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SGE cheat sheet

News Grid Engine Recommended Links qstat qhost Submitting Jobs To Queue Instance Starting and Killing Daemons
qconf qping qacct qalter -- Change Job Priority qmod Creating and modifying SGE Queues Getting information about hosts
Configuring Hosts From the Command Line Creating and modifying SGE Queues Monitoring Queues and Jobs Submitting Jobs To Queue Monitoring and Controlling Jobs Humor Etc

SGE is a complex system and value of various tips depend on how you use it. Very few tips are universal.

Derived from cheat sheet by Indy Siva (Mar 09, 2011) . See also Oliver Wiki SGE


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[Oct 07, 2014] Enabling schedd_job_info

Use command qconf -msconf

Space is necessary befor "-"(minus) in sge_qstat -- the default qstat options file

sge_qstat defines the command line switches that will be used by qstat by default. If available, the default sge_qstat file is read and processed by qstat(1).

There is a cluster global and a user private sge_qstat file. The user private file has the highest precedence and is followed by the cluster global sge_qstat file. Command line switches used with qstat(1) override all switches contained in the user private or cluster global sge_qstat file.

The default sge_qstat file may contain an arbitrary number of lines, although it is unclear what is the value of lines after the first. Blank lines and lines with a '#' sign at the first column are skipped. Each line can contain set of qstat(1) options. More than one option per line is allowed.

Here is an example of a sge_qstat default options file (note the leading blank before the first "-"):

# Just show me my own running and suspended jobs
 -s rs -u $USER
Having defined a default sge_qstat file like this and using qstat without parameters
has the same effect as if qstat was executed with:
qstat -s rs -u <current_user>

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Commonly Used commands

qacct -j 9999  -- get information about finished job 9999
qconf -mhgrp @allhosts                   edit hostgroup "@allhosts"
qstat -f [-q \*@node23]                  full display info [for node23 only]
qconf -sq all.q                          show "all.q" queue info
qconf -mq all.q                          modify "all.q" queue: update hostlist, #slots
qconf -aq all.q                          create queue named "all.q"
qconf -mc

qconf -rattr queue slots 0 all.q@node23  #slots -> 0 (== pbsnodes -o)

qstat -s r -q all.q@node23               show all running jobs on node23

qhost -h node23,node24                   show host info for multiple nodes
qhost -q -h node23,node24                ibid, plus queue info

qmod -e all.q@node23                     enable node23 in queue all.q (-d == disable)

qsub -j y -o `pwd` -q all.q      submit job on queue all.q

qping -info node23 6445 execd 1          check status of execd on node23

qstat                                    current user jobs
qstat -u "*"                             all user jobs
qstat -g c                               show available nodes and load
qstat -f                                 detailed list of machines and job state 
qstat -explain c -j job-id               specific job status
qstat -f -u "*"

qdel job-id                              delete job
qsub -l h_vmem=###                mem limit, see queue_conf(5) RESOURCE LIMITS

qsub -w v job.00                         Troubleshoot problems with queue/scheduling

Adding and removing administrative privileges from a host

Softpanorama page available qconf

  • qconf -ah # gives host administrative privileges
  • qconf -dh # removes administrative privileges from host

    Adding an execution host

    Softpanorama page available qconf

    Removing an execution host

    Softpanorama page available qconf

    Adding and removing submit hosts

  • qconf -as <hostname> # host is now a submit host
  • qconf -ds <hostname> # jobs may not be submitted from host

    Displaying current administrative/submit/execution hosts

  • qconf -sh # show current administrative hosts
  • qconf -ss # show current submit hosts
  • qconf -sel # show current execution host list

    Administering queues

  • qconf -aq <queuename> # adding a queue
  • qconf -dq <queuename> # delete a queue
  • qconf -mq <queuename> # modify a queue
  • qconf -Aq <filename> # adding a queue from file
  • qconf -mattr queue ... # change single attributes of more than one queue    
  • qalter -w v <jobid>
    This command enlists the reasons why a job is not dispatchable in principle.
    For this purpose a dry scheduling run is performed. 
    The special with this dry scheduling run is that all consumable resources 
    (also slots) are considered to be fully available for this job. Similarly all load values are ignored because they are varying.

    Job or Queue goes in error state "E"

    Job or queue errors are indicated by an uppercase "E" in the qstat output. A job enters the error state when Grid Engine tried to execute a job in a queue, but it failed for a reason that is specific to the job. A queue enters the error state when Grid Engine tried to execute a job in a queue, but it failed for a reason that is specific to the queue.
    Grid Engine offers a set of possiblities for users and administrators to get diagnosis information in case of job execution errors. Since both the queue and the job error state result from a failed job execution the diagnosis possibilities are applicable to both types of error states:
    Since Grid Engine 6.0 for jobs in error state a one-line error reason is available through
    qstat -j  | grep error
    With a 6.0 this is the recommended first source of diagnosis information for the end user.
  • For queues in error state a one-line error reason is available through
    qstat -explain E
    With a 6.0 this is the recommended first source of diagnosis information for administrators in case of queue errors.
  • user abort mail If jobs are submitted with the submit option "-m a" a abort mail is sent to the adress specified with the "-M user[@host]" option. The abort mail contains diagnosis information about job errors and are the recommended source of information for users.
  • qacct accounting If no abort mail is available the user can run
    qacct -j
    to get information about the job error from Grid Engine job accounting.
  • Suspend and resubmit stalled jobs


    # as user:
    qstat | grep neteler | tr -s ' ' ' '  | cut -d' ' -f2 > /tmp/to_suspend.sge cat /tmp/to_suspend.sge
    # as root (?):
    su -
    for i in `cat /tmp/to_suspend.sge` ; do qmod -sj $i ; done
    # remove crashed blade from list of execution hosts:
    qconf -de blade14
    # delete host from list:
    qconf -mhgrp "@allhosts"
    # apply new list:
    qconf -shgrp "@allhosts"
    # verify queue stats: qstat -f # resubmit jobs to other nodes (as job user!!)
    for i in `cat /tmp/to_suspend.sge` ; do qresub $i ; done
    This command send a signal to a running job :
    qmod -sj | -usf | -cd (suspend | unsuspend | clear error)
    qmod -sj 3312136
    qmod -usj 3312136 root - unsuspended job 3312136

    Parallel Environment Configuration

    qconf -sp pename 	Show the configuration for the specified parallel environment.
    qconf -spl 	Show a list of all currently configured parallel environments.
    qconf -ap pename 	Add a new parallel environment.
    qconf -Ap filename 	Add a parallel environment from file filename.
    qconf -mp pename 	Modify the specified parallel environment using an editor.
    qconf -Mp filename 	Modify a parallel environment from file filename.
    qconf -dp pename 	Delete the specified parallel environment.

    List of currently defined queues

    qconf -sql 

    How do I Control my jobs ?

    Based on the status of the job displayed, you can control the job by the following actions:

    Job Priorities

    The Grid Engine software also sometimes lets users set priorities among their own jobs. A user who submits several jobs can specify, for example, that job 3 is the most important and that jobs 1 and 2 are equally important but less important than job 3.

    Clean up!

     /usr/local/SGE/bin/lx24-amd64/qmod -cq lam mpich2 long short nolimit