system command

set-alias alias-name alias-string

Sets an alias or function with the name alias-name in the user's environment to the string alias-string. Arguments can be specified using the Bourne Shell style of function arguments. If the string contains "$1", then this will become the first argument when the alias is interpreted by the shell. The string "$*" corresponds to all of the arguments given to the alias. The character '$' may be escaped using the '\' character.

For some shells, aliases are not possible and the command has no effect. For Bourne shell derivatives, a shell function will be written (if supported) to give the impression of an alias. When a modulefile is unloaded, set-alias becomes unset-alias.

unset-alias alias-name

Unsets an alias with the name alias-name in the user's environment. If the shell supports functions then the shell is instructed to unset function alias-name.

system string

Pass string to the C library routine system(3). For the system(3) call modulecmd redirects stdout to stderr since stdout would be parsed by the evaluating shell. The exit status of the executed command is returned.

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