal charity. He didn't lay a glove on her on that issue. Why?
    DanJ , says: October 20, 2016 at 10:17 am
    Overseas reader here. A little bit off topic, but I'd really like to have TAC's writers (and commenters) take on how the political processes would work if Trump in fact won the election. A President totally unacceptable to all Democrats and many establishment Republicans, would he face a majority working against him on all issues? Would we see the office of the President cut down to the bare minimum the Constitution permits, or beyond? Would he be the lamest of lame ducks?
    Mac61 , says: October 20, 2016 at 10:22 am
    As a Christian, I find Hillary Clinton unacceptable. I also find Donald Trump unacceptable. I think most people who are not Christians feel the same way. 2016 is a loss for everyone. My hope is that a chastened Republican Party regroups and finds better leaders for 2018 and 2020. Trump is an idiot savant at best. You can't assign thoughtful strategy to him. Our republic– I'm sorry, our oligarchy - is in bad shape. But to the debate: The election isn't rigged if you are such an idiot that you are clearly losing it by your own fault.
    Liam , says: October 20, 2016 at 11:28 am
    "I really don't understand why no one likes Cruz. He seems like a well-spoken, principled social and fiscal conservative that has a healthy skepticism of U.S. interventions abroad."

    In case you forget or never understood, it's because Cruz pokes all sorts of people (including people he needs as allies and voters) in their eyes, repeatedly, and then tells them it's for their own good, when it's perfectly apparent that his ego is so needy he will abandon his principles when the right opportunity arises (viz his endorsement of Trump as Trump looked likely to overtake HRC).

    It doesn't help that his personality screams that he has Daddy Issues (his father treats him like a new Messiah). People see him and go "eew" in a different way than they go "eew" with Trump.

    Rubio is an empty suit for the Israel-Saudi Arabia neocon set.

    Cruz and Rubio were even worse than Trump. Which is saying a ton.

    GregR , says: October 20, 2016 at 11:34 am
    "I really don't understand why no one likes Cruz. He seems like a well-spoken, principled social and fiscal conservative that has a healthy skepticism of U.S. interventions abroad."

    Because Cruz is a Dominist. Meaning he specifically wants to establish a Christian theocracy in America and thinks he was sent by God to create it. Claiming that the first amendment only applies to Christians is so antithetical to the American foundation it scares this even of us who dont share his beliefs.

    And this isn't some light weight Anglican theocracy, he wants to bring back Old Testament punishments for crimes… a woman who gets raped must be stoned to death and all of that.

    Then Cruz wraps his amazingly scary theocracy nonsense in a creepy, slimy exterior.

    Uncle Billy , says: October 20, 2016 at 12:48 pm
    Foreign Policy is an area where Trump could have scored some points on Hillary Clinton's rather flawed record, Libya, Syria, etc. However, Trump is so undisciplined and unfocused that he failed to really nail her.

    He has some good ideas, but he fails to follow up and get specific on anything. He has this hard core of supporters who think he is great, but he has not captured many moderates or undecided voters.

    On top of all of this, the Republican Party is fractured between the GOP Establishment and the GOP Base. The GOP Base strongly supports Trump, the the GOP Establishment is weak at best. Indeed, many of the GOP elite, such as the Bush Family cannot stand him and refuse to support him.

    I really cannot see him winning. The math is simply not there. When you consider that African-Americans, Hispanics and educated women are strongly against him, it will be unusually difficult for him to win swing states.

    So it looks like President Hillary Clinton.

    EarlyBird , says: October 20, 2016 at 12:59 pm
    Trump has simply never been serious about this election. Last night only provided the 1,001st piece of evidence of that.

    He knew the question about his accepting the outcome of the election should he lose was going to come up, and he know he could only hurt himself by the answer he gave. He intentionally shot himself in the foot, once again.

    He has never, ever been interested in responsibility of the presidency. He alluded to that some months ago when he intimated that he may not be inaugurated should he win.

    He went into this for attention, adulation and power, mostly attention. He is a deeply sick man, who I honestly feel some pity for.

    [Oct 20, 2016] What Hillary Clinton Privately Told Goldman Sachs

    Notable quotes:
    "... Much of the content of these speeches to U.S. bankers dealt with foreign policy, and virtually all of that with warfare, potential warfare, and opportunities for military-led domination of various regions of the globe. This stuff is more interesting and less insultingly presented than the idiocies spewed out at the public presidential debates. But it also fits an image of U.S. policy that Clinton might have preferred to keep private. Just as nobody advertised that, as emails now show, Wall Street bankers helped pick President Obama's cabinet, we're generally discouraged from thinking that wars and foreign bases are intended as services to financial overlords. "I'm representing all of you," Clinton says to the bankers in reference to her efforts at a meeting in Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has great potential for U.S. "businesses and entrepreneurs," she says in reference to U.S. militarism there. ..."
    "... "We're going to ring China with missile 'defense,'" Clinton tells Goldman Sachs. "We're going to put more of our fleet in the area." ..."
    "... In public debates, Clinton demands a "no fly zone" or "no bombing zone" or "safe zone" in Syria, from which to organize a war to overthrow the government. In a speech to Goldman Sachs, however, she blurts out that creating such a zone would require bombing a lot more populated areas than was required in Libya. ..."
    "... Clinton also makes clear that Syrian "jihadists" are being funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar. In October 2013, as the U.S. public had rejected bombing Syria, Blankfein asked if the public was now opposed to "interventions" - that clearly being understood as a hurdle to be overcome. Clinton said not to fear. "We're in a time in Syria," she said, "where they're not finished killing each other . . . and maybe you just have to wait and watch it." ..."
    "... Regarding China again, Clinton claims to have told the Chinese that the United States could claim ownership of the entire Pacific as a result of having "liberated it." She goes on to claim to have told them that "We discovered Japan for heaven's sake." And: "We have proof of having bought [Hawaii]." Really? From whom? ..."
    "... it's fascinating that even the bankers in whom Clinton confides her militarist mania ask her identical questions to those I get asked by peace activists at speaking events: "Is the U.S. political system completely broken?" "Should we scrap this and go with a parliamentary system?" ..."
    In the speech transcripts from June 4, 2013, October 29, 2013, and October 19, 2015, Clinton was apparently paid sufficiently to do something she denies most audiences. That is, she took questions that it appears likely she was not secretly briefed on or engaged in negotiations over ahead of time. In part this appears to be the case because some of the questions were lengthy speeches, and in part because her answers were not all the sort of meaningless platitudes that she produces if given time to prepare.

    Much of the content of these speeches to U.S. bankers dealt with foreign policy, and virtually all of that with warfare, potential warfare, and opportunities for military-led domination of various regions of the globe. This stuff is more interesting and less insultingly presented than the idiocies spewed out at the public presidential debates. But it also fits an image of U.S. policy that Clinton might have preferred to keep private. Just as nobody advertised that, as emails now show, Wall Street bankers helped pick President Obama's cabinet, we're generally discouraged from thinking that wars and foreign bases are intended as services to financial overlords. "I'm representing all of you," Clinton says to the bankers in reference to her efforts at a meeting in Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has great potential for U.S. "businesses and entrepreneurs," she says in reference to U.S. militarism there.

    Yet, in these speeches, Clinton projects exactly that approach, accurately or not, on other nations and accuses China of just the sort of thing that her "far left" critics accuse her of all the time, albeit outside the censorship of U.S. corporate media. China, Clinton says, may use hatred of Japan as a means of distracting Chinese people from unpopular and harmful economic policies. China, Clinton says, struggles to maintain civilian control over its military. Hmm. Where else have we seen these problems?

    "We're going to ring China with missile 'defense,'" Clinton tells Goldman Sachs. "We're going to put more of our fleet in the area."

    On Syria, Clinton says it's hard to figure out whom to arm - completely oblivious to any options other than arming somebody. It's hard, she says, to predict at all what will happen. So, her advice, which she blurts out to a room of bankers, is to wage war in Syria very "covertly."

    In public debates, Clinton demands a "no fly zone" or "no bombing zone" or "safe zone" in Syria, from which to organize a war to overthrow the government. In a speech to Goldman Sachs, however, she blurts out that creating such a zone would require bombing a lot more populated areas than was required in Libya. "You're going to kill a lot of Syrians," she admits. She even tries to distance herself from the proposal by referring to "this intervention that people talk about so glibly" - although she, before and at the time of that speech and ever since has been the leading such person.

    Clinton also makes clear that Syrian "jihadists" are being funded by Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar. In October 2013, as the U.S. public had rejected bombing Syria, Blankfein asked if the public was now opposed to "interventions" - that clearly being understood as a hurdle to be overcome. Clinton said not to fear. "We're in a time in Syria," she said, "where they're not finished killing each other . . . and maybe you just have to wait and watch it."

    That's the view of many ill-meaning and many well-meaning people who have been persuaded that the only two choices in foreign policy are bombing people and doing nothing. That clearly is the understanding of the former Secretary of State, whose positions were more hawkish than those of her counterpart at the Pentagon. It's also reminiscent of Harry Truman's comment that if the Germans were winning you should help the Russians and vice versa, so that more people would die. That's not exactly what Clinton said here, but it's pretty close, and it's something she would not say in a scripted joint-media-appearance masquerading as a debate. The possibility of disarmament, nonviolent peacework, actual aid on a massive scale, and respectful diplomacy that leaves U.S. influence out of the resulting states is just not on Clinton's radar no matter who is in her audience.

    On Iran, Clinton repeatedly hypes false claims about nuclear weapons and terrorism, even while admitting far more openly than we're used to that Iran's religious leader denounces and opposes nuclear weapons. She also admits that Saudi Arabia is already pursuing nuclear weapons and that UAE and Egypt are likely to do so, at least if Iran does. She also admits that the Saudi government is far from stable.

    Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein asks Clinton at one point how a good war against Iran might go - he suggesting that an occupation (yes, they use that forbidden word) might not be the best move. Clinton replies that Iran can just be bombed. Blankfein, rather shockingly, appeals to reality - something Clinton goes on at obnoxious length about elsewhere in these speeches. Has bombing a population into submission ever worked, Blankfein asks. Clinton admits that it has not but suggests that it just might work on Iranians because they are not democratic.

    Regarding Egypt, Clinton makes clear her opposition to popular change.

    Regarding China again, Clinton claims to have told the Chinese that the United States could claim ownership of the entire Pacific as a result of having "liberated it." She goes on to claim to have told them that "We discovered Japan for heaven's sake." And: "We have proof of having bought [Hawaii]." Really? From whom?

    This is ugly stuff, at least as damaging to human lives as the filth coming from Donald Trump. Yet it's fascinating that even the bankers in whom Clinton confides her militarist mania ask her identical questions to those I get asked by peace activists at speaking events: "Is the U.S. political system completely broken?" "Should we scrap this and go with a parliamentary system?"

    Et cetera. In part their concern is the supposed gridlock created by differences between the two big parties, whereas my biggest concern is the militarized destruction of people and the environment that never seems to encounter even a slight traffic slowdown in Congress. But if you imagine that the people Bernie Sanders always denounces as taking home all the profits are happy with the status quo, think again. They benefit in certain ways, but they don't control their monster and it doesn't make them feel fulfilled.

    David Swanson wants you to declare peace at His new book is War No More: The Case for Abolition.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Clinton Aide Asks If Hillary Should Return The Money To Banks If She Loses Badly

    Money for speeches were simultaneously a bribe and a bank's contributions to Hillary campaign, which Hillary "privatized".
    Oct 20, 2016 |

    In the latest, 13th daily Podesta email release, one particular email sticks out : on February 2, 2016 Neera Tanden, a close confidante of Hillary Clinton and according to many one of the key organizers of her presidential campaign asks John Podesta a question which may be interpreted that banker money received by Hillary can be deemed equivalent to a bribe.

    Specifically, Tanden asks Podesta that " speaking at the banks... don't shoot me but if we lose badly maybe she should just return the money ." To which she then adds "say she gets the anger and moves on. Feels a little like an open wound."

    The exchange may be one of the more clear indications of a tentative "quid-pro-quo" arrangement, in which cash is provided in exchange for 'services' which naturally would not be rendered if Hillary were to "lose badly."

    Luckily for Tanden and Podesta, not to mention Hillary, at least according to the latest scientific polls, losing badly is not a contingency that should be a major consideration, at least not as of this moment.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Christopher R Barron: 'Trump stuck to the issues and forced Hillary to talk policy'

    Oct 20, 2016 |

    Christopher Barron
    Donald Trump came to this behind in the polls and reeling after weeks of negative media coverage. He needed a big night – and he got one.

    For a campaign that prides itself on its mastery of policy, Hillary spent much of the night trying trying to get Trump to take the bait on sideshow issues.

    In previous debates, Trump took the bait. Tonight, however, we saw a much more disciplined candidate. Trump stuck to the issues and forced Hillary to talk policy and – quite frankly – she had her worst debate performance.

    Unlike previous moderators, Chris Wallace was willing to properly challenge both Trump and Clinton. His line of questioning, particularly when it came to the Clinton Foundation, kept Hillary off balance.
    Clinton also found herself on the defensive on foreign policy, where she seemed more like a George W Bush Republican than a Democrat.

    As a result, this ended up being Trump's best debate. For far too long, the Republican candidate has let the campaign be about the circus and not about policy. If this race is about the circus then Hillary Clinton wins. If its about policy then Trump has a shot. It's frustrating for me, as a Trump supporter, that it has taken this long for him to focus on where his opponent stands on the issues.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Foreign Policy and the Third Presidential Debate The American Conservative

    Oct 20, 2016 |

    Foreign policy has received relatively little attention so far in the debates, but we might hear a bit more about a wider range of these issues tonight. One of the announced topics for the final 2016 presidential debate is "foreign hot spots," which suggests that the candidates will be pressed for their views on various conflicts and flashpoints around the globe. It is almost a given that one question will be on the recently announced Mosul offensive against ISIS, and I assume there will be more of the same leading Syria questions that we heard last time.

    Ideally, we should also hear questions about at least two of the following: the ongoing war in Afghanistan, heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following the attack in Uri, the war on Yemen and the U.S. role in it, the supposed firing of missiles at U.S. ships in the Red Sea related to that role, the Russian deployment of Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad, and the public rift between the U.S. and the Philippines under its new president.

    All of these involve U.S. policies and relationships in one way or another, and we have not heard much of anything from either candidate about any of them. I doubt that any of these additional topics will come up tonight, but Wallace may surprise me.

    Tonight will be Trump's last chance to challenge Clinton on her lackluster foreign policy record. He has mostly failed to do this in the last two debates, and I don't expect him to do any better this time. If he could spell out the dangerous implications of Clinton's Syria policy, that could finally put her on the defensive and possibly put a dent in her support, but to do that he would have to know what he's talking about. Meanwhile, Clinton has been allowed to skate through the entire campaign without facing much scrutiny on foreign policy at all, and there is almost no time left. For all the talk of how this was going to be a foreign policy election, the subject has mostly been ignored for the duration of the general election. Considering that the next president will take office while the U.S. is fighting and/or supporting at least three wars after fifteen years of being at war somewhere in the world, this is a major failure on the part of the candidates and the media. Americans are electing another wartime president, but the candidates have had to answer remarkably few questions about how and why they would continue America's entanglements in foreign conflicts.

    P.S. As usual, I will be covering the debate on Twitter ( @DanielLarison ). The debate begins at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

    [Oct 20, 2016] Immigration Reform and Bad Hombres

    Trump's promise to deport illegal immigrants and build a massive wall along the Mexican border has been one of his signature issues of this campaign. "They are coming in illegally. Drugs are pouring in through the border. We have no country if we have no border. Hillary wants to give amnesty, she wants to have open borders," the GOP nominee argued.

    And he also argued that the border problem was contributing to the drug and opioid crisis in the country by allowing them to pore over the border.

    "We're going to get them out, we're going to secure the border, and once the border is secured, at a later date, we'll make a determination as to the rest, but we have some bad hombres here, and we're going to get them out," Trump said.

    Clinton said she didn't want to "rip families apart. I don't want to be sending parents away from children. I don't want to see the deportation force that Donald has talked about in action in our country." She pointed she voted for increased border security and that any violent person should be deported.

    "I think we are both a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws, and that we can act accordingly and that's why I am introducing comprehensive immigration reform within the first hundred days with a path to citizenship," Clinton promised.

    [Oct 19, 2016] Toxic Politics Versus Better Economics by Mohamed A. El-Erian

    This guy is die hard neoliberal. That's why he is fond of Washington consensus. He does not understand that the time is over for Washington consensus in 2008. this is just a delayed reaction :-)
    Notable quotes:
    "... after years of unusually sluggish and strikingly non-inclusive growth, the consensus is breaking down. Advanced-country citizens are frustrated with an "establishment" – including economic "experts," mainstream political leaders, and dominant multinational companies – which they increasingly blame for their economic travails. ..."
    "... Anti-establishment movements and figures have been quick to seize on this frustration, using inflammatory and even combative rhetoric to win support. They do not even have to win elections to disrupt the transmission mechanism between economics and politics. ..."
    "... They also included attacks on "international elites" and criticism of Bank of England policies that were instrumental in stabilizing the British economy in the referendum's immediate aftermath – thus giving May's new government time to formulate a coherent Brexit strategy. ..."
    "... The risk is that, as bad politics crowds out good economics, popular anger and frustration will rise, making politics even more toxic. ..."
    "... At one time, the people's government served as a check on the excesses of economic interests -- now, it is simply owned by them. ..."
    "... The defects of the maximalist-globalist view were known for years before the "consensus began to break down". ..."
    "... In at least some of these cases, the "transmission" of the consensus involved more than a little coercion and undermining local interests, sovereignty, and democracy. This is an central feature of the "consensus", and it is hard to see how it can by anything but irredeemable. ..."
    "... However it is not bad politics crowding out out good economics, for the simple reason that the economic "consensus" itself, in embracing destructive and destabilizing economic policy crowded out the ostensibly centrist politics... ..."
    "... The Inclusive Growth has remained only a Slogan and Politicians never ventured into the theme. In the changed version of the World.] essential equal opportunity and World of Social media, perspective and social Political scene is changed. Its more like reverting to mean. ..."
    Oct 19, 2016 |

    In the 1990s and 2000s, for example, the so-called Washington Consensus dominated policymaking in much of the world...

    ... ... ...

    But after years of unusually sluggish and strikingly non-inclusive growth, the consensus is breaking down. Advanced-country citizens are frustrated with an "establishment" – including economic "experts," mainstream political leaders, and dominant multinational companies – which they increasingly blame for their economic travails.

    Anti-establishment movements and figures have been quick to seize on this frustration, using inflammatory and even combative rhetoric to win support. They do not even have to win elections to disrupt the transmission mechanism between economics and politics. The United Kingdom proved that in June, with its Brexit vote – a decision that directly defied the broad economic consensus that remaining within the European Union was in Britain's best interest.

    ... ... ...

    ... speeches by Prime Minister Theresa May and members of her cabinet revealed an intention to pursue a "hard Brexit," thereby dismantling trading arrangements that have served the economy well. They also included attacks on "international elites" and criticism of Bank of England policies that were instrumental in stabilizing the British economy in the referendum's immediate aftermath – thus giving May's new government time to formulate a coherent Brexit strategy.

    Several other advanced economies are experiencing analogous political developments. In Germany, a surprisingly strong showing by the far-right Alternative für Deutschland in recent state elections already appears to be affecting the government's behavior.

    In the US, even if Donald Trump's presidential campaign fails to put a Republican back in the White House (as appears increasingly likely, given that, in the latest twist of this highly unusual campaign, many Republican leaders have now renounced their party's nominee), his candidacy will likely leave a lasting impact on American politics. If not managed well, Italy's constitutional referendum in December – a risky bid by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to consolidate support – could backfire, just like Cameron's referendum did, causing political disruption and undermining effective action to address the country's economic challenges.

    ... ... ...

    The risk is that, as bad politics crowds out good economics, popular anger and frustration will rise, making politics even more toxic. ...

    john zac OCT 17, 2016

    Mr El-Erian, I know you are a good man, but it seems as though everyone believes we can synthetically engineer a way out of this never ending hole that financial engineering dug us into in the first place.

    Instead why don't we let this game collapse, you are a good man and you will play a role in the rebuilding of better system, one that nurtures and guides instead of manipulate and lie.

    The moral suasion you mention can only appear by allowing for the self annihilation of this financial system. This way we can learn from the autopsies and leave speculative theories to third rate economists

    Curtis Carpenter OCT 15, 2016

    It is sadly true that "the relationship between politics and economics is changing," at least in the U.S.. At one time, the people's government served as a check on the excesses of economic interests -- now, it is simply owned by them.

    It seems to me that the best we can hope for now is some sort of modest correction in the relationship after 2020 -- and that the TBTF banks won't deliver another economic disaster in the meantime.

    Petey Bee OCT 15, 2016
    1. The defects of the maximalist-globalist view were known for years before the "consensus began to break down".

    2. In at least some of these cases, the "transmission" of the consensus involved more than a little coercion and undermining local interests, sovereignty, and democracy. This is an central feature of the "consensus", and it is hard to see how it can by anything but irredeemable.

    In the concluding paragraph, the author states that the reaction is going to be slow. That's absolutely correct, the evidence has been pushed higher and higher above the icy water line since 2008.

    However it is not bad politics crowding out out good economics, for the simple reason that the economic "consensus" itself, in embracing destructive and destabilizing economic policy crowded out the ostensibly centrist politics...

    Paul Daley OCT 15, 2016
    The Washington consensus collapsed during the Great Recession but the latest "consensus" among economists regarding "good economics" deserves respect.
    atul baride OCT 15, 2016
    The Inclusive Growth has remained only a Slogan and Politicians never ventured into the theme. In the changed version of the World.] essential equal opportunity and World of Social media, perspective and social Political scene is changed. Its more like reverting to mean.

    [Oct 19, 2016] Emails Show Hillary Struggled To Draft Bribery Corruption Reforms - She May Be So Tainted She is Really Vulnerable

    Notable quotes:
    "... The news was released that Hillarnazi had lesbian lovers, paid for sexual encounters, has had memory issues so severe going back to 2009 that her own people aren't sure if she knows what planet she is on, can't walk without getting massively fatigued, a new rape victim came forward, the Clinton Foundation stole over $2 billion in Haitian relief funds, the Clinton Foundation has a pay gap between men and women of $190,000 and she referred to blacks repeatedly as the dreaded "n" word . ..."
    "... Again, that is from YESTERDAY Yet there has been no movement in the polls. She is the most criminal and unethical candidate in the history of America, and is likely to win. There is no greater indictment about our citizens than her candidacy. if thise was 1920, she would be in front of a firing squad. ..."
    "... But we have 2016. This is not breaking news at the main media outlets. Only people actively digging know this. All this pales in comparison with the fact of bussing people around different states to vote. If elections can be rigged then nothing else actually matters. Nothing will change because the only tool to repair the country is the election. ..."
    "... The ballot box is not the last remedy to fix things. Just saying. Voting is more to bring you into the system than you changing the system. What better way to keep you happy inside the system than to give you the ability to "vote the bums out" at the next (s)election? ..."
    "... Europe is also facing the problem of not enough breeding to keep up the exponential expansion of their currency (debt issued with interest) so they import people to keep the ponzi going. Not going to work as the people you bring in are not going to be expanding it at the rate that someone born into that system is going to. ..."
    "... Sucks to be them - the humillatiion and embarrassment of the cockroaches as they all scurry for cover. Not to mention the career nose-dives en masse for all the selfsame scum floating around the turd herself. I'm surprised Hillary hasn't told Podesta to eat a bullet (or nail-gun) yet, given the damage he has caused by being hacked. Err...rewind, eh Hillary? Because it is not as if you are an angel in this respect, you dumb fucking senile cunt. ..."
    "... Neocons are IT illiterate, and this must be their primary weakness, given how fucking useless they are at securing their insidious evil shit (now in the public domain - eh, Poddy, old chum, you evil CUNT). It must be a fucking disease given how utterly bereft of intelligence with respect to IT security they collectively are. ..."
    "... It definitely sucks to be Hillary when even the help knows you're crooked. It sucks to be the help too. HILLARY FOR PRISON 2017!!!! ..."
    "... As if. Former Lousiana Governor Edwin Edwards in 1983 said "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." In 2016, neither of those conditions is a bar to election to the presidency. ..."
    "... Evidently the rats have been assured the ship isn't sinking. Besides it's insured if crossing is successful. ..."
    "... Americans have the attention span of a gnat these days. The hypocrisy is stunning and has no bounds. ..."
    "... The best part of waking up is realizing that TPTB had been pissing in our cup while we weren't looking. ..."
    "... Another body to add to the Clinton Death List, this time the doctor who treated her for a concussion and knew about her glioma. A devout Hindu, this doctor supposedly committed suicide after threatening to reveal Hillary medical information if prosecutors continued to go after him for bogus criminal charges. ..."
    "... Neera Tanden must be suicidal by now. She probably doesn't even realise it yet. ..."
    "... I was thinking the same thing. With so many on the "team" having such critical positions on their own "leader", why the fuck are they supporting her, and why do they still have jobs? ..."
    "... Power. Money. The belief that they will be able to run things themselves once she goes full brain clot. One thing I do know, Hillary would be very unwise to let any of them pick her nursing home for her. ..."
    "... Neera Tanden: "It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment." ..."
    "... I imagine cankle's inner circle are gobling a lot off drugs about now. Their paranoia is no doubt palpable. I hope they devour one another. ..."
    "... It ain't just the US where free press is extinct. Had Wiki dropped the lot, it would simply have sunk without a trace with respect to the MSM reporting it to the sheeple, as we have seen in the last 12 days. ..."
    "... Free Shit and open borders and speaking well while lying. The stupidity of the average person, particularly those who only get their news from the corporate controlled media, is fuckin' amazing. Only a military coup could hunt down and arrest the Deep State... The Kagans and Powers and Jarretts and every cunt who has given HRC money. ..."
    "... Short of a coup, massive desertion would be very helpful. ..."
    "... you hit the nail on the head - "speaking well while lying". Middle class English people speak very well - appear attractive to Americans - when in fact they have zero monopoly on honesty, brains or ability ..."
    "... just because someone speaks well does not mean they are legal, decent, honest and truthful - in fact clinton fails on all four of these positives and is illegal, indecent, crooked and a liar ..."
    "... The no fly zone doesn't like questions not preprogrammed. I hope his brother gets a chance to rip Obama a new asshole. ..."
    "... rule by criminals REQUIRES deep knowledge and primary experience with criminal exploits. She is the ONLY candidate who is qualified to run Gov-Co. ..."
    "... Comey is a Dirty Cop – Former US Attorney. How Crooked Clinton Got Off. ..."
    "... Juan Williams email to John Podesta found here: ..."
    "... How does it feel working for a total scumbag just to get a paycheck? ..."
    Oct 19, 2016 |

    The latest WikiLeaks dump reveals yet another bombshell from the outspoken, an likely soon to be unemployed, Neera Tanden. The email chain comes from March of this year and begins when Neera distributes a memo on proposals for reform policies relative to bribery and corruption of public officials . That said, apparently the folks within the Hillary campaign were aware that this was a very dicey topic for their chosen candidate as even Tanden admits " she may be so tainted she's really vulnerable. "

    Meanwhile, Hillary advisor Jake Sullivan provided his thoughts that he really liked the following proposal on strengthening bribery laws...

    "Strengthen bribery laws to ensure that politicians don' change legislation for political donations."

    ...but subsequently admits that it might be problematic given Hillary's history.

    "The second idea is a favorite of mine, as you know, but REALLY dicey territory for HRC, right?"

    Even a month before these internal campaign discussions, Stan Greenberg, a democrat strategist of Democracy Corps, wrote to Podesta highlighting that "reform of money and politics is where she is taking the biggest hit." That said, Stan was quick to assure Podesta that there was no reason for concern as a specially crafted message and a little help from the media could make the whole problem go away.

    "We are also going to test some messages that include acknowledgement of being part of the system , and know how much has to change. "

    Finally, perhaps no one has better summarized why the Clinton camp may be worried about corruption charges than Obama:

    Syrin PrayingMantis Oct 19, 2016 12:58 PM ,
    The news was released that Hillarnazi had lesbian lovers, paid for sexual encounters, has had memory issues so severe going back to 2009 that her own people aren't sure if she knows what planet she is on, can't walk without getting massively fatigued, a new rape victim came forward, the Clinton Foundation stole over $2 billion in Haitian relief funds, the Clinton Foundation has a pay gap between men and women of $190,000 and she referred to blacks repeatedly as the dreaded "n" word .

    Again, that is from YESTERDAY Yet there has been no movement in the polls. She is the most criminal and unethical candidate in the history of America, and is likely to win. There is no greater indictment about our citizens than her candidacy. if thise was 1920, she would be in front of a firing squad.

    WTFRLY Syrin Oct 19, 2016 1:04 PM ,
    2 Years After This American Journalist Was Killed, Her 'Conspiracy Theories' on Syria are Proven as Facts
    nibiru WTFRLY Oct 19, 2016 1:05 PM ,
    But we have 2016. This is not breaking news at the main media outlets. Only people actively digging know this. All this pales in comparison with the fact of bussing people around different states to vote. If elections can be rigged then nothing else actually matters. Nothing will change because the only tool to repair the country is the election.

    In Europe they ship people from Africa and the Middle East to become multicultural societies ( look at Blair multicultural effort, Swedish no-go zones and Merkel's last effort with immigration crisis) . We are in deep shit here and the processes to repair the state are not there anymore. Now we only have Wikileaks doing the job of media - watching politicians' hands.

    pods nibiru Oct 19, 2016 1:16 PM ,
    The ballot box is not the last remedy to fix things. Just saying. Voting is more to bring you into the system than you changing the system. What better way to keep you happy inside the system than to give you the ability to "vote the bums out" at the next (s)election?

    Europe is also facing the problem of not enough breeding to keep up the exponential expansion of their currency (debt issued with interest) so they import people to keep the ponzi going. Not going to work as the people you bring in are not going to be expanding it at the rate that someone born into that system is going to.

    But, it is a plausible explanation for why they are trying it. The moneychangers have their very lives depending on keeping this going, so they have to try it.


    CuttingEdge pods Oct 19, 2016 1:21 PM ,
    All I know is, most the cunts behind the curtain have been completely compromised pre-election.

    Sucks to be them - the humillatiion and embarrassment of the cockroaches as they all scurry for cover. Not to mention the career nose-dives en masse for all the selfsame scum floating around the turd herself. I'm surprised Hillary hasn't told Podesta to eat a bullet (or nail-gun) yet, given the damage he has caused by being hacked. Err...rewind, eh Hillary? Because it is not as if you are an angel in this respect, you dumb fucking senile cunt.

    The fucking irony is palpable.

    Neocons are IT illiterate, and this must be their primary weakness, given how fucking useless they are at securing their insidious evil shit (now in the public domain - eh, Poddy, old chum, you evil CUNT). It must be a fucking disease given how utterly bereft of intelligence with respect to IT security they collectively are.

    Theosebes Goodfellow CuttingEdge Oct 19, 2016 2:17 PM ,
    It definitely sucks to be Hillary when even the help knows you're crooked. It sucks to be the help too. HILLARY FOR PRISON 2017!!!!
    junction Syrin Oct 19, 2016 1:05 PM ,

    As if. Former Lousiana Governor Edwin Edwards in 1983 said "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." In 2016, neither of those conditions is a bar to election to the presidency.

    Arnold Syrin Oct 19, 2016 1:09 PM ,
    Evidently the rats have been assured the ship isn't sinking. Besides it's insured if crossing is successful.
    Bay of Pigs PrayingMantis Oct 19, 2016 1:01 PM ,
    Americans have the attention span of a gnat these days. The hypocrisy is stunning and has no bounds.
    PTR erkme73 Oct 19, 2016 1:43 PM ,
    The best part of waking up is realizing that TPTB had been pissing in our cup while we weren't looking.
    junction PrayingMantis Oct 19, 2016 1:30 PM ,
    Another body to add to the Clinton Death List, this time the doctor who treated her for a concussion and knew about her glioma. A devout Hindu, this doctor supposedly committed suicide after threatening to reveal Hillary medical information if prosecutors continued to go after him for bogus criminal charges.
    Croesus PrayingMantis Oct 19, 2016 1:31 PM ,
    ZH Readers in Germany: Read this: Merkel trying to hide money in offshore accounts! Print it, spread it, and wreck that bitch.
    whatamaroon Oct 19, 2016 12:53 PM ,
    Lock her up!!
    medium giraffe Oct 19, 2016 12:54 PM ,
    Neera Tanden must be suicidal by now. She probably doesn't even realise it yet.
    ShrNfr medium giraffe Oct 19, 2016 12:58 PM ,
    Don't worry, for her it will just be a walk in the park.
    Ranger4564 -> medium giraffe Oct 19, 2016 12:59 PM ,
    I was thinking the same thing. With so many on the "team" having such critical positions on their own "leader", why the fuck are they supporting her, and why do they still have jobs?
    tarabel -> Ranger4564 Oct 19, 2016 1:18 PM ,

    Power. Money. The belief that they will be able to run things themselves once she goes full brain clot. One thing I do know, Hillary would be very unwise to let any of them pick her nursing home for her.

    medium giraffe -> Occams_Chainsaw Oct 19, 2016 1:13 PM ,
    Neera Tanden: "It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment."
    pine_marten -> medium giraffe Oct 19, 2016 2:00 PM ,
    I imagine cankle's inner circle are gobling a lot off drugs about now. Their paranoia is no doubt palpable. I hope they devour one another.
    CuttingEdge -> indaknow Oct 19, 2016 1:34 PM ,
    Assange has played a blinder, and all those who bitched about him "not dropping everything at once" give some thought to the fact that even in the UK barely one reference to the deluge of shit landing on Hillary thus far has been reported in the MSM. They have killed virtually everything, and are mainlining Trump the mad man (for insinuating election fraud) shit.

    It ain't just the US where free press is extinct. Had Wiki dropped the lot, it would simply have sunk without a trace with respect to the MSM reporting it to the sheeple, as we have seen in the last 12 days.

    Better a death by a thousand cuts to build up momentum, and give EVERYONE the chance to absorb the full criminallity of this fundamentally evil bitch and her cohorts. There is way too much to take in one hit.

    War Machine Oct 19, 2016 1:02 PM ,
    sadly, most Americans are going to vote based on which candidate they think is least 'offensive' to them, and ISMism prevails in the corporate MSM and Regressive Left:


    Free Shit and open borders and speaking well while lying. The stupidity of the average person, particularly those who only get their news from the corporate controlled media, is fuckin' amazing. Only a military coup could hunt down and arrest the Deep State... The Kagans and Powers and Jarretts and every cunt who has given HRC money.

    Short of a coup, massive desertion would be very helpful.

    hooligan2009 -> War Machine Oct 19, 2016 1:39 PM ,
    you hit the nail on the head - "speaking well while lying". Middle class English people speak very well - appear attractive to Americans - when in fact they have zero monopoly on honesty, brains or ability

    just because someone speaks well does not mean they are legal, decent, honest and truthful - in fact clinton fails on all four of these positives and is illegal, indecent, crooked and a liar

    SharkBit Oct 19, 2016 1:02 PM ,
    Anyone else disgusted to hear Obozo speak anymore? What an embarrassment.
    Atomizer SharkBit Oct 19, 2016 1:13 PM ,
    The no fly zone doesn't like questions not preprogrammed. I hope his brother gets a chance to rip Obama a new asshole.
    Mango327 Oct 19, 2016 1:04 PM ,
    If Donald Trump Acted Like Hillary Clinton...
    Madcow Oct 19, 2016 1:05 PM ,
    Authoritarian rule by criminals REQUIRES deep knowledge and primary experience with criminal exploits. She is the ONLY candidate who is qualified to run Gov-Co.
    SidSays Oct 19, 2016 1:07 PM ,
    Comey is a Dirty Cop – Former US Attorney. How Crooked Clinton Got Off.
    Miss Expectations Oct 19, 2016 1:11 PM ,
    Juan Williams email to John Podesta found here:
    vegas Oct 19, 2016 1:13 PM ,
    Is this from "The Onion"? Seriously, these people are so fucking tone deaf and out of touch it's amazing. Throw 'em all in prison. How does it feel working for a total scumbag just to get a paycheck?

    [Oct 19, 2016] Wikileaks Releases Another 1803 Podesta Emails In Part 12 Of Data Dump; Total Is Now 18953

    Notable quotes:
    "... Among the initial emails to stand out is this extensive exchange showing just how intimiately the narrative of Hillary's server had been coached. The following September 2015 email exchange between Podesta and Nick Merrill, framed the "core language" to be used in response to questions Clinton could be asked about her email server, and the decision to "bleach" emails from it. The emails contain long and short versions of responses for Clinton. ..."
    Oct 19, 2016 |
    The daily dump continues. In the now traditional daily routine, one which forces the Clinton campaign to resort to ever more stark sexual scandals involving Trump to provide a media distraction, moments ago Wikileaks released yet another 1,803 emails in Part 12 of its ongoing Podesta Email dump, which brings the total number of released emails to 18,953.

    RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 12 #HillaryClinton #imWithHer #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails12

    - WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 19, 2016

    As a reminder among the most recent revelations we got further insights into Hillary's desire to see Obamacare " unravel" , her contempt for "doofus" Bernie Sanders, staff exchanges on handling media queries about Clinton "flip-flopping" on gay marriage, galvanizing Latino support and locking down Clinton's healthcare policy. Just as notable has been the ongoing revelation of just how "captured" the so-called independent press has been in its "off the record" discussions with John Podesta which got the head Politico correspondent, Glenn Thrush, to admit he is a "hack" for allowing Podesta to dictate the content of his article.

    The release comes on the day of the third and final presidential campaign between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and as a result we are confident it will be scrutinized especially carefully for any last minute clues that would allow Trump to lob a much needed Hail Mary to boost his standing in the polls.

    As there is a total of 50,000 emails, Wikileaks will keep the media busy over the next three weeks until the elections with another 30,000 emails still expected to be released.

    * * *

    Among the initial emails to stand out is this extensive exchange showing just how intimiately the narrative of Hillary's server had been coached. The following September 2015 email exchange between Podesta and Nick Merrill, framed the "core language" to be used in response to questions Clinton could be asked about her email server, and the decision to "bleach" emails from it. The emails contain long and short versions of responses for Clinton.

    "Because the government already had everything that was work-related, and my personal emails were just that – personal – I didn't see a reason to keep them so I asked that they be deleted, and that's what the company that managed my server did. And we notified Congress of that back in March"

    She was then presented with the following hypothetical scenario:

    * "Why won't you say whether you wiped it?"

    "After we went through the process to determine what was work related and what was not and provided the work related emails to State, I decided not to keep the personal ones."

    "We saved the work-related ones on a thumb drive that is now with the Department of Justice. And as I said in March, I chose not to keep the personal ones. I asked that they be deleted, how that happened was up to the company that managed the server. And they are cooperating fully with anyone that has questions."

    * * *

    Another notable email reveals the close relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Ukraine billionaire Victor Pinchuk, a prominent donor to the Clinton Foundation , in which we see the latter's attempt to get a meeting with Bill Clinton to show support for Ukraine:

    From: Tina Flournoy < [email protected] >
    Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:58:55 AM
    To: Amitabh Desai
    Cc: Jon Davidson; Margaret Steenburg; Jake Sullivan; Dan Schwerin; Huma Abedin; John Podesta
    Subject: Re: Victor Pinchuk

    Team HRC - we'll get back to you on this

    > On Mar 30, 2015, at 9:53 AM, Amitabh Desai < [email protected] > wrote:
    > Victor Pinchuk is relentlessly following up (including this morning) about a meeting with WJC in London or anywhere in Europe. Ideally he wants to bring together a few western leaders to show support for Ukraine, with WJC probably their most important participant. If that's not palatable for us, then he'd like a bilat with WJC.
    > If it's not next week, that's fine, but he wants a date. I keep saying we have no Europe plans, although we do have those events in London in June. Are folks comfortable offering Victor a private meeting on one of those dates? At this point I get the impression that although I keep saying WJC cares about Ukraine, Pinchuk feels like WJC hasn't taken enough action to demonstrate that, particularly during this existential moment for the county and for him.
    > I sense this is so important because Pinchuk is under Putin's heel right now, feeling a great degree of pressure and pain for his many years of nurturing stronger ties with the West.
    > I get all the downsides and share the concerns. I am happy to go back and say no. It would just be good to know what WJC (and HRC and you all) would like to do, because this will likely impact the future of this relationship, and slow walking our reply will only reinforce his growing angst.
    > Thanks, and sorry for the glum note on a Monday morning...

    * * *

    We find more evidence of media coordination with Politico's Glenn Thrush who has an off the record question to make sure he is not "fucking anything up":

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Date: 2015-04-30 17:06
    Subject: Re: sorry to bother...

    Sure. Sorry for the delay I was on a plane.
    On Apr 30, 2015 9:44 AM, "Glenn Thrush" < [email protected] > wrote:

    > Can I send u a couple of grafs, OTR, to make sure I'm not fucking
    > anything up?

    * * *

    Another notable moment emerges in the emails, involving Hillary Clinton's selective memory. Clinton's description of herself as a moderate Democrat at a September 2015 event in Ohio caused an uproar amongst her team. In a mail from Clinton advisor Neera Tanden to Podesta in the days following the comment she asks why she said this.

    "I pushed her on this on Sunday night. She claims she didn't remember saying it. Not sure I believe her," Podesta replies. Tanden insists that the comment has made her job more difficult after "telling every reporter I know she's actually progressive". " It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment ," she adds.

    * * *

    We also get additional insight into Clinton courting the Latino minority. A November 2008 email from Federico Peña , who was on the Obama-Biden transition team, called for a "Latino media person" to be added to the list of staff to appeal to Latino voters. Federico de Jesus or Vince Casillas are seen as ideal candidates, both of whom were working in the Chicago operations.

    "More importantly, it would helpful (sic) to Barack to do pro-active outreach to Latino media across the country to get our positive message out before people start spreading negative rumors," Peña writes.

    * * *

    Another email between Clinton's foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan and Tanden from March 2016 discussed how it was "REALLY dicey territory" for Clinton to comment on strengthening "bribery laws to ensure that politicians don't change legislation for political donations." Tanden agrees with Sullivan:

    " She may be so tainted she's really vulnerable - if so, maybe a message of I've seen how this sausage is made, it needs to stop, I'm going to stop it will actually work."

    * * *

    One email suggested, sarcastically, to kneecap bernie Sanders : Clinton's team issued advise regarding her tactics for the "make or break" Democratic presidential debate with Sanders in Milwaukee on February 11, 2016. The mail to Podesta came from Philip Munger, a Democratic Party donor. He sent the mail using an encrypted anonymous email service.

    "She's going to have to kneecap him. She is going to have to take him down from his morally superior perch. She has done so tentatively. She must go further," he says.

    Clearly, the desire to get Sanders' supporters was a key imperative for the Clinton campaign. In a September 2015 email to Podesta , Hill columnist Brent Budowsky criticized the campaign for allegedly giving Clinton surrogates talking points to attack Bernie Sanders. "I cannot think of anything more stupid and self-destructive for a campaign to do," he says. "Especially for a candidate who has dangerously low levels of public trust," and in light of Sanders' campaign being based on "cleaning up politics."

    Budowsky warns voters would be "disgusted" by attacks against Sanders and says he wouldn't discourage Podesta from sharing the note with Clinton because "if she wants to become president she needs to understand the point I am making with crystal clarity."

    "Make love to Bernie and his idealistic supporters, and co-opt as many of his progressive issues as possible."

    Budowsky then adds that he was at a Washington university where " not one student gave enough of a damn for Hillary to open a booth, or even wear a Hillary button. "

    * * *

    One email focused on how to address with the topic of the TPP. National Policy Director for Hillary for America Amanda Renteria explains, "The goal here was to minimize our vulnerability to the authenticity attack and not piss off the WH any more than necessary."

    Democratic pollster Joel Benenson says, "the reality is HRC is more pro trade than anti and trying to turn her into something she is not could reinforce our negative [sic] around authenticity. This is an agreement that she pushed for and largely advocated for."

    * * *

    While claiming she is part of the people, an email exposes Hillary as being " part of the system ." Clinton's team acknowledges she is "part of the system" in an email regarding her strategies. As Stan Greenberg told Podesta:

    " We are also going to test some messages that include acknowledgement of being part of the system, and know how much has to change ,"

    * * *

    Some more on the topic of Hillary being extensively coached and all her words rehearsed, we find an email which reveals that Clinton's words have to be tightly managed by her team who are wary of what she might say. After the Iowa Democratic Party's presidential debate in November 2015 adviser Ron Klain mails Podesta to say, "If she says something three times as an aside during practice (Wall Street supports me due to 9/11), we need to assume she will say it in the debate, and tell her not to do so." Klain's mail reveals Sanders was their biggest fear in the debate. "The only thing that would have been awful – a Sanders break out – didn't happen. So all in all, we were fine," he says.

    The mail also reveals Klain's role in securing his daughter Hannah a position on Clinton's team. "I'm not asking anyone to make a job, or put her in some place where she isn't wanted – it just needs a nudge over the finish line," Klain says. Hannah Klain worked on Clinton's Surrogates team for nine months commencing in the month after her father's mail to Podesta, according to her Linkedin.

    CuttingEdge X_in_Sweden Oct 19, 2016 9:18 AM

    Is Podesta authorised to be privy to confidential information?

    Only Hillary sends him a 9-point assessment of the ME with this at the top:

    Note: Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region.

    I would assume Intelligence Services intel based assessments would be a bit confidential, Mr Comey? Given their source? Nothing to see here, you say?

    Fuck Me.

    Bubba Rum Das samjam7 Oct 19, 2016 9:02 AM

    I love this...Assange is incommunicado, yet the data dumps keep coming!
    Horse face looks like such a fool to the world as a result; & due to John Kerry's stupidity which is drawing major attention to the whole matter; Americans are finally beginning to wake up & pay attention to this shit!

    Looks like the Hitlery for Prez ship is starting to take on MASSIVE amounts of water!

    I believe they are beyond the point where any more news of 'pussy grabbing' will save them from themselves (and Mr. Assange)!

    Oh, yeah...-And THANK YOU, MR. O'KEEFE!

    css1971 Oct 19, 2016 9:04 AM

    Dems!! Dems!! Where are you. You need 2 more bimbos to accuse Trump of looking at them!!

    DEMS you need to get that nose to the grindstone!!

    Hobbleknee GunnerySgtHartman Oct 19, 2016 8:48 AM

    Fox is controlled opposition. They dropped the interview with O'Keefe after he released the latest undercover report on Democrat voter fraud.

    JackMeOff Oct 19, 2016 10:16 AM

    Wonder what "docs" they are referring?

    monad Oct 19, 2016 1:14 PM The FBI had no difficulty convicting Obugger's crony Rod Blagegovitch.

    The new lowered expectations federal government just expects to get lucre + bennies for sitting on their asses and holding the door for gangsters. Traitors. Spies. Enemies foreign and domestic. Amphisbaegenic pot boiling.

    california chrome Oct 19, 2016 11:03 AM

    With Creamer's tricks effective in Obama's re-election, it now makes sense why Obama was so confident when he said Trump would never be president.

    Trump is still ahead in the only poll I track. But i conduct my own personal poll on a daily basis and loads of Trump supporters are in the closet and won't come out until they pull the lever for Trump on election day.

    whatamaroon Oct 19, 2016 1:04 PM ,

    This supposedly directly implicates Podesta and voter fraud. If it will open here

    [Oct 19, 2016] Hillary Clinton Linked To Mysterious Front Associated with Julian Assange Pedophile Smear

    Oct 19, 2016 |

    Zero Hedge

    The DailyKos put out a report on Oct. 17 that WikiLeaks describes as a "smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia."

    "An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl," WikiLeaks said in a press release Tuesday.

    The press release went on: "The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks' Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange's 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas)."

    The DailyKos reported that a Canadian family holidaying in the Bahamas reported to the police that their 8-year-old daughter was "sexually molested online" by Assange on

    Julian Assange's legal team provided a timeline in the press release which showed that the self-claimed dating agency contacted WikiLeaks' defense team offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the "dating agency".

    Assange's defense wrote back, stating that the proposal appeared to be an "elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange's reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity."

    WikiLeaks was able to trace down the address of the front, posting an image on twitter of what appears to be a warehouse or garage.

    Here is the "headquarters" of the front (PAC?) behind the Assange "took US$1M from Russia" plot


    - WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 19, 2016

    Internet sleuths from Reddit were able to dig up some information about the dating service pushing the attacks on Assange, finding that the company shares the address with a private intelligence corporation named Premise Data Corporation.

    Interestingly, Larry Summers, who is connected to the Clinton Campaign , is on the board of directors of Premise Data Corporation.

    Here is the Reddit post that lays out the findings:

    As other Redditors point out, the Center for American Progress was founded by Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and was funded by billionaire and pro-Clintonite George Soros.

    Connecting the front to Clinton further, co-founder of Premise Data David Soloff has met with both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine this year.

    Internet sleuths connect Clinton to mysterious intelligence contractor associated with Assange false accusations

    - WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 19, 2016

    Internet sleuths connect Clinton to mysterious intelligence contractor associated with Assange false accusations 2

    - WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 19, 2016

    With Julian Assange spearheading the Podesta leaks, which have revealed and highlighted many shady dealings of both the Clinton campaign and Clinton Foundation , it is highly unlikely that it's a coincidence a Clinton connected group shares the same address of the smear pushing front.

    As one Redditor so laughably put it, "If this was merely a coincidence, then I'm the queen of England."

    As we reported yesterday , Fox News had told its audience Tuesday morning that Assange would be arrested "maybe in a matter of hours," leading to the speculation that there could have been a plot to arrest Assange over the pedophilia accusations.

    WikiLeaks revealed yesterday that multiple U.S. sources had told them that Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Ecuador stop Wikileaks from publishing documents damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign back in September, which, if true, proves that there has been previous attempt to silence Assange by the U.S. establishment.

    [Oct 18, 2016] For starters, many Americans are economically worse off* than they were a quarter-century ago. The median income of full-time male employees is lower than it was 42 years ago, and it is increasingly difficult for those with limited education to get a full-time job that pays decent wages

    Notable quotes:
    "... If you insist on focusing on individuals, you may miss the connection, because the worst off within communities - actual chronic discouraged workers, addicts - are likely to express no opinion to the degree they can be polled at all. Trump primary voters are white Republicans who vote, automatically a more affluent baseline* than the white voters generally. ..."
    Oct 18, 2016 |

    Peter K. : October 17, 2016 at 10:13 AM

    EMichael quotes Steve Randy Waldman and Dylan Matthews in today's links:

    ""Trump voters, FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver found, had a median household income of $72,000, a fair bit higher than the $62,000 median household income for non-Hispanic whites in America."


    ""But it is also obvious that, within the Republican Party, Trump's support comes disproportionately from troubled communities, from places that have been left behind economically, that struggle with unusual rates of opiate addiction, low educational achievement, and other social vices."

    I followed the link and failed to find any numbers on the "troubled communities" thing. It seems strange to me that the two comments above are in conflict with each other."

    It seems like you are missing the point of Waldman's blog post (and Stiglitz and Shiller)

    You didn't quote this part:

    "... If you insist on focusing on individuals, you may miss the connection, because the worst off within communities - actual chronic discouraged workers, addicts - are likely to express no opinion to the degree they can be polled at all. Trump primary voters are white Republicans who vote, automatically a more affluent baseline* than the white voters generally.

    * [

    "Among Republicans, Trump supporters have slightly lower incomes. But what really differentiates them?"]

    "At the community level**, patterns are clear. (See this*** too.) Of course, it could still all be racism, because within white communities, measures of social and economic dysfunction are likely correlated with measures you could associate with racism."


    "The Geography of Trump_vs_deep_state"


    "How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind"]

    Of course, it could still all be racism, because within white communities, measures of social and economic dysfunction are likely correlated with measures you could associate with racism. Social affairs are complicated and the real world does not hand us unique well-identified models. We always have to choose our explanations,**** and we should think carefully about how and why we do so. Explanations have consequences, not just for the people we are imposing them upon, but for our polity as a whole. I don't get involved in these arguments to express some high-minded empathy for Trump voters, but because I think that monocausally attributing a broad political movement to racism when it has other plausible antecedents does real harm....


    [Oct 18, 2016] The Clinton Goldman Speeches No Smoking Guns, but a Munitions Dump Instead

    Notable quotes:
    "... First, Clinton's neoliberalism is so bone deep that she refers to Medicare as a "single market" rather than "single payer"; ..."
    "... Clinton frames solutions exclusively ..."
    "... Policy Sciences ..."
    "... Stalin spent his early days in a seminary. Masters of broken promises. I'm more interested in Clinton's Chinese connections. Probably tied through JP Morgan. The Chinese are very straightforward in their, dare I say, inscrutible way. The ministers are the ministers, and the palace is the palace. ..."
    "... SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I don't feel particularly courageous. I mean, if we're going to be an effective, efficient economy, we need to have all part of that engine running well, and that includes Wall Street and Main Street. ..."
    "... Because she wont pay for quality speechwriters or coaching. Because she is a shyster, cheapskate and a fraud. They hired the most inept IT company to 'mange' their office server who then (in a further fit of cheapskate stupidity) hired an inept IT client manager who then (in a further fit of cheapskate stupidity) asked Reddit for a solution. ..."
    "... One can say a lot of justifiable bad things about Ronald Reagan, but, he had competent advisors and he used them! With Hillary, Even if she knows she has accessed the best advice on the planet her instinct it to not trust it because "she knows better" and she absolutely will not tolerate dissent. Left to her own devices, she simply copies other people's thinking/ homework instead of building her own ideas with it. ..."
    "... What surprises me is that Goldmans paid her for these speeches, you know? Hillary C typically pays "the audience" to listen to, and come to her speeches. You know? You know! ..."
    "... I heard Hillary speak in summer '92, when Bill was running for Prez. She. was. amazing. No joke. Great speech, great ideas, great points. I thought then she should be the candidate. But there was in her speech just a tiny undercurrent of "the ends justify the means." i.e. 'we need to get lots of money so we can do good things.' Fast forward 20+ years. Seems to me that for the Clintons the "means" (getting lots of money) has become the end in itself. Reassuring Wall St. is one method for getting money – large, large amounts of money. ..."
    "... A fine illustration of the maxim that "crime makes you stupid." ..."
    "... in that context ..."
    "... So I guess the moral of the story is (a) more deterioration, this time from 2008 to 2016, and (b) Clinton can actually make a good decision, but only when forced to by a catastrophe that will impact her personally. Whether she'll be able to rise to the occasion if elected is an open question, but this post argues not. ..."
    "... Bingo! Think about it: She was speaking to a group of people whose time is "valued" at 100's if not 1,000's of dollars per hour. She took up their "valuable" time but provided nothing except politics-as-usual blather tailored to that particular audience. Yet she was paid $225k for a single speech… ..."
    "... Hillary is a remarkably inarticulate person, which calls into question her intellectual fitness for the job (amidst many other questions, of course). I entirely agree with your depiction of her speeches as mindless drivel. ..."
    "... Not to otherwise compare them, but Bush I's inarticulateness made him seem a buffoon, and that was not the case, either. ..."
    "... Matt Tiabbi, Elizabeth Warren, Benie Sanders, Noam Chompsky–all those used to seem like bastions of integrity have, thanks to Hillary, been revealed as slimy little Weasels who should henceforth be completely disregarded. I'd have to thank Hillary for pulling back the nlindets on that; if not for this election I might have been still foolishly listening to these people. ..."
    "... What scares me most about Clinton is her belligerence towards Russia and clamoring for a no-fly zone in Syria. The no-fly zone will mean war with Russia. If only Clinton were saying this, we might be safe, but the entire Washington deep state seems to be of one mind in favor of a war. During the cold war this would have been inconceivable; everyone understood a nuclear war must not be allowed. This is no longer true and it is terrifying. Every war game the pentagon used to simulate a war with the U.S.S.R. escalated into an all out nuclear war. What is the "plan B" Obama is pursuing in Syria? ..."
    "... The current fear/fever over nuclear war with Russia requires madness in the Kremlin - of which there is no evidence. Our Rulers are depending on Putin and his cohorts being the sane ones as rhetoric from the US and the West ratchets ever upwards. ..."
    "... But then, the Kremlin is looking for any hint of sanity on US and NATO side and is finding little… ..."
    "... Curtis LeMay tried to provoke a nuclear war with the Soviets in the 1950's. By and large, however, the American state understood a nuclear war was unwinnable and avoided such a possibility. A no-fly zone in Syria would start a war with Russia. William Polk, who participated in the Cuban missle crisis and U.S. nuclear war games, argues in this article ..."
    "... both of which present a clinical assessment that Hillary suffers from Parkinson's. Seems like an elephant in the room. ..."
    "... The absolute vacuousness of Clinton's remarks, coupled with her ease at neoliberal conventional wisdom, make it clear that Goldman's payments were nothing more (or less) than a $675,000 anticipatory "so no quid pro quo ..."
    "... The leaked emails confirm - even though she herself never writes them, which is really odd, when you consider that Podesta is her Campaign Chair and close ally going back decades - that she is compulsively secretive, controlling, and resistant to admitting she's wrong. The chain of people talking about how to get her to admit she was wrong about Nancy Reagan and AIDS was particularly fascinating that way; she was flat out factually inaccurate, and it had the potential to do tremendous harm to her campaign with a key donor group, and it was apparently still a major task to persuade her to say "I made a mistake." ..."
    "... basically, every real world policy problem is related to every other real world policy problem ..."
    "... Most noticeable thing is her subservience to them like a fresh college grad afraid of his boss at his first job ..."
    Oct 18, 2016 |
    As readers know, WikiLeaks has released transcripts of the three speeches to Goldman Sachs that Clinton gave in 2013, and for which she was paid the eyewatering sum of $675,000. (The link is to an email dated January 23, 2016, from Cllinton staffer Tony Carrk , Clinton's research director, which pulls out "noteworthy quotes" from the speeches. The speeches themselves are attachments to that email.)

    Readers, I read them. All three of them. What surprises - and when I tell you I had to take a little nap about halfway through, I'm not making it up! - is the utter mediocrity of Clinton's thought and mode of expression[1]. Perhaps that explains Clinton's otherwise inexplicable refusal to release them. And perhaps my sang froid is preternatural, but I don't see a "smoking gun," unless forking over $675,000 for interminable volumes of shopworn conventional wisdom be, in itself, such a gun. What can Goldman Sachs possibly have thought they were paying for?

    WikiLeaks has, however, done voters a favor - in these speeches, and in the DNC and Podesta email releases generally - by giving us a foretaste of what a Clinton administration will be like, once in power, not merely on policy (the "first 100 days"), but on how they will make decisions. I call the speeches a "munitions dump," because the views she expresses in these speeches are bombs that can be expected to explode as the Clinton administration progresses.

    With that, let's contextualize and comment upon some quotes from the speeches

    The Democrats Are the Party of Wall Street

    Of course, you knew that, but it's nice to have the matter confirmed. This material was flagged by Carrk (as none of the following material will have been). It's enormously prolix, but I decided to cut only a few paragraphs. From Clinton's second Goldman speech at the AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium:

    MR. O'NEILL: Let's come back to the US. Since 2008, there's been an awful lot of seismic activity around Wall Street and the big banks and regulators and politicians.

    Now, without going over how we got to where we are right now , what would be your advice to the Wall Street community and the big banks as to the way forward with those two important decisions?

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I represented all of you for eight years. I had great relations and worked so close together after 9/11 to rebuild downtown, and a lot of respect for the work you do and the people who do it, but I do - I think that when we talk about the regulators and the politicians, the economic consequences of bad decisions back in '08, you know, were devastating, and they had repercussions throughout the world.

    That was one of the reasons that I started traveling in February of '09, so people could, you know, literally yell at me for the United States and our banking system causing this everywhere. Now, that's an oversimplification we know, but it was the conventional wisdom [really?!].

    And I think that there's a lot that could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing [!] what happened with greater transparency, with greater openness on all sides, you know, what happened, how did it happen, how do we prevent it from happening? You guys help us figure it out and let's make sure that we do it right this time .

    And I think that everybody was desperately trying to fend off the worst effects institutionally, governmentally, and there just wasn't that opportunity to try to sort this out, and that came later .

    I mean, it's still happening, as you know. People are looking back and trying to, you know, get compensation for bad mortgages and all the rest of it in some of the agreements that are being reached.

    There's nothing magic about regulations, too much is bad, too little is bad. How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works? And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry .

    And we need banking. I mean, right now, there are so many places in our country where the banks are not doing what they need to do because they're scared of regulations , they're scared of the other shoe dropping, they're just plain scared, so credit is not flowing the way it needs to to restart economic growth.

    So people are, you know, a little - they're still uncertain, and they're uncertain both because they don't know what might come next in terms of regulations, but they're also uncertain because of changes in a global economy that we're only beginning to take hold of.

    So first and foremost, more transparency, more openness, you know, trying to figure out, we're all in this together , how we keep this incredible economic engine in this country going. And this [finance] is, you know, the nerves, the spinal column.

    And with political people, again, I would say the same thing, you know, there was a lot of complaining about Dodd-Frank, but there was also a need to do something because for political reasons , if you were an elected member of Congress and people in your constituency were losing jobs and shutting businesses and everybody in the press is saying it's all the fault of Wall Street, you can't sit idly by and do nothing, but what you do is really important.

    And I think the jury is still out on that because it was very difficult to sort of sort through it all.

    And, of course, I don't, you know, I know that banks and others were worried about continued liability [oh, really?] and other problems down the road, so it would be better if we could have had a more open exchange about what we needed to do to fix what had broken and then try to make sure it didn't happen again, but we will keep working on it.

    MR. O'NEILL: By the way, we really did appreciate when you were the senator from New York and your continued involvement in the issues (inaudible) to be courageous in some respects to associated with Wall Street and this environment. Thank you very much.

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I don't feel particularly courageous. I mean, if we're going to be an effective, efficient economy, we need to have all part of that engine running well, and that includes Wall Street and Main Street.

    And there's a big disconnect and a lot of confusion right now. So I'm not interested in, you know, turning the clock back or pointing fingers , but I am interested in trying to figure out how we come together to chart a better way forward and one that will restore confidence in, you know, small and medium-size businesses and consumers and begin to chip away at the unemployment rate [five years into the recession!].

    So it's something that I, you know, if you're a realist, you know that people have different roles to play in politics, economics, and this is an important role, but I do think that there has to be an understanding of how what happens here on Wall Street has such broad consequences not just for the domestic but the global economy, so more thought has to be given to the process and transactions and regulations so that we don't kill or maim what works, but we concentrate on the most effective way of moving forward with the brainpower and the financial power that exists here.

    "Moving forward." And not looking back. (It would be nice to know what "continued liability" the banks were worried about; accounting control fraud ? Maybe somebody could ask Clinton.) Again, I call your attention to the weird combination of certainty and mediocrity of it; readers, I am sure, can demolish the detail. What this extended quotation does show is that Clinton and Obama are as one with respect to the role of the finance sector. Politico describes Obama's famous meeting with the bankster CEOs:

    Arrayed around a long mahogany table in the White House state dining room last week, the CEOs of the most powerful financial institutions in the world offered several explanations for paying high salaries to their employees - and, by extension, to themselves.

    "These are complicated companies," one CEO said. Offered another: "We're competing for talent on an international market.".

    But President Barack Obama wasn't in a mood to hear them out. He stopped the conversation and offered a blunt reminder of the public's reaction to such explanations. "Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn't buying that.".

    "My administration," the president added, "is the only thing between you and the pitchforks."

    And he did! He did! Clinton, however, by calling the finance sector the "the nerves, the spinal column" of the country, goes farther than Obama ever did.

    So, from the governance perspective, we can expect the FIRE sector to dominate a Clinton administration, and the Clinton administration to service it. The Democrats are the Party of Wall Street. The bomb that could explode there is corrupt dealings with cronies (for which the Wikileaks material provides plenty of leads).

    Clinton Advocates a "Night Watchman" State

    The next quotes are shorter, I swear! Here's a quote from Clinton's third Goldman speech (not flagged by Carrk, no doubt because hearing drivel like this is perfectly normal in HillaryLand):

    SECRETARY CLINTON: And I tell you, I see any society like a three-legged stool. You have to have an active free market that gives people the chance to live out their dreams by their own hard work and skills. You have to have a functioning, effective government that provides the right balance of oversight and protection of freedom and privacy and liberty and all the rest of it that goes with it . And you have to have an active civil society. Because there's so much about America that is volunteerism and religious faith and family and community activities. So you take one of those legs away, it's pretty hard to balance it. So you've got to get back to getting the right balance.

    Apparently, the provision of public services is not within government's remit -- What are Social Security and Medicare? "All the rest of it"? Not only that, who said the free market was the only way to "live out their dreams"? Madison, Franklin, even Hamilton would have something to say about that! Finally, which one of those legs is out of balance? Civil society? Some would advocate less religion in politics rather than more, including many Democrats. The markets? Not at Goldman? Government? Too much militarization, way too little concrete material benefits, so far as I'm concerned, but Clinton doesn't say, making the "stool" metaphor vacuous.

    From a governance perspective, we can expect Clinton's blind spot on government's role in provisioning servies to continue. Watch for continued privatization efforts (perhaps aided by Silicon Valley). On any infrastructure projects, watch for "public-private partnerships." The bomb that could explode there is corrupt dealings with a different set of cronies (even if the FIRE sector does have a finger in every pie).

    Clinton's Views on Health Care Reflect Market Fundamentalism

    From Clinton's second Goldman Speech :

    MR. O'NEILL: [O]bviously the Affordable Care Act has been upheld by the supreme court. It's clearly having limitation problems [I don't know what that means]. It's unsettling, people still - the Republicans want to repeal it or defund it. So how do you get to the middle on that clash of absolutes?

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, this is not the first time that we rolled out a big program with the limitation problems [Clinton apparently does].

    I was in the Senate when President Bush asked and signed legislation expanding Medicare benefits, the Medicare Part D drug benefits. And people forget now that it was a very difficult implementation.

    As a senator, my staff spent weeks working with people who were trying to sign up, because it was in some sense even harder to manage because the population over 65, not the most computer-literate group, and it was difficult. But, you know, people stuck with it, worked through it.

    Now, this is on - it's on a different scale and it is more complex because it's trying to create a market. In Medicare, you have a single market , you have, you know, the government is increasing funding through government programs [sic] to provide people over 65 the drugs they needed.

    And there were a few variations that you could play out on it, but it was a much simpler market than what the Affordable Care Act is aiming to set up.

    Now, the way I look at this, Tim, is it's either going to work or it's not going to work.

    First, Clinton's neoliberalism is so bone deep that she refers to Medicare as a "single market" rather than "single payer"; but then Clinton erases single payer whenever possible . Second, Clinton frames solutions exclusively in terms of markets (and not the direct provision of services by government); Obama does the same on health care in JAMA , simply erasing the possibility of single payer. Third, rather than advocate a simple, rugged, and proven system like Canadian Medicare (single payer), Clinton prefers to run an experiment ("it's either going to work or it's not going to work") on the health of millions of people (and, I would urge, without their informed consent).

    From a governance perspective, assume that if the Democrats propose a "public option," it will be miserably inadequate. The bomb that could explode here is the ObamaCare death spiral.

    The Problems Are "Wicked," but Clinton Will Be Unable to Cope With Them

    Finally, this little passage from the first Clinton Goldman speech caught my eye:

    MR. BLANKFEIN: The next area which I think is actually literally closer to home but where American lives have been at risk is the Middle East, I think is one topic. What seems to be the ambivalence or the lack of a clear set of goals - maybe that ambivalence comes from not knowing what outcome we want or who is our friend or what a better world is for the United States and of Syria, and then ultimately on the Iranian side if you think of the Korean bomb as far away and just the Tehran death spot, the Iranians are more calculated in a hotter area with - where does that go? And I tell you, I couldn't - I couldn't myself tell - you know how we would like things to work out, but it's not discernable to me what the policy of the United States is towards an outcome either in Syria or where we get to in Iran.

    MS. CLINTON: Well, part of it is it's a wicked problem , and it's a wicked problem that is very hard to unpack in part because as you just said, Lloyd, it's not clear what the outcome is going to be and how we could influence either that outcome or a different outcome.

    (I say "cope with" rather than "solve" for reasons that will become apparent.) Yes, Syria's bad, as vividly shown by Blankfein's fumbling question, but I want to focus on the term "wicked problem," which comes from the the field of strategic planning, though it's also infiltrated information technology and management theory . The concept originated in a famous paper by Horst W. J. Rittel and Melvin M. Webber entitled: "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning" (PDF), Policy Sciences 4 (1973), 155-169. I couldn't summarize the literature even if I had the time, but here is Rittel and Webber's introduction:

    There are at least ten distinguishing properties of planning-type problems, i.e. wicked ones, that planners had better be alert to and which we shall comment upon in turn. As you will see, we are calling them "wicked" not because these properties are themselves ethically deplorable. We use the term "wicked" in a meaning akin to that of "malignant" (in contrast to "benign") or "vicious" (like a circle) or "tricky" (like a leprechaun) or "aggressive" (like a lion, in contrast to the docility of a lamb). We do not mean to personify these properties of social systems by implying malicious intent. But then, you may agree that it becomes morally objectionable for the planner to treat a wicked problem as though it were a tame one, or to tame a wicked problem prematurely, or to refuse to recognize the inherent wickedness of social problems.

    And here is a list of Rittel and Webber's ten properties of a "wicked problem" ( and a critique ):

    There is no definite formulation of a wicked problem Wicked problems have no stopping rule Solutions to wicked problems are not true-or-false, but good-or-bad. There is no immediate and no ultimate test of a solution to a wicked problem. Every solution to a wicked problem is a "one-shot operation"; because there is no opportunity to learn by trial-and-error, every attempt counts significantly. Wicked problems do not have an enumerable (or an exhaustively describable) set of potential solutions, nor is there a well-described set of permissible operations that may be incorporated into the plan. Every wicked problem is essentially unique. Every wicked problem can be considered to be a symptom of another [wicked] problem. The causes of a wicked problem can be explained in numerous ways. The choice of explanation determines the nature of the problem's resolution. [With wicked problems,] the planner has no right to be wrong.

    Of course, there's plenty of controversy about all of this, but if you throw these properties against the Syrian clusterf*ck, I think you'll see a good fit, and can probably come up with other examples. My particular concern, however, is with property #3:

    Solutions to wicked problems are not true-or-false, but good-or-bad

    There are conventionalized criteria for objectively deciding whether the offered solution to an equation or whether the proposed structural formula of a chemical compound is correct or false. They can be independently checked by other qualified persons who are familiar with the established criteria; and the answer will be normally unambiguous.

    For wicked planning problems, there are no true or false answers. Normally, many parties are equally equipped, interested, and/or entitled to judge the solutions, although none has the power to set formal decision rules to determine correctness. Their judgments are likely to differ widely to accord with their group or personal interests, their special value-sets, and their ideological predilections. Their assessments of proposed solutions are expressed as "good" or "bad" or, more likely, as "better or worse" or "satisfying" or "good enough."

    (Today, we would call these "many parties" "stakeholders.") My concern is that a Clinton administration, far from compromising - to be fair, Clinton does genuflect toward "compromise" elsewhere - will try to make wicked planning problems more tractable by reducing the number of parties to policy decisions. That is, exactly, what "irredeemables" implies[2], which is unfortunate, especially when the cast out amount to well over a third of the population. The same tendencies were also visible in the Clinton campaigns approach to Sanders and Sanders supporters, and the general strategy of bringing the Blame Cannons to bear on those who demonstrate insufficient fealty.

    From a governance perspective, watch for many more executive orders acceptable to neither right nor left, and plenty of decisions taken in secret. The bomb that could explode here is the legitimacy of a Clinton administration, depending on the parties removed from the policy discussion, and the nature of the decision taken.


    I don't think volatility will decrease on November 8, should Clinton be elected and take office; if anything, it will increase. A ruling party in thrall to finance, intent on treating government functions as opportunities for looting by cronies, blinded by neoliberal ideology and hence incapable of providing truly universal health care, and whose approach to problems of conflict in values is to demonize and exclude the opposition is a recipe for continued crisis.


    [1] Matt Taibbi takes the view that "Speaking to bankers and masters of the corporate universe, she came off as relaxed, self-doubting, reflective, honest, philosophical rather than political, and unafraid to admit she lacked all the answers." I don't buy it. It all read like the same old Clinton to me, and I've read a lot of Clinton (see, e.g., here , here , here , here , here , and here ).

    [2] One is irresistibly reminded of Stalin's "No man, no problem," although some consider Stalin's methods to be unsound.

    oho October 17, 2016 at 1:14 pm

    Slow motion coup. Wish I was being histrionic.

    Vatch October 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm

    Your notion is a lot like Simon Johnson's thoughts about the Quiet Coup from 2009:

    ocop October 17, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Oh my god.

    I had never read this article before. Near perfect diagnosis and even more relevant today than it was then. For everyone's benefit, the central thesis:

    Typically, these countries are in a desperate economic situation for one simple reason-the powerful elites within them overreached in good times and took too many risks. Emerging-market governments and their private-sector allies commonly form a tight-knit-and, most of the time, genteel-oligarchy, running the country rather like a profit-seeking company in which they are the controlling shareholders.

    Of course, the U.S. is unique. And just as we have the world's most advanced economy, military, and technology, we also have its most advanced oligarchy.

    In a primitive political system, power is transmitted through violence, or the threat of violence: military coups, private militias, and so on. In a less primitive system more typical of emerging markets, power is transmitted via money: bribes, kickbacks, and offshore bank accounts. Although lobbying and campaign contributions certainly play major roles in the American political system, old-fashioned corruption-envelopes stuffed with $100 bills-is probably a sideshow today, Jack Abramoff notwithstanding.

    Instead, the American financial industry gained political power by amassing a kind of cultural capital-a belief system. Once, perhaps, what was good for General Motors was good for the country. Over the past decade, the attitude took hold that what was good for Wall Street was good for the country. The banking-and-securities industry has become one of the top contributors to political campaigns, but at the peak of its influence, it did not have to buy favors the way, for example, the tobacco companies or military contractors might have to. Instead, it benefited from the fact that Washington insiders already believed that large financial institutions and free-flowing capital markets were crucial to America's position in the world.

    A hypothesis (at least for "Main Street") proven true between 2009 and 2016:

    Emerging-market countries have only a precarious hold on wealth, and are weaklings globally. When they get into trouble, they quite literally run out of money -- or at least out of foreign currency, without which they cannot survive. They must make difficult decisions; ultimately, aggressive action is baked into the cake. But the U.S., of course, is the world's most powerful nation, rich beyond measure, and blessed with the exorbitant privilege of paying its foreign debts in its own currency, which it can print. As a result, it could very well stumble along for years-as Japan did during its lost decade-never summoning the courage to do what it needs to do, and never really recovering.

    Lastly, the "bleak" scenario from 2009 that today looks about a decade too early, but could with minor tuning (Southern instead of Eastern Europe, for example) end up hitting in a big way:

    It goes like this: the global economy continues to deteriorate, the banking system in east-central Europe collapses, and-because eastern Europe's banks are mostly owned by western European banks-justifiable fears of government insolvency spread throughout the Continent. Creditors take further hits and confidence falls further. The Asian economies that export manufactured goods are devastated, and the commodity producers in Latin America and Africa are not much better off. A dramatic worsening of the global environment forces the U.S. economy, already staggering, down onto both knees. The baseline growth rates used in the administration's current budget are increasingly seen as unrealistic, and the rosy "stress scenario" that the U.S. Treasury is currently using to evaluate banks' balance sheets becomes a source of great embarrassment.

    The conventional wisdom among the elite is still that the current slump "cannot be as bad as the Great Depression." This view is wrong. What we face now could, in fact, be worse than the Great Depression-because the world is now so much more interconnected and because the banking sector is now so big. We face a synchronized downturn in almost all countries, a weakening of confidence among individuals and firms, and major problems for government finances. If our leadership wakes up to the potential consequences, we may yet see dramatic action on the banking system and a breaking of the old elite. Let us hope it is not then too late.

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:34 am

    That's a good reminder to us at NC that not all our readers have been with us since 2009 and may not be familiar with the great financial crash and subsequent events. I remember reading the Johnson article when it came out. And now, almost eight years later…

    There's a reason that there's a "Banana Republic" category. Every time I read an article about the political economy of a second- or third-world country I look for how it applies to this country, and much of the time, it does, particularly on corruption.

    Synoia October 17, 2016 at 1:16 pm

    She told them what they wanted to hear. "No surprises."

    craazyboy October 17, 2016 at 2:17 pm

    We truly must consider the possibility Goldman wrote the 3 speeches, then paid Hillary to give them.

    Next, leak them to Wiki. Everything in them is pretty close to pure fiction – but it is neolib banker fiction. Just makes it all seem more real when they do things this way.

    Yike's, I'm turning into a crazy conspiracy theorist.

    ambrit October 17, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    Don't fall for the 'status quo's' language Jedi mind trick crazyboy. I like to call myself a "sane conspiracy theorist." You can too!
    As for H Clinton's 'slavish' adherence to the Bankster Ethos; in psychology, there is the "Stockholm Syndrome." Here, H Clinton displays the markers of "Wall Street Syndrome."

    Praedor October 17, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    Ugh. Mindless drivel. Talking points provided by Wall St itself would sound identical.

    Then there's this: She did NOT represent Wall St and the Banks while a Senator. They cannot vote. They are not people. They are not citizens. She represented the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE that can VOTE. You cannot represent a nonexistent entity like a corporation as an ELECTED official. You can ONLY represent those who actually can, or do, vote. End of story.

    Portia October 17, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    You cannot represent a nonexistent entity like a corporation

    you are forgetting, of course, that Corporations are people, too. And a corporation's voting is done with a corporation's wallet.

    Roger Smith October 17, 2016 at 1:59 pm

    I saw a video in high school years back that mentioned a specific congressional ruling that gave Congress the equivalent to individual rights. I swear it was also in the 30s but I cannot recall and have never been able to find what it was I saw. Do you have any insight here?

    Portia October 17, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    could this be related?

    Historical Background and Legal Basis of the Federal Register / CFR Publications System

    Why was the Federal Register System Established ?

    New Deal legislation of the 1930's delegated responsibility from Congress to agencies to regulate complex social and economic issues
    Citizens needed access to new regulations to know their effect in advance
    Agencies and Citizens needed a centralized filing and publication system to keep track of rules
    Courts began to rule on "secret law" as a violation of right to due process under the Constitution

    Antoine October 17, 2016 at 1:22 pm

    Third paragraph : WikiLeaks, not Wikipedia :)

    Lambert Strether Post author October 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    Thanks, fixed!

    Roger Smith October 17, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    tl;dr - Clinton has terrible judgement

    But don't forget. She is the most qualified candidate… EVER . Remind me again how this species was able to bring three stranded Apollo 13 astronauts back from the abyss, the vacuum of space with some tape and tubing.

    This is like watching a cheap used car lot advertisement where the owner delivers obviously false platitudes as the store and cars collapse, break, and burst into flames behind them.

    john October 17, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    Stalin spent his early days in a seminary. Masters of broken promises. I'm more interested in Clinton's Chinese connections. Probably tied through JP Morgan. The Chinese are very straightforward in their, dare I say, inscrutible way. The ministers are the ministers, and the palace is the palace.

    The show is disappointing, the debaters play at talking nuclear policy, but have *nothing* to say about Saudi Arabia's new arsenal.

    When politicos talk nuclear, they only mean to allege a threat to Israel, blame Russia, or fear-monger the North Koreans.

    We're in the loop, but only the quietest whispers of the conflict in Pakistan are available. It sounds pretty serious, but there is only interest in attacking inconvenient Arabs.

    On Trump, what an interesting study in communications. The no man you speak of. Even himself caught between his own insincerity towards higher purpose and his own ego as 'the establishment' turns on him.

    The proles of his support are truely a silent majority. The Republicans promised us Reagan for twenty years, and it's finally the quasi-Democrat Trump who delivers.

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:37 am

    > This is like watching a cheap used car lot advertisement where the owner delivers obviously false platitudes as the store and cars collapse, break, and burst into flames behind them.


    With a wall of American flags waving in the background as the smoke and flames rise.

    optimader October 17, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I don't feel particularly courageous. I mean, if we're going to be an effective, efficient economy, we need to have all part of that engine running well, and that includes Wall Street and Main Street.

    this all reads like a cokehead's flow of consciousness on some ethereal topic with no intellectual content on the matter to express. I would have said extemporaneous, but you know it was all scripted, so that's even worse.

    Her rap kinda reminds me of a banal form of the photojournalist in

    "Do you know what the man is saying? Do you? This is dialectics.
    It's very simple dialectics. One through nine, no maybes, no
    supposes, no fractions - you can't travel in space, you can't go out
    into space, you know, without, like, you know, with fractions - what
    are you going to land on, one quarter, three-eighths - what are you
    going to do when you go from here to Venus or something - that's
    dialectic physics, OK? Dialectic logic is there's only love and hate, you
    either love somebody or you hate them."

    Andy October 17, 2016 at 11:42 pm

    NICE ref. Always like's me that redux.

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:42 am

    "Da5id's voice is deep and placid, with no trace of stress. The syllables roll off his tongue like drool. As Hiro walks down the hallway he can hear Da5id talking all the way. 'i ge en i ge en nu ge en nu ge en us sa tu ra lu ra ze em men….'" –Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

    ambrit October 17, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    H Clinton's speaking 'style' reeks. Partial thoughts follow half baked pronouncements, all lacking clarity or coherence, you know?

    grayslady October 17, 2016 at 2:24 pm

    Completely agree. When I first read excerpts from her speeches, I was appalled at the constant use of "you know" peppering most of her sentences. To me, people who constantly bifurcate sentences with "you know" are simply blathering. They usually don't have any in-depth knowledge of the subject matter on which they are opining. Compare Hillary being asked to comment on a subject with someone such as Michael Hudson or Bill Black commenting on a subject and she simply sounds illiterate. I have this feeling that her educational record is based on an ability to memorize and parrot back answers rather than someone who can reach a conclusion by examining multiple concepts.

    Arizona Slim October 17, 2016 at 4:03 pm

    Here's what I don't understand: The lady (and her husband) have LOADS of money. Yet this is the best that she can do?


    Heck, if I had half the Clintons' money, I'd be hiring the BEST speechwriters, acting coaches, and fashion consultants on the planet. And I'd be taking their advice and RUNNING with it. Sheesh. Some people have more money than sense.

    uncle tungsten October 18, 2016 at 12:23 am

    Because she wont pay for quality speechwriters or coaching. Because she is a shyster, cheapskate and a fraud. They hired the most inept IT company to 'mange' their office server who then (in a further fit of cheapskate stupidity) hired an inept IT client manager who then (in a further fit of cheapskate stupidity) asked Reddit for a solution.

    Its in the culture: Podesta does it, Blumenthal does it

    And now they blame the Russians!!!! Imagine the lunacy within the white house if this fool is elected.

    fajensen October 18, 2016 at 12:33 am

    I think she is just not that smart. Maybe intelligent but not flexible enough to do much with it.

    Smart people seek the advice of even smarter people and knowing that experts disagree, they make sure that there is dissent on the advisory team. Then they make up their mind.

    One can say a lot of justifiable bad things about Ronald Reagan, but, he had competent advisors and he used them! With Hillary, Even if she knows she has accessed the best advice on the planet her instinct it to not trust it because "she knows better" and she absolutely will not tolerate dissent. Left to her own devices, she simply copies other people's thinking/ homework instead of building her own ideas with it.

    Code Name D October 17, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    I don't think so. The "you know" has a name, it's called a "verbal tick" and is one of the first things that is attacked when one learns how to speak publicly. Verbal ticks come in many forms, the "ums" for example, or repeating the last few words you just said, over and over again.

    The brain is complex. The various parts of the brain needed for speech; cognition, vocabulary, and vocalizations, actually have difficulty synchronizing. The vocalization part tends to be faster than the rest of the brain and can spit out words faster than the person can put them together. As a result, the "buffer" if you will runs empty, and the speech part of the brains simply fills in the gaps with random gibberish.

    You can train yourself out of this habit of course – but it's something that takes practice.

    So I take HRC's "you know" as evidence that these are unscripted speeches and is directly improvising.

    David Carl Grimes October 17, 2016 at 10:07 pm

    How come her responses during the debates are not peppered with these verbal ticks. At least, I don't recall her saying you know so many times. Isn't she improvising then?

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:43 am

    No, she's not improvising in the debates. It's all scripted, all gamed out.

    Code Name D October 18, 2016 at 7:57 am

    As Lambert said, HRC doesn't do unscripted. The email leaks even sends us evidence that her interviews were scripted and town hall events were carful staged. Even sidestepping that however, dealing with verbal ticks is not all that difficult with a bit of practice and self-awareness.

    Vatch October 17, 2016 at 4:27 pm

    You know, you could have a point there! :-)

    Optimader October 17, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    "You know" is an insidious variation on "like" and "andum", the latter two being bias neutral forms of mental vapor lock of tbe speech center pausing for higher level intellectual processes to refill the speech centers tapped out RAM.

    The "you know" variant is an end run on the listener's cognitive functions logic filters. Is essence appropriating a claim to the listener.

    I detest "you knows" immediately with "no i dont know, please explain."
    The same with "they say" i will always ask "who are they?"
    I think this is important to fo do to ppl for no ofher reason thanto nake them think critically even if it is a fleeting annoyance.

    Back on HRC, i have maintai we that many people overrate her intellectual grasp. Personally I think she is a hea ily cosched parrot. "The US has achieved energy independence"…. TILT. Just because you state things smugly doesnt mean its reality.

    Rhondda October 17, 2016 at 11:13 pm

    I think what I call the lacunae words are really revealing in people's speech. When she says "you know" she is emphasizing that she and the listener both know what she is "talking around." Shared context as a form of almost - encryption, you could say. "This" rather than '"finance" Here rather than at Goldman.I don't know what you'd call it exactly- free floating referent? A habit, methinks, of avoiding being quoted or pinned down. It reminds me of the leaked emails…everyone is very careful to talk around things and they can because they all know what they are talking about. Hillary is consistently referred to, in an eerie H. Rider Haggard way, as "her" - like some She Who Must Not Be Named.

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:46 am

    That would be interesting. A list of all the "you knows" in context. Maybe I should do that.

    clarky90 October 17, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    What surprises me is that Goldmans paid her for these speeches, you know? Hillary C typically pays "the audience" to listen to, and come to her speeches. You know? You know!

    sharonsj October 17, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    This election cycle just proves how bad things have become. The two top presidential candidates are an egotistical ignoramus and the quintessential establishment politician and they are neck and neck because the voting public is Planet Stupid. Things will just continue to fall apart in slow motion until some spark (like another financial implosion) sets off the next revolution.

    flora October 17, 2016 at 1:46 pm

    "Now, without going over how we got to where we are right now, what would be your advice to the Wall Street community and the big banks as to the way forward with those two important decisions?

    "SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I represented all of you [Wall St] for eight years."

    I heard Hillary speak in summer '92, when Bill was running for Prez. She. was. amazing. No joke. Great speech, great ideas, great points. I thought then she should be the candidate. But there was in her speech just a tiny undercurrent of "the ends justify the means." i.e. 'we need to get lots of money so we can do good things.' Fast forward 20+ years. Seems to me that for the Clintons the "means" (getting lots of money) has become the end in itself. Reassuring Wall St. is one method for getting money – large, large amounts of money.

    ekstase October 17, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    I heard similar impressions of her at the time, from women who had dealt with her: Book smart. Street smart. Likeable. But what might have been the best compromise you could get in one decade, may have needed re-thinking as you moved along in time. The cast of players changes. Those who once ruled are now gone. Oh, but the money! And so old ideas can calcify. I'm not suggesting that Trump is even in the ballpark in terms of making compromises, speeches, life changes or anything else to have ever been proud of. Still, the capacity to grow and change is important in a leader. So where are we going now?

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:54 am

    A fine illustration of the maxim that "crime makes you stupid."

    I've said this once, but I'll say it again: After the 2008 caucus debacle, Clinton fired the staff and rejiggered the campaign. They went to lots of small venues, like high school gyms - in other words, "deplorables" territory - and Clinton did her detail, "I have a plan" thing, which worked really well in that context because people who need government to deliver concrete material benefits like that, and rightly. They also organized via cheap phones, because that was how to reach their voters, who weren't hanging out at Starbucks. And, history being written by the winners, we forget that using that strategy, Clinton won all the big states and (if all the votes are counted) a majority of the popular vote. So, good decision on her part. And so from that we've moved to the open corruption of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaign apparatus that takes 11 people to polish and approve a single tweet.

    So I guess the moral of the story is (a) more deterioration, this time from 2008 to 2016, and (b) Clinton can actually make a good decision, but only when forced to by a catastrophe that will impact her personally. Whether she'll be able to rise to the occasion if elected is an open question, but this post argues not.

    allan October 17, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    "Apparently, the provision of public services is not within government's remit! What are Social Security and Medicare? "

    What is the US Post Office? Rumor has it that the PO is mentioned in the US Constitution, a fact that is conveniently forgotten by Strict Constructionists.

    Vatch October 17, 2016 at 1:59 pm

    There's a book with a great title that I haven't read, but maybe some Naked Capitalism readers have read: How the Post Office Created America: A History , by Winifred Gallagher.

    Anne October 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm

    With respect to regulation, I think it should be less a case of quantity, and more one of quality, but Clinton seems to want to make it about finding the sweet spot of exactly how many regulations will be the right amount.

    In general, when companies are willing to spot you $225,000 to speak for some relatively short period of time, willing to meet your demands regarding transportation, hotel accommodations, etc., why would you take the chance of killing the goose that's laying those golden eggs by saying anything likely to tick them off?

    I'd like to think she's kind of embarrassed to have people see how humdrum/boring her speeches were for how much she was paid to give them, but I think there's got to be more "there" somewhere that she didn't want people to be made aware of – and it doesn't necessarily have to be Americans, it could be something to do with foreign governments, foreign policy, trade, etc.

    After learning how many people it takes to send out a tweet with her name on it, I have no idea how she managed this speech thing, unless one of her requirements was that she had to be presented with all questions in advance, so she could be prepared.

    I am more depressed by the day, as it's really beginning to sink in that she's going to be president, and it all just makes me want to stick needles in my eyes.

    Will there even be a debate on Wednesday?

    Roger Smith October 17, 2016 at 1:56 pm

    Also the "Wicked Problems" definitions are very, very interesting. Thank you for bringing those in! I would add that these wicked problems lead to more wicked problems. It is basically dishonesty, and to protect the lie you double down with more, and more, and more…. Most of Clinton's decisions and career seem to be knots of wicked problems.

    The wicked problem is quickly becoming our entire system of governance. Clinton has been described as the malignant tumor here before, but even she is a place holder for the rot. One head of the Hydra that I feel Establishment players would generally be okay with sacrificing if it came to it (and maybe I am wrong there–but it seems as if a lot of the push fro her comes from her inner circle and others play along).

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 12:59 am

    Hail Hydra! Immortal Hydra! We shall never be destroyed! Cut off one limb and two more shall take its place! We serve the Supreme Hydra, as the world shall soon serve us!

    JohnnyGL October 17, 2016 at 2:04 pm

    Re: your conclusion,

    I've heard/read in some places Hillary Clinton described as a "safe pair of hands". I don't understand where this characterization comes from. She's dangerous.

    If she wins with as strong of an electoral map as Obama in '08, she'll take it as a strong mandate and she'll have an ambitious agenda and likely attempt to overreach. I've been meaning to call my congressional reps early and say "No military action on Syria, period!"

    She might use a "public option" as an ACA stealth bailout scheme, but I don't think the public has much appetite to see additional resources being thrown at a "failed experiment". I worry that Bernie's being brought on board for this kind of thing. He should avoid it.

    Is she crazy enough to go for a grand bargain right away? That seems nutty and has been a "Waterloo" for many presidents.

    Remember how important Obama's first year was. Bailouts and ACA were all done that first year. How soon can we put President Clinton II in lame duck status?

    philmc October 17, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    Not really surprised by the intellectual and rhetorical poverty demonstrated by these speeches. Given the current trajectory of our politics, the bar hasn't really been set very high. In fact it looks like we're going to reach full Idiocracy long before originally predicted.

    Jim Thomson October 17, 2016 at 2:09 pm

    You ask, " What can Goldman Sachs possibly have thought they were paying for? "

    But I think you know. Corruption has become so institutionalized that it is impossible to point to any specific Quid Pro Quo. The Quo is the entire system in which GS operates and the care and feeding of which the politicians are paid to administer.

    We focus on HRC's speeches and payments here but I wonder how many other paid talks are given to GS each year by others up and down the influence spectrum. As Bill Black says, a dollar given to a politician provides the largest possible Return on Investment of any expenditure. It is Wall Street's long-term health insurance plan.

    Thank you for slogging through all of this.

    Rory October 17, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    It seems to me that the message of these speeches is straightforward: "I'm bought and willing to stay bought for the right price."

    DolleyMadison October 17, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    Yeah we know which part of the "stool" we'll be getting.If the finance sector is "the nerves, the spinal column" of the country, I suggest the country find a shallow pool in which to shove it – head first.

    Foppe October 17, 2016 at 2:14 pm

    I skimmed the /. comments on a story about this yesterday; basically everyone missed the obvious and went with vox-type responses ("she's a creature of the system / in-fighter / Serious Person").

    Gee October 17, 2016 at 2:26 pm

    Care to know what they are buying? This :

    "So I'm not interested in, you know, turning the clock back or pointing fingers, but I am interested in trying to figure out how we come together to chart a better way forward and one that will restore confidence in, you know, small and medium-size businesses and consumers and begin to chip away at the unemployment rate [five years into the recession!]."

    Basically, even better than a get out of jail free card, in that it is rather a promise that we won't go back and ever hold you responsible, and we have done the best we could so far to avoid having you own up to anything or be held accountable in any way beyond some niggling fines, which of course, you are happy to pay, because in the end, that is simply a handout to the legal industry, who are your best drinking buddies.

    The latter part of that quote is just mumbo jumbo non-sequitir blathering. Clinton appears to know next to nothing about finance, only that it generates enormous amounts of cash for the oh so deserving work that God told them to do.

    uncle tungsten October 18, 2016 at 12:35 am

    +1 exactly: There will be no retrospective prosecutions and none in the future either, trust me! Not the she is any better than Eric Holder but she is certain she should be paid more than him.

    PapaBear October 17, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    "What can Goldman Sachs possibly have thought they were paying for?"

    Influence, plain and simple

    shinola October 17, 2016 at 5:05 pm

    Bingo! Think about it: She was speaking to a group of people whose time is "valued" at 100's if not 1,000's of dollars per hour. She took up their "valuable" time but provided nothing except politics-as-usual blather tailored to that particular audience. Yet she was paid $225k for a single speech…

    I've only skimmed through the speech transcripts; did I miss something of substance?

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 1:00 am

    That was irony…

    phred October 17, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Hillary is a remarkably inarticulate person, which calls into question her intellectual fitness for the job (amidst many other questions, of course). I entirely agree with your depiction of her speeches as mindless drivel.

    However, you may be overthinking the "wicked problem" language. While it is certainly possible that she is familiar with the literature that you cite, nothing else in her speeches suggests that she commands that level of intellectual detail. This makes me think that somewhere along the line she befriended someone from the greater Boston area who uses "wicked" the way Valley Girls use "like". When I first heard the expression decades ago, I found it charming and incorporated it into my own common usage. And I don't use it anything like you describe. To me it is simply used for emphasis. Nothing more or less than that, but I am amused to see an entire literature devoted to the concept of a "wicked problem".

    I remain depressed by this election. No matter how it turns out, it's going to wicked suck ; )

    Michael Fiorillo October 17, 2016 at 5:38 pm

    I think the inarticulateness/cliche infestation is a ploy and a deflection; this is a very intelligent woman who can effectively marshall language when she feels the need. That need was more likely felt in private meetings with the inner cabal at Goldman.

    Not to otherwise compare them, but Bush I's inarticulateness made him seem a buffoon, and that was not the case, either.

    Finally, as a thought experiment, I'd like to suggest that, granting that Clintonismo will privilege those interests which best fortify their arguments with cash, it's also true that Bill and Hillary are all about Bill and Hillary. In other words, it could be that she has the same hustler's disregard toward the lumpen Assistant Vice Presidents filling that room at GS as she does for the average voter. Thus, the empty, past-their-expiration-date calories.

    Sure, she'll take their money and do their bidding, but why even bother to make any more effort than necessary? On a very primal level with these two, it's all about the hustle and the action, and everyone's a potential rube.

    Big River Bandido October 17, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    As in, when Bill put his presidency on the line, the base were expected to circle the wagons. As in, "I'm With Her". Not "She's With Us", natch. It's *always* about the Clintons.

    pretzelattack October 17, 2016 at 2:47 pm

    "Speaking to bankers and masters of the corporate universe, she came off as relaxed, self-doubting, reflective, honest, philosophical rather than political, and unafraid to admit she lacked all the answers."

    seriously, matt taibbi? next, i would like to hear about the positive, feelgood, warmfuzzy qualities of vampire squids (hugs cthulhu doll).

    jgordon October 17, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    Matt Tiabbi, Elizabeth Warren, Benie Sanders, Noam Chompsky–all those used to seem like bastions of integrity have, thanks to Hillary, been revealed as slimy little Weasels who should henceforth be completely disregarded. I'd have to thank Hillary for pulling back the nlindets on that; if not for this election I might have been still foolishly listening to these people.

    hreik October 17, 2016 at 7:34 pm

    agree w you except about Bernie. he always said he'd support the nominee. the suddenness of his capitulation has led many of us to believe he was threatened. somewhere I read something about "someone" planting kiddieporn on his son's computer if he didn't do…… I dunno. I reserve judgement on Sanders until I learn more,…. if i ever do

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 1:01 am

    Let's see what happens after November 8, which is not far away.

    Edward October 17, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    Clinton's remarks were typically vague, as one might expect from a politician; she doesn't want to be pinned down. This may be part of the banality of her remarks.

    What scares me most about Clinton is her belligerence towards Russia and clamoring for a no-fly zone in Syria. The no-fly zone will mean war with Russia. If only Clinton were saying this, we might be safe, but the entire Washington deep state seems to be of one mind in favor of a war. During the cold war this would have been inconceivable; everyone understood a nuclear war must not be allowed. This is no longer true and it is terrifying. Every war game the pentagon used to simulate a war with the U.S.S.R. escalated into an all out nuclear war. What is the "plan B" Obama is pursuing in Syria?

    In the Russian press every day for a long time now they have been discussing the prospect of a conflict. Russia has been conducting civil defense drills in its cities and advised its citizens to recall any children living abroad. This is never reported in our press, which only presents us with caricatures of Putin. Russians are not taken seriously.

    Ché Pasa October 17, 2016 at 3:49 pm

    During the cold war this would have been inconceivable; everyone understood a nuclear war must not be allowed.

    No it wasn't. Far from it. By some miracle, the globe escaped instant incineration but only barely. The Soviets, to their credit, were not about to risk nuclear annihilation to get one up on the US of Perfidy. Our own Dauntless Warriors were more than willing, and I believe it's only through dumb luck that a first strike wasn't launched deliberately or by deliberate "accident."

    Review the Cold War concept of Brinkmanship.

    The current fear/fever over nuclear war with Russia requires madness in the Kremlin - of which there is no evidence. Our Rulers are depending on Putin and his cohorts being the sane ones as rhetoric from the US and the West ratchets ever upwards.

    But then, the Kremlin is looking for any hint of sanity on US and NATO side and is finding little…

    Edward October 17, 2016 at 4:29 pm

    Curtis LeMay tried to provoke a nuclear war with the Soviets in the 1950's. By and large, however, the American state understood a nuclear war was unwinnable and avoided such a possibility. A no-fly zone in Syria would start a war with Russia. William Polk, who participated in the Cuban missle crisis and U.S. nuclear war games, argues in this article

    that a war with Russia would escalate.

    Starveling October 17, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    If high finance is our nervous system, does the American body politic have a terminal case of Parkinsons?

    oho October 17, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    With some CJD/mad cow disease.

    Oregoncharles October 17, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    " "the nerves, the spinal column" of the country, goes farther than Obama ever did."

    But this description is technically true. That is finance's proper function, co-ordinating the flow of capital and resources, especially from where they're in excess to where they're needed. It's a key decision-making system – for the economy, preferably not for society as a whole. That would be the political system.

    So on this basic level, the problem is that finance, more and more, has put its own institutional and personal interests ahead of its proper function. It's grown far too huge, and stopped performing its intended function – redistributing resources – in favor of just accumulating them, in the rather illusory form of financial instruments, some of them pure vapor ware.

    So yes, this line reflects a very bad attitude on Hillary's part, but by misappropriating a truth – pretty typical propaganda.

    Yves Smith October 17, 2016 at 5:26 pm

    No, finance does NOT "channel resources". Wash your mouth out. This is more neoliberal cant.

    Financiers do not make investments in the real economy. The overwhelming majority of securities trading is in secondary markets, which means it's speculation. And when a public company decides whether or not to invest in a new project, it does not present a prospectus on that new project to investors. It runs the numbers internally. For those projects, the most common source of funding is retained earnings.

    Sluggeaux October 17, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    Clinton shows that she is either a Yale Law grad who does not have the slightest idea that Wall Street does very little in the economy but fleece would-be investors, or that she is an obsequious flatterer of those from whom she openly takes bribes.

    Or both.

    aab October 18, 2016 at 1:25 am


    DolleyMadison October 17, 2016 at 8:10 pm

    Wash your mouth out! Hahaaa I love you Yves…

    timotheus October 17, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    Having heard Hillary, Chelsea (yes, she's being groomed) and many, many other politicians over the years, including a stint covering Capitol Hill, Mme C's verbal style does not surprise to me at all but rather strikes me as perfectly serviceable. It is a mellifluous drone designed to lull the listener into thinking that she is on their side, and the weakness of the actual statements only becomes clear when reading them on the page later (which rarely happens). The drowsy listener will catch, among the words strung together like Christmas lights, just the key terms and concepts that demonstrate knowledge of the brief and a soothing layer of vague sympathy. Those who can award her $600K can assume with some confidence that, rhetoric aside, she will be in the tank when needed. The rest of us have to blow away the chaff and peer into the yawning gaps lurking behind the lawyerly parsing. In all fairness, this applies to 90% of seekers of public office.

    xformbykr October 17, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    has the commentariat seen these from paul craig roberts?

    it doesn't say anything but contains links to these:

    both of which present a clinical assessment that Hillary suffers from Parkinson's. Seems like an elephant in the room.

    polecat October 17, 2016 at 7:09 pm

    There's so many elephants in the room, i'd be willing to call it a herd …..

    Sluggeaux October 17, 2016 at 3:57 pm

    The absolute vacuousness of Clinton's remarks, coupled with her ease at neoliberal conventional wisdom, make it clear that Goldman's payments were nothing more (or less) than a $675,000 anticipatory "so no quid pro quo here" bribe.

    Who on earth gives up their vote to a politician who is so shameless an corrupt that she openly accepts bribes from groups who equally shamelessly and corruptly are looting the commons? Apparently many, but not me.

    LT October 17, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    "Public-private partnerships"
    That's higher taxes for pleebs to subsidize corporations.
    Mussolini would be proud.

    Ché Pasa October 17, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    Nothing like making lemons out of lemonade, is there?

    There really is a question why she didn't do this doc dump herself when Bernie asked. Yeah, sure, she would have been criticized ("damned if you do, damned if you don't") but because of who she is she'll be criticized no matter what. There is nothing she can do to avoid it.

    Not only is there no smoking gun, it's almost as if she's trying to inject a modicum of social conscience into a culture that has none. And no, she isn't speaking artfully; nor is she an orator.

    Oh. Not that we didn't know already.

    The most galling aspect is her devotion to the neoLibCon status quo. Steady as she goes. Apparently a lot of people find the status quo satisfactory. Feh.


    Anon October 17, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    If this document dump came out during the primary campaign, then HRC may have lost. Even Black, Southern ladies can smell the corrupting odor clinging to these "speeches".

    Ché Pasa October 18, 2016 at 6:11 am

    Given the way DNC protected her during the primaries, and what looked like a pretty light touch by Bernie and (who? O'Malley was it?) toward her, I doubt these speeches would have been her undoing.

    Dull and relatively benign, and policy-wise almost identical to Obama's approach to the bankers' role in the economic unpleasantness. "Consensus" stuff with some hint of a social conscience. 

    Not effective and not enough to do more than the least possible ("I told them they ought to behave better. Really!") on behalf of the Rabble.

    But not a campaign killer. Even so, by not releasing transcripts during the primary, she faced - and still faces - mountains of criticism over it. No escape. Not for her.

    Lambert Strether Post author October 18, 2016 at 1:04 am

    > Steady as she goes

    I'm not sure that's an appropriate strategy for dealing with multiple interlocking wicked problems, but I'm not sure why. Suppose we invoke the Precautionary Principle - is incremental change really the way to avoid harm?

    Ché Pasa October 18, 2016 at 6:14 am

    The Consensus (of Opinions That Matter) says it is. On the other hand, blowing up the System leads to Uncertainty, and as we know, we can't have that. Mr. Market wouldn't like it…

    aab October 18, 2016 at 2:32 am

    The leaked emails confirm - even though she herself never writes them, which is really odd, when you consider that Podesta is her Campaign Chair and close ally going back decades - that she is compulsively secretive, controlling, and resistant to admitting she's wrong. The chain of people talking about how to get her to admit she was wrong about Nancy Reagan and AIDS was particularly fascinating that way; she was flat out factually inaccurate, and it had the potential to do tremendous harm to her campaign with a key donor group, and it was apparently still a major task to persuade her to say "I made a mistake."

    So while I think you are wrong that the speeches wouldn't have hurt her in the primary, I also think Huma would have had to knock her out and tie her up (not in a fun way) to get those speeches released.

    I can't imagine a worse temperament to govern, particularly under the conditions she'll be facing. But she'll be fully incompetent before too long, so I don't suppose it matters that much. I'm morbidly curious to see how long they can keep her mostly hidden and propped up for limited appearances, before having to let Kaine officially take over. Will we be able to figure out who's actually in power based on the line-up on some balcony?

    Ché Pasa October 18, 2016 at 6:24 am

    Fair points, though the "temperament" issue may be one that follows from the nature of the job - even "No Drama Obama" is said to have a fierce anger streak, and secrecy, controlling behavior, and refusing to admit error is pretty typical of presidents, VPs, and other high officials. The King/Queen can do no wrong, dontchaknow. (cf: Bush, GW, and his whole administration for recent examples. History is filled with them, though.)

    As for Hillary's obvious errors in judgment, I think they speak for themselves and they don't speak well of her.

    Blurtman October 17, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    Wall Street fraud = "bad decisions"

    Alex morfesis October 17, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    TINA vs WATA (we are the alternative)…the next two years are gonna be interesting…evil is often a cover for total incompetence and exposure…our little tsarina will insist brigades that dont exist move against enemies that are hardly there…when she & her useless minions were last in/on the seat of power(j edger version of sop) the netizens of the world were young and dumb…now not so much…

    Don Midwest USA October 17, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    I got into wicked problems 35 years ago in the outstanding book by Ian Mitroff and R. O. Mason, "Challenging Strategic Planning Assumptions." First page of Chapter One has subsection title COMPLEXITY, followed by "A Little Experiment" Lets try the experiment with current problems.

    One could come up with a list of major problems, but here is the one used by C. West Churchman mentioned along with Horst Riddle. Churchman back in the 80's said that the problems of the world were M*P**3, or M, P cubed, or M * P * P *P with the letters standing for Militarism, Population, Poverty and Pollution.

    Here is how they ran the exercise

    1. Suppose there were a solution to any of these 4 problems, would that solution be related to the other problems. Clearly.

    2. Thus 'whenever a policy maker attempts to solve a complex policy problem, it is related to all the others

    Repeated attempts in other contexts give the same result: basically, every real world policy problem is related to every other real world policy problem

    This is from page 4, the second page of the book.

    I ran this exercise for several years in ATT Bell Labs and ATT.

    1. List major problems
    2. How long have they been around? (most for ever except marketing was new after breakup in '84
    3. If one was solved, would that solution be related in any way to the other ones?
    4. Do you know of any program that is making headway? (occasionally Quality was brought up)

    This could be done in a few minutes, often less than 5 minutes

    5. Conclusion: long term interdependent problems that are not being addressed

    Thus the only grade that matters in this course on Corporate Transformation that now begins is that you have new insights on these problems. This was my quest as an internal consultant in ATT to transform the company. I failed.

    Moby October 18, 2016 at 1:27 am

    Most noticeable thing is her subservience to them like a fresh college grad afraid of his boss at his first job

    Phil October 18, 2016 at 1:35 am

    I was a Sanders supporter. Many here will disagree, but if Clinton wins I don't think she's going to act as she might have acted in 2008, if she had won.

    Clinton is a politician, and *all* politicians dissemble in private, unless they're the mayor of a small town of about 50 people – and even then! Politicians – in doing their work – *must* compromise to some degree, with the best politicians compromising in ways that bring their constituents more benefit, than not.

    That said, Clinton is also a human being who is capable of change. This election cycle has been an eye opener for both parties. If Clinton wins (and, I think she will), the memory of how close it was with Sanders and the desperate anger and alienation she has experienced from Trump supporters (and even Sanders' supporters) *must* have already gotten her thinking about what she is going to have to get done to insure a 2020 win for Democrats, whether or not she is running in 2020.

    In sum, I think Clinton is open to change, and I don't believe that she is some deep state evil incarnate; sge's *far* from perfect, and she's not "pure" in her positioning – thank god!, because in politics, purists rarely accomplish anything.

    If Clinton reverts to prior form (assuming she makes (POTUS), 2020 will make 2016 look like a cakewalk, for both parties – including the appearance of serious 3rd party candidates with moxy, smarts, and a phalanx of backers (unlike the current crop of two – Johnson and Stein).

    [Oct 17, 2016] CNN is telling viewers it is illegal to read the Podesta Wikileaks.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Everything Wikileaks is putting out on this simply continues to CONFIRM the verifiable existence of this vast network of Clinton MSM Media Mafia that Hill-Billery have constructed over the years. The MSM is absolutely IN THE TANK for the war-whore. ..."
    "... AMAZING how the "Objective", "Fact-Checking" MSM is shown to be totally tainted, but the very stranglehold that the MSM mafia have on the information flow prevents these clear facts form being widely disseminated to the (sometimes willfully) stupid masses. ..."
    "... George H.W. Bush - Potus - CIA, Bill Clinton - Potus - CIA, George W. Bush - Potus - CIA, Barack Obama - Potus - CIA, Hillary Clinton - CIA Is Trump toast or what? ..."
    "... As an aside, the sheeples are easily persuaded by simple catchy headlines and seldom read deeper into the articles to separate fact from fiction. Look at how many facts have been released proving the massive widespread fraud by Hillary and the Clinton Foundation, yet there is not one indictment...yet. ..."
    "... As corporate control of media outlets has tightened, the Democrats have become the party of hot-money Corporate America. As our economy disintegrates, most corporate interests are moving to finance as their main activity. The Clinton Democrats realized this faster than the Republicans did, and pivoted to represent Finance above all other sectors of the economy. So the Clintons have safely positioned themselves in alignment with the interests that control the media, and any opponents have to take on the media to get to the Clintons. ..."
    Creative_Destruct MagicHandPuppet Oct 16, 2016 6:20 PM

    Everything Wikileaks is putting out on this simply continues to CONFIRM the verifiable existence of this vast network of Clinton MSM Media Mafia that Hill-Billery have constructed over the years. The MSM is absolutely IN THE TANK for the war-whore.

    AMAZING how the "Objective", "Fact-Checking" MSM is shown to be totally tainted, but the very stranglehold that the MSM mafia have on the information flow prevents these clear facts form being widely disseminated to the (sometimes willfully) stupid masses.

    Loftie Creative_Destruct Oct 16, 2016 8:31 PM

    George H.W. Bush - Potus - CIA, Bill Clinton - Potus - CIA, George W. Bush - Potus - CIA, Barack Obama - Potus - CIA, Hillary Clinton - CIA Is Trump toast or what?

    Son of Loki Robert Trip Oct 16, 2016 3:31 PM

    As an aside, the sheeples are easily persuaded by simple catchy headlines and seldom read deeper into the articles to separate fact from fiction. Look at how many facts have been released proving the massive widespread fraud by Hillary and the Clinton Foundation, yet there is not one indictment...yet. Add to that the corrupt FBI cheif 0Comey) and DOJ AG (Lowrenta) and Americans are royally screwed unless they read deeper and thoughtfully AND vote!

    I will admit I used to be that simply way (pretty stupid) and seldom read analytically ... when I was 6 years old. But a person needs to educate themselves for their own survival and read and listen critically.

    swmnguy y3maxx Oct 16, 2016 1:05 PM

    Simple. Two reasons, actually. As corporate control of media outlets has tightened, the Democrats have become the party of hot-money Corporate America. As our economy disintegrates, most corporate interests are moving to finance as their main activity. The Clinton Democrats realized this faster than the Republicans did, and pivoted to represent Finance above all other sectors of the economy. So the Clintons have safely positioned themselves in alignment with the interests that control the media, and any opponents have to take on the media to get to the Clintons.

    Also, the Clintons have had to face the weakest and least media-attractive opponents available. Trump is a little different, as he's a complete media creation and probably the most media-savvy public figure out there, but what the media create, they can tear down also. When the media have to choose between their paymasters and their creations, their paymasters win every time.

    Global Hunter y3maxx Oct 16, 2016 1:06 PM "In layman's have the clintons been so successful controlling MSM?"

    Clinton's are the public and political front and in return they have been given license to loot whatever they can. The people the Clinton's represent control the MSM and pretty much all the people who work in the MSM will do or say anything for not only money but esteem of their peers (or to feel superior or better than their peers).


    Bay of Pigs y3maxx Oct 16, 2016 1:14 PM

    There are six big corporations that own 90% of the MSM, including Time Warner, Comcast and Disney. Thus, they tightly control the CONTENT asnd FLOW of the news. They work together controlling the NARRATIVE for the candidate they wish to promote.

    sushi y3maxx Oct 16, 2016 2:53 PM Look at her advertising budget. It is in the hundreds of millions. Look at Trumps advertising budget. It is the cost of his Twitter account.

    The corporate media are bleeding. Advertisers are leaving for new media. The Clinton ad money is manna from heaven. Would you risk being cut off the gravy train by running a negative story? No way. This is why NBC holds a negative tape on Clinton but happily releases a negative tape on Trump.

    This campaign shows the 1% all talking to themselves and assuring each other they are victorius. Outside the 1% who counts? Nobody. They are all deplorable. I think the results on November 8th could be shocker.

    opport.knocks sushi Oct 16, 2016 9:36 PM

    The world's biggest harvester of Ad revenue is Google, and they are in bed with the Democrats.

    There will be none of those pesky anti-trust lawsuits, like the ones in Europe, as long as Google plays along.

    Whoa Dammit 38BWD22 Oct 16, 2016 1:09 PM

    CNN is telling viewers it is illegal to read the Podesta Wikileaks.

    AtATrESICI Whoa Dammit Oct 16, 2016 2:25 PM


    United States, 232 U. S. 383 ; Johnson v. United States, 228 U. S. 457 ; Perlman v. United States, 247 U. S. 7 ; Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, 251 U. S. 385 ; Gouled v. United States, 255 U. S. 298 .

    The Fourth Amendment gives protection against unlawful searches and seizures, and, as shown in the previous cases, its protection applies to governmental action. Its origin and history clearly show that it was intended as a restraint upon the activities of sovereign authority, and was not intended to be a limitation upon other than governmental agencies; as against such authority, it was the purpose of the Fourth Amendment to secure the citizen in the right of unmolested occupation of his dwelling and the possession of his property, subject to the right of seizure by process duly issued.

    In the present case, the record clearly shows that no official of the federal government had anything to do with the wrongful seizure of the petitioner's property or any knowledge thereof until several months after the property had been taken from him and was in the possession of the Cities Service Company. It is manifest that there was no invasion of the security afforded by the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure, as whatever wrong was done was the act of individuals in taking the property of another. A portion of the property so taken and held was turned over to the prosecuting officers of the federal government. We assume that petitioner has an unquestionable right of redress against those who illegally and wrongfully took his private property under the circumstances herein disclosed, but with such remedies we are not now concerned.

    The Fifth Amendment, as its terms import, is intended to secure the citizen from compulsory testimony against himself. It protects from extorted confessions, or examinations in court proceedings by compulsory methods.

    The exact question to be decided here is: may the

    Page 256 U. S. 476

    government retain incriminating papers coming to it in the manner described with a view to their use in a subsequent investigation by a grand jury where such papers will be part of the evidence against the accused, and may be used against him upon trial should an indictment be returned?

    We know of no constitutional principle which requires the government to surrender the papers under such circumstances. Had it learned that such incriminatory papers, tending to show a violation of federal law, were in the hands of a person other than the accused, it having had no part in wrongfully obtaining them, we know of no reason why a subpoena might not issue for the production of the papers as evidence. Such production would require no unreasonable search or seizure, nor would it amount to compelling the accused to testify against himself.

    The papers having come into the possession of the government without a violation of petitioner's rights by governmental authority, we see no reason why the fact that individuals, unconnected with the government, may have wrongfully taken them should prevent them from being held for use in prosecuting an offense where the documents are of an incriminatory character.

    It follows that the district court erred in making the order appealed from, and the same is


    MR. JUSTICE BRANDEIS dissenting with whom MR. JUSTICE HOLMES concurs.

    Plaintiff's private papers were stolen. The thief, to further his own ends, delivered them to the law officer of the United States. He, knowing them to have been stolen, retains them for use against the plaintiff. Should the court permit him to do so?

    Page 256 U. S. 477

    That the court would restore the papers to plaintiff if they were still in the thief's possession is not questioned. That it has power to control the disposition of these stolen papers, although they have passed into the possession of the law officer, is also not questioned. But it is said that no provision of the Constitution requires their surrender, and that the papers could have been subpoenaed. This may be true. Still I cannot believe that action of a public official is necessarily lawful because it does not violate constitutional prohibitions and because the same result might have been attained by other and proper means. At the foundation of our civil liberty lies the principle which denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. And, in the development of our liberty, insistence upon procedural regularity has been large factor. Respect for law will not be advanced by resort, in its enforcement, to means which shock the common man's sense of decency and fair play.

    [Oct 17, 2016] All the same media outlets and elites that were screaming for the invasion of Iraq are now howling for evil Syrian blood and the removal of another monster before he destroys all the peace and stability we bring to the region

    Notable quotes:
    "... The trees, the forest and pretty much the entire landscape are screaming 2000 and 2004 didn't matter a damn. ..."
    "... All the same media outlets and elites that were screaming for the invasion of Iraq are now howling for evil Syrian blood and the removal of another 'monster' before he destroys all the peace and stability we bring to the region. ..."
    "... This time, of course, there's no Bush/Cheney in charge. But no matter, the decisions and the rationale are identical. Democracy will flower in the region once America and the UK kill enough of the bad guys and install their own puppets (I mean 'good guys') ..."
    "... Hillary and the democrats are in charge of the killing, so all the death must be both necessary and humanitarian. The possibility that more death and more wars and more invasions and more regime change is pretty much built into the 'solution' is unthinkable. ..."
    "... Watching all the cheering for 'victory in Mosul' and over the 'hold-outs' in Libya has actually driven me to turn off the nets ..."
    "... Violent regime-change is 'unavoidable' regardless of which party is in power. And the current war is always better, safer, and less prone to blow-back than all those other earlier stupid wars ..."
    Oct 17, 2016 |

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 2:31 pm 240

    Clinton meets impartial press to discuss repackaging Hillary over cocktails hosted by Diane Sawyer:

    bruce wilder 10.15.16 at 3:39 pm 244
    ks @ 240:

    Reading thru the link, my favorite part was the stated purpose of the cocktail party for elite NY reporters: "Give reporters their first thoughts . . ."

    kidneystones 10.17.16 at 1:06 pm 339
    @244 Good eye, Bruce. The trees, the forest and pretty much the entire landscape are screaming 2000 and 2004 didn't matter a damn.

    All the same media outlets and elites that were screaming for the invasion of Iraq are now howling for evil Syrian blood and the removal of another 'monster' before he destroys all the peace and stability we bring to the region.

    This time, of course, there's no Bush/Cheney in charge. But no matter, the decisions and the rationale are identical. Democracy will flower in the region once America and the UK kill enough of the bad guys and install their own puppets (I mean 'good guys') .

    Hillary and the democrats are in charge of the killing, so all the death must be both necessary and humanitarian. The possibility that more death and more wars and more invasions and more regime change is pretty much built into the 'solution' is unthinkable.

    Watching all the cheering for 'victory in Mosul' and over the 'hold-outs' in Libya has actually driven me to turn off the nets .

    Violent regime-change is 'unavoidable' regardless of which party is in power. And the current war is always better, safer, and less prone to blow-back than all those other earlier stupid wars .

    I learned that reading the pro-Hillary 'liberal' press.

    [Oct 17, 2016] Huma Abedin Wanted Shorter Statement for Podium-Less Hillary

    Notable quotes:
    "... she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial and went stiff as a board when she fell into the van....90 minutes later she comes out of Chelseas' apartment looking 20 pounds thinner! She was also grinning and hopping around....I'd like to know what they are giving her and order some..LOL ..."
    "... They accused him of using cocaine, and he comes back by asking for a drug test for both. Sheer brilliance ..."
    Oct 17, 2016 |
    Huma Abedin, top aide to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, asked a speechwriter to shorten a potential statement to reporters because Clinton would not deliver it at a podium, according to the latest Wikileaks release of messages from John Podesta's email accounts.

    Dan Schwerin, Direct of Speechwriting for Clinton's campaign, sent a draft of a "post-game statement [Hillary] could make to press" after she testified before the House Benghazi Committee in October 2015. The statement, at 253 words, would take the average speaker less than two minutes to deliver .

    "I would make it shorter only because it's a bank of Mics and no podium," Abedin replied.

    Based on contemporaneous news reports, Clinton's team appears to have scrapped a "post-game" statement altogether - since Clinton ultimately sat and talked for 11 hours over the course of the hearing. During that time, Clinton suffered a coughing fit for several minutes while answering questions from Rep. Elijah Cummings.


    ladywarrior > Pattée Cross

    That makes sense...because when she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial and went stiff as a board when she fell into the van....90 minutes later she comes out of Chelseas' apartment looking 20 pounds thinner! She was also grinning and hopping around....I'd like to know what they are giving her and order some..LOL

    It reminds of the movie. "Death Becomes Her" with Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep where they are dead and Bruce Willis keeps them animated with "science"....

    ladywarrior > Realistic Observer

    Yes! I saw that medicinal drip apparatus in a photo of her leaning down talking to supporters at the last debate....small box showing through her jacket with a hose running up the middle of her back between her shoulder was clear as a bell.....she's being kept upright with super drugs....

    constitutionminded > Bloodaxe

    They accused him of using cocaine, and he comes back by asking for a drug test for both. Sheer brilliance.

    [Oct 17, 2016] Latest Wiki Dump Reveals Heavy Press Collusion Over Hillarys Excellent Health Medical Statement

    Notable quotes:
    "... So now David Axelrod suggests Hillary should drop out of third debate scheduled for Wednesday, blames Trump's call for drug test! ..."
    "... Drudge says Hillary about to be very publicly finally forced out of the closet! ..."
    "... Here's what the Clinton Staff say about Chelsea: "..the apple doesn't fall far. A kiss on the cheek while she's sticking a knife in the back, and the front." ..."
    Oct 17, 2016 |
    Among the latest, ninth round of Podesta email releases by Wikileaks this morning, is a July 31, 2015 email by Hillary Clinton's National Press Secretary Brian Fallon who lays out the agenda for the day's rollout of Clinton's tax record and, more importantly, Hillary's "excellent health" medical statement, where once again the media, listed as "AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc" is exposed as coordinating and colluding with the campaign to send a message that Hillary is in great health.

    In the email written in the early hours on Friday, Fallon writes that in the "rollout plan" for that same day, the campaign will "Pitch the first round of stories to the travelling press corps (AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc) with a 2 pm embargo."

    He goes on to say that for these stories "we will provide the full text of HRC's physician's letter, summarizing that she is in excellent health and is medically fit to perform the duties of President. We will push that she is the FIRST presidential candidate to release this info."

    In further evidence of the prepared media narrative, Fallon points out that "we expect the stories that pop at 2 pm to have headlines such as "CLINTON IN 'EXCELLENT HEALTH,' MEDICAL RECORDS SAY" … "CLINTON RELEASES HEALTH REPORT."

    ... ... ...

    * * *

    The above takes places several months after a March 2015 email exchange in which campaign manager Mook wrote Podesta, asking if he had talked to Hillary "about her taxes and health:, admitting that both topics are "hypersensitive" to her, yet adding that "both are better dealt with very early so we control them--rather than responding to calls for transparency."

    * * *

    And that is how Hillary's well-greased organization maintained the lid on her health narrative from day one, and prevented it from sliding out of control in an undesired direction by coordinating with the "friendly press." Of course, it was unable to do so for too long, as we noted over the summer; at that point the Clinton campaign would simply smear those non-compliant press as "alt-right" elements, or as has been the case recently, invoke "Russian-support" elements and suggest it is one vast conspiracy, at least until a video of Hillary collapsing on September 11 emerged and confirmed it was all just "conspiracy fact."

    Yes We Can. But... •Oct 16, 2016 12:28 PM

    So now David Axelrod suggests Hillary should drop out of third debate scheduled for Wednesday, blames Trump's call for drug test!

    And Drudge says Hillary about to be very publicly finally forced out of the closet! Payback for going after Trump's supposed kissy-kissy feely-feely thing.

    Methinks it all may be a bit more than she has the strength and/or willingness to bear this Wednesday.

    847328_3527 -> ipso_facto Oct 16, 2016 12:40 PM
    "Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candiate ever to run for president of the United States." ~ Gingrich

    Hannity: WikiLeaks uncovered bombshell Clinton revelations

    Great interview with Gingrich. He also calls out the wookie and Obama as being a liars.

    Whoa Dammit NoPension Oct 16, 2016 1:06 PM
    Here's what the Clinton Staff say about Chelsea: "..the apple doesn't fall far. A kiss on the cheek while she's sticking a knife in the back, and the front."

    And here's Posdesta's racist remark about white people when he found out the San Bernadino shooter was Muslim

    Also, #podestaemails9 is going wild on twitter--take a look

    [Oct 17, 2016] Jill Stein On Fire "Crooked Corporate Democrats! Waste of Votes! Traitors! Monsters!"

    WOW! Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein is on fire! After previously blasting Hillary Clinton, accusing her of basically being a scary psychopath who "would start World War 3 with Russia", Jill is now warning liberal progressives not to throw away their vote by supporting corporatist Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton because she is a "two faced public and private position, corporatist who takes Wall Street special interest big donor money, traitor who would betray you, a crook who controls the media, a monster and your votes would be wasted on her" in what is basically a summary of what Jill Stein said.

    "Don't waste your vote on corporate Democrats. #InvestYourVote," Stein wrote on Twitter on Wednesday:

    "If Trump's campaign is flailing, does a "spoiler" vote even exist anymore? Don't waste your vote on corporate Democrats."

    Stein then retweeted a statement from the Green Party's official Twitter account which read, "It's time to #InvestYourVote in building a people's party – not waste your vote on corporate party candidates that continue to betray you."

    "Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, we don't cuddle up to Wall Street and special interests with our 'public' and 'private' positions," Stein added in a separate tweet, referring to the recent WikiLeaks revelation that Hillary Clinton said that politicians need to have "both a public and private position" on every issue:

    "Unlike the Democrats and Republicans, we don't cuddle up to Wall Street and special interests with our "public" and "private" positions."

    she's right the Republicans are in the same boat! People like Paul Ryan, John McCain, there's no doubt about it, they are just as corrupt as the Democrats. Its only Donald Trump himself who is not bound to any Wall Street special interests and who doesn't accept donations from big banks, but other Republicans are just as corrupt as your average Democrats. That's why GOP elites are not endorsing Trump. Trump himself is also at war with the GOP establishment.

    Stein observed that "corporations were originally chartered to serve the public good, but they've become monsters that dominate our government."

    Stein has previously explained that the liberal progressive agenda–on health care, crime, climate change, trade, etc.– cannot be accomplished under a corporatist like Hillary Clinton. Stein argued that a Clinton presidency will simply be the continuation of the policies supported by Washington's "uniparty," which is controlled by special interest donors–and will not in any way advance the goals of liberal progressives.

    Seeming to borrow Trump's moniker for Clinton, Stein also attacked DNC chair Donna Brazile for her "crooked" behavior– providing Clinton's campaign with a question in advance for a town hall as Clinton was trying to defeat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary:

    "Invest your vote in a movement party, not in more crooked behavior from the Democrats! PodestaEmails4 "

    Stein is a Harvard Medical School graduate, a mother to two sons, and a practicing physician, who became an environmental-health activist and organizer in the late 1990s. As the Green Party's 2012 presidential candidate, Stein holds the record for the most votes ever received by a female candidate for president in a general election.

    While third party Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson has received quite a bit of media attention throughout this election, Stein said that she has experienced a virtual media blackout. Stein urged supporters to help her "#BreakTheBlackout from corporate media."

    Stein suggested that the reason for the media blackout stems is because she is an effective messenger against Washington's "uniparty."

    "I debated @MittRomney in 2002 and was declared the winner by viewers. After that they locked me out of the debates," Stein tweeted. "The Democratic and Republican candidates + @GovGaryJohnson refuse to debate me because they're scared. #OccupyTheDebate":

    "Help us #BreakTheBlackout from corporate media – go to and sign up to join our team! #GreenTownHall"

    WOW! Her anti-Hillary rants have been really strong lately! Its nice to finally see someone else take on the crooked Democrats with such anger. Seeing Trump doing all the ranting all by himself is really nice but now its even better. Perhaps the two should meet and discuss some sort of alliance. Jill Stein could be an effective messenger to the Bernie voters. Perhaps Trump could make her the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency or something, since she's Green.

    In exchange Jill should of course drop out and ask her 2% voter base to vote Trump. She should also keep bashing the Democrats and target Bernie Sanders's people to vote Trump. Wouldn't be such a bad idea, wouldn't it??

    Yeah, it's too far-fetched… we agree!

    [Oct 17, 2016] FBI Agents Angry at Comey for Not Charging Clinton

    The decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for mishandling classified information has roiled the FBI and Department of Justice, with one person closely involved in the year-long probe telling that career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged.

    The source, who spoke to on the condition of anonymity, said Obama appointee FBI Director James Comey's dramatic July 5 announcement that he would not recommend to the Attorney General's office that the former secretary of state be charged left members of the investigative team dismayed and disgusted. More than 100 FBI agents and analysts worked around the clock with six attorneys from the DOJ's National Security Division, Counter Espionage Section, to investigate the case.

    "No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute - it was a top-down decision," said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified by

    A high-ranking FBI official told Fox News that while it might not have been a unanimous decision, "It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton's] security clearance yanked."

    "It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted," the senior FBI official told Fox News. "We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said 'but we are doing nothing,' which made no sense to us."

    The FBI declined to comment directly, but instead referred Fox News to multiple public statements Comey has made in which he has thrown water on the idea that politics played a role in the agency's decision not to recommend charges.

    [Oct 17, 2016] Latest Wiki Dump Reveals Heavy Press Collusion Over Hillary's Excellent Health Medical Statement Zero Hedge

    Oct 17, 2016 |

    Among the latest, ninth round of Podesta email releases by Wikileaks this morning, is a July 31, 2015 email by Hillary Clinton's National Press Secretary Brian Fallon who lays out the agenda for the day's rollout of Clinton's tax record and, more importantly, Hillary's "excellent health" medical statement, where once again the media, listed as "AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc" is exposed as coordinating and colluding with the campaign to send a message that Hillary is in great health.

    In the email written in the early hours on Friday, Fallon writes that in the "rollout plan" for that same day, the campaign will "Pitch the first round of stories to the travelling press corps (AP, Politico, WSJ, WaPo, etc) with a 2 pm embargo."

    He goes on to say that for these stories "we will provide the full text of HRC's physician's letter, summarizing that she is in excellent health and is medically fit to perform the duties of President. We will push that she is the FIRST presidential candidate to release this info."

    In further evidence of the prepared media narrative, Fallon points out that "we expect the stories that pop at 2 pm to have headlines such as "CLINTON IN 'EXCELLENT HEALTH,' MEDICAL RECORDS SAY" … "CLINTON RELEASES HEALTH REPORT."

    ... ... ...

    * * *

    The above takes places several months after a March 2015 email exchange in which campaign manager Mook wrote Podesta, asking if he had talked to Hillary "about her taxes and health:, admitting that both topics are "hypersensitive" to her, yet adding that "both are better dealt with very early so we control them--rather than responding to calls for transparency."

    * * *

    And that is how Hillary's well-greased organization maintained the lid on her health narrative from day one, and prevented it from sliding out of control in an undesired direction by coordinating with the "friendly press." Of course, it was unable to do so for too long, as we noted over the summer; at that point the Clinton campaign would simply smear those non-compliant press as "alt-right" elements, or as has been the case recently, invoke "Russian-support" elements and suggest it is one vast conspiracy, at least until a video of Hillary collapsing on September 11 emerged and confirmed it was all just "conspiracy fact."

    Yes We Can. But... •Oct 16, 2016 12:28 PM

    So now David Axelrod suggests Hillary should drop out of third debate scheduled for Wednesday, blames Trump's call for drug test!

    And Drudge says Hillary about to be very publicly finally forced out of the closet! Payback for going after Trump's supposed kissy-kissy feely-feely thing.

    Methinks it all may be a bit more than she has the strength and/or willingness to bear this Wednesday.

    847328_3527 ipso_facto Oct 16, 2016 12:40 PM
    "Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candiate ever to run for president of the United States."

    ~ Gingrich

    Hannity: WikiLeaks uncovered bombshell Clinton revelations

    Great interview with Gingrich. He also calls out the wookie and Obama as being a liars.

    [Oct 16, 2016] There is world of difference between harassing woman and killing women and children.

    Groupinggate was essentially an attempt to distract votes from a more serious issue, especially Hillary warmongering, her role in mass rape of women in Syria and Libya, and latest Podesta emails leaks. This was a defensive strike with material that was specifically reserved for this purpose.
    Notable quotes:
    "... there are many more than two sides in Syria's civil war. First of all the civil war is not limited to Syria. ISIL, Hezbollah, and arguably Kurdish Rojava are belligerents not particularly invested in the borders of long defunct Mandate Syria. ..."
    "... The rebel forces arrayed against or for Assad in any particular area are various in their motivations and political identities and they never divide neatly into two opposed camps. ..."
    "... In short, you either support US violent regime change in the ME, or you do not. ..."
    "... All who are voting for Hillary Clinton are voting for US violent regime change in Syria. That's been the stated policy of the Obama administration for some years, Hillary was played a key role in formulating that policy as Secretary of State. Now, as candidate for President she has explicitly promised more US violent regime change in Iraq. ..."
    "... Violent regime change in Syria is the stated policy of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate most US members of the CT community plan to vote for in November. ..."
    Oct 16, 2016 |
    bruce wilder 10.15.16 at 7:35 am
    intervene in a civil war on the side of the rebels

    I apologize if anyone feels I am harping on this too much, but there are many more than two sides in Syria's civil war. First of all the civil war is not limited to Syria. ISIL, Hezbollah, and arguably Kurdish Rojava are belligerents not particularly invested in the borders of long defunct Mandate Syria.

    The rebel forces arrayed against or for Assad in any particular area are various in their motivations and political identities and they never divide neatly into two opposed camps.

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 8:06 am
    @ 190 There aren't many times you're this wrong, Bruce. There are only two sides. The side that holds a UN seat; votes or abstains on UN resolutions; borrows or does not borrow from the World Bank; has the authority to sign, or abrogate international treaties along, for example, the Golan heights – and the forces not aligned with the government.

    The CT community evidently wants to 'confuse itself' and the issues. You are either in favor of the US using US military power to unilaterally intercede in a civil war against the Assad government, which as you and Peter T note, is inextricably linked to Iraq and other regional disputes, or you oppose the unilateral use of US military power to topple governments in the ME.

    In short, you either support US violent regime change in the ME, or you do not.

    All who are voting for Hillary Clinton are voting for US violent regime change in Syria. That's been the stated policy of the Obama administration for some years, Hillary was played a key role in formulating that policy as Secretary of State. Now, as candidate for President she has explicitly promised more US violent regime change in Iraq.

    Violent regime change in Syria is the stated policy of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate most US members of the CT community plan to vote for in November.

    [Oct 16, 2016] Donald Trumps Fall and Rise

    Notable quotes:
    "... Regarding Clinton, the revelation was the latest batch of WikiLeaks disclosures. It included excerpts of her speeches before Wall Street audiences, which she had refused to make public. Now we know why. They show her making nice-nice with her billionaire benefactors-no surprise there. After all, they paid her a standard fee of $225,000 per speech, for 92 speeches between 2013 and 2015, earning her $21.6 million in less than two years. How many of us could resist being nice-nice to nice people like that? ..."
    "... Stop the presses! Trump is a misogynist! ..."
    "... Friends of mine know that I am no fan, at all, of Ted Cruz. But he is the only person I've seen so far, before the second debate, who has stated the obvious. He tweeted: "NBC had tape 11 yrs. Apprentice producer says they have more & worse. So why not release in 2015? In March? Why wait till October? #MSMBias" ..."
    "... As the saying goes, "Give me a break!" Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton did more than talk about groping women, they practiced it-and worse. But now people who voted for, or defended, these Presidents-and other politicians like the woman-killing Ted Kennedy-can strike poses of shock and horror at Trump's words. Politically correct philanderers and models of progressive sexual attitudes like Arnold Schwarzenegger can refuse to endorse the scoundrel. Politics is indeed a hothouse of fertilizer for hypocrisy. ..."
    "... The difference in this debate, however, is that Trump fought back with passion, limiting her advantage with both zingers and policy contrasts. His policy positions are muddled, but hers are disingenuous at best. And with the possible exception of college and high-school debate contests, debates are rarely won on points. They are won with passion and-especially in the case of presidential debates-how you motivate your backers. And here Trump won the debate hands-down. ..."
    "... Above all, we must remember that the election is mostly bread and circuses to distract us from issues that aren't being discussed-the disposition of over $150 trillion in sovereign state debt, the largest bubble in the history of the world; how our own $20 trillion in debt is exploding at a rate that is unsustainable; the role of the Deep State in making the concept of "democracy" a joke; and how the neocons' (Hillary included) policy of perpetual war is threatening us not only with national bankruptcy but the risk of a nuclear World War III. As Mark Twain or Emma Goldman said (take your pick as to who the real author was), "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." ..."
    Oct 16, 2016 |
    Regarding Clinton, the revelation was the latest batch of WikiLeaks disclosures. It included excerpts of her speeches before Wall Street audiences, which she had refused to make public. Now we know why. They show her making nice-nice with her billionaire benefactors-no surprise there. After all, they paid her a standard fee of $225,000 per speech, for 92 speeches between 2013 and 2015, earning her $21.6 million in less than two years. How many of us could resist being nice-nice to nice people like that?

    But the excerpts from her speeches also show her saying she is for "open borders," which will not endear her to the majority of American voters. They show her admitting she often has a private position on issues (one satisfactory to her benefactors) different from her public position on those issues, which does nothing to repair her reputation as a liar (though it could not have come as a surprise to her benefactors, who are used to paying off two-faced politicians).

    These and other revelations were potentially damning to Clinton's chances in a deadlocked race, so the leftist media did what it had to do under the circumstances: it ignored the Clinton revelations and went unhinged on the Trump "revelation." As a result, about the only place in the mainstream media where you will find discussion of the Clinton speeches is Fox News. Thankfully, as many people watch that cable news network as watch its two competitors combined, that is, the Clinton News Network (CNN) and MSDNC.

    Stop the presses! Trump is a misogynist!

    ... ... ...

    Friends of mine know that I am no fan, at all, of Ted Cruz. But he is the only person I've seen so far, before the second debate, who has stated the obvious. He tweeted: "NBC had tape 11 yrs. Apprentice producer says they have more & worse. So why not release in 2015? In March? Why wait till October? #MSMBias"

    ... ... ...

    As the saying goes, "Give me a break!" Presidents like Kennedy and Clinton did more than talk about groping women, they practiced it-and worse. But now people who voted for, or defended, these Presidents-and other politicians like the woman-killing Ted Kennedy-can strike poses of shock and horror at Trump's words. Politically correct philanderers and models of progressive sexual attitudes like Arnold Schwarzenegger can refuse to endorse the scoundrel. Politics is indeed a hothouse of fertilizer for hypocrisy.

    ... ... ...

    Hillary Clinton will always be able to out-point Donald Trump on policy matters. That is the advantage of being a politician for more than 30 years. "Slick Willie" has now been supplanted by slick Hillary. But most Americans expected that.

    The difference in this debate, however, is that Trump fought back with passion, limiting her advantage with both zingers and policy contrasts. His policy positions are muddled, but hers are disingenuous at best. And with the possible exception of college and high-school debate contests, debates are rarely won on points. They are won with passion and-especially in the case of presidential debates-how you motivate your backers. And here Trump won the debate hands-down.

    ... ... ...

    Above all, we must remember that the election is mostly bread and circuses to distract us from issues that aren't being discussed-the disposition of over $150 trillion in sovereign state debt, the largest bubble in the history of the world; how our own $20 trillion in debt is exploding at a rate that is unsustainable; the role of the Deep State in making the concept of "democracy" a joke; and how the neocons' (Hillary included) policy of perpetual war is threatening us not only with national bankruptcy but the risk of a nuclear World War III. As Mark Twain or Emma Goldman said (take your pick as to who the real author was), "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."

    David Franke was a founder of the conservative movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He is currently writing his magnum opus on the trajectory of conservatism and American politics during his lifetime.

    [Oct 16, 2016] I dont buy the left neoliberal hysteria over Trump as the scariest reactionary dude evah

    Notable quotes:
    "... I don't buy the left neoliberal hysteria over Trump as the scariest reactionary dude evah. I think that's just to prevent the dissatisfaction that Trump has tapped into blending with the dissatisfaction Sanders tapped into. ..."
    "... And, I tend to think that strategy has been successful in keeping the left v right neoliberal monopoly of power intact. The Republicans may take a hit, but it will only result in a slight shuffling among the seats of power. The left neoliberals will keep the right neoliberal seats warm for them. ymmv ..."
    "... This really is another post 9/11 moment for the chattering classes. All their claims of expertise, clear eyed analysis, logic above emotion, has come crashing down around their hysterical, emotion driven response to the current political situation. There is, at this stage, basically zero willingness among these groups to do their Job of explaining the world, all they want to achieve is a combination of political signalling and intense personal satisfaction. ..."
    "... The best analyses I've read were a couple of essays from 2015 comparing Trump to Berlusconi. Those interested will need to insert 2015 into the search string to skip past the more breathless 2016 versions. The 2015 essays are largely free of tbe breathless need to stop Trump cold that mar 2016 comparisons. ..."
    "... middle-class unhappy with the rapine corruption and self-serving nature of the elites. ..."
    "... The problem is that Trump is an entertainer/marketer and his product is him. Van Jones remains the single best pundit on Trump because Jones understands that the elections are about stagecraft, more than politics. ..."
    "... the college-educated white new middle class (professionals and managers), is approximately 30 percent of the population, but are overrepresented, at 40 percent, among Trump supporters. Not surprisingly, the median household income of Trump voters is around $70,000 annually. ..."
    "... More importantly, the category "non-college educated whites" includes both wage workers and the self-employed - the traditional middle class. The Economist found that "better-paid and better-educated voters have always formed as big a part of Mr. Trump's base as those at the lower end of the scale for income and education." ..."
    "... 'I don't know, so I assume' is kind of the defining characteristic of reactions to the Trump Candidacy. Maybe he will, continue with neoliberalism. Or maybe he will go full communism now, or perhaps at least anti-imperialism, as one prolific poster here repeatedly claims. It all depends on which 10% of his statements you believe are not lies, and what you project into the gap left by the rest. ..."
    "... But it could equally plausibly lead to a stable regime that would have European political scientists in lively debate as to whether or not it is most accurately called fascist. ..."
    "... Clearly, Trump's right-wing opposition to neoliberal trade and tax policies resonates with a minority of older, white workers, including a minority of union members." ..."
    "... these sectors have experiencing declining living standards and are fearful about their children's prospects of remaining in the middle class." ..."
    "... The developments of late capitalism have to do with the transition of these decisions from the elite capitalist class as such to a group of managers. These managers can not and do not go against the traditional interests of capital as such. But their decisions characteristically favor their class in ways that a traditional class analysis can not fathom, and their ideology appeals to a group variously called "professionals", "technocrats", "the 10%" etc. who more broadly control the levers of power in society. ..."
    "... The managerial class operates a world system - the system of trade agreements, monetary agreements, etc. This system keeps the world economy going as it is going through the cooperation of American economists, Eurocrat bureaucratic appointees, Chinese Communist Party higher-ups, important people in the financial industry (whether bankers or at central banks), CEOs of multinationals, and even the leaders of important NGOs. These interactions are observable and not a matter of conspiracy theory. ..."
    Oct 16, 2016 |

    bruce wilder 10.14.16 at 9:15 pm

    soru: "Precisely because it is not left neoliberalism versus right neoliberalism, but left neoliberalism versus something that is:

    a: worse
    b: a predictable consequence of neoliberalism.

    I think there is something to the thesis that Trump ripped the scab off the place where Luttwak's "perfect non-sequitur" had rubbed the skin off the connection between the tax-cut loving Republican establishment leadership and the Republican electoral base of male reactionary ignoramuses.

    But, I don't know what actual policy follows from Trump_vs_deep_state, if not Mike Pence brand right neoliberalism. A little light flavoring of theocracy on the tax cuts in other words.

    I don't buy the left neoliberal hysteria over Trump as the scariest reactionary dude evah. I think that's just to prevent the dissatisfaction that Trump has tapped into blending with the dissatisfaction Sanders tapped into.

    And, I tend to think that strategy has been successful in keeping the left v right neoliberal monopoly of power intact. The Republicans may take a hit, but it will only result in a slight shuffling among the seats of power. The left neoliberals will keep the right neoliberal seats warm for them. ymmv

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 8:49 am 200
    Some food for thought: Trump tied LA Times poll.

    " The national polls (though not so much the state polls) were off in 2012. During the closing month of the campaign, they showed, on average, a 0.3 point Romney lead. The RAND poll [LA Times], by contrast, showed a 3.8 point Obama lead – which was almost exactly correct."

    Sean Trende throws a big bucket of salt on the LA Times poll, before getting to the accuracy of the poll in 2012.

    Ronan(rf) 10.15.16 at 12:11 pm 208
    This really is another post 9/11 moment for the chattering classes. All their claims of expertise, clear eyed analysis, logic above emotion, has come crashing down around their hysterical, emotion driven response to the current political situation. There is, at this stage, basically zero willingness among these groups to do their Job of explaining the world, all they want to achieve is a combination of political signalling and intense personal satisfaction.
    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 12:42 pm 214
    @208 I generally agree. Thanks for the link to the Nation piece. I earlier skimmed this Guardian piece by JJ which features an extended essay from the reviewed text. John has been beating this drum for more than a year trying to wear his two hats: partisan Dem and serious social critic. The first serious undermines the second.

    The best analyses I've read were a couple of essays from 2015 comparing Trump to Berlusconi. Those interested will need to insert 2015 into the search string to skip past the more breathless 2016 versions. The 2015 essays are largely free of tbe breathless need to stop Trump cold that mar 2016 comparisons.

    The Judis essay marries Trump too closely to George Wallace, another populist, but critically also a professional politician, a Democrat, and a New Dealer.

    Judis has a good quote, or two, from Wallace that definitely fit the Tea Party/Silent Majority profile – rule followers, middle-class unhappy with the rapine corruption and self-serving nature of the elites.

    The problem is that Trump is an entertainer/marketer and his product is him. Van Jones remains the single best pundit on Trump because Jones understands that the elections are about stagecraft, more than politics. Both the Nation and the Guardian piece function as much as thinly disguised GOTV arguments as academic assessments of the Trump phenomena.

    What both get right, along with many others, is that removing Trump from the equation removes nothing from the masses of ordinary folks who a/will not apologize for who they are and in fact celebrate themselves and their values b/aren't interested in the approval, or the explications of elites c/are completely determined to burn down this mess irrespective of whether Trump is elected, or not.

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 12:43 pm
    And the link:
    Ronan(rf) 10.15.16 at 12:48 pm 217
    Thanks for the link kidneystones, I'll out. I'm working through Judis' book at the moment and find larger parts, of it convincing.
    Who. Is van Jones? Is it this lad?

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 1:12 pm 220
    Tell me this isn't better: Two minutes should do it, but the rest is great, too.
    engels 10.15.16 at 1:13 pm 221
    The people v. the 'global managerial class'

    …while approximately 55 percent of Trump supporters do not have a bachelor's degree, this demographic makes up approximately 70 percent of the US population - they are underrepresented among Trump voters. However, the college-educated white new middle class (professionals and managers), is approximately 30 percent of the population, but are overrepresented, at 40 percent, among Trump supporters. Not surprisingly, the median household income of Trump voters is around $70,000 annually.

    More importantly, the category "non-college educated whites" includes both wage workers and the self-employed - the traditional middle class. The Economist found that "better-paid and better-educated voters have always formed as big a part of Mr. Trump's base as those at the lower end of the scale for income and education."

    A systematic review of Gallup polling data demonstrates, again, that most Trump supporters are part of the traditional middle class (self-employed) and those sectors of the new middle class (supervisors) who do not require college degrees. They tend to live in "white enclaves"…

    Ronan(rf) 10.15.16 at 1:33 pm 226
    Kidney stones I'll check out the link above when by a laptop.

    Personally I don't know how j feel about the managerial class argument (I still have to read both Hayes and Frank ) but it's becoming quite clear that large parts of the left and right "establishment" (which is just a shorthand way of saying those with high profile journalistic, political and cultural positions) are going out of their way to not acknowledge what is right in from of their eyes, that there are political and economic (as well as racial and cultural) reasons behind the rise of right wing populism.

    RichardM 10.15.16 at 1:34 pm 227
    > But, I don't know what actual policy follows from Trump_vs_deep_state, if not Mike Pence brand right neoliberalism.

    'I don't know, so I assume' is kind of the defining characteristic of reactions to the Trump Candidacy. Maybe he will, continue with neoliberalism. Or maybe he will go full communism now, or perhaps at least anti-imperialism, as one prolific poster here repeatedly claims. It all depends on which 10% of his statements you believe are not lies, and what you project into the gap left by the rest.

    If he was elected, things would be different from what they are, or at least are understood to be. And things being different, they would continue to be so, taking a different path from the continuation of a status quo. My personal evidence-free assumption is that this would likely take the nature of a decade-long crisis that would end with a return to a weakened version of the pre-Trump regime. A pale echo of the rosy days of Obama, Bush and Clinton.

    But it could equally plausibly lead to a stable regime that would have European political scientists in lively debate as to whether or not it is most accurately called fascist.

    Ronan(rf) 10.15.16 at 1:38 pm 228
    For those not wager to read the link, here are the bits engels cut. From the beginning.

    "Who are Trump's voters? Despite claims that he has won the "white working class," the vast majority of Trump's supporters, like those of the Tea Party, are drawn from the traditional and new middle classes, especially the older, white male and less well-off strata of these classes. Clearly, Trump's right-wing opposition to neoliberal trade and tax policies resonates with a minority of older, white workers, including a minority of union members."

    And after enclave

    "isolated from immigrants and other people of color, have worse health than the average US resident, and are experiencing low rates of intergenerational mobility. While not directly affected either by the decline of industry in the Midwest or by immigration, these sectors have experiencing declining living standards and are fearful about their children's prospects of remaining in the middle class."

    engels 10.15.16 at 1:40 pm 229
    Roman, I already said I broadly agreed with you (is it the case you literally zzzzzzzzzzz)- I'm delighted that via Luttwak you're groping towards a class analysis of fascism that has been standard on the left since at least Trotsky…
    Rich Puchalsky 10.15.16 at 1:45 pm 231
    Ronan(rf): "Personally I don't know how j feel about the managerial class argument"

    There are certain decision makers who make all of the important decisions, or who at least get a tremendously inordinate amount of power over those decisions. If they aren't making a decision in a positive sense, their power often controls decisions in a negative sense by restricting the available choices to those that are all acceptable to them.

    The developments of late capitalism have to do with the transition of these decisions from the elite capitalist class as such to a group of managers. These managers can not and do not go against the traditional interests of capital as such. But their decisions characteristically favor their class in ways that a traditional class analysis can not fathom, and their ideology appeals to a group variously called "professionals", "technocrats", "the 10%" etc. who more broadly control the levers of power in society.

    The managerial class operates a world system - the system of trade agreements, monetary agreements, etc. This system keeps the world economy going as it is going through the cooperation of American economists, Eurocrat bureaucratic appointees, Chinese Communist Party higher-ups, important people in the financial industry (whether bankers or at central banks), CEOs of multinationals, and even the leaders of important NGOs. These interactions are observable and not a matter of conspiracy theory.

    [Oct 16, 2016] The Deep State

    Notable quotes:
    "... "deep state" - the Washington-Wall-Street-Silicon-Valley Establishment - is a far greater threat to liberty than you think ..."
    "... Yes, there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose. ..."
    "... Cultural assimilation is partly a matter of what psychologist Irving L. Janis called "groupthink," the chameleon-like ability of people to adopt the views of their superiors and peers. This syndrome is endemic to Washington: The town is characterized by sudden fads, be it negotiating biennial budgeting, making grand bargains or invading countries. Then, after a while, all the town's cool kids drop those ideas as if they were radioactive. As in the military, everybody has to get on board with the mission, and questioning it is not a career-enhancing move. The universe of people who will critically examine the goings-on at the institutions they work for is always going to be a small one. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." ..."
    Feb 28, 2014 | The American Conservative

    Steve Sailer links to this unsettling essay by former career Congressional staffer Mike Lofgren, who says the "deep state" - the Washington-Wall-Street-Silicon-Valley Establishment - is a far greater threat to liberty than you think. The partisan rancor and gridlock in Washington conceals a more fundamental and pervasive agreement.


    These are not isolated instances of a contradiction; they have been so pervasive that they tend to be disregarded as background noise. During the time in 2011 when political warfare over the debt ceiling was beginning to paralyze the business of governance in Washington, the United States government somehow summoned the resources to overthrow Muammar Ghaddafi's regime in Libya, and, when the instability created by that coup spilled over into Mali, provide overt and covert assistance to French intervention there. At a time when there was heated debate about continuing meat inspections and civilian air traffic control because of the budget crisis, our government was somehow able to commit $115 million to keeping a civil war going in Syria and to pay at least £100m to the United Kingdom's Government Communications Headquarters to buy influence over and access to that country's intelligence. Since 2007, two bridges carrying interstate highways have collapsed due to inadequate maintenance of infrastructure, one killing 13 people. During that same period of time, the government spent $1.7 billion constructing a building in Utah that is the size of 17 football fields. This mammoth structure is intended to allow the National Security Agency to store a yottabyte of information, the largest numerical designator computer scientists have coined. A yottabyte is equal to 500 quintillion pages of text. They need that much storage to archive every single trace of your electronic life.

    Yes, there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose. My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. Nor can this other government be accurately termed an "establishment." All complex societies have an establishment, a social network committed to its own enrichment and perpetuation. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself. That said, it is neither omniscient nor invincible. The institution is not so much sinister (although it has highly sinister aspects) as it is relentlessly well entrenched. Far from being invincible, its failures, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, are routine enough that it is only the Deep State's protectiveness towards its higher-ranking personnel that allows them to escape the consequences of their frequent ineptitude.


    Washington is the most important node of the Deep State that has taken over America, but it is not the only one. Invisible threads of money and ambition connect the town to other nodes. One is Wall Street, which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater. Should the politicians forget their lines and threaten the status quo, Wall Street floods the town with cash and lawyers to help the hired hands remember their own best interests. The executives of the financial giants even have de facto criminal immunity. On March 6, 2013, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder stated the following: "I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy." This, from the chief law enforcement officer of a justice system that has practically abolished the constitutional right to trial for poorer defendants charged with certain crimes. It is not too much to say that Wall Street may be the ultimate owner of the Deep State and its strategies, if for no other reason than that it has the money to reward government operatives with a second career that is lucrative beyond the dreams of avarice - certainly beyond the dreams of a salaried government employee. [3]

    The corridor between Manhattan and Washington is a well trodden highway for the personalities we have all gotten to know in the period since the massive deregulation of Wall Street: Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner and many others. Not all the traffic involves persons connected with the purely financial operations of the government: In 2013, General David Petraeus joined KKR (formerly Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) of 9 West 57th Street, New York, a private equity firm with $62.3 billion in assets. KKR specializes in management buyouts and leveraged finance. General Petraeus' expertise in these areas is unclear. His ability to peddle influence, however, is a known and valued commodity. Unlike Cincinnatus, the military commanders of the Deep State do not take up the plow once they lay down the sword. Petraeus also obtained a sinecure as a non-resident senior fellow at theBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard. The Ivy League is, of course, the preferred bleaching tub and charm school of the American oligarchy.

    Lofgren goes on to say that Silicon Valley is a node of the Deep State too, and that despite the protestations of its chieftains against NSA spying, it's a vital part of the Deep State's apparatus. More:

    The Deep State is the big story of our time. It is the red thread that runs through the war on terrorism, the financialization and deindustrialization of the American economy, the rise of a plutocratic social structure and political dysfunction. Washington is the headquarters of the Deep State, and its time in the sun as a rival to Rome, Constantinople or London may be term-limited by its overweening sense of self-importance and its habit, as Winwood Reade said of Rome, to "live upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face."

    Read the whole thing.

    ... I would love to see a study comparing the press coverage from 9/11 leading up to the Iraq War with press coverage of the gay marriage issue from about 2006 till today. Specifically, I'd be curious to know about how thoroughly the media covered the cases against the policies that the Deep State and the Shallow State decided should prevail. I'm not suggesting a conspiracy here, not at all. I'm only thinking back to how it seemed so obvious to me in 2002 that we should go to war with Iraq, so perfectly clear that the only people who opposed it were fools or villains. The same consensus has emerged around same-sex marriage. I know how overwhelmingly the news media have believed this for some time, such that many American journalists simply cannot conceive that anyone against same-sex marriage is anything other than a fool or a villain. Again, this isn't a conspiracy; it's in the nature of the thing. Lofgren:

    Cultural assimilation is partly a matter of what psychologist Irving L. Janis called "groupthink," the chameleon-like ability of people to adopt the views of their superiors and peers. This syndrome is endemic to Washington: The town is characterized by sudden fads, be it negotiating biennial budgeting, making grand bargains or invading countries. Then, after a while, all the town's cool kids drop those ideas as if they were radioactive. As in the military, everybody has to get on board with the mission, and questioning it is not a career-enhancing move. The universe of people who will critically examine the goings-on at the institutions they work for is always going to be a small one. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

    A more elusive aspect of cultural assimilation is the sheer dead weight of the ordinariness of it all once you have planted yourself in your office chair for the 10,000th time. Government life is typically not some vignette from an Allen Drury novel about intrigue under the Capitol dome. Sitting and staring at the clock on the off-white office wall when it's 11:00 in the evening and you are vowing never, ever to eat another piece of takeout pizza in your life is not an experience that summons the higher literary instincts of a would-be memoirist. After a while, a functionary of the state begins to hear things that, in another context, would be quite remarkable, or at least noteworthy, and yet that simply bounce off one's consciousness like pebbles off steel plate: "You mean the number of terrorist groups we are fighting is classified?" No wonder so few people are whistle-blowers, quite apart from the vicious retaliation whistle-blowing often provokes: Unless one is blessed with imagination and a fine sense of irony, growing immune to the curiousness of one's surroundings is easy. To paraphrase the inimitable Donald Rumsfeld, I didn't know all that I knew, at least until I had had a couple of years away from the government to reflect upon it.

    When all you know is the people who surround you in your professional class bubble and your social circles, you can think the whole world agrees with you, or should. It's probably not a coincidence that the American media elite live, work, and socialize in New York and Washington, the two cities that were attacked on 9/11, and whose elites - political, military, financial - were so genuinely traumatized by the events.

    Anyway, that's just a small part of it, about how the elite media manufacture consent. Here's a final quote, one from the Moyers interview with Lofgren:

    BILL MOYERS: If, as you write, the ideology of the Deep State is not democrat or republican, not left or right, what is it?

    MIKE LOFGREN: It's an ideology. I just don't think we've named it. It's a kind of corporatism. Now, the actors in this drama tend to steer clear of social issues. They pretend to be merrily neutral servants of the state, giving the best advice possible on national security or financial matters. But they hold a very deep ideology of the Washington consensus at home, which is deregulation, outsourcing, de-industrialization and financialization. And they believe in American exceptionalism abroad, which is boots on the ground everywhere, it's our right to meddle everywhere in the world. And the result of that is perpetual war.

    This can't last. We'd better hope it can't last. And we'd better hope it unwinds peacefully.

    [Oct 16, 2016] The pattern of current events is the pattern of a global hegemon approaching imperial collapse.

    Notable quotes:
    "... I would not precisely characterize the recognizable pattern of American choices and strategies - that is, of American policy - as that of "an imperial power bent on maintaining its global hegemony" without further qualification. I would say the pattern is that of a global hegemon approaching imperial collapse. There are important differences, with immediate relevance. ..."
    "... When commenters decry the failure to observe the norms of international law, they are not just being moralists in an immoral world; they are decrying the erosion of international order, an erosion that has been accelerated by the U.S. turn toward futile expedience as a foreign policy justified by groundless self-righteousness. ..."
    "... And, the R2P doctrine has been ruined not just by hypocrisy but by the demonstrated incapacity to match means to putative ends. It is not just suspicious that the impulse to humanitarianism emerges only when an opportunity to blow things up arises, it's criminal. Or should be. (sarcasm) But, of course, it is not criminal, because atrocities are only a problem when it is the other guy committing them. Then, we can exercise our righteousness for the good, old cause. (end sarcasm) ..."
    "... This chaos, I repeat, is inherent in the organization of U.S. policy - it is an observable pattern, not a property by axiomatic definition as your strawman would have it, but it is very worrisome. It is a symptom of what I rather dramatically labeled "imperial collapse". That the next President of the U.S. cannot work out why a no-fly zone in a country where the Russians are flying might be a bad idea is not a good sign. That the same person was a proponent of the policy that plunged Libya into chaos is another not-good sign. That's not an argument for Trump; it is an argument that Trump is another symptom. ..."
    Oct 16, 2016 |

    bruce wilder 10.16.16 at 8:00 pm 328

    LFC @ 317

    Dropping the heavy mockery for a moment to get at the logic of my view:

    I think that if Y wants to stop Z from happening, Y might consider as a first expedient, self-restraint: not doing Z, itself. That is, discipling its own forces and reforming its own strategies, when it finds itself either doing Z or creating the conditions where Z happens.

    Your strawman summation of my view is actually not half-bad:

    . . . we know a priori that X [the U.S.] cannot act without committing war crimes because X [the U.S.] is an imperial power bent on maintaining its global hegemony, therefore any employment of any military force in any way by X [the U.S.] anywhere necessarily constitutes a war crime, because every aspect of X's [the U.S.'s] foreign policy is criminal and therefore every act taken by X is criminal.

    What makes this a strawman is the "we know a priori ". I don't think we know this a priori . I think we know this, a posteriori , that is, from ample recent experience and observation. I think there's a pattern of choice and strategy that we ought to recognize and, if we recognize it, there might actually be an opportunity to choose differently and realize less horrific consequences.

    I would not precisely characterize the recognizable pattern of American choices and strategies - that is, of American policy - as that of "an imperial power bent on maintaining its global hegemony" without further qualification. I would say the pattern is that of a global hegemon approaching imperial collapse. There are important differences, with immediate relevance.

    A global hegemon in its prime is all about reducing the risks and costs of armed conflicts and coordinating the cooperation of allied, nominally neutral and even rival states with the elaboration of international law, norms, conventions and other agreements. The U.S. in its prime as global hegemon was all about sponsoring the formation of organizations for global and regional multilateral cooperation, even where its direct participation was not welcome. It is true that the political autonomy of states was respected only to the extent that they adopted sufficiently reactionary and economically conservative or authoritarian governments and the political costs to any other course could be large. Back in the day, a Gaddafi or an Assad or a Saddam had to balance on an international tightrope as well as a domestic one, but it was doable and such regimes could last a long-time. Anyway, I do not want to litigate the mixed virtues and vices of (Anglo-)American hegemony past, just to point out the contrast with our present circumstances.

    The turn toward a palsied expedience is a distinct symptom of impending imperial collapse. That the U.S. cannot seem to win a war or bring one to a conclusion in any finite period of time is relevant. That a vast "deep state" is running on auto-pilot with no informed instruction or policy control from Congress is a problem.

    When commenters decry the failure to observe the norms of international law, they are not just being moralists in an immoral world; they are decrying the erosion of international order, an erosion that has been accelerated by the U.S. turn toward futile expedience as a foreign policy justified by groundless self-righteousness.

    "It's complicated" shouldn't be a preface to ungrounded simplification and just rounding up the usual policy suspects: let's declare a no-fly zone, then find and train some moderate faction of fierce fighters for liberal democracy (as if such exist). If we demonstrate the will and commitment and stay the course . . . blah, blah, blah.

    And, the R2P doctrine has been ruined not just by hypocrisy but by the demonstrated incapacity to match means to putative ends. It is not just suspicious that the impulse to humanitarianism emerges only when an opportunity to blow things up arises, it's criminal. Or should be. (sarcasm) But, of course, it is not criminal, because atrocities are only a problem when it is the other guy committing them. Then, we can exercise our righteousness for the good, old cause. (end sarcasm)

    The situation in Syria is chaotic, but the chaos is in U.S. policy as well as on the ground. But, the immediate question is not whether the U.S. will intervene, because, as other commenters have pointed out, the U.S. has already involved itself quite deeply. The creation of ISIS, one belligerent in the Syrian conflict is directly attributable to the failure of U.S. policy in Iraq and the U.S. is actively attacking ISIS directly in Syrian as well as Iraqi territory. The U.S. provides military support to multiple factions, including both Turkish-backed forces and the forces of a Kurdish belligerent, which are in conflict with each other. Meanwhile, our great good allies, the Saudis and Qataris are apparently funding Al Qaeda in Syria and maybe ISIS as well.

    This chaos, I repeat, is inherent in the organization of U.S. policy - it is an observable pattern, not a property by axiomatic definition as your strawman would have it, but it is very worrisome. It is a symptom of what I rather dramatically labeled "imperial collapse". That the next President of the U.S. cannot work out why a no-fly zone in a country where the Russians are flying might be a bad idea is not a good sign. That the same person was a proponent of the policy that plunged Libya into chaos is another not-good sign. That's not an argument for Trump; it is an argument that Trump is another symptom.

    The chaos, the breakdown of rational, deliberate and purposive control of policy, means that policy and its rationales are often absurd. I mock the absurdity as a way of drawing attention to it. Others seek to normalize. So, there you have it.

    likbez 10.16.16 at 2:43 pm 310

    bruce wilder 10.16.16 at 12:43 pm
    LFC: We do have Bruce Wilder mocking the notion that the Russians hacked into the DNC email. Cyber specialists think it was the Russians to a 90 percent certainty, but of course Wilder knows better. Anyway, who cares whether the Russians hacked the ******* email?

    Most establishment news reporting has taken note that no evidence has been offered by the U.S. officials making the attribution.

    It looks like LFC is completely clueless about such notion as Occam's razor.
    Why we need all those insinuations about Russian hackers when we know that all email boxes in major Web mail providers are just a click away from NSA analysts.

    Why Russians and not something like "Snowden II".

    And what exactly Russians will get politically by torpedoing Hillary candidacy. They probably have tons of "compromat" on her, Bill and Clinton Foundation. Trump stance on Iran is no less dangerous and jingoistic then Hillary stance on Syria. Aggressive protectionism might hurt Russian exports. And as for Syria, Trump can turn on a dime and became a second John McCain anytime. Other then his idea of avoiding foreign military presence (or more correctly that allies should pay for it) and anti-globalization stance he does not have a fixed set of policies at all.

    Also you can elect a dog as POTUS and foreign policy will be still be the same as it is now controlled by "deep state" ( ):

    Yes, there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose. My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. Nor can this other government be accurately termed an "establishment." All complex societies have an establishment, a social network committed to its own enrichment and perpetuation. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself. That said, it is neither omniscient nor invincible. The institution is not so much sinister (although it has highly sinister aspects) as it is relentlessly well entrenched. Far from being invincible, its failures, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, are routine enough that it is only the Deep State's protectiveness towards its higher-ranking personnel that allows them to escape the consequences of their frequent ineptitude.

    In view of all this, LFC anti-Russian stance looks extremely naïve and/or represents displaced anti-Semitism.

    likbez 10.16.16 at 4:18 pm 311

    In a way Hillary laments about Russia interference are what is typically called "The pot calling the kettle black" as she is exactly the specialist in this area. BTW there is a documented history of the US interference into Russian elections of 2011-2012.

    In which Hillary (via ambassador McFaul and the net of NGOs) was trying to stage a "color revolution" (nicknamed "white revolution") in Russia and prevent the re-election of Putin. The main instrument was claiming the fraud in ballot counting.

    Can you imagine the reaction if Russian ambassador invited Trump and Sanders to the embassy and offered full and unconditional support for their noble cause of dislodging the corrupt neoliberal regime that exists in Washington. With cash injections to, similar sites, and especially organizations that conduct polls after that.

    And RT covered staged revelations of "Hillary campaign corruption" 24 x 7. As was done by Western MSM in regard to Alexei Navalny web site and him personally as the savior of Russia from entrenched corruption ( )

    Actually the USA has several organizations explicitly oriented on interference in foreign elections and promotion of "color revolutions", with functions that partially displaced old functions of CIA (as in Italian elections of 1948). For example, NED.

    Why Russia can't have something similar to help struggling American people to have more honest elections despite all the blatantly undemocratic mechanisms of "first to the post", primaries, state based counting of votes, and the United States Electoral College ?

    It would be really funny if Russians really resorted to color revolution tricks in the current presidential elections :-)

    Here is a quote that can navigate them in right direction (note the irony of her words after DNC throw Sanders under the bus ;-)

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sharply criticized what she called "troubling practices" before and during the vote in Russia. "The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted," she said in Bonn, Germany.

    With 99.9 percent of ballots processed, election officials said that United Russia had won 238 seats in Parliament, or about 53 percent, from 315 seats or 70 percent now. The Communist Party won 92 seats; Just Russia, a social democratic party, won 64 seats and the national Liberal Democratic Party won 56 seats.

    Rich Puchalsky 10.16.16 at 9:26 pm

    LFC: "Would a multilateral action - not unilateral by the U.S. alone, but multilateral - undertaken in response to, e.g., the current situation in Aleppo necessarily violate international law if it lacked UN sanction?"

    This would be a kind of coalition - only of willing countries, of course - maybe we could call it something catchy, like The Willing Coalition. Are we allowed to bring up recent history at all, or does that make us America haters? It's strange how these hard cases just keep coming up. Alternatively, we could go for Reset Theory. We need to look forwards instead of looking backwards.

    So let's avoid recent history, and just go to ancient history, like that long-outmoded relic, the Security Council. I'd had some vague impression that the chance of military conflict between Security Council members was supposed to be Very Very Bad and by definition worse than any other result, so much so a lot of the legalities that you're casually thinking of writing into the law books later were intended to prevent exactly the kinds of situations that you're proposing, in which members of the Security Council started to think about gathering coalitions to shoot down each other's planes.

    But I'm a crazy anarchist, and you're an international affairs expert. So why don't you tell me.

    [Oct 16, 2016] Revenge of the White Working-Class Woman

    Notable quotes:
    "... In a June/July national survey by GQRR, white working-class women put Trump 23 points ahead of Clinton in a three-way ballot ..."

    POLITICO Magazine

    Donald Trump's solid core of support comes from white working-class America. As the blue-collar voter has become central to the political conversation, a clear picture of who we're talking about has emerged: He's likely male and disillusioned with the economy and loss of industry. He's a coal miner that's been laid off in Hazard, Kentucky, and is scraping by off his wife's income; a machinists' union member in a Pennsylvania steel town who says "a guy like Donald Trump, he's pushing for change." Through the campaign, we've seen endless portraits of Trump support in the heart of Appalachian coal country, and a recent spate of books documents white working-class alienation and the history of the white underclass in America. Trump's iron grip on the support of blue-collar white Americans has been one of the most striking threads of his unprecedented campaign.

    ... ... ...

    ...Thomas Frank, who recently published Listen, Liberal, about the Democratic Party's abandonment of the working class and Robert Reich, public policy professor at the University of California at Berkeley and former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration. They both have outlined a series of Democratic moves to elevate free trade and an inability to defend unions as proof that Democrats created a platform that left no room for the white working class.

    Marginalized for years without working-class candidates or elected officials, "the white working class found their voice in Trump," says Justin Gest, assistant professor of public policy at George Mason University and author of The New Minority: White Working Class Politics in an Age of Immigration and Inequality. "He speaks directly to conspiracy, frustration and a sense of powerlessness, and they're grateful he speaks to them." Trump, too, has worked hard to burnish his working-class cred, telling a crowd in Pennsylvania on Tuesday that he considers himself "in a certain way to be a blue-collar worker."

    ...In terms of the economy, white working-class women also differ from their male counterparts. While manufacturing concerns and the white working class may be linked in our cultural narrative (especially in Trump's campaign), the women were focused on different economic concerns-in particular, the cost of higher education and preschooling.

    .... Single women tend to lean to the left, and in recent years white working-class marriage rates have fallen more sharply than those of their more educated and affluent counterparts, who are more likely to delay marriage than not get married at all, according to FiveThirtyEight's analysis of Census data. (Roughly 45 percent of white working-class women are unmarried, according to GQRR's Nancy Zdunkewicz). In a June/July national survey by GQRR, white working-class women put Trump 23 points ahead of Clinton in a three-way ballot, but when you looked at only unmarried white non-college-educated women, that gap was only 11 percent-a preview, if current trends continue, of a gap likely to grow in the future.

    ..For Democrats hoping to capitalize on this group, it's not obvious they can just swoop in and grab alienated women. For one thing, white working-class women don't necessarily trust Hillary Clinton any more than men do.

    ,,,For now, though, if Democrats continue bleeding white working-class men and women, the party's white base will be mostly highly educated and white collar, a perhaps uncomfortable shift for the so-called party of the people

    Julia Sonenshein is California-born writer and editor living in New York City. Her work focuses on social-political issues like reproductive rights, American gun culture and intersectional feminism.

    [Oct 15, 2016] Whats Behind a Rise in Ethnic Nationalism

    Notable quotes:
    "... 'End of Growth' Sparks Wide Discontent By Alastair Crooke (October 14, 2016, consortiumnews): The global elites' false promise that neoliberal economics would cure all ills through the elixir of endless growth helps explain the angry nationalist movements ripping apart the West's politics. ..."
    "... Yes, that would seem transparently obvious to anyone who doesn't have a vested interest in defending the neoliberal programme. ..."
    "... The last thing that powerful elites and their court economists want to talk about is the relationship between an increasingly unequal distribution of income and wealth and the rise of ethnic might force the elites to do something about it. One would think that that would entail redistribution. Unfortunately, increasing militarization of the police seems to be a far cheaper solution...for the short term. ..."
    "... The elites used religious, tribal and ethnic, conflict to keep a lid on the rabble for thousands of years. They are supremely comfortable with this, it's part of the toolbox. ..."
    "... However I think they are overly complacent because it appears to me that in an industrial society such conflicts now involve a lot more than a few hundred peasants going after each other with random farm implements. ..."
    "... The media is shocked -- just shocked -- that a foreign government would tamper with US elections...such behavior is supposed to be off limits to anyone but the CIA and National Endowment for Democracy or their deputies... ..."
    "... I'm not sure that Putin has a preference. It may be enough for him to show that Russia can play the destabilization card as well as NED. Displaying the profound corruption of the US political system also serves to undermine the US abroad, since much of its standing is based on the myth of its taking the moral high ground. International elites will have a harder time garnering support for pro-US policies, if those policies are seen as morally bankrupt. ..."
    "... Establishment economists are making excuses for slow growth and poor policy by pointing at things like demographics and technology. Excuse-making isn't going to stem the rising tide of ethnic nationalism. Thomas Friedman's Flat World is turning into Tribalistic World. ..."
    "... Many of the "Rich" love to push the dialectics of "ethnic nationalism" where none is to be found in reality ..."
    "... the pointless destruction of the manufacturing sector of Western economies because of their decision to have private banking systems and eschew tariffs - no surprises here folks ..."
    "... Of course economy plus consequences of the state of the economy, i.e. many people being treated like shit, without recourse, except turning away from mainstream politics (which isn't much of a recourse usually). ..."
    "... external factors are much more significant in determining success or lack of it than any personal virtues or failings the individual may have. It is not even luck. ..."
    "... People do not blame the actual causes of their lack of success. Instead, they seek and find scapegoats. Most Trumpista have heard all their lives from people they respect that black and latino people unfairly get special treatment. That overrides the reality. ..."
    "... The comment started with: "When things aren't going as you expect or want, people always have to find someone to blame... since the ego works to prevent you blaming yourself." ..."
    Oct 15, 2016 |
    Robert Shiller:
    What's Behind a Rise in Ethnic Nationalism? Maybe the Economy : Global economic weakness and a rise in inequality appear to be causing a disturbing growth in ethnic nationalism. ...

    In the United States, despite his attempts to woo minority voters, Donald J. Trump appears to derive support from such sentiment. In Moscow, Vladimir V. Putin has used Russian nationalist sentiment to inspire many of his countrymen. And we see growing ethnic political parties inspired by national identity in countless other countries.

    It is natural to ask whether something so broad might have a common cause, other than the obvious circumstantial causes like the gradual fading of memories about the horrors of ethnic conflict in World War II or the rise in this century of forms of violent ethnic terrorism.

    Economics is my specialty, and I think economic factors may explain at least part of the trend. ...

    anne : Friday, October 14, 2016 at 10:44 AM

    'End of Growth' Sparks Wide Discontent By Alastair Crooke (October 14, 2016, consortiumnews): The global elites' false promise that neoliberal economics would cure all ills through the elixir of endless growth helps explain the angry nationalist movements ripping apart the West's politics.

    drb48 -> anne... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:06 PM
    Yes, that would seem transparently obvious to anyone who doesn't have a vested interest in defending the neoliberal programme.
    JohnH -> anne... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:37 PM
    The last thing that powerful elites and their court economists want to talk about is the relationship between an increasingly unequal distribution of income and wealth and the rise of ethnic might force the elites to do something about it. One would think that that would entail redistribution. Unfortunately, increasing militarization of the police seems to be a far cheaper solution...for the short term.
    Gibbon1 -> JohnH... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 11:32 PM
    The elites used religious, tribal and ethnic, conflict to keep a lid on the rabble for thousands of years. They are supremely comfortable with this, it's part of the toolbox.

    However I think they are overly complacent because it appears to me that in an industrial society such conflicts now involve a lot more than a few hundred peasants going after each other with random farm implements.

    pgl : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 11:45 AM
    Trump is now saying Mexican Carlos Slim wants to control our election. No worries Donald - Putin the Russian is trying really hard for you.
    JohnH -> pgl... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 02:02 PM
    Putin is just returning the favor...

    The media is shocked -- just shocked -- that a foreign government would tamper with US elections...such behavior is supposed to be off limits to anyone but the CIA and National Endowment for Democracy or their deputies...

    pgl -> JohnH... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 03:31 PM
    Thank so much for the Pravda insights.
    likbez -> pgl... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 07:43 PM
    Paradoxically Pravda in old times did have real insights into the US political system and for this reason was widely read by specialists. Especially materials published by the Institute of the USA and Canada -- a powerful Russian think tank somewhat similar to the Council on Foreign Relations.

    As for your remark I think for many people in the USA Russophobia is just displaced Anti-Semitism.

    JohnH remark is actually very apt and you should not "misunderestimate" the level of understanding of the US political system by Russians. They did learn a lot about machinations of the neoliberal foreign policy, especially about so called "color revolutions." Hillary&Obama has had a bloody nose when they tried to stage a "color revolution" in 2011-2012 in Russia (so called "white revolution). A typical US citizen probably never heard about it or heard only about "Pussy riot", Navalny and couple of other minor figures. At the end poor ambassador Michael McFaul was recalled. NED was expelled. Of course Russia is just a pale shadow of the USSR power-wise, so Obama later put her on sanctions using MH17 incident as a pretext with no chances of retaliation. They also successfully implemented regime change in Ukraine -- blooding Putin nose in return.

    But I actually disagree with JohnH. First of all Putin does not need to interfere in a way like the USA did in 2011-2012. It would be a waist of resources as both candidates are probably equally bad for Russia (and it is the "deep state" which actually dictates the US foreign policy, not POTUS.)

    The US political system is already the can of worms and the deterioration of neoliberal society this time created almost revolutionary situation in Marxists terms, when Repug elite was not able to control the nomination. Democratic establishment still did OK and managed to squash the rebellion, but here the level of degeneration demonstrated itself in the selection of the candidate.

    Taking into account the level of dysfunction of the US political system, I am not so sure the Trump is preferable to Hillary for Russians. I would say he is more unpredictable and more dangerous. The main danger of Hillary is Syria war escalation, but the same is true for Trump who can turn into the second John McCain on a dime.

    Also the difference between two should not be exaggerated. Both are puppets of the forces the brought them to the current level and in their POTUS role will need to be subservient to the "deep state". Or at least to take into account its existence and power. And that makes them more of prisoners of the position they want so much.

    Trump probably to lesser extent then Hillary, but he also can't ignore the deep state. Both require the support of Republican Congress for major legislative initiatives. And it will very hostile to Hillary. Which is a major advantage for Russians, as this excludes the possibility of some very stupid moves.

    Again, IMHO in no way any of them will control the US foreign policy. In this area the deep state is in charge since Allen Dulles and those who try to deviate too much might end as badly as JFK. I think Obama understood this very well and did not try to rock the boat. And there are people who will promptly explain this to Trump in a way that he understands.

    In other words, neither of them will escape the limit on their power that "deep state" enforces. And that virtually guarantee the continuity of the foreign policy, with just slight tactical variations.

    So why Russians should prefer one to another? You can elect a dog as POTUS and the foreign policy of the USA will be virtually the same as with Hillary or Trump.

    In internal policy Trump looks more dangerous and more willing to experiment, while Hillary is definitely a "status quo" candidate. The last thing Russians needs is the US stock market crush. So from the point of internal economic policy Hillary is also preferable.

    A lot of pundits stress the danger of war with Russia, and that might be true as women in high political position try to outdo men in hawkishness. But here Hillary jingoism probably will be tightly controlled by the "deep state". Hillary definitely tried to be "More Catholic then the Pope" in this area while being the Secretary of State. That did not end well for her and she might learn the lesson.

    But if you think about the amount of "compromat" (Russian term ;-) on Hillary and Bill that Russians may well already collected, in "normal circumstances" she might be a preferable counterpart for Russians. As in "devil that we know". Both Lavrov and Putin met Hillary. Medvedev was burned by Hillary. Taking into account the level of greed Hillary displayed during her career, I would be worried what Russians have on her, as well as on Bill "transgressions" and RICO-style actions of Clinton Foundation.

    And taking into account the level of disgust amount the government officials with Hillary (and this is not limited to Secret Service) , new leaks are quite possible, which might further complicate her position as POTUS. In worst case, the first year (or two) leaks will continue. Especially if damaging DNC leaks were the work of some disgruntled person within the USA intelligence and not of some foreign hacker group. That might be a plus for Russians as such a constant distraction might limit her possibility to make some stupid move in Syria. Or not.

    As you know personal emails boxes for all major Web mail providers are just one click away for NSA analysts. So "Snowden II" hypothesis might have the right to exist.

    Also it is quite probably that impeachment process for Hillary will start soon after her election. In the House Republicans have enough votes to try it. That also might be a plus for s for both Russia and China. Trump is extremely jingoistic as for Iran, and that might be another area were Hillary is preferable to Russians and Chinese over Trump.

    Also do not discount her health problems. She does have some serious neurological disease, which eventually might kill her. How fast she will deteriorate is not known but in a year or two the current symptoms might become more pronounced. If Bill have STD (and sometime he looks like a person with HIV; that further complicates that picture (this is just a rumor, but he really looks bad).

    I think that all those factors make her an equal, or even preferable candidate for such states as Russia and China.

    JohnH -> likbez... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 09:46 PM
    I'm not sure that Putin has a preference. It may be enough for him to show that Russia can play the destabilization card as well as NED. Displaying the profound corruption of the US political system also serves to undermine the US abroad, since much of its standing is based on the myth of its taking the moral high ground. International elites will have a harder time garnering support for pro-US policies, if those policies are seen as morally bankrupt.

    Procopius -> likbez... October 16, 2016 at 05:01 AM

    Your analysis does give me some comfort. My greatest fear is that the Deep State seems to currently be in disarray. Their actions in Syria are divided, contradictory, foolish, counterproductive, and without direction.

    Obama has mostly obviously obeyed the Deep State but has seemed to sometimes "nudge" them in a direction that seems to me better for the country. The deal with Iran is an exception. It's significant, but it is both sensible and pragmatic. It's hard to believe anything as important as that was not sanctioned by the Deep State, in defiance of Israel, and yet it is quite uncharacteristic of the Deep State's behavior over the last fifteen years.

    DrDick : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:05 PM
    The existing research literature on ethnonationalism would generally support this, though rising inequality around the world is at least as important.
    likbez -> to anne...

    You probably can start with

    There are useful pages on the Web related to particular flavors, for example Ukrainian nationalism.

    The term "American exceptionalism" is a politically correct term for American nationalism so any literature on that will give you overview too.

    anne -> likbez...


    By Walker Connor

    Walker Connor, perhaps the leading student of the origins and dynamics of ethnonationalism, has consistently stressed the importance of its political implications. In these essays, which have appeared over the course of the last three decades, he argues that Western scholars and policymakers have almost invariably underrated the influence of ethnonationalism and misinterpreted its passionate and nonrational qualities....

    [ I do appreciate the reference, which strikes me as fine since I would like to read older essays or essays extending over a few decades for perspective on the matter. I will begin here. ]

    JohnH -> anne... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:43 PM
    I think that the rise of Nazi Germany would be ample proof of the power of ethnic nationalism during an economic crisis. Now we get Trump...
    Peter K. : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 01:05 PM
    Brexit. Theresa May's recent speeches at the Conservative conference was very nationalistic and Little Englander. See Benjamin Friedman's book The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth.

    Establishment economists are making excuses for slow growth and poor policy by pointing at things like demographics and technology. Excuse-making isn't going to stem the rising tide of ethnic nationalism. Thomas Friedman's Flat World is turning into Tribalistic World.

    kthomas -> Peter K.... , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 01:32 PM
    Your usual theatrics, but I largely agree with you lattermost statement. Things are always best when we share. Tribesman can be especially selfish, even amongst themselves.
    Ben Groves : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 01:50 PM
    Frankly, I am not seeing it. Many of the "Rich" love to push the dialectics of "ethnic nationalism" where none is to be found in reality or manipulated like half-jew Donald Trump, who is being run by the rothschild flank in Russia due to his disaster when he went with fellow jews during the post-Soviet Oligarch scam. Much like all his businesses, it flopped. He owes the bank of russia(owned by rothschild) 100's of millions of dollars. They own him.

    The point? The "monied elite" tell you what they want you to believe. The dialectical illusion and collision of the duelism is how they stay in power. I feel bad for Trump supporters, most are old and not very smart. But I also feel bad for Trump opposition who refuse to bring this up, mainly because they are financed by the same crowd(aka the Clinton have worked with Rothschild as well, they come from the same cloth).

    Growth adjusted for population was not overly impressive in the 70's or 90's. Yet...............

    likbez : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 02:47 PM
    Neoliberalism creates an impulse for nationalism in several ways:

    1. It destroys human solidarity. And resorting to nationalism in a compensational mechanism to restore it in human societies. that's why the elite often resorts to foreign wars if it feels that it losing the control over peons.

    2. Neoliberalism impoverishes the majority of population enriching top 1% and provokes the search for scapegoats. Which in the past traditionally were Jews. Now look like MSM are trying to substitute them for Russians

    3. Usually the rise of nationalism is correlated with the crisis in the society. There is a crisis of neoliberalsm that we experience in the USA now: after 2008 neoliberalism entered zombie state, when the ideology is discredited, but forces behind it are way too strong for any social change to be implemented. Much like was the case during "Brezhnev socialism" in the USSR.

    So those who claim that we are experiencing replay of late 1920th on a new level might be partially right. With the important difference that it does not make sense to establish fascist dictatorship in the USA. Combination of "Inverted totalitarism" and "national security state" already achieved the same major objectives with much less blood and violence.

    spirit of forgotten American protectionism : , Friday, October 14, 2016 at 09:46 PM
    the pointless destruction of the manufacturing sector of Western economies because of their decision to have private banking systems and eschew tariffs - no surprises here folks
    cm -> cm... , -1
    Of course economy plus consequences of the state of the economy, i.e. many people being treated like shit, without recourse, except turning away from mainstream politics (which isn't much of a recourse usually).

    cm -> Longtooth... October 15, 2016 at 02:19 PM

    This analysis totally misses the point that often external factors are much more significant in determining success or lack of it than any personal virtues or failings the individual may have. It is not even luck.

    Procopius -> cm... October 16, 2016 at 05:22 AM

    I think you miss Longtooth's point. You are, of course, right that personal virtues or failings usually have no effect on success or lack of it, but if I understand Longtooth correctly, he is saying that's irrelevant. People do not blame the actual causes of their lack of success. Instead, they seek and find scapegoats. Most Trumpista have heard all their lives from people they respect that black and latino people unfairly get special treatment. That overrides the reality.

    cm -> Procopius...

    The comment started with: "When things aren't going as you expect or want, people always have to find someone to blame... since the ego works to prevent you blaming yourself."

    [Oct 15, 2016] Hillarys Public Vs. Private Positions - Deceit

    Strausian neocon deception promoted by Hillary...
    Oct 15, 2016 |
    In a recently-leaked speech from 2013, Hillary Clinton said that it is important to take both public and private positions on each issue. Is this the language of the typical politician, or something even more deceptive? How does that explain her positions on Syria and Saudi Arabia?


    [Oct 15, 2016] FBI Dump Reveals Obama's Pseudonym Use, Private Email Traffic with Hillary's Private Email

    Notable quotes:
    "... The Federal Bureau of Investigation [sic] revealed Friday that President Barack Obama used a private email address and pseudonym to communicate with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary R. Clinton and her own private email account as early as June 2012. ..."
    Oct 15, 2016 |

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation [sic] revealed Friday that President Barack Obama used a private email address and pseudonym to communicate with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary R. Clinton and her own private email account as early as June 2012.

    Posted at the FBI's Vault site, the revelation was part of a 189-page document dump of interview notes from conversations its agents conducted about how Clinton handled classified electronic correspondence, other documents, and her private email scheme during her tenure as secretary of State. Obama told CBS News March 7, 2015 that he did not know about Clinton's private email while she was his secretary of state from Jan. 21, 2009 to Feb. 1, 2013.

    Q: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?

    Obama: The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.

    [Oct 15, 2016] The US plays chicken with the Russians in Syria with the proposal of no fly zones using anti-russian hysteria as tool to attack votes to Hillary

    Notable quotes:
    "... Is the solution supposed to be that HRC's foreign policy team will be much better than Obama's? ..."
    "... The US will unilaterally determine to seize sovereignty of Syrian airspace, intervene in a civil war on the side of the rebels, and shoot down Syrian government and Russian planes. ..."
    "... Shooting down Russian planes is the plan. ..."
    "... If anyone has any doubt how little Hillary and company have learned from invading Iraq, violent regime change in Iraq, and removing inconvenient one-time friends at will, we're living through it real time all over again. ..."
    "... This is a community of adults: LFC, Lee, W Berry et al who lecture the rest of us for wankery, emotionalism etc. and who are now fully behind the candidate who is promising a 'do-over' of Iraq with the promise to this time get it right. ..."
    "... Trump, whatever his real deficiencies is openly ready to cede Syrian air-space to Assad. Most informed observers I've read argue that the civil war in Syria has been extended by years thanks to US and UK wankery. ..."
    "... At some point, the US may decide not to proceed with violent regime-change. Not yet, however, or so it seems. ..."
    "... All the responsible US diplomats and generals who brought us Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are lined-up to support the only candidate who is running on 4-8 years of violent regime change. ..."
    "... With regard to Aleppo, the eastern part of the city has been under the control of the rebels for some years. The majority of the population is in western Aleppo, under government control. Eastern Aleppo is now cut off, and under attack by various pro-government forces supported by the Russian air force. Rebel forces in eastern Aleppo are estimated to be around half al-Qaeda linked Islamists and half local Sunnis. They regularly bombard the western part, as the government does the rebel enclave. ..."
    "... The government has opened seven exit corridors for civilians to leave, and repeatedly offered the rebels evacuation to other areas (several similar offers have been accepted and carried through for rebel enclaves around Damascus). The latest news is that the rebels are reported to have mined the exits to prevent civilians leaving. ..."
    "... A good foreign policy maxim is to choose a side that has a reasonable chance of winning and stick with it. Anything else prolongs the suffering without changing the outcome. US policy in the Middle East, as earlier in South-East Asia, seems unable to grasp this basic. ..."
    "... Obviously you must want to turn a helpless population over to the evil Assad instead of the good(?) Islamists or the nonexistent moderates. Anything that equates to letting Assad win would be the ultimate proof of a love of dictators. ..."
    "... I've often noticed that opponents of humanitarian intervention are cast as the ones peddling a simplistic, unrealistic set of fantasies - nonsense, in short. But whenever an actual case comes up, it appears that the reverse is true. The people calling for war are peddling fantastical nonsense. ..."
    Oct 15, 2016 |
    Rich Puchalsky 10.15.16 at 2:29 am 181
    ...I purposefully haven't addressed anything about the recent history of American involvement in war in Syria, because that would lead to the same old accusations that this is about hating America.

    But now we're talking about the present as a guide to the future. Does anything about the known history of recent American involvement in Syria indicate that there are detailed expert analyses available that will do any good once filtered through policy? Is the solution supposed to be that HRC's foreign policy team will be much better than Obama's?

    ... ... ...

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 3:25 am 183
    What crap-for-brains doesn't seem to appreciate is that there are only two sets of pilots and planes for the US to shoot down: pilots flying under the Syrian flag and those flying under the Russian flag. There will be no 'random' misunderstandings and miscommunications for Hillary to hide behind. And that's before Russia decides to flex in the Crimea, the Ukraine, and the Baltic states.

    The US will unilaterally determine to seize sovereignty of Syrian airspace, intervene in a civil war on the side of the rebels, and shoot down Syrian government and Russian planes.

    Shooting down Russian planes is the plan.

    If anyone has any doubt how little Hillary and company have learned from invading Iraq, violent regime change in Iraq, and removing inconvenient one-time friends at will, we're living through it real time all over again.

    This time we have the CT majority in favor of Bush III and her invasions.

    ... ... ...

    kidneystones 10.15.16 at 3:57 am 184
    @180 I'm extremely grateful, btw, to see you gaming out how the US plays chicken with the Russians who 'back down' as a 'reason to vote for Hillary.'

    This is a community of adults: LFC, Lee, W Berry et al who lecture the rest of us for wankery, emotionalism etc. and who are now fully behind the candidate who is promising a 'do-over' of Iraq with the promise to this time get it right.

    Trump, whatever his real deficiencies is openly ready to cede Syrian air-space to Assad. Most informed observers I've read argue that the civil war in Syria has been extended by years thanks to US and UK wankery.

    At some point, the US may decide not to proceed with violent regime-change. Not yet, however, or so it seems.

    All the responsible US diplomats and generals who brought us Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are lined-up to support the only candidate who is running on 4-8 years of violent regime change.

    You're voting in favor of invading Iraq all over again. Thanks!!!

    Peter T 10.15.16 at 4:10 am 185
    The Syrian/Iraqi wars are …complicated. But they are both – from the viewpoint of the major combatants – the same war, a contest between the two current major streams of political thought in the Islamic Middle East. Iraqi and Lebanese Shi'a militias are active in support of the regime in Damascus, as are Sunni Palestinian ones and the Druze. Christian and Yezidi groups and Kurdish nationalists have lined up behind both Baghdad and Damascus. One the other side is a loose grouping of Salafi Islamists – ISIS, an-Nusra, the many groups under the FSA umbrella. There are, of course, a few politiques in the middle, too small to count in the fighting, but much courted by the press, and always trotted out as the "moderate opposition". Any intervention that tries to slice across the broad lines of division soon gets hopelessly tangled diplomatically and militarily. As the US has found out.

    With regard to Aleppo, the eastern part of the city has been under the control of the rebels for some years. The majority of the population is in western Aleppo, under government control. Eastern Aleppo is now cut off, and under attack by various pro-government forces supported by the Russian air force. Rebel forces in eastern Aleppo are estimated to be around half al-Qaeda linked Islamists and half local Sunnis. They regularly bombard the western part, as the government does the rebel enclave.

    The government has opened seven exit corridors for civilians to leave, and repeatedly offered the rebels evacuation to other areas (several similar offers have been accepted and carried through for rebel enclaves around Damascus). The latest news is that the rebels are reported to have mined the exits to prevent civilians leaving.

    A good foreign policy maxim is to choose a side that has a reasonable chance of winning and stick with it. Anything else prolongs the suffering without changing the outcome. US policy in the Middle East, as earlier in South-East Asia, seems unable to grasp this basic.

    Rich Puchalsky 10.15.16 at 4:40 am 186
    Peter T: "A good foreign policy maxim is to choose a side that has a reasonable chance of winning and stick with it. Anything else prolongs the suffering without changing the outcome. US policy in the Middle East, as earlier in South-East Asia, seems unable to grasp this basic."

    Obviously you must want to turn a helpless population over to the evil Assad instead of the good(?) Islamists or the nonexistent moderates. Anything that equates to letting Assad win would be the ultimate proof of a love of dictators.

    I've often noticed that opponents of humanitarian intervention are cast as the ones peddling a simplistic, unrealistic set of fantasies - nonsense, in short. But whenever an actual case comes up, it appears that the reverse is true. The people calling for war are peddling fantastical nonsense.

    [Oct 15, 2016] How Trump Happened by Joseph E. Stiglitz

    He missed the foreign policy aspect of Hillary vs Trump candidacy. A vote for Hillary is vote for continuation of wars of expansion of neoliberal empire.
    Notable quotes:
    "... reforms that political leaders promised would ensure prosperity for all – such as trade and financial liberalization – have not delivered. Far from it. And those whose standard of living has stagnated or declined have reached a simple conclusion: America's political leaders either didn't know what they were talking about or were lying (or both). ..."
    "... Thus, many Americans feel buffeted by forces outside their control, leading to outcomes that are distinctly unfair. Long-standing assumptions – that America is a land of opportunity and that each generation will be better off than the last – have been called into question. The global financial crisis may have represented a turning point for many voters: their government saved the rich bankers who had brought the US to the brink of ruin, while seemingly doing almost nothing for the millions of ordinary Americans who lost their jobs and homes. The system not only produced unfair results, but seemed rigged to do so. ..."
    "... Support for Trump is based, at least partly, on the widespread anger stemming from that loss of trust in government. ..."
    "... The simplistic neo-liberal market-fundamentalist theories that have shaped so much economic policy during the last four decades are badly misleading, with GDP growth coming at the price of soaring inequality. Trickle-down economics hasn't and won't work. Markets don't exist in a vacuum. The Thatcher-Reagan "revolution," which rewrote the rules and restructured markets for the benefit of those at the top, succeeded all too well in increasing inequality, but utterly failed in its mission to increase growth. ..."
    Project Syndicate

    But several underlying factors also appear to have contributed to the closeness of the race. For starters, many Americans are economically worse off than they were a quarter-century ago. The median income of full-time male employees is lower than it was 42 years ago, and it is increasingly difficult for those with limited education to get a full-time job that pays decent wages.

    Indeed, real (inflation-adjusted) wages at the bottom of the income distribution are roughly where they were 60 years ago. So it is no surprise that Trump finds a large, receptive audience when he says the state of the economy is rotten. But Trump is wrong both about the diagnosis and the prescription. The US economy as a whole has done well for the last six decades: GDP has increased nearly six-fold. But the fruits of that growth have gone to a relatively few at the top – people like Trump, owing partly to massive tax cuts that he would extend and deepen.

    At the same time, reforms that political leaders promised would ensure prosperity for all – such as trade and financial liberalization – have not delivered. Far from it. And those whose standard of living has stagnated or declined have reached a simple conclusion: America's political leaders either didn't know what they were talking about or were lying (or both).

    Trump wants to blame all of America's problems on trade and immigration. He's wrong. The US would have faced deindustrialization even without freer trade: global employment in manufacturing has been declining, with productivity gains exceeding demand growth.

    Where the trade agreements failed, it was not because the US was outsmarted by its trading partners; it was because the US trade agenda was shaped by corporate interests. America's companies have done well, and it is the Republicans who have blocked efforts to ensure that Americans made worse off by trade agreements would share the benefits.

    Thus, many Americans feel buffeted by forces outside their control, leading to outcomes that are distinctly unfair. Long-standing assumptions – that America is a land of opportunity and that each generation will be better off than the last – have been called into question. The global financial crisis may have represented a turning point for many voters: their government saved the rich bankers who had brought the US to the brink of ruin, while seemingly doing almost nothing for the millions of ordinary Americans who lost their jobs and homes. The system not only produced unfair results, but seemed rigged to do so.

    Support for Trump is based, at least partly, on the widespread anger stemming from that loss of trust in government. But Trump's proposed policies would make a bad situation much worse. Surely, another dose of trickle-down economics of the kind he promises, with tax cuts aimed almost entirely at rich Americans and corporations, would produce results no better than the last time they were tried.

    In fact, launching a trade war with China, Mexico, and other US trading partners, as Trump promises, would make all Americans poorer and create new impediments to the global cooperation needed to address critical global problems like the Islamic State, global terrorism, and climate change. Using money that could be invested in technology, education, or infrastructure to build a wall between the US and Mexico is a twofer in terms of wasting resources.

    There are two messages US political elites should be hearing. The simplistic neo-liberal market-fundamentalist theories that have shaped so much economic policy during the last four decades are badly misleading, with GDP growth coming at the price of soaring inequality. Trickle-down economics hasn't and won't work. Markets don't exist in a vacuum. The Thatcher-Reagan "revolution," which rewrote the rules and restructured markets for the benefit of those at the top, succeeded all too well in increasing inequality, but utterly failed in its mission to increase growth.

    This leads to the second message: we need to rewrite the rules of the economy once again, this time to ensure that ordinary citizens benefit. Politicians in the US and elsewhere who ignore this lesson will be held accountable. Change entails risk. But the Trump phenomenon – and more than a few similar political developments in Europe – has revealed the far greater risks entailed by failing to heed this message: societies divided, democracies undermined, and economies weakened.

    [Oct 15, 2016] Support for Trump is concentrated in the middle-income categories

    Oct 15, 2016 |

    Ronan(rf) 10.14.16 at 4:02 pm 148

    This has added some much needed complexity to the VOX narrative

    this part seems to support those of us who have been saying that those adopting a blinkered class/income based argument to 'disprove' the economic insecurity arguments are not even trying to get at the truth(imo, theyre purposely working backwards from their conclusions towards a conventional answer)

    "Hayes argues that the angriest voters are not going to be the people at the bottom, but the people in the middle, who used to expect that they and their kids could do well through enterprise and don't believe that anymore. Experts have disagreed over whether Trump supporters are richer or poorer than the average. Yet emerging evidence is beginning to portray a more nuanced portrait of Trump's supporters than those earlier takes.

    Jonathan Rothwell, a senior economist at Gallup, has used survey data on nearly 113,000 Americans to ask what really drives Trump support. He finds that support for the mogul turned politician is concentrated in the middle-income categories; in contrast, those who are relatively rich and those who are relatively poor are less likely to support him. Furthermore, economic insecurity is a huge factor – those who worry about their economic future are much more likely to vote for Trump. Rothwell builds on work by Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren at Harvard to find that people in living in areas with weak mobility for kids from middle-class families are more likely to vote for Trump.

    These findings are only the start of what is likely to be a long debate. Nonetheless, they support Hayes's argument. People seem to be more likely to support an anti-system candidate like Donald Trump when they have a middling income, when they feel economically insecure, and when they live in places where middle-class kids have worse prospects for getting ahead."

    Ronan(rf) 10.14.16 at 4:04 pm

    towards a *convenient* answer (ie an answer they want to be true, as it supports their worldview ).

    [Oct 15, 2016] Where Is Sidney Blumenthal's 16th Missing Email Zero Hedge

    Oct 15, 2016 |

    In one of the more interesting threads to emerge from today's latest, seventh Wikileaks dump of Podesta emails, we read a detailed exchange between Clinton press secretaries Brian Fallon and Nick Merrill, in which we learn how on June 24, 2015 the Clinton Campaign was preparing for the upcoming news release in which the State Department, and the mainstream press, would acknowledge for the first time that Hillary Clinton had deleted a certain number of Sid Blumenthal emails from the 55k pages of material produced by Hillary Clinton from her personal server.

    By way of background, this is what Fallon wrote in preparation for the official and unofficial response the Clinton campaign would provide to the State Department:

    Q: The State Department says that at least 16 of the emails that Sid Blumenthal turned over to the Benghazi Select Committee were not included in the 55,000 pages of materials produced by Hillary Clinton. Doesn't this prove that Hillary Clinton deleted certain emails at some point before producing them to the Department?


    "Hillary Clinton has turned over 55,000 pages of materials to the State Department, including all emails in her possession from Mr. Blumenthal."


    Not only did Clinton turn over all emails that she has from Blumenthal, she actually turned over more than a dozen emails that were not included in what Mr. Blumenthal handed over to the House committee.

    We do not have a record of other correspondence between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Blumenthal beyond that which was turned over to the State Department. In terms of the documents provided by Mr. Blumenthal to the House committee, we do not recognize many of those materials and cannot speak to their origin.

    OFF RECORD, if pressed on whether we are essentially admitting the possibility that she deleted some emails:

    Look, we do not know what these materials are, or where they came from. Just take a look at them: many of the documents are not even formatted as emails.

    For all we know, it could be that, in the course of reproducing his emails after his account was hacked, Sid misremembered which memos he actually forwarded to her and which he did not.

    And hey, even if Sid is right and some of these documents were at some point sent to Clinton, this is unremarkable anyway for two key reasons:

    One, she would have been under no obligation to preserve them since Blumenthal wasn't a government employee.

    Two, there is nothing in any of these emails that is remotely new or interesting. Indeed, none of these 16 emails are qualtitatively different than the dozens of others that Hillary already produced to the State Department . So it is completely ridiculous to suggest that there might have been any nefarious basis for her to want to delete any of Sid's correspondence .

    After one turn of comments he revised his "Off the Record" statement to omit the "Sid misremembered" part to end up with the following:

    OFF RECORD, if pressed on whether we are essentially admitting the possibility that she deleted some emails:

    Look, we do not know what these materials are, or where they came from. Just take a look at them: many of the documents are not even formatted as emails.

    But even if Sid is right and some of these documents were at some point sent to Clinton, there is nothing in any of these emails that is remotely new or interesting. Indeed, none of these 16 emails are qualitatively different than the dozens of others that Hillary already produced to the State Department. So it is completely ridiculous to suggest that there might have been any nefarious basis for her to want to delete any of Sid's correspondence.

    The revision took place after Nick Merrill confirmed - yet again - that there had been collusion between the State Department and the Clinton campaign when he said that " Just spoke to State a little more about this. " He then noted the following updates:

    1. The plan at the moment is for them to do this tomorrow, first thing in the morning.

    2. What that means specifically is that they are going to turn over all the Blumenthal emails to the Committee that they hav along with some other HRC emails that include a slightly broader set of search terms than the original batch. That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over . It also includes emails that HRC had that Sid didn't, as Brian noted.

    Then, providing further evidence of ongoing collusion not just between Hillary's campaign and the State Department, but also the press, Merrill then adds the following note to explain how the State Department hoped to use the Associated Press to product a piece that "lays this out" before the "committee has a chance to realize what they have.":

    3. They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee . That said, they are considering placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper ), that would lay this out before the majority on the committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it .

    On that last piece, we think it would make sense to work with State and the AP to deploy the below. So assuming everyone is in agreement we'll proceed. It would be good to frame this a little, and frankly to have it break tomorrow when we'll likely be close to or in the midst of a SCOTUS decision taking over the news hyenas.

    But what is the most interesing part of this exchange is not what is in the email, but what may have been discussed offline, for one reason: a curious discrepancy emerges just one day later, when the AP wrote an article, as expected by the "friendly" AP reporters Bradley Klapper and Matt Lee, which laid out the narrative precisely as the Clinton campaign wanted it. While we are confident many readers recall it from when it first appeared last June, from AP :

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Department cannot find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said Thursday.

    The emails all predate the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. diplomatic facility and include scant words written by Clinton herself, the officials said. They consist of more in a series of would-be intelligence reports passed to her by longtime political confidant Sidney Blumenthal, the officials said.

    Nevertheless, the fact that the State Department says it can't find them among emails she provided surely will raise new questions about Clinton's use of a personal email account and server while secretary of state and whether she has provided the agency all of her work-related correspondence, as she claims.

    Here is CNN's take on the same issue , in an article that came out virtually at the same time:

    The State Department has not been able to find emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private server in its archives, State Department officials said Thursday.

    The officials said the State Department is missing all or part of 15 emails from longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. Blumenthal provided the Select Committee on Benghazi with the emails.

    Here is NBC :

    The State Department cannot find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said Thursday.

    Here is NYT :

    The State Department said on Thursday that 15 emails sent or received by Hillary Rodham Clinton were missing from records that she has turned over, raising new questions about whether she deleted work-related emails from the private account she used exclusively while in office.

    And here is CBS :

    The State Department cannot find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said Thursday.

    And so on, but notice something similar: every press reports note 15 emails from Blumenthal were missing .

    Why is " 15 " strange? Because recall what the Clinton campaign was discussing just one day prior in the preparation of its talking points to the State Department:

    ... the State Department may acknowledge as soon as today that there were 16 Sid emails missing from the 55k pages of material produced by HRC...

    ... none of these 16 emails are qualitatively different than the dozens of others that Hillary already produced to the State Department...

    ... The State Department says that at least 16 of the emails that Sid Blumenthal turned over to the Benghazi Select Committee were not included in the 55,000 pages of materials produced by Hillary Clinton...

    We have just one question: how - and why - in the span of 24 hours, did a confirmed sample of 16 deleted Sidney Blumenthal emails, as discussed off the record within the Clinton campaign, become 15 deleted emails overnight when the State Depratment unveiled its "official", and massaged especially for the press, version of what Hillary had stated she had done with the Blumenthal's emails.

    Was the publicly announced "embarrassing" deletion of 15 Blumenthal emails merely a smokescreen to cover up the real malfeasance: the elimination of just one Blumenthal email which the State Department, in collusion with Hillary, deemed would be too damaging to even disclose had been produced?

    And if so, who at the State Department lied and why ?

    Actually we have another question: what was in the missing , and (twice?) deleted 16th , email?

    Alas, since one of the many pathways of undisputed coordinated, and collusion, exposed thanks to this latest Wikileaks release is that between the government, the mainstream press, and Hillary Clinton, we are confident we will never find out, and are even more confident this question will never emerge.


    [Oct 14, 2016] American intelligence claims (without providing evidence) that Russian intelligence is behind the Clinton email hacks is nothing less that attempts of American intelligence to manipulate the election

    Notable quotes:
    "... the danger that he presents is shaking the rats from under the carpet. ..."
    "... Yet the NYT keeps reporting that American intelligence asserts (without providing evidence) that Russian intelligence is behind the Clinton email hacks, and this is nothing less that attempts of American intelligence to manipulate the election. ..."
    "... I'm afraid, when it comes to end-of-the-Republic stuff, it's worse when your own intelligence guys are trying to manipulate the election than when their intelligence guys are. ..."
    Oct 14, 2016 |

    dax 10.14.16 at 7:52 am 141

    I'll begin with the necessary avowal that I think Trump is a clown, and dangerous, and I hope he goes down to a record defeat.

    But still… the danger that he presents is shaking the rats from under the carpet.

    How many times have I read that Russian intelligence is trying to manipulate the American election? And that this is a Very Bad Thing?

    Yet the NYT keeps reporting that American intelligence asserts (without providing evidence) that Russian intelligence is behind the Clinton email hacks, and this is nothing less that attempts of American intelligence to manipulate the election.

    And I'm afraid, when it comes to end-of-the-Republic stuff, it's worse when your own intelligence guys are trying to manipulate the election than when their intelligence guys are.

    [Oct 14, 2016] To all Sanders supporters.  Your hero sold out to the devil.

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    SharkBit Oct 14, 2016 9:20 AM To all Sanders supporters. Your hero sold out to the devil. Your party is corrupt to the core. If you care about America, voting Trump is the only way out of this Shit Show. Otherwise, we all die as that corrupt bitch of your party is crazy enough to take the USA into WWIII. You may not like Trump but he is nothing compared to the Clinton Crime Family and all its globalist tenacles.

    [Oct 14, 2016] "Is he remaining quiet because they promised him something?"

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    Crash Overide Paul Kersey Oct 14, 2016 10:16 AM "Is he remaining quiet because they promised him something?"

    I mean I don't know, you tell me...

    Bernie Sanders buys his 3rd home worth $600,000 shortly after he left the presidential race...

    zuuma Crash Overide Oct 14, 2016 11:04 AM Nicely done for a man who never had a paying job until age 40.

    And then only government jobs. Bastiat Crash Overide Oct 14, 2016 11:11 AM "Cha-ching!"

    "Money, it's a hit

    Don't give me none of that do-goody good bullshit"

    Pink Floyd:

    Oldwood Crash Overide Oct 14, 2016 11:41 AM bought and paid for

    [Oct 14, 2016] Donald Trump tells Ohio crowd that Hillary Clinton, media threaten nation

    Notable quotes:
    "... "This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system." ..."
    "... "Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed," Trump said. "They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more." ..."
    "... "It is not coincidence that these attacks come at the exact same moment, and all together at the same time, as the WikiLeaks documents expose the massive international corruption of the Clinton machine," he said. ..."
    "... Before thousands in U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Trump said the email leaks have shown that Clinton and the Democrats "raped the system" to keep Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination. ..."
    "... The enthusiastic crowd responded loudly as Trump repeated his pledge to seek a special prosecutor on Clinton if he becomes president - a move constitutional experts have said would be dubious - to "investigate the investigation" of Clinton by the FBI. ..."
    "... "A vote for me is a vote for you, and it's a vote for change," he said. "I honestly believe this is the last chance we'll ever get. … Either we win this election or we lose this country." ..."
    The Columbus Dispatch

    After describing this year's election in apocalyptic terms earlier in the day, Donald Trump was down to merely alleging Hillary Clinton is a criminal by the time he made a pair of stops Thursday in Ohio.

    "This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization," Trump said early Thursday afternoon in Palm Beach, Fla.

    "This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system."

    Trump said Clinton and media co-conspirators are at the heart of the effort against him.

    "Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed," Trump said. "They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more."

    In the Florida speech, Trump elaborated for the first time on both an 11-year-old video of him describing his sexual advances and new allegations that he groped women.

    "It is not coincidence that these attacks come at the exact same moment, and all together at the same time, as the WikiLeaks documents expose the massive international corruption of the Clinton machine," he said.

    "These claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false - and the Clinton machine knows it is. It's all fabricated. It's pure fiction and outright lies. These events never happened …

    "We already have substantial evidence to dispute these lies, and it will be made public in the appropriate way and at the appropriate time."

    In Columbus, Trump told about 500 young adults and college students at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown, "The greatest weapon wielded by crooked Hillary is the media. She has nothing else."

    When the crowd began chanting "Lock her up, lock her up!" Trump chuckled. "So young and jaded already," he said. "You understand life at a young age."

    Before thousands in U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Trump said the email leaks have shown that Clinton and the Democrats "raped the system" to keep Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination.

    The enthusiastic crowd responded loudly as Trump repeated his pledge to seek a special prosecutor on Clinton if he becomes president - a move constitutional experts have said would be dubious - to "investigate the investigation" of Clinton by the FBI.

    But the biggest response from the Queen City audience came after this Trump pledge: "I am going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country."

    The crowd in heavily Republican southwestern Ohio was probably Trump's largest rally in the Buckeye State. Three days earlier, Clinton had her biggest crowd of the entire campaign on the South Oval of Ohio State University.

    Near the end of his 45-minute talk, Trump said, "You are going to remember this rally for the rest of your life."

    And once he wins the election, Trump said, his supporters will look back and regard it as the most important vote ever because that's when the country started turning around.

    "A vote for me is a vote for you, and it's a vote for change," he said. "I honestly believe this is the last chance we'll ever get. … Either we win this election or we lose this country."

    ... ... ....

    [Oct 14, 2016] His speech yesterday was unbelieveable

    Oct 14, 2016 |

    Bay of Pigs SPONGE Oct 14, 2016 11:21 AM

    His speech yesterday was unbelievable. I never thought Id hear someone running for POTUS saying these kinds of things to a cheering American crowd.

    A mass awakening in the USA has begun...

    SoilMyselfRotten foodstampbarry Oct 14, 2016 9:50 AM

    The media has almost uniformly ignored the flurry of bombshells, preferring to devote its front pages to the Trump story

    The media has almost uniformly ignored the flurry of bombshells, dutifully devoting its front pages to the Trump story

    There, fixed it for ya

    847328_3527 JRobby Oct 14, 2016 10:36 AM

    Hillary is cracking up and becoming paranoid:

    Clinton Tells DeGenerate: Trump 'Stalked' Me During Debate

    Max Cynical VinceFostersGhost Oct 14, 2016 9:45 AM

    As soon as the Clinton campaign hears about this editorial, 404 page not found coming in 3...2...1

    [Oct 14, 2016] Just imagine the kind of damage he could have done if he'd been wicked smart

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    Renfield Dien Bien Poo Oct 14, 2016 10:51 AM << But Trump is a fucking moron .>>

    Yes, yes he is. That's why he's pretty much single-handedly 1) multiplied his large inheritance into a much larger fortune; 2) broken the Bush political machine (Jeb!); 3) repeatedly humiliated the MSM news for its US election coverage; 4) broken the careers of 16 status-quo RNC pretenders and certain ex-pretenders such as Romney; 5) split the establishment Repub party itself and driven out several of its worst offenders (now voting Democrat!); 6) raised probably the biggest army of citizen supporters since Reagan; 7) dominated news stories for free coverage that tends to bring him more support; and 8) spent relatively little money doing it.

    All totally and completely by accident! Beginner's luck!

    Thank God he's such a fucking moron, right? Just imagine the kind of damage he could have done if he'd been wicked smart!

    Renfield WillyGroper Oct 14, 2016 12:58 PM << herd redirection. any press is good press. jerry springer reality show politics. if this was the real deal he'd have been ron paul'd in the press from the beginnning. ZERO time. >>

    Could well be. I have no strong opinion on Trump since he has no record in office yet, so since I'm not an American citizen & cannot vote in those elections anyway I have to sit back and wait, see what the truth turns out to be. I apologise for commenting on your elections, and normally I'd keep out of it, but there's this:

    The reason I have lately become a foreign 'Trump supporter' is that the alternative is Hillary, a known war criminal. Living next door to you guys I stand a much better chance of seeing old age if the Washington string-puller for Canada's subsidiary of the Corporation isn't, you know, already a known war criminal with a hard-on for Russia. Not that thrilled with the prospect of an immediate & 'voter-supported' nuclear WW3. Hence, I'm a Trump supporter now... as a foreign commenter the only current US pollies I've a really strong opinion on are Jeb!, Barky, and Cankles. That's b/c people (or in Jeb's case their immediate families) who've already demonstrated their willingness to commit war crimes become very relevant to those even outside American borders, especially when they call the shots for my own, err, 'leaders'. (I know, that's our own damn fault, too.)

    I am very, very FOR your remaining non-war-criminal candidate since it prevents Hillary as getting in as CEO of the US corporate office, with "nuclear war" as her first order of business.

    So here, just pointing out that DT, while he is and may be a lot of things, is certainly not stupid! That particular MSM myth always makes me giggle and reply flippantly (as above). Whether he's also evil, in my foreigner's eyes, still remains to be seen from his record in office, if he gets one. (Back to lurking, and let you better-informed Americans get on with things!)

    [Oct 14, 2016] leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    FireBrander pazmaker Oct 14, 2016 9:13 AM Hillary Clinton: 'Smart Power' and a Dictator's Fall

    The consequences (of Hillary's Libya decision as Secretary of State) would be more far-reaching than anyone imagined, leaving Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven, a place where the direst answers to Mrs. Clinton's questions have come to pass.

    [Oct 14, 2016] The well deserved hatred for Hillary and the globalists is so great, that at least 40% of the males in this country would back anyone who went up against the Clintons.

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    dsty balolalo Oct 14, 2016 11:53 AM Thank You Vladimir Putin

    The Hillary Clinton campaign says the hackers behind the leaked email evidence of their collusion with the major media are from Russia and linked to the Russian regime. If so, I want to publicly thank those Russian hackers and their leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, for opening a window into the modern workings of the United States government-corporate-media establishment.

    We always knew that the major media were extensions of the Democratic Party. But the email evidence of how figures like Maggie Haberman of The New York Times, Juliet Eilperin of The Washington Post, and John Harwood of CNBC worked hand-in-glove with the Democrats is important. The Daily Caller and Breitbart have led the way in digging through the emails and exposing the nature of this evidence. It is shocking even to those of us at Accuracy in Media who always knew about, and had documented, such collusion through analysis and observation.

    The Clinton campaign and various intelligence officials insist that the purpose of the Russian hacking is to weaken the confidence of the American people in their system of government, and to suggest that the American system is just as corrupt as the Russian system is alleged to be. Perhaps our confidence in our system should be shaken. The American people can see that our media are not independent of the government or the political system and, in fact, function as an arm of the political party in control of the White House that wants to maintain that control after November 8.

    In conjunction with other evidence, including the ability to conduct vote fraud that benefits the Democrats, the results on Election Day will be in question and will form the basis for Donald J. Trump to continue to claim that the system is "rigged" against outsiders like him.

    The idea of an American system of free and fair elections that includes an honest press has been terribly undermined by the evidence that has come to light. We are not yet to the point of the Russian system, where opposition outlets are run out of business and dissidents killed in the streets. That means that the Russians have not completely succeeded in destroying confidence in our system. But we do know that federal agencies like the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are poised to strike blows against free and independent media. Earlier this year the three Democrats on the FEC voted to punish filmmaker Joel Gilbert for distributing a film critical of President Barack Obama during the 2012 campaign.

    The New York Times is reporting that Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta has been contacted by the FBI about the alleged Russian hackers behind the leaks of his emails. This is what Podesta and many in the media want to talk about.

    But the Russians, if they are responsible, have performed a public service. And until there is a thorough house-cleaning of those in the major media who have made a mockery of professional journalism, the American people will continue to lack confidence in their system. The media have been caught in the act of sabotaging the public's right to know by taking sides in the presidential contest. They have become a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, coordinating with the Hillary Clinton for president campaign, which apparently was being run out of Georgetown University, where John Podesta was based. Many emails carry the web address of [email protected] , a reference to the Georgetown University position held by the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Podesta is a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. His other affiliations include the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress and the United Nations High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

    Podesta and the other members of this U.N. panel had proposed " A New Global Partnership for the World ," which advocated for a "profound economic transformation" of the world's economic order that would result in a new globalist system. Shouldn't the American people be informed about what Podesta and his Democratic allies have planned for the United States should they win on November 8?

    That Podesta would serve the purposes of the U.N. is not a surprise. But it is somewhat surprising that he would use his base at Georgetown University to run the Hillary campaign. On the other hand, Georgetown, the nation's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university, describes itself as preparing "the next generation of global citizens to lead and make a difference in the world."

    In a previous column, "The Sad Demise of a Once-Catholic University," we noted that the university launched a " Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship Program ," and that Mrs. Clinton is the Honorary Founding Chair of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security . Georgetown is even giving awards named after the former Secretary of State, designated the " Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security ."

    When a Catholic university serves as the base for the election of a Democratic Party politician committed to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and transgender rights, you know America's political system and academia are rotten to the core. The disclosure from WikiLeaks that Podesta used his Georgetown email to engage in party politics only confirms what we already knew.

    If the Russians are ultimately responsible for the release of these emails, some of which show an anti-Catholic animus on the part of Clinton campaign officials, we are grateful to them. The answer has to be to clean out the American political system of those who corrupt it and demonstrate to the world that we can achieve higher standards of integrity and transparency.

    For its part, Georgetown University should be stripped of its Catholic affiliation and designated as an official arm of the Democratic Party.

  • Read more: " Thank You Vladimir Putin

    Paul Kersey balolalo Oct 14, 2016 12:02 PM The well deserved hatred for Hillary and the globalists is so great, that at least 40% of the males in this country would back anyone who went up against the Clintons. That's just not the same thing as "BUYING TRUMPS BULLSHIT HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER".

    Trump is exposing the corruption and the hypocrisy of the Clintons in a way that no one has ever had the guts to do in the past. He's doing it on national TV with a large national audience. With Trump we may get anarchy, but with the Clintons, Deep State is guaranteed. It is Deep State that is working overtime to finish building the expressway to neofeudalism.

    [Oct 14, 2016] why are all these suckers using gmail anyway?

    Oct 14, 2016 |
    Lumberjack Oct 14, 2016 9:18 AM Wikileaks dump #7 has arrived:

    Lumberjack Lumberjack Oct 14, 2016 9:26 AM Has it leaked yet?

    Tom Servo Lumberjack Oct 14, 2016 9:47 AM why are all these cocksuckers using gmail anyway?

    [Oct 14, 2016] 18 US 2071: Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

    Oct 14, 2016 |

    hooligan2009 Oct 14, 2016 9:18 AM

    still no mention of the clincher - that proves the entire democrat party has no respect for the office of president - or any other government office for that matter..

    stay on target!!!

    (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be

    disqualified from holding any office under the United States .

    As used in this subsection, the term "office" does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States."
    (Source: 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally )

    [Oct 14, 2016] This Many Deaths Are Way More Than Happenstance

    Oct 14, 2016 |

    DuneCreature Oct 14, 2016 9:15 AM

    We could always have a few murders and suspecious deaths looked into again. .... A few to chose from:

    - Kevin Ives and Don Henry , both 17, crushed by a train, August 23, 1987. Their deaths were ruled accidental, with the medical examiner saying they had fallen asleep on a railroad line after smoking marijuana, but a grand jury found they had been murdered before being placed on the tracks. They had allegedly stumbled on a plot to smuggle drugs and guns from an airport in Mena, Arkansas, that Bill Clinton was said to be involved in as state governor.

    - Victor Raiser , 53, small plane crash, July 30, 1992. The second finance co-chair of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign was killed along with his son during a fishing vacation in Alaska. Campaign press secretary Dee Dee Myers called Raiser a major player in the organization.

    - Paul Tully , 48, heart attack, September 25, 1992. A chain-smoking, heavy drinking political consultant who weighed more than 320lb. Tully died seven weeks before Clinton's first presidential election win. He had been political director of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during Clinton's rise. Tully was on the left of the Democratic Party and usually worked for those who shared his views, however he agreed to work for Clinton because he thought he was the only Democrat who could beat President George Bush.

    - Paula Gober , 36, single car accident, December 7, 1992. She was Clinton's interpreter for the deaf for several years and traveled with him while he was governor of Arkansas. Her vehicle overturned on a bend, throwing her 30 feet. There were no witnesses.

    - Vince Foster , 48, suicide, July 20, 1993. A long-time friend of the Clintons in Arkansas, new president Bill Clinton appointed him Deputy White House Counsel. Foster soon realized he hated the job and fell into a deep depression. He was found shot to death in Fort Marcy Park in Washington.

    - Stanley Heard , 47, small plane crash, September 3, 1993. An Arkansas chiropractor who, according to the book, A Profession of One's Own, treated the Clinton family, Heard was asked by Bill Clinton to represent the practice as plans for 'Hillarycare' were being finalized. His attorney Steve Dickson, was flying him home from a healthcare meeting in Washington, DC. On the way to the capital from his home in Kansas, Dickson's small plane developed problems so he landed in St Louis and rented another plane. That rented plane was the one that crashed in rural Virginia, killing both men.

    - Jerry Parks , 47, shot to death, September 23, 1993. The head of security for Bill Clinton's headquarters in Arkansas was driving home in West Little Rock when two men pulled alongside his car and sprayed it with semi-automatic gunfire. As Parks's car stopped a man stepped out of the Chevy and shot him twice with a 9mm pistol and sped off. Despite several witnesses, no-one was ever arrested. The killing came two months after Parks had watched news of Foster's death and allegedly told his son Gary 'I'm a dead man'. His wife Lois remarried, and her second husband, Dr David Millstein was stabbed to death in 2006.

    - Ed Willey , 60, suicide, November 29, 1993. Husband of Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey, he was deeply in debt and shot himself to death on the day that his wife alleges she was groped by Bill Clinton in the Oval Office.

    - Herschel Friday , 70, small plane crash, March 1, 1994. Friday was an Arkansas lawyer who Richard Nixon had once considered for the Supreme Court. Friday was known as a benefactor of Bill Clinton, serving on his campaign finance committee.

    - Kathy Ferguson , 37, gun suicide, May 11, 1994. She was the ex-wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, who was named in a sexual harassment suit brought by Paula Jones against Bill Clinton. Ferguson left a note blaming problems with her fiancé, Bill Shelton. A month later Shelton, upset about the suicide verdict, killed himself.

    - Ron Brown , 54, plane crash, April 3, 1996. Brown was chair of the Democratic National Committee during Bill Clinton's rise to the presidential nomination and was rewarded with the cabinet position. He was under a corruption investigation when his plane slammed into a mountainside in Croatia. Doctors who examined his body found a circular wound on the top of his head which led to suspicions that he had died before the plane crashed, but that theory was later discounted. The crash was attributed to pilot error.

    - Charles Meissner , 56, same plane crash as Brown. Meissner was assistant secretary for international trade and had been criticized for allegedly giving special security clearance to John Huang, who later pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy charges for violating campaign finance laws, in a case that enmeshed the Clinton administration.

    - Barbara Wise , 48, natural causes, November 29, 1996. Wise, who worked alongside Brown, Meissner and Huang in the Commerce Department was found dead at her desk on the day after Thanksgiving 1996. Her death was originally classified as a homicide but police later said Wise, 48, who had a history of severe ill health, had died from natural causes. A local TV station initially quoted an unidentified police source as saying her body was partially nude and her office was locked, but those reports were later denied.

    - Mary Mahoney , 25, armed robbery, July 7, 1997. Mahoney was a White House intern during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. A lesbian gay rights activist, she never found herself troubled by Clinton, but she did take to counseling those who did. She was shot dead during a robbery at a Washington Starbucks where she worked.

    - Jim McDougal , 57, heart attack, March 8, 1998. McDougal and his wife Susan were involved in the Whitewater real estate scandal that rocked the Clinton administration. They and the Clintons had invested $203,000 to buy land in the Ozarks but the venture failed and McDougal was convicted of corruption for borrowing money from his Savings and Loan to cover the cost. He died in federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas.

    - John Ashe , 61, weightlifting accident, June 22, 2016. The Antiguan diplomat dropped a dumbbell on his neck and asphyxiated himself at his home in Dobbs Ferry, New York. He was due to stand trial for allegedly receiving $500,000 from billionaire real estate developer Ng Lap Seng who was involved in a scandal involving illegally funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic National Committee during Bill Clinton's presidency.

    - Seth Rich , 27, armed robbery, July 26, 2016. A rising star in the DNC, Rich was robbed at gunpoint after a night of drinking in Washington, DC. The robbers took nothing, leaving his watch and wallet after shooting him several times in the back. Rich had allegedly been involved in the leak of documents that brought down Hillary Clinton ally Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

    - Mark Weiner , 62, leukemia, July 26, 2016. Despite his condition, Weiner, a prodigious Clinton fundraiser, was due to attend the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and was dressing on the day he was due to travel from his home in Rhode Island. But he suddenly felt ill and went to bed and never got up again.

    - Victor Thorn , 54, suicide, August 1, 2016. Thorn shot himself in the head at the top of Nittany Mountain, Pennsylvania, on his birthday. He had written four books highly critical of the Clintons. He was also a Holocaust denier.

    - Shawn Lucas , 38, unexplained, August 2, 2016. Just days before his death, Lucas, a process server had delivered papers to the Democratic National Committee's headquarters in Washington, DC, filming himself as he did so. He was found dead in his apartment in the city.

    There are more but these are a good start.

    Live Hard, This Many Deaths Are Way More Than Happenstance, Die Free

    ~ DC v2.0

    rmopf2010 VinceFostersGhost Oct 14, 2016 9:45 AM Another one to be Clintonized

    [Oct 14, 2016] Hillary Clinton asks for landslide victory to rebuke Trumps bigotry and bullying

    Killary only can beg that voters hold their noses and vote for her. Guardian neoliberal presstitutes still don't want to understand that Hillary is more dangerous then trump, Sge with her attempt that she is more militant then male neocons can really provoke a confrontation with Russia or China.
    Notable quotes:
    "... War at home versus another foreign war, nothing will get through Congress, and either will get third party all the way for me. ..."
    "... Keep in mind, the election is not over and that drip, drip, drip of Hillary emails may push more people towards Trump. ..."
    "... Shameless. Absolutely shameless, Guardian. This is not-even-disguised Clinton sycophancy... ..."
    "... Clinton has everything going for her. The media, the banks, big business, the UN, foreign leaders, special interest lobbyists, silicon valley, establishment Republicans. How can she not win in an landslide?! ..."
    "... We came, we saw, and he grabbed some pussy. ..."
    "... It seems nobody wants to talk about what is really going on here - instead we are fed this bilge from both sides about 'sexual misconduct' and other fluff ..."
    "... The stagnation of middle-class incomes in the West may last another five decades or more. ..."
    "... This calls into question either the sustainability of democracy under such conditions or the sustainability of globalization. ..."
    "... These classes of "globalization losers," particularly in the United States, have had little political voice or influence, and perhaps this is why the backlash against globalization has been so muted. They have had little voice because the rich have come to control the political process. The rich, as can be seen by looking at the income gains of the global top 5 percent in Figure 1, have benefited immensely from globalization and they have keen interest in its continuation. ..."
    "... But while their use of political power has enabled the continuation of globalization, it has also hollowed out national democracies and moved many countries closer to becoming plutocracies. Thus, the choice would seem either plutocracy and globalization – or populism and a halt to globalization. ..."
    Oct 14, 2016 |

    Julian Kelley , 14 Oct 2016 02:47

    The vast majority of her support comes from people that will be holding their noses as they vote for her. Seems to me that convincing those same people that you have it in the bag will just cause them to think voting isn't worth their time since they don't want to anyway.

    I know Trump's supporters, the real ones, and the anyone-but-Hillary club will show up as well. Funny if this backfires and he wins.

    I won't be voting for either one and couldn't care less which one wins. War at home versus another foreign war, nothing will get through Congress, and either will get third party all the way for me.

    Apache287 -> Julian Kelley , 14 Oct 2016 02:57

    War at home versus another foreign war

    Yes because War in the US will be so great.

    ... ... ...

    AQuietNight -> playloro , 14 Oct 2016 02:56
    "Trump has to be the limit, and there has to be a re-alignment"

    Trump has shown one must fight fire with fire. The days of the meek and mild GOP are over. Twice they tried with nice guys and failed. Trump has clearly shown come out with both fists swinging and you attract needed media and you make the conversation about you. Trump's mistake was not seeking that bit of polish that leaves your opponent on the floor.

    Keep in mind, the election is not over and that drip, drip, drip of Hillary emails may push more people towards Trump.

    taxhaven , 14 Oct 2016 02:50
    Shameless. Absolutely shameless, Guardian. This is not-even-disguised Clinton sycophancy...

    For every woman that's been sexually harassed, bullied, raped, assaulted, catcalled, groped, objectified, and treated lesser than, a landslide victory for Clinton would be an especially sweet "Fuck You" to the Trumps of this world.

    DJROM -> tugend49 , 14 Oct 2016 03:17

    Tell that to Juanita Brodrick, Katherine Willie, or Paula Jones
    SwingState , 14 Oct 2016 02:53

    Clinton has everything going for her. The media, the banks, big business, the UN, foreign leaders, special interest lobbyists, silicon valley, establishment Republicans. How can she not win in an landslide?!

    It might be a reaction against Trump, but it's also a depressing example of the power of the establishment, and their desire for control in democracy. Just look at how they squealed at Brexit.

    chuckledog -> SwingState , 14 Oct 2016 03:06
    Rather low opinion of people's ability to decide for themselves.
    AlvaroBo -> chuckledog , 14 Oct 2016 03:13
    That low opinion is justified. See also: Asch experiment.
    Kieran Brown -> SwingState , 14 Oct 2016 03:52
    "squealed at Brexit" hahaha...hasnt happened yet and your currency is in the toilet. the squealing from england gonna be deafening...
    Boojay , 14 Oct 2016 02:54
    It takes a horrible man to make Clinton look good. We came, we saw, and he grabbed some pussy.
    SeenItAlready , 14 Oct 2016 02:55
    It seems nobody wants to talk about what is really going on here - instead we are fed this bilge from both sides about 'sexual misconduct' and other fluff

    There is a report from two years ago, July 2014, before the candidates had even been selected, by the economist Branko Milanovic for Yale 'Global' about the impact of Globalisation on the Lower Middle Classes in the West and how this was basically going to turn into exactly the choice the American electorate is facing now

    Why won't the media discuss these issues instead of pushing this pointless circus?

    These are the penultimate paragraphs of the article on the report (there is a similar one for the Harvard Business Review here ):

    The populists warn disgruntled voters that economic trends observed during the past three decades are just the first wave of cheap labor from Asia pitted in direct competition with workers in the rich world, and more waves are on the way from poorer lands in Asia and Africa. The stagnation of middle-class incomes in the West may last another five decades or more.

    This calls into question either the sustainability of democracy under such conditions or the sustainability of globalization.

    If globalization is derailed, the middle classes of the West may be relieved from the immediate pressure of cheaper Asian competition. But the longer-term costs to themselves and their countries, let alone to the poor in Asia and Africa, will be high. Thus, the interests and the political power of the middle classes in the rich world put them in a direct conflict with the interests of the worldwide poor.

    These classes of "globalization losers," particularly in the United States, have had little political voice or influence, and perhaps this is why the backlash against globalization has been so muted. They have had little voice because the rich have come to control the political process. The rich, as can be seen by looking at the income gains of the global top 5 percent in Figure 1, have benefited immensely from globalization and they have keen interest in its continuation.

    But while their use of political power has enabled the continuation of globalization, it has also hollowed out national democracies and moved many countries closer to becoming plutocracies. Thus, the choice would seem either plutocracy and globalization – or populism and a halt to globalization.

    Martin51 -> SeenItAlready , 14 Oct 2016 09:19
    Globalisation will continue to happen. It has pulled a large part of the world population out of poverty and grown the global economy.

    Sure on the downside it has also hugely benefitted the 1%, while the western middle classes have done relatively less well and blue collar workers have suffered as they seek to turn to other types (less well paid) of work.

    The issue is the speed of change, how to manage globalisation and spread the wealth more equitably. Maybe it will require slowing but it cannot and should not be stopped.

    ozbornzadick , 14 Oct 2016 02:56
    Ah, the lesser of two evils.

    [Oct 14, 2016] The real deplorable are US neoliberal press corps and Hillarys fellow financial, political, economic, and military elites who wrecked the economy, got us mired in endless unwinnable foreign wars

    Notable quotes:
    "... Meanwhile, between journalism's insiders and outsiders-between the ones who are rising and the ones who are sinking-there is no solidarity at all. Here in the capital city, every pundit and every would-be pundit identifies upward, always upward. ..."
    "... We cling to our credentials and our professional-class fantasies, hobnobbing with senators and governors, trading witticisms with friendly Cabinet officials, helping ourselves to the champagne and lobster ..."
    "... "The real "deplorables" generally aren't the people whom Hillary denounced as wholly "irredeemable," or at whom economically secure commentators fulminate on a regular basis. More obviously "deplorable" are Hillary's fellow financial, political, economic, and military elites who wrecked the economy, got us mired in endless unwinnable foreign wars, and erected a virtually impenetrable cultural barrier between everyday Americans trying to live fruitful lives and their pretentious, well-heeled superiors ensconced in select coastal enclaves. It is thanks to the actions of this "basket of deplorables" that we're in the situation we're in" ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |
    Vatch October 13, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    I skimmed the Harpers article by Thomas Frank on the media's extermination of Bernie Sanders. It's a good article about an unpleasant topic. One point that is not clear from the blurb is that Frank isn't writing about the media's treatment of Sanders, but rather about the Washington Post's treatment of Sanders. Occasionally other media outlets are mentioned (I saw a reference to the Associated Press), but it's almost all about the Bezos Washington Post's unfairness to Sanders. A lot of other newspapers mistreated him as well.

    PlutoniumKun October 13, 2016 at 4:50 pm

    The article is excellent, but if anyone doesn't have the time to read it, I'd suggest going straight to the last page, its a brilliant demolition of modern punditry journalism. The last two paragraphs in particular:

    Meanwhile, between journalism's insiders and outsiders-between the ones who are rising and the ones who are sinking-there is no solidarity at all. Here in the capital city, every pundit and every would-be pundit identifies upward, always upward.

    We cling to our credentials and our professional-class fantasies, hobnobbing with senators and governors, trading witticisms with friendly Cabinet officials, helping ourselves to the champagne and lobster. Everyone wants to know our opinion, we like to believe, or to celebrate our birthday, or to find out where we went for cocktails after work last night.

    Until the day, that is, when you wake up and learn that the tycoon behind your media concern has changed his mind and everyone is laid off and that it was never really about you in the first place. Gone, the private office or award-winning column or cable-news show. The checks start bouncing. The booker at MSNBC stops calling. And suddenly you find that you are a middle-aged maker of paragraphs-of useless things-dumped out into a billionaire's world that has no need for you, and doesn't really give a damn about your degree in comparative literature from Brown. You start to think a little differently about universal health care and tuition-free college and Wall Street bailouts. But of course it is too late now. Too late for all of us.

    Chauncey Gardiner October 13, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    Yes, thanks for the link to Thomas Frank's essay in Harpers about the efforts of corporate media, particularly the Washington Post and New York Times, to kill Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign for the presidency.

    Yesterday NC linked to an article from the American Conservative by Michael Tracey titled "The Real Deplorables". In his article Tracey observed: …

    "The real "deplorables" generally aren't the people whom Hillary denounced as wholly "irredeemable," or at whom economically secure commentators fulminate on a regular basis. More obviously "deplorable" are Hillary's fellow financial, political, economic, and military elites who wrecked the economy, got us mired in endless unwinnable foreign wars, and erected a virtually impenetrable cultural barrier between everyday Americans trying to live fruitful lives and their pretentious, well-heeled superiors ensconced in select coastal enclaves. It is thanks to the actions of this "basket of deplorables" that we're in the situation we're in"

    Clearly Michael Tracey overlooked a group. But what is particularly troubling me was Thomas Frank's observation: …"for the sort of people who write and edit the opinion pages of the Post, there was something deeply threatening about Sanders and his political views. He seems to have represented something horrifying, something that could not be spoken of directly but that clearly needed to be suppressed."

    I find myself wondering why this is so?

    [Oct 13, 2016] Lies recast and repeated enough times by establishment democrats and their presstitutes become facts.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Recast and repeated enough times, and they become facts. ..."
    "... Trump has lost it. ..."
    "... Voters are deserting him ..."
    "... "Hillary will win ..."
    "... The news organizations have (or used to have) a duty not to report lies. And remember, all it takes is one phone call from the DNC. So, if they are reporting it, the emails are legitimate. Wiki can leak, but they can ignore. ..."
    "... If the MSM wanted to find out whether the emails were genuine or doctored or forgeries, all they have to do is ask Podesta for the authentic emails. The MSM hasn't done so, because the results would spoil their narrative. ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |
    aliteralmind October 13, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    A discussion by people in the know:

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 13, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Recast and repeated enough times, and they become facts.

    • "Trump has lost it."
    • "Voters are deserting him."
    • "Hillary will win."
    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 13, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    The news organizations have (or used to have) a duty not to report lies. And remember, all it takes is one phone call from the DNC. So, if they are reporting it, the emails are legitimate. Wiki can leak, but they can ignore.

    Here is your proof.

    sid_finster October 13, 2016 at 4:31 pm

    If the MSM wanted to find out whether the emails were genuine or doctored or forgeries, all they have to do is ask Podesta for the authentic emails. The MSM hasn't done so, because the results would spoil their narrative.

    Benedict@Large October 13, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    The best I've heard is that not a single person in the From/To addresses is denying a single e-mail where they are so listed.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Stockman: I do not think she won the debate. I think the media destroyed Donald Trump as a candidate

    Notable quotes:
    "... I think the media destroyed Donald Trump as a candidate ..."
    "... I have to say I am truly disappointed by this blog post. The election is a clear choice. Hillary has a confirmed track record of war, the death of muslim, laws that incarcerated black people, stumping for banks, stumping for Monsanto, stealing aid money, corruption and slut-shaming raped women. ..."
    "... Socialists, Progressives, the Left, HATE corrupt HRC's actions, policies, behavior, and record. Why can't people get the terminology and concepts correct? ..."
    "... HRC is the OPPOSITE of progresssive, socialist, leftist. Hillary Clinton is a NeoLiberal NeoCon. She wants reckless regime change, war, trade agreements that decimate US jobs and wages, etc. ..."
    "... Mish is acting like some gal looking for the perfect man as a husband. There is no perfect man in either love or politics. Trump is the closest thing to it given what I see of the puppets of politics so far. The central bankers / globalists appear to hate him. That alone should be enough for Mish who has railed against both to vote for Trump. Imagine the heat Trump has already taken? An Mish just blithely jumps ship. And what for? Because of some imagined stampeded because Trump is hetero. ..."
    "... Hillary destroyed evidence she was subpoenaed to turn over to criminal investigators. She should lose her law license just as Bill had. Instead, she will become president. ..."
    "... I recently registered to vote for the first time in over 15 years. I'm voting for Trump and I've never voted for a Republican before in my life. I'm completely ignoring all the polls, all the talking heads, all of the 'smart' people, alt or otherwise. I'm going to vote for what I see as the only option for not *more of the same*. ..."
    "... It is a fraud to reject Trump for his failures to make the best case against Hillary. It really doesn't matter as we have seen just in the last few days that the media is not covering the issues, no matter how much he brings them up. He has massive rallies and goes through all of this, yet NOTHING in the media ..."
    "... Sure they will cover his vulgarities while saying NOTHING of Hillary's issues other than to claim the content of her emails is less relevant than a potential Trump/Russia conspiracy. Birther my ass, will they apologize for inferring Trump is a traitor or spy? I doubt it. ..."
    "... The corrupt FBI cover-up of Clintons violations of the espionage act has convinced me that Clinton should be in prison. She wants to appoint left-wing ideological Supreme Court justices who further destroy the law and move us down the road to tyranny. She will not repeal the ACA. She will further destabilize the world just as she did Libya. ..."
    "... Trump is a very flawed individual who really has no business being President. I disagree with many of his policies, but at this point, we all we have left is damage control. As much as I hate it, I will vote for Trump. ..."
    "... Disagree. Voting for the 2 party system is what has got us where we are today. It's people like you, who will always vote for who the oligarchs give you, that has put the country in this position. ..."
    "... Trump, even if elected, cannot do anything without an agreeable Congress. ..."
    "... Trump may call himself a republican (as Ron Paul did) but in fact he is an independent. ..."
    "... The oligarchs most certainly did not give us Trump, the people voted for Trump in spite of the oligarchs continuously trying to destroy him and supporting establishment professional politicians. ..."
    "... Likely, if Hillary wins, they will attempt to change the laws and structure of party politics to make sure we NEVER see another Trump like candidacy. ..."
    "... Trump is not a nation builder, which is why the neocons are against him. Wake up Mish – any vote against Trump is a vote for Hitlary, AND YOU KNOW IT, and would be a vote for what you despise. ..."
    "... Oh please it's hardly over. Polls don't matter when a wikileak, 11 year-old tape, or bad debate performance could potentially swing sentiment overnight from one candidate to another. ..."
    "... I conclude no one wants to admit who they support. The only reason anyone would vote for HIllary is to stop Trump. Now, if the polls show an easy win for Hillary, those people may figure their vote is not needed, and since they don't really care for her, not vote at all. By contrast, Trump supporters are more likely to be angry by how the press has treated him, and vote anyway. ..."
    "... I expect record low turnout. It's possible that with a record low turnout that Trump might actually win. It's also possible that Johnson might get 15% of the vote and surprise everyone. It's a shame, honestly, that the Libertarians didn't nominate a more qualified nominee this year as this would have been the year for him to be taken seriously. ..."
    "... If I put a 'Trump' sticker on my car, it would be vandalized. If I put a Trump sign on my building, it would be vandalized if not outright fire bombed. I live in a very blue district in a very blue state. ..."
    "... Trump was not my first choice, but he is the better choice. I have warmed to him a bit seeing how he has upset the party oligarchs.. and not just in the USA ..."
    "... It's easy to do. There is no chance in Hell that she will win, and you can set back and watch it all burn down with a clear conscience, right? This is what I love about principles. We pretend our principles are about the greater good…like we are sacrificing ourselves, when in reality, we are simply trying to shield our own delicate sensibilities from any thought of responsibility. ..."
    "... The USA is not a nation (at least not in the traditional nation-state sense). It's too fractured and too diverse, it doesn't even have its own language and culture. How can one say "we"? How many of you can find enough people in your area with the same interests to form any organized group? ..."
    "... Gary Johnson is the one expressing this "romantic" view, of an America that doesn't exist, never existed, has no chance of existing because it's too diverse and fractured in its social core, and it's against all global plans and policies of all other countries. He can only fracture the republican party even more, until republicans become "the other democrats" on the table. ..."
    "... The same happened in Greece with the third party "To Potami", which helped bring Syriza in power after fracturing the center-right. It was a "catalyst" party that played its role and then almost vanished. ..."
    "... I read Stockman's article in full, and he gets even more preposterous and unhinged from reality than that sentence you disagree with, Mish. Stockman seems to think the ruination of the USA under Hillary will be a good thing that leads to a Utopian paradise arising out of the financial ashes and radioactive rubble. Bolsheviks in 1917 and more recent Marxists such as Paul Pot in Cambodia have had that same vision of a Utopian society arising from the ashes and killing fields. I think Stockman needs to rethink that part of his narrative. Anyway, the Media did not kill Trump. Rather, the Media Have Made Trump. ..."
    "... 40 million or so Trump supporters watching debate number two on TV saw it for themselves, and now more than ever know the falseness of the mainstream media narrative, both in its spin and coverage deletions. The media has been 99% anti-Trump from Day One, and ditto the GOP elite who are touted by the media as now ditching Trump. In that sense, what Trump and Bill Clinton have in common is that they both get stronger when under attack. If the media and GOP elite suddenly embraced Trump, that might confuse Trump's supporters into bolting. ..."
    "... The Bush cousin, Billy, and NBC were a month too soon releasing the trash talking tape, and timing counts. People who watched the debate, including the Hillary voters, now have too much time to talk and reconsider. The danger to Hillary is that some of the robotic drones who vote Democratic by rote will agree that Hillary is all talk and empty words and that nothing will be done under her rule to help the black, Latinos and inner city people who robotically vote the Democratic ticket. That is the defection that could hurt Hillary on election day, defections among her own core believing that They Have Nothing to Lose by Voting Trump. The media cannot sustain the Bush family/NBC tape frenzy much longer. It will soon be old news, and something else will emerge to turn the election. ..."
    "... My research shows evidence of poll fixing to make hillary look good. My independant polls and questions show trump will win election by a large margin. My guess he will beat Hillary by 6 million votes if not more. Media is so wrong on this. ..."
    "... Whatever the media says is a lie, I have no doubt. My prediction is Hilary's team will know that she can't win, so they'll play the poor health card so that Obama will stall the election (with him in power) for another year. ..."
    "... They hope that Clinton builds some kind of commanding position in the polls and they convince a significant number of voters that Trump will lose anyway. The problem is that everyone knows that the polls are rigged, and the more people see of Hillary and the more questions are asked, the more the people don't like her. The polls are still too close for comfort. ..."
    "... But if there is one thing I have learned about neo-liberals (or whatever these creatures call themselves) over the past decade or so – that is they make and break the rules to suit themselves. Done in Europe all the time. We will see. ..."
    "... Hillary will lead the polls but lose the election which will be proclaimed fraudulent due to Russian hacking at the behest of Trump. Its all set up. ..."
    "... They keep bringing up all of these leaked and hacked emails, claiming they are all tracked back to Russia, which is impossible to actually verify WHO did it, but none the less, this will be their plan if ballot box stuffing and election fraud are not enough to get her across the finish line. They keep TELLING us that Hillary is the WINNER. They claim its not even close. ..."
    "... I am not so sure that Trump will lose. People are so anti-establishment that it is likely the media by defiling Trump almost on a daily basis and their visible bias towards Hillary may be helping Trump along. However I do accept Trump can lose it with his foot-in-mouth disease but even now I do not think it is sure thing. If the anti-establishment crowd land up in droves to vote, it might well be Trump. ..."
    "... I like David Stockman and enjoy what he has to say but it looks like he is trying to put some lipstick on the cover of his new book. He hoped that Trump would get to the left of Hillary on Wall Street and ruffle Janet's feathers. ..."
    "... Basically David is saying that it will be a good thing that Hillary will be our next President because she will preside over the next recession. He also more or less said up to this point that it would be great if she gets "Trumped". ..."
    "... We are ruled by largely a false consensus. Exactly what these polls are about…creating the perception of what the public believes in an effort to direct that perception. ..."
    "... Trump has gotten to this point despite a massive push back from Republicans and an almost universal opposition from the mainstream media….and yet we still hear those proclaiming his candidacy is dead. If just a few more people would show a spine instead of running away from each and every Political correct attack, we MIGHT still have a democratic republic rather than a world ruled by powerful elites through political and corporate mouthpieces. ..."
    "... I guess like many others, I slapped my forehead when the "tape" was released and initially thought it would be the last we saw of Donald Trump. Over the next few days I re-evaluated and came to the conclusion that it was inevitable that something like this would occur. TPTB will never allow Trump to ascend to the presidency willingly and if it can't be stopped by character assassination, they may well try another way. ..."
    "... Personally I hope Donald wins by a good margin and Clinton, who couldn't keep the grin from her face, will be consigned to where she should be. ..."
    "... Hillary will get the election simply by how the votes get counted. The character assassinations are a prelude and necessary part of the story as to why Trump lost. The faked vote counts for Hillary will be the reason Trump lost. But that won't be discussed. ..."
    "... Hillary was a vote canvasser in Chicago in 1960 and learned a lot about vote fraud (she said so herself). I'm sure that will come in handy, no wonder she switched to the Vote Fraud Party. ..."
    "... The way things are heating up between Washington and Russia, there's a lot more than the market to worry about, especially if Hillary is elected because she will not be able to control the Pentagon nor her neocon advisers like Paul Wolfowitz and Mike Morell. Simply put, they will get US into a war with Russia and Russia will defend itself with nukes because, for Russia, the 'conventional' alternative to nuclear war would be far worse. ..."
    "... Russia will not likely allow that to happen. As part of the USSR, they lost 20m people during WWII, ejecting the Germans from their own territory while the Germans were fighting on multiple fronts. That represents as much of a "never again" tragedy for Russia as the holocaust represents for Jews. ..."
    "... US military planners know this and will try to take out Russia's nukes as soon as the hostilities begin. The Russians know this and that they must launch as quickly as possible. It will be all out and all over, with little chance of negotiating a cease fire. ..."
    "... As Lavrov said, we cannot even negotiate anymore. As soon as Kerry and he made their agreement last month, the Pentagon trashed it and attacked a Syrian base – as ISIS was attacking a nearby mountain. The Syrians even claim to have a recording of communications between US forces and ISIS – which 'our' government has yet to deny. We know now from Hillary's emails that the Saudis and Qataris were funding ISIS in 2014. There's surely more than that. ..."
    "... I'm still voting for Trump as my big FU to the current way things are done. I still think a Trump presidency will result in something tangible being done to either our infrastructure needs or to causing everyone to re-engage in their local politics. Both positives in my mind. The World will take care of itself without the United States for a few years. ..."
    "... Trump is still in the race and come Nov. 9 we will have our own version of Brexit. The dominant ruling minority have overstepped their bounds with the voting majority, who now see through all of the Zioglobalist falsehoods. ..."
    "... The best we can hope for is Trump represents a different faction of our masters that realize a leech can't survive on a corpse. ..."
    "... In the last debate I think I heard Trump say "oh so it's 3 against one again?" I was thinking the same thing before he said it. ..."
    "... Only the MSM seem to be unaware of female sexuality – perhaps they think of them all as saints and mothers. I doubt that Trump has suffered lasting damage by the Bush inc. attack. Normal people are realists. ..."
    "... Trump has many flaws and yes he has hurt himself but it is the media that is attempting to destroy him. Even Nixon got treated better then Trump. They cover up for Clinton, they work with Clinton. The media is doing a total hatchet job on Trump. ..."
    "... According to my state Secretary of State, the second debate generated a flood of last minute new voter registrations, so it isn't over. ..."
    "... I do agree Donald could have done way better in the first debate, and somewhat better in the second although he still won the second debate. We can also still hope the Most Evil Bitch will have a heart attack. If she is elected I am going to build a fallout shelter. ..."
    "... And people are going to vote for Gary Johnson? Jesus Christ. Hope you're living on 10 acres of arable land in the middle of nowhere, Mish! ..."
    "... The other problem for Bush was a short, mild recession during the election. Slick Willy made a big deal out of it; Bush said "don't worry, it won't amount to anything". Bush was right, but The Weasel won. ..."
    "... Mish you are so wrong. I think Trump he will win solidly. The 2nd debate was a master stoke. If the election was over, you wouldn't have OBAMA and his wife, GORE, Sanders, Bill Clinton and assortment of idiotic actors all campaign wildly. ..."
    "... Debates are never very memorable, statements are. The one-statement that will stay with everyone is you would be in Jail if I were president. ..."
    "... A vote for Gary Johnson now is without a doubt a vote for Hillary, which in turn is a vote for WW3. That is not hyperbole. ..."
    "... Political consultant Dick Morris knows the Clintons better than anybody and is vigorous in his support of Trump. He has been lambasting third party voters as Hillary votes and says it's really a wasted vote. ..."
    "... Not sure why I would have to say this, but what Trump said into that hot mic was accurate. I lived in Miami for several years. Wealth purchases people and beauty is DEFINITELY purchaseable. They let him do it just the same as all of the athletes and celebs in the VIP sections of the clubs I frequented in SoBe. We used to joke that buying a bottle and getting a table in VIP increased our likelihood of hooking up by ~300%. Groping willing participants is not sexual assault. ..."
    "... Don't be silly. If Trump loses this, he will be DONE. He has flown into the face of every power group in America, and if there is one thing we know about progressives, they do not forgive or forget. ..."
    "... Personal destruction is their game. ..."
    "... People want to think that Trump is just in it for publicity, which to me is to assume he is stupid, which I think is far from true. I think he truly does believe he can make a difference. He is probably wrong, but he is NOT stupid. This is his end. ..."
    "... If anyone in the media had a clue about how voters feel, voters wouldn't be disconnecting their overpriced cable TV. 500 channels and they are all crap. ..."
    "... Of course Trump will wreck Washington DC. That is the point. Of course Paul Ryan hates voters as much as Nancy Pelosi and Obama and McCain do - our public servants have made their hatred of the public quite clear. ..."
    "... Believe it or not, Hillary started out as a conservative republican. At age 13 she canvassed for Nixon in Chicago in the 1960 election and saw vote fraud firsthand (seems to have made an impression!). In '64 she campaigned for Goldwater! Then in '65 she went to college and started drifting to the left. Her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky. Enrolling at Yale in '69 she met Bill Clinton and joined the Dark Side. ..."
    "... Clinton is still the Republican candidate. She is certainly to the right of Nixon or Eisenhower. Pro big business, pro free trade, pro immigration, pro defense spending. The only non-alignment is with the Christian-right. But they were just a play thing for votes by the GOP anyway. ..."
    "... Go back and read Eisenhower's Farewell Address again Jon. It's the opposite of Hellary. ..."
    "... The thing about Trump is that he hasn't got a plan. Lowering taxes and spending more on defense is not a plan. Saying you will do better deals is not a plan. Voters are just hoping that once he was in he would achieve things but really we don't know what he will do. ..."
    "... Trump does not have a plan and it is obvious. But no plan is better than Hillary's bad plan. ..."
    "... But he really lost me when he degenerated into pandering to every minority race, religion and special interest group that yelled the loudest… just like all the other politicians. And the most recent revelation about his vulgar views of women didn't help either. Nothing to love there. ..."
    "... "Trump was asked several pointed questions. Hillary was asked none." ..."
    "... Never mind preparing for a biased moderator, accepting the conditions of such a debate at all makes him look like failed leadership. He could have demanded better conditions, especially if he were slightly ahead as he may have been at the time. ..."
    "... One more thing that struck me was that if the election was in the bag why would they release the tape? They might as well be preparing for the coronation. ..."
    "... IMO, the establishment is still running scared and thus using all the dirty tricks that they are capable of and which they think will win them the election. The crux of the issue is that they do not want to acknowledge that people might prefer a discredited Trump to the establishment at this stage of the game. Establishment is the problem but they are masquerading as the solution. This is the problem with gaming people. At some point the game is up. ..."
    "... Exactly. And why release polls with a so called 11% lead, polls conducted by a company connected to Clinton? That has an overweight in left/democratic voters? ..."
    "... Brexit was supposed to be over before the final result came in. How quickly people forget. It is the people vs Wall Street/corrupt politicians. The latter is represented by Clinton. the former by Trump. We will see how angry the U.S. people really are at the current clique of career politicians, bought and paid for by the big companies. ..."
    "... Why indeed would they send out Obama only yesterday to wag his finger in dire warning? The powers to be know it's NOT all over. The problem is that each time they send one of these 'asshat extrodinaires' out To preach to the public they simply cause MORE dissent, more mocking, and more retrenchment. ..."
    "... Does anyone actually think that Obama, who has done more to divide the nation than anyone can make the blindest bit of difference at this stage? Respectfully, a curious Englishman. ..."
    "... PS! It's not as though Obama has anything better to do with his time, is it? Enjoy 18 holes of golf, or go out campaigning for a woman he (allegedly) loathes and despises. Tough call, that one! ..."
    "... "We will see how angry the U.S. people really are at the current clique of career politicians, bought and paid for by the big companies." ..."
    "... I hope they are angry enough to come and vote for him in such numbers that it assures a Trump victory. Anybody but establishment is all I ask! What is happening is too nauseating to stomach any longer. ..."
    "... Unfortunately Gary Johnson will split the anti-establishment vote, helping to elect the Soros and banksters funded candidate. ..."
    "... This is not a vote for election. It is a vote against election. ..."
    Oct 11, 2016 |

    Stockman: "This election is over. Trump made a game defense of himself, enough to keep him in the race, but it is going to descend deeper into the gutter from here, than ever before in American history. And the people of America are going to be disgusted. And they're not going to come out and vote. And a lot of them now feel free to vote their conscience and their conviction for the third party candidate. So Hillary will have no mandate. And I think that's good. Because she stands for everything that's wrecking this country. We're gonna now have a crisis; there will be a market crash; there will be a recession. She will be a 45 percent politically-crippled mandate-less president, and we are going to finally show the American people that this fantasy that both parties have been projecting has to end. … I do not think she won the debate. I think the media destroyed Donald Trump as a candidate."

    General Agreement

    There is very little I disagree with, until the final sentence.

    It's pretty clear the election is over, but that was clear after the first debate.

    I would not go so far as to say the markets will "crash", but that depends on the definition. I actually suspect more like a 40-50% decline over seven to ten years with nothing much worse than a 15-20% decline.

    No year may look like a "crash" but the end result for pension plans will be worse.

    Hillary certainly is damaged goods, but she will be able to damage the country with help of her Republican neocon friends who would rather see her in the White House than Trump.

    All things considered, that's a lot of agreements. But, if a "crash" is coming, however one defines it, Donald Trump would not have stopped it either.

    Media Destroyed Trump?

    My main disagreement with Stockman is his statement " I think the media destroyed Donald Trump as a candidate ." Certainly the media tried to destroy Trump, but the media failed every step of the way.

    Trump Destroyed Trump

    It is Trump who destroyed Trump. The man finally imploded.

    Heading into the first debate, it was Trump's election to lose, and he lost it with an amazing set of gaffes.

    When asked about taxes, he had an easy answer: "I pay may taxes according to the law, just as I presume Hillary does. Warren Buffet complained his secretary pays more in taxes than he does. But does Buffet voluntarily pay extra taxes? Does Hillary? If Hillary does not like the law, why didn't she change it when she was a senator?"

    How hard was that?

    Why didn't Trump ever bring up the Clinton Foundation? Why didn't he press harder on Libya?

    In regards to the "birther" issue, all Trump had to say was "I changed my mind once I saw the birth certificate. Am I not allow to change my mind? Didn't Hillary change her mind on the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement (TPP)? Of course she did. She now agrees with me. If she can change her, mind why can't I?

    Trump was asked several pointed questions. Hillary was asked none. Trump could have and should have, after the third pointed question, gone after the moderator with a comment "Doesn't Hillary get any hard questions? Whose side are you on?" That would have brought lots of laughs.

    Such a response to the moderator by Trump would have required some quick thinking, but there is no excuse for Trump flat out not being prepared for the debate.

    Ahead of the first debate, Trump was one state away from pulling into the lead, and a moderately good debate would likely have done that. Answers like the above, easily worked out in advance, may have been a knock out blow to Hillary.

    Finally, and in regards to all the new sexual allegations, Trump should simply have said something along the lines "I made a mistake. So did Hillary when she married Bill."

    The bottom line is the medial did not destroy Trump, his own arrogance, lack of humility, and total lack of preparation for the first debate did.

    Barring a medical or other type of disaster, this election is indeed over.

    I am voting for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.

    Mike "Mish" Shedlock

    thoughts on "Trump Destroyed Trump, Not the Media: "This Election is Over""

    michael said:

    October 11, 2016 8:44:34 at 8:44 PM Trump has not lost yet, although the mainstream media would suggest otherwise. Of course they also predicted Brexit to fail. It is not over until the votes are counted. It will be a travesty if Hillary is elected.

    Gary Johnson believes Wall Street has committed no crimes. Hard rhetoric to stand behind.

    Arvind Damarla

    October 12, 2016 4:04:38 at 4:04 AM I have to say I am truly disappointed by this blog post. The election is a clear choice. Hillary has a confirmed track record of war, the death of muslim, laws that incarcerated black people, stumping for banks, stumping for Monsanto, stealing aid money, corruption and slut-shaming raped women.

    Trump has made fast and loose comments because he is not a slick politician. However I challenge you to tell us what you find so objectionable about the *substance* of his statements (not the media spin) that you would vote to allow Clinton in. Maybe you're in California and your vote doesn't matter, but still … very disappointing.


    October 12, 2016 12:37:29 at 12:37 PM The election "should" be a clear choice, but unfortunately the democrat/liberal/progressive/socialist/fascist/communist fans of Hillary will not view, read or discuss anything that is not favorable to their queen. The new voting block generation Y is grossly uninformed, and being brainwashed by the MSM. Best thing to do is try to educate them.


    October 12, 2016 9:28:01 at 9:28 PM @CJ, Socialists, Progressives, the Left, HATE corrupt HRC's actions, policies, behavior, and record. Why can't people get the terminology and concepts correct?

    HRC is the OPPOSITE of progresssive, socialist, leftist. Hillary Clinton is a NeoLiberal NeoCon. She wants reckless regime change, war, trade agreements that decimate US jobs and wages, etc.


    October 13, 2016 7:50:33 at 7:50 AM Mish is acting like some gal looking for the perfect man as a husband. There is no perfect man in either love or politics. Trump is the closest thing to it given what I see of the puppets of politics so far. The central bankers / globalists appear to hate him. That alone should be enough for Mish who has railed against both to vote for Trump. Imagine the heat Trump has already taken? An Mish just blithely jumps ship. And what for? Because of some imagined stampeded because Trump is hetero.

    For those of you who think what Trump said is "bad". Well I guess it is considered bad. But it is true. Women like powerful males and they drop their panties quite easily for them. I have experience this. If you have not perhaps you think it is a myth. It is not. Even being relatively fit and tall you would be surprised what a prim and proper lady will do if you intone that you can keep a secret. Reality is those cloths come off quite rapidly.

    So let's all stop the Victorian tongue clucking.


    October 11, 2016 9:26:23 at 9:26 PM Exactly. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. It was/is a mistake. He is unable to identify Aleppo as a Syrian city and flashpoint of ISIS terror.

    Trump got a ton of free publicity in the primary. Hard to sit there now and gripe over how he got treated.

    Hillary destroyed evidence she was subpoenaed to turn over to criminal investigators. She should lose her law license just as Bill had. Instead, she will become president.

    The world recoils in horror as President What-Difference-Does-It-Make takes office.


    October 11, 2016 8:52:36 at 8:52 PM I recently registered to vote for the first time in over 15 years. I'm voting for Trump and I've never voted for a Republican before in my life. I'm completely ignoring all the polls, all the talking heads, all of the 'smart' people, alt or otherwise. I'm going to vote for what I see as the only option for not *more of the same*.

    And I don't discuss it with anyone. I don't get into political arguments or discussions. I don't have a lawn sign or a bumper sticker. I don't go to rally's.

    I'm betting there are plenty more people just like me and there is a big surprise awaiting all of the pundits.


    October 12, 2016 7:56:30 at 7:56 AM So why do you believe Johnson is superior to Trump? Have you seen the beat-downs he has given people for the use of the term "illegal Alien". Are you good with open borders? Do you think he is anything close to a libertarian in hs views? Do you think there is a chance in hell he can win?

    It is a fraud to reject Trump for his failures to make the best case against Hillary. It really doesn't matter as we have seen just in the last few days that the media is not covering the issues, no matter how much he brings them up. He has massive rallies and goes through all of this, yet NOTHING in the media .

    Sure they will cover his vulgarities while saying NOTHING of Hillary's issues other than to claim the content of her emails is less relevant than a potential Trump/Russia conspiracy. Birther my ass, will they apologize for inferring Trump is a traitor or spy? I doubt it.

    Mish, you are still free and can do as you wish, but you KNOW a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary. YOU KNOW THINS, so please do us all a favor and not pretend it is some principled stand. You are willing to vote for a loser because you think trump will lose…..ensuring he WILL lose if others follow you path.


    October 12, 2016 7:57:06 at 7:57 AM We are partially in this mess because of people like you that don't take responsibility. Life is full of hard choices – make one. Sorry Mish, a vote for Johnson, who does not have a plan for our biggest financial issue, healthcare spending, is also spineless, or worse, because it helps an even bigger bag of horse sh*t – CROOKED Hitlary.


    October 11, 2016 8:58:28 at 8:58 PM When Mike several months ago asked who his readers would vote for, I replied that I could not imagine a universe that could exist in which I would vote for Trump. Well I have found that universe.

    The corrupt FBI cover-up of Clintons violations of the espionage act has convinced me that Clinton should be in prison. She wants to appoint left-wing ideological Supreme Court justices who further destroy the law and move us down the road to tyranny. She will not repeal the ACA. She will further destabilize the world just as she did Libya.

    Trump is a very flawed individual who really has no business being President. I disagree with many of his policies, but at this point, we all we have left is damage control. As much as I hate it, I will vote for Trump.


    October 11, 2016 9:17:36 at 9:17 PM Gee thanks. After cheerleading for Trump all through the Republican primaries, now you bail. Nothing that's happened wasn't predictable, in fact wasn't predicted. Where were you when something could be done about it?



    October 12, 2016 12:33:44 at 12:33 AM Please tell me what could have been done besides nothing. If you say vote Cruz or Rubio I would throw up. The least warmonger will get my vote actually. That may be Stein. I have to look. But it sure aint Cruz or Rubio. They are as bad as Hillary


    October 12, 2016 7:01:37 at 7:01 AM respectfully disagree – Trump is currently winning and slowly extending his lead.

    Hillary is unable to hit her numbers in key demographics

    October 12, 2016 8:06:58 at 8:06 AM Mish will vote for someone he KNOWS will lose rather than risk his vote for someone who MIGHT lose. If Trump does lose it will be the result of people like Mish. For someone who lives in alternate media, he sure swallows the main stream media's crap whole.
    It's sad. It's disappointing, but we live in a world of choices, one that ALWAYS revolves around choosing the lesser of evils. The role of the media is ALWAYS to incentivize us to choose poorly, be it in our consumption or politics. Humans have an inner need to self destruct and media and the commercial interests they ultimately represent seek to push us a long, to buy what we don't need and as ALWAYS lure us with "something for nothing" which is ALWAYS the most expensive "purchase" we could have made.
    "Buy" Johnson and get Hillary and all that comes with her.WAR and financial depression in perpetude.
    Jon Sellers

    October 12, 2016 11:41:14 at 11:41 AM Disagree. Voting for the 2 party system is what has got us where we are today. It's people like you, who will always vote for who the oligarchs give you, that has put the country in this position.

    Trump, even if elected, cannot do anything without an agreeable Congress.

    Mish is a self-professed Libertarian and is taking the reasonable and responsible stand. He is voting his conscious. Everyone should.

    October 12, 2016 12:56:47 at 12:56 PM And I disagree with you, Jon. Trump may call himself a republican (as Ron Paul did) but in fact he is an independent. Look at all the repubs that won't support "their" candidate. The oligarchs most certainly did not give us Trump, the people voted for Trump in spite of the oligarchs continuously trying to destroy him and supporting establishment professional politicians.
    I am fine with Washington getting nothing done. What they do get done usually does more harm than good. Do you want to have Hillary impose her 75% tax plan? Are you happy that Obama brought back the Cold War, and Hillary intends to raise the temperature?
    October 12, 2016 1:23:32 at 1:23 PM What CJ said.
    What good are your principles if they have no effect on the outcome? A vote for a third party is a vote for Hillary. Are you so deluded to think that Hillary will care, or ANYONE will care, that Johnson got 10% of the vote? What good did it do to vote for Perot? WE got Clinton and what we have today. IT IS THE MEDIA that controls the elections, and the two main parties are in league with them. One reason they hate Trump so much is he has not spent the money Hillary has and his political power is a public demonstration to other potential candidates that maybe they too do not have to suckle at that tit of donors and media buys. This is a MAJOR threat to those running our country. NO donors, OH SHIT!, No advertising, OH HELL NO! Trump is no hero, no savior, but he is PROVING to be the only effective adversary to the powers that be. Only an fool would not see this. Third parties are a waste of effort, always have been. With Trump, even if he loses, it will change the political process for years to come.

    Likely, if Hillary wins, they will attempt to change the laws and structure of party politics to make sure we NEVER see another Trump like candidacy. There is SO MUCH riding on this election and people are so caught up with the media shilling and traditional cognitive capture that they just don't realize. The system IS the system and when you are inside of it it is invisible, but when you are on the outside, trying to break in, you realize, be it business or politics, that there are walls built to prevent you from doing so, and typically the only way in is to pay tribute to the system, bend to its will, accept the corruption, fraud and criminality designed specifically to limit access.


    October 12, 2016 8:10:18 at 8:10 AM Trump is not a nation builder, which is why the neocons are against him. Wake up Mish – any vote against Trump is a vote for Hitlary, AND YOU KNOW IT, and would be a vote for what you despise.

    October 12, 2016 8:43:40 at 8:43 AM You could vote for Trump and use your platform here to encourage every 3rd party, undecided and uninterested citizen to also vote for Trump.

    Everyone understands he is flawed but the alternative is the end of the United States as we know it…the simple demographics of a Clinton presidency – likely 8 years followed by more Democratic dictatorship will bring in millions of Syrian and other Muslims, tens of millions more illegal aliens and we will become Greece/France/Germany/Sweden.

    There are millions of Americans with young children who will be fighting the civil war and bear the brunt of the violence that will occur – and in many places is already occurring but being completely blacked out by the media.

    Thanks for nothing pal.


    October 11, 2016 9:18:27 at 9:18 PM Oh please it's hardly over. Polls don't matter when a wikileak, 11 year-old tape, or bad debate performance could potentially swing sentiment overnight from one candidate to another.

    Carl R

    October 12, 2016 11:39:53 at 11:39 AM Or, maybe polls do matter, but not in the way most think. In the last two weeks I have been keeping a count of yard signs I see for Presidential candidates. There are many for local issues, but for President I have counted 0 for Hillary, 0 for Trump, 5 for Johnson. On bumper stickers I counted 1 for Bernie, and none for anyone else.

    I conclude no one wants to admit who they support. The only reason anyone would vote for HIllary is to stop Trump. Now, if the polls show an easy win for Hillary, those people may figure their vote is not needed, and since they don't really care for her, not vote at all. By contrast, Trump supporters are more likely to be angry by how the press has treated him, and vote anyway.

    I expect record low turnout. It's possible that with a record low turnout that Trump might actually win. It's also possible that Johnson might get 15% of the vote and surprise everyone. It's a shame, honestly, that the Libertarians didn't nominate a more qualified nominee this year as this would have been the year for him to be taken seriously.

    On the whole of politics, I'll make one final comment. Back in the 60's politics was a dirty business, featuring guys like LBJ and Nixon. After Watergate the mood changed, and instead we got nice guys, and who could be nicer than Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford? It's taken 30 years, but we're right back where we were.

    October 12, 2016 1:31:14 at 1:31 PM Not if it is a Johnson Libertarian platform.
    Free trade? does he even know what that is? Because none of us do as we haven't had any in our history. We PAY tariffs to just about every country we hope to export to and charge none at all. Free my ass.
    Open borders and citizenship for all? Does he understand supply and demand principles, does he not look at the number of people out of the workforce? Does he have even the slightest clue how economics works? He is a Utopian that is completely clueless. I'm sure he is smart enough to run a business, but he has no business running mine. How many illegals did he hire when he had his own business anyway? Here in Texas there are lots of successful businesses profiting from illegal employment. Doesn't make it right.

    October 12, 2016 3:06:15 at 3:06 PM If I put a 'Trump' sticker on my car, it would be vandalized. If I put a Trump sign on my building, it would be vandalized if not outright fire bombed. I live in a very blue district in a very blue state.

    Trump was not my first choice, but he is the better choice. I have warmed to him a bit seeing how he has upset the party oligarchs.. and not just in the USA . H


    October 11, 2016 9:33:34 at 9:33 PM They're trying to set the narrative before anything happens like a soothsayer. Nobody can say with certainty that Trump is finished. He isn't. He's still attracting massive crowds and money.


    October 12, 2016 8:27:48 at 8:27 AM Your young readers, and the older ones suffering from De Niro dementia, may want to take the 'Anonymous' refresher course – .

    The captured pollsters are like the credit rating agencies during the financial crisis. They are putting a AAA-rating on a pile of dog crap. Buy it at your own risk.

    Just as I have done with Trump, I am not going to judge you Mish on one bad call, but please re-think your position. You are way too smart to come to your conclusion. The other smart people coming to your decision are either 'useful idiots' or are establishment hacks, who benefit some way from selling their soul.


    October 12, 2016 12:30:44 at 12:30 AM Hillary without a doubt will carry Illinois. I never really looked much beyond Trump. I heard today that Ron Paul said Stein had the best foreign policy. So I will investigate.


    October 12, 2016 8:10:20 at 8:10 AM I heard that Jesus had the BEST platform. Maybe we should all vote for HIM.
    It will be at least as effective as voting for Stein or Johnson, and if you are going for a principled vote, how can you do better? At least we may have an express lane to heaven when Hillary's policies will have us evaporated in a fireball from Russia.

    October 12, 2016 1:47:08 at 1:47 PM

    It's easy to do. There is no chance in Hell that she will win, and you can set back and watch it all burn down with a clear conscience, right?
    This is what I love about principles. We pretend our principles are about the greater good…like we are sacrificing ourselves, when in reality, we are simply trying to shield our own delicate sensibilities from any thought of responsibility.

    ***don't look at me, I didn't vote for her/him/undecided***

    It is like the way that radical Islamist shoot their rifles. They avoid aiming directly and instead simply point their rifles in the general direction of who they want dead, but by not aiming directly, they can claim that the resultant death was not their fault but Allah's will.

    It is the typical progressive stance that they defend themselves from the destruction their policies create by claiming that it was okay because they only had good intentions. People voting for people that they know cannot win are no different. Our every action AND inaction has consequence that only our deluded minds can shield us from. Every vote and non vote counts. Throwing your vote away or not voting is but a delusion from accepting that responsibility, a pretense of "principles".

    Real principles require personal sacrifice. You have to give up something for them, not receive something (like absolution). No one is forcing you to vote (yet), but life is nothing else BUT a choice of lesser evils, and to pretend it is not, to believe that simply not participating does anything positive, flies in the face of the notion that all that evil requires to succeed is for good people to do nothing (and voting for a third party is doing NOTHING). Half the country doesn't vote now, and we are in the worst position ever. Voting for a sure loser is no different


    October 11, 2016 9:37:50 at 9:37 PM There's a lot of "we" in the end of the video clip. Who's "we"?

    The USA is not a nation (at least not in the traditional nation-state sense). It's too fractured and too diverse, it doesn't even have its own language and culture. How can one say "we"? How many of you can find enough people in your area with the same interests to form any organized group?

    The Democrats know this very well, and that is why they have been fracturing it further by creating artificial "communities" (such as the "gay community" etc.).
    What's over with this election is not Trump (who will go back to his business and find some peace), but the very underlying "romantic" concept of America.

    Gary Johnson is the one expressing this "romantic" view, of an America that doesn't exist, never existed, has no chance of existing because it's too diverse and fractured in its social core, and it's against all global plans and policies of all other countries. He can only fracture the republican party even more, until republicans become "the other democrats" on the table.

    The same happened in Greece with the third party "To Potami", which helped bring Syriza in power after fracturing the center-right. It was a "catalyst" party that played its role and then almost vanished.


    October 12, 2016 8:24:31 at 8:24 AM My son has a history book that says things like "We went into world war two…", "America wanted to build a better…" and "Americans wanted more equality".

    I asked him to define who "We", "America" and "Americans" were. He said he thought the book was boring and repetitive and he only studied to get the grade. I said "good boy, keep the math grade up."

    Soon I'll have to explain what nonsense to write to slip under the literature teacher's radar.

    October 12, 2016 1:37:24 at 1:37 PM Trump was responsible for Super Bowl sized audiences during the GOP debates. The question is : can he get them to get off their butts and vote?

    If he can, this is going to be very interesting indeed.

    October 12, 2016 1:44:11 at 1:44 PM .

    The historic concept of nation… where the people share the same race, religion, culture, language, history and territory… is dying. TPTB want all nations to die to further their evil globalist agenda. If a nation won't die a natural death, it will be given a lethal dose of diversity via massive immigration.

    October 11, 2016 9:39:26 at 9:39 PM

    I read Stockman's article in full, and he gets even more preposterous and unhinged from reality than that sentence you disagree with, Mish. Stockman seems to think the ruination of the USA under Hillary will be a good thing that leads to a Utopian paradise arising out of the financial ashes and radioactive rubble. Bolsheviks in 1917 and more recent Marxists such as Paul Pot in Cambodia have had that same vision of a Utopian society arising from the ashes and killing fields. I think Stockman needs to rethink that part of his narrative. Anyway, the Media did not kill Trump. Rather, the Media Have Made Trump.

    40 million or so Trump supporters watching debate number two on TV saw it for themselves, and now more than ever know the falseness of the mainstream media narrative, both in its spin and coverage deletions. The media has been 99% anti-Trump from Day One, and ditto the GOP elite who are touted by the media as now ditching Trump. In that sense, what Trump and Bill Clinton have in common is that they both get stronger when under attack. If the media and GOP elite suddenly embraced Trump, that might confuse Trump's supporters into bolting.

    The Bush cousin, Billy, and NBC were a month too soon releasing the trash talking tape, and timing counts. People who watched the debate, including the Hillary voters, now have too much time to talk and reconsider. The danger to Hillary is that some of the robotic drones who vote Democratic by rote will agree that Hillary is all talk and empty words and that nothing will be done under her rule to help the black, Latinos and inner city people who robotically vote the Democratic ticket. That is the defection that could hurt Hillary on election day, defections among her own core believing that They Have Nothing to Lose by Voting Trump. The media cannot sustain the Bush family/NBC tape frenzy much longer. It will soon be old news, and something else will emerge to turn the election.

    October 11, 2016 10:38:08 at 10:38 PM My research shows evidence of poll fixing to make hillary look good. My independant polls and questions show trump will win election by a large margin. My guess he will beat Hillary by 6 million votes if not more. Media is so wrong on this.
    October 12, 2016 5:55:34 at 5:55 AM Whatever the media says is a lie, I have no doubt. My prediction is Hilary's team will know that she can't win, so they'll play the poor health card so that Obama will stall the election (with him in power) for another year.

    October 12, 2016 12:22:39 at 12:22 PM Hmm – nearly right. I've been thinking a lot about this. Either …

    A/ They get rid of Trump now and Clinton gets some kind of coronation. That is why they are pulling out all of the stops with the current smear campaign. (Some geezer in the UN is the latest to wag his finger), or

    B/ They hope that Clinton builds some kind of commanding position in the polls and they convince a significant number of voters that Trump will lose anyway. The problem is that everyone knows that the polls are rigged, and the more people see of Hillary and the more questions are asked, the more the people don't like her. The polls are still too close for comfort.

    October 12, 2016 1:34:30 at 1:34 PM Well CJ, you are probably right. But if there is one thing I have learned about neo-liberals (or whatever these creatures call themselves) over the past decade or so – that is they make and break the rules to suit themselves. Done in Europe all the time. We will see.
    October 12, 2016 1:58:06 at 1:58 PM Hillary will lead the polls but lose the election which will be proclaimed fraudulent due to Russian hacking at the behest of Trump. Its all set up.

    They keep bringing up all of these leaked and hacked emails, claiming they are all tracked back to Russia, which is impossible to actually verify WHO did it, but none the less, this will be their plan if ballot box stuffing and election fraud are not enough to get her across the finish line. They keep TELLING us that Hillary is the WINNER. They claim its not even close.

    Hillary is laughing at Trump supporters and denigrating them as she believes she is the heir apparent. Look at the polls and see very lopsided democrat/republican sampling as well as other metrics. Look at those running the polling companies who are also on Hillary's payroll. Its blatant and it is sad, but they don't care because they own the media and will spin the story to their ends. Most if not many will see through it, but they don't care, because no one will push back, especially not from rank and file republicans. Only the Deplorables would be so crass. And we know how much respect they get.

    October 11, 2016 9:57:26 at 9:57 PM I am not so sure that Trump will lose. People are so anti-establishment that it is likely the media by defiling Trump almost on a daily basis and their visible bias towards Hillary may be helping Trump along. However I do accept Trump can lose it with his foot-in-mouth disease but even now I do not think it is sure thing. If the anti-establishment crowd land up in droves to vote, it might well be Trump.

    October 11, 2016 9:58:13 at 9:58 PM I like David Stockman and enjoy what he has to say but it looks like he is trying to put some lipstick on the cover of his new book. He hoped that Trump would get to the left of Hillary on Wall Street and ruffle Janet's feathers.

    Basically David is saying that it will be a good thing that Hillary will be our next President because she will preside over the next recession. He also more or less said up to this point that it would be great if she gets "Trumped".

    Enough said…

    October 12, 2016 8:18:56 at 8:18 AM Yeah, well I said that about Obama…TWICE, and look at what we have. The dream that this will EVER blow back on progressives is pure delusion as the "public" opinion as created by the media is the rule, not facts or reality. Conservatives have been waiting for progressives to get slapped with the consequences of their actions for a hundred years and still NOTHING. The PROOF is to look at where we are right NOW!

    We are ruled by largely a false consensus. Exactly what these polls are about…creating the perception of what the public believes in an effort to direct that perception.

    Trump has gotten to this point despite a massive push back from Republicans and an almost universal opposition from the mainstream media….and yet we still hear those proclaiming his candidacy is dead. If just a few more people would show a spine instead of running away from each and every Political correct attack, we MIGHT still have a democratic republic rather than a world ruled by powerful elites through political and corporate mouthpieces.

    October 11, 2016 10:00:51 at 10:00 PM While I have no vote in the US election, it doesn't mean I have no interest. On the contrary, I have followed it closely.

    I guess like many others, I slapped my forehead when the "tape" was released and initially thought it would be the last we saw of Donald Trump. Over the next few days I re-evaluated and came to the conclusion that it was inevitable that something like this would occur. TPTB will never allow Trump to ascend to the presidency willingly and if it can't be stopped by character assassination, they may well try another way.

    What I am not seeing from Trump is humility. If anyone expects him to be a supernatural leader in the event he does win, I suspect they will be very disappointed. He needs to come out with a statement to the effect that he has said and done many silly things in his life and many of them have come back to haunt him, however his love of America is much greater than his personal failings and he will be able to make America GREAT AGAIN. To this end he will need to spell out that he has a great vision of how to do this and that he knows how to find the right people for his team to oversee the various changes that need to be made. He needs to stress that it will not be easy and there will be pain, but that pain is on the way anyway and his plan will make it as soft as possible.
    In the event he does make it, the scene is set for undoing him. Maybe those pesky Russians will hack the electronic voting so Obama can call the election a fraud and invalidate it. Personally I hope Donald wins by a good margin and Clinton, who couldn't keep the grin from her face, will be consigned to where she should be.

    Jon Sellers
    October 12, 2016 11:57:20 at 11:57 AM Hillary will get the election simply by how the votes get counted. The character assassinations are a prelude and necessary part of the story as to why Trump lost. The faked vote counts for Hillary will be the reason Trump lost. But that won't be discussed.
    October 12, 2016 1:18:53 at 1:18 PM Hillary was a vote canvasser in Chicago in 1960 and learned a lot about vote fraud (she said so herself). I'm sure that will come in handy, no wonder she switched to the Vote Fraud Party.
    October 11, 2016 10:01:05 at 10:01 PM "I would not go so far as to say the markets will "crash"…"

    The way things are heating up between Washington and Russia, there's a lot more than the market to worry about, especially if Hillary is elected because she will not be able to control the Pentagon nor her neocon advisers like Paul Wolfowitz and Mike Morell. Simply put, they will get US into a war with Russia and Russia will defend itself with nukes because, for Russia, the 'conventional' alternative to nuclear war would be far worse.

    Russia, whose population is 1/6 of NATO's and whose economy is 1/20 of NATO's, has a long and easily penetrable border. In a strictly conventional war, once its air defenses are gone, NATO bombers will have field day, after field day, carpet-bombing Russian cities and towns, laying waste that Chechen and other Muslims will scavenge. It would be far worse than the quick death of nuclear war. They might hold out for a while, and make it costly for US, but they know they would not hold out forever.

    Russia will not likely allow that to happen. As part of the USSR, they lost 20m people during WWII, ejecting the Germans from their own territory while the Germans were fighting on multiple fronts. That represents as much of a "never again" tragedy for Russia as the holocaust represents for Jews.

    US military planners know this and will try to take out Russia's nukes as soon as the hostilities begin. The Russians know this and that they must launch as quickly as possible. It will be all out and all over, with little chance of negotiating a cease fire.

    As Lavrov said, we cannot even negotiate anymore. As soon as Kerry and he made their agreement last month, the Pentagon trashed it and attacked a Syrian base – as ISIS was attacking a nearby mountain. The Syrians even claim to have a recording of communications between US forces and ISIS – which 'our' government has yet to deny. We know now from Hillary's emails that the Saudis and Qataris were funding ISIS in 2014. There's surely more than that.

    Each day a new war tidbit is in the news. Today, we hear that Russia is advising government officials to bring home their children who are studying abroad. Yesterday, Gorbachev warned of the growing nuclear threat. But no one is paying attention, except those think the US can win.

    So before the election, I shall stock up on needed items, drop my class and head for somewhere safer than Phoenix. I hope I am wrong but this time it really could be doomsday.

    October 12, 2016 5:00:18 at 5:00 PM Somebody state a plausible reason the USA and the USSR go to non-proxy war. Not how. Why.
    October 11, 2016 10:20:42 at 10:20 PM I'm still voting for Trump as my big FU to the current way things are done. I still think a Trump presidency will result in something tangible being done to either our infrastructure needs or to causing everyone to re-engage in their local politics. Both positives in my mind. The World will take care of itself without the United States for a few years.
    October 11, 2016 10:27:01 at 10:27 PM Trump is still in the race and come Nov. 9 we will have our own version of Brexit. The dominant ruling minority have overstepped their bounds with the voting majority, who now see through all of the Zioglobalist falsehoods.
    Stuki Moi
    October 11, 2016 11:02:23 at 11:02 PM No politician, least of all a Clinton, will tax their biggest potential donors. "The rich" that stand to get taxed, are small business people and professionals who have more important tings do do with their money than act as "job creators" for Clinton Foundation jobs.
    CzarChasm Reigns
    October 12, 2016 6:32:15 at 6:32 PM "No politician, least of all a Clinton, will tax their biggest potential donors."


    But you have to admit, tax RATE plans make for an excellent TALKING point… to the PERCEPTION of the sacrificial Middle Class: a politician feels THEIR pain… but the reality is: the rich protected their asse(t)s with LOOPHOLES long ago.

    Stuki Moi
    October 12, 2016 8:37:59 at 8:37 PM No doubt that's how it will be done. Straight out of the Pancho Villa playbook: Kill off competent men after stealing all their stuff. Arrange grandiose public spectacles where you publicly toss a small fraction of what you stole from her now deceased husband to the starving, starry eyed, widow. Demonstrating what a "great leader" you are.
    October 11, 2016 10:38:31 at 10:38 PM The best we can hope for is Trump represents a different faction of our masters that realize a leech can't survive on a corpse.
    October 11, 2016 10:41:03 at 10:41 PM I love it to study psychological cases through comments.
    People express their reactions and never their cold reasoning

    October 11, 2016 11:20:38 at 11:20 PM In the last debate I think I heard Trump say "oh so it's 3 against one again?" I was thinking the same thing before he said it.

    October 12, 2016 12:03:39 at 12:03 AM Yaknow, really, the next debate should be done with swords. Just put the 2 of them out on the stage in separate corners, with Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz on the floor, front stage, tied to chairs and several winds of duct tape over their mouths, a bell rings and they have at it. May the best man win.
    Eric Coote
    October 12, 2016 8:14:34 at 8:14 PM Yes Paul – I think most women realise that there are quite a few (women) who line up for the attention of alpha males – so male hubris is somewhat encouraged. It has been reported for instance that the lines outside the Beetles (pop group) hotel rooms in Australia anyway, were very long, unruly and overheated to the extent that one Beetle told them all to go and 'get *ucked' to which came the obvious reply.

    Only the MSM seem to be unaware of female sexuality – perhaps they think of them all as saints and mothers. I doubt that Trump has suffered lasting damage by the Bush inc. attack. Normal people are realists.

    For the record – I do not agree with molestation of women or forgive it. Nor do I agree with men using their power position to enforce female compliance – but we should all be aware that there are fuzzy lines and women are better than men at drawing them.

    Genada (@Genada5)

    October 11, 2016 11:01:46 at 11:01 PM No one knows who is going to win. The polls are all over the place and they are all different based on who is taking them. We will not know the outcome of this election till election night or maybe even later.

    Trump has many flaws and yes he has hurt himself but it is the media that is attempting to destroy him. Even Nixon got treated better then Trump. They cover up for Clinton, they work with Clinton. The media is doing a total hatchet job on Trump.

    I think this election is going to have higher turnout numbers then we have seen in a very long time and it's the reason Trump can still win. There is a lot of people that have given up on the system that he's going to bring out to the polls and it can turn this election in his way. It would also be something not counted in polls and would lead to a surprise victory.

    Paul Niemi
    October 11, 2016 11:13:50 at 11:13 PM According to my state Secretary of State, the second debate generated a flood of last minute new voter registrations, so it isn't over.

    The last time the media were so unanimous in depreciating a presidential candidate, I think, was 1968, when Nixon was written off early. He won, and the mainstream press lost.

    This telling voters the winner, before the election, can backfire, and I think it will. Voters like to show their independence, and most do not make up their minds until just a few days before the election. People know the polling methodologies are flawed or rigged. Only the exit polls have any real validity, so we won't know the outcome until the election is over. What we do know about polls, is that they consistently predict outcomes that underestimate the closeness of individual races.

    October 11, 2016 11:17:40 at 11:17 PM It ain't over until it's over. I like Mish's blog, but really he is not a great forecaster. I forecast that wikileaks is saving the most damaging exposures until just before the election. All political types know that just before has the greatest effect. The MSM tried to withhold the Trump locker room talk tapes until as close to the election as possible for the most damage, but had to release them now because they found out they were about to get scooped.

    I do agree Donald could have done way better in the first debate, and somewhat better in the second although he still won the second debate. We can also still hope the Most Evil Bitch will have a heart attack. If she is elected I am going to build a fallout shelter.

    R G
    October 11, 2016 11:37:50 at 11:37 PM LOL yep, spot on. People think it's a cute game to "vote your conscience". I remember being naive enough to do that. I did it in 2008 for God's sake. But this election is for all the marbles. This country has no moral compass right now. It's enraged; a race war appears to be shaping up; we're drowning in debt; we're deployed all over the planet; and there's not a single country that's not sick to death of us.

    Now, if a Black Friday event can turn Americans into raving loons, think about what a Black Swan would do.

    And people are going to vote for Gary Johnson? Jesus Christ. Hope you're living on 10 acres of arable land in the middle of nowhere, Mish!

    October 11, 2016 11:22:24 at 11:22 PM Mish, you just lost my respect with your decision on who to vote for. Did you also vote for Perot?

    October 12, 2016 12:25:14 at 12:25 AM Nope

    October 12, 2016 2:47:20 at 2:47 PM Bush The First would probably have been re-elected in '92 had it not been for his incredibly stupid "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then he raised taxes. Since I am always against more of my earnings being confiscated and wasted, it sure soured me on Bush.

    The other problem for Bush was a short, mild recession during the election. Slick Willy made a big deal out of it; Bush said "don't worry, it won't amount to anything". Bush was right, but The Weasel won.

    Tony of CA
    October 11, 2016 11:24:38 at 11:24 PM Mish you are so wrong. I think Trump he will win solidly. The 2nd debate was a master stoke. If the election was over, you wouldn't have OBAMA and his wife, GORE, Sanders, Bill Clinton and assortment of idiotic actors all campaign wildly.

    As for the 1st debate, no one can even remembers it. Debates are never very memorable, statements are. The one-statement that will stay with everyone is you would be in Jail if I were president.

    R G
    October 11, 2016 11:26:15 at 11:26 PM All I can say is that I truly hope people are prepared for the ramifications of a Hillary presidency if they vote for anyone other than Trump. I have never voted for a Republican POTUS. It's always been third party for me, with the exception of 2000, when my girlfriend and I neutralized each other's votes. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 and Bob Barr in 2008.

    A vote for Gary Johnson now is without a doubt a vote for Hillary, which in turn is a vote for WW3. That is not hyperbole.

    R G
    October 12, 2016 11:47:31 at 11:47 AM Then you're not thinking this thing through to its conclusion. Throughout American history, which is the political party that ultimately splits the vote, or even splinters? We could discuss political party history in this country but it would be out of place. The Demo-Reps were NOT present-day Democrats. Bull Moose were NOT liberals. Libertarian voters are generally NOT present-day Democrats.

    I know this because I've been one of those voters from Perot onwards. This is no time in our nation's history to be rolling the dice on a no-shot. Even if he were the next George Washington (he's far from it), he stands no mathematical shot. Only a vote for one of the two major party candidates does. We do not have a parliamentary system in this country. And even if we did, human beings generally fall into one of two camps: Makers and Takers, or hard money guys (Gold Standard Republicans) versus easy money guys (Silver Democrats).

    I'm not trying to convince you to vote for someone else. My wife is debating a vote for Johnson as well. But what I am saying is that not acknowledging the facts is unacceptable to me, and as far as I'm concerned, third party voters in this election will be treated the same as Democrats when we look back 10 years from now.

    October 12, 2016 4:10:16 at 4:10 PM Sorry Ash, I gotta go with R G on this one.

    Political consultant Dick Morris knows the Clintons better than anybody and is vigorous in his support of Trump. He has been lambasting third party voters as Hillary votes and says it's really a wasted vote.

    R G
    October 12, 2016 9:32:39 at 9:32 AM Not sure why I would have to say this, but what Trump said into that hot mic was accurate. I lived in Miami for several years. Wealth purchases people and beauty is DEFINITELY purchaseable. They let him do it just the same as all of the athletes and celebs in the VIP sections of the clubs I frequented in SoBe. We used to joke that buying a bottle and getting a table in VIP increased our likelihood of hooking up by ~300%. Groping willing participants is not sexual assault.

    This race boils down to all of the marbles. Vote Johnson, a guy who mathematically stands no chance of winning, and you're voting for Hillary. Johnson pulls more support from paleo-cons who are so far right they're left. Been there, done that.

    Recessions happen on average every 7-8 years. We're due. Imagine the state of this country during the next recession with 7 years of ZIRP, a race war, and neocons fomenting world war.

    Carl R
    October 12, 2016 11:54:11 at 11:54 AM Well, first of all, Libertarians are normally isolationists, so it isn't really relevant that he doesn't know Aleppo. In any case, I one voted for a Presidential Candidate that confused Eastern Europe with Western Europe when questioned during a debate. If the matter came up in a discussion were the topic was not taken out of context, I don't think it would be an issue. I personally don't care for Johnson, but the "Aleppo" question would be a stupid reason for deciding whether or not to vote for him.
    October 12, 2016 1:28:31 at 1:28 PM Yes Libertarians tend to be isolationist, but that is not an excuse for not knowing what is going on in the world. Aleppo is only one example. The presidency is half foreign policy and half domestic policy. I wish the libertarians had a better candidate, but then again if they got more votes it would just increase Hellary's chances.
    October 12, 2016 2:31:26 at 2:31 PM Don't be silly. If Trump loses this, he will be DONE. He has flown into the face of every power group in America, and if there is one thing we know about progressives, they do not forgive or forget. When you cross a line with progressives, they do not seek to just defeat you, they will DESTROY YOU. Personal destruction is their game.

    The youo not debate or argue on policies, they dig up dirt and then try to bury you in it. This is especially true with those they see as traitors, people who were formally aligned with the left, or are from a deomgraphic that they fell they OWN. Look at how they beat Herman Cain…not policy, personal. Look at Bill Cosby who was their hero until he spoke out against black ignorance….does anyone really think that only after decades of silence these women just "decided" to go public? Ben Carson, they went after his history, not his policies. They we smart enough to bow out before any lasting damage was done, but Trump? I believe they have hell waiting for him. Do you think he will get any of his real estate deals done in these big cities. Do you not think they will be digging up everything they can from his past to bedevil him to the grave? I do.

    People want to think that Trump is just in it for publicity, which to me is to assume he is stupid, which I think is far from true. I think he truly does believe he can make a difference. He is probably wrong, but he is NOT stupid. This is his end.

    October 11, 2016 11:54:09 at 11:54 PM If anyone in the media had a clue about how voters feel, voters wouldn't be disconnecting their overpriced cable TV. 500 channels and they are all crap.

    If anyone in the media could forecast elections (DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN, AGAIN!) - they have been forecasting the end of Trump's campaign for over a year.

    With markets all but disabled from inept central planning, Mish hasn't been able to talk about economics in a long time. Unfortunately, he decided to try his hand at driverless cars (which only work under ideal circumstances, and only when manufacturers "forget" to report accidents). And now Mish is just parroting really bad media nonsense.

    Mish's own polling posts show Trump is very much in the race. Hilary is out campaigning and soliciting bribes (campaign contributions isn't fooling anyone) as though her career depends on it - because her crime syndicate knows it is far from over.

    No one believes or ever did believe that Trump is a saint. A giant ego, a giant hair pile, a real estate empire that depends on cheap borrowing, two wildly popular TV shows (Miss universe and Celeb Apprentice) that aren't exactly "high society".

    Of course Trump will wreck Washington DC. That is the point. Of course Paul Ryan hates voters as much as Nancy Pelosi and Obama and McCain do - our public servants have made their hatred of the public quite clear.

    Whether its ObamaCare, obeying illegal searches, lopsided prosecutions, or just plain arrogance and greed - Washington DC doesn't eat its own cooking.

    That is why "Trump" will win.

    The federal government will be severely cash constrained for decades to come no matter who wins. Anyone who can read the GAO reports on Medicare and Obamacare knows that.

    Only a fool believes a parasite (government) can grow faster than its host (the tax base).

    October 11, 2016 11:57:45 at 11:57 PM Believe it or not, Hillary started out as a conservative republican. At age 13 she canvassed for Nixon in Chicago in the 1960 election and saw vote fraud firsthand (seems to have made an impression!). In '64 she campaigned for Goldwater! Then in '65 she went to college and started drifting to the left. Her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky. Enrolling at Yale in '69 she met Bill Clinton and joined the Dark Side.
    Jon Sellers
    October 12, 2016 12:16:21 at 12:16 PM Clinton is still the Republican candidate. She is certainly to the right of Nixon or Eisenhower. Pro big business, pro free trade, pro immigration, pro defense spending. The only non-alignment is with the Christian-right. But they were just a play thing for votes by the GOP anyway.
    October 12, 2016 1:31:10 at 1:31 PM Go back and read Eisenhower's Farewell Address again Jon. It's the opposite of Hellary.
    October 12, 2016 12:52:08 at 12:52 AM The thing about Trump is that he hasn't got a plan. Lowering taxes and spending more on defense is not a plan. Saying you will do better deals is not a plan.
    Voters are just hoping that once he was in he would achieve things but really we don't know what he will do.

    Clinton is conservative and will retain the status quo. Hope she proves me wrong.

    October 12, 2016 1:18:12 at 1:18 AM Trump does not have a plan and it is obvious. But no plan is better than Hillary's bad plan.

    October 12, 2016 3:02:44 at 3:02 AM ,

    I voted for Trump in the GOP primary. Since then, he has said and done too much [or too little] and lost my vote in the general election. He was terrible in the first debate. His Arizona immigration speech was great. But he really lost me when he degenerated into pandering to every minority race, religion and special interest group that yelled the loudest… just like all the other politicians. And the most recent revelation about his vulgar views of women didn't help either. Nothing to love there.

    October 12, 2016 3:17:23 at 3:17 AM "Trump was asked several pointed questions. Hillary was asked none."

    Yet you say the media didn't destroy him? His lack of preparation for the first debate destroyed him?

    Never mind preparing for a biased moderator, accepting the conditions of such a debate at all makes him look like failed leadership. He could have demanded better conditions, especially if he were slightly ahead as he may have been at the time.

    October 12, 2016 3:17:24 at 3:17 AM From…

    "This battle is really the PEOPLE v CAPITOL HILL. It is a shame it has to be Trump leading the charge." – But then someone is leading.
    "This is also the end of the press. They have lost all credibility." – I am sure by now the bias is obvious to anyone. This should also aid Trump IMHO.
    "About 99% of donations to Trump come from small people" – These small people are definitely going to vote for him. Also there could be equal number who did not donate but will be voting for him.

    I am not sure whether he will win but this is one election where people are likely to try and land a good punch on the establishment's face and this definitely should work in his favor.

    October 12, 2016 3:34:50 at 3:34 AM One more thing that struck me was that if the election was in the bag why would they release the tape? They might as well be preparing for the coronation.

    IMO, the establishment is still running scared and thus using all the dirty tricks that they are capable of and which they think will win them the election. The crux of the issue is that they do not want to acknowledge that people might prefer a discredited Trump to the establishment at this stage of the game. Establishment is the problem but they are masquerading as the solution. This is the problem with gaming people. At some point the game is up. (Like interest rates.. you cannot ram it beyond a point)

    October 12, 2016 6:00:40 at 6:00 AM "One more thing that struck me was that if the election was in the bag why would they release the tape?"

    Exactly. And why release polls with a so called 11% lead, polls conducted by a company connected to Clinton? That has an overweight in left/democratic voters?

    Brexit was supposed to be over before the final result came in. How quickly people forget. It is the people vs Wall Street/corrupt politicians. The latter is represented by Clinton. the former by Trump. We will see how angry the U.S. people really are at the current clique of career politicians, bought and paid for by the big companies.

    October 12, 2016 6:11:52 at 6:11 AM Why indeed would they send out Obama only yesterday to wag his finger in dire warning? The powers to be know it's NOT all over. The problem is that each time they send one of these 'asshat extrodinaires' out To preach to the public they simply cause MORE dissent, more mocking, and more retrenchment.

    Does anyone actually think that Obama, who has done more to divide the nation than anyone can make the blindest bit of difference at this stage? Respectfully, a curious Englishman.

    October 12, 2016 6:24:24 at 6:24 AM PS! It's not as though Obama has anything better to do with his time, is it? Enjoy 18 holes of golf, or go out campaigning for a woman he (allegedly) loathes and despises. Tough call, that one!
    October 12, 2016 7:33:51 at 7:33 AM "We will see how angry the U.S. people really are at the current clique of career politicians, bought and paid for by the big companies."

    I hope they are angry enough to come and vote for him in such numbers that it assures a Trump victory. Anybody but establishment is all I ask! What is happening is too nauseating to stomach any longer.

    October 12, 2016 10:48:49 at 10:48 AM Unfortunately Gary Johnson will split the anti-establishment vote, helping to elect the Soros and banksters funded candidate.
    October 12, 2016 5:39:33 at 5:39 AM The problem with "voting your conscious" (Libertarian, etc.) is you'll put Crooked Hillary in the Whitehouse. How bad could that be for the country? Watch the video:

    'Anonymous' Remembers "Hillary Clinton, Career Criminal"

    If Rotten Clinton is elected it's time to move to Italy or another Banana Republic. At least the food is good and the citizens less ignorant.

    October 12, 2016 5:50:45 at 5:50 AM "I would not go so far as to say the markets will "crash", but that depends on the definition. I actually suspect more like a 40-50% decline over seven to ten years with nothing much worse than a 15-20% decline."

    So you expect that rates on government bonds will drop to, let's say minus 3%? Minus 5%? Minus 10%? Why don't you show a historical graph of bonds vs stocks? Then you will see that stocks have never been cheaper relative to bonds since….. WWII! The crash will be in bonds, not stocks. Furthermore, capital from Europe will flow to the dollar, adding to a RISE in the stock market.

    You make the crucial mistake to view the stock market in isolation. If big capital has to make a decision to go for negative rates in bonds, or 3%-5% on blue chip stocks, what will they choose? It is the bond market that is reaching the limit of 0% interest rates, after which there is only one possibility for bonds to go: down.

    Hence we will get a run up for the stock market first, with Dow at least 22,000-23,000. If we exceed that, 30,000 – 35,000 becomes possible. Only THEN do we have a bubble and a crash. Big money all over the world will scramble to buy the dollar and U.S. assets. A capital flow you also don't see coming, because you only look at the domestic picture.

    EVERYBODY is negative about stocks. And the majority is running to bonds. It is clear where the bubble is going to be first. The majority is ALWAYS wrong.

    October 12, 2016 5:55:39 at 5:55 AM I don't think it is over yet. Just as with Brexit. The polls giving Clinton a 11% lead, are seriously flawed. You can read it over here:

    Thus what the media are telling you, is that there is a 11% lead. But those polls were held by a company that is actually helping Clinton to get elected:

    Zerohedge is correct: this is a mind game to make you think it is all over.

    October 12, 2016 5:57:23 at 5:57 AM We had the same comments during Brexit, I waited for the price to get upto 6/1 and took the price and I will do the same with Trump. Never forget the global trends
    Garry Gentry
    October 12, 2016 6:07:38 at 6:07 AM Mish. hopefully after the election you can go back to writing about economics instead of cheer-leading for Trump and Republicans in general. Reading your economic writings is why I started reading your blog and I will be glad when this one is over for a while and the Republicans can get on with obstructing everything and keep the gridlock going until people are so feed-up they rebel.
    October 12, 2016 6:17:24 at 6:17 AM Did anyone else get the feeling the 2nd debate was "Brought to you by Facebook, the leading social network?" Lots of band plugs. Rather like modern news articles filled with images of Tweets.
    October 12, 2016 6:33:44 at 6:33 AM Everyone I know is voting for Trump. So am I.
    Gary who ?
    October 12, 2016 6:42:45 at 6:42 AM Trump was grossly unprepared for the first debate, "I'm a great negotiator" isn't the correct answer to every question.

    Instead of becoming more presidential as the campaign progressed he became more reality TV. The digression into Trump vs Clinton pussy scores was lethal.

    Hillary has a ton of political flaws and Trump didn't do his homework to inform the voters.

    There is a huge disconnect between the RNC and Repub voters, the RNC acts like they're entitled to veto power over the people's choice, once the unwashed masses chose Trump the RNC needed to support him completely. If there's a congressional blowout they deserve it.

    The silver lining is that Hillary isn't healthy enough for two terms, maybe not even one. The bad news is that she'll probably continue/accelerate the pattern of Bush/Obama neo colonial wars.

    PS The wildcard is a major mohammedan attack prior to the election. The Russians always had General Winter to aid them, Trump has General Isis

    R G
    October 12, 2016 10:06:54 at 10:06 AM In all fairness, I don't think a terror attack will change Americans' minds for more than a week. Look at Clinton…even one vote for her shows you how grossly lost America is. She has overtly committed more crimes than any high level politician in American history. Nixon, Grant, and Harding look like Marcus Aurelius when compared to her.

    The most recent Wikileaks show you she wants no more America based on her views of borders and markets…if you have open borders and markets, you have no nation-state. Her views of "irredeemables" and her spokesman's views of Catholics are just more examples. I could write a book on this witch.

    And yet people would vote for her. The unfortunate circumstance of that is that if she gets in, it won't be just them glowing green.

    October 12, 2016 11:09:16 at 11:09 AM I have found that many Generation Y types (born '77-'94) have no clues about all the Clinton's lies and scandals. They weren't watching politics when much of it happened. They are being misled by the MSM propaganda. When you have a chance, please educate them, they are a big voting block now.
    As for Hillary's health, keep in mind that Wilson and FDR were incapable of carrying out the duties of president before their terms ended. In FDR's case, he was severely disabled even during his last campaign in '44. They used the war as an excuse for not campaigning. However these issues were kept secret from the public, and spouses and aides pretty much ran the country. I could see the same thing happening with Hillary. It may have already begun.
    October 12, 2016 6:51:31 at 6:51 AM You are a handy source of information that many of us otherwise would not have easy access to. If someone else did the job as well, you would be disposable. I will continue to visit this site, but I think you are a political idiot.
    Brian E Considine (@e_considine)
    October 12, 2016 8:49:10 at 8:49 AM Trump did indeed lose the election but not because he failed to come up with snappy responses in the debates. He lost the election because he captured one group of voters, those who have drunk the Hillary is the sum of all evil kool-aide. Instead of backing down from that and moving into the space where he could accumulate voters who have not geeked out on Obama/Clinton conspiracy trivia, he choose to double down.

    And he did so because his character weakness is obvious to almost everyone who watches him for an extended period of time. His absurdly inflated ego will not accept any criticism, any change, and openness to collect facts and evaluate what should be done rather than deciding what should be done and then making up the facts that support that.

    Bashing Hillary over her marriage isn't flying now and wouldn't have flown better in the debates. To those not in the conspiracy geek band wagon, what does that look like? "You're a bad person for having a husband who had affairs, so voters should support me since I have affairs" Yea that really worked well. 'Doubling down' just looks pathetic, like an aging rock star releasing new songs that are just variations on the old hit song the guy had in the 80's.

    Bill Fawell

    October 12, 2016 8:51:03 at 8:51 AM You fucked up Mish on this one…. Gary Johnson? Really?? When did he become a Libertarian???

    Tony Bennett
    October 12, 2016 8:51:08 at 8:51 AM "Barring a medical or other type of disaster, this election is indeed over."

    The polls are already tightening (again).

    And if you read the methodology the polls are done on a rolling basis of some sort. With the latest polls including data PRIOR to second debate.

    When the smoke clears (with data only from post debate) I expect polls to tighten further.

    October 12, 2016 8:54:47 at 8:54 AM Your young readers, and the older ones suffering from De Niro dementia, may want to take the 'Anonymous' refresher course – .

    The captured pollsters are like the credit rating agencies during the financial crisis. They are putting a AAA-rating on a pile of dog crap. Buy it at your own risk.

    Just as I have done with Trump, I am not going to judge you Mish on one bad call, but please re-think your position. You are way too smart to come to your conclusion. The other smart people coming to your decision are either 'useful idiots' or are establishment hacks, who benefit some way from selling their soul.

    I don't know about people like Stockman, Jim Rickards, Paul Craig Roberts, Jim Sinclair, and other seamingly well intention fellows, who accurately descibe the problems, but get the solution and markets reaction wrong. Are they just US-centric in their analysis, disregarding the overwhelming influence of global capital flows, or is it as simple as them being gold bugs, who always say " buy, buy, buy", say good by to your hard earned money?

    Tony Bennett
    October 12, 2016 9:21:01 at 9:21 AM Virginia's last governor's race (2013) was between Ken Cuccinelli (wayy right social conservative) and Clintons' best bud Terry McAuliffe .

    Virginia used to be red and has turned blue the past 10 to 12 years. Well, Cuccinelli way behind in the polls all along. So much so that RNC wasted no money (yeah yeah social conservative … but off year election and not much else going on … and if you can score a win helps Republicans going into 2014 election season) on him. Guess what? Cuccinnelli lost by only 2.5 points … and McAuliffe got less than 50% of the vote. ANY sort of help from national party and KC might have won.

    Just don't trust polls. Just another data point to be goal seeked by TPTB (see the embarrassing methodology on the nbc/wsj poll post second debate).

    Tony Bennett
    October 12, 2016 1:16:08 at 1:16 PM Found a Huffington post on final polls before that election

    had McAuliffe winning by almost 7 points.

    45.2 to 38.3

    Brian E Considine (@e_considine)
    October 12, 2016 12:20:50 at 12:20 PM "The captured pollsters are like the credit rating agencies during the financial crisis. They are putting a AAA-rating on a pile of dog crap. Buy it at your own risk."

    Only internet commentators are more protected from bad calls than rating agencies.

    Let's recall it wasn't too long ago a certain chap around here was hawking a theory that Hillary is in late stage Parkinson's disease. No doubt when Trump loses the election, those here telling us the polls are rigged will disappear from accountability until the next big election rolls around.

    Ron J
    October 12, 2016 9:39:22 at 9:39 AM Trump has not destroyed Trump.

    When did the democratic party ever denounce John Kennedy?
    When did the democratic party ever denounce Bill Clinton?

    Joy Bahar just called one of Bill's victims a tramp, on The View.

    Democrats have a double standard.

    Polls are over sampling democrats, to skew the data. Polling fraud.
    Why is there any need for polling fraud, if people have actually changed their vote?

    They have all been out to get Trump, from the beginning. The government, the media, even the republican party elitists.

    My vote has not changed.

    [email protected]
    October 12, 2016 9:45:18 at 9:45 AM Mish,

    Hardly any one in the media is talking about Venezuela. Given all of the other issues that you touch on, would you keep us up to date on how things are evolving in Venezuela. Thanks,


    October 12, 2016 11:23:01 at 11:23 AM Here is some Venezuela news for you, Chuck: Socialist paradise has the world's highest crime rate:
    Brian E Considine (@e_considine)
    October 12, 2016 12:29:52 at 12:29 PM I'd be happy to supporting Trump flying south and running for President of Venezuela.
    October 12, 2016 1:03:51 at 1:03 PM .

    Wouldn't that be a hoot.

    Trump makes Venezuela great again and it becomes the next world power.

    October 12, 2016 10:56:40 at 10:56 AM This is not a vote for election. It is a vote against election. Any vote other than trump is a vote for Hillary. Now I know how hitler got into power, he run against a failed establishment. Luckily we have trump instead of hitler. If we don't turn this around in a few elections, a hitler type will rise to power in America. Remember this is a country who rounded up,and jailed an entire race of people at the start of WWII. It could happen again when the final dictator emerges who crushes the constitution once and for all.
    R G
    October 12, 2016 11:32:45 at 11:32 AM Marty Armstrong as usual sums it up well.

    October 12, 2016 11:57:13 at 11:57 AM This is not a vote for election. It is a vote against election.

    That is a very reasonable point of view. Is Trump more of an anti-establishment candidate than Johnson?

    October 12, 2016 1:42:09 at 1:42 PM "Is Trump more of an anti-establishment candidate than Johnson?" If you rate the answer to that interesting question by how many establishment people are bashing Johnson or Trump, Donald wins the anti-establishment rating by a landslide.
    October 12, 2016 2:32:41 at 2:32 PM Yes
    CzarChasm Reigns
    October 12, 2016 11:03:18 at 11:03 AM This will work itself out if Trump supporters would just listen to what he actually says:

    "'Make sure you get out and vote,' Trump told supporters on Tuesday at rally in Florida. 'November 28th.'"

    Quote from "Trump tells supporters to go vote on 'November 28th'"

    The self-proclaimed "genius" has spoken.

    R G
    October 12, 2016 11:12:03 at 11:12 AM Slip-ups happen. You don't really think Obama thought there were 57 states, do you? When you're campaigning 20 hours a day, it's bound to happen.
    October 12, 2016 8:03:20 at 8:03 PM One of your strongest arguments yet.
    October 12, 2016 11:17:27 at 11:17 AM '… all Trump had to say was "I changed my mind once I saw the birth certificate.'

    Well that would have been another obvious lie, since he was on the record multiple times saying he didn't believe it was genuine.

    Trump tweeted in August 2012 that "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fraud." In September of that year, Trump shared via Twitter an article claiming the birth certificate was fake. In a June 2014 tweet, Trump boasted, "I was the one who got Obama to release his birth certificate, or whatever that was!" And in 2013 he retweeted someone who alleged the long-form birth certificate was "a computer generated forgery."

    October 12, 2016 11:55:00 at 11:55 AM OK – I changed my mind once I was convinced the birth certificate was real.
    There are easy alternatives to not look like a fool.
    Bobby Hill
    October 12, 2016 1:07:57 at 1:07 PM "How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama's "birth certificate" died in plane crash today. All others lived"

    - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2013

    Trump should have simply leveled with us by quoting Goebbels,"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle."

    October 12, 2016 11:56:28 at 11:56 AM Doesn't matter which of the two wins if the bank's war on the majority and pension plans continues regardless. Perhaps the libertarians will protect us.
    Jon Sellers
    October 12, 2016 12:26:09 at 12:26 PM Yah, I'm sure the Libertarians will get right on that!
    Jon Sellers
    October 12, 2016 12:29:07 at 12:29 PM Mish,

    Gutsy call on coming out with your personal vote. You'll probably lose half of your readership. People have become so wildly caught up with the day to day b.s. of the federal government that their entire world-view and personal self-esteem are on the line. It's a tragedy.

    Anyhow, my neighborhood now has 3 Trump signs, 2 Johnson signs, and 0 Clinton signs.

    October 12, 2016 12:34:50 at 12:34 PM .

    For those who might have a Biblical prophecy perspective… Trump may symbolize the "last trump" that occurs when the power of the holy people is totally broken [Daniel 12:7] and heralds the resurrection of the dead [1 Corinthians 15:52.]

    Bobby Hill
    October 12, 2016 12:39:24 at 12:39 PM "Heading into the first debate, it was Trump's election to lose … ." I disagree. It has always been HRC's election to lose. Trump was never ahead. Sure, he was gaining on her, but to say that he could actually have overtaken her but for this mistake or that miscalculation is hyper-speculative. Clinton had not and has not even unleashed her GOTV ops.

    Trump has a ceiling of support, not much greater than his share of the primary electorate. Peak Trump was right before the debate. Peak Hillary hasn't arrived. Her final assault armada hasn't even landed.

    Johnson is the best candidate. But he gets my vote only if the polls show HRC is 100% safe. Trump is worse than Johnson is good. I'd consider writing-in Mish or Rand Paul, but again, only if there is zero chance of Trump. NeverTrump

    Bobby Hill
    October 12, 2016 12:50:28 at 12:50 PM "Heading into the first debate, it was Trump's election to lose … ." I disagree. It has always been HRC's election to lose. Trump was never ahead. Sure, he was gaining on her, but to say that he could actually have overtaken her but for this mistake or that miscalculation is hyper-speculative.

    Trump has a ceiling of support, not much greater than his share of the Republican primary electorate. Peak Trump was right before the debate. Peak Hillary hasn't arrived. Her final assault armada (GOTV operations) hasn't even landed.

    I agree that Johnson is the best candidate. But he gets my vote only if the polls show HRC is 100% safe. Trump is worse than Johnson is good. I'd consider writing-in Mish or Rand Paul, but again, only if there is zero chance of Trump. Mish is better than Paul on war and peace. Main reservation on Mish for President is immigration, and refugees.

    October 12, 2016 2:26:10 at 2:26 PM …then never peace or prosperity.
    October 12, 2016 2:20:48 at 2:20 PM Bill Clinton, serial philanderer and alleged rapist. Impeached as prez, but not removed from office ("Bad president! Bad!") during his last term. Trump makes locker room talk, it's the end of the world. Policy specifics don't matter. The entire series of Clinton scandals, no problem at all. Teflon.

    US voters get the results they deserve, simple as that.

    October 12, 2016 2:33:42 at 2:33 PM

    Time to stand up for what you believe in

    October 13, 2016 12:43:58 at 12:43 AM Nigel Farage is a very intelligent and dynamic man. No teleprompter needed for him! Quite an orator for sure. And quite a fighter. If we had a handful of Nigel Farage's in the US Congress we could turn the corner and restore America back to the beautiful, vigorous and envy of the world we once were. But I can't name even one Nigel Farage that walks the hall of the Nation's Capital Building. We only have puppets driven by power and money. And that's why we continue in decline mode – sliding down the slippery slope. What a travesty for our younger and unborn generations.
    October 13, 2016 11:32:38 at 11:32 AM Rand Paul comes pretty close to Nigel.
    October 12, 2016 2:57:09 at 2:57 PM ~ and stand up against evil! (Hellary)
    October 12, 2016 3:26:47 at 3:26 PM I agree with you that Hillary is going to be a disaster. Its going to be 1 scandal after another. Hillary has more enemies than the republicans…and she has accumulated them over years.
    Trump would not have been a utopia either. The same forces against him in his campaign would be with him causing scandal for his entire administration.

    However, we got more racial, gender, religious, sexual orientation, etc hatred while Obama / Clinton have been in office than ever in our history. Obama and Clinton have been using govt law and victimization for democratic vote farming. People were pleading for Trump to win because there were large segments of society that have been blamed, demeaned and targeted with massive vitriol by the left simply for not being a member of their victimized minority (aka non-union, white, religious, married, mother/father, husband/wife, straight, single gender, etc). Trump speak was cutting right thru the straight jacket of political correctness, trigger warnings, safe spaces, cultural Marxism, etc. People called Trump every name in the book and it amounted to nothing. Trump was like Toto pulling the curtain back and exposing the wizard as a charlatan. Many people hooked their star to Trump for that single reason.

    Hillary said that if Trump wins, that she would use her political office to undermine him into a failed presidency. I would be very very surprised if Trump goes away and doesn't do the exact same thing to Hillary. The Trump-Rosie feud lasted what a decade. I think Trump now has a vendetta against the republican establishment and a vendetta with Hillary. If true, expect the new GOP to be much much more aggressive…worse than fascist radical democratic leftists. No matter who wins or loses…its going to stay mean for a decade. Bill Clinton has already lost his legacy by Hillary running for President…and before its all thru…I think there is going to be a lot more destroyed on the Clinton side. Chelsea is no Hillary and no Bill Clinton BUT Trump has 3 children and any one of those 3 could be a presidential contender. You know what happens when a dam cant hold the water back any longer. what do you think will happen when the Clintons don't have the money or power to deflect their crimes. do you think they will fade away into retirement or do you think the wolves will circle. Before Trump, they would have faded into retirement. Now, I think the wolves will circle them.

    October 12, 2016 3:28:36 at 3:28 PM Hi Mish,
    Our knowledge of what's happening in the electorate is imperfect. We can't make easy judgments about this election based on available data. BUT, we do now know that the " elitist establishment' has taken over large swaths of our government, media and popular culture for its own narrow and largely selfish benefits. Our best bet is to vote for an anti-establishment candidate that has a shot at making changes and providing a future where the electorate's influence can grow, not shrink. That is still Donald Trump and, yes, there is still some doubt about how anti-establishment he is. It's not a perfect world and we often have to make choices that are far from optimal or certain. This election is one such example.
    I urge you to reconsider.

    October 12, 2016 11:15:35 at 11:15 PM I may indeed reconsider
    But it will not matter. My personal vote is meaningless.
    I was very upset at Trump following the first debate. It is clear he did not bother to prepare for it.
    Nadda. Not at all.
    He could have won this thing. Easily. All he had to do was act presidential for 90 minutes, and prepare for some obvious questions.
    He did neither. Now it is all but over.
    While we do not "know" what will happen, Hillary could have a massive medical attack for example. But I do think for the first time all in 18 months Silver has the odds about right. They stand today at 13% or so.
    Yes, I am bitter over this. It was only at the last second I wrote I was voting for Johnson. I do not remember precisely, but I may have even done it as an edit after I made the post.
    Note to self, do not write when you are angry.

    October 13, 2016 11:35:43 at 11:35 AM Thanks Mish – we are all frustrated. And I suspect that will only get worse after 11/8 no matter who wins. But nothing gets us more frustrated than witnessing the array of forces lines up against Trump. Particularly the media which has long been held up as a centerpiece of liberty in America. No longer, their ethics have been laid bare for all to see….. I for one believe that this race is much closer than the establishment would have us believe – yes, even with Trump's warts and foibles. In large measure this is a reaction to the overplayed hand in the media. Americans are fundamentally a fair people who love the underdog – even more so if he is bullied. On that basis alone Trump enjoys widespread support IMHO. And it may be growing. We won't know for sure until 11/9 as there is so little public trust left in the American media. Pravda must be proud.
    October 12, 2016 3:38:10 at 3:38 PM This blog really changed my opinion of Mish.

    Mish always seem like a down-to-earth, sensible and logical communicator of the news.

    Then he wrote this.

    The media has treated Hillary and Bill with kid gloves and lambasted Trump for the smallest of things from the very start. The media is tremendously influential over public opinion. This election was fixed by the establishment. And the media are card carrying members of the establishment. For Mish not to see that is willful blindness.

    Then to add insult to injury – he says he's going to vote for Gary Johnson, the GOP retread who endorses illegal immigration and told us no crimes were committed on Wall Street.

    Sorry, Mish. I can't take you seriously anymore, sir. You've stepped over the line.

    October 12, 2016 4:20:56 at 4:20 PM Sometimes you can get both sides of the news from one MSM source, which is why most liberals I know will not look at anything at Fox News:
    October 12, 2016 4:38:56 at 4:38 PM They're all in on it, CJ.

    There's no possible way that Trump can fight all of them off.

    The entire thing was fixed, start to finish.

    Apparently Mish can't see that.

    Now I've lost faith in him too.

    October 12, 2016 4:45:21 at 4:45 PM Don't give up on Mish just yet LF, he hasn't voted yet and I don't think he is firmly committed to his (this week's) position.
    October 12, 2016 6:42:29 at 6:42 PM As pointed out elsewhere, there were some big names who communicated with her via emails to and from her unauthorized, unsecured server. One of them was the POTUS. There be why there was no prosecution or even what was claimed as the unanimous FBI and lawyer opinion according to that Fox article that her security clearance be pulled, something which would have made her ineligible to serve at any decent level in government.
    October 12, 2016 5:06:24 at 5:06 PM Mish, I've followed your blog for many years. Did I or any of your blg followers ever say. "Hey. Mish was wrong about calling the top or the bottom in anything. So therefore I will no longer follow him." You are too smart to see the obvious, have you been at the rallies of Trump and compated them to Hillary's? Well, there's something an analyst geek can't measure. it's called. PASSION! Go Trump!
    Carl R
    October 12, 2016 7:35:34 at 7:35 PM Going back to the primary, Mish predicted that Trump was the only Republican who could win. I predicted that Trump could lose badly enough to cost both the House and Senate as well as a number of states. I hope I'm wrong. I don't fear a Hillary presidency so long as she doesn't control Congress, too.
    October 12, 2016 7:57:13 at 7:57 PM You really don't get it, do you? Hillary is the the establishment and CONgress is too. Look how much damage Obama did with a Republican Congress. It's the establishment (D's, R's, the mainstream media, the military and healthcare industrial complexes, etc.), versus the rest of us.
    October 12, 2016 8:08:37 at 8:08 PM Not to mention decades and possibly permanent damage by SCOTUS.
    Sheep do not lament their lost freedoms as long a feeding time is reliable.
    October 12, 2016 9:35:16 at 9:35 PM You're forgetting the fact that the next President will likely appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices. We know SCJ's vote down ideological lines. The law be damned. And those appointments could live another 20-30 years. It will be an overwhelmingly LIBERAL SCOTUS.

    If that happens all of us and our kids are screwed, blued and tattooed.

    And if that happens you won't recognize this country in 20 years. We'll be a socialist hellhole full of indigent illiterates from 3rd world nations.

    Anybody with any aspirations in life will have an albatross tied around their necks. For every dollar you earn the government will get 70 cents of it.

    What you are watching is the continued DECLINE of an empire. And Hillary will only accelerate that DECLINE.

    Sorry, Carl R. Your theory is greatly flawed.

    Carl R
    October 13, 2016 12:36:12 at 12:36 PM My "best possible outcome" for this election is a Hillary win, along with Republicans continuing to hold congress. Yes, there are problems with that outcome, the the other possible outcomes are much worse. As far as the Supreme Court, Hillary would make it more liberal, but her choices would be tempered by the need to get them by a Republican Senate. If Hillary wins, and also wins the Senate, just think then how liberal her appointees will be? Just think how many more crazy things she can get pushed through than Obama ever was able to. Yes, the Republican Congress sucked, and didn't limit him as much as they should have, but they did limit him.

    The worst alternative is for Trump to completely divide and destroy the Republican party, which I think is his true agenda. The result will be a repeat of the 30s and 40s, with Republicans being irrelevant.

    October 13, 2016 2:39:10 at 2:39 PM Thank you for your response, Carl R.

    But you've missed an obvious weakness in your argument.

    We have a Republican majority House and Senate now. Have they protected us from Obama? The answer to that is "no". Obama got all his budget increases, debt ceiling increases, no realistic pushback on Obamacare (when the Republicans had that opportunity), illegals continue to pour over the border forcing innocent American to pay for them, the top Republicans support Obama's push for TPP sending millions of more US jobs to the third world and allowing more foreigners to come to America to steal ours, etc….

    So if Hillary is elected it will be another replay. Every time the budget issue comes up the GOP will use the excuse that we can't shut down the government because it will hurt the reputations of the conservatives. So we can't win for losing, Carl R.

    With Trump in the oval office we would have a veto vote. And he would NOT hesitate to use it and his executive orders to start enforcing the damn laws again!!!

    So while I appreciate your articulate response – I don't agree with it. If Hillary makes it into the White House this nation is done. It is the end of America as we've know it. More government control. Less for the ordinary citizens. More for the pigs who run the show.

    No doubt you love your sons. And I'm sure that they are productive and valued citizens. Hillary in the White House would ruin their lives prematurely. Please keep that in mind.

    Carl R
    October 13, 2016 12:52:55 at 12:52 PM Re: "What you are watching is the continued DECLINE of an empire. And Hillary will only accelerate that DECLINE. "

    Of course. We all know that the US is in decline, and can not be saved. Once the limitations on the Federal Government were removed (1913 – Enactment of 16th Amendment, 1913 – Creation of the Federal Reserve, 1937 – FDR Court Packing plan), the end of the US has been inescapable. That's proven by history. Nevertheless, the decline will be much faster with Hillary in power, and with a Democratic Congress along with her. Just remember the irreparable damage that FDR and LBJ (Great Society) were able to do, and contrast that with the 90's under Bill Clinton.

    Obama, unfortunately, only had to deal with the feckless Boehner, rather that Newt Gingrich, and was able to do more things than he should have been able to, but even a Boehner led Congress slowed him down quite a bit. With all the other limitations gone (the Federal Government now has the power to tax, spend, and print money), the separation of powers is all that's left, and it is only a delaying tactic, slowly the inevitable collapse somewhat.

    I have told my sons since they were born that they will live to see the end of the United States as we know it, and that I may very well live long enough, too. I'm 62. I have predicted that we will get through this economic downturn, but not the next one. Thus I expect the end in 2037 or so, which I may live to see. If the US makes it one more cycle after that, I'll be gone, however.

    Lest we think that the end of the US is some great tragedy, yes, it is sad for those that follow us, but it is unavoidable. Even our founding fathers knew that a Republic was only a temporary form of government. We should consider ourselves lucky that we lived in such a wonderful time.

    I don't begrudge those who dream that they can stop the inevitable. It's a noble goal, and I admire you for your goal. To me, however, it's as futile as tilting at windmills.

    October 13, 2016 1:21:23 at 1:21 PM .

    The rabbit hole goes even deeper and darker. T Roosevelt and Taft administrations teamed up with Russian revolutionaries to undermine Russia's Tsar. In his April 1917 war speech to congress, Wilson said the Russian revolutionaries [who weeks before had forced the Tsar to abdicate and destroyed the Russian empire] were America's "partner." A few months later the Bolsheviks continued the revolution to its horrific end.

    Art Izagud
    October 12, 2016 7:54:34 at 7:54 PM I find this post to be very disappointing. It is worth watching the PBS Frontline episode that aired yesterday that shows just how inept this administration has been in the Middle East. Now you want to vote for someone who doesn't even know what Aleppo is, over a wise and decisive leader.

    Mish, your post is typical of the Boomer mentality that knows what is right, yet is weak enough not to choose it. You'd rather carry on about the end of the world than do anything to really change things. I once regarded you as a source of wisdom, yet now can't help but see an old crank.

    Grow a pair!


    October 12, 2016 8:07:56 at 8:07 PM Mish – I do want to thank you for your tolerance. There are MANY sites that "moderate" comments, giving the host the opportunity to not post comments they don't like. Other sites actually ban people that have a point of view and evidence that conflicts with their beliefs and biases.
    Eric Coote
    October 12, 2016 9:36:51 at 9:36 PM Blacklist I support your comment. Also this site is reasonably restrained and has not degenerated into rank abuse like happens on zero hedge sometimes. Mish does a good job of bringing facts to attention of all even if we don't all agree with him
    October 12, 2016 10:53:56 at 10:53 PM The primaries and this presidential runoff should have taught an observer with working neurological synapses that your vote has been discounted and devalued down to virtually nothing.

    There's a small group of power brokers in the back room pulling the strings and deciding where your vote will go.

    The trick was to get you so disgusted with Trump that you would change your mind and waste your vote on some goofball who didn't even know what "Allepo" is. And they've been successful in many cases.

    Trump was the first (and likely the last) candidate in many decades who wasn't formed and molded by the corrupted establishment to ensure the status quo is strictly followed. And they've stepped on the accelerator with a huge push for centralized globalization that is the main ingredient for the New World Order and One-World Government.

    Trump never had a chance from the beginning. Until you realize that you've missed the entire point.

    If you look around at the events occurring around the world and can't see what's coming get your vision checked. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.

    Trump was not in that plan. So he's been eliminated.

    Hillary was selected President well over 2 years ago. You're just finding that out now.

    October 12, 2016 11:06:18 at 11:06 PM I am just adding this comment because I want it to be comment number 200.
    October 13, 2016 12:00:08 at 12:00 AM Rumors are being floated that Wikileaks has the 33,000 emails as the Trump card – so to speak.

    If those get released it's a game changer.

    Sure, they'll blame the Russians for it even without a scintilla of evidence.and it'll cause an international incident. Maybe even halt the elections. Who knows?

    Putin's the kind of guy who'll say "bring it on".

    I don't think Obama has the nads – to be quite honest.

    This could get interesting.

    Don't leave the theater quite yet.

    Sam Stovall
    October 13, 2016 12:48:24 at 12:48 AM if you vote Johnson, in effect you are voting for crooked and corrupt Hillary. If you do not understand that, you are dumber than my Lhasa Apso.
    October 13, 2016 12:51:28 at 12:51 AM Don't be delusional. A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson because the election is effectively over.
    The only question left at this point is: Which is the bigger protest vote?
    R G
    October 13, 2016 8:27:11 at 8:27 AM Mish, it sounds like you're climbing a wall of worry. Buy low, sell high. I agree that it appears there is nothing Trump can do to get elected in this system. It doesn't matter what he would or would not have said. There is too much at stake for the establishment to allow it. If it wasn't the latest nonsense which is so clearly a hatchet job, it would have been something else.

    But that doesn't mean you just capitulate.

    October 13, 2016 1:33:53 at 1:33 AM I agree, Sam.

    A vote diverted away from Trump is effectively a vote for Hillary.

    This isn't over until the fat lady sings.

    Anything could happen between now and Nov 08. Particularly with all those bleached emails floating around somewhere in cyberspace.

    With all due respect, Mish….I believe claiming it's effectively over on Oct 12 is delusional.

    If Johnson wasn't such an assclown I would halfway comprehend your position.

    I simply don't understand your reasoning, Sir.

    I have to be honest.

    October 13, 2016 4:47:41 at 4:47 AM Mish, You're not even close to correct. The establishment is panicked. The locker room talk is a minor issue. You seem to have a short memory because I remember another candidate who was accused of cheating on his wife (who is now running for president) during the campaign who still won the election. And now you're saying that a candidate caught talking trash in private about women cannot win the election?!?

    Since the establishment know that there will be a steady stream of disclosures on Hilary up to election day, there are looking high and low on anything that they can find to compromise Trump. They even descended to putting out overtly biased polls saying Hilary now has a wide lead by a Clinton operative who works for a Clinton Superpac where the selection processed was already biased towards Democrats by 7% before the question of who they were voting for was even asked! And it's given a veneer of acceptability by NBC and the Wall Street Journal. What you fail to grasp is that large parts of the population are not going to come out and say anything in public about who they really support. But you will discover who they really support (Trump) on election day. That's why the establishment (Democrats and Republicans, the media, the intelligence services who issue completely bogus statements about Russia being behind the hacks when they know very well from the tools NSA talked about by Edward Snowden, etc) is going full tilt to get him to drop out. Because otherwise they will be forced to stoop to open rigging of the election in order to get Clinton into power. And if that happens, you will see open revolt.

    Finally as concerns David Stockman, I respect him but is from time to time completely off in terms of his opinions. A couple of weeks ago, he made the statement that the US infrastructure was absolutely fine despite the fact that the American Society of Civil Engineers had given a D grade about the USA's Infrastructure.

    R G
    October 13, 2016 8:10:39 at 8:10 AM Certain Russian politicians, no matter how bombastic they are, are hinting toward what to expect in that Hillary may be our last POTUS if she were elected. My caveats would be:

    – Hillary would be the last woman POTUS just as Obama was likely the last black POTUS, fortunate or unfortunate as that may be. Both Obama and Clinton have permanently tarnished even the consideration of a future woman or minority POTUS for at least a generation. They would have been by far the worst two POTUSes in American history. And that is saying something, because Twiggy was horrific. Demographic trend won't make my caveat any less likely, because…
    – Clinton as POTUS will either foment nuclear war, secession, or both. It should be obvious to any discerning viewer that America like all "diverse" nations is ungovernable. Nation-states survive and thrive based on conformity, common language, and common culture. When you have entire states (CA) whose culture and language are not the foundational culture and language, regardless of official language status, you have problems. It's like the Tower of Babel.

    Such is the nature of history. It's cyclical like any good historian will attest to.

    R G
    October 13, 2016 8:14:34 at 8:14 AM P.S.

    The more I think about it, I'm torn. In a warped way I am hoping for a Clinton Presidency. Anything she does will be ultimately rendered null and void if my reasoning above pans out. And, given the macroeconomic indicators, we shall know pretty doggone soon. We could get it over with in a couple of years.

    But on the flipside, what would fill that power vacuum? History teaches us that a Washington is much, much less likely than a Napolean. That scares me.

    October 13, 2016 9:55:20 at 9:55 AM I saw a study that found that if only women voted, Clinton would win in a landslide. But if only men voted, Trump would win in a landslide. The women may get what they want – the first woman president, but they may come to regret what they wished for. Clinton being Clinton, it will be 4 years of scandals and investigations, and she will be blamed for the inevitable economic failure. Add to that her dismal record of foreign policy failure. Hillary will be the worst thing that ever happened to the Women's Movement.
    October 13, 2016 11:18:44 at 11:18 AM Women tend to think with their hearts and not with their minds.

    When you think with your heart in politics you foment disaster.

    Many would probably vote for the wicked witch of the west just to put a woman in the White House.

    I have NOTHING against a female President. Give me someone like a Thatcher and I would voter for her in a heartbeat.

    Women who are honest and think with their minds would agree with me.

    I refuse to be politically correct at my age.

    October 13, 2016 11:29:59 at 11:29 AM I am proud to say I have been politically incorrect since before there was political correctness.
    October 13, 2016 1:54:15 at 1:54 PM .

    I would never vote for a woman president. In the Bible, women rulers are a form of national punishment. I prefer going back in time when only White male landowners could vote. Now that is really un-PC, considering I am a woman.

    October 13, 2016 2:15:49 at 2:15 PM I have no idea whether you're being serious or just sacastic, Atossa.

    But your comment makes me look like a dyed in the wool liberal socialist to the left of Bill Ayers.

    Let me guess…you're not in favor of equal pay for women in the workplace either. Right?

    I respect your political incorrectness. But honestly, if you ran for President I probably wouldn't vote for you.

    October 13, 2016 2:55:17 at 2:55 PM .

    I am totally serious. If you think I would run for president, you missed my point.

    From an historical perspective, women voting is a recent travesty as are the majority of women who have sacrificed family [allowing institutions to raise their children] to be in the workplace. Many of these women prefer to be homemakers and be at home with their babies. But they are forced to work because TPTB have destroyed society and the economy.



    October 13, 2016 11:20:27 at 11:20 AM I would agree with you up until Oct 11 when this article was published, Stephane.

    When the facts change – my opinion follows.

    October 13, 2016 12:47:37 at 12:47 PM .

    Trump is giving a great speech right now.

    Why can't he be this great all the time ?

    Why is it that sometimes he can speak well and other times he acts goofy ?

    October 13, 2016 1:09:38 at 1:09 PM .

    Trump did a great job attacking Hillary in his West Palm Beach, Florida speech today… it is well worth watching.

    October 13, 2016 2:21:05 at 2:21 PM Now the women are coming out of the woodwork accusing Trump of sexually assaulting them 20-30 years ago. The NY Times is having a field day.

    Isn't it strange that none of these women apparently filed police reports?

    If I were a woman and some guy started grabbing my breasts and trying to put his hand up my skirt I wouldn't be able to call 911 fast enough – whether it happened today or in 1975.

    Just the fact that these stories get legs should tell anyone with any intelligence that the media is crooked and trying to throw the election.

    They are maliciously interfering with the electoral process by floating these stories. IMO there should be a law against it. It damages whatever sanctity remains in the electoral system – which is supposed to be above reproach.

    October 13, 2016 3:11:05 at 3:11 PM Trump's already threatened to sue them. He'll come out confident and honest and the media as the usual crooked lying pieces of trash they are. It'll only help him.
    October 13, 2016 3:11:56 at 3:11 PM Landslide in sight.
    October 13, 2016 4:38:42 at 4:38 PM .

    Below is a link to a video and transcript of Trump's great speech today in West Palm Beach, Florida. I thought I remember hearing him also say the word, cabal… but maybe that was just wishful thinking.

    October 13, 2016 5:30:08 at 5:30 PM .

    Liberal globalists are having a hissy-fit over Trump's speech.. they are using the words "bizarre & frightening". One journalist said "Trump has gone nuts", that he has gone "full Breitbart."

    October 13, 2016 2:29:56 at 2:29 PM Mish, you may be jumping the gun in this case. I have mostly ignored all polls except the USC tracking poll for obvious reasons. The USC tracking poll showed Trump leading by 3.9% pre 1st debate. As of today, Trump leads by 0.1%. So Trump has lost 'merely' 3.8% after the debates and the tape. The poll appears to be trending up in Trump's favor now. I believe we have seen the worst for Trump. If the rumored release of 33,000 emails is true, it will have an impact on the poll.

    This is a ridiculous election. We are electing president based on one locker room tape over national issues.

    October 13, 2016 2:43:09 at 2:43 PM It's not just ridiculous, Pi314.


    That's what's scary.

    Intelligent people can see this.

    Deceitful people see it but won't say it.

    Essentially, we've lost our country.

    October 13, 2016 6:42:27 at 6:42 PM The obvious reason you ignore all the other polls is that they don't give the result you want.
    This is going to be a massive loss, worse than the one that got Obama elected. If Trump had a bit more depth (developed policies) and wasn't so lazy (prepared for debates) he could have won but he is the wrong guy at the right spot in history, Clinton must be the luckiest politician in US history. Unfortunately. I find all these media blaming a bit pathetic.Mish is right.

    Check out this link, very funny take (Clarke and Dawe who Mish has previously published) from the Australian viewpoint of this election. They are both hopeless candidates. …ace-is/7929574

    October 13, 2016 4:36:04 at 4:36 PM Trump lost with his mouth. End of story.
    Michael Griffith
    October 13, 2016 5:34:29 at 5:34 PM The MSM has given 15x as much coverage to Trump's 10 yr old Locker Room remarks than to emails that prove Hilary is bought and paid for by the people who crashed our economy.

    Shame on the voters if they vote the way teh MSM tells them too. It's no wonder Millenials have zero trust for the MSM,

    [Oct 13, 2016] The Clintons sure were working the Haiti angle any way that they could. I wonder how that's playing in Florida?

    Notable quotes:
    "... [Qatar] would like to see WJC 'for five minutes' in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011," an employee at The Clinton Foundation said to numerous aides, including Doug Brand ..."
    "... No doubt! The Clintons sure were working the Haiti angle any way that they could. I wonder how that's playing in Florida? ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |

    "[Qatar] would like to see WJC 'for five minutes' in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011," an employee at The Clinton Foundation said to numerous aides, including Doug Brand [isc]. "Qatar would welcome our suggestions for investments in Haiti - particularly on education and health. They have allocated most of their $20 million but are happy to consider projects we suggest. I'm collecting input from CF Haiti team."

    No doubt! The Clintons sure were working the Haiti angle any way that they could. I wonder how that's playing in Florida?

    [Oct 13, 2016] Debate Wrapup

    Notable quotes:
    "... +A large part of the uproar over the Trump tapes is driven not by the fact that Trump's comments are shocking but because they are so familiar. We've heard similar, perhaps even more rancid, things from our fathers, uncles, brothers, coaches, teachers, pastors, teammates, and friends. Perhaps we've even made similar comments ourselves. Now the public wants to project its own shame onto Trump. His humiliation serves as a kind catharsis for the nation's own systemic sexism. Perhaps NOW will give him a medal one day for his "sacrifice"… ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |

    Until a second Hunter Thompson comes along, the appropriately jaded Jeffrey St. Clair will have to do [ Counterpunch ].

    +A large part of the uproar over the Trump tapes is driven not by the fact that Trump's comments are shocking but because they are so familiar. We've heard similar, perhaps even more rancid, things from our fathers, uncles, brothers, coaches, teachers, pastors, teammates, and friends. Perhaps we've even made similar comments ourselves. Now the public wants to project its own shame onto Trump. His humiliation serves as a kind catharsis for the nation's own systemic sexism. Perhaps NOW will give him a medal one day for his "sacrifice"…

    Cf. Luke 18:11 .

    [Oct 13, 2016] Our Famously Free Press helped to exterminate Sanders like unwannted pest using all kind of dirty tricks

    Notable quotes:
    "... I have never before seen the press take sides like they did this year, openly and even gleefully bad-mouthing candidates who did not meet with their approval. ..."
    "... This shocked me when I first noticed it. It felt like the news stories went out of their way to mock Sanders or to twist his words, while the op-ed pages, which of course don't pretend to be balanced, seemed to be of one voice in denouncing my candidate. ..."
    "... I propose that we look into this matter methodically, and that we do so by examining Sanders-related opinion columns in a single publication: the Washington Post, ..."
    "... its practitioners have never aimed to be nonpartisan. They do not, therefore, show media bias in the traditional sense. But maybe the traditional definition needs to be updated. We live in an era of reflexive opinionating and quasi opinionating, and we derive much of our information about the world from websites that have themselves blurred the distinction between reporting and commentary, or obliterated it completely. ..."
    "... Washington Post, ..."
    "... Post ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |

    Neoliberal press serves its neoliberal paymasters. As simple of that. There is no even hint of Us press being press. In certain aspects US jounalists are more "solgers of the Party" then their colleagues in the Brezhnev time Pravda and Izvesia.

    From [Essay] Swat Team, by Thomas Frank Harper's Magazine - Part 3 By Thomas Frank

    For once, a politician like Sanders seemed to have a chance with the public. He won a stunning victory over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primary, and despite his advanced age and avuncular finger-wagging, he was wildly popular among young voters. Eventually he was flattened by the Clinton juggernaut, of course, but Sanders managed to stay competitive almost all the way to the California primary in June.

    His chances with the prestige press were considerably more limited. Before we go into details here, let me confess: I was a Sanders voter, and even interviewed him back in 2014, so perhaps I am naturally inclined to find fault in others' reporting on his candidacy. Perhaps it was the very particular media diet I was on in early 2016, which consisted of daily megadoses of the New York Times and the Washington Post and almost nothing else. Even so, I have never before seen the press take sides like they did this year, openly and even gleefully bad-mouthing candidates who did not meet with their approval.

    This shocked me when I first noticed it. It felt like the news stories went out of their way to mock Sanders or to twist his words, while the op-ed pages, which of course don't pretend to be balanced, seemed to be of one voice in denouncing my candidate. A New York Times article greeted the Sanders campaign in December by announcing that the public had moved away from his signature issue of the crumbling middle class. "Americans are more anxious about terrorism than income inequality," the paper declared-nice try, liberal, and thanks for playing. In March, the Times was caught making a number of post-publication tweaks to a news story about the senator, changing what had been a sunny tale of his legislative victories into a darker account of his outrageous proposals. When Sanders was finally defeated in June, the same paper waved him goodbye with a bedtime-for-Grandpa headline, hillary clinton made history, but bernie sanders stubbornly ignored it.

    I propose that we look into this matter methodically, and that we do so by examining Sanders-related opinion columns in a single publication: the Washington Post, the conscience of the nation's political class and one of America's few remaining first-rate news organizations. I admire the Post 's investigative and beat reporting. What I will focus on here, however, are pieces published between January and May 2016 on the paper's editorial and op-ed pages, as well as on its many blogs. Now, editorials and blog posts are obviously not the same thing as news stories: punditry is my subject here, and its practitioners have never aimed to be nonpartisan. They do not, therefore, show media bias in the traditional sense. But maybe the traditional definition needs to be updated. We live in an era of reflexive opinionating and quasi opinionating, and we derive much of our information about the world from websites that have themselves blurred the distinction between reporting and commentary, or obliterated it completely. For many of us, this ungainly hybrid is the news. What matters, in any case, is that all the pieces I review here, whether they appeared in pixels or in print, bear the imprimatur of the Washington Post, the publication that defines the limits of the permissible in the capital city.

    ... ... ...

    On January 27, with the Iowa caucuses just days away, Dana Milbank nailed it with a headline: nominating sanders would be insane . After promising that he adored the Vermont senator, he cautioned his readers that "socialists don't win national elections in the United States." The next day, the paper's editorial board chimed in with a campaign full of fiction , in which they branded Sanders as a kind of flimflam artist: "Mr. Sanders is not a brave truth-teller. He is a politician selling his own brand of fiction to a slice of the country that eagerly wants to buy it."

    Stung by the Post 's trolling, Bernie Sanders fired back-which in turn allowed no fewer than three of the paper's writers to report on the conflict between the candidate and their employer as a bona fide news item. Sensing weakness, the editorial board came back the next morning with yet another kidney punch, this one headlined the real problem with mr. sanders . By now, you can guess what that problem was: his ideas weren't practical, and besides, he still had "no plausible plan for plugging looming deficits as the population ages."

    ... ... ...

    After the previous week's lesson about Glass Steagall, the editorial board now instructed politicians to stop reviling tarp -i.e., the Wall Street bailouts with which the Bush and Obama Administrations tried to halt the financial crisis. The bailouts had been controversial, the paper acknowledged, but they were also bipartisan, and opposing or questioning them in the Sanders manner was hereby declared anathema. After all, the editorial board intoned:

    Contrary to much rhetoric, Wall Street banks and bankers still took losses and suffered upheaval, despite the bailout-but TARP helped limit the collateral damage that Main Street suffered from all of that. If not for the ingenuity of the executive branch officials who designed and carried out the program, and the responsibility of the legislators who approved it, the United States would be in much worse shape economically.

    As a brief history of the financial crisis and the bailout, this is absurd. It is true that bailing out Wall Street was probably better than doing absolutely nothing, but saying this ignores the many other options that were available to public officials had they shown any real ingenuity in holding institutions accountable. All the Wall Street banks that existed at the time of TARP are flourishing to this day, since the government moved heaven and earth to spare them the consequences of the toxic securities they had issued and the lousy mortgage bets they made. The big banks were "made whole," as the saying goes. Main Street banks, meanwhile, died off by the hundreds in 2009 and 2010. And average home owners, of course, got no comparable bailout. Instead, Main Street America saw trillions in household wealth disappear; it entered into a prolonged recession, with towering unemployment, increasing inequality, and other effects that linger to this day. There has never been a TARP for the rest of us.

    ... ... ...

    Charles Krauthammer went into action on January 29, too, cautioning the Democrats that they "would be risking a November electoral disaster of historic dimensions" should they nominate Sanders-cynical advice that seems even more poisonous today, as scandal after scandal engulfs the Democratic candidate that so many Post pundits favored.

    ... ... ...

    The Iowa caucuses came the next day, and Stephen Stromberg was at the keyboard to identify the "three delusions" that supposedly animated the campaigns of Sanders and the Republican Ted Cruz alike. Namely: they had abandoned the "center," they believed that things were bad in the United States, and they perceived an epidemic of corruption-in Sanders's case, corruption via billionaires and campaign contributions. Delusions all.

    ... ... ...

    On and on it went, for month after month, a steady drumbeat of denunciation. The paper hit every possible anti-Sanders note, from the driest kind of math-based policy reproach to the lowest sort of nerd-shaming-from his inexcusable failure to embrace taxes on soda pop to his awkward gesticulating during a debate with Hillary Clinton ("an unrelenting hand jive," wrote Post dance critic Sarah L. Kaufman, "that was missing only an upright bass and a plunky piano").

    The paper's piling-up of the senator's faults grew increasingly long and complicated. Soon after Sanders won the New Hampshire primary, the editorial board denounced him and Trump both as "unacceptable leaders" who proposed "simple-sounding" solutions. Sanders used the plutocracy as a "convenient scapegoat." He was hostile to nuclear power. He didn't have a specific recipe for breaking up the big banks. He attacked trade deals with "bogus numbers that defy the overwhelming consensus among economists." This last charge was a particular favorite of Post pundits: David Ignatius and Charles Lane both scolded the candidate for putting prosperity at risk by threatening our trade deals. Meanwhile, Charles Krauthammer grew so despondent over the meager 2016 options that he actually pined for the lost days of the Bill Clinton presidency, when America was tough on crime, when welfare was being reformed, and when free trade was accorded its proper respect.

    ... ... ...

    The danger of Trump became an overwhelming fear as primary season drew to a close, and it redoubled the resentment toward Sanders. By complaining about mistreatment from the Democratic apparatus, the senator was supposedly weakening the party before its coming showdown with the billionaire blowhard. This matter, like so many others, found columnists and bloggers and op-ed panjandrums in solemn agreement. Even Eugene Robinson, who had stayed fairly neutral through most of the primary season, piled on in a May 20 piece, blaming Sanders and his noisy horde for "deliberately stoking anger and a sense of grievance-less against Clinton than the party itself," actions that "could put Trump in the White House." By then, the paper had buttressed its usual cast of pundits with heavy hitters from outside its own peculiar ecosystem. In something of a journalistic coup, the Post opened its blog pages in April to Jeffrey R. Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, so that he, too, could join in the chorus of denunciation aimed at the senator from Vermont. Comfort the comfortable, I suppose-and while you're at it, be sure to afflict the afflicted.

    ... ... ...

    It should be noted that there were some important exceptions to what I have described. The paper's blogs, for instance, published regular pieces by Sanders sympathizers like Katrina vanden Heuvel and the cartoonist Tom Toles. (The blogs also featured the efforts of a few really persistent Clinton haters.) The Sunday Outlook section once featured a pro-Sanders essay by none other than Ralph Nader, a kind of demon figure and clay pigeon for many of the paper's commentators. But readers of the editorial pages had to wait until May 26 to see a really full-throated essay supporting Sanders's legislative proposals. Penned by Jeffrey Sachs, the eminent economist and professor at Columbia University, it insisted that virtually all the previous debate on the subject had been irrelevant, because standard economic models did not take into account the sort of large-scale reforms that Sanders was advocating:

    It's been decades since the United States had a progressive economic strategy, and mainstream economists have forgotten what one can deliver. In fact, Sanders's recipes are supported by overwhelming evidence-notably from countries that already follow the policies he advocates. On health care, growth and income inequality, Sanders wins the policy debate hands down.

    It was a striking departure from what nearly every opinionator had been saying for the preceding six months. Too bad it came just eleven days before the Post, following the lead of the Associated Press, declared Hillary Clinton to be the preemptive winner of the Democratic nomination.

    What can we learn from reviewing one newspaper's lopsided editorial treatment of a left-wing presidential candidate?

    For one thing, we learn that the Washington Post, that gallant defender of a free press, that bold bringer-down of presidents, has a real problem with some types of political advocacy. Certain ideas, when voiced by certain people, are not merely debatable or incorrect or misguided, in the paper's view: they are inadmissible. The ideas themselves might seem healthy, they might have a long and distinguished history, they might be commonplace in other lands. Nevertheless, when voiced by the people in question, they become damaging.

    ... ... ...

    Clinging to this so-called pragmatism is also professionally self-serving. If "realism" is recognized as the ultimate trump card in American politics, it automatically prioritizes the thoughts and observations of the realism experts-also known as the Washington Post and its brother institutions of insider knowledge and professional policy practicality. Realism is what these organizations deal in; if you want it, you must come to them. Legitimacy is quite literally their property. They dole it out as they see fit.

    There is the admiration for consensus, the worship of pragmatism and bipartisanship, the contempt for populist outcry, the repeated equating of dissent with partisan disloyalty. And think of the specific policy pratfalls: the cheers for TARP, the jeers aimed at bank regulation, the dismissal of single-payer health care as a preposterous dream.

    This stuff is not mysterious. We can easily identify the political orientation behind it from one of the very first pages of the Roger Tory Peterson Field Guide to the Ideologies. This is common Seaboard Centrism, its markings of complacency and smugness as distinctive as ever, its habitat the familiar Beltway precincts of comfort and exclusivity. Whether you encounter it during a recession or a bull market, its call is the same: it reassures us that the experts who head up our system of government have everything well under control.

    It is, of course, an ideology of the professional class, of sound-minded East Coast strivers, fresh out of Princeton or Harvard, eagerly quoting as "authorities" their peers in the other professions, whether economists at MIT or analysts at Credit Suisse or political scientists at Brookings. Above all, this is an insider's ideology; a way of thinking that comes from a place of economic security and takes a view of the common people that is distinctly patrician.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Donald Trump Is Accusing the Clintons of Cashing In on Haiti's 2010 Earthquake

    That should have been done long ago.

    Donald Trump is accusing the Clintons of cashing in on Haiti's deadly 2010 earthquake.

    The Republican nominee cited State Department emails obtained by the Republican National Committee through a public records request and detailed in an ABC News story.

    At issue is whether friends of former President Bill Clinton, referred to as "friends of Bill," or "FOB," in the emails, received preferential treatment or contracts from the State Department in the immediate aftermath of the 7.0-magnitude earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010. More than 230,000 people died, the U.S. has said.

    [Oct 13, 2016] You can bet that from the intelligence community to querying everyone hes ever been in contact with has been covered. The best they could come up with was an 11 year old video of him preening his feathers

    Oct 13, 2016 |

    williambanzai7 tbd108 Oct 12, 2016 4:14 AM

    I got news for you, Trump has enough enemies that if there was anything that could be pinned on him he would have been in the slammer long ago; competitors , ex-wives, casino regulators, you name it.

    All they can come up with is Miss Universe, locker room banter and net operating loss carryforwards.

    The Jackal williambanzai7 Oct 12, 2016 5:05 AM
    Absolutely spot on assessment. You can bet that from the intelligence community to querying everyone he's ever been in contact with has been covered. The best they could come up with was an 11 year old video of him preening his feathers.

    There's nothing to be found.

    ImGumbydmmt williambanzai7 Oct 12, 2016 12:39 PM
    +1000 Banzai! logged in just to upvote your coment.

    Was thinking the same thing. is this the best dirt they got on him?

    I see Trump's warts, I'm not blind.He's not Ron Paul, ok ok, we get it. and still I will vote for Trump becasue i see how much opposition is being hurled at him everyday.

    PLUS we see what a vile menace, murdering sack of fecal matter wrapped in corruption that "Die Furher Hitlery" is.

    And Because i've got two little kids that i dont want to die in Hitlery's nuclear war.

    Stanley Lord tbd108 Oct 12, 2016 7:39 AM
    I dont think the Neocon pounding is working at all.
    kellys_eye Rodders75 Oct 12, 2016 5:34 AM
    The Trump vs Clinton debacle seems to follow the UK's own pre-Brexit debate where the 'evil' (leavers) were on the wrong end of a constant onslaught by the 'good' (remainers).

    What was disregarded by the media and establishment alike was the undercurrent of disillusionment of the PEOPLE with the system that was widely perceived to be betraying the public for the good of a few - corporates, politicians, banksters et al - and they almost took it for granted that remain would win the day.

    Look how THAT turned out. The establishment line, backed by virtually all the media and the apallingly corrupt BBC, were bitch-slapped the morning after the vote and it was a pleasure to watch!

    Parallels - right up to the 'bitch slapping' - this is what you may yet see.

    Fireman Oct 12, 2016 3:36 AM
    Rape, pillage and plunder; it's as amerikan as apple pie. So whether you be a chump on da stump for oligarch Trump or a psychopathic moron into the Clinton Crime Organization of sexual deviants and murderers, in the end one of these bums is the real face of the USSAN thug state. Like NAZI Germany before it (that other anglozionazi project) USSA will be "cured" from the outside and that process is already well underway.

    Onward to the inevitable mushroom clouds.

    froze25 Fireman Oct 12, 2016 7:28 AM
    Besides having money why is Trump an "Oilgarch"?
    SillySalesmanQu... froze25 Oct 12, 2016 7:50 AM
    Good point. The Don has only "gamed the system," by using the rules and laws available to him. He plays the press like a fiddle, therefore, generating free publicity, he would otherwise have to pay for. The perpetual smirk, sneer, arrogance and disdain he has, is for many others, who have done far worse, for far less, than he has.
    poeg froze25 Oct 12, 2016 9:22 AM
    Because the average citizen sees the term as a "Russian" one and the Russians are "bad men" like Trump. It plays to the morons.
    chindit13 Oct 12, 2016 3:40 AM
    Watching the video, I am reminded of one of George Orwell's famous quotes:

    Before age forty, your face is up to God; after age forty, your face is up to you.

    Fluorideinthewater chindit13 Oct 12, 2016 7:07 AM

    At 50, everyone has the face he deserves. -George Orwell

    [Oct 13, 2016] Hillary Clinton is stanch neoliberal who has nocompattion for displayed workers in the USA

    Notable quotes:
    "... When Hillary Clinton recently declared half of Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables", Zaitchik told another reporter, the language "could be read as another way of saying 'white-trash bin'." ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |

    When Hillary Clinton recently declared half of Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables", Zaitchik told another reporter, the language "could be read as another way of saying 'white-trash bin'." Clinton quickly apologized for the comment, the context of which contained compassion for many Trump voters. But making such generalizations at a $6m fundraiser in downtown New York City, at which some attendees paid $50,000 for a seat, recalled for me scenes from the television political satire Veep in which powerful Washington figures discuss "normals" with distaste behind closed doors.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Hillary as the living embodiment of neoliberal worldview

    From: [Essay] Swat Team, by Thomas Frank

    Beginning in the 1970s, it has increasingly become an organ of this same class. Affluent white-collar professionals are today the voting bloc that Democrats represent most faithfully, and they are the people whom Democrats see as the rightful winners in our economic order. Hillary Clinton, with her fantastic résumé and her life of striving and her much-commented-on qualifications, represents the aspirations of this class almost perfectly.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Anonymous - Message to Hillary Clinton

    Oct 13, 2016 |

    Apr 9, 2016 | YouTube

    kaxitaksi 2 months ago (edited) Only way to put this right and if DNC and Shillary really wants the best for the people is to step down and hand over the nomination to Bernie or Stein. I don't want to listen to that lying bitch voice for four years.
    Lu A 5 days ago If this is really Anonymous...I really hate to say this but...these guys are the right guys for the job to expose Hillary Clinton. If they wanna stop her they gotta expose her at a huge hackable event.
    Scott Lesley 17 hours ago there is no humanity in that woman
    Unity Anonymous 6 hours ago remember the civilians, kids, ppl who they kill

    [Oct 13, 2016] 'Anonymous' Remembers Hillary Clinton, Career Criminal Zero Hedge

    Oct 12, 2016 |
    Unlike Reuters' political "reporters" , it seems the hacker collective "Anonymous" is less impressed by Hillary Clinton's awesomeness. Following Wikileaks' recent release of leaks, Anonymous reminds Americans of the 'career criminal' in a video containing a well researched list of wrong-doings, exposing the actions of Hillary over her career .

    This includes things like:

  • fraud investigations
  • conflicts of interest
  • political corruption
  • wrongful pardons
  • campaign and finance law violations
  • business & political scandals
  • This is only a small list of what is explored in the video below...

    AnoNews explains Why This Matters

    With so much exposed already, why do we continue to follow, allow, and accept people like Hillary and Trump as potentials to be country leaders? Truly think about it. Can we even take a system that puts these two so high up in the ranks seriously?

    Is this not the perfect storm to allow us to wake up to the reality of our current state? We should be thankful that this is going on so we can help wake up the world and begin a conversation about what we can legitimately do next.

    This isn't about Trump vs Clinton. That is merely the illusion we are being invited to believe. This is about awakening to the fact that our system is absurd and that it's time to do something different. What is the answer? That is what we must discuss instead of playing this broken political game of dividing and choosing who to "vote" for.

    Occident Mortal Kidbuck Oct 12, 2016 3:41 AM Any journalist should feel enormous professional humilation and deep personal shame at the fact a bunch of teenagers are offering more scrutiny on this presidential candidate than the entire press industry.

    What a pathetic weak press this country has. All bought, every last one of them. CuttingEdge Occident Mortal Oct 12, 2016 4:12 AM Its not a matter of tolerance, it is a matter of wilfull ignorance.

    Guided and also manufactured to a great degree by an MSM-fabricated matrix of misinformation at the behest of the fuckers pulling the strings. The disinterest in the morals of policy and action and their effect on millions of people both at home and abroad is quite jaw-dropping, and a sad reflection on how low society (not just in the US) has fallen.

    However Brexit proved all hope is not lost and sheeple can develop an awareness (probaly as a result of the intimidating bullshit they were being fed).

    Vote Trump 2016 sun tzu Occident Mortal Oct 12, 2016 6:00 AM Presstitutes have no shame or morals quadraspleen Occident Mortal Oct 12, 2016 6:17 AM Anonymous aren't any single bunch of anything, let alone a bunch of teenagers. That's the point. They are everyone and no-one. Lots of milsec white hats use their cover. Hell, a few of them are deep NSA and .gov peeps just pissed at the way their erstwhile "honourable" (yeah, right) agencies have been co-opted by crooks like her We no longer have statesmen. We have technocrats or "temporarily displaced bankers." Stranger_in_a_S... crazzziecanuck Oct 12, 2016 11:00 AM

    I wish you could say that was happening. I just don't see it at all. I see things getting worse, and it's this "business" mentality that is sucking the rest of us all down beneath the waves to drown.

    I tend to agree.

    Though just personal anecdote, in my career, I've seen this 'business mentality' at work, and it can be ugly.

    For instance, I was in the room, to hear the CFO and COO discuss how to 'reach the numbers' so that the COO would get his bonus. The decision in this case was to rid 100+ employees, many with decades of experience and accumulated skillsets, to reduce costs, hit the 'correct' bottom line for a quarter or two, and voila! Company 'hit the numbers' and COO gets his addition to the already lucrative salary, well beyond what most would 'need'. Within a week of the bonus, he drives up in a flashy, new, red sportscar. Should have witnessed the rage many of the remaining, spared employees that had watched their friends/coworkers get axed and still remain unemployed; there were literally conversations about lighting that car on fire in the parking lot.

    There were similar decisions to gobble up local and other national competitor shops. Some were immediately shut down and everyone axed, but some with more glowing numbers that could be used to pad forecasts, were kept on for a short while. After saddling the company with immense debt to cover the acquisitions, boosting the sales and forecast figures 'on paper' for the foreseeable near future, he penned himself a nice, shiny résumé about 'increasing sales 4x in just a year' landed himself a different COO job in California and left. Soon thereafter, when the weight of everything crashed down (scarce employees, with little skill left to efficiently accomplish a quality product...both measures suffering/declining), those acquisitions were shut down and the original company is now scarcely a shadow of what it was, thereby causing more layoffs and terminations. Now the $150 million +/year company, with 900 employees, is a $10 million/year company, with 200 employees.

    But that COO? He's living it up in CA, several companies later, and my periodic checkup on the 'net shows he's done similarly a few more times, yet entrenched in the network of corporate boards/COOs that still perpetuate this scheme. Contrary to 'building' anything, they construct a false narrative and tear everyone down in the process. But he and his cohorts get rich.

    No, not everyone at that level does this, but the incentives are such that it is very tempting to follow suit and a review of corporate history in this nation shows it is/was quite typical over many decades...because it works for those that engage this behavior.

    Sound familiar to U.S. policy abroad? michelp luckylongshot Oct 12, 2016 10:37 AM "The answer is to start studying what it takes to apply power productively and use the findings to select and train appropriate leaders."

    Sorry but! In the currupt USA run by zio and war machines any 'appropriate leader' is DOA (Dead on Arrival.) Donald J. Trump tbd108 Oct 12, 2016 3:58 AM As I'm sure there are some that put Ttump on a high horse, I think most Trump supporters are supporting him because of the exact reason they are fed up with system as aanonymous says. Trump is a big middle finger to the status quo of Washington politics. I for one hope he does as he says he will do to hopefully right the ship of the US. He may even sink the ship but it's going down already, he's our only chance to right it. What he's done takes a certain level of celebrity, balls, and money, and I can't think of another person who could do what he has done. As great a cure Trump may be for our country, there are some side effects so talk to your doctor to see if Trump is right for you. Dial 1(844)LIB-TARD or (855)LIB-TARD for a free sample of Trump.

    Btw- those phone numbers are available if someone could actually make a good use for it. I'm also interested if the other exchanges that are already taken have anything to with libtards.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Anonymous - Hillary Clinton A Career Criminal

    Oct 13, 2016 |


    Trench Coat 3 months ago HILLARY "There should be no individual too powerful to jail."

    kevin b 1 day ago +Eric Shutter tell that to the investigation committee..the FBI and the congress investigation who all covered her with "gross misconduct" instead of guilty by hacked emails to known hacking and homeland security of confidential documents! another clinton victory by paying off or threatening these guys if she gets into office. what an ugly person she is..she does think the law is beneath her to follow...typical elitist narcissistic profile!
    Hank Chinaski 1 day ago This psycho bitch will start WWIII... elect her at your own risk.
    Tam 1 day ago 0:17 Travelgate 1:03 Vince Foster's Death 1:29 Hillary Care 2:56 Whitewater Investigation 4:44 Cattlegate 5:48 Filegate 6:22 The Clinton Legal defense fund 6:33 Chinagate 7:18 IRS Abuses 7:52 Pardongate 9:41 FALN Terrorists 10:58 New York Senate Campaign Finance 12:15 New York Senate performance 12:50 Senate Rules Violations 13:11 2008 Presidential Canidate 13:45 Madam Secretary 15:08 State Department Scandals and Cover-ups 15:59 Benghazi Terrorist Attack Cover-up 17:12 Clinton Secrets (FoI) 17:37 Clinton Foundation Conflicts of Interest 20:37 Various snippets
    hellopuppy00 2 days ago The fact that so many corrupts scandals of one person can be listed for 25 minutes straight like this is bad enough. The horrific part is that American is about to make her President.
    Eric Barth 1 day ago (edited) we have no control over who we get to choose and even then electoral votes control th powers above popular votes. Citizens do not matter in this regard whatsoever. This game is controlled from the top while feigning that it is controlled by the people. Raymond Cestaro 1 day ago and this video is just scratching the surface
    Erkuht Ateue 5 months ago HOLY SHIT, How can american people be so fucking blind? This is outrageous! View all 55 replies Kevin S 3 days ago Two ways. 1. Dumbing Down of the population. 2. Entertainment. It is sickening!
    Tom F 48 minutes ago Past Mobsters never come close to besting this bitch and her Billy.
    Took the Red Pill 1 day ago Holy shit this is amazing. The work here is fantastic. FBI really outdid themselves here. Still gonna vote for Clinton, we cannot allow a man who likes Pussy into office. I'm with HER :D
    jefftc14 4 months ago anyone else notice or remember how the Clinton's were heavily involved in massive amounts of cocaine smuggling into the U.S. and then hmm look at all their friends they bail out.. all cocaine kingpins..

    [Oct 13, 2016] Cannabis as police profit center: Law enforcement agencies made 574,641 arrests last year for small quantities of the drug intended for personal use

    Oct 13, 2016 |
    Jim Haygood October 13, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Just as cops take more money from people with civil forfeiture than burglars do, they arrest more people for cannabis than for all violent crimes combined:

    Law enforcement agencies made 574,641 arrests last year for small quantities of the drug intended for personal use, according to the report, which was released Wednesday by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch. The marijuana arrests were about 13.6 percent more than the 505,681 arrests made for all violent crimes, including murder, rape and serious assaults.

    To state it differently, more people are arrested for victimless crimes (where the only complainant is a law enforcement officer) than for crimes in which someone actually suffered harm.

    Fred October 13, 2016 at 3:44 pm


    Of course there were a heck of a lot more victims of violent crime than dope crime:
    Perhaps we should put some of those responsible for that mass black on black violent crime in prison rather than drug offenders. Why doesn't Obama direct his DOJ to do just that?

    Jim Haygood October 13, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    Probably the order of magnitude difference in stats relates to "victimizations" vs "arrests."

    Lots of crime reports never result in an arrest.

    Fiver October 13, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    'Perhaps we should put some of those responsible for that mass black on black violent crime in prison rather than drug offenders. Why doesn't Obama direct his DOJ to do just that?'

    Or maybe the US should finally face up to the fact it has never done more than the least it could possibly get away with when it comes to dealing with deeply entrenched systemic racism/poverty.

    JohnnyGL October 13, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    That's pretty damning on its face. The drug war is the primary function of the police in the USA. Violent stuff is secondary.

    "Tess Borden, a fellow at Human Rights Watch and the A.C.L.U., who wrote the report, found that despite the steep decline in crime rates over the last two decades - including a 36 percent drop in violent crime arrests from 1995 to 2015 - the number of arrests for all drug possessions, including marijuana, increased 13 percent.

    The emphasis on making marijuana arrests is worrisome, Ms. Borden said."

    You bet it is!!!

    [Oct 13, 2016] Sexism and bigotry is probably ALL wrapped up in peoples economic plights

    Oct 13, 2016 |
    jrs October 12, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    of course sexism and bigotry is probably ALL wrapped up in people's economic plights. Back in the real world women put up with sexual harassment at work etc. because they need the income. Yes it's illegal, but it's not always enforced especially in the blue collar workplace. And yes Trumps comments were mostly about consensual stuff and if so arent' harassment. But sexism as such isn't actually separable from economics.

    ggm October 12, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    I heard it as consensual, too. Women "let me" grab them. Maybe I am more forgiving than others because I worked for a famous musician when I was younger and witnessed women throwing themselves at him constantly. Are we taking away the agency of women by assuming this was unwanted attention? Is it possible there are women who might have enjoyed the contact with him? Assuming he was even telling the truth in his statements.

    Monist Lisa October 13, 2016 at 12:46 am

    jrs and ggm

    (didn't see yours before I posted above)

    hunkerdown October 12, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    You want people to be more concerned with sexism and bigotry than they are with their own economic plight.

    In other words, evangelicals starving people in order that they pray correctly for a bearable afterlife. Frankly, I'm getting sick of them too.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Will, Aggression and Plenty of Ignorance is exactly what it takes to put a good scar on the face of the most organized, high-level, well-connected, mob-operation run by the US government since the Shah of Iran

    Notable quotes:
    "... Do you want the willfully, aggressively ignorant on your side? ..."
    "... Would you choose purposely to select the most willfully wrong person to do any task for you for pay? ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |
    fajensen October 13, 2016 at 4:10 am

    Do you want the willfully, aggressively ignorant on your side?

    Would you choose purposely to select the most willfully wrong person to do any task for you for pay?

    1)Certainly: Will, Aggression and Plenty of Ignorance is *exactly* what it takes to put a good scar on the face of the most organized, high-level, well-connected, mob-operation run by the US government since the Shah of Iran.

    Trump "going over the top", thus attracting all the "fire", has set in motion a flood of leaks. Soon we will see defections when the rats see that the ship is indeed leaking and the water is getting close to their nest. Then there will be congress hearings, the hyenas sizing up which parts of the carcass they like to have when it dies, impeachment, several years of some progress for the little folks while the new management rebuilds the enterprise and re-tune the neglected Engine of Looting at the core.

    2)The only people doing any task for *me* *for pay* are the carpenter and the guy cleaning the drain. We have a deal: I don't care about their opinions and they don't complain over my coffee.

    You are a bit naive if you think any kind of leadership works for you. In the best situation, your interests are aligned with theirs, it looks like "working together". And since one does not look in the mouth of a gift horse, everyone are happy. Right now, "our interests" and "theirs" are blatantly opposed.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Anyone that says that Trump can not be in the White House better vote for Stein or Johnson otherwise they are giant hypocrites. Bill Clinton is a rapist and Hillary Clinton aided and abetted his history of abuse

    Notable quotes:
    "... I've never heard anyone say "grab them by the pussy" but I have heard young college males talk about porn in a college library loud enough for me to hear them 2 tables over. I've heard detail accounts of what they want to do w/ girls they no. I just stared out them for a few minutes but it was clear that they did not care about my opinion or that they were in the library. ..."
    "... St. Claire is right. Anyone that says that Trump can not be in the White House better vote for Stein or Johnson otherwise they are giant hypocrites. Bill Clinton is a rapist and Hillary Clinton aided and abetted his history of abuse. ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |
    AnEducatedFool October 12, 2016 at 3:58 pm

    Who has said that it was right?

    I've never heard anyone say "grab them by the pussy" but I have heard young college males talk about porn in a college library loud enough for me to hear them 2 tables over. I've heard detail accounts of what they want to do w/ girls they no. I just stared out them for a few minutes but it was clear that they did not care about my opinion or that they were in the library.

    I spent much of my childhood around athletes. The higher you go up the food chain the more crass the comments. I was never in a football locker room but baseball and basketball were pretty terrible. I played at the national level in AAU and spent a lot of time around traveling baseball players. They were into drugs and girls. The comments were reprehensible and they have not changed much behind closed doors. I'm 34 now.

    My brother is older and his friends have all said horrible things when no women were around. I was typically the voice of reason which made me a target for gay bashing. I'm straight but since I did not see the need to devalue women I was asked if I was gay.

    St. Claire is right. Anyone that says that Trump can not be in the White House better vote for Stein or Johnson otherwise they are giant hypocrites. Bill Clinton is a rapist and Hillary Clinton aided and abetted his history of abuse.

    [Oct 13, 2016] Were the US intelligence agencis the source of grabbing pussy tape for Clinton compaign as a way to protect funding

    Notable quotes:
    "... 2018 and 2020 will be interesting indeed, assuming HRC hasn't started WW3 by then. ..."
    "... Speaking of which, Ray McGovern warns against the sabre-rattling over Syria and the calls for "no fly zones" in CounterPunch today: ..."
    "... For instance, Russian defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov warned on Oct. 6 that Russia is prepared to shoot down unidentified aircraft – including any stealth aircraft – over Syria. It is a warning that I believe should be taken seriously ..."
    "... It's true that experts differ as to whether the advanced air defense systems already in Syria can bring down stealth aircraft, but it would be a mistake to dismiss this warning out of hand. Besides, Konashenkov added, in a telling ex-ante-extenuating-circumstance vein, that Russian air defense "will not have time to identify the origin" of the aircraft. ..."
    "... In other words, U.S. aircraft, which have been operating in Syrian skies without Syrian government approval, could be vulnerable to attack with the Russian government preemptively warning that such an incident won't be Moscow's fault. ..."
    "... Bush & Cheney & Co were horrific enough with their neocon games in the Mideast, but their actions seem mild compared with the latest anti-Russian lunatic talk by Clinton and her neocon pals. Really scary. ..."
    "... Yes the entire situation with out-of-touch imperialist aristocrats blindly blundering their way to Sarajevo Aleppo has a very reminiscent feel to it…an easy chapter to write in the future history books. ..."
    "... This should terrify everyone. I wish we would elect someone who says we should sit down and talk to our biggest rivals, not just provoke them to world war. But oh I forgot he said vulgar things about women 15 years ago. ..."
    "... sexual misconduct in the oval office-while president ..."
    "... while being the leader of our country! ..."
    "... I have a hierarchy of reactions to issues and I just can't seem to put vulgar language above the ultimate vulgarity of world war for profit. ..."
    "... I can't seem to care more about people with hurt feelings than people with their heads blown off because a Saudi billionaire or arms manufacturer just had to have some more ka-ching. There is nothing more vulgar than that. ..."
    Oct 13, 2016 |

    Bush family tranditionaly is very well connnected with CIA and they are not fund of Trump, that's for sure...

    Pavel October 12, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    re WikiLeaks: adding to the endless hypocrisy and double standards over Trump's "grabbing pussy" remarks and HRC & Co's behaviour:

    * Hillary herself wondered about extrajudicially killing Assange by droning. In what world is that considered permissible?

    * It seems that the Clinton campaign's Catholic "outreach" person was involved in a prostitution ring. So that's all good.

    I'm starting to think Trump might yet pull this off. The Clinton camp must be terrified and trying desperately to see what else might come out. If only Bernie had agreed to run with Jill Stein… I honestly think they might have won. In any case the Republican party is going down in flames, and after the Podesta leaks the Dems will have absolutely ZERO credibility and not much of a mandate. 2018 and 2020 will be interesting indeed, assuming HRC hasn't started WW3 by then.

    Speaking of which, Ray McGovern warns against the sabre-rattling over Syria and the calls for "no fly zones" in CounterPunch today:

    We analysts were responsible for picking up warnings from Moscow and other key capitals that the U.S. news media often missed or downplayed, much as the major news outlets today are ignoring the escalation of warnings from Russia over Syria.

    For instance, Russian defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov warned on Oct. 6 that Russia is prepared to shoot down unidentified aircraft – including any stealth aircraft – over Syria. It is a warning that I believe should be taken seriously .

    It's true that experts differ as to whether the advanced air defense systems already in Syria can bring down stealth aircraft, but it would be a mistake to dismiss this warning out of hand. Besides, Konashenkov added, in a telling ex-ante-extenuating-circumstance vein, that Russian air defense "will not have time to identify the origin" of the aircraft.

    In other words, U.S. aircraft, which have been operating in Syrian skies without Syrian government approval, could be vulnerable to attack with the Russian government preemptively warning that such an incident won't be Moscow's fault.

    –Russian Throws Down the Gauntlet: Fly at Your Own Risk

    Bush & Cheney & Co were horrific enough with their neocon games in the Mideast, but their actions seem mild compared with the latest anti-Russian lunatic talk by Clinton and her neocon pals. Really scary.

    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 12, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    Yes the entire situation with out-of-touch imperialist aristocrats blindly blundering their way to Sarajevo Aleppo has a very reminiscent feel to it…an easy chapter to write in the future history books.

    This should terrify everyone. I wish we would elect someone who says we should sit down and talk to our biggest rivals, not just provoke them to world war. But oh I forgot he said vulgar things about women 15 years ago.

    Jess October 12, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    "Why do so many men claim that's what men do typically (not universally)?"

    Because it's usually true of most men at one time or another in their lives. For all the talk (and the reality) about women being treated as second rate, they do have enormous power; the power to reject. And reject they do. You can be the nicest guy in the world, but if you're not her type, if there's no chemistry or you're not her "caliber", down in flames you go. It's not necessarily mean on her part, it's just reality. And it's not just looks or money that is a consideration. You can be a nice, successful guy at a time in her life when she's attracted to the rebellious, slightly "dangerous", exciting "bad boy".

    This can be frustrating. And it's magnified when you grow up being taught that you can do anything if you just try hard enough. But that's just it; you can't. Guys want to be rich and successful (like Trump) or rich/successful/famous, because that's the inside track to the most elite women. Except that even then, it's no guarantee. Look at all the women who wouldn't get involved with Trump if they were marooned on an island and he was the only man. All his fame, all his money, and They. Just. Aren't. Interested. And it's the same with virtually every guy whose name isn't Tom Brady. So like I said, it breeds frustration - sometimes soul-crushing frustration - which is displayed in crude anger.

    hunkerdown October 12, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    Jess, and, thanks to political correctness, there are a dwindling number of venues where one might seek to build lateral relationships, especially of the romantic or life partner sort, and a dwindling amount of discretionary time to spend in those venues. Never mind the most elite women - ten-year-olds with bottle-blonde updos and optional silicone-enhanced "chopped chicken parts" are actually kinda gross - the less elite but still very aspirational Modern woman's standards and policies are too high (unrealistic, as the less aspirational might put it) for the life partner market to clear without externalizing something.

    "Because it's usually true of most men at one time or another in their lives."

    And therefore SIN, or whatever the symbol manipulators might prefer to call it, and therefore PENANCE (payable in 3 easy installments), and THEN absolution. We do know how path dependence cramps the American liberal's style and their group narcissism.

    "When we're an empire, we create our own reality."

    crittermom October 12, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    It works both ways. Men also have the power to reject, & they do.

    Your own wording of "that's the inside track to the most elite women" (my emphasis) seems to say that a woman must be beautiful in figure and face to attract a man.
    So what's different about a woman wanting a man who is nice looking with a nice body?
    It's just two different views, depending on gender.

    Regarding what Trump supposedly said/did many years ago, even as a woman, I still find the fact Hellary's husband was engaged in sexual misconduct in the oval office-while president -even more disgusting.

    I saw/see that as a huge slap in the face and a big FU to the entire nation that he would conduct himself in such a way while being the leader of our country!
    He couldn't even keep it zipped while sitting in the WH? How dare he!

    At least Trump wasn't our freakin' PRESIDENT when he said/did those things.

    Yet Bill's behavior is still a 'hush-hush' subject because he's a Clinton, it seems. (Or because people don't want to be on that 'Clinton' list and disappear?)

    No, I do not support Trump or his actions or manners or ego.
    But since it's being made such a big deal, then I'd like to see all the facts about Bill brought up again in the way he acted while leading this country.

    THEN maybe all these 'distractions' would end and we could get down to policies!
    Until then, which it appears will never happen, this 'election' is a sick joke, at best.

    JTMcPhee October 12, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Just for fun and some context, "Philandering Presidents":

    human October 12, 2016 at 4:52 pm

    It's a great big, diverse world out there. Saudi women can be beheaded for saying, "no," and western women are castigated for saying, "yes."

    Once again, it's all about the distraction.

    Pavel October 12, 2016 at 5:10 pm

    Yes, but at least Hillary has come out boldly against the Saudi persecution of women, gays, and other races, has denounced the Saudi genocide in Yemen, and fought vigorously as Secretary of State to ensure arms including cluster bombs and white phosphorus were not sold to a regime with such a dreadful human rights record. And the Clinton Foundation displayed their "whiter than white" sense of ethics by returning the millions of dollars of Saudi donations.

    And Trump's words from 11 years ago were much worse than anything the Saudis did, in any case.

    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 12, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    I have a hierarchy of reactions to issues and I just can't seem to put vulgar language above the ultimate vulgarity of world war for profit.

    Try as I might, I can't seem to care more about people with hurt feelings than people with their heads blown off because a Saudi billionaire or arms manufacturer just had to have some more ka-ching. There is nothing more vulgar than that.

    [Oct 13, 2016] I am surprised that Trump is not making the Podesta Wikileaks into a major story.

    Oct 13, 2016 |
    ProNewerDeal October 12, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    I am surprised that Trump is not making the Podesta Wikileaks into a major story. Perhaps Trump is not earnestly trying to actually win, or Trump is a Bush43/Palin level low IQ person.

    Trump & his media spokeshacks could repeat "Podesta Wikileaks show HClinton's actual 'private position' is cut SS & MC, & pro-TPP. Trump will not cut SS & MC, & will veto TPP. Vote for Trump". Even if Trump is lying, Trump could "pull an 0bama 2008 on NAFTA" & privately tell PRyan/Trump BigFunders/Owners Trump's actual plan.

    IMHO Trump could possibly win if he took such an approach. Why isn't he doing so?

    [Oct 13, 2016] WikiLeaks pumps out Clinton emails by Katie Bo Williams and Julian Hattem

    Notable quotes:
    "... Clinton talked of the need to have "both a public and a private position" on controversial issues. The former first lady also said her family's wealth had made her "kind of far removed" from the problems facing the middle class. ..."
    "... one of the leaked Podesta emails appeared to show that the Clinton campaign had been in contact with the Justice Department during an open records court case in which it was not a party. The Trump campaign said the email "shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server." ..."
    "... Trump has also seized on an email that revealed Clinton in one speech said that terrorism is "not a threat to us as a nation," clarifying, "it is not going to endanger our economy or our society, but it is a real threat." ..."
    "... In "a speech made behind closed doors, crooked Hillary Clinton said that terrorism was not a threat - quote, 'not a threat to the nation,' " Trump said during a rally on Monday evening in Pennsylvania. ..."
    Oct 12, 2016 | TheHill

    Emails released on Friday appeared to contain excerpts from the paid speeches Clinton gave to Wall Street banks - speeches that Bernie Sanders Bernie SandersSanders, Dem senators press Obama to halt ND pipelineTop Trump aide: Fire Clinton staffers over 'anti-Catholic' remarks5 takeaways from WikiLeaks emailsMORE had demanded she release during their primary battle. In one of the speeches, Clinton talked of the need to have "both a public and a private position" on controversial issues. The former first lady also said her family's wealth had made her "kind of far removed" from the problems facing the middle class.

    On Tuesday, one of the leaked Podesta emails appeared to show that the Clinton campaign had been in contact with the Justice Department during an open records court case in which it was not a party. The Trump campaign said the email "shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server."

    Trump has also seized on an email that revealed Clinton in one speech said that terrorism is "not a threat to us as a nation," clarifying, "it is not going to endanger our economy or our society, but it is a real threat."

    In "a speech made behind closed doors, crooked Hillary Clinton said that terrorism was not a threat - quote, 'not a threat to the nation,' " Trump said during a rally on Monday evening in Pennsylvania.

    "During one of the secret speeches - amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the internet - Hillary admitted that ISIS could infiltrate with the refugees," he added, referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. "Then why is she letting so many people into our country?"

    Some of the emails released have no bearing on the campaign at all.

    In one message, Podesta offers advice for cooking risotto (don't add the water all at once). In others, the former guitarist for pop-punk band Blink-182, Tom DeLonge, suggests that Podesta meet with a variety of individuals, seemingly to discuss UFOs.

    The release comes at a time when the intelligence community is casting doubt on WikiLeaks and its motives.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Quotes from the Wikileaks stash of Hillary Clinton speeches and emails from her campaign chair John Podesta.

    Oct 12, 2016 |

    (Busy with nurturing some illness, please bear with me.)

    Quotes from the Wikileaks stash of Hillary Clinton speeches and emails from her campaign chair John Podesta.

    Clinton in a 2013 speech to the Jewish United Fund Advance & Major Gifts Dinner (via The Intercept ):

    [Arming moderates has] been complicated by the fact that the Saudis and others are shipping large amounts of weapons-and pretty indiscriminately-not at all targeted toward the people that we think would be the more moderate, least likely, to cause problems in the future, ...

    Clinton also says that the no-fly zone bombing in Syria she is arguing for "would kill a lot of Syrians" - all for humanitarian reasons of course.

    The following was written by Podesta, a well connected former White House Chief of Staff, in an 2014 email to Clinton. As introduction Podesta notes:"Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region.":

    While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia , which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.

    Not new - the 2012 DIA analysis provided as much , and more, - but these email's prove that Clinton was and is well aware that U.S. allies are financing the radical Islamists in Syria and Iraq.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Wall Street Executive Telling Friend How Amazing It Is To See Clinton Live
    Telling several members of the investment bank's board of directors how they had to check her out whenever they get a chance, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein was overheard Monday describing to friends how incredible it is to see Hillary Clinton live.

    "You can forget any recordings you've heard of Hillary, because they don't even compare to the experience of seeing her in person," said Blankfein, who excitedly recounted the first time he saw the Democratic presidential nominee in a small, intimate venue back in 2013, noting how he was instantly captivated by what he was hearing and found himself nodding along throughout the 90-minute solo performance.

    [Oct 12, 2016] NYT, WaPo, CNN and friends are not press . They are propaganda outlets of the neoliberal elite

    Notable quotes:
    "... They were in active collusion with the 1990s Clinton campaigns too, but I didn't have Wikileaks around to confirm it, or the internets for alternative sources of information. I suspected it anyway. I finally cut the cord after 2002. ..."
    "... Well the NYT, WaPo, CNN et al have shot themselves in the foot with this blatant collusion with the Clinton campaign. They've pissed off their most intelligent readers & viewers, shown themselves to be knaves and fools, and what are they going to say when HRC is president and investigated up the wazoo for corruption? ..."
    "... If you defeat Trump, you prevail over one guy. When Clinton is defeated, you win over all those 'with her.' ..."
    "... Yes… But leverage much higher than 100:1… Not just MSM, but banks, neocons, corrupt ceo's, and all these alphabet groups keeping us safe… Hopefully he'd be vindictive against all the elites trying to defeat him. ..."
    "... Some combination of "it's a Russian plot" and "we told you so." The MSM - they know everything. ..."
    "... NEVER overestimate the intelligence of the American public. If Hillary can get an 11 point lead over a salacious story that affects almost nobody and yet get no drop in popularity over revelations that will affect everyone's lives, I don't think there is much hope that the NYT, WaPo, CNN, et al, will get their comeuppance. But Americans who drink in what these MSM sites are feeding them WILL get the President they so obviously deserve, won't they? ..."
    "... Yes, it's the public's fault… despite being subject to the most brutal propaganda campaign in history and being assaulted by years of neoliberalism that barely gives them time to breathe between their three zero-hour contract jobs, it's their fault and they deserve a president who will grand-bargain away their social security benefits, TPP away the few remaining good jobs and start a civilisation-threatening war with Russia. ..."
    "... And just for the record (/sarc), HRC only has an 11-point lead because most people won't be voting anyway, as they've correctly surmised that the system is completely rigged against them. ..."
    "... I have not seen the data on that poll but I doubt that it is a "scientific poll". Many of the polls that I have taken the time to look at the data shows that they avoid asking 35 and under voters and heavily skew the data set to democrats. Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight has also shown this on his TV show on RT. Those even ruskies. ..."
    "... Stupid Bloomberg headlines I never clicked on: The Trump Video Would Get Most CEOs Ousted. No doubt. But so would running their own private server outside the company system, then destroying emails in response to a Congressional subpoena. ..."
    Oct 11, 2016 |

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 7:05 am

    Stupid NYT headlines I never clicked on:

    Trump's Bluster Erodes Democracy, Experts Say

    When I hear the trigger word "experts," I reach for my revolver.

    jgordon October 11, 2016 at 7:45 am

    NYT: the toilet paper of record. In yet another Wikileaks dump it's come out that they're in active collusion with Hillary's campaign. How anyone is still dumb enough to believe the lies they're alwaus putting out is beyond me.

    Really, it's fine to be biased lackeys for the rich and powerful as long as you're honest about it. Pretending to be unbiased arbiters of truth while doing that though is pathetic.

    These media presstitutes are so rancidly despicable that I want to throw up whenever I think of them. Newspapers and the rest of the media: want to know why you're going bankrupt? It's not the internet–it's because every day more and more people are clued into the fact that you are pathetic lying scum. In my mind these media people are in the same exact category as child molesters.

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 7:52 am

    If it were a little softer, yeah, it would work for that. But it's disgusting getting ink on your butt.

    Ed October 11, 2016 at 8:32 am

    They were in active collusion with the 1990s Clinton campaigns too, but I didn't have Wikileaks around to confirm it, or the internets for alternative sources of information. I suspected it anyway. I finally cut the cord after 2002.

    Pavel October 11, 2016 at 9:51 am

    Well the NYT, WaPo, CNN et al have shot themselves in the foot with this blatant collusion with the Clinton campaign. They've pissed off their most intelligent readers & viewers, shown themselves to be knaves and fools, and what are they going to say when HRC is president and investigated up the wazoo for corruption?

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 11, 2016 at 10:06 am

    If you defeat Trump, you prevail over one guy. When Clinton is defeated, you win over all those 'with her.'

    For any leverage kind of person, that's a potential 100-bagger right there.

    John k October 11, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    Yes… But leverage much higher than 100:1… Not just MSM, but banks, neocons, corrupt ceo's, and all these alphabet groups keeping us safe…
    Hopefully he'd be vindictive against all the elites trying to defeat him.

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 10:07 am

    Some combination of "it's a Russian plot" and "we told you so." The MSM - they know everything.

    justanotherprogressive October 11, 2016 at 10:23 am

    NEVER overestimate the intelligence of the American public. If Hillary can get an 11 point lead over a salacious story that affects almost nobody and yet get no drop in popularity over revelations that will affect everyone's lives, I don't think there is much hope that the NYT, WaPo, CNN, et al, will get their comeuppance. But Americans who drink in what these MSM sites are feeding them WILL get the President they so obviously deserve, won't they?

    RabidGandhi October 11, 2016 at 11:54 am

    Yes, it's the public's fault… despite being subject to the most brutal propaganda campaign in history and being assaulted by years of neoliberalism that barely gives them time to breathe between their three zero-hour contract jobs, it's their fault and they deserve a president who will grand-bargain away their social security benefits, TPP away the few remaining good jobs and start a civilisation-threatening war with Russia.

    And just for the record (/sarc), HRC only has an 11-point lead because most people won't be voting anyway, as they've correctly surmised that the system is completely rigged against them.

    AnEducatedFool October 11, 2016 at 12:18 pm

    I have not seen the data on that poll but I doubt that it is a "scientific poll". Many of the polls that I have taken the time to look at the data shows that they avoid asking 35 and under voters and heavily skew the data set to democrats. Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight has also shown this on his TV show on RT. Those even ruskies.

    polecat October 11, 2016 at 12:14 pm

    'Little Big Horn' (Wurlitzer) Syndrome …..

    ggm October 11, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    Just watched a documentary on the murder of Kitty Genovese. It sure made me think there has been a culture of corruption at the New York Times for decades, enabled by outside journalists refusing to question them for whatever reason (intimidation, careerism…).

    beth October 11, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    jgordon, did I miss a link above or could you give me a link to the Wikileaks reference? Thanks. I need to pass this along to a friend.

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 7:49 am

    Stupid Bloomberg headlines I never clicked on: The Trump Video Would Get Most CEOs Ousted. No doubt. But so would running their own private server outside the company system, then destroying emails in response to a Congressional subpoena.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Breaking: DNC Chief Donna Brazile Leaked Sanders Info to Clinton Campaign

    Notable quotes:
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    WikiLeaks hack reveals DNC's favoritism as Clinton staff in damage control over Hillary's support for DOMA

    On October 10, Wikileaks released part two of their emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta.

    Friday, Wikileaks released their first batch of Podesta's emails, which included excerpts from Clinton's Wall Street transcripts that reaffirmed why Clinton refused to release them in full. During the second presidential debate, Clinton confirmed their authenticity by attempting to defend one statement she made in the speech about having a public and private stance on political issues. She cited Abraham Lincoln, a defense comparable to her ridiculous invocation of 9/11 when pressed on her ties to Wall Street during a Democratic primary debate.

    The latest release reveals current DNC chair Donna Brazile, when working as a DNC vice chair, forwarded to the Clinton campaign a January 2016 email obtained from the Bernie Sanders campaign, released by Sarah Ford, Sanders' deputy national press secretary, announcing a Twitter storm from Sanders' African-American outreach team. "FYI" Brazile wrote to the Clinton staff. "Thank you for the heads up on this Donna," replied Clinton campaign spokesperson Adrienne Elrod.

    The second batch of emails include more evidence of collusion between the mainstream media and Clinton Campaign.

    One email , received by prolific Clinton donor Haim Saban, was forwarded to Clinton staff, praising the friendly moderators in the early March 2016 Democratic primary debate co-hosted by Univision in Florida. "Haim, I just wanted to tell you that I thought the moderators for last nights Debate were excellent. They were thoughtful, tough and incisive. I thought it made Hilary appear direct and strong in her resolve. I felt it advanced our candidate. Thanks for Univision," wrote Rob Friedman, former co-chair of the Motion Picture Group.

    Another email discusses planting a favorable Clinton story in The New York Times in March 2015. "NYT heroine. Should she call her today?" Podesta wrote to other Clinton campaign staffers with the subject line 'Laura Donohoe.' "I do think it's a great idea! We can make it happen," replied Huma Abedin. The story they referred to is likely " In New Hampshire, Clinton Backers Buckle Up," published in The New York Times on March 12, 2015 about Laura Donohoe, a retired nurse and Clinton supporter in New Hampshire.

    John Harwood, New York Times contributor and CNBC correspondent, regularly exchanged emails with Podesta-communicating more as a Clinton surrogate than a journalist.

    In an October 2015 email thread, Clinton staff were in damage control over Hillary's support for the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Hillary Clinton would not disavow her support for it. "I'm not saying double down or ever say it again. I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance."

    Former Clinton Foundation director, Darnell Strom of the Creative Artist Agency, wrote a condescending email to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard after she resigned from the DNC to endorse Bernie Sanders , which he then forwarded to Clinton campaign staff. "For you to endorse a man who has spent almost 40 years in public office with very few accomplishments, doesn't fall in line with what we previously thought of you. Hillary Clinton will be our party's nominee and you standing on ceremony to support the sinking Bernie Sanders ship is disrespectful to Hillary Clinton," wrote Strom.

    A memo sent from Clinton's general counsel, Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie, outlined legal tricks to circumvent campaign finance laws to raise money in tandem with Super Pacs.

    In a March 2015 email , Clinton Campaign manager Robby Mook expressed frustration DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz hired a Convention CEO without consulting the Clinton campaign, which suggests the DNC and Clinton campaign regularly coordinated together from the early stages of the Democratic primaries.

    [Oct 12, 2016] If only Frank Sinatra had had the foresight to record the conversations we could now enjoy the lasting record of Senator John F.Kennedys attitudes toward poontang . Meanwhile, nary a word about we came, we saw, he died , as it apparently is just peachy to destroy a country if you want to tick killing an autocrat who is not in the USs pocket off your bucket-list.

    Notable quotes:
    "... If only Frank Sinatra had had the foresight to get a hidden tape spool running, we could now enjoy the lasting record of Senator John F.Kennedy's attitudes toward "poontang". ..."
    "... Anyway, if HRC actually broke the law… shouldn't she face prosecution? I know some people (at amconmag, as it happens) have called for members of the Bush administration to be put on trial. Over here, the demand for Blair to be tried at the Hague for war crimes is now a tired old Left cliche. Obviously, it would be new to demand punishment for the loser just for losing, but that isn't the context here. ..."
    "... Looking at the FB timelines of my 'professional class' milquetoast 'progressive' acquaintances in the US (who all gravitas/te towards Vox), who have since this weekend become unglued, this is very much a case of people deliberately goading themselves into frenzies, tumbling over one another in their attempts to win an apparent virtue-signalling-contest. ..."
    Oct 11, 2016 |
    casmilus 10.11.16 at 8:59 am 17
    "For months, I've been beating the drum of the non-novelty of Donald Trump, but try as I might, even I can't remember a presidential candidate caught on tape bragging about assaulting women and grabbing pussy."

    If only Frank Sinatra had had the foresight to get a hidden tape spool running, we could now enjoy the lasting record of Senator John F.Kennedy's attitudes toward "poontang".

    Anyway, if HRC actually broke the law… shouldn't she face prosecution? I know some people (at amconmag, as it happens) have called for members of the Bush administration to be put on trial. Over here, the demand for Blair to be tried at the Hague for war crimes is now a tired old Left cliche. Obviously, it would be new to demand punishment for the loser just for losing, but that isn't the context here.

    Foppe 10.11.16 at 9:39 am 19
    Looking at the FB timelines of my 'professional class' milquetoast 'progressive' acquaintances in the US (who all gravitas/te towards Vox), who have since this weekend become unglued, this is very much a case of people deliberately goading themselves into frenzies, tumbling over one another in their attempts to win an apparent virtue-signalling-contest.

    Meanwhile, nary a word about "we came, we saw, he died", as it apparently is just peachy to destroy a country if you want to tick 'killing an autocrat who is not in the US's pocket' off your bucket-list.

    Foppe 10.11.16 at 10:14 am 20
    To put it bluntly, looking away and excusing evils one "understands" and thinks one can "contain" (except insofar as it affects non-nationals and the bottom 30-40% , anyway, but who cares about them) because the "other side" is perceived to be "more" evil/disruptive/threatening to the status quo is a pattern of behavior that disturbs me far more than the behavior of the other side, however nasty that may be.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Very Damaging News Regarding Hillary Clinton's Emails

    Notable quotes:
    "... it's obvious why Hillary Clinton's campaign and her supporters in the media would want to ignore bad news from hacked emails in favor of decade-old comments Donald Trump made about women. ..."
    "... On Friday we learned that the Obama administration actively worked to crush stories relating to Clinton's emails after the story broke in early 2015. In one email, White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri emailed her counterpart at the State Department: "between us on the shows… think we can get this done so he is not asked about email." Palmieri was trying to make sure Secretary of State John Kerry would not be asked about the email scandal on his Face the Nation ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... This is exactly what Sanders warned about during the primary -- that Clinton took money from Wall Street but was not adopting his position against the banks because it was politically popular. It was hard to believe that Clinton would be just as harsh against the banks privately as she was publicly. ..."
    "... Clinton awkwardly defended this comment at the debate on Sunday by speaking at length about Lincoln. But it certainly plays into the notion of Clinton's corruption; that she will say anything to anyone to get elected. It also begs the question: Who is being told the truth? Is her private position the one that she will institute in the Oval Office or will she stick with the public position? How can we trust anything she says? ..."
    "... Other hacked emails revealed Clinton's campaign privately insulting journalists who didn't praise the Democratic nominee. In one email, campaign Press Secretary Nick Merrill called New York Times ..."
    "... Merrill also said he had tried "to shame" the Intercept's Emily Kopp's "lousy reporting" on Clinton using her campaign account as a slush fund. ..."
    "... More emails were released on Monday, and they were just as bad. In one email , former Bill Clinton aide Doug Band called Hillary's daughter Chelsea "a spoiled brat kid." ..."
    "... Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    The Left must stop pretending this is a nonstory • 10/10/16

    We're just a month away from the election, so it's obvious why Hillary Clinton's campaign and her supporters in the media would want to ignore bad news from hacked emails in favor of decade-old comments Donald Trump made about women.

    But the story isn't going away-especially if Clinton becomes president.

    On Friday we learned that the Obama administration actively worked to crush stories relating to Clinton's emails after the story broke in early 2015. In one email, White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri emailed her counterpart at the State Department: "between us on the shows… think we can get this done so he is not asked about email." Palmieri was trying to make sure Secretary of State John Kerry would not be asked about the email scandal on his Face the Nation appearance that occurred three days later.

    The next day, State Department Communications Director Jennifer Psaki responded: "Good to go on killing CBS idea." And guess what? Kerry wasn't asked about the emails.

    Also on Friday, leaked transcripts from Clinton's Wall Street speeches were revealed by Wikileaks. The New York Times reported that "The tone and language of the excerpts clash with the fiery liberal approach she used later in her bitter primary battle with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and could have undermined her candidacy had they become public."


    Clinton said in the transcripts that she dreamed of "open trade and open borders." She also spoke about how Abraham Lincoln twisted arms behind the scenes to get things done, and said it was important to have "both a public and a private position."

    This is exactly what Sanders warned about during the primary -- that Clinton took money from Wall Street but was not adopting his position against the banks because it was politically popular. It was hard to believe that Clinton would be just as harsh against the banks privately as she was publicly.

    Clinton awkwardly defended this comment at the debate on Sunday by speaking at length about Lincoln. But it certainly plays into the notion of Clinton's corruption; that she will say anything to anyone to get elected. It also begs the question: Who is being told the truth? Is her private position the one that she will institute in the Oval Office or will she stick with the public position? How can we trust anything she says?

    While Trump's comments predictably dominated the news cycle over the weekend, more damaging information was linked about Clinton.

    Other hacked emails revealed Clinton's campaign privately insulting journalists who didn't praise the Democratic nominee. In one email, campaign Press Secretary Nick Merrill called New York Times reporter Amy Chozick an "idiot" for writing an article about supporters becoming wary of Campaign Manager Robby Mook after Clinton narrowly eked out a win against Sanders.

    Merrill also said he had tried "to shame" the Intercept's Emily Kopp's "lousy reporting" on Clinton using her campaign account as a slush fund.

    More emails were released on Monday, and they were just as bad. In one email , former Bill Clinton aide Doug Band called Hillary's daughter Chelsea "a spoiled brat kid."

    "I don't deserve this from her and deserve a tad more respect or at least a direct dialogue for me to explain these things," Band wrote in response to a dispute with Chelsea over the Clinton Foundation. "She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she's doing."

    Band founded Teneo Strategies, which for a brief time employed Clinton aide Huma Abedin while she was also working for the State Department.

    Perhaps most damaging of all, it appears Team Clinton was " petrified " of any GOP presidential nominee except Trump.

    "Right now I am petrified that Hillary is almost totally dependent on Republicans nominating Trump," wrote Brent Budowsky, a former Capitol Hill staffer (and Observer columnist ). "She has huge endemic political weaknesses that she would be wise to rectify … even a clown like Ted Cruz would be an even money bet to beat and this scares the hell of out me."

    Clinton's own campaign knew she wasn't a strong candidate and that the email scandal was damaging-that's why they worked behind the scenes to crush stories about the emails and disparaged reporters who didn't fall in line. They also worked to make Trump the GOP nominee because anyone else would have run away with the election against such a flawed candidate.

    The Left's response is always the same: Either this is a nonstory or it's "old news." The more they make such proclamations, the more it's clear that they just want the story to go away because they know how bad it is for Clinton. Voters care about this issue; it's part of why Clinton is routinely described as "untrustworthy."

    The Left wouldn't be calling this a nonstory if the Secretary of State in question were Condoleeza Rice (and to be fair, Republicans would then be the ones claiming it was a non-story).

    Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.

    [Oct 12, 2016] A majority of Americans believed Hillary should have been prosecuted for her handling of the emails

    Notable quotes:
    "... Yes, on all points, especially this: "I don't know whether this obfuscation is due to the journalists themselves believing that Clinton is a crook and therefore shouting "Thief, thief!" to distract attention from this, or whether they're just being opportunistic and throwing raw meat to the rubes. But it's not a good sign for the future of American civil society either way." I say both . The donor class 1% that own the media, especially the new media, are solidly behind Hillary to an extent that I wonder whether we can call any of the media 'liberal.' Trump correctly noted that to even refer to the 33,000 documents she destroyed after receiving a federal subpoena as 'email' clouds the key facts: the FBI and government inspectors had to have access to all the documents to determine their status. ..."
    "... In the short term, it's all upside. They won't be fighting in any of Hillary's wars. They aren't going to be drafted and they aren't going to be bombed. The are almost all staunchly and proudly anti-Republican and that's the sole metric by which actions are judged both morally and legally. ..."
    "... When the elephant starts to take heat for the crap effect of donor class policies, the donor class simply pour money into donkey coffers to ensure the continuation of the donor class crap policies. ..."
    "... Politically-motivated prosecutions of former presidents would obviously not be good, but prosecutions motivated by their legitimately criminal actions would be a welcome change. ..."
    "... It's equally clear that you're quite comfortable with Clinton Inc. taking de facto control of the Democratic party so that Hillary did not have to face the kind of opposition she did in 2008. ..."
    "... You're obviously equally cool with her 7 in a row coin toss escapade that 'won' her the Iowa primary, and the numerous cases of collusion between the Hillary campaign and the DNC, you know – the ones that forced Wasserman-Schultz to run fleeing from the podium during the train wreck called the Democratic Convention. ..."
    "... Then there are the wars, none of which Hillary is responsible for. We came, we saw, he died has the character and the temperament to be in the oval office because she wouldn't say shit when she obviously has more than a mouthful, but a guy who engages in lewd locker room talk can credibly be compared to Hitler. ..."
    "... She wants to confront Russia over control of Syrian airspace, an act that could well put America on a collision course with both Russia and Iran. Speaking of which, you can learn a little bit more of the kinds of geopolitical changes Bush-Clinton-Obama and their doofus allies have wrought in the ME. ..."
    "... Her corruption is the corruption of the 1%, whom she serves. Her wars are the wars of the 1%. Her supporters are the elite 1%. The recent leaks confirm collusion between the Hillary campaign and the DNC to tilt the primary in favor of Hillary. The most recent leaks confirm the Obama WH and the Kerry State department worked to suppress evidence and FOI requests. ..."
    "... Let's not dismiss this as ancient history. Do you know who else is being charged under the Espionage Acts of 1917? Snowden. This is still very much living U.S. law, ..."
    "... "They were emailed to her personal server, for her own personal use." Wrong. The government owned emails were mailed to her government-purposed (at least in part) server for her professional use as an employee of the federal government. ..."
    "... The entire exercise is, of course, absurd. As we've learned, US and UK politicians lie routinely to investigators over starting wars, torturing people, targeting dissidents for special treatment, punishing whistle-blowers, lying to the public, etc. with complete impunity. ..."
    "... The mere suggestion that Ted Kennedy, or George Bush, or Hillary Clinton would ever be charged with any crime is laughable. Punishments and trials are for 'ordinary' citizens. ..."
    "... Everyone knows that. Which is why Trump will win. ..."
    Oct 12, 2016 |

    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 4:34 am 9

    @5 MFB Yes, on all points, especially this: "I don't know whether this obfuscation is due to the journalists themselves believing that Clinton is a crook and therefore shouting "Thief, thief!" to distract attention from this, or whether they're just being opportunistic and throwing raw meat to the rubes. But it's not a good sign for the future of American civil society either way."

    I say both . The donor class 1% that own the media, especially the new media, are solidly behind Hillary to an extent that I wonder whether we can call any of the media 'liberal.' Trump correctly noted that to even refer to the 33,000 documents she destroyed after receiving a federal subpoena as 'email' clouds the key facts: the FBI and government inspectors had to have access to all the documents to determine their status.

    The press understands all this, of course. They are neither forgetful, or entirely stupid. They, however, quite blind to the damage they are doing to institutions they claim to care about.

    In the short term, it's all upside. They won't be fighting in any of Hillary's wars. They aren't going to be drafted and they aren't going to be bombed. The are almost all staunchly and proudly anti-Republican and that's the sole metric by which actions are judged both morally and legally.

    Which makes them the perfect dupes of the donor class.

    When the elephant starts to take heat for the crap effect of donor class policies, the donor class simply pour money into donkey coffers to ensure the continuation of the donor class crap policies.

    Ezra and Ryan and their ilk are all aspiring VSPs. They'll get their 'one-on-one' interviews to boost clicks and Hillary will simply forget to schedule more than one actual press conference per year.

    Liberals will clap and high five each other over the goofus they helped remove.

    Kresling 10.11.16 at 5:35 am 11
    Politically-motivated prosecutions of former presidents would obviously not be good, but prosecutions motivated by their legitimately criminal actions would be a welcome change. Everyone knows that elite politicians (Bushes, Clintons) are basically immune from serious legal consequences, and fury regarding the unfairness of our two-tiered justice system is part of what fuels the current populism.
    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 8:22 am 16
    I wouldn't ordinarily link to the NR, but on the topic of banana republics, this piece is quite good.

    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 10:53 am 25
    @19 Your legal expertise consists of exactly what? I have none but I know how to read and the reading makes it quite clear that Hillary's use of the private server for State business was not sanctioned, that mixing Foundation documents with government documents did not give her the authority to destroy documents on the server after she received the subpoena, she was certainly not entitled to destroy devices with a hammer, bleach her hard drives and otherwise do everything possible to obstruct the FBI and justice department investigation.

    Most tellingly, as the linked piece above at the NRO makes clear, Trump did not threaten to put Hillary in jail. Unlike Obama, who used one arm of his administration, his own Justice department, to investigate another arm of his own administration, the Secretary of State, Trump stipulated clearly that he would distance himself and his administration from any investigation by appointing a special prosecutor. His explicit remark re: jail was a counter-factual.

    Had he been President, Hillary would have been in jail.

    But you're clever enough (I hope) to know and understand all this. It's equally clear that you're quite comfortable with Clinton Inc. taking de facto control of the Democratic party so that Hillary did not have to face the kind of opposition she did in 2008.

    You're obviously equally cool with her 7 in a row coin toss escapade that 'won' her the Iowa primary, and the numerous cases of collusion between the Hillary campaign and the DNC, you know – the ones that forced Wasserman-Schultz to run fleeing from the podium during the train wreck called the Democratic Convention.

    Down the memory hole go the empty seats, the chain link fences, and emails suggesting Hillary's only obstacle to power then was 'possibly' an agnostic, or a Jew. She gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop to give secret speeches to bankers and her daughter collected three six-figure salaries, one from NBC the folks who sat on the tape until just the right moment.

    If she and Bill hadn't harassed Jones et al, why then was she so shocked and rattled to see them up close? No desire for reconciliation? A healing hug? Bill banged a few of them, of that there's no doubt and one credibly claimed he raped while serving as state attorney general.

    Then there are the wars, none of which Hillary is responsible for. We came, we saw, he died has the character and the temperament to be in the oval office because she wouldn't say shit when she obviously has more than a mouthful, but a guy who engages in lewd locker room talk can credibly be compared to Hitler.

    Lee above says that Donald 'loomed' over Hillary. Ooooh. Well, she was sitting down half the time and he six-foot.

    I suppose Trump could have just stretched out on the floor staring at the ceiling microphone in hand. That would have been the gentlemanly thing to do.

    She wants to confront Russia over control of Syrian airspace, an act that could well put America on a collision course with both Russia and Iran. Speaking of which, you can learn a little bit more of the kinds of geopolitical changes Bush-Clinton-Obama and their doofus allies have wrought in the ME.

    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 1:54 pm 51
    @44 . Must be racists and women-haters.

    One set of laws for the ruling class, and another for the rest of us. The FBI director stipulated that any other suspected felon could not expect the same exceptional treatment.

    Had she been charged and facing trial she would have been out of the race right now.

    You're defending the theft of the election.

    stevenjohnson 10.11.16 at 3:07 pm 58

    kidneystones @48 People in authority, which includes law enforcement, knew while Clinton was Secretary of State she was taking emails on a private server. They had to know, because the address for the emails had to be available or they couldn't have emailed her. If it wasn't a problem then, it isn't a problem now.

    That's true, even if a corrupt police bureaucrat like Comey wants to pretend his political opinions are anything but an improper intervention. Unsafe to use a private server? After Snowden, Manning and the entire career of wikileaks, not to mention the allegations about Russian and north Korean cyberwarfare, Comey needs to explain how using a government server is safe! It's not even unprecedented. Powell did the same, even if dumbasses want to excuse this as being somehow slipping in before some regs.

    No, sorry to say that buying into email scandal as anything but business as usual, especially by people who vocally approve the American way of exceptional profits, is nothing but…sorry, no way to be properly forceful but to correctly call it "dumbfuckery." This is probably why people are looking for things like chauvinism or internalizing the decades of insane attacks by mad dog reactionaries as the causes of such flagrant stupidity.

    And yes, political prosecutions are legal, but highly destructive to any system that permits such nonsense. I mean, really, it was the threat of a political prosecution that "forced" Caesar to cross the Rubicon. The effects are rarely helpful. Consider for example one of the most notorious political prosecutions in recent times, the impeachment of Bill Clinton. (Isn't the glee over the Trump tape exactly like the glee over the blue dress? And just as likely to lead to anything worthwhile?) Prof. Robin has either forgotten, or for some inexplicable reason things deems it a good thing.

    As for the election being over, the polls for Brexit or the polls for the FARC peace treaty show that it's not over til the votes are counted, or not, as intimidation and fraud may (or may not) determine. There isn't the slightest reason to be sure the down ballot Republican Party is going to be dragged down by the candidate the party has resisted from the beginning.

    It all depends on turnout. The relentless assault on Clinton will probably have its desired effect of suppressing turnout. The humane feelings of the population at large have always suggested the majority will endorse Clinton, who passes for human much better than Trump. But the US political system is designed for minority rule. It's still too possible for Trump to win the electoral college. Although CT and its commentariat unhesitatingly support the same viciously reactionary policies in action under Obama (even as they pretend on occasion to oppose them as they predict Clinton's future,) those same fundamentally incompetent policies leave Trump hope for a disaster that seemingly vindicates him.

    Last and least, the question of Trump's precedents is irrelevant when the gravity of Trump's precedents are falsified. Trump's closest precedent is Nixon. The historical revisionism where Nixon was just another conservative implicitly tells us Watergate was an unjust power grab by malign liberal media. This is part and parcel of the increasing move towards reaction.

    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 3:18 pm 59
    53@ The majority of Americans wanted her charged for her actions.

    You're welcome to believe that her use of the private server (in direct violation of State department guidelines, but useful when avoiding FOI requests), mishandling of classified materials, and destruction of evidence merit no charges, or even investigation, as long as you understand most Americans wanted her charged for her actions.

    Her corruption is the corruption of the 1%, whom she serves. Her wars are the wars of the 1%. Her supporters are the elite 1%. The recent leaks confirm collusion between the Hillary campaign and the DNC to tilt the primary in favor of Hillary. The most recent leaks confirm the Obama WH and the Kerry State department worked to suppress evidence and FOI requests.

    I don't dispute that parts of the Trump campaign are about 'revenge' or at least replying in kind. The attacks on Bill's predatory sexual behavior is certainly that. The email case is simply an illustrative example of elite corruption involving various branches of government, the media, the Clinton foundation and a global list of grifters.

    Some partisans suggest that Clinton was never going to be charged because the WH has known from day 1 that charging Clinton would also mean charging Obama, who knew of the server from day 1, and well aware how insecure the system for handling State documents actually was. Hard as it may be to imagine (and it is hard to imagine at this juncture) Clinton might not be the only one indicted should Trump win and get his special prosecutor.

    The world will certainly look very different should he pull this out. Hard to imagine.

    kidneystones 10.11.16 at 3:26 pm 60
    @ 55 stevenjohnson. I have no problem with much of this, or most of your comments. You're quite right to draw our attention to the grave insecurities in America's cyber defenses. I'm certainly not one who sees the outcome as certain. The health of the Republicans at the state level is very good already, in many cases, and the revulsion for the corruption in the media and government that is fueling Trump_vs_deep_state and support for Bernie is unlikely to decline should Trump be defeated.
    Rich Puchalsky 10.11.16 at 5:08 pm 69
    marcel proust: "Furthermore, he was not singled out for prosecution & jailing; many others (thousands?) who actively opposed US participation in WW1 also went to jail: socialists and other pacifists including religious objectors, as well as many of German (and perhaps Irish) ancestry."

    Which is how the U.S. government broke the IWW: they had had an anti-war position for as long as they existed, but backed down on doing any actual, coordinated resistance in favor of preserving their ability to organize workers. But that wasn't enough and they were broken anyways.

    Let's not dismiss this as ancient history. Do you know who else is being charged under the Espionage Acts of 1917? Snowden. This is still very much living U.S. law, and the people who say that we must elect HRC at all costs are generally the same people who don't care that Obama is using it.

    Lupita 10.11.16 at 6:54 pm 76
    This election also can be seen in a more general, global context of how forces have been accommodating to the end of the cold war. Perhaps a detour into the history of some 3rd world banana republics, those that many Americans deem as deplorable as a Trump supporter, can shed some light.

    Starting in the 50's, and with the expressed goal of modernizing their countries (meaning an accelerated capitalist development with the US as its model and as the only possible model) military and terror regimes took over South America (Paraguay: 1954-1991, Chile: 1973-1990, Argentina: 1976-1982, Uruguay: 1966- 1985). For the most part, before being forced out of power, these military regimes declared amnesty for themselves. Enter truth commissions, whose purpose is to investigate the causes of violence and human rights violations and to establish judicial responsibility.

    Back in the US, those responsible for human rights violations around the world, such as torture, extra-judicial assassinations, and renditions, have never been brought to justice and the mere mention of Clinton (a politician!) facing jail for a very minor infraction is considered in undemocratic bad taste.

    Conclusion: perhaps more than a special prosecutor, a commission of truth is in order, but not at the moment, after the US crumbles as the USSR did. Only then can 3rd worlders hope to see Kissinger, Bush, Blair, Aznar, Obama, and all their enablers brought to justice. For the moment, we have to put up with the spectacle of some Americans, in an intent at preemptive amnesty, outraged at the mere thought that their presumptive tin-pot, global Caesar is not above suspicion and that they themselves are better than 3rd worlders.

    likbez 10.11.16 at 7:16 pm 80
    stevenjohnson ,

    kidneystones @48 People in authority, which includes law enforcement, knew while Clinton was Secretary of State she was taking emails on a private server. They had to know, because the address for the emails had to be available or they couldn't have emailed her. If it wasn't a problem then, it isn't a problem now.

    This is technically incorrect. SMTP mail is very old and pretty convoluted protocol.
    Existance of private address means only that the email server exists but it does not determine where the mailbox is located (multiple layers of redirection are possible).

    the level of incompetence and malevolence that Clinton and her associated demonstrated is simple staggering for any specialist or lawyer. Which aspects of it can be proven beyond reasonable doubt is an interesting theoretical question, but for any specialist it is clear that Hillary not only cut corners and but also had driven on red light. As simple as that.

    The essence of emailgate is not existence of email server per se. the strongest part of evidence against her is the saga of destroying "non-essential" emails while being under investigation and indirectly instructing technical personnel to use special technical means which make deleted emails unrecoverable. You might wish to look at

    for more detailed information

    Based on the amount of evidence collected my personal opinion is that this might well be a provable offence.

    That means that Hillary risks impeachment if elected. So the idea of assigning special prosecutor is baked in the case independently of who wins in November.

    The other, less important, but still pretty damning part of emailgate is that Hillary essentially created and maintained their own shadow IT within the State Department. This view was suggested in

    This connects emailgate with Clinton Foundation making the latter a criminal enterprise under RICO statute.

    Layman 10.11.16 at 7:30 pm 84
    likbez: "Based on the amount of evidence collected my personal opinion is that this might well be a provable offence."

    Another armchair prosecutor. Can you please articulate the offense, and cite the statute?

    likbez 10.11.16 at 8:56 pm 87

    18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.
    Executive Order 13526 "The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security." , Sec. 1.1(4)(d) (for violations committed after December 29, 2009)
    44 U.S. Code § 3106 – Unlawful removal, destruction of records

    likbez 10.11.16 at 9:17 pm 90
    If prosecutor really wants a long jail term he can try 18 U.S.C. § 1519
    likbez 10.11.16 at 10:54 pm 100
    Hi Another Nick,


    A very simple question to you: Is not the notion of a "note relating to the national defense" include emails, for example, emails related to the targets of drone strikes, which were present in the steam?

    As for "proper place of custody" this argument is not applicable to the deletion of emails when a person is under federal or Congressional investigation. In this case the act of deletion itself constitute the violation of the statute independently of the "proper place of custody" and sensitivity of information in the email.

    I would recommend to read (or re-read) URLs that were provided above. They contain wealth of information and arguments both pro and contra. The one about 'shadow It" created by Hillary is slightly outdated, but still useful. And they might help to answer your next questions :-)

    I tend to view Hillary Clinton as a person, who escaped prosecution due to Obama pardon delivered via Comey (probably under pressure from Bill Clinton via Loretta Lynch). Essentially putting herself above the law, by the fact of belonging to "ruling neoliberal elite", the 0.01%. Your mileage can vary.

    kidneystones 10.12.16 at 1:23 am 105
    Back to the OP. There's a bumper crop of new email on the topic of the press and debate moderators colluding with the Hillary campaign to: screw Sanders (Boston Herald – also on board for anti-Trump), minimize damage from the email fallout, and best of all (for me) John Harwood (neutral debate moderator) providing written evidence that even that venue was tilted to damage Trump and protect Hillary.

    It's never the crime, always the cover-up.

    kidneystones 10.12.16 at 1:51 am 109
    "They were emailed to her personal server, for her own personal use." Wrong. The government owned emails were mailed to her government-purposed (at least in part) server for her professional use as an employee of the federal government.

    As an employee of the federal government she is bound by all (not some) federal laws respecting government property, and by all (not some) State Department regulations regarding the handling of government documents and electronic devices.

    And whether she 'removed' the documents from their proper place for the purpose of espionage, or not, the fact that we're now reading these emails, we are told by the Clinton campaign, thanks to the insecurity of her private unsecured system – she's wide open to charges of gross negligence in the handling of government documents, especially when State department regulations demand that those with any kind of security clearance understand how government documents are to be handled and fully comply with all protective measures.

    Comey called her handling of sensitive documents 'extremely careless.'

    That alone provides solid grounds for charges and a trial.

    kidneystones 10.12.16 at 3:16 am 113
    @112 Thanks for the clarity – you agree that she acted well outside the law. You agree there are grounds to charge her and to proceed with a trial. Good.

    I'm quite comfortable leaving charges and the trial to a special prosecutor, as Trump promises. The majority of Americans certainly held the view that charges and a trial are warranted.

    If you're of the opinion that she shouldn't be charged for possible crimes until after the election, go ahead and make that case.

    kidneystones 10.12.16 at 9:41 am 120
    @119 Determining guilt, or innocence is not the job of the FBI. The job of the FBI is to determine if there are grounds for charges to be laid.

    "I said it appeared plausible she might have obstructed justice."

    Let's first provide Hillary with a trial in order to determine if she actually committed any crime. That's normally how it works. Then after the verdict if she's found guilty, you're welcome to suggest appropriate punishment.

    Still waiting for an answer: put Hillary on trial now, or after the election.

    kidneystones 10.12.16 at 9:48 am 121
    The entire exercise is, of course, absurd. As we've learned, US and UK politicians lie routinely to investigators over starting wars, torturing people, targeting dissidents for special treatment, punishing whistle-blowers, lying to the public, etc. with complete impunity.

    The mere suggestion that Ted Kennedy, or George Bush, or Hillary Clinton would ever be charged with any crime is laughable. Punishments and trials are for 'ordinary' citizens.

    Everyone knows that. Which is why Trump will win.

    [Oct 12, 2016] More Evidence Reveals Obama Influenced Clinton's FBI Investigation by Michael Sainato

    Notable quotes:
    "... The Wall Street Journal ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    Oct 12, 2016 |
    Obama called Sanders a 'shiny new object' while praising Clinton for overcoming adversity • 10/10/16 2:30pm

    In an interview with Fox News this past April, President Obama asserted that he did not put pressure on the FBI's criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server . "I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI-not just in this case but in any case," he said. There is now mounting evidence suggesting Obama's claim was false.

    "Newly disclosed emails show top Obama Administration officials were in close contact with Hillary Clinton 's nascent presidential campaign in early 2015 about the potential fallout from revelations that the former secretary of state used a private email server," reported Bryon Tau for The Wall Street Journal on October 7. The emails were obtained by the Republican National Committee through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit requesting those records.

    A few months before White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri went to work for her campaign, emails show her in damage control for Clinton as early as 2015, when news first broke that Clinton's private server existed. In one chain of emails between Palmieri and State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki, Palmieri asked Psaki to ensure that Secretary of State John Kerry wasn't asked about Clinton's private email server during an upcoming CBS interview. "Good to go on killing CBS idea," Psaki responded back to Palmieri, according to the Journal , adding, "going to hold on any other TV options just given the swirl of crap out there."

    In March 2015, The New York Times reported that Obama said he didn't know Clinton was using a private email address. That turned out to be false, as the second FBI report on their investigation into Clinton's private server revealed that the president used a pseudonym in email communications with her. "How is this not classified?" Clinton aide Huma Abedin asked the FBI during their interview. Obama's use of a pseudonym suggests he not only was aware of Clinton's private server, but he knew it wasn't secured to communicate with Clinton , as there were no security officers to mark the correspondence as classified.

    Obama's administration has intervened to delay several FOIA requests until after Election Day to shield Clinton from further scrutiny.

    In October 2015, the White House stopped the release of emails between Clinton and Obama, citing the need to keep presidential communications confidential.

    In June, the Obama administration stepped in to delay the State Department fulfilling an FOIA request from International Business Times for emails regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership until 2017. "The delay was issued in the same week the Obama administration filed a court motion to try to kill a lawsuit aimed at forcing the federal government to more quickly comply with open records requests for Clinton -era State Department documents," reported David Sirota.

    President Obama has also repeatedly defended Clinton when questioned about her private server , blaming the controversy on politics. But while the FBI was conducting an investigation, Obama should have refrained from making his own judgment on the case.

    This was the consensus among the Democratic Party establishment: provide Clinton with impunity. No presidential candidate has ever won their party's nomination while under a FBI investigation, yet the Democratic Party , with the president's support, protected Clinton throughout the private email server controversy. Though Obama waited until after the end of the Democratic primaries to formally endorse Clinton , his support and praise throughout the primaries favored her. In October 2015, CNN reported a top Obama strategist said he would support Clinton . In a January interview with Politico, Obama denigrated Sen. Bernie Sanders' support, calling him a "shiny new object" while praising Clinton for overcoming adversity.

    The State Department Inspector General and FBI Director James Comey issued severe criticisms in their reports on Hillary Clinton's use of a private server . But to merit an indictment, the FBI would have been forced to be even more aggressive in their investigation than usual. The investigation had already been polarized politically, while Clinton's staff were granted immunity and a team of lawyers guided Clinton every step of the way throughout the investigation. For similar reasons to why big bankers don't get indicted anymore, Clinton managed to avoid the FBI recommending an indictment. The political climate in which all Democratic Party leaders stood behind Clinton , that Obama affirmed repeatedly, made it virtually impossible for Clinton to be held accountable.

    [Oct 12, 2016] James Comey and Loretta Lynch Should Be Impeached for Whitewashing Clintons Crimes

    Notable quotes:
    "... Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice ..."
    "... Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. ..."
    "... Wall Street Journal ..."
    "... Washington Post ..."
    "... Sidney Powell worked in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice -a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions. ..."
    "... Face the Nation ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media. ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... The Wall Street Journal ..."
    "... The New York Times ..."
    "... Many Americans, you once told students at the University of New Hampshire, "don't seem to appreciate the link between what happens abroad and what happens here at home." Can you think of ways to strengthen that weak link? ..."
    "... Name three people aside from yourself that Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton should pick as the next Secretary of State? ..."
    "... So forgive and forget? ..."
    "... This interview was edited and condensed ..."
    "... Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media. ..."
    "... City & State ..."
    "... City & State ..."
    "... The New Republic ..."
    "... International Business Times ..."
    "... Los Angeles Times ..."
    "... Los Angeles Times ..."
    "... Social Science and Medicine ..."
    "... Health Psychology ..."
    "... John A. Tures is a professor of political science at LaGrange College in LaGrange, Ga. He can be reached at ..."
    "... [email protected] ..."
    "... This story has been updated to clarify that the state's plan to rebuild the its transportation system includes federal funds and other sources. ..."
    Oct 11, 2016 |
    Former federal prosecutor says that Hillary obstructed justice and destroyed evidence-with the support of the president himself • 10/11/16 8:30am Just when one thinks the cavalier cabal of Clinton and her cronies has exhausted all manner of corruption, yet another outrage surfaces, implicating even more people.

    The bombshell this week is that Loretta Lynch and James Comey not only gave immunity to Hillary's closest co-conspirators Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson-who, despite being attorneys, destroyed evidence right and left-but, in a secret side deal, agreed to limit the FBI's review of the Clinton team laptops to pre-January 2015 and to destroy the laptops when the FBI review was complete.

    Congress and every law-abiding citizen in this country should be outraged. This blatant destruction of evidence is obstruction of justice itself.

    We no longer have a Department of Justice: We have a Department of Obstructing and Corrupting Justice to protect the power elite of the chosen side.

    It's easy to see now why Lynch secretly met Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac on June 27. Only a few days later, the FBI had its little chat with Hillary-neither under oath nor with a rights warning-in the presence of her coconspirators. Then, Hillary announced she would keep Lynch as Attorney General if she is elected president. Surely by coincidence, the very next day Comey does his song and dance ending the "investigation."

    Comey's "investigation" was a farce . Any former prosecutor worth a flip would have convened a grand jury, issued subpoenas, gotten search warrants, seized computers, run wire taps, indicted the Clinton cabal, and squeezed the underlings to plead guilty and cooperate. This business of friendly chats, immunity agreements handed out like party favors, and side deals that include the Attorney General approving the destruction of evidence to keep it from Congress doesn't happen for others targeted by the feds.

    Just ask any number of Wall Street executives who for various reasons found themselves on the opposite side of the Department of "Justice." In fact, my former client, Jim Brown, served a year in prison convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice for testifying about his personal understanding of a telephone call to which he was not even a party. Yes, you read that correctly. Read Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice . It becomes more relevant every day.

    How did we get here?

    Thanks to the work of Judicial Watch and others, we learned over a year ago now that Hillary Clinton ran the most important and confidential of world affairs and the United States Department of State through an unsecured computer server assembled by her minions and ensconced in the basement of her New York home. She did so despite repeated warnings of security risks, against protocol, and contrary to her own memo to all of her underlings. That posed no problem simply because the rules don't apply to Clinton .

    Conveniently, her server also handled Clinton Foundation correspondence that facilitated the personal enrichment of Hillary and Bill by hundreds of millions of dollars. That money came from Bill's remarkable " speaking fees " at hundreds of events around the world-each of which was quickly approved as requested by Clinton crony Cheryl Mills at the State Department-as if there were no conflict of interest . Simultaneously, foreign entities made "donations" of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation to obtain the immediate attention of and curry favor with the secretary of state-and it worked.

    The conflict of interest inherent in that entire scenario is palpable. It's the Clintonian equivalent of the scheme former Enron CFO Andrew Fastow conceived that destroyed Enron-a large side-slush fund that operated as his own piggy bank. The Clintons boldly went where no one has gone before: They privatized the State Department for their massive personal gain , creating a net worth for each of over $100 million dollars in a few short years. Ironically enough, lead counsel for the Clinton Foundation now was President Obama's longest-serving White House counsel . A former prosecutor on the Enron Task Force, Kathryn Ruemmler was implicated in various forms of prosecutorial misconduct and its cover-up.

    The personal home server allowed Hillary Clinton to send and receive all of her emails and run the State Department free from protected, secure, and required government channels. It was established deliberately to circumvent the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act-both of which applied to her work-related correspondence.

    That was no problem for Clinton however, as she simply "didn't know how to use a computer," apparently was incapable of learning to do so (unlike most toddlers in the country), and she liked her Blackberry-which was reason enough for her highness to ignore the national security interests of the entire country.

    One of our favorite Clinton lies is: 'My staff and I will cooperate completely with the investigation.'

    Clinton's insistence on operating outside the government security protocols demonstrated at best deliberate disregard for the law and national security-and, at worst, conduct that was treasonous. That is why 18 USC 793 (d) and (f) make it a crime punishable by imprisonment for 10 years to even move any information relating to the national defense from secure conditions or to fail to return it upon demand. Clinton did both-repeatedly.

    The unsecure server also facilitated the clearly conflicting roles of Clinton confidant and protégé Huma Abedin, who was paid simultaneously by the Clinton Foundation and the taxpayers through the State Department. That made it easier for the double-dipping Abedin to schedule meetings quickly for Clinton with those who had paid to play-substantial donors to the Foundation, such as the Crown Prince of Bahrain, who had been denied a face-to-face through those pesky State Department protocols in place for mere mortals. His millions in contributions to the Foundation got him an appointment with Clinton through Abedin in a matter of hours.

    We wrote more than a year ago-as soon as we heard one Clinton server was "wiped"-about the Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton . We foresaw the need for a special prosecutor and predicted that if emails could be found, they would likely implicate high ranking people across the government, including the president.

    Lo and behold, President Obama, who told the country he heard of Clinton's private email from news reports, was in reality emailing her at and using an alias. He must have forgotten. But, wait-just this week, we get more emails, and there's now evidence that the White House and the State Department coordinated an attempt to minimize the problem.

    Now we have a candidate for president of the United States who has committed lie after lie, obstructed justice, and destroyed evidence with the support of the president himself-conduct for which many people are in prison. Sometimes it's called False Statements to federal officials, punishable by up to five years in prison under 18 USC 1001 . Under other circumstances, such as in sworn statements to federal judges or testimony to Congress, it can be perjury under 18 USC 1621 or 1623.

    And let's not forget obstruction of justice under 18 USC 1519. That statute was tailor-made to fit the facts of the Clinton cabal's destruction of evidence. It reads:

    Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

    Remember the man relentlessly prosecuted by the feds for throwing a few fish overboard? That case had to go all the way to the Supreme Court for them to decide that fish weren't the kind of tangible objects/evidence to which Congress intended the new obstruction statute to apply. But emails, computers, and servers are. Senator Clinton voted for that new statute-but it doesn't apply to her. Well, it would, but Loretta Lynch and James Comey just agreed to destroy evidence of it themselves.

    These false statement and obstruction offenses are so easy to prove that prosecutors often tack them on to already multi-count indictments just for good measure when they want to hammer Wall Street bankers or other citizens and business people who actually work for a living.

    How many of these federal criminal offenses are established by the limited evidence that has been pried out of the Clintons' hands or resurrected from unsuccessful although mighty attempts to destroy it? They are truly countless, as each email would be a separate charge but, for the sake of brevity, we'll just pick three or four-that don't even include all the conspiracy charge options routinely used by "reasonable" prosecutors.

    First, Clinton testified to Congress that she "turned over all of her work-related emails." Second, she "only wanted to use one device." Later, she chose her words carefully, claiming "nothing was marked classified when it was sent or received." That sounds good to people who are not lawyers, but it's Clintonese and not the law.

    She "turned over all her work emails"?

    First, her friend Sidney Blumenthal found a number of emails he exchanged with her about confidential matters of State that she didn't produce. Next, that pesky Pentagon found over 1,000 emails between Hillary and General Petraeus alone. Most recently, the FBI found roughly 15,000 Clinton thought had been erased completely when she had her servers "wiped" professionally with BleachBit. We'll never know how many were deliberately destroyed to protect her incompetence and corruption. Mills, Samuelson, and others at Platte River Networks destroyed whatever they wanted.

    As both secretary of state and an attorney who had long been paid by the taxpayers, Clinton should know that information "relating to the national defense" is what is protected under 18 USC 793(f). It doesn't have to be "classified"-marked or unmarked-even though much of it was.

    Sure, let's give her the presidency and the nuclear codes and access to every national secret-ISIS can just hack her and use our own missiles to destroy us. They won't have to worry about trying to bring nukes into the country.

    In any event, according to the FBI's perfunctory investigation, more than 2,000 of the emails available are classified as Confidential or Secret or higher.

    Clinton may have only wanted "one device," but the truth is that she had 13 "personal mobile devices that were lost, discarded, or destroyed." Reporter Sharyl Attkisson has an excellent timeline of irrefutable, no-spin facts derived from the part of the FBI's file that has been made public. The timeline of events alone is damning.

    Not surprisingly, Attkisson reports that "[a]fter the State Dept. notified Hillary Clinton her records would be sought by the House Benghazi Committee, copies of her email on the laptops of her attorneys Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson were wiped with Bleachbit, and the FBI couldn't review them. After her emails were subpoenaed, Hillary Clinton's email archive was also permanently deleted from her then-server 'PRN' with BleachBit, and the FBI couldn't review it."

    One of our favorite Clinton lies is: "My staff and I will cooperate completely with the investigation."

    I guess that's why they invoked their Fifth Amendment privileges against self-incrimination, had hard-drives wiped, destroyed devices with hammers, put the selected emails in the hands of her attorney and refused to produce them for weeks, while her staff all refused to speak without grants of immunity or took the Fifth. I guess it just depends on how you define "cooperation."

    Enter stage left James Comey, Director of the FBI, who fills himself with righteous indignation to tell Congress what a great job the FBI did in this "investigation." As Congressman Trey Gowdy said , and I concur, "This isn't the FBI I used to work with."

    Clinton ran her shenanigans without an Inspector General in the State Department. An Inspector General is appointed by the President, but his or her job is to serve as a watchdog on behalf of the taxpayers. As The Wall Street Journal reported, Clinton declined to allow an Inspector General at the State Department during her entire tenure-so there was no internal oversight, and President Obama allowed that. More than a year ago, the Inspector Generals for State and for the Intelligence Community conducted a limited review of only 40 of Clinton's emails. They quickly found several containing classified information which they immediately reported to the executive branch and advised Congress. They wrote : "This classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system."

    Remember Richard Nixon? Remember Attorney General John Mitchell? Remember White House Counsel John Dean? Nixon White House cronies Haldeman and Erlichman? They all went to prison .

    It's not just the private server. It's not about personal emails or even a few business emails sent from a personal account.

    It is about the fair administration of justice and trust in our justice system. It is about the accountability of our highest officials. It is about destroying evidence in the face of a serious investigation. It is about national security breaches of the highest order, and it's about the privatization and sale of our State Department for personal enrichment. The conduct of the Clintons, their cronies, their Foundation, and now our highest law enforcement officials make the entire Watergate scandal look like an insignificant computer hack.

    Where is the Congress? Where are what used to be our great newspapers? The sounds of silence are terrifying indicators of how government-controlled our mainstream media has become. I guess that's why Reporters Without Borders has dropped our Freedom of Press rank to 46 th world-wide.

    FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be impeached for their roles in whitewashing Clinton's crimes and their own participation in the destruction of evidence . They facilitated and participated in the obstruction of justice-spitting in the face of the Congressional investigation. Congress should be able to name a special prosecutor when the Attorney General has a clear conflict-such as meeting secretly with Bill Clinton during the "investigation" and receiving a promise of continuing as Attorney General if Hillary is elected President. The timeline of events and their conduct reek of corruption.

    Stay tuned. Clinton's answers under oath to D.C. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan are due October 13. Remember, he's the judge who appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the Department of Justice following the Bush administration's corrupted prosecution of former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens. And it was Judge John Sirica-combined with what was then the great Washington Post -who exposed the Nixon corruption.

    With more and more government intrusion in every aspect of our individual businesses and lives, we are quickly losing the land of the free, and we now must wonder if any of the brave are home. Who has the chutzpah to stand up to the Clintons? Where are the real Americans? Hopefully, on election day, they will pour out in droves and resoundingly demand real change. The election and Judge Sullivan are our only chances for justice at all.

    Sidney Powell worked in the Department of Justice for 10 years, in three federal districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice -a legal thriller that tells the inside story of high-profile prosecutions.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Yes, Trump Has Destroyed The GOP

    Rod Dreher hysterics became pretty annoying. He dooes not want to understand that Hillary Clinton is a stuach neocon warmonger, has poor helath, can be impeached even after winning due to emailgate and her platform is actually more of a moderate republican, then a democrat. She is completly in the pcket of major Walll street bank and enjoys this status.
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    Back in May, Michael Lind penned what I still think is the most insightful essay describing what's happening, and what is going to happen, in US politics after this year. With the Left having won the culture war, the parties of the future will be a nationalist GOP vs. a multiculturalist, globalist Democratic Party. Excerpt:

    The outlines of the two-party system of the 2020s and 2030s are dimly visible. The Republicans will be a party of mostly working-class whites, based in the South and West and suburbs and exurbs everywhere. They will favor universal, contributory social insurance systems that benefit them and their families and reward work effort-programs like Social Security and Medicare. But they will tend to oppose means-tested programs for the poor whose benefits they and their families cannot enjoy.

    They will oppose increases in both legal and illegal immigration, in some cases because of ethnic prejudice; in other cases, for fear of economic competition. The instinctive economic nationalism of tomorrow's Republicans could be invoked to justify strategic trade as well as crude protectionism. They are likely to share Trump's view of unproductive finance: "The hedge-fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky."

    The Democrats of the next generation will be even more of an alliance of upscale, progressive whites with blacks and Latinos, based in large and diverse cities. They will think of the U.S. as a version of their multicultural coalition of distinct racial and ethnic identity groups writ large. Many younger progressives will take it for granted that moral people are citizens of the world, equating nationalism and patriotism with racism and fascism.

    The withering-away of industrial unions, thanks to automation as well as offshoring, will liberate the Democrats to embrace free trade along with mass immigration wholeheartedly. The emerging progressive ideology of post-national cosmopolitanism will fit nicely with urban economies which depend on finance, tech and other industries of global scope, and which benefit from a constant stream of immigrants, both skilled and unskilled.

    [Oct 12, 2016] If only Frank Sinatra had had the foresight to get a hidden tape spool running, we could now enjoy the lasting record of Senator John F.Kennedy's attitudes toward "poontang". Meanwhile, nary a word about "we came, we saw, he died", as it apparently is just peachy to destroy a country if you want to tick 'killing an autocrat who is not in the US's pocket' off your bucket-list.

    Oct 12, 2016 |

    casmilus 10.11.16 at 8:59 am 17

    "For months, I've been beating the drum of the non-novelty of Donald Trump, but try as I might, even I can't remember a presidential candidate caught on tape bragging about assaulting women and grabbing pussy."

    If only Frank Sinatra had had the foresight to get a hidden tape spool running, we could now enjoy the lasting record of Senator John F.Kennedy's attitudes toward "poontang".

    Anyway, if HRC actually broke the law… shouldn't she face prosecution? I know some people (at amconmag, as it happens) have called for members of the Bush administration to be put on trial. Over here, the demand for Blair to be tried at the Hague for war crimes is now a tired old Left cliche. Obviously, it would be new to demand punishment for the loser just for losing, but that isn't the context here.

    Foppe 10.11.16 at 9:39 am 19

    Looking at the FB timelines of my 'professional class' milquetoast 'progressive' acquaintances in the US (who all gravitas/te towards Vox), who have since this weekend become unglued, this is very much a case of people deliberately goading themselves into frenzies, tumbling over one another in their attempts to win an apparent virtue-signalling-contest.

    Meanwhile, nary a word about "we came, we saw, he died", as it apparently is just peachy to destroy a country if you want to tick 'killing an autocrat who is not in the US's pocket' off your bucket-list.

    Foppe 10.11.16 at 10:14 am 20

    To put it bluntly, looking away and excusing evils one "understands" and thinks one can "contain" (except insofar as it affects non-nationals and the bottom 30-40% , anyway, but who cares about them) because the "other side" is perceived to be "more" evil/disruptive/threatening to the status quo is a pattern of behavior that disturbs me far more than the behavior of the other side, however nasty that may be.

    [Oct 12, 2016] The Case for a Two-Faced Hillary Clinton

    Notable quotes:
    "... I better like the reasoning in Basic Instinct when Sharon Stone just after passing a lie detector test said to Nick in reference to his killing civilians while on cocaine: "You see Nick … we're both innocent." ..."
    "... Even the liberal Harvard Law School … ..."
    Oct 12, 2016 |

    The New Republic

    "In an election in which one of the nominees is promising he'll make great deals-that he'll deliver everything under the sun, without remotely explaining how any of it would be politically possible-there's something bold, even radical, in espousing such a practical philosophy for political deal-making.

    Maybe it's not a popular message in this populist moment, but it would have the virtue of being honest."

    timbers October 11, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    The Trail

    "The Case for a 'Two-Faced' Hillary Clinton" [The New Republic]. "In an election in which one of the nominees is promising he'll make great deals-that he'll deliver everything under the sun, without remotely explaining how any of it would be politically possible-there's something bold, even radical, in espousing such a practical philosophy for political deal-making. Maybe it's not a popular message in this populist moment, but it would have the virtue of being honest."

    I better like the reasoning in Basic Instinct when Sharon Stone just after passing a lie detector test said to Nick in reference to his killing civilians while on cocaine: "You see Nick … we're both innocent."


    "We therefore hold that the CFPB is unconstitutionally structured,' the court said" … PHH said the law creating the CFPB gave an unaccountable director too much authority."

    Can we get this same judge to rule on the constitutionality of the AUMF, Patriot Act, or any case brought regarding NSA spyiny?

    allan October 11, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    "Can we get this same judge to rule on the constitutionality of the AUMF, Patriot Act, or any case brought regarding NSA spyiny?"

    Unfortunately, this very same judge has a long history on those issues,
    including time in the Bush Cheney White House before getting a lifetime appointment on the bench,
    and for the most part it's not pretty. Emptywheel has an entire archive devoted to him.

    Vatch October 11, 2016 at 2:59 pm

    This segues into an argument in favor of voting for Hillary Clinton that I can't rebut: Republicans appoint bad people to both the Executive branch and to the Judiciary, but Democrats only appoint bad people to the Executive branch. Therefore, one should vote for Hillary Clinton, Democrat. I've oversimplified the argument, but in general, that's what some people have told me, and I don't have a good counter argument.

    That doesn't mean I'm going to vote for Clinton. She's a crook. I'll either leave the Presidential part of the ballot blank, or vote for Stein, despite my great annoyance over some of the things that Ajamu Baraka has said.

    nippersmom October 11, 2016 at 3:28 pm

    Merrick Garland, Obama's latest nominee, is pro-Ciizen's United, so not sure how "good" he is. Conventional wisdom about Democratic vs. Republican appointees to the bench would seem suspect to me in a day when the Overton window has shifted so far to the right that the Democratic candidate for President is more conservative, more pro-business, more hawkish, and less environmentally responsible than Richard Nixon,

    Vatch October 11, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    I challenge you to find any Democratic judicial appointments of the past 3 decades that are as bad as Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, or Samuel Alito.

    As for Garland, he's not good, but he's certainly not as bad as any Republican nominee would be. And he hasn't even been confirmed.

    nippersmom October 11, 2016 at 5:01 pm

    Hillary is surrounding herself with exactly the same cast of characters as those who appointed the judges you name. Why do you think her taste in justices will be any different than her taste in policy advisors or potential cabinet members?

    After Clinton signs the TPP, the Supreme Court will be moot anyway.

    Vatch October 11, 2016 at 5:10 pm

    Obama's Executive branch appointments have been dismal, but his judicial appointments seem to be better - Sotomayor and Kagan. Bill Clinton appointed Breyer and Ginsburg. None of these 4 judges is remotely like Scalia.

    I strongly suspect that Hillary Clinton would nominate similar judges.

    We definitely don't want the TPP to pass. We need to keep the pressure on Congress, so we don't have to worry about what a President might do.

    I reiterate: there are many things wrong with Clinton, and I will not vote for her.

    I appreciate the feedback.

    allan October 11, 2016 at 5:17 pm

    Sotomayor has been great, but Kagan has been a mixed bag. She voted (in a losing dissent, along with Scalia, Kennedy and Silent Clarence) , to allow Sarbanes-Oxley to be used against a fisherman for throwing his catch overboard. She was to the right of Roberts on this one.
    Even the liberal Harvard Law School …

    marym October 11, 2016 at 3:44 pm

    Clinton's first "appointment," first in the line of succession, Tim Kaine, is pro-TPP, pro-Hyde Amendment, anti-labor (pro-right-to-work-for-nothing), and pro-intervention in Syria.

    Vatch October 11, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    Tim Kaine would be in the Executive branch, not the Judiciary.

    timbers October 11, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    Know what you mean but try asking people who bring up judges as the reason to vote blue, why should we believe that when Dems can't even deliver on judges when their nominee is a REPUBLICAN for goodness sakes? Then take exaggerated offense at being expected to settle for so LITTLE .

    Just a suggestion.

    Vatch October 11, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    I appreciate the feedback. However, I don't think it's clear that Garland is a Republican. Prior to nominating him, there were trial balloons from the White House suggesting that Republican Brian Sandoval of Nevada would be chosen.

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 11, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    A good counter argument is this: Hillary is a Republican.

    WJ October 11, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    The New Republic piece is a festering pile of shit, and I intend that phrase as purely descriptive account of the object.

    This is a woman who with her husband earned over $139 MILLION DOLLARS in paid speeches to the .1%–the OLIGARCHY–between 2007-2014 ALONE!

    And yet the cretin of a human being calling himself the author of this "piece" [of shit] chooses to insult my intelligence–yea, even perpetrate fraud upon the species!–by pretending as if this UNQUESTIONABLE FACT is simply IRRELEVANT to Clinton's "nuanced"–[insert sounds of my heaving vomit]–distinction between her public and private position. A DISTINCTION THAT WOULD ITSELF HAVE BEEN WITHHELD FROM THE PUBLIC RECORD IF IT HAD NOT BEEN LEAKED BY WIKILEAKS, THE FOUNDER OF WHOM SHE HAS PROPOSED BE MURDERED BY DRONE STRIKE!!

    No, MY PROBLEM, YOUR PROBLEM, ANYBODY'S PROBLEM with this avaricious sociopathic warmongering ulcerous wretch is–MUST BE–that she is a WOMAN?!

    "As substantively defensible-even virtuous-as dealmaking can be, taking this tack runs the risk of confirming the public's worst fears about Clinton: that she's dishonest and lacking in core conviction. That notion, which has a gendered element to it…." [but might also perhaps not be unrelated to her long history of manipulation, lying, stealing, backstabbing, fraud, embezzlement, fraud, more lying, murder, more murder, more fraud]…

    Fuck it. The oligarchy doesn't even have to be good at "public relations" anymore. Might as well get ahead of the curve and move to Brazil.

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 4:06 pm

    The "gendered element" canard hyperlinks to a WaPo article containing this statement from one of the interviewees:

    "Research on gender stereotypes has shown that women are often perceived as more honest than their male counterparts."

    Meaning that even with a head start thanks to favorable bias, Hillary is still perceived as deceitful.

    Heckuva job, Hillary.

    Prufrock October 11, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    PHH is horrible. They purchased my mortgage last year, and started forclosure proceedings within the 60 day grace period while my autopayment was still going to the previous servicer (as allowed by law). Their customer support in Asia lied repeatedly, and when I starting informing them that I would record the calls, they would hang up or refuse to talk to me.

    They finally acknowledged their error after 3-4 calls (particularly once I found out I had to keep asking for a supervisor until I was connected to the US), but it was a huge waste of my time.

    john k October 11, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    It was actually a great investment of your time.

    Jim Haygood October 11, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    Four legs good, two legs bad - photo of a fetching young centaur from Comic Con in NYC:

    Not to be confused with COMECON, the trade pact among the eastern bloc during Soviet days.

    allan October 11, 2016 at 2:53 pm

    Nor to be confused with ECOMCON .

    ambrit October 11, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    Nor the 'Necrotelecomnicon.' The handy guide to contacting H Clinton's core advisor circle. As for which precise 'circle' (of H-,) H Clintons advisors come from; opinions are divided.

    [Oct 12, 2016] Perhaps a detour into the history of some 3rd world banana republics, can shed some light on the political situation and actions of the USA

    Notable quotes:
    "... This election also can be seen in a more general, global context of how forces have been accommodating to the end of the cold war. ..."
    "... Back in the US, those responsible for human rights violations around the world, such as torture, extra-judicial assassinations, and renditions, have never been brought to justice and the mere mention of Clinton (a politician!) facing jail for a very minor infraction is considered in undemocratic bad taste. ..."
    "... For the moment, we have to put up with the spectacle of some Americans, in an intent at preemptive amnesty, outraged at the mere thought that their presumptive tin-pot, global Caesar is not above suspicion and that they themselves are better than 3rd worlders. ..."
    Oct 12, 2016 |

    Lupita 10.11.16 at 6:54 pm 73

    This election also can be seen in a more general, global context of how forces have been accommodating to the end of the cold war. Perhaps a detour into the history of some 3rd world banana republics, those that many Americans deem as deplorable as a Trump supporter, can shed some light.

    Starting in the 50's, and with the expressed goal of modernizing their countries (meaning an accelerated capitalist development with the US as its model and as the only possible model) military and terror regimes took over South America (Paraguay: 1954-1991, Chile: 1973-1990, Argentina: 1976-1982, Uruguay: 1966- 1985). For the most part, before being forced out of power, these military regimes declared amnesty for themselves. Enter truth commissions, whose purpose is to investigate the causes of violence and human rights violations and to establish judicial responsibility.

    Back in the US, those responsible for human rights violations around the world, such as torture, extra-judicial assassinations, and renditions, have never been brought to justice and the mere mention of Clinton (a politician!) facing jail for a very minor infraction is considered in undemocratic bad taste.

    Conclusion: perhaps more than a special prosecutor, a commission of truth is in order, but not at the moment, after the US crumbles as the USSR did. Only then can 3rd worlders hope to see Kissinger, Bush, Blair, Aznar, Obama, and all their enablers brought to justice.

    For the moment, we have to put up with the spectacle of some Americans, in an intent at preemptive amnesty, outraged at the mere thought that their presumptive tin-pot, global Caesar is not above suspicion and that they themselves are better than 3rd worlders.

    [Oct 11, 2016] On the ongoing demise of globalisation

    Notable quotes:
    "... But if the third globalisation wave is mostly about taking advantage of cheap labour not commodities - whilst simultaneously reducing industrial capacity at home - today's global imbalances could result in a very different type of correction (something which may or may not be happening now). ..."
    "... The immediate consequence may be the developed world's desire to engage in significant industrial on-shoring. ..."
    "... I'm not convinced the end of globalization and the retrenchment of banking industry are the same thing. There are some things that can't be exp/imported. Maybe we just got to the point where it didn't make sense to order moules marinieres from Brussels!? ..."
    "... You forget the third leg - reducing the price of labour for services via immigration of labour from poorer countries. On top of the supply-and-demand effects, it reduces social solidarity (see Robert Putnam) - of which trades union membership and activity is one indicator. It's a win-win for capital. ..."
    Oct 11, 2016 |
    According to strategists Bhanu Baweja, Manik Narain and Maximillian Lin the elasticity of trade to GDP - a measure of wealth creating globalisation - rose to as high as 2.2. in the so-called third wave of globalisation which began in the 1980s. This compared to an average of 1.5 since the 1950s. In the post-crisis era, however, the elasticity of trade has fallen to 1.1, not far from the weak average of the 1970s and early 1980s but well below the second and third waves of globalisation.

    ... ... ...

    The anti-globalist position has always been simple. Global trade isn't a net positive for anyone if the terms of trade relationships aren't reciprocal or if the trade exists solely for the purpose of taking advantage of undervalued local resources like labour or commodities whilst channeling rents/profits to a single central beneficiary. That, they have always argued, makes it more akin to an imperialistic relationship than a reciprocal one.

    If the latest wave of "globalisation" is mostly an expression of American imperialism, then it does seem logical it too will fade as countries wake-up to the one-sided nature of the current global value chains in place.

    Back in the first wave of globalisation, of course, much of the trade growth was driven by colonial empires taking advantage of cheap commodity resources abroad in a bid to add value to them domestically. When these supply chains unravelled, that left Europe short of commodities but long industrial capacity - a destabilising imbalance which coincided with two world wars.

    Simplistically speaking, resource rich countries at this point were faced with only two options: industrialising on their own autonomous terms or be subjugated by even more oppressive imperialist forces, which had even grander superiority agendas than their old colonial foes. That left those empires boasting domestic industrial capacity but lacking natural resources of their own, with the option of fighting to defend the rights of their former colonies in the hope that the promise of independence and friendly future knowledge exchanges (alongside military protection) would be enough to secure resource access from then on. But if the third globalisation wave is mostly about taking advantage of cheap labour not commodities - whilst simultaneously reducing industrial capacity at home - today's global imbalances could result in a very different type of correction (something which may or may not be happening now).

    The immediate consequence may be the developed world's desire to engage in significant industrial on-shoring.

    But while reversing the off-shoring trend may boost productivity in nations like the US or even in Europe, it's also likely to reduce demand for mobile international capital as a whole. As UBS notes, global cross border capital flows are already decelerating significantly as a share of GDP post-crisis, and the peak-to-trough swing in capital inflows to GDP over the past ten years has been much more dramatic in developed markets than in emerging ones:

    Related likes:
    How do you solve a problem like de-globalisation? – FT Alphaville
    As goes correspondent banking, so goes globalisation – FT Alphaville
    There is a war for capital coming, says UBS – FT Alphaville
    Prepare for the Post Pax-Americana era, says Citi – FT Alphaville


    To note, in China trade as a % of GDP fell from 65% in 2006 to 42% in 2014. The relationship between trade and GDP is in reality more variable than is usually claimed.


    I'm not convinced the end of globalization and the retrenchment of banking industry are the same thing. There are some things that can't be exp/imported. Maybe we just got to the point where it didn't make sense to order moules marinieres from Brussels!?


    "if the third globalisation wave is mostly about taking advantage of cheap labour not commodities - whilst simultaneously reducing industrial capacity at home"

    You forget the third leg - reducing the price of labour for services via immigration of labour from poorer countries. On top of the supply-and-demand effects, it reduces social solidarity (see Robert Putnam) - of which trades union membership and activity is one indicator. It's a win-win for capital.

    Terra_Desolata 5pts Featured
    11 hours ago

    The simple problem with globalization is that it was based off economic views which looked at things in aggregate - but people are individuals, not aggregates. "On average, GDP per person has gone up" doesn't do anything for the person whose income has gone down. "Just think about all the people in China who are so much better off than they used to be" isn't going to do much for an American or European whose standard of living has slipped from middle class to working class to government assistance.

    "Redistribution" is routinely advertised as the solution to all of this. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out how to redistribute wealth from the areas that have prospered the most (Asia, particularly China) to the individuals (primarily in the West) who have lost the most. In the absence of any viable redistribution scheme, though, I suspect the most likely outcome will be a pulling back on globalization.

    Meh... 5pts Featured
    11 hours ago

    @ Terra_Desolata The aggregates also do apply to countries - i.e. the US on aggregate has benefited from globalisation, but median wages have been stagnant in real terms, meaning that the benefits of globalisation have not been well distributed across the country (indeed, companies like Apple have benefited hugely from reducing the costs of production, while you could make the case that much of the benefits of lower production costs have been absorbed into profit margins).

    That suggests that redistribution can occur at the country level, rather than requiring a cross-border dimension.

    Terra_Desolata 5pts Featured
    8 hours ago
    @ Meh... @ Terra_Desolata Yes, there has been uneven distribution of income within countries as well as between them - but as the Panama Papers revealed, in a world of free movement of capital, incomes can also move freely between borders. (See: Apple.) While the U.S. has lower tolerance than Europe and Asia for such games, any attempts at redistribution would necessarily include an effort to keep incomes from slipping across national borders, which would have the same effect: a net reduction in globalization.

    [Oct 11, 2016] It is unclear when Hillary states her public or private position Shes very nuanced, you know.

    Oct 11, 2016 |
    Anne October 11, 2016 at 3:27 pm

    I did not take that to mean she hated actual, everyday Americans – I took it that she hates that phrase.

    I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.

    And no, I don't know why the phrase wasn't put into quotes, but I note that there aren't any quotes around the part that begins "she says I'm running for president because…" either. As I read the e-mail, it sure seems to me like it's about the phrase, not about people.

    WJ October 11, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    Well, is that her public or private position she's stating? She's very nuanced, you know.

    pretzelattack October 11, 2016 at 3:58 pm

    it's just, if she did mean that she hated "everyday americans", it would be plausible. it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

    [Oct 10, 2016] Where were the questions to Hillary?

    Notable quotes:
    "... Chekov said something like: "If you show a gun in Act One, make sure it goes off in Act Three." So, Act One was bringing in Bill Clinton's accusers. But then nothing. Odd. ..."
    "... * Interesting comment from the analyst after, something like: "I was talking to Trump voters in Ohio. They say they know exactly who he is" (and from the analyst's tone, that wasn't positive with respect to his character. I think a lot of voters, across the spectrum, are appalled by the choices, which is what the trust/likeability numbers are telling us) ..."
    "... In retrospect, all the media questioning whether or not Trump would be effective in this kind of venue seems silly. Of course Trump can work a room. ..."
    "... When Trump says he will put Hillary in jail, what do you think his kids and wife see regarding a Clinton presidency? Will she go after her enemies? ..."
    "... Media going blatantly in the tank prob boosts turnout for trump. Cnn concedes trump did pretty well. Fox seems contented with him. Glad to see him break with pence on russia. Glad to see him say get isis, not assad. Aleo enjoyed him zinging clinton. ..."
    "... With all the Russian efforts to undermine our democracy I can only hope we return to paper ballots hand counted in front of skeptical witnesses to the process. ..."
    "... No mention of any laws broken by any previous presidents. No concerns about droning us citizens, no sweating any wars of opportunity. ..."
    "... Trump absolutely dominated this debate. Hillary was on the ropes all night. The moderation was pretty good too. ..."
    "... CNN directs us dweebs that this was a "contentious, nasty debate". It was contentious but aren't most debates like that? Nasty? Not that much. Sometimes but not as much as I thought it could be. ..."
    "... HuffPo headline: "Don in Flames" I think, all things considered, he did fine. Neither one is offering any serious or meaningful solutions to anything we need. ..."
    "... On the other had, HRC kept treating the debate like the white-shoe lawyer she is. "Refer to my website" = "I filed a brief on this." No one reads either. Too much relying on subtle distinctions. Worst of all, most of the time she speaks with no passion or genuineness. This is death to a lawyer speaking to a jury. ..."
    "... She wants the debate to be like a federal class action case with multiple motions and lengthy affidavits and briefs that the Judge's top-of-their-law-school-class clerks will dissect and recommend a decision upon. ..."
    "... The genius of this is that Trump is the device through which all of the real arguments against Clinton, the ones relating to criminal conduct and atrocious policy, are symbolically cleansed, ritually bled out. Trump as the public's cry for contrition and oh, how she has suffered for her vanity! Yet she is redeemed through him. She has crossed the pit of burning hard drives and she is sorry for her sins, but after all, America is nothing if not a forgiving nation. ..."
    "... Once again we see America will get the president it deserves. The world? Not so much. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |

    John October 9, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    Where were the questions about the 30 million illegals?
    About the H-1B sand Greencard foreigners taking our jobs?
    About health care we can't afford?
    About corporations paying no taxes?
    About people killing themselves with heroin because they have no hope,
    no way out of poverty?

    Kurt Sperry October 9, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Trump did better than the first debate, where I thought he was destroyed. I'm not sure who won, both were pretty repulsive. I really, really dislike the both of them, whether on policies or on personality.

    RUKidding October 9, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Agree. Both are liars. Trump handled himself better than expected.

    justanotherprogressive October 9, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    It doesn't matter who won. The pundits will spend several days telling you who won and that your eyes and ears are lying again….
    Frankly, from the comments above, it is pretty obvious America was embarrased again……glad I didn't watch it……

    Lambert Strether Post author October 9, 2016 at 10:48 pm

    No contrition from Trump, either, even though that's what the establishment wants (not that any amount of contrition would work).

    Which makes sense: 1) His base doesn't care 2) Backing down would be worse than gutting it out, because backing down would make him look weak, destroying his brand.*

    Chekov said something like: "If you show a gun in Act One, make sure it goes off in Act Three." So, Act One was bringing in Bill Clinton's accusers. But then nothing. Odd.

    * Interesting comment from the analyst after, something like: "I was talking to Trump voters in Ohio. They say they know exactly who he is" (and from the analyst's tone, that wasn't positive with respect to his character. I think a lot of voters, across the spectrum, are appalled by the choices, which is what the trust/likeability numbers are telling us).

    John October 9, 2016 at 10:50 pm

    It was to rattle Hillary. And she did look uncomfortable, uneasy, all night. Didn't help her.

    relstprof October 9, 2016 at 10:58 pm

    Once the crowd reacted positively to his "33K emails" attacks, he calmed down. I got the sense he decided he didn't have to go low, since there were some in the room still on his side.

    In retrospect, all the media questioning whether or not Trump would be effective in this kind of venue seems silly. Of course Trump can work a room.

    I'd score it a tie, though.

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 9, 2016 at 11:45 pm

    When Trump says he will put Hillary in jail, what do you think his kids and wife see regarding a Clinton presidency? Will she go after her enemies?

    Is that kabuki or profile in courage?

    Kim Kaufman October 9, 2016 at 10:50 pm

    NPR doing "fact check." They hate Trump.

    johnnygl October 9, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    Media going blatantly in the tank prob boosts turnout for trump. Cnn concedes trump did pretty well. Fox seems contented with him. Glad to see him break with pence on russia. Glad to see him say get isis, not assad. Aleo enjoyed him zinging clinton.

    He's still an idiot and has terrible policy ideas.

    Jeremy Grimm October 9, 2016 at 11:30 pm

    With all the Russian efforts to undermine our democracy I can only hope we return to paper ballots hand counted in front of skeptical witnesses to the process.

    crittermom October 10, 2016 at 12:34 am

    With all the talk about 'the Russians did it", I'm tempted to write in Putin just to p*ss off the Dems! (but I won't) Both candidates suck worse than a tornado.

    johnnygl October 9, 2016 at 11:10 pm

    Cnn people very much on edge. Dana bash breathless at trump saying he'd put her in jail. Said that's what makes us different than African dictators, stalin and hitler. I'm not kidding.

    No mention of any laws broken by any previous presidents. No concerns about droning us citizens, no sweating any wars of opportunity.

    RUKidding October 9, 2016 at 11:17 pm

    You expected truth from CNN? Good effen luck w that.

    Roger Smith October 9, 2016 at 11:10 pm

    Trump absolutely dominated this debate. Hillary was on the ropes all night. The moderation was pretty good too.

    RUKidding October 9, 2016 at 11:20 pm

    CNN directs us dweebs that this was a "contentious, nasty debate". It was contentious but aren't most debates like that? Nasty? Not that much. Sometimes but not as much as I thought it could be.

    megamike48 October 9, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    The clearest indication of character is what people find laughable. J.W. von Goethe

    Kim Kaufman October 9, 2016 at 11:36 pm

    HuffPo headline: "Don in Flames" I think, all things considered, he did fine. Neither one is offering any serious or meaningful solutions to anything we need. It was, unfortunately, just some lame entertainment and both remain equally unlikable and untrustworthy and unhelpful.

    Sammy Maudlin October 10, 2016 at 12:02 am

    Watching this I kept thinking that Trump has been working with trial lawyers to prepare.

    He used a lot of tricks trial lawyers use to influence juries. One, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story (i.e. Why didn't you as one of 100 senators change the tax code? Answer: "if she was an effective senator she could have"). Another is make the jury think the judge is biased against you. The main one is put the black hat on your opponent and keep it there. Jury trials are pretty simple affairs that way, the big thing is to make the other side the bad guy.

    On the other had, HRC kept treating the debate like the white-shoe lawyer she is. "Refer to my website" = "I filed a brief on this." No one reads either. Too much relying on subtle distinctions. Worst of all, most of the time she speaks with no passion or genuineness. This is death to a lawyer speaking to a jury.

    She wants the debate to be like a federal class action case with multiple motions and lengthy affidavits and briefs that the Judge's top-of-their-law-school-class clerks will dissect and recommend a decision upon.

    But it's not. It's an afternoon trial in front of a bunch of bored people sitting in a jury box in a hot county courthouse. "Smart" lawyers get creamed by savvy ones in that situation all the time. That's what I saw tonight.

    Fiver October 10, 2016 at 12:26 am

    Some low-watt bulb writing tomorrow is going to say 'This is how America does politics, does democracy. We let it all hang out. A big old barn burner. A national catharsis, a venting of pent-up emotion and frustration at some things in America and the world that just haven't worked out for everybody, no matter how hard we try. This is good for America, even necessary, in fact it's what makes us Americans. We deal with things and move on. Let all that poison out. And we move on. I'm inclined to think the third debate will be a much more civil affair.'

    The genius of this is that Trump is the device through which all of the real arguments against Clinton, the ones relating to criminal conduct and atrocious policy, are symbolically cleansed, ritually bled out. Trump as the public's cry for contrition and oh, how she has suffered for her vanity! Yet she is redeemed through him. She has crossed the pit of burning hard drives and she is sorry for her sins, but after all, America is nothing if not a forgiving nation.

    Raise your right hand, Mrs. Clinton, and repeat after me….no, your right hand, please…

    Tertium Squid October 10, 2016 at 1:17 am

    Once again we see America will get the president it deserves. The world? Not so much.

    [Oct 10, 2016] There's a lawsuit out there accusing Trump of raping somebody with known pederast Jeff Epstein

    Oct 10, 2016 |

    NY Union Guy October 10, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    Not sure if this has made the rounds on NC yet, but there's a lawsuit out there accusing Trump of raping somebody with known pederast Jeff Epstein.

    Will there be a November surprise in addition to the customary October surprise?

    Pat October 10, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    Possibly, it will be interesting to see if the Clinton camp is going to use this, and if so how Bill will be protected. Could be a case of Mutually Assured Destruction.

    Kim Kaufman October 10, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    Don't think Clinton can use this:

    The One Percent

    The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

    "Trump's supporters have long wondered whether he'd use billionaire sicko Jeffrey Epstein as ammo against the Clintons-until a lurid new lawsuit accused The Donald of raping one of Epstein's girls himself."

    There's plenty other stuff if you google "Jeff Epstein" and "Bill Clinton"

    It's all pretty vile but not at all surprising for what these overage, entitled "stars" do behind the scenes.

    I never got a chance to respond to Yves' comment to my comment about Schwarzenegger a few days ago. Three women came forward to accuse him of groping (or whatever – I, mercifully, forget the details now). Arnold, with Maria standing dutifully by his side, publicly apologized and it all went away.

    My contention is that: 1) there were many, many more women who didn't come forward (the threat of never working again in Hollywood is very real – Arnold was represented by one of the most powerful and nastiest law firms) and 2) it all disappeared quickly from the media because Arnold was able to buy off and intimidate the media.

    But the stories I read in alternate media at the time were pretty awful. I can only imagine the lewd bragging Arnold did behind the scenes. Don't forget that Arnold was screwing the nanny and sired a child with her while the nanny was living under the same roof as him and Maria. "The rich are different than you and I."

    [Oct 10, 2016] DNC cronies bullying (that is the Democrat buzzword right?) Rep.Tulsi Gabbard

    Notable quotes:
    "... "You have called both myself and Michael Kives before about helping your campaign raise money, we no longer trust your judgement so will not be raising money for your campaign." ..."
    "... "How DARE you not give our Crown Princess the respect she deserves!" ..."
    "... financially squeeze those not with status quo… guess they object to woman patriots that want to serve "all the people"??…..telling ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |

    Roger Smith October 10, 2016 at 2:03 pm

    DNC cronies bullying (that is the Democrat buzzword right?) Rep.Tulsi Gabbard for deciding to support Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. Dated February 29th, 2016

    "For you to endorse a man who has spent almost 40 years in public office with very few accomplishments, doesn't fall in line with what we previously thought of you. Hillary Clinton will be our party's nominee and you standing on ceremony to support the sinking Bernie Sanders ship is disrespectful to Hillary Clinton."

    "You have called both myself and Michael Kives before about helping your campaign raise money, we no longer trust your judgement so will not be raising money for your campaign."

    Plenue October 10, 2016 at 2:19 pm

    "How DARE you not give our Crown Princess the respect she deserves!"

    Kim Kaufman October 10, 2016 at 3:58 pm

    How DARE you have an independent thought.

    Pat October 10, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    I sort of enjoy the typo in Podesta's intro to the forward, if not the sentiment aka gloating that a couple of CAA agents decided to punish Gabbard for supporting the better candidate. I mean they are clearly a couple of pigs.

    Roger Smith October 10, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    What was he trying to say? I was not familiar with that expression.

    Pat October 10, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    First off I got it wrong, it was Storm who forwarded his own email to Podesta and Clinton,
    but what he was trying to say was "Hammer dropped!"

    But like I said Hammed as in hams works for me.

    Roger Smith October 10, 2016 at 2:42 pm

    Oooooh! now that makes sense! I was wondering where the heck "Ham" came in haha

    rich October 10, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    financially squeeze those not with status quo… guess they object to woman patriots that want to serve "all the people"??…..telling

    [Oct 10, 2016] Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law

    Notable quotes:
    "... Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law ..."
    "... That sums up the Clintons right there: It smacks of acting above the law ..."
    "... I've been browsing through #PodestaEmails2 and jeezus, there are some pretty incriminating docs there. Of course the MSM are doing their best to ignore them, but it looks like a real firestorm to me. ..."
    "... time for comey to the rescue. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    reslez October 10, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    More wikileaks, some interesting detail on Hill's emails I hadn't run across before:

    why the "twisted truth" (not my words) on why – with the two problematic areas being (a) emails to bill (when they were to bill's staff) and (b) i only used one device - BB, when 2 weeks earlier, it was an iphone, BB and ipad. As Ann and I discussed, hopefully that's a timing issue and whilst in state, she only used one. :)

    While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I've either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc.

    My emphasis

    From Erika Rottenberg (former Linked In General Counsel)
    To Stephanie Hannon (CTO of Hillary For America), Ann O'Leary (senior policy advisor)
    CC Lindsay Roitman
    Fwded to Podesta

    Pavel October 10, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    That sums up the Clintons right there: It smacks of acting above the law

    I've been browsing through #PodestaEmails2 and jeezus, there are some pretty incriminating docs there. Of course the MSM are doing their best to ignore them, but it looks like a real firestorm to me.

    pretzelattack October 10, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    time for comey to the rescue.

    polecat October 10, 2016 at 5:07 pm

    'We comeyed some folks …..'

    Pavel October 10, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    More like, "We immunised some folks!"

    polecat October 10, 2016 at 5:50 pm

    same diff --

    fresno dan October 10, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    October 10, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    "Comeyed" is better, cause it sounds dirtier…..

    [Oct 10, 2016] Now that we have in writing that Hillary has 2 positions on issues which she called a public and private position

    Notable quotes:
    "... For example, IMO now that we have in writing that Hillary has 2 positions on issues (a public and private position) it is 100% fair that debate moderators and the media ask Clinton aggressively which position she is giving in her responses – her public or private position? ..."
    "... If the media won't focus on the public/private position issue (and Obama did the same in 2008 regarding NAFTA, I recall), then Trump can force them to by putting that front and center in the debate. ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    timbers October 9, 2016 at 11:31 am

    Not surprised, no. But IMO has definite implications.

    For example, IMO now that we have in writing that Hillary has 2 positions on issues (a public and private position) it is 100% fair that debate moderators and the media ask Clinton aggressively which position she is giving in her responses – her public or private position?

    Won't happen with our media, but IMO this should now be standard operating procedure for the media with regard to Hillary and would be completely fair, prudent, and necessary to inform the public and voters.

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 9, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    The debate is setting up to be the mother of all debates.

    If the media won't focus on the public/private position issue (and Obama did the same in 2008 regarding NAFTA, I recall), then Trump can force them to by putting that front and center in the debate.

    [Oct 10, 2016] Debate Post-Mortem Trump Crushes Clinton - You Should Be In Jail

    Notable quotes:
    "... As a college educated white, I'm not thrilled with Trump; however I will vote for him as the last chance to prevent WW3 (that would begin almost immediately), thousands of Waco's and Ruby Ridge's, and the final clamp down by the American Stasi. As will my asian, latino, black, american indian, and other ethnic degree or not. ..."
    "... Hillary is the embodiment of the establishment evil. WE, my co-workers and I, want to kill any means possible. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    Brief Transcript:

    TRUMP: "Bernie Sanders and between super delegates and Debra Wassermann Schultz and I was surprised to see him sign on with the devil. The thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and you acid washed and the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week that were taken from an office are are now missing. I didn't knowledge I would say this, but I'm going to and I hate to say it. If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. There has never been so many lies, so much exception. There has never been anything like it. We will have a special prosecutor. I go out and speak and the people of this country are furious. The long time workers at the FBI are furious. There has never been anything like this with e-mails. You get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails and acid watch them or bleach them. An expensive process . We will get a special prosecutor and look into it. You know what, people have been -- their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you have done. You should be a shamed."

    COOPER: "Secretary Clinton, I will let you respond."

    CLINTON: "Everything he said is absolutely false . It would be impossible to be fact checking Donald all the time. I would never get to talk and make lives better for people. Once again, go to Hillary You can fact check trump in realtime. Last time at the first debate we had millions of people fact checking and we will have millions more fact checking. It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country."

    TRUMP: "Because you would be in jail."

    COOPER: " We want to remind the audience to please not talk out loud. Do not applaud. You are wasting time. "

    markmotive Pladizow Oct 9, 2016 11:24 PM

    Christine Hughes: Confidence in the establishment is eroding

    HedgeJunkie TheLooza Oct 10, 2016 12:39 AM

    As a college educated white, I'm not thrilled with Trump; however I will vote for him as the last chance to prevent WW3 (that would begin almost immediately), thousands of Waco's and Ruby Ridge's, and the final clamp down by the American Stasi. As will my asian, latino, black, american indian, and other ethnic degree or not.

    Hillary is the embodiment of the establishment evil. WE, my co-workers and I, want to kill any means possible.

    [Oct 10, 2016] Hillary represents corrupt and half-competent status quo

    Notable quotes:
    "... I'll admit, as a woman, I was disgusted by the tapes, but I turned on the debate just in time for the question on Syria, and his answer won me back. Pence's foreign policy had me worried, but Trump was willing to disagree with him and once again be the only person talking any sense about this situation. The contrast of his Supreme Court answer to hers ("real world experience" can only be code for social justice activist judges) was icing on the cake. I think John Gruskos' theory may be right. Next debate, Trump needs to point out that Clinton has all the neocon war hawk endorsements, and that tells you all you need to know on foreign policy. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    Anand , says: October 10, 2016 at 12:31 am

    I like the phrase corrupt and half-competent status quo . It captures the real problem we have- society has good reason for not trusting those of us in the elite, but in a real sense the very survival of society depends on experts… (how long would most of the country last if our systems for distributing food, water, power and money crashed?).


    CJ , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:16 pm
    Trump certainly won tonight. I don't know that it changes the trajectory of the race (he was losing before GEBTP) but it changes the speed. Hillary is counting on oppo dumps and ground game to see her through.
    Charles Cosimano , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:25 pm
    The answer to why Hillary did not deliver a knockout blow is simple. She doesn't have one. There is nothing Hillary could bring up that could end it for Trump.

    Or is anyone really stupid enough to think that tape matters to the voters? People have real things to worry about.

    John Gruskos , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:38 pm
    The establishment wants a war with Syria and Russia.

    They would prefer Hillary as their tool, but they they want to be 100% sure.

    So they tried to bluff Trump into dropping out, right after Pence announced his support for their planned war.

    But Trump can't be bluffed. He's holding a winning hand – his America First platform.

    Skeptic , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:39 pm
    One thing is clear: all networks should fire their political commentators and hire Scott Adams. And perhaps less clear, but is Trump delivering a death blow to political correctness with his bizarre persona and performance-art campaign? (Not to excuse him for being a grotesque human being.)
    Alex , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:44 pm
    I am not sure Trump won. He survived tonight. We have two liars: one is an idiot and another one is the most corrupted politician in the US history. Any other Democrat would have destroyed Trump. Any other Republican would have destroyed Hillary. What a nightmare.
    David B , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:48 pm
    Brit Hume tweeted something about Trump's performance making the lewd tape controversy "fade" and he got hammered by anti-Trumpers for saying so, but I think he's right. That's just the nature of our times–both the acceptance of coarseness, and the short memory of TV/Internet culture. Remember how people speculated that if Bill Clinton had been eligible to run for a third term he very well might have been elected? Heck his approval ratings were sky-high after the impeachment hearings aired all the sordid details out for public view!

    The main way Trump won was just by moving the debate forward from the tape stuff everyone was expecting. We were back to Muslim vetting, and fossil fuel energy, and the email scandals…. It really makes it feel like it's all just business as usual again.

    Rebecca , says: October 9, 2016 at 11:59 pm
    I'll admit, as a woman, I was disgusted by the tapes, but I turned on the debate just in time for the question on Syria, and his answer won me back. Pence's foreign policy had me worried, but Trump was willing to disagree with him and once again be the only person talking any sense about this situation. The contrast of his Supreme Court answer to hers ("real world experience" can only be code for social justice activist judges) was icing on the cake. I think John Gruskos' theory may be right. Next debate, Trump needs to point out that Clinton has all the neocon war hawk endorsements, and that tells you all you need to know on foreign policy.

    [Oct 10, 2016] An Election Of Leaks And Counter-Leaks

    Notable quotes:
    "... It's an election for and among the ruling class. ..."
    "... Scott Adams who has been right so far says Trump still has a clear path to victory. The media is just trying to blackpill everyone. Why should we believe them? They are saying Trump can't win because they said he can't win. ..."
    "... Somehow Clinton bragging about getting a pedophile off the hook is OK? CLinton will start WW III. Trump may do so. What a choice. ..."
    "... For nearly a generation now there have been decent candidates for US president who would, to a greater or lesser degree, have opposed our increasingly corrupt and violent oligarchy. Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan, Howard Dean, Jill Stein, Rick Santorum ... and many more you haven't heard of. The elites have perfected a system of taking them down, with no messy assassination. Ridicule them in the press, don't cover their positions, just their style, find a flaw or mis-statement and hammer hammer hammer until people believe that they are ridiculous, then ban them from the media. ..."
    "... now the establishment is doubling down on the only thing it knows how to do. They are 'reporting' that Trump is finished. ..."
    "... Donald Trump has said unfortunate off-the-cuff things. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, has actually DONE some things so crazy that if I wrote her up as a character in a work of fiction my editor would reject it as unbelievable. ..."
    "... The Podesta e-mails show Killary in her true colors (see b.) The few I read though were unsurprising and boring, because she is mentally challenged, as is her staff, they are in a bubble. The leaks re. her speeches to Banksters ditto, and anyway the speeches are immaterial, they are just empty, fakelorum, performances carried out to legitimise bribery in a completely corrupt circuit. ..."
    "... I concur with the very first will be a Trump landslide. The silent majority- the plurality of voters who are neither D nor R. We have no voice in politics and no voice in the media. We already see through the lies and the hypocracy. That is Trumps target audience. Even if it is just a show at least Trump talks about policies ..."
    "... Trump and his supporters must henceforth be more vigilant and pull no punches in exposing the Clintons' perfidy. ..."
    "... And on other fronts - the Vice News vid I just watched was titled 'the US/Russia Proxy War in Ukraine'. I was shocked. Their prior coverage was 200% neocon blather. (Aka Simon Otrovsky IIRc) Could it be a beginning of a revolt by the MSM? If CNN begins to refer to Syria and Ukraine as proxy wars, it means the Empire's control of MSM is slipping. And that would spell the end for them. ..."
    "... "This is a very dangerous game given that Russia, being in Syria at the invitation of the legitimate government of this country and having two bases there, has got air defense systems there to protect its assets," Lavrov said, according to Reuters. ..."
    "... IMO Sanders is worst among all the POTUS hopefuls. He lied repeatedly, In a debate with Hillary on Edward Snowden "He broke the law … but what he did [exposing the NSA surveillance] should be taken into consideration," Edward Snowden wanna fair trial, but can he get it? Dun Forget Assange afraid of assassinated, to speak from Ecuador embassy balcony to exposed Hillary. Can you trust Obomo's Justice Dept. or anyone in his administration? ..."
    "... Outrage Can No Longer Be Ignored. The elections methods enterprise consists of an imposing compilation of distracting, unworkable feints, erroneously purported to constitute viable election methods. Get strategic hedge simple score voting. No More Two-Party!!! No more!!! ..."
    "... The social theorist Zygmunt Bauman argues that the age of nations states, which was born with the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War, and which we all take for granted, is now over. Nation States made decisions through politics and then used power to implement their wishes. Now, however, power no longer resides with the state, but instead is in the hands of international entities -- corporations, banks, criminal enterprises -- that are above, beyond and indifferent to any nation's political decisions. ..."
    "... Although American presidents, the congress, the courts still pretend otherwise, it's pretty clear they know they have no real power, and so go through charades of legislating meaningless issues. Allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia, for example, when there's not the slightest chance of pinning 911 on the Saudis. ..."
    "... The election is a circus meant to distract and entertain a powerless public. Might as well enjoy it. The Dems and Repugs like to strut and posture, rake in dollars and enjoy prestige, and try to make us believe they can still shape the future, but really it out of their control. ..."
    "... Of course the U.S. has tremendous military power, but the "elected" government has no control over it, how it is used or where. JFK's murder ended that era, ..."
    "... Many here think the U.S., and hence the U.S. military, is controlled by Israel, but Israel too is a nation state, and supra-national institutions ($$$$) seem to be running it as well, ..."
    "... My take as an outsider. Use Trump to take down the elite. His foreign policy basics are consistent and solid - non intervention, pull back of US military to the US, protection of local manufacturing. ..."
    "... US involvement in Libya began at Hillary's urging shortly after Hillary received this advice from her confidante Sidney Blumenthal. Note that the advice that the overthrow of Qaddafi needed to be connected with "an identifiable rebellion" in Syria means that it needs to be connected with civil war in Syria. US involvement in Libya was, of course, coordinated out of Benghazi, as the advice to Hillary suggested. ..."
    "... Once the fall of Qaddafi was a fait accompli, Hillary's State Department advocated the overthrow of Bashar Assad as a critical component for calming Israel so that President Barrack Obama could accomplish his legacy nuclear pact with Iran without Israel blowing Iran up before the deal was sealed. ..."
    "... No. Planning for overthrow of Assad - and use of extremists as a weapon of State - was begun in earnest in 2006; as described by Seymour Hersh in "The Redirection". ..."
    "... Anyone else notice that Hillary couldn't remember what she did while in office? Major mistake. ..."
    "... Clinton insisted she had retired from the government by the time that happened. Not so: Obama dared Assad to cross his line in August 2012, six months before Clinton's term ended. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |

    The tape of Trump talking dirty was released just in time to sidetrack from the release of more of Clinton's dirty secrets by Wikileaks. Trump's talk was juvenile and sexist bragging in front of other "boys". Surprising it was not. There will more releases like that, all timed to run cover for Clinton.

    The just released emails of her campaign chairman John Podesta about Clinton's talk to Wall Street and other Clinton related issues are indeed revealing. She is the sell-out you would expect her to be:


    Clinton: "But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position."

    It is funny how the U.S. electorate has a deeper "very negative" view of Trump (-44%) and Clinton (-41%) than of the much vilified Russian President Putin (-38%).

    When Trump will come back in the polls (not "if"), it will be a devious fight with daily "leaks" followed by counter leaks and a lot of dirty laundry washed in front of the public. Good.

    Many of the people who will vote will vote against a candidate, not for the one that they will mark on their ballot. I expect a very low turn out election, barely giving a mandate, to whomever may win or get selected to have won. Elwood | Oct 9, 2016 9:26:03 AM | 1

    Uh no. The silent majority that swept Reagan into office will speak again this year.
    Ron Showalter | Oct 9, 2016 9:37:47 AM | 2
    Please stick to geo-politics and quit embarrassing yourself re: domestic US politics. Trump is done and the longer it takes for you and the rest of the fake-left - both domestically and abroad - to get their heads around that fact, the longer the rest of us have to witness the frightfully shameful mental contortions your Trump-love takes.

    Please stop. It's one thing to have to deal with shallow and inaccurate fake-left analysis without a healthy dose of butt-hurt b/c Hillary will be POTUS.

    Grow up and quit being a victim of the US propaganda arsenal.

    tsuki | Oct 9, 2016 9:40:53 AM | 3
    In other words, I shall lie to the "Deplorables" to keep you safe from regulation and incarceration. Give me money. I am a corrupt and experienced liar.
    Rich | Oct 9, 2016 9:52:39 AM | 5
    I had a home inspector come to my place last week, intelligent and skilled working class guy, who didn't even know who Trump was. He knew Clinton was running and hates her. But had zero clue who her opponent was. And he's never voted before. There are very few election signs on yards. It's an election for and among the ruling class.
    Formerly T-Bear | Oct 9, 2016 9:54:09 AM | 7
    This may become the most transparent election - ever. May necessitate the most outrageous vote counting schemes also.
    Take Me | Oct 9, 2016 9:57:39 AM | 8
    BURN. IT. DOWN. That was the WHOLE point of Trump voters from the get-go. And his slide toward zionist scumbags was a HUUUGE problem. To me at least. Now he SEES. And he won't be shut down by the fukwits. And regardless of what happens. He is likely carefully considering having his son-in-law fall down a VERY deep hole. His daughter and grandchildren will thank him one day. Et tu Brutus?

    Here's what the Deplorables will be doing. On election day. 1) Bring black sharpie. 2) Demand PAPER ballot. 3) Vote Trump. 4) Vote I or D down-ballot. 5) Fill in all blanks.

    And by-the-way. To #2 Ron. We do this for Syria. And Yemen. And all the OTHER people the USG, MIC, MSM ZIOthugs have been murdering and enslaving for the past 50+ years. Not just for ourselves and our children. It's the absolute LEAST we can do. But its a start.

    lemur | Oct 9, 2016 9:57:44 AM | 9
    Scott Adams who has been right so far says Trump still has a clear path to victory. The media is just trying to blackpill everyone. Why should we believe them? They are saying Trump can't win because they said he can't win.

    Ron is obviously a Clinton groupie.

    Btw, how is what Trump said sexist? It's just real dude talk with the lads. Plenty of people say that behind closed doors.

    Blk | Oct 9, 2016 10:00:28 AM | 10
    @2. I happen to think Trump is another wolf in a sheep's clothe and won't deliver any significant part of his promises, so like you, I am baffled that someone like b could actually buy into this. However unlike you, I don't think the election is predictable, I think it actually bodes well for Trump, why? It seems clear from the polls, that Hillary isn't a preferred choice for majority of the voters. If he was, she should be polling close to the 50 point mark by now, yet she's in the low 40s, someone with her resume running against a political light weight like Trump should be doing much better. So what does that mean? It means (at lest to me) voters have rejected Hillary as a firs choice, she may be second or third but she's definitely not most voters first choice. So Trump has a chance, although he's working his darnes to ruin it, Imagine if it was someone else had Trumps message without the baggage?

    The polls wouldn't be close, I think the undecided (who don't have Hillary has their first choice) will decide this election at the last minute, if Trump has more recordings leaked (not about his tryst) but for instance the NYT interview where he supposedly said he's not going to build a wall? ( I think that will be leaked soon if the polls don't move in Hillary's favor, the establishment clearly has their preference). If there are no more damages to Trump, he may very well win this thing, but I suspect the empire has more leaks coming.

    I for one thinks a third party candidate is where its at, but what do I know?

    From The Hague | Oct 9, 2016 10:10:49 AM | 13
    Breaking: A photo has surfaced of Donald Trump grabbing a pussy.

    The MSM, social medias and Internet are making any election a new Pokemon game but dirtier. Is this the 21th century "exercise of democracy?"

    Davis | Oct 9, 2016 10:44:30 AM | 18

    Want to read some original observations? (1) The Pence-Is-So-Presidential vp debate win was a complete set-up, with the DNC complicit in instructing Tim Kaine to play the obvious heavy, a movie caricature villian, complete with raised eyebrows, crazy expressions, and interrupting 70+ times. Made Pence a new hero. Reason? (2) GOP Rinos and DNC have been co-ordinating for months on "perfect time" to release Trump's Naughty Audio Tape (sharp ears can also detect it was edited), and this was reported by DC Whispers and journalists Mr/Mrs Bill & Beth Still in a recent video. (3) Media had their 'talking points' to conclude with NBC's Chuck Todd yesterday: "The election is over. Hillary has won." (4) GOP Paul Ryan did high-profile dis-invitation of Trump to Wisconsin; and then Pence substitution at event (vetoed by Trump) was to support GOP Establishment plot to replace Trump with Pence on the ticket, which they will still try to do when the DNC floats false pedophile charges against Trump w/o Oct. 9 (DNC whistleblowers gave full plan to Alex Jones because even there, some people are too disgusted with all this dirt to 'carry on camping'). Pence was in on the conspiracy from the very beginning. Another smiling choirboy.
    Yonatan | Oct 9, 2016 10:53:03 AM | 19
    Somehow Clinton bragging about getting a pedophile off the hook is OK? CLinton will start WW III. Trump may do so. What a choice.
    TG | Oct 9, 2016 10:53:58 AM | 20
    For nearly a generation now there have been decent candidates for US president who would, to a greater or lesser degree, have opposed our increasingly corrupt and violent oligarchy. Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan, Howard Dean, Jill Stein, Rick Santorum ... and many more you haven't heard of. The elites have perfected a system of taking them down, with no messy assassination. Ridicule them in the press, don't cover their positions, just their style, find a flaw or mis-statement and hammer hammer hammer until people believe that they are ridiculous, then ban them from the media.

    Trump's big mouth and complete lack of shame has, for now, made him relatively immune to this treatment. So now the establishment is doubling down on the only thing it knows how to do. They are 'reporting' that Trump is finished. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. But it would be wise to remember that the corporate press doesn't report the news any more, it is attempting to create the news, out of whole cloth. Remember how many times they said that Trump was 'finished' during the primary?

    I mean, how come what Trump said ten years ago in a private conversation, is headline news, while Hillary Clinton's decision to ALLY THE UNITED STATES WITH AL QAEDA AND RISK WAR WITH RUSSIA TO DEFEND THEM is somehow a minor detail? It's crazy when you think about it.

    Donald Trump has said unfortunate off-the-cuff things. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, has actually DONE some things so crazy that if I wrote her up as a character in a work of fiction my editor would reject it as unbelievable.

    So I am voting for Trump even if the New York Times says he is doomed. We don't really know what he will do as president, but in the business world he has proven the ability to actually get along with disparate people in a constructive way. Hillary Clinton is a bona fide monster who should scare any sane person. We know exactly what she will do as president, and attacking Russian forces in Syria will be just the start...

    Better a chance on a wildcard, then certain doom. IMHO.

    Noirette | Oct 9, 2016 11:11:29 AM | 21
    The Podesta e-mails show Killary in her true colors (see b.) The few I read though were unsurprising and boring, because she is mentally challenged, as is her staff, they are in a bubble. The leaks re. her speeches to Banksters ditto, and anyway the speeches are immaterial, they are just empty, fakelorum, performances carried out to legitimise bribery in a completely corrupt circuit.

    One e-mail (idk who wrote it and can't find it back): a campaign manager who had his head screwed on stated that most likely one needs to add 10 points to Trump re. polls. Details were a bit bizarre and matter...

    It reminded me that in France all the 'official' polls use an 'algorithm' based on 'hunches dressed up in fancy pyscho-babble verbiage' that add between 2 and 5% to NF votes (depending on election, region, first/second round, etc.) Necessary for maintaining their credibility, to come closer to what the real results will show.

    As for Trump's locker-room bragaddacio, not one single Trump supporter will flip, and undecideds etc. may switch to Trump, finding such an 'attack' illegit, frivolous, etc. It throws light on the fact that what Killary is being accused of - e-mails, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, pay to play, etc. - is extremely serious, whereas smutty chat is part-o-life.

    Imho the underlying aim of the release (first, serving to create buzzz! to cover over the leaks natch) was to furnish a reason for segments of the PTB establishment base, nominally Repubs., to come forward and support HRC, after they were subjected to pressure, arm-twisting, possibly even blackmail.

    McCain withdraws his support for DT:

    Paul Ryan annouced Friday that Trump was no longer welcome at the rally after a recording was released… and he gets heckled:

    The Atlantic gives some kind of mealy-mouthed overview:

    The 'duopoly' power-structure has been exposed.

    Phodges | Oct 9, 2016 11:49:07 AM | 24
    I concur with the very first will be a Trump landslide. The silent majority- the plurality of voters who are neither D nor R. We have no voice in politics and no voice in the media. We already see through the lies and the hypocracy. That is Trumps target audience. Even if it is just a show at least Trump talks about policies
    Steve | Oct 9, 2016 12:11:25 PM | 28
    Trump is still going to "win" the election. I put the win in quotations because that will not mean that he would be declared winner. The plan to rig the election has always been part of the plan, what this leak provides is a way to persuade the gullible people that the tape cost Trump the election. The oligarchs in both parties and all over the Western world are truly terrified of a Trump presidency but equally terrified of the reaction of the masses, should the election be brazenly rigged with no plausible reasons. They have tried to manipulate the polls and it is not succeeding. But now they can go back to their pseudo pollsters and start dishing out dubious polls until the election. That would appear credible to the credulous voters who by and large are, frankly, dim. The two parties and the global oligarchs and their media shoeshine crew have now found a convenient talking point to prepare the ground for an eventual rigging of the election. Trump and his supporters must henceforth be more vigilant and pull no punches in exposing the Clintons' perfidy.
    NoOneYouKnow | Oct 9, 2016 12:14:23 PM | 30
    #22 I'd say "war criminals who rule us" is Hillary's job title to a T. So many Hillary supporters are giving off the scent of mixed rage and panic these days.
    O'Coner | Oct 9, 2016 12:33:07 PM | 31
    And on other fronts - the Vice News vid I just watched was titled 'the US/Russia Proxy War in Ukraine'. I was shocked. Their prior coverage was 200% neocon blather. (Aka Simon Otrovsky IIRc) Could it be a beginning of a revolt by the MSM? If CNN begins to refer to Syria and Ukraine as proxy wars, it means the Empire's control of MSM is slipping. And that would spell the end for them.
    Take Me | Oct 9, 2016 12:52:20 PM | 35
    To 31. Nah. It's not the end of 'em. Just controlled opposition. Cuz thru all this miasma. LOTS of decent folks are hip to what's happening in Yemen and Syria. The muppets are rubbing sleep from their tired little eyes. And SEE what the MSM has been neglecting to tell them. The MSM aren't stupid. They hope feeding the muppets some bit of truthiness, we'll fall back into an MSM-stupor. Sadly. The MSM has lost too many muppets. Gone for good. This CIVIL WAR won't be fought carnally. But it will be just as bloody. Cuz metaphysical warfare is something for which they are NOT prepared to battle.
    schlub | Oct 9, 2016 1:20:57 PM | 39
    I think the term used here refers to any form of modern mass release of bombs or missiles.
    Each B-52 which of course can refuel so fly from anywhere, & is ponderously slow, can release about 24 cruise missiles, serially, from a rotary dispenser inside, from standoff distances.

    So the problem becomes "How many 'rounds' do the russians have for each & every one of their missile batteries there?"

    "This is a very dangerous game given that Russia, being in Syria at the invitation of the legitimate government of this country and having two bases there, has got air defense systems there to protect its assets," Lavrov said, according to Reuters.

    dumbass | Oct 9, 2016 1:32:44 PM | 40
    >> Scott Adams

    Except that he didn't inherit or steal his money, he demonstrated he's nearly perfect example of the 1% when he mocked any voter who has a opinion about anything except for his own opinion that estate taxes are theft (though so would be Trump's inflation-based tax -- thereby demonstrating Mr. Scott 1%-er Adams is less informed than he is rich) and that (according to Scott Adams himself) is far and away the issue that matters to Scott Adams in this election.

    I've not chuckled over a Dilbert in a while. Now that I know how Scott prioritizes the issues of the world, it'll be even more difficult.

    Jack Smith | Oct 9, 2016 2:43:45 PM | 51
    @Michael | Oct 9, 2016 11:49:08 AM | 25

    Who gave you or the Democrats the right to demand changes after the Primaries? .....believe Gallup's polls and anyone who happen to disagree with you a troll?

    IMO Sanders is worst among all the POTUS hopefuls. He lied repeatedly, In a debate with Hillary on Edward Snowden "He broke the law … but what he did [exposing the NSA surveillance] should be taken into consideration," Edward Snowden wanna fair trial, but can he get it? Dun Forget Assange afraid of assassinated, to speak from Ecuador embassy balcony to exposed Hillary. Can you trust Obomo's Justice Dept. or anyone in his administration?

    Sanders said "Well, as somebody who spent many months of my life when I was a kid in Israel, who has family in Israel, of course Israel has a right not only to defend themselves, but to live in peace and security without fear of terrorist attack." Did you look at Google's Palestine map (taken down after protests)?

    Your comments are flaws and an apologist!

    blues | Oct 9, 2016 2:51:34 PM | 53
    You have, perhaps, heard me mention "strategic hedge simple score voting" here before. Here are two short pieces I have posted at the website "The Center for Election Science", at:

    They tend to fall back on a Google+ Groups "site" which I do not use since I refuse to join (corporate) "social media" at:!forum/electionscience
    Outrage Can No Longer Be Ignored. The elections methods enterprise consists of an imposing compilation of distracting, unworkable feints, erroneously purported to constitute viable election methods. Get strategic hedge simple score voting. No More Two-Party!!! No more!!!

    ... ... ...

    Ken Nari | Oct 9, 2016 5:55:42 PM | 75
    Giving Americans a choice of candidates no one wants is a way of humiliating them, of showing them they have no say in how they are ruled. It's much like Caligula appointing his horse to the Roman Senate to show his power and his contempt for the senators who might still have thought they had a say in running Rome.

    The social theorist Zygmunt Bauman argues that the age of nations states, which was born with the treaty that ended the Thirty Years War, and which we all take for granted, is now over. Nation States made decisions through politics and then used power to implement their wishes. Now, however, power no longer resides with the state, but instead is in the hands of international entities -- corporations, banks, criminal enterprises -- that are above, beyond and indifferent to any nation's political decisions.

    Although American presidents, the congress, the courts still pretend otherwise, it's pretty clear they know they have no real power, and so go through charades of legislating meaningless issues. Allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia, for example, when there's not the slightest chance of pinning 911 on the Saudis.

    If WW3 or anything else is in the cards it will happen no matter who is elected, Clinton, Trump or someone else.

    The election is a circus meant to distract and entertain a powerless public. Might as well enjoy it. The Dems and Repugs like to strut and posture, rake in dollars and enjoy prestige, and try to make us believe they can still shape the future, but really it out of their control.

    Indeed, according to Bauman, things may be spinning out of anyone's control. That's everywhere, not just in the U.S.

    Ken Nari | Oct 9, 2016 7:45:45 PM | 82
    The Hague @ 77

    Of course the U.S. has tremendous military power, but the "elected" government has no control over it, how it is used or where. JFK's murder ended that era,

    Many here think the U.S., and hence the U.S. military, is controlled by Israel, but Israel too is a nation state, and supra-national institutions ($$$$) seem to be running it as well,

    Recently there have been plenty of posts here pointing out the contradictions and inexplicable behavior of American leaders concerning Syria -- is the military opposing the State Department? Is the "CIA" opposing both and calling the shots? I think Bauman would agree (?) that in the final analysis, none of them are running things. Americans, including their supposed leaders, have lost control of their destiny and can only do as they are told.

    I'm not qualified to judge Bauman's assertion. I'm only suggesting it gives a plausible explanation for the current insanity we're living through. "The State of Crisis" (2014). A great work (only 150 pages) that you'll be glad to read if you haven't already read it.

    Peter AU | Oct 9, 2016 9:17:48 PM | 90
    My take as an outsider. Use Trump to take down the elite. His foreign policy basics are consistent and solid - non intervention, pull back of US military to the US, protection of local manufacturing.
    These are the two best policies to break the globalised elite, US would go through some hard times for a bit re-adjusting, then take off again as part of this world rather than wannabe ruler of this world.
    stumpy | Oct 9, 2016 10:45:06 PM | 98
    Trump's line about Gens. Macarthur and Patton rolling over in their graves was masterful. Telling Hil that she doesn't know who Isis is. Declaring Aleppo lost. Scored some points. The Trump of yesterday's news is not the Trump in the debate. I find this strangely reassuring. Got her on the 3:00AM phone call in res Benghazi. Whoever ran Trump's prep gets a free drink on me.
    schlub | Oct 9, 2016 11:17:57 PM | 100
    WackyLeaks latest analysis on $hitlary:

    US involvement in Libya began at Hillary's urging shortly after Hillary received this advice from her confidante Sidney Blumenthal. Note that the advice that the overthrow of Qaddafi needed to be connected with "an identifiable rebellion" in Syria means that it needs to be connected with civil war in Syria. US involvement in Libya was, of course, coordinated out of Benghazi, as the advice to Hillary suggested.

    Once the fall of Qaddafi was a fait accompli, Hillary's State Department advocated the overthrow of Bashar Assad as a critical component for calming Israel so that President Barrack Obama could accomplish his legacy nuclear pact with Iran without Israel blowing Iran up before the deal was sealed.

    Jackrabbit | Oct 9, 2016 11:45:58 PM | 101
    shlub @100:
    Once the fall of Qaddafi was a fait accompli, Hillary's State Department advocated the overthrow of Bashar Assad as a critical component for calming Israel.
    No. Planning for overthrow of Assad - and use of extremists as a weapon of State - was begun in earnest in 2006; as described by Seymour Hersh in "The Redirection".
    Perimetr | Oct 10, 2016 12:11:18 AM | 103
    Anyone else notice that Hillary couldn't remember what she did while in office? Major mistake.

    Trump recalled that Clinton was secretary of state when President Barack Obama drew his now-infamous rhetorical 'red line' in Syria, ineffectively warning Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against insurgents and civilians.

    Clinton insisted she had retired from the government by the time that happened. Not so: Obama dared Assad to cross his line in August 2012, six months before Clinton's term ended.

    She can't even remain standing during a presidential debate, and can't remember what she did, either.

    Temporarily Sane | Oct 10, 2016 1:19:44 AM | 106
    @ 31 Vice "news" is a bad joke. All their Syria and Libya coverage is 200% pro al-Qaeda/DoS policy. They even had a "journalist" embedded with al-Nusra in Aleppo in 2014 and portrayed them in a favourable light. It doesn't surprise me that their Ukraine coverage follows a similar pattern.

    [Oct 10, 2016] Trump is the first non-establishment presidential candidate to get this far, and he landed lots of painful punches on Hillary during this debate.

    Notable quotes:
    "... He hit on her every issue he wanted to. Repeatedly and strongly. ..."
    "... On that, his taking on one of the hardest gigs in the business/political world tonight after the last few days, and dealing with it, and winning, he may have convinced a swathe of undecideds that he has what it takes. ..."
    "... Sad for all Trump haters, but he demolished the incredibly boring HRC. Trump says it how it is, even if he mixes in fibs and exaggerations. ..."
    "... The Guardian's view of the debate is a predictable one, considering the complete lack of objectivity in covering the election. ..."
    "... There has been no questioning of the fact that Hillary has received millions of dollars, for "speeches" given to Wall st banks. And of course, no questioning of the millions spent by the Clintons as "hush money" to women, in order that they keep quiet about Bill's sexual proclivities. Yep, no objectivity and little attempt at unbiased reporting here. ..."
    "... Do you want to know why Trump won tonight? It's because all Hillary has to offer is the same pre-canned answers over and over again. She comes off as less genuine than any other candidate in history and it's dispicable. ..."
    "... Saddam Hussein was a leader who did not have WMDs and whose orchestrated removal and subsequent murder opened the door to the biggest infestation of mass-murderers and islamic terrorism in the history of the world; Gadaffi was a popular leader who had turned Libya into the most prosperous and the only truly independent Arab nation in Africa, and Putin is the democratically elected leader of his country with a wide national mandate. Neither of the three can hold the candle to the menagerie of tyrannical and maniacal baboons and banana republic chipmonks who paraded and goose-stepped through Obama White House over the past eight years. ..."
    "... I'm no fan of the United States since their criminal actions around the globe post '9-11' but I actually feel some pity for it at this point. ..."
    "... Many of us are sickened more than you may realize. The unfortunate part is the entire system in the US is rigged against its own people. ..."
    "... Hillary Clinton in favour of a no-fly zone in Syria, which basically means a hot war with Russia. Now, rebels are armed by Saudi Arabia amongst others. And Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest donors Clinton Foundation. Coincidence? ..."
    "... This is terrifying. Hillary might put sons and husbands of American women in harm's way on behalf of interests of Saudi Arabia. ..."
    "... hillary's biggest weakness in my opinion is that she is the "goldman sachs candidate" ..."
    "... Then the debate switched to other topics and Trump landed blow after punishing blow. Hillary's non-answer to the question about whether she had public positions and private ones was (for her) uncharacteristically bizarre and rambling. Trump's Honest Abe retort was gold. ..."
    "... On tax issues he noted she had 30 years to do something about the tax code and did nothing. Why? Because all of her billionaire donors use the same tax loopholes she accuses Trump of using, which is also why it won't change if she is elected. ..."
    "... Trump is the first non-establishment presidential candidate to get this far, and he landed lots of painful punches on Hillary during this debate. ..."
    "... The current administration has repeatedly taken unrealistic positions based on ideology and clung to them until the reality on the ground made them utterly untenable to hold onto. As exhibit one, does anyone remember Obama's big speech to the nation when he announced his plan to arm moderate Syrian rebels? That turned out to be one of the most ineffective flops in history, a complete waste of time, money, and resources. ..."
    "... Instead of a debate that was focused on Trump's vulgar comments, the debate was focused on policy issues, and despite all of Clinton's "preparation" when it came to the nuts and bolts of policy, Trump managed to not only go toe-to-toe with Clinton, he often got the best of her. ..."
    "... Finally, finally someone actually asked the question that had to be asked on Syria, despite all the pointless hand wringing. Those rebels, what do we actually know about them, that we are willing to go to war for them? Are they islamists? How will they govern? Do they have any popular support of any kind? ..."
    "... And its not even the whole of Alleppo we are talking about. 2/3rds is already in govt control, Sorry but there is the bitter truth about civil wars. IF they cant come to an agreement, then the best thing that can happen is if one part wins and the fighting stops. ..."
    "... Not many people could face off against a highly skilled politician like Hillary, and win - especially when all the media and grandees have extrapolated from a "locker room" recording to woman-hater/sex pervert. ..."
    "... Trump showed up HRC as unexciting and mediocre. DT could still win. ..."
    "... I fear the Presidency of Hillary Clinton as I believe that she is VERY capable of initiating a nuclear war with Russia. I truly believe that for Donald Trump, this would be a last alternative and that he would insist upon speaking, rather than acting, as HRC would. ..."
    "... I just can not believe a word she utters. She has proven me correct with her "one position for public, and one position for private" quote. Two-faced liar. On the other hand is Trump. There are many laws or positions he endorses which would NEVER survive the two houses of Congress needed to implement them. ..."
    "... You may like or loathe Trump, but it's impressive what he achieved tonight. They had him on the ropes, it was the middle of this fight and he knocked his opponent out tonight. ..."
    "... Here's why. her record! She boasts of so many sponsored bills as senator, yet when you actually look at what she ACHIEVED - 3 meaningless bills - named a museum, a road and a post office! As for her SOS "achievements" are there any? The only things we can say for certain she did, ultimately she has admitted they were mistakes - experience is meaningless if you have poor judgement, and she has prove to have terrible judgement. ..."
    "... And ultimately at the end of the day, IF the will is there, Trump can be prevented from causing ANY damage. Clinton on the other hand has openly stated that she will cooperate with the republicans, thus only right wing conservative bills will get passed! ..."
    "... So she has proven poor judgement, a proven record of incompetence, and is desperate to raise the stakes with the Russians! Can anyone explain to me how she is better in any way. Remember Trump is disgusting, but she is a war criminal - her actions should have put her in the hague yet alone the whitehouse! ..."
    "... Hillary's tough talk against Russia and regime change in Syria scare the crap out of me. She's talking nuclear war, and she and the media lie about Russia. ..."
    "... Modern politics is all about have media houses in your pocket to promote your side of the story. For the life of me i cannot believe the presidential race is still so close even though there is a clear bias against trump. ..."
    "... It's been rather stunning as to how far the Guardian has gone to blanket it's news with pro-hilly propaganda. The most shameful moments came when Bernie was running in the primary. ..."
    "... of the two, Hillary represents the most acute, immediate threat to humanity with her calling for a no fly zone over Syria and her neo-McCarthy Russia bashing, demonizing Putin. ..."
    "... The the recent events in Syria witness this threat, with the US openly protecting (supplying) the misogynist, stoneage Al Nusra in Eastern Alleppo, bombing Syrian soldiers who are actively engaged in combat against ISIS, and now bombing bridges leading to the ISIS capital of Raqqa thus preventing the advancing Syrian army from attacking ISIS. ..."
    "... She is backed by the debt slavery banksters, the planet destroying fossil fuel parasites, the fascist military industrial security prison complex and the whole corporate fascist shadow state, not to mention the MSM (including this journal). At least Trump has said this, which is much saner than any of HIlliary's comments regarding Syria, (not to mention Lybia): ..."
    "... Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. Iran is killing ISIS. And those three have now lined up together because of our weak policy," he said. ..."
    Oct 10, 2016 |
    newyorkred , 10 Oct 2016 04:45)>
    Terrible summary by Tom McCarthy of the debate completely omits the main event, namely Trump promising to prosecute Clinton should he become President. WTF.

    There's a job waiting for him at the NYT, the number 1 newspaper for anyone who wants to miss what's actually going on in this election.

    BlueberryCompote , 10 Oct 2016 04:48)>
    Trump won this debate because Clinton wanted to make the issue personal and the fact is that even though Trump is disgusting, she hasn't got a great record to defend. It's shameful that the Democrats chose her and the Republicans chose him.
    Uncle Putin -> jrakoske001 , 10 Oct 2016 05:35)>
    I agree with you to a point, but to be entirely honest, I don't think any of the politicians have more than a surface level knowledge of any of these issues. They rely on experts and advisors to come up with solutions to complex problems and then they make decisions after weighing the options presented. Politicians who have been in the game a long time know all the generic buzzwords and slogans to use, whereas Trump doesn't have the lingo down. It's actually part of his charm. Obama had almost no real world experience with any of this stuff and especially when it comes to foreign policy it would be hard to argue that anyone could do much worse (and Hillary was part of his administration).
    samuraiblue , 10 Oct 2016 04:51)>
    Success of debates can only be based on their effectiveness or otherwise in improving a candidate's position. Trump`s position was almost untenable before the debate. He`s now in an election. By any standards that is a massive win for him.

    Given that the only relevant audience are undecideds (and consider the politics of people as yet undecided about voting for Trump), Trump played a blinder. He hit on her every issue he wanted to. Repeatedly and strongly.

    On that, his taking on one of the hardest gigs in the business/political world tonight after the last few days, and dealing with it, and winning, he may have convinced a swathe of undecideds that he has what it takes.

    I am non-partisan. But I can`t see how anybody can conclude he didn`t win that big time. His position now V before the debate? Answers itself.

    Still don`t see an electoral path to victory for him. That was monumental television. Ugly America. But it is ugly, that`s the reality.

    DomesticExtremist , 10 Oct 2016 04:54)>
    She should be in jail.
    finalcurtain , 10 Oct 2016 04:58)>
    Sad for all Trump haters, but he demolished the incredibly boring HRC. Trump says it how it is, even if he mixes in fibs and exaggerations.

    Unless evidence comes to light of rape or attempted rape by Trump, I can definitely accept the "locker room" dismissal by DT.

    Go Trump --

    MustafaFart , 10 Oct 2016 04:58)>
    The Guardian's view of the debate is a predictable one, considering the complete lack of objectivity in covering the election. Much has been made of Trump's sexist comments, yet not even a raised eyebrow at the Clinton foundation receiving tens of millions in "donations" from Saudi Arabia, a nation that bans women from driving, voting or having human freedoms.

    There has been no questioning of the fact that Hillary has received millions of dollars, for "speeches" given to Wall st banks. And of course, no questioning of the millions spent by the Clintons as "hush money" to women, in order that they keep quiet about Bill's sexual proclivities. Yep, no objectivity and little attempt at unbiased reporting here.

    SNAFU5001 -> BG Davis , 10 Oct 2016 05:05)>
    Not everyone is a political junky and not everyone lives in a black and white world.

    Telling people they are not qualified to vote because they haven't made up their minds yet is an elitist statement. One of the main reasons I refuse to vote for Hillary or Bernie is because of all the elitist people who like to demean others simply because they disagree with the progressive or neo-liberal talking points.

    BehindBlurredLines , 10 Oct 2016 04:59)>
    Do you want to know why Trump won tonight? It's because all Hillary has to offer is the same pre-canned answers over and over again. She comes off as less genuine than any other candidate in history and it's dispicable. It was bad in the Democratic debates and it is atrocious in the presidential debates. Is it really so hard to just speak what she is actually thinking that she just robots out the same rhetoric over and over again? It seems so.

    I was going to vote for her but after this debate, the level of disgust with her is too much. Be a damn person for a change instead of this thing that makes me shudder when she opens her mouth. I just can't do it, Bernie, sorry. Trump repulses me to think of voting for but she makes me physically sick to think about voting for. They say I will be throwing my vote away to vote for a third party candidate but I just don't care. To throw it away is better than to cast it for someone I would forever regret voting for the rest of my like. That goes for the both of them.

    HerrPrincip -> Stetson Meyers , 10 Oct 2016 07:59)>
    Saddam Hussein was a leader who did not have WMDs and whose orchestrated removal and subsequent murder opened the door to the biggest infestation of mass-murderers and islamic terrorism in the history of the world; Gadaffi was a popular leader who had turned Libya into the most prosperous and the only truly independent Arab nation in Africa, and Putin is the democratically elected leader of his country with a wide national mandate. Neither of the three can hold the candle to the menagerie of tyrannical and maniacal baboons and banana republic chipmonks who paraded and goose-stepped through Obama White House over the past eight years.

    Stay on topic. This thread is about alleged Trump's camaraderie with dictators which is now totally and permanently debunked.

    RickyBastardo , 10 Oct 2016 05:17)>
    It was an awful display from any conceivable point of view. There were no winners; none at all.

    I'm no fan of the United States since their criminal actions around the globe post '9-11' but I actually feel some pity for it at this point. The fact that most Americans appear not to be completely sickened and ashamed by their farce of an election speaks volumes about how far their country as fallen on so very many fronts.

    A very sad night for the world, but none more so than for the United States and their people.

    Rich LD -> RickyBastardo , 10 Oct 2016 05:27)>
    Many of us are sickened more than you may realize. The unfortunate part is the entire system in the US is rigged against its own people. We're fucked, we know it, if we try to do anything, they shit all over us with lies and propaganda and wave their corruption in our faces like a damn battle flag. It won't be long before the people finally stand up to this. Trouble is, it may already be too late...
    mike_johnston , 10 Oct 2016 05:21)>
    Hillary Clinton in favour of a no-fly zone in Syria, which basically means a hot war with Russia. Now, rebels are armed by Saudi Arabia amongst others. And Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest donors Clinton Foundation. Coincidence?

    This is terrifying. Hillary might put sons and husbands of American women in harm's way on behalf of interests of Saudi Arabia.

    This is terrifying.

    merle2006 , 10 Oct 2016 05:22)>
    hillary's biggest weakness in my opinion is that she is the "goldman sachs candidate". and trump was able to exploit that. trump said that he was only taking advantage of the same tax laws that hillary's campaign-financing friends take advantage of. and he said that it had been within hillary's powers to change those laws but she wouldn't because of her friends. all hillary has to do is declare that she will stop big tax avoidance and claw bag these avoided taxes and she would have the bernie sanders'
    Uncle Putin , 10 Oct 2016 05:22)>
    Christopher R Barron is not too far off the mark in scoring this one. Trump started the debate with the same awkward and uncomfortable manner as he finished the last one. Hillary's line of attack about Trump being unfit to be president was delivered with maximum skill and effectiveness, and Donald's rebuttal was a bit flat and floundering. Things were looking gloomy in Trumpville.

    Then the debate switched to other topics and Trump landed blow after punishing blow. Hillary's non-answer to the question about whether she had public positions and private ones was (for her) uncharacteristically bizarre and rambling. Trump's Honest Abe retort was gold. He killed her on Obamacare, a real sore spot with middle class voters, pointing out that the premiums and deductibles are so high you have to get hit by a Mack truck before it actually pays off. Foreign policy, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria--all he had to do was point to 8 years of Obama and her own tenure as Secretary of State leading to the present unmitigated disaster. Our friends don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us.

    On tax issues he noted she had 30 years to do something about the tax code and did nothing. Why? Because all of her billionaire donors use the same tax loopholes she accuses Trump of using, which is also why it won't change if she is elected. You can argue pro or con on everything Trump said, but there is no question that this was a much stronger debate performance from him than the first and the final question in which he complimented Hillary actually helped soften his image quite a bit and ended the night on a perfect note.

    wing and some credibility truly back on her side.

    finalcurtain 10h ago
    Trump is the first non-establishment presidential candidate to get this far, and he landed lots of painful punches on Hillary during this debate.

    Hillary hardly touched Trump.

    If no more serious revelations come to light, don't be surprised if he gets a Brexit victory in one month: Americans are sick of polished elite politicians like the Clintons and Bush's.

    tangibletruth 10h ago
    I disagree with everyone here, every poll I've seen has had Trump on top in that debate by a majority. I'd like to see links to other polls, always welcome! I have read the CNN poll was a majority Democrat demographic, which many have stated render that poll biased. I don't know if this is still the case?

    The key thing is - IS TRUMP a lesser of two evils?

    Simply, in my view, YES. Because I believe a less aggressive US foreign policy is essential for global well-being in general The current war party in the white house, whose views Clinton clearly espoused tonight in her accusations, denigration and aggressive stance toward Russia, can only lead one way. It is archaic, medieval and dangerous.

    If there can possibly be a turnaround in attitude from the barbaric, 1980s-style foreign policy hysterically issuing forth from US Military officials atm I would very much recommend we encourage it.

    Trump did not fudge his words regarding the middle east and ISIS. He praised Russian and Syrian combat of ISIS, he stated he did not hate Russia, unlike his rival. His message was altogether one of more solidarity.

    I am not a Trump butt-monkey, Putinbot or an idiot. But Clinton and her War Party are openly arming moderate rebels in Syria, fighting a two-faced phoney war in order to unseat Assad - causing a massive humanitarian disaster out there. The moderate rebels and, at one time, ISIS (I get the impression they've gone out of control now) are nothing more than mercenaries, paid for and armed out of US coffers. Can we wake up to the implications of this? Russia threatened to shoot down US aircraft in Syrian airspace the other day! Are you not alarmed by Clintons gung-ho attitude in this climate?

    This is not a perspective much agreed on in the MSM, but I happen to believe it is the single most important thing in the world today.

    Uncle Putin -> 123Anderson 9h ago
    "He also obviously has no idea what is going on in Syria."

    He said Allepo is probably already lost. There is a reality check for you.

    The current administration has repeatedly taken unrealistic positions based on ideology and clung to them until the reality on the ground made them utterly untenable to hold onto. As exhibit one, does anyone remember Obama's big speech to the nation when he announced his plan to arm moderate Syrian rebels? That turned out to be one of the most ineffective flops in history, a complete waste of time, money, and resources.

    The sad thing is that I remember numerous military commentators in the media who immediately predicted it would be an utter failure and they were right.

    Commentator6 9h ago

    Instead of a debate that was focused on Trump's vulgar comments, the debate was focused on policy issues, and despite all of Clinton's "preparation" when it came to the nuts and bolts of policy, Trump managed to not only go toe-to-toe with Clinton, he often got the best of her.

    Trump needed to win tonight to stay alive. Clinton did not. Trump won, and he lives to fight another day. This race is far from over.

    An accurate analysis.

    The CNN Democrat commentators were shell-shocked after the debate and were trying to convince themselves and the viewers that it was a tie.

    StrategyKing 9h ago
    Neither Richard nor Jessica have actually given an analysis of who one the debate. Both are just rehashing their own personal opinions about Trump, and Jessica, as she usually does, threw in some complaints about men in general. Terrible journalism.

    Hillary won on temperament but Trump won on the issues. He is an awful candidate, and it sucks that such a terrible candidate is the message bearer but that is what it is.

    Finally, finally someone actually asked the question that had to be asked on Syria, despite all the pointless hand wringing. Those rebels, what do we actually know about them, that we are willing to go to war for them? Are they islamists? How will they govern? Do they have any popular support of any kind?

    He should have also shouted out loudly when asked what are the consequences of Alleppo falling. The answer is none! There is nothing in Alleppo that is worth a single American life. If anything there might be good consequences. The civil war will end, people will go back to work and rebuilding will begin. Alleppo falling could be the best thing that happens to Syria.

    And its not even the whole of Alleppo we are talking about. 2/3rds is already in govt control, Sorry but there is the bitter truth about civil wars. IF they cant come to an agreement, then the best thing that can happen is if one part wins and the fighting stops.

    Trump is a desperately poor candidate, but you lot on the left are not making it easy to defeat him.
    And he should have shouted

    finalcurtain 10h ago
    Not many people could face off against a highly skilled politician like Hillary, and win - especially when all the media and grandees have extrapolated from a "locker room" recording to woman-hater/sex pervert.

    Trump showed up HRC as unexciting and mediocre. DT could still win.

    Timothy Everton 10h ago
    This was actually a reasonably decent debate, as far as these two candidates are concerned. Trump maintained his composure, Clinton came close to losing hers. And yes, I DID watch it.

    I fear the Presidency of Hillary Clinton as I believe that she is VERY capable of initiating a nuclear war with Russia. I truly believe that for Donald Trump, this would be a last alternative and that he would insist upon speaking, rather than acting, as HRC would.

    I just can not believe a word she utters. She has proven me correct with her "one position for public, and one position for private" quote. Two-faced liar.
    On the other hand is Trump. There are many laws or positions he endorses which would NEVER survive the two houses of Congress needed to implement them.

    HRC, on the other hand, has the "connections" which would give her the ability to do so. That scares me. She is someone. two-faced, who can not be trusted.

    Puro 10h ago
    You may like or loathe Trump, but it's impressive what he achieved tonight. They had him on the ropes, it was the middle of this fight and he knocked his opponent out tonight.

    It was the "rumble in the jungle" all over again - Trump absorbed all kinds of punishment, he absorbed it all and then ended up in triumph. "Trump bomaye! Trump bomaye! :-)

    Paul Marston 10h ago
    What I found amusing was her line about keeping the high ground - immediately after making several low blows and saying he was unqualified! She claimed she never says that about other candidates, yet said it about both Obama and Sanders - and no doubt every other opponent she has faced!

    This is the fundamental problem with Clinton. Because so many people despise her, she has always campaigned negatively, and apart from the virtually uncontested NY senate positions (bought by her wall street donors), she has lost each time! Now you can sling all the charges at Trump, and I will not disagree with any other them. Trump is indeed unfit to be president. However Clinton is infinitely less qualified.

    Here's why. her record! She boasts of so many sponsored bills as senator, yet when you actually look at what she ACHIEVED - 3 meaningless bills - named a museum, a road and a post office! As for her SOS "achievements" are there any? The only things we can say for certain she did, ultimately she has admitted they were mistakes - experience is meaningless if you have poor judgement, and she has prove to have terrible judgement.

    And ultimately at the end of the day, IF the will is there, Trump can be prevented from causing ANY damage. Clinton on the other hand has openly stated that she will cooperate with the republicans, thus only right wing conservative bills will get passed!

    And as for SCOTUS picks, Obama has proven there is no guarantee of progressive picks, and AGAIN if Trump picks an awful SCOTUS judge he CAN be blocked!

    So she has proven poor judgement, a proven record of incompetence, and is desperate to raise the stakes with the Russians! Can anyone explain to me how she is better in any way. Remember Trump is disgusting, but she is a war criminal - her actions should have put her in the hague yet alone the whitehouse!

    But this is all moot as Clinton shills simply refuse to be honest with themselves and refuse to look at her record. I have asked elsewhere dozens of times to Clinton supporters to name a crime / charge against Trump that cannot be said against Clinton - STILL waiting.

    Frankly it matters not who you vote for as they are both ubfit, but Clinton has a proven record of incompetence and war crimes whereas Trump has not. Personally it is way over time to stuff the 2 party nonsense and vote 3rd party - if they get 5% they get funding next time. Personally I

    Eric Batt 10h ago
    Trump today had to show that he, not the GOP leadership, was master of his base. And his base is by far the largest component of Republican voters so he is master of the party in the month before an election. He is not going to drop out and if the party wants to push that fight, Donald is going to decisively win it. His base wanted Hillary's blood and he gave it to them. In that sense he won. But winning undecideds, no. In that sense he lost.

    Hillary was addressing mainly women voters according to a statistical demographic profile. Don't confront too much, stay calm and collected, and let him have it on his 2005 tape. She saw the debate as a means to finally move women, maybe especially white women, to her side. She absolutely did not need to nail down her actual base, and was out to decisively pick up undecided voters. She probably succeeded. In that sense she won. And it is by far the bigger victory. And mostly because it was already mission accomplished in the 48 hours before the debate.

    In a week we will see the polling for the tape and for the debate. Hillary is going to increase her lead by 2 points if not more. And that includes the battlegrounds. And Trump will very definitely still be the candidate.

    DJoandark 10h ago
    Hillary's tough talk against Russia and regime change in Syria scare the crap out of me. She's talking nuclear war, and she and the media lie about Russia.

    Trump was correct to point out that if the US really wanted to knock out ISIS, they'd have to join forces with Russia. That was the most intelligent thing he said all night. I will not vote for either of them. Because as much as Trump is offensive, she has a sh*t eating grin which makes me sick. I think I'll write in Vladimir Putin, as he is 'currently' along with Xi in China working to make their countries true super-powers with science and technology.

    juascar 9h ago
    A "pearl" from Hilarious : "Russia (when not) is hacking our mails". Then again, she kill the messenger, but don't say 'what' was the contents of those e-mails. Especially those of the pre-campaign against Sanders.
    HindsightMe 9h ago
    Modern politics is all about have media houses in your pocket to promote your side of the story. For the life of me i cannot believe the presidential race is still so close even though there is a clear bias against trump. As an observer i am curious to know why?
    joeblow9999 9h ago
    It's been rather stunning as to how far the Guardian has gone to blanket it's news with pro-hilly propaganda. The most shameful moments came when Bernie was running in the primary.

    Guardian bias is bordering on the bizarre. There are few news sites reporting that Hillary won. So Trump won this debate and didn't take Anderson Coopers bate..... big deal.

    I think an article on how this late comeback won't help Trump at this late stage in the election would be more interesting.

    LitlBludot 9h ago
    They are both disgusting human beings. Though, of the two, Hillary represents the most acute, immediate threat to humanity with her calling for a no fly zone over Syria and her neo-McCarthy Russia bashing, demonizing Putin.

    The the recent events in Syria witness this threat, with the US openly protecting (supplying) the misogynist, stoneage Al Nusra in Eastern Alleppo, bombing Syrian soldiers who are actively engaged in combat against ISIS, and now bombing bridges leading to the ISIS capital of Raqqa thus preventing the advancing Syrian army from attacking ISIS.

    Then you have her history -to name just a few of her callous, inhumane, and cruel in the name of the 1%- of starving hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children to death, her admiration of Henry Kissinger, her recent coup of a progressive, honest and legitimate president in Honduras and its replacement with corporate controlled puppets using death squads to kill environmentalists, journalists, etc.

    She is backed by the debt slavery banksters, the planet destroying fossil fuel parasites, the fascist military industrial security prison complex and the whole corporate fascist shadow state, not to mention the MSM (including this journal). At least Trump has said this, which is much saner than any of HIlliary's comments regarding Syria, (not to mention Lybia):

    ""Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS. Iran is killing ISIS. And those three have now lined up together because of our weak policy," he said.

    "I think it would be great if we got along with Russia. We could fight ISIS together," Trump had said earlier in the evening."

    [Oct 10, 2016] Trump just neutralized his tape scandal and has made Hillary's emails an issue again

    Oct 10, 2016 |
    Titus Pullo October 9, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    Trump just neutralized his tape scandal and has made Hillary's emails an issue again. His talking about the inner city isn't about getting the black vote, but keeping it home on election day. The 30 years bit is effective, which even for someone like me, an unrepentant leftist, made me smile and think so true.

    Clinton could have sunk the knife tonight, but instead, she comes out of this more wounded than him, I believe.

    [Oct 10, 2016] Hillary scrubs sexual assault pledge after allegations against Bill resurface

    Oct 10, 2016 |

    Kim Kaufman October 9, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    She definitely had a weasel word response ready for the deplorable comment she made. Did they give Trump some meds to keep his temper in line?

    Hillary scrubs sexual assault pledge after allegations against Bill resurface

    [Oct 10, 2016] Is it OK for politicians to be two-faced

    Oct 10, 2016 |

    Lambert Strether Post author October 9, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    RADDATZ On Wikikeasl, you need both a public and a private position. Is it OK for politicians to be two-faced

    CLINTON As I said, it was about Lincoln getting Congress getting the 13th Amendment approved. It was principled and strategic.

    CLINTON But lets talk about what's really going on. It's Russian hacking. We don't know if its accurate. We have never been in a situation where an adversary is working so hard to infuence the election. They're not doing it to elect me. We deserve answers. Clinton should release tax returns.

    TRUMP Caught in a lie. She lied. Now she's blaming the lie on Honest Abe. I think it would be great if we got along with Russians. We could fight ISIS together. I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia, no loans from Russia. Segues into the glories of his balance sheet [!!!]. I have no loans from the Russians, got govt work. Many of our friends took bigger deductions: Soros, Buffet, take massive deductions. I pay 100s of millions. When audit released…

    [Oct 10, 2016] Trump Defies Critics, Signals Attack On Bill Clinton Ahead Of Crucial Debate Zero Hedge

    Oct 10, 2016 |

    While the Trump Tape scandal may end up far less damaging to the Trump campaign than many pundits predicted, confirmed by several polls this morning which showed rank-and-file Trump supporters barely changed their opinion of the candidate in the aftermath of the hot mic recording leaked on Friday afternoon, he will have to pull off a strong debate performance while ignoring loud calls from both the press and top elected republicans to step aside, in order to offset a decline in polls has suffered since the first debate.

    That may be easier said than done, especially since over the past 24 hours Trump has seen a barrage of attacks not only from the left but also from his own party, with dozens of GOP lawmakers calling for him to stand down. As Fox wrote earlier , Trump was already struggling through a tough couple of weeks, after the first debate with Clinton, in which she argued Trump was verbally abusive to a 1996 Miss Universe winner. Still, trying to appear unfazed, Trump struck a defiant tone on Sunday in the face of calls for him to abandon the U.S. presidential race, attacking prominent Republicans and saying he has "tremendous support."

    As he so often has done in times of campaign stress, Trump took to social media to try to squelch any speculation that he could leave the race. "Tremendous support (except for some Republican leadership"). Thank you," Trump wrote on Twitter.

    "So many self-righteous hypocrites. Watch their poll numbers - and elections - go down!" Trump tweeted, apparently referring to Republican lawmakers seeking re-election who have withdrawn their support for him over a 2005 video that emerged on Friday.

    The negative speculation over the fate of Trump's campaign was the bulk of Saturday's news cycle, and continued on Sunday.

    As Reuters writes, Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters on Clinton's campaign plane: "We understand that this is uncharted territory ... to face an opponent that is in the grips of a downward spiral in terms of his own party belatedly walking away from him." A source close to the campaign of Trump's vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, dismissed talk among some political analysts the Indiana governor might bolt the ticket in the uproar over Trump's comments. "Absolutely not," the source told Reuters.

    Meanwhile, as noted above, with Republican Party leaders in crisis mode and doubts emerging over Trump's ability to draw support from crucial undecided voters, it appeared that many of Trump's core supporters would remain loyal despite the hot mic incident. A public opinion poll by POLITICO/Morning Consult, taken just after news broke of the video, found 39 percent of voters thought Trump should withdraw, and 45 percent said he should stay. Of those who said Trump should leave, only 12 percent identified themselves as Republicans.

    Suggesting blowback may be in store for some Republicans who attacked Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan was heckled by Trump supporters at a rally in his congressional district in Wisconsin on Saturday, after having disinvited Trump following the release of the recording of Trump making lewd remarks. "You better back Trump!" they yelled. "You turned your back on him!" "Shame on you!"

    But while there has been much verbal speculation about the future of the Trump campaign, now one month ahead of the election, in practice it would be virtually impossible to replace Trump. As we reported previously, in what have been largely symbolic moves, at least two Republican governors, 10 senators and 11 House of Representatives members withdrew their support of Trump, with some advising him to drop out of the race, including John Thune of South Dakota, a member of the Senate Republican leadership. But, as Reuters notes, any attempt to replace Trump on the ballot would face huge legal and logistical hurdles. The Trump campaign fought back, circulating "talking points" to a core of high-profile Republicans who promote Trump in the news media. The points sought to undermine establishment Republicans who have abandoned Trump.

    "They are more concerned with their political future than they are about the future of the country," said a copy of the talking points, described to Reuters by two sources close to the campaign.

    It might work: as we noted previously, Trump has made his battle against the establishment a central campaign theme: what better way of underscoring that than by showcasing that not only do Democrats hate his brand, as of this moment a vast majority of Republicans do too.

    "Phones have been blowing up for the past 24 hours," said a prominent Republican political operative in Washington, referring to a heavy volume of calls among party officials and Republican members of Congress.

    There could be financial complications for Trump however. As we reported last night , Trump's troubles could steer campaign donations away from him and to Republican candidates for Congress and other down-ballot offices.

    But money may be the least of Trump's worries if he is unable to keep his head in tonight's debate.

    What should one expect?

    According to one Reuters source, Trump could help himself if he himself quickly addressed the video and the Oct. 1 New York Times report that he took so substantial a tax deduction on a declared $916 million loss in 1995 that he could legally have avoided paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.

    Altternatively, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Trump adviser, told Sunday talk shows that at the debate Trump might choose to go on the offensive against Clinton by bringing up past infidelities of her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press," Giuliani said both presidential contenders were flawed but that Trump feels he owes it to his supporters to stay in the race. Republicans have attacked Clinton, 68, over what they say is her role in trying to discredit women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct decades ago, and have wondered why Trump ignored to approach the topic during the first debate.

    According to the WSJ, which writes that " Trump Signals Attack on Bill Clinton in Coming Days " a taste of what may be to come was unveiled on Saturday when Bill Clinton was midway through a remark about climate change Saturday when a heckler gave a taste of what he and his wife's presidential campaign might get from Republican Donald Trump in coming days. "Nobody can dispute the fact..." Mr. Clinton started to say at a rally in a union hall, "... that you're a rapist!" the protester shouted, finishing the sentence for the 42nd president.

    Bill Clinton responds after heckler calls him a "rapist" during rally in Wisconsin

    - NBC News (@NBCNews) October 9, 2016

    Previewing a hard-line attack on Clintons' sexual past, Trump on Sunday morning tweeted an interview given by Juanita Broaddrick, who claimed Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her in the late 1970s.... Ms. Broaddrick tearfully recounts the episode in the videotaped interview and said "I'm afraid of him."

    As the WSJ adds, "Trump, facing fierce blowback for his lewd comments about women, is signaling that he will target Mr. Clinton's behavior as he tries to stabilize a campaign coping with its biggest crisis to date."

    In weekend apologies for his remarks, the Republican nominee invoked Mr. Clinton repeatedly, saying he had "abused women" and talked about them in ways that were more offensive than his own in a 2005 video in which he boasted of sexual aggression.

    He also claimed Mrs. Clinton attacked the women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct.

    "I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people," Mr. Trump said in a Saturday morning video. "Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days."

    That line of attack threatens to yank Mr. Clinton directly into the campaign scrum, a space the former two-term president has largely avoided since his wife launched her campaign a year and half ago.

    The WSJ notes that according to strategists in both parties, a tactic where Trump goes for Clinton's past infidelities may backfire.

    Rudolph Giuliani, a Trump campaign surrogate, said Sunday on NBC that he didn't expect his candidate to raise Mr. Clinton's past during an evening presidential town hall meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.

    Additionally, the WSJ notes that Bill Clinton remains a popular figure, outshining his wife and her Republican opponent.

    A recent Wall Street Journal/ NBC News poll found that 45% of voters said they have very positive or somewhat positive feelings about the former president, compared with 38% who have very negative or somewhat negative feelings.

    The same survey found that 37% of voters have positive feelings about Mrs. Clinton, while 52% have negative feelings. Meanwhile, just 28% of voters have very positive or somewhat positive feelings about Mr. Trump; 61% have very negative or somewhat negative feelings about him.

    Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster, said Mr. Trump would be playing to his base of hard-core supporters by attacking Mr. Clinton, but he isn't winning over any new voters. "If he were running a Republican primary race, this could be an effective strategy," Mr. Newhouse said. Now, "it's a failed strategy to try to bring Bill Clinton to this." Lashing out at the former president and saying that he has done something worse is "like an argument that a third-grader might make," Mr. Newhouse said. " When you use an apology to turn around and attack your opponent, you lose ground," he said.

    A democratic strategist, Joe Trippi, believes that "there's no way out for him other than to be humble and apologize", which on the other hand some say would show weakness and give Hillary the offensive. He also pointed out that Trump now needs to somehow win over women and college-educated white voters and that "taking aim at Mr. Clinton is only going to "repulse them further."

    * * *

    While nobody has any idea what Trump's best angle of attack may be, or what the republican presidential contender will say in under three hours when the townhall-styled debate begins, it is certain that following a brief courteous open, the mudslinging on both sides will promptly escalate, resulting in one of the most memorable, "deplorable" yet entertaining slow-motion trainwrecks observed in primetime history. The biggest unknown, however, is how America will respond to it: and for Trump that particular gamble could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Saw less than a dozen Trump Signs. Not a single Hillary

    Notable quotes:
    "... Saw less than a dozen Trump Signs. Not a single Hillary. And this one that I meant to steal, but we came back a different route: 2016 EVERYONE SUCKS ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    DWD October 7, 2016 at 4:13 pm


    Last week we spent a couple of days in Traverse City, MI (Red Wing's Camp) and I noted the yard signs in the 150 miles or so we traveled.

    Saw less than a dozen Trump Signs. Not a single Hillary. And this one that I meant to steal, but we came back a different route: 2016 EVERYONE SUCKS

    Katharine October 7, 2016 at 5:43 pm

    Don't steal it, reproduce it!

    [Oct 09, 2016] Trump has promised to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act . That would take an act of Congress, but would not be necessary.

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    Science Officer Smirnoff October 7, 2016 at 3:37 pm

    David Dayen reenforces the point that Paul Ryan is party ideologist (and has been for years) in bringing up Ryan's Wednesday statement that "he intends to jam through the Ryan budget next year under a procedure that bypasses Democratic opposition in Congress-and make that vow without fear of reprisal, right in the heat of election season":

    . . . Even today, the media assists Ryan when he tries to distance himself from Donald Trump-when in reality, Trump would likely be little more than an autopen as president , signing whatever noxious policy Ryan shuttled through the House and put on his desk. Despite this, the media almost affords him sympathy for his plight about dealing with Trump (he's campaigning with Trump on Saturday, so it can't be that wrenching), rather than recognizing his role as the author of the agenda the next Republican president will carry out.

    The normalization of Ryan as a serious, honest figure allows him to put out as radical a budget as would ever be initiated in American history without anyone batting an eyelash. This may not come back to sting the country next year, if Trump falls the way his poll numbers currently suggest. But at some not-too-distant point, when conservatives capture the entire government, they'll be able to implement this blueprint, the Ryan budget, that should have been made into nuclear waste long ago.

    Grover Norquist would put it slightly differently: Republicans only need a dead man walking to sign their bills.

    cwaltz October 7, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    Isn't it nice that Ryan's plan is to save the Democratic Party in 2018 when they face challenges in keeping their seats at the same level the GOP is facing this year?

    If Ryan thinks there won't be consequences in ramming through changes to Social Security or Medicare, he's bleeping insane and clearly hasn't been paying attention.

    I almost wonder if he can get the rest of his coalition to sign his little suicide pact. If Trump doesn't implode him then Ryan's budget just might.

    Science Officer Smirnoff October 7, 2016 at 7:05 pm


    Republicans merely can cherry-pick Ryan's budget-but they're a monolith on core doctrine, tax cuts on income from wealth and deregulation, eh?

    . . . or this bonus–Robert Kuttner in American Prospect:

    Trump has promised to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act . That would take an act of Congress, but would not be necessary. He'd need only to appoint stooges to several key Treasury positions, or repeal existing regulations and not write new ones. The same is true of a broad swath of environmental, civil-rights, and labor regulation, not to mention rights of immigrants. . . Trump could reach out to such relatively conservative unions as police, fire, and building trades with a blend of carrots and sticks. He could try to enlist industrial unions such as the Steelworkers and the United Auto Workers that are most threatened by trade, and ask for their explicit support. Then he could concentrate his fire on left unions like the Service Employees International Union, which has a heavily black and Latino membership. His white working-class bona fides would be strengthened-and the labor movement's alliance with the Democratic Party sundered.


    NY Union Guy October 7, 2016 at 7:36 pm

    As a white union guy in an AFL union who knows plenty of other white guys in other AFL unions, I find your whole scenario entirely plausible.

    Trump is very popular among my cohorts, which I find rather ironic since he spent years on TV playing the role of boss. It wouldn't take much, maybe a federal pre-emption of state right-to-work laws, to get the union factions you spoke of on board. Cardcheck seems to be more of an SEIU/UFCW type of issue and those definitely aren't Trump unions.

    cwaltz October 7, 2016 at 10:00 pm

    As the wife of a white union guy I don't,

    The union leadership is quite often lazy and self serving. They"ll continue to back Democrats even though they get very little from the alliance,

    As a matter of fact I got my first anti Trump mailer today, It was from the SMART PAC(railroad union)

    hunkerdown October 7, 2016 at 8:47 pm

    Even today, the media assists Ryan when he tries to distance himself from Donald Trump

    Curiously, he fails to mention - or mentioned but editors cut - allegations that to do so was official Hillary policy. The impending flame-out of this Party system can be hung right on her and her mooks' shoulders.

    Benedict@Large October 7, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    I have no fear of Ryan enacting his budget. Any party that enacts that budget will be removed from power for the following three generations. Everyone that was alive when that happened would have to die before that party ever got another chance.

    No doubt that party would then repeat that same mistake.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Contradicting FBI view, Clintons leaked speeches portray her as computer savvy

    Notable quotes:
    "... Contradicting FBI view, Clinton's leaked speeches portray her as computer savvy McClatchy ..."
    "... charged with a computer facilitated crime – computer illiterate ..."
    "... charged with generating funds from Silicon valley financiers – computer savvy… ..."
    "... Public position, private position, Dan. She has been completely forthright about this. ;-) ..."
    "... Similar to choosing Clinton for President despite her record of leading from behind on good things and disastrously wrong choices in financial policy and oversight, Foreign Policy and civil rights, choosing to listen to one thing Richard Rubin says after decades of evidence that he couldn't find his hands in front of his face on a sunny day… Oh wait these are only failures and disasters if you aren't part of the in crowd. ..."
    "... there is a ton of material both in those emails AND from the hurricane where Clinton is extremely vulnerable. Attack her on the record of her actions and of the Foundation in Haiti and tie her to the dead from the hurricane (justified). Point out what her statements regarding the trade deals, Social Security, Medicare. even sending your kids to war. He has an opportunity and material, but can he or will he use it? ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 10:00 am

    Contradicting FBI view, Clinton's leaked speeches portray her as computer savvy McClatchy

    Pretty simple
    charged with a computer facilitated crime – computer illiterate
    charged with generating funds from Silicon valley financiers – computer savvy…

    Jim Haygood October 9, 2016 at 10:30 am

    Public position, private position, Dan. She has been completely forthright about this. ;-)

    Pat October 9, 2016 at 10:06 am

    Similar to choosing Clinton for President despite her record of leading from behind on good things and disastrously wrong choices in financial policy and oversight, Foreign Policy and civil rights, choosing to listen to one thing Richard Rubin says after decades of evidence that he couldn't find his hands in front of his face on a sunny day… Oh wait these are only failures and disasters if you aren't part of the in crowd.

    I believe we will know how serious Trump is if he manages to shift the conversation tonight to Clinton's own quotes and what they mean. He will have to say his prepared piece in answer to the planted questions and refuse to let them get under his skin, ignore the bait to attack back on that. Who knows if he can.

    But there is a ton of material both in those emails AND from the hurricane where Clinton is extremely vulnerable. Attack her on the record of her actions and of the Foundation in Haiti and tie her to the dead from the hurricane (justified). Point out what her statements regarding the trade deals, Social Security, Medicare. even sending your kids to war. He has an opportunity and material, but can he or will he use it?

    [Oct 09, 2016] Comparing Bernie's rallies with Hillary

    Notable quotes:
    "... Zach Bee Of all the words you could chant, in the entire english language, they pick the ONE that rhymes with liar? What does Hillary! Fire! Even mean? I thought that was a joke at first. Wow. ..."
    "... Moh Moony Spot on mate. No one ever accused Hillbots of being very bright. beidoll I kept thinking it should have been "Fire Hillary". I'd fire her before I'd hire her. ..."
    "... Thanet Taout LOLOLOLOL ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 10:40 am

    For those who want a few laughs in these grim times, check out the excellent Jimmy Dore's video (6 minutes) comparing Bernie's rallies with Hillary's. There is a truly cringeworthy episode of HRC cheerleading in the clip.

    Bernie Crowds vs Hillary Crowds - A Depressing, Hilarious Comparison

    integer October 9, 2016 at 10:59 am

    Heh. I liked this little exchange in the comments:

    Zach Bee
    Of all the words you could chant, in the entire english language, they pick the ONE that rhymes with liar? What does Hillary! Fire! Even mean? I thought that was a joke at first. Wow.

    Moh Moony
    Spot on mate. No one ever accused Hillbots of being very bright.

    I kept thinking it should have been "Fire Hillary". I'd fire her before I'd hire her.

    Thanet Taout

    BecauseTradition October 9, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    What does Hillary! Fire! Even mean?

    Liar, liar pants on fire?

    [Oct 09, 2016] Bernie is the Biggest Frigging Sellout, if you ask me. He spends 6 months railing against HRC's policies and now is out promoting her. He is dead to me now.

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    edmondo October 9, 2016 at 9:53 am

    So even after Hillary says she's going to renounce every campaign promise she made two hours after the polls close, Bernie can't wait to get out on the campaign trail urge us to vote for our own extinction?

    Donald may be "The Apprentice" but Bernie has got to be "The Biggest Loser"

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 11:39 am

    Bernie is the Biggest Frigging Sellout, if you ask me. He spends 6 months railing against HRC's policies and now is out promoting her. He is dead to me now.

    I can see the expediency of a reluctant endorsement at the convention, but he's lost his credibility with this behaviour. They must've threatened him with loss of his Senate committee positions or something.

    DarkMatters October 9, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    …or offered to fund his foundation and invite hi to expensive lectures. Carrot or stick, carrot or stick; so hard to tell. I imagine the stick is avoided when possible; no point in bringing needless ugliness into what could be a nice relationship.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Trump will prove to be the Republican Boris Yeltsin

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    John Merryman October 9, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    A prediction and question; Trump will prove to be the Republican Boris Yeltsin. Any guesses as to who will be the Putin? Chaffetz?

    [Oct 09, 2016] tomorrow, their subscription office will be flooded with cancellations

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    John Zelnicker October 9, 2016 at 10:13 am

    BREAKING: The Alabama Media Group, publisher of the Mobile Press-Register, The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and other publications, as well as one of the most right wing publishers in the South, has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.

    For those who are familiar with Alabama politics (Yves?) this is yuuge.

    NotTimothyGeithner October 9, 2016 at 10:50 am

    And tomorrow, their subscription office will be flooded with cancellations. The GOP hive mind simply doesn't work this way.

    When people buy newspapers for the op-eds, they want to read what they already think. The newspapers themselves are largely purchased as local papers of record or status symbols. The Union Leader endorsed Hillary, and New Hampshire isn't breaking for Hillary. The Union Leader is a huge deal.

    I know Team Blue is excited, but Palin, McCain (Team Blue seems to love his deranged positions), Shrub, Jeb, Reagan, Nixon, Rick Scott, Graham, Thurmond, Helms, Mittens…do you see where I am going?…haven't destroyed the GOP. Partisan politics matters, believe it or not. By the end of the week, every Republican outside of the ones close to retirement will have apologized and declare war on "micro aggressions."

    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 10:56 am

    John Zelnicker
    October 9, 2016 at 10:13 am

    Once you get past the BRANDING (repub versus dem) isn't it just obvious that Hillary would have been to the comfortable with most of the repub candidates, on most issues, except for a very, very few social issues, and even there not significantly outside repub suburban norms???

    The parties in my view are the biggest impediment to critical thinking there is – their downfall can't happen soon enough.

    But I agree – this is YUUGE! Its kinda like the death of Sears.

    lyman alpha blob October 9, 2016 at 11:39 am

    I get where you coming from but is it really that surprising that an ultra right wing paper endorses an ultra right winger?

    Also breaking: water wet

    Do we still need more proof that Nader was right?

    And isn't it ironic that it took a master of kayfabe reality TV star like Trump to get so many of these supposedly partisan hacks to play it straight?

    [Oct 09, 2016] Donald Trump lewd tape is just words, while Hillary defense of 40 year old rapist of 12 girl girl is a fact

    Notable quotes:
    "... Citizens United ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Donald Trump Says Campaign Not in Crisis, and There Is 'Zero Chance I'll Quit' WSJ. Trump: "Go behind closed doors of the holier-than-thou politicians and pundits and see what they're saying. I look like a baby."

    Sex, Dice, and the Trump Tapes Corey Robin

    Can You Believe Donald Trump Did That Thing? McSweeney's

    Many men talk like Donald Trump in private. And only other men can stop them. WaPo. The difference between these many men (at least the elite ones) and Trump is that Trump aspired to political power. The implicit Democrat narrative that Trump is a uniquely pernicious outlier is ludicrous on its face, as indeed this article urges.

    Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P. NYT. Except… This is the Republican establishment that (a) fielded 17 candidates none of whom could be bothered to do oppo even to the extent of listening to Trump's public tapes on Howard Stern, that (b) failed to fund or unify behind a candidate to stop Trump when they had the chance, and that (c) is hated by the most powerful factions in its own base. I think they're going to have to carry Trump to term.

    GOP repudiation of Trump before 11/8? If so, then what? PrawfsBlog

    Analysis: Republicans dropping Trump must answer: Why now? AP

    RNC lawyers look at options for replacing Trump Politico and RNC halts Victory project work for Trump Politico

    Paul Ryan heckled at Wisconsin festival over criticism of Trump Yahoo News.

    Donald Trump, Ohio & the GOP meltdown Cincinatti Enquirier

    Donald Trump's pastor problem: 40 percent of Protestant ministers are still undecided WaPo

    How the Golden State Became the Intellectual Capital of Trump's GOP The American Interest (Re Silc).

    Clinton-Trump battle too close to call in four swing states McClatchy. This is before Trump's hot mike eruption; in terms of peeling off Trump voters, I would like to whether non-college-educated white women have shifted.

    TV Ad Spending Reveals the States Where Trump and Clinton Are Fighting Hardest Bloomberg

    Bernie Sanders Packs Schedule With Campaign Stops for Hillary Clinton Wall Street Journal

    Hillary Clinton Is in Her Own Form of Climate Denial In These Times
    The Disastrous Failure of Lesser Evilism Counterpunch

    Howard Dean: How to Move Beyond the Two-Party System NYT. Oh, Hoho

    AP Exclusive: Job hunt substantial part of Bayh's last year AP. "Evan Bayh spent substantial time during his last year in the Senate searching for a private sector job even as he voted on issues of interest to his future corporate bosses, according to the former Indiana lawmaker's 2010 schedule." So what? Both party establishments accept the central doctrine of Citizens United , that absent a showing of quid pro quo , there's no corruption. Move along, people, move along. There's no story here.

    The Last 100 Days: Obama's Nobel Peace Prize edition Yahoo News

    temporal October 9, 2016 at 8:31 am

    I'm shocked that Trump would say rude things in private. Men (and women, don't fool yourself) being rude. Huh. Never would have seen that coming. An entire entertainment industry called comedy, especially standup, based on levels of rudeness. Can't be.

    World leaders like LBJ watching movies of animals copulating in the White House or bragging about having a Senator doing his bidding indicated by having the man's p*cker in his pocket.


    Tom Denman October 9, 2016 at 9:12 am

    Yesterday John McCain again showed that he is a national treasure when he assailed Donald Trump's "demeaning comments about women." This voice of decency and reason in 1998 told a meeting of Republicans: "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father." [1]

    McCain was joined in withdrawing support from Trump by his fellow neocon Condoleezza Rice. Rice demonstrated her superior judgement during the summer of 2001 when she systematically devalued intel that explicitly warned of an impending major terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

    The Republican hawks repudiating Trump are motivated not by his attitude towards women but by his refusal to kowtow to a War Machine that has bought and paid for Hillary Clinton.

    And given that it was already universally known that Trump is a despicable lout, these defections look a lot more like part of a larger orchestrated outrage than a spontaneous reaction to the Trump tape.


    mad as hell. October 9, 2016 at 9:21 am

    That is a good find! If only it would go viral!

    hreik October 9, 2016 at 9:30 am

    And then there's this:

    Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.

    Jim Haygood October 9, 2016 at 10:23 am

    So where's Ann Kirkpatrick, McCain's opponent? She hasn't even tweeted for a couple of days:

    Nothing there but policy wonkery. *yawn*

    McShame is not even mentioned.

    clinical wasteman October 9, 2016 at 12:04 pm

    Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair ran a great demolition series on MCain during his presidential campaign, with a lot about his disgusting behaviour towards his wife and general gilded misogyny. No link here because the theme recurred through too many articles, a lot of them the late Cockburn's wonderful Friday 'Diary' column (if you missed those at the time, look them up and start reading anywhere; also St Clair has lately revived the tradition, and his diary is almost as good), but they should be easily searchable in the Counterpunch archive. Or you could find them in AC's final book, 'A Colossal Wreck'.

    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 10:22 am

    Tom Denman
    October 9, 2016 at 9:12 am

    I could go all Plato and shadows on the cave walls, but everything we see is filtered. Or emphasized.
    Very, very rich people, with very, very specific agendas, do the filtering and decide what you see, but more IMPORTANTLY, what you don't.

    jrs October 9, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    maybe they are just repudiating for a reason Trump if anyone on earth would understand. They don't want to be seen with a loser (when Trump loses the election).

    Robert Hahl October 9, 2016 at 8:33 am

    Re: Badgers. From Hunter S. Thompson's Rolling Stone obituary for Richard Nixon"

    "It was Richard Nixon who got me into politics, and now that he's gone, I feel lonely. He was a giant in his way. As long as Nixon was politically alive - and he was, all the way to the end - we could always be sure of finding the enemy on the Low Road. There was no need to look anywhere else for the evil bastard. He had the fighting instincts of a badger trapped by hounds. The badger will roll over on its back and emit a smell of death, which confuses the dogs and lures them in for the traditional ripping and tearing action. But it is usually the badger who does the ripping and tearing. It is a beast that fights best on its back: rolling under the throat of the enemy and seizing it by the head with all four claws.

    "That was Nixon's style - and if you forgot, he would kill you as a lesson to the others. Badgers don't fight fair, bubba. That's why God made dachshunds.

    mad as hell. October 9, 2016 at 8:53 am

    I haven't watched him in a while but I gotta feel concerned for CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Having to acknowledge the Russian punk band Pussy Riot on the air a couple of years ago. Now he has to acknowledge " grab them by the pussy" has to be causing him some anguish. Because I'm sure he has never heard that before. Then again a seven figure salary will undoubtedly sooth some of that faux disgust.

    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 9:56 am

    mad as hell.
    October 9, 2016 at 8:53 am

    You know, on PBS Gwen Ifil's Washington Week in Review, a woman correspondent ACTUALLY quoted the audio tape that has Trump saying he grabs a women's "P" – except she SAID, apparently to "clean it up" a woman's "kitty cat."
    I spit up my Cabernet!!!

    Language – funny how the common name we use to name that small mammalian predator, star of countless Youtube videos, that we keep as pets also refers to womens's sexual organs – except apparently the other name we use for the small mammalian predator can also be used (at least in hip hop videos), but isn't as DIRTY…yet

    (hmmm, I thought you could only say kitty cat if you were actually referring to a…."cat" but you can't say "kitty cat" if your referring to a "P" – odd…)

    I imagine I could saaaaay any word in such a way to make it sound dirty…

    Angry Panda October 9, 2016 at 8:57 am

    Quick hits on the Trump thing.

    a) Trump's comments are, of course, deplorable. But I do not see how they are at all unexpected or out of character for Trump, especially given all the preceding stories about how he behaved on the set of The Apprentice, etc. I mean, what's next, Breaking News – Sun Rises in East as Previously Thought?

    b) If you look at the electoral map (e.g. at RealClearPolitics) and make some reasonable poll-based assumptions (e.g. Virginia and Indiana break for Kaine and Pence, respectively), you end up with exactly three contested areas of the country.

    The Southwest – Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. Let's say those are split 50/50, although so long as Trump keeps flogging the "illegal brown rapists" horse, who knows.

    The Rust Belt-ish – the Pennsylvania-to-Wisconsin arc around the Great Lakes (Penn, Ohio, Michigan, WI, MN, minus Indiana).


    So basically you're looking at something like six states that are likely going to decide the whole contest, because everything else breaks 200-180 or 210-170 or some combination thereof.

    Are Trump's comments going to have any influence whatsoever on his Rust Belt vote? Or are those people voting for him because of anti-trade, anti-establishment, anti-Clinton, whatever other factors? More bluntly, are the pro-Trump women in those states going to shriek in horror at his latest crudeness, or say something like "boys will be boys, but Clinton is still worse"? I don't know. I doubt anyone in the media knows either. Maybe we'll have an inkling in 1-2 weeks with fresh sets of polls.

    Are Trump's comments going to really change the Florida-white-senior-citizen vote, or whatever bloc over there is (reportedly, per Politico) breaking 2:1 for him? I don't know. I doubt anyone in the world knows. Maybe we'll have a better view in 1-2 weeks (again).

    c) Given (a) and (b), as well as the similarly-timed Wikileaks release, as well as the similarly-timed "evil Russians are evil" release by the White House, as well as the upcoming debate…nah, I'm just going to call the whole thing a big set of coincidences and say the media is rightly focusing on the most important story of the hour and not at all willfully ignoring anything else of substance.

    NotTimothyGeithner October 9, 2016 at 10:38 am

    Lambert noted Trump is already an ugly billionaire who has made horrid statements and noted it's likely this is priced in.

    Three issues stand put:
    -it's a claim from a very bizarre person with a history of ugly statements not an accusation
    -Bill is a serial predator. Lewinsky was an intern under his power. Hillary has been part of smear campaigns and is a purveyor of violence to boot. I recall Gaddafi was widely seen being raped before his death which produced laughter. Also how many people laughed at Shrub's correspondents video where he looks for WMDs. First hand accounts of the occupations and wars have been spread for a long time now.
    -the glee from the uni-party and msm can only backfire when they are widely distrusted.

    Virginia is breaking for military contracts. Northern Virginia is largely "military Keynesianism" run amok. The vote there will break for whoever is least likely to move federal spending to other locations. They have to lay the mortgage on government salaries. Northern Virginia outside of a few small enclaves is such a dump. Without the spending, no industry will relocate there.

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 11:31 am

    British blogger John Ward (self-exiled to France, I believe) made similar and useful points today:

    * The recording is eleven years old.

    * It takes place in a locker room, where 97% of those mouthing off this morning have never been in their lives. It was the sort of male fantasy-boasting I listened to every Saturday before getting changed into my footie kit.

    * Nobody died. The US Ambassador wasn't anally raped and dragged through the streets to a grisly demise. No whistleblower was taken out with a drone.

    * It didn't take place in the offices of Goldman Sachs, it didn't take place in the Oval Office, and there were no cigars involved.

    * If American men are shocked by this kind of talk, they're either deaf or just never played sports.

    * From the day he first opened his mouth in this campaign, anyone with an iota of sensitivity could discern what kind of bloke he is: crude, narcissistic and misogynist. This tape is, therefore, not news.

    * The behaviour of his running mate evokes suspicion, I think. Mike Pence voted for Cruz in his home State, and is renowned for his nose being able to sniff a populist soundbite. Both he and Ryan (another Trump-hater in private) were quick to condemn Trump's remarks unequivocally. Senior GOP movers, however, are reputed to have told the Vice-Presidential nominee that if he dumped Trump, they would make him the Republican candidate "by acclamation".

    * The source of the story – the Washington Post – is the biggest non-surprise of all of all: the journalist involved there, David Fahrenthold, has written several stories about Trump's charitable foundation (but ignored the infinitely more septic Clinton Foundation) while casting aspersions on his mental capacity to be President (while ignoring Clinton's consistent inability to stand upright unaided.

    * Fellow Washpost blogger Richard Cohen wrote two months ago (with remarkable prescience) 'The way to hurt Trump is to ridicule him. He is a man of immense pride, a pompous bloviator and a locker-room towel-snapper. Either ignore him or ridicule him.'

    * According to the Post, Farenthold knows the identity of the person who leaked the video to him, but will not disclose it. It seems the person works for NBC, who had a team working full-time to find lewd tapes of Trump during production of their programming featuring him. I understand, however, that NBC were going to leave airing the featured extract until Monday – after the Second TV Debate – and so an activist Democrat supporter downloaded the tape and gave it to Farenthold.

    –FARENTHOLD 451: Trump's bonfire of vanities, or smoke blown in our eyes?

    I just cannot believe the level of outrage over this comments compared to the real outrages and crimes going on in the world today. Ironically, if Trump implodes, HRC will go on to win but more voters - assuming she has it safely in the bag - may vote 3rd party. In any case the victory will be a poisoned chalice. The most corrupt, dishonest, and disliked candidate as POTUS?

    Jim Haygood October 9, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    Probably the best political analogy is "Bill's" Monica moment. The institutional D party reaction was, "It's just about sex."

    As for "Bill," so for Trump. If it's "just about sex," Trump's supporters (including women) will rationalize it away, just as their Democratic sisters did for "Bill."

    Those for whom it's a deal killer were opponents anyway. So nothing has really changed, except that the Clintons could end up getting hoisted on their own petard if the counterattack includes some really damning fresh dirt.

    Baby Gerald October 9, 2016 at 9:01 am

    Incredible set of links, as always and nice work by our own Richard Smith. SLPs being used to front illegal operations– who would've thought? Excellent investigative work.

    The revelations being sussed-out from the Goldman Sachs speeches could be the last straw for Hillary's campaign, tipping undecideds and ex-Sanders supporters further away from her. Public and private position, indeed. It's also an apt term to describe people who answer polls and tell their friends and colleagues they're voting for candidate A, while in fact voting for B,C, or D.

    The Trump hot-take comes as another deflection, but it seems that his base supporters could care less.

    On a lighter note, the Onion hits the nail on the head once again:

    Poll Finds 30% Of Americans Still Undecided Whether To Vote Out Of Fear Or Spite

    Tom October 9, 2016 at 9:43 am

    The selective outrage regarding Trump's boorish behavior and Hillary Clinton's bloodthirtsy and dangerous policy stances is profound.
    In 2013, Clinton says,

    "To have a no-fly zone you have to take out all of the air defenses, many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even if they are standoff missiles so we're not putting our pilots at risk- you're going to kill a lot of Syrians," Clinton admitted. She then expressed concern that would make that "intervention that people talk about so glibly" a full-fledged "American and NATO involvement where you take a lot of civilians."

    3 days ago, a Rueters report says:

    "In a departure from the Obama administration, [Clinton] supports the establishment of a no-fly zone over Syria and has called for an intensified air campaign by the U.S.-led coalition."

    See, it's okay when Clinton 'glibly' advocates for military escalation that is guaranteed - by her own admission - to kill innocent civilians. Like a Hindu goddess of death, she is in her rights to decide when it is acceptable to "take" civilians.

    But god forbid Trump mentions wanting to f*ck someone who he thinks is attractive. There is no place for that kind of talk in Hillary's civilized world!

    voteforno6 October 9, 2016 at 9:59 am

    Hillary Clinton said something rather vile about Gaddafi's death:

    "We Came, We Saw, He Died"

    katiebird October 9, 2016 at 10:03 am

    And this is why I will vote out of spite against her and the DNC for nominating her

    ProNewerDeal October 9, 2016 at 10:04 am

    Trump admitted to past sexual assualts, "hitting on married women by kissing them & grabbing their p***y".

    Far worse than expressing sexual desire towards another person. Agreed that HClinton is worse. Trump sexually assaulting 10s of women, is lower on the scale of moral atrocities than killing 1000s of innocent civilians.

    Speaking of killing innocent civilians, your friendly reminder that the entire Real Basket of Deplorables cohort of US politicians, including 0bama, P Ryan, HClinton, Trump; kill 45K USians/yr per Harvard Public Health Profs, by their continual blockage of Canada-style MedicareForAll, e.g. another ANNUAL killing of 1000 of innocent (USian) civilians.

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 11:35 am

    I believe part of the context is that Trump is boasting how his fame gets him a lot of beautiful women and sex. This is undoubtedly true - just look at Rupert Murdoch's recent marital history. The boasting (and vulgarity) are such a part of his personality. It's odious and I wouldn't want any of my female friends to associate with him, but compared to killing 500,000 kids with Iraqi sanctions, I'd say it's relatively unimportant in the scheme of things.

    JTMcPhee October 9, 2016 at 12:53 pm

    Henry Kissinger: "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." He got to screw Jill St. John, and a whole lot of Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, and me and my fellow troops, among others.

    We're all screwed, us ordinary people. Don't even have the option of "laying back and enjoying it." Too bad we don't have an organizing principle we can coalesce around, to defeat the parasites and mass murderers and enable a world of decency and comity and viable stability…

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 9:47 am

    So I just went to the NY Times "Politics" page at 9:30AM (Eastern Time). Here is a list of the articles, in order. For your reading pleasure or convenience, I have bolded the articles not about Donald Trump. Note their position in the list.

    Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P.

    Inside Trump Tower in Manhattan. Donald J. Trump is facing increasing pressure in his own party to end his candidacy.
    Pressure built on the candidate to withdraw from the presidential campaign as party leaders urged the G.O.P. to shift its focus to down-ballot contests.

    Donald J. Trump waves to supporters outside Trump Tower in New York on Saturday.

    Donald Trump's Conduct Was Excused Again and Again. But Not This Time.
    It turns out that even the most self-interested members of the political class, the true weather vanes swinging in the wind, have their limits.

    Why Republicans Are Probably Stuck With Donald Trump
    Unless he becomes incapacitated or quits, getting rid of him is, legally and logistically, "the equivalent of a triple bank shot."

    Donald Trump the Showman, Now Caught in the Klieg Lights
    Donald J. Trump deftly used the blending of news and entertainment to build a brand, and then a campaign. But all that drama has turned into a big, messy show.

    Graphic: More Than 150 Republican Leaders Don't Support Donald Trump. Here's When They Reached Their Breaking Point.
    Which statements caused Republicans to bail on Donald Trump.

    Presidential Debate: What to Watch For
    To achieve anything resembling a victory, Donald J. Trump needs to focus on the most compelling parts of his message: trade, the threat of terrorism, and the creation of jobs.

    Women React With Fury to Donald Trump's Remarks, but Some Offer Support
    What to tell a 10-year-old daughter? Why hasn't Mr. Trump outgrown the locker-room talk? These are among the questions being asked across the country.

    Men Say Trump's Remarks on Sex and Women Are Beyond the Pale
    Men of many backgrounds and parts of the country had varied opinions on how men talk, but they agreed that Mr. Trump's version was unacceptable.

    Donald Trump's Long Record of Degrading Women
    The candidate has a history of insulting or unwelcome conduct that goes back several decades, The New York Times has found.

    John McCain Withdraws Support for Donald Trump After Disclosure of Recording
    Mr. McCain became the latest party leader to distance himself from the nominee after a recording showed Mr. Trump speaking about women in lewd and degrading terms.

    Paul Ryan, Reluctant Supporter, Weighs Response to Donald Trump's Remarks
    Mr. Ryan uninvited Mr. Trump from a rally on Saturday, and said he was "sickened" by Mr. Trump's remarks about women. But he did not withdraw his support.

    Graphic: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell Reject Donald Trump's Words, Over and Over, but Not His Candidacy
    How the two top Republicans in Congress have responded to Mr. Trump's comments.

    Donald Trump Apology Caps Day of Outrage Over Lewd Tape
    A vulgar discussion recorded in 2005 on a soap opera set added to evidence that Mr. Trump has a record of sexist behavior.

    Donald Trump's Apology That Wasn't
    In a video expressing regret over his lewd comments, Mr. Trump remained defiant, calling the disclosure a "distraction" and used it to renew political and personal attacks on Hillary Clinton.

    Donald Trump: King of the Old Boys' Club, and Perhaps Its Destroyer
    A taped conversation involving the Republican nominee shows a world women rarely see, and may not forget before Election Day.

    Can't Find a Plan on One May Be Picked for You.
    Under a new policy to make sure people maintain insurance coverage in 2017, the government may automatically enroll them.

    What Options Does the U.S. Have After Accusing Russia of Hacks?
    Pentagon and intelligence officials have been debating how to deter future attacks while controlling the potential escalation of a cyberconflict.

    To Redefine Homestretch, Hillary Clinton Cues the Children
    "Measure," a new ad that begins with girls checking their heights against wall rulers, aims to stand out near the end of a negative campaign season.

    Leaked Speech Excerpts Show a Hillary Clinton at Ease With Wall Street
    According to documents posted online by WikiLeaks, Mrs. Clinton displayed an easy comfort with business and embraced unfettered trade in paid speeches to financial firms.

    Newly Released Hillary Clinton Emails Offer Glimpse at Husband's Advice
    The State Department began releasing emails the F.B.I. collected during its investigation into her use of a private email server.

    Billy Bush, a cousin of former President George W. Bush, in August.
    Billy Bush Says He's Ashamed by Lewd Talk With Donald Trump
    Mr. Bush, a cousin of President George W. Bush, said he was "less mature, and acted foolishly" in a 2005 conversation with Mr. Trump about women.

    Imagine if the sexual harassment and rape claims against Bill Clinton were given the same amount of exposure? We know Trump is a lewd, sexist, buffoon, but it was Bill who lied for six months about getting blowjobs from a 20 year old intern in the Oval Office.

    The Guardian this morning has a huge front page spread about Trump but not a mention of the Wikileaks release of the Podesta emails.

    The MSM just don't give a shit about their credibility.

    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 10:10 am

    October 9, 2016 at 9:47 am

    I just have to note this. I remember how well argued and coordinated the defense of Bill Clinton was. I believed it at first. Do you remember that he couldn't have possibly had sex in the oval office because it is sooooo busy??? (I still think the most outrageous lie is trying to convince people that the president works hard). I could imagine the president having a tryst…but in the Oval office!?!!?? don't be ridiculous.

    That people come in and out (dirty side long glance) of the oval office all day unexpectedly????
    And of course, the despicable character assassination of Monica …by "pro women" people.

    HBE October 9, 2016 at 10:44 am

    Guess what every single one of those trump articles have in common. Comments are turned off.

    Wouldn't want the plebs muddying the narrative or bringing up bill clinton would we now NYT.

    Pavel October 9, 2016 at 11:37 am

    I noticed that as well. Same at the Guardian - their main anti-Trump pieces today have comments turned off. Mustn't have the "plebs" mention Bill Clinton's past or bring up the Wikileaks Podesta emails!

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 9, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Like a school lecture.

    You listen until the class is over.

    Only when you're lucky do you get a chance to ask some questions.

    [Oct 09, 2016] The asterisked material is how the Clinton campaign staffer "flagged" the quotes they considered dangerous

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    fresno dan October 9, 2016 at 10:41 am

    (The email is a compilation of quotes from Clinton's paid speeches, not otherwise available. It begins: "Attached are the flags from HRC's paid speeches we have from HWA." The asterisked material is how the Clinton campaign staffer "flagged" the quotes they considered dangerous.) Since these quotes are from paid speeches, we can expect Clinton's private position - expect, that is, if we assume that Clinton isn't cheating her clients by failing to deliver value for money in terms of services to be rendered - to be a more accurate representation of her views than her public one. In other words, we're looking at a pitch to the donor class, when Clinton was laying the groundwork for her campaign. In an oligarchy, this would be natural.

    Sorry, but as I have said before, I don't believe Clinton's speeches are important – they are just a McGuffin to deflect from the real travesty occurring in plain site – what Lloyd Blankfein tells Clinton at the gladhanding after the speech….
    As someone once told me in Washington, nothing TRULY important is ever committed to paper.

    none October 9, 2016 at 10:48 am

    I posted this yesterday but reposting since it's brutal:

    parody of Clinton ad… I won't post a spoiler.

    Jim Haygood October 9, 2016 at 11:12 am

    Wish they could've worked in a few seconds from this old chestnut, featuring 0bama saying the p-word:

    [Oct 09, 2016] Clinton and Podesta Wikileaks Release

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    by Lambert Strether

    naked capitalism

    From: Links 10-9-16 naked capitalism

    The WikiLeaks material is highly relevant to how Clinton would actually govern, as opposed to how she says she will govern. Because of the oddly timed release of the Trump hot mike tape, this story seems to be getting buried, so I'll go into it in some detail. First some links:

    Hillary Clinton's Wall St speeches published by Wikileaks BBC. "Published," and not "allegedly published," or "appear to reveal" (WaPo) .

    In paid speeches, Hillary Clinton said she "represented" and "had great relations" with Wall Street Salon

    Sanders supporters seethe over Clinton's leaked remarks to Wall St. Reuters

    Contradicting FBI view, Clinton's leaked speeches portray her as computer savvy McClatchy

    How the Clinton campaign decisions get made Politico

    And now some quotes. Just to underline what we aleady know :


    *Clinton: "But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position."*

    (The email is a compilation of quotes from Clinton's paid speeches, not otherwise available. It begins: "Attached are the flags from HRC's paid speeches we have from HWA." The asterisked material is how the Clinton campaign staffer "flagged" the quotes they considered dangerous.) Since these quotes are from paid speeches, we can expect Clinton's private position - expect, that is, if we assume that Clinton isn't cheating her clients by failing to deliver value for money in terms of services to be rendered - to be a more accurate representation of her views than her public one. In other words, we're looking at a pitch to the donor class, when Clinton was laying the groundwork for her campaign. In an oligarchy , this would be natural.

    I believe I've mentioned to readers that my vision of the first 100 days of a Clinton administration includes a Grand Bargain, the passage of TPP, and a new war. So you can read the following as confirmation bias, if you will.

    On the Grand Bargain and Social Security (Morgan Stanley, 2013):

    But Simpson-Bowles - and I know you heard from Erskine earlier today - put forth the right framework. Namely, we have to restrain spending , we have to have adequate revenues, and we have to incentivize growth. It's a three-part formula. The specifics can be negotiated depending upon whether we're acting in good faith or not [!!].

    Readers will of course be aware that the fiscal views intrinsic to Simpson-Bowles have been the perennial justification for Social Security cuts ( "the progressive give-up formula" ) and austerity generally. And if you think Democrat orthodoxy on SImpson Bowles has changed, see Robert Rubin today (below). If you buy Simpson-Bowles, you buy Social Security cuts. The policy is bad enough, but "depending upon whether we're acting in good faith or not" is, to me, the real mind-boggler.

    On trade (Banco Itau, 2013):

    Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders , some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere."

    On "green," see Clinton below on climate change. On trade, anybody with a "dream" like that will not surrender TPP lightly.

    On war , Clinton said (Goldman Sachs, 2013):

    Hillary Clinton Said One Of The Problems With A No Fly Zone Would Be The Need To Take Out Syria's Air Defense, And "You're Going To Kill A Lot Of Syrians." "So we're not as good as we used to be, but we still-we can still deliver, and we should have in my view been trying to do that so we would have better insight. But the idea that we would have like a no fly zone-Syria, of course, did have when it started the fourth biggest Army in the world. It had very sophisticated air defense systems. They're getting more sophisticated thanks to Russian imports. To have a no fly zone you have to take out all of the air defense, many of which are located in populated areas. So our missiles, even if they are standoff missiles so we're not putting our pilots at risk-you're going to kill a lot of Syrians. So all of a sudden this intervention that people talk about so glibly becomes an American and NATO involvement where you take a lot of civilians." [ Speech to Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference, 6/4/13]

    Not that there's anything wrong with that .

    And speaking of beating the war drums, there's this gobsmacking quote on climate change (tinePublic, 2014):

    Clinton Talked About "Phony Environmental Groups" Funded By The Russians To Stand Against Pipelines And Fracking. "We were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media. We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I'm a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you, and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia." [Remarks at tinePublic, 6/18/14]

    Wowsers. I wonder what thinks about that?

    Avoiding Viruses in DNC/DCCC/CF Excel Files Another Word For It. For readers playing alone at home.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Bernie Sanders Supporters Furious Over Hillarys Leaked Wall Street Speeches

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    With the media exclusively attuned to every new, or 11-year-old as the case may be, twist in the Trump "sex tape" saga, it appeared that everyone forgot that a little over 24 hours ago, Wikileaks exposed the real reason why Hillary was keeping her Wall Street speech transcripts - which we now know had always been within easy reach for her campaign - secret. In her own words : "if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position." In other words, you have to lie to the general public while promising those who just paid you $250,000 for an hour of your speaking time something entirely different, which is precisely what those accusing Hillary of hiding her WS transcripts had done; and as yesterday's hacked documents revealed, they were right.

    The Clinton campaign refused to disavow the hacked excerpts, although it quickly tired to pin the blame again on Russia: "We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by Julian Assange, who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton," spokesman Glen Caplin said in a prepared statement. Previous releases have "Guccifer 2.0 has already proven the warnings of top national security officials that documents can be faked as part of a sophisticated Russian misinformation campaign."

    Ironically, it was literally minutes before the Wikileaks release of the "Podesta Files" that the US formally accused Russia of waging a hacking cyber attack on the US political establishment, almost as if it knew Wikileaks was about to make the major disclosure, and sought to minimize its impact by scapegoating Vladimir Putin.

    And while the Trump campaign tried to slam the leak, with spokesman saying "now we finally get confirmation of Clinton's catastrophic plans for completely open borders and diminishing America's influence in the world. There is a reason Clinton gave these high-paid speeches in secret behind closed doors - her real intentions will destroy American sovereignty as we know it, further illustrating why Hillary Clinton is simply unfit to be president", Trump's campaign had its own raging inferno to deal with.

    So, courtesy of what Trump said about some woman 11 years ago, in all the din over the oddly coincident Trump Tape leak, most of the noise created by the Hillary speeches was lost.

    But not all.

    According to Reuters , supporters of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday " seethed ", and "expressed anger and vindication over leaked comments made by Hillary Clinton to banks and big business that appeared to confirm their fears about her support for global trade and tendency to cozy up to Wall Street. "

    Clinton, who last it emerged had slammed Bernie supporters as "basement dwellers" in a February fundraiser, with virtually no media coverage, needs Sanders' coalition of young and left-leaning voters to propel her to the presidency, pushes for open trade and open borders in one of the speeches, and takes a conciliatory approach to Wall Street , both positions she later backed away from in an effort to capture the popular appeal of Sanders' attacks on trade deals and powerful banks.

    Needless to say, there was no actualy "backing away", and instead Hillary did what he truly excels in better than most: she told the public what they wanted to hear, and will promptly reneg on once she becomes president.

    Only now, this is increasingly obvious to America's jilted youth: " this is a very clear illustration of why there is a fundamental lack of trust from progressives for Hillary Clinton," said Tobita Chow, chair of the People's Lobby in Chicago, which endorsed Sanders in the primary election.

    " The progressive movement needs to make a call to Secretary Clinton to clarify where she stands really on these issues and that's got to involve very clear renunciations of the positions that are revealed in these transcripts," Chow said.

    Good luck that, or even getting a response, even though Hillary was largely spared from providing one: as Reuters correctly observes, the revelations were immediately overshadowed by the release of an 11-year-old recording of Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, making lewd comments about women. In fact, the revelations were almost entirely ignored by the same prime time TV that has been glued to the Trump slow-motion trainwreck over the past 24 hours.

    Still, the hacked speeches could lead to further erosion in support from the so very critical to her successful candidacy, young American voter.

    Clinton has worked hard to build trust with so-called progressives, adopting several of Sanders' positions after she bested him in the primary race. The U.S. senator from Vermont now supports his former rival in the Nov. 8 general election against Trump. Still, Clinton has struggled to win support from young "millennials" who were crucial to Sanders' success, and some Democrats expressed concern that the leaks would discourage those supporters from showing up to vote.

    "That is a big concern and this certainly doesn't help," said Larry Cohen, chair of the board of Our Revolution, a progressive organization formed in the wake of Sanders' bid for the presidency, which aims to keep pushing the former candidate's ideas at a grassroots level. "It matters in terms of turnout, energy, volunteering, all those things."

    Still, despite the Trump media onslaught, the message appeared to filter through to those who would be most impacted by Hillary selling out her voters if she were to win the presidency.

    "Bernie was right about Hillary," wrote Facebook user Grace Tilly cited by Rueters, "she's a tool for Wall Street."

    "Clinton is the politicians' politician - exactly the Wall Street insider Bernie described," wrote Facebook user Brian Leach.

    Democratic strategist Steve Elmendorf said progressive voters would still choose the former first lady, even with misgivings. "I'd like to meet the Bernie Sanders supporter who is going to say, 'Well I'm a little worried about her on international trade, so I'm going to vote for Donald Trump'," he said.

    He just may meet a few, especially if Bernie's supporters ask themselves why Bernie's support for Hillary remained so unwavering despite a leak confirming that Hillary was indeed all he had previously railed against.

    In a statement earlier, Sanders responded to the leak by saying that despite Hillary's paid speeches to Wall Street in which she expressed an agenda diametrically opposite to that espoused by the Vermont socialist, he reiterated his his support for the Democratic Party platform.

    "Whatever Secretary Clinton may or may not have said behind closed doors on Wall Street, I am determined to implement the agenda of the Democratic Party platform which was agreed upon by her campaign," he said in a statement.

    "Among other things, that agenda calls for breaking up the largest financial institutions in this country, re-establishing Glass-Steagall and prosecuting those many Wall Street CEOs who engaged in illegal behavior. "

    In retrospect we find it fascinating that in the aftermath of October's two big surprises served up on Friday, Sanders actually believes any of that having read through Hillary's Wall Street speeches, certainly far more fascinating than the staged disgust with Trump who, the media is suddenly stunned to find, was no more politically correct 11 year ago than he is today.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Disgusting as Trump is, I am sure not looking forward to the howls of misogyny that will be coming from the Clinton camp

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    Kokuanani October 7, 2016 at 6:26 pm

    I'm surprised not to see anything here about the "political bombshell" of Trump's latest sexist remarks.

    As I listen to the talking heads bloviate about what a "death blow" this is to the Trump campaign, it occurs to me that if the Repubs could engineer Trump's withdrawal from the top of the ticket, they could probably beat Hillary with Pence. They would have to arrange it so that Trump goes agreeably - should not be too hard to do, since many doubt if he WANTS to be president - and Pence could pledge that he would carry forward all of Trump's wonderful Screw the Establishment policies. Trump without the messy Trump_vs_deep_states.

    Disgusting as Trump is, I'm sure not looking forward to the howls of misogyny that will be coming from the Clinton camp. And, just another distraction from talking about policy.

    Waldenpond October 7, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    1. Clinton is corrupt (again), liar (still), dishonest (again), warmonger (still) etc. Trump is racist(still), bigot (again), misogynist (still), Hitler (Putin, Ahmedinejad)…. gets tedious after the 20th time.

    2. I think Trump does it on purpose as a response to a Clinton dump. It looks like her GS speeches are out today so the networks can cover Trump's latest bigoted statement and ignore Clinton insulting the voters and sucking up to the oligarchs.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Hillary Camp Worked With Reporter On Anti-Sanders Story

    Notable quotes:
    "... Then, Mook reveals that the campaign is working with Epstein on a piece bashing Sanders staff for underhanded tactics. ..."
    "... "We are also working with Jen Epstein for a story about this (not necessarily the 11pm knocks, which we are working to confirm) regarding Sanders staff coming to office openings, tracking us, lying about endorsements, other shady field activity, etc.," Mook says in the email. ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign collaborated with Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Epstein to create an anti-Bernie Sanders story prior to the Nevada caucus.

    In the vast trove of Clinton emails leaked Thursday by the organization DCLeaks, there is an email exchange between Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook and Emily Ruiz, head of the campaign's Nevada operation. In the exchange, Ruiz and Mook discuss rumors that Sanders volunteers were posing as Clinton operatives and engaging in irritating behavior like knocking on voters' doors at 11 pm.

    Then, Mook reveals that the campaign is working with Epstein on a piece bashing Sanders staff for underhanded tactics.

    "We are also working with Jen Epstein for a story about this (not necessarily the 11pm knocks, which we are working to confirm) regarding Sanders staff coming to office openings, tracking us, lying about endorsements, other shady field activity, etc.," Mook says in the email.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Trump angst looms over economic elite at IMF meetings

    Notable quotes:
    "... "In my lifetime I cannot remember anything like the scepticism about these values that we see today," said Suma Chakrabarti, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ..."
    "... There was much discussion this week about the underlying causes of that scepticism - low growth, stagnant wages and other scars of the 2008 global financial crisis - together with calls for governments to do more to ensure the benefits of globalisation are distributed more widely. ..."
    "... Lou Jiwei, China's finance minister, told reporters on Friday, the current "political risks" would in the immediate future lead only to "superficial changes" for the global economy. But underlying them was a deeper trend of "deglobalisation". ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    The world's economic elite spent this week invoking fears of protectionism and the existential crisis facing globalisation

    .... ... ...

    Mr Trump has raised the possibility of trying to renegotiate the terms of the US sovereign debt much as he did repeatedly with his own business debts as a property developer. He also has proposed imposing punitive tariffs on imports from China and Mexico and ripping up existing US trade pacts.

    ... ... ...

    "Once a tariff has been imposed on a country's exports, it is in that country's best interest to retaliate, and when it does, both countries end up worse off," IMF economists wrote.

    It is not just angst over Mr Trump. There are similar concerns over Brexit and the rise of populist parties elsewhere in Europe. All present their own threats to the advance of the US-led path of economic liberalisation pursued since Keynes and his peers gathered at Bretton Woods in 1944.

    "In my lifetime I cannot remember anything like the scepticism about these values that we see today," said Suma Chakrabarti, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

    There was much discussion this week about the underlying causes of that scepticism - low growth, stagnant wages and other scars of the 2008 global financial crisis - together with calls for governments to do more to ensure the benefits of globalisation are distributed more widely.

    Lou Jiwei, China's finance minister, told reporters on Friday, the current "political risks" would in the immediate future lead only to "superficial changes" for the global economy. But underlying them was a deeper trend of "deglobalisation".

    ... ... ...

    [Oct 09, 2016] The Week Globalists Started to Panic

    Notable quotes:
    "... Weak global trade, fears that the U.K. is marching towards a hard Brexit , and polls indicating that the U.S. election remains a tighter call than markets are pricing in have led a bevy of analysts to redouble their warnings that a backlash over globalization is poised to roil global financial markets-with profound consequences for the real economy and investment strategies. ..."
    "... From the economists and politicians at the annual IMF meeting in Washington to strategists on Wall Street trying to advise clients, everyone seems to be pondering a future in which cooperation and global trade may look much different than they do now. ..."
    "... "The main risk with potentially tough negotiating tactics is that trade partners could panic, especially if global coordination evaporates." ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    Weak global trade, fears that the U.K. is marching towards a hard Brexit , and polls indicating that the U.S. election remains a tighter call than markets are pricing in have led a bevy of analysts to redouble their warnings that a backlash over globalization is poised to roil global financial markets-with profound consequences for the real economy and investment strategies.

    From the economists and politicians at the annual IMF meeting in Washington to strategists on Wall Street trying to advise clients, everyone seems to be pondering a future in which cooperation and global trade may look much different than they do now.


    Suggestions that the U.K. will prioritize control over its migration policy at the expense of open access to Europe's single market in negotiations to leave the European Union-a strategy that's being dubbed a "hard Brexit"-loomed large over global markets. The U.K. government is "strongly supportive of open markets, free markets, open economies, free trade," said Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond during a Bloomberg Television interview in New York on Thursday. "But we have a problem-and it's not just a British problem, it's a developed-world problem-in keeping our populations engaged and supportive of our market capitalism, our economic model."


    Citing the rising anti-trade sentiment, analysts from Bank of America Merrill Lynch warned that "events show nations are becoming less willing to cooperate, more willing to contest," and a backlash against inequality is likely to trigger more activist fiscal policies. Looser government spending in developed countries-combined with trade protectionism and wealth redistribution-could reshape global investment strategies, unleashing a wave of inflation, the bank argued, amid a looming war against inequality.

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew did his part to push for more openness. During an interview in Washington on Thursday, he said that efforts to boost trade, combined with a more equitable distribution of the fruits of economic growth, are key to ensuring U.S. prosperity. Rolling back on globalization would be counterproductive to any attempt to boost median incomes, he added.


    Without mentioning him by name, Lew's comments appeared to nod to Donald Trump, who some believe could take the U.S. down a more isolationist trading path should he be elected president in November. "The emergence of Donald Trump as a political force reflects a mood of growing discontent about immigration, globalization and the distribution of wealth," write analysts at Fathom Consulting, a London-based research firm. Their central scenario is that a Trump administration might be benign for the U.S. economy. "However, in our downside scenario, Donald Dark, global trade falls sharply and a global recession looms. In this world, isolationism wins, not just in the U.S., but globally," they caution.

    Analysts at Standard Chartered Plc agree that the tail risks of a Trump presidency could be significant. "The main risk with potentially tough negotiating tactics is that trade partners could panic, especially if global coordination evaporates." They add that business confidence could take a big hit in this context. "The global trade system could descend into a spiral of trade tariffs, reminiscent of what happened after the Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930 , and ultimately a trade war, possibly accompanied by foreign-exchange devaluations; this would be a 'lose-lose' deal for all."

    Market participants are also concerned that populism could take root under a Hillary Clinton administration. "We believe the liberal base's demands on a Clinton Administration could lead to an overly expansive federal government with aggressive regulators," write analysts at Barclays Plc. "If the GOP does not unify, Clinton may expand President Obama's use of executive authority to accomplish her goals."

    [Oct 09, 2016] Some of Clintons pledges sound great. Until you remember whos president

    Notable quotes:
    "... Hillary Clinton and husband Bill will turn the White House and the U.S. Government into their personal bank. ..."
    "... If the American electorate selects Hillary as their commander and chief she will immediately demand a No-Fly Zone over Syria. She will impose more economic sanctions on Russia, including an increase in NATO strength on Russia's western borders, just to show she is the Queen bitch. She will give israHell carte blanche to increase and expand further abuse in the Gaza strip. She is a woman scorned. And a very dangerous one. ..."
    "... [neo]Liberalism is in terminal decline, and not a moment too soon. ..."
    "... Hillary does not have any creative spark at all. She, like Obama is a dud, but one thing is for sure, she is not Donald. ..."
    "... These same americans should go back, for once, to his 2008 campaign to defeat first Hillary in the primaries and then the republican McCain. ..."
    "... The climate was dominated by the financial meltdown, which really started in the summer of 2007 and was evident by early spring of 2008. Hillary was the candidate of Wall Street, according to Obama, the republicans were one and the same with Wall Street and all the big corporate world, he was Hope and Change. ..."
    "... Hope? What hope? And even more: change, what change? There has been little change, if almost half of the nation is now ready to accept Trump as a promise of change. Obama's main financial support came in 2008 from Wall Street, hedge funds in particular, and they were right because nobody like the first Afro-American president, himself inevitably the incarnation of progressivism, could save their ass after all the criminal finance they indulged in. ..."
    "... So, Obama's inheritance is a problem, and Hillary is running on Obama's inheritance. ..."
    "... Robert Kagan, ringleader of the cabal of neo-cons has endorsed Hillary, who is Roberts wife? why bless me if it isn't Victoria 'fuck the EU' Nuland, ..."
    "... Samantha Powers is a neo-con acolyte, Ashton Carter is too, the State Dept. and the council of foreign relations is riddled with their people, all the horror figures of Dubya's days are lurking there and pulling strings, ..."
    "... Kerry isn't really a neo-con, but the Pentagon and CIA sabotage anything half decent he tries to do, ..."
    "... Basically Hillary is as genuine, left leaning and honest as Tony Blair.... ..."
    "... Also remember the lack of believability of Hillary. She is a politician that has been caught in lies so often that people just don't believe her. She pushed the soda tax in Philly until Coca-Cola complained that they gave too much money to the Foundation to be treated that way. Hillary backed off. She made millions from speaking to Big Banks. So we really believe she will go after Wells Fargo? She is beholden to them (unless Goldman Sachs gets to choose). She says raise taxes to pay fair share, but her biggest supporters are Apple, Google, and their executives that keep billions of income overseas to avoid the highest corporate income tax in the world. Do we really think she will hurt the contributors to the Foundation? And the more the email saga plays out, the longer the untrustworthy issue remains in everyone's mind. MonotonousLanguor , 2016-10-07 20:58:06 Does anyone really believe Hillary Clinton will hold anyone on Wall Street accountable??? She is bought and paid for by Wall Street, starting with all the green backs Hillary and Bill stuffed in their pockets from the those speaking fees. Obama's Justice Department motto was, Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail. The Democrats are not going to bite their masters on Wall Street, and of course neither will the Republicans. IanB52 -> NoctilucentGinswig , 2016-10-07 20:41:06 Prosecuting bankers, prosecuting torturers, stopping white collar crime, wars, assassinations, warrantless spying and even scheduling of Marijuana are all under the control of the Executive Branch. Find even one of these where the President did the right thing. Uncle Putin , 2016-10-07 20:26:49 This is exactly what I was thinking during the first presidential debate. Hillary is an old pro at saying all the right things, pushing all the right buttons to get the votes she needs, but can you believe much of what she says? ..."
    "... This is why, despite a poor debate performance overall, I thought Trump was spot on when he simply said she was a typical politician--all talk, no action, sounds great, none of it will ever happen. He's correct. ..."
    "... What Frank seldom writes of but remains extremely important to many people on the left in the US is that Obama has governed as the effective prisoner of the Pentagon and security establishment. His wars (including on whistleblowers), nuclear build-up, and confrontation with Russia have given added momentum to growing neoconservative bipartisan consensus that will likely see a new President Clinton start a war with Russia in Syria and/or Ukraine. ..."
    "... The Democrats are now both so neoliberal and so neoconservative that the only thing that differentiates them from Republicans is social progressivism. Given a choice between the latter and greatly increased likelihood of nuclear war, I have to confess to preferring that Trump win. Trump has been consistent in wanting to lessen tensions with Russia. ..."
    "... Not even social progressivism, so much as a set of captive client constituencies whom they name-drop and weaponize. ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |
    Thomas Frank

    The Guardian

    The puzzle that is currently frustrating the pundit minds of America is this: why is Hillary Clinton not simply clobbering Donald Trump? How is this ranting, seething buffoon still competitive with her? Trump has now stumbled through a series of the kind of blunders that break ordinary political campaigns – the sort of deadly hypocrisies that always kill the demagogue in old movies – and yet this particular demagogue keeps on trucking. Why?

    Let us answer that burning pundit question of today by jumping to what will undoubtedly be the next great object of pundit ardor: the legacy of President Barack Obama. Two months from now, when all the TV wise men are playing historian and giving their estimation on where Obama ranks in the pantheon of the greats, they will probably neglect to mention that his legacy helped to determine Hillary's fortunes in this election cycle.

    "As a beloved figure among Democrats, for example, Obama was instrumental in securing the nomination for her. As a president who has accomplished little since 2011, however, Obama has pretty much undermined Clinton's ability to sell us on another centrist Democratic presidency. His legacy has diluted her promise

    …. Or take this headline from just a few days ago: "Clinton promises to hold Wells Fargo accountable". Go get 'em, Hillary! To see a president get tough with elite bankers and with CEOs in general – that's something we can all cheer for. But then that nagging voice piped up again: if Democrats think it is so critical to get tough with crooked banksters, why oh why didn't Barack Obama take the many, many opportunities he had to do so back in the days when it would have really mattered?"

    Senator Elizabeth Warren pronounced on the current state of middle America as follows:

    Look around. Americans bust their tails, some working two or three jobs, but wages stay flat. Meanwhile, the basic costs of making it from month to month keep going up. Housing, healthcare, child care – costs are out of sight. Young people are getting crushed by student loans. Working people are in debt. Seniors can't stretch a social security check to cover the basics.

    It was a powerful indictment of what Warren called a "rigged" system – except for one thing: that system is presided over by Barack Obama, a man that same Democratic convention was determined to apotheosize as one of the greatest politicians of all times.

    The larger problem facing them is the terminal irrelevance of their great, overarching campaign theme. Remember the "man from Hope"? "Hope is on the way"? "Keep hope alive"? Well, this year "hope" is most assuredly dead. Thanks to Obama's flagrant hope-dealing in the dark days of 2008 – followed up by his failure to reverse the disintegration of the middle class – this favorite Democratic cliché has finally become just that: an empty phrase.

    dalepues , 2016-10-08 03:43:57
    Hillary Clinton and husband Bill will turn the White House and the U.S. Government into their personal bank.
    ID8737013 , 2016-10-08 03:12:16
    If the American electorate selects Hillary as their commander and chief she will immediately demand a No-Fly Zone over Syria. She will impose more economic sanctions on Russia, including an increase in NATO strength on Russia's western borders, just to show she is the Queen bitch. She will give israHell carte blanche to increase and expand further abuse in the Gaza strip. She is a woman scorned. And a very dangerous one.
    marxmarv , 2016-10-08 01:14:18
    [neo]Liberalism is in terminal decline, and not a moment too soon. It's far past time we redeveloped a politics of interests rather than this Christianised values sham.
    bobkolker , 2016-10-08 00:16:15
    Hillary will win because she is not Trump. If she wins it is another 4 Obama like years and it is Bill's Third Term in Office. Hillary does not have any creative spark at all. She, like Obama is a dud, but one thing is for sure, she is not Donald.
    cilina2011 , 2016-10-07 22:16:45
    I find Thomas Frank's piece very good.

    Too many americans are mesmerized by the fact that Obama is young and articulate, plays well the presidential role, is generally speaking what is called a nice person or at least behaves formally as if he were one, has but only of late (thanks to Hillary and Trump perhaps, by contrast) a fairly high popularity score.

    These same americans should go back, for once, to his 2008 campaign to defeat first Hillary in the primaries and then the republican McCain.

    The climate was dominated by the financial meltdown, which really started in the summer of 2007 and was evident by early spring of 2008. Hillary was the candidate of Wall Street, according to Obama, the republicans were one and the same with Wall Street and all the big corporate world, he was Hope and Change.

    Hope? What hope? And even more: change, what change? There has been little change, if almost half of the nation is now ready to accept Trump as a promise of change. Obama's main financial support came in 2008 from Wall Street, hedge funds in particular, and they were right because nobody like the first Afro-American president, himself inevitably the incarnation of progressivism, could save their ass after all the criminal finance they indulged in.

    And Obama did save their skin, as everybody knows. Obama took on board plenty of Clinton (and Wall Street) people, starting in June 2008, when Hillary was finished. You cannot change that much after the financial crisis if you take Lawrence Summers as economic top advisor and you install young Geithner at the Treasury. Paul Volcker, who inspired so many good and useful judgements for candidate Obama, was put in the closet.

    Obama is a lawyer by education and he knows who is the best customer. That's not the man or the woman of Main Street. To them, some of them, he gave Obamacare, which is not all bad and something of it will remain, I think, but it's not at all that major reform he has been boasting about. By november 8 everybody will know that Obamacare has serious problems.

    So, Obama's inheritance is a problem, and Hillary is running on Obama's inheritance.

    And Thomas Frank is right.

    MattThePleb , 2016-10-07 22:05:27
    nice to see the Guardian have a moment of clarity!

    I do feel sympathy for Obama, he, and his family, have effectively spent 8 years held hostage in the White House by those perfidious neo-conservatives,

    they existed in Ronnie Raygun's day but he laughed at them, G H Bush referred to them as 'the crazies in the basement' and kept close tabs on them,

    they were happily meddling away during Bill Clintons era helping destroy Yugoslavia and furiously planning their 'Project for a New American Century' PNAC basically a blueprint and justification for every shitty thing done since,

    G W Bush let loose the neo-cons of war and we know what they've done,

    Barack Obama's greatest folly was to not round them up on the first day of his presidency, put them in a sack with a brick and throw them in the river,

    they have infested his government and followed their own agenda whilst laughing at him, so the story goes, at a private dinner party Barack was asked why he wasn't doing anything to thwart these shits and his reply was 'you saw what they did to MLK'

    now at the transition to Clinton these neo-cons are actively endorsing her, they consider her 'their girl' Clinton may well turn out to be George 'Dubya' with tits,

    Robert Kagan, ringleader of the cabal of neo-cons has endorsed Hillary, who is Roberts wife? why bless me if it isn't Victoria 'fuck the EU' Nuland,

    Samantha Powers is a neo-con acolyte, Ashton Carter is too, the State Dept. and the council of foreign relations is riddled with their people, all the horror figures of Dubya's days are lurking there and pulling strings,

    Kerry isn't really a neo-con, but the Pentagon and CIA sabotage anything half decent he tries to do,

    Elizabeth Warren as VP would have given Hillary great credibility but she is explicitly not a neo-conservative,

    Basically Hillary is as genuine, left leaning and honest as Tony Blair....

    and people wonder why they pin their last tatter of hope Donald 'Mr Bombastic' Trump?

    much as I find Trump and his hardcore supporters loathsome I have to point out that he has:

    expressed interest in talking with and working with Putin as opposed to starting WW3

    accepted the concept of climate change (massive move for a Republican) but pointed out nuclear war is an even greater and more immediate threat,

    pointed out the expenditure of 5-6 Trillion dollars on pointless wars whilst the country crumbles to ruins, basically a third of the US national debt run up in 15 years,

    the fact he wants to make America great again is because he acknowledges that it isn't great atm,

    he's pointed out that Hillary makes all these pledges but has been in a position of power for decades and has done sod all about it,

    and the establishment , especially the neo-cons absolutely hate him...

    if you're going to hold your nose and vote for the lesser evil maybe chauvinism and casual racism are those lesser evils,

    LGBT rights will not defend you from nuclear bombs, the heat flash that vaporises you is fairly indifferent to skin colour or religion,

    lvtaxman , 2016-10-07 22:01:35
    Also remember the lack of believability of Hillary. She is a politician that has been caught in lies so often that people just don't believe her. She pushed the soda tax in Philly until Coca-Cola complained that they gave too much money to the Foundation to be treated that way. Hillary backed off.

    She made millions from speaking to Big Banks. So we really believe she will go after Wells Fargo? She is beholden to them (unless Goldman Sachs gets to choose).

    She says raise taxes to pay fair share, but her biggest supporters are Apple, Google, and their executives that keep billions of income overseas to avoid the highest corporate income tax in the world. Do we really think she will hurt the contributors to the Foundation?

    And the more the email saga plays out, the longer the untrustworthy issue remains in everyone's mind.

    MonotonousLanguor , 2016-10-07 20:58:06
    Does anyone really believe Hillary Clinton will hold anyone on Wall Street accountable??? She is bought and paid for by Wall Street, starting with all the green backs Hillary and Bill stuffed in their pockets from the those speaking fees.

    Obama's Justice Department motto was, Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail. The Democrats are not going to bite their masters on Wall Street, and of course neither will the Republicans.

    IanB52 -> NoctilucentGinswig , 2016-10-07 20:41:06
    Prosecuting bankers, prosecuting torturers, stopping white collar crime, wars, assassinations, warrantless spying and even scheduling of Marijuana are all under the control of the Executive Branch. Find even one of these where the President did the right thing.
    Uncle Putin , 2016-10-07 20:26:49
    This is exactly what I was thinking during the first presidential debate. Hillary is an old pro at saying all the right things, pushing all the right buttons to get the votes she needs, but can you believe much of what she says?

    This is why, despite a poor debate performance overall, I thought Trump was spot on when he simply said she was a typical politician--all talk, no action, sounds great, none of it will ever happen. He's correct.

    Hillary is promising all sorts of things that she knows will never come to fruition. I voted for Obama twice, but I'm chomping at the bit to vote for Trump, for no other reason then the fact that he is the true outsider here. It's a gamble for sure, but with the right advisors he could potentially institute some major changes that will never happen under a cautious Hillary who will be obsessed with re-election the minute she starts her first term.

    Wayne Waxman , 2016-10-07 20:02:39
    What Frank seldom writes of but remains extremely important to many people on the left in the US is that Obama has governed as the effective prisoner of the Pentagon and security establishment. His wars (including on whistleblowers), nuclear build-up, and confrontation with Russia have given added momentum to growing neoconservative bipartisan consensus that will likely see a new President Clinton start a war with Russia in Syria and/or Ukraine.

    The Democrats are now both so neoliberal and so neoconservative that the only thing that differentiates them from Republicans is social progressivism. Given a choice between the latter and greatly increased likelihood of nuclear war, I have to confess to preferring that Trump win. Trump has been consistent in wanting to lessen tensions with Russia.

    As a voter, of course, I could vote for neither, and so am voting for Jill Stein.

    marxmarv Wayne Waxman , 2016-10-08 01:26:45
    Not even social progressivism, so much as a set of captive client constituencies whom they name-drop and weaponize.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Why I Am Having Nightmares About the Coming Election

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    The American Conservative

    Thus my nightmares about the coming election. Consider:

    Trump: He promises to "make America great again." ("Deutschland uber alles," anyone?) He rants against immigrants and Muslims and conniving foreign nations like Mexico and China. (Jews and gypsies get a pass this time.) He is a bully. He promises hope to those who have been left behind economically and socially. He attracts huge and very devoted crowds at his rallies. He has no coherent program, at least yet-you have to believe in him as a great leader.

    Whom does he remind you of, at least vaguely?

    Clinton: She is secretive to a fault, perhaps paranoid in her pursuit of power. There are hints of hidden illnesses, so reminiscent of Uncle Joe. An unhidden lust for money at any cost. Considering "two for the price of one" (Bill and Hill), there are the key operatives who conveniently die when in disfavor. They do not hesitate to use the Justice Department, and especially the IRS, to persecute opponents. She runs a tight operation, as secretive as she is personally, and has an ideological platform for totally transforming America.

    Whom does she remind you of, at least vaguely?

    Again, let me be clear. I do not think Trump has a holocaust in mind; he is just an opportunist using "the other" both domestically and abroad to gain power. And I do not think Clinton has the stamina for sustained great purges and great gulags. Yes, she has a lust for power, but she has even more lust for getting rich through politics. She can be bought, and has been, constantly.

    It is these characteristics, however, that are so disturbing. They build on what has come before, but suggest a revolutionary escalation. Every president during my lifetime has added to the power of the American empire and the deep state, but now we seem to be at an unprecedented and transformative junction.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Stop the presses: Donald has no problem with acting like a classless pig!

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    cwaltz October 7, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    Just in case anyone was disabused of the idea that Donald has no problem with acting like a classless pig!

    NY Union Guy October 7, 2016 at 8:44 pm

    This may actually help the Donald mobilize his base of pissed-off white guys. I mean, how do you think they talk about women in their locker rooms, truck stops, and on the unemployment line?

    polecat October 7, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    ..And of course women NEVER engage in harsh or lewd conversations ….. when referencing the male of the species .. am I right ?

    cwaltz October 7, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    I don't recall those women actually being on the ballot for president.

    Good to know you wouldn't be offended to hear a bunch of women treat you like a piece of meat and brag about how they attempted to "nail you" even ignoring the fact that you were married? Nothing offensive there right? You'd love it if women spent their time looking at your pants straining to figure out the size of the bulge so they can discuss it in detail instead of I don't know, actually listening to you? It's classy and professional behavior(and yes Donald was there for work).

    Hey, I do have to respect that you've adopted his strategy also of excusing his behavior by making this all about everyone else too- incredibly adult. The "mommy they did it first" defense utilized by Donald Trump, his defenders and 3 to 7 year olds throughout the US.

    *shakes head at the immaturity*

    cwaltz October 7, 2016 at 9:24 pm

    Women are half the electorate. He already had the male vote. He needs the female vote.

    I'd like to congratulate him for showing the female half of the species how absolutely disrespectful and creepy he is.

    Otis B Driftwood October 7, 2016 at 9:45 pm

    Right. Stop the presses. Trump is lascivious. That's news to who, exactly?

    And what's next? We learn that Trump sometimes farts in public? Or worse, lets go the occasional SBD? "Revealed" to deflect the latest revelation of Clinton greed and corruption, I'm sure.

    Sheesh … what a low, debased and sad spectacle all around.

    [Oct 09, 2016] But for all Trump's many faults and flaws, he saw things that were true and important-and that few other leaders in his party have acknowledged in the past two decades

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    "But for all Trump's many faults and flaws, he saw things that were true and important-and that few other leaders in his party have acknowledged in the past two decades" [David Frum, The Atlantic ].

    Trump saw that Republican voters are much less religious in behavior than they profess to pollsters. He saw that the social-insurance state has arrived to stay. He saw that Americans regard healthcare as a right, not a privilege. He saw that Republican voters had lost their optimism about their personal futures-and the future of their country. He saw that millions of ordinary people who do not deserve to be dismissed as bigots were sick of the happy talk and reality-denial that goes by the too generous label of "political correctness." He saw that the immigration polices that might have worked for the mass-production economy of the 1910s don't make sense in the 2010s. He saw that rank-and-file Republicans had become nearly as disgusted with the power of money in politics as rank-and-file Democrats long have been. He saw that Republican presidents are elected, when they are elected, by employees as well as entrepreneurs. He saw these things, and he was right to see them.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Hillary is not clobbering Donald because we have a moribund democracy

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    hreik October 7, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    Lol. Hillary isn't clobbering Donald b/c we have a moribund democracy.

    shinola October 7, 2016 at 3:57 pm

    Thanks for the link. Interesting and depressing. A snippet:

    " Oligarchy is rule by the few. Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy. Corporatocracy is a society governed or controlled by corporations. We have all three."

    [Oct 09, 2016] Litany of lies, corruption, deceit and infamy

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Kathleen Lake 9m ago 1 2 Hillary, we believe Assange not you and you have earned out contempt. It's sickening to know isn't it, that almost ANY anonymous hacker has more credibility than she who pretends to the throne (and in Clinton's case it is a monarchy not a democracy as thev"line of succession" was determined long before even one vote was cast). Thanks for allowing your (lack of) character to give us one more entry into you litany of lies, corruption, deceit and infamy.", hillary. I will not vote for corruption, lies and oil wars, so I will not vote you... ever. David Stalker 11m ago 0 1 Well what with Bill Clinton gaining the presidency and Hillary the secretary of state position along with the wealth they have generated how could they be none other than establishment for those not familiar with that phrase. and i quote from wikipedia. The Establishment generally denotes a dominant group or elite that holds power or authority in a nation or organization. The Establishment may be a closed social group which selects its own members or specific entrenched elite structures, either in government or in specific institutions. And as such my view is she will get the job as President. eldudeabides 14m ago 1 2 In public we hear her yarn about being against private, the opposite.

    She is not to be believed on any issue.

    she is the puppet of her neoliberalist masters. centerline 16m ago 1 2 The wikileaks release here
    The Podesta Emails; Part One

    ....In April 2015 the New York Times published a story about a company called "Uranium One" which was sold to Russian government-controlled interests, giving Russia effective control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for the production of nuclear weapons, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of US government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off the deal was the State Department, then headed by Secretary Clinton. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) comprises, among others, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy.

    As Russian interests gradually took control of Uranium One millions of dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation between 2009 and 2013 from individuals directly connected to the deal including the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer. Although Mrs Clinton had an agreement with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors to the Clinton Foundation, the contributions from the Chairman of Uranium One were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons.

    sblejo 1h ago 3 4 How can anyone trust Clinton and CO. when they undermined Bernie Sanders, of their own party, because he was winning??? Despicable, disreputable, dishonest, power hungry, corrupt. What else can be said about her and her ilk. And then they blame Russia for exposing the treachery, Americans, so easily led, ignored the truth of the situation. Americans, still do not admit the ugly truth, voting for power rather than ethics. Incredible, she is the other side of the Trump coin. Confucion 2h ago 3 4

    "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

    No difference between Trump and Hillary. They are pathological liars, sociopath and extremely sick minds.

    They can be caught constantly in their bad deeds but yet they still US presidential candidates.

    Time ago people will reject slavery, injustice and abuse. Today it is laissez faire, laissez passer because US people became zombies. Hopeless of hopeless. europeangrayling 2h ago 8 9 It does not matter, people who support Hillary they support Hillary. Does not matter, either they don't believe it, it's right wing conspiracy, or it's OK, nothing wrong with it.

    She has a 'private and public position', that's Hillary, she is so smart and experienced. She is for TPP, then against TPP in the primary, now we see 'her private position' is as many 'free trade' deals as we can, they are fine with it. There was survey that says over 70% of Americans don't know what the TPP is, so that makes sense. She even said she supports cutting SS and raising retirement age in a speech, called it 'sensible'.

    Hillary's support for the Iraq war, Libya, supporting the Saudis in Yemen and Syria, LIkud in Israel, the Honduras coup of a democratic government helped greatly by the US, that she admitted and advocated for in her book, but then took it out in the new paper back version.

    Where now environmental Native American activists and regime critics are being killed by the new regime, and there's a lot more violence in general, but the new regime is friendly' to western corporate interests and Hillary donors, so Hillary loves it, still says there was no coup at all. Even as the EU and our ambassador to Honduras said it was a coup.

    I don't know why, but that Honduras thing really hit me, and Berta Cáceres's murder. I mean Hillary is ruthless, or is so detached from reality of life and what these policies and politics do to regular people, I don't know. Just like Cheney, so it makes sense that Wolfowitz and the neocons support her too. But the Honduras things alone, I can't vote for all that.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Some of Clinton's pledges sound great. Until you remember her husband and the current president

    Oct 09, 2016 |
    geoff October 7, 2016 at 3:11 pm

    "Some of Clinton's pledges sound great. Until you remember who's president" (Thomas Frank)

    Yes, and I don't recall (hey, that's her line!) the exact phraseology, but something Mrs. Clinton said during the first debate reminded me strongly of Bill in '92. And we all know how that worked out.

    No one believes the Dems' talking points any more because they have largely been unfulfilled during the last two Democratic presidencies.

    MyLessThanPrimeBeef October 7, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    The quality of Hillary's pledges depends on the teleprompter.

    She merely reads from it.

    [Oct 09, 2016] Wikileaks Releases Hillary's Paid Wall Street Speech Transcripts Hundreds Of Sensitive Excerpts

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Oct 7, 2016 6:01 PM Zero Hedge 0 SHARES While the media is transfixed with the just released Washington Post leak of a private Donald Trump conversation from 2005 in which he was speaking "lewdly" about women, and for which he has apologized, roughly at the same time, Wikileaks released part one of what it dubbed the " Podesta emails ", which it describes as "a series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank."

    While the underlying story in this specific case involves the alleged kickbacks received by the Clinton Foundation from the Russian government-controlled "Uranium One", a story which has been profiled previously by the NYT, and about which Wikileaks adds that "as Russian interests gradually took control of Uranium One millions of dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation between 2009 and 2013 from individuals directly connected to the deal including the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer. Although Mrs Clinton had an agreement with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors to the Clinton Foundation, the contributions from the Chairman of Uranium One were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons", what caught our attention is an email from Tony Carr, a Research Director at Hillary for America , in which he lay outs hundreds of excerpts from the heretofore missing transcripts of Hillary Clinton's infamous Wall Street speeches, with an emphasis on those which should be flagged as they may be damaging to Hillary.

    But first, here are the greatest hits as conveniently flagged by the Clinton Campaign itself on page one of the 80 page addendum dubbed " awkward"

    Hillary Clinton: "I'm Kind Of Far Removed" From The Struggles Of The Middle Class "Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy." "And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged. And I never had that feeling when I was growing up. Never. I mean, were there really rich people, of course there were. My father loved to complain about big business and big government, but we had a solid middle class upbringing. We had good public schools. We had accessible health care. We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn't believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I'm kind of far removed because the life I've lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven't forgotten it." [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]

    When A Questioner At Goldman Sachs Said She Raised Money For Hillary Clinton In 2008, Hillary Clinton Joked "You Are The Smartest People ." "PARTICIPANT: Secretary, Ann Chow from Houston, Texas. I have had the honor to raise money for you when you were running for president in Texas. MS. CLINTON: You are the smartest people. PARTICIPANT: I think you actually called me on my cell phone, too. I talked to you afterwards." [ Speech to Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference, 6/4/13]

    Hillary Clinton Joked That If Lloyd Blankfein Wanted To Run For Office, He Should "Would Leave Goldman Sachs And Start Running A Soup Kitchen Somewhere . " "MR. BLANKFEIN: I'm saying for myself. MS. CLINTON: If you were going to run here is what I would tell you to do -- MR. BLANKFEIN: Very hypothetical. MS. CLINTON: I think you would leave Goldman Sachs and start running a soup kitchen somewhere. MR. BLANKFEIN: For one thing the stock would go up. MS. CLINTON: Then you could be a legend in your own time both when you were there and when you left." [ Speech to Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference, 6/4/13]

    Hillary Clinton Noted President Clinton Had Spoken At The Same Goldman Summit Last Year, And Blankfein Joked "He Increased Our Budget." "SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, first, thanks for having me here and giving me a chance to know a little bit more about the builders and the innovators who you've gathered. Some of you might have been here last year, and my husband was, I guess, in this very same position. And he came back and was just thrilled by- MR. BLANKFEIN: He increased our budget. SECRETARY CLINTON: Did he? MR. BLANKFEIN: Yes. That's why we -- SECRETARY CLINTON: Good. I think he-I think he encouraged you to grow it a little, too. But it really was a tremendous experience for him, so I've been looking forward to it and hope we have a chance to talk about a lot of things." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]

    Clinton Said When She Got To State, Employees "Were Not Mostly Permitted To Have Handheld Devices." "You know, when Colin Powell showed up as Secretary of State in 2001, most State Department employees still didn't even have computers on their desks. When I got there they were not mostly permitted to have handheld devices. I mean, so you're thinking how do we operate in this new environment dominated by technology, globalizing forces? We have to change, and I can't expect people to change if I don't try to model it and lead it." [Clinton Speech For General Electric's Global Leadership Meeting – Boca Raton, FL, 1/6/14]

    Clinton Joked It's "Risky" For Her To Speak To A Group Committed To Futures Markets Given Her Past Whitewater Scandal. "Now, it's always a little bit risky for me to come speak to a group that is committed to the futures markets because -- there's a few knowing laughs -- many years ago, I actually traded in the futures markets. I mean, this was so long ago, it was before computers were invented, I think. And I worked with a group of like-minded friends and associates who traded in pork bellies and cotton and other such things, and I did pretty well. I invested about a thousand dollars and traded up to about a hundred thousand. And then my daughter was born, and I just didn't think I had enough time or mental space to figure out anything having to do with trading other than trading time with my daughter for time with the rest of my life. So I got out, and I thought that would be the end of it." [Remarks to CME Group, 11/18/13]

    Hillary Clinton Said Jordan Was Threatened Because "They Can't Possibly Vet All Those Refugees So They Don't Know If, You Know, Jihadists Are Coming In Along With Legitimate Refugees." "So I think you're right to have gone to the places that you visited because there's a discussion going on now across the region to try to see where there might be common ground to deal with the threat posed by extremism and particularly with Syria which has everyone quite worried, Jordan because it's on their border and they have hundreds of thousands of refugees and they can't possibly vet all those refugees so they don't know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees. Turkey for the same reason." [Jewish United Fund Of Metropolitan Chicago Vanguard Luncheon, 10/28/13]

    Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]

    * * *

    Here is the full email by Carrk as of January 25, 2016 laying out all the potentially delicate issues that the Clinton campaign would wish to avoid from emerging. One thing to note: as Michael Tracey points out, the Hillary campaign had all the transcripts at her disposal all along, despite repeated deflection. Perhaps as a result of this leak she will now release the full transcripts for the "proper context."

    * * *

    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
    Date: 2016-01-25 00:28 Subject:

    HRC Paid Speeches


    Attached are the flags from HRC's paid speeches we have from HWA. I put some highlights below. There is a lot of policy positions that we should give an extra scrub with Policy.

    In terms of what was opened to the press and what was not, the Washington Examiner got a hold of one of the private speech contracts (her speeches to universities were typically open press), so this is worth a read


    Hillary Clinton: "I'm Kind Of Far Removed" From The Struggles Of The Middle Class "Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy." "And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged. And I never had that feeling when I was growing up. Never. I mean, were there really rich people, of course there were. My father loved to complain about big business and big government, but we had a solid middle class upbringing. We had good public schools. We had accessible health care. We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn't believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I'm kind of far removed because the life I've lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven't forgotten it." [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]


    Clinton: "But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position." CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]


    Clinton Said That The Blame Placed On The United States Banking System For The Crisis "Could Have Been Avoided In Terms Of Both Misunderstanding And Really Politicizing What Happened." "That was one of the reasons that I started traveling in February of '09, so people could, you know, literally yell at me for the United States and our banking system causing this everywhere. Now, that's an oversimplification we know, but it was the conventional wisdom. And I think that there's a lot that could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened with greater transparency, with greater openness on all sides, you know, what happened, how did it happen, how do we prevent it from happening? You guys help us figure it out and let's make sure that we do it right this time. And I think that everybody was desperately trying to fend off the worst effects institutionally, governmentally, and there just wasn't that opportunity to try to sort this out, and that came later." [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]

    * * *

    Clinton: "Even If It May Not Be 100 Percent True, If The Perception Is That Somehow The Game Is Rigged, That Should Be A Problem For All Of Us." "Now, it's important to recognize the vital role that the financial markets play in our economy and that so many of you are contributing to. To function effectively those markets and the men and women who shape them have to command trust and confidence, because we all rely on the market's transparency and integrity. So even if it may not be 100 percent true, if the perception is that somehow the game is rigged, that should be a problem for all of us, and we have to be willing to make that absolutely clear. And if there are issues, if there's wrongdoing, people have to be held accountable and we have to try to deter future bad behavior, because the public trust is at the core of both a free market economy and a democracy." [Clinton Remarks to Deutsche Bank, 10/7/14]


    Clinton Said Financial Reform "Really Has To Come From The Industry Itself." "Remember what Teddy Roosevelt did. Yes, he took on what he saw as the excesses in the economy, but he also stood against the excesses in politics. He didn't want to unleash a lot of nationalist, populistic reaction. He wanted to try to figure out how to get back into that balance that has served America so well over our entire nationhood. Today, there's more that can and should be done that really has to come from the industry itself, and how we can strengthen our economy, create more jobs at a time where that's increasingly challenging, to get back to Teddy Roosevelt's square deal. And I really believe that our country and all of you are up to that job." [Clinton Remarks to Deutsche Bank, 10/7/14]

    * * *

    Speaking About The Importance Of Proper Regulation, Clinton Said "The People That Know The Industry Better Than Anybody Are The People Who Work In The Industry." "I mean, it's still happening, as you know. People are looking back and trying to, you know, get compensation for bad mortgages and all the rest of it in some of the agreements that are being reached. There's nothing magic about regulations, too much is bad, too little is bad. How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works? And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry. And I think there has to be a recognition that, you know, there's so much at stake now, I mean, the business has changed so much and decisions are made so quickly, in nano seconds basically. We spend trillions of dollars to travel around the world, but it's in everybody's interest that we have a better framework, and not just for the United States but for the entire world, in which to operate and trade." [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]


    Clinton Said That Because Candidates Needed Money From Wall Street To Run For Office, People In New York Needed To Ask Tough Questions About The Economy Before Handing Over Campaign Contributions. "Secondly, running for office in our country takes a lot of money, and candidates have to go out and raise it. New York is probably the leading site for contributions for fundraising for candidates on both sides of the aisle, and it's also our economic center. And there are a lot of people here who should ask some tough questions before handing over campaign contributions to people who were really playing chicken with our whole economy." [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]

    * * *

    Clinton: "It Would Be Very Difficult To Run For President Without Raising A Huge Amount Of Money And Without Having Other People Supporting You Because Your Opponent Will Have Their Supporters." "So our system is, in many ways, more difficult, certainly far more expensive and much longer than a parliamentary system, and I really admire the people who subject themselves to it. Even when I, you know, think they should not be elected president, I still think, well, you know, good for you I guess, you're out there promoting democracy and those crazy ideas of yours. So I think that it's something -- I would like -- you know, obviously as somebody who has been through it, I would like it not to last as long because I think it's very distracting from what we should be doing every day in our public business. I would like it not to be so expensive. I have no idea how you do that. I mean, in my campaign -- I lose track, but I think I raised $250 million or some such enormous amount, and in the last campaign President Obama raised 1.1 billion, and that was before the Super PACs and all of this other money just rushing in, and it's so ridiculous that we have this kind of free for all with all of this financial interest at stake, but, you know, the Supreme Court said that's basically what we're in for. So we're kind of in the wild west, and, you know, it would be very difficult to run for president without raising a huge amount of money and without having other people supporting you because your opponent will have their supporters. So I think as hard as it was when I ran, I think it's even harder now." [Clinton Speech For General Electric's Global Leadership Meeting – Boca Raton, FL, 1/6/14]


    Clinton: As Senator, "I Represented And Worked With" So Many On Wall Street And "Did All I Could To Make Sure They Continued To Prosper" But Still Called For Closing Carried Interest Loophole. In remarks at Robbins, Gellar, Rudman & Dowd in San Diego, Hillary Clinton said, "When I was a Senator from New York, I represented and worked with so many talented principled people who made their living in finance. But even thought I represented them and did all I could to make sure they continued to prosper, I called for closing the carried interest loophole and addressing skyrocketing CEO pay. I also was calling in '06, '07 for doing something about the mortgage crisis, because I saw every day from Wall Street literally to main streets across New York how a well-functioning financial system is essential. So when I raised early warnings about early warnings about subprime mortgages and called for regulating derivatives and over complex financial products, I didn't get some big arguments, because people sort of said, no, that makes sense. But boy, have we had fights about it ever since." [Hillary Clinton's Remarks at Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd in San Diego, 9/04/14]

    * * *

    Clinton On Wall Street: "I Had Great Relations And Worked So Close Together After 9/11 To Rebuild Downtown, And A Lot Of Respect For The Work You Do And The People Who Do It." "Now, without going over how we got to where we are right now, what would be your advice to the Wall Street community and the big banks as to the way forward with those two important decisions? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I represented all of you for eight years. I had great relations and worked so close together after 9/11 to rebuild downtown, and a lot of respect for the work you do and the people who do it, but I do -- I think that when we talk about the regulators and the politicians, the economic consequences of bad decisions back in '08, you know, were devastating, and they had repercussions throughout the world." [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]


    Hillary Clinton Said There Was "A Bias Against People Who Have Led Successful And/Or Complicated Lives," Citing The Need To Divese Of Assets, Positions, And Stocks. "SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. Well, you know what Bob Rubin said about that. He said, you know, when he came to Washington, he had a fortune. And when he left Washington, he had a small -- MR. BLANKFEIN: That's how you have a small fortune, is you go to Washington. SECRETARY CLINTON: You go to Washington. Right. But, you know, part of the problem with the political situation, too, is that there is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives. You know, the divestment of assets, the stripping of all kinds of positions, the sale of stocks. It just becomes very onerous and unnecessary." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]


    Clinton Said That Both The Democratic And Republican Parties Should Be "Moderate." "URSULA BURNS: Interesting. Democrats? SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, long, definitely. URSULA BURNS: Republicans? SECRETARY CLINTON: Unfortunately, at the time, short. URSULA BURNS: Okay. We'll go back to questions. SECRETARY CLINTON: We need two parties. URSULA BURNS: Yeah, we do need two parties. SECRETARY CLINTON: Two sensible, moderate, pragmatic parties." [Hillary Clinton Remarks, Remarks at Xerox, 3/18/14]

    * * *

    Clinton: "Simpson-Bowles… Put Forth The Right Framework. Namely, We Have To Restrain Spending, We Have To Have Adequate Revenues, And We Have To Incentivize Growth. It's A Three-Part Formula… And They Reached An Agreement. But What Is Very Hard To Do Is To Then Take That Agreement If You Don't Believe That You're Going To Be Able To Move The Other Side." SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, this may be borne more out of hope than experience in the last few years. But Simpson-Bowles -- and I know you heard from Erskine earlier today -- put forth the right framework. Namely, we have to restrain spending, we have to have adequate revenues, and we have to incentivize growth. It's a three-part formula. The specifics can be negotiated depending upon whether we're acting in good faith or not. And what Senator Simpson and Erskine did was to bring Republicans and Democrats alike to the table, and you had the full range of ideological views from I think Tom Coburn to Dick Durbin. And they reached an agreement. But what is very hard to do is to then take that agreement if you don't believe that you're going to be able to move the other side. And where we are now is in this gridlocked dysfunction. So you've got Democrats saying that, you know, you have to have more revenues; that's the sine qua non of any kind of agreement. You have Republicans saying no, no, no on revenues; you have to cut much more deeply into spending. Well, looks what's happened. We are slowly returning to growth. It's not as much or as fast as many of us would like to see, but, you know, we're certainly better off than our European friends, and we're beginning to, I believe, kind of come out of the long aftermath of the '08 crisis. [Clinton Speech For Morgan Stanley, 4/18/13]

    * * *

    Clinton: "The Simpson-Bowles Framework And The Big Elements Of It Were Right… You Have To Restrain Spending, You Have To Have Adequate Revenues, And You Have To Have Growth." CLINTON: So, you know, the Simpson-Bowles framework and the big elements of it were right. The specifics can be negotiated and argued over. But you got to do all three. You have to restrain spending, you have to have adequate revenues, and you have to have growth. And I think we are smart enough to figure out how to do that. [Clinton Speech For Morgan Stanley, 4/18/13]


    Clinton: "At The State Department We Were Attacked Every Hour, More Than Once An Hour By Incoming Efforts To Penetrate Everything We Had. And That Was True Across The U.S. Government." CLINTON: But, at the State Department we were attacked every hour, more than once an hour by incoming efforts to penetrate everything we had. And that was true across the U.S. government. And we knew it was going on when I would go to China, or I would go to Russia, we would leave all of our electronic equipment on the plane, with the batteries out, because this is a new frontier. And they're trying to find out not just about what we do in our government. They're trying to find out about what a lot of companies do and they were going after the personal emails of people who worked in the State Department. So it's not like the only government in the world that is doing anything is the United States. But, the United States compared to a number of our competitors is the only government in the world with any kind of safeguards, any kind of checks and balances. They may in many respects need to be strengthened and people need to be reassured, and they need to have their protections embodied in law. But, I think turning over a lot of that material intentionally or unintentionally, because of the way it can be drained, gave all kinds of information not only to big countries, but to networks and terrorist groups, and the like. So I have a hard time thinking that somebody who is a champion of privacy and liberty has taken refuge in Russia under Putin's authority. And then he calls into a Putin talk show and says, President Putin, do you spy on people? And President Putin says, well, from one intelligence professional to another, of course not. Oh, thank you so much. I mean, really, I don't know. I have a hard time following it. [Clinton Speech At UConn, 4/23/14]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton: "When I Got To The State Department, It Was Still Against The Rules To Let Most -- Or Let All Foreign Service Officers Have Access To A Blackberry." "I mean, let's face it, our government is woefully, woefully behind in all of its policies that affect the use of technology. When I got to the State Department, it was still against the rules to let most -- or let all Foreign Service Officers have access to a Blackberry. You couldn't have desktop computers when Colin Powell was there. Everything that you are taking advantage of, inventing and using, is still a generation or two behind when it comes to our government." [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton: "We Couldn't Take Our Computers, We Couldn't Take Our Personal Devices" Off The Plane In China And Russia. "I mean, probably the most frustrating part of this whole debate are countries acting like we're the only people in the world trying to figure out what's going on. I mean, every time I went to countries like China or Russia, I mean, we couldn't take our computers, we couldn't take our personal devices, we couldn't take anything off the plane because they're so good, they would penetrate them in a minute, less, a nanosecond. So we would take the batteries out, we'd leave them on the plane." [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]

    * * *

    Clinton Said When She Got To State, Employees "Were Not Mostly Permitted To Have Handheld Devices." "You know, when Colin Powell showed up as Secretary of State in 2001, most State Department employees still didn't even have computers on their desks. When I got there they were not mostly permitted to have handheld devices. I mean, so you're thinking how do we operate in this new environment dominated by technology, globalizing forces? We have to change, and I can't expect people to change if I don't try to model it and lead it." [Clinton Speech For General Electric's Global Leadership Meeting – Boca Raton, FL, 1/6/14]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton Said You Know You Can't Bring Your Phone And Computer When Traveling To China And Russia And She Had To Take Her Batteries Out And Put them In A Special Box. "And anybody who has ever traveled in other countries, some of which shall remain nameless, except for Russia and China, you know that you can't bring your phones and your computers. And if you do, good luck. I mean, we would not only take the batteries out, we would leave the batteries and the devices on the plane in special boxes. Now, we didn't do that because we thought it would be fun to tell somebody about. We did it because we knew that we were all targets and that we would be totally vulnerable. So it's not only what others do to us and what we do to them and how many people are involved in it. It's what's the purpose of it, what is being collected, and how can it be used. And there are clearly people in this room who know a lot about this, and some of you could be very useful contributors to that conversation because you're sophisticated enough to know that it's not just, do it, don't do it. We have to have a way of doing it, and then we have to have a way of analyzing it, and then we have to have a way of sharing it." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton Lamented How Far Behind The State Department Was In Technology, Saying "People Were Not Even Allowed To Use Mobile Devices Because Of Security Issues." "Personally, having, you know, lived and worked in the White House, having been a senator, having been Secretary of State, there has traditionally been a great pool of very talented, hard-working people. And just as I was saying about the credit market, our personnel policies haven't kept up with the changes necessary in government. We have a lot of difficulties in getting-when I got to the State Department, we were so far behind in technology, it was embarrassing. And, you know, people were not even allowed to use mobile devices because of security issues and cost issues, and we really had to try to push into the last part of the 20 th Century in order to get people functioning in 2009 and '10." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]


    Clinton: "So I Think That Keystone Is A Contentious Issue, And Of Course It Is Important On Both Sides Of The Border For Different And Sometimes Opposing Reasons…" "So I think that Keystone is a contentious issue, and of course it is important on both sides of the border for different and sometimes opposing reasons, but that is not our relationship. And I think our relationship will get deeper and stronger and put us in a position to really be global leaders in energy and climate change if we worked more closely together. And that's what I would like to see us do." [Remarks at tinePublic, 6/18/14]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]

    * * *

    Hillary Clinton Said We Have To Have A Concerted Plan To Increase Trade; We Have To Resist Protectionism And Other Kinds Of Barriers To Trade. "Secondly, I think we have to have a concerted plan to increase trade already under the current circumstances, you know, that Inter-American Development Bank figure is pretty surprising. There is so much more we can do, there is a lot of low hanging fruit but businesses on both sides have to make it a priority and it's not for governments to do but governments can either make it easy or make it hard and we have to resist, protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade and I would like to see this get much more attention and be not just a policy for a year under president X or president Y but a consistent one." [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 32]


    Clinton Said Single-Payer Health Care Systems "Can Get Costs Down," And "Is As Good Or Better On Primary Care," But "They Do Impose Things Like Waiting Times." "If you look at countries that are comparable, like Switzerland or Germany, for example, they have mixed systems. They don't have just a single-payer system, but they have very clear controls over budgeting and accountability. If you look at the single-payer systems, like Scandinavia, Canada, and elsewhere, they can get costs down because, you know, although their care, according to statistics, overall is as good or better on primary care, in particular, they do impose things like waiting times, you know. It takes longer to get like a hip replacement than it might take here." [Hillary Clinton remarks to ECGR Grand Rapids, 6/17/13]

    * * *

    Clinton Cited President Johnson's Success In Establishing Medicare And Medicaid And Said She Wanted To See The U.S. Have Universal Health Care Like In Canada. "You know, on healthcare we are the prisoner of our past. The way we got to develop any kind of medical insurance program was during World War II when companies facing shortages of workers began to offer healthcare benefits as an inducement for employment. So from the early 1940s healthcare was seen as a privilege connected to employment. And after the war when soldiers came back and went back into the market there was a lot of competition, because the economy was so heated up. So that model continued. And then of course our large labor unions bargained for healthcare with the employers that their members worked for. So from the early 1940s until the early 1960s we did not have any Medicare, or our program for the poor called Medicaid until President Johnson was able to get both passed in 1965. So the employer model continued as the primary means by which working people got health insurance. People over 65 were eligible for Medicare. Medicaid, which was a partnership, a funding partnership between the federal government and state governments, provided some, but by no means all poor people with access to healthcare. So what we've been struggling with certainly Harry Truman, then Johnson was successful on Medicare and Medicaid, but didn't touch the employer based system, then actually Richard Nixon made a proposal that didn't go anywhere, but was quite far reaching. Then with my husband's administration we worked very hard to come up with a system, but we were very much constricted by the political realities that if you had your insurance from your employer you were reluctant to try anything else. And so we were trying to build a universal system around the employer-based system. And indeed now with President Obama's legislative success in getting the Affordable Care Act passed that is what we've done. We still have primarily an employer-based system, but we now have people able to get subsidized insurance. So we have health insurance companies playing a major role in the provision of healthcare, both to the employed whose employers provide health insurance, and to those who are working but on their own are not able to afford it and their employers either don't provide it, or don't provide it at an affordable price. We are still struggling. We've made a lot of progress. Ten million Americans now have insurance who didn't have it before the Affordable Care Act, and that is a great step forward. (Applause.) And what we're going to have to continue to do is monitor what the costs are and watch closely to see whether employers drop more people from insurance so that they go into what we call the health exchange system. So we're really just at the beginning. But we do have Medicare for people over 65. And you couldn't, I don't think, take it away if you tried, because people are very satisfied with it, but we also have a lot of political and financial resistance to expanding that system to more people. So we're in a learning period as we move forward with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. And I'm hoping that whatever the shortfalls or the glitches have been, which in a big piece of legislation you're going to have, those will be remedied and we can really take a hard look at what's succeeding, fix what isn't, and keep moving forward to get to affordable universal healthcare coverage like you have here in Canada. [Clinton Speech For tinePublic – Saskatoon, CA, 1/21/15]

    * * *

    Below is the full 80 page documents of "speech flags" in Hillary speeches:

    [Oct 09, 2016] What struck me was not so much Clinton's statements about letting Wall Street regulate Wall Street, the fact that she is "out of touch" with Main Street, or her favorable comments about single payer (very ironic given how she has not advocated for this publicly). No, what struck me is that she is NOT a leader

    Notable quotes:
    "... What struck me was not so much Clinton's statements about letting Wall Street regulate Wall Street, the fact that she is "out of touch" with Main Street, or her favorable comments about single payer (very ironic given how she has not advocated for this publicly). No, what struck me is that she is NOT a leader. ..."
    "... No, Clinton is many things, but not a leader. She is revealed as the perfect tool for the elite. Occasionally piping up to express some concern, but so distanced and entrenched in the establishment that she will never do anything of consequence for working Americans. ..."
    "... I didn't even read the stuff about the blackberries and computer nonsense. She is incompetent with technology, doesn't understand digital security and is dangerously arrogant about her ignorance. Stipulated. ..."
    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Otis B Driftwood October 7, 2016 at 7:58 pm

    Just skimmed through the Tony Carrk email "HRC Paid Speeches"

    What struck me was not so much Clinton's statements about letting Wall Street regulate Wall Street, the fact that she is "out of touch" with Main Street, or her favorable comments about single payer (very ironic given how she has not advocated for this publicly). No, what struck me is that she is NOT a leader.

    Opposed to Citizens United?

    … it's so ridiculous that we have this kind of free for all with all of this financial interest at stake, but, you know, the Supreme Court said that's basically what we're in for. So we're kind of in the wild west, and, you know, it would be very difficult to run for president without raising a huge amount of money.

    Sorta like, "Meh! This stinks, but this is how the world works so I'm gonna go raise me some cash."

    A Forceful Champion of Wall Street Reform?

    I called for closing the carried interest loophole and addressing skyrocketing CEO pay. I also was calling in '06, '07 for doing something about the mortgage crisis, because I saw every day from Wall Street literally to main streets across New York how a well-functioning financial system is essential. So when I raised early warnings about early warnings about subprime mortgages and called for regulating derivatives and over complex financial products, I didn't get some big arguments, because people sort of said, no, that makes sense.

    Really? She called for reinstatement of Glass-Steagall? I don't remember her anywhere near the scene of the crime in '06/07. She (may have) made a few comments here and there but never took any real action or was serious about meaningful reform. Still isn't.

    And then there is this gem.

    We need two parties. .. Two sensible, moderate, pragmatic parties.

    A Model of Two Sensible, Pragmatic Parties Working Together: Simpson-Bowles

    Simpson-Bowles framework and the big elements of it were right. The specifics can be negotiated and argued over. But you got to do all three. You have to restrain spending, you have to have adequate revenues, and you have to have growth. And I think we are smart enough to figure out how to do that.

    Oh, no, we aren't! Not when "figuring it out" means following neoliberal dogma to extract more from labor and give more and more and more to the 1%.

    No, Clinton is many things, but not a leader. She is revealed as the perfect tool for the elite. Occasionally piping up to express some concern, but so distanced and entrenched in the establishment that she will never do anything of consequence for working Americans.

    I didn't even read the stuff about the blackberries and computer nonsense. She is incompetent with technology, doesn't understand digital security and is dangerously arrogant about her ignorance. Stipulated.

    human October 7, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    She comes across as either naive or duplicitous, re Latin America "coming out of 2 decades of doing well," but now having to deal with disruption and regime change.

    marym October 7, 2016 at 9:38 pm

    Simpson Bowles
    Lest we forget

    Chained CPI, increasing revenue by lower corporate and income taxes, discretionary spending cuts, raising SS retirement age, slowing SS benefit growth

    [Oct 09, 2016] A Real Life House of Cards - The Most Striking WikiLeaks Revelations From The Podesta Files Zero Hedge

    Oct 09, 2016 |

    Yesterday we pointed out the many amazing one-liners offered up by Hillary as she was out collecting millions of dollars for her "Wall Street speeches." Here is an expanded sample:

    Hillary Clinton: "I'm Kind Of Far Removed" From The Struggles Of The Middle Class "Because The Life I've Lived And The Economic, You Know, Fortunes That My Husband And I Now Enjoy." "And I am not taking a position on any policy, but I do think there is a growing sense of anxiety and even anger in the country over the feeling that the game is rigged. And I never had that feeling when I was growing up. Never. I mean, were there really rich people, of course there were. My father loved to complain about big business and big government, but we had a solid middle class upbringing. We had good public schools. We had accessible health care. We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn't believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I'm kind of far removed because the life I've lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven't forgotten it." [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]

    Hillary Clinton Said There Was "A Bias Against People Who Have Led Successful And/Or Complicated Lives," Citing The Need To Divese Of Assets, Positions, And Stocks. "SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. Well, you know what Bob Rubin said about that. He said, you know, when he came to Washington, he had a fortune. And when he left Washington, he had a small -- MR. BLANKFEIN: That's how you have a small fortune, is you go to Washington. SECRETARY CLINTON: You go to Washington. Right. But, you know, part of the problem with the political situation, too, is that there is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives. You know, the divestment of assets, the stripping of all kinds of positions, the sale of stocks. It just becomes very onerous and unnecessary." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]

    Hillary Clinton Noted President Clinton Had Spoken At The Same Goldman Summit Last Year, And Blankfein Joked "He Increased Our Budget." "SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, first, thanks for having me here and giving me a chance to know a little bit more about the builders and the innovators who you've gathered. Some of you might have been here last year, and my husband was, I guess, in this very same position. And he came back and was just thrilled by- MR. BLANKFEIN: He increased our budget. SECRETARY CLINTON: Did he? MR. BLANKFEIN: Yes. That's why we -- SECRETARY CLINTON: Good. I think he-I think he encouraged you to grow it a little, too. But it really was a tremendous experience for him, so I've been looking forward to it and hope we have a chance to talk about a lot of things." [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]

    Clinton Said When She Got To State, Employees "Were Not Mostly Permitted To Have Handheld Devices." "You know, when Colin Powell showed up as Secretary of State in 2001, most State Department employees still didn't even have computers on their desks. When I got there they were not mostly permitted to have handheld devices. I mean, so you're thinking how do we operate in this new environment dominated by technology, globalizing forces? We have to change, and I can't expect people to change if I don't try to model it and lead it." [Clinton Speech For General Electric's Global Leadership Meeting – Boca Raton, FL, 1/6/14]

    Clinton Joked It's "Risky" For Her To Speak To A Group Committed To Futures Markets Given Her Past Whitewater Scandal. "Now, it's always a little bit risky for me to come speak to a group that is committed to the futures markets because -- there's a few knowing laughs -- many years ago, I actually traded in the futures markets. I mean, this was so long ago, it was before computers were invented, I think. And I worked with a group of like-minded friends and associates who traded in pork bellies and cotton and other such things, and I did pretty well. I invested about a thousand dollars and traded up to about a hundred thousand. And then my daughter was born, and I just didn't think I had enough time or mental space to figure out anything having to do with trading other than trading time with my daughter for time with the rest of my life. So I got out, and I thought that would be the end of it." [Remarks to CME Group, 11/18/13]

    Hillary Clinton Said Jordan Was Threatened Because "They Can't Possibly Vet All Those Refugees So They Don't Know If, You Know, Jihadists Are Coming In Along With Legitimate Refugees." "So I think you're right to have gone to the places that you visited because there's a discussion going on now across the region to try to see where there might be common ground to deal with the threat posed by extremism and particularly with Syria which has everyone quite worried, Jordan because it's on their border and they have hundreds of thousands of refugees and they can't possibly vet all those refugees so they don't know if, you know, jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees. Turkey for the same reason." [Jewish United Fund Of Metropolitan Chicago Vanguard Luncheon, 10/28/13]

    Hillary Clinton Said The Saudis Opposed The Muslim Brotherhood, "Which Is Kind Of Ironic Since The Saudis Have Exported More Extreme Ideology Than Any Other Place On Earth Over The Course Of The Last 30 Years." "And they are getting a lot of help from the Saudis to the Emiratis-to go back to our original discussion-because the Saudis and the Emiratis see the Muslim Brotherhood as threatening to them, which is kind of ironic since the Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years." [2014 Jewish United Fund Advance & Major Gifts Dinner, 10/28/13]

    Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]

    Meanwhile, there are plenty of other great email exchanges as well.

    The following exchange comes from the President of the Soros-funded " Open Society Foundation " (we previously wrote about the society's plan to "Enlarge electorate by at least 10 million voters" here ) who offers some advice on "police reform." The email points Podesta to an article previously written by the Open Society Foundation , ironically titled " Get the Politics Out of Policing ." Surprisingly, Stone points out that the problem isn't a lack of independence by police but by politicians:

    The problem is not a lack of independence just from the police , but independence from city politics. Since 2007, Chicago has had an agency separate from the police to investigate officer-involved shootings, but the "independent" agency (the Independent Police Review Authority, or IPRA) is still under the mayor, and generally retreats from any investigation that might lead to criminal charges. Until we get investigations of cases like this out of the hands of politicians, even the best policies a police chief can impose won't change the culture.

    Well that seemed to backfire. To summarize, Stone says don't do exactly what the FBI did in its investigation of Hillary's email scandal.

    [Oct 08, 2016] Krugman is an abhorrent neoliberal hack and Hillary stooge

    Notable quotes:
    "... Krugman is such a deplorable hack. I know we are supposed to accept bribe-taking politicians and the economy run by looting robber barons. But can't we even have a goddamn fourth estate? ..."
    "... The way Krugman murders journalism ethics by outright campaigning for one of the most corrupt politicians in American history is outrageous. Barfing up her disgusting campaign memes verbatim as if he's coordinating his columns with her war room. ..."
    "... If you're a scientist you would know that economics does not remotely resemble a science. One familiar with the history of math and science will notice that their development (based on discovered facts) forms a tree-like structure. One discovery branches out to more discoveries. The growth is therefore exponential. ..."
    Oct 08, 2016 |
    JohnH -> pgl... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 06:44 PM
    Sure...Krugman will occasionally pay lip service to green energy.

    The problem is that 'liberal' economists tend to keep separate silos for green energy and infrastructure.

    Question is, why do they refuse to connect the dots between climate change mitigation, green energy, fiscal stimulus, and lots of jobs? And why do they prioritize more road and bridges, which will only make climate change worse?

    Sure sounds like the usual hypocrisy to me...

    nikbez -> JohnH... , Saturday, October 08, 2016 at 03:45 PM
    Krugman is an abhorrent neoliberal hack (as well as Hillary stooge).

    Who actually understand very little about climate change clearly being non-specialist without any training of physics and geophysics. He is a second rate neoclassical economist with penchant for mathiness (and a very talented writer).

    The key question here is Clinton warmongering and the threat of nuclear war with Russia. Washington neocon chichenhawks became recently realty crazy. Obama looks completely important and does not control anything.

    I think this is more immediate threat then climate change.

    Oil depletion (which already started and will be in full force in a couple of decades) might take care about climate change as period of "cheap oil" (aka "oil age") probably will last less then 100 years and as such is just a blip in Earth history.

    End of cheap oil also might lead to natural shrinking of human population -- another factor in the global climate change and a threat to natural ecosystems.

    supersaurus : , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 09:56 AM
    @Sandwichman: it isn't illegal to be an idiot in this country (USA), hence "almost".
    Sandwichman -> supersaurus... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 10:00 AM
    It is, however, often illegal to not be an idiot.
    Ron Waller -> pgl... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 12:29 PM
    Hillary is the fracking Queen. Claiming she's a champion of the environment is as ridiculous portraying Donald Trump a feminist.

    Obomba is another pretender on the environment. The Paris Agreement commits to absolutely nothing but more talk at a future time. China signed on and is still keeping its commitment to do absolutely nothing to reduce emissions until 2030. (By the time the West has exported the lion share of its emissions to the country in a pointless GHG emissions shell game; emission per capita have skyrocketed since 2002! a 25% increase!)

    Krugman is such a deplorable hack. I know we are supposed to accept bribe-taking politicians and the economy run by looting robber barons. But can't we even have a goddamn fourth estate?

    The way Krugman murders journalism ethics by outright campaigning for one of the most corrupt politicians in American history is outrageous. Barfing up her disgusting campaign memes verbatim as if he's coordinating his columns with her war room.

    So to all the pretend liberals out there who offer the people nothing more than more corruption, lies, war-profiteering and public trust liquidation: you deserve Trump. And I pray that you get him. (After him, a New Deal; and the 'me generation,' the Void.)

    pgl -> DrDick... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 12:44 PM
    I think he consumed too much of the byproduct from fracking. Dirty dangerous business.
    Ron Waller -> pgl... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 01:24 PM
    You two must be economists. Never anything intelligent to say.
    DrDick -> Ron Waller ... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 01:39 PM
    Actually, I am a cultural anthropologist. I must say that there are no signs of intelligent life on you planet.
    Ron Waller -> DrDick... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 02:40 PM
    If you're a scientist you would know that economics does not remotely resemble a science. One familiar with the history of math and science will notice that their development (based on discovered facts) forms a tree-like structure. One discovery branches out to more discoveries. The growth is therefore exponential.

    Economic history does not follow this pattern.

    With science there are paradigm shifts that occur with groundbreaking discoveries like the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. The Friedmanian paradigm shift was founded on jettisoning all the enormously successful work Keynes accomplished and digging up failed 19th century ideology, repeating disastrous history.

    Even psychology follows the pattern. Although it began with a lot of unsubstantiated Aristotelian philosophizing, it was a starting point from which a significant body of definite knowledge and medical treatments developed. A real social science. (Not perfect. It was recently discovered that about 50% of published psychological experiments were not reproducible.)

    As an anthropologist you should know about cliques and group-think. Have an inkling of how corruption could gradually develop and spread among upper-echelon cliques to the point where the government, the economy, the courts and the news media become captured by the upper class. Understand how cowards would rather look the other way than take a stand and deal with it: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."

    DrDick -> Ron Waller ... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 04:28 PM
    As an anthropologist, I can assert with confidence that you are babbling about things you do not really understand at all. I have issues with a lot of economics, but you are completely incoherent.
    Ron Waller -> DrDick... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 05:21 PM
    Completely incoherent? Then it should be easy enough for you to tear apart what I wrote. It was certainly easy enough for me to tear into Krugman's crass political pandering. But all you got is lame generalizations. Stock insults that could be said about anything.

    What issues do you have with "a lot of economics?" I bet you can't come up with anything. Come on. Out with it! Say something intelligent about anything, if you are at all capable, Mr. Dick. I have yet to read anything from you that indicates you have any knowledge about anything.

    DrDick -> Ron Waller ... , Saturday, October 08, 2016 at 06:36 AM
    It is Dr. Dick, since I have a Ph.D. If you ever read the comments on this blog, you would know full well what those issues are, since I have raised them here many times. For a start the assumption of "rational actors" (only partially true), the assumption of economic maximization (people maximize many different things which affect their economic choices), and the assumption of "rational markets" (this ignores pervasive information assymetry and active deceit).
    nikbez -> DrDick... , Saturday, October 08, 2016 at 03:48 PM
    "I must say that there are no signs of intelligent life on you planet."

    That's good :-) Thank you --

    [Oct 08, 2016] If Trump is all talk, why are all the establishment neocons as hysterical over him

    Notable quotes:
    "... It's because they couldn't get assurances from him that his anti-globalization talk was just talk, unlike Hillary whom they have gotten assurances that the outsourcing bloodbath will continue unabated. ..."
    "... If Trump tears up NAFTA and the TPP then Americans will, at least, have gotten SOMETHING out of "their" government over the past 35 years. Some little morsel of democratic representation. Something that can be marked as a turning point from 35 years of escalating political and economic corruption that has put civilization on the verge of implosion into fascist revolutions and world war repeating, verbatim, the history of the 1920s and 30s. ..."
    "... For a $10-million donation to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary gave the thumbs up for the use of child soldiers in South Sudan as SoS. A shady businessman had an eye on African mining rights and regime change. (Hillary data-shredded "business" related emails on an illegal private server; smashed her smartphones with a hammer; to destroy evidence.) ..."
    "... Really? Stiffing his employees. Stiffing his creditors. Stiffing the tax man. All "perfectly legal". ..."
    "... Is not this is what neoliberalism is about? Especially for the employees part ..."
    Oct 07, 2016 |
    Ron Waller -> Ben Groves... October 07, 2016 at 12:58 PM , October 07, 2016 at 12:58 PM
    If Trump is all talk, why are all the establishment neocons as hysterical over him as the PC pearl clutchers?

    It's because they couldn't get assurances from him that his anti-globalization talk was just talk, unlike Hillary whom they have gotten assurances that the outsourcing bloodbath will continue unabated.

    If Trump tears up NAFTA and the TPP then Americans will, at least, have gotten SOMETHING out of "their" government over the past 35 years. Some little morsel of democratic representation. Something that can be marked as a turning point from 35 years of escalating political and economic corruption that has put civilization on the verge of implosion into fascist revolutions and world war repeating, verbatim, the history of the 1920s and 30s.

    Ron Waller -> pgl... , -1
    Trump is a weasel of a businessman and a weasel of a politician (par for the course on the latter.) But he made all his money legally.

    The concept of pure corruption, however, might suit the Clintons, given they have pocketed over $100-million in bribe-related wealth.

    They deregulated the banks for kickbacks from Wall Street. Set the stage for the 2000s Bust Out - a complex web of fraud among all manner of banker including cheerleading central banker - that culminated in global economic collapse.

    For money from the burgeoning private prison industry, they labeled African American youth "super predators" with "no conscience; no empathy" (a most vicious of racist dog whistle that blows anything Trump has said out of the water.) Hillary called for a police crackdown ("we can talk about how they ended up that way, but they first must be brought to heel") that kicked off the era of mass incarceration; produced a militant police force filled with racist thugs and cowards; and created the Black Lives Matter movement.

    For a $10-million donation to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary gave the thumbs up for the use of child soldiers in South Sudan as SoS. A shady businessman had an eye on African mining rights and regime change. (Hillary data-shredded "business" related emails on an illegal private server; smashed her smartphones with a hammer; to destroy evidence.)

    All this (and MOAR) might not be pure corruption. But something around 99.99% pure. Like Ivory soap, except evil.

    pgl -> Ron Waller ... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 02:37 PM
    "But he made all his money legally."

    Really? Stiffing his employees. Stiffing his creditors. Stiffing the tax man. All "perfectly legal".

    Ron Waller -> pgl... , Friday, October 07, 2016 at 05:38 PM
    Trump is small potatoes compared to what the real Wolves of Wall Street did to the global economy. But if he did break the law he should be thrown in jail, right along with the Clintons and all the other bribe-taking criminals.
    nikbez -> pgl... , -1
    Is not this is what neoliberalism is about? Especially for the employees part

    [Oct 08, 2016] Strategic timing of release of Trump sex tapes

    Oct 08, 2016 |
    Tom aka Rusty : Saturday, October 08, 2016 at 07:01 AM
    HRS'c speech transcripts should be front page news today.


    The Donald certainly took care of that!

    [Oct 08, 2016] Hillary is a very warm and nurturing person. When an 8-ball can't make you feel good about your master of the universe self, you hire madame secretary to fluff your fragile feelings a bit.

    Oct 08, 2016 |
    Waldenpond October 7, 2016 at 5:49 pm

    Clinton agrees with you. She's tired of the bias also.

    "But, you know, part of the problem with the political situation, too, is that there is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives. You know, the divestment of assets, the stripping of all kinds of positions, the sale of stocks. It just becomes so very onerous and unnecessary."

    Back aching scrubbing and knee straining cleaning to maintain a decent and safe environment is exhausting. Accumulating wealth and being criticized for accumulating it at the expense of others is equally exhausting. She is the personification of empathy.

    Waldenpond October 7, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    Hmmm. … I thought this e-mail was a copy of the Wash Exam article, is it really leaks of portions of Clinton's speeches? It's text book Clinton. I couldn't find the WE article and now Buzzfeed writes it appears to be paid speeches.

    Waldenpond October 7, 2016 at 6:49 pm

    Buzzfeed has it. Now Intercept. Anyone else see it? OK, now CBS.

    cnchal October 7, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    The more interesting part is this.

    "SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. Well, you know what Bob Rubin said about that. He said, you know, when he came to Washington he had a fortune. And when he left Washington, he had a small – – MR. BLANKFEIN: That's how you have a small fortune , is you go to Washington. . .

    The sacrifices they make for us.

    Reminds me of a saying in racing. How do you get a million bucks? Start with two.

    OIFVet October 7, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    The way I read Lord Blankfein is that in a way he was being condescending to the help madame secretary and her Bubba.

    Waldenpond October 7, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    *Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]

    What? Open borders with Europe? She can't mean Russia. To be clear, she's also declaring support for that greenest of projects, the Keystone pipeline in another speech.

    OIFVet October 7, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    Hillary is a very warm and nurturing person. When an 8-ball can't make you feel good about your master of the universe self, you hire madame secretary to fluff your fragile feelings a bit. Or you pay mr. president to put on a comfortable pair of shoes and stand guard between you and the peasants with the pitchforks.

    [Oct 08, 2016] I have to thank Clinton for picking Kaine since just quoting his record as Governor pretty much destroys the idea that she picks liberals.

    Oct 08, 2016 |
    Pat October 7, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    In my continued talks with people who insist that voting for Clinton is the only choice because TRUMP, I just got I would rather have war with Russia than Putin deciding American policy because the President owes him money.

    After I decimated that one by asking if everyone in Congress owes Putin as well, I continued by noting that Congress is also a stumbling block if ACA was really their only concern.

    That they better figure out how to move to a country with a real health care system or give up being an artist and find a better paying job with employer provided insurance because the idea that Clinton has some magic method of preventing it from dying is a fantasy.

    The President cannot unilaterally do anything to stop insurance companies from dropping out and no legislation saving it is going to pass in a Congress where one or both of the Houses have Republican majorities. Sure she might stop them from cutting their subsidy, but even with Clinton they have a couple of years at most before they are royally screwed. Especially since Clinton's Democratic Party is not bothering to try to fight every race in an attempt to get the House, and even have grabbed money from the state parties for her campaign.

    Every once in a while I get a little annoyed with people who want to accuse me of not being realistic and believing in unicorns when it is beyond clear that they are dreaming.

    I should note that they also pulled out the SCOTUS canard. I have to thank Clinton for picking Kaine since just quoting his record as Governor pretty much destroys the idea that she picks liberals.

    [Oct 08, 2016] Barry and the spooks make it official today – Putin did it! re: the DNC email leaks.

    Oct 08, 2016 |
    lyman alpha blob October 7, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    Barry and the spooks make it official today – Putin did it! re: the DNC email leaks.

    But as you note, the Dems are not coming off as particularly trustworthy. Checking the comments of that article, the dogs aren't eating the dogfood and seem to have noticed the claims are still based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

    [Oct 08, 2016] Democrat Email Hairballs

    Oct 08, 2016 |

    "Wikileaks' Julian Assange to release 'significant' documents on US election, Google, arms trading over next 10 weeks" [ International Business Times ]. Oh, not the next 31 days?

    PhilU October 7, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    Wikileaks dumped #ThePodestaEmails.

    Complete with a copy of everything problematic in her wall street spaces.
    "But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position ."
    -100% pro trade
    -Shits on single payer
    -Wall Street should regulate itself… sigh.

    And her Uranium One cover might have just died.

    Titus Pullo October 7, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    Don't worry, the CTR shills are already on Reddit and social media framing this as another "nothing burger," or that it is actually good for her. The campaign's pals in the MSM are sure to follow, especially considering the reprehensible recording of Trump that was released earlier today (granted, as a man, I have heard many men say things as bad or worse than Trump has said at various stages in my life) gives them a foil to wrap this hot potato in.

    [Oct 08, 2016] WikiLeaks makes it official, Obama knew about Hilary's email, of course he knew. So a bald-faced lie from the president of the United States to millions of Americans:

    Oct 08, 2016 |
    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 7, 2016 at 7:34 pm

    And WikiLeaks makes it official, Obama knew about Hilary's email, of course he knew. So a bald-faced lie from the president of the United States to millions of Americans:

    The body language is the tell, when asked directly he says "No" but his head bobs up and down "Yes".

    Seems to me a candidate could win simply by saying "I will not lie to you".

    [Oct 06, 2016] Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado says shes done talking about Trump Daily Mail Online

    Oct 06, 2016 |

    A former Miss Universe who says Donald Trump 'fat-shamed' her and called her 'Miss Piggy' says she's done battling the billionaire.

    Alicia Machado will not give any more interviews on the way Trump treated her, representatives for the Venezuelan-born beauty queen told

    'We will not be discussing the Trump subject any further,' an email from her reps at Anderson Public Relations Group said.

    A statement from Machado that accompanied to the message blasted Trump and his campaign for 'launching insults and are attempting to revive slanders and false accusations about my life, in order to humiliate, intimidate, and unbalance me.

    'These attacks are cheap lies with bad intentions,' she said.

    A former Miss Universe who says Donald Trump 'fat-shamed' her and called her 'Miss Piggy' says she's done battling the billionaire. Alicia Machado says she will not give any more interviews on the way Trump treated her

    Machado blasted Trump in a statement for 'launching insults and are attempting to revive slanders and false accusations about my life, in order to humiliate, intimidate, and unbalance me.' She's pictured fighting off the press on Oct. 1 at a Fashion Week event in California

    After Hillary Clinton put a spotlight on Machado's strife with Trump in the first general election debate, the 39-year-old's dirty laundry spilled out into the public.

    Video from a Spanish reality TV show Machado participated in showed her having sex with another contestant while she was engaged to baseball star Bobby Abreu.

    It was further revealed that she was listed as an accomplice in an attempted murder in 1998, two years after she carried the Miss Universe crown.

    Machado allegedly drove the getaway car and threatened to kill the judge overseeing the case. Her then-boyfriend was indicted in the criminal case.

    Clinton's campaign has been unwilling to admit to knowing, or not knowing, about Machado's past.

    'I don't think that in any way excuses what Trump has said about her,' Clinton's national press secretary, Brian Fallon, told

    Alicia Machado appears topless on reality show The Farm Loaded:

    ROLE (IN THE HAY) MODEL: Machado had sex in front of the cameras – and moaned about Spanish TV host Fernando Acaso's 'p***a' – during a 2005 episode of 'La Granja'

    Trump last week accused Machado of making a 'sex tape' as he lashed out at Clinton in a 3 AM Twitter rant for propping her up.

    That was a reference to a 2005 reality TV show modeled after 'Big Brother,' in which Machado was filmed having intercourse on camera with a fellow contestant.

    In the 2005 episode of 'La Granja,' she had sex in front of the cameras with Spanish TV host Fernando Acaso.

    Machado was engaged to Philadelphia Phillies right fielder Abreu at the time. The Venezuelan major-leaguer called off the wedding after clips of the show appeared online.

    The broadcast showed Acaso on top of her, with Machado whispering in Spanish about his manhood.

    'Oh your d***, my love, what a tasty d***! Your d*** is divine,' she moans while they go at it.

    Later during the broadcast replay, the show's host read aloud what Machado had written about the man.

    CRINGE: Machado's sex scene in the reality-show fun house was relived frame by frame complete with mortified squirming, and her fiancé Bobby Abreu later called off their engagement

    Interviewed about sex scene: Machado was interviewed about what she did in bed with Fernando Acaso, appearing to be embarrassed as an interviewer revealed she had said: 'He f***s me like a b****.'

    'Really, that guy is cute, he loves me, he understands me, he accepts me, he protects me, he supports me, he respects me,' read her testimonial.

    'He treats me like a goddess, he f***s me like a b****!'

    Machado told Univision when she returned to Miami that 'I felt fine as a person, as a human being.'

    'It was a very strong experience, very difficult in all senses, and I feel very happy with the events in Spain. I had people's support once more and I gained respect for what I am as a person and that was the purpose.'

    Trump has also suggested that Clinton's campaign obtained U.S. citizenship for Machado. The Democrat's aides say that's not true. Machado became a citizen on her own.

    The scrutiny appears to have taken a toll on the actress and mother.

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    Hillary Clinton made Machado's strife with Trump over her weight the focal point of her charge in last week's general election debate that the Republican is a sexist

    In response to's request for an interview, Machado's representatives said: 'Thank you for reaching out regarding Alicia. At this point in time Alicia has said her comments about the trump situation (please see her statement below) and we are no longer discussing the subject.

    'If you are interested in talking about Alicia's career, her businesses and her philanthropy we are open to discussing, however we will not be discussing the Trump subject any further.'

    A long statement from Machado said Trump is 'attempting to distract from his campaign's real problems and his inability to be the leader of this great country' by 'discrediting her.'

    'When I was young, the now candidate, humiliated me, insulted me, disrespected me both publicly and privately in the cruelest way. The same way this happened to me, it's clear that throughout the years, he's continued his actions and behavior with other women.

    'Therefore, I will continue to stand on my feet, sharing my story and my absolute support for Secretary Clinton, on behalf of all women.'

    Machado's commitment to spreading the word about the public humiliation she says the Republican presidential nominee caused her does not, apparently, extend to interviews on the topic, however.

    As of Wednesday evening, Hillary Clinton was still using Machado as an example of her opponent's 'lack of respect for women.'

    'The list is long. He insulted Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe. He said that pregnancy is an inconvenience for a woman's employer,' Clinton said at a Women's Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C..

    She said, 'Recently, more than 20 people who worked on his TV show have come forward to say he was frequently inappropriate with the cast and crew members – another reason why he is temperamentally unfit to be president.'

    Clinton was referring to an Associated Press report from Monday in which contestants and crew members from The Apprentice claimed the married Trump rated participants by the size of their breasts and talked about having sex with them.

    Trump's campaign spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said in response, 'These outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever.'

    Defending his comments about women's looks Wednesday in a TV interview with Las Vegas channel KSNV Trump said 'a lot of that was done for the purpose of entertainment.'

    'I can tell you this: There is nobody – nobody,' he said, that has more respect for women than I do.'

    A spokesman for Clinton's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Machado's decision to stop doing interviews on Trump and how that might affect the Democratic candidate's own speeches.

    Clinton has no public events on her schedule between now and Sunday's presidential debate. Her next rally is on Monday in Michigan.


    'The Republican candidate and his campaign are, once again launching attacks, insults and are attempting to revive slanders and false accusations about my life, in order to humiliate, intimidate, and unbalance me. These attacks are cheap lies with bad intentions. This, of course, is not the first time the candidate insists on discrediting someone or insists on demoralizing women, minorities, and people of certain religions through his hateful campaign. This is definitely one of his most frightful characteristics. Through his attacks, he's attempting to distract from his campaign's real problems and his inability to be the leader of this great country.

    When I was young, the now candidate, humiliated me, insulted me, disrespected me both publicly and privately in the cruelest way. The same way this happened to me, it's clear that throughout the years, he's continued his actions and behavior with other women. Therefore, I will continue to stand on my feet, sharing my story and my absolute support for Secretary Clinton, on behalf of all women -- my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, women within the community. I want to thank all of my Latinas and those who have supported me and given me love and respect for my career, and as a human being. I became a United States citizen because my daughter was born here and because I wanted to exercise my rights, among them, I wanted to vote.

    I will continue standing firm in my lived experience as Miss Universe and even stronger with your support. I've been so pleased and honored by so many kind and heartfelt words. I'm focusing on my career and my work as a mother, and I will continue taking positive steps for the Latino community. I will continue being an activist for women's rights and fighting for the respect we deserve. I appreciate all your love and thank you again for your support.'

    [Oct 06, 2016] Neoliberal MSM bottomfeeders try to damage Trump calaiming he insulted voters while in reality Democrat did is in cold blood

    Notable quotes:
    "... It's a pattern not just for the Clinton campaign, but liberals generally: the "irredeemable" "basket of deplorables"; the basement dwelling millenials. ..."
    "... Worse, the Democrat approach is calculated: As Bernard Shaw says: "A blow in cold blood neither can nor should be forgiven." ..."
    "... It's difficult to convince someone whose life is objectively worse that their life is better. And it's disengenuous to try. ..."
    "... Neoliberal capitalism is not sustainable for these people. ..."
    "... Neither party seems to be aligned with the interests of my union brothers and sisters. I'm sick and tired of hearing the kayfabe crap every election season about how I should vote dem to keep the evil GOPers from busting unions, when in reality both parties seem more or less committed to the corporate agenda of employment crapification. ..."
    "... I believe in union's, but part of the decline can be directly laid at the feet of leadership that either knowingly or stupidly help elect people who aren't with their union members in any meaningful fashion. ..."
    "... Some of the unions are straight out sell outs (I'm looking at you AFL/CIO – but the AFL kind of always has been, that's it's history, but now it's pretty appalling the positions being taken). Not sure about Teamsters and smaller unions are hit and miss I guess only a few are radical. The unions were defanged long ago in order to have un-threatening corporate unions and of course labor was the loser. But that still doesn't excuse their horrible political choices. ..."
    "... Why in the hell are the Democrats parading around like they are the default? Oh my! The Republicans could get the White House snatched from the Dems! Why should an independent give a damn if the Democrats lose? If they are so freaking important, change your policies to win their votes legitimately you HACKs! ..."
    Oct 06, 2016 |

    Debate Wrapup

    Next presidential debate: Sunday, October 9.

    "Fact-checking the vice-presidential debate between Kaine and Pence" [ WaPo ]. On the "insult-driven campaign" back-and-forth, where WaPo proffers a lovingly compiled list of Trump's insults: If smearing an entire cohort of disfavored voters as racist and sexist #BernieBros isn't an insult, I don't know what is. And that approach isn't isolated: It's a pattern not just for the Clinton campaign, but liberals generally: the "irredeemable" "basket of deplorables"; the basement dwelling millenials.

    Worse, the Democrat approach is calculated: As Bernard Shaw says: "A blow in cold blood neither can nor should be forgiven." So miss me with the insult discussion.

    ... ... ...

    "I Listened to a Trump Supporter" [ Extra News Feed ]. The foreclosure crisis destroyed her landscraping business. Then she lost her own house. "She told me that every week, it seemed there was another default letter, another foreclosure, another bank demanding more blood from her dry veins. To her, that pile of default notices and demands for payment looked suspiciously similar to Hillary Clinton's top donor list." And she's not wrong.

    "The Trump candidacy succeeded because of a massive revolt among rank-and-file Republicans against their leaders. Should the Trump candidacy fail, as now seems likely, those leaders stand ready to deny that the revolt ever happened. Instead, they'll have a story of a more or less normal Republican undone only because (as Pence said last night) 'he's not a polished politician.' The solution for 2020? Bring back the professionals-and return to business as usual" [David Frum, The Atlantic ]. "It's unlikely to work. But you can understand why it's an attractive message to a party elite that discovered to its horror that it had lost its base and lost its way."

    "Trump faces new battleground threat from steelworkers: The United Steelworkers union is pledging to make sure every one of its workers in make-or-break states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio are well aware that the Republican presidential candidate may have circumvented U.S. laws to import Chinese steel" [ Politico ].

    Roger Smith October 5, 2016 at 2:11 pm

    "I Listened to a Trump Supporter" [Extra News Feed].

    Thank the heavens the Banks made it out okay though. All those nice people might have had to go through the same thing.

    "It's difficult to convince someone whose life is objectively worse that their life is better. And it's disengenuous to try. You can break down the specifics, sure.

    What is the author talking about? Their lives ARE NOT better.

    "Neoliberal capitalism is not sustainable for these people."

    It is not sustainable period! What do you think will happen when all these people disappear?

    dcblogger October 5, 2016 at 2:34 pm

    Since The Beltway Democratic Establishment Refuses To Back Progressives Candidates, Why Should Grassroots Dems Unite Behind Their Crap Candidates?

    NY Union Guy October 5, 2016 at 3:05 pm


    My primary political concern is labor so why should I get behind a dem or a GOPer?

    Neither party seems to be aligned with the interests of my union brothers and sisters. I'm sick and tired of hearing the kayfabe crap every election season about how I should vote dem to keep the evil GOPers from busting unions, when in reality both parties seem more or less committed to the corporate agenda of employment crapification.

    Pat October 5, 2016 at 4:31 pm

    My union's bulletin arrived yesterday with a full color cover of Hillary touting how they are with her.

    I believe in union's, but part of the decline can be directly laid at the feet of leadership that either knowingly or stupidly help elect people who aren't with their union members in any meaningful fashion.

    jrs October 5, 2016 at 6:13 pm

    Some of the unions are straight out sell outs (I'm looking at you AFL/CIO – but the AFL kind of always has been, that's it's history, but now it's pretty appalling the positions being taken). Not sure about Teamsters and smaller unions are hit and miss I guess only a few are radical. The unions were defanged long ago in order to have un-threatening corporate unions and of course labor was the loser. But that still doesn't excuse their horrible political choices.

    Higgs Boson October 5, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    Leaked Audio of Hillary Speaking to "the Grown Ups"

    Maybe HRC should ask Seattle CM Kshama Sawant what the problem is.

    Roger Smith October 5, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    Al Gore: "The former vice president, a climate activist, will speak about not just Clinton's plan to address global warming, but also the idea that voting for an independent presidential candidate could deliver the White House to Republicans in the same way that Ralph Nader's candidacy helped undermine his presidential bid in 2000."

    Why in the hell are the Democrats parading around like they are the default? Oh my! The Republicans could get the White House snatched from the Dems! Why should an independent give a damn if the Democrats lose? If they are so freaking important, change your policies to win their votes legitimately you HACKs!

    Nah, just parade around an old loser… that will get those kids and independents invigorated for sure! He made a movie! - ARGHH!!!! (this infuriates me).

    [Oct 06, 2016] Hacker Releases Emails From Clinton State Department Insider

    Notable quotes:
    "... Marshall's central importance to the Clintons' political operations was realized earlier this year by Citizens United. The conservative watchdog group filed a federal lawsuit for Marshall's State Department emails. ..."
    "... At State, Marshall served as chief of protocol from 2009 to 2013. In that role, she helped the State Department and White House manage issues related to diplomatic protocol. ..."
    "... The emails, which appear to be from Marshall's Gmail account, span the period from March 2015 through June 2016. ..."
    Oct 06, 2016 |

    ... ... ...

    Marshall's central importance to the Clintons' political operations was realized earlier this year by Citizens United. The conservative watchdog group filed a federal lawsuit for Marshall's State Department emails.

    At State, Marshall served as chief of protocol from 2009 to 2013. In that role, she helped the State Department and White House manage issues related to diplomatic protocol.

    She entered the Clinton sphere during Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, working as a special assistant to Hillary Clinton. She later worked on Clinton's senatorial and presidential campaigns, helping lead fundraising efforts.

    The DC Leaks emails appear to be authentic.

    The emails, which appear to be from Marshall's Gmail account, span the period from March 2015 through June 2016.

    [Oct 06, 2016] Some atypical pro Trump comments from Guardian

    Notable quotes:
    "... The Military Industrial Complex with the Saudi/Qatari/Gulf Mafia in cahoots with The Religious Cult We're No Longer Allowed To Mention, have it in the bag. ..."
    "... Expect another war in the Middle East shortly after she's crowned. ..."
    "... Oh please. Yeah I'd sooner eat a cyanide sandwich than vote for that corrupt witch. ..."
    "... It's amusing to see the Guardian claim that it has "no bias", like when Marxists argue that their doctrine is a 'science' instead of a set of political beliefs. ..."
    "... Do the 1%ers and biased media believe that even if Clinton wins that the Trump supporters will just shrug their shoulders? Not a chance. ..."
    "... 2020 is going to be the most epic fought POTUS election in the history of America, that's if CLinton can stay upright and read the teleprompter for 4 years. ..."
    "... The only winner here will be globalist bankers and mega multinationals, the losers will, as usual, be all of the common people. ..."
    "... The Guardian will be 3 times a loser, despite it's supersonic propaganda campaign. 1) Brexit vote 2) Corbyn re-elected 3) Trump will win ..."
    "... In terms of comparing how much they are working Trump is simply working harder. He was campaigning yesterday and is today as well. It shows how dedicated he is for this whilst Hillary is in hiding and no doubt will be until Sunday !!! ..."
    "... At a townhall two days ago in Pennsylvania the Hillary Clinton campaign used a child actor, a daughter of a democrat state senator from Pennsylvania, to further her narrative. ..."
    "... The American people are like a sleeping elephant, sedated by a tame and corrupt media, yet when awoken with the truth they will trample everything in their path. Clinton is running out of tranquilisers. ..."
    Oct 06, 2016 |
    ID4352889 1h ago
    The Warmonger Candidate will win.

    The Military Industrial Complex with the Saudi/Qatari/Gulf Mafia in cahoots with The Religious Cult We're No Longer Allowed To Mention, have it in the bag.

    AgentC ID4352889 1h ago

    The Warmonger Candidate will win.

    Expect another war in the Middle East shortly after she's crowned.
    Bitty31985 1h ago
    Oh please. Yeah I'd sooner eat a cyanide sandwich than vote for that corrupt witch. Go Jill Stein!! Defeat The She Devil!!
    cato8203 2h ago

    The Guardian is an independent voice in this year's election. That means no bias

    It's amusing to see the Guardian claim that it has "no bias", like when Marxists argue that their doctrine is a 'science' instead of a set of political beliefs.

    Thebrexiteer1234 2h ago
    Do the 1%ers and biased media believe that even if Clinton wins that the Trump supporters will just shrug their shoulders? Not a chance.

    2020 is going to be the most epic fought POTUS election in the history of America, that's if CLinton can stay upright and read the teleprompter for 4 years.

    Trump and Sanders supporters are just getting started.

    imperviouspizza 3h ago
    The only winner here will be globalist bankers and mega multinationals, the losers will, as usual, be all of the common people.
    MikeHuntByrnes 3h ago
    A link to Donald Trump's new plan to make America Great Again: Read and weep, all you Hillary-lovers! Trump 4 President!

    Alex J Campbell 4h ago
    The Guardian will be 3 times a loser, despite it's supersonic propaganda campaign. 1) Brexit vote 2) Corbyn re-elected 3) Trump will win
    rosey011 4h ago
    In terms of comparing how much they are working Trump is simply working harder. He was campaigning yesterday and is today as well. It shows how dedicated he is for this whilst Hillary is in hiding and no doubt will be until Sunday !!!
    fedback 4h ago
    At a townhall two days ago in Pennsylvania the Hillary Clinton campaign used a child actor, a daughter of a democrat state senator from Pennsylvania, to further her narrative.

    Unfortunately all about Hillary is fake and as the media don't even pretend to practice journalism concerning Hillary Clinton, citizen researchers have to do the media's job. Here is a video explaining what took place.

    ThomasFareye 4h ago
    The American people are like a sleeping elephant, sedated by a tame and corrupt media, yet when awoken with the truth they will trample everything in their path. Clinton is running out of tranquilisers.

    [Oct 06, 2016] They can't admit Trump is partly right about anything?

    Oct 06, 2016 |

    Peter K. -> anne... October 06, 2016 at 06:21 AM , October 06, 2016 at 06:21 AM

    Center left economist ignore what Dean is pointing out. Why is that?

    They can't admit Trump is partly right about anything?

    he High Dollar: President Clinton's Unaffordable Tax Cut

    by Dean Baker

    Truthout, November 15, 2006

    Everyone knows about George W. Bush's unaffordable tax cuts, the big tax breaks that gave millions to millionaires and billions to billionaires, but few people are aware of the even more unaffordable tax cut from the Clinton administration. That is because President Clinton's tax cut took a somewhat different form: an over-valued dollar.

    While few people recognize it, the effect of an over-valued dollar on the US economy is very similar to the effect of large tax cuts. Tax cuts reduce revenue, which leads to deficits and a growing debt, which will impose a larger interest burden on the country in the future. In the same way, an over-valued dollar leads to a trade deficit, which results in borrowing from abroad. In future years, the country will have to pay interest on the money it borrows from abroad today, leading to lower living standards in the future. In fact, the most important difference between the two is that the trade deficit is much larger, clocking in at more than $800 billion in 2006 (6.1 percent of GDP), while the budget deficit is a comparatively modest $260 billion (2.0 percent of GDP).

    Clinton did not start his administration with a high dollar policy. Lloyd Bentsen, his first Treasury Secretary, deliberately allowed the dollar to weaken in the first years of the Clinton administration, with the hope of keeping the trade deficit at a manageable level. When he left office in 1994, the trade deficit was less than 1.5 percent of GDP, a level that could be sustained indefinitely.

    The high dollar policy came into being under Bentsen's replacement, Robert Rubin. Rubin argued that a high dollar would help control inflation. He made it the official policy of the Clinton administration to support a high dollar.

    As a short-term measure, Rubin is exactly right; a high dollar does help to control inflation by making imports available at a lower cost. This has the effect of keeping prices lower in the United States and putting US manufacturing firms at an enormous competitive disadvantage. The basic story is relatively simple - if the dollar is over-valued by 20 percent, then this is equivalent to providing a 20 percent subsidy to imports, while placing a 20 percent tariff on all goods exported from the United States. With the high dollar policy in place, it should not be a surprise that we have lost more than 3 million manufacturing jobs in the last decade.

    But, it is important to realize that the feel good part of the high dollar policy is only a short-term story. Just as a tax cut can put more money in people's pockets until the interest burden starts to exceed the size of the tax cut, eventually the foreign debt builds to the point where it is no longer possible to sustain the over-valued dollar. At some point in the future, the dollar will fall, and it will hit a level that is much lower than would have been the case if we had not built up a massive foreign debt (now more than $3 trillion) during the years of the high dollar. As a result future generations will be paying much more for everything that the country imports from abroad - oil, other raw materials, manufactured goods and services. In other words, future generations will experience lower standards of living because of today's high dollar, and the impact is more than three times as large as the impact of the budget deficit.

    The blame for the high dollar policy is bi-partisan. It started under Clinton-Rubin, but it has continued in the Bush years, even as the trade deficit exploded to more than twice its previous record (measured relative to the size of the economy). The Bush administration could have taken steps to bring down the value of the dollar and thereby reduce the trade deficit, but this would have meant sharp increases in import prices, which would lower living standards. This would be no more popular than tax increases - it is not surprising that Bush would not choose to go this route.

    Instead, President Bush continued the high dollar policy that he inherited from Clinton, obviously hoping that its collapse occurs when someone else is sitting in the White House. For the politicians, this is a convenient pass the buck story; only the person sitting there at the time will have to take the blame when the bill from the high dollar policy comes due. But, those of us who will have to pay this bill should be clear, it was Bill Clinton and Robert Rubin who started the tab running and George W. Bush who lacked the courage to close the account.

    [Oct 06, 2016] Donald Trump, Economic Theory, and Trade Deficits

    Oct 06, 2016 |

    anne : , Thursday, October 06, 2016 at 06:07 AM

    October 6, 2016

    Donald Trump, Economic Theory, and Trade Deficits

    The desire to beat up on Donald Trump is understandable, but it is important to realize that not everything he says is wrong. For example, according to press accounts he adheres to the belief that the world is round.

    Anyhow, Greg Ip goes a bit over board in a Wall Street Journal piece where he argues that Trump's claim that a trade deficit can be reduced or eliminated with tariffs is wrong. Referring to Trump's approach to the trade deficit, Ip tells readers:

    "But that is out of step with standard economics, which predicts that a country's trade balance is determined by the gap between what it invests and saves, not by tariffs."

    As an accounting identity a country's trade balance is always equal to the gap between what it invests and what it saves. This means that if the U.S. invests $200 billion a year more than it saves, then it will by definition be true that it has a trade deficit of $200 billion.

    However this accounting identity tells us nothing about causation. If we are below the full employment level of output, and Donald Trump's tariffs or threats of tariffs, reduce our annual trade deficit by $200 billion (@ 1.1 percent of GDP), then this would lead to additional employment, output, and savings in the United States. A standard multiplier would suggest that a $200 billion reduction in the size of the trade deficit would lead to a $300 billion increase in GDP. This higher GDP would lead to more corporate and individual savings, as well as more tax revenue, which also count as savings. (The growth in GDP would also led to more imports, partially offsetting the initial improvement in the trade deficit.)

    In other words, it is totally possible to reduce the size of the trade deficit as long as the economy is below its full employment level of output. This is basic economic theory. Folks should be clear on this point, even if it suggests that Trump might be partly right on something.

    -- Dean Baker

    [Oct 06, 2016] Trump and global trade

    Notable quotes:
    "... Policy makers and politicians, Goodman writes, "failed to plan for the trauma that has accompanied the benefits of trade. When millions of workers lost paychecks to foreign competition, they lacked government supports to cushion the blow. As a result, seething anger is upending politics in Europe and North America.' ..."
    "... Along these lines, Trump has successfully appropriated an issue - the distributional impact of free trade - that was, in recent years, the turf of Democrats. ..."
    "... 'The story of Trump's amazingly successful movement is also the story of how Democrats turned their backs on their working-class roots and sided with the elites on the crucial economic question of our times: Who would win from globalization, and who would lose? ..."
    "... 'I don't want you to do that. And if you do it, you're not going to have any cars coming across the border unless you pay a 35 percent tax.' ..."
    "... 'I'm going to tell the head of Carrier: "I hope you enjoy your stay in Mexico folks. But every single unit that you make and send across our border, which now will be real, you're going to pay a 35 percent tax."' ..."
    Oct 06, 2016 |

    Fred C. Dobbs : October 06, 2016 at 05:28 AM

    Global Trade War, Trump Edition
    NYT - Thomas Edsall - Oct 6

    Let's take Donald Trump's trade policies at face value.

    If he is elected, "The era of economic surrender will finally be over," Trump declared, repeating a favorite theme in a July speech in Monessen, Pa., once the heart of the state's steel industry. (#) "I want you to imagine how much better your life can be if we start believing in America again."

    As the world knows, Trump's rhetoric has found a receptive audience among angry white working-class voters who have lost well-paying jobs to automation and outsourcing.

    Legions of Trump supporters have legitimate grounds for discontent. As my colleague Peter Goodman wrote last week:

    'Trade comes with no assurances that the spoils will be shared equitably. Across much of the industrialized world, an outsize share of the winnings has been harvested by people with advanced degrees, stock options and the need for accountants. Ordinary laborers have borne the costs and suffered from joblessness and deepening economic anxiety.'

    Policy makers and politicians, Goodman writes, "failed to plan for the trauma that has accompanied the benefits of trade. When millions of workers lost paychecks to foreign competition, they lacked government supports to cushion the blow. As a result, seething anger is upending politics in Europe and North America.'

    Along these lines, Trump has successfully appropriated an issue - the distributional impact of free trade - that was, in recent years, the turf of Democrats.

    On Sept. 30, Rex Nutting, a columnist at, wrote "How Donald Trump hijacked the Democrats' best issue":

    'The story of Trump's amazingly successful movement is also the story of how Democrats turned their backs on their working-class roots and sided with the elites on the crucial economic question of our times: Who would win from globalization, and who would lose?

    The downside of Trump's trade policy proposals is, however, considerable. Trump's protectionist policies would negatively affect overall American economic performance and further aggravate the harsh distributional consequences of globalization for just those workers who support him.

    ( )

    Gordon Hanson, an economics professor at the University of California, San Diego, emailed me his analysis of Trump's economic scheme:

    'Trump's strategy is essentially one of withdrawal from the world economy. He wants less trade and less outward foreign investment. He offers no plans for how to improve our export performance. This is protectionism, pure and simple.'

    Erik Brynjolfsson, an economist at M.I.T.'s Sloan School of Management, was more forceful:

    'No nation can succeed by trying to protect the past from the future. We will succeed by having the confidence to embrace competition, and leveraging our comparative strengths, which are numerous. We have the largest, most productive and most technologically advanced economy that's ever existed on this planet. The more open the world economy is, the more we have an opportunity to leverage our many strengths.'

    Looked at this way, Trump's stance is an implicit admission that he and his followers do not "believe in America" - an argument that the United States cannot compete successfully in the world arena unless protected by the imposition of high tariffs and punitive taxes on foreign production and foreign competitors.

    Robert Reich, an economist at Berkeley, former secretary of labor under Bill Clinton and a leading supporter of Bernie Sanders during the primaries, agrees.

    Trump's trade proposals, Reich argues, 'assume the U.S. can't compete and must erect trade barriers lest other countries flood America with better and cheaper products. That's the opposite of believing in America.'

    On Jan. 7, Trump told The New York Times that he would impose a 45 percent tax on goods imported from China. "I would tax China on products coming in," he told the paper's editorial board. "The tax should be 45 percent."

    When Ford proposed building new manufacturing facilities in Mexico, Trump declared in a September 2015 speech that he would call the president of Ford and tell him:

    'I don't want you to do that. And if you do it, you're not going to have any cars coming across the border unless you pay a 35 percent tax.'

    Trump said the same thing in March after the Carrier Corporation announced plans to move air-conditioning production facilities to Mexico:

    'I'm going to tell the head of Carrier: "I hope you enjoy your stay in Mexico folks. But every single unit that you make and send across our border, which now will be real, you're going to pay a 35 percent tax."'

    Andrew McAfee, a director of M.I.T.'s Initiative on the Digital Economy and co-author of "The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies," was sharply critical of Trump. In an email, McAfee wrote:

    'There's a reason that all good economists support free trade, and that none of them are supporting Trump's proposals. The reason is that trade gives us more and better access to goods and services than we could produce on our own. It also provides jobs for exporters, people working in airports and ports, and so on.

    Free trade is not surrender, and not something that only suckers do. In fact, just the opposite. Closing our borders would be surrender to a nonexistent enemy. It would make us poorer without bringing back the jobs.'

    Sean Wilentz, a historian at Princeton, contends that Trump's proposal is only slightly less drastic than the Smoot-Hawley Tariff - a law passed over the objection of more than 1,000 economists and signed by Herbert Hoover in June 1930. Smoot-Hawley is largely acknowledged as one of the principle causes of the subsequent worldwide economic catastrophe. In an email, Wilentz wrote:

    'Smoot-Hawley raised tariffs across the board, with every trading partner. The results were disastrous for the world economy, let alone for the U.S. at the opening stage of the Great Depression. A worldwide trade war commenced, and international trade was shattered. Trump so far has proposed only sharp tariff hikes with Mexico and China - but these are two of the three largest sources of U.S. imports.' ...

    #- Newsweek investigation: How Donald Trump
    ditched U.S. steel workers in favor of China
    Kurt Eichenwald - 10/3/16

    ... A Newsweek investigation has found that in at least two of Trump's last three construction projects, Trump opted to purchase his steel and aluminum from Chinese manufacturers rather than United States corporations based in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. ...

    Reply Thursday,

    [Oct 06, 2016] Hillary up-coming impeachment trial in the Republican Senate.

    Oct 06, 2016 |
    timbers October 5, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    Maybe instead of Al Gore, Michael Moore should hit the stump with Clinton to work the crowd and sign people up to membership since it will be needed to defend Hillary in her up-coming impeachment trial in the Republican Senate. It will bring back memories as we relive the Clinton years all over again. And while the oxygen gets sucked out policy discussion from Hillary's impeachment, she can get to work on Grand Bargain and finally privatize SS and maybe no-fly zone & WW3, too. With so much stuff like that going on, people should be sufficiently distracted from from their shittacular healthcare, declining wages, and student loaners lurking in basements as the number of states experiencing Obamacare "collapse" go from current 4-7 to who knows … 10-20 or so.

    [Oct 05, 2016] EMAIL RELEASE: Citizens United Releases 198 Pages Of Emails Between State Department And Clinton Foundation

    Oct 05, 2016 |

    SamEyeAm Oct 5, 2016 10:21 PM

    Press Releases

    EMAIL RELEASE: Citizens United Releases 198 Pages Of Emails Between State Department And Clinton Foundation


    Today Citizens United is releasing 198 pages of emails between the State Department and Clinton Foundation on a host of issues.

    43 of the pages have to do with the creation of the "Friends of the Clinton Centre" 501c3, its connection to an official State Department trip to Ireland, and a dinner that Secretary Clinton attended that doesn't appear on her schedule.

    Other topics include China, Haiti, Iran, Cuba, Mexico, and more.

    The specter of foreign influence and the appearance of conflicts of interest are critically important issues. We will continue to release emails such as these in the weeks and months to come.

    In these emails, you'll find the following:

    • "Is this accurate?"

    • "Following Secretary Clinton's lecture at Dublin City University…Patrick McDermott will provide a room for us for a brief discussion on the Friends of the Clinton Centre 501…"

    • "And what does Megan Rodham have to do with this"

    • "…asked wjc to help avoid currency legislation b/c it'll mean lots of Chinese businesses collapsing…"

    • "When HRC visited Sarajevo, she proposed a program to train Bosnian entrepreneurs through the Clinton Foundation(?)"

    • "Oh come on…you can make this happen…"

    • "Jake - unfortunately, like a bad penny, I'll keep turning up one way or another."

    • "Kicking DS off"

    • "Greetings from Jet Li"

    • "[REDACTED] wants barbados"

    • "I think it should be okay. We have interacted with this guy."

    Emails Part I:

    Emails Part II:

    These documents were produced by the State Department as a result of FOIA requests and litigation.

    Our next email production from the State Department is due on October 10.

    Big Ben Oct 5, 2016 10:52 PM
    Sadly, this is just business as usual for the FBI. Hoover accepted valuable gifts from wealthy friends and refused to acknowledge the existence of the mob, much less prosecute them.

    gregga777 Oct 5, 2016 10:55 PM
    Hillary's emails Political Theater

    The entire hearings and so-called investigations surrounding Hillary's emails are a theatrical production designed to make it appear as though the US Feral gangster government actually cares about enforcing the Rule of Law. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone of the posturing DemonRat–ReplutoRat Party political parasites have been bribed to NOT enforce the Law against other political parasites, the banking gangsters, Con Street swindlers, criminal crony capitalist conporations and filthy Oligarchs.

    Not one single current or former KKK (Klinton Krime Klan) gangster will ever be charged with a crime by our corrupt US Department of Corruption, Injustice & Persecution. Not one single current or former KKK (Klinton Krime Klan) gangster will ever be prosecuted for their violations of any US Federal criminal statutes. Not one single current or former KKK (Klinton Krime Klan) gangster will ever see the inside of a prison cell regarding the innumerable Federal felonies committed by the KKK (Klinton Krime Klan).

    The investigations and hearings are all smoke and mirrors political theater. Enjoy it for the sick display of utter corruption and indifference on display by the political parasites and government gangster thugs (FBi). Remember it well when these criminals are begging for mercy at the gallows and guillotines. Don't be swayed by their protestations of innocence at that time. They are all very corrupt, very willing participants in the looting of America and the destruction of the Rule of Law. They all richly deserve their eventual dates at the gallows and guillotines.

    [Oct 05, 2016] Chaffetz Blasts DOJ On Side Agreements That Effectively Prohibited FBI From Proving Intent

    Notable quotes:
    "... Today, Jason Chaffetz, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, sent a follow-up letter requesting additional information and blasting the investigative process in which the "FBI inexplicably agreed to destroy the laptops knowing that the contents were the subject of Congressional subpoenas and preservation letters." ..."
    "... But, perhaps the most startling takeaway from the Chaffetz letter is that limitations imposed by "side agreements" with Mills and Samuelson strictly prohibited the FBI from investigating the "intent" of Hillary's staff to obstruct justice and/or destroy evidence subject to a Congressional subpoena . ..."
    "... Even more disturbing, Chaffetz points out that the FBI agreed to the "side agreements" in June 2016 at which point they were already aware that Combetta deleted Hillary's emails using Bleachbit on 3/31/15 after a conference call with Cheryl Mills and Hillary attorney, David Kendall. That said, the restrictions imposed by the "side agreements" strictly prohibited the FBI from reviewing Mills' emails during that period which could have spoken to her intent to destroy evidence. ..."
    Oct 05, 2016 |
    Two days ago the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia), wrote a letter to AG Lynch that, for the first time, revealed that the FBI apparently struck "side agreements" with both Cheryl Mills an Heather Samuelson to, among other things, "destroy" their "laptops after concluding their search" (see " FBI Allowed 2 Hillary Aides To "Destroy" Their Laptops In Newly Exposed 'Side Agreements' ").

    Today, Jason Chaffetz, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, sent a follow-up letter requesting additional information and blasting the investigative process in which the "FBI inexplicably agreed to destroy the laptops knowing that the contents were the subject of Congressional subpoenas and preservation letters."

    But, perhaps the most startling takeaway from the Chaffetz letter is that limitations imposed by "side agreements" with Mills and Samuelson strictly prohibited the FBI from investigating the "intent" of Hillary's staff to obstruct justice and/or destroy evidence subject to a Congressional subpoena . As pointed out by Chaffetz, the "side agreements" allowed the FBI to only review emails between 6/1/14 through 2/1/15 and only those sent/received by one of Clinton's four email addresses used during her tenure as Secretary of State .

    Even more disturbing, Chaffetz points out that the FBI agreed to the "side agreements" in June 2016 at which point they were already aware that Combetta deleted Hillary's emails using Bleachbit on 3/31/15 after a conference call with Cheryl Mills and Hillary attorney, David Kendall. That said, the restrictions imposed by the "side agreements" strictly prohibited the FBI from reviewing Mills' emails during that period which could have spoken to her intent to destroy evidence.

    But, as always, we're sure the DOJ and FBI will promptly clarify all of these new questions in a completely open and transparent way.

    Link to letter here.

    Chris Dakota -> venturen Oct 5, 2016 10:26 PM
    She is going to lose.

    But she will still be sick and Trump will prosecute her, Bill and Chelsea.

    Her running was the can opener to the Clinton Foundation.

    She has nothing to look forward too.

    "At this point what difference does it make!"

    Manthong -> Chris Dakota Oct 5, 2016 10:38 PM

    "prohibited the FBI from investigating the "intent" of Hillary's staff to obstruct justice and/or destroy evidence subject to a Congressional subpoena"

    Um… yeah, that was the whole purpose of the exercise..

    People should be impeached here.

    Start with Loretta for her tarmac golf and grandkid discussions with Bill and supervision of the Hillary/FBI travesty.

    thinkmoretalkless -> Manthong Oct 5, 2016 11:05 PM
    Their hubris is what is shocking and frightening. Like a blitz they are trying to overwhelm the rule of law. Like rabid dogs they are willing to take some hits if they can make it to the throats of the system. Conspiracy theories of sleeper cells and fifth columns have nothing on the pervasive nature of the threat we face.

    While this election may be the last chance it is only the start since to root out this threat to the Republic makes cancer look like a mild cold. These people are insidious and liberty loving people better be prepared to stand on Election Day and beyond.

    SoDamnMad -> Chris Dakota Oct 5, 2016 11:09 PM
    The Clinton Dynasty might be seeing what is happening and buying "no extradition agreement" with some foreign countries and the getting the money "out of Dodge" before she loses. Every American should read this and linked followups of this:

    Goldilocks -> venturen Oct 5, 2016 10:35 PM
    (The Manchurian Candidate (2004)) RAYMOND: The weasel is a weasel.
    GUS100CORRINA -> venturen Oct 5, 2016 10:39 PM
    I am having a real problem with the word "Honorable" being used in letter to the AG! Nothing the AG has done to date is honorable.


    [Oct 05, 2016] It reminds me of a string of wet sponges.

    Oct 05, 2016 |
    DJG October 5, 2016 at 9:39 am

    Thanks just for this:

    Of Harding's speechifying, H.L. Mencken wrote at the time, "It reminds me of a string of wet sponges." Mencken characterized Harding's rhetoric as "so bad that a sort of grandeur creeps into it. It drags itself out of the dark abysm of pish, and crawls insanely up the topmost pinnacle of posh. It is rumble and bumble. It is flap and doodle. It is balder and dash." So, too, with Hillary Clinton. She is our Warren G. Harding. In her oratory, flapdoodle and balderdash live on.

    And when a person keeps pointing out the importance of keeping one's word, it almost always means that he or she is lying.

    John Wright October 5, 2016 at 10:30 am

    If only Clinton could be like Warren G. Harding.

    At least Harding was aware of the damage his friends caused to him: "I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies in a fight. But my friends, my goddamned friends, they're the ones who keep me walking the floor at nights! "

    As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Harding had the political courage to pardon, and free from prison, Eugene V. Debs for his crime of giving an anti-war speech the Wilson administration did not like.

    Harding did not believe in foreign involvements and was never personally implicated in the financial corruption of his administration.

    The Presidency was pushed on him, and he admitted felt he was not qualified. I believe Harding gets a bad rap because he was not the leader of bold actions (wars) and the corruption of people in his administration was well-documented. His death was widely mourned in the USA.

    As far as long term harm to the country, the do-nothing Harding was not bad for the country.

    If Clinton is to be compared to Harding, it would be to view Clinton as a "new" Harding who now believes she is well qualified to be President, wants to do much foreign military involvement, perhaps resulting in war, who is now trusting of her sociopathic friends to give her good advice, and who is personally involved in selling government favors (via the Clinton foundation)

    Clinton is probably well coached by well paid advisors in her oratory. Probably Harding wrote his own. I would prefer Clinton to be like the old Harding, and the country would muddle through.

    [Oct 05, 2016] HRC is the more dangerous of the two because she feels compelled to "out-macho" the macho guys.

    Oct 05, 2016 |
    shinola October 5, 2016 at 4:04 pm

    When it comes to war & nukes, I believe that HRC is the more dangerous of the two.

    Before I explain, I would like to invite Yves or any female NC reader to consider & give their POV on what I'm about say.

    HRC is more dangerous because she is the 1st woman to become a serious contender for a position that has traditionally been considered a "man's job". Therefore she believes she must not, in any way, be perceived as "soft" or lacking "toughness" or aggressiveness. She feels compelled to "out-macho" the macho guys.
    Obviously this could have serious implications in any situation involving escalating tensions. Negotiation or compromise would be off the table if she thought it could be perceived as soft or weak (and she contemplates being a 2 term pres.)

    What say you NC readers? Is this a justified concern or am I letting male bias color my view?

    BecauseTradition October 5, 2016 at 4:24 pm

    My own misgivings too, but I'm a male also.

    [Oct 05, 2016] Her greatest political fear-that she might one day be accused by Republicans of being weak on Americas enemies drives her to the most extreme of war hawk positions

    Notable quotes:
    "... So what's a voter to do? ..."
    "... Well, I would hope that informed voters who have a healthy fear of the military-industrial-political complex will vote to keep the scariest of the two re: nuclear war out of office. This particular concern is the reason why I will in all likelihood be voting for the man I've been ridiculing for most of the past year, simply because I am terrified of the prospect of Hillary Clinton as Commander-in-Chief. ..."
    "... Trump is a bad choice for a long list of reasons, but the most outrageous things he has proposed require legislation and I think it will be possible to defeat his essential sociopathy on that level, since he will face not only the opposition of the Dem Party, but also MSM and a significant number of people from his own party. ..."
    "... But when it comes to the President's ability to put American 'boots on the ground' vs. some theoretical enemy, no such approval from Congress is necessary. Hillary Clinton will be in a position to get us into a costly war without having to overcome any domestic opposition to pull it off. ..."
    "... What scares me is my knowledge of her career-long investment in trying to convince the generals and the admirals that she is a 'tough bitch', ala Margaret Thatcher, who will not hesitate to pull the trigger. An illuminating article in the NY Times revealed that she always advocates the most muscular and reckless dispositions of U.S. military forces whenever her opinion is solicited. ..."
    "... All of her experience re: foreign policy that she's been touting is actually the scariest thing about her, when you look at what her historical dispositions have been. The "No Fly Zone" she's been pushing since last year is just the latest example of her instinct to act recklessly, as it directly invites a military confrontation with Russia. ..."
    "... Her greatest political fear-that she might one day be accused by Republicans of being "weak on America's enemies"-is what we have to fear. That fear is what drives her to the most extreme of war hawk positions, since her foundational strategy is to get out in front of the criticism she anticipates. ..."
    "... How reckless is Trump likely to be? Well, like Clinton-and all other civilian Commanders-in-Chief, Trump be utterly dependent upon the advice of military professionals in deciding what kind of responses to order. But in the position of The Decider, there is one significant difference between Trump and Clinton. Trump is at least willing and able to 1) view Putin as someone who is not a threat to the United States and 2) is able/willing to question the rationality of America's continued participation in NATO. ..."
    Oct 05, 2016 |

    James Kroeger October 5, 2016 at 8:02 am

    So what's a voter to do?

    Well, I would hope that informed voters who have a healthy fear of the military-industrial-political complex will vote to keep the scariest of the two re: nuclear war out of office. This particular concern is the reason why I will in all likelihood be voting for the man I've been ridiculing for most of the past year, simply because I am terrified of the prospect of Hillary Clinton as Commander-in-Chief.

    Trump is a bad choice for a long list of reasons, but the most outrageous things he has proposed require legislation and I think it will be possible to defeat his essential sociopathy on that level, since he will face not only the opposition of the Dem Party, but also MSM and a significant number of people from his own party.

    But when it comes to the President's ability to put American 'boots on the ground' vs. some theoretical enemy, no such approval from Congress is necessary. Hillary Clinton will be in a position to get us into a costly war without having to overcome any domestic opposition to pull it off.

    What scares me is my knowledge of her career-long investment in trying to convince the generals and the admirals that she is a 'tough bitch', ala Margaret Thatcher, who will not hesitate to pull the trigger. An illuminating article in the NY Times revealed that she always advocates the most muscular and reckless dispositions of U.S. military forces whenever her opinion is solicited.

    All of her experience re: foreign policy that she's been touting is actually the scariest thing about her, when you look at what her historical dispositions have been. The "No Fly Zone" she's been pushing since last year is just the latest example of her instinct to act recklessly, as it directly invites a military confrontation with Russia.

    Her willingness to roll the dice, to gamble with other people's lives, is ingrained within her political personality, of which she is so proud.

    Her greatest political fear-that she might one day be accused by Republicans of being "weak on America's enemies"-is what we have to fear. That fear is what drives her to the most extreme of war hawk positions, since her foundational strategy is to get out in front of the criticism she anticipates.

    It is what we can count on. She will most assuredly get America into a war within the first 6-9 months of her Presidency, since she will be looking forward to the muscular response she will order when she is 'tested', as she expects.

    How reckless is Trump likely to be? Well, like Clinton-and all other civilian Commanders-in-Chief, Trump be utterly dependent upon the advice of military professionals in deciding what kind of responses to order. But in the position of The Decider, there is one significant difference between Trump and Clinton. Trump is at least willing and able to 1) view Putin as someone who is not a threat to the United States and 2) is able/willing to question the rationality of America's continued participation in NATO.

    These differences alone are enough to move me to actually vote for someone I find politically detestable, simply because I fear that the alternative is a high probability of war, and a greatly enhanced risk of nuclear annihilation-through miscalculation-under a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

    Quite simply, she scares the hell out of me.

    likbez October 5, 2016 at 9:17 pm

    Excellent, really excellent summary. Thank you. Especially this observation:

    "Her greatest political fear-that she might one day be accused by Republicans of being "weak on America's enemies"-is what we have to fear. That fear is what drives her to the most extreme of war hawk positions, since her foundational strategy is to get out in front of the criticism she anticipates."

    I would like to add a few minor points:

    1. Clinton might not have the intellectual capacity to discern critically important distinctions ( ). From comments: "Hillary is phony as a 3-dollar bill. And I just watched FDR doing his thing on NPR's " The Roosevelts " , reminding me that in universes other than the one I occupy , it's possible to have an outstanding progressive , an outstanding candidate , and an outstanding human being , all in one."

    2. She (like most sociopaths, although it is unclear whether she is one or not) is not able to apologize for mistakes. New York Times:

    In the end, she settled on language that was similar to Senator John Kerry's when he was the Democratic nominee in 2004: that if she had known in 2002 what she knows now about Iraqi weaponry, she would never have voted for the Senate resolution authorizing force.

    Yet antiwar anger has festered, and yesterday morning Mrs. Clinton rolled out a new response to those demanding contrition: She said she was willing to lose support from voters rather than make an apology she did not believe in.

    "If the most important thing to any of you is choosing someone who did not cast that vote or has said his vote was a mistake, then there are others to choose from," Mrs. Clinton told an audience in Dover, N.H., in a veiled reference to two rivals for the nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois and former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina.

    Her decision not to apologize is regarded so seriously within her campaign that some advisers believe it will be remembered as a turning point in the race: either ultimately galvanizing voters against her (if she loses the nomination), or highlighting her resolve and her willingness to buck Democratic conventional wisdom (if she wins).

    At the same time, the level of Democratic anger has surprised some of her allies and advisers, and her campaign is worried about how long it will last and how much damage it might cause her.

    3. Due to her greed she and her close entourage represent a huge security risk. Emailgate had shown that as for computer security she is an absolute zero. Absolutely, horribly incompetent and absolutely, horribly greedy (the key idea of private server was to hide her "pay for play" deals related to Clinton foundation). The same level of computer security incompetence is prevalent in her close circle (Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, etc) .

    4. She strongly believe in the neoconservative foreign-policy agenda by re-casting the neoconservatives' goals in liberal-interventionist terms. In reality the difference between "liberal interventionism" and Neoconservatism are pretty superficial (Kagan already calls himself liberal interventionalist) and Hillary's willingness to infest a foreign-policy establishment with neocons is beyond any doubt and comparable with Bush II.

    As the recent Republican primary contest had shown neoconservatives have virtually no support among the US voters. Their base is exclusively military-industrial complex. So the reason she is reaching out to those shady figures is a deceptively simple: she shares common views, respects their supposed expertise, and wants them in her governing coalition. That means that "… today's Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. …" ( )

    5. She is completely numb to human suffering. She has a total lack of empathy for other people.

    [Oct 05, 2016] The only bright spot in Hillary presidency is that she may not survive long enough to start a war with Russia

    Notable quotes:
    "... The only bright spot in the prospect of a Hellary Klinton presidency is the probability that she may not survive long enough to start a war with Russia. I wonder how the training for the Mark I body double is coming? ..."
    "... And how can anyone with a functioning brain cell think that anything a politician says or promises during an election has any connection to how they will act once elected? Remember Obama, Mr. "Audacity of Hope?" ..."
    Oct 05, 2016 |
    Thor's Hammer October 5, 2016 at 8:13 pm

    The only bright spot in the prospect of a Hellary Klinton presidency is the probability that she may not survive long enough to start a war with Russia. I wonder how the training for the Mark I body double is coming?

    On the other hand, why should anyone think that a bubble-headed blowhard like Trumpet has the intelligence or gumption to have any effect upon the operations of the Warfare State? When the opinion makers of his own party and the neoliberal leaders of Klinton's party are all riding on the Military-Industrial gravy train looking for the next enemy to keep business booming?

    And how can anyone with a functioning brain cell think that anything a politician says or promises during an election has any connection to how they will act once elected? Remember Obama, Mr. "Audacity of Hope?"

    [Oct 05, 2016] They took one Saddam, but got us many more

    Notable quotes:
    "... "I am not satisfied [with the Chilcot report]," ..."
    "... . "It won't bring me back my family; it won't bring me back my arms or it won't bring me back my country. My country Iraq is destroyed because of this invasion." ..."
    "... "when the missile hit my home." ..."
    "... "I was still young, living with my family. At 12:00 o'clock in the night I suddenly heard a very big blast hitting my home, the house collapsed on us. There was a lot of fire and I heard my family screaming and shouting," ..."
    "... "We were farmers. We had sheep and cows outside. There wasn't a military base near to my home," ..."
    "... "There are lots of people like me who lost some members of their family. So we have no answer for this: why they have done it – we don't know." ..."
    "... "Yes, Saddam [Hussein] was a terrible person and a dictator, but what's happening now is much worse than it was under Saddam. They took one Saddam and they got us many more Saddams," ..."
    "... "inadequate" ..."
    "... "deeply sorry for the loss of life" ..."
    "... "good faith". ..."
    "... "This makes me angry. He just said 'sorry' and he also said he would do the same thing again. They have caused so many deaths and so much suffering […]," ..."
    "... "to say 'sorry' and just walk away with it – it's not justice." ..."
    "... "I want to ask him if he wants to come back with me to Iraq and tell the Iraqi people that he will do the same thing again…" ..."
    "... "presented with a certainty that was not justified." ..."
    "... "chaos" ..."
    "... "Before the war started we knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction. We knew that they're only coming for economic reasons and to have power in this part of the world. And you can see what's happening today in the Middle East. Iraq, Syria – it's all linked to the 2003 invasions of Iraq," ..."
    "... "There's was violence but now there's hundreds of more violence than before…If you want to rebuild Iraq again you need probably another hundred years to do this…I go back to Iraq and I see the country is destroyed," ..."
    Jul 08, 2016 |

    RT UK

    Published time: 02:03 Edited time: 8 Jul, 2016 02:55 Get short URL

    Blair's apology for the Iraq invasion is not going to bring the "destroyed" country and dead people back, a disabled Iraqi man, who lost his whole family, told RT. He demands justice for those whose actions only created "many more Saddams". "I am not satisfied [with the Chilcot report]," 25-year-old Ali Abbas said . "It won't bring me back my family; it won't bring me back my arms or it won't bring me back my country. My country Iraq is destroyed because of this invasion."

    Thirteen years ago, Abbas lost his mother, father, and a little brother as well as 13 other members of their family in the UK-US allied 2003 invasion.

    Now residing in London, he recounts terrors of the war, saying he can vividly remember the day and time "when the missile hit my home."

    "I was still young, living with my family. At 12:00 o'clock in the night I suddenly heard a very big blast hitting my home, the house collapsed on us. There was a lot of fire and I heard my family screaming and shouting," Abbas said.

    That attack left the young man disabled – having suffered burns to 60 percent of his body, he lost his arms amputated due to severe burns.

    The one thing that Abbas does not understand is why the militants had to target his home and family of peaceful farmers.

    "We were farmers. We had sheep and cows outside. There wasn't a military base near to my home," he said. "There are lots of people like me who lost some members of their family. So we have no answer for this: why they have done it – we don't know."

    Abbas says that the Iraq's 2003 invasion and the following regime change brought the country leaders much worse than Saddam Hussein.

    "Yes, Saddam [Hussein] was a terrible person and a dictator, but what's happening now is much worse than it was under Saddam. They took one Saddam and they got us many more Saddams," he said.

    The so-called Chilcot inquiry released by Sir John Chilcot criticized former UK government led by Tony Blair for "inadequate" planning and underestimation of the Iraq invasion's consequences. It also found that Britain's choice to support the Iraq war unjustified.

    Speaking in light of the Chilcot inquiry release, Tony Blair said he was "deeply sorry for the loss of life" , but stressed that he acted in "good faith".

    "This makes me angry. He just said 'sorry' and he also said he would do the same thing again. They have caused so many deaths and so much suffering […]," Abbas said, adding that "to say 'sorry' and just walk away with it – it's not justice."

    "I want to ask him if he wants to come back with me to Iraq and tell the Iraqi people that he will do the same thing again…" he says.

    The Chilcot report also showed that Britain's decision to bomb Iraq was not clearly evaluated as one of the major arguments for the campaign – Iraq's weapons of mass destruction – was "presented with a certainty that was not justified."

    Abbas agrees that the WMD was just a pretext for the UK and US to initiate war which resulted in total "chaos" in the Middle East and proliferation of terrorism.

    "Before the war started we knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction. We knew that they're only coming for economic reasons and to have power in this part of the world. And you can see what's happening today in the Middle East. Iraq, Syria – it's all linked to the 2003 invasions of Iraq," Abbas said.

    He says that the 2003 invasion unleashed terrorists that Iraq did not know of before.

    "There's was violence but now there's hundreds of more violence than before…If you want to rebuild Iraq again you need probably another hundred years to do this…I go back to Iraq and I see the country is destroyed," he added.

    Read more:

    Following the Chilcot Report, time for a proper reckoning 7/7 London bombings, 11yrs on: Iraq War raised terror threat, Chilcot suggests British military equipment 'wholly inadequate' in Iraq, says Chilcot

    [Oct 05, 2016] Washington Free Beacon uncovered private audio of Hillary Clinton in which she is knocking down Obamacare

    Oct 05, 2016 |

    Anon : Bill Clinton slams ObamaCare as 'craziest thing in the world' Reply Tuesday, October 04, 2016 at 02:12 PM pgl -> Anon... , -1

    "The criticism comes as the Washington Free Beacon uncovered private audio of Hillary Clinton also knocking Obama's legacy legislation."

    Did you finish reading your own link?

    [Oct 05, 2016] The computers and the internet sped outsourcing to countries like China

    Notable quotes:
    "... Average US wages rose 350% in the 40 years between 1932 and 1972, but only 22% over the next 40 years. The pattern holds similar across the developed world. In other words, for all their hype, the computer and the internet have done less to lift economic growth than the flush toilet. ..."
    "... ahem… the computer and the internet sped outsourcing to countries like China. Ask China or India how their economic growth has been since 1972. The author is mixing up several things at once. ..."
    "... When so many of our jobs, technology and investment is offshored to China (and elsewhere), the future for innovation is certainly not bright, and this should be obvious to everyone, including the author. ..."
    Oct 05, 2016 |

    flora October 4, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    " Average US wages rose 350% in the 40 years between 1932 and 1972, but only 22% over the next 40 years. The pattern holds similar across the developed world. In other words, for all their hype, the computer and the internet have done less to lift economic growth than the flush toilet."

    ahem… the computer and the internet sped outsourcing to countries like China. Ask China or India how their economic growth has been since 1972. The author is mixing up several things at once.

    sgt_doom October 4, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    Great comments, and please allow me to piggyback off them:

    When so many of our jobs, technology and investment is offshored to China (and elsewhere), the future for innovation is certainly not bright, and this should be obvious to everyone, including the author.

    When so many have contributed so much, only to see their jobs and livelihoods offshored again and again and again, that great jump the others have will then zero out OUR innovation!

    [Oct 04, 2016] Hillary Clinton Willie-Hortoned Donald Trump by using Alicia Machado

    The question was an obvious trap and looks like selected by Huma Abedin. Trump could decimate Hillary responding with the questin about her defence of 12 years old girl rapist, but shoose not to.
    Notable quotes:
    "... I've been writing here for years about the question "What makes large parts of the white working class vote for the GOP?" and my main answer is that people who are a step up from the bottom will do a lot to preserve their sense that they have someone to look down on, which racism functions socially to preserve. Social wages of whiteness, etc. ..."
    "... Believe it or not, many strands of conservatism are / were critical of capitalism. If you view conservatism as wanting to preserve or reinstate a kind of aristocracy, it's pretty easy to see why. Aristocracies like hereditary lands, preserving them, etc. Conservatism has been captured by pro-capitalists for, again, historically path-dependent reasons. ..."
    Oct 04, 2016 |

    Rich Puchalsky 10.02.16 at 11:22 am 323

    In the U.S., at least, perceived threats to social status obviously have something to do with it. I've been writing here for years about the question "What makes large parts of the white working class vote for the GOP?" and my main answer is that people who are a step up from the bottom will do a lot to preserve their sense that they have someone to look down on, which racism functions socially to preserve. Social wages of whiteness, etc.

    Since you can't really do much about educating people out of racism that hasn't already been done, maybe you can do something about the "step up from the bottom" part by making society less precarious.

    But whenever people here wrote something like this around the election, they were told that they only wrote this because they were white, that they only cared about white people, and that they supported white supremacy. That is the intellectual heritage that the HRC supporters here will leave behind. It's tremendously stupid and they've added nothing.

    merian: "Overall, though, you need to be at least to some degree critical of capitalism to mount a coherent ecological political theory, I think."

    Believe it or not, many strands of conservatism are / were critical of capitalism. If you view conservatism as wanting to preserve or reinstate a kind of aristocracy, it's pretty easy to see why. Aristocracies like hereditary lands, preserving them, etc. Conservatism has been captured by pro-capitalists for, again, historically path-dependent reasons.

    [Oct 04, 2016] Not convinced to contribute to the Clinton Foundation yet? See how they make magic happen

    Notable quotes:
    "... I think Trump may be the one and only person to increase the likelihood the US will still be an independent country in ten years. ..."
    "... Trump may have some issues, but at least he psychologically identifies with the US. Most US elites think of themselves as world citizens and really couldn't care less if the US becomes like the DRC. ..."
    "... Univision's lead owner is Hillary's largest contributor, the Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban: ..."
    "... This convenient FCC rule change hands them a nice exit strategy. Not convinced to contribute to the Clinton Foundation yet? They make magic happen. ..."
    Oct 04, 2016 |
    Henry Carey October 2, 2016 at 9:54 am

    There is a real risk the media will be wholly foreign owned very soon. The FCC under Pres. Obama eliminated the rule on foreign ownership. This, the TPP, and giving up internet control are of a piece.

    I think Trump may be the one and only person to increase the likelihood the US will still be an independent country in ten years. With Clinton we may end up losing our sovereignty by 2020. Trump may have some issues, but at least he psychologically identifies with the US. Most US elites think of themselves as world citizens and really couldn't care less if the US becomes like the DRC.

    I trust Trump's instincts much more than Hillary's. The continued existence of an independent US will be very, very important for the world to have any degree of pluralism. Any global hegemony is likely to be unpleasant for most people.

    Jim Haygood October 2, 2016 at 10:26 am

    From the WaPo article:

    Grupo Televisa, a Mexican company with a minority stake in the Spanish-language station Univision, might now be able to increase its ownership.

    Univision's lead owner is Hillary's largest contributor, the Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban:

    On June 27, 2006, Saban Capital Group led a group of investors bidding for Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-language media company in the United States.

    Other investors in the Saban-led group were Texas Pacific Group of Fort Worth, Texas and Thomas H. Lee Partners. The group was successful in acquiring Univision with a bid valued at $13.7 billion.

    This convenient FCC rule change hands them a nice exit strategy. Not convinced to contribute to the Clinton Foundation yet? They make magic happen.

    [Oct 04, 2016] Neither HRC nor Trump has said much of anything about the worldwide network of U.S. bases

    Oct 04, 2016 |

    LFC 10.04.16 at 2:41 am 37 9

    Afaict, neither HRC nor Trump has said much of anything about the worldwide network of U.S. bases. HRC doesn't talk about (this aspect of) the U.S. global military footprint, and while Trump rambles on about making S Korea and Japan shoulder more (or all) of their own security (and ponders aloud whether it might be a good idea for both to acquire their own nuclear weapons), I haven't heard him address the issue of bases: a question is whether Trump even knows that the base network exists.

    [Oct 04, 2016] Debate microphone problem was probably intentional

    See also Girl Talk at Trump Tower MoDo, NYT. "After working with psychologists to figure out how to goad Trump into an outburst in the first debate, the commanding Hillary saved the Machado provocation until the end."
    Oct 04, 2016 |

    Swb Roger Smith October 2, 2016 at 9:25 am

    Re: Trump Was Apparently Right About the Debate Microphone The Atlantic

    This was such garbage from the get go. Anyone with minor audio production experience would have known that was a mic problem. It isn't the kind of thing I would wonder if someone did intentionally. They certainly could have tried to correct the problem at the soundboard as the debate went on.

    Jim Haygood October 2, 2016 at 10:12 am

    At the soundboard, Bryan Pagliano and Paul Combetta were frantically posting for advice on Reddit.

    But all the Reddit readers were watching the debate. :-(

    [Oct 04, 2016] Whatever the merits of their individual stances, there is no reason to suppose that either Obama or Hillary can exert more than loose control over this mess.

    Notable quotes:
    "... As a side note, it's obvious that there are at least three separate US policies active in Syria. The Defense Dept supports the largely Kurdish YPG against ISIS, the CIA works with Gulf backers to support the Free Syrian Army – an amalgam of mostly ineffective "moderate" rebels and effective, but murderous, Islamists affiliated to al-Qaeda, and State hovers around making noises about Assad, variously placating and irritating the Turks and dickering with the Russians. Whatever the merits of their individual stances, there is no reason to suppose that either Obama or Hillary can exert more than loose control over this mess. stevenjohnson , 10.02.16 at 12:59 pm LFC @300 It is unclear to me how a change from an independent secular national state in Syria to a patchwork of sectarian statelets wholly dependent upon foreign support is anything but a regime change. Unless of course, the phrase "regime change" merely means the murder of a designated leader and his replacement by someone acceptable to the regime changers. ..."
    "... CIA of course, as more or less the President's Praetorian Guard over humanity at large, is no more under the Secretary of State than the Pentagon. ..."
    "... It seems to have been forgotten that the democratic rebels were lynching black Africans within days of their glorious uprising. Barack Obama is too tan for the Klan, thus it was advisable for a loyal servant to provide an excuse for a half-Kenyan man to support the mass murder of darker skinned people. ..."
    "... She repeated the performance in the Benghazi affair, where she loyally excused the murder of Stevens as a religious mob, instead of a falling out with his jihadi employees ..."
    "... Lee A. Arnold is sort of correct there was once a genuine democratic Syrian opposition, largely inspired by the economic liberalization (neoliberalization according to many CTers,) in the face of the stresses of the world economic downturn and the prolonged Syrian droughts. Nonetheless there was from almost the very beginning an organized Islamist element that relied on violence, and refused to negotiate any reforms whatsoever, despite the Assad government's attempt to do so. Whether he was sincere is moot. ..."
    "... Arnold's other point that Trump's professed plans are not for peace but victory is correct. Whether he has any real ideas how to achieve this other than firing generals until he gets a winner is anybody's guess. Like Nixon, Trump has a secret plan. ..."
    "... The recent leak that Clinton is against nuclear armed cruise missiles and isn't committed to Obama's trillion dollar nuclear weapons upgrade appears to suggest she's not quite on board with plans for general war. (Yes, the purpose of this program is to prepare for general nuclear war, or at minimum, plausible threat of imminent general nuclear war.) It is unclear whether this was leaked to make her look good to the public, or to discredit her with the military's higher ups. (It is likely dissident military played a role in the leak, either way.) ..."
    "... I firmly believe!…most ordinary people don't vote interests, they vote the national good. It's the rich and their favored employees who vote their interests. ..."
    Oct 04, 2016 |

    Peter T 10.02.16 at 10:49 am 320

    As a side note, it's obvious that there are at least three separate US policies active in Syria. The Defense Dept supports the largely Kurdish YPG against ISIS, the CIA works with Gulf backers to support the Free Syrian Army – an amalgam of mostly ineffective "moderate" rebels and effective, but murderous, Islamists affiliated to al-Qaeda, and State hovers around making noises about Assad, variously placating and irritating the Turks and dickering with the Russians.

    Whatever the merits of their individual stances, there is no reason to suppose that either Obama or Hillary can exert more than loose control over this mess.

    stevenjohnson, 10.02.16 at 12:59 pm
    LFC @300 It is unclear to me how a change from an independent secular national state in Syria to a patchwork of sectarian statelets wholly dependent upon foreign support is anything but a regime change. Unless of course, the phrase "regime change" merely means the murder of a designated leader and his replacement by someone acceptable to the regime changers.

    @306 "And (Clinton) also played an instrumental role in destroying Libya…"
    @316 "Hillary Clinton served as the US Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, which makes her at least one of the prime architects of US foreign policy…"

    It was NATO which attacked Libya. The prime "architects" were well known, namely, Cameron and Sarkozy. The US role in this matter was conducted largely through NATO, the CIA and international diplomacy. In the US, relations with Cameron and Sarkozy would be conducted largely by either Obama personally, with other diplomatic duties taken up by the UN ambassador Samantha Power, a figure that has always been in an ambiguous relationship with the Secretary of State. CIA of course, as more or less the President's Praetorian Guard over humanity at large, is no more under the Secretary of State than the Pentagon.

    It seems to have been forgotten that the democratic rebels were lynching black Africans within days of their glorious uprising. Barack Obama is too tan for the Klan, thus it was advisable for a loyal servant to provide an excuse for a half-Kenyan man to support the mass murder of darker skinned people. Enter that dutiful public servant, able to suffer undeserved ignominy in service to her country. (She repeated the performance in the Benghazi affair, where she loyally excused the murder of Stevens as a religious mob, instead of a falling out with his jihadi employees.)

    Lee A. Arnold is sort of correct there was once a genuine democratic Syrian opposition, largely inspired by the economic liberalization (neoliberalization according to many CTers,) in the face of the stresses of the world economic downturn and the prolonged Syrian droughts. Nonetheless there was from almost the very beginning an organized Islamist element that relied on violence, and refused to negotiate any reforms whatsoever, despite the Assad government's attempt to do so. Whether he was sincere is moot.

    Arnold's other point that Trump's professed plans are not for peace but victory is correct. Whether he has any real ideas how to achieve this other than firing generals until he gets a winner is anybody's guess. Like Nixon, Trump has a secret plan.

    Peter T @320 "As a side note, it's obvious that there are at least three separate US policies active in Syria…Whatever the merits of their individual stances, there is no reason to suppose that either Obama or Hillary can exert more than loose control over this mess." Skipping over the question of how obvious it is to CT and its regular commentariat that the military has a semi-independent policy, the idea of Presidential leadership does sort of include a vague notion that the President sets the policy, not the generals. The facts being otherwise show how the US is a deeply militaristic polity. I would add the CIA is very much the President's army. State is more or less, Other, on the multiple choice exam. Trump's hint he would fire generals til he finds a winner suggests he more or less agrees that the military is an independent enterprise in the political market (which is what US governance seems to be modeled on.)

    The recent leak that Clinton is against nuclear armed cruise missiles and isn't committed to Obama's trillion dollar nuclear weapons upgrade appears to suggest she's not quite on board with plans for general war. (Yes, the purpose of this program is to prepare for general nuclear war, or at minimum, plausible threat of imminent general nuclear war.) It is unclear whether this was leaked to make her look good to the public, or to discredit her with the military's higher ups. (It is likely dissident military played a role in the leak, either way.)

    The fact that these kinds of issues are ignored in favor of twaddle about Clinton Foundation, emails and the actions of the Secretary State, an office whose relevance has been dubious for decades, says much about the level of democratic discourse.

    Rich Puchalsky, the primary reason so many white workers vote Republican is because they are voting values, which are religious, not policies. Even more to the point, the notion that voting is like a market transaction (a very liberal idea) founders on the fact…

    I firmly believe!…most ordinary people don't vote interests, they vote the national good. It's the rich and their favored employees who vote their interests.

    As to the religious bigotry, well, once it was necessary to say or write "racial bigotry," because everyone knew bigotry to be an expression of religious belief. Today, the very notion of religious bigotry is more or less forbidden as some sort of expression of anti-religious fanaticism.

    [Oct 04, 2016] One interpretation of Hillary actions in Libya and Syria is that she is stupid and vicious as a badge of class honor, blissfully consistent with the bloodthirsty record of Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger. Other is that she was caught up in the amoral bubble of neoliberal empire building that has enveloped the whole foreign policy establishment views more strongly then any personal psychopathy.

    Notable quotes:
    "... The chaotic civil war in Syria and Iraq seems like another example where the U.S. is having a hard time "thinking" things thru realistically. ..."
    "... One interpretation is she's stupid and vicious as a badge of class honor, blissfully consistent with the bloodthirsty record of Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger. Unfortunately, that might be true, though I think if it is true, it is more likely a product of being caught up in the amoral bubble of political and media process that has enveloped the whole foreign policy establishment than any personal psychopathy. ..."

    bruce wilder 10.02.16 at 7:49 pm 332

    Anarcissie @ 239: We basically have a whole class of people, at the top of the social order, who seem devoid of a moral sense - a problem which the upcoming election isn't going to touch, much less solve. I don't blame Clinton for this . . .

    JimV @ 317: I am sorry if I mischaracterized BW as implying that HRC is evil, . . .

    Peter T @ 320: Whatever the merits of their individual stances, there is no reason to suppose that either Obama or Hillary can exert more than loose control over this mess [the multi-sided regional civil war engulfing Syria and northern Iraq]

    stevenjohnson @ 324: The recent leak that Clinton is against nuclear armed cruise missiles and isn't committed to Obama's trillion dollar nuclear weapons upgrade appears to suggest she's not quite on board with plans for general war.

    LFC @ 330: I disagree w the notion that the pt of nuclear 'modernization' is to make plausible the threat of "imminent general nuclear war." If U.S. military planners took hallucinogenic drugs and went nuts, they could "plausibly" threaten "imminent general nuclear war" right now with the US nuclear arsenal as currently configured. They don't need to upgrade the weapons to do that. The program is prob more the result of rigid, unimaginative thinking at top levels of Pentagon and influence of outside companies (e.g. Boeing etc) that work on the upgrades.

    I don't know if that seems like a somewhat random collection of precursors to assemble as preface to a comment. I was thinking of picking out a few upthread references to climate change and the response to it (or inadequacy thereof) as well.

    I am a little disturbed by the idea of leaving the impression that I think Hillary Clinton is "evil". What I think is that American politics in general is not generating realistic, adaptive governance.

    I am using that bloodless phrase, "realistic, adaptive governance", deliberately, to emphasize wanting to step outside the passions of the Presidential election. I think the Manichean narrative where Trump is The Most Horrible Candidate Evah and Everyone Must Line Up Behind Clinton as an Ethical Imperative of a High Order is part of the process of propaganda and manipulation that distorts popular discussion and understanding and helps to create a politics that cannot govern realistically and adaptively. This is not about me thinking Trump is anything but a horrible mess of a candidate who ought to be kept far from power.

    I see Clinton as someone who is trapped inside the dynamics of this seriously deranged politics qua political process. I don't see her as entirely blameless. Politicians like Obama and either Clinton, at the top of the political order, are masters (keeping in mind that there are many masters working to some extent in opposition to one another as rivals, allies, enemies and so on) of the process and create the process by the exercise of their mastery, as much as they are mastered by it. I see them as trapped by the process they have helped (more than a little opportunistically) to create, but trapped as Dr Frankenstein is by his Creature.

    Clinton must struggle with the ethical contradictions of governance at the highest levels of leadership: she must, in the exercise of power in office and out, practice the political art of the possible in relation to crafting policy that will be "good" in the sense of passably effective and efficient - this may involve a high degree of foresightful wonkery or a lethally ruthless statesmanship, depending upon circumstances. Beside this business of making the great machinery of the state lumber forward, she must strive to appear "good", like Machiavelli's Prince, even while playing an amoral game of real politick, gathering and shepherding a complex coalition of allies, supporters, donors and cooperative enemies.

    Machiavelli, when he was considering the Princely business of appearing "good", was contending with the hypocrisies and impossible idealism of authoritarian Catholic morality. He barely connected with anything that we would recognize as democratic Public Opinion and could scarcely conceive of what Ivy Lee or Edward Bernays, let alone Fox News, Vox and the world wide web might do to politics.

    We are trapped, just as Clinton is trapped, in the vast communication nightmare of surrealistic news and opinion washing in upon us in a tide that never ebbs. We are trapped by the politics of media "gotchas" and Kinsley Gaffes (A Kinsley gaffe occurs when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician did not intend to admit.)

    I don't think Clinton lacks a moral sense. What I think is that Clinton's moral sense is exhausted calculating what to say or do within the parameters of media-synthesized conventional wisdom policed by people who are themselves exhausted trying to manage it. Matt Lauer's interview with Clinton was notorious for the relentless and clueless questioning about the email server, although I, personally, was shocked when he asked her a question that seemed premised on the idea that veterans should be offended by admitting the Iraq War was a mistake.

    I would think it is easy to see that the media circus is out of control, especially when a clown like Trump graduates from The Apprentice to the Republican nomination. YMMV, but I think this is a serious problem that goes beyond vividly imagined sepia-toned parodies of Trump's candidacy as the second coming of Mussolini.

    While we're getting ourselves agitated over Trump's racism or threats to bar Muslims from entry, apparently the Military-Industrial Complex, left on autopilot, is re-designing the nation's nuclear arsenal to make the outbreak of nuclear war far more likely. And, the closest Clinton gets to a comment, campaign commitment or public discussion, let alone an exercise of power, is a PR "leak"!!!

    The chaotic civil war in Syria and Iraq seems like another example where the U.S. is having a hard time "thinking" things thru realistically. Clinton offered up a sound-bite last year, saying that she favored imposing a "no-fly" zone, which was exposed as kind of crazy idea, given that the Russians as well as Assad's government are the ones flying, not to mention the recent experience with a no-fly zone in Libya. One interpretation is she's stupid and vicious as a badge of class honor, blissfully consistent with the bloodthirsty record of Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger. Unfortunately, that might be true, though I think if it is true, it is more likely a product of being caught up in the amoral bubble of political and media process that has enveloped the whole foreign policy establishment than any personal psychopathy. What's most alarming to me is that we cannot count on personal character to put the brakes on that process, which is now the process of governance. I am writing now of the process of governance by public relations that was has been exposed a bit in profiles of the Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Ben Rhodes.

    In Syria, it has become almost comical, if you can overlook the bodies piling up, as the U.S. has sought a the mythical unicorn of Syrian Moderate Democrats whom the Pentagon or the CIA can advise, train and arm. This is foreign policy by PR narrative and it is insanely unrealistic. But, our politics is trapped in it, and, worse, policy is trapped in it. Layer after layer of b.s. have piled up obscuring U.S. interests and practical options.

    Recently, U.S. forces supporting the Turks have come dangerously close to blowing up U.S. forces supporting the Kurds. When you find yourself on opposing sides of a civil war like Charles I you may be in the process of losing your head. Some of the worst elements opposing Assad have been engaged in a transparent re-branding exercise aimed at garnering U.S. aid. And, U.S. diplomats and media face the high challenge of explaining why the U.S. supports Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

    But, hey, Clinton will get Robert Kagan's vote and a better tomorrow is only a Friedman unit away, so it is all good.

    [Oct 02, 2016] The First Presidential Debate

    Notable quotes:
    "... If the goal for both candidates was to avoid self-inflicted wounds , Clinton certainly had the better showing. Trump showed how easily he could be baited and distracted by criticism ..."
    "... the only attack on Clinton that really landed was when he hit her on her cynical maneuvering on TPP, and that attack worked because it happened to be true and reminded voters why Clinton isn't trustworthy, but the vast majority of Americans don't know or care about TPP and so the effect of this attack will likely be minimal. ..."
    "... Remarkably, Trump mostly failed to use Clinton's foreign policy record against her, and he spent more of his time having to clarify or defend his own "positions" with little success. ..."
    "... He mentioned the Libyan war only in passing, but never even tried to explain why Clinton was responsible for any of it. Clinton was able to deflect this by pointing out that Trump backed intervention in Libya, and that was the end of it. Foreign policy is one of Clinton's biggest liabilities and one of the most obvious ways to question her judgment, but Trump isn't prepared enough to talk about policy to use it against her. ..."
    Sep 27, 2016 | The American Conservative

    Ross Douthat's assessment of last night's debate makes sense:

    So she won the debate on points, and probably won it in the court of public opinion, and in the process eased liberal anxiety and pushed the race back toward its "Hillary by four" equilibrium.

    What she didn't do, however, was goad Trump into a true meltdown or knock him out with a truly devastating attack.

    If the goal for both candidates was to avoid self-inflicted wounds, Clinton certainly had the better showing. Trump showed how easily he could be baited and distracted by criticism, and even when he was gesturing in the direction of talking about policy he fell back on many of his worst arguments (e.g., "take the oil," inane complaints about the nuclear deal, etc.). As I recall, the only attack on Clinton that really landed was when he hit her on her cynical maneuvering on TPP, and that attack worked because it happened to be true and reminded voters why Clinton isn't trustworthy, but the vast majority of Americans don't know or care about TPP and so the effect of this attack will likely be minimal.

    Remarkably, Trump mostly failed to use Clinton's foreign policy record against her, and he spent more of his time having to clarify or defend his own "positions" with little success.

    He mentioned the Libyan war only in passing, but never even tried to explain why Clinton was responsible for any of it. Clinton was able to deflect this by pointing out that Trump backed intervention in Libya, and that was the end of it. Foreign policy is one of Clinton's biggest liabilities and one of the most obvious ways to question her judgment, but Trump isn't prepared enough to talk about policy to use it against her.

    Clinton also avoided having to say very much about her position on what should be done in Syria. The candidates were never asked about it, and she mentioned the country briefly as part of an answer about the war on ISIS. Overall, the foreign policy section of the debate touched on only a handful of issues, most of which were related to U.S. policies in the Near East. If anyone wanted to know about something other than the candidates' views on Iran and Russia, last night's debate wouldn't have provided many answers.

    [Oct 02, 2016] Hillary had called for a physical barrier to keep out immigrants

    Notable quotes:
    "... Wow, that 5 minute video is well worth watching. HRC calls multiple times for walls and "barriers" to be constructed along the Mexican border. ..."
    "... trump campaign should distribute that to every spanish speaking organization that's out there. ..."
    "... Understandably, Hillary was filled with enthusiasm after visiting Israel's security wall and seeing how well it keeps out unwanted brown people. /sarc ..."
    Oct 02, 2016 |
    Edna M. October 2, 2016 at 8:05 am

    An important find from the Jimmy Dore show: Hillary had called for a physical barrier to keep out immigrants.

    Pavel October 2, 2016 at 9:10 am

    Wow, that 5 minute video is well worth watching. HRC calls multiple times for walls and "barriers" to be constructed along the Mexican border.

    pretzelattack October 2, 2016 at 9:21 am

    trump campaign should distribute that to every spanish speaking organization that's out there.

    Jim Haygood October 2, 2016 at 10:07 am

    Understandably, Hillary was filled with enthusiasm after visiting Israel's security wall and seeing how well it keeps out unwanted brown people. /sarc

    [Oct 02, 2016] Donald Trump is an American Ahmadinejad

    Guardian is firmly in Hillary camp. Neoliberal media defends neoliberal candidate. What can you expect?
    Notable quotes:
    "... "Some people insist on disguising this Great Satan as the savior angel." -- Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei, referring to the United States, 2015. ..."
    "... The US has already been doing that for a long time. Your country is currently allied with al Qaeda in Syria and other so called moderates whose intention is to create a sharia law fundamentalist society as aopposed to Assad who is euro centric and secular. ..."
    "... From the article: We know from Wikileaks that she believed privately in the past that Saudi Arabia was the largest source for terrorist funding worldwide, and that the Saudi government was not doing enough to stop that funding. ..."
    "... and yet the Clinton Foundation benefits massively from KSA donations ..."
    "... I heard that Donald Trump speaks out against the USA funding extremists to overthrow leaders like Assad, while they couldn't care about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. Tourists are being shot in Tunisia from extremists in Libya since we became involved in killing Gaddafi. ..."
    "... The USA armed and trained extremists in Afghanistan to get one over on Russia, and despite more British troops and civilians being killed by USA friendly fire than the 'enemy' our media never make the same fuss about the USA. ..."
    "... The USA didn't care for years when the government they helped implement in Afghanistan made women walk around in blue tents and banned them from education. ..."
    "... Different political systems; two people who come from very different backgrounds with different views and experiences. Ahmadinejad was a social conservative with a populist economic agenda. Trump is all over the map, but in terms of his staff and advisers and his economic plans he's much more of a conventional Republican. David Duke's admiration is the main thing the two have in common. ..."
    "... Clinton is tripe. She, and her kin, have a ponderous history of talk, and either inaction, or actions that generate disastrous results. Zero accomplishments across the board. Those who'd vote for Hillary must have a "horse" in this race. ..."
    "... Yawn... The Guardian has Trump and Putin bashing on the brain. ..."
    "... John Bolton as possible Secretary of State? Unless you're not talking about the guy who looks like a dead ringer for Mr Pastry that is a really terrifying proposition. ..."
    "... USA and Britain are very directly responsible for Iran being ruled by the Islamic mafia which has been in power in Iran since 1979. Iran had a democratic government which for the benefit of its people and against the stealing of its oil by Britain, nationalised the oil. Britain then, desperate to carry on stealing the Iranian oil persuaded USA to collaborate with it to covertly organise a coup by MI5 and CIA to topple the legitimate democratic government and install a puppet dictatorship. ..."
    "... All that happened in 1953, and Britain and USA totally admitted to all that 30 years later when the official secrets were declassified. ..."
    "... ..., forgot to mention, Jimmy C1arter recently admitted that while he was the president, they contributed to the funding of the Khomeini gang against their own installed ally, the Shah in 1979 to topple him ..."
    "... Trump makes George W Bush seem like an intellectual heavyweight and Hillary Clinton makes Bush seem as honest and truthful as a Girl Scout! ..."
    "... What a shitty choice Americans have to make this time round. A compulsive liar warmonger or an ignorant buffoonish bigot.... ..."
    "... US hatred for Iran is hard to fathom. Other adversaries have been forgiven: Germany, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, China. Iran is an outlier. ..."
    "... I think it's mainly to keep US allies happy. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel regard Iran as their greatest enemy and the Syrian Civil War is largely a proxy conflict between the Saudis and the Iranians over their respective oil supplies, regional clout and religious affinity. ..."
    "... Vote Clinton and absolutely nothing changes or improves. Hillary might as well take golf lessons from Barack, and saxophone lessons from bonking Bill, every day of her presidency. ..."
    "... I wouldn't be at all surprised if the CIA and/or the US Armed Forces do that sort of thing too actually! The CIA, after all, toppled the then democratically elected PM of Iran in 1953, forcibly installing the Shah in his place, the CIA helped bring the Taliban and Saddam to power in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively in the first place, unleashing decades of death and destruction on the peoples of those two countries ..."
    "... When the Iraqi people rose up against Saddam's brutal dictatorship back in 1991, the US actually helped him crush the rebellion, thus ensuring he stayed in power. ..."
    "... One of Trump's top advisors John Bolton wrote an article for the New York Times titled "To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran" calling for a joint US-Israel strike on Iran, including regime change. He could well end up being Sec. Of State if Trump wins. ..."
    "... Meanwhile Clinton is on record as saying that Iran are the world's main sponsor of terrorism and that if she became president she would obliterate Iran if they attacked Israel. Given that Hezbollah are always involved in tit for tat encounters with Israel, and Clinton feels Hezbollah is effectively the state of Iran, it wouldn't take much. ..."
    "... Bolton is a vile neocon of the lowest order, what a charade if he gets a senior post and they call Hillary a warmonger? Just wait for Bolton, you mugs ..."
    "... Let's hope the Saudis defeat the Houthi uprising and support the internationally recognised government of Yemen. Oh, sorry this is the Guardian: let's hope the Russians defeat the Sunni uprising and support the internationally recognised government of Syria... ..."
    "... Yes. Trump is going to steal ISIS's oil. Only slight hole in that theory is that ISIS doesn't own any phucking oil. They aren't a nation state, just thieves. Stealing a thief's stolen goods is still stealing. ..."
    "... I've never understood why we're allied to Saudi. They were complicit in 9/11, they hate the west and despise us. ..."
    "... >I've never understood why we're allied to Saudi. Oil. Oil. And more Oil. ..."
    "... There's nothing bizarre about working with Russia on Middle Eastern issues unless you're married to the idea of a new Cold War. Why Washington is so hell-bent on making Russians the enemies again is beyond me. ..."
    "... Russia - does it really need all that land? Wouldn't it be better if Vladivostok was Obamagrad and Ekaterinburg was Katemiddletown? ..."
    "... What exactly is the US now? a supplier of sophisticated weaponary to "rebels" or rather terrorists that the legitimate governnent ( with Russian help thankfully) is trying to defeat... ..."
    "... There is no moral equivalence here. Once you look at what western intel has been upto all these decades, nowhere could Russia be close to the evil that the US and UK are. ..."
    Sep 28, 2016 |
    Gman13 2016-09-29

    Donny is the best chance for the lasting world peace and stability because he is more likely to work with Russians on key geopolitical issues.

    Hillary is the best chance for ww3 and nuclear anihilation of the mainland American cities because she is russophobic, demonizer of Russia, hell bent on messing with them and unexplicably encouraged to do so by supposedly "normal" people in mainstream media.

    vaclavers , 2016-09-29 01:12:44
    "Some people insist on disguising this Great Satan as the savior angel." -- Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei, referring to the United States, 2015.
    TruthOrBust , 2016-09-29 00:58:27
    Trump secretly encourages Muslim extremists. Trump is banking, and likely funding, ISIS, to propel him to WH out of fear.
    fragglerokk -> TruthOrBust , 2016-09-29 01:23:38
    The US has already been doing that for a long time. Your country is currently allied with al Qaeda in Syria and other so called moderates whose intention is to create a sharia law fundamentalist society as aopposed to Assad who is euro centric and secular.

    DogsLivesMatter , 2016-09-29 00:41:44
    From the article: We know from Wikileaks that she believed privately in the past that Saudi Arabia was the largest source for terrorist funding worldwide, and that the Saudi government was not doing enough to stop that funding.

    You know who else believes that about the KSA? Joe Biden.

    fragglerokk -> DogsLivesMatter , 2016-09-29 01:24:30
    and yet the Clinton Foundation benefits massively from KSA donations
    Charlie Lee , 2016-09-29 00:38:18
    I heard that Donald Trump speaks out against the USA funding extremists to overthrow leaders like Assad, while they couldn't care about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. Tourists are being shot in Tunisia from extremists in Libya since we became involved in killing Gaddafi.

    The USA armed and trained extremists in Afghanistan to get one over on Russia, and despite more British troops and civilians being killed by USA friendly fire than the 'enemy' our media never make the same fuss about the USA. It wasn't long ago that many doctors were killed in a hospital by a USA bomb, but I only found out about it on the Doctors Without Borders facebook page.

    The USA didn't care for years when the government they helped implement in Afghanistan made women walk around in blue tents and banned them from education.

    JVRTRL , 2016-09-29 00:31:47
    The Ahmadinejad - Trump comparison is a weak comparison.

    Different political systems; two people who come from very different backgrounds with different views and experiences. Ahmadinejad was a social conservative with a populist economic agenda. Trump is all over the map, but in terms of his staff and advisers and his economic plans he's much more of a conventional Republican. David Duke's admiration is the main thing the two have in common.

    nicacio , 2016-09-29 00:10:06
    Clinton is tripe. She, and her kin, have a ponderous history of talk, and either inaction, or actions that generate disastrous results. Zero accomplishments across the board. Those who'd vote for Hillary must have a "horse" in this race.

    I won't be specific, but that horse, or horses, are generally the disenfranchised ones. What to say: I get their plight. But Hillary? Elected, she only make sure they stay that way so she'll be elected again. Time to wake up. There ain't no "pie in the sky", but with perserverance, all's possible, and likely. Trump's the guy.

    sokkynick , 2016-09-28 23:50:23
    Yawn... The Guardian has Trump and Putin bashing on the brain.
    ComradeSueII , 2016-09-28 23:41:21
    John Bolton as possible Secretary of State? Unless you're not talking about the guy who looks like a dead ringer for Mr Pastry that is a really terrifying proposition.
    oldsunshine , 2016-09-28 23:25:02
    USA and Britain are very directly responsible for Iran being ruled by the Islamic mafia which has been in power in Iran since 1979. Iran had a democratic government which for the benefit of its people and against the stealing of its oil by Britain, nationalised the oil. Britain then, desperate to carry on stealing the Iranian oil persuaded USA to collaborate with it to covertly organise a coup by MI5 and CIA to topple the legitimate democratic government and install a puppet dictatorship.

    All that happened in 1953, and Britain and USA totally admitted to all that 30 years later when the official secrets were declassified. One of the consequences of that criminal act was that it lead to the Islamic revolution which brought the Islam clergy to power which turned this most strategically, economically, and culturally important country of the region into an enemy of the west, supporter of terrorism, human rights abuser, arch enemy of Israel, total economic ruin, and eternal nuclear threat to the region- not to mention the Shia-Sunni sectarian division that it has perpetrated which to the large extent has contributed to the mighty mess that the Middle East is in now and potentially spreading to the outside of the region.

    oldsunshine -> oldsunshine , 2016-09-28 23:31:45
    ..., forgot to mention, Jimmy C1arter recently admitted that while he was the president, they contributed to the funding of the Khomeini gang against their own installed ally, the Shah in 1979 to topple him
    Carlb1501 -> oldsunshine , 2016-09-28 23:45:34
    Where do I find this reference?
    oldsunshine -> Carlb1501 , 2016-09-28 23:50:49
    Apollo2134 , 2016-09-28 23:22:17
    Trump makes George W Bush seem like an intellectual heavyweight and Hillary Clinton makes Bush seem as honest and truthful as a Girl Scout!

    What a shitty choice Americans have to make this time round. A compulsive liar warmonger or an ignorant buffoonish bigot....

    Fraxby , 2016-09-28 22:56:52

    Trump has said directly that the 2015 nuclear deal was "disastrous" and he would repudiate it, doubling and tripling sanctions

    He probably thinks he can point at it and tell it that it's fired.

    caravanserai , 2016-09-28 22:45:10
    US hatred for Iran is hard to fathom. Other adversaries have been forgiven: Germany, Italy, Japan, Vietnam, China. Iran is an outlier.
    ComradeSueII -> caravanserai , 2016-09-29 01:41:50
    I think it's mainly to keep US allies happy. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel regard Iran as their greatest enemy and the Syrian Civil War is largely a proxy conflict between the Saudis and the Iranians over their respective oil supplies, regional clout and religious affinity.

    Though the continuance of PNAC's schema shouldn't be discounted either. US policy hawks close to both Clinton and Trump still aim for dominance in Central Eurasia. I expect if they could press a button and magically summon up a new Shah for Iran they'd jump at the chance.

    Cuba spent over half a century living beneath the shadow of American wrath too for different reasons. Though perhaps burning revenge at the loss of a compliant puppet also played a role.

    finalcurtain , 2016-09-28 22:44:50
    Vote Clinton and absolutely nothing changes or improves. Hillary might as well take golf lessons from Barack, and saxophone lessons from bonking Bill, every day of her presidency.

    Vote Trump and things are going to change in America. No more pussyfooting around.

    HNS1684 -> UCManhattanP1945 , 2016-09-28 23:49:33
    I wouldn't be at all surprised if the CIA and/or the US Armed Forces do that sort of thing too actually! The CIA, after all, toppled the then democratically elected PM of Iran in 1953, forcibly installing the Shah in his place, the CIA helped bring the Taliban and Saddam to power in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively in the first place, unleashing decades of death and destruction on the peoples of those two countries.

    When the Iraqi people rose up against Saddam's brutal dictatorship back in 1991, the US actually helped him crush the rebellion, thus ensuring he stayed in power. So the US is arguably at least partly responsible for the crimes Saddam and the Taliban committed (in the case of Iraq, as well as murdering at least hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, the US is probably also partly responsible for Saddam's DRAINING OF THE MARSHLANDS OF SOUTHER IRAQ).

    WalterCronkiteBot , 2016-09-28 21:49:48
    One of Trump's top advisors John Bolton wrote an article for the New York Times titled "To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran" calling for a joint US-Israel strike on Iran, including regime change. He could well end up being Sec. Of State if Trump wins.

    Meanwhile Clinton is on record as saying that Iran are the world's main sponsor of terrorism and that if she became president she would obliterate Iran if they attacked Israel. Given that Hezbollah are always involved in tit for tat encounters with Israel, and Clinton feels Hezbollah is effectively the state of Iran, it wouldn't take much.

    Whoever wins Iran loses.

    jimcee33 -> WalterCronkiteBot , 2016-09-28 22:11:21
    Bolton is a vile neocon of the lowest order, what a charade if he gets a senior post and they call Hillary a warmonger? Just wait for Bolton, you mugs
    okthen , 2016-09-28 21:43:04
    Let's hope the Saudis defeat the Houthi uprising and support the internationally recognised government of Yemen. Oh, sorry this is the Guardian: let's hope the Russians defeat the Sunni uprising and support the internationally recognised government of Syria...
    StrangerInParadise -> okthen , 2016-09-28 21:46:13
    Have you ever actually read The Guardian? Look at Shaun Walker's Twitter if you think it is pro-Russian.
    nmccf -> okthen , 2016-09-28 22:21:51
    Yes. Trump is going to steal ISIS's oil. Only slight hole in that theory is that ISIS doesn't own any phucking oil. They aren't a nation state, just thieves. Stealing a thief's stolen goods is still stealing.
    wyngwili , 2016-09-28 21:31:27
    I've never understood why we're allied to Saudi. They were complicit in 9/11, they hate the west and despise us.
    ID8701745 wyngwili , 2016-09-28 21:43:53
    >I've never understood why we're allied to Saudi. Oil. Oil. And more Oil.
    PrinceVlad , 2016-09-28 21:23:25
    There's nothing bizarre about working with Russia on Middle Eastern issues unless you're married to the idea of a new Cold War. Why Washington is so hell-bent on making Russians the enemies again is beyond me.
    StrangerInParadise -> PrinceVlad , 2016-09-28 21:43:47
    Russia - does it really need all that land? Wouldn't it be better if Vladivostok was Obamagrad and Ekaterinburg was Katemiddletown?
    wallwoodgreen , 2016-09-28 21:22:07
    What exactly is the US now? a supplier of sophisticated weaponary to "rebels" or rather terrorists that the legitimate governnent ( with Russian help thankfully) is trying to defeat...
    Carlb1501 -> wallwoodgreen , 2016-09-28 22:39:01
    Both America and Russia have been supplying arms to terrorists or to destabilise elected Govts. Since the end of WW2. Neither country has a right to take the moral high ground especially not Russia at this time with the revelations coming out about shooting down passenger aircraft. You're both as bad as each other.
    GovernmentSin Carlb1501 , 2016-09-28 23:12:40
    There is no moral equivalence here. Once you look at what western intel has been upto all these decades, nowhere could Russia be close to the evil that the US and UK are.

    [Oct 02, 2016] Convinced to contribute to the Clinton Foundation yet? They make magic happen.

    Oct 02, 2016 |

    Henry Carey October 2, 2016 at 9:54 am

    There is a real risk the media will be wholly foreign owned very soon. The FCC under Pres. Obama eliminated the rule on foreign ownership. This, the TPP, and giving up internet control are of a piece.

    I think Trump may be the one and only person to increase the likelihood the US will still be an independent country in ten years. With Clinton we may end up losing our sovereignty by 2020. Trump may have some issues, but at least he psychologically identifies with the US. Most US elites think of themselves as world citizens and really couldn't care less if the US becomes like the DRC. I trust Trump's instincts much more than Hillary's. The continued existence of an independent US will be very, very important for the world to have any degree of pluralism. Any global hegemony is likely to be unpleasant for most people.

    Jim Haygood October 2, 2016 at 10:26 am

    From the WaPo article:

    Grupo Televisa, a Mexican company with a minority stake in the Spanish-language station Univision, might now be able to increase its ownership.

    Univision's lead owner is Hillary's largest contributor, the Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban:

    On June 27, 2006, Saban Capital Group led a group of investors bidding for Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-language media company in the United States.

    Other investors in the Saban-led group were Texas Pacific Group of Fort Worth, Texas and Thomas H. Lee Partners. The group was successful in acquiring Univision with a bid valued at $13.7 billion.

    This convenient FCC rule change hands them a nice exit strategy.

    Convinced to contribute to the Clinton Foundation yet? They make magic happen.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Clinton describes Sanders supporters as basement-dwellers baristas in leaked recording - RT America

    Notable quotes:
    "... "There's just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free healthcare, that what we've done hasn't gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don't know what that means, but it's something that they deeply feel," ..."
    "... "bewildered" ..."
    "... "populist, nationalist, xenophobic, discriminatory" ..."
    "... "I am occupying from the center-left to the center-right. And I don't have much company there. Because it is difficult when you're running to be president, and you understand how hard the job is – I don't want to overpromise," said Clinton, who has customarily eschewed political spectrum labels. ..."
    "... "understanding" ..."
    "... "Some are new to politics completely. They're children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents' basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don't see much of a future," ..."
    "... "If you're feeling like you're consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn't pay a lot, and doesn't have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing." ..."
    "... "listening to the concerns" of "the most diverse, open-minded generation in history." ..."
    "... People who have the TV on all day and watch the news from the mainstream media are naturally going to get hoodwinked. They aren't the brightest, but they're also distracted and mislead. ..."
    "... She is the definition of implicit bias. ..."
    "... After all, they are the deplorables. HRC is truly the most despicable, scandal ridden, lying war monger to ever grace American politics. ..."
    "... Shame on Sanders for supporting that Nazi witch. ..."
    "... Millions of people were adversely harmed by her misguided policies and her "pay-to-play" operations involving favors in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made forthright remarks about Bernie Sanders' supporters during a private meeting with fundraisers, an audio from which has been leaked following an email hack.

    "There's just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free healthcare, that what we've done hasn't gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don't know what that means, but it's something that they deeply feel," Clinton said during a Q&A with potential donors in McLean in Virginia, in February, when she was still in a close primary race with Sanders.

    The frontrunner to become the next US President said that herself and other election observers had been "bewildered" by the rise of the "populist, nationalist, xenophobic, discriminatory" Republican candidates, presumably Donald Trump, on the one side, and the radical left-wing idealists on the other.

    Clinton painted herself as a moderate and realistic contrast to the groundswell.

    "I am occupying from the center-left to the center-right. And I don't have much company there. Because it is difficult when you're running to be president, and you understand how hard the job is – I don't want to overpromise," said Clinton, who has customarily eschewed political spectrum labels.

    According to the Washington Free Beacon, which posted the audio of Clinton's remarks, the recording was attached to an email sent out by a campaign staffer, which has been hacked. It is unclear if the leak is the work of the same hackers who got hold of a trove of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails in July.

    ... ... ...

    In the session, Clinton called for an "understanding" of the motives of Sanders' younger backers, while describing them in terms that fluctuate between patronizing and unflattering.

    "Some are new to politics completely. They're children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents' basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don't see much of a future," said Clinton, who obtained the support of about 2,800 delegates, compared to approximately 1,900 for Sanders, when the results were tallied in July.

    "If you're feeling like you're consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn't pay a lot, and doesn't have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing."

    Despite well-publicized tensions, particularly between the more vocal backers, Sanders endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention two months ago, and the two politicians have campaigned together this week, sharing the stage.

    Following the leak, the Clinton campaign has not apologized for the audio, insisting that it shows that the nominee and is "listening to the concerns" of "the most diverse, open-minded generation in history."

    "As Hillary Clinton said in those remarks , she wants young people to be idealistic and set big goals," said her spokesman Glen Caplin. "She is fighting for exactly millennial generation cares more about – a fairer, more equal, just world."

    In other parts of the 50-minute recording, Clinton spoke about US capacity to "retaliate" against foreign hackers that would serve as a "deterrence" and said she would be "inclined" to mothball the costly upgrade of the Long Range Standoff (LRSO) missile program.

    Read more

    And more votes for Trump it seems. Good
    Olive Sailboat 2h

    The more she runs her mouth the more support she loses.

    Gold Carrot -> Olive Sailboat 6m

    Well if somebody is supported by Soros, Warren Buffet, Walmart family, Gates, Moskowitz, Pritzker, Saban and Session what do you expect. Give me 8 names of other Americans who can top their money worth. And even so called financial supporters of Republican party like Whitman and Koch brothers are not supporting Trump. Whitman actually donate to Clinton. In fact most of the donation for Trump campaign is coming from people who donate at average less than 200 dollars. Clinton represent BIG MONEY that... See more

    GA 2h

    Clinton has a supremacist problem, she considers all americans under deserving people, she thinks she is a pharaoh and we are little people. Reply Share 15

    Red Ducky -> GA 23m

    you think trump is different? ask yourself this question: Why do Rich people spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a job that only pays $400K a year?

    Rabid Rotty -> Red Ducky 9m

    And Trump has stated several times that he will not take the Presidential Salary

    pHiL SwEeT -> Rabid Rotty 8m

    Uh, yah, Red Ducky just explained how it's not about the money, they're already rich. It's about power, status, control and legacy.

    Green Weights 2h

    if Clinton sends her followers and their families to concentration camps, they'll still continue supporting her. yes, that's how stupid they really are.

    Olive Basketball -> Green Weights 55m

    People who have the TV on all day and watch the news from the mainstream media are naturally going to get hoodwinked. They aren't the brightest, but they're also distracted and mislead.

    Cyan Beer 2h

    She is the definition of implicit bias.

    Norm de Plume
    Sure enough. The real Americans. Not people, like her, who have dedicated their lives to aggrandizing themselves living effectively tax-free at the people's expense.
    Seve141 7m
    After all, they are the deplorables. HRC is truly the most despicable, scandal ridden, lying war monger to ever grace American politics.
    Tornado_Doom 12m
    Shame on Sanders for supporting that Nazi witch.
    Green Band Aid -> Tornado_Doom 12m
    Sanders will be getting paid. All he does is for money.
    Tornado_Doom -> Green Band Aid 11m
    Does an old rich man like him need money?
    Green Leaf 43m
    Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State during Barack Obama's first term was an unmitigated disaster for many nations around the world. The media has never adequately described how a number of countries around the world suffered horribly from HC's foreign policy decisions. Millions of people were adversely harmed by her misguided policies and her "pay-to-play" operations involving favors in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.

    Countries adversely impacted by HC's foreign policy decisions include Abkhazia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Central African Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Kosovo, Libya, Malaysia, Palestine, Paraguay, South Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Western Sahara, Yemen - one would think they had a visit from the anti-Christ instead of HC. Or is HC the anti-Christ in disguise?

    Green Leaf 45m
    The majority of American's will vote Trump for 3 primary reasons.

    1. National Security: They trust him when it comes to protecting national security and to stop illegal aliens from entering US boarders along with stopping the mass importation of un-vetted refugees from the middle east.

    2. Economy: They know he knows how to get things done under budget and ahead of schedule.. and he knows how to make money. They want a successful businessman in office, not another political who is out to enrich his or herself at their expense. In addition he knows how to create jobs and he has a major plan to cut taxes to help the poor - no tax for anyone earning less then $50,000 and

    3. Hillary's severe covered-up health problems: With all of the problems that the US is experience they don't want someone who passes out from a seizure in the middle of the day running the country. This is a severely ill woman is, evidently, of the rare kind that requires a permanent traveling physician and a "mystery man" who rushes to her side whenever she has one of her frequent and uncontrollable seizure "episodes" (or otherwise freezes up with a brain "short-circuit" during a speech). She has Parkinson's. The pneumonia was just a symptom for something much more serious. She even had a mini seizure during the debate for those with a medical background to see.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Krugman trashed Sanders relentlessly using his soap box and now he is horrified the Hillary might lose. What a jerk

    Notable quotes:
    "... But Paul Krugman I have lost a lot of respect for. There was a candidate that people believed in and that stood up for working people and liberal values and that motivated people to come out and support him and his goals for the U.S.A. A candidate that would have neutralized Trump's appeal to the working class (which is mostly where I am). Krugman trashed him relentlessly using his very large soap box. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |
    Jerry Brown : September 30, 2016 at 05:31 PM
    I won't say bad things about Clinton. Because she is far better than the alternative at this point. But Paul Krugman I have lost a lot of respect for. There was a candidate that people believed in and that stood up for working people and liberal values and that motivated people to come out and support him and his goals for the U.S.A. A candidate that would have neutralized Trump's appeal to the working class (which is mostly where I am). Krugman trashed him relentlessly using his very large soap box.

    Now he is horrified that the polls are so close.

    I can't say anything more without being negative. Except vote for Clinton- she's better than Trump. Which is a pathetic endorsement.

    [Oct 01, 2016] HillaryBots are misconstruing Trumps positions and framing his behaviour as the corrupt neoliberal media wishes to frame it.

    Notable quotes:
    "... I have noticed a pattern with you where you are misconstruing Trump's positions and framing his behaviour as the corrupt media wishes you to frame it. Trump is not great, but he's also not nearly as awful as you're thinking he is. Don't be so influenced by the propaganda coming from Hillary and her devoted lackeys in the MSM. ..."
    "... As a female voter I don't give a crap how bad he is, I'd still rather watch Congress go nuts impeaching him than I would Hillary taking us to war with Russia. ..."

    cwaltz October 1, 2016 at 3:21 pm

    Uh that only happens if someone manages to duct tape Trump's mouth shut.

    Trump's got his own brand of offensive and apparently his goal this week was to alienate female voters even more with his antics.

    I hear that at the next debate his big idea is to blame Hillary for Bill's wandering penis. That should go over like a lead balloon (because believe it or not women don't like to be blamed for the times men act like dogs.)

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 3:57 pm

    I have noticed a pattern with you where you are misconstruing Trump's positions and framing his behaviour as the corrupt media wishes you to frame it. Trump is not great, but he's also not nearly as awful as you're thinking he is. Don't be so influenced by the propaganda coming from Hillary and her devoted lackeys in the MSM.

    cwaltz October 1, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    Spare me, I'm misconstruing nothing.

    You want to run on the fact the guy has no public record per se (Look! He didn't bomb anybody! Yeah, that's probably because he didn't have the means to do so either.). That's great.

    However, he does have a very real past and I refuse to wallpaper over that past. It's completely unacceptable and unprofessional to call your employees Miss Piggy. Acknowledge it. Move on.

    Romancing The Loan October 1, 2016 at 4:30 pm

    Oh like anyone is left who wasn't already aware that Trump's a misogynist gasbag. As a female voter I don't give a crap how bad he is, I'd still rather watch Congress go nuts impeaching him than I would Hillary taking us to war with Russia.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Trump would actually make all those issues you mention far worse

    Notable quotes:
    "... The race baiting has to stop. Krugman should travel to Camden, Rochester, East St. Louis or any of the thousands of towns and cities that were stripped of their wealth thanks to free trade policies he championed. ..."
    "... It is close because Trump offers hope. People remember that times were much, much better when their cities had factories before the so-called globalization hurricane just "naturally" swept everything away. ..."
    "... Twenty years of protectionism and an undervalued currency will turn the US into a star trek land like Singapore. 10 more years on our current free trade trajectory and we'll be Haiti, another free trade paradise. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |
    Joseph Chamberlain's ghost : September 30, 2016 at 03:07 PM

    The race baiting has to stop. Krugman should travel to Camden, Rochester, East St. Louis or any of the thousands of towns and cities that were stripped of their wealth thanks to free trade policies he championed.

    It is close because Trump offers hope. People remember that times were much, much better when their cities had factories before the so-called globalization hurricane just "naturally" swept everything away.

    Twenty years of protectionism and an undervalued currency will turn the US into a star trek land like Singapore. 10 more years on our current free trade trajectory and we'll be Haiti, another free trade paradise.

    DrDick -> Joseph Chamberlain's ghost ... September 30, 2016 at 04:21 PM
    "It is close because Trump offers hope."

    Only to relatively prosperous, uneducated, old white men who are terrified by watching their privilege slip away. Trump would actually make all those issues you mention far worse.

    [Oct 01, 2016] I wonder why so little attention is paid to Hillary bellicosity, which is borderline to insanity

    Notable quotes:
    "... But today's Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries. ..."
    "... How you can defend such a deeply flawed (as in insane) candidate is beyond me. ..."
    "... Robert Kagan is desperate to save us from fascism, you see. Because anything Athens did wrong in the Peloponnesian War, America can do again, but bigger. And, his wife is a favorite to become Secretary of State. She's deeply experienced, having brought peace to Ukraine. ..."
    "... I went through this with them in a recent discussion. For the most part, liberals (American terminology) simply do not care for or about anti-war and anti-imperialism arguments. Just saving everyone a little time here. ..."
    Sep 28, 2016 |

    likbez09.29.16 at 12:35 am 118

    I wonder why so little attention is paid to Hillary bellicosity, which is borderline to insanity. As Adam Walinsky put it in Politico (Sep 21, 2016, )
    John and Robert Kennedy devoted their greatest commitments and energies to the prevention of war and the preservation of peace. To them that was not an abstract formula but the necessary foundation of human life. But today's Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries. Generals and admirals announce our national policies. Theater commanders are our principal ambassadors. Our first answer to trouble or opposition of any kind seems always to be a military movement or action.
    How you can defend such a deeply flawed (as in insane) candidate is beyond me.

    bruce wilder 09.29.16 at 1:04 am ( 122 )

    likbez: How you can defend such a deeply flawed (as in insane) candidate is beyond me.

    How? By focusing on the other guy, on Trump.

    Today, Brad Delong points to the daily anti-Trump screed by James Fallows, which features a four month old piece by Robert Kagan: I disagree with Robert Kagan on just about everything. But in the months since he originally published his essay, called "This Is How Fascism Comes to America," I think his arguments have come to seem more rather than less relevant.

    Robert Kagan is desperate to save us from fascism, you see. Because anything Athens did wrong in the Peloponnesian War, America can do again, but bigger. And, his wife is a favorite to become Secretary of State. She's deeply experienced, having brought peace to Ukraine.

    None of that matters because Trump is unprecedented.

    Anarcissie 09.29.16 at 2:47 am
    likbez 09.29.16 at 12:35 am @ 118 -

    I went through this with them in a recent discussion. For the most part, liberals (American terminology) simply do not care for or about anti-war and anti-imperialism arguments. Just saving everyone a little time here.

    Howard Frant 09.29.16 at 4:21 am

    OK, here's what puzzles me. Looking back upthread, what is the source of the really deep antipathy that people on CT have for Hillary Clinton? I haven't heard anyone say that her tax policy is not progressive enough. That's a legitimate argument, but no one seems excited about it. Apparently two things really get people hot under the collar. (1) She is somewhat interventionist militarily. Of course, people aren't content just to say that, they have to say that she is a "war criminal" (sorry, could I have some specifics on this?), or at least a warmonger. But basically, by that they just mean that she is somewhat interventionist militarily. (2) She's more inclined toward trade agreements than most people here.

    OK, fine, these are legitimate areas of disagreement. Here's what puzzles me: those are the traditional positions of paleoliberals in the Democratic Party. You don't have to like them, but there's nothing neo about them. So how is Clinton a neoliberal?

    There's one respect in which Clinton follows the DLC line: this business of favoring means-testing rather than universal programs. I think that as a political strategy this is bad, and I get irritated every time she trots out that line about not wanting to pay for Donald Trump's kids (there just aren't that many rich people, and they're not sending their kids to state schools anyway). But I haven't heard anyone say they could never vote for Clinton because of this. So what's neo about Clinton? What distinguishes her from Mondale?

    ... ... ...

    LFC 09.29.16 at 1:29 pm

    @H Frant

    I'm glad you picked up on the imbalanced quote re JFK etc, b/c I was too lazy to do it. The explanation is that the quoted piece is by Adam Walinsky, who was (I think, w/o Wiki'ing) a speechwriter/adviser for RFK. Walinsky's probably getting on in years, and his idea of a column is to contrast the peace-loving JFK (and RFK) to the bad promoters of American empire and bases-around-the-world who followed him/them. Which is somewhat weird.

    This is a pt about the overall trajectory of US f.p. since c.1947, which has exhibited a good deal (though not, of course, complete) continuity (as well as some variation from admin to admin.). [Whether JFK, had he lived, wd have gotten involved in Vietnam in the major way LBJ did, or wd have stopped short of that kind of escalation, is a separate and disputed question, and there is evidence to support conflicting answers – but it doesn't alter the main pt above. A past CT commenter, who went by 'mattski' iirc, was very big on the JFK-wd-not-have-escalated-had-he-lived thesis, so one can find some cites supporting that view if one searches on mattski's past comments here.]

    Walinsky also lumps JFK and RFK together, which is problematic since, inter alia, RFK lived 5 yrs longer and into a diff. historical period in which he played a major role.

    [Oct 01, 2016] David Brock (Hilary Super-PAC) apparently got access to FoxAcid, the top secret NSA software Snowden exposed.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Forget the Bernie hack, this one shows David Brock (Hilary Super-PAC) in action. Apparently they got access to FoxAcid, the top secret NSA software Snowden exposed. ..."
    "... Honey for the conspiracy bears but this does smell right, and if it's real it's a bombshell: ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |

    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 1, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    Forget the Bernie hack, this one shows David Brock (Hilary Super-PAC) in action. Apparently they got access to FoxAcid, the top secret NSA software Snowden exposed.

    Honey for the conspiracy bears but this does smell right, and if it's real it's a bombshell:

    [Oct 01, 2016] Did Trump Support The Iraq War Or Not

    Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

    The way Lester Holt "corrected" Donald Trump at Monday's debate (as he was clearly instructed to do) regarding the Iraq War, you'd think the answer to whether he supported it or not was clear-cut. The truth is, it may not be that simple.

    Joe Concha (who has been doing some great work by the way), just wrote an excellent article at The Hill exploring the topic in detail. Here's what he found:

    Question: Did Donald Trump oppose or support the Iraq War?

    Before answering, a quick note on why providing clarity around a relatively simple question: It's rare that cooler heads can prevail in this media world we live in. Lines in the sand have never been drawn between blue and red media as vividly as they are now. And as a result, simple logic and lucidity is supplied less and less to drawing a verdict on whether a story is true or not.

    Exhibit A today is the aforementioned question: Did Trump - as he insists - oppose the Iraq War?

    At first, given that Trump wasn't a politician in 2002 and therefore had no official vote on the war authorization (as is the case with Hillary Clinton 's support of it), the press simply took him at his word on the matter with no evidence readily available to provide otherwise.

    Except there was evidence, albeit flimsy at best, thanks to the dogged work of Buzzfeed's Andrew Kaczynski and Nathan McDermott in unearthing a 2002 interview Trump did with Howard Stern.

    Here's what Trump said when asked by Stern during a typically long interview (Howard can go more than an hour without taking a break) if he was for going into Iraq.

    "Yeah, I guess so," Trump responded. "I wish the first time it was done correctly."

    So to review, Trump, a businessman at that time, didn't broach the topic. There are no other public statements by him on the matter in 2002.

    "Yeah, I guess so" isn't what one would call someone absolutely advocating the invasion of another country.

    Instead, a reasonable person listening could only conclude that Trump probably hadn't given the matter even a passing thought and answered matter-of-factly. Because if Trump was so pro-Iraq War at the time, as he's being portrayed of being by the media in 2016, one would think he - who seemingly shares every perspective that enters his head - would be mentioning it every chance he got in other interviews, which never happens.

    Trump's next interview occurred with Fox's Neil Cavuto in February 2003, just weeks before the invasion occurred.

    In the video, Cavuto asks Trump how much time President Bush should spend on the economy vs. Iraq.

    "Well, I'm starting to think that people are much more focused now on the economy," Trump said. "They're getting a little bit tired of hearing 'We're going in, we're not going in.' Whatever happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? Either do it or don't do it."

    Trump continued: "Perhaps he shouldn't be doing it yet. And perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations."

    But during Monday night's debate, Lester Holt followed the lead of many in the media who had come to a definitive conclusion on Trump's (at first) apathetic-turned-ambiguous stance.

    "The record shows it," Lester Holt pushed back on Trump after the candidate challenged the moderator's assertion that Trump absolutely was for the Iraq War. The record also shows Trump cautioning that the United Nations needs to be on board.

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations at the time, Kofi Annan, said this when speaking on the invasion:

    "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the U.N. Charter. From our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."

    So if following Trump logic in his interview with Cavuto, if the U.S. and its allies had waited for U.N. approval, the war likely never happens.

    But here's an important nugget few are speaking about: On March 26, 2003, just one week after the invasion began, Trump says at an Academy Awards after-party, "The war's a mess," according to The Washington Post. One day earlier, a Gallup poll showed public support for the war at 72 percent.

    The "war's a mess" quote is even included in Politifact's verdict before coming to the conclusion that Trump is absolutely false in stating he opposed the war.

    In the end, the solution here is simple: Politifact needs to change its "False" rating on Trump's claim. That isn't to say it should be not characterized as "True" or "Mostly True" either.

    Instead, in a suggestion likely to send the usual suspects in our polarized media crazy, the rating of "Half True" needs to be applied here.

    The Hill reached out to Politifact for comment but did not get a response.

    As for media organizations (and this applies to almost every one), who keep insisting that Trump supported the Iraq War so definitively, not every situation lives in absolutes. Not every question has an absolute "yes" or "no" as a final verdict.

    In the case of businessman Donald Trump circa 2002 and 2003, chalk up his perspective on the Iraq War before it started as the following:

    - At first - months before it began to get any real traction in the American mindset - Trump's thought process was one of ambivalence via having not given it almost any thought before being asked about it by Stern, which was nothing more than a quick tangent in an interview focusing on 20 other things.

    - And then in January 2003, Trump's public "stance" was one of caution-before-proceeding by stating a need to wait for the United Nations before rushing in. Note: There weren't declarations around the threat of weapons of mass destruction, spreading democracy or the need to remove a brutal dictator. Trump never cites any of those common arguments for war even once, as Republicans and even some Democrats did.

    In March of 2003, as the war just began, Trump declares "the war's a mess."

    Bottom line: There's was nothing to indicate Trump supported the war, as the so-called record showed.

    He didn't seem 100 percent against it either.

    "On the fence" would be another apt way to describe it.

    Cooler heads need to prevail here.

    But "sanity," "media," and "this year's election" are five words rarely seen in the same sentence anymore.

    Meanwhile, we know for sure which candidate absolutely loves war and leaves a trail of death and destruction in her wake: Hillary Clinton.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Justin Wolfers convincingly argues that Wall Streets darling in this election is Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump

    Oct 01, 2016 |

    RC AKA Darryl, Ron : October 01, 2016 at 06:20 AM

    RE: Debate Night Message: The Markets Are Afraid of Donald Trump

    [ Justin Wolfers convincingly argues that Wall Street's darling in this election is Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump although that was probably an unintended consequence of making his case without reading between his own line.]

    Wall Street fears a Trump presidency. Stocks may lose 10 to 12 percent of their value if he wins the November election, and there may be a broader economic downturn.

    These conclusions arise from close analysis of financial markets during Monday's presidential debate, which provides a fascinating case study of the complex interconnections between American politics and economics. The market's judgment stands in sharp opposition to Donald J. Trump's claims that his presidency would be good for business.

    Decoding these market signals is no easy task because it is difficult to disentangle correlation from causation. Ideally we would observe stock prices in parallel universes with identical economic conditions, with a single exception: In one, Mr. Trump has a good shot at becoming president, while in the other, his chances are low.

    Monday's presidential debate provided a rough approximation of this experiment. At 9 p.m., before the debate began, the betting markets gave Mr. Trump a 35 percent chance of becoming president. Two hours later, after the debate, we had entered the parallel universe in which economic conditions were the same, but Mr. Trump's chances had fallen a tad below 30 percent...

    RC AKA Darryl, Ron said in reply to RC AKA Darryl, Ron... , -1
    "The stock market has forecast nine of the last five recessions." Paul Samuelson (1966), quoted in: John C Bluedorn et al. Do Asset Price Drops Foreshadow Recessions? (2013), p. 4

    [Of course the real question is how well do the betting markets predict the stock market? The only question actually answered was "Who do you love?"]

    [Oct 01, 2016] Clinton should be beating Trump easily in the polls. Sanders would be. Trump is the worst candidate in history.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Not because of policy, but because they *hate* Clinton's dishonest scumbags like Debbie Wasserman Shultz... They know them and hate them. ..."
    "... Clinton brags about how much she's done for the children meanwhile she's a millionaire who gives speeches to Goldman Sachs and does nothing but attend fundraisers thrown by rich donors. ..."
    "... a lot of Sanders supporters have a visceral dislike of Sanders people who lied to them and about us... The dishonesty is blatant, just how Hillary lied about Sanders during the primary. ..."
    "... wait until the election is over. The hatred toward Clinton and surrogates ... will come pouring out. That is if she wins. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |

    Peter K. : September 30, 2016 at 06:35 AM Clinton should be beating Trump easily in the polls. Sanders would be. Trump is the worst candidate in history.

    Why isn't she don't better? It's because Clinton surrogates like PGL are hateful and obnoxious. The voters hate these people and don't agree with Clinton's centrism. The voters hate the BS we're expected to believe like how corporate trade is nothing but beneficial or that the Obama years were great.

    It's not simply because she's a woman or because of the media (which the Clintonites were happy to use against Sanders.)
    Reply Friday, September 30, 2016 at 06:35 AM Peter K. -> Peter K.... , Friday, September 30, 2016 at 06:47 AM

    That's why Trump is appealing to Sanders voters.

    Not because of policy, but because they *hate* Clinton's dishonest scumbags like Debbie Wasserman Shultz... They know them and hate them.

    Clinton brags about how much she's done for the children meanwhile she's a millionaire who gives speeches to Goldman Sachs and does nothing but attend fundraisers thrown by rich donors.

    I'll vote for Hillary but a lot of Sanders supporters have a visceral dislike of Sanders people who lied to them and about us... The dishonesty is blatant, just how Hillary lied about Sanders during the primary. But Sanders knows policywise Trump is much, much worse than Hillary even if she's not that good.

    Peter K. -> Peter K.... , -1
    That's why Sanders is campaigning for Hillary. But wait until the election is over. The hatred toward Clinton and surrogates ... will come pouring out. That is if she wins.

    [Oct 01, 2016] "They had somebody modulating the microphone, so when I was speaking, the mike would go up and down," Mr. Trump said. "I spent 50 percent of my thought process working the mike."

    Oct 01, 2016 |

    Fred C. Dobbs : September 30, 2016 at 05:36 PM


    Actually, a Malfunction Did Affect Donald Trump's
    Voice at the Debate

    The Commission on Presidential Debates said Friday that the first debate on Monday was marred by an unspecified technical malfunction that affected the volume of Mr. Trump's voice in the debate hall.

    Mr. Trump complained after the debate that the event's organizers had given him a "defective mike," contributing to his widely panned performance against Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton lampooned Mr. Trump's claim, telling reporters on her campaign plane, "Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night."

    Mr. Trump was clearly audible to the television audience. And there is no evidence of sabotage. But it turns out he was on to something.

    "Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall," the commission said in its statement.

    The commission, a nonprofit organization that sponsors the presidential debates, released no other information about the malfunction, including how it was discovered, which equipment was to blame, or why the problem was admitted to only on Friday, four days after the debate.

    Reached by phone, a member of the commission's media staff said she was not authorized to speak about the matter.

    Some members of the audience, held at Hofstra University in New York, recalled in interviews that the amplification of Mr. Trump's voice was at times significantly lower than that for Mrs. Clinton. And at times Mr. Trump appeared to be hunching down to get his face closer to his microphone.

    Zeke Miller, a reporter for Time Magazine who attended the debate, mentioned the difference on Monday in a report to the traveling press pool for Mr. Trump. From his vantage point, Mr. Miller wrote, Mr. Trump was sometimes "a little quieter" than Mrs. Clinton.

    In an interview, Mr. Trump said he had tested out the audio system two hours before the event and found it "flawless." Only during the debate did he notice the problem, Mr. Trump said, and he tried to compensate by leaning down more closely to the microphone. He complained that the changing volume had distracted him and alleged again that someone had created the problem deliberately.

    "They had somebody modulating the microphone, so when I was speaking, the mike would go up and down," Mr. Trump said. "I spent 50 percent of my thought process working the mike." ...

    [Oct 01, 2016] Donald is at least pointing out the problem and proposing tax and tariff measures to partially restore manufacturing jobs to the Rust Belt. Hillary offers platitudes

    Notable quotes:
    "... Clinton was told over eight years ago that a huge number of Americans are in pain with good reason. See John Edwards' Two Americas… She was ignoring it then, she planned on ignoring it again. Unfortunately Trump came along and recognized the pain. Sanders felt it. Clinton doesn't feel diddly except her own personal greed, ambition, entitlement, and anger at anyone who thinks her being a public servant means actually working in the public interest not her own. ..."
    "... Yeah but Donald is at least pointing out the problem and proposing tax and tariff measures to partially restore manufacturing jobs to the Rust Belt. Hillary offers platitudes and attacks on Donald as her solution to the Dispossessed Americans. ..."
    "... The Republican party is almost a monolith on core doctrine. Let's see Congressional Republicans move to upend the current trade regime or, indeed, give any indication. ..."
    "... These 2 utterly wretched candidates do not cancel out each others' flaws at all. They both stink like rotten meat. The Trump-cheerleading that now typifies this comments section is as pitiable as the slavish Hillary boosting crap that tars the pages of the New York Times. ..."
    "... It's not cheerleading. It's the reasonable assessment that Trump MIGHT be a disaster, but Clinton WILL be a disaster. ..."
    "... OK. You're comparing a heel to a known mass murderer who took petty bribes to destroy entire countries. I don't really understand how you arrived at your conclusion, but ok. ..."

    Pat October 1, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Clinton was told over eight years ago that a huge number of Americans are in pain with good reason. See John Edwards' Two Americas… She was ignoring it then, she planned on ignoring it again. Unfortunately Trump came along and recognized the pain. Sanders felt it. Clinton doesn't feel diddly except her own personal greed, ambition, entitlement, and anger at anyone who thinks her being a public servant means actually working in the public interest not her own.

    For that alone she needs to be dropped kicked into obscurity and a future where she and Bill really do find out what being broke and looking forward to the Social Security Check is like.

    nycTerrierist October 1, 2016 at 3:20 pm


    Dave October 1, 2016 at 12:19 pm

    Yeah but Donald is at least pointing out the problem and proposing tax and tariff measures to partially restore manufacturing jobs to the Rust Belt. Hillary offers platitudes and attacks on Donald as her solution to the Dispossessed Americans.

    Science Officer Smirnoff October 1, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    He proposes, but who disposes?

    If we had journalism instead of Poodledom there would be first a laying out of what are presidential powers-given the limited possibilities of who controls the other branches of government. And secondly, a replay of recent history of the two parties' actions on the major issues affecting the common good (which admittedly doesn't exist for libertarians and Thatcherites).

    The Republican party is almost a monolith on core doctrine. Let's see Congressional Republicans move to upend the current trade regime or, indeed, give any indication.

    FluffytheObeseCat October 1, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    Donald Trump is not a "much better candidate" than Clinton. More's the pity. The Donald is a heel; a frivolous egotist who has screwed up many times over the decades. His money and showman's cunning allowed him to prosper despite all the screw overs and screw ups. He's been a heel for decades and there is no likelihood he'll improve if he attains high office. Hillary Clinton - by contrast, not - is a supercilious elitist with more baggage than the cargo compartment of a fully loaded 747.

    These 2 utterly wretched candidates do not cancel out each others' flaws at all. They both stink like rotten meat. The Trump-cheerleading that now typifies this comments section is as pitiable as the slavish Hillary boosting crap that tars the pages of the New York Times.

    Plenue October 1, 2016 at 5:01 pm

    It's not cheerleading. It's the reasonable assessment that Trump MIGHT be a disaster, but Clinton WILL be a disaster.

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 5:07 pm

    OK. You're comparing a heel to a known mass murderer who took petty bribes to destroy entire countries. I don't really understand how you arrived at your conclusion, but ok.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Oddly, after outsourcing jobs CEO pay never decreases.

    Oct 01, 2016 |

    jellybelly21 5h ago 3 4 Why are Trump supporters under the illusion that DT can bring jobs back? Carrier will move production abroad because 'Most of its Indianapolis workers make about $26 an hour. Their Mexican replacements make $3 an hour'. DT products are manufactured overseas for the same reason: low production costs = higher profits. Reply Share Share on Facebook Facebook Share on Facebook Twitter | Pick Report WillKnotTell jellybelly21 3h ago 2 3 Oddly, CEO pay never decreases.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Doing what contemporary American economists suggest: eliminate tariffs, dont worry about huge capital inflows or a ridiculously overvalued dollar, has led the US from being the envy of the world to being a non-developed economy with worse roads than Cuba or Ghana.

    Oct 01, 2016 |

    Friederich List : September 30, 2016 at 05:29 PM

    Doing what contemporary American economists suggest: eliminate tariffs, don't worry about huge capital inflows or a ridiculously overvalued dollar, has led the US from being the envy of the world to being a non-developed economy with worse roads than Cuba or Ghana.

    That US economists are still treated with any degree of credibility it totally appalling. They are so obviously bought-and-paid for snake oil salesmen that people are finally tuning them out.

    TRUMP 2016: Return America to Protectionism - Screw globalism

    [Oct 01, 2016] Get real! No alumni of the Peterson Institute and IMF is going to go all mushy on the down sides of globalization and wealth distribution.

    Oct 01, 2016 |

    RC AKA Darryl, Ron : September 30, 2016 at 07:07 AM RE: The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment

    [There is a pdf at the link. Olivier Blanchard has surprised me again. As establishment economists go he is not so bad. There is plenty that he still glosses over but insofar as status quo establishment macroeconomics goes he is thorough and coherent. One might hope that those that do not understand either the debate for higher inflation targets or the debate for fiscal policy to accomplish what monetary policy cannot might learn from this article by Olivier Blanchard, but I will not hold my breath waiting for that. In any case the article is worth a read for anyone that can.] RC AKA Darryl, Ron -> RC AKA Darryl, Ron... , Friday, September 30, 2016 at 07:07 AM

    Get real! No alumni of the Peterson Institute and IMF is going to go all mushy on the down sides of globalization and wealth distribution.
    anne -> RC AKA Darryl, Ron... , Friday, September 30, 2016 at 07:13 AM

    September, 2016

    The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment
    By Olivier Blanchard

    Perhaps the most striking macroeconomic fact about advanced economies today is how anemic demand remains in the face of zero interest rates.

    In the wake of the global financial crisis, we had a plausible explanation why demand was persistently weak: Legacies of the crisis, from deleveraging by banks, to fiscal austerity by governments, to lasting anxiety by consumers and firms, could all explain why, despite low rates, demand remained depressed.

    This explanation is steadily becoming less convincing. Banks have largely deleveraged, credit supply has loosened, fiscal consolidation has been largely put on hold, and the financial crisis is farther in the rearview mirror. Demand should have steadily strengthened. Yet, demand growth has remained low.

    Why? The likely answer is that, as the legacies of the past have faded, the future has looked steadily bleaker. Forecasts of potential growth have been repeatedly revised down. And consumers and firms-anticipating a gloomier future-are cutting back spending, leading to unusually low demand growth today....

    RC AKA Darryl, Ron -> anne... , -1

    [Oct 01, 2016] This Is Hillary Clintons Millennial Problem

    Young people reject neoliberalism... And thus they reject Hillary. As simple as that...
    Notable quotes:
    "... Here is my own wild take on why millennials don't support Clinton "enough": Many younger American voters, perhaps a sufficient number of them to seriously imperil Clinton's chances, have significant ideological differences with the candidate. That's my theory ..."
    "... I would like to suggest that the threat these young voters pose to technocratic [neo]liberalism is not the possibility of electing Donald Trump. Despite Clinton's flagging numbers, her chances of success remain high. Rather, the fear is that if younger voters really are committed to a host of ideological positions at odds with the mainstream of the Democratic Party, then that Party, without a Trump-sized cudgel, is doomed. ..."
    "... So why have liberal pundits resisted such a move? Why are they intent on not just defeating but discrediting the ideological preferences of the young left, dismissing them not as a legitimate divergence but as mere ignorance and confusion? ..."
    Sep 23, 2016 |

    Why is Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton underperforming among young voters?

    Since several polls released over the past ten days indicated that the inclusion of third party candidates revealed a precipitous decline in Millennial support for the Democratic nominee, we have gotten no shortage of theories from the punditry purporting to answer this question. Mother Jones's Kevin Drum blames Bernie Sanders. New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait agrees. The Daily Beast's James Kirchick says "cynicism" and an inexplicable aversion to permanent imperial war are the problem. New Republic's Brian Beutler, contra Kirchick, offers a take so hot that it has single-handedly revised global climate change projections: Young voters are insufficiently familiar with the horrors of the Bush administration.

    The given causes vary but the consensus is clear: Young voters are pathological and the cure is to disabuse them of their ignorance.

    Here is my own wild take on why millennials don't support Clinton "enough": Many younger American voters, perhaps a sufficient number of them to seriously imperil Clinton's chances, have significant ideological differences with the candidate. That's my theory. Many liberal pundits seem unimpressed by this idea perhaps because it suggests that votes must be earned in a democracy, but it does have the benefit of the evidence.

    ... ... ...

    I would like to suggest that the threat these young voters pose to technocratic [neo]liberalism is not the possibility of electing Donald Trump. Despite Clinton's flagging numbers, her chances of success remain high. Rather, the fear is that if younger voters really are committed to a host of ideological positions at odds with the mainstream of the Democratic Party, then that Party, without a Trump-sized cudgel, is doomed. It should not escape anybody's notice that politics by negative definition-the argument, at bottom, that "we're better than those guys"-has become the dominant electoral strategy of the Democratic Party, and that despite the escalation of the "those guys" negatives, the mere promise to be preferable has yielded diminishing returns. At some point, the Democratic Party will either need to embrace a platform significantly to the left of their current orthodoxy, or they will lose.

    ... ... ...

    This might not seem such a bad thing. Positions shift. Parties evolve. A serious threat of millennial desertion might lead to a natural compromise: support, in exchange for real policy concessions going forward. So why have liberal pundits resisted such a move? Why are they intent on not just defeating but discrediting the ideological preferences of the young left, dismissing them not as a legitimate divergence but as mere ignorance and confusion?

    Emmett Rensin is a writer based in Iowa City, Iowa. His previous work has appeared in Vox,The New Republic, The Atlantic and The Los Angeles Review of Books (where he is a contributing editor). Follow him on Twitter at @EmmettRensin.

    [Oct 01, 2016] She really is a sociopath! Quite a revealing mindset on Hillarys part. Reminds me of Romney dismissing 47% of the population as free riders.

    Notable quotes:
    "... Right now, the SYSTEM(establishment) is rigged favoring Hillary. Trump is no saint but unpredictable as perceived by deep state and the MSM. What more damage he can do compared to Bush, Obama or the Hilabama. At least he is challenging the status quo and the establishment, unlike any other candidates in the past! ..."
    "... I am vacillating about whom to vote. Bernie would have been my choice. Now Trump vote by default is a protest vote, against the rigged system. Not the best choice but I am fed up with status quo. It needs a jolt and now, only Trump can do that. ..."
    "... Paul Ryan went on record that if Trump is elected they'll just ignore him and further the agenda hammered out for them by their Kochtopus overlords. Which is exactly what I have expected would be the case all along. This isn't a damned game, but the more I hear the more it seems that's how it's being viewed, as if the final winner has no real-world relevance. ..."
    "... Amen. These so-called "best and brightest" like Clinton and Obama are not only morally bankrupt, the awful truth is they are also obviously poorly informed and self-evidently not very bright either. Obama could, in fact, be almost the definition of the "empty suit". ..."
    "... I no longer entertain any such illusions, Hilary and Obama know full well what the consequences of their actions are, all the way from Yemen to Minnesota health insurers. Obama is working toward a sexy retirement golfing with billionaires and raising funds for his Library, as for Hilary, her lust for pure unbridled power for its own sake knows no bounds. From the hallowed halls of Goldman Sachs to the board room at Monsanto, Hilary knows *precisely* where she can get the funds to satisfy her blood and power lusts. ..."
    "... Well, her leaked audio fits in with her new plan to give all those "basement dwellers" something to do – that National Service Reserve thing…… But yea, all you stupid millennials – get off the couch and vote for Hillary because she told you to!! And then get off her lawn! ..."
    "... Beyond a tone-deafness in self-expression that's astonishing for an experienced politician (even if she did not expect the statement to become public), I find it amazing that there is not even a hint of the thought, "well, maybe there's something about our economy that we need to adjust." ..."
    "... Maybe not super generous, but the U.S. medical system already costs more than single payer, so there is more than that going on than just "can't afford it". I have often though the citizens of an empire must be kept in abject poverty, so they don't get to questioning the empire thing (maybe they learned from Vietnam). ..."
    "... As Hillary derides those who think we ought to be more like Scandinavia, with free college, free national health care, what she isn't making clear is that America the nation is paying more military money than most of the rest of the world combined. In her mindset, we are the Global Police, and if that $791 billion of military spending reduces us to recession, unaffordable college, unaffordable medical care, and a few dozen people owning over half of all the assets in a nation of 300 million, well that's the price of being the Good Guys. ..."
    "... What this tells me about Hillary is she thinks the economy is fine, thinks the current economic policies and trade deals are fine, and has no intention of changing anything. For her, the current economic situation is the best of all possible worlds. ..."
    "... Not to mention selling cluster bombs and white phosphorus to the same Saudi despots who use them against Yemeni civilians with the US's assistance. 10s of thousands have been killed and there is a dreadful famine affecting hundreds of thousands. ..."
    "... But Trump called a woman fat, so he is the evil one. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 7:19 am

    About that hacked audio, I suddenly saw it all over youtube last night on various progressive channels from around midnight on. Well, here is a primary source! 2 minutes of Hillary explaining that Bernie supporters are basement dwelling barista losers without futures who are too naive to understand how politics really work. And she confirms she's center-right, in case anyone was fooled by her recent ostensible leftness:

    Now, get over your butthurt and run out to vote for Hillary! I'm with her.

    sunny129 October 1, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    ...Right now, the SYSTEM(establishment) is rigged favoring Hillary. Trump is no saint but unpredictable as perceived by deep state and the MSM. What more damage he can do compared to Bush, Obama or the Hilabama. At least he is challenging the status quo and the establishment, unlike any other candidates in the past!

    I am vacillating about whom to vote. Bernie would have been my choice. Now Trump vote by default is a protest vote, against the rigged system. Not the best choice but I am fed up with status quo. It needs a jolt and now, only Trump can do that.

    cwaltz October 1, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    A vote for Greens is not a vote for Hillary. A vote for the Green candidate is a vote for the Green candidate.

    The GOP should have vetted someone who wasn't a buffoon and who wasn't going to treat minority populations with disdain and use their pain as a tool. In much the same way that the Democratic Party shouldn't have ignored the pain of average Americans and rigged their primary for Hillary.

    You're entitled to your own strategy for how to vote, however be gracious enough to let others have that same courtesy.

    Indrid Cold October 1, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    The GOPs idea of 'vetting' was the usual one this go-round: They gave a lot of media attention to the crazies like Rubio and Cruz and Trump. The way it always worked before was the media would then focus on the 'grown-up' or the 'serious' candidate. In this case it was JEB!

    The problem was Trump went off the reservation talking about things the Republican base actually cares about. And stole a lot of Bernie's thunder since Bernie had a long list of no-go issues (we can rail against the banks but can't actually do anything about them)

    It didn't help that JEB! so obviously didn't want the job. Maybe because he can see the trainwreck coming down the pike. For the same reason Trump ended the debate by shouting about the bubble economy. (When it wasn't his turn, natch)

    Elizabeth Burton October 1, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    "…vote for Greens not worthless. If they average 5% of the vote nationwide they will get matching funds in 2020. Please consider this and also spread the word."

    And by 2020, if the Republicans gain control of all three branches of government, those "matching funds" will be a memory. I know I'm going to catch flack for this, but in the sense that too many of the younger voters have had an all but nonexistent education in political science, history and civics, Clinton is at least right on that score. I've seen it too often-and been attacked for trying to point out that election fraud and party corruption are not what we should be focused on now when the future of the republic is in jeopardy.

    How any intelligent human being can say, much less believe, that allowing Trump to be elected will "teach the Democrats" anything is beyond my comprehension. After all, it's not as if anything that happens after that will affect them in any discernible way. It will be the poor and the elderly and the people of color who'll bear the weight of a GOP-owned government.

    Paul Ryan went on record that if Trump is elected they'll just ignore him and further the agenda hammered out for them by their Kochtopus overlords. Which is exactly what I have expected would be the case all along. This isn't a damned game, but the more I hear the more it seems that's how it's being viewed, as if the final winner has no real-world relevance.

    Pat October 1, 2016 at 8:56 am

    In a rush to judgment, I decided Clinton did not understand ACA when she said its problems could be addressed with incremental changes. Nice to have proof this is one more area the self proclaimed policy wonk is unaware of the details of the policy and its effects.

    Stephen Gardner October 1, 2016 at 10:16 am

    Don't confuse her awareness with her propaganda talking points. She is perfectly aware of what ACA is for and she is glad. Does she want us to share her awareness? No.

    Pat October 1, 2016 at 11:54 am

    I agree she understands its true purpose. Where I differ is that I don't for a moment belief that either Clinton or Obama have a clue what is really in that law or what its true effect would be over time. I think it of it this way – both of them understood the true purpose of overthrowing Qaddafi, neither of them or the architects of that strategy began to understand that it would not just continue to destabilize the region it would destabilize Europe.

    Do you think either of them recognized that forcing people to buy garbage insurance with no health care attached in order to entrench insurance companies was going to significantly help their opponents? Endanger Clinton's election? Or that it might not last long enough for the opening of the Obama library because the sheer weight of it was unsustainable?

    True, they don't care, but it also shows how stupid not caring is.

    Romancing The Loan October 1, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    I don't think they cared if it helped their "opponents." Remaining in power is less important than the payout afterwards – I think they just don't think in the long term because the short term is good enough for their purposes.

    Kurt Sperry October 1, 2016 at 2:03 pm

    Amen. These so-called "best and brightest" like Clinton and Obama are not only morally bankrupt, the awful truth is they are also obviously poorly informed and self-evidently not very bright either. Obama could, in fact, be almost the definition of the "empty suit".

    Look at who goes onto the success track out of the Ivies, if it isn't legacy offspring dimbulbs like Chelsea, it's frequently superficially articulate suck-ups who can be trusted to faithfully and unquestioningly follow orders and has almost an inverse relationship with objective merit of the sort we are sold.


    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 1, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    I was ahead of the curve and saw that the fix was in before Obama's inauguration, boy that was an unpopular stance. Then I went through a long internal debate: is he stupid or is he evil? I chose "stupid" for quite a while, giving the benefit of the doubt, I just *wanted to believe* that Lucy would not pull the football away at the last minute this time around.

    I no longer entertain any such illusions, Hilary and Obama know full well what the consequences of their actions are, all the way from Yemen to Minnesota health insurers. Obama is working toward a sexy retirement golfing with billionaires and raising funds for his Library, as for Hilary, her lust for pure unbridled power for its own sake knows no bounds. From the hallowed halls of Goldman Sachs to the board room at Monsanto, Hilary knows *precisely* where she can get the funds to satisfy her blood and power lusts.

    polecat October 1, 2016 at 11:11 am

    She understands perfectly well ….

    Divvying out some crumbs … while calling it pie !!

    Pat October 1, 2016 at 8:27 am

    Funny how that leaked in a week where Clinton, and the Obamas were busy explaining political reality according to the usual suspects to those same basement dwellers. You know the one where any vote not for Clinton was automatically the same as voting for Trump, and voters couldn't really do that because Hillary was not perfect. But now we have proof that Clinton isn't just "not perfect" she isn't even interested in the concerns of those voters the entitled turds were lecturing.

    nycTerrierist October 1, 2016 at 8:29 am

    I'm with the entitled turd./

    Catchy phrase!

    nycTerrierist October 1, 2016 at 8:27 am

    Yeah, it's not a crap job market it's a 'mindset'.

    The part would be a great ad for Jill Stein.

    Dog help us if we have to hear this crap for 4 years.

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 8:38 am

    Well according to Hillary and Obama a vote for Jill Stein is the same as a vote against Hillary. Then that means that a vote for Trump is like two votes against Hillary! Think about it.

    Whine Country October 1, 2016 at 10:15 am

    She really is a sociopath!

    justanotherprogressive October 1, 2016 at 10:23 am

    Well, her leaked audio fits in with her new plan to give all those "basement dwellers" something to do – that National Service Reserve thing……
    But yea, all you stupid millennials – get off the couch and vote for Hillary because she told you to!! And then get off her lawn!

    jrs October 1, 2016 at 10:45 am

    Uh I don't even see what is so bad about anything she says at least in the clip (maybe I'm missing some larger context). Otherwise much ado about nothing. Look I'm not a fan of Hillary's policies, it's unlikely I'd vote for Hillary but … really … mountains out of molehills. It's like Trump's comment about how it might be a 400 pound person who hacked the DNC and suddenly it's a fat person's rights issue or something, and frankly his statement was more offensive than this, only in context it was a common throwaway nerd stereotype in the face of Hillary falsely blaming a nuclear power.

    But no not everyone who has been in an election or more knows any history is bewildered. When times are bad the choice is always go left or go right. And go right always ends in disaster, but if going left is blocked, it's exactly what people will do even so. The way to avoid that it to keep the left alive, but the ruling class will risk the hard right over going left every time.

    Free health care of course is not "going as far as Scandinavia" but is what every developed country on earth has pretty much except the U.S.. So yes it's offensive if one imagined Hillary was for single payer, but did anyone seriously think this? It is not like she has campaigned on it.

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 1:57 pm

    OK, if you don't see it, you don't see it. Just take my word for it then: whatever slim chance Hillary had to win just went out the window. Other than that it's not a big deal.

    Waldenpond October 1, 2016 at 5:22 pm

    After all we've (1%) done? for those educated? basement living? baristas?!!

    Each one of those is problematic (based on memes mocking millenials) not to mention she's doing it in a room of 1%ers. The rich flat out mocking the people they victimize is not going to go over well. Her statements are worse than Rmoney's 47% garbage. MSM can ignore it, which takes care of half the citizenry but the other half is on-line.

    BillC October 1, 2016 at 11:02 am

    Beyond a tone-deafness in self-expression that's astonishing for an experienced politician (even if she did not expect the statement to become public), I find it amazing that there is not even a hint of the thought, "well, maybe there's something about our economy that we need to adjust."

    It's clear that the only adjustment HRC feels necessary is citizens' expectations of their future in the USA. This person is not fit for public service at any level. I hope every voter who's thinking of voting for her listens carefully to exactly what she said here and ponders what it reveals about her assessment of the challenges we face.

    jrs October 1, 2016 at 11:08 am

    It's unclear what people just don't understand about Scandinavia. Higher taxes? Yea it's true people might balk at Scandinavian level taxes, however at the actual point in the continuum the U.S. actually exists in, I think a lot of people would trade higher taxes for the benefits of a welfare state (not dealing with insurance companies, not facing poverty in old age – and hey paid sick time and paid 6 week vacations).

    Lee October 1, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    When I was in the insurance biz I met a Swedish woman who was an up and coming exec in the company. She had been a school teacher in Sweden and had moved to the U.S. to earn more and pay less taxes. Her plan, once she had made her pile, was to move back to Sweden explaining, "because I would never want to be old in America."

    OIFVet October 1, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    So she wants the benefits of the welfare state, but she refused to pay for it. Seems fare to me.

    Bas October 1, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    What Americans don't understand about Scandinavia is that those countries don't have a bloated military – or any military really – to protect their 'exorbitant privilege'.

    An Empire cannot be a welfare state, and vice versa.

    jrs October 1, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    Maybe not super generous, but the U.S. medical system already costs more than single payer, so there is more than that going on than just "can't afford it". I have often though the citizens of an empire must be kept in abject poverty, so they don't get to questioning the empire thing (maybe they learned from Vietnam).

    Bas October 1, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    An Empire's priorities are usually not with the welfare and general well-being of its citizenry.

    In fact its population can best be kept in a precarious state in order to lower labor costs, limit social demands and, or course, fill the lower military ranks.

    Antifa October 1, 2016 at 11:09 am

    Quite a revealing mindset on Hillary's part. Reminds me of Romney dismissing 47% of the population as free riders.

    As Hillary derides those who think we ought to be more like Scandinavia, with free college, free national health care, what she isn't making clear is that America the nation is paying more military money than most of the rest of the world combined. In her mindset, we are the Global Police, and if that $791 billion of military spending reduces us to recession, unaffordable college, unaffordable medical care, and a few dozen people owning over half of all the assets in a nation of 300 million, well that's the price of being the Good Guys.

    This brings up a new (old) definition of nationalism; the simple idea that you take care of your own people and infrastructure first, and that your military expenses are only for defensive purposes - not for establishing 800+ military bases all over the world, and dividing the entire globe into theaters of war. That's what our military and political leaders have done, following the wishes of the very, very few ultra wealthy who make billions every year off this system.

    A nation, any nation, has no more precious and priceless resource than the minds of its young people. The health and wellbeing of its young people. Where do they think the citizens of coming decades are going to come from? Some other country?

    America the nation is dying because America's Empire is pulling up the floorboards and chopping up the furniture to feed the flames of endless wars around the world, wars which accomplish nothing for America but poverty of its citizens. We need voters and political leaders who will stand against America's Empire, who will dismantle it and return our attention to becoming a leading nation among nations, not Number One in arms sales, not Number One in blood spilled, not Number One in war crimes.

    flora October 1, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    wow…… clueless in bubble-land. So a bad economy for most (since 2008 at least) and poor job prospects for most is a matter of "mind set" ? Oh, if only the young did positive thinking. That would fix everything.

    What this tells me about Hillary is she thinks the economy is fine, thinks the current economic policies and trade deals are fine, and has no intention of changing anything. For her, the current economic situation is the best of all possible worlds. If people can't find decent jobs it's their own fault.

    Her audio clip sounds like Mitt Romney's 47 percent comment: "And so my job is not to worry about those people - I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." – Romney

    Hillary is the new Mitt?

    Dave October 1, 2016 at 12:28 pm

    "What this tells me about Hillary is she thinks the economy is fine, thinks the current economic policies and trade deals are fine, and has no intention of changing anything. For her, the current economic situation is the best of all possible worlds."

    This is why the concept of a Buy Nothing Month in October is being mentioned as a means of passive protest. No discretionary purchases. Cash only for essentials to hammer Wells Fargo and the credit card tapeworms in the economy.

    Romancing The Loan October 1, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    Most people are already down to essentials, and those who aren't likely agree with Hillary or don't see why they should suffer more for a very tenuous possibility of doing mild harm to their tormentors.

    Buttinsky October 1, 2016 at 1:14 pm

    Poor, brave Hillary - trapped between the Deplorables and the Basement Dwellers (presumably on their way to becoming the Morlocks and the Eloi). What I find hysterical is the way she depicts herself as the sane one in a world gone mad.


    Groggo October 1, 2016 at 1:34 pm

    When 'Politics is the art of the possible' starts to feel like an absurd taunt…

    anti-social scientist October 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    It wasn't "leaked," and she wasn't mocking Sanders supporters. That is all.

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 8:34 am

    It's appalling that Hillary and her media toadies are playing up the fact that Trump called women fat, while that same media completely ignores that Hillary took money from Saudi Arabia to send America to war against Libya.

    Seriously, in the entire history of the human race has there ever, ever been a more singularly corrupt act than to take money from a foreign power to send your own nation to war against some other nation? And all we hear about is that Trump called women fat! These people are out of their minds.

    Pavel October 1, 2016 at 10:21 am

    Not to mention selling cluster bombs and white phosphorus to the same Saudi despots who use them against Yemeni civilians with the US's assistance. 10s of thousands have been killed and there is a dreadful famine affecting hundreds of thousands.

    But Trump called a woman fat, so he is the evil one.

    ggm October 1, 2016 at 2:00 pm

    The famine is affecting millions. Yemen is enduring the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet. That is a war for Saudi Arabia to flex its muscle against Iran and shiites to counteract their economic weakness from oil price declines. No one has any real geopolitical interest there. Only Trump brings attention to Yemen on the campaign trail. Not the media, and definitely not Clinton who gleefully increased weapons sales to Saudi Arabia while she was at State.

    OpenThePodBayDoorsHAL October 1, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    The Obama/Hilary government in action. Anyone voting for a continuation is complicit.
    So yes, you can have a president who did not call someone "fat"….but be sure and keep a photo of the Yemeni girl with her arms blown off on your bedside table to remind you the price you paid for that crucial advantage.


    Re: Syria, Yemen, Honduras, Poland, Ukraine, Brazil et alia ad nauseam.
    What we need is an American Anti-Imperialist League, it should have a former president, a titan of industry, and a famous celebrity as founding members.
    Oh, look, we had one already, with Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, and Mark Twain:

    [Oct 01, 2016] 2 minutes of Hillary explaining that Bernie supporters are basement dwelling barista losers without futures who are too naive to understand how politics really work

    Notable quotes:
    "... Hey get that straight, NBC paid her Six Hundred Thousand a year for the years she was there. And I apologize I was under the impression that her contract was allowed to lapse, but it was renewed once. They really were paying her for nothing after the first year… ..."
    "... You and your son might want to think about the fact that extended families living together has been historically and still is the norm for many. My son works in the building trades and doesn't make enough money to buy a house in our neighborhood. He has been living with me for several years and our relationship is very good. ..."

    jgordon October 1, 2016 at 7:19 am

    About that hacked audio, I suddenly saw it all over youtube last night on various progressive channels from around midnight on. Well, here is a primary source! 2 minutes of Hillary explaining that Bernie supporters are basement dwelling barista losers without futures who are too naive to understand how politics really work. And she confirms she's center-right, in case anyone was fooled by her recent ostensible leftness:

    Now, get over your butthurt and run out to vote for Hillary! I'm with her.

    Jim Haygood October 1, 2016 at 7:36 am

    How revealing that Hillary views recent grads' inability to find jobs matching their qualifications as a "mindset."

    If it's just a "mindset," then it can be corrected by catapulting cleverer propaganda to encourage right thinking among these confused young adults.

    Which is why Hillary needs your support today. Me, I'll take the Keef Richards route:

    I'll be in my basement room
    With a needle and a spoon
    And another girl
    To take my pain away

    - Rolling Stones, Dead Flowers

    Desertmerf October 1, 2016 at 9:26 am

    Our son is one of those recent grads Hillary disdains. He has just picked up his third slightly above minimum wage part time job. He has had two interviews in his chosen field only to be told at the end of each the companies were 'just looking' at the job field prospects and did not actually have an open job available…. he has applied for a number of generic type jobs that just require a college degree as well… to no response so far. He is personalble, bright and according to the managers at his part time jobs he was a great interviewee…

    He has severe kidney stone issues that require hospitalization and stents about once a year – often for ten day stays and so we have chosen to pay for a Cadillac policy for him ourselves so he gets the quality care he needs ( no the ACA was useless – he tried) . He is embarrassed we have to do this for him…
    He spends every bit of his meager pay paying off his small student loan debt so he can at least get that burden off and keeping his ancient little car in repair. He refused to allow us to help him pay his loans and or buy him a better car. He lives at home and feels terrible about it – and so is constantly doing all the home work he can during the few hours between his jobs to 'make up' for needing our help. Friends go out to dinner and movies sports games etc and have stopped asking him because he usually does not have the money …. So…..
    He is on his way to depression I think…. all that work in college. He has a solid 3.4 GPA and a 3.7 GPA in his field.and he is willing to move anywhere immediately and would not mind a job that entailed a lot of travel…. But I guess Hillary just thinks he is some unmotivated stupid despite all that….
    I know a vote for Stein is totally useless but other that leaving it blank I have no options here. This country is tanking….I cannot believe this is happening to my son. Spouse and I walked out of college with a 3.1 and 3.0 gpas directly into decent paying career jobs and an upward trajectory that continues to this day… he is smarter and works harder than either of us ever have frankly….

    Pavel October 1, 2016 at 10:18 am

    Meanwhile Chelsea (who "doesn't care about being rich" or whatever nonsense she spouted) is grifted into a $500K/year do-nothing job at NBC, marries a hedge fund manager, and flies in private jets. And her mom and dad make $300,000 for one hour speeches.

    But hey, Hillary feels your son's pain!

    Pat October 1, 2016 at 12:14 pm

    Hey get that straight, NBC paid her Six Hundred Thousand a year for the years she was there. And I apologize I was under the impression that her contract was allowed to lapse, but it was renewed once. They really were paying her for nothing after the first year…

    And don't forget the various Boards she serves on, mostly Clinton entities.

    Lee October 1, 2016 at 11:09 am

    You and your son might want to think about the fact that extended families living together has been historically and still is the norm for many. My son works in the building trades and doesn't make enough money to buy a house in our neighborhood. He has been living with me for several years and our relationship is very good. I am the son of a man who abandoned his own children, which perhaps accounts for my finding our arrangement particularly gratifying and take great pleasure in his company as well as that of his friends and lovers.

    nothing but the truth October 1, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    same experience here.

    brilliant son in college, nothing out there at all except 711 jobs. the store he works and was on shift at got robbed twice on consecutive nights and i had to ask him to stop going there for his safety.

    it is sad sad sad how the future of the kids is being destroyed. the 0.01% have "arranged" sinecures for their kids and they dont care about our kids. Go into debt to get an education no one seems to need to pay overpaid professors and administrators at the university, and then carry that around your neck all your life.

    Chris October 1, 2016 at 2:01 pm

    I hope your son does find what he's looking for. I'm worried for my own children and what they will do too.

    What strikes me the most about stories like yours is how much luck factors into things. Graduating into a recession is horrible. Decisions that made sense 4 years prior to graduation suddenly seem irresponsible when the day comes to leave college.

    So much of my own career has benefitted from being in the right place at the right time, and I could only have been at this place at that time because I graduated when I did. Sure, I've hustled and taken advantage of opportunities too. I've always been willing to get dirty and do the things other people weren't willing to do. But the fact is that I was in a position to do all of that because of many things that had nothing to do with how hard I worked, how smart I was, or what degrees I had. If I had been born a year later, graduated a year earlier, chosen a slightly different discipline… so many things would be different for me now. It's one reason why I don't complain too much about taxes.

    [Oct 01, 2016] Trump and the Social Basis of Fascism

    Notable quotes:
    "... Well if you look at this US presidential election from 30,000 feet, it does not reflect very well upon the US system. On the one hand, you have Hillary Rodham Clinton who was the chief architect of the disastrous overthrow of the Libya regime in 2011 who voted in favor of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 which shows she is not a person who is learning the lessons from her mistakes. ..."
    "... I would urge and encourage the voters in the swing states to study the polls very carefully. For example, I may vote in North Carolina this year, where I've voted in the past 2 decades and I'm going to study the polls almost up to election day to determine whether or not it is a worthwhile vote to vote against the two party system, the duopoly, that has brought us this disaster and catastrophe. ..."
    "... Clinton has a terrible history of hawkishness. Help destroy Libya, help destroy Syria, and help destroy Iraq. And has played certainly a leading role in destroying Libya. ..."
    "... She does defend the Iranian agreement and Trump has said he will tear it up and is surrounding himself, including his vice president and others, most of his advisors, who also want to tear it up and he has made nice-nice with Sheldon Adelson who is apparently giving him 25 million bucks. ..."
    "... So on that Iran deal, does that sort of deciding factor why one might think Clinton's foreign policy could be at least less disastrous than Trump? ..."
    "... The fact that some supported Sanders and now support Trump, only suggest to me a kind of political illiteracy. That is to say I guess what they're suggesting is they want a disruptive factor which is why they voted for Sanders then Trump. ..."
    "... Which is the fact that the mainstream press, the New York Times, the Washington Post in particular, are bitterly hostile to Donald J. Trump. I would say even to the point of distorting what is thought to be or what was thought to be straight ahead news coverage. ..."
    "... I think because the elite press has taken such a turn, such a partisan turn, the working class constituency which knows that the elite press does not have their best interest at heart, might be turning reflexively to Donald J. Trump. ..."
    "... Now the 1930's when capitalism was deep in crisis, there was a significant support for outright fascism in Europe and of course in Italy and Germany and eventually took over much of Europe. Direct fascism was the answer to the crisis. In the United States, there was a real battle over what was the answer for the crisis in the United States. There were certainly those that loved Adolf Hitler in the United States including Henry Ford and a whole section of the American elite. But the New Deal won out. ..."
    "... Well first of all the 1930's needs to be distinguished from today. Insofar as in the 1930's you had a surging labor movement, particularly in the steel workers' union, the autoworkers union, the rubbers workers' union in Akron, Ohio. You had left wing political parties with membership in the double digits in terms of the thousands. ..."
    "... today one of the strongest basis for Trump's support rest in coal mining country in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia. ..."
    "... So I'm not sure if we can be reassured by the fact that in the 1930's the United States was able to escape a unique form of neo fascism. I think the danger is actually greater in 2016 than it was in 1936 for example. ..."
    Oct 01, 2016 |
    ... ... ...

    HORNE: Well if you look at this US presidential election from 30,000 feet, it does not reflect very well upon the US system. On the one hand, you have Hillary Rodham Clinton who was the chief architect of the disastrous overthrow of the Libya regime in 2011 who voted in favor of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 which shows she is not a person who is learning the lessons from her mistakes. ...

    ... ... ....

    JAY: And what about in the swing states?

    HORNE: Well that's hearts of a different color. I would urge and encourage the voters in the swing states to study the polls very carefully. For example, I may vote in North Carolina this year, where I've voted in the past 2 decades and I'm going to study the polls almost up to election day to determine whether or not it is a worthwhile vote to vote against the two party system, the duopoly, that has brought us this disaster and catastrophe.

    ... ... ...

    JAY: So that's what I want to dig into on the foreign policy side. Because there's been a lot of debate about who's really more dangerous on the foreign policy side. Frankly I think you could make the argument both ways. Clinton has a terrible history of hawkishness. Help destroy Libya, help destroy Syria, and help destroy Iraq. And has played certainly a leading role in destroying Libya.

    On the other hand, she does and I think in my mind this might be the deciding factor is that she does defend the agreement with Iran even though I don't know how enthusiastic she was in the beginning and even though she tells lies about the Iranian nuclear program. She does defend the Iranian agreement and Trump has said he will tear it up and is surrounding himself, including his vice president and others, most of his advisors, who also want to tear it up and he has made nice-nice with Sheldon Adelson who is apparently giving him 25 million bucks.

    So on that Iran deal, does that sort of deciding factor why one might think Clinton's foreign policy could be at least less disastrous than Trump?

    HORNE: Well I think that's a fair point. Keep in mind not only is Donald Trump hostile to the Iranian nuclear deal. He's told the voters of South Florida he'll break away from President Obama's [en tant] with Cuba. The fact that in the first few moments of the debate last night, he tore and tore to China is not reassuring. His hostility towards Mexico bids fair to ratchet up tension and pressure and hostility toward the Mexican-American and Latino population. So I whole-ly and totally understand the fear and fright on the left with regard to a Trump presidency. At the same time there's more than one way to try to defeat Donald Trump and the way that is now being suggested which is witling down the Green vote from 3% to 1.5%, it seems to me that's almost like a waste of time.

    JAY: Why do you think progressive forces and such have so little influence amongst that section of the working class that supports Trump? Although I have to add my barber, his father he was telling me, 33 years in the military supported Sanders and now supports Trump. It's a complicated mix of why people are supporting Trump.

    HORNE: Well it's very complicated. We'd have to take a stroll down memory lane. We'd have to go into the corners of US history and talk about the United States was formed as a slave holder's republic despite the propaganda to the contrary and there was a kind of [falstry] [embargins] between the Euro-American poor and working class and the Euro-American ruling elite to loot and plunder the Native Americans and then stock the Native America's former land with Africans and that kind of trend has continued down to this very day. Facilitating [falstry] [embargins] and corrupt bargains between the ruling elite and the working class. The fact that some supported Sanders and now support Trump, only suggest to me a kind of political illiteracy. That is to say I guess what they're suggesting is they want a disruptive factor which is why they voted for Sanders then Trump.

    ... ... ...

    JAY: But that's highly unlikely isn't it? Especially given the preponderance of the elites seem to be supporting Clinton including much of the Republican elites.

    HORNE: You are correct. As a matter of fact, you've hit on a very important point which I think might be helping to push working class voters toward Trump. Which is the fact that the mainstream press, the New York Times, the Washington Post in particular, are bitterly hostile to Donald J. Trump. I would say even to the point of distorting what is thought to be or what was thought to be straight ahead news coverage.

    I think because the elite press has taken such a turn, such a partisan turn, the working class constituency which knows that the elite press does not have their best interest at heart, might be turning reflexively to Donald J. Trump. To your main point I do think it is unlikely that the electoral college would overturn the results of the November vote. At the same time, the strange political times, I don't think we could rule anything out.

    JAY: Now the 1930's when capitalism was deep in crisis, there was a significant support for outright fascism in Europe and of course in Italy and Germany and eventually took over much of Europe. Direct fascism was the answer to the crisis. In the United States, there was a real battle over what was the answer for the crisis in the United States. There were certainly those that loved Adolf Hitler in the United States including Henry Ford and a whole section of the American elite. But the New Deal won out.

    The idea of a compromise with the working class and trying to create the conditions for a revival of the economy based on state intervention, Keynesian kind of expansion of stimulus and so on and so on. More or less trying to forestall deeper radicalization of the American working class and not impose a direct kind of police state militarism and so on. Do you think the conditions are different now in the sense that there are more of the elites willing to go down that kind of road, which I think is representative not so much by Trump's rhetoric but by his alliance?

    HORNE: Well first of all the 1930's needs to be distinguished from today. Insofar as in the 1930's you had a surging labor movement, particularly in the steel workers' union, the autoworkers union, the rubbers workers' union in Akron, Ohio. You had left wing political parties with membership in the double digits in terms of the thousands.

    Today we're facing the industrialization today one of the strongest basis for Trump's support rest in coal mining country in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia.

    So I'm not sure if we can be reassured by the fact that in the 1930's the United States was able to escape a unique form of neo fascism. I think the danger is actually greater in 2016 than it was in 1936 for example.

    [Sep 26, 2016] Does Hillary Clinton Have Parkinsons Disease by Michael Snyder

    Sep 05, 2016 |

    ... ... ... Coughing can be a symptom of so many different illnesses, but it is interesting to note that it happens to be one of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

    Difficulty swallowing, called dysphagia, can happen at any stage of Parkinson disease. Signs and symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include: difficulty swallowing certain foods or liquids, coughing or throat clearing during or after eating/drinking, and feeling as if food is getting stuck . As the disease progresses, swallowing can become severely compromised and food/liquid can get into the lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia is the leading cause of death in PD.

    By itself, it would be impossible to link Hillary Clinton with Parkinson's Disease just based on her coughing. But the truth is that she has exhibited so many of the other symptoms as well.

    According to Google , here are some of the other symptoms that Parkinson's Disease victims often exhibit…

    Tremor: can occur at rest, in the hands, limbs, or can be postural

    Muscular: stiff muscles, difficulty standing, difficulty walking, difficulty with bodily movements, involuntary movements, muscle rigidity, problems with coordination, rhythmic muscle contractions, slow bodily movement, or slow shuffling gait

    Sleep: daytime sleepiness, early awakening, nightmares, or restless sleep

    Whole body: fatigue, dizziness, poor balance, or restlessness

    Cognitive: amnesia, confusion in the evening hours, dementia, or difficulty thinking and understanding

    A lot of those should ring a bell if you have been following Hillary's bizarre behavior in recent months.

    In this video , a medical doctor with 36 years of experience named Ted Noel puts the pieces together and explains how he reached his conclusion that Hillary Clinton is suffering with Parkinson's Disease. I think that you will find that his reasoning is quite compelling…

    [Sep 23, 2016] Hillarys Pneumonia Hokum A Timeline by Nick Chase

    Notable quotes:
    "... OK, let's be more charitable here – if Hillary did indeed overheat and become dehydrated, then it was a partial truth, but it was made a lie because it wasn't the whole story ..."
    "... she did not tell either her staff or running mate Tim Kaine of the pneumonia diagnosis until after her Sunday collapse ..."
    "... visiting the 9/11 ceremonies was certainly a high-risk event for Hillary to attend, since there were lots of people, lots of things going on with multiple distractions occurring at the same time in an uncontrolled environment, lots of reporters, lots of cameras taking pictures ..."
    Sep 23, 2016 |

    Only four days after I wrote "The Decrepit Candidate" here at American Thinker, Hillary Clinton took ill at the 9/11 fifteenth anniversary memorial ceremonies in New York City, ditched her press pool, left prematurely, and was unceremoniously stuffed, stiff as a board, into her van to escape to daughter Chelsea's apartment. Thanks to a citizen video, taken by Zdenek Gazda and now viewed by millions of people worldwide, we know that the Clinton campaign's original statement that Hillary became "overheated" is a lie.

    OK, let's be more charitable here – if Hillary did indeed overheat and become dehydrated, then it was a partial truth, but it was made a lie because it wasn't the whole story.

    After Gazda's video became public, a new excuse explanation was needed, and it was provided by Hillary's personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, who has written that she examined Hillary on Friday, September 9, performed tests, and diagnosed "a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia" (whatever that is; probably a simplified description in layman's terms). Hillary was put on antibiotics (for the second time since September 2) and told to rest. Presumably ignoring the good doctor's advice, Hillary returned to full-bore campaigning and fundraising that same day.

    I don't doubt that Hillary had pneumonia, but is this also a lie, because it is not the complete story? We now understand that Hillary is very secretive about her health, as she did not tell either her staff or running mate Tim Kaine of the pneumonia diagnosis until after her Sunday collapse.

    I remain skeptical that Hillary is really in good health, and I think there are very good odds that the very secretive Hillary is hiding a degenerative neurological condition from the public, and probably from most everybody except those people closest to her, possibly even from her primary care physician (Dr. Bardack).

    If so, then visiting the 9/11 ceremonies was certainly a high-risk event for Hillary to attend, since there were lots of people, lots of things going on with multiple distractions occurring at the same time in an uncontrolled environment, lots of reporters, lots of cameras taking pictures, a lot of chances to spot evidence of a neurological disorder, and not a good time for something to go "wrong," which it did.

    [Sep 01, 2016] Crisis and Opportunity

    Notable quotes:
    "... For much of the last century the illusion of social progress sold through the New Deal, the Great Society and more recently through capitalist enterprise 'freed' from the bind of social accountability, ..."
    "... The Clinton's special gift to the people -- citizens, workers; the human condition as conceived through a filter of manufactured wants to serve the interests of an intellectually, morally and spiritually bankrupt 'leadership' class, lies in the social truths revealed by their actions. ..."
    "... Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump, poses the greater-evilism of an ossified political class against the facts of its own creation now in dire need of resolution- wars to end wars, environmental crisis to end environmental crises, economic predation to end economic predation and manufactured social misery to end social misery. Hillary Clinton's roster of donors is the neoliberal innovation on Richard Nixon's enemies list- government as a shakedown racket where friend or foe and policies promoted or buried, are determined by 'donation' status rather than personal animus. ..."
    "... That is most ways conservative Republican Richard Nixon's actual policies were far Left of those of contemporary Democrats, including Mrs. Clinton, is testament to the ideological mobility of political pragmatism freed from principle. ..."
    "... That Hillary Clinton is the candidate of officialdom links her service to Wall Street to America's wars of choice to dedicated environmental irresolution as the candidate who 'gets things done.' ..."
    "... As historical analog, the West has seen recurrent episodes of economic imperialism backed by state power; in the parlance, neoliberal globalization, over the last several centuries. ..."
    "... Left unstated in the competitive lesser-evilism of Party politics is the incapacity for political resolution in any relevant dimension. Donald Trump is 'dangerous' only by overlooking how dangerous the American political leadership has been for the last one and one-half centuries. So the question becomes: dangerous to whom? Without the most murderous military in the world, public institutions like the IMF dedicated to economic subjugation and predatory corporations that wield the 'free-choices' of mandated consumption, how dangerous would any politicians really be? And with them, how not-dangerous have liberal Democrats actually been? Candidates for political office are but manifestations of class interests put forward as systemic intent. ..."
    "... The liberals and progressives in the managerial class who support the status quo and are acting as enforcers to elect Hillary Clinton are but one recession away from being tossed overboard by those they serve within the existing economic order. ..."
    Aug 26, 2016 |
    into political power. The structure of economic distribution seen through Foundation 'contributors;' oil and gas magnates, pharmaceutical and technology entrepreneurs of public largesse, the murder-for-hire industry (military) and various and sundry managers of social decline, makes evident the dissociation of social production from those that produced it.

    For much of the last century the illusion of social progress sold through the New Deal, the Great Society and more recently through capitalist enterprise 'freed' from the bind of social accountability, if not exactly from the need for regular and robust public support, served to hold at bay the perpetual tomorrow of lives lived for the theorized greater good of accumulated self-interest. The Clinton's special gift to the people -- citizens, workers; the human condition as conceived through a filter of manufactured wants to serve the interests of an intellectually, morally and spiritually bankrupt 'leadership' class, lies in the social truths revealed by their actions.

    Being three or more decades in the making, the current political season was never about the candidates except inasmuch as they embody the grotesquely disfigured and depraved condition of the body politic. The 'consumer choice' politics of Democrat versus Republican, Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump, poses the greater-evilism of an ossified political class against the facts of its own creation now in dire need of resolution- wars to end wars, environmental crisis to end environmental crises, economic predation to end economic predation and manufactured social misery to end social misery. Hillary Clinton's roster of donors is the neoliberal innovation on Richard Nixon's enemies list- government as a shakedown racket where friend or foe and policies promoted or buried, are determined by 'donation' status rather than personal animus.

    That is most ways conservative Republican Richard Nixon's actual policies were far Left of those of contemporary Democrats, including Mrs. Clinton, is testament to the ideological mobility of political pragmatism freed from principle. The absurd misdirection that we, the people, are driving this migration is belied by the economic power that correlates 1:1 with the policies put forward and enacted by 'the people's representatives', by the answers that actual human beings give to pollsters when asked and by the ever more conspicuous hold that economic power has over political considerations as evidenced by the roster of pleaders and opportunists granted official sees by the political class in Washington.

    To state the obvious, dysfunctional ideology- principles that don't 'work' in the sense of promoting broadly conceived public wellbeing, should be dispensable. But this very formulation takes at face value the implausible conceits of unfettered intentions mediated through functional political representation that are so well disproved by entities like the Clinton Foundation. Political 'pragmatism' as it is put forward by national Democrats quite closely resembles the principled opposition of Conservative Republicans through unified service to the economic powers-that-be. That Hillary Clinton is the candidate of officialdom links her service to Wall Street to America's wars of choice to dedicated environmental irresolution as the candidate who 'gets things done.'

    As historical analog, the West has seen recurrent episodes of economic imperialism backed by state power; in the parlance, neoliberal globalization, over the last several centuries. The result, in addition to making connected insiders rich as they wield social power over less existentially alienated peoples, has been the not-so-great wars, devastations, impositions and crimes-against-humanity that were the regular occurrences of the twentieth century. The 'innovation' of corporatized militarization to this proud tradition is as old as Western imperialism in its conception and as new as nuclear and robotic weapons, mass surveillance and apparently unstoppable environmental devastation in its facts.

    Left unstated in the competitive lesser-evilism of Party politics is the incapacity for political resolution in any relevant dimension. Donald Trump is 'dangerous' only by overlooking how dangerous the American political leadership has been for the last one and one-half centuries. So the question becomes: dangerous to whom? Without the most murderous military in the world, public institutions like the IMF dedicated to economic subjugation and predatory corporations that wield the 'free-choices' of mandated consumption, how dangerous would any politicians really be? And with them, how not-dangerous have liberal Democrats actually been? Candidates for political office are but manifestations of class interests put forward as systemic intent.

    The complaint that the Greens- Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, don't have an effective political program approximates the claim that existing political and economic arrangements are open to challenge through the electoral process when the process exists to assure that effective challenges don't arise. The Democrats could have precluded the likelihood of a revolutionary movement, Left or Right, for the next half-century by electing Bernie Sanders and then undermining him to 'prove' that challenges to prevailing political economy don't work. The lack of imagination in running 'dirty Hillary' is testament to how large- and fragile, the perceived stakes are. But as how unviable Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are as political leaders becomes apparent- think George W. Bush had he run for office after the economic collapse of 2009 and without the cover of '9/11,' the political possibilities begin to open up.

    The liberals and progressives in the managerial class who support the status quo and are acting as enforcers to elect Hillary Clinton are but one recession away from being tossed overboard by those they serve within the existing economic order. The premise that the ruling class will always need dedicated servants grants coherent logic and aggregated self-interest that history has disproven time and again. A crude metaphor would be the unintended consequences of capitalist production now aggregating to environmental crisis.

    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both such conspicuously corrupt tools of an intellectually and spiritually bankrupt social order that granting tactical brilliance to their ascendance, or even pragmatism given the point in history and available choices, seems wildly generous. For those looking for a political moment, one is on the way.

    Click here to listen to Chris Hedges' interview with Rob Urie on his new book, Zen Economics, now out in paperback (and digital format ) from CounterPunch Books.

    Continued: US Presidential Elections of 2016a

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    The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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    Last modified: October, 02, 2020