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Groupthink Jargon

Drinking the Kool-Aid

A tasteless reference to the Jonestown Massacre of 1978, this expression means to blindly accept something, such as a company’s “mission statement.” Robotic allegiance is bad enough; coming up with tactless expressions for it is horrendous. Click here to cast your vote in the Forbes "Jargon Madness" bracket.

Corporate Values

This expression is so suffused with phoniness it churns the stomach. Corporations don’t have values, the people who run them do. Click here to cast your vote in the Forbes "Jargon Madness" bracket.

Think Outside the Box

To approach a business problem in an unconventional fashion. Kudos to a reader who suggested: "Forget the box, just think." Click here to cast your vote in the Forbes "Jargon Madness" bracket.