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Fighting nasal congestion

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Nasal irrigation. To the uninitiated, squirting salt water in your nose might seem to be a bizarre treatment for nasal allergies. But it works. “Some trials found that nasal irrigation works as well as antihistamines in reducing symptoms,” says Bowser. There’s evidence that it relieves sinus symptoms, too.

“Some people with allergic rhinitis spend a lot of time and money focusing on the wrong thing,” says Hugh H. Windom, associate clinical professor of allergy and immunology at the University of South Florida.

“They assume that they’re allergic to dust mites, so they spend thousands renovating their homes, pulling up carpets, and cleaning air ducts. But it turns out to be the oak tree outside the bedroom window.”

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[Dec 05, 2015] Fixit What is the ideal winter indoor humidity level

Nov 21, 2015 |

Q My house was so dry this winter that I was having nosebleeds. I bought a humidifier and that helped, but now I have so much ice on my windows I cannot see out of them. I read about solutions to excess window condensation in an earlier column, but I can't afford new windows and I don't want to live with such dry indoor air. What's the solution?

A You have discovered one of the conundrums of living in climates as cold as ours.

Research indicates that for health and comfort, a relative indoor humidity of 40 to 60 percent is desirable. But keeping the air that moist over the course of a winter is more than most Minnesota homes can handle.

Water or ice will appear on windows, and if there's moisture on windows, it's also likely to be collecting, unseen, in wall and attic cavities. A few seasons of that, and building materials -- sheathing, studs and woodwork -- will begin to rot. Eventually homeowners will have to pay for repairs and replacements, but in the meantime, they may pay in another way -- poor health. Mold associated with rotting building materials can make people sick.

Here's how dry indoor air becomes a problem in winter.

Cold air can't hold much water vapor, and the colder the air, the drier it is. That means winter air that makes its way into the house through leaks, holes and combustion air ducts or is pulled in by ventilation fans is going to be dry. Heating that air only makes it drier, and the result often is low indoor humidity levels.

For existing homes, the solution is to maintain indoor humidity at a level that isn't so low as to cause nosebleeds, but isn't so high as to create moisture problems.

In your case, dry indoor air indicates that too much outdoor air is coming indoors. One can slow the infiltration of this cold, dry air by caulking and sealing windows, doors and other leaking areas. Stopping excessive cold air infiltration also saves on your heating bills. But do not plug the combustion air return. It is necessary for the proper operation of your furnace.

But since you already have a humidifier, a good move right now is to adjust its operation so you don't overhumidify your home. The guidelines below will help you do that. You'll need a hygrometer (which measures relative humidity and is available at most hardware and home stores).

The following list, supplied by the Minnesota Department of Public Service, is based on a double-glazed window and an indoor temperature of 70 degrees. You will notice that the lower the outdoor temperature, the lower the indoor humidity should be.

If you are building a home or remodeling, demand high-quality windows. They should have U-values of 0.35 or less. Such windows are less prone to cold-weather condensation and icing, which means that indoor humidity can be higher.

[Nov 22, 2015] Air Innovations MH-408-BLK Smart Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier, Black

This is a very attractively designed, nice looking unit. Quite a splash of 'eye candy'. It has large 4 liter (1.1 Gallon ) tank. The tank capacity is 1.1 gallon (4 liters). Full tank provides mist approximately 10 hours on high. More (they claim up to 70 hours strait) on low.
IMHO really improves nasal condition for those who suffer dry air exacerbated nasal congestion. Much like moving to the shore.
Unlike many other similar humidifies in this price range the tank has two handles, which is very convenient and lessen chances of dropping it as when full it is heavy.
Like any ultrasonic humidifier it is absolutely silent when working, which was the main attraction for me.
They claim that it consume around 30 watt per hour which is pretty acceptable.
If you have a low mineral content water you are OK. If not your mileage may vary. They claim that the unit needs to be cleaned weekly but it your water has a low mineral content once in two weeks is OK too.
It reliably switches off when runs out of water.
The unit comes with one year non-transferable warranty.
There is a larger similar unit with 1.7 gallon tank (MH-701B-BLK) that has more reviews. Among reviewers claims I picked up this one: "I have owned quite a few humidifiers and this one is hands down the best! Quiet, easy, and most importantly it works!"
Notable quotes:
"... It works fine, meant for a medium sized room ..."
"... in dry winter weather, they last for about a day. They let you know they are empty by beeping at you, though. ..."
"... with the dry air in the winter time, this humidifier is a blessing. ..."
"... The humidifier is very quiet, even on high. My husband did not realize that it was on. ..."
Amazon Customer, November 9, 2015
It works fine, meant for a medium sized room

Color: Black Verified Purchase

I got a used one refurbished by amazon. It works fine, meant for a medium sized room. Best i found in this price

Byjcbon, December 27, 2014

Bought 3 Like all (this is review of larger unit MH-701B-BLK)

We bought 3 of these and like them very well. Only thing wrong was we have to refill them and in dry winter weather, they last for about a day. They let you know they are empty by beeping at you, though. LOL

Marilyn LaPierreon, October 13, 2015

Am in love with this product!! (this is review of larger unit MH-701B-BLK)

Color: Black

Love, love, love this humidifier. We live in northern NY & my husband having a nose bleed problem with the dry air in the winter time, this humidifier is a blessing. Before this I only used huge floor console models from Sears and had to change out the filters 3 or 4 times a year, haul buckets of water to them, the air coming out was cold and they were very, very noisy. This Air Innovations is so quiet, and no filters to buy, I can take the tank to the sink and it is very easy to regulate humidity in the house with the digital read out on the front. We are on village water so no problems with the white dust I have seen in other comments from hard water.

Katieon, January 26, 2015

... owned few humidifiers and this one is hands down the best! Quiet

Color: BlackVerified Purchase

I have owned quite a few humidifiers and this one is hands down the best! Quiet, easy, and most importantly it works! I love that there's a humistat function that goes above 60% and a most function! For those complaining about white dust, use distilled water, your water has too many minerals, plus you're wearing your machine down! I'm thinking about purchasing a second, and couldn't be happier!

Linda Schwartzon, June 20, 2015

Would buy again.

Color: BlackVerified Purchase

The humidifier is very quiet, even on high. My husband did not realize that it was on. I needed it because I had throat surgery and it is on 24/7. We have very hard water, so we do not use tap water. We use water filtered through our Britain filter. No white residue while using this method. Would defiantly buy again. It also arrived 3 days early.

[Nov 20, 2015] 6 Easy Home Remedies for Congestion

Home Remedy for Congestion #5 – Foods suggests the following foods to help fight sinus congestion:

  • Pineapple
  • Omega 3 Fatty acids (found in cold water fish, nuts, eggs, fish oil, cod oil and flaxseed)
  • Garlic
  • Fluids (see hot tea)
  • Spices and Herbs
  • Vitamin C
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

The Holistic Herbal suggests limiting the following foods to reduce mucus:

  • Dairy products
  • grains
  • sugar
  • potatoes and other starchy root vegetables

Treatments for Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure

Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure: Home Treatments

What's actually causing that stuffed up feeling? When you've got a cold or allergies, the membranes lining your nasal passages become inflamed and irritated. They begin to produce excess mucus as a way of flushing out whatever is causing the irritation, such as an allergen.

When you're stuffed up, you need to focus on keeping your nasal passages and sinuses moist. Although people sometimes think that dry air might help clear up a relentlessly runny nose, it actually has the opposite effect. Drying out the membranes will irritate them further.

So to keep your nasal passages moist, you can:

  • Use a humidifier or vaporizer.
  • Take long showers or -- very carefully -- breathe in steam from a pot on the stove.
  • Drink lots of fluids, which will thin out your mucus and may help prevent your sinuses from getting blocked up.
  • Use a nasal saline spray – simple unmedicated salt water – to help prevent your nasal passages from drying out.

To further ease your nasal congestion and sinus pressure, here are some other things you can try at home.

  • Irrigate. It may seem odd, but the time-honored technique of flushing out nasal passages with salt water has some good scientific evidence behind it. The water washes out mucus and other debris – including allergens or germs – while keeping your nasal passages moist. There are many different approaches. You could just use a syringe, a neti pot, or one of the more elaborate and expensive nasal irrigators available in stores. Use distilled, sterile or previously boiled water to make up the irrigation solution. It's also important to rinse the irrigation device after each use and leave open to air dry.
  • Use warm compresses on your face. Sitting with a warm, wet towel on your face may relieve discomfort and open your nasal passages.
  • Prop yourself up. At night, lie on a couple of pillows. Keeping your head elevated may make breathing more comfortable.
  • Avoid chlorinated pools. Although you might think the moisture will help, the chlorine in pools can irritate the mucous membranes in your nasal passages.

Allergens Hiding in Your Home The Oz Blog

Sneak Peek How Salt Can Affect Your Thyroid - The 3 Thyroid Triggers You Can Control The Dr. Oz Show

5 Natural Ways to Fight Congestion! Latino News Today

6 Easy Home Remedies for Congestion



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Last modified: December, 26, 2017