MySQL on Solaris

Compiling MySQL on Solaris Machines MORE RECENT NOTE: This document is no longer relevant when compiling modern versions of MySQL 3.23. Also, the advent of MySQL 4 has done well to take care of almost all compiling concerns on Solaris. Kudos to the MySQL team for a great product and support.

Preface: I have used this technique to compile MySQL on Sparc Solaris machines running 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.6, and 7, as well as Intel Solaris machines running Solaris 8. Make sure you're using at least gcc 2.95.2 (2.95.3 will work, also.)

NOTE: As of a few versions back, none of the cache file editing described within is unnecessary. As of 3.23.something, (including the latest version,) you can just skip to the ./configure section below, and not worry about anything else. Simply put, you only have to worry about the parts below in GREEN

First, get the source archive from


Once you've downloaded it, do the following (of course, use the proper filename for the version you're using):

gunzip mysql-3.23.43.tar.gz
gtar xf mysql-3.23.43.tar
cd mysql-3.23.43


gunzip -c mysql-3.23.43.tar.gz | gtar xf -
cd mysql-3.23.43

The first thing you'll need to do is add a line to the config.cache (which doesn't exist at this point):


Save it, then let's start the configuration process (remove the without-server clause if you want to compile client and server):

CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O6" \
CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O6 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" \
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-low-memory --without-server

Some other considerable options:


It's gonna take a while. Next, we get to edit yet another file: config.h

Find and comment out these lines (note they are not together in the file, just find them both):

#define HAVE_TERM_H 1


#define HAVE_CURSES_H 1

Now, run the compiler:

make install

That's it. See the section on PHP for compiling MySQL support into PHP/Apache.

[Oct 20, 2005] Installing MySQL 3.23 - Solaris

The following article provides the steps necessary to successfully install the binary version of MySQL, release 3.23, on Solaris 2.8 and higher. These procedures should work as well on versions of Solaris as early as version 2.6.

I typically install MySQL in /usr/local/mysql as the UNIX root account. I then create a UNIX mysql account that will have access to manage databases.

Once you've installed MySQL, you will need to initialize the grant tables, start the server, and make sure that the server works okay. You may also elect to arrange for the server to be started and stopped automatically when your system starts up and shuts down.

Installing the grant tables is accomplished by running the mysql_install_db script. This creates the mysql database which will hold all database privileges, the test database which you can use to test MySQL, and also privilege entries for the user that run mysql_install_db and a root user (without any passwords).


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Installing MySQL 3.23 - (Solaris)

by Jeff Hunter, Sr. Database Administrator


The following article provides the steps necessary to successfully install the binary version of MySQL, release 3.23, on Solaris 2.8 and higher. These procedures should work as well on versions of Solaris as early as version 2.6.

I typically install MySQL in /usr/local/mysql as the UNIX root account. I then create a UNIX mysql account that will have access to manage databases.

Once you've installed MySQL, you will need to initialize the grant tables, start the server, and make sure that the server works okay. You may also elect to arrange for the server to be started and stopped automatically when your system starts up and shuts down.

Installing the grant tables is accomplished by running the mysql_install_db script. This creates the mysql database which will hold all database privileges, the test database which you can use to test MySQL, and also privilege entries for the user that run mysql_install_db and a root user (without any passwords).

Operating System Account

Create MySQL User Account:

  % groupadd -g 116 mysql
  % useradd -u 174 -c "MySQL Software Owner" \
      -d /u01/app/mysql -g "mysql" -m -s /bin/bash mysql
  % passwd mysql

Create MySQL UserID:

  % mkdir /u01
  % mkdir /u01/app
  % mkdir /u01/app/mysql
  % chown -R mysql:mysql /u01/app/mysql

Uncompress / Installing Binary Version of MySQL

NOTE: Because of a bug in Solaris tar, Solaris users should use gnu tar to unpack archives.

  % su -
  % cp mysql-3.23.54-sun-solaris2.8-sparc.tar /usr/local
  % cd /usr/local
  % gunzip mysql-3.23.54-sun-solaris2.8-sparc.tar.gz
  % gtar xvf mysql-3.23.54-sun-solaris2.8-sparc.tar
  % ln -s mysql-3.23.54-sun-solaris2.8-sparc mysql
  % cd mysql
  % scripts/mysql_install_db
  % chown -R root .
  % chown -R mysql data
  % chgrp -R mysql .

Starting and Stopping the MySQL Database Software

Starting the MySQL Database

  % bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
Stopping the MySQL Database

  % bin/mysqladmin -u root shutdown

The safe_mysqld startup script of MySQL 3.23.54 includes a small bug that leads to a "syntax error" message on startup. Here is a quick hint on how to fix it:

Open bin/safe_mysqld with a text editor. Go to line 162 and look for the following text:

  if $NOHUP_NICENESS -gt 0
Change it to look like this:
  if test $NOHUP_NICENESS -gt 0
(Make sure to add "test" to the if-statement and remove the dollar sign from the $NOHUP_NICENESS= line)

This error will be fixed for MySQL 3.23.54a, which will be released shortly.

Testing the Installation

Ensure that the MySQL Software, the mysqld server, is running and you have set up the initial MySQL grant tables containing the privileges that determine how users are allowed to connect to the server. This is normally done with the mysql_install_db script.

Configuration Files / Scripts

$HOME/.bash_profile for the "mysql" user account.
Because of a bug in Solaris tar, Solaris users should use gnu tar to unpack archives. Right-click the above link and choose "Save Target As..." to download

Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Jeffrey M. Hunter. All rights reserved.

All articles, scripts and material located at the Internet address of is the copyright of Jeffrey M. Hunter and is protected under copyright laws of the United States. These document may not be hosted on any other site without my express, prior, written permission. Application to host any of the material elsewhere can be made by contacting me at

I have made every effort and taken great care in making sure that the material included on my web site is technically accurate, but I disclaim any and all responsibility for any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise from relying on it. I will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

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Monday, 25-Jul-2005 20:20:35 EDT
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