Crusoe and Linus Torvalds -- is/was Linus a explicitly or implicitly secret director of marketing in Transmeta

This secret chip has nothing to do with open source. But for some strange reason it is associated with it. The questions arise:

I always was puzzled why Torvalds chose to work for Transmeta, not in academic or research institution.  I do not know the answers.


[Jan 21, 1999]Upside people The Transmeta-Linux Connection -- good questions ;-)

Industry observers wondered and open-source observers speculated, but the more they looked, the less sense it made. Why would Transmeta, a hardware company obsessed with maintaining a low media profile want to bring onboard Linus Torvalds, a software programmer with almost Hollywood-scale name recognition?

Conversely, why would Torvalds, a man who achieved that recognition through the simple act of giving technology away, want to cast his lot with an ultra-proprietary chip company?

[Jan 20, 1999] Crusoe vs StrongARM  As interesting as Crusoe is, it still have one one major customer Diamond. And it needs to complete with StrongARM that is also more economical (looks like less that one watt in any mode). There are some skeptic voices (Transmeta round-up Technology worth the hype):

Richard Gordon, senior analyst with Gartner Group research remains unconvinced. He says, "I think you can safely say that their marketing and PR campaign has been very successful. There's been lots of hype but they've yet to prove the technological innovation."

Gordon also has reservations about the specific technology involved. He continues, "If you read between the lines, it's not quite as quick and as clever as some think it is. When you have the ability to run different OSs it has to be an emulation technique. Then there has to be a performance penalty. From what I understand the headline speed is 700 MHz but emulation reduces this to 500."


How good is Crusoe against StrongARM? The latter is established player with a lot of backers in Linux community (Corel is one example). Intel stated that:

 Next-generation StrongARM processors are based on a high-performance, ultra-low power 32-bit RISC architecture implementation and Intel's new 0.18m process. These chips will provide a number of significant advantages for developers:

With all this hype about Crusoe it looks like Strong ARM is at least as powerful as Crusoe(750 MIPS at Ultra-Low Power) and more economical. I remember that Corel supported StrongARM and ported Linux to it. StrongARM is not Intel compatible. Intel emulation can be a winning card for the cheap economical CPU, but how good is emulation layer in Crusoe remains to be seen -- it's very complex solution  that can have some holes (floating point compatibility is one obvious example). Also StrongARM is field tested. See also: