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News   Russian Oldies
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 Recommended Links  Selected Songs This is russian land Vyidu na ulitsu (come out to the main street) Along Тhe Peterskaya Road Coachman Don't Spur On The Horse My Moscow
My star Evening Bells Those Were the Days Dark Eyes aka Les Yeux Noirs Korobeyniki
(tetris music)
Troika mchitsa, troika skachet Vot mchitsa troika postovaya Odnozuchno gremit kolokolcik Steppe All Around
Russian field   Stenka Rasin The Holy Baikal Chto stoish kachayas tonkaya ryabina Ryabina/Ural Rowan Tree) Katyusha Moscow Nights I stand on the platform
Jingle bells The Birch Tree Talyanka Chernaglazaya Kazachka The last word Smuglyanka Nightingales Vashe blagorodie (Your nobility, lady Luck) Where Motherland starts
Song of Volga Boatmen The Lonely Accordion I love you, life Takim ti byl takim ostalsya Oh tsvetyet kalina Olympics and sport songs Pre war films hits Humor Etc


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Russian Folk Songs - Red Army Choir (Good video) - Хор Красной Армии - YouTube

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