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SIP trunks providers

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There are not that many reliable SIP trunk providers for asterisk and FreeSwitch users.

Asterisk Primer

What Is Sip Trunk VoIP And How Can It Help My Business.

What is the difference between a Hosted VoIP product and a SIP Trunk VoIP product?

I decided to place a poll on my web site and at last count it was split 50/50 as to who knows the difference. We have 500 small to medium size hotels that we provide telecom services for, but I knew there had to be a way about a year ago to put them on a VoIP solution without having to replace every room phone with an IP telephone. The costs involved would be astronomical. So off to work I went looking for the best program out there. I attended the Channel Partners Conference in Washington, DC and went from booth to booth looking for this product.

I explained that the properties wanted to utilize their existing PBX systems, but take advantage of the calling features and cost savings of VoIP. Let's face it over the years I've become accustomed to people looking at me as if I am from another planet. In fact I do live in another world, My World. Anything is possible in "My World," you just have to believe to succeed and my permanent restraining order to always remain a minimum of 15 feet away from inside the box doesn't impede upon my existing world either. With that being said I carried on......and on....and on in my search for SIP Trunk VoIP.

I had a systems engineer tell me from a large provider that "it's just not possible." I had all this fancy literature all these new found connections if I wanted to get in the box with everyone else, but I kept moving forward. I then came across a man working at a booth for a provider and we started shooting the breeze and I told him what I was up to and that no one can provide this service. He had a colorful metaphor to say and at that point I was filled with hope again. However when he introduced to the V.P. of Agent Channels for the company he was representing I thought I was in the clear to lay out my deal for them. 500 hotels is not chump change so I was full of confidence until the V.P. told me that wasn't, possible. I played it cool to never close a door, but I quickly made a departure.

Of course the man who told me it was possible I later ran into him again with a beer in hand he told me they just don't know "colorful metaphor" it can be done and confirmed my thought. He proceeded to go through the process of how it can be done.

SIP Trunk VoIP can be deployed from companies existing PBX system directly if it is IP enabled. If not a gateway is installed that converts the traditional POTS line to VoIP. In layman's term

SIP Trunk VoIP is best suite for small businesses that want to deploy telephony phone service while utilizing their existing PBX phone system. If their PBX is not IP enabled a gateway is installed on the premise on the PBX and converts all calls from traditional phone service to VoIP. This type of VoIP service can drastically decrease company phone bills by as much as 40-70%.

Hosted VoIP is best suited for companies that need a new phone system. The phone system is taken off premise and hosted in a secure facility. Users access the administrative calling system via an online portal system. I have listed reasons why businesses would opt for a Hosted VoIP PBX:

VoIP providers do not necessarily need to offer SIP Trunk VoIP as part of their product line, but to train their employees as to the differences can be beneficial to everyone involved. I have found those who deploy SIP Trunk VoIP are out of the box thinkers and really know their network capabilities. Many of them merge a little of each system and have come up with the ultimate calling plans.

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Old News ;-)

Oyogi Best asterisk-compatible VOIP provider

The general consensus seems to be that broadvoice ( and telasip ( are two of the better ones. I've chosen TelaSIP since broadvoice isn't yet available in the 919 area code. provide VoIP DID and INbound DIDs for ASTERISK SER, business in USA

DID for $8.99

Verizon Medium Business - IP Trunking

Designed for enterprise customers with deployed Internet protocol (IP) private branch exchange (PBX) and IP phones, IP Trunking is a product that delivers VoIP access and essential telephony features to locations that house as many as 1,000 or more end-users. Verizon provides access to the Verizon IP backbone, thereby eliminating the need to purchase complex and costly time-division multiplexing (TDM) enterprise gateway customer premise equipment (CPE).



VeriSign buys Certicom for $73 Million

SIP Trunking Solutions Interop partners


VocalNet VocalNet offers IP origination and termination from all 50 states and around the world. Supported codecs include G.729a and SIP. Since 2001, VocalNet has been offering local, long-distance and toll free numbers all over the world. The world's largest footprint for SIP and IAX2 trunking service, for wholesale voip service providers and other telecom companies who want to sell / offload DID to 4700+ ITSP's as of February 2007. Phone 2 Net offers SIP , IAX2, and h323 trunking services. Get unlimited incoming calls over IP to any of the protocols or Google, MSN, or Yahoo messengers. Guaranteed tier 1 quality numbers only. Best price in the market. visit

DID World Wide International numbering provider covers over 50 countires. Instant activation, forwarding to regular phones (PSTN), SIP, IAX, H323, GTalk, Messenger and Sype. World's first company to provide a phone number on an IP device in year 2000, continues the tradition to offer SIP and IAX2 trunks, call forwarding to PSTN, MSN, and Google Talk messengers. Try numbers on it free for 25 days, no charge.

Voxitas - True Voice - True Voice

Vocalocity - The #1 Choice for Small Business VoIP and Hosted PBX

Packet 8

pbx-phone-system Fonality

Small Business VoIPUnlimited local and LD. Try us now. Affordable and easy

Three Steps to SIP Migration - Step 1- Single SIP Trunk for VoIP ...

VoIP Calling Card Platform Providers -

IPsmarx' SIP Based Calling Card Solution takes advantage of DID technology, eliminating the need for a VoIP gateway and PSTN lines. Because this solution is fully over IP, you can increase market share, reduce go to market time, and decrease operating costs. With an abundance of advanced features, IPsmarx SIP Based Calling Card Solution also allows you to differentiate your calling card business in the market easily.

The IPsmarx VoIP Calling Card Solution enables clients to:

IPsmarx VoIP Calling Card Solution Overview Click Here

For a quote or to schedule a DEMO call 212.918.4990

Recommended Links

SIP Trunking FAQs

Business VoIP Service - Residential VoIP Providers - VoIP Phone

Compare Business VoIP Providers and Save on your Phone Bills

Get Business VOIP, Business Internet Access, and Business Phone Systems

simple bandwith test
Thank you for taking our VoIP Test. Your results are below.

Test Type Results
Bidirectional Transfer Rate 517 kbps
VoIP Phone Capacity 6 Concurrent Calls**(G711 Compression)

** For a good rule of thumb, a business should want to support between 25 and 50% as many calls as they have employees.

- Links above provide additional information about test types and results.

- The Bidirectional Transfer Rate is measured against's Internet connection. Actual rates may be higher or lower depending on Internet congestion. Calculated tests do not reflect server reliability and speed.



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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: March, 12, 2019